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No. 471817
The Hartley Hooligans are a pair of sisters, Claire and Lola Hartley, born with microcephaly, cerebral palsy, dwarfism, epilepsy, and many other conditions. This means they have little to no intellect, can't walk, talk, or even move their limbs in any useful way.
The sisters are semi-notable due to their mother Gwen. She dresses them up in goofy outfits and costumes, discusses their every facial movement, sound, and bodily function as if they were geniuses. She even had the Lola despite knowing that the girl would be staggeringly messed up. Their state spends millions of dollars on a parade of therapists and special equipment that have had no noticeable impact on their lives. The mom posts pictures claiming that the girls are thriving though she never presents hard evidence for this.
No. 512429
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>>512316I’m assuming it was this?
No. 512437
>>512432I think it's a combination of the dress and the way her dad is holding her, it kind of bunches the dress up around her waist. Look at her poor, thin arms, Claire doesn't have a huge waist.
What I find rather grotesque about this picture is that Gwen put makeup on Claire. She treats the two girls as if they were dolls.
No. 513124
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Jesus fuck I thought this picture was maybe 2 or 3 years old looking at the girls then I saw the caption and realised also that the boy is Cal!! SEVEN YEARS have passed and the girls have gone depressingly downhill. Jesus, what a sad existence. Lola looks the exact same as she did seven years ago.
No. 514943
>>513124Wow. Claire has looked awful since she was 5 or 6 but she looks more like a spindly limbed mutant every day.
She looks so bad at her prom I could swear Gwen is just trolling us at this point.
>>513124 No. 559738
>>559677Why are you necroing this thread. At least post a cap.
And her public callout was for a discontinued rubber nipple / baby bottle part. Little Lola can only feed off that one thing bc she's so weird. Gwen got so many she donated some to charity.
No. 566562
>>566011are you shitting me who the fuck cares they are literal meat sacks like they would know or care about being posted on here
back to Tumblr with you
No. 566569
>>566011For one, these …children literally don't have feelings or thoughts of their own. They couldn't give two shits if they're posted on here or about anything at all.
The real cows at hand are the parents for keeping them alive and in constant agony.
No. 566586
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Looking at Gwen's blog and came across these ones of them with Claire in a limo… there seemed to be disco lights flashing everywhere. Wouldn't this basically be hell for her? Whatever visual stimulation there is…
No. 566595
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>>566586If you watch the video she is seizing, she looks like a malfunctioning animatronic.
No. 566608
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>>566596The punchline is always just their appearance. Some sick shit.
Guess it's gwen's way of coping.
No. 566773
>>566576Absolutely their parents are despicable cows. But the majority of the posts in these threads are commenting incredulously on the daughters' appearance and dysfunction which is also exploitative.
Apparently you didn't read where I said, "They are not on the internet voluntarily."
No. 566937
>>566598no, it's from after she had chicken pox and was very thin.
anon is too retarded themselves to read the xisting threads.
No. 590271
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Not sure where else to put this but here's another lady with a severely deformed child who was recently in the media for suffering from political attacks re: abortion:
>Weaver’s 9-year-old daughter Sophia is severely disabled. She has Rett syndrome, which robs her of the ability to speak, walk, eat, or even breathe easily, as well as an unknown syndrome that causes facial deformities. Sophia has endured over 20 surgeries, countless hospitalizations, and requires around-the-clock care, much of which is accessible because of a group of Medicaid programs called home and community based services.
Yet another delusional mother letting her child exist in a lifetime of pain and suffering, draining huge amounts of community resources, doomed to an understaffed nursing home when she dies.
No. 590386
>>566619saged for necromancy and blogposting but
ugggh this is also a huge fear of mine. I have celiac disease and one of the consequences of that is micronutrient malabsorption. If you aren't properly absorbing folate one of the common birth defects (aside from just spontaneous abortion) is anencephaly/microcephaly. When I'm pregnant absolutely NO gluten is allowed in my house and zero eating out. Can't risk that shit.
If you've ever wondered why all pregnant/conceiving women are advised to take a folic acid supplement, this is (one of many reasons) why.
No. 591088
>>567289how are we sure that the girl are not sentient? they may not be able to talk but they still might have feelings like anger, fear, sadness, maybe love? did a brief research on microcephaly and nothing said it made people not sentient.
i'm terrified that the girls are suffering and know that they are being paraded and exploited by their parents and cant do anything about it
No. 600657
>>600628Thankyou for your diagnosis, Dr Armchair.
Gwen did not know Claire would have this extremely rare condition. She only knew the next one, Lola, would.
>>600649It seems to be a tradition in this thread.
No. 601493
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>>590271God damn that is fucking terrifying.
No. 647573
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It’s Claire’s 17th birthday! Happy birthday Mimi! Today she will celebrate like most sassy teens do by having pulverized vegetables injected into her stomach and filling her diaper with mounds of piping hot doodoo.
No. 650338
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She regularly writes the doctors like this, harassing them about her perfect magical special unicorn success. I don't know how she doesn't see how utterly sad this email is.
No. 650346
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>>590271Looks like an Acid Spitter from L4D2 lol
>>650338This is so cringy and sad. I still don't understand why she can't see that it doesn't matter if she's 17 or 75 when she has absolutely no quality of life.
No. 656229
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Sage because this isn't milk, but I found this YT channel bit, which is nothing but the truth..
No. 685548
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“Hey Sis?”
“Yes, Claire?”
“I’ve got a secret to tell you.”
“What is it?”
“I’m filling my diaper with mounds of piping hot doodoo as I speak.”
“I know. I can smell it. And I’m blind, not deaf, it sounds like someone is stepping on a flock of ducks.”
“It’s a lot of doodoo. At least half a pound. Maybe a whole pound. Gwen’s going to have trouble lifting me.”
“Slaaaaaaay Queeeeeeeeen!”
“Thanks Lola.”
No. 686210
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No. 725767
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Halloween Hooligans. Claire looks like a dunce as Threepio but Lola, as usual, looks like a piece of crap. Just a stinking, disgusting crapola, an excrement block that sends sane people running for the hills.
No. 726967
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>>726867Also if you go through the pics you can see their stick thin emaciated dying dog that they are keeping alive because Gwen doesn't believe in putting down animals humanely either. Instead she also drags them out to put them in costumes and take photos.
No. 727391
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>>726967Oh god that poor dog.
>>727342It's a medical miracle they've lived this long. Claire is allergic to everything, Lola barely eats, will only use one type of bottle nipple, and needs supplemental oxygen when her allergies act up, both girls got extremely sick from chicken pox a few years ago and Lola nearly died (pic related), and their genetic disorder usually causes progressive cerebral atrophy.
>>727344> Lola. Her constant grimacing and bleating noisePast farmers have speculated it's because she's always hungry. She actually used to have a feeding tube (and wasn't quite so emaciated), but Gwen got rid of it because she thought it made Lola look sickly. Yep. Gwen is starving her child because tubes are icky.
Gwen also refused to get Cal vaccinated for chicken pox (hence the girls getting sick and Lola nearly dying) and douses the air with MLM essential oils when Lola has to be on oxygen. I'm not sure if Gwen is 100% retarded, or if a small part of her is trying to kill her potato goblins.
No. 727543
>>727391>Gwen also refused to get Cal vaccinated for chicken pox (hence the girls getting sick and Lola nearly dying) and douses the air with MLM essential oils when Lola has to be on oxygen. I'm not sure if Gwen is 100% retarded, or if a small part of her is trying to kill her potato goblins.What the fuck? I'm 100% sure these girls have immune system deficiencies and should be vaccinated for everything known to man.
The fact that these girls are still alive is horrific. Torturous health interventions to keep barely function organisms alive. I know Gwen might think it's a miracle, but maybe it's because any humane individual would let these "girls" go. I'm not sure how much they perceive pain, but fuck…if they do then living must be like living under Nazi experimentation.
No. 728681
>>727820Animals tend to lose a lot of weight when the end is coming up.
The dog is probably getting enough food, it's just getting too old to function properly and needs to be put down. It's a telltale sign. What a dumb ass bitch this lady is.
No. 730892
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>>727849Gwen's empathy ends where her selfish desires begin.
No. 730893
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Courtesy KF.
No. 731206
>>731081>they do have health issuesum yeahhhhh no shit.
Claire gets tired but Lola doesn't sleep much actually.
No. 750961
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Claire finally in threw in the towel. I was starting to think those things were indestructible.
No. 750965
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No. 750966
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No. 750971
>>750969Claire was devoid of really any brain function
It's Lola that is basically only able to percieve pain
No. 750973
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TFW you realize you’re the last dwarf shitting and now are gonna get all of Gwen’s attention
No. 750987
>>750965Claire was extremely jaundiced for the past few months. Obviously we don't know what was going on behind the scenes, but Gwen's reponses to concerned comments sounded like thought it was no biggie
Claire died because Gwen couldn't pull her head out of her ass and, y'know, take Claire to an actual doctor. Turns out pureed celery and essential oils can't cure liver failure, who would have thought?
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if her diet contributed to it. Both the girls are emaciated but Gwen insists they were getting all the right nutrients. Pretty sure that's not possible considering how skelly they are, and she claims they're allergic to 500 different vegetables so they couldn't have been getting much nutritional variety either.
No. 751003
>>750987I have no doubt she's giving them the proper nutrients.
I have doubts that their bodies are able to absorb and process them in a way that can sustain their bodies properly.
No. 751007
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>>751002Besides Claire's jaundice or whatever she had going on, they both look equally terrible in this recent pic
I won't be surprised if Lola joins Claire in the next few months.
Plus, Lola still has that rash that Gwen keeps trying to cure with oils.
>>751003Gwen claims they were allergic to everything under the sun. If I recall correctly, Lola is subsisting on goat milk, cantaloupe, and spinach currently.
I can't remember what she gave Claire but it was something along those lines. She also said they were both allergic to medication, which is why she hated visiting those darn doctors.
No. 751062
>>750965rip claire.
now watch lola live forever!!
No. 751065
>>750971Other way around anon, Lola is far less normal in functioning than Claire was.
>>750987It seems to be the way for people who reject general medical help to suddenly go crisis when their lack of care exacerbates conditions into emergencies.
She won't be harassing that doctor with letters anymore - I hope.
No. 751092
>>750965I just saw the news! I knew they were both sick (and the dog recently passed away as well) but I sort of had this weird feeling they'd just live forever. They survived this long without being allowed any sort of life or dignity so it's really surreal to know one of them is actually dead. Claire was the sicker of the two though so I guess it's not a surprise.
I wonder what Momma Hooligan is going to do when she has neither left. That's her entire identity/attention source.
No. 751103
>>751092I'm betting that she'll adopt a couple of new spuds for her veggie garden in the next few years.
Actually, anyone know how old Gwen is? I think she might just go for another kid or two if she's able.
No. 751147
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>>751056>>750965Emojis on a death announcement are the social media equivalent of memorial decals on a jacked up pickup truck.
No. 751175
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>>751159Fucking hell anon
No. 751183
>>751103This is a true shock. Gwen had always assured us that Claire was the “healthiest member of our family.” If it could happen to Claire, it could happen to any of us!
Gwen is about 45 or so. Another baby isn’t likely but it’s not out of the question. If Claire died at 17, Lola’s chances of making it to that age are nil. What will be strange for that family is having a home with no therapists, no state employees, no complex medical devices sitting around. More than losing the kids, the stone silence will drive them crazy.
No. 751225
>>750965So much wrong here.
>EMOJIS on a post for a dead child? Teen?>tagging your ems? (Why does she have her ems on Facebook?)>disbelief Also what is a viewing please tell me they’re not having an open casket just put the poor girl in the ground and get it over with
No. 751231
>>751183>the silence will drive them crazy On top of also having to buckle down on real jobs whilst they no longer have delicious potatoes to milk for monies via the government, tv appearances, and interviews.
That'll be my entertainment.
No. 751265
Wow I can't believe it finally happened.
Calling it, these threads now are going to crawl on for 7 more years now that anons primed and waiting for the other one to be released from her cage of a body.
>>751092She'll get involved in some kind of charity for disabled kids so that she can post pictures of them online and get that online pity porn attention. Every so often she'll force a connection between other kids like "they act so much like Lola and would be Claire's best friend".
>>751196I'd support that. It's illegal to knowingly give someone AIDs, it should be the same.
No. 751491
>>751487The next time you feel like calling people out for not saging, remember to sage yourself kek…
Also, RIP Claire. I'm glad that she's resting in peace now. It's better than being paraded around in bright, noisy, and frightening surroundings for Gwen's asspats.
No. 879774
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Wondered why this got necro'd so I went to KF
Apparently Lola has died as well. Both of the Hooligans are deceased now.
No. 879782
>>879774I just saw this, too and came here to see if there was any information.
Tragic, I hope they're at peace.
No. 879802
>>879774Found out myself a couple of days ago on KF but didn't think it worth writing about here because the necro issue.
Personally grateful she passed away because however sentient the kids were, they were in pain PLUS the fucking mother totally destroyed any diginity the two girls had.
Kinda feel relief for the son. I hope he gets something positive from the lack of insanity his mum heaped on his sisters.
Hopefully Ma's now infertile. I can't see her past behaviour would allow her to adopt. Idk what it's like in the US, but to adopt in the UK it's a harsh process. Everything's scrutinised down to who the potential parents had relationships with previously and what those relationships were like. If the authorities googled her…let's say no way would she be considered sane enough to care for a child.
No. 879864
>>879802fundies bypass all those pesky strict US rules by adopting from overseas.
gwen has that cbd law she's been campaigning for, she might go hard on that to fill the time.
No. 883286
>>883272I guess I can understand that thinking process
I'm the opposite though, as u can see lol
No. 890123
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you know that meme, “i have died every day waiting for you”, with the outline of the girl that looked like some sort of a weird bird/goose? hark at this, it’s from a video on lola’s memorial page, kek
No. 890125
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>>890123including meme for reference
No. 890156
>>883286Same, dude. That "the globlins are finally dead" line hasn't sat right with me since I read it. Regardless of if they were able to comprehend anything, why insult them like that? They don't deserve it. But anonymity brings out the edginess in people lmao
I'm gonna go ahead and say it's mean. Definitely mean. Love how people do mental gymnastics to make making fun of severely disabled girls into an okay (totally not mean) thing
No. 890163
Why does this thread exist and why are people making fun of these severely disabled girls who are dead. Wtf is wrong with people please get help for your psychopathy you cunty lolcows.
>>890161Thats a horrible excuse and mental gymnastics you got going on there.
We all know the real reason why these losers are making fun of dead girls its because their life is so shitty and bad that making fun of others who had it worse is the only way they can feel better.
No. 890173
>>890161You wouldn't celebrate their deaths in public and you know it. That's why you're here.
Anyone who comes to a lolcow forum expecting people to be nice is foolish. Doesn't mean the people who get their jollies off of making fun of the
victims of the true cow (Gwen) aren't still pathetic.
No. 890177
>>890156how does "they are too retarded to understand what people say about them" = mental gymnastics
No. 890228
>>890173No one here is "celebrating their deaths" except for those who are relieved their shitty life of suffering is over, you idiot.
This thread exists not because of these girls, who obviously weren't cows in any way, shape, or form, as they were barely more sentient than a bag of potatoes, but because of the spectacle their crazy mother gave for the world to see.
No. 890462
>>890270Anon I’m sure they’re not offended at this point since they’re dead would you chill out? I don’t see the point of anyone trying to lecture people about their behavior on fucking lolcow. It’s sad the two girls are gone but you shouldn’t be expecting anything different than people saying stuff like that on this site.
RIP Claire and Lola, Gwen better not have any more kids