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No. 1501889
Elena Vladi, real name Elena Vladimirovna, is the lead singer of Red Queen Band (formerly known as Demona Mortiss) who is also a middle-aged, serial photoshopping “pick-me” racist, transphobe, scam artist, veganism sjw, Russian nationalist, and conspiracy theory nutcase.
- Originally moved to the US from Russia
- Recently moved to Vegas after creating bad blood with most people who run in the goth circles of Hollywood
- Vocals are now fried after drug abuse, relies of severe autotuning that she claims is her real voice
- Has a bad case of coke nose, it is shriveling off her face
- Is friends with rapist Dahvie Vanity and did songs with him as well (most notably “Sexually Explicit”)
- Has been promising a new album and touring for years, even scammed for donations multiple times for a 2018 tour that never happened (which were never refunded)
- Constantly having band members leave her bands, reasons unknown for now
- Briefly married a rich foreign man of whom she did not know and who lives in a different country, who left her not too long after marriage
- Has been severely photoshopping pictures and catfishing men with them for money for almost two decades
- Is frequently racist and transphobic on Facebook and Twitter despite claiming not to be
- Believes in and pushes many Qanon-type conspiracy theories and bashes anyone who opposes her
- Wears bad wigs/hairpieces, colored contacts, and claims they’re all real despite it being obvious
- Recently had been posting pro-Russian and anti-Ukranian propaganda in her IG stories
- Is super “anti-sjw” in a pick-me fashion, yet constantly is pushing the vegan agenda in an sjw way
- Most IG followers are bought bots
Socials: screenshots will be posted in the first few posts, contributions welcome
No. 1501891
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Photos of her that are not shooped, best viewed if opened in a new page
No. 1501892
File: 1649987969447.jpeg (3.98 MB, 2505x3370, shoopednightmare.jpeg)

>>1501891VS the awfully done shoops she posts
No. 1501895
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Has been promising new music/a tour and taking donations for years on end, never has followed through
Side note, that wig kek
No. 1501897
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Few instances of her blatant racism
No. 1501898
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Her transphobia and simultaneous denial of it
No. 1501899
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Pick me behaviour
No. 1501905
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A few of her insane FB conspiracy theory posts and sjw ranting
No. 1501906
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This last one is for shits and giggles but it's hilarious she loves Shane Dawson out of all people yet claims to be an animal lover and activist kekk
No. 1501909
>>1501898>transphobiaDo you know where you are?
Her shoops aren’t even that extreme compared to her untouched pics. She just looks like she had a lot of plastic surgery and makeup. The only milk is the part where she’s friends with that emo pedo scrote
No. 1501920
>>1501909That's not the funny part, the funny part is where she denies being transphobic while simultaneously obviously being just that.
Her shoops are extreme if you see how much she actually weighs while she pretends to be skinny and fit.
And you're just going to skim past the scamming and blatant racism part? Everything in this post follows all the rules. Go back to the other farms where you belong and stop trying to create infighting here.
No. 1501934
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No. 1501939
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No. 1501963
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No. 1502048
>>1502020Not to be a WK for the OP but I think people might be getting OP wrong and just skimming, I read it like they were saying that she’s a deluded cow because Elena is saying that she’s NOT transphobic in a comment yet is posting transphobic things, thus making her hypocritical and/or dumb.
Kinda like how Lori Lewd says she’s not racist yet has posted clearly racist things before. Delusions.
But I don’t know. That’s just how I read it. Could be wrong.
No. 1502244
>>1502048Same, I like this thread lol. I think it has a lot of potential. I get it, we don’t like trannies here. But this chick is allll over the place.
Drugs+aging and not happy about it+pickme behavior+ has-been musician? It’s like the perfect storm for lulzy behavior.
No. 1502409
>>1502112Hi, OP here. That’s pretty much why I posted it. I don’t support troons, I just posted it to show how she can’t get her story straight and will fake act woke if pressured despite being against it. I would have gotten the message about making a mistake in the thread description loud and clear with just one reply instead of everybody sperging out over a word and ignoring everything else. It kind of made me want to not come back here since it seemed like nothing else was going to be discussed, ngl.
>>1502342She’s about 40. I don’t think she has had plastic surgery, otherwise I feel like she’d fix her lack of a chin and droopy cheeks. She just relies on heavy shooping and video manipulating software from what I’ve seen in following her.
And from what I’ve seen from her posts in the way early days of IG when I first followed her, she thinks every white haired alt girl or female character copied her and she did it first. She cleaned up her page a few years ago so it’s hard to get any screenshots for proof, you don’t have to take my word for it if you don’t believe me.
No. 1502417
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Forgot to post her snake page in the socials as well. She has the total “I did it first!” mindset with everything. No. 1502436
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>>1502418Will do, I’ll have to do some digging on Google cache to see if I can find anything. I did find these, however.
She also dressed like a Nazi once and I vaguely remember comments on these pictures being a shitstorm. She deleted these when doing the cleanup of her page.