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No. 232765
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>>232763Tfw no friends that like kpop bc the girls that do in my area are weird koreaboos
>I love blackpink and red velvet. >Lisa is my bias 💗The fandoms are weird as shit and creep out my Korean friends so no one talks about kpop in my group
after a girl stalked one of the guys for WEEKS after finding out he was Korean it’s now taboo and no one will mention it.
No. 232795
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ayyy thanks for giving me a place to sperg out OP
I've been casually into kpop for a few years now (I liked a few Orange Caramel, 2NE1, and SNSD songs in middle and high school), never really got into it beyond a superficial level (partially because I primarily listen to hard/alt rock but mostly because of the fans, honestly, I met a few too many weird and racist kpop fans and it put me off the whole thing). I've been big into BTS lately though. I liked a few of their songs casually but I didn't actually become a fan until I listened to Yoongi's mixtape. I appreciate how candid he is about his struggles with his mental health in the past and I find his near-arrogance about overcoming it inspiring. Self-love is important but I like thinking of overcoming emotional/mental struggles as kicking my own ass lol and he embodies that, in a way. He just seems like a cool dude lol. It's hard to say who my next favorite member is, I really like all their contributions and personalities.
No. 232799
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I follow BTS because they're a bunch a sweet and cute guys. I don't really like most their music thought, but I enjoy watching their MV, dancing, nice outfits, Vlives, etc…
I don't know if it's really a bias but I really like Taehyung of course he is very beautiful but he also seems to have a cool and easy going personality, I'm a bit jealous of his super pretty face lmao.
I'm looking forward to their face yourself album, I still think the title is kinda cringy…
No. 232809
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>>232799>I'm a bit jealous of his super pretty face lmao.Me too, and I can't believe I'm actually jealous of a whole grown ass man but I have never seen a more ethereal looking person. He also just has such a unique, adorable personality. He's in that fine line between retarded and genius which makes him even more interesting.
>>232795Yoonji's mix tape and the songs he produced for BTS like "Tomorrow" is what drew me to them the most. He has that rare sincerity you don't often see in K-pop and his voice while delivering his lines is so…hot and intense? Especially when he goes hard like in his Cypher 4 verse
Jhope's mixtape was pretty neat too, you can definitely see RM's influence (the literary references) and Suga's(the savagery) but he still has his own unique 100% Hobi sound and I love it.
No. 232825
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>>232799>I follow BTS because they're a bunch a sweet and cute guys. I don't really like most their music thoughI'm kind of the same way. Aside from the Cyphers and the rap line's mixtapes I barely listen to their music, I like them as personalities more than anything and enjoy stuff like Run BTS! more than their music (for the most part).
>>232809>He's in that fine line between retarded and geniusLMAO accurate. He comes off as a bit slow to me —— not like "stupid" slow, just very unhurried and chill. Plus he's kind of a dork, it's very endearing.
No. 233158
>>232787Used to follow DBSK in 2008 as well, hi fellow oldanon. I'm not into Kpop idols anymore, but still into Korean music (indie and rap scene). With a special exception for BTS, to nobody's surprise.
>>232809>He's in that fine line between retarded and genius which makes him even more interesting. Couldn't have said it better. That guy inspired me so many characters, it's crazy.
>>232795>I appreciate how candid he is about his struggles with his mental health in the past>>232809>Yoongi's mix tape and the songs he produced for BTS like "Tomorrow" is what drew me to them the most.That was the big draw-in for me as well, along with their honesty, chemistry, generosity, talent and genuine passion for music. I really can't pick a favourite member, they all have something.
Not gonna mention all the aspects of Kpop I condemn because there's another thread for that, but as another anon said cringey fandoms and petty fanwars have always existed. Kpop used to be a big part of my life and it allowed me to bond with my still years and years later best friend, so I'm thankful for that at least.
No. 233257
>>233242they have a variety show and solo music, plus non-music endeavors, it's pretty reasonable to like them for reasons besides the music they release as a band. I get where you're coming from but you're basically just complaining about people being attracted to generally attractive people lol.
>or are BTS armys just fucking nuts all the timethis is true though lol. I think it's a side-effect of BTS being managed by such a relatively small label. Early BTS fans knew they had to hype the fuck out of them or they'd pass under the radar and that fan culture remained and spread to new fans, despite the fact that they don't need to be hyped anymore. That's just my largely-uninformed hypothesis though.
No. 233261
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>>233242Armys can be tiring and imbecilic to the core. But BTS themselves are just seven guys who do stuff and are, seemingly, actually nice people and get along well. Their really young obsessive fandom sucks, but that’s no reason to rag on the group, they can’t control that.
No. 233265
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Does anyone know if they style themselves for red carpet appearances or if their stylist picks everything?
No. 235784
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I love LOONA (이달의 소녀). The story element is really engaging and I love how the producers work in references to art, religion, astronomy, etc, there are tons of Easter eggs in each video. I hope other Kpop projects go down this route.
No. 235835
>>235784I'm not a fan of the Loona cinematic universe, but man, I can't believe the amount of high quality music and videos coming out of a predebut stunt. I hope they gather a big enough fanbase to keep justifying their high level of output.
It's also been really cool to follow them since the very first solo.
No. 236140
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What did Oh My Girl deserve to get this? I think it's cute, but this does not feel like the right concept to follow up on the celestial, magic-realist Secret Garden.
No. 236313
>>236307Any other fandom is just as bad, but BTS has the international thing going, so you get a lot of 10-13 yo kids from the Philippines with access to youtube and no idea of appropriate behavior.
EXO has a shit ton of Thai fans and they used to be just as spammy in 2013-2015. BB was more local, so it was more KKT/Line spam or Japanese delulu “stans”.
No. 241276
I'm surprised Luna is getting another solo after how Free Somebody did but I'm glad she's having a comeback.
>>238182I don't think the full group is going to debut in May since there is still one more subunit + repackage left. I'm excited for their full debut too but I'm kind of anxious about it.
No. 252125
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I feel so bad for BTS. They really do have the lowest of the low among koreaboos in their fandom.
ratmys, indeed.
No. 252127
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>>252125BTS twitter is like a train wreck for me, I hate it but I can't seem to look away. Saw pic related floating around it recently and it gave me a giggle. Don't these bitches know that being homo is basically illegal in Korea?
I just wish I could get BTS news from twitter without it being slathered in army autism
No. 252130
>>252127HAHA FUCK I would’ve laughed it wasn’t so sad.
The worst thing imo is that BTS to me really do seem to be against shit like homophobia, sexism etc. but of course these idiots are never satisfied and have to push all this imaginary and- worst of all- plain racist shit to feel good about their own racism and feel self-important. They even feel the need to bring up shit like the skin color and gender/presumed sexuality of any westerner that interacts with them without it ever being even remotely relevant.
Imagine being incapable of ever seeing anything beyond skin color, gender and sexuality. Must be fucking miserable.
No. 252147
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why do fans have to project their political ideas onto kpop idols? pls i just want to look at pictures of jungkook without other fans tell me actual he hates me because i'm a straight, white bitch
No. 252153
>>252147these idols will never be the racists their loser stans want them to be
i have to ask myself how these sorts of people function in real life. they’re going to encounter white ppl whether they want to or not. or maybe they just never leave mommy’s basement
No. 252186
>>252125>>252147I know these are supposed to be jokes but does anyone actually talk like that?
>>252153They probably function like normal people do. The only reason they talk about hating white people is because it's the popular thing to do on stan twitter.
No. 252246
>>252125I like how these people always conveniently forget the time Jimin met Shawn Mendes and then yelled "WOW HE'S HANDSOME" as they were walking away lol.
I honestly think stuff like this is a reaction to the fact that a lot of black/brown BTS fans know that Korean's can be racist against people with darker skin tones and prefer "white foreigners", and they're so afraid of idols they like being racist that they flip it on its head. It's sad tbh.
No. 252266
>>252246There's that show Hello Counselor, there they frequently have darker skinned guests complaining just how hard they have it. E.g. "No, I'm not dirty", getting called shit, not being allowed to join a basketball team because being black would be an advantage,… Now imagine in "the most racist country of the world" (according to sjw) - the US- somebody wouldn't be allowed to jon a club because of their skin colour. All hell would break lose. But instead they try to tellt hemslves that all idols secretly want some
chocolate goddess ass…
No. 252275
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any idols you're shamefully attracted to? (I mean aside from any of them lmao)
I think Namjoon is cute. His weird egg face doesn't bother me, his smile is qt. he always looks cringey as hell in music videos because he tries too hard to look cool but still.
No. 252301
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>>252275Strangely attracted to this guy sometimes even though I know he looks weird, and even when he looks good he still looks like an overgrown baby like in pic related but it's oddly attractive. God help me.
No. 252302
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>>252301I like Jimin too. I said this in the last anti thread but he looks like a bratz doll made of mozzarella cheese yet somehow I'm into it lol
No. 252304
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>>252285yeah i agree, he's not great looking but his angry sounding rap style makes him a lil hot imo
>>252302oof jimin is super cute especially with his hair like that, love me some forehead.
No. 252337
>>252328lmao the frist time i watched this I heard
>this is my dickinstead of pick. That weird handwritten p didn't help either.
who voiced V? He sounded kind of hot.
No. 252339
>>252337Yeah i heard it too lol.
>sounded kinda hot no it sounded like a gay guy trying hard to sound straight imo
The visuals were nice tho
No. 252364
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>>252275I'm embarassed to be attracted to any idol tbh, Taehyung is especially feminine looking, but the worst thing is I'm pretty sure he's a misogynistic IRL. He's basically a pretty country boy dressed up in Gucci, but he can't hide his backward mentality.
He's just so pretty, I would love to have him as arm candy.
No. 252366
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I don't know a lot about Monsta X but Jooheon is really cute
No. 252367
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>>252275Well, I don't know if I'm ashamed exactly, but it's worrying the things I would do to bang G-Dragon. I especially love his tattoos, particularly because most of them are so trashy lmao
No. 252372
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>>252275I recently got into Taemin. I've been into boy groups but I guess with him I see more of an actual grown man, despite the feminine features. Plus from what I've seen so far he's an excellent dancer and I love the few songs I've heard.
No. 252377
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>>252275Jaejoong, because he's a dick and I stan TVXQ as 2
No. 252378
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>>252376He awkward looking when they debuted, but he grew up to be so handsome, I think bighit is pushing him to have a cooler persona to fit the
pretty but arrogant trope. Jin is supposed to be BTS's visual but I think they're giving this role to V now and they want him to act the part (Jin was also asked to act cool and cold when BTS debuted). He even joked about it not too long ago when he said "I thought I was the visual now?".
No. 252379
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>>252275I've been following Stray Kids casually (they're too young for me tbh) but Bang Chan is my age and I think he's cute. Plus he's Australian which is an accent I'm weak for lol.
No. 252382
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>>252374GDragon in BangBangBang with the glitter all over his face was honestly one of his peaks. Although I dug the Crooked blond aesthestic as well.
No. 252383
>>252378OT but I honestly feel so bad for Jin. Ever since debut people have always acted like him being a “super visual” was his only function within the group and now he can’t even have that. Plus he was originally trained to be an actor but he still hasn’t gotten a role while Tae got his first drama role years ago. People act like Jin’s only role within BTS is as mom and “pink princess uwu” and I just feel so bad for him.
Sage for cringe-y oppa rant lol
No. 252389
>>252388lol bitch im 22, im basically a crusty fossil to the rest of the fans
i got into kpop when BigBang and 2NE1 first got big and now i can't get out. i'm in it mostly for the music which i know makes me a special kind of retard, but i cant help it, i like the music lol
No. 252394
>>252388I'm 20, turning 21 in a few months. I was only very casually into kpop in high school (like, I knew Fantastic Baby and I AM THE BEST but couldn't name any members of BigBang or 2NE1) and was always more into hip-hop and alt/stoner rock so I dunno why I'm into kpop now. I think I'm just drawn to the fantasy/escapism aspect of it.
I wouldn't feel too bad as long as you aren't obnoxious about being a kpop fan and just treat it like any other interest. Plus BTS seems to attract a lot of older fans, especially because of songs like Spring Day.
No. 252404
>>252389>>252394yeah same same i knew about 2ne1 and Girl's G back then but didn't get really into it until recently. I'm glad i found the anti-kpop thread to stop me from becoming an obnoxious fan.
Songs like Moving on, Spring day, Pied Piper and 134340 or just their visuals/videos are what keep me stuck in the bts/kpop world
No. 252413
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>>252275Idk if ashamed is the right word but I feel guilty because I find Jeno from NCT Dream really, really attractive despite the fact he’s a literal baby who just turned 18. The Dreamies especially have this cutesy childlike theme going too which kind of makes it worse imo. It’s obviously nothing I would ever act upon and I do think he looks older than the rest of Dream but it still makes me feel iffy.
I feel especially weird because Doyoung is basically his mom and me and DY are the same age (96-liners)
No. 252418
>>25238824. BTS is coming to Germany in October and my boyfriend has expressed interest in going because he’s interested in their hip hop/EDM stuff. I’ll admit to showing it to him because I really liked Spring Day’s video.
…on the other side we’ll be the oldest there by far and IDK about all those weeaboo 13 year olds.
Should I even attempt to buy some tickets or is that super cringy at my age?
No. 252419
>>252418you go to a concert to appreciate the music and musicians and you said it yourself- you guys are into it for the music. 24 isn’t even that old. bts have fans way older than that.
if you want to go then go for it. don’t let a bunch of cringy koreaboos ruin an opportunity to see a band you like, especially if your bf is also interested.
No. 252441
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everyone’s hating on blackpink’s newly revealed lightstick but i find it adorable
never been interested in lightsticks but if i ever bought one it’d probably be this. i think it’s cute that the members helped design it too.
No. 252443
>>252441I scrolled past and stopped when this caught my eye. I have now stared at this for quite a bit
I was sure it was some weird shaped dildo/vibrator and pondered how is it meant to be used. Then I scrolled up and saw the thread title…
So what the fuck is that thing?
No. 252449
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>>252443it's a lightstick, fans take them to concerts. Different kpop groups have their own unique designs. For that design I think the pink hearts light up. sometimes they change color via bluetooth depending on the song being performed. it's like waving your lighter at a concert, but with more $$$
No. 252459
>>252443this made me lol
but yeah, some if not most lighsticks do look like really weird- or at least innovative- sex toys.
No. 252460
>>252389Thought this was me lol
I'm 22 and recently got into kpop again because of bts after dropping the whole kpop thing for 8 years, how do I leave again?
No. 252512
>>252388I'm 28, so I guess I win for now lol.
But in my defense, I liked k-pop since I was around 13 years old. Bless BoA. This was actually a new song when I got into it.
It's interesting how diverse k-pop fans became over the years. But I have to say that k-pop fans were also way more respectful and less cringy back when the community was smaller. I love BTS, but damn ARMYs are so obnoxious compared to how Cassies were back when TVXQ was at their legendary status.. I believe you when you say a lot of ARMYs are literal children. It sucks, because it makes me hesitant to call myself one too. So I feel your pain (even more so since I'm 10 years older). It's also weird when you're a teacher like me, and your students like the same k-pop groups.
No. 252517
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>>252512i guess it makes sense anon, since the fanbases are so much larger now. the larger they are, the more assholes are gonna be, so the assholes are gonna be more visible. plus BTS fans are the largely the same flavour as 1D fans from 4 years ago: young, immature, and way too defensive of their idols, whom they hero-worship. it's not a good recipe. but just like any other fandom, there are chill fans, they just tend to be quieter and therefore get less of the press.
i also love BTS, but i would never call myself an army lol.
speaking of which, who are everyone's "biases" for BTS? (and any other Kpop groups for that matter). I'm curious. mine is JK, but my "bias wrecker" is PJM
No. 252524
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>>252517Not invested enough so I don't have any bias, but I wish drunk V and Jk would double team me.
No. 252533
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>>252517It was Yoongi but I got bored of his attitude real fast so now it's Jungkook
No. 252560
>>252517I guess the ones I liked first were typical babby's first bias choice when it comes to BTS: V and JK, they just always catch my attention first in pics and videos. I just love me some mentally challenged hot boys, I guess. But Jimin's personality and demeanour have to be my favourite though, and for some reason I have dreams where he pops up for a few seconds? It's odd. Jin is funny and I like watching his mukbangs, Suga and RM are interesting, talented, funny and lowkey bestboys imo, like the backbone of the group. Jhope is fun to watch when he's not trying too hard, and I wish he'd bring back Hope on The Street. I could watch the boy dance for hours. I guess I don't really have a favourite, OT7 or nothing.
>>252512Ah, another old Cassie teacher here! Wonderful. Who was your favourite in TVXQ?
I do remember fandoms being different too, but not any less cringy or full of fights and drama. Back in the day the biggest fandoms got the same criticism as the bts fandom nowadays. ELFs and Cassies fought as much as armys and exols do now, vips acted as "we're too good for kpop, kings, we rule this" etc as armys do, and sones were as full of dumb young guys and creepy old uncles as onces. The amount of fan content being churned out is massive though, especially on twitter and youtube. But I guess that's because making the content has gotten easier.
No. 252571
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>>252517I'm indifferent to most of the BTS members, but I honestly like Jimin. His voice and face both seem to be pretty hit or miss with most people, but I think both are cute. His slim body is nice too. I also like that he at least pretends to be modest and doesn't act arrogant on camera.
I'm being a cool big sister by taking my "ARMY" little sister to see them live this fall after she begged, so I'm glad that I at least actually like one of the members and a couple of their songs.
No. 252592
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>>252571That's really cute anon, you're a great older sister. And Jimin's cute and his voice is angelic! I don't get the whole "he looks like a freak and can't sing" thing, is it just different tastes?
No. 252593
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>>252592I find Jimin ugly tbh, but he has his own charm and I get how some people might find him attractive.
No. 252596
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>>252592Same. I understand how he may not be everyone's taste, but the ones who go out of their way to insult him seem really unstable
No. 252602
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>>252517I’ve been on a break from BTS and the fandom for a while but my bias since day 1 was Tae and he remains on top. Beyond how insanely pretty he is and how soothing his voice is (when he’s not growling or screaming lol) there is just something so… ethereal about him? Not just his beauty but his entire demeanor, quirkiness and being really adorable and precious in literally everything he does (i think someone upthread described it as him threading the line between genius and retarded? lmao)… He’s been my muse for a long while and I’ve based so many characters off of him.
Also this is weird as hell but it’s like no matter how much sleazy fanservice he does he still seems really innocent and pure- like he doesn’t understand what the stuff he’s doing actually implies? He just seems so… clueless and off-stage he’s as far from all that as you could possibly get. Makes me wonder if he does it just because he thinks that’s how it’s supposed to be and what’s expected of him and just sort of detaches himself whenever he goes on stage? Probably 500% projection but still
No. 252613
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>>252524Wow anon, I went through a phase there I liked Jungkook and now I prefer Taehyung, but both of them together…wouldn't care if drunk or not lol
No. 252624
>>252618LMAO but yeah you’re right i need to get it together
thank fuck this shit is anonymous
(imma screenshot your reply just bc it made me laugh tho)
No. 252626
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I do like kpop and idols but I'm always reluctant to really get into it. So much of the industry revolves around personality and I always worry I'm going to end up putting time and money into someone who could end up being a prick. There's also the fact that it's a one-sided relationship and my bias doesn't even know I exist. It's probably not very healthy.
No. 252638
Has anyone here ever actually been to a BTS or any idol concert outside of Korea? I'd be interested to hear what it was like. I was looking at tickets for BTS Chicago concert but my goodness they are $$ expensive! $$
>>252604Not ashamed in the least!
No. 252659
>>252604 i guess i shouldn't be ashamed in something that makes me happy, thanks
>>252608>drowning in cute idol and fan pussy Do you think idols really sleep with fans?
I'm curious if anyone else attempted to learn Korean when first getting into into kpop/kdramas? Not in a koreaboo way but in a genuinely interested way? I just want to know what they're talking about lol.
I learned quite a bit and recognize a lot of words/phrases, but I just don't find it useful learning a language i'm prob never going actually use. idk
No. 252665
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Another 30 year old here. I just only recently got into BTS, I won't say I am into Kpop because I only listen to BTS. I knew about them due to friends on Tumblr posting photos of them. I find Suga and Jin to be the most attractive to me.
No. 252668
>>252660I mean i know they're not pure and innocent but i thought they'd avoid sleeping with fans because it'd ruin their image. Isn't it what it's all about, the image? I don't believe a fan could keep a secret about sleeping with their oppa~
I can believe they'd fuck around with other idols since they're in the same position but then again idk idk
No. 252680
>>252517Yoongi's mixtape was what got me into BTS so I'd say he's my bias but I like JK a lot too, I feel like I can relate to him because he's my age and shares a lot of my interests (video games, music prod., video editing and filmmaking etc.) 10/10 would hang out with.
Also I really like Jin. Yeah he's probably the least talented but I like his attitude a lot, I feel like he's just generally a pretty mature person (and husband material lmao). Also as a college dropout I admire the fact that he was physically attending university while being an idol.
As for other groups, the only other group I've been listening to lately is Stray Kids, and I'd say everyone in their 3RACHA subunit is my bias. Especially Bang Chan.
>>252596there was an anon in the first anti thread who called him disgusting and unlovable because he has disordered eating and it made me feel so bad. it wasn't even on topic lol. Like I get thinking he's ugly or a bad singer or whatever, that's just personal taste, but making fun of people for their image issues is just fucked.
No. 252684
I wanna know how Dispatch has so much exclusive BTS content. They're basically the TMZ of Korea (though they pretend to be journalists). They were probably given exclusive rights in exchange for keeping a scandal under wraps and my nosy ass wants to know what it is.
>>252659I'd already studied Korean a little (my mom is into East Asian media and the language caught my eye/ear a few times because it seemed less intimidating than Chinese or Japanese) but I got more into it when I got into kpop. Tbh I don't know how people get really into kpop for years and never even learn to read hangul.
No. 252686
>>252680I relate to Jimin a lot, mostly because of the ED and low self steem.
In my best periods of time and when I feel comfortable with someone I act the same way he does (or the way he shows to us) but I don't most of the time and I behave and feel like a shitty person, so I take him as a role model since he is well-known for being extremely kind, charming, sympathetic, cheerful and supporting person. I just want to love people the same way Jimin seems to love his members and be loved the same way his fans love him
No. 252749
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Any EXO-Ls here? I'm pretty fond of them because they were the first kpop group I ever got into. I think at this point though most of them are pretty Over it (except Kai and manlet squad aka CBX who seem to actually enjoy being in music)
Pic related, I used to think the EXO inside jokes were hilarious, it was a simpler time
No. 252750
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>>252680I saw those anons as well. If you don't like someone, then fine, but it turned into a whole circlejerk about how ugly he was and if you don't agree then you're a dumb tweenage white knight. I just find it funny mozzarella anon actually likes Jimin lmao
No. 252756
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>>252750>I just find it funny mozzarella anon actually likes Jimin lmaokek yeah I think I mentioned in my original post calling him mozzarella that I didn't find him ugly, just very weird-looking. He's a cute guy, he just happens to look like cheese.
No. 252759
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The anti thread anons were pretty harsh. At first i thought Jimin was a lil ugly but the way he presents himself is too adorable, he ended up being my bias.
Also JHope looks so feminine and pretty in this gif? I don't think he's as ugly as the other thread says he looks. He looks his best when he's not trying to hard to look all happy and hopefull uwu~ lol
No. 252767
>>252765I'm generally into weird/ugly guys irl, i like to be the pretty one… jk kek
It's really about personality that makes someone pretty/attractive to me, but it's kinda sad idols are acting for the most part
No. 252773
>>252765nah it's not the fact that he's famous. I've been attracted to uglier dudes in real life. it's just preference.
>>252772I posted it up thread but thanks for reminding me of its wretched existence.
No. 252774
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>>252765This reads like an incel-tier comment. DAE roasties only like men who are famous and have money?
>>252756>he just happens to look like cheeseTop kek. Whenever he extends his philtrum he resembles a monkey imo. Still cute and 10/10
>pic related No. 252779
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I feel like the only one in this thread who doesn’t like boy Kpop groups. I love BlackPink, Twice and Girls Generation. I wish GG were more relevant again.
I’m so god damn excited for BlackPink’s comeback in June
No. 252787
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>>252779I can't really get down with current girl groups but I used to enjoy some SNSD, 2NE1, and Orange Caramel songs.
I am interested to see BlackPink's comeback though. Lisa is qt. I like her shoulders.
No. 252812
>>252749I really liked that last mini album Exo cbx put out. Playdate is really relaxing even though the lyrics are kinda corny.
>>252779I like girl groups a lot though I understand why some of the fanservice is a turn off to people. I'm excited for Blackpink's comeback too. Hopefully they get at least a mini album this time.
No. 252817
>>252779Nah, same. I used to follow 4minute and 2NE1 and I still love 2015+ Wonder Girls.
Damn, the Wonder Girls. They disbanded right when they were making so nice music with cool concepts (imho).
No. 252832
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>>252824Me too, but unironically. Nitpicking the fuck out of men's appearances and personalities for once is so much fun.
No. 252847
>>252560Nice! My bias was/still is Yunho. I haven't seen much drama from the comms I was in, but surely not everyone was innocent. I agree with you and
>>252517 that it's because of the size of the fanbases, especially the western ones, so more obnoxious western fans at least. And just social media/youtube in general. Back in the days TVXQ was popular, youtube wasn't as mainstream as it is now, hence less k-pop spammers in the comment sections.
My BTS bias is also Jungkook btw. It's not helping that he's the youngest, but it's hard to choose differently. Suga (who luckily is a far less age gap) is a close second for me, though.
No. 252853
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>>252824We could have only one thread if the "antis" didn't lose their shit when another farmer say she want to shagg an idol.
No. 252894
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does anyone have any thoughts on this? personally i really don't get why it was necessary, the word may sound a bit like "nigga" but it doesnt mean it IS that word, it's a totally separate korean word. i just don't understand why they would do this. are they gonna censor every song they write from now on that has naega in it?
also some people on twitter are butthurt about korean news sites writing "nigger" out in their article, which is dumb because its for informational purposes…
No. 252907
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>>252779I love Twice so much even if their songs are all basically the same and tbh i fall for their fan service every time
Dahyun is my bias 100%
No. 252908
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>>252759Unpopular opinion but I also think jhope is cute/sexy, even if he isn't the most photogenic at times - that's something I definitely relate to myself. I don't think it has anything to do with his fame. Pretty sure if he was a regular dude I worked with or something I'd still feel the same.
I will admit though it's unfortunate that his plastic surgery is kinda obvious these days and looks a bit botched.
No. 252911
>>252908I'm kinda oblivious when it come to plastic surgery unless it's is super obvious or someone points it out.
What is it about Jhope? Is it a shaved jaw? I can't make my mind up about his nose since his sister has the same one.
No. 252921
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>>252908I think he got plastic surgery pre debut (as well as after)? In some pictures he looked incredibly fug, but on the most part he looked cute, especially during the 2 cool 4 skool era. Shame that he made himself look a ugly afterwards
>high school jhope was a complete qt though No. 252944
>>252894this is isnt nescessary at all I think they're scared that they might get attacked or something
Maybe they're not trying to be like bigbang and making 네게 which is pronuced nege in one of their songs and it very much sounds like the n word (at the :20 mark)
No. 252961
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>>252907Dahyun is so cute, I remember when I wasn't even into kpop I watched TT over and over again (I heard about it because I follow the choreographer) just for that part with her in the rabbit costume
>>252908I like jhope too, I definitely get why people would find him unattractive but I like how androgynous he looks. I have a weakness for dancers though.
No. 252968
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>>252779Boygroups are inconsequential to my kpop experience. Sure there's a few songs here or there that I like, but I basically only click with girl groups or soloists. OMG, LOONA, and EXID are the currently active groups I'd consider myself to be a fan of, but I actively follow new releases every week, so my Kpop library's pretty diverse in concept and groups.
Also my preference for women plays a big part.
No. 252972
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anybody noticed how bad Suga has gotten? they mentioned it on the anti thread and made fun of him, and I felt awful.
For years we have knew that he is a little more gloomy than his members, but lately he seems absent
No. 252977
>>252972Yeah he looks so thin and his rap feels so out of energy too. I'm guessing the Suran scandal must have somrthing to do with that partially.
Also, I might be biased since I dislike the new album, it seems he's much more excited about songs that are more agressive or more leaning to hip hop an this Come Back is like almost the oposite of that. There's not really a song that "feels more Suga" this time.
I hate this because I really likehis stuff when he actually puts in some effort.
No. 252978
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>>252972I've noticed Suga is smiling more often and it's hard to read. Whether he's genuinely happy or putting up a front. I do agree with the anti thread that he's a walking skelly. He's honestly setting himself up for failure, he said he wants to win a Grammy and be the most influential artist in the world.
>just noticed the skelly picture of him has the filename ending in Doot My sides
No. 252987
>>252972to be honest i think speculating over how secretly miserable a member might be is just as cringey and weird as thinking theyre pure and innocent like
No. 253023
>>252971I don't know anything about super junior but they did the latin song theme a lil better imo
I really would've loved if BTS did 134340 or Paradise as a comeback stage instead of Anpanman and Airplane pt.2
Paradise could've had an interesting choreo/stage
No. 253039
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>>253035it's kinda sad, i remeber he was talking about how he wants to be thinner and have a smaller face on a vlive from a long while back. idk how old this pic is but he's always been really thin and small.
I'm surprised at how healthy Jimin looks in this pic, hasn't he always struggled with weight/image too?
No. 253041
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>>253035He look spoopy in candid too.
>>253039Jimin was called
bagel back then (baby face+ glamorous body). He looked healthy.
No. 253042
>>253041a lot of Army were freaking out over this pic and how hot they think he looks, but gosh i wish he'd get some help.
kinda ot but why do kpop fans say "rude" when an idol does something sexy/provocative? Just say they look fucking hot?
No. 253055
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>>253039Jimin had some great leg muscles back then as a result from his dance school days, this pic is from I need U era and he rocked the shorts.
Nowadays his muscular legs are gone and he looks spoopy just like Suga or even worse. Thank God this comeback Jimin looks unexpectedly better, I hope he doesn't starve himself again
No. 253353
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>>252978How come his face is long and square now? I'm not a fan of his and I don't find him particularly handsome but he used to look like a cute asian dude, he's ruining himself.
No. 253354
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>>253352yea he got one. his jaw used to have indents (from his predebut jaw/chin surgery) on them and they're not there at all anymore
compare this pic to
>>253041>>253353he always seems to be "chasing" something with his physical appearance. sad tbh
No. 253355
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>>253354>>253353yep compare those to pic related, which is very recent. He's turning himself into a goddamn dorito. I think he got the jaw shave because of his weight tbh, when he gains weight it goes right to his face and he's clearly insecure about it. I don't normally like nitpicking/overanalyzing idols' weight but the way he's constantly contradicting himself about food (saying "Oh I'm skinny because I forget to eat" or "I just don't enjoy eating" and then later saying stuff like "it's hard to diet, sometimes I get so hungry I can't sleep" or blatantly refusing food to avoid guilt over it later and calling himself overweight when he clearly isn't) is a red flag to me.
No. 253357
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>>253355He probably doesn't feel good about himself. I remember when everybody was talking about his tiny legs and how they were better than most girl idol's legs, he legit looked like he got a kick out of it.
No. 253360
>>253354oh yikes, i never even noticed
>>253355am i wrong to think his jaw looks fine now? Of course it doesn't look natural given we know how it used to look like but it looks okay? It's still sad that he's insecure about himself, it sucks. :/
No. 253363
I just watched a jaw reduction video because i was curious to see what some idols do their face and that shit looks painful af
It's weird to think about your fave idols having that stuff done
>>253362I checked to see the recovery period of a jaw shave and it's a 6 month recovery period, does bts ever get that long of a break? Could just be fillers?
No. 253367
>>253363Granted I don't know anything about ps, but I thought jaw shaves were extremely risky with a high chance of complications. BTS seems always busy to me. I can't imagine no one noticing major surgery. Being a rapper is literally his bread and butter idk why he would risk losing that.
It's probably mostly weight loss and I think his lazy sleepy persona is to hide that he's physically tired from being a skelly.
No. 253386
>>253364what on earth no one ITT has been shitting on women for PS or dieting, or really shitting on women at all. Except that one offhand comment about Lisa upthread. Also, I made some of the posts worrying about Suga and for the record it
does piss me off that he criticizes his and other members' weight on-camera when he knows his young fans might see it. I've already seen clips of him talking about dieting in those stupid "thinspo" compilations on youtube.
No. 253442
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>>253417Fat? I think he looks good/healthy? He's always wearing baggy clothes but he doesn't look fat at all.
No. 253443
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>>253442I think it's mainly an illusion, his long bangs only show his round lower face and he wear baggy clothes so his body look bigger, but Taehyung is always quite skinny. Pic related, his tiny arms.
No. 253446
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>>253442He seems healthy to me too. I guess he has some belly fat, but it doesn't seem to be anything outside of the realm of normal. I don't know how recent this pic is, but he still seems pretty far from fat to me.
Spoilered his belly area. Had to wade through a disgusting amount of fans talking about V's soft squishy baby boy tummy in order to find the pic, bleach please
No. 253448
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Tae has really nice eyebrows that fit his face, i know the stylists always hide his fivehead but he'd look really nice with short hair or those Jungkook bangs.
>>253446>baby boy tummy oof, army has to stop with the baby-ing especially when they're calling them rude/sexy afterwards
No. 253458
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Some cringe for y'all.
No. 253463
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>>253459>>253458I understand some of the thirst after these guys but…
>a little puppy eager to please his hyungs >gods favorite child whom he moulded from the silver light of the moon itself>bunny boy…lol
No. 253630
anyone have soloist recommendations? Either pop or otherwise. So far I've liked Lim Kim, HA:TFELT, Sunmi, IU, and Dean.
>>252836this is great anon ty
>>253598>With Jungkook especially, because he doesn’t even do that much fanservice in that directionnever forget that one time he called a fan "mommy" because she asked him to lol. that's the kind of image you never live down.
No. 253667
>>253630I really liked Zico’s mini album Television,
Genius and ANTI are my jams.
No. 253677
Kang Seung Yoon
These came to mind
No. 253986
>>253983Odd, 1of1, or Misconceptions of Us are probably the best places to start. Here's a couple of b-sides from each album that are my faves is a member of Shinee and has really good solo work as well, if you're interested! No. 254291
File: 1527515753309.jpeg (123.8 KB, 750x695, 18A033CC-D9A5-4F7B-8304-57899F…)

anyone understand this recent trend of obsessively calling suga ‘lil meow meow’ on twitter? that shit’s completely exploded all over stan twitter it’s like a cult with antis and everything
No. 254459
>>253764Still feels a little weird without Jonghyun, but I liked the songs from this EP. They didn't fill his place, and the homages seemed well placed in the video. Definitely looking forward to the next one.
AOA's comeback was good, too. The aesthetic of the video was really lighthearted and fun. It felt like there'd be a hole without Choa but they filled the gaps pretty well.
No. 254562
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i love blackpink but jennie stans shitting 50 bricks the second someone mentions another member is annoying and embarrassing as hell. akbaes are trash
i feel like blinks are becoming the new ratmys and i’m not here for it. it’s sad a proficient group can’t peacefully exist without obsessive 5yos who can’t spell for shit flocking to it like flies
No. 254738
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The ticket sale for BTS in Berlin hasn't even started but it's already a mess. 2 days before the sale begins the pre-pre-sale gets cancelled and all the expensive tickets get even more expensive because of some fee that is only 10 euros in Amsterdam but 40 euros in Berlin, fml.
I'll try my best and shoot for a VIP ticket anyway, next friday GOT7 will be playing in Berlin (and that ticket sale was a mess, too.
Is someone else going/ trying to get their hands on a ticket?
No. 255410
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Suga's new face makes me uncomfortable…
No. 255415
>>255410he looks weird. he didnt need PS, he looked like a normal cute guy before. why does the kpop industry want to turn everyone into a weird plastic clone
also wtf is that hair
No. 255430
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>>255410>that exaggerated v-linerip. there was nothing wrong with his face before.
No. 255465
>>255309Thank you so much, anon!
Unfortunately I couldn't get a ticket for BTS at all and am pretty disappointed but seeing Got7 next week is making me feel better.
I hope you'll have a blast seeing Got7 as well!
What do you think about their tour merch? It's simple enough so I think it's kind of cute (and not too cringy to wear on the street)
No. 255523
>>255473not really, I actually got into when I was older. I spent basically all of my teen years refusing to listen to anything that was seen as "uncool" among my friend group (so I basically only listened to various genres of rock music) and it's nice just listening to fun pop songs now. I mean I still like the bands I used to listen to but I cringe worse at the fact that I used to listen to NOTHING but Queen and Led Zeppelin when I was 15 and thought I was cool for doing so lol. It helps that my obnoxious weeb days are over and I'm self-aware about how cringe a lot of kpop is, so I don't really buy/wear merch or advertise that I like it.
I can't believe BTS is so popular either though, despite liking them. Their success is pretty surreal. The same types of girls who made fun of me for liking Japanese media in high school purely on the grounds that it wasn't in English are now """stanning""" a Korean group lol.
No. 255537
>>255473I still check out those K-netizen translations sites out of boredom, but I'm really not into K-pop as much now as I used to be when I younger. I think I've just outgrown it. I still like the sound of some K-pop songs, but I've really become more jaded by the industry's practices and don't get involved in fandom-related content at all nowadays.
I also cringe looking back about how much I ate up MBLAQ and U-KISS when they were relevant. I thought these boy bands were everything. It is a bit disappointing knowing that both groups are dead now and lots of the members spent years without much to gain from being idols in the end. Hell, GO from MBLAQ is now a full-time streamer and has admitted that he makes more from streaming so far than from his whole time in MBLAQ.
No. 255605
>>255595that’s because they’re the same brand of people. people who obsessively “like” something and others who obsessively hate on it are two sides of the same coin.
i feel like a lot of them are also from fandoms of less successful groups that are bitter over bts being put in a pedestal, armys being insufferable or just going out of their way for the sake of being every bit as obnoxious as the armys they claim to hate so much, or a combination thereof.
also let’s not forget the army vs exo-l feud raging on while bts and exo members are good friends lol
No. 255622
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>>255595I can kind of understand it tbh, BTS is massive right now and it seems like they're only going to get more popular. I don't get the rabid hate but it's definitely annoying being constantly reminded of a thing you find grating (though I do get the feeling some of them are bitter fans of other groups). It reminds me of when I was in high school and all my friends LOVED wrestling except for this one friend who just wasn't into it at all and she would get really angry any time we brought it up lol.
>>255602>suga really didn’t strike me as someone who would go under the knifeI didn't either at first, but I think when he was forced to diet hardcore (I don't think he was ever fat but he was definitely heavier predebut) and get surgery the first time it snowballed into image issues resulting in more surgeries.
No. 255629
>>252413I know how you feel, except rather than Jeno it's Jisung.
I'm around Mark's age by the way. Same birth month and everything, lol
No. 255630
>>252413I know how you feel, except rather than Jeno it's Jisung.
I'm around Mark's age by the way. Same birth month and everything, lol
No. 255655
>>255523oooof i can strongly relate to this, I remember i only listened to "dad rock" through middle school/high school and thought i was the coolest bitch for being "different".
I'll listen to anything now from cringey kpop to cow mating calls as long as it's fun to listen to
No. 255661
>>255631I think he really was forced. For what I know, the company decided to create an idol group in the last minute under the name of BTS, and he, RM and other dudes were expecting a debut under said name but as a rap crew.
It was debuting or being jobless again, and they had already spent quite a lot of time waiting to debut under bighit.
No. 255665
>>255663you are wrong here.
I remember they uploaded a lot of covers and self-made songs predebut, the company made them do that as some type of tests to see if they skills were improving or nah, if they didn't you would get dumped anyways since bighit was broke and they would not provide any useless trainee the basics (food, lessons, a shitty apartment), also bighit had already started promoting them as a rap crew, alongside with J-hope and they even did some performances and appared on some tv channel and got overall got responde from the audience.
I'm not trying to make them seem "legitimate and less idol", but being as objetive as I can, so please inform yourself.
No. 255695
>>255663>no underground rapper undergoes training lulthat's literally what happened though. unless you mean that he ceased to be "underground" once he signed on as a trainee in which case you're correct lol. they were still going to be a rap group, just not an underground one. kind of like ROCKBOTTOM, most of whom are former trainees but definitely not an idol group.
>>255661>>255665you're right that they were originally a hip-hop group but yoongi had multiple opportunities to leave. iirc he considered leaving a couple times but BigHit wanted him on (probably because they'd sunk a lot of time and money into him already and were hoping it'd pay off) and kept giving him incentives, like paying for his college etc. unless BigHit was literally blackmailing or threatening him he was absolutely not "forced" to do anything. Agreeing to a lifestyle in which you're expected to look a certain way isn't being "forced". Pretty much the only way someone could be "forced" to be an idol is by their parents, and yoongi had already cut himself off from his.
No. 255700
>>255695>>255666also sage for samefag but the three of them looked
way better back then, Namjoon's dumb perm aside.
No. 255898
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Does anyone know any tutorials for male kpop makeup that doesn’t suck?
No. 255904
>>255708Kirara is the most similar I can think of, and she's a one man band, which is cool: (the MVs are fun): enough, they're signed onto SM while IDIOTAPE is under YG (under a subsidiary, though).
Nada's Trippin' is more of that glitchy, earfuck sound as extreme as Kpop will allow: and Neon Bunny are more of the progressive house/synth pop genre:, Yaeji is another cool house producer, but she's pretty famous already and is an American acts, so I don't know if you'd count her.
No. 256243
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I'm so jealous of these Twice girls.
No. 256366
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>>256243i feel kind of bad bc i feel like i’m the only person on the planet who doesn’t find twice insanely pretty. most of them have looks that feel like hit-or-miss and some are downright wonky-faced to me. i think dahyun is the first kpop girl idol ever that i’ve found genuinely unfortunate-looking, except for maybe hyoyeon in the early years of snsd.
if you question it you’ll have a shit ton of onces pissing themselves in rage, though.
No. 256382
wtf did i just listen to? god this sounds so bad. and people in the comments saying
>this proves that they dont lip sync, icons!er yeah cause they sound terrible… and thats supposed to be a good thing?
>>256243>jealous of girls who have teams of dozens of people with access to vast wealth to enforce their diet and exercise plans as well as style their hair, dress them, scrub them, powder them, make them up, every time they are ever seen in publicanon, youre part of the reason shit like the diet pill industry is worth millions
No. 256383
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>>256243Seriously, why?
You probably only see her fame, body and styling. Other than that her face is nothing special and she's got zero talent (and her popularity won't last for long…).
No. 256388
>>256366her face is cute to me in gifs/videos but looks weird in pics. All her features look stiff and kind of uncanny valley.
>>256382idk what they were thinking giving V such a forceful opening line like that…he doesn't have the vocal strength for it. Still haven't watched the whole thing because I always nope out like five seconds in lmao.
No. 256395
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>>256382A bit OT but I love how friendly they look, I'm tired of the angsty sexy faces western pop singers always pull, It feels like they take themselves soooo seriously (not saying that idols don't). I find a smiley face way more appealing.
No. 256396
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>>256395same here
not a huge fan of the song but the choreography is fun
No. 256397
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>>256395same, i love when they actually look like theyre enjoying themselves during the choreo
i really liked gogo when i first heard it, watched the performance and thought it was just a silly song about spending all your money. but apparently its a deep commentary on people with no prospects spending money on meaningless things which tbh makes me like it less
No. 256398
>>256387>>256392Yes, we get it lol
You just have super low standards, anon.
No. 256399
>>256398isn't this supposed to the the kpop general thread?
the anti thread is here
>>252094 anon
No. 256409
>>256392i’m the first anon you replied to and like i said in my post, i feel bad about it but can’t help but question the people frothing at the mouth over them. i don’t dislike anyone in twice even if a lot of onces are insufferable. from what i’ve seen all of the members seem very sweet and genuine. appearance isn’t everything to me so i can like them as people even if i don’t like their looks.
most of them aren’t ugly but somewhat odd-looking, dahyun being the most prominent example. i just don’t understand why people screech about them being such a visual group when most of them are on the lower end of average when it comes to looks among kpop girl groups.
tzuyu and sana are gorgeous, though. nayeon is cute too but i can see why some people aren’t into her teeth.
No. 256418
File: 1528204146759.jpeg (25.88 KB, 581x334, Dc-8ucOW0AAVFIl.jpeg)

Stop replying to low quality bait.
> X is ugly!
> no! How can you say X is ugly!
Nobody cares
>pic unrelated
No. 256423
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I think Lucas has a nice face, but it's squandered on being an idol. The soft, cutesy twink look is a bit unflattering on him.
don't know much else about him or NCT btw
No. 256448
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>>256423lucas is beyond gorgeous and has an adorkable personality.
pic related- his side-profile is insane
No. 256460
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>>256448yeah, I really hope they won't fuck with his face anymore…
No. 256483
>>256423Did he had something done to his upper lips? Like a lip lift? It's so rare to have a upper lip thicker than the bottom one.
But he's super cute, he reminds me a bit of Minho who I think is the most handsome idol ever.
No. 256487
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>>256483>But he's super cute, he reminds me a bit of Minho who I think is the most handsome idol ever.a lot people think so! he’s insanely adorable related isn’t the best pic of xuxi but you can really see how alike they are visually
No. 256489
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>>256483maybe, or maybe the angle just exaggerated it. something about him reminds me of young Keanu lol
No. 256552
>>256397I feel the same way about GoGo, I love the "depressing song disguised as a happy one" trope, but when it's a kpop song accompanied by a trendy choreo it's a little too much. I know the contrast with the trendy choreo probably strengthens the message for some people but for me it just bogs it down a little. Like the message is too genuinely relatable and depressing, I don't wanna watch rich people dancing to it lmao.
>>256423wow I guess I have to start listening to NCT now
No. 256566
>>256448>>256460wow he's pretty gorgeous
i wonder how he'll age
No. 256570
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>>256243tbh Mina and Tzuyu are the prettiest of the group, they don't look too extra or plastic-ey
No. 256684
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I swear this is my last lucas post, sorry for the spam kek. still think he should just be a model or something.
>>256566As long as they don't turn him into a dorito, I think he'll age pretty nicely.
No. 256692
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>>256487Speaking about Minho, he seriously has the most perfect proportion ever, I don't think he's all that tall but he is like 70% legs and his face is so small it makes him look taller. Rm who?
No. 256695
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>>256570>>256572>tbh Mina and Tzuyu are the prettiest of the groupNah, Tzuyu maybe but not Mina. Sana’s way prettier. There’s something really odd about Mina’s face to me; I think it has to do with her nose being kind of wide, her lips are really thin when she smiles and her teeth+gums are quite big by comparison? There’s just something uncanny about it imo. I don’t think she’s ugly at all, just kind of odd-looking for a Kpop idol.
No. 256725
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Can I just say how much I adore AKMU?
I'm sad that they are currently unable to make music due to the Chanhyuk being in army.But Suhyun last year did an acting job and currently she is doing youtube, where she talks about diet, makeup, does covers, etc. She always emphasizes health and it was really good to see how she not only talked about her diet for the acting job, but actually filmed herself going to the gym. I think that youtube really fits her, since she is very charismatic and her smile is simply charming.
Plus once I was going through pann-choa posts and some girls posted about her, it seems that there are young girls who look up to her and they really appreciate the fact that she doesn't want double eyelid surgery nor nose surgery (if I'm not wrong she said about this in one interview) and are fascinated by her high self-esteem. It's calming to see that there are people who set a healthy example for younger audience. older interviews Akmu talked about their childhood, it seems that they lived for some time abroad and their family was so poor that both siblings decided to choose home-schooling so they could make it easier financially for their parents.
All in all, I think that they both are very talented, her brother is extra-ordinary songwriter and Suhyun voice is very unique too!
Btw if anyone is interested in Suhyun channel is called MochiPeach, most of the videos has subtitles and the intro is adorable.
No. 256727
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I like Pristin V's song, they should keep the sub unit and ditch Pristin
No. 256730
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>>256727Are they seriously named Pristin V???
No. 256732
>>256727I like the song too but the MV looks awful. Apparently the song didn't do that well either.
It seems like a couple of companies have released title tracks that aren't super cute for recently. I can't tell if the trend is changing from cute songs or not. Though the only releases that have been successful are the ones from already popular groups. The only exception is that song from G-idle I think.
No. 256843
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>>256697I know it's mostly fan service but is Sana actually gay/bi? I wouldn't act like this if I were straight.
No. 256849
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Anyone else like KARD? I'm loving their music and can't wait until they tour North/South America again because I didn't know about them last time around!
No. 256873
>>256848Ok, I see, but is it really impossible for an idol to be gay and not just do it 100% for the fanservice? Not just for Twice but for other groups too.
Like Jimin, i can really see it.
I don't mean to sound like those twitter stans that calculate their fave's every movie to prove they're secretly fucking another member, but still.
No. 256878
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>>256873Pic related is Jimin with his ex-girlfriend in 2011 before debut. Not saying he can't be gay but it's very unlikely. Also, it almost sounds like you want that to be true in a fujo creepy way.
No. 256880
>>256878>>256875Sorry if i sounded like a creep lol
I was just curious
No. 256884
>>256873>Like Jimin, i can really see itthat's funny because I get fuckboy vibes from jimin lol. That's his job though. It's really impossible to tell who's gay in this industry unless they outright say it.
I love reading those IDOLS' SEXUALITIES ANALYZED!! posts for a laugh though, especially the ones clearly written by straight people.
>this idol has stereotypically feminine mannerisms. a gay!>this idol is rough with his bandmates and has a tough guy image. clearly no gay.>this idol TOUCHED HER BANDMATE'S BUTT. GAY. No. 256889
>>256888a lot of fans love him/find him attractive even though he's not the best looking
Same with Namjoon.
The way the fans act towards the both of them reminds me of a mother with an ugly child who'll say it's beautiful regardless because it's her child.
Which kinda ties in with the whole babying aspect?? oof
No. 256891
>>256889I think they're both cute but it's obnoxious when people are like OMG KINGS OF VISUALS, SLAY on even the most unflattering pics of them and get personally offended when people don't find them attractive despite the fact that they're pretty conventionally unattractive by kpop standards.
also Jhope's "sunshine concept" is annoying as fuck. People always say he's way more serious/lowkey off-camera and I feel like I'd prefer him that way. I don't think he likes being the "sunshine" one either lol.
No. 256892
>>256891i think they're pretty cute too but when i wanted to trade my tear namjoon photocard so many armys got
triggered and told me to keep it and that i should appreciate him and whatnot
i was so confused lol
he's just not my bias tf
No. 258243
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>>257283Anon are you joking? He’s obviously had work, angle or no. And the angle you’re talking about is much more extreme.
No. 258699
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>>258668This is a good thing, they can't look 12 forever. I agree that 2016 was a good year visually wise and their brandwhoring can die. Jungkook looks much better these days imo.
>>258685He sounds a lot better too not constantly making weird noises kek.
No. 258701
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>>258699That foundation makes him look so plastic but I love it.
But Taehyung looks more like a child right now than ever before. He looked like a man in 2016 (pic related), now he's back at toddler stage.
No. 258708
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>>258701I guess it all depends on styling because Billy Bob Taehyung looks just his age to me here. If anything I thought he resembled a little British kid with that blonde hair and dark eyebrows.
No. 258722
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Even with all that sm plastic surgery Wendy still looks weird af
No. 258747
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>>258714To each their own, I think his red hair looked fantastic. And the blonde hair too. The only color that doesn't look that great on him is black imo.
No. 258752
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>>258747Let's face it: his 'whitefashed' pics always look great, but in his natural state he looks basic af
No. 258759
>>258668wtf are they wearing lol
Jimin looks kinda ridiculous in that outfit with his fluffy blonde hair.
No. 258761
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>>258752I think he's an attractive dude even with a bare face a tan and some pimples, but he obviously looks better with heavy styling and some photoshop kek.
Jungkook also looked super cute in Hawaii with his chubby face and tanned skin.
No. 258788
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>>258722She definitely looked the prettiest at debut. I genuinely think she has one of the prettier faces in Red Velvet but I feel like they always give her bad makeup and styling that just doesn’t compliment her features very well. A lot of the time some stylists and makeup artists seem downright incompetent and it’s definitely a thing with most groups.
Thankfully she isn’t terribly botched like what they did to poor Yuta a while back. He’s recovered fairly nicely from the horrifying whatever-implants though, I think, which is a relief.
No. 258870
>>258668They seem to be aging fine to me but what do I know.
Suga and Jin will always be the most attractive of the members to me.
RM, V, Jimin, and Jhope aren't ugly to me and I can see why people are attracted to them.
And Jungkook is a handsome young man
No. 258877
>>258870I think they're aging fine, too. The only ones who look all that different to me are Taehyung and Yoongi and that's explained by them stress-eating and dieting respectively. And Namjoon. I think he got more work done, he looks different somehow.
>>258708>Billy Bob Taehyungkek
No. 258899
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anyone else looking forward to BLACKPINK's album? I'm not sure how I feel about the snippets we've heard so far but it'll be nice getting new music from them. also Jisoo is qt.
>>258884>Suga is the only reason I started listening to BTS in the first me too, seems to be the case for a lot of people. I wasn't even interested in kpop before. I feel like people just fall for the whole "aloof depressed underground rapper" meme and that's what draws them to him and then eventually the group.
no ragrets though I love him.
No. 258920
>>258899I'm looking forward to it but i know it'll be just as generic as the first one. The kind of songs that are ok for a week but after that i can't stand listening to
rip Boombayah
No. 258924
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Any idea where I can buy kpop replica outfit? A farmer mentioned this Kim sai video and she bought them from taobao but didn’t give any links.
No. 258945
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>>258899>anyone else looking forward to BLACKPINK's album?I’m excited as hell. Already preordered both the Black and Pink versions of the album. Partially because I wanna support them as much as possible since they’re the only girl group I seriously give a fuck about, partially because I love the way both versions look and think they’ll look nice on my shelf lol
No. 258958
>>258899Not excited but I'll check it out anyway, because Ive been waiting since Boombayah for them to do anything. I feel like BP had so much potential and so much hype must have already died down. Their aesthetics are always amazing tho.
>>258954Idk too much about him, but Suga strikes me as someone who's hard on the outside soft on the inside. He's a lil crybaby too,so I can see how that can attract people. Also twinkbait.
No. 259117
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Before ps nayeon looked like a big peak bird now her ps nose makes her look like a pig from the front view
No. 259126
>>258954people like the whole tsundere "cold and aloof but secretly soft and emotional" thing. It's kind of a meme anyway, he jokes around and acts goofy all the time.
>>259117the pre-PS nose is cute to me. It fits her face better, anyway.
No. 259146
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>>257283Yeah no, he definitely has lip fillers. Still cute though
No. 259161
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>>259146Yeah, the way he moves his lips sometimes makes it pretty clear they're fillers too, like he's not used to them being so big yet.
I still like them though.
No. 259273
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I think that kpop males are probably the ultimate fakeboi goals. They're like the perfect combination of anime bishounen and cute lesbian that they're all always striving for. They rarely display any typical unsavory male behaviors. They even get paid to act out fans' yaoi fantasies with other cute kpop men, and people praise them for acting feminine or doing girly things like wearing makeup. The gifts that they recieve from their fans are like the ultimate amazon wish list. Also, unlimited attention.
I won't lie though, I genuinely really like the plastic doll/man/woman/baby look that a lot of the kpop men have. They'll definitely look weird as hell when they age though.
No. 259322
>>259183Because they look like lip fillers and his pre debut pictures confirm it. Nose, lips and maybe jaw shave.
I mean, it's idols. They get PS all the time. It's not shocking
No. 259324
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>>259146He was always a cutie IMO, but his features do look different from predebut.
No. 259618
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I know it’s the lighting too but gosh :(
rip suga
No. 259622
>>259618i can only imagine what he will start to look like as he ages
>>259621agree anon. i found it kinda weird how he barely reacted when ellen scared them….
No. 259680
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We lost a cute one. I think he didn't like that round thing sticking out at the back and also the slightly protuberance under his chin.
Too bad, that's what his charm and now that it's gone his face looks way too thin and feminine. I mean, he was already a twink but go off I guess
No. 259685
>>259633I know it's a joke but considering how much they are pandering to the US tumblr crowd I could see that happening.
RIP cute Suga
No. 259734
>>259685>I could see that korea???
I don't really see their holy schtick as pandering to the US tumblr crowd either, they are absolutely still pandering to young disillusioned Koreans (I mean, aside from all the typical kpop I wanna be your oppa shit)
No. 259788
>>259780I think it's genuinely bad and painful to listen to just from hearing how shrill their voices are. The girls struggle in general with how high pitched their singles are, and someone thought it was a bright idea to get them to reach child-MJ's key?
>>259786That section between 2:15-2:20 literally a cellphone being microwaved. I can't believe it made it past production and the sound engineers.
Cute MV, though, even if their MVs post-Likey have been blending together for me. And it's great that they're being hired for Japanese gigs.
No. 259789
>>259780I checked it out and I thought it was just okay. I wouldn't listen to it twice, kek. The vocals weren't strong, and honestly I would expect more from a professional release. The vocals were kinda YouTube cover-tier imo. I don't think the point of Twice is strong vocals though, just cute girls, and they're doing that pretty well! I also automatically have a soft spot for songs where a female vocalist addresses another girl. I get that it's a cover, it's not their choice and they probably have no idea what they're saying anyway, but it makes the song somewhat more enjoyable for me.
I'm not really a kpop listener, but I sometimes listen to things people link here and friends have showed me some songs. From the songs I've heard, the vocals are kind of weak in general. Is not singing very well the norm? Are there some strong vocalists out there?
No. 259841
>>259789I'm not sure how you define "strong" vocalists, but idols' with stronger singing abilities only really exhibit them on variety shows. is the full package (cute girls/boys in cute clothes and cute dances), so vocals don't matter as much when it comes to the actual singles cause it's gonna sell whether or not you've got Whitney Houston levels of singing. There was one competitive show where the entire concept was "hey, let's get cute girls with no prior singing or dancing training or ability and turn them into a group", and honestly, the final group doesn't feel any different from another other girl group when it comes to stage performances.
Plus you have groups with very disparate amounts of singing skills, so the best you can do to equalize the difference is by reducing how much your better singers stand out.
Kpopalypse wrote a bit about the process used to produce and mix vocals in pop:
>Common studio practice for recording girl groups is to get each girl into the studio individually to sing the entire song, and then mix and match the results to fit, also using ghost vocalists where needed. Obviously if all the girls sound more or less the same, this is a benefit, because it means that they can be blended together and substituted for each other easily. Equally good or equally bad doesn’t really matter as long as they’re equally equal. No. 259851
>>259850Ddu-du Ddu-du is pretty good
Forever Young is the best track
Really sounds like filler
See U Later is just okay
It's just alright overall. The visuals are really nice though and I'm looking forward to seeing them perform.
No. 259858
>>259850The chorus on Really is catchy but Lisa's rap on that song is cringe-tier. Lisa in general is hit or miss for me. I like Jisoo's vocals especially on that song.
Not sure how I feel about DDDD.
No. 259966
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Bom's 2018 face
No. 259970
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Anyone following Produce48? So far Sakura is #1
No. 260056
>>259926Lee Hi is so good, I love her voice.
Check out Fuck Wit Us and Here Come The Regrets.
No. 260065
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Suga being super sentimental lately and the boys pointing it out plus all the selfies he's been posting and his recent sickly looks and very emo vibe are giving me the creeps. It's like he's dying soon or something.
No. 260074
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>>260065>>260072This is the most recent selfie on Twitter and there really isn't anything creepy about it. Unless there are more selfies on the fancafe
No. 260107
>>259621Favorite part about this interview
Ellen: okay everyone introduce yourselves
(one by one)
RM, V, Jh, Suga: introduce themselves by name
JK: "what's up!!!"
Jin, Jimin: introduce themselves by name
No. 260154
>>259851Forever young is my favourite too.
Here’s the live performance for it. Pretty lacklustre to be honest but their outfits are kinda cute
No. 260157
>>260154I'm confused by 'whatta bum bum'
Is it just meant to be a random noise like ddu du ddu du or boombayah or whatever? Find it uncomfortable because 'bum bum' is what toddlers say.
No. 260173
>>260161the video you linked has that bit listed in english as 'whatta bum bum' ??
what do you suppose it means in korean?
No. 260177
>>260173Oh yeah, the bit right at the end of the song. Sorry I thought anon was referring to a different part in the middle when they say ‘bomb bomb’
Fuck knows then. Probs some illuminati shit
No. 260366
>>260167hm? i thought only Red Velvet did the "Red" and the "Velvet" concept thing.
What's BP's "pink" concept then?
No. 260368
>>260157>'bum bum' is what toddlers say.Where? Honestly asking because I've never heard that before, might just be an unfortunate regional interpretation.
It's most likely a throwback/reference to patois/reggae (See Sister Nancy's "Bam Bam" which is an oft-sampled/covered classic and also has the line "whatta bum bum") because that kind of music is trendy right now.
>>260177>Probs some illuminati shitkek
No. 260384
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DDDD is a decent successor to Whistle IMO with more 2NE1 inspo but I do agree with anon who said this gen of girl groups is lackluster in comparison. Every lead BP single so far has the same structure of changing the song's flow very significantly during the bridge followed by a chorus lead by music with their voices as accents and they should really stop relying on that exact formula. I'm saying this as a huge BP fan.
>>260366As if it's your last is their pink concept, supposedly
>>259966My queen still lives! Too bad there's no turning back on her facial surgeries, she should've stopped in 2012 before she got nose and chin done again.
>>259970Ah if engsubs are out I'm going to watch right away. Thanks anon for reminding us this is out!
No. 260414
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>>260250‘ddu’ means black, ‘du’ means black, and ‘du-du’ is korean onomatopoeia for gun shots, hence the gun shot dance gestures and other use of gun imagery. pretty clever, imo.
i loved the scene with jisoo in the pink wig and the men with gun phones. it’s a pretty good jab at netizens who act like good fans when looking at the perfect image of an idol, then turn on them the second they slip up and aim their metaphorical guns (hate) at them while hiding behind anonymity.
No. 260568
>>260559OP here
The production and audio are kind of shitty, like maybe they couldn't afford a good producer (or any), but some parts are decent.
They do have potential though, imo.
No. 260677
>>260556this video looks like a low production cover for all the bts mvs lol
I liked the song tho, just wish the audio was better
>>260564the one @ 0:23 seems pretty qt imo
Sorry for a stupid question but why did Bts have very high quality debut videos/audio? (compared to this and other groups)
Is it a hit or miss thing with idol groups?
Do the music companies throw more money at the groups they think will succeed?
No. 260725
>>260677Their CEO had a good credit history and was also recognized for his production and writing skills, had connections and acquaintances in the industry too. So a lot of people trusted him and invested/lend out their money.
It's not that deep
No. 260941
>>260384Are any of the other member of 2ne1 doing anything besides CL? And hell, even CL has gone on musical silence.
It's saddening.
No. 261679
>>261568boom boom isn't even their original song It's basically a cover of Mi Mi Mi
I actually like momoland's Same Same, but even that sounds like every other song they've put out so far
No. 261684
>>261679I wonder how long they'll stick with that sound now that they've gotten popular. I liked Same Same too
>>261681I like some of their songs but I like their softer songs more. I've never listened to anthem but it's nice
No. 261806
>>261782i hope their group career doesn't flop because of this
I guess Twice is the same way but i never get tired of them.
No. 261874
>>261806If their next song well they'll probably be like Exid where they get a couple more hits.
>>261831In the comments people are saying they didn't even finish get to finish their performance. I like the outfit Jisoo is wearing though.
No. 261890
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BTS got new hair colors. Whose idea was it to dye V's hair blonde but keep the mullet? I do honestly think he looks marginally better now, but come on. This hairstyle needs to go.
I don't think all of these look great, but I'm glad they're back to a bunch of different hair colors. It's a lot more eye catching than everyone having black/dark brown hair.
No. 261906
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>>261890I really hate it when people with darker hair bleach their hair blond and leave their eyebrows untouched. Everybody looks to me like pic related no matter how attracrive they are. It's just one of my pet peeves if people don't try to match their eyebrows
No. 261908
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>>261890Jimin looks nice, I think he looks better with light hair. I still love Tae's mullet but the blond looks really bad yeah. I like the bright-ass red on JK though lol if only because it's different, he always has dark hair.
>>261894Jin's blond looks fine so I have to assume they made Taehyung's hair brassy as fuck on purpose?
No. 261925
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>>261890NGL, Spring Day era was the peak for all of them. RM’a grey-pink hair, Jungkook’s honey blonde, Jimin’s light pink, etc. Only Jin’s bowlcut looked stupid.
No. 261929
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>>261908he looks like a fire engine.
No. 261930
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>>261929samefagging but damn they should have just dyed it purple
No. 261988
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>>261890Well he is an autistic country bumpkin, he might as well have the hairstyle to match.
>>261917>Ponytail VMore like Joe Dirt V
No. 262031
>>260941>Are any of the other member of 2ne1 doing anything besides CL? And hell, even CL has gone on musical silence.Minzy debuted as a soloist last year and Dara has been doing photoshoots, some acting and variety shows.
>>261568I can't blame their company for going the safe route by having them comeback with a similar sound and concept to Boomboom since they just had their first hit this year and seem to be from a unpopular company.
>>261782The companies are probably afraid if they change the group will flop. Didn't that kinda happen with Gfriend? They changed things up from their early songs (Glassbead, Me gusta tu, Navillera)and cameout with Fingertip and their popularity kinda took a hit.
Now if Momoland ends up with stable popularity like Twice in the future and are still releasing rehashes of Boomboom then that's a different story.
No. 262330
SM is really trying hard to promote NCT to internationally. I'm just hoping they start adding english subs to their MVs at some point.
>>262031I don't think Momoland would end up like Gfriend since Boom boom is the only song people really know from them while Gfriend had 3-4 songs that got popular that had a similar sound. I understand why Momoland's company is doing it though.
No. 262462
>>262330>>262335I genuinely love NCT and hope the best for them. As they get more popular I hope NCTzens don’t turn into the next EXO-Ls and ARMYs.
They also give me more genuine vibes like SHINee rather than the fake vibes I get from a lot of SuJu and EXO members.‘Yestoday’ is my favorite song by them thus far and I love the M/V. Doyoung’s vocals are gorgeous.
No. 262745
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>>262330haechan was so cute in this interview…
also, the thought of nct being pushed in the west rubs me the wrong way for some reason. wish they'd hit big in asia.
hopefully nct china works out.
No. 262905
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The cow hybrid jimin tweet and the memes that came out of it are solid comedy gold and I can't stop grinning every time I remember it, it's just so absurd.
No. 262906
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>>261988He's gonna bring the manbun back, calling it
No. 262912
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>>262905Every time I see that it reminds me of this
No. 262914
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>>262905>>262912Why do they want him to be female so bad?
No. 262915
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>>262912why do people like this exist
No. 262929
>>262905I fucking love the cow jimin tweet, I know it just makes BTS fans looking fucking nuts but it's hilarious to me
>tfw no literal cow bf>>262912>>262914these just disgust me though. who makes these?? Male fans? Confused lesbians?
No. 262981
>>262906Damn, I wish I looked this good on my ID pic.
>>262914Few have seen the face of god and survived.
No. 263065
>>262980god i hate that shit. ffs he's a normal human male not a """smol bean precious mochi baby""" aghhhhh anyone who has ever unironically used the word smol should have their internet access taken away for the sake of my blood pressure
>>262912>>262914i can see the funny side of these and laugh at how mentally deranged these fans are but its also disgusting lol
No. 263257
>>262996Honestly both were such a joy.
So out of the loop for band/kpop top of my head I can only think of CNBlue, and Day 6.
No. 263423
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>>262905I find it even creepier since pic related exists and it's the only instance afaik of him in a cow outfit.
No. 263468
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I love Yubin, but the new style is just… no. Feels so out of place on her. She looks her best with blonde straight hair like in Unpretty Rapstar.
Also, I believe the lesbian rumors 100%. Girl was legit around writing that she wanted a "bottom bitch" on the internet.
No. 263486
>>263468I agree though i still like Lady
>>263473I don't think it's bad but I probably won't listen to it again. I really liked IJWD. It was one of the songs that got me into kpop.
No. 263743
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I became a Shawol a week before Jonghyun's death, but it's still had a great toll on me. Even now, I still can't watch anything SHINee related without getting upset, which is somewhat annoying as the only shinee content I've watched was during my first week.
What fucks me up the most about his death though, is that during the time he was killing himself, me and my friend were joking around and laughing at SHINee videos, without being aware that one of the members were dying at the very same second. I don't think I'll ever forget that Sunday because of it
No. 263751
>>263743>me and my friend were joking around and laughing at SHINee videos, without being aware that one of the members were dying at the very same second.there was no way you could have known
i was never a big shinee fan but i loved a few of their songs and now i cant listen to them the same way. i wont be listening to any of their comeback stuff either… just cant bring myself to
No. 263759
>>263751I understand why they are doing the comeback, and I think it's probably helping the band members through the rough times, but it is so tragic to me. It'll never be the same again. Idk why, I thought they would've disbanded.
Celebrity deaths usually don't affect me much, and I was never much a fan of SHINee (though I have gotten into them recently!) but something about his death really hurt. I guess because he just looked so sweet and happy in pictures/videos. Also his letter, like anon mentioned, was very relatable.
No. 263873
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>>263730found this a while ago browsing ao3 and your post reminded me of it. searched it up again just for you, anon.
fucked up enough for your liking?
No. 263930
>>263873oof, and i thought the daddy dom fanfics written by teens on wattpad were bad.
Do you think idols know about the shit some fans write?…
No. 263936
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>>263930some of them do. I think it was in the "Thanks to…" notes in You Never Walk Alone, but J-hope included the other members of BTS in his "Thanks to" and used the weird spelling of their names that kfans use (yoomgi,jwimin,etc.) to keep their fanfic from showing up in search results lol so it's safe to say they've read some fanfic. Also Jae from Day6 found some fanfic about himself on twitter and started contributing to it kek
No. 263996
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>>263873>that pic Uh… Sure Armys are creative…
No. 264220
>>264176i love/hate this song because i've been listening to it nonstop since it came out but i don't get tired of it.
I'm want the moment of "oh shit this song's kinda annoying" to come but it doesn't.
Kinda like with DNA i played it so much that i can't listen to it now without cringing
No. 264257
>>264220i’m like this with momoland’s latest song. i KNOW it’s basically just bboom bboom repackaged and that that song was plagiarized (which really really really rubs me the wrong way) but i still can’t stop listening to their new one. it’s too damn catchy.
i’ve lost count on how many times i’ve watched their mnet relay dance video.
No. 265234
>>264433She looks really pretty. Hopefully she's able to get more popularity now that Momoland is on the radar.
>>265215I feel the same way. I liked parts of Horololo by Exo-CBX but I hate the chorus so much.
No. 265502
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>>265234Horololo is such a joke. It's a lot like Lucifer or Firetruck in that it doesn't take itself too seriously. But Hey Mama and Blooming Day were okay imo and it's disappointing to see them come out with such a meh song for the memes.
OT but his face weirds me out. Either he overdid it with Meitu or something's gone horribly wrong during surgery.
No. 265516
>>265512I miss those shorts they had for their last promotion but those exposed navels are pretty rad.
Still pretty miffed that YG fucked up the Mixnine thing, only because it wasted rookie groups' time for absolutely nothing.
No. 265663
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>>264433Honestly I find both Yeonwoo and Jane to be prettier than Nancy. I don’t think Nancy is ugly by any means but there’s something so odd about her face- it’s like it’s way too small/narrow to fit her face but not in the ‘uwu small face’ way that the Korean ideal is all about but in a way that makes her head look oddly broad by comparison? Idk if I’m making any sense though
Pic related is Jane. I just find her so pretty for some reason- she kinda reminds me of Wendy but without the ridiculous jaw shave and incompetent stylists/makeup artists.
No. 265664
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There’s this Twitter poll from fifa asking what song they should play at the event and Fake Love is on there. Which is cool I’m all for it, but I saw this post and many alike and stuff like this irks me . How much more recognition do the armys think they need?BTS is already loved and supported by many people and have been promoted around the world so many times. It doesn’t matter if the other song wins? So what if they do play it? The people watching won’t be paying attention to what song they played they’re watching the game or whatever the fuck that event is
idk what I’m trying to get at but some armys piss me off
No. 265677
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>>265664The constant fighting between armys vs everyone else is so over the top. Blackpink ended up beating bts and psys record for the most views in 24 hours so there will probably be a lot more "pure blood armys".
No. 265722
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>>265664>>265677“i don’t care if we’re friends if u disagree w me unfollow!!” this is seriously preschool level smh
No. 265726
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>>265722>>265722of course the replies are equally histrionic.
>inb4 charge ur phone No. 265803
>>265797you can enjoy a group and still criticize the psychotic fans.
also, just like there are fangirls popping up in the anti thread from time to time, skeptics are inevitably gonna turn up in this thread too. so long as no-one derails too bad it should be fine.
No. 265819
>>265808I don't get this, is there actual proof for this. Not saying I don't believe it but the reverse happens as well; exo voting for bts.
>>265664Apparently bts WON the Instagram poll but no, armys have to keep whining about fakes and antis instead of celebrating their win, even though they claim they love bts so much. Imagine how embarrassed bts and exo must feel when they find out lol
No. 265988
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>>265663Same anon here. I also think Jane's pretty. I like that she's conventionally attractive but doesn't fall into some of the standards that are common for idols nowadays (egg-headed V-shaped face, tiny pointed nose, small upturned mouth). She reminds me of Mijoo from Loveleyz (check pic related).
No. 266258
>>259621I told myself I wasn't going to post in this thread but holy shit suga looks TRAGIC. I kept asking myself who the new member was.
also when ellen asks if rm has a gf and someone goes "me"…same tbh.
No. 266595
>>266585agreed. i like that she has such a low, kinda soul-esque voice too since it’s not too common among kpop girl singers. rosé has such a high-pitched, overly saccharine voice that sounds like a little girl but i think jisoo kind of counterbalances that in a way that makes them sound interesting together. i think they compliment each other very well.
i really wish jennie stick to rapping so they stop cutting jisoo’s lines short just to make room for jennie because jisoo is a way better singer while jennie is by far the best rapper of the group. i’d hesitate to even call jennie’s throaty shouting singing. it just sounds like she has trouble breathing and it stresses me out.
No. 266763
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>>266732Ahh, back when you couldn’t fathom anybody having a concert in the US, and if there was one it was always in Cali (and that basically started around 2011) Now you see all sorts of petitions for nugu groups to tour in the US, and we get all sorts of acts coming to olaces like texas. Hell, wanna one held a concert in the arena I had my high school graduation in. I couldnt have imaged that could have been a possibility back then listening to Super Junior or whatever in 2009. Sometimes I feel like a crazy old lady shaking her cane, “You kids have it so easy! We didnt get our artists on iTunes, and forget buying albums so easily on Amazon! If you didnt live near Koreatown, You had to go through sites like YesAsia and it took FIFTEEN DAYS for shipping.”
No. 266773
>>266265Juice was god-tier level of kekking. The whole mumble-rap was hilarious.
OT but I don't dislike this duet. His voice is super bland but for some reason it blends well with Jane Jang's.
No. 266859
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No. 266872
>>266859i'm probably biased since i almost only listen to older groups now, but to me the best thing about the old era (anywhere from until 2008 to 2012 depending on who you ask) was the variety shows and similar content. cassies had insane drama back then but the all about dbsk videos and the shows they were on made it easy to become a fan of someone because they gave each member a chance to shine. i feel like these days you hear the same stories on variety shows all the time and idols are more used to talking on things like v app than a tv show. i used to laugh so hard at dbsk varieties when jaejoong would start talking and a manager would step in to stop him because he was ruining the cold image they set for him.
i'm really glad stan twitter and current fan culture wasn't a thing in 2007 though. imagine the tweets from elfs and cassies and the fan wars between wonder girls and snsd. there's STILL very active yunjae shippers fighting online every week.
No. 266874
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>>266859Anybody remember that huge anti-snsd forum that would call members like Sunny whores because they were close to suju/dbsk members?
Oh god, that and those ‘kpop secrets’ livejournals
No. 267219
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>>267183what little i’ve seen of seventeen i like. the only reason i fear their popularity exploding is that carats seem to be some of the more peaceful kpop fandoms and it would suck for them to become the next ratmys
monsta x is nice and i’d love for them to get more recognition. kihyun gives me pretty strong suga vibes, both visually and personality-wise, though he lacks that pissy attitude that i’ve seen people complain about suga for. i think it’s pretty cute that the two of them are friends too lol
No. 267230
>>267053>I still hate him for disbanding WGMe too, anon. Twice will never compare.
Anyone looking forward to Mamamoo's Red Moon? I liked the sound in Starry Night and I'm happy that they're doing something similar.
I like how they're always testing new sounds
No. 267504
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Why are anas always so batshit?
No. 267510
>>267504wtf is it with jimin fans and being absolutely off the wall unhinged? didnt he already get a death threat scare when they went to the US?
>>267506im sure its been reported many times
No. 267523
>>267510I'm pretty sure he gets death threats every time they come to America.
No wonder they look so done with their fans nowadays kek They probably regret their success.
No. 267748
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I doubt her tits are actually that big. Before fans said her tits were naturally big because she was bigger or the fattychan of the group. After all the starving and cosmetic surgery weightloss, her tits look even bigger
No. 267749
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Padding or implants?
No. 267752
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No. 267754
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>>267510They cancelled one concert before because there was a twitter account making death threats and posting pictures of a gun.
I don't doubt it's just some nutty disappointed fangirl who can't stand the thought of her ~jiminie oppa~ having scandals or some shit. Googled the name a minute ago and it's already been posted all over IG and Amino, so I doubt it's something to worry about.
But man, talk about going off the rails. I was gonna ask whether the Beatles ever had this level of trouble with saesang fans but then I remembered John Lennon was
actually shot by a fan… lmao my b
No. 268896
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So, SM just announced three new SMRookies, all of them Chinese. Given NCT China’s debut is supposedly just around the corner, we’ll probably see them debut any second now. It’s obviously just speculation at this point but makes perfect sense.
SM was pushing the whole NCT18 thing with Empathy (since they were 18 members) so I think it’s a little odd they’re adding even more members in 2018 but I guess they need to increase the hype for NCT China so here we are.
Edited: Apparently some retard was running around spreading false information so I had to correct it. Xiaojun was born in ‘99, not ‘90.
No. 268903
>>268900my thoughts exactly lmao
i do think
>>268898 is cute too. maybe not a bombshell like the other two but he looks really interesting and pretty adorable to me. also he’s apparently from macau which is cool, don’t think we have a lot of kpop idols from there
No. 268904
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>>268903I like him too. he looks a little bit like doyoung and some other idol whose name I can't remember…
Xiao jun is going to be a bias wrecker for a lot of people. Those eyebrows are amazing, he gives me K.K. slider vibes in a major way. I still hope Lucas will be the main visual though.
No. 269263
>>269255beginning is pretty cringe
but i like that they sampled the message by grand master flash (at least thats what it sounds like)
No. 269410
>>269399oh no a celebrity said something racist 4 years ago
it’s embarassing to see so many fans wasting energy “dragging” him and defending him.
No. 269440
>>269434Here's the explanation for the word in Korea: you put it into google translate, here's what comes up:
> Usually when Koreans write a suffix called -new (-둥이), they write positive meaning such as cuteness and finesse.But the word 'nigger' (or ' nigger ') is an exception. The same is true of the English word "Negro", but in Korean, only the word "nigger" Stupid Let's be careful because certification that there is no liberalism can hit all kinds of bombings that become direct and spit from a vacancy.
> Let's not say that people like black people , Southeast Asia, Southwest Asian people are niggers or niggers. After all, Rover, East Asian and Koreans are not even saying what they say.There is a word for black people, 흑인.
No. 269530
>>269440Here, have a real translation.
"When most Koreans use the -둥이 suffix, it's usually meant for things small and cute, and is used in a positive connotation.But the word '깜둥이'(as well as '검둥이')is an exception.
It is similar to the English word 'Negro', but in Korean, the word 깜둥이 was used to mean people who are stupid or uneducated, so you need to be careful, since saying this in public can get your ass beat.
The reason for this is, the -둥이 suffix is only used for kids, REALLY little kids at that. You are treating them like a 3~4 year old based on their race and skincolor alone. And actually, the word -둥이 , even if it contains a positive connotation("cutie")if used towards mature adults that you aren't even close to, is really just the fucking worst."
No. 269610
>>269530thanks for the explanation anon.
it sounds kinda like the english word 'darkie' - yes its a cutesy, diminutive word, but that just adds to the insult because of the patronising effect.
No. 269977
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>>269592tfw the innuendos of the korean language are just too difficult for your stupid english brain to grasp
No. 270108
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What do y'all think of Imfact? I just discovered them recently and I've been enjoying their music, but they don't seem all that well known?
No. 273528
>>273492Thanks for recommending this, I really like it! Good taste anon.
No. 274130
>>273492>>273742excellent taste anons. their pre-accident music was good too (pretty pretty is still one of my favorite songs) but their later stuff is just so dreamy. both ashley and sojung's solo stuff was pretty meh to me. i liked sojungs song but got tired of it quickly.
you guys should check out some of yeseo's work. her stuff is really great imo.
No. 274172
>>273686I used to think she was just average but Jihyo really looks good with a tan. Too bad she probably won't keep it for a long time.
>>274060idk if he counts but probably jung jaewon. If not him then minhyun from w1 I guess.
on another note Loona is finally making their full debut soon. hopefully the title song isn't completely awful.
No. 274182
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>>274060i really just want to tie namjoon up and make him cry.
No. 274193
>>274172>having to divide a <4 minute long song between 12 different membersI do not envy whoever’s in charge of vocal arrangement. Chuu and Haseul are probably gonna hard carry for the weakest singers, too.
Pretty hyped, though, because Loona’s delivered way more than I had ever expected watching the teaser for the first girl.
No. 274379
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>>274060I want to dom Jungkook with Taehyung and make him cry. Then I'll have them double team me.
No. 274416
File: 1533070646625.jpeg (159.34 KB, 800x1199, CDFF77F9-6910-4BF9-904E-7075C2…)

>>274060Jaehyun or Lucas. I don’t see myself as dominant at all but I really want to tie them up and make them cry.
I also wouldn’t be opposed to eating Doyoung out.
No. 274423
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>>274416best boi with best thighs
No. 274908
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>>274379youre speaking my language anon
No. 275598
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So Hyuna and E'dawn have been dating for two years. Are you surprised or not?
When they denied it I thought it was just media play tbh. I'm surprised they admitted it. Does anyone else find it weird that members from 3 Cube groups + Hyuna all had dating rumors on the same day?
No. 275841
>>275598I knew it.
I just hope his fangirls don't harrass her
No. 279322
File: 1534068538182.png (767.33 KB, 641x850, 12.png)

>>279312your wish is my command anon
No. 279367
>>279349I expected a bit more. Still, I'm looking forward to their debut.
What's your favorite solo? I really like Egoist, new and Dancing in the Rain.
No. 279377
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>>279349I didn't know about them before the video, so I didn't expect anything, I liked the choreo and the song is decent.
Since you're here appreciating Jungkook, let me post Jungwoo just because I can.
No. 279378
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>>279377he's so fucking cute
No. 279417
File: 1534090231334.gif (2.41 MB, 540x220, original.gif)

>>279380He's so beautiful
>>279335You know you like it anon
No. 279580
File: 1534120157089.jpg (111.16 KB, 2048x1536, dHiHbvD.jpg)

New NCT teaser dropped today. At first I thought it was a new subunit announcement but based on what people are commenting it seems like a timeline? I still kinda think it's just a new subunit but it wouldn't surprise me if it is a timeline for the next releases. SM Cramming in 3 or more promotion cycles before the end of the year sounds like a nightmare though.
No. 279655
File: 1534140320877.png (341.32 KB, 1440x1529, n.png)

>>279580Well, one will be a new sub unit. I think dream might release something on the 25th, then nct china will debut sometime between mid september and october, and after that 127 will release something.
No. 280615
File: 1534345159186.jpg (131.21 KB, 1029x1376, IMG_20180815_083351.jpg)

there was another (alleged) sm schedule leak yesterday (i think)
>4 more months until nct china
kms if true. why'd they have to tease it so early?
No. 280893
File: 1534389632769.jpg (452.9 KB, 1500x2250, NCT-Dream.jpg)

>>280615Dream uploaded photo for latest comeback. I really hate the hair colors for almost everyone. Why so much yellow and orange? Love the dark hair on Mark though.
No. 280904
File: 1534393544658.jpg (47.04 KB, 564x846, 9b08cfed10cd220b539e5c868304e4…)

>>280902I noticed how photoshopped Chenle was too yeah. Haechan looks off too. I think I hate Renjun's yellow hair the most, at least the others have some tones of brown or orange.
Nothing can save yellow hair, and it doesn't look good on him. He looks so much better with dark hair.
Or maybe I just like natural hair colors on idols.
No. 281075
File: 1534419182599.jpeg (256.13 KB, 960x720, F17FF287-08C5-4D93-A16A-028F12…)

>>280904Renjun is so pretty ugh. I hate whoever gave him that brassy mustard blonde hair. Hope it fades to something at least marginally better.
He looked really nice during We Young era with sandy blonde hair imo. Jeno looked nice platinum blonde too.
No. 281205
File: 1534433502509.jpg (60.25 KB, 564x797, 5b0aa9ae8332026f3b0913f925f448…)

>>281075Is it bad that I liked Mark with this hairstyle? It was so cute and original. At least for the promotion, not sure how it looked in a casual day lol
No. 281216
File: 1534436515770.jpg (174.94 KB, 1242x1840, mullet (feat. xuxi).jpg)

>>281205Me fucking too. It was honestly one of my favorite hairstyles he's ever had.
TY has a baby mullet right now and I think I hate it. Don't like the color either, he looks better with unnatural colors or black imo.
No. 281220
File: 1534437091629.jpeg (87.19 KB, 960x1200, 1F15DD68-59A2-4272-918C-0A04C3…)

>>281216I got into NCT during Boss era but even having seen all the hairstyles/colors he’s had before (and now after) that I still think he looks the best with dark, blood red hair. Yes it’s Hot Topic MCR teen angst edgy but Taeyong’s overall look just screams that anyway so it fits perfectly imo lol.
Everyone looked amazing during Boss era. The styling was ridiculously nice too imo. I wonder if they kicked out their old stylist.
No. 281224
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>>281220He's probably the only idol that in my opinion could pull off pink hair. He looked the best in Cherry Bomb era.
Also, I hate to say this because I love Taeyong but is he looking weird to anyone else lately? I think he did something to his chin, it looks larger and I hate it.
He has one of the most beautiful faces in my opinion, even if some people here found him odd or weird looking. I guess I'll have to prepare myself for him to RUIN it completely.
No. 281233
File: 1534437908827.jpeg (59.78 KB, 1024x682, 196D4A90-CF16-4065-A74B-9E1B7A…)

>>281224I haven’t really thought about it? I love Taeyong but for his personality, not his looks. I think he looks amazing in certain styling and when he does no-one compares but without that I find other members nicer to look at. Now that you mentioned it I won’t be able to not look for it lol.
Also while we’re still nutting over best styling for NCT members, Doyoung looked so amazing in the Chain MV. That perfectly mussed hair styling framed his face nicely; I wish he’d kept it forever. He looked like some kind of doll to me, as tacky as that sounds lol.
No. 281234
>>281220Agreed, the edgelord look suits him so much better. And he said he used to listen to mcr so that makes it even more fitting kek.
>>281224The pink is great on him too, it looked really adorable in vid related.
lotta /nctzens/ out today
No. 281256
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>>281233Doyoung confuses me greatly, I find him attractive in some shots and really odd looking in others. Maybe it's his smile, it's a bit wide.
I did notice he looked especially good on Chain MV. BUt I was more surprised with Mark & Haechan, damn.
Chain was a terrible song though, I hated the background noises particularly.
No. 281258
File: 1534442996018.jpg (130.66 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_20180622_132501.jpg)

>>274060i want to bully jaehyun (but in a sexy way)
No. 281276
>>281258It would probably be easy since he's hands down the cringiest nct member, even worse than Johnny. He oozes timid bitch energy too
still so pretty despite that <3
No. 281277
>>281276"I used to be the sweetest boy ever till I found out being the baddest boy was better."
LOL that's terrible.
Another member like Taeyong that looks ten times better when he's not acting all "sweet" and childish. He looked so hot in Firetruck dance with the black hair and harder demeanor.
Let us not speak of Firetruck era clothes.
No. 281301
File: 1534450731349.gif (1.52 MB, 480x270, wtf.gif)

>>281293Haha I like Firetruck dance, but that part and the one where the members pick up WW and make him jump look odd and out of place with the other hard hitting moves.
Most of NCT dances have some really weird moves that would probably look really bad if only one member is doing them, but I think that's kind of what I like from their dances. They stand out with all the weird shit.
This part in Cherry bomb did make me burst out laughing though.
No. 281322
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>>281301Jungwoo's part in Boss always seemed funny to me, idk why.
No. 281325
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>>281322This dance move was exactly what I thought of when I read anons post lol it's so weird. He looks like he's advertising a used car sale.
No. 281327
File: 1534453595832.gif (2.12 MB, 480x270, pureswag.gif)

>>281322I find more funny the part after Mark and Taeyong's rap ends and they all jump like idiots. I think it's supposed to be all swag like, but Doyoung and Jungwoo crack me up lol.
No. 281332
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If we're going to talk about bad dances, I really don't like Monsta X's dance for Jealousy. It's not terrible, but I just find some moves weird (shoelace tying part) and hate the styling sooo much.
And for some reason I get annoyed at this part with Hyungwon, it's cringy. If Taeyong really suits pink hair, he's the complete oposite. I really dislike that hair and outfit on him. He was so cute on the Hero mv what happened?
No. 281338
>>281331Maybe, I don't really know anything.
>>281327That looks awkward, what are they even doing?
>>281332It's not bad but I don't really get the part in Seventeen's Clap choreo (starting from 3:50), I like it up until that and then it gets annoyingly sexual.
No. 281341
>>281338Lol THAT's sexual? Rotating your hips for 5 seconds? Quite a label for such a small part. If we're talking about annoying "sexy" moves I would nominate The Eve. I don't get why so many fan girls losed their minds with that dance, it was meh.
I think from Seventeen CLAP's choreo is the one I dislike the most yeah, I also can't help but compare S.Coups part to Taemin's in MOVE. It feels really stolen, unless it's a known dance and I've never seen it somewhere else.
No. 281360
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>>281353I love the original tweet, it's cringey in a funny way.
No. 281363
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>>281353mark is disgraceful
No. 281368
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>>281363How can someone be so awkward even when tweeting? LOL the Hahaha on both tweets. I love him too, a complete dork.
No. 281369
File: 1534460649620.gif (2.03 MB, 540x229, original.gif)

jin's part in mic drop seems weird and unnecessary tbh
No. 281371
>>281369Jin is usually unnecesary lol. I don't hate him but he really seems disconnected from the rest of the group and his parts always stand out to me in the wrong way.
You can tell the dude didn't want to be a singer/idol whatever from the start and just went along with it. I hope they give him actor roles and he can branch out.
No. 281372
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>>281369>>281371oh god, also this. i don't mind him that much either, but… eh
No. 281381
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Why are all the Taeyong, Taeyang whatever so fine? Damn… He looked good on the Now or Never MV too.
No. 281389
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>>281386Moonwalking looked better in MV yeah, but I still liked it. Also if Chani ever changes his nose I'll be super dissapointed, I love larger noses. Not like Rowoon, the wax figure. He looks so plastic nowadays, especially with the makeup in this comeback, so shiny.
No. 281391
File: 1534463574230.jpg (67.33 KB, 367x550, flat,550x550,075,f.u2.jpg)

>>281389agreed anon. taeyang is still the best boy imo. i'm glad to see another sf9 fan though, since o sole mio they're title tracks have been really good. i cant decide if now or never or mamma mia is my favorite.
No. 281395
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>>281391Mamma mia got stuck in my head so much more, but I like both quite a bit. Taeyang in that suit dance practice looks so goood.
Bonus Hwiyoung.
No. 281396
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>>281395Kind of random but did anyone else think Taeyang was Japanese at first? I don't know why, maybe because he reminds me of Yamamoto Yusuke, of dude's a lot more pretty.
No. 281676
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SMRookies updated their Twitter and in addition to being extremely annoyed at the fact that Hendery was hiding half his face behind a mug so I still don’t have a proper pic of what he looks like rn because he looks different in every single fucking picture I see, I’m sincerely sorry to the visual line. Hendery and Xiaojun have insane profiles. I’m sorry Taeyong. Only Lucc stands up to them now.
No. 281688
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>>281676Was hendery the other cantonese one? His eyes are similar to xuxi's. Like him the most of the three, xiaojun is way twiggier than I thought he'd be.
But speaking of xuxi, I'm so excited about him being on LoTJ. He's gotten a LOT of work considering he only debuted like 6 months ago and doesn't fucking speak korean lmao. He'll be on knowing bros tomorrow too.
No. 281697
>>281688Yeh, he’s from Macau. I’m the opposite because I was actually hoping Hendery would be twiggier.. hopefully it’s just an oversized shirt/tee combo. I’m so weak for smol twiggy twinks with big doe eyes. From his ~official~ SMR pic he looks like Doyoung’s his momma and Kyuhyun’s his daddy so he’d basically be Doe-Eye Jesus if he really looks like that lol.
I’ve never watch LoTJ before but if Xuxi’s in it fuck yeah I’m gonna watch. Do they have the full episodes on YouTube or is there anywhere else you need to watch it?
No. 281704
>>281676Wow they are REALLY cute. Hendery is ten times more good looking that his first picture, I though I was going to like xiaojun more, but now I'm not so sure. Yang looks like baby Taeil too.
I wish NCT stopped adding members though, it's interesting but it's getting super crowded. Also, I'm comflicted by the fact that new rookies are so young and I'm older lol. Stop making me feel like a creep kpop!
No. 281719
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>>281705I feel like Yan An from Pentagon is so underrated, I'm glad he's gaining some recognition through that Chinese show.
No. 281724
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>>281719Give him a few years for his face to look more grown up and he'll be even hotter. I think more underrated is Shin Won, I don't see much people talking about his looks but I really like his face, especially his eyes, kind of cat like. I was drawn to him on the Runaway MV.
Honestly, all visuals on Pentagon.
No. 281956
>>281697I usually watch it here't remember when it's gonna air though. He just got back from filming the other day so probably not too soon.
>I’m so weak for smol twiggy twinks with big doe eyesI love them too (though I do prefer doe eyed chads with pretty lips like xuxi, my ult) but xj has sharper facial features. Guys like him look better athletic/lean rather than super twiggy to me.
No. 282009
>>281956ah thanks, hopefully we get to see it soon.
>but xj has sharper facial features. Guys like him look better athletic/lean rather than super twiggy to me.yeah, i do think xiaojun will look the best lean/toned. i just think hendery would look really cute/pretty as a smol twiggy twink bc he has those doe eyes + his facial features are quite soft, whereas with xiaojun his features are sharp and refined but distinctly masculine.
TL;DR xuxi is a doe-eyed chad, xj looks like a chad in the making and hendery looks like a doe-eyed twink
i want them to debut so bad but we’ve already had the nct 2018 yearbook + the fact that they’ve been pushing the 18 concept so hard so we prob won’t see them debut until next year even though nct china is set to debut this year. :(
No. 282175
File: 1534630907446.webm (Spoiler Image,702.62 KB, 720x720, neko neko nii.webm)

>>282009If the leak was true, nct china will be in December… I doubt they care enough about the whole 18 thing to bar the rookies from debuting with them at that point. If they do, maybe they'll push it to January 2019. Or they'll get thrown in the sm dungeon/get moved to nct deadweight until a future nct china comeback… rip
webm unrelated
No. 284598
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>>284510Cute, but I wish Chenle's hair was green like how it looked in the preview. Still not really sold on anyone's hair color except Mark.
Johnny finally has the dark hair again, but it's not black :( I don't think Johnny will ever look as good as he did during cherry bomb era again
No. 286221
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Apparently xiaojun is a manlet a la ten kek. Has he grown since this video or is he really this short?
No. 286459
>>286221now i’m sad. i was hoping he’d be a chad. guess that makes him a chadlet?
please please please tell me hendery and yangyang are twinklets
in hendery’s predebut pics with his girl squad he’s basically the same height as themalso when was this?
No. 286476
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>>286465while i don’t think he’s overrated he’s pretty much renjun’s only competition for tiniest member of ntitty. renjun who, may i remind you —
No. 286483
File: 1535452135878.jpg (35.56 KB, 460x690, the-absolute-state-of-10.jpg)

>>286465He's like 5'2". I think it's cute, but I agree that he's pretty overrated. There are
some interesting things about his music, but they're watered down by that boring troye sivan shit. Baby don't stop was great though.
>>286461Ohhhh, wasn't irreplaceable baby the hidden trainee who was super young? It would make sense for him to be that tiny.
No. 286491
>>286483i doubt he’s that short. in your pic he’s standing behind xuxi who’s a six-foot-something titan.
in that group performance where ten was dancing with blackpink’s lisa they were about the same height (maybe he was a few cm shorter) and she’s 5’6”.
No. 286506
File: 1535454626199.jpg (224 KB, 800x1200, DXPjiUnUMAAhNl2.jpg)

>>2864915'2" might've been an exaggeration, but still. Here he is next to mark and winwin.
No. 286698
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I know people have joked about SM idols being clones of each other for years but the little bit of cassiopeia in me that never died melts a bit with NCT. I don't actually always see that much of Jaejoong in Taeyong but there's also Jaehyun literally being called Jung Yunho. Even when I was a diehard cassie I was only at all attracted to Jaejoong, Yunho and Yoochun (no comment now) so being really into so many members of a group is a new feeling. They have some really great dancers and vocalists so I hope they get to show that off well but they really are one of the best groups visually imo
No. 286850
>>286845They’ve been wanting a group like that for years now tho super junior was supposed to have the same concept with graduating members but they pussied out because the fan support was too strong for the members.
SM wants their own morning musume so bad
No. 286876
>>286872more dudes means less focus on my favorite, though.
then again i suppose i wouldn't mind it if sm didn't shoehorn taeyong and markus into everything.
No. 287532
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>>281224I'm the anon that mentioned Taeyong was looking off lately. I just saw this picture, what the hell I may actually cry. Why touch his face? Another big chin idol now. I loved his face and now I'm so so sad…
Am I the only one? His jaw was a lot squarer before. I haven't seen other people talking about it.
No. 287538
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>>287532Compared to before.
No. 287556
File: 1535574566597.jpg (577.41 KB, 1080x697, 38462093_246612262646011_72703…)

>>287551I looked for some more recent pictures and you may be right, or maybe he had fillers and it was swollen? But for a couple of months I did see him off. Especially on this photoshoot, his face looks so long there.
He definitely had something done and it may be better now. I really hope they don't fuck up with anyone's face, SM is worrying.
No. 287594
File: 1535576354217.jpg (175.27 KB, 1000x1500, yummy arm veins.jpg)

>>287556He looks the same in this recent one (taken by a fansite last week). His mullet is out of control tho.
No. 287614
>>287594Well, even if he did something I'm happy it was not permanent. I guess I'm afraid of SM ruining his face since it happened with too many other idols already.
And yes, I'm too emotionally invested in this lol it's because he's my favorite from NCT sorry.
No. 287820
>>287789this is not what i was expecting. and i don't how to feel?
the song sounds really empty.
No. 287847
>>287820Yeah, I felt the same way about their last comeback (which I actually liked more, it was less generic). Lowkey wish they'd graduate the current dreamies and go back to songs like chewing gum. Seeing a boy group sing such cutesy stuff was a big part of why I liked dream.
Everyone looked very cute though and that's 80% of what I care about in NCT mvs at the end of the day. I follow them for their personality, looks, and dancing rather than the music. That goes double for dream now.
No. 290111
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The SMRookies have uploaded more pics today. It’s insane how beautiful they are.
In the order they were posted: Hendery, Xiaojun and Yangyang
No. 290228
File: 1536012835023.jpg (121.38 KB, 852x1136, jn.jpg)

>>290111Hendery best boi
Anyone listen to the rest of NCT Dream's mini album yet? And did anyone else see these /fa/-teir pics of Johnny from the other day? He'd fit in to that meetup pic kek
No. 292004
>>291992it's from this lol. considering he LiVeD iN aMeRiCa fOr 4 yEaRs, maybe this was from his esl classes or something?
i think about it every time a thread gets derailed on /pt/ or /snow/ now
No. 292035
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>>291834jeffrey’s dark past is literally perfect for this entire site but if you’d post outside a kpop thread they’ll reeee at you for being a pesky kboo
kinda sad tbh, that part of the vid was made for /snow/ and /pt/
No. 292160
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here's this one too while i'm jeffposting
No. 292246
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>>292160What's the point of being into people who've had plastic surgery? It's like being attracted to a drawing; it's all fake. idgi
Plus this shit is reminiscent of how men go on about shooped pornstars and not-pornstars like Tila Tequila. Learn to love yourselves
No. 292485
>>292269This. What an idiot.
>>292246You sound like one of those naive people that think people that get plastic surgery automatically end up with the person looking like Jocelyn wilderstein.
No. 292881
File: 1536409652201.jpeg (168.44 KB, 1277x881, EBD7AB00-22CB-47FD-8BB1-6D7A13…)

how do all my czennies feel abt xuxi’s latest hairstyle?
he looks more like minho than ever but idk i can’t quite get behind it… his hairstyle since debut has been so perfect i feel like this is a downgrade it’s just not up to par imo
No. 292890
>>292881This haircut definitely gives him strong Minho vibes but I don't think he pull off the short bangs as well. I also think the black is too harsh on him.
It's really amazing how similar their eye / nose area is.
No. 292924
>>292881It's not that bad, but I miss his old haircut. It was perfect.
>>292908Yeah, he's gonna be on real men 300
No. 292946
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>>292881He looked 20+ with longer hair and now he looks 5 lol. Lighter color suits him better.
No. 292950
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>>292946Doesn't help that he had the same haircut when he was 5.
And, uh… Ginger jungwoo, eh? Okay. I guess.
No. 292958
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>>292956It is nice to see him again… But he looks so much better with cool colors, black, or grey to me. I'm still not over pic related, this was such a look (aside from that awkward bit of grey near the roots)
No. 292984
File: 1536431980062.jpeg (Spoiler Image,99.18 KB, 628x1024, 575824A4-9D30-4EF8-AA5C-27C19F…)

>>274060this ask is old as fuck but we’re on anon so i might as well dump this confession here
i wanna press doyoung down and lick his nipples and bite/play with his chest
maybe this is just my bisexual fujo ass speaking idk i just have this thing for nice chests and his just looks so suckable n squeezable whenever he wears a tight top
like he’s toned but still v lean and twinky and his chest is just the perfect middle-ground if that makes sense idk No. 293063
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>>292985My favorite in NCT will always be Taeyong, but I remember really liking Doyoung in the Seventh sense video. The little eyebrow raise had me like hello theeere. As well as his voice.
Did anyone else really like the styling of Seventh Sense? A lot of fans always highlight all styling prior to Boss as terrible, but I really liked it. The outfit Mark had with the yellow sleeves was so cute on him too. All the concept photos are so good and I actually have some of them as my Desktop background. would love to see the whole team with this style.
No. 293073
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>>292997Probably is that god awful jaw shave. He still looks really nice overall.
No. 293077
>>293073Yeah, he looks fine from certain angles. I like glasses on him, they balance his face out.
BTW the outfits in this performance are amazing, unlike suits that hike up (is this the right word?) and seem uncomfortable to dance in.
>>293072I like him in NCT but he seems like that kind of person who takes up all the space around them and draws attention to themselves no matter what, they're exhausting to be around irl, at least for me. That's what makes him a good entertainer though.
No. 293218
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>>274423The Xuxi/Mark size difference is seriously the cutest thing ever. I love how they’re the same age, Mark looks 5 but acts 25 and Xuxi looks 25 but acts 5 lmao.
On that note, does anyone on here ship members together / read slash? What do you ship?
No. 293307
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>>293073He reminds me of a Barbie doll. Not a Ken, a Barbie. His features are so insanely small and delicate save for his eyes it’s insane.
I think he’s aesthetically pleasing to look at but I can see why some people would be thrown off. It can look a little uncanny at times, pic related (spoiler bc it kinda freaked me out when I first saw it lol).
Jaehyun on the other hand looks like a whole Ken doll kek
No. 293371
>>293347this is a good list
i literally love all of them so mine is a total mess:
> doyoung ♡♡♡♡♡> renjun/jeno ♡♡♡> winwin> jeffrey> mark / xuxi / nanahyuck’s been wrecking me lately bc honestly 00-line is my fave line
other honorary mentions: johnyong, junguwu and kun. dream is the superior unit and are all pretty close in rank.
i also see myself being wrecked by hendrix and the other china newbies in the future.
No. 293442
>>293371yours is pretty good too. I was also going to put Junguwu and Kun in my hms, but I just haven't seen enough from them yet
>i also see myself being wrecked by hendrix and the other china newbies in the too for Hendery. not sure about the other two… really depends on what their personalities are like.
No. 293460
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>>293442i already have an unhealthy obsession with hendery and looking at his predebut/recent pics i’m so damn curious about him ahh
he looks like a different person in every single pic and while the other two have already created a bit of a persona for themselves in my eyes (xj being serious and eloquent; yy being heppy uwu) hendery’s notes and predebut pics clash with how deadpan he’s looked ever since he was revealed and i can’t wait to get to know him
also he has a girl squad how cute is that No. 293485
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Any #Winwinsupremacists here? TBH I'm not even sure why he's my favorite, I wouldn't say he stands out in terms of talent/looks in the context of NCT or that he's an underrated gem or anything (personally I'm still waiting for Yuta to get his comeup), but something about him is incredibly endearing to me. Also I understand the feel of being in a foreign country and never understanding wtf is going on lol
No. 293489
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>>293485Right here.
I didn't care for him at all when I first got into he's my husbando.
Maybe it's how silly he can be? Without even trying to, I guess.
No. 293493
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i'm actually scrapping my entire bias list; i only care about farmer taeyong now
No. 293521
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>>293493oh god yes, Taeyong with glasses. I've never been so obsessed with someone's face before. To me he beats everyone in looks, even new China line; although Xiaojun has a very similar vibe to TY and I'm probably going to love him too.
Does anyone else ever think about their sexual preferences? I kind of hope TY's not gay. I would be happy for him if he was, but it kind of kills my attraction. Like for example, I really like Ten but I'm never attracted to him since I can tell he's gay, same with Winwin although I have my doubts sometimes about him. I hope this doesn't sound bad, I really have no problem with any of them being gay. And in theory you can still fantasize about them if they are, but it kind of ruins it to me. Anyone else feel the same or am I sounding like a huge asshole? Sorry in advance if I am. I would still love all of them, I will always like Taeyong mostly because I just find his stage presence incredible.
No. 293561
>>293371Haechan has been wrecking me too lately. He's real young, but after I saw this fancam of him I was like daaamn, especially with that move around 01:33. I also love his voice so much, it's so unique. I remember it stand out so much to me on Firetruck.
Also I agree that WinWin with glasses was top notch. Also in the Chain MV, he should use them more often.
No. 293640
>>293485Winko was my favorite even before I got into NCT. I still consider him one of my biases but Doyoung is my ult.
>>293521I personally love Taeyong but for his personality, I don’t find him the most good-looking. To me Xuxi, Winko, Nana and now Xiaojun are by far the most beautiful members. Jeffrey, Jeno, Renjun and (sometimes) Doyoung and Ten are also up there. I envision Henderson wrecking everyone in terms of visuals too judging by his killer side profile and looking like Ten’s goth sister.
Taeyong looks incredible sometimes but his features sometimes look really odd to me and these members look stunning literally all the time no matter how horrid the styling.
No. 293675
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this made me think of yall
i can’t stop snickering
No. 293697
>>293686I just preordered it this morning. I loved Youngjae's and Jinyoung's solos, and I'm happy Jackson doesn't seem to be forcing his voice this time around. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the songs.
I'm quite disappointed the photobook is random but I like all seven so I guess it's okay.
No. 293851
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>>293697I'm also a bit disappointed that the photobooks are random - I really hope I'll get Jinyoung's but I somehow always end up with Jackson's versions.
I hope you get the photobook you want, anon!
No. 293872
>>293855kek yw fam
with all the insane kpop cow fetish imagines/fanfics/fanart out there i feel like we should be able to make at least one banner
No. 293964
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>>293908I wouldn't be surprised if they printed more of one member than another tbh but wouldn't they have more of printing less of the popular ones so crazy fans but 20 albums to get the right photobook?
Maybe you can look up amino or some kpop/got7 communities and find someone to swap with!
Jackson is decently popular and I'm sure you would find someone!
Please post which version you got, worst case maybe some farmers can swap!
What really irks me is that the 'right' photobook never guarantees good photocards - with the Turbulence album I got the most awkward looking card of Yugyeom and nobody wants to take it off me, fml
Picture very related
No. 294222
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>tfw no creamy bf>>294137holy fuck.
No. 294438
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>>294137He looks like a prince or a fairy
No. 294445
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No. 294465
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>>294456>His features give the same effect but are more refined and look far more natural and harmonic.No wonder he's so pleasant to look at lol
No. 294466
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>>294456he really does look like a human, chinese version of ty. that said, I still prefer normal ty and his wonky face.
fuck, nct china's visuals are going to be insane
No. 294478
>>294466>fuck, nct china's visuals are going to be insanetbh this will be the most visual nct unit by far and i’d argue they’ll be leaving most other boy groups behind in the dust
winwin and renjun are breathtaking, kun and chenle look super soft and squishable, yukhei and xiaojun are ridiculously handsome + the visuals of the century, hendery and yangyang are insanely pretty and soft-looking…
the best of everything really
No. 294487
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>>294466Agree, he really reminds me of TY too and he's beautiful, but TY's still best since I love how squarish his face is too.
Xiao has a very V line jaw, he's going to be veeery popular with koreans. I'm more thirsty for Hendery photos right now, his initial photo had me meh, but he looks super good on the other ones.
Also, bring back green hair Taeyong, ok thanks.
No. 294491
>>294484I'm curious too. How is this group going to look? Any ideas about vocal/rapper/dancer positions? I don't get rapper vibes from the Rookies, maybe Xiao? That would make comparisons with TY even bigger.
I don't see Ten being in the group. I always got a vibe from him that he prefers solo work, and he suits solo work a lot. Lucas I see as a better fit for 127, he looks a lot older than the other Chinese members. He would stand out so much, since other members are a lot shorter than him.
I imagine vocal Chenle, Renjun, and Kun. Dancer Winwin (hope he gets lines lol) and a rookie (maybe Yang?), and for rapper one or two of the new kids. What do you guys think?
No. 294494
>>294484Isn't Lucas also part Thai? Maybe he'll be added to an NCT Thai with Ten if there is one in the future. Clearly SM is capitalizing on the idea of NCT groups for each country.
Didn't Ten once say something about him "having a new friend" on a Vlive? Maybe he just meant a new member, and not a Thai one. Or I'm remembering that wrong.
How old is Kun? I really feel NCT China will be younger looking members.
No. 294499
>>294491Xiaojun is a vocalist and an amazing one at that. If you prod around a bit you’ll find vids from a Chinese talent show or w/e he went on before he was scouted by SM.
I’m honestly hoping Ten won’t be in this unit; I like him a lot but he’s had a ton of work including solo already and most Chinese members haven’t ever gotten the chance to shine properly.
Not to mention that although he’s ethnically Chinese Ten doesn’t speak the language AFAIK and doesn’t identify with the culture etc. so it makes no sense to put him in that unit. Plus, he wasn’t on the NCT China live which I feel may be a hint as to him not being a member, at least not permanently.
No. 294504
>>294491>Xuxi - rapper, lead dancer, visual?>Chenle - vocal>Winwin - see xuxi (unless he's a vocal now)>Xiaojun - visual, lead vocal?>Kun - vocal, leader>Renjun - vocal, idk>Ten? - lead dancer, lead vocal?>Gang gang - uh…>Hen deary - guessI really think XJ lead vocal will be if ten isn't in the group and maybe they'll both be lead if he is. Kun has a nice voice (as seen in the Chinese version of Without You), so does renjun, but I doubt they'll get it. I want it to be Chenle, but there's no way they'll give it to him. I kind of doubt the other new boys are as good as him, so that just leaves him.
No. 294505
>>294494Kun is born in 96 (along with Ten and Doyoung) so he’s 22 internationally.
>>294487>I'm more thirsty for Hendery photos right now, his initial photo had me meh, but he looks super good on the other ones. I’m highkey obsessed with Hendery, he just fascinates me for some reason (may have something to do with him looking like a different person in every single photo kek). He was introduced after Xiaojun so I’m hoping he’ll get a similar vid soon.
No. 294511
>>294504>Xuxi - rapper, leader?>Chenle - vocal>Winwin - dancer, vocal>Xiaojun - vocal, visual>Kun - leader?, vocal>Renjun - vocal>YangYang - ?>Hendery - ?I know nothing of Kun, he's the oldest so I'm guessing he'll be the leader, even though he doesn't give me Leader vibes. Maybe Lucas since he's really popular right now.
I would be SO surprised if Yang ends up being a rapper. I also have a feeling Ten won't be there, but who knows, I don't really feel he has a group (I know he's U, but he didn't even promote on Boss) so maybe China will be his official group. I would prefer him to remain solo, and maybe promote in a future Thai unit.
No. 294515
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>>294511But look-ass is too dumb to be leader. Kun is the most responsible, mom-ish member of NCT so it would make more sense for it to be him.
>I would prefer him to remain solo, and maybe promote in a future Thai unit.Same, he wouldn't fit this group very well.
No. 294516
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>>294515Lol, yes, now that you mention it I don't see Lucas a the leader either. He's the most teenager like of the bunch, Kun is the better choice.
And yes, more Hendery please. I hope his video is next. Yang gives me "happy virus" vibes, although I hate that stupid term and I hope he's not like that. It alway comes across as super fake to me, like J-hope. It must be such a burden on the idol to act happy all the time.
I also lowkey hate the name, also hate WinWin as a name. Or Bangbang. Come on, they're grown men people, stop giving them silly names.
No. 294691
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>>294515>Kun is the most responsible, mom-ish member of NCT so it would make more sense for it to be him.Kun and Doyoung are the most motherlike in NCT and although Doyoung doesn’t give me leader vibes whatsoever I do think Kun has a lot of potential. He reminds me of a single mom who has to play both the dad and mom roles at the same time lol
dy is more of a mom-mom>>294516>I also lowkey hate the name, also hate WinWin as a name. Or Bangbang. Come on, they're grown men people, stop giving them silly names.Yangyang is his real name… He mentioned in his note or w/e that he never had a nickname because people just assumed his real name was a nickname lmao
also ‘winwin’ and ‘bambam’ are cute af especially knowing winwin is yuta’s winko<3 but they do sound really childish lol. didn’t bambam become that kid’s “real” nickname since using a thai person’s real name is considered rude though?Now Hendery on the other hand.
I’ve already claimed Hendery as my goth gf but I have to admit I have no fucking idea why they gave him an obscure surname as a stage name
Like I get Guanheng/Kunhang is a mouthful but couldn’t they have thought of something more… Not-Hendery?
tho if hendery is actually his real international name i’ll feel rly bad for clowning him for it No. 294706
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>>294691YangYang is his real name? lol now I feel bad for making fun of it. Considering it's real it's a lot cuter that way.
Also, I think I read somewhere that Hendery is his English name, but I may be mistaken since I can't see it on his online profile and Hendery is marked as stage name. Is the name from somewhere? I'm not familiar with it.
Also, more Xiao Jun photos.
No. 294716
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>>294706>>294707taeyong found dead in a ditch
jk i love yongie and his slightly wonky face but this guy really is a sight for sore eyes
also i thought abt spamming his pics but i’m always spamming rookie pics so thank u for instigating this one
No. 294723
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Is Xiao short? If he was a rapper I would be so whipped already.
Idols are super cute, but so short most of the time, until I saw Pentagon's giant. Damn, I'm in love, he just looks like one of those giant teddybear boyfriends.
No. 294725
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>>294716fighting off the need to spam qt nct pics is a herculean task
No. 294728
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>>294723>Is Xiao short?No one knows the rookies’ height but they all seem to be equally tall so if we know one we’ll know the rest lol. XJ being short (5’3) is a meme/misconception from when a bunch of fans mistook a very young trainee (Irreplaceable Baby) for him.
>If he was a rapper I would be so whipped already. He’s a vocalist but those sometimes rap every once in a while so who knows.
>>294725it is, isn’t it?
No. 294738
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>>294516>I also lowkey hate the name, also hate WinWin as a name. Or Bangbang. Come on, they're grown men people, stop giving them silly names.forgot to mention this when i replied to you before but before his name was revealed hendery used to be called clapclap lmao
his first(?) fansite still has that name
pic related is him with his sister. i was hoping these pics would be somewhat recent and he was smol and around his sister’s height but in some pics where he looks older he’s a head taller than the ladies he’s standing next to so tough luck. (i’m clinging to the hope that they weren’t the same as the other ppl and super short.)
No. 294742
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>>294740hendrix pix with his girl squad never fail to put a smile on my face.
No. 294743
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>>294742moar girl squad
he looks so serious in the official pics. i hope we’ll get to see him smile more soon.
yes i have hendery autism
No. 295009
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Confession time, I'm kind of thirsty for the Dreamies lately, and I'm definitely older than them… Feeling like a creep here guys lol and now including the new rookies, dammit SM please stop with the cute YOUNG guys.
No. 295021
After thinking about it a little more, I hope ten won't be in nct china. I didn't care at first but now that we have the rookies, there's literally no point in including him. He wouldn't add anything.
>>295009that bitch is gettin fucking bulky, damn
No. 295031
>>295021I like Ten but I feel he gets overpowered by other members constantly. It's only my opinion, but on the Baby don't stop MV I could only look at Taeyong, and Ten is the better dancer supposedly. But he doesn't grab my attention as much.
I feel with the rookies on the team, he would have the same problem. I really think he should remain a solo artist.
No. 295151
>>295034Just listened to the full song wtf I don't get it, do they want to fill me up with something or are they swallowing something from me? lol Gross SM, I don't need a 16 year old telling me to swallow his everything.
It's kind of like NCT 127 albums, there's always THAT suggestive song, like Baby don't like it or Whiplash. Dream really didn't need one.
I can just image them performing this live, how uncomfortable would that be? lol and not because they are "pure angels" (I hate fans that think that way) but because this is sooo cringe. Even Haechan looked really uncomfortable on that video where he was reading the lyrics.
No. 295250
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>>295009I’m attracted to Jeno and born in 96 AKA same age as his mom Doyoung and I feel awful about it.
No. 295279
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chenle is so freaking adorable, i want my little brother to grow up to be just like him
No. 295281
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>>295262he’s so pretty what the fuck
No. 295283
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>>295262i can finally recognize him from his first official pic
we’ve come full circle
No. 295284
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>>295283he looks like doyoung here.
No. 295290
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>>295279he's the most precious dreamie imo but jisung is a close second
No. 295448
>>295290I love Renjun, he's so small and cute, especially on all the We Young fancams. And he looks soo cute with glasses too.
I feel kind of bad for him since he's staying extra small compared to the rest lol, manlet status, but I still like him so much. He's going to look really tiny on NCT China unless the rookies are smaller than him, which I doubt.
Did anyone see the Weekly Idol episode with Dream? I smiled so hard.
No. 295457
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i kinda wish we could make a discord for nct or something since there seems to be quite a few czennie farmers on here. this thread is so cozy + no one gets lynched for being critical of certain things/members.
>>295448renjun is super adorable but also kinda feisty which makes him even cuter to me. he reminds me of a sassy little sister who has zingers for everything.
i love how he’s not just short but genuinely petite; literally everything about him is so small and dainty and doll-like. i also love how several of the dream choreographies involve throwing him around lol
No. 295520
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>>295457Yes! loving all the NCT fans here, it's nice to be able to talk about them withouth having to act like they are gods or something. Fans are too dramatic. I love me some cute boys, that's about it.
>>295250I'm older than his mom and also attracted to Jeno too when he's serious, but when he smiles I just melt so much with adorableness. It's a conflicting feeling lol. His eyes are the cutest thing ever. I love that Weekly Idol episode where Coni tells him his smile is cute and he gets all shy and smiley. Gif related.
No. 295532
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>mfw you replied to two of my postsokay firstly
>it's nice to be able to talk about them withouth having to act like they are gods or somethingikr it’s so refreshing. i like all members and don’t have any unpopular nct opinions (that i know of) but it’s so much more relaxed when you don’t have that ‘worship or else!!’ stan twt mindset hanging over your head. the overanalyzing everything they do and creating deep philosophical theories about m/vs can also freak me out a little.
>but when he smiles I just melt so much with adorablenessi want to baby him so much. he might actually be the cutest member to me just bc of all these little quirks like the ones you mentioned and his shyness and eye smile are too adorable for words. he looks so handsome and serious in many pics which draws me in and is just so attractive to me but he’s really the uwuest uwuwuwuwuw. doyoung cannot be blamed. (like you said, it’s a conflicting feeling lol.)
once again i’m sorry for spamming the thread with hendery content but he’s just so pretty? his cute smile and little giggle and iMMITATINF THE CAT BELLY SOUNDS oh my god what a cutie. pic very much related.
No. 295562
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>>295532I'm really excited to see more pics of hen tomorrow, he'll surely get some black and white ones like xj did. He looks so good from the angle in pic related. His video was cute, but I don't think the styling fit him as well as it did xj. Yangyang will probably look great with that styling though.
No. 295680
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>>295457When you mentioned that Renjun is feisty I remembered this comic kek
Considering we're open to criticizing members with no backlash, am I the only one that is not attracted to Lucas? I don't know why, he's super handsome and I remember when I saw him on the NCT yearbook I was blown away with how pretty he was. I don't get why so much hype with him. Maybe because he's more manly looking than other idols? More western than korean beauty.
I have the same problem with Yuta, there's something freaky about Yuta's face that I can't pin point and I don't find him attractive. Maybe he would look better with darker hair again, he's been rocking the light hair for a while now and it doesn't suit him.
I think I find members attractive if they have great stage presence. I'm the anon that mentioned was liking Haechan a lot recently, and I don't think he's very good looking (with no styling he would look super average) but he has a certain gaze when he perfoms that I love.
Lastly, I'm in love with Hendery's eyes. The anon that mentioned they like doe eyed twinks got it right, he really fits that description. He reminds me more of TY that Xiao because he also has those big black eyes.
No. 295681
>>295680I think Lucas has one of the strongest stage presences in nct. Granted, he can only perform 2 songs, but still. Here's a famcam of his first performance.
>there's something freaky about Yuta's face that I can't pin pointIs it the Nightcrawler Jake Gyllenhaal esque eyes? That's what it is for me.
No. 295690
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>>295681Damn I take what I said, for being his first performance he's really confident on stage. Still, don't get me wrong he's incredibly attractive, but I'm not crazy about him as so many other fans are.
Also lol at that comparison. I didn't really notice anything freaky about his eyes. I think that I don't like his nose, it's too small and it makes him look like a Ken doll, and not in a good way? Again, he would look better with darker hair. To give him a harsher vibe, light hair is too meh on him.
I wanted to add, I really like Jaehyun but I want to cut his bangs so much. I guess he keeps them since there's so many twitter sites dedicated to him ruffling his hair on that radio show with Johnny. This is harsh, but he has kind of a dumb face sometimes, and the bowl cut doesn't help. He looked so much better on Firetruck era.
No. 295706
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>>295562I’m the opposite, I thought the cute vid was perfect for him. He has seemed kind of stone-faced since being revealed but his personal note and predebut pics show that he seems to have a quirky, lively and fun personality.
>>295680>Lastly, I'm in love with Hendery's eyes. The anon that mentioned they like doe eyed twinks got it right, he really fits that description. He reminds me more of TY that Xiao because he also has those big black eyes.His eyes are super pretty and his features are so soft and cute, truly a high quality twink. He reminds me of a cute little animal like a cat or something lol. Also that mimicking the sound of a cat’s belly :’)
No. 295715
>>295680Yuta's bad plastic surgery is a meme. Yuta looks off because of his horrible chin implant, he got it swapped but he still looks a little weird at times
Hendery is actually really attractive, there's a breath of innocence to him
Yangyang is a qt but I don't think he can compete with Hendery and Xiaojun. He's like the childhood friend in the dramas
No. 295723
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>>295715>Yuta's bad plastic surgery is a meme. Yuta looks off because of his horrible chin implant, he got it swapped but he still looks a little weird at timesIt’s a meme and a tragedy. He was a super qt during predebut where he looked like Hansol’s twin and he was never able to fully recover from that awful implant. He looks better and I think he’s handsome but I don’t think he’ll look as good as before that implant again.
>Yangyang is a qt but I don't think he can compete with Hendery and Xiaojun.I think Yangyang will be like Jungwoo, like he’ll look cute but not insanely outstanding and then he’ll have an extremely adorable personality that just radiates and makes him one of the top qts in NCT.
Honestly Junguwu is proof that personality makes all the difference as to just how far up the attractiveness scale a qt can climb. He always looked cute to me but not super beautiful like some other members but then his adorableness comes and BAM instant death by uwu.
No. 295739
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>>295723I never thought I could find a grown man as cute as I find junguwu. He's fucking moe. His boss teasers were the hottest too.
No. 295759
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>>295715Xiaojun seems a little cocky cuz he knows he's attractive kinda like Taeyong
Hendery seems shy and timid which makes him even more charming
Yangyang def looks the drama childhood friend/3rd option. The guy who is cute and clueless but can't win the heart of the main girl
No. 295794
>>295707Someone on Twitter said he's like a cross between Doyoung, Lucas and Ten, so right! Looking at his pre debut photos he's good looking but nothing serious, styling, diet and who knows what more really do wonders, he's so pretty now.
I wonder if any of them had plastic surgery. Xiao's jaw is really small so it makes me wonder, but they are also super young so maybe not?
Someone on the Critical thread mentioned fans acting like idols are Pokemon cards and I laughed so hard. I think more like dolls, I'm aware they are actual people but I just love admiring how pretty they are sometimes. Can't wait to see how they style them for debut.
No. 295866
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>>295821Oh my god you're right, I don't know why I never realized it, it's super obvious but I never paid much attention to his nose before. That's horrible, I really hope they don't touch it again and it grows correctly.
Do they need parental consent for this? If they do, Jisung's parents suck. I got bullied as a teen for my nose since it has a bump, and sometimes I hated it but now that I'm older I would never touch, ever. It's part of my face, I find it sad so many teenagers do surgeries like this. And I'm really intrigued on how much they're pushed to do it and if they want to.
Korean nose jobs are the worst.
No. 295872
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Since we're talking about NCT styling, I hate Taeyong's mullet, it needs to go. He looks so ugly with it. Some people were shitting on Jungwoo's hair too, compared to previous styling. I remember seeing a show and it took me like 10 minutes to realize it was him lol.
Can we all agree the only person that is allowed to wear a mullet is Minghao from Seventeen? He's the only person in the world that I prefer with a mullet than without it.
No. 295884
>>295866>Do they need parental consent for this?surely they do at that age. I hope they don't fuck with chenle's nose… I bet only reason why they haven't already is because his rich-ass parents won't let them.
>>295872both the mullet and the color look awful on TY. they better bring back that hot topic shit for their next comeback, fuck the touch era more than any other era 127 has ever had.
No. 295893
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>>295884>fuck the touch era more than any other era 127 has ever had.Oh god yes, soft TY is worst TY. I'm hoping for black hair next time, like in his debut photos.
I still want to cut Jaehyun's bangs. Or style them differently. The 12 year old look ugh… always ruining the hottest members.
No. 295904
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>>295893free jaehyun's beautiful forehead
No. 295910
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>>295894That's why I find funny that so many people use highschool photos for evidence that their bias didn't get plastic surgery. Lol they get them super young, that's no proof. I just wished they would wait until they are at least 18-20 year old.
This thread became "Just post cute guys" and I love it.
No. 295911
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>>295821>>295866Whoever decided to put this baby under the knife deserves to be put under a completely different kind of knife :^)
>>295872Minghao is so pretty, SVT’s fairy indeed
Chinese boy group members tend to be the prettiest imo, at least in the frail, dainty, effeminate twink category. Just look at Luhan, Winwin, Renjun and now the new SMRookies with special focus on XJ and Hendery (although XJ is more on the masculine side), plus Minghao et al from other companies.
No. 295924
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>>295448I saw the Weekly Idol episode with NCT Dream, and I was shocked that Renjun admited SM gave him the "pure boy" persona before he debuted lol. I'm not saying they don't act like themselves most of the time, but idols clearly have an image forced on them and they follow it.
What do you guys think about that? Is there any idol that you think it's completely different in private? For example I feel that TY acts too cutely, and it seems fake sometimes to me. I can totally imagine him being a lot bitchier in reality.
>>295911Don't forget Jun. I want him to have long hair again.
No. 296197
>>296122Oh my that English. I didn't except to like him as much as the others. NCT China is going to be so cute.
I think someone asked before but didn't get a reply, does anyone know how they're going to promote? Will they only promote in China? In Korea? When groups go to China do you get to see lives of them or no? Maybe they'll release both in Chinese and Korean. It will be a shame if we mostly only see photos and the occasional MV.
No. 296202
>>296199i really want these qts to interact a lot with the non-china members too… i’m worried they won’t be having the same opportunity to bond with the others that the current chinese members have.
with nct it’s the cuteness of the boys >>>>>> the music for me so i’ll feel super cheated if i don’t get the fluffy content with the newbies that i crave
No. 296229
>>296216i really hope you’re right. i need my fluffy boys and stupid gay fanservice.
also, i really look forward to xuxi getting a cantonese bro and a german getting added to the foreign swaggers lmao
No. 296302
>>296122unpopular opinion time
this batch of rookies has left me underwhelmed tbh apart from xiao although he seems like even more of fuckboi than lucas. hoping im wrong
>>296229johnny has grown on me so much idk why im thirsting for him this late in the game
No. 296319
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>>296302Their visuals are great imo, but unlike the last three, their personalities are lacking. Kunwoocas is legend, these new bois can't compete.
No. 296428
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>>296302I don’t think it’s fair to judge them just yet, especially not Hendery and Yangyang. All we have so far are predebut pics, some photoshoots, a clearly directed video and a couple of very short personal notes. (Idk how much content there is of Xiao from when he was on that talent show.)
Anyway here have some eye candy.
No. 296588
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they really added jungwoo to nct 127. I'm not surprised but SM has been so sloppy with these subunits its kinda crazy. I don't mind him joining though.
No. 296589
>>296588I don't really mind, I've given up in making sense of the units. To me anyone goes with each comeback, I guess they add the most suitable people.
I'm kind of sad, is this is the official styling? It's kind of boring. Really wanted to see TY with something different than the blonde hair. Also, anons are right Jungwoo looks so average with that haircut. Red doesn't suit him.
I'm hoping the actual vibe of the MV and such it's a lot better that the teaser image promises. All black, yawn.
No. 296639
>>296637Left to Right.
Doyoung, Haechan, Mark, WinWin, Taeyong, Jaehyun, Yuta, Taeil, Jungwoo, Johnny.
No. 296690
>>296588I was going to complain where my crackhead high fashion went but then I noticed Jungwoo’s skirt. The feminization JW stan writers are gonna have a field day lol
Also I feel super bad but when it comes to NCT lately I literally can’t think about anything but NCT China and the Rookies. I love the boys and Doyoung and Winwin top my bias list but I’m just so damn stoked for Hendery XJ and YY I just. I’m sorry 127.
Glad to see Jungwoo’s out of the basement, at least.
No. 296814
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>>296694Lol, but yaoi chin senpai, best senpai. I don't think they have dorito chins YET; I really hope they don't touch their faces. Winwin does look kind of odd on that photo, I saw recent photos of him and I don't think he did anything to his jaw. Yuta is a lost cause.
Who do you like then? We could talk about other groups, a lot of NCT lately. If you're posting on the General thread I'm guessing you find at least one or two idols attractive.
>>296690I want more crackhead fashion honestly. I always complained about styling being too weird, but this one is looking kind of boring and now I'm missing the skirts and shiny pants. I doubt Jungwoo is wearing a skirt? I don't see why they would bring them back after so much backlash? At least I haven't see one ifan that liked them. Maybe it's like a plaid fabric over pants… don't know. His blouse is really feminine too, what the hell. Are skirts a rite of passage on 127? Lol now that you joined you have to wear this.
Clothes are looking kind of cheap to be honest, all that see through fabric.
I'm not as hyped as I though I would be either, Touch and Chain were kind of bad so I'm worried this one is going to be the same. At least I get to see some new visuals from them.
No. 296822
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Anyone like The Boyz? I saw an MV of them and song was good but I doubt I'll follow them much since they have a million members. Also too young for me.
This dude caught my eye, he looks so feminine it's really off putting. It's like what that dude from New-Ace wanted to look like before he ruined his face completely. He's only 20 too, too young for all that surgery.
No. 296826
>>296814The terrible styling is charming to me.
I think I have a humiliation kink too, so that makes me like it even more. I'm so excited for fire truck 2: gothic boogaloo.
No. 296837
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>>296588>>296690>>296814i didn’t think it was possible to make all-black styling look so sloppy and tacky but ‘grats sm u did it. mark looks like he hasn’t showered in a week and a lot of the others’ hairstyles look kinda greasy too but like they've tried to cover it up with hair dye and dry shampoo lmao
i love crackhead styling just as much as the next person and i reserve the right to point out when opportunities have been missed. they’re all 500% qts but if it’s blah it’s blah.
junguwu deserved better for his 127 debut. bright ass colors/pastels have never been more appropriate for an nct 127 comeback but go off i guess
No. 296862
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To me Loona seems like a cheap knock off of WJSN. Blockberry clearly has too much money on their hands and instead of taking time to come up with an original girl group idea they copy whatever is in atm. It seems like BBC doesn't know what direction they want to go with Loona so they go with the whole over done magic girl pastel 70's schtick. Sure WJSN isn't that original themselves because they got inspiration from EXO but they've developed their own sound pretty fast. Starship and Yuehua have a view for the group which seems to be like Card captor Sakura/clamp stuff.
The Chinese members won't be present in this comeback but they did appear in the promo teaser for the song, I think it's pretty dumb how the fans are like "OMGGG THEY DIDN'T FORGET THE CHINESE MEMBERS! IT SHOWS HOW CLOSE THEY ARE!" It's decided by the company and obviously by not the girls. From a business stand point it's good to include the Chinese members because they are promoting in China.
If anyone wants to watch it No. 296960
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>>296862Loona doesn't seem that similar to WJSN to me but I can see what you mean. I'm surprised more people haven't talked about it. The teasers for their most recent comeback have been really pretty imo.
>>296915I like the song way more than I usually do but it hasn't hooked me yet. I always avoid english versions of kpop songs even if the lyrics aren't super cringey. It's just better not to know.
No. 297193
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They posted a few pics for regular-irregular, maybe they'll post the rest tomorrow. None of them look very good so far lol. The aesthetic is inconsistent and they really need to cut back on the blur tool and the neon pink lip tint.
Ah well, at least jaehyun's terribad bangs are gone. I'm really curious about what sound they're going to go for this time. 127 is weird.
No. 297195
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>>297193postinh Hyuck's too bc his was the only one that looked okay to me.
No. 297214
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>>297195i’ve noticed hyuck seems to be immune to bad styling, or at least lucks out compared to other members. most notably, mfal was tragic for all the dreamies imo but hyuck looked at least okay. then again, they don’t seem to experiment with him as much as the others for some reason.
actually just bc i went to find pics it turns out chenle wasn’t too bad either but my point still stands No. 297216
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>>297214I loved that chenle and his autistic screeching
No. 297337
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>>297193Yeah really disappointing pics. I'm hoping they get some better ones for each member, they always have good solo pictures. But I'm still annoyed at the all-black.
The neon pink tin should go for all groups, please remove it, they all look awful with it. I don't even follow any fansites on Twitter because I can't stand the selfies idols take, with that white as fuck filter they use. They look so doll like and creepy. And it usually shows how weird contacts look up close.
Jaehyun bangs are still there, they just style them differently for lives and such. I wished he styled them that way always, the bowl cut is terrible.
>I'm really curious about what sound they're going to go for this time. 127 is weird.Have some bad news about that, if this tweet is correct it seems they are going for a "latin trap" vibe. What's with kpop and latin songs? They all sound so bad and out of place. Latin and kpop is like complete opposites, and sorry but koreans can't pull off the sexy latin vibe at all.
I'm only saving some hope since I liked the vibe of Boss and same guy is producing. At least by the asthetics it seems they are going hard instead of soft, and I will take hard any day before that Touch shit.
No. 297430
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>>297337>and I will take hard any day before that Touch shit.i feel like i’m the only person on here who liked touch, maybe not for all members but for mark and hyuck it worked since they’re soft qt dreamies so it felt natural, taeil’s styling may have actually been the nicest i’ve seen him and winwin looked soooooo adorable in his berets.
then again win is the most moe member after junguwu but still. No. 297431
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>>297430taking this opportunity to spam beret!win.
No. 297434
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>>297433yes i’m autistic abt beret!win.
No. 297449
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>>297218oh my fucking god apparently this was the translation
truly an autistic legend No. 297460
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>>297430Same anon you replied to. I didn't find Touch a bad song at all, and some of the styling was cute but overall the lve stages where kind of cringy and the group as a whole doesn't suit soft songs to me. They shine so much more with hard choreo and hard hitting songs. Taeil heart moments where kind of cute but also cringe, and Mark and TY felt so uncomfortable interacting cutely when they sang together on lives lol, I don't get why they were sto awkward I figured they were close.
When it came out I liked it since it's a good song, but the dance and the Gap like MV was kind of disappointing after a few watches.
Only good thing was this close up of TY that killed me at first watch.
No. 297467
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Renjun so pretty.
No. 297506
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>>297434God, winwin is so cute. xuxi looked really cute in his beret too.
But xuxi's hair… it looks like he cut it himself in the dark with safety scissors ;-; I actually love short-hair xuxi, but this cut is busted.
No. 297541
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>>297506LMAO I actually like it. He looks so much like his baby-self! It's better than that terrible blonde hair-blue contact-combo he had going on during BOSS imo.
But it's fine, not everyone can be Mark and pull of even the most ridiculous hairstyles
>>297467 Renjun has grown so much on me, I think he's become one of my favorite vocals out of NCT. I think it's mainly his pronunciation. I'm so pumped for NCT China.
No. 297568
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>>297467Speaking as a woman I’d kill to have his face. He’s by far the most feminine-looking in NCT and prettier than most of SM’s girl idols imo.
No. 297611
>>297573i finally got into nct dream over the summer and renjun's grown on me a lot. his vocals are so great.
jeno remains my bias tho
No. 297614
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>>297611I love his voice, as well as Haechan. Jeno looks so grown up on some photos, and so young on others lol he's really handsome.
No. 297618
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>>297617The blue was really cute too. Bonus Renjun and Jeno being cute as hell since we're talking about both of them.
I was annoyed at the hair color on them too but Jaemin's pink hair is growing on me, although it's a bit light for his complexion.
No. 297620
>>297618their friendship is so cute ;.; i wanted them to do their vs video with each other.
and i think jaemin dyed his hair again? darker colors works better for him ia
No. 297643
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>>297618noren are so adorable. i love how jeno looks so strong and fierce but is actually the softest uwu marshmallow and renjun is a tiny cutiepie and looks innocent but is ùwú super sassy and kinda feisty lmao
No. 297652
>>297614I've always found haechan's voice to be kinda nasal. He's one of my favorite nct members, but he might be my least favorite vocal.
vid unrelated
No. 297671
>>297652i think it works most of the time but it can be a little screechy? i wish we heard mark sing a bit more. i like his voice
>>297659i love this choreo a bit more than 'we go up' tbh
No. 297684
>>297671I like it a lot too, especially with the uniforms. But the We Go Up one is so quick! All the stomping made me laugh out loud.
Also Mark at the start is so cute I could die. When I saw his episode on that Bar show, where they eat and drink I was smitten. He was the cutest thing ever on it.
Best dance is My First and Last, also best song from them.
No. 297693
>>297652I saw on twitter where someone pitched up EXO Kai‘s voice and he sounded almost exactly like Haechan, it‘s all I hear now (and vice versa) lol. He reminds me of Junsu too, that kind of kinda obnoxious tone with a lot of talent behind it. Lee Sooman can‘t keep getting away with it!
And while I‘m at it, I honestly feel like with Jaehyun SM finally got it right - He sounds like a non-annoying Baekhyun who sounds like a less shrill Changmin (love him to death tho) who sounds like a thinner Yoo Young Jin. Really appreciate his deeper voice, I hope they keep working on it.
No. 297697
>>297684agreed about mfal as far as their songs go.
best styling/aesthetic was we young for me. it was so fresh and cute, the uniforms were adorable and the styling was great especially for renjun and jeno, the video was fun and a little artistic, we got vocalist mark, jeno and jisung’s parts made me soft, chenle’s adorkable little smirk… love love love.
we young probably has my favorite choreography too just because of the little things. renjun came up with the ‘wave’ they make at the beginning after they watched moana together, mark and jeno throwing renjun is too cute for words don’t @ me… and so many other little quirks.
i’ve lost count of how many times i’ve watched the moving cam practice vid.
ballerina renjun coming through. ♡
No. 297880
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What's going on with Yesung? Is he regressing to having 15 years old? He looks like the emo kid that hates his dad. He clearly doesn't want to accept he's 34 already. I'm not familiar with Super Junior, but in the short time I've seen the members he's clearly the one more self conscious about his looks, you can just tell.
No. 298848
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good morning to nct dream only
No. 299008
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>>298848okay confession time. when i first joined the fandom i was lowkey creeped out by the dream concept because they were so much younger than any other idol group i’d encountered before and their concept was so childlike it felt like straight up pedobait, i was repulsed by the idea that people were going to sexualize them. for that reason i was very tentative about getting into them and avoided their mvs and other content for a while but once i started watching the mvs i was hooked. they're just so adorable and fun to watch and a lot of their music is quite interesting and different from most other kpop acts. we young in particular had an amazing aesthetic imo.
i was also pleased to find that most of the fandom was extremely protective of the dreamies and anyone who tried to sexualize member was immediately lynched.
in particular, i remember one person who got chased off of twitter and a bunch of other nctzens made sure to dig up all her other accounts/the new one she made. she was apparently going to kcon and people talked about finding her and beating her up. it would be pretty awful in any other case but she sexualized a minor and did a bunch of other questionable shit like making gross comments about other dreamies so she had it coming;dr our fandom is great so far and i hope it never changes and that everyone continues to be protective of the dreamies.
No. 299039
>>299008>i was also pleased to find that most of the fandom was extremely protective of the dreamies and anyone who tried to sexualize member was immediately lynched. same. most female-dominated fanbases are like that, it's one of the many things that makes them so much better imo. males shamelessly sexualize the fuck out of underage female idols and virtually no one in their fandoms will bat an eye, while females don't tolerate it nearly as much.
sage for ot man hate. to get a bit back on topic, the episodes of law of the jungle w/ lucas are finally going to start airing on the 28th uwu I'm really excited
No. 299161
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>>299011i never really got into got7 but i like jinyoung and yugyeom.
i have a mom and son thing it’s the same with doyoung and morkwhat’s this about jackson? does he have a bad attitude or does he distance himself from the rest of the group?
i typed hackson by mistake i hope that isn’t a sign from above that he’s an actual hack>>299039kek the anons in the critical thread were exposing us for supporting the dreamies when truth is the nct fandom as a whole is extremely protective of them and attacks anyone who tries to say anything even remotely in the direction of sexualizing them. since the group is relatively new i also feel like the fans who’ve been around for a while have learned from the mistakes and toxicity of older fandoms.
i absolutely agree with you that male fans of girl groups tend to be gross as hell while fandoms made up mainly by women tend to have actual standards.
ratmys are a different thing altogether though but they’re an extreme case and sane armys do exist. No. 299165
>>299164oh yeah i saw that too. barf.
iirc one of the gross commenters also had a jungkook pfp :^) because of course.
No. 299227
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>>299164That group is so creepy. At least the dreamies were doing cutesy stuff intended for 12 y/os when they were at their youngest, not weird mini fuckboy shit.
Anyways, a fansite has been shooping out ty's mullet in some of the pics she takes of him (kek) and he looks so much better without it. Is he going to keep it for the whole reg.-irreg. era?
No. 299268
>>299227is it just me or does his nose look like a fourth of its usual size? or is his face swollen?
if he’s had something done istg the ppl who force idols to fuck up their faces deserve to have their fingers chopped off
No. 299321
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>>299236I mentioned the same a while ago, his face looks different to me. I'm thinking it's mostly the fact his current style doesn't suit him. Or maybe he gained some weight? I really liked him extra skinny like in Boss (which I know it's wrong) and his face was slimer. He's tanner too, so that clashes with his haircolor.
That person above is doing God's work lol, I hate the mullet so so much. I was so excited to see him with another haircut for the comeback, but I'm sure MV was already filmed long ago and he had the yellow mullet.
I did an edit to see if he looked better with the paler skin and other hair color/no mullet. Lol really shitty photoshop but I tried. He looks ten times better in my opinion.
No. 299354
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>>299321>He's tanner too, so that clashes with his haircoloroh, does it ever. this pic was one of the more flattering ones I've seen where he isn't whitewashed, slathered in makeup, or bathed in light, which speaks volumes.
No. 299364
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>>299354It's definitely his weight gain, which is good, just compare his arms to Baby don't stop MV to now. He carries a bit more weight in his face now, is a lot tanner and has a horrible hair color lol. Considering most fans loved his vampire look in Boss all pale and skinny, it clashes a lot now.
I've seen recent fancams of him and he looks the same face wise, no plastic surgery. It's just the sudden difference in weight and styling.
I'm sure during promotion of their new song he'll change his hair and look better. Maybe he's going for a grey or platinum? And they're transitioning his brownish hair to that, hence the weird color he has now since it takes several bleaches to get to that.
No. 299412
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I swear Haechan is like my favorite idol. He's so fun to watch on stage and his devilishness is adorable.
I'll admit I do find him annoying on occasion but even that just endears him to me lol
Someone help
No. 299500
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>>299354he looks like taehyung here…
>>299412agreed, he’s been growing on me so much lately. also his light brown hair with hair chalk in rainbow colors is sooooo cute
also does anyone else ever cry bc of jeno’s adorable pout bc same
No. 299641
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I like WJSN but I hate how much starship tries to cram Seola and Bona down everyone's throat. Even though Chengxiao is the most popular and liked member among netizens SS tries so hard to put Bona and Seola in the spotlight by give them more screen time, lines, sub units and center positions. It's irritating af how even when Bona is not singing she's in the middle and on top of that Bona isn't even the main vocal and she gets more lines than the main vocalists. She and Seola pretty much sing the whole song for their new comeback, how is that fair to the other members? Don't even get me started on Seola, her voice isn't even that amazing or special and yet she's the main vocal? wtf?? Even sub vocals like Luda, Yeoreum, Meiqi, Xuanyi and Chengxiao has more interesting voices than her. The forced focus on Seola and Bona has really made me not like them
No. 299788
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welp, they just tweeted this: I'm excited and proud of them first and foremost, but wtf? since when are they even relevant?
I really hope they don't embarrass themselves ;-;they also dropped the bomb that jungwoo is going to be wearing pants under his skirt.
No. 299793
>>299788Oh god, I hope it's a one time thing… I really hate how BTS became famous in the states and everyone panders to them. I just want kpop to STAY in Korea please. It's embarrassing as hell and I doubt I'll watch it even if I really like NCT… I watched some of their interviews when they came to LA but I still cringed as all hell.
Also I knew that they wouldn't bring the skirts back lol
No. 299795
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>>299788Be prepared for butthurt armys crying about how NCT stole BTS's spotlight.
No. 299802
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>>299793agreed. i'll watch anyways because i love the cringe, but if they throw jw up there in a pants/skirt combo i'm gonna have 10 consecutive strokes. that's too much.
No. 299804
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>>299801This one is cute too
No. 299806
>>299641posting girl groups in here feels useless tbh. you'd probably get more responses in the kpop critical threads lol. I agree with you but I still like Bona.
>>299788at least the tickets are free. If I lived in LA I'd try and go.
No. 299941
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>>299788>>299804I kinda wish we could have an OP with all of them but it takes up so much space lol
No. 299984
>>299801Seconding this. They're having a comeback soon, after all.
>>299641WJSN in general is just weird with their part distribution. EXY is a wonderful vocalist and having her rap is just a waste.
No. 300115
>>300113Well this is the Kpop general thread, I'm not sure why you're not sharing your views here? I haven't seen people shitting on BTS like in the Critical thread. People are mostly talking about NCT, but at the start several people talked about BTS members and nobody got heat for it. Me personally I'm kind of tired of BTS on both ends, the exaggerated "Oh Jimin is the ugliest person ever" of the Critical thread and the "BTS is the best group ever uwu" from every other site/youtuber.
If you're fans of BTS and want to talk about them go ahead, especially if you're not delulu fans that think they are the best thing ever and above every other kpop group.
I don't like them much since BST, that was the last comeback I liked, and not for the song, for the esthetics, dance, etc.
No. 300118
>>300115 said, people have raved about BTS just fine upthread and none of them have gotten flack for it. This thread’s been dominated by NCTzens a lot lately (of which I’m guilty lol) but it wasn’t too long ago that someone did a Jungkook appreciation image dump.
I do admit I talk some shit about them in the other thread but it’s mainly the fandom and overhype and not the members themselves. Like yeah poking fun at some members’ memetic looks and the general pseudo-intellectualism they’ve been up to is fun and all but at the end of the day I do genuinely like Taehyung and Jungkook.
No. 300130
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>>300113>>300107>>300118cool, thanks anons. i agree that the overhype is annoying, and i like most aspects of the critical board, but it can be a bit much to see my faves bashed constantly. pic not really related, other than ly:h having great concept photos.
No. 300131
>>300115That's cool. I know K-pop fans who aren't into BTS are tired of seeing them everywhere at this point. The fans you're talking about are so annoying, these people who see BTS above all the other K-pop groups attack you when you criticize BTS. I like BTS and I still follow them but their music hasn't been the best lately, you can't talk about this anywhere without armys losing their minds.
>>300130I think LY:H was musically weak but I liked the concept photos too, the colors were nice.
No. 300135
>>300131I'm not a big fan of BTS, but I will admit I got into kpop when they started getting big in the US (although I was familiar with kpop before but never got into it). I'm not from US, but the hype still came up on my country. I really liked their MVs, especially Fire and Dope. I remember first dance practice I saw was for Bangsae and it looked so fun and charismatic to me.
That was like only one year ago, so it's weird that my opinion of them shifted so much. I don't hate them at all, but I just feel they lost some of the fun they had on the way, between the short films and the deep concepts. It's kind of sad to me, because they really felt like a fun lovable group, and then they forced themselves to be so serious all the time. I think getting big on North America was really bad for them, and I'm dreading the same happening to NCT.
I'm genuinely curious for real BTS fans, where do you think things went sour? Of course if you still feel they are the same and like their latest music I'm not judging, but I sense the general opinion from anons here is that they really liked their music before and not so much now. So what happened?
No. 300137
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Does anyone here like Seventeen?
And woozi's nipple rings
No. 300147
>>300135i still like their music, but i'll admit that wings was their last good album. for instance, i think the best songs on ly:a are probably euphoria, serendipity, and trivia: seesaw… the rest are a different story. i liked j-hope's mixtape as a whole much more.
i think a combination of them scrambling for purchase in the western market and the increasing insanity of their fanbase is to blame for the change they've gone through in the last year or two. but that isn't the fault of the members… it's their management. they don't have a lot of control over that sort of thing, i imagine.
No. 300158
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‘i need u’, ‘run’ and ‘butterfly’ are among the best kpop songs out there imo. ‘fire’, ‘baepsae’ and ‘young forever’ are also pretty lit. i’m not ashamed to say i genuinely enjoy hyyh.
a lot of bad stuff happened in my life when i was still into bts; i was in a strange place mentally so i took a break from kpop and when i got back the fandom had gone batshit. seeing what they had become i realized the music and vibe i enjoyed from them were already in the past. then i got into nct on a complete whim and i haven’t looked back.
>>300135>I think getting big on North America was really bad for them, and I'm dreading the same happening to NCT.i’m so fucking terrified this will happen. i want them to succeed and reach their goals, of course i do, but they’re perfect just the way they are and i don’t want them to risk changing for the worse. the thought of the dreamies getting fans who are as degenerate as some of the worst batches of armys also makes my skin crawl.
No. 300160
>>300135I hope things will go well for NCT, anon. I don't know much about them but the NCT-127 and NCT-U songs I've heard so far were very good and catchy
There are songs from the Wings and Love Yourself eras that I love, but I feel like their music started to become less enjoyable as their music started to become more generic pop & EDM. The rap line is one of their biggest strengths, I enjoy the vocal line's voices as a fan but they aren't very strong vocalists. Becoming more vocal-focused isn't making their music any favor. They are so popular so I don't blame them but I think they are kinda trying too hard to please everyone sometimes, and it makes things superficial. I appreciate the purpose of the Love Yourself era and them using their influence for charity work makes me happy, the albums weren't completely terrible but the songs from this era felt rushed to me. I wish they used the full potential of the theme they were going for.
My favourites from Love Yourself: Answer are Just Dance and Seesaw
No. 300162
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I discovered BTS when I was in a weird sad empty time in my life and I used them to fill that hole, I enjoyed songs like tomorrow, butterfly, save me, run, I need u (not afraid to say I get stupidly emotional every time I hear this song). I think for a little while they managed to walk the fine line between singing about emotional / teenage angst and yet not take themselves too seriously, it was just easy music to enjoy about basic sad stuff, performed by cute guys. I can't pinpoint exactly when they lost their charm but they definitely did for me.
I think their concept centered around being young, loving your friend, wanting to be close to them, losing them, trying to grow up, etc… just resonated a lot with me for a while and I was willing to get into it. But I can't really identify with their work anymore. I've also grown up, I guess.
Taehyung pic cause he was definitely my favorite I still find him attractive with his current moonface tbh.
No. 300167
>>300162I remember defending them on Critical thread with the same opinion. It's OK if their music was a little angsty, it's targeted to teenagers! And all teenagers go through that phase. But they had a good blend between that and some fun tracks. I'm in my 20s and I got into them very superficially, like I do with most kpop groups. Meaning I only watched the main tracks, some lives and dance practices. Even if I don't like their latest stuff I still think Fire, Dope, BST and such where really good "performances". In terms of song, dance and presentation.
I think besides not liking their music now, they were releasing so much saaad stuff. It was bumming me out, but then they released Idol and… it was too much all at once. I'm a sucker for visuals, and the visuals where a no for me. Like after so many dark looking MVs they just crammed every color they could think off.
Even if I like one group more than the other and I think they are "more talented" I'm aware that all idols are mostly puppets to a greater "power". The style and presence they have correlates to what their company pushes them to do. And I blame only bighit for their bad tracks, as well as give them credit for their good ones. I love some kpop groups, but I will never give them much credit as "musicians", and that's alright with me. I guess that's why I like NCT, it's just cute guys performing to me, even if I think some are good singer/rappers. I mean, Taeil is a really good singer but what does he have? Like two songs to show for it? Them going to USA and trying to appear as real artists will surely put me off them like BTS did… so I'm hoping they fail to gain attention, even if that sounds awful to some stans.
I think USA should be to blame with what happened to BTS, americans tried to justify over and over again why people liked them because they didn't get it. Fans started to feel pressured to make sense of it and make them into something bigger than what they were. They didn't have to, they were just a fun group, cute talented guys, that was it.
No. 300175
People on the Critical thread REALLY hate Jimin, and they always post the ugliest photos they can find of him lol. I don't think he's ugly, I mean he's just a normal dude; I do agree the contacts look bad on him.
BTS members, like most idols, look better when they are performing, because that's the main appeal of them. It's attractive if they have good stage presence, dance well, etc.
I remember when I saw this fancam of Jimin I though he looked really sexy, even if I don't like him much outside of it.
Styling goes a loooong way with idols. And BTS is going through their worst phase in my opinion. I mostly shit on them regarding that, not them as people or how "ugly" they are. Talent wise I don't really care, if the style and the MV is really good I could care less about the song. I've liked so many kpop songs that I would never listen on my free time because I just love the look of everything else.
No. 300188
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>>300175so agreed. tbh, i think jimin is a great performer; he looks far better on stage and while dancing. the jimin hate on the critical board is pretty funny, especially the photos they manage to find, but i don't think he's bad-looking at all. his styling is often atrocious, and the contacts do him absolutely no favor lmao
No. 300189
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>>300175Jimin's face is pretty weird, but sometimes it looks cute and his body is nice, it's the ideal body for a manlet imo.
No. 300191
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>>300188He has the same issues that most idols have, like I've been complaining with NCT. Light hair doesn't suit him, he looks really cute with dark hair and no feminine makeup, etc. When he was more "manly" during that phase where he had abs he had that Bieber vibe, like some muscles but baby faced. I don't think he has a weird face at all, just bad styling most of the time.
>>300190Exactly. Regarding Jhope I will respect anyone that likes him but I really can't defend him much on looks. If he didn't do as much surgery he would look OK, but his nose job ruined him unfortunately…
No. 300220
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>>300191Honestly while J-hope absolutely fucked up his face with plastic surgery. He still has one of my favorite looks in the group (except some pics where he looks uncanny valley, but at times they all sort of do).
In kpop critical, a couple threads back they used to say he looked like somebody's gay aunt. It's pretty accurate imo since the ps made him look more androgynous, and I think I find so appealing about him. When he's style in the right hair and wardrobe he pulls it off well
No. 300232
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>>300220I don't think j-hope got THAT much plastic surgery. considering i think his family is rich and his sister looks like a gangnam unnie i think if he got anything done it was early in their career, possibly during predebut. hes plastic, sure, but i find him attractive. i think 50% of that is because of his demeanor, talent with dancing, and stage presence though.
tbh i think the critical thread is really OTT about what idols have surgery, its just as bad as insisting oppa is totally natural. for example, jungooks nose looks the same to me.
No. 300239
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>>300135If anything I like their music more now than I did when I first got into them. I got into them during the DOPE era, and it is a catchy song but it didn't make me immediately want to get involved with the group, watching their Bangtan Bombs did that. Looking back at their previous releases, I liked b-side songs more than singles and ones that got music videos. I hate 'I Need U' and the whole storyline of the HYYH series, I just want fun music sung by hot people, I don't care about the story. After DOPE, they released Run, which had cool visuals but the song was meh, I liked the rest of the songs on the album more. I didn't really start liking their main songs until Fire and BST. Even then they still released 'Spring Day' which was another song I didn't care about but it didn't make me dislike BTS. I don't feel like I have to like every song by a group to be a fan and i don't understand fans who feel that way.
their music now is more generic and pop than their older hip-hop influenced stuff and i understand why they are losing some fans, but im glad they changed, could you imagine the drama if they were still releasing tracks like spine-breaker or hip -hop luver? lol
No. 300256
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>>300232Yeah, fr, I don't understand why they're going on and on about Jungkook's nose. It doesn't look that drastically different… especially compared to other nosejobs in kpop. It's still recognizably "his" and looks fine.
No. 300262
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>>300256It’s easy to see surgery when you’re only staring at highly edited concert photos, looking in gifs his nose is still pretty big, not a typical korean plastic surgery nose like namjoon or hoseok
No. 300263
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>>300262yeah, definitely.
No. 300268
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>>300263Yeah even if he had something done (I do agree it looks smaller from before, so I have my doubts) it looks good! I hope he stops there and doesn't consider doing more.
Every time I see a bad nose job I just picture Michael Jackson on my head and it puts me off completely. Especially since most surgeons leave idols with noses that are too small for their faces like MJ had. RM case in point.
He was never going to be the "pretty" idol, I don't get why he did it. It's kind of sad.
At least Jimin which is dubbed so "ugly" by anons kept his flatter nose, as far as I know, and it suits his face. Not all people suit higher noses and I hope he never changes it.
No. 300287
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>>300268RM has had atleast two nose jobs, one either predebut or early debut and another within the last year, which they said he was getting surgery for a “deviated septum” but that’s just codeword for nosejob. namjoon has always been on a lot of netizens “ugliest male idols” lists, maybe that’s gotten to him? he’s not conventionally attractive at all but he’s not ugly.
No. 300290
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Speaking of BTS's ps, Suga's new jaw really upsets me. It looks so obvious and doesn't suit him at all. I honestly can't even bare to look at it, so here's a pic of his old one.
No. 300292
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Lol wth I never knew he had nipple rings. That's pretty kinky for an idol.
I like Seventeen! It would be nice to talk about them since there's so much NCT and BTS talk.
I think they are the only group that I feel work with so many members. I never feel things are crowded since their choreos are soo good and their transitions done so well.
Compared to NCT's Black on Black that I find kind of embarrasing,half of the time most members are in the back standing awkwardly…
I like performance unit the most. The first person I was drawn to was Jun, especially on the Highlight video with his close ups. He's really good at… gazing lol.
No. 300295
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>>300290I wanted to discuss that but I was worried it was like JK's nose. That maybe the jaw wasn't as bad and I only hated the latest photos from their fake love concept ones (you know which ones, crimped hair and all) and they could had been overly edited. I didn't want to shit on the guy unnecessarily.
Besides the ps it's obvious he looks off since he's so skinny lately. I'm worried for the dude, and also kind of disappointed. When I got into them I pegged him as the least likely to get sucked into crazy korean beauty standards. Guess I was wrong…
Still, I searched for a latest photo of him and he looks better than those weird fake love ones. I still liked his older jaw, but he's still not on the level of Wendy's terrible jaw shave.
I think it's mostly that he went full flower boy and it clashes SO much with his previous persona.
No. 300296
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>>300287C'mon, anon. I understand finding some of others cute, but I draw the line at rat monster apologists. He's stone cold fug. Take their advice and love yourself.
No. 300297
>>300296You can at least give the guy "not ugly" status, it's not like anon said he was attractive lol. There's uglier people in the world come on.
I don't like RM, but before his ps I would not cross him on the street and think "what an ugly dude". With his latest nose I do find him off putting though, like Yuta from NCT.
I've seen girls crush over uglier dudes, so RM apologists don't faze me.
No. 300301
>>300295Hmmm maybe. I've been avoided looking at him since those terrible Fake love photos. And your right about his new flower boy shtick clashing with his old persona, hopefully it won't last long and he'll go back to his old one.
The cold tsundere persona was perfect for him honestly, and made sense with him being open about his struggle with mental illness.
No. 300303
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Talking about "ugly" idols. I'm shocked Chen is in so many lists I've seen online. He's not my favorite from EXO, but I don't see him as ugly at all. He doesn't even look plastic like other "attractive" idols, for example Rowoon from SF9 which I find soo creepy looking.
I really like his little mouth corners, don't know what they are called. I wished I had that and didn't have such a bitch resting face lol
No. 300304
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>>300290>>300295I worry about Suga. He comes across as the most genuine out of all of them, and it's clear that he has issues. His weight is especially troubling. It's been spoken about in the other thread, but yeah, he's skin and bones.
Though his solo stuff isn't what I'm typically into, I loved the MVs. He can sound arrogant and edgy, sure, but he did have a rough time before debut and I believe his lyrics re: mental health come from a real place due to how he acts and what he says on camera. Who knows, it could be that I'm being deceived by a fake personality, but… I like him nonetheless.
No. 300308
>>300304He looked so bad during the billboard music awards a couple months ago. Not only was he thinner than he had been in awhile, if not the thinnest he's ever been, but he also look so emotionally drained and super despondent in all their interview.
In one of his songs on his mixtape he talks about having a social phobia, which isn't something that goes away, you just learn to cope and manage it. Maybe their recent skyrocket in fame is getting to him.
No. 300310
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Random Jinyoung appreciation. I was watching some videos of him and god he's so handsome.
He's like the ultimate idol to me. He's pretty but manly, looks super natural (even if he had ps, no idea), not too thin and I LOVE that he sticks to the dark hair and doesn't look like the typical ever changing idol with dangly earrings and pastel hair color. He has a classic look.
I noticed people talking about Jackson on the Critical thread, about his ps. I didn't really look at him lately but they are right, he's looking real plastic now. Such a shame.
No. 300311
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>>300310Still handsome, but definitely plastic looking. What changed? nose?
No. 300313
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>>300311so like maybe 1-2 years ago his nose first changed a little, it looked like maybe he just had bridge injections, what people call a "non-surgical nose job" to straighten his nose.(plus injections pretty much everywhere else). In this pic his nose looks practically the same except the bridge.
I think the biggest reason he looks so different now (besides injections) is 1. the styling and 2. he never smiles anymore or makes any expression at all really
No. 300328
>>300296it’s my opinion and i find him attractive for reasons beyond his appearance, i never said i have good taste. for example
>>300310 i think jinyoung isn’t cute at all, he’s not ugly but I’m not into him like that. i like that kpop dudes dye their hair or experiment with fashion, it’s fun. sometimes it looks bad, like creepy contacts or ugly hairstyles, but classic =\= better in my book, but it all comes down to personal taste.
also maybe it’s because i don’t care for yoongi but i don’t notice the surgery anons keep pointing out that he’s had. he’s skinny but he’s always been skinny throughout their eras, as opposed to jimin who is clearly a lot thinner than he was back in the day. tbh i don’t get his appeal in general, it’s weird seeing anons in the kpop critical thread praise him in the same breath they call namjoon or jimin ugly
No. 300519
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>>300303I think he looks amazing sometimes but like many others he tends to suffer wrongly bc of shit styling.
The only genuinely ugly EXO member is pic related, D.O.
Although I will admit he’s among the most solid meme providers in Kpop. Xiumin isn’t ugly but looks painfully average next to the others. Meanwhile Jongdae has some killer features imo; plus the corners of his mouth peeking up slightly are super cute. He reminds me of a happy dog. Chingu line indeed lol.
No. 300520
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>>300519Speaking of looking like a happy doggo lol.
No. 300534
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>>300520Is that his dog? So cute! Are there any idols with bigger dogs? They all have this shit small dogs that I find so ugly lol the kind of dogs that in my country only little old ladies have. I don't think I've seen an idol with a big dog. I guess it's because they can't fit on the dorm?
Those mouth corners are so cute, I don't see them often on people. A lot of gangnam unnies get them surgically done, but it looks so bad. Spoiler just because it's not kpop related. I really want a thread for gangnam unnies, that's lolcow material.
>>300519I don't think D.O. is ugly, but he's more average looking than other idols. He's on a drama now, and he looks so out of place lol. I will say that he's more attractive when he doesn't smile; he also gets the short end of the stick when it comes to styling like Chen.
He's cute sometimes though, I'll give him that.
And I really liked his shaved head, it was different.
No. 300540
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>>300534Yeah, maybe I was a little harsh calling him ugly. I don’t dislike him. It’s just that in a group like EXO that’s so heavy on visuals and is basically considered the top visual boy group of their generation, an average-looking member becomes homely by comparison.
It becomes particularly jarring when he’s so often juxtaposed with Kai because of #KaiSoo. I will admit pic related is really fucking cute tho lol
but not bc of ksoo’s visuals lbr No. 300649
>>300534I know Yunho used to have a husky, think he gave him away a while ago though. V's family has a big dog as well I think? I'd rather not have idols have dogs, especially big dogs, though, their life style and the way koreans/asians tend to raise dogs isn't ideal.
>>300582>no chemistry and that they are not as friendly with each other as other groupsThat's funny that people think that because I felt that they are MILES more entertaining and charismatic than EXO were when they debuted. I think the issue is is that SM isn't forcing them on variety shows as much as they could/should and non-stans only hear "18 guys" and tune out. SM is trying it with Lucas now but I honestly don't understand why only Mark/Taeyong/Jaehyun/Johnny and maybe Jisung/Ten get the bulk of their promos - I don't think that those should get less promotions but how are you gonna have 18 members and only actively promote 4 of them? I wish SM would be more obnoxious about NCT (I know that a lot of kpop stans on the internet are already complaining about them as is but I don't care, I want them to go full on Suju variety-wise LOL) because with so many members there's soooo many possibilities!
No. 300666
>>300649Most of the members really do get shafted. I'm so ready for another season of nct life so we can finally see all 18 (or 21, I guess) of them fuck around together.
shout out to this episode of the seoul x nct life series where yuta made himself look like a complete retard for a full minute starting @ 2:35. this was incredibly hard to watch.
No. 300676
>>300666LOL, I can't believe Lucas was able to laugh silently, that boy is LOUD. Poor Yuta, such a good dancer but so awkward, it was still more funny than cringe to me lol. Also YAY more Kun! I want to see more of him, I wonder if we'll need to wait for NCT China for an actual MV with him.
Anyone going to create the new thread? I vote this as OP photo :3
>>298848 No. 300767
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Now that the dust has settled, how you guys think Produce 48 went?
I was actually surprised with only 3 japanese. And the center upset. glad Chaeyeon got in at the end though.
No. 300789
>>300778yeah Choi Yoojung was center in 101 and came third, so thats not really surprise.
Was surprised Jang Wonyoung got 1st though.
No. 301264
New Thread!
>>301262might want to repost those highlights in
>>301216 there