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No. 1061997
Bring your dum dum shit here.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1047713 No. 1062004
File: 1644620850786.jpg (18.48 KB, 554x554, yeha.jpg)

He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a skeleton
She did necromancy
What more can I say?
No. 1062063
>>1062042omfg you’re right. i really am such a dumbass but i genuinely forgot the super bowl was even a thing because i hate football and was thinking it had something do with this ukraine bullshit.
thank you for making me laugh at my own stupid self.
No. 1062081
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>>1062063Kek it’s ok, my family doesn’t really care about the super bowl either, we make a ton of snack food and put it on TV in the background, and then we eat the snack food and nobody watches the game.
No. 1062109
File: 1644630980694.gif (67.65 KB, 287x359, 8114FAC0-6D34-44B5-AC59-DB69F2…)

>>1062087Oh no, I’m so sorry, that’s awful.
No. 1062141
File: 1644632683386.jpeg (39.03 KB, 680x490, F41B162E-8B63-4138-B28D-564487…)

I am so good at giving cats medicine. I am the master of force-feeding pills and squirting ointment onto the eyeballs of squirming cats. Fear me.
No. 1062146
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>>1062087Fuck them. Happy birthday, anon!
No. 1062159
File: 1644633266302.png (212.5 KB, 540x557, 1639274722501.png)

so I downloaded Maplestory again and I'm having so much fun before I get bored and delete it again. I know some of you nonas play so I'm reaally tempted to form a lolcow friends group (or guild?) on there but I hate multiplayer games. I'll probably end up hating all of you kek
No. 1062168
File: 1644633462042.png (3.98 KB, 496x78, 1.PNG)

Sometimes I see this ban and it makes me so sad. I don't even know the context. I wonder what was hurting this anon
No. 1062235
>>1062225it is funny in a pathetic way, isn’t it? idk, i am not terrified but at the same time, you just can’t tell with some people so i am going to sleep on it and maybe start logging it if it happens a third time. i remember i felt so bad at first about walking away from the job because he was whining so much when i was there, yet i always made it clear i didn’t want to make selling discount nikes to jehovah’s witnesses my career so he shouldn’t be that mad.
i always attract the nutters…
No. 1062366
>>1062361Hold it up to the light
nonnie! The light will make the color of the popsicle reflect through the package
No. 1062511
File: 1644664355646.jpeg (83.62 KB, 464x660, images - 2022-02-12T075529.661…)

Just learned that her birthday is literally one day before mine and now I feel even more compelled to cosplay her
No. 1062521
File: 1644665554434.jpg (251.5 KB, 1080x1337, Screenshot_20220212_121934.jpg)

I would post this on /2X but it's dead so. Does this come accross as kind of elitist to anyone? Most people don't have the knowledge and resources to assess the geopolitics of imperialism etc etc. If someone's feminism is just "women should be treated equally" why is that bad? The masses are never going to sit down and study hisotry and anthropology and read all your favorite feminist authors, actually what happens when you expect them to do so is they read those tranny instagram infographics that say that white pepople invented women and think they're more educated than everyone else
No. 1062523
>>1062521If you're middle class and you dont wanna study geography or history then you're just a peasant. Funny how people think it's so hard to do any kind of intellectual maneuvering despite having all the resources and time in the world for it.
And no i dont care about the subject or agree with that tweet but im just saying, being informed isnt that fucking hard.
No. 1062532
>>1062523Being middle-class doesn't automatically guarantee the ability to understand feminism-based word salad. People are retarded. The deeply rooted systems of most shit that results in oppression are retarded. This world is shit and gay.
No. 1062533
>>1062521I used to follow Ihla on twitter but got tired of all this word-waffling bullshit ngl, when most other radfems or marxfems manage to convey their points perfectly and simply. although I agree with what she's saying, every single tweet is elitist academic spew that ironically alienates a lot of working class feminists or just women who don't have the knowledge or time/resources (myself included which is why I think she's annoying as fuck).
She'll claim she fights for the poor women and the masses but never actually dilutes her thoughts into a format that we can understand, and no i'm not necessarily advocating for dumb dumb babytalk videos but at least drop the wordvomit waffling because it just makes her look like every other 'academic' feminist on twitter with her head up her own ass.
She's also very silent on the topic of trans 'women' from what I can find, or just chooses not to engage in anything regarding men in womens spaces threatening the concept of womanhood. Part of me understands because she'll just get harassed and cancelled on twitter for speaking common sense though.
No. 1062534
>>1062532Who said anything about automatic? Knowing about the impact of imperialism, how most poor people are female, and the other stuff she was talking about isn't that far out of reach or "eltist" to expect from like you were saying though lmao. You can learn that shit just by reading an article from google
Though the word salad aspect doesnt help because twitter has a shitty word count limit
No. 1062535
>>1062523It sounds like a bait. There was a similar discussion a while ago, mostly by libfems, where people discussed if race and ethnicity played part in feminism. It's better to ignore these libfems who think they, someone from a middle class family in a first world country, suffer as badly as a woman from a third world country and rather speak up about their problems, which are probably slut shaming or ageism, while casually ignoring other women's issues which are sexual abuse, trafficking, etc. I don't want to start an infight so I won't go further into this but no, feminism should also care about women's histories, countries and unfortunately races because racism is still rampant. Women=men may be an easy concept to apply in west but for the women in other countries, they have a long way to go until we get there sadly.
No. 1062537
>>1062534You can, but it still requires a certain level of intelligence to take information like that apart and make sense of it. Reading information doesn’t guarantee understanding of it, and there's a ceiling on that for some people no matter how hard they try.
This is something you write in college papers to jerk off the word count and attempt to sound impressive, not use as a way to reach out to people online with questionable ranges of critical thinking and reading comprehension skills.
No. 1062540
>>1062534I think her heart is ultimately in the right place, but I think the word salad is the problem. Like
>>1062537 said, a lot of her tweets read like a college paper or journal trying to insert as many words as possible in order to make it sound intellectual, I guess?
There's nothing necessarily bad about that, but when she's talking about "if your feminism isn't xyz" she could at least dial it down or else it just comes off as trying to hit a word count. I've seen plenty of other feminists on twitter articulate their points perfectly in a format that's pretty much easy to understand for everyone, even those new to feminism or how classism intertwines with it.
No. 1062545
File: 1644668417995.png (19.81 KB, 593x202, ca7fc90307a58c4f255c3bd8a73aca…)

>>1062521 it is elitist. she is also friends with someone who thinks he's more "disadvantaged" in womens bodybuilding somehow, despite going through at least a significant percentage of male puberty.
No. 1062550
>>1062545They have larger hearts by default, therefore better blood oxygen, bone structures built better for strength training, etc.
People like this strike me as narcs, because they just sit there and shit out a bunch of bad information and opinion pieces on social causes, but it's almost always only to get approval from whatever audience.
No. 1062561
>>1062550I honestly haven't met a trans male who wasn't a narcissist to some degree. It requires a base level of narcissism to try and compare yourself to women biologically and socially, requires even more delusional arrogance to try and imply you're disadvantaged in comparison to them because you shoot estrogen every now and then.
Trust it to be bodybuilding of all sports, a sport where conveniently this troon will be able to get to a much lower body fat and thus look more 'aesthetic' without risking menstrual cycle health like women do in those competitions. It's all very fitting.
No. 1062622
>>1062613is it really that common? anyway i'll compare it to a bicycle seat next time like i used to
>>1062614isn't it only consoom if you spend your whole life around it with a room of funko pops or something.. i haven't even played club penguin in decades
No. 1062624
>>1062572just wait until he starts gaining muscle on his objectively male body and realises that no amount of hip thrusts or Lady Booty Workouts will change the fact he'll always be built line a linebacker.
Women go through a lot of issues with their periods and overall reproductive health in bodybuilding comps due to dehydrating and cutting down to such a low body fat %…yet he's the disadvantaged one?
Victim complex in every single one of these pornsick moids.
No. 1062630
>>1062616They just want to dunk on the “wokie” feminists who want less attention placed on that fat ass yodeling Adele and ghost rider look-alike JK Rowling and more on poor women oh no the wokies are bringing up
valid points because they support tranny politics!!!
No. 1062649
>>1062634based. the entire "if you haven't read up on imperialism/global feminization of poverty\other big words i use to fill the word count, your feminism will become reactionary or is just bad" is just really patronizing. poor and working class women aren't dumb and im pretty sure we all know that women across the globe esp in non-western countries have it way worse, but that doesn't mean that we're reactionaries because we don't have the time to read up on fucking imperialism in between exploitative full-time work, childcare and general unpaid labour.
if taderfxt really cared so much about that shit she'd use her terminally twitter state to share educational videos, content or material that could help spread the word. she doesn't care though, all she does is sit online all day, vomit up word salad in a condensed arrogant tweet, and then defend trannies.
No. 1062653
File: 1644677014601.jpg (485.28 KB, 648x406, Tumblr_l_43227501489498.jpg)

I barely experienced t9 texting but I miss it and was a wizard at it.
No. 1062656
>>1062654you know that wasn't literal, right? it was a reference to the way taderfxt types unnecessarily convoluted shit just for the sake of filling the word count. she does this in a lot of tweets.
why are nonnas with no understanding of context so dumb?
No. 1062662
File: 1644677524578.gif (639.11 KB, 876x515, 2T093534.gif)

I wish everyone could get along and enjoy penguins
No. 1062666
>>1062658right, so we're on to mocking people for not having perfect reading comprehension or understanding terminology instead of actually addressing the fact taderfxt is obnoxious as fuck and doesn't act on her pointlessly long messages. again, if she cared enough to challenge so-called "reactionary" feminist belief, she'd do something else actually of value that could reach an audience much better…she absolutely has the platform for it.
we can call it baby words though,
nonny. whatever helps you sleep at night after you jerk off to her tweets.
No. 1062685
File: 1644678395078.gif (375.09 KB, 400x400, 00764.gif)

I'm two quarters and a heart down
And I don't want to forget how your voice sounds
These words are all I have so I write them
So you need them just to get by
Dance, dance, we're falling apart to half time
Dance, dance, and these are the lives you love to lead
Dance, this is the way they'd love
If they knew how misery loved me
No. 1062686
File: 1644678469505.gif (3.49 MB, 632x496, heavy_justice.gif)

>>1062662I love it when I hover over this gif and it's a huge penguin dancing on my screen, and I wish everyone would stop arguing it's been so bad the last few days, if someone says something you don't agree with just ignore it you don't have to fight over it
No. 1062702
File: 1644679267157.jpg (262.26 KB, 1280x877, gameboy.jpg)

i love this gameboy ad so much but it makes my heart hurt. i wish i had friends.
No. 1062724
>>1062649thanks nona that's exactly what I meant. like I don't even know how this would work irl
>we need to talk about domestic violence, as a feminist->>before you continue, look at this post Berlin Conference map of Africa. tell me which countries occupied which>what>>Angola. Colonized by spain or portugal? >uhh>>tsk tsk tsk, looks like you haven't adequately assessed the geopolitics of imperialism. your opinion on male violence is therfore reactionary and invalid?????
No. 1062731
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>>1062724omg you’re being dumb
No. 1062750
File: 1644680642463.gif (1.14 MB, 480x454, hevi.gif)

>>1062686yeah. There always comes a point where you realize that there's no use arguing about things online. Because in the end it's all just text on a screen that someone will just gloss over because they're only trying to come back with another argument. And what really matters is your actions and the values you hold in real life, if that makes sense.
No. 1062813
>>1062367Late but it's tennis, he's from a male oriented series though and it's not about tennis, he just happens to play it.
Thanks so much nonas. I'm gonna do it! Nobody can say imageboards are only negative, this one is making me follow my tennis dreams!
No. 1062826
File: 1644683245536.jpg (256.98 KB, 1080x1271, Screenshot_20220212-102653.jpg)

This is getting out of hand
No. 1062868
File: 1644684895027.jpg (545.92 KB, 1616x2889, Saturno_devorando_a_su_hijo_(1…)

Of folk that were thider y-brought
And thought dede, and nare nought.
Sum stode withouten hade,
And sum non armes nade,
And sum thurth the bodi hadde wounde,
And sum lay wode, y-bounde,
And sum armed on hors sete,
And sum astrangled as thai ete;
And sum were in water adreynt,
And sum with fire al forschreynt.
No. 1062881
File: 1644685472478.jpg (Spoiler Image,158.46 KB, 1312x1485, 1644523335235.jpg)

>>1062868post the real version (credit goes to the /m/
No. 1063456
>>1063452Me too
nonnie especially since they're not from popular franchises.
No. 1063462
>>1062891same, it doesn't help that the GM was my (at the time) boyfriend's online friend so it was all so awkward and I felt inhibited by that
>>1063452>>1063456Same, or my husbandos also tend to be secondary characters from relatively popular things. I wish I could just post my husbandos and have fun here without consequences but I'm afraid of people from other imageboards knowing I'm here and shitting on me when I go there. I made the mistake of having an online presence tied to my husbandos. God I just wanna make my stupid husbando chart so that nonas can judge and guess my taste in the husbando rate thread
>>1063460kek reminds me of sealanon
No. 1063475
>>1063468>>1063469Well it's not only that, I'm also afraid of people here realizing that I'm the same person who likes all those different characters that I've posted separately kek
But I guess I'll have to stop giving a fuck at some point
No. 1063521
File: 1644709142682.png (561.04 KB, 746x361, ahahaha.png)

My favorite 90s/00s boyband 5ive really fucking thought they could make a comeback looking like this. Are you fucking kidding me? These melted old men thought anyone would listen to it. Nope, I didn't listen more than 20 seconds. Was it good, was it bad? I don't even know because all I was focused on is how ugly and old they look. The Spice Girls all still look cute as fuck but this is just funny. The Pussycat Dolls still look cute as fuck too. But this is just sad. I hope, I KNOW these dumb old men will flop. They can go back to their irrelevant old man corners with zero (0) fangirls. I can only imagine how they were rubbing their dirty scrote hands together imagining getting fangirls again. Laughing out loud, truly.
No. 1063529
File: 1644709601420.jpg (257.51 KB, 1080x1350, Tumblr_l_41820698517899.jpg)

I've seen this picture so many times on Pinterest and I still don't know wtf is going on with the levitating candles
No. 1063583
nonny this is very cool and I think I'm gonna get some red battery candles and make some dramatic decor because Halloween doesn't come often enough
No. 1063606
File: 1644713366946.gif (1.05 MB, 380x209, Tumblr_l_42166651157663.gif)

>>1063593post them anyway
No. 1063609
File: 1644713582357.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.69 KB, 480x477, e18cb28b8d0d06031507529ab7a9ce…)

Posting some cute feet pics, sorry anti feet fags
No. 1063636
File: 1644714699812.png (487.94 KB, 852x888, E681B527-118D-4F6F-8C06-502DF8…)

>>1063606>The droolNasty.
No. 1063865
File: 1644736535303.jpeg (6.67 KB, 240x232, 1438287106800.jpeg)

I think I have stye because I used sunscreen to wipe off my mascara
No. 1064595
>>1064591I didn't know there was a perfume community or that is was
toxic! What is beast mode?
No. 1064596
File: 1644774539789.jpg (94.68 KB, 1024x667, GettyImages-104892697-1024x667…)

i didnt know john lennons son was lowkey a snacc until now
No. 1064614
>>1064591Even the perfume thread on this site has a few pretentious cunts who come out of nowhere.
I don't need a blogger telling me what I should like, if the haughty apparition of Coco Chanel herself appeared in front of me to tell me my perfumes are plebian I'd put that bitch away in my vacuum cleaner and sit back down to enjoy my fragrances in peace
No. 1064619
>>1064595a lot of perfumefags think a scent has to be 11/10 in strength, choke a bitch out within a 10 foot radius in projection to be considered worthy of their attention. they’ll clamour after notes like oud, tobacco, and certain musks, overspray like a nut, and then wonder why they’re suddenly banned from wearing perfume in the workplace. then their perception gets warped so anything that isn’t screaming in your nostrils gets considered “weak” and there’s a lot of hate directed at perfumes that are transparent, light, or just well made.
it wasn’t always so
toxic, but the niche market got overtaken by capitalists (as usual), so the ignorance started taking off with obsession over brands like creed, bond n. 9, tom ford, and now anything made by francis kurkdjian. baccarat rouge 540 is the new snob scent, so every wannabe is wearing it. 5 years ago, it was tobacco vanille or soleil blanc. oh and if you like anything gourmand you have no taste despite posh vanillas like tihota existing. it’s so stupid and i actively avoid these people with a passion.
No. 1064637
>>1064614it just reminds me of how a lot of perfume lovers who weren’t caught up in marketing tried to tell people that brands like creed were full of shit and their storylines were bull. but morons kept flocking to the brand despite all the evidence to the contrary that disproved their “we’ve been in business for over 200 years!” lies. miss the artistry that’s essentially disappeared from the fragrance world. a lot of stuff coming out today smells like a mass market scent or blatant copies of other perfumes, but nobody cares because so and so made it and you had to go to the deserts of arabia to get it. then it’s getting even more expensive as well; $200 used to be considered high. now you got shit out here going for $600+…i hate it.
No. 1064719
>>1064707Ya know, you're right. There's power to the word being overused because it may help others understand the position their in.
I redact my annoyance, carry on
No. 1064782
File: 1644780152114.jpg (246.56 KB, 1412x804, sf.jpg)

majority of men in my awful Muslim nation can't grow beards but since we are Muslim they still try to and they always end up looking good awful
The horrible pube beards that can't connect are eye-sores
No. 1064792
File: 1644780400524.jpeg (88.34 KB, 701x480, 68858362-4366-4222-A95A-F730D4…)

Bactrian camels are better than dromedary camels. Why do dromedary camels get all the limelight???
No. 1064882
>>1064871Its a gossip imageboard why the hell not
Why do jews post here
Why do pagans post here
Why do Hindus post here
Another list of stupid questions to ask stop being obtuse ur in the dumbass shit thread ffs
No. 1064891
File: 1644786105731.jpg (156.33 KB, 900x655, Ehtp5e2VkAUPY9N.jpg)

Whenever I see pics like this one it almost makes beer seem tasty. But I know I don't like that disgusting shit. Why do these pictures always make me go "hm I want to eat and drink that too" when I know just the smell of alcohol makes me want to puke?
No. 1064899
>>1064881>person can post on lolcow>can't leave the countryExplain
>>1064888Truth cuts your eyes
No. 1064903
File: 1644787509336.jpeg (363.91 KB, 828x998, 20D9A04C-8422-437F-A70F-933037…)

Weebs really are a different breed
No. 1065017
File: 1644792154536.jpg (32.23 KB, 500x375, Tumblr_l_111521685868342.jpg)

>>1065010Wooooow poor little men, they don't even have to painfully rip their hair off their balls and taint with hot wax or suffer razor burns with day 3 stubble, or (god I hate remembering this) having droplets of blood coming out of their pube pores because of Nair.
Men have never even seen a natural bush, they keep their cocks hairy and then complain about painless trimming??? I don't even prefer them shaved or waxed but want them to fuck off with their porn standards on our end.
No. 1065042
File: 1645548640665.gif (548.38 KB, 220x197, cat-dancing-led-light-rainbow.…)

No. 1065044
File: 1645548696856.png (147.4 KB, 500x328, 1638112563066.png)

No. 1065047
File: 1645548879115.png (594.78 KB, 600x600, b21.png)

Me this week. This feels weird, I got used to /g/ posting.
No. 1065052
File: 1645548956432.jpg (559.2 KB, 1600x900, cover4.jpg)

No. 1065063
File: 1645549275283.gif (890.59 KB, 245x180, 154efaf7-bbd8-4ee2-ac49-d9683b…)

No. 1065065
File: 1645549306674.gif (1.8 MB, 400x300, brokenheart.gif)

It's repaired, but my heart is still brken
No. 1065073
File: 1645549469577.jpg (42.84 KB, 749x739, 1640690656033.jpg)

hi nonnies
No. 1065074
File: 1645549496953.png (18.43 KB, 380x387, sad.png)

All my life I've been good
But now I'm thinking, "What the hell"
All I want is to mess around
And I don't really care about
No. 1065094
File: 1645550146005.jpg (44.82 KB, 800x533, sad-dog-laying-floor-32915662.…)

We have /ot/ back but at the cost of /m/…………
No. 1065098
File: 1645550246314.gif (2.02 MB, 340x310, a5ce03eb79.gif)

No. 1065099
File: 1645550275444.png (48.05 KB, 506x353, IMG_20220222_181506.png)

thanks for the memories nonas
No. 1065100
File: 1645550283947.gif (106.13 KB, 680x358, iu.gif)

>>1065083doubleposyt forgot to sage
No. 1065104
File: 1645550426975.jpeg (135.85 KB, 932x716, 18AE890A-1D02-4D2F-99BE-C41F28…)

good afternoon, nonnas
No. 1065146
File: 1645551757847.jpeg (125.45 KB, 475x635, A31D7AB4-3CF8-4021-9F7F-859C7A…)

I should’ve listened to lolcow and downloaded /m/ when I could.
No. 1065155
File: 1645551975314.jpg (18.45 KB, 244x319, tumblr_of3p1oSsY81qaxydno8_250…)

>male enters a discord server full of females
>he wont shut up
>he posts like 10 selfies first thing
>"i'm queer because nose ring"
>can't define queer
I hate it. I hope my bluntness makes him leave.
No. 1065161
>>1065157I made a joke saying nose piercings isn't a queer thing it's a taurus thing and he's getting so upset.
>piercings are queer culture!I hope to make him so uncomfortable he leaves but I know if he does he'd probably make a big deal out of it because I'm such a bigot.
No. 1065188
>>1065183He also was like
>who wants to watch me do my homeworkNope
>reeee not you bitchSends funny lighthearted reaction image and says what
>reeeee that's your daddyI think he's a narc
No. 1065208
File: 1645553346063.jpg (17.2 KB, 474x272, borzoi77.jpg)

Should we summarise the events of the great blackout (or whatever we want to call 'that one time /ot/ and /m/ were unusable for 9 days')? I'm thinking of summarsing all the events that happended during that time e.g. the muscianshipping, the creation of /2X/-tan, that one gif of the kpop boy panting like a dog, the tokimeki memorial OP images, threads devoling to fujo/yuri/husbando-fagging etc
No. 1065210
File: 1645553518077.jpg (20.73 KB, 602x470, Weeeee.jpg)

I ordered soemthing off of ebay and the sender printed off my address, whatever way they folded the print out it had a full description of what I bought clearly under my address. Thank fuck it wasn't anything personal. I live in a too small town and was ordering sexual shit lately and worrying about this exact thing happening.
It was a 20 inch tall spiderman. Now the postman can assume all my other parcels are dumb kid shit and definitely not dildos. All spiderman. All the time. Yes.
No. 1065220
File: 1645553843034.jpg (348.47 KB, 1080x1384, IMG_20220219_210719.jpg)

>>1065208I don't like the fujo vs yume/yuri narrative because it's obvious it was full of shitposting and falseflagging, so just include funny screencaps?
No. 1065237
File: 1645554790638.jpg (894.44 KB, 1212x993, borzoi.jpg)

No. 1065239
File: 1645554796649.jpeg (78.43 KB, 800x451, E42FBB37-78CD-48CC-8D98-62ECEF…)

>t. nonnies in the shayna thread sperging about brown eyes
No. 1065245
File: 1645555085767.jpg (41.34 KB, 400x400, brown.jpg)

>>1065243Be honest with me. You don't find this beautiful? People thinking brown is an ugly color are just sheeple, you just have to like a color such as blue or green and think brown is ugly because poop. Real mature.
No. 1065249
File: 1645555198463.gif (1.3 MB, 498x231, 1644404841092.gif)

/ot/ is back. /ot/ is finally back. It took /ot/ 10 fucking days to come back and it took only 2 hours for the eye color spergs/baiting to start again.
No. 1065281
nonnie I will be forever grateful.
No. 1065286
>>1065283shitty game, it deserves backlash,
>>1065220 was right
No. 1065297
File: 1645556187148.jpg (44.15 KB, 567x567, 1644736657904.jpg)

Just had a very good session with my therapist. I've been doing very well these past couple of weeks. When I brought up dating I said that if I ever want to start dating men, it would have to be a man from a different state (because all the males in my state are either straight up retarded or pathetic consoomer liberals) and my therapist went on a mini TERF rant saying that males were annoying and weak and that females were so much better because we are more intelligent and have the ability to create life within our bodies. It felt so fucking good hearing that I can't even explain it. I honestly did not expect that from her, I'm so glad I got to hear her say it!
No. 1065298
>>1065293Ok, is a shitty game
>>1065294they're directly telling me to not post negative opinions about that game, i'm not falseflagging they are doing this to themselves
No. 1065329
File: 1645557622625.jpeg (115.39 KB, 392x409, C7CDBF52-4A34-4F55-B61C-3070AD…)

>the needy streamer spergs are STILL going
No. 1065351
File: 1645557985198.jpeg (48.9 KB, 486x486, D4420294-6031-4277-83CD-9F68F8…)

When /m/ is back to normal I think I'll start a cat posting thread
Maybe we already had one? Not sure
No. 1065488
nonnie! I will try to access and archive them, hopefully!
No. 1065493
File: 1645565402098.jpg (81.9 KB, 1072x1440, e94eb006-5c10-4e8a-9009-b07197…)

My package has been out for delivery since 6am and I can barely wait anymore, anons. If it doesn't arrive today I'm going to jump off of a cliff. It's been so long I just wanna sniiiiiffffffff AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
No. 1065578
File: 1645571764748.jpg (25.98 KB, 272x410, 5c06bd055683b9a4b668f7ea6e71c7…)

fuck I'm so grateful we're back I want to kiss admin sama's toes
No. 1065579
File: 1645571853368.png (10.54 KB, 1615x87, rw.png)

Why do anons post things like this? Not trying to attack by any means, but what's the value in clarifying that a cow's ex-boyfriend is "your type" in an anonymous post on Lolcow? All I can see it doing is pumping up the male's ego if he ever spirals and goes looking through her thread. There were similar simp-ish posts, claiming that the guy "looks decent", he's the "most handsome" in his community, and when one person said he looked homeless, one anon chimed in "Still better than June's new boyfriend". Even the anon in this screencap got henpecked a little by someone who claimed all his shitty personality traits were somehow her influence, not him
What do they mean by all that? Why the thirst? Is it some 5D Mean Girls chess to make the cow in question regret not still dating her (unattractive) ex?
No. 1065587
File: 1645572699015.gif (2.02 MB, 405x225, 95782bc5-4c6b-427c-9e2a-17bc0c…)

I bought stupid overpriced shit from an Etsy shop and they are all low quality holy shit. The earrings have 2 chips in the EXACT SAME SPOTS and the boxes are small. At least the holo box looks good, r-right? I WANT MY $40 BACK PLEASE I WANT TO MAKE A BETTER FINANCIAL DECISION FUUUUCK
No. 1065604
>>1065536>tumblr mutualskek what were you expecting?
>>1065579>Is it some 5D Mean Girls chess to make the cow in question regret not still dating her (unattractive) ex?Maybe, but sometimes i think they genuinely just find some cow-related men attractive, if they were objectively handsome lying wouldn't really work but most are very average
No. 1065608
File: 1645573725127.jpg (12.48 KB, 208x322, 1b24788f889dbf8c5c892d2797fc6a…)

Im sad that I don't have a reason to post this anymore.
>I told you I wanted a great mod, you troll the janitor and fuck the janitor I told you I'd come back here to LOLCOR in my next presence It's snowing like crazy in February We're helpless Not comfortable You're not doing anything You're not doing anything You're not wearing nothing You're not wearing anything You hurt us you're the worst you're the worst I want to go home, and I want everything to go back to normal, and it triggers my hell world, I still feel like I'm back and there's no nothing yet, please, please, please, please. PLE ASE PLEAFE FIC THTE SIGHT I'M BEGGING YOU NONNY
No. 1065672
File: 1645576874635.jpg (6.06 KB, 101x220, 1645558316564.jpg)

>>1065208Yes, here's a thread for that!
>>>/ot/1065358 No. 1065690
File: 1645577597346.png (Spoiler Image,248.36 KB, 681x607, c59c1b3a8aaec96439bf22e2015183…)

>>1065685The rest of you don't open this
No. 1065703
>>1065682I guess that answers my question anyway.
>>1065683Yeah maybe I can get into scrapbooking, I do like stickers I guess.
No. 1065735
>>1065680Otome games. I'm sure there are some scrotes out there who are into some otome protagonist but I've never seen them, and there's also that retarded "otome" isekai light novel that's getting an anime and has nothing to do with the genre, but the actual hobby hasn't been ruined by them.
>>1065690I had only see Kirby porn like this once many years ago, and never ever wanted to see it again. Guess my streak of not seeing any just ended
>>1065705>>1065699Pretty sure it's not a clearly defined "fetish" but just males trying to find a way to sexualize and pornify anything, like usual.
No. 1065755
File: 1645579500066.jpg (33.17 KB, 449x449, 1645187599250.jpg)

No. 1065760
File: 1645579576272.png (560.01 KB, 660x590, girlbosssssssssss.png)

Unpopular opinion too I guess but I rather have 1000000 girlbosses to the bimbo thot shit we're seeing on social media right now
No. 1065782
File: 1645580145629.jpg (66.75 KB, 750x579, E2HhBTRVkAMben1.jpg)

>>1065760'Girlboss' and 'Bimbos' are two sides of the same coin. They are both ploys to formulate female behavior into a pre-determined & socially acceptable way for women to act & behave to be deemed 'successful' as a woman
No. 1065808
File: 1645581243861.gif (14.2 MB, 640x616, sad-cat.gif)

>>1065755It didn't arrive…
No. 1065835
File: 1645582197847.png (54.02 KB, 256x256, face-with-raised-eyebrow.png)

I downloaded tinder yesterday and used my name but then spelled differently for relative privacy. today my instructor addressed me with that name in an email.
No. 1065847
>>1065782The 2000 bimbo is cutest (just like real life)
>>1065699>>1065690wtf this is so disgusting. Every time I think I know the extent of moid depravity, they somehow outdo themselves.
No. 1065852
File: 1645583063211.jpg (113.25 KB, 1000x667, bimbo.jpg)

>>1065847>The 2000 bimbo is cutest (just like real life)I hope you're talking about this
No. 1065860
File: 1645583855051.jpg (15.97 KB, 360x299, 1644887306726.jpg)

>>1065810YOU WERE RIGHT,
No. 1065872
>>1065860Happy you got your perfume after seeing your posts for days.
Has anyone bought chocolate perfume before? I want to smell like a warm chocolate chip cookie. Also does citronella perfume really work as bug spray?
No. 1065876
File: 1645585394251.png (4.45 KB, 664x178, 7.png)

But did anyone notice the switcheroo?
No. 1065883
>>1065880[ ot / g / m ]
This was moved
No. 1065884
File: 1645585709461.png (35.15 KB, 1241x435, wayback machine.PNG)

>>1065883Nah anon, it was always over there. You can even check the wayback machine.
No. 1065987
File: 1645592500027.jpeg (175.06 KB, 828x518, F74B1D22-CCE2-4BBB-B33E-CAA4E0…)

No. 1065997
File: 1645593256335.png (551.34 KB, 474x531, 1D25F388-860C-4EE5-89BA-93BA0C…)

It's weird how you can find modernized versions of successful memes that used to have that Impact font text when they were created
No. 1066004
File: 1645593916596.jpg (94.02 KB, 316x422, ningen cryptid.jpg)

>>1065329bout to shit my fuckign brains out see you in a bit
No. 1066011
File: 1645594317246.png (38.87 KB, 389x524, i have paranoid schizo.PNG)

Period stuff never fails to make me laugh.
No. 1066048
File: 1645597641997.png (174.47 KB, 1710x962, 83853794.png)

bouncing between timelines today
No. 1066072
File: 1645599148952.gif (3.18 MB, 305x172, bb96c183-174c-4327-a98f-416065…)

My nighttime retainers were lost for five days and I've been going crazy looking for them… turns out they were in one of my shoes next to my bed.
No. 1066218
File: 1645618789882.png (1.05 MB, 1280x1911, tumblr_n1y224IDXc1qj395uo10_12…)

I don't have a link to the anime thread but a nier automata anime just got announced, bleh.
Drakengard 3 = Replicant/Gestalt > Drakengard >>>>>>>>> literal shit >> Automata
No. 1066238
>>1066234Malegazyness is definitely there, but Automata definitely ads more fetishistic stuff with the blindfolds, butt-cam and destroyable clothes.
Anyway what I meant was more with the writing and 2B being much more restrained than the other characters in the franchise, almost becoming a plot device to tell the story of 9S and A2 (to a lesser degree). Zero bears the burden of the world's end and acts against it, Kaine shits on tradition and the gestalt project and makes decisions that impact the story in huge ways while also showing compassion and empathy to Emil and other younger characters, Drakengard characters are quite shit but this was THE weirdest game I played in that era and subverted all my expectations.
I like the parts of the story with A2 the most, 9S felt yucky with his 2B obsession, and my problem with 2B is that she never truly gets the opportunity to challenge the status quo of the androids before dying.
No. 1066417
File: 1645635246902.png (305.46 KB, 976x1173, 5dcxoz.png)

There's a fucking 5 hour long Kirby iceberg vid in the cytube
No. 1066512
File: 1645639722414.jpg (72.56 KB, 1080x735, 1631407767964.jpg)

No. 1066517
File: 1645639806877.gif (171.77 KB, 320x259, 9A3575F6-864E-4D1B-BABC-2A9432…)

Dancing in the night
If you can't dance to any mix,
sorry, go kill yourself
Dancing all the night
In this broken era
Let's stir up a tempest
Dancing Samurai
No. 1066556
>>1066418Yes, that's what I meant. Oh yeah, I completely forgot the site went down completely then too, before the bunker. I was asleep while it was down then. Yes, that would have been afwul, but honestly, this time, I was fearing the worst.
I'm thinking about making a throw-away discord, to join the lc server, but idk if that's worth it. At least I can keep drawing with everynonny, it's the highlight of my day. No. 1066609
File: 1645644537666.png (620.65 KB, 750x747, 6b5.png)

>>1066584I just really miss old-school gyary
nonnie, it was such a good era of j-fashion. Give me a time machine so I can go back
No. 1066615
>>1066609nta but I miss good old gyaru trend too.
I wish I could download old magazines but I can't find any anymore.
No. 1066631
>>1066615ppl on instagram and tumblr have archives
nonny, don't worry
No. 1066715
File: 1645649544033.jpg (64.82 KB, 480x854, jeff_the_killer__wallpaper__by…)

>>1066126The fact that a bunch of fangirls saw that pic and made jeff the killer into a husbando will never cease to amaze me.
No. 1066722
File: 1645649732697.png (628.25 KB, 627x402, skeleton wagon.png)

Praying dark thoughts for Dr. Teetus Deletus praying dark thoughts
No. 1066794
File: 1645652503923.jpeg (157.31 KB, 680x632, 782EC7DD-65DC-4F9E-9207-BED4CD…)

i will never stop finding this hilarious
No. 1066802
File: 1645652851303.jpeg (12.83 KB, 183x275, 704E661A-0E5A-4F55-BE23-5A0B77…)

Put the troon ski suit on
No. 1066880
File: 1645656517301.jpg (80.25 KB, 710x1125, bone_xylophone_by_markopolio_s…)

I just love how despite our different languages, cultures and personal experiences, humanity collectively decided one day to associate the sound of xylophones with skeletons.
No. 1067016
File: 1645662604774.jpeg (156.62 KB, 604x562, F8F6A903-F8A8-4AE5-9FA0-E511D5…)

I wish we all rode horses, I don't wanna hear the reasons we shouldn't.
No. 1067022
File: 1645663049807.jpg (318.9 KB, 1088x890, 009CB9FF-85D1-482A-8227-71DA24…)

>>1067007Yes but my favorite is when a take is so bad that it's funny
No. 1067046
File: 1645664520083.jpeg (49.8 KB, 391x262, 460BDEE6-FE5D-4831-A910-56A321…)

>>1067029Nta, but not only that
>you can name your horse a cool name like Thunder>Talking with your transportation method doesn’t seem autistic >All buildings would have areas to make sure that your horses are doing fine>probably more development in horse training letting us take them to our apartments/inside of the house for a few hours >specially during rainy/snowy seasons>you can braid your horses mane/tail>matching braided hairstyles >horse will protect you from shitty people >more movies and series about horses>cute and comfy stables for your horse>strong legs and overall body due to horse riding >Look cool while running on highways >cool clothes and accessories to keep your horse safe during the different seasons>matching outfits with horse. No. 1067141
File: 1645668923937.gif (2.86 MB, 275x264, 1645111353105.gif)

>>>/meta/30039Just leaving this here in case someone wants to add to the conversation
No. 1067143
File: 1645669053522.jpeg (31.23 KB, 346x450, D9F1408F-BC9D-495E-9F12-825724…)

No. 1067202
>>1067198Depends on you, I couldn't bear it personally but now I want to be your friend nonna because I also have
problematic ships. I'm out here casually viewing art of them on Pinterest while underage commenters go batshit, fun times.
No. 1067210
>>1067202I'm willing to do some digging for what I want. I can't take not being able to find a place or group to have a decent conversation about my interests which includes my ship and it doesn't help that my ship comes from a children media filled with rabid purists, terminally online and children.
> I'm out here casually viewing art of them on Pinterest while underage commenters go batshit, fun times.Nothing will ever be funnier than typing up your ship name and reading the batshit and unhinged comments about it. They're fictional for heavens sake kek!
No. 1067218
>>1067210I wish you luck! It's hard out there. Sometimes browsing the tag on social media can help you find fans discussing it, but yours does sound like you'd have to dig through a lot of shit first.
>Nothing will ever be funnier than typing up your ship name and reading the batshit and unhinged comments about it. They're fictional for heavens sake kek!It is funny, I just blink and continue browsing the glorious fanart same as before. Weird to me that anybody puts time into that, although sometimes I get it when the comments are like "wtf" because some ships warrant that but still, get used to it kek this is how it goes. I never had a phase like that growing up online you just accepted people ship stuff. I guess everyone's different.
No. 1067247
File: 1645675468475.jpg (75.42 KB, 747x625, space gun.jpg)

>>1067239Go to /pol/, sis.
No. 1067274
File: 1645678082880.gif (215.36 KB, 471x345, 57149528-420D-4EA9-A131-ABD818…)

Every day I'm horny and when I'm not horny I make myself horny
No. 1067296
File: 1645679815866.jpeg (28.12 KB, 626x417, 16F1F4BA-1883-4C03-A6C5-AC223C…)

>lolcow open in one tab
>writing secret smut fic in the other
I'm living it up tonight
No. 1067345
File: 1645685658073.jpeg (240.04 KB, 1920x1080, 3D682066-BD3A-4B0D-B17E-DD83F2…)

No. 1067638
File: 1645706323962.png (437.89 KB, 1280x542, vibe.PNG)

I'm going to cave.
No. 1067682
File: 1645710364476.webm (436.63 KB, 854x480, a normal human reaction to tra…)

Damn Kevin
No. 1067789
File: 1645718505665.gif (405.03 KB, 220x393, happy-happy-run.gif)

me running to /snow/ to check up on my favorite retards while i drink my morning coffee and then realizing none of them wake up early enough in the morning for there to be any good milk until later
No. 1067799
File: 1645718783617.jpg (467.27 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220224-110034_Ins…)

This is making me laugh harder than it should. "We can't just LET HIM!!!"
No. 1067807
>>1067799kekk don't worry
nonnie, I can tell from that very half assed post that in 2 weeks she'll probably forgot everything about it.
No. 1068046
File: 1645728144838.jpg (62.79 KB, 640x426, original.jpg)

I have two perfectly good normal flattering costumes for this carnival party on Saturday but my heart is telling me to slap on as many random clothes as possible and go as an emo tumblr clown
No. 1068208
File: 1645732087625.png (30.15 KB, 501x147, Screenshot 2022-02-24 214525.p…)

he's just like me what do I do
No. 1068605
>>1068582There's creams that'll kill mites if that's a factor in your rosecea. I've had flushing for 3 years and at one point I got this raised texture and papules all over my face during a bad flare… I read about mites and ended up buying horse paste because it was cheaper than the actual cream for humans. It dealt with my texture and papules and they never came back again.
I still flush though. That particular flare was crazy but I think mites are only a factor, like they irritate it but maybe arent the cause.
No. 1068609
>>1068582haha same
nonnie. I also often get stye for no reason (because of rosacea) and everytime I tell my friend she's like ew you touched your eye with poopoo finger. Sad skin condition
No. 1068726
File: 1645741764414.jpg (1.53 MB, 2000x2410, semen tree.jpg)

>>1068484Reminds me that it's going to be semen tree season soon.
No. 1068828
File: 1645745985304.jpg (47.04 KB, 470x700, Claudia.jpg)

I want to be her so fucking much
No. 1068843
File: 1645746744961.jpeg (113.71 KB, 1192x1164, 7C5133AF-444B-4A20-9302-3AEEA6…)

About to watch every single horrifying war movie I know of because I absolutely hate myself
No. 1068852
File: 1645747036200.jpg (155.08 KB, 1280x720, uggly shoe.jpg)

I miss the Shuwu/Pregory milk.
No. 1068930
>>1067059I'm jealous. I did this with Pokémon Go and Mikuture but u can't be bothered changing my Apple ID to download imas
I'd ask to see the cute pics if it wouldn't be doxxing
No. 1068935
File: 1645752258043.png (1.36 MB, 1366x768, 4CBB5538-6B43-4471-A7F1-6D594C…)

>>1068934If there is no more war tomorrow
nonny I know to come back here and thank you personally for your service
No. 1068945
File: 1645753094218.jpg (409.59 KB, 962x1063, Screenshot_20220224-193647.jpg)

Back in the day this used to be the hottest bitch in town.
No. 1068956
File: 1645753552396.jpeg (31.39 KB, 626x490, 1D4EDE77-A6F3-4749-B92A-2D7312…)

I’m building a time machine to go back to summer 2016 who wants to come with?
No. 1068961
File: 1645753994834.jpeg (141.31 KB, 640x592, 2D5E9E97-9BC5-45F5-9F3E-0917D7…)

b- board-tan…?
No. 1068964
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No. 1068978
File: 1645755564611.jpeg (37.53 KB, 374x358, 469C8469-BB44-482C-A67D-968293…)

>artist has “BL/GL/HL” in their description
>only see BL and the occasional HL
No. 1069075
File: 1645768105820.jpg (46.05 KB, 607x733, 0a2.jpg)

>>1069064seethe you blue eyed demon
No. 1069086
File: 1645769318203.jpg (39.61 KB, 331x548, 3dd8d7d6f45372b8d9042700dc9ccb…)

>>1069064they should all go back to Tumblr with their copes kek
No. 1069101
File: 1645770341206.jpeg (23.89 KB, 224x225, 4CD655E1-9B06-4590-B275-31F288…)

does anyone on this thread play unsion league picrel
No. 1069103
File: 1645770387194.jpg (364.47 KB, 684x744, Eye-Spectrum.jpg)

>>1069086Why do blue eyed demons think the only two eye colors are brown and blue? I've got green eyes and I still think y'all creepy looking
No. 1069111
File: 1645770910257.jpg (22.35 KB, 236x258, 7ee6e57b0d2ff7e32912eb34c25a28…)

>>1069098>>1069103>I've seen a bunch of posts recently that are trying to meme people into thinking that blue eyes are ugly and having brown eyes is desireable. CopeWas replying to the post mentioning brown eyes, learn to read and have some more cope
No. 1069112
>>1069111I'm asking what the screencapped posts you've collected and are seething over have to do with blue eyes,
nonny. Like, who in either of those pictures called blue eyes ugly?
It just seems like you have low self-esteem and are clinging to eye color when it's really not that important. I used to be like you, it doesn't help lol
No. 1069113
>>1069111So you're mad and cannot believe people with brown eyes are genuinely happy with their eye color and that other people genuinely like brown eyes? You just seem to project your "cope" onto that.
I don't even have brown eyes but you just seem butthurt that the attention is off of your features for the few seconds people make posts about brown eyes
No. 1069155
>>1069147What even caused the infight? I've seen it happen so many times too and it's super weird because it's such a small feature thay barely makes difference and you'll can just use contacts.
>>1069116Kek. I had a fugly girl with blue eyes tell me the guy that liked me couldn't have liked me because I didn't have blue eyes like her. If anything they seem to be the ones coping.
No. 1069225
File: 1645782074010.png (10.12 KB, 524x156, Untitled.png)

the twitter/tumblr threads on /m/ arent back so im posting these here
No. 1069299
File: 1645789114419.jpeg (Spoiler Image,95.49 KB, 569x938, AFF42E8C-0A5D-4A8E-8E44-BBD113…)

I need the ugly art thread back NOW
No. 1069323
File: 1645791060768.jpg (172.1 KB, 1250x745, vampire eyes.jpg)

No. 1069332
>>1069323>vegan vampireNow
that is a truly mythical creature
No. 1069347
File: 1645792699403.jpg (63.49 KB, 600x600, f6b71cd51a94256e25404730dc4985…)

I want to dye my hair so bad (like picrel but a little more orange) but the thought of damaging my hair while I'm working on taking better care of it is so scary. I actually dyed my hair this color like 2-3 years ago, but it made my curls looser and I ended up shaving my head I was gonna do that anyway, that fact that my hair was a little damaged just secured my decision. I didn't get to enjoy my hair to its full extent like I should have, I don't think my roots were even grown out. Maybe I'll try hair wax instead, because I can't get this color out of my mind
No. 1069446
>>1069440I used to think I was coping because I have brown eyes, but then I realized that 100% of the time I find guys with hazel or brown eyes way hotter. It can be the same guy with blue vs brown or hazel and the darker eyes always win. Hazely green and brown eyes are sexy and cute as hell!
It made me realize that the only reason I felt insecure was because
scrotes decided blue eyes are better, and why would I give a shit about what most scrotes think? Everyone knows scrotes have absolute shit taste
No. 1069500
File: 1645801275429.jpg (62.96 KB, 750x338, Tumblr_l_413769531020196.jpg)

thinking about that anon who said she hoped men would get memed by porn into raping each other so they'd finally start taking rape seriously. it's an awful concept to think about but it's also true
No. 1069507
nonnie! So i dont have the same hair type, however i just wanna throw put some other options.
(Dont use overtone) but you can apply the same idea by mixing a semi/demi color mixed with conditioner (or hair mask) and let it sit in your hair while you shower. This wont be as bright as if you lift color at a salon, but it could revive the color a bit without bleaching. Ive done it several times with Artic Fox colors.
Olaplex works! I suggest using it (or a more budget approved version) once a week to strengthen the bonds, so they can handle color better.
Hair wax is always an option too! That color is so beautiful. Best of luck!
No. 1069519
File: 1645802282867.jpeg (755.11 KB, 828x1552, AFCD6CF1-F216-4C38-85DA-4C58BE…)

>>1069507Samefagging, but heres a ss of the company i mentioned. You would mix no more than a quarter size amount into a handful of conditioner or hair mask. 10-15 does the tricl for me! Id wear long dish gloves to advoid staining on your hands, and the color lofts easily from the tub/shower!
You can mix hues too, but I would do some more reading into color theory before experimenting on your hair ♥
No. 1069522
>>1069520Agreed. Someone that obessed would photoshop thier eye colors or wear contacts anyway.
When i was little my mom (not a good person) said my eyes were brown because i was so full of shit. I was 5, and the rest of our family had blue eyes. That really fucked with me for a few years.
No. 1069670
File: 1645808887582.jpg (Spoiler Image,167.25 KB, 828x1792, 20220225_140150.jpg)

Imagine if men had look at sexualized stuff like this every day in media and on the web
No. 1069683
>>1069676It's a BL game called nu:carnival I don't usually like shipping, but original romance works are fine for my taste, probably because it feels less fake lol
No. 1069775
File: 1645811459021.jpg (21.73 KB, 355x864, images.jpeg-184.jpg)

This is kinda ridiculous and tinfoily of me and i dont wanna clog the celebricows and elogrimes thread with it but so many things about Elon's new gf scream Paid Escort or PR relationship to me.
>Literally a nobody who only acted on D-List trashy australian movies, 41k followers on IG, etc
>Relationship over-publicized, multiple articles on media, way more than any of Elon's other higher profile girlfriends and hookups like Amber or Grimes
>Despite being a D list actress Natasha seems to travel a whole lot, someone with her credits does not that make that much money so unless her family is rich she has another source of income.
No. 1069810
File: 1645812650511.jpg (331.2 KB, 976x549, _107894745_alien976.jpg)

Few nights ago I woke up with a lil cut on the back of my hand. The following night I woke up with a bruise on the back of the same hand. The bruise faded quickly enough and then thismorning I woke up with the bruise back again as if it's fresh.
No. 1069857
>>1069809he's ugly why would the money even be worth it
you could get with a less ugly hollywood scrote and get knocked up by him for a lesser payday and it'd still set you for life but these bitches choose an uggo tech geek
No. 1069899
File: 1645815129018.jpeg (212.65 KB, 2048x1536, 00DD69C5-115C-4B35-AB77-733D0A…)

She's waiting, anon.
No. 1069913
>>1069810You might not be serious but I am 100% serious.
The other day from my room I saw a small fire out there in the pasture. I put my lights out so I could see better because I thought some people were burning something but the small fire got bigger then it turned into a perfectly round ball and then got smaller until it disappeared completely. Everything happened so fast and I'm sure they saw me.
Their lights were so strong it illuminated the entire pasture reaching the road.
Nobody believes me but no one can explain how a fire goes off like that, or what kind of torch would be strong enough and spread out like that in a way the source would be hard to indentify (I thought it was car lights at first because of the road being illuminated, then I got up and looked out the window and saw it). Either way, no torch goes off like that or look like a huge fire. I'm 100% sure it was alien activity. Must be the little men that turn invisible. Sometimes I feel like they're inside my house, these damn fuckers.
No. 1070101
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I found a twitter acc yesterday that's just a girl making autobio comics about her sexual relationship with her dad. It is astounding how long we have lasted as a species.
No. 1070140
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the forbidden man looks like colin hay with a wig at the beginning of down under
No. 1070172
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>>1070137Samefag, she confirms that it's not her real name, and admits that most of the shit is made up. Most, if not all, of what she's saying is LARP. No. 1070306
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I might be lightly retarded but I came across picrel few months ago on some dank meme page, now I keep remembering it every time I feel down and every time it brings me to tears. I want this frog and it's luminescent soul so much.
No. 1070329
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No. 1070334
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I found this shit in an imageboard full of degenerate males (how shocking), I want to edit the dialogue but I'm too unfunny to come up with something good
No. 1070338
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No. 1070351
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>>1069507>>1069519Thank you anon, you're very sweet! The brand of box dye that (picrel iirc) I used actually claims (or at least other people claim) to be "no bleach" but I think by no bleach they just mean that it's a one step lighting and color process. Also, I just remembered that I dyed my hair twice within the same month, so that probably had a lot to do with the damage lol. Anyway, thank you for your recommendations. I will definitely consider using that method, I should probably stop using cheap box dye and get higher quality dye. I appreciate your help! ♥
No. 1070466
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The nice thing about wearing masks in public is that no one knows when I'm silently laughing to myself like a maniac.
No. 1070671
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FINALLY It's about damn time my fucking period showed up. anyone else have irregular af periods too?
No. 1070674
>>1070672Me too,
nonnie. I'm afraid of being found out/doxxed/not keeping the money lol. But imagine the sweet, sweet TRA bux…
No. 1070679
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>>1070672>>1070674>>1070675When I was really into the RF movement I decided to make a redbubble account and sell queer themed shit and then donate all the profits to women's only charities, but I never went through with it because my soul cringed out of my body when I had to sit down and design queer slogans and such.
I was gonna call it "Queer Panda" because everyone in the queer movement do it for attention, therefore pandering.
No. 1070683
>>1070679That's actually really funny, I wish you did but then again can't blame you for not tolerating the cringe
My personal favourite troon trolling is just when people post biological females and pretend they're trannies who went on blockers super young. You know it makes the hons seethe.
No. 1070723
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Lost my Skullcandy earbuds. Can't even use apps to locate them because I never activated tile. It's been 3 days. I'm starving but I'm too warm in bed. I need to pee but it's too cold outside the bedsheets. Send the national guard
No. 1070726
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No. 1070730
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No. 1070738
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I don't think he did anything wrong
No. 1070782
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>>1069683>>1069670to the anon who posted about nu:carnival here yesterday…thank you.shit like this is up my alley but i can't bother looking for such stuff myself.i dont have much experience with gacha shit and i wonder if i will HAVE to spend money eventually and i dont want to
No. 1070869
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>>1070859… incest args… huh?
No. 1070886
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Just watched a bunch of tedtalks back to back about possible things that could destroy and wipe out humanity because I love making myself paranoid and anxious
No. 1071029
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I feel so bad for intelligent aliens who will discover (or already discovered) humanity. Humans are so fucking ugly. Our baby and elder form just look plain ugly while our adult form is uncanny. We look like tall chimps with mange disease. Weird hairless meat bags with creepy long limbs. We're not fast or strong but we're the best endurance runners of the entire world. Meaning we are born for stalking, legit made for following another being for days or weeks until it gets exhausted. We're creepy fuckers
No. 1071064
>>1071029Okay, but how do you know they don't find that cute? They could be calling us "weird longy monki bois" and making edits of us to giggle at with other aliens. Maybe they just come to earth to film us to make "Cutest Human Moments"/"Human FAILS"/etc compilations.
Wait, what if they fuck with us to fund human torture fetishists? Like those YouTube channels that are just monkey torture/abuse for freaks? What if all those stories about humans being abducted and probed by aliens were cases of abuse that got recorded, and it was really poor/uncaring aliens doing it for their equivalent of $30 per video so they didn't care to wipe the
victim's memories after they were done (or maybe their audience got a sick satisfaction out of traumatizing the humans and knowing their own kind would be too stupid to believe them)? I think that's worse than them being creeped out by us
No. 1071098
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Older women always compliment me by saying how younger I look, when they hear my actual age, saying that I will appreciate that later. I don’t want to celebrate something viewed as a compliment just because we live in a pedophilic and ageist society terrified of being old. I never know how to react because I know they mean it as a compliment, but I feel uneasy about it. I just end up being surprised and thanking them despite that being against my beliefs. Am I the stupid one?
No. 1071120
>>1071098No you're not stupid. I've been told the same things countless times but I'm not even sure the people saying this always mean it because they think I'm offended when I tell them I'm older than they think. I'd rather look my age my entire life than have issues from look too young as a late 20s adult, either in professional settings
not anymore though because I finally have a job where I'm finally respected by my managers and coworkers or in my private social life where normal people my age avoid me preemptively. No need to tell all of this to people trying and failing to compliment you though, obviously, I also just say thanks and that's it.
No. 1071428
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They're roommates
No. 1071646
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Should i tell him i see him?
No. 1071713
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Whenever someone asks me what lolcow book thread rec I'm reading and I don't feel up to explaining what it's about, I usually say it's a recommendation of a friend. You're my friends.
No. 1071751
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Can someone make a fanfic of me and elsie-san?
No. 1071752
>>1071751How do you want it to be,
nonnie? Fantasy or realistic? I can greetext you a fanfic.
No. 1071754
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>>1071064>what if they fuck with usSign me up
No. 1071777
>>1071755>Welcome to “Elsie, please love me”>Be you>Be addicted to>Fall in love with the mascot>Always draw fanart of her with yourself and fantasize about hugging herOne day
>wake up to the sound of the pans in your kitchen getting shoved from a side to another>the scent of bacon, pancakes and eggs invades your nostrils >go to the kitchen with a bat because you live alone>See a pair of horns moving to the sound of a radfem song while picking up a few plates >”What the fuck?!” You say>Elsie looks at you, already tired of your presence >”hey, if you won’t help with the breakfast, you won’t eat a thing, idiot”>you approach her, still looking at her horns and trip with your pajama’s pants>Elsie catches you>”Are you high or something? Wake up!”>you mumble an apology and look for the coffee maker to make two cups of coffee>you’re still flustered because you don’t understand what’s going on>Elsie shoves a piece of bacon in your mouth >she’s blushing as she mumbles “Just don’t get mad at me”>you nod and give her the best mug in your house>She sets the table with your help and both of you sit down>”so” she says while munching her pancakes>”I know this is weird, but from now on I will be living with you”>You just stare at her>she has eyebags, her eyebrows never trimmed before, freckles intact and blue eyes staring at you back with annoyance, she snarls showing her sharp teeth>”would you stop staring? It’s weird”>you apologize and stare at your smiley pancakes>she mumbles “Just don’t expect to have your breakfast served like this, I want you to also cook for me, got it??”>you nod and smile a bit>she growls and looks away while blushing “you’re so weird, I don’t get why admin sent me here to keep you company”>she explains to you that when you participated in a thread that said>-If your post has quints you will get a cool surprise->You got the opportunity to hang out with her for a few months>she says that she’s not that good at acting like a retarded housewife but that she would do her best to make you happy>You are indeed happy >She says that you shouldn’t expect her to act like those braindead coomer anime girls either>that she just wants to get over with this>then you feel a bit sad because you feel like you’re burdening her>to be continued No. 1071784
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>>1071777A-ANON!! I LOVE IT!!!
No. 1071790
>>1071064Aliens can get fucked, I know these bastards are around my area and might even be invading my home
They're fucking radioactive and abduct us to experiment on us, fucking bastards
Then we get that ashtar motherfucker going all hippie new jesus on us, like, bitch, get a grip, put some chains on your people, don't come fucking around peace and love, like my ass. Wheres the intergalactic security or whatever, you shouldn't let these bastards get in Earth's space territory, like, they're invading it??? That's illegal. Don't even get me started on the greys, I'm gonna lose my mind if the men in black keep these fuckers walking around unchecked I swear, they keep doing it. At this point there is some weird ass plot against Earth, I bet it had to do with america, nothing can convince me otherwise, like, they came here in my country and got our aliens and never explained anything. We traded them for spy towers. The men in black are aliens. I know it. I feel it in my bones.
Fucking nasty.
No. 1071828
>>1071784Nonnie, i need you to help me continue this fanfic, are you employed or a neet? If you have a job, do you like it? Do you get milk for the threads with cows? Or do you post other kind of content that helps?
you don’t have to say what, just say yes or no have you ever done real farm work?
No. 1071839
>>1071828I give all the info you need:
>be me>salary woman full time>Does cardio at home and lifts light weights>lives in a 1 bedroom, 1 kitchen apartment>grocery store and plaza with coffee shops and restaurants are 2 streets away>loves ot/g/m>constantly shitposts from work>shaynafag but doesn't do real farm work>has made the organisation thread, valentine's day thread and indie women musicians and artists threadIf you need anymore info tell me!
No. 1071901
nonnie! This will be cringe!
>welcome back to “Elsie, please love me”>Be you>Check the time>”Oh fuck, I have to go to work!”>Elsie looks at you with annoyance >”It’s fucking Saturday”>you obviously relax>”so what will you do now?” She finishes her coffee>you ponder for a while “I should get ready to workout for a while”>Elsie looks interested but then looks away >”cool I guess, before you do that, do the dishes with me”>she stands up and picks the dirty dishes>You follow suit and do the dishes with her>You wash them and she dries them up>She starts humming a song because she’s focused>You smile a little trying to not break her concentration>she has a nice voice, more deep than high pitched>You feel butterflies in your stomach>She looks at you when the dishes are all cleaned up and stored>”weren’t you going to workout?”>you nod and go back to your room quickly>you can hear the sound of something getting dragged in your living room>you first ignore it because you’re halfway done with dressing up>then you hear a tud and a zipper>You go out if your room all dressed up for working out and find Elsie setting up her place to sleep>her suitcase is all sorts of damaged, is a huge bag with patches, she has lots of pants, overalls and button up shirts and jackets>She takes out her cow slippers and puts them on to sit on your couch>”so this is mine now, I hope you don’t need this for these few months”>you smile and say that it’s okay>she growls and just starts getting changed>you begin to workout not worrying too much about her being around>you actually feel comfortable with her>and she’s also comfortable with you but won’t admit it>”So… you’re different to what I expected” Elsie mumbles wearing her cow pajamas to lounge around>you look at her a bit puzzled>She hugs a pillow that looks like a carton of milk >”Usually those making these help threads and such are the kind of people that needs help, but you seem to be doing fine”>You laugh a bit and look away>”I’m not that great”>She gets annoyed and just looks away>”I was afraid of you being a moid, you know?”>you look at her a bit worriedly>”A moid? I know they lurk but, I thought they only liked to post gore and such”>she shook her head >”I once had to stay with a moid for a few days, I couldn’t handle it, the moment I saw it I beat it up with a can of milk”>She looks distraught >”It was disgusting” she mumbles hugging the pillow tightly >even though you were a bit sweaty already, you hug her>She growls and tries to shake you off at first but then she relaxes>”It’s okay. Elsie, there are no moids in this place, you don’t have to worry about them anymore”>She hugs you back and sighs>”you’re not as bad as the other shaynafags”>you laugh a bit and she also laughs>then you let her go and she seems a bit upset but just goes back to hugging the carton of milk and reading a book on radfem theory>once you’re done, you go take a shower and she seems to be waiting for you>she looks out of the window and wonders about something that you two could do together >then she has an idea>she goes into>There she has all of the threads, these are cows>she checks out the milk production and it’s doing as usual>not too good and not too bad>she sighs >you catch her sighing and ask her if everything is okay >she shakes her head and shows you the cute farm with statistics about the milk production >”i need more milk to keep everything up”>you ask her about the milk and her eyes light up>”You see, all of the milk that the farmers bring keeps my business thriving”>she shows you the virtual shop where she sells milk and milk derivates>”If the milk is good, I can sell it for a good price and then I can donate it for good causes”>she shows you the chart of profits>”When the milk sucks or it’s of devious precedence, I can’t sell it”>she sighed>”I know it’s weird but that’s how my life has been going on since my first moments of consciousness” >you nod, not quite sure if that makes sense because gossiping doesn’t seem like a good business to you>she makes you sit down with her on the couch>you feel embarrassed even if you just took a shower and changed your clothes>She hugs you and shows you the threads>”Once all of the milk is processed, I can milk the cows and then sell it, see?”>You nod and she smiles with her sharp teeth>”My goal is to send a million of human money this year” she sighs >”it always has been my goal”>you tell her to cheer up, that you know that this year will bring lots of milk>she cheers up a bit and keeps showing you the cows>”this is Shayna, she won the cow of the year last year”>It’s a cow with shayna’s face>”Sometimes her milk isn’t nice but she really is a steady stream of it”>she shrugs and then she shows you the stuff that you made >”this helps me a lot too, when all of you create good threads, it cleans up the bad milk and balances the flavor”>she looks at you and smiles >”Thank you for creating such nice threads, anon”>to be continued No. 1071907
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>>1070723i never heard of those before so i googled them and KEK this specific model looks like the earbuds are popping out of a toaster. cute. hope you find them nona
if you didn't die No. 1071917
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>>1071901This is so hilarious
No. 1071919
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Thank you so much I'm gonna save this fanfic till the day i die <3 <3 <3 <3
No. 1072287
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me playing the sims 4 decades challenge as a non-white anon watching a white family from the 1890s fight each other for the family cow in their will
No. 1072301
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Who remember these??
No. 1072304
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>>1072301I had this on a folder
No. 1072347
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>>1072301me but i only bought the animal themed lisa frank shit. the siamese kitties and leopards were my favorites. look at how cool these cats are
No. 1072352
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>>1072301I still have one of the og's, it's a clear file. My only other remaining Lisa Frank artifact is a half filled notebook from fifth grade
No. 1072356
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>>1072352This is the one I remember having as a folder, though I remember there was one that felt and you could color it
>>1072351Aww, sorry anon. I only got it for birthdays. Hope now you can buy the Lisa Frank stuff you couldn't then
No. 1072362
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i used to have this set
No. 1072363
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>>1072356Thanks! You know maybe I will, that angel kitten is awful cute. I hope they have a notebook of it so I can use it with my pom pom pen
No. 1072391
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My ideal man is the boyfriend from uzumaki by junji ito. I don't know why but I am very fond of him.
No. 1072420
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Humans are awful yes but we are also so impressive, we’ve been on earth for so little yet have accomplished so much and always find ways to overcome obstacles. I’m normally pessimistic but thinking about this makes me somewhat proud of humanity.
No. 1072427
>>1072409Remember when it was PULL this and PULL that, gb2pull
Well something had to take its place
No. 1072468
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I eat these like how I eat pussy. Awkward and kind of messy
No. 1072581
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I miss 8tracks at it's early 2010s prime, discovered so much great music there and some people really had great ideas with these thematic playlists, I see similar thing being done on youtube but somehow it's just not the same…
No. 1072631
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I can’t believe that there’s actual wars going on right now, I thought these decades would only be remembered by the covid pandemic. But also, now that I think about it, there’s always wars going on in Africa but It’s basically considered normal at this point. It’s crazy.
No. 1072704
>>1072651It's easy
"Oh, you recognized that joke from lolcow dot com (intentional naming "mistake")? Yeah I, just like you, accidentally happened to browse that website once and I saw it there. Isn't it a funny coincidence?"
No. 1072709
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>men on the russian reddit actually think this dude passes
Men are so fucking retarded kek
No. 1072721
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kek my grandmother just called anderson cooper a faggot, gotta ask what her opinion on trannies are
No. 1072792
>>1072760And then the witch doctor he told me what to do!
He told me oo ee ooh ah ah, timothey chala mala ding dong!
No. 1072808
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>>1072777I woke up today with similar thoughts
No. 1072820
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No. 1072884
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I love my friends:3
No. 1073477
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puts this on you
No. 1073723
don't know where to put this since the eurofag thread is locked but
>>1073662>mock mothers when they experience complications and brag about not having children instead of caring for those women's health issues. >telling about how common vaginal tears, saggy breasts and shallow stuff which makes women unfuckable after giving birth is just scrote think.I don't think anyone ITT was doing that (tho I didn't read the whole thread tbh). I didn't mean for my post to come off that way. Just that everything I heard about pregnancy sounds scary, not necessarily the stuff related to looks but death, certain organs collapsing, teeth falling, and other serious issues, and even just the idea of pushing a human out, that why I considered it bad I guess.
No. 1073746
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>>1073477thank you nonna now everyone can see I’m an autist with one glance
No. 1073799
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Just 3 more days and I'll be able to eat normally again
No. 1073851
>>1073477put it in me
nonny… fuck me with the dunce cap
No. 1073858
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>>1073851In the corner,
No. 1074184
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>>1074076I haven’t seen Encanto yet but I will point out that high stakes aren’t necessary for a good movie.
No. 1074240
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I fucking hate when my pastas are broken
No. 1074252
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>>1074250Samefag but also we don’t have a borzoi avatarfag? are you stupid, borzoi anon happened like a year ago or so, and now they’re a meme everyone posts from time to time you’re either a newfag or stupid or both.
No. 1074254
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>>1074240Let me grab them cheeks.
No. 1074260
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>MMO in [present day] doesn't have server transfer
No. 1074264
>>1074250I agree with you anon, someone overuse borzoi to the point that it looks like avatarfagging. I didn't see that much of it in the past.
And avatarfagging is cringe.
No. 1074299
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No. 1074306
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No. 1074323
>>1074310I like how I
triggered you all with my opinion kek. You are mentally weak.
No. 1074325
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I need /m/ back to discuss wacky golden kamuy theories like this ugh
The tweet: No. 1074326
>>1074323Nta but
>embarrassing>KEK I TRIGGERED YOUUUlmao
No. 1074329
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farts in dog
No. 1074602
I've spent a lot of time here. So much time here, collectively…I don't even know, but whole evenings several days a week for years and years. And this is like a temporary friends simulator. I'm overjoyed about something, frustrated at something, just been broken up with and I post here, and I get the same responses I imagine different friends would give me. And this strange friendship is spread amongst so many anonymous people. There are times when posts have been so kind and empathetic that it's made me cry, harsh replies that were true that felt like a slap in the face. I'm so grateful for all the anons who have been here in general and for me all through the years. But at the end of the day, it could disappear any moment. I've built nothing.
Could this time not have been better spent looking for friends in my real life? Maybe if I didn't seek this temporary satisfaction and felt real loneliness I'd have a few close bffs of a decade that I'd see regularly, who really knew me and interacted with me based on that instead of the snippets seen in individual comments.
Even in real life I've tailored my social life to be a little like this. I go to events as an individual, socialise to my hearts content then don't speak to those people again because I've had my fill. It feels a little parasitic, I don't think it's healthy. It's 7am on a Monday and I suppose I'm overthinking things.
No. 1074612
>>1074602I think about it too… All the hours I've wasted. I dare not ask how many post I've made here. As much as I loathe social media I do use this place as kind of an [anti]social media to vent all my thoughts and issues & it gives me comfort that I do not need to keep up face here because it is anonymous. But it does give me joy when someone replies to my post, they've seen my message and it has impacted a small part of their day.
When part of the site was locked, I felt like I was cut off from my coping mechanisms kek
And I think about the connections thing a lot, & things I could have done with all this time that I've spent here. I have met a lot of people on & offline that I have thought were cool but I never took the chance to get to know them deeper because of my own insecurities. I will always tell myself they won't really like me, or tolerate my issues.
I do the same thing in social situations, I want to spend enough time to satisfy my social needs then disappear & do my own thing for a while, but I've learned that to keep friends you also need to be an available one for them.
Sorry for the blogpost, I've had similar thoughts bubbling in my mind as well
No. 1074643
I asked yesterday in /meta/ but got just 1 reply which is unsatisfactory so let me try here.
Farmers, how do you feel about reviving the /int/ board? would be there:
>Amerfag thread, Eurofag thread, Canada thread, Finnish thread, Brazil thread, French thread, Italian thread, German thread, the new Polish thread, all the country threads>Regional cow threads (like Kiwifarms has in the interntional section)The board was experimental and abandoned for lack of posting. Times have changed and now those regional threads on /ot/ are among the most popular and are increasing in number. We could redirect all those threads from /ot/ back to /int/ (where some of them originated years ago). The userbase and discussion has grown so much to warrant a separate board for that category, and we already have that board ready, we just need to unhide it.
Problem: lack of mods. Solution: uh, I could mod? I have no moderation experience but I've been on here like 5-6 years
Problem: change of administration. Uh, yeah, I'm not suggesting this happens now, it'll all have to wait until new admin is all settled in
No. 1074653
>>1074652You think? I got the idea from seeing country threads get bumped here all the time. Like half of /ot/ are those threads now
>>1074650Everything old was once new. /g/ was a success even though lolcow had like 20 times less users than today
No. 1074659
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i was put out to pasture for a week for posting dogboy i missed u so much nonnies
No. 1074661
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The ad and captcha I got earlier, neither of which apply to me in terms of interests
No. 1074752
>>1074743The insoles must have detached and moved around while you walked and that's what rubbed it raw.
Happened to me once and I had the biggest blister ever, the size of my entire heel.
No. 1074781
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I can’t find the historical crushes thread I could’ve sworn it was in /g/ but maybe it was in /m/? I have cute red army men to post
No. 1075191
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This yt comment gave me asscancer
No. 1075283
>>1075265kek I should. Even before dinner started I kinda threw it out there like "oh we're ordering for the whole table right?" and my friends said "yes" and then still went ahead and were like "well
I'm getting xyz" so…
Also one of my friends is pescatarian and basically could eat nothing except the japchae which sucked for her. I want to invite the friends I'm closest out with again for a proper kbbq experience lol. There were some people there I didn't know (who ordered the most meat) and now I really don't care to get to know. My friend, who's birthday we were celebrating, also didn't believe me that samgyupsal is actually good despite the fat on it. How are you gonna do korean bbq and not order samgyupsal of all things…
No. 1075372
>>1074643There's like 10 country/continent-related threads now and it's becoming annoying. (Yes I know minimizing exists). If you see how fast the Eurofag thread alone moves and how regularly others are bumped to the front page, I think there's definitely enough traffic to keep them going. I think there would be no problem with the board being slower considering most users would be visiting for just 1 or 2 boards anyway, as long as the threads are active themselves it'd be fine.
>>1074644>/2X/Bad example considering it's hidden
No. 1075421
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i was about to break my shit-talking fast but someone's ban message i got while using a vpn made me too superstitious
No. 1075482
>>1075465Is it that bad? Episode one is just like someone fanfic'd an Intervention episode candidate, and the acting is reminiscent of the kids on Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of the Dark
>>107547126, I think I'm like a decade+ older than the target audience kek
No. 1075527
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CP doing rounds as usual ,proceed with caution
No. 1075530
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I don't really like gemstones on rings and I'd like to be proposed to with just a simple, plain gold band, but lately I've been thinking that an alexdandrite ring would be really nice! Also maybe it's too weird to have a simple gold band for both an engagement and wedding ring. Maybe something really really simple like picrel.
Not sure why I think so much about rings considering that I'm not dating anyone and not on the look out for a girlfriend kek.
No. 1075663
>>1075278Getting ot but I'm Irish and watching people react to the woman who was killed while jogging a few weeks back was gross. A woman is killed in daylight and men rushed to shit on the idea that women have safety concerns. That women even in daylight don't have the same feeling of safety as a man going for a walk. They can't stand to acknowledge it.
Instead it became an 'us versus foreigners' thing but let's be real.. it was still a woman killed by a man. Men out for a jog aren't being killed by anybody here, local or foreign. The 'foreign boogeyman' distraction pisses me off. Our men are too nice to harm anyone apparently.. keep telling yourselves that guys. Irish men abuse you behind a closed door. Theyre abusers in the most cowardly way. Every apartment building I've lived in I've overheard plenty of domestic abuse by men screaming in thick Irish accents. And then they're pipsqueaks when you bump into them in the corridor.
No. 1075723
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i dont want to procrastinate but the stress and adrenaline when i realise that i actually have to do something gives me the illusion that life is not meaningless
No. 1075798
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>>1075761Lets make them ourselves
nonnie, I'll make yours and you make mine
No. 1075861
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An artist I used to follow who trooned out just posted a picture of her pink merch and nails done "guess what's my new favorite color? :3" So it's true after becoming an emo boi they all starting to be hyper feminine again
No. 1076057
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LC is like going through a moment like?? there's a lot going on but not really?? everyone is kinda freaking out but also mega shitposting at the same time?? i'm just here like clink clink
No. 1076064
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feeling so bored I'm thinking of making a tumblr blog
No. 1076081
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Jesus Christ I finally had some food and now I feel alive, not eating sucks so fucking much that I wouldn’t wish for anyone to experience hunger or thirst even if I fucking hated that person’s guts.
No. 1076146
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>>1076110>>1076123Exactly, they’re like bananas but bigger and not as sweet as bananas.’m shilling them hard because they’re delicious and practical as fuck.
No. 1076154
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Free the Pols
No. 1076180
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>>1076044just the cheapest on ali for any iph*ne
No. 1076227
>>1076057Why are you?? Typing?? Like this??
>>1075974I want to try this now. What game?
No. 1076239
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My jokes on here have a high rate of floppage. Anons respond as if Im being serious. Most often they'll explain shit to me thinking I'm all confused..
Am I the tist? are they the tist? Do we take turns being the tist? I guess I'm the common denominator but surely not..
No. 1076358
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>>1076351Only if you reported the thread as gore… then I will kiss you… ONLY THEN!
No. 1076412
nonnie I thought we was talkin hypotheticals here
No. 1076630
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>>1076623this is every /m/ anon ranting and raving about their goofy little anime men and their silly little dating sims hehe
i miss /m/ so much nonnies No. 1076658
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>>1076646this is you waiting for /m/ to come back so you can rant and rave about your serious large anime men and bully the /m/erds with silly puny husbandos.
No. 1076742
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No. 1076763
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I want a pet Pikachu so fucking bad
I love Pikachu in the anime, he's a genuinely well written tsundere
No. 1076771
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I never went on 4chan ever until yesterday and today because anon mentioned there were some ugly scrotes on /soc/ and I was looking for a good laugh and this shit took me the fuck out kek. Thank you /soc/ anon
No. 1076794
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No. 1076798
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No. 1076889
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i can’t believe tucker carlson would say this