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No. 840807

Kalvin is a 19 year old "transgender man" with a superiority complex against other trannies and can't stop getting herself involved in drama with them.

>Grew up as a tomboy butch lesbian

>Was a SJW in high school, used to identify as genderfluid, agender, non-binary (yeah, all of them)
>Did a 180 on her beliefs and started to go all trans medicalist and identify as a trans man, got mad at her then girlfriend for identifying as non-binary and being too afraid to tell her
>Started a Youtube channel with the intention of becoming the FTM Blaire White
>Would try to larp as gay men with other FTMs she met on Musically to pass before going on testosterone
>Makes a video reacting to a confused body dysmorphic girl who claims to be trans, makes it all about her own gender dysphoric suffering, gets a lot of views
>Makes 500 more clickbait-ey videos on confused transtrenders with less than 2k subs, all of her videos are the same "You need dysphoria to be trans. These trenders are making our suffering look bad. Fucking sjws, man. My brain is male, yours isn't!!" rambling over and over again
>Says "Almost all transtrenders are assigned female at birth, girls love attention", puts down young women
>Openly sends her subscribers to attack people she makes fun of despite saying she is against this kind of behavior before
>Calls her ADHD a blessing
>Says "if I said I was Asian does that make me Asian" in one video, claims to be a white passing Asian in another video

>Had a feud with Onision, could've made a video on anything yet chose to do a 45 minute long video nitpicking Shreg's twansphobia, got offended over shit like Shreg saying trans women can't get pregnant

>Currently has been under attack after making a video reacting to trannies on Tik Tok, calling someone retarded and that person actually turning out to have Aspergers, cried on her insta story about it

YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_qQ2_AVAh8pzj7yklimASQ
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/thekalvingarrah
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kalvingarrah

Her ~~not like other trannies~~ Youtuber friends:
Storm Ryan
>FTM in a relationship with another FTM, both of them claim to be gay men and are obsessed with gay porn

Miss London
>MTF tradthot also trying to be Blaire White 2.0

Blaire White

No. 840811

>using her
>"transgender man"


No. 840814

This thread is so cringe

No. 840815

if it's am ftm, you should use she/her.

also lrn2sage, dont bump shit threads

No. 840816

how’s any of this milk. he’s just young and stupid

No. 840817

Not milky

No. 840818

not really milky, if you're trying to be taken seriously as a transgender man then 'autism gender' is gonna piss you off

the main issue is that they try to still be sjw woke while doing this edgelord shit. pick one kalvin

No. 840819

Eh. Not that milky.

No. 840821

She doesn't have enough milk to warrant her own thread. Take it to the fakeboi general >>720444 or the GC thread >>>/ot/429238

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