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No. 1426381
Etheral electronic-alternative hipster musician turned imperialist-friendly space bimbo devoted to whiteknighting Elon Musk and making lame TikToks. Billionaire exploiting his workers and enjoying his cringe celebrity phase.
>Born Claire Elise Boucher on March 17, 1988 in Vancouver>changed her name to c, a letter symbolizing speed of light>attendend McGill University with plans to double major in neuroscience and Russian; got expelled for skipping classes>first began posting music in 2007 on Myspace, released music on Arbutus, 4AD, Roc Nation. In 2021 she signed to Columbia Records, cause „she needs money for her music videos” cause „Elon doesn’t give her money” (despite successfully making videos for years)>got together with Elon Musk because they made the same cringey joke relating to theory of roko basilisk>has a child with Elon Musk, they named him X AE A-XII Musk. (Who knows how it’s really pronounced, Grimes and Elon have different opinions on that matter)>used to have „anti-imperialist” written in twitter bio, removed it after her relationship with Musk went public>apparently current subject of Elon Musk’s bimbofication process, fills her face with botox, as well as getting countless other pricey plastic surgery procedurers, most probably to satisfy her boyfriend; Elon’s ex wives all mentioned he pressured them into dying their hair blond and getting surgeries. >wrote on Twitter that Elon illegaly preventing employee unionization is „fake news”. Claimed she „investigated this heavily”>spends most of the time whiteknighting Elon on TikTok>walking bilboard for Tesla; starred as „cybergirl” in Tesla ad>made „Visions” under the influence of Adderall (as well as hunger and cold rooms)>both she and her boyfriend made public appearances visibly high on something>made a „pro-climate change” album about goddess of climate change, relishing in human extinction, Miss Anthropocene. „My goal is to make climate change fun”>Poppy drama: collabed with Poppy but resigned from publishing the song most probably after learning about what Poppy and Titanic Sinclair did to Mars Argo; Poppy leaked song nonetheless. >the infamous Azealia Banks drama: Grimes invited Azealia to work together on some music. Azealia arrived at the mansion, but Grimes was too busy comforting Elon to care for the guest. Grimes left the house with her inconsolable boyfriend and in turn Banks was left alone and lost in their mansion for the rest of the weekend, later she wrote about everything on socials and posted her private conversations with Grimes, stating Elon just wanted Banks for a threesome. For some reason it took Grimes 3 years or so to react with a song „100% Tragedy” telling a story „how Azealia tried to destroy her career”. Saga continues>various sources suggested other people write music and lyrics for her >tried hard to make tumblrina DD/LG and gore lover Nicole Dollanganger famous>claims she loves hentaiElon Musk:
>CEO of Tesla and SpaceX>more celebrity than enterpreneur>both he and his family build their „empires” with questionable methods, to say lightly>has benefited from Apartheid>”Will coup whoever he wants!” Bolivia for example. „Deal with it!”>anti-unionist>exploits his workers; makes them work longer than average and underpays them >uses kids to mine cobalt for his products>pretends he cares for environment while actively contributing to destroying it>Tesla workers report he’s an „awful boss who throws fits and treats people abominably”>all he does in fact is firing people on a whim or throwing tantrums and calling everyone idiots>posts lame boomer jokes and memes on Twitter, gets legions of devoted fanboys and whiteknights for being „relatable”>”he only wants to save the world from population collapse! To set a good example!”>wanted to save people stuck in a cave in Thailand by sending one of his shitty submarine toys to save them; when people got saved successfully without Elon’s stupid ideas, he threw an epic tantrum calling everyone „pedophiles”>wants to „revolutionize transport”: in fact his car tunnels are useless claustrophobia capsule/guaranteed death, cause if something bad happends, the tunnel is so tight you can’t open doors and there’s no way for an ambulance/fire engine to get in>he wants to own Mars too>wants to air adverts in space>has countless scorned ex-wives (for good reasons) and countless children he just produces as a side hobby and most probably doesn’t give a fuck about >involved in various celebrity scandals Links:
Elon: threads:
Thread #1:
>>>/snow/1306047 No. 1426396
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People have been speculating that Grimes could be pregnant again.
December 28, Grimes posts this photo to instagram. Could just be some art based on her being pregnant before, but a few people speculate regardless.
No. 1426402
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January 19, Elon tweets this meme about a positive pregnancy test. Could just be nothing, but some people speculate it's him dropping hints.
No. 1426405
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I woke up and saw this (posted yesterday) and thought she looked pregnant here. Maybe it's just me. But it pushed me to start looking into this more.
No. 1426439
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They have faved each other's tweets occasionally post-"breakup," but I see they haven't yet in the new year.
No. 1426452
>>1426439She's so pathetic, becoming a billionaires breeding mare while he fucks whoever he wants. One of the main reasons people were turning on her was she wouldn't shut the fuck up and acted like his free PR. If she had just dated him and let him fight his own battles her hardcore stans wouldn't care. But instead she's absolutely obsessed with making sure we know Elon is her boyfriend because I guess she thinks it's a flex?
The truth is all she's done is doomed her kid with an absent father, and he can flex his legal power at any point to remove her from that kids life. His older kids already have to go to school inside Tesla because he refuses to make time for them and that's the only way he'd ever see them.
No. 1426582
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>>1426530Yup, you're right. Dude is so out of touch posting 2014 era memes.
Wouldn't be the first time Elon and Grimes engaged in pseudo-incest though. Feel sorry for their kid.
No. 1426625
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On the subject of Grimes pedo inclinations. old stale milk but totally not surprised that she promoted Nicole's zine full of sexualized drawings of young-looking girls.
No. 1426745
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She mentioned wanting to name an /eventual/ daughter 'Odysseus', she's probably not pregnant right now.
No. 1426993
>>1426749Wasn't most of her good music actually written by her troon ex? She was in a long term relationship with some tranny in the music industry who's definitely not a household name. I remember reading about it and how the troon produced nearly everything of value and that's why her current stuff sounds so fucking bad i.e
>>1426858I don't remember the troon's name or anything but I swear this was a thing.
No. 1427036
>>1426993James or something. I don't think i can even remember all the people that either are confirmed or speculated to have ghostwritten music for Grimes. Hana, James, Seb the manager, Majical Clouds, that chick who written My Name Is Dark, i believe there were even more which can be found in the beginning of her first thread.
>>1309374 >>1308804 >>1308854Not a Grimes music fan nor expert as i literally cannot memorize any of her songs besides Flesh Without Blood or We Appreciate Power. but i really think all the praise she got was undeserved. all her career she tried hard to be the next Bjork and failing miserably. some of her songs makes me think of those tech dystopian future films in which men look at LED adverts of digital waifus for sale, which wear porny clothes and do that stupid myspace era cyber techno dance in tutu and fluffy legwarmers, and Grimes is the computer-generated weaboo filler music. her toddler voice is so jarring, Shinigami eyes trailer is just one big fucking shrill eye-piercing screech, kinda makes me wanna slap her through the screen for doing that voice shit.
No. 1427057
>>1427036sfg, i meant ear-piercing, damn.
Player of Games is shit too, with that tacky super-strong-slayer-freshly-liberated! feeling of getting back at Elon by swinging around shitty lightsaber replica, especially when you know she either got back with him or will get back. plus she completely ruins the vibe by touching the lightsaber's… blade? idk how to call it. you know, in the movies it would melt/cut her hand off.
No. 1427113
>>1427067This. if this manchild felt he
didn't get enough in his childhood (barf) and wanted to relive his youth, he should just buy more of his rich idiot toys on Ebay and play in private in his playroom. not getting a company and playing "who gets fired today" version of blind man's buff with his workers.
No. 1427306
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i can't with the cyborg tranny bullshit. ofcourse she's too retarded to understand that the "violence of childbirth" can only be mitigated by improved maternal care. also
>we've mostly eliminated active warfare from men's lives
not caping for scrotes here but this isn't even remotely true. does she think that the military air striking their enemies instead of fighting with spears or some shit somehow "eliminates" warfare? this is so stupid
No. 1427331
>>1427306Fight for artificial wombs, Grimes, so your daddy Elon can make an army of child slaves to work for his factories.
Disgusting dumb pickme.
No. 1427357
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i don’t get how she gets her lips and face (skin treatments like botox?) done but forgets to do her wide nose
No. 1427406
>>1427357honestly think she'd fuck it up worse with any procedures. she wouldn't look like Grimes anymore without that nose. maybe she'd fall into trap of constantly fixing her nose again and again
maybe Elon told her he likes her nose kek
No. 1427436
>>1427406Her nose is definitely part of her whole look. And really, I don't get why her being okay with her nose is controversial lol
Some people fix tons of things on their faces but leave their 'flaws' because it's iconic. Remember that chick from Dirty Dancing who fixed her nose and basically became a nobody bc of it
>>1427432ngl it's pretty sick. I like it.
No. 1427462
>>1427306she means male ground casualties which is largely true, fewer males die in wars than ever. also pretty sure she's talking about being torn ass to clit which is something no "maternal care" can fix, along with other lesser known shit that pregnancy does to you, including aging you biologically.
not defending this unwashed retard but top kek @ nonas defending their right to suffer in childbirth
No. 1427487
>>1427462didn't that happen to Lainey, Onision's wife? She had like a third degree tear or some shit. Just hearing about this shit is terrifying, can't imagine actually going through it.
lots of women have martyr complexes and suffer for the attention it brings, you can't change my mind.
No. 1427495
>>1426983grimes made a big deal about "not taking elon's money" even when it comes to the care of their son. I'd respect her more if she was at least getting paid to lay under that gtoss old scrote, but she's literally doing it for free and paying for her own botox and shit that elon wants her to get.
>>1427306She makes a good point and her conclusion is "hurr artificial wombs" because of her ~aestetic~.
>>1427329sigh. Making another woman take the dangers of childbirth for you is not a solution, that's the rich paying the poor to take the risk. The actual solution is better care, education and resources for pregnant women. But that's not trendy, cool or futuristic enough I guess.
No. 1427497
>>1427487this happens to most women anon, ass to clit is stage 3-4 tear your clit falls off or cannot be repaired btw and you can never experience an orgasm again
No. 1427498
>>1427487some women do sure, but childbirth is also a really personal thing and I think a lot of women like talking about it? Especially when they almost die or come out of it with injuries. Men rattle on about their wars etc.
I've never given birth but I can see how an experience 100% female is worth talking about and could be traumatic. Some of you just seem like you hate pregnant women? Is this the weird grimes jealousy they were talking about in /ot/?
No. 1427500
>>1427487>woman tears ass to clit while giving birth"she's doing it for attention!!!"
you sound like a dirty scrote.
No. 1427503
>>1427498most women will mention vague "noble suffering" that you must also partake in at all costs, but they will never go into details like ripped off clit or peeing yourself for the rest of your life. same goes for on/gyns who also lie to you about childbirth for the fun of it.
honestly i respect the weeb retard for having more guts than most women to even mention that childbirth is shitty without following up with "but you should totally do this to yourself btw"
No. 1427528
>>1427462>kek @ nonas defending their right to suffer in childbirththis is the dumbest shit i ever read. do you think women WANT to have severe, life-ruining complications from giving birth? most of them happen because of underfunded and lacking maternal care, like doctors and midwives rushing the birth process and not giving proper postpartum care. but you're probably a retard libertarian just like grimes who thinks good healthcare should be a luxury.
>>1427503the only people trying to force women to have children are trad nutjobs. seems like you've never met another (normal) woman in your life if you think no one else talks about this except for fucking grimes lmao.
>>1427515exactly, it's pointless transhumanist bullshit. maternal care is literally one of the most neglected fields of medicine, and it's almost always underfunded if it exists at all.
No. 1427538
>>1427497I am disgusted and horrified and terrified. Cancel pregnancy and the human race.
>>1427500Nonny I said many women have martyr complexes in general. You can't deny women do because society grooms women into it with media. The woman who endures the shit a man puts her through gets praised so women subconsciously end up tying their self-worth to their ability to endure mistreatment from moids in relationships.
Women will put up with crazy shit from moids because they also believe tolerating it proves their love/loyalty. I think this is why that sad girl lana del rey shit is so popular. Lana basically jerks herself off to this
>>1427528>seems like you've never met another (normal) woman in your life if you think no one else talks about this except for fucking grimes lmao.nta but this talk is a bit taboo depending on your culture and whatnot. Complaining about childbirth and the like. I had this talk with my mom before and she said no one ever talked about the horrors of pregnancy(despite her mother having 11 kids naturally) and if she had known, she would've waited.
No. 1427634
>>1427306>"We've mostly eliminated active warfare from men's lives"jesus christ this might be the most ignorant thing she has ever said. she really is living in a safe little bubble now with her billionaire boo where she gets to be 34 and live out her anime character auteur fantasies forever. i get why she's so deaf to anything anybody says about muskrat not putting his money towards projects of actual worth on this planet. how could anyone expect her to ever encourage him to do anything generous with all that $$$ when she has this clueless of an outlook on the state of the world?
unrelated, the shinigami eyes video appeared on my youtube recommended this morning and almost all of the comments were discussing jennie's 10 second cameo and not anything about grimes. lmao
No. 1427647
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>>1427355she EDs hard. i've seen her when she's not being ana, and she's a totally differnt person. you can see her when she's gained a bit in picrel. her normal weight is way higher than she is right now. that's why her hair has been maybe she's just insecure about her height and thinks being ana chan makes her look taller, idk. she wear crazy high heels all the time.
No. 1427658
>>1427649they're right about everything they said though. go squeeze out babies, good for you, but it doesn't make the other
nonnie a scrote because they said some things about the reality of male-female relationships that you don't want to hear.
No. 1427660
>>1427528lmfao again i have no clue what you're talking about. this isn't about forcing women to have children, it's about lying to women who do want children about what pregnancy really entails, which is ubiquitous in obstetrics AND mommy communities. throughout the history of modern medicine it was normal for you to have no idea you'll tear, but your doctor knows that he needs to give you a "husband stitch".
not informing women about the dangers is literally the very definition of "poor maternal care" you're sperging about, and you're part of the problem by enforcing political correctness regarding the effects of pregnancy. read the mask of motherhood or mumsnet or something bc you have no clue what you're talking about lmao
No. 1427667
>>1427648Not really, plenty of women here are just logical and based enough to hate tranny politics and coomer culture. That’s not the same thing as radical feminism. If you want nuanced radfem discussions go to Ovarit or something, this is an image board full of mockery and shitposting about idiots in the public eye.
That being said, I agree her nose is one of the least aesthetically offensive things about this woman.
No. 1427727
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>>1427363An anime called Oreimo. Its full name translates to "My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute!"
In it, a 17 year old normal boy discovers that his 14 year old fully blood-related sister is obsessed with little sister loli hentai and media.
They slowly fall in love, and at the end, they come out to their friends as being in a relationship and have a marriage ceremony.
No. 1427793
>>1427652Did I hit a nerve? Pick-mes are the ones with martyr complexes, how is my implication not horribly obvious lol
It's only pick-mes who say shit like 'I let my man anal pound me until I can't shit properly and beat me during sex bc I love him and he loves me and he can do w/e he wants!! he's borderline
abusive and fucks other women but muh devotion! I'm a ride or die! oh and he wasn't there during the traumatic birth and also wanted sex immediately afterwards and my stitches tore and-'
Martyrs, the lot of you. For no real cause. Eating dick smegma is not a revolution.
>>1427727I want…them cancelled. Immediately. And anime needs to be stopped.
No. 1427912
nonnie, people are getting him confused with James Brooks/Elite Gymnastics/Dead Girlfriends/Default Genders. James was Claire’s live in slave during their entire relationship and basically took care of all her dirty work like reporting loons to the FBI and cooking food kek
No. 1428190
>>1427432Do you understand what Grimes is singing in the new song? I couldn't get a fucking word. The whole time I was expecting a second voice to take over because her voice is almost background music, it never gets interesting enough to pay attention
The video was boring too, as other anon said, there's never a story, only visuals (that in my opinion looks like a someone using the editing program for the first time and going crazy with the effects)
No. 1428191
>>1428183It’s okey to not look like Kim Kardashian
nonny. Can’t believe how some women here fall for the male-gazey looks maketed as ~beautiful ~
No. 1428224
>>1428207Seriously. A woman could be a literal axe murderer, or cure cancer, and still people will focus on "Ok but is she pretty". There's a thousand more interesting things about her
I remember someone saying she used to bully/harass people back in the early 2010s, and most the people in her Twitter social group at the time got exposed for being creeps or rapists, I'd like to learn more about that honestly
>>1428217This is the most low IQ reply you could ever make, anon. It's like brainwashed cultist shit kek
(infighting) No. 1428372
>>14282670.5 seconds on google's "rare" unlike tearing vag to ass, but don't worry, if it happens to you the "maternal care" will totally fix it kek
No. 1428484
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anyways while everyones complaining about vaginal and anal tearing i just wanted to pop in and say grimes is definitely pretty the only off feature she has is her wide nose but she’s actually very pleasant looking, the one scrote in here who said something about angular jaws and kim kardashian or something needs to drink a bit of bleach and call it a day
No. 1428493
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>>1428484I actually really like her nose. Makes her look more angelic to me. She was the prettiest during the art angels/before elon-era
No. 1428518
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>>1428513Childfree tards literally have a total meltdown whenever mothers, pregnancy or birth is mentioned. How come? Just don't have kids and leave others alone you bitter freak.
No. 1428532
>>1428484She really wouldnt have gotten to this level of popularity if she was butt ugly, only scrotes are "allowed" to be butt ugly and famous.
>>1428518Maybe anon was exaggerating but lets not act like childbirth doesnt have the capability to be negatively impactful on both your body and your mental state. Just because the vagina is suited for childbirth doesnt change the fact that there are still PLENTY of complications both during and after pregnancy
No. 1428534
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>>1428518t. chimps at a cow for saying human childbirth is violent
if you're already hallucinating the childfree because someone thinks that women who want kids shouldn't have to choose between mutilation and procreation, im guessing you don't really think it was worth it either. seethe as you soil your depend underwear kek(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 1428540
>>1428152>>1428177>>1428183I agree that the whole "looking otherworldly" thing that most alt artists pull is very tired. Nothing otherworldly about crazy stage make-up or contacts something, but Grimes simply isn't ugly. As another anon said, compare her to Elon.
I do have to admit that when she wears certain hairstyles/clothes in combination, she definitely looks like she smells. She never uses her wide nose and "quirky alt alien" image in her favour entirely, there is always something that makes her look off.
I agree that her ED stops her from reaching her full potential. She's just too waifish at the moment. But her wide nose and bushy brows make her stand out among the nosejob lip filler botox insta contour baddies that we are seeing way too much right now.
And I agree, her music is shit, as well as the anime-quirky-alt-artist persona she is trying to get across so damn badly.
No. 1428687
>>1428660She definitely is too skinny, and you don't have to be fat and angry to notice that. Everything else is just bone rattling.
She eats like shit. I distinctly remember her saying that she doesn't eat vegetables at all because they taste like shit to her.
I think another anon already pointed out that she admitted she suffered from an ED (on LJ, I think?)
No. 1428720
>>1428687Idk after seeing Eugenia Cooney's slow progression into death and what 'ED thin' looks like, Grimes doesn't look weird to me. She looks model-thin.
But I hear models and actors are all underweight anyway so you prolly right.
No. 1428949
>>1428720yeah this is stupid because you can't compare eugenia's ED level to grimes. Eugenia is straight up on another level, but grimes still clearly has anorexia or some kind of ED, she's not just 'model thin'. Look at the music video of her and doja cat and the other girls and you can see she looks way skinnier than the others, in a bad way.
Didn't anyone watch the vogue of her saying how she had a period where all she ate was spagetti to the point she was getting sick because she ate nothing else and had 0 nutrients? And her making some kind of weird looking food that looked gross called 'gloop' or something? I'll post it again but I'm sure most people have seen it. She clearly has ED/disordered eating lol.
No. 1428983
>>1428949Yep, i swear it was reposted every few celebricow threads. she talked about her ed online long time ago, but even without it all it's obvious. she was vegan too.
on a side note, that spaghetti all year thing is ridiculous. she'd be as anachan as she is just eating vegetables and fruit + rice or something, no meat no sweets no bread etc. just eating small i guess. i'll never understand her saying vegetables (all vegetables!) are shit, wtf is wrong with her. at least she'd have more nutrients than eating spaghetti gloop.
sage for vegetable sperg.
No. 1429171
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>>1428495Anon she's literally pro-ana, this happened on Livejournal and everyone figured out it was grimes
No. 1429271
I like Claire's nose. I hate the work she has done to her face. Plastic surgery typically looks awful
>>1427510C sections come with their own host of problems. One thing that can be helpful to avoid tearing is not taking any drugs during childbirth. Your body needs to be able to feel what it needs to do
No. 1429533
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Grimes, you're beautiful. Fuck these losers.
No. 1429536
>>1429483they also had child gravure idols and i literally used to see the dvd covers on sankakucomplex as early as 2012 or so before they got taken down. make with that information what you will.
just to clarify, it wasn't some illegal child pornography that just wasn't prosecuted. it was legally sold in stores for coomer dweebs alongside adult porn/gravure idol dvds. and those weren't even teens, they were prepubescent children. one of the more popular ones i can remember was a white little girl, the there was also an obese asian boy. this is glorious nippon and if you think two nukes weren't enough, im gonna go with ten nukes
No. 1429584
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>>1429533grimes is ugly and stupid as shit
No. 1429614
>>1429533Oh my god, this is that stalker schizocow from
>>>/snow/1054903 who was obsessed with Arin from Game Grumps
Worlds colliiiide
No. 1429618
>>1429584>grimes answers complaints about grimesthen why did you make series of pathetic Muskrat whiteknighting and twice as much wk in the comments, Grimes? lol
if the fact that Grimes stans Elon and doesn't care about evil shit he does isn't the instant stan turnoff, then idk there's no hope for such ppl
No. 1430572
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Elon Musk’s Neuralink is moving closer to testing brain implants on actual people No. 1430978
>>1430572It's so bizarre to me that people will call Bill Gates Satan, and while there is likely truth to that, I have not seen the same people make a stink about this at all. Probably because they're too busy guzzling Daddy Elon's dick and balls for crypto advice while jacking off to hentai while their Tesla drives on autopilot right before it mysteriously bursts into flames.
>>1430955Thank you,
nonnie. While there is no excuse for the debauched shit that comes out of Japan, people are not a monolith, and should not mean that "Japanese" and "taboo sexual media" are automatically synonymous. It's like thinking every German person is a Nazi simply by association.
You can even point out the rise in incest porn among heterosexual spaces in the West becoming more popular in recent years; it's a problem within society as a whole.
I believe this has to do with heterosexual people having no "taboos" (so to speak) to engage in like queer people do, so they resort to this shit, but I digress No. 1431055
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>>1431047minus the hair plugs we can ALL agree that he is fugly
No. 1431061
just because she is a successful musician does not mean she is rich, the tik toks she has recently been posting look like shes in her childhood bedroom lmao, and as previously discussed here she is weird looking without makeup and has had tons of plastic surgery??? i don't think grimes is ugly but i think we can literally all agree that elon is a weird bloated balding mess
No. 1431062
>>1431059"If he was actually ugly someone as pretty as grimes wouldn’t waste her time because she’s already rich and can get any guy she wants"
forgetting her huge pick me complex…
No. 1431068
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>>1431059>If he was actually ugly>someone as pretty as grimes wouldn’t waste her time because she’s already rich and can get any guy she wantsThe absolute state of newfag stans. Apartheid Clyde and roll of nickels aren't going to fuck you.
No. 1431085
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>>1431082picrel grimes ogre era
No. 1431091
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>>1431078hasn't literally all his partners been almost clonal to each other? like model esque? everyone in this thread is so stupid trying to argue that a rich persons partner is indication of their attractiveness
picrel says it all tbh
No. 1431100
>>1431093“Um… guys? I think there is a lot of nitpicking going on here on this cybebullying forum”
Elon’s PR intern going hard on lolcow these days it seems
No. 1431115
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>>1431069Millionaires love acquiring even more money… I mean, do you really think just bc Kristina basham was already wealthy she didn't want MORE money and she simply married scott adams bc he's so damn irresistible?
No. 1431189
>>1431093>>1431117>this thread is weird>boohoo don't bully Grimes she's so pwetty>Grimes did nothing wrong>don't nitpick her or her partner!>DON'T NITPICK HER PARTNERLMAO are you lost anon? Know where you are? Somehow ignored the thread's long list of what Grimes
does wrong? Read again, along with entirety of 1st Grimes thread linked upwards. but to recap, besides stealing people's work and lying she made it all, besides openly being into gross pedo loli porn and incest anime WHILE RAISING UP HER OWN KID, she whiteknights literal fucking manchild billionaire who exploited and exploits countless people and actively contributes to destroying the planet. Grimes knows well what he's doing, but chooses to ignore it, and goes out of her skin to make exuses for him online when he didn't even for it nor care about it.
Grow the fuck up, just because a person appears "pretty" to you, it doesn't mean the person cannot be evil. Pretty doesn't equal good person.
Normally i'd say you're a troll but i've seen you shitting up the celebricows threads tearing up over anons calling Grimes ugly and professing your love to imperialist roll of nickels. go back to Grimes lame discord
Unless you're some stray scrote who arrived just to cry "leave Elon alone!" over Elon "nitpicking". in this case, go back to your Muskrat's boomer memes fanboy reddit
No. 1431195
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>>1431069>why the fuck would women waste time on himHis ex-wives/girlfriends chose him because he's a fucking billionaire, Grimes chose him because she's a fucking pick-me NLOG who just wants 1) more fame 2) to be seen as ~*super cool science space girl who goes to Mars with her power bottom rat prince*~. Grimes isn't in her hipster indie tumblr girl phase anymore. she's an attention whore
>if he was ugly>if he was hideous>unconventional lookssorry for your bald rat fetish anon but Elon won't fuck you
No. 1431202
>>1431200Grimes doesn't gain recognition through music anymore. She gains recognition for fucking Elon Musk.
Grimes is nasty.
either stop trolling or stop reading the thread if it hurt your feelings so much
No. 1431219
>>1431197nonny getting on the soapbox for a billionaire…
>>1431200girl shut the fuck up we can bully grimes all we want, remember when she called azalea banks fat? remember that one time she made promises about helping unionize tesla and lied to help little poor bullied Elon get richer and richer? oh wait remember that one time she made a whole fucking album about how global warming is cool? and how her life will never be effected by it because she is rich and got knocked up by the richest person in the world?
what the fuck is up with all the die hard elon and grimes stans today, its milky but its tired at this point
No. 1431275
>>1431227"calling her fat after harassment"
see this is why these people deserve scrutiny, that's not a normal thing to do idiot
No. 1431318
>>1431086>>1431078Grimes is cute. Elon musk is an ugly rat though. The women he dated aside from Grimes were all with him for his money, Amber heard even allegedly abused him and secretly gave birth to his daughter without his permission, most likely so that she could get money from him and ruin his sons only fantasy.
His other wives have spoken out about him being
abusive. He even told one woman she was trying to manipulate him because she was crying after she lost her pregnancy, he then forced her to try ivf again. He's trying his best to spread his shitty autistic genes and it's not cute at all what he did to his exwives and now to Grimes.
No. 1431336
>>1431253Banks is a wild card. She a BPD retard who occasionally gets Ws by using her dementia for milk rather than evil. Like when she publicly went off on Grimes and Elon multiple times, giving us that magical text exchange where Azelia said Grimes smelled like pennies.
Outside of that Banks is just a self sabotaging one hit wonder.
No. 1431487
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>>1431227>>1431275Wrong, that was the other way around. Azalea kept saying how Grimes smells and has a drug problem, doesn't have lips or bone marrow and how Elon needs a woman with tits and ass and Grimes replied by calling Azalea fat and that "only the buffet should be afraid of Azalea".
Very telling how Azalea threw all kinds of insults at her - no lips, smelly, ugly, druggie - and Grimes kept repeating she was a "fat fat fat narc narc narc".
Just proves to me how she's definitely an anachan.
No. 1431519
>>1431318based amber. also literally the only one he simped for and still can't get over kek.
elon loves women who treat him like hot sewage, it's great
No. 1431628
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>>1431351“Grimes looks like a cashier in the midwest”
Probably describing your own appearance
nonnie. I think you’re gonna have to cope harder
No. 1431642
>>1431639I think it's a meme because I swear even movies/shows are saying it. Is it because it's a big city and that's where all the cosmetic surgery shit happens + hollywood actors etc.
It's funny because most major cities are like that, but I guess since burgerland is basically cali/ny… Then all of the midwest on it's own, the 'hotness' of people are around cali/ny because of money to spend on surgery etc etc. OT as hell but that's my guess.
Regardless not a grimes stan but she's unique looking just looks greasy or like she smells like a roll of nickles lol.
No. 1431652
>>1431091A lot of women are attracted to money very literally, one of lolcow's very own, taylor r is a good example.
The finer things, vacations, pretty clothes, these things counter the disgusting humans they pair up with due to them valuing external things (items, public opinion, access to opportunity and freedom of movement) over the reality of having to speak to and fuck an ugly man with a shit personality.
Couldn't be me, I'm quite the opposite, but Elon doesn't have any mysterious sexy allure like those anons are trying to suggest, it's just those wads of cash and the opportunities they allow.
No. 1431710
>>1431195It took me some time to figure out that wasn't a fleshlight on the computer kek
>>1431318>secretly gave birth to his daughter without his permissionI wish all his sperm dies and his dick crawls inside him, what egomaniac shitboy thinks a woman needs his permission to birth his kids? Don't coom if you can't handle the consequences
No. 1431872
>>1431858Lol anon you just perfectly described yourself! Grimes won't ever give you an order of #1 whiteknight or a scout nickel badge for your dedication. she won't ever acknowledge your existence either. gasp, she won't ever fuck you.
truly hilarious that you think you are able to offend anyone here. Grimes is still talentless incest-lover who doesn't care her boyfriend exploits thousands of children and adults. oh, and she's still ugly. stay presseed
No. 1431874
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>>1431872samefag, honestly i didn't even think Grimes is that much ugly as far as ugliness goes, just moderately unattractive person. my main problem with her she's an airhead, liar and an apologist of an evil imperialist scrote. but after seeing enough grimey photos… yeah, she's fucking ugly.
No. 1431901
>>1431887>I don’t think she’s unattractive,Yes we know. You said that already billion times or so.
Her look aesthetic is pretty much smashing together all those etheral space faerie fantasy girl that was very popular on fanart sections of Deviantart in early 00's. can be aeshtetically pleasing at times but it's nothign special.
Grimes has wide nose and kinda standing out ears, and she can be seen either as good looking or abysmally ugly to some. but imo she should've stayed as she were, i think she botched herself with fillers/ps. another thing is she doesn't know how to apply makeup in a flattering way.
she has pics in which she looks very ugly as well as pics in which she looks fine. ultimately, i can guarantee everyone here side-eyes her for her actions and stanning Elon, not because we're jealous of Grimes "beauty" or whatever. bear in mind some here are ex-fans or active fans of her music, but just bc they like the music, they won't automatically ignore her wrongdoings. that's not nitpicking, that's calling out seriously unfair/ignorant/shitty behaviours she exhibits.
every person will view Grimes differently, so i don't get why you lose your head over people saying she's ugly, or calling everyone scrotes just cause they don't have the same opinion as you. fuck off.
No. 1431986
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>>1431425Bitch is a rich child who pays people to write her pop songs and married/divorced a richer white dude. She's conformist as shit.
No. 1432091
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the 19yo is savage
No. 1432442
>>1432439>he’s not as evil as other billionairesIs that retarded whiteknight again? Shut the fuck up. He literally exploits children in cobalt mines. He's the fucking same as everybody else. Nobody cares about his "childhood trauma". Everybody was bullied at school at least once, doesn't mean we turned into evil fucking billionaires.
Go the fuck away and praise this idiot on Elon fanboy boards instead. Nobody cares about your retarded takes.
No. 1432450
>>1432442the cobalt mines weren’t in his control no offende not to be devils advocate here. As soon as the cobalt mines were discovered to have kids in it the operation was stopped, he didnt agree to the cobalt mines using kids.
Grimes is a very good artist but she’s definitely mentally ill & has a form of eating disorder and drug problems and it accounts for her mistakes.
Also again not to be devils advocate but elon was like badly badly bullied to the point of being in hospital frequently. The two of them need to treat their problems
No. 1432460
>>1432450>As soon as the cobalt mines were discovered to have kids in it the operation was stopped, he didnt agree to the cobalt mines using kids. Bullshit. He knew what he was doing. Just cause Elon tells something, doesn't mean it's true. You don't know what's going on behind the scenes, this guy can do whatever the fuck he wants. As if billionaires don't fucking lie. what the fuck is wrong with you
>Grimes is definitely mentally ill & has a form of eating disorder and drug problems and it accounts for her mistakesNo, you fucking idiot. Mental illnesses, eating disorders and drug problems aren't justifications for one's shitty actions. (kek, as if eating disorders made people support evil billionaires, destroy environment and so on). All mentally ill people and drug addicts in the world take responsibility for their actions, because surprise, them being mentally ill/addicts doesn't absolve them of fucking using their brains/taking responsibility for what they do.
>Also again not to be devils advocate but elon was like badly badly bullied to the point of being in hospital frequently.And again, you're pathetic devils advocate, imagine whiteknighting this old fuck so hard. Being bullied doesn't justify destroying the planet/exploiting others/being
abusive towards his workers. Nobody cares he's been "bullied badly". Every fucking body gets bullied, and yes there's plenty of people who landed in hospital or got bullied 100 times worse than Apartheid Clyde. Nobody grew up to make decisions such as this fuckup, just bc ~~uwu they were bullied~~.
Grow the fuck up and find better idols.
No. 1432464
>>1432461Fuck, i could understand you being a pitiful, brainless Grimes stan who's so blinded that you make excuses for her. But I don't get you feeling sorry/sympathetic to Elon Musk. read about all the wrong things he does. he has no potential to change, he isn't a promising 17 year old. He's an old fucking guy who only knows the reality he's been for years.
Have you fucking forgotten about the way he treated his wives? About rumoured reddit post that allegedly Grimes wrote? He's a heartless abuser. fuck, i never thought I'd see a WOMAN feeling bad for someone like that.
No. 1432465
>>1432460honestly you sound really angry, not rational, like you’re the one with the mental illness, and you’re taking it out on people without trying to understand them deeper
You said yourself mental illness isnt a justification for shitty behaviour and you’re acting shitty with the words you’re saying
No. 1432469
>>1432465I'm lowkey angry how one can think so idiotically, how a woman can think like that. sad.
Words i'm saying are true. it's hilarious how you completely ignore every bad thing Elon Musk/Grimes did that everyone's been listing to you for the last days. whenever someone mentions these facts, you change subject and say Grimes aren't pretty and "you're just jealous", or continue to shit out sentences about how poor Elon was bullied. doesn't mean they're bad people with documented list of bad behaviour. go seethe.
Anyways, i'm out, you only seem to thrive on having these conversations. Sit here talking to yourself. or make a personal blog where you write out love letters to Muskrat. kek, now this is a worst case of mental illness.
No. 1432473
>>1427727>they come out to their friends as being in a relationship and have a marriage ceremonywhat the fuck? no they don't, it ends with the brother asking her not to go to the USA and their
brother-sister relationship, which had been fractured by the brother she admired growing up and becoming an unambitious good for nothing, being patched. it stays platonic throughout
you can find it weird and disgusting and whatever, but believing and repeating "they come out and get married" makes you sound like a church lady
elon and grimes are complete plebs, they could have used yosuga no sora. that one is porn, so the siblings actually fuck and the girl is basically a loli. sage for weeb spergery
No. 1432484
>>1432473OT and also nta but if that's the case why is this gif
>>1427727 a thing? Is it from the show? Because if they kiss like that in the show I can see why
nonny would say/think that way lol.
Not to mention, it's pretty telling that elon and grimes used the screenshot of THAT SPECIFIC SCENE for their pfps…
No. 1432552
>>1432469Because it’s not fair to judge in a shallow way without seeing someone deeper
I think grimes has produced a lot of great art for society and helped people with said art therefore deserves having people look more deeper into her life and story , and elon seems to be someone with potential to be better but is just really weird and has issues. they have a lot of fans FOR a reason. They do weird shit but it doesn’t mean that they’re lost causes like some people who are just shit in every fucking way and contribute NOTHING to society
No. 1432749
>>1432484fuck, apparently it is from the show and they have a pseudo wedding. from the wiki:
>Sometime later, the Kosaka siblings arrange a pseudo-marriage at a church, where they reveal their genuine happiness for being siblings with a kiss. Kirino gives Kyosuke back the ring, ending their relationship with her request of being a couple until graduation - which last for 3 months - finally fulfilled, and they go back to being normal siblings (she whispered this to him in EP 14).i did not remember this at all, it's not as bad as anon's description but much worse than i thought kek
No. 1432778
>>1432754Oh, yeah, for sure she does. She seems to have a very unhealthy relationship with food (I'm guessing because of his father? I think she said something about that–)
I was just surprised that so many nonnas think she's too skinny or that she looks bad.
No. 1432942
>>1432735Nona if you're ~
triggered~ close the tab. It's not about you and you shouldn't make it so.
No. 1432992
>>1432942I'm not "making it about me" it was a random dumb comment, I won't post something similar again though. I was using the term
triggered lightly, I'd day confused would be a better word.
No. 1433044
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>>1433041Oh shit lol
I forgot to cut it out
No. 1433048
>>1433043She wants to appeal to the incels of 4chan, never stops saying how she loves pedo mangas etc
Imagine still being the worst kind of pick me after 30 (and a Child)
No. 1433051
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No. 1433063
>>1433054that's kinda funny cause when you remember her old McGill uni photos from the 1st thread, she was like ABC of normie. piling up on all the 4chan cyber faerie is also the most apparent and desperate attempt of running away from being a normie.
she's just copying manga/anime/deviantart pictures, like something that existed only as a drawing
No. 1433246
>>1433195He invests in personal projects that push some technological advancements in humanity and his main focus is that and always was, like he began his career as just a simple computer programmer or coder not some environmentalist guru who was ready to save everyone.
He seems to care about deeper issues but seldom expresses them anymore. He used to express really interesting things and was unconventional in his thinking but honestly i feel like he’s mentally ill and something sad goes on behind the scenes no one will ever know about
No. 1433254
>>1432914her music is good though lmao, if it wasn’t good she wouldnt have people going crazy for it. Seems to be a niche audience that’s pushing it though which is interesting.
Anyway no need to worry about the thread’s WK anymore. I think I’m going to see myself out lol.
No. 1433281
>>1433044this is something someone with less than an even basic understanding of what 4chan is would say, which really begs the question…why would you pretend to have ever regularly lurked/posted on 4chan?
looks like the same weird wannabe edgelord Peter pan syndrome shit Elon says on Twitter
No. 1433291
>>1433246So your argument what makes him different than other billionaires and actually "good" is "he invests in personal projects that push some technological advancements in humanity"? Wow. Very good and nice of him. pure goodness.
>not some environmentalist guru who was ready to save everyone. And that makes him good/better than others? just cause he didn't originally set out to be environment guru he's superior? ok.
tbh he ridiculously tries to play on both fronts, which is something you cannot do, as it simply doesn't work. you cannot shill your Tesla cars, telling they're better for environment, but at the same time destroying environment. stop talking to people about environment-saving factor of your products while you don't actually do anything for environment while making your products.
Not a single good argument that proves he's better/any different from other billionaires here.
>he’s mentally ill and something sad goes on behind the scenes no one will ever know aboutThe sad thing going bhs is him abusing/mistreating Grimes in one way or another.
No. 1433294
Wanna add that Elon only sits around and gives orders/makes up shitty unfinished plans when it is actually his workers that do everything meaninful. as a thank-you for their hard work, they get fired on a whim, just cause Elon is in a mood to fire someone.
Wanna add that alot of his "genius inventions" were pure shit. remember when those people got stuck in a cave/tunnel in Thailand and he started preaching he can build a vehicle to retrieve them? nothing like talking shit for clout in a comfy chair while people at the area actually worked to retrieve them. in the meantime people freed those kids and Elon got so pissed he called everyone "pedophiles", just cause someone actually saved those people while he made up his fairy tales.
Remember the that aero tunnel? Weird capsules travelling faster than everything on Earth through system of tunnels? super invention, except it was impossible to open/get inside during the ride, so if something bad happened and someone got hurt/got heart attack/whatever else inside the capsule, it would be impossible to get inside and provide help. if the fire started inside, fire fighters would not be able to help and everyone would burn. cool inventions, thinking of deeper issues.
>>1433254thank god.
No. 1433365
>>1433254If you're admitting you're the same anon as before WKing all along, I want to laugh at the profound irony of your post here
>>1432552>Because it’s not fair to judge in a shallow way without seeing someone deeperMeanwhile upthread you post this
>>1431117 and judge this woman completely based on her appearance and the funniest part is she can probably play better than Grimes
No. 1433493
>>1433246LITERALLY everyone who actually looks at the work he is doing now basically all agree that none of his current large works (starlink, the hyperloops, the solar panel tiles) actually work and most of them never will to Elons own ineptitude in running technologically advanced companies he announces some new crap every day to get investors, and it works. I predict that he has at least 2+ more years of credibility before people start getting really mad about his lies. If you were scientifically minded you would know this
nonnie, if you did any research into his wild claims you would know that he gains so much financially, nice scapegoat with the depression though
No. 1433667
>>1433246Plenty of smart billionaires and millionaires invest in technology because it will likely pay off and they want to be a part of something great and revolutionising, they are often interested in new ideas too.
>his main focus is that and always was, like he began his career as just a simple computer programmer or coder not some environmentalist guru who was ready to save everyone. You just described Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and John McAfee, to name a few. Every rich person owning a business in technology advances it somehow, they pay engineers to come up with ways to make production efficient and to improve their products. He isn't really an inventor.
>He seems to care about deeper issues but seldom expresses them anymore.What did he care about? Or what were his unconventional thoughts? I am genuinely asking because he is clearly detached from reality and comes up with quirky, quite useless ideas which consume huge amounts of resources instead of doing something practical to help people, like building a metro. Maybe he was more grounded in the past.
No. 1433933
>>1433781Yes, there is. Not contributing/taking part in these corrupt things. He could've found a normal fucking job and lived his life like normal people instead of sending fuel fossils upwards and destroying people's lives. Alternately, could've just sat at fucking home all life doing nothing, because could afford that thanks to his parents.
>>1433783>out of all billionaires he was the only one who could have really done something and what makes you think like that? he's not as smart as people think he is, he literally has people to work on his shit instead of him. he never expressed any will to do anything good. I mean, i agree he COULD HAVE done something good to the world if he really wanted, but what exactly makes you think he, out of all billionaires, had a chance to be better? what does Elon have/what does he make that makes him better or different? surprise, billionaires are all alike. they're all rich people who get consumed by their power, and ultimately use it to do wrong, cause they're always greed for more. he really has no interesting ideas, most of his stuff is faulty/unusable. his own workers admitted there's plenty of mistakes in his cars just cause Elon made one shitty decision, despite people warning him against it, and set out an order.
you're just repeating after Elon's fanboys, who are delusional people. he provided nothing important, useful or interesting to this world. wake up. stan Grimes all you want, but stanning Elon just because you pity his bullying phase/mental illness is some unspoken desperation.
No. 1440017
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>>1440013Supervisors and managers complicit as well
No. 1440411
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Grimes liking Tweets related to Elon and his family this week.
She hasn’t been active in several days though. I wonder if she got a heads up that the animal testing and racism lawsuit scandals would be breaking.
No. 1440666
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>>1439714This is fucked up, but also
>“Pretty much every single monkey that had had implants put in their head suffered from pretty debilitating health effects,” Jeremy Beckham, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s research advocacy director, told The Post. “They were, frankly, maiming and killing the animals.” Not to make a bleak joke, but I don't think it's unintentional that we're all thinking "Grimes, how the fuck do you defend this?"
Honestly, if you learn about what these brain implants entail and how they're inserted, it's no fucking surprise those monkeys suffered so much. Musk himself deserves to be used as a test subject. Literal brain butcher
No. 1441227
>>1440492It really is a nazi experiment. Elon is a figurehead that is meant to appeal to a wide range of men with incel mentality, they relate to other “nihilist narcissists” or whatever they want to name their mommy issues that are really daddy issues. Operation paper clip was how the nazi doctors were essentially imported to the states after ww2, simplifying it greatly but look it up because it’s worth it. They’ve been trying to use the internet to desensitize people to torture since its inception. If the Internet was around during ww2 it would be even more of an unimaginable hell on Earth, which already is inconceivable considering the devastation. Technology and pills placate feelings of failure when men stop defending their countries and take it out on women who pick up the slack, then that creates resentment from men who can’t face the truth that they’re getting mind fucked by other men.
The study said that the monkeys would have missing fingers and toes, that was thought to be from acts of self mutilation. If animal rights groups can log off their own social media accounts and getting offended over semantics, they could do something about it. The tests were done in fucking Northern California I’m sure they could have gotten people to participate in some shit there.
Also I still stand by monkeys working safely with their handlers or out in the wild happily, living their damn monkey lives on their own fucking monkey terms, will make anyone happy to watch, happier than anything that moldy rosacea slab of dough with hair plugs ever could and he knows it and had to try to make a whole racist empire about it while enslaving children to destroy the planet to fuel his trash operation. I love all monkeys, especially macaques, they are so fucking adorable but they all are. Seeing people deeply mentally ill and self harming from trauma is hard enough, a monkey who doesn’t have any social reference or comprehension of that doing that is beyond words. I don’t even know how they got to animal trials unless they were bored and wanted to torture animals and then people with the news. Fuck them.
No. 1442020
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I think Elon is going to be outed somehow as a business conman soon (maybe in the next two years). SO many of his projects basically other than tesla have failed or have just been completely logistically unfeasable. I think grimes will distance and maybe wake up one day but probably not soon. Maybe in an alt reality she double downs on her choice of spergy moon faced men and digs herself a deeper hole
No. 1442023
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>>1442020sage for added milk, all of this has come out pretty recently in a short amount of time, so maybe this is the start of the public being more suspect of his stupid claims
we need more technofags in here… I'm tired of screaming about how grimes is or isn't ugly, elon deserves some cyberbullying too
No. 1442029
>>1439714he's such a tremendous piece of shit, it's unreal. and yet he's escaping any and all criticism. zuckerberg is a sociopath and gets the scoiopath edit but this psycho gets off scot free and is actively idolized by all sorts of guys and technolarpers. this is so evil and it's so obvious that he's a retard.
>>1442023i truly hate him. my area is conned by this guy and our politicians are accepting his grifting bullshit proposals to bore into our area that is like 6 feet above sea level and is pure, easily flooded limestone. engineers have said for hundreds of years that this is not feasible and is extremely dangerous but because the politicians want clout and to be seen as technologically open, they're going fullsteam ahead because this fuckstain is trendy. this will be tragic and a waste of money if they go forward.
No. 1442035
>>1442024i think we are dealing with maybe two possible realities, maybe three.
A) Grimes is too stupid to understand that it is all a lie and has fallen for it
B) Grimes is somehow in on it, she knows its all a lie
C)its all azalea banks witchcraft
No. 1442156
>>1442020>>1442023Not a techfag or Musk fan but why is it milky that
>SO many of his projects basically other than tesla have failed or have just been completely logistically unfeasableBecause between PayPal, Tesla and Spacex he's clearly not a scammer. Surely the fact he's a billionaire with unlimited resources and an interest in tech innovation, anyone in that position would always have a bunch of experimental projects on the go, most of which fail during testing phase like any business or scientific venture would?
Compounded with his obviously autistic male brain, a lot of the ideas don't pass the common sense test, such as inventing wasteful private transport systems when public transport solves the same problem, that get far into production processes before they fail because he has no common sense himself and is obviously surrounded by yes men.
I think he's a douche but failing at this scale isn't milky by itself imo, happy to be proven wrong because he should be bullied as much as possible.
No. 1442254
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>>1442149It looks like she is staying offline. Some fans are @ing her on the Elon Musk animal cruelty posts.
No. 1442534
>>1442156>>Paypalnot even created by elon musk, he was briefly put in charge of the company after a merger with his original company and was later fired and replaced with peter thiel, this is all public information
>>teslanot even engineered by elon, so many of his projects attached to tesla do not work and are not feasible because the technology is either not there yet or its literally impossible (fully complete autopilot, tesla semi, random cars literally lighting on fire)
>>spaceXSpaceX is supposedly (literally what elon musk said in an email to spacex management) going through extremely hard times financially (like literally on the verge of bankruptcy) because of their failure of being able to launch a reusable rocket, the first reusable rocked was supposed to come out in 2017 from spaceX, and almost all of their satellites launched for Starlink are inoperable because of the solar storm.
so many of elons projects are funded or subsidized by huge amounts of tax dollars, we are talking billions here, its extremely milky the thought of his entire empire crumbling due to his inability to actually deliver any of his wild promise
No. 1447028
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No. 1447038
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>>1447028Natasha Bassett, 27-year-old Australian actress. She’s cute and seems to be doing well in her career.
No. 1447048
File: 1645288480080.jpeg (147.05 KB, 750x485, 44D95AD7-521E-4784-A133-4E7B85…)

Elon unfollowed Grimes 3 days ago. It appears they no longer follow each other.
Grimes liked a tweet of his just 4 days ago.
No. 1447077
>>1442020This university has a track record of killing monkeys for experiments, its a clickbait article
No. 1447087
>>1447081>>1447069Does he even spend time with his sons, his first wife has custody of his fist 6 kids and Grimes seems to be the one taking care of AE_X
these kids might have his genres, but they will be raised by their mother's and probably step-fathers, his values and thinking won't pass on to them
No. 1447105
>>1447038How long until he gets her pregnant too then dips
>>1447048If thats true, i feel bad for grimes in a sense even though she stuck by him when everyone was rightfully criticizing her for supporting him. Scrotes are gonna scrote, dont be a pickme for a billionaire unless youre taking some of his money in the process
No. 1447171
>>1447048>Grimes liked Elon's tweet just 4 days agoSo she liked his tweets AFTER hurting monekys came to light, as if nothing happened.
>>1447105I don't feel bad for her at all. Stupid bitch knew what he's doing and supported him even after his mess went viral.
So much came out of your cyberpunk romance fantasy, Grimes! Elon doesn't follow you now but maybe you still can volunteer to be another ape to his brain implant experiment. perhaps he installs some music device as bonus.
No. 1447243
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>>1447081TFW you even need IVF because the Y chromosome becomes even more disintegrated with age, reducing your likelihood of having a son despite all conceptions leaning male normally. TFW they all come out fugly and autistic because all of these male embryos wouldn't be viable without technological intervention. TFW if you're a fugly moid, it really doesn't matter how high quality your wife's genes are, because only your daughters are likely to benefit from them. TFW all subhuman incel faggots only have their daddies to blame for what they are. TFW every time you buy pussy as a fugly incel, you're borrowing against your son's genetic future and he's fucked if for whatever reason he can't buy pussy like you did. TFW son preference is inherently dysgenic for men so as time goes by women will only get hotter while men get more fugly and retarded kek
No. 1448079
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Never saw this mentioned here. He has no redeeming traits, does he? No. 1448792
>>1442156>this white collar grifter cow is not too different from other white collar grifter cows, so he's not a grifter cowdon't be retarded.
>get far into production processes before they fail because he has no common sense himself and is obviously surrounded by yes menyes, that's exactly the problem. he keeps showing up in places
>>1442029 and industries that are fine and fucking everything up with his massive funding from investors, then leaving without a scratch once his projects fails, while everyone else has to clean his fucking mess. and while they're cleaning his mess they still need to deal with his attacks and slander because he'll lash out at anyone who doesn't lick his fucking balls - remember how he called the guy who rescued the children that his retarded bot couldn't save a pedo?
the shit musk does is a thousand times worse and more milky than anything grimes could even dream of. she's just putting out cringy songs, this man is actively fucking people's lives
No. 1450156
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Kek yeah sure you like her cause she loves her mom and dad barf
No. 1450157
>>1450156>all human attraction comes down law of attraction which is essentialy a formulaYeah and I bet the "formula" is some MGTOW bullshit where it doesnt matter how ugly, disfigured and bald you are as a man as long as you have money while if you are a woman you can't be attractive if you are 30+.
Of course his new pickme coolgirl totally agreed with it.
No. 1451138
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>>1450901They all look the same to me as like they could be sisters
No. 1451608
>>1451522Kek anon
Elon couldn't bimbofy him successfully cause Bezos was already bald
>>1450156Girl is thin, brown haired and looks like she didn't do anything significant with her face yet. Perfect formula, perfect canvas for him to destroy.
No. 1451671
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Why is she posing like this in a Holocaust memorial?
No. 1451866
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>>1426582>>1427727>>1431881>>1432484This actually isn't real. The matching OreImo PFPs were spread around as a meme. However, Elon's PFP around that time was Edward Elric, which is probably what anons are thinking of.
No. 1452652
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Ukraine asked Elon Musk for help.
Bet 100$ this idiot will ignore. Eventually come back to posting anime memes like nothing happened.
I mean they probably know he won't do anything, so i think it's a way of throwing a shade
No. 1452662
>>1452653Perhaps it's the time the rest of the world figures out that Elon's stuff if bullshit. He'll be fucked if he doesn't help and fucked if he (very hypothetically) sends some half baked bullshit.
hope it ruins his reputation.
No. 1453029
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No. 1453193
>>1452337They didn't have a child by accident, they created embryos to use in IVF, broke up and he didn't want to have children with her. Then she fought over the embryos in court and won.
He has a child with her after they separated and after he wanted the embryos destroyed, pregnancy was her decision.
No. 1453708
>>1450229can someone please explain to me why these moids don't just go for "trad" women with "family values" to begin with? Like, is it a fun challenge for them to target weird insecure alt girls who are none of the things that they expect their partner to conform to and like…break them or something? Why pick grimes and go for this woman next?
(not wking grimes, there's enough readily accessible info out there about what kind of person and partner elon is and she should have known better)
No. 1457661
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lol elon sent a rocket to the moon in secret
No. 1463029
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they had a second kid via surrogate
No. 1463037
>>1463029With claires recessive raver genes, elobs aging sperm and a name that reads like an ADHD drug for thots.
Why. Why is grimes a mother again.
a cokeroach exhipster like her doesn't deserve more children and child support.
No. 1463082
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No. 1463110
>>1463082she is so pathetic, I can't stand the people caping for her and elon, saying theyre fluid, poly, not tied down and just doing their thing as an excuse for what this really is: a girl who lost every shred of authenticity, self-respect, and character for a rich dickhead. Ironically her desperation probably repels him.
I wonder if she has post-baby body image issues which is why she opted for the surrogacy route. "look at me elon I'm young and tight". Using a financially disadvantaged woman's womb for this farce, I really hate this bitch
No. 1463125
>>1463082Why is she bragging that she's dedicating her entire life, including her art, to a moid? She's a turbo pick-me. There's no saving her now. She let this scrote convince her to live separate from his own children (including his first batch), and fuck other women. Most men would fucking LOVE that. But it's ok because he's rich?
I feel like the only reason Elon hasn't moved fully on is because she'll do whatever he says. The desperation is just otherwordly. Using other womens bodies for what he old ass bf wants? He was removed from the genepool for a reason. She's going to have a huge wakeup call when he wants to do something with the kids or send them somewhere she doesn't want and she has no control of the situation. Even that Westworld actress was smart enough to marry him and get a pay out twice without any kids kek
No. 1463255
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>>1463082Tinfoil but this(
>>1450156 ) and what Grimes just said is the reason why his new relationship screams fake to me, Elon is not in good terms with his family, hasn't been in over a decade, yeah not even his mom and siblings, he didn't live with his mom when she divorced Musk senior and his next move was going to Canada, if it even was Musk speaking in this article he's blantantly lying.
He and Grimes were still together when the article was written, which was what? February at most because it's Book 1 promotion.
Natasha has 0 pictures with him in her very active social media, she never talks about him, they were seen together once and that was it.
I don't think his relationship with Natasha was ever real, probably paid PR.
No. 1463309
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This whole interview is fucking wild.
>"The best situation here" she says, "is me training the girl and him" - Musk - "training the boy.">Musk agrees that living separately is wise: “I just don’t like things to be messy and anime.”>For Grimes, the dent to her reputation has been real. Overnight, a chunk of her core constituency—the internet—turned on her. She was no longer a revolutionary. She was Marie Antoinette.I just can't with these rich shitheads and their absolutely insane egos kek No. 1463357
>>1463309I don't get why she wants to have 4 kids, she's the last person I'd think of when thinking of a mother.
>>1463333Raising is a big word considering she has someone else to take care of her 24/7, in the interview she just let the baby cry while she was drinking beer with the shithead that interviewed her
No. 1463368
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>>1463344Amber's daughter isn't Elon's, she used a sperm bank and has a girlfriend at the moment ffs.
No. 1463431
>>1463379I mean, her other kid doesn't call her mum but calls Elon Dad. I don't think she wants kids at all, it seems to be part of the larp she's been doing since she met him
>>1463398lol she's back to pretending to be poor. It's not suffering when you can just leave the situation at any point and go home to your rich parents, claire.
No. 1463433
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this woman is more Cassie than Cassie is
No. 1463467
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No. 1463721
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someone put him on meds please
No. 1463811
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>>1463029Why are they like this
No. 1463827
>>1463309>In other words, she was a hyper-smart, thrill-seeking, gender-exploring time bomb whose hobbies included rejecting capitalism, partying too hard, and dancing until sunrise, though Mac notes she was also an overachieving straight-A student (…)>She tried LSD for the first time when she was 13 and has lost multiple friends to opiate overdoses.>She would pay for drugs by doing homework for Taiwanese loan sharks.
>“We keep having this conversation where E’s like, ‘Are you real? Or are we living in my memory, and you’re like a synthesized companion that was created to be my companion here?’ >”Anyway, she says, she’s never felt entirely real herself: “The degree to which I feel engineered to have been this, like, perfect companion is crazy.”>Does she mean the perfect companion for him specifically?>“Yes. Even just studying astrophysics and neuroscience. And it’s really annoying because people think I’m an airhead who went to art school.” (She actually wanted to, but it was too expensive.)>Grimes was a musical autodidact who went viral in 2010 with some of the very first songs she made on GarageBand, then spent a decade creating every single note in a male-dominated industry, no matter how much unrequested help men kept offering.The amount of lies in this interview…
>Covering the floor is an enormous Death Note rugkek
No. 1463830
>>1463309>Doxers and stalkers and paparazzi are nothing new for her—she’s a female pop star in 2022—but these are people trying to outmaneuver the guy who runs Tesla and SpaceX (and founded the Boring Company and Neuralink). They track his private jet and post its location on Twitter. They swarm his factories with drones. Once they find him, they find her soon enough, and then they find X.A teenager created a Twitter account where he tracks Elon Musk's jet and offered to stop for $50k (when Musk offered him $5k)? They're being stalked and followed by half the world!!!!!
>>1463721"Are you real? Or are you just an extension of me?" God, that's such a romantic, non-narcissistic thing to say.
No. 1463840
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No. 1463888
>>1463721"Hey babe, I think you only exist to be an NPC in my life."
No. 1463915
File: 1647004652843.png (35.2 KB, 671x547, grimes.PNG)

picrel. i hate both of them more and more each day. not only are they horrific but horrific liars.
>>1463673she hasn't, i doubt she had even been on 4chan until recently. maybe she might have realized she was a /mu/ waifu at one point but doubtful. i think this is all recent. she was never a 4channer or acknowledger prior
No. 1463918
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>>1463915this is exactly why i fucking hate rich people. they're void of any empathy, they want to put on the mask of being 'below the poverty line' whenever it feels quirky or suitable for them disregarding the fact one of them is a fucking billionaire and the other masqueraded as poor yet has a pretty rich family.
they're trying so fucking hard but no one with half a brain cell falls for this bourgeois shit, why can't they just be like other obnoxious rich people and acknowledge that they have lots of money? isn't that the point of being rich? why would you ever wish to be poor if not for attention and sympathy. we have to share a car and can't even afford a new vacuum and can barely afford our energy bills and council tax, yet poor elon musk has a hole in his mattress uwu.
No. 1463955
File: 1647009977529.jpeg (165.8 KB, 750x691, 2D76AE4F-D1BF-483A-ADD9-298E2D…)

I want the annoying Twitter SJWs who are convinced that Grimes (they/them) is simply a hapless victim of Elon to see this
No. 1463957
>>1463955If what your boyfriend says drives you crazy more often than not, then there's a wonderful solution for this: dump the boyfriend. no compromises.
This is absolute bullshit, no she doesn't have to respond to shit he says, but let's not act like he's an innocent cutie who does nothing wrong. this idiot hurt and squashed thousands of people along the way, and he enjoys inflicting harm on his own workers. as if that was not enough, he also hurts animals in the name of his stupid cyberpunk fantasy. it's not somehting youas a girlfriend just close your eyes on because "uwu he's just a little misguided, but i will fix him!!!"
No. 1464013
>>1463915Being billionare but larping as a poor man is worse than actually living as a billionare.
>Instead of buying a new one, Musk suggested that they bring over the mattress from her home insteadWhat in a fucking dumb pickme hell? This is absolutely lowest of the low and Grimes somehow thinks it makes him "totally not like other billionares"
>bro>bro >bro No. 1464120
File: 1647022966924.jpeg (306.4 KB, 640x816, EBB22EC7-237E-432F-978E-B83F64…)

>>1464110She’s literally dating a tranny manlet snitch with fetal alcohol syndrome I’m fucking crying. Grimes WHY.
No. 1464141
>>1464119Didn't she date a tranny who helped her with a lot of her music and thought of the "rococo basilisk" joke that Elon started flirting with her over? She probably deduced that going pick-me for a more "normal" man (Elon) just means she'll be diminished, but being a pick-me for a tranny means he'll likely live vicariously through her and tell her what to say/do to appeal to certain demographics (especially in this day and age)
The anons who were calling her a "based
TERF" because she called out Sophie on being a man (before she knew he was a tranny) must be crying now lol
No. 1464145
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>>1464141Good timing, she's dating another tranny now.
No. 1464231
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>>1464141She dated him before he trooned out, picrel.
>>1464145Im sorry but, this seems so fake.
No way this isnt a move to try to get her woke fans back, Grimes literally called Elon her boyfriend three days ago but now she's moved in with a tranny?
No. 1464274
>>1463309>>1463721>Her space opera’s antihero is a Cymek she calls “the dark king,” the world’s greatest engineer, whom Grimes featured in the video for her recent single “Player of Games.”>an exaggerated version of Grimes—the dark king’s dream girl, a simulated courtesan who grows weary of being a muse>Does she mean the perfect companion for him specifically? “Yes. Even just studying astrophysics and neuroscience. And it’s really annoying because people think I’m an airhead who went to art school.” (She actually wanted to, but it was too expensive.)G O D. All this pickme shit and yet he dropped her ass for some generic pretty face (no offence to Muskrat's newest girl). Pathetic!
I second the anon who hated the interviewer brown nosing Grimes.
No. 1464423
>>1463915Why is she saying bro like an absolute fucking retard? Does she think that referring to your significant other as "bro" is considered cool among the common folk? If she is being sincere in this interview, I hate her and her pathetic quasi-religious view of that repulsive one-dimensional autist. She's just a pathetic, Silicon Valley-pandering mess with no solid identity or values of her own, hence why she constantly vacillates between caping for Musk and crying whenever she gets rightly criticized for her pathetic codependent behavior(s) like protecting Elon (who, publicly, gives absolutely no shit about her of course) from
valid criticism, pathologically lying and being inconsistent in her stories (e.g. the fucking appalling poverty larping that's supposed to make her interesting/relatable), and acting like a persecuted, misunderstood genius
victim whenever she gets criticized for any of it. She also loves to equate receiving criticism online with "getting cancelled" the same way comedians do. The online bullying has prob given her a huge persecution complex, hence why she thinks she's "Marie Antoinette 2077". It's sad that fame, drugs, social media and Elon Musk fried her brain; I really used to like her music at one time.
>>1463467In this interview, she mentions that her team DDoSed a site that featured a bunch of pics of her on it. I wonder if her team is going to try to DDoS this site eventually, or if they've already attempted to do so. I 100 % believe she's insecure enough to care that much.
No. 1464438
>>1463915Pretty sure she knew about 4chan early-ish in her career when a bunch of guys from /mu/ were obsessed with her. She wiped a lot of her old accounts/photos as a result, especially on Myspace. You can see some evidence of this in the archives
She was also supposedly in some Twitter community full of weird "humor" accounts (many of the members were later accused of being rapists), and was supposedly an asshole to people, but deleted everything so she could keep a more innocent image
No. 1465202
>>1463827>She tried LSD for the first time when she was 13 and has lost multiple friends to opiate overdoses.>She would pay for drugs by doing homework for Taiwanese loan sharks.No Claire, you were living in a comfy ass apartment bought by your rich parents, so you could loan it to other rich art class kids
>I feel engineered to have been this, like, perfect companion is crazy.”You're perfect useful rag because he can use and abuse you and you'll come back begging for more. disgusting
>Even just studying astrophysics and neuroscience. And it’s really annoying because SHE LITERALLY STOPPED STUDIES AFTER 1 SEMESTER OR SOMETHING, she was removed because she just stopped going to uni. Lmao!
>people think I’m an airhead who went to art school.” (She actually wanted to, but it was too expensive.)>~tOo expensive~Bitch your mommy is a crown prosecutor/advocate and your daddy is a banker who now works in biotech business. fuck i wanna slap her whenever she says shit like this. I swear to god if someone doesn't call this bitch out, Claire people have google, they can search info you know.
Montreal guys who used to know her should make a group interview and expose her
No. 1465215
>>1463915no no no it's getting worse. laughing hard at her bro and "Elon is living below poverty line" but also hating them so much now
>>1464145Ah, a rebound i see? As if Elon is about to care about that
No. 1465988
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saged for not really adding new information but i came across this on tumblr today, blog is adobecreativesuite. i can't find the previous post she's mentioning but if i do i'll post it
No. 1465989
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>>1465988samefag, another anon relating to it
No. 1466207
>>1465988wtf does that mean
is this girl planning to hack them or what? i'm waiting but for now it looks like the girl is getting crazy just cause her prophecy/fanfiction (?) GrimesxChelsea ship came true or something. Also
>freegrimes situationBitch she willingly runs after Elon, she's a 30 not 5yo. i don't doubt if he abuses her or something, but she should free her own self if she's so "opressed" by Apartheid Clyde and his torn mattresses on the verge of poverty.
No. 1466417
>>1466207it's true, once you hit 30 you can't be abused anymore.
I don't think he's abusing her by forcing her to stay, but your argument is retarded. It's obviously more of a situation where she's obsessed with him and willing to sacrifice her entire self to make him happy. Usually, men that are abusing women to stay don't move out because that's a loss of control. I think she's just a turbo pickme and Elon being an
abusive misogynistic moid is seperate from that.
Also Bradley Manning is a fucking loser. He bragged about punching lesbians in the face when he was in the military, and his leaks were mostly trash and dangerous. When Snowdon leaked he went through all the info with journalists to make sure nothing that could endanger the public was in there. Bradley just dumped it all on wikileks, no shits given. The video that came from his leak just happened to be there, he didn't set out to expose it. He also told someone that was already on fed probation what he was doing, creating a situation where the guy either had to A) expose Bradley (which he did) or B) when the leaks come out, go back to fed prison because you broke probation. He is a full on idiot.
No. 1466424
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>>1466417Adrian Lamo also ended up shooting himself in the head over what manning did when basically homeless in Kansas, while manning loves to suicide bait on twitter. Typical attention whoring tranny.
No. 1467162
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Seems like Elon is seething about Grimes dating a tranny kek
No. 1467185
>>1463915>I'm eating peanut butter eight days in a rowI thought she was a grungy independent commie, is she incapable of ordering in or grocery shopping?
I wonder if it's a cold war, Musk assuming she's after his money and refusing basic home comforts as a power play, her doubling down into being the low maintenance cool girl while grudgingly refusing to go to Trader Joe's on principle.
No. 1467327
>>1466417ayrt, no, i didn't mean that once you're 30+ you can't be abused. i mean it's just not like Grimes has to stay with him and endure the abuse, she has enough fucking money to get the fuck out, get her own fucking house without mattresses with holes in it, heck even a few houses if she wishes. and if not, she has her fucking rich parents to fall back on. of course she won't, because she's obsessed with him and willingly sticks around, refusing to leave and that's a problem here. true, being 30 has nothing to do with anything, i'm just irritated that she's a grown woman who lets this idiot treat her like that.
what i meant by 30 not 5yo is however thatshe's a grown woman and she's the only one that can or cannot make a mature decision. no amount of internet campaign of a random fucking tumblr blogger is going to "free grimes" or "save" her from Elon. it's ultimately her own choice to leave. I'm sure she's been already told by someone, anyone, how this situation looks, heck she even had hundreds of randoms telling her to leave on that Reddit thread. she just won't, so i'm afraid there's no fucking way to "save" her.
No. 1467377
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>>1467303James/Jaimey Brooks is whom OP meant
No. 1468066
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Lmaoo, because Putin sure is gonna read your shit, Elon. on that twitter that's blocked in his country. but maybe, just maybe there;s a chance Putin has internet in his bunker in Ural and spends his free time hate-reading your boomer memes. he might actually take up the challenge! (well at least Rogozin does lol) 7:30 am in the schoolyard. eventually in the 7-11 parking lot, place up to negotiations.
No. 1468096
>>1467038>>1466949Based Amber, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with milking evil rich scrotes for their money and then beating the shit out of them whilst being a raging lesbian
>>1464423It's so telling that she blathers on and on about "her precious E" to every interviewer on earth while he barely acknowledges her existence in public, girl wake up
No. 1468171
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>>1468066I am so excited for the next few decades of Musk's life. Any chance of him mellowing out and acting normal as he ages are debunked now and 60-something Muskrat being held together with Frankenstein plastic surgery and getting cucked by the next generation of tech grifters while sperging online is going to be GLORIOUS.
No. 1468279
>>1468147 do not forgie grimes
>>1468172 is right. people morals and values actually won't give them up for money or anything. i've seen it - there are people who won't do free drugs, literally can't keep a secret becaue they think lying is wrong, and who actually turn down $600 to let a guy touch their dick. i mean, power to them, we need good people in this world. i just don't understand living like that.
No. 1468284
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I'm sorry but do any of you guys think that anything they say or have written about them in these way is not just a giant fictional narrative to keep us 'peasants' engaged? Do you actually think anything they are saying is real? None of you actually know what they're really doing. They're just absurdly rich people that can do whatever they want and doing what they can to keep people paying attention. It's an absurd trainwreck from the outside to merely keep people entertained and watching. Like…these people have press teams. This is all on purpose, a show. A carefully crafted cringe charade. Doesn't get more meta than that. Just my tinfoil of course…
No. 1468351
File: 1647322492603.jpg (166.58 KB, 1038x778, 61b65cd9ce902c4fe747c40c_Grime…)

>>1468284she's unfortunately obsessed with him for real, but everything else you said, true. it's all a show, everything's staged from Vanity Fair interviews and their relationships descriptions and "juicy" stories on torn mattresses, to getting a collectible new Pokemon baby Exit Dark Wood Elsa Danger Violence South West Sidvicious and well-scheduled breakups and making up with Elon, as well as getting fuckbuddies in the meantime just to make that fucking headline, to calling up the paps.
This pic and the story behind is the best indication.
No. 1468460
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I wish her droid future tech fairy gamergurl anime warrior larp would doe down and she would go back to just being quirky alt
No. 1468571
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Ok the bear pic is admittedly fake but imagine thinking your ugly pasty coke addicted fat fucking tub of lard ass looks good here at all, using a flamethrower that someone else designed and built, compared to a ripped former KGB agent who became the pres of Russia. Delusional
No. 1469440
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If they do meet to throw hands outside the Russian equivalent of Denny's, I hope they both die pathetically
No. 1469772
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>>1467162Confirmed, Elon has changed his Twitter name to Elona Musk.
No. 1469804
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>>1469772lmao, he's not trolling Grimes this time though, he's cat-fighting with Kadyrow.
No. 1469925
it's kinda hilarious that he made Kadyrow personally offended. he's fucking stupid and completely unglued from reality, but i say continue doing that shit if that means it bothers Kadyrows units kek
>>1469913no, you are retarded. how easy is for him to win someone over and make people forget about his wrongdoings just cause he's got a sense of humour! congratulations on elon fanboy logic
No. 1469972
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That's why Elon can go fuck himself. Yes, i know "he was just joking", doesn't fucking matter. it was lowkey ridiculous to see Kadyrov and Rogozin even replying to him - the only thing that was funny is that they even fucking cared to reply. Elon's not funny at all. he can continue his stupid internet fight with Kadyrow if he wants, if that makes his less busy giving orders /s But after that, Muskrat should just shut up. This is such a fucking burger standpoint, sitting in burgerland and ~making funny memes about war that doesn't threated you personally~! Fuck them all, Elon definitely included.
No. 1470100
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i forgot to tell that Elon is not even doing it as his retarded way of "fuck you" to Putin or Kadyrow. read the room. he's doing it to get sympathy and make himself more "relatable", to get ppl like you to think it's peak humour and say "maybe he's not as bad as we thought". this is just that, a publicity stunt. he wants to hear one more "based Elon! slay king". Anyone famous could make "Pootin fite meh!" meme and threaten Russia, and each of them would be equivalent of a 5 year old messaging Putin to tell him to watch out, cause he's going to get him.
not sure if i used correct word earlier but i think the only thing funny or rather "ridiculous, in a bad way, is that imperialist-dictators are having these sort of kindergarten slap fights in the open, publically, on twitter.
As for Elon's support for Ukraine… see this tweet. he literally used those words. you're not on gunpoint, you stupid fuck. Ukrainians are.
No. 1470446
>>1470089We have a scrote squad that moves from thread to thread like gypsies. A ton of them are holed up in the Ukraine thread rn
I do find it funny how only a few days ago these tards were raging at anyone who dared hurt Daddy Putin. Now King Reddit comes along and talks shit and every /pol/tard is like YASSS ELON SLAYYY. Reactionaries have no moral compass.
No. 1470651
>>1470325you realize that you write like a literal retard who should refrain from ever insinuating that others are stupid, yes?
>>1470433Great minds post anti-SJW memes on Twitter
No. 1470756
File: 1647475991805.gif (125.61 KB, 498x216, anons saying based.gif)

>>1469913>being won over by boomer humour / shitty PR>thinking other people are retarded
>>1470083"getting"? They were here at the first mention of Apartheid Clyde.
No. 1489775
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Wtf is she doing to 2022 Honda Civic?
No. 1489781
>>1489775>>1489776This is an old photo of her first kid and babies/toddlers hate hair cuts and are more comfortable with their parents doing it than some stranger.
>torturous deviceIt’s a baby chair for a bathtub….what is this unsaged nitpicking ?
No. 1490349
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>>1489775>2022 Honda Civicfucking lol
No. 1492156
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No. 1494500
File: 1649258552065.jpeg (848.85 KB, 1125x1752, 7FA61EFB-6ED8-4DBC-8B8E-A509F7…)

She didn’t even pay her dancers wtf
No. 1508747
>>1507912I just don't get why she'd chose to be this white elven viking girl when in reality she pretty much looks like a malnourished Neanderthal, with her bushy brows and sloped forehead like that.I think people don't see how insecure and depressed she actually is. Can't wait for her to turn 40 to finally realize that her precious E, indeed hates older looking women, no matter how much surgery they get. Bet she hates her aging body, and would do anything to stay a smol teenage girl.Trust me, once she hits 40, she'll go full psycho… Can't wait kek
Also any predictions on Elon in like 10 yrs? Somehow think he will marry a Robot…
No. 1509009
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This tranny is getting too comfortable and begging for attention.
No. 1509059
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>>1509046ntayrt but she's a model's kind of a cow too, last i heard she was dating her step brother
No. 1509077
>>1509059THANK YOU nona.
Wow okay you're totally right, not 1 ounce of originality in you ever eh grimes? Tinfoil af but I wonder if elon showed her his 'type' of girl and it either was a photo of her, or someone who looked like her and grimes decided to skinwalk her since shes such a turbo pickme
No. 1509350
>>1509059Not sure if this is just something you noticed or if it’s a theory held by a greater community, but I’m buying it.
Just look through Charlotte’s twitter, nonnies… I would provide screenshots but there are too many good examples to choose from. of Charlotte doing everything Grimes is trying to “go for” but feeling way more authentic
No. 1509846
>>1509059That look isn't anything original at all, but i 100% believe Grimes followed that Charlotte brother-fucker chick. that is because she followed other well-known semi tumblr-famous morons. Obviously she supported Nicole Dollanganger, but she also followed Ginger Bronson. i've seen somewhere that her old tweets all fawning about her and sayign how huge fan is she of Ginger's poetry and "music".
Grimes should come back to Tumblr, the ~+waif bambi anorexic russian trad cocaine messy french croquette+~ scene would embrace her and provide endless material to rip off.
No. 1509860
>>1509847did she? i didn't know they don't "work" together (i mean Hana works and Grimeth maketh thik thokths in the meantime) anymore
That sucks for her, she probably agreed to this not knowing how this will look like, and eventually kept grinding her teeth but sitting quiet thinking all that nonsense will lead her anywhere and give her some clout at least.
No. 1510014
>>1509805Hana looks almost identical to Elons second wife Tallulah, especially after going platinum. I always thought that Claire was lowkey jealous of her looks, and only used her for music related stuff. Hana is also dating Bloodpoop, maybe he fucked Elon too.
Also I thought that Hana and Claire were Best friends?? She rarely hangs out with her nowadays makes me think that Claires fragile ego couldn't handle that Elons shrimp dick was more interested in Hana, hence why Claire keeps Hana on a leash made out of NDA's
No. 1510083
>>1509770You really going to believe some q-anon level tumblr rumor from 10 years ago? Sage your shit retard
>>1509846There are namely only 2 people who have this specific look, one of them just happened to have it for years before the other one, and is actually somewhat unique unlike pick me bpd claire
No. 1510104
>>1510086Dude, Hana is fucking that fat tranny Bloopoop, no offense, but what makes you think that she wouldn't also suck on that Billion Dollar Dick?
Grimes doesn't need Hana, why would she? She now hires no-name singers from all over the world and producers, forces them into NDAs and calls it a day.
She needed Hana in the beginning, helping her produce and teach her how to sing, hence why her early music was actually good… I undoubtedly believe that Hana reads here, probably a Grimes Hater kek
No. 1510150
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>>1510121So I've never heard of this person before, but after googling and finding this, ummmmmm. If this is supposed to be her half/brother, uhhhhhhh…
No. 1510157
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>>1510150(sameanon, I just saw she took photos with creepdick terry richardson AND defended his rapey behavior. I know this is off topic but yikes, ok carry on)
No. 1510595
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Wow this picture of Grimes as Fiona really did make my day kek
No. 1510930
>>1510798How do you equate that to them fucking? Are you q anon?
>>1510157She hasn’t been milky for literally a decade and is actually nice. If you want her tumblr its
No. 1511026
>>1508823Lol I’ve thought the same thing, i was showing my friend some evidence i could compile some stuff if i wasn’t too lazy she has like a million ig’s and accounts so it’s annoying lol
>>1509753Definitely not the first BPD cow to do this, seems like a common theme of cows on this website. people with BPD struggle a lot with identity so it’s normal for them to do a fair amount of skinwalking
(sage your shit) No. 1511164
File: 1650894932835.jpg (1.62 MB, 2302x4096, InCollage_20220425_065310584.j…)

charlotte free posted a screenshot from her twitter while posting lilith levesis milk and anons called her out kek
tbf charlotte seems cool imo besides, you know, the edgelord (half?) brother fucking
No. 1511498
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>>1511064She had a boyfriend when she shot that, they even had a joint instagram and were very clearly in love, it was actually pretty weird at the time to have a couple’s instagram and everyone thought they were related at the time so…. 😬 She was also top tier model when she shot that and probably booked it through IMG.. she’s in a lot of music videos, die antwoord for example, you really think she had to fuck anyone at that point? She was in ads for like, every major brand at one point. she speaks openly about having never fucked anyone in the industry and tells girls to never fuck anyone. Stop making up BS. Shes a freak but not a whore. Read her tumblr
No. 1511755
>>1511064>>1511549 Women can be seen with men and not be having sex with them. Only scrotes and incels think otherwise
>>1511732 billionaire scrote owning twitter.. what could go wrong?
No. 1511787
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Another girl she just completely ripped off…. That whole video looked like a combo of moonchild’s ig and this photo lmao
No. 1512056
>>1512051Guaranteed you are either a femcel or a scrote if you think all models are passed around especially high caliber ones. The ones who are down to fuck are pretty openly slutty. Also she was in a relationship jfc. I love lolcow to find milk, and to lol at milk… but i hate when misogynistic scrotes come in here
>>1511825Aren’t pigs her favorite animal? Maybe thats why she likes elon, maybe it made her feel like princess mononoke riding the ancient wildhog
No. 1512058
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You have to admit the resemblance is striking
No. 1512246
File: 1650987240573.jpg (78.44 KB, 353x500, 1629911469169.jpg)

>>1511985she can delete all she wants, but she admitted she loves hentai/loli and has a secret twitter and insta just to watch "beautiful naked blue-haired girls" and we have screenshot.
she also had an incest wedding anime pic set up as her pfp, Grimes a pic of a sister, Elon a pic of brother.
No. 1512251
>>1512056>The ones who are down to fuck are pretty openly slutty. sure, because only women dressed like stereotypical sluts are capable of fucking around! well-dressed good looking it girls would NEVER! no reason to get so fucking defensive, models fuck around for fame. it's fine if she didn't fuck for fame, but you have no proof that she didn't either. you sound like you don't know the reality of Hollywood. you'd be surprised what kind of people did what just to have their 5 minutes of fame.
swear to god, Charlotte is still reading lc
No. 1512415
>>1512251I just hate the trend on lolcow of accusing every single female of being assumed to be a whore, it’s just “speculative milk” and not actual milk. I used to be a huge fan of C, and am a fan of hanas. i’ve followed charlotte and claire since 2013 era when they were both huge and used to love both of them believe it or not. I don’t think it’s helpful or funny to joke about being a sex worker or to imply all somewhat successful (neither hana or charlotte have much success btw) women are whores. I’ll whitenight that any day, sure. Also i don’t think hana has any milk and probably never will, she is a sweetheart
>>1511621Pretty sure the chelsea manning thing is true. there was a short blonde eating dinner with her and hasan on some IG videos that resembled chelsea. Can someone confirm if her and chelsea are fucking??
No. 1512421
>>1512415maybe Charlotte's not a whore, but it's idiotic how pressed you are about assuming that a typical model/industry thing might happen in a model/industry environment.
>i’ve followed charlotte and claire since 2013 era when they were both huge and used to love bothah, well this explains everything. charlotte won't fuck you, she's too busy fucking her own brother.
No. 1512440
>>1512069Can u find more sources on this? I know miranda is milky cus she fucked a teen bieber when she was married to orlando bloom… which is nasty but i cant find anything about her being an actual escort. I’m pretty sure the escorts in that industry are just random hot girls from the middle of nowhere and no one to fight for them. Not the girls you see in major ads>>1512415
There was a story on the pussy riot instagram after the hasan streamthat showed what appeared to be chelsea. also chelsea said “vouch” under hasans tweet about Grimeth joining his stream that day. Appears to be true. I just assume anything out of the grime/elon camp to be 50% embellished, especially after that vanity fair article ffs
No. 1512462
>>1512436Also, everytime she is asked about her production she does not elaborate much. I know how to produce music, and use equipment. When you watch her shows, it shows a very rudimentary understanding of the equipment , like an sp404 is basically an ipod, and she barely touches her synths and tweaks absolutely zero knobs. Her guitar playing is usually mimed, and she lip syncs most of her performance (even the ones that “sound” live, are prerecorded and i will post proof) her jimmy fallon performance is good example, her and hana literally pretend to use the gear and it’s all just for show. Whenever she has spoken about production in interviews or streams, i have not once heard her say anything that convinces me she knows much about production at all. She has never actually gone into how shes made any of her tracks, and everything she has released for fun is the same shitty quality and corny sappy sound ie “love” and “pretty dark” i think that was her actually trying to produce something by herself and the results are like if a kindergartner scribbled the song on a napkin and poured glitter on it “look its pretty!”
No. 1512464
>>1512444This isn't a publicity stunt kek, Grimes would never pretend to be not with him, trust me, she's a turbo pick me and wouldn't allow to be portrait as a single mom of 2, while he jets with other, cuter and younger blondes.
Maybe Elon sobered up one day and realized that Claire is extremely ugly in broad daylight and looks nothing like the albino AI elven loli that she desperately wants us to belive on Instagram. For me, him dating Natasha makes a lot of sense, she's lowkey and won't steal his spotlight away from him.
No. 1512489
>>1512462This is old news, everyone on LC I guarantee you already knows this since before she dated Apartheid Clyde. She can't sing or produce, however I do believe Hana is capable of producing music, although extremely shit music.
I remember vividly when someone on Twitch said that they went to a Grimes concert in the early days and said how awful it was. She was said to play deep house remixes from Hana for HOURS, no joke, would mumble a few words here and there and danced obnoxiously to random beats. This streamer also claimed that other concert goers loved the show, prob high on rocks
Also any tea that Grimes is injecting Heroin? I once saw a picture of her arm looking bruised at the same spot someone would inject age.
No. 1512726
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>>1512246I'm nearly certain her priv is @felurian8 based on replies from Bloodpop and HANA. No. 1512728
File: 1651027895611.png (181.69 KB, 1083x320, Screenshot 2022-04-26 at 22-48…)

>>1512726Here's what it looked like 3/14/22 on Google cache.
No. 1513054
File: 1651063247344.png (820.53 KB, 1920x1156, russian princess.png)

>>1512726>mitochondrial Eve to Martial Technocracy>Lil RasputinaNo, i need nothing more, this wins all, topkek. exactly what you would expect from Grimes. this fucking idiot. brain friend. "lil Rasputina" and ruskaja "Princiesa"
No. 1513388
>>1512854And then what would be left of Twitter? Elon's not stupid enough to vacate a massive social media network he has money in to troll le troons ebic 4chan style
He's gonna forget he even owns the shares in 8 months
No. 1513429
>>1513288Is dat u C?? Welcome to lc if so
i’ve read all of those interviews, doesn’t change anything i’ve said she doesn’t know shit about music production, it’s obvious. i’m an electronic musician, i know a lot of electronic musicians, and no her songs would not be hard to perform live while actually using the gear. she literally pretends to use her gear while there is a backing track and all that gear was always just for show. She can’t perform live and couldn’t even recreate her own best songs by herself.
No. 1513474
>>1513433LMAO how the fuck did i miss this gem? has anyone call her out on this? Russian princess my ass
tbh i'm very surprised she's not whiteknighting Putin online for that edge
No. 1513575
>>1512480I was actually her fan until i saw her set at a music festival, there was a lot of snickering in the audience and my friend and i also couldn’t help but lol a bit before we dipped out to see another act, towards the end of her set, at least the 1/3 -1/2 the audience had dipped too…i mean she has said many times shes not a musician, it was very clear that evening. And this was in 2016 when she was still a darling and not hated by most of her own fans
>>1512415Thank you. 100% agreed, keep that shit to kiwifarms where there be scrotum, there are enough confirmed whores on lc we dont have to assume that about every one of them, it’s misogynistic af imo.
No. 1513601
>>1513288no, this is not normal. this is only normal for awful electro musicians who don't know how to use that shiny gear they paid for. believe or not, there are musicians that are capable of mixing music life with a skill and creativity. even if there's a base backing track running underneath, a musician's role is to do the very least add new layers and sounds on top of it. not swaying along to playback, pretending they do anything when in fact they can't even trip a fucking switch, play a fucking note on the keyboard nor
trigger a fucking button.
No. 1514014
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No. 1514024
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>>1514012We don't have to imagine anon.
No. 1514156
>>1513601Not to wk grimes, but doesn’t she have
some “skills”? Vidrel. I ask this as someone who knows literally nothing about using this equipment or being a musician. I think grimes is untalented (I think a total of 2 of her songs are listenable), unoriginal, and a huge poseur, but it seems like she knows
something. idk how difficult the stuff she does in the vidrel is to do
No. 1514304
>>1514156Unoriginal you can always tell what the reference track is for all her songs…
Some examples: medieval warfare was ripped from birthday cake by rihanna, before the fever was ripped from come down to us my burial, kill v maim is ripped from give me all your luvin by madonna, darkseid some of the lyrics were ripped from another song ( i lost it sorry ) skin was ripped from an aphex track, genesis reference was “on” by him… shes just a pro copycat like madonna. Steals other peoples essence, style, ideas, hair, melodies, vibes etc etc
classic soulless-borderline chick. You can tell from her interviews she doesn’t really have empathy or a conscience. I was done when she is talking about how her childhood dog passed away like she thought it was hilarious or something… shes so damn fake. Shes no real environmentalist or feminist or Elf or anything she pretends to be, shes a bpd hobbit opportunist.
No. 1514478
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No. 1514479
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No. 1515129
File: 1651239837235.jpeg (141.38 KB, 750x1333, 6B66FF59-17C3-4275-BAE1-398831…)

it’s wild how much more talented AB is than Claire (and Elon obv)
No. 1515137
File: 1651240479693.jpg (731.82 KB, 2106x1491, Grimes_Coloring_Book.jpg)

>>1515129You can tell that Azalea genuinely understands human anatomy and rendering in colour. I wish I could see more of Azalea's art somewhere.
No. 1515223
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No. 1515466
File: 1651264938236.jpeg (700.31 KB, 1170x1448, 2A90ED57-A9AA-4D23-89A0-C850C6…)

Oh man to unpack this insanely self aggrandizing bio. Easily the most narcissistic bs i’ve ever read in my life lol
This is so much worse than any narcissistic tweet of elons this is actually so beyond far removed from reality and i dont mean that in a way like wow shes such an alien, i mean it like wow how can anyone suffer such serious delusions of grandeur? She needs professional help
>playing raves until her 2012 debut
Shes never played a “rave” ever in her life. She played at shitty Montreal noise shows. Shes probably never even been to an actual rave. College house parties and shitty noise shows are not raves. Ask anyone in the canadian rave scene if they remember her, they dont, she was never part of it. Or in usa.
>lived in a crack den
Bitch shut up. You were a landlord back then. Stop the poverty cosplay it doesn’t give u any street cred.
> the 2 weeks doing speed in her apt has been debunked. Sebastian cowan was with her for a lot of it.
> grimes attempted to enter society as a regular human, which has clearly not gone super well but has nonetheless been entertaining.
The fact that an adult woman wrote this about herself in 3rd person…like wow. Just wow. Even if a 12 year old wrote this about themself i would laugh at them and tell them how fucking retarded and narcissistic it sounds. How did she actually think this sounds cool or interesting? Or makes her look like ethereal alien? Imagine someone like bjork saying this about themself and how stupid it would sound. NPD levels off the charts.
> now is moving to the space of corporate surrealism
>final earth album
Please make it stop
No. 1515468
“Experimental eye surgery only available to the upper class”
She’s literally bragging to her fans about being elite and having things they can’t…. Disgusting, even if it was a fake news histrionic story, bragging about having things only available to the upper class does not make you appear cool or interesting it’s just in bad taste
No. 1515477
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Technically not “milk” but makes me kek when i think about how he absolutely could do this and the FDA would lap it up like thirsty dogs on a summer day
No. 1515691
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No. 1515692
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No. 1515708
>>1515466kind of weird the way she talks about her past drug use. ime former heavy users, dealers, or people who just got out of prison and plan to never go back really try not to mention such things.
personally i put a lot of work into making my life look a certain way so that no one might think i was a meth addict. she talks about it in the way guys on deadspin talk about their drinking and drug use in college so it seems like she's ugghhhhh appropriating. damn grimes, you made me use that word.
No. 1515735
>>1513998>>1514508i feel like i'm in alternate reality. what the fuck is based about fucking Muskrat? even if she "only filled space", the fact stays that she fucked Muskrat. wwhich is lowest of low
>>1515332Azealia is that you
No. 1515746
>>1515734>performing live and producing music are 2 totally different skillsets so you think that person might know how to produce music but might not know how to perform live? kek. I'm sure she knows how to make music and use stuff to some extent, but the fact is if she knew how to use her gear in real time to recreate/play along stuff to a basic backing track, she'd have no problem doing this live. if she's so good at using the gear, she'd know well how to use it live. And besides, Grimes isn't that much of an expert at gear, she makes her shit in Garageband. Also there are people she worked with who literally has spoken up that she has other people write for her and then she make them sign NDAs and doesn't give them credits. her early stuff was heavily modified by producers she worked with. her canadian ex friends/producers/musicians said it, Poppy said it, Hana accidentally outed herself online in some way. you can stop crying now, Grimes can't play anything live for shit, can't write without ghostwriters by her side and even when she does something on her own, her music is very derivative. in 1st thread anons listen a couple of songs she ripped off.
No. 1515771
>>1515466why would she need to learn Logic (an audio mixer/workstation program) for a class in neuroscience
literally what
No. 1515863
>>1515771if she was in a BA program related to neuroscience, there could have been an elective about learning cognitive science principles via some sort of software like Max msp or Logic or Reason.
this class wouldn't be part of a BS in neuroscience (aka an actual neuroscience degree) which is what grimes misleadingly makes it sound like she was in
No. 1516075
>>1515890Did she though?
… there are plenty of good reasons to believe she didn’t…
No. 1516078
>>1515736>had to learn to play instruments What instruments? What instruments does Claire play? She has used a guitar, does she know how to play it? No. Shes used violin, which she even said herself she does not know how to play and used a combination of comping and violin vsts to make it sound ok. She is not a good keyboardist, or synthesist.
So… what instruments? Does she play?
No. 1516170
>>1516078even if she's not good at it she still learned to use a guitar for the purpose of her music. my point is that her music doesn't require her to be a good instrumentalist, and expecting her live skills to be representative of her
producing skills is bogus. her music sucks how but art angels is good pop music - pop music production is not the same as being in a shitty indie band and having to perform live
No. 1516179
>>1516170show me one proof that she "learned to play guitar". she doesn't play her guitar live, it just hangs there awkwardly on her arm. artists who actually LEARNED to play guitar can play it live, they don't have to mime. she didn't have to "learn to play for her production in studio". again, Grimes makes songs in Garageband, she doesn't even have to play a real guitar.
even if she wanted a real guitar on her record, i'm sure she has plenty of other people to play for her. but go on, live in your little utopia lmao.
No. 1516386
>>1508823No absolutely, I’ve noticed this myself and there have been posts popping up in the grimes subreddit for years about it (most get deleted though)
What’s really creepy is that C is even looking more and more like her over time. But everything she talks about like biohacking, crypto, worldbuilding, tavern music, like all of those things charlotte was into before her… it goes a lot deeper if you lurk but she has a million accounts but C is a mega lurker of hers for certain
>>1515736 i swear C found this thread. Go watch some videos of her concerts. It’s hilarious to watch her “play” guitar
No. 1516502
>>1516496no, nothing at all. pure goodness beauty and the grace of this earth.
I see the coquette whiteknight who sucked Elon's and Grimes' collective dick in the previous thread is back. go back to lurking tumblr.
No. 1516849
>>1516688 >homo technoCan not believe Lex entertained her bs and was so nice about it. CLAaaaaiiirree, a new species of human is not classified by a brainscan looking different from a medieval person!! that is a joke and you are not an anthropologist. Thinking you have any good reason to discuss all the bs you dont know anything about (even the stuff you do know about) is nothing but a narcissistic delusion, and has no utility for humanity. We are not a new species of human because we use technology. Like stop masturbating to your ex’s creepy animal abusing shitty neural lace fantasy and shilling his bs ideals (whether you realize that’s what your doing or not)
I would seriously gain a bit of respect for her if she knew to just shut the fuck up and knew her place.
No. 1517205
>>1516849>Thinking you have any good reason to discuss all the bs you dont know anything about (even the stuff you do know about) is nothing but a narcissistic delusion, and has no utility for humanity. THIS. I was her fan but her narcissistic personality is lost on anyone over 25/ old enough to no longer find narcissistic delusions of celebrity fun or interesting anymore. It’s sad to see Lex support her delusions of grandeur and such, but he is such a sweetheart. It’s just really a huge disappointment that he actually is in the shared delusion that she is a smart person. But he only knows her fake, exaggerated, 50% made up narrative! And the media is wrapped around her finger just like elon. They really are exactly the same. Both just craft these narratives and use their money to delude and use the press to spread their narcissistic delusions. Some people are so boring and stupid, maybe most people are, so they think “oh how original and interesting” but anyone educated or intelligent are just left cringing and more depressed for humanity. It’s depressing to actual intellectuals to see someone like Claire on Lex, that spot could have been given to someone actually intelligent. both c + e take credit for other people’s thoughts and ideas all the time, other nonnies have even pointed out she steals concepts and ideas from other girls and just pretend shes some original thinker,
>>1508823I too have seen evidence of her saying almost “word for word” that was stolen from someone else.
No. 1518313
>>1518046>>1518006I almost wanted to say thankfully some rich famous parents kids grow up to be reasonable and normal as a way of rebelling against parents or something. but then i remembered Will Smith and Willow Smith
Those kids will be 100% on drugs hiding from the world, if they don't stray the other way and don't grow up to be on drugs AND pretentious clout chasers hanging around night clubs for rich kids in LA. a girl will likely be ashamed of her body/developing EDs herself. I honestly wonder what diets will they be put on, if Grimes tries to feed them vegan diet of something while they're still kids.
No. 1520323
>>1519641But even for visions, sebastian cowan went in and cleaned things up, added layers to the drums etc. (this is somewhere but has been intentionally buried) she has ALWAYS had a producer adjacent to all of her albums, she pumped and dumped them all. D’eon and Devon Welsh (who she was dating at the time and her only attractive partner she has ever had) helped her with geidi primes and halfaxa (you can literally hear their vibes come through when you listen to their other music and compare) then sebastian helped a lot with visions, then james/jamie, they were together for the recording of most of miss anthropocene, and thats why MA took forever to come out, james was no longer there to babysit and help. Even if she did it herself, she had a professional producer within feet of her at all times, jamie has said this herself. It’s pretty easy to build an engine “by yourself” if you have a professional mechanic as your literal submissive/slave telling you how to do everything, within feet of you at all times. Jamie not only was right next to her the entire time she was producing, but did all the dishes, cleaning, and handling business side of things, because jamie is a feminist cuck who would do anything to prove women are capable ot producing a great record, it’s part of jamie’s deep rooted principles. Thats why she was down to cuck her career for claires, then came out as a woman as soon as they broke up…she really wanted younger girls who look up to grimes to feel like they could do that. If you know anything about this type of transwoman and how principled they are, it would make sense why she would make such a great sacrifice if she thought it would benefit women on a grander scale. When in reality, the true feminist move would be to admit women are better at certain things and men are better at certain things, and there is nothing wrong with having help bringing your music to life from a man.
Anyone else think its weird that Grimes mentioned absolutely nowhere that there is another girl who wrote or helped write “my name is dark” kacey dallenger i think? And that they are NOT following eachother on IG??? pretty weird for 2 women to work on something like that and not even follow eachother- indicative of bad blood between them. Kacey probably lawyered up after singing some bs NDA to make sure she didnt get nda’d out of her writing credits, just as poppy and azalea both have famously claimed being part of claire’s process.
A few interesting observations based on the above:
1. ALL of these people hate her now, none of them follow her, and her ex lover devon has even called her out for posting fascist propaganda after she introduced elon as her “creator” in the single cringiest moment in capitalist history, and thats saying a LOT. Elon is the only ex who doesn’t hate her. How many decent, non-
toxic people do you know that are hated by all their old friends and lovers? What does this say about her as a person?
2. She has always dated people who will give her an advantage in her career. Every person she has dated since debuting on the internet has helped her advance her career, and then were left behind, she kept climbing the ladder to the richest man on earth. This is classic sociopathic behavior.
3. All of her ex partners save devon have been conventionally unattractive, which is common for narcissists. Especially when she views their professional skills as competition, them being unattractive always will give her the advantage. The narcissist fears rejection above all else, uglier partners are more likely to simp for her and tolerate her bs. They are less intimidating and less likely to leave, even when they should, because they know they will never fuck anyone hotter than them again. Not the case for Sultan Elon obviously, but he is still conventionally unattractive and provided her the utility of becoming 100x more famous overnight.
No. 1520331
>>1520323in terms of like…me and my manager Seb went into the studio and then we mixed everything, and he basically taught me – everything is still bedroom, but
WE replaced a lot of the drums in the studio, put effects on the vocals. Seb made me…he was like, “we’re mixing the vocals high” and I was like [whispers] “no, I’m so scared…” but now I love it, I just had to get over that fear of hearing myself sing.
Do you think you’ll
work together again* in the future, or maybe remix each other?
Grimes: Probably play shows. Remixes would be good. I was going to sing for you…
d’Eon: Yeah, I definitely want to write some vocal music for her. There are certain things that I want to do vocally that I can’t do, and I’d have to get someone like Claire to sing.
Grimes: I like the idea of someone writing a song and me singing it.
I do that with Devon, from upstairs – Majical Cloudz Here is the real tell:
“But I will say that I’ve been in numerous situations where male producers would literally be like, ‘We won’t finish the song unless you come back to my hotel room.’ If I was younger or in a more financially desperate situation, maybe I would have done that.
- admits she has never been financially desperate,
- admits she is/was/always has been working with male producers.
No. 1520340
>>1520323 “i was rarely more than 20 feet away from her at all times from fall 2012 to spring 2018.
it consumed my life for like five years - i wasn't unhappy to be doing that work bc i felt and continue to feel strongly that the lack of women in prominent technical roles in music and other industries is at the root of a lot of the major problems in culture and society and i felt like every success she achieved help put a dent in that problem.
once i got dumped for a tech billionaire she turned heel on me and told me i had been more of a burden than a help and
that i didn't deserve any credit for any of the work i had done on her behalf, badgering me to sign an NDA that would have required me to submit all future public statements and creative works to her for approval under threat of jail time and ultimately leaving me with nothing”
All quoted verbatim from Jamie. She has since deleted the post. But this is legitimate and you can find it archived.
She’s a bad person. There is no way around it. She used this person for everything, would be NO WHERE without them, and left them with nothing. And the dog, who she has never seen since. she isn’t capable of human empathy, true love or emotion. She never loved jamie, she never loved that cute dog. It was all just for selfish reasons.
No. 1520388
>>1520340it's not a good look on you, when all your exes have shit to say about you. you can't always chalk it up to jealousy when there's a repeating pattern like this. the fact that she made her ex sign an NDA is messed up. plus i always thought she was single when she first hooked up with elon, didn't realize her and james were still in a relationship…
i remember a few years back, this was a little after visions came out so maybe 2013/4? there was this reddit comment that was buried under all of these comments (i'm sure you can find it even today). it was written by a former high school friend who detailed how she dumped her for a "cooler" friend group, who were doing a lot of drugs. apparently she was mean and laughed at some kid's dead mother's grave or something insane like that. it's reddit so it could just be lies, but i remember seeing the original post and it seemed pretty genuine. obviously high school drama is petty and always juvenile, but the more shit i read about claire the more i wonder if she's always been like this.
No. 1520425
>>1520391As if a trans would ever admit men or women are better at different things, you missed the whole point retard
Saged for infighting
No. 1520438
>>1520430Not at all, just that they have different skills 80% of the time, not a bad thing.
There are ppl out there who think gender is performative for 100% of people and that there is zero difference between men or women etc. they will do anything to prove that.
No. 1520474
>>1520438Yes but are you saying one of those skills that women are bad at 80% of the time is music? Because that makes you a cretin.
If you're saying
>grimes is a bad musician and needed a lot of helpI personally agree 100%.
If you're saying
>women are generally bad at musicYou're a misogynist fool.
No. 1520599
>women are bad at musicNo one ever said that? Just that they have different skills 80% of the time and that it isnt a bad thing
>>1520474 im saying they have different skills in music. Im not a retard. I don’t think women are incapable of making music. but 90% of music producers are men for a reason, not just because of sexism. In fact, being a girl makes it way easier in a lot of ways. but the truth remains, sure there are women who can produce very well but they are the minority of producers, not cus women are dumber but because they have different strengths 80% of the time, not all the time. it balances out, men aren’t smart in ways women are smart and vice versa (most of the time) and saying that the idea that ‘there is no difference between a man and a woman’ is bs doesn’t make me a pickme. The whole claire made it herself thing isn’t fake because shes a woman, its fake because it was fake, there are several points made in this thead as to why. jamie’s feminist principles are part of proving the point as to why she would be down to sacrifice so much for claire; saying she is very principled is a mere observation to prove a point not so much a compliment
>>1520535 Calling Jamie a she is for accuracy, Jamie is trans now so make of that what u will
Ur missing the main points being made, eh?
No. 1520608
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No. 1520686
>>1520616You must be actually fucking kidding me. There are so many talented women that you think don't excel as much as men do, you know why? Because of the patriarchy we live in, not because of the lack of skill, commitment or 'natural predisposition' (do you also think that men don't have a 'natural predisposition' for cleaning, you doormat?)
All across my working life, I've come across women who worked harder and more dilligently than men, not to mention achieving at the very least very comparable output on average, and receiving less recognition and pay for it
If you try to bring up historical data i.e. let's say classical composers all being male, let me bring your attention to the fact that back then women didn't have many of the rights that we do have today, and there were many women creating beautiful art that never saw the light of day until much, much later, not because the music wasn't beautiful or good enough.
So, in short, fuck you. I'll take a ban for infighting if it means someone like you can shut the fuck up and think for more than 5 seconds before you make stupid statements that have no basis in reality - reality that becomes apparent if you pay attention to what's going on around you.
No. 1520876
>>1520686This applies to racism too, an idiot could claim that [insert race] are less good at [anything] ignoring the fact they are not, or barely allowed into the [anything] club which means blah blah moronic nonsense.
One thing that keeps girls away from music, and STEM, and many other roles, is the sexual harassment they get from moids from even the early stages such as studying. I remember some tiktok where a girl posted the recording of the men in her STEM class (science or programming iirc) joking about rape while she was the only girl in the room. Of course women will be put off pursuing roles when it's made very clear from the start that they will be sexually harassed or raped as they move further in their careers, never mind excluded and demeaned as a matter of course.
That doesn't mean we lack skills in those areas, it means we are very actively driven from them.
Plus women's relative freedom in the West has only occurred, gradually, in the last century or so, and we're clinging onto it for dear life as they try and make "woman" a dirty word and take away our gendered spaces. In some areas of the world women lack simple rights. But I guess that means they actually have the minds of goldfish and no skills, to morons who have no concept of reality.
Pure retardation from anyone who thinks white men being in power = white men best at everything. Either a handmaiden doormat or a male.
No. 1520896
>>1520616"Needless to say women are at an all-time high in the music world, on stage. But why is the number of female producers as low as 5%? It’s not something new, according to the first female country music producer Gail Davies.
“People didn’t want to work for a woman,” she says. And by “people” she means “men.” Powerful men. “A lot of good old boys balked, and they blackballed me,” she says. “When you arrived in Nashville, women were still barefoot, pregnant and in the vocal booth.”
No. 1521199
>>1520946and then she got way more into production and made The Dreaming and Hounds Of Love the genius albums they are. I'm not gonna fall for the bait and go deep into Kate Bush interviews or other artist examples but I had same train of thought as the non textwall misogynist posters here. Grimes sucks tho
No. 1522627
>>1522383Whats with all the cuckery and white knighting in this thread? I swear this entire thread is grimes stans now or blue haired feminist ragers. Do you hens actually buy the bs narrative she did it all herself? Jesus christ
There is so much evidence otherwise if you want to WK, go suck her dick on reddit this is a trash talk forum
(sage your shit) No. 1522630
>>1522383Convinced either claire or jamie brooks is in here posting shit now. your secrets are coming out no matter what tactics you use, not convincing.
>>1520340>>1520331these posts should be part of a youtube video or something, this is great milk and becoming one of my fav threads on this website, ignore everyone focusing on the women in music part,like go talk about that shit somewhere else and focus on the MILK , lolcow is not tumblr
No. 1523535
>>1520599Sage for being offtopic but
nonny come on, a lot of male music producers in the bass music scene have ghost producers and 80% of them just constantly copy eachother. That scene is particularly shitty towards women too, theres rampant sexual harassment and assault and general misogyny. Its a sausage fest feedback loop, women who produce get treated terribly then end up either quitting or fading out bc the bass music scene is full of greasy gamer types. You must be ODing on patriarchy pills
nonny you cant be this dumb to think musicality is tied to what sex you are. Use those brain cells and maybe you'll figure out why there arent as many women in a scene that is incredibly misogynistic and full of predatory men
No. 1523539
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Ok more on topic to make up for my sperging
I still do wonder if he's scoping out the next relationship that will get him the same amount of media attention as dating grimes did
No. 1523649
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Oh boy. He knows somethings up…
No. 1524396
>>1523649I love the Russia/Ukraine shitstorm because it's completely fucked rightoid compassion grids. They were cheering Daddy Musk for owning Twitter le reddit style and now Elon is posting about the Based Ruskies trying to Epstein him.
I'm sorry, I mean the Double Omega Deep Dish State is using ciphers to silence Free Thinkers in service of ((them))
No. 1525536
>>1524958>>1525314>>1525388it's funny that westerners are so jelly they resort to referring to us as 'orcs' – as if we care if YOU people dehumanise us.
this site exists not as a gossip forum but as a manifestation of the decay of Western society in real time.
you will never be Russian. you will never have a healthy, morale-oriented society.
cope and seethe.
No. 1525576
>>1525559Illegal under section 116.1 of the Russian penal code.
Lurk more.
No. 1525598
>>1525581Not the existence of the gossip forum itself, just the tragic normalisation and enablement of cow-behaviour, with no real concern expressed for the future of women's rights and society (except maybe in the anti-tranny threads)
>>1525576The Russian government has their constitution and criminal code up on their official site, I think that's as primary source as you can get. Just throw on google translate if you don't speak the language.
The claim that DV is 'legalised' is incorrect, if you want to speculate about the degree to which legal reprimand is enforced, that's a more intelligent way to hold an argument.
BTW pretty sure in 2017 there was a bill to decriminalise DV (for first time offenders) and most Russians were opposed to it.
>>1525581>bosting>gossip sight>showing provingLearn to type, lol
No. 1525812
>>1525536>healthy, morale-oriented societyAre you one of those soldier wives who call their husbands and advice them to rape Ukrainian women? or one of the mothers proud that their sons are killing and raping children? super healthy society!
kek, all this being said by someone who literally starts wars just because they're jealous of the burgers. Nobody in the world wants to be you, with your censorship governed country and people who think it's totally alright and cute to kill, torture and rape people. or a TV that totally seriously says "don't worry Russians, who gives a fuck if there's nuclear war, bc Russians will go straight to heaven and the world will go to hell" LMAO.
Your drive to rebuild some sort of soviet emporium is ridiculed by everyone in the world, cause you only do this because you're jealous of Americans. which is lowest of low, the only thing more idiotic than America are Russians who seethe because they're weaker than America. you're an equivalent of moids who are seething cause their dicks are smaller than someone elses.
btw funny that you mention morale, your army can't fight for shit. your country is losing its own war, keep seething
No. 1525827
>>1525598>tragic normalisation and enablement of cow-behaviouroh, what should we do with people exhibiting cow-behaviour? poison them? bullet to head? maybe rape them for a good measure?
>with no real concern expressed for the future of women's rights and society funny you talk about concern for the future of women's rights. because you express such a huge concern for women's rights, when you rape Ukrainian women and children
No. 1525978
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>>1525973Sage for tinfoil but what if the Russia derail is the work of Azealia shitposting bc Grimes larps being Russian all the time ???
also remember when she said she wanted to be called by a Russian version of her name
No. 1525979
>>1525973chill, Russian idiot came into this thread and started this mess, people told her a couple of words of truth. anyways Russian/Ukrainian war has to do with Elon since he's sending Ukraine Starlinks and Russians are threatening him.
on the subject of Grimes, she looks like idiot with her Lil Rasputina russian larp now.
No. 1525980
>>1525956I think BasedRusskie-anon brought out the angry Slav brigade, or
>>1525978 is right and it's Azealia talking back and forth to herself.
No. 1526007
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>>1525978Azealia if you're in this thread, will you accept my marriage proposal or not?
No. 1526033
>>1526007IF Azealia is in this thread?
Nonny, Azealia wrote this thread. This entire thread including the atrocious outfits, Russian propaganda sperging and Charlotte Free self-posting, is all part of Azealia's manic fever dream. You're in Azealia's world now.
No. 1526100
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>>1526033 >>1525978Why is AB so obsessed with claire ? Talk about “skinwalking” ab has done so many things copying or directly inspired by claire in the last few years… shes obsessed. The russian logo? Lol why? Even so far as to fuck ryder ripps who looks like a capybara. How much do u think she tried to get him to talk about claire the whole time they were using eachother for clout? Also does anyone remember the “teabagging” incident or do i have to dig it up
No. 1526988
>>1526100ryder ripps who looks like a capybara
had to google who that was and holy shit my sides….
No. 1527033
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>>1526100From what I’ve seen AB and grimes agreed to record a song together or something like that and Elon was flirting with her so grimes basically left her in the apartment herself for the rest of the weekend and AB was horrified at losing her chance of musky dick. She constantly gloats over how jealous grimes is years later. Grimes’ only response was a Twitter dm saying aT lEasT iM NoT FaT x because she’s mentally still a teenager.
No. 1527048
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>>1527045And then she leaked loads of dms between her and grimes where grimes claims Elon has a fake accent and the Russians want him dead and he’s being investigated for fraud and loads of other shit.
No. 1529447
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violent sex and faeries mash well (especially with billionaires uwu) huh
will her hypersexual era ever come to an end? or just keep on getting worse and worse as musk progressively ignores her further? i wanna hear thoughts nonnies!
No. 1529494
>>1529453what fucking difference does it make if it's a lana del rey song or a lady fucking gaga song?
it's still hypersexual and weird as hell to put as your twitter bio. she gets milkier by the day. i obviously knew it's was a ldr song from btd but it doesn't make it any less fucking pathetic, retard.
(learn2sage) No. 1531929
>>1530630is this serious? she was never asexual in the slightest, she has always been hinting sexual meanings behind everything (while at the same time hiding in a 'not like the other girls' pixie persona) and acting oblivious (no pun intended).
just lolichan-ing and then being like 'no guys stop calling me waif and cute !1! please stop it i beg!' like on that dreadful tumblr post she made back in the day that makes me cry tears of blood when you see her real life actual modern day persona.
she really dropped the act after elon left her cause she wants him back so desperately. truly hillarious to see how much she craves that 'empress of mars' title, especially after having said (even months after their fucking breakup) repeatedly she's willing to 'die' for their 'vision' (talk about cult behavior, but she did say she was the high priestess of a cult back in the day so once again, nothing changed).
my favorite example of this will always be how she said her song 'violence', which is explicitly about violent sex and bdsm was a song about 'climate change'. allegedly the lyrics being from 'the earth's' perspective… I just can't believe people don't laugh about that one more because it has to be in the top 5 of most pathetic things she has ever done.
bonus points? it was the first song she released after fucking Muskrat, says a lot about their relationship huh
>>1531322like i said, there's a reason she was relevant in /mu/ she appeals to a certain type of creepy incel, i have met men irl who told me 2012/14 grimes will always be their dream girl. they are always obese chronically online nerds too. never cringed so hard.
No. 1532115
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Sperging on Lana lol
No. 1532322
>>1532087Elon Musquitobites. It’s not medication that’s what happens to a male body that ignores testosterone and why that muscle hormone and Y chromosome mutation even exists. All he does is throw his sweaty hairy geriatric tuberous breasts around, that’s the only reason he got where he is, leveraging his fat lies and fatter titties wherever he goes. Why do you think he has a pregnancy fetish
>>1532115I don’t think she’s intending to make azelia lose her fucking shit, but this will make her lose her fucking shit and grimes doing it unintentionally makes it so much funnier.
No. 1532331
>>1532322I can't wait for that to happen and we get the very tasty milk on her lol….
It will be glorious if AB loses her sbit and spills more milk….
No. 1532371
>>1531929i guess by asexual i meant in relation to a lot of other artists who have always been more explicit, be it in imagery or lyrics. you can't say there's a single song on visions that alludes to sex at all, closest you could say is the song 'skin' but that song is more about being intimate and vulnerable with someone who doesn't return the same deep feelings for you.
i didn't feel like she had a particularly sexual persona during art angels era either, i didn't pay too much attention to the lyrics though. but yeah i'm probably thinking asexual because she has no sex appeal at all, and i just find her attempts slightly awkward because she made herself to be this gamine little manic pixie dream girl gelfling on uppers for so many years. she didn't start posting thirst traps and doing semi nude photoshoots/music videos until MA came out. and even then it's creepy as fuck because she still does the little girl voice, and facetunes her features to be babylike
(learn2sage) No. 1532384
>>1531929"like on that dreadful tumblr post she made back in the day"
Is there a way to see it?
No. 1532749
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How did I miss this drama with Azealia and Ryder Ripps? Not sure when this is from but would love to see more No. 1533778
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>>1533756Sounds just like Epstein
No. 1533785
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>>1533778This is just so weird
No. 1533806
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>>1533756>>1533777he's so disgusting. grimes will never earn his interest because she's such a pickme. from one of the court cases, here's how he begs on his hands and knees for a disinterested amber heard (sorry for shit quality, open the img in a new tab and zoom in). pickmes truly never prosper. she broke up with him and he cried to numerous outlets about how depressed he was because about her breaking up with him he was so in love with her lol. not a peep from musk about grimes in that fashion at all whatsoever
No. 1533823
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Those last 2 lines have got to be him subtly setting up room for disbelief. Apparently the ones that wrote the article reached out to him for a comment and then he tweeted this hours later. He was trying to get ahead of it by setting the stage that hes just an oppressed republican gamer
No. 1533851
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Lest we forget
My personal favorite tea out of all of hers, this one is by far the most hilarious, also shows how scummy that sweat-pig elon actually is
No. 1534034
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Grimes and one of the pussy riot ppl in the trash haha… it keeps getting better with her lol
No. 1534037
>>1533999My guess is, if called out, she's gonna try to justify her use of the word "arrested" as a synonym for seized/detained
The same way she tried to weasel her way out of being deemed cringe after her fake paparazzi stunt (through sperging about the meaning of words to the tune of
words can't hurt me!!11!)
off-topic but retroactively editing the meaning of words is textbook gaslighting and makes me think of Amber Heard telling JD she was "hitting" him, not "punching" him
except Grimes is not nearly as calculating as AH, who isn't exactly the sharpest strategist in the shed herself
>>1534034Ofc Elon slams 'wacktivists' / comes out as Republican and Claire must capitalize on her so-called friendship with the cringiest band of pickme activists that is Pussy Riot… she rly has no self awareness
No. 1534056
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>>1533824Late but i found the source
No. 1534058
>>1533756I've never been more unsurprised in my life.
>>1533824>>1533823From the BI article:
>paid a flight attendant $250,000 to settle a sexual misconduct claim against Musk in 2018>in 2018The incident itself happened in 2016. Musk is 100% right, they're publishing this story now for a reason. I'm sure he did all that creepy stuff, but the incident was only brought to the public's attention when he stepped on some toes.
They're all fucking disgusting, him being a predator, his opponents sitting on sexual harrasment claims for years and only bringing them to the public's attention when it is in their interest.
No. 1534148
>>1534058>>1534092Or maybe the flight attendant finally decided to speak up. This is not the only Elon story out there, there's lots of old tea about him. He's heavily into MRA and PUA shit. There was tea on LSA he tried to kiss up to a model and spent huge bank on her but she still rejected him, so he got furious. He also gifted some dude a PUA book and told him to cheat on his girlfriend as much as possible while working abroad. He is a control freak to work with.
He was never a democrat, he has donated every year only to republicans since 2016.
As to why did that flight attendant go to his room? So, if you're a private flight attendant you are a lot more than a flight attendant. You're basically an on-flight personal assistant and you're expected at times even outside of those hours to work as a personal assistant of sorts for the client ( he has his own jet and staff). It's not out of the question that you'll get pre-flight asks. However, these were requests during the flight and what do you expect her to do? When you have a VIP the staff gets told to do anything they ask and the repercussions are really high if you don't do that. Most likely these are girls that Elon or another scrote high up picked out because they are attractive and a lot of them are ex models or beauty queens. Private flight attendant business is really horrible and you will get attempts to pester or sequester you into sexual acts. Clients have some terrible requests for their staff, for example the Abercrombie and Fitch guy is good to look up. If a man has a private jet and staff, chances are he is up to that kind of shit.
Source, I was a private flight attendant at one point for a brief time.
(just fuckin sage) No. 1534194
>>1534092Dude she's a flight attendant not a fucking prostitute. Stop
victim blaming
No. 1534225
>>1534148Oh I know what kind of shit he's into, that's why I said I was thoroughly unsurprised.
But the timing of this is in no way accidental. The flight attendant settled, it's not her publishing this story. It's the people he displeased with his recent actions.
Think for a second, does a flight attendant have any kind of control over media? Of course not. If such a saucy piece is being published about such a powerful person, another powerful person approved it.
No. 1534287
Sure, the timing isn’t coincidental, but it’s only natural for public interest in a person to go up when they’re becoming more rich, powerful and relevant, and for people to dig deeper into their past. Elon is a lightning rod for attention at the moment because of the Twitter bid and other antics.
No. 1534358
File: 1653074585392.jpeg (150.58 KB, 750x628, EFFC9D2C-1ECF-48D5-A18C-937E6E…)

Gossip blog Crazy Days And Nights is always alleging that Elon is doing business with drug cartels in Mexico. This blind is about his brother Kimbal
No. 1534384
>>1534287Are you for real?
One, he's already the richest and most relevant; two, Tesla and Twitter stocks are tanking.
There is nothing natural about this just like there was nothing natural about the hype surrounding him until recently.
(sage your shit) No. 1534460
>>1534459PUA = Pick up artist
MRA = Men's Rights Activist
LSA = Lipstick Alley
No. 1534604
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>>1534358Interesting, I wonder if it's related to this post from the previous thread?
No. 1534797
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No. 1536284
>>1536127agreed, y'all do this every few days now
this shit isn't even important, bring back the milk.
No. 1536553
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No. 1536844
>>1536612>Daddy Bitchtitsmy sides
>moonfaceDon't you mean marsface? Badumts
No. 1536925
File: 1653300804428.jpg (385.05 KB, 1071x1320, SmartSelect_20220523-060121_Sa…)

After we all know the truth on this…
No. 1536930
>>1536612Grimes isn't elven either. She looks like an ogre and I wish she'd stick to an aesthetic that'd fit her facial features and body instead of pretending she can pull off whatever this
No. 1536978
>>1536925is that new or old?
btw what kind of argument is that, would a fake DJ pause his show accidentally? yes, where is the problem?
No. 1537001
>>1536781I think I read somewhere that eating disorders are related to your relationship with your mother.
I hate my mother and I eat 800 calories a day so that tracks lmao That poor child is 100% going anachan.
No. 1537172
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>>1536925holy shit, 4 times in one set
i'd be left with no choice but to go out like pic related if i did that
t. DJ
No. 1537322
>>1536978Yes it's from the EDC festival that's on Vegas right now…
>>1537172Earlier post said she doesn't even know how to use her gear and it's all a show lol.
No. 1537372
>>1534905if you do enough club drugs you can fry your brain as badly as with meth
>>1537172wow i just watched the whole set and she is nowhere near the controller for most of it and when she is they blur the shot or make sure it is waist up so the mixer is not in it
most top level DJs have a close up camera set up to show off their skills and sometimes go so far as to request a closeup at some point to prove wrong haters saying it is played off a USB (i looked up tiesto's set from that same night for contrast and he had one set up right by his decks) so yea im pretty sure she is lying about live mixing hahaha
No. 1537421
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Wait is that true
No. 1537455
>>1537438then for the love of god, show us a video proof of her DJing, and doing it with that alleged immense skill.
>adjusting both the levels and samples as the set goes onshe's just switching up/down one random level whenever she remembers she should. incredible.
No. 1537467
File: 1653345909345.jpg (465.87 KB, 1076x682, Screenshot_20220523-184143_Sam…)

>>1537438It was a dj set as indicated in the EDC lineup.
No. 1537477
Honestly the dedication of whiteknights astounds me. yes, she uses playback all the time, and hires ghostwriters. i'd be fine with Grimes using it, if she was just honest about it and didn't try to fight everyone saying she 100% does everything. if her stans wouldn't yell that she's this "super talented musical genius with skills out of this world, she's just CHOOSING not to present those skills! everybody does playback! thats what everyone in electro music do! she's probably a guitar shredder, i'm sure she plays at light speed and with one finger at that, but it's live show so what do you expect!" …Well, live music? seeing proofs of that incredible talent? and multiple ppl came out saying she uses ghostwriters and relies on Hana, producers, engineers, music friends and so on, and makes ppl sign NDAs just to gather the compliments about her songwriter genius later, which is scummy move.
nobody's saying that Grimes never wrote any song on her own ever, and i'm sure she's capable of plunking a few keys on her keyboard live, but matter of a fact she's using playback and i'm yet to see that master music skill everyone's saying she has
No. 1537550
I see that anon who originally wrote the reply reposted this a couple times and deleted as if she had problems posting, i had this thread opened in the other tab so i copied it to repost, i hope it's alright anon? bc you are so right, i had no idea this is so bad. WHY would someone pay good money to see this shit, idk. I mean if you go to her regular shows, she still uses playback but at least you can see her play her own songs. but going to a shit DJ set? i mean cool if you like dj sets, but people just paid to see Grimes dance along to some remixes.
Anon posted: this is the set in question, hold your wk'ing for a sec
my fav part is at 25:19 when she does the generic fake queue
trigger dance move at the wrong time and it does nothing to the audio
> it's obvious you don't know what you're talking abouti use the particular song at that timestamp very often in my own sets kek
>>1537455exactly, every time she turns a knob, she's adjusting things like master volume and hp/lp cutoff without touching the arrangement or beatmatching songs together
No. 1538345 think I have found Claire's kryptonite, everybody meet Aurora
• actually Scandinavian, Claire has to pretend she is Russian because she is a basic leaf hoe and wants to be Northern space fairy uwu
• Actual savant, vid I posted is her reciting pi off the top of her head
• Actually produces her own music, says she is inspired by "mother earth" and acts super humble and sweet in interviews
• Has been speculated to be on the spectrum by fans, does not address it like a boss
• Her music is actually enjoyable complex electronica not weird high pitching pedo vocals and anime garbage made by other peoples
No. 1538591
File: 1653407434614.jpg (53 KB, 1047x152, grimesdjinglol.jpg)

>nitpicks from laymenthis yt user commented that she played the exact same (prerecorded, mind you) set in Mexico. Which also means it's not mixed live. Recycling sets is about as low as it can get, she should be ashamed
>she isn't djing in this set so making that comparison is retardedlol how does it feel to be that dumb? of course this was advertised as a dj set. sometimes i cant with how convinced people are of their being right when all they put out is bullshit
No. 1538704
File: 1653417079436.png (1.11 MB, 1010x1060, ugh.png)

Damn, he hates women so much that he is oblivious to how cringe this meme is or is that just his aspergers engineer humour and I'm not being fair?
No. 1539002
>>1538970>you get racist shit thrown at u left right and centerI can't say i feel sorry for Russians for getting "racist shit". i know not everyone in Russia supports Putin/killing Ukrainians, but it's nearly impossible to think of Russians as a whole with sympathy right now. don't get why would anyone want to LARP as a part of a nation that officially says they don't believe that their pussy soldiers can't fight for shit and killing/raping ppl instead, but secretly they laugh with approval and clap at that, and send awful threats to survivors who spoke in the media. a nation that believes everybody's seething jealous of them bc everybpody in the world wants to be Russian, while they're deadly jealous of Burgerland of all (kek). it's the worst time to be a Russiaboo.
btw, she's fucking stupid cause she's like those coquette idiots, thinking that Slavic = Russian. only. bitch, there are Slavs of different places, different interesting countries & cultures. fuck i mean even if she wants to glorify cyrillic alphabet, russia isn't the only one country using those letters. and certainly "etheral christian nymph dancing in the woods with knives" bullshit stereotype they glamourize doesn't exist in nature. blonde hair isn't exclusive to Russia.
Claire is just such a fucking tumblr tard, she must love coquettes, just like she loved Nicole Dollenganger and her sadbbydolls. coquette bs is more pro-ana oriented environment, so that's perfect for her.
No. 1539259
>>1539163well i guess she is, at least according to google.
>My grandma’s Ukrainian, and because my parents worked a lot I basically grew up with my grandparents, hearing Russian spoken a lot.If that's true, her grandma probably is from a region where majority of ukrainian ppl speak russian/part that used to be USSR. that explains the use of russian but
>>1539235i don't have a problem with her for example having single title written in russian among other languages, but she seems to be fetishizing it. i always had an impression she flexes her (VERY basic) knowledge of russian, as if it was something extremely rare. i mean sure perhaps that's a nitpick on my part, so i don't have any better explanation why, but i can't help rolling my eyes at Lil Rasputina and her russian attempts
No. 1539269
>>1539259nonnie if i'm being honest, i think you're jaded at all the coquette slavaboos, and grimes set you off. i get it though, i'm half slav and very close to that side of my family. i know there's problematique aspects of the fetishisation but i literally just take it as a compliment at this point.
i think if she had nordic/scandinavian roots we wouldn't be hearing the end of being her being a viking faerie warrior, if she was irish she'd bang on about being a celtic pagan fae goddess. she's just trying to exoticise herself but in an ethereal way that's on brand. standard white people stuff. without it she's just…claire from vancouver.
No. 1539276
>>1539269yeah i think you're right. i'm also slav (not russian tho) so that might be the factor too. she reminds me of coquette chicks too much.
nordic/scandinavian goddess will be her next larp. i mean it kind of already is
No. 1539378
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Some times her candid photos freak me out cause she looks pretty at least to me when they do photoshoots do they shop them or is it good make up skills?
No. 1539417
File: 1653493104564.png (444.89 KB, 608x550, grimes.png)

>>1539378>>1539387makeup done by someone else, that is. Grimes can't do her own makeup.
ironically, the pic on the right isn't even that wrong compared to THIS monstrosity
No. 1540409
>>1538254 no fucking chance heroin is better than meth >>1538351>>1540013I think she used to exaggerate it in the past more. >>1538254
>>1538351Grimes takes the faerie crown nonitas until someone else comes along
No. 1541941
>>1539417This face she has makes her look like a preteen
>>1540609>part of me was gladthe thing about that is that she doesn't embrace her ugliness, hence her trying so hard to have a fairy aesthetic which is so jarring with her appearance and only works when she's highly photoshopped. i'd have no issue with her going the absolute geek route and appeal to WoW fans, which she clearly fits better with. but tbh the fairy thing might be some label thing to appeal to the masses.
No. 1542080
File: 1653696162679.jpg (319.61 KB, 900x600, grimes.jpg)

>>1541941I agree. Ever since she started trying hard to be pretty, or even worse, ""sexy"", the sexualized looks and poses, ofc the botox and fillers, the elon's gf shade of blonde, she's getting the opposite effect, she's only making herself uglier and uglier.
She's never been pretty, but she didn't have to be. i guess she had that tumblr-girl charm in her Montreal/Art Angels days which made ppl interested, nobody wanted her to get fillers or magically transform into some sexy fox playing the mainstream celebrity area game etc. She'd be fine that way, as fake of a person as she is, but now she's showing her true colors of attention whore and trying to "glow up", she's fucking herself up irreversably.
picrel is the look i like on her.
No. 1542085
File: 1653696481778.png (3.03 MB, 1724x772, grimes eyebrows.png)

>>1542080samefag, nitpick and all but. I'm usually one for leaving the brows alone and not touching, not waxing them, unless they're somehow completely bushy and sloppy in a bad, unbearable way, beyond any acceptable level. this i guess is beyond that level, her eyebrows piss me off for some reason.
damn she could at least dye the lighter color like here
>>1539378 so these eyebrows wouldn't punch everyone in the face even from a kilometer distance.
No. 1545697
>>1540609I want to agree but I've seen man DROOL over her. Kinda like the /mu/ situation, she attracts a very specific type of creepy male. Probably the lolichan and anorexic body but denying her allure and appeal to that demographic is just deluding ourselves, why do you think Elon dated her? cause he enjoys the company of ugly women? yeah… sure
>>1542080can we talk about how that 'tumblr allure' was literally only because she was under bmi 16 at all times? if it wasn't for her anorexic body she would have never achieved anything and I cannot stress this enough, even the met gala, everything. why do you think she never gained a single lb even after pregnancy? why she refused to get pregnant a second time?
Also, no one posted this on here yet but she cancelled a bunch of tour dates with 4 DAYS of anticipation due to 'health' problems.
The life of a 30 thing year old with life long anorexia and drug abuse right? It's so funny how her fans act oblivious - poor thing, I hope she takes care cause she really needs it.
No. 1545755
>>1545697Same, more than one of my guy friends back in the day (in the indie and electro music scene ~2010) had crushes on Grimes and bought into the manic pixie dream fairie “not like other girls” shtick.
Re: her “tumblr allure” and anorexia/drug abuse taking her places, you’re absolutely right and that’s a big elephant in the room that nobody mentions. If she were average sized or fat, nobody would bat an eye.
No. 1545876
>>1545697sorry to say, i know i'm gonna get flack for this but grimes IS pretty. she's got huge hazel eyes, high cheekbones and overall her features are very harmonious. i know people hate her wide nose, but i find it adorable and it adds to her charm in a Chloe Sevigny way. Makes her unconventionally-conventionally attractive which IMO is way better than just a standard pretty face. The woman cleans up very well, she just dresses in eccentric fashion and I think that's why people aren't quick to call her beautiful.
When she broke out in 2012, she had a very particular aesthetic which appealed to the Crystal Castles, Molly Soda side of rumble. I remember it vividly because I was there. People are acting like (not the anon i'm responding to, but in this thread) she was a poster girl for tumblr at the time, no she wasn't. That was Sky Ferreira, Marina & The Diamonds, Aly Antorcha, Effy Stonem. Conventionally attractive women who were alt. Grimes was too crusty but she had such a particular aesthetic so you saw her around.
No. 1546004
>>1545876>>1545755I think it's because she had an aesthetic that used to fit her (colorful hair, clothes) - which appealed to alt ppl. Also she had babyish face, which was only highlighted when she dressed in anime shit and did the baby voice, which probably appealed to certain scrotes. As for tumblr, she may not have been as popular as Sky Ferreira and Marina, but i remember her old shit making rounds on Tumblr too. not because of her beauty or lack thereof, because of her look/aesthetics blah blah blah. Shes' never been a special beauty imo but when i look at her old videoclips, i don't think of her as ugly. i think a lot depends of her makeup, light etc. Ofc if she puts on shitty smudged makeup, makes stupid face and stands next to Rihanna and the other chick (you know that photo), she looks ugly. I wouldn't say she is pretty but she used to look fine in certain stylizations.
Now Elon and post-Elon era, that is something different. She looks horrible now.
No. 1546347
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elon looks like a transwoman here
No. 1546417
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>>1546262not a stan but i see a pretty woman. she looked beautiful at 2014's pitchfork fest.
No. 1547531
Nayrt but no one's talking about her hitting any wall or getting old (it's not aging that changed her imo) but she doesn't look the same as those festivals pics from 2014 anymore. idk why. i mean ofc Elon and fillers happened, but even before she looked different. IMO she wasn't ugly. she was an average woman. just that, and even that. with ability to enhance her looks with right makeup, or to completely worsen them which happened more often. up until she fucked up her face - now she made herself ugly.
>she's pretty and white and that's exactly his type so stop coping with this bullshit
"Elon chose to date her, therefore she must be pretty!"
Sure, cause woman's beauty is measured by answering if she was worthy of Bloated Muskrat's time. he dated her, but does that make her an exceptional beauty? believe or not, people fall for ugly people too. she was an exception to his rule, not another pretty blonde no. X. You've got to be tripping if you think she's anywhere near the same league as his other girlfriends.
>nyway i'm sure elon didn't date grimes for her intelect or interesting convos.
girl, he got with her to get back at Amber Heard. that's all. then continued for the publicity. maybe he wanted an anime waifu, and bonus, she was just a good drug buddy. that's all just fishing for clout, ofc dating Grimes would get more press, bc it was surprising at the very least. if he wanted someone pretty, he'd choose the next actress.
No. 1547721
>>1547531i'm not saying she's exceptional but she's not ugly or deformed in anyway. you can't deny that she looks better than the average american woman.
and i didn't say she's pretty cause elon dated her i'm saying he has a history of dating hot blonde white woman and if she was ugly like they say he wouldn't have dated her.
elon is the richest man alive you telling me he couldn't find some other gold digger super model to suck his dick other than grimes?? just give up the insane tinfoils. yes she's a massive pick me and an airhead and that might also contribute to why he liked her and i say he didn't date her for her intelect because she's a dumb person in general and her conversations aren't cohesive half of the time lol
No. 1547865
>>1547721>she's not ugly or deformed in, she's not deformed. plain and average - yes
>you can't deny that she looks better than the average american woman.I absolutely can.
>he couldn't find some other gold digger super model to suck his dick other than grimes?He could, and he did. so? he chose a chick with different kind of looks that time, not going with his "pretty blonde gold digger" rule. honestly? i think he wanted an alt chick this time to put her under his bimbofication ray, and watch her change for him. from independent woman to kitchen hen, typical blonde. he didn't choose her because she's "just as pretty" as his previous girlfriends.
>has a history of dating hot blonde white woman and if she was ugly like they say he wouldn't have dated her.>implying Grimes is hot blonde white womanbeauty is subjective, guess he thought she's enough for him. that doesn't mean i have to think she's pretty. again, just cause Elon thought she's passable, that doesn't make her univerally beautiful, nor anything more than average. sorry but Elon's taste is no determinant for me
>just give up the insane tinfoilsNo, you give up your fight. are you the same one who was throwing tantrums because anons said Arrow de wilde is ugly? or re you some demented coquette? i dont even think Grimes is that much ugly, just average, but your temper tantrums are idiotic. are you similar to her or something? is that the reason you're so butthurt over someone calling her ugly? kek
No. 1547879
>>1547865you know atractiveness is a spectrum and not just limited to ugly or supermodel right retard?
also kek average amercian woman is like 200 lbs pls be realistic.
you're actually retarded or like 12 yearsold if you think grimes is ugly by any chance
No. 1547891
>>1547879"you're actually retarded or like 12 yearsold if you don't think the same as i do"
>you know atractiveness is a spectrum and not just limited to ugly or supermodeldoesn't change the fact she's average. i don't care about supermodels and she doesn't have to be one. you all need to chill, getting mad just cause someone doesn't think Grimes is pretty lmao
>>1547880idk, i wrote it all mostly bc i'm bored and it's funny to see the anon losing her shit whenever someone calls Grimes ugly. but yeah, it doesn't matter.
File: 1654546810498.png (205.72 KB, 852x595, russia.png)

>>1525536it's really in bad taste to call the west degenerate when you have such a high rate of prostitution and your best export is vodka. You bydło have killed off all the decent people in your country and now all that's left is alcoholics and wifebeaters. Embarassing.
No. 1551356
>>1551312anon you really dug back almost a month in the thread to stir up some off-topic infighting ?
fuck off to /pol/, loser
No. 1555916
File: 1654874213654.png (1.81 MB, 1334x750, BE2AAE5A-6026-4C1E-AE73-BE45B5…)

From that podcast she did last month. She looks so much younger on tiktok, I’m surprised she did a filmed podcast like this where she couldn’t manipulate the image
No. 1557060
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I would never trust autonomous vehicles. FSD is shit.
No. 1557072
>>1557060The thing that I always remember about self driving cars is if you put a salt ring around them they’re trapped without assistance because they read the salt circle as a unending road line they can’t cross. You know who also can’t cross salt lines? Demons kek
Elon must be having a bad time. Good
No. 1557531
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No. 1557540
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>>1557531She genuinely looks so sad.
No. 1557563
File: 1654981326379.png (10.27 MB, 2472x3352, uj3gredlscz51.png)

>>1557540She looks like this
No. 1558203
>>1557531I knew it was only a matter of time before Grimes got her hands on Yeule kek I remember watching her video for Pretty Bones and thinking they would do a collab or
something. Not sure if Yeule is more legitimate than Grimes as far as the “one woman show” thing goes. I can’t stand her “live” concerts she’s done, but it does look like she can do more than just press buttons with a loop track.
No. 1558497
File: 1655067681659.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1344x1307, A1E23868-30A6-43D9-93A1-2F9846…)

>>1558481sage because forgot pic
Left is austronesian designs and right side is grimes "unique alien tattoos"
No. 1558520
>>1557531How is this “botched” it’s fucking eyeliner and over lined lips. Can you not zoom in
>>1558497You are so dumb.
No. 1559276
>>1557540Oh she looks fucking awful… what the hell… she looks high as fuck?
Her and yeule really suit each other as friends, though. Both are waif uwu cyber waifu tryhards.
No. 1561236
>>1559276Yuele is what grimes cosplays as tbh. Grimes has probably always wished she was a Qt Asian art ho cyber dj who is in touch with her
poc "exotic tribal Asian" culture thus making her stand out from the other white songstress who dominate the industry.
Despite all the fairy shit, Nordic cosplay, faux tribal, faux Asian and Russian larp claire is still just a quirked up "look at my vagina ring" basic yt girl from Canada kek
No. 1561237
File: 1655281126685.jpg (212.48 KB, 844x544, SmartSelect_20220614-050552_Sa…)

I thought of grimes when I see this pic
No. 1561613
File: 1655312072224.png (1.69 MB, 1198x1192, Screen Shot 2022-06-15 at 12.5…)

He has to have some sort of weird relationship with his mom. Why would he post this?
No. 1564706
File: 1655544373842.jpg (479.94 KB, 1076x1077, SmartSelect_20220618-051431_In…)

Her nails and fingers are very off here. And that smirk on her face is like a baby's after they make a poop in their diaper. Since she's prolly into that with Nicole Lol.
No. 1567539
>>1567483Yep, saw that and loled hard.
Lil Kia Optima and Exabyte Night Feature are next to crawl out of their Claire's claws too.
No. 1569574
File: 1655968624285.png (1.68 MB, 1482x1430, shinigamieyes.png)

Sage for tinfoil and slightly OT, but there is a browser extension called shinigami eyes that TIMs are using to track "terfs" and it seems too much of a coincidence to use this outdated reference when Grimes is dating a TIM herself.
No. 1570291
File: 1656029829387.jpg (360.02 KB, 1054x1589, SmartSelect_20220623-201157_Sa…)

Maybe if you would stop dickriding china and stop the hard drugs you wouldn't be in this mess Elona.
No. 1573666
File: 1656348066423.jpg (743.54 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220627-123641_Sam…)

Here we go again….
No. 1582404
File: 1657164614608.jpeg (576.11 KB, 750x1084, 3F33E999-E024-4B9F-A1C6-E94448…)

oh my GOD. Twins = result of IVF, yet again??