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No. 1972829

Previous >>1967432

Thread to discuss the phenomenon of "fujoshi", the women that identify as such and the women who criticise it.

To a latter extent, discuss also the phenomenon of "yumejoshi" and "himejoshi", especially when it comes to the yume vs. fujo feud.

Discuss the history of fujoshism, speculate on its reasons, argue your opinion on it and exchange intelligent views with other farmers.

Topics include:
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
>Why is fujo stuff so popular in Japan, a highly conservative, homophobic and misogynistic society?
>Can yumes and fujos be friends?

New questions:
>Are lesbian fujoshi actually a thing?
>Why do fujos look at, draw and talk about yaoi together, while moids who enjoy hentai do so completely alone in their gooncaves?
>Are women who enjoy "male character with chopped tits and/or a vag" actually fujoshi? If not, what are they?

Be respectful and do not infight. Honest discussion only.

No. 1972832

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>Yumes' autism is at least harmless, and not the type that makes you a fujo TIF.

No. 1972834

consoomersim =/= grooming come one

No. 1972835

>there's simply not a yume counterpart for that specific type of deranged behavior and obsession with exposing people to their fetish
what about rancefag with her constant cum bottle feeding fetish posts

No. 1972837

>Why do fujos look at, draw and talk about yaoi together, while moids who enjoy hentai do so completely alone in their gooncaves?
Have you seen mens gooning communities? They'll call each other jerkbuds and masturbate together in voice chat
Though at least I've never heard of fujos doing the same

No. 1972838

>Why do fujos look at, draw and talk about yaoi together, while moids who enjoy hentai do so completely alone in their gooncaves?
Dumbest post I've ever seen

No. 1972841

Wtf based. Her only crime is taste in husbando

No. 1972845

sus that's the most repulsive thing I have ever heard of.

No. 1972846

The thing about making a social community around coom material is a moot point. As other nonnas have said, men absolutely do this, but so do non-fujo women. What else is the booktok dark romance shit where women make tiktoks about their favorite coom scenes from erotica books and share it with other women?

No. 1972852

yume-'kun' would just be a waifufag.

No. 1972865

And write stories about having a pony plush orgy, don’t forget about that one.

No. 1972867

>Though at least I've never heard of fujos doing the same
Right, they date each other and start transitioning.
The Fujo to TIF pipeline exists.

No. 1972871

It's a tif

No. 1972873

Call me when there's a huge scandal of fujo gooning discords where they peer pressure each other into stretching their assholes with soda bottles in VC and trading CP in DMs

No. 1972878

>anti-fujo-chan is aristocratic villainess

No. 1972889

I feel like this isn't true. For the past few years it's been a few insecure fujo spergs trying to shift the whole ftm thing on to yumes which started this 'war' (retarded to think we're in some kind of flamewar, we are not on tumblr, newfags need to learn to integrate) >>>/ot/1462726 , >>>/m/264165 , >>>/ot/1462726 . The yumecringe thread was even created in retaliation for the existence of the fujo cringe thread >>>/ot/1412361 , not to mention that one time a twistfujo had a meltdown in the husbandos thread because someone husbando'd a twist character >>>/m/213819 , >>>/m/213507 it was happening a lot at the time >>>/m/213578 . The only people who believe in some sort of gay fight are the retards who think people who laugh at them are their enemy, rather than just normal posters here to laugh at cows because it's the environment their used to on old sites they used before this one. Everyone called 'anti' now used to be called yumes because of this mentality >>>/ot/1628897 , >>>/ot/856980 , >>>/ot/895753 .

No. 1972899

Fujo gooning communities are called the ao3 comments section and fujochan

No. 1972901

>Call me when there's fujo gooning discords
>>she doesn't know
Basically the entire fujo community is one huge gooning community. They don't peer pressure eachother into asshole stretching, they peer pressure each other into who can write the most fucked up smut on ao3

No. 1972907

>The character who is supposed to be the antifujo is the only one depicted as actually being female while the characters supposed to depict fujos/yumes are both depicted as stereotypical uke and semse males.
Freudian, or a purposeful dig based on the theory that fujos self insert as the uke?
>trying to claim thinking fujos are retarded is because you're homophobic
You can't really have it both ways. Either BL is not related to real gays or it is and peoples attitude towards it is based on their hatred of gay scrotes.

No. 1972908

I caught that too. This is really how fujotards see themselves, isn't it? Happy gay men whose fun is constantly threatened to be ruined by the stereotypical-of-yaoi jealous, inferior "het" female. Very telling.

No. 1972913

It's a pretty obvious parody of stereotypical 00s yaoi

No. 1972914

Ao3 is full of degens yeah but the userbase is a mix of gooning tifs and tims so I'm not sure how comparable it is to the 100% male gooncords
Fujochan is pretty barren in comparison, there's more discussion of series than porn pics

No. 1972917

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Is it really that uncommon to be a fujo who looks at R18 but has no urge to coom to it? I've seen material that I thought was hot but I have never felt the urge to masturbate because I saw yaoi.

No. 1972920

Why are they overanalyzing a shitpost… I thought right girl was hime-chan…

No. 1972922

No. I've been one for ten years and haven't gotten horny to it once. Only to BLCDs because a man was moaning directly into my ear, but I don't consider it a yaoi thing cause the same thing happens with yume CDs, it's just the male voice fetish

No. 1972923

Shitposting on the internet is serious business

No. 1972928

File: 1713657234687.png (236.42 KB, 1107x1289, feajis antihead.png)

Have a nice weekend. And sorry for whatever this is

No. 1972932

this is dumb

No. 1972940

>any character that isn't a shota is a "silver fox"
And you wonder why you get called a pedo

No. 1972947

this is great work nonna, but maybe don't use terms like "shota" so much.

No. 1972952

Yeah tbh i should've left it out. It was a reference to schizo posts. Not an endorsement
Kekkk i love fictional grandpas

No. 1972964

kek this is so accurate. The fact you didnt even mention shota but a balding man and some anon is like ''YOU ARE A PEDO FOR NOT LIKING BALD MEN!!1!!'' is hilarious. 11/10.

No. 1972968

Don't listen to the haters, this is beautiful.

No. 1972969

>didnt even mention shota
are you illiterate

No. 1972971

Is magical man adventure 1987 a tokusatsu? If so, yeah, I'd rather watch that.

No. 1972972

Feajis clearly said ''the balding man?'' in reference to Antihead's post wall scrote.Antihead, like the sperg she is, started coping and projecting and calling Feajis a pedo into shotas for pointing out Antihead's husbando is bald. Feajis never said she was into shota, it's something Antihead projected onto her.

No. 1972975

because it's a shitty strawman comic made by an assblasted malding fujo. i'm saying it does mention shota, the anon who drew it clearly was thinking liking shota was something she could be accused of, wonder why kek.

No. 1972977

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you can check the fujocoomer thread and >>1970939
Despite no one bringing up shota, antifujos still started screaming about how all fujos are pedos into shota blah blah blah.

No. 1972979

how do i put this lightly: fujos off this site (and on this site as well, since the shota ban was so controversial) have a history of being into shota that doesn't have anything to do with the schizo tit-for-tat you obsessively keep up with in these threads

No. 1972981

is every antifujo into neonazis since pakichan likes varg?

No. 1972991

Dude, that is not gonna work, no "anti" is attached to the anti-fujo labelso you can say whatever, no one will care

No. 1972992

if you are posting ITT you are attaching yourself to the anti label. Paladinboo, pickme and diagnosed schizophrenic, is a very proud antifujo.

No. 1972995

Anon, you know it's referencing the shotaspammer right? >>>/ot/1962796 and a fujo derailed the last fujocoomer cringe thread spamming how they thought shota was based >>>/ot/1629403 and the yaoi thread had to implement a no shota rule. Even fujo chan itself has shotafag posters >>>/ot/1741740
Nta but
>everyone I don't like is a nazi/into nazis/a homophobe or whatever
You are obviously a newfag who got kicked from tumblr kek. This is why you have people saying fujos fetishize gay men, you've fostered this retardation but only want it to go one way as defence. If any fujo deserves to be called cringe, it's ones into shota.

No. 1972997

shota is basically a subsection of yaoi, 'anti-fujo' is not a body of work or coherent ideology, it's a label victim complex tumblr fujos came up with by using tumblr pro vs. antishipper autistic terminology to reee about anyone critical of yaoi or anime in general

No. 1972998

>pickme and diagnosed schizophrenic
You make me sound way more exciting than what I am

No. 1973001

You can't self-poast on here you know…hope you're LARPing

No. 1973003

>anon makes a comic making fun of how antifujos jump straight into accusing all fujos of being shotafags
>antifujos start calling all fujos shotafags despite no one bringing up shota
like clockwork. No wonder they got so salty at the comic, it hit right home.

No. 1973004

I post in the cringe thread but don't really care about fujos who don't shit up the site. It's just some retard spammer who copes by trying to reframe all criticism/mockery for being unintegrated newfags as their shipping wars enemy. They used to say all criticism for the few deranged fujos that always leak containment and infight came from 'yumes'. Now it's 'antis' because yume hate didn't catch on.

No. 1973008

>despite no one bringing up shota
except the fujo that made the comic kek…
>like clockwork. No wonder they got so salty at the comic, it hit right home.
and then everyone clapped

No. 1973009

What happened to the intelligent discussion this thread was supposed to foster

No. 1973010

It's obvious the thread was just created to infight because anons get banned for leaking containment and shitting up either thread.

No. 1973011

>except the fujo that made the comic kek
She was making fun of how spergy you guys are. You proved her right by calling all fujos pedos right after, just like Antihead did >>1972940 . Hilarious.

No. 1973012

Anything that needed to be intelligently hashed out in regards to this topic already was quite well in the past. It's just a containment for schizos from both sides

No. 1973026

Kinda curious, have antifujos watched/read an bl created after 2007?
Fanfiction not counting.

No. 1973034

>addresses something that was said
why are strawmanners always like this

No. 1973038

when did she say that? she just said antihead's husbando is bald lmao are you implying that women should be into bald men or otherwise they are pedos into shotas?

No. 1973042

the character isn't real, i was talking about the fujo who wrote it

No. 1973043

she didnt say she was into shota either

No. 1973044

no, but fujos have a history of being into shota, on and off this site and on fujochan like i already explained. it's not "anti-fujo schizos" coming up with it out of thin air

No. 1973045

I'm the same way, never even come close even with the really good stuff. But I never think about anything when I do it, so I figured something was wrong with me anyway kek

No. 1973047

are women into het romance all pickmes into BDSM since 50 shades exist?

No. 1973051

no woman on this site likes BDSM or 50 shades anon

No. 1973072

>no woman on this site likes BDSM or 50 shades anon
yes, they do. Check /g/.

No. 1973118

I honestly don't think many of them know very much about BL at all. It's like they live in some alternate dimension where every BL ever is just porn of tiny ukes getting pregnant. You can tell them that they're wrong with proof all day long, but they don't care at all because…honestly, I don't know why. I find the quadrupling down very strange at this point.

No. 1973124

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IRL Kikomi is an antifujo, ofcourse.

No. 1973128

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she's racist too and has tranny ghoul hands lol. Imagine liking lolishit like strike witches and calling fujos ''shotafags'' for liking yaoi.

No. 1973136

lmao anon this is so spot on and the reference to schizo posts is perfectly clear

No. 1973139

I hate tranny tinfoiling, but they really do come across as a man. Or at the very least moid influenced

No. 1973140

>fujos larp in cringe thread
>comes to post larp here as proof
This is beyond retarded.

No. 1973146

>retarded antifujo posts her stash of yuri featuring little girls
>posts her ghoul troon hand
>reeee this is just a larp from the fujos
kek, your side is so retarded it owns itself.

No. 1973147

Did fujolarper anon just delete their post calling the larp poster racist because they realised they posted it before the posted the jew meme for their larp? The meme was 4 min ago and the 'they're racist' post was 5 min ago.

No. 1973152

she said racist shit before the meme read the last part of >>1973128
you spend your days accusing fujos of all being pedo rapist groomers just because of your fanfic or a small minority so now that you are faced with a yurishitter who's on your side you cant use the ''w-well it's just a crazy anon she doesnt represent us!''. You reap what you sow.

No. 1973153

I am pretty sure the racism accusation comes from the "bombing mudslimes" comment

No. 1973156

they threw in "I SUPPORT ISRAEL GAS ALL MUDSLIME" for good measure too kek, as if it wasn't obvious that they're desperate to paint anti-fujos as le racist sexist homophobic lesbophobic "het girl" "lesbian fetishist" bigots

No. 1973158

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Yurishitters are lolicons and fujotards are shotacons, everyones even now

No. 1973161

>antifujos are lolicons
i knew they were projecting hard

No. 1973163

We have two pedochans now

No. 1973164

>you do x
This sites anonymous anon, not everyone is your personal boogieman. Sorry you're larp isn't very believable.
Yeah, it's honestly pathetic. Imagine posting your own hand on lc. I noticed the whole using the 'fetish' word too because that's something they feel called out for and is used against them.

No. 1973165

fujo psyop. you people are unhinged, and knowing the lengths you go to to psychotically defend your coom i wouldn't be surprised if this was some bisexual discord fujo shota/loli pedo with manhands trying to play both sides for keks. she already lied about being "heterosexual" now "she's" saying gas all mudslimes. could this get any more pathetic?

No. 1973168

Tinfoil: the shotafag and the lolifag are the same person who likes both yaoi and yuri

No. 1973170

Kek antifujos were crying a few hours ago about how all fujos are pedos because of a few bad apples, now they are grasping at straws because the retarded standars they set for themselves are coming back to bite them in the ass. Cope and seethe.

No. 1973173

i like that the site is full of colorful characters and schizos. truly our lolcor

No. 1973175

standars-chan please install grammarly I can't take it anymore

No. 1973176

We get the posts we deserve

No. 1973179

it's an easy typo when you phonefag i am not that anon

No. 1973189

Now antis are all yurifags? This is kind of pathetic anon. You could post actual stuff rather than making it up. Was hand posting worth it?

No. 1973191

>Hey look at this random retard I found saying something stupid! Proof!
Everyone's just talking past each other at this point. Fujo anons acknowledged numerous times that there is overlap between them and TiFs, and that some fujos do cringey shit online. We're not saying these people don't exist, we're saying that they aren't representative of all fujos. It's like any other fandom, where the loudest retards get the most attention, but aren't representative of the average fan. So many of these autistic arguments would end if everyone just stopped over-generalizing. Stop making generalizations about how fujos act and why they like yaoi, and stop making generalizations about why some women dislike yaoi. Humans are nuanced, we're not going to get anywhere in this discourse I'd everyone treats people who disagree with them like a hivemind.

No. 1973193

Funny how antifujos can lash it but can't take it.

No. 1973195

But anon…if we act rationally this fight would have ended ages ago, we can't have that

No. 1973197

Sure, I find it sexy, but I don't look at it while I masturbate like some kind of moid. Honestly I don't think of anything while I masturbate, I just do it, usually in the shower. I don't have my hand in my pants while I sit down to read, that's just absurd.

No. 1973198

is this why you went full sperg, larped as a "straight" "lesbian fetishist" and "manhater" in the fujocoomer thread and posted ugly hand and yuri stash to larp further? wtf is wrong with fujos?

No. 1973200

There are more than two people on this site, anon.

No. 1973201

The only arguments anti-fujos have is ''this fujo did something bad, therefore all fujos bad''. If you take out generalization out of they have no arguments as to why ''foojos bad''.

No. 1973203

you're genuinely mentally ill fujo handschizo, breaking your ugly fingers to prove le evil anti-fujos are racist sexist het girl lesbian fetishists and "hypocrites just like fujos" and making sure to screenshot it and post it in this thread right after you did it. absolutely pathetic

No. 1973204

They have other arguments, it's just that the rational posts on both sides get drowned out by the schizos and baiters.

No. 1973205

No, that's the kind of people you attract for being so schizo. Paki-chan is equally unhinged and has been the face of anti-fujos on lolcow for years. So i don't know why you are struggling to believe one of your kind is mentally ill when all you do is come ITT to post about how fujos totally for realsies groomed you.

No. 1973206

This is as believable as the mtf tranny that larped as a fujo to get the tradthot thread shut.
The larper even censored itself with * . They tried to hit every point they think they get criticised for like shota, fetishizing gay men, etc. and interlaced their own 'everyone who thinks I'm a retard is male' shit. They even started posting different stuff after anons said utena wasn't loli so they had to go find a different picture.
At least doing it in the cringe thread is on theme as it is fujo cringe.
>Antis, antis, antis
This is your first mistake newfag, thinking it is people who hate bl and not just anons who hate retards who cannot help but sperg about being called cringe.

No. 1973207

I think that's true for a lot of women, sometimes you just want to enjoy the aesthetics rather than flick the bean.

No. 1973208

Nta, stop accusing literally everyone who disagrees with you of being the hand sperg, jfc.

No. 1973209

>teehee i'm a straight girl lesbian fetishist who hates men! jk, i'm a based lesbian loli fan! death to all mudslimes!

No. 1973211

Mental asylum in here currently. Thank you handsperg for unleashing brand new schizophrenia.

No. 1973212

File: 1713671237846.png (637.03 KB, 540x1421, 1672856877077.png)

Nta but if paki-chan is the "face of anti fujos", then Aidens are the face of fujos.

No. 1973213

You know, fujos would be on your side if you didn't spend all your time blaming fujos as a whole for the actions of a few autists.

No. 1973214

Yeah, the posts were literally seconds apart. Hand posting to own the antis and win the shipping wars. Genuine mental illness. Only on lolcor.

No. 1973217

The truth is internet death is real.
Both threads are one single AI bot.

No. 1973218

there's never been a more obvious larp lmao. you can stop trying to damage control now

No. 1973220

huh, what's pretty odd. Why do so many fujos troon out?

No. 1973221

They have AAP

No. 1973222

You know farmhands can see when people are samefagging right? You don't need to write schizo fanfiction

No. 1973223

its a ''larp'' when it's on your side, despite the yuritard posting her lolistash, hand and clearly knowing about yurishit.

No. 1973224

Its due to social media.
Just look up the stuff going on with TikTok and China purposely researching into how to get people addicted and rotted through it. Why people try to seperate all the causes when it's clearly internet brainrot is beyond me.

No. 1973240

It's absolutely possible that you're right and that it was a single, false-flagging sperg. However, it's also Saturday night, when the board tends to be busiest. Idk. I think we should stop giving attention to unhinged schizos like paki-chan and hand-chan. They clearly feed off of attention.

No. 1973244

Social contagion, misogyny, self-hatred, etc. People with autism or low-self-esteem are drawn to escapism media like anime as well as more likely to get drawn into the troon cult. The yaoi doesn't cause it; anime obsession and trooning just happen to be different symptoms of the same underlying problems.

No. 1973253

Can some farmland please just put this shit to rest and tell us if both this anon and the one in their screenshot have the same IP?

No. 1973254

Even if it's two seperate people the new narrative will be there's some sekrit club Discord stirring shit in the thread and that it's multiple people falseflagging

No. 1973255

Their hatred really seems to come from an ill-informed place (and apparently some personal vendettas). It's reasonable to not want to engage with something you hate, but you can't also proclaim to know everything about it at the same time.

No. 1973263

What gets me is that most can agree that social media absolutely bombards people with hypersexualized women, cruel beauty standards, and misogyny, that the feed and recs can be full of gendies shilling your interest (whatever that may be) as actually being about transgenderism and how it can help you feel in control and happy in a world where you're surrounded by prostitute bots and male hatred, but still say that it's the interest that's the main cause.
It's goes far beyond some niche jap genre.

No. 1973310

Why can’t women goon? Seriously. What is up with the strain of “feminist” here who’s against women acting like actual weirdo humans. Women goon and they do cringe sexual shit because they are animals, Homo sapiens. It’s not like this is even the majority of women doing it and it’s certainly not normalized in the world.

No. 1973313

Me neither. I get flustered at the r18 scenes but that's it.

No. 1973403

im the one who drew this meme and the woman is a himejoshi if it wasnt clear by the FUCKING hairstyle not a anti fujo you retards plus she has a nosebleed too soo

No. 1973493

Turns out that the Yurishitter pedo was a known /g/ antifujo who used to shit the lesbian thread to sperg about fujos.
Sperging about fujos
posting about how she wants to rape fujos
Posting her discord
her recommending oneeloli pedoshit

No. 1973502

wow… we won today guys… creepy anti-fujo lesbos, pack it up. the fujos won this war

No. 1973507

This is awesome, thanks nona

No. 1973508

also after hours of antifujos trying to claim it was bait by fujos they finally backtracked and instead started defending the fucking yuripedo saying that they feel ''sorry'' that she was ''gaslight by fake lesbian fujos'' kek you can't make this shit up.

No. 1973514

File: 1713686601177.jpg (47.71 KB, 451x330, 1589890404336.jpg)

This thread is bit of a shitshow, but let me offer my two cents as someone who used to be a spergy sort of fujo.

A lot of the most obnoxious fujo behavior comes down to the most vocal fujos in fandom being edgy, excitable kids. Many are probably riding the high of having found a way to express their sexuality without self-objectification or self-involvement. Alternatively, for some it may be a way to addressing their own same-sex attraction by gushing over fictional gay relationships. I think female yurifags tend to be calmer from the get-go because they don't want to alienate other women in fandom by acting "creepy" over female characters, and are as sick of the male gaze shit as everyone else. I wouldn't necessarily call slash/yaoi feminist (I'd rather not think about politics when consuming erotica), but I know it felt kid of liberating as a teen to act like men existed for MY amusement and sexual gratification when the society kept telling me the opposite.

Most fujos chill out as they get older, though these days some fall into the modern trap of trans cult that has slithered it's way to all fandom spaces. I don't think yaoi alone makes anyone troon out, but yaoi does tend to attract the personality types that are vulnerable to trooning out (like no one becomes autistic by playing with model trains, but there's a correlation with autism and being interested in model trains in the first place).

No. 1973525

Jesus christ it's this fucking 4chan lolishit whackjob, she absolutely ruined yuri for me forever and I can't even look at f/f fanart without being reminded of her disgusting rape fantasies. She also posts similar stuff on Lchat and /lgbt/'s cisles generals and sometimes I'm headcanoning her as that lescel Thai millionaire yurifag who hates fujos with a very similar energy.

No. 1973538

Why are we writing essays on women just trying to get off. Weird behaviour

No. 1973542

This post is based >>>/g/363950

No. 1973543

ayrt, I'm tying to explain some behaviors that fujos get criticized over. And writing essays over porn/erotica and people who consume it is as valid of a topic as any.

No. 1973549

yeah, praising gross yurishit is soooo based.

No. 1973550

Guys, did you know that anti-fujos and TERFs are basically one and the same? There's even a whole website about it written by a self-identified fujoshi transgender man.
>"Anti-Fujoshi in Anglophone fandom… Most likely first began as an anti-trans movement in social media spaces."

No. 1973553

we need to make yaoi great again. I miss the day when TIFs used to force herself to be into bara to feel like ''real gay men''. we should have gatekept

No. 1973558

File: 1713689219491.jpg (493.43 KB, 933x1111, 1713689153045.jpg)

One of my favourite activities is genderbending BL pairings into (biological) lesbians. I like both the m/m and f/f version of the same pairings and draw fanart accordingly, yet fellow fujo friends have criticized me in the past because they "don't want to see lesbians" they're into BL to see BL and asked me to tag and spoiler it. What is this phenomena? If you're a fujo who is already into gay ships, wouldn't you be at least neutral towards a genderbent BL ship? I understand when it comes to het, I hate het and would never make any of them het.

No. 1973559

Probably because they don't want to see girls?

No. 1973560

F/F genderbends are based but tagging your work properly is basic fandom etiquette

No. 1973561

So there are fujoshi who are indeed intolerant to lesbians?

No. 1973563

Kind of a loaded question. I think those kinds of "strict fujoshis" just don't want to see depictions of females in romantic situations period.

No. 1973564

It's really you who is unhinged calling this a psyop. Since she admitted to being the pornbrained yurifag ruining the lesbian threads it's a months-long, very dedicated psyop posting vocaroos and semi-doxxing photos which is highly unlikely. She's an entity already familiar to those who have spotted her posting before, she keeps calling fujos fat ugly pedos (while reading lolicon series herself) and every time someone tells her her rapey attitude towards lesbians makes everyone uncomfortable without ever mentioning fujos she starts a spergout lasting for hours about muh fujofatties, going all over the place with her insanity finally resorting to racebaiting just to rile people up. She's truly psychotic and has a manic hyperfixation on anime lesbians she's cultivated on 4chan's gooner boards.

No. 1973565

I don't think it's "unhinged" to think that something that bizarre is a psyop. She sounds like a not normal person.

No. 1973566

did anybody else used to be a huge fujoshi but now almost only ship hetero or f/f pairing.. i only like maybe 5 yaoi pairings anymore.

No. 1973567

i assume its every fujos preference i dont mind genderbent bl ships at all and some fujos are straight and dont necessarily read yurisome ships work amazingly in yuri but i think thats because im lesbian myself i also genderbent my husbandos tagging is just common internet etiquette keeping it separate doesnt hurt anyone plus it makes it easier for people like me to find it

No. 1973569

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If a fujoshi were to ever acknowledge the reality of what actual male/male sex is like it would destroy them, because they've always written straight sex and basically lie to themselves.

No. 1973571

Not my intention, and that's kind of an interesting thought. If you think about it, it doesn't make much sense if you consider two propositions:

- Fujoshi A, who are into m/m pairings, do not want to see depictions of women in romantic relationships because they are straight. This is fine and good, yet those same fujoshi also don't want to see het pairings of any kind, despite being straight.
-Fujoshi B, who are into m/m pairings, do not want to see depictions of women in romantic relationships because they are lesbians. For the same reason, they also do not want to see het pairings.

How to explain? For Fujoshi B, one could say they deal with internalised homophobia and liking BL but not GL is an expression of that. Yet this statement is highly controversial and has been criticized a lot even ITT. For Fujoshi A, dislking het pairings might be because of internalised misogyny, but that is also highly controversial topic ITT.

No. 1973572

That's basically the description to every active antifujo on this board you'd think they wouldn't find it so outlandish. Really telling how every time they get outed they turn out to be people like Paki-chan and this freak.

No. 1973573

>Episode 100 of weirdos demanding fujos include enemas and shit cleaning in their porn
If you want to see a man clean his asshole that badly, Google is free.

No. 1973575

>For Fujoshi B, one could say they deal with internalised homophobia and liking BL but not GL is an expression of that.
This makes absolutely no sense and you know it. The women in GL are not real and being attracted to anime women doesn't make anyone lesbian.

No. 1973577

I think rather that most fujoshis are traumatized heterosexual women who get triggered seeing femaleness in a romantic/sexual context. Either explanation certainly explains some of them though

No. 1973578

>The women in GL are not real and being attracted to anime women doesn't make anyone lesbian.
So being attracted to anime men doesn't make anyone heterosexual either?

No. 1973579

Doesn't eating less help this? Isn't that what gay men do?

No. 1973581

they aren't attracted to girls, how is that hard to understand.

No. 1973582

Or… maybe they just like a community filled with creative women with no involvement of real life males and a very colorful selection of different ships not restricted by males cooming all over it. Weird how nobody here seems to consider that, it has to be some psychosexual analysis of how they're just traumatized pornsick bitches.

Nope. The amount of straight as an arrow women I know who goon all over anime mommy waifus and lolis but would never go near a real life pussy are a true testament to it.

No. 1973583

I think seeking out solely men in romantic/sexual situations, and getting triggered at the mention of any femaleness is either heterosexuality or internalized homophobia like the other anon said. Being attracted to women yet never seeking out depictions of them in romantic/sexual situations simply doesn't make sense

No. 1973585

not into yaoi anymore. Wish i could get into het but all of it is gross dominant male submissive woman. It sucks.

No. 1973586

Fujos are using their imagination to write or draw fantasy situations, why would they need to acknowledge reality in fiction? As far as I'm concerned all gay sex in bl or fanfic or whatever occurs in an alternate universe where normal bodily functions simply don't apply. Suspension of disbelief is easy and automatic as long as the person writing the story doesn't intentionally add anything gross.

No. 1973588

>The amount of straight as an arrow women I know who goon all over anime mommy waifus and lolis but would never go near a real life pussy are a true testament to it.
And how many card-carrying hard dyke lesbians gushing over fictional anime men do you know?

No. 1973590

>why would they need to acknowledge reality in fiction?
Can we come to a consensus just once that fiction and fantasy is an expression of desire? What does the fujoshi desire? An equal dynamic with her male partner. That is something they can only find in male/male romances so they seek that out in fiction because they cannot get it in reality. It's fantasized heterosexuality where the power dynamic is equal

No. 1973591

why do you want to see scat so badly antifujos? if its your fetish dont project it on us

No. 1973592

The "it's not realistic enough" is the most retarded argument ever. Het porn is filled with completely unrealistic shit like the woman cumming 10 times the moment a man touches her but perpetually clean assholes is going a step too far into lala land and is basically het?

No. 1973593

we just like two cute boys over just one how is it that hard to understand

No. 1973595

This is the motte and bailey fallacy of fujo arguments

No. 1973596

what about yuri then? by your logic thats het too then

No. 1973597

where's the fallacy? two dicks are better than one.

No. 1973598

ntayrt but it's hard to understand when those same people claim to be lesbians

No. 1973599

It would be lesbian or closeted lesbianism for a woman to seek that out because it's a woman seeking out women. I don't know what's hard to understand

No. 1973600

that has nothing to do with the original post, anon never brought up lesbians. She was wondering why STRAIGHT women didn't want to see yuri, gee i wonder why.

No. 1973601

Yes, and most fujoshis are straight, so it would make sense that it's a common attitude

No. 1973605

Retarded argument. I like gay romance because I can be attracted to both characters instead of just one. I can enjoy a female character and find straight sex hot but I am never going to find her hot and that's not a deal breaker, but being attracted to both people in a couple is absolutely a deal maker.

No. 1973626

>i disagree so it's retarded
nta but your explanation could be considered retarded too since the vast majority of straight women aren't into gay romance, they prefer being able to relate to the female character, and they wouldn't enjoy reading about two guys having anal sex at all even if they're both handsome. now of course there are also women like you and also women who like gay romance because, as the other anon explained, they feel more comfortable without a female character for different reasons. nonna here >>1973514 also explains it very well imho, and a lot of older teenagers/young women stop being into yaoi once they get more comfortable in their skin/sexuality. that's not to say that all women into yaoi have issues with it but it's definitely a thing.

No. 1973628

Nah, it's just how spergs view anyone who makes fun of them. It even uses wors some anons on here seem insecure about being used against them. It doesn't help support a point to adopt bait.

No. 1973630

the fallacy is what >>1973586 described, the sexual relationships are obviously nothing close to real life male/male sex, so why pretend its between two males.

No. 1973631

why do you guys want to see poop and enemas so much

No. 1973632

because they both have a dick and balls. are you baiting or just braindead?

No. 1973633

internalized misogyny my ass, why would I want to see another woman live my dream aka to date my husbando? men irl already reject me for more beautiful women, why do I need to see this in fiction too?

No. 1973634

why do you want to see a man date your husbando?…

No. 1973639

Literally what the fuck are you even talking about? Have you ever read a sex scene in your life? Have you ever had sex? I can assure you that there are major differences between the male and female body, and vaginal and anal sex, even if you pretend the asshole is perfectly clean at all time. I fucking PROMISE you a clean asshole is not a vagina.

No. 1973642

cause I don't need to compare myself to him? I'll never be a man, I'll never look like a man, not the same standards. it's also easier to treat a man like a blank canvas and if I sexualize him it feels more enjoyable, while sexualizing a woman makes me feel uncomfortable

No. 1973644

okay, so it's just an insecurity thing. got it

No. 1973645

Honestly, i get you. 99% of het smut has a giant breasted kpop girls for mc for some reason. It makes me uncomfortable too.

No. 1973648

why would she want to see another woman date her husbando? there should be no difference.

No. 1973649

i agree, but to me it's weird that fujos think it's cucking to have a woman be with their husbando but not a man. i wouldn't want anyone with my husbando

No. 1973650

she didnt say it was cucking

No. 1973651

>why would I want to see another woman live my dream aka to date my husbando? men irl already reject me for more beautiful women, why do I need to see this in fiction too?
so apparently it's not ok for her husbando to reject her for a fictional woman, but it is ok for him to reject her for a fictional man. because men don't make her feel "insecure" or whatever.

No. 1973654

why would a man make feel insecure? also i didn't say anything about cucking. i don't see men as women, a man fucking a man is not the same as a man fucking a woman. one is a fantasy, the other one feels a bit more personal cause it could be me in the place of that woman, but it's another woman who is better than me

No. 1973655

she explained it already. It's her fantasy why do you care if she wants to see her husbando with another moid.

No. 1973657

>a man fucking a man is not the same as a man fucking a woman. one is a fantasy, the other one feels a bit more personal
so a man couldn't be gay and reject you in real life? ok
because this is a thread for discussing things of that nature

No. 1973658

and being a woman makes you better by default than a man, but other women can be better than you if that makes sense

No. 1973659

maybe it could happen but what are the chances? all the good looking men i met irl were straight and my gaydar works too well

No. 1973661

the chances of a man rejecting me for another man are extremely low so i don't understand why any women would even think about this scenario, unless they like flaming men with a lisp?

No. 1973662

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The root of the mental illness behind this entire discourse is the inability to separate reality from fiction.

No. 1973663

Ntayrt but ketamine exists and gay men love it. So rejection doesn’t matter after all

No. 1973664

>inability to separate reality from fiction.
The root of this all started when you fujos started calling everyone "homophobic" who didn't submit to your fagshit

No. 1973668

>boyxboy don't like don't read!!!

No. 1973670

Wish you were gay by billie eilish actually explains this situation very well. I wish you didn't like me because of your sexual orientation, not because I'm simply not your type or not enough. If he's gay you can't feel insecure cause he only has eyes for men anyway, but if you're not his type that means there's something wrong with your appearance or personality not your gender

No. 1973672

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Ffs it's not even hard to find bl that talks about this. Not everyone likes seeing enemas so obviously it's going to be done offscreen, how is that unreasonable? A lot even do hour to month long timeskips alluding to characters "preparing both emotionslly and physically in order to have safe sex". Do you seriously need to see dudes shit every time?

No. 1973675

File: 1713697724497.png (160.82 KB, 436x449, 1710252510331.png)

> paladinboo antifujo pickme from the moid farms. Claims feminism turned women into fujos and that all women have a rape fetish
>was recently banned from kiwiscrotefarms for sperging on null
>soon after the antifujo sperging began
> same old sperging points lesbian fetish,psuedo women and intense tif hatred

No. 1973676

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And there is literally BL that does show it. Picrel.
in an absolutely disgusting way

No. 1973677

so it's really about not being able to suffer the pain of rejection due to one's personal traits rather than sexuality. "he's just gay he wouldn't like me anyway so there's no real rejection" is a cope basically. some RPF shippers do this with actual male celebrities

No. 1973680

thats whole vn was kinda digusting to be honest

No. 1973681

reminds me of kpopfags

No. 1973683

Disgusting but good. Just wish the ryona aspect had been similarly developed. but I'm a huge fan of ending A

No. 1973685

It may be a cope to you but why does it matter? I feel like only women who are used to be the center of attention all the time feel offended by gay men cause they're the only men they can't seduce.

No. 1973687

tbh it's just poop i don't feel a need for it to ever be portrayed in bl but if a writers is going the 'realistic bl' route they might as well do it properly. i could never see it as a fetish like the rn9 writer does but the rest of the game made me feel sick, that part was just kind of whatever.

No. 1973688

And it's also why some of you try to make gay men seem worse than straight men, cause straight men are simps and idolize you and can be romanced while gay men act like catty mean girls. But if you're used to be the rejected one you quickly realize that straight men are just as mean and heartless and bitchy

No. 1973689

Why do I feel like this is the blackpillschizo that always spams the antifujo threads

No. 1973693

Idk who is that I'm just saying it as it is

No. 1973694

Because you're obsessed and would fuck her(infight bait)

No. 1973695

Ok so it's definitely you, thanks for confirming

No. 1973696

>feel offended by gay men cause they're the only men they can't seduce.
That's a weird thing to say

No. 1973698

It's true why else would they defend their nigel who is just as bad but shit on gay men who live a complete different life?

No. 1973699

What are you talking about?

No. 1973701

Can't you read?

No. 1973709

this argument never made sense to me, this isnt exclusive to yaoi. do you think they include this in straight anal hentai? no they just treat it like vaginal sex too

No. 1973710

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I stay away from this thread for a few hours and come back to you guys talking about being rejected by gays? Feels like a new low

No. 1973712

At least it's a funner discussion than the bait posting.

No. 1973714

Yeah, it was really weird.

No. 1973724

>rejected by gays
every anti-fujo needs an origin story

No. 1973732

fujos are the ones saying they'd "rather be rejected by gays" because it doesn't reflect on their sexual attractiveness against other women kek >>1973670 and then saying "women hate gay men because they "don't simp over women" >>1973688 and because "those women are used to being the center of attention all the time" >>1973685 . kinda sounds to me like gays to fujos are their haha gotcha "revenge" against sexually attractive women who are deemed more desirable by straight men and thus actual threats tbh, possibly to assuage the shame of having been rejected by straight men in favor of those same women in the past >>1973677

No. 1973747

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No. 1973755

Then becoming a fujo is expected. It's a form of rebellion. It's either that or 1.deluding yourself that you're attractive enough for your husbando to want to date you or 2.acknowledge that you're inferior and become a handmaiden to attractive women

No. 1973760

>deluding yourself that you're attractive enough for your husbando to want to date you
By the same logic fujos who ship canonically straight characters or real life straight men are also deluding themselves. And why should we give a shit either way really? Why is that a problem?

No. 1973766

I can't relate to this logic at all

No. 1973774

but who cares if your husbando most likely wouldn't date you irl? like duh hes fictional, so who gives a fuck?

No. 1973780

This sounds misogynistic for some reason, also
>Being a fujo is a form of rebellion
Kek why are you guys so ridiculous?

No. 1973793

I can't believe imaginary rejection is something people think about when shipping or self-shipping. It's bizarre. Imagine not deluding yourself into believing your husbando or OTP would be madly in love with you.
Anyways, the 'cuck' accusation anons throw around is hilarious because it doesn't land. Cuckholding is incredibly male, it relies on their obsession for hierarchy and oedipal complexes. 'Voyeur' would be more accurate but it isn't degrading enough for them i guess

No. 1973798

omg who tf cares about who ~dates~ a fictional man or not? having a husbando is yume shit to begin with. i just wanna see a man be dominated to the point of tears and het will never give me that

No. 1973801

I wish I could hire a team of psychologists to analyze these threads. There are mental illnesses yet to be described by science in here.

No. 1973808

>i just wanna see a man be dominated to the point of tears and het will never give me that
Who the hell wants to see a moid doing moid things to another moid? Bleh, male on male violence is a mundane thing as men are always killing and raping each other for dumb reasons, I would be pissed off if it was yet another comic of a moid being violent instead of a based female being violent, can't even stand the sight of rapeapes unless it's me or another woman beating them up

No. 1973809

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I don't get whose even arguing for what anymore.

No. 1973812

>i just wanna see a man be dominated to the point of tears and het will never give me that
be the change you want to see in the world nonnas

No. 1973813

Issue with femdom is that sometimes it's hard to find one's that aren't completely objectifying the woman rather than the guy.
What's the point if the male has no face? Or the ones where it's tagged as femdom but it's actually a switch, those suck.

No. 1973816

In the event that fujos have a spouse or boyfriend, I'm curious in the nature of their relationship. Do their partners know about what they're into?

No. 1973820

Me either. Maybe nonnies finally let it out all of their system and we can go back to using this website normally.

No. 1973823

pretending that a woman can subjugate a man to the extent that another man can will not fix het romance

No. 1973826

i talk to my husband pretty often about my fujo interests and he watched maybe half of bang bravern with me and we had some really funny discussion. he even knows my primary interests is ryona. we've been together 10 years and sex has even gotten better in the last 2 years since i switched up my birth control so i would say it hasn't had any negative impact on our relationship. i think it would be worse for your intimacy overall to hide something like this from your partner, tho most men arent ready to hear their wife's whump fantasies

No. 1973829

No one asked about your sex life retard. Why do hets always do this unprovoked

No. 1973832

did you miss the part where someone did ask? or maybe you missed the part where it was under a spoiler and no one made you look. sorry i forgot to
>TW: mentions of het sex!! dont like dont read!!

No. 1973836

Um, anon? What does your bc have to do with whether your bf knows you're a fujo?
my bf and i met in the ace attorney fandom and he ships wrightworth i mean so does everyone, but still

No. 1973837

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>bang bravern
>primary interests is ryona.
Isami sis

No. 1973839

not part of this discussion but every man i crushed on turned out to be gay or at least heavily rumored as such, and they weren't the flaming type so i had no idea until either they or someone else mentioned it. even on LC the men i find attractive are constantly called "gayfaced"

No. 1973841

>bf also ships m/m
if it ends poorly…. there were signs

No. 1973843

lmao yeah as anon said don't overlook those lowlow signs nona

No. 1973844

>hey does your partner know you’re a fujo?
>ya. anyway we have the BEST sex lyfe lately!!! together for 40 years btw and did i tell you he has a HUGE PENIS? lmaooo

No. 1973846

NTA, but women can be fujos without being attracted to men, but when men are into mlm ships–he's probably attracted to men? What is the math of different ships to a person's sexuality? I must have missed something.

No. 1973848

poor nona has the gay men taste

No. 1973850

yes but phoenix/edgeworth is like the most milquetoast mainstream m/m pairing ever

No. 1973852

the point is buttsex involving a real dick and women don't have dicks

No. 1973855

I'd say it depends on how into it somebody is. Self insertion is a red flag but shipping them like shipping any couple should be normal, no?
Like with Bravern, it's so obvious that men would have to be in denial not to see them attracted to each other.

No. 1973856

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You see, women liking lesbian ships is in no way indicative of being attracted to women but when women and men like gay ships it means they must be sexually attracted to moids. Because only sexual attraction to men is real.

No. 1973862

how could a woman even dominate a man in this way without resorting to pegging or ryona kek. m/f sex is so stacked to give the man pleasure that it’s kekky to think you could ever achieve a m/m dynamic with femaledom or whatever

No. 1973866

Paladinboo, the yuripedocoomer and Paki-chan. What a stellar cast of characters.

No. 1973869

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why did fujos have such a visceral reaction if anyone ever depicted Will Graham as straight? like I remember it seemed to set them off for some reason.

No. 1973870

Nobody flipped out on it, it's just boring. He's already being mentally tortured in canon by a cannibal psychopath, what's better than that?

No. 1973871

It's just typical fans getting possessive over their favorite characters. Just like that anon who said she was a fujo because seeing her husbando shipped with a female character would make her jealous, I guess fujos are possessive of Will Graham.

No. 1973872

They tend to screech about anything that goes against their mental illness

No. 1973873

Now, stop projecting.

No. 1973913

The anon she replied to literally asked, learn to read jfc

No. 1973920

My tinfoil is that this is because you can transform into Hugh Dancy pretty easily with testosterone shots. Either that or the creators put meth in the screens when they made Hannibal because its been abandoned for the better part of a decade and STILL people are clinging to Will Graham like their life depends on it.

No. 1973929

>Either that or the creators put meth in the screens when they made Hannibal
I kekked. definitely true. at this rate it's gonna be a cult classic

No. 1973931

I feel like a lot of "x female reader" would be more in the I can save him/I understand him variety on account of the story so it's pretty understandable that people would go "what are you doing?? Dont save him, you're supposed to let him drown!"
I guess there could also be serial killer oc, but hard to write that without being cringey in general.

No. 1973932

Same.. You're not alone nona

My bf is a fudanshi and i'm a fujo/himejo (i know kek). I knew he liked some m/m ships but i really realized it when i found BL manga in his childhood bedroom. It's just a little plus when it comes to our shared anime/manga interests. We sometimes watch yaoibait sports anime and BL movies. We like to joke about our headcanons for characters and come up with silly scenarios. I was actually pretty timid about it in the beginning of our relationship. He once called me a fujo casually and i got really mad because the word was tainted by overexposure to older moids and their hatred for BL (fujo= stupid little female fan). I wasn't ashamed of my interest but the term had become so negative it made me weird. I'm over that now. Anyhow, i think a nigel supporting your fandom activities is the bare minimum, shipping or husbando/waifu or else. Moids' discomfort with it is the mark of childish, hateful disgust for female sexuality. Blog over

No. 1973934

aigo thats sounds really cute anon

No. 1973937

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Christ, what on earth happened while I was away? I can't follow this convo anymore at all. Who dumped cocaine into the water supply?

No. 1973942

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It's simple.

No. 1973943

Probably because Hannibal is one of the very few shows that features a canon M/M pairing that is as drenched in drama and angst as it is. There's pretty much no equivalent to Hannigram in TV shows, but plotlines featuring nice girls fixing emotionally incompetent sadboy autists are a dime a dozen, so it just is boring to most people. Besides, the notion of Will Graham falling for a woman who is good for him is already narratively explored and thoroughly rejected twice over. If there are women who basically want to be a female Hannibal and ruin his life, that's different, but usually those HCs are just women wanting to be Alana. I think they should do whatever they want, fandom is for imagination after all, but it seems like barking up the wrong tree to expect people to go for this when Hannigram was confirmed to be endgame and the whole show is about them being obsessed with each other.

No. 1973945

I think it was laced with fentanyl

No. 1973950

Your "fudanshi" bf will either come out as bi or a tranny (assuming he isnt already bisexual and you're omitting the fact)

No. 1973952


No. 1973954

Since when does anyone care about canon tho?

No. 1973955

>man into yuri is a tranny
>man into yaoi is a tranny

Damn, where are we supposed to source our nigels?

No. 1973958

apparently the from the incels who are into ecchi, harem romance

No. 1973961

Silly, you're supposed to be a celibate radfem

No. 1973962

My point is that it's hard to come by fujobait that ends up being validated. Hannigram was ambiguously teased for a very long time, and the shippers were often derided for reading too far into it (as they always are). So the creator confirming that yes, it was on purpose, yes, they were meant to be a couple, and yes, they were going to date if s4 had aired, was massive vindication. Fujos are forced to live delusionally off of crumbs and are thus extremely protective when they are given a whole meal.

No. 1973965

>wasting time on 3dpd when 2d is perfect
That explains fujo brain damage

No. 1973969

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>>1973961(no kpop allowed)

No. 1973970

you're not a real fujo if you're interested in dating men, especially not 3d ones

No. 1973973

not everyone wants to stay a virgin retard

No. 1973974

Nta but there is a yuri-to-mtf pipeline… See the mtf thread

No. 1973977

feel free to be a whore just don't call yourself a fujoshi(baiting/infighting)

No. 1973979

Fuck outta here with that true Scotsman shit. Who died and made you fujo Queen?

No. 1973980

Nice bait.

No. 1973984

No. 1973990

There’s something hilarious about the fujos ITT saying they consoom faggotry to epicly own da evil moids while turning around and getting comfy in bed with them in real life

No. 1973995

>you can transform into Hugh Dancy pretty easily with testosterone shots
Uh, no the fuck you can't? The only thing T shots turn you into is a hairy chick who smells worse.

No. 1973998

being a fujo is about enjoying two guys dating eachother, not you dating them or did i miss something?

just because you disagree with something doesn't make it bait. have fun reporting me cockbreath(infighting)

No. 1974001

He is bi, i omitted it but it's expected for a male yaoifag. I doubt he'll troon out though, he doesn't care for yuri at all, really dislikes transbians and avoids them in his hobbies etc. I understand your suspicion but i know enough bi men who only like yaoi/het to accept it's a thing. I find that they're slightly less retarded than their yurifag counterparts, too

No. 1974002

hahaha damn youre fucked anon

No. 1974003

Holy shit, when are you going to get it through your thick skull that fujoshis are not a hivemind? Most are straight, some aren't. Some are celibate, most are not. The anons saying they want to "own the moids," aren't the same anons talking about their Nigels. Do you honestly think that all of the fujos in this thread are one person? That hand-schizo, the girl bragging about her Nigel, and the celibate radfem fujos are all one extremely bizarre person false-flagging or being a hypocrite? Get a fucking grip and learn to socialize with other human beings, Christ.

No. 1974008

I'm glad you have someone who shares your interests, Nona. Don't let the puritans ITT get you down.

No. 1974014

Yes, a fujo is a person who enjoys fiction depicting romance between two men. It's just a fandom. Nothing about that requires that you not date real life people, ffs. Some of you guys really need to leave the house.

No. 1974020

>He is bi
KEK, my condolences

No. 1974023

>dates a guy with shitdick
Fujos are such sad beings

No. 1974025

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At this point I'm less interested in what drives fujos (or anti-fujos) than what drives the fixation with the topic in this particular site. Is it really just a few obessed anons fighting each other in every thread or is it something about the site culture that fosters the constant sperging?

No. 1974028

>he's bi
I can't even laugh at you, I truly feel bad for and I pray you don't have children with him.

No. 1974029

I’m so sorry

No. 1974033

By this logic, anyone who's ever changed a baby has shithands. Do you not understand the concept of soap?

No. 1974036

i feel like its the antifujos that are actually driving the conversation, because they have their own containment thread to hate on yaoi/fujoism but they branch out so that they can continue to poke the bear in other threads. ignoring fujos is far more effective for stifling the debate than telling them to shut up. the psyche behind why they cant ignore it is wrapped up in their toxic view of female sexuality.

No. 1974037

Going off of the bans that happened on fujocoomer cringe im speculating it works something like this
>A small number of giga-autists from both sides make up 80% of the shit flinging (mental asylum candidates)
>Anons who see the extreme autist-on-autist fighting coming in to either drop their 2 cents or post bait to encourage the infighting are like 20% of the posts

No. 1974038

Why the fuck would you start talking about your jigel in a thread like this?
>inb4 someone asked
You should know better

No. 1974042

There is no amount of soap on this earth that can cleanse the disease ridden spirit of a bisexual moid

No. 1974044

please be careful. you know bi men are fucking petri dish guttersnipe whores. you dont want burning pee and funky smell sister you really dont. several anons have made that same mistake before you. booty bandits are the fucking worst and 99% of them eventually cheat. say no to e.coli dick.

No. 1974046

kek nta but this made me crack up

No. 1974048

I know you were just answering but. Bringing up your moid on lolcow dot farm is a terrible idea. The kind of replies you’re getting could’ve been seen coming from miles.

No. 1974050

NTAYRT but didn't an anon here once tell a story about her friend contracting an infection because of her bisexual moid doing anal in the past? The bacteria from his ex-girlfriends anus managed to get and stay on his dick, which broke out in his new girlfriend and made her need a hospital visit. With that in mind, I dont think it's fair to compare bisexual moids to just changing a baby's diaper. One of those two things are way more gross and risky, and it's not the diaper.

No. 1974051

They do, they're just bitter jealous pussylickers.

No. 1974059

is this really how fujos think? how sad. now i understand why people say you guys have low self esteem

No. 1974060

To be fair most het males are pornsick/into anal, or are unknowing HPV carriers (males are asymptomatic but will induce precancer to women) so dating any kind of male at all puts you at risk (and he will most likely have practiced straight anal anyway). Bi males are shitdicks, hetmales are smegma ridden cancerdicks AND shitdicks. I hope none of the people nagging bimoid nona are having sex with any men at all, HPV is infinitely more dangerous and has lifelong consequences than an UTI.

You say it like licking pussy is bad. Anyone who acts like interacting with genital areas is irredeemable or automatically unclean is retarded and shouldn’t be having sex.

No. 1974064

>The bacteria from his ex-girlfriends anus managed to get and stay on his dick
For that long, after showering continuously and not seeing a sign of infection? I don't buy it

No. 1974066

anti-fujos from what i've seen are mostly lesbians who are tired of fake lesbians claiming to be fujo lesbians, from what i gather. fujos are more common however, because they're all straight/bi women, as the fujoanons have embarrassingly made obvious already in this thread, but some of them lie about being lesbian or asexual because they don't want to get involved with 3dpd moids, which can't blame them but still don't lie about your sexuality

No. 1974067

Agreed. Sounds like he was fucking someone else in the ass recently.

No. 1974069

File: 1713724638124.jpg (11.61 KB, 275x199, 1658342006142.jpg)

>too unattractive for your husbando to want you
Holy shit, is this faggot serious? It's a husbando, just use the creativity of your mind to create a pocket dimension where you have the circumstances and chemistry to be together. Did that anon really imply that there's such a thing as being too ugly for a moid that is meant to be of a fantasy doesn't even exist? Holy shit, imagine feeling insecure for a man that doesn't exist. This reminds me of that other anon who had a mental breakdown because she saw fanart of her husbando with someone else. What in the autistic Hell is going on?

No. 1974071

Why do fujos seethe at lesbians unprovoked

No. 1974077

It's pure mental illness anon. I sympathize, some yumes have such low self-esteem that they can't even let themselves succeed in fantasy.

No. 1974080

As a fujo, I also hope these failed yumes get better soon and write the het romance they want instead of clogging up BL spaces

No. 1974093

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No. 1974099

I've heard of women getting HIV from bisexual men. They are a HIGH RISK group for a reason. Don't compromise your health for some raggedy ass dick that has been God knows where and inside God knows what. I'm straight up homophobic against men idgaf.

No. 1974100

It was made by the same company that made Euphoria, it's kind of expected that it'd be disgusting to be fair.

No. 1974108

Yeah, what did lesbians ever do to you nona

No. 1974128

Why do yaoi fans create more art than yumes? Objectively they're more creative.

No. 1974132

If no one's cooking for you, you learn how to make your own food

No. 1974134

Doesn't the Twisted Wonderland yume tag have more fanworks than the BL tag on Pixiv

No. 1974143

Samefagging nevermind, I went to go check again and the yume tag has a lot of fan fiction which causes the numbers to be a lot higher than the fujo tag kek I guess yumes write more fanfic

No. 1974148

A few anons are still really mad about the cringe thread. That’s literally it.

No. 1974153

Why do LC fujos care so much about yumes? It's something I don't think I've seen anywhere else. Surely there might sometimes be ship war type things with self self shippers in specific fandoms but that's different from caring about them in general. It comes off as a one sided beef.

No. 1974155

They want a group to project their notorious reputation for being cringe onto

No. 1974158

One day the fujos, yumes, and himejos will live together in wa-harmony

No. 1974159

Here's a question I have. If you're a fujo for shipping M/M and a himejo for shipping F/F and a yumejo for shipping YN/M(or F). What do you call someone who ships M/F?

No. 1974160

>Are lesbian fujoshi actually a thing?
I guess it depends on the person and how they read their yaois. Being into fictional moids is still being into moids in my book. Idc what they identify as as long as they let me fawn over my waifus in peace.
>Why do fujos look at, draw and talk about yaoi together, while moids who enjoy hentai do so completely alone in their gooncaves?
Wrong, moids have been forming communities around their porn since a long time and they're extremely autistic about it
>Are women who enjoy "male character with chopped tits and/or a vag" actually fujoshi? If not, what are they?
Fujo or not, they are brainwashed by the gendercult.

No. 1974161

A normalfag

No. 1974163

No. 1974169

I don’t care for anime shit but I like my western video game / tv show / movie etc m/m fics or art. I’m uuuuhhh a slasher (?) and not a fujo right? Grew up on those sweet sweet drarry fics translated to my native language since I didn’t know English yet.

No. 1974172

There are weebs elitists on this site but there's really not much distinction between fujos and slashers outside of eastern and western inclinations.

No. 1974190

I wonder how many people trashing you have straight Nigels kek

No. 1974193

F/M content is also used as a proxy for self/M content, especially by insecure women. I think there are a lot of women who like both M/M and F/M content, though there is definitely an intolerance among pure fujos for those who also enjoy self/M or F/M content. I got banned from fc for saying that I prefer BL where men get abused by gay moids so I can ship them with women who save them from bad M/M relationships. When will straights stop being oppressed?

No. 1974211

>Are lesbian fujoshi actually a thing?
Not sure. The 'character written by woman = not quite male' theory makes sense. Many lesbofujos really give off major bisexual in denial vibes though. I can't quite explain why i feel it but it seems common, they often nervously hint at their actual sexuality like your usual bi-in-denial. Many seem to be lesbian-leaning bis so i get why they just simplify it with 'i'm a lesbian fujo', i just wonder why some cling to the label well into their 20s/30s. It's not like a drop of heterosexuality in fiction cancels out same-sex preference. It's hard to believe the ones who never ship f/f or don't have any waifu.

No. 1974213

I genuinely think they're just heterosexual women who hate males and psyop-ed themselves into believing they're attracted to women.

No. 1974217

1) This has nothing to do with this thread
2) "Some anon said her friend told her x" is not a reliable source
3) If this woman's Nigel had e coli on his dick, that's clearly an issue with his hygiene specifically

Statistically, most "bisexuals" are in straight relationships and have been with more people of the opposite sex. A lot of gay men refuse to date/sleep with bi men. The vast majority of bisexual men do not have HIV, and it's rarer with each successive generation. The majority of gay/bisexual men under 40 with HIV in the U.S. today are those who grew up in densely populated, impoverished urban areas with poor sex education. Monkeypox affected the same demographic. Unless you decide to date a bisexual guy from the projects, your suburban ass is not going to contract HIV. HIV is also way less likely to he transmitted via PIV than it is through anal because the microtearing associated with anal gives the vector direct exposure to the bloodstream.

TLDR, mind your own damn business and let anon date whoever she wants. She's an adult, I'm sure she understands the risks associated.

No. 1974219

You’re completely right, but nonas with straight Nigels and anti-fujos are gonna seethe at this lol

No. 1974220

You don't lose all personality and start exclusively enjoying smooth jazz and IKEA the second you turn 30, anon. A lot of people still enjoy the same music, movies, etc., that they first got into as teenagers.

No. 1974221

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>Nigel discussion
You people just cannot keep your business to yourselves in any fucking thread, can you?

No. 1974223

I assume some do it for the same reason some transition, to avoid fetishizing accusations, like 'it's fine I like gay media because I'm gay too, I like queer stories'.

No. 1974224

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I absolutely love the idea of a female Hannibal character, but you don't even really see other male characters like Hannibal either.
The average yandere type found in most BL (and even het stuff) feels too one dimensional and simplistic to capture/be compared to what was going on between Will and Hannibal. As you said, they really delivered a masterful course of slow burning drama and emotions that's incredibly rare to see in canon m/m relationships.
Also, I can only assume it's a lot harder to write another character like Hannibal, male OR female, than it is to write a nice savior/fixer character (which is why you see so many more Alana/Molly HCs on that side of things).

No. 1974225

This is definitely the motivation for some of the younger, more terminally online ones, yeah.

No. 1974229

Are fujos really going to die on the defending disgusting "bi" slut moids hill?

No. 1974230

I do not give a rat's ass about that thread, especially because it isn't even very active. This thread was created as a containment because people kept derailing the fandom drama thread with fujo vs. anti fujo sperging. I have no idea why people weren't just content to hash this nonsense out in the fujo cringe thread, but here we are.

No. 1974232

I'm just one person, you sped. I don't speak on behalf of all fujos. We are not a hivemind for the millionth goddamn time.

No. 1974236

>hash this nonsense out in the fujo cringe thread
It's not for 'hashing things out' anon, it's for posting cringe. It's not a discussion thread, only allowed to discuss cringe.

No. 1974237

I suspect women generally(!) just don't masturbrate on their technically pornography all that much, not just fujos.
KEK you're right.
They want to fight. One of them is blackpill-chan apparently, and they love to fight. Found a new way to do it.

No. 1974239

Ntayrt but no one wants poop in their pussy. A bisexual man is attracted to anything with a hole and gets hard at tranny porn. I can't even letting something that filthy inside of me. My body is a temple. The type of bi who's cute and exclusively a bottom won't lay with a woman. You just get the sexual opportunists. Most men are "bi" but don't identify as such because they didn't have to go prison gay yet or simply don't need brownie diversity points. It's not that we don't find the cutie effeminate bi guys attractive, we just know they're like Kinsey 5's.

No. 1974243

A few anons were mad enough to post their own hand and derail for hours and it does get derailed regularly even though the threads relatively slow otherwise.

No. 1974248

The farmhand said it was legit only 3 people ripping into eachother yesterday so I'm suspecting this thread is a similar situation where 90% of the fighting in relation to the fujo stuff is the work of a handful of schizos. We need to start ignoring them.

No. 1974249

Samefag but they're taking advantage of the anonymity to make this seem much bigger than it actually is

No. 1974251

Fair. And yes, you're right. Some seem to think this is some sort of flame war >>1973502 or something, not just a fun site to laugh at cows.

No. 1974256

antifujos are huge cows so it's really funny to milk them.

No. 1974266

I think they meant just 3 people derailing the thread since they seemed to be the only bans.

No. 1974267

this, I mean, do whatever you want but your het headcanon is boring, you could find the same dynamics in thousands of stories and in general isnt a kind of psyop for women the "I could fix him" thing?

No. 1974270

I'd love to know how much of this thread is people pretending to be like 3 anons at once and making some kind of gay little larp of multiple characters defending or attacking a post. Like for example this >>1972928 is just funny OC and paints both sides as girl autism, but it still got three replies going after its use of the word shota.

No. 1974274

It's two anti-fujos(pakichan and the pedo yurifag) and a bunch of fujos milking them for laughs. They are obviously the same 2 retards going back and forth between schizoing about how yaoi is just heterosexuality with extra steps and how they want to see yaoi with enemas and poop.

No. 1974279

Again, soap is a thing. Don't date moids with bad hygiene if you don't want poop in your vagina. Also, straight men put their dicks in women's asses all the time, so only dating straight men is no guarantee that your guy won't have a "poopy dick."

Why are anti-fujos and homophobes (not saying they're the same thing) so obsessed with poop? You guys talk about the poop aspect of anal more than any fujo, moid, or actual person who has anal sex ever does.

No. 1974288

Fujos always say "eww 3dpd gay men" but the moment someone is disgusted with real faggot anal sex, which always involves poop, you leap to their defense and cry "HOMOPHOBEEE" because of your FETISH for actual, irl 3D gay moids. That's why you're obsessed with "bisexual" men and you're a fujo, you prob think you're the only woman he'd ever go straight for, and would be ok with him cheating on you with a dude but not another woman, because that would make you feel insecure. Kek(baiting/infighting)

No. 1974290

Ignore this >>1974288 retard.(infighting)

No. 1974292

fujos aren't a monolith

No. 1974296

Just report the retard who’s back from being banned from the cringe thread and ignore.

No. 1974300

I don't date men, anon. I was speaking generally.

No. 1974309

Lolcows probably the only other place besides fujochan where you can air ones grievance with yumejos
Cringe thread had a farmhand confirm it was only a handful of people going at it so these threads are basically just their thunderdome

No. 1974451

why in the world would anyone be jealous of someone dating turbo cheating closet cases? bi moids have all the worst traits of gay AND straight men at the same time, there's literally no upsides whatsoever

No. 1974463

Yeah, farmhand said it was just 3 people derailing to shit up/bait the thread. How retards find the time I’ll never know.

No. 1974468

>mind your own damn business
>when the OP made her business public for everyone to read
Every time. Every single time on the internet (and even irl sometimes) it's always the oversharing retards telling others to "mind their own business" kek

No. 1974469

the self esteem of some women is in the gutter for thinking that is fine. its embarrasing. they just dont gaf about poopy dick with a dash of mobkeypox dont they. i would never treat my vag like a charity case.

No. 1974474

File: 1713750569798.png (378.57 KB, 1825x772, Vent-Thread-212.png)

samefag but i also feel it's very important for every nonna to read this (but they'll probably claim it's made up even though it's a common occurrence outside the internet)

No. 1974481

you guys still claiming the yuripedo was ''bait'' when it was proven to be an antifujo from the /g/ lesbian thread?

No. 1974484

Dating a straight man might mean you’ll end up with a “lesbian” AGP who wants to weaponize his “identity” to strictly sleep with women. Dating a bi male might mean you’ll end up with an anal freak who wants to get piped down by other trannies. This is all avoidable by dating men overall, that’s the common denominator with MTFs, maleness.

No. 1974529

i wish they'd just get corralled to /g/. i've whined about this in vent about a million times but it's just so goddamn annoying, how retarded must you be to date any modern moid. if he isn't a 10/10 chad visually then what's the point, he jerks off to disgusting porn and he doesn't see you as an entire human being despite what he may claim. his hobbies are probably like camping and vidya. let it go

No. 1974604

I find this hyper-paternalistic attitude contradictory to the basic feminist principle that women are responsible enough to make decisions about their own sex lives. Also, you're not going to get monkeypox from your spicy straight Nigel who lies about being bisexual for woke clout.

No. 1974609

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I have a genuine question for fujishi itt
Do you feel horny when reading yaoi? I just can't wrap my head around it. I did watch some yaoi when I was 13-14 and inexperienced with anything sexual so I did find it interesting but now as an adult many years later it just doesn't do it for me. Like maybe it could be cute or sum but I'm not interested enough to find out. And do you also watch hetero content (not just anime)? If you watch both is it a different kind of horny?

No. 1974611

#2 of this dumbass and shitty thread, let's go!

No. 1974616

>Do you feel horny when reading yaoi?
yeah, cute boys are cute
> And do you also watch hetero content (not just anime)?
i tried getting into het content but it's all beta shit for submissive pickmes

No. 1974619

What is the definition for horny here? If it's any sort of physical reaction in the body the answer is no. If it's "do I find this visually appealing?" then yes. I do read het content but not erotic stuff.

No. 1974620

You just sound like a porn addict, I'm sorry if it comes around as mean but i don't know how to end this sentence.

No. 1974621

for what, for saying i like cute boys?

No. 1974623

Me, yeah, sometimes. Just like with het there are some that are hot, some that are nonsexual fluff, and some that are serious.
I watch het the same way. Percentage wise, there's more plot than smut.

No. 1974625

Yes, but I don't masturbate to it. The sexual relationship is just one component of the romance between the characters. I really like enemies-to-lovers, which works really well in m/m fiction but feels unhealthy and rapey in straight fiction due to the inherent power imbalance between men and women.
There are straight love stories and ships I enjoy. I liked the straight romance in Kuragehime, for instance. I don't find straight stuff as erotic, mostly just cute or enjoyable. Hope that makes sense.

No. 1974628

Liking boys is verboten by the Sister Superior of the Lolcor Cathedral, nona. You get fifty raps on the knuckles and have to wear a hair shirt as penance.

No. 1974630

if liking cute boys is a sin see ya all in hell nonnies

No. 1974698

Question to fujos, what do you think a non-fujo should do to engage in a fandom without having to encounter fujo stuff? Are you able to talk about a fandom without it turning into mlm ships or are you there strictly for the fujo/porn aspects of it?
I'm put off by fujo (or any sexual) stuff but I have close fujo friends and it saddens me that we can't share things from my favorite fandoms we're both in. They seemingly have no interest at all in the "normal" aspects of it and they get bored talking about canon because it doesn't support their ships. Some go into an absolute rage just from seeing their favorite ship in the "wrong" dynamic so to ask non-fujos to "just accept it lol" isn't fair when you can't even do it yourselves.

No. 1974703

Kill herself(infight bait)

No. 1974707

cant you make your own antifujo support group?

No. 1974723

Source other than the baiter claiming to be that anon after g anon was specifically mentioned as probably who they were pretending to be?

No. 1974724

Install neuralink.

No. 1974725

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I masturbate to both yaoi and regular straight porn. Whenever I finish to straight content, I feel a horrid sense of self-awareness contaminated by a sickly feeling. This is probably because most straight porn involves some form of self-degradation involving women (even if it’s not easily recognisable because it’s so normalised). On the other hand, when I finish to yaoi, I couldn’t be happier. Best wanks of my life, hands down. I leap out of bed with a smile on my face after spending the last 20 or so minutes fantasising about men going through the most humiliating, degrading, horrifying sexual ordeal known to man. Super refreshing and incredibly fun. In conclusion, yaoi is better for my mental and sexual health kek

No. 1974733

So you admit you like and crave the humiliating and degrading parts of porn, you just don't want it to happen to females? It's so hard to relate when I have a low libido so I will just never get why people like porn to begin with, but it just sounds like you're into the same thing as the moids who create straight porn but that bothers you so you have to kind of distance yourself and pretend it's not the same by making it all males?

Or a VERY tinfoil theory is that maybe it's part of natural selection, women want to see who the strongest man is so she can mate with him herself, and part of that means he has to show himself beating up and dominating other men so you pick him over them lol

No. 1974741

ayrt i'm not even anti-fujo though

No. 1974745

NTA but men aren't getting raped, humilliated and abused IRL. They are also stronger and they are built to die in war and withstand pain. If a man can't stand a few whippings and stab wounds then maybe he should just go kill himself, he's clearly not strong enough to call himself a man.

No. 1974763

As someone who's a lore enthusiast and enjoys several ships in my fandom, I don't think there's anything you can do in such a case. It saddens me too when people can only talk about their ships, but clearly any attempts at getting such people to talk about anything else are wasted. I personally don't understand fans who just need to have their ships canon and twist themselves into pretzels to show "proof" that they are, but I just put it down to lack of majurity whether the person in question is an actual minor or a 40+ super fan. I just block and mute very liberally these day.

No. 1974771

AYRT interesting tinfoil, except for the fact that I would never let any of the moids I fantasise about abusing put their dicks anywhere near me. I’m very strict about seme and uke labels. That said, I never fantasise about the semes abusing me either. Nor do I feel any compulsion to. The whole fantasy thing is completely detached from myself, like playing with hypothetical barbie dolls (but horny).

No. 1974818

>woman into anime are smarter, more knowledgeable and nuanced with more interest in deeper themes than others
im sorry but literally what?

No. 1974819

>They seemingly have no interest at all in the "normal" aspects of it and they get bored talking about canon because it doesn't support their ships. Some go into an absolute rage just from seeing their favorite ship in the "wrong" dynamic
Is this an issue with newer fujos? I wonder
That weirds me out because usually women into anime are smarter, more knowledgeable and nuanced with more interest in deeper themes than others

No. 1974820

Than other fans, like male fans. Male fans like shit in a very superficial way

No. 1974821

Sorry I'm ESL and I just woke up I tend to word things very retardedly when this happens kek

No. 1974823

ngl many women into animes also only like shit in a very superficial way. some weeb women just like certain animes because of the hot guys.

No. 1974836

Girl get over yourself, anime is just media like any other. Not better or worse, just different. Liking it doesn't make you more intellectual kek

No. 1974881

Stop hanging out with people under 21, for starters. The older someone gets, the less likely they are to fixate on shipping.

No. 1974997

i only want het content if i want to mindlessly coom. bl is more eroticism and visual interest for me. i don’t self insert in either case

No. 1975006

It's just sexy schadenfreude m, don't overthink it.

No. 1975011

Can only coom to het too, but I always self insert as the guy. I think I'm a lesbian

No. 1975070

men have used coercion and violence against women for literal millennia because they designated women as desirable and legitimate objects of male control. to be blunt, it sounds like you're just self inserting into the non-cucked position in porn.

No. 1975088

If by cucked you mean submissive, then I don't think that's why. I have self-inserted onto the submissive female in lesbian shit, it's just I'm not attracted to guys at all, so I don't like yaoi or self-insert as the female in hetshit. If it's het, I self insert as the guy. If it's yuri, then there's no problem and I like both. I only said I think I'm a lesbian rather than that I actually am one because I'm a virgin.

No. 1975204

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No. 1975206

the only thing i dont really agree with is the antifujos hating men. usually they are the ones advocating for het over BL. they are also the only ones who argue "yaoi harms men" as a negative and not a positive

No. 1975212

This sounds like a genderspecial retard sperging about other genderspecial retards, but it does encapsulate some of the discourse. I find antifujos do tend to lean on arguments about feminism quite a lot to give their arguments more moral weight even though it usually does just boil down to "I don't like it and I don't like that you like it."

No. 1975214

This person is a TIF who self victimizes constantly and a pickme who has put down women before, like picrel. I say this as a fujo as well

No. 1975219

Samefag, I am so sick of this proship vs antiship shit. Technically I’m a proshipper but any self identified proshipper is an annoying tranny or a goon of them with internalized misogyny. Even worse that they always try to justify why they like something deemed problematic behind some political bullshit when you could just like stuff because, I dunno, it’s hot

No. 1975233

>unironically posting TIF tweets now
Oh god this is a new low

No. 1975236

>obvious woman complaining about other women "yapping about the patriarchy"
gender traitor and actual retard

No. 1975238

I agree, I also hate how the fujo vs. antifujo thing has been absorbed by the broader proshipper vs. anti discourse, which is basically just TIFs arguing with each other about nothing. I really think fandom becoming such an ideological battleground has been ruinous in every way, but it's become very obvious with fujo discourse. I'm sure it's also why nufujos can't stop moralfagging for 5 minutes to absolve themselves of their dastardly transgression of reading anime men having problematic gay sex. I blame TIFs for the downfall of fandom, we were never meant to contemplate the sociopolitical ramifications of who tops in Sasunaru.

No. 1975240

She's my personal cow because anytime there's fujo or fandom drama, she's there whining kek

No. 1975242

File: 1713814073554.jpg (117.73 KB, 640x960, __original_drawn_by_itou_hachi…)

>I'm headcanoning her as that lescel Thai millionaire yurifag
Don't compare me to that disgusting handmaiden. Trannies are freaks and deserve the rope. Then the fujolards will follow. Also I have a gf so I'm not a lescel.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1975244

Just report her

No. 1975246

Although I dont entirely agree with some of your shitposts, I like you lesbianona
Who is your favorite ship in revue starlight

No. 1975249

For someone who hates trannies so much, you sure do type and like the same type of stuff they do. I love my lesbian sisters but I hope you and your gf go to conversion therapy

No. 1975250

Trying to decide if I'm more annoyed by tifs who forsake the fujo label or tifs who keep calling themselves fujos even tho fujos are by definition female.

No. 1975253

nta but this is such a dumb argument when trannies latch onto everything, especially among weebs
Should the nonas who post here about magical girls suddenly stop because trannies have co-opted them too?

No. 1975255

Liking lolislop is definitely scrotey kek

No. 1975256

You already know there's a mile of difference between magical girl anime and the scrotey oneeloli porn she's into

No. 1975260

Trannies are into both

No. 1975261

File: 1713814817779.jpg (176.36 KB, 1289x1688, GLq7-i1WkAAtYgY.jpg)

I think the most annoying thing in the fujo discourse are the tif fujos who are also involved in too much online discourse, like >>1975219 said. By definition, they would call me a proshipper, but because I think so many of them are annoying tifs, I get called an "anti" for hating on them

No. 1975262

The latter annoys me more because they lure in more mentally ill troons with their memes about being a fujo.

No. 1975263

The latter is more annoying because it feels like they can't even get their own larp right. Use fudanshi if you're gonna pretend to be male

No. 1975266

File: 1713815008412.jpg (149.44 KB, 1080x1200, 20240422_134237.jpg)

MayaKuro, followed by Junnana and MaHiKaren, then FutaKao and MahiKaren, then HiKaren because it just fucking sucks. I also ship Judy and Mahiru because it's hot.

So the one talking about conversion therapy is supposed to be the true lesbian ally instead of the one who just likes lesbian content? Lol.

No. 1975268

I never claimed I was an ally to anyone. Hating on fujos is pickme behavior

No. 1975270

Hating fujoshits is a natural state of being a woman

No. 1975271

Just like hating retarded faggots such as yourself is

No. 1975273

File: 1713815305418.jpg (108.31 KB, 548x800, ShizNat2.jpg)

Hating on content that actual lesbians enjoy is the ultimate pickme behavior. There are posts in that /g/ lesbian thread of fujos hating female characters in any sort of media. So come tell me how hating on women who hate female characters is more pickme behavior than hating on women who love female characters.

No. 1975274

Most lesbians don’t enjoy oneeloli scrote yuri, fakebians who only discovered their “sexuality” by being poisoned by the internet and porn such as yourself do. You are no different from a scrote who needs a dick shoved down his throat to stfu.

No. 1975278

Keep seething fujoshit(infighting)

No. 1975280

Keep seething dyke chan

No. 1975281

File: 1713815741476.jpg (266.77 KB, 2048x2048, FqoQsHfacAEVPSn.jpg)

>so buttmad she needs to resort to the dicking lesbians shitpost for the second time
You know, heterosexual women unironically deserve rape just for being so inherently homophobic. And yes, you fetishizing gay men is homophobic. I hope you get brutalized in the same ways of the pedoshota fics you read.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1975282

the natural state of a woman is not giving a fuck what other people read in their free time

No. 1975284

I like how all the labels except CSA survivor (and why is that known?) are extremely vague. Like non-american?

No. 1975285

no actual lesbian enjoys lolibait malegaze weebshit "yuri"

No. 1975286

Okay retarded 3rd worlder, I hope you get publicly outed by your family and raped to death in front of your “girlfriend”. Also Idc abt being homophonic towards gay men, their feelings are meaningless. Imagine claiming you’re not a pickme then defending gay scrotes(infighting/a-logging)

No. 1975288

this word has lost all meaning

No. 1975291

Nta but chill, dont go wishing for any woman to get raped to death

No. 1975302

It literally just told me the same kek


Most shotacons are the gay moids you pathetically defend. Either way, the rare female shotacons are genuinely harmless and not anywhere near as big of a deal as you claim it to be(ban evading)

No. 1975304

Fujos act so deranged over the dumbest things

No. 1975308

NTA but my lesbian friend likes that shit, its not really that rare if you’ve ever spoken to a lesbian weeb

No. 1975310

The dyke you cap for literally said something near identical to what I said before me, why does it make a difference?(ban evasion)

No. 1975313

Because we already know she's a brain damaged freak of nature who comes here for attention, don't reply to her moron

No. 1975319

File: 1713816860729.gif (595.65 KB, 480x270, 1000015854.gif)

I know you're on the ban for alogging, but holy fucking shit, how did this thread unironically come down to telling women to get raped for being homophobic thread? I thought fujoshis widely agreed that you can love mlm ships without actually liking gay scrotes IRL. Why is there so much capping for gay scrotes in this thread and just lately in general? Why are anons acting like fujos need to like actual gay scrotes IRL if they want to keep their yaoi fantasies? GodDAMN.

No. 1975320

Why are you saying this as if you aren’t physically incapable of having kids? Also the fantasy you wrote about me is kinda hot, you should take that energy into writing yaoi fanfic about it. Sadly it’s not as threatening since you sound like a whiny autistic 12 year old with a 3rd world accent who will be estranged from their family once outed

No. 1975323

100% I do not believe any anon telling another anon to get raped in front of their girlfriend to be a female, it had to be a seething mentally ill fag.

No. 1975326

And the other poster isn’t a mentally ill seething fag? Fucking kek

No. 1975329

God not the lolicon yurifag with rape fantasies in this thread again. At least her posts are getting deleted this time.

No. 1975331

what is it with you ftm losers crying about gay men "being fetishized" all the time? it will not make you grow a dick, it will never make gay men see you as one of them, it just makes you a pathetic hypocrite because everyone knows you're fingering yourself to the same shit as the women you're sperging about(dont reply to bait)

No. 1975333

The homophobia is off the charts here. What a surprise that the same people who fetishize gay moids also happen to hate gay women.

No. 1975335

>Complaining about MUH FETISHIZATION
Go back to twitter(ban evasion)

No. 1975336

Fujos going off the deep end screeching at another lesbian just because of a regular troll that mods already told you to avoid… the milk is free

No. 1975339

Imagine getting off to drawn little girls and boys getting raped and saying you're way better than those moids who jerk it to drawn children getting raped because you're a woman.

No. 1975340

>femboy goatfag in /m/
>yuri lolipedo fan here
these new cows feel very manufactured

No. 1975341

Ritard is that you? Lose weight, I bet it was you in the confessions thread posting nudes too

No. 1975343

this whole discussion is dumb by the way. the issue is always people who hate fujoshi whining about fujoshi. it’s time to grow up and stop concerning yourself with things you dislike.

No. 1975344

>still going
don’t any of you have jobs?

No. 1975348

So you guys get to decide that the handposter isn't a real anti-fujo, but we're not allowed to point out that an anon being blatantly bigoted against lesbians is probably false-flagging?

No. 1975350

Ayart is clearly baiting and is probably a moid.

No. 1975352

Who the fuck is “you guys”? You spend too much time in these threads to be assuming every anon is the same. And judging by the flow of conversation that obviously wasnt a falseflag but some retard getting worked up at a troll. Mods delete moidbait

No. 1975356

It's not possible to be a "gender traitor," retard. TiFs are still female, they judge have internalized misogyny and are retarded.

No. 1975357

kek true, as a yumefujo i don't get the fighting at all. how are you gonna let some fandom tards ruin your day? just block and move on

No. 1975358

The yurifag poster is some chubby 5'2 FtM who hates women but wants to fuck them, and hates her own female body even more. She pretends to like yuri because she thinks it brings her closer to men. Every time you call her a scrote or a moid or moidbrained, her clit pulses. Stop doing it, she's just a sad woman who deserves to be ignored. She goes on /lgbt/ and writes fantasies about "raping" MtFs by "making" them use their dicks and attaches pictures of anime boys because she's a fujoshi and a shotacon herself. If you've seen her in the wild once, you can clock her a mile away.
Again, stop falling for this. Her edgy rape fantasies are not novel or scary or impressive. She's just a lonely woman.

No. 1975360

Someone should post a vocaroo. Only chance to prove it kek.

No. 1975363

Don't reply to her.

No. 1975368

If it was only possible to shut her up by not replying, when people do that she starts samefagging and spamming more inflammatory shit trying to get a reaction out of them. The only way is to let the thread sink because once she makes her home somewhere, like herpes, she will never again leave. Psychosis is a hell of a drug.

No. 1975372

My only thing to add to this discourse is that there is genuinely nothing wrong with 'hetbending' so long as you tag it properly.

No. 1975375

>natural state of being for a woman
The fuck is this shit? Being on the internet in the first place isn't natural.
Anime boys aren't natural. They're artificial man made constructs that have only existed for less than 100 years. You fuckers overthink shit way too fucking much, holy shit.

No. 1975379

My precious yaoiz shouldnt be straight!

No. 1975384

I don't care for it when they change the characters so much.
At that point, just make ocs. There's some that are legitimately interesting but instead of being their own thing they're just fan fetish to a gay couple and it's a little sad.
Be ambitious.

No. 1975399

what did she say?

No. 1975416

>fan fetish to a gay couple

No. 1975431

I couldn't think of a better way of putting "imagine how cute/hot they'd look as a straight couple"

No. 1975438

I mean, as long as the characters are still themselves. I don't see the problem with that.

No. 1975450

My point was about when they aren't.

No. 1975451

Oh, my mistake then. I suppose if the characters are still themselves outside of the gender-swap then there's no problem then, right?

No. 1975460

Ngl I like yuri bending/switch hetbending more since it tends to not change the characterization as much and its more interesting to see both.

No. 1975488

Least lesbophobic fujoshi

No. 1975501

I remember in an earlier fujo cringe thread near the end fujos started larping as "manhating lesbians" who jerked off to loli and old men kek

No. 1975562

File: 1713827547204.png (615 KB, 752x1284, smj1.png)

Quite a revealing thread. I'm sure the fact that most of these characters are usually portrayed as feminized bottoms in fujo ships is just a huge coincidence.

No. 1975563

File: 1713827568312.png (3.13 MB, 760x6928, smj2.png)

No. 1975583

Over half of these are Genshin men, pretty much all of whom are "feminized" according to anons here and none of them are universally considered bottoms within the fandom. Much less Sasuke kek.

No. 1975587

say sike rn

No. 1975590

>he is subjected to misogyny
What the fuck are these retards even babbling about

No. 1975605

i'll admit as a black woman i often find yume spaces to be colorist and racist, so i prefer to be a fujo because there's no pressure to be a white/pale woman within them,

No. 1975609

As a black native american intersex person I also agree.

No. 1975614

>i often find yume spaces to be colorist and racist
wtf? isnt the point to self-insert?

No. 1975615

genshit fans are a genuine plague unto fandom. it's like klantis but ten times worse because at least keith and lance weren't gambling fodder.

No. 1975617

>Sam Winchester
ah yes that masculine ass scrote is "female coded" because mentally ill slashers decided they wanted him to be buttpregnant by his brother 2 decades ago and created the most retarded slash subgenre ever (omegaverse)

No. 1975619

Seems like >>1975605 and >>1975609 would enjoy that Validate game more.

No. 1975620


No. 1975621

long hair and deep voice is the hottest combo

No. 1975623

see what i mean?

No. 1975628

I had a fellow fujo friend who shipped Obi wan and Anakin and always referred to it as 'oneeshota' with Obi wan being the 'ara ara onee' or something like that.
I don't ship 3DPD and I don't think I have to tell you that I found that part really fucking weird.

No. 1975629

File: 1713830905299.png (109.21 KB, 305x375, 934f638973b69a72c973e2a9c39a0e…)

>That nose though

No. 1975637

What is misogyny slang for in here?

No. 1975640

People who don't like my uke/husbando presumably.

No. 1975650

fujocoomers will deny to their graves that they don't suffer from porn induced delusions and yet I have seen thousands of examples of them seeing a 6'5 muscular man and genuinely believing he's some uber feminine curvy person whose female in all but pronouns,

No. 1975651

This sounds way too specific to not be a reference to a particular series

No. 1975652

>race shit
You all belong on Tumblr wtf

No. 1975657

Where do you think these people are coming from

No. 1975658

File: 1713832162485.png (14.42 KB, 602x215, 1695040958385.png)

>I had a fellow fujo friend who shipped Obi wan and Anakin and always referred to it as 'oneeshota' with Obi wan being the 'ara ara onee' or something like that.
It's something I'm quite interested in cause it basically confirms what we already knew, fujo ships are never between two male characters, it's one male and one gender swapped version of another male character.

No. 1975661

File: 1713832275528.png (48.08 KB, 598x426, 1695047659717.png)

Like picrel is just a younger male/older woman fetish.

No. 1975662

what happened to all the dave strider fujos? did they all turn into TIFs? "cuntboys" were a huge thing in the hs fandom

No. 1975664

the fact it's probably an older woman writing this is sad

No. 1975668

File: 1713832539220.jpg (28.06 KB, 500x357, 60ca3b96ed87abb385422421_500_3…)

actually nauseating to read. thanks!

No. 1975670

>did they all turn into TIFs?
Yes, they sure did. Sad.

No. 1975672

That anon doesn't sound autistic enough to be a yume and I mean this as an insult

No. 1975674

that's the usual fujo cope.

No. 1975686

How is this any different from moidspeak? So nasty that this shit has spread to female fanspaces now and no one even bats an eye

No. 1975694

you know yaoi exists outside of omegaverse shit, right?

No. 1975699

in the same way both men and women can find glasses attractive, they can find this attractive. lolcow acts as if a woman having somewhat deviant sexual tastes means she's been brainwashed by men or whatever

No. 1975701

I don't think it's because of the taste itself but the way the tweet is worded.
>womb filled and pumped to the brim with babymaking batter

No. 1975702

I don't know if this might be new information for you, but men can't get pregnant in real life. so If you read a scenario where a certain character has the potential of getting pregnant, they aren't male, you are reading "heterosexual smut with extra steps"

No. 1975713

File: 1713835224030.png (578.36 KB, 781x712, 5l4mgs.png)

It seems to me like every time someone acts like a schizo in this thread, antis decide that they're a fujoshi regardless of what their points are and who they're arguing with. Can't we all just roundly condemn people acting insane without trying to attribute it to the other side? I don't care which perspective they're arguing from, anyone who a-logs, derails, or baits doesn't deserve to be listened to or even acknowledged. It's not fair to reduce fujos or anti-fujos to the most unhinged takes you can possibly find.

No. 1975748

File: 1713837948701.jpg (22.1 KB, 540x393, 1711419425849.jpg)

Agreed. Also as a yaoi enjoyer I hate both shota and mpreg, and while depressingly shota has always been mainstream depending on the fandom and what is popular at a certain point in time (for example, Black Butler), mpreg has always been niche… when the FUCK did it get so big? Am I being memely gaslit by this fujo cringe getting posted or are pregnant men actually becoming super popular? What's this, the crisis of a bunch of 30 yo women feeling their motherly instincts suddenly show up? Retarded gendie zoomers? All of the above?

No. 1975776

File: 1713839507678.png (347.3 KB, 1878x638, tags.png)

>are pregnant men actually becoming super popular?
The "pregnancy" tag on AO3 seems to be the tag that includes all other related subtags such as Mpreg. There are 113K works for M/M pairings with a pregnancy-related tag. There are 6.1M works for M/M total. You do the math.

No. 1975781

Also I didn't crosscheck this with the trans tags so idk how much or how little that comes into play

No. 1975783

am i the only one who doesnt find mpreg gross? It's very autistic, but as far as i know they dont write 50 pages-long anal birthing scenes, it just pops up or the baby is already there from the start. It's autistic but i feel like people make it seem worse than it really is. I think its just a way for nerdy autistic women to evolve their ships into a family.

No. 1975788

One more thing I found: Omegaverse was actually a lot lower than I first assumed; 165K for M/M fics total. I expected it to be much higher, like 300K-400K, considering how often I have to filter it out. I guess it's just a problem with the fandoms I'm in. (Deleted because I forgot het/femslash fics also use omegaverse and my numbers were wrong)
I can't speak to the content or how fetishy mpreg works can get because I've only ever read one and it took the timeskip route

No. 1975812

I thought it was just a joke/shock meme for years because of how ridiculous it was, but when I thought about it I realized it all probably started from wanting M/M ships to have biological children who look like them. I still can't take it seriously, but it's so harmless and earnest that I can't even be mad about it. I do still find the concept of a pregnant moid unsettling, but I also think it is objectively hilarious that there's a brand of female autism that involves making 2D men get ass pregnant. I never read it so I have no idea how graphic it gets though, and it's nowhere near ubiquitous enough for me to know via osmosis.

No. 1975819

File: 1713844109613.jpg (89.89 KB, 1200x675, 1000005539.jpg)

Sorry to blog post.

>Are lesbian fujoshi actually a thing?

Yeah, more common than a lot of people seem to think. The early 2000's was a lonely time for female anime fans, much more for lesbians. Speaking from my own experience, having limited content (only Shounen), a lack of developed female characters in that media, a desire to get away from males who only saw the female character as masturbation fuel or worthless, and a yearning for a fucking crumb of anything gay was what led me on the path of being a fujoshi.

>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?

It's funny how circular it can be sometimes. When I was younger it was an escape from male anime fans and their shitty takes. All they cared about were fight scenes, while my group would talk about relationships and emotional development and gay sex. It would have made more sense to rework female character into something we liked, but in all honestly I and a lot of my friends internalized the scrotes' misogyny kek. In a way being "not like other girls" was our cope to reject what males liked and wanted us to be, but also hate those images. And with that hate we could justify how special and right our little group was. Plus by then we were too deep in our delusional views of our bishies. They became extensions of ourselves and our precious gay babies.

If I did find a female character I like it either attracted more bullying from males or I'd have to put up with listening to their nasty fantasies. Ask any scote their opinion on Sakura vs. Hinata and you'd get hours of that shit. It was a plus that yaoi scared males away. But all in all it was a pretty shitty way to take in media. I feel like most of us breakout of it when we stopped being retarded high-schoolers, though.

Currently, I still lean more to yaoi than yuri, even though I rarely engage with either. I just hate how moefied most yuri is. In general, I've given up on any kind visual lesbian porn, it's all inacurrate trash. Besides some specific artists, I mainly read erotica.

No. 1975825

You're not alone, that's exactly how I've always seen it.

I think there are a lot of knee jerk reactions to fujo tropes on here from people who don't actually read any of it. One thing anons don't seem to comprehend is just how little of it is smut - almost all fandoms end up dominated by G or teen rated fic with no sex scenes, the most common tag will inevitably be fluff, it's not inherently fetish content.

No. 1975849

>It would have made more sense to rework female character into something we liked, but in all honestly I and a lot of my friends internalized the scrotes' misogyny kek.
At least you admit it, but as someone who actually did try to appreciate those female characters because I had no choice because I'm a lesbian and still wasn't attracted to 2D moids, I still doubt fujo lesbians are actually lesbians, no offense.

No. 1975855

>If I did find a female character I like it either attracted more bullying from males
And to give you a bit of credit, this is a thing. Men have never appreciated female characters. I would get bullied by males for preferring female characters, because to them they were useless unless they were actively being sexy 24/7, otherwise they were "annoying" aka distracting from the male dick measuring contest. When women talk about female characters, it's about their emotions, their character etc. Men just want to draw porn of them and that's it. I guess I don't blame women for being put off by the constant male harassment and putting down of people who appreciate female characters for anything other than their looks. I can see how it's easier to just say fuck it, I'll just like the cool male-approved men then, but I'll gay ship them in secret.

No. 1975862

File: 1713847210863.png (5.55 KB, 482x140, ban evading yuripedo.png)

Why do you think antifujos are so insane? It's like they just can't hate something and move on, they gotta make it their personality and sperg about it constantly.

No. 1975868

File: 1713847800129.png (516.65 KB, 986x880, terfantifujo.png)

No. 1975871

nah they arent terfs. Paladinboo is a pickme, and pakichan and the yuripedo are weird pedos.

No. 1975872

>these characters are usually portrayed as feminized bottoms in fujo ships
nah this isn’t true for any of these characters. for genshin men specifically the rates of bottom/top headcanons are fairly even

No. 1975879

>mpreg has always been niche… when the FUCK did it get so big?
Tifs and omegaverse happened

No. 1975945

>had no choice
What? you can't shit on women, lesbian or not, for seeking content they feel more comfortable reading, if you at the same time "force" yourself to like content created by moids for moids

No. 1975947

I had no choice but to be attracted to female characters because I'm a lesbian. I didn't "shit on women," I just said I doubt that people attracted to men, fictional or not, are lesbians lol

No. 1975948

NTA but you can read yaoi without being attracted to men.

No. 1975951

Sure, you can read it. But if you're turned on by it, obsess over it, or seek it out exclusively over anything else, it's probably time to look inward and ask if you're being honest with yourself about your sexuality

No. 1975955

anon never said it turned her on

No. 1975968

Off-topic but it just occurred to me how funny it is that people on Twitter always invoke their ethnicities and sexualities on an online platform where no one can see your face and certainly no one know who you’re going around fucking or not fucking. It’s unbelievably pathetic to think anyone cares, if anything they’re more likely to be judging you based EXCLUSIVELY on your shitty online takes (if they’re also in the fujo side of fandom at least)

No. 1975973

Nta but why would someone consume porn (that's what it is) if they're not turned on by it?

No. 1975983

>porn (that's what it is)
It's a genre of romance. There is sfw yaoi and even the nsfw ones have 50 episodes of fluff/angst will they-won't they nonsense until they get to the 'climax' where they have heavily censored gay sex.

No. 1976012

Holy buzzword spam how do these retards live like this kek

>people on Twitter always invoke their ethnicities and sexualities on an online platform where no one can see your face and certainly no one know who you’re going around fucking or not fucking.
Twittards do this all the time when they have no argument. I've seen people bring up their race as a crutch (ex. accusing someone of being racist because they disagree with them) even when their race wasn't listed anywhere. How the fuck can someone be racist to you when they aren't even aware of your race? The CSA dropping is always the weirdest shit ever too and it's clearly just done to make people feel bad and nothing else, okay thank you for telling me you were raped by your uncle but your point is still garbage.

No. 1976023

I guess soap operas are porn too now. Oh wait if it's straight it's actually fine.

No. 1976036

See it's kinda like people in anime and vn fandoms differentiating between nukige and eroge, or horror vs gore.. basically, most bl is erotic with a focus on the story or characterization, whereas porn for men has a huge quantity of well just porn

No. 1976042

realistically how many yaoi fans only stick to "romance" and not the sexual content? i've never seen it except for when my fujo friend was 13 and had just discovered it, she soon turned to the sexual stuff and still consumes it

No. 1976044

uhhh romance and sex are not mutually exclusive

No. 1976058

>realistically how many yaoi fans only stick to "romance" and not the sexual content?
have you ever read a yaoi manga? its 90% build up

No. 1976061


Op here. Yes primarily for the romance. It's easy to pick up something like Harada's work, which can be sexually graphic and have a storyline. Take in the story, skim over the sex scenes while taking in enough to understand how it may effect the story. It isn't rocket science kek.

And yes majority of my fujo era was while I was a teen, like I said. Every now and then I'll find something I like, but I'm not a huge fan anymore.

No. 1976067

Re: lesbian fujos, wouldn't you think it's weird a lesbian consumes a lot of straight romance/porn? Or a gay man/straight woman who watches lesbian/yuri stuff? A straight man watching yaoi? Those people's sexual orientation would be questioned, right? Imo even if someone only consumes fictional content and doesn't act on it in real life it still is some form of attraction, bisexuality in the case of lesbian-identified fujos. Even more with yumes.

No. 1976074

>straight woman who watches lesbian/yuri stuff
i am not a lesbian but i read yuri from time to time. Some people just enjoy the characters and story, it's really not that deep.

No. 1976075

They can cope about it all they want but they arent a lesbian if most of what they consume are male faggots fucking

No. 1976078

They say they read it for the story, but you don’t see straight women reading yuri for the story. I think what happens is they have an attraction to the aesthetic or shallow qualities of males, but then hate real male personalities and penises.

No. 1976080

>but you don’t see straight women reading yuri for the story.
anon, straight women are writing yuri.

No. 1976083

Tbh 2D men don't even register as men to me. They have nothing in common with living, breathing moids who are hairy and loud and take up space. Maybe it's similar to coomers losing attraction to real women, fiction and reality are two very different things after all. What media you consume can affect your life, but if it doesn't then I don't see the issue.

Kek so someone could only date women all her life but looking at yaoi revokes her lesbian status immediately?

No. 1976095

We had this discussion countless times and it's baut at this rate. No lesbians don't like yaoi, the ones that claim they're lesbian/asexual but super hardcore fujos tend to be autistic women

No. 1976097

I think if it's the autistic method of giving a ship biological children, or you're dealing with sci-fi or fantasy media, it's whatever, but the hyper-fetishised version that crops up in omegaverse is pretty disgusting (especially how some will refer to babies/children as litters/pups ugh, not to mention all the other breeding fetish shit), since for that kind of stuff the pregnancy/offspring are part of the porn, not the result of it, if you get me.

No. 1976104

>wouldn't you think it's weird
No? I think it's pretty fucking stupid to put so much thought into what genres people like to read, especially when it comes to what type of romance when manga is in such a way that it's all thrown mixed together on some site.
Frankly, going through your life without being curious at least once about a different sort of romance seems like it's more likely to say something about you.
As a lesbian, have you never been interested in reading a het/gay romance? Not once?
If you're straight, you'd never read a lesbian romance?

No. 1976108

No. 1976109

Being a fujo is not ”being curious” though, it’s being passionate about a genre and actively consuming it, right? Though I don’t truly care what anyone calls themselves and what content they consume (as long as it’s legal and not pedoshit etc), I’m just curious why being a lesbian is quite common in fujo circles since it seems counter intuitive.

No. 1976111

>I’m just curious why being a lesbian is quite common in fujo circles since it seems counter intuitive.
You get to meet cute nerdy girls.

No. 1976112

If you like short stories with some interesting artstyles you wouldn't normally see in anime, bl is a pretty alright genre regardless of who you like to fuck.

No. 1976115

It's not weird if they read or watch gay romance from time to time, but it is weird if all they care about is male characters and yaoi/slash without giving an ounce of attention to female ones.
I think they're "lesbians" due to that thing they call """comphet""" and also as an attempt to avoid male attention and justify the intense love they might feel for a fujo friend.

Just the fact that the horny waifuposting thread in /g/ started for bishies turned women says a lot about these online "lesbians". Repressed bisexuals or confused straight women?

No. 1976116

This, no one is talking about lesbians who occasionally consume a bl manga alongside other shit. Its the fake “lesbians” that make their entire personality reading about gay men having sex and falling in love. At that point you’re infatuated with the male body to an extent but are in denial about it.

No. 1976117

Rather than lesbians being weird for giving bl a try, it's more like men are so insecure about their sexuality that reading something gay would automatically make them think they want to fuck men.
Hence why the recent bl manga rewrapped as seinen and suddenly managing to do just fine with male readers.

No. 1976118

>the fact that the horny waifuposting thread in /g/ started for bishies turned women
This honestly cracked me up when I saw it, so transparent

No. 1976119

>no one is talking about lesbians who occasionally consume a bl manga alongside other shit
yes, you are. Now you are moving the goalpost. It's like that time you guys tried to change the meaning of fujoshi.

No. 1976121

Genuinely what difference does it make when someone calls themselves lesbian but isn't? I've seen this said multiple times and about different groups and I still don't get it. If they don't act like they can speak for the group it makes no difference

No. 1976122

>Just the fact that the horny waifuposting thread in /g/ started for bishies turned women says a lot about these online "lesbians". Repressed bisexuals or confused straight women?
Iirc wasn't that because of the whole "I hate female characters, they all suck and are sexualized moid shit, I hate them so much I'd rather just genderbend male characters." Because I think there's more to unpack there than just secretly straight.

No. 1976125

I wish you would stop trying to call every woman who dislikes sexualized female designs a misogynist.

No. 1976126

Its a hornyposting thread, the usual cope about muh poorly written female characters (oh but poorly written male characters are fine) doesnt apply there

No. 1976127

Agreed. I'm a straight woman, but I occasionally take a look at GL comics that seem to have a cute or intriguing plot. However BL or het content (written by women, most men are shit at writing convincing romance, the only romance I remember liking in recent years that was written by a man was Kaguya sama love is war) is more rewarding to me visually since I want to see hot men, so in the end I end up consuming these genres way more than GL. I wouldn't be suprised if a lesbian habitually read BL since in the end it's just a fiction genre anyone can read, but if she is super invested into the romantic and sexual side of the ships and squealing just as much as the straight fujos about how sexy and hot her 2D babygirl is, I start suspecting that she's a bi in denial.

No. 1976128

Why not?

No. 1976130

Purposely being obtuse?

No. 1976131

to me it just seems like most are into butches or reverse traps and those are almost non existent in animu, so it makes sense to genderbent them.

No. 1976136

>the usual cope about muh poorly written female characters (oh but poorly written male characters are fine)
This excuse always felt so disingenuous to me

No. 1976140

It's insane how much fujoshit pushes people off the edge like this. Yuri is completely overtaken by perverted, misogynistic male trannies and has been coomshit for men for at least the past 20+ years yet you never see such an anti-yuri sperg force marching against it, but for fujos you get all these characters constantly schizoposting in circles, over and over again the same rhetoric we all know by heart now. The obsessive pathologizing of literally everything women enjoy is like a day ending in Y, but it's been done since ancient times so it's not that surprising. When it's not scrotes fanficcing about women secretly wanting to be raped or being morally corrupt wenches, it's other women weaponizing the same discontent in some way. I'm sure our grandmothers had this same discourse with trashy romance novels or something, men calling them decrepit dumb whores and other women thinking they're above these female coomers as theyh fulfill their womanly duties better and being an adept moral compass like a woman should be.

No. 1976142

>We had this discussion countless times
And you are probably going to have it forever since you can't comprehend the nuances between romance/sexuality/media

No. 1976144

Nta but why? The "badly written male character" are never as bad as the female ones. Take goku and bulma for example. One is just a fight autist who eats a lot, meanwhile bulma is constantly being sexually harassed.

No. 1976148

>Just the fact that the horny waifuposting thread in /g/ started for bishies turned women
Kek as a waifufag I was so disappointed

No. 1976150

Bulma is liked by plenty of female fans because she's plot relevant and sassy in a fun way, a better comparison would be Naruto and Sakura. Naruto is an autist who fights a lot and has funny quips and a distinct character design with a lot of big moments, Sakura is an annoying BPD-chan whose design is a human embodiment of that "female animals in Disney cartoons" meme. Neither are well-written, deep characters, but one is much more tolerable than the other.

No. 1976162

Fangirls most of the time don't become obsessed with badly written male characters, unless it's just about the character's looks, but I've seen some obsessed and self-inserting into female ones who are clearly objectively badly written.
Anyway there is a clear difference between a badly written male character and a badly written female character, a different framework.

No. 1976164

women like to hold each other to some crazy moral standards, including stuff that not even moids care about and it all boils down to their superiority complex

No. 1976169

I mean if you want to use shounenshit as an example then megumi being a poorly written character doesnt stop him from being the no.1 popular character in jjk but maki/nobara who dont get sexualized or harassed arent even half as loved as mr bland plot device, the former even having her own plot relevance.

Truth is that writing quality of a male character barely matters as long as he fits into the perfect box needed to make a ship work.

No. 1976172

nobara is very popular though, everyone was drawing fanart of her when season 1 was released. also maki is kinda unlikable and her design isn't that pretty

No. 1976173

You'd think Maki would be more popular.
I wish she was in her own manga.

No. 1976175

nta but a character being sexualized doesn't necessary make her badly written imo just like not being sexualized doesn't make her good written.
I know GOT is controversial but Cercei and Dany were compelling characters for example

No. 1976178

>nobara is very popular though
Not really, she hasnt even made it to the top 10 in the last two polls. JJK is just so ridiculously popular that even randoms like Mei Mei were getting fanart made of them.

No. 1976182

Nobara isnt that popular. Even the fucking non-character that does nothing but repeat rice ball ingredients has more fans than her
I agree but that anon mentioned sexual harassment which is why I did, most people would say all those characters are poorly written though with Maki being the least “bad” out of the three. The disparity still exists despite that which proves that its never really about writing quality.

No. 1976184

I think you guys forget that a shit ton of 15yo Japanese boys also vote for these official Shonen Jump surveys and will care more about Megumi because of powerlevels and action scenes than about Maki and her story with her sister or how her family treated her like garbage because of old fashioned sexism.

No. 1976186

Lmao Megumi is not a powerlevel fantasy character at all. The story even makes it a key point to say that he barely even knows how to use his abilities properly because of his passive personality.

No. 1976194

nah megumi is popular because fujos love to ship his ass with gojo, itadori and sukuna

No. 1976215

I wasn't talking about him being a "powerlevel fantasy" but more about how he has powers that look cool and I can imagine kids reading that shit and going "wow he can summon cool monsters that's sooo cool" and "ew a girl, I don't care about Maki she's ugly and not cool" even though she has plenty of cool action scenes herself, and asking their parents pocket money to send their votes for Shueisha. If you want to see how popular Megumi is with teenage and adult fujoshi I think tags on pixiv or the number of doujinshi you can find in Japanese events and Mandarake are going to be more accurate.

No. 1976216

I wouldn't find any of that particularly strange as long as it wasn't their exclusive interest, especially not if they are actively fucking and dating irl. If a man was fucking men all day and liked yuri, I would still think of him as gay. My opinion changes for irl porn, but erotica and rated PG romance stories are different.

No. 1976236

People always forget this part, lmao. Lesbians like being in nerd spaces full of other women, who'da thunk.

No. 1976249

Yea, but that would imply they don't have genuine interest in BL the way str8 women do, making them not fujos but opportunists, which is the point of contention and probably part of why lesbians are frequently called out by the genuine fujos.

No. 1976268

All this reminds me of finding Anko from Naruto super hot as a wee weeb, but just not being able to put up with Naruto's general awfulness, so our love could never be.

No. 1976275

>lesbians are frequently called out by the genuine fujos.
I've been in fujo spaces online for years and I've never heard anyone complain about lesbians "pretending" to be fujos to get with women. I think that these women genuinely do casually enjoy yaoi or shipping, and hanging out with women is just a nice bonus. Or, conversely, you have lesbians who are into anime who just wanted to find a part of anime fandom that isn't full of scrotes or scrote-pandering. BL is written by women for women, and I think it's probably nice to be in a female-centric nerd space like that even if you don't find the characters being depicted sexy.

No. 1976358

I feel like it's just nerdy bisexual women coping together. All lesbians I knew in fandoms were either annoyed with or secretly made fun of fujo stuff, and this still happens a lot because nerdy lesbians and nerdy fujos have always been friends. But lesbians aren't attracted to men so they tend to see yaoi as silly, sappy, and idealizing of men, while fujos see it as deep, poetic, romantic, sexy and/or ideal and sometimes get offended if you point out men aren't like that in real life. They'll say "I know men aren't actually like that okay" but then talk about how x scene reminded them of their Nigel or how it raised their standards for their boyfriends or irl men in general. Kind of like women who read het romance novels, but nerdy and weeby and with gay guys instead of a straight couple.

No. 1976383

it’s fiction, you retard. this is like saying someone who likes looking at cat girl porn is just a zoophile in denial/looking at zoophilia with “extra steps”. it’s only heterosexuality with extra steps when the guy getting pregnant isn’t some biological impossibility(xy male pregnant) but rather a tif (xx female with he/him and a tit chop)

No. 1976385

men didn’t really invent crudeness

No. 1976388

>VERY tinfoil theory is that maybe it's part of natural selection, women want to see who the strongest man is
Nta. Can't relate to this. I like the humiliated one. I suspect, the "fuck rods" are just a tool.
Kek, you might be right to be honest.

No. 1976390

I can see someone seriously try to say here that catboys are beastiality with extra steps tbh.

No. 1976392

I have actually seen that logic used here before kek

No. 1976400

File: 1713889475391.jpg (79.96 KB, 646x803, a8f529405ac9f6fb11bb6336df2585…)

Behold the psuedo-feline. Jilling off to him means you belong in jail for crimes against animalkind

No. 1976401

No. 1976404

That's not AI, its from a gacha game artwork

No. 1976406

Phantom love

No. 1976417

Nta but that's dumb. If you want to talk to women, there are other communities where the majority are women (makeup, fashion, cooking/baking, even games like The Sims). I don't buy these mental gymnastics arguments.

No. 1976420

I'm sure all the lesbian comic book and anime nerds would love to talk about make up and fashion.

No. 1976421

You think maladjusted autist weebs want to hang out with normalfag women? They want to hang out with other maladjusted autist weebs

No. 1976436

i don't see the difference both are the same amount of cancer.

No. 1976446

i forgot cat boys existed when i made that post

No. 1976448

i want to be around my fellow deranged women not normies

No. 1976507

You sure do a lot of explaining for group you clearly aren't apart of. How about you stop insisting that you know how all nerdy lesbians think, just because you know how a few of them feel. They don't speak for everyone either.

Wow you really don't know shit about the majority of lesbians. Hmm, I wonder why these groups don't interest us?

No. 1976520

nta and I have no issue with women being crude, but I have noticed a recent up-tick in female authors writing smut with a very 'male' bent when it comes to word choice, which is interesting. It's the sort of phrasing and focus that you could usually clock a male author for, like the text version of grimy hentai kek
(this is for both m/m, f/f, and het btw– the latter especially in published smut)

No. 1976523

>You sure do a lot of explaining for group you clearly aren't apart of.
I am a nerdy lesbian, you fucking retard. And I didn't say I "know how all nerdy lesbians think." And if you're a fujo, I doubt you are a lesbian, so you definitely don't get speak for lesbians, or tell anyone which groups they "clearly" are or aren't part of.

No. 1976550

If you like sexualized female characters you are a cuck

No. 1976562

Couldnt you come up with hobbies that arent gender stereotypes….

No. 1976563

if you are a lesbian and into yaoi then youre just a bi/straight woman, why is this so hard to understand. no fucking lesbian wants to see two men fuck and if she wants SHES NOT A FUCKING LESBIAN. i fucking hate fake lesbians and theres so many of them too

No. 1976566

It's because previously, fandomy women used to be on female majority sites like LJ, Tumblr, etc. but as social media corralled the entire internet populace onto a few handful of sites with no separations, women picked up terminology from being exposed to pornsick males

No. 1976570

‘male’ phrased stuff is better for a quick jill generally (imo). for me it’s like if i’m tired from work and want to destress very fast i look for some grimy dirty filthy hentai or fic to read. that’s probably what women are catching onto, sometimes you just want vulgar and direct language

No. 1976571

Is a straight woman who reads yuri a lesbian in denial? Some of you seem weirdly homophobic. God forbid women see homosexuals as humans and not a fetish and just enjoy the dynamics or art.

No. 1976577

if she reads yuri with sexual shit in it she might be a bisexual in denial

No. 1976580

File: 1713895725040.jpeg (28 KB, 311x239, 475162E3-0A39-4243-ADA5-478D7D…)

1. anime boys do not resemble any actual male that exists. if a lesbian gets off to the left i can’t in good faith assume she’d go for the right.
2. anime boys are basically objects. we all know a lesbian who likes taking a strap won’t like taking a dick. liking a cartoon =/= reality

No. 1976581

Are you insinuating you see men as human?

No. 1976582

also yes im homophobic (especially against gay men) i dont see fags as human, lesbians are ok if they dont talk about their sexuality much.

No. 1976583

i’d also like to note that a lot of current yuri fans are straight. they can read the raunchiest pussy forward webtoon ever and might still cringe at pussy irl, fiction will never be a good barometer for irl attraction unless that fiction is like sfm hyper realistic 3d porn

No. 1976584

left is still a dude so my points still stands. if you are attracted to fictional dick then you would also fuck a dude irl if hes hot enough, meaning youre not a lesbian, sorry.

No. 1976586

What if I'm a lesbian into sexually attractive female characters?

No. 1976587

he’s a cartoon

No. 1976588

But if they don't see the animu men as men, what do they see them as?

No. 1976590


No. 1976591

Some of you are cowards. Bet you still get uncomfy when you see sex scenes in movies.

No. 1976592

most straight girls into yuri just read the ones without sex scenes. basically just the best friends hand-holding and occasionally a kiss type of stuff.

No. 1976594

No. 1976595

what do they see strap ons as? even if the answer is “plastic dicks” a plastic dick will never ever everrr be an actual dick in the same way an animu male will never ever everrrrr be a real male

No. 1976596

no i like sex scenes in movies/shows as long as they are good

No. 1976598

ayrt and fair, though I don't think female-made smut needs to be like, indirect or less vulgar or anything. It's more how it for example fixates on cum/ejaculation and wombs using terms and ideas I'd expect out of some scrote's coom comic. Again, not a bad thing necessarily, just interesting and probably due to >>1976566 or idk more women are just into it and not shy these days. I'm no porn scholar, I'm just part of a book club that only likes to read the latest 'spicy' books now kek and have noticed a shift there and online

No. 1976599

doesnt matter hes still a dude

No. 1976600

nah straight women into yuri also read bad thinking diary and wdtfs, you can get aroused by something without wanting to fuck it or actually interact with it

No. 1976601

This is insanely delusional. I dont know if I should laugh at you genuinely believing this

No. 1976604

okay and strap ons are dicks. any lesbian who uses them is 100% into actual penis but in denial about it

No. 1976605

Sounds a bit homosexual to me

No. 1976606

idk what lesbian porn is like but maybe they get turned on by seeing someone lick pussy???

No. 1976609

Can't lesbians just close their eyes when there's a sex scene?
Scroll past it? I managed to watch Bakemonogatari without being into anything that was in it.

No. 1976610

Its hard to take the conversation seriously because the anon arguing against fujos being lesbians is most than likely the yuripedo. It's why these discussions will never go anyway, you are arguing against actual schizo ban-evading board cows.

No. 1976611

Bakemonogatari had no sex just a lot of gross loli shit

No. 1976614

File: 1713896318128.jpg (72.47 KB, 409x403, Lhvyv.jpg)

It's not like there's dick in bl to begin with

No. 1976616

im literally not, i just think its obvious that if you want to see two men fuck you're not a lesbian

No. 1976617

NTA but if the average woman can get past the amounts of sexualization in anime to enjoy the story, then i dont understand why lesbians cant do the same with yaoi. Yaoi has better stories than yurishit on average.

No. 1976618

>everyone i disagree with is the yuripedo
You are honestly pathetic.

No. 1976620

a lot of animes that are popular with women barely have sexualized women

No. 1976626

in my opinion, if you read yaoi you’re not necessarily into men, but if you’re attracted to the characters dick and all then well, of course you are. i’m bi and still imagine my husbandos with pussies. if you’re getting off to the idea of dick you like men, however uncommon men as pretty as anime characters are, technically it would be possible to conjure a homunculus male that you like as much as the anime boy.

No. 1976629

Most anime has sexualized female designs.

No. 1976631

If you stopped being such cows it would be easier to take your side more seriously.

No. 1976633

I was arguing against lesbians being fujos and I’m a fujo. Also I find it very weird that someone would pick up a hobby they’re not into just to be around women. It feels creepy to me. I want to gush over hot 2D boys with fujos, not be surrounded by lesbians who are using it as a way to observe our sexual interests. The whole thing is very disturbing.

No. 1976639

if you’re getting off to a plastic dick, then an actual dick will be great for you. plastic dicks are still dicks!

No. 1976640

I blame Biden's America for this shit

No. 1976645

dildos are not fucking penises or attached to any person. gay men who fuck onaholes aren’t bi but they would be if they got off to lesbian porn!

No. 1976647

can we just agree that real lesbians simply do not exist? most lesbians are still somewhat attracted to dick even if its just 1%.(retarded bait)

No. 1976649

>I want to gush over hot 2D boys with fujos, not be surrounded by lesbians who are using it as a way to observe our sexual interests. The whole thing is very disturbing.
Actually kind of a good point, looking through the lesbian hot takes in this thread.

No. 1976651

it's true, lesbians who don't like dick are just women in the edge of trooning out, like Ellen Page
im conflicted because i might celebrate Ellen's Page suicide because she was a tranny but i'll feel bad because she won't be remembered as Ellen Page

No. 1976652

>gay men who fuck fake pussies aren’t bi but if they get off to fake women then they ARE bi!!
you are stupid and probably grossly overweight

No. 1976653

stop baiting. it’s only women that get told they must like dick even though faggots talk about fucking ‘boy pussies’

No. 1976656

im not even baiting i truly dont think true lesbians exist. most of the lesbians i've met still ended up married with a guy.

No. 1976658

it’s almost like vaginas aren’t the only thing that can be penetrated and dicks aren’t the only things that penetrate, almost like we’re biological organisms that just like what feels good and what people we’re attracted to is a separate concept… what are you even arguing? you think lesbians who use dildos are bi? don’t be retarded. and no, if you’re trying to be the ‘best anorexic’ my bmi is probably literally half than yours.

No. 1976685


Nice homophobia nonni, but a lesbian wanting to be in female space does not mean they are "using it as a way to observe your sexual interests" or whatever garbled mess of a sentence you were trying to form.

Unclutch your pearls, no lesbians would bother being around someone so insufferable. We can find our own kind.

No. 1976689

God will smite down the dick redrawers one day

No. 1976690

homophobic straight women clutching their pearls when they’re probably so ugly moids don’t even want to stick their dick in that.

No. 1976702

Kek those are the real weirdos. I've never wanted dicks in BL, let alone shittily drawn ones that don't fit the artstyle at all

No. 1976708

>how dare you not want to be around lesbians who lie about their intentions in order to interact with straight women in a sexual context
>you’re probably ugly anyway
Keep revealing your scrote mentality. You’re only proving me right.

No. 1976710

Everytime I open up a BL manga/webtoon and get jumpscared with a horrifically drawn dick a piece of my sanity dies. Long live the lightsabers.

No. 1976711

Its funny how hard they will bend backwards just to pretend a lesbian can be a fujo

No. 1976719


No. 1976720

why would lesbians want to go anywhere near straight women and their semen-infested orfices
are you confused? the homophobic anons are the ones that thing lesbians can be fujos because they think all lesbians secretly want dick.(moid tier insults)

No. 1976729

Jfc this thread, literal mental illness.

No. 1976730

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way, even when it is well drawn/uncensored by the artist, I have to close my eyes kek. Light sabers are perfect.

No. 1976733

Right? What the hell is going on

No. 1976748

>Yaoi has better stories than yurishit on average.
No one likes weebshit for the story (except for the few anime "classics", but that's off topic), people watch anime for the art/aesthetic.

No. 1976757

Those women are not straight lol

No. 1976758

mmm tbf when gays say boy pussy they are referring to a male anus

No. 1976763

lose weight you fat retard all the lard in your brain is making you slow

No. 1976764

i just watch anime because i want to see men punch the fuck out of each other.

No. 1976766

>fujos did the yuripedo larp so they can claim everyone who makes a good point is her and say "you heckin anti-fujos are so cringe. like the 3 of you who actually accept this stupid label created by troons are SOOO cringe, just like the cringe yumes, it's practically way more cringe than the decades of years of fujos being hated by everyone in every fandom besides themselves"
this is some elaborate shit

No. 1976770

>thread has unironically devolved into anons calling each other fat as an argument

No. 1976771

and when lesbians refer to dildos they’re referring to a cylindrical object
ok bmi 18+. it’s ok to be fat but you’re not cool just because you’re an anorexic amerifag

No. 1976772

I like the story and you can't stop me.

No. 1976773

It's not my fault they're gender streotypes, I was just saying, you're more likely to find more women in those spaces.

No. 1976781

DA to be fair most of those women are heterosexual and are not looking to converse with nerdy lesbians who like anime and manga.

No. 1976788

Heterosexuals with nerdy interests don’t want to either.

No. 1976792

This might shock you but there are normie lesbians and weird nerdy straight women

No. 1976794

i’m sorry? are heterosexual women not able to be friends with lesbians or something?

No. 1976802

>anime boys do not resemble any actual male that exists
I used to ship lawlight as a teen and I never saw them as actual moids and I pretended that they were androgynous butch women because the female characters I wanted to see didn't exist. Proof that anime boys don't resemble men is to look at anime cosplay. Actual males who cosplay anime boys look like hons while women cosplaying the same characters look perfectly fine. Deku is the best example of this.

No. 1976816

File: 1713900766572.jpg (95.15 KB, 1574x904, copium_explainer.jpg)

Typical fujo:
>I get off to drawn men but I don't see them as men

No. 1976819

my uncomfortable truth is that i think anime boys do look male but just like, well, adolescent males. hence why no 3dpd heterosexual women can never like grown men.

No. 1976821

File: 1713900864938.jpg (388.36 KB, 816x859, IMG_20240423_213311.jpg)

They do exist, but in small numbers (comparatively to gay men). In my experience many young so-called lesbians are confused/lying bi girls, especially online. This can undermine the claims of genuine lesbians, unfortunately. It's sad because you have to be suspicious of gay claims online even if suspicion impacts homosexuals (women especially) negatively.

What is it with the genderbend hate? Why does it offend antifujos and gendies alike? There's a cruel lack of androgynous female characters, it follows that genderbent m/m ships will find an audience of women with tastes that diverge from fem x fem. I genuinely don't get this superiority complex, do the characters have to be organic big-breasted airhead original characters to count as f/f?

Picrel is a report of a lesbian otaku event by Morishima (female yuri mangaka). Make of that what you will

No. 1976823

>women cosplaying the same characters look perfectly fine. Deku is the best example of this.
this only applies to male characters like deku that are underage or prepubescent or purposefully drawn with westernized cartoonish round faces. women would not "look fine" cosplaying light. women tend to have have very soft features and light's are very sharp. light and L don't look like butch women, they look like skinny teen asian males. stop the cap

No. 1976828

>I pretended that they were androgynous butch women
And then anons say it's het fujos that think anime men are women and cuntboy them.

No. 1976835

also, the obvious fact that like, light and L don't have breasts, not even a nipple outline?? are fujos autistic and blind to gender cues or just purposely lying? who thinks tall, flat-chested men with dorito chins look like "butch women"??

No. 1976836

It was bound to happen. You really have to be terminally online to get invested in these kinds of fandom discourses

No. 1976839

Isn't Deku canonically physically fit?
With very clearly masculine muscles?

No. 1976842

kek women resemble them more than men do, stop coping. i’m 100% flat-chested so i don’t appreciate you acting like women like this don’t exist.

No. 1976848

Dou you not know that cosplayers use make-up to look sharper or…? Even male cosplayers need to go crazy with the contour, anime-level facial sharpness is straight up inhuman, not male or female

No. 1976849

Nta but teenage boys resemble these characters more than any woman/adult.
It says a lot about fujos.

No. 1976850

no, they literally look like 17-18 year old asian males, not females AT ALL. they're tall, broad shouldered, have dorito chins, and have no breasts or hips. i'm convinced you don't go outside

No. 1976854

File: 1713901379116.gif (3.38 MB, 498x233, IMG_0148.gif)

>mods after they created two bait threads to reinforce another hellweek

No. 1976857

File: 1713901394814.gif (2.91 MB, 480x268, 6063120b4eb523e9c92e90fa_480_2…)

What have I done.

I meant I assumed lesbians were half-looking for potential partners in nerdy spaces so they wouldn't want to 1. be into hair and makeup because that is not nerdy (nothing in common), and 2. be in a place that is largely heterosexual (makeup is largely marketed to women to attract men). I didn't mean to imply that that nerdy lesbians and nerdy straight women can't be friends or have anything in common either. But I imagine that they would be both looking for different things from the start, like a lesbian and a yumefujo might not have much in common fandom-wise, a lesbian would be looking for a yuri shipper or something but from what I've heard those spaces are full of trannies. Anyway sorry for the misunderstanding ladies didn't meant to sound like I was starting a fight.

No. 1976860

Tbf I think the general consensus of liking youthful features is pretty well established with the ugly moid psych op thread, you can take that whichever way you like.

No. 1976861

show me an 18 year old moid that looks like this then. they look like underage boys or anorexic women, let’s be real.

No. 1976865

File: 1713901579534.jpg (145.83 KB, 598x960, tumblr_p29as5uo5h1sahidgo1_640…)

Nta but do you actually know women that look like Deku?

No. 1976868

no, but i don’t know men that do either. that being said i have still seen bodybuilder women that are that muscular.

No. 1976878

deku looks like an underage boy, L and light do not. they look their age, late teens. they don't look like skinny women at all. skinny women still have female hip bone structure, breasts even if small, smaller skulls, shorter chins etc. you're being delusional

No. 1976883

ok sure, and adult men have wide jaws and more muscle. you sound like an alien who read a guidebook on what human males and females look like.

No. 1976884

Ffs, Deku is a cartoon dude, man.
Both need to stop overthinking the fucking obvious.

No. 1976886

fujos are gonna have their minds blown when they figure out that there’s different art styles

No. 1976890

Are you guys going to do physiological analysis on cartoon drawings now? Seriously?

No. 1976898

>ok sure, and adult men have wide jaws and more muscle
L and light have huge chins and completely flat chests which no woman has. men can be skinny too, wow, what a concept. you sound like someone who hasn't been outside in years and does too much cosplay in the mirror that you've deluded yourself into thinking you're literally light

No. 1976905

why the fuck would i cosplay anime moids if i’m not a fujo. and i’m the anon with a completely flat chest, i can look in the mirror and see that. i even have narrow hips. do i just not exist now? too moid? maybe i should troon out if i pass that well.

No. 1976906

>attractive young males that aren't roidpigs are pretty much the same as butch lesbians
I've never thought much about "lesbian" fujos, but I'm sure starting to hate them now, holy shit.

No. 1976907

nayrt I actually knew the op of that thread and she is a repressed bisexual.

No. 1976908

and when i and everyone with a brain cell says “anime boy” they are referring to lines on a screen

No. 1976912

why are you arguing with me? i never disagreed with that, but if you get off to penis drawn or otherwise you like dick. just like how moids who get off to drawn children like kids. simple. or do you disagree with that?

No. 1976915

those women are dating and will marry a man

No. 1976919

sexuality isn’t a paraphilia but nice try

No. 1976921

No one cares how flat your chest is, you don’t look like a teenage boy from Japan.

No. 1976924

…yes? of course sexuality isn’t a paraphilia. so if someone who gets off to drawing of kids is a pedo, a woman who gets off to drawing of moids dick and all is obviously bi or straight.

No. 1976927

Are there any other lesbians who are fans of bl and anti-fujo? It's weird to see how hard they try to control this genre, like only they can enjoy it. Like why do they care so much? They sound so pornsick thinking that everyone interprets or is obsessed over the media like they do/are.

I love reading bl for the romance and storyline, especially if it's forbidden love/ the character(s) is closeted. To me it's just another piece of gay media. It's nice sometimes to see that perspective.

No. 1976930

kek so you’re agreeing? it was said that they look like androgynous women or underage boys. if you think they look like the latter you’re agreeing with me. for the record i’m not the one arguing that lesbian fujos exist, i just agree with the anon talking about cosplay. fujos are bi or straight.

No. 1976935

Why would you be an anti-fujo if you are a fujo?

No. 1976937

Sorry, I replied to the wrong post

No. 1976940

I think there's a difference between a casual BL consumer and fujos tbh, being a fujo is like a lifestyle kek

No. 1976946

File: 1713902950139.jpg (Spoiler Image,162.17 KB, 1080x1331, 73398113_144712603544271_66352…)

I will admit, I find it really really hot when a woman cosplays a bishie. It's the only time I like 3DPD, I might be mentally broken

No. 1976951

File: 1713903024666.jpeg (100.87 KB, 735x902, IMG_2816.jpeg)

Male cosplays will always fit male characters better. No one sees a woman with makeup and a black wig and thinks she looks like a male anime character.

No. 1976953

No. 1976955


Just reading bl on it's own does not make you a fujo.

No. 1976965

omg hahaha oh wow. now ive seen it all

No. 1976975

A fujo is a female fan of BL. That is literally what it means.

No. 1976982

she looks like a drawing of a male so you’re straight, sorry buddy

No. 1976983

File: 1713903648565.jpg (11.81 KB, 566x348, rmxlgzj3p7b51.jpg)

>this entire thread

No. 1976985

Not any of the anons you're replying too, but I refuse to consider people who just slash as fujos.
At least, they should read a couple of actual bl books, they're not long.

No. 1976989

File: 1713903720493.jpg (30.11 KB, 375x500, death_note_l_cosplay_by_dollar…)

exactly. female cosplays of male characters (unless they're literally prepubescent boys like deku) just never look right, even when they're done very well. look at how the best female L cosplay i could find is also conveniently covering her chin area. the body is also slouched to distort narrow shoulders/wide hips

No. 1976990

you’re trying to be funny but you’re not making sense.

No. 1976991

I think it's funny cause when a certain schizo says basically the same, everyone jumps on her.

No. 1976993

in the traditional sense sure, but there are definitely different levels of being a fujo imo. enjoying a BL series every once and a while is different from the ones that are autistically obsessed with it and everything they consume needs to be some form of yaoi.

No. 1976994

meant to reply to >>1976951

No. 1977002

yeah hardcore fujos and casual fujos

No. 1977011

She looks great idk what you two are on about. Personally never seen a male L cosplay this good. Also, maybe she just looks female to you. I found her very ambiguous and needed context to reveal her sex.

No. 1977014

i was about to say it, she could have easily swapped the captions and i wouldn’t be able to tell. also the idea all women have narrow shoulders and wide hips is obviously fucking dumb seeing as cis women have to deal with not fitting beauty standards or being accused of troons over that.

No. 1977017

I'll take women cosplaying males over scrotes cosplaying the same character any day kek. Male cosplayers are ugly as fuck 99% of the time and barely put in any effort, at least the women can pull off the attractive anime twink look.

No. 1977018

she looks great because it's a very well done cosplay, the best female L i could find because i didn't want any anons accusing me of picking a bad one for the sake of argument. it's because her body is slouched and positioned in a way to cover up her characteristics that would make her look less male, like breasts, hips, shoulders etc. and she even put her thumb over her chin. whereas the male cosplay >>1976951 needs to hide nothing, he naturally has a huge chin, big hands etc.

No. 1977019

>cis women

No. 1977022

it’s almost like i’m distinguishing the context that this happens in, or something.

No. 1977023

Eh, I could tell the difference.

No. 1977027

File: 1713904524308.jpeg (38.88 KB, 552x680, IMG_2817.jpeg)

Ugly males should die regardless, but that doesn’t mean women make convincing male cosplays. They look un-sexy because they are women. Male anime characters require cute guys to portray them and I will settle for no less.

No. 1977028

you can just say women

No. 1977030

i guess i’m shit at this then. she looks as feminine to me as the asian underage looking moid that was posted earlier but for some reason was deleted.

No. 1977031

what gender is this one?

No. 1977039

Are you people blind? >>1976951 and >>1977027 are obviously male. >>1976989
Is obviously female. Seriously I don’t get how you can be this bad at distinguishing them.

No. 1977042

Wait, it's a male? His face looked obviously female to me… Kek. I guess with faces it can be more difficult. Good for him for not being ugly.
Nonna, i get you, but there's only so much narrow hips and wide shoulders a woman can have, you'll still be recognisable as a female. It's in your bones. And those anime men are recognisable as male to me at least? Don't they literally study anatomy to draw their anime? Being an androgynous bishounen is an anime beauty ideal, but they still look like they have a male body.

No. 1977044

She is the same cosplayer as >>1976946

No. 1977049

No. 1977050

Oh, so that's a she. Kek at you >>1977039, anon.

No. 1977051

I don't think casually reading bl makes someone a fujo. There's a identity component to it. Imagine some random female fan who just cycles through bl, gl, whatever, like any other manga. I wouldn't call her a fujo.
Fujos are already so divided, it wouldnt make sense to include casuals just on the fact that they pick up a book. If they aren't passionate about it, I can't see them being a fujoshi.

No. 1977053

>but there's only so much narrow hips and wide shoulders a woman can have, you'll still be recognisable as a female.
that's what i'm saying anon. the fact that she did a great job with the cosplay was because of the fact she slouched to hide her breasts, shoulders and hips and covered her chin. it's in spite of her being female, not because of it like lol

No. 1977055

nta but i don't blame them for having trouble, it looks like she photoshops her pictures to shit.

No. 1977056

Ayrt, sorry, wrong reply. Meant for >>1977014.

No. 1977059

what is this argument even about? how is it relevant?

No. 1977062

I am that person who cycles through BL, GL, and het and I call myself a fujo kek

No. 1977063

because some fujo started talking about how L and light looked "more like butch women" than men and her proof was cosplays

No. 1977065

It was about if fujo lesbians are lesbian or not kek

No. 1977066

This is exactly what I think. Sometimes things need to be gatekept more, it's like how someone who only casually watches anime from time to time wouldn't really be considered a weeaboo.

No. 1977068

mm maybe not L and light, but as a non fujo i do think that between adult men and women, the majority of anime boys are a little closer to the latter.

No. 1977069

samefag, i don’t think people who use yaoi as porn can be lesbians though, just that you could draw some anime boys with a cunt and it wouldn’t exactly look weird

No. 1977070

that is because they are young males who still have hair and little facial hair, that doesn't mean they look like women. they're still tall, broad shouldered, flat chested males with narrow hips and dorito chins, no woman at any stage of life looks like that no matter how butch. but 17-19 year old males do

No. 1977071

What do you mean it wouldn't? It looks bizarre.

No. 1977072

I think male faces grow differently, at least imo (not an expert). Sort of related to how it's easy to spot the difference between deaged actors from when they were actually young.

No. 1977073

He's so ugly. How can anyone love him?

No. 1977075

ehhh. i don’t know, maybe it’s subjective? but especially femboys. as much as troons and irl femboys try to convince themselves of it they look nothing like that.

No. 1977076

i agree, anime boys with pussys just dont look good and i wish people would stop drawing shit like that

No. 1977079

I’d agree if you said 14-16.

No. 1977080

I think that would really depend how stylized it is.

No. 1977081

He's a beautiful butch lesbian.

No. 1977084

"Femboys" often have real women anatomical proportions. But it's not how anime males are usually drawn.

No. 1977086

either way they don’t look like adults.

No. 1977095

File: 1713905769180.webp (59.46 KB, 1200x1581, Tensei-Shitara-Dainana-Ouji-Da…)

This, there's a difference between anime dude and anime "draw a chick, call it a dude"

No. 1977097

thats not a girl? jesus…

No. 1977098

Spoiler this crap

No. 1977102

If you find this attractive, you shouldn't worry over your sexual attraction, you should worry over the fact that you're a pedophile.

No. 1977103

*sexual orientation

No. 1977104


Samefag. That's fine if you enjoy multiple things while also enjoying bl. I mean to say those who just passively read and don't claim to be anything.

No. 1977105

only men find shit like that attractive

No. 1977111

When I think isekai cannot get any worse

No. 1977113

anon their husbandos are like 15, even if fujos were attracted to it they wouldn’t care.

No. 1977115

File: 1713906331199.jpg (124.34 KB, 928x1172, F-XlY_ZakAAEpvp.jpg)

there are plenty of women doing convincing crossplay, its just that a majority of attractive women now would rather monetize cosplay and get praise for dressing in trendy feminine cosplays, and ftms have taken over crossplay as a whole. surely someone else must remember the era of almost every woman cosplaying jack sparrow and mogging the fuck out of johnny depp. women are better at androgyny, simple as. citing irl female androgyny being a excuse for "lesbians" to be into fapping to bl is a hilarious copefic tho

No. 1977117

but nona, she’s hunching over to hide her breasts!!!

No. 1977118

Did you mean yumefujos

No. 1977123

their yaoi porn boys then, same thing.

No. 1977127

She doesn’t look like a convincing Link though. Link is supposed to be a cute boy. She’s just an ugly woman.

No. 1977136

you’re uglier than her

No. 1977142

>She’s just an ugly woman.
Post yourself, nonny

No. 1977162

File: 1713907769602.webp (65.71 KB, 1280x854, f19a3303006215930801d4075e6d65…)

You people are coping hard if you think she's convincing as a male character. You're either conflating a well-done costume with her looking like the character or you're attracted to women and mistaking that for being good cosplay. It becomes much more obvious in characters that wear less clothing that they are clearly male. No woman will ever look like a Free! boy.

No. 1977163

these men are ugly nona

No. 1977165

99.9% of males are ugly, that's not the point. They are still 100x more convincing than any female cosplay would be. Really cosplay as a whole is stupid because none of the people doing it are attractive or convincing anyways. CGI recreations are superior to 3DPD.

No. 1977166

Why do you find these freaks attractive?

No. 1977173

nta but so is the woman that was posted with that bad link cosplay >>1977115 . ugly woman =/= looks like a man. her point is that a woman still looks like a woman. link is also a weird character with multiple canon looks where in some he literally looks like a 10 year old boy so it's not fair to say she makes a "convincing link" anyway. not comparable at all to L who only has one appearance

No. 1977178

She's not ugly, get your eyes checked

No. 1977185

she definitely doesn't look like link in any of his canon forms. idk what anon was trying to achieve posting that

No. 1977203

File: 1713908879333.jpg (68.93 KB, 533x800, 34a3afb985ce20606464291fad5488…)

you've reminded me of how shocked I was as a 12 year old that this cosplayer is a woman kek I can see clearly now that it's photoshoped tho

No. 1977209

File: 1713909502648.jpg (224.72 KB, 1096x1600, file.jpg)

The biggest giveaway is that she needs to wear clothes to hide her body for a character who is always shirtless, but you can tell from her hands and feminine features too. Male cosplayers photobash themselves too, but they look more distinctly male.

No. 1977217

I don't care how inaccurate they are, female cosplayers as male characters are simply hotter than male cosplayers

No. 1977221

I'm struggling to find how cosplayers have any correlation to fujos being a majority lesbian. The men in yaoi and BL have abs and dicks, what does an overshooped tif cosplay have to do with that

No. 1977223

It doesn't have a correlation, people are just being retarded

No. 1977224

File: 1713909944346.jpg (245.78 KB, 1280x1919, tumblr_347d26c9b4a216c3f6194c0…)

no they're not, you're just a lesbian

No. 1977225

Christ, that wig looks like shit.

No. 1977226

>citing irl female androgyny being a excuse for "lesbians" to be into fapping to bl is a hilarious copefic tho
The oddest, most contrived arguments always show up when talking about lesbian fujos. Like the anons arguing about lesbians becoming fujos cause they'd want a female dominated hobby and making bl seem like a secondary thing. I can accept the idea of fujos who consume bl while being indifferent to the erotic parts, tho I'd imagine that would make large parts of the fandom boring, but masturbating to abstract men is still masturbating to men.

No. 1977230

Unfathomably based

No. 1977231

Nya, but I can see the appeal if you're into androgyny in general.

No. 1977232

I think what's most difficult to understand is the strict obsession with men. I feel like half of all "lesbian" fujos are not actual lesbians because I never see any in relationships, nor do they talk about their interest in women outside of a passing "omg she's hot" comment every couple weeks. I don't need people to be dscreaming how happy they are to be lesbians, but why focus your life around men so much that you label yourself as a woman obsessed with gay men?

No. 1977233

They do some insane mental gymnastics to justify their delusions about being a lesbian kek

No. 1977234

No, I'm straight. They're still hotter.

No. 1977237

the denial runs deep

No. 1977238

nta but male cosplayers just don’t look good except from the exceptions.

No. 1977239

>makeup, fashion, cooking/baking,
Ah yes, famously things lesbians enjoy. Women, amirite?

No. 1977241

>lesbians don't enjoy fashion or cooking
wtf LMAO. lesbian doesn't mean nerdy masculine fujo and straight woman doesn't mean hyperfeminine bimbo. normie lesbians exist, weird nerdy straight women exist. sexualities don't equal social labels jesus christ this is why half of you think you're lesbian even though you spend all of your time thinking about men, you think it's some sort of social club instead of simply who you're sexually attracted to

No. 1977245

>Accusing straight women of secretly being lesbians
>Accusing lesbians of secretly being straight women
The duality of Lolcor: regardless of what you're sexuality is, someone thinks you're lying about it.

No. 1977247

Do you know what a joke is

No. 1977250

if you're attracted to women in wigs, congratulations you are not in fact straight

No. 1977258

I'm only attracted to her when she's filming thirst traps dressed as a moid

No. 1977267

File: 1713911453739.jpg (43.73 KB, 887x450, mr-incredible-telling-incredib…)

No actual female lesbian is pretending to enjoy yaoi to pick up chicks, that's troon/moid behavior. If lesbians want to hang out with us, that's fine by me. It's not my business to question their sexuality or the sincerity of their BL enjoyment.

No. 1977268

on the topic of anime boys; as a bisexual women, i can’t see them as anything but androgynous women. men just can’t ever look that feminine - i could picture them as a boy in his early teens but i would rather not since i’m not a pedo. cuntboys look more correct to me than anime boys drawn with penises unless it’s the case of the anime man looking like a man - in this instance i agree that they have shoulders too broad or too much muscle to look female. think al haitham from genshit. but the husbandos in their school uniforms etc can only look like women if you’re imagining them as adults. an anon was posting about shinji x kaworu in the fujo thread in /m/. a person who looks like one of those yaoi boys will not be male unless they are a child. in these cases, a lesbian’s sexual attraction doesn’t seem contradictory to me, if it’s purely based on their designs or it’s cuntboys. HOWEVER i agree with the anon saying lesbians will not be this fixated on characters associated with maleness, or go out of their way to find yaoi porn with uncensored penises or honestly anal fucking in general. wtf? be for real. it’s ok to be bi. lesbians don’t want to see penises going in and out of a butthole.

No. 1977270

I'm not any of the anons who was thirstposting about cross players. I was just making an observation about the contrast between the two posts I replied to.

No. 1977281

They might not be trying to actually pick up chicks, but hardly anyone is doing that in anonymous internet spaces anyways. It's more akin to peering in with virtual binoculars, like internet peepers. It would be different if they were just bisexuals who genuinely like BL, but the lesbian "fujos" itt admitted that they only enter BL spaces because of proximity to women despite not having any attraction to the male characters. If they wanted an innocent hangout space, they wouldn't be into hobbies specifically for straight women. It's like TIMs joining breastfeeding groups and pretending they can lactate too. Lesbians do not have a legitimate interest in 2D men.

No. 1977287

Can you fucking stop comparing lesbians to TIMs? You're a disgrace.

No. 1977308

File: 1713913526636.jpg (Spoiler Image,85.28 KB, 1366x768, MV5BM2YwZTZmYzUtN2UwNi00MWZmLT…)

>Here are the lesbians I was telling you about. Technically they're males, but that doesn't stop me from imagining them as sapphic wlw butches having lots of lesbian sex with their female penises.

No. 1977317

No. 1977321

those are clearly flatchested women anon

No. 1977352

Maybe not, but lesbians do care about stories that don't involve heterosexuals.

No. 1977368

File: 1713915733623.jpeg (Spoiler Image,61.06 KB, 720x720, IMG_0222.jpeg)

i’m no fujo lesbian activist but pircrel totally could be

No. 1977377

the yuripedo is real, i dont know why you are still coping when it was revealed by the mods that it's the /g/ lesbian antifujo >>>/g/392771

No. 1977379

what did yuripedo do exactly?

No. 1977393

being a pedo into loli >>1973124 also threatening fujos with rape >>1973493

No. 1977404

damn she’s kinda based and i like her voice. i’ve seem fujos/yumes here who read shota or are into weirder shit, anyway.

No. 1977405

>skinny, effete males are basically the same as androgynous women
It's the incessant tranny logic that bothers me. Are these "lesbians" even attracted to women, or particular aesthetic? Female anatomy seems to be optional to attraction as long the resemblance to some "butch" look is there.

No. 1977408

File: 1713917067889.png (239.88 KB, 436x424, mentalillness.PNG)

>she's based
why do antifujos always stick with the weirdos? at least fujos openly hate shotafags and tifs

No. 1977412

i feel like genitals should be the determining factor no? regardless of what build a lesbian likes all that matters is the vagina or penis. if you asked me, anime people are alien creatures no normal man or woman comes close to but the person i’ve seen that comes closest was an early-transitioned TiF tbh.

No. 1977414

>/g/ "lesbian" antifujo
>threatening fujos with rape
>is a pedo
hmmmm… Vocaroo doesn't seem to load, but sucks if it's an actual woman.

No. 1977415

There are men that actually have those body types, but sadly they're all gay

No. 1977417

it's sadly a woman

No. 1977421

eh seems like an overexaggeration to me, she wasn’t threatening anyone just describing a fantasy and heterosexual anons post much worse in /g/ if you frequent there. i would agree that it’s bad if people weren’t way more persecutive to this behaviour when it’s lesbians doing it.

No. 1977423

if it was a fujo doing the same all of you wouldn't be so lenient

No. 1977424

? you can find fujos like this on /m/ and /g/ every day. i’m not an anti-fujo anyway.

No. 1977427

>you can find fujos like this on /m/ and /g/ every day.
i have never heard a fujo saying she wanted to rape a lesbian wtf

No. 1977429

kek, why would a fujo say that when they like men…?

No. 1977431

>i would agree that it’s bad if people weren’t way more persecutive to this behaviour when it’s lesbians doing it.
Well duh, because when lesbians are doing it they're talking about wanting to rape women. Obviously posters here are going to dislike hearing that far more than hearing a woman talking about wanting to rape males.

No. 1977433

idk anon was trying to imply fujos say that on /g/ and /m/

No. 1977438

yeah but women aren’t going to act on that, so it’s just fantasy. i understand why they have a greater reaction it’s just a bit of a double standard on here in the end.

No. 1977440

>double standars
not only women can't rape men, but that anon was threatening women that are in her community. Why are you making excuses for a pedo, she could be raping little girls. Would you say the same if she instead threatened to rape kids?

No. 1977445

nothing in the linked replies made me think she was doing / did anything close to that, she’s just a waifufag who reads yuri. feel free to show me where she’s done that though.

No. 1977447

stfu and stop being melodramatic standaranon

No. 1977449

No. 1977450

she's into loli, there is a reason why she's nicknamed ''yuripedo''
she's a legit pedo schizo and you are only making excuses for her because she's a woman who's on your side.

No. 1977452

do you think fujo shotafags are pedos and rapists too?

No. 1977453

at least i am not defending a pedophile into lolishit

No. 1977456

Yes. Literally no one on these threads has defended fujo shotafags, but all of you are making excuses for a lolipedo.

No. 1977457

half of fujos are technically pedos by your definition for being into shota then

No. 1977462

Shota is extremely niche in bl. Most bl has grown adults.

No. 1977463

Ermmm no that is different because… b-because… IT JUST IS OKAY?!

No. 1977464

i hate shotafags as much as anyone, but i'm not gonna go around calling them PEDO RAPISTS!!!11 when it's literally fiction. doesn't fujochan allow shota? is everyone on fujochan a pedo?

No. 1977467

fujochan banned shota
no one said that KEK i literally said they are pedos too

No. 1977469

this just isn’t true. they aren’t usually shotas but they’re not usually adults either.

No. 1977474

>fujochan banned shota
when, 2 months ago? after they were basically forced to i assume? i heard the userbase was not happy about that. but at least you're consistent i guess, good job calling a lot of your fellow fujochan users pre-shota ban pedos.

No. 1977477

>they aren’t usually shotas but they’re not usually adults either.
then they arent shota, whats your point?

No. 1977481

they’re 14

No. 1977482

>grasping at straws to defend a yuripedo just because she's on your side
this is why everyone calls you schizophrenic.

No. 1977483

They dont look 14. Jotaro isnt a shota just because he's 17.

No. 1977491

jotaro isn’t 14 so he doesn’t look 14. idc, but if you don’t call those anons pedos why call the yuri equivalents that? anyway, so this ’standars’ anon is everywhere huh? i thought it must be a common typo here but i seemed to have argued with them a couple times now.

No. 1977504

> idc, but if you don’t call those anons pedos why call the yuri equivalents that?
because the 14yo anime boys never look 14. >>1977308 these guys look 20yo. If they look 14 then sure, but the vast majority of underage male characters look 20.
> i thought it must be a common typo here but i seemed to have argued with them a couple times now.
its a common typo, specially if you are writing fast.

No. 1977510

so the same can extend to the yurifag…?

No. 1977511

cant believe my ass was screencapped and posted in the fujo cringe thread last week for pointing out liking anime teenagers does not an irl pedophile make

No. 1977513

i dont agree with you, but its funny how ''its just fiction'' when one of them likes loli. I wonder how they are going to justify pakichan posting cp.

No. 1977515

except underage anime girls always look underage.

No. 1977516

seems like a double “”standars””.

No. 1977517

if there was more butch lesbian yuri do you think lesbian fujos who read yaoi would switch to yuri? or would they feel like even drawing the shape of their breasts is male gazey or something

No. 1977519

This right here. And we know from facts sadly that a lot men into fictional lolis do like real CP. Look at japan's culture towards young gravue models.

No. 1977521

i’m bi but if there were hot butch yuri that wasn’t cutesy moe shit and had more normal characterisation like yaoi does, i would probably never read yaoi again, ever. i think it depends, “lesbian fujos” who are really straight would probably say that, but the truly bi ones would migrate.

No. 1977535

not really. when i was in hs none of my moid classmates was ripped.

No. 1977541

i think we’ve establish most of the anime boys anons like aren’t roidpigs, there was a whole discussion about that too wasn’t there? like i said i have no problem with nonas simping over fictional characters, i just think it’s unfair to only allow this for heterosexual anons while the yurifags are pedo rapists that are going to rape little girls.

No. 1977548

the free guys are still ripped, you dont have to be a roidpig to be fit

No. 1977552

also the lolifag doesnt just like teen girls, she likes LOLIS did that fly over your head?

No. 1977553

ok… not really my main point here.

No. 1977556

literally no anime boy who's fit(which is most of them) looks like a real teen boy kek

No. 1977801

i don't understand what the fuck is going on in these threads anymore. there's too much sexuality sperging and pedofoiling to sift through the garbage. can i just get a no-frills explanation of what, exactly, each side is trying to argue? from what i gather, it's something along these lines:
>women should be able to whack off to whatever they want because they're not as bad as men
>criticizing women's choice of media consumption is censorship/puritanism, which is wrong because fiction isn't reality
>fandom is riddled with content that eroticizes power dynamics and inures women to their own abuse (and/or leads them to troon out)
>fandom has a tendency to ignore and sideline female characters/female-centric media because women are apparently too stupid and coombrained to read or consume media about characters they don't want to fuck
did i get it? because if that's right, it basically seems to be mirroring the "pro vs anti" debate. in which case, why are we even pretending that this is about yaoi and not just… erotica/porn addiction/the pornification of fandom more broadly? we could have the same arguments about fifty shades or any other popular erotica. i am so lost.

No. 1977803

you’re right nona.

No. 1977807

this is infighting: the thread. the actual arguments of both sides have been laid out several, several times already and atp it's just agree to disagree, there is nothing more to be said. people here just want to fight eachother which is why they constantly derail into the pedo/sexuality debate.

No. 1977808

fujos have been trying to explain to antifujos that yaoi isnt porn and that women like it because of the characters/story/easthetics first, but its like talking to brick wall

No. 1977811

File: 1713931658994.jpg (205.69 KB, 1080x1080, 1000019750.jpg)

This thread is like eating a whole pack of bubblegum, it has been feeling like this for a while already, there's seriously nothing else to discuss considering no one is agreeing with each other at all.

No. 1977820

File: 1713932784853.jpeg (68.84 KB, 645x759, x866plusCjjPlqD.jpeg)

fujos how do you feel about this image?

No. 1977827

The fuck am I looking at

No. 1977831

pakichans cousin living his truth

No. 1977834

File: 1713933421860.png (803.06 KB, 768x511, 7WuQ0xmz1gvVOGLo.png)

No. 1977861


No. 1977877

>she wasn’t threatening anyone just describing a fantasy
Nta but wasn't this post earlier >>1975281 also hers? also here's another loli post that wasn't mentioned >>1973151 she basically spent hours defending Strike Witches in the fujo cringe thread

No. 1977882

File: 1713940371158.jpg (156.22 KB, 850x784, 1422255349792.jpg)

Fujos, stop confusing things. I've never once in my life masturbated to pictures or even fics of lolis. I am not like you who unapologetically enjoy little boy rape by grown ass men or between themselves. You're actual fucking pedophiles and I really hope none of you ever breed. I'm sure those women you see in the headlines who let their scrote sodomize their little boys are pornsick faghags like you. I actually hope you all die.

Also, I'm glad to read a few posters ITT who still have the common sense to see that yaoi brainrotted fujos are not lesbians. If you're obsessed with men in any capacity you're probably not a lesbian anyway.

Strike Witches is fun and I will not back off on this no matter how much you whine and seethe. Yes, I like animu that depict strong, cool and attractive female characters, even more when they are lesbians. Fujos LARPing as """"lesbians"""" pretend that they like yaoi only because muh malegaze (why give men so much headspace if you're gay?) but that's just simple cope, you're not attracted to females enough to not feel absolutely repulsed every time you see a female character on screen when you could be watching two boys anyway. Absolutely disgusting.

No. 1977884

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No. 1977886

File: 1713941125341.png (925.79 KB, 1200x1600, extra-twitter02.png)

Convenient how you never quote the post where I say I like Itou Hachi for her onee-sans.(ban evading retard)

No. 1977889

File: 1713941751561.gif (1.32 MB, 220x220, lol lmao.gif)

Antifujos make the best cows. They are so embarassing.
BTW The anime she's cocksucking has a character that's 12 years old, and you can see her underwear in almost all of the promotional images i could find. Disgusting.

No. 1977898

Seeing fujos criticize anyone for degen behavior is honestly hilarious

No. 1977903

File: 1713943785615.jpg (168.88 KB, 630x750, 10 count.jpg)

i can criticize the loli yuripedo because i am not jacking off nor defending anime/manga with little boys in them.

No. 1977907

>obsessed with cuteness and anime girls
>tells women to die
How these people exist lol

No. 1977908

can you still buy those figures somewhere or are they gone?

No. 1977909

You can buy them second hand but they are pricey. I hope you can get them nonny, they really nice. I am glad they made more bunny boys, but i find the Daikaichi ones really ugly.

No. 1977922

you cannot call someone a pedophile if you watch loli anime and even praise it kek

No. 1977927

>I like animu that depict strong, cool and attractive female characters, even more when they are lesbians.
>Uses Strike Witches as example
Yeah, no wonder lesbians read yaoi if an anime that shows underage girls pantyshots ever 30 seconds is considered good lesbian representation by yurishitter standars.

No. 1977933

Retarded male makes a video about why women like BL, cites Galbraith (well-known lolifag apologist "scholar"), claims AO3's female userbase is decreasing (because of girls and women in the west suddenly identifying as male en-masse) and only defines "fujoshi" at minute 28 out of 34 lmfao

Thoughts on this video? Personally, aside from the obvious fact that it's a moid talking about something exclusively female as if he were an authority on it yet again, I think some of his sources suffer from the mistake of lumping all female otaku together with fujoshi. For example, this retarded idea that only fujos engage in "moe talk" when yumejoshi may have existed for about as long as fujos have. And also, of course being a male, he fails to realize early on that the main reason so many women are so obsessed with gay cartoon pairings is because we're so doompilled about depictions of females and heterosexual relationships that a lot of us cannot stand seeing anything remotely female in fiction, but still seek romantic fiction involving males since we still have a libido and most of us are attracted to males.

Unrelated to the video, I think fujos only got so big due to two main reasons after the obvious misogyny women suffer:
>it was the easiest, laziest idealized romance alternative to "boring", stereotypical heterosexual relationships where the female is passive and submissive and so on, with BL just removing the female altogether instead of trying to come up with a better depiction of heterosexual romance, plus it was edgy and unheard of back then
>since it had a huge surge in popularity, girls and women started to get into fujo shit because they wanted to belong to a female-exclusive group of otaku freaks just like them. Many of them ended up actually liking yaoi over time but others just stuck around because they didn't want to be alone as female geeks without any kind of support from a community, and would actually prefer other types of content if they knew about it
Even today there's a lot of girls, many of which are FTM sadly, who are new to fandoms, that get into yaoi because all their online friends like it. It's just something they bond over which in itself isn't bad. I think a huge part of why yaoi is so popular now is still because it provides female geeks an opportunity to belong to a huge community of other female geeks and feel less alone and less disgusted by the males that infect every other space or community, not precisely because most of those female geeks wouldn't like anything else if someone were to show it to them.

Just to be clear, I'm not really anti-fujo so much as I find it irritating that people lump us all together with fujos, and dislike the immature fujo girls that can't stand non-fujo girls enjoying male characters or romance in any way they don't like. Aside from those two things and the problems I have with the way women are depicted by some fujos with obvious issues, I think it's a very good thing that there's fiction made by and for women that goes against what society and moids want to force on us. Pissing moids off by doing to male characters what they do to female characters is always based.

No. 1977936

>the way women are depicted
I genuninely don't get what yumejos and so forth talk about when they say this, you read bl and expect a focus on the female character?
Just stick to shoujo?

No. 1977939

None of your reasons make sense. 99% of fujos just like shipping cute boys because its twice the moid, simple as. M/M shippers aren't a Japanese -only phenomenon either. Female trekkies coined slash in the 70s, and used to have their own ''doujin'' culture. I think it's natural for women to like seeing two men fuck, it's really not that deep.

No. 1977940

>why are we even pretending that this is about yaoi and not just… erotica/porn addiction/the pornification of fandom more broadly? we could have the same arguments about fifty shades or any other popular erotica.
I kind of agree with you, now that you mention it. I was thinking that the problem with the girls that identify with and romanticise the abused uke in yaoi is not the yaoi itself but the fact that we are taught from childhood to identify into that role. Because scrotes don't identify as the abused in hentai manga, they always imagine themselves in the role of the rapist. So why do young fujos often imagine themselves as the raped character? It doesn't make any sense until you realize we've just been conditioned and most of said fujo girls don't break out of their social brainwashing.
Of course the normalization of porn addiction in the entirety of society is also a huge factor these days. Because it's not just porn addiction that is being normalized but we're going back to medieval times when it was considered "normal" to think of women as nothing more than sex slaves who were always meant to be in a submissive role.

No. 1977941

>So why do young fujos often imagine themselves as the raped character?
most fujos prefeer to see their favourite character as the uke, so if anything they identify more with the seme lol

No. 1977943

nta but that's the point, fujos see their favourite character as women and the seme is the man in their lives.

No. 1977946

let me ask you anon. Have you ever had an husbando, are you even horny? because it seems like you are speaking about things you have never experienced yourself.

No. 1977947

so are men who read doujins of their waifu being fucked by a faceless man also self insert as the female character? or does this retarded argument only apply to women.

No. 1977948

I have had characters I'm attracted too and I wished they would end up with either a canon love interests or my own self-insert, because I'm a normal person who isn't suffering from crippling porn addiction,
have you seen how TIMs troon out due to hentai

No. 1977950

yaoi maybe not be porn but it can lead to porn addiction.

No. 1977951

>I have had characters I'm attracted too and I wished they would end up with either a canon love interests or my own self-insert, because I'm a normal person who isn't suffering from crippling porn addiction,
are you one of those women who gets sexual pleasure from being the desired object? if so, i dont think you understand how women that arent cucked think.

No. 1977954

using porn terms isn't helping your case.

No. 1977956

everyone who isnt into het shit where the woman is some submissive uwu waif is a porn addict to you. No wonder you project onto fujos this much.

No. 1977958

I don't even read any type of erotica

No. 1977959

so you are talking out of your ass as per usual. Why are you guys like this?

No. 1977960

File: 1713948246522.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1552, HyP4wVi.png)

so true, picrel totally isn't a result of porn addiction.

No. 1977962

exactly, it's the fault of living in a misogynist society. Thank you for admitting it.

No. 1977965

>dick fight islam

No. 1977966

installah, may they win

No. 1977967

it's island

No. 1977968

Are you genuinely retarded or just pretending? I'm talking about female characters when they appear as side characters in yaoi, both original and fanfiction. Female characters are demonized a lot by some kinds of fujos for some strange reason
>inb4 she pretends this never happens or that it only used to happen in the 90s

>I think it's natural for women to like seeing two men fuck, it's really not that deep.
And I think it's natural for straight women to want to fuck men, yet being a fujo is so prevalent among female otaku, whereas being a yurifag is rarer in comparison among men. You can't just pretend it's as simple as "twice the moid twice the fun".
And yes, belonging to a community is a huge factor for a lot of young fujos. In most cases there's several reasons for being a fujo not just one. Besides, not everyone has the same reasons for liking BL, which is especially obvious when you remember lesbian fujos exist.

>most fujos prefeer to see their favourite character as the uke
Do you have actual proof of that or are you just talking about your own personal experience? There's fujo FTMs all over Twitter who self-insert as the uke. Also when I say "fujo girls" I mean those underage ones, not you specifically and I was referring to the other anon's post where she said an anti-fujo argument is that "yaoi makes girls more vulnerable to abuse" because it romanticizes power dynamics/abuse, which both she and I agree that it's not BL's fault. You're just trying to derail the argument into another infight.

No. 1977969

Island most likely. Feeling sorry for this girl. She will never be able to dick fight on an island she has to deal with it.

No. 1977971

Is this what muslims say when they download an app? Kek

No. 1977972

>whereas being a yurifag is rarer in comparison among men
Its really not. Most anime for men has yuribait and lesbians are in the top 5 porn categories for men.

No. 1977974

There's fujos who self-insert as the uke and others who self-insert as the seme. It doesn't matter which, there's both kinds of Aidens. Aidens who imagine themselves as the seme dont realize that they can imagine themselves as a dominant woman because you can do anything in fiction. There's some sort of cognitive dissonance going on that allows them to delude themselves into thinking they're male, but it's impossible for them to imagine a situation where she's fucking her husbando as a dominant, assertive female, or where she's not sexualized but the husbando is. On the other hand, Aidens who self-insert as an uke are plenty and unless you're new here you've probably seen several examples already.

And btw I'm only talking about FTMs here, not fujos in general. I mean, there's also fujos who don't self-insert as any of the two. Being a fujo doesn't mean being a troon.

No. 1977975

>There's fujos who self-insert as the uke and others who self-insert as the seme
it really isnt about self inserting

No. 1977976

>are you one of those women who gets sexual pleasure from being the desired object?
I'm sorry if you're mentally incapable of having sexual fantasies in which you're a woman that's treated with respect and not like a sex object. It's not really your fault.

No. 1977981

>call me retarded when I pointed out exactly what your point was
lmao don't project on me, and yes, you should not read yaoi expecting female characters to be the focus kek If you want to talk about negative depiction of female characters you could talk about shoujo manga or ya novels women rivals who are always portrayed as evil man eaters, or better yet, focus on moid created content when there are plenty of examples

No. 1977983

File: 1713949430481.webp (Spoiler Image,38.8 KB, 558x420, hetshit.webp)

I wasn't talking about me, i was talking about the average cosoomer of het smut like pic rel.

No. 1977984

I don't know why fujo-related discussion became so braindead and hostile when 7 years ago we could discuss these things without a single fujo cherrypicking sentences and presenting them out of context getting all defensive about basic things that are common knowledge kek

Maybe all of these retarded "fujo" replies are just samefagging by the lolifag troll above idk

classic deflection, keep 'em coming

No. 1977986

Again, sorry that you think you can only choose between being a sex object or not existing at all. This is literally what I said in my first post as one of the reasons yaoi is popular, but I basically got called a liar.

No. 1977988

File: 1713949803959.png (Spoiler Image,693.77 KB, 2263x483, blackpill.png)

Again, i wasnt talking about me. If you check the female section of dlsite its nothing but gross coomerfied women with ugly dominant moids.

No. 1977991

i think all of you are unaware of the fact that the only reason yaoi is gay men and not just het smut is simply because japanese women wanted to make something men wouldn't be able to like. they are equivalent of erotica novels. there are sexual doujins of pretty cure so it's obvious why you'd want something men would be disgusted by. it still has the same escapist issues that all anime has, that's why it becomes addictive. and honestly gay men in any form shouldn't be fetishized not because they are poor little babies, but because gay men are fucking disgusting, anime and yaoi just gives you brain poisoning.

No. 1977992

>don't know why fujo-related discussion became so braindead and hostile
Twitter zoomers and posters who just like to infight and find this topic prime infight material happened.
I think certain points of this thread could be interesting to seriously discuss like what counts as addiction, but no one wants to think about things in a more neutral way, just score points for a side.

No. 1977997

some of you are so misogynistic you are incapable of grasping the idea of women just liking yaoi because it has two hot moids instead of one. It's like it can't fit through your thick skull that women can horny without self inserting.

No. 1978001

As someone who used to exclusively read het fiction until I became an adult, I always found the fujo claims that "there's no good female characters in het" to be retarded. Yes there is a lot of garbage (reminded of the old smutty shoujo I read as a teen where the dudes tell the heroine horrifically misogynistic shit but it's framed as romantic), but if you are smart enough you can avoid them by noticing red flags in the plot summaries and tags. I started reading BL when I ran out of popular shoujo/josei manga to read, and it's always been a mixed bag. A lot of BL had unique cute dynamics that just isn't possible without a same sex couple (like doki doki moments when platonically sharing a bed when on a school trip or something rivalry between men etc), but also a lot of them had the romanticized power dynamics you mentioned. Howeverm it felt similar to the abuse I already saw in het stuff so I didn't attribute it to being a BL problem like >>1977968 mentioned but overall issue with media.
That's your problem right there, going for a site that has everything from school life handholding doujinshi to extreme coomershit like fatmob rape, beastiality, anal prolapse etc. Your average shoujo/josei manga are way more normal. The short published online smutty stuff often tends to be poor logic wise (meet hot man random shit happens sex sex sex), but in the recent years I have read many with good chemistry and non-coomerish sex. Will post some recs in a few minutes in a saged post since the infighters will just accuse me of lying if I don't give examples.

No. 1978002

File: 1713950406383.jpg (Spoiler Image,769.28 KB, 1795x2774, media_FiSYtb3WQAYYCFP.jpg)

two hot moids where one is basically a woman and is subjugated to the worst forms of female exclusive misogyny.

No. 1978005

File: 1713950525600.jpg (205.83 KB, 896x896, eagle.jpg)

why would i want to downgrade from two hot moids to one single moid and some boring fmc? male characters in josei are always so fucking boring too

No. 1978006

I'm gonna throw up in my mouth

No. 1978007

this, plus zoomers have been conditioned into needing some kind of morally guided reason for everything they do, that's why the thread is entirely black and white. the two sides need some moral high ground that's why it's either a horrible fetish or pure and unadulterated love. there is nothing that deep one way or another about seeing two unrealistically soft looking anime males touch their extremely unrealistically appealing dicks together.

No. 1978009

it's not deflection it's your nitpicking standards, alongside the sexualization topic this gets always gets always talked about when there is barely any examples that are not nitpicked.
The misogyny you speak of in characters whenever there was a rival was often treated no differently than in a shoujo manga. Yet, it's intriguing how yaoi bear the criticism yet depictions of shit het romance and women stealing men from other women it's okay.

No. 1978012

NTA. As someone who only looks at the "submissive man" for women tag on that site I can tell you they have a lot of that too. There is also vanilla romance stuff. But it's coomerism: the site, obvisouly it will be full of degen porno content.

No. 1978016

I don't imagine myself as the male characters, I ship myself with the uke. Characters like Yoon Bum aren't really homosexual anyway. His life would have been much better if he were saved by the love of a woman.

No. 1978017

the submissive man tag still has the same ''big titty woman with ugly average moid''.

No. 1978019

the other anon just said she likes self-shipping. I don't think anyone on this imageboard enjoys this coomer garbage but you immediately assumed she was talking about this because… it's popular among some kinds of women? This is EXACTLY like if I called all fujos troons.
I really don't get the hatred towards women who don't like yaoi and prefer to imagine themselves fucking a hot guy. It's really not our problem if you think the only choice we have is to consume this shit, maybe you just lack an imagination.

When I said BL provides geeky women a way to bond with each other away from all the scrotes this also is what I meant or I forgot to mention it. It's also a kind of revenge for all the shit moids do to us, which is a sentiment I agree with tbh

>some of you are so misogynistic you are incapable of grasping the idea of women just liking yaoi because it has two hot moids instead of one
It's not misogynistic to repeat the same reasons a ton of fujos give for liking yaoi kek
no one ITT is attacking you for finding two hot moids attractive
>It's like it can't fit through your thick skull that women can horny without self inserting.
A lot of fujos self-insert despite you not doing it and we're discussing the ones that do, learn to read twitterfag

No. 1978022

>A lot of fujos self-insert

No. 1978026

what about all of the people who start shipping m/m pairings without Japanese yaoi as an influence?

The anons saying that they just like yaoi for basic reasons are being the most honest here, I hate how women feel the need to justify and intellectualise everything we do to elevate it above the horrid reality of being something we enjoy, or worse, apparently, something we find arousing. Whether its fujos or hetfags or yurifags, its always the same shit. I can get wanting to figure out the reasoning behind more abstracted fetish stuff like omegaverse or popularity booms in more extreme depictions of bdsm shit or whatever, but two characters having more ordinary sex or just being in a relationship is neither deep nor all that interesting to try and analyse or justify.

No. 1978027

File: 1713951260442.webp (45.94 KB, 560x420, RJ428392_img_main.webp)

Not really. Some of the covers are just a picture of the man's face.

No. 1978028

twitter zoomers just need to feel superior and have justifiable reasons for whatever they do or feel, which is stupid.

nta but most people self-insert into any media.

No. 1978031

File: 1713951448886.png (Spoiler Image,2.91 MB, 2284x1290, blackpill2.png)

It's because they are audios, dumbass. All of the mangas have a big titty woman in the center because hetshitters like to self insert.

No. 1978032

File: 1713951500559.mp4 (5.41 MB, 854x480, qxkKnRc.mp4)

this thread right now

No. 1978033

they just want to see two dicks. my point was that it's not that deep, yaoi mangaka sometimes also just want to see two dicks. yaoi being a male free zone doesn't imply it's somehow more moral or something, which some anons really seem to need it to imply.

No. 1978034

It's funny because in your example there are several thumbnails where the man's titties are in the center and you can't see the woman's chest at all. Complain all you want about the rest, I get you. But don't pretend it's all the same.

No. 1978036

the only ones that have no women at all are the audios. The rest all have sexualized women in them. Stop coping. Hetshitters like to self insert, fine, i dont care. But i am tired of hetshitters thinking that just because they like to self insert as big titty anime girls being fondled by a dominant ape that all women are like them and also have to self insert to get off.

No. 1978040

Of course there will be women in a woman x man manga. Is that your problem? I thought your problem was only the big titty ones being in the centre. But even a dominant woman whose breasts you can't see, fondling a barechested man is bad?

No. 1978045

File: 1713952301056.png (Spoiler Image,1015.25 KB, 2542x1079, third.png)

In comparison, smut for men has the waifu as the center. No moid self insert in sight. The only one that had a male self insert was shotashit, which i censored. And even then the shota was right behind the big titty waifu, not in the center like het female self inserts are drawn. The ''fujos are self inserting as the uke!11!!'' cope comes from hetshitters who are incapable of enjoying smut without self inserting as some big titty boss babe.
men dont put their self inserts next to their waifus in their smut. Just because you like to self insert doesn't mean fujos do the same.

No. 1978047

It's fine if you don't want to look at woman because you're straight, but stop with the bullshit that female character = boring. It's not our problem that your searching skills suck and you only frequent coomerpandering sites.
My actual rec list is long and I'll take that to general manga thread, but because the anons are just showing examples of coomerish het smut, I'll stick to mentioning stories with smut (can be either sex focused or plot heavy) that doesn't degrade the female character and they are either written very well or at least as well as the males.
-The lady and the beast
-At This Rate, We Can't Be Best Friends
-Shojo Kon ~Kohinata Fuufu wa Shite Mitai~
-Gohokoku Ijiwaru Tenshi NI Dakaremasu
-Please kill my husband
-Going To Bed With My Hater (the art is slightly more coomerish than others but I support the equal sexualization of the dude and the woman, cheesy plot but good chemistry)
-The Blood Of Madam Giselle (10/10 art, the ending is horrible but not because of the romance)
Anyway not trying to derail the topic,it's not a rec thread after all. Just showing that "all het smut is coomerish" is bullshit, they just don't want to search. Yaoi isn't all that different either, similar to het it's always a mix of good stuff, meh and coomer garbage.

No. 1978048

Nice post nonna, too bad it's going to fall on deaf ears as the person you replied to is not interested in honest discussion.
>or something rivalry between men
I would actually like this dynamic to be explored more in anime but with het pairings. Why do you think it's impossible unless it's same-sex? It think it is possible with the right setting.
>That's your problem right there, going for a site that has everything from school life handholding doujinshi to extreme coomershit like fatmob rape, beastiality, anal prolapse etc.
I've tried to buy from DLsite because I wanted to support all the artists and creators on there that produce good female seme stuff. I found a manga series that seemed right up my alley at first because the guy was so cute and blushed a lot and there were a lot of good panels of him in the sample. But the female protagonist, who is usually the aggressive and leading partner, is described as a "loli" despite being supposedly an adult and in one of the manga parts there's a ton of focus on her instead of the hot guy (basically it was drawn more with a hentai manga perspective than the previous parts, the male's face wasn't as visible, gross male-gazey angles, etc) and to top it all off it's pregnancy fetish bullshit, I got nauseous when I saw it. That mangaka is seriously fucked up and I see her as a fucking traitor for trying to pander to both women and scrotes and forcing her moid-tier fetishes on the female audience by putting it in the otome section. Fuck her and fuck all the other authors who put their "unisex pandering" trash under the otome category. I seriously think if there are any actual women who buy that content, they must be really desperate and think they have to settle for bottom of the barrel shit, just like there are so many women in real life who think they have to settle for ugly and disgusting moids who are emotionally broken because there's nothing better out there.
That's why I just avoid the most popular smut and go looking straight for content that matches my exact preferences, and if there's nothing new I just try to create some myself. It does help knowing I'm not alone and there's other women out there who share my frustrations over the lack of female seme content.
>Will post some recs in a few minutes in a saged post since the infighters will just accuse me of lying if I don't give examples.
Could you please repost your recs in an appropriate /m/ or /g/ thread? Just so it doesn't get lost in the sea of shitposts

No. 1978049

why are you on this site and not ehentai? jfc.

No. 1978050

>Just because you like to self insert doesn't mean fujos do the same.
And? All I did was to point out that the het content for women on that site wasn't as samey as was claimed.

No. 1978051

thanks nonna, I'll make a longer list including the non smutty stuff and drop it in >>>/m/289577

No. 1978052

Being picky when reading a new romantic manga to avoid things you don't like applies to both het and bl imo. Legit the only big difference between them is that you're more likely to find longer shojo and josei manga than bl which tend to be one shots or really, really slow, which will influence how the romance will be developed.

No. 1978054

I guarantee most of the readers aren't even women, they're moids with a femdom fetish kek

No. 1978055

>The misogyny you speak of in characters whenever there was a rival was often treated no differently than in a shoujo manga.
There's a lot of misogyny in certain sectors of fujo fandom regarding female characters in non-yaoi media, though. There's a tendency there to forgive everything terrible that the men do and harshly judge everything the women do even if they don't do anything wrong in canon.
>Yet, it's intriguing how yaoi bear the criticism yet depictions of shit het romance and women stealing men from other women it's okay.
I hate it when this happens in het media for women too, but at least in those the protagonist is female and there are often other female characters that aren't portrayed in that way. In fact, a lot of shoujo manga has themes of female friendship. But yes, it is a problem that's present in both genres. Only it's more noticeable in yaoi because the main couple is two males and as you said yourself, female characters are not the focus, so when they are present there's a bigger impact if they're protrayed as villains.

No. 1978056

File: 1713952968700.png (635.7 KB, 447x642, cringe self insert shit.png)

hetshitter be like ''noooo dont say het is all self inserting garbage for betas, here i recommend you self inserting garbage for betas! what? you dont like the mc character having boobs as big as her head? that must mean you are a misogynist!!!''
seriously? could you only come up with 3 examples that dont fmc with gigantic breasts that are the main focus? they are ugly manwha shit at that too
dlsite has a ''for women'' page, unlike e-hentai.

No. 1978057

why does it even matter it's fiction

No. 1978058

the large majority of japanese women don't have tits this big, i don't get it

No. 1978060

its because they want to self insert as the instagram thots with meitu filters and implants they see on instagram. Again, i dont give a shit if het women want to self insert as women who are born with DDD breasts and come with makeup since birth, but that doesn't mean ALL women are looking to self insert.

No. 1978061

why are you so upset? why do you feel the need to lash out?

No. 1978062

Unfortunately, that is true for 99% of the manga in that tag. Sometimes there's a manga where the artist gets it right and uses her common sense to draw the female protagonist in a normal way and focus all the attention on the guy, but it's very rare that this happens.
The rest of the mangaka aren't like us so they don't realize what they're doing is retarded and wrong, and also they have no idea how to draw a female gaze manga without making it look like a hentai manga, probably because they have consumed too much moid pronography.

On the other hand, most of the voice works under "submissive man" have really nice cover pictures, those are the ones I focus on, both because of the pictures and because there are only male voices.

No. 1978063

I just want to know what on earth yumes did to catch all this shit. Compared to fujos there aren't nearly as many of us within fandoms.
I'm confused. What are you expecting? Ugly fat shortstacks to be the MC?

No. 1978064

No. 1978065

because i am tired of hetshitters projecting and getting angry at women do not desire to self insert into big titty instathot models.
normal women.

No. 1978068

some women do enjoy that kind of thing, but it's mainly done to be a catchall to bait males.

No. 1978070

why not be rational instead of angry?

No. 1978071

I could give you names but I have a feeling you'll still find a way to call them instathots/ugly style/boobs too big.

No. 1978072

>yaoi being a male free zone doesn't imply it's somehow more moral or something
No one said that, but you don't need to be a genius to notice that girls really do enjoy being in a community of like-minded girls enjoying something that is for them and not for moids. You must be retarded or something

No. 1978074

File: 1713953516038.webp (139.46 KB, 1056x1486, 6863727_1056_1486_142808.webp)

Oh yes, let's make snap judgements based on only the covers and the fact that mcs have breasts (and 3/4 of the men are flashing their titties too). Just say you hate anything with women and move on.
(picrel from -Shojo Kon ~Kohinata Fuufu wa Shite Mitai~, the first manga out of the 4 anon is shitting on)

No. 1978076

because its the same thing every time. They come here shilling their het garbage then get angry that women who arent into that call them out on it. Why would a fujo want to downgrade from two hot moids to…big titty woman who takes half the space in the cover and generic guy. They don't understand that fujos, unlike them, don't like self inserting.
are you the anon that recommended >>1978047 if so then i dont think our tastes align. I am not into crappy isekai manwha and i am not interested on self inserting as some boring fmc.

No. 1978078

>panel that focuses on her tits for no fucking reason
kek you are just owning youself this is pathetic. I am straight i dont wanna see boobs.

No. 1978079

File: 1713953643278.webp (Spoiler Image,40.5 KB, 560x420, RJ01072085_img_main.webp)

Problem is that fujos itt are angry even about covers like this. I can only conclude they think women who want to see straight content should read nothing.

No. 1978080

It's a really cute manga imo, I would personally recommend it. ML is a giant nerd who only loves his wife and they both explore sex together in a loving way.
I'm not that anon and I don't want you to read het if you don't want to. But if you do, what DO you want to read? I'm genuinely confused.

No. 1978084

>panel with her ass and cropped panel of moid fondling her boobs while she blushes
keek i am laughing my ass off at none of you being able to provide one single example that doenst have a big titty self insert that gets sexualized

No. 1978085

oh no anon, one of those panels shows the woman's dirty pillows! she needs to cover up! my straight little heart can't bear it!

No. 1978086

I like self inserting too but I self insert into female characters that are atypical, in personality at least, which is suffering cause they always get sidelined.
Anyhow don't blame women if they don't want to read shit that portrays their own body in it, it's their prerogative not yours to judge them.

No. 1978087

>But if you do, what DO you want to read? I'm genuinely confused.
the same thing men have, just genderswapped. So fully focused on the man, no panel focusing on the fmc tits. The fmc also has to be normal, prefeerably those faceless mc moids have.

No. 1978090

You want faceless MC shit? Nevermind I don't give a fuck what you want anymore kek

No. 1978092

yeah, unlike you i dont want to see tits and ass lmao just let women enjoy their sexuality without being sex objects for men.

No. 1978094

So you solution to that is to prefer some sort of faceless void of which you never get to see the body? In a manga that's about sex? That would be incredibly boring to read.

No. 1978095

but more can be accomplished by simply ignoring it and focusing on what you like in the thread. if something isn't for you, you're anon, you don't need to feel pressure from it.

No. 1978096

I know it's a foreign concept to you, but the rest of us are capable of reading stories about a female character without self inserting. I just want to read a cute romance as an outside reader.

Exactly. This is just tumblr "ewww het" repackaged. She keeps sperging about any panel with the female being touched because she's only reading to coom herself, cannot understand that other people can read sex scenes hoping to see physical affection between 2 characters without hands in our underwear. It's one thing if it was like the scrote targeted manga where the dude is never shown, but most of the good het smut aren't like that (again, if you click something like "girl cums a 100 times at the hands of her sadistic boyfriend!!!" you're just an idiot that can't curate)

No. 1978098

For you. Smut mangas for men dont have entire panels focusing on the moid's ass or his pectorals, why should i want to see the same when i am not bisexual? this is what i mean by het shippers not being able to understand fujos.

No. 1978101

It is funny how they sound exactly like tumblrfags kek

No. 1978102

File: 1713954214774.jpg (130.58 KB, 316x450, BJ01284379_img_main.jpg)

>the only ones that have no women at all are the audios. The rest all have sexualized women in them.
NTA but that's not true. Even I can see that there's a couple of manga on there where only the man is sexualized. And those are just the ones on the first page sorted by popularity, so we don't know how many more good ones there are buried under all the shit.
>just because they like to self insert as big titty anime girls being fondled by a dominant ape
Where's your source that says all women who self-insert like to see themselves sexualized or that any of us here on lolcow like this shit? Any evidence that all self-shippers who like submissive men are happy with the state of that tag? Pic related, it's one of the based ones who gets it and