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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2100731

>>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology hate thread: >>>/ot/2444792

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885#pone.0016885.s002 (relation between committing a violent sexual crime and srs)

Gender Critical Writings and Websites:
https://www.chimamanda.com/ (Writings of Chimamanda Ngozi, a Nigerian gender critical feminist)
https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/ (JK Rowling's essay)

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cOANC_ykPxL_TZGnkxZCb4HNc-2tvfuK (vile comments made by TRAs)
https://odysee.com/@Skirt_Go_Spinny: (documentaries about TiMs and Trans activism)
https://web.archive.org/web/20231021212912/https://www.tumblr.com/chlorinatedpopsicle/654101574490161152/new-and-improved-not-our-crimes-this-never (Violent crimes by TiMs)

Notable MtF-related subreddits:

Previous threads 1-140:

Thread #141: >>>/snow/2080821
Thread #142: >>>/snow/2091522

No. 2100733

Women like this are never gonna make it. They defend rapehons even after becoming victims themselves. The cognitive dissonance retardation is just too strong in them. Sad that even lesbians are not safe from male coddling conditioning.(sage your shit)

No. 2100734

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kek i can't with the comments on the original comic (left and right are the same left and right as in the op pic here). like just take the W and move on, why would you stay and argue about how totally valid the fucking creepy fetishist drawing is

No. 2100736

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Case 194728462 of a troon projecting his own pedophilia onto le evil terf who wrote a book about how gender ideology harms teenage girls.
Summary of “schizo borderline puppy girl” @BPDboymoder from KF
>read a book called The Guy’s Guide to Feminism - something that actually betrays some self-awareness on his part - but he ruined it by complaining about references to chromosomes.
>argues that making boys undress around other boys is institutionalized sexual abuse inherently, while completely ignoring how he wants to inflict the real thing upon actual girls.
>is really defensive and fond of ageplay.
>likes having sex while pretending to be his sister.
>has an intense hatred for his mother (you know, like every serial killer ever).
>thinks recreating the sexual abuse of animals is funny and likes to yuk such topics up with his fellow men-pretending-to-be-female-dogs.

No. 2100737

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>their attitude toward children is primarily concerned with sexuality; the sheltering from sex, the development of desirable sexual traits, and the development of normative sexuality. It's a pedophilic culture
Review from a literal (furry) pedo who sexualizes girlhood for his “age play” fetish. When does the projection end?

No. 2100741

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>2 month old baby
These abusers are terrifying my goddess. They wait for the right moment to strike.

No. 2100742

File: 1742405852669.jpeg (212.65 KB, 1164x505, IMG_1752.jpeg)

A reason why I’ll never have a child is also to never tie myself to a scrote no matter what, having the guarantee of a clean break is essential to all women. This is the stuff of nightmares.
This is a selfish and callous scrote.

No. 2100744

But they’ll use
>you look like a tranny!
As an insult when talking to women they hate kek, as if there’s a certain “look” in order to be a tranny and in order for saying that as an insult in the first place.

No. 2100747

Why do a lot of TIMs are into incest roleplay?

No. 2100748

They collect fetishes like pokemon because they're pornsick. Nothing more to it anon.

No. 2100749

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The radfem one is obviously a cope, but I also feel like the daredevil one is wrong too but idk. I have never really met an adrenaline junkie, cannon fodder type of guy that trooned, because most trannies are really lazy and addicted to comfort and pleasure.
I don't really know though, I could be wrong so feel free to correct me. I do know that many military guys troon out, so that might be a connection.(wrong thread)

No. 2100750

I doubt she would've consented to having a kid with him if she knew he was going to troon out. What a selfish piece of shit.
>some way I can get her to accept me
Kek no. You ruined this woman's life and seriously damaged your child's early life/stability for a fetish.

No. 2100755

>More Catholic than the pope
You can't be a Catholic and a radical feminist. Like most TRAs, the retard who made this is lumping together conservative GCs and radical feminists.

>"I'm not like other males, I'm a misandrist"

When have any of us ever said anything even remotely like this?

>Commonly also LARPs as gay

I assume by this he means that he thinks TERFs are political lesbians, which is hilarious given that libfem trannyfucker pickmes are the ones doing this, not TERFs.

>Hates passing MtFs the most

The MtFs we hate the most are the ones who directly harm women, either by being a sexual predator or an abusive spouse. Those guys are typically non-passing AGPs. HSTSes are reprehensible and misogynistic in their own ways, but I don't think any TERF considers them a top priority. If anything, some of the "softer" GC women out there pity the "youngshit passoid" HSTSes, because they were made lifelong medical patients at such a young age.(derailing)

No. 2100757

The meme is about troons “in the closet” (repressor/boymodder is 4chan lingo), not about us(derailing)

No. 2100758

all of these are cope except the porn addict(unsaged after farmhand warning)

No. 2100761

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This troon downplaying molesting statues of women by comparing them to animals

No. 2100764

Both are disgusting in my opinion but sadly it is pretty much normalized for moids to touch women states' breasts and vaginas.(unsaged after farmhand warning)

No. 2100768

File: 1742412168536.webp (31.01 KB, 578x767, c6fpdeax6npe1.webp)

No. 2100769


No. 2100771

french moids have always been rapey freaks just ask china vietnam and algeria

No. 2100778

Nta. But forreals. People want to act surprised about french scrotes being gross but there is a reason it is one of the most unsafe countries for solo traveling women.

No. 2100780

I walk past molly all the time and it always makes me sad to see people grabbing her breasts. There's discolouration there and idk if it's natural or if all the touching and hand oils are the cause of it.

No. 2100782

Its only a stupid argument because he used a male animal part. "…But human male statues are also molested on mass and its by women…" would be a better and true arguement. Also not defending it. Its all gross, weird and childish. May they all get pink eye.

No. 2100783

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>Maybe this is me being ugly

No. 2100784

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You have no choice but to be ugly dude.

No. 2100785

I wish DCC would get off their arse and move/elevate the statue like they've been saying for ages.

No. 2100789

military trannies have been posted here, they exist. they're always middle aged and have families.

No. 2100791

Men and their property-driven society have always been a gigantic trap for women. Since technology no longer allows paternity confusion to compel men to raise (and not abuse) a child they think is theirs, we absolutely CANNOT let ourselves be tied to any man who turns out to be an abusive degenerate coincidentally at the moment where they feel like they have "trapped" you. Every woman needs to have a game plan where they can fuck off with their child and be OK for ANY reason if something like this happens.

No. 2100800

He looks like a fucking bird but why are his lower eyelids pulling away from his eyes like that?? Fucking gross

No. 2100801

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not a fetish, guys

No. 2100810

This guy's opsec is so fucking bad, you can literally see everything he scribbled out if you mess with it in a photo editor

No. 2100824

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>Yeah but im not like the other porn-brained cavemen anymore because now im wearing a wig and have a trans pride pin!

No. 2100829

True honestly, the first part of the tweet was fine, but the use of "but" instead of "and" feels dismissive. "Lol dw it's just jokes people take pictures of themselves touching steel bull's balls all the time"

No. 2100835

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This is really the worst subreddit.

No. 2100836

Is this in reference to stinkditch surgery?

No. 2100838

Thanks. So they're complaining about troons getting raped in prison… presumably after said troon already raped multiple people to get into prison.

No. 2100839

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Here’s what it means I guess lol?

I’m not even going to say anything. The fucking audacity.

No. 2100848

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Maybe if they don’t want to get raped in prison they should stop committing crimes or trying to transition while in prison kek.

No. 2100851

Someone’s already mentioned they can request to be put in a special section of cells that they also put effeminate gay men in for their protection. But the women who they’re in prison with don’t have the same luxury, and in fact we already have cases of those TIMs raping women.

No. 2100856

The signature is really weirding me out. In the old one, you can tell it was just a quick thing from years of use, like muscle memory. First name and last name are equal. In the new one, you can see that he really focused on the first name. It's like he had to make sure everyone could read the girl's name he chose to masquerade as. He had to make it as legible as possible. The last name is an after thought because now his identity is him AGP fetish-ego and not with his family name. Creepy.

No. 2100860

Their delusion also stretches out to imaginary people who are “genociding” them also. Like no Christopher, people telling you get the fuck out of womens bathrooms arent robbing you of your livelihood(sage your shit)

No. 2100882

I'm sure this existed, but according to my cousin who served time, prisons are very different from how the media portrays them to be. after the 2000s, there were a lot of reforms placed, which greatly reduced prison sexual violence and gang activity. anyone can report anyone for rape and your sentence gets extended or you lose privileges and no one wants to risk that. plus there are cameras everywhere.

No. 2100886

The fucking audacity makes me sick. Women dont just get THREATS of rape. Women are one of the largest demographic of rape victim. Fucking retards.

No. 2100887

they really think everybody wants to fuck them so bad lmao

No. 2100895

paraphilias come in clusters might be a cliche to some but it's true. the other nona was right about the pornsickness. questions like yours become pointless when the subject is about a male. "because they're men" is the answer

No. 2100897

God these needs to go in the manhate thread, pathetic but hilarious. when they're not coomimg they're coping

No. 2100899

imagine the state of him if he left the house with soap in his hair kek

No. 2100900

I know it's troonfiction because trannies never bathe.

No. 2100909

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these people are so close yet so retarded its killing me

No. 2100912

this is the most cringeworthy shit i have ever seen in my life

No. 2100960

The porn addict one is also a huge cope.
>masturbates to comics and stories
>hates himself
>masturbates only to dissipate the negative feefees
the truth is they masturbate to hardcore porn and CP and don't feel ashamed or hate themselves for it. the whole thing is obvious tranny propaganda trying to portray them as victims

No. 2100961

I'd be willing to bet, if we count tifs as women and girls (which we, unlike the government, do), than there are more of them killed by troons than there are troons killed each year. But we'll never find out about that bc troons, like other men, hold positions of power while pooners remain their subservient handmaidens and would trip over themselves to apologize for their transmisogyny if word ever got out about that. Shit like that makes me need fat rips before leaving the house to go about my troon-riddled city.

No. 2100971

I thought it'd be common knowledge of some sort that moids jack off to video and maybe image pornography while women are the ones who mostly get off to stories and fantasies

No. 2100991

>and don't feel ashamed or hate themselves for it
The idea of a virtuous pedophile that they often try to peddle is complete fiction. I used to like to go on obscure imageboards with like 100 users at most when I was younger. And I've lost count of how many times I've met a pedo that not only doesn't feel any shame but also views himself a superior to "normalfags" because he wants to rape kids. It is surprisingly common.

No. 2101004

Have they seen the rates of femicide in the world or read any human history

No. 2101011

thing is nona, they do, they just literally don’t care. they don’t count actual women as women because that means they’d have to acknowledge that there is something specific about women that makes them a target but still separates them from trans women. to them, sexism doesn’t exist because womanhood =/= biology, so how could women possibly be oppressed on that axis? it’s just showing how dangerous and evil these men are - they are wholly narcissistic and will threaten and coerce women into supporting their cause then throw women and girls under the bus the second they are able to.

No. 2101016

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Suuuuuuuure, it's the voice that clocks him.

No. 2101021

This 100%. I wish people understood that most pedos don't think it's wrong deep down. Another big misconception about pedos is that they're all 40+ balding basement dwellers. Pedos can be young, attractive, with a good social and dating life. Unlike with trannies, you cannot always tell.

No. 2101064

The delusion levels are off the charts, holy shit kek

No. 2101066

What's the over/under that this is the name he chose irl?

No. 2101079

A pedo who would feel bad would kill himself asap kek.
But the ones who are “non offending” pat themselves on the back for not raping children while they watch CP.

No. 2101118

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Classic trooncope

No. 2101119

>I-I’m totes a realer woman than you!!
I miss when men like this would just get beat up by a group of guys

No. 2101120

All of the "evidence" for "v-coding" ever having existed comes from one AGP's fap memoir.

No. 2101121

>Waaah troons get raped in prison
So do women now that troons are in our prisons. And we also have to deal with getting raped literally everywhere else. Also, more than half of MtFs in prison are doing time for sex crimes.

No. 2101123

Coming from a creep who probably named himself after his anime waifu or the girl he stalked in high school

No. 2101124

Okay, that’s nice. Still not a biological female.

No. 2101125

I think the tard who made it is portraying all of these different groups of people he dislikes as "eggs" when only some of them are.

No. 2101141

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No. 2101146

No one cares if you "put in the work", the realest thing is the natural thing. Trannies are nothing without their boob jobs and bbls.

No. 2101180

Nona can you send the link to that study? But that’s also fascinating “It wasn’t consensual!” “Okay it WAS consensual, but they didn’t treat me like a lady”

No. 2101189

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Here it is https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0735648X.2021.1935298
It's locked but you might be able to access it if you attend an applicable institution, I think the notes say a good bit on their own though

No. 2101190

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NTA, but: Hirschfeld was a sexologist, not a surgeon. He was responsible for the institute and the retarded theories, but the surgeries were performed by Gohrbandt and Levy-Lenz.

No. 2101193

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Elon's tranny son looking incredibly male for his Teen Vogue interview.


No. 2101196

File: 1742520929492.webp (134.57 KB, 1280x1600, 1000018602.webp)


>2 hours late for interview

>spends "hours a day on Discord"
>living in Tokyo studying Japanese and wanted to be a translator
>now wants to become a Twitch streamer
>"absolute dream" is to "be on a reality show"
>spends the whole interview talking about drag, asks "what if I was a femboy drag king?"

No. 2101198

He got Elon's eyes kek

No. 2101205

>obvious moid brow

No. 2101207

And his autism

No. 2101212

File: 1742523353310.png (66.21 KB, 577x529, retard (2).png)

oh hey i posted this tard in the last thread! i did a little digging and to absolutely nobody's surprise, he's into ageplay and sees no issue with it. classic troons

No. 2101214

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This interview was so hard to read, the fact that talks like a sheltered autistic rich moid’s approximation of a sassy drag queen, him bragging about being witty when he can barely carry on a regular conversation, him bragging about being the “queen of threads”, the fact that he clearly has no hobbies or skills for the interviewer to ask him about so they call him a ‘good poster’, and then makes fun of them for it… what an insufferable little shit he is

No. 2101223

i'm glad honter will have his dollar store skinwalker just like hontra has philosophytrewb

No. 2101226

Is it weird that even tho I hate troons I could see a moid wanting to troon out in a desperate attempt to not see elon in the mirror looking back at him? Obviously it won't work and roping is his only option but I can also see skinwalking as a desperate last ditch resort to not look like that ugly sperg.

No. 2101232

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100k likes this world is fucking doomed

No. 2101237

>woman is when dumb and insane

No. 2101241

this post just made me realize that men and women do kinda sneeze different KEK

No. 2101244

Male and female socialisation back at it again. Men just can't help being loud and obnoxious, letting the whole block know they better say 'bless you!'.

No. 2101246

>Not only are brunettes who bleached their hair real blondes, they're the realest blondes. They put in the work. Blonde women are just born into it.

No. 2101251

the radfem not like other boys is cute af, i am making him my oc now(derailing)

No. 2101253

File: 1742538121786.jpeg (700.9 KB, 1170x1275, IMG_7219.jpeg)

Stay away from venture bros and leave Valerie solanas alone troons! You are not her!

No. 2101261

You already know he did. Only the most unique name for the truest and most beautiful woman. Seriously like how the fuck are you supposed to pronounce that

No. 2101264

You're giving him way too much credit. If Elon were 10 years younger he would've trooned out for sure. Both of them are equally narcissistic, entitled and retarded. Their retardation just comes in different flavors because of their age gap

No. 2101267

Been a hot minute since I last watched the Venture bros but wasn't that character supposed to be a man hating lesbian stereotype? I thought they'd consider her a dirty dang terf.

No. 2101268

Yes she directly quotes the scum manifesto. Most troons would consider it terfy but some of the more edgy “man-hating” troons like it because if I recall it says something about cutting the ‘good’ men’s dicks off to be mtf slaves in an all-female society. Basically the ultimate fantasy of troons with a forcefem fetish.

No. 2101269

File: 1742545201742.png (445.42 KB, 1500x948, jesus.png)

"my dad commented on my 'boobs' and actively insulted my actually female sister at the same time? what a rascal! so glad he's supportive of my gender identity! i see no problem with him actively comparing the 'breast' sizes of his two children! i wonder why my sister felt she needed that plastic surgery?"

No. 2101271

File: 1742545964783.jpeg (1.84 MB, 1848x4000, onzxy4xa5amd1.jpeg)

A picture of this busty babe for context.

No. 2101272

absolute comedy, im dying kek

No. 2101274

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this user is old enough to vote btw

No. 2101278

Of course
Kek does he believe he looks like an uwu anime girl when he looks like a camp leader from Schindler's List?

No. 2101285

>me and my dad bond over making misogynistic and inappropriate remarks about my sisters body
That's not very gender euphoric of you

No. 2101293

Kek bro uses Bluesky instead of X

No. 2101294

I would kill myself if my dad ever commented on my breasts. That’s absolutely disgusting.

No. 2101299

File: 1742559801902.jpeg (Spoiler Image,154.05 KB, 1290x935, IMG_1771.jpeg)

The so called “euphoria” is just a fucking boner kek

No. 2101300

Of course you do, of course

No. 2101301

The sister is probably not fat and has a full head of luscious hair that’s why he’s that much jealous.

No. 2101302

How do you have a beer belly at 20 year old something kek

No. 2101303

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No. 2101305

Of all the things that did not happen, this did not happen the most.

No. 2101306

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>You raise a male child for 18 years, minimum
>These are the kinds of lies he tells about you on the internet
>With his face attached
>He titles it in the most fetishistic way possible
>He tells these lies with autistic-sounding dialogue that could've been lifted straight from anime coom
>He probably thinks his catty faggot gossiping is "fembrained"
>Everyone in the comments of his chosen community is cheering him on
Concentrated suifuel for his parents if they ever discover this.

No. 2101307

Why do these faggots always use black lipstick?

No. 2101309

Because it's extremely low effort goffic makeup.

No. 2101311

File: 1742562539657.jpg (39.19 KB, 680x469, erterterertretertert.jpg)

The fact they keep saying shit like this out loud and STILL gets mad when people say its a fetish

No. 2101312

File: 1742562616913.jpg (147.86 KB, 400x400, j4vvhnlhwpgexnyaq5wv5xssjwfh.j…)

And this is the beautiful delicate woman who jacks her feminine penis to hentai

No. 2101313

This has been posted many times before. We know

No. 2101317

Why do they think only lesbians hate them lmfao, straight women hate you as well you retarded TIM.(sage your shit)

No. 2101320

File: 1742564358850.webp (1.15 MB, 2372x1648, 1741616243246.webp)

I knew troons are absolute fucking retards, but honestly this just shocked me for some reason. Over the years I read a lot of shit troons do but this is something new. Every day I realise they can be even more pathetic and go even deeper. It shouldn't really be shocking, but it is for some reason.

No. 2101321

File: 1742564590077.jpg (67.43 KB, 594x605, 1000033510.jpg)

What the fuck am I even reading

No. 2101324

File: 1742565462506.jpeg (309.14 KB, 1290x1671, IMG_5540.jpeg)

I lost 50 iq points reading that. The troon kind of looks like Lexi love from RuPaul’s drag race ngl

No. 2101326

That fetish list is actually repulsive.

No. 2101327

HOLY SHIT. This lunatic is transgender and transracial KEK.
This is an example of an HSTS TIM with AGP characteristics. I fear there are more of these types of troons than nonnas like to admit because HSTS troons are portrayed as innocent harmless gay men. ALL troons are just playing out their fetish. Men are so driven by sexual gratification it’s hard for women to comprehend. This moid literally does 24/7 blackface and types in terrible AAVE because he’s that obsessed with BBC. It’s all a fetish.

No. 2101331

>Mother/daughter roleplay
BAAAAAAAAARFFFFFFFFF. Why can't they just congregate with their degenerate moid friends and leave the rest of us alone? Death to all bisexual scrotes, behead all bisexual scrotes, roundhouse kick bisexual scrotes into concrete. Even putting that aside, there are some really horrible "I'm transforming into something ~degrading~" undertones here, even by troon standards.

No. 2101340

>I desperately need to orgasm to stay calm
I can't imagine living my life half as retarded as males are kek. I hope he gets the chop and can't cope with it.

No. 2101345

I know who this guy is! hes a discord groomer part of a circle of other tranny discord groomers

No. 2101349

>it feels like secretly the TERFs are right
No! Really? You think? I thought terfs only hated trannies because they were literally nazis who want to kill you for being a heckin' valid woman!! Not because troonism is just another manifestation of a scrotes addiction to misogyny

No. 2101350

He’s giving developmentally disabled.

No. 2101361

File: 1742574740082.jpg (579.56 KB, 1080x1275, 1000047771.jpg)

lmfao right? the pathetic Y chromosome jumped out. this guy's reddit history paints a mildly interesting, albeit typical, picture. he's a 28 year old wealthy white man that previously posted extensively in corporate finance subreddits (ex employee of Vanguard, a huge investment firm) before he started whining about his fetish feefees to the not at all unhinged TIM hugbox. hilariously he also admits to being a former DSA member, now identifies as a neoliberal Vaush fan lul

No. 2101362

File: 1742574888799.jpg (314.67 KB, 996x1810, 1000047779.jpg)

No. 2101363

plz elaborate nona! got any screenshots?

No. 2101375

That’s why it has to be a daughter or an abortion. I would feel better about a TIF daughter than a TIM son kek.

No. 2101381

The fact that this post is currently sitting at 1.7k upvotes with one of the top comments calling it "wholesome"… Genuinely the trans movement would be over if everyone took a couple minutes to peruse that subreddit. I feel sick

No. 2101382

Even without zooming in you can still see his five o’clock shadow working against his shitty filters and caked on yellow makeup. You can tell he wanted to say waste of female anatomy instead of just human anatomy but knew he would be called out for it, like the misogynistic skinwalking creep that he is.

No. 2101383

Handmaidens will justify it with “internalized misogyny” kekkk. Don’t think that these retards keep this shit to themselves in other spaces, they don’t, because they get their assess kissed.
A troon can say that he wishes he could rape and breed all cis women because they deserve girlcum in them and a storm of handmaidens will praise him and say “a kink is a kink honey! Trans rights!”

No. 2101387

File: 1742581147317.webm (769.6 KB, 1280x720, fcdff05b1b61ee0a41ab9aeea41747…)

>trump tranny camps
They want to be oppressed so fucking bad. Trump isn't going to put you in a gulag retard, he's a misogynist and he would gladly suck a tranny's feminine penis or stinkhole just to hide the children he probably raped (in minecraft) away from public eye.

No. 2101395

god help me its taking every atom in my body to not a-log this freak
he wishes he could be a terf because then hed actually be a woman, and not a scrote in a wig

No. 2101398

File: 1742585906190.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1179x1918, IMG_3812.jpeg)

of course its a scrote in a midlife crisis.
hairy scrotes like this only troon out because they think being a man is to “hawd” and think being a woman gives you no responsibilities. hopefully he ropes soon

No. 2101401

they're all such deranged creeps that they don't give a fucking shit how uncomfortable they make women. you can't reason with any of them because criticizing their obviously fetish induced identity makes them chimp out at you. not that I care what these freaks do as long as they are kept away from any spaces that are exclusively for girls and women. The one thing that pisses me off is the women these guys obviously want to fuck things over for in our well into the process of doing it clapping for them because they think that they will never be the kinds who end up in a women's shelter where they have to share bathroom with one of these fucking perverts who wants to make the spaces uncomfortable and unsafe as possible or a prison where these guys rape women because there is no consensual sex in those places. at this point anyone who feel sorry for these guys being removed from society yet either suicide or some other moid killing them is genuinely fucking retarded. they're an absolute fucking menace and there's nothing to feel sorry for unless you hate yourself.

No. 2101403

when I basically still a teenager and a few years afterwards I used to visit /b/ out of boredom and there were a few threads about pedos. It was very rare for the scrotes in there to actually defend it unless they were trolling but there was one guy who was very much in the "offending pedophiles need to be removed from society" camp until he started sharing personal stories of him encouraging of five-year-old girl he was related to to sit on his lap because he got off to it. he described what he did in sickening detail because it was obviously something that titillated him. I don't think these men have any trouble contradicting themselves constantly. because if there's an opportunity to abuse the will take it. The ones who actually do care about not causing harm can either go live in the woods or an hero. supposedly, psychologists and people who treat such men want them to willingly just stay away from kids but how can you trust any of these men when they lie all the time because what they're doing is obviously unethical?

No. 2101404

File: 1742587031235.jpeg (815.84 KB, 1170x1750, IMG_7926.jpeg)

tweet from a self pitying troon I’ve been following for a while kek (1/2)

No. 2101405

i dont like elon but if i raised a son and he decided to become an effeminate tranny faggot i would be just as salty.

No. 2101406

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No. 2101407

the projection is so fucking obvious kek
you know that phenomenon where mentally ill and autistic people will repeat the insults thrown at them even though they make no sense in a different context? its like that thing daniel larson does when he calls other people homeless bums and then threatens to call the cops. its a cope tatic i swear

No. 2101412

understandable tho id do the same if my chud dad who hates me owned twitter

No. 2101420

Men are absolutely bizarre creatures. I am so glad I’m not driven by this same shit.

No. 2101421

Is this guy complaining about being a tranny hooker and how all the guy who will pay to fuck a tranny hookers have a tranny fetish? Dude what the fuck did you expect? That's like a female prostitute complaining that the moids who want to pay to have sex with her are disgusting misogynists who see her as nothing more than an object.
Yes. That is why prostitution is gross. dumbass porn addicted moids I swear to fucking god…

No. 2101434

the second someone complains about rape accusations casually as if it's something that happens regularly is the second I lose any respect for them and think that even if they haven't raped anyone, they are making it easier for rapists in general. It's disgusting.

No. 2101436

Moids rape and abuse women and then think they’re more oppressed because they have a reputation for raping and abusing women kek. If you don’t want to be seen as a rapist maybe stop acting out your fetish in public and stop demanding you be let into women’s spaces.

No. 2101437

File: 1742592973723.jpg (46.01 KB, 491x612, gettyimages-1719865802-612x612…)

i was talking about shoulders in the tif thread and thought about this image of jenny and her disgusting tim brother and felt like posting it again because it's one of the best examples of female vs male bodies ever especially bc they are related

No. 2101440

Are trons sith who follow the rule of two?
'Always two, a master to inspire the new troon, and an apprentice who skinwalks him.'
Hontra was peaked by blaire white, but I think he skinwalked other person

No. 2101441

File: 1742593416383.png (2.6 MB, 4164x2036, 1676327276263.png)

No. 2101449

>read t-shirt in lower-middle photo
>"They want our CULTURE but not our STRUGGLE"
Ohhh the irony. Do you think he's making a deliberate mockery of black women, or is he just so self-unaware that he really thinks he's indistinguishable from them?

No. 2101454

It's their fucking narcissism. that combined with their totally warped view of reality turns them into absolute freaks who are not fit to decide if they should be on life altering drugs like cross sex hrt that could make them even more psychotic. "oh my god everyone wants to oppress/rape/sccuse us of rape is some stupid ass shit. they always harp about how they have high rates of rape and sexual assault as a bunch of men in dresses and there is literally no information about where they're getting this from or what factors are at play here. I bet they're just co-opting urban TiM populations who are majorly overrepresented by prostitutes. wouldn't be the first time these fucking clowns co-opted the oppression that gay men who are delusional and usually poor and black face.

No. 2101456

>facial feminization surgery (receiving)

No. 2101474

Tranny arrested for molesting his children, timestamp 17:52(unsaged old milk)

No. 2101475

There's some extra nasty about troons who add the element of transracialism to their fetish.
I saw this case on a different youtube channel that was ran by an ex-police officer. The arrest was so unprofessional, why even call the fucking handmaiden who probably enabled the troon to rape the kids?

No. 2101476

it's scary how many seemingly normal nerdy men are like this

No. 2101486

>"of course there were signs"
>contact sports
>joining the military
>trying to fuck as many women as possible

So stereotypical female behaviours mean a man is a woman, but stereotypical scrote behaviours ALSO mean a man is a woman? Kek alright.

No. 2101498

I can see where anon is coming from. Sometimes moids engage in masculine activities to cover up their "proclivities" or because they have low self esteem. I think the key thing of note in the reddit comment is that he feels like he HAS to do those things to be valid as a man, as if just being a man by itself isn't enough since it's his biological reality. He has a very narrow view of gender roles for men, of which he doesn't need to follow, but thinks he does. That's what pushed him into thinking being a troon would equate to freedom to be who ever he wants to be. He thinks that women, only observing the conventionally attractive ones, do not have the struggles that he has and live life on easy mode. We apparently don't feel compelled to do things that affirms our sex and the performance of femininity is apparently easier than pretending to be a macho man in the eyes of that particular troon and many troons similar to him. But you do have a point, if a man genuinely enjoys traditionally masculine activities, that within itself is not a valid sign of troonery.

No. 2101499

"estrogen is doing for nerdy men what crack did for the black community in the 80s" proven again

No. 2101500

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No. 2101511

File: 1742609847176.jpg (44.25 KB, 500x300, 1000018607.jpg)

Oh yeah, I know what he's implying. I just think it's funny how performing ANY behaviour they deem too "gendered" in either direction is interpreted as some obvious sign of being totally female on the inside. Guy who likes makeup and shopping? Actually a woman. Guy who plays football and whores around? You guessed it, that's a woman too! It's all so self-serving.

No. 2101518

We have Ariana Grande at home

No. 2101520

he literally just proved her point with a selfie KEK these retards make it so easy

and why do pedos start hurting children/watch CP in the first place? because of their ""bad thoughts"", hence these thoughts and fetishes shouldn't be normalized. roleplaying as a kid during intercourse is not normal or healthy.

No. 2101524

Sometimes this shit is so ridiculous it feels like madlibs.

No. 2101527

these men routinely misrepresent should like repressed desires or memories and somehow delude themselves into thinking that they "were always delusional" and always had this innate desire to conform to cultural norms for the opposite sex and their fetish was just part of it and not actively fueling it at the time when they were thinking about this shit.

you can condition yourself to believe and do almost anything. I'm not saying that someone who had no interest in transvestic fetishism before can suddenly become a dedicated troon just because of porn, I think aspects of your personality and previous desires play into it but these men don't understand that they are very much presented with a choice, here. they have a choice to not indulge in a fetish and delusional thinking and they choose to not do that. they choose to not recognize that nothing they feel is fucking innate it is clearly the product of porn consumption, normalization and them feeling it like there's nothing that tops the sexual gratification they get from what they're doing right now. It's why the euphoria boner phenomenon is so normal amongst these men. they're not even really attracted to women they're attracted to fetishes and what they associate with sex which is pornified representations of women and femininity. they're attracted to total artifice and fantasy and their rewriting their history in their brain to pretend that it's all innate when nothing has been innate this is all their male sexuality and ego telling them that there's nothing more important than getting off and doing what they want.

No. 2101534


No. 2101832

File: 1742687742780.mp4 (16.39 MB, 480x854, 1000000838.mp4)

Kept trying to force women to call the fat creepy straight men in wigs that accosted them as she/her and now they all hate you. Refused to weed out the sex pests, the pedophiles, the agp creeps and now the community is being pushed into the dark ages because you would rather protect a sex pest in a party city wit's dignity than excommunicate them from your activism. Cared more about flexing pronouns than literally any other important issue and now we're here.

No. 2101834

File: 1742688225331.jpg (69.4 KB, 720x736, 1000000839.jpg)

You want to act like a man, you get treated like a man. There will be videos of men treating women like absolute shit and accosting them in the most pathetic, bottomfeeding scrote way possible but because they say "it's MAAM" therea going to be scores of comments completely missing the point and saying "woaowow transphobic much". You do NOT want men like this to represent your community and you do NOT want this to be the kind of hill you're known for dying on. Everyone is tired of it and now conservatives are using it as a very convenient pawn. A man in a $5 temu wig and a $70,000 truck picking on a woman at a pharmacy and you want that to be one of your own anyways? Fucking ridiculous.

No. 2101847

They shield these people, they always protect abusers , rapists and pedos, it’s disgusting. They say that it’s just a few bad apples but the “good ones” keep themselves quiet and are ready to fry transphobia at the first criticism.

No. 2101876

the more you read, the worse it gets

No. 2101881

>average BLM member(racebait)

No. 2101897

File: 1742703161814.png (448.45 KB, 959x1451, 354444444444444.png)

Was posted on the last thread.
Still love the comments

No. 2101900

>aggressive boomer moid accusing a young woman of being maga
Fucking comical kek. Hilarious how he was getting all up in her shit and calling her a bitch then ran off with his tail between his legs when she got out of the car. Probably gonna go post on reddit about the evil maga Karen who nearly killed him at the drive through

No. 2101901

>BLM member
Average boomer retard

No. 2101932

Right, he literally calls her a bitch in the video like the misogynistic POS he is, but people should be careful and troon friendly when talking about him? Bitch is fine but he/him is too much? And a lot of people see nothing wrong with the double standard. Bleak

No. 2101978

What are these questions lmao. It’s clear there’s barely anything to talk about with him because he’s only known for being Elon’s son

No. 2101987

File: 1742739876483.jpg (293.18 KB, 1080x1822, 1000014870.jpg)

The woman who posted the video is such a queen
>but when he gets close I see the man
maximized keks

No. 2101990

link the article

No. 2102004

Brick trooned out i see(sage your shit)

No. 2102015

File: 1742745695631.jpg (131.2 KB, 818x1227, KEK (2).jpg)

>He preferred being called Cara Rogan because his birth name is Joe Rogan

No. 2102026

File: 1742749136398.jpg (1.12 MB, 1080x1782, Screenshot_20250323_185514_Red…)

>requesting to photoshop yourself larping your into your dead mother's photo
(he looks exactly the same in the "before" picture with his mum, sans shit lipstick, hair and wearing a suit)
mildly satanic

No. 2102028

File: 1742749239618.jpg (369.54 KB, 1080x1589, Screenshot_20250323_185945_Red…)

No. 2102032

I wonder how much of his dead mothers clothes he kept to larp in

No. 2102037

File: 1742750142770.mp4 (451.53 KB, 640x360, 1742658993463.mp4)

No. 2102038

I wonder how much of his dead mothers clothes he kept to larp in

No. 2102046

Shmorky voice

No. 2102053

File: 1742754371176.jpeg (21.62 KB, 480x240, lA78HXY.jpeg)

That's giving Buffalo Bill vibes

No. 2102055

File: 1742754672812.webp (57.7 KB, 640x592, 23o0r1ciirle1.webp)

Fucking scary, he would fit right in into the kaiji universe.

No. 2102057

This guy always cracks me up. The fact its the most nerdy white guy ever trying to pass as a blaxploitation woman is insane.

No. 2102060

His face moves like an animatronic

No. 2102087

I cannot express how much I loathe this guy. He spams EVERY female fashion sub and the commenters are always tripping over themselves to tell him how STUNNIIIING he looks. He posts his shitty hair and outfits like 20 times a day and you know he's jerking off to the handmaidens' ridiculous pandering comments non stop.

No. 2102108

File: 1742766017466.jpeg (230.36 KB, 750x853, IMG_6288.jpeg)

you’re welcome, sir!

No. 2102109

File: 1742766288082.jpeg (279.83 KB, 750x763, IMG_6289.jpeg)

but agp doesn’t exist…

No. 2102110

I am very happy, well done everyone

No. 2102113

File: 1742766564581.jpeg (580.41 KB, 1179x1125, IMG_3919.jpeg)

Reminder to call your local scrotetranny a man. Odds are, in the next few hours, he will post about it in tears on his tranny subreddit LMAOO

No. 2102119

congrats, tranny
>You made me scared that if i open up the womens bathrooms, i’ll see a man in a wig.
>You made me suffer at the mere sight of your hideous broad shoulders and defined jaw
>You made me have to lie to myself and call you a woman when i clearly see an ugly, pathetic hairy man
>You gave me these imaginary terms like “Bigot” And “TERF!” so you could feel better about yourself and your inferiority complexes
>You changed my label from woman, to cis woman, to “birthing person” so you wouldn’t have to be reminded of reality each day you play pretend and skinwalk as something you can never be.
hits a bit harder than the “oh no my effeminate male fee fees” one, does it

No. 2102122

File: 1742767203781.jpg (219.61 KB, 945x1222, 1000047861.jpg)

oh fuck I recognize that deck

No. 2102124

based. Personally I like to use the “Oh i keep forgetting that youre a transman or whatever you call it” tatic.
>”Um actually im a transwoman”
>..uh..sure..yeah.. smile
It works better than you think, dropping casualties like “Oh him? hes over there” just like you would do with a regular guy. They cant confront you about it and it also reminds them that the average person also sees them as a man too.

No. 2102125

i swear all of these retards’ problems would be solved if they quit the titty skittles and took antidepressants instead.

No. 2102135

Not the same deck. Also that backyard doesnt have a fence and the on you posted does.

No. 2102141

File: 1742771137865.jpg (210.33 KB, 491x1107, nod78yv90hqe1.jpg)

Yeah I don't think that's his yard. His wife does look similar though.

No. 2102165

Valerie is terf coded,get fucked pedotroon

No. 2102166

is it fucked up im glad the mom died before her son turned into this abomination?
>the shein facebook group
holy shit, of course lmao

No. 2102167

No idea.Anytime I’ve seen a male musician use black lipstick ,it just brings out how masculine/male they are.Its basic color and correlation that I’m not surprised troons don’t get because men are also known be be worse when it comes to colors and using them.

No. 2102170

>big shootout to those who misgender me intentionally or not
freudian slip or poorly veiled threat?

No. 2102171

Try reading the poSt(sage your shit)

No. 2102173

File: 1742778059476.jpeg (574.68 KB, 828x1707, IMG_2281.jpeg)

Love the obsession with the term “babygirl” makes you think sometimes

No. 2102175

how does he expect to pass with such clockable entitlement that can only come from male socialization

No. 2102177

There really isn't anything to moids except their dicks. They can invert it or chop it off or whatever they want, as soon as you are bedicked all you can do is act like a semi sentient phallus.

No. 2102178

File: 1742779403803.png (533.94 KB, 1080x1544, 1000050246.png)

Because they think black lipstick + shein clothes is goth.

Pic rel

No. 2102217

File: 1742802031178.jpg (978.53 KB, 1080x2146, 1000018606.jpg)

Nuclear levels of delusion here

No. 2102219

File: 1742802704838.jpg (1.58 MB, 2432x4168, 1000018629.jpg)

We just can't compete with this 25-year-old goddess!

No. 2102227

not sure if this is ai generated or if he just writes like that.

No. 2102240

It sounds like gross corpo-speak, marketing terms, completely empty of actual meaning. It's chilling. I also love the constant implication by these people that they are so radical for…playing dress up? He's also just a piss poor writer- how does being "princely" and masculine fit with the pedophillic term "baby girl"? As an actual woman, it's always skeeved me out how so many love songs, for example, are about "little girls", but of course, troons often seem especially attracted to it.

No. 2102241

Men in the 80s used to look how with those booty shorts, its a skill issue from trannies

No. 2102244

They think this is sort of thing is intelligent

No. 2102262

He looks exactly like his dad kek it's uncanny

>semi-sentient phallus
That comment is a work of art nona I keked

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