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No. 1423288
The latest altcows thread, for all the attention seekers, grifters, and other assorted idiots in the alternative community.
Most recent cows:
-Jake Munro, wannabe Manson ripoff, narc youtuber, vanity band member, inspires frumpy tweens and lonely middle aged women alike
-ToxicTears (kaya), alt youtuber, complains about everything, blames meds for weight while eating crap
-ItsBlackFriday (freyja), goth youtuber, country hopper, terrible planner
-Psychara, witchy instagoth who fries her hair
-Felvae, used to be a witchy instagoth, now an uwu tradwife who is actually the breadwinner
-Feigsfar (Adam), thinly veiled white supremacist on Insta, Felvae's partner
-Of Herbs and Altars (Dorian), alt youtuber who does videos on her ana and drugs past, believes she can fuck ghosts
-Adora BatBrat, instagoth who likes posting provocative stuff for shock value
-Ruadhan, youtuber, rambling shit stirrer
…and other cows who are discussed but not necessarily producing significant or frequent milk like Avelina De Moray, Emily Boo and Jude Bishop. Jude has her own thread as well.
Recap of last thread:
>fallout of the Jake and Kaya breakup continues and dominates the thread:>>1413836 K's podcast detailing Jake's narcissistic life drops, all mention of the people who helped him along the way (especially Kaya) is forgotten
>>1416206 Jake launches an overpriced OnlyFans,
>>1417318 his fans forgoe eating so they can see his teeny chode
>>1418305 Jake goes on holiday to Barcelona, where he and Kaya had once planned on living together, and makes various instagram stories while drunk talking about getting pussy and doing OF collabs
>>1418907 Jake posts a picture holding hands with someone, anons quickly deduce that it is
>>1418917 a tattooist from Belfast called Kat Paine who is married with a small child, and whose husband has tattooed Kaya
>>1418938 >>1418950 All hell breaks loose as anons realise rumours of Jake cheating with a married woman were true,
>>1419053 and one who has known Kaya for years at that
>>1419214 >>1419254 Fan backlash against Jake begins across social media platforms
>>1419242 Kaya unsurprisingly struggles with the news
>>1419303 >>1419367
>>1419393 >>1419705 Some fans remain dedicated, Jake's discord starts battening down the hatches
>>1419483 Another fan discord cuts ties with Jake completely
>>1419513 Jake copes by ignoring the growing drama and posting cool adult things
>>1419749 Kat Paine gets sacked from her tattoo studio
>>1419996 Kaya posts a message from her mum on twitter, showing that she was going through surgery at the time of the breakup
>>1420087 Jake posts a vlog, continues ignoring drama
>>1420352 Jake's streaming friend Major_backup and (ex) mod of his discord changes sides
>>1420372 >>1420379 Jake's fans begin to grieve the content creator they thought they knew
>>1420420 >>1420422 Jake loses more subs while Kaya gains them sixfold
>>1420635 dedicated discord fans find lolcow, sperg out that their children's lives are being threatened
>>1420858 >>1420872 rumours abound on twitter about Jake,
>>1421042 ex fans start to make youtube videos discussing the drama
>>1421485 >>1421505
>>1421588 A mystery anon starts sharing screenshots of a conversation between Jake and Major_backup
>>1421605 Major confirmed as unexpected source of milk
>>1421646 Major goes live on twitch,
>>1421654 proves screenshots are real, but gets cold feet after Kaya tweets
>>1421752 and promptly leaves the stream. Anons think he is genuinely intimidated by Jake/his fanbase and is trying to do the best by Kaya
>>1421816 >>1421847 Kaya speaks out, but doesn't really say anything
>>1421988 Jake has no regrets
>>1422269 Kaya has only just got her own debit card, prior to now she sent all earnings to Jake
>>1422291 Anons discuss the difficulties of life without financial independence
>>1422392 Sims porn anon returns, nobody is happy about it
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/1413065Jude Bishop's thread:
>>>/snow/1127197Toxic Tears/Jake Munro thread (mostly old content):
>>>/snow/927531 No. 1423290
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Honorary mention to this image from the last thread, also hope the OP was alright this is my first time making a new thread.
No. 1423348
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*we need more info about Jake getting banned from a discord group. Supposedly he wanted to promote his only fans over there when it's filled with minors… The youtube vid from goth ma'am was removed/privatized. Guess too many Fake fans were crying at her about talking about the new server.
No. 1423378
>>1423363It is possible that the discord he was banned from, is the one that cut all ties with him around the same time the news broke about the chick in Barcelona. It would line up pretty nicely with the timing of Jake looking to plug his OF wherever he felt he would get good cash.
Would need someone on the inside of the other Jake Discord that got recently swept out to confirm his presence in there anymore. Unless he has now been removed and banned from both Discords which would be superb.
No. 1423386
>>1423290>>1423381> Defends a microinfluencer who is no longer just under farmer scrutiny but has done something objectively shitty and problematic. > Wahhhh why are people being mean to me and this random man who doesn’t care if I live or die> We can’t judge his private life even though he’s made it very public I think a lot of the snacc community (lol) will be struggling with this because they’ve made friends through mutual subscription to his channel. It’s like any
toxic fandom, they’re too scared to admit the idiot who “saved their lives” and “inspired them” is actually just some random shitty dude who would NOT give them the time of day if they weren’t paying and licking his arsehole. He splurges out semi-inspiration quotes on his videos that could be taken positively if they weren’t coming from such a self-absorbed and angry narc. Genuinely hope any fans lurking here realise that it’s okay to stop supporting the guy before he becomes a micro-Onision (let’s not give him the credit of assuming his impact will ever be that big).
Jake showing his true colours in the latest IG stories is both scary and incredible.
No. 1423389
>>1423386that's true for the majority of them but some of the current discord mods are doing this purely out of a parasocial worship for Jake. They see him as the underdog and
victim in this situation and they truly believe it simply because they see Jake as their lord and master. The type of people who simp Jake are genuinely mentally unwell and if any of you are also in the discord you'll see what I mean. They're so weird I'd feel scared if I had these peoples as fans of mine tbh
No. 1423393
>>1423387I think this is referring to the stories he put up in Barcelona a few days ago.
His recent stories have just been full of ultra cringe share-spam of people tagging him as their favourite Youtuber or posting photos of the shitty pudgy little plushies he made. He'll share anything remotely positive anyone tags him in on his own stories.
No. 1423488
>>1423450I doubt angela would make a video on it. She hasn't made any callouts since snowy lowther. There's been plenty of other
problematic youtubers, like liisa ladoucuer, that also spread misinformation like jake, and she hasn't spoken about them.
No. 1423584
>>1423568If any actual proof surfaced of the pushing of OF content on the discord full of kids, there might be basis for someone with a follower count to speak on it. "This guy is a shithead" isn't news, and if its his follower-base that anyone is trying to enlighten, the majority followed him after years of "reaction" videos featuring bullying and mocking. In the last thread it was mentioned that his elitist cunty attitude was starting to rub off on the younger fans in his discord. They know how he behaves and in time, emulated him. It's going to take more than "someone told me something happened but I have no screencaps or proof and they want to remain anon".
If proof exists then it might be why that nobody-Youtuber took down her video discussing the OF-pushing. Also ex-associates Major and Silver being "nervous" about Major speaking publicly on the situation (before Major pulled the VOD of the stream which also ended very abruptly) and the Discord itself being wiped clean.
He can put out all the minimum-effort "goth watches mundane shit on a social media platform he allegedly hates and gives dull commentary while laughing at others misfortune and being a classist piece of shit" videos he likes, pretending he's not bothered and has no regrets, but someone is working hard to keep people quiet. And unless someone wants to put out a hate-piece purely based on the breakup and gossip, I don't think it's going to happen without anything harder surfacing.
No. 1423585
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The fact that people are supposedly burning out on this drama already has got me wondering if Jake’s threatening people for defamation… saged for tinfoil tho
No. 1423591
>>1423585It'd explain a lot. Any potential source or leak he can identify and stop up, i.e: anyone who has appeared in here or is findable with a twitter search etc who could feasibly have dirt on him and/or this situation.
Could also be another
valid reason for Kaya herself to both want to keep quiet on the subject and encourage her friends to keep quiet because we know she has friends with clout who could and would speak on it otherwise.
He's lost another 2k followers on YT in the last week. It's a trickle and not a stampede but this is all having an effect and I wouldn't put it past him to take someone to court for loss of earnings or some shit.
It's tinfoil but I'm right there with you. If its not threatening for defamation its threatening with something.
No. 1423609
>>1423539I’d actually like Dorian to do a video
Decent audience size
No. 1423615
>>1423608And if he can essentially threaten that dealership into replacing a £20k bike, wouldn't surprise me if he's trying the same thing in this situation with drama that isn't currently proven in public.
Speaking of the bike I find it laughable how, in his latest video, he bitches about rich assholes he knew in his youth getting expensive cars and immediately totalling them, considering that's almost exactly what he did with that bike. It was always a big red flag for me how he'd talk in streams about having to restrain from riding the sportsbike because he just wanted to speed all the time like he couldn't help himself. This guy has some impulse control issues out the ass. The bragging about how he'd effectively "do you know how important I am on the internet" threatened the bike dealership into replacing the bike was another red flag. Man is a walking red flag.
No. 1423628
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So, for the record-
There have been THREE people silenced after making vids about Jake. Or the removed their content.
jvttblvck - and the now unlisted vid from October 2019 (I don't know why it's unlisted): bunch of good screencaps of Fake freak outs)
Mamie Hades - see scene cap attached, from recent Goth Ma'am youtube vid
Goth Ma'am - first 2 vids up as of right now, but the third about the discord mods and what they said from 1/20/2022 was removed. She's still talking a bit over on Twitter about the ordeal and the kickback from Fake's fans.
No. 1423634
>>1423628Having previously bitched plenty about Kaya on these threads, I feel sick for her now. As if the situation wasn’t stressful enough, she has a fairly public life and an ex with an army of pre teen psychopaths ready to cyberbully her off the Internet. No self-awareness whatsoever on their part.
>>1423631No words lol.
> Defending “I hate goth” Marilyn Manson from Wish No. 1423642
>>1423288Just wanted to add Jude will be discussed in altcows too now since she's not milky enough for a dedicated thread anymore
>>1423631Her makeup isn't great but at least she's speaking out against rottenhollow/dir en gray/Marilyn manson from Wish
>>1423636Stuck up even before he became a micro influencer, no wonder accumulating the "snacc" fanbase went to his head so fast and easily
No. 1423672
>>1423662He put those "teasers" promoting his OF in his public insta stories, and has a "thirst trap" highlights reel which started around the time I guess he felt he'd lost enough weight. It starts as shirtless pics and progresses. First story in the highlight is 19 weeks old. Response to the thirst stories must have encouraged him to start the OF.
I don't think he's enough of a moron to post the OF content itself into the discord but I could see him wanting to post the same OF-promo teasers and thirst-trap shit in there. He's totally fine with minors following him on instagram or finding his account seeing whatever shit he puts in his stories and highlights for them to revisit whenever they want.
Not a complete idiot, but vain as fuck and no problem whatsoever trying to get money out of his fanbase while feeding his ego.
No. 1423729
>>1423721The "promo" images on his instagram stories are censored OF content but I'm not sure whether that they would constitute distribution to minors:
>>1417990>>1418909The mods in the discord that banned him were always anal as fuck about keeping things safe for the horde of underage fans that used it. Ironic that they had to protect Jake's discord from himself.
No. 1423746
Link to Angela's stream. just joined. Someone asked if she's talking about Jake, she said kind of, and went on a rant that she can tell from a mile away that he's a narcissist
No. 1423826
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An anon from the previous thread pointed out how Kat was behaving in the Hex Bath Bomb video. I had to go peek since I had never seen it and she was eye-fucking the camera the entire time while the other girls chatted and casually posed.
I don't doubt she was looking to use Jake just as much as he was looking to use her. (her possible connections via their studio tattooing a few celebs) Such a shame for them their union is getting the predJared/Holly conrad treatment. kek
No. 1423927
>>1423911Only tryhards want to think looking like a garbage tier Trixie Mattel/GottMilk crossover is 'Goth look 101'
>>1423917 said most people in the scene are a lot more toned down than this. The whole 'clown white' thing is OTT along with the fact that it's just objectively poorly done. Even from just that screenshot you can tell that the eyeshadow is poorly blended and when overdrawing your lips you should make sure your top lip doesnt get bigger than the bottom lip.
If you had shown her to me without context I would have assumed it was someone doing a shitty youtube parody of 'goffs'
No. 1423961
>>1423848 , I thought they were replying to my original post, my bad
No. 1424037
>>1423917This, I'd say Angela, Orphea, Reeree, and Ligaea are peak goth beauty and style. I can't stand Angela though, she comes across as such a stuck up rich bitch.
No one does those outrageous OTT
Toxic Tears, IBF, ABB, and Emily Boo looks unless they're going to an event or are super attention seeking
No. 1424056
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No. 1424059
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A tweet liked by Kaya. I’m becoming increasingly confident she’s going to let rip and expose him as the abusive dickhole he is when the time is right. Get her out of that studio, make sure he’s paying for nothing and let him have it. There is no doubt in my mind she’s talking about Jake here, he’s definitely financially abused her and I remember in the boyfriend tag (I think) video she talked about his violent temper and she had to go round moving anything precious/expensive so he didn’t trash it. That’s not a nice environment to live in.
No. 1424099
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>>1424056Exactly how I expected the little narc to look. Kek
No. 1424137
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>>1424099This chicks obsessed with the new pennywise, larping that all the slasher monsters are related or something, and whining about her mean boyfriend (funny she'd defend Jake lmfao)
No. 1424229
>>1423740Hi that's me! Jake has 3 posts (9 total pics) which doesn't justify the 35$ for me rn. I'm going to wait a bit longer. If he has a good amount of posts I will subscribe and leak. My VPN also just renewed so I am ready!
Side note his last post on OF has 40 likes.. who??
No. 1424292
>>1424254I was watching a bit of one of their streams and at one point they were talking about short hair and Jake said he doesn't suit it. fyi he had short hair in the video and Kaya pointed that out, he said it wasn't and she responded "I consider that short hair haha" to which he copied her "Haha" and added "Fuck you " Honestly she seemed bothered and confused by his reaction
also watch kaya's "boyfriend does my make up" video, jake can't help himself practically smacking her in the face with the makeup sponge
No. 1424338
>>1424310The "mutual" part of "mutual we're just friends energy" never seemed mutual at all.
I have no life so I went back and checked out the earlier altcow threads. Thread #4 I think you could take a shot every time someone points out how few fucks Jake seems to give about Kaya and get fucked UP. That thread in particular is so fucking sad considering recent events. It was said more than once that he'd do exactly what happened, the second he gets enough fame of his own. So fucking sad, and that was like four years ago.
No. 1424350
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>>1424333She's really out there thinking she's a blessing on the goth community.
No. 1424373
>>1424338I did the same thing! It's crazy, for years people have been saying 'he hates her, he's just using her, he's probably cheating on her, he doesn't want to look at her, he rejects her physical affection, he'll dump her once he has the chance, etc' and it was fucking true. I feel so bad for her, she's going to be scarred for life with massive trust issues. I mean say what you want about her laziness and whining but no one deserves what she just went through, it's really really fucked up.
And another anon talked about some deleted stream where he got wasted and sperged out crying over the linkin park dude an hero'ing and was saying 'look how beautiful kaya is you guys, I love her so much' as she took care of him and you just have to wonder how twisted the dynamics were…like he def love bombed her intermittently just to get her to not leave his stupid ass….such a typical narc.
Goddamn I wish it was possible to see that stream still
No. 1424391
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>>1423288Kaya has lost quite a bit of weight. She last said she lost 45 pounds since September.
No. 1424405
Very tinfoil and not meaning to wk but I just wanted to add my two cents about Kaya and her whining and laziness
So, often ADHD and executive dysfunction disorder go hand in hand, EFD affects your ability to get tasks or goals done. With ADHD and EDF, you WANT to get up and get things done, you don't want to just lay there and do nothing. Kaya has talked about feeling this way and mentioned on the inside she is basically yelling at herself to get up and get something done and go do something, but basically short circuits and does nothing, which is what EDF is and is also a symptom of ADHD. On top of that she also probably deals with some pretty bad depression, living with someone like Stumpy(someone you loved with all your heart but only pretended to love you back, severe anger issues, on top of him being abusive and other things) easily zaps the life out of you. With ADHD and depression it's common to get easily discouraged or unmotivated at the drop of a hat
I deal with the same mento iwnesses so that's why I make these assumptions
Her whining also probably ties in with all of the above. I can imagine Stumpy isn't much of a source of comfort, so maybe she turns to the internet for sympathy or ass pats.
I can imagine feeling like a trapped rat in her situation given how she couldn't drive for a long time plus the stump controlling half of her life
I'm wondering too if Kaya didn't have many irl friends or if any irl pals just didn't wanna come around bc Jake or because of her being depressed, I just throw that in because in many videos she talks about not having any friends to do anything with
Or perhaps I could be wrong about everything, I don't know her personally so this is just me tinfoiling LMAO
No. 1424417
>>1424405She discusses this in a GRWM video in like Oct 2020 after being diagnosed, so she absolutely suffers from the same thing tied up with her ADHD. Personally it makes a lot of the comments of laziness etc seem pretty shitty, but that's just me. I do appreciate that the pair of them seemed stuck in an extremely childish relationship where they never seemed to mentally get out of their teenage years. ADHD or not, sadly once you're out on your own the world doesn't give much of a fuck if your brain is broken and you've got to grow up and try to learn to cope.
>>1424411Severe lack of self esteem which likely stems from being in a 12(??) year relationship with a textbook narc constantly treating her like shit, and being nasty to her. I'm not surprised she talks about herself like this. I do wonder how much of her "look at me dressing up and going out" is for the benefit of a certain someone though. It's no "I'm in Barcelona fucking someone new ayy lmao" but she's doing her best with what she got. There's a degree of figuring yourself out and coming to grips with doing shit on your own for yourself after coming out of a relationship with an
abusive narc that she's gonna be going through. At least I hope that's the case.
No. 1424547
>>1424512no. you're thinking of mammy.
>>1424533well the mammy stereotype/caricature is from the US slave era, so yeah.
No. 1424585
>>1424582She's quite large. If she supposedly lost 45lb and still looks how she does in
>>1424391 she was definitely fat. Is she fasting to lose weight?
No. 1424605
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The tattoo on Kaya's hand is bad. Looks like Kats husband forgot how to spell afraid lol
No. 1424606
>>1424585isn't she like 6 ft tall? whatever weight she gains or loses is gonna be spread out.
>>1424596pure tinfoil on my part, but the prozac thing sounds more like the excuse she used to try and defend herself from Jake. we already know he loves shitting on fat girls, so she ends up super depressed and insecure from the narc boyfriend, starts eating her feelings and gaining weight, and needs an excuse to protect what little self esteem she had, it makes sense to me at least.
No. 1424613
>>1424605That looks really weird, the a and the i are too close but the gap between the r and the i is too big for him to have forgotten the a.
>>1424585She wasn't fasting intentionally but she did mention that she wasn't eating much because of the stress and she can't cook in the studio.
No. 1424614
>>1424606No she's like 5'9 or 5'10 and wears platforms and boots. Also Kaya use to shit on fat girls too on gg lol. She just became lazy and always snacking that she ballooned up.
She's probably smoking dope in her studio and staving herself which is why she's been content to still live off of Jake's dime. Now that her ma knows hopefully she's nagging her to sort her life out and get a place with a kitchen and bathroom.
No. 1424615
>>1424417Can confirm the "lack of self-esteem" thing. Sorry to blogpost. I'm the anon who mentioned being in a longterm relationship with a diagnosed narc on the last thread.
You enter this fucked up dynamic, because you're basically throwing love, affection, and effort into a black hole. No matter what you do, it'll never be enough. You'll never be nice enough or pretty enough or try hard enough. So instead of doing the sensible thing and getting the fuck out of there, you try harder, because you're desperate to prove that you aren't a shitty person. You want to show that you do have worth. But the narc acts exasperated with you every time you fail to live up to their unattainable wishes, so you start pre-emptively apologizing for wasting their time.
It's a technique they use to get what they want. Always tell you how much you're failing them, but also saying it's because you're just not trying, so that instead of giving up you try harder and keep on giving them what they want. That's a big part of why people stay in relationships like this, especially if the narc claims that you need to take care of them and that any suffering they're going through is because of your lack of effort or love. That's what my ex did, up to threatening suicide if I left because then he'd have no one.
Sorry for sperging out.
No. 1424619
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Confirmed Stumpy was getting in the way of her friendships. I'm not surprised
No. 1424633
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His onlyfans on linktree is just called “noodz”
Fakes self destruction era is here to stay for awhile looks like.
No. 1424649
>>1424633“You sexy bunch”
Mhm. Seems a very appropriate way to address your mostly minor fanbase, Stumpy. If he genuinely lurks here, you’d think at least some part of him would put two and two together in his tiny peabrain the fact that we’ve pointed out numerous times over that his fanbase does indeed mostly consist of minors and that his “thirst trapping” is wildly inappropriate for the people and age groups he appeals to. But no.
No. 1424650
>>1424391>>1424392>>1424396>>1424582she looks a little smaller but nothing major, to be honest. it's hard to tell with the clothes she's wearing but i wouldn't look at those pics and think "whoa! she's lost loads of weight!" Over knee boots especially make almost anyone's legs look slimmer. She's been up and down with her weight forever anyway but she was definitely very big, anon. sort her videos from oldest > newest and you'll see just how big she got somewhere in the middle of them
>>1424619>>1424639it really wouldn't surprise me if her friends refused to come over or hang out because of jake. I'm sure an anon who knew them confirmed this. He probably made her feel bad if she wanted to hang out with them without him
No. 1424685
>>1424614 has some real "all these beatnicks and their reefer" energy.
No. 1424690
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No. 1424730
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>>1424633>you sexy bunchMeanwhile they look like this. Personally I'd never be able to feel horny again knowing these are the people getting off to me.
No. 1424760
>>1424749I don't think there was findomming or actual masturbation involved. But apparently she and Jake did used to get money from guys to come over and feel up her feet, and I'm pretty sure those creeps wanked to that afterwards.
Pretty sure Jake took all of that money too. They're both awful, but he's a special level of nasty.
No. 1424763
>>1424749I mean you can keep the rest of your clothes on while whoring out your feet, and with jake's supposed openly flirty behaviour to other women maybe she didn't want him fully nude on OF too
>>1424741Could you spill any other relevant info if you're able?
No. 1424782
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No. 1424825
>>1424782Gawd he's gross, her too
>>1424817Personally I don't get the munchies, it reduces my appetite cause I feel more content in general. I know its the complete opposite of the stereotype. But meh, I think people use it as an excuse cause it makes food taste sooo fucking good once you do eat.
They broke up in October so she's had 4 or so months to lose that weight which is reasonable
No. 1424833
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Post from the Reddit thread, there is a new discord server. Confirmed that Jake is yet to reveal all on his only fans. Which makes it even sadder that he’s charging $35 a month for his ‘noodz’.
No. 1424834
>>1424817Illiterate anon, is that you?
Illiterate anon also claimed to be from NI, and know friends of Kaya from way back. Location confirmed when they doxxed herseld. And they were also sperging weird Kaya tinfoil. Unles there's two spastic NI anons with an obsessive hatred of Kaya, hyperfixation, and terrible grasp of grammar.
I give this story as much credit as "Jake won the lottery."
No. 1424842
>>1424749In her defence, they were broke and willing to do any old shit for money it seems. at the time jake wanted to do an OF they were better off plus a nasty dick versus nasty feet are a little different + what
>>1424779 said
>>1424840he's probably worried the pictures will get leaked and we'll all see his pathetic little "jake"
No. 1424843
>>1424834No I'm not illiterate anon, they're typing style is more reminiscent of low income families like Kaya's ma.
When I'm smoking I make grammar mistakes, sue me lol
No. 1424852
>>1424847This really can not be seen as correlation. I've dated tall guys with smaller ones, and short stumpy guys with big af ones.
What is in fact correlation is his attitude, he literally has small dick energy. He's obsessed with looking cool, always being right, and showing off….needing to compensate that hard speaks volumes
No. 1424865
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>>1424855This is the only dick pic I can muster up. There is another video of his lil willie flopping back and forth.
No. 1424872
>>1424862Kaya was fucking 19 when she did the foot selling. 10 years ago people! That’s when jake decided he would move away from home and live off of Kaya and get mum. And yes it’s posted on lowcow when jake looked like a tweeker.
You’re making it sound like it was a few years ago, it wasn’t. Unlike jake who’s 30 and had to dump his gf so he could fuck other woman and sell it online.
It’s not recent
No. 1424880
>>1424874He was essentially taking bids for the vid of him and just fucking. You would be seeing his little stump if they’re fucking.
No doubt it would just be a lot of him getting sucked off to show how manly he is
No. 1424885
>>1423911Eh I have to disagree on the big lips thing. That was never really a big thing in Goth fashion. Siouxsie Sioux, Patricia Morrison, Anne Marie Hurst, etc, they never overdrew their lips and neither did the fans of goths, I think it was probably only a small niche he did this.
I think this girl draws her lips big to get more attention. Part of me thinks she's trying to incorporate that whole Kim K/Instagram type lips into the look and it just looks very offputting.
>>1423927This. Style-wise I agree that most goths do not look OTT in every day life, especially as we get older. Most goth women tend to dress like Angela, Ligeia, etc i.e comfortable but still with some accessories to help make these toned down looks look less drab or dull.
IBF is a rarity when it comes to the look but she's able to get away with it because she doesn't have a job.
>>1423978Same I caught that too. I think she said she's been goth since she was 12 or 13 but honestly I doubt it, I doubt she was listening to the music at that age.
No. 1424898
>>1424773“mammy” in Ireland is your mother
“mammy” in the US is the slave who cares for some rich bitch’s kids while she’s lacing her corset or drinking laudanum
name probably came from Irish overseers, who knows
No. 1424899
>>1424833Are they still letting minors in over there?
The last discord was hardcore on keeping things appropriate for under 18s, guess he and his leftover mods running the new discord dont give a fuck.
No. 1424903
File: 1642972630480.jpeg (345.58 KB, 1125x779, ECC02F15-28D9-47E8-9746-72E821…)

Isn’t this the one who’s always donating massive amounts of money?
No. 1424921
>>1424911I only got a few mins in but dipped cause it was too stressful.
>mom had a health scare>Kaya didn't want her mum to know she and fake broke up>Kaya had a health scare in October/November>went to the dr by herself to get it check out>was super stressed about everythingthat's as far as I got in
No. 1424931
He broke up with her while she was having a cancer scare. He couldn’t of waited a few days? What a pure cunt. There no other words for him.
No. 1424945
>>1424933Her mom didn't just have a cancerscare, she had cancer. She was having surgery and Kaya was taking care of her. Kaya didn't tell her about being kicked out of the house because she didn't want to worry her mom who was dealing with complications from the surgery.
It's so fucked up. He apparently stopped caring for her years ago. So he could have waited a month. But of course that might have given Kaya more legal rights after the move.
No. 1424955
File: 1642976555905.png (184 KB, 390x246, Screenshot (1126).png)

The absolute state of this literal clown. How is he not embarrassed going on cam looking like this?
No. 1424983
File: 1642977880362.png (16 KB, 394x87, Screenshot (1127).png)

Speaking of Sims. I dread to see the thread if he actually did it
No. 1425014
File: 1642979138944.jpeg (339.55 KB, 1063x1589, 1113CEEC-C9EE-47E0-A513-CAF32B…)

Tell you what’s not true Sarah Moore?
No. 1425015
File: 1642979203917.jpeg (368.38 KB, 1158x1631, 2CCED56A-326B-4466-875D-866529…)

Aaaaaaaaand it’s gone…
No. 1425022
File: 1642979594849.jpeg (3.63 MB, 4032x3024, 12C8BF1B-ED83-4EFA-B225-C69D91…)

Looks a few rogue truth seekers have infiltrated the chat… never fear though! Amy is on the case! Sorry for crappy pic screenshot is not cooperating so this was easier.
No. 1425026
>>1425015The same commenter spent $5 to send a message like "i love you jake i hope you are happy" and he read it out on stream, and then the message got deleted.
Mods are on HIGH ALERT and banning anyone even if they've paid money to be there and superchat.
Also whoever said that K was trying to bring Jake on that NASA thing to try and get to space? That's taking place in early March, and Jake is saying he's going back out to America in early March.
No. 1425038
>>1425014>>1425015Just seems wrong to tell fans to "ignore it or get out" when most of them understandably just want to know what's going on. Most youtubers would address rumors, true or not, but not stumpy.
At least he's not getting many donations at all. The goff mum groupies must be asleep.
No. 1425045
File: 1642981028081.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1125x2436, FA601082-C6BE-4BE4-8F0C-4A0358…)

Oh for fucks sake.
No. 1425051
File: 1642981507903.webm (15.95 MB, 326x576, Whatsapp Video 2022-01-23 At 1…)
Genuinely sorry about the filming screen with phone quality but I don't have a way for direct screen capture right now but here's Jake basically begging for donos to buy him a first class ticket to Australia because he REFUSES to fly in anything but first class and he NEEDS access to the first class lounge. If a female streamer ever said this shit she'd be plastered all over Reddit.
No. 1425057
File: 1642981845112.webm (5.87 MB, 326x576, video1.webm)
>>1425051Here he brags about looking like a big shot in first class. A big shot wouldn't be begging for funds to be able to fly first class in the first place you fucking narc. Not a single female streamer would get away saying this shit ever
No. 1425062
>>1425026Literally banning paying subs for daring to say quite a kind statement like
tell me it isn't true - Jake's downfall is swift, this is how you get dedicated haters. Banned girl will be very upset, imagine paying to be silenced by this dweeb.
No. 1425065
File: 1642982490211.jpeg (992.27 KB, 1125x2436, 100899C8-1EEB-441B-963C-242CB0…)

Doug Clarke is asking the pertinent questions…
No. 1425072
File: 1642982590878.jpg (64.94 KB, 387x491, livnmXu.jpg)

>>1425065kek i just capped it too. no dramuh!1!
he didn't stay on very long. probably angry that he didn't get any big donations this stream.
No. 1425073
>>1425051lol I've literally done the 22hr flight to and from australia when I was a fucking 9 yr old KID in economy and it was absolutely fine. honestly felt privileged that i could go on a trip to and from australia.
I've thought for a while that Jake is a raging cunt and narc for all the shit he's done to kaya but jesus fucking christ this takes the biscuit, imagine being so entitled that you think that you absolutely HAVE to fly first class. what an absolute cockwomble
No. 1425084
Fake punched a wall at his job, and that was at a call center. And apparently Kaya has had to keep valuable things out of his way because of his pathetic narc rages and tantrums. He would be a threat to people if he had to work face-to-face since he doesn't want to control his anger.
>>1425082Yeah he just wants to be an ass to people and enjoys holding things over people's heads, like he did and still does to Kaya and others. Truly disgusting.
No. 1425099
>>1425051>the Australia trip is gonna need some planning, and some money thrown at itNot even subtle with how he sees donations kek. It really is just them throwing cash away. I don't have sympathy for the ones who still blindly donate after all thats come out and how he e-begs. "Pwease I need to fly 1st class, I'll even vlog it and look like sucu a big shot!!!"
>>1425075He doesn't even do his YouTube properly. I understand wanting a creative job instead of a corporate 9 to 5 but this entitled stump can't even do that properly. Mindless tiktok reacts, run of the mill metalcore band, and aesthetic ripped off from actual creative people.
No. 1425110
>>1425105She also discusses the fact that prior to the breakup when in the studio, she's had people trying to peer in through the window late at night, and her and some friends had been attacked while in the building. She also mentioned it being six degrees which is like 42 fahrenheit. The lies he was trying to spin in the breakup video he removed saying she would be warm and safe in there, laughable.
>>1425107I can absolutely believe it. It takes a certain special kind of asshole to be a landlord.
No. 1425152
>>1425105>We already know someof his snaccs are suicidal and a good portion probably have mental illness, have been bullied etc (just from what I know about alternative communities)
His comments, replies, mentions etc are proof. Deluded fans saying he's an inspiration, helped their depression, saved their life. It's likely they're projecting their fantasies of being ~saved~ onto him like a lot of lonely tweens will do. And as mentioned in the last thread they're starved for alt social media role models so they latched onto him
No. 1425167
>>1425136So, he was looking up prices live on the stream. No idea what time of year he was looking at, but he was saying that an Emirates flight was costing something like £4k+ return.
Also I wouldn't say that this was all begging behaviour. It came off a lot more "Look how much I am travelling, look how much travelling I can do, because I can afford it. Look how well I'm doing."
No. 1425209
File: 1643003377888.jpg (433.82 KB, 2148x1573, 7851952015_8525678902.jpg)

Sage because the proper milk would appear to be on it's way, but Dorian has deleted most of her old stuff. Videos, stories, music, writing blogs, etc. It looks like the sexy spirits might have something to do with it.
No. 1425298
>>1425057>>1425051Piss off Fake, you don't need first class if you can't pay for it yourself…. Even if you can, economy on those flights are still comfy and roomy. Speaking from experience doing backwards and forwards between NZ and UK myself.
What an a-hole.
Begging his fans for the money when they likely can't afford it for themselves.
Hope his 'snaccs' wake up.
Given how well Kaya is doing and how much worse off he is dunno why he hasn't realized he fucked up big time. Serves him right!
Sage for blogpost
No. 1425323
File: 1643028486708.webm (5.62 MB, 520x518, YouCut1_1_11.webm)
Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo pets, and hide yo wallet.
No. 1425328
File: 1643029443006.jpeg (53.56 KB, 1282x201, 658A5541-D2A6-41C4-B83A-35554A…)

I cropped out the photo of him eye fucking himself in the mirror with no shirt. You’re welcome. The first comment is someone saying they flagged his account to see less
Of his posts. Lol
No. 1425334
File: 1643030594410.jpeg (245.5 KB, 822x1454, 7B00D6B7-3D18-480D-B971-D77883…)

Creator of what?
No. 1425359
File: 1643034208283.jpeg (421.58 KB, 1125x1184, E51A6D90-DC27-4049-9A80-86083C…)

Jake has some really sane and well adjusted fans doesn’t he?
No. 1425423
>>1425417MAG video
J: "This generation of kids, I really wish it wasn't frowned upon to 'physically educate your children'."
K: "I don't really agree with that, to be honest"
J: "I DO. This generation of kids wouldn't be so insolent, if they had been hit"
K: "I don't agree with hitting animals either"
J: "Dog shits on a carpet, you roll up a newspaper, you smack it on the nose."
The other guy dunno his name :"…yeah…yeah" (seems to just be awkwardly agreeing out of shock)
J: "It's the same for stupid children!"
(Kaya looks extremely uncomfortable with look of disgust and cringe on her face)
J: (getting more incensed and passionate in his tone) "Adults are not above hitting me if I do something wrong, therefore I will treat strangers with respect"
Other guy: (nods with shock looked on his face, seemingly just hoping Jake gets this violent rant out of his system)
J: "And just-"
mimes smacking a child, and then a child cryinggod……
No. 1425426
>>1425423Small correction, I shoulda done one more listen through but god it was hard to get through but he actually says "wouldn't be so -fucking- insolent"
otherwise, there's the whole transcription
No. 1425442
>>1425423For real? That’s actually disturbing. Physical abuse is not justifiable in any context. Any sane person understands this.
Thanks for transcribing.
No. 1425462
>>1425443I def think it's possible he either hit her or with his body language made her fear he'd hit her if she didn't submit to whatever he was raging about. He probably broke her stuff before.
I really hope this bastards days are numbered. It sucks we didn't get to his tumblr before he deleted it, if even he knew it was bad you know there was seriously damning stuff in it.
No. 1425475
>>1425462>>1425452She's had to hide expensive/important things in the past because he was breaking things in his rages. What are the odds he broke her things and somehow always spared his own?
"Losing control" and putting all the responsibility on your partner to mitigate the damage/clean up after is literally textbook
abusive behaviour.
No. 1425487
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No. 1425491
File: 1643046414361.png (57.6 KB, 584x582, Schermopname (909).png)

No. 1425551
>>1425521He wishes he had even a crumb of the success, fame and money that Dahvie had.
>>1425518He burns through friends like crazy. He'd regularly do this weird braggy shit in videos and streams about how he "has no friends", blaming the fact that "people are the worst". Do we think he's aware that he's the common factor in the reason people distance from him or have blow-ups with him and end friendships? Or do you think he honestly believes he's not the problem. The incredibly weird almost lovebombing of K is the closest I've ever seen him get to showing the world that he has an actual friend, outside of ancient vlogs where they show friends.
No. 1425556
>>1425538Speaking of the band, found this on Youtube from the recent UK tour. time of posting it has one comment:
No. 1425571
>>1425556what is the keyboarder doing with his hair all the time…
There is another video from the tour on youtube: No. 1425579
>>1425551True, but I meant as a narcissist who plays the
victim and Dahvie has a long list of sexual abuse and Grooming and Gas Lighting.
No. 1425591
>>1425576That was it.*/behold-munro.tumblr.comAround early 2013 it's a fan blog and then is turns into his. Later on 2018-2019 it's just youtube posts. I looked through a bit at as I don't have too much time at the moment. Whatever captures were caught I didn't see anything of note. Just him complaining about people ending up using the NHS because they are reenacting 50 shades of grey…
>>1425583 HELLO STUMPY!! #waves* :D
oh, tell your fans to calm down, they are creating a side show to all of this ;)
No. 1425600
>>1425583Kek so he still lurks here. He kept the MAG YouTube up for years after he stopped uploading, including its patreon iirc, to keep getting any money he could out of it. But now poor Fakey has realised the potential milk it has like
>>1425323 and got scared.
No. 1425624
File: 1643054452511.jpg (79.71 KB, 915x519, john screeenshot.jpg)

john's tweeted about it - clearly didn't find out until it was already done. good to see jake is so self-absorbed in his quite frankly ridiculous damage control that he didn't think that the other people who worked on MAG deserved to know that it was all getting privated until they saw it on here/twitter. jake's damage control obsession (has been for a while tbh) is just making him look worse and worse, it's honestly laughable that he'll almost certainly be his own downfall
No. 1425628
File: 1643054607286.jpg (122.42 KB, 956x464, kayas mum.jpg)

not entirely related to the current MAG deleting spree, but saw Kaya's mum's comment on GothMaam's video… pretty much confirming that he was abusive
No. 1425632
>>1425628I mean this makes sense. I just watched this
>>1425627 video and seriously, I can see myself becoming as bitter as my partner if he was like this. Especially since they started dating soo young, they basically raised eachother.
>>1425323And this, he completely ignores her saying she disagrees with her, you can see this happens a lot and he just doesn't give a shit what she thinks and that can be really soul crushing, especially if you are already a no-backbone having person to begin with.
No. 1425707
>>1425677He uses the excuse when his band shows have poor turnouts too “oh this area just hasn’t got a good alt scene” and it turns out he’s talking about somewhere like
London or Glasgow lol
No. 1425723
File: 1643060423887.png (114.39 KB, 1080x524, Screenshot_20220124-213841~2.p…)

John says he never got anything from his efforts on MAG. Unsurprising.
No. 1425737
>>1425720nice one anon
>>1425723he was the only good thing about it as well. fake is such a cnt
No. 1425756
File: 1643062119877.jpeg (842.39 KB, 1284x1930, BA6F2FC3-56FE-4CA9-A581-A18EB7…)

Not sure to post this here or in true crime YouTubers but Bailey Sarian and her husband split. Seems like a lot of influencer couples are breaking up recently. I don’t know too much about their relationship but I watch Bailey sometimes and I feel bad for her, this is gonna really throw her content off more than it already has been. Plus everything she puts out has been repetitive and boring. I wonder what happened between them, she always gave me the impression of a woman who has her shit together, regardless of the inconsistent posting.
No. 1425789
>>1425764OMG YES, that's a work of art
No. 1425799
>>1425786“She lived in this completely fabricated world”
So fake, your mom left your dad with nothing but debt for another person.? Sound like you became your mom.
No. 1425804
>>1425786Especially when you consider he has a song literally called Matricide.
There’s also some red flags in this.
> nobody asked why he was an atheist> his little sister was in hospital and he makes the story about him, in excruciating detail> met some random children with cancer and again - like a white girl on a missionary expedition to Africa - makes it all about himself No. 1425811
File: 1643064881054.png (781.88 KB, 1306x728, Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 3.54…)

>>1425764why is he cosplaying as the moon? kek
No. 1425822
>>1425812Yeah, speaking of - here’s Jake’s expert opinions of LA after that one trip. It’s so fucking arrogant and clueless.
> I don’t want to move there in case the president signs a new bill that means I’d have to move back to NI and suddenly be homelessOh the irony.
No. 1425828
File: 1643066019460.png (691.99 KB, 998x708, Capture.PNG)

>>1425824omg her old content is a gold mine, the 2am cake baking, he sucks his finger and kaya says stop trying to seduce youtube… if only she knew
No. 1425842
> Mother goes to the gym to lose weight and look better (More sexy)
> Spends £1000's flippantly
> Leaves family of 16+ years
> Lies about the severity of the break up to everyone in mutual friend circles (or on the internet in your case.)
> Mother never had a job (or real job for long in Stump's case)
> Mother seems to have anger issues, anger issues became worse in later years
> Stripped house bare leaving family with the minimum (Or in his case, kept the house and threw out Kaya with nothing)
> Made partner out to be the bad guy in the relationship and reason for the break up (Starting to see the pattern)
> Mother actually believed her own bullshit and lived in her own "Fabricated fantasy world"Wow Fake, it's official, you are your fucking mother. Congratulations.
His personality at its very core can't even be original, he had to steal his mother's shitty behavior.
No. 1425847
File: 1643067128093.jpg (243.25 KB, 1080x1507, Screenshot_20220124_232952.jpg)

No. 1425860
File: 1643067804365.jpeg (278.14 KB, 1618x1253, 47A2ABE4-57D5-4748-A0E4-DF8EB4…)

Got to start putting these videos in Belfast Reddit(cowtip)
No. 1425927
File: 1643073737437.jpg (146.3 KB, 1043x599, previous subcount.jpg)

He's at 480k today. -1k just registered on social blade today.
If his highest point was 491k, he lost about 11k subscribers since the breakup vid.
No. 1425940
>>1425927lol….and it'll only keep going down as more people see the continuously emerging solid evidence that he's a fake unoriginal entitled
abusive narcissistic POS, just like his mom apparently.
Wonder what he's rage breaking right now to cope
No. 1425965
File: 1643076245730.jpg (218.94 KB, 1080x2032, Screenshot_20220124-175020__01…)

>>1425571Why is this kids' content
No. 1425968
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>>1425965Also samefag but kek
No. 1426031
File: 1643082882690.jpg (11.84 KB, 420x210, IS2X0b1.jpg)

and now jake deleted the channel because he doesn't want anyone to see him
No. 1426038
>>1426031>"Why are you sad? Who hurt you?"He has never been able to handle backlash.
>>1425847>"Idiot, dumbass, ignorant cunt."All because someone didn't know the UK spelling of a word? Big mad coming from someone who can't spell without spellcheck and can't read basic cursive writing. The way he speaks to people is insane.
No. 1426071
>>1426039Going to call self post. No one knows who she is and there’s no milk besides her face is shit.
All those on YouTube that call themselves goth but are not, are all shillstar lovers. There’s no difference.
Bring milk next time
No. 1426094
File: 1643088535554.png (1.2 MB, 1359x785, so spooky.png)

>>1426039Never heard of this girl but when you said her name I assumed she was one of those sp00ky consoomerist channels like Jade the Libra or TheHauntedBat, and lo and behold. Wow, do I have psychic powers?
Also I hate her makeup, she's doing that doll/anime eye thing with the white liner under her eyes but she's terrible at it.
No. 1426141
File: 1643093169309.jpg (28.32 KB, 910x126, irony.jpg)

Comment to Fake's newest video. Oh, the irony.
No. 1426182
>>1426147I don’t think it is sarcasm as his version of the break up video, these were all the comments. Everyone single one of them was “I got out of a
toxic relationship and your videos helped me”.
No. 1426215
File: 1643107120766.jpg (348.67 KB, 1618x1117, fe7lml.jpg)

No. 1426236
Just for fun - I found an old live journal by Kaya with very old pics of Jake in it. He looks like another person there. tried to find the vampirefreaks site of Jake in the wayback machine but failed. Just found the one of Kaya.
No. 1426244
File: 1643113322307.jpeg (649.4 KB, 1170x958, 33D0E96B-65D1-4E29-A4B6-62AA64…)

Wonder was he only fit for flying first class then…? Very much doubt it, Fake. Remember your fucking roots.
No. 1426246
File: 1643113504313.jpg (55.12 KB, 730x548, 8.jpg)

>>1426236Christ, nobody should be surprised that THIS cretin wanted to share onlyfans links with minors
No. 1426270
File: 1643116504825.jpeg (407.01 KB, 1122x2059, 5A154C8C-0314-4DF8-AB87-9C841D…)

They weren’t even together a full year at this point and she already had to defend their relationship.
No. 1426281
File: 1643118016277.png (960.42 KB, 1080x2220, 1551759294827.png)

Well this didn't age well
No. 1426282
File: 1643118058180.jpg (257.63 KB, 1080x653, Picsart_22-01-25_08-39-05-439.…)

>>1426236was scrolling through her livejournal and found this little excerpt. fake has no respect for any living creature what a pos
No. 1426314
>>1425209That video. Woe is me, I can't take people knowing who I am and holding me accountable for the shitty things I say. Autism isn't an excuse for being a total cunt - it doesn't mean you can be fucking racist and get away with it.
If it wasn't for youtube she would have no source of income, so tough shit if she can't take the backlash and criticism that comes with it. If any of her bad writing gets published it will only be because of her social media fanbase. Attention, good and bad, comes with the territory, so she needs to either suck it up and accept it or get off the internet and get by on her benefits, which will mean a lot less splurging on make up, shoes, lenses, all the crap she spoils herself with while still living off her parents even though she has very few impairments compared to most autistic people who genuinely do need intensive support and care.
No. 1426335
File: 1643123315348.jpeg (65.92 KB, 730x548, CBF9989E-1D2C-4C36-99FE-8FE160…)

>>1426246>>1426244Kek here’s my favourite
No. 1426346
File: 1643124507759.jpg (100.3 KB, 519x778, 3875_900.jpg)

Wow, there's a really beautiful girl under all that emotional eating, hope she can make it back here. Wonder where she'd be at now if she'd spent 12 years with a healthy supportive partner instead.
No. 1426351
>>1425209I got curious to see what she deleted and went back to her channel as it had been years since I watched her. I found myself watching a few of her old videos she has left up from 2015-2016 and I got glimpses of how I used to enjoy her content back in the day, she really was one of my favorites back then but somewhere along the line something turned me off from her.
Back then she just seemed like someone you would love to have a chat with.
No. 1426358
File: 1643125542572.png (Spoiler Image,895.01 KB, 1080x1241, Screenshot_20220125-154309.png)

>>1426350>>1426355Some things never change. Christ.
No. 1426359
File: 1643126081369.jpeg (555.09 KB, 1170x1993, 4D2A6600-E157-4234-89E9-78FF9E…)

“Less of an asshole than Jeffree Star”
Yikes. Kaya really was blissfully unaware back then. (It seems from the comments Kaya posted this under Jake’s profile)
No. 1426368
File: 1643126373448.jpeg (58.62 KB, 640x577, ED410C48-BA7C-4913-A628-417A0E…)

>>1426358Kek Anon, wanted to post the same picture. Love the comments, even back then people disliked his ugly ass selfies
No. 1426370
File: 1643126510868.jpeg (328.61 KB, 640x1007, D79CE0E9-0EE8-4F22-B348-0BB35C…)

>>142635811 years later, still the same… He grew mentally as much as his torso did in that time
No. 1426376
File: 1643126736429.jpeg (38.33 KB, 816x612, 77546031-B2DE-4885-9EE6-3D71E7…)

>>1426370He couldn't hide his narcissism even when taking pictures with Kaya. You just see how love blind she is here
No. 1426386
>>1425443I wouldn't put it past him honestly. If he didn't hit her directly, he probably kyle'd some drywall to intimidate her. Might be partially why she hasn't said too much, she's probably scared to. Maybe once she moves and gets a sense of self autonomy she'll give her side of the story. Guy is a human dementor sucking the life out of the room tho, christ. Even the guy next to him looks uncomfortable.
>>1425556This is horrible hoLY FUCK LOL. I've seen better performances from way smaller gigs in the Midwest.
No. 1426407
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No. 1426456
>>1426323She's done quite a bit of insulting shit. But the current racism thing is because of her saying the N-word. She was singing along to rome raplyrics stoned, but it was during a rant about how she SHOULD be able to say whatever she wants, so she knew what she was doing. Then some people dug up that video and she made a halfassed excuse post where she started out saying that her use of the N-word was inexcusable, and then made a billion halfassed excuses.
Previous bullshit includes:
Her "female privilege" video (deleted) where she argued that women are better off than men because men buy them drinks and pretty girls can get away with shit.
Her "lolita transformation." She wore a slutty "sexy doll" costume from a fastfashion site, and tried to pass it off as lolita. During the video she pointed out that lolita has "a lot of rules" but she didn't care. When a bunch of lolitas got understandably upset she freaked the fuck out, and claimed that the "cyberbullying" was causing her to relapse with her ED and it was all the fault of the mean lolitas.
Claims it's okay for her to use the G-slur because her ex is a traveller who used it all the time.
If you read thread 22 you'll get a pretty good idea.
No. 1426492
>>1426484Hey! It's sad those days are gone. There was nothing like bucky in a carpark
You might know more than me but wasn't there some sorta rumour about Jake buying kids drink at waterfront? Or something to that extent. I might have him muddled up with one of the many cretins that were about mind you.
(don't use emojis/emoticons) No. 1426513
>>1426456>She's done quite a bit of insulting shit. But the current racism thing is because of her saying the N-word. She was singing along to rome raplyrics stoned, but it was during a rant about how she SHOULD be able to say whatever she wants, so she knew what she was doing. Then some people dug up that video and she made a halfassed excuse post where she started out saying that her use of the N-word was inexcusable, and then made a billion halfassed excuses.Ah okay, thank you for the context, I didn't see that video.
>Female Privilege VideoOh right, I forgot about that video. I didn't watch it in full but from what I saw, she was being ridiculous.
>Lolita TransformationI remember this, she did a bargain bin slutty "Kawaii" look that looked nothing like Lolita and got asshurt when the lolita community picked up on it and criticized her with that Tyler girl being the harshest (but fair).
Thanks for the recap though anon, I forgot a lot of this since it's been awhile kek. I can see why she's trying to cover her tracks now.
No. 1426525
>>1426314None of her labels and so called diagnoses are real. They're all just part of her poor me shtick.
No actual autistic person can switch their autism on and off depending on whether it's something they want to do. Like she had a nervous breakdown because she had to work in a boring office but throws a tantrum anytime an event in her goth club is cancelled. She only got a diagnosis because she's smart enough to LARP autism and its traits. Same will happen with the ADHD label she's gunning for, probs for a higher level of benefits.
The whole genderqueer thing is an excuse for her ED. She doesn't want to be female because that would mean having higher bodyfat, so she pretends to be trans so no one can criticise the body type she wants.
The worst was her deciding she was demisexual/asexual basically because she doesn't want to fuck people she considers old or ugly.
Even the styling of that video was poor me. Look at my plain face and plain, demure wig and please please pity me, raging BPD narcissist hypocrite that I am.
No. 1426533
>>1426492Aye under the bridge in town haha.
Yeah there was someone on another thread who said he was buying kids drink at waterfront. Which was a popular spot for people to drink under the blue bridge. No idea if true but the anon knew someone was lol
(samefagging) No. 1426540
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>>1426094Kek is that Shannon? I didn't if not, she looks just like her.
No. 1426572
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Oh 2011 kaya tut
No. 1426575
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No. 1426576
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>>1426572I looked up the site. It's changed owners and ironically now its something that other people could recommend kaya to read kek
No. 1426586
File: 1643140759649.jpg (Spoiler Image,693.29 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220125-205626_Ins…)

Ew ew ew.
Looks like a cenobite who got addicted to porkrinds
No. 1426587
>>1426575KEK nice one anon. Video anon should include this in another video if they plan to make more
its just like
>>1426554 said
No. 1426593
>>1426572I am so glad that the internet/social media was not a thing when I was 16/17 because the cringe would have been unbearable. The shite I came out with as a teenager was just awful, I knew nothing and it bloody showed. Not WK-ing or anything but I’m not going to hold silly posts made when she was barely out of school against her, I believe that Kaya
is trying to better and isn’t the person she was 10 years ago. I’ll judge her on her actions now, which seem to be the result of systematic abuse by someone who really hasn’t changed
at all in 10 years, unless you count becoming even more of a massive twat.
There really is not a single original thing about him. Everything about him is taken from somewhere else. He’s a cheap imitation of other peoples work.
Saged for blog posting.
No. 1426595
>>1426246He looked better here as a Jeffree Star knockoff
>>1426266Plus a kick in the teeth for his friend who made the channel with him, he's really on some
self-made man kick while clambering all over other people's work and fame to get there. No actual charm or talent.
No. 1426641
File: 1643144865286.png (1.81 MB, 1199x2394, livejournal kaya.png)

>>1426236She looks so good here, completely different vibes to now (though she's looking better now already post-Jake)
No. 1426657
>>1426651exactly my thoughts anon. all these photos aren't new, they're still on her tumblr account and we've seen them in the previous altcow threads
how kaya used to look isn't milk or interesting. focus on jake and other cows please for fuck sake
No. 1426669
File: 1643146130023.jpg (73.32 KB, 1080x753, IMG_20220125_212645.jpg)

Kaya just liked then quickly unliked my grossed-out response to a 'snacc' thirsting over one of Jake's OF promo pics kek
No. 1426678
>>1426651>>1426657Tell me you're fat without telling me you're fat.
Most people haven't read every post in every altcow thread+ might not have heard of Kaya and Jake during their skinny scene days, so it is news to them (e.g. me and I'm sure many others)
No. 1426684
>>1426678tell me you're a newfag retard without telling me you're a newfag retard.
MOST OF US are aware of it, it's been brought up in nearly every thread prior to this one so lurk more. It wastes space on this thread clogging it up with shit we've all seen before, it takes a few mins to look back at older threads newfag
No. 1426695
>>1426678I’m the one that wrote what you’re replying to and lurk more, lazy fuck.
Kayas weight gain and laziness and fat shaming is in every single thread of alt cow.
It’s only newfags like you’ve that don’t read and don’t add it to the pervious milk when it comes to creating a new thread.
Kaya being skinny and now fat, not new.
Kayas fat shaming, whining- literally anything from the past IS NOT NEW.
Stop shitting up the thread with shit that’s been talked about over and over and over again. It’s how these threads died because we were sick of it.
Digging for jake has never been done on this level and since he reads these threads, for a fact, he’s deleting everything he possibly can of his past. Thats something worth going after
No. 1426706
File: 1643148198452.jpg (224.97 KB, 494x831, shitty.jpg)

Even in the early days of their relationship, he only cared if -he- looked good in the pictures he posted.
No. 1426725
File: 1643149204627.jpeg (23.47 KB, 256x256, 50ACDAD5-FD77-47FC-9E56-E3C85C…)

Samefag but since this is an image board, figured I’d put Fake’s shoddy budget version to shame with the real deal he’s been trying so hard to emulate for over 11 years.
No. 1426777
>>1426533Yeah I remember waterfront and the day they kicked us all off. We tended to lurk more around the odyssey and botanic back in the day so I didn't mix much with their crowd.
I wonder if that anon does know something cos I swear he was one of the many helping underage idiots (like myself) get blocked for an extra quid. I never had that interaction though. It was just something that someone I was catching up with a few years ago brought up cos a lot of the ones doing drink runs were being outed as being absolute predators. (Not saying he was but at the rate he's going wouldn't shock me lmao)
File: 1643159805083.gif (498.18 KB, 500x261, so-you-agree-you-think-youre-r…)

>>1426684So you agree you're fat?
Not everyone is gonna have seen or memorized every old Kaya photo, there are many, this seems like a you problem nonno
No. 1426913
>>1426891NTA but are you seriously arguing that we should bring up old, already mentioned milk because you are too lazy to read old threads?
In other fresh milk: Adora batbrat wore a rape
victim costume, Mai and Mara are fighting, and Drac Makens kisses Kat von D's ass.
No. 1426916
>>1426868so we're bashing young mums now? age of consent in uk is 16. it's not unheard of to have had a kid by 21 in the uk, much less 3.
there really isn't anything milky about her. she's just your average goff youtuber who seems to be just starting out.
all she really does is use the wrong hashtags and thinks she's goff when she's an egirl. seems to be poor and overwhelmed as a new mum, that's about it. find more milk before you post about a girl who only has 67 subscribers.
No. 1426924
>>1426920all i'm saying is that that really isn't milky. if she had a large fanbase and people called her out on it and she continued to ignore them, then yeah, that would be milky. but i guess it's not out of the ordinary for someone as young as her, she likely doesn't know how to be a mum very well as she's so young.
idk, she just doesn't seem outwardly milky. there's not really anything to note from her yet imo
No. 1426931
>>1426929Just cos someone is an alt YouTuber who does hauls doesn’t make them a cow. Was she shitfaced drunk? Breastfeeding moms are allowed a certain amount of alcohol before it’s considered a problem.
People really do be reaching right now.
No. 1426934
>>1426929i mean, i'm 20 and my mum still doesn't know how to parent and had 2 more kids after me. just because your kid is older doesn't automatically mean you know how to parent.
>>1426928i never said it was 'typical young mum behaviour'. i just said it's not very milky. i don't get why you're so hung up over you thinking i said it was typical behaviour. she hasn't shown any behaviour that makes her worthy of being a cow. just because she's day drinking and has kids and is a young mum doesn't mean that she's a cow.
No. 1426936
>>1426916>it's not unheard of to have had a kid by 21 in the uk, much less 3. C'mon now anon, if someone has a kid at 16 they are considered low class, (even though oftentimes an older guy is taking advantage, but that's another topic) if they have 3 by 21, well.
People are statistically having children older (cut to beginning of idiocracy) and having a kid pre-20 is still unusual even if the age of consent is slightly lower in the UK. Generally most people aim for mid-late 20s since you don't even finish school yourself until 18 now in the UK.
No. 1426939
>>1426913>old, already mentioned milk Link me to where this
>>1426641photo (the ones that
triggered you fatties) were posted before because I've never seen these, only some of her Tumblr and vampire freaks photos. You've spent more posts whining about seeing a couple of photos of thin Kaya than there are posts of thin Kaya, maybe put down the pizza and go for a run instead of infighting over nothing because you got
(infighting) No. 1426942
>>1426936i mean, looking at her surroundings in the few videos of hers i've watched so far, i would say she's at the very low end of middle class or low class. not sure what her relationship with her partner is like, but it could very well be they were and still are just two hormonal teenagers who wanted to rawdog it and didn't care about consequences and whoopsie, she got pregnant. i've seen her type before, they move out of their parents homes young and move in with a boyfriend and end up pregnant and have 4 kids by the time they're 22.
saged for extreme tinfoil but that's just my opinion on what
could be going on.
No. 1426947
>>1426939We're not
triggered, we just think you're a dumbass.
Did you want a little pat on the head for finding a picture that is identical to a shitload of pictures we've already seen?
No. 1426952
>>1426939you're the one equating us not wanting repetition of the same old info and pictures of a younger kaya to weight, seems like you're the real fattie that's been
triggered. We're all routing for kaya to get back to this look and improve without Fake. But go off fattie
>>1426948lurk more and get off your lazy fat ass newfatfag, do the research yourself like you should have done earlier.
No. 1426954
>>1426939sounds like you're the only one who's
triggered here, fatty kek
take five minutes to go lurk through the old threads. it's really not that hard. don't expect us to spoon feed you the milk, fatfag. now stop shitting up the thread with your insecure whinging and go lurk and find the images yourself.
No. 1426956
>>1426954Cease thy infighting, Ana-Chan. You’re the one sounding
triggered over a 17 year old’s ED bod.
No. 1426962
>>1425452Destroying property is an intimidation tactic and the behavior of someone who already is
abusive. I wouldn't be surprised to find out Jake has laid a hand on Kaya before, but it's possible that the implied threat was enough to control her.
Kat should be
very concerned. Jake has a few traits on the list of DV warning signs statistically likely to escalate: No. 1426966
>>1426956no, i'm just refusing to spoonfeed things that have already been posted in prior threads. newfags really need to learn to lurk themselves kek
in other news, i wonder what fake will delete next kek
No. 1426969
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>>1426916Teen pregnancies exist regardless of what the age of consent is, just look at america. And I don't know what part of the UK you're living in, but where I am its not common to be a mum of 3 at 21. Apparently she had her first at 14, picrel. But I agree apart from this, and her being a run of the mill e girl who thinks she's totes goff, she doesn't seem fully milky
No. 1426971
>>1426969fair. could also be where i'm from and where my friends are from that it's more common to be a young mum, a lot of them already have kids. as i said, not any milk worth sharing on her, being a young mum is common enough kek
and i agree with
>>1426970 . if you really want to see those pics of kaya when she was young, go lurk in the old threads. i'm sick of the new threads being filled with people repeating shit that's already been said the past 5 threads. let's keep the milk relevant, please.
No. 1426985
>>1426891Kayas old shit that has been mentioned for threads and threads, including making her own personal thread wouldn’t even be considered sour milk at this stage.
It’s more like a strongly age cheese.
Stop being a lazy fuck and click any of the links in the run down part of this thread.
Everyone else, who’s not retarded, just report and get the retard banned
No. 1427055
File: 1643169255889.jpg (Spoiler Image,489.69 KB, 683x1024, gettyimages-85241271-1024x1024…)

>>1426725Martin Degville's been doing sweaty fishnets on face since the early'80s.
No. 1427152
File: 1643181688598.jpg (337.58 KB, 1080x1388, 4_Instagram.jpg)

Just something that made me laugh. Best part is he liked it.
No. 1427165
>>1427152There is no planet where Jake resembles this crude rendering, they're just as deluded as Corpsey fans.
If there was an actual tall handsome modelesque guy who was willing to be goth-4-pay he'd be raking it in. If Jake can get thousands in a stream as the pudgy stumpy narcissistic lad he is, imagine a legitimately hot guy with a semblance of charm.
No. 1427169
>>1427070Cackling at Susan and the bagpipes.
>>1427165If Jake had a passable personality and wasn’t a complete narc edgelord I could understand the amount of thirst he attracts but as it stands I just don’t get it.
>>1426620She should! She’s quite crafty as well, that painting she did for Jakes birthday was good, there’s talent there and I reckon people would watch her paint or make things while she chats away. She has a massive amount of goodwill coming her way at the moment, she should absolutely use it to get herself secure. Plus it would push Fakes nose right out of joint. He totally thought he was going to come out of this the victor. I’d fucking love it if Kaya surpassed him.
No. 1427176
File: 1643187027712.jpg (481.42 KB, 1080x2019, Screenshot_20220126-082355_Ins…)

>>1427152Is this the normal state of fake's fans? The bio is counting the number of times jake, kaya and jake's band mate randomgoth noticed her, she's a pronoun snowflake she/they/him, and just awkward dweeby unwashed vibe (from her tiktok listed on her main account which i won't post cos she looks like a kid).
Reposted cos I mistook randomgoth for someone else
No. 1427190
Who wants to tell her it’s literally painted on?
No. 1427298
File: 1643206084207.jpg (37.75 KB, 678x363, bully.JPG)

oh well…
No. 1427395
File: 1643214240832.jpeg (151.8 KB, 1519x499, 34C7CDAE-167C-4779-98E4-54190B…)

Le sigh
No. 1427438
>>1427423Too bad Kaya looks like her dad.
>>1427403Not much to tell unless I want to dox myself. Pretty much been said before and there was a post itt of another girl she's put up on her blogs to "shame". She's insecure but again that's not new info lol
No. 1427439
>>1427395Wonder how many goff mom arguments happened.
sigh Gotta pad the room and back yourself into a corner to stay safe with goff daddy.
No. 1427440
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Isn’t this his brother? He doesn’t follow Jake (that I can see) and Jake doesn’t follow him.
No. 1427447
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Oh ho ho! Man I hope someone he managed to save those videos… being a cheating fuckwad might not finish him off but casual racism just might…
No. 1427668
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It's still there for me. Did he block you?
No. 1427693
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Saged for splurging my own childish amusement…but after a playthrough of FNAF:SB, I can’t unsee Stumpy’s face here on DJ Music Man, kek!
No. 1427878
File: 1643248241028.jpg (478.45 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220127-024838_Ins…)

Really glad to see Fake develop his channel and move away from Tiktok reacts. Time to bring some gravitas to his brand
No. 1428399
File: 1643308167630.png (591.04 KB, 1079x1776, Screenshot_20220127-182720.png)

He blocked them lol
No. 1428400
File: 1643308232080.png (70.2 KB, 650x538, Schermopname (920).png)

Fake debating about his OF posts..
No. 1428404
File: 1643308439230.png (376.2 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20220127-123009.png)

Someone is upset they are getting flack for being suddenly nsfw in front of their minor fans, kek.
No. 1428412
File: 1643308797144.png (230.08 KB, 587x842, Schermopname (922).png)

Please keep me updated… i asked why he deleted his MAG vids(cowtipping)
No. 1428427
>>1428404He is definitely
triggered about the whole pushing Only Fans content to minors thing, he couldn't help but respond to this. Definitely struck a nerve.
No. 1428430
>>1428399He is way to comfortable showing his underage followers his lewds
SFW to me is also "would I be comfortable looking at this in front of a child? Would I be comfortable if a child was looking at his in front of me?". If the answer is no, then it's fucking NSFW Stumpy
Not to jump on the Jake is a Pedo train but yikes
No. 1428444
File: 1643310407396.png (908.33 KB, 1080x1788, Screenshot_20220127-185602.png)

Imagine thinking Jake would consider someone else's feelings ever in his entire life
No. 1428478
>>1428464Why does she bother keeping the pet at this point? She's likely gonna be struggling financially for awhile and a pet will only put more strain on her finances. I know having to part with pets is very hard but in a situation like hers, sometimes it's for the best. It doesn't help that she's either being picky on the house or really is not looking as much as she should be.
Agree with you both, she has no fucking right to complain about her lack of time looking when she doesn't work a 9 to 5 (or any actual job tbh), she really does have all the time in the world.
And if she's just not finding a house to her standards, just ditch the pet and get an apartment for the temporary until you find something. She's in a bad spot sure but if she falls back into her sloth-like ways, she's gonna be in a true shithole situation
No. 1428555
File: 1643317334824.jpg (Spoiler Image,87.06 KB, 597x588, anyonewannaconfirm.jpg)

No. 1428583
>>1428497Idk if that's even true but that's not what I said. I said it would be safer in the meantime. And if she opened herself up to the possibility of apartments she'd have more options.
>>1428474That or find a way to pay for school/some kind of training.
No. 1428591
>>1428555That is a sentence I never needed to see.
He’s trying so hard to be… sexy… and it’s just not, not even a little bit. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, everything he does just reeks of effort.
No. 1428603
File: 1643319625826.jpg (17.07 KB, 520x520, 332904f53cd846c45fcf0f2ce68227…)

>>1428555God, ew. He's becoming another BegForJay
No. 1428605
>>1428596because he's a selfish narc, you can bet in every sexual experience he's had he doesn't care about the woman's satisfaction and probably doesn't dedicate any time to foreplay or oral with them. Once he's "done" that's enough, gross
another anon said before he's an example of a guy who thinks the things that turn men on will also work with women, e.g. with him saying he "forgot" he wasn't wearing underwear
No. 1428633
>>1428610But I mean it's not like Kaya really goes out all that much? Maybe she'll be okay in that kind of place until she can save more money and move to a better place?
That or if push comes to shove, maybe her folks can help her move outside of Belfast to a place that's more affordable but not unsafe?
No. 1428708
>>1428694I can't speak for other anons ITT but I was never trying to say it's super easy to rent an apartment/house in Belfast or anything. I was just highlighting the fact that she only wants to rent a house and given her situation she should probably just suck it up and lower her standards. In fact the fact that renting is so hard is probably another reason why lowering her standards would be good. She's living on commercial property without proper heating where she doesn't feel safe. Realistically, an overpriced small apartment would probably be better than that, at least in the meantime, but no, she only wants to rent a house.
I'm not from Ireland though so maybe there's other reasons you wouldn't want an apartment.
No. 1428709
>>1428694She's going to have to get a real job and put the work in to find somewhere decent then.
But we all know she won't
No. 1428715
>>1428694Got to agree with this, renting is a shit show in the UK at the moment. There may well be loads of houses available but there are also loads of people applying for those houses, landlords can literally take their pick at the moment. I have friends, without pets, in good jobs, applying for properties who are being turned down for no good reason other than someone else’s application was ‘better’ on paper. Given that Kaya has just come out of a financially
abusive relationship and is having to start from scratch, I’m not surprised it’s taking some time. I also don’t begrudge her wanting to live somewhere safe.
No. 1428768
File: 1643329066042.jpeg (848.17 KB, 1218x1361, DAA34FAD-4E7A-4973-8E70-AB2DDE…)

Plus his accent is so different. Creep.
No. 1428774
Everybody's making so many assumptions about what Kaya is like, based on things said/done over the course of her early to mid 20's while being under the thumb of a narc. If you've never been, I can assure you that they purposely wittle away your ability to have any sort of freedom, stability, or confidence in yourself, prefer you to rely on them entirely, and gaslight you any time you start to try to become self sufficient. We have no idea what a Post-Stumpy Kaya will be like. Once she's in a safe place and can settle in to the idea of being herself and making content she enjoys, she could be a whole different person. Jake has certainly shown his true colors, and while it seems like Kaya isn't doing much to get into a place, we also only have a few insta/twitter posts to go off of, and don't know how much she's actually doing behind the scenes.
No. 1428785
>>1428766>>1428768Oh he's fucked now.
>>1428774This. It completely shatters you as a human.
Seeing this narc go down is cathartic af
No. 1428787
Saged because this brings nothing new or interesting to the table. But I find it interesting how Jake is going on a mass Twitter blocking spree, deleting comments on youtube and instagram etc, essentially refusing to acknowledge anything happening. Meanwhile his fans who can clearly see the stuff Jake isn't able to remove, primarily on Twitter, are defending him and catching shit for it. And he's chill just letting that happen.
It's one thing to hunker down and pretend like nothing is going on, protecting himself from the ire of the internet by blocking everyone, another entirely to leave his fans to fend for themselves trying to defend him? To continue to fuel the fire by posting increasingly regular "everything but the dick" sexual content to his public social media accounts for all his underage fans to see, which spurs people into hating on him and giving him shit. He can block those people all he likes, but the tweets remain, and his fans respond. His fans then start to get attacked, naturally. He just doesn't care?
No. 1428791
>>1428787He's a narc
nonnie…they legit do not care about anyone but themselves
No. 1428800
File: 1643330168440.jpg (Spoiler Image,516.32 KB, 483x604, 0Vcb1rh.jpg)

Spoilered for Stumpy OF ad
Stumpy literally doesn't give a shit. He's linking directly to OnlyFans, knowing most of his viewers are minors. It is so sickening.
No. 1428807
File: 1643330483366.jpeg (592.45 KB, 1244x1120, BB702967-EB98-46FE-AE28-8FA8E8…)

No. 1428837
>>1428603…holy shit, you're right. i knew something about fake reminded me of begforjay, but i couldn't put my finger on it. thank you kek
it's obvious fake doesn't know shite about kink or sw whatsoever, and he's fucking vile. same with begforjay, his asmr shit is so cringey. he thinks he's so macho and sexy but it's just nauseating. i wonder if fake looks up to him kek
No. 1428841
File: 1643331428241.jpg (240.62 KB, 601x765, notevenabit.jpg)

I think Jake's die hard blind fans are some of the worst I've seen. Oh yeah the HATERS. Oh yeah the lies, and rumors, and drama llamas. yada yada. This will be a long shit show.
No. 1428903
File: 1643334500560.jpeg (568.96 KB, 828x1240, 30C70AB2-3769-4592-9901-646CF8…)

Blocking people who had supported him for years… yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if Stumpy was causing his own slump in followers by his latest blocking sprees, kek
No. 1429131
File: 1643360266588.jpeg (317.37 KB, 1125x915, 3B49A746-ECDD-4753-B765-BD7CC7…)

Takes the money on the promise of ‘perks’.
Doesn’t provide the perks.
No. 1429132
>>1429131honestly not surprising. remember when someone donated like $500 for them to have a graveyard date and they never did it? or how he kept the MAG patreon up for 2 years after the channel died? actually it's still up lmao, but only has 4 patrons.
I was also a patron of jake for a very short time, he said he'd put your name in a video if you pledged any amount of money and he never put mine. I was only a patron for a couple months, but still.
No. 1429191
File: 1643370842001.jpeg (194.28 KB, 1125x1336, 11F593DA-55DD-465D-8E6A-46641D…)

A few more patrons gone…
No. 1429194
File: 1643370942585.jpeg (357.28 KB, 1125x1517, 2A7BD937-A50C-4764-AF4B-8C3622…)

And down another 1k subscribers on his channel.
No. 1429195
File: 1643371192961.jpeg (332.22 KB, 1125x1361, 85832663-BF5E-4920-B8D4-022703…)

Meanwhile Kaya is pushing 920 patrons and has gained another 1k subscribers. It seems they are literally leaving Jakes channel and going straight over to Kayas. That must sting. Who’s deadweight now Jake?
No. 1429219
File: 1643377562423.png (1.09 MB, 1440x1118, Screenshot_20220128-074347.png)

saged for possible tinfoil, but did fakes profile always say 18+ ?
No. 1429235
>>1428812I'm sorry but no, Kaya is not employed and has never attempted to be beyond a 2 week stint at a call centre. She doesn't do anything. She begrudgingly uploads the odd video after a huge break. If she put her head down and spent all of her free time focusing solely on house hunting and sacrificing things like moving further outside the city (I'm sure she can drive into town in her new Jeep) and keeping her cat at her mum's temporarily she would be in a much better place.
My friend recently broke up with her boyfriend and had to get a house of her own, she secured a 2 bedroom house in South Belfast within 2 weeks. It's not our fault that she has lived so carelessly her entire adult life and I've had to unfollow her because I just cannot read her annoying tweets about how hard her life is when she is literally just dealing with the consequences of her own actions.
She seems to have wised up over the years and might not be the nasty person she used to be, but it's still so hard to feel sorry for someone like her and I wish people would stop making excuses for her and enabling her. She will be in that studio until she is made to leave it and still won't have secured her 5 bedroom house in Belfast City Centre with a drive way and huge garden with a pond which accepts housing benefit.
No. 1429300
>>1429235Don’t be a Twitter fag and bring in false info here. Lurk more.
She worked at a call centre longer than two weeks. That was her actual job that apparently jake forced her into. After that it was YouTube only and then she picked up working at lush. The lush the did last fa however.
No. 1429314
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Anyone who know about OF, does top 3% mean anything? I'm guessing not because of the little following his account has, it's just easy to get more engagement than all the other hundreds of low effort accounts on OF?
No. 1429323
>>1429314Everyone on OF is in the top 3% etc of creators lmao
I don't think it means too much, the title is handed to anyone it seems
No. 1429412
File: 1643397362714.jpeg (135.23 KB, 1282x555, 7FDE9165-9B70-4560-91C9-1A5C35…)

Didn’t Kaya say she couldn’t get her stuff? Like yeah I’m sure they’re just chatting on the phone
No. 1429423
I’m so fed up with anons deciding that Kaya is a saint now because of narc abuse. She’s already shown us what kind of person she is and that is a whiny self entitled lazy brat.
No. 1429438
File: 1643399136015.jpg (151.21 KB, 595x457, tweedledee.jpg)

Jake is under a fan's post, posting this. So he's inserting himself = he's reading everyone's tweets.
No. 1429463
>>1429336Ayrt, yeah that's what I thought too but worded it badly in my post
>>1429438>I'm helping her find a placeI mean with his history of lying about helping her, like when he claimed he was paying for her expenses but she said he wasn't, how true is this? But if kaya is apparently taking ages to find her dream house instead of just trying to leave a freezing unsafe studio asap, she does need some help. I'm glad they've broken up but I hope she doesn't fall back into her lazy ways
No. 1429495
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>>1429438>I'm fully aware she can't stay thereLol but Jake you said she was living in a studio apartment and it was totally safe, remember? He also said he was paying for her food and car which turned out to be a lie too.
>>1429488Don't know why you're so hellbent on acting like it's Kaya who doesn't want to stay there. We don't know every detail of the situation and the fact that Kaya has to stay at a commerical studio means it's probably the mom's choice to not have her live there.
No. 1429500
>>1429412>>1429438These make me feel physically ill because he’s got to be lying. I guess they have to still be in contact if there’s stuff being stored at his house etc but this “Kaya said this” when Kaya is SO open about everything on her socials (to a fault) feels so off. Plus he’s weirdly using her as a shield here instead of telling his fans to back off because she’s clearly scared of inciting the rage of the snaccs.
Idk, this all just screams gaslighting in the most insidious way. Especially when paired with
>>1429495 - he knew damn well it isn’t an apartment, nowhere on any of the marketing materials or in a local person’s understanding of the building would suggest it was a space someone could live in. We also don’t say “story” in the UK, we say “floor”. Just a huge manipulation of his American audience.
No. 1429617
File: 1643413471319.jpg (436.99 KB, 1080x1448, 3_Twitter.jpg)

There's something so creepy and uncanny valley about Jake's biggest fans, the "badass boyfriends". The way they look, things they say, way they type. I swear it's like they're aliens pretending to be humans. Maybe they're the aliens from Jake's "UFO sighting" and now they're keeping an eye on him LOL. Just kidding. How's that for tinfoil.
No. 1429621
>>1429612This. We know that Jake lies easily. Remember him adamantly maintaining that they hadn't broken up when they clearly had? And he's holding something over her, she's said that there's "stuff she can't talk about." I don't know if he threatened to sue her, like he did with the motorbike dealer, threatening to evict her, holding her hoard hostage or what. Or maybe she's just scared of him because he clearly has a problem with rage, and routinely Kyled out to the point where she had to hide her valuables.
All of this has been extensively discussed
I really don't know why people insist on creating some Jake/Kaya conspiracy when the explanation is really simple.
No. 1429630
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Slight tinfoil, but Kaya low-key addressing the thread discussion about her housing?
Hopefully she finds something good enough to settle for
No. 1429721
File: 1643423054878.jpg (915.95 KB, 1080x1745, emogayden.jpg)

>>1429617Spot that T vial. "Stevie" is of course an Aiden, hence why "he" has to mention his sweet GAY boyfriend all the time. Weird autistic women of every kind seems to be Stumpy's only snaccs.
No. 1429783
>>1429779actually no i haven't.
you never met a short fat girl? cause that's clearly what it is.
No. 1429864
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>>1429721The person in the video above is an ex fan who's a tranny.
>>1429649>>1429770Nta, but on no planet is this the face of a 16 year old. No mention of a sweet gay boyfriend on her fb.
No. 1429949
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No. 1429974
>>1429937That's just so retarded. Letting your daughter have a warm place to stay and a hot shower will not make her lose her benefits. No one will care and it's a temporary solution to just having your daughter made homeless.
There has to be something more to it. Maybe her ma runs a brothel lmao
No. 1429988
>>1429974Stop commenting on shit you know nothing about
It’s well known in the UK that shit like this can fuck over benefits- as the other anon pointed out, this even extends to partners
Many disabled people can’t move in with, let alone marry, their partner as the loss of benefits would be too great
No. 1430000
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No. 1430032
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>>1429999Then they should just declare it then.
Kaya can clearly afford to help with the rent from all her donations. If her mum's house is so small the rent shouldn't be that much.
Surely that's better than being in an unsafe studio.
That's if it is a benefits issue of course.
No. 1430038
Is Fake really so thick to post shit on Twitter thinking Kaya's not gonna find out? he's just digging the hole even deeper now, it's hilarious
No. 1430059
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>>1429721found the sweet badass boyfriend. he looks a little old for our Stevie.
No. 1430098
>>1430000Surprise surprise, Jake was talking out of his ass yet again.
>>1430092Imagine your boyfriend publicly splits with you and then within the month of the announcement is showing his disgusting todger on the internet and posting about the "pussy" he's getting on his shag-holiday, so embarrassing. No wonder people are flocking to Kaya, yet to do anything cringey in this situation.
>>1430032We don't know if her mum is on benefits but the reality is she is an adult woman who moved out over ten years ago, having her move back in is not something her mum would have planned for and it's unlikely she has the room. Idk where anons are located but houses in the UK and Ireland are on the small side (and overpriced), people generally only have room for the family they plan on living there and no more. Like literally not even space for a sofa, spare bed or whatnot. As a Youtuber Kaya does need space to sleep, store her stuff and film, which in a UK/Irish house would mean making massive adjustments which are likely literally impossible given the aforementioned size issue.
No. 1430142
File: 1643480957050.png (648.44 KB, 1440x2216, Screenshot_20220129-122725.png)

Fake responding to being found out in yet another lie, kek.
No. 1430147
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Someone’s asked him on Twitter about the ‘help’ he was offering and he’s said he asked her and she said no. Fucking good for you Kaya.
His tweet was weird though ‘at the time’ it was yesterday you said you were going to be helping her, when you clearly hadn’t even asked yet. Slippery fucker.
Bonus appearance by Stevie. I’m sure his badass bf isn’t far behind.
No. 1430290
>>1430264I thought the same, breakup video got hundreds of thousands of views where she discusses living in a commercial premises.
I'm surprised she's got away with it for so long, the building really must not have any security at all if she's got away with it for this long without police being called and the landlord being made aware.
No. 1430295
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Some unintentionally spot-on fan art of Jake. It really captures his victim mentality perfectly
No. 1430313
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This person is 14 and Jake shared this to his stories.
No. 1430341
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>>1430328Looks like someone did.
No. 1430475
>>1430313He probably didn't check her account, we all know how little he cares for his fans and just shares thsse stoeies for an ego boost.
Or, tinfoil, maybe he knows her age but because he calls all his fans snacks and promotes OF on main, he doesn't see anything wrong with a minor posing suggestively with a plushie that's meant to be him?
No. 1430653
File: 1643542701922.jpg (544.24 KB, 1080x1652, 20220130_123717.jpg)

Dorian sowing vs Dorian reaping.
No. 1430658
>>1430579Cool. Lets blame the minor. Because 14 year olds can make informed decisions about consent.
The reason reposting pics like this is fucked up is because 14 year olds can't understand the consequences of their actions.
No. 1430734
>>1430653Tbh that wouldn't surprise me. It's unethical so the doc would probably never admit to it, but I know a lot of them do it, especially if the patient is someone as "unusual" as Dorian is.
What bothers me most is that Dorian, for all her life on the internet didn't learn to not leave behind information that can be easily traced back to her. Like, a very particular unique username that she had for ages and used to spill her drug stories and all that. Linking back to old writing that is possibly iffy and such.
Dorian, there's a reason celebs and influencers have secret accounts if they MUST post about sketchy shit. You left enough information behind for people to learn your birth name despite you never using it.
For someone who claims to be very internet savvy, she sure is stupid.
No. 1430798
>>1430790But they're explicitly not benefit fraudsters, because she didn't move in. There's not WK-ing, and then there's going out of your way to repeatedly harp on things for the sake of finding fault.
If you want to bitch about Kaya, by all means. She's a lazy entitled brat. Plenty there without having to grasp at straws.
No. 1430804
>>1430798Whatever I think Kaya and her family are weird. I think it explains a lot of things about why Kaya is the way she is. How has her mum been watching her cat since October and not known Kaya also got kicked out? If her mum is getting over cancer would it not make sense for Kaya to mind her and her cat.
>>1430147Wish one of them would do an update on the breakup. I'm bored of watching male cows turn predators. It's just upsetting.
No. 1430869
>>1430863Are you kidding? With all those raging hormones they might as well be brain dead. It is up to adults to make sure lines aren’t crossed. Only groomers and nonces welcome such attention.
I mostly blame parents who don’t keep an eye on their kids’ social media activity.
No. 1430874
>>1430869This. If you see a fourteen year old posting this about you your reaction should be to tell them to delete it and not do it again. Or if you want to abdicate all responsebility, ignore them.
Jake is an authority figure to these kids. Even if we may all agree he's a pathetic stumpy narc, there is a power imbalance between him, and the underage fans that worship him. If he gives them positive attention for posting this, what exactly does that mean?
14 year olds are just figuring out what sex is, and that it can get them attention and validation. But they don't have the ability yet to properly contextualize WHY they might be getting that attention. The charitable view here is that Jake values his own clout over their safety. The less charitable view is that he's actually fine with this because it reinforces his whole gross "daddy" image.
I don't think he's a nonce. But I think he's indifferent to placing kids within the reach of nonces if it benefits him.
No. 1430883
>>1430798>explicitly not benefit fraudsters, because she didn't move inI like that this debate has gone on so long despite no clear evidence Kaya's mum is on benefits at all.
>>1430866>The fact of the matter is Kaya thought Jake would realize he made a mistake and take her backHow is this a
fact of the matter when there is no evidence for this either? That's just your opinion, personally after the absolute garbage fire jake has been making of his life and public image over the last months I struggle to believe Kaya would even take him back if he came begging. He showed his true colours well and truly.
Kaya's also seen her old friends come back and huge support from fans/followers after the breakup. This has gotta tell her something.
No. 1430885
>>1430874>14 year olds are just figuring out what sex is, and that it can get them attention and validation. But they don't have the ability yet to properly contextualize WHY they might be getting that attention. Nail on head, this is precisely why sexualisation and predation of youth is so wrong. Even dumbass legal adults like Belle Delphine clearly didn't fully comprehend
why they are getting attention and what it means for them/their lives/safety, no chance a 14 year old kid does.
It's basic sense to check the age of someone before you repost a suggestive image of them.
No. 1430928
>>1430653She puts her entire life especially mental health on youtube with clickbait titles and her doctor watching them is stalking, hilarious. I think it would be negligent of her doctor
not to watch them, fucking hell.
No. 1431087
Kaya has a new vlog. from chats to the camera, she films getting two of her recent tattoos and then going for a drink with some friends.
A few points of note:
- She asked for tattoos/money for tattoos (unclear) for Christmas as her living situation meant she had nowhere to keep physical gifts. The tattoos shown in the vlog were her hand and foot tattoos which were done by two friends of hers.
- Jake and Kaya had planned to restart their gaming channel in 2021 before moving got in the way. It was to be called "Two goths play" or something. This might be a channel/format that Jake still plans to do, and could be related to the "stream/partnership deal" Major referred to having been offered. Major also made reference to being "invited to be part of MAG but he got off that train before it left the station". Major discussed these things briefly during his Q&A stream intro after cutting ties with Jake, which is why I figure Jake still has plans for a gaming channel of some kind.
- The gaming studio is one of two studio spaces that Kaya has access to in the building. She describes it as smaller than her own studio, and due to its size and the soundproofing on the walls she says it can get little warmer so spends time in there sometimes, but says that she doesn't know how long she will have access to it. It is attached to another studio space next door which has a window and adjoining door into the gaming studio, so she feels it is less safe than her own studio, therefore she doesn't sleep or stay in there for long.
- When discussing why she does not sleep in the gaming studio, she says that there is also a martial arts class held somewhere in the building near to the gaming studio. She explains that the "really loud banging and slamming and men shouting" makes her tremble and flinch with every noise. I appreciate that anxiety can get you like that sometimes, and those sorts of sounds can be unsettling, but considering Jake's history of anger this is a potentially worrying thing to hear her talk about.
- She discusses how she feels she should be making more videos/recording more but it is too cold to do so. She vlogs a little bit wearing the makeup look from her last GRWM video (the pink and green) and comments on how cold she is, having moved down to the smaller gaming studio again to try to warm up, despite running the heaters in her studio for hours before recording.
- She ends the video discussing once again that all of her income from patreon and fan donations that she is not using to cover her car, her petrol and her food, is being saved. After her first video (the breakup video I believe), she states again that has been paying for those things herself.
No. 1431102
>>1431096I thought this was pretty well known and also that they were friends for a while prior to the breakup? But the vlog shows that he's still friends with Kaya. That's the thing about mutual friend circles after breakup drama like this, friends tend to pick a side, and from the looks of things plenty of them are choosing Kaya. Kaya and the artist were the ones fucked over by their partners decisions, makes sense that they'd remain friends afterwards imo.
I remember seeing on her instagram stories that she was in a group chat very recently with Lythero and KrookedGlasses (his partner) who had also appeared in numerous old vlogs of Jake's. More friends that were in plenty of his content and then suddenly never seen or heard from again. I wonder how many are still in touch with him after all of this? The sharing of the group chat screencap on insta felt a little bit like "look, they still talk to me, they sided with -me-" but honestly good for them.
No. 1431107
>>1431087Saged because this is old milk but the recent vlog began with Kaya mentioning having chest pains before recording. She says it felt a lot like the time she had to phone an ambulance during a MAG stream and that they hadn't diagnosed what the problem was at the time.
She posted a video about it back in 2016. Her symptoms correlate with heart attack or angina. Pressure/tight chest, nausea, cold sweat. Probably why she was told to call an ambulance and go to hospital asap.
In the 2016 video Kaya mentioned something about a heart irregularity that she didn't seem too worried about, but that the hospital didn't give her any other answers. Since she'd had a really bad experience in hospital the night of her breakup and with all of the recent health scares, its not surprising that she didn't seek medical attention when it happened again.
(embed YouTube links) No. 1431307
>>1430313genuine question- if you don't think it's okay for him to post it to his stories why did you post it here?
>>1431107I remember that video, because I was subscribed to her back then. I was actually just thinking about this recently, because in that video she was saying how she was having pains around her rib cage or something like that and they had to call a nurse and the nurse said to call an ambulance.. and she said that jake was getting really worried and upset and was trying to apologize for a bunch of stuff, like how he gets really mad at her sometimes. knowing what we know now, that seems so unlike jake. it made me wonder if he acted much more loving and affectionate behind the scenes and that's why their relationship lasted so long when it looked dead to everyone else.
No. 1431314
>>1431307I wonder why it would be different for a man who calls himself "goth daddy" to share a picture of a 14 year old girl's thighs on his public profile with all those followers. It's almost like he's exposing her to far more people than you could on an obscure women's basket weaving forum and encouraging such behavior from his other young fans as a way to get his attention, while we're simply pointing out how he should not do that.
And no, Jake was not more loving and affectionate behind the scenes. He himself admitted they hadn't really been romantic with each other in years, and given that he's a dickwad with rage issues and an admitted lack of respect for anyone who couldn't beat the shit out of him, including children and animals, it would be silly to think he was magically a great enough partner when the cameras were off. He was affectionate with her in the lovebombing stage, way back in the beginning when she was still a skinny teenage model financially supporting his every need. Any guilt or panic that caught up with him in the moment when she was getting hauled off in an ambulance was nothing more than that, a realization that she'd given him everything despite him walking all over her, and his life would be shit without her.
No. 1431326
>>1431314>It's almost like he's exposing her to far more people than you could on an obscure women's basket weaving forumwe have tons of (male) lurkers from 4chan though who are constantly capping and baiting, remember steven? I just think it seems hypocritical to call him gross for posting a 14 year old's crotch them come and post the exact same image here. not to mention a story is only up for 24 hours and an IG post can be deleted but a screenshot on here will be archived for as long as the site is up. also lolcow isn't all that obscure as far as gossip websites go and always had way more lurkers than people who actually choose to post.
>And no, Jake was not more loving and affectionate behind the scenesI didn't say he was, I said he might have
acted that way
No. 1431333
>>1431326>>1431323Both anons who posted it here blocked out her name. If they'd left her name in, or this were one of the threads more prone to attracting chanboys, then I'd be more bothered by it, but generally altcows doesn't have as big an issue with that and anyone who wanted to find her would find her through his story anyways. Nobody here can click on that picture and immediately get taken to her social media like anyone could on Jake's story. Likewise, while we might have a good number of lurkers, they aren't lurking in every thread, and probably aren't lurking altcows in the hopes that we'll cap someone doing something irresponsible with the picture of a child. Depending on how the mods want to enforce the 16+ rule though, you might be able to report the pictures and have them taken down if it bothers you here.
As for how he acted towards kaya, I stand by what I said. If you don't actually think he was more loving and affectionate behind the scenes, why even bring it up as a possibility when there's so much evidence to the contrary?
No. 1431375
>>1431370Tinfoil. But what if he was trying to do damage control in case a medical worker started asking Kaya about any stress factors she might have been dealing with?
Maybe he was genuinly worried. Maybe he was worried because she was still his meal ticket. Who knows.
No. 1431486
>>1431314>>1431370yea, I think it was guilt and nothing more. Having been with an
abusive partner before, they treat you like shit but when you're in a potentially life-threatening situation then all of a sudden they're kind or seem remorseful. It's temporary but i do think it stems from guilt, so some narcs and abusers have a bit of a conscience but it doesnt come from a good place
No. 1431620
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>>1423288For those wondering why she isn’t staying at her mom’s.
No. 1431649
File: 1643661117840.jpg (134.55 KB, 628x811, 1lGUJ7T.jpg)

disgusting, enough to put anyone off their lunch. he looks at least 40 as well kek
No. 1431675
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>>1431649Les Battersby let himself go
No. 1431724
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>>1431649The worst part is the caption on ONLYFANS.
No. 1431729
File: 1643666726040.webm (801.4 KB, 478x402, YouTubeSR0334_1.webm)
He just ended the stream with a little Freudian slip and I am HOWLING.
No. 1431743
>>1431729hahaha nice catch
>>1431734to his top donators: "you guys mean so much to me, you have no idea. It's why I do these streams and I make as much as I- make as many videos as I do"
No. 1432097
File: 1643717792657.png (340.59 KB, 1080x902, Screenshot_20220201-120735.png)

I cannot believe after that whole preachy tweet Jake made in light of Sarah Everard's murder that he doesn't see the extreme hypocrisy of putting a lone woman in this dangerous situation where she has stated multiple times she does not feel safe. He had the audacity in his comments section to act like he was Saint Jake for allowing Kaya the privilege of having to stay in an un-secure, cold commercial space where it seems during the day anyone and their dog can wander in off the street.For months!This man is genuinely fucking monstrous
No. 1432099
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>>1423288>>1432097Wonder if Jake threatened her or got violent.
No. 1432141
>>1432104Yeah. He was nervous as fuck last week. Constantly checking his phone during stream. Wouldn't surprise me at all if he got angry at her for the backlash his own shitty behaviour caused. Hope he just stuck to his usual wall punching and breaking stuff, as awful as that is.
I'm the Anon with the diagnosed narc ex. Narcissistic rage is pretty nasty, and usually kicks in when the narcissist feels threatened or panics, either because they get critisized for their actions or don't get what they want from someone. After my Ex and I broke up he showed up at my new place to punch my front door a lot, and it meant I never felt safe in that apartment. People just let him in through the downstairs security door. And my guess is Jake probably just has a key, which is so much worse.
No. 1432148
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>>1432099Who else would she
think it was. Very clearly her ex that has access to where she is with anger issues.
No. 1432151
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Oh crap
No. 1432347
File: 1643746015633.png (862.17 KB, 1536x2048, 2047D735-47EE-422E-A33A-6934CF…)

The fuck?
No. 1432351
>>1432347Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Speaking of his Twitter, before he went private I noticed that Roly is no longer following him.
No. 1432370
File: 1643748156073.png (257.39 KB, 1220x801, lmao.png)

>>1432359Diff anon here. But I don't even use Twitter as you can see and it is private. It seems he did lock it.
No. 1432386
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banana mum is at stumpy’s defense again, this time wking about how he is a real goff and that no music is goth because anything can be goth! there was a lot more sperging than this but you get the gist
No. 1432397
>>1432386She’s so painfully stupid
A two second google would have saved her some embarrassment
So much for being in fear for her and her kids lives I see she’s comfortable being jakes defence force again
No. 1432410
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>>1432403He posted a meme about The Cure and said Pornography was 'god tier level' or something like that so people started calling him out
No. 1432498
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>>1432276UK anon. Farbgel spray is legal. It's only a red gel dye that stains their face but the distance of the spray is 4 meters. Always keep it in my bag. It's not mace, but better than nothing. Before the amnesty I carried a knife which, in retrospect, was stupid. Best not use anything they could use on you. She just needs to keep her door locked amd not walk around in the dark. /community police advice
No. 1433527
>>1433511Yeah, these people sound like they're her parents, and the worst parents at that. This whole break up drama is already milky as it is, people have to stop trying to create drama where there isn't or it gets boring. I totally understand why she's staying in the studio while simultaneously choosing to be there while she gets a proper place, idk what isn't there to understand. Hotels are expensive as fuck, even the cheapest ones, she doesn't even have a date for moving, how can someone just check in a hotel without a date to leave? Millionaires? She said she's paying for her own things herself and not Jake, that includes the studio, if she went somewhere else she'd have to pay one more rent. All the while trying to save money… its impossible for someone who has no job and no savings. I am fairly sure she's being supported financially by her parents, or at least helped by them, but it must be enough just to get by.
I'm assuming that she'll be ditching the studio for good after she moves, leaving it all to Jake (or back to the landlord, idk) because she seemed really scared that a certain "someone" would get to her there…
"Oh but why does she complain about it then?" Like we don't complain about shit we can't currently change… we all do that, it makes no sense to expect any living person with a social media presence to not be complaining about their lives, that's not milk.
would be milk, is that OF pic Jake posted, no
nonnie willing to pay that hard earned 35£ yet huh?
No. 1433631
>>1433611As someone who has been renting in Belfast for years now, I've found it easier to get a house than an apartment here. There are stacks of terraced houses and semi-detached available compared to number of apartments.
Also you can get a 2 bed house with decent living space for about the same price as a tiny 1 bed apartment. Apartments also tend to be more strict about having pets.
No. 1433921
>>1433628The "Snacc Sanctuary" is the one I believe he was banned from and which cut all ties and remains a "generic alt" discord.
There was a new discord that sprung up around the time of the breakup, "The Munro Syndicate" or something equally cringe, which I believe is where a load of the banana-mom and wolf-furry caps came from in the last thread, but I could be wrong. I have no idea whether it allows minors or not but I would presume it does because Jake doesn't give a fuck. I would also wager that it is nowhere near as strict regarding content policing and actually trying to keep minors safe because the drama lost him a shitton of mods. He's probably only got the ones left who live so far up his ass they can taste his toothpaste, leaving most of the ones who were doggedly policing content behind or driving them away entirely.
No. 1433938
>>1433675Most houses in England and Ireland are terraced
>Brit (of a street) having a row of usually identical houses with common dividing walls .(Building) Brit (of a property) being one of a row of usually identical houses with common dividing wallsMight be less common in the US but that's the vast majority of housing, thus cheaper or the same price as a flat and more readily available. We don't really build upward and make tons of apartments, and the ones that do exist are overpriced, tiny new builds for the same price as one or two floors of an older terraced home. So just to reiterate the other anons with pointing out that looking for a "house" isn't unusual here bearing in mind what's available/prices.
No. 1433956
>>1433944This. It's dull as fuck to keep rehashing and kinda sad if her biggest crime at the moment is that she's taking a while to find somewhere to live during a pandemic, with no job, no savings, after having her entire life pulled out from under her.
Whining on the internet is annoying, but otherwise that seems to be the sum total of her sins right now? Jake's touting his shitty overpriced OF to whoever will listen, including his horde of rabid underage fans, has locked down his Discord, locked down his twitter account, hasn't put out a new shitty reaction video in a week, has lost another few thousand subs on Youtube… How are we still banging on about how Kaya hasn't managed to pull somewhere to live out of her ass when it feels like there's way more interesting shit going on with this clownfaced dumpsterfire.
No. 1433998
File: 1643930949109.jpeg (322.45 KB, 823x1470, 41AFE23B-759D-4733-A6E4-0C74F7…)

He’s back in America… we don’t want him.
No. 1434029

i found this video posted on twitter. seven minutes full of clips of jake sperging about how much he hates belfast and ireland, the people that live in it, that there's no goth scene, and that there's also nothing to do there. i wonder if that hate for belfast rubbed off onto kaya. i know she always complained about the weather and stuff, but i don't think she really hated living in belfast until jake came along. living with that negative narc for so long, it was probably easier for kaya to just nod and agree.
Some of what was said in the video:
>im a great vlogger but stopped vlogging because belfast and northern ireland arent interesting
>see? the whole belfast city state looks awful
>80% shitty area
>there's nothing to do. there's no events, no clubs. this place sucks it out of you and not in a good way
barf. maybe they were boring vlogs because you filmed yourself doing chores?
>people in northern ireland don't even know what a tv is, let alone a drone
>if anyone is gonna be a sheep shagger it's gonna be people over here in ireland
that's not nice, stumpy
>everytime we leave to go travel out of northern ireland, it reminds me how much i hate living in northern ireland
>i can't wait to fly hundreds of miles in every direction away from this place
>i'm gonna be travelling a lot, which is why i don't have a problem with living here in northern ireland, because if i'm barely here it doesn't really matter, i'm just living here for the cheap living rates and free healthcare
i guess this explains why he wants to travel so much
>the reason why im so desperate to move is because i cannot possibly spend another second in this house that is way too small, in this room that is also WAY TOO SMALL, in this COUNTRY that is way to small, filled with people whose minds are way too small
so it doesn’t matter if you live in belfast, but you also can’t spend another second there? which one?
>there's no youtubers in northern ireland and if there are they aren't big enough to do it full time
>no youtubers so me and kaya are isolated
>everyone whose creative that we've ever met has left here. that's why i don't have any friends here anymore.
that’s not the only reason you don’t have friends
>the cultural- the music scene in belfast is DEAD. unless you play rehashed old tired metallica stuff, which is about as heavy as it gets here, you're not gonna get a gig. there's no metal gigs in belfast city. we've TRIED and TRIED and TRIED
>in belfast people sit down in the back and just drink, but in DUBLIN people get up and APPRECIATE the bands
>i've been in dublin, i don't like it. belfast, i hate it.
which is it fake? do you just hate ireland as a whole?
>i've lived here for 10 years with NO ONE who speaks my accent and the northern irish accent is so damn goofy, i sure as hell wasn't gonna pick that up
he then proceeded to mock the accent with "so i got a horse here-". jake, your fake ass american accent is way more annoying, and probably why you haven't met anyone with your phony accent!
>i would get a cleaner that comes over my house and cleans my house for me and frees up LITERALLY HOURS OF MY TIME PER WEEK but unfortunately there is no such thing as a cleaning service in belfast city. wait no, there was one and it was a scam
No. 1434271
>>1434258This is correct. Belfast people are known for generally being very friendly.
However they don't tend to suffer fools and arrogant pricks like Jake Munro would certainly be hard to tolerate.
No. 1434275
>>1434258I've seen multiple friends of mine in the background in Jake's old vlogs and they've all been embarrassed when I've sent it to them.
I'd be mortified if I saw myself.
(learn2sage) No. 1434335
>>1434329I don't think he likes Jake per se, if anything he probably thinks Jake is a poseur (and well, he is). I just think that given the situation if he were to take a side he'd probably still side with Jake while not being a fan of him because he seems like the mean spirited narc type who would.
>>1434333Kek true, what short fat FTM wants to be next to a 6+ foot tall chiseled bodybuilder? None.
No. 1434351
>>1434029No metal gigs in Belfast.
Belfast quite literally has some fucking amazing bands. The scene in Belfast is much better than a lot of cities. Just no one likes his narcissistic emo bullshit unless you’re a 14 year old girl with parents going through divorce.
No. 1434484
>>1433944Kaya doesn't have a job or a life she could have found a place in the first month if she was that desperate. There's clearly other stuff going on because I can't fathom that that bitch did not complain about living there sooner if she's been there since October. I realise she's more trustworthy than Jake but the two of them have been scammers, she just plays
victim more and is better at it. Personally I don't get why she gets so many saps around her, for the majority of her 20s she's been living comfortable without having to do any hard work. Sorry if I think she should be doing more she does nothing
No. 1434487
>>1434296Not that he's got megabucks, and I'm still real sus about where the money for the house move, bikes and cars came from and how long it will last, but he's doing well enough to keep jetting off abroad at a moments notice.
He's been to the USA twice since the breakup and Barcelona once. Trotting off to the States at short notice is not cheap, and its a really weird "look how much money I have" flex to tout all the travelling he both plans on doing, and does without any warning.
No. 1434499
>>1434492Superchats count as donations? Almost certain he'd need to be paying tax on that as income. Same for Patreon, its income not donations. He isn't a charity and UK tax peeps will for sure raise eyebrows if he's trying to play it off as gifted funds or some shit. I'm by no means a financial and UK Tax expert but I'm pretty sure an entertainer can't get away with regularly declaring donations for tax writeoffs.
And I checked last night. With notice of about a week, a return flight to say, Nashville, is still around £650+.
If you consider an impulse travel decision of £650 "cheap", then I guess I'm jelly of your income situation
No. 1434504
>>1434499>relatively cheapThey're not what they were and considering we're discussing Jake and not my income and the superchats he pulls in on a single stream.
Patron he'll for sure be taxed but I thought stream donations were considered gifts and he declares income earned via adsense sponsors.
No. 1434577
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Wonder what it'll be, I think she looks good here body wise
No. 1434626
>>1434604Shut the fuck up about thigh gaps, Ana chan, they’re literally just genetic.
>>1434603She looks like she’s lost a solid amount of weight from her chin. I’m kind of into this era for her. It feels icky that it was from extreme stress/depression around the breakup thought.
No. 1434703
>>1434604okay anachan, go off i guess kek
compared to most of her videos, especially her lookbook ones, she looks quite a bit slimmer. obviously she's not stick-thin, but she has slimmed down a substantial amount. but of course nobody can be as skinny as you kek
No. 1434738
>>1434726Especially considering at least three of the tattoos were given by her friends who actually seem to like her, rather than friendships that feel weird, transactional and performative from an observer POV.
>>1434727Narcs get you to believe everything they believe. Their worldview becomes your worldview. We'll have to see how things develop after the breakup but I have hopes that a lot of the shit she used to get on this site was essentially through her behaving in a way that was more about the enforced beliefs and behaviour of her turbonarc boyfriend. He's got that "disliking stuff is my personality" thing going on and when the biggest person in your life acts like that (and has been that way since you got together when you were essentially still a child) then I imagine it rubs off to a degree.
Blogposting but from personal experience of a teenage relationship with a huge fucking narc, I didn't go anywhere, do anything, and had no friends because that's what he wanted. For us to be all the other had. I truly hope that Kaya flourishes and finds herself, although it might take a while for her to figure that out.
No. 1434757
>>1434029>barely here it doesn't really matter, i'm just living here for the cheap living rates and free healthcareExtra nasty statement considering the story is supposed to be that he couldn't bear to be parted from Kaya and that's why he moved
Reminder he is from Wales….cheap living and free healthcare are there too, both are part of the UK.
>i've lived here for 10 years with NO ONE who speaks my accent and the northern irish accent is so damn goofy, i sure as hell wasn't gonna pick that upYou don't have a Welsh accent, moron, as anon said nobody has your accent because it's a fake one. Northern Irish accents are very nice, he really can't help constantly shitting on absolutely everything about NI and by extension Kaya, down to their voices. What a little turd.
No. 1434764
File: 1644009659815.jpg (139.78 KB, 1400x1400, madtv_stuart.0.0.jpg)

>>1434030>>1433998The hairstyle is giving Stuart from MadTV.
No. 1434851
>>1434001Actually sort of looks like he's tried to use too much facetune and ended up looking more like a burns
victim than a kawaii boy
No. 1434865
File: 1644019115455.png (1.85 MB, 1536x2048, 5DB0710D-29F0-4C89-8A2C-B985A3…)

Kaya is throwing some shade finally
No. 1434867
File: 1644019137435.jpg (415.62 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220204-130026_Ins…)

Look who awknowledged that the rest of his band exists. They must be increasingly thrilled to be associated with him.
No. 1434885
>>1434727This, and also a lot of cocktail/bar nights when she used to not like drinking. There's a post on her old tumblr that says "I practically never drink, when I do its usually something small like a strawberry cider" (inb4 this is an imageboard - it's one line in a really irrelevant spurge about skincare).
This was years ago and I get that people's tastes change, and also that she was full blown freaking out about her weight at the time, but I'm willing to bet that a HUGE reason for her going out more is that Jake was an angry or attention seeking drunk, or he was aggressively negative about everywhere they went and just not fun to be out with.
No. 1434920
>>1434885Pretty sure Jake has admitted that he doesn't go out drinking because he gets in fights. iirc he blames the OTT makeup but it's probably just that he's even more of a cunt after a few drinks.
>>1434867Nah he's just sharing yet more fanart by one of his biggest simps. If you tag him in anything remotely ego-boosting he'll share it.
No. 1434987
File: 1644029717930.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1620x2079, 3798D392-6464-437E-8D11-A07429…)

Jake is in Nashville with his new Coattail K.Let’s see how far he gets riding it.
No. 1435028
>>1434865The laughing emoji is the cherry ton top for me
Yes girl throw that shade
No. 1435542
>>1435439It doesn't seem that way in recent vlogs and stories. She mentions that she stays with friends here and there, too. It's been hinted at numerous times that friends know what had happened prior to the breakup video, and that some might know more than is being made public. They're keeping that information to themselves for her benefit. Those people aren't getting clout for any of this, or name dropped, or anything. They're being there for her. Also literally everyone plugs their tattoo artist when they get a new tatt, it just so happens that she's friends with all of her recent artists so naturally they're going to appear more on her social media?
Usually when you're distancing from friends because of an asshole partner, it's not that they're ditching you. They just eventually stop inviting you to things because you keep turning them down. Because your partner doesn't want to/doesn't like them/doesn't like you having friends. Eventually they do fade out of your life, it's sad but it happens, and its nothing really to do with being a shitty friend. The relationship spanned years, they weren't going to wait on her forever. One of the hardest things to come to terms with after ending a relationship like this, is the fact that along the way you've isolated yourself from the friends you used to have. Reaching back out to them and eating humble pie about the fact that you were the one damaging the friendship because of your partner, is difficult.
No. 1435626
>>1435542I feel like this is accurate. A couple of these friends have been around for a while now without being tagged or appearing in videos. And she might have a sizeable following but it’s not like she’s a major influencer raking in cash or driving huge sales for other people. Her IG was really flagging (it looked like someone’s finsta for ages) and I’d say there was equal parts, if not more, gossip and negativity in her search results and comments before the breakup.
Tl;dr I’m sure she’s had to deal with weirdos and stalkers but Kaya doesn’t have enough influencer clout or a curated enough feed to have a Hype House-esque posse of fake friends.
No. 1436071
>>1436046she didn't make a video about Carl dying as far as I'm aware. However in one video she said "Since Carl's no longer with us…" or along those lines which would suggest he had died but she wouldn't reply to people asking this in the comments so can't confirm??
>>1436060C.J. not T!
No. 1436168
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No. 1436175
File: 1644167701442.jpg (676.52 KB, 1080x2220, _Instagram.jpg)

Eye roll.
No. 1436301
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Filter is doing him no favours here. WTF even is this face. Looks like if Riffraff gave up on his diet.
No. 1436304
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>>1436301I feel bad doing Christopher Lloyd so dirty but
No. 1436381
File: 1644180303461.jpg (796.74 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220206-203816_Ins…)

Pillsbury clownboy.
No. 1436397
File: 1644181051352.jpg (760.58 KB, 1080x2019, Screenshot_20220206-205259_Ins…)

Is this what he lined his eyes with kek? Who are the people he's with by the way, I was under the impression he has nobody except kat and k.
>>1436381Jude bishop's friend flashbacks. I wonder what happened to him, he deleted his socials and jude teased that he's a predator but didn't speak out despite claiming to be an activist.
No. 1436401
>>1436381Homeboy looking sick asf.
>>1436397>Who are the people he's with by the way, I was under the impression he has nobody except kat and k.I think they're his fans maybe?
No. 1436413
>>1436381He looks so haggard and creepy. He’s clearly trying to pull the cartoon faces from his thumbnails that pull in views and make fans think he’s this cute goofy guy but he really does look like a nonce.
>>1436397It’s definitely a fan meet up.
>>1436191This, and total autism but I hate when artists say “omg doodle” when it’s like neat and finalised linework. Just say you’re insecure. It looks traced from an old janky game.
>>1436168Bless her, whether this is directly about Jake or not I believe she feels this way about life and it must’ve been soul-crushing living with his
toxic RISE AND GRIND bullshit when all she wanted to do is go on picnics. She needed to get off her ass but he needed to tone the angry entitled go-getter schtick down about 300%. I hope she glows up in this post-Jake era.
No. 1436435
File: 1644183442135.jpeg (778.31 KB, 1186x2089, 5DC708AB-0AA6-4E63-B5B8-E017A2…)

Coattail K bumming Jake’s lip look
No. 1436502
File: 1644187635007.jpg (451.57 KB, 1080x1915, Screenshot_20220206-154510_Ins…)

I posted something on ig about jake cheating and both him and kat liked it. It's not tagged or anything.
No. 1436561
>>1436435Or is she going for the Black Dahlia smile? Would she be aware of it? Stumpy is shallow so will attract shallow friends.
He really doesn't have anyone. Just a terrible throat ripping noise maker who can't decide if she's male or female but lops her breasts off. Maybe he'll try heroin. Drink is juvenile. Rock stars like himself do heroin.
No. 1436594
File: 1644194792206.jpeg (82.54 KB, 435x553, 0ED08929-BF90-4446-A82D-D32EA7…)

Kaya looking the best she has in awhile! While Jake looks like a walking “don’t smoke” ad
No. 1436610
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>>1436609Samefag. Forgot image
No. 1436633
File: 1644199139530.jpg (410.71 KB, 1080x1080, 20220207_025726.jpg)

Isn't this guy in stumpy's band?
No. 1436654
File: 1644200403377.jpg (307.45 KB, 588x832, ohnoes.jpg)

Just dropping this here.
No. 1436747
File: 1644208873682.jpg (415.99 KB, 1080x1920, 3728.jpg)

Kaya seems to be having a very fun night. Looks like she's getting close to Dean, that's awesome. While Jake seems to just be an awkward extra to K that whole lesbian crew.
No. 1436807
>>1436774Jake would have the shit fit to end all shit fits if that happened. I can totally see him being the ‘I don’t want you but I don’t want anyone else to have you’ type. He fully expects her to just waste away pining after him. I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if Kaya and Dean are quite close at the moment, shared trauma and all that.
I’m living for how much fun she’s having and how good she’s looking. When you compare it to stumpy who is looking decidedly sickly lately the contrast is quite stark. Bloody good for her.
No. 1436910
>>1436774Idk, it would be funny, but just because they’re opposite sexes doesn’t mean there’s anything romantic going on. It just so happens that Kaya seems to hang out with people from her tattoo shops now.
>>1436719The audacity of Jake being like “Munro is a band formed from MY SOLO PROJECT…9 years ago”. So he was a musician who got a band together, isn’t that how it always happens? He just has to be the centre of everything.
No. 1436936
File: 1644243783157.png (219.19 KB, 1440x825, Screenshot_20220207-081337.png)

This is telling as to why she deleted it.
She's undoubtedly so anxious because of stumpy, even when he's out of country.
No. 1437014
>>1436910>just because they’re opposite sexes doesn’t mean there’s anything romantic going onseconding this, also from my experience it’s not that weird that she hangs out with people from the tattoo shop now considering that they probably have mutual experiences with getting fucked over by the same people. Sometimes it’s good when you can hang out and bond with others who had to deal with similar shit.
Honestly good for her. Being stuck in a shitty relationship can really destroy people, not to mention that it often brings out the worst in you especially when dealing with a narc. It is never easy to get out of something like this on your own, the longer the relationship goes and the more responsibilities you share with your shitty partner (shared housing etc) the harder it gets so I‘m relieved it’s finally over.
No. 1437083
File: 1644256667923.jpeg (407.11 KB, 1283x1991, 21B8712E-1120-4E22-9462-FDD800…)

Honestly, good for her. She’s hanging with friends, losing weight and going to a trainer. Stump is smoking in a country he “hates”
No. 1437128
>>1436950In addition to what everyone has said about narc abuse direct from Jake, she knows she has a sizeable audience and a huge portion of Jake’s psycho fans probably dislike her. After being a farms topic for so long I don’t blame her for thinking people might be bitching behind her back. Not that the snaccs have a leg to stand on there, because none of the pictures were bad in the slightest tbh. You can tell she was having fun, we saw how shitty he was towards her on MAG - I’d be so embarrassed if that was my supposed life partner, especially after a few drinks.
But that aside, hangxiety is just a normal thing!! Low mood and nervousness are side effects of alc, people get anxious thinking they did or said something dumb and she said she hadn’t met someone in the group before. It’s not unusual.
No. 1437132
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Honestly, good for her.
No. 1437146
File: 1644261828805.jpeg (427.28 KB, 1284x2334, 355EC42D-AD25-490B-B891-677D2E…)

>>1437132Thriving without snake! Loving this character development! You just know he’s punching walls, chain smoking
No. 1437173
File: 1644263185977.jpg (264.44 KB, 1080x1662, _20220207_204442.JPG)

In other news: Mara just released this kind of necklaces. Let's see how long it takes Mai to cry about being copied
No. 1437296
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>>1437173Her bf did the knitting. And that fat friend of hers seems to make most of the stuff in her shop.
No. 1437840
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This is extremely funny to me, given>>1437173
No. 1437877
File: 1644334280529.jpg (187.4 KB, 1080x840, 20220208_163050.jpg)

Too bad
No. 1437988
File: 1644342041531.jpeg (70.24 KB, 1170x436, DCEA03AA-203F-4C51-AC15-5F2839…)

>>1437083Speaking of all the lame smoking content, I saw this on a random TikTok today and immediately thought of the stump, kek.
No. 1438202
>>1438043Same, the bar is so low for Jakes it’s in hell.
Maybe this is the silver lining to him hating kids at least kek
No. 1438691
File: 1644410352227.jpeg (53.27 KB, 630x1280, 24460E18-E1A2-47EC-B7BE-05C205…)

Douche in a suit
No. 1438752
File: 1644422942610.png (1.98 MB, 1125x2436, FE358894-A245-460C-A977-1C1B66…)

She’s got Covid :((:()
No. 1438756
>>1438752Im sorry for everything that has happened to Kaya these days, and clearly Jake was always psychologically
abusive towards her… but she will always be the biggest whiner ever, god the constant whining and negativity gotta be so tiresome
No. 1438773
>>1438752With the way that studio holds no heat, I can't see her recovering from covid easily. Such bad timing she didn't get accepted for that house before
Was she wearing a mask any while going out? Or are masks not mandate in NI?
No. 1438794
>>1438773I looked this up and currently the rules in NI is that "masks must be worn on public transport, in shops and hospitality venues. However, people no longer have to show proof of exemption if they're not wearing a mask"
But yeah,
>>1438792 is right. Sometimes people are still gonna catch it regardless. I got it back in 2021 and in my region the mask mandates were mandatory.
No. 1438813
File: 1644429220840.jpg (639.23 KB, 1080x2019, Screenshot_20220209-175242_Ins…)

>>1438691J star wannabe. Is this from his old tumblr or something because the only thing on his story is him doing push ups kek and tagging some bodybuilder
No. 1438824
File: 1644430270154.jpeg (Spoiler Image,310.93 KB, 1242x1631, 2B7D42F3-3635-45D8-AF55-A3A858…)

Mamiehades currently complaining on tiktok live that people “clown on her because of the way she looks and does her makeup”. Sounds like she lurks here.
Girl it’s not because you look different or goth. Watch a makeup tutorial or something. You actually have a nice face and you’re ruining all your features. It’s not the goth makeup- it’s the application.
No. 1438826
File: 1644430313692.jpeg (Spoiler Image,251.08 KB, 1242x1645, E61CBB4D-A287-43D4-8D85-37846F…)

20 going on 45
No. 1438979
>>1438873they're knuckle push-ups, anon.
"Popular with martial artists and boxers, this type of push-up works your arms, wrists and shoulders in a different way than traditional push-ups."
No. 1439000
>>1438824It's not even just the makeup, her wig looks musty like you could smell it from a mile away. She does the same look every day. Same makeup, same outfit, it's really uninspired and almost as boring as her personality.
>Sounds like she lurks here. Of course she does, she's obsessed with Jake.
No. 1439059
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>>1438824>>1438826Does anyone else think she looks kind of like she's trying to do an Adora-esque look but failing? I'm no makeup expert but to me it just looks a bit sloppy, especially around the eyes.
No. 1439104
>>1438754Fully vaxxed super cautious person who’s basically been isolating since the start of the pandemic here - basically everyone in the UK has had it by now. As far as we know (because she constantly overshares on her social media) she really has been socializing minimally during the pandemic. She’s gone for sit-down drinks with a small circle of friends at a time where nightclubs have been reopen for months.
I’m not trying to start a big boring covid debate by saying it’s near impossible to just sit alone in your house two years into the pandemic, I just think this is a reach.
No. 1439135
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Stumpy always been a douche
No. 1439231
>>1438824Not the eyelash coming unglued. You can do any type of makeup you want as long as you have good technique and application and she doesn't. Yet, anyway, she's only 20.
>>1439157To console themselves probably
No. 1439318
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Lurk more, butterface. Lots of her posts lately are about the hate she gets on her makeup. Self-posting your video about Jake didn't go quite as planned because you didn't realize you could become a target too?
No. 1439360
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>>1439318She actually went on a huge rant about this site on instagram a couple weeks ago
No. 1439453
>>1439360>show your face>on an anonymous gossip boardOh please. If it really was a selfpost I hope she learns something from it, if not sorry but but being salty about this and posting caps of anons making fun of your makeup skills just makes it worse girl. Take the critique and improve or move on.
>>1439434lmao who of you did this
No. 1439608
>>1439556Pretty sure she wouldn't just randomly say she has covid unless she actually had a positive test?
Most people in the UK just have lateral flows around the house at this point and can be ordered for delivery for free so it's not even any effort to get them. I get that Kaya is lazy but pretty sure she wouldn't just say she has covid and choose to isolate in a studio barely warmer than 6 degrees for up to ten days unless she
actually tested positive.
No. 1439734
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>>1439360Stop calling Mamie Herpes the G word
No. 1439775
>>1439734Romani aren’t exactly super oppressed in America, compared to Europe, particularly Eastern Europe, and no one would mistake her for anything but white lbr
If she is indeed Romani she’s incredibly white passing and she knows it
No. 1439776
>>1439318“I’d like to see them do better”
You don’t have to be a master chef to know when food sucks
No. 1439857
>>1439775eh, the Philadelphia police still have a “gypsy squad”
it’s fair to say that Romani are hyper-scrutinized in the areas where there are reasonably large populations (Philly, NYC, LA)
No. 1440027
>>1440016A decent way to tell if someone is a faker is if they won’t name their specific subgroup right off the bat
Because most of them don’t even realise there’s various different subgroups
It’s not 100% of course, but I’d say most Romani like to make their specific cultures known when talking about being Romani
If they can’t give details about their specific cultures cultural practices, I’d question how closely they were raised with it, and if not at all - why they’d want to claim to be something they have really no connection to. Especially white passing people
No. 1440032
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She's butt hurt bad.
Like no honey, your makeup and lumpy nails ARE bad. Actually there's bad, and then there's being a foolish mess.