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No. 1629002
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Fujo complains about gay men as if she doesn't get off to them. Reminds me of male porn addicts who hate women.
No. 1629005
>>1629002can you not tell the difference between a real moid and a drawn one? Not to say most fujos I know don’t actually get off on it, they are either lesbians or asexuals, so let anon hate men in peace
nonnie. This thread is retarded
No. 1629095
>>1629002she is right and she should say it
>>1629005>>1629039their sexualities and whether they actually get off to it are quite irrelevant, even the most cringe and annoying fujos are still more likable than the average moid of any sexuality. well maybe except tifs, but those ramp it up on purpose to "pass as men"
>>1629069it's just moid culture to prey on teens period
No. 1629313
>>1628897What "homophobia" is she talking about? And how does that relate to a supposed "rise in autistic husbandofaggotry" (as if that hasn't always been present here)? If anything I've seen way more bitching about other anons' husbandos lately and more infighting about what kind of husbandos are cringe and which ones are acceptable.
If she's complaining about lesbophobia that's one thing, but, she's complaining about real men being posted in the fujo thread, while calling out "homophobia" (I assume against gay men)…? I thought fujos didn't care about real gay men anyway. What does one thing have to do with the other? It's also pretty retarded to think husbandofags have anything to do with the rise in racebait from tourists that have come recently from other sites. There's no racebait in the husbando threads either, posters like this seem to be looking for any excuse to shit on yumes even when yumes generally leave them alone or aren't doing anything. It's kinda like what this anon does with fujos
>>1628145 both are paranoid schizos obsessed with picking fights with someone who couldn't give less fucks about them
No. 1629322
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>>1629002She's not wrong though, the abuse of minors is rampant among fags. It's incredibly easy for teens to get groomed by older fags because they're already feeling isolated for being gay and less likely to speak up about it. This combined with typical moid degeneracy is a recipe for disaster. Even in fujo spaces gay men will usually be the ones defending age gap pairings or openly liking shota.
No. 1629356
According to this anon
>>1629005 most fujos are lesbians or "asexuals" (aka people so ugly no one wants to fuck them so they cope by saying they don't want sex anyway) but according to this anon >>1629335 it's ackshually anti-fujos who are obese lesbians, hmm
No. 1629368
>>1629356Sorry for off-topic but the reason so many women call themselves asexuals is because they don't like the scrotey concept of sex so they think there must be something wrong with themselves. We all know it's moids who usually can't find a willing sexual partner.
This shitflinging is really stupid, there's no need to stoop so low just because some fujos are acting childish.
No. 1629407
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Rancefag thinks she's a 7/10 kek
No. 1629414
>>1629408off topic but i hate when "transphobia" is labeled
terf-y when most of the time it's not even feminist let alone radical, it's just trans exclusionary. this misuse of the word is rampant on both reactionary and liberal sides you have to wonder if they think of it as a word rather than an acronym
No. 1629438
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>>1629423how are faggots hurts if some skinnyfat autistic fujo jacks off to them? you are making rancefag sound sane by comparing fujos to lolicons
No. 1629547
File: 1688945368841.png (Spoiler Image,638.32 KB, 760x2064, fujoyumejosolidarity.png)

Saw drama over a genshin VA saying he doesn't like gross ships, and a bunch of fujo proshippers in the quotes got mad at him. I somehow fell down a rabbit hole of this person's account who was one of them. Their callout for him basically says being anti-coomer-fetishes makes you "western-brained". They have "BL" in their bio but somehow only make straight shota art or straight-genderbend art of their fujo ships. They also have an obsession with making all of them have giant boobs for some reason. Does this even count as bl art at this point
>>1628970OP, you forgot to put rules in the description. Now the fujos will come in and whiteknight for themselves at any given moment.
>>1629453Rancefag is unironically a ddlg rape-fan coomer. She does not deserve your praise.
No. 1629604
>>1629560>he was just mad it was a lesbian ship so you can't even pin this one on fujos you absolute retard>post about a fujos twitterIt was background information retard, also no genshin character has a confirmed age, it's all speculation. Plus, he stated his own opinion and people are mad at it somehow. Just scroll.
>>1629574>>1629561Who needs screencaps when we have the actual fujocoomers in the thread.
No. 1629627
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>>1629604Just realized I replied to the wrong person, carry on
>>1629561 Here's tax. She posted close-ups of said sign too. No. 1629855
>>1629627>muh taxThis thread is actually just filled with unintegrated, autistic men from reddit.
>>1629604Amber is one of the only characters with a confirmed age of 17-18, Collei can't physically be more than a couple of years younger than her. This guy wasn't even just voicing his "opinion", he blatantly stated that "Amber is supposed to be Collei's mom" and accused people shipping them of being incest fetishists. That's what people got mad about.
No. 1630057
>>1629832There was no joke in the post, and both people posted were self-proclaimed fujos, what are you talking about
>>1629855You are taking this thread way too serious. You're supposed to post fujocoomer cringe because that's what the threads meant for retard. And not every person against fujos is a scrote
No. 1630246
>>1630057Nonna just keep posting the cringe and move on, there's no point in engaging with obvious fujos who are deadset on starting infights. Both of the previous threads went to waste because they couldn't ignore a few anons not coddling them or treating fujoism like the pinnacle of feminism. Even the rancefag is on their side as expected kek.
>inb4 "I'm not a fujo reeeee"Even then, at least stop shitting up the thread for once.
No. 1632548
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I had wondered whether to post this here or on the fakeboi thread but full offense I can't trust some of you retards to not derail the entire thread with fujo infighting so it's going here. I would have honestly agreed with it save for the tranny shit.
>I am going to make a wild bet that most of those "fanfics where the female character that gets between the m/m ship is written as a monster" are written by young nonbinary/trans eggs venting their feelings around cishetnormativity pressuring them to remain as straight women
No one cares holy shit just let go of this shitty yaoibrained trope stop making your lack of schizoid medication someone else's problem. It's not suddenly a uber super duper based trope because you're an aiden
No. 1632573
>>1632554NTAYRT, not to disagree with you, actually you are pretty much right about everything you said bit
>most of this trope is rebelling against the female societal roles and the badly written female characters who only served as conventionally attractive prizes to the male protagonistsIf that's the case, then why not write about women not being forced into those sexist roles but also not being a evil bitch who only exists to get in the way of pure male/male love and to be hated on? Why do they have to go from one extreme to the other? This is one of my biggest problems with yaoi and certain fujos who shit on any and all female characters or self-inserters and try to justify subtle misogyny like that. If you hate the way women are portrayed, instead of directly funneling your frustration towards yourself/the female sex, why don't you redirect it towards writing great female characters that get loved and respected by a man without having to fit into an oppressive mold of femininity? It's like it's either be a dumb, pretty baby-making machine sex doll of a bimbo, or be invisible altogether.
No. 1632688
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No. 1632726
>>1629438they just like to complain and shit on women
feels like a psyop
No. 1632921
>>1632668Ok so the reason they don't write romance/smut with well-written GNC female characters that are treated with respect and dignity (representing the author/viewer) is basically… that they don't know how, or because their internalized misogyny is so strong it prevents them from even trying, or they're afraid their female characters will get sexualized and criticized. The third one I can understand because I also would hate it if my female characters were discovered by scrotes and defiled, but that's probably unlikely to happen as long as the fanbase is mostly female. And the second reason is understandable if it's coming from young fujos that don't know yet how to handle their self-hatred (but most yaoi manga is made by adult women, isn't it?). As for the first reason, I don't know what more inspiration they'd need than the kind of woman they want to be free to be. It's fiction, if they can create a world where there are tons of impossibly nice and pretty boys and they're all gay and uninterested in women, then they can imagine themselves/women any way they want that makes them feel comfortable with themselves. They can use fantasy to explore ways to be comfortable with writing women or even make said women be fully respected by a man and treated like an equal in a straight relationship, fantasy relationships don't have to be true to reality and they can indeed be an idealized version of it (example: yaoi).
But I guess it's not up to me to judge when they're ready to address their own fears and misogyny and start portraying relationships where women are included in a way that doesn't make them want to throw up. It is only up to them, which is what frustrates me because they tend to only double down on their hatred and either chop their breasts off or are aggressive to other women who choose to self-insert or even just like regular het ships.
>the masses start sperging about it being SJW propaganda, internalized misogyny putting down feminine women and trying to brainwash people into the evil LGBT agenda You'd think the kind of fujo who troons out and loves to scream homophobia at any woman that doesn't personally enjoy yaoi would be more than ok with good GNC female characters as a form of social justice
No. 1633287
>>1632554I totally agree with you. That's the thing, it could've been a perfectly fine thread without including the newest and cringiest social contagion. It's actually worse with the aidenism somehow because we can't possibly keep letting these girls put a bandaid fix on their internalized misogyny by telling them they can just be men..
>>1632573In my opinion I think it's because it might still be uncomfortable for some of them to do so. I get the frustration since I've seen
some shit being spoken about female characters especially behind closed doors but sometimes it's just that. I get the gut reaction, I still get the same feeling when I see anything made by vivziepop. I think personally I'm fine with people not writing female characters so long as they justify it like that and not some dumb copium about female characters not being interesting to write, or x excuse about x character being a bitch/whore or being too brown. Or, you know, don't put in a female character for the sole purpose treating her like shit and writing her badly if you're actually running a show. Isn't it easier to write her out in the first place?
No. 1633339
>>1632548To me this just sounds like "I'm an ugly or unfeminine girl who doesn't want kids and I can't find a way to write that into a heterosexual romance so I self-insert onto male characters in my writing instead and I feel
triggered when my fictional crush gets with a pretty or feminine girl who will bear his children instead of a girl like me or a man because it makes me feel inadequate as a woman"
No. 1633345
>>1632554>Even the "loving men in a gay way" though worded in the most retarded and mislead way possible is still true, most women want to be loved as equals to men, free to express themselves instead of just a cute traditionally feminine wife popping out kids that they're pressured to be IRL.Some people actually already addressed this in the last thread, people have been talking about these things. I will say that there is a particular irony and sadness that these women want to "love men in a gay way" when men treat women (and other men) like shit. Why do these women (fujos) want so badly to love men or be equals to men, the same men who treat them like shit? Do these young fujo women, isolated in their female-only communities, delude themselves into thinking gay men treat each other well or that because they're both men they consider each other "equals" or worthy of respect? News flash, gay males are still males, they rape each other, only in the butt. Gay men treat each other like shit, look at their community. They hate "fems," they hate members of different races, they drug and rape each other constantly. There are tops and bottoms and they are usually strict roles. They fuck like rabbits, never bothering with monogamy and spread STDs like wildfire. What fujos are imagining are lesbian relationships in male bodies, not relationships between two gay men. Ironically the love and "equal relationships" they want so badly with men were only made impossible by men in the first place. Men don't want to be equal to women, they want to have control over us, so it is pathetic that these women want to be equal to men so they can love them. That is why they can only do so in fantasy and fanfic without the reality of male violence slapping them in the face.
No. 1633366
>>1633356Ayrt, I agree. I think there is a delusion in fujo women's minds that they share with TIFs, which is that if only they were born men, then they could have the perfect equal relationships they want with men. That delusion is shattered by the reality of gay men and the gay community. This is jarring and traumatizing for them so they further insulate themselves in female-only communities while secretly desiring men from afar. Or they realize the reality and become disgusted with gay men and begin to think straight men are better, blaming their gayness instead of their maleness (thus fujo homophobia - these are the types that get in relationships with men eventually, since they decide to scapegoat gays instead of just men). But most fujos will be like the former - secretly desiring men, but being wary of them, while putting gay men on a pedestal but ironically never interacting with them. I think this is also part of the reason fujos come off as very misogynist and often hate being women themselves- they view their womanhood (and other women's womanhood) as something that makes men hate them, as merely an obstacle for that fantasied "equal relationship" with a man. In reality, men, gay or straight, are just scum, both towards women and towards other men.
No. 1633701
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No. 1634913
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>>1634908You'd have $456 dollars.
No. 1635064
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this is a good fujo cow
>>>/w/46042 No. 1635087
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>>1635064The paraphilia is presumably cannibalism plus some brain fuckery fetishing mental illness and abuse. At least that's what I think based on picrel, which is a fic she's been "writing since she was 8".
No. 1635092
>>1635064Never mind my premature
>>1635087 post, clicked the /w/ link and she's a known cow with pedo tendencies. Holy fuck, I'm going to vomit.
No. 1635464
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>everyone I don't like is a moid
No. 1637618
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>>1634913>>1634908Actually only $36. I thought of "bound together" as well but there's only 39.
No. 1638169
>>1638155do you know how hard it is to find a good f/f that is
>weird, fake deep, trying hard to be poetic, power dynamic obsessed fanfic-tier>with enemies to lovers??
No. 1638313
>>1638310I'm not expecting more from ao3, I just get my f/f fics from other sites and don't look on ao3 anymore. And I mostly only read f/f so I've pretty much read all of them for the fandoms I'm in at this point.
>saying they're all fujo/fujo adjacent seems silly lolI didn't say that, I said most f/f writers on ao3 are fujos who write f/f on the side, and there are some that do primarily f/f but the writing is mostly bad tumblr quality. So on ao3 for f/f it seems to be either fujos writing edgy fake deep enemies to lovers shit that's really just genderbent m/m, or tumblr "wlw" that mainly write boring fluff oneshots
No. 1638352
>>1638313oh okay my bad, I guess I have seen that to some extent I just usually skip over those fics lol.
Out of curiosity where do you find f/f stuff ? I don't read fic a ton but sometimes I get the itch.
No. 1638406
>>1638155i get a lot of reads on ao3 and there's endless content that isn't fujo
>>1638313>"wlw" that mainly write boring fluff oneshotsfeeling called out
>>1638372> the writing tends to be better and less cliched and pretentious.really like to know what you consider as "better" if you hate anything "pretentious", i can't even imagine applying that word to fanfiction, literally none of it is pretentious, it's a fucking fanfiction. please post an example of writing you find pretentious, not to start a fight i'm just dying of curiosity now. alternatively post a fic you consider good, or even ideal. you have such an amazing hateboner for ao3
No. 1638476
>>1638406nta but one example i can give off the top of my head of something that you mostly see on AO3 and comes across as pretentious are those fics where the title is one word, and then the summary is the definition of that word + the pronunciation. like the author straight up copied pasted the definition from google search. i dislike that stuff bc it's like the author is treating the reader like they're stupid, as if readers can't search up the definition of the word themselves if they don't know what it means. and generally it will be a "thesaurus" kind of word. it's very "style over substance" like the other nona said. whenever i see that fic format, i just assume the author learned a new word recently and wanted to show off kek.
>>1638439agree that there's a distinctive AO3 writing style that you just know it when you see it. fics on tend to have more concise, but not exactly the most polished or descrpitive writing. there's a greater focus on plot and narrative. i wouldn't say that AO3 writing style is flowery, but more that it's heavy on introspection and includes "emotional" details that don't actually move the plot or show characterization in a meaningful way. you'll see it most often in smut and angst fics, where the author will try too hard to show how "deep" the love between the characters is. it's often very dramatic and descriptions will generally include one character lamenting over how beautiful the other character is and how perfect they are, etc. AO3 writing style stands out the most to me when it doesn't match the narrative of the character's POV at all but feels like you could replace it with a character from any fandom. they all sound the same when they wallow in despair about their unrequited love or some shit.
no idea what's the beef with enemies to lovers is though. that's my favorite kind of dynamic and i wish it was done more often
No. 1640984
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I'll never be able to not kek to death whenever some fujos claim that yaoi is somehow peak feminism and women empowerment when your typical fujo is like picrel. At this point I have more respect for those who admit that they just like to see two fictional moids fucking (personally I don't really care about coomers as long as they aren't getting off to kids, rape, animals or are moids since no male coomer is sane) than fujos who could win gold medals everyday if mental gymnastics were a competitive sport.
No. 1641105
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>>1640990Novel updates. It's a pretty good site for keeping up with translated novels, I mainly use it for baihe — chinese lesbian stories that are 80% of the time written by actual women, unlike that disgrace of a genre called 'yuri', but unfortunately it's also filled to the brim with annoying fujos that lc fujononnas like to pretend like are the 'minority' or don't exist kek. Here's some more cringe for you anons, the entire list looks like it was written by a schizo having a mental breakdown (I'm sure she's also a tif so it might indeed be the case):>>1641074>"feminists" using pretzel logic to claim not having female characters at all is "more feminist"Exactly. I never understood that argument. Who the fuck thinks removing women in fiction is a great, reasonable and empowering reaction to having to see shitty women written by moids all the damn time? And it's not like there isn't any well-written female characters written by female authors, so there was definitely a route that didn't go straight to the "I'll just write ass-fucking moids and worship their feets, while entirely removing 'those typical wenches' or writing every woman as a 'typical wench' on purpose" copium street.
I don't mind fujos in general, sparing for pedofags and weirdos of course, I can more or less understand if they want to read or watch something that's made by and for straight women without female characters being part of the main couple because they aren't into women
doesn't mean female characters who are already there should be written as weak bitches whose sole purpose is running after your gay husbando's ass though, it's obvious that some fujo authors just don't want to show a moid in a negative light so they use women in their works as the meanest, most pathetic antagonists. I just don't see anything particularly feminist about it and I'm tired of fujos insisting otherwise and even claiming that other women who don't like yaoi are somehow… misogynist? how does that even make sense? they treat it like some kind of feminist uprising that's definitely going to end the patriarchy because gay drawings makes moids uncomfy kek and I don't get it at all, like just enjoy your content and go? why try to make it sound like something deep?
No. 1641111
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>>1641105Samefagging to add more cringe, if you click on the 'mpreg' tag on the list and short by follows, there's around 6 smut lists that show up just on the first page: getting off to pregnancy out of all things…
No. 1646035
>>1641074I don't think that fujo who wants historical chinese yaoi with virgins is a feminist but I get what you mean.
I think the only way yaoi-adjacency is ever pro-women is when it comes to real life people.
For example, male lolicons wanted to drive away the early BL/yaoi doujinshi female writers off of comiket (self-published comic convention) because they hated them.
Or when women from certain cultures will inherently see reading yaoi as something that goes against society's standards for them.
But both of these situations are physical and tangible and are just part of being a female nerd, it's not exclusive to fujos.
No. 1646271
File: 1690474209634.jpg (363.1 KB, 2048x1614, F16eD4iacAIzg8t.jpg)

I hate to have said this before, but why not just have a regular m/f relationship at this point or let a character be a rule63 version of themselves, because this is just Heterosexuality with an extra step.
No. 1646674
>>1643607>fujos are male obsessed womenNo I'd say they're women with internalized misogyny and Self-hatred instead, that's why a large portion of them are either trans identifying or mentally unwell. They dislike their womanhood because of the patriarchal experiences and get so
triggered that they cant even stand seeing a female character because of how female characters are usually portrayed
No. 1647332
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>>1646271The fact that absolutely no moid is built like this kek
No. 1647543
>>1640984I read an explanation that fujos who rage about female characters are just really insecure, and the presence of a female character sends them into a rage because their obese disgusting ogre ass feels called out by even the most normal and plain of female characters existing in the same world as their gay bishies. Imagine having that kind of self esteem problem. They need therapy not gay porn. These are the same people who get
triggered if they go outside and see an attractive woman existing, or act like someone eating a salad or going to the gym is a direct targeted attack on them and a microaggression.
No. 1649191
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>>1646271Yeah that's how it works.
No. 1659482
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No. 1662214
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>accusing others of being a self inserter for complaining about lack of attention for female characters
>accusing of observations of female fandoms being male-character-centric as NLOG behavior.
>le 'BL annoys males that's why it's based actually.'
I honestly thought this breed of fujo anons left by now. Their conflating of moral policing fans and women who complain about female fandoms being too focused on men as one and the same group is new though.
No. 1662491
>>1662282It's not infighting unless they are going to that thread and causing fights. It's the people from the screenshot who get embarrassed and come over.
>>1662214They only know how to regurgitate the same three points. Can't imagine being so obsessed with men that they try to swing it around to "le sjws hate women, thats why they hate us for liking gay men!"
No. 1662507
>>1662282Taking a screenshot, posting the screenshot to another thread, and discussing it is not "infighting."
It would only be infighting if we went into their thread. Or if they come into our thread (which they do).
I think you care too much about your "reputation" as a fujoshi. Let's say the posts in the ss are bait (I doubt), who cares? Oh no they made the fujos look bad.
No. 1663112
>>1662214>straight womenI thought all or most fujos were lesbians according to some fujoanons kek
>old school fujosYou mean the ones that created hatepages for female characters, drew hate fanart of female characters, called them whores and sluts and bashed them for "getting in the way" of their gay ship? Yeah, totally not NLOG lmao
>Blah blah you can't criticize other women or you're an NLOG!!!By that logic, everyone who uses this site is an NLOG because the literal purpose of it is to point and laugh at other women we disagree with. There are legit criticisms of fujos leveled by other women that fujos just wave away as them being "NLOG" (which doesn't even make sense, it's actually the opposite - it's like calling feminists NLOGs lmao) because in their minds everyone needs an ulterior motive for liking female characters. It's also why AO3 is full of lowest common denominator garbage being churned out by fujos about the most bland background male characters buttfucking for the 30th time and they have the audacity to act like the fact that they somehow conveniently dislike EVERY female character in every piece of media means there's something wrong with how the female characters are written kek.
No. 1667632
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No. 1669078
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Guess the characters?
No. 1669168
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No. 1670078
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Why are they like this?
No. 1670148
>>1670121Like clockwork. He samefaged himself over and over to derail the thread and is now begging for it to be banned
>>>/snow/1884660 . He does this regularly and thinks anons don't notice and if he just spams that women who want to work or don't want kids must be mend and tries to use lolcow slang interspliced with 4fag terms he somehow blends. Here are anons talking about him in an old thread
>>>/snow/1861364 and here he is trying to do the same thing in that thread and being banned
>>>/snow/1861214 . Men cannot fucking blend in for the life of them. He identifies as blending in kek.
No. 1673359
File: 1692740565112.jpg (282.63 KB, 2048x1977, FxAA8H2aEAEt_4p.jpg)

What the literal fuck.
No. 1673890
>>1669168moids are so pathetic, thanks for this compilation of incel cringe
>>1670078fail, this appears to be a tranny spammer
>>1662214Not only they accuse everyone that doesn't worship their fujo asses of being a yume or a misogynistic SJW pickme NLOG, but they seem to think that self-inserting in any way is inherently wrong. That's why they get that knee-jerk reaction when you so much as suggest that some kinds of fujos self-insert as the uke or seme (which is true btw and it's nothing new), then they use it as an insult to non-fujos. There's nothing wrong with self-inserting, whether it's for self-shipping purposes or just when consuming media in general. And I don't know why they say male characters don't have to be well-written but female self-inserts, which are meant to be self-indulgent power fantasies made for fun, always have to be super complex and written in just the right way so fujos aren't utterly disgusted and
triggered which is an impossible task kek. They also say that they hate male power fantasy self-inserts, but they sure forget that when the character in question is cute enough to put him in a yaoi ship. The reason they give for this is that moid characters only exist for fujo coom, so they admit they love mindless, badly written fun. But for some reason, female power fantasies are unacceptable, even if they're not made for the moid gaze. Daydreaming about being cooler and luckier than you are in real life is a crime for some reason. For as much as they like to whine about NLOGs, they sure act like NLOGs themselves.
But wait, so every female character written by women is a self-insert?? Characters only exist either to be self-inserts or to be shipped/thirsted over??? fujo retardation never ceases to amaze me.
I get being mad at pickme TIFs who target normal fujoshi for "fetishizing le poor oppressed gay men", but taking offense when non-fujos wish more women wrote good stories about women? Or drew more yume art? They say we all act like we're entitled to fujos writing/drawing what they don't want, most of the time no one is specifically talking about them, and there are girls who literally don't know better and would benefit from being exposed to good media with well-written women, and could use some inspiration to start writing female characters. And some girls want to self-insert but there is too big a stigma around that and Mary Sues, and if they frequent male-dominated places, around expressing female attraction to male characters in the first place. Like those pickme porn artists on Twitter who draw soulless coomer shit for their scrote patreons, but when they draw males you can tell that they want to draw males for the female gaze instead. In my experience here and elsewhere, fujos will see a small niche of women comment "man, I wish there was more nice content like this for people like us" (any content involving women instead of fujo shit) and accuse you of wanting to put them in labor camps to draw pornified anime girls all day so you can gain male validation, and of harassing fujos all the time demanding they cater to you.
The part about moids hating male characters that women like is true, it's just that retarded fujos use it as an excuse to attack women who are sick of them, because they think seeking male attention and not wanting to be like "the other (fujo) girls" is the ONLY reason any woman would ever find fujos and BL annoying. It's like when trannies say the only people who are against tranny bullshit are fascists and that's why TERFs are Hitler incarnate, and there are no
valid reasons why a woman would be opposed to transgenderism. They think they're better than everyone else and at the same time have a persecution complex, literally incapable of realizing (or admitting) why others don't like them and then claiming the other people are the bad guys.
>>1663112>and they have the audacity to act like the fact that they somehow conveniently dislike EVERY female character in every piece of media means there's something wrong with how the female characters are written kek.This is something I've just noticed. I saw the original debate in the confessions thread and I must say those anons who despise all female characters have got to have internalized misogyny, because to them, every trait in a female character must either be a fake stereotype or a lame and shallow attempt to create a SJW-pandering character, therefore female characters are always badly written. Nevermind the fact that not only are many supposedly "badly written" female characters (who happen to fit a stereotypically feminine role such as being a mother) complex and dynamic characters with both human flaws and virtues, but there are also plenty of non-stereotypical, well-written ones that these fujos are simply too lazy to look for. They think just because a female character has a couple of flaws or is a bit stereotypical in some way, that means she's unredeemable and a product of vile misogyny, even if those traits can be often found in real life, and the character herself is not one-dimensional at all. That's how I realized that those posters just hate women in general, and no matter how many good and unique examples you give them, they will never be interested.
There's also the fujos that hate all female protagonists and self-inserts because they're "too pretty" or "too skinny" (actually saw a fujo say this about a shoujo protagonist that was in no way drawn pretty by anime standards, but since she was not fat she was still "conventionally attractive" and unacceptable) and can't relate to them or enjoy their story because the character isn't literally them but faceless. Those fujos probably have abysmal self-esteem, because while there are girls and women who would prefer an unfeminine or otherwise unconventional character to relate to, most of us don't hate all female characters or avoid all media that has women in it because of this. But clearly, not being able to relate 100% and bad writing does not stop fujos from prefering to read about boring male archetypes and their cliches 24/7.
I wonder why they don't just create their own female characters using their own criteria for what a good character should be, but I imagine they'd dismiss that idea for some bullshit reason and call you a SJW fascist for wanting to force their hand to write non-BL. Or call it cringe because their criteria for a good female protagonist is literally themselves and therefore a form of self-insert, and that's a huge no-no.
No. 1676074
>>1673890As a fujo I do get annoyed by the types who write off all female characters as 'poorly written' but I don't get why you think fujos should have to read/write non BL.
No one gives a shit if a moid only watches moeshit or yuri but if a fujo only reads BL she's suddenly an NLOG for participating in a hobby by women for women.
Also self inserting is cringe, sorry not sorry.
No. 1676080
>>1676074We judge those men too. Most people judge them too, they're called incels and manchildren, and even the anime community judges their bad taste.
>self-inserting is cringeWeird take. It's normal to self-insert in stories you watch or read and this isn't even limited to anime. People have a character they empathize with more or relate to more. Most of you self-insert as one of the men anyway.
No. 1676088
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>>1676080>People have a character they empathize with more or relate to moreThat's not the same as self inserting, self inserting is when you literally consider the character in the story to be your 'in story self' in a lot of Japanese media this is usually done by giving the protagonist the most basic design possible if they're male (down to sometimes not even having eyes) or making them frilly and what the player would presumably like to look like given the context of the story if it's something like an otome.
I actually am up for pretty much any genre and don't mind playing otome at all, but even when you're supposed to self insert (ie: VNs where the female protagonist is silent) I don't just because I think it's cringy to put yourself into the ongoing story.
Same reason I really fucking hate OC x canon.
>Most of you self-insert as one of the men anywaySource needed.
No. 1676438
>>1676208I just read whatever has an interesting sounding plot+nice art, so most of what I read for otome is modern.
>>1676314>I would compare it to the cuck fetish; it's like having a fetish for being a voyeurThat's some schizo ass logic kek.
Besides by that logic every person who reads a love story or erotica and doesn't self insert is a cuck, not just fujos.
Did you ever consider that a lot of people can actually tell the difference between reality and fiction and just like to read stories as a form of short escapism?
No. 1676472
>>1676438I think they mean it like you're a voyeur because you're getting gratification from seeing them in this erotica while not participating in it. Voyeurism increasing is a problem that's linked to a rise in pornography and erotic works. For example, that's why a lot of men don't mind seeing lesbians in fiction; it's because they find lesbians hot. Same thing with women who consume a load of yaoi or bl.
>But they're not participating in it either way, what makes them a voyeur?Dunno. Just explaining that anons point. I get why they'd think that, but I also get why you'd assume it's wrong.
No. 1676480
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I will never read any of this shit literally ever cocomelon is more interesting than the neverneding ouroboros you have going on in here(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1677509
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Apparently there's an attempt at a BL/yaoi con in the United States. To no ones surprise, a lot of the guests and a member of the staff is a TiF. Some of the panels seem interesting, but it's ironic to me that they're teaching the importance of yaoi and gay male representation to a crowd of women kek No. 1677750
>>1676074>I don't get why you think fujos should have to read/write non BL.Oh my god here we go again, an illiterate fujo claiming everyone wants to lock them in a cell and force them to write about women.
When did I say "all fujos should stop consuming yaoi and go read/create what I like"? Also what makes you think that fujos who also want to create female-focused content don't exist? They do exist. Doesn't that Asada Nemui mangaka that's worshipped by quite a lot of you also have a female-focused manga (sadly not translated)? You don't represent all fujos either, some of them are interested in female-led stories. Ironically I've seen some of you cry and seethe because some Japanese fujo artists you were following on Twitter started to draw het ships in addition to fujo shit kek just pathetic, saying you're being FORCED to like women in fiction just because someone said somewhere "I wish there was more female-made media about women", when you don't even tolerate an artist drawing anything that doesn't cater specifically to you. Add to that the fact that by far, most romance/sexual content made by and for women is BL, I don't think you have any right to complain about someone merely wishing for more non-BL content. I don't know why the subject causes such a strong reaction in fujos.
>self-inserting is cringeAnd yet everyone does it at one point with media. For example, when playing video games? No one cares that you don't personally like to self-insert in romantic stories, by all means don't do it (no one's forcing you), but it's still not wrong, nor is it a niche thing only some autistic weeaboo girls do. Plenty of normal women casually do it from time to time. If it makes you cringe to even do this in the privacy of your own mind, then that's your problem, not the world's.
You say what non-fujos do for fun is cringe as fuck and then act like you're based and normal for drooling over the "right" kind of porn/romance. You're obsessed with what is and isn't acceptable when you're no different from the ones you call "cringe", it's so childish and annoying.
No. 1677795
>>1677567This kek. Go to any,
any female nerdy space online in the year of our lord 2023, fujo or not it will be full of gendies. Tumblr and all fandoms on it, Neopets and all similar games with forums, sims, doll collecting, lolita/egl, cosplay - every single one of these spaces will be full of them, because these are female interests and tifs are female.
No. 1677899
>>1677795Transgender/genderspecial stuff is caused by autism. That's why we also have anons who think they have dysphoria, autists are common here. Autistic women are also more likely to like yaoi compared to normal women and it's got more to do with autistic women both being more likely to troon out and enjoy gay sex than yaoi
triggering gendershit.
No. 1678096
The infighting in the fandom thread made me think. A lot of women in fandom spaces (lc nonas inclued) hate the conversation about the obvious current bias to male characters. They deflect it with excuses like "all/most female characters are written badly" when fawning about cardbord flat male characters who are based on 3 tropes. Because once they admit female characters can be written well and still doesnt get as much recognition, the next question is why hetero ships aren't as celebrated in female nerdy spaces.
>>1673890>>1677750We should be friends, nona.
No. 1678147
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>>1677599Yes kek, they even have a whole website dedicated to "studying anti-fujoshis and bl". Person who made it is a trans non-asian westerner, so it's not like these issues in the east are affecting them at all. They're borrowing a term and acting like they'll get yelled at on the street for going "I love watching gay anime boys fuck"., they have a whole section dedicated to how being anti-fujo links to being anti-trans. They're proving the pipeline themselves lmao
>>1678096They shared a screenshot in the twitter hate thread about this, claiming that it's transbians who are complaining about the lack of lesbian ships. What they conveniently left out is that the person who made the original post telling lesbians to "make their own content" was a TiF fujo kek
No. 1678159
>>1678116Nta I think
nonnie means typical anime yaoi. A lot of normie girls had gay 1D fanfic phases growing up, but to continue that fascination into adulthood and build a community around it is more of an autism thing
No. 1678172
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>>1678147>They shared a screenshot in the twitter hate thread about this, claiming that it's transbians who are complaining about the lack of lesbian ships. What they conveniently left out is that the person who made the original post telling lesbians to "make their own content" was a TiF fujo kekWell that was upsetting, but I shouldnt be surprised. Thanks for sharing though. They're starting to sound like
terf allergic tras. Also I loved that fujo site since the last thread.
No. 1678237
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>>1678172This is who you're defending
nonnie, sorry it hurts being transbian aligned I would be upset too
(infighting) No. 1678254
>>1678237Are you stalking this thread because you're butthurt about the fujo to TIF pipeline comments? Maybe it struck a nerve? But sorry, you don't make sense. It makes sense for WOMEN to be interested in advancing and developing FEMALE characters. Women can't "transition" into being women or be "transbian-aligned" by simply caring about characters of their own gender. Fujotroons are weird because they're women who obsess over men, exclusively write stories about men, and self-insert as men, the opposite sex. So sorry, your gotcha doesn't work. And feminist have always campaigned for more and better female characters and for more attention to women in fan spaces. It doesn't matter if one mentally ill TIM wants more transbian smut to jack off to, the truth is most men prefer to read stories about men, and so do women. That's why often the most complex relationships in fiction are either between two men or a man and a woman. You should know this since you're a fujo and you all constantly whine about how there's "no good female characters". There are a few, but there should be more. And when thousands of fanfics are written about men that just stand there, and well-written complex female characters get 30 at most, there's something deeper at play.
No. 1678264
>>1678262I'm phoneposting retard, I had to fix typos.
>t-TRIGGERED!>Where did the fujo touch you, anon?Dumb fujos still trying to be edgy lmao writing fanfics about everything. Let's see, in her dreams, maybe?
No. 1678272
>>1678269At least I'm the one actually writing female characters instead of whining about it
nonnie, do you want to hear more of it?
(infighting) No. 1678676
>>1678656My friends are most if not all TRAs who draw and consume bl 98% of the time so it's hard to talk about shit like this. I had a convo about female characters not getting much attention with a woman larping as male, the cognitive dissonance is huge. I'd wish this wasn't untouchable in
terf town lc.
No. 1679100
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>>1679084Nona, I agree with you but I'm also afraid of said spergs lurking this thread.
I had to erase a post where I said something about how people never change their thinking despite "peak transing".
Here's some tax.
No. 1679110
>>1679109That wasn't the conversation
Can you stop
(don't respond to bait, just report and move on) No. 1679468
File: 1693159635374.png (41.93 KB, 689x466, 1Ikfol9oL0932.PNG)

>>1679100The screenshot had so many random words thrown together I had to snoop on their page. They (once again, and to no ones surprise) retweet a bunch of "yaoi" hentai where one is trans. And they've been shilling some book about an incestuous family with a bunch of age gaps non-stop created by a TiF fujo. This is said authors website where they host all of their stories. they also have one of them listed on AO3 for free. Almost every story they write has rape or incest in it. Some on the other website even feature TiF main characters. Picrel. No. 1679998
>>1679336NTA but I really think those fujos who come here to pick fights with strawmen don't even read any part of this site that isn't either the Yaoi thread or this thread.
Imagine saying 'b-b-but what about moids!!1' when one of the most common complaints about lolcow by farmers is that the site complains too much about moids and trannies kek. There isn't a single thing scrotes do that we don't shit on collectively every five minutes and that often includes their degenerate nature.
Must be fujochan refugees who are so new they aren't familiar with the average lolcow thread. But they can't even be assed to read and comprehend the posts they're replying to, so you can't really expect them to lurk the site to stop being such obvious newfags, especially since the rest of the site is not about anime boys fucking each other in the ass.
No. 1680063
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>>1679987Not going to touch that convo if all female characters are written badly. But I'm not sure if you include male dominated spaces in there. On female dominated spaces like ao3, it's clear m/m outnumbers f/m. Though I'd assume there's more hetero content, it might be more for normies who don't really congregate in online fandoms. People in the past threads are venting exactly because they can't find het romances aligning to their tastes.
No. 1680104
>>1680077>just make your own contentI hate that this is always the thing people always say when you bring up this problem. Who do you think is making the content in the first place? All people are doing is making criticism and observations, nothing wrong with stating facts.
>>1680063There is a total of 10 women in that screenshot. Insane.
No. 1680702
>>1680691>clicks on video out of morbid curiosity>hears the whiniest moid voice everYep, as expected.
Imagine getting upset over a harem cartoon for women. This inspires me to draw my own.
with actual hardcore femdom No. 1680710
>>1680691these are the same men who suck the dicks off the authour of rent a girlfriend(a moid who simps for his drawn girlfriend than his wife) other media depitcing men subjugating women to violence. ofcourse troons wouldnt like this since yknow..
theyre arent women anyway so they wouldnt know why actual women like this* die malding moid
No. 1680744
>>1680741Ok "ex fujo". Hide the thread if it
triggers you that much (it obviously does). My advice is for the other fujos reading, too.
No. 1680747
>>1680744the fuck, it doesn't
trigger me. I am just pointing out how fighting about fujos vs yumes is stupid because moids and handmaidens will hate us all equally.
No. 1680797
>>1680792>I know many women who have said they have realized they were trans through slash and yaoi it's similar to the Yuri to mtf pipeline in my opinionI see gendie women pretty much everywhere, including ones who have never read BL in their lives and just engage with other nerdy stuff (ie: lolita) will troon out.
A lot of people compare women trooning out to women forming ED groups and I honestly have to agree, a lot of younger girls are just looking for a sense and a place of belonging and are willing to go to self destructive tendencies to do so while men are more likely to be outwardly violent and destructive to others.
>I do wonder if the fandom element didn't exist and women were just reading yaoi on their own if this would be a thing because I think social contagion is a bigger factor.Considering how rare troons are in Japan where BL started and how rare they were like 15 years ago it's pretty clearly a recent western phenomenon.
No. 1680993
>>1680039A lot of "lesbian" are really lesbians. Perma online are confused about sexuality, hence why there are so many asexual and "lesbian whose an like men.
There reason you say so many m/m is the same reason the most popular category with men is lesbian porn. The difference is that women are less serviced by media when it comes to these things.
No. 1681190
>>1680993>>1681023Sorry I mean "A lot of "lesbian" are really NOT lesbians". Like those asexual on twitter who keeps having sex.
>>1681152That isn't even true. Most BL boys nowadays look like average anime men. No self respecting lesbian would obsessed over fictional men and draw porn of men, but the term "lesbian" has been basically washed away hence the whole "lesbian can like penis" and "lesbian can like men" bullshit going on.
No. 1681231
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>>1681227Just don't respond, she clearly hasn't lurked the threads, this answer has been thrown out multiple times. The anons complaining also include straight women. And yes straight women who also create content themselves before any of you get wise.
No. 1681246
>>1681197>I'm sorry but there's plenty of male characters that are badly written or plain uninteresting that you'd think were peak literature by the way fandom treats them. It's misogyny all the way down.It's not like people are different with female character. Like cute girls doing cute girls shows female character are super basic but people go crazy for moeblobs.
Women are allowed to like male characters and be horny for them.
No. 1681252
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No. 1681608
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>>1681598PROUD yurifag, checking in. Brexit means brexit. The love between two women is beautiful. Don't trust 5G towers. My favourite ship is two women who are rivals or enemies, and have an angsty love affair. Yurifags, let's make some noise!
No. 1681630
>>1681611>adashima>disney femslash couples (female villain x heroine)that kind of thing x
how about you?
No. 1681643
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>>1681630>>disney femslash couples (female villain x heroine)That is hot. I love winx club and MLP femslash. I also like DC femslash. I like any femslash really.
No. 1681649
>>1680767I don't hate all fujos, just the retarded ones. It's obvious that not all of them are like that, and a lot of them actually support other kinds of female weirdos, as we all should. I even like some BL myself, just as there are fujos who also have husbandos.
I think it's mostly those underage retarded fujos who want to turn it into a yume vs. fujo war. They see people making fun of a fujo (or making fun of them specifically) and instantly assume it must be a yume/hetshipper/NLOG/SJW.
No. 1681736
>>1681643nta but maleficent/aurora is my otp, idk why i'm so obsessed kek. i never watched the live action one tho.
i also like bella swan/leah clearwater… i think my thing is tough girl x girl she could easily lift.
No. 1681758
>>1681230What certain posters consider a good female character doesn't even exist and no female character is good enough for them, not a single one, and despite constantly complaining about how they're written, they have absolutely zero interest in finding potentially well-written ones. And their hatred is so big that they constantly bring it up, for
some reason. And this reason is either that they don't want to engage with media they can't coom to or they can't stand seeing women in fiction in general. Or both.
>>1681246Like the other anon said, you never see scrotes go on rants about how male characters are ALL badly written misandrist trash and that's why they prefer reading yuri or watching moeshit. No, most moids love stories with male protagonists regardless of how they're written. They generally hate female characters that have agency and act like real humans because it destroys their coomer fantasies. Like in the case of Arcane
>>1681178Moids both enjoy male characters regardless of how well-written they are, AND sexualizing the female characters because most of them are straight.
Some posters will explain this difference by repeating the mantra that all female characters are badly written and misogynistic and that's why fujo shit is so popular, but that's not true. There may be a lot of misogynistic male writers, but it's not like there aren't enough interesting, complex, realistic and relatable female characters of different kinds out there (many of them, written by women). These fujos just have impossible standards and no interest in female-led stories regardless of quality.
>Women are allowed to like male characters and be horny for them.No one is fucking saying they can't. That's not the goddamned problem. The problem is when certain people keep obsessively shitting on any depiction of women or girls in fiction and that the way they express their hatred comes across as misogynistic.
No. 1681764
>>1680691Also fuck you for making fun of 'cheesy pirate novels', I don't read them but who cares if some grandmas fantasize about fucking a hot young pirate. Practive what you preach, nonna
>>1681726I agree. I want to make something like that but I have a feeling a bunch of Twitter kids would find it and try to cancel me for being 'too edgy' kek
No. 1682182
>>1681758>What certain posters consider a good female character doesn't even exist and no female character is good enough for them, not a single one, and despite constantly complaining about how they're written, they have absolutely zero interest in finding potentially well-written ones. And their hatred is so big that they constantly bring it up, for some reason. And this reason is either that they don't want to engage with media they can't coom to or they can't stand seeing women in fiction in general. Or both.Fujos typically read manga/anime with a lot of guys in them and in most of the anime/manga female characters DO suck. They are either written as "the chick" or "the love interest"
Also you are overestimating how much fujos care bout female characters. We don't because we want hot boys.
No. 1682229
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One of the responses from here
>>1646016>>1682190I don't doubt it. There were people complaining in meta how there were "many" anti yaoi threads and the only yume thread got locked but as far as I'm aware, this is the only one.
No. 1682235
>>1682231I hope you get banned for trying to infight and get this thread locked.
I knew some fujo from here with deep rooted racial identity issues. She admitted to only being attracted to asian men and 2D husbandos. I hope she grows out of it someday.
No. 1682237
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Nona don't respond. I dont hate derailer anon. but she is malding at this thread at this point,it's sad.
No. 1682240
>>1682235>I hope you get banned for trying to infight and get this thread locked.Banning does nothing, this site doesn't even block most proxy. Thread locked lol
Are you really that butthurt that people draw pics of your husbando being gay? Or are you just a moid?
>>1682237>it's sad.Is it more sad than obsessing hating women hobbies and spending your internet time taking random twitter screenshots?
(derailing) No. 1682250
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If seeing posts about the topic of the thread is a waste of your time then I think you should just hide the thread rather than continuing to derail.
Anyway, peaking from trans ideology and then seeing ABO fics focused on domestic settings rather than leaning on the primal kink appeal is so wild kek.
No. 1682279
>>1681758So when was the last time you gave a shit about a female character
without her being involved in a ship with your husbando? The people who constantly bitch and moan about fujos not appreciating female characters and being dicksucking misogynists obsessed with cartoon anal sex never give a shit about a female character they either don't find fuckable or can't use as a tool to romance the fictional man of their choice. The "concern" people supposedly here have for female characters being bullied and underappreciated is insincere as fuck and turns even more transparent the more they talk about it and let the mask slip. Some of them have enough self awareness to realize how fucking childish they would look if they just blurted out that they hate fujos because they're disrupting their self insert fantasies, but even then you can read between the lines. See how fast talking about interesting yuriships was banned due to "derailing"? That's how much people here truly care about muh female characters and sharing about them.
(infighting/ derailing) No. 1682347
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She's so mad, she cannot stay on topic if she tried…
>>1682342I'm sure Yuri on Ice is a small sample size but lol, it's such a clusterfuck in here.
No. 1684378
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Coomer on Coomer violence.
No. 1684586
>>1684391They think only 1 person can ever hate fujos
>>1684415It's mostly either just women who find fujos annoying, or people who don't mind fujos/frequent the fujo thread but at the same time like to make fun of fujos. That's basically it. And it seems you fit the latter kek. I think people conspiricising that it's mostly pakichan and 1 other anon are wrong because there's clearly a few of us in here with different opinions.
No. 1684675
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I just saw that too kek
>Don't you know, nonas? We are all pakichan.
the answer to that post was actually that retarded
>Fujo aren't mean to yume
lmao delusional
>them constantly shitting on us
As if they didn't randomly shit on yumes in their own thread like they did just now, in the manga/anime thread, etc. If they actually think yumes constantly bully fujos they probably only ever visit this thread (but at the same time we are all one person somehow). These couple of fujotards are always derailing convos to blame yumes for fujo oppression lol
>I'm so glad Fujochan is back
And stay there.
btw that was a reply to one of those schizoposts about a powertripping husbandofag mod who persecutes the poor oppressed rule-breaking fujo spergs. If that were even true it would be dumb to think there are no fujo mods.
And before any seething fujochan refugees cry about it, these are the latest posts in the yaoi thread that can be seen from page 2 of /m/ right now, anyone can see your cringe without stalking that general (watch them accuse everyone in this thread of being pakichan and stalking their thread 24/7 for the 9000th time though)
No. 1684711
>>1682246>Considering the inability to ignore things they don't like and not infightNot to mention the inability to imagine why someone would like a character for any reason other than sex, kek.
And the tired old 'gotchas' that just keep getting more retarded and desperate, it reeks of seething highschooler (and probably her discord clique).
No. 1684748
File: 1693606887249.jpeg (9.17 KB, 168x300, images.jpeg)

I'm a fujo but I do have some problems with the community and I think the biggest problem is how they are against plot and story diversity of having switches and small tops.
I'm someone who doesn't have a type so I read all sorts of stories and whenever I read a story where the bottom is taller or stronger than the top I refuse to read the comments because the comments are always butthurt and complaining how the seme is not big enough to dominate the top and that bottoms are the only ones who should be small or feminine. This is something that regularly happens to big bottom stories. To me this type of thinking is very conservative and shows to me that those women are self-inserting into the bottom and see bottoms in stories as a pseudo-female so they get mad if the top is cute or pretty and the roles are reversed.
I'm still a fujo but I really hate those type of people, like I'm not harassing you for liking stories about anorexic bottoms that look like children and have child birthing hips so why do you go and piss all over stories about masculine bottoms.
No. 1684795
>>1684776>retards also hate it when a female protagonist in a Korean femdom webtoon doesn't act like a perfect doormat princess or if she doesn't ask the males for consent every 2 panels, for example.Yeah I read straight romance and I see that regularly too. Female-oriented communities definitely are micromanaged, nitpicky and hyper-judged by other women who are in that same community. I do feel like in straight stories alot of the time the authors are forced to make the women as tortured, passive and doormat as possible so the unhinged women reading the story don't feel threatened by a fucking fictional character. Oh and don't get me started on the majority of the story being her trying to win the heart of a man who hates her or is distant with her or those isekai story's about getting put back in time with the man who killed you and making him fall in love with you.
I am jealous of male-oriented communities and fandoms and how most mind their business there and don't go and consume things they hate or bash the author or readers who like it.
No. 1684821
>>1684718Has it ever occured to you that some of us use incognito mode and thus our hidden threads are unhidden each time we open lolcow? Or that some of us don't really hate yaoi or fujos who just talk about BL so there's no reason for us to hide the thread? Or even worse, that some of us actually like yaoi and casually read that thread for news or on-topic discussion. Retard, everyone must be obsessed with you, never the other way around even though those threads are always getting derailed into long-ass conversations about how oppressed you are by other women.
>for yearsLike other posts said, this stupid infighting has been going on for around a year. Nobody minded you morons this much before that.
No. 1684824
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>>1684820>extinctThey're not, why do you retards always lie. This what I mean when I say I have a problem with the community even though im also in the community. I regularly read yaoi so please don't try that shit with me. It's slightly less popular then before but it still exists and is more popular than the rest.
No. 1685072
File: 1693635228935.jpg (79.89 KB, 850x564, desktop-wallpaper-love-is-an-i…)

>>1685063The name is "love is an illusion" and it's a very popular manhwa.
I find it even creepier how the uke has a child considering he looks like a kid himself.
No. 1685078
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>>1685063>>1685072This is taking me out kek
No. 1685119
File: 1693639553041.jpg (469.5 KB, 1360x1404, FZ4fAojKWgAAD.jpg)

>>1685072>>1685063Picrel describes it, no matter how much fujos try to make their porn addiction seem badass by "fetishizing moids" they fundamentally aren't capable, they just recreate the worst aspects of heterosexuality on a male character that is female in all but pronouns and ends up resembling a child.
No. 1686404
>>1686400>made to look youngeroh no, the horror! /s
(also stop projecting)
female gaze is not the same and also that character doesn't look like a child
(learn2integrate) No. 1686406
File: 1693759717076.jpeg (145.37 KB, 500x693, IMG_0168.jpeg)

>>1686394I gave in and argued with it. Forgive me. Anyway, anyone have any recommendations for yaoi where there is a nasty FUB involved? i.e. such as this. Notice the bottom corner.
No. 1686407
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>>1686404Sorry I don't want to defend your shota male pregnancy manhwa I guess? Anyone without context would assume this is some kid. Besides, shouldn't you be back in the fujo thread talking about how the yume boogeyman is out to get you or something?
No. 1686420
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>>1686407Is there another person you're referring to because you can't fathom how non-existent of an issue this is that more than one person disagrees with you? Stay malding.
No. 1686482
File: 1693764648579.jpg (45.35 KB, 553x492, GROSS.jpg)

>>1686424I honestly think this site has the most mentally ill retarded fujos and I wish I was kidding. If you go and look at other sites fujos themselves admit that they also think
>>1686407 that uke really does look like a child yet only here will you find fujos as delusional enough to try and defend that. Some of the fujos here really do give me tranny vibes and the way they can't follow basic rules to not come here to derail and instead go stick to their shitty containment thread.
No. 1686519
>>1686515This is a thread to discuss fujocoomers and their content….you literal retard.
Stop behaving like a tranny and gtfo.
No. 1686531
>>1686519Anon stop infighting and replying to fujos, they always try to derail these threads because they feel called out over their cringe shit
Just report them and move on
No. 1686561
File: 1693769325162.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.59 KB, 800x1000, rino-park-aaafff.jpg)

>>1686556Baratards win again
No. 1686570
>>1686556You do realize it takes a 2 minute google search to find that and some People on this thread are fujos too who are critical of other fujos.
Also thats not a shota but his character design looks like one. Nice slip of the tongue of you calling him a shota (which basically confirms that he does look like a child), werent you and the other fujo tranny previously defending that saying how he looks like a grown man and now youre admitting he looks like a shota. Never change fujos….never change
>>1686565>wont be readong this thread for another 3 weeksYou sad that last time and procedded to post and bump this thread. Go and take a shower anon or something productive.
No. 1686596
File: 1693770670031.jpg (26.83 KB, 313x480, 17211871_1454809001230858_5273…)

nonnie whatever you say. You seem stressed, how about you go and read
mafia omega mpreg abo possessive financial gap debt coerced sex sugar-daddy Mangas so you can calm down and stop refreshing this thread 24/7
>>1686586The fujo degens here are also cruel towards other fujos who are more normal than them. I remember and this was recent too how the fujos here attacked another fujo who added the no-shota rule in the OP and the reason for that was because the fujos kept posting actual shota content and talking about it which made the minority of normal fujos in that thread uncomfortable which lead to retarded infighting and mud-slinging in that thread.
Picrel unrelated.
No. 1686609
>>1686598I'm talking about the yaoi thread you dumb illiterate fuck and when the no-pedo rule was first implemented and how some fujos freaked out over it.
>>1686600Not really true, yes he was also baiting but there were also a couple of other actual anons who agreed with his bait and seethed
at the op, and basically made the same excuses for shots that the fujos in this thread also make "its femgaze, men do worse so liking shota is okay, shotas are cute and not sexual for me and i can consume it, you are a moralfag zoomer" etc etc………………….
No. 1686617
>>1686609Whatever fabrication of reality helps you sleep at night I guess, if your headcanon is that fujos are all pedotrannies then I doubt any amount of /m/ lore is going to change that. Just keep the thread hidden in the future instead of lurking it to check if you still don't totally find yaoi sexy.
No. 1686726
File: 1693779836833.png (43.05 KB, 781x308, KiraideIsasete.PNG)

What are some of the most cringy summaries you have seen? I feel like anything Omegaverse is a cop out but I genuinely have no idea how they come up with this shit
>>1686515>>1686556Funniest part about this whole ordeal is that I'm
>>1686407 and
>>1686482 wasn't me kek, considering what they said earlier
>>1686561Is this how you have fun since the main fujo thread doesn't allow bara? Why don't you ever bait in there?
No. 1686815
>>1686726KEK only the first sentence and it's already shit
This is like the least original idea ever so if it's popular you know it's only because of the omegaverse fetish shit
No. 1686842
File: 1693786995332.png (Spoiler Image,3.47 MB, 3046x1518, retard.png)

How did some fujos meme themselves so hard into thinking drawing a huge burly dude fucking the vagina of some petite little ftm was yaoi? That shit is het I'm sorry, when I see it I always save it into the het folder. Also hetfags memeing themselves into drawing gay porn? I do not want to see marina from fear and hunger termina with her dick out in totally "straight" sex kek
Random autistic post, but I'm sorry. I'm seeing so many drawings now where I could swear it's a dude and a girl going at it, then I click the post and the artist has to clarify "both of them are he/him btw". I swear I get more and more tempted to edit out the tit chop scars, but sometimes I don't even have to. It'll be a whole woman with intact breasts. Is that gay porn? Like is it really? That's a fucking woman getting banged in her cooter by a man with a penis. That isn't yaoi. And then you have all the little fakebois in the comments saying they feel "represented" by seing a ftm with no bottom surgery or top surgery.
>pic related (you have been warned)
Sukka has been my favorite artcow for years now because it's just some little girl getting fucked by a businessman but it's gaye doe. Feels like I'm gonna get on a watchlist just for making this collage.
No. 1686960
>>1684831It reminds me of the autism Japanese fujos have where they will become incredibly upset if they see ship art of their favorite couple but the roles are 'wrong'. Why are they so fucking autistic over who should take it in the ass? In the case of Jap fujos they get upset over couples that aren't even canon. In the case of those fujos you're talking about, they get upset at the author's personal taste and decision to make her ukes and semes non-stereotypical. Why is that such a big deal with some kinds of fujos?
>>1685135NTA but it's funny how they indirectly admit that they see ukes as having the "female" role. But if the bigger guy behaves in the exact same way stereotypical ukes do, suddenly it's wrong.
No. 1686967
>>1686842I think it's a combination of a repressed desire to self-insert (or being in denial about self-inserting) and being pornsick after looking at too much straight porn, that's the only way I can explain the amount of focus on the literal female character's body that seems so moid-gazey, and how that character looks kinda underage.
It's a shame because that guy is very hot and this girl could make god-tier straight femagaze art if only she wasn't so delusional (what's the media source btw?)
No. 1686975
File: 1693797390480.png (19.88 KB, 530x119, sukka.png)

>>1686967sugarsukka on twitter. I've been keeping up with her since the tumblr days since, like you said, she'd make pretty good femgaze stuff and I was fascinated with the fact she'd regularly get into tucute vs truscum arguments over her oc, as well on her artwork being pretty not gay as things go. When she drew actual not-in-denial straight porn it was pretty good though. And for the nonas who don't mind how young the woman looks, well there you go. You can easily ignore the artist's delusions and get easy femporn kek. Look at pic related, she's been delusional for YEARS. Year in year out fighting tooth and nail for her het gay art. What gives?
I'm kind of curious now on her stance on fujos. If her tumblr is still up I might go looking on if she hated them or not kek. Knowing fakebois she probably hated them (they draw more gay porn than she ever has)
No. 1687182
>>1687027I used to be a huge fujo, i even had a radio show about yaoi and used to run several groups. The moralfaggotry, TIF invaders and the fact new yaoi is so fucking boring coffee AU nonproblematic shit made me grow out of it. I only stick to my OTP, and now i mostly just draw my own hereto smut(sadly there isnt a hetero alternative to yaoi). My biggest draw to yaoi was seeing men being submissive without it being a male fantasy like 99% of femdom, but now i am a decent enough artist i can start working on making my own femdom content that doesnt cater so scrotes. Basically the stuff i draw is just old school
problematic yaoi but hetero, lol.
No. 1687288
>>1687218>>1687234When people watch porn they want to see the characters they like receive pleasure. Men get pleasure from assfucking, women like to see their husbandos moaning. Again, not complicated.
>women shouldn't be into that shit.women are into worse shit like choking thanks to the normalization of BDSM, i would rather see more women into anime boys buttfucking than that
>>1687228it was an online radio in some small weeby page. I mostly gave reviews of yaoi manga/anime i liked and some news of upcoming anime adaptations/translations.
No. 1687334
>>1687314Anon don't even try. Obviously some anime boys are drawn with very feminine features but anons here see a small submissive whiny moaning male getting fucked and immediately go "woman" without realizing how misogynistic that sounds (and then a woman who doesn't get fucked and has a strong personality is a man?). Also a lot of people here say that the uke being effemminate is unrealistic when real gay men will put on make-up, get ass implants, speak in a retarded valley girl accent and call their asses "boypussies" and they anal fucking "breeding". It's unrealistic because it's written to have thoughts like a woman (as every woman-written man is in romance), not because it's feminine.
>>1687325>potentially harmful/disabling if done wrongYou are honestly naive if you think men will care about any of that. Like… AIDS happened. Men literally chop their dicks off for the coom.
No. 1687353
>>1687204Imo it's probably because it's close to PIV in a way in their minds. Because it's penis inside hole basically. Except it's an asshole instead of a vagina but in yaoi they mostly treat it as if it functions the same way as a vagina. There is some 'realistic' yaoi where they treat it as what it is and go through all the steps of how to prepare it for gay buttfucking in detail and the bottom's first time is treated as some special thing where he lose his
ass virginity to the guy he loves. It's still weird but I'd take it over yaoi that pretends assholes behave like vaginas kek
No. 1687525
File: 1693847594110.jpg (41 KB, 693x1024, 00bddbc7be5bdea1f323ce99a118ad…)

>>1687353>>1687334In multiple yaoi's mens assholes are self-lubricating or get wet when they are aroused (which happens to vaginas and not assholes) and here you are trying to convinve me these narrow shoulders, wide hips, wet anus short men are totallly not pseudo-women….kek.
Assholes do NOT get wet when aroused. This is very obviously copying the characteristics of a vagina.
No. 1687640
>>1687288>women like to see their husbandos moaningMe too. As I said there are many ways to show a man being pleasured that doesn't involve an x-ray of the rectum. It's like those fujos love reading hentai with all the gross x-ray shit and obsession with all sex needing penetration and then just draw a boy instead of a girl on the recieving end. Like do they actually like that shit or do they think that moid hentai is the only way to portray sex?
>>1687353This makes a lot of sense.
No. 1687677
>>1687656The issue is that most fujos are straight women and I doubt they would want to see a detailed vagina in their stories where hot men should be the focus. I personally don't think fujos treat the uke as a pseudo-woman, it's just that they're either ignorant (therefore the wet assholes) or they simply write through a woman's perspective, with the experience and tastes of a straight woman. So you end up with wet assholes (because they only have themselves as reference for piv), cute men (because a lot of women are into that, especially if they're young), emotional shoujo-like plots, men acting "soft" like women and so on. But, they're men because they're straight and don't want to see vaginas.
>>1687656I don't think that's was anon was emplying… are you saying they're all lesbians or something? Kek
No. 1687688
>>1687656Well, even with those qualities psychologically it's still somehow a man. Because if you make uke a woman, it won't feel the same. Even if it's a woman who ends up somehow in a male body, it won't feel the same. So even with all the projected feminine qualities, they're still perceived as males fundamentally. Even if they're effeminate and even if they can give birth kek
>>1687677i agree. Straight women just don't want to see women in their porn kek fujo lesbians probably like other elements of BL
No. 1687924
>>1687328>it's a man, not a womanI love this fujo excuse. The ukes are as close as stereotypical portrayals of women as they can be without being "actually" female, so people like this can deny it has anything to do with misogyny when someone points it out.
The two are obviously not equally bad, but it's still the same kind of mental gymnastics as when lolifags deny they're attracted to child features because they're fictional, or because they have big breasts unlike real children (oppai loli), they have big hips which children lack, because she's 2000 years old, etc. even though everything else about it screams pedophilia. They can deny it when it's convenient because of a few fantastical elements.
>>1687027I'm an ex-fujo, yaoi helped me realize I like seeing cute males being submissive but that's it. I still like some gay ships though. I honestly don't know why I stopped being a fujo, but when I was a teen I did meet a couple of unhinged ones that obviously had a lot of issues.
>most semes are entitled possessive selfish bastards. The ukes too are doormats and they behave the same no matter the size when it comes to being submissive and letting the seme walk over them.This sounds like so many shoujo manga, which certain fujos won't stop shitting on. They're all the same shit because it's written by mostly heterosexual women that like bishies and romance, it's just that both shoujo and BL authors have slightly different ways to cope with misogyny and being disappointed with real men. The shoujo authors try to make it enjoyable and romanticize regular male-on-female abuse, while the BL authors remove what makes the protagonist biologically female, and turn her into a boy while pretending it's a totally different thing, and still romanticize the abuse lol (hence why self-hating Aidens and potential Aidens have always been so attracted to yaoi since the beginning of the genre). I mean this is pretty obvious.
>>1687322Not to mention, shit like this
>>1686726I don't understand how fujos who are into A/B/O can lack so much self-awareness. All this Omegaverse shit sounds like an attempt at dealing with being treated like crap for being female by putting feminine males (that in many cases could pass as boyish girls) in the role of females.
But sure, if you talk about these things they'll call you retarded for not "getting the appeal", as if there couldn't be multiple reasons for why women like yaoi.
No. 1688402
File: 1693927843836.png (263.21 KB, 494x988, Screenshot (89).png)

I hate to ask? at this point why not just have rule63 of a character, cause it would objectively make more sense then mpreg and male chestfeeding
No. 1690259
>>1689568Lol it's funny because fujos are the biggest nlogs of them all. I remember them salivating at the mouth with happines when that killing stalking manhwa was still on-going and when that popular-mean girl got killed and stabed.
Also I kind of realize that fujos hold women to much higher scrutiny and that's why they create these pseudo-female transmen characters who are called ukes so they don't feel
triggered by looking at a woman.
I accidentally clicked on a yaoi Manhwa and it was fucked up like you would expect (the Mc was a homewrecker who killed the wife and children of the seme because he wants to be with him) and all the fujos in the comments were basically protecting and defending the mc despite how selfish and stupid he was.
Meanwhile if the Mc was a female and he did that we all know what fujos would say or do. We have female characters being hated for way less (women saying they want to brutally kill Serena just because she doesn't get along with her husband who she was forced into marrying, fujos saying how they wished serena's husband cheated on her with another male lead and they wish that it was a yaoi)
No. 1690267
>>1690248You mean the femboy uke with a small micropenis that looks like something a tif would have or his asshole that expands or gets wet just like a vagina. Then he proceeds to mostly get penetrated by the gigantic tall muscle monster seme who tells him how important his virginity is…….ah yes this is definitely you running away from het.
Quit coping you bitch.
No. 1690299
>>1690267kek, this has to be some moid baiting i refuse to believe any woman is retarded enough to think like this. It genuinely sounds like a chatgpt AI generated response after it was feed this whole thread. Insane.
>>1690280>too offput to indulge in if they saw a woman being subjected to them.lmao, ofcourse i dont wanna see a woman see submissive, i am straight. Why are the arguments here so fucking retarded all the time.
No. 1690318
>>1690299You literally have no arguments or points other than resorting to calling anons moids/retarded. So is the only reason you come to this thread to rage? You do realize that you can just hide the thread, dumbass.
>>1690273Not really , there are size difference stories but even in those stories the bigger bottoms still get treated the same way small bottoms get treated. So NO there really isn't 'more' to yaoi.
No. 1690424
>>1690332>>1690369NTA but
>yaoi/femdomAs if those are the same thing at all. No one itt hates femdom dumbass. Most fujos hate femdom because it has women in it.
>This whole thread is infights Because fujos like you are overdefensive and come to this thread just to argue. You can't help it with your nonexistent arguments and constantly repeating "why do you care, moids are worse, you're a NLOG (lol), you just hate women (ironic)" when anyone has an issue with your precious yaoi.
No. 1690564
>>1690471The lack of milk being posted is because every second post is an underage fujo crying about how much they hate the thread, it's posters, and how cringe shouldn't be allowed to be posted if it's them being cringy in the fujo thread (like reeing about terfs, reeing about the 'feminazi sjws', reeing about hating female characters, reeing about how husbandofags are all racists etc.). Not to mention it's not a milk thread, just a cringe thread. It's not a fujo gossip thread you underahe newfag.
>>1690424You are the infighter you retard. If you can't handle the thread existing on the site, go post on fujo chan.
>>1690299You ree about how much you hate female characters but then claim anon is a moid? Kek, cope harder newfag and cry post on fujochan. Also, your post style is so obvious it's funny to notice how long you've been seething about the threads existence. It existed before you started posting here.
>>1690424Yeah kek. They ree anons are nlogs for not liking yaoi or thinking it's cringe, while they seethe in their thread about the sjws like tradfags nlogs. Imagine saying it's 'nlogs' to not worship men to the point of thinking all fictional men are better than all fictional women and fantasies involving men are better than fantasies involving women.
No. 1691045
>1690369I like that there’s almost always complaints of fujo cringe posted whether from twitter or lc. Specifically in the thread where it’s on topic. There’s no winning in this thread.
>>1690455I like malesub/femdom adjacent content but I’m not from this pipeline and I want to make fujo to femdom propaganda to guide lost girls someday.
No. 1693847
File: 1694384806862.png (158.39 KB, 1080x549, bl at work.png)

No. 1693848
File: 1694384840385.png (405.28 KB, 1080x1252, misogyny fetish.png)

No. 1693849
File: 1694384884103.png (577.67 KB, 1080x1680, coomer.png)

No. 1694769
>>1694175i mean, a woman being as degenerate as a male is legit more equallizing than modern feminists bowing down to troons and cancelling every female artist who draws something even remotely
problematic. Being better than men has shielded no results, might as well become as bad as them.
No. 1696462
>>1696350When you say criticize, do you mean that low IQ way if saying if a person likes a thing that they must be that thing?
Is that considered criticism here?
Gee, I must be behind the times
>You like cats, you must want to be a cat and a furry REEEEE(newfag) No. 1696493
>>1696480>That spacingAnother excellent use of criticism
I can see I am outclassed here
(continued infighting for no reason) No. 1704258
File: 1695379086787.jpg (175.96 KB, 720x1236, IMG-81.jpg)

This is what porn addiction looks like.
No. 1726535
File: 1697308517466.png (1.39 MB, 1080x1688, fujos.png)

From the AI photos thread
No. 1727602
File: 1697390085522.png (362.84 KB, 906x598, chrome_screenshot_1790057926.p…)

>>1704258Looked up the account and it's absolutely disgusting! She's obsessed with shipping adult men young boys (and some girls). This is the epitome of the most repugnant form of porn brain rot I've ever witnessed.
No. 1727812
>>1727602Do they not see how weird it is to ship this when one of the actors is an actual child?
>>1727624Either that or a tif
>>1726535It seems like a bunch of tourists on here trying to equate other imageboard cultures with ours.
No. 1741735
File: 1698478675789.png (165.33 KB, 1080x746, loli.png)

Screenshots from fujochan (1/7)
No. 1741737
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No. 1741740
File: 1698478864395.png (236.19 KB, 1080x841, extreme underage.png)

No. 1741742
File: 1698478975585.png (159.17 KB, 1080x551, shotas.png)

No. 1741744
File: 1698479045031.png (267.79 KB, 1080x896, mildly misogynistic.png)

No. 1741745
File: 1698479156975.png (140.76 KB, 1080x736, aap.png)

No. 1741747
File: 1698479276581.png (203.14 KB, 1080x849, aap2.png)

No. 1743253
File: 1698595907688.png (41.32 KB, 1738x137, incest fujo.png)

No. 1744116
>>1741740>don't have any trauma>getting worse the more she indulges>no shame thoughThat's called being a porn addict denying there's anything wrong with it.
>after the male pedophile vs female pedophile discussion what do you all think of being an autopedophileHow about not being a pedophile at all? Jesus fucking christ
>inb4 autistic fujochan tourist comes to defend herself claiming that no fujo has ever confessed to fucked up shit like this>>1741742>i used to be pretty anti-leaningAs if we needed more proof that these obviously underage posters came directly from Twitter
No. 1745781
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No. 1746146
>>1746095There's been some sperg on Fujochan who openly hates women and lesbians specifically, everyone always tells them to fuck off but naturally she doesn't listen. I'm presuming she's one of those annoying as fuck edgy refugees from /trash/ which is the spot for mentally ill coomer shut-ins raised on 4chan, I have no idea what the fuck she's doing on a site with a female userbase where you get banned on sight if you admit to being a moid.
Anyway people ITT should just admit to being intrigued by homosex as they're regularly visiting an imageboard focused around male x male relationships
No. 1746150
this makes me think of when cc were talking about wanting a female version of wizchan. I don't qualify but it'd be cozy to lurk an aging girlfailure board. keeping troons out would be a nightmare though.
No. 1746161
>>1745783>>1745781I can't imagine posting yourself with a body pillow on Tinder of all apps, and expecting people to actually find you attractive. At least say your interests are "anime" and slowly ease into it
>>1746150>>1746146>>1746118>>1745785t. lonely fujocoomers who stalk this thread for attention
No. 1746180
>>1746161(Ntayrt) The only one I see is a pretty rational take both got several times more pushback than support. I see far worse in our own confession and unpopular opinion threads.
No. 1746194
>>1746180nta but how is that a "rational take" to any sane person? these people are self-hating weirdos
>I also am not a fan of women outside specific spaces for sad backstory reasons.>I do prefer male company, and stories about male characters>fujos are some of the few women that I can really connect with>I'm not happy about casual misandry either(I prefer the older spaces where it was ok to dislike female characters)>This board has the advantage of not being as centered around hating males as other image boards for women can be.all i see and hear from that thread is "i also hate women, but WE FUJOS aren't like those OTHER women so i like you all"
No. 1746251
File: 1698779568142.png (240.96 KB, 1033x412, 135339_Firefox.png)

>>1746194Why not post the whole thing instead of cherry picking
Aside from the honesty and the talking to men part, I really do not see how her mindset is that much different from a decent chunk of farmers, be they itt, in 2x, in /g/, or elsewhere. Women who mesh with neither normie women nor the women in the libfem tumblroid filled mainstream sns spaces resulting in them having few friends, now seeking companionship from other women in the same boat on an anonymous imageboard. Not everyone here or there is like that, but it's a common phenomenon on girlboards.
No. 1746288
>>1746251A fujocoomer
terf is still a fujocoomer at the end of the day. She hates casual misandry but claims to be a
TERF trying to draw out the gendies. Then in the same breath, she also says she's not a fan of women characters outside of them being a service to men. They hate TiFs but their lives revolve around cute boys and dismissing female characters. The only similarities to this image board culture is that they both don't like trannys. She just specifically hates TiFs(other women) for some reason but doesn't like people who hate men. They're total nlogs.
No. 1746306
>>1746251>Why not post the whole thing instead of cherry pickingbecause you already linked it, and it's not cherrypicking to quote the cringiest parts
>I really do not see how her mindset is that much different from a decent chunk of farmers, be they itt, in 2x, in /g/, or elsewhere.speak for yourself. i don't relate to anyone who "prefers the company of men" or is "tired of all the misandry on female imageboards" and "hates all women (except fujos)" and it's not really a common phenomenon here outside of NLOGs and fujos themselves. that poster you linked was also responding agreeably to a post saying that the whole reason they're a fujo is because they hate women
No. 1746370
>>1746288Most terminally online lolcow post I've ever read
>The only similarities to this image board culture is that they both don't like trannysYou should reread my post
>>1746306I'm not speaking for myself, look around you. There are posters who echo the same sentiment all over lolcow. There are posters like that on every imageboard, that's just the type of people these places attract. It's true that most anons here (presumably) don't relate to the part about preferring the company of males, which is why I went out of my way to clarify that I wasn't talking about that part ("Aside from the honesty and the talking to men part[…]"). Without it, a post like that wouldn't turn a blind eye here because it's such a common experience. Your own hypercritical attitude towards other women who you deem pickmes, have different interests, or just happen to go about certain things differently than you is telling, but, of course, that attitude is what farmers are known for. Similar issues, similar feelings of superiority over select other women, and a huge shared cope: female centric imageboards.
>it's not cherrypicking to quote the cringiest partsLol
No. 1746476
>>1746370>it's such a common experience.if it was such a common experience to hate other women, why the fuck was that fujo complaining about "too much misandry/male bashing" on female imageboads in the first place? this post reeks of cope. please go away fujo. it's not normal to be that much of an NLOG that you hate women and want them to stop complaining about men no matter what your other fujo friends tell you
>Your own hypercritical attitude towards other women who you deem pickmes, have different interests, or just happen to go about certain things differently than you is telling, but, of course, that attitude is what farmers are known for. Similar issues, similar feelings of superiority over select other women, and a huge shared cope: female centric imageboards.>"you are criticizing women who hate women so therefore you're just the same as them"yawn.
No. 1746575
>>1746476>why the fuck was that fujo complaining about "too much misandry/male bashing" on female imageboads in the first place?I didn't bother bring up how that doesn't matter either because not only is misandry alive and well over there from what I've observed, but because I thought you might understand that it's irrelevant to my point. Looks like I placed too much faith in your reading comprehension.
>it's not normal to be that much of an NLOG that you hate women and want them to stop complaining about men no matter what your other fujo friends tell youWhere did I say I felt that way,
nonny? I didn't make either of those fujochan posts, they were posted in a confession thread and they recieved more backlash than support, and I hate men. All I said was she sounds like every other poster in our confession, vent, whatever threads complaining about being an awkward loser who struggles to make female friends minus the "pickmeisms," and being a pickme is far from a fujo thing. If you really want to go there, there are more anti-fujo pickmes saying way worse than "I'm disgusted by the way women are portrayed in media" and "I prefer to be friends with men most of the time," because most anti-fujos are males one of those lucky women could be picked by.
>>"you are criticizing women who hate women so therefore you're just the same as them"*You're obsessively criticizing women for a harmless hobby on a website made for criticizing and nitpicking women, therefore you're no better than them. You can cry "THEY ALL HATE WOMEN NOT ME" and reach to paint all the women you hate as dumb pickme cunts all day long, but you sound mentally ill and detached from the world outside of your hugbox. Go back to posting cringey TIF tiktoks and bakudeku face tattoos, please
No. 1748133
>>1747040No one's saying you have to be angry. People post it here to laugh at the cringe. If you don't think it's cringy then why bother responding, unless you're in the screenshot and just salty lol Hide the thread if it pisses you off this much retard
>>1747293nta but to find cringe. It's like a hobby. Why else do you think people look at lolcows? To laugh.
No. 1748804
File: 1698938966094.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1284x2261, IMG_3487.jpeg)

>he/him lesbian
>has a boyfriend as a “lesbian”
>claims to be a fudanshi
What the fuck is going on with modern fujos?
No. 1748978
>>1748967where did i complain? did you skip your meds today? do you need someone to help you scroll? also
>"i-i-i was knocking two birds with one stone" nope, you fucked up and called us both a schizo, kek. better own up to the 'tardation moment, because it sounds like you've had a lot.
No. 1749001
>>1748997>I don't see the problem lol. that's because you are a schizo, just calm down and get help. you've been seeing things, lashing out at people for having fun and projecting your own feelings at randoms. we're trying to hlep you when we say this shit,
No. 1749008
>>1741742imagine cooming yourself into liking little boys, she didn't even enjoy it at first she coul've stopped with no problem yet she chose to keep going
>>1741740same with this one wtf
>i basically like and self insert into extreme underage boys being abused haha>>1741745>>1741744these ones just reek of self hatred tbh
>ewww guise i thought we all preferred men!! i could coom so much more if not for yucky women and terf shit!!>the idea of having a penis really arouses me i really want a dick idc if i use it with men or women>i wanna tower over pretty boys>dick is so hot, i dislike my vagina honestlysome of these would be funnier if they weren't so pathetic
No. 1749101
>>1749085you are either samefagging after it already ended (pls get help
nonny), or just another sperg who got so mad they forgot how to read kek. look back at
>>1748913, dozy cow
No. 1749118
>>1749065why are you on lolcow complaining about people lolling about cows
>>1749101if multiple people are telling you you look dumb, maybe you should get over it already
No. 1749130
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>>1749065at least one person in this thread seems very unhinged, and feels personally insulted if every single poster doesn't have the exact same reaction as themselves. they're most definitely a twitterfag or from some other echo chamber, too. you can tell by the childlike black and white thinking ("if you're not absolutely seething or horrified about fujos, you must be a fujo who's mad that the thread exists!" logic), how easily
triggered they get, and the complete lack of humor. she got upset at anons for laughing at the posts, and now that's everybody's problem.
it's kind of lame that a handful of autists have nearly overtaken the actual point of the thread (which is "fujo cringe", not "infight about fujo" general). i wish more decent screenshots would be posted, this thread could be great.
No. 1750284
File: 1699045641551.png (507.75 KB, 1381x2406, kun.png)

This Hamas-kun shit is genuinely infuriating me. I never thought I could feel such rage towards an online thing. It is absolutely despicable and reprehensible to make jokes about such a tragic event that happened just a few days. You must be incredibly insensitive and addicted to coom to find any sort humor in this. You are a disgraceful, porn-addicted moron. Innocent children were massacred and continue to suffer and you don't get to make light of this.
No. 1750381
File: 1699049306075.png (8.55 KB, 108x74, 1568171331517 (1).png)

>>1750375it's just dark humor. If you genuinely care about the conflict then go send them money or go volunteeer and do something idk.
No. 1750387
>>1750284Thought I was the only one who thought it was super out of touch. It's such a /pol/ humor type of thing to do, making edgy content because they lack sympathy and can only think with the horny part of their brain. It's as insensitive as the people who would make those hetalia and countryhumans nazi germany fanart. At least give it some time
>>1750316It would be different if it was funny, but it's genuinely bad art on top of being generic anime kek it belongs in the hideous art threads
No. 1750400
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>>1750394acting like you care isnt going to save the women and children of those countries either, lighten up
No. 1750426
File: 1699050689888.png (816.95 KB, 1080x1067, 911 hooters pin.png)

>>1750406and? what the fuck can i do to aid in some autistic century old conflict between two countries. I would rather laugh at anime boy yaoi of hamas kun and israel san than be one of those spergs who legist think they can save one of those countries by tweeting, or worse, siding with any of those countries. I am so tired of women being forced to be empathetic every single time, moids have made waifu versions of isis, ebola and corona virus. Let women be funny for once, it's tiring to pretend to care all the time. Plus, again, we cant do shit against it, so it's retarded to get so overworked over something outside our control. If hames kun and israel san kissed IRL none of this would be happening, i say make LOVE not WAR.
No. 1750438
>>1750431yeah yeah, at least i am not pretending to care about a war while doing absolutely nothing to help the people involved.
>>1750435ebola kun would have been cute though
No. 1750440
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Is this the natural course of the western fujo tif. To go from Tumblr to femboy obsessed. And why do so many of them discard their old art styles for "draw a girl call it a boy" x generic man ships
>>1750435>>1750431She's just gonna repeat the same 3 things nonna pls
No. 1754763
File: 1699226296210.png (493.35 KB, 1052x1336, the state of lolcow.png)

Just compiling from the recent dumbass shit thread, it's been a fun ride for all it's worth. Don't know if I'd take them unabashedly being coomers over them coming itt to argue how they're not that bad.
No. 1754786
File: 1699227115664.jpg (440.58 KB, 2984x1320, 38290783_760_550_25134.jpg)

>>1754763I start to think they're rotten to their core… srsly. what's up with fujos and incest, disgusting
No. 1754797
>>1754763i wish this posting could just go in the absolutely retarded shitposting thread because that's what it is, shitposting with no meaning or conversational value. but they get so
triggered when you say it's annoying to have the thread for normal convos filled up with LUL SO RANDOM HUSBANDO EX DEE spam.
No. 1754834
>>1754763>it's been a fun rideI wouldn't call it fun, more like excruciating, they're seriously repulsive and not even entertaining
>>1754797>LUL SO RANDOM HUSBANDOnot even yumes wanted to join in tho, fujos are basically circlejerking while everyone else cringes
No. 1754875
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>>1754851They've been at this for like 3 threads on a row, and they spam their retarded pics at such a fast rate they may fill up the new dumbass thread in a matter of hours. What's their endgame? did someone piss them off? this is all just incredibly rude and akin to a raid, jfc i'm actually getting exhausted, every time someone tries to have a normal conversation they make it about their pedo porn again and no mod seems to be on sight
No. 1755044
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Anons, "she" gets off on acting repulsive and ruining our spaces with porn and pedo pics because its a male larping as a fujo avatarfag, and considering "she" hasn't been banned yet after almost 4 days, its safe to say mods deliberately allow "her" to pollute the board
No. 1755075
>>1755072when yumes spammed their pics two years ago they got banned in a matter of hours tho, this person has been at it for fucking days. If its actually a fujo, why is she doing this? fujos were always annoying but they usually stick to their thread at least, what
triggered this specific anon?
No. 1757688
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>>1757685We're healing, come back pls
No. 1757958
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No. 1758025
>>1758023>fujos and TIFsOh man, they
really hate it when people bring that theory up.
No. 1762263
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The knife and pickle character spells especially autistic to me.
No. 1769483
>>1769480no, they dont. you can literally go check yourself by ctrl+f
terf on the bl thread but you prefeer to believe what a troon/moid tells you
No. 1769960
File: 1699903175015.webm (2.14 MB, 320x590, gHEx7lfHtDyNH0LB.webm)

>>1769885>>1769633This is why we never see social reject TIFs(the terminally online fujo types like vidrel) engaging in MRA rhetoric. It's because they were already introverted rejects. On the other hand, butch lesbians who transition and "pass" end up experiencing being a loser. This is not a male experience that they feel in their lives, it's an experience that everyone feels when they don't fit in and instead of realising it, they form this weird empathy with men that they men didn't even ask for.
No. 1770026
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No. 1770868
File: 1699935841656.jpg (90.84 KB, 1024x759, paradox_by_develv_d6t8muj-full…)

This is the end result of fujoism.
No. 1770949
>>1770916>>1770911>>1770905i am going to apply the death of the author theory here and believe its some based
terf art about how TIMs seethe at TIFs
No. 1773144
>>1769483Yes they do lying newfag. Also, just because you know anons don't like scrotes, doesn't mean calling everyone you don't like a scrote helps you blend in lying newfag.
Here are literally links to the fujo thread reeing about various examples:
Here is some reeing/recognising some anons ree about radfems and GCs because they consider them 'moralfags' and an anons saynig it's not a radfem site (fair, since it isn't, but it also means not all anons are radfems and so sometimes do ree about terfs):
>>>/m/313686 ,
>>>/m/313640 ,
>>>/m/313653Here are some reeing about 'radfems' calling them coomer since they percieve this as a '
terf' site since we're women who don't think trannies are the sex they pretend to be and don't hate ourselves:
>>>/m/292135 ,
>>>/m/292344 ,
>>>/m/262579 This one specifically mentions GC:
>>>/m/273305 ,
>>>/m/292571 ,
>>>/m/288185Here is one that acknowledges some fujo posters on here and fujo chan ree about terfs:
>>>/m/192957 ,
>>>/m/193050Here is some comlpaining about recognising aidens can troon out due to yaoi the same way men troon out because of lesbian porn:
>>>/m/284579And here's some bonus trap shilling and shota ban seething as well to further show that it's possible not all fujo anons are anti-tranny/not the kind to ree about moralfagging:
>>>/m/284556 ,
>>>/m/287833>>>/m/284108 ,
>>>/m/284119 ,
>>>/m/288185 ,
>>>/m/288273 ,
>>>/m/292540 ,
>>>/m/292571 Here's one that even uses the argument 'well they aren't real children' kek
>>>/m/294964Fair play as sometimes their is push back against it and not all fujo anons are retarded, but pretending as if the thread never contains reeing about radfems, gcs and reeing about 'moralfagging' which they hate them for is a lie.
No. 1774277
>fujo claims no one said that>someone proves that they actually did say that>WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH??Genuine mental illness
No. 1776669
>>1774277It is pretty funny when they seethe so hard at being proven wrong:
>No one does that!>Proves they do that actually>ReeeeIt's why this thread exists and still hasn't died yet kek. They complain about the thread because they are the cringe fujos.
No. 1776673
>>1775087Take your meds, you're cringe and upset that others recognize it.
>>1774277You know if only a couple instances were posted they would goal post shift as they're going once again "we'll that's only a couple of times, it's rare/bait".
No. 1783246
File: 1700678246275.png (1 MB, 596x1859, c4egn4.png)

Is it really that hard for fujos to just not ship a pre-pubescent child with an adult male? likeget off to old man yaoi "ironically" or whatever, just don't involve kids in this shit!
No. 1783282
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>>1783246this remined me of lucemond shippers
No. 1783297
File: 1700680950092.jpg (132.83 KB, 1100x900, [18-09-25] 1044545000527151104…)

>>1783246That artist fascinates me. She used to draw like a gendie tumblrfaggot just 5 years ago. I want to know how she got so good… she also confirms my theory that you need to be derranged to become a good artist.
No. 1783749
>>1783451I have and it's so strange to me. Why not just ship women characters rather than turn their ships into transbian pairings? They always talk about liking yuri and then post a picture of a bxb couple lol
>>1783268nta but that art piece is new. I never heard of this artist until I saw it come on my timeline. But it's good to know their a resident fujo pedo kek
No. 1791925
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I read back on the fandom thread posts, I don't really want to bump that discussion there so I'll post this here, saged even.
No. 1793101
>>1791925All the interesting hetships I like are labelled
problematic by the fujotroons in my fanbase because they argued once but they can ship
abusive incest yaoi and it's fine. Tired of this dumb "there are no interesting hetships" claim. There are, it's just people like this hate actually interesting hetships and immediately label them as
abusive. So het rn is going through the same problem yuri did in the 2010s, all complexity is being boxed down into cute pure uwu unproblematic relationships and interesting relationships aren't allowed.
No. 1802794
File: 1701978624473.jpeg (42.83 KB, 747x202, IMG_4735.jpeg)

>>1802202Lmfao I generally don't give a fuck about "exploiting men" but fujos are only mad because what he said is true. They do use gay men as props for their own feelings. Fujos malding and called out so the famous fujo rage is trying to get him cancelled because anyone, even gay guys who call them out need to be cancelled and called misogynist to make the boohoo racist sexist transmisandrist
problematic queerphobic anti-fujo go away
No. 1802799
File: 1701978894512.jpeg (496.03 KB, 1124x1828, IMG_4736.jpeg)

Searching "James Somerton" on social media is a fujo goldmine right now
No. 1802969
File: 1701984062510.png (1.36 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_9721.png)

I don't know where to put this.
No. 1804510
File: 1702081779191.png (100.53 KB, 607x759, what is happening.png)

I heavily debated whether to post this in the fakeboi thread or here, but I find it funny how the uniting characteristic between ftm and mtf troons is that they get hardcore into a porn addiction and then meme themselves into getting surgery because of said porn addiction.
Also I'd like to add a stipulation that while fujoshis are protected by that uke, if you trooned out the uke bullies you until you join that 41% or own up to being a woman. I think it's fair
No. 1806254
File: 1702209870607.png (182.15 KB, 611x600, fujothread.png)

From the fujo thread. I thought the appeal of bl was that no women are being objectified but look at this shit. True coomerism.
No. 1829831
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No. 1844503
File: 1704761721732.jpg (175.16 KB, 1000x1520, MV5BOWFiMWQzMzAtOWNlNC00ZmNlLW…)

>>1806254Yeah that's really weird. There is also another gender-bender one which is a hentai and it's called 'fucked by my bestfriend' and it's extremely popular on fujo Manga sites, I see it in the top 5 almost every month and most of the readers are fujos so there is no excuse.
No. 1844512
File: 1704762074094.png (81.09 KB, 498x488, dontpregnantmanreactme.png)

No. 1850213
>>1845654As a fujoshi myself I really don’t buy it. This got discussed before I think but a lot of jp fujos draw gender swap art of their ship (usually it’s the uke being female and the seme staying male) so I think this subgenre of BL manga is just an extension of that.
Sometimes fujos just want to see some straight sex I guess, better that than fakeboi shit that plagues AO3.
No. 1850409
>>1850320nta but plenty of women are fujoshi and yumejoshi at the same time. And you don't need to be a yumejoshi to want to read a manga about straight pairings.
>>1845654The ratio is only like this at the beginning, the further you go into the manga the more gay sex scenes there are and it's very noticeable.
And the seme confesses he was in love with the uke way before the story begins when they're both normal guys. No. 1853150
>>1845654I don't understand why you have to lie on a image board. Most of the readers for that shit Manga have reading lists that are 99% yaoi. Most of the readers are fujos.
Just because you and the three other fujos on this site don't like that comic doesn't change the fact that outside of this site quite a number of fujos do like it. Lying as if no one here is going to clock your retarded autistic ass "bi yumes" my ass lol. Some of us read Mangas here too
No. 1853444
Does anyone find the sudden increase in popularity and production of omegaverse/mpreg stories concerning?
I remember omegaverse barely being popular a few years ago and now so many trending stories have omegaverse in them. Why and why do people find that arousing?
I sometimes read omegaverse stories due to the fact that the art looks good or that it being omegaverse wasn't revealed until later and I'm always left feeling triggered and disappointed on why I even read that.
Omegaverse to me is literally the patriarchy on steroids, I don't know how you as a woman could read omegaverse and not feel shaken up after it.
Omegaverse is literally a patriarchal dystopia and whenever I read those stories it actually hurts because it's very obvious the omega is the "female" one. The omegas get treated like they have less human rights, they have less job options compared to alphas/betas, omega getting a high position job is extremely hard, they face sexual harassment in the work place so majority of the time they quit and become stay at home mothers, alphas and society don't think it's important for omegas to even work because they think the only role a omega is for him to give birth or get married, in majority of omegaverse stories I read the omega can't even go freely outside alone without some alphas trying to gangrape him , omega are generally viewed as a lower class and they are viewed as filthy and in this one recent story I read the alphas were basically seen just like horny animals and sluts and that confused me because throughout the story it was mostly alphas acting like gross creeps but they didn't get labeled as sluts. In one story the alpha talks about how much he hates omega but this one omega he loves is a exception and we are supposed to treat that like romance, oh and dont get me started on those omegaverse where the omega has to deal with the stress of finding out he is pregnant alone.
Now onto the sex part, honestly i don't know how people find this arousing because it's so disgusting for me, it literally feels like they are mating or breeding/procreating instead of having you know…romantic sex as a couple, the knotting I'd also very gross where the omega asshole suddenly forms a knot…how is this attractive.
I'm a fujo too…but what the fuck is wrong with modern fujos. For me yaoi was for me to watch two men fuck and especially enjoying how they won't have to deal with things such as pregnancies meanwhile modern fujos are reading about some abusive alpha mating with his pseudo-female omega who he views as inferior.
The only a/b/o stories I like ams which are more normal is alpha x alpha. The omega x alpha are bad for reason I already mentioned before and the beta x alpha stories are bad too because the beta almost always gets turned into a omega in them so the alpha can impregnate them.
No. 1853577
File: 1705222273923.png (214.53 KB, 875x838, harada did it a few times.png)

>>1850320Anon you do realize that being a yume and a fujo aren't mutually exclusive (a lot of people are both) and two, literal BL mangaka (and not just the ones who wrote stuff like fucked by my best friend) have drawn genderswap art of their ships right?
No. 1856615
File: 1705389199625.png (149.24 KB, 671x585, 3v3va.png)

No. 1856741
>>1853444>>1853619>Someone on fujo thread said she likes omegaverse shit because she "likes seeing men suffer".nta I'm a fujo and I'll admit I do get some sort of schadenfreude from reading about men suffering but I don't comprehend omegaverse. The alpha wants to degrade the omega by "breeding" him and the omega actually gets pregnant? This exclusively happens to females its impossible for men to get pregnant and being reduced to cattle. How is that an own towards the patriarchy? They just created a fantasy world where men faced oppression because of something they can't even do. While men are grossed out by omegaverse, it doesnt bother them much because they know it can never happen to them.
Unrelated to omegaverse but I also hate when fujos take female-exclusive terms and use them for men to degrade them. Like calling a male character for wife, malewife, mother, good girl etc. Wife means a female spouse. Mother means a female parent. But they are trying to redefine these terms to mean "the spouse/parent who stays at home and submits to the other spouse/parent" and it's frankly so disrespectful towards working mothers and every woman who fought for married women's right to work or protect themselves against abuse from their husbands. Frankly I don't care when a fujo creates fantasy scenarios where men are frequently married of to
abusive men
It's unrealistic but it's not biologically impossible like omegaverse but why can't they just call them husbands in these scenarios? Why insist on calling them wives? They aren't females they can't be wives. I also seen some fujos call assholes for boypussy which I loathe for obvious reasons.
>what the fuck is wrong with modern fujos.Lots of modern fujos emulate the way men speak about women. The modern web isn't divided into several sites and pages anymore so modern fandom is blended together. Fujos no longer have their own space so they are constantly exposed to mens tweets and posts. They probably picked up the way men talk/view women and applied it to their own fantasies
No. 1856747
>>1856697With yuri futa pretty much just comes with the genre since there's so much of it.
I don't like futa though.
No. 1859920
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and this is why people call them coomers.
No. 1868327
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No. 1872739
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what actually causes someone to be this pathetic and not even realize how genuinely porn sick they are?
No. 1872800
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No. 1874681
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Definitely not a porn addiction, though.
No. 1879302
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Isn't that the character that gets fucked by a dog
No. 1879343
>>1879302No because
the dog is a robot that's controlled by one of the main guy's personalities/tulpa and they fuck in the astral plan/computer where he looks like a human, and then the dog/tulpa's personality body snatches the guy's twin brother's fresh corpse so they can be happy and in love forever and ever. But yes, kinda.
No. 1884726
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Surprisingly a lot of self-awareness that it is a fetish in the thread itself , but of course soft uwu gayboy-larpers are here.
No. 1892660
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not gonna respond to their thread, but they really are this moronic. It's not that one "takes it the ass" it's the fact that one is visibly shorter and with essentially curves, while the other male is drawn taller and more muscular. Like, come on, you can't be that naive, even at a glance who is more "masculinized" and whose more "Feminized" in this depiction.
No. 1893968
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>>1892795very sane and totally not coping response.
No. 1894003
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>>1892795I looked up the responses to this tweets, and half of them are by FTMs saying, 'Yeah, Yaoi turned me trans, What are you gonna do about it,
TERF?' The other responses are by fujos, calling her transphobic in a irony poisoned way. But remember, there is no correlation whatsoever.
No. 1894182
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>>1893974I mean, if you didn't have a porn addiction before taking Testosterone shots then it's not the porn addiction that made you go trans. If you go read OP's story and also have read similar testimonies you'll know that many TIFs developed a porn addiction and even became pseudo-bisexual due to T shots making their libido much higher.
I know we can't have nuance in lolcor dot farm but not all trannies, if not most of them, transition due to porn. Porn is just another band-aid they put over their actual problems, be it real life porn or drawn cartoon porn.
No. 1894302
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How many in that thread do you wanna bet are underage or tifs kek. Their Twitter speech is so obvious
No. 1894949
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>>71359Funnily enough there was a thread by a TIF that had the same conclusion. which a TIF openly admits that she transitioned because of yaoi, and that a lot of straight women transition because of yaoi and that's a good thing, the rest of the replies and QRTs are other TIFs revealing the same thing, Like how stupid do you have to be to not realize it's just a fetish.
No. 1902593
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>>1889322as a yumefujo, sending feels your way. I enjoy bl, but the fanbase it attracts are…exponential to say the least. no less baffling because the "feminist" rationale for consuming such content. Why do you need to justify seeing men twist the balls of lesser men? Admit your a freak and move on. But most fujos would rather die than contend with their pornsickness.
pic unrelated, but kek.
No. 1909975
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No. 1910588
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Fresh fujo cringe, they're defending their porn habits in the lesbian thread.
No. 1910594
>>1910588The nerve of this bitch to call people bihet when she's insecure about her own bisexuality kek
>"see? you desire cock after all just like every woman!>based honest and pure ultralesbian larp>bihetDumb bitch contradicted herself like 3 times in one post. This is schizophrenia in true "lesbian fujo" fashion. Also
>Most BL isn't porn!!!1Pure cope repeated by fujos who are ashamed of their sexuality.
No. 1910624
>>1910588Eh, If you only have sex with women, you're a lesbian.
If you have sex with men, then you're either bi or het.
Everything else just seems like flim flam.
No. 1924423
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>fujos: We aren't on the same side as male coomers. how dare you compare us to them
>show proof of fujos working with male coomers to protest censorship laws
>fujos: Well, that doesn't mean anything. Also there should be an impossible scenario where only we should allow our special porn is allowed .
No. 1924535
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It's funny how much they act like male porn addicts, they literally can't let a moment go without mentioning their fetish and how "hot" it is, to see an ultra feminine figure who 9/10 times gets pregnant being degraded. the entire thread derail was beccause someone posted a video of a feminist academic pointing out that most slash ships were just "hetorsexual couplings" and they refused to accept it.
No. 1924551
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>>1924535Can you actually post weird caps from the internet or is this just a lamer spicy/retarded LC screenshots thread?
(infighting) No. 1924573
>>1924535>to see an ultra feminine figure who 9/10 times gets pregnantkek what the fuck
nonny i have never read yaoi where the moids gets pregnant. It's really not common, is a super niche thing.
No. 1925041
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>>1924535Here's the full thread, regardless of whether you agree with Dr. Helen Joyce's conclusion, we can agree that the reaction was overblown and that the accusation that she was a 'pick-me' was also unnecessary.
No. 1925049
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>>1925041funny how you cropped out mods redtexting the original post as bait kek
No. 1925113
>>1925041I lost so many IQ points reading all that cope.
>>1925079You wanna see fujos with a
victim complex chimp out big time? Go to the lesbian thread and tell the ones there that rabidly consuming M/M material is a bit weird for women allegedly repulsed by moids. They really do think yaoi being drawn makes all the difference.
>>1925107If it weren't for fujos throwing their yaoi paddles under the king's horse we wouldn't have our rights. Know your herstory!
No. 1925159
>>1925148Yeah, it's obvious a straight girls cope to reconcile their attraction to men and trying to fit in on here. I've even seen gay men say they enjoy yaoi (in the helen joyce video comments), so it's not exactly upsetting moids or anything.
>>1925153Nah, misogyny for some but it's obviously not true for all. Some just want to larp their hobby and take it to the next level. A lot of them are bougie upper-class white women with little problems and too much time/self-focus/autism. The ones that go on to harass gay men and say they're dicksexual and be homophobic are just the regular homophobic straight girl larping as a fag for fun.
No. 1925176
>>1925117The mere idea of a female character existing makes fujos seethe and it cracks me up when I read damage control about it like
>um akshully its because she’s poorly written!! its definitely not because she gets in the way of my homo ship!>NO WAIT SHE’S ACTUALLY A LESBIAN WITH IRRELEVANT NPC #37As if most male characters are the pinnacle of writing or something, kek.
No. 1925178
>>1925107This is my problem with fujos considering it feminism, they just want women to defend them and think feminism is just 'women can do nothing wrong' the same way MRA scrotes do (they just think it's bad) so they try and shill a hobby as feminism while being against other things women are interested in, like being misogynistic about female characters.
>>1925173Obviously it's struck a cord and has an element of truth. You must be young to think it's part of an agenda. I don't care about yaoi, I just like laughing at cows, which some fujos are, especially the ones trying to larp yaoi irl kek. This is why the cringe thread was made, you can't laugh at retards and feel personally attacked over anons recognising some ftms troon out because they're obsessed with yaoi. It's why they ree about the ftm thread in their respective thread sometimes.
No. 1925192
You're saying we can't laugh at them for transitioning because of yaoi.
>>1925189Reeing that homophobia isn't real is tradthot behaviour. You guys have sperged about lesbians before in past threads, not even just men.
No. 1925196
>>1925148Couldnt have said it better myself. The thing is that they’re so content and happy with literal scraps and relying on japanese fanarts/doujinshi to do all the legwork for them that they’re happy to support these moid franchises. Its okay because the blank male mc is a cute bishie! Its okay because there’s 1 half-assed rivalry between two characters that I can a make a million headcanons about!
Like the industry has reached a point where the upper suits KNOW they dont have to put in actual effort anymore since fans will cover that part, just throw in the token bait and they’ll make do with scraps and attend all your irl events and buy out all your merch like the good paypigs they’ve been shaped into.
No. 1925207
>>1925199>>1925200You have to admit it's a bit funny to say that in this sorta thread.
Maybe if somebody else brings the source material up, I'll do it.
No. 1925211
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>>1925208kek pretty much this, it's why this thread is 0 milk and 100% pakichan posting after getting dogpilled for her shit takes.
anyways, fujo cringe tax.
(derailing) No. 1925214
>>1925207If fujos can bring up the most male pander-y character of astolfo and try and claim it's fujo, you can post yours.
>>1925208Okay misogynistic infighting fujo. Back to containment. You really are proving the point that fujos sperg about being laughed at when we laugh at fujos transitioning purely because of yaoi. If it was misogyny, more non westerners would transition like in Iran, but instead it's just homosexuals, so it's a cope. Making fun of other women for doing dumb thing's isn't misogynistic libfem.
No. 1925224
>>1925222Nonna dont you know they’re they masters of acting like
victims? You’re honestly wasting your breath on her
No. 1925241
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>>1925228women have been crossdressing since ancient times to bypass misogyny. Have you never heard of Joan of Arc, Valentina Ramírez Avitia, James barry?
(derailing) No. 1925254
>>1925248I'm not attracted to women and I still read yuri.
I think the art is pretty and I like the characters in a nonsexual way.
I think it's similiar to sex scenes in movies. I'm not attracted to it, but it's not going to stop me from liking a movie.
No. 1925286
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I think the funniest part about fujos itt complaining about transitioning being because of misogyny and not yaoi is that western fujos themselves have claimed it to be because of yaoi kek. This is posted in almost every thread, the big mega-doc and site about how all anti-fujos are secretly transphobes. Should almost be in the thread description at this point kek No. 1925305
>>1925294>But in an alternate universe what if men men menSomebody always says this shit whenever we discuss any female behavior.
Fujos have a similar type of internalized misogyny as booktok readers.
No. 1925339
>>1925319>Yaoi degrades men and that's based kekWhat makes it degrading? The homosexuality?
Why do so many women find degradation erotic?
Is masturbating to men enduring violent sex with dubious consent a form of female liberation? Is that feminist praxis?
Why do fujos need it to be a progressive radical act?
No. 1925437
>>1925427>demanding fags to act out yaoi for them irlThis sounds disgusting and I'm saying this as a brainrotted fujo lmao. What fujosperg anons don't get as well is that non-gendie, non-faghag fujos literally don't give a fuck about irl moids and are only into the anime characters.
But at this point I'm convinced that the anons sperging about fujos are fakebois or faghags who just want the gay menz to be wesbectedd ugüûu.
No. 1925475
>>1925459You said it perfectly, hell, you can try to find any straight manga or comic even where the guy is clearly supposed to be head over heels with the girl, and the porn will always focus on how the girl is hot and sexy, there's also literally no stories focused on the plot and the romance that doesn't have some retarded
abusive dynamics or weird age gaps.
Like, the otome thread has literally as a threadpic "He did kidnap me but…" and most shoujo manga has idiotic ass teacher/student pairings. Hell, I can only name a single one comic about an adult woman in a healthy relationship and she's always focused about being "le too old".
So in the end, it's always better to just read random gay man shit or use your imagination for scenarios because why even try reading anything else? Anon keeps saying that it's evil and demonic to read yaoi, but I don't see any recommendations coming from her.
No. 1925507
>>1925474I just use my imagination instead. Maybe if they make more BLVNs with seme protagonists I will get into it again.
>>1925475Don't even get me started on otome. Impossible to enjoy unless you're a masochist and love being talked down to constantly. And it's way too focused on how embarrassed and uguu the female MC is. I don't care. I want to see the guys blush and fumble and be cute. Female-targeted media always has to include weird masochistic/femsub shit, I hate it.
No. 1925512
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>>1925507Don't worry, nonna! Anon recommended a single movie, let's become autistic about it! The main character who is 3DPD is soooo hot.
No. 1925524
>>1925518Those comments only accompany BDSM fetish shit.
I'm just talking about powerful vanilla women who are in control of sexual and romantic relationships with men. Why not fantasize about a self-insert like that? Why don't more women fantasize about themselves as powerful during sex? Men do it all the time but women almost never do that.
No. 1925822
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>ftm describes herself as a gay man in a womans body
>she (the ftm) suggests this condition may be quiet common among fans of the genre
>I was seriously worried that I had begun to think I was a man because I had been reading too much yaoi
This website is hilarious anon. Thanks. Perfect to get the cringe rolling.
>50% of the yaoi reader engagement was male
But is it real men anons? Muddies the water. Though, I have seen real gay men say they read it.
No. 1926827
File: 1710547455076.jpg (186.68 KB, 755x1049, THE WORLD OF GAYS.jpg)

I found an archive with some pages and other things from The World of Gays, semi-infamous webcomic with mpreg themes and assorted hilarious nostalgic cringe. No. 1926830
File: 1710547649555.jpg (260.11 KB, 729x1202, chapter_07-1.jpg)

Apparently the author has some kind of mental illness (for real, I'm not saying she's just a weird autistic girl, she's legitimately mentally ill) but I forgot which one. I vaguely remember finding one of her websites but I don't know much about her at the moment.
Here's how her insane mpreg logic worked in THE WORLD OF GAYS…
No. 1926872
>>1925319I don't care about fictional men getting degraded, but when the said "degradation" involves things like the bottom getting pregnant, acting like a housewife and being essentially treated as a woman, most people are not going to see it as a misandrist fantasy, but a misogynist one. Sure this does not happen in all female-written M/M erotica or even most of it, but you can't just ignore the popularity of Omegaverse and similar stuff in fandom either.
It seems like some fujos want to be seen as le hecking edgy female sadists, and get dismayed when outsiders look at shit like mpreg and conclude that it must be a thinly-veiled female masochist fantasy. Well , it sure as hell looks like a thinly-veiled female masochist fantasy, even if you didn't intend it as such. THAT'S what the lack of self-awareness means here.
No. 1926944
>>1926919lmao, can you even imagine how degrading it would be to have anatomy designed for pregnancy? i would just die of shame if I
wait a second
No. 1926957
>>1926944Eh, that doesn’t really affect my daily life that much, it’s not like we don’t have free will. But at some point in the third trimester they can barely walk and get completely bent inside out. It seems very degrading especially to do that for some guy.
No. 1927140
>>1927036It's degrading to these who don't want submission, self sacrifice, serving others with their body, risk death, risk chronic health issues, be in brutal pain, have piv(be a bottom) which brutality prepares for the brutality of the pregnancy, pregnancy is a literal selfless self sacrifice, female sexuality is about pregnancy aka serving others with their own body. I thought gnc women are accepted? Or being gnc to people only means having short hair or shit like that. I dont hate myself and didn't for years, didn't have self deprecating thoughts for years, didnt thought negsti things for years but I hated being a woman every second of these years, calling other women self hating over this is the most heinous thing, body is not all for pregnancy, I have other organs and functions. It sounds like a projection coming from these women because they are personally offended or feel degraded.
No. 1927187
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>How dare people criticize my special yaoi manga with underage children, what a bunch of special snowflakes and prudes getting upset about the age gap between an adult and a child.
No. 1927192
>>1927190you really can't accept it can't you? you are getting off to actual
toxic straight romance and deep down you know that's true.
(infighting) No. 1927199
>>1927197>a lot of these fujos act like puriteens towards everything they cant coom towhat do you mean, like
abusive straight romance?
(infight bait) No. 1927255
>>1927199nta but we just over the fact most BL/yaoi stories are
abusive straight romances.
No. 1927266
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they're obsessed with pakichan
No. 1927403
>>1927266This poster is the biggest retard ever, her posting style is so obvious. "sperg" "autism/autistic" "tard rage" "pakichan" are repeated in every single one of her posts like she's some sort of robot. She's the "lesbian fujo" anon who got mad when anons pointed out that fujoshit content always contains at least 1 (one) male character and thus cannot be lesbian, especially if you coom to it.
>if man short and beautiful he's womanMore like "if man's asshole expands and gets wet upon arousal and he has a female reproductive system and gets pregnant and gives birth, he's woman." How about that, fujo faggot? Or are you going to call everyone pointing that out somehow delusional or "misogynistic" anti-fujos?
No. 1927462
>>1927140>pregnancy is inherently torture and god's punishment for women and I can't imagine it any other way>>1927199>straight women inherently torture and punish themselves through men and I can't imagine them any other wayFujos who think they're "misandrists" absorb misogynistic social myths. And then they go "This is how the world is. It's exactly like this because I have studied social myths and they tell me it's like this."
They think that all straight women are insane just because some straight smut fiction went viral for being insane. That is the actual definition of autistic logic.
There could be an entire literary genre about women winning at life and making beautiful men flustered. They could've written a thousand stories about women being cool, stoic, aloof, and mysterious. They could've written about straight male twinks devoting themselves to powerful women who treat them like a favorite toy.
But that genre doesn't exist because women put all their effort into yaoi instead. And then they say "well all straight romance sucks so I'll just make more yaoi." They'll write 70,000 word fanfics about men fucking subordinate men. But they won't commit a single braincell to creating a better romance genre that features straight female main characters.
No. 1927485
>>1927462and again, most people from outside glance quickly realizes that majority of yaoi stories are just
toxic straight one's.
No. 1927513
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>>1927462>But they won't commit a single braincell to creating a better romance genre that features straight female main characters.Fujos are cringe but you're sounding just like those troons that cry that fandoms don't care about female characters.
The truth is that "there are no good straight romances" is a cope from fujos trying to sound feminist and justify liking yaoi. They could simply say "watching two guys make out is hotter than watching a guy and a girl", which might not be true for everyone but it sure makes more sense than other excuses. You need to understand that these women don't care about straight romance and most of the time the reasons for this preference aren't even that deep, it's just that the tumblr-ification and psychiatrization of fandom has made everyone create a million xtremely deep reasons for why they like certain things, because I sure remember yaoi fangirls saying things like "watching two guys make out is hotter than watching a guy and a girl" instead of making mountains of pseudo-scientific posts that boil down to "yaoi is a totes feminist/transpositive/[insert justification that fits with the poster's political worldview] because [copium]".
No. 1927540
>>1927517It depends on the story and writer from my experience but regardless, the visual aspect is important too and I remember many yaoi/BL manga were the guys were handsome first and foremost and not in a feminine way.
>>1927519Tbh it's been long since I kept up with romance manga. Nowdays I mostly play non-romance videogames and I found plenty of cute and not ddlg shit hetero couples that don't get noticed because they're not yaoi.
I will say though, I think the shittiness of japanese hetero porn for women definitely helps the popularity of yaoi. Het for women focuses so much on the boobular female character instead of the hot guy, like… if you're straight, who genuinely cares to look at a distracting sexy woman? Yaoi at least shows two hot guys.
No. 1927553
>>1927540> Nowdays I mostly play non-romance videogames and I found plenty of cute and not ddlg shit hetero couples that don't get noticed because they're not yaoi. Good for you, but anons are specifically complaining about romance manga/anime/games, not ships. The shoujo manga i like is from the 80s, and it blows every single shojo and western romance novel/movie out of the water for the simple fact that the female mc is always treated with respect. It's genuinely concerning and depressing that you have to deep dive to find a shoujo that isn't
toxic and
No. 1927648
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>>1927577Anything by Narita Minako, but specially Cipher
>female mc is cute, genki and bold. She doesnt shy away from talking about her period or other ''icky'' things, and when she gets bullied for being 'tomboyish' and not feminine enough she doubles down and cuts her hair short>male love interest is attractive, loves her and has a tragic backstory, but is never mean or an asshole to the fmc>love is mutual and equal, there isnt weird daddydom shit or femdom scrote shit. Both protect eachother and the conflict of the story revolves around the male character feeling like he's not good enough for the mc and dealing with his personal trauma to be with the fmcconsidering 99% of shoujo shit is enemies to lover dogshit sprinkled with a meek fmc and an
abusive male love interest it honestly feels like a breath of fresh air. I am currently learning japanese to read other stuff by Narita Minako that's not translated.
No. 1927750
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>>1927659hope you enjoy it
nonny! i am dying to make cipher more popular because i am hoping for a re-release or for someone to pick up narita's other mangas
No. 1927775
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>>1927577Absolute Boyfriend (Zettai Kareshi)
No. 1927797
>>1927792Female characters are self-insert characters.
You know those Halmark movies where the powerful confident woman meets the folksy small-town botanist? And he has a tomato garden and makes homemade pasta as a hobby? That's the kind of romantic fantasy most straight women think about. No dog cages or whatever the fuck nonnas were going on about.
No. 1927799
>>1927763i have been shilling it forever here i am glad i made someone pick it up kek
>>1927773the problem with femdom manga/anime/etc is that they always devolve into moid coom. I used to read tsumi to kai, a femdom bondage manga written by a woman. It started off real good, focusing on the scrote getting humilliated and serving the female protagonist, but it devolved real quick into scroteshit. It went from femdom manga to the female mc tying up another chick, then getting tied up by the maledom villian scrote and the female protagonist went from cool woman to sexy mommy dommy in latex. I dropped it like a hot potato after that.
>>1927797>halmark moviesyou mean the ones where they pair theattractive women with ugly scrotes 20 years their senior? no thanks
No. 1927805
>>1927799If you hate all the straight romance, why not make your own?
Fanfiction writers invent alternate universes and all kinds of crazy shit. So why not invent male/female dynamics that don't suck?
Also, doesn't anybody read Josei manga?
No. 1927806
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>>1927790Yes and partially that was my point. The reason why is simply that fandom and fandom-adjacent creative spaces are mostly comprised of heterosexual women who'd rather think of the fictional men they'd like to fuck rather than the fictional women they just like. Writing dishonest thinkpieces about female characters getting less attention to force the fandom at large to care about them more than they'd like leads to annoying results such as "Eat Your Veggies" (, where people will performatively pretend to care about your female faves for a faux-feminist greater good.
You've all seen those fujos who will lust over their husbandos and otps all day only to stop for two seconds to be like YASSS SHE'S SO QUEEN STEP ON ME MOMMY to a character they have no strong feelings towards. It's performative and dishonest, it's not real support and love, it's all done just to not seem like an evul misogynist who doesn't care about fictional women.
Similar shit: referring to your female fav as "the mom friend" because she's a mature woman in the way of their yaoi ship. Like ffs just leave her alone, it's not real misogyny to pretend she's not there.
No. 1927817
>>1927806Fan spaces can invent anything. Why not just turn some of the well-developed male characters into female characters?
>>1927811I'm not defending straight romance. I'm just wondering if the people who criticize it are planning on doing anything about it besides yaoi. I'm curious if fandoms will ever evolve or if it's just going to be like this forever
No. 1927826
The amount of delusion and denialism in this thread… Maybe female sexuality is a burden it literally makes you self violate in heterosexuality because there's no other option. Piv is brutal and submissive because pregnancy is and unfortunately the female body was "made" by nature to get pregnant and be a mother. Maybe they don't wanna read straight shit because the femininity in female biology and masculinity in male is inherent so are gender roles so it's impossible to write a straight romance without these roles and without women being a bottom that has to perfrom sadomasochistic acts, sadistic to herself. Any intelligent person understands sex even if they don't have it with other people, if they are awake enough they will get it intuitively. People can have sex their whole life and still don't understand it. You all are mad at fujos not choosing het romance and you literally write a fantasy that denies biology to criticize fujos. Maybe not everyone has to engage in sex and they just wanna indulge in fantasies like this because straight sex is objectively sadomasochistic and its inherent, in gay sex at least it's equal even if they sadomasochism is still there. It's just a fantasy, sex positivity that paints hetsex as something its not then attacks people who name it for what it is, is retarded and a grooming. Het sex is like prostitution. Only women into submission like hetero romance, porn or whatever. Even romance is a fantasy so I guess hmm you could write hetero one but it gets insufferable quickly. Why force people to like hetero shit or have hetero sex, sex positivity brainwashed women to see it as equal or as something you have to have regularly as a part of your life. You don't have to be asexual to not wanna have sex either, most women who have sex have feelings that would be seen as asexuality so see its suspicious, the gender roles in straight sex are inherent, straight romance can't be equal and it will probably cause you hypersexuality in the self violating way if you indulge in it too much.
I'm not a fujoshi before someone assumes.(stop)
No. 1927834
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>>1927797>>1927832Also they were referring to cage kun characters
No. 1927893
>>1927888The #1 Rule to controversy, especially if it originates from online autism: Never engage and NEVER apologize. If you respond, you give them power. Ignore them and they'll run to another punching bag that WILL give them the response they crave for. There is always an audience for every subject, trope, and story. Cater only to those fans and don't look back at the malding retards.
I know it's a rough world out there, but you'll never get anywhere just wondering "why can't x exist" "But what if they hate me?" all day and not do nothing about it.
No. 1927913
>>1927910You are extremely dense. This conversation started because anons were explaining why they were put off by straight romance and giving
valid criticism to an extremely flawed and misogynistic genre. I don't know why you decided to hyper-focus on ''make it yourself ecksdee'', because not everyone who reads manga is an artist/writer or has interest in creating something themselves, and they are still allowed to complain about how shitty the romance genre is. Good for you that shitty shoujoshit where the fmc is put into a cage and berated is your cup of tea, but it's extremely conserning that you even have to suggest that someone makes their own shoujo were the mc isnt fucking abused. The point your only argument to ''i just want to read romance without female abuse in it'' is ''ecksdee just make it yourself then'' literally fucking proves their point that the shoujo/romance genre is nothing but a landfill of daddydom
abusive toxic shit and it's not wonder women who want an alternative gravitate to yaoi.
(derailing/infighting) No. 1928120
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>>1928050There's a few that go pretty far out, didn't the dress up darling guy stay up for a week straight sewing some costume for the femc? He helps her with make up and camera work as well.
Can't help the attraction bit though, yeah.
No. 1928593
>>1928543Who? The whole argument here is that it's possible to make het romance without female-bottom male-masculine gender roles, while it's actually not possible, I get
triggered by the natural female vulnerability so considering that sex is inherently violent which is not a surprise, there's a lot of violone in nature, then it
triggers me to see a woman in male-female natural dynamic, I hate seeing a woman being violated, its one of my biggest
triggers ever, I can't even stand the sounds of hetero sex or sound of a woman in distress because they are physically vulnerable and its just too dark. It feels brutal. Theres no such a thing as a woman using a moid as her "toy" that worships her, irl women get pregnant, consider this part of our biology. Yaoi looks like a fantasy that let's you escape the bullshit, het romance resemble het porn and het porn is traumatic. Not everyone who feels like this has to troon out, but they are told that they are just mistaken and gender roles aren't real, they go brainwashed, they can be a woman and gender non conforming while actually they can't and people here try to argue that they can. Nobody considers the option of just not having sex if you don't wanna conform to your gender so your post is annoying. The obsession with telling women that they have gender dysphoria when they are repulsed by being a bottom or that they are misogynistic when they claim they have it because of this reason is heinous, then telling them that heterosexuality can exist without inherent gender roles? Just bullshitting. It's better to indulge in a fantasy, it's less worse seeing a male being a bottom than a woman, it's less worse than fucking and dating men irl. There's no feminist het romance conceivable and "femdom" irl just looks like that "women initiating sex and pleasuring males", do not google " how to dominate a man in sex" because that is the worst suicide fuel ever. If millions of women are into yaoi there must be something in it. No wonder autistic women kill themselves 13 more if their biology limits them so much and no wonder women rather troon out because in the female socialization they will never be accepted, even terfs expose their real side and tell you you have a gender dysphoria when you're disgusted with straight things while before they claimed that it doesn't exist. I've seen women receiving cruel comments from other women who were into
abusive kinks but still shitting themselves over someone having a problem with hetero things or womanhood, so? I've seen all kinds of retardation from fujoshis, I've seen a 40yo fujoshi woman change her name to a male one then identify as nonbinary and date an asexual. Women always struggled with their sexuality cause there's something unpleasant about it especially the inherent violence and invading penetration in straight relationships which everyone knows it's true, even your mom.
I don't understand this whole discussion or rather the repulsive feelings about these women, what do you want them to like instead? Do you want them to see women sucking ehem KEK? Maybe they are just austic fucks
(Fujo sperging) No. 1939257
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>when you meme yourself into getting off to pedophilia
No. 1939296
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Fujos will hate this
No. 1940402
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No. 1940406
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Technically fudanshi but hilarious nonetheless and I think fits the thread. Men being the most memeable sex once again.
No. 1940410
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>Men are more beautiful and feminine than women.
Sounds like devlev.
No. 1940414
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>>1926830Reminds me of this classic vintage yaoi cringe comic.
No. 1940770
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>>1939324Looking it up out of curosity, it's hers.
No. 1944584
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Why do they chimpout at the mere idea of anyone speculating that they might have a paraphilia and might have similar issues as porn addiction?
No. 1944639
>>1940770>>1928120I feel like posts like this prove that the anti-fujo spergs here are either men or retarded pickmes because why the hell would you use this trashy series that is made for men as a example of straight romance and what women should watch?
You spend all this time raging at fujos yet you couldn't find one shoujo/josei series and instead chose a shounen/seinen series of a self-insert basic male and his pickme girlfriend.
Lol some of you are a joke.
(infighting) No. 1944668
>>1944659nta but it's a
valid complaint.
>>1944663you have your own thread and website for this, why do you always seem to come here?
No. 1945046
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>>1944738It's literally just screencapping people disagreeing with you in other threads and posting them here to act like you've owned them. There's so much fucking fujo cringe outside of this website but whoever keeps bumping this thread with lolcor caps either got an axe to grind due to infighting somewhere else
or wants to bait the fujos she capped into replying.
No. 1945321
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>>1945300"Yaoi doesn't make girls troon out" isn't even a funny statement, it's just typical infighting shit that ends in "no u". Idk why there's so many caps of posts like that itt when out there we have Yaoi High and ao3 fanfiction with a billion horrid tags.
No. 1945330
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>>1944668Because they're newfags who came for the fandom threads and not to laugh at cows so they act like they're on twitter and think they have the right to have retarded slapfights in any thread as shown here
>>1925782 . Anyway, it's cringe how the ones on here try and reframe their hobby as somehow feminist to try and make anons defend them when a lot of the time they come of as misogynistic when they sperg about female characters and women liking anything other than yaoi. It's why this thread picked up speed, anons got fed up with the newfag spergs from the dead fujochan. It's also why the fandom thread is infighting every week "I like x, I'm a woman, therefore liking x is feminist" feminism is just womens rights, not defending every womens cringe retard hobbies. Some really want to pretend they're oppressed for being straight women into anime twinks kek.
No. 1945337
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No. 1945384
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I wonder if any of the current year "having a baby as a man to own the bigots" ftms read yaoi high…
No. 1945387
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>yaoi x minions
I always remembered this comic being older than it is.
No. 1947150
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>heterosexuality with extra steps
No. 1956586
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Check out this fujo cow, not my post just thought it belongs here
>>>/snow/1983896 No. 1956622
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>>1956586I’m the one who posted her in the personal cows thread. Here are some other angles of the cake
No. 1956624
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No. 1956625
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No. 1956665
>>1956622>>1956624>>1956625Imagine being the one ordered to make this. It always baffles me how women older than me can become retarded gender people and be in their 30s and yet still obsessed with the bottom of the barrel shonen shit for kids.
>>1956602Not to mention the ftm women who mimic it so it's basically the same.
No. 1956679
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>>1956671This is what the fujo cow who made the cake looks like. These people are not upsetting men nor do they oppress them by enjoying yaoi kek. This pretending otherwise is why things are over analysed and not helpful.
No. 1956710
The post
>>1956671>imagine caring about men being abusedThe reply
>>1956679>These women aren't abusing men>>1956688Neither was I anon, just fujos in general using the cake woman as an example as how they aren't 'oppressing' men. Are you ESL-chan? Why do you only post here to infight? Why not just hide threads that upset you?
No. 1956715
>>1956694>>1956710Ntayrt but I'm pretty sure anon meant fictional men abusing other men, since that's what
>>1956602 was implying (hence 'as long as both people involved in it are men'), not women abusing fictional men. Anyway it's not the same as fictional women in cages.
No. 1956733
>>1956717>>1679084>>1956718>>1662214>>1694133>>1694769>>1928593>>>/ot/1490311>>>/ot/1563179>>>/ot/1153247??? It's a routine on here 'liking BL is feminist/not liking it or posting cringe is anti-feminist, pickme, trad, etc.' And that's just a little bit from these threads.
>>1956718What are these people even on about? How is all het stuff women in cages? I feel like some anons are just looking for excuses for why they don't like things rather than just liking what they like. It's like comparing all BL to the most degen stuff the same way paki does.
No. 1956745
>>1956733we have gone over this a million times and every single time someone asks you to give an example of a non
toxic het romance none of you can. I dont know how acknowledging a bunch of fujos like yaoi because het romance has too much female abuse is a bad thing either, specially since schizos like pakichan think yaoi is degeneracy but het romance, which is filled with abuse towards women, isn't.
(infighting, derailing) No. 1956746
>>1956733>linking to months old postsAnon it's obvious everyone's talking about the
current discussion. Nobody said fictional men getting abused is fighting against men in regards to this, did you follow the conversation
>>1956602>>1956671It feels like you're being stupid on purpose at this point.
(continuing the derail) No. 1956875
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No. 1956882
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No. 1956883
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Clamp would be proud
No. 1956884
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No. 1956887
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No. 1956906
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>>1956891They want to use baymax to take care of the 'pregnant men' (yaoi high girl was psychic kek) so the boy who created baymax is only willing to allow it if they allow him to carry his own brothers child.
No. 1956910
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(wrong thread)
No. 1957014
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fujos aren't as bad as male coomers, but sometimes they come pretty close.