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No. 2297525

Previous >>1978406

Thread to discuss the phenomenon of "fujoshi", the women that identify as such and the women who criticise it.

To a latter extent, discuss also the phenomenon of "yumejoshi" and "himejoshi", especially when it comes to the yume vs. fujo feud.

Discuss the history of fujoshism, speculate on its reasons, argue your opinion on it and exchange intelligent views with other farmers.

Topics include:
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
>Why is fujo stuff so popular in Japan, a highly conservative, homophobic and misogynistic society?
>Can yumes and fujos be friends?

New questions:
>Are lesbian fujoshi actually a thing?
>Why do fujos look at, draw and talk about yaoi together, while moids who enjoy hentai do so completely alone in their gooncaves?
>Are women who enjoy "male character with chopped tits and/or a vag" actually fujoshi? If not, what are they?
>Why do you think so meny supposed straight content made for women caters to men?
>Do you think there is a problem
when it comes to female sexualization when it comes to josei smut?

Be respectful and do not infight. Honest discussion only.

No. 2297532

We told you not to make a new one retard. delete this

No. 2297534

who is ''we''

No. 2297535


No. 2297543

Isn't most josei smut self-published doujinshi anyways? Plus otome VNs also have that same problem of conventionally attractive MC, and they are primarily targeted for the female audience too. Idk I just don't see the big problem. It's almost like fujos just want to see an ugly MC so they can self-insert better or something.

No. 2297545

You really do sound exactly like moids who call women ugly if they don't like their coomslop.

No. 2297547

are you incapable of thinking besides black or white? not wanting a big titty hentai monster mc isnt the same as wanting an ugly mc. Most male mc arent ugly, they are just plain so the anime girl can stand out.

No. 2297550

still thinking about that poster yesterday who implied self-inserting is the non-autistic choice for interacting w/ media

No. 2297552

If you get triggered by seeing beautiful women in fiction then maybe you just have some self-esteem problems yourself? Why would I want to see uglies in my fiction

>not wanting a big titty hentai monster mc isnt the same as wanting an ugly mc.
Except that's not even most otome/yume media anyways. Most of the time the MC is also just a plain faceless woman. And yet you'll still find ways to complain about that. Wonder why…

No. 2297557

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if you think pic rel is ugly because it doesnt have gigantic breasts then you are pornsick

No. 2297559

Nobody is talking about sfw stuff with normal MCs, the conversation was about erotic content from the very beginning. You all admit that you don't like the sex scenes looking identical to moid hentai but when fujos point it out it must be because we're ugly.

No. 2297561

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I don't think this is ugly, but this is the kind of shit that self-hating fujos will complain about. They have to look like some tumblrina caricature like picrel

No. 2297562

Imagine if moids were told they have low self esteem if they didnt want to see sexualized oiled twinks with gigantic pecs and in tiny revealing clothes kek the double standards are real

No. 2297563

>Most of the time the MC is also just a plain faceless woman.
I love how people confidently speak on things they have no experience with kek.

No. 2297564

i would tell a moid that tho

No. 2297565

Literally no one said this, i am a fujo and cyper is the only shoujo i like because the mc is actually cute and not sexualized

No. 2297566

That's just you and your delusional strawman that just shows you can't comprehend the differences between titmonster, normal, and tumblrslop.

No. 2297567

ok go to 4chan and do it then

No. 2297568

I should probably lurk more on these autistic ass threads but imagine wanting to see another woman in your porn. The only acceptable porn for healthy straight women is either Yaoi, femdom, or female POV. Sex by nature is stimulating the female while the man is just there, and it is isn't meant to be viewed, only experienced. However, if I were to view it then I'd rather see a man getting stimulated

No. 2297575

what thread should i do it in?

No. 2297577

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Why is Umi Indian and why do tumblrites always absolutely destroy her design every time they draw her. I guess they also love to make Nozomi deathfag and black but at least most of the time they keep her attractive. With Umi they just make her look like a TiM. Every. Single. Time.

No. 2297578

go to /v/ and storm into the trillion gamergate/kotaku threads

No. 2297579

>if they didnt want to see sexualized oiled twinks with gigantic pecs and in tiny revealing clothes
Moids will just joke about how the MC is making them gay. Meanwhile women have to moralfag and think it's another case of oppreshun

No. 2297582

There's a billion coomer threads up on /a/ and /v/ at all times.

No. 2297583

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>They have to look like some tumblrina caricature like picrel
I think pic related is cute, it's made by a fujo. Does she really look like a tumblrina caricature?

No. 2297584

>being a faghag is healthy for women

No. 2297586

She doesn't have giant bouncing tits so she's ugly

No. 2297593

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why do you pickmes always make up headcanons to defend your dear moids, there have been several male characters that get censored or uglyfied because men complain. Moids threw a hissy fit and got a woman fired over this.

No. 2297594

now i remember why i stopped posting there. fucking 900 second captcha

No. 2297602

I find male homosexuality repugnant, I hate gay men more than I hate hetero men. Men exist to service women. That is all.

No. 2297604

Don't watch faggots; dogs or BDSM can do or other shit can do. The whole point is to get off to the mans reactions. "Normal" porn works for men because sex in its natural state is all about the women's reactions and the men are expendable so it doesn't matter whether the men themselves are doing it or viewing it but if women were to view it then to view the women's reactions while the man continues to be expendable is retarded

No. 2297606

Imagine being told you're the weird one because you're a straight woman watching straight porn and the only way you should enjoy it is by either watching two guys fuck or having no view of the woman at all like some kind of insecure weirdo.

No. 2297607

they service me by fucking eachother

No. 2297608

If you want the camera on the woman in straight porn, then you're not straight.

No. 2297609

Looks like bpd yandere moidslop

No. 2297610

Please understand, fujos are grossly overweight and deformed so the thing they want the least is for some fictional girl to trigger their insecurities when watching porn.

No. 2297614

Straight people tend to want to see other straight people fuck in their porn, anon. Most of the time, a woman is present. That's the way it works.

No. 2297616

if it was yuri in this style then fujos would be quick to call it for scrotes. the hypocrisy

No. 2297617

reminds me of moids saying that only feminazis with neon hair dislike sexualized women in videogames, some of you need to go back to moidchan

No. 2297620

Yeah, straight people still want the camera on the sex they are attracted to though. You think straight men watch porn with moids getting all the screentime?

No. 2297623

Moids also breathe oxygen. Perhaps you should exit bag yourself to own the moids.(a-logging)

No. 2297625

You must be sending these replies from some kind of parallel dimension where Lolcor is completely different, because yaoi is mostly mentioned in a negative context outside of its dedicated threads on /m/.

No. 2297628

>Telling people to kill themselves because she can't refute that her argument was taken straight out of the gamergate playbook

No. 2297633

nonny telling you to workout is not a gamergate psyop kek

No. 2297635

Sex isn't meant to be viewed by women anon. Men can view it just fine because their sensations are the least important part of it kek. Which is why erotica is more popular amongst women, that's when the description of the sensations sets in. If you're viewing a woman moaning because of the feeling of a dick inside her while the camera goes over her body without you yourself getting turned off then there's something off about you, and that's okay, because you're not meant to be viewing that in the first place; pornography is completely unnatural.
Conversely, you also have to be some sick fuck to be wanting to see the men to be the ones feeling said sensations instead of you going out there to actually experience them. Which is fine, everyone here is autistic anyway.

No. 2297636

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>The only reason a woman would dislike male-gaze porn is if she's ugly!!1!

No. 2297640

projecting your insecurities onto women you cant even see speaks more about your own insecurity tbh

No. 2297643

Way off, it's kinda funny.
The last thread posted a yuri in a similiar style and that one has been discussed in the fujo thread just fine.

No. 2297645

>You're a weirdo for being straight and liking straight porn.
This website is laughable.

No. 2297648

Girl hit the gym instead of sperging on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum.

No. 2297650

It's pretty obvious that most farmers are overweight and ugly (who also often project their insecurities unto beautiful women), so that wouldn't be a wrong assumption.

No. 2297651

I think the speds here dont understand than the problem isnt straight smut itself but the fact straight smut focuses too much on the woman and very little on the man. We are also talking about chinese cartoon porn not irl porn.

No. 2297652

sure anon, if that makes you feel better and like you are winning an internet argument you do you.

No. 2297654

They hate other women so much they'd rather defend scrote porn than demand more femgaze stuff. And then they call other women pickmes.

No. 2297655

I want het porn where the man is sexualized and the woman not so much. Is that too much to ask for?

No. 2297657

Yes, according to anons itt, you should be happy with looking at big tits. You're a misogynist if you need a hot man to get off.

No. 2297660

Idk if this makes sense, but I feel like the focus is on the women because josei smut is usually maledom and because of that women are considered the "uke"? In josei femdom stuff where the female lead is the seme I see more focus on males

No. 2297661

>thread devolving into another ur fat!!!1!
No wonder some women want to troon out

No. 2297665

Porn always focuses on the party but getting "done" because they tend to have better visual reactions.

No. 2297666

You're a closeted homosexual for wanting to watch another woman get dicked and you're a freak for wanting to watch a man get dicked and the only answer is to go outside and get some dick yourself instead of watching other people have sex(infighting)

No. 2297667

Real dick was never an option in this convo

No. 2297670

This is also bait

No. 2297672

Nta, no she isn't. Even as a fujo myself I think you're being deranged.

No. 2297675

Perhaps you all need to consume less porn and get hobbies not related to voyeurism?

No. 2297676

As a fujo I find that kind of Tumblr slop completely repulsive. Stop strawmanning.

No. 2297679

Perhaps you need to mind your own damn business and stop scolding other women like a schoolmarm

No. 2297681

Also not an option. Why don't normalfags fuck off to the irlshit threads?

No. 2297682

Do you just not get horny?

No. 2297684

So are fujos closeted troons for watching two guys fuck? I'm straight. I like straight porn. That doesn't make me strange it just means you all are perpetually online and forgotten how real people work.

No. 2297685

You're "watching" a man and a woman have sex. You need to project onto an attractive woman because we get off by being seen as attractive. it's not that hard

No. 2297687

Do you know where you are? If the Anons here actually followed this advice and didn't invest like 75%-88% of their (hopefully only online) identities to the type of porn they schlick too and media they consume we literally would not have this and 5+ other threads of this exact topic but with different flavors. Unironically, we'd probably only have the fandom-discourse thread. I'm telling you, it isn't natural to be this invested in pornography the second you start to invest your identity into it and argue over this stuff you're too far-gone. At least it provides
>quality laughs and shitposts
>a reminder to disconnect and form hobbies and interests outside of media consumption

No. 2297688

>we get off by being seen as attractive
No we don't, you sound like an AGP.

No. 2297690

>we get off by being seen as attractive
Oh lord.

No. 2297692

no we don't, don't project that onto other women. Retard.

No. 2297694

lmao. Do you not want your partner to be attracted to you?

No. 2297695

But when do you even sexualize men though? All I see is pooner tier menstruation over their spechul feewings and compwexity. The average bloobloo plotline is even more cringe than the mopiest grocery isle romance novel for 45 year old aunties, and the "sexualization" is suitslop tier.
Have fun writing the exact same cringe melodrama while coping by pretending you don't want it because you're in the cuck chair.

No. 2297697

Why does everyone assume that BL is purely porn? Or that yume stuff is purely porn, for that matter? It's a whole-ass genre.

No. 2297698

tell that to the supposedly femgaze doujins where the woman is focused on, or the ML's constantly praising how beautiful MC is. men's media NEVER does that

No. 2297700

Of course, but I don't get horny at the thought of being hot kek

No. 2297701

why when real life is shit? what's wrong with the occasional escapism?

No. 2297702

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Dog best boy

No. 2297705

That's not the same as being found attractive enough to cause a physical reaction in someone you fancy, for him to admire your features. You know like we constantly do the same to men. Men should be able to do the same, unfortunately they rotted their brains and optimized their media to focus on the woman only. We need to go back to the Greek views on the male body without the misogyny

No. 2297710

>pretending you don't want it because you're in the cuck chair.
I literally do not want to be a pregnant housewife you psycho trad, that's your retarded fantasy, not a universal ideal. Being married to a moid means supporting him financially and being his surrogate mom, fuck that. And babies are fucking disgusting, I'd rather shovel manure than clean spit-up. No one is being "cuckolded" by drawings, you just think that because you're a schizo who can't separate art from reality.

No. 2297711

Fujos don't want to see any female MC because they're pooners who hate themselves. There have been many deeply amusing attempts at finding out what kind of fMC look they'd find acceptable. There isn't one.(baiting)

No. 2297713

It's not a requirement for arousal, no, and being flattered is not the same as "getting off on it."

No. 2297716

Go back to 4skin you fucking AGP

No. 2297717

many fujos read straight content too, i don't know why you retards keep pretending like they don't. On most stories i read i find fujos reading them too. Idk why yall keep lying. But that's probably because you are a yuripedo.

No. 2297722

>ITT anons who fell for the moid psyop so hard that they get off to their own reflections and bash women who'd rather look at hot men.

No. 2297724

Why does so many femgaze stuff also focus on the woman then? It's not a requirement, but it also doesn't hurt either.

No. 2297725

Fujos are comfortable enough in their sexuality to love themselves and enjoy two men in love with each other.

No. 2297727

Straight men are the ones killing and raping us, dumbfuck. Gay men suck too but at least now that they're more accepted they fuck each other and leave us the hell alone.

No. 2297728

Because the authors don't know how to depict sexuality in any other way than the mood status quo and don't care to improve.

No. 2297729

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There's plenty examples though.

No. 2297732

is it really an improvement if only the male gets sexualized though? I feel like way too many people get all knee-jerky about this because women are already sexualized everywhere. But if that wasn't the case this wouldn't be a problem

No. 2297734

Yes because women don't sexualize men irl to the degree men sexualize women irl f.e; passport bros

No. 2297736

But I'm not into any kind of romanceslop you silly landwhale. It's just deeply amusing how you cringe at tradshit romanceslop while consuming gallons of it from what you perceive to be a safe distance. That schizo reply alone suggests a sad, repressed life of self-denial.

No. 2297739

I can't tell if they're so narcissistic that they HAVE to imagine themselves as hentai proportioned anime waifus, or if they're so insecure they can't self-insert to "boring" characters because it's not a good enough power fantasy. Either option would be okay if they didn't insist on bashing everyone else for it and projecting their neuroses everywhere.
Inb4 they call this a Tumblr OC

No. 2297740

attractive female MC's being shown just seems analogous to cool ripped male badass MC's in mens media tbh. I want to be beautiful too and admired for those features

No. 2297741

A nice figure isn't hentai proportions lmao. It's just tit for tat. I'd want to be as equally attractive for a hot anime guy

No. 2297742

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>Fujos are comfortable in their sexuality

No. 2297743

Samefag, I'm specifically talking about anons itt not all yumefags/joseifags

No. 2297744

I’m the biggest Fujo in the world yet my fave ships are all straight. I don’t get why people assume that all Fujos hate women and just aren’t massively into the male form. Has no one watched Free Iwatobi swim club? I feel like Go Matsuoka is how most sane Fujos are like. I love Josei manga too. It’s just from my experience straight hentai the men rarely deserve the women or are not hot enough. And when they are hot they always make the women act like dumb virgin children who never even heard the word sex before despite being like 28. At least in BL they don’t lobotomize one of the characters usually.

No. 2297746


No. 2297748

my problem with fujoshis is that those who think like this just give up on het romance and smut. find/write/draw things that aren't like this then. It's copium on my part but I still believe in het romance

No. 2297749

They don't want to acknowledge all the fujo mangaka who also create shoujo/josei with feMCs because it destroys their narrative.

No. 2297751

>do my job for you
nta but why

No. 2297754

I didn't say that. that's why I put "Find" in there lmao. My job isn't to find shit for you either

No. 2297755

Because they blame everything on us. It's our responsibility to fix het romance, not het fans.

No. 2297758

I feel like part of the problem is that some anons are so obsessed with troons that they see troon "warning signs" everywhere. It's ironic because yuri (and pretty much any anime porn involving a female character tbh) attracts TIMs just like BL attracts TIFs kek. That's just an unfortunate consequence of modern fandom and doesn't really have anything to do with anons itt.

No. 2297759

>the josei thread is nothing but smol dainty submissive big titty female mcs

No. 2297760

I have a BMI of 17.4 you fucking pig. YOU are a schizo because you get jealous when you see a drawing fucking another drawing. That is categorically the behavior of an insane person.

No. 2297761

i think you are confused and we keep on having this same convo over and over again because you can't understand nuance.

We are okay with pretty female leads, we are even okay with ones that are sexy.

The problem here is when the female leads get turned into coombait and there is too much focus on her body during the sex scenes. Or authors doing cashgrabs and making their josei smuts be male gazed because they want to omnipander.

You can't be this retarded to not understand what we mean, right?

For example look at manhwas like Beethoven Syndrome or Uknown Caller in those stories despite them being named josei the female lead is way too sexualised and treated like a blow up sex doll and the male leads behave like incels.

No. 2297763

No one gives up on het romance I still read Josei manga but I like BL because I like seeing anime men kissing and moaning what’s so hard about this for Fujo haters to compute!? Have you never listened to the joys of a BLCD!?

No. 2297766

you not believing this is the entire reason this thread exists, congrats nonna

No. 2297767

Welcome to how Japanese women want to see themselves.

No. 2297770

I've never read a manhwa and I thought you all were just bringing up the "mc is too conventionally attractive" discourse in otome/shoujosei

No. 2297773

Madara Moyou no Yoi

No. 2297776

And these weebs fall for that, 30 layers of makeup and 50k of plastic surgery LOLOL

No. 2297778

Seconding this. I enjoy romance fiction in general, so obviously I've read some het and yuri stuff I liked. BL just happens to be my favorite, it's not that deep.

No. 2297779

nah thats korean kek

No. 2297780

File: 1733702485586.webp (Spoiler Image,140.24 KB, 1280x960, 1733701569651.webp)

no wonder yaoi is so popular there if the alternative is this

No. 2297783

>It's ironic because yuri (and pretty much any anime porn involving a female character tbh) attracts TIMs just like BL attracts TIFs kek.
And even funnier, they like it because they're usually OSA! Of course male troons are going to like yuri, they're straight. vice versa for tifs.

No. 2297784

so you still didn't understand what i said and will keep on saying ''you just hate pretty women''….ok well my fault for talking to a wall you can keep going i guess.

No. 2297787

the story is actually good if you read it and the men are equally sexualised, why are you lurking that other thread when i (yume) have been defending you retarded fujos throughout this whole thread? Now you are behaving just like yurifags…

No. 2297789

Apologies if you're being sarcastic, but if you're serious I don't think this is really a gotcha considering how toxic and misogynistic Japanese beauty standards are.

No. 2297792

you just said that in het romance the women act like dumb virgin children and the men arent hot enough

No. 2297793

I've read a josei doujin by a fujo mangaka. The fMC was treated with extreme respect because to be a fujoshi is to be a based feminist.
Jk, it was a stomach churning isekai saintess gangrape storyline with booba and female focus.

No. 2297794

>what's wrong with the occasional escapism?
Keyword: occasional

No. 2297796

I didn't say that, IDK who i'm even talking to. I just came in here saying that women like me like to project themselves on a pretty MC and people then deny that

No. 2297799

You get it! I’ve tried reading smutty straight female oriented manga but it just doesn’t hit the same. Japanese women and the way they like to be treated by their males is not how I would like to be. They like that infantilizing “idk what sex is yet can you show me uwu” shit. I don’t. They always make the women virginal no matter how old she is and it’s strange. BL doesn’t have that unless it’s set in like HS or dude is denial that he’s gay.

No. 2297800

what the hell is wrong with this?

No. 2297805

You guys treat manga like it's alcohol

No. 2297808

both yuri and yaoi initially garnered mostly female fans then all the western fujoshis started pooning out. inserting tims into this conversation is insincere because this genre wasnt made for them in the first place

No. 2297810

since a certain fujo here wants to infight bait and lurk that other thread and steal screencaps from there im not even going to bother defending fujos anymore. From now on yuripedos can say whatever they want to you and i will mind my business. You hypocrites can't complain about yurifags bullying you yet treating yumes the same way, k bye

anon is just one of those rare fujos who actually do fit the stereotype of a misogynistic fujo

No. 2297816

Ngl I can't wait for this thread to die off again, people are getting too heated over this stupid shit.

No. 2297823

To be fair, I've also seen this weird female socialisation manifest in Western "female oriented" smut too. The most famous example is probably 50 shades of grey. The main character legitimately says she's never even MASTURBATED before she met her maledom LI, and it's like…why? Whose fantasy is bolstered by this puritan shit?

No. 2297824

that story isn't even like that though. Now you are just acting like yurifags commenting on shit yall didn't even read and generalizing a whole genre. Yurifags bullying you is what you deserve.

No. 2297825

i don't think the solution is to escape to two guys fucking each other and take the woman out of the equation

No. 2297829

>It wasn't made for them in the first place
…do you really think no Yuri has ever been made with a scrote audience in mind?

No. 2297830

Wait what's the actual problem if a woman likes a booby or whatever attractive anime character drawn by another woman? Are you seriously comparing women to how scrotes behave? No woman here or elsewhere is going on a rape spree because they found some booby drawing in their yume/yurislop attractive. The problem is men and has always been men.

No. 2297831

Keyword, again, occasional. There's nothing wrong with consuming himejoshi, yumejoshi, fujoshi, etc. content however, you gotta realized that there's a barrier of entry when you've let the media you consume become an integral overbearing part of your identity hence why we have constant round the clock arguing over the flavor of asian media is morally just.

No. 2297839

Moralizing took hold and now it's just getting more and more ridiculous.
I've said it before, but this discussion should have ended with "people like what they like and that's OK."

No. 2297846

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if you cant differentiate between yuri content made for women and anime porn featuring lesbians then youre just retarded

No. 2297849

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>I don't think
I mean, this is the crux of the issue. The thread is literally picrel. You're all arguing about your own personal tastes and trying to pass it off as "teh best." There are billions of women on earth and they're all gonna be turned on by different things, and trying to apply morality to cartoon characters smooching is retarded.

No. 2297852

The solution is for you to find instead of moralfagging at women who've disengaged though.

No. 2297854

i am a yume too(i make my own shit because i dont like 99% of yumeshit) i just hate that slop and i just dont see the need for the women to be that sexualized. It just made me understand why yaoi is that popular when the alternative is fucking ugly. Also sorry nonny but the anatomy on the scrotes is offputting and creepy, they have gigantic claws for hands.

No. 2297855

lmfaooo I'm not arguing what turns women on. I'm talking about the moral grandstanding that women take when they get on their highhorse for consuming BL, that het ships are sooo boring or misogynist

No. 2297857

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Who was picrel made for, then?

No. 2297860

Calm down. It's clearly talking about those retards as well.

No. 2297862

Moralfagging isn't defending against shitty generalizations retard

No. 2297863

I don't entirely understand it, but some anons are uncomfortable with viewing female bodies sexualized in a certain way. It's an understandable way to feel, but I don't think there's anything wrong with people who don't mind it. I think anons need to relax and realize that it's just a preference/comfort level thing.

No. 2297865

isnt that the loli yuri shit

No. 2297867

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yeah alot of yume content is bad i do agree with that. i just don't like how you falsely labelled that story as male gaze because it's one of those rare works where the men are equally sexualised. What you were doing was yurifag behaviour, you can't call out yurifags for certain behaviour then act the same way as them.

No. 2297869

Think I understand why people say "fujoshi's are uncomfortable with their sexuality" if they can't stand a woman being attractive to a man

No. 2297871

>female self insert is ahegaoing
>gigantic tits
>is the focus of the pic instead of the moids
>completly naked while the moids are mostly covered, you cant even see the guy on the back
its nasty, sorry

No. 2297872

Agree 100%. There's stuff I don't like purely for aesthetic reasons, but I'm not going to accuse people of being coomers or bigots or whatever just because they like something I don't. People are free to enjoy what they want to enjoy, as long as it's tagged and legal, I don't care.

No. 2297873

>nooo how dare you dislike my slop
kek no one needed your retarded white knighting anyways

No. 2297875

they dont even have nipples there kek how can you say they are equally sexualized when the fmc has gigantic herd nipples and these guys dont

No. 2297877

I can't stop laughing at how cartoonishly small the woman is

No. 2297879

File: 1733703948466.jpg (78.15 KB, 828x1035, a9deceeae9263e8b98789ca00b1cee…)

fujotroons getting too bold, let's talk about how there is more pregnancy in yaoi than in hetero KEK

No. 2297880

why would the woman need to be attractive to the man? men in hentai for moids dont need to be attractive to the woman

No. 2297882

Those aren't gigantic you retard. those are large, but not freakishly large. and that's not ahegao… what do you want her to do? frown?
and the fantasy here is being ravished by these guys, Why would they be in the center? Especially when two people have sex facing forwards the woman will be in front? Points for her being the only naked one though

No. 2297883

File: 1733704012730.png (1.15 MB, 1080x1728, 1000028447.png)

> yaoi
who was this made for then

No. 2297885

you really need to stop bringing omegaverse when its a miniscule niche most fujos dont like, its like 3% of all yaoi. And i am sorry but you have to be pornsick to not see how sexualized the woman in that joseishit is. She's fucking ahegaoin for god's sake.

No. 2297886

Did you know size difference is a trope? Crazy I know

No. 2297887

its not yaoi, and it was made by a moid who only makes trapshit and straight shota for men.

No. 2297889

Even though just 1 BL pregnancy story is too many, claiming there is more of it than het pregnancy content is crazy.

No. 2297890

So what? They've rotted themselves enough to not care if the woman finds us attractive so we should do the same?

No. 2297891

>Muh trope
It still looks stupid kek I'm sorry

No. 2297892

Just speaking for myself here, but being unable to "stand a woman being attractive to a man," is not why I tend not to seek out straight stuff. My main reason is that the sort of character dynamics I often like just feel icky when it's a straight pairing. I like the drama of characters being terrible for each other but staying together anyway because I like the character intrigue and the psychological component. With two men or two women, it just seems like both people are on equal footing. But with a man and a woman, that kind of dynamic is too common in real life and too sad to be exciting fiction for me. Am I making sense? I like "toxic" relationships in fiction, but I don't want to see a man abuse a woman.

No. 2297893

Answer the question.

No. 2297894

File: 1733704160398.jpg (82.25 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg)

yeah it's so minuscule that's why omegaverse stories are almost always trending or popular. Get off your copium, fujotroon.

No. 2297895

File: 1733704168468.jpg (434.79 KB, 1062x1280, tumblr_nu1m3yMdrZ1taaksjo1_128…)

> and that's not ahegao
she has fucking heart eyes
>Those aren't gigantic you retard.
they are, they dont look gigantic to you because they are being covered by grotesque yaoi hands. Put it next to pic rel and they look nasty as fuck.

No. 2297897

This is such a bizarrely hostile response to someone laughing at anime porn kekekek

No. 2297899

it IS yaoi, even wikipedia labels it as such. why are you backtracking when anime gay porn has so much shota shit

No. 2297900

That's true and I can't deny a man and woman in a toxic relationship has more baggage IRL. It's just sad that it has to be inherently unequal all the time

No. 2297901

yes, why the fuck should i look attractive to a moid? why should i care about his opinion?

No. 2297902

did you know tropes aren't exclusive to porn? Crazy I know

No. 2297903

you posting cherrypicked picrels from decades ago is not really helping..

No. 2297904

its not yaoi retard, otherwise barashit would also be yaoi. They exist as different things because they are.

No. 2297906

So the moral of the story is that there is no such thing as muh pure uncorrupted feminist genre. The moralfagging itt is so stupid.

No. 2297907

If you want to self insert into or project upon a loving passionate relationship I'd imagine his input is necessary

No. 2297908

omegaverse got popularized after a comic featuring a man getting raped by a dog. barf, fujos are sick

No. 2297910

how is it cherrypicked? it looks like a normal woman even if its not fully covered she doesnt look sexualized, i dont know why joseishit refuses to have normal main characters

No. 2297912

yaoi is anime gay porn, get over it. fujoshis are on the same level of degeneracy as fudanshis anyways

No. 2297913

Er, yes there is. It's called a healthy relationship in fiction

No. 2297916


No. 2297918

Self insertion is for losers.

No. 2297919

File: 1733704480510.jpg (50.21 KB, 474x489, OIP.jpg)

>fujos will defend this

No. 2297920

Genuine question, do you only think you deserve love and affection if you fit a patriarchal idea of hotness? Maybe some women would find comfort in the opposite type of work, where, idk, an average normie gets a bishie harem.

No. 2297923

File: 1733704536444.jpg (259.93 KB, 600x898, 768c0928507fe4391a61be6d7cb79b…)

>still believing fujos arent massive pedos

No. 2297924

Yes, the moralizing is retarded.
The Strike Witches shit should be fine (as long as it's in the anime thread, I don't know why yuripedo never just looks for more fans there, though she did find a fan in fandom discourse so whatever), the josei stuff is fine, the yaoi stuff is fine, the people complaining about yuri pedophiles this, josei tradthot that, omegaverse pooner this, need to learn to shut the fuck up and get some self awareness.

No. 2297925

How about in scenarios where the sex has nothing to do with why one person is toxic to another? Have you played otome games at all? What power exists if fiction can remove all of that?

No. 2297926

File: 1733704599023.png (165.87 KB, 540x300, 1000029966.png)

ACKSHUALLY the genre was kicked off by Supernatural fanfic. This is BASIC fandom history smh

No. 2297929

romantic love isn't the only form of love btw. If you want romantic love, the most shallow form of love, you need to be attractive enough.

No. 2297930

File: 1733704653836.jpg (173.56 KB, 640x960, MV5BYWZkOGVkNjItNDhhYS00NWFlLW…)

friendly reminder most love stories have the ugly moid landing a qtie who loves him for ''who he is uwu'' but asking the same from stuff made for women is too much, we have to be blow up hentai dolls even in fiction to be loved. Bleak.

No. 2297931

It doesn't sit right with me to just ship a hot ML with an ugly FL.

No. 2297934

>Oh so you think romantic love is the only one that matters?
You know DAMN WELL that was not the meaning of the question lmfao

No. 2297935

>Omegaverse fiction typically focuses on wolf or other canid-like behavior in humans, especially as it pertains to sexual intercourse and sexuality, which is described as instinctual, responding to animalistic physiological stimuli.[1][2] This includes rutting and heat cycles, pheromonal attraction between Alphas and Omegas,[10] penises with knots (used to "knot", or tie, the partner to an Alpha during copulation, an action known as "knotting"),[1] scent marking,[11] imprinting,[8] breeding, mating rites, pack structures[12] and potentially permanent psychic bonds with a mate.[6]

No. 2297936

I don't care if other people consume ugly girl x hot guy shit, quit being emotional, nobody's out to get you

No. 2297938

becky hands typed these posts

No. 2297939

That was the meaning lol. Otherwise why would you ask it. Having a nice figure and a pretty face isn't patriarchy lmao

No. 2297940

So do anons itt just not infer meaning from context, or…?

No. 2297943

New standard set, if you don't have Z cup tits you don't deserve romantic love.

No. 2297944

if you want your MC's to be ugly because you personally find them relatable, that's not my problem

No. 2297945

kek nonny, its based on a supernatural fanfic its not about fucking dogs.

No. 2297947

who the fuck said that retard. people think having a nice figure is too much

No. 2297948

This isn't a comic, though finding out that the moid "alpha chads and faggy betas" coming from the same source actually makes omegaverse a little based imo.

No. 2297949

You are being obtuse. Obviously that's the type of love anons will focus on in a thread related to romance genres. I feel like even autists would implicitly understand this.

No. 2297952

if youre a straight woman then the only respectable romantic and sexual role for you is to be a faghag cuck for the gays. imagining yourself with your husbando is too pickme

No. 2297953

That's not consistent with the cultural tendency to treat romantic love as the ultimate form of love

No. 2297954

you honestly sound really insecure nonny, you are either an anachan or one of those womens who spends thousands to get the new trendy cosmetic surgery to be a sex doll to men. Bleak shit.

No. 2297958

no one said this ever, if you like to look at women with gigantic tits good for you but some of us are straight and prefeer looking at hot guys instead.

No. 2297959

thats new age fujos us old hags just want to masturbate to anime men moaning and go

No. 2297960

Holy shit go get yourself checked out. There's a lot of grey area between "barbie doll" and "ugly as shit"

No. 2297961

according to you not really since you keep defending ahegaoing big titty monsters kek

No. 2297962

File: 1733705089777.jpg (89.98 KB, 651x876, 1000004302.jpg)

what is happening???

No. 2297963

Did a gay moid steal your Nigel or something? What is it with you guys and projecting your obsession about being cucked by cartoons??

No. 2297966

The irony of this statement…

No. 2297967

This shit sucks, what the fuck

No. 2297970

this is terrifying to me and makes me feel fear for the MC now if the boys were talking to eacho other instead of fear and deep dread i'd feel hot and bothered

No. 2297971

Nice, I don’t like self-inserting. Two hot guys is better together.

No. 2297972

last time i checked you don't need plastic surgery to make an ahegao face. and why are you so irked at this? you only dislike it becasue it's featured so much in shitty misogynist male gaze hentai

No. 2297979

>you only dislike it becasue it's featured so much in shitty misogynist male gaze hentai
well..duh the whole discussion is about how male gazey joseishit is

No. 2297982

Do you also have an issue with MC being as attractive as the guys

No. 2297983

>ITT: woman who takes out a second mortgage to fund her makeup addiction calling other women insecure.

No. 2297986

NTA but I also dislike it because it looks dumb

No. 2297987

i dont get this logic i dont even watch IRL gay porn because I dont care about IRL gay men I just like anime men.
I never understood this because Sebastian is clearly straight he is constantly fucking on women throughout the series

No. 2297989

Go schlick it to eyeless plain MC's then who are barely in the camera but don't call attractive MC's that are seen in panels malegazey

No. 2297990

Yeah I think it's dumb but it's not inherently male gazey to depict something.

No. 2297992

>dont call the mc thats doing a male hentai trope is fully naked in the focus and has massive tits malegazey!!

No. 2297994

Do…do you schlick it to the feMC?

No. 2297996

you're going to be so mad when you find out that sex positions tend to feature the female in front of the male, especially with a fantasy of being controlled and dominated

No. 2297998

lol. do you want the guy to be unnaturally in the panel all the time?

No. 2297999

File: 1733705570954.jpg (263.89 KB, 600x800, R.jpg)

>is purposefully obtuse of how delusional fujos are about their pedo ships
if they werent then fujos wouldnt be reeing about the mha ending on twitter

No. 2298001

Answer the question.

No. 2298004

an obtuse response in exchange for a deliberate troll question meant to distract from the actual topic

No. 2298007

So you do schlick to the tittymonster pictures…

No. 2298012

nta but when did you guys start using that term to refer to masturbating its so scrote like

No. 2298013

yeah yeah now go be a yumetrash somewhere else and pretend that the guy is attracted to your 300 pound self with no eyes

No. 2298015

i am not mad i draw my own shit for that reason, i accepted most women are pickmes when 50 shades of grey got adapted into a big budget movie

No. 2298016

I know that this is off-topic from what you are all discussing but does anyone else have slight body dysphoria when reading BL ?
I don't have it from just one story but if i only read BL for a certain period of time i start experiencing it and then go on a break.

I honestly don't know if my dysphoria was caused by BL or by seeing how badly this world treats women and wanting a escape from that but i definitely do get flare ups if i binge read too many BL comics.

Also please normal replies i wil be ignoring the baiters.

No. 2298018

Anyone who doesn't know that ABO got started because of SPN is too young or too normal to be here imo

No. 2298019

criticizing people for masculine behavior isn't a very consistent thing to do. this who website is a scrote thing to do

No. 2298020

Sounds like a you problem tbh

No. 2298025

No, get help. I have been reading BL my entire life and i have never experienced this.

No. 2298026

File: 1733705895444.png (272.73 KB, 594x566, loll.png)

I think we need to bring back homophobic fujos though, the last time I saw them was on lc and a handful of jjk fujos who outed themselves after the election. I want yumespergs to stfu too but don't get mad when somebody calls your faggots loser faggots I think it's funny. I'm kidding but for real, no genre is really 100% turbo feminist or whatever. I understand now why this conversation keeps going in circles on either side, female socialization is straight up inconvenient at times. I want female autism to be free and spread its wings even if it's evil

No. 2298028

this is the type of person that calls fujos insecure, someone who thinks she doesnt deserve love from a fictional man unless she looks like a hentai trope. Pathetic.

No. 2298030

Straight healthy romance is feminist.

No. 2298034

i have never watched this show but i support that yaoi yaoi because those guys are way too ugly to be with such a pretty woman, she deserved way better than an unshaved uggo and what looks like anachan astarion

No. 2298035

Honestly I hate gay men, but the reason I don't peddle homophobic rhetoric is that it indeed does hurt women in the process (see Russia and China).

No. 2298036

There you go, making an overemotional statement by just using "love" again. It's romantic love, buddy. Also pretending that I said you have to look like that woman in the doujin to be attractive. I'm just saying she isn't inherently male gazey. Retard

No. 2298039

>if the boys were talking to eacho other instead of fear and deep dread i'd feel hot and bothered
sorry you got beaten by your nigel but you don't need to project your male trauma onto other women who are comfortable with their own sexuality

No. 2298040

No if anything it makes me want to try a move on my scrote and then laugh and say i got it from yaoi.

No. 2298044

>fujofags are nigelfags
Gee what a surprise. And you call others pickme KEKKK

No. 2298047

Just want to say that I'm a fujo and I fucking despise ABO with a burning passion. I hate ABO 100x more than even the cringiest vanilla hetshit. ABO just takes everything I hate about straight relationships and grafts it back on to gay relationships, while reinforcing misinformation about wolves and adding it disgusting zoophilic shit like knots. I despise it so much and I want to go back in time and assassinate the network exec who greenlit Supernatural because of it. ABO enjoyers need to be sent to the gulags.

No. 2298048

Ok then what do i do? I tried to read yume content but its terrible so i go back to yaoi and start feeling like im not in my body if that makes sense.

No. 2298049

i am sorry but you are the one projecting your irl insecurities onto fiction

No. 2298051

I wish you luck finding healthy feminist romance with a real scrote

No. 2298053

Sorry that you want to stay 300 pounds and not take care of your glaring skin problems

No. 2298054

i do feel like were trapped in some morality debate about whose porn is more "based" and its driving all of us insane b/c like youve said no genre is turbo feminist (or ideologically pure)

No. 2298055

>feeling like im not in my body
Maybe you just need to take your meds

No. 2298056

I don't know anon. We're not doctors here.

No. 2298058

that's why we're talking about fiction lmfao.

No. 2298060

No, the worst was remembering in post clarity that I was unemployed because of Covid and then crying about being a broke bitch wasting her time reading porn.
I got better.

No. 2298061

kek again projecting hard on someone you cant even see

No. 2298062

why do they always put black women with nonblack scrotes im tired make her a black lesbian with a black lesbian lover. now that would be powerful

No. 2298063

File: 1733706291072.jpg (144.71 KB, 897x1156, 1686667617637.jpg)

NTA is it actually normal to be attracted to being belittled by males, am I backwards or something for agreeing with that anon. If a male spoke that way to me my pussy would turn inside out and I'd cry in fear and run away. This thread is crazy, I am learning things I should have never learnt.

No. 2298066

so i'm both 300 pounds and have spent a fortune getting plastic surgery to fit a patriarchal standard? you people can't be consistent

No. 2298068

Claiming that writers making male and female characters kiss is some grand feminist stance is still retarded, though. Healthy depictions of straight romance are better than 50 shades slop but it's not activism kek

No. 2298069

same i dont get it either, i am not even into femdom persay just a normal cute relationship i can even take light teasing but whatever goes on in joseishit is straight up demonic

No. 2298070

Yeah. It's fucking exhausting. There's no such thing as "morally pure" porn, yet we as women hold ourselves to that impossible standard of ethical purity because society has taught us to tear each other down over minor shit like crabs in a bucket. While we sit around nitpicking each other for the slightest impurities, moids run around destroying the world.

No. 2298071

I mean, fujos started it first by pretending that liking buttfucking porn is feminist while shitting on other women. And then they call others misogynist pickmes when they can barely hide their contempt towards other women with different tastes than them.

No. 2298072

They unironically love being degraded by men and put down women who hate that while claiming to be feminist.

No. 2298075

uhhhh yeah not everything advances a feminist ideal. It's enough to NOT be misogynist

No. 2298076

tf are you talking about clearly not if that is where your mind jumps to. Youve also never engaged in straight japanese porn. it almost always has an abuse trope. Id rather get off to men abusing each other then some shoujo protag

No. 2298082

i think more fujos acknowledge that what we like is degen, fujoshi means rotten girl afterall

No. 2298084

>they can barely hide their contempt towards other women with different tastes than them.
Both sides are guilty of this though

No. 2298085

More like some of us have healthy relationships with our sexuality and understand that fiction and reality are different. No one is saying you have to like it either.

No. 2298086

Same. I don't care about genre and like both, but I just want to see submissive men whether it be femdom or a man getting subjugated by another man. I have no interest in seeing men boss around and control women

No. 2298093

see how far they reach? Its so bizarre. Why tf would i want to read about men abusing a woman sexually whether she claims to want it or not? Especially when Japan is known for its rape-y porn. It doesnt matter if its straight or not either Japan sees rape as its own kinky genre.

No. 2298095

Right? We're actually self-aware enough to jokingly call ourselves "rotten," meanwhile yumes and himes are running around calling themselves "princesses" and "dream girls." It's not that deep and it's not worth making a big deal about it, but it's interesting on a linguistic level.

No. 2298096

A lot of the posters in here write like underaged zoomers, maybe that's why the moralfagging is prevalent.

No. 2298097

Then why can't this argument be extended to fujos?

No. 2298101

If we don't have to like it then why do you sit around making a bunch of threads calling us misogynists for hating it?

No. 2298102

Sure, but definitely not the ones on LC. Outside of LC, fujos are fine, but I don't know what it is that makes LC fujos so insufferable. I guess the need to larp as based feminists due to the nature of this site combined with male trauma breeds the most insufferable moralfags.

No. 2298104

Ikr? There is LITERALLY an anon itt going "unsexualised female leads are #WOKE" and they still want to pretend fujos are the only ones being contemptuous kek

No. 2298106

samefagging to say like, just cause i think male ryona is based doesnt mean i dont know how the majority of people react to that. unfortunately the popularity of "dark romance" has made it even more acceptable to vocally like male on female violence

No. 2298107

You are all such fucking baiters oml in that story she literally drugs those men and tries them to get to have sex and when they find her masturbating to them they tell her to strip. Its not that deep, its just smut pwp. You retards want to be so feminist and political as if the slop you read is any better

No. 2298108

>bold declaration of what is "most feminist"
>immediately followed by calling other women whores
Can the retard who posts constant lazy bait in this thread please stop. We get it, you and your boring girlfriend can't think of anything more fun to do with your weekend. Now please go do literally anything else.

No. 2298111

my hot take is i dont masturbate to be feminist i masturbate to get off

No. 2298115

At least in this thread, its pretty easy to find what started it and it was someone posting a person shitting on fujos for being misogynistic and male centered.

No. 2298116

How was anyone meant to know the context

No. 2298119

You don't understand anon, Fujos are just ~not like other girls~

No. 2298120

It probably is a preexisting issue and reading a lot of BL is exacerbating it for you. It sounds like you're using it as an escape and feeling a disconnect between your fantasy and your reality. I don't know what kind of advice to give you though because I have problems with relying on escapism too heavily too. Except don't chop your tits off over it.
Honestly this is part of why I like cuntboy (To adress one of the new questions in the OP) aside from thinking anal is repulsive, I can just relate to the physicality of it more. Anything to my taste is basically nonexistent though, and if it's made by westoids it's going to be gendie shit which annoys me too so I just make my own. I don't know what other fujos opinion on it is though, for the record I'm a shipper and I don't touch original BL works at all.

No. 2298125

>recommending cuntboy porn to someone who's already having body dysphoria
KEKKKK this is why you lot troon out

No. 2298128

This is obvious from the entire crux of the argument.
>My romance animu is ACTIVISM and your romance anime is LITERAL MURDER

No. 2298131

This is such a bizarre reach.

No. 2298135

Nobody said that retard. People are just saying things aren't antifeminist

No. 2298139

>I'm not like other girls okay? I read buttfucking porn instead of those icky het romance that boring Stacies are into

No. 2298141

Thanks for the genuine advice anon, ignore that other baiter. And yeah this didn't start it for me i actually had dysphoria since i started puberty before i read yaoi. For me yaoi just worsens my dysphoria but it didnt start it.
Don't worry i won't troon out.

No. 2298143

>fujos keep saying they would read hetshit if it had better female mcs
>illiterate antifujo >>2298139

No. 2298144

the funniest part is fujos are the biggest recruiters. why tf would we be NLOG if we are constantly trying to get other girls to be like us?

No. 2298148

I've never fucked a moid, polilez-chan. The fact that you view straight women as "whores" to be "used" by moids says a lot about you. This may shock you, but that kind of shit is misogynistic to say regardless of the sexuality of the women at issue.

No. 2298151

I highly doubt that. You'll just nitpick everything and call it malegaze

No. 2298152

File: 1733707417646.gif (2.95 MB, 540x405, 1000003236.gif)

>when you can no longer moralfag over whose porn is more feminist at least you can make it about whose porn makes them NLOG or not

No. 2298153

This is how I know we're arguing with underage newfags kek. "NLOG" is like the only way they can comprehend the notion of women disagreeing with them.

No. 2298154

Tbh, as annoying as BL spaces can be, I have never felt literally unsafe in them the way I have in female character fandoms where troon moids were welcomed and given proximity to underage girls (which I was at the time).

No. 2298156

>but does anyone else have slight body dysphoria when reading BL ?
I don’t.
How severe is your dysphoria? Can you minimize the contacts with tactless people, try eating different food, doing interesting activity like dancing, volleyball or horsing? Try check up blood analysis for deficiencies and if results are alright try a therapist to prescribe you meds. I wish you health and happiness, nona.

No. 2298159

Wait, I agree, but this gif is really cute nonna! Where is it from?

No. 2298160

And yet BL spaces encourage other women to troon out.

No. 2298162

File: 1733707583677.jpg (203.43 KB, 884x1568, Screenshot_20241208_182229_Fir…)

Samefag, she deleted her posts. Chickenshit can't even stand by her own nonsense.

No. 2298163

You have a shit life and I'm sorry, but newsflash, people aren't a monolith, and are individuals. Having sex isn't selling yourself

No. 2298165

Illiteracy, anger issues and tribalism are a sign of low IQ.

No. 2298173

NTA but use sauceNAO (t's probably from a scrote anime anyway)

No. 2298177

>If you willingly have sex with men you're literally a whore
I literally just told you I don't. There's no way you're actually a lesbian, you sound like an incel moid. You have shit taste in anime, too. Strike Witches is moidslop.

No. 2298178

My old fandom was overrun with TIFs too, there is no female nerd space that doesn't have them. I'll pick the one without TIM predators any day.

No. 2298184

I've never heard of this before! Thanks, anon!

No. 2298189


No. 2298197

File: 1733708025724.jpg (180.76 KB, 600x850, MV5BYmRmZmVjZDItZDgyOC00MzhhLT…)

Kek you're right
>It turns out that the PC2198 is an advanced bio-type computer that needs a nearly constant input of sperm to function!

No. 2298198

Damn so we just found out that yuripedo hates het too and not just BL only.

I guess the yumes and fujos got a common enemy now.

No. 2298201

She also hates bi women who exclusively date women btw.

No. 2298202

Yuripedo’s posts are getting deleted because she’s a personalityfag. stop replying to her

No. 2298203

You can block predatory TIMs from your feed but you can't block an entire fandom culture that actively encourages other women to chop their tits off.

No. 2298206

Why is Japan's coom material so, like…especially retarded

No. 2298209

Does this bitch like anything at this point holy shit.

No. 2298212

You're so retarded that you think non-troon women who like BL don't even exist.

No. 2298213

That's yuripedo? Holy shit, that person is clearly a moid. Should be called yuripedo-kun so that's immediately clear.

No. 2298214

Fujos are too retarded. They JUST HAVE to feed the troll

No. 2298215

newfag here, yuripedo is a person and not a label for someone? so she lives up to that name…??

No. 2298216

Yeah I understand, it's a similar story for me. You can't control what you like so while I wouldn't force yourself to read het you don't enjoy, if you like yaoi, but too much makes you uncomfortable with your body or self you should just try to read it in moderation while you work on your personal issues. I do also recommend trying something creative if you don't already, making art or stories for your own sake, with your own tastes, instead of being at the whims of other artists. Even if you suck it's worth a shot.
This is not really the place but honestly the best medicine for dysphoria aside from taking good physical care of yourself is to learn to value yourself as an individual. You don't have to force yourself into a box, and you're not a failure for not perfectly fitting the accepted idea of what a woman should be, or for being uncomfortable with how the world treats females. Yaoi is fantasy and escapism, so I hope you can have fun with it again instead of it making you upset.

No. 2298218

Of course they do but in the mainstream fandom culture, it's encouraged to pursue the yaoi. You can't act morally superior when you have your own troon problem in your spaces

No. 2298219

ayrt you’re also retarded

No. 2298220

Why would you announce the fact that you're a newfag

No. 2298221

Not to be scrotey but
>SAO art style
>Boring kemonomimi, literally just looks like she's wearing a headband
>Tail coming directly out of her flat ass
Atrocious taste tbqh

No. 2298223

I think we can all agree that no matter what women like– yaoi, yuri, yume, femdom– it will never, ever be as retarded as this kind of shit. Good grief, what is wrong with moids? We should all take a moment to appreciate how much classier we are as a sex.

No. 2298225

I'd rather my troon problem not involve being sexually preyed upon.

No. 2298233

Yes its a real person, she got doxxed too and her pictures got posted in another thread (yuri fandom crazies thread). Its some hispanic woman who is like almost 30

No. 2298237

Not even saying one is better than the other, but fujos just act like their spaces are the bastion of safeness when it has its own fair share of troon problem

No. 2298240

Yume here, I agree.

NTA but you guys can just agree to disagree. She can ignore the TIF culture but not the TIMs, whereas you can't ignore the TIFs but can find a way to ignore the TIMs.

No. 2298241

Yes, it's a space where I largely do not have to deal with scrotes. Am I not allowed to find a space without scrote troons safer than one with?

No. 2298242

Exactly. We will NEVER be as subhuman as our common enemy.

No. 2298243

Disgusting, but I can't help laughing at the emphasis on her ring. This one's married, boys!

No. 2298244

Thanks anon, i mean it. I think im going to start to get into gaming again and wean myself off media that involves romance no matter which gender

No. 2298248

You'd think that would upset the waifufags in the audience kek

No. 2298266

NTAYRT, she's Mexican (from Monterrey specifically) and a /pol/tard who posted on /soc/ as well (kek why do all the cows from here post themselves on /soc/?)

>I tried to read yume content but its terrible
Many of us yumes on LC hate most yume content with a passion, as well. That's why we try to curate the good stuff. It's not a lot, but it does exist (especially when it comes to fanart, see the yumejoshi/POV art thread, for example).
For the record, when someone posted a gif of a certain TL manga that got an anime, anons agreed that the source is trash even though the gif was hot. We're all sick of "female gaze" smut focusing on the female self-insert as if she were an uke in yaoi.

No. 2298312

Except this doujin was drawn by a fujo ROFL

No. 2298313

it’s kinda annoying when people use the term yumejoshi (which specifically means self-inserter) as being interchangeable with any het romance. like het romance stories and yume mean the same thing (it doesn’t)

No. 2298315

Tell it to the people insisting all het is for self insertion.

No. 2298325

yeah I see MC as her own person and I like plot with romance and fanfics for the sex scenes.

No. 2298332

You enjoy scenarios you would partake in if you weren't a woman.

Basically fujos like every single 50shades maledom slop trope, but in a chickenshit roundabout shame-ridden way. Then they sneer at josei slop because they see themselves in it and it hits too close to home.

No. 2298334

Same. If anything, a female MC with personality makes it easier to empathise with her and imagine yourself in her shoes. The overly docile ones who get pulled around as the plot demands are just unnatural to me kek

No. 2298339

what? women into toxic yaoi like seeing the guys in pain, its completly different to women who self insert as docile submissive smol waifs

No. 2298341

I have no desire to partake in it though? I just like looking at it.

No. 2298342

NTA but "seeing a man be toxic and abusive to a woman hits too close to reality and it's too depressing to appeal" is a perfectly reasonable reaction and doesn't seem like shame at all.

No. 2298359

I want to object to this sentiment, but… this is also the basis for a lot of what I like in het ships too, that they don't have tropes that hit too close to home even if appealing. But can't those fujos also enjoy healthy het too?

No. 2298364

What makes you think fujos can't enjoy healthy het too? It's just usually in sfw stuff. The conversation has been about erotic content from the start.

No. 2298370

didn't the conversation turn into fujo vs yume/het shipping/etc in general or was I mistaken?

No. 2298375

It started because someone said fujos are moid centered for not wanting to see women in porn.

No. 2298419


i do it because my nigel is hot and i enjoy sex just like my yaoi men wouldve wanted.
they have a one track mind. My favorite sex scene of all time isnt even from a BL its from Berserk between two straight characters losing their virginity to each other. They even tackle childhood sexual assault and how it impacts your sex life as an adult. Sadly the eclipse ruins the moment but without the eclipse its easily the hottest sex scenes i've read and will continue to read because its between 2 characters that love each other. And thats my issue with Hetero Smut the 2 characters are rarely fleshed out enough for me to even want to see them fuck on each other. The ones with the self inserts make the women such doormats that it takes me out of the story. All of the best Josei with fleshed out romances you have to read a fanfiction in order to get the sex scene you want.

No. 2298436

>thread is 5 hours old
>355 posts and 29 image replies omitted
>on a weekend
What is happening here?

No. 2298437

If you've been using this place for more than 6 months you should already know what happened here.

No. 2298449

I haven't

No. 2298470

>can't those fujos also enjoy healthy het too?
I'm >>2297892, and yes, I do occasionally enjoy het stuff, though it's usually just sfw SOL.

No. 2298471


No. 2298472

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No. 2298484

>i'm both 300 pounds and have spent a fortune getting plastic surgery
Anon must think you're Momokun

No. 2298514

> fujos are moid centered for not wanting to see women in porn.
It's not even just porn, it's romance and fiction in general. Why are fujos such big liars? This discourse isn't anything new anyways.

No. 2298520

>But can't those fujos also enjoy healthy het too?
They can't. They're so deep into the self-hate they project that hatred onto other women, call them pickmes for not liking their flavour of porn, all the while being fully into the fujo-to-TIF pipeline.

No. 2298521

Didn't she post herself on /r9k and not soc?

No. 2298522

>So consumed by hatred that she ignores the multiple fujo anons who say they do read het because her narrative will fall apart.

No. 2298588

It's a well known fact that fujos can't stand het ships, seethe at female characters for getting in the way of their gay ships, and get mad when they come across het and self shippers. You're never going to beat those allegations no matter how much you psyop on LC

No. 2298598

>actual human people stating their normal opinions when asked is a psyop

No. 2298694

Sadly sane fujo nonas don't have the time to reeeee and infight for hours as RL keeps them busy, so a lot of the "fujo side" arguments ott rn are pretty schizo and keep giving ammo for the fujocoomer cringe thread. I don't see this infight stopping soon unless the main spergs on both sides start blogging and get banned

No. 2298716

>fujos ott are akshually not representative of us but a certain yuri personalityfag totes is!!!
fujos dont know how to take responsibility of anything. its either not everyones into shota and if it gives them bad rep then they blame it on barafags as if theyre any different

No. 2298818

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Het by le based man objectifying fujo who won't stand for josei coomslop portrayal of women, everyone:
>big booba retard MC
>female focus
>endless close-ups of boobs and vag indistinguishable from hentai
>men calling her a slut with a dirty pussy
>no pussy eating but gets assfucked
>orgasms from being breathed at

No. 2298925

I don't care if the female is shown naked or naturally from how a normal person would see her because I want to find reason that the ML would be attracted to MC. I just don't want to see closeups of her genitals or unnatural angles that are obviously male gazey.

also assfucking lol. few women actually enjoy that

No. 2298952

I don't understand what this is meant to prove. No one said that yaoi artists were incapable of writing trashy stuff. You can enjoy one title from a writer and dislike another.

No. 2299034

It's almost like fujos have been applying their misogynistic tropes on fiction all along.

No. 2299041

So het counts as yaoi by proxy now just because it's written by someone who also writes BL? There's plenty of equally "offensive" stuff written by people who specialize it het. You're just grasping at straws to justify your sperg rage at the fact that people like something you hate.

No. 2299047

we should stop responding to fujohate at this point. its been established the only people left arguing think that they are on some moral crusade to stop women from getting off to the "wrong" kind of porn, under the delusion that theirs is somehow more based/feminist/stacy

No. 2299131

>to stop women from getting off to the "wrong" kind of porn, under the delusion that theirs is somehow more based/feminist/stacy
So basically what fujos have been doing

No. 2299190

Show me where someone was literally trying to stop you. Fujos have definitely been condescending, and I think it's retarded for them to act like any kind of porn is more "feminist," but antis are the ones running around saying shit like
>As long as one fujo breathes, I'm a hater.
I do not fucking care what type of manga random strangers read. Most fujos (outside of a handful of schizos here) don't, either. You guys are the ones chimping out because some slash fanart occasionally ends up on your Twitter feed by accident. I see shit I don't like on my feed all the time, but I just either blacklist the tag or ignore it and move on. Yaoi isn't feminist, but neither is straight porn. It's porn for fuck's sake.

No. 2299285

how many times do we have to explain this, all bl is toxic heterosexuality with extra steps

No. 2299302

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all the qrts are calling call fujos porn addicted cucks, lmao

No. 2299310

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No. 2299329

I thought that there was a unescapable fujo zeitgeist, guess not.

No. 2299369

But is it honestly any less toxic than standard het stuff? Further, the argument that it's "functionally straight" is based on an incredibly outdated, surface-level perception of BL. Therein lies the problem with criticizing something you have very little personal familiarity with and have a vendetta against purely for retarded fandom drama and aesthetic reasons. You can "explain" it as many times as you want, that doesn't make it true or even particularly convincing kek.

No. 2299407

Inch resting how anons here have contempt for Twitter's cancer userbase except when they say something they personally agree with. The opinions of random retards in QRTs are functionally worthless.

Also, Arcane sucks and I'm sick of hearing this one anon constantly sperg about this shitty TV show and petty shipping drama in its fandom. When you do nothing but hop between the latest FOTM garbage, you shouldn't be surprised when you're surrounded by speds and TikTok retards. Why don't you try watching something that came out more than five years ago for a change?

No. 2299417

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meanwhile fujotifs openly admit they trooned because of yaoi

No. 2299423

Did you mean to post this in the fujocoomer cringe thread?

No. 2299427

DA, although I'm not a fujo I have noticed that yaoi copies het, but the appeal of yaoi is that it's a moid being degraded instead of a woman. A fujoyume could replace the "seme" with a woman and she'd get femdom with the moid still being degraded and being slutty and/or turned into a slut.

All yaoi can be argued as being toxic heterosexuality but it's only based if the woman reading it self-inserts as the dominant one, most yaoi has the POV of the seme anyway with the focus looking at a submissive male, so fujos who author their own BL and the audience who buys it clearly have their own tastes. Yaoi, from my perspective, is closer to femdom than maledom.

One thing I know is that Japanese commercial works have a lot more editing than Korean ones, so that's why Korean femdom/yaoi gets more brutal, meanwhile in JP works the editing team meddles a lot and tells the authors to tone it down to appeal to the masses. For example you would never get a Japanese version of Sadistic Beauty.

No. 2299439

Decades of yaoi paddle gigglesquee followed by aydens have finally become so annoying everyone is officially tired of them.

No. 2299441

okay, what about the fact that the seme degreading the uke is still a man, while the uke is almost always hyper feminized

No. 2299473

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>almost always hyper feminized

No. 2299485

Where is all this based man degrading fujoshitism though? All I see is embarrassing melodramatic cockworship and "protecting" uwu abused men or whatever. Even the "abusive" toxic slop they consume seems to revolve around licking the wounds of the poor moids rather than reveling in their suffering. The schizo that TLed sadistic beauty (you know, the one shitting up the panels with her wokscold commentary about poor Minho) is a fujo, who sounds like every fujo ever in the comments when the moid gets hurt uwu.

No. 2299489

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so picrel would be an example of what you mean, one male character is feminized and the female character is masculinized, at no point is there anything resembling a character wanting to please a woman, it's all focused on the feminized male, how do you reconcile that?

No. 2299500

Reconcile it….with what?

No. 2299545

The author is also a fujo, doesn't what happen to him count?
If you want recs for abuse, then go to the fujo thread and ask.

No. 2299573

Tbh the "actually I used to be a fujo but all I saw were hyper feminized stuff" says more about their own viewing habits than anything. Algorithms feed you what you really want, it looks at what you like and who you interact with. If its only giving you hyperfeminized shit? Well idk.

No. 2299581

what makes you say that male is feminized other than the fact he's being fucked?

No. 2299593

Why do people in this thread keep acting like fujos have zero tolerance for het ships? Straight couples are already in 99% of media. Any time I watch a TV series or movie or read a book, it's likely to include het romance. It's impossible to escape and it's highly unlikely anyone dislikes every het couple they read about. So maybe I don't want to read or write porn about like, idk Elizabeth and Mr Darcy, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy the romance. Obviously I'm gonna rely on fandom for m/m content because it's not already in canon like most straight ships.

Honestly all this comes down to is hetshippers who are grossed out by yaoi being jealous and seething that they get scraps in fandom. But you have everything in canon so just go watch literally anything on netflix and you'll get your preference prioritized.

No. 2299602

fujos have accepted that het women like het romance but the antifujos cant accept that some het (and non-het women) like BL. thats all this has become

No. 2299643

he's visibly smaller

No. 2299649

That's it? Manlets are women lol

No. 2299652

people come in different sizes, whats your point? if he was bigger than wolverine you'd automatically call wolverine the feminized one?

No. 2299657

im done arguing with people that think like this lmao

No. 2299678

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Ultra fem uke Wolverine

No. 2299689

It kind of looks like they cast a TIF as a body double kek.

No. 2299690

you only get banned for blogging on cow threads
wolverine’s canonically a manlet so I guess he is “hyper-feminized” KEK

No. 2299707

Pretty sure it was an actual just short guy lol

No. 2299727

Does this mean Wade is the seme

No. 2299862

This feels like a cope to make Jean, Scott and Logan more interesting since they’re the most boring ass characters.

No. 2299880

fujo's don't often tolerate het ships precisely because they're in most media. Then they act like het is boring and misogynist and poorly written. Lol and when I go to fandom to talk about the show, I don't want most the fandom gushing over a non-canon ship because it's uwu gay. Granted they do that because the het couple is poorly written and the show is misogynist so I don't engage in those types of fandoms in the first place.

No. 2299888

He generally is except with Cable.

No. 2299893

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>the uke is always hyper feminized
Anon, tell me which of the characters in picrel is the "hyper feminine uke" based on the designs alone

No. 2299923

No. 2299930

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Not even a josou seme?

No. 2299955

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Fuck it, Spideypool thread

No. 2299968

The dynamic where Spidey is the top just using Deadpool to get off because he knows how big of a crush he has on him is hot. I love it when men get taken advantage of.

No. 2299991

>reee yaoi paddles
I've been going to anime cons for fifteen years and I've yet to see someone actually walking around with one (even at cons where yaoi paddles aren't banned.) They were a short lived meme from like 20 years ago. It's like getting angry about glomping in 2024.

No. 2300027

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What do anons think of this? It was in response to some tweet about adding tifs to BL.

No. 2300047

yes because they arent fucking real, they are cartoons not 3DPD. Thats like saying anime girls arent real women because they act like men think women are. No one has ever said anime girls are moids lite.

No. 2300049

I’ve seen similar sentiments from JP fujos before, iirc it was in the previous thread.

No. 2300059

I think she's over-generalizing a little bit, but I agree with the overall sentiment. The characters in yaoi, even the semes, are often written more like women than like men. I'd still describe it as gay, but not in any kind of realistic way. I remember seeing a post on Tumblr a while back that said something to the effect of
>women write men with so much more care and nuance than men actually have, while men write women like they've never spoken to a woman in their lives
And I think that definitely holds true for any kind of romance. Gay moids irl are into like. Chest hair and musclepigs and anonymous sex in public bathrooms. Yaoi writers are into slow burn feelingsy shit.

No. 2300065

Fujo reading comprehension remains undefeated

No. 2300113

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Tbh I think this is a bit of a "you need to get out of your zone more" since anime men are generally written not like men, even the ones meant for men.
Like even isekai shit like Overlord or SAO, if anybody actually read those, the mcs think in a similiar way. They're more demure, more cowardly and thoughtful. Like look at harem protagonist. They're not like real men.
Same thing goes for shoujo and Josei, Natsume isn't written like a guy, neither is somebody like Ginko from Mushishi.

No. 2300201

It was just an aside jfc.

No. 2300211

the women in anime/manga dont act like women irl either idg this argument

No. 2300224

Honestly, I think it could be said for fiction in general. Do people think Dean and Sam Winchester, or the cast in Euphoria or whatever, act like normal irl men and women?

No. 2300575

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Nonna sama you’re ruining my groomer fantasies with that…

No. 2300582

I hate Tom Holland Spidey sorry nonita.

No. 2300586

I hate that I think he’s cute, if this manga was based they’d have the 100th girlfriend be a girl with 99 boyfriends that she makes fuck each other but we all know otakus would set the entire nation on fire if they did that.

No. 2300594

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It’s okay, I like the comic one (specifically with this haircut and thick eyebrows) more anyway.

No. 2300633

>Most of the time the MC is also just a plain faceless woman
God I wish this was true.

No. 2300793

I'm 100% sure theyre going to pull a Rayearth and the final girlfriend will be you, the viewer, who has been at his side all along! Alongside a little place to write your name.

No. 2300804

That's fuckin gay dude, the readers were made gay by reading it.

No. 2300844

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It fits the anime's vibe (retardo comedy)

No. 2300875

>Are lesbian fujoshi actually a thing?
yes anime boys are just objects. you can google 'anime character vs human being'. there is no similarity unless you're dumb
>>b-but the idea of a man = a man ?!
okay and i guess loving running over pedestrians in gta 5 means you want to do that irl

>Why do fujos look at, draw and talk about yaoi together, while moids who enjoy hentai do so completely alone in their gooncaves?

some fujos are solitary, many men do "goon" with other men (i'm prety sure there are regular "fap together~ <3" threads on /trash/, they have entire imageboards and telegrams dedicated to getting one another off, etc.)

>Are women who enjoy "male character with chopped tits and/or a vag" actually fujoshi? If not, what are they?

the way they draw men is just a male with a pussy and scars, it's like the fantasy of a cuntboy but put through the gendie grinder. as they're basically men and the pussy is just there so they can self-insert better, i'll say yeah they're fujos (if they're into bl content, danmei webtoons etc. not really westoid slop like shartstopper)

>Why do you think so meny supposed straight content made for women caters to men?

horseshoe theory and female socialization. a female's place of power is being beautiful and young: men love beautiful and young women. heterosexual dynamics demand tiddy hamster x big daddy. many women enjoy being the tiddy hamster this is the ultimate blackpill. most women LOVE being treated as "women", that sociocultural idea.

>Do you think there is a problem when it comes to female sexualization when it comes to josei smut?

yes and no it depends on how angry i am at whomever i'm arguing against and how high i want my horse to be. it really doesn't fucking matter though

No. 2300912

Kek wonder how many of the "NLOG pickme" spouting fujos are caping right now for the CEO killer MRA scrote wanting him to be gay/bisexual or even wanting to fuck him.

No. 2300944


>okay and i guess loving running over pedestrians in gta 5 means you want to do that irl

ok by that logic lolishota has no bearing on what you're sexually attracted to IRL. There's a difference between cartoon violence and gooning to what is for all intents and purposes, a child

and to your spoiler, sounds like a really edgy conclusion. we've only had about a century of having rights and means to live independently of men, and you jump to conclusions because most women still don't give a shit about women as a class. Like hell they would, we've had millennia of programming

No. 2300952

on that same note, i'm still hating on the "caters to men" question. Some people think having the attractive naked MC in the panel or cover is catering

No. 2300986

do you let fujos live 24/7 in your mind or what, none of those faghags are fujos. They sound more like tradthots.

No. 2301195

While I find lolishota to be repulsive and I dislike seeing it, on a purely free-speech level, I don't think any kind of art should be illegal unless children or animals were harmed in the actual making of it. I don't know much about the research that happens in this area (anons who do, feel free to share) but is there a difference in likelihood-to-offend between pedophiles who do view drawn cp and those who don't? I feel like the ones who do view those things would be more likely to offend because they're positively reinforcing their sexual associations with children. But on the other hand, could drawings theoretically be a deterrent to exchanging actual, photographed CP? If the drawn alternative exists, would more guys go with that instead of seeking out images of actual, real-life kids on the dark web? Or is it a "gateway drug" situation, where eventually the drawn version is no longer enough and they start to want photos? Basically, I'm struggling to square my free-speech-absolutism with my overwhelming desire to prevent the victimization of children.

All of this is in reference to moids, mind you. Women are extremely unlikely to molest kids or obtain CP, especially without a male accomplice. I think discussions of the potential harms of loli/shota content should focus mostly on how moids create and consume it, since moids are the demographic actually hurting kids.

No. 2301258

that's a different subject altogether, my point was, idk where exactly lesbian fujos get off to seeing two guys fuck or kiss, but something's causing that. They're not just objects, there representations of things you register as clearly male

No. 2301272

Idk about othe fujoshi but for me it was always the concept of strong love and attraction that exists between two people regardless their physical sex that was the main appeal of BL. Combined with the fact that I'm not attracted to women's physicality (while I do consider women beautiful and attractive it doesn't turn me on) is the reason why I was more interested in BL than yuri. And het relationships are tainted with the basic drive to conceive a child therefore it's not purely just desire or love for the other person.

No. 2301281

Tbh this kind of proves anti fujos correct when they talk about the whole "these are literally just women" thing. It's "straight porn" but make it "gay."

No. 2301317

We all know loli/shotafag moids are actual pedophiles and 2D child pornography doesn't actually help stop them from seeing real children as attractive. If anything, many lolicon artists draw inspiration from real life cases of child sexual abuse with serial rapist level of detail. Take Geiger Counter for example (where the infamous depressed loli reaction pic comes from) or mossa's Baraag porn where many of his pedo pieces look lifted straight from real child pornography or feature a scary closeness to real life violent porn and rape fantasies (he also showed himself that he references child gravure on Twitter iirc) With such a level of obsession with real CP among male lolifags, you'd have to extend the question to real CP wrt whether consuming it actually stops pedophiles from offending, but of course you don't even need to ask that since both the production and distribution of real CP harms real children.

But we all know about pedo moids. The question here is about female lolifags and shotafags. I don't care that they're women and thus less likely to molest children. They might be highly unlikely to be as bad as moids, but that doesn't mean they're not bad at all or that I should accept their little kid fetish. They're still attracted to sexualized representations of children. If you have a husbando and like to see him naked and sporting an erection, you're attracted to men. Likewise if you often look at pornographic drawn content of characters that were designed to have child bodies, aesthetics and behavior, you're attracted to children, period. Even if it's an "idealized" version of children.

No. 2301332

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I thought we all knew this!? I’ve known this since at least a teen. It might not be as clear in today’s BL but the early 2000s and and 90s BL I grew up on. The uke was heavily female coded. A big example I could think of is the Uke in Okane ga Nai. But there are countless examples especially if you grew up watching earlier BL. Level C is another example. But new age fujos aren’t watching the old school BL to notice. They are also mainly reading like Korean BL since it’s more raunchy, in color , and updates way more frequently. Korean BL I don’t think has that problem as much. I don’t think newer BL you can see the female coding the same.But if you even listen to old school drama cds the ukes sound indistinguishable from women. But nowadays I think because people associate gay men with being effeminate and the ukes stopped trying to sound like women, they don’t clock the female coding as much. But honestly I always tend to skip over BL where the uke acts blatantly like a girl or I drop it because otherwise I’d just read Shoujo/Josei. You can also tell they are female coded because the Seme always denies that he’s gay and they focus too much on nipple play. That’s why I enjoy new age BL more because both the seme and Uke act like stereotypes of gay/straight males instead of the stereotype of a docile women.

No. 2301342

>random answer in english: ignored completely
>random answer in japanese: omg this proves it 100% the nippon has spoken

No. 2301352

Sorry I replied to you earlier, I meant to write an actual response.

Nta but if the female main character in what is supposed to be masturbation material for straight women takes more than 50% of the focus on the cover, with her being semi naked and blushing with a submissive and sexually suggestive pose, while the male character is not as naked, blushing or suggestive as her, then yes, it's internalized moidgaze. It doesn't make sense even if you use the cope that you're not self inserting at all and just want to see "two hot people fuck" like a fujo being a non-participating voyeur, you are a straight woman and should naturally not give a fuck about the woman's body and prefer the focus to be entirely on the man's. But women are conditioned to get off to their own objectification, as if a sexy naked woman was a prerequisite for your to get wet, and that shouldn't be the case. If you absolutely need to know that the female character is as attractive as the male to feel like she "deserves" him, then perhaps you just want to have sex in real life with a moid who actually loves you and is worth being attractive for, but these are just smut comics and there shouldn't be a need to make the female character super hot and the visual focus at the same time. Non-Stacies can and should enjoy their smut without having to worry about a fictional moid's standards. I have no problem with the female MC being hot with huge tits if the sex scenes are mostly focused on a hot male being objectified. Sadistic Beauty does it right imo

No. 2301359

No matter how much proof you post here even if it's from actual Japanese sources, they refuse to acknowledge it until a random Japanese person on Twitter confirms all of it by saying the same thing kek

No. 2301380

But this should just be common knowledge for Fujos we are losing recipes in real time

No. 2301393

futashit is never yuri/yaoi/het whatever, it’s it’s own thing. tbh I’d say trannification is just modern woke-approved hetbending. some people have always obsessively hetbended every gay ship and they still do the same thing except now they just call it trans so no one can call them homophobic or whatever

No. 2301435

>honestly I always tend to skip over BL where the uke acts blatantly like a girl or I drop it because otherwise I’d just read Shoujo/Josei.
Same. The issue isn't even necessarily just that it feels "too het," it's also that the characters begin to fall into these very flat, bland archetypes and it makes the whole dynamic way too predictable. Even outside of the context of gender coding or whatever, I don't like BL mangas that are overly reliant on tropes or clichés. I want to read stories that will engage and surprise me, you know? And I think other readers feel the same way, which is why semes and ukes are so much less stereotypical than they used to be.

However, the whole debate going on in this thread is over how yaoi is currently, not how it was fifteen or twenty years ago. And honestly? I don't think female artists should be constrained by how "feminist" their creations are, especially in the context of silly escapism like yaoi. It's honestly ridiculous that women are held to such disproportionately high moral standards even in contexts as intimate as the smutty romance we read for fun. And a lot of the people scrutinizing us based on these unfair standards are other women, who you'd think would fucking know better. We denigrate each other over the most insignificant things while moids are running around fucking microwaved watermelons and buying strangers' used bathwater.

No. 2301506

Of course I'm going to take the opinion of someone who lives in the actual country it originated with a bit more "understanding" on the subject. What's wrong with that, exactly?

No. 2301518

Didn't take any of the answers from Japanese fujoshi authors or any of the series posted before, what were wrong with those answers then?

No. 2301533

I’m kind of concerned to learn that most other women don’t feel this way. So it’s not normal to get off to being the one who’s being seductive, being hot, and turning the other party on? For me being seen as attractive and having the ability to seduce someone into sex is one of my main motivations for having sex, because otherwise I would just masturbate 100% of the time. Turning the other party on by being attractive is a huge part of the appeal for me. Does that mean I have something wrong or uncommon with my sexuality? Which motivations for sex do women usually have if being desired isn’t a common core component?

No. 2301539

It's normal, just cucked. Expecting men to be attractive instead of us for once in our lives is uncommon but based.

No. 2301556

I don't think either is uncommon. Some women get turned on by being sexy, some women don't.
It's like having sex outside, but not as degenerate. Some people find the thought vomit inducing, some find it hot.

No. 2301686

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>seethe at female characters for getting in the way of their gay ships.
Why is it that only fujos get shat on for this, when pretty much every other shipperfag does the exact same thing?
Evageeks is a more-than-decade-old Asushin echo chamber full of 40-year-old weirdos, like Reichu and a Brazilian guy named Felipe, who obsessively edits Eva wikis to erase all mentions of Kaworu because he gets in the way of Asuka/Shinji. They also push the narrative that Kaworu is an evil groomer manipulator.
Chinese Alhaitham yumes mass-reported Alhaitham/Kaveh shipbait to the CCP because they felt Kaveh was stealing Alhaitham from them.
Pretty much every straight shipper, like NaruSaku shippers who hate Hinata.

These are just random examples off the top of my head, but I find it strange that only fujos face so much scrutiny for ridiculous behavior >>2299302 while other shippers doing the same thing are largely ignored.

No. 2301700

DA if you are only interested in answers from Japanese fujos, why are you posting in a thread asking English-speaking fujos how they view BL? What stopped you from just going to a Japanese image board from the start, or keyword searching terms on twitter and using google translate until you were satisfied with an answer? I don't get this logic.

No. 2301746

>who obsessively edits Eva wikis to erase all mentions of Kaworu because he gets in the way of Asuka/Shinji
Never watched this bullshit, but isn't that faggot in only like a single episode before dying? kek you shouldn't need to be too obsessive to delete all mentions of him, plus I wouldn't be surprised if fujotards who act like he's a main character misleadingly edited the wiki to make it all about their epic faggots.

No. 2301833

Glad you finally agree that being a corner voyeur is the abnormal, autistic preference.

No. 2301892

>to make it all about their epic faggots.
Seems like you just hate fujos because you don’t like gays or gay stuff in general kek.

No. 2301907

I want to see some data on whether this relationship is causal or just correlation, though. My question is whether guys who are already a danger to kids seek loli out, or whether viewing loli increases someone's likelihood to hurt children. Also, I think as far as psychology and sexuality goes, there's very little "we all know."

No. 2301915

I'll never understand why people feel the need to give opinions on shit they've never read/seen. Kaworu has narrative significance because he's ostensibly a Jesus analog. He's an angel (the race of aliens attacking Earth) with the appearance of a human boy. I can't get further into it without spoilers. NGE was written on the fly, so a lot of characters get introduced suddenly instead of being built up to. The rebuilds have a lot of problems, but they significantly expanded Kaworu's screen time and built up to him more.

No. 2301921

That's honestly the impression I get from a couple (but not all of) the antis in here. Some antis actually use some semblance of logic, while others are clearly just seething with rage at occasionally seeing gay drawings. I'm not going to play the "homophobia" card, because we've established that yaoi boys don't resemble real gay men anyway, but yeah, a few of these antis are coming across very socially conservative and puritanical.

No. 2301922

I see yumes (husbando and waifufags alike) get made fun of when they act stupidly over love interests but I’ll bet it’s because some fujos like to pretend it’s a moral thing over the writing even though their pairings are mostly fueled by headcanon shit (bkdk recently lol). Het shippers like Ichirukis (actual book burners lmafo) and NaruSakus also get treated similarly when het pairings are more popular in story. There’s also FF7 between Clotis and Cleriths (I wish I never interacted with the fandom)

No. 2301924

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>never watched this bullshit
then why are you commenting?

No. 2301928

why is it cucked to think both should be attractive? Romantic love is shallow, it's more believable if the MC has appeal.

No. 2301931

>If you have a husbando and like to see him naked and sporting an erection, you're attracted to men. Likewise if you often look at pornographic drawn content of characters that were designed to have child bodies, aesthetics and behavior, you're attracted to children, period. Even if it's an "idealized" version of children.

Therefore by definition, fujo's who call themselves lesbian and get off to BL hentai are… attracted to men to some degree. Right?

No. 2301935

I get wanting to see two guys kiss because the more the better, but Christ.

Do you read any romance at all? How often does the het couple mention wanting children? Yeah. Isn't that just your bias? Do you personally see that romantic het love always involves children? That that's all they want? Also, why does romantic love have to transcend sex?

No. 2301959

It’s been a while since I’ve seen this image wow

No. 2301967

>>2301924 i don't think Kaworu was ever shown to be attracted to him, at least in the TV series

No. 2301986

Even if that were the case, so what? this is an anonymous imageboard, we don't have to praise the allmighty gays here. I don't hate fujos nor fags, you're both just very annoying most of the time.
Am I wrong, though? the faggot still dies after a single episode kek I don't care about your retarded anime and never will. Your faux deep lolibait will never be of any significance to me, hence why I can comment on it without having watched it.

No. 2302003

He tells Shinji he likes/loves him and that he deserves affection and they take a bath together. In other drafts of the episode they kiss. It's even more explicit in the manga. I'm not here to crusade for this pairing but I also don't think it's fair for fujos to be shat on for shipping it. Or for Eva wikis to change the context around Kaworu.
>Your faux deep lolibait
stay in your lane and shut up about things you know nothing about

No. 2302004

Fujofeces don't work for me because I simply am not interested in watching cock going into an asshole, but at least there's cock. I understand if some insane, degenerate straight women could conceivably be into men fucking other men because it involves genitalia that biologically interests them. But most sane, nonparaphilic people will want to watch the kind of sex they themselves would be able to partake in. This is self-evident.

But lesbians? What does a lesbian get from watching a penis go into - not even a vagina - but asshole? And a man's asshole at that? Man's dick in a man's anus? What exactly is in it for them?

No. 2302016

or they could…not be attracted to it? it's really that simple yet antis still don't get it.

No. 2302017

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>I don't hate fujos nor fags

No. 2302019

Cranky because I'm right, arentcha? Go goon to your faux deep lolis in skin tight latex suits
Why are millennials so unfunny, did you get this from the reddit reaction gifs?(infight bait)

No. 2302022

File: 1733850640582.gif (537.24 KB, 400x289, retardalert.gif)

did you really just call shinji and kaworu lolis??

No. 2302024

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>faux deep lolibait
Please stop you're giving me way too much second hand embarrassment

No. 2302029

>not faux deep lolibait
You're giving ME full body cringe.

No. 2302030

No, I'm calling Asuka and the other one lolis. Can you stop with the cringy millenial reaction pics? You're giving me secondhand embarrassment. Aren't you a bit too old to be into yaoi or discourse anyways?

No. 2302032

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I think anon is trying to say Eva is lolibait because it has high school girls in it, which makes pretty much all anime AND a lot of Western Media lolibait since all of it is infested by teenage characters

No. 2302041

DA but asuka and rei aren't lolis they're actually under the "moe" umbrella of anime girl character design. Which is still degen (to me) but it's not loli which is little girls (a crime).

No. 2302042

Nah, but you really gotta appreciate fujo logic tho:

>Big booby woman existing: goonerbait

>Small booby woman existing: lolibait
>Le subversive harem anime known for its iconic tweens in latex: nothing to see here, officer

Is this the power of kawoshin brainrot and old lady nostalgia?

No. 2302043

>confidently telling people what they think about a piece of media they’ve never even seen

Kek you definitely sound like a zoomer

No. 2302044

14 is a crime too, hope this helps

No. 2302047

>Aren't you a bit too old to be into yaoi
>old lady nostalgia
Why do anti-fujos always go for the age thing

No. 2302051

Because your double standard for le scathing media criticism here can only be explained by nostalgia and attachment to your retarded fag ship. Evangelion, however enjoyable or iconic, is and always was grade A pseud fanservice slop for turbo neckbeards, just like The Beatles were the braindead kpoop of their time.

No. 2302052

Because they’re young retards anon. The anti fujos always tend to be zoomers so I’m wondering who’s convincing them that fujos are literally worse than hitler kek

No. 2302053

the anti-fujo thing was started by tifs but others latched onto it so they can be anti-female hobbies. just like with shit like twilight anything women like is automatically labeled cringe

No. 2302060

>anything women like is automatically labeled cringe
Most self aware fujo

No. 2302063

not a fujo but ok. it's true that any media women like is labelled cringe. all ya books, liveslop tv shows like pretty little liars degrassi etc, romance movies. you're not nuanced for hating on media made for the female demographic it's the most mainstream braindead take

No. 2302065

You do realize that you're allowed to watch anime from before you were born, right? Like it's not illegal to retroactively watch old stuff, especially if it's popular and influential?

No. 2302066

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It makes me laugh that literally all female spaces end up devolving into holier than thou moralfagging circles where one woman gets pissed she gets moralfagged so she responds by moralfagging back and it just goes back and forth. The fact we have 4 threads fighting about anime porn instead of doing something productive is pathetic to say the least. Female socialization in a nutshell.

No. 2302069

>Asuka and the other one
>the other one
You've got to be baiting at this point kek

No. 2302070

This, don't see what's so mindboggingly hard to understand that you can love a couple and see sex scenes and… not masturbate. You do it all the time with het.
Fo you think everyone who watched Oppenheimer was heterosexual because there's a sex scene so they must have gone off to it?

No. 2302072

kek women spend so much time moralfagging each other so much meanwhile it's men who commit 99% of violent crimes it doesn't make sense clown world

No. 2302078

The female desire to be a hivemind but the female reality of being unique individuals.

No. 2302079

Nothing makes me feel like a retarded NLOG more than refusing to participate in needless moralfagging. It happens online, offline, in academia, in years-long friendships, I bet the hairballs and beetles in my sink drain are probably moralfagging over the shape of soap scum pieces right now.

No. 2302089

I feel you, nonna. Moralfagging is why I don't participate in fandom anymore and deleted all my social media. For some reason a lot of women think consooooming (insert fictional media here) has some impact on morality over actual tangible things like being a good person and doing good deeds irl instead of tweeting about anime online

No. 2302090

>Le subversive harem anime known for its iconic tweens in latex: nothing to see here, officer
>14 is a crime too
yes please try reporting Evangelion porn to the police i'm sure everyone making Kawoshin or Asuka smut is shaking right now
There are men committing violent sex crimes or grooming minors into sending them nudes or some other irredeemable action right now. And then we have anons here pearlclutching over dirty degenerate fujos making cartoon porn.
It's strange how people assume yaoi (and yume stuff) is all porn when it's an entire genre mostly around character interactions

No. 2302099

>Watching porn you can't get off to about people you're not attracted to because of le couple dynamics
This is the demographic calling normal women asexual

No. 2302106

Your porn might be nothing but coom, but some yaoi come with a thing called story.
Many get sfw nonsexual adaptions that do pretty well.

No. 2302110

I'm not a fujo but when I do read yaoi I usually skip all the sex scenes. I skip smut in books I read too, I just don't enjoy it and it doesn't turn me on in the slightest but it doesn't trigger me enough to stop reading cute romance stories. I imagine you also don't have to get off to something to admire it's intrinsic appeal. You could theoretically read the porn scenes and not get off to it at all, it could just be a genuine appreciation of fiction, writing/art. Women aren't men so we don't need to coom to everything we see

No. 2302118

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Why do twitterfags get upset over irrelevant fan content? The original tweet had over 20k likes before the OP deleted it because retards were leaving hate comments on the fic. I checked the fic writer's account, and she has also written for Furuba, so it’s not like she’s solely fixating on yaoi content. But the average xitterfag sees one tweet without context and then proceeds to have a melty over it.

No. 2302122

I miss the days of "don't like don't read", how was such a simple philosophy lost to time. Twitter fags never learned2scroll when something clearly wasn't made for them

No. 2302129

I know. I've pointed this exact thing out multiple times in this thread already. We're sitting around shaming each other for looking at retarded anime drawings while moids are killing women and raping cats.

No. 2302132

kekkkk thats so funny

No. 2302138

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>about women
the game has countless male qties so yuritroons are on suicide watch, infinity nikki will never be their cringe yuri porn utopia

No. 2302141

>reee a single human being on ao3 engaged with a piece of art in a way I disagree with
I envy people who have so few actual problems in their lives that they have the headspace to get mad over something this meaningless

No. 2302147

they're all talk and no action. why don't they write their own fanfics instead of malding about yaoi? they're no better than the people they accuse of making everything about men at that point

No. 2302148

>stupid fujos spending their own free time writing about characters who romantically and sexually interest them for fun, why won't they make something I want?? so annoying

No. 2302150

Idk but it's kind of funny that they purport to hate yaoi for being misogynistic while constantly calling other women fat, ugly, and old. The misogyny is coming from inside the house kek

No. 2302171

That's usually when I ask to give me an example of a yaoi story so deeply moving and impossible to find anywhere else you just have to put up with cock buttsex

No. 2302172

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Kek. It’s funny how these individuals won’t talk about incels who are mad because Nikki doesn’t have boob jiggle and can’t be upskirted but will instead engage in performative activism over fujo content.

No. 2302176

>breaking gender norms by attempting to conform to the gender norms of the opposite sex

No. 2302181

Men can be Star Trek fans or comic book fans or make model trains in their basement as old men, but being a millennial fujoshi is sooooo shameful and embarrassing. The second women get married or turn 25, they should drop all childish hobbies and take up something more socially acceptable. Can't imagine older women engaging with sexual media for fun, yuck! We gotta analyze and come up with every morally valid justification for why women are allowed to have fun

No. 2302182

if twaw then how is it gnc when you're a woman being feminine… Unless?

No. 2302183

Genuinely what is wrong with people liking stuff. This is like getting mad at people who like vampires saying
>give me an example of a vampire story so deeply moving and impossible to find anywhere else you just have to put up with light cannibalism
Motherfucker, they like the story and the vampires. It's not that deep. Let people like stuff, Jesus H.

No. 2302186

The day I turned 25, all of my yaoi mangas spontaneously combusted and I suddenly became fascinated with coupon clipping, bathroom renovation, and mid-size SUVs.

No. 2302188

That's because when you're so obviously hostile against it, nobody expects you to actually give the benefit of the doubt and read anything yaoi in good faith.
This is like a moid asking for one book written by a woman that's actually good and not expecting him to laugh at any emotional scene as a "woman moment" and shitting on every single nitpick as "this is why women can't write." You'd be stupid to rec something, and even with that people posted series that would be palatable to antifujos that show off writing styles.

No. 2302190

I can see how pretending people are "mad" and not amused by your lesbian LARPing would soften the blow.

No. 2302193

What an Earth are you talking about? I'm not a lesbian, nor have I ever claimed to be. I didn't even mention lesbians. I was talking about vampires.

No. 2302201

Perhaps. Or you know that it's identical to all the other slop you sneer at and don't want to embarrass yourself any more than you already did.

No. 2302220

Your early Alzheimer's is not my problem, check the reply chain.

No. 2302234

>don't want to embarrass yourself any more than you already did.
>even with that people posted series that would be palatable to antifujos that show off writing styles.

No. 2302237

Where? Link.

No. 2302279

All the non-fujos are too busy actually playing the game

No. 2302287

Read thread, here's one. >>2297729

No. 2302293

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nta but I think Given is pretty good and isn't even porny. The character dynamics are really interesting imo and it touches on tragedy and death of a loved one in an interesting way but I know a lot of anons would disagree with me

No. 2302302

They will do literally anything besides pick up a pen. If you get a game full of women and still don't feel compelled to write and instead seethe at the people who do, it's time to look inwards.

No. 2302326

Samefag but there are literal coomer incels who are trying to invade Nikki but if course they will never ever have the courage to harass those men off the internet, it's always a woman minding her own business they attack.

No. 2302352

They keep telling on themselves, Nikki series lore was never all-women but women were the focus of the story

No. 2302394

I'm on the yume side but it'll never not be funny to see scrotes seethe over the very clearly canon gay feelings between these two kekekek

No. 2302410

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I don’t get it myself tbh, I just don’t see why a lesbian would prefer to see two fags kiss let alone fuck. It just sounds like they’re hiding how they find it hot.

No. 2302417

The thing is that women have been psyopped to get off to "being sexy" by itself and to not have the same standards for the men that are supposed to be attractive for them as well. This huge focus on "getting the other person off" while forgetting that the other party also has to do the same and that you're supposed to get off to their body is definitely not normal. Which is why smut for women that focuses more on the woman is fucked up and perpetuating the psyop. Besides, you're not the one getting the man off in the story (the protagonist is) so why would you insist on seeing her body so much if you're supposedly a straight woman and not self-inserting?

You're right, all shippers have the potential to be deranged and delusional, fujos shouldn't be singled out

No. 2302433

I read yuri from time to time despitebeing a yumefujo, i dont understand how a lesbian couldnt enjoy yaoi. Gay people can like straight ships too. Personally the reason why i read yuri sometimes its because its not as angsty and depressing as yaoi, so i can imagine a woman whos not into SOL school life uguu kawaii handholding with senpai might prefeer stories where the relationship actually goes places.

No. 2302449

Moids and fujos have a habit of making everything about them. Moids can't shut the fuck up about playing Infinity Nikki and bringing their degeneracy into the fandom and fujos can't play a game about and for women without somehow centering men.

No. 2302450

Which artist?

Otome audios with submissive or loving males also exist you know, and it's a way better medium than manga in terms of the moid being the focus. Which makes sense since the listener is completely unvoiced and the audio consists of the guy's voice only so he is forcefully the one who is sexualized. There's a lot of otome audios that consists of guys moaning.
I'm not a fujo because I'm not a big romance fan so most of the romance I consume is for self-insert purposes, but I can't stand female oriented garbage where the feMC is treated like a hentai character or yaoi uke, and yet still I don't like yaoi that much because I don't want to see two guys fuck unless in very specific scenarios. I don't care if I have to wait 100000 years for something decent to come out, I only read, look at, play and listen to yume and otome media that isn't trash. It exists but it's very scarce, and like I said audios are better and have more variety than manga, games and anime (in order of effort required to make them)

No. 2302451

nikki its a game for women, and most women are straight, thats why it has so many cute boys begging to be yumefujo bait, cope. Its not and will never be your yuri coom fantasy.

No. 2302454

I agree but it probably depends on how unappealing sex between a man and a woman, or two men, is to a lesbian, and also how much sex there is in the story. Lesbians are capable of enjoying love stories between het and gay male couples just as I'm able to enjoy lesbian love stories when I'm not looking to get off

No. 2302457

actual women writing something for themselves about fiction men is centering men, gotcha. are cgdct / haram shows with casts full of sexualized female characters centering women?

No. 2302463

>game centering women and made for women with majority female characters where a female is the main character
>omg why can't you let straight women write faggot porn?
>oh wow, look at this game that centers women. I sure can't wait to somehow make this about fucking a guy in the ass!

No. 2302464

You endlessly seethe to cope with your own inability to create what you want to see in fanwork.

No. 2302466

File: 1733863931195.webp (201.92 KB, 690x920, Evil_Oppressor.webp)

no one tell this tourist that nikki has tons of male outfits in the original game and that there are tons of male characters in all the nikki games

No. 2302470

>omg why can't you let straight women write faggot porn?
as if we need permission? get off your ass and write your own fics instead of whining and needling fujos

No. 2302474

Live Nikki even had bait between male characters, of course it had het romance and yuri bait too but I'm too pissed at the coomer incels and trannies playing infinity nikki taking advantage of that and using it to coom rn.

No. 2302475

>haram shows
Stop your retarded anti-fujo crusade, in such a popular game's fandom there will be one or two people who write fanfic and since fujos are common and yaoi is popular, it's likely that at least one of those fics will be yaoi. You're also pretending that every single fujo that plays the game doesn't care about the female characters at all which is retarded, they're playing the game already, isn't that enough proof that they aren't exclusively interested in gay sex? Also this specific author is also a fan of Fruits Basket apparently

The fujos replying to you about your inability to create your own content are wrong, you don't want more stuff that appeals to you, you just want to infight because you need your daily dose of dopamine, and you don't speak for all of us non-fujos

No. 2302477

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Probably should have evidence posted too, funny enough looking this up apparently this won "best ship" in a 2022 official ship giveaway thing.

No. 2302485

File: 1733864831187.jpg (963.05 KB, 1300x1950, 0v5hOT.jpg)

nta but its gross moids and yuritroons are treating nikki like one of their coomer cgdct loli anime. I cant wait until they introduce male nikki clothes so these yurifags shut up. They really know nothing about the franchise and think women are weird incel yurifags like them that feel threatened by cute men. There is a reason why most anime/videogames that have an all female cast and arent meant for little girls are coomer goonfuel.

No. 2302495

I wasn't talking about the other anons in the reply chain though, I was specifically responding to the idea that people have to justify enjoying yaoi on the basis that the genre has uniquely good writing that you can't find anywhere else. But quality alone is not what draws people to certain genres, because all genres have their share of gems and crap. People enjoy genres on an aesthetic or thematic level, not necessarily based on merit.

No. 2302498

File: 1733865313167.jpg (137.55 KB, 703x1000, 91pm5-kYW+L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

I know I already posted it, but Canis: Dear Hatter. There's also no anal sex in that title, since you're so hung up on that for whatever reason.

No. 2302504

A game that allows you to dress female avatars up like men and you're surprised it's "overrun" by troons?

No. 2302510

Also can't wait until the updates with male characters. They'll feel probably insecure for not relating to the actual women playing and make salty Reddit posts kek. Reminds me how troons cosplaying as fujos themselves focus more on being a stinky otaku girl rather than the yaoi itself

No. 2302511

Nah, nikki having male outfits filters fetishistic male troons. I wasnt talking about tifs and its weird you think i was.

No. 2302513

Shut up. Quit bringing your troon brainrot to Nikki. It's a fashion game, she wears all kinds of clothes. Wearing suits is not "troonshit".

No. 2302517

This comment is so trad kek

No. 2302520

Harem shows are haram tbh

No. 2302522

what do you have against gnc outfits? I love all the boystyle fits and I won't let no troons take that from me.
I swear lc is being overrun by tradcaths. Maybe that's why some of them hate yaoi so much. Can't have two men passionately kissing each other without rustling some jims.

No. 2302526

All I'm saying is that if a game clearly has gender non-conforming shit in it, it's going to attract a "certain demographic." That's just the truth.

No. 2302527

holy shit based

No. 2302530

its going to attract women(tifs) because its a game for women

No. 2302531

TIFs aren’t “gender non-conforming”

No. 2302534

The game was fine with a majority female audience for over a decade, sans a few reddit attention whores here and there.
It's only recently that it got this giant slap of new audience.

No. 2302535

If it keep tradshitters out, they should put boystyle outfits in every patch.

No. 2302536

Moids are so fucking used to cutesy girly media being made for their pedophile weeb coomer asses that they've forgotten that they're just coomer rip-offs of media for actual little girls, and that it was once considered embarrassing for them to be into shows for girls. We need to shame scrotes back into avoiding girly things because the only reason they latch onto those is too masturbate

No. 2302538

I like the webcomic Check Please! It's westshit, but it's a cutesy m/m romance written by a woman so it might as well be BL. It has some intelligent commentary on toxic masculinity in men's sports, but it's still a pretty lighthearted read. The male lead is very feminine, but not to fulfill an "uke" stereotype; rather, it's because he's meant to be a black sheep among all the macho frat guys, which provides a basis for the aformentioned commentary on masculinity. It also has a fun, fleshed-out supporting cast, which is unfortunately kind of rare in both straight and gay romance stories. If you can put up with the somewhat ugly Western art style, I'd recommend it.

No. 2302543

Why do they look like 8 year olds? Pedo.(yuripedo ban evading)

No. 2302545

I can't wait for the masculine outfits to drop tbh

Nta but you got even me interested in it.

No. 2302546

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No. 2302557

File: 1733866853432.jpg (1.18 MB, 1080x1080, High_Sword.jpg)

I kinda want to go full cultivation mode ngl

No. 2302685

Having a compsci degree and being so tech illiterate mods keep banning you for ban evasion is so fucking funny

No. 2302689

He’s so cute

No. 2302712

It's not even a matter of being tech illiterate. When you personalityfag that hard, farmhands can figure out who you are no matter how many VPNs and proxies and other bullshit you use. The only way to avoid being caught is stop stop being a retard, which clearly isn't going to happen in this case lel.

No. 2302753

Farmhands just gonna have to ban every Mexican IP kek.

No. 2303577

File: 1733905716648.jpg (49.16 KB, 640x480, ai-no-kusabi-riki-and-iason-sh…)

There is a dystopian futuristic yaoi full of lame BDSM scenes that I liked, it's called Ai no Kusabi.
I found its world compelling and an interesting dystopian sci-fi but the sex scenes were so fucking cringe kek. I watched it with friends when we got together to watch cringe anime… honestly Ai no Kusabi was on another level compared to everything else, though I wonder if the novels actually stand up as sci-fi stories.

The thing you don't know from the anime is that the highest class of men in this universe, the Blondies, are cyborgs that are made to be beautiful aryan ubermensch through surgeries. So the handsome blonde bishie bastard seme is the fucked up product of high-end techno surgery… I thought that was interesting. There is also a great deal of misogyny in its world so you understand why homosexuality is so widespread in it.
The uke also dies emasculated and it brings him great moid agony and at the end it's left ambiguous if he loved the seme at all (probably not). It was all surprisingly realistically written for genre standards… except the sex scenes which were just cringe.

No. 2303584

Ugh Ai so Kusabi is my guilty pleasure. I really like the art style.

No. 2303812

>swear lc is being overrun by tradcaths. Maybe that's why some of them hate yaoi so much.
Kek I thought LC fujos are ~not like other fujos~ because you're le based homophobic fag haters. Now you're caping for gay moids now? Cringe

No. 2303813

You can enjoy a love story but the main thing that makes ROMANCE as a genre appealing are the heart-flutters it gives you. That's why I don't get lesbian fujo's, especially those who read hentai doujins

No. 2303817

The art style is gorgeous especially for an 80s OVA, and the setting was really interesting but if anything it just made me realize how much buttfucking porn and fags disgust me. I guess some people can put up with that even if the story is good…

No. 2303916

>hentai doujins
…women read hentai doujins?

I read some of the ai no kusabi novels they are decent. Of course they do not get close to actual scifi literature for obvious reasons, but it's readable and enjoyable.

No. 2303918

uh yeah? anything with nudity? doesn't have to be ahegao but yeah. PORN DRAWING WITH MALE CHARCTERS

No. 2303925

damn, sorry to hear that kek

No. 2303937

uh yeah? anything with nudity? doesn't have to be ahegao but yeah. PORN DRAWING WITH MALE CHARCTERS

No. 2304024

I hate gay moids for being moids. You hate gay moids for being gay. We are not the same.

No. 2304064

In this case, it was women dressing gnc though?

No. 2304232

Yumejoshi specifically is about third party/POV/faceless self insertion. Literally none of the shit getting called yume in this thread is yume content.

No. 2304233

I don't play Love Nikki, but I'm pretty sure that's Nikki wearing a masculine outfit

No. 2304238

You're right, it's just het, but that still doesn't justify smut for straight women being all about the woman and getting off to her specifically

No. 2304242

It's not just fujos calling you out for being a retarded tradfag who can't tolerate women wearing GNC clothes and associating it with trannyshit

No. 2304246

True, I'm not defending that. Just saying Yumejoshi isn't just self insertion.

No. 2304250

Wait, Yumejoshi is self-insertion though, now I'm confused

No. 2304274

No, Yumejoshi is specifically about self-inserting as an OC, a generic faceless character or POV. It's literally just japanese Y/N x character. Self inserting as a canon character with a face, personality and story isn't yume, you're just a shipfag who self inserts into their ship but a lot of western yumes haven't looked at JP yume content to see what yume culture actually is before using the label and slapping it onto random shit.

No. 2304403

Yeah when I said yume is self-inserting I meant exactly the same thing as you, I wasn't including "imagining yourself as a canon character", I tend to disregard that as something in between

No. 2304515

so either the same level of shit is okay if its dudes, or youre putting effort into writing not shity male leads instead of female ones. Before the literacy-challenged anons jump me, I'm not expecting content to be made for me, I make my own. "Why do you care" Because youre the fan base equivalent of MCU slop and suck the life out of the room. Nothing was more lame than seeing fujos (often TIFs) crawl out of the woodwork in the BG3 fandom to bitch and complain about Astarion or Raphael having heavy FTav/Canon fanbases, croaking about how they didn't understand why the women want to fuck the angsty fagpire instead of having their boysona do it.
No, it isn't, yet multiple times fujos want to act like it's impossible for m/f to be like that. yes, m/m is subpar, just like m/f shit that feeds into the same tired sexist tropes is subpar. they cope that media is filled with het so we should be content with buttfucking in fandom spaces everytime a hot guy comes around as if women ever actually get hot or interesting guys in canon het shit anyways.

No. 2304580

the fact she says this while posting male drawn coom is so funny to me, she has to be trolling but also she was retarded enough to link her nickname to her real identity so i am sure shes just that way

No. 2304593

why not just ignore that people, the block button exists in twitter for a reason.

No. 2304859

If you are schizo enough this too can be yume.

No. 2305078

Here are your problems: 1) you don't take enough steps to minimize your exposure to Twitterbrained retards, and 2) you care too much about people enjoying something you hate. Look, we all encounter shit we hate in fandoms. I hate A/B/O, I hate "diverse" headcanons that make no sense, I hate certain ships, I hate BDSM, I hate moid coom art, etc. But here's the thing: my interaction with fandoms is solely through my friends and mutuals, so I see very little of the shit I hate, so when I do come across it, it's easy to shrug it off and move on. That's what you need to do. Find yourself some like-minded fans who don't post shit you hate, and center your fandom experience around them instead of wading through random garbage on Twitter. Get used to use the "exclude tags" feature on ao3. It doesn't matter whether you're a yume, a fujo, a hetshipper, or a hime: you will go insane if you don't properly curate your feed, mutuals, and searches. We all have to do it to varying degrees.

No. 2305157

Canon x canon will never be yume. That goes against the whole point of it.

No. 2305458

This, most don't give a shit about personalities anyway. It's "I want someone to win so I can feel like I'm winning."

No. 2305669

>most don't give a shit about personalities anyway. It's "I want someone to win so I can feel like I'm winning."
Again, this is only a thing in western yume spaces because most of you just picked up the term without bothering to find out what yume actually is. Yumejoshi only exist because people did care about that and wanted to self insert as themselves or an OC with their desired traits instead of a canon character and would write (Y/N) x character fanfics. It is a culture made specifically for women who don't want to self insert into canon x canon and that has never stopped being the case. In JP yume spaces, they will never bring up canon x canon even in the context of self inserting as a character, you will never see it in [fandom]プラス or yume tags and every JP site explaining the term says that being a yume is specifically about shipping your real life self or an OC with a character. I don't understand why western yumes can't accept this and shit up the term with unrelated shit, especially with calling otome games and smut manga yume.

No. 2306463

Representation has muddied the waters a bit, when canon is meant to be you, or when somebody headcanons a character to be their race, class, sex, personality, etc., then it's no longer really the canon character but an oc delusion that's pushed onto everybody else.
Of course, this is just talking about the extremely twitter cases.

No. 2306707

If it has the same name as the canon character, is treated like the canon character by the self inserter and everyone can tell it's just the canon character except with a race/sex/personalityswap then that's not an OC. That's just the canon character but botched. And with personality specifically, a lot of JP shipfags also do character collapse where they completely shit on the character's personality so they can project their own personality and desires onto a ship and none of them force that shit as yume or claim to be yume because of it since that's just a normal thing a lot of shipfags do, it's not something exclusive to western fanbases. The only real example of canon characters becoming OCs and yume would be like Pokemon and Fire Emblem where even though you're meant to self insert as the MC and they have no canon personality, self inserting as the default MC with the default name isn't yume and gets treated as normal shipping by JP fanbases while self inserting as a customized MC with a different name is seen as yume.

No. 2310698

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No. 2319512

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Watching whats essentially a thread that's about fighting over what are essentially sexual preferences on moral matters is hysterically funny.

I feel like this battle is eternal with no winner, but merely a pretense to cover up shame.

No. 2319517

you can read and enjoy bl without being a full blown fujo. unironically some people read for the plot and just like reading comics in general so it’s natural they’d also want to branch out into bl.

No. 2319532

I have no stake in this "war", but this is giving me Voltron fandom flashbacks where everyone suddenly pretended to care about Allura while they were seething about the ending kek

No. 2319626

I always cared about Allura, but I was a Voltron oldfag when watching VLD and wanted her to get with Keith like in the original, not the goblino ass Lance

No. 2319928

It's eternal because women have been taught to hate those who don't fit their own personal standards. We should all be convening on men for ruining society, not each other. The fact this thread exist solidifies my point quite clearly.

No. 2319996

DA but I think I've seen you in the fandom thread. You've got a nickname in my head as "The Kallura Anon" kekek. I hope when they make a Voltron Remake-Remake in 10 years you get you endgame.

No. 2320106

It's a nickname I happily accept! And thank you! I hope Kallura is canon in the next inevitable remake. Allura deserves better. I'm still seething how they threw her away like that in VLD. I am a fujo but I found all the VLD fujo ships and their fans (Klancers and Sheithers) to be repulsive

No. 2321303

NTA but smut manga can be yume if the protagonist is faceless, everything is POV and you're meant to insert yourself in her place. But this is something that's seen more in parody doujinshi, and never in TL, (which is the kind of josei manga most people here shit on for being internalized moidgaze slop, for those who don't know).
And if we're going by comparisons to the original yume novels, then otome games that allow you to change the protagonist's name to your own (which is more common than one would think) can also be yume depending on how committed the game is to making you feel immersed. I always think it's retarded when otome players who aren't yumes wonder why the fuck there are so many faceless self-insert protagonists, they have no idea that otome games weren't originally meant to be boring romance stories between hot guys and an established female character that wasn't meant to be you, but now most otome games are like that and that's why I dislike them

No. 2325723

File: 1735559962109.png (1.84 MB, 650x5694, IMG_5078.png)

>people are now outright calling fujos gross porn addicts
the world is healing

No. 2325734

Twittards who think you can’t do anything without relating it to activism

No. 2325737

Now let's see how often these people call out lolicons.

No. 2325743

kek the first girl is so fucking based

No. 2325758

what's exactly feminist about being a porn addict

No. 2325764

where the fuck does she ever call herself a feminist, retard-chan? she could just be an apolitical misandrist

No. 2325767

she didnt say that, why are you putting words in her mouth? she just said she doesnt like to see women get hurt, its very telling all the yuritroons have a problem with that. I can tell all of the responses are libfems that think doing porn is empowering.

No. 2325768

This. It's people getting butthurt by "muh misandry", what's based about that?

No. 2325771

its always libfems that think porn isnt misogynistic, they probably think their yurishit written by insecure pedo otaku moids with a small dick is ackshually empowering wlw romance that passes the bechdel test because there are no moids involved(ignoring the reason is because the author is an insecure scrote).

No. 2325777

alright, what does being a porn addict have to do with misandry
>its very telling all the yuritroons have a problem with that. I can tell all of the responses are libfems that think doing porn is empowering
literally every reply was made by a feminist or regular non-porn addicted woman

No. 2325779

>Xitter users who take the health and safety of anime boys VERY SERIOUSLY

No. 2325780

Ironic considering fujo's have sided with male lolicons if it meant protecting their precious porn

No. 2325789

File: 1735563838038.png (Spoiler Image,213.59 KB, 640x800, 1000030830.png)

I don't even disagree with the criticisms about feminised ukes in yaoi. That's an obvious trope just by looking at BL media. But what about the various yuri works where one girl is basically just written like a rapey scrote? Is that not done for the exact same reason (audience self-insertion without the insecurity of being "cucked"?) If "that's not real BL" isn't a good enough excuse for the fujo haters, then "that's not true yuri" shouldn't be for this, either.

No. 2325799

File: 1735564240123.jpg (13.56 KB, 324x324, my disgust.jpg)

>being a gay bottom= feminized
why are these people always equating being penetrated to being female?
>liking porn of men being abused doesnt make you a misandrist
so men watching porn of women being abused isnt misogynistic? ok…
>bl promotes rape culture
to who? the only ones raping are men and men dont read yaoi
>misogynistic tropes
how can it be misogynistic when there is no woman involved? oh sorry i forgot these people think being the submissive/penetrated in bed equals to being a woman
Its very telling how half of them have anime pfp and the last one, as the cherry on top, is a stan for an enslaved korean girl band that have to starve themselves to look good for their moid fanbase.

No. 2325801

she likes seeing men get hurt, autist-chan, truly one of the main cores of the hatred of males
>feminist or regular non-porn addicted woman
and where did you pull that information from? your ass?? all the xitter accounts you posted are blatantly pickme yuri defenders who don’t even actually like yuri kek

No. 2325806

>literally every reply was made by a feminist
I checked their accs and they are all yuritard fandomfags kek. Literally all their posts are doing the exact same shit they are complaining about. No, dear twitter ''feminist'' talking about your love for yurishit and cartoon lesbians doesnt equal feminism.

No. 2325809

Yeah, you're right. I should have specified but I was referring to people blanket applying yume to otome games and smut manga because they think being able to self insert as an established named character = yume and treating it like an interchangeable term for those.

No. 2325851

you know what they mean, shit like mpeg, abo and ultra-feminized ukes who assholes get wet

No. 2325857

literally made up shit with 0 base in reality, thats like when /pol/ schizos equate goblins to jews
>ultra feminized ukes
again equating femininity to woman, likes troons do.

No. 2325861

why do you insist on reading erotica in which men basically have female autonomy?

No. 2325867

why aren't the big masculine guys getting abused? why is it always the small, often underage guys who can get pregnant and are drawn like women the only ones getting abused?

No. 2325874

File: 1735569450940.jpg (106.09 KB, 714x890, 1000004508.jpg)

i love seein a big dumb dude tossed around by another dude. why do people who dont actually know anything about yaoi spend so much time seething about it?

No. 2325875

i dont read that shit, but they are still men and have dicks. They are more like seahorses than women tbh. abo/mpreg tards are the horse girls of shippers honestly, but are ultimately harmless. They are really just autistic hopeless romantics that want their favourite autistic yaoi ship to have a happy ending with marriage and children. Its really as simple as that.
>drawn like women
there we go again, anything that isnt a roidpig equals a woman. Even though they dont have breasts and vaginas, which are the only thing that make someone a woman. You guys really think like troons, you think being female is a state of mind or submission, even if the character has penis and an asshole if they are skinny and submissive it instantly mean they are women because thats what women are to you.

No. 2325888

>why aren't the big masculine guys getting abused?
Nta but Korean BL is literally full of this because that's exclusively all my friend reads kek.

No. 2325918

Why do people feel the need to politized human lust? who in the fact cares? I like yaoi and het because I like men. I'd have more respect for himes, fujos, yumes if they were honest to their basal impulses but instead we have spergs fighting over porn genres. At least I don't go around raping and choking men to death over porn-induced brainrot.

No. 2325924

I hate too many things and I don't want to hold hands and sing kumbayah either but I think fandom as a form of activism has been the culprit of purity spirals almost every single time. Women wanted to feel good about calling other women who didn't wanna ship or see faggots fuck homophobic and now we have other women wanting to feel good about calling women not attracted to other women male centric and unfeminist. at some point we get tired of incessantly having to moralfag back that the most convenient excuse at the time is used to shut down any argument. Some claim straight shippers are not oppressed and straight women who are "male centered" and want to see gay sex are the oppressed ones or vice versa, except neither are true because straight women with emphasis on women are going to be shit on matter what, so the cycle restarts eventually. Fandom activism is a fucking cancer on female fandoms
>you just don't want to ship or see x because you're homophobic/male centered/not a real lesbian!
except that doesn't matter eitherbecause there is no 100% feminist action as a woman reading PORN and everyone has had their run getting lectured by faghags with tit chop appointments or insufferable polilezzies or insecure hettie betties

what is this shit used for anyway? it's never used as a cudgel against moids and started as a feel-good backscratcher for live laugh love bleeding heart tumblerinas and livejournal spergs

No. 2325975

stop using tranny logic, men aren't women.

No. 2325977

File: 1735580764916.jpg (520.17 KB, 1078x1077, Koreanukebig.jpg)

They do.
For some reason people can recognize that anime styles for everything else have changed away from the 90s-00s, but with yaoi time isn't real.

No. 2325988

The same disproven arguments being rehashed every time no matter how many times they are disproven…at this point the only explanation for this pathological obsession with what other women like is that they're all mad about getting less fanart and fanfic, which is no one's fault besides their own.

No. 2326028

Source please. I need to see this big dude get his back blown out by the delicate noble

No. 2326033

Grand Duke's Boytoy

No. 2326041

>mpreg men are seahorses
Honestly, you sound like the one with tranny logic. Gender roles have always been a thing in yaoi and gay relationships, yaoi started out as being for women who couldn't express themselves sexually (openly) to have some self insert and wish fulfillment and pretending like that isn't still the case is just delusional at best and blatant denial at worse. Most of the people into this shit are so brainrotted that they've forgotten that relationships between two people can function without these strictly coded gender roles of femme and masculine but that's not what they want. You do you, just don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

No. 2326054

File: 1735586031896.jpg (347.51 KB, 1097x833, SSRAlpha.jpg)

If alphas are men and omegas are women what level is pic related at

No. 2326093

File: 1735588468451.jpg (137.29 KB, 447x447, 1wz3as.jpg)

The whole reason why the alpha/omega shit is popular is because many women find heterosexual dynamics exciting, even if they prefer to see them between male characters. Some works intended to play with the reader's expectations don't change the fact that the genre itself is modeled after heterosexuality.

No. 2326110

>all these armchair analysis from people who clearly never read an omegaverse outside maybe one time on a03
Omegaverse pregnancy is rare and most of the time it amounts to "timeskip, now they have a kid from a stork, don't think about it hard."
Sure theres exeptions, but the biggest draw of omegaverse has always been the animal biting/pheromones/nesting side of it. Which last time checked, is not a thing women do
At this point, unless they can name five actual omegaverse manga titles they're just projecting their own insecurities and imagination onto others.

No. 2326118

there's also straight omegaverse manga, it just doesn't get as much attention

No. 2326140

The mpreg fixation is always extremely baffling because if you actually interact with BL you know how incredibly niche that is, you have to go out of your way to find it.

No. 2326146

I would give the benefit of the doubt that it's harder to avoid if you're in the habit of clicking randomly on ao3 and twitter.

No. 2326153

This, its obvious most people complaining about ABO have never read it and are going off secondhand information comprised of ragebait. It is extremely obvious the main appeal is an animalistic, irresistable draw between the characters because of how they smell, because one has gone into heat or whatever, because they are biologically designated soulmates etc. Pretty much every other aspect of it is optional, sometimes you get handwaved mpreg, some stories will treat it politically, with omegas being oppressed, but none of that is what makes it attractive to so many women. As always, sexual tension and conflict is king when writing romance/smut and ABO just facilitates that in a way that doesn't take any creativity on the author's part.

I don't especially care for it, but it's so common that it's basically background noise. A lot of stories don't even make it a plot point, it's just normal fanfic with characters who like each others smell. I think it's lazy writing but that's not a big deal.

No. 2326167

I wonder if one of the reasons why omegaverse became a popular trend to begin with had to do with the moralfagging and criticism over not showing enough prep properly and the amount of rape in earlier bl.
It was a way to handwave it and say "don't overthink it, it's a magical au" only for people to moralfag even more.

No. 2326175

If they are running into mpreg by accident that often they need to look inward and think about why the algorithm shows it to them or eny they are in the m/m tag to begin with if they hate yaoi.

No. 2326198

This is pretty much the common sentiment among normal non-porn addicted people when it comes to yaoi and fujos in the 2000s and early 2010s, back when fujos were assaulting people in cons with yaoi paddles, acting like sexpests and forcing cosplayers of their bishie ships to kiss each other, and making cringe rape jokes and thinking it's funny. Nature is finally healing indeed.

No. 2326201

Shitting on women for weird hobbies is the natural state, tbh.
There's no getting out of that bucket, no matter how roided and "acceptable" the artstyles become.

No. 2326204

Maybe don't act cringe and people will respect you more. Yumes never get this level of hate as fujos do because they know how to act normal.

No. 2326208

Lol, no you won't. You still judge everything based off what happened 20 years ago.

No. 2326214

>just don't act like these stereotypes that were barely a thing in 2005 years ago
People don't, and yet the bucket is still there.
Fortunately, instead of making moids uncomfortable cons are now filled with gacha waifu cosplayers. Nature really has healed kek.

No. 2326224

>You still judge everything based off what happened 20 years ago.
Sure, and that's why today they're trooning out en masse and living their yaoi fantasies irl instead. Never change fujos, never change.

No. 2326226

>making moids uncomfortable cons
Except some of these bishie cosplayers were women too retard.

No. 2326230

>muh fujo are trannies projection
It's just you and your algorithm. Get out of your bubble, stop reading only western fanfiction, and you'll see less of it.

No. 2326233

Nothing but generalizations but this is when you feel like nitpicking kek.
Yeah, and the majority fujos are not yaoi paddling trannies, shockingly.

No. 2326248

If you read omegaverse, bl or not, you are in the wrong, cause it's shit by definition and you have shit taste. I don't even hate yaoi, but I'll write down creating and popularizing this lazy plot device as one of the reasons I hate fujos.

No. 2326252

Or because they simply refuse to stop engaging with media which makes them angry kek

No. 2326260

This is the equivalent of saying "I hate isekai so I make isekai a reason to hate all weebs" which, well people do think that way.

No. 2326275

File: 1735597562596.png (35.25 KB, 437x910, tags.png)

We've had this discussion before. It's silly and weird, so it gets a lot of attention, but the fetish itself isn't actually as popular as you may think. There's an autist who's tracked the popularity of various tags on Ao3 (where most fics are m/m) and ABO has never made the top 100 tags in the cumulative indexes, and only barely squeaks on at #97 or #99 in the indexes for recent individual years. The highest it ever ranked was #93 a couple of years ago, and it's been dropping since. That, to me, suggests that it's a relatively niche fad that has already peaked in popularity.

Here's the link for any interested anons:

I've said it many times before, but I'm a fujo and genuinely loathe A/B/O for precisely the reason you mentioned. It's funtionally straight, and if that's what I wanted, I would be reading a straight story instead of this weird quasi-bestiality seemingly designed to re-insert everything I hate about straight dynamics into gay stories. Honestly? If you can't get into m/m without A/B/O in it, you shouldn't even be allowed to call yourself a fujo, because what you enjoy doesn't resemble two male human beings. It's teratophilia, if anything.

No. 2326279

Kek, which fandom spiked it all the way up to 93 I wonder? Was it My Hero Academia?

No. 2326280

No. 2326282

I think the pandemic is around the time some manhwas started using the trope, that might be part of why.

No. 2326286

Judging literally all fujos based on the behavior of a handful of retarded preteens fifteen years ago is so retarded it doesn't even deserve to be dignified as an argument. It's like saying all football/soccer fans are wife-beating alcoholics who set cars on fire.

No. 2326295

>Yumes never get this level of hate as fujos do
Probably because most anglophones don't use the term "yume" for what you do. Trust, delusional people who devote themselves romantically to fictional characters and celebrities get plenty of ridicule. Also topkek at saying
>don't act cringe
when you're literally defending retards who ship themselves with fictional characters. It's all cringe. Who the fuck cares about what is or is not considered "cringe"? It's just the zoomer equivalent to ridiculing someone for being a geek. I say, be as "cringe" as you want so long as you aren't harming other human beings.

No. 2326296

Don't fall for the argument. It's the same one brought no matter what. Yaoi/BL will always be the year 2004 to her no matter how much you point out the current year and BL's evolution

No. 2326297

Exactly, this entire argument is just autists pointing fingers to shame the aspies kek. Everyone outside the "bubble" looks at us all like we're the same breed of loser so why bother splitting hairs?

No. 2326318

>this entire argument is just autists pointing fingers to shame the aspies
Most of the arguments that happen on this site can described this way

No. 2326322

Limiting yourself based on what other randos online think is cringe is stupid. Honestly enjoy yourself. Your genuine enthusiasm for something (benign, I must add) is wonderful. Sometimes I'm jealous of the super far gone yumes who seem perfectly content with their Squidward body pillows and Randy Marsh shrines. Happy for them.

No. 2326351

Ayart, I agree. That said, if someone insults whatever I like, I reserve the right to do the same to them. Having a body pillow if your husbando is fine as long you don't go after people for drawing yaoi fanart. Treat other autists the way you want to be treated.

No. 2326370

Fujos and yumes should unite against their common enemy, coomers. The divide is moid psy-op to keep us apart.

No. 2326439

File: 1735603981650.gif (1.05 MB, 480x273, ysomad.gif)

serious question but to be a fujo, all you have to do is just watch or read yaoi/bl content, right? or is it a set of behaviors before one is considered a fujo? i'll be honest, sure it's probably one of the cringiest hobbies out there, but ultimately i don't think it deserves the hatred at the same time. how come moids can watch violent rape porn all day and everyday and get called based kings on xitter, but a woman reading a yaoi fanfic deserves numerous threads on her supposed autism or mental instability or even her irl fuckability? like if all she does is look at cartoons having sex in private and just keeps it to herself in any other situation, where exactly is the harm in that?

No. 2326441

Who calls men based kings for watching porn while making hate threads on fujos?

No. 2326442

if you consider yourself a fan of BL or gay shipping itself, you are a fujoshi. If you have a one-off m/m ship somewhere because you like the dynamic i wouldn't call that person a fujo.

No. 2326449

that is a whole new sentence. i said people on x/twitter, not the people on lc.

No. 2326458

I've seen fujos that don't read bl and fujos that don't read fanfic.
There's two edges and most everybody is on that spectrum.

No. 2326501

File: 1735608073205.jpg (12.17 KB, 400x300, 4mvao.jpg)

maybe i'm alone in thinking this but i feel like fanfics are the least offensive of them all. its just words on the screen. out of curiosity i am looking through a yaoi hentai manga and actually looking at that type of sex between m/m characters kind of disgusts me. but between that and illustrations of yaoi characters kissing, i think they're a lot less offensive than actual gay porn or really just any porn showing actual people honestly.

No. 2326521

Pretty sure getting overdosed with trans omegaverse fanfics on a03 are why half of those here are complaining.

No. 2326592

oh ew yeah omegaverse is weird lol i meant fanfics of actual male/male together with no pregnancies involved

No. 2326623

I'd say that a person is a fujo if most of the romance media (fanfic, manga, shows, etc.) she consumes or creates is m/m, or if slash shipping is how she usually engages in fandom. Doesn't have to be all the time, but I'd say at least 60% or 70% of the time. Some anons may disagree, though.

No. 2326626

>i think [illustrations and fanfic are] a lot less offensive than actual gay porn or really just any porn showing actual people honestly.
Agree 1000%. Most of the problem with porn imo is the exploitation of the people involved. Plus I imagine that seeing people on film do something is a lot more likely to create unrealistic expectations than seeing a drawing of it. I also think that it's extremely rare for a woman to truly be "porn addicted," which most people would describe as an addiction to porn that interferes with a person's ability to function and/or have sex. Women aren't getting fired for gooning at work or struggling to get it up because they masturbated too much. It's overwhelmingly a moid problem.

No. 2327067

>the abused is the feminized one
if it has dick and balls it's a moid. yuriyaoicide is based as fuck. Yume, fujo, hime or whatever, let's all celebrate moid abuse

No. 2328473

>, yaoi started out as being for women who couldn't express themselves sexually (openly) to have some self insert and wish fulfillment
??? Where do you people come up with this shit. The first yaois were popular for having equally pretty mcs.

No. 2328553

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It's a thing that gets implied fairly often but not depicted outright that much

No. 2328831

No. 2329875

File: 1735854681329.jpg (35.15 KB, 395x500, 51Mu4TDuUVL.jpg)

Why do yuritards always claim BL dynamics are '' heteronormative'' and the ukes are pseudowomen but never say the same about yuri? or is it only okay for yuritroons to like taller/smaller and feminine/masculine dynamics

No. 2329906

>picks the one yuri-ish anime that criticizes the point you're making

No. 2330022

File: 1735861355248.jpg (330.67 KB, 1920x1225, 251889.jpg)

>implying its not a super common trope in yuri

No. 2330040

Shizuma is peak feminine, though.

No. 2330047

she acts like a male love interest in a shoujo

No. 2331276

Because women overwhelmingly self insert into yaoi and BL and this is reflected by them projecting their strictly female biological urges and heteronormative tendencies such as pregnancy onto the male couples thusly. While certain fem/masc dynamics have always existed in gay couplings, it is not to the extent that one is a female in all but name like with many yaoi fantasies. I can't think of an equivalent for male yurifags though, because they tend to be abnormal AGPs by default so they can't even pretend it's for wholesome reasons. At the very least, they seem more enthralled by the natural femininity or womanly nature of two women in a relationship in that, while there may sometimes be a more dominant and masc leaning partner, it is not in an unmistakable, inherently male fashion.

No. 2333758

>because (projection)
Over and over again, it's stuck on the same argument that has been proven false.

No. 2334993

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picrel is a good example of why fujos always troon out, because it's allegedly about 'canon gay' characters that everyone thinks are straight and not a single gay character is posted, it's a complete denial of reality

No. 2335080

File: 1736169119365.jpg (95.8 KB, 720x795, 1000047439.jpg)

I agree all of these characters are straight but fwiw Isayama said he has a yaoi fangirl inside him when he designed Levi so he was meant for fujos at least. I actually stopped collecting the manga when Isayama froze Annie and then killed off Ymir/Krista so idk if Erwin is still alive, but even my offline straight male genX friend said Erwin/Levi come across as a realistic couple kek.

No. 2335186

How has it been proven false?

No. 2336437

People think authors are dumber than they actually are, plenty know what they're doing. I've seen authors admit down the line that they purposely add bait for fujos, but keep them straight/not specified in the end for a variety of reasons.
Can say it's manipulative, but it is what it is.

No. 2336440

Read the thread but slowly.

No. 2336474

>Because women overwhelmingly self insert into yaoi and BL
I literally never heard of women self inserting onto yaoi before finding lolcow. And i used to be super into yaoi and its fandom in the late 00s and early 2010s.
>it is not to the extent that one is a female in all but name
if yaoi ukes are female because of your bullshit stereotypes then how come masculine yuri girls arent men? double standards much? I have read yuri, yaoi and shoujo and i have seen tons of yuri girls that act like genderbent versions of male love interests in shoujo.

No. 2336511

I think that's really smart. That's how I write shit a lot of the time. I'm a fujo but I know that making shit overtly gay ruins a franchise.

No. 2336577

File: 1736223557803.jpg (12.47 KB, 320x240, nocountry_l1-cab33cf712f84551a…)

>I literally never heard of women self inserting onto yaoi before finding lolcow.
>And i used to be super into yaoi and its fandom in the late 00s and early 2010s.
Quick poll. Is somebody trying to bait here or just laying out a really dumb lie.

No. 2336583

It's been a thing well before lolcow. Why have them get pregnant and act stereotypically female, then? This is starting to sound like someone saying they don't see color, except it's "I don't see biological/behavioral differences in the sexes, therefore it's sexist to notice it altogether and call a spade a spade". I'm not saying all yaoi ukes are female, but there are plenty of female coded ukes as the norm performing heteronormatively in what is supposed to be a relationship between two men. There's a huge difference between an effeminate uke and a female coded one.

No. 2336671

I only heard it from men shitting on women for being too emotional and woman brain to write men correctly and that writing rapey yaoi meant they wanted to be assaulted.
They don't get pregnant.
What exactly do they do that means "female" to you?

No. 2337803

Genuine question from a himejo, are you mistaking ABOfags for fujos? I'm so confused cuz you keep saying shit like "there are plenty of female coded ukes as the norm performing heteronormatively" but never provide any examples so I just assume you keep mistaking ABOfags for fujos.

No. 2337873

Same, I genuinely question how they're coming across all these mpreg stories.
It might be understandable if it's on something like a03 fanfiction issue, but it seems like they're saying it's the mainstream majority of bl when that's definitely not the case.

No. 2337974

>Why have them get pregnant
i dont know back when i was a fujo mpreg shit was incredibly niche(still is) and it doesnt represent 99% of yaoi that doesnt have abo or mpreg in it
>and act stereotypically female
troon tier logic, ew.

No. 2338701

I feel like if you’re targeting you know how that’s really smart.
The fujoshi idiots will give you free PR and you can focus on the story. Literally just have 2 cute or handsome looking guys in the same room

No. 2338706

That’s so true. Anglo fandom just don’t have the term “yume” yet but clearly abhor that type of fangirl anyway. Before JJK died “JJK/Gojo fangirl” was seen as rancid and an ok target to mock.

No. 2338779

>toon tier logic
The thing about troons is that they don't act "stereotypically female", they act like a male thinks women act since all they know is porn and fictional women written for the male gaze. I don't get why people call pointing out typical female socialized behavior (that isn't to say that all women act in such a way but there are things that the majority of het women generally tend to embody naturally which is why troons fail to act convincingly) is "troon logic".

No. 2339233

fictional characters are usually meant to be more idealistic over realistic. most women don’t really want to fantasize about porn-addicted misogynists and most men don’t want to see themselves that way either. a lot of slash is of characters written by men and for a male audience too so I don’t get these arguments.

No. 2349464

File: 1737067572457.png (345.4 KB, 598x1106, IMG_4036.png)

why do fujos claim they don't use the uke for self-insert purposes when it's so clearly obvious that this is the case?

No. 2349471

I cant believe fujos like this still exist damn I thought these types were left in the old era of internet cringe

No. 2349472

because the core characteristic of fujoism is shame, they always "never do" the things they do all the time

No. 2349483

fujoism is like troonism in that people do the same behavior for different reasons. some self-insert and some don't.

No. 2349532

maybe because fujos arent a monolith? do all het shippers love maledom just b/c all the booktok girlies say so?

No. 2349534

Because fujos aren't a hivemind?
People have been so rotted by the internet that they cannot understand any concept beyond generalizations, even going as far as including western cosplayers shilling the most mainstream shounen cosplay online as part of their bizarre projection.

No. 2349555

>mha in 2025
Why is this always so out of date?

No. 2349732

Damn i didnt know fat ironic weeb bitches were the CEOs of yaoi

No. 2349744

File: 1737081629039.png (Spoiler Image,433.67 KB, 594x734, well then.png)

You speds ought to post recent examples of this autism-off actually happening instead of fixating on the green haired Deku TIF that bullied you in middle school. there is literally an example right now of retards fixating strongly on Viktor because they want to fuck Jayce fpr "gay rep". anyone can tell it's the case when they make him the smaller cute uwu uke with a pussy who's in pickme rivalry with mel. mhafags are already considered the ugly smelling shit sheep of anime fandoms.

Reposted 3 times because I kept failing to spoiler kek

No. 2349766

This thread is so funny. Here are the pros and cons of both arguments from a person who doesn’t even know what most of these terms mean specifically:
>makes retards online angry at le mean “cis women” for sexualizing faggots or whatever that means
>encourages and enables faggot culture
>acknowledges watching men stick their penises inside anuses where shit and diseases come out isn’t really epic, cute and stunning
>acknowledges fujo spaces are occupied with nlogs, internalized misogynists, loony troons, the worst kinds of traumatized females who refuse to see what their interest really is all about at the crux of it
>too moralfaggy about fictional males
>males of all kinds 3dpd or not deserve to suffer and die
>likely enjoys generic straightie slop anyways so what’s really better than fag romance slop

No. 2349767

Tbf like 90% of this thread is about some gendie western fanfiction at best and not any actual bl.

No. 2349773

I would unironically like to know which shounen slop fujos are currently deluding themselves that it's totally gonna end in a gay marriage.

No. 2349783

Probably following the series fujo are writing for shounen jump right now.

No. 2349790

Kinda sucks that these threads end up being nothing but western twitter, and fanfics, and memes from 2011. Kinda wish there was more about actual bl artists, like how the yuri crazies thread only usually allows posting about actual yuri authors.

No. 2349795

DA KEK I think it would devolve into investigating which BL authors are shotafags and then get banned for posting screenshots

No. 2349803

>even more nonstop shitflinging about Yana Toboso
Actually yeah maybe it's better that these threads don't know anything about bl and stick to autist fanfics.

No. 2350018

And which ones would that be, pray tell?

No. 2350694

Phantom Busters, used to do mha doujins before going mainstream. Though, when it comes to other authors, I've heard the author of Drama Queen did both yuri and yaoi in the past, the author of Ichi the Witch is pretty familiar with fujobait considering her other work Iruma, and Ryota Killed his Brother's artstyle is so shotacon it'd be a shock if she wasn't one.

No. 2351319

File: 1737161205586.png (1 MB, 532x2755, S9t7r3r.png)

It's wild seeing takes that I thought I'd only lc on twitter with thousands of likes and retweets, with people claiming that m/m is just heterosexuality with extra steps and others calling fujos cucks and porn addicts

No. 2351336

Damn… are they waking up?

No. 2351337

I remember someone posting a bunch of fujosperg bait as spam and someome actually checked to gind that most of them were trannies

No. 2351339

Considering this is over Mel/Arcane and not Hoyoshit it's probably actual women tweeting

No. 2351346

Eh, either Arcane it seems like a combination of yuritroons and racial issues. That being said, tbh the fandom (fujo and antifujo) have been so obnoxious that I dropped Arcane entirely, mistake to give western shit a chance.

No. 2351350

I looked at the accounts and all of them are women

No. 2351353

That's very sad.

No. 2351355

File: 1737163097037.jpg (326.44 KB, 1080x1238, 45799864327867.jpg)

that first tweet on top is fucking hilarious considering that xitter is a cesspool of retards claiming that male and female don't exist and genitals don't matter in the grand scheme of things. so cocks in a yaoi fanfic is a huge issue and is the epitome of what being male is, yet a faggot in a wig and lipstick is as every bit as a real woman as an adult human female? okay. when fandom is the discourse, suddenly we all know who the real men and women are, huh?

No. 2351358

>muh misogynistic 2004 tropes and abo wordsalad
Holy fuck, I thought it was just a retarded lc thing. People actually still believe this? God help us.

No. 2351361

you know what she actually means

No. 2351362

i know what she means, i'm saying that for them to say male and female when they're seen as triggering terms for any other context is just hilarious to me, not to mention hypocritical. decent f/f content absolutely exists and i think fujos should go look for them, especially if they are bisexual irl.

No. 2351370

so your not willing to accept that you get off to heterosexuality with extra steps?

No. 2351371

Nta but did fujo art cuck you that badly?

No. 2351372

Some of you lc fujotards got so annoying with your tranny paranoia, it pissing me ooofff. A woman can't possibly think that obsessing over faggot buttsex is a questionable activity unless she secretly has XY chromosomes and phantom cock and balls, apparently. Never thought I'd find twitter feminists with she/they pronouns less annoying than farmers.

No. 2351374

KEK why did you accuse her of masturbating to omegaverse despite her never saying nor implying that at all I love this retarded thread

No. 2351376

>Says the one that thinks a woman can't possibly just like seeing two men together without being a misogynistic self hating tif
The lack of self awareness is incredible.

No. 2351379

Its just deflection because they cant come up with a genuine response

No. 2351383

You are just talking to voices in your head now… How can you know what I think from that short post a made on a whim? Where did I say anything about tifs in it?

No. 2351384

If it was about Caitvi, yes. But most of the Jayvik/Mel discourse is started by black women kek

No. 2351387

You'll just ignore the responses and keep reposting the same shit in random threads. The response was given ages ago, it's just taping it to a brick wall.

No. 2351388

My bad, I thought you had enough function to understand the posts above you.

No. 2351403

My theory is that yaoi is only misogynistic if you believe that the uke "represents" the female.

But I think it's deliberate that the uke actually "replaces" the female because fujos want to see a guy obliterated in the way misogynistic males irl have treated women. So the uke actually represents annoying men irl, not women.


No. 2351421

With certain Korean webtoons, that definitely seems like the case.

No. 2351441

Both wrong, most arguments about this phenomenon are overthought so you all overlook the most obvious explanation. Yaoi ukes are meant to be men, obviously. The reason why yaoi dynamics feel so heterosexual is because women write from their preferences and experience, so they obviously won't write accurate gay romance and porn, plus they will include female preferences and fetishes in the works. Shit literally has nothing to do with feminism or unequal male/female dynamics or "getting back to men" etc, I assure you 99% of fujos don't think about that shit at all when they write and read yaoi.

No. 2351450

File: 1737167918345.jpeg (Spoiler Image,203.54 KB, 720x2488, 030702B3-2A69-4005-9CBE-328147…)

Its so obvious in works like Sadistic Beauty that the main antagonist moid was the authors way of torturing an annoying male she knew irl. Korean writers are more likely to keep their males masculine, have no seme/uke dynamic, have them both be toxic, and practically kill each other. Yaoi can still be steeped in old stereotypes from more repressed countries but it’s slowly becoming more based again thanks to Koreans.
>spoilered picrel for sadistic beauty bl torture

No. 2351476

>Yaoi can still be steeped in old stereotypes from more repressed countries
Is it really about repression when the west has some of the worst?

No. 2351480

File: 1737170087583.jpg (824.28 KB, 1276x1281, 1000004148.jpg)

its true. the only argument for "heterosexuality w/ extra steps" all boils down to woman is when penetrated like that isnt the most misogynistic thing to ever be said. i want to see men brutalized and if it was a woman it would be a turn off. the only reason antifujos cant accept this is they cannot accept a woman's sexuality being subversive
every day i thank korea this exists

No. 2351497

The writers are retarded and both purposely set up Mel's relationship to be insignificant and fridged another female character for jayvik while Christian Linke woke up every once in a while to remind them that they're just brothers because he's a retarded scrote who was using Jayce as his epic straight self insert. Probably the most recent unironic example of a character purposely written to be in the way with a bonus racial aspect. In any case I think shipping Mel with that tranny character to get her away from jayvik is suspicious, especially considering it was this new writing team that did it.
>That being said, tbh the fandom (fujo and antifujo)
I knew I shouldn't have trusted the league of legends show but I just want to see Mel. Hopefully now that she has her own show her storyline will be untouched by making her a point of contention for two faggots
>TIFs still draw viktor with a pussy anyway because that's their het self insert

No. 2352045

the idea of ​​a fujoshi cucking someone is as unrealistic as mpreg

No. 2352053

why not have a woman torture the guy? Why do you need another male? Are women too inferior to dominate the mighty moids? kek

No. 2352054

File: 1737217341850.jpeg (487.93 KB, 1206x2317, 1737147226231.jpeg)

this is why you all eventually end up trooning out, you are completely unwilling to accept what is right in front of you. It's not just that the uke get penetrated; it's that their anuses function like vaginas, that they can become pregnant and that their entire framing and physical nature are completely feminized, this denial of reality is what eventually leads down to picrel

No. 2352059

I've never seen a fujo answer this properly either

No. 2352065

Could you Google the title before saying something stupid?

No. 2352070

Seriously, what are you watching? It's brainrotting you, please for the love of God, learn to filter fanfiction because you sound completely retarded. No, anuses are not "functionally vaginas" and bl is not 99% "men getting pregnant" despite how much you keep repeating it.
Ffs, it's not like bl doesn't keep track, there's even awards every year. The winner this year was about two 40 year old men, they do not have ""functional vaginas"", they don't get pregnant, it's two guys, in their fucking forties , bet every sex scene starts with a declaimer about safe gay sex education because fujos can't bend backwards fast enough.

No. 2352076

would it surprise you if i said that it actually is incredibly difficult for a woman to toss around or restrain a man by force?

No. 2352078

>why not have a woman torture the guy in Sadistic Beauty?
DA she does. The main character is female. It's a femdom webtoon. She is a domme to both male and female subs. She is the titular "Sadistic Beauty". It's literally the name and the plot of the entire webtoon. What is this level of reading comprehension.

No. 2352086

Average antifujo moment where they always make up random shit in their heads instead of actually reading the things they have opinions on kekk

No. 2352088

They read Homestuck and Arcane twitter, basically bl in all but reality.

No. 2352091

They're a record player stuck on repeat, playing the greatest hits of 2006s

No. 2352127

Also shows they didn't even know about the most famous femdom webtoon despite crying about fujos not writing about dominant women, sure there isn't much female targeted femdom still but you don't even know the most popular one? Do you even like female focus porn if you've never heard of sadistic beauty? If you don't even like it yourself why are you whining at fujos for not making it. Mental illness.

No. 2352170

so fujocoomers can imagine that butt babies exist, but not women overpowering men?

No. 2352180

Nonna, you may not know this but 90% of the time, the baby just shows up. They don't show or say anything about how it got there. Frankly, half the time they could be adopted.
Sorry for breaking your delusion but it's the truth.
Also why are you ignoring >>2352078 ? Why are you pretending nobody pointed out that the mc is a woman? It just makes you seem stupid.

No. 2352193

File: 1737223617698.gif (2.99 MB, 640x474, 1643811790914.gif)

It makes me confused when antifujos say yaoi leads to trooning out. In my experience, i would argue yaoi helped me not to troon out because it taught me to detach my body being sexualized from my own sexual pleasure, so i could concentrate on seeing cute guys instead of seeing a woman in lingerie pleasing some hideous walled scrote like in most movies and soap operas. I also dont understand why antifujos believe ukes are stand ins for women, i have always liked ukes better and most of my husbandos growing up were the ukes. What are fujos opinions about the whole ''trooning out because of yaoi'' thing?

No. 2352197

You’re rare. Most fujos I knew that trooned out were inserting as the uke, but husbanded both the uke and seme. Also I think one of the reasons for fujos in particular to troon out is that they usually have never had a boyfriend or good experiences with men, so they see grooming out as a way to become the boyfriend. Along with the paraphilia, they think that the power imbalance will be eliminated when they date a man. But they usually end up dating other fujos that trooned because they’re the only ones that can put up with the delusion and resort to prison gay.

No. 2352198

It's not quite that yaoi leads to trooning out, but more like the majority of recent years FTM have consumed yaoi, usually in huge quantities. They admit it themselves and how it "lead to discover their true gender" and shit.

No. 2352200

File: 1737224148219.jpg (51.52 KB, 702x982, squeak squeak squeak.jpg)

korean yaoi is hideous. The moids all look like roidbeast gymbros, they all have samey, poorly drawn artstyles, they have boring personalities and designs. The yaoi hands and smol ukes and giant roid beast semes came back in full force thanks to it, too. Its like the worst aspects of yaoi into a newer, shittier medium. There is nothing based about it, it's for midwits.

No. 2352208

I'm not an anti or pro fujo (I'm neutral in this matter) but I think it all depends on your own personality and how you take things. There's people like you out there that are completely fine, and that's very good. But the possibility of yaoi contributing somewhat to trooning out for others may still be a thing. In my opinion it's not just the yaoi itself but the environment or friend group you watch yaoi in. There's a lot of tifs into yaoi and I think that's one of the things that spread the contagion (the big chunk of tifs and people interacting with them). Maybe it's a chicken and egg thing, maybe some people are more susceptible and self hating. Who knows.

No. 2352209

I think Korea has a better ratio of based to lame women than other places. You'll never see the absolute carnage on male bodies like in sadistic beauty coming out of Japan. Sure, there are mostly shit webtoons, but if a Japanese woman wrote sadistic beauty she'd try to make it look romantic or something, they don't have enough rage in their hearts.

No. 2352211

what about the posts with thousands of retweets and likes about how yaoi helped then troon out? are they all a fake grand conspiracy

No. 2352215

In my experience, they were already severely mentally ill years before they discovered yaoi.

No. 2352216

It's blaming a western nerd cultural phenomenon on a genre, basically blaming a symptom rather than admitting to the actual issue.
People should be able to agree that transgenderism has been an absolute plague on nerd culture as a whole, but it's instead just used as a way to moralize and justify shaming things they don't want to see from sites they visit.
Of course you're going to find gendies on twitter, it's twitter. But, social media narrows the mind when really its just the algorithm thinking that that's the crowd they should belong them. (If anything, doesn't this mean twitter thinks they're trans?) Alongside never reading actual bl or watching actually trending fujobait shows, it leads to results you see here.
I fujo up with fotm on twitter and don't have the same issue, but that's because I do not follow fanfiction twitter at all and stick to actual fujo trending shows, I get way more rants about men tweets and almost never any trans tweets.

No. 2352217

nta but there are moids who troon out because of lolita(the fashion) that doesnt mean lolita leads to men trooning out. Everyone can agree in those cases the root of the problem is misogyny, so i dont understand why suddenly when its TIFs people take what they say at face value, when the real reason why they troon out is obviously because of NLOGism and internalized misogyny.

No. 2352226

>are they all a fake grand conspiracy
its all a yumepiracy…hmmmm the big himejoshis are behind this fujotif psyop..it cant be those tifs who cut off their tits because of yaoi..no they are funded by the big otomefags.open your eyes sheeple

No. 2352227

Pretty much. They feel uncomfortable in their female bodies, which is a pretty standard experience especially with teen girls who are experiencing puberty and having to deal with society sexualizing them against their will, but then they arrive to the completely wrong conclusion or fall in with the wrong crowd. The same girl feeling scared about the way society treats her gender going online and finding other women who tell her this is normal to feel as a girl and helping her, vs the same girl going online only to find troons who tell her this feeling means she isn't a girl at all is going to go down two very different paths. One connects her closer to other women and the other pushes her further away from them.

No. 2352229

I genuinely think it's more of a copy cat thing as >>2352208 said. I don't know if someone else has lived this, but from the moment I told my friends I was bisexual years later they all said they were too, despite having absolutely no real interest in dating a woman. Obviously transitioning for real takes money and effort and most TIFs will never go through it, but they can still get cookies online by saying they're bois.

No. 2352232

Imo modern fandom is spiraling out of control. Transgenderism is a notable result of an infectious community that is filled with social pressures, it has more to do with how fandoms are structured rather than a particular fandom in of itself.
Why are people into Homestuck so likely to trans out? Maybe it has to do with the people they hang out within the fandom and not actually Homestuck.
I feel the reason why many here try to deny it is because they're too addicted to fandom themselves to admit that they have stuck themselves to a tranny magnet.

No. 2352234

>implying yumes and himes dont also troon out
lol, lmao even. There are three million he/him yumes and she/they himes who insert penis into their ''yuri''. I guess otomes and yuri lead to troondom and handmaidery too.

No. 2352238

It is a copycat thing. You can watch it firsthand in online spaces. When someone makes an account for the very first time on sns, they will using mention just being a girl or not mentioning gender at all. Then they go looking for people who have the same hobbies as them, and everyone has some gender crap going on. Slowly, it goes she/her > she/they > they/them so on and so forth. I saw this happen with my own eyes in my friend groups. At the beginning all of us were basically just were normal, then one friend got infected and everyone besides one eventually followed.

No. 2352248

I have a male relative who has complained to me that it happen to him in male spaces as well, the tranny plague descends and the community gets wiped.
Something maybe similiar is the suicide cluster phenomenon. If one person commits suicide, then the chances of others (even those not related) following increases a lot. It's why nowadays people try to avoid saying "suicide" or mentioning how people do it.

No. 2352253

>>implying yumes and himes dont also troon out
ayrt kek autismos not getting the joke as usual sure they do but theyre moids im talking about women here, when you substitute your self insert porn with a moid (it could be understood why most 90s jap fujos did that because most asian moids suck shit and they lived in a misogynistic society) enough consumption and moderate gaslighting from traumatized retards will convince them that "aktually i am the moid!" and not how the "stable" fujo consumed it back in the day, you'd expect that women wouldve slowly pivoted to making josei as the world normalized feminine sexualitytroonism fucked that up tho for women by women but josei has become just another genre of moid porn with ballontits mcgee mcs while yaoi has become full of pseudo women, noticing these changes arent a psyop kek but the reality the detriment and corrosion troonsim has caused in all sectors of fandom and fiction

No. 2352257

What do you nonnies think made us avoid the troon psyop in fandom?

No. 2352259

we are the chosen ones

No. 2352260

It's a western thing, since japanese fujos don't troon out. They'll say it's because japan doesn't accept gays and troons like the US, but I don't think this is true. Japanese fujos are much more aware that BL, and anime/manga in general, is fiction meant to help you escape from real life, and not something you're supposed to imitate.

No. 2352261

Himes and yumes are women, retard. Learn what terms mean.

No. 2352263

my bad, point still stands though

No. 2352266

No, it doesnt. Because it proves its not a yaoi-only phenomenom and its instead a disease thats carried by every nerd community. But you are one of those that thinks a guy with a dick is a woman because uhh he's the submissive and thats a woman only thing, so your arguments are already stupid to begin with.

No. 2352268

>making a clear distinction that "fiction is fiction and reality is reality".
People nowadays think this is a bad thing because pro/anti, but it is true that the less value you put into fantasy the less it will effect you mentally and emotionally.
>having a support system
Less likely to feel social pressure
>talking to the opposite sex
When it comes to transgenderism, I think a lot of it has to do with "the grass is greener". If the grass is in front of your face, you can see that it's no longer green.
>fuck fanfiction
Not hanging out in shitty communities will give you immunity.

No. 2352269

mmm man rape

No. 2352272

Thread pic is some bullshit, how dare you put based yume reverse ryona enjoyers alongside the freako fujos? Ew

No. 2352275

I thought I was about to see some good shit but it's yet another moid doing moid things to another moid, booooring

No. 2352278

I think the support system and outside interaction is really important. The one friend in my group who didn't troon was the one who was most well adjusted with a job and long term boyfriend while the rest of us were terminally online.

No. 2352279

Me personally I have a stable family structure and no particular underlying mental issues (except maybe a touch of the 'tism). I know two gendies (though not the kind that becomes lolcows): one obviously always had undiagnosed stuff, the other has a crazy hateful type of father she's forced to live with.
I will admit that I was tempted toward the 14-15 yo mark to start going by they/them online but grew out of it. It just didn't make sense, I would never be a middle way between a man and a woman even if I didn't conform to what a "woman" should be, and being a man… eww…

No. 2352282

I fell for the asexual psyop as a teenage girl who hated her body, so I think I would've probably fallen for the they/them psyop at least. I was desperate to label myself and thought it was the coolest thing ever. Luckily troons were still seen as perverted deviants when I was using social media.

No. 2352284

Idk, I always thought that shit was weird, preachy and irrelevant to my tastes/life. I never felt hatred or disgust but would just scroll past and ignore the virtue signalling, only after it ramped up and was present EVERYWHERE did I start to feel resentment about it

No. 2352286

draw it yourself then

No. 2352287

how was the other anon supposed to infer that whole plot from just the name?

No. 2352288

She could google it for two seconds before deciding to comment on something she never heard of before lmao.

No. 2352289

Lmao retarded of you to assume I don't draw femdom daily

No. 2352292

then publish it and be the change you want to see. Its what fujos do.

No. 2352293

Posters ITT need to know that yume and hime are prefixes to both -joshi (girl) and -danshi (boy). So users need to write "himedanshi" and "yumedanshi" if they want to specify males. Fujo is the shortened version of fujoshi, fudanshi is a male yaoi fan etc.

Yume means "dream" and originated in otome communities, hime came from fans of the GL magazine yuri hime.

No. 2352294

One of us! One of us! One of us!

No. 2352296

Forgot, also seeing ugly poor disenfranchised people of your sex living life as normal is also a good thing. A reason why both sexes trans out is due to feeling like "failures" of their own sex for not being adequate with the gender standards they get bombarded with being online.
Maybe a bit weird, but imo understanding that being a "failure" is pretty fucking retarded in the global scale of things and an ugly poor unhygenic woman is still a woman is a plus.

No. 2352299

>Transgenderism is a notable result of an infectious community that is filled with social pressures, it has more to do with how fandoms are structured rather than a particular fandom in of itself.
Big agree on this
>Why are people into Homestuck so likely to trans out? Maybe it has to do with the people they hang out within the fandom and not actually Homestuck.
And that's why I never hung around fandoms for too long, being part of a fandom is weird to me. Why hang around people that are purposely obnoxious kek
>I feel the reason why many here try to deny it is because they're too addicted to fandom themselves to admit that they have stuck themselves to a tranny magnet.
There's so many tranny magnets nowadays too. I'd argue most fandoms have trannies in them now. Is there any fandom with relatively low percentages of troons anymore?

No. 2352300

Posters itt look at twitter posts and think it's BL lmfao you think they can wrap their heads around that?

No. 2352312

Anons of have pointed out that SB does have a woman torture men, but I think you raise a good question. SB is one of the veeeery few manga/webtoon that does this (personally I don't know of any other), I'd also like to know why there aren't more general or josei genre stories where women torture asshole men, and what's the appeal of choosing yaoi as the main way of their imaginary revenge towards RL moids. Fantasies have no limit after all, and even if they want to be realistic about men/women physical differences there are so many ways to take down a man bigger than yourself, drugs/element of surprise/hired help/blackmail yadda yadda.

No. 2352315

I know you all love flexing how much talent you waste on your shitty faggot drawings but tbh I didn't ask and most importantly, not everyone that criticizes fujos is automatically unable to produce art at the same rate or skill(infighting)

No. 2352320

aaand she didnt like what she heard so we're back on her fixation with mpreg
not self-inserting

No. 2352324

Many do, but many also end up getting into fights with femdomfags or end up falling into greed when they see what makes money.
Drawing women will get men into your audience no matter how you go about it.

No. 2352330

unpopular opinion but i dont like femdom because i just dont like seeing women in my porn. I want two dicks and i want those two dicks to fuck. I dont like self inserting so i dont understand why i would change a cute guy i want to fuck for a female character i am not into.

No. 2352337

Because hetfags can't handle seeing a man get abused in my experience. Even the few femgaze femdom that exist, they get hurled with insults over. Why would anyone want to draw for that audience? If all you want to see is a man get hurt, there is already an established genre you can go to, why bother unless you absolutely need to self-insert as the abuser?

No. 2352338

the original manwha you were screeching at is actually femdom, and very popular, so i am convinced you are just larping because even as someone who doesnt like the genre or webtoons i have heard of it.

No. 2352340

I don't like looking at women involved in any kind of sexual act. Sorry if you can't process that idea.

No. 2352346

With the post mentioned, I think another thing is that both male characters' patheticness is sexualized. The man getting beaten for obvious reasons, but the other guy gets choked out, he is seen as a pathetic bpd schizo with mommy issues. Seeing him break down too is part of the appeal. It seems reasonable why a woman in the same position, with her patheticness being sexualized, wouldn't be as appealing.

No. 2352363

Being logical enough to think "being trans" made no sense (other than just word salad based on misogynistic tropes) since the first time I ever heard of the word. I also am from a stable family and relatively high achiever (education and job-wise) compared to most terminally online fandom enthusiasts.

No. 2352366

Then how do you feel about yourself when you masturbate, if other women are disgusting to you, and you're jorking it to two men? You're not imagining yourself as the man, but you hate seeing women in a sexual context?

No. 2352370

NTA, I rarely masturbate but when I do I just imagine someone else is touching me. I don't "jork it" to any kind of porn, straight or gay. Yaoi is just a hobby to me.

No. 2352371

Nta but you think about yourself when you masturbate?

No. 2352372

>If all you want to see is a man get hurt, there is already an established genre you can go to
Rather die kek

No. 2352374

I think about the men i am jerking it to, wtf are you on about. Do you also wonder why men jack off to nude pictures of women if there are no men in sight. How old are you.

No. 2352392

>Do you also wonder why men jack off to nude pictures of women if there are no men in sight.
My hot take is that although it's not quite full self insertion, most people seem to at least imagine themselves experiencing the intimate sensations that the characters are depicted as having. I'd really like a quantifiable study of this, though.

No. 2352396

Do you imagine cumming through your non-existent dick when you look at pictures of men in sexual scenes? What?

No. 2352411

Maybe for men since they're notoriously AGP but I think most people who masturbate to 2 men/women imagine having them do it for their amusement even if they don't imagine themselves in the scenario.

No. 2352420

i dont like self inserting and i am not interested in fucking 3DPD so i never understood this, maybe i not normalfag enough

No. 2352474

File: 1737233103837.png (290.85 KB, 601x559, 1000031583.png)

Could this be the anime to finally end the war?

No. 2352479

No, it's already flooded with lolicons to no one's surprise.

No. 2352484

>The yuri is just lolis again
When will himejos ever get a break

No. 2352487

>lolipedo show

No. 2352488

the amount of eyelashes on the front girl is really pissing me off they look like catterpilars

No. 2352495

>other women are disgusting to you
>you hate seeing women in a sexual context
You have to be 18 to post here. Go back to primary school and learn basic reading comprehension because I did not write any of these things.

No. 2352520

According to people who’ve read the manga that’s pretty much what happens yeah

No. 2352626

>antifujos say yaoi leads to trooning out
Even as a fujo myself I don't blame them for saying this. Have you seen the average fujo these days, outside of imageboards? At least one third of them identify as trannies because they think relating to yaoi authored by women = they must be gay men too. There's a reason why people make fun of gaydens all the time.

No. 2352724

nice, is this one from the main story or the yaoi spinoff? I seriously don't remember this though, is this before or after the annoying one is in the hospital?

No. 2352845

This is so true. Korean yaoi are so poorly drawn and written it always baffles me that someone is getting paid to make that. I wrote better stories in middle school. Can't even finish readin one chapter of the slop that comes out of there
>poor facial expressions
>low emotional intelligence of the author shown in the drama and interactions between characters that often makes no sense
>characters often have zero chemistry
>everyone has the same personality
>confusing same-y sounding names
>almost always boring university/office worker setting
>sex looks like the author is still a virgin or is based in some stupid kink no one has, and it's not even hot
>weird camera angles
>poor storytelling
>everyone uses almost identical artstyle, which is poorly proportioned, poorly colored, flat and often it's obvious they don't use reference
>why tf even color it if the drawings are so bad

No. 2352874

oh, is this the one fujoshits screech about because muh bitch MC abooses men? KEK

No. 2352995

The one written by a fujo, yeah.

No. 2353208

I don’t care about this argument but
>learn what terms mean
when you’re using the terms incorrectly yourself….

No. 2353580

How did fiction vs reality shit even become so polarized in the first place? Why did we have to lose the nuance? I swear to fucking god, interacting in fandom spaces for the past decade made me feel crazy until recently when my frontal lobe developed and I realized they're literally all just retarded.

No. 2354309

NTA Maybe there's a point with himes but you are hand wringing hard if you expect anyone to give a fuck about yumedanshi or pretend that yumes aren't 99% female with the 1% being TIMs who think they're yumejoshi. Men have their own 2D love culture and they have no reason to involve themselves in a female version where they'll get less content and have to abide by a bunch of rules that their own culture doesn't have. It's not the same as himejo/himedan and fujo/fudan where there's a difference in female-made vs male-made content that would encourage men to participate.

No. 2354937


No. 2357113

File: 1737434276399.png (2.47 MB, 601x6731, IMG_5048.png)

I'm surprised by how large the active backlash against fujos is becoming. I wonder what happened to cause this?

No. 2357124

misogynists hating women who just like cute guys without the need to moralfag and self insert makes normies mad

No. 2357125

File: 1737434504613.png (2.03 MB, 590x5608, IMG_5049.png)

No. 2357130

nta, but all of these accounts seem to be women, there is a growing female backlash against fujos due to how annoying and offensive they are

No. 2357133

Seething Twitter users with 13 likes doesn't really mean any active backlash that's just Twitter.

No. 2357138

oh no the poor faggots!!

No. 2357149

>Seething Twitter users with 13 likes doesn't really mean any active backlash that's just Twitter.
did you look at the actual number of retweets

No. 2357166

Yes, it means nothing. You could find a post saying lolifags are pedos and the retweets would be hundreds of lolifags moids, you could find a post of someone talking about their favorite hetship and being dogpiled in the retweets by people who hate hetships, this happens with any group. There's no growing backlash their tweet just was found by people who already hated fujos.

No. 2357200

they’ll talk about fujos being misogynistic for enjoying BL but they’re no different than the usual loud polilez that wouldn’t ever eat pussy. They want to be morally superior but can’t talk about what they enjoy without having to compare to other groups, can’t have fun with what they enjoy without moralfagging, and would rather participate in internet activism instead of enjoying yuri/yume/hetshit. They’re mad at fujos for making what they want for themselves unapologetically without having to think of what others like or what they deem as something “correct” to like.

No. 2357232

Don't fujos also moralfag other shippers quite often nowadays? I see it with fujos accusing hetshippers of being homophobes for shipping their totes gay-coded twink with a woman or just feeling stupidly smug for shipping something "queer". I feel arguments like this wouldn't exist if only English-speaking fandoms (English specifically cause I rarely see this behaviour in the JP/CN fandom spaces I participate in) stopped accusing random hetshippers of being homophobic. It pretty much ends up with hetshippers also being retarded by moralfagging fujos with misogyny accusations and it's just back-and-forth from there. I might be biased because I see one side more than the other.

No. 2357247

Once fujoism stepped out of just fandom activities and women having fun, it got filled with moralfagging. There’s also the clear cultural difference like you mentioned between EN groups and groups from other countries that try to stay away from politicizing their entertainment. It’s like EN women simply can’t enjoy anything without being told to use their hobbies as some form of activism or else you’ll get ostracized for being bigoted. Even this thread is nothing but those same arguments thrown back and forth while moids happily enjoy whatever slop they want without needing to march the streets or preach to twitter.

No. 2357257

I don't see fujos moralfagging hetships, it seems to be friendly fire in the spaces I observe. A notable example was "it is homophobic to ship X/Z because X/Y is a canon gay ship. By shipping X/Z, you are taking away the canon representation gay people deserve." The conclusion I've come to is that anybody moralfagging over ships is deeply retarded.
Yeah. My favorite part is when these people are desperate for moral superiority, so they start insisting there are phobias and isms where none exist. You will watch people minding their own business get flooded with harassment over having interracial ships kek

No. 2357803

>Identical rhetoric and obsession with buttholes/poop that antis here have
Ah, so they're coming from Twitter. Makes sense now. Twitter brings out the worst in everyone on all sides of any debate.

No. 2357809

>this thread is nothing but those same arguments thrown back and forth while moids happily enjoy whatever slop they want without needing to march the streets or preach to twitter.
I've pointed this out many times. While women infight over petty, meaningless crap, moids destroy the world. I don't understand how people can dedicate so much time to Twitter shipping drama when there are so many more pressing issues where porn and sexual exploitation are concerned. It really demonstrates to me that all the moralfagging is just a false pretext, and that what these women actually want to do is just bully other women for liking things they don't. That's what it's always been about.

No. 2359705

File: 1737555684125.png (68.4 KB, 751x521, s1HhdAt.png)

this was posted by a radfem and has caused quite a bit of discourse outside, do you agree with this take?

No. 2359711

I kind of agree with the 2nd tweet because the men in yaoi don't act like irl men at all, but I'd say for a lot of fujos yaoi is very much about gay male sex

No. 2359718

Pot calling the kettle black kek, only a xittertard would call anyone "antis".

No. 2359726

>not douching makes you a woman
damn nonnies i dont think most of us are real women

No. 2359727

I think the OP meant to say not lubricating. The assholes in yaoi always magically are lubricated like a vagina would be

No. 2359732

do you douche? How do you deal with all that vaginal dryness, and recurrent yeast infections?

No. 2359734

they are not real, they still got dick and balls. Why are retards obsessed with everything being realistic. Why cant women just like their cute guys buttfucking without having to see shit and other gross 3DPD shit. Some of you sound mega autistic in that you cant differentiate reality from fiction.

No. 2359736

isnt douching washing your ass? you dont do that in the shower? sorry i dont know about gay practices because i dont care about fags

No. 2359741

That anon was joking…

No. 2359743

>but I'd say for a lot of fujos yaoi is very much about gay male sex
no offense, but to have this opinion, you'd have to be a virgin

No. 2359744

anon, they are two men, fucking. Its gay.
>ib4 reeee its not realistic!!!
women in hentai cum from just cocksucking, women in yurishit get wet from fingering their bellybuttons. Its not meant to realistic, its just a fantasy.

No. 2359747

>women in yurishit get wet from fingering their bellybuttons
KEK sauce?

No. 2359754

File: 1737557251975.png (3.22 MB, 2872x2072, muh realistic belly button cum…)

kishi torajirou has a weird fetish for belly buttons he made like 3 or 4 chapters of this shit. Its insane to me that ONLY yaoi gets criticized for being unrealistic when literally all hentai is unrealistic, because its a fantasy. Thats like someone saying 50 shades of grey is unrealistic because a misogynistic scrote like Grey would never care about a mid girl like anastasia and he would instead go for underage girls in some epsteins rape ddungeon to abuse. Or that werewolves arent real therefore women into autistic werewolf smut books are actually zoophiles who want to fuck wolves.

No. 2359757

File: 1737557452654.png (85.1 KB, 493x335, 1000031579.png)

>itt: anons finally, sort of, maybe grasping the concept that anime porn is fucking stupid and not worth having emotionally invested wars over

No. 2359758

anons already know this, its only the antifujo spergs that are incapable of understand this shit and its why we have 4 threads of this spergery

No. 2359765

I've seen fujos bringing up yuri unprompted way more than any "anti fujo" with yaoi. Maybe if all of you weren't such cows, no one would care.

No. 2359768

its not unprompted, its because yurifags are massive cows who can lash it but not take it. Are you really trying to argue that yuripedo didnt deserve to get shit on? i am glad yurifags sperged out and fell out of favour with anons because the yuri crazies thread doxxing yuripedo and talking about schizo himes that blow all fujo cows out of the water, like that one brazilian hime who was involved in sex trafficking, has been hilarious to read.

No. 2359783

1 yuripedo for every 100 trooned out tif, really makes you think… i dont know any instance of any yurifag going into any fujo thread to make the conversation about them, fujos on the other hand derail every lesbian thread to talk about faggots. fujos have also been thirsting after teens in the female fantasies thread btw.

No. 2359784

No one's saying you can't like it, they're saying to call a spade a spade and quit acting like it's completely normal and everyone else are the weird ones for pointing it out.

No. 2359791

the only person derrailing the lesbian threads to talk about faggots is yuripedo. Why are you pretending we cant go back and re-read the lesbian threads and see her cosntantly attentionwhoring and doxing herself? also, pretty much all tims admit they trooned out thanks to yuri. But yurifags dont like to talk about it because they hate to admit yuri attracts men like shit to flies.

No. 2359795

>a spade a spade
>calling a character with cock and balls a woman
i am sorry for not wanting to be a tranny bootlicker like you, you have reddit and the rest of the internet to talk about how twans women are valid. lolcow is a terf site.

No. 2359807

why are fujos so retarded? people wouldnt be talking about you if you werent trying to insert your gay porn everywhere.

No. 2359808

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No. 2359812

yuripedo also inserted her gay porn everywhere, did we forget about all her spergouts where she would spam yurishit?

No. 2359830

i am not yuripedo, why should all himes take the blame because of this one person?
>did we forget about all her spergouts where she would spam yurishit
did she? are there caps of someone spamming yurishit in fujo threads? fujos come into ssa threads to talk about yaoi and husbandofags all the time but i havent seen the reverse of this happening.

No. 2359832

>why should all himes take the blame because of this one person?
the irony

No. 2359839

I used to hate just fujos for always shitting up search results for my favorite female characters, usually hating on them and getting mad over dumb innocuous shit like mildly disagreeing with their favorite male character kek. Nowadays they still do that or spam retarded pegging/mpreg memes on her.
But recently the yuri fan spergouts on twitter and in the fandom discourse threads have made me realize they are just as annoying, sanctimonious, and in denial of how annoying they are kek. Shipperfags are a disease

No. 2359856

NTA but yuripedo is one single retard. Fujotards are a whole cancerous army constantly REEEEING about how oppressed they are when they get told to stop being annoying coomers. The fujo vs hime infight was literally you fighting imaginary enemies.

No. 2359864

File: 1737562071505.png (8.16 KB, 1218x138, loli school girl porn is bette…)

this isnt true, its several himes that constantly ree and shill their coomshit. When yuripedo was doxed her discord kitten squad came to defend her. So its several of them. They all constantly sperg on the fandom thread about how their gross loli school girl porn is ackshually better than yaoi.

No. 2359868

whos telling you to read loli porn? there are yuris with adult women.

No. 2359874

>there are yuris with adult women
yeah and those yuris def look like realistic women and not baby faced anime girls with balloon tits or plastic anachan kpop girls

No. 2359934

Never seen a single hime/yume reeeing, yet I can't go one day without seeing fujospergs reeeing and infighting about everything because they're too sensitive to take even the mildest criticism. So there's definitely more of you, or at least you're louder and more annoying.

No. 2359946

>Never seen a single hime/yume reeeing
why are you lying, i literally posted a ss of a hime reeing at women prefering to see cute guys instead of sexualized big boobed anime girls

No. 2359948

wheres the reeing?

No. 2359953

lmao, are you for real? c'mon anon i know you are more intelligent that this. If someone said yaoi is better for women because yurishit leads to self hatred and trooning out all yurifags would be furiously typing angry sperg outs.

No. 2359954

women rarely troon out because of yuri, so that argument wouldnt work.

No. 2359958

because women rarely read yuri, the men that do read yuri do troon out. Also yuri anime girls are sexualized male gaze coom monsters so it would obviously lead to self hatred.

No. 2359959

>Never seen a single hime/yume reeeing
lmao then the ree-er was you

No. 2359962

and yaoi is so feminist that almost all fujos trooned out?

No. 2359965

Absolutely no one said that. Also saying ''almost'' all fujos when its only western fujos, who are the minority and not the ones making yaoi in the first place, is just blatant lying.

No. 2359978

the cope kekkk you cant escape troons in fujo fandom even if you tried to surround yourself with women.

No. 2359985

You are so assmad you cant even read a simple sentence. I am not an american so i can still enjoy talking yaoi with normal women that havent been poisoned by the kool aid. And its the same for japanese women and other asian women. Its literally just a english-speaking fandom problem.

No. 2359993

All this shit is retarded. Put the bug people media down and get some good taste, stop committing self-harm by being an anime fan(racebait)

No. 2360000

Uke do douche and get enemas. It's not onscreen a lot of the time because no matter how these people try they're not going to manipulate fujoshi into liking scat.
It's usually played off as "taking a shower" or "I prepared myself."

No. 2360016

you're on an english speaking site, and youre claiming that anyone that reads yuri troons out, but then you backtrack to say that no one in non western fandoms troons out. can you at least keep your arguments consistent?

No. 2360025

4 threads of women hating each other for what anime porn they read, we should all be sisters and love each other. This is so sad.

No. 2360027

Bl nowadays are about finding a good fuck on grindr/twitter, people who bitch about "they're just women" are mistaking male anime character behavior for femininity, which is pretty sad when I type that outloud.
Maybe its because many only watch shounen? Not like you don't see even more ""feminine"" behavior in isekai characters.

No. 2360030

What makes me kek is that fujos, yumes and himes all considered the same species of loser by anyone outside of the autism circles.

No. 2360039

A reminder that we're all the same to normies who aren't terminally online

No. 2360043

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Kekk agreed but the 'tism means we must fight to the death

No. 2360061

I never claimed that, its impossible to talk with you because you cant read.

No. 2360097

File: 1737569300567.jpg (3.75 MB, 1874x12557, 1732507442706.jpg)

>The fujo vs hime infight was literally you fighting imaginary enemies.
This. It's like fujos are at a constant state of seethe.

No. 2360105

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No. 2360106

Pic related and twitter retards still manage to make themselves the more obnoxious ones because they can't let shit go, it's amazing.

No. 2360112

typical fujo.

No. 2360116

At least she's honest that she's not going to read this retard shit instead of making up complete schizo nonsense about mpreg to be mad at.

No. 2360118

you are the one that made an autistic spreadsheet because she's butthurt. I genuinely have no idea what you want to prove because fujosperging outside containment was banned because antifujos were so insanely spergy they couldnt contain themselves.

No. 2360122

They're still doing it in fandom discourse anyway, while also having the antifujo thread fujos can't post in. What's the point?

No. 2360127

its because you have a fujolard on the mod team

No. 2360133

Meanwhile their dead yurishit thread sits untouched and dry of any post actually talking about yuri. And also yuripedo was doxed kek. They keep taking L after L just because their small brains cant understand why straight women want to read cute guys buttfucking instead of anime school girls holding hands and fingering their belly buttons.

No. 2360138

If there was, why wouldn't they delete your sperging across multiple threads and the apparently pointless antifujo thread??

No. 2360152

>swathes of fujolards coming out of the woodworks when they're spergy behaviour is being made into a public spectacle
Keep embarassing yourselves some more. Ya'll just milking yourselves at this point KEKKK

No. 2360162

>5 replies, not even all to the same post, just telling you that it's retarded to think anybody is playing favorites
Is this one of those schizo things where they feel like they're being attacked when in reality they're tarding out?

No. 2360164

>antifujos get banned from posting outside containtment
>antifujos get doxed
>yuri crazies thread exposes a bunch of crazy yurifags that are downright evil like a fucking sex trafficker hime
>silly fujos you are the ones actually losing, HIME win!!!!

No. 2360169

>a bunch of crazies
>it's yuripedo
>one brazillian woman
>typical bishit

No. 2360180

>No True Scotsman Fallacy
The irony of a yurifag saying this while claiming all fujos are troons and like mpreg just from a few examples.

No. 2360188

Lol notice how there's been an uptick of posts lately from fujos seething over the idea that yaoi is filled with mpreg? It must have been because of a comment on here from a few weeks ago. They're like deranged BPDemons who get triggered over a single innocuous comment you make, and won't stop guilt-tripping you about it ever since.

No. 2360192

few examples that span across various threads, including the 50 tif threads where a lot of the women posted trooned out over yaoi.

No. 2360197

Yurifags always sperg out if you say yuri is nothing but male gazey school girls porn for pedos. So its ironic.

No. 2360198

File: 1737572471228.jpg (92.34 KB, 432x612, tumblr_59989e0c1ac664cf433c534…)

it's so twitter. there's no point to this fight, some women are going to get off to things or be interested in things other women aren't, big fucking whoop. leave it at that and stop trying to drag misogyny or real world issues into your personal dislike fr

No. 2360217

true. it's quite sad that lc needs a infight thread for this. fujos, yumes and himes all have lolcows.

No. 2360221

>single innocuous comment
Are antis actually okay in the head? Or do they think other women are that stupid? The threads can still be read, anybody with eyes can see your delusional sperging over women reading yaoi.

No. 2360269

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>It must have been because of a comment on here from a few weeks ago
I'm a himejo but since anons in this thread have been sperging about mpreg for the past month — actually they've been sperging about mpreg since the last thread was made 8 months ago, and they've been sperging about mpreg in the fandom threads for even longer which is how the first antifujo thread even got made — I actually decided to do my own research on mangago, including reading omegaverse manga/manhwa, and only TWO contained mpreg and the pregnancies were not even shown. I read over 300 (and did not skimread, I actually paid attention to the dialogue and setting) and deem that a suitable number to judge "BL" on. I can now understand the fujos here getting mad that their genre is misrepresented in these autistic threads by mpreg sperg anons when it's actually less than 1% of the genre. These threads should be renamed to "tif mpreg cringe".

No. 2360300

you are making too much sense, how dare you have evidence that antifujos are so out of touch

No. 2360324

Opinion discarded

No. 2360378

Given the posts, you can get a sense they're basing everything on what they see on ao3 fanfiction.
It's more of a problem in western fanfiction/fandoms as a whole and has to do with every genre and not just yaoi, but I think a lot of them are too obsessed with fanfic themselves.

No. 2360397

To be fair, there are as many non-canon focused fujos as ones that are only into BL (if not more honestly). Even if it's fanwork, fanfiction and art is still a reliable measure of what's trendy and liked among fujos. Though I do think mpreg itself isn't that popular among fujos as anons here seem to think, to a lot of xitterfags it's just memespeak and an extension of "breeding kink" shit rather than actually wanting to see 2D men with bellies and giving birth.

No. 2360430

Ah yes, the classic aggressive "if you disagree with my fetish ur a tranny lover reeeee" defense. So we're tranny bootlickers for pointing out how weird it is for a lot of yaoi relationships to be pseudo-het from both a biological and behavioral perspective. If I were in line with gendie shit, I wouldn't think it was weird at all. Then again, I don't expect fujos to have any idea how relationships between two people go naturally, so of course they'd model them after what they instinctually crave. There's niche fantasy, and then there's prevalent patterns and trends that are so ingrained that even a non-fujo can see it for what it is. And again if that's what you like, I have no issue with it, but don't sperg out at others for pointing out the obvious.

No. 2360453

The Stranger by the Beach, for example, gave a really natural, cute depiction and progression of a gay relationship socially without being het with a gay skin on or a sweaty bara pigfest, even though the sexual stuff wasn't so explicit; although it seems you and many others might think those are the only two dynamics to choose from when writing gay ships.

No. 2360512

Funny how she completely ignored the discussion to push the retard het sperg again.
Tbh I don't really see anything different with that manga than the others, the only difference is that's it's an easier to digest artstyle and got a movie.

No. 2361407

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>so of course they'd model them after what they instinctually crave
Yes, because yaoi is porn. Its not meant to depict a realistic gay relationship. Its meant to depict two hot guys having butt sex for women to schlick to. Who the fuck cares if the gay cartoons arent realistically gay moids that catch AIDs and get poo on their dicks? thats why faggots made barashit. Which funnily enough, doesnt get douching or preparation anyways and has ''self lubricating'' assholes too. I guess gay men making barashit are secretly bisexuals who crave pussy now. Its interesting how only women get accused of being self inserters when their porn isnt hyper realistic and has poop and douching and realistic gay men that are old and beat the shit out of eachother like the fags in Mission Hill. Meanwhile gay men making bara dont get accused of any of this. Interesting.

No. 2361528

The gay men producing bara also make male lactation and mpreg too. Wonder why they get ignored…

No. 2361532

Same reason why men who draw hentai where the women cum from PIV despite statistic showing women dont cum to PIV dont get hate. Because they are men.

No. 2361590

for any himes here, do you actually read japanese yuri or was this all just bullshit? I've seen both manhua and manwha gl works and neither of them resemble the pornified moeslop of typical mainstream gl manga.

No. 2361954

File: 1737654333426.webp (77.51 KB, 770x1100, 009.webp)

I am not a hime but i like yuri. I cannot stand the samey plastic look of manwha. I wish all yuri looked like picrel.

No. 2361960

Yeah there is surprisingly a lot of manhwa and manhua Yuri and surprisingly it is good especially the manhwas. So I do find it weird how these yurifags only read Yuri Mangas knowing a majority of the content is garbage. Like Mangas are great but the Yuri genre in Mangas is bad. Alot of yurifags just seem like closeted pdfiles or reactionaries who want to shit on fujos(do not self censor on lolcow)

No. 2362100

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Manga is generally more aesthetically pleasing to read. Also I know what to read, unlike you all fujolards who think the mainstream subtext goyslop is representative of the genre when it's not even yuri kek.

No. 2362354


No. 2362645

File: 1737682619330.webp (121.81 KB, 950x1344, TawiranU.webp)

antifujos been real quiet since anons brought up gay barafags, seems like they dont have the energy to call gay men bisexuals despite drawing self lubricating assholes, pecs that look like tits and lactation

No. 2362870

ITT: anons discovering for the first time that porn is unrealistic on purpose.

No. 2362877

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No. 2362878

No true Brazilian

No. 2362880

This whole sperging made me check gay porn(god save my soul) and surprise, surprise, they also dont show the twink starving himself or douching and they jump straight into anal with barely any foreplay. I wonder if all of the spergs angry at yaoi are either those borderline AGP women that get off not from seeing the sex they like being sexualized, but rather from being the desired objects of consumption or are so autistic they are borderline asexual and unable to understand how porn is meant to work.

No. 2362881

It's been established that it isn't even very popular on Ao3 either, percentage-wise: >>2326275 (granted, the discussion in that case was about A/B/O, but if you look at the data, it bears similar results for Mpreg, which never enters into the top 100 tags.)

No. 2362882

Imagine that! Isn't it funny how it's still the women that get castigated and not the men creating their coomshit? Fascinating, really

No. 2362884

I don't think it's that deep, nona. I think that the antis are just a little squicked by yaoi itself, but then became angry and radicalized by annoying yaoi fans online. Even as a fujo myself, I can acknowlege that a lot of slashers and fujos (especially teenage ones) can be pretty annoying online. My guess is that what we're seeing here is more a backlash to that than it is anything necessarily inherent to yaoi itself (though people desperately try to cook up post-hoc justifications for why the art itself is the source of the problem).

No. 2362904

There is a segment of western fujoshi that are the most obnoxious wordsalad brainrotted retarded politic spewing gendies imaginable, they seem to bounce around in a group infecting series with cuntboy like they did with Trigun. It's reasonable to be really fucking pissed at them but a lot of this thread is just spergy armchair psychology.
Tbh, I've wondered if recent Japanese fujobait trending shows not getting parallel popularity in the west due to either not being compatible with western sensibilities or being too downlow to hit western mainstream is really just a coincidence.

No. 2362909

liking cuntboy automatically disqualifies you as a fujoshi.

No. 2362934

It's the new norm in yaoi now, I saw a tweet shitting on cuntboy and it got a bunch of mad qrts. I only expect there to be more in the future sadly

No. 2362948

>It's the new norm in yaoi now, I saw a tweet
Nona, please. Nothing on twitter is "the new norm".

No. 2363219

Life was simpler when I was crawling through fags spaces trying to read about them getting brutally raped

No. 2363728

>Tbh, I've wondered if recent Japanese fujobait trending shows not getting parallel popularity in the west due to either not being compatible with western sensibilities or being too downlow to hit western mainstream is really just a coincidence.
Thinking about it, there is a difference in what gets popular. I follow fujobait seasonals, maybe its my algorithms but the stuff that's been popping off in the past year or two (sans JJK), I have rarely seen any western fanart at all, let alone cuntboy/trans art.

No. 2363730

I feel like people focus too much on fujotifs to say that yaoi causes women to troon out. If you go to most english speaking fandom you see “transmasc” yumejos (self shippers) and genderspecial nonbinary himejoshi. It happens to any impressionable young girl in english fandom spaces, you just see more fujotifs because there are more fujos in general. Im not saying it never happens but it isn’t the yaoi causing it.
The fujo to troon thing feels more like a recent developement, just a few years ago tifs hated fujoshi because it was fetishizing gay men. When using yaoi as an ironic joke became a thing (old man yaoi, those yaoimas jokes) fujoshi weren’t hated as much and people realized they could turn being a fujoshi into an “egg” thing, and the tifs who related to it ran with it. Maybe thats just my experience but i never saw fujoshi tifs until recently, fujoshi were always hated by trans people in fandom.

No. 2363733

Yaoi is about two men, cuntboy shit disqualifies it from being yaoi. Just like how futa isnt yuri no matter how much trannies screech about it. The only reason i read yaoi is because i want to see two men fuck, taking away the cocks and balls just turns it into weird tomboy hentai.

No. 2363751

What's this list? A list of insults for shippers?

No. 2363753

As a fujo I love yaoidivergents kek

No. 2363759

Cuntboy is only the norm with retarded tifs and chinese yumejo-wannabes who can't admit to self inserting their own vagina into horny art of their husbando. A yumejo who unashamedly selfships will always be superior to a cuntboy """fujo""" and I say this as a himejo. Fujos suffer as much as himejos with all this cuntboy/"male futa" shit.

No. 2363777

>chinese yumejo-wannabes
You're right about this but not in the way you think. Most of the chinese "fujos" I see into cuntboys are more attracted to the cuntboy than the seme and I'm pretty sure this is why they don't become yumes. They're more attracted to the idea of fucking a cuntboy with a dick.

No. 2363786

i always thought chinese cuntboy fags are repressed bisexuals

No. 2363838

Ayrt. Explain. How did you discover this?

No. 2363926

From looking for normal fandom art by CN artists and then discovering cuntboy art. All the ones I've seen do the same shit of drawing their favorite character as a cuntboy getting fucked by faceless men and obsessing over him having a pussy.

No. 2363967

File: 1737749070774.jpg (4.91 MB, 2802x3134, Jesus_ascending_to_heaven.jpg)

I'm about to alog all of china

No. 2363977

Turns out that Xi Jinping is a HUGE cuntboy fan

No. 2363988

I feel like these types are most similar to dark romance hetfags.

No. 2364009

Why is it specifically Chinese women who have this cuntboy fetish though? Is there a cultural reason behind it?

No. 2364023


No. 2364025

Part of the obsessing I'm talking about was things like making jokes about licking or fingering him which is why I think they're more like yumes.

No. 2365024

Thirdie fujos don't hide that they're repressed and just want het with extra steps like firstie fujos do

No. 2365025

"anti fujo" here, fags aren't real

No. 2365060

If fags aren't real, then why does AIDS exist?

No. 2365067

because a moid fucked a monkey

No. 2365117

All my favorite yaoi ships I make the boys switch. I actually hate the designated "top vs bottom" shit. If I wanted that I'd go for more het ships.

No. 2365120

Then how do you explain your dad

No. 2365125

its not gay if he was the uke

No. 2365129

Are you saying you were born through mpreg nonny, i am so sorry you were birthed through a cock

No. 2365173

I wasnt the nona with the gay dad but if he's an uke then he'd birth her through his yaoi hole.
God anti fujos are so fucking ignorant sometimes about male anatomy

No. 2365179

>yaoi hole
so shes a shit baby?

No. 2365220

How are you guys not grossed out by men's poop holes? Eww

No. 2365248

because it's fiction?

No. 2365304

because it's not a poop hole, men's assholes in yaoi basically function like vaginas

No. 2365305

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>men's assholes in yaoi basically function like vaginas

No. 2365338

Anon, it's not real. It's just a picture, its a drawing. Tbh with the Japanese censorship you don't actually get to see that much butthole.
Yaoi men usually just clean themselves before having sex offscreen because retards kept pointing at that like it's a real issue harming representation of gay men (despite the gay men going on to write >>2362645)

No. 2365347

…You see your vaginas as the same as yaoi buttholes?

No. 2365353

>t. antifujo

No. 2365544

I mean most contemporary yaoi involves lube, but yeah generally no mention of poop or enemas is ever made. They also don't draw all the ass hair men have, either (thankfully).

No. 2365592

It's slowly becoming common for enemas to be mentioned here and there, if you read between the lines "I prepared myself", "So you came ready", "I took a shower" are sometimes meant to mean "enema".
They won't show it onscreen because most nonantifujos don't give a shit about it, but sometimes you'll see the seme say "let me help you" where the reaction is "wtf" which should make it obvious what they actually meant.

No. 2365625

with your own implication that fags are fake, obviously

No. 2365663

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No. 2366676

fuck antifujos for forcing bl writers to insert this shit onto my yaoi. Why are men allowed to fantasize about big titty 15yo girls who want their mediocre microdicks but women arent allowed to like yaoi without all the gross stuff that comes with 3DPD gay sex. Even barashit doesnt do this trash and its for actual gay men who have dicks they want to put in 3DPD poopy assholes.

No. 2366679

Holy fucking shit what part of "yaoi men are not real men" don't you understand? No, they aren't women either. They literally aren't real.
God damn

No. 2366680

>fuck antifujos for forcing bl writers to insert this shit onto my yaoi.
What antifujo is writing emails to these Japanese BL writers to include dialogue implying the usage of enemas?

No. 2366684

It wouldnt surprise me if japan had its own breed of antifujo spergs. Older bl didnt have that gay shit. Modern BL is so lame and boring because they are making sure to get rid of all the things that make BL fun.

No. 2366687

That doesn't answer my question nona, had it not occurred to you that those were added of the own BL author's volition rather than a anti-fujo boogeywoman?

No. 2366690

Then they have shit taste and need to understand absolutely no one cares about the realism of yaoi.

No. 2366691

Clearly some do if they continue to add it.

No. 2366712

i honestly don’t have much of an opinion but i never got it and it’s tif-coded. each to their own i guess

No. 2366715

Tbf, it's just a sentence. Kinda sad that despite the drastic changes in the genre everyone still believes it hasn't changed at all from the Junjou Romantica days.
Email? Just go on twitter. You think the antifujos just sperg here and never call fujos self insert series ruining fetishizers? It's been a thing with men and antifujos alike.
This is a moid coded opinion.

No. 2366716

>This is a moid coded opinion.
you want to call her a man so bad, don't you kekk

No. 2366719

What? Saying women who like yaoi secretly fantasize about being a smol uke getting forced fucked by a large man is a very common male opinion. In general "A woman drew someone having sex/being objectified must mean that's what they want for themselves irl" is a common idea.

No. 2366721

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The mental image of someone holding a gun to a yaoi mangaka's head until she writes a line of dialogue about the uke washing his ass fucking sent me.

No. 2366723

At least, can this thread finally admit that the homosexual buttholes are indeed meant to be homosexual buttholes and not actually vaginas?

No. 2366725

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Coming from the fujo side, I've totally lost the plot when it comes to the whole enema issue. So when there isn't lube and enemas in yaoi, it's unrealistic or the uke is functionally female, but when those things are included, the mangaka is virtue-signalling and the readers are nasty poop enjoyers? Am I reading all of this right? Seems like we've fallen back into the trap of obsessively fixating on and nitpicking the specifics of porn women make for other women again.

Nonnas I'm gonna be totally honest, I don't care whether cleaning is mentioned. I'm fine with whatever level of realism there is as long as I don't have to see poop. I do kind of prefer when there's lube though, because I find the foreplay element of that sexy. But I'm really not to pressed about it.

No. 2366729

>Saying women who like yaoi secretly fantasize about being a smol uke getting forced fucked by a large man is a very common opinion
ftfy, not only males are able to come with that conclusion. Most people get that impression too even at first glance because it's so painfully obvious specially in older manga

No. 2366733

But males repeat it quite a lot and especially enjoy it when female antifujos "admit its true" because they find it erotic, they see it as a woman confessing that womens' fantasies are actually what they really want a man to do with them.

No. 2366742

>males hold this opinion therefore if you hold this opinion as a woman it is invalid

No. 2366744

Fujo with the same opinion, I don't understand why anons here are sperging about so bad and making it into a bigger deal than it is. Literal schizo thread

No. 2366746

Don't see why it's hard to understand that the "self insert" theory would be what they would love to be true.
It would mean fujoshi aren't objectifying them, that women actually want to be objectified. Is this wrong?
You can have the same opinion, but for me it's a moidy idea. I don't think what a woman writes for fun means they want it done irl.

No. 2366748

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>tfw i just like size difference and cute smaller men
>i cant say i like taller fem/shorter guy cuz then i would get accused of being a shotafag
>ok settle with yaoi
>get accussed of ackshually wanting to be the uke
being a woman is so tiring, dude

No. 2366752

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Just like what you like

No. 2366753

>>i cant say i like taller fem/shorter guy cuz then i would get accused of being a shotafag
hmm wonder why you think that because most will just say youre into manlets..how short do you actually like them for them to assume youre into children?

No. 2366757

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>proves my point
Enough said.

No. 2366780

>reading comprehension
no it doesnt kek, seems like you have some skellies in your closet if you dont want to post the actual height

No. 2366783

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I posted it. One head difference. Which is basically impossible to make non shota in fem/male. Something, something, sexual dimorphism.

No. 2366784

Nta but it's definitely example A.
Also why do you think she posted a picture with that?

No. 2367052

I know it's not a satisfying answer for the purposes of this discussion, but I think each reader engages with stories differently. I imagine some people do self insert while reading yaoi, but a lot of others don't (myself included). This is why it's difficult to make sweeping generalizations here. You basically have to presume to know what's going on in the head of a person who enjoys it.

No. 2367057

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>anon says she likes the kind of character designs ukes often have
>"omg pedo!"

No. 2367448

Antifujos take what tifs say at face value but when other women say they dont self insert then they suddenly dont. They really just pick and choose whats convenient for them.

No. 2367467

Nta I think antifujos are the ones who want to self insert into BL because a lot of yumejo stuff sucks. I think it's envy related.

No. 2367684

I can't speak for every fandom but for my r18 gacha bl I'm constantly surrounded by "I want to be bred by X (the big strong seme)" and "move over (uke) mc it's my turn" type of comments from fujotifs with "X's cum bucket" type of usernames. They are thankfully not the majority but still significant enough in numbers that self inserting is definitely a trend.

No. 2367726

Yick idk what shady ass site you're using to read djs but its users somehow sound simultaneously cum-brained and like middle schoolers.

No. 2367839

Do (female) yurifags all self insert?
Wouldn't consider myself a himejoshi, when I read yuri I treat it the same way as I do yaoi, as seeing two people completely seperate from me. though sometimes with yuri I feel a bit of regret for not being more outgoing in my youth.

No. 2367841

kek what is the difference between yumeslop and yaoislop besides the gender of participants?

No. 2367857

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I think yaoi tends to be a bit more bittersweet/dark/retarded than yuri and yume tbh.
The characters being men actually does make it different. Like top left >>2365663 is about two guys being slut sex friends and then dating, only to realize that the sex is a bit much, breaking up and ending with pic related.

No. 2368048

>Do (female) yurifags all self insert?
I do kek. It's also why I hate the toxicyurifags who are into rape and abuse. Makes me wanna [banned for alogging] them just so I know there's one less nu-ryonafag within my vicinity. I've never heard a single good take from a toxicyurifag. I'm not into fluff tbh but I'm not into shit where the girls get physically harmed or are made to bleed. As soon as I find out someone is into that I actually just ghost and won't even care if they see my online status nor will I respond to their messages asking if I've seen their messages kek. This has happened 5 times at least now. I hate toxicyurifags so much. I hate them even more when they think I'm like them. I will never be like them. I'm 100 levels above them.

No. 2368415

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If a man says his type are "anime girls" I would assume he's probably a pedo. Quit being obtuse, most anime is made for pedophiles and even characters that are meant to be +30 tend to look as childlike as possible, and that goes double for stereotypical uke characters. Sure, there's exceptions and #notallukes, but the stereotypical uke body is thin, petite, and youthful looking with big doe eyes. I don't think that makes anyone automatically a pedo, but it's so retarded when fujos expect you to act like certain characters like picrel don't look exactly like prepubescent children. I don't care if he's akcshually a grown man, he's drawn like a 14 year old down to his proportions.

No. 2368421

>>2368415 tbh all of them look like normal anime guys in >>2365663

No. 2368427

The fuck you guys talking about? Yume isn't a genre

No. 2368439

Toxicyurifags strike me as fake lesbians/bi (the virtue signaling type) or troons if not women. I don't trust a single person who says they like toxic yuri

No. 2368443

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>most anime is made for pedophiles
So your issue is with anime generally and not fujos specifically, then. Getting mad at some fujos for liking neotenous adult characters when anime aimed at men is often openly pedophilic is like getting mad that your toaster is broken while your whole house is on fire.

No. 2368529

what the hell are you talking about? men mainly thrive on "pure" f/f, and troons especially are notorious for self-inserting in these kinds of pairings. the most "problematic" youll get from them is one half of the pairing being a mommy/daddy kink dispenser, and they're the type to shit on women creating messier f/f because it doesn't cater to their perfect fantasies. theres a reason yuri is overwhelmingly CGDCT, meanwhile female-dominated genres like m/m have a much broader and darker range.

No. 2368591

That's what you think, but men go absolutely gaga over toxic yuri, especially when they quote that terribly done study about lesbian relationships being "extremely abusive."

No. 2368598

Nta yurifan but I think both are correct. There's moeblob pure yuri, and menhera yandere forcing a girl to eat bugs yuri, and the "Dark dramatic" yuri in the middle of the two isn't as popular.

No. 2368851

>men like cute women
i sleep
>women like cute men

No. 2368867

It's retarded shit like this that make fawning fujos try to cope with their hideous "old man yaoi" that makes me want to vomit.
When yumes have anime husbandos who look like the example you provided don't say a god damn thing, but when fujos ship them with other anime men suddenly we are pedos.
If you can't see the difference between the killing stalking uke and some male gaze shit like boku no pico you are beyond unreasonable.

No. 2368887

Scrotes do this too in nerd spaces and it's so fucking weird. They can like seifuku-clad 2d girls all day long but suddenly a woman who likes Enstars is a pedo gooner

No. 2368906

Its so annoying. You have to like the goverment mandated roidpig walled moids like Kratos otherwise you are as bad as men who jack off to loli. Its not like youthful grown men dont exist irl either, its just that men dont take care of themselves and are allowed to let themselves go and rot their bodies with chicken nuggies and 24/7 goon and vidya sessions so they already look 40 by the time they turn 22.

No. 2368912

Exactly, and there's always some pickme going "Erm I'm 26 which is basically ancient and my brain is fully developed so I love Kratos bearded dad bods"

No. 2368913

Kratos is literally made to appeal to fags. He is pure Bara. Any moid who holds him up as a representation of attractive masculinity is a closet homo.

No. 2368988

10000% Men liking Kratos is the faggiest thing he can do.

No. 2369294

moids pretending to be gay for a bald 2/10 because he's attainable and relatable is further proof that fags aren't real

No. 2370145

They're talking about canon x canon hetshipping shit because most anons here don't actually know what yume is.

No. 2370422

Tbf "joseimusuke/yumeoc/hetshipping" is long to say.
You know who they're talking about, they know who they're talking about, do you want them to spell it out every time that they mean both?

No. 2370584

Yes, seeing yume get bastardized to the point where people complain about "yumes" and "yume content" while describing things that are explicitly not yume is annoying. They should just say what they're actually talking about.

No. 2371030

these are probably "realistic" or gritty stories, they don't compose the bulk of bl. plus none of us can really read jp so what we see is a teeny drop in the ocean, and that drop is often filtered through normies and tifs (who i am very surprised spearhead the translation scene now, but anyway), so of course they're going to favor stories where men douche their holes or whatever.

No. 2371112

Oh God not the "fags aren't real" sperg again

No. 2371117

So tifs actually like realistic portrayals of anal sex now? Come on now, this thread was so adamant about tifs liking cuntboy and "basically vagina yaoi holes"!
Now you're just pretend that this is now the case? The funniest thing is calling bottom right "gritty" in any way. These are all random bl, none of them are particularly gritty or genre breaking, a few are from popular authors that have been writing for decades so obviously they're getting translated and not by "normies and tifs". As for "um actually tifs are all translating these so um I'm still right actually", this is just embarrasing.

No. 2371160

The Japanese are quite open about their bl trends, actually. They hold awards every year, including one for "next gen authors to look out for."
There's also pop up cafes and merch drops for popular bl manga.

No. 2371177

>assuming whoever she's arguing against now is who she was arguing against earlier
>condescending tone
>doubling down on being wrong
>putting words in my mouth
exemplary lolcow poster

No. 2371180

>fuck antifujos for forcing bl writers to insert this shit onto my yaoi.
This is honestly one of the funniest things I've read in a while, thanks
Yes? It actually doesn't make much sense to just group any random het romance manga with some dork making a husbando themed ita bag

No. 2371183

>doubling down on being wrong
Says the one who thinks that what was posted "probably" doesn't count because "nobody speaks japanese" and "the translators are probably tifs".
You deserve the condescending tone.

No. 2371308

I think most people just like unrealistic sex and are into a partner that is bigger or smaller than the other and that's okay, and porn made for and by women doesn't need to be 100% feminist or politically correct to be allowed to exist. each day I wonder more and more how this entire argument started on both sides and why I should care if a straight woman writes unrealistically or realistically or too little or too much about fags and how it speaks to her politics

No. 2371960

You aren't even a fujo if you can't recognize most of those titles wtf, this whole thread is just people who don't read BL making headcanons about what they think BL is.

No. 2372058

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>porn made for and by women doesn't need to be 100% feminist or politically correct

No. 2372060

yaoi doesn't need to have any real purpose or meaning. it's in the name.

No. 2372061

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>this whole thread is just people who don't read BL making headcanons about what they think BL is

No. 2372063

you're so cringy.

No. 2372064

The goalposts move so often they might as well have wheels

No. 2372068

Do you know where you are

No. 2372073

just posting reaction images and greentext is cringe in any thread.

No. 2372184

You're not a farmhand

No. 2375065

What's the deal with the antifujo spammer on /m/? Do they not know there's threads for that shit or are they autistic?

No. 2375074

the one posting "ftm in 3 months"?

No. 2375078

The one that spams tweets in "funny tumblr posts", might be the same guy.

No. 2387720

Yumefujo exists?? I finally found my category.

No. 2394712

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>there are anons in the fujo thread who use the word "y/ncel" for yumes.
>They're coping over the fact that fujos transition to larp BL and a lot of ftms are fujoshi who have taken things too far. Yumes are women who ship themselves with their husbando/waifu, not two men together. It's why the fujo community has been decimated and is now full of ftms, while the yume community is rather the same as always, a small thriving niche. They don't have to transition to larp their fantasy the same way fujos who read BL for the romance do. A lot of defensive fujo anons seem to want to avoid criticism of something they like by pretending that reading BL for the romance they desire isn't a real phenomena when it is, like the ones who claim it's totally just for the plot or because the characters are so great or whatever. A lot of fujos like BL for the romance and want a romance like it, to the point that they want to larp as men because that has become an option presented to them nowadays and the crazy ones take it because they're being cheered on by big pharma and troonisms popularity. I don't understand why some are defensive over recognising that ftms are fujos who have taken an enjoyment of the mundane to a delusional extent, it's like they think it reflects bad on all fujos rather than just delulu people, so it should be coped away and denied.
Literally no fujo on this site denies that trooning out is a problem in our community, you guys are just so married to your goddamn priors that you never listen to the actual words we say. What we dispute isn't the overlap between TiFs and BL fans– it's the direct causal relationship antis insist exists, because you tards don't know the difference between correlation and causation. Some of you genuinely seem to think that reading yaoi manga brainwashes literally any woman who reads "too much" of it into trooning out.

Here's the reality: yaoi attracts the same kind of nerdy, introverted, oddball women that genderwoo does, making it an ideal recruiting ground for the cult. If you're a straight woman who feels uncomfortable with being sexually objectified (personally or as a sex class), you dislike the systemic power imbalance in straight relationships, and you've been let down by what mainstream media markets as "appealing" to straight women, you're likely to be drawn to yaoi or slash shipping because it's an escapist fantasy away from all that. TiFs share a lot of those traits, just to a more extreme level associated with mental illness. For non-TiF slashers and yaoi fans, they can enjoy the fiction as a form of escapism and move on. However, TiFs pathologize their discomfort with straight relationships and objectification, believing that they can "escape" these things by transitioning into "gay men."

This is compounded by the fact that TiFs also just feel ashamed to be straight in general, hence their need to crab-bucket and bully other women for being fujoshis (a recruitment tactic in my opinion). They see other women shamelessly engaging in the sexual objectification of men, and they feel bitter that those women are able to do so without going trough the "trial" of transition; in their minds, they earned the right to enjoy yaoi "ethically," unlike those basic Becky straight women. I believe that TiFs see the crappy way women are treated and internalize it rather than recognize it as a societal problem, which results in all these neurotic displays of NLOGism.

What animates the antifujo obsession with a pure causal relationship between yaoi and TiFs isn't any kind of actual concern for the women being mutilated, it's a desire to "dunk on" people you resent. You are (somewhat understandably) annoyed and bitter that slash and yaoi are more popular than whatever shit you enjoy in the types of female-dominant nerd spaces you hang out in online, so you look for excuses to lash out at fujos as a whole, collapsing us into a hivemind. For their part, fujos have often done the same thing, clapping back at accusations of misogyny with accusations of homophobia. This is a good demonstration of why moralfagging is fucking retarded; there is no logical reason to try and compare the moral purity of two types of cartoon porn, yet people continue to do it, because moralfaggotry is the lifeblood of female-female conflict. It says a lot about women that challenging each other's purity (be it sexual, moral, political, etc.) is how we tear each other down. This is why moids can draw literal toddler porn without hearing a peep about it from other moids, while women chimp out at each other over non-transgressions like shipping two moids with a five year age difference or something.

Stop perpetuating the purity olympics women have been memed into participating in and just admit that you're annoyed at fujos being cringey online, and you're bitter that they're so popular in female fandom spaces. It doesn't have to be that deep– those are completely fair reasons to be irritated with someone. I personally think it's a little pathetic and weird to ship yourself with a fictional character, but it's a harmless thing to enjoy, and I'd never view someone as a bad person for doing it.

No. 2394730

beautifully put together nonny

No. 2394750

>You are (somewhat understandably) annoyed and bitter that slash and yaoi are more popular than whatever shit you enjoy in the types of female-dominant nerd spaces you hang out in online, so you look for excuses to lash out at fujos as a whole, collapsing us into a hivemind
NTAYRT, but fujos aren't all that innocent either. Well, specifically very immature ones. Don't act like some retarded underaged or womanchild fujos don't shit on other women's tastes constantly and unprovoked as well. Or female characters in general because they have issues with femaleness. I do not give a fuck about whose choice of smut is more moral, but it's annoying when fujos act like they're the only victims while we all know at least some of them were the ones who started it by being assholes to other women who have other tastes. Worst is when they act like they're superior and like they have the right to dictate in a fandom just because yaoi is generally more popular. Or when they get offended and defensive when a small group of women away from fujo spaces expresses their frustration over the popularity of yaoi without bothering, or even being negative towards fujos themselves (this has happened to some of us on /aco/ and here on /ot/ as well). All of these do happen and are also reasons other women are annoyed at fujos but you guys always deny it. I wouldn't have a single problem with you all if you didn't try to sweep that under the rug.

No. 2394758

NTA but i dont think shitting on something you like warrants seething hatred. I mean, almost every user on lolcow shits on booktok alpha wolf daddy books. I dont know how some anons can say ''b-but they shit on my waifu and my favourite ship that warrants my hatred towards them!!!'' with a straight face.

No. 2394762

>i dont think shitting on something you like warrants seething hatred
Yeah how about those fujos stop seething at the mere existence of women with different tastes then?
>dont know how some anons can say ''b-but they shit on my waifu and my favourite ship that warrants my hatred towards them!!!'' with a straight face.
Point to the part where I said that. I only said some of us find fujos annoying because some of them act retarded and entitled, and then the other fujos pretend not to see it, then go accusing the other women of doing the same thing to them. I'm not the one starting infights with fujos everywhere I go, there are non-fujos (yumes, hetshippers, himes, lesbians, or none of those) who mostly find them annoying but don't say it, or don't say it very often.

No. 2394768

>Yeah how about those fujos stop seething at the mere existence of women with different tastes then?
Its ironic you post this on lolcor

No. 2394991

I think anyone that makes outlandish comments about fujos, i.e, they troon out, they're misogynists, degenerates, etc, nn the fujocringe thread, especially to lolcow users, are cowards that use the farmhand thread rule to shield them from any clapback.

It's one thing to post thoroughly dumb cringy shit fujos make, it's another to just start claiming how they hate women, are cucks, future troons, and the like. Be a real woman and duke it out here where you're on equal footing to the abhorrent fujo

No. 2395055

nta but automatically assuming that people who call out underage looking animu boys aren't also equally disgusted by lolipedos is the dumbest and most weak strawman i've ever seen. It holds no water and is on the same level as "it's just lines on paper! go cry about real victims" as if one isn't bothered BECAUSE of how 2D loli ties in with CSAM and the enabling of pedos in general who get off to drawn depictions of children as if there's some hard line in between. That being said, I don't often care about fujos lusting after 17 year old animu boys because they're less likely to act on it IRL, but it also depends- are they attracted specifically to the fact that said character is a minor, or are they attracted to the features associated with a youthful appearance? That's where the line gets a bit blurred.

No. 2395267

It’s strange since I’ve seen an equal amount of yumejos troon out

No. 2395377

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Did you miss the part where I said
>For their part, fujos have often done the same thing
Obviously there are asshole fujos who treat other people in fandom spaces like shit, I don't deny that at all, and neither would most fujos. All fandoms and hobbies have people who are like that, especially ones that attract a lot of teenagers and autists like yaoi and anime more generally. Anyone who believes their online fandom to be 100% or even 90% asshole-free is patently retarded. However, it is not my job to babysit and parent the minority of schizos and retards who share my hobby. All you can do is try not to be an asshole yourself, and ignore idiot teenagers and speds who try to start shit.

>fujos act like they're the only victims while we all know at least some of them were the ones who started it

These arguments have been going on for so long that I think it's impossible to discern who "started it." Nerdy women are denigrated for what they like in general, so there's a tendency default to having a defensive, victim mindset among fujos, yumes, and even himes and hetshippers. In addition to ending moralfagging, we need to stop placing so much value on victimhood, or perceived victimhood, or whatever. No one here is a "victim" of anything, everyone in this situation is just a nerd arguing about whatever flavor of nerdshit they like with other nerds.

>expresses their frustration over the popularity of yaoi

So you agree that jealousy is a major motivating factor here. I respect that. Being upset at people specifically for mistreating others is reasonable, we already touched on that (though you still shouldn't take their bait). However, I think it's counterproductive and unhealthy to get angry at the type of art you like being less common than the type you dislike. It's not really something you have control over, and lashing out at the people who contribute to yaoi's popularity won't do anything to resolve the issue. Your best option really is to just make more of the kind of art you want to see, and do a better job of curating your online feeds to exclude the content you dislike.

No. 2395472

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I feel like there's a pretty big difference between anyone liking a 17 year old anime boy and loli/shota. There's hardly any difference between how adult characters are drawn vs how older teen boys are in most anime styles, the characters in picrel are from the same series, left is 25 while right is 16. You could say anime is ephebophilic in general for this but someone drawing yaoi of mha boys or short uke characters or something means a lot less about them and their tastes irl than being into lolishota would imo

No. 2395482

no one is talking about loli or shota weird, none of the examples provided are even shota

No. 2395512

>No one here is a "victim" of anything, everyone in this situation is just a nerd arguing about whatever flavor of nerdshit they like with other nerds.
I think this is what makes it hardest to take any of this discourse seriously. Women in particular get their identities so wrapped up in this discourse that it's genuinely bizarre. It is so obvious to me that all of this infighting that treats yumes, himes, and fujos as discrete and non-intersecting populations of hiveminds is just nerds slapfighting about whose nerdy preferences are better, but with several layers of moral alarmism to pretend that it's deeper than that. This is why anons toss around allegations of misogyny, trooning out, grooming, etc. and constantly play the "no u!!" card. It is just the fandom flavor of a female socialization classic – obsessively policing and punishing each other over even the most minute, harmless differences to win an imagined pageant of who is the best and most righteous woman.

No. 2395782

Ayrt, this is a very good way to sum it up. Thank you.

No. 2398041

Say it here and not behind the protection of mommy farmhand because I'll get banned for trying to refute your inane comment in the other thread. By the way I am not the anon you are thinking of. I have never denied that fujos have made comments against other women. Of course it exists, I'd be delusional to deny otherwise, however, the same jeering happens on the yume, het, and hime side too. There is no perfect victim as another anon here has stated.

You posting it in the cringe thread already proves my original post right: you are a coward.

No. 2398049

How does hating female characters written by men correlates with misogyny? is it misogyny to hate genshit coomerbait lolis now

No. 2398165


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2398176

>she doesn't deserve harassment or to be laughed at!!!
Do you know where you're posting?

No. 2398182

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Here's what I find funny about this: retards were so angry at how this edgelord treated a fictional character in a goddamn Tumblr text post that they harassed her over it (and I'm willing to bet that at least some of it was tards from the fujo cringe thread touching the poop). I'm fascinated by the cognitive dissonance of treating an actual black woman like shit because of how she portrayed a fictional black woman. By no means am I defending what she wrote; she definitely has some internalized issues if she's trooning out and fantasizing about violence against other black women like this. But screaming at her like she killed your cat is not going to make her reflect on that.

And the cherry on top of all of this is that the post they're chimping out about was part of a series of AUs about each character being a serial killer. So OP was presumably planning a post about Mel herself also being a serial killer, since she already had write-ups about a few other female characters. Again, it's still a completely deranged and cringey idea for a fanfic, but the anon deliberately took the post out of context because she was trawling Tumblr looking for ammunition for her "fujos hate female characters," argument.

For the record, I think there are absolutely fujos out there who hate female characters for "getting in the way" of their ships. However, I don't think that always necessarily translates to IRL misogyny, and more to the point, literally all shippers do this. In the 2000s, I distinctly remember people who shipped Sonic with Sally having complete, open contempt for Amy. When Steven Universe was popular, a lot of people who shipped Peridot with Amethyst despised Lapis. The Free! fandom was full of people hating whichever character they didn't ship with Haru. It's confirmation bias to suppose that disliking a character solely because they're "in the way," is at all unique to female characters in slash fic.

(Edited and reposted because of broken links, none of the text was changed)

1) I never said she didn't deserve to be laughed at
2) Are you unfamiliar with the concept of "don't touch the poop"?

No. 2398191

Tbh, I feel the Arcane antifujo would get most fujos here agreeing if she just said she had a problem with the ship and its specific fanbase instead of constantly generalizing it as fujos attacking her beautiful black self insert because they hate themselves.
"Viktor is a shit bone rattling ratman and cuntboy is fucking disgusting, Mel is beautiful and frankly too good for the bara bait" could frankly fit in the bl thread (outside getting "what do you expect from west shit" replies)

No. 2398196

First, it was an exaggeration, thats just how your post came off. But I agree with the fact that I don't think she should be witch hunted, but her post and au were clearly retarded. But I also don't think it's considered misogynistic for women to get mad at her for her take. Is it stupid? Yes. But is it a form of violence? No, because this is just Tumblr nothingburger arguments. And you're posting something from the fujocoomer cringe thread, which is for posting cringe, not think pieces. That's why it was posted the way it was posted; to be laughed at.

No. 2398202

>I am a black trans man
Stopped reading there

No. 2398204

Honestly, as a fujo I'm kind of glad that Arcane antifujo exists. She made me aware of how batshit insane the Arcane fandom is (both because of Jayvik crazies and people like her), so I've thankfully known to steer clear of Arcane.

I don't take issue at all with >>2397570's post itself, it totally counts as milk and deserves to be posted/laughed at. I was mostly responding to >>2397731's moralfaggotry.

No. 2398205

I avoided it for years, finally gave it a chance, and got smacked in the face with all this shit immediately after watching season 1, it's actually kinda funny.

No. 2398314

File: 1739495890084.jpg (58.71 KB, 469x923, 857c68248e009c98a9a1b7502041a2…)

>Did you miss the part where I said
Yeah, I actually did, sorry 'bout that.
>So you agree that jealousy is a major motivating factor here.
Call it whatever you want, but if you're focused on that, you missed the point entirely. What goes on is usually something like this
>two anons in a space completely isolated from fujos sharing the stuff they like
>"Oh man, I wish this stuff wasn't so hard to find. It's all either moidshit or yaoi."
>"Yeah I know. Not everyone likes yaoi." (Normal comments highlighting something that actually happens in fandoms without attacking anyone)
>"Maybe we just need to make it more well-known so potential fans who only know yaoi due to its massive popularity are also motivated to draw this." (Completely reasonable idea because we all know some people miss out on things they might like due to said things being obscure, being a fujo doesn't mean you can't like het and vice-versa, and promoting a genre actually works)
>fujo somehow finds the thread
>no one was insulting fujos or yaoi
>no one was claiming to be better than fujos
>no one was demanding anything from fujos
>no one said that they're not trying to produce more of content they like
>no one was angry or seething
>months later
>someone (me) points out that this happens and it's annoying as fuck
>another person (you) dismisses it with "ur just jealous" and "stop getting angry at yaoi lol"
I wouldn't call this situation "lashing out at the people who contribute to yaoi's popularity" at all, what the fuck. You got it backwards. And that fujo response is what I call "victim mentality" or perhaps paranoia. Waifufag, shipfag and yurifag moids can call each other autists, cucks or trannies over their tastes all they want and nobody bats an eye, they're not calling each other misandrists for it kek (the ones with the actual victim mentality in moid spaces are lolifags and furries). But apparently, when a woman so much as says "why do x group do this" or complains about, I don't know, immature fujos replying to her art with "ur husbando is gay and sucks cock" on twitter, that's going too far! She has to suck it up and shut up. According to people like >>2395512 apparently it's "misogyny" and "female socialization" because calling out this annoying behavior is on the same level as overpolicing women's sexuality and counts as "moralfagging". Ironically, you have to be positive and walk on eggshells all the time to avoid being called a moralfag these days, kekmao. No venting allowed, not even when you're nowhere near the people you're supposedly offending (even if you mean no offense). Give me a fucking break.

No. 2398341

>"Yeah I know. Not everyone likes yaoi." (Normal comments highlighting something that actually happens in fandoms without attacking anyone)
>without attacking anyone
Not involved in this convo but even I know about the "tif in 3 months" spamming, it's hilarious to say that it wasn't the case when even nonfujo are tired of antis constantly quipping about how fujos are all trannies in nonrelated threads.
Yurifags also refuse to count trannies as yurifags and the threads got deleted, though male yurifags absolutely spam shit about it on 4chan.
>But apparently, when a woman so much as says "why do x group do this" that's going too far!
Generalizing entire group of women as trannies that hate themselves and constantly spamming how all bl is male pregnancy is a bit too far and also pretty retarded, yes.
Anyway, are het ships really such an outthere idea that it needs PR to get others to draw?

No. 2398349

>Anyway, are het ships really such an outthere idea that it needs PR to get others to draw?
Also not the anon you replied to and not currently in this conversation, but yes and also no. I think a lot of hetships are garbage but it would do some people a favor if they could just undo the brain damage years of tumblr ew straight people mentality. Like, yumeporn artists are few and far between and the people who draw hetshit have to put a sign outside the door saying it's gay. Maybe this is a little bit of a problem and resolving it at least partially would filter the spicy straights and bihets. I don't think straight women are that much of a systemic enemy that they need to be ruthlessly pestered into trooning so that they can like yaoi or het.

Arcane fandom case in point, pretty much. Jayviks are straight women who either want to see two men bang (normal) or women who're gonna slap a pussy on Viktor and start bitching at m/f shippers and Mel fans. Plus all the Mel fans I know are actually SSA and/or black women. I just don't see what this dynamic accomplishes and how gay men and women win.

No. 2398358

It’s just performative bullshit regurgitated by retards who think that you have to kiss up to every single female character or else you have internalized misogyny even if they’re coombait/badly written. They’ll then proceed to insult other women the same way moids do if they disagree with them.

No. 2398396

I can't even under how someone arrives to the conclusion that het shipping is “obscure” what the fuck.

No. 2398424

>hetships are garbage but it would do some people a favor if they could just undo the brain damage years of tumblr ew straight people mentality
Self-hating hetfags are the absolute bottom-tier mold that plague modern fandom. They all complain about how M/F dynamics are so gross and basic which is why they can't get into it, and instead of just writing better concepts, they either go into BL spaces and create dogshit alpha daddy x submissive cuntboy content or do the retarded "draw a girl called it a FTM femboy" OC shtick. Fujo spaces get more and more bloated because of these retards every day and the state M/F never gets any better because now you have schizos thinking they need to justify the existence of their hetships by either calling them t4t/bi4bi/whatever.

No. 2398461

I hate it so much. It feels a little cringey to cry out that its actually "fake fujo" but seriously that sort only talk about themselves and they only draw themselves. They don't talk about lore or the characters as seperate people with their own complexes and personality, they just see them as stand ins for their own self insert sexual fantasy. When something like lore or dynamics are basically forced upon them, they call it lame and stupid. So what? That's what being a nerd, a fujo, used to mean. Nowadays, most don't even read bl at all and just wave oc cuntboy around as if that makes them fujoshi.

No. 2398474

>Self-hating hetfags are the absolute bottom-tier mold that plague modern fandom.
I can't type a sentence for the life of me today, but I'm glad anons get it. These people have fucking brainrot

No. 2398475

I don't know if this was just in the fandom I was in, but disagreeing with someone's retarded headcanons and backing it up with actual lore would get you called no fun and a stickler. People in fandoms don't give a shit about canon anymore, they see every character as a doll with interchangeable parts. It'd be more respectable if they did something interesting but it's the same shitty, boring tropes every time.

No. 2398511

>Self-hating hetfags are the absolute bottom-tier mold that plague modern fandom
A thousand times, this. I have zero problems with het shippers who love their pairings, draw, and/or write prompts and fics about the beloved ship. Those are normal, well-adjusted people. I have a problem with people who think the dynamic is never good enough and do nothing but complain and attack fujos and himes for daring to make a ship gay and create content. Honestly, I think they'd be happier if they admitted they were yumes and go make yume content

No. 2398519

I don't think yumes and hetfags are the same thing. I'd say I'm a hetfag more than a yume and I actually hate when I have a yume under the ship art I make because it feels like they're just using my art to project themselves onto the female character which they most likely are doing.

No. 2398593

Nonas I think what she meant when she said "self-hating hetfags" are people who take a same-sex pairing and make one character a troon, or take an opposite sex pairing and make it "T4T." I've seen shippers like this. In the case of the latter, I think they worry about being seen as "unwoke" or "boring" for liking a straight pairing, so they make the characters troons. In the former, it's TiF fujos who basically turned into hetshippers because after trooning out, they only felt "validated" by "slashfic" where one character is a TiF and the other (typically the one they're more atttacted to) is a normal male. Both of these types are people I would describe as "self-hating" hetshippers, because they heap a bunch of gender woo on top of an opposite sex relationship as a weird cope.

No. 2398594

That's why I made a distinction between the two. Yumes are self-inserters, but hetfags ship what's canon

No. 2398625

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>They all complain about how M/F dynamics are so gross and basic which is why they can't get into it, and instead of just writing better concepts, they either go into BL spaces and create dogshit alpha daddy x submissive cuntboy content or do the retarded "draw a girl called it a FTM femboy" OC shtick.
They don't even have a problem with whatever regressive tropes they supposedly dislike. They like ridiculous size difference. They like maledom, daddydom, ddlg bs. They like cringy unbalanced heterosexual power dynamics in a hetero couple. All they need is pronouns and a tit chop at best, because they're not even capable of enjoying it in a typical fujo way of just making both parties men with cock and balls. They don't even "hate" straight people. They dislike the idea of straightoids all while parasitizing and mooching off of gay fans only to then run them off.

These retards always have some spare genuine homophobia towards actual SSA fans who don't want to see untagged trans or PIV, fresh off of lecturing a hetfag or yume who's literally in the same aisle. What a net negative for all fandoms. This is fucking brain damage.

No. 2398626

I'm sorry you've had those experiences, but they aren't unique to you. Anybody in any kind of fan space (not even just geek shit, but sports and music, too) has had the experience of some asshole storming up to them out of nowhere and berating them for their taste. >>2398341 already pointed this out, but (here on Lolcor, at least) there are antifujos who sperg out about how much they hate yaoi completely unprovoked. And then retard fujos take the bait, which is why that derail happens frustratingly often here. I could easily re-write a version of your greentext with the roles reversed:
>Anons in a thread that has fuckall to do with yaoi are having a normal conversation relevant to the OP
>TiFs, gay guys, anal sex, bishies, or something else tangentially related to yaoi is briefly mentioned
>Some schizo barges in out of nowhere
>A handful of gullible fujos take the bait
>Antifujos who aren't the original schizo start arguing with the fujos
>Thread becomes unusable because farmhands are all too busy taking two-day-long naps or something
>Everyone is miserable
>Repeat at least once a week

Also, I know anons are clowning on you for calling het "obscure," but I get te essence of what you mean with that: m/m rules the roost on sites like Ao3, so hetshippers can sometimes feel like chopped liver in those places. I assumed you were being hyperbolic when you said "obscure."

No. 2398627

Fumes, fujos, hetshippers, and himes all need to unite against the common enemy: troon headcanons

No. 2398646

Never going to happen, the "fujos are tifs" spam isn't going to stop.

No. 2398665

Correct, but I also can't give a shit about muh hetshitter m/f shippers whining anymore the same way I don't care when people whine about heteronormative seme uke dynamics. Tumblr let cowards run with the argument that gay ships are automatically better like a child with sharp scissors and some retards even inside of lc still haven't recovered. I want this shit resolved before I entertain those nothingburger discourses made to harass women again.
There's clearly a lot of people with grudges in this thread (I have them too kek) but I don't know how to feel about it.

No. 2399495

because there's too many narcissists on the internet nowadays that think the world revolves around them, and everyone must cater to their wishes

No. 2399509

File: 1739565591693.png (428.54 KB, 554x554, thank_you_god.png)

Thank you god for making me a fujoshi instead of a himejoshi begging for content on twitter

No. 2402143

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>ALNST himejoshis and fujoshis coming together to hate on the lesbian creators and female hetshippers for shipping a problematic straight couple
>calling the creators and the shippers racist, misogynist, and homophobic
No matter the discourse, their common enemy (women who don’t adhere to their arbitrary moral codes) remains the same kek

No. 2402153

kek, i wonder if those retards are even himes, because even as a non hime i encounter yurishit everywhere in anime. God, i wish we had fujobait anime of the quality of Symphogear, strike witches, Meguka or Nanoha. Pisses me off that himetroons get pandered all the time with kino like Revue Starlight while fujos only get old Gundam seasons and Spokon shit AND still complain like the faggots they are. Genuinely what else do they want?

No. 2402154

>shipping a problematic straight couple
Was it something about the blonde guy and the handsome eyebrow lady?

No. 2402161

I hate people like this. Overly pretentious and pretend they're totes queer to put themselves on a pedestal when a good 98% of them are straight women themselves

No. 2402185

I've never heard a single good thing about the ALNST fandom. Every week there's always some schizophrenic shit going on, absolutely retarded zoomer fanbase.

No. 2402208

Do not interact with any fanbase in english is my motto at this point. Not that anything else is saintly, but it's much easier to ignore and way less moralfagging.

No. 2402211

You're actually right. I've seen some moralfagging in hispanic-speaking fandom spaces (especially in fujoshi circles) but most of the time people just laugh them off or just straight up bully them.

No. 2402212

File: 1739689464952.png (331.45 KB, 668x616, LORI-on-X-No-THEY-ARENT-IN-A-T…)

I think that's half-baked information because that post has less than 20 likes, and she got rightfully called out for her retarded opinion. Meanwhile, Hyuluka shippers post stuff like picrel, and everybody just agrees with it. I have nothing against any shipper—I just feel that everyone in the ALNST fanbase, whether it is the yurifags, yaoifags, or straight shippers, is equally retarded.

No. 2402230

All I know about the Alien Stage fandom is that it poached one of my favorite fic writers

No. 2402250

Same, some of my favorite artists have moved completely to alnst. I'm actually surprised it managed to get such a big fandom, considering it's just an animated song series made by a bunch of indie animators. And the entire premise is just goofy to me, koreans are really obsessed with their idols kek.

No. 2402920

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Yeah, upon further digging, the hate for the ship seems to be a very vocal minority. They post a lot about it but their likes range from a few dozen to a few hundreds. Most I’ve seen was a few thousand on that post with the red drawing but it got deleted kek.
>make tragic story where everyone dies
>add brown character who also dies
>people now call you racist
Damn, personally I found Hyuna the most developed of all of them. Ngl how she got shot was dumb (though I’m not convinced she’s dead yet, she was standing talking last we see her, and her allies being chill was weird) but the racism discussion feels dishonest, like they’re scrambling to find moral reasons to hate shippers.

For non-fans: The SA scene they refer to is the image where they’re children and he tries to kiss her. Fans still debate the creators’ intention. It’s that frame and then a close up. Outside that, they are pretty affectionate with each other until he kills her brother.. I understand not liking the couple, but the shippers seem to just be a bunch of teenagers and some women who love Hyuna and yanderes kek. I don’t think it’s that serious, or that they’re morally evil. Alnst is probably vivinos’ softest work yet and she’s shared a lot of au art before where characters are happy, dating, and not enslaved by creepy aliens

No. 2405680

Something that reminded me of nerd communities being decimated by the tranny plague, a crap ton of youtube horror arg youtubers have been dropping like flies and trooning out.
How long will it take before people start holding the horror genre responsible for that?

No. 2405815

A bit of blogposting, but I feel glad for discovering yaoi in the late 00s/early 10s. I was never feminine and finding that my weird preferences were common between other girls was quite reassuring of my womanhood. Not in an ethereal way or whatever shit troons think being a woman is, but just the feeling of "nice, I am not that weird for liking boys kissing" probably saved me from poonism. Nowadays the fujos are ngmi, and I feel bad, everything they will like will get them accused of being a man or wanting to be one

No. 2410422

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>see some tard crying about how m/m isn't as popular as f/f
>check profile
>it's an AGP
Many such cases

No. 2410456

I wish yuricrap was less popular. But its literay everywhere because moids make most media and its a popular fetish qith moids.

No. 2410508

these retards never wanna see true dykery just animu girls uwuing at each other while their tits jiggle in the breeze I hate males they never draw or write their own shit. female creatives in fandom spaces have been writing and drawing f/f but because most are about women and not caricatures of the idea of a woman these troglodytes don't care about it. literally most himejoshis is see complain are just teenagers or the obviously retarded, but they are a minority when compared to the agp. the agp is a leech, the enemy of the well adjusted fandom female. a himetroon will look at a woman creating art for other women to enjoy and scream misogyny. On the rare occasion a troons does create something it is vile faggotry no fujo could hope to create or the most violent and degrading heterosex imaginable. I hope they all 41%

No. 2410520

You're the smartest anon in the thread. You've broken down this entire retarded phenomenon.
And I hope they do, too, anon. I hope they do, too.

No. 2410846

Agreed, I don't consider this AGP to be representative of himejoshi. He doesn't actually give a rat's ass about misogyny, he just wants to shame women for not making more slop for him to goon to.

No. 2410906

Seems a bit unfair when the parallel version is always carted around as the absolute representative of all fujoshi everywhere.

No. 2410946

The amount of seething this thread generates is absolutely hilarious, especially from the fujos. They’re clearly deranged porn addicts kekkkk(baiting)

No. 2410950

If they were seething they'd be bringing it up in any thread they could lmao.

No. 2411013

The antifujos are the ones who squawk about shitdick and AIDS out of nowhere in random threads that have nothing to do with it. They spend more time thinking about moid poop than any moid or any fujo.

No. 2411043

There's an anti-fujosperging containment thread and they still can't keep it out of other threads kek.

No. 2414038

Why do people refuse to use this thread when they're supposed to

No. 2418053

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fujos, your response?

No. 2418065

I honestly hate genderbent yaoi. Yuri's bad enough but turning two men I find hot into women is a nightmare to me. I just don't like it. Find good yuri instead.

No. 2418122

The original post seemed more like a fetish thing than having anything to do with liking women or yuri

No. 2418135

I don't genderbend the things I ship, personally. But I don't exclusively ship m/m stuff, either. I know some people like genderbends because of the creativity component, where you have to figure out how the character's design and story would change if they were the opposite sex.

Also I'd be willing to bet that both of those Twitter users are troons.

No. 2418148

It's true some """fujos""" (the fake ones who troon out) have so much internalized misogyny that they will turn males into bimbo uwu widdle pwincesses in skirts because they can't admit to themselves that they like the lame girls they hate so much. I'm a fujo but I can't stand that shit, I read yaoi because I want male characters (even when they're feminine, good fujos know how to draw them in a way that they still read as males) and if I wanted to read about feminine things I'd read works with women. To me this is a thing with moids (they love traps) and extremely pornsick and insecure girls.

No. 2418181

>tif fujos are not real fujos
i know you don't want to "claim" them but this is cope

No. 2418204

I don't care about this moral high horse a lot of "muh real mlm" "support ACTUAL yuri" shippers seem to want to die on when the same spicy straights can already just put a pussy on the bottom and call it a trans hc instead of a genderbend and nobody will question them. Boohoo, you're all the hetfaggots you claim to hate so much, etc.

also betting on both of these retards being troons considering boygirlenjoyer is a theythem

No. 2419539

The Arise and Walk comic on vivinos' patreon confirms she's dead from the looks of it, which is a real shame killing off the most interesting character in terms of the actual plot. Her death just seems silly in hindsight.

No. 2419581

Anon is right, there's a vast difference between the majority of fujo and the type of tif you see on twitter.

No. 2419593

NTA I'm a fujo too and as much as I hate fujo TIFs you can't just handwave them all as fake fujos. MrM even has a cuntboy tag now, it's popular enough that people are okay with it being classified as M/M even if they're not actively interested in it. And honestly, those types of the same psychology were always a thing, it's just that trannyism wasn't widespread known back then. Even in the early 2010s there were fujos who'd talk about wanting to be (gay) men or that they felt like they were fags inside. Of course not all of them trooned out, but there are definitely some that have now.

No. 2419617

Mrm also has a furry tag, a het tag, and a bara tag, it was never a fujo site.
Taking english twitter/an internet site as an end all to what it means to be an originally Japanese group like fujoshi is ridiculous. Half don't even know why they're called "fujoshi", or think that "yaoi" is for porn while "bl" is for romance only and "shounen ai" means sfw.
Someone did post an actual fujo site made by japanese fujoshi in the /bl/ thread and shockingly there was no cuntboy anywhere, despite the large number of titles.

No. 2419637

Mrm isn't a fujo site but it's generally agreed that it's a site for 2D homoshit and many fujos use it. Imo furry, bara, and het tags are different than having an entirely new cuntboy tag. The heterosexual tag is usually just there for genderbend/bisexual shit or if there's an on-screen het sex scene for backstory whatever reasons, but there's still going to be dick in the ass and 2 men with penises fucking each other at some point, same with furry and bara. Cuntboy is literally just het sex with no addendum, the fact that it's on Mrm shows how over it is for fujo spaces when even 4ch doesn't allow that cancer on /y/ and contains it on /d/. Even if it's not big now it shows that the landscape is changing and we can only expect it to get worse down the line. Trannyshit was unheard of years ago and it's inescapable now considering how this complaint comes up 24/7. We can argue no true scotsman for fujos all day but it's pointless when it doesn't change the fact that this is a growing number of people calling themselves fujos, we're going to keep seeing these TIF fujos until the end of times and I wouldn't even be surprised if they made up 40% of the community.

No. 2419651

Bara and furry is taking a good chunk of the front page right now, I get that maybe it's nicer to think a personal problem is actually a general problem, but wishing it doesn't make it true.
Frankly, what you're saying sounds incredibly pathetic. 40% of the community? Learn to block and fix your algorithm because what you're surrounding yourself seems like it's affecting you mentally.

No. 2419655

Jyst ignore it, imagine seething so hard you start pretending to be a fujoshi.

No. 2419911

i can tell its a troon from the name alone. Ofcourse he only thinks in the binary of male=masculine female=feminine.

No. 2419971

There are some yuri ships I like (Madohomu and Satorika for one) but the vast majority of them are the most boring shit on the planet
I tried watching Marimite to give yuri a chance and Christ that show is mind numbingly boring.
I think fujos aren’t opposed to yuri in theory, it’s just that most fujos are straight or yuri doesn’t have the dynamics that we find appealing that often.

No. 2421507

I watch fag porn because I wish I had a penis to fuck men in the ass with

No. 2422214

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i think this is a great example of how retarded most fujos/yumes are. here are two griffith cosplayers (one is totally a boy btw) that 'e-dated' and just tweet about each other. the one of the left asks people to call her griffith while the one on the right used to fuck some sound cloud rapper named lil xan.

No. 2424188

From a biological standpoint
>most women like men
>women who like men seek to nurture the ones they take interest in
>women see other women as competition, it's the science behind pick me-ism
Asking for yuri to be as popular as yaoi in female dominated spaces is just not happening, I'm all for calling out misogyny but a yaoi preference just isn't it, instead I'd argue trying to police women for their preferences and to say they should like something they have no interest in instead because it's superior IS misogyny.

No. 2424628

How do you write a m/m story without the pitfall of sidelining women?

No. 2424654

Have fleshed out characters that can progress the story independently of the main moids. If the characters are part of the story there's a reason for them to exist, so focus on that reason instead of worrying about what to do with a woman who isn't being fucked.

No. 2424670

Could you give an example?

No. 2424685

Why does it matter if you sideline women characters? Men don't worry about sidelining male characters when making SoL waifu stuff. Why don't you just focus on the m/m story and give focus to women in another kind of story?

No. 2424694

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A female character doesn't have to be involved in the main romantic relationship to be an interesting character in her own right.
I'd say Erika from Night Beyond the Tricorner Window is a pretty good example, she had her own thing going on that wasn't tied to being in love with somebody, had more to do with her parents selling her out as a child to a yakuza cult thing wwhen they discovered she could connect to the dead.

No. 2424717

>Why does it matter if you sideline women characters?
AYRT but some of the nonnas here seem to take issue with how vizie handled female characters and I didn't want to go down the same road as her.

No. 2424749

I think it's not necessary for you to center any female npc in the story if it's not necessary for the plot. You can just have, idk, a female npc neighbor who wishes the main couple good morning daily and no more. I think the problem with BL is the tendency of some authors to portray female characters in weird and negative ways to make the male characters look better or create drama, examples include:
>bitchy/cheating/brainless bimbo ex of a bisexual main character trying to get in between them
>women jealous of the uke (can overlap with above) and acting like bullies
>women stalking one of the main characters in an unrealistically aggressive manner
>that fujoshi friend whose only role is to be a cheerleader (this trope can be tolerable if the character is written logically and with respect but that's often not the case)
>kind ex who gets cheated on by the main couple but the narrative doesn't acknowledge her as a victim or call out their shittery
>dead female family member only there for angst

I think as long as you don't use your female characters simply as tool to push shitty tropes like that you're fine.

No. 2424870

Honestly your side characters are always gonna be technically “sidelined” especially in a romance story where a majority of the focus should be on the mains. Everyone hates it when authors try to focus too much on characters the audience just doesn’t care about. It’s ok for the characters to just fit their role.
Just don’t write the “Difficult Ex” character trope (or at least don’t make the character female). I feel like some people might take issue with any sort of antagonist being female or even just the cheerleader friend trope like >>2424749
said but honestly it’s not like one-dimensional and overused tropes are a female character exclusive thing. So just don’t rely so heavily on tropes and write your characters naturally.

No. 2425683

don't write one

No. 2425684

that's not the point she was making, the complaint was why fujos feminize male characters when they can just use actual female characters

No. 2425687

why do you care just write whatever the fuck you want

No. 2425688

>why wont streaight women lust after female characters with pussies instead of men
yeah i wonder why

No. 2425692

stop using that argument, normal straight women aren't attracted to fags or women calling themselves fags

No. 2425693

oh so you are one of those seething pickmes that's angry women like pretty men instead of disgusting ogres. Makes sense.

No. 2425695

stop twisting my words, i like to see attractive moids with women, not fags or feminized male characters who are essentially women

No. 2425697

the world doesnt revolve around you

No. 2425704

I don't think most people out there are thinking about what you like when they're drawing what they want for fun.
At least there's a bit of honesty here, instead of doubling down on trying to present the issue of your self insert not getting drawn being dicked down enough by random women on the internet as a serious moral issue about misogyny.

No. 2425733

File: 1740909288803.mp4 (2.37 MB, 480x854, 1740577835777.mp4)

are you willing to defend this?

No. 2425734

I will defend her purely because its been so long since i have seen this type of earnest weeb cringe. Reminds me of the LJ and DA days.

No. 2425738

…You seriously want this woman making tiktoks about your self insert getting pregnant instead?

No. 2425743

File: 1740910989187.png (3.29 MB, 1594x1747, 1706187761971.png)

normie pickme yumes are making this garbage instead

No. 2425748

not the point being made

No. 2425750

>why can't other women do things the way I want them to
>idk maybe they don't really care about you
>oh yeah how about this???
>Posts tiktok of morbidly obese woman
The point is pretty retarded.

No. 2425782

This obvious troon can stfu and keep his coom stained fingers away from what's ours. As a febfem I don't want genderbend shit, it's infested with spicy straights and TIFs, and yuri is contaminated by TIMs and pedos (tautology). Why would I want to choose between two pieces of shit? I have a perfectly good meal no matter how many TIFs try to steal from my plate.

No. 2425816

>feminized male characters who are essentially women
That's the best freaking part though?Even better if he's a top

No. 2426065

NOOOO!!! You must eat from the poo poo platter because my taste >>>>> your taste!!!!!

No. 2427399

Are fujos attracted to MtFs?

No. 2427417

Yeah but if they're dressed as women. If you get to that point you have to establish bisexual or lesbian tendencies. It is no longer being attracted to a male if "hes" that feminized.

No. 2427451

No. If anything, if you check the "trap" characters in fujobait like WindBreaker, Twisted Wonderland, Paradox Live, Enstars, etc., they're more likely to look like "a man wearing a dress" than the average trap.
There's a tendency to give them man legs, man arms, emphasizing the Adam's apple, making them tall, etc. compared to the "draw a girl, call it a guy" that other manga, both het and moid, do.

No. 2427493

How do y'all feel about straight yaoi or whatever moids call it

No. 2427494


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No. 2427498

Do you mean when the female lead has a masculine seme vibe? At least, I've seen it used that way. I like them as straight couples but it's not yaoi.

No. 2428894

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