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No. 484900
Discuss people who feign or exaggerate chronic illnesses and medical crises for attention and asspats online. Previous topic focused primarily on Instagram accounts, but posts from blogs and other social media sites are admissible.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/470812Recent Cows:
(yes there are A LOT; IG unless otherwise stated)
bendywarrior (tumblr)
chloeschronicles_of_illness (insta) / Chloe's Chronicals of Chronic Illness / ChloesVaccineInjuryJourney (facebook)
chronically_carmel / queerzebra (tumblr)
diagnose rheuma (facebook)
ellsbattle / Ella Arden Grace (Facebook)
gorgeous_gatorade_princess / unicorn.spoonie
medicaljourneyofem (previously sickgalwithadog)
mytitus2journey (Munchie Mom Extrodinaire)
nerdkidanddoge (pawsandlove on YouTube)
outrageously_helpful_orion (jaquie's friend)
shelbiepaulley / beepaulley
Active Cows with Their Own Threads:
kelly.ronahan / me_and_the_mr [
>>>/snow/436521chronically_jaquie [
>>>/snow/477337What Is A "Spoonie"?
People who identify as 'Spoonies' are referencing 'The Spoon Theory,' written by a woman with lupus to explain the chronic illness experience to a healthy friend who asked her what it really feels like to live with her medical problems. Spoonie Community is, in general, a legitimate supportive network for people dealing with chronic illness. In recent years, however, it has become polluted with SJW types and has attracted a new breed of attention-seeking catfish: people who lie about, fake having, and/or exaggerate existing medical problems and crises for no benefit other than to garner attention.
What Is Munchausen By Internet (MBI)?
From Dr. Marc Feldman, an expert in factitious disorders including Munchausen Syndrome, first described Munchausen By Internet in 2000:
>>…the advent of online support groups, combined with access to vast stores of medical information, enabled individuals seeking to gain sympathy by relating a series of harrowing medical or psychological problems that defy comprehension to misuse the groups.[1] Communication forums specializing in medical or psychological recovery were established to give lay users support in navigating often confusing and frustrating medical processes and bureaucracy. Communities often formed on those forums, with the goal of sharing information to help other members. Medical websites also became common, giving lay users access to literature in a way that was accessible to those without specific medical training. As Internet communication grew in popularity, users began to forgo the doctors and hospitals often consulted for medical advice. Frequenting virtual communities that have experience with a medical problem, Feldman notes, is easier than going through the physical pain or illness that would be necessary before visiting a doctor to get the attention sought. By pretending to be gravely ill, Internet users can gain sympathy from a group whose sole reason for existence is support. Health care professionals, with their limited time, greater medical knowledge, and tendency to be more skeptical in their diagnoses, may be less likely to provide that support.Links to Articles and Info on MBI: (Dr. Feldman's website) No. 484904
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No. 484987
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I have no words.
Katiwithoutthee, everyone!
No. 485021
>>485005Yes she's on long duration leave, but she was discussed extensively in the last thread because of her OTT/Munchiness.
Sophie isn't on the list because of her age.
I just included who was discussed last time.
No. 485073
>>485005I agree
She apologized to me and fixed her posts. Don’t see a reason to keep her. Invalidates the rest of the arguments on here. If someone looks her up and sees she’s actual sick unlike most of the munchies and is acting like a fairly decent human.
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Gynecologist diagnosed Endo a year ago and now she's getting her first MRI for it. So her diagnosis is still not confirmed, which is really odd.
She insists on getting a tilt table test, because she thinks having a heart rate of 120 while laying down for >20 minutes is a sign of POTS.
Last year in september she wrote that she has a neuroma on her wrist and that she has to get surgery for it. She had an appointment for an MRI and never went to it, so now she inisists that the lump(wrist) could be anyything and that her doctors think it's CRPS. She was supposed to get her nerves measured, but it doesn't seem like she got the test? She isn't taking any meds for nervepain, so I doubt her diagnosis.
She keeps changing her bio and now it mentions HMS instead of hEDS. In her posts she tags EDS, but she also tags cancer which she doesn't have.
Somehow it seems like she keeps skipping appointments in order to stay sick.
No. 485106
>>485100Staaaahp your WK bullshit. No1curr. She is baby Jaq, and it's totally possible to have real minor medical issues and also Munchausen's, not to mention being OTT, attention seeking and self obsessed. She's another obvious Cluster B.
And she's well within the age range for the site.
So shut the fuck up.
No. 485108
>>485100Hardly OTT if she has all these conditions explaining her symptoms. that’s cowtipping. If 4 or more other minors are being sent links than i think her stuff needs to be removed. That’s genuine illegal harassment of minors. Don’t want this forum
To be take down.
No. 485125
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Did anyone else notice that that Zarala account ("warrior box") gave out Aubrey's address to anyone who wanted it via their picture?
Aub's been busy with the perks of being extra sick this year. She's also hopped onto the blanket train that Jaquie loves so much!
No. 485215
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It looks like Kat (the not-actually-sick half of unicorn.spoonie) has hit a dead end with trying to be physically unwell and is moving onto mental illness. DID, anyone?
No. 485241
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Why… when did she start needing ensure drinks?!?
No. 485248
>>484900This WK anon
>>485112 >>485037 admitted to cowtipping in the last thread, too. I have reported them multiple times.
No. 485269
>>485261It's Amanda who lied on the blanket application.
But Aubrey is also getting some more scrutiny.
No. 485275
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The CF world is blowing up! A girl getting a ton social media attention was called out and caught to be lying about CF and was catfishing the world. No. 485294
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This is the instagram ID she was using.
No. 485358
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Uh maybe because people know you’re a damn munchie?!
No. 485478
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No. 485479
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with pictures
No. 485483
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Lol lung infection… crock of shit
No. 485504
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Well long will her Tpn and picc days be behind her? She's gotta be sooper special with something kek
No. 485539
>>485528Well, good thing she
doesn't have it then. Did they take cultures? I'm guessing not. Her fever would've been higher and she would be sicker if she actually had the flu. She probably has just a cold, which can cause a mild fever.
No. 485542
>>485539But that doesn't sound serious at all, anon! Aubrey can't have anything that couldn't come with multiple complications!
Kek, I love the implication of this, that she went to the ER for a damn cold!
No. 485571
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>>484987Oh Kati McFarland you're such a piece of shit.
No. 485581
If you're going to barge into the congress in your wheelchair and resist arrest, then maybe don't whine when there are consequences??
No. 485634
>>485504Aubrey is taking colloidal silver? Oh please let her skin turn silver. kek
Brave Soul Blankets go for $80 on etsy so I guess you can buy them, but you have to apply or be nominated to get them for free? It's a nice idea I guess but giving out blankets to people that don't need them seems like a waste of time and resources.
No. 485771
>>485764Ugh, she lives in my one.
But at least I don't have Aubrey kek
No. 485817
It's only been a few days since her ER visit right? Did they even give her an RX for this flu? (Like tamaflu and that's a week of meds)
It gives me some hope they pulled that picc and sent her happy little butt home!
However if she had the flu should would not be allowed to have any special tests unless it was extremely important to get done asap or emergency (which she'd be in hospital)
Specially an angiogram….thats invasive and can be high risk depending.
Not to mention the IR/Cath lab wouldn't allow her in the procedure room because of the flu being so contagious..her being on that table would not only expose the people working on her but contaminate the entire room making others sick. 9 times out of 10 these rooms have all the materials out in the room along the walls..not ok to do when contagious!
Someone mentioned the flu shot in the other thread that went unanswered (I think.)
The flu shot is not working well this year because of the mutation of the virus..which is part of why it's been so bad this year. Many who got the shot still got the flu anyway.
No. 485820
>>485809Sounds like you need to read the usage rules, specifically number 3.
Most of us don't want to watch her shit and don't want to give any of these people views.
No. 485823
>>485811Ohh, I must have missed that. Yeah being tipped still doesn't mean anything.
And I thought we could discuss people 16 and up?
No. 485841
>>485820In my post I paraphrased what she said in her video.
A screenshot does not capture what she says. I would still have to paraphrase what she said.
No. 485851
>>485166Yes. And farmhand
>>485823 doesn't seem to realize that Emily is 17 despite referring to a post that states she is 17.
No. 485880
>>485858No, I can read and see it says Instagram. You're being super agressive though when you really didn't state what the hell you linked too. You could've at least said "it's a video" or something. I won't follow what appears to be a random link. That was all I was trying to say but felt it was falling on deaf ears so here we are.
Are you done trying to get me to fight with you yet?
No. 485886
>>485866This board only supports embedding Youtube videos.
Instagram does not monetise content. A cow receives nothing for views.
No. 485887
>>485866You can do that as far as I know.
I think they were saying they linked only because they technically couldn't embed an IG video, not that it's not against the rules.
No. 485934
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>>485880Goodness gracious. Different anon, but here's a useless screencap of the video in question that has absolutely no info or context.
Also, reading the posted url containing "" is not exactly a "random link" because we know Dom makes videos and posts them on Instagram.
No. 485947
>>485887This. My use of the word "support" is in a technical context. There is no field for embedding videos from platforms outside of Youtube.
Usage rule #3 does not address video content on platforms outside of Youtube and does not address video content on Instagram. The rule was probably written prior to Instagram allowing video clips and the advent of story videos.
No. 485972
>>485880I agree with you. It does not specify what to do with Instagram videos or Snapchats and the like.
I did figure out how to capture the video, but I do not want to put it on my YouTube channel. Do we have to go get some anonymous YouTube account to post captured Instagram and Snapchats?
No. 485978
Same fag, but the first half of that last post was directed at
>>485947 not
No. 486000
>>4855041. No one can run tube feeds 24 hours a day, you have to be disconnected to set it up, take showers, take meds, switch bags, etc. Plus, I know we see her off of it sometimes.
2. 40 ml/hr for 23 hours a day is still only 1,380 calories, much less than a woman her age needs, especially since she’s somewhat active, doing yoga and shit.
So she’s still totally full of bullshit. Must be that “neuro lyme” affecting her brain kek. But she’s so dumb, she can’t even lie realistically.
No. 486025
>>485972If you were considering capturing and reposting the video because you do not want to violate rule #3: the rule cannot be applied to Instagram videos and should be rewritten.
Anons post links to Instagram videos all the time with a summary of what was said without being mini-modded. A screenshot is useful only if the video contains visual milk.
No. 486086
>>486022Her educational aspirations are up for debate I would think. kek Too bad pants on fire isn't a diagnosis…
>>485972I agree that the rule should be rewritten because it's a pain in the ass to capture the video, export it, and post it semi-anonymously on YouTube since there is no other way to post video here.
I also agree that a random screenshot of a person's face and/or Instagram post does not contribute any milk and is pointless.
No. 486114
>>486000It depends on the formula too..ig it's a higher or lower calories her case I wouldn't be surprised if it's simply the lowest calories formula she could find. (I'm not familiar with Kate farms)
It could also be that her Drs take into account her oral intake..i mean if her weight is relatively stable and labs decent enough her fees rate isn't really top priority to her drs..its shocking that anyone put her on home TPN..when she was in the hospital were they even giving her anything IV that would indicate poor nutrition/intolerance of tube feeds?
No. 486123
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No. 486128
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No. 486159
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>>486114I think she said she was on the 1.5, which is what I used to calculate. But I wouldn’t be surprised if she was on the less calorically dense 1.0 now, in which case she’d be getting a lot less calories. And those are the only two options, so she can’t go higher.
No. 486185
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Here is Rural Teacake, everyone. also has a true old school blog about at least 2 in the trifecta of munchie bullshit: EDS and gastro. I would give it a pass, but her latest video is her spending a week in hospice for… no clear reason. And as you can tell by the screenshot, she has numerous things planned that make no sense, such as replacing her urinary system. And she wants a service dog for her EDS.
No. 486225
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>>486185her Insta wasn't hard to find.
Though it's worth noting, self-trained assistance dogs are generally NOT A THING in the UK. They will not be recognised outside of the person's own home.
No. 486238
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Here we go with a munchie YouTuber using their channels to get free shit. This girl gets an average of 1-2k views. It’s not like her 130k subs really matter. There are plenty of channels that could get more views on a smaller channel.
Also, wtf with the dreads??? Can’t wait to see her rediculous ass sporting those in her big ass wheelchair with her stressed out service dog, crying baby, and irritated husband. This is going to be great!
No. 486245
>>486235To the point of needing someone to help you get dressed, from room to room etc.
past that, is like HMG levels of magic EDS.
No. 486271
>>486168>>486152Is be surprised if it was even hemroids..
It's Dani.
She knows that because she just had a surgery pretty much any issue she complains about will be answered with "go to the ER "
She hasn't complained about constipation or diahrrea which would be a part of a hemmroid issue..and it's pretty common to be constipated after surgery and that would cause more pain too..and she has been complaining about pain a bit more (mainly because she is getting less sympathy and attention from the surgery)
She had done this many times over the years..shes the cow who cried vomiting and shitting blood.
It gave her her only hospitalization a few years ago even though she's just so so sick! She went into the er saying she was vomiting and shitting blood and argued to be admitted despite her lab work not showing any blood loss. They did an upper GI the next morning which came back normal of course. She said she had to fight to stay.
Blood is usually one of 2 or red.
Red is a surface bleed from hemroids or a tear near the outside. Black is from the inside.
No. 486272
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Her reply is just ridiculous..
Do you think she even when to the Er?
She had nothing on her FB about this which is unlike her.
>>486271 (same wouldn't let me attach the photo.)
No. 486332
>>486238Is she going to braid them in herself with her EDS joints while holding her arms above her head for hours in defiance of her POTS?
I hope the Elle Darby Effect catches up with her and the rest of the munchies.
No. 486344
>>486335No one said anything about "texting their personal number".
No. 486350
>>4863481. I think some people need a rules remediation class.
2. How did they even get that number if they didn't know them personally beforehand?
No. 486385
>>486380I'm truly sorry this happened. It's in the rules of the website not to contact the people we discuss, but someone obviously had malicious intent and went beyond that.
This board isn't meant to bully people into submission, nor is it meant to be a place to bash people without reason.
There was absolutely NO reason for someone to reach out to Emily's friends/Emily-
especially not with the intent of disturbing someone's mental health.
I can't apologize for the horrible person who decided their sick pleasure was worth contacting the friend, but I can apologize on behalf of the rest of the farmers here who follow the rules.
No. 486404
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She’s got a cane y’all!
No. 486419
>>486194I'm sorry, that's simply not true. I know people personally who have had to fundraise for chairs because they can walk a few steps in their house (aided or unaided). Wheelchair services is very hit and miss depending on area and wait times are often long that many can't afford to wait. Hence fundraisers.
Not everyone who needs help actually gets it.
And the munchies tar the rest of us with a bad name.. typical.
Sage for OT.
Anyway, chronically.amanda had a live stream the other day where she was caught out by others on a lie. She was telling them her PCP gave her a Beighton score of 7/9. Then later said she scored a 6/9 but that she'd scored herself. No screen grabs obviously.
No. 486596
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In one of her recent vlogs she talks about how she would be charged 50$ to be let back into her appointment if she doesn't have her keys and after a certain time.
Is it just me or does that seem super wrong for an apartment (regardless if it's section 8 or low income or regular)?
A long time ago she explained her boyfriend never stayed over because she wasn't allowed to have company after certain hours and not over night even for visits which remained her excuse for her boyfriend never being over..which is also weird.
She often talks about going to the community room where she Meets her friends everyday (that she only recently started talking about because of this site)
Is it possible she's actually living in a halfway house or some other type of mildly assisted/government aided/life coach type
The video is rough..she sounds extremely whiny and has terrible acting for attention.
No. 486752
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After a long night and forgetting her tubing I hope everything goes well for our sooper sick princess today! You know how hard it is with a moogle illness! Wtaf??
No. 486802
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SDP posted a video last night showing how super high her heart rate gets, it got into the 150's which from my understanding is nothing with POTS.
No. 486815
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>>486752What does she mean she forgot it? It’s literally hooked up to the pump. And she’s setting things up on the bathroom counter? I get that it’s a hotel room, but still, that’s disgusting. Apparently she’s decided she needs to try harder to get an infection.
No. 486821
>>486802Do people not understand that tachycardia is based on your age and gender. So to be dangerously tachy in your 20s it has to be in the upper 160s. My doctor has shown me the chart. These girls all cry wolf over tachycardia and they are not in any freaking danger! Maybe if they went to the gym every once in awhile they'd realize people try to get there heart rate up on purpose! Who would have ever thought that humans actually exercise and strengthen their hearts. The reason these girls go up so high is because they never do anything but sit on their asses so their heart rate jumps when the move. But I've never seen anyone post a seriously dangerous blackout/pass out HR. Munchies post a pic when its in the 180s and then I'll believe you…
No. 486823
>>486463because it's not enough to SAY you're sick, you have to have the accessory to prove it.
Good luck in marching band with that cane, kek
No. 486842
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Amy posted her lung function tests, which aren't 20% like she claims
No. 486848
>>486842The answer is 74%. In case anyone didn't know how to read it. FEV1 is what all doctors look at and is what they considered your lung function. 74% is just slightly below normal people and not concerning at all. Under 40% are the ones who struggle to breath so she is NO WHERE near that. Probably just has asthma.
Sage for medfagging but I think I'm just being informative
No. 486880
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So unless she got from a shitty place (honestly wouldn't surprise me) one of the reptiles she got is around $200 on it's own, that's not including the $200 tank. If she really needed the tests she could apply for financial assistance through the hospital, especially since her husband apparently works at the Dollar tree and "her YouTube revenue was cut in half". Doctors offices/hospitals have financial assistance for people that need testing but can't afford it/don't have insurance. My money is on that she knows the tests won't show anything.
No. 486884
>>486752Kek a muggle is a hary potter term for non magical person so she’s basically referring to as chronic illness ppl as magical wizards or witches that are some how more special than non magic folk
Basically an ott reference meaning “oh I have the common cold, I’m
Chronic though so I should only be seceptable to sepsis or an angry pancreas
No. 486939
>>486880Someone had posted a picture of the special tank she bought and said it was $200. One of the geckos cost $100 and the other one was $75. She also bought a ton of crickets, not sure how much those cost. Then she bought all the hides and stuff needed for the tank. She also upgraded one if the beardies cage and it looks like the same kind of $200 tank.
They also went to Atlanta and stayed in a hotel, ate out several times I’m sure and went to the Atlanta aquarium and the Atlanta zoo. Easily a $500-600 trip.
She fucking knows she doesn’t have insurance. This money should have been going to either pay for insurance (she could have paid to be on Chase's insurance but she didn’t want to spend that much) or to go in a savings account for medical use. Shs compulsively spends. She can’t help herself.
No. 486942
>>486880The GI doctor she wants to see visits the clinic she is going to. In her video yesterday she mentioned that she could pay for the testing on a 6-month plan.
>>486939And the albino frog.
No. 486970
>>485745But if a munchie knows a medical test will reveal they aren't as sick as they claim they will come up with any reason not to have the test done
>>486880I am not sure her husband still works at the Dollar Tree - someone on here said that based on a facebook profile but when I looked he had two profiles and I think he had some sort of restaurant job following the dollar tree job.
No. 487038
>>486596I can see there being a charge if she had to call someone to let her into her apartment if she doesn't have her keys - lots of apartments have a charge to be let back in after hours (since presumably they have to pay someone to let you in). Is she saying she has to pay to get into her apartment after hours or just if she loses her keys?
Apartments usually have rules about having guests stay past a certain length of time but that length of time usually involves weeks not anything that would prevent regular overnight visits. Not to mention that unless your guest is super disruptive to other residents it is unlikely that anyone would notice and/or inform the management. And it would prevent her from going to his place. Just another million excuses she uses to tell herself that her sucky relationship doesn't suck.
She showed the community room in one of the videos (I haven't watched the last few). It was basically a room with old crappy furniture where people can leave books and puzzles. Might have once been a selling feature for the place but it clearly doesn't get much use. I think the only reason she is posting about the community room is because she gets a lot of flack here for not ever leaving her apartment or interacting with other humans besides her parents and doctors. When it was first brought up she moved from the bedroom to a chair in the living room - but it was still just her sitting in the apartment. So now she adds the community room to the mix - which still doesn't involve her leaving the building and likely doesn't cause much interaction with others.
Everything she does is thought out to address things that are mentioned here.
No. 487103
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It’s sad she calls herself a musician but doesn’t even know how to properly blow into her flute to keep a note in the right key, or so it sounds fluid.
And you can absolutely tell she doesn’t have the attention span for music. She keeps stopping and fucking up. The person she’s trying to duet with is completely annoyed with her. Definitely no surprise she didn’t make regionals. I’m actually more surprised by the fact that she through she actually had a shot.
No. 487293
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Awe, Ana-Aubs doesn’t want some body fat…
No. 487319
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SDP is dying her hair. What do you bet those teal dreads were for her soon to be teal hair? She's stressed about money for testing, so her solution is to spend money to dye her hair
No. 487349
>>487319Riiiiight! Because a person who passes out every 5 minutes (her words) would have energy to do their own hair.
I couldn’t even give my dog a bath today and ended up having to take her to a groomer, which I don’t have money for, but I also physically can’t do it.
This chick is totally full of shit
No. 487355
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>>487319I would also like to point out that she got her nails professionally done. So she is proving she is a compulsive liar with the “need money to put food on the table” or she is even more irresponsible than I thought.
Although selfishly it m glad I don’t gave to look at those gnarly stubs anymore.
No. 487377
File: 1517354252381.png (3.08 MB, 750x1334, 2D0A5B9F-8FC1-4A62-875B-0E56E9…)

It was sooper rough coloring at school all day today
No. 487426
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Looks like she went to Sally's. She's going to fry her hair if she's not careful
No. 487471
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>>487438Here's the color. Honey beige
No. 487476
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>>487438As a salonfag. Lemme say this bitches hair is going to turn pink . shes using a pale yellow toner? Boo boo what is you doing sdp?
No. 487477
>>487103In North America loads of kids take music class but don't necessarily have to be good at it? That's my memory of high school anyway.
Maybe if she stopped looking at her phone (to see if anyone was watching live) and looked at the music instead she'd have played better kek
No. 487478
>>487471Little bit of hair fagging here…
She's gonna have to lift her hair from what looks like a level 4/5 (dark brown) to a 10 to even get that pinkish color.
And to go to a level 10 at home without any purple toner…Her hairs is going to be baby chick yellow and squash orange and she's gonna try to bleach it more and it's just gonna fall out. Kek.
No. 487485
>>487476As someone whose first home bleach job took them from dark brown to Tang orange…. I look forward to seeing the results of this kek
My money's on her crying on livestream,. then justifying the cost of getting it professionally fixed.
No. 487492
>>487478More hair fagging…I have managed to strip/bleach my hair from dishwater blonde to do a great many different shades, but you have to be SO careful. It can be done, but there's a reason you leave that up to the pros (and even they won't get it right sometimes).
But hey, if her hair all does fall out, she can blame it on her health or on finding out she's allergic to the chemicals or whatever other thing she can cook up. Maybe she really should team up with Aubrey. They can color each other's hair and hang out it in the sauna and pass out to their hearts' contents.
No. 487504
>>486940No, but he gets dizzy! And his heart races!
While a ttt isn't quite needed for dx, you could have some cardiac work up and a poor mans ttt for diagnosis. But he hasn't even had that.
No. 487512
>>487504A poor man's TTT could show orthostatic intolerance, but that's pretty run of the mill.
Is it too rude if I ask if this guy is trans? It's just all the male spoonies/SD handlers seem to be…
No. 487522
File: 1517362947824.jpg (724.09 KB, 1071x3346, Screenshot_20180130-193604.jpg)

So..this is the result of her serious er visit her pcp recommended.
In the previous post she makes it sound like she may be bleeding with her choice of wording (of course)
Here she drops the BS and replies with what the er did the last time she cried wolf..i still wonder if she even went and even called her pcp for that matter.
She ends this with saying it's happened a few times since..bht she just went in yesterday..and someone with the GP at the severity she tries to portray would not have had several bowel movements in 24hrs..
She changed her name too..more shots to follow.
No. 487525
File: 1517363120801.jpg (1.4 MB, 1073x3459, Screenshot_20180130-194307.jpg)

Because her solid budgeting has been questioned on here and the target on others spending on here.
No. 487526
File: 1517363209836.jpg (504.5 KB, 2896x2896, 20180130_194401.jpg)

Brave warrior
Her different accounts and use of them have also been talked about recently on here recently.
No. 487528
No. 487543
>>486815I find it disturbing she is using IV flushes for Jtube medications..BIG NO NO..and sorry Aubrey but the average time spent flat after an angio is 4 hours..a plug will make that much shorter but it's related to more than just her size…its fairly common to not do the plug on females..
ugh shes average weight anyway!
I guess she went to Houston for the amigo? I don't understand that because it's totally do able locally..i can see her going to Houston Methodist for big things and big surgeries but not for a routinely done cardio test..
No. 487620
>>487599Oh wow..thats terrible if she's in ft that means she is seeing Drs in Austin(home) Houston(cardio posts from a bit ago for some type of test) and dallas/ft worth(cardio for angio/test) the hell is she getting away with that?? Surely one of these cardiologists would connect that would be really hard to just hide that fact (her medical record) from them.
This is beyond OTT and hits very low with so many people not having easy access to their medical needs.
I really hope I'm confusing cows here
Also when you travel for medical care/appt. These hospitals have special housing so you don't pay out of pocket hotel fees unless you choose to do so and insurance will help and work with you but thats only if you're actually sick and you actually have to travel for care. (In other words If you can get it locally youre not getting a special free ride to travel being covered )
No. 487636
>>487625No, well she might be..its Aubrey.
She is using empty IV
Flush syringes to use for her Jtube medications.
No. 487693
File: 1517373541028.jpeg (113.45 KB, 1115x585, 12D157D4-D9AA-4288-9CB6-9A0365…)

>>487483It looks splotchy. Lol. She is such a fake. There is no way that someone as ill as she claims she is could hold her arms above her head long enough to bleach her head. I way
No. 487709
>>487693Did…Did she just dump the bleach on her hair?
Oh honey NO! Your roots are gonna develop faster and lighter and just…oh no.
No. 487715
File: 1517374902819.jpg (57.04 KB, 640x480, Gz8AuW7.jpg)

>>487693calling it right now, it's gonna look like this when it's done. what a nightmare. she's gonna have to spend more on a salon getting color correction than she would have spent just having it lightened professionally
assuming she even goes to a salon at all, and doesn't just fry all her hair off trying to fix it at home. top kek.
No. 487717
>>487715She also didn't remove the dye already in her hair. I'm pretty sure she already had dye in there.
I can't wait to see this cheeto hair.
No. 487742
File: 1517376338100.jpeg (885.51 KB, 3117x3117, 0C5DCD0B-BB19-42C6-9EEF-EFD979…)

>>487717This is just four of the looks she has had in the past six months from oldest to newest
No. 487818
File: 1517380092536.jpeg (491.07 KB, 2078x2078, 971530D0-7E20-4EAC-93F0-F2298F…)

New munchie found of course flaming EDS!
This is her EDS…. ??♀️ She’s not even able to touch her palms to the floor , she’s grabbing her skin with all her might, and her pinky doesn’t go past 90 degrees yet in her post says she’s an 8/9 on the beighton scale!!!
No. 487820
File: 1517380232964.jpeg (275.66 KB, 750x1106, 9F7C997F-6662-4680-A4A3-37737F…)

>>487818*claiming EDS
Here’s the post
No. 488016
File: 1517404593765.png (1.36 MB, 800x1060, Screenshot_2018-01-31-05-09-00…)

>>487693The result.
Dom appears to be manic again. She was up all night posting pics and video clips in bed with Chase asleep next to her.
No. 488017
>>487525Oh Dani and her budgets.
Says she made the budget and is going to stick to it and then starts listing all the additional things she will have to get - gas, oil change, payment for car parts, food, household items (which she plans to do with her remaining $94).
She only gets $76 in food stamps and doesn't budget for any additional food. That means that she is anticipating on being able to feed herself for less than $3 a day. (Who wants to bet that the smoothies she plans to live on for the next few months are full of non-GP friendly items like fruit).
Clearly she has her priorities set with this budget- no planning for extra essentials, like food and household supplies, but budgets almost $100 dollars to save for not one but 2 subscription boxes and towards the useless brave soul blanket (she convinced her mom to nominate her but she is saving to buy one in case she doesn't get selected - because of course you need to have the latest munchie trends). And towards a camera despite the fact that she has 0 chance of making it as a vlogger (and its not the camera quality that makes her vlogs bad - she has no concept of camera angles and lighting and she has no content).
So can we expect that this month she won't purchase any self-care items - like manicures, extra books, dollar store finds
No. 488109
>>488099Didn't Julian also get sicker after starting Testosterone? I'm not saying he's faking, but it would be something to look into with people getting sicker after starting hormone treatments.
It would make sense though. A lot of conditions worsen with puberty because of the hormones, so if you already went through it once and add different hormones…
No. 488113
>>488099Interesting. Factitious disorder is almost exlusively a women's disease, and the often accompanying cluster B personality disorders are also FAR more common in females. It's often assumed that hormones play a large part in it, but if this pattern we seem to detect here is real, I'd say it's more to do with either early hormonal exposure (quite possibly as early as in utero) and/or upbringing.
As a cis woman, I'm always a bit jealous that one of the things most FTM's experience when starting T is more energy and more confidence. If T does that to you, we as women are at a disadvantage. That he started having (more) symptoms
after starting it, is quite intriguing.
No. 488124
>>488118Would never have guessed that. Guess that's a compliment. Also, most trans people identify clearly as being trans in their bio (I think? That I've seen anyway). He probably wants to be 'just a guy', which frankly is quite understandable.
It is interesting however because of what I said before in
>>488113 (not saying he has FD, though I think he used to be a bit OTT). Plus, not many cis men out there claiming or even having POTS, I guess.
I'd say T would give most EDSers an advantage over cis women. Most doctors and researchers seem to think the reason that (H)EDS is more often diagnosed in women - even though the inheritage pattern means men and women have an equal change of inheriting it - has to do with the fact that
1. certain hormones released during the menstrual cycle make tissues more lax
2. men have more muscle mass so can compensate better for having lax joints
3. men tend to have a higher collagen synthesis
I don't know about 3, but T would certainly help with the first two.
No. 488125
>>488122Sorry, that reaction was to the first part of my post here
>>488124. I removed it to add the last part because I didn't want to samefag. And now I did. Oops. Just to clear up any confusion it might cause.
No. 488138
>>488131Oh, and there's the munchies of course, who are overwhelmingly more female. Plus the fact that hypermobility is definitely more common in women plus more often do the kinds of sports (like gymnastics) where flexibility is encouraged, and benign hypermobility is often lumped in with HEDS.
But those are misdiagnoses. Even in patients who had a good and extensive workup by a specialist in connective tissue disorders, HEDS is more often diagnosed in females, for the reasons stated above.
No. 488157
>>488092Except we're talking about her being manic, and how someone with POTS would not be holding their arms up like that? It is milk, if you're interested in taking about someone else, post about them.
Learn to sage
No. 488340
>>488295 Yes - on so many levels. Not only was she able to do the multi-step process on her own she was also able to just drop what she was doing and go pick up her husband from work. For someone who claims they have recently been passing out multiple times a day its a wonder that she would be able to take the time to engage in an arm intensive process (that I assume involves a bit of sitting/standing) with chemicals and then just be able to drop everything to drive and get her husband. As its been said before - should she even be driving if she is passing out so frequently?
She claims she doesn't have the money for medical tests/appointments but she goes and blows all her money on pets and hair products.
Is her dog by her side the entire time she is doing this to "alert" her if she is about to faint. I would hope he wasn't so close to the chemicals. Not to mention she probably doesn't need him to alert at home since she has the kind of illness that only causes you to faint when there are witnesses and perfect camera angles.
Is she one of the munchies that claims she is sensitive to certain smells/cleaning products? I would just assume that someone who claims to have all of her issues would also have problems with prolonged exposure to chemicals.
No. 488361
>>488340She coughed twice when she said, "I've got through the bleaching process." But she did not mention the odors affecting her adversely. I don't know if she has talked about having chemical sensitivity; she doesn't have any respiratory illnesses.
Her hair coloring involved her applying the bleach, allowing it to process for probably 20 minutes, rinsing it, then applying the toner and rinsing it after she drove to pick up Chase.
No. 488415
File: 1517428005163.jpeg (549.42 KB, 1242x1997, 1DA3234F-342E-4C17-AC60-FB7D65…)

Good news! Aubs has “evidence of MALS”!
Totally good news that she might be having surgery! Now she can get that tube taken out!
No. 488453
File: 1517429535570.jpeg (434.7 KB, 1125x1717, 6619300E-3221-43A5-8AD8-B6AEDC…)

>>488384Nope, she is out today. And looking more put together than I have in weeks. Must be nice to have the sooper speshel kind of POTS where you can can do exhausting tasks and still bounce back like this.
No. 488480
>>488463Generally it doesn't cause too many problems (otherwise as a genetic condition it wouldn't still exist).
Things that are relevant is that symptoms worsen, more likely to get hip dislocations, may need bed rest, if you have a tear/episiotomy needs to be silk stitches not disolvable as the disolving ones with disolve before the wound is healed (same for general EDS suturing).
Usually births are consultant led, not midwife led (in the UK and Europe doctors are rarely involved with a natural delivery).
CAN be more likely to need a stitch in your cervix to keep the baby 'in'.
Then with the baby it is common for babes born with EDS to have hip dysplasia and be a bit floppier but still have a good startle reflex. Can be more likely to have a sacral dimple that may or may not mean tethered cord.
No. 488540
File: 1517433387471.jpeg (504.36 KB, 3117x3117, 0ED29461-ABAD-441C-A9AC-805631…)

Sorry, just need to point out that she is all over with the hashtags #WhyAmISoBASIC and #imbasic and I have to say…girl…you are basic as FUCK! What the hell is she doing? She shaved lines into her eyebrows!!!
No. 488563
File: 1517434780616.png (826.34 KB, 673x1145, Screenshot_2018-01-31-13-28-37…)

>>488124He has been on T for 19 months.
If hormones affect the severity of his symptoms, I would hope he would be forthcoming with that info considering his self-appointed status as an advocate for his illnesses.
No. 488566
>>488563lel "spamforspam" "commentforcomment"
someone's thirsty.
No. 488570
File: 1517435132630.png (771.03 KB, 800x887, Screenshot_2018-01-31-13-41-11…)

Nothing says mania like unnecessary shopping sprees, excessive selfies, and driving without a seatbelt after being awake all night.
No. 488571
>>488565Yup generally it doesn't mean anything. If the baby is floppier than average, especially in the legs then it gets checked. But if all normal baby check reflexes are fine and there isn't a family history of spinal issues and doesn't present any problems then basically not a thing.
Post on certain spoonie/EDS boards though and you'll be told you have a tethered cord!
No. 488577
>>488576OOOO SHIT
What if the "spina bifida" cow just assumes she has SB because of her tethered cord?
No. 488581
>>488576Well yes, but I literally know all of this because my mum has spina bifida and I have a sacral dimple. It means nothing.
ALSO having good nutirition and folic acid in pregnancy removes basically all genetic risk of spina bifida. Whereas diet in pregnancy has no impact on passing on EDS.
No. 488585
>>488415She's fucking fishing. MALS can show up in completely asymptomatic people, that's why it is a controversial diagnosis. Despite the testing, it's still a diagnosis of exclusion in most cases as far as I know.
With all of her claimed illnesses that could also cause similar issues I don't think a doctor would blame it on celiac compression. She didn't have sudden drastic weight loss that's typical is actual MALS or anything else.
No. 488591
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I bet she will say she wasn’t sticking her ass out, it’s her EDS
No. 488642
>>488570>>488591She posted eight pics of seven outfits for her followers to rate. Max is nowhere to be seen in the dressing room with her.
Someone commented, "have you passed out at all while trying on these clothes? it seems really exhausting"
She has all the time in the world for vlogs of shopping and eating fastfood, but she devotes the bare minimum to her sponsored/partnered content which she was humble bragging about being a lucrative venture.
Her video of the CBD products was far from professional with non-stop disruptions from her cat and kid and poor video quality, she doesn't actually review them, and she misspelled the company's website in the description.
She was so excited to be given a pre-release of 'Adele and Everything After' to review, but she didn't promote her review or the movie itself to Instagram or Facebook.
No. 488644
File: 1517438791013.jpg (801.47 KB, 1080x1898, Screenshot_20180131-163521.jpg)

For someone who doesn't have the money for tests she sure is buying a lot of clothes. She's so manic, at this point it looks like rapid cycling.
How is she able to stand and try on that many clothes? Shouldn't get EDS and POTS be acting up? She posted all of those within 15 minutes.
No. 488647
File: 1517439009095.jpg (239.51 KB, 1046x1134, 20180131_164932.jpg)

Sure Jan.
No. 488692
File: 1517441357067.jpg (495.43 KB, 1076x2160, Screenshot_20180131-172139.jpg)

Riiight…gotta fill up slowly on low calorie/no calorie "fluids" instead of nutritional drinks.
And she supposedly just went to the er where they gave her the obligatory bag of fluid and zofran
and protonix for her "internal bleeding" and sent her home with the same normal lab work she went in with, and has never been kept for dehydration (that she would have if she was actually not eating and throwing up so much) or even kept her in ER for more than a single bag of saline (she's a miracle) but she's totally struggling to drink.
No. 488697
>>488692Also her comment is fishing!
It's ridiculous how these guys seem to follow each other and have a domino effect on each other with illnesses or problems or pretty much anything as right now fishing seems to be a trend.
No. 488706
File: 1517441813240.jpg (961.77 KB, 1079x3811, Screenshot_20180131-172303.jpg)

Not much to say about her therapy topic this week other than her therapy has been again talked about on here recently so of course she's now onto that..
Her initial caption however is golden.
Her surgery high is definetly gone..this posted before the previous photo, but I won't be surprised if she goes back to the ER for pain dehydration and malnutrition with her boyfriend by her side.
No. 488717
>>488666no kidding! I don't try stuff on in-store any more, I have to go places with a good returns policy!
Also it's really weird she doesn't have Max with her especially considering she's doing something that anyone with noticeable EDS or POTS would find tiring and difficult.
No. 488727
File: 1517442796632.jpeg (195.63 KB, 750x408, 9056A00E-2EFF-4EE7-AB53-364596…)

is no one going to talk about this? this shit is freaking creepy. she took a picture of her sLEEPING HUSBAND. she’s psycho.
No. 488787
>>488727I mentioned it in
>>488016 but didn't want to clog the board. She took a video whispering to her cat in bed and was overly amused by his normal cat behavior.
She is high on mania. Everything is more fun than fun! She sees the world through renewed eyes! Too much is not enough! She has so many thoughts and ideas and projects. "I'm gonna buy one no two no three new pets and let's drive to Atlanta on the spur of the moment and I have to dye my hair now because I suddenly want blond and teal dreads so Max and I can match and I'm so funny and attractive just look at my funny faces I can't post just one pic they're all so funny and everyone wants to see me trying on clothes I can't really afford but I'll figure that out later because I am queen of the world!"
Sage for bipolarfagging. It takes one to know one.
No. 488835
>>488706Well hopefully a conversation with her therapist about the site would lead to them discussing what is being said here, why she feels the need to seek approval from anons, a look a how she portrays herself, and her use of social media (if she truly wanted to stop appearing on here she would make all her social media private and be very careful about who she lets see it - this includes the vlogs - its fine to make a video diary but you don't need to share it with the world).
Although I wouldn't be surprised if her therapist just lets her ramble about how she is being "bullied".
Its sad how much she responds to what is posted on here and how much her attempts to defend herself really only end up backfiring even more.
I posted about how her smoothies were likely not GP friendly and now she is doing "research" on GP friendly smoothies. She has been "researching" GP friendly foods for months now and still seems to have no clue. In the past people have specifically spelled it out for her. I don't have GP and it took me a 5 minute google search to find the dos and donts of a GP diet. She does nothing all day - you think she would put a little more effort into her "research" if it was something that would make her feel better (but of course she doesn't actually want to get better because then she would have no excuse for why her life is the way it is)
No. 488836
File: 1517448023296.png (345.47 KB, 528x535, Screenshot_2018-01-31-17-12-28…)

In a rapid run-on sentence Dom tells everyone who is questioning her ability to go shopping with her illnesses to FUCK OFF. later in the next video she is singing along in the truck. "LOOOOVE THIS SONG"
Someone comments that an ashier blonde would flatter her and she responds, "i may bleach it again tonight. My hair is still hella healthy"
And of course everyone must see what she bought.
This is textbook mania.
No. 488856
File: 1517448526361.png (807.23 KB, 935x599, wtfmolly7.png)

Molly alarms and confuses me. Take out her colon because it causes her pain? Still has months old poop in there?
Now, I'm not a butt expert, but don't they have stuff like enemas or other procedures to help deal with impaction? I'm just really confused as to how removal of her colon for what she has said is chronic constipation is a thing that is often done.
No. 488895
>>488883>>488712It baffles me how/why her family let's her do this to herself and even more baffling that they are doing nothing to get her the mental support and treatment she needs..its like they don't care about her or at least enough to step in and help protect
She's a ticking time bomb..shes never going to be satisfied (seriously feel her ultimate goal is hospice to prove how sick she is without even fully understanding what that actually means for her body and her family)
She's going to keep manipulating for a self given weird goal she will never hit and end up killing herself by accident or as result of her munchie-ness(developing serious and life threatening real medical illness from side effects of treatments for conditions she doesn't really have)
It concerns me more about the family and how they will cope having not stepped in and basically just watch het slowly kill herself like an alcoholic..just different addictions..
No. 488924
>>488883Wooooow. I like how she's aggressively symptom and doctor shopping to justify her anorexia.
Also "too thin" for a femoral artery plug, like that in combination with how much she can't eat. Hopefully the surgeon she is seeing wn't do an unnecessary surgery on her, it's just going to keep feeding into her munchie behavior.
No. 488942
>>488883She'll most likely have to undergo a psychiatric evaluation because anorexia and any other illnesses need to be excluded.
I don't think getting this operation is going to be as easy as she thinks it's going to be. Hopefully she won't be a candidate for open surgery. If she has it, it isn't going to help her.
No. 489012
>>488971>>488980>>488983MALS is also more common in thinner women who are on bed rest or basically minimal mobility for whatever reason..its not uncommon for anorexics to have MALS but guess what?! In those cases with weight gain and taking part in physical therapy can lessen the compression with that alone and become asymptomatic if they were even displaying symptoms before..which is a thin line for recovering anorexics due to GI symptoms with all that going on like with GP and IBS.
And again very few with MALS actually have symptoms and with everything Aubrey is lying about she would have to find an idiot of a dr to do surgery on a very skeptical maybe.
Wouldn't her nerve block that found her super special "cancer" give them a yes or no on hthis MALS BS? Or was that when they shut her down with the mals shit the first time?
That was considered an exploratory procedure if I recall proper..while they were "in there" for the block he looked around at her "other organs just because" and found the tumor.
So wouldn't that be a more accurate test for finding MALS than an angio?
I hope they look at the full picture before this chick does her body some serious harm.
No. 489022
File: 1517459210208.png (1.5 MB, 750x1334, 86AB0957-6B85-43E7-975A-4A6C00…)

Is this real??
No. 489023
>>488856>>488945This is the worst cases lax abuse has lead to this down the road.
I had a RN once who told me as a cultural thing her mother gave them daily laxatives and she ended up septic from a destroyed colon and had to have it removed.
Sort of makes you wonder why some EDers go down the GP/MALS/EDS/POTS route where they fight to get taken seriously and do everything possible to get new toys.
No. 489031
>>489022And now she is worried about talking to her therapist about this site because her talking to the therapist about it was mentioned here.
Dani - since we know you are reading this - talk to your therapist about this site - but try to use it to open up a conversation about why you are continually brought up on this site.
No. 489038
File: 1517460183673.png (2.41 MB, 750x1334, FD89356A-E075-48DB-B244-5D0AFE…)

When you get hot in Arizona….
No. 489050
>>488860medfagging from a non medical professional. From what I understand, sometimes with impaction, a person's intestines can twist or flip and they may have to surgically move it back into place and in doing so may have to take out part of the colon. I have no idea if that's what's happening here with Molly, but it also seems like that's a last resort.
Side note, I think that's the first time I've ever seen her with her eyes open. I looked at her IG and she always looks like she's squinting.
No. 489071
File: 1517463047381.jpg (575.68 KB, 1080x1719, Screenshot_20180131-232805.jpg)

1/3 so fucking manic. Her hair is awful, my money is on her pulling a 2007 Britney.
No. 489072
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No. 489075
File: 1517463107526.jpg (380.58 KB, 1080x1466, Screenshot_20180131-232828.jpg)

No. 489077
File: 1517463398123.png (202.7 KB, 640x1136, E629CFC7-F3B9-441B-A5B3-F88B4F…)

>>489038Kek it’s literally in the 80s there during the day, and no one has air conditioners on yet, since it’s still January. And it looks like she’s got some sort of sweatshirt/jacket on kek
No. 489131
>>488856>>Now, I'm not a butt expert, but don't they have stuff like enemas or other procedures to help deal with impaction?It is done sometimes. I know a patient who had it done. Same problem, basically. And if her constipation was so bad it lead her doctors to create an ileostomy, you'd be FAR beyond enemas, laxatives and even colonic irrigation (like with the peristeen set or similar, which entails much more fluid and gets much higher into the colon than a normal enema).
BUT: if she has EDS, I'd think twice before having the colon removed. Even if it causes you pain. EDS greatly increases the risk of prolapse of the pelvic organs, and removing the colon would make more room for the bladder and uterus. In a way, the colon can function partially to support the other organs in the pelvic region. That patient I know? That's how I found out about that. Plus it's major surgery with a far greater risk of bleeding than there is with creating a (loop?) ileostomy. With EDS, I'd weight the pros and cons VERY carefully if I were her and/or her doctor. (Unless of course she doesn't have EDS.)
No. 489135
>>488579The records that have been deleted
No. 489155
File: 1517480679475.jpeg (462.77 KB, 1125x2026, 58D1FD1D-43D0-4DBD-97F3-E0DA90…)

What a rare find! I’ve stumbled across a self admitted munchie, who explicitly states in her caption her desire for her self inflicted lung injury to be unstable! She wishes to be operated on and “generally be worse”! Ha!
No. 489158
File: 1517481043182.jpeg (Spoiler Image,477.48 KB, 1123x2006, 29006C8F-D33F-4CF1-AE43-48FD2D…)

They took away her staple gun that she wanted to use for self harm, “How dare they?!”
No. 489159
File: 1517481226597.jpeg (574.92 KB, 1125x2058, 4D07FA2C-63D2-4A46-A822-2472D9…)

>>489155so after the hospital staff take away her staple gun (which she intended to use on herself) she PHONED THE POLICE saying she had been robbed! But all of a sudden remembered her hospital packet had a staple!! Which she embedded into her knee, and then promptly posted a smiling photo to Instagram to share her “accomplishment”
No. 489160
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>>489155Oh, a plot twist! A week after embedding a staple into her knee, it’s since gotten “infected and pussy”. You think she’s be happy right? She wanted to be worse. No, our darling declares if they don’t take them out tomorrow, she’ll go in there and dig for them herself!
No. 489161
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>>489155The mean old doctors refuse to do anything about the 20 something staples in her infected knee, so “Instead I’m going to infect my wound more! I don’t know how I’ll do it yet, but I will!”
No. 489164
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>>489155Remeber when she said she wishes her stable lungs were worse? She wishes they would be operated on? Well they had “emergency surgery” to remove her staples because she had gone septic. She wants to do it again but “could lose her leg”. Thought you wanted to actually be Ill, darling? Was it not what you’d expected?
No. 489165
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>>489155She is ranting on about a new girl on the ward who “came in with back pain moaning like a whiney little bitch”. Has she forgotten that she is the one who threw herself off a second story balcony LOL. Says she wants to “give her spoilt ass a wake up call” because she “screams so much” but our darling must have forgotten that she self embedded STAPLES into her knee and forced them to be infected, because her back injury wasn’t serious enough for her. Is this for real?
No. 489168
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>>489159So an “RMN” whatever the fuck that is threw this bitch at a wall WUT? They IM’ed her and now all is good. Um What the f is up with hospitals in London? HOW is there no lawsuit?
No. 489173
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>>489168No words. Just… wow
No. 489177
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>>489168so every time she is hears the word discharge, she’s “happy” because she doesn’t need to be there. But come discharge and she threatens shit like this and they still tell her to go home and she immediately finds a ledge to jump off, forcing her to section her. She’s really fucked up her legs and spine now and I think it’s so funny because she can’t move either of her legs at all, and has a history of behavior like this. So what do they do? Place her in a trolley in the hall of A&E! HA can’t even give her a proper MRI to see the extent of damage. Now if this were to say, happen in the US, you would not be on a trolley playing on your phone taking selfies. That’s all I’m going to say. Does the NHS realize how easy it is for their patients to kill themselves? In psych units here, they take EVERYTHING. Can’t even have certain bras if they have more than one strap. Have to use styrofoam cups and patients there in the PICU (which by the way stands for PSYCHIATRIC intensive care unit) have access to China cups, cell phones, cell phone charger, staple guns… how? One time, in Inpatient, I gained access to a pencil eraser, which is forbidden. I was put on 1:1 and isolation for 4 days. This chick ligatures and 2 days later she has unescorted leaves. What the fuck
No. 489206
>>489177From my limited experience of being detained in a hospital under the MHA, PICU is just a normal ward, not a specified psychiatric hospital where it would be like you described. However the only way she could have gotten hold of a mug (not a China cup kek) is if she brought it in herself (unlikely) or requested a cup of tea from the ward round, which is more likely and would have meant she had to be behaving normally for a reasonable period of time… ie not about to try and slash her jugular with pottery. If she was that level of acting crazy she would have been sectioned, which is different to being held under MHA as it’s ordered by the courts, then she would indeed be in a specific mental hospital, not a normal hospital on the PICU.
Sorry if that doesn’t make sense!
No. 489211
>>489206Being sectioned and under the MHA is the same thing! She is held under section 3 of the mental health act.
PICU- Psychiatric intensive care unit in this case. It is a psychiatric ward with a higher staff: patient ratio. Different PICU's have different levels of restriction in regards to mugs etc. I'm sure they weren't worried she was actually going to slash her jugular I think they were worried she was going to pull her line out.
No. 489305
>>489300TBH I don't think she is selfish I think she is just really fucking ill. Doesn't mean she is nice to work with but you've got to be pretty fucked up to want to destroy your body that much.
Honestly I don't think she belongs on this board. It isn't muchausens by internet addiction. It is someone who is severely mentally ill sharing their self-harm online. Which I'm sure there is probably a board for.
No. 489320
>>488949Yeah, she doesn't have cancer. They tested for cancer and probably removed part of her pancreas just in case (if the surgery even happened at all and wasn't just a biopsy). But she probably had the same problem her brother had, caught it super early due to her munchie behavior, and the diagnoses she listed as proof were diagnoses they were investigating, not actual diagnoses.
I've looked into Aubrey a lot because she did some work in Africa and I respect people who contribute their time to assist other countries, but it's sad to me that all of it was probably self-centered and for attention. I want to like her, I really do, but she appears to be super self-centered. Why can't a life-long symptom stay as it is? Is it getting worse? If not, SUCK IT UP.
Why is a diagnosis so important? If someone has a chronic condition that has been investigated by a doctor and doesn't appear to be life threatening, just take medication to ease the symptoms and move on with life!!! We all have crappy situations that cause pain and we get over it, whether it be chronic migraines, chronic bowel issues, etc. Just treat it and have a life outside of the issues. Be an adult.
sage for rant
No. 489379
>>489305The two aren't mutually exclusive. You can be severely mentally ill and not be selfish. I don't think her being mentally ill gives her an excuse to not get posted - by definition everyone on this thread is mentally ill. Especially as she posts about it, in detail, online, and bad mouths the very people trying to support, heal and help her.
Some people in this world are just horrible people. Neurotypical people, mentally ill, learning disabled - you get nice ones and you get nasty ones. Just because you have a MI or LD doesn't make it okay.
No. 489557
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Those darn herbs and that darn neurolyme!
Was so sick She had to hurry up and take a pic of the back of the ambo! Sooper serious convulsions were happening but of course not when the pic needed to be taken
No. 489559
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Aubrey has been out of the hospital for more than 24 hours, so it's time to drug herself to get back in!
No. 489573
>>489557She seems to be picking up speed as she is sliding down that hill.
She is looking more and more mentally unstable - going out of her way to get more surgeries, "mixing up" her herbs, etc… I wouldn't be surprised if the herbal mix-up was not accidental. I don't really doubt that she knows what she should and shouldn't take and purposefully took just enough of something that would cause alarm (but not enough to really cause damage). Although if she tries this trick too many times someone might finally get suspicious and start to question her mental health.
I am not expert on the pancreas but isn't pancreatitis an inflammation of the pancreas? I would expect bloodwork to show inflammation of the pancreas for a while (as part of the healing process) after someone had surgery to remove some of it. I think she just keeps throwing the pancreatitis around so that she can make people thing there is a reason to be alarmed about her "cancer".
No. 489617
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It didn't so this one will do…
>>489027 No. 489747
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Ummmmm didn’t we already know she had pancreatitis considering she had surgery on it and it’s literally expected to have elevated levels of inflammation in that area… from the surgery and her tumors…. like wtf?
No. 489783
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This is such bullshit. I highly, highly doubt they were going to admit her. More lies, more attention seeking.
"Look how strong I am! I can handle my problems at home even though I'm sooo sick and my doctor said I needed to stay".
No. 489815
>>489211As someone who has been held under the MHA it clearly isn’t the same as being sectioned. The MHA is upheld by law but it isn’t an individual court order. I was held for less than 24 hours and let go without any further action. That would not happen with sectioning, as being sectioned is the courts deciding you are a danger to yourself and/or others and basically imprisoning you in hospital.
/sage for blogging but come on
No. 490107
>>490076>>490089Agree with both of you about Aubrey. And these are the kind of lies that get dangerous, especially if younger people are watching this. There are kids and adults dying of flu and she's putting out this stupid information like it's no biggie. And "only 12 hours" is a long time for someone with a bad case of flu - it can do a lot of damage in that time. She's completely full of BS.
saged for being pissed off at lies and misinformation
No. 490427
>>490356 >>490076 Sage your shit.
>>489573It's even more alarming when you step back and think of Aubrey's life. She has a background of traveling and volunteering, her husband is clearly gifted and is able to support both of them, she has a stable home life and three loyal dogs, she's upper middle class, pretty, and seemed to have a tight group of friends. Why would you throw all of that away for a life of tubes and hospital beds? She had a life most would easily envy. I almost understand munchies who have no friends (looking for community) or a poor family life, but she's baffling.
It's just a glorified ED, but even then, why not just settle for being a normal skelly?
No. 490447
>>489177from my experience in NHS psych units, how much they take away depends on your behaviour. New patients will not be allowed ANYTHING that could possibly be used to hurt themselves with. Though I saw a lot of uh…. "creative" self harm.
This girl inserting things into her wound to induce infection though, that's a whole other level of crazy.
No. 490464
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"The doctor will know what's best for me"
…and if he doesn't give the results she wants, the doctor will be "mean" and "not the right doctor for me".
No. 490466
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Chronically.Ams is just anachan all over now. She's not even trying to hide it.
No. 490651
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Lol she officially calls herself a YouTuber.. but doesn’t understand that… you’re not a youtuber if no one actually watches what you make..
No. 490659
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Holy shit, MyBreakspearVacation is getting a port!
While also kinda misunderstanding the concept.
No. 490660
>>490655I was just about to say that - you don't need to go to a store to buy video editing programs.
Not to mention that it isn't the editing that makes her videos unwatchable - all the editing software in the world won't make up for her terrible angles, poor lighting (especially since she knows nothing about editing) and more importantly - she has no content! She doesn't do anything all day, there are no interesting "characters" in her life - nobody wants to watch her drone on about her medical problems in her grating voice and nobody cares what preteen books she is reading. There are plenty of free editing programs out there - she might want to wait until she has more than a couple of viewers (most of whom likely "hate-watch" her videos).
Not to mention that just days ago she posted about her budget and how she wasn't going to spend any more money. Her IG story has her asking if anyone wants to see her shopping haul and now she is trying to buy video editing software - she couldn't even make it a full day in the shortest month of the year to stick to her budget.
She is doing lots of polls on her IG - probably because she is desperate for some type of interaction.
She claims she blocked this site on her phone. I wonder if she ever talked to her therapist about it.
No. 490663
>>490661I posted her last year but for being OTT. How do you know she's faking CRPS?
I hate it when people use "bedbound" etc when they've only had to be in bed a day or two.
No. 490684
>>490660And despite her saying that she has blocked this site on her phone - she is still reading it. Just minutes after there is a post about her lack of content she posts a story asking what videos she should make for her youtube.
She could make all the videos she wants - there are tons of people trying to "make it" as youtubers and very few succeed. She has nothing that makes her stand out and little that would appeal to a viewer. Her only hobby/activity seems to be reading and the primary audience for the books she reads is much younger. Younger viewers are only going to want to watch an older youtuber if there is some sort of "cool" factor. Nobody looks at Dani and thinks "hey I want to be like her".
With all the time and energy she is focusing on her "youtube career" you would think she would be able to handle at least a simple job (or some type of volunteering).
No. 490689
Maybe if she got rid of the shit all over her face first (ie the piercings) and tried looking her age for once… I mean clearly she’s gotta be in her 30’s, she looks anything but youthful. Her sense of style is unfortunately atrocious. She tries so hard to dress and look younger and it just looks ridiculous. She needs a makeover and a voiceover .
If she included all the people she always mentions… like her “friends” and supposed “boyfriend” in her videos and did something other than complain about her stomach, she might get more than a hate view.
No. 490751
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Interesting how she’s saying she can handle not eating and taking pain meds at home. Almost like she’s giving an excuse to not eat….
No. 490768
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Aubrey continues to post self promotion in Service Dog groups to get asspats from people who are genuinely sick
No. 490771
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Aubrey bragging to sick people part 2, this time convincing other OTT or munchies POTSies that they definitely needs SDs too
No. 490775
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>>490661ophelia claims to have full-body crps, but i've known people with crps. a BREEZE can be excruciating, let alone clothing. it can be hard to bear fabric touching your skin and ophelia wears jeans and running shoes/doc martens on a regular basis. not to mention the DOG ON THEIR LAP in this picture. also doesn't have any of the discolouration/swelling that you need for a crps diagnosis. doctors said they had fibromyalgia, and they have been taking it in and out of their bio ever since and instead claiming it's "severe full-body crps".
also posts about/always says they're bedridden and too sick to finish high school, then promptly goes on a trip to disneyland and participates in daily service dog classes that anybody would be hard-pressed to do, let alone a "bedbound" person.
No. 490779
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>>490661also claims crps is fatal and keeps saying they have kidney pain, demanding tests/scans and getting angry when told everything is fine.
No. 490958
>>490775Yesss finally someone else who picked up on this. She used to have an IG where she was a LOT smaller and active constantly. Always out on her own two feed and had a dx of arthritis in her knees.
Then one day she wiped her IG and started down the munchie hole, along with Twitter. Went from walking (sometimes with a crutch) and having arthritis to suddenly having CRPS and in a powerchair.
No. 491031
>>490771 The misinformation that she is spreading is infuriating.
At no point in that article does Aubrey explain how her (very beautiful) Bowie 'saves her life'.
She explicitly says that because she gets auras, Bowie doesn't need to alert her to seizures (alsl; she says seizure disorder, not Epilepsy. Interesting side note).
The closest she gets to explaining how the dog literally saves her very life, each and every day, is by warning her about her POTS symptoms, where she then lays down until her BP and heart rate stabilises.
Aubrey must be the only person on the planet with POTS who can't feel their heart beating out of their chest and their BP bottoming out.
Sage and sorry for blogging but as someone with severe POTS, I can tell you now that you don't need a Dog to tell you about the symptoms.
At what point is Aubrey's life threatened every single day by POTS? Potentially hitting her head? Sure, that's always a risk. No one else with POTS would ever say though that their very life is at risk of ending each and everyday.
Saged for venting about misinformation and bullshkt.
No. 491081
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>>491031POTS so bad she’s in the sauna kek
No. 491084
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>>491081And showing off her tube that’s quite discolored, probably from purging through it (since formula doesn’t cause that kind of change). Gotta show off that port access, too, so we don’t forget she’s sick.
No. 491280
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Don't know if anyone else saw this comment on Aubrey's vlog from 2/1
How many times does it have to be scientifically proven that the "harmful" ingredients in vaccines are present in such small quantities that it literally doesn't matter? oWo but the evil austisms and mercury and baby dna
Even the sick people should get the flu vaccine because its a dead version of the virus. There's only a handful of people who can't get the vaccine, and if you aren't one of those, you should get the vaccine.
Just because it isn't effective for some people this year doesn't mean it won't work for you.
(sage for vaccine rant from someone who benefits from herd immunity and is really hoping to not get the flu)
No. 491323
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Can anyone figure out what could possibly be so life threatening , what could possibly be causing her health to be declining so quickly? 😂😂😂 when she literally has nothing wrong with her other than crock of shit diagnoses from a fake ass doctor of osteopathic medicine. What a joke. Good god.
No. 491340
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>>491323Yea deteriorating from the mass amounts of cheese she consumed with her breakfast this morning. Two large gluten free tortillas with a generous portion of scrambled eggs and like half a block of cheese. She surely doesn’t look like someone whose deteriorating whatsoever. Mentally, absolutely… physically not even a little. She’s deconditioned if anything from being a little overweight and not getting in enough exercise from making excuses about her “health conditions”
No. 491364
>>491323Oh no! She is deteriorating so quickly! Good thing she is CPR certified, she may have to use it on herself (bad joke!)
I think her mom is concerned that mentally she is so obsessed with “being sick” when she is not. She can do the CPR classes, marching band, and so on and doesn’t seem to be inconvenienced by her so called sicknesses. She seems more like a confused teen with out a strong identify and saw people online getting attention for being sick and latched on.
No. 491378
>>491364Yeah I think her mom is probably more concerned that she is deteriorating mentally and that her need to be sick is spinning out of control (and maybe her mom is worried that if these doctors keep telling her nothing is wrong with her that she will end up hurting herself so that something is wrong with her).
It wasn't too long ago that her mother was overheard on her livestream telling her that she needed to stop looking for diagnoses (I don't understand why her mother plays into her delusions by taking her to so many doctors).
She clearly has mental health issues and probably has for a while (I think she has mentioned seeing a counsellor at school rather frequently). I think it doesn't help that her boyfriend has some legitimate chronic illnesses and I think her search for a diagnosis escalated after she started dating him (her IG only goes back to October so I don't know her past history - based on his IG, which is grossly named lovesamanda4112, they have been dating for 7 months). Its almost like she she feels she needs a bunch of diagnoses so that they have a common bond and will be in love forever or that they have some fantasy of becoming a chronic illness warrior couple - forget Aubrey and Jaquie who may have husbands but they are healthy - lets one-up them by having both individuals in the partnership be sick!
I didn't screenshot it but before her cardiology appointment she put in her story that her mom wanted to cancel the appointment because the mom couldn't walk (sounds like the mom might have broken her foot recently). But Amanda nicely informed her mother that they could still go because they have a wheelchair she could use. If her mother was truly concerned about Amanda's physical health she wouldn't have wanted to reschedule the appointment. But Amanda is too selfish to consider her mother's physical problems so she dragged her to the appointment (the whole I feel bad I am causing my mother emotional suffering is just a pity plea - "look at me I am so sick that my parents fear for my life".
No. 491392
>>491379She was eating an entire can of peaches in her live the other night and called that “healthy”. A REAL peach is healthy… an entire can of sliced peaches Smothered in syrup and sugar and preservatives… not healthy. She’s only fooling herself.
But notice how she’s completely forgotten about her reactive hypoglycemia because she so focused on her POTS now? We never hear about that obsession anymore!!!!
No. 491403
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Kek she’s stretching so hard for diagnoses she added KP on there! Dead.
And she has to ask if she should do a RARE diseases challenge.. like any of her diagnoses are remotely rare.. considering she doesn’t even have any .
No. 491435
>>491403I'm so lost in my rage for Aubrey and the humor in Dani that I missed something. Was Amanda officially diagnosed with POTS? By a real doctor?
And Jesus Christ Amanda go get some Amlactin at the drug store. Your KP prescription.
No. 491443
>>491403Rare disease challenge?
For what rare disease?
No. 491482
>>489844>>489557Anon, I spit coffee when I read your comment about Aubrey overdosing on oregano. I thought you were being hyperbolic. But I just watched the video and she totally did.
It must have been scary and serious because she said her vision was affected and she was in and out of consciousness in the ambulance so much so that she made sure they put the dogs [that didn't try to bite] in the house and posted an Instagram photo of her feet riding in the ambulance.
Her husband must be secretly seething. Engineering grad programs are intense in the US and most grad students are expected to put in a lot of face time on campus, in labs, their offices, etc. He's already away a lot and extra hospital runs have to be stressful.
Tube exchange soon, her full body scan is back on/insurance approved, possible MALS surgery, Denver specialist…it never ends…
No. 491691
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This tweet sums up everyone in this thread.
No. 491759
File: 1517679033568.png (1.41 MB, 1514x1136, Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at 12.2…)

Aubs is getting another surgery. MALS Surgery. Hooray. I really hope this will fix her stomach issues so she can get rid of the tube (but then she can't purge).
No. 491822
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This girl @stephteenysmith claims to have every single mental illness you can think of. She is the biggest attention seeker on instagram by far. She posts details of all her ‘incidents’ straight after it’s happened. She posts pictures of her ‘ligaturing’ pictures of her self harm, pictures of A&E staff and police officers to ‘prove’ to people that she is indeed at the hospital. She boasts about her being restrained and she clearly loves it. She is the most vile and sickest person here, and she wants to be like this, it’s mind baffling. There is NOTHING wrong with this girl, yet she is adamant that she is ‘mentally ill’ as she states In almost every post.
No. 491837
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this is instagram’s finest @amentalbitch. She seems to threaten suicide to get her into hospital which is her main goal and aspiration in life. If she doesn’t get what she wants she will manipulate people into getting it, and posts every single detail of her life on Instagram. She seems to be excited that she now has a new ‘plan’ to get someone’s attention, as you can see by the picture on her story with the caption she looks pretty gassed but at the same time also very pathetic. I feel embarrassed for her.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 491843
>>491818>>491822>>491837You're clearly a newfag and just vendetta posting. Likley having seen the steph ptsd posts given you're posting UK girls with similar MH conditions and who aren't usually discussed on here.
No. 492138
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nerdkidanddoge got her feeding tube… doesn't straight out say it but makes sure it's visible in picture
No. 492167
>>492155There are a few heart issues that can be prominent in hEDS, but many people with hEDS don't have those, rather they have POTS and their hearts are seemingly fine structurally.
Kek, she seems so damn lonely posting on her story all the time.
No. 492212
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No. 492213
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Top kek for whoever commented this on Aubrey's latest sauna picture. She keeps her port accessed while she's in the sauna too, which I'm sure is great for keeping her dressing in-tact and keeping her line sterile
No. 492214
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>>492212Here’s the caption
No. 492215
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>>492214This is under “Highlights” kek
No. 492227
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This. cow. She’s got a spot for medical devices, yet there’s nothing there. Me thinks she’s plotting something.
No. 492265
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The only chronic illnesses I see for Amanda are future illnesses… obesity, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and more exercise intolerance due to more weight gain and unhealthy eating. Between the blocks of cheese from th breakfast the other day, the entire can of peaches, this monstrosity of food, and this family member who can clearly be used to predict the future.. this is the only decline that her mothers should be worried about.
No. 492311
>>492304Yes it’s true, family doesn’t ALWAYS dictate, but it’s a pretty decent predictor.
She follows her family’s habits clearly.
No. 492573
File: 1517742950719.png (1011.71 KB, 1334x750, IMG_0169.PNG)

So this is Aubrey's face upon learning that she has MALS.and can pursue another major abdominal surgery. She literally looks like she's won the lottery.
>>492492She got her J tube based on Gastroparesis, but has now said that she believes the MALS surgery is the answer to things, as she has pain straight after eating a few bites, which is MALS apparently. But many people wirh Gastroparesis get the same thing.
She also said to someone on her Instagram that based on her GES, gastroparesis isn't causing these issues/symptoms. Did she ever go into what her GES results actually were?
If they weren't enough to cause severe pain on eating (safe for blogging but I have Gp nowhere near needing a feeding tube and I get severe pain on eating a few bites), then why was she given the J tube?
Her timeline is starting to fail to add up. Gets a J tube for Gastroparesis. Now 'diagnosed' with MALS. Getting MALS surgery because it will help her to eat again. Yet MALS surgery doesn't treat Gastroparesis. She's snookered herself.
Also, what surgeon in their right mind would even look at operating when she already has a J tube, had recent partial ressection of her pancreas for a 'neuroendocrine tumour', supposedly has ongoing pancreatitis.
But is fine for what is considered a pretty siignfiicant surgery, particularly for someone who is supposedly chronically ill?
No. 492576
File: 1517743588082.png (Spoiler Image,72.58 KB, 627x538, IMG_0170.PNG)

I wonder if Aubrey is reading here…
She said that she has been asked a lot how she can use her sauna with POTS, and therefore is answering it in the next vlog.
Apart from this one, not a single person has asked on Instagram how she can use the sauna, nor any comments on her Youtube.
The only people who have been asking how she can use it are those of us here.
No. 492673
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anyone know anything about @ellaszebra? I saw her commenting on another spoonies Instagram saying she was jeluos of her saline infusions and pain meds. She has a self bought cane and wheelchair, frequently asked people to send her there braces and even has a gofuckme.
No. 492729
>>492701I think it is a munchie thing.
Though I've known people look forward to psychological therapy if they are doing good work in it/ making progress and the same with occupational and physio therapy they can be frustrating to do but rewarding. I've known people be excited to walk unaided post surgery for the first time etc.
Basically if it is something that gives you independence then I think it is normal to look forward to, even with trepidation.
Even with surgery that leads to independence I've only known people 'look forward to' it if they are in immense pain and the surgery is going to relieve that pain. But with a large side dose of 'fuck I'm having surgery'.
No. 492737
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>>492673She says she has Body Dysmorphic Disorder, so yeah…We TOTALLY believe you.
No. 492886
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EeveeEmmy uploaded a vid on her vlog channel a few days ago talking about how depressed she is 'I can't even remember the last time I played video games, whinge!'
Today she took the vid down, and this appears on her twitter. Guess she didn't get all the sympathy she wanted.
It's been pretty apparent for a while now that she only puts up approved comments but did someone question her chronic fatigue, her mystery leg pain or her equally mysterious mental health issues?
No. 492940
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Oh good, she’s got a P.O. box for people to send her more free shit. For someone so sick (kek) she’s sure got a ton of energy all the time.
No. 492944
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And she’s not as special as she thought she was. So glad people still get to watch her fake service dog tho!!
No. 492970
>>492931She tweeted after that saying someone had called her a parasite so I'm guessing she was confronted with some hard truths.
I mean she's in a wheelchair because of leg pain even though she was fine a couple of months ago, she has never even explained why she was so quick to go from walking just fine to buying the chair so people will naturally ask/speculate
She has really shown how fragile/sensitive she is to criticism if she bitches on twitter and rips videos down. She got plenty of those useless sympathy comments under that vid but one negative comment and she flips.
No. 493095
>>493085That's what makes zero sense!
"The surgery will mean I can eat without pain!"
But she still apparently needs tube feeding?? So why does it matter if she can't eat much?
No. 493101
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>>493097Not surprised at all
No. 493140
>>493112kek that's so ridiculous I thought the anon who wrote it was being sarcastic!
I'm sorry, but if you have to have lukewarm baths due to heat intolerance, then there's no way you can deal with a sauna. Obviously Aubrey can deal with the sauna, so she's bullshitting about heat intolerance.
No. 493165
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>>493140Hmm. Maybe someone isn’t as sick as they claim… (kek we all know that she’s not)
No. 493174
>>493165wait til she realises this. Her next big vlog will be "MY NEW SAUNA NEARLY KILLED ME".
First oregano, now infrared kek
No. 493242
File: 1517792824112.png (246.35 KB, 750x1210, IMG_0171.PNG)

How the eff can you be watching the Super Bowl and rip your j tube out?
Please tell me she didn't do this so that can can get her button. Tube fags help me out, how easy is it to rip a j tube out? Is it really that easy?
Photo 1 of 2
No. 493243
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Photo 2 of 2
No. 493288
>>493257Yeah - Aubrey like many munchies like to have a crisis when there is anything that takes attention away from them. Probably a combination of not being able to stand having the attention on anyone other than themselves and also wanting the extra pity that comes along with being able to say "woe is me - I am so sick I can't even enjoy a simple holiday/activity".
Aubrey made sure to have some hospital visits when family members were having babies.
Aubrey is also probably embarrassed that her story isn't being shown on television after she promoted it quite a bit and probably invited people over to watch. If she has a medical crisis she hopes to draw attention away from the fact that her story isn't being aired (and as much as she can pretend its because the producers felt that her story was too important to cut short she knows its because her story wasn't deemed important/special enough to be shown.
I do wonder if she is having relationship trouble that is causing this escalation. Her husband wanting out of the vlogs may be a sign that he no longer wants to put up with her craziness (after all there is no end in sight - she is constantly searching for the next diagnosis and toy). She may be mistakingly hoping that by escalating her medical drama he will feel bad and stick around.
No. 493313
>>493242>>493243i wonder how the er staff there must feel seeing here there week after week. she really is having 'emergencies' more and more often.
and i agree with other anons. she must have had people over just for her special on animal planet, only for that to fail, so that was a nice ploy for the attention and love she wanted
No. 493322
>>493242A gj tube is ridiculously hard accidentally to pull out, if it’s possible at all. Those balloons that hold them in are the size of a medium-to-large size gum ball or marble. She probably deflated the balloon and yanked it out, just like her NJ tube. Not to mention that pulling out a gj without deflating it would be ridiculously painful (like pass out level) if you could even get the force to do it in the first place, and if it would even be possible to get it through all the layers of stomach, muscle, fat, and skin. I’ll be honest, I’ve never, ever heard of anyone accidentally pulling out a gj tube, except very young children (and even then, it happens more with G tubes, not GJs like she’s got). And they can’t just put a button in a gj like she has, those have to be ordered per patient as they need your specific stoma to balloon length measurement, which has to be done with a special tool while you have no tube in.
No. 493337
>>493329She may have pushed things too far this time. If it's not this time, it will be one of the next. She's drawing way too much attention to herself. The hospital/emergency department/doctors are going to be seriously suspicious.
I do actually have concerns of her self harming. First the 'accident' with the oregano herbals, now pullling out an entire GJ tube, within the space of a few days. Her desperation is becoming blatantly obvious.
She might get lucky this time, but if she continues at the rate that she is, she is going to draw a lotttt of attention to herself, but not the type that she wants. She's not being careful enough to keep getting away with this.
No. 493363
>>493344Thought she could make the superbowl all about her - couldn't - pulls out tube
>>493242>>493352The overly posed dramatic photos really irk me - trying to play it off like someone is photographing a real moment of her pain. But that photo is completely posed with her shirt tucked up to expose the bandage/catheter, hand placed to ensure the blood pressure cuff and pulse ox are visible, eyes closed and hand up to make it look like she is distressed. I am just surprised the shirt isn't also pulled down to get the port in the shot. This photo is not a spontaneous real life shot like she pretends - it was carefully planned.
No. 493372
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Unicorn.spoonie is doing the Rare Disease Challenge and is, yet again, claiming all kinds of shit she doesn’t have.
No. 493375
>>493362The producers may have just told her that as a nice way of letting her down. They have tons of ways to edit content to produce a good story. The problem is that they looked at the video they got and realized they didn't have what they needed to make a great story worthy of playing during a special event. But you don't want to tell a person that their story wasn't good enough to make the cut (especially not a sick person) so you tell the person that their story was just too important to edit into the time slot and that you will air the full story later. I would guess that those kinds of things don't cost a ton to film so I wouldn't be surprised if they filmed several people and picked the ones they thought would be best received.
That being said she is too smart to not realize her story didn't make the cut. And she embarrassed herself by promoting it a lot. So she will just push the same line they gave her.
(And I wouldn't be surprised if Animal Planet did a little more research into her post filming just to make sure they were promoting someone that wouldn't result in any negative feedback - and while they probably didn't dig deep I wouldn't be surprised if a search on her came up with some red flags).
No. 493376
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Right!!! Because this looks totally safe for someone who passes out constantly and has POTS and EDS. She also has SI joints she says pop out of the joint all the time. I guess she forgets this stuff when she is showing off for the camera.
I love that two people have already called her out.
No. 493391
>>493374again, zero previous mention of post-concussion syndrome or dermatillomania
She's one of the wannabe-munchies who I really hope grows up and quickly. She's LUCKY she doesn't have the resources or attention to escalate.
No. 493393
File: 1517800262033.jpeg (625.26 KB, 3117x3117, 842A8F1C-002E-4641-BC8D-DA40F0…)

Is it me or does she look high as fuck?
And I’m not sure if it’s the hair color or the puffy eyes, but she actually looks like she has gained some weight in the face.
No. 493394
File: 1517800279143.png (1.21 MB, 1536x2048, CD20A533-19C0-418E-AA69-5FB16B…)

Diagnosed with sooper bad POTS? Better take a hot bath! Munchies as a whole are just dumb.
No. 493438
>>493425I definitely sleep less when I'm manic, which only makes it worse.
Things to look out for - reckless spending, starting big projects or planning grandiose ones, hyperbole, irritability and argumentativeness.
No. 493448
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>>493242This is her story of how it happened, and it’s bullshit. First off, why isn’t the extra tubing in the backpack? That’s like rule number one to keep anything from happening. But honestly, anyone who’s had a feeding tube will tell you that if something’s pulling on it, your first and immediate instinct is to grab your stomach and the tube to take the pressure off. And also, those tube are in there good enough that a dog getting tangled would not be enough to pull it out, unless the balloon was deflated first, or if you let the dog keep pulling. But let’s be honest, if it was actually ripped out, she’d still be bleeding, and she’s not. That bandage is perfectly clean and white. (And they probably put the catheter in because interventional radiology isn’t in on the weekends, and even if they are there, it’s just a 7-5 department). They still probably kept her to watch her, though, because there’s nothing preventing her going home and coming back in the morning.
No. 493455
>>493448yeah, that didn't happen
I don't have a feeding tube, but from seeing people on IG with them (munchies or not), the backpack is always kept right next to the person and there's very little slack tubing. Also her story blames the dog - the well behaved super trained service dog? Surely not!
No. 493476
>>493464It was probably one of her other dogs, maybe the one that tried to bite the ambulance dude. Btw, I’d be mortified in my pet tried to do this and be taking them to the vet and getting an animal behaviourist in STAT.
At this point I think Aubrey is seriously self harming. She’s pushed it too far. Her husband seems to be smart and hard working, what is he doing with her?! She’s lazy and a munchie. He spends his time off work and studying driving her to hospital appointments or sitting with her in hospital. Get out while you can, Tom.
No. 493509
I was curious as to just how many emergency room trips and hospital admissions Aubrey has had lately, I thought a couple months provides a good snapshot and documents her increasing spiral, so from 1st December 2017 to today, here's a timeline of said trips/admissions.
December 1st 2017- Admitted to Hospital. Went due to pain and being unable to eat, unable to tolerate tube feeds. Diagnosed with Cancer.
December 6th- Discharged from hospital, able to 'take bites of food'.
December 15th: Has frustrating day, gets upset.
December 16th: Emergency Room Visit. CT done.
Says she was told to attend ER 'yesterday evening' aka night of frustration/upset. Havjng 'issues with feeding tube' and told it could be in the 'wrong place': Didn't attend when initially told as she 'hates' the ER. If you can wait…it's not an emergency. Is discharged after a CT scan of tube.
December 19th: Spends most the day in the E.R. Says she will update on details tomorrow. Another very emotional/'low mood video.
December 20th-Goes to Emergency room. It's not clear if this is ANOTHER emergency room trip or the one from the day before. Again 'not tolerating feeds'. Given new medicine to try as last 'outpatient' option.
-Brother in law and sister have a new baby
December 23rd- Feeding Tube Change. Very disappointed and upset that they didn't have her button.
December 25th- January 10th
Admitted to Hospital. Partial seizures, dry retching, bad pain.
December 28th- Starts TPN. Massively excited.
December 30th- Gets PICC line. Again greatly excited.
January 4th- Pancreatectomy (Tumour removal surgery)
January 9th- Colonoscopy
January 10th- Discharged
January 20th- Announces Tom no longer in videos.
January 21st- Very upset, crying video, 'frustrated'.
January 23rd- Has a bad appointment after travelling a long way for a short appointment to be told she didn't have the right scans to confirm/go ahead with treating MALS, needs an angiogram. Very upset.
January 25t- Insurance denies PET scan.
January 28th- Goes to Emergency. Has a bug. They remove her PICC line, aka no more TPN. Sent home.
January 31st: has angiogram
February 2nd- Overdoses on oregano. Goes to emergency room in ambulance. Sent home.
February 3rd- Gets feeding tube exchange. Electing a button, very excited. Does not get button. Very upset. Elated to learn she has MALS.
Announces that her video of her and Bowie talking about her illness is 'too important' and therefore will NOT be shown during the super bowl, which she has been talking up dir some time.
February 5th- Emergency room trip, admitted overnight to hospital.
'dog rips out entire GJ dangler tube' whilst they have people over for the super bowl. States this wouldn't have happened if they had given her her button like they were supposed to.
So in summary, you have
2 hospital admissions making up 22 days in total
8 emergency room visits
2 Feeding Tube Exchanges
1 Major surgery
1 angiogram
Multiple CT's
Starts and finishes TPN,
1 PICC line given and removed,
1 Colonoscopy, 1 Angiogram
All in the space of exactly two months
And each and every time either Aubrey vlogs about being frustrated/upset, or the attention is on other people (new babies in the family, Christmas etc), you can guarantee she will have a medical emergency. Interesting thing to keep an eye out for.
No. 493512
>>493509"States this wouldn't have happened if they had given her her button like they were supposed to."
Oh shit. This is almost certainly a factor. Not in why it got ripped out, but why that's the medical emergency she manufactured in response to the Animal Planet no show.
No. 493520
>>493512Yeah if she states that it wouldn't have happened if she was given a button like they were supposed to then it definitely wasn't a coincidence.
For whatever reason the doctor's aren't prioritizing the switch to a button (I don't watch her vlogs so I don't know if she provides more details - she says they didn't have the button but who knows if they really were planning to switch it to a button or if they were just planning to change the tube in general). She is basically throwing a temper tantrum and pulling out the tube in hopes of forcing them to give her what she wants. If they replace her tube with another dangler, I wouldn't be surprised if its not too long before it "accidentally" gets ripped out again. She is going to keep pulling that thing out until she gets that button.
She is basically a toddler who was told they can't drink out of the special sparkle cup when their juice is already in a perfectly good regular cup and now they are going to throw a fit and break all the regular cups until the only option left is the sparkle cup.
No. 493529
File: 1517808079806.jpg (599.01 KB, 1078x1697, Screenshot_20180204-232054.jpg)

>>493396>>493425It's probably a lack of sleep from mania. It wouldn't surprise me if she's high too, but she's admitted recently to not sleeping.
I think she's looking like she's gained a little bit too. Could be all the eating out they've been doing. This pizza sure doesn't look GP friendly.
No. 493531
>>493525No - she is still at the hospital. She may have just brought a pillow or something from home. The video is dark but you can see the hospital bed railing and other hospital wall items.
Although the chicken broth and crushed pill combination seems weird. I have worked in several medical settings and never seen crushed pills placed in chicken broth. I have seen crushed pills put in applesauce, pudding, or some similar puree-consistency but I have never seen it dumped in a liquid (much less chicken broth). And nurses typically observe medications being taken (so likely not in the dark being self filmed) since they aren't supposed to just leave the meds with the patient. Makes me wonder if these are meds she has brought from home or another special "herbal protocol" - because if all else fails in munchie land puzzle the doctors by taking medications they don't know you are taking.
No. 493537
File: 1517808396953.png (54.3 KB, 750x440, IMG_0214.PNG)

>>493514 You're a hero if you can do that. Literally just doing from December to today was bad enough. I am still genuinely shocked each and every time I see how A) truly elated she is when there's something wrong and B) how truly despondent she is when she doesn't get the medical things she wants or is doing well. Getting TPN and PICC lines for example all earned their own vlogs and countless Instagram posts, but when they were removed she didn't post about it, and a lot of people still don't realise she's not doing TPN.
Here's the Instagram screenshot re the tube wouldn't have happened if she had a button comment.
No. 493559
File: 1517809514562.jpeg (289.93 KB, 1125x1036, 248102A2-99F7-4C7A-814C-EB3A7E…)

She only has a limited amount of money to spend on medical bills each month, but PLENTY of money to spend on anything and everything her heart desires. Because that makes total sense right?
No. 493580
Not as good, and I might have missed some stuff, but you can definitely see where she started going downhill faster.
Feb 1, 2017- Starts new "IV Protocol" (she really loves that 'P' word)
Feb 7 - Port surgery
(Nothing really major in March)
April 17- At the hospital for an echo
April 26- Finds out she "has to be admitted for 5 days for an EEG"
April 30- Says she "just wants to go home"
May 2- Is "hoping to be discharged tomorrow" Her EEG hasn't shown any seizures
May 3- Home
May 14- In ER with "severe stomach problems", they do a CT
May 15- Home from ER
May 17- New GI doctor laughs in her face when she tells him about her Lyme and its treatment, tells him she's lost 25lbs in 2 months
May 23- Back in ER with GI issues
May 26- Starts new Vitamin IV (states she's only eating 600-700 calories a day)
June 16- Gastric Emptying Study
June 19- New Dysautonomia doc makes her do another tilt table, diagnoses her with peripheral nerve damage in her feet, is convinced her POTS is caused by a genetic disorder
June 26- Endoscopy
July 27- Goes for a HIDA test (hepatobiliary scan- It's used to capture images of the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, and small intestine)
Still July 27- They do the wrong nuclear medicine test (to see if she needs her gallbladder removed) and now she has to wait 48 hours
July 28- Barium test, supposed to be getting an NJ tube (but hospital might not have dairy/gluten/soy free formula) because she's going on 5 days without eating
July 29- Still in hospital, gets NJ tube
July 30- Home, shouts out Kate Farms for the nutrition
August 18- Was napping and "yanked out her ENTIRE NJ tube"
Sept 6- Draws her own blood
Sept 17- Gets glucometer because she's been having irregular blood sugar levels
Sept 19- Gallbladder removal surgery
Sept 26- In ER on "orders from her primary care doctor because her body is in starvation mode" gets admitted while awaiting tube surgery
Sept 29- GJ Tube surgery
Sept 30- Home
Oct 10- ER with feeding tube trouble
Oct 14- ER because port stopped flushing and she had redness and pain at the site
Oct 20- Dangler tube replaced with button
Nov 4- Travels 4 hours to specialist, gets CT scan
Nov 16- Sleep test to see if she has narcolepsy
Nov 17- ER for Port issues again, going to start iron infusions soon
Nov 22- Getting Celiac Plexus Block (this is when they discover tumor)
Nov 24- In ER on her surgeon's orders, lots of pain, find out it's pancreatitis and is admitted
Nov 25- posts about how her Celiac Plexus Block relieving her MALS pain (hasn't been diagnosed?)
Nov 27- Home
Nov 30- Back in ER and being admitted
3 Admissions (Pre-Long December) - 14 days
7 ER Visits- 3 GI issues, 2 Port issues, 1 Feeding Tube issue, 1 Pain issue
5 Surgeries/Procedures
10 Diagnostic tests
No. 493606
>>493595Go back to her original story but claim that her Lyme is now terminal.
(sorry, samefag)
No. 493614
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>>493531I know it was brought up earlier, but this picture. Wtf?? This is not normal at all. And why can’t she just swallow the pills?
No. 493617
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>>493614Most of the comments are the usual disgusting fawning over her and this horrible, unfortunate thing gnat has happened to her (that she did to herself, since it’s pretty much impossible it was an accident), but there’s a couple that are definitely questioning her. Wonder how long they’ll be up.
No. 493638
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>>493606One thing that continues to grind my gears is that she is so open about EVERY single aspect of her illness, we all know the specifics of every illness, every diagnosis, every treatment.
And yet with the Cancer? She's never said what type it is. Saying 'pancreatic neuroendoccrine tumour' is just like saying 'Leukaemia' or 'Lymphoma'. What type? Acute Myeloid? Burkitts Lymphoma? There are many different types of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours, they are all vastly different disease processes.
She has received so many gifts, donations in her honour etc thanks to her Cancer, but hasn't actually told anyone what type it is. Why is she so open about everything else (well not everything as we know lol) but not CANCER?
Looks like someone else has the same thoughts
She really has an obligation to be transparent about this at the very least.
No. 493786
>>493777Yeah, but she doesn't. I mean, she doesn't normally. Plus, if she would, it would be even more useless to have a button vs a 'dangler' type tube. If she has extension attached 24/7 it doesn't make a difference.
Plus, she can't run feeds so any calories she is getting would have to be oral. If she is draining everything out she won't get anything. And I got the impression they're not exactly indulging her every wish right now, so why would they give her a bag to drain if she normally doesn't even drain much? I seem to remember she doesn't even have Farrell bags because her insurance doesn't provide them, or whatever? That would imply her doctor doesn't prescribe them, right? I dunno, it's just odd. But then again, this whole situation is odd. If she wasn't in agony and is not bleeding her stoma didn't tear so she couldn't have pulled the tube out with the balloon inflated.
I really think she took it too far this time. One can only hope..
>>493782Maybe they don't know yet? Assuming for the moment the tumor was there and was malignant, she is awaiting a special gallium scan for other NE tumors. As I understand it, NE tumors DO show up on a normal scan without gallium, but gallium helps in finding the smaller tumors. She supposedly went to a geneticist (or is going to? I'm not sure) to be tested for MEN because her brother had a NET as well. Maybe further specification depends on this test?
(Btw: Aubrey doesn't have Neurolyme, she is claiming chronic Lyme. Neurolyme is an actual thing, chronic Lyme isn't.)
No. 493802
File: 1517843802928.jpg (279.57 KB, 1653x1353, inc06Bj.jpg)

Top comment on Aubreys vlog, in the middle of some o so supporting comments how she is so unlucky to have this happen to her.. poor Aubs, can't catch a break, can she? Awww.
I wonder how long this comment will be up. Does she have a history of removing critical comments? Or does she just 'defend' herself against all those mean people?
No. 493805
>>493575>>493537I was just going to ask wouldn't a button come out, too, if the whole thing happened like described, and you've answered that question.
But, if no one has the button in Austin, is her special hospital going to magic one up?
sage but my brain can't decipher the logic here.
No. 493806
>>493801That would actually be a good plan. Especially as she is having surgery for her MALS, so she
should be a lot better after that.
What IS the obsession with button type tubes, anyway? EVERYONE on IG seems to have one, and I understand they are a lot more expensive and less common than normal ('dangler') type tubes are? They all seem obsessed and are counting days if they have a dangler tube until they 'finally' can be exhanged into a button. Aubrey practically begged her doctors to change her tube on multiple occasions, even while she was in hospital because she was supposedly starving, on TPN and just diagnosed with cancer which you'd think would change her priorities a bit.
No. 493814
>>493808>>493805>>493806Thanks, I thought it would have to be ordered, but there is a world that some of us are not allowed to enter where banana bag trees are ready for easy picking.
I have been watching this crazy train for about a year, but that's not very long in reality. I know that Aubrey started vlogging after Mary Frey and Jaquie did, and I know Jaquie watches Mary. Mary watches others but doesn't quite seem to care what other people are doing.
So…part of me is wondering if the "button tube" fad was started, in part, by Mary? Then Jaquie and Aubrey got theirs so everyone needs one?
Mary goes to a children's hospital and buttons are typically placed in children. So, Mary received a button right away (no temporary dangler for her) because that's what her hospital does and they probably have a bunch in stock because babies-adults get tubes there (just like adult-sized hospitals have danglers on hand).
And since Mary showed off her cute button, Aubrey and Jaquie needed the button?
Although someone, somewhere (this thread even) said that the dangler is softer and more comfortable?
No. 493822
>>493580The timelines are stunning.
In terms of my own insurance, $200 copay per ER visit unless you are admitted: 15 total ER visits - 5 admissions = 10 ER visits x 200= $2,000.
Typically state of Texas graduate student insurance is fairly good, but not
that good. And Tom's grad student stipend is probably $18,000-24,000 for the 9 months of the school year.
But awesome timeline. Thanks for doing that.
sage to state admiration of timeline
No. 493843
File: 1517846997703.png (2.67 MB, 750x1334, CBE1CFD4-552C-40A1-AF57-86F5B7…)

Angling for that tube again.. speaking of tubes. She just “can’t tolerate anything!” the only thing that helps is the heating pad…
Which I find so strange becase heat has never helped my gp, but whatever..
We pretty much saw this coming. From the start.wants the pacemaker, gets it, still complaining of the same issues with no improvement.
Sage for mentioning self
No. 493859
>>493807Yep, exactly.
She first announced she had cancer on November 30. They removed it and booked a scan. It’s been over 2 months. She may have had a tumor, ok let’s pretend we all believe it was malignant. It was removed and that’s the end. It’s common to have malignant tumors removed and not more treatment. That isn’t cancer.
No. 493972
>>493859Fair enough, I worded badly but she’s making it out like it’s worse and she needs treatment.
I know a few people who’ve had malignant tumors removed and they don’t go around saying “I have cancer”.
No. 494079
>>493814You're right - Jaquie started pushing for the "buh-in" once Mary got her one.
I don't understand why a grownass woman is treated in a children's hospital, but that's just the tip of the baffling US medical system for this EU-anon.
No. 494097
>>493814I think the button tube desire for a few munchies may be partially due to Mary.
Its also partly due to the fact that they do a lot of their medical research on Instagram and other social media platforms. If they follow tubie/supertubie hashtags then they are getting a lot of their information from parents of kids with feeding tubes. It is very common for kids to be given a button because most don't require 24 hour feeds and they are at a higher risk for pulling their tubes out (either intentionally or because being children they are more likely to get it snagged on something). Parents sometimes get excited when the child can switch from a dangler to a button because it lessens the chance that it will get caught and come out. Plus the button looks "cuter" and you can decorate it with tubie pads.
No. 494098
File: 1517860787004.png (1.32 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5653.PNG)

Got her new tube, but not with a heavy dose of drama!
No. 494146
>>494097Regarding the button that now both Jaquie and Aubrey have had trouble getting and I think both have had to leave tube changes because the button wasn't in stock, why don't these GIs just say, "This is the type of tube we use in this practice." Full stop. End of discussion.
Want a kid tube? Go to a kid GI or children's hospital where buttons are the type of tube they use in THOSE practices.
None of these GIs can "just say no."
No. 494153
>>494118More that she now complains that she can't tolerate smoothies at all after having previously been able to tolerate them well. She complained about a wide variety of things not working for her in the past - including smoothies. But she has to make it look like she is getting so much worse so all the sudden she is claiming she can't tolerate them.
She thinks because she uses frozen fruit its completely fine - but we all know she isn't great at following a GP diet.
And her budget looks like it has completely gone to crap - she claims she saved by only buying one set of cups for her magic bullet and putting off one of her subscription boxes - but since then she has bought a fish and tank, coloring book (adult one because we commented on her kiddy book here before), something else I can't remember. And wants to buy video editing software. Plus she is bidding on e-bay for hello kitty stuffed animals - because an adult with limited funds needs stuffed animals. Plus she is buying stuff (2 of the same ugly hat in different colors) on some app. She has plenty of clothes - you can see them piled up all over her apartment. Seriously if she wants to work on packing for her "big move" she should start by throwing out the garbage all over her apartment.
No. 494218
File: 1517864746576.png (2.63 MB, 1440x2156, Screenshot_20180205-160429.png)

@spoonie.esh recently self bought a wheelchair that she suddenly needs full time…
No. 494299
File: 1517868884766.png (700.21 KB, 800x1017, Screenshot_2018-02-05-13-42-42…)

A follow-up to her pulse ox dipping into the 80s over the weekend after getting her new toy, an oximeter.
>>493529>>493393Being manic
is being high.
Her pattern of posts, not to mention their content, in the last two weeks reveal her mania. She posted four photos of her pizza order including a photo of the boxes. A dozen photos showing off a new outfit that gives her self-confidence. She finds everything about herself and her life so incredibly fascinating; surely everyone else does, too!
She recognises that she has insomnia, but she hasn't inquired as to what is causing the insomnia. Likewise, she recognises her depressive episodes, but she attributes them to her POTS and EDS. She doesn't recognise her mood swings as being caused by their own illness which is typical of people with undiagnosed bipolar disorder.
No. 494301
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Several people have commented that her feet look normal.
No. 494427
File: 1517874711951.png (1.49 MB, 1440x2177, Screenshot_20180205-160752.png)

Not only does she have a self bought wheelchair and cane… now she wants you to buy her a walker!!
No. 494434
File: 1517875265098.png (278.75 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5661.PNG)

There are LOTS of comments on Aubrey's vlog from today critical of her latest stunt
No. 494446
File: 1517875793159.png (5.03 MB, 1536x2048, 65A65FE0-AE11-4EE9-9E59-03CEE5…)

>>494434She did get her scan though (or at least said she did, there’s no actual proof she got one)
No. 494451
File: 1517875901178.png (4.92 MB, 1536x2048, 373BA77F-7C04-45E4-BA7B-68779D…)

>>494440Who wears a cap for a feeding tube change? Only a huge munchie is who.
No. 494463
File: 1517876187872.png (3.75 MB, 1536x2048, 0DCFFFD8-3B92-4145-82CF-6D6EBE…)

>>494446This is part of her scan “proof”. What a special snowflake.
No. 494482
>>494097Medfag here:
Also for children, if the button dies become dislodged, school nurses, parents, etc, are trained to replace them, at home or school, and it's not an emergency. They just pop a new one in and go back to class, or life. They literally just keep a stock in the kid's bag, put some lube on it and bingo, back in service. No extraneous measures.
No. 494490
File: 1517877274644.png (335.84 KB, 1056x1598, Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 7.33…)

OHMIGOD Guys! Angie is gonna DIE if she doesn't get money!! She can't even get water!
Kek, how someone can consistently have crisis after crisis is sickening.
No. 494491
File: 1517877310884.png (118.4 KB, 1074x644, Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 7.32…)

>>494490Also, note the bullshit definition of CRPS. If you're gonna claim it, at least do your fucking research.
No. 494504
>>494201Jaquie literally courted a company rep for her GJ tube. She name checked them so much they sent her fucking FLOWERS when she had the unnecessary surgery to install it.
Aubrey, we await your move.
No. 494527
>>494491She needs to take pain medication or she COULD get pain in her spine? Not BECAUSE she gets pain in her spine?
I can't decide whether Angie or Katiwithoutthee offers the worst arguments: Angie, I'm gonna die without a paid carer to bring me water/I'm bedbound but my house might get dirty so I need a paid cleaner or Kati, I got assaulted while traveling but didn't tell anyone, and yet/I can travel only because I'm never alone (so how were you assaulted?) /I'm experiencing periodic partial paralysis.
Gah, she's so lucky that doesn't affect her Instagram photographing hand. And that the money used for flying to protests and giant beers could not possibly be used for necessities because it's not for those things?
Hmmm, Kati's feeding tube was yanked out last week, too. A trend?
No. 494555
File: 1517880462064.jpg (679.48 KB, 2048x2048, 99370F67-5BB0-41C3-9D33-8E545C…)

And it looks like Aubrey may have pushed things too far this time. 1 of 2.
No. 494557
>>494548Maybe stoned people are more prone to accidents that outrageous?
Also "I'm just being like a champ" WELL DONE ADULT HUMAN. You didn't bawl your eyes out when you had to go the hospital to get the attention you wanted by pulling your tube out!
Can someone please make a Tom sighing compilation Or at least point me to a timestamp so I can view one?
No. 494558
File: 1517880633027.jpg (710.89 KB, 2048x2048, 32DABE80-04C1-401D-8F66-5B26D5…)

2 of 2. Sorry for crap layout.
No. 494569
File: 1517881466996.png (51.67 KB, 523x750, IMG_0266.PNG)

>>494557I don't have brochure anons skills but check out 7:24 for the best one, and then 11:10 and 11:17
No. 494575
>>494548Her stoma isn’t in her intestines, it’s in her stomach. It’s impossible that “intestinal stuff” was coming out.
>>494557Well, she made up for it today, throwing a tantrum while they put a new tube in her like a fucking infant.
>>494558Her followers are finally getting smart (a few of them at least). It’s so obvious that she’s lying, she definitely took it too far past believable this time.
No. 494578
File: 1517881760433.png (69.45 KB, 661x726, MUHRAYCISM.png)

Angie's white knights are reaching harder than ever now.
No. 494582
File: 1517881985894.png (2.58 MB, 2408x1272, Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 8.49…)

>>494569I can literally hear "Wake Me Up- Evanescence" playing in the background…Poor Tom.
No. 494588
>>494569Not to mention you could hear Tom sighing so loudly in the background like he’s so over it,
First they drive all the way the extra distance - still no change and then this his perfect normal night ruined and he becomes a taxi driver again
Someone a while back posted and said they had been on one of her family’s pages or had seen a post that was discussing the family’s stress around her diagnosing herself to soon etc, does anyone have that milk? I feel that could be the final nail in the munchie
coughing kek for puns
I’m pretty sure that was Aubrey anon spoke about does anyone remember that?
No. 494644
>>492970The only thing she can really milk is her supposed health problems, as her vlogs in general are incredibly dull.
How many videos does one need to make of going to the same shops, eating the same plain vegan food, playing the same games and being pushed around in a wheelchair with a facemask on while acting like a child so her husband buys her everything she wants?
No. 494681
>>494668Yeah I think she is going to aim for some type of infection. She has gotten so seemingly unstable at the moment that I would be surprised if she does something (purposely gets her line infected or secretly takes something that she knows will make her sick - so there will be a new medical mystery). I think she is realizing that her medical b.s. is starting to drive people away - including her husband. But she mistakenly thinks that if she just gets sicker she will get the support back. Especially because once you have dug yourself into a hole so deep it gets harder and harder to climb back out. She can't just wake up tomorrow and be like "its a miracle I'm fine!".
Part of me wonders if the husband wants out of the videos because being in the videos makes it a lot harder to leave. I would imagine its harder for some of these social media munchie's significant others to leave because they have built up enough of a "fan base" that if the s.o. wants to leave they end up looking like a heartless jerk for leaving their poor sick spouse. (Not to mention that if Aubrey's husband is working on his phd then he isn't going to want his name splashed over her crap where future employers could see - even if it doesn't reflect on him what employer is going to want to hire someone they know will constantly be called away for family medical emergencies).
No. 494724
>>494668This reminds me, I watched her latest video and she said, “…so I picked up my feeding tube off the ground and stuck it back in”.
Are you fucking kidding me? Who picks something off the ground and shoves it into their body?? It doesn’t take a genius to know that would be really fucking stupid.
Then a couple minutes later she said “the tube I stuck back in myself was dirty”. Seriously, who the fuck does that? Oh! I know who!!! I munchie who is desperate for complications and more procedures!!
No. 494747
File: 1517891514332.jpeg (605.95 KB, 689x4800, E419CBDC-E60E-45D7-BCD6-20AAA5…)

You guys, her feet turn dark red ok? She just chose to post a picture of her feet looking fine. But her doctor said it’s her blood pooling (although I doubt her doc has ever witnessed it). Her doc is going off what Dom tells her, so I’m sure she has over exaggerated or flat out lied about her symptoms.
But you guys, she’s not in the mood to be questioned ok? She’s been feeling like shit for a couple of days. Let’s all just ignore the fact she is full of shit because she doesn’t feel good.
No. 494753
>>494747Wrong again, Dom. With POTS your feet are either just red or kind of purplish. But hey, I’m sure whatever you read and copied from the internet’s correct!
Top kek.
No. 494759
File: 1517892204478.png (386.01 KB, 640x1136, 023DF306-0BE2-44C5-8ACA-3B98A2…)

>>494747Wait, why is someone with a PhD treating her?? Doctors are MDs. PhDs have doctorates, but are not medical doctors who have gone through medical school and are board-certified. They have doctorates in things like psychology or English or physics (etc.). If you’re being treated by a PhD for a medical problem, there’s a HUGE issue going on.
No. 494763
File: 1517892511863.jpeg (147.53 KB, 631x914, D54A5E68-293F-4C94-A242-20704B…)

>>494759Her “doctor” can’t prescribe her shit! Unless she’s wrong about the PhD, and said doc is actually an MD. She is dumb enough to not know the difference between the two.
No. 494766
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>>494747Or her doctor asked her leading questions against diagnostic protocol.
>>494759[pic related]
What qualifies her as a specialist?
No. 494819
File: 1517896538366.jpg (388.31 KB, 1080x1457, Screenshot_20180205-235257.jpg)

This was posted on Aubreys temp. Tube drama picture with no replies.
Am I missing something??
No. 494820
File: 1517896815450.jpeg (551.84 KB, 1125x914, F24193AA-4D78-4E52-AECD-D24B99…)

Ok, so I haven’t been able to stop laughing!!
So, THIS happened!!!! She bleached her hair, AGAIN, and it all started falling out. So what did she do? She took kitchen shears to her hair!!! Can we say BRITNEY??? She still plans on putting the dreads in.
I’m working on uploading a couple clips from the live that she deleted. She made some awesome comments about people who “look healthy”. She also decided to point out that a woman who was parked in the handicap spot she wanted to use was black instead of just saying she had an attitude
No. 494822
File: 1517897101533.jpeg (607.16 KB, 3117x3117, 7AF220F9-4F00-40D7-AA27-9989DD…)

>>494820Sorry, couldn’t help myself.
No. 494825
>>494681>>494712She is an adult..she can easily go to the er by reason for the poor s.o to get dragged in from something so minor..specially with company over.
If she were so sick she would be able to get help for people to come in instead of making an extremely over stretched hubby do this shit.
Shaving the pits was the absolute bottom for me. reason she couldn't do that or just not since she was so sick in the hospital..a body is a body the hospital doesn't me that is one of the nicer things they see on a body.
Hair is natural..suck it up.
The poor guy.(sprry..still raging on that)
I'm deeply concerned for Aubrey and her family at this point.
When this blows up in her face it's going to be a total disaster.
I fear for her life as most of her munching at this point is more a form of self harm and personality disorder than anything. I worry she will panic when caught and take it a step further and end up attempting suicide.
I don't think it will be completely intentional but a cry for help since she has dug herself SO incredibly deep into this mess she won't be able to surface from it and attempt or sectioned before she has a chance she's got years of treatment and inpatient ahead of her from that point.
It's also a fear she will accidentally kill herself by munching..lile If she goes for a line much she can do that would be it for her.
It's frightening.
I really hope this is the end (or very close to it) before she puts herself and her family through much more than anyone can handle.
I hate watching her spiral like this and not being able to do anything.
Remaining hopeful Tom is getting ready to put his fucking foot down and give princess a reality check and proper treatment and then gets himself taken care of.
No. 494838
File: 1517898994687.jpeg (83 KB, 380x676, 3DCFBA68-9F81-4CC8-BB32-4F3AC3…)

Can we just take a moment and look at how malnourished and starving to death Aubrey is!?! Gosh that tube is just so necessary and life saving! Look at those starving little legs.. twigs even.. looks like she can barely stand up! Gosh anazimg how someone can survive with so little muscle!!!!! 😂 NOT
No. 494855
>>494838But anon, she's a WARRIOR. She may look okay on the outside but she's starving inside. She's so sick inside. That healthy looking body is just her warrior armour.
I hate this bitch. I'd like to back hand her. I wish her husband would just break and tell her he's not taking anymore of her shit. Or maybe he has, and she's done drastic things to keep him chained up. Who fucking knows with her. She's a predator and a manipulator. She needs some fucking mental help. We all know no one has suggested it or she'd be whining in a vlog that no one believes how sick she is.
No. 494858
>>494825I couldn't agree more.
She said repeatedly in the latest video/ER video how there is a risk of infection as she put her dirty tube off the ground back into her stoma. It was probably three or so times at least, so I've got no doubt the next thing will be an infection there.
She didn't get her button though, I can't even begin to imagine how peeved she is about that. Just another dangler.
I'm genuinely concerned for her wellbeing at this stage, all jokes and so forth aside. She truly can't stop, and is escalating in both frequency and effort/severity of things.
It's sad because she is highly intelligent and has a hell of a lot of potential. Also what happened to her studying? She needed to make a huge deal about what she goes through in order to be able to go to class. And she went like…once? She couldn't just enjoy it, she had to go on and on about behind the scenes and everything it takes for her to be there. I imagine she would be quite socially immature/underdeveloped around her peers.
No. 494860
File: 1517902084439.jpeg (633.41 KB, 750x1121, 1C1DCCD7-A5BB-41EA-9D63-1CA4AD…)

>>494858She did get a button
No. 494870
>>494861>>494858So the GI at the other hospital in far north Austin, who is ordering all sizes of buttons and plans to handle her case personally and then once they know her size, stock three buttons just for her for future tube changes, is going to learn that despite his above-and-beyond efforts, she already received her button and does not need one of his?
Just another reason why these GIs need to say, "We special order buttons only for sumo wrestlers who can't risk a dangler getting trapped under an opponent during a match. As for everyone else, you get what you get and you better go somewhere else to throw your fit."
No. 494872
>>494079Sometimes with genetic illnesses adults go to a children's hospital because they have been with the same team of docs since childhood. In my case it's because the doc at children's is the only one within 150 miles who has ever treated patients with my rare disease, and he happens to be located there.
Sage for mini blog
No. 494925
>>494548She is saying about
herself that she's being "like a champ". She also calls herself "inspirational" and "a tough cookie" and other things like that. That's just not something you say about yourself. Well, not if you're a normal person, that is.
For some reason, I only just realized how incredible recent her tube change was when she was supposed to get a button but didn't. That was TWO DAYS before she 'accidentally' pulled out her tube. I hope hospital staff sees this too. If they know how obsessed she is to get that cutesy button (and she asked for it
many times, so they
should know at this point) it really should raise red flags when she is frustrated about not getting her button (which doesn't make much sense in the first place, especially if she is on feeds 24/7 like she says because it functions exactly the same) and comes in only two days later, basically forcing their hand. They SHOULD know what she is doing here, right?
No. 494954
>>494548This hospital probably doesn't know about the MALS surgery and would give her pain control if they think she actually needs it.
She won't tell her MALS surgeon any of that and he will think she's been taking proper protocols for the surgery.
No. 495078
File: 1517931020680.jpg (137.39 KB, 720x991, _20180206_162903.JPG)

It's feeding tube awareness week so get ready for a whole bunch of super tubies.
Why, why would you post a picture like this?
No. 495079
File: 1517931249171.jpg (176.98 KB, 720x966, _20180206_163339.JPG)

This is one of the most ridiculous things I've seen in a while.
No. 495177
File: 1517937428580.png (2.42 MB, 750x1334, 7B01B19C-E795-4F9B-B281-CE3459…)

..maybe I’m being cruel, but my school days always went till 2-3pm. Considering she doesn’t get there until 8 I can’t imagine a three hour school day being that bad. This shit drives me nuts.
No. 495276
>>495177I am guessing that she absolutely hates school. She probably dreads going and can't wait to get out of there.
I doubt she has any friends at school. She has been held back so any friends she may have had are no longer in her classes. She doesn't really have any hobbies in common with her classmates (because the majority of teens aren't into diagnosis collecting). Physically she is overweight, uses a walker (and once again most teens would consider her rollator something that their grandmother might use), and there is no denying that her eyes make her look different. And while I haven't followed her recently, the posts on her old account suggested that she was really quite the pain in the butt at school - constantly complaining and accusing people of not helping her. As a result, I doubt any of the teachers really like her either. I imagine she is an easy target for bullying - even if people don't make fun of her to her face, I imagine they talk about her behind her back. I would feel sorry for her but it is also possible to have a chronic illness and not be a jerk to everyone about it.
No. 495278
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No. 495303
File: 1517943175325.jpg (858.62 KB, 803x2347, Screenshot_20180206-123541.jpg)

That's not Platinum, that's yellow. In the comments people are saying she pulled a Britney, and saying she looks like Tinkerbell.
No. 495435
File: 1517950294363.png (107.27 KB, 747x724, IMG_0279.PNG)

Oh for the love of canine tube-pulling out missiles, I've seen it all now.
I can't bring myself to actually watch the video, but it's not an 'operating table'. The screaming I don't doubt for a second however.
I really think the medical staff are massively suspicious about how her 'tube' came out. She said in the ER video when it first got ripped out by dog missile that she didn't think the nurse really gave her enough pain relief as it didn't do anything. Yes, sadly, a shirt of silaudid onto the floor does happen with some staff fed up with some patients antics.
Seems here they wanted to potentially make sure she isn't tempted to do this again in a hurry. Also has she posted any photographic evidence of her button? Or just claiming it?
No. 495438
>>495435*shot of dialudid I should say not shirt of Silaudid although I feel like that could make a great saying. 'I saved my tube from being pulled out by the shirt of my Silaudid'.
Saged for bullshit.
No. 495461
File: 1517951489162.png (2.08 MB, 1334x750, IMG_0280.PNG)

>>495435Okay I decided to bte the bullet a minute later, I'm halfway through today's video. No real milk.!
But this is the first time I've ever seen a aubrey (or indeed any of these munchies) in genuine pain. She is very clearly very genuinely uncomfortable, and it's kinda sad (In the 'that's a train wreck' way) in a way to see her get such a dose of reality.
She said her BP was 80/50 and says 'but like…it's not that low' in a really desperate way because she wants pain meds, and they won't give them to her.
Saged and sorry for medfaggung here but I do feel it provides relevant perspective to Aubrey's claim.
what's protocol in the U.S for those parameters? Here in Aus, we have MET (medical emergency team) alerts which go over the speakers, designed around vital paramaters. The idea is to intervene early and reduce the need for a whole code blue (cardiac arrest) ie stop the shitstorm before it happens.
With Dysautonomia and POTS patients are, if well managed during an admission, are given altered MET criteria so they aren't
triggering constant METs with their BP and heart rate. But with a BP of 80/50 they would absolutely be hitting you up with IV fluids, especially if you've just had a procedure. ESPECIALLY if you have a port and do your own damn saline infusions at home.
No they wouldn't give you pain meds, as obviously analgesia will lower it further, but they would be doing something to address the issue. But with Aubrey they are just denying her pain meds. It just doesn't add up.
The BP of course is based on what she's saying, she hasn't shown it on the monitors yet.
Saged for medfagging
No. 495463
File: 1517951543939.jpg (107.8 KB, 1387x1136, jflKlL4.jpg)

Aubreys face right after the 'most painful feeding tube exchange in her life' where she was in excruxiating pain. So why is she smirking, you ask? Well, this is right after she said the words "so at least I got a button".
Apparently, that's even more important than pain or possible damage to her stoma from ripping her tube out. The fact that she got her button. Well, look at her. She is SO happy. (And for the anon who asked, yes, she did post proof of her button - she showed it in her vlog.)
No. 495472
File: 1517951779404.png (Spoiler Image,444.37 KB, 701x496, aub5.png)

>>495461bless you
the button
No. 495478
>>495461Continued. Last five minutes of Aubrey's vlog today.
Her BP finally came up, without any treatment. Amazing feat for someone with 'severe POTS'. They could give her IV pain meds but then she would have to wait half an hour which would make her late for her pet scan, and she tried arguing with them saying 'I was in here a few days ago for pancreatitis (ummm wasn't that a chance finding, not what she actually presented for?), and they gave it to me right as I left' or something to that effect. I don't think she realises what sort of impression that would have given the medical staff, but I guarantee that was discussed in the tea room after.
Anyway, her BP was so bad they had the 'ER supervisor' come over and tell her she can't have analgesia. Such a severe BP that she needs an 'ER supervisor' but they don't treat the BP. Another ridiculous claim.
The most cringey part is where she says 'but I trudged (or trenched? Couldn't quite hear) through the pain to get to this PET scan' and paints herself as a Cancer Hero.
And like anon said, yes she got her button and indeed shows it in the video but the one screenshot I refuse to share is that, simply because I won't give her the satisfaction of another person seeing her precious button.
No. 495495
>>495478This is a good point all of these munchies must think the discourse about the patients end when they leave the room nurses are specially trained to identify drug seeking or strange behavior with incoming patients especially the er (this is my American experience) because that is where the frequent flyers are. Many ppl in the us will go straight to the er if they don’t have insurance, or they don’t want to wait to schedule an appointment like our munchies here. Although ppl abuse the system here it’s not super easy if the staff is well trained and experienced and I think thats what Aubrey is realizing.
The nurses discuss everything about the patient including behaviors and what lead up to them coming! They take this all into account and in the end the could be flagged in there system already tbh as drug seeking especially with the amount of visits but always claiming pain meds..
No. 495528
File: 1517954900389.png (1.22 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180206-170319.png)

We all know what you told her. It's been what? 2 days since you "broke out" and last had asspats?
No. 495532
>>495461Yes, we have hospital emergency alerts that go over the PA. However, I do not know what the
parameters are for calling a code before a Code Blue. By the time the code is called, someone (a nurse, etc.) would already be beginning CPR.
>>495478Regarding trudged/trenched, am I the only person who thinks her stupid routine is put on? It's easy just to dismiss her as an idiot, but I think it's an act and that's another manipulative behavior. And then she blames it on brain fog (tally another symptom point for poor Aubrey!)…
>>495495sage for mini-blog - they ask EVERYONE those questions including the elderly. Yes, it can be tiresome, but it's the hospital rules. There is also a thing called triage - and that means that they obviously didn't see Aubrey bleeding out on the floor so yes, they have the time to ask those questions. And I agree with you, staff are pretty good at spotting narcotic shoppers.
That aside, in that video when she complains, I think we see more of her real bitchy personality than the poor Aubrey "I'm such a tough cookie" shtick she's always putting out there.
Sage again for question asking and yes, I've read all the threads here, but I can't keep all the munchie details straight (must be my brain fog, lol). What is the story with Aubrey's parents? She mentions her Dad being around, but not her mom. Her Dad isn't even from Texas though I thought so did he move down there with her?
I bring all that up because I think she is lacking an army of enablers which is why she has to be the one to call herself a tough cookie, a warrior, a champion, etc. Her idol Mary Frey has a built in cheerleading squad with her husband alone, never mind her parents.
No. 495551
File: 1517956146565.jpeg (140.84 KB, 1242x1395, 123299D5-FE09-4DA4-BD00-A04CAA…)

If she has bad enough joint hypermobility to be in a wheelchair, you’d think she’d avoid doing stuff like this which would easily dislocate a shoulder.
No. 495578
>>495551this seems borderline vendetta to me. Not everyone with bad joints have shoulder issues. there's nothing milky about someone in a wheelchair having a bit of fun, find some real milk instead of shit like this
saged for rage
No. 495589
>>495578She was posted about
>>494218 there earlier in this thread.
I didn't think the way I phrased it was particularly mean in any way, rather I would think that someone claiming extreme hypermobility would avoid things like this which put their joints at risk?
No. 495674
>>495177Literally all her stories are her complaining about school, studying and homework. We get it, we've all been there. She's acting like she's got the worst workload of any teenager.
Luckily for her she doesn't have to deal with an actual chronic illness at the same time kek
No. 495685
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That darn rapid declining health!!
And look at all those bruises!! So many You can barely see them kek
No. 495735
File: 1517969181265.png (256.47 KB, 750x1208, IMG_0293.PNG)

I knew it wouldn't be long until Aubrey got a barbie car. She has never mentioned issues with walking, But now needs a wheelchair. Incredible
No. 495751
>>495735Oh this just makes me rage. She has a magical service dog to tell her when she's going to faint, why does she need a wheelchair?
At this rate she's going to quickly overtake Jaquie's position as the OTT Munchie Queen.
No. 495758
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Look who's back in the ER. So predictable
No. 495763
File: 1517970795190.png (1.75 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180206-213019.png)

Called that! Smh No way she got a infection unless it was on purpose being out of hospital so short! Course we gotta do more tests and maybe put in the red tube she wanted so bad
No. 495774
>>495766Lol you sound like Jaquie "Not everybody is the same" (so I can do these really OTT things despite listing diagnoses)
Shoulders are one of the most unstable joints in anyone - let alone someone with a connective tissue disorder. It's well known that using mobility aids without any input from professionals can cause more problems than they help.
(Source: having EDS and my physiotherapist telling me this)
No. 495800
>>495781>>495785Stop double posting and clogging the feed with your wining, and wk, you outed yourself
>>495746 by insta which is also against the rules and now your disrupting the milk.
Your not convincing anyone of anything by calling out newfags, your the newcomer by the tone of your posts and content. Now please your intellect is embarrassing can we get back to the milk?
No. 495811
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She has a new diagnosis… again?
No. 495822
>>495817Top kek.
But agreed.
No. 495834
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>>495792Not a medfag, but according to the NET cancers website, these are the scans done to look for cancerous tumors. Gallium isn’t listed on there at all. 1/3
No. 495847
>>495792>>495834 Good work anons! It’s looking to be that she definitely never had cancer too much just isint making sense, the amount of time between the surgery, lack of treatment, lack of immediate intervention and information about the cancer I mean this is her end all be all diagnosis and she still half asses it? Could that be Bc she doesn’t have the diagnosis to back it up?
Even though the pots diagnosis and most others had manipulated tests (ed dehydration) she at least got a diagnosis, but to me I feel like maybe she never really got word about the cancer being malignant so she thought she could tread lightly and still get ass pats and maybe throw in cancer warrior which I know think says gastroparesis warrior in the bio,
No. 495848
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>>495792Suuuure Aubrey, looking for those NETs…
No. 495853
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>>495848Actually, if you look at this. Not white knighting for Aubrey. It sure as hell isnt urgent as she was initially rejected for the scan, and it's been so delayed since her surgery.
Full link here . No. 495872
>>495861Yeah I'm not sure, this one is outside my scope of practice. And absolutely re it being from a patient advocacy network. Seems Interesting really.
I wonder if they said it was malignant too soon, or 'it looks malignant' then pathology revealed something else and she couldn't backtrack. She's never said the type of NET that it is which is just completely weird. It's like telling everyone you have leukaemia. But not saying what type.
No. 495892
>>495863It depends on the type of insurance.
But even with a company that doesn't require referrals sometimes more extensive treatments require it sue to the costs and making sure that the patient has already approached the other options first. Insurance isn't going to pay for what they don't have to.
If a dr wanted
the scan done for cancer treatment/precaution and the patient has had cancer, risky tumors, etc this patient would get the scan because of they have more cancer or dangerous tumors they don't detect because they didn't do a scan insurance is going to have to pay A LOT more.
So basically yea..rhis scan isn't that important for Aubrey to have which is why it's been denied.
I'm positive she brought it up. Maybe her brother had something and it's very easy for cows to pull the victim card and express life altering fear for possibility of an exaggerated illness.
It seems like several different options were on the table for Aubrey here.
She is probably hoping the scan will show anything wrong as she has run very low on munchie options at this point. She's not a priority..with any of her claimed and real illnesses.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was not a tumor but scar tissue or a cyst or something and is being vague on her "cancer" because she's only using the info she remembers from her brothers issue with it.
Sick brother=attention care and love
Jealous sister, feels left out, isolated, underlying mental illness
Munchausem Syndrome.
No. 495912
>>495900well if she is a personal cow of yours, provide the millk. links, images, video. reasons why other farmers should gain an interest to look into her.
this isnt a personal army, no one is going to do it for you
>look yourselfthats how you sound either vendetta-chan or self posty
No. 495914
>>495900Ah! I knew she was familiar! No longer is she sincerely.esh. Looks like she overhauled her account on January 20th. Changed her name, deleted all her posts, etc etc.
New account name is spoonie.esh
No. 495928
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I’m guessing most of these are psych meds?
No. 495946
>>495928And warrior vitamins/OTC meds and empty/old rx bottles.
She has something for pain, supposedly 2 different migraine meds, motility med, multiple nausea meds, probably a sleep pill and a couple of pysch meds. She is bipolar.
She cracks me up sometimes.
She whines about not holding anything down often despite her GES being manageable/self induced and no problem with puree/liquids..yet they still have her on pills!
When someone gets that bad with medications due to a real illness they change the forms and routine of the medications!
No. 496007
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The hashtag is being used by parents of kids with a feeding tube and then of course the munchies/ott adults. The difference is quite hilarious.
No. 496033
She's trying to get more attention as her super serious dive into being an YouTube star only gets minimal veiws, most of which are probably preteens (since that seems to be where her mental abilities function best..obsession with kid stuff..stuffies, dress up, colouring childrens books (til recent. She bought a big girl one) lack of well management with adult responsibilities, preteen/young adult books childlike voice etc. One of her vids are even called "I did adult stuff today"
She's 30 or 31)
And hate views.
She's not been a big topic here with Aubreys spiral into destruction taking priority.
Gah I wish she would get her head out of her ass and grow up. She could be a functioning part of society and that would help her so so much..but she just wants to munch and play victim.
No. 496062
File: 1517982407024.png (434.71 KB, 1079x1196, 20180207_004519.png)

Looks like our special snowflake updated her bio. Do you think she gets tips from baby Josie?
No. 496069
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Dom from SDP looks so bad. The eye bags, the awful haircut, she looks strung out on something.
No. 496093
File: 1517983258597.png (Spoiler Image,2.16 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180207-005905.png)

Of course the nurse said take your gown off for pain relief and probably even take posed photos to share for asspats too
No. 496225
>>496069She deleted a video from earlier saying that she was in really bad shape. Her Hr was jumping to 140 anytime she stood up and Max was making her stay seated. She mentioned that her toddler was doing pretty good with taking care of himself and listening to her so she didn’t have to get up. I’m guessing she started getting hate, or one of her fans mentioned it might not paint her in a good light.
Someone seriously needs to get involved here. 1. If she is by chance as sick as she says she is, she is putting her child’s life in danger everyday she is home alone with him. 2. With her manic behavior, and possibly substances, she is neglecting him at some level.
No. 496232
>>496069Strung out on mania.
Looks like another sleepless night for her.
She's on another tear about fake service dogs and people bringing pets into stores. She posted several photos from offending accounts. When the comments got heated she posted this clip telling off the haters. another video tonight she tests Max's ability to resist french fries.
The fast food and snacks are a constant with her family. She gave Liam candy to quiet him in two different videos in the last week.
No. 496270
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>>495946>>495968>>495928Note the time stamp..she posted this an hour after the picture of her meds were posted about here
No. 496283
File: 1517991158811.jpeg (693.45 KB, 3117x3117, 1318FB06-D426-406B-8E9B-094172…)

>>496232I love that she calls people out on the ID thing, but she legit did the same fucking thing with her first “service dog” ( That poor thing she washed after 3 months, and rehomed after she fell on it and she says the dog screamed when she came close after that. It was a tiny chiweenie.
Then she points out that it’s a federal offense to fake a service dog. But with Max, her current service dog, she took him out to a restaurant and at least two stores on the way home from the fucking shelter she adopted him from. He has been going everywhere with her ever since. No. 496398
File: 1518006148218.jpeg (670.85 KB, 744x1105, D6B34F54-6FBC-4A8E-9AD7-460932…)

Dani no pathetically desperate for attention right now. She has barely been mentioned here with several more “successful” munchies, like Aubrey and Dom, spiraling out of control. Hence the rash of posts that she knows will get herself back on here.
Seriously - I can’t handle my smoothies anymore so I am going to try sugar wafers. People online have been “worried” that I am not getting enough calories because all I like to do is drink tea and water all day. Sugar wagers have like no nutritional value and aren’t really that many calories to begin with. What ever happened to eating soup? All the comments tell her she is stupid for trying it.
As much as she says she hates being posted on here she secretly loves it because she thinks it’s a sign that someone cares about her.
No. 496445
File: 1518012262915.png (248.96 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180207-080253.png)

This chick can't just have a conversation without cussing.
No. 496446
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You read that guys "making her a shit ton of money!!! Thousands!!" Oh yeah but she can't pay medical bills.
No. 496462
>>496460Just curious: was she ever
diagnosed with bipolar disorder (type I or II)?
No. 496466
File: 1518014956068.jpg (219.93 KB, 2048x2048, FB_IMG_1518014146520.jpg)

Can we talk about Liz J Porter?
Apparently suffering from cancer but posts pics in their insta like pic related, it doesn't look like she's suffering cervical cancer at stage whatever. You wouldn't feel like doing that if you were so sick. Sets up a gofundme to be treated specially in Europe, getting other people to pay her treatment when she could get it free on the health service or fund it herself with her large family who aren't poor btw just pinchpennies. Two of her brothers were also involved in killing people; One ran over a pedestrian and drove on, a hit and run and the other attempted to kill someone through the tampering of a piece of equipment but it didn't actually work as planned.
Gofundme: No. 496471
File: 1518015639331.jpg (377.07 KB, 1702x1169, GtEVSVC.jpg)

>>496466I don't think she could get this kind of treatment on the NHS, though. I think she forgot to mention in her GFM that her doctor is a quack. Not that it wasn't already clear from her GFM itself, because that was the reason I googled him. But maybe she should specify that, for those poor ignorant souls who think they are helping her by donating?
No. 496474
File: 1518015890276.jpg (386.66 KB, 1703x1330, diumald.jpg)

>>496471Her GFM. (Yes, I know that CBD oil is actual medicine and it can and does help a lot of people, but it doesn't treat cancer.)
No. 496490
>>496466Why would you use your real name for your accounts especially insta? idk Why do people do this lol I think she buys followers and has probably added more to the sum of money she's hoping to raise on her gfm so she can pocket some herself.
I don't get why people set up a gfm for themselves to pay their treatments. It's like their life is so much more important compared to others. I'd understand if the person had kids because to die and leave them behind like that is selfish, but her kind of gfm is just all self.
No. 496571
>>496569Oh, for sure.
Most states it's up to the buisness, is it not the same in Alabama? For example Target probably wouldn't allow it because they don't allow pets, grocery stores typically don't allow SDIT either because of health codes.
No. 496573
File: 1518021345960.png (1.96 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180207-113204.png)

of course it was a huuuuge shock she'd be admitted again
No. 496575
>>496571unable to screenshot at the moment but Alabama state law says "a person training a service animal shall be entitled to the same privileges granted to a person with a disability"
Businesses can kick out service dogs (in training or finished) at their discretion if they are disrupting business or are aggressive/ill-mannered/toileting inappropriately. The issue of "fake service dogs" would be solved immediately if businesses just enforced the rules and asked the proper questions, but they don't. Handlers like @servicedogpaws make it harder for everyone because they create this negative stigma and make businesses/people afraid of public shaming or legal action.
No. 496587
>>496584Kek, or she asked the nurse to hand it to her so she could pose with it? Either way it's extremely weird. I mean, even more than posing with your meds already is..
Who is this, btw? I don't see a name anywhere.
No. 496591
File: 1518022987936.jpg (433.16 KB, 1046x1052, Screenshot_20180207-104849.jpg)

So she got so upset about everyone saying she was pregnant because she was worried she was.
No. 496593
File: 1518023033081.jpg (180.28 KB, 1059x663, Screenshot_20180207-110037.jpg)

So her husband used to be a hitchhiker.
No. 496596
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What all do you think he's high on here? Anyone think they still do whatever it is?
No. 496634
>>496462Not afaik. Last month when she said that she was weaning so that she could begin taking meds, she said she needs meds for her mental health.
As I commented in
>>494299 she describes symptoms of mood disorder but attributes them to her other illnesses.
So many anons, seemingly without knowledge of either mania or drugs, want to attribute her behavior to drug use when a mood disorder is a much more likely explanation.
No. 496673
File: 1518028281809.jpeg (596.15 KB, 1200x1800, 9501A2AF-6546-44CF-B761-72ED7B…)

Dani still trying to create drama because apparently being posted on here is the only way she can convince herself that anyone cares - think she was feeling left out/not important among the other cows drama
So of course she claims she vomited the wafers and makes it seem like it’s the internet’s fault for telling her to eat solids.
- For starters - the sugar wafers dissolve easily - by the time they reach her stomach they would have likely dissolved to smoothie consistency.
- Nobody was telling her she had to eat solids. In fact lots of people before and after told her not to. Don’t violate doctors orders and be upset when it doesn’t work out
- Nobody here said you can’t get enough calories/nutrition via a liquid diet - in fact the opposite has been said. There are plenty of people who have succeeded on a liquid diet only. But she has been drinking fruit smoothies with powders, mashed potatoes, applesauce, and tea. If you are doing a liquid diet longer than a few days post surgery (like having tonsils removed) you prioritize your needs - supplement drinks, soup (throw it in the blender a minute before heating up if you really want it to have no chunks).
- Yesterday she complained about not tolerating the smoothies - obviously the answer was to try solids (seriously not the brightest crayon in the box). And today when accusing the Internet she says she was doing fine with the smoothies.
Basically Dani wants to take not responsibility in trying to get better - she would rather just blame the internet and her doctors for her being sick.
No. 496677
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No. 496688
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No. 496697
>>496673What I don't understand is why Dani doesn't question the doctors more about her reflux. I don't think anyone doubts that she has severe reflux - you can hear it from her voice not to mention that when she talks about "burping up" food/drinks constantly after meals is a big sign of reflux (granted she claims its due to GP). Long term reflux can cause other medical issues and since hers is clearly severe enough to impact her voice you would think someone would try to focus on that. I would think that she would push for a Nissen fundoplication - she would get another surgery high from it. I doubt she follows basic reflux precautions but seriously she would have more success getting her medical intervention fix if she focused on something that actually was a problem. Not to mention it would make her stand out a bit from your run of the mill munchie/spoonies.
I did see where someone was questioning her on a previous post about why she was drinking no-calorie drinks (it was a picture of a thermos of tea, a bottle of water, and a bottle of sparkling water). She tries to backpedal and claim that she had a "full calorie" Gatorade (still not great - basically food coloring and sugar) and multiple smoothies and shakes at the end of the day. She isn't really helping her case there - I would assume that if you had GP you would aim for eating smaller amounts of things throughout the day rather than bombarding your stomach with a bunch of calories at night (not to mention you will be less active and more likely to aggravate your reflux).
Not to mention she says that she handles the smoothies and shakes well at night and they cause her reflux to act up but she doesn't vomit them - the opposite of what she said a post or two before.
So her claiming that "all these people are telling me I don't get enough calories" is really one person questioning why she fills up on 0-calorie drinks.
No. 496705
>>496679But becoming a popular munchie item is probably what help keeps them in business.
I would guess most of their client base is munchies who don't really need formula and parents of sick kids they have conned into thinking their child needs organic formula.
If most (all?) insurances won't cover it than most people aren't going to consider them. There are lots of other options out there.
I just laugh that they share Aubrey and Jacquie as success stories - neither of them are leading better lives with the formula - more social media famous but certainly not out enjoying life (unless you think that doctors visits are fun times).
No. 496786
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>>496785And she gets schooled by that last comment.
No. 496787
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The answer is no… you’re pink and healthy . Good god . This girl is never getting off the hot mess express
No. 496815
>>496785So Max warns her 15 minutes before she's going to faint. But, the post-concussive syndrome she has is because Max was distracted and failed to warn her
right then and she passed out? But if he warns her 15 minutes prior, shouldn't she already have been alerted?
No. 496848
File: 1518040369768.jpeg (765.53 KB, 3117x3117, 3EDD40A2-E6CA-42AC-AA37-ACFB0A…)

Well this explains a lot.
Sage to point out that these two are a total piece of work.
No. 496850
File: 1518040606942.png (1.31 MB, 1334x750, 3DF37E5B-ED62-4B18-A24C-BA14D6…)

Ok enough with the shooping ams this insta is older than the video and she claims to be losing weight but we can see that’s a lie from the vlog… can’t hide those massive biceps on video
No. 496852
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>>496850Here’s the photo for reference
No. 496853
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Also just for kicks I grabbed a screenshot from a recent video you can see the arms actual size in the mirror..
Should we speculate about her falling out of munchiedom and into ana chan land? Certainly heading that way
No. 496857
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>>496852Kek anon are all doors in the UK crooked like this?
No. 496872
>>496867ana chan = anorexic who glamorises the illness.
>>496857she's in Australia now, leeching off their healthcare system instead.
No. 496918
File: 1518044131272.jpg (741.13 KB, 1440x2129, Screenshot_20180207-164035.jpg)

So Dani is fishing still having dropped to the background with everyone else being priority lately so she is being so ridiculous with her attention seeking.. but maybe she is also diverting from the big move.
No. 496960
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Has she even left that couch in two days? Same spot, same shirt, I’m guessing she spends a lot of time doing nothing on the couch. And of course blames it on her heart rate and not her mental illness or pure laziness.
No. 497108
>>497030It's a pretty rough cycle unfortunately.
People with eating disorders and a real health issue (apart from the ED) can be extremely difficult to treat.
Specially if that illness is something like type 1 diabetes, GP, chrons,heart defect etc.
It's a big control you can't live without insulin but often when ED is involved that becomes an issue.
Having bad nausea/difficulty keeping intake in, pain etc from a preexisting illness just feeds into an eating disorder and spirals from there..usually these are birth conditions or early childhood issues. Eventually they don't get as much attention as they like with chronic illness. It's manageable you have it for life it's a regular part of your routine it is what it is. And as they grow and become more independent they loose a lot of that attention because no one is holding your hand for every pill and every step and praising you and all that and they miss it..anxirty and depression are a part of chronic illness left poorly treated as they grow up manifest in so many ways. Unfortunately often it's to an ED or just being OTT about it.
Which for some leads to munchtown.
Thankfully it's not a super common issue outside of the munchie internet community but it happens.
Which is a huge deal because they've got a real chronic illness, an ED and a slew of faked illnesses because people start to get used to you having an ED..its just a part of your mental health. Get help get treatment take your meds and follow orders (just like any illness) and life goes on and people see it as your normal which then gives you less attention again.
This last one is a part of the ED people jumping onto any physical illness they can during recovery to either avoid recovery, gain asspats and attention, etc.
But eventually it becomes your normal and the world keeps spinning.
It's just extremely complicated to treat and break the cycle. It's not easy on anyone and can be dangerous but the good thing is eventually someone will put their foot an example..aubrey gives herself sepsis. they remove the port. She heals and instead of having a new one placed for "saline" for her pots (ed) they decide the risks outweigh the benieft and send her home without and goes back to an IV. (Which can be left in for 3 to 4 days and with home health can be placed in places more than arms)
She throws shit storm.
Aubrey and Dani need to be very careful because once their issues start spiraling more they will end up with a pysch hold and charted off to treatment once stabilized.
Which is really what so many really need..proper treatment.
Refeeding clinics (which are usually in a hospital on its own floor) see these patients and treat them more often before sending them inpatient. Even if it's not a refeeding issue..its all medical issues. Specialized in separating ED, genuine illness and malingering illnesses and faked ones.
No. 497154
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Someone on Aubrey's YT about her new sauna questioned how she could tolerate it, I agreed and then got this Jaquie-esque "everyone's different" reply. I tried to explain I was only comparing her to herself based on things she herself has said, but… oh, I've been blocked. Gotta do that damage control!
No. 497158
>>497030>>497108I think for at least several of these munchies there is an underlying mental illness but there is still a lot of stigma and negative attitudes around mental illness that you don't see with physical illnesses.
For instance, depression can make you feel like crap and make it really hard to get out of bed, take a shower, do simple every day tasks. But most people still view depression as a little bit of sadness. People with severe depression are told to "just don't be sad" and there are a hundred memes around the internet claiming that running and sunshine are the ultimate cures for depression. You wouldn't blame a person with cancer for not feeling like getting out of bed and you wouldn't tell them to "just get over it" but it happens to people with mental illness all the time.
I think we see a lot of crossover with people with anorexia and munchies because there are more likely to be physical complications that require medical attention.
Dani's real issue is her mental illness - and not the history of anorexia because that seems to be a side effect of other mental illness. I don't doubt that her mental illness makes her feel like crap but few people around her are going to understand that - however if she is truly "sick" then nobody will question the same behavior. Autumn went on about wanting to be seen as sick - likely because her mental illness made her feel crappy at times and she wanted a better way for people to understand that. Same goes for Dom.
No. 497160
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Her legs swell up sooooper bad guys so she needs to wrap them up but you need to see how but don't worry cos she also takes so much medication for the edema even if it's not working
No. 497162
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Part 2 with pic
No. 497165
>>496979Or I wonder if her mental health provider has put her on some medication and it is just escalating her symptoms.
Some prescribers want you to stick with a medication for X amount of weeks to let it fully kick in (especially with longer term psych drugs). And since she doesn't like to "waste" money on medical appointments she may just be waiting until the next one (I wouldn't be surprised if she was taking a meds only route instead of investing in some actual therapy too).
No. 497174
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No, we know the whole tube came out Aubrey. We don't doubt that. It's how it came out that we want to know.
Photo 1 of 3
No. 497184
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Well she's got her next ER/dr trip planned already.
No. 497192
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January 7 2017
Vent aka purge - the start to OTT munchiness. Don't forget to donate to her fuckme, kek
No. 497204
She had to start seeing one so that she could get a letter for the kitten she decided was her ESA after she realized the apartments don’t allow pets. She said she paid for 6 sessions upfront. She has also mentioned that she is going on psych meds, and doesn’t have a regular doctor
No. 497212
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Dom better hurry back and delete these comments!!
No. 497247
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Service Dog Paws is live if anyone wants to confront her in front of everyone!
She is using her painful EDS hands to put in her extensions.
No. 497257
>>497184Is that a paintbrush in her hand? When did the pain become so bad you couldn’t play watercolor Aubrey?
I mean obviously she’s over exaggerating but seriously why can’t she do school part time or online? At my school many of my classes are online and there are a lot of options that exist at other schools, she’s setting herself up to never go back to school.
What is going to happen when she reaches a dead end with all her illnesses? I feel like after the mals surgery she doesn’t need she’ll really be scraping the bottom of the munchie barrel. Wonder What’s next for Aubs
No. 497303
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This girl made “rainbow formula” she annoys me so much
No. 497390
>>497303Now she just needs to add glitter and she can have unicorn and/or galaxy formula!
I'm not familiar with her but I'm guessing she doesn't have a lot of "cow complications" that make her super special because of a dramatic b.s. reason to have to have a ceetain formula because she's "allergic/intolerant" to all of them? otherwise she wouldn't/shouldnt/couldn't use food dye like this.
No. 497396
>>497388Yeah, but you probably don't make a career out of being sick.
That's one thing that I just never get about most of the biggest munchies. They have one or two interests outside of being sick, or one TV show they like, or whatever, but it's always, "I went to the movies and that was fun but then I felt sick and I threw up and fainted and exploded," or whatever. And I'm always thinking, "What movie did you see? Was it any good?" But they're always back to business - sooper speshul snowflake sikness.
Rainbow formulas is not exactly helpful to others I would think?
saged for sort of blogging
No. 497401
>>497396She is so young it’s so sad to see her going down this not sure if this belongs on the chronically jaqui thread but she is yet another skin walker (spoonielife Amanda) of jaqui! She even has the custom wheelchair with what appears to be smart drive rig.
Now if she knew she wouldn’t be able to self propell why not get an electric chair? I do not know the $ of each but I heard Jaquie sooped up special car was around 10,000 with all the modifications and smart drive.
Why else would she get this exact rig other than to be like jaqui? Just get the electric chair! smh
No. 497420
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A little bit by bit from Danis world
>>496697GERD mentioned and
Surgery mentioned here.
She posts about her gerd and surgery.
In one of her vlogs she said she finally blocked this site which she has obviously not.
"Hide behind a screen..Bring sick people down to make themselves feel better..i don't need that"
She has gained weight Because she's very obviously getting so sick like she claims.
I don't particularly like calling her weight out with her ed history but when she is constantly claiming to have bad symptoms that wpuld make anyone dehydrated and malnourished which obviously causes weight loss but she keeps going up.
She shows her outfit again and when she gets to her leggings you can see her reposition her hips to give herself a little thigh gap in ganged up video.
Her therapist pushed her to get peanutbutter.
Wtf!? Definetly one of the more humorous Dani moves lately.
She also locked herself out of her place..after it was discussed here a few days ago.
She's still not taking responsibility and not being consistent with her diet. She's taking an IG break because she feels ganged up on….but by the end of the video she says she may not take an IG break..she will see how she feels about it in the morning.
(Fastest record for her)
She wants to delete all her social media and just live her life because she's so tired of all the drama.
What life? (She says she's an interesting person once you get to know her in her question video)
The fact her life is social media should be a hint to herself.
And maybe if she would be open and honest for her followers, especially the ones who are genuinely worried about her and care about her, she wouldn't have drama.
She's thriving off of it and fishing for the attention.
I love she talks about being a surviving preemie twin and just refers to all the wires and tubing on her. Her parents call her the miracle baby.
Why have we never seen a picture?
Her father doesn't even have a picture on his fb..
She and her case manager worked the the case manager must have helped her prioritize her necessary spending.
She was asked her favorite youtubers….im pretty sure y'all know who she listed lol.
Sorry it's keyboard is being dumb..but I managed to brave the bore to share the fruits/milk
No. 497428
>>497420Geeze…i spoke to soon.
Her medication video she posted in reply to the boards asking about the meds is gold.
So she finally mentioned IBS again. She hasn't in a long time.
She said she takes amitza for her IBS with idiopathic
1. IBS would be a cause of constipation
2. GP would also be a cause of constipation
Therefore it is not idiopathic.
She says it's from laxative abuse so "basically my bowels don't work"
(That's funny..i specifically remember all of her GI testing she had done local and at temple to show normal intestinal function. Her stomach even has normal function with liquids and softs and probably would be normal with solids if she didn't tamper.
She keeps subtly hinting to pots. She admits she's been tested and she just has low blood pressure that goes up with standing but it's nornalish and not pots..but she used to post constantly how much She passed out (much like doms)
Still talks about how easily she gets dizzy etc.
I'm curious to see what direction she is going to try to go with this or if she will drop it like her other illnesses she looses interest in..
She uses fruit and peanutbutter in those smoothies..great for that super severe and special GP.
No. 497435
I guess I'm flattered that your read part of my post. Where did I say anyone, sick or not, should have fun 24/7? Or go to Disneyland? And what any of that has to do with wearing makeup, I have no idea. If they're well enough to go to the movies, they're probably well enough to mention something about it. Most of these munchie/OTT spoonie people are trying to sell (literally) the story of what it's like to balance their sickness with having a semblance of a life, but instead all they talk about is their sickness and even then not in any meaningful way. They always just whinge about not feeling well, or having a bad day, or being in pain which we know because they mention it simultaneously on youtube, snapchat, facebook, and instagram multiple times daily. No matter who you are, you need to think about something else other than yourself for five seconds. And blogfagging, I've seen people sicker than some of these people who are really happy to get out of the house and have fun for a couple of hours in spite of the pain and they come away from the experience with positive things to say, not just a rundown of the same self-absorbed bullshit litany of symptoms. I don't get your point or you don't get mine, I'm not sure which.
No. 497437
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Posted 5 minutes ago.
No. 497447
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No. 497453
>>497401I follow her and i don't see her as a munchie. She seems to actually be sick, but still tries to make life work (go to school, do PT)
I get that people get suspicious, but not everyone with a smartdrive is a munchie.
also it's only good she didn't get a powerchair. Even with a smartdrive you still have to use your arms in a manual chair + most people don't use it all the time like AJ does.
Saged for being a borderline WK
No. 497486
>>497476And what's this visit gonna cost her?
I cannot get over how imbecilic she is about health insurance. Is she such a staunch Republican that she refuses to exercise her rights under the ACA?
Sage for political tinfoil hatting.
No. 497488
>>497467>>497476This just means her K was very mildly low if low at all.
It wouldn't be giving symptoms in general, and if she actually experienced those symptoms they would have been very mild and she would easily dismiss
The mild symptoms of "low k" for POTs and her other special illnesses.
The hospital will give a pill or a oral liquid of K and be fine to send her home.
My guess it was between 3.2 and 3.5 (3.5 is lowest normal range)
Otherwise they would have kept her for obs and given a better K boost and recheck to make sure it's back in range.
If it's in the 2s they would have admitted her to treat it with pills and iv.
If she were to get admitted her scan she just can't afford would be covered if she had it done while admitted.
She's sort of cornering herself with This
No. 497525
>>497420I had a feeling once the surgery for reflux showed up here she would suddenly mention it. I doubt the current doctor talked to her about it - because there is no way she wouldn't have mentioned it before.
I also laugh that she says the doctor claims he is waiting to see if the stim helps with reflux since he thinks its related to the GP. She has said that the reflux has been a long term ongoing problem (which isn't surprising for a preemie) but only claims the GP for the last few years. That being said if she is going to pursue a surgery she is better off pursuing a solution for her severe reflux which nobody doubts is a problem instead of tube searching (especially since feeding tubes can make reflux worse).
No. 497549
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There's that irritated stage of mania that was talked about earlier in the thread.
No. 497554
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Morgan is considering eating other people’s shit because she’s had an upset tummy for two months.
No. 497588
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Of course she left ama probably because they finally wouldn't deal with her fake shit this time boohoo kek
No. 497621
>>497486She doesn’t have insurance and has openly admitted that she does not pay her emergency room bills. I’m guessing at this point she must be paying them though or they wouldn’t keep treating her? Maybe I’m wrong. But yes, she has openly admitted that she had hospital bills she had no intention of paying.
She says she makes thousands every month from YouTube. Why the fuck hasn’t she gone on Chases insurance? It’s expensice, but she CAN afford it. It woood take a big chunk out of her YouTube income, but that would be the repsponsibpe thing to do when you have a serious chronic illness.
No. 497627
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>>497488I love how she changed outfits. She has been dying to wear the outfit she wore to the hospital in public. She mentioned it just the other day. Those are her pants that make her look like she has a booty according to her. Is it coincidence she is wanting to look like she has a booty and she is using using the dreads now? Girl, you WHITE!!!
No. 497669
>>497559I have to agree here. We need to remember the focus is on people who either outright lie, malinger, or massively exaggerate. The focus should remain on people who are either wasting medical care, or in some way receiving benefits in their life from malingering or exaggerating, not people who do things that we personally wouldn't with illnes efc.
Saged for whiteknighting
No. 497703
>>497669>>497453It is not up to you to decide who's appropriate for the thread or not - either don't engage with the post if you don't want to talk about a particular person, or if you really care that much, report the posts to farmhands and let them decide.
And by the way, Münchausens can still occur in those with genuine illness - it's just their clinical signs would include exaggerating or deliberately worsening symptoms as opposed to lying about and inducing them. Or, like with Jaquie, have some genuine health problems but make up others. Idk about this girl in particular because I wasn't interested enough to properly read the posts or look at her IG but that's more of a general thing aimed at the people who keep saying "this person isn't a munchie because they are actually sick".
No. 497762
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And less than 24 hours she's got to have her heart monitor bcos she's soooo suuuper sick! Stupid hospital should do what she said
No. 497768
This board is to discuss milk. It's not only munchies that have milk to discuss. If they're OTT, they're fair game IMO.
No. 497770
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comment calling Aubrey out on her not eating with the pancreatitis, she expects her viewers to believer her bs, and when questioned.. no response!
So she’s not doing feeds, but is hitting the sauna?
No. 497780
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>>497778nah she had some weight on her. just dig down to the bottom of her insta
No. 497794
>>497770I just.. wonder if that's true, though? I'm not a doctor, but just basic anatomy tells me that the pancreas has to do exactly the same thing regardless of food having been in the stomach or not. I CAN imagine it would be easier on the pancreas and other digestive processes though, because with J-feeds everything you 'eat' in a day is spread out over 23/24 hours so the body doesn't have to handle a large amount all at once but just a few ml an hour. On the other hand it has to do so
every single hour of the day, even at night.
Anyone who
actually knows how normal eating is different for the pancreas than J-feeds at a steady rate?
But yeah, doing sauna while basically fasting must be VERY hard on the body. That's crazy. But it's crazy already she has to take luke warm baths but at the same time buys an infrared sauna and tries to tell her viewers it's a different heat and her SD is there so it's OK. Ehm.. then why can't she just hold him in the bathroom and take a hot bath?
No. 497799
>>497794Oh no it's okay. Because she said her doctor told her to do the infrared saunas.
I wish I was joking but I'm not
No. 497843
>>497794from wiki: Secretion of these proenzymes [from the pancreas] is via hormones which are secreted by cells in the stomach and duodenum in response to distension and/or food.
So I think because the pancreatic duct is connected to the duodenum which is before the jejunum, if your feed is going into the J, it's bypassing the pancreas entirely, so it shouldn't
trigger the enzymes that cause pancreatitis
sage for medfagging
No. 497869
>>497632In the comments she said, "they aren't even finished. The whole back of my head hasn't been touched"
>>497467In the comments someone posted, "Your doctor should have checked that before she put you on that medication. That was irresponsible of her. That medication is known for messing with Potassium levels. They need to be checked before and during your use of it. But it’s a simple fix with a supplement. It’s a fairly common issue in POTS patients."
Has Dom named the medication?
No. 497889
>>497843Correct. Tube fed and also have recurring acute pancreatitis. I'm able to still run feeds as it bypasses the pancreas.
Just adding input to confirm what other anon said.
No. 497907
>>497882I would guess that Liam is receiving state insurance.
The financial threshold for children to receive something like Medicaid is typically lower than it is for an adult. I have several of my (child) clients with Medicaid but their parents have employer or private insurance.
I wonder how much she really is making off of YT - socialblade is the only way I know to get an idea and there is a huge spectrum for its estimate (for her it shows me $475-7.6k a month). She has been throwing out the I have 130,000 subscribers thing at people a lot recently.
No. 497908
>>497903(Samefag, but:) Looked up that particular vlog from the ER. She literally said there was 'slack coming out of my backpack'. Yet a few days before that she was sent home from the ER, supposedly with pancreatitis and the instruction not to run her feeds (which from this
>>497843 and other comments is BS, but it is what she is telling us). Today in her 'feeding tube awareness' video she repeats that she is not hooked up to her feeds because she is NPO and can also not run her feeds for 'a couple of days' until her pancreatitis clears up.
So the question remains.. WHY was she hooked up the pump in her backpack if she is not running her feeds?
No. 497926
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I wonder if anyone has corrected her view of how they adjust a gastric stim..
She's desperate to get it done.
She is on several nausea medications that normally shouldn't be taken together..i really think a lot of her symptoms are not only exaggerated but over medication or not taking them correctly.
For some one who claims to be dizzy often (but no pots guys) and history of totally passing out all the time (but it's magically healed when GP got in the picture guys)
She wouldn't be on those meds with the routine she has with them.
And her heart! That super serious mystery feigned heart illness would absolutely prevent a dr from RX these meds like she has.
I really think her goal here is to just keep malingering and lying about her nausea and vomiting because she wants a vent to ease her nausea.
I think she may have finally come to terms with the Drs not giving her a feeding tube (jtube) and thinks if she just stays persistent about the life altering nausea vomiting they will give her a G tube and because she has GP they would generally make it a GJ or she would then easily be able to see a different dr and con them into turning her G into a GJ. Or she thinks she can turn a G into a GJ herself at home (God I hope not)
Once she's got the vent she knows how sick she can make herself and become a high roller like Aubrey jaquie etc.
Only in danis case it would be an obvious issue as she would go from being healthy to not being healthy after the placement and they would pull it as shed be a danger to herself and hopefully end up with the proper treatment.
It's never going to happen Dani. Give it up.
It was mentioned recently that her meds are pills and there are many forms of nausea meds for a reason and if she was having such bad nausea and vomiting specially when she claims not holding anything down she would be on different forms of these meds.
She points out in a vlog her zofran is a dissolvable in the mouth and she takes it most because it works best because of that.
No. 497954
>>497907She loves to throw around her 130k followers. That makes no difference she gets maybe 1-2k views on her videos and out of those views her videos have less than 100 comments, usually closer to 25.
She claims she makes thousands a month but let’s not forget she was begging people to hire her for her shitty photography skills because she was desperate for money and needed to put food on the table.
No. 497968
>>497908“NPO” means nothing by mouth, you can still be on tube feeding if you’re told to be NPO, especially j tube feeds. And people are on feeding tubes for chronic pancreatitis, there’s no need to stop tube feeds. And yeah, she claims she was hooked up to her backpack, and that’s how the tube got pulled out. So everything she said was a giant contradiction, she definitely pulled her feeding tube out, but who knows if she’s been using it or not. We know she can eat, and if she’s able to do multiple vlogs, she’s definitely been eating something (or she’d be too miserable, even hard core anorexics don’t go very long with nothing at all). Also, if she wasn’t eating as much as she claims she is, she would have lost a lot of weight recently. However, her new button (that they ordered specifically for her from old measurements as they didn’t measure her again) is way too small, and she’s definitely gained weight. Also, she’s got “severe pancreatitis”, yet is making vlogs and posts like it’s her job (since she’s too lazy to actually work). Pancreatitis is crazy painful, yet she’s fine, other than her whining.
No. 497995
>>497907Medicaid for Children, Parents and Other Caretakers page for income limits for 2017 is 404 and there is no info for 2018.
No. 498006
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>>497968She's going to use all this to go to the er and probably get admitted.
She claimed pancreatitis before..
And as mentioned she's going to have an irritated pancreas after surgery period. Just not sure for how long.
J Tube feeds are fine to do. She's lying here too.
Only in severe cases would it be an issue. In extremely severe cases sometimes temporary PPN(really more like glorified banana bag) is used because
of the patients health/underlying illnesses.. Someone who is very frail and has a lot of real medical issues..aubrey isn't in that group.
Though it makes me wonder if she somehow conned her way into TPN for this last time and that's why she had it vs intolerance..they didn't wean her on and off it normally either..her whole TPN situation was strange all around.
I think she freaked realizing shed be gaining weight..she probably noticed a lot of water weight start since she wasn't on it long. She never seemed bothered the ER Drs decided it wasn't necessary and stopped it. And she loves her munchie toys. Unusual.
Id be very concerned if an er dr made that decision vs my dr who put me on it/manages it..
She is milking this pancreatitis! She's such a strong brave warrior that she can manage it at home with saline and pain meds because she knows more than the hospital.
She's not as happy about it now..she was the first time and she was a few days ago.
No dr would have told her to stop feeds for more than a day or two..they would have sent her to the hospital so they can monitor her and make sure she's not dehydrated and having electrolyte issues.
So does she actually have it this time?
Maybe she doesn't and that's why she isn't admitted? And if imagine she would want to avoid the hospital at the moment with the crappy way they treated her last week.
Or maybe she actually does have it and is planning (waiting as long as possible so it gets as bad as possible) on a grand er and hospital admission?
She's also definetly going to use the too small button for a reason to have a separate er trip..i hope they give her a long tube again. Lol.
No. 498016
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Since when was MALS Aubrey's major diagnosis?
No. 498018
>>497791That's a years-old IG post from before she went the ED/munchie route.
>>494629He does go to UT. Winkie is Aubrey's maiden name, but I found his last name easily when I googled her.
No. 498026
>>498016Kek like a couple weeks ago it seems like. What I don’t understand is that she was previously claiming her Lyme disease gave her GP, so did lyme give her MALS as well?
>>498006If she truly had severe pancreatitis, especially given her “other illnesses”, they would have admitted her. She maybe had a tiny bit of pancreatic inflammation, but not to the point of needing treatment, since they sent her home. She’s really just gasping at anything she can now, but it does the opposite, her followers and maybe even the hospital I think are starting to realize that she’s in the ER way too often, for problems that shouldn’t be happening, or reported symptoms that don’t fit.
No. 498061
>>497447Wait, she's saying she should be going to the ER every 2-3 weeks for fluids?
Uh, nooooo, you should get some damn insurance and stop using the ER like your doctors office.
No. 498074
>>498063This is awesome!!!! What an idiot! She had already given the name of the Complex name out, but she gave out her condo number!!!
I seriously am going to pee myself I’m laughing so hard. What a fool!
No. 498084
>>498026She said it only showed small inflammation of the pancreas and that’s why they sent her home.
Remember how she claimed to be a warrior and said I can handle this and went home, she is over exaggerating the level of pain to make it seem severe but that’s not how they discharged her from the er
As I mentioned I’m posting the comment where the woman with actual pancreatitis or cancer or whatever called her out, she is faking it and exag. the pain as an excuse to not eat (which she has no problem saying she shouldn’t eat)
The doctor probably assumed she’s on a rate is high enough and she gets enough through the tube if she’s 24/7 but her rate is to low to survive in the first place but doc doesn’t know most drs will assume if they have a tube with a healed stoma they probably use it they don’t immediately think ed and that is why they let her go. They can’t gain enough info and she lies about the rate I’m sure
No. 498091
>>498077I'll try to find where she first mentions her "herbal Lyme Protocol".
I do remember seeing a picture on her Instagram of her in the bathroom and there's just hundreds upon hundreds of what looks like oil bottles in the background.
No. 498105
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Dramatically collapses during appointment, drives self to ER. Dangerous or exaggerating? Always the munchie question.
No. 498106
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Does MyBlondeVoyage understand ports?
Isn't she drastically allergic to everything? Would this not cause "heavy metal poisoning"?
No. 498110
>>498105Depends on if she actually fainted or just collapsed.
Usually POTS people are okay driving because they're sitting and don't faint while sitting (unless you're a cow).
Definitely dramatic, but semi-believable with POTS.
No. 498114
>>498106She's dumb as hell.
They do not use aluminum in most medical settings. Ports can be made of plastic, stainless steel, or titanium. Most of the ones they use nowadays are plastic Bard PowerPorts, to my knowledge.
Sage for PortFagging.
No. 498154
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Oh no sooper serious heart problems and now GI problems.
Let’s not forget tomorrow Feb 9th is the day she’s supposed to be getting all the important test results back from the blood she got taken in December kek.. let’s see if she even posts anything. We all know it’s coming back normal
No. 498204
>>497621No (public or private) hospital can deny emergency treatment due to inability to pay. Not sure exactly what the rules are for public hospitals and there are hefty fines if a hospital is accused/caught trying to either refuse service or dump a patient (discharge them or try to ship them to another medical facility) before they are considered stable.
Someone said that her hospital might waive the fees for the low-income patients. People not paying medical bills is a huge expense for hospitals. I am sure the hospital would try to assist her in getting insurance. If she refuses and continues to try to treat the ER like a regular doctors office they may start billing her and also trying to make sure that her time there is as unpleasant as legally possible.
I wouldn't be surprised if she is just wracking up some huge medical bills but she just doesn't care enough (medical bills don't effect your credit the same way other debt does). She isn't really a think about/plan for the future kind of person.
Although really she is a terrible person for knowingly abusing the system. She claims to have a chronic illness so it is irresponsible for her to not get insurance (not to mention she may want to get on an insurance plan before current protections for pre-existing conditions possibly disappears). Emergency rooms are meant for real emergencies. They are meant to stabilize a person enough to get them seen by the right doctor/specialist - they aren't meant to treat chronic illnesses. She knows what she is doing and has decided she is special enough to let the taxpayers cover her while she wastes money on pets and toys.
No. 498206
>>498107She's not getting it from anyone but herself really. She's pulling the whole "GP is different for everyone and I'm trying to figure out what works best for me and GP makes some people gain weight" Basically her excuse to literally still be researching a GP diet for over a year despite a lot of people telling her And despite her Drs telling her. And despite her testing proving what the Drs tell her
Mind you, she has never had an issue to sticking with other diets ..she claimed celiac disease and immediately stopped gluten. Same with lactose intolerance. You'd think she wpuldnt have an issue with a GP diet..she says it's too hard. (If she was getting bad effects from eating shit then it's pretty easy to stay away from it like she claims with gluten.)
The only diet she's struggled with was vegan. Which again was all about that ED.
She basically started listing food restrictions to limit her options.
(She angled for a tube during ED treatment and never got/needed it which is what has fueled her to this day)
She just doesn't want to get better she doesn't want to even have a life and function with managing any of her illnesses. She just wants to be sick and do nothing and "get paid" without having to work and having no responsibility.
She wants to be able to say she's on benifiets because of her health. Her physical health because people tend to have less sympathy for mental illness (which is a shit part of society as nothing is wrong with having mental illness like any physical illness)
And because it's physical it's long term/permanent and no one can say it's in her head like mental illness (although it is and I'm eagerlywaiting to she what's going to happen when she gets taken off/lowered because she's completely able to be a part of society)
>>498103It goes in her fruit smoothies.
Which obviously if you pour frozen fruits into a blender it looses fiber content and peanutbutter looses it's fat content and makes it a liquid which is why she can tolerate them! Duhhhhh (sarcasm)
There is absolutely no reason she can't eat small portions frequently with soft and liquids.
It's funny she hasn't tried baby food yet.
I guess her GP is the special version that makes people gain, becomes progressive very quickly, causes nausea and vomiting but never makes her dehydrated or the slightest malnourished.
Also she doesn't have a dietician. Which makes ZERO sense.
Temple has one on their motility team.
Most GI illnesses involve a dietician to some degree (a print off page from the dr to face to face appointment)
Specially bad GI conditions.
I wonder why she hasn't admitted to why she doesn't see her dietician? Does she see one and omits it?(doubtful) does she refuse to see her? Red flag there. And most likely option because if she saw one shed have guidance and a clear cut of the diet (can't eat shit while researching for another year or
two) not to mention shed get meal replacement drinks free but then she couldn't use the budget excuse anymore.
Why isn't she on any motility meds?
She's only had Reglan in the past. It actually seemed to help her some..until she just stopped taking it saying she was and then all the sudden claiming she's allergic to it..yet she takes phenergan no problem. (Pretty uncommon to be allergic to one but not the other)
No. 498228
>>497783I can kind of see that about Aubrey, unfortunately. I really don't think she has a great support structure in her life to stop her from going too far unless you count her put upon and beleaguered husband.
Regarding Aubrey and her infrared sauna, I think she likes being the Gwyneth Paltrow of the munchie world. It's trendy and overpriced and it sounds so speshul. I would be embarrassed to accept a gift like that from my MIL if I were her, but it makes her feel so "amazing" and that's the important thing.
Also, am I the only (admittedly sick) person who actually would have liked to see the bile coming out of her stomach? You took the pic, let's see the receipts, honey.
As for Dom and her haggard hair…the cheese done slid off her cracker.
No. 498232
>>498228That’s true about the support system, she is very alienated and I wonder about the degree of awareness Tom has about her true munchie illness,
Maybe he knows she is unstable mentally and thinks it’s safer to let her destroy herself and his wallet?
He is smart you don’t just decide to get a PhD you have to be accepted so there’s obvious intellect, I don’t see how he could not know, but the question is why isint he stopping it
No. 498264
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>>498091Found the images of her with the endless dropper bottles. Wonder what's in them.
No. 498265
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>>498264And another.
She could open her own apothecary. That can't be cheap.
No. 498280
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No. 498281
>>498016Her claim to be "allergic to gluten, dairy and soy" I am not willing to take at face value.
And she counts "neuroendocrine cancer" as a chronic illness despite the fact that if her tumor was cancerous, she's cured now because it's gone.
And I don't for a minute believe she has epilepsy. She claimed she started getting seizures as a result of lyme disease, but they mysteriously didn't show up on her extended EEG study.
No. 498290
>>498154Her bloods were taken over a month ago and she hasn't gotten the results yet? Wow, those must have been some emergency tests!
I'm calling it, Low Vitamin D that she'll try and spin into a medical crisis.
No. 498305
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Guess who got herself some sooper speshul warrior beads for being such a strong warrior from her sooper rare chronic illnesses and going through all her traumatic blood draws and hospital stays (which is zero)
No. 505391
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Seriously some messed up shit going on. Love how mentions being a nurse at very post, yet nothing adds up(namefagging)