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No. 2428892

Inb4 "Reee why did you make a new one": it's a containment thread.

ITT: Discuss the controversies and disagreements between fujoshi, yumejoshi, and himejoshi. Note: yumes and self-shipping aren't necessarily the same thing. Slashers and fujos also aren't exactly the same, though they heavily overlap.

Topics include:
>Whether there is a causal relationship between consumption of yaoi/slash and trooning out
>Voyeurism vs. self-insertion
>Yaoi men vs. bara men vs. 3DPD gay moids
>To what degree does the fiction a person consumes need to comport with their real life ideologies and politics
>Female creators' portrayal of male-male sex/romance vs. male creators' portrayal of female/female sex/romance
>Do women read yaoi or slash as an "escape" from misogyny IRL
>Can women be "porn addicts" and/or why are women held to higher standards of moral purity than men
>Whether (or why) lesbians can/cannot be fujoshi
>No True Fujoshi (i.e., does enjoying straight-with-extra steps shit like A/B/O, Mpreg, cuntboy, etc. make someone "less" of a fujoshi)
>General moralfaggotry

No. 2428893

Previous: >>2297525

No. 2429217

i dont go here but kekk at the threadpic

No. 2431483

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Damn first fic I've actually seen to mention STDs

No. 2431485

I'm sorry for laughing at your fic, but the tone of this sentence is making me die kekk
Did you mean to post this in the fandom thread?

No. 2431636

You're more than welcome to laugh at it kek, I posted it here since there's always that infight there about fujos and STDs.

No. 2431666

No. 2434871

This is a TimKon fic isn't it kek

No. 2445493

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why can't fujos ever admit yaoi is just toxic heterosexuality with extra steps?

No. 2445494

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No. 2445516

because femininity doesn equal woman, retard. Whats up with antifujos sounding like trannies who think all women are weak and submissive lil babies

No. 2445530

Why does their "feminity" include physical weakness and rape? Why do they make that connection, uh? A male could be feminine of personality, that in itself doesn't ring any alarms, but why "bottoms" are most of the time physically weaker and get sexually brutalized often? Why do they conflate all these traits together? You know why, don't be obtuse

No. 2445536

> but why "bottoms" are most of the time physically weaker and get sexually brutalized often?
because its hot to see men get hurt, next question please

No. 2445563

Why is it always the same 5 anti-fujo arguments

No. 2445570

It's really telling that 99% of the time, the one who gets raped/dominated is the one who looks like a girl. If it was just about men being hurt there wouldn't be such obvious sexual dimorphism between two male characters.

No. 2445573


No. 2445589

What if you like minimal sexual dimorphism between two men? I don't like very obvious looking ukes and semes. It's honestly your problem if you equate femininity with being weak and pathetic. You come across as more misogynistic saying that than fujos who like seeing hot men buttfucking eachother.

No. 2445595

Its because admitting that completely shatters the argument they make against regular het stuff. Same shit different coat of paint but fujolards want to pretend they're morally correct kek

No. 2445607

Femininity, in this case, is an exaggerated caricature of female behavior and mannerisms, that is being applied to male characters. Nobody is saying women are weak and pathetic, but rather that these male bottoms are meant to be in what retards with no nuance consider the "female" role. If they weren't, then both men would be equally masculine/feminine, or you would see the taller/bigger man getting dominated, objectified, and raped instead.

>What if you like minimal sexual dimorphism between two men? I don't like very obvious looking ukes and semes

Then nobody is talking about you and you're getting defensive over nothing.

No. 2445611

>same stuff
i think both characters being male and having dongs makes it quite dystinct

No. 2445623

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There is nothing feminine about most ukes though? they arent wearing makeup and skirts. The average uke looks exactly the same as a plain male self insert like kirito, which absolutely no one would call ''feminine''. You are literally the only one who thinks ukes are women because they are weak and get raped, which according to you is a female exclusive trait. It honestly says a lot about you and how you see women. I think you need to work how you see women and hetero relationship firsts, maybe with a therapist, before you project your insecurities onto media.

No. 2445643

nta but picrel "uke" literally looks like a woman kek

No. 2445647

No. 2445654

The threadpic is so funny. Hearty kek

No. 2445659

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so are you implying all haremshit male wish fullfilment animu with characters that look exactly the same as Fukami are actually yuri with extra step?

No. 2445680

ah my favorite "non misogynistic" talking point, women is when raped

No. 2445682

>you were talking about oranges so that means you hate all apples!
kek if it designed and intended to behave like a woman thats the obvious conclusion. even old fujos knew this i dont think accepting it is a bad thing but the denial to do so and fully embrace het "yaoi" is what gave us the moid gaze (totes for women!) josei.

No. 2445690

>behave like a woman
without saying the most retarded thing ever, what were those behaviors again?

No. 2445692

I can already tell who the seme and uke is, just by which one is more objectified.
>seme is completely clothed, not sexualized at all
>uke is way more sexualized. you can see underwear, the way he's biting the glasses, pushing his butt out and staring at the viewer, very typical way female characters are portrayed
You're not helping your case here, just further proving that one has to be "the man" and the other has to be "the woman." I bet they don't switch either. But yes, it's totally not misogynistic trash because Japanese women aren't exposed to constant misogyny and aren't forced to adhere to the strict gender roles they subconsciously write about even in BL

No. 2445693

>behave like a woman
dear lord this is straight up how tims talk about women, disgusting

No. 2445694

>why does is the one getting raped usually weaker and cries?? surely this makes the uke a woman!!
>this means ebil fujos are getting off to toxic heterosexuality and women getting raped, unlike yumes or himes or men or normie women reading dark romamce slop books!!!

No. 2445696

except they are both men with dicks and literally everyone except troons thinks thats the only think that makes you male

No. 2445698

i want to see the one i'm attracted to as uke. most fujos are attached to ukes. a sexualized male is not a woman. hope this helps!

No. 2445703

But the uke is sexualized and submissive which makes him a woman and you a lesbian. Sorry to deliver the bad news, you must listen to chappell roan now.

No. 2445708

We're talking about gender roles. If they are both men, then one shouldn't be subject to female gender roles while the other isn't. There shouldn't be any gender roles at all. If the uke isn't supposed to be in the "female gender role" then why don't they switch? Why doesn't the uke ever use his dick or at least get his dick touched/sucked? Why is the uke always shorter and more feminine in stature?

No. 2445712

>you must listen to chappell roan now.
nta but god nona have mercy on the poor fujo

No. 2445716

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being submissive during sex = feminine gender role = actually a pseudowomen?
>there shouldn't be any gender roles at all
what would that even look like according to you? should? as if we have some sort of obligation? riba exists also
>Why doesn't the uke ever use his dick or at least get his dick touched/sucked?

No. 2445717

File: 1742058548182.webp (70.38 KB, 750x450, 1701387432830.webp)

>gender roles
but they are literally male they cannot be subjected to female gender roles on that basis alone. Do you also think the guys here are female and the dominant woman is a quasi male? you claim to be against gender roles but you keep pushing them and perpetuating them

No. 2445723

I need that so bad.

No. 2445725

Nah, that picture is based. It's just a woman being dominant and men being submissive. But ukes in BL aren't just "submissive" they're meant to mirror female gender roles. Soon you're going to tell me that "malewifes" and "femboys" are men so they can't emulate female gender roles when that's the exact thing they're trying to do.

No. 2445726

i approve of sadistic beauty as a fujo

No. 2445729

kek funny how your own standards dont apply to things you like. How hypocritical. Most femdom includes pegging and butt stuff too.

No. 2445736

your logic makes no sense and you somehow have a problem with fujos making content with sexualized submissive men devoid of women. "malewives" and "femboys" are retarded fandom terms but a sexualized man is not a woman.

No. 2445739

Nobody said sexualized men are women. Try again.

No. 2445742

Sadistic Beauty is a femdom hetshipping series that threw bones to fujos and himes for so long that two spinoff side stories were created just for them. Kinda challenges the assumptions about each group never intersecting or even being able to tolerate each other.

No. 2445743

Who knew that world peace could be achieved through watching anime men get pulverised

No. 2445745

I feel like the fujos were never shy about that kek

No. 2445747

What are antifujos/radfem's thoughts on fujos who like feminine men being tops or liking atypical bl devoid of "gender roles"? If the issue is the dynamics between men recreating heterosexuality than what's stopping someone from finding or making bl which doesn't contain any of that stuff? I personally don't mind basics but I've always sought after bl content with less apparent seme and ukes or the uke looking one being more of a power bottom or top. Honestly, each time I hear people complain about this I often wonder if butchxfemme content makes them seethe.

No. 2445751

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Ok but whats wrong about male characters being subjected to the same kind of sexualization as female characters? female gender roles/femininty were created for men by men to prioritize their sexual arousal over the comfort of women. Whats wrong with wanting to subject men to that? whats wrong with a woman wanting to see a cute guy get ass raped while he's wearing something slutty? you are so afraid of living your sexuality without the approval of men you are literally incapable of enjoying anime gay porn without seeing it with male gaze eyes. Reminds me of how there is always a sped who complains about how the NuKani guys are sexualized like anime ecchi girls, as if its a bad thing for male characters to be subjected to the same level of humilliating and uncomfort as female characters.

No. 2445775

I actually like NuKani though. The bottoms still look and act like men to me. And even the tops are subjected to looking slutty as well. I just hate Japanese BL and the way they write/draw most bottoms.

No. 2445781

People are so buck-broken by societal brainwashing that the very idea of sexualized men drives them mad. Doesn't make sense to complain when the vast majority of sexualization always falls under women. Women get all the gooner designs but as soon as men get the same treatment suddenly it's bad?
Then don't read japanese bl? Actually, there's plenty of bl from japan that isn't like this but don't tell us we'd lied.

No. 2445788

so basically
>anything i like good
>anything i dislike bad
except you know its retarded to say so instead of being an honest hater you prefeer to wax poetics about the politics of cartoon gay pornography

No. 2445792

She’s a known shit stirrer idk why you guys keep giving her attention, she’s just mad some women like something she doesn’t and is moralizing it.

No. 2445918

>men get hurt
the men in question look like 13-year-old girls with the ability to get pregnant

No. 2445920

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>with the ability to get pregnant

No. 2445921

because you're getting off to women male pronouns being abused and raped, that's literally what bl has always been about

No. 2445924

please dont take your particular search results out on us

No. 2445925

i had no idea women had penises and pectorals and a g spot in the arsehole, you never stop learning

No. 2445931

So is femme/butch dynamics, top/bottom dynamics with male faggots. Hetero norms are so entrenched and seeded in damn near everything it’s like psychological OP’d AIDs to many generations of people. The same shit that got thousands of straights in recruitment into the fake queer and LGBT movement thinking they’re gay when they’re just degens, real gays and lesbians are less in numbers than people think. I think most fujos are likely straight and have been mindraped by overexposure of inappropriate material, cultural grooming, shitty parenthood and is damn near a fetish.

No. 2445936

this is why you all escalate into more extreme fetishes, you refuse to see what everyone else can plainly see

No. 2445938

Honestly i think you are just projecting your own mental illness at this point, its like you actually want women to look at female brutalization instead of men with this twisted logic.

No. 2445940

I’m clearly anti-fujo, anon. Chill out and read shit slowly before you reply kek

No. 2445950

but you literally get off to female brutalization

No. 2445954

women dont have penises

No. 2445956

youd like that

No. 2445959

>I think most fujos are likely straight
? ofcourse fujos are straight, only straight women want to see two hot men banging.

No. 2445965

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these female ukes with their woman behavior, always getting raped as we women do amiright gals? dont unspoil unless you like pregnant 13 year old girl rape

No. 2445966

no, we don't. you get off on a man abusing a woman with male pronouns(baiting)

No. 2445968


No. 2445969

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Aayway, has anyone else noticed that in the past year or so, there's been an increase in women calling fujos porn addicts and cucks? I used to see it only on lc, but it seems to have spread to other online spaces

No. 2445970

Yeah because woman is when raped right? That’s the definition of woman, a raped individual.

No. 2445975

Are you lost? this is a TERF site. Go sperg about how biology isnt real back to twitter.

No. 2445982

>this is a terf site
you still have 28 minutes to delete this

No. 2445988

nobody cares moralfag we like gay cartoon porn featuring men. you see submissive men as women and yet we are the misogynistic ones?

No. 2446054

>complains about the 'misogyny' of a genre that doesnt involve female characters at all
>has the pfp of a starving kpop enslaved girl
you cant make this shit up, they care more about what kind of coom women schlick to than actual real women who are part of an insanely abusive industry

No. 2446254

I forgot the name but it's the same author of sadistic beauty. TW, the seme has a girly face

No. 2446280

you're literally retarded.

No. 2446298

>why can't fujos ever admit yaoi is just toxic heterosexuality with extra steps?
so by the way this shit happens because fujos are straight women into heterosexual dynamics and not because of whatever tumblr microlabel cope was beaten into a lot of you. this argument and the "are fujos real lesbians?" arguments are both nothingburgers once the moral posturing about liking gay content goes away. straight women being into straight women things and not yuri is the least of anybody's worries, if you really want to see toxic het couple but with male pronouns anyone is free to look at self hating het gendies

No. 2446304

>Fujos are porn addicts
>Fujos are cucks

Simple as

No. 2446312

I don't get the cuck thing because when I read yaoi I'm not attracted to the men at all

No. 2446314

how do you get cucked by fictional men?

No. 2446321

I dunno, how do you get "objectified" by fictional otome woman with big booba?

No. 2446324

what the fuck are you talking about

No. 2446325

It always goes back to being pressed that women aren’t participating in creating porn of other women somehow.

No. 2446326

its only cucking if you want one for yourself and get jealous though?

No. 2446328

It's not really comparable though because the lead in otome are meant as self-inserts while self-inserting in yaoi is not really intended, the characters usually have distinct personalities

No. 2446329

Because it depends on the particular IP at issue, you dipshit. This like like asking yumes why they can't ~admit~ to being selfshippers. Not all of them are selfshippers, that's why! Yes, if someone is into highly feminine, subby ukes, that sort of content is out there, but these days, that sort of stuff isn't the majority of m/m anymore. This has been pointed out (probably to you specifically) about a million times.

By the way, you suck ass at concealing who you are. Your posting style is always the same, doubleposting random screenshots of a thread from Twitter and captioning it with some retarded Tucker-Carlson-ass leading question you think you know the answer to. And you don't just do this when it comes to fujo discourse, I've seen you pull this crap in discussions of the garbage TV show you like, too. You're not subtle.

It's the same anti-fujo anon (or couple of anons) posting this kind of bait, that's why. See above.

No. 2446333

> I've seen you pull this crap in discussions of the garbage TV show you like, too
do tell whats the garbage show she likes please

No. 2446335

>other women
They're cartoons

No. 2446338

>the lead in otome are meant as self-inserts
>self-inserting in yaoi is not really intended
lmao even

No. 2446341

Arcane. One of those anons is very obviously the sperg who is weirdly tilted about Jayvik and Mel. She often steers conversations in that direction in classic autist fashion. Everything I know about that retarded show is shit I learned against my will because she keeps sperging about it on Lolcor.

No. 2446342

And so is yaoi. Why are you obsessed with other women liking cartoons the wrong way?

No. 2446343

so this is an otomefag projecting her insecurities onto fujos? i think you need to be megacringe to self insert. Its why i dont like otomes, the female leads have the personality of wet cardboard so beckys can self insert and get caged by their moid LI.

No. 2446344

I recognize her from the art salt thread. What an annoying individual.

No. 2446345

Topkek at most of her examples being Kpop tards. Ah yes, Kpop stans, famously stable, discerning individuals. Also, if you check out the incest thread on /m/, there's lots of straight and f/f stuff in there.

No. 2446348

Being cucked requires that you are in a reciprocated relationship with the other person. The drawing does not love you or care about you, and it's pathetic that your logic assumes otherwise. It's not cuckoldry, it's voyeurism.

No. 2446353

Do you have any actual arguments or? I'm not even anti-otome games but otome games are literally for self-inserting to the point where most of the heroines don't even have names

No. 2446355

>these male bottoms are meant to be in what retards with no nuance consider the "female" role.
You just described yourself kek

No. 2446357

>unlike delulu becky, I, an elite cuck chair becky, know my place as someone cartoon chad would leave on read
Joseimuke cows thread when?

No. 2446362

Are they? From what I've seen it's usually some sparkledog looking bitch dressed in full EGL that no woman on the planet would be able to "self insert" as.

No. 2446366

Self-inserting into characters is fine if you are a woman, however males who self-insert especially into generic isekai shit/haremslop are cringe and should kys

No. 2446374

>their moid LI
Anon, your yaoiz are moids too

No. 2446375

submissive woman and dominant male is nasty though

No. 2446378

…The female lead in many otome games is literally faceless and nameless and you think it's not a self-insert, lol? Sometimes I feel like the anons arguing in this thread about weeb shit have never even read a yaoi manga or played an otome game in their entire lives

No. 2446380

No shit. Why would I play/read that absolute cringe?

No. 2446381

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Skill issue. She is literally me and looks great next to her sparkledog boyfriend with long white hair, heterochromia, and angel wings

No. 2446382

Objectively speaking, this website is equal parts terf, poon, trad and moid.

No. 2446383

If you don't know anything about the media, then why do you argue about it? Only retards debate shit they know nothing about

No. 2446385

This is why no one likes you
Only weebs should be allowed to use this site

No. 2446387

>antifujo is a maledom shitter
so you are actually projecting onto women who like sub men then, wow. Pathetic.

No. 2446395

>not cringe

No. 2446398

>you can't enjoy cows if you're not an expert on what these cows do
knew I should've read sonichu

No. 2446401

Ah, I see, you're just a baiting retard who wants to shit on all media women enjoy, nice to know

No. 2446404

Nta but they're drawings of moids. I'm beginning to get the sense that a lot of people in this thread struggle to differentiate between real people and drawings.

No. 2446405

if a nonna disagrees with this we may as well not even be speaking the same language

No. 2446414

>Anon said she doesn't like maledom/femsub.
>Reee no one likes you!
No one likes anon because she's not into straight sex where the woman is tied up and demeaned??? What?

I'm blown away that someone is actually trying to defend maledom/femsub on Lolcor of all places. Must be a lost /g/ nona.

No. 2446416

>women media is when literallyme versus cuck chair(derailing)

No. 2446432

This is what I think of your cuck chair

No. 2446435

What super feminist women media do you enjoy then retard? Bet you won't reply(derailing)

No. 2446450

How do maledom shitters even get mad about yaoi, you’re not even like femdomfags and starved of content, you have all the content in the world.

No. 2446575

Step 1: locate hot man
Step 2: fantasize about fucking him
Step 3: coom

No. 2446578

sorry you're too stupid to even understand the assignment.

No. 2446622

Sorry you're one of those downsies who label their cartoon porn as feminist. The only "feminist media" that exists is feminist literature.

No. 2446653

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feminism will take us nowhere if media with the female self insert prostrating herself to a male dom is considered feminist media. we are fucking doomed

No. 2446934

anime shit like fujoyume shit is not feminist and i never claimed it was, it's for escapism. something being FOR women ie. a female demographic doesn't make it political.

No. 2447067

You're the one who brought up feminism when your cringe got called cringe.

No. 2447073

Why is cooming to a hot male maledom? What are you on about?

It's not that one fujo neurosis in which you guys can't imagine being attracted to a male as a woman without degrading yourselves, is it?

No. 2447426

why are antifujos so schizophrenic

No. 2447521

File: 1742157651756.jpg (76.31 KB, 750x725, 1740441782391.jpg)

im going to get jumped for this but i have to say it joseimuke (in its tl form) and yaoi are the same brand of women being too uncomfortable and cowardly to actually draw a strong and realistic woman because they still hold misogynistic beliefs yaoi was born out of a need to express female sexuality but in turn turned into fag worship josei tl was made the same way but in turn turned into moid worship

No. 2447527

Maybe some women are just mega straight and dont want to see pussy in their porn idk.

No. 2447531

women who dont want to see the female genitalia in porn catered to them need to address serious body issues because if they dont it give credence to the term cuck voyeurism because women have been psyoped into thinking their own sexual biology needs to be shunned

No. 2447541

You are a faggot

No. 2447543

>how dare you not want to see sexualized women?! you must be insecure
this is literally what gamergate faggots say when women dont want to stare at tits and asses in videogames and anime

No. 2447548

its a normal and obvious conclusion to come to that in porn made for women there'd be a vagina in it or would that imply that yaoi isnt actually for women because it only has moids in it. i did say ill get jumped for this opinion so im not going to reply any further i said what i said.

No. 2447549

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>listening to a he/him fakebian troon
Anti fujos really are just woman hating tumblrtards at heart huh

No. 2447578

maybe we want the focus to be on sexualized men in our cartoon porn? how many men into yurishit and harem anime get interrogated over not having dick front and center in their fantasy content?

No. 2447988

They're not the ones hallucinating maledom in everything straight, you are.

No. 2448043

it was response to this meledom autist >>2446385

No. 2448459


No. 2448685

I'm not ayrt or any of these anons, but someone said
>submissive woman and dominant male is nasty though
And another anon replied
>This is why no one likes you
That's where it came up. So at least one person defended maledom/femsub

No. 2448701

>women being too uncomfortable and cowardly to actually draw a strong and realistic woman because they still hold misogynistic beliefs
Or. Have you ever considered that maybe. Porn is not a venue for representation? The purpose of porn is to get off, not to be "representative" of reality or the plight of the marginalized. You might as well be arguing that it's racist to enjoy porn that doesn't represent every race. I don't care whether porn has strong female characters in it; that's a standard I reserve for things that have an artistic purpose beyond coom. I'm straight, I don't want to see big stupid cartoonish anime booba while I'm trying to jill off to hot guys.

No. 2448718

On Twitter, 90% of the fight over yaoi is TiFs yelling at TiFs to see who can out-NLOG each other. Or TiMs yelling at TiFs because there isn't enough yuri for them to goon to.

No. 2448719

People who comment "is this bl" on clearly het content are annoying as fuck.

No. 2448721

God, I hate when people do that. It's always spicy straights who feel "boring" for shipping something straight, so they desperately search for an excuse to call their straight ships "queer-coded".

No. 2449145

the schizos that ree about anime boys being “feminine” just remind of the moids who call any male celebrity that’s popular with women “girly or childlike”. not every woman can force herself to like post-wall moids, sorry.

No. 2449454

To deny connection between misogyny and hatred of bottom gay males is madness. Why do you guys think that old men in extremely patriarchal societies raped and abused prepubescent boys while forcing them to dress like women?

No. 2449561

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>2 dudes frottin dicks
this is heterosexuality with extra steps!
>watching some dude get ryona'd
you get off on women being raped!
>not attracted to pussy
you're a misogynist!
antifujos, free yourself from this prison. its okay if some women like things you don't understand

No. 2449897

what about porn addictss?

No. 2450202

What if there was an otome game where two of the male love interests were in love with each other in almost all routes unless you romanced one of them. How many people would that piss of?

No. 2450214

How common is ryona anyway? I feel like I see it being mentioned way more than I see it getting posted

No. 2450221

Ukes aren't prepubescent or cross dressers in most cases though. These days it's usually just a guy who is a few inches shorter than the other guy.

No. 2450222

Kek I had an idea of putting something like that in my game but I decided to hold off. I genuinely think the market for that is absurdly tiny. I think aside from like two fujoyumes only the retarded "poly" reddit people who demand custom pronouns in games would eat it up. I think it'd be really hard to pull off without making people feel cucked

No. 2450224

No nona, you don't understand, only their taste in media is Pure and Un-misogynistic, and they must see to it that anyone who enjoys anything they arbitrarily deem insufficiently feminist be branded with a scarlet letter and sent to the Shame Dungeon for Unclean Women.

No. 2450227

There would be no poly element though. either they end up together or "you" end up with one of them.

No. 2450241

Sometimes the uke is taller even, or chubby, depends on what you're looking for.

No. 2450257

File: 1742309367629.jpg (57.9 KB, 540x540, tumblr_73f5d91e1a18e15f41421d4…)

>male gets raped by another man stronger than him, cries
why does the uke just so happen to be weak and feminine?! evil fujos getting off to heterosexuality and female rape!

No. 2450284

Misogyny is when a man gets fucked by another man

No. 2450364

Haha male-on-male sexual violence go brr

No. 2450591

>Cringe male on male bodice ripper with wuuuuv and waaangst go brrr

No. 2450753

ayrt Don't force your kinks on me

No. 2450794

ryona is really not as common of a fetish as some anons make it seem (and neither is shota) most women into bl are into the romance aspect. Nobody here has a good grasp on what the average person is like. I wonder if the “pseudo women” schizos would apply that logic to 3DPD bl/pairings

No. 2451661

File: 1742395501396.png (1.78 MB, 1600x900, 5nGDBoc.png)

I think satc is a good opposite parallel to yaoi. while yaoi is women using male forms to self-project as a means of wish fulfillment, writing those men as women. satc was gay men using female characters to project onto for wish fulfillment and writing those women as gay men. even though satc originated from a popular women's column, the writers of the show were mostly gay men, depicting those four women as essentially hyper-sexual gay men. their sexual experiences, relationship dynamics and even their body functions share more in common with gay male bodies, with instant gratification. once you see it, you can't unsee it, but it's also wish fulfilment, fulfilling a gay male fantasy of being desired by straight men.

No. 2451709

>yaoi is women using male forms to self-project as a means of wish fulfillment
I don't self-project or self-insert into male forms, yaoi is more like voyeurism or playing with dolls to me and many others. I use male characters because they're hot and there's no female sexualization or annoying characterization in yaoi. I don't strive for realism when I write yaoi but I also don't write male characters like female ones.

No. 2451716

Seconded. >>2451661 is a very common take and can be true but definitely isn't the law. I 100% am into it for the voyeurism-type approach moreso than me wanting to be male. I don't want to get raped kek
I want him to rape that other guy.
It's not always rape, just sometimes. For the angst.

No. 2451718

>I also don't write male characters like female ones
I have never seen yaoi (or any other work in which a woman writes men) in which men are written like anything resembling a real life man.

No. 2451723

Why would we want to? It's not like irl women act like anime girls either, it's gay cartoon porn

No. 2451768

Correct. The difference is cartoon porn women are dehumanized, whereas cartoon porn men are overhumanized.

No. 2451788

>cartoon porn women are dehumanized, whereas cartoon porn men are overhumanized.
This is just female socialization reflected in the art women make. Porn made by men dehumanizes women, whereas porn made by women portrays men as people with emotions. Take a look at porn made by gay men and you'll find the men being dehumanized, because that's just what males do to the objects of their desire.

No. 2451794

>Nobody here has a good grasp on what the average person is like.
This tracks given that Lolcor users don't tend to be the most well-adjusted people

No. 2451797

File: 1742405501505.png (757.01 KB, 639x831, GNIFpMfbMAAIypn.png)

We should really separate fujoshi into different categories, and I am not sure why the Asian fanbase doesn't do that when they separate ships based on top/bottom.
In my experience:

>the thirsty - don't care, just want to see some fanservice of the gay kind

>coffeeshop AU - the soft shippers who actually want the two boys to romance and are invested in a ship, usually moralfag
>the sadist - usually is into one guy, but wants to see him abused and penetrated by mob characters or others
>is this even fujo? - the weirdos who are into cuntboys, omegaverse mpreg etc.
>the thinly veiled self-insert - draws the uke more feminine than in canon and their doujinshi reads like a shoujo manga, with crying and big sparkly eyes

These categories can mix and match a bit, I just blindly wrote this

No. 2451801

That's actually pretty good categorization. Also in my experience the coffeeshop AU one and is this even fujo are the ones who are most likely to be TIFs

No. 2451804

I agree, nowadays fujo don't even need to like bl get get thrown the fujo label.
I do think "shipping/fanfic fujo" can be seperate from "bl manga" fujo a lot of the time.

No. 2451808

Oh yeah, I never read a vanilla BL manga (I have read original R18 works) but I love seeing fanart/doujinshi of characters I'm already into.

No. 2451823

there's definitely some fujos who read only fanworks and are into non-BL media shipping vs BL manga addicts and lots (probably most) who like both

No. 2451825

I'm not sure if this is relevant or not, but since we are already talking about gay men and straight women can anyone explain why friendships between a gay man and a straight woman are usually so toxic.

No. 2451872

You didn't answer ayrt's question

No. 2451878

File: 1742408728536.jpg (172.87 KB, 1200x847, 1682795392330.jpg)

Kek I'm a mix of the first two minus the moralfaggotry

Personally I'd say I'm 30% BL manga 70% slashfic/djs

No. 2451880

This guy is so my type, too bad is yaoi slop, bah

No. 2451881

>the sadist - usually is into one guy, but wants to see him abused and penetrated by mob characters or others
these ones have a 99% chance of transitioning, unless they're japanese/korean

No. 2451897

one of the reasons I will never understand fujos, I don't want to see a hot/cute guy get raped by mobs. If they really claim that yaoi is appealing because it features two hot guys—making it double hot—then why is there so much shit depicting leon being abused by overweight, unattractive men? It's incredibly degen moid-brained and disgusting, which is why I will always consider them porn-sick, cause you have to porn-sick to like this

No. 2451899

unattractive men are not common in yaoi, idk who is drawing leon or why but 99% of yaoi have attractive young men and not ugly bastards

No. 2451901

File: 1742409463250.webp (50.39 KB, 400x600, IMG_1756.webp)

Leon should only be abused by me.

No. 2451905

I was just about to say this. If you see ugly bastards in fanart/dj, there's a 90% chance it was drawn by a moid. Like >>2451897 said herself, yaoi is about two hot guys. Fujos don't typically care for faceless ugly bastards.

No. 2451914

>yaoi is about two hot guys
lose, yaoi is actually about one guy and a woman in drag calling her self a man

No. 2451922

nta, while this genre isn't super popular, let's not pretend it isn't completely uncommon. I got at least two pages' worth of results for leon and most of the artists seem to be fujos, also literally >>2451797

No. 2451931

File: 1742410155643.jpeg (90.46 KB, 800x450, 1611554705232.jpeg)

No. 2451947

File: 1742410682694.png (883.68 KB, 1239x1213, REWllny.png)

that's the lie you tell yourselves and that you've convinced yourselves into believing, but everyone else can see what's right in front of them, that this is heterosexuality with extra steps. maybe when fujos are finally willing to acknowledge this, will you stop escalating into worse fetishes.

No. 2451948

File: 1742410708183.png (334.05 KB, 651x943, qdTfauw.png)

No. 2451951

Ugh why is the white one an ano-chan?

No. 2451956

This isn't even yaoi this is some western animation fanshipping dogshit

No. 2451968

You forgot these
>the actual degenerate- one who is so consumed by porn brainrot that causes her to search out extreme fetishes eventually falling into illegal moid shit porn (zoo,pedophilia or gore) will get exposed for her fetishes when they eventually have irl consequences.Is regularly found in troon or fetish groups
>the soft boy yaoi fujo- is uncomfortable with her own sexuality so she substitutes it "totally emotionally mature and caring soft boy" het yaoi, will more so be more normie who also consumes bishoujo

No. 2451986

>one who is so consumed by porn brainrot that causes her to search out extreme fetishes
that's actually the natural end stage of most fujos

No. 2451991

A lot of m/m ships popular with women are from series written by men though. if the character is really “moidy” it’s gonna translate into the fanworks. but it’s not really a wonder that women like men who act like human beings and men like to portray themselves as human too.

No. 2452001

File: 1742412781181.jpg (173.76 KB, 900x1320, __aventurine_honkai_and_1_more…)

I just like seeing men wounded and at their lowest point, even better if they're smiling during it (something a la Komaeda)
I don't relate too much to BL fans who want to see two characters romantically involved and find most ships icky. Not much material with female sadism + my culture considers gay sex incredibly disgusting and humiliating.

Nah, that's only if you're a masochist, I find the thought of being a man disgusting and am a normalfag office worker.

No. 2452008

I think most fujos are a mix of slutty porn sometimes and fluff or romance drama other times, at least I am.
It's about seeing a cute boy (object of attraction) fucked, especially without another half of the pairing with some rape or humiliation fetishes thrown in.
kekerino, this tempts me to make some super seme x skinny weepy uke fanart straight out of No Money if it makes them seethe so much
>even better if they're smiling during it (something a la Komaeda)

No. 2452013

File: 1742413458075.jpg (133.92 KB, 1500x1071, GfKwf5vXYAA0lo_.jpg)

There's also this artist, that draws link getting split in two by ganon yet is married to a man. She is a bit of a lolcow though

No. 2452032

Yeah, Gintama was pretty huge for fujos at its peak, and it absolutely changed the way a lot of authors wrote their characters. Just like Madoka affected how yuri couples became "pink/black" in yaoi couples became "silver/black". Leg hair became more of a thing, the crass humor started to show up more.

No. 2452041

>"yaoi manga is totally filled with [insert schizo]"
Why do you act like you've read/watched any yaoi when you're just sperging out at your self insert french cartoon masturbation sessions ft. your gross looking bara man crush getting cut short by gay jumpscares?

No. 2452068

tbh the astarion porn jumpscared me more

No. 2452072

File: 1742416830021.png (325.78 KB, 496x445, 1646461554800.png)

> while yaoi is women using male forms to self-project as a means of wish fulfillment
is it really that hard to understand for antifujos that some women just like cute boys? is any man drawing yurishit or fanservice self inserting too now?

No. 2452078

They are just projecting onto others. Because the only way they can enjoy media is by self-inserting, they think everyone must be exactly like them. Bitch not everyone has a comfort character and some demented wish fulfillment of irl desires. Some people just like fiction for pleasure without thinking too hard about it.

No. 2452079

I like to see men get humilliated and raped. Sorry not everyone wants boring flowery prince charming stories. God made men stronger so they can withstand more pain. Men exist to be abused, thats why they are sent to die in war and work on the mines. Its in their nature. A man who is dominant and always in control is boring to me.

No. 2452117

The real question is why is it so hard for antifujos to grasp the idea that lots of fujos don't self-insert in particular. It's fun to ship male characters from non BL media in particular because of all the interesting dynamics and stories and personalities. Making every fictional narrative around self-inserting sounds really boring and limiting.

No. 2452118

Jayvik lives in your head rent-free. You'd be a lot happier if you took all the time you use sneeding about those walled fags and spent it on something that you actually enjoy instead. You're becoming a personalityfag and this point and it's getting tiresome.

No. 2452123

the appeal of ugly bastard shit is that it’s degrading. ugly bastard shit is definitely not the majority of fujo works so I don’t know what you’re talking about. most of it is really just lovey dovey romance drama

No. 2452125

I've been a fujo for fifteen years and I'm still very vanilla. No shade to the anons who like it, but I'm not into incest, ABO, teratophilia, rape, group sex, or BDSM. My favorite thing after all these years is still just slow burn hurt/comfort with kissy, hand-holdy sex in the (gay) missionary position. I'm not even kidding. And that seems to be the position of a lot of fujoshis, because slow burn and fluff are some of the most popular tags on Ao3.

No. 2452134

File: 1742419495850.png (726.21 KB, 700x689, anno chan.png)


No. 2452137

so kawaii

No. 2452138

I don't care if you like them being hurt, but why do you want to see an attractive male get assaulted by a faceless mob. what exactly is appealing about seeing an attractive/cute guy getting raped by ugly men? explain to me how that's hot exactly, cause 99.9% of normal women would be disgusted by it, cause your on the same side as male lolicons

No. 2452139

Anno isn't kawaii, he's a pornbrained scrote who got his start drawing hentai and sexualizes teenage girls. Only reason I'd send him to a gulag instead of having him face the wall is bc kawoshin is sugoi

No. 2452141

It literally says so in the post, it's extra humiliation for the pretty boy

No. 2452144

Are you unfamiliar with the concept of a joke

No. 2452147

i hate how unfunny this place is becoming

No. 2452148

None of these freaks give a shit about the fetishization of lesbians by straight men. I wouldn't be surprised if they're into "toxic yuri". Gotta uphold that male supremacy and defend poor widdle males from evil women.

No. 2452150

Do you think I'm being /srs about the gulag shit?

No. 2452151

but why do you want to see them assaulted by ugly/faceless men? What's exactly feminist about ugly men abusing attractive or cute men specifically?
See, I could understand that if it weren't for fact it's other males abusing these characters, it's just reinforces misogyny

No. 2452153

nta but >males abusing males reinforces misogyny
lol how? does war reinforce misogyny?

No. 2452154

How the hell does men hurting other men "reinforce misogyny"???

No. 2452157

>What's exactly feminist about ugly men abusing attractive or cute men specifically?
porn isnt feminist

No. 2452161

old men abusing pretty young boys is a cornerstone of every misogynistic society

No. 2452162

Exactly. Why do people think all media has to be political or even align with your political views? I miss the days when media was just about staving boredom. The type of media you consume is not a political statement

No. 2452163

misogyny doesnt affect men

No. 2452164

Agreed. Sick of people (fujos, yumes, and himes alike) acting like whatever they goon to is activism. The whole "[x] is unfeminist" argument is just a post-hoc justification for why the porn they enjoy is morally superior to the porn they dislike.

No. 2452166

Nta but she clearly meant moids raping children is found in all misogynistic societies

No. 2452167

Even in the big "ryona" communities, its not usually an ugly bastard mob unless theyre specifically going for that humiliation play/joke. Usually it's a normal looking character, or it's offscreen arms.

No. 2452169

most ukes arent children though wtf

No. 2452170

File: 1742420437776.jpg (96.97 KB, 1920x1080, resident-evil-4-leon-kennedy-v…)

Okay but no one mentioned male children. The original post was talking about LEON RESIDENT EVIL being abused by ugly bastard trope

No. 2452171

they are correlated. ultra-misogynistic societies have a hierarchy of masculinity where women are viewed as broodmares for children and are considered private property. consequently, lower-class young boys are regarded as temporary property for older men to rape.

No. 2452172

I'm only explaining the link tayrt posted, twisting my words wont work on me retard

No. 2452173

In my case they should be out of the frame, I don't want to see the others, I want to see the handsome guy torn apart

No. 2452174

Actual, socially-sanctioned pederasty in a male-run government is not the same as a bunch of female geeks making drawings of men porking in first world countries. One is men engineering a hierarchy that allows them to rape children. The other is women having harmless fun with cartoons.

No. 2452175

and water it wet. doesn't mean men abusing men is misogyny jfc

No. 2452176

it's not activism, but it is superior. no women are actually raping or killing anyone because they're playing boring visual novels and shipping themselves with Link

No. 2452177

the post was a response to two fujos specifically stating they like "boys" abused and how it's totally not related to misogyny
but why do you find it hot? normal people think it's disgusting

No. 2452178

What does that have to do with women drawing cocks for fun

No. 2452179

All this serious discussion itt but it's someone offending a pervert that made an anime you like that takes away the fun.

No. 2452182

women shipping themselves with their husbandos are 10,000% more normal and feminist than someone who gets off to child rape fiction.

No. 2452183

What are you compensating for?

No. 2452185

>but why do you find it hot? normal people think it's disgusting
fujoshi is a self aware term meaning rotton girl, hope this helps

No. 2452186

I never said I find pederasty hot, you're just writing fanfic about me. There is nothing hot about a gross middle aged man raping a pubescent boy, which is what pederasty is. I, like most fujoshis, enjoy drawings of two adult men having sex.

No. 2452190

In this case, its just a form of disrespect to call them "boys" and not "men". Guess what, humiliating men means humiliating men with names as well.
But, why is it that when somebody says "girl" they can mean adults but "boy" automatically is a child?

No. 2452196

File: 1742420860214.gif (1.12 MB, 498x308, b367c4955cb0e06cec6e3925cf91c3…)

>yaoi equals child rape(baiting)

No. 2452198

and this is why you all eventually troon out(bait)

No. 2452199

Smh when I'm into Astarion porn I get called a hag, when I like anime guys in the age group of 18-25 I'm a pedo

No. 2452202

fujos in japan literally sided with male lolicons to oppose a bill that would ban depictions of child rape

No. 2452203

we are talking about gay cartoon porn made by women for women. It has nothing to do with 3DPD moids in the slightest and i assure you the average scrote doesnt care and doesnt feel emasculated by yaoi.

No. 2452208

File: 1742421100407.jpg (25.6 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f…)

What does the usage of the word boy to refer to adult males have to do with trooning out? Is it just because tifs call themselves boy and many are self hating fujos? Because if so that's a reach and a half.

No. 2452210

Good for them, but they aren't fujos' fucking elected representatives. They're random mangaka who want to make money off of the shit they draw. Saying that they're representative of us is like saying that the Onceler freaks are representative of yumes.

No. 2452211

are you being serious?

No. 2452213

Declaring yourself morally superior because you feel your sexual desires are more "pure" than that of the filthy sluts. How feminist and enlightened of you.


What you're describing isn't yaoi, it's shotacon, and there's PLENTY of straight shit in that genre, some of which was authored by women.

No. 2452214

What are you even talking about?

No. 2452216

The "good for them" bit was sarcasm, autism-chan, but I meant everything else.

No. 2452218

Post the law. I bet it was a law that was meant to ban all depictions of inmmoral sex and not just lolicon. Thats like saying booktok normie moms into darktok side with lolicons because they are against the new texas law that doesnt ONLY ban lolicon.

No. 2452221

and this is relevant here how?

No. 2452222

It's either yuripedo or Jayvik autist falling back on her old troon accusations. Report and ignore.

No. 2452224

I hope you and or your friends have very safe mastectomies
again, still morally superior for not liking degenerate toxic heterosexuality with extra steps(bait)

No. 2452225

Even the ones with shota husbandos?

No. 2452226

File: 1742421436784.jpg (70.23 KB, 850x925, __jayce_and_arcane_jayce_leagu…)

She probably thinks anybody who doesn't imagine themselves as a girl x big man must be a troon.

No. 2452227

heterosexuality implies a vagina and a dick, claiming anything else is 'heterosexuality' based on stuff like 'vibes' is troon mentality

No. 2452229

>heterosexuality is when someone is more masculine and someone is more feminism
Can this shit die already? Do you think all butch/femme lesbian couples are reinforcing toxic heterosexuality too?

No. 2452230

>I like to see men get humilliated and raped
>God made men stronger so they can withstand more pain. Men exist to be abused, thats why they are sent to die in war and work on the mines. Its in their nature. A man who is dominant and always in control is boring to me
Okay but like, why it gotta be another moid doing the fun things like torturing and raping? Boooooo boring and predictable. If I wanted to see moids doing moid things to other moids I'd just watch a cartel execution. Just look at >>2451797, it's pissing me off. How come this faceless ogre with his hulking, ugly hands gets to beat up the cutie and not a based female like me? Booooooooooring

No. 2452233

men cannot get raped and humilliated by women. Its not and will never be humilliating for a man to fuck a woman in any way. Thats why so many scrotes like femdom.

No. 2452234

So it's "morally superior" (kek) to enjoy "toxic heterosexuality" as long as there are fewer steps?

No. 2452237

You can like both things, you know.

No. 2452238

they'll give some bs line that involving a woman ruins the fantasy and that women actually can't abuse men

No. 2452241

>is this even fujo? - the weirdos who are into cuntboys, omegaverse mpreg etc.
You’re going to ex out almost every fujo at that point since Japan almost always draws fanart of the uke getting genderswapped AND omegaverse
Omegaverse itself pops up on AO3 pretty regularly.

No. 2452243

Or maybe they just want two of the sex they're attracted to?

No. 2452244

>t.believes men can be raped and abused by women
lol lmao even

No. 2452245

nta but your attracted to faceless ogres?

No. 2452247

>Omegaverse itself pops up on AO3 pretty regularly.
this isnt true, its an extremely new phenomenom. An anon did the math and its not even 3% of all yaoi.

No. 2452248

But I'm talking about fiction, in fictional settings, anything can be possible

No. 2452249

see, the truth is she projects onto the male. no matter how much she claims she likes seeing him get hurt, she's still projecting onto him, every fujo is and that's the actual truth

No. 2452250

Not all malesub stuff has faceless ugly bastards dumbass

No. 2452251

Then draw it for me? I don't draw(posting porn to bait)

No. 2452252

but most of it is

No. 2452253

File: 1742421937206.jpeg (1.98 MB, 2302x4096, GSNn0IFawAA_o8F.jpeg)

One thing I don't understand about (SOME NOT ALL) fujos is this desire to rape and humiliate the feminine guy they like. I just don't understand why. If I like a male character like that I want to cuddle and protect him and I want any fat/ugly/old/faceless moid who wants to rape him dead.

No. 2452254

Its funny that despite hating yaoi that these sort genuinely believe that they somehow know what all Japanese fujos draw or are into.
What level of delusion is behind this?

No. 2452256

I have literally zero desire to "self" insert as someone getting beat up by a moid. You're projecting because yumes are narcissists who are incapable of caring about a character unless they can pretend to skinwalk them.

No. 2452257

schizophrenia. If i wanted to self insert as a woman being raped i would already, most of hetshit is dominant man and submissive woman. Crap like 50 shades is mainstream. Some of you cannot cope with the idea of women not wanting to be dainty submissive bang maidens and instead being able to enjoy their sexuality outside of the male gaze. Because yes, femdom shit is male gazey and its why so many moids like it.

No. 2452258

Projecting into your french daddy dom kink is just a you thing, just because you self insert doesn't mean you need to do it with fujos too.

No. 2452259

No…? God what is with this website and people being so confidently wrong. Most malesub stuff is with conventionally attractive women

No. 2452260

>I don't draw
Few of you hetfags and yumes do, that's why you constantly throw tantrums about how "unfair" it is that slash and yaoi get more fics and fanart.

No. 2452261

It's a new phenomenom, as in it pops up a shit ton now. Even back in the deviantart/live journal days you saw mpreg a fair amount though.
What do you mean? I'm literally a fujo myself
I'm just pointing out that a LOT of Japanese fujos are into genderswaps (go on any ship tag and go to the R18 section and it's pretty likely you'll see a section for it).

No. 2452262

>posting porn as an argument
You couldn't just help yourself, couldn't you? You all gotta post your folders unprovoked every time no matter the topic

No. 2452263

i love the antifujos who have apparently read SO much BL they feel called to enlighten us that its 99.9% mpreg

No. 2452265

So, basically the whole problem of antifujos is not being able to accept some women like submissive cute guys instead of angsty demon alpha daddy ceo slop.

No. 2452266

No. 2452267

They think all of it is mpreg or ugly bastard shit when in reality that is less than 1% of yaoi

No. 2452268

We all know why kek

No. 2452269

posting porn to trigger people? wow, that totally proves you aren't a porn addict. It's also really funny that you gave a perfect example of what we mean when I said this is just heterosexuality with extra steps. It's not even male autonomy in that picture, it's a woman getting wet, not a male asshole
lie to yourselves if you want, everyone else knows the truth

No. 2452270

Ao3 being full of ABO is just your perception. I've posted data that proves how uncommon it actually is in the greater scheme of things: >>2326275

No. 2452271

File: 1742422319899.jpeg (Spoiler Image,203.54 KB, 720x2488, 1737167918345.jpeg)

right, why would i need heterosexuality with "extra steps" when the majority of porn is some poor women being abused by a scrote. i want to see a MAN get hurt(baiting)

No. 2452273

File: 1742422355688.jpg (1.54 MB, 2606x3481, doujin.jpg)

Yeah I'm such an anti fujo that I own this collection of solely BL doujins and have BL cast off figures among many other BL related merch kek. I can't fuckin stand those fujoshis.

No. 2452274

File: 1742422362338.jpg (159.71 KB, 1741x1374, GmMlqHtaYAAmL-9.jpg)

Ratio is ugly, I don't want to see him shipped with Aven. The faceless guys are perfect because it's a scenario far from reality, ideally he gets shipped with Stelle or Topaz

No. 2452275

don't bother, they can imagine a world where men get pregnant, but can't imagine one where women have power over men

No. 2452277

nta but if youre so easily trigged why did you unspoil it?

No. 2452278

Some of the most popular ryona ships and manga are with the more masculine character.
People have gone so far as to complain that uke look like moid self insert isekai protagonists because of it.

No. 2452279

I cannot get into yaoi because I just cannot get over the fact a room where two men are fucking very much and surely REEKS kek

No. 2452280

Fujos being persecuted by yumes is bullshit and no one can convince me otherwise.

No. 2452284

It wasn't intended to trigger anyone lol, it's just an example of art I like and Leon Kennedy anon seems to be a big sperg

No. 2452285

so you must not retardedly think its all mpreg then? who was addressing you?

No. 2452286

Have you never heard of lube? Also fuck off with this "ree I know you're lying" shit. You don't live in my head. I am a total stranger to you.

No. 2452287

This uke doesn't look like a girl, I thought that was impossible.

No. 2452288

File: 1742422487775.jpg (478.06 KB, 2048x1488, 1730152860457464.jpg)

??? How did you get that from what I posted? I just said that I like submissive cute guys too. By this logic fujos must want angsty alpha daddy ceos to rape submissive cute guys.

No. 2452289

so you project yourself unto him, got it?

No. 2452290

>men being hurt is boring
im not talking to an equal

No. 2452291

posting porn again

No. 2452292

Which anon are you again

No. 2452293

Oh, that explains it. The tif is in the room kek(troonfoiling)

No. 2452294

These anons must only read original BL and not engage in shipfaggotry.

No. 2452295

I literally never said it was all mpreg, I just said that it's a fairly common trope along with genderswap kek.

No. 2452296

>the fact a room where two men are fucking very much and surely REEKS kek
how come antifujos let 3DPD faggots live rent free in their head while fujos dont give a shit and understand its fiction. Go screech at barafags then.

No. 2452297

Are you dumb?

No. 2452298

What if not every fujo has the same tastes…have you considered that?

No. 2452302

File: 1742422636668.jpeg (350.54 KB, 2048x1150, 1697248873478.jpeg)

because Japanese fujos (the ones you all routinely call based) identified with and sided with male degenerates over real feminists

No. 2452303

No, all fujos self insert, like mpreg and omegaverse. Also all women secretly desire to be submissive bang maidens for men so women cant like submissive men, they must be self inserting.

No. 2452304

I'm not a TIF, I've never even gone through a fakeboi or enby phase like other people on LC.

No. 2452305

You do realize it's a fantasy, right? That bad smells are only there if you choose to imagine they are? Are you one of those pedants who also can't suspend her disbelief over the door in Titanic or the eagles in LotR?

No. 2452306

Danganronpa is such a funny case because the Komaeda Hajime pairing is ideal breeding ground for TiFs, especially when they're both voiced by women

No. 2452307

post proof?

No. 2452308

im sure you really are twitter user ua3xqp1 https://x.com/ua3xqp1

No. 2452309

Not even the fujos have considered that

No. 2452311

nta but danganronpa is the most degenerate fandom, choosing to like it is just one step away from trooning out

No. 2452312

File: 1742422791396.jpg (23.88 KB, 720x706, 1730681289505.jpg)

I know this is sarcasm but this is unironically how 90% of the thread sounds like

No. 2452313

These antifujos think that fujoshis are a hivemind, so no, they haven't and they never will.

No. 2452314

>tfw i will never be a korean fujostacy with enough spendable money to buy thousands of doujins and figures

No. 2452316

File: 1742422865362.png (2.23 MB, 1024x1024, EaAcYVeU0AAdRsp.png)

I have literally never seen this account in my life
Also her collection is pretty different from mine like having stuff in korean…

No. 2452318

and this has what to do with our discussion?

No. 2452321

Ok and? I haven't nor will I ever troon out. I swear to god some of you must be undercover troons or something with how obsessed you are with calling everyone a troon and saying "YOU'RE BASICALLY A FAKEBOI"

No. 2452322

Its more of a joke on Danganronpa, but I think I should've worded it better.

No. 2452325

Neither fujos nor yumes are Stacies

No. 2452326

Stacies don't use Lolcor period.

No. 2452328

That's fair, I love Danganronpa (I got into it at 13 so it has a lot of nostalgia for me) but I do understand why people shit on it for the amount of batshit insane gendies into it.
I just get kind of upset when people call me a TIF since I value my womanhood so much.

No. 2452329

I'm a fujo and I agree. I've never had issues with yumes on other sites. I think it just so happens that a couple of the really active antifujos on Lolcow are also yumes.

No. 2452330

>taking internet meme buzzwords this seriously
teh internet is srrs bssnss

No. 2452331

Why are the communities so different?
I am generalizing shipping right now, but when it comes to official bl manga, I've seen discussions about whether its okay to have male bl authors at all. As in, fujo thst are uncomfortable with even the thought of buying work from somebody that identifies as a man.

No. 2452332

I used to be a danganronpa fujo too before finding out about yumeing because i didn’t know i didnt have to love a male character from afar by shipping him with another male. Thats why i think fujos have this mental block that preventing them from truly enjoying male characters they like. Its just like sitting in a cuck chair.

Change my mind.

No. 2452334

Exactly. Stacies are too busy getting 30+ plastic surgeries to look like "baddies", posting bikini pics on the web and collecting tens of thousands of dollars from simp moids.

No. 2452335

I'm confused why anons can't see that Leon is the object of focus in this image and it's not "pov you are abused so you self insert as leon"
>why isn't a woman doing the abusing?
Could probably be hot if he was stepped on by a woman in heels, but most porn artists focus on penetration and the additional humiliation and male homosexual tendencies. That's why prison and army rape jokes are a thing.
>you self insert as the uke!!
Then the artwork would be portraying the ugly baster towering above the viewer.
>you want to become a man!
No wish for that, still have my tits and I don't want to attack any man irl, it's just a fantasy about the man being in a humiliated and vulnerable position.

No. 2452336

nta, but okay, that is an acceptable answer, the problem is that there is always someone who has to argue that nooooo women aren't capable of abusing and raping men (in a chinese cartoon)

No. 2452338

>change my mind
why? you are entitled to your opinion but it doesnt mean its universal. Whats up with people ITT thinking the world revolves around them and everything being so black and white.

No. 2452339

>I've seen discussions about whether its okay to have male bl authors at all.
That's pretty retarded considering that Patalliro was written by a man

No. 2452340

I like both.

No. 2452341

with as much respect as possible, i think it is so cringe to imagine yourself with a fiction cartoon character

No. 2452342

Thats not being a stacy, thats being a pickme. If you even need to get cosmetic surgeries to get a rich moid then you are NGMI. Vtubers who stream in their dirty pjs and dont brush their teeth and still get 500 donations are more stacies than those normalfaggots.

No. 2452344

Cluster B personality disorders. I'm not even kidding. Main character syndrome and splitting are both Cluster B behaviors.

No. 2452345

I'm not sure whether these antifujos are yumes because half of the complaints here are things also present in yume spaces, even on lolcow.

No. 2452348

This is a better question for the BL thread in /m/ tbh

No. 2452349

Wait, but can I ask what "gay for you" means.

No. 2452351

>thats being a pickme.
Most moids consider those to be stacies.
I guess Stacyism technically comes from within, but if we're going by the societal version of Stacy to match the societal version of Chad, then it's a chick with fake tits.

No. 2452352

A character who is straight with one exception.

No. 2452355

Deadass I don't get it, I mean it's fiction, you could simply self insert as a goddess or some shit and insta kill any moids

No. 2452356

I think that only like three of the super prolific antifujos here are yumes, at best. The rest are just hetshippers, and maybe one or two (aside from yuripedo) are himes. The actual fight here is hetfags is. fujos.

No. 2452358

delete your posts

No. 2452359

I mean i opened the debate thread to debate, and my statement/point is that fujos are just one step away and holding themselves back from accending to yumehood. but if a fujo had a different opinion than mine, i would love to hear it.

although youre right, a lot of nonas here are hating on other women like a misogynistic man would. over fictional men. now thats cringe

No. 2452360

>Most moids consider those to be stacies.
not my fault you care about what men think, those are not stacies

No. 2452361

Nta. I don't think they're incapable. I just prefer when there are two hot guys rather than one. It's not that deep.

No. 2452362

Yume stuff never has enough angst or even a pinch of heartbreak in it, doesn't that seem boring? Self indulgence in general always leads to boring shit, I don't see how anyone can seriously play lads or otome games in general.

No. 2452363


No. 2452365

I just dont think its humilliating for a man to get fucked by a woman. All those femdom manwhas and mangas always have pretty women too. There is nothing humilliating a man getting fucked by a woman.

No. 2452366

No, because a Stacy is a woman with high self-esteem. Plastic surgery addiction and sperging on imageboards are both low-self-esteem behaviors.

No. 2452370

I play every type of VN even though I'm mainly a fujo, otome can be interesting and have some pretty depressing/dramatic stories in them.

No. 2452371

some women just dont like self inserting its not that deep

No. 2452372

Why are there proportionally more female yaoi fans then there are male yuri fans?

No. 2452373

But why? Is it insecurity or?

No. 2452374

I like bully/victim but only when the victim turns out to be the top.

No. 2452376

What are you talking about? most men like yuri or lesbians. Its one of the most popular porn categories.

No. 2452377

Fujo is the default for female otaku
Yuri fan isn't the default for male otaku
Just look on toranoana, it's always BL in the top spots while on the male side of the site it's usually not yuri and instead just regular hentai.

No. 2452378

Its boring.

No. 2452379

Why do you think there has to be some weird mental block? There is literally nothing stopping you from liking both.
Bl as a genre is more unique than people give it credit for, there's experimentation that fujoshi author are more comfortable with doing because there is a clear belief that the majority of men aren't going to be reading it.
It is true that men read shoujo for the "rapechads and woman moments". To want it all to be shoujo/yume shit is to destroy a very unique environment, away from men.

No. 2452383

It don't gotta be just fucking though, simple torture would suffice

No. 2452384

>most men like yuri or lesbians.
Do they? From what I've seen from non yuri fan male otakus they either like it being two girls from their self insert's harem making out (so basically sister wives with benefits) or they actively call guys who like yuri cucks.

No. 2452385

Read fic written by men, then read fic written by women. And men self-insert more often than women. You see this reflected in movies.

No. 2452388

I don't think this is true. There's probably more yaoi fan content (especially in the west) because men are lazy and prefer to argue about lore on Leddit instead of making art and writing fic. I'd say men into lesbians are actually more common than women into gay men, as evidenced by how prolific lesbian porn is in the live action porn industry.

No. 2452391

Its still not humilliating though. Unless shes an ugly bastard or pegs him. Man on man abuse and humilliation has different connotations than a woman ''abusing'' a man.

No. 2452393

There are femdom torture manga, but they're written for men. Pretty sure they've been posted about in the manga and femdom thread lots of complaints about them being moid gazey)

No. 2452394

>as evidenced by how prolific lesbian porn is in the live action porn industry.
Lesbian porn is different from yuri though

No. 2452395

they are both made for men to get off, its the same thing

No. 2452397

>Unless shes an ugly bastard
Can women who aren't like over 80 even be ugly bastards though.

No. 2452398

Generally yes, but the base concept of people enjoying double of the sex they're attracted to still applies. My point is that men like f/f content, they just aren't as creative or prolific as women who draw/write m/m stuff.

No. 2452400

Does Shayna count as an ugly bastard

No. 2452402

It's complicated with yuri, the genre is majority male readers nowadays yes but in the 2000s it was actually female majority. It doesn't really have a separation like yaoi and bara so it's kind of unclear a lot of the time what yuri is for men and what yuri is for women (even magazines like yuri hime aren't always clear on this). On top of that yuri isn't usually super porn focused but rather focused on "the purest form of love" which is why yurifag guys get so upset when a male character is introduced.

No. 2452403

they could make ugly or even plain looking female characters but often in femdom manga(both for men and women) its always a pretty woman who looks better than the guys. So its very hard to pretend they are actually totes being abused and humilliated by sleeping with stacy for free.

No. 2452405

Shayna's cute, I don't read her threads but her face is cute.

No. 2452406

>Mental block
Because homosexual men are disgusting, You would have to be forcing yourself in some way to enjoy watching a moids dick go in another moids shithole.
>Different writing than yume novels
Actually this is true. If i wanted to find a good well written fanfic on ao3 I have to shift through all of the gay ones. but what is stopping those writers from just changing the male with a female? If men complain on twitter, so what? If your favorite yaoi fanfic was genderswapped to have a woman x man vs man x man would you still read it?

No. 2452407

The thing is, I don't really give a shit about what the moid is thinking or his thoughts on the bullshit tbh I just want to beat him up badly, it's not really about him moreso me, well, beating him

No. 2452409

> On top of that yuri isn't usually super porn focused but rather focused on "the purest form of love" which is why yurifag guys get so upset when a male character is introduced.
Well obviously men are retarded and their opinions rarely matter but why do women enjoy yaoi knowing real gay men are absolutely disgusting?

No. 2452410

Thats fine but i dont self insert and i just dont get how a woman could hurt a man in the way i find attractive, so its not for me.

No. 2452411

No. 2452412

>why do women enjoy yaoi knowing real gay men are absolutely disgusting?
Because I don't think gay men are disgusting?

No. 2452416

because its not about 3DPD. If porn and yaoi/otome was about 3DPD then all the moids would be drawn as unshaved slobs with male pattern baldness and a porn addiction.

No. 2452419

Because in animeland, anime gay guys are written by women and thus are tolerable and endearing.

No. 2452421

The comments would be 99% about how big and juicy the female character's tits are and how they would like to fuck her, and how her traits are totally in line with their fetishes.
They would call all the drama "silly retarded woman moments" and fantasize about how the author really wants to get fucked hard like the female characters. There would be a lot of "do women really"?
Also it'd have to be rewritten a lot because it's from a male character. I would still read it because of the story, but I would want nothing to do with any discussions or community.

No. 2452422

>You would have to be forcing yourself in some way to enjoy watching a moids dick go in another moids shithole.
Is it really THAT hard for you to fathom that some people enjoy things you don't? When you see someone order something you don't like at a restaurant, do you think
>oh my god, she must be forcing herself to eat that!
How garbage must your theory of mind be kek

No. 2452425

File: 1742424996821.png (1.57 MB, 1225x775, best rapechad matsuda.png)

I don't know if that's the right word, entertaining is probably a better choice.

No. 2452427

>If i wanted to find a good well written fanfic on ao3 I have to shift through all of the gay ones
You do realize you can filter tags on Ao3 right

No. 2452429

that guy is ugly and old he doesnt count, we are talking about the cute bishies

No. 2452430

Fuck you Matsuda is the best and only 27 years old.

No. 2452431

Because yaoi characters are figments of women's imaginations, and I don't care what gay men do or think in real life.

No. 2452433

>27 years old
damn even anime guys are hitting the wall at lightning speed now

No. 2452434

Seme genes make you age faster

No. 2452435

What a fucking bitch this guy is, as a femdomfag, fujos should draw him getting obliterated by ten thousand moids that'd be based

No. 2452436

not quite a fujo but it's just a lot of compartmentalization or possible autism. I haven't looked at real porn in the past decade because it viscerally disgusts me and when I see a glamorized drawing it doesn't really incur the same disgust, plus it helps that it exists in its own secular narrative. I think real porn is usually weirder because you have no idea why or who those people are and if they're even there fully by choice.
wait, Paradise was written by a woman? huh, Hadaka Shitsuji is kind of similar and it was written by a man kek.

No. 2452439

>wait, Paradise was written by a woman?
Rapechads show up in most R18 joseimuke.

No. 2452440

Nta but not really, incels who are into the whole looksmaxxing thing think that stacies/chads already have good genes and don't need surgeries. Surgeries are for those with bad genes so not stacy.

No. 2452442

The fact that retards want that to happen to yaoi too, I've seen a few men going "I read yaoi and fantasize about how the authors must want to be the uke and get raped by rapechad." When will this need to add self insert into everything stop?

No. 2452443

thats definitely extremely different. neither are a big deal but i would definitely think there is something wrong with you if you admitted you enjoyed watching two hairy scrotes fuck. like why just not watch the normal stuff? its almost like a weird kink like inflation. i just dont understand why.
the writing for straight ships isnt as good. there is basically crumbs of “character x reader” content compared to “character x another man”

No. 2452446

write it yourself then? the only thing i respect about men is them making their autistic hyperniche fetishes come to life by drawing/writing about it instead of just complaining.

No. 2452447

File: 1742425536679.png (1.23 MB, 1207x781, toranoana rankings.png)

>like why just not watch the normal stuff?
Anon if you're a girl into anime that IS the normal stuff

No. 2452448

Ew even his hair is greying

No. 2452449

What's a yume novel?

No. 2452450

>cant read yume because if misogyny
so what? why would you let a hairy caveman scrote not let you enjoy things you like? this is what i meant by a mental block. just ignore the XY and be free
Is that a BL site? i thought fujos was just a subcategory compared to being a yume. maybe thats why fujos like gay slop, because its on the main page.

No. 2452454

Japanese character x reader fanfics.

No. 2452455

>Is that a BL site?
It's not, it's toranoana a site that people sell their doujinshis on. It's separated into sections for men and women respectively and this is the women's section of the site.
There is hetships that pop up on best sellers list it's like every 1 of 30 or so doujins.

No. 2452462

This is like demanding someone justify why they have a different favorite color than you. It's just what I like. I find what you enjoy boring at best and offensive at worst. I prefer not to see female bodies be objectified, it just turns me off. Again, you seem incapable of understanding why someone could possibly have different subjective taste than you to such an extreme degree that I honestly get the impression you have a clinically diminished theory of mind.

Also, I never said I was into hairy guys and neither did anyone else here. Go to the yaoi thread in /m/ and tell me how much body hair you see.

No. 2452463

If i was being fed gay content daily on the main page when i looked for male characters i liked, Even i would have been pysopped into liking yaoi too.

No. 2452465

wtf why would you post matsuda outside of containment?? you have to play the game to understand his appeal

No. 2452466

Jfc, write your own fics you entitled lazyass. When there's a rarepair I enjoy and it doesn't have enough fic, I sit down and write some myself instead of demanding someone else do it like a whiny child.

No. 2452468

More like they managed to avoid getting psyopped.

No. 2452469

>Something being more popular than what I like makes it a psyop
Holy fuck my sides, next you're gonna tell me everyone who likes Taylor Swift music has been psyopped into it.

No. 2452470

>Female body objectified
Dont you think thats because you are reading fanfics/hentais/novels made by and made for scrotes?
>Its just what I like
Cool. Enjoy your cuck chair nona

No. 2452472

>anyone who disagrees with me has been psyopped into it
Sometimes I wonder if it's fun to be schizophrenic

No. 2452473

It's not my boyfriend, it's pixels on a screen. What the fuck do you think cuckoldry is? By this logic, watching any non-solo porn is cuckoldry.

No. 2452474

>there is basically crumbs of “character x reader” content
The reason there are crumbs is because of canon x canon self inserters convincing everyone that self inserting into an established character is yume and now we have pseudo-character x ""reader"" fanfics where you're expected to self insert as a character with a name, personality and appearance.

No. 2452475

Ok but how can we psyop men into feeling cucked by yaoi and otome instead? i want men to feel miserable for not being as perfect as my animu boys. Maybe we can get them to develop EDs.

No. 2452476

nta but I know Paradise's story and Matsuda just comes across as the most realistic depiction of a domestic abuser I've seen in a VN.

No. 2452479

Yes. I am. Its just FOMO which can also be seen here.
Flat earthers say the same thing to scientists

No. 2452480

File: 1742426501717.png (8.47 KB, 391x96, oh my.png)

>there is basically crumbs of “character x reader” content
Become a Sans girl

No. 2452483

Who the fuck cares about good writing in fanatic regardless of subject? Just accept whatever comes your way and consider anything mildly decent a struck of good luck, or pick a real book

No. 2452484

I love Matsuda, read the filename.
Eh I don't know…I don't think domestic abusers generally go all slasher movie villain and start hitting people in the heads with axes in a yandere fueled rage.

No. 2452487

File: 1742426699983.jpg (166.9 KB, 1280x911, tumblr_89f32fba7b38e430d146ab1…)

God why is it always the weirdest goddamn characters who become Tumblr sexymen

No. 2452490

Because that's exactly what a tumblr sexyman is
That's why I don't count characters like Komaeda though since they're meant to be attractive in universe, a tumblr sexyman has to be a character who no one outside of nerdy girls on tumblr would find remotely attractive and they're not even meant to be attractive characters in universe.

No. 2452496

File: 1742426882239.png (217.2 KB, 418x415, 1300924.png)

>pick a real book

No. 2452498

kek im good thanks
lmao look up text/chat fics on ao3 and try to sit through it. quality does matter, and fujos have all of the good stuff and then it immediately becomes disgusting when they mention the anal parts(baiting)

No. 2452508

Why do you think some are trying to normalize cuntboy/tifs?

No. 2452512

Futanari needed a rival I suppose

No. 2452514

lmao well because they either are
>ashamed of self inserting
>on the same level as genderspecials she/theys and women who say they are lesbian despite liking male characters

No. 2452515

Trannyism aside the cuntboy/tif stuff can be pretty good if you actually self insert onto the uke. It's like the perfect cursed amalgamation of x/reader and bl.(baiting)

No. 2452516

Ignore and report her, she was banned for bait and is now ban evading.

No. 2452518

File: 1742427572825.png (117.01 KB, 680x528, iOJVt4r.png)

No. 2452520

A lot of it is weirdly misogynistic though
>we found out you're actually a girl so now we're going to force you to be our live in sex slave
type stuff goes around a lot, I know a lot of fakebois have a detransitition fetish so maybe it comes from that?

No. 2452522

Why do fujos have to do these mental gymnastics instead of just admitting theyre closeted yumes with extra steps.(baiting)

No. 2452525

if you like cuntboy you are not a fujo, you are a closeted bisexual

No. 2452526

Because I want semes to fuck the shota duh.

No. 2452527

That's true, and probably kinda related to the wattspad era of like "i was sold to evil rapey guy" type of fanfic authors. Same stuff just repackaged for modern retardation.

You do realize you can be both right?

No. 2452528

>the shota
I smell a false flag

No. 2452530

You really never wondered if anybody felt the same as you? Wanting to self insert into everything?

No. 2452532

Truly every fanfic author has to do at least one "kidnapped by one direction" style fic in order to be valid.

No. 2452535

File: 1742428161565.jpg (63.2 KB, 934x816, tumblr_85780ef94105092c6faa21c…)

Just write a fic yourself! You lazy motherfucker!!!

No. 2452539

Why is the main fujo argument “I have different tastes, so dont kink shame me!” Like sure you do but its objectively weird and uncanny.

No. 2452541

>but its objectively weird and uncanny
Then why is most of AO3 m/m

No. 2452542

5 people have said this already, and i already do. doesnt change the fact that fujos have way more better and longer fics than selfship ones

No. 2452543

because AO3 is filled with teenage girls.

No. 2452551

One of the most popular husbandos right now is a shota though.

No. 2452552

But moids have no problem watching porn that has a moid/penis in it, in fact it's a requirement.

You will never convince anyone that your insistence on watching "the sex you're attracted to" performing sexual acts you would be neither capable of nor interested in has nothing to do with being repulsed with your own reproductive system, jealousy, insecurity or all of the above. Yaoi is a workaround, always has been. Jap fujos freely admit it, I don't know why you guys need to let shame rule you not only in yaoi itself, but also in meta discussions of yaoi.

No. 2452559

Kek, who? Hanako?

No. 2452560


No. 2452563

>b-but moids
Are we supposed to want to see mutant shaped women getting fucked attractive like they do?

No. 2452564

File: 1742428868540.png (242.89 KB, 320x1008, 320px-Scarlet_Violet_Kieran.pn…)

No. 2452567

I've never understood this one.

No. 2452574

He's cute.

No. 2452575

Baby's first yandere

No. 2452577

I wonder if women will ever be able to express their sexuality without being ostracized for not wanting to see pussy in their porn. Reminds me of how popular the lie that all women are bisexual is.

No. 2452580

Why is his hair a pinwheel?

No. 2452581

>Uke look like moid self insert isekai protagonists
Based. The three and a half actually based fujos should make ryona yaoi where the uke looks like the average consoomer of self insert isekai moidslop. I hope it becomes the gyaru fad of fujoshit. Entrapment yaoi would also be cool, as in sexist moid follows a prostitute or a normie woman he wants to rape only to end up getting absolutely gutted by a mob of other moids.

Too bad none of this is a thing because even when there's "rape", "based" fujos like amgsty wwwomance with le complex meat dildos having human feeeewings. This is mainly why everyone thinks it's just het with extra steps. It's just romanceslop cringe but with no pussy.

No. 2452588

NTA but that matted-hair having creature is hideous and his 3D model is even worse

No. 2452595

Because men don't have jump through mental genderhoops to "permit" themselves to goon to a cartoon. Simple as.

No. 2452599

File: 1742429544664.jpg (68.09 KB, 850x478, sample_91e46a030f4b3cecef1941f…)

kirito is a fag canonically. SAO has more fujo fanservice than most spokon slop.(baiting)

No. 2452604

To foreshadow his future ace pokemon who is a hydra.

No. 2452611

>the only actually based man objectifying degrading yaoi is written by a moid

No. 2452613

LADS is doing that atm

No. 2452617

>Hadaka Shitsuji was written by a moid
This… This intrigues me.

No. 2452620

don't care, not engaging with shit made by moids for moids

No. 2452624

Wdym? Yaoi fags are often pretty mutant-shaped so you do already.(infighting)

No. 2452627

literal who

No. 2452635

So teenage girls are "objectively weird and uncanny." Hmm, that's not a very ~morally superior~ take.

No. 2452638

I have never seen this character before in my life

No. 2452640

He was the highest ranked character on the yume poll in Japan

No. 2452643

I think the point was teenage girls are attracted to men, have the most spare time, and are filed with hormones. Most fanfics are written by them. I feel like this is obvious ngl

No. 2452651

File: 1742430647216.jpg (1.19 MB, 2500x2500, 1735763532030.jpg)

He was number 4 in the JP yume poll this year and last year.
He was never number one in the yume poll, that was for an SV poll that wasn't restricted to just yumes.

No. 2452653

JP yumes have such shit taste

No. 2452656

Who's #1

No. 2452657

#1 is based as fuck though

No. 2452660

File: 1742430789172.jpg (112.34 KB, 1232x1216, tumblr_67cc9c456a277f7070a4e29…)

We will never be free. I guess women are doomed to an existence of perpetually shaming each other of the tiniest, most meaningless of transgressions, like crabs in a bucket. Fighting amongst each other, just as moids would want us to be so we're too distracted to challenge them.

No. 2452664

>a woman being there
theres also another literal who generic pokemon trainer in first place. where was this poll on, twitter?

No. 2452665

Pleasantly surprised to see Golden Kamuy

No. 2452669

is the jack twist guy even an actual character? it pisses me off how they always waste the good designs, like twst frodo

No. 2452670

all of the characters are literal whos i have never seen mentioned in my life besides the ones from genshin, honkai, deepspace and jjk

No. 2452672


No. 2452673

That says more about your tastes nonna….and it's not good.

No. 2452678

samefag, how do you not recognize kuroo, marisa, or any of the touken ranbu characters? You have to be 18+ to use this site you know

No. 2452680

A good majority of characters on that list look like theyre from niche gachaslop. like who the hell is 17

No. 2452682

Because we're mystified as to why you guys care so much about something so goddamn meaningless. Seriously. Why is it such a big deal to you that women enjoy something as inane as drawings of two guys making out or whatever? There's no way you spend as much time tut-tutting people for things that are way more transgressive and harmful. You're just looking for a lazy reason to declare yourself superior to other women, some of you have openly admitted that from one side of your mouths while claiming to be feminists from the other. There's nothing "feminist" about enjoying yaoi, but there sure as shit also isn't anything feminist about what basically amounts to slut-shaming fujos, either. Stop trying to have it both ways. Either be shallow, insecure bitches who feel better about yourselves by tearing other women down over silly things, or be feminists and worry about shit that actually harms women on a systemic level.

No. 2452687

obviously i recognize marisa, but what the hell is token ranbu? i looked it up and its english version got discontinued so it must be some niche japanese thing
oh my god who the hell cares

No. 2452690

touken ranbu is basically male kancolle, down to both only being popular in Japan due to how niche and autistic the gameplay is.

No. 2452692

>fujos have way more better and longer fics than selfship ones
There it is. This, my nonas, is the real reason people hate fujoshis so much. They try to justify their hatred with moralfaggotry, but intense jealousy over content is the real reason they hate us. I guarantee you, if fujos weren't such prolific fan creators, this infight wouldn't be happening in the first place.

No. 2452694

>w-who cares???
You have no counterargument. And you're still ban evading.

No. 2452695

Lmao do you even know what you're trying to say now?

No. 2452696

Literally no ones fault besides your own talentless ass.

No. 2452697

Don't care how lame this makes me sound but you have to either be a minor or a normie to not know. or to at least not recognize the artstyle? What were you doing in 2015?

No. 2452700

She was doing her times tables homework

No. 2452701

>nobody complaining even knows who these characters are
It really is just bitching for bitching's sake and moral policing in any way they can isn't it?

No. 2452702

Nta. I didn't recognize the Touken Ranbu characters, either. I was entrenched in capeshit around the time it was popular.

No. 2452705

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No. 2452708

File: 1742431989280.gif (1.13 MB, 498x280, chikawa-ちいかわ.gif)

We're surrounded by posers

No. 2452712

The state of the anime thread over the past year should have clued you in. Lolcow is normalfag central now.

No. 2452713

The "bl shift" is very interesting it's honestly pretty funny to watch in action.

No. 2452714

or you're just old and pretending to act like browsing permavirgin men's online spaces as a tween somehow makes you superior to zoomers

No. 2452715

theres no escape from the fakejoshi epidemic…

No. 2452716

i have no idea what kancolle is either but i looked it up and its looks autistic as fuck too
if you want to enjoy your hardcore buttfucking kink/fetish go right ahead, but using buzzwords like women who find it weird are actually “selfhating feminists” is a reach
>what were you doing in 2015
i guess not on japanese social media. ive never heard anyone in my life on english twitter say they liked a character from “token ranbu”

No. 2452717

Shut up idiot, im 22 and even i know tkrb. You are just a poser.

No. 2452718

youll be arguing with someone in this thread then they'll suddenly be like "i dont watch anime i just think fujos are gross" like…. might as well argue economics with a dog jfc

No. 2452719

It sucks, especially when they act like they're "above it all".
I miss back nerd shit was for nerds.

No. 2452720

If it makes you feel better, I think you're both retarded

No. 2452721

At this point, I'm sure we will never retvrn.

No. 2452722

Seriously. Lolcor is so full of uncultured moralfags who aren't even old enough to drink.

No. 2452724

I don't mind different types of people using the site but why do they feel the need to larp in threads just for the sake of arguing

You're not a true yume or a true fujo why are you even in here? Genuinely, what do you gain from this?

No. 2452726

I think the dog would at least have a unique take we haven’t heard 10,000 times already.

No. 2452727

exactly. who the fuck is playing token ranbu in the current day. you cant fault me for it being the definition of underground

No. 2452729

Go sperg out on TikTok with all the other no-nothing Zoomies instead of moralsperging about shit you know nothing about.

No. 2452730

You should be forced to post a log of your internet search history of the past 10 years before you’re allowed to open your mouth on this topic.

No. 2452735

>definition of underground
That's like saying touhou is "underground". It was mainstream af if you were actually a yume/fujo.

No. 2452736

>if you dont play a game that came out in the 2000s and has english servers that shut down years ago due to inactivity you arent a real yume

No. 2452737

No one with an active Twitter, Bluesky, or Tiktok account should be allowed an opinion on this issue imho

No. 2452738

File: 1742432472931.jpg (124.22 KB, 600x849, 1000141856.jpg)

But it's literally everywhere, if you follow anything anime-related, you will find millions of crossovers with touken ranbu, just admit you're not autistic enough for this playground.

No. 2452739

Yes, tiktok babies aren’t real yumes or fujos. Deal with it.

No. 2452743

It's like having retarded opinions on American film and then getting super getting defensive when people call you out on not knowing who Robin Williams is.
Yes, you should know who he is. It's not weird to call you out on being a poser.

No. 2452744

except touhou isnt underground and token ranbu has unrecognizable characters and a generic plot
literal W H O

No. 2452745

>If I haven't personally heard of something, it must be underground
Once again, low-functioning-autist-level theory of mind. I've never seen the Godfather, that doesn't make it "underground" kek.

No. 2452748

>W H O
Tumblr called, it asked for its retarded spacing joke back

No. 2452749

its a multimillion dollar IP it cannot be underground by any definition. Stop embarrassing yourself, poser.

No. 2452750

How old are you.

No. 2452751

>you're not autistic enough for this playground
spoken like a true chronically online sperg

No. 2452753

It has to be a baiter or one of those zoomies who only reads webtoon crap.

No. 2452754

This is quite literally the fujo vs yume containment thread on lolcow. farm stop thinking you're better than any of us for being here

No. 2452757

You are posting in this fucking thread of all threads, you are the chronically online sperg you speak of, except worse because you aren’t even educated on the topic of spergery.

No. 2452758

Do you think she know what the characters on top are? or is popteamepic vintage shit now.

No. 2452759

is 18 makishima? since when was he big

No. 2452760

Zero self awareness kek

No. 2452763

The mid 10s is a vintage time period now and we are “old” for remembering it

No. 2452764

I honestly thought that a poptepipic crossover would be recognizable but anon is just a retarded child that just wants to stir the pot.

No. 2452768

It's a zoomie singularly obsessed with Arcane. I doubt she reads or watches any Japanese shit.

No. 2452774

Always the fotmfags thinking they have the right to an opinion, they shouldn’t wven qualify for the nerd label. Just mindless sheep following the crowd and decimating every fandom they visit.

No. 2452777

But totally in the know about what 99% of what fujos do and want, right?(baiting)

No. 2452780

File: 1742433364890.gif (371.15 KB, 250x250, 1727847170315760.gif)

The worst part is the false superiority they have for not knowing basic facts about the topic at hand. Just go away and let us be nerds in peace.

No. 2452787

I get 5, 10, 21, and 24 because translations are spotty but everybody else should be pretty obvious.

No. 2452789

So… no true fujo? Then.you do know you can laugh at cows in the fandoms you're in right? What's the criteria of a true fujo?

No. 2452808

File: 1742434018130.jpg (70.11 KB, 680x677, GmV6eHibcAAPP0z.jpg)

I blame Arcane, LADS, NuCani, Genshin, Korean Webcomics, and Dmmd for the current state of fujo/yume spaces. We went too mainstream too openly R-18 way too fast. Now everything is filled with insecure teenagers who take out their built up stress from being anti-social weirdos irl on us.

No. 2452810

Fujo spaces should be 18+ though

No. 2452811

Why did DMMD get popular so recently? It's been around for ages.

No. 2452812

>bringing up the "no true fujo" card
It's the most popular 100 poll, come on now.

No. 2452817

I have no clue, someone must have made a tiktok.

No. 2452821

TikTok is a plague upon us all.

No. 2452823

this thread is starting to sound exactly like the discord circlejerk that got banned from getting shared in the BL threads

No. 2452828

Slow damage translation -> retards post it on pinterest or tiktok -> Dmmd rises from the grave -> becomes the new ground zero for annoying fujos like JR was.

No. 2452834

The anon I'm talking about is an antifujo, not a fujo. She's the one that got banned for baiting and is now ban evading.

No. 2452839

Huh, I didn't realize there was renewed interest in it. I remember playing it a little bit way back when it first came out, but I didn't keep up with the fandom years down the road.

No. 2452841

When I first saw zoomers bringing up Yaribu and DMMD, I thought it was part of their weird millennial larp but it's truly bizarre that they've found new life as 'that one yaoi manga everyone hates' and 'that game where every tif wants their haircut from' respectively.

No. 2452882

This anon >>2452841 got it spot on. Zoomers are obsessed with anything millennials did 10/15 years ago, that is until it's novelty has worn off and they move onto the next thing. Think of pastel goth, morute, gyaru, etc. It's especially common in weeb circles I've noticed, moe art and media becoming popular, visual novels, and chan boards too. Zoomer trends always play with nostalgia and consoom.

No. 2452883

Most of the zoomers I was in middle school with played DMMD, you guys assume zoomers are way younger than we actually are kek.

No. 2452885

So…the clock is ticking for shit that narrowly escaped the trannypocalypse as well, is Free on the chopping block?

No. 2452886

Tbf, it came out in 2012. The oldest zoomer (assuming we use 2000) was, uh, 12.

No. 2452889

Most 12 year olds are already watching/reading BL bro.

No. 2452891

That saddens me. It truly does. They should've waited until 14 like I did when I discovered FFN/DA

No. 2452892

you're not wrong but you need to integrate

No. 2452894

Idk i was already in BL trenches at that age, i think thats the most common age from what i hear when asking around

No. 2452895

Its nice to look back and remember how free of gendie shit things were back then.

No. 2452896

Yeah but (relatively) hardcore yaoi like DMMD?

No. 2452899

>Most of the zoomers
>Most 12 year olds
Do you live in fujoland or something? Why is everyone around you a fujo kek.

No. 2452900

DMMD is normie tier.

No. 2452903

I was reading harada in middle school, I don’t think dmmd would be that strange. I don’t care for vns much though so idk.

No. 2452908

I wouldn't say Most but they definitely exist. I definitely read gravitational before 14 and played dmmd in like 2015.

No. 2452910

People seek out others with similar interests anon…also my friends and i browsed the internet communally around the family computer.

No. 2452911

I think I just have a different frame of reference kek.

No. 2452913

I'm old but I found out about Lamento and TnC when I was a freshman in high school. Before they were even translated. Comic shops used to import their figurines and I read about the series in the product ordering catalogs

No. 2452915

Are you from the west coast by chance? I've noticed there's a lot more comic shops/anime stores in California/the West Coast. In my shitstain town, we had the Pacific Import store at the mall and that was it kek

No. 2452917

So it really is tiktok that's just made all of the younger fujos act insane? I don't remember things being This Bad during the worst of tumblr(voltron fandom era…)

No. 2452920

I think COVID really turned up the crazy in just about every corner of the internet.

No. 2452926

No, I'm from the east coast. Oddly enough there was a comic shop that DID have all the old Lamento scale figures and I bought them, and I eventually got the smaller ones at anime convention booths. But I seriously grew up in the middle of nowhere/not asian populated area so finding them in a mall shop was crazy.

No. 2452930


No. 2452932

Huh, interesting. Maybe it's just a coastal thing or a luck of the draw but our local stores (even the mall kiosks) didn't start selling anime/weeb shit until a few years ago, presumably when Aliexpress/Temu made it easier/cheaper to obtain/resell

No. 2452935

I don’t know. Speaking as a zoomer, some of the people who call themselves fujos today are the exact same people who were witch hunting in the 10s and weren’t into bl at all until it became popular again. I can open up my abandoned twitter from 2019 and look at the accounts of people i used to know who hated fujos posting ironic yaoi memes today. The hobby got gentrified, when I approach someone who calls themselves fujoshi today, there’s really only like a 30% chance they actually know about BL outside of meme terms.

No. 2452941

Kek gentrification of yaoi. Not that you're wrong but it's funny to think about.

No. 2452947

There was a period in the 2000s-2010s when anime and especially square enix JRPGs merchandise was imported a decent amount but it died down for a while before covid and Netflix made japanese/animedia mainstream again. I'm sure these stores are just flooded with shit like funko pops now since any collector can just get their anime figures directly from Japan.

No. 2452951

Yeah, I think my frame of reference is stuck somewhere between 2006 and 2010 so I'm completely out of touch with the modern anime scene kek

No. 2452954

Wow, the conversation is so sensible now. I guess it's past Arcane-anon's bedtime. Tonight is a school night, after all kek

No. 2453062

I don’t expect much from fujos but earlier I was scrolling through twitter and saw this nsfw poipiku preview featuring fanart of this character and what literally looks like a 4 year old version of him laying next to him, the whole image wasn’t displayed but it was still gross. Just why are some of them like this.

No. 2453065

what does this have to do with fujos?

No. 2453097

This thread really reminds me I'm too old for lolcow

No. 2453192

Reading hardcore porn with bestiality when you're in middle school is mentally ill. And I read dmmd too, just when I was older.

Fucking sad how desensitized zoomers are, I remember going to 4chan the first time in high school and being grossed out seeing the ecchi images on /a/ and not going to the site until I was older

No. 2453302

This ugly bastard shit is disliked by the overwhelming majority of fujos and only the most brainrotted ones (often overlapping with gendies and BDSM enthusiasts) screech about liking this crap and shit on other fujos for enjoying their "boring" gay romance stories in peace. Do not let the baiting anons in this thread make you think it is popular at all.

>Nobody here has a good grasp on what the average person is like.

>>2450794 nonnie is one of the very few on this thread to speak the truth.

No. 2453312

Why are anons itt constantly moralfagging about porn? liking certain types of yaoi instead of other types of yaoi doesnt make you morally superior. Its wild to me that women constantly play purity olympics around PORN. Men dont care if you cum to reverse ryona or fluffly coffee au handholding followed by sex after marriage gay porn. They are not affected in the slightest and no man has ever been abused by a horny woman, ever. Women cant be porn brainrotted because porn brainrot has IRL consequences. A porn brain-rotted scrot rapes women, a '''brain-rotted''' woman schlicks it to weird shit in the safety of her home. Reminds me of moids trying to claim women who play LADS are ''gooners''.

No. 2453315

File: 1742461729349.jpg (2.46 MB, 1080x6503, Screenshot_20250124_071815_Chr…)

Idk nonnie, LADS is super new and nukani also came out only in 2022. I feel like the internet went to shit way before that, starting from around the time when tumblrites were fighting over sebaciel and voltron shipwars were a daily thing, and everything just got progressively worse over the pandemic. I would agree about Genshin though, I have never seen any fandom with as high a percentage of mentally ill and aggressive fans. It did come out right in the middle of covid so maybe that supports my theory, kek.

No. 2453316

Anon, yaoi actually upset Japanese spergs so much they ruined comiket by inventing lolicon. They were mad that girls drew their autist LotGH characters kissing. That's real. Men care a great deal about what women get off to.

No. 2453317

File: 1742461958091.jpg (42.34 KB, 750x600, sebastian_s_rape_face_by_linkk…)

>the average person is what I say the average person is
Sure thing nonnie, you are browsing feeds curated to your taste, of course you'll only be seeing that crap.
Yumefujo arguing was going on in the "it's time" threads in 2014
I miss true "rotten girls"

No. 2453318

They pretend to care because they hate women enjoying their sexuality without involving them. And in the case of western coomers they hate the notion that women can enjoy freaky shit without being considered potential rapists like when men like the same crap. I am talking about a man feeling the same way a woman feels when she sees stuff like Nikke or Brown Dusk 2. If women werent subjected to these ''double standards'' thanks to us not being rape apes, i assure you no moid would care.

No. 2453322

They weren't pretending to care, they were legitimately upset. Why is it so hard to believe males would be upset by women appropriating maleshit? Men gatekeeping their interests from women is as old as time.

No. 2453323

Again, they were only ''upset'' for things that arent related to actually harming moids. Moids getting their fee fees hurt because of yaoi isnt comparable to how the average ecchislop for men dehumanizes women and has irl consequences for us.

No. 2453324

>why are some this way?
Porn addiction and some are genuinely pedofags who draw that shit (if we are going to talk about Japan specifically) because their pop culture and society is full of pedoshit

No. 2453325

Why are you bringing up unrelated shit. Your assertion is wrong but you have no nuance so you can't reform it and you're just digging your heels in. I don't understand what you're arguing because you're so set on being correct that you're just gnashing your teeth.

No. 2453326

Whenever I see moralfagging over fandoms, I remember this

No. 2453327

This is a low quality post.

No. 2453329

Kek nonnie, why did that piss you off out of everything? Does the message ring true?

No. 2453333

Porn addiction in men
>rapes women, children and dogs
>forgets baby in hot car to watch porn
>kills baby kittens in a fit of rage for not being allowed to watch porn
>kills entire family to send donations to ukranian camwhore

Porn addiction in women
>reads drawn taiwanese gay porn
>likes to watch pixelated men being beaten

Either those are some insane double standards or anons dont understand what porn addiction is

No. 2453336

File: 1742463670010.jpg (61.35 KB, 736x736, 229dc6a671d12a6aa8f281573d6773…)

Tbh finding out that its just some normalfag yumetard that doesn't know anything about anime sperging about feeling cucked over pic related makes it feel pretty ridiculous.

No. 2453337

Very convenient to forgot all the tif fujos who cut off their breats to emulate their favourite fujo moid

No. 2453342

Wow so instead of hurting others, women with porn addictions turn it to themselves? Who would’ve guessed that women are less likely to hurt others in comparison to rape ape moids

No. 2453349

nta I think defaulting to believing that everyone wants to self insert into a fictional relationship is a sign of narcissism. Why are women expected to want to see themselves in every situation? Two fictional men having their diverse personalities interact in ways that were not covered by the original material feels nice to see. Shit like Nu:Carnival is the bane of my existence because it lacks subtlty and is full of trash kinks.

I legitimately do not understand this obsession with wanting to see oneself in fiction. The separation from reality is such a massive chasm to me that trying to affiliate the two feels inherently wrong. Probably why I was in the "it's just a drawing" camp for the longest until recent enlightenment that my perception of things being different was, likely, a rare mentality.

No. 2453352

>Why are women expected to want to see themselves in every situation?
it's not just women though, it applies to scrotes too (especially since they go the trannie route and futa gay sex more often)

When you read a doujinshi with two people fucking, your perspective mentally is either from the one doing the fucking, the one being fucked or in the cuck chair.

No. 2453356

Thats your experience, you don’t speak for everyone. People also just like playing with barbie dolls.

No. 2453357

So the third option, watching.

No. 2453363

People are becoming more retarded.
Nowadays people can't even read silently, their attention spans are shot to hell and they have to self insert to get through anything, they find the idea that somebody can just enjoy seeing two completely seperate people in a story have a romance insane so they see it as "cucking" despite there being no relationship (it's fiction).
If they see an old woman fawn over a relationship and call it cute, they probably see that as being a cuck too.

No. 2453367

An old woman fawning over a relationship is not the same as masturbating to pornography, that's some mental gymnastics. When you consume a piece of media, you wll have a lens through which you're percieving it.

No. 2453372

>When you consume a piece of media, you wll have a lens through which you're percieving it.
The lens as the viewer, the audience. At least, that's how it used to be. I figured it's normal to understand that the audience is the audience, but the modern term for it is apparently "cuck".

No. 2453379

Well what are you turned on by?
>I want to be X or Y in this situation and that turns me on
>watching X and Y do this together turns me on

No. 2453386

File: 1742469335150.mp4 (8.6 MB, 720x1280, 1000033316.mp4)

What's with you spergs coming after nukani without having any idea how much emotional focus and relationship development is there in the stories (currently in public so picking a scene of mc's kid days to make the point, but there is a lot of bonding before/after sex too)? Presence of sexual content doesn't negate that (there ARE some kinks like most bl but not to the point of the characters just existing for the kink like what in hell is bad), you sound like pearl clutching religious man shitting on women's erotica. This isn't the nukani thread so I won't sperg too much about its appeal, but you had so many better examples to pick like parade games or shit like masquerade if you wanted to complain about nasty kinks

No. 2453387

This whole thread is people bashing things without any knowledge of them

No. 2453438

Making self-inserts the default ruins fiction and is so boring. I don't know why antifujos can't grasp their head around the fact that lots of fujos don't self-insert. When they call us cucks they tell on themselves. The problem is also people treating cartoon characters as real people as well.

No. 2453450

I mean, how else do you call somebody who gets off to two people they find attractive banging each other? It's not unusual if it was one doujinshi, but this is something fujos constantly do over years, they are defined by their interest in other couples.

No. 2453457

im going to preserve this post in amber the next time a retard tries this cuck chair shit
they. are. CARTOONS. you cannot be cucked by watching 2 CHARACTERS have sex

No. 2453462

You are masturbating to it

No. 2453471

im literally not but that still wouldnt make it cucking

No. 2453474

>they are cartoons
So lolicon is ok?
We are talking about pornographic fujo content in specific. R18 fanfics and doujinshi. Do you just read about two dudes fucking each other and go "aw they're so cute together"

No. 2453535

reading about men being hurt turns me on but theres no requirement that you have to masterbate to something tf?
>so lolicon is ok
you are baiting. how tf does "you can't be cucked by a character who isnt real" become "lolicon is ok" absolutely insane.

No. 2453550

Western fujos are such a plague to society imagine fetishizing an ugly old scrotes that looks like an anachan. The bare minimum of both scrotes being attractive isn't even a thing in western mlm fandoms because they love self inserting in uggos.

No. 2453555

File: 1742481850829.jpg (2.19 MB, 1200x2126, 2rol0IC.jpg)

Samefagging but heartstopper being such a hit in the west despite featuring one of the ugliest scrotes I have ever seen in my life is insane.

No. 2453559

Anon just wants lolicon to be ok, that's what happens whenever anyone brings that up while talking about yaoi and thinking that they're in any way similar.

No. 2453578

File: 1742483222152.jpg (49.97 KB, 591x527, 1000011130.jpg)

it got popular because of the cartoon graphic novel, not the ugly netflix actors. it makes me kek tho how the author claimed to be completely different than those gross fujos and even came out as bisexual so she wasn't a terrible straight woman fetishizer (despite being married to a man)

No. 2453614

Fujos would sell my ass on the street corner of it meant they got to see two men fucking eachother’s asshole every night. They’re disgusting

No. 2453638

I think we'd give your ass away for free on the street corner just to get rid of you kek

No. 2453664

>featuring one of the ugliest scrotes I have ever seen in my life
Did you mean to say two?
This is the kind of fujo I hate the most.

No. 2453666

ayrt Nona, I spent a good chunk of my own money on Nu:Carnival. I played it for a decent amount of time, from launch until the introduction of Rei. I know what I'm talking about. I fucking hate Olivine and his entire plot and the same with Rei. The dude sucks; he ruined it for me. And I'm a fujoshi.

No. 2453668

So anyone who watches porn with more than one person in it is being cucked, then?

No. 2453675

>the cuck chair
I like to moreso perceive myself as God watching his toys wrestle.

No. 2453679

>reading something featuring two fictional characters invented to tell a romantic or erotic story to the audience is not cuckholding
>fictional characters aren't real huh?! so you think loli is okay?!
rent free

No. 2453688

There are people here who actually think a line on a page can cuck them.

No. 2453692

Ignore the bait

No. 2453700

I don't know if typically there is a term for this, but I like to call them nufujo once that shit leaves the realm of drawings and jumps into reality. I am personally against shipping real people or actors in films (think how some people ship characters from capeshit media, or the whole wholock nonsense from back in the day), because it starts to blur the line of reality and fiction. And, like you said, ugly scrotes. Don't need none of that. Once it's no longer an illustration or 3D model from a video game (still sketchy depending on how close to the actor it looks, like Mortal Kombat or Death Stranding type graphics), it becomes mega cringe and that person should seek help. ESPECIALLY if they draw/consume drawings of those people.

No. 2453702

What did I just read.

No. 2453706

It's bait, just report it

No. 2453709

That's dumb tbh, specially because the characters played by actors always become kawaii anime guys by the time the fujo draws them a third time, same as irl people, they always become characters rather than the actual people being shipped.
In the end it's dumb because women tend to do know the difference between reality and fiction.
>inb4 posts some cows that are insane
That would still be less than most of the people into irl shipping and shit.
While I particularly don't really enjoy that, I just know that most fujos into irl shipping just take inspiration and hits the 3dpd moids with the bishying beam. Which is also what happens to any woman that makes fanart of characters and then creates her own OCs based on those characters.

No. 2453710

Voyeurism, you fucking retard. The word you're looking for is "voyeurism."

No. 2453713

The latter, obviously. For fuck's sake.

No. 2453717

Real actors playing characters being shipped is normal, but i will always draw the line at the actual actors because that is blurring the line heavily. We all saw how retarded larries were.

No. 2453719

Judging from the anons itt, I wouldn't have so much confidence in women as a whole. We can't even get on the same page of something as simple as fiction =/= reality.

No. 2453732

Agree. I get particularly annoyed when people ship professional athletes and mistreat the guys' actual wives. I saw one hockey player's girlfriend get viciously bullied off of social media because crazy RPF teenagers shipped him with one of his teammates.

No. 2453740

Pathetic. Women need to stop being so easily shamed and manipulated like this. Whenever people give me the "fetisher" lecture, I stand my ground and they back the fuck off because they realize how retarded it is to moralfag women over drawings while there's a billion-dollar industry of lesbian-themed rape-on-tape made by and for straight men.

No. 2453743

youre gonna bring the historical yumes out of the woodwork to ask whats wrong with writing rpf about napoleon no hate, i love them, they let their freak flag fly

No. 2453745

How much internalized misogyny do you have to have to do that? Hope people who did that never experience romantic love.

No. 2453750

That's still negligible compared to moids who strangle their girlfriends to death during sex because they saw it in porn, or the moids who make crush/snuff porn, or the moids who make revenge porn, etc. By your own admission, the worst thing a woman does when she's "addicted" to porn is self-harm, whereas the worst thing a man does is kill people and abuse his loved ones. Obviously a woman addicted to porn isn't healthy either, but the societal problems cause by porn made for/by men are a million times greater, yet for some reason you dedicate way more of your time to shaming women. Make it make sense.

No. 2453757

I don't know. But anon was right when she said the worst fandom insanity often seems to involve RPF. Aside from the ones that are literal crimes, I think RPF is one of the most harmful fetishes you see in fandoms, because it's invasive of real people's actual private lives and borders on being libel.

I think if the person has been dead for at least a hundred years, it's not a problem. But if the person or their immediate family are still alive, that's when it gets icky. People have written some genuinely repulsive things about celebrities who have blatantly said that they're not comfortable with that kind of fan behavior. It happens with male and female celebrities alike.

No. 2453770

original anon here Yeah, I think if they're long dead (and not freshly dead, like someone that might've been murdered) then it's less icky or likely for someone to go ham due to perceived interpersonal relationships. Overall, I think fujoshi definitely come in different flavors, with that being one of the more sour ones.

No. 2453781

Honestly I think this thread would be a lot more productive if we focused specifically on the subsets of fujo, selfshipper, etc. that cause problems rather than making sweeping generalizations about them. There are definitely sub-types of fujo I really dislike even as a fujo myself, mostly because of how they treat other people (be it other fans or the creators of things they like).

No. 2453783

Nuance and lolcow are oil and water anon

No. 2453786

File: 1742492222811.png (178.1 KB, 452x474, hurts.png)

True. We are ngmi

No. 2453787

I hope this doesn't spawn a rpf infight for the next 24 hours but idc about rpf as long as it's not about a minor and the actual subject isn't getting harassed. It's also weird and morally questionable to obsess over a non-celebrity. I'm not into 3D so crazy stans weird me out but idc if teenagers write band fanfiction in itself. Historical rpf is more than okay since dead historical figures are already written about anyways. Rpf critique seems female focused though remember how men make countdown timers for female celebrities turning 18 and AI porn of Taylor Swift and the Fappening?

No. 2453793

It is indeed hopeless, but I'd be willing to take you up on the offer of discussion. >>2451797 is a great starting point.

No. 2453794

I know, but i have a very bad taste in my mouth from observing how these fans actually behave. It would be fine in theory if they could be normal about it, but in practice they are not and cause real harm to the people they supposedly support with their antics.

No. 2453796

Truthfully I don't know what sets these people off into harassing IRL individuals, which is why I dodge it myself. I don't know if it's because of how passionate they are towards the characters or actors/celebrities and their weirdass AUs? I know moids into RPF is a mess, but I think we're here to talk less about them, right? Moids suck, yadda yadda.
Interpersonal relationships are a hell of a drug I guess.

No. 2453810

It was, but everyone got distracted by her sexo picrel

No. 2453880

Considering how shit like vidrel actually happens, I view celebrity RPF enthusiasts with a healthy dose of distrust.

No. 2453941

>How come this faceless ogre with his hulking, ugly hands gets to beat up the cutie and not a based female like me?
Are you not capable of enjoying fiction without inserting yourself into it every single time?

No. 2453968

These threads always felt like an excuse to vent/fight rather than have any actual discussion. I mean, what else is there to say that hasn't already been said a hundred times in the countless other threads like this one?

No. 2453975

Jennifer who works a 9-5 in marketing and lived in suburbia her whole life is the most interesting person in the world and every story ever written should be about her.

No. 2454046

shipping live action characters and shipping actors are two completely different things. the former being so common and normal because really nobody outside of lolcow thinks of 3D fictional characters as any different than 2D fictional characters.

No. 2454081

Voyeurism is cuckoldry

No. 2454085

You are not in a relationship with the pixels. The pixels are not real.

No. 2454088

These threads remind me of when i used to make bait threads on /ic/ to keep the moids occupied infighting about ragebait instead of drawing.

No. 2454094

The hetshit you enjoy is also cuckoldry then, because the drawings are still fucking or kissing each other instead of you.

No. 2454096

Unsurprisingly, the yaoi infight thread was a ghost town in December during the blanket VPN ban

No. 2454121

More like voyeurism is cucking you. All the sperging over a French cartoon, getting angry at others drawing a couple they despise, doesn't that fit the definition of a cuck more that a voyeur does?

No. 2454139

dont, youll shatter her world-view

No. 2454326

Honestly the handful of antifujo spergs here act a lot like spurned lovers. In addition to being envious of the amount of content fujos make, I think they are genuinely, delusionally in love with their 2D husbandos and feel "cucked" when a fujo draws ship art of him with another guy. Because they're autists with zero emotional intelligence, they assume that if they feel cucked, everyone else must feel that way. But fujos are not in weird, parasocial relationships with the fictional characters we enjoy, so shipping them isn't cuckolding for us, it's just (to steal another anon's metaphor) playing with dolls, basically.

Not saging this post so this thread is on the front of /ot/ and the tards in fandom drama feel obliged to use it.

No. 2454334

I'm not foiling but their obsession with "cucking" is so hilariously and bizarrely scrotebrained kekaroo

No. 2454952

Absolutely based nona. Bold, brave, and based. Well worded too.
Something something dogpilled.

No. 2455400

>fujos are not in weird, parasocial relationships with the fictional characters
lol, lmao even

No. 2455473

>t. autistic woman who abloobloos over mopey relationships between cartoons she wants to fuck, trying to feel superior to autistic women who want to fuck a cartoon

Literally nobody on the planet sees you as neurotypical, non-fat, sexually unrepressed, nonchalant, aktually uninvested in blorbo fags you inject into everything whenever you're not chased away, or whatever else you try to rebrand as out of deep seated shame. You produce a foul mixture of revulsion and pity in everyone, both fellow dweeb and normie, and you see it everywhere you go.

It's actually kind of remarkable how one could unite every flavor of internet inhabitant, those typically at each other's throats, over not wanting to see you and your sped attempts at authentic sexuality.

Not saging this post so fujos see their daily reminder.

No. 2455484

>daily seething over her self insert getting cucked
Nobody asked for this reminder.

No. 2455487

What's with fujos here thinking that anyone who dislikes them or yaoi is necessarily a yume (or a hime depending on the day of the week)?

No. 2455488

Someone find out who her husbando is lol.

No. 2455493

File: 1742579430106.jpg (28.43 KB, 1200x675, arcane-season-2-jayce.jpg)

Its this guy lmao

No. 2455496

LMAO of course it’s this ugly fuck

No. 2455523

They aren't, the whole goddamn point is that the characters are in love with each other

No. 2455538

File: 1742581276024.gif (206.04 KB, 220x177, laughing-duck.gif)

You're hollarin' 'cause you're a hit dog. Call us fat all you want, you just proved us right.

No. 2455553

I don't want to self insert into a moid, i hate men, is that so hard to understand?

No. 2455556

Then don't. It's possible to enjoy fiction without self-inserting, you narcissist.

No. 2455560

File: 1742582091441.jpg (113.51 KB, 1125x1102, bueno.jpg)

It softens the blow. For a nerd, it's less hurtful to be rejected by some other autistic nerd based on some autistic nerd disagreement than, well, basically everyone for being a nerd. See guaranteed replies: >>2455484, >>2455488

Everyone's general distaste for them (accrued over many decades of visibility) also gave them a giant scorned nerd complex in which they desperately try to normiefy themselves at the expense of other rejects, without any success whatsoever. Everyone continues to see them as fat ftm-in-6-months losers cooing over the minutiae of imaginary relationships instead of "based sexually empowered Stacies epikly ryona pumping and dumping male dolls with no cringe attachment" or whatever they LARP as.
No u. Go holler some hotdogs and cry over some "hurtcomfort TW noncon welfare office AU" or whatever to cope, like you do every day.

No. 2455565

very fucking based

No. 2455576

Pathetic samefaggotry

No. 2455579

you know mods can check we're two different people, right? kek

No. 2455581

fujo theory of mind in action

No. 2455583

Because the Arcane yume sperg has been spamming in multiple threads for months now. Not just in /ot/ but /m/ too. Same images used multiple times, usually about Arcane, she self inserts into Mel and has been seething about Jayvik ever since the second season came out.
She seems to have a genuine problem understanding that most people don't actually care and that its not impossible to not self insert into everything, just see how she insists "everybody" feels the same way she dies here >>2455560

No. 2455585

The VPN ban isn't in effect yet, so you "guys" having different IPs is totally irrelevant.

No. 2455586

Hit dog continues to hollar, calling everyone who disagrees with her fat and ugly like a TiM would.

>Go holler some hotdogs

Kek ESL-chan doesn't know what "a hit dog hollars" means

No. 2455590

I'mma be real with y'all; I have no idea what side any of the recent posts are arguing towards.
I do think it is neat how we're all trying to hyper analyze things that are really simple. Something is hot, we are attracted to the thing we are attracted to. Attractive thing go brr.

No. 2455591

I just hate arcane fans tbh

No. 2455593

>Hit dog continues to hollar,
Why do I keep seeing this retarded redneck oversimplification posted here? Nta but I usually ignore posts that are too personal. This is such an annoying cope and I'm tired of reading nancy grace wisdom on here

No. 2455596

Sure I do. It's something an illiterate, autistic fujo types when her booty hurts.
Case in point. Autist on autist violence is a serious issue.

No. 2455600

That's what it comes down to really. Two sides who find certain things attractive getting mad that people don't share in their attraction. I will never find yuri attractive in any capacity but I'm not proclaiming it's all slop based on a few manga and anime that exist. idk why people feel the need to be a authority over something they have no business in bashing. Just let people be for Christ sake. Men are stripping us of our rights while they rattle on about cartoon people and their sex lives.

No. 2455602

>I usually ignore posts that are too personal
Which is exactly what >>2455473 failed to do by chimping out and responding to "you are emotionally unintelligent" with "you're fat and ugly end everyone hates you!" How else exactly would you characterize an overreaction like that beyond, "this person is particularly angry because the observation cut too deep"? Or, you know: a hit dog hollers.

No. 2455605

She unironically feels cucked when she sees drawings on the internet. She thinks this is normal btw.

No. 2455609

As a fujo, I would never describe "all" of a genre to be slop unless it was something extremely moid-catered like ecchi or harem. There is absolutely good yume, het, and yuri stuff out there. I do not think that schizos like Arcane anon are at all representative of all yumes. I'm not even sure if she even is a yume, she might just be a hetshipper.

No. 2455611

I think it's ok to like something and it affects everyone differently. One drink can either make you turn from them forever or become an alcoholic. Eating American food can either fail to affect you or cause you to go down a route of obesity.
In the end, the people that do troon out over yaoi were doomed from the start. The yaoi just gave them fodder. We know well enough the process to becoming a TIF usually involves the culty side of troons inflicting their psychic damage on a person who's likely the victim of some traumatic experience.
Early/excessive porn exposure might set you up for failure, but I think that's porn all in all. There's a fair amount of sane fujoshi that just like the stuff because it's hot and not be TIFs.
I personally do not like to insert myself into a situation where a penis is fucking anything, as I have physical complications where that would be very painful. But seeing another attractive character do it is neat. I don't wanna be him I just want to expand on their love that I have likely made up in my mind. I hope I'm being reasonable with this explanation.

No. 2455612

The infight is born out of moralfaggotry, and whether it's more "feminist" or whatever to voyeuristically get off from watching two guys fuck, or from watching a straight couple fuck and pretending you're the woman. Which is fucking retarded in the first place, neither of those things are more "feminist" than the other, because porn consumption is not activism. Leave it to female socialization to make us try to create a moral pecking order based of off porn genres of all things.

Edit: typos

No. 2455615

Very sensible take anon, thank you.

No. 2455624

>3rd reply melting down over being called fat and autistic

How would you succinctly characterize an overreaction like that beyond, "this person is particularly angry because the observation cut too deep"? I know: fujo mad.

YWNBN (you will never be normal)

No. 2455629

Nta but how is that a melt down?
When I think "melt down" I think of paragraphs of insults, desperate attempts at calling the other person stupid and wrong, typos, that sort of thing.

No. 2455633

I was with you but you're starting to stand out a lot as a sperg

No. 2455637

You just realized that now?

No. 2455641

>there are non-spergs on lolcow

No. 2455648

File: 1742585293736.jpg (269.96 KB, 1009x1152, 1000003355.jpg)

daily reminder that if you are a fujo you are automatically cool and based

No. 2455653

So me drawing wholesome, equal straight stuff isn't fetish because you're watching two people having sex? I respect the take since in the end we're all monkeys wearing clothes and typing on metal devices.

No. 2455664

>Arcane yume sperg has been spamming in multiple threads for months now
If you are saying, I really didn't noticed this person til literally a couple of days ago in like two threads

No. 2455668

She has been chimping in fandom discourse ever since that stupid second season came out.

No. 2455671

Ok, that sounds boring as fuck, I guess it explains why I didn't notice her before

No. 2455679

Now say that without saging.
Don't do it! I appreciate you too much!

No. 2455697

Never seen her either, though my mind filters any posts containing pig disgusting 3dcg "animation". Wonder what it is she says that lights so many fujo poopers ablaze though.

Sounds to me like a case of narcissism of small differences - autistic fujolard hyperfocusing on an autistic yooomer, both of whom WNBN.

No. 2455706

your spacing is making you recognizable, dumbass

No. 2455715

You hate fujos because you think they are repressed TIMS

I hate fujos because their yaoi artstyles fucking suck

>We are not the same.

No. 2455720

TIFs* fuck
janny please no ban(learn2delete)

No. 2455723

>yaoi artstyles fucking suck
Like what kinds you considering sucking though? There's like so many ways to draw yaoi some of which might surprise people.

No. 2455724

No, I hate fujos because everywhere they moralfag about their porn while shitting on anything they don't like.

No. 2455734

fujos are not the ones moralfagging in this thread, hate to break it to you

No. 2455738

File: 1742588122316.jpeg (247.35 KB, 1200x600, IMG_3816.jpeg)

Just the generic manga one like this picture
Its a bit exaggerated but the face is always 5x smaller than the torso
and the chins are shaped so poorly
you can tell when an artist draws shota yaoi and you can also tell when an artist draws bara yaoi its just so funny

No. 2455741

Not only in this thread and other threads, they do it everywhere. Deflect all you want, I've seen it in at least 5 different websites.

No. 2455753

You can hate clamp for anything else but hating the artstyle is bizarre behavior

No. 2455754

fujos know the average person disagrees with fujoism, we are not moralfags. its the antifjos in this thread and on twitter that seeth there are women out there enjoying stuff they dont like. if you are on 5 different websites where you argue with fujos it sounds like you need a break

No. 2455755

File: 1742588611603.jpg (716.59 KB, 1462x3421, 1707425192154457.jpg)

I feel like modern yaoi artstyle is just a shounen seinen hybrid.

No. 2455759


Just me or have i never seen a single TIM (male tranny) fujo? They are always reading yuri because they think it makes them feel more lesbian

And do regular moid fudanshis read the same books as fujos or are they segregated?

No. 2455761

File: 1742588817564.jpg (110.73 KB, 1080x1079, 1000004924.jpg)

one day we're moralfags and the next day we're pedofile shotacons. i guess fujos are whatever antifujos want them to be for the sake of their hateration whenever their old argument gets stale

No. 2455763

Sorry but I know what I've seen.

No. 2455764

Wait why do yumes and fujos have beef again

No. 2455770

Angy. and nowhere to externalize it

No. 2455771

Oh you're both alright. Your favorite kiddie porn is the most feminist type of kiddie porn.

No. 2455774

nta Your bait is kinda stale m8

No. 2455775

Why are we not uniting against the male waifu coomers and male “its just a drawing bro” lolicons

No. 2455780

The yaoi I draw is on model. None of the classic yaoi from the late 90s.

No. 2455783

Pre-heisei is the superior style, but I find dorito chin and huge hands style endearing in its ugliness

No. 2455784

Bashing men doesn’t make them feel good about themselves the way bashing women does

No. 2455785

Fujo having a normal one kek

No. 2455790

Correct. They need to punch down. And male coomerism is so normalized, they will always be reminded of feeling powerless and mocked, should they try.

No. 2455791

File: 1742589532686.jpg (230.49 KB, 1080x1072, gay.jpg)

I just think fujos are cringe and need to be reminded of it often.

No. 2455793

Is it any wonder considering they worship scrotes.
>inb4 some cope

No. 2455794

Seconded. Though, when dorito chin mc massive hands was In, it was painful to read yaoi. Embarassing almost. Still is, but at least it's easier to stealth if someone sees a page open. Back then? The proportions alone gave you away.

No. 2455798

Oh yeah mb i forgot men dont have souls for a second there. But then again, if yumes dont like fujo books then just dont read them. vice versa. Its pointless to fight over it, right?

No. 2455800

Why is second panel a kid

No. 2455802

The average person doesn't even know what the fuck a fujoshi is kek. They watch football and eat at Applebee's while listening to Morgan Wallen.

No. 2455805

File: 1742589804550.jpg (33.74 KB, 360x424, Loveless.jpg)

Hater yumewhale detected(infighting)

No. 2455806

nta Most people into anime know. Tons more people are aware of anime and have internet access. May not be everyone, but there are people who, say, looked up Jujutsu no Kaijin or whatever it's called and found art of their favorite characters buttfucking. Or generally any capeshit fanart. Though it might be erroneously labeled as 'LGBT adjacent' by bad faith actors.

No. 2455807

They can’t bc they have to throw tantrums over their own inability to write, they even admit it several times. They are jealous of the fanfics and fanart, then spend all the free time bashing instead of picking up the pen and wonder why the number of fics is still low.

No. 2455809

No YOU'RE cool and based silly

No. 2455810

We are on the same side but I am sitting a chair away from you for liking that one.

No. 2455811

I'd say I like a mix of the top two, but if the writing is good I'm open minded when it comes to art styles.

No. 2455812

I had a bisexual weeb friend in college who was a fudanshi. He was mostly a slasher though, he preferred djs to original yaoi manga. He was big into Kiribaku kek.

No. 2455814

Im starting to feel like there are more fujo shotacons than yume shotacons. Which is weird because apparently fujos dont self insert so they arent actually the one attracted to the underage male character

No. 2455815

You know ayrt has no idea what the hell she's talking about when she hasn't even heard of CLAMP kek

No. 2455819

Nta but it's called Reddit spacing and people have absolutely copped redtexts for it during hellweeks. It's an indication that she's a newfag.

No. 2455821

>Which is weird because apparently fujos dont self insert
Do you actually trust this when all the yaoi they make is a vagina away from being het and fujos trooning out en masse? I would actually say that the fujos that don't self-insert in any way whatsoever are a minority.

No. 2455822

My main theory is that some people here are actually stupid and can't tell the difference between het shippers and yumes. Even tho yumes are as close to being a het shipper as they are to being a fujo.

No. 2455827

Girls, girls. You're both whales.

No. 2455835

File: 1742590640063.jpg (522.32 KB, 1200x1200, 3x3.jpg)

I thought it might be fun to try to figure out what "20s" style would be (though Given/Yarachin are 10s, aren't they?) Pic related are just random stuff from authors that have written more than a couple different series.
I think artstyles nowadays are leaning on a bit more of the bulky.

No. 2455837

Please excuse my retard, but what is a "slasher"? I keep thinking it's just a basic shipper?

No. 2455841

A lot of these authors are people who got their start in the 10s, idk what a 20s style would look like, it just seems to mimic shounen artstyles with a bishification beam.

No. 2455843

It seems more like a reincarnation story? Aren't you reading a bit too much into a single image with no context?

No. 2455844

File: 1742590898904.jpg (805.12 KB, 1079x1606, 736288.jpg)

prove me wrong

No. 2455847

Really letting what type of person you are through kek.

No. 2455851

Paragraphs are not reddit spacing you newfag whale. Are you trying to kill me with cringe?

No. 2455853

Trying way too hard anon, you stick out like a sore thumb.

No. 2455854

(TIM) trannies are men so they dont deserve to have an opinion on the matter
and neither do scrote coomers since they hate anything that women like
Also trannies and coomers are the same thing so that doesnt count.

Also, elaborate on sjw and anti-sjw?

No. 2455858

>malding ended about the yoomes
>now everyone persecuting me is a tranny coomer

No. 2455861

Among tourist newfags? No shit.

No. 2455862

You were the one who put yourself in the same group lmao.

No. 2455864

The group being everyone who encountered a yaoi fan online? At this point I think even Facebook boomers were exposed.

No. 2455865

Putting trannies as the king is subconsciously revealing of you.

No. 2455871

I'm sorry for calling you autistic. You are clearly schizo.

No. 2455873

Nta, but they're right. At least delete the tranny aspect, this just says you're okay with shitting on women with coomers and trannies.

No. 2455877

No lets do some psychoanalysis here since this is the correct thread. Not only are trannies the king, coomers are the right hand man ranking second, and below these two are the based yoomers who wipe up after them. The hierarchy you’ve established in your own head is fascinating.

No. 2455879

You are all so fucking autistic and I don't mean it as an insult, you're actually autistic.

No. 2455883

A glimpse into the mind of a fujo and how every male around her becomes gay

No. 2455884

File: 1742592455351.jpg (128.21 KB, 581x747, rhapsodia.jpg)

Asada's been drawing in the same style for almost 20 years, it's just more polished now

No. 2456011

Guarantee you I have a smaller dress size than either of you.

No. 2456012

So weirdly dedicated to this spergery you made a whole meme about it. Between that and the spacing you really are a Redditard.

No. 2456055

I love Nakamura-kun's art style. It's modern but it feels nostalgic.

No. 2456062

File: 1742598198045.jpg (108.75 KB, 663x1024, 17362983829.jpg)

>Fujo enjoys getting humiliated
Nobody could've seen it coming

No. 2456121

That's 4scrote, not Lolcow.

This is what Reddit spacing means here.

I.e., any kind of unnecessary, too-requent paragraph breaks.

It doesn't matter whether you hit the enter key once or twice. It's Reddit spacing either way.

Breaks go between paragraphs, not one or two sentences. That's what one anon's been doing the whole time. There's no reason why a post with three sentences and no greentext like >>2455759 should have two paragraph breaks. It sticks out like a sore thumb.

No. 2456130

Imagine being such a handmaid that you side with AGPs over other women just because those women have a hobby you dislike. Could never be me. I'm disgusted by furries, but given the choice between a non-troon female furry and a non-furry AGP, I'd pick the furry every time.

No. 2456164

A slasher is a type of fujoshi who is mostly or entirely interested in shipping characters from non-BL source material.

No. 2456249

>fujos hating fujos
ABSOLUTELY accurate kek Gotta stealth somehow!

No. 2456250

nta I believe the double enter between paragraphs is what triggers a lot of nonas on this site into thinking one uses Reddit! To intigrate, I would recommend pressing enter onely once, that way most can't pick you out from others.
You gotta maintain anonymity! Hope this helps, nona! Sincerely, a fujo.

No. 2456545

Slasher is someone who specifically likes western ships, it’s kind of a dead term nowadays since everyone just calls themselves a fujo instead of ‘yaoi fangirl’ or ‘slash fangirl’

No. 2456549

we are the most opressed race

No. 2456550

This but fujos

No. 2456637

Nonnies please report the baiters, the thread is becoming unreadable from the pointless and low effort posts.

The nona you replied to keeps bringing up that screencap across threads like it's some legitimate terms and conditions document, but it's a single deluded 4channer claiming the opposite of what's common knowledge, their word isn't law. Even on 4chan I've seen reddit spacing accusations thrown at extra paragraph lines like your example.

No. 2456640

File: 1742639906612.jpg (152.21 KB, 918x793, 1000033920.jpg)

I don't go here but jfc this thread is embarrassing

No. 2456647

you know when i was a solace fujo not actively seeing how actual fujos spoke and behaved i couldve said that saying fujos were extreme was a bit much but seeing how spergy they are even by yume standards (who at least arent worshiping fags) id say the mockery is warranted, fujos are one embarrassing lot

No. 2456648

I think the nonas that wanted to talk about specifics regarding fujoshi categorization and nuance left. It saddens me.

No. 2456649

File: 1742640904719.jpg (29.88 KB, 750x733, yui.jpg)

>mfw i am a fujo, yume, shotafag and ryonafag and i just come here to read people fighting over anime porn as if their lives depends on it to laugh at everyone involved

No. 2456656

this thread is like a peek into the mental asylum for me, it's amazing

No. 2456661

File: 1742642138781.jpg (986.54 KB, 2560x1600, aang-avatar-the-last-airbender…)

>mfw I'm a fujo, yume and hime

No. 2456663

File: 1742642201003.jpg (316.34 KB, 735x696, Tumblr_l_162411611384241.jpg)

You and me anon, I'm just an average lurking fujofag and "autistic samsara" is a beautiful threadname. Perpetual retard on retard violence with obvious bait in-between.

No. 2456669

File: 1742642942756.png (228.65 KB, 1575x874, Screenshot 2025-03-22 072651.p…)

>then why don't they switch? Why doesn't the uke ever use his dick or at least get his dick touched/sucked? Why is the uke always shorter and more feminine in stature?

Well luckily for you this isn't always true and now you can live happily

No. 2457053

What's a solace fujo

No. 2457057

>implying it was ever readable

No. 2457189

>Why doesn't the uke ever use his dick or at least get his dick touched/sucked? Why is the uke always shorter and more feminine in stature?
sounds like you read okane ga nai 20 years ago and never tried anything else but still want to be part of the discussion for some reason

No. 2457223

Fujos are truly the Jews of fandom.(racebaiting)

No. 2457258

File: 1742670259222.jpg (45.81 KB, 474x472, OIP.jpg)

is it wrong that i want this kind of age-gap where im the boy on the left ? Does this make me a ddlg/abdl fujo?

Also can anyone tell me if the manga version of Loveless has smut since i only watched the anime?

No. 2457260

yeah that does make you pretty retarded

No. 2457262

It makes you a yume.
And no, it doesn't. Pretty sure it was left uncompleted.

No. 2457265

I only consume fujo content.

i rarely self-insert (excluding this one time) and just voyeuristically enjoy two men going at it.

>And no, it doesn't. Pretty sure it was left uncompleted.

Then can you recc me something like this that's finished with smut.

No. 2457279

>self inserting onto the uke

No. 2457280

girl leave me alone

No. 2457282

I thought that title belonged to furries

No. 2457287

>Makes a post asking for opinion
>Someone gives opinion
>"Leave me alone"
Go get better taste and stop self inserting onto the uke. That's how fakebois happen. And I say this as someone who liked Loveless.

No. 2457294

You can be both, you know. Its like being a yume self inserting into a femc and also being able to ship other female characters with male/female characters.
Loveless wasn't really my thing so I can't really help on that front.

No. 2457298

Don't let them silence you, I understand you completely. In a way though I think with thsi couple in loveless it's more of a pet/owner situation.

No. 2457321

nta seriouis question am I a yume if I self insert into both of my OCs or is that just called being a writer lmfao

No. 2457324

Mods can't take a fucking joke lmao.

No. 2457334

Do you want to fuck your oc because in the husbando thread, there are those that make their own husbando, compeltely oc.
Or is it more "all my characters have a little bit of me" or "I dont actually love them, I just wish I looked like this".

No. 2457348

I want their relationship and enjoy imagining it from both perspectives I guess.
I, as myself, would not want to fuck character X but while imagining as being the other character who they are in a relationship with I would because I'm being him, and the other way around. If that makes sense?

No. 2457349

File: 1742675380068.jpg (36.49 KB, 800x648, DXYHEKmU0AAWojn.jpg)

Is tourabu still popular for real? That makes me so happy, I loved tourabu. The years when I was actively into it were the happiest of my life. I loved how the franchise brought both fujos and yumes together.

No. 2457366

Just a writer

No. 2457381

Ditto anon. I get giddy thinking about both characters' feelings. It's a good time. A great hobby. Wonderful to see someone still passionate about their own creations.

No. 2457395

Thanks, I was worried it was abnormal

No. 2457535

I personally wouldn't go for an age difference that large (eight years) and Loveless is pretty low-brow stuff, but you do you. Also how the fuck does having a teenage uke translate to abdl in your mind???

No. 2458159

anon….the uke is 12..maybe he get's older as the series progresses but he is 12….wtf japan

No. 2458288

Nta but do you know what the "b" and "d" in abdl means?
The loveless mc isn't still going around in diapers, that's the "wtf are you talking about" part.

No. 2458357

Regardless of how anons ITT feel about yaoi, I think we can all agree that diaperfags belong in the gulag.

No. 2459848

>Why do fujos always [strawman] / [exagerration] / [generalization based on something a middle schooler did on Tiktok]?
Tucker Carlson ass nonsense, basically stating an opinion and tacking a question mark on the end, clearly not expecting any response besides agreement and asspats. Why do you antifujos always fall back on strawmen, sweeping generalizations, and confirmation bias?

No. 2459862

File: 1742830026987.jpg (147.66 KB, 800x1200, Fr3nwq_WIAEAwhw.jpg)

I wonder if fujoshi salt is motivated by jealousy over the popularity of BL content or certain m/m ships in fandom. It kind of seems to me that fujos do their own thing and then someone else will comment and go EWWWW and start something because it's acceptable to complain about fujos
>fujo makes passionate spergy art
>EWWW can't fujos admit they actually like TOXIC HET

No. 2459866

I'd say about 70-80% of it is just seething at least on this site

No. 2459899

Wish they had the same disgust for their porn addicted bf but apparently liking cartoon gay porn is too much to handle lol

No. 2459937

Funny to assume any of them have boyfriends kek

No. 2459949

i can understand why non-fujos would eventually grow bitter over the sheer volume of BL and m/m shipping in their fandoms drowning out whatever else they would like to focus on but i will never understand how that annoyance morphs into insisting fujos like the same dominant man/submissive female slop that everyone else likes with the mental gymnastics that we need to morph the man into a woman in order to self insert?? my only explanation for that is projection. there is no reason to feel threatened by a fujos subversive sexuality besides internal feelings of guilt over your own

No. 2460514

File: 1742854886278.png (36.34 KB, 778x135, Screenshot 2025-03-24 151746.p…)

Didn't Sasuke try and kill Sakura several times

No. 2460517

KEK, you know this person thinks they're such a brave feminist for liking an anime girl that moids don't (but jerk off to anyway)

No. 2460524

he's also a canon deadbeat lmao

No. 2460528

File: 1742855243056.jpg (125.47 KB, 736x981, 3294b02d9487a713a5e5cdd7279caf…)

Women who like Yui are also always like this, Yui's cute though so I get it more than women who like Sakura.
KEK, seems like the guys in Naruto are just bad husband material in general huh?

No. 2460545

File: 1742856040735.png (1.11 MB, 1184x2048, the ship wars will never not b…)

Won't deny this shit is pretty cringe though, but I think liking Naruto past 15 is pretty cringe in general.

No. 2460549

Sakura is a horribly written character but let's not pretend that that comment doesn't radiate internalized misogyny and spicy straightness.

No. 2460550

Their comment makes me feel like I time travelled to 2009 kek

No. 2460551

I never said it didn't? I just think all Naruto fans are cringe.

No. 2460569

Yui's only sin is being a kind, soft-hearted woman trapped in a world of abusive men.

No. 2460572

and being as dumb as a box of rocks

No. 2460619

File: 1742859698485.jpg (71.03 KB, 817x541, 1000011193.jpg)

Canon Sakura sucks and the writing in Naruto makes him obsessed with Sasuke for seemingly no logical reason. I really like fanon / Strong!Sakura though. The Sakura hate tweet feels nostalgic.

No. 2460655

I remember this ship being one of the first things that tipped me off that there was something wrong with fujos cause they are both ugly (it's good character design but they are unattractive), especially Naruto who looks too silly to be hot. Of course that was a minor problem compared to the ones who believed it'd become canon

No. 2460696

Most of the Sakura fans I’ve seen on twitter are so obnoxious, they think liking her is a form of activism which is funny considering her character revolves around obsessing over a scrote that tried to kill her once and it’s obvious they’re using her as a self-insert vessel.

No. 2460699

sasunaru discourse is so interesting to me. It's like the spicy straight misogynistic fujotifs are in an eternal landlocked war against fangirls of a really really shit misogynistic female character and they've never realized that they're both so easy to hate and laugh at for a reason. and it's still straight woman on straight woman violence despite it all

No. 2460905

File: 1742889012281.png (248.81 KB, 273x384, believe it you pussy.png)

>and it's still straight woman on straight woman violence despite it all
So accurate, doesn't stop it from being incredibly funny though.

I feel like in a different life where I became a shounenfag fujo I would have shipped Naruto with Kakashi anyway.

No. 2461129

Something similar was said in >>2454326 's reply. I think envy over the amount of content is part of it, yeah. They see someone having fun building a nice sandcastle and feel the impulse to run in and kick it over because they suck ass at building their own sandcastles.

No. 2461132

Both of the posters in that image desperately need to go the hell outside

No. 2461136

I never watched Naruto because I was an HxH fan and I was irritated that Sasuke's backstory was a blatant ripoff of Kurapika's. Naruto really strikes me as the kind of thing you only become a fan of if you're super young the first time you watch it, like it's your introduction to anime. That said, I think it's kind of retarded to call people misogynistic for not shipping Sakura with anyone when by your own admission she's a misogynistic character. Or are we just using "misogynistic" to mean "lame" now?

No. 2461144

File: 1742913152017.png (271.48 KB, 592x531, AfXy56A.png)

can we at least agree on this?

No. 2461145

I seriously just block those out of my mind and never give it a second glance because I know it's going to be shit.

No. 2461166

we can all agree webtoons suck, yes

No. 2461168

misogyny is when you dont like cheap waifubait made by scrotes

No. 2461169

WTF is the context for these pictures

No. 2461170

>by your own admission she's a misogynistic character
Yes, I agree. which is why I said that this straight woman on straight woman fight still looks idiotic from every angle.

No. 2461179

Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's good. It's annoying as hell when a fanon interpretation of a character is so prevalent you can't discuss anything else. I've seen some fujos get so rabid about one particular ship that they attack others if they ship one of the male characters with anyone else even if it's with another male character. And if you don't ship what they ship you're basically stoning gay people. It's irritating when a character becomes so intertwined with a ship so you can't even look them up without seeing it. (TBF, this particular issue isn't exclusive to m/m ships and does happen with f/m and f/f ships as well). And don't hit me with "just write more fanfics!!1!!" line. I've seen some fujos here complain about how many NSFW yaoi content is basically straight sex in disguise because of a/b/o omega-verse or tranny/gendie bs with cuntboys. Are they not allowed to complain about it?

No. 2461182

File: 1742915558931.webp (40.6 KB, 739x1600, chin-who-wants-to-summon-this-…)

the left one is an edit of a kpoop idol called jungkook. The right one is from a shitty webtoon manga

No. 2461186

I actually loled. No way that's a real ass person. Holy shit, what did they do to his face?

No. 2461210

File: 1742916848995.jpg (81.31 KB, 723x900, 1000011233.jpg)

I would argue that Sakura is terrible even in comparison to other female Naruto characters besides maybe Hinata the boob blob. Sasuke would be a good female shounen character if he was genderswapped.

No. 2461223

>save manipur
i smell a pick me, naruto is the most famous shounen slop in india as of late, she's only into it because the retarded teen scrotes around her are, i bet she genuinely believes feminism is for men too.

No. 2461240

>as of late
Dear God…

No. 2461279

>as of late
Dear God…

No. 2461341

>Both of the posters in that image desperately need to go to hell

No. 2461453

one's worse though

No. 2461467

File: 1742929837770.png (107.46 KB, 749x820, sA70ZxD.png)

so this is a moid who basically admits that he likes yaoi because he gets off on ultra feminine ukes and fujoshi are calling him based and how they'd love to date him, fujos would you ever date a man like this?

No. 2461470

kek wtf is this never in a million years

No. 2461473

although most fujos claim that bl makes moids seeth they always forget that moid are the biggest buyers of child rape bl aka shotacon there are more moids in the bl fandom than they would like to admit but this is probably a tiffie

No. 2461477

a tif wrote this

No. 2461485

I'd say no. Any men interested in female hobbies were either austic, gay, about to troon out, or an attention whore. In some cases, all of them. I don't want nothing to do with so called "straight fundashi".

No. 2461495

I'm surprised more people don't talk about it. back when I was a fujo, the 'yaoi' tag would be filled with doujins obviously made by men, featuring mostly young boys being raped by gross old men, or things like trolls or goblins

No. 2461499

Websites throw everything gay, bara to shota to furry to trap, with the "yaoi" tag. That doesn't actually make it yaoi

No. 2461517

Did you people forget that female pedophiles that want to fuck little boys exist?(off-topic)

No. 2461528

File: 1742932372487.png (482.51 KB, 655x2296, 1740465010915.png)

we are aware of that, but fujos have used the ultra feminized little boys as self inserts, that's how it has always been, this was different from moids who just wanted to rape children, that said many fujos have degenerated further into actual pedophilia and so the gap between them and male shotacons is being erased

No. 2461534

>because he gets off on ultra feminine ukes
this is super fake but where the hell did you get this from

No. 2461543

I'm a fujo and huge weeb, I would never date a man with an anime pfp much less a biscum moid.

No. 2461548

Men are retarded and lump yaoi with anything gay.

No. 2461549

People are just throwing everything under "fujo" now aren't they? It's hard to take anything said seriously when 99% of stuff actually looks like this >>2455835 and the rest is western twitter garbage.

No. 2461552

File: 1742933117892.jpeg (22.6 KB, 320x298, image0.jpeg)

If it’s webtoons yes, if it’s this general aesthetic then no.

No. 2461553

Is that supposed to be a gay couple?

No. 2461557

File: 1742933305503.jpg (Spoiler Image,719.91 KB, 1080x1471, Koreanroiduke.jpg)

Some are good, though maybe a bit too roidpig for most.

No. 2461559

Though the bottom couple got turned into a straight one in the dub.

No. 2461561

File: 1742933427849.gif (731.02 KB, 220x220, elissa-slater-big-brother.gif)

>Footprint on the ass cheek

No. 2461562

File: 1742933469954.jpeg (300.25 KB, 1080x1712, IMG_2879.jpeg)

No. 2461564

CN gays look like lesbians

No. 2461565

>generic roidpig with soldier cut and black hair n541514
God they are always so boring

No. 2461566

File: 1742933656340.jpeg (79.65 KB, 355x500, IMG_4223.jpeg)

>Ojou sama…

No. 2461571

File: 1742933911163.jpg (884.83 KB, 1078x1966, Koreanroiduke2.jpg)

The top is actually shorter in this one

No. 2461574

There’s steroids in the water source and they all had to do military service and cut their hair

No. 2461575

They still got the muscle muscle though

No. 2461581

It is funny that despite these discussions swearing up and down that all ukes are tiny, that this is such a common archetype that its considered boring.

No. 2461586

This is the right amount for me but I have gay male taste according to some nonnas…

No. 2461587

Yeah, you do.

No. 2461591

I feel you nonnie.

No. 2461615

>some random retards on Twitter have shit taste
Wow, I bet some bears are shitting in the woods, too. I could just as easily dig up screenshots of hetshippers or selfshippers being cringe, but I won't because I'm not a retard who relies on cherry-picked anecdotal evidence to support my arguments.

No. 2461618

I sympathize, nona. I'm not into super roided guys, I prefer lean, toned ones (with nice butts of course) like most straight anons here, but I mentioned liking chest hair once and people here went fucking berserk on me, calling me a fag, a pickme, psyoped, etc. And I'm not even super into it, I only like a little bit of chest hair, and it has to be on a guy who is otherwise conventionally handsome and well-groomed.

I get being frustrated by the way society tries to meme women into dating fat ugly old goblin men. It infuriates me that men are held to such low standards while they continue to whine about it. But some anons mistake any deviation whatsoever from their subjective taste for UMPO and it strikes me as very narrow minded, condescending, and borderline slut-shaming. There is a difference between defending objectively hideous men, and liking something slightly unconventional that has fuckall to do with overall attractiveness.

No. 2461623

File: 1742935896656.gif (243.56 KB, 220x165, arthur-buster-baxter.gif)

>random anonymous ask
100% reliable source, impossible to fabricate

No. 2461629

File: 1742936177202.png (8.27 MB, 1920x2715, Heaven%27s_Official_Blessing_n…)

The most annoying thing is that people will shit on the roidpig uke, but then turn around and say you're into basically lesbian het sex if you're into pic related, which is just the basic anime male look but with long hair.

No. 2461630

KEK thats not what slut shaming means. Someone shitting on your autistic fetish isnt slut shaming.

No. 2461650

roid pig uke
>ewww gay male taste
feminine weepy uke
>this is heterosexuality!!!
uke with boyish features
>ewww fujos are pedos
mature uke
>ewww ugly man psyop!
uke with long hair
>pretty much a woman
you can never win by antifujo logic so just do what you want. they would still invent an issue with an uke that was a generic shounen character or youngish normal guy

No. 2461653

I don't really see how >>2461586 being into buff guys is an "autistic fetish?" Unless you were referring to yaoi and not anon's taste in individual men.

No. 2461654

File: 1742937455047.png (27.98 KB, 1048x211, doujin count.png)

>they would still invent an issue with an uke that was a generic shounen character
Ironically that is what is generally the most popular in fanworks, just look at Gojo x Yuuji holy shit.

No. 2461660

This you?

No. 2461664

File: 1742937984419.gif (856.81 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mqgirlNMCA1szsqyto1_500…)

They're just looking for an excuse to moralfag at us because they're pissed off that we're so prolific in online fandom. That's literally it. If yaoi were equally popular but just had less fanart, they would not be kicking up a stink about this, I guarantee you. I really, really wish people would stop using moralfaggotry as a means of trying to say that whatever shit they dislike is "objectively" inferior. Why does it have to be an issue of morals? Why can't people just look at yaoi and go, "Yuck, that's not for me," and move on instead of going on an autistic moral crusade against it?

There's so many things people do in fandom spaces that bother me. But my response is not to spend all day arguing with the people who enjoy those things. I just block/mute the keywords or users involved and move on. Or, I find people in the fandom who share my sensibilities, and only interact with the fandom through my friendships/mutualships with those people and ignore everyone else.

No. 2461670

I was talking about that anon who likes hairy men.

No. 2461676

It's a very underage fandom behaviour. Reminds me of how people hunt for any flimsy moral argument they can find to "cancel" someone they dislike because they're ~not allowed~ to just say "they're a retard and their art is gross" kek

No. 2461679

>Why can't people just look at yaoi and go, "Yuck, that's not for me," and move on instead of going on an autistic moral crusade against it?
Because then they can't justify their whining as some moral issue and it would be easier for people to tell antifujos to fuck off. It's harder to respond to "what you enjoy is problematic!!!" verses "I think what you like is icky and cringe".
99% of antifujo sperging is actually being upset that X instead of Y is popular and thinking yaoi is yucky or cringe.

No. 2461688

Kek what? That doesn't make much sense either.

No. 2461690

Kek that too

No. 2461698

94% of sex offenders are male, but go off I guess.

No. 2461702

Maybe, juuust maybe, the number of people that enjoy yaoi is very high which leads to a diverse subset of interests. Akin to how lolcor attracts more than 50 people so we have a diverse set of opinions. It isn't clones all liking the same thing and creating a trend. It is literally a fuckton of people interested in fictional homosexual content. You will get furries, bara consumers, twink snorters, twunk smokers, shotafags, ugly fuck, monsterfuckers, and god knows what else in this batch.
It's like saying everyone that likes a shade of pink acts the same.

No. 2461704

File: 1742940252819.jpg (133.07 KB, 848x1200, GdTajQraoAM5g-b.jpg)

For context, the shotafag in anon's screen shot was responding to a much more popular post with picrel.

No. 2461710

Your post is sensible, unfortunately many of the anons in this thread are allergic to nuance.

No. 2461711

thats why it makes it more heinous for women to be into that shit, raping children is what moids do so if a woman imitates or is into that makes her 10 times worse than the moid who knows nothing of consequence's consuming that media brings, a pickme for pedophiles is the lowest of the low

No. 2461712

That guy in the right is nasty and i do not desire to see him rail or get railed. Give that guy on the left an equally cute guy please.

No. 2461713

>woman who likes shota is worse than men that actually rape children
Women are always held to these insanely high standards just because we are so used to men being evil we have accepted it as their natural state. Bleak.

No. 2461715

Kek, of course this post's image would get ignored.

No. 2461719

Any shota wearing shorts is asking for it

No. 2461720

File: 1742940676782.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.1 KB, 720x930, a32f9276c09c62e06fdb27c76bfba6…)

nta That is some wild logic you have there. Scrambled my brain like an egg. Shotafags are gross, pedophiles are worse. I don't think gender can absolve either category of blame. Can't say I think women raping kids is better or worse. It's just downright awful.
Consuming shotacon probably has a bit of complexity to it due to the existence of moeblob chibi shit. At what point does it go from "teehee cute my plush is naked" to reading manga filled with characters shaped like this?

No. 2461724

>moids are worse than women so i should be allowed to goon off to drawn child porn
cognitive dissonance and reading comprehension can be tricky cant it? sorry but thats still kiddie porn youre jerking off to

No. 2461738

Ofcourse a pickme who thinks women who like shota are worse than moids who commit 98% of crimes against children cant read. You sound like moids who think LADS is worse than their goon gacha slop like Nikke.

No. 2461749

if me being opposed to drawn child porn is makes me a "pickme" so be it kek because we all know moids like women with morals eh? im not going to reply to anymore seething to the post i made, remember that moid lolishitters consider you their counterpart

No. 2461750

>remember that moid lolishitters consider you their counterpart
>caring what moids think

No. 2461753

Yea cool, that's like your preference nonna.

No. 2461764

hnnnng more with these two?

No. 2461784

No. 2461952

File: 1742954884121.jpg (16.34 KB, 600x600, e9d.jpg)

No. 2461957

No one said this. And anyway, the thread is about yaoi, not shota, which isn't unique to yaoi. There's plenty of straight shota crap out there. If your problem is with shota, say it's with shota, not with yaoi.

No. 2461959

>female child rapists are worse than child rapists ackchually
Feminism according to Lolcor

No. 2462804

>these threads

No. 2463494

This video feels like it's from fifteen years ago

No. 2463625

11 years ago, so close enough.

No. 2463650

File: 1743067975340.png (157.3 KB, 751x757, gNZsHdL.png)

can you all at least admit that as soon as babies are introduced, it just becomes barely disguised heterosexuality

No. 2463656

File: 1743069090412.png (279.81 KB, 500x332, 1667320901071591.png)

One good thing about the perennial fujo/antifujosperging is that at least it lets me know that a significant number of anons here are still women. No moid gives this this much of as shit about this subject matter, not even the ones that really hate fujos.

No. 2463668

That's fair kek

No. 2463786

So is adopting one straight?

No. 2464342

I like your positive outlook nonny

No. 2464343

so can you finally admit that you get off to heterosexuality with extra steps?

No. 2464353

File: 1743106134725.gif (1.64 MB, 446x323, tumblr_d6fd3418ae91c9b1352891b…)

If anything, Patalliro is lesbianism with extra steps, based on your logic.

No. 2464361

Only if it's mpreg, which as we've established many times is a niche fetish. If the baby is adopted or otherwise not birthed by one of the guys in the couple, that's not "straight with extra steps," that's just a gay couple being parents. Which is a normal thing that happens in real life.

No. 2464362

Isn't it more nostalgia/retro anime jerk off?
Old stuff automatically get passes for stuff they do because they're old and considered of higher quality. Same goes with fanservice and stuff like SA.

No. 2464364

Tbf, people see Anya from Spy x Family as birthing propaganda despite her being adopted and the parents never sleeping together.

No. 2464365

>IWTV username
Guarantee that user only watched the TV show. God I hate when something I enjoy becomes popular and I suddenly have to share a space with retards like this.

No. 2464373

I mean, the purpose of the show is to make raising a family look appealing to Japanese zoomers. Also that has fuckall to do with whether having adopted children makes an m/m couple "straight with extra steps."

No. 2464382

File: 1743106815288.png (284.67 KB, 544x743, 9zublQt.png)

I have encountered a few of these in the walking dead fandom, they literally meme'd themselves into pedophilia, they also seem to troon out at even higher rater then standard fujos

No. 2464429

Why did you delete and repost this? I can still see the original and there's literally no difference between the two.

No. 2464454

>"lesbian de romanus"
>thirsting over male on male incest pedophilia
Exactly what I would expect from spicy straights in the modern era.

No. 2464480

These women never had proper parenting in their lives,im tired of these ddlg fags sexualising a parent child dynamic go be a coomer on 4troon

No. 2464481

Nta but leave me alone I just like bishonen with long hair.

No. 2464493

This. Anyone with an incest or any kind of pedo-adjacent fetish has some kind of personal baggage doing on. Yeah being a fujoshi is a fetish, but male-male relationships aren't felonies IRL the way CSA and incest are.

No. 2464508

This also happened with the House of the Dragon fandom. It's funny how they'll be the same ones preaching that its just fiction when they lust after "yaoi" with real underage actors.

No. 2464520

I'm alarmed that GoT has underage actors in the first place

No. 2464521

but androgynous men aren’t women. what if I like real life androgynous men?

No. 2464530

So is shit like Stephen King writing a about children gangbanging in a sewer less of a problem because it's straight? If your problem is with pedos, then you'll have to extend your criticism far beyond slash and fujos specifically.

No. 2464534

People always talk about m/m with a feminine uke being heterosexuality with extra steps, but what about ships where the feminine guy tops, or the ones where both characters are girly? How do you explain those?

No. 2464540


No. 2464546

they like to say "irl men dont act like that" ignoring that the seme is also nothing like an IRL man. by their logic its yuri with extra steps but that wouldnt allow them to project their subservient sexuality on us so they conveniently ignore that part

No. 2464550

>the ones where both characters are girly
She was replying to someone who posted Patalliro, so I guess she's just blind and/or retarded. Literally looking directly at an image that contradicts her argument and doubling down anyway. You are not arguing with a rational person.

No. 2464660

No, they're both bad things. People always bring up this argument, but why would they randomly tack on something like that at the end of every argument they make. We all know it's bad.

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