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No. 1713275[Reply]


Joshua Block, otherwise known as worldoftshirts, is a TikTok “influencer” with severe autism, a drinking problem, and an obsession with New York City and its metro system (quelle surprise, an autist obsessed with trains).

Josh posts constantly when he is active; threads may fill up quickly. As with any other thread, sage any post that does not contribute direct milk.

>started a CafePress store called WorldofTShirts, which is basically just him slapping .png images onto t-shirts and mugs and up-charging items that include his own “jokes”

>these include repetitive jokes about him being banned from Tinder for looking for “sugar mommies” and banned from the Gucci store for an undisclosed reason
>works as a janitor at a school in Long Island where he lives
>travels to NYC whenever possible via Long Island Rail Road (LIRR), often staying in and wandering the city until the early hours in the morning or up to days at a time
>serial turnstile hopper and sometimes posts direct evidence
>has been doing the above for apparently the last three years and has never gotten more than a fine and has never been the victim of violence, giving him the (self-proclaimed) title “King of New York”; paid for billboards proclaiming such and advertising his CafePress store
>scream-sings melody-less renditions of songs, most commonly “Empire State of Mind” by Jay Z and Alicia Keys
>turned 21 this year and since then has become a belligerent alcoholic, to the point of vomiting on the subway
>the drinking problem has exacerbated all of the above and his comment section often encourages the behavior
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No. 2042697

I don't use tiktok so this is my first exposure to this guy I am at a loss for words

No. 2048163

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Someone sent everclear and Josh tried it. Mr.Based while drunk got a TTS for 15 DOLLARS jokingly telling based to have Josh pour everclear all over him and light it. Based did it kek.

No. 2048288

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No. 2049247

It’s over for him if he gets hooked on everclear.(sage your shit)

No. 2056498

at least this lunatic knew how to put it out. it's almost a PSA for retards

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No. 2048361[Reply]

>Crystal Castles is an experimental electronic band that originated in Toronto, Canada, in 2006. The group was initially composed of Ethan Kath (producer and multi-instrumentalist) and Alice Glass (vocalist). Crystal Castles is known for their distinctive blend of distorted electronic sounds, lo-fi synths, and ethereal, often heavily processed vocals.

>After Alice Glass left the band in 2014, citing personal and professional conflicts, Ethan Kath continued the project with new vocalist Edith Frances. Together, they released the album Amnesty (I) in 2016. Despite this new phase, the band faced ongoing controversy and eventually went on hiatus, marking the unofficial end of Crystal Castles.

Associated people:

Alice Glass- >Alice Glass was the original lead singer of Crystal Castles, known for her intense, raw performances and haunting vocals, before leaving the band in 2014. In 2017 she accused Ethan Kath of psychological and physical abuse.

Edith Frances- >Edith Frances became the new lead singer of Crystal Castles after the departure of Alice Glass, contributing to the band's fourth album, Amnesty (I).

Auvyst / Autumn - >Autumn is one of the co-founders of the Praying fashion label, known for its daring and provocative designs that mix pop culture and religious references. She was Ethan's girlfriend for a few years until 2019.

Jupiter Keyes - >Jupiter Keyes is a multi-instrumentalist and producer, best known for his work as a member of the noise rock band HEALTH currently producing music for Alice Glass's solo project. He is involved in multiple accusations of psychological abuse and physical abuse. He was married to Alice for years

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No. 2048366

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Ethan and probably Edith when they were Reddit mods

No. 2048367

why make a new cc thread when the thread where they’ve been extensively discussed already is still open ? there’s no proof of the cows even being active online, their confirmed accounts were all shut down or inactive like the op says. i’d love a cc thread if there was current drama but unfortunately seems the milk has died

No. 2048368

I think it would be interesting to have one for people to discuss or even share information that others may not know about

No. 2048372

he beat her up

No. 2048375

Considering the lack of recent milk and how much of this milk has already been discussed extensively in the Alice Glass thread, we don't think there is a reason for this thread to be open right now. However, please ask on /meta/ or email admin (admin@lolcow.farm) if there is new milk at any point and we will unlock it.

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No. 2011789[Reply]

Post covid has shown a rise in conspiracy leaning / off grid loving / natural birth / antivax / ancestral / quantum healing / pseudoscience / ancestral / animal based / tradwife / trad girl / crunchy / yoni sunning /raw milk obsessed / block of butter eating / scared of seed oil / anti feminist / liver and testicle loving influencers

It’s such bs that there’s so many of these grifters making money off of fear mongering other people but especially other women.

Some accounts spreading constant misinformation are:

1. https://www.instagram.com/theoliveoilqueen
Mia aka “theoliveoilqueen” who converted to Greek Orthodox when she got married to reallytanman (he owns masa chips). Mia claims to have had really bad digestive problems until she switched to an ancestral diet yet also says she throws up as soon as she eats anything with seed oils. She just had a baby and during pregnancy complained a lot about digestive problems while also making posts about controversial things she did while she was pregnant.

2. https://www.instagram.com/the.raw.sol
“The.Raw.Soul” aka Mikayla Sprung. It seems like mostly eats raw meat and raw dairy and claims that the sun can heal you from most of your ailments. She constantly has a sunburn and also talks about how she’s healing her anxiety from being scared of toxins constantly. Has her own tallow skin care line and claims to be a health coach. She’s scared of red 40 but will drink methylene blue.

“Getreal_girlfriend” aka Taylor Gossett. She might be the worst of all. She’s an ex stripper that became a doula but then got fired from being a doula because she didn’t want to use non binary terminology and was antivax. She is constantly bragging about how she gives her “man” testicles and grass fed steak. A few months ago she got canPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2048033

Notice how they never complain about men's wrongs and how men's bad actions can cause bad reactions from the woman in turn. And how they hate women's beauty and duality both, like women having strength and skills to a lesser extent is still a threat to them and makes men feel less special, it doesn't conform to certain narratives about women being inferior. So insidiously vile how men will "punish" women just for having some strength and skills and try to stifle it just to exert "superiority" and make women lose out some way. Male nature is evil. Definitely not "true love".

No. 2048035

Thanks for a drop of sanity in the racial discussion.

No. 2048051

Those girls look so miserable, I hope they'll be able to escape the trad lifestyle.

No. 2048052


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2048092

New thread:

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No. 2002775[Reply]

Read the rules before posting! Newfags, type “sage” in the email field (unless reporting new milk). The same ol’ song and dance: Do not post faces of minors or links to Sabrina’s daughter’s social media.

Rules link

SixGinn/Morgan Hoffman:

>Kicked out of her old place and moved into the "most expensive neighborhood in California"

> Trying to be a stepmom to Tyler's daughter
> Laments about the baby she aborted.
>Said she has phantom symptoms and had a dream about having a baby.
> Chronically sick from her "lupus" but most likely its from her breast implants.
>Posted a screenshot of making 78k in three months but bitches about paying $500 a month for health insurance.
> Got in a fight with Tyler. Posted about men cheating and how he wouldn't delete his instagram.
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No. 2048374

if no one has started, i can come back from my thread-making retirement (nonna who did 10/11/12). i wouldn’t have it up until later or end of day though so if someone else has started then feel free to proceed.

No. 2048429

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No. 2048471

Aw this made me a little bit sad. Seeing all the cows and snow and how awful they are despite how hard they've had it really reminds me our lives are what we make them. She's made so much money, managed to do so much, but deep down she's still a miserable person with nothing to show for it.

No. 2048477

This is actually sweet of her mom idk. A lot of people never get admissions that their parents fucked up.

No. 2048489

Half-assed the summaries but I tried to just bang it out. If I’m missing anything crucial then please add on:


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No. 2047414[Reply]

Are there any YouTubers left who aren't total MrBeast-tier profiteering commercialized garbage brands of themselves? Any remaining YouTubers who still do funny skits or random creative artistic projects like Potter Puppet Pals or Charlie the Unicorn or asdfmovies? It seems they all have either quit like Ryan Higa and Jenna Marbles or pivoted to Buzzfeed-tier obnoxious low effort content like ProZD leT's tRy eVeRyThInG. Even all the anti-woke YouTubers complaining about whatever latest flop movie, bomb tv show, bad game, or cringe corporate marketing strategy have gotten boring.(non milk threads belong in non milk boards)

No. 2047416

That's still a thing? I thought people stopped creating that type of content in 2016

No. 2047421

Nope! They are still going strong. These are all the ones I know of:
>geeks & gamers
>ryan kinel outpost
>critical drinker
>melanie mac go boom
>thequartering (although he pivoted to more political content lately so I guess he doesn't count anymore)
>lauren chen/mediaholic (although she randomly and suddenly got banned from YouTube cuz mah rUsSiA)
>I know I'm forgetting a ton more of them

No. 2047458

move this to /m/ retard

No. 2047530


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No. 2044799[Reply]

Aapo Olervo is a 36 year old Finnish lolcow and self proclaimed 'professional skateboarder' and 'world's greatest athlete', living in Helsinki.
He has become infamous on Finnish internet for his erratic and bizarre behavior, documented in his English speaking vlogs which he uploads daily. His obsessions mainly revolve around trannies and fear of becoming gay.
Some of Aapo's milk

>claims Finnish women and feminists are trying to destroy his life, take his money and want him to be homeless

>thinks people are tapping the line when he talks to loved ones and his ex gf
>claims that an unknown entity called 'They' is trying to turn him gay and forced him to get 'assraped'
>claims 'They' are 'forcing him to be a pedophile'
>insists he is straight however he admits to watching gay porn and paid 150 euros to let a 'beautiful transwoman' prostitute fuck him in the ass with his '23cm long penis'
>claims to have been 'assraped' '3-4 times' as of October 2024
>claims the government and 'They' are forcing him to be trans and supplying him with womens clothing
>believes everyone in his life and that he comes into contact with is 'using him' for money and personal gain
>has been scammed by various troons and Nigerians on tinder
>got banned from tinder
>is a self confessed sex addict
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No. 2046384

Blonde is ugly, makes you look disabled kek. Fins have mousy hair anyway, oh and pig skin that looks like pork(derailing, infighting)

No. 2046393

Get back to discord you cereal box built whore.

No. 2046493

you have poop eyes, skin and hair(racebait)

No. 2047039

NTA and I'm polish, but this guy is ugly and old

No. 2047103

NTA but if you have black shits it's probably the intestinal bleeding from feminists forcing you into anal insertions you totally don't want. When your poop is the color of Aapo's roots again, you're probably okay.

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No. 2035831[Reply]

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2121106

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
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No. 2046264

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This 100%. Plus rape/sexual assault scenes are extremely common, it's the preferred "backstory" to explain why a female character is sad/dark/mysterious/needs to be rescued by a moid. Unsurprisingly, the rapeapes need the rape to be shown/described rather than just implied.

He posted this fully aware that even the blurry uncovered half of his face looks like that of a middle aged man. The confidence is truly inspiring

Women are "whores" but ~based hsts~ are "prostitutes" kek. Hsts are pathetic, go back

No. 2046864

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Nice boner and a beard shadow.. Just mom things

No. 2046866

i gagged out loud, spoiler next time so i don't have to see this on the front page anon kek

No. 2047922

Not you and your retard shit again. We are on lolcow. Stop appeasing troons by using “they” and “them” singular pronouns on them. It’s pretty transparent that you’re a Troon yourself who’s gravitated over here from tttt or some obscure tiktok comment section to gauge what we think of you. You aren’t fooling anyone gtfo

No. 2059780

No one's a troon here.(ok)

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No. 2013130[Reply]

A thread documenting moids and their (losing) battle with porn addiction.
Old Thread >>>/snow/1746006
Dupe Thread on /ot/ >>>/ot/1474365

>What’s NOFap?

NoFap is a challenge moids take when they make the stoic decision not to masturbate to porn anymore, for good. They struggle with this as they may also try not to masturbate at all to be attracted to more women irl, normally they will feel suicidal as they’ve made jerking off their whole lives.

The general porn addicts who can’t stop getting off to even the most disturbing porn may also be discussed here as they are cow worthy as well, as well as general predatory practices in the porn industries and their impact on other men, women, children, animals, etc.

Cow behaviors among this group include
>Not bothering to do anything about their addiction despite being aware of it 100%
>Being infested with incels, MGTOWs, steroid users, etc.
>Often sharing fantasies of raping other people (usually women) or even animals
>Defending illegal acts such as CP/CSAM/CSEM/Child rape, zoophilia, gore porn, incest, etc.
>Sperging out over being seen as possibly gay/bi while usually jerking off to femboy and/or sissy porn and trans porn and having some kind of masculinity fetish
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No. 2045672

Disagree. More women should use reddit and become pinkpilled on the absolutely vile nature of XYs. I'm already seeing it a lot on normalfag women subs, and it's beautiful.

No. 2045719

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Right away

No. 2045732

writing an essay after only TWO DAYS of not jerking off is hilarious

No. 2052061

> Only women who actually love their bfs/husbands and are still in the possessive/honeymoon/mateguarding stage of the relationship actually care about their husbands pseudo-cheating on them with women onscreen

This is so true tho, speaking from experience, if the moid is taking care of me financially, and a nasty pig. I’ll be glad I don’t have to worry about fucking him, that’s a win/win situation for me. I don’t envy these poor women that are still trying to make a porn sick moids think they’re actually worth loving. Kek. You could still get the bolt ons, the tummy tucks, the BBLs, the filler, and they’ll still jerk it to an e whore like Sinna or Donkey Mattel.

No. 2053348

>if the moid is taking care of me financially, and a nasty pig. I’ll be glad I don’t have to worry about fucking him

How about you get a fucking job and stop depending on some disgusting moid. You live in a first world country and could have made something of yourself. If he leaves then you're fucked.

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No. 2027512[Reply]

AKA Heather Explores, Heather Sparkles
Previous Thread: >>1938223

IG: @haunted_butterfly
@heather_explores (old account)
TT: @heather_explores
YT: heatherexplores19

Heather Steele is a 34-year-old former retro toy collector/Fairy Kei fashion Youtuber reincarnated as a self-proclaimed spooky Victorian summer goth nice girl on an eternal quest for the Ryan of her otherworldly dreams. Her persecution complex, constant negativity, obsession with her "influencer" status on social media, and frantic love-bombing behavior shows no signs of slowing down.

Last Thread Recap:
>>1938239 Introducing DeadEyesRyan: a 36 year old ghost hunter, civil war reenactor and history teacher
>>1938382 Heather and DeadEyesRyan make their relationship Facebook official
>>1940115 Sees marriage in the near future after 3 weeks of dating

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No. 2045358

this isn’t US culture, this is freaky bottom-of-the-barrel moid stank
wherever you live you have losers like this too, whether they’re trainspotters or birdwatchers or board game players or model plane builders

No. 2045365

I know, I had to laugh at anon thinking this is “American culture” when moids sitting around farting and doing nothing is a thing all over the world. The only weird part is that they don’t have alcohol or a card game or something to entertain themselves. Are they ghost hunting? Looks extremely boring.

No. 2045376

I heard someone in politics say the other day that "Pennsylvania is made up of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and Alabama in between them."
This lovebombing is pretty extreme even by Hag's standards lol

No. 2045380

This seems forced even by Heather's unbelievably neurotic standards. I wonder if there isn't someone she perceives as a "rival," a recent ex or girl he was flirting with before her (by which I mean, you know, last week). It looks almost like she's metaphorically pissing on him to mark her territory.

No. 2045390

i agree, it's overbearing even for heather. it's very extreme, i was suspecting the same thing. some sort of insecurity, maybe because he's younger she's terrified of those "evil e-girls" out there
i felt the similarly way while watching it, like this is something she could have confided in to a therapist because it's such a whiny nothing problem to cry over. while i'm shocked at her being even slightly self-aware compared to the heather we see today, like her actually admitting she's at fault (holy shit), i also don't feel like it was a super genuine realization either.
i guess this is another case where she was stuck at the starting line, kek. she has nothing to show for this realization, or confession. perhaps this is just another form of her usual pity parties she loves to throw. there is plenty of advice i would have given to past heather, like if someone confided in me with this feeling i feel like i know what i'd tell them, but knowing how she turned out that advice would have definitely not been heard. she clearly didn't ruminate on this enough and now here we are

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No. 2044610[Reply]


Context: I had seen Kate mentioned on her several times upon visiting these threads, primarily within the Luna Slater threads.

Bio: Kate posts on TikTok and Instagram and lies about being a 'Dual Clinician' and harm reduction advocate. She posts about her sobriety and preaches on the dangers of drugs, all the while nodding out on video as she does so. She takes advantage of others, and scams people with her artwork online. She blames her addiction on autism, or uses it as an excuse at every turn. She has taken the interest, primarily of TikTok, and they have formed a subreddit: r/CircusWannabeSnark . There you an find more of her cowposts and droogfoolery.

Social Media:


Further Info:
Kate lives in Australia and leeches off her grandmother. She has an extremely slow and disabled boyfriend - 'Lee' - who she has been exposed as physically and psychologically abusing. In one of her most recent anime arcs (at the time of this post), she has supposedly broken up with Lee and escaped her "codependent" relationship with them.. all the while you can find them still together all of her page. She pretended to have an ectopic pregnancy and abortion, which was revealed to be false.

Furthering her lolcow eligibility, she had made an account on Reddit to respond to the snark barrage heading her way.
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No. 2044647

I’ve been waiting for this, she dumped her bf and claimed she’s now finally sober to be fair she does look a lot more lucid but she’s still clinging to the tortured junkie aesthetic in Melbourne of all places, like babes we have some great actual harm reduction in this country and there’s so much support in getting sober, it seems like she’s just on and off when she can afford it like Luna did

No. 2044666

"dumped" and yeah i mean, she just uses the whole thing as an icarly internet diary(sage your shit)

No. 2044667

Did they actually break up? Last I saw she said they were being evicted and ‘forcefully seperated’. That relationship is the main contributing factor to why she can’t get sober. Even if they have broken up it’s only a matter of like two weeks until they’re back together again.

No. 2044674

i honestly dont think they broke up, he is all over her page still. she claims they broke up tho. whats funny is she would sometimes refer to him as her caretaker..? the guy doesnt exist outside of his phone lmfao

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