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No. 854673
As the title says.
Post experiences, why you can't stand them and such
Please refrain from coming in this thread and say stupid shit like "Oh that's why nobody likes me" or "Damn seeing this thread as a [thing] sufferer makes me uncomfortable" because nobody will pity you.
>>>/ot/231531 No. 855168
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>>854673I don't know what you'd call the disorder itself but I ABSOLUTELY cannot STAND spendthrifts.
Growing up my family was extremely poor. We frequently had no food in our fridge, no cable, no toys for the kids, no bikes, no nothing.
But my mother always had herself dressed immaculately in expensive clothes and makeup. Every single day a new box full of goodies would arrive in the mail for her.
Come to find out, my stepdad makes about 80,000 a year. The only reason we lived in poverty is because my mom spends nearly all of it on herself.
She's actively harmed herself, her husband, and her children just so she can spend hours and hours looking at trinkets and scarves. I can't understand how she's okay and guilt free from all the damage she's done.
Even now that I'm an adult and completely independent from her, she's constantly asking me for money and plotting.
The other day she told my brother that I owed her a bunch of money and asked him to 'lend' her some money to cover what she'd borrowed from me.
My brother called me pissed off asking why I'd borrowed $800 from my mom and demanding that I pay him back.
Fuck I hate greedy people who spend solely for the sake of spending. Not only is the action of excessive spending itself wasteful and harmful, but it requires
toxic behaviors on the side to upkeep.
No. 855176
>>855168Ngl I wish is more acceptable to beat up your family members who are like this, just so fucking
toxic and annoying to live with goddamn. Sometimes a punch to the mouth fixes behavior
No. 855184
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whatever point on the autism spectrum they become this dude. they seem to thrive in college film classes; good luck uttering a semblance of an opinion in class without them trying to pick a fight with you about it
what is it that makes some autists super quiet and reserved, and others can never shut the fuck up?
No. 855701
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This was mentioned at length in the last thread but BPD. Friend of partner has "either BPD or narcissism" not sure why the fuck you would admit to this, especially the latter, but ok and is an all around drain to be around. Last time we had a conversation she remarked that her flatmate's collection of tools made her think about just how many ways there that she could kill herself in their apartment… said with a smile. That and she forgot my girlfriend's birthday even though they're supposed best friends.
Unpopular opinion, but I actually find autistic people refreshingly easy to be around. I never have to guess what they're thinking and you can always be straight-forward with them.
No. 856170
>>855168Anon that’s just awful. My mother used to sell her Jimmy Choos or take from my Dad’s wallet to pay for our birthday presents.
Many parents go without food to provide for their kids, I’m sorry you didn’t get that selflessness that all kids deserve.
No. 856175
>>855233Since you're using my post ad an example I don't think I have autism. The doctor has confirmed my anxiety diagnosis. I was a team captain in highschool and very outgoing. Extra curriculars and good grades. I was getting abused by my mother at home and my anxiety has only gotten worse the older I've gotten I think because I've had two boyfriends of 8 and 6 years also beat me so I think my confidence just took a massive hit and coupled with my mum beating me everyday from 10 years old I am wary of people.
I live miles away from my mum but have some friends that live near her so if i want to visit them since covid I would stay at my mums. But even as an adult staying over at hers
triggers me and I want to go back to my own place. I honestly think I get stressed seeing my friends that live in my hometown because my hometown stresses me out. I live in a new town but without any friends up here I feel awkward trying to meet people since I've been WFH.
No. 856202
It's tiring and annoying to be around someone with orthorexia and anorexia tendencies. The first ones often do stupid unnecessarry shit which is not healthy and can't help but notice what you eat and often say something about it, even jokingly. They can't just simply have a piece of cake and enjoy it, it must be said how sinful and wrong it is and that it'll make their butt grow. Shut the hell up.
Those with "anorexic tendencies" as I call it (they're not really anorexic) or people with BDD who project their insecurities on others just won't relax and NOT constantly inspect every passer-by to say something about their weight or hair or something else. It's such a drag.
Also, I think no one really likes an NPD person, but I just had to add it. I used to tolerate people like that because of low self esteem and poor boundaries, and because some were fun to be around (I don't really see it now though) but it's really not worth it. Especially after you've encountered a few, you start noticing that they're all… kinda the same? How really insecure they are and how they try to put you down, how ingenuine they are when they're "happy for you", how they're focused on all around them and think that everyone's looking at them and interested in them (my ex friend would even speak louder around people that caught his attention, and it was usually some controversial and edgy stuff), or how petty they are when they envy someone. And there's nothing really interesting about them, everything is so surface level. It's all so boring. And freaking tiring as well, you can't even let your guard down, and for what?
>>856048Hate them too, but not only the hustling subtype. It's just generally annoying to deal with someone who's always in a rush and expects others to adjust to their tempo. In some cases, people like that see you as downright retarded if you're not running around like a blue-arsed fly and would occasionally deliver an uncalled motivational/judgy spiel. If you're introverted or reserved, you're too shy and have to open up, if you don't have the same goals as them, it's hinted you don't live to the fullest etc.
No. 856207
>>856101I grew up in a small community where all people do is either drink/do meth or have babies in their teens and early 20s with people they don't even like. Most of my town is like this, with no sense of forethought whatsoever. I was bullied a lot as a kid for not being like them and not wanting to get married to some alco and pop out babies as soon as I graduate.
What disturbs me the most is that they just don't think. About anything. They're not stupid people exactly, but they seem utterly unable to imagine things that other people outside of our community may do. They just don't see it as an option.
I have this conversation with my sister on a regular basis
>Sister confesses she hates her life, she doesn't have money and is exhausted being a single mom on food stamps>I ask her why she wanted a kid>"What do you mean why? I was 25, that's when you have kids. What else was I supposed to do?">"I don't know sis, get a job, not have kids? Have them with someone who doesn't do drugs and has a job?">"But everyone here has kids at that age, not all of them have jobs or husbands! How can you not have kids?!"Motherfucker everyone here is poor and dysfunctional and you're all knowingly breeding even more poor and dysfunctional people. Most of them don't even want kids, they just have them just because. These people, I swear.
>>856046I agree with you, fuck em. They ruin everyone else's lives on top of their own. I don't care for them, it's not my job to be broken people's rehab.
No. 856214
>>856211In my town there isn't much of a support system to speak of. Just constant infighting, petty arguments and sometimes physical altercations. They're not really friends, just people who had kids at the same time and caved in to peer pressure. Not to mention that they are all poor so they keep evidence of whose child ate what at whose house and how much they are owed, most of the fights are about that.
Personally it's not a life I'd like to live.
No. 856967
>>856207Honestly, I have a sister similar to this. Thankfully she's younger than me, but she also does things mainly because everyone else around her does them.
>>856046Drug addicts are literal demons and set off my anxiety terribly. I went "straight edge" the moment I turned 21 and have been happy drug and alcohol free since.
Addicts should get treatment, but so many of them don't want the help and forcing them doesn't work. It's useless even trying. I've seen a video of this woman and her drug addict sister who ended up on the streets and the woman would often go out and politely ask her to come home to get the help she needs, the sister refused. At that point, leave the sister be, and that's what she did.
No. 857790
>>856209Some people will constantly bring up their issues to prod other people into engaging with them in their obsession, simply because they want a pretext to keep being obsessively occupied with it. Like that’s the whole objective in its own right. They don’t want to change their unhealthy thoughts and behaviors, they don't want your helpful advice, and I don’t even think they want to just vent either. They want to
trigger their usual chain of negative thoughts and they want to delude themselves into believing it was outside influences that are at fault, even though it was them who broached the issue in the first place. In their minds this gives legitimacy to their unhealthy obessions and makes them seem more real. It literally does not matter what you reply when someone like that starts bitching about their weight or whatever, in their minds anything and everything will be twisted into ‘proof’ that other people just don’t understand or some other self-serving shit.
No. 857835
>>857768I'm struggling with misophonia but am not an entitled shit so when I'm on the move I use either headphones or earplugs or both, and occasionally I'll have to straight-up leave places, like change train wagons, leave uni lectures etc. It sucks but I agree with you it's not anyone else's problem and I think some people are just using this condition as a way to elicit attention but also to control other people's behaviours bc they get off to it.
My issue is it sometimes it hurts people's fee fees when I use any sort of coping mechanism and it pisses me off. I'll leave the kitchen when my roommates start slurping fucking watermelons and apparently that makes me rude. When I'm eating at home with my partner or with friends we'll either have to watch sth with the volume turned up, or at the very least have my fan running and the windows open to let traffic noise in. Or if I'm busy doing whatever and my bf has a snack in the same room I will put in earplugs. And it often makes him upset uwu and I'll have to console him and reinforce that he's not eating grossly for the billionth time and it's just fucking annoying. I'm not asking you to console me about my condishun for the billionth time either. Why why why isn't it more socially accepted to just put in earplugs bitch I will hear you talk anyways. You get to eat I get to not cry
or get a lip herpes outbreak yes I will get herpes from chewing sounds yes I know I'm gross why do we have to have a talk about this stuff every couple weeks. Why do I need a flimsy excuse to create white noise when friends are over, like how hard can it possibly be to understand this isn't about them.
No. 857837
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The neopronoun nonbinary "queer" autists make me want to off myself so bad
No. 857850
>>857837don't let them win
nonny. Every living
terf is precious.
No. 857860
For me it’s BPD.
I know that it’s a tough disorder for some and there are some that try hard to get better, but because of these loud BPD queens on the internet I can’t live my life in peace.
I’ve self-harmed for years and have visible (healed) scars on both arms, yes, I was stupid, I know, but we all did stupid shit when we were younger, but now everyone assumes my problem is that I have a BPD…
Well, no, I’m not manipulative, I’m not impulsive, I’m not reckless, I never ever would threaten suicide or self-harm and all the other associations people have with that disorder. Even the ICD-10 and DSM-5 criteria don’t fit for me. I just self-harmed and didn’t care, so leave me alone and don’t compare me to those stupid people online or these self-diagnosed BPD friends that ruined your life once.
Wish everyone would know that you can self-harm without having a BPD, I’m just tired of people assuming I’m one of them…
No. 858472
>>858446They are fatphobic but I don't see why they shouldn't be able to admit it. Most people don't want to be fat, fat people don't want to be fat, and a phobia of it is perfectly reasonable and justified considering the havoc it wreaks on your health and appearance. That doesn't mean it's okay to insult fat people directly or be pro ana or give ED tips but they don't owe it to fat people to think positively of their bodies either.
That said I don't really think encouraging other people become skinny is the typical ana-chan MO… they are highly competitive and petty, the last thing they want is other people being skinnier or restricting more than them.
No. 858851
>>858774I think NPD is easier to clock/avoid and they don't get to date around as much as BPD people. Your parent may be NPD but it's far more common to come across a BPD as a friend or romantic interest, resulting in more
victims in their wake. Maybe, I don't have stats.
No. 858883
>>858867How did you ever end up married to a guy with bipolar when you had bad experiences dating one before anon? You don't just wake up married you had to take steps to get there, wtf
Bipolar can be managed but if he doesn't want to take meds or see a professional when you're struggling then I'm not sure if I would believe he wants to make things easier for you imo
No. 863516
My sister was diagnosed with BPD at a very young age. You cannot hold her accountable for her actions, she can say horrible things, tell you "you should commit suicide, genuinely, you should die" and then completely refuse ever saying such things. If she enters a room, whatever mood she is in completely controls the energy of others. You never know if she hates you or loves you, and its very mentally draining. Even me saying a joke that wasn't funny enough can make her perception of me go from love to disgust.. If i say something in a wrong tone, talk too loud in public, make a facial expression she doesnt like, shell spend an hour or so telling me how disgusting, ugly, pathetic, dumb and embarrassing i am. Then when shes over it, she tells me how much she wants to look like me, how amazing i am, how much she loves me. Too confusing for my little brain..
No. 863518
>>857768i have miso but its not for eating noises and is just for one really specific thing that i dont even want to talk about, but fortunately only one person in my life
triggers it and i dont live with them anymore. i would get so angry and upset that i would smash my head into walls, into my desk, hit myself, scream until my throat hurt etc. i absolutely hate it and i wish i was making it up. but like i said, fortunately i do not live with that person anymore so i havent had a freakout in a long time.
No. 867631
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what's the name of the mental illness of men who accuse every girl who slightly aggravates them of being bpd? here's how moids talk about their ''bpd'' girlfriends in a ''bpd abuse recovery'' subreddit
No. 868605
>>868525If you are young, daily reminder that nothing will "get better" after your sweet little university times or your first job. Men peak in their 20s whether you like it or not. You've got last chance to delay this process of degradation before your brain turns into mashed potatoes relying on comfort, stereotypes (or going totally insane), not willing to take risks anymore so easily; before your body turns into useless waste of energy, losing your strength, stamina, breath, your sight, your youth, your hair and blood in your dick. Living past your 30s is already considerable but living past your 40s makes no sense at all unless you have something/somebody you can take care of. Long life ahead of you is in a lot of cases just illusion of modern medicine, trying to fix issues of modern world it created while poisoning you every single day. In best case scenario you are already way too far behind your half-time and very close to point of your peak in life. Nothing will save you, no ideology, no savior, no leader, no movement, no sweet little waifu, we are running with our heads to the hardest wall ever, made from our mistakes and own stupidity. Just keep that in mind when you will be 40, dying from some virus shit carried by mosquitoes from africa because of climate change or shitting to bag after cancer, watching your kids waiting for death as well, replay in that moment my words "I told you so".
No. 869009
hello, sometimes I’m worried I might snap; please take a look at my history and tell me If I already have :’3
-sent to correctional summer camp and anger management for biting a kid in preschool/not sharing crayons
-diagnosed with ADHD in 3rd grade (mother says shit’s not real, no meds)
-gets into gifted program (kicked out a few weeks later for not completing any assignments)
-seems to socialize easily but prefers isolation
-periods of high energy/confidence/violence (randomly physically attacking siblings/classmates)
-trouble w the law
-In and out of DBT/anger management during high-school w/ the provisional diagnosis: MDD, GAD, PTSD, and BPD w/ a prozac scrip (kicked off after doubling dosage)
-trouble with the law
-kicked out at 18
-22 now, still going to DBT
-younger siblings have ADHD, APD, and
-self medicate w weed/nicotine
(a therapist advised against this because of schizo genes, current therapist sees no issue)
I feel I’ve already experienced psychosis
an incident:
In elementary school I was at a friends house watching Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.
I try showing off to her parents by doing a cartwheel and end up knocking something over.
I immediately felt sick with shame and worse yet, I felt like they knew what I was thinking/could see right through me/knew everything about me/knew I was an adopted crack baby. So I ran out of the house and hid at a close by playground until my mom came to get me.
I’ve been in and out of paranoid states
(-being scared to go around corners/stairwells because there might be an ax man just waiting
-startled by physical contact
-“mY MoM is out to get mE/secretly wants me dead”
-“the rapture/apocalypse is upon us”
-“is this correct god? do you like this? can I be an angel when I die?
-“my friends hate me/know my secrets”)
I know I’ll prob be called a munchie or whatever but idc because I’ve been called everything else at this point
my BPD mother was the first to psycho analyze me from a very young age. Ive been called manipulative, pathological, impulsive, selfish, and bossy; so I tried my best to mold myself into someone everyone would love. but I ended up a narcissistic, boundary-less pick me with self esteem so low, I’m practically giving myself away
should I bother with another Psychoanalysis?
No. 871948
>>871442I’m not currently medicated. I used to attend DBT twice a week; but because of overbooking, I see someone a little over once a month. This makes it difficult to communicate, and certain concerns can’t be addressed until the next session.
The first issue I brought up with my therapist was my weed addiction. I’m not worried about the psychological aspect; my skin is just FUCKED.
The combo of smoking and picking my face has aged me drastically and I am embarrassed to be seen.
I struggle with intrusive thoughts that can lead to impulsive/compulsive behavior like face picking, hair parting/brushing/plucking.
The face picking started late in middle school as I began to suffer from acne. I CANNOT have the bumps. I can feel them, they itch and move around. From cysts to comedones; I would cut and squeeze my face, expecting smooth skin; but I got scars and craters.
I’ve been suicidal over my dang hair. Because I’m mixed and my mom is white trailer trash, she had no idea what to do with the “rat’s nest” and just straightened it.
This became a part of my routine and because my hair was so thick, it would take over 2 hours. Instead of waking up at 4 to get ready for school, I would sometimes go weeks without showering because I didn’t want my hair to get wet. I end up being late for work and appointments because I get so distressed about my hair and how it’s parted and all the flyaways, I will spend an hour brushing and re-parting. It wasn’t until recently I learned more about natural hair care; but I already shaved my head :3
I know these obsessions with appearance are due to low self esteem. There are times when I can look cute; and when I do, I not only feel satisfied; I feel superior.
I care about appearing a certain way (stable and polite); so I will avoid confrontation and showing signs of stress.
My therapist claims I am “evolving” because I seem self aware and use simple logic/hindsight when discussing trauma.
I have some level of self preservation, so I won’t go out of my way to break the law.
BUT when I feel a strong emotional attachment or am “drawn” to someone or something; the law is just an inconvenience.
I used to steal groceries, trinkets, jewelry and money for my ex bf, mother, and friends. I broke federal law trying to switch my ex’s counterfeit bills at my workplace.
I have a number of parking/speeding tickets /couple of missed court dates and can get hostile/distracted while driving. I also sometimes space out and my bf will have to warn me about red lights.
I used to be fit: a hardcore student athlete, and loved the woods. My physical health has suffered since now all I do is sit at a computer and game/try to draw. I got a kidney stone at 21 and have been hospitalized for fluid intake. I do think exercise, even just ugly dancing helps me feel better about myself :) I just need friends to make it a little more engaging.
Sometimes I think I’ll make it, But I’m not even doing it alone. I have been living with my bf for 3 years now; and sometimes will quit my job/go months without pitching in financially. I often snap at him and sometimes even suggest breaking up because I hate losing control around him, and feel horrible for the things I say/don’t say or do.
When trying to practice “mindfulness” It’s difficult to not just end up dissociating and going quiet for a while.
I’m worried I’m further deluding myself into thinking I can be the higher functioning, good person I want to be, when I don’t even brush my teeth.
sometimes I feel I’m only still alive because I’m a narcissist
No. 871986
>>871442oh sorry! forgot about diet! yeah I’ll just be forgetting about food. the nicotine cravings override the hunger pains.
I’ve always been pretty scrawny and wished I was more voluptuous, which I see as “womanly”
as a kid I had an issue with eating too much too fast and throwing up but it was never intentional.
I started fasting intentionally at the beginning of high school as I thought it would get rid of my gouty/double chin and baby fat
then when my butt got smaller i started over eating again and SQUATS
then fast for that snatched waist bcs I’m scared cardio/ab work will give me man muscles
then I realized you can just drink water/and or vape instead of eating but not actually because I’m still constipated and wake up w nausea
I don’t want to quit because see I what little potential i have left as a lost cause at this point. I looked like a dog on meth before I even touched drugs
No. 872485
>>871948christ anon, be careful with the reddit spacing, that is a ban-able offense around here. it's also cancerous to look at.
>I see someone a little over once a monthI think you know this isn't good for you. Get a regular appointment
>I’m not worried about the psychological aspectYou should be, especially if you yourself call it an addiction
>I learned more about natural hair care; but I already shaved my headNot a bad thing, good way to start anew with curly hair, do you know the curly girl method? look into it
>sometimes I feel I’m only still alive because I’m a narcissistYou certain think a lot about how you look/come across.For example
>>871986 I meant diet as in, when was the last time you ate a vegetable, not 'tell me about the depth of your ed'. What you need is discipline, and I do not mean the kind that you may have used to starve yourself or be an athlete but the one that'll stop you from making impulse decisions, getting aggressive whilst driving, being a shitty partner and not sticking to therapy.
You're not hopeless but your priorities are idiotic
No. 873689
>>873680I used to unfortunately be like that at the beginning of me developing PTSD, but that only lasted a few months. Shit is
toxic as fuck. It's frustrating seeing people stuck in that phase for years. They'll never get better, they have control issues and clearly can't bring themselves to control themselves first.
No. 878403
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People with ADHD are exhausting. I thought it was just one of my friends that was particularly abrasive. But I'm traveling with a close friend with ADHD right now. She's absolutely amazing in short bursts but spending a long anount of time with her is like babysitting a puppydog.
>they think they are being intellectually stimulating when in reality they are just being argumentive for no goddamn reason, ALL THE TIME (this seems to tickle their ADHD bone).
>they think their lack of impulse control is quirky. They constantly spend money they do not really have. They overeat to the point of having stomache aches. EVERY DAY.
>ask my input for everything but when I tell them not to do the Stupid Thing they will of course fucking do it because that's how they are wiRed.
>disorganized. Make mess of any living space they enter within minutes (she's very clean though!).
>use words incorrectly most of the time.
>constantly needing to borrow my necessities. They are spendthrifts but refuse to buy anything useful.
>go on emberassing rants. on how much they hate obese people to a friend who is struggling with their weight (I hate fat people too but this gave me 2nd hand embarrassment).
My friend is amazing and fun in many other ways but I will definitely not be going on any longer trips with them after this. I love the ADHD people that I know but they are a drain to deal with for prolonged periods of time.
No. 878412
>>874228burger here.
I was diagnosed with depression, I also am cluster A. I took abilify, not sure if that's actually an antidepressant or not. it made so little of a difference that when I went off I didn't notice it.
but then I took zoloft, and it changed my whole world. it made me less paranoid (being cluster A makes me fucking paranoid all the time) and made me more stable in general mood wise and less anxious. I went off because I got kicked off my insurance and had terrible fucking withdrawal. I have sort of gotten more stable though I am still much more paranoid and anxious than I was on it, and now I'm having OCD like symptoms which I hadn't had in years. I would go back on it if I could pay for it.
No. 878582
>>878403Kek let this be a lesson that ADHD friends are 4 hour max friends. I have it, the only people who can bear to live/travel with me are also ADHD so we can understand and endure each other.
And some of the shit you listed is just her being immature. Forgetting to pack some essentials is classic ADHD, but if she's had the chance to buy her own and hasn't, that's just her being a dumbass and not realizing it bothers you when she always has to borrow your stuff. Using words incorrectly is also just her own idiocy.
This sounds obvious but clear communication does wonders because we are retards who miss subtle cues when we're hyper. We're also used to fucking up so she might not even take it hard if you're nice about it.
No. 893736
Schizotypal reporting in.
>>891682Same I think it probably does.
No. 898530
>>891682I also maladaptive daydream and had such experiences. Sometimes as a kid I had high optimism I could make those dreams come true when I got older and escaped but even upon realizing that wasn't the case I could never stop.
However, for me the worst illness I ever suffered was something I didn't have diagnosed. I had other imaginary people around me who could sometimes take control of my body and I wouldn't recall what happened which would usually be out of character things. Upon talking to a psych later they told me that it sounded like DID although it seems quite a rarity I could have coped with such a thing by myself but I don't really know what else it could have been. Even though it's been gone for years I am permanently afraid I will do something horrible and not remember. Not like murder or something, just emotionally hurt someone, cheat on someone, ect. It doesn't help that my
abusive mom sometimes tries to tell me I did stuff I didn't because she knows I'm scared of that but other people will correct her. Long story short- I am permanently afraid of having a mental split.
No. 914616
>>914609as a recovering cluster B, I feel you and you're right. do not coddle cluster Bs or walk on eggshells/hide the fact that you are struggling to deal with their shit - being forced to acknowledge it is the only way we will change.
I personally struggle to deal with people with ADHD. I work in customer service and my coworker is a girl with ADHD. I dread being on shift with her because she always starts tasks and doesn't finish them and I have to be the one to clean up her mess.
No. 914633
>>914625also avoidant is actually included in those horrible cluster c's you mentioned and the other two cluster a's are the schizotypes.
anyway having one in a family can be quite devastating so yeah
No. 930081
>>930074I am sorry to hear that anon! I have been there before, so I understand your concern. Eventually, I just got worse and my mom and I finally warmed up to meds. My mom asked my psych at the time about a weaker med to start off on (I cant remember name right now) but theres one medication wuth really low dosages and I took that and it actually helped a lot at first. I am not sure how severe things are, but if you start on a weaker medication it will be easier to come of off it (with the help of your dr) if you find its not helpful. I think its worth a shot! Good luck
No. 930090
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>>930074You don't wanna have to take that shit for the rest of your life plus you won't be able to cum anymore. Look up subreddits dedicated to people trying to wean off them and they have to cut their pills into pieces to lower the doses over a long time just to avoid awful withdrawal
No. 930147
>>930074I was on and off ssris from ages 12 to 29. I got off them for a solid 2 years then and I feel like the combination of aging, a couple of lifestyle changes (dumping bad bf, moving somewhere quieter) helped me to really mellow out.
I dont know what age you are but 30 was a weird turning point for me, not an overnight miracle but a noticeable improvement. I always thought I'd be dealing with the moodswings of a teenager forever.
No. 930155
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I had an ex who had BPD, and unfortunately as someone who loves and is pursuing psych, I just can't wrap my mind around BPD. It's a massive weak spot for me that I'm working on professionally moving forward, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to date someone with BPD again. It wouldn't be good for them, and it's certainly not good for me.
Sort of a mental illness incongruence I guess, I'm probably autistic (discussing in therapy, diagnosis pending) and struggle with knowing what a partner expects of me. The wildfire of near-lovebombing to the swing over to "why do you hate me" leaves me extremely confused and upset near-constantly, no matter how much I know it's just the BPD.
No. 930341
>>930074I've recovered from self-harm after nearly 20 years all by myself and I don't feel suicidal anymore, after feeling that way nearly all my life. I'm still struggling with alcohol addiction (working on it) and depression (don't have a diagnosis, but what else should it be), but I think both of that is directly linked to each other and my living situation.
So, yes, I think you can recover without medication, but if I had the choice, I would go back in time and try every help I could get. I feel like nonna
>>930150 that I've wasted years of my youth and young adult life just trying to survive instead of getting myself help and medication to get through it faster and maybe easier and I sometimes feel like I have to start right at the beginning again because I couldn't develop like "normal" people. Give it a try, there are lot of different medications out there and maybe one in a low dosage might help you.
>>930155not everyone with BPD is that extreme and some of them have learned to handle it. That said, I would never date someone with BPD again, either, I've just met to many of them excusing every dangerous and wrong behaviour with their mental illness and I haven't got time for that.
No. 930490
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>>930081>>930085>>930150>>930341Thank you guys for the nuanced and thoughtful answers. What you're saying about not wasting my life wallowing away in sadness really speaks to me. I'm 25 right now and I'm making more money than I ever have, I have freedom and independence to travel and do fun things but I'm always so sad and tired I just stay home and do nothing. I think I will talk to my doctor about starting a very low dosage of a medication. While it scares me, I think it'll hurt me in the long run if I don't at least try something.
>>930090I already can't cum tbh, my libido went right out the window when the depression got bad, but I am genuinely afraid of being dependent on medication for the rest of my life. I guess you win some, you lose some. I'm tired of being so lethargic and sad.
No. 930517
I generally can't stand other cluster b's. BPD doesn't know when to leave me alone and will make me a FP based on superficial charm alone or try to
trigger themselves with me. NPD is too obsessed with themselves to notice they are pissing me the fuck off and other edgelords generally have a different 'code', so I fucking despise them
plus they are generally scrotes. Autists are much more stable and getting along with schizoids or avoidants is also easier. Not saying I'm easy to be around, I get it, I want to fuck off from everyone else anyway. This is just from my perspective.
>>930090That pic is great, thanks for sharing it
No. 931105
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I feel horrible about having extensive self-harm scars because it just feels like an invitation for people to say weird shit to be or think I'm insane. But I also have never gotten along with others with very visible scarring because they think it's an invitation to talk to me about it too! Like they are my friend and I know them… but I don't lmao don't talk to me. I really want to be able to remove this part of myself from my life but I'm going to have these scars for the rest of my life. There's too many to get rid of and they make me feel trapped in my mental illness. Idk if I'm BPD or autistic or anything I was never brought to a psych. I hid it very well and planned to kms after I turn 21 but I have good bf and moved out so I don't feel suicidal anymore but now I have to fucking be associated with self harm bullshit. I think this hate is just me being afraid of what others think of me though so lol projection at it's finest.
No. 932826
I may sound like a piece of shit, but I can't stand people with depression who blame everything on depression.
I'm starting to thing they're not actually depressed and just attentiont seeking, because I've seen so many people claiming to be depressed when:
- They don't go to therapy (here, it's free)
- Don't take meds (again, free if you do some tests)
- Have this weird sense of humor about them being unhygienic, gross.
I don't care if you're to depressed to get out of bed, if you didn't take a shower for a month you stink and are disgusting.
- Are constantly leeching off attention.
- Do nothing in general to be better.
I swear, the people I've seen so far just go "Sigh :(" or "Bad thoughts :(" out of the fucking blue and drop the chill atmosphere so fast, it almost makes me gag. It can be a nice day and they feel the need to tell everyone that they're having the sads.
I get that it must suck for them but being so blinded by your own mental illness is doing nobody good, if you're really that desperate go to therapy, get help and your friends and family will help too, don't expect random people to help since they're not qualified and you can burn them out very easily.
I just needed to get this off my chest, I had my lowest moments too but after seeing my mom cry for me ONCE, the common sense said to me that my pain was not someone else's pain and it shouldn't ever be.
No. 932828
>>932826I stopped being angry at people’s ignorance like this because maybe you’re just frustrated and don’t know how to deal with depressed people, depression can severely impact your energy and motivation levels, which is why they neglect hygiene and cleaning their rooms. Of course there are undiagnosed attention whores who use “depression” as a cover-up for being a narcissistic loser, but people with depression often can’t help it because most of the time it functions like an addiction, it’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy that keeps recycling itself over and over again, that’s why depressive people seem insufferable to well-adjusted people.
And kek, oh my god
>my pain shouldn’t be anyone else’s!!It’s literally your mother you dumb fucking retard, you’re allowed to have emotional moments with your close relatives. Humans aren’t atomized things floating around like unflushed flecks of shit in a toilet, some people feel other people’s pain because have you ever considered that humans are receptive to how another person feels? That’s called compassion. Are imageboards rotting your brain
No. 932831
>>932828My little tardie, I was talking about how you can't expect people to ALWAYS be there for you and if you had a little bit of empathy you wouldn't be an attention seeking piece of shit.
I made examples of the people I can't stand, those who do nothing for themselves. I know depressions affects a lot of a person, but going around not reading the fucking rooom ever? No thanks.
Also wash your ass.
No. 932837
>>932834Anon, who cares lol, move on
Oh no there's a person who don't agree on the internet, what will you do now!
No. 935356
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Sometimes I feel like nothing around me is real and I'm stuck in some sort of simulation. It reminds me of a very bad trip and like I'm about to fall apart. The worst thing is that there's no escspe from it. Those thoughts often induce full on panic attacks when I need to take some drugs just to chill and be able to sleep. When I'm alone in my room, I'm afraid some random men will kill me in my sleep. When I'm at work, I feel as if no one likes me and people will sabotage me to get me fired or degraded. I also have obsessive thoughts about getting cancer in my mouth, jaw or in my nose and having my face mutilated. Even dumb thoughts, like when I'm entering a building and the elevator is not at the ground floor, I feel like it's because I did something wrong that day so now I have to endure inconveniences, like waiting for an elevator that's at the 9th floor. It's not always like this, but it's happening way more often than before. Am I going schizo? I've only been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, autism and some cluster A personality disorders, like schizotypal, were also suspected, but I was never fully diagnosed. My new psychiatrist prescribed me SSRIs and olanzapine which is an antipsychotic drug given to schizos but also people with depression and anxiety, and lamotrigine which is given for mood disorders and epilepsy. I read that antipsychotics damage the brain and I even mentioned that to my psychiatrist, but he seemed offended and said that my current state can damage my brain, not the drugs. I know depression fucks up your brain, but antipsychotics do too. I want to help myself but I'm too afraid to take those drugs. I'm planning to stuck to SSRIs and lamotrigine for now and see what happens. My psychiatrist told me to call him in a month and I don't know how to tell him I decided not to take olanzapine. I'm hopeless because I feel like I'm losing the touch with reality, the only thing that's extremely real is my overwhelming fear that something terrible will happen to me
No. 935362
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>>935356Just kill the imaginary phantom men who are trying to kill you anon, you’re a badass bitch I know you can handle it. Jokes aside, kek
>autism>but no schizotypal diagnosis You’re obviously a stranger so I don’t know that much about you but from what you described you seem more schizotypal than autistic. Schizotypal disorder can impact your ability to communicate and understand social norms which is why it can be seen as comorbid or similar with autism. Trying not to armchair too hard because I’m a dumbass bitch
No. 935684
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I don’t know what my mom has but I hate it so much it might just be her being an addict but I think she was depressed In my early childhood. She didn’t work, she was a stay at home mom that did absolutely nothing. Most of my memories of her from like when I was 4 to when I was 7 were her sleeping or watching TV. I don’t know if she was on anything back then, but I sort of resented her because she didn’t make us breakfast, she would turn the TV on for us occasionally but she was remarkably lazy or tired. I would mostly go outside and when I’d come back she would be grumpy. I would show her stuff or tell her things and she would be like “ugh.” And then proceed to make me feel bad for what I’d said or showed her. I didn’t have good hygiene because she didn’t teach me well, I never brushed my teeth, I didn’t know how to properly wash my hair, etc. All I ate was junk and instant meals I learned to make myself. When I was 13, I had found out about her using Meth, I don’t know if she had been using all along or I don’t know if she had just started.
She has done things like
>stealing from stores and people she knows and tried falsifying a check from one of her friends, getting a food stamps card in my name, (she had asked me and my sister to see who had a better fake signature )
>desperate for attention from any man. Me and my sister were horriied when we found out she was friends with two guys we knew and went to school with on her social media) she lets these men treat her like garbage
>is controlling: I didn’t have a phone until I was 15 and she disabled the camera and looked through it every week or so
>cheats and then argues with who ever she’s dating; loudly and all the damn time (usually those mf DO cheat on her but she does too)
>histrionic and cringey ; she will make crude and mean comments and awful jokes and they usually never land well
> manipulative she cries and begs and blackmails
> and she doesn’t seem to care about anyone but herself. She says she does but she has proved many time by stealing and lying to us and leaving us for like weeks at a time to fend for ourselves
Addicts are the damn worst. Anytime I said anything about her to family, they would say
~that’s your mom tho~ ~ooooooh she’s getting better~
~just because someone does bad things doesn’t make them baddd~
it’s really hard to sympathize with an active addict. I don’t mind people who’ve made a full recovery
Pic unrelated
No. 935904
>>935847Wouldn't take any drugs to solve a problem if I didn't understand the source of the problem and how the drug worked, in great detail.
We sound very similar and all I can say to you is that I'm happy that the internet exists so us weirdos can contact each other, and also, don't blindly trust drugs.
Consider if those making them are doing it to make you better or get more money from you. There have been recorded long term effects from SSRIs that only show up a long while later.
And if the problem is a chemical imbalances, then there are plenty of drug free chemical solutions. Exercise releases happy chemicals just like a drug, as does sunshine, a great diet, and being around those you love. Taking a cold shower, furthermore, can have an antidepressant effect. Don't care if my advice is cringe, schizo or antivaxxer, I realise that we our brain reacts to what's around us and tell us when our way of living isn't right. Anyway, I wish you the best because pattern seeking brains can be exhausting and stressful. Go easy on yourself.
No. 936048
>>935849Olanzapine is not a SSRI though, it's an antipsychotic medication.
>>935881For how long exactly did you take it anon? And did the benefits it gave you stayed with you after you dropped it?
>>935904Sounds great but I don't have any loved ones to surround myself with, my mom is dead and she was
abusive anyway, my father is an useless alcoholic and I don't know him well, my family is in denial about my condition and there's no point in talking to them, I don't have any friends, I have a stressfull job where I can't make any friends either because I'm socially inept, even if someone talks to me I don't know how to respond, I forget to look at them etc. After 4 months people basically stopped starting conversations with me because they noticed I'm unresponsive. I had my hobbies but now I lost any interest in them
And the older I get the more I realize how much I lost. I had the chance to be a legit artist, to go to an acting school etc., but my schizo-autistic retardation ruined it for me and I can't forgive myself. Even if I suddenly become normal, I would be too old for the things I wanted to do. I will never live the life I wanted to live and I don't know how to cope
No. 936435
>>936425My personal anachan neighbour also had a dog kek. The dog was as skinny as her and would puke randomly all the time.
>It's just pathetic and it evokes the opposite of pityExactly. Worst thing being her personal life story was sad as fuck. Her ex-bf told us that when he met her she was a successful model. She was sexually abused by her uncle when she was a kid and then got raped again by a moid from her agency, which started her ED. One day the boyfriend rang at our door and said that he couldn't take it anymore and had to leave. Her attention seeking behaviors got worse after that
No. 936821
>>936417finally someone who finds both types at different ends of the spectrum annoying
>>936048So Olanzapine is supposed to make you feel better but it's not going to make you friends, or give you a more fulfilling life. It won't calm you down (as this seems anxiety related)
I know how dark and cold it feels at the moment. We really do have a lot in common, surprisingly, not wanting to say much. You deserved to have a family that looked after you well, and it's probably harder for you to make the first steps. But just talk to strangers. Go to some random meetings. And accept that you are cringe, so that you can be your true self. I need to be reminded of this, but some people really don't care if you're awkward, and you're more of a queen if you're aware of being awkward and decide to try nonetheless.
Unpopular advice, but the easiest way to have social interaction is by joining a church. You can attend even if you don't believe in God one bit, and that's a place to force yourself to go to, and a place to talk to people. They can be a community centre too where there are many events to hear about and many people to connect with.
About your job being sucky and the blessing of autism, there's not much to be done. Just be kind to yourself. Make yourself packed lunches with yummy healthy food, have a cleaning routine and a playlist to go along with it, look after someone's cat. You don't deserve to have bad things happen to you, and the world isn't revolving around you in a superstitious way. I know how it feels, but you have to expect the feeling. I hallucinate in many ways, like seeing spiders on the walls, feeling them on my skin, hearing voices and music, and occasional paranoia. I just like to think of it as a superpower. Secret hearing and senses, cowabunga!
I hate getting older too. I think of missed oppurtunities a lot and end up ruining my day. We have to stop, because our brains like habits and patterns and we will make it harder for ourselves. Why can't you pick up your hobby again? If you join an online or irl group related to it, you will have the motivation to keep going.
tl;dr sometimes you have to force yourself to find happiness, expect the paranoia, keep challenging yourself, and go to church
No. 938799
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>>936821Thank you for your advice anon, I want to digest what you said and get myself together, but after what happened today it seems even harder. I had like a full meltdown at my job and the only coworker I talk to went to my team manager to tell her she's worrying about me because I'm stressing over everything all the time, I cry over nothing, like small mistakes no one gives a shit about, and I'm coming to work sick because I'm afraid of getting fired (like today was the first day of my period and I felt terrible, I vomited, I was very weak etc.) So I had a talk with my team manager and my supervisor and I couldn't stop crying in front of them, it was so fucking cringe, they assured me I have nothing to worry about and that I'm a good employee, I was trying to tell them it's not just about the job, it's about being around people etc. but I felt they didn't really get that, or maybe I was speaking too quietly, I don't know, I was in a very bad emotional state. They also told me they think I've changed since my first day and now at least I talk to someone, unlike before, and that everyone has their own pace at which they change, and that people accept me the way I am. They also allowed me to go home ealier and rest. Like, on one hand it was better than I expected to hear, but on the other hand I feel retarded and pathetic and I can't stand the fact that someone at my job saw me at such vulnerable state. One part of me wants to reach out to them sometimes, but the other thinks they're fucking normies who just say what their liberal policies command them to say to an autistic retard like me and deep down they think I'm crazy, pathetic and stupid and they talk shit behind my back. I wish my mindset wasn't so
abusive. Writing this down made me cry again, I just can't take it
No. 938822
>>854950>>855160Both of this. I generally get along well with people who are different. Have shizoid friends, can related to ADHD and such too since I am an autist. But I cannot deal with this new wave of anxiety bullshit since it's just an one-sided way to control over what other people are allowed to say. Plus points if you aren't even allowed to vent because nevative feelings are also causing anxiety.
It's like being surrounded by toddlers with special needs and constantly censoring yourself. The worst shit is that this attitude seems to be everywhere these days. I don't know if it's some way of control or a horrible internet meme, but it's terrible.
Especially since I lack social contacts in real life for being an autist. Internet was always the method I used to have fun. Talk about hobbies and fandoms you are in. But now everything is flooded by these people.
I even had panic attacks as young kid and it was absolutely not like this. And I never bothered others with it either.
No. 938846
>>872637Fucking same. It's making my life much more enjoyable and completely destroying at the same time.
I do it almost 100% of the time I am awake. Even while I am thinking of what I should answer in this post I see short scenes of my alter ego popping up in which I am trapped in some astral world or something. Everything I do and think gets projected into some movie-like parallel reality in which I am living through events that are metaphors or otherwise related to mean real needs, emotions, ideas and so on. Like a reflection.
It's hard to do anything since daydreaming is way easier and usually more rewarding. Why working for anything if I can just imagine already having it right now?
No. 942367
>>942298You, for yourself, have to keep in mind that yes, you might be fucked by your genetics, but with all the help today you don't have to turn out like your family. It's a lot of work, but your brain can change and with the right care somehow get better. Try to ignore your aunt, you won't need two therapists like her and I hope that you can work through your trauma because of your
abusive father.
No. 947817
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>>943946>Factitious Disorder (Munchausen Syndrome)so munchies then. I hope every single tiktoker who fakes shit gets called out with this
No. 948832
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hoping this is the right thread to post this cause i definitely can't deal with my mental disorders. i'm basically an anachan without the anachan diagnosis although i was diagnosed in the past (as a kid, in 2009 and most recently 2016). i'm in a place right now partly due to my actually diagnosed bpd where i keep going 3-5 days without eating anything and my bmi is hovering in the 14 range. i have a new job i'm still in the probationary period for and seem to only have four options going forward.
>manage to eat more/gain weight at home by myself while seeing my therapist once a week. i've been trying to do this but it's kind of hard as stupid as it sounds kek. the pattern i'm in right now is eating one big meal and then starting to worry about everything again and going back into not eating for days mode
>get referred to an eating disorder service with a day unit as my therapist brought up. i don't want to do this because i would need an assessment and i worry they'll reject me on the basis of me not being unwell enough. i was in an inpatient unit at one point and hated it
>keep getting worse and end up voluntarily going to a general ward for a few weeks for refeeding. my therapist tried to admit me recently but they didn't take me because my vitals weren't that shitty. i worry this would put my job at risk
>keep getting worse and end up being involuntarily committed (this has also happened before) and kiss my job goodbye
i feel really clueless and really lonely and don't know what to do. i don't want to lose my job, i don't want to go through some weird judgemental assessment by professionals who think i'm not sick enough, eating at home is hard. i genuinely hate living like this but don't know how to stop. any advice would be appreciated. i don't want this post to come across as a weird ana brag or anything, i just needed to dump it somewhere.
No. 949976
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>>854673There're a couple types I just can't with:
>BPDfagsYes, they're probably the most mentioned in these threads but idgaf. Being around them and trying to delve into serious topics with them is such a fucking chore, you could literally just be talking about how fucked up it is in general to hold someone accountable for someone else's suicide or self-harm, and these bitches will take it all the way personally because that's literally them. They have the disadvantages and strategies of a literal sociopath, but because they're truly at the mercy of their emotions, they're fully within ability to spin it all into a sob story to avoid accountability.
>"self-aware" ASPDs and sociopathsListen, retard, I don't give a fuck about how not every one of yous is a serial killer. The only thing I need to know is that a considerable amount of you all harbor the ability. You bitching about 'negative representation' means fuckall to anyone with a brain, all it amounts to is a strategy to be countered mercilessly. The less self-aware ones can at least be avoided or institutionalized (if they're literally too stupid to stop killing and raping) because they out themselves so much, but the 'self-aware' ones are just really fucking tedious and need to shut the fuck up. I see what you're doing when you
coyly go about how you have this
superpower, like an 'emotional switch'. If only you could find the switch to put you into sleep mode so the rest of us can save energy while you keep being as useful as you've always been.
>people with avoidant attachment stylesYou're
abusive. Fuck you. That's all you need to hear. You need no further validation. You're a cold, slippery, splashing human turd. Never date anybody if it's so goddamn hard to be you. Avoidants will be the most viciously judgmental, edgy and uncaring people, but once you have them by the balls they act like they can't be held accountable because they're just too anxious and depressed. Just like the bpdfags they so despise, avoiding all responsibility of their dealings with others. Pathetic.
>people who come into this thread complaining about their own mental illnesseslmao there's a thread for that already, go there or find the vent thread in case you're going through a situation.
No. 950013
>>949976sage for samefag, but correction: *strategies of a literal narcissist
is what I meant to say
No. 950094
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look at these bpd-chans justifying their splitting
No. 950099
>>950095Going from loving someone and being clingy/obsessed to hating them and being mean af and sometimes even
abusive bc they did something the bpd-chan didn’t like or even perceived as a slight
No. 962510
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My partner is an addict and while I DO love them to death, I couldn't handle it if it were anyone else. I try to be as understanding and patient and supportive as I can and they appreciate and thank me when sober, but resent me and think I'm lying and cheating when they're not sober.
The hardest part is that they'll never fully understand why or how their addiction hurts me and their family so much. It's so unfair and lonely when they relapse, it's like they gets to numb themself while I'm left by myself to deal with the emotional pain of whatever happened, along with added pain of seeing them using. It's utter emotional abandonment. They're also really rude and never have time for me when they're using because they sleep constantly. They lie to me about whether or not they're using when they relapse, and I have to find out on my own when I have suspicions. I'll probably never be able to fully trust them with money or telling the truth. It's crippling me with stress because I never know when things are going to get bad again. Sometimes they make me feel like I'm being selfish for thinking this way.
No. 962526
>>962520 meant to reply to
>>962510 sorry
No. 962770
>>962520They're not a theylet but I just wanna make sure they wouldn't know I was talking about them if they ever found this somehow.
They've been sober for half a year, and have been making efforts to get better. They're really sweet to me and actually a great partner, the only problem is just fear of them relapsing. They have a lot of trauma and it's been their only coping mechanism for a good couple years before I even knew them.
I still have faith and things have been great! Just hope it keeps improving.
Thanks for your words though, I haven't been able to tell anyone what I'm going through. Also sorry I'm not sure if this counts as blogposting.
No. 977789
>>977786Fellow adhder here and same
You just know those types of people were overjoyed to have a precious diagnosis to blame everything on
I want adhd to be unfashionable and hated again
No. 977795
>>977786holyshit, same here. Honestly at this point I don't know how to call their shits out properly without them deflecting to "it's because of my ADHD/ADD :^(" listen Karen your work is due last week and we know you've been streaming FFXIV.
It gets to my nerves more that no one wants to interfere when they intentionally neglect their duties & chores, and people continue to forgive them and dote them even more.
No. 979484
>>979152I've seen both extremes. It's weird how few of them can hold a normal weight.
I used to take a course with one who was scrawny as fuck and in my 3 years of knowing him and seeing him monday to friday.. he never took his coat off once. You could tell he was just bones under it though. He was also one of the quiet ones so I felt for him. He was pretty alright.. by autistic scrote standards at least.
No. 982482
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>>978917bpd is never managed. its one of the steadiest red flags
No. 984317
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I feel like I've dealt with enough autistic people in my life, but the last one I had the misfortune to work with definitely sucked out any patience left in my body.
She'd jump in a middle of important discussions to have her Teehee I'm random XD moment. She's constantly disruptive for No fucking reasons and idk how anyone around her can hold back their violent urge to slap her across the face whenever she interrupted us. Thank god I didn't stick with the place for long since it was just a consulting job. The people around her have patience of a saint I swear.
No. 984754
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>>984197i have been dealing with that shit for four years im going absolutely insane. i love this guy but there are days i consider violence (in minecraft)
No. 984933
>>984233This. I have it and holy shit is it annoying, especially when it’s a necessity to socialize. I actively have people wanting to hang out with me,
trying to make plans, but right when the date comes along I always pull off the dumbest ass excuse and it leaves me back to square one, and set to repeat the process all over again. This may not be the right thread to say this, but I hate that social anxiety is classed as “worried of being judged” when it feels like any interaction, especially intimate, with another human being could kill me
No. 989425
>>989403NPD is extremely rare and mostly prevalent in moids which I don't interact with, ASPDs are such spergs that they can't hide it making them easier to avoid so it's BPD for me, it's much more common than NPD and just as destructive in my opinion. The only good thing about BPD over NPD is that BPD can be cured or at least controlled with rigorous therapy but so many people with BPD
don't want to be cured, instead they prefer to be the unstable assholes that they are because it's become their identity. That's why you see so many BPD cases whining about how wanting them to fix their terrible behavior is "ableism" and you should just accept them being suicide baiting, unstable drama queens and supply them with endless amounts of external validation.
No. 989444
>>989403I've met OK bpders and I've known the really classic one. You could almost tell she had a personality disorder within seconds of her entering a room. She had a traumatic enough history that you'd want to cut her some slack but then she was 27, a shit mom, cheating on her super patient partner and she had plans to stop her birth control behind his back. All while she was unstable, her house was a pigsty 'cuz depression' and she was dragging the friend group out drinking every night only to then dump her rehashed child sex abuse history on us after 3 or 4 drinks. Sitting in pubs casually discussing child molestation became an ongoing thing. It was alot. Her whole identity was that she was born into bad circumstances so she deserved to sulk and wallow forever. It was to the cost of every adult relationship she had. She couldn't see that. She expected people to put their own feelings aside all the time because her childhood events were almost held over everyones heads as a power card.
She put us in the awkward position of acting like she could barely pull herself out of bed.. then telling us about her plans to secretly get pregnant. Her partner already had been pregnancy trapped the first time and she freely told us that so she could very well do it again. What do you do in that situation? She expected loyalty between girlfriends? She told us she had postpartum psychosis after the first baby. But you could never tell what was a lie and what was true.
This friend group even met through a mental health service so she wasn't the only bpder in it.. she wasn't the only csa survivor in it either.. but she stood out by a mile. Sucks you in with a sad story and then does everything she can to never lose that initial sympathy. Sucks the life out of you and expects that people will never leave. Almost a case of the abused becomes the abuser? Except she'd never see it that way. Keeping some boundaries and walking away was probably just seen as abandonment by her.
No. 990050
>>990007is it a tiktok thing or people over diagnosed themselves with DID more often recently.
i never understand this "having mental illness cool" thing, while I understand having to be open about our mental illness, the types that
flaunts their own disorders are just major redflags to me.
for record, I have schizophrenia (officially diagnosed for 8 years now), I've never met another person who's also diagnosed with schizophrenia (with exceptions of cows being called schizo as insult). It's a beast to manage it relapsed especially hard during the pandemic. I'm lucky to surround myself with understanding peers, but I often wish it didn't happen to me and I could've have a more fulfilling life without it.
No. 990214
>>990182What difference does feeling bad make, if you'll still do it again or use it to play the
victim? Apologies are just empty words if the actions don't match. Bpd might have affective empathy, but cognitive is definitely lacking. I'd rather be thrown under the bus than have another bpdfag cut their wrists over an unread message, in an attempt to guilt trip.
No. 997333
I have hypnagogic hallucinations and i was wondering if any of you have them too and if there are some ways or things you can mellow them at least? I was hearing voices - a crowd of people directly speaking at me but never understanding them because there were so many, keeping me up at night when i was a teenager. It lasted hours so i never slept very much. But then i kinda got better and stopped having them and thought i was finally behind me. But i had a full anesthesia surgery 3 years ago and right after the surgery i started having visual hallucinations at night and sometimes to the point of sleepwalking. I usually saw people staring at me, some freaky silouette or some really weird objects for example a mechanical eggplant thing, and i always got scared as a reflex, but then i realized it was just a hallucination and i proceeded to try to sleep. It was managable.
Well nowadays it's all spiders, spiders every night, spiders on my face, spiders on my bed, spider floating at me on a piece of paper and it freaks me out the most because it's hard to tell if the spider is just a hallucination or it's real. I don't want to take some medications that would influence my brain too much as i don't have very good experinces with them and saw bugs also, but if there was some better way to deal with it like practicing something, some special herb or something… My mother though a hypnosis could help me but i don't know, i don't like people influencing my thinking it seems kinda same like the medication. I guess i'm scared of people trying to manipulate me and what if with that change they would make to my brain also change some other weird things in my brain that i find useful.
I miss the few years i was able to sleep peacefully.
No. 997366
>>997333I have hypnagogic hallucinations too but they’re only when I close my eyes and they HELP me fall asleep. They’re never negatvie, they’re completely random.
Yours sound really intense and I wonder if they’re bordering on real hallucinations.
They might just be regular hypnagogic hallucinations but maybe you’re experiencing them more intensely because your not falling asleep because the negativity of them is keeping you awake. Have you tried taking a sleep aid like Melatonin? Maybe it would help you fall asleep faster so you don’t experience them that way
No. 997370
>>997366 i was thinking about it at one point when i had the voices but then i must have forgotten it existed when they stopped. I'll look into it. I tried some ordinary supplements for sleeping from the drugstore and cbd to make me calmer but they don't help very much whith this.
Yeah i had those nice things like landscapes creating and stuff behind closed eyes to help me fall asleep too, in the healthy time. But the spiders and such i see when i open my eyes too.
No. 997375
>>997333>>997370Nayrt but I really recommend you speak to a doctor about it if you're able to. I have hypnagogic hallucinations but mine are just colours and the occasional sound or spooky thing, like the other anon said they help me get to sleep instead of keep me up.
Your vivid descriptions sound more like night terrors as a result of anxiety or even mild psychosis, I would worry that taking the wrong thing unprescribed could cause further problems
No. 997418
>>997333My sister and father had ones just like what you described (crowds of people in their room, girls in white dresses running down the corridor, etc.) but they went away with age. Mine are just voices talking random nonsense in my ear, but I find they get much worse when I spend a lot of time online so maybe it's worsened by screens or overstimulation.
A common cause of hypnagogic hallucinations is narcolepsy, so get checked for that if you have any other symptoms. It can also be caused by schizophrenia, but sometimes it just occurs on its own. There are a variety of pills that help with hypnagogic hallucinations, but I understand if you're reluctant to go down that route.
I get the impression you might struggle with anxiety and paranoia, so seeing a specialist for that might help. You should also see a sleep specialist, they'd probably know some techniques that could help you. If you don't want to see someone, there are CBT workbooks for anxiety and such that you can buy or download, it would be guided by yourself so there wouldn't be the risk of being manipulated that you're worried about.
In Jungian psychoanalysis, if something keeps attacking you or scaring you in your dream-states, then it's the form your shadow has taken. Your shadow is all the parts of yourself that you're unable to accept. In your case it's taken the form of spiders. By accepting your shadow, you can make it go away. My friend stopped having orca dreams when I told her about this, so maybe it will help you.
No. 997428
>>997375 i get it, i always tried to resolve my problems on my own though and it worked out with like body issues a other things but i'll think about it. It's quite hard to get any psychological doctor in my country, even for kids, there aren't many and they are alawys full.
>>997418 interresting, workbooks sound alright. Gotta think about what the spiders represent, i'm not sure. Normally i'm not that scared of insects i keep exotic roaches as pets and even though spiders as a challenge i can catch a spider in a jar and let him out. It's something deeper i guess.
No. 997551
>>997428It's important to remember that the spider isn't actually a spider-it's a part of your mind. The mask the shadow wears is often random, it's just anything that you would instinctively be afraid of. The most common version is a man that chases you around with a weapon. I read that women have evolved an instinctive dislike of spiders because in caveman times we had to protect our babies from giant tarantulas.
Your issue doesn't necessarily have anything to do with spiders, what seeing the Shadow in your dreams means is that there's an aspect of your personality which you're trying to ignore because of how much distress it causes you. Do you have low self-esteem or anything like that?
Jung's theories are pretty old, and it might not apply to you at all, but I think they're interesting.
No. 998764
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>>998508I remember about 12/13 years ago I went through this phase of reading and listening to everything I could find on the 'Sybil' case from a few decades ago. Because there wasn't much other talk about DID. That case was a load of horseshit. At the time I was reading up (12ish years ago) pretty much nobody had DID and that one faked case from decades ago was all you'd find when you searched it. Experts didn't agree on it's existance. It was considered controversial, was sooo rare and now it's just not. It comes and goes in trends. Sybil did set off a copycat wave of bullshitters too but professionals were sceptical. And then it died off when sybil was exposed as fake or at least highly exaggerated and manipulated out of a very unwell woman. Here we go again but it's through the medium of teen tiktoks.
I think teens online are just pulling the same shit but without the middleman of a scheming author. Of course other dissociative disorders exist but for the most part it's a special flavor of bpd that makes teens act this out or express themselves through characters they create with purpose. The overlap between official bpd diagnosis and self reported DID is something I see popping up alot. That and gender dysphoria. It's mostly the 'identity disturbance' trait of bpd imo. Easily influenced kids who already have identity issues and live in a world obsessed with identity. So one just isn't enough.
No. 998780
>>998764See this
>>995690In response to a question I had about DID. I really don't doubt everything you describe explains DID and all the gender special shit going on nowadays
No. 998809
>>998508Dissociation, odd/erratic/inappropriate behavior and memory loss when
triggered by stress or anything reminiscent of traumatizing events in one's life? That makes perfect sense, especially for those with extreme PTSD. Not sure why anyone would deny that. It's just one of many ways the brain can malfunction and/or try to protect itself. Most people who've dealt with some form of trauma experience at least one of those symptoms, so it follows that some would end up having to deal with multiple. I don't think that's fake, unless you also want to say schizophrenia, psychosis, fugue states and delusions must all be fake
"Systems" and all the stupid shit we see from TikTok zoomers? No, that's obvious attention whoring
No. 999189
>>998764it's funny because did actually was thought to be bpd because the symptoms manifested similarly. is more similar to ptsd though because of structural dissociation in early childhood, maybe not in fakers though as they will just have histrionic and theatrical reactions. however bpd can include dissociation, so in extreme cases it can induce a similar mechanism but won't result in alters forming. No. 999209
>>999189Anon, BPD IS DID.
DID is just special BPD for people who don't want to take accountability for their actions and made up other "personas" to justify anything odd. BPD is a bad coping mechanism, so the same is DID, don't you ever notice that DID bitches always try to pull the "nice alter" "mean alter" "baby alter" to describe their normal emotions, just boosted by the PTSD they both experience? People should stop trying to armchair with "science" DID people and compare them with BPD and how they act in social situations. Since therapist rarely see these people with their family/partner/friends, ofc they're gonna analyze them from a single point of view, if they were gonna analyze them socially, there would be no difference from one to another. They're the same, heck, BPD people literally have their inner child wounded and they use it as a puppet to get pity points, doesn't seem to much like the "little alters"?
The dissociation can happen in both, the disregulated emotions in both ("alters" vs "big emotions"), ptsd in both, impulsiveness in both (the DID person will blame them on an alter to look clean) and so on. Don't focus on the alters, because they don't exist, a whole person cannot exist, focus on them as emotion and voilà, DID is instant bullshit.
No. 999214
>>999209BPD is made up shit for drama queens who act like because they choose to do dumb shit, they must be
victims of themselves. DID is just next level mental health bullshittery.
No. 999675
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you have been visited by the sage of anti-psychiatry
none of this shit is real
the pills are toxic
all they do is suppress your natural desire for a different and free life
psychiatrists believe in troons so don't believe a single lying thing they say
No. 999688
nonnie, psychiatry makes more sense than psychology. Talk it out? That doesn’t work. We need more sleepy pills for the terribly, mentally unstable so there aren’t anymore weirdos out there.
No. 999717
>>999209Eh, half of it is, but there is a level of truth to it.
>>999416This. The theory of structural dissociation is questionable at times but it follows the same logic.
>>999675You're going to have to try harder if you want a reaction out of anyone
No. 1000228
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>>1000219Remember that furry who "accidentally" dry iced his hands off?
No. 1000322
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>>1000228The absolute best part was all the degenerate furries trying to damage control and convince people that it was all just a conspiracy by 'alt right trolls'. Their story was he'd been pressing his hands against dry ice as an arthritis treatment, and had fallen asleep for six hours, only waking up when his hands were too far gone to be saved (None of the articles screencapped by picrel recommend putting dry ice on your bare skin to treat arthritis, but that should go without saying).
Fetishists always think normal people are too stupid to recognize fetish shit, it's the funniest thing.
further reading: No. 1000343
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>>1000228I'm new to this one, had to kek at this. Severely perverted mental illness you say… where did dad get that idea from?
No. 1000942
I think that BPD people just really need to grow the fuck up. I dont care about their trauma, if they're making other's life a living Hell, they're no better than their abuser/s and I draw the line at not being self aware. Its not the matter of hating a disease and not the person if the person bases their whole existence about their condition. I also feel that in the majority of cases, the diagnosis just feels like a free pass to anything. Some stigma needs to get back at them.
Overall, I also think that we should depatologize some ~disorders~ and just categorize them as shitty people, so the the ones with narcissistic and victim complex traits would stop pulling the Victim Card to excuse their behaviour.
"me, me, me, me, how poor me" Grow up, either go to therapy and pay someone to listen to your rants or fuck off.
No. 1000999
>>1000942This. Goes for every disorder. They are disorders for a reason, and that's the problem with current mental health "activism". Yes, we should destigmatise disorders but some of the stigma is there for a good reason and I'm so sick of people excusing blatantly
abusive behaviours because "muh xPD"
No. 1001574
>>999675I'm sad even farmers fall for it. I keep reading about muh ADHD and muh BPD. Sorry you're struggling and having some issues but it's not a fucking brain disorder.
People won't have empathy for each other unless a diagnosis is slapped on there. Say you're really struggling with concentration or anger and no one gives a fuck. Say you're struggling with (label given by shrink) and suddenly people will have empathy.
No. 1001576
>>1001574It can be hard for me to read farmers in /snow/ threads laughing at a cows made up mental illness in one breath, and then sincerely talk about how they think
they might really have ADHD based on the symptoms they learned of in the cow's thread.
No. 1001583
>>1001581Hmm, not sure about that. It takes a long time to do that and I haven't found any proof on that theory.
>>1001578Yes, but this isn't psychiatry anymore, which was the start of this topic. That's neurology. The psychiatry field would be much better if they incorporated just a bit of neurology in…but oh well.
No. 1001586
>>1001585Detected abnormalities in parts of the brain do have effects on involuntary or natural behaviour, so just saying that a lot of disorders may be overdiagnosed but are not fake as a lot of farmers are saying. Psychiatry is a shitshow but there is also some decent prolonged research in it.
>>1001581Doubt that. Such changes are usually from involuntary behaviours, and in this case if someone were to repeat them to try and induce it, it wouldn't work unless it was prolonged for decades or something.
>>1001577I got diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago but I stay the fuck away from other ADHDers because of this. Anyone who has a mental disorder, it's not their fault for being born with or developing it, but it's still their responsibility. They're all so fucking lazy and blame their shitty friendship and relationship skills, lack of effort and purposely forgetting shit on their ADHD. Like I know there's problems with concentration and memory, but is it really so hard to try a little harder, refresh your mind using basic relaxation techniques and just do your fucking job?
No. 1001591
>>1001571You will never be a woman
>>1001574Most cluster B people is just being whiny and needy but they're also
abusive as fuck and that's why therapy exist, to contain them, more or less
No. 1001593
>>1001591Do you assume that
everyone who can see that you're talking out of your ass is a male?
No. 1001596
>>932826Holy shit I read this and damn, the "teehee I took a shower after one month!!" humour is just …why? Why would you share that? Why would you share that you're gross as fuck? I get that depression can make it difficult for cleaning, both personal and house but it's not something you should get pitied for.
Anyway, my personal opinion is on bipolar, they're unreliable, untrustable and overall volatile, you can't do anything with them because you don't know when the next episode is gonna happend and they will fuck with everyone's plans and moods.
No. 1001602
>>1001596I'm just concerned if they have any infections honestly. Depression is shit but why do zoomers romanticise not cleaning and even having fetishes for it? Hope they all get diseased.
Looking at some of the recent responses, I wouldn't say ADHD and BPD are completely fake. Though one theory I have is that bad parenting can cause ADHD-like symptoms and I'm sick of people saying it doesn't. Also, slapping on that label on a child makes them start to believe wholeheartedly in it and then act more and more like what they're expected to be.
No. 1001805
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>>1001586>>1001590>>1001577Basically this take I found that sums shit up. It's not so hard to take responsibility for your actions, you fucking children.
No. 1001837
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ADHD. This is a scrote I know.
>diagnosed as a child
>graduated with a film studies degree by doing all nighters.
>afterwards gets an office job, gets moved to a cushy department due to being in the right place at the right time.
>this position was 1/4-1/2 as stressful as the position he started with along with other perks. The biggest drawback was basically the team he worked for being small so if someone had a day off, the rest of the team would have to pull the weight. After the company realized the implications of that, they were able to outsource the work to a larger team which reduced the workload of ADHD scrote's team to practically nil.
>eventually the company gets rid of that department and ADHD scrote has to go back to the department he started with but there is a big delay due to some oversights but he gets paid to sit on his ass all day since it isn't his fault.
>company sorts shit out and they give him a refresher for his old role, he resigns before he is actually supposed to do work to claim unemployment due to government increasing the amount thanks to COVID.
>plays video games the whole time while earning over half of what he earned while employed. Doesn't really look for jobs or try to improve himself despite all of the downtime. Only begins looking for a job when the unemployment increase is being tapered off. Doesn't save money either, I have no fucking clue what he spent all of his money on during this time apart from car expenses, groceries, rent + bills (it's not that much since he lives with his parents) and Grubhub…
>has not had a job since then. government reintroduces activities for people on unemployment to complete while claiming benefits. his parents are not pleased with him sitting on his ass playing video games for 80% of the day so he enrolls in a course that is apart of a COVID initiative to get people trained to rejoin the workforce.
>unable to complete that. muh ADHD
>I encourage him to use the resources that his school offers for learning disabilities (i.e. things that every school has)
>"well it's not going to go away if you don't do anything for it. Ask your doctor or psychologist" (his psych is free btw he has no excuse for being broke all the time, he's probably spending money on legos or something retarded)
>gets appropriate referral to get evaluated but doesn't call the clinic until he mentions this to me. I tell him to write it down he says it doesn't work. The next day in the morning I tell him to and he does it. I ask him if he can do phone reminders he says they don't work because "muh brain"
THIS CAN'T BE A VALID EXCUSE, RIGHT? i've tried to help this scrote (yes I know it's a waste of my time but it's infuriating) but it seems like the only way he'll do something is if someone tells him to do it. He's in his mid 20s, this is so frustrating and pathetic. He was not this bad when I first met him and was functional but I suspect he's way more depressed due to how the last two years have gone but the rest of the world has had a shit last shit two years too. Not everyone has the privilege to be able to play video games all day and scroll through ADHD subreddits all day. This scrote actually does have some good traits and is funny and creative but STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF.
TL;DR lucky ADHD scrote chooses to become unemployed because of boost to benefits during COVID. Benefits have been slashed, he barely does anything to get a job and now he plays video games all day, doomscrolls /r/antiwork and /r/adhd.
fuck work but don't tell me fuck work when you've had it easy your entire life and simply expect everything to fall into place.
No. 1001885
>>1001590>>1001586>is it really so hard to try a little harder, refresh your mind using basic relaxation techniques and just do your fucking job?>90% of the symptoms they say are ADHD are just literal depression and anxietyIncredible dumb comments that show why you should never take medical advice from an imageboard. I have ADHD and have never had depression/anxiety in my life. Relaxation techniques are not going to fix a terrible short term memory that prevents you from doing your job.
Saying "just try harder" is the equivalent of "just think yourself better". ADHD isn't an excuse to be a terrible person but it does mean that you will likely self sabotage at every opportunity, no matter how much you try otherwise. A lot of ADHD people will also be on the spectrum which will impact things too.
No. 1001893
>>1001885>Incredible dumb comments that show why you should never take medical advice from an imageboard.This, people in this thread tend to either think that literally anything that can be wrong with a person is actually BPD, or that every disorder (and psychiatry as a whole) is fake
At this point, it's just a containment thread for disordered people pretending not to be. I'm sure some of the more adamant posters were diagnosed with BPD themselves and have been mad ever since
Replies to your post will most likely be people attacking you and getting super mad
No. 1001897
>>1001885Thank you for saying that.
>Relaxation techniques are not going to fix a terrible short term memory that prevents you from doing your job.For 8 years, I was in a constant risk of repeating a year because of that (always fucked up math
and had my normally loving dad treat me abusively because of it). Things have gotten even worse with time. I thought that I have a brain cancer or something and almost got an expensive scan. Nobody, not even my psychiatrist, suggested ADHD. It took me years of hell to discover wtf is wrong with me (and I had to do it alone, then see a psychiatrist to test my theory). I still feel like a giant fuck up, and tbh I am one (not medicated yet due to other health concerns).
No. 1001903
>>1001897Same, I thought I was getting early Alzheimer's. I actually did repeat a year despite being pretty bright. It wasn't that I couldn't understand things, I just could not remember it. Anything open book or a "special interest" and I would be top of the class.
>>1001893Exactly. Most ADHD symptoms will affect yourself more than others. At worst you will seem like you don't care about things enough to remember them or pay attention. If you have the hyperactive type you will probably irritate people. It's not like BPD where you have huge mood swings. There's no way to confuse them. I've had a lot of bad relationships but it's more to do with me missing social cues or being taken advantage of.
No. 1001956
>>1001943It's sometimes called "fleas". CPTSD is sometimes mistaken as BPD in women so likely she was acting out because of trauma from an unstable childhood too.
I hate how threads like this hate on BPD and other mental illnesses. I know these people are not easy to be around around but it's a mental illness and beyond their control. The person is not doing it deliberately. It's not an excuse for them to be an awful person constantly and not go to therapy etc but spewing hate about them just comes across as ignorant as fuck. Don't be around these people if you don't want to, it's best for everyone that way.
No. 1001960
>>1001956>it's a mental illness and beyond their control. The person is not doing it deliberately. Mental illness explains the impulses and reasoning, but the suffer still retains freedom of choice. People can choose to examine the impact of their actions and grow, or not. It's unfair some people are disadvantaged but that doesn't make them any less accountable for their choices. It sucks and it's a hard pill to swallow, but you don't get anywhere in recovery without accepting that basic truth
>It's not an excuse for them to be an awful person constantly and not go to therapy etcI think the people getting bitched about in this thread do exactly this. Or, they do the classic bpd thing and use their therapy sessions as a platform for their "poor me" performance. Again, I sympathize with people who have this problem but their pity seeking is a trait that cripples their recovery
No. 1002008
>>1001943I'm related to someone who has it but is currently pretty stable, it was painful to watch when she was in her twenties and even undiagnosed for half of her twenties. Knowing her issues stemmed from childhood abandonment.. and yet there she was acting in a way that guarantees most people will eventually reach their limit and walk out of her life too.
>Can you believe he just walked out on me?Yes, you were acting batshit and relying too heavily on a man to fix a void he'll never even make a dent in. Treating every new man like he's the only reason you wake up in the morning. That's a lot of pressure.
She burnt alot of bridges before she ever heard of bpd. The shitshow turned around once she knew what she was dealing with. Didn't happen overnight but from 30 onwards she's certainly been doing alright. I've other relatives who went down the drink/drugs/prison route after their messed up childhoods.. and it's weird how much forgiveness was extended to male addicts in the family that did way worse than she ever did. As much as I hate seeing bpders actively giving in to their crazy impulses or playing the pity game.. I can see how she's a product of the family she's in. Her addict brothers are welcomed back while she's still frozen out. Other bpders would have whole meltdown in that position. That's the same shit that damaged her in the first place.
No. 1002336
The irony.
No. 1002429
>>1002425Nayrt but if you have adhd you’re a retard
t. I have adhd
No. 1002435
>>1002328Maybe. I read through it and it seems
uncomfortably accurate.
No. 1002641
>>1002443Spot on. Having an opinion on lolcow that doesn’t confirm to the masses either makes you a male baiter or a tranny baiter.
I have adult adhd and I still have a toooon of learning problems because of being untreated, I’m working on them for 2 months, and things are going better for me. I quit the speed medication and antidepressants because they were driving me crazy. Adhd is essentially being retarded beyond not being able to focus and when people know that’s when they stop claiming ADD or whatever. I know when I’m no longer retarded I’ll disown my diagnosis.
No. 1002750
My anxiety issues or whatever they're best described as (pursuing diagnoses and treatment in general has been difficult for me) run my life and it's depressing. It feels so hard to understand myself enough to get better and that it'll be pointless anyways. At least if I numb myself I won't be as aware of how fucked I am.
>>1002649if you're bragging to the mentally ill about being neurotypical you are a new level of pathetic.
No. 1003134
go play trick mind games elsewhere, bippie.
>>1002649This is thread for people affected by other's mental illness, not their own. Read the op.
No. 1003272
>>1001602>one theory I have is that bad parenting can cause ADHD-like symptoms True. Most of the ADHD people I know of come from less fortunate families and didn't have the best upbringings. I'm reading about this woman who got diagnosed as a teen, she then made ADHD her entire personality. She always struck me as someone who had an unfortunate background, and turns out she does. Spent her entire childhood moving between foster homes and neglectful parents - yet the filthy industry had the nerve to diagnose this poor traumatized child with ''ADHD'' at 13. A teen boy I know literally got diagnosed and fed meth pills just because he hated school and thought class was boring.
My brother could get diagnosed with ADHD right now, but it all comes from his childhood. Lack of boundaries and routine leading to becoming a messy adult with no control over everyday tasks and planning. Uneducated depressed parents leading to an unmotivated, impulsive son.
No. 1004301
>>1003462imo, autistic children are difficult to raise. it involves confloct, punishment, correction, exposure to things that make them scream, and hammering lessons home over and over again until they learn how to behave around other people
What you described is basically a toddler that never grew up. This is because many parents dont have the time or energy to raise an autistic child properly, and would rather give in and indulge them and defend them to avoud conflict. This is understandable because its exhausting, especially when you are working & have other kids too.
Is it "fair"? No of course not. But people with autism aren't doomed to be like you desceibe from birth. Funnily, attempts to "understand" and let them off easier only lead to them being more spoiled and nuts as you said. Autists are some of the few people for whom "spare the rod, spoil the chuld" is quite true, although not literally with rods, but in the sense of constant correction when their behavior is unacceptable.
It sounds like your family members have learned that they can exhaust & browbeat you into agreeing with them by having a spergout. Thats just like spoiled 3 year olds who learn that having a tantrum at Target WILL get them their toy.
If you want to change this, you need to take a situation where you are in the right and have proof, and stick to your guns until they run out of steam. It will take hours. It may take days. The older they are the more set in their ways they will be. They are so used to getting total supplicatuon that they'll go totally ballistic.
If you have family members that will try to get you to stop/give in for the autist's sake, or just to end the fighting, you will have to stand your ground to them also. You'll have to harden your heart and just be absolutely firm for as long as it takes. You have to refuse to let it go and rub their nose in it like a dog.
Screaming and sperging is the language theyve learned to speak - the only thing you can do is speak it back to them until they understand it's not ok.
No. 1004312
>>1003272>Lack of boundaries and routine leading to becoming a messy adult with no control over everyday tasks and planning. Uneducated depressed parents leading to an unmotivated, impulsive son.fuck, this could be me. sorry for blogpost, but maybe this gives some hope for others… my parents were always busy (mom was still in education/job training, dad had a busy job) so i was always in front of the tv. i played outside a lot but got severely bullied when i switched schools at age 10, so i stayed inside all day and turned to the internet and food for comfort. fast forward to me being terminally online most of my life until i was 29. i managed to get my shit together a little, went back to high school, got a degree and got into grad school. the lockdown seriously made me think i have adhd because i just couldn't focus on anything and had regular breakdowns because my brain wouldn't work. i cried sitting at my desk because motivating myself to shower was so difficult. i did shower, it just took me hours to motivate myself, so i ended up giving myself pep talks for 6 hours until i finally showered at 6 am. then this year i started reading again and ended up reading over 70 books within the span of 9 months. not all of them are high brow and super challenging, of course, since i read for my own enjoyment and not to impress anyone. i started keeping a diary to cure myself of constantly oversharing on social media. eventually i quit social media (the farm is my only outlet kek) and left my terminally online depressed/bpd/adhd friends behind. i suddenly got really into movies and loved going to the movie theater. then i started watching a tv show and i managed to watch entire seasons without getting distracted all the time. maybe the show is just really fucking good, who knows, but maybe i cured myself of the brainrot that is commonly associated with adhd. my report cards from elementary school scream adhd, i am very hyperactive (i pace around A Lot to think, i can barely sit still) and have bad impulse control, especially around food and shopping. but i think that might be associated with me not having a proper schedule due to grad school not being very class heavy. when i went back to high school i had a strict schedule and managed to control my food intake and my spending habits very easily. i think leaving behind social media and trying to avoid shit like youtube shorts or tiktoks or instagram was the best decision i ever made. maybe i had to train my brain into accepting less dopamine from constant new input/gratification, who knows. but i like the changes i experienced so far.
i went to a therapist that gave me a tentative adhd diagnosis, so nothing official, but at this point i think i don't have bad brain disease. i just need stricter schedules in my life, no social media, and more physical activity to undo the damage of the past 25 years.
No. 1004383
>>1004312I think you have a good handle on your own metaxngnition and how to control your impulses. I would hire you because i think youre based and we're much alike. Its incredibly hard to take control of your own schedule and habits and youre actually better at this than 99% of normies nonna. Keep it rockin
>>1004375Fuck 9ff and take your pseudopsychiatry elsewhere you piece of shit. You're jealpus of people with ability & talent. The struggle of the true talented augost autist is to direct their infinite energy in a productive direction.
You, the normie piece of shit who jever did anything original in ypur life, are worth less than dirt. Go work at your middle class job, obey your boss, take your antidepressants and die mildly happy. Your life doesnt matter.
No. 1004485
>>1003462Ngl what you're describing is more of an autistic child that was coddled too much when they were younger. Also you sure you ain't on the spectrum yourself too
>offensiveDo you know where you are, retard?
No. 1004490
>>1004454I'm supposed to be empathetic with someone randomly calling an anon autistic for venting about their family? fuck off. if you could read you would know im not the original poster there. but apparently you just like to sling brainless shit.
>>1004485I hope i did offend you, worthless sack of shit. Insect of a person
No. 1004494
>>1004490They did that because a lot of people who vent in that way are on the spectrum.
Also nayrt but it's not really offensive?
No. 1004532
>>1004494>>1004501I hope my sperging has given you a brief taste of what living with an aitist would be like. Imagine that but in your face all the fucking day long. That's what OP is living with.
Nona was venting, and you're trying to come at her with an internet diagnosis. Stop eating your own toe cheese for a minute and lay the fuck off
No. 1012609
>>1010712I got diagnosed with GID 8 years ago, I tried hormones but stopped. The minor changes I got from several months on hormones did plenty for me. I feel grand since. Autists and csa
victims often will qualify as having dysphoria. It'd be nice if people could deal with those feelings while staying aware that acting on them with transition isn't an automatic next step.
No. 1013613
>>1012609This. Many autists and abuse
victims often feel out-of-touch with themselves, and in society, and they definitely do not fit the typical expectation of a neurotypical person of their gender. I'm possibly an autist and it's happened to me before, thank god I recovered from that.
No. 1013650
I used to not be able to stand schizos but now i feel like i might have just been projecting or something because i've suspected i have OCD for a while (comorbid with my ADHD) and there is weirdly a lot of overlap between the kind of OCD i might have and some schizo disorders. mainly symptoms like ones described here
>>935356 like constantly getting specific health anxiety paranoia, feeling like people will kill me in my sleep, a lot of absurd "magical OCD" superstition/ paranormal based fears, seeing numbers everywhere, thinking
every coincidence has meaning or was fated. like i can be really gullible to my own delusions. also really really bad ruminating/ borderline living in the past/ maladaptive daydreaming like other anons in here have dscribed. i used to think i was just either immature or like a "special" clairvoyant fated to perceive everything other people don't notice, but getting diagnosed ADHD super late in life led me to analyze my thinking patterns more closely and i just recently discovered that OCD is not even what I had thought it was (like the stereotype of it). but reading all these schizotypal/ schizophrenic posts here and elsewhere had me second-guessing and worried for a bit
the only like big main difference is that i'm extremely self-aware of the fact that the majority of my fears are fictional and unrealistic, but the nature of my brain to obsess and ruminate and spam me with intrusive thoughts is enough that i still get worked up and scared over dumb imaginary retarded shit, even while actively knowing it is retarded. also that it is an off and on type of problem, like it'll be really hard to control some days and other days i am either at peace or have coping mechanisms that work somewhat. whereas the obnoxious raging ADHD problems are constant and more prominent (i.e. me even typing out this blog in the first place when i have irl tasks to do) which kinda reassures me that the OCD is probably mild, is not underlying schizo and is probably something i could eradicate with like, dedicated CBT and better habits. also the fact that my bio parents had ADHD and OCD respectively and no one in my family is schizo to my knowledge. plus i literally only have the kind i described like i'm not the neat freak or germaphobe type
anyway sorry @ schizos i think i empathize a lot more now lol. i will redirect that annoyance/ hatred to munchie DID larpers and raging narcs
No. 1013652
>>1013623I fully agree with you and catch myself getting borderline cringe normal people scare me t-shirt about it sometimes, i feel like everyone has the capacity to be "mentally ill" or at least severely troubled by their own existence/ environment but the really blatant bland "normies" are either
very simple and kinda stupid, or too ignorant to be self-realized. it feels to elitist to talk like this but i swear to god you can't be self-aware and mentally sane at the same time.
the only normies i enjoy are like himbos/ bimbos of the milder, more kind-hearted variety. like golden retriever people that don't cross the line into being annoyingly happy, if that makes sense
No. 1013881
>>1013652I had a coworker who fit the bland normie definition to a tee and I swear she was some kind of psychopath. Nobody is that "cheery" and pretends to be devoid of problems without hiding some kind of horrible secret.
I've never hated anyone I worked with more than her and I think she ended up leaving because people slowly lifted the curtain on her falsehood. I learnt as expected her life wasn't normal upon her quitting, but damn the fact that she never showed a scrap of emotion that exceeded saccharine happiness, her boorish interests and lack of irony, depth, and humor and made me want to knife her
No. 1013894
>>1013881Fuck her for having a good attitude at work and not letting co-workers know the private details of her life, right?
I'm nice and bland and cheery at work because I don't want to get involved in drama and office politics, and coworkers aren't important enough to get close and personal with by default.
No. 1014130
>>1013881kek you can be butthurt all you want but i wont be your work friend. what'd i do over the weekend? oh you know, not much. what do i do for fun? oh you know, not a lot.
i am evasive and do my best to appear bland and passably polite. if people hate me for it, idk, that's kind of funny. you feel so entitled to my attention and information about me that you're pissed you think there isnt any depth? you want gossip so bad you're mad someone gives you a brick wall? get a life
No. 1014592
>>1013881yeah maybe i didn't read this correctly but uh, this wasn't what i meant by that at all? your coworker sounds like lots of decent people I know who feel the pressure or need to "mask" or just can't be themselves at work because it's, yknow, work. a joyless necessity. almost everyone has to put a happy perfect face on at work especially if the job is customer service related, I used to work at a certain infamous theme park where if you weren't an absolute weenie to every single guest at all times you weren't being "in character" and it reflected poorly. albiet in break rooms we would all bitch about work and life and be normal, but that's because i liked my coworkers outside of work and had the time and energy to be real with them. some people detach themselves from their shitty work environments for their own well-being and that's fine, it doesn't mean their real lives are cheery and perfect too
or maybe i'm wrong and she was truly an evil normie psycho, w/e
No. 1017431
>>1016497i have schizoid personality disorder… do you even know what the word schizoid means or do you think it means generic "insane person" or schizophrenic like most dumbasses on this website? i doubt you have actually interacted with many people with szpd, a majority are recluses with no friends and rarely go out in public, and most are very calm people that just dont want anyone bothering them
most schizoids dont even have a desire for any kind of relationships or friendships anyways ironically enough so your statement just sounds very weird to me like someone who doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about
mental disorders i just can't deal with are people who use the word schizoid incorrectly. it's definitely a mental illness of some kind because every person ive seen who blurts that word constantly like an idiot is definitely insane themselves.
No. 1017459
>>1017431Uh no. I dated a schizoid and paid for it dearly. And like any disorder, it affects everyone differently. Some schizoids still have relationships but they're very controlled, not sure about you. I am aware of the difference.
Normies who don't know the difference isn't a mental disorder in of itself but nice projecting
No. 1017493
>>1017459ive been in a relationship with another schizoid for over 6 years now everything is perfectly fine, probably better than most normies relationships. ive never spoken to any other male schizoids other than him but ive met plenty of schizoid women online and they are usually fine. its probably just because the y chromosome disease male schizoids are probably worse acting, but i still believe they are likely not as bad as every other personality disorders though (this assuming they don't have any other mental illnesses other than general anxiety/depression). i cant really imagine why anyone would have a specific dislike for people with szpd, its not like it's chaotic like borderlines. oh wow, i have no desire to be friendly with you and rarely leave my house, boohoo. how does that even affect anyone? i mean if someone wants to spend their time seething about the existence of people with schizoid.. that just sounds a little pathetic.
although i cant really understand why someone with schizoid would want to date a normal person because it sounds exhausting and would probably just make them feel worse.
also you know damn well no normie is on fighting and calling people schizoids without knowing the meaning of the word. only mentally ill people do that. ive never even seen a normie say the word schizoid in my life outside of psychology.
No. 1017641
>>1017541I can't stand being around most depressed people.
They drag you down in their problems. I'm not saying it's their fault at all, and I hope they get the help and recovery they need, but I just can't be around them. They often have a tendency to be snarky and unhealthy ones will ALWAYS bring others down to feel better.
No. 1017738
>>1017653Have you considered that your friends want to try to help you?
There's a difference between asking for help and just dumping things on everyone, any true friends wants to be able to show up when their friend asks for help
No. 1018464
>>1017877this is exactly how i feel about adhd and ocd lol
i literally spent the last hour of new years eve shaking and sobbing and probably ruining my partners night because the realization that i wasted the entire past year trapped in my own mind with nothing to show for it was so heavy i couldn't shake it off. it is
so debilitating. it is so hard
so much of the time. i'm so sick of having this brain. i reached my absolute breaking point and i couldn't stop crying until i was dragged outside for a walk to calm down and talk it out. i have very little hope for this year being better because i'm poor right now and my adhd membership's "therapy" sessions fucking suck and are overpriced and god knows i won't change on ym own. i fully understand why any anons in this thread say they hate people like me, way more than i understand tiktok larpers who think it's all about being quirky and "ooh squirrel teehee" "sometimes i'm lazy i'm so random omg" grow the FUCK up i would sell my fucking soul to have a working neurotypical brain.
No. 1019545
>>1017877It’s seriously annoying, I don’t even want to get therapy, what’s there to solve? I hate having the autistic label, I will mask all of my life or until I have some autistic breakdown.
I can’t do the things that I like because my stupid ass didn’t make a routine that included my hobbies, so now it will surely take me months again to go back to listening to music, drawing or even doing exercise.
I can’t stop rocking back and forth even in public, which makes me look absolutely retarded and not uwu kawiwi.
I’m constantly being treated like I’m a child, I can’t even go to a doctor without someone asking if there’s someone else who can receive the information that they give to me, about my own health, it’s humiliating.
These narcs want to be special but they just can’t pick a hobby or do something useful in their boring ass lives, I hope they all go full munchie like Kelly the munchie cow.
No. 1019804
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I have compulsively picked at my skin since I was ~11 years old and I have pretty extensive scarring all over my body. I've brought it up with several mental health professionals but absolutely none of them have suggested anything remotely helpful (hurr durr take up swimming so you'll have to show ur skin, gee thanks doc).
I just want it to end nonnas, I think I would be pretty decent looking if I could just stop mutilating myself but it's not going to happen without intervention I can't seem to get right now
No. 1022265
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>like being on my own for long periods of time
>enjoy reading schizo-tier stuff
>don't do drugs
>sometimes get too into certain things and start feeling paranoid/unreal
>last time it happened I thought a song was trying to tell me something. I understood the actual words but for a second was convinced the meaning was completely different and felt weird for the next hour or so.
I don't think anyone in my family has been diagnosed with anything serious (just the usual post war/poverty generational trauma).
Is this normal or should I be worried? I don't see myself as being easily impressionable but who knows. Used to think I was autistic but I'm probably just 'eccentric'.
No. 1022363
>>1022344nta but it's not necessarily that these issues come into existence later in life. Often the underlying issue is already there from an early age but only becomes apparent later on, after a change in environment or lifestyle.
Either way, assuming you're the op, you mentioned it comes and goes. Are there also periods where the issue seems to be gone entirely? Can't hurt to see a psych for it like the other anon said.
No. 1024043
>>1019812>>1021132>>1021994Thanks for the insight nonnies, I posted
>>1019804 and I'll look into it. I'm UK-based, so do you think it's something the NHS could do for me?
No. 1034016
>>1019500>people are not allowed to have a lighter autism than ME>METhis is right, we should go back to portray autists are screaming fucktards, and treat them as such : locking them in asylums and forcefeeding them benzos until they get heart attacks.
Yes, I hate autists.
No. 1034205
>>1034016You're completely missing the point.
Also at least the autists on here are female, so with a little support and effort they'll be okay. Autistic scrotes can fuck off, nasty creeps probably been abandoned by God.
No. 1034774
Any addictions. I get that your body is physically unable to resist it or something but I have no respect for anyone who decides to fall down that rabbit hole.
I honestly don't get people who celebrate overcoming their addictions. It's annoying, like you weren't born with that shit nor was it an accident, it was your own fault so shut up.
Worse is when you dare speak up about it and get called ableist or some shit, or that it's a "victimless" crime and shouldn't be punished. It sure totally isn't a victimless crime if you're normalising that lifestyle to others, especially vulnerable, impressionable children.
>>1034030>>1034205>>1034728>>1034738Jfc stfu
No. 1034806
>>1034205I really think this is an illusion. My sister is 31 and autistic and she is very self-centered because she's so unaware. She is very delusional, too. For instance, she believes she is gorgeous and model-tier, but in reality she is rather plain and she's never had a boyfriend. She believes she looks extremely young for her age, but she has lots of expressions lines, and she does not understand her youthfulness is from her unawareness. She believes she is extremely intelligent, but if she is, she has little to show for it as she was stuck in college for 9 years before quitting with no degree to her name. She has a job as essentially a cashier and it was given to her by a family member, but she talks big about how she will be a data scientist. She cannot collaborate with others and she is convinced that experiences she has are unique to her i.e. thinking visually. She denies she has autism as well. She also still lives with my parents, but she is convinced that she is smart because instead of living on her own, she is living off my parents. My father is autistic as well, but at least he has a job. It's stressful because extended family members ask which sibling will take her in (she is the oldest) when my parents pass and none of us do, it's grating living with someone who is convinced that them being "different" i.e. autistic is superior when they cannot support themselves in the first place.
I don't know why my parents stopped trying. We as a family used to try to correct her autistic behavior, such as telling her she's way too loud, or that it's inappropriate to tell random people how hot her body will be to her future husband, or her habit of picking at her croch when she talks to people, but once she turned 20 or so, my parents made us all stop and she got significantly worse. It's weird because she isn't mentally retarded, but she's just terribly unaware. I don't know if that can be helped.
No. 1041715
>>1037530This one kid and his mom near my hometown effectively got a whole bunch of people addicted to heroin. They're both dead now and got a few others killed too, and one of my friends addicted. Addicts are scum, they enable each other and drag others into their self destruction. I can empathize with people who get addicted because of painkillers but why do it on your own for any reason? I've had depression my whole life and never once was tempted.
It's always the same reactions to OD deaths too, they act so shocked and like nothing could have prevented it. These are also the idiots who think we should decriminalize all drugs, as if responsible heroin or meth use is even possible (it isn't)
No. 1050790
>>1043891I'm newly diagnosed with autism but I'm still unsure what to feel about it. I also felt like the person who suspected it of me was pushing for it, even if I do have some signs. But I think overall it's been a positive for me.
That said I can't get behind the same things you are describing. I also get super annoyed at people who claim to be ND for mundane shit that literally everyone does. Omg I like to click my pen and jiggle my leg, I'm stimming, I'm so neurodiverse! Like no, you aren't special.
I don't plan to mingle with the autism community because so many people like that exist.
Keep in mind though that it's very hard for women to get diagnosed because they mask better, doesn't happen until later in life. If you want more answers I'd check out the ASD/ADHD thread here because it isn't full of munchie neurodiverse larpers.
No. 1057482
>>1057455Literally this for every moid with BPD.
They will do the most reckless unsafe unsanitary shit and be like "uh yea that's just my BPD lol" yeah we fucking know already dumbass that doesn't mean it's excusable to go around and fuck 30+ people without wearing a condom once, or get yourself into thousands of £ worth of debt because you view overdrafts and loans as 'free money'.
They always seem to constantly want to talk about themselves and act like absolute narcs, I had terrible luck trying to be friends with someone with it because they rarely asked me shit about myself or my own life and it felt so one-sided.
No. 1061329
>>1061302You know I find it funny that so many trannies are the same kind of people mentioned in
>>1061226 who want "muh mental health awareness" but they push back so hard on gender dysphoria being a mental illness. Even if you are pro tranny, you can't deny that feeling the other gender is a mental thing, whether that's a paraphilia or not, and the supposed "treatment" is HRT or surgery. Why do they wanna get rid of the mental health stigma but start wars over trannyism being considered one?
No. 1061344
>>1061342"I can't control it!! :("
No one is forcing you to drive to get to your dealer.
"But then I'll feel bad!!"
No. 1061345
>>1061302yes, ever notice how almost all MtF trannies seem to get into sex work? it's almost like they're doing this for a fetish, it's especially gross when they try to act cute and childlike online.
FtM trannies are also eh to me but they're such a small minority, and I could kind of understand wanting to be a feminine man than a masculine women, since masculine women are treated like shit.
>>1061344pretty much this
I have so much more respect for people who face their traumas sober than people who just check out and ruin the lives of everyone else around them.
No. 1061390
>>1061379People being proud of being addiction free, after ruining their lives and their loved one's, destroying their body, crippling themselves and such is like moids being proud of "respecting women"
That's the bare minimum. It's normal.
No. 1061431
>>1061373This. They're always like "OMG IT'S A VICTIMLESS CRIME!!!" Where is it victimless? You devastate the lives of those around you, traumatise your children, increase risks of making them also ruining their health and lives, and promote that culture to young impressionable kids everywhere.
Druggie retards should all overdose tbh. Then we'd see the effect of it and drug addictions would plummet.
No. 1063082
>>1063049Exactly. While many therapists can be full of shit sometimes and promote
toxic positivity or something like that, people who carry around ESAs tend to be borderline emotional abusers to those poor animals. No animal should suffer from having to empathise with your bullshit that they don't understand just because you won't go to therapy or AT LEAST talk to someone, practice healthy techniques, or anything else.
No. 1063104
>>1063069That's cute, he sounds like a nice doggo, but you guys were kids. When you're a grown adult you should at least try to grow up and take control of your own problems, it's different. Most people with ESAs who demand accommodations for them are in their late 20s or older and never grew up past 14.
Like get a plushie or something kek. It's cute, easy to maintain and at least you can't actually hurt it.
>>1063088Yeah you're right anon. Doesn't sound like an ESA if it's properly trained and has a waitlist.
>>1063031Sounds like someone's salty about being called out for shitty behaviour and won't go to therapy.
No. 1063978
I hate that I'm not old at all, and yet recently I've been tired of living. Waking up, every day, having responsibilities, having to burden expectations, going to bed. Even things I used to like doing feel like a chore. I do what I need to do; I pay my bills, I go to work, my house is clean. But there's something that is nauseating right now about existing. I want to improve my life and the problems that are bringing me down, but it feels like I am progressing too slowly.
This is not me suicide-baiting; I love my parents and family too much for them to experience a traumatic death, and I'm scared of death, anyway. But man, it would be so nice to go in like a little sleeping chamber and wake up a couple of years or whatever later. I don't wanna deal with being alive right now.
Were we really just born to die? Is that what we wait for?
No. 1064251
>>1064231You’re such a stupid bitch. I usually ignore imbeciles on the internet, but you truly are an unempathetic arrogant and stupid asshole.
Touching a kid even if it’s “just a smack on the ass” or sexually is awful, kids do not understand fully because their brains are not fully developed. Children grown in a healthy environment won’t “””flirt””” with adults and adults should know not to respond to such advances no matter how desperate the child is.
No. 1064254
>>1064251don't get too winded it has to be a scrote baiting
no one can actually blame kids for "flirting with adults"
No. 1064267
>>1064254I work around kids and because of that I get flirted with all the time since I'm a young, conventionally attractive girl. Never once would I think to blame them for sexual abuse or have I even took their flirting seriously. this includes the teenagers as well since men like to magically play blind and dumb when they're messing around with minors who are teens.
Hopefully men who think this way aren't around actual children if you take kids flirting seriously and see it as a chance to sexually abuse them
No. 1064469
>>1064283>>1064255>>1064251>>1064249>>1064247Don't interact with the trolling scrote lol.
Unless it's serious, to which I have zero words.
No. 1070757
>>854673 i hate many mental disorders kek. Anorexia and bullimia for starters, those are the most unbearable patients in the word. Usually DOA, the recuperation chances are very slim and it need intervención of multiple areas. And good luck finding a nutritionist who isnt a pro-ana themselves or overall disconnected from reality.
I find autism and bpd/cluster b very annoying but not as overwhelming as anorexia and bullimia. Unless if is something in my country we call a "caño" (sorry, i don't know how to translate the concept kek) who is a patient diagnosed at a very young age and is pretty much hopeless. There is no way to improve their condition and is all "palliative care" until they die. And no, i personally dont think lolcows are like that unless some exceptions. All caños are annoying but but i think those are the worst.
addicts are horrid but is mostly because all addictions got different aproachs (thats why AA is mostly ok and NA is a mess that barely works) and you need to considered comorbidities (Aka, when an autist is using drugs as a way to cope with their defective brain not even the "normal" aproach for addiction-to-that-drug is going to work) and is even worse when is an "inusual" addiction like porn.
And this is a very specific thing but i can't with schzotypal chatter. It fills me with blind rage. I just i can't with them, i even avoid threads with clearly schzotypal lolcows. Sorry for els retardation and overall sperging.
No. 1077527
>>1077063This is so true. I used to have friends who were the most self-hating people on the planet and they were so
toxic to be around. They ended up hating me and they'd be so up and down, you never knew what they would be like that day. It's like a milder from of BPD/NPD where you have to walk on eggshells around them. God forbid you show any ounce of optimism or suggest professional help, they'll attack you for it. I'm surprised depressed people ever have any friends.
No. 1079192
>>1077078And they encourage each other's
toxic behaviours. It's pretty sad tbh. Unless one of them is mentally healthy and has gone through mental troubles but has recovered and is able to help and give advice. Those sorts of people are decent. Otherwise, it's a cesspool of unstable screaming.
No. 1079340
>>1079125Those kinds are the worst because they know they're filthy but try to "lift up the mood" (how lol) by saying shit like "I just brushed my teeth after a month kek xD" in a sad attempt to make you smile but in reality I just think they're gross.
Anyway, slight blogpost, as a former depressed person, going out with depressed people makes me feel like shit. When I was deep into my illness, I wouldnt get out, I would just shitpost on chans for relieving some feelings and that was it, I passed years on youtube and deviantart and I think that somehow, getting a hobby such as art, helped a bit. I'm doing better, by a lot and if I look back I feel so bad and I'm trying to accept it and I cannot wrap my head about people my age not being self aware in the slightest and choosing, because at a certain point it becomes something you actively choose, to not get well. How are they not tired? You have to options: or to hang urself if shit goes really bad or seek help and I cannot stand the ones who bathe themselves in the middle.
If they see you being happy, they get filled with rage, the day could be going well and suddenly they feel the need to let anyone know they're thinking about suicide. Sick. I think that depression, if not treated properly, could evolve in a cluster B in no time. I hate them, I truly do.
No. 1079379
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>>1079336Kek next time you see an enbyfag show them picrel
No. 1080515
>relieving some feelings and that was it, I passed years on youtube and deviantart and I think that somehow, getting a hobby such as art, helped a bit. You're not alone. I was basically the same during my preteen up to mid teen years. Kinda Cluster B-ish behaviour but I grew out of it.
>I cannot wrap my head about people my age not being self aware I feel like this could be due to current mental health awareness being way too romanticising and accepting of relying on others for help and accepting
toxic behaviours. I mean, it's good to erase certain stigmas so self-aware people can get help and change but then it's led to this.
>How are they not tired?The brain's weird like that. As
>>1077063 said, it's funny how it copes with depression by being more depressed e.g. getting up and doing stuff helps you with depression, but depression makes you lazy.
No. 1080827
>>1079192Longtime depressionfag here and sorry for blog I am realizing how hard it is to date depressed people. I see myself in them and want them to get better, but it's so fucking hard. My moid refuses to seek help no matter how much I push it and I'm so close to ending it. Doesn't matter how much I say I love him, he refuses to see it. Overcoming depression unfortunately comes from hard life lessons and less coddling. I know what it's like on the other side but fuck is it hard to just see someone do nothing.
I don't wanna sound like one of those "bullying builds character" sociopaths but really, you need someone to kick your ass. Surrounding yourself with imageboard sadbois like he does will only hinder him further.
No. 1081423
>>1077063I used to be really depressed so i totally get what it's like for them, but i also agree. I was never the snarky kind though, I always felt immense guilt even for venting about it and not pretending to be happy. It's such a vicious cycle, you get depressed because you don't have (real) friends and you can't make friends because you're depressed.
Seeing other depressed strangers online helped a lot, for two reasons:
1 literally because I didn't want to be annoying like them. I could tell they were dragging everyone else down with them and that's the last thing i wanted to do to my friends/family
2 seeing the ones who genuinely tried to get better made me feel like i could try too. Seeing them fail sometimes, but keep going helped me not stop trying
I think it had to be strangers who I could watch in silence without any interaction. To this day I'm very vary of people like group 1, because I'm scared they'll drag me back down. I still have a depressed friend and he always assumes I'm doing way worse than I am. I'll be like "I'm pretty tired today" and he thinks that means I'm staring at the ceiling crying, unable to move because I'm so exhausted. Like nah, I'm literally just sleepy and want to go to bed early. But I notice him assuming the worst in me makes my brain sort of go "huh maybe he's right and I should be sad like I used to be". Idk why, it's like I want to live up to his expectations? But after noticing it I make sure to keep a distance from him.
No. 1081837
>>1079336The ones who genuinely feel like they're not any gender often have this due to trauma/illness. Former enbyfag here (sorry for kinda blog post) and it took me years to figure out I felt non-binary because I didn't feel female enough due to my society. Being a
poc was probably the first contributing factor. Either way, trannies are either fetishisers or need help for other illnesses that they mistake for being trans.
No. 1081940
>>1079336I see 2 main categories of female tranners, the 'trend tran' and the 'trauma tran' With some overlap happening too.
I feel for the latter because more pressing underlying issues get put on the backburner in favor of gender therapy. I see it as a distraction from facing the elephant in the room. Reminds me of how alcoholics spend decades drinking and when they get sober they're back at square one opening up emotional wounds from when they were a kid being abused. When I see women getting mastectomies done and talking about 'gender euphoria' from removing body parts.. I imagine them at 40 breaking down about something terrible that happened decades earlier and got buried. The lengths that people will unknowingly go to to explain away what are really just signs of csa or some other abuse.
No. 1082209
>>1080827End it anonita. That's clearly not healthy to be around.
>>1081837This. Many autists, PTSD survivors, and CSA survivors qualify for gender dysphoria when it's just trauma or literally being different but they think it's a gender thing. Not to mention nowadays they don't think you need dysphoria to be trans, which makes it even worse.
>being poc was a factorYep. Considering
woc are treated like they aren't feminine enough with beauty standards and fashion and such, it would be pretty understandable for one to feel like they're not female enough, but definitely not a male, so gotta stick in the middle or out of it with the non-binary label. Pretty sad ngl that this is confused for a gender thing.
No. 1097440
>>1097040correct SSRIs fixed my disordered eating, among with other things. would be dead without them honestly
>>1097042limerent objects can eventually reciprocate feelings, online personalities cannot (or there is a much smaller chance of that) though. But yeah, limerence may be at play
No. 1098463
>>1097017Could be limerence as other anons are saying but if you're talking more about idol/celeb stans or something, then it's just lack of affection in childhood or moderate to severe depression leading to them projecting onto people who will never know them.
>>1097440>correct SSRIs fixed my disordered eatingWhoa which ones did you take anon?
No. 1098547
>>1097040Can you elaborate? I've been on one for a while and honestly feel like it does jack shit, they even cranked me to the highest dose possible because of this and I still notice zero side effects from it, either positive
or negative. I want to go off them because I feel like it's just a waste of money
No. 1099188
>>1099183Taking bets on which PD this
nonnie has
No. 1099390
Paranoia and other syndromes that make the person feel that they are being persecuted and sabotaged, it's not only insane to live with someone who constantly thinks the world actively works against then and that everyone always acts and seek to hit them then with malicious and ill intent, but you also start to become paranoid yourself after some time, and i say from experience, the backlash of doing or speaking "wrong things" to people with anxiety and ADHD are child play compared to the level of self awareness and calculated action you have to endure 24/7 when you live with someone who suffers from persecutory delusion and paranoia, since a single action or word can trigger a absolutely insane response, if you're lucky you get only a emotional reaction, but if you're unlucky, they will somehow weave into some bizarre conspiracy theory and they will make sure that this will haunt you for months/years without end, and it is extremely tiring and exhausting. Sometimes you don't even need to do shit, and just beacuse you did/didn't do something very specific related to a situation that they created into their own heads, you already are a culprit and you will have to endure some really insane bullshit for no reason at all.
No. 1100794
>>1100720If it's not it, she's a jealous woman. I've had women who were straight up jealous when someone got raped or catcalled, assaulted, etc. They're either jealous because they deem it as a good thing to have someone so interested in you that they rape you, moid logic, or get jealous of the sympathy the
victim gets.
No. 1100830
>>1100799>>1100794>>1100720Nta but this cope is actually laughable - somebody thinks it's cringy and attention seeking to endlessly talk about your abuse? Yes she must be a rapist or jealous that you were raped. Pure objective logic.Definitely not
triggered that your twauma narrative is the only thing that makes people pay attention to you so you've centered your whole identity around it.
No. 1100845
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>>1100830bitch would you eat a damn cinnamon roll and calm down, anon was RAPED for fuck sakes. what does that have to do with your armchair-fagging assumptions about a mental disorder?
No. 1100846
>>1100634You're talking about malingerers, anonette, which is a disorder per se.
Actual traumatized people are in clinic and can't even speak
No. 1100851
>>1100830It's not wholly true in all scenarios but it can be, people have different experiences.
>Nta but this cope is laughableThen shut the fuck up.
No. 1100853
>>1100832i do kind of get where they're coming from as someone who has that trauma. nobody wants to hear about horrible things happening to a child unless they're a sadist or a pedophile and you run the risk of
triggering other survivors putting it out in the open like that
No. 1100858
>>1100853nobody wants to hear about those horrible things because it makes them disgusted or could
trigger them. that anon though was saying nobody wants to hear them because they think it's "cringe" to talk about your CSA experiences.
No. 1100860
>>1100830>pure objective logicRiiiiight…
>>1100846tbf most of them don't dare to enter clinics because by doing so they'd have to report it, which scrotes like
>>1100634 think is all lying.
No. 1100866
you said makes sense, that other anon is acting like having actual trauma is embarrassing and an inconvenience to other people. If hearing about it makes you uncomfortable, why not just let the person know? They are comfortable enough with that person to share such a personal trauma. But the other person can't simply tell them it makes them feel uncomfortable, and would rather come to LC to complain about how this persons suffering is cringe and annoying to them. Well
>>1100830 &
>>1100634 why don't
you shut the fuck up and cope?
No. 1100871
>>1100634You definitely raped a kid and are seething and coping that you're about to be charged aren't you?
>>1100846>"can't even speak">assuming all trauma survivors can't speak and are helpless babiesStfu.
No. 1100873
>>1100858I don't mean cringe in the zoomer sense I mean like
>>1100853 said, it's unpleasant and uncomfortable to hear about, even if you're not
triggered yourself anyone with any empathy wants to avoid stories of child abuse (can't believe I have to clarify that but here we are)
To accuse anyone who doesn't want to hear it of being an abuser or jealous is irrational. As anon above said, abusers are probably the ones encouraging people to spill their guts about their horrible past on the internet instead of talking to a professional who could help them move on.
No. 1100875
>>1100866Absolutely this (sorry for samefag). Also sounds like
>>1100830 is one of those jealous types lmfao. Or just a scrote.
No. 1100878
>>1100877>they want to act like it doesn't exist so they can keep getting away with it.Abusers come in all shapes and sizes. Some abusers do this as you said, while some others do coax
victims to share their stories. Probably for the purpose of getting themselves off, or exposing the
victim's vulnerabilities so they can use that to their manipulative advantages etc.
No. 1100879
>>1100866>If hearing about it makes you uncomfortable, why not just let the person know? They are comfortable enough with that person to share such a personal traumaWhy is everyone acting like OP said nobody should ever talk about abuse? She specifically says
>endlesslyAnd that excludes deep one on one conversations where it's brought up naturally. To me endlessly talking about it means blogging about it Soren stylez on Twitter/tumblr/discord out of the blue.
No. 1100889
>>1100878I have no dog in this race but I do agree with this
>while some others do coax victims to share their storiesIt's hard for the average mind to think so viciously, but a lot of these sociopaths get off on their
victims being made to revisit their trauma, and basically re-live it if you will. They love to hear how their actions have impacted someone so profoundly and that they're such a major presence in that person's life that it is still talked and thought about even with time passed.
Secondly, abusers like it when their
victims who have "grey area" details and stories come out because other people will bring up doubt. In this way they become vindicated because outsiders (sometimes innocently) poke holes in the
victim's story and become blamed for what happened to them. The abuser doesn't have to do any of the legwork to invalidate the
victim's narrative because other people will do it for them. It's like hitting the jackpot if they abuse someone mentally ill, ugly, weak, or unliked.
No. 1101649
>>1099460Fetishes should never be normalised, and I'm so sick of people crying about kinkshaming or whatever word they come up with next. Some of it is straight up abuse.
One that genuinely scares me is ddlg and its variants. It's literally pedophilia with glitter drizzled on it, for scrotes who can't legally fuck children so they go for adults who act like children 24/7. It also says a lot that they pick trauma
victims who age regress to cope, or freshly turned 18 year olds.
No. 1101929
>>1100830See? I was right. She's jealous the
victim will get sympathy and attention.
No. 1101942
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>>1100634>>1100830Interesting. Is there a reason you did not mention abuse ptsd, but specifically csa?
No. 1101962
>>1099460>>1101649This probably belongs more on the kinkshaming thread but I will never understand people who can't comprehend the idea that fetishes that involve body waste are nasty.
There's a reason that normal people think they're disgusting, it's because they're bodily waste products that should be disposed of. It's a basic biological tactic. If you don't think they are, your brain is genuinely fucked up.
Fetishistic disorders and paraphilic disorders exist in the DSM and ICD, but either these creeps can't read or can't get their faces out of their obese partners' diapers.
No. 1101968
>>1101962Can't believe we have to explain this shit (pun perhaps intended) anymore.
>can't get their faces out of their obese partners' diapersThis made me chuckle. Though are you sure they're not just straight up eating them off?
>>1101964Happens to the best of us nonita
No. 1101987
>>1101962Retards who participate in prolapse, shit play, whatever and end up getting sick and fucking their bodies up because of it are just natural selection
It's not a naturally occurring fetish (outside of sniffing but that is just sniffing and not literal waste) it's always from porn. Imagine getting e coli for a fetish kek
No. 1102052
>>1102025I guess bacteria don't exist anymore…and neither will I because every time I hear about something like this I wanna fucking kms
>>1102027How do you even make yourself do it? It sounds like a lot of straight up traumatic injury.
No. 1115611
>>1101987 > prolapse, shit playI had an ex who hid it for 3 years, I spent the whole relationship thinking he was about as normal as a scrote can be sexually. Never requested weird shit, didn't appear to have the time to be watching porn. We had sex often and it was all good. Lived together, never felt anything off. For 2 years post break up I carried on still thinking he wasn't a degenerate. He was a cheat right at the end but apart from that lol. Being cheated on when you fuck daily is an extra level of insulting. Like what was the need?
I eventually went on sites that give you tips for snooping. Tbh I just wanted to see if him and that woman were still happily together because seeing an affair 'pay off' sucks as the partner left behind.. I ended up finding a whole load of extreme 'ass destruction' accounts that he ran. Gaping, anal prolapse, womb prolapse?? people left fecally incontinent. He has a porn sharing website, he has affiliate links for porn, a twitter account centred around it, he used message boards to brag about his gf taking two fists at once.. and him being on the receiving end too! There were clips of people shitting on horse sized dildos. Stuff I couldn't even bare to see for a second. Wide open people, bright red insides and some shit spinkled in here and there. Suddenly the appeal of this other woman made sense to me because she has an account where she's not active but somewhat participates. So this guy kept me in the dark all that time knowing I'm not down for any of that. Then he stumbled upon a similar flavor of degenerate where he can run porn sites with her blessing and brag about her gape online day in and day out. He's not sharing clips of her doing it but actual bottom of the barrel porn stars who accept a cheque to make these scenes. It doesn't take a genius to see that even women partaking in this are either doing it for cash or to please at the expense of their long term health.
As far as I can tell he didn't set up all those accounts til he was already with her but it's disturbing that he had those desires sitting dormant while living with me for years and then he rushed to set up an extensive catalogue of his fave prolapses online as soon as he was out the door. This is the guy I confided my own sexual trauma to. Finding that rabbithole has me questioning if you can ever relax and trust men when it comes to having genuine intimacy with you and them not just picturing sick shit throughout the normal sex acts you practice. Could be worse I guess, I could be risking pissing and shitting myself for a mans fetish or going elbow deep in his unprepped ass.
No. 1115665
>>1115611Jesus christ, anon. You're a very descriptive writer, I almost wish I hadn't read this
It's good that him and his poor, doomed asshole are out of your life
No. 1118505
>>1118338From experience, female autists are greatly empathetic and understanding. It's sad that it's just known for what unwashed moids with it do.
>>1118354Females are underdiagnosed with it because the criteria is based off males, so any female who gets diagnosed is lumped in with the scrotes.
No. 1118723
>>1118719>women being public danger.Sounds like scrotebait. How can a mentally ill woman do any damage, especially towards men? Read research about autisric males, they're literally more likely to be hypersexual rapists and literal proud pedos/zoophile/necrophiles.
>>1118698This. Parahphilias and porn addiction is very common with autistic men. They also pretend not to be able to understand when a woman turns down their advances so rape is common too.
No. 1118762
>>1118728>given what I saw myself I can tell you that even though they might not be the majority some female autists are public danger and should be locked up as much as most male autists should be.>female autists are public danger and should be locked up as much as most male autists should be.Her own words.
>>1118733Read above. While I agree they could be dangerous as kids, anon wanted autistic women to be locked up as adults, which I don't think is fair considering that they wouldn't ever pose as much danger as a male autist would.
No. 1118764
>>1118723>everyone who disagree with me is a scote!!1!Lol anyway. The reason why I said public danger is because the girl was way taller and bigger than everyone else in our class and would knock out classmate unprompted. I remember once when we were waiting outside our classroom after recess for the teacher to let us in and everyone was calm for once, and she just went to one of the shorter guy with no warning and for no apparent reason and beat his head against the wall until he passed out and an ambulance was called. That was the worst, usually she'd beat up people but not that badly. She never did anything to me and she liked me for some reason so at some point she invited me to her place and I saw that her parents were the granola vegan type who don't believe in modern medicine or some shit, which explained a lot. They thought paying a lot to make their autist child go to a catholic school so she could pray in the nearby chapel after classes every Wednesday afternoon would heal her and they took me aside and asked me to help her heal too. Really weird shit.
>>1118733>A severely autistic woman is usually too doped up to be an active threat to her caretakersAnd that would imply that she would be doped up in the first place.
No. 1118955
>>1118930Go back to Reddit or something retard.
>>1118936Sorry about that anonita. Glad to hear you found some treatment for it too.
No. 1119022
>>1119019It depends, people usually dismiss signs of autism in women and therefore discipline them if they act up because of it, men with autism are often sent straight to therapy, coddled and handed everything throughout life
People forgot that people on the spectrum/ mentally ill NEED to be disciplined a lot more through instead of just people blowing off their behaviors as "teehee they're just mentally ill", autistic girls are just treated as like they're just difficult children so they're a lot more tame
I do know a few autistic girls who've obviously had every single autistic whim handed to them and holy fuck God help them. I miss the days when people who were too mentally unstable to function were locked away in their own community
No. 1119542
>>1119007There really should be seperate terms to stop everyone being lumped into one category.. but they got rid of the term aspergers and now people are saying even 'high functioning' is an offensive term that hurts low functioning tists lol? I hate that all distinction is being erased out of fear of offending people.
It's a wide spectrum.. but you're not allowed tell anyone where you lay on that spectrum, just that you're on it. How progressive.
No. 1119649
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>>1119542honestly this all pisses me off, im on the spectrum but i have near no social issues, always had friends, etc im a little bit awkward and nerdy sure but some people just are yknow? At a handful points in life i was even part of the "popular" crew in college or school.
Near all my symptoms are "physical" so to speak, i have what is technically sensory processing disorder, but that's not a REAL diagnosis so i get slapped on the autism label and i have to deal with it because i need accomodation at work sometimes.
No. 1119687
>>1119678i meant social anxiety but even so, yeah, getting upset about stuff you can't control is narc shit,
nonny. you're smarter than a dog, right?
No. 1119730
>>1119579I fucking can't with the
covid hypochondriacs or old white people who think having medium rare steak will give them 5 different parasites, it's even funnier when they end up hurting themselves because of them being a hypochondriac. I know a guy whos constantly anxious about bladder issues and takes like 20 minutes to pee because of his anxiety, we are de-evolving as a species
No. 1120440
>>1120167The issue is that men are that much more inclined to lash outwards when they have any internal issue. If you are violent or
abusive then I'm not going to let you off because depression/alcoholism/tism/trauma etc. It's not a free pass to be controlling or a pervert and it doesn't mean you're owed an eternally patient super gf or for every female relative to drop everything and coddle you. 'Hurt men' who in turn hurt others (but have absolutely no empathy for their own
victims) make me sceptical of alot of their claims.
Even on here the relationship threads are full of suicide baiting
abusive bfs. Women who just want to dump them and move on but they stay for an extra year out of some feeling of duty to a grown man. They do nothing to get help, they milk their depression to get what they want so why would they change.
No. 1120614
I hate that we’re embracing autism now. We can’t even hate them and their fucking behavior without being slapped with the word “ableism”. Autistic people don’t need coddling, they need a fucking punch to the face sometimes. Human beings are social, even the most crazy ass hermit likes to socialize once in awhile, having a social deficit is not something to embrace especially when autists love to shoot up their schools, love ruining their families, killing people, raping their own mothers, it’s disgraceful. A lot of them act out because they know in their mind that their behavior is not even the slightest normal. Was I ever given a pass for being rightfully angry at one of those things? No, I had to always amend my words and be “patient and understanding” when the fuckers wanted to terrorize people. Some autistic people have terrible personalities or none at all, some are sociopathic. And by autistic people I mostly mean men, because women who claim to be autistic just because they don’t think they fulfill female gender roles enough aren’t and I seriously think autism just gives you the brain of a fucked up emotionally deficient man.
No. 1121753
>>1121741Samefag but I'm absolutely disgusted that the current mental health community is now supporting people with paraphilias. Like full on pedophilia and other nasty fetishes like body waste.
"Stop being ableist towards people with paraphilias!!1!" We'll see when they rape you and all the children in your family, shit and piss all over you, and then cannibalise your body. Then they display your remains everywhere and then say it's just their little kink uwu and that you're oh so kinkshaming!!1!
Fucking electric chair.
No. 1121773
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No. 1121863
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men/males/xy/ etc
No. 1121870
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>>1121847Frankly they should all be exterminated
No. 1125316
>>1125291It's because Munchies are a bit banal.
Dissociadid is still active tho lol
No. 1125434
>>1125366I think what anon meant was more what
>>1125376 is saying. It sounds logically plausible but nobody who actually has it has the energy and time to talk about it constantly and LARP it online. Also nobody there or here respects neopronouns kek.
No. 1125468
>>1125463Or a 12 year old kek.
>>1125466Yikes I'm so sorry about that nonita. Hope that scrote goes to hell if there is one. Have you tried lowering the amounts you indulge in the drugs little by little to avoid symptoms of withdrawal?
No. 1125492
>>1125484Sorry anon I keep writing typos and deleting my posts autistically lol
Everything is a
trigger in my mind honestly. Being aware that im an outsider or my medical problems or the guilt that i go through when i embarrass myself in front of people.. it ends up too much for me to handle you know?
>>1125486thanks anon, you're sweet. just your post is enough for me to remember next time I go for a drink honestly, hearing kind words like that really helps in a world of people who just want to 'fix you'
No. 1125886
>>1125751>My doctor thinks its my subconscious because literally nothing is happening when they come onTechnically isn't that the same with like, every other disorder? Sometimes they just happen and it's not really rationally explained by something external. It's just the whole aspect of anxiety itself that does this.
I dealt with my anxiety by constantly forcing myself to go on walks outside and it helped a little. Good luck though nona, that sounds so scary
No. 1125948
>>1125751I second
>>1125905, do lots of square breathing if you don’t already.
No. 1126275
>>1125381Cope better.
Remind that no one is forcing you to buy that shit. Addicts arent' welcome here.
If you were broke you would stop being an addict, is that simple. Find some other ways to cope with life, get a hobby.
No. 1127307
>>1126275Look at this edgy attempt at contrarian and reactionary attitude to stand out from the overt coddling addicts get in woke spaces.
>If you were broke you would stop being an addictAverage male IQ everybody.
No. 1131069
>>1130653>he molested me when we were kids>he would try to kill me and my younger siblings.Anonita I'm so sorry you had to deal with that.
>Autistic women are fine, I have several autistic female friends and none of them are like thisSameeee. The female autists I've met are all pretty nice, we could have lasting conversations and usually were extremely empathetic. What happened to the other gender I'll never understand.
No. 1131249
I have autism myself but I can't stand a lot of other autistic people, they are so exhausting to be around.
Sorry for blogposting but I never had a meltdown once, I was never violent to anybody and went through so much stupid shit, other kids humiliating me for funsies, being called manipulative for crying under stress (silently, mind you), Yet I still tried my hardest to be empathetic to neurotypicals even though they would never put in the same effort, I had to break down my entire logic and way of thinking to build a new one that was satisfying to others which made me mentally unstable. Even now I have to stand noisy and smelly people all day long without complaining.
But it seems like some others who are very often male just can't be assed with any kind of decency and think of themselves as too good for life. They grew up with enabling parents who always let them have their way and never disciplined them properly, so they are shameless and can't behave. Such little improvement was demanded from them that they became completely stupid, but their ego is still gigantic. You have to walk on eggshells constantly because they lose their temper over the most minor stuff. And the younger genderspecial girls who grew up with readily available ressources on autism are getting so entitled, acting as if not letting them stim 24/7 is oppression. They only care about themselves and being stupid hiki neets forever. Not doing weird shit all day long isn't as hard as they say it is. Autism isn't an excuse for everything. Thank god there are still decent autistic women here and there.
sage bc maybe this is more suited for the vent thread.
No. 1131250
>>1130437Same here,
nonny. My sister has it, too. She always expects people to empathise with her, but it's so difficult when she acts like a literal toddler in the body of an adult. Any minor disagreement will cause a full-on tantrum. So frustrating.
No. 1131342
>>1131249Same here. I got a late diagnosis not that long ago and I want to stay closeted about it. I just can't see the childish stroppy behaviours of other adult autists without feeling second hand embarrassment and shame. I'm talking about people who can do better and not more severe cases obviously.
I told very few people and lately I've had thoughts about how I wish I could take back anyone knowing. I don't want to be in any way linked to the people who spend their days living with their parents at 30, playing with toys and screaming about how hard life is cuz 'tism and nazis' or whatever boogeyman they think they're up against. I get that the sensory side sucks but this imagined victimhood is too much. People who've had the most allowances made for them.. are the same ones screaming bloody murder about how unfair the world is and how the whole of society needs to be hyperaware of autism at all times. No.
No. 1138956
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Psychotics and their supporters. How the fuck are you supposed to "validate" their feefees and not play along with their delusions that they're some demonic spirit from hell while you're a predator or some shit?
No. 1139992
I hate alcoholics and I hate how socially acceptable alcoholism is compared to other addictions and disorders. My mother was an alcoholic before she got pregnant with me, my father is one, my uncles are alcoholics and their wives too, which is why I've never been a fan of drinking alcohol. People assume that I must be a former alcoholic myself, because the idea of just not wanting to drink alcohol is too far-fetched in this alcohol obsessed society. Alcoholics are aggressive and pathetic, they will blame anyone and anything for them drinking alcohol. They expect their children to take care of them and to clean after their asses, but are unreliable whenever their children need them. They get health issues which they expect to be taken seriously, but quitting or even minimizing alcohol is out of the question. Alcoholic scrotes take up hospital beds and important resources, meanwhile sober women struggle to be taken seriously at all and will get sent home with "it's just anxiety", while really she had appendicitis. They keep sabotaging me or dropping me in very vulnerable moments, sometimes literally, because they cannot handle that I might rise above them because I don't start my day with hard liquor. Other times they suicidebait when I mention the fact that I might move far away and that it's not fair to them with how difficult I have supposedly been (citing stupid shit like how I cheated during Disney trivial pursuit when I was 7). I don't even know if they try to gaslight me or they have given themselves Korsakoff and genuinely forgot when I ask them about important shit. Even when I'm literally going through actual real not self-inflicted health problems, I'm expected to give a shit and empathize with the fact that they're alcoholic and "can't help it".
No. 1143282
>>1143246I agree that there's different tiers, I've met and been close to 2 women of a similar age with it and they were each displaying it very differently. One was nervous, lil paranoid, worried about her looks alot and her weight, overly polite and an overthinker in social situations. Very nice woman. Seemed to internally struggle quite a bit but didn't act out at others. The other woman was loud, rude and used her (admittedly very shocking) csa story to constantly explain away why rules just don't apply to her anywhere including at our college. She'd enter a room and have to tell everyone how bad her day was going. Made everyone uncomfortable and seemed to enjoy how acting dramatic made people too afraid to speak up to her. Couldn't compare the two at all. I do suspect that the quieter one was very hard to date though. I know her bf must've been the one seeing the other side of things. I saw hints of that. He was also older though so.. that's what old creeps get lol
Some may be fine to befriend but are too difficult to date. Some can keep it together in most settings and others display odd behaviours in all settings with no filter on it. I feel like I at least was left with a balanced view by meeting two who were so weirdly opposite.
No. 1155563
>>1149141No kidding, I once had a BPD freak come at me for breathing the wrong way. I don't even remember what we were talking about but I took a deep breath because we were inside on a humid day and he (yes I believe being a scrote made it worse) started asking why I felt the need to put him down and act dismissive about the point he was making. Because I
breathed. Even after trying to explain I was just hot and didn't think he said anything wrong for like half an hour the psycho was convinced I was against him and almost gaslit me into believing I was in the wrong too. I'm a stupidly polite person and it was incredible how he managed to twist even the kindest statements into these outlandish insults. I feel for you, I don't want to take the risk of having to deal with someone like that ever again.
No. 1155601
>>1149141One moment they laugh with you and the next you are the worst person on the world for them. My former roommate was like that.
Ironically, she hates narcs and bpd people because she thinks of herself as more of the
victim type and can't see her behavioural pattern is same.
No. 1158907
>>1158892Not this case though. She's kinda famous in the community for her crazyiness. Lying about her age, cheating on every man she ever had, spreading rumors about other women, icluding me to make herself seem better. I was a virgin when i started dating him and she managed to spread a rumor i fucked the whole community. One of our mutual friends told her about her
abusive family and suddenly everybody knew about it and the exe's crew made fun of the friend for it. I could go on a and on, moid's really innocent in this. He's just glad he broke things off. Don't you think i'd know if he was
abusive? He's a dumbass but not an abuser. I'm on the women's sice 99% of time but in this case i'm glad to be far far away from this one.
>>1158902She tried to spread a rumor i was a whore after the first day we met. She hugged me, took pictures with me and was friendly, but the day after she texted this nonsence to everyone. I tried to give her a chance there because i already knew about some of the things she was doing, but she proved to be crazy right away.
No. 1158910
>>1158907Wtf? Why were you or your friends still talking to her after all of this? Cut her and her friends out asap. Make your bf do so too.
I've been called a whore in the same fashion, kek. Some women are weird.
No. 1160946
>>1158834Trying to erase "Aspergers" as a term only hurts those that are on the high-functioning end and does nothing for those on the mentally retarded end. Non-verbal, agressive spergs still aren't employable even if you just start treating all autistic people as one clump of "otherness". No one will want to say they're autistic when people will associate them with violent manchildren.
Also as you say, the two average-intelligence autistic men I know have really detailed, encyclopedic knowledge on their niche interest, listing off all the contributors off the credits of their favorite childhood game. But one of them needs constant surveillance on any work because he doesn't understand complex tasks, and the other one knows absolutely nothing outside of his games. While the female autists I have met (autism or autistic traits aren't uncommon in our field) are usually into literature, not video games, and are generally knowledgeable.
No. 1161070
>>1160991So much this. It's not people that are "wrong" for work, it's working conditions that are wrong for people.
How did anyone get convinced otherwise?
No. 1161215
>>1161106>are under the intelligence level where they can work without constant supervisionI went to school with an autistic boy at a time that was not recognized as a disability, in a communist country. The teacher told us to be gentle with him and protect him because he's vulnerable, nothing else. We were all good little commies and we took good care of him as it was expected to be community oriented.
He went on to practice sports, focused on tennis, and now owns a tennis school and is a fantastic and popular trainer. He's happy, he's successful, he's fulfilled. And he never felt wrong.
Intelligence level my ass. It means nothing.
No. 1161253
>>1161235Completely missing the point.
It's not about what your department needs, it's about what people need.
What a "department" needs is to make profit. What people need is to live happy fulfilled lives.
Which do you prioritize?
People should not be stigmatized for not being able to be part of the horrible exploitative work environment. Like an anon said, that environment is bad for most people, disabled or not.
We should be stigmatizing bad environments, not people. Call workplaces disordered. Hell, we should think of types of disordered workplaces to classify. Then we can better know what to avoid and improve.
No. 1161392
>>1161253I'm not talking about work culture, "hustle culture" or even just office environments, kek. I'm talking about a man that literally lacks the cognitive abilities to comprehend what needs to be done or solve problems he causes. It's not a high stress job. If everyone worked at the pace they're most comfortable with and take as many breaks as they want and be able to be as creative as they want… he'd still just be extra work for everyone else, as long as he stays here. I'm sure he could do something he'd be good at, but we're forced to pretend he's just as capable of doing this job as the others, which is just false. And not because of sensory or anxiety issues, but because he really is just that dumb and unable to change.
I'm all for more reasonable work conditions and liveable social planning.
No. 1161544
>>1161392There is nothing wrong with that man except being at the wrong place. And that place I bet is not ideal for any of the rest of you.
Think about what you're caping for. Your job is not the be all and end all of things. This man, you, we all have only one life.
It shouldn't be in service of the market. We are no more than slaves then.
No. 1202451
>>1201902Concur with most of what youre saying but as someone with a mood disorder (bipolar) it is most definitely not a matter of "just sit down and count to 10" for any of us who actually meet the diagnostic criteria lol. That is quite literally like telling a schizophrenic who's having a psychotic episode to sit down and count to 10. Something is physically wrong with our brains and while some symptoms can be improved via coping mechanisms, we aren't being drama queens when we explain that certain behaviors are virtually uncontrollable (particularly when unmedicated).
But like I said I agree with most of what you said. The average person who seeks mental health treatment doesn't need to be put on a hundred thousand heavy duty psychiatric meds as a first line of treatment, they need to be taught healthy coping skills as you said.
No. 1202472
>>1202451It's funny because I'm schizophrenic and I know how bad psychotic episodes can be and I actually went to the ER some times during my diagnostic period but my therapist suggested me in a sort of pavlov-way how to cope even with those. Sure I was put on antipsychotics too and they helped but I was forced to go some therapy way. For example, I used to see people and spider like creatures sprinting after me, my therapist suggested to take pictures or have someone with me and let me be guided by their emotions if I saw something. I used to not get out because I was afraid people were gonna to chop my arms off, my therapist suggested to first get out the door, find something nice, then the house, looking at something nice, then once in the street being focused on something like the grocery list. I'm making it simple and I might not be corrected while phrasing because I'm not a native speaker and yes, this took some years, but yeah, people don't even want to make this effort. They just expect their
medication uwu to work and that's it.
After years of this treatment I think in my head "yeah that's shit but I have stuff to do to stay alive and nothing that I saw hurt me ever." I still have voices but at least they don't make me have a mini heart attack.
No. 1202520
>>1201902This and also changing your habits and improving living conditions can do wonders for mental health, literally. You'll have people (zoomers especially) crying and struggling with depression and anxiety while they refuse to stop looking at social media 24/7 and binge coffees to stay up at night playing videogames in the dark. You'll have people feeling like shit and blaming it on some mental issue (and doctors do this too at times) while they eat junk food and sugar evey day and don't excercise.
Our habits have a huge impact on mental health. They're not what cause them, but they sure don't make it better if they're crap. There are studies showing that daily walks and contact with nature can help with psychosis ffs.
No. 1210199
>>1202514If you have trouble staying present you can use an earbud in one ear. The two different audios going one in each ear helps reset your brains focus ( I forget why) it helps me. When I start to get
triggered into flashbacks and panic attacks I focus on naming all the streets I lived on as a kid. Just repeating them over and over. Is there something you can focus on like a mantra to help you focus?
Keep your stress low if possible. PTSD and Stress can be more difficult. There’s EDM tapping I’ve tried it. Had a little success here there, but some women swear by it.
Panic attack breathing is in for 5, hold for two, breathe out for seven.
Are you in situations that are aggravating it? I have specific
triggers related to my abuse that I’ve had to work through in desensitization therapy.
No. 1224958
>>1220015>I’d still take someone with BPD over Bipolar thoughsame. my neighbor has bipolar and it's a lot to deal with. I became her confidante and at first it was fine, but I've started to dread interacting with her. I never know if she's calling me because she wants help with errands or to grab dinner, or if she's having a crisis and needs someone to vent to about how she's 50 and thinks suicide is her definite end game. it's depressing and makes me worry for my own future (I'm not bipolar but it's still discouraging to see her like that). I haven't even seen her manic before
then again I've never met a bpd that didn't internalize everything. maybe if i had experience with an
abusive one I'd think differently
No. 1224978
>>1224960yes my neighbor is diagnosed bipolar and I know it's factual (can't explain how I know without revealing my cringe) and the bpds were also diagnosed, unless they were lying and self-diagnosed themselves. I don't like to armchair diagnose people, it's so embarrassing to see people call every lolcow bpd or npd, like girl you're on a gossip website you aee not a psychiatrist
shitty npds are pretty easy to spot though. I won't definitively say someone has npd (i'll just call them narcisstic instead) but there have been points where I would have bet money that if they tried to get help (the shitty ones don't and if they do they wouldn't admit to having npd) that they'd be diagnosed.
No. 1224983
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narcissism is the new psychopathy. these people are laughable from a distance, and some traits are funny when they aren't close, but every time they are, they start abusing. they suck the soul out of everything nice, and then claim it as their own invention. everytime i told an idea around a narcissist, they stole it and took credit for it, without any remorse. i have to say sometimes even psychopaths are better than narcissists. aspd and psychopathic people usually tend to mind their own business, be into self improvement, or seek thrills on their own accord. but a narcissist needs supply. they can't even show consistent charm because they get too emotional from their intense enviousness. they think a person minding their own business, being awkward and shy, is the best supply, but when that person won't be their bitch, they make them their enemy. i had this coworker who got offended at my exhaustion. she convinced herself i hated her. i was just too tired to fake laugh at her unfunny joke and make small talk. she then fucking made it her mission to try and ruin me from gossip to messing with my food. absolutely insane in the worst way. and it was obvious she was a narc, from her social climbing, attempts at fame and trying to become a spokesperson after her abusive behaviour caught up with her. she started spreading how poor, poor her actually had an eating disorder. narcissists are easy to identify because social media encourages them. if you find that someone is dissatisfied with their views, likes and follower count and they are not owning a business or making anything really, that can be the first red flag. the second is them loving gossip too much. males are easier to avoid because they are annoying to be around and show antisocial traits, like bringing up sensitive and triggering topics on purpose to leach people's emotions. i haven't been in a relationship with one because my family already showed me what they are like, and that was enough of a warning to keep even suspected narcissists far from me. narcissistic abuse will make you completely lose yourself. there was some study on gaslighting resulting in decreased intelligence in the victims. i wish people posted before and after photos of dating a narcissist, because those images should be enough to give this disorder the reputation it deserves. i like people with confidence and it is okay to have insecurities but if i sense a predatory victim complex from an attention seeker i would rather spare myself from further interacting with them.
No. 1225007
>>1218504Sorry anon, I have had not one but TWO bpd people claim me as their favorite person (one in high school and one when I was in my mid 20s). Yes, both officially diagnosed so not armchairing. They both started out seeming like the ideal friend. They can do that by sensing what you would like to see in a persona and becoming that – since they have no sense of self. Then they completely destroy you with drama, selfishness, lies, and the manipulation that relies on your innate sense of empathy. Then they can blame their behavior on their mental illness so there is never any accountability – your bad feelings are all your fault.
And boyyyy howdy, do I have stories. I didn't text the one friend back for 12 hours because I HAD THE FLU and she came to my house and broke all my dishes on my front lawn. Then tried to act like it was a reasonable reaction to being "ghosted."
No. 1225050
>>1225035I've been criticized for giving npd (and bpd) "sufferers" a bad name by simply telling the true story of how a couple bpd friends and one npd boyfriend acted in real life. The things they said and did, that's all. It's like they don't want the secret of their 100% inevitable blowups to be leaked to the public. They feel uncomfortable when potential
victims, and "fp's" might be able to see it coming and protect themselves.
No. 1225067
>>1224960They were formally diagnosed. The first was my own father. Who was comorbided. Then had two ex gfs that were formally diagnosed bipolar. One before we dated. One after. Then a male friend I had after like four years got diagnosed with BPD. Finally was a random women I was befriending who disclosed when we first started talking(I could already tell and chose to gently step away).
I tend to be too patient and I accept people as they are so I tend to attract and spend a lot of time with people who don’t fit in with others.
Sidenote I’ve only met one person with NPD and he was a failed narcissist so I don’t think he’s a good example of typical NPD. It’s not my job to diagnosis people.
No. 1225071
>>1225035What’s funny is that is how I got ex narcissist to admit he was diagnosed. Another
abusive narc od (he slammed my pregnant roommates head into a car door) and I said something about his diagnosis and npd and that he deserved it and my ex flew off the handle capping for narcissists. 20 minutes later home boy had been diagnosed by three different psychs with npd himself. I was too young to see it in advanced, but I definitely can now.
No. 1225081
>>1225050yeah. obligatory "not all of them are bad people" but if you're supposedly not one of the shitty ones why are you taking offense?
>>1225071this is exactly what I'm talking about. who cares about what the pregnant lady went through, you hurt my feelings by implying that a shitty person with npd was shitty because of their npd
No. 1225101
>>1225081Yeah I still have no sympathy, but this particular ex had all kinds of fucked up morals to go with the NPD. He would pay all his mother’s bills for example but would never answer her calls even when family members she was very close to died and she had no one else because her emotions were and I quote “just tiring and annoying”. Fuck head her sister died after months of taking care of her. Call your poor mother so she doesn’t have to be comforted by my piss poor broken Spanish.
Or he was vegan but screamed at me an assault
victim who asked him not to describe AI as rape in graphic detail. Fun times that one.
The thing about not all of them being bad is true, but does that need to be said. It’s not my job to validate others and I’m not judging everyone with one brush. Even if I was no one is entitled to my time or attention or affection.
No. 1225109
>>1225067Sorry for incoming sperg. I think there should be more subtypes of narcissism because it comes in all sorts of flavors. I know covert and overt are a thing. I have a few covert NPD traits that worry me at times. More NPD awareness is good for
victims to grieve, but it's so complex now it's hard to identify what a narc even is. You still have the stereotype of them thinking they're hot shit, obnoxious and pompous. The ones bred by social media validation. I think some fall into that category without the malicious manipulation parts but come with plenty entitlement.
Then you have the more ASPD type of narcs, the ones that truly hate themselves and try to control others.
And then I've noticed people who might fall into the covert or failed category who never admit they are wrong and may even reverse it and claim they have been
victims of narc abuse. Which tbh is how NPD starts, but I also think some weaponize the narcissism scare to their own benefit to deflect their own shitty behavior. I dunno, everyone throws the word narc around now and it's hard to really know for sure other than outright abuse and gaslighting. I wonder if narc traits are more common these days
No. 1225114
>>1225109I agree. There’s also a lot of blending and overshadowing of what NPD actually is.
I can explain my understanding of a failed narcissist. It comes from a narc who can’t establish a validation chain for an extended period of time. They burn all their bridges. Chase everyone out and are no longer getting the support and validation they need to continue to function so the fucking wheels come off. Because they’re caught in a catch 22. They can’t do to the pride and ego hate themselves but they also know deep down it’s their fault. So they just spiral out and self destruct.
No. 1243610
>>1243605NTA but from the post it doesn't sound like the friend is aware of her
toxic behaviours at all and definitely doesn't seem like a person capable of taking a high road, in which case, if
>>1243581 is done coddling her, she is the one that has to walk away, it doesn't have anything to do with "BPD blaming others"
No. 1243616
>>1243610What is it with BPD and people coddling the disorder with all they got? With every other personality disorder it goes without saying that it's on the mentally ill person for abusing the people in their lives with no remorse but for some reason BPDs are seen as eternal
victims unable to be held responsible for their actions. Most of them tend to be charming and normal people for at least some of the time, which is why the anons here even associate with them or consider them friends, but turn into a Mr. Hyde monster in seconds to trample over everything on their way so it's not like they're fully mentally impaired like most schizophrenia patients for example. Blaming the
victims for "just not taking the high road" when they've been manipulated and groomed into feeling immense amounts of guilt for potentially causing their friend to kill themselves is ridiculous and just like any other
toxic people BPDs should be the ones to have the finger pointed at.
No. 1243621
>>1243616There's no coddling anon, bpd friend is a shitty,
toxic person, but just as anons would advise op to break up with a
toxic boyfriend in a relationship thread, same here she should end the friendship she hates; yes, she is a
victim of a
toxic behavior but saying she should walk away is not
victim blaming or excusing bpd
No. 1243742
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Cluster B. I know this bitch who meets all the criteria for BPD and HPD and she never ever shuts the fuck up. I’ve got pretty sensitive hearing and being around her literally gives me a headache. I’ve been in the pub with her before and made friendly, knowing eye contact with strangers who were shooting her dirty looks because she’s so fucking LOUD. If it’s been a minute since she last fed on attention she’ll start some drama by crying about nothing or throwing a massive strop and storming off. She’s always right about everything, obviously, and she’ll lecture you for hours about it.
She dresses like a whore and clumsily flirts nonstop with my longterm Nigel but god forbid I even talk to her longterm on/off romantic victim about the weather. Two years ago she planned a surprise birthday party for my nigel and didn’t cut me in on it. So obviously none of our shared friends were there & it really hurt some of their feelings. It wasn’t even a good party! She’s currently planning a group trip to a romantic destination she knows he wants to go to… and it coincidentally just happens to fall across Valentine’s Day. Last year she tried to plan another birthday event for him (she wanted to take him camping so they could use the astrophotography kit I bought him… without me) and I found out about it and was like lol no sorry, I’ve already started planning a festival for all of us. I cut her in on those plans to be nice and obviously she had to secretly do some extra surprise shit so she’d come out on top. I could go on. It’s been nonstop for four years.
She’s petty, jealous, fake and mean. We were friends for a minute before she split on me over a tiny misunderstanding and she’s been a total bitch to me ever since. She’s mid 30s and showing absolutely no signs of growing up. I’ll literally catch her glaring at me when I’m holding hands with him, or pretending to be sick when we’re kissing. It’s fucking pathetic.
I’m done with it. If she doesn’t cool it with the psycho bunnyboiler shit I’m gonna have to knock her out and it’s gonna get real awkward real fast. Just tone it down, you mad bitch.
No. 1244727
>>1243742>Two years ago she planned a surprise birthday party for my nigel and didn’t cut me in on it. So obviously none of our shared friends were there & it really hurt some of their feelings. It wasn’t even a good party!Are you implying that your scrote attended the party?
Also why does he keep talking to her if she keeps "clumsily" hitting on her?
It sounds like the problem is the scrote you chose to associate with, stop projecting his shitty behaviour on that woman
>I’m done with it.I hope you're talking about your pathetic moid
No. 1244743
Men don't get to act "clueless" about this shit
No. 1244976
>>1243742nonnie she sound like a cow but
>>1244727 is absolutely right too
No. 1245020
Samefagging but I read this
>>1244727 and I'm %99 sure your scrote is cheating and you're coping by diagnosing the mistress with different evil illnesses while forgiving your scrote even though he doesn't even respect you enough to hide his interest in other women. If he cared about you in the slightest he'd have cut away women that flirt with him.
No. 1245206
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self-diagnosed npdfags are so annoying and should neck themselves immediately if they post whiny self-victimizing shit like this (I say self-diagnosed because I don't think any "real" npdfags would ever admit to it)
No. 1245897
>>1245017>Diagnosing people you dislike with three disorders that can't co-exist I'm not trying to diagnose her. This thread is about being annoyed by disordered behaviour & her behaviour is consistent with DSM diagnostic criteria so I thought it would be okay shorthand to say she meets it. i guess that’s just armchairing in disguise though so thanks for calling me on it. What was the third though? I only said BPD/HPD
>writing paragraphs about themyou’re right, I should have been more concise
>way more unhinged than an average cluster B you're probably as mentalyeah fair. At least I contain it to here though kek
>>1245018my bad, guess I misused the term. I thought it would come off as tongue-in-cheek self-deprecation sorry
>>1245020I do see how it looks from the outside & tbh I fucked up by rageposting about boyfriend stuff while failing to mention any of the other way crazier shit she’s pulled on me and on others. Their whole group dynamic is bizarre.
I get why I’m being roasted & maybe you’re all right. The situation is a lot more complex than that one post though.
>>1245206oh naming narc abuse hurts narcs? a classic, repackaged
No. 1269854
>>1269829Idk anon I'm glad you can laugh and heal from them but in my experience I can barely laugh just because they still, somehow, get away with things. It just makes me angry. Pathetic, but still angry that they get the upper hand.
It's terrifying when you are the only one who calls them out and they completely go insane that you damaged their egos an will stop at anything to ruin you in retaliation. Meanwhile the people closest to them that are somehow still under their spell see you as the problem and cannot recognize it, so they turn on you too. Thankful for people who do recognize it but fuck is it hard when they have so many people still roped in.
No. 1269880
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>>1269854it's actually a very bitter "if i don't laugh i'll cry" response. they make me really angry if I think about it too much. picrel is me realizing my worldview has been fundamentally changed forever and there's nothing I can do about it except go to therapy and have nightmares for the next x year(s) of my life
No. 1270485
>>1269854My mom, her sister, and my cousin are malignant narcissists and it’s unbelievable how much evil shit they got away with. they turned everyone in my family against me, and now when I explain what happened to them they don’t really seem to care because they’ve been brainwashed and trained by the narcissists. I feel so bitter about all of it, especially because of how young I was when they started scapegoating me, and the fact that they singled me out because I was already traumatized and they knew I would be the easiest
victim to torture. Narcissists are subhuman
No. 1271243
>>1271230>Dramatic people should be put down.Damn
nonnie that's a bit… dramatic lol
No. 1271416
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>>1245206>that bio, pinned post and button to give a tip combined with self-diagnosing one of the currently trendy personality disordersEvery time
No. 1277160
>>1245206im late i know but they really don't know the difference, do they? depression/anxiety/ocd aren't disorders of the personality that openly damage others because of an ego. narcissism is
>>1272064average troon kek
No. 1277167
>>1277160Samefag but does anyone here have or have had what some call "narcissistic fleas"? It's practically impossible to not exhibit a few traits of your abuser or the whole "if you can't beat them, join them" coping mechanism that your brain develops unconsciously. I recognised my behaviour was hurtful and I've grown out of it for a year or two thankfully.
It seems like a lot of these self-diagnosed NPDs online have this and it's almost sad if they weren't so dicksucking about it.
No. 1288930
>>1288922in what way is severe restlessness not what I described agitation in a medical context as being.
It's not just getting a bit more pissed off whilst functioning otherwise normally.
Have you actually seen anyone who is agitated due to something like serotonin syndrome, they aren't living normal lives but just more angrier than normal.
Serotonin syndrome also is an acute condition, these are short term mental status changes ffs not someone noticing they are angrier since they started a new medication a few weeks ago.
No. 1288948
>>1288930Ok, I'm going to dump some food for thought and then go to sleep because you're being aggressive as fuck.
Most people's diets vary, physiology is generally driven by various states with a goal of homeostasis but can still be RNG. t
The medication might be affected by proxy of food intake, nutrients absorbed/depleted, the mood board of your fucking microbiome, whatever. Something you tolerated well before could suddenly start causing problems. If someone is on multiple medications that can have direct or roundabout effects on serotonin, or potentiate each other in any way, it's reasonable to assume that when that patient starts to feel aggresion/irritability/agitation that these medications are not working the way that they're generally expected to for them. It may not be at levels of serotonin syndrome, but might be a sign that someone is getting close to
toxic levels and they resolve again with x event.
No. 1289152
>>1288948…so you agree it's not fucking serotonin syndrome
I'm not saying there's no issues with being on a combo of psych meds that can interact, or that you shouldn't talk to your doctor about new onset rage issues after changing medication but come on it's clearly not serotonin syndrome.
I'm scottish , I like to fucking swear and come across abrupt, it's my birth right.
No. 1298152
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ugggh so i'm responsible for managing the team at my workplace and we just hired a bunch of new people and one of them (who seemed FINE during the entire interview process jfc) came into my office on Day One to ask for "accommodations for her disability at work"
her "disability"? fucking BPD! (sorry, "C-PTSD"… TOTALLY different, 100%, not at all a cope for people who can't handle acknowledging how their dysfunction hurts other people)
thankfully i'm not HR so as her supervisor i'm not actually ALLOWED to handle that request, just put her in contact with the people that do, but what in the everloving fuck does an accommodation for BPD look like working retail?
is she going to ask for a badge that says "don't hold me responsible for any of my behavior or actions because my therapist says otherwise"?
does she get a free pass to go apeshit on her coworkers for not reading her mind (as she ALREADY did on Day One because she got mad someone was showing her how to do something (ON, AGAIN, HER VERY FIRST DAY) that she apparently already knew how to do? The fact that she wasn't even there 8 hours before I already had to do a debrief with the person she lashed out at to let him know he didn't do anything wrong by trying to help the new person? Spare me.
of course too she was oversharing the entire time she was in this meeting with me (despite me saying "I don't need to know anything about your accommodation request" – bpd-fags really think everyone else is just as interested in them as they are, don't they?)
she kept going on about how something "really bad" happened to her (didn't ask, please shut up) and that she's done a lot of "amazing healing work"… bitch where? because all i see is an open wound stumbling around and getting blood all over the fucking shop and team that I'm responsible for… on DAY ONE?
also hate the bpd-fag belief that they are the ONLY ones in the world that have EVER experienced trauma… never mind the possibility that some of us actually own our shit and work on coping within ourselves to move past the past rather than just lashing out at everyone around us and using a diagnosis to deflect owning our actions?
my head is like spinning trying to figure out what red flags i missed (if any) during her interview… most embarrassing part by far is that this bitch is older than me by a good 15+ years and is acting like this… here i was thinking it would be good for our (kinda young) team to have an older coworker to look up to. boy, i couldn't have been more fucking wrong on that one, could i?
here's hoping she fucks up severely enough before her 3 months' probation is up/before she has a chance to rip our entire team apart with her shitty overreactions and confrontational behavior, because otherwise my job is about to get a lot harder. pray 4 me farmers
No. 1298158
>>1298152sage bc samefag but i forgot to mention that after she blew up at her coworker for showing her how to do something she already apparently understood… she came to ME and asked if I could make sure she didn't have to work any shifts with him moving forward since she doesn't like his "aggressive energy". because he tried to help her on her first day at work.
imagine being in your 40s and thinking this was how a workplace (or an adult, for that matter) functions
No. 1298174
>>1298169lmao sorry to disappoint but no. notice i'm the one responsible for fixing these problems and not the one causing them?
when you seek out help for your damage rather than letting it fester you can develop into a functioning adult. some of us know that first-hand.
No. 1298204
entire BPD criteria is just baseline behavior for men
No. 1304345
spoiler for dark thoughts, hopelessness.
I feel like I have been making positive steps towards getting out of a depressive state, but looking back these past two years it doesn't feel like I've been struggling less: I feel like my despair has gotten stronger. It doesn't correlate because I have been doing things that should be good steps towards getting out of the tar. I moved to a new place because I'm going back to school; I should be happier because I wanted to do higher education but I feel empty. I cleaned my new place almost literally top to bottom and keep it clean, but now that I don't have my deep cleaning obsession to keep me going I'm empty again. I have been exercising, especially going running whenever I feel like my anxiety overwhelms me, but even though in the moment feels good the heaviness returns after a short while. Everything I do to correct my tendency to succumb to my dark thoughts feels punishing. But then I get angry at myself when I indulge in time-wasting things when I should be productive. I know I should do those things longer than a couple of months to see results but… I've been 'functional' for so long and it has yielded me minimal results. It's like I'm walking up stairs while two ball chains swing at my ankles. Being 'bad' and vegetating feels too good not to indulge in sometimes.
I don't wanna live. More specifically, I don't want to live as me, as this perpetually sad person who has to put in so much effort just to do what is right or necessary. I won't kill myself because my parents love me and doing that would destroy them, so I'll go on. But it tortures me that my parents are such good people and they have me as a daughter, who always has these melancholic problems, anxieties, and disappoints. They're normal, good people who should have a better kid and not deal with how hard I am. They say I am not, but I feel like a disappointment. I don't even wanna tell them how much I'm struggling right now because I don't want to cause them more pain and worries than I already have.
I haven't been sleeping well either which is even more of a blow because now I can't escape anymore. I wake up mad to be awake and tired to have to go on another day. Existence is hard but I don't see an out of it without hurting others. And I'm scared. I want things to stop.
No. 1334161
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Shit like this makes me livid. I had my heavy dose of depression too and if I had disposable brushes (what a waste, zoomers are obsessed with sustainability and then do shit like this), teeth wipes (ew) and a mouthwash on the night stand, I would've killed myself by now.
Self indulgence never helped anyone and implying that depression is
valid uwu by telling people they can literally rot in bed all day is not doing favours.
Get up, brush ur teeth and wash ur ass, you stink. People on tiktok that give you tips on how fully bathe (kek) in your illness don't love you and if you romanticize/humour this kind of stuff instead of addressing it as a problem, you need a different diagnosis for attention whoring. No. 1334256
>>1334229This is how it will end up: moldy tooth wipes and disposable shit piling up everywhere. It's like shitting in a diaper and then tossing it in a corner since if you can't get out of bed you sure can't be bothered to throw things out.
If people can get up to piss and shit, they can get up to rinse their mouth in the sink. Depressed people need motivation, not tips to feel even more miserable in bed.
No. 1334680
>>1334161It’s just harm reduction. Yeah depressed people stink and they don’t care because depression makes you stop giving a shit. You’re not going to die from not showering but not brushing your teeth will cause lifelong issues that are extremely painful. Issues that will last much longer than the depression does.
>>1334229This is a good point though. Plus it’s not like three (3) wasteful things is actually easier than just using a dry toothbrush or a paper towel.
No. 1334717
>>1334602Nonner, you're in a thread where people shit talk disorder. Criticize borderlines no one care, criticize depressed people everybody mad.
>>1334680Exactly, letting your teeth rot and decay is very dangerous and will lead to a fuckload of infections and will cost a ton to fix, especially if you're very young. These zoomers on tiktok not getting this is so stupid, since they're talking about depression as if it is a curse and not something you can get help for.
No. 1335700
>>1334161This is literally fucking insane, yikes. You know most of the people using depression to literally rot in their own shit are moids. Yas queen let's normalize men not doing the bare minimal effort to have minimum hygiene like a few centuries ago, let's cuddle them poor babies uwu then wonder why men are lazier and most misogynist now than they've been in fucking decades.
>>1334602Go wash your goddamn ass, the only one who literally thinks like a scrote itt is you.
No. 1335708
>>1304345This is a month old but anon you sound like a good person who is in a down spot. Don't give up, it's hard to adjust when you start living in your own but the only thing that doesn't change is that things are always changing and the weird sensation will go away. You are in a good path and it will definitely change things are you are being active, you just have to have patience by now.
If you read this i think you should get a pet, it will definitely keep you company and help take your mind off the shitty sensation and help get you through the change. I'll pray for you and your success.
No. 1344466
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I recently found this repulsive sob story article about a male autist who got caught with CP and it really shows how much coddling autistic moids receive. I don't know how anyone can actually think an adult male doesn't know child porn is bad and believe his excuse that he found it by clicking on online ads.
The authors are actually calling for not placing autist sex criminals on sex offender registries too. I hate depraved autistic males and their sycophants so much it's unreal. No. 1344479
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>>1344466>For autistic people who find themselves facing a criminal charge, understanding how the features of autism may have contributed to their behaviour can be vital context for their defence. In this insightful book, Nick Dubin explores how and why autistic people get caught up in the criminal justice system. He delves into what steps can be taken to prevent autistic people committing crimes and what should be done to ensure their fair and appropriate treatment if they are charged with a crime. It covers everything from prevention to the aftermath of sentencing, including available counselling and therapy.
>Nick’s personal experience and meticulous research shows that criminal justice can be an oppressive system that misunderstands and stigmatizes autistic people, especially low-risk individuals and those with less criminal responsibility.This pedo actually wrote a book about autists being oppwessed by the criminal justice system. What a reprehensible human being.
No. 1344487
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>>1344466fucking retarded pedo
No. 1352672
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>>1352669can't help but share.
No. 1356865
I finished the same undergradute program with an autistic guy, now we work at the same institution (even though I work a role in our field and he's basically warehouse worker, so we don't meet). I still haven't deleted or unfollowed his Facebook since I want to know if he posts something about me without my consent or just anything about our workplace (he had problems like that with other women during our school years). His special interest for some reason was always family-planning, and I mean the whole thing from like pregnancy to preparing to be a parent, he took multiple online courses, invaded female groups, wrote creepy poetry he shares with everyone, even handed his poetry over to women's shelters' workers when they came to hold a lecture on our campus. He's so fucking invasive and since he's autistic, he has no idea most of the time, and people usually are scared to remove him, since somehow his paretns did manage to discipline all sexuality out of him. Even though he's so fucking interested in childbirth, I'm not even sure he actually know "how babby is formed". I'm so glad I don't have to see him daily anymore.
No. 1361728
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I don't even think Psychopathy/ASPD manifests itself in the glib salesman, motivated, career orientated moid that much anymore with Gen Z. I think they're basically all becoming shut in welfare NEETs that watch porn and browse 4chan all day.
The second most common correlation with internet addiction disorder is an anti-social personality (the first is depression of course). Realizing this really took away a lot of my empathy for these types of shut-ins. They're not all insecure, half of them are just porn addicted parasites.
No. 1365743
>>1352672Is that Todd?
>>1344466ew, not an excuse. I hate how autism gets scapegoated like this. Will agree that the autistic women I've met have all been really chill by comparison
No. 1366288
>>1365723I wish that were true, but my sister with BPD falsely accused me (her sister) of longterm sexual and physical abuse because my leaving for college
triggered her sense of abandonment and she split on me. I ended up getting kicked out my house, had to drop out of school due to depression, and eventually was taken to court where luckily the state saw she was full of shit. (she suddenly had "new memories" when the proceedings started.) She activity attempted to separate me from any friends or support systems I had and complained to my parents that I hadn't suffered any consequences because I was barely able to keep my life together. She and others like her are very broken people, but cluster B's and other personality disorders unfortunately do not get better/worse depending on gender.
No. 1366571
>>1366288jeez, sorry to hear that. yeah i meant more in a general consensus they're less likely to cause damage than moids, but of course bpdchans in general are quite unhinged.
No. 1367668
>>1366977It's also a way to get everyone to tiptoe on eggshells around them. You can't do anything because it'll
trigger their angzayetee and then they'll get mad at you. Your
triggers are your own responsibility.
No. 1368093
>>1367668So few people seem to get this. Unless you have some very rare and specific
triggers, you are going to encounter them throughout your life. The point isn't to constantly avoid them and screech about
trigger warnings and shit, the point is to learn how to handle yourself when exposed. Every person I've met with anxiety are the most coddled and obnoxious people ever.
No. 1368346
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>>1365743His favorite film was actually Song of the South. He hand drew a massive poster of it and hung it up on his dorm room door. I'm assuming fox and the hound was a close second. Here's some more milky art of his, rabbit cop fursona.
No. 1399759
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>>1399270kek, my bipolar ex gf did the exact same shit and it got so bad i had to break up with her.
spoilered is… im also diagnosed bipolar of many years thats why i knew she was full of shit and that she could do better No. 1401830
>>1373079I dated a BPD moid once and the psychological abuse he put me through was worse than anything I've ever endured in my life. I don't fuck with BPD girls anymore, because they're also
toxic barrels of waste, but the moids are pretty much guaranteed to destroy you on another level.
No. 1402016
>>1401431lmfao I had to deal with a BPD-chan who said I was being a cunt for talking about how racism affected me and my family
>>1401994Maybe check with a doctor first, that sounds like the anxiety comes from like pregnancy hormones or something too, so maybe look into that, sleep schedule and good diet too
No. 1403658
>>1402580I am asexual and often wonder about it myself. I am 30 now and was never horny or attracted to anybody. It's different for everybody I guess but for me personally I legit think it's autism that prevents me from understanding other people well enough to fall in love with them (can do it with fictional characters because they are like spirits or things that exist in my head, so they are part of me even if someone else created them).
The lack of sexual urges might be something health related not sure. I generally rarely feel emotions, especially not excitement, fear or happiness and I barely ever felt physical pain so it's probably related.
No. 1403812
>>1368093Autistic people in fandom are like this. They screech about not having the right tags or
trigger warnings in everything and then writers get chewed out because they didn't coddle their audience. Fuck that.
No. 1403879
>>1368093The people I know irl that have
triggers because of fucked up shit that happened barely show it when they get
triggered and usually leave the room or cringe while every person that behaves like perma-onliners irl whose cause of trauma was revealed at some point turned out to be a liar.
It's just a manipulative method sheltered children use to control others. They will make a long list of
triggers that are basically just things they don't like and prohibit everybody else to talk about them and call you ableist or problematique if you do it either way to start a witch hunt. Notice how none of them have traumas you would expect some people to have, you never hear about them being survivors of accidents or catastrophes, war or anything else, it's always
triggers related to shipping shit they don't like.
No. 1404471
I really hate having severe anxiety. It's sadly not something people can easily accommodate since it's not like people can magically know what will and will not set me off, and life is unpredictable, shit happens, and sometimes the most minuscule thing will make me panic and lose my composure, or even just nothing at all and I just feel my heart racing and this intense fear and feeling of vulnerability.
I often end up shying away from people and just hiding in my room which isn't productive at all. Sometimes I take pills that make me fall asleep when I panic or get extremely anxious, but it's only a quick fix, and of course, I'm unproductive in that state. I hate how I intensely fixate on the smallest little details or the most innocuous comments, but I've at least been getting better at that, by telling myself that those little things don't matter and that not everyone is out to get me or hateful, and I'm just overreacting, which oddly works and makes me much happier. And the sense that ultimately nobody truly cares about my own bullshit is deeply soothing in that I know people don't fixate on every little fuck-up I do and it's just my own paranoid imagination.
My two kitties calm me down, especially my tuxedo cat whom I've had since high school. She's such a sweetheart and makes all the fear and bad thoughts melt away. She's so sweet and lovely and I love her so much. I wish I could just be with my cats all day, but that's not gonna happen. It's reassuring to know that I can immediately go back home once classes are finished and be with my kitties and they can calm me down. I don't force them to, though, since I know that's bad for their mental health.
Fuck anxiety and I wish it didn't run my life like it did. It's not the only problem I have, but it definitely makes a big impact. At least it's not something that could actually realistically kill me like other disorders, but it still sucks a lot to have and I feel like there's this belief that anxiety is only a minor disorder, like just being a little shy, when it can be downright horrifying even on medication. And I start going completely off the deep end and am delusional and paranoid when I'm unmedicated and can't even leave the house without breaking down completely. I know SSRIs suck, but they let me actually live my life and not be a paranoid shut-in so I'll happily take the side effects.
No. 1405464
>>1403879Kids who post their "
triggers" online get zero sympathy from me, like if someone uses them against you then you had it coming. I won't say you deserved it because it's still their fault for being the abuser but you had it coming.
>>1404471Sorry to hear that nona but this belongs in the vent thread. Your cats sound very sweet though.
No. 1408413
Any parents who obsessively post on social media about their kids is dangerously close to becoming Munchausen's imo. They also tend to be those spiritual empath white women like in
>>1407429 kek. Seeing their unsolicited opinions about any social issue makes me want to a-log.
No. 1409904
>>1403658Are you diagnosed autistic ? This is closer to the idea I had of a schizoid.
>>1408591Not gonna say "all female autists" because I just don't believe I could be the only female sperg who isn't a complete degen, but I don't trust most of my peers either. They're incredibly skilled and knowledgeable at a first glance but always turn out to have some kind of fucked up fetish or at least one dangerously lacking moral value.
No. 1411703
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Moids. All of them. Especially the younger ones who will never ever develop a shred of empathy.
No. 1411959
>>1411898Moids are born condescending. That's just how it is. Mansplaining, whatever you call it.
>>1411893Based. >t. ADHDer here
No. 1411965
>>1411917Ew, I’m glad to not have known any in person then, moids are already greasy as fuck but I wouldn’t touch one with a ten foot pole since they would be 10x more unhygienic and I can’t imagine being forced into a tight hug with them. And they’re so unashamed of it too, I knew a moid that had no problem letting his toenails grow like claws, among other things but I don’t feel like ruining any Nonnas’ days. At least when women have ADHD they’re aware of the struggle but moids have no fucking awareness and don’t care at all.
>>1411959Yeah I agree, it’s just idk what about ADHD makes then somehow even worse. Sorry about my sperging.
No. 1412269
>>1298152>sorry, "C-PTSD"… TOTALLY different, 100%, not at all a cope for people who can't handle acknowledging how their dysfunction hurts other peoplekekkk this is so true, fake diagnosis that every bpdfag desperately wants to cling on to because it implies greater victimhood which is
the most desirable trait in their eyes.
No. 1412377
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> Spend years of my life teaching people do things the right way;
> Truly believed most people are lazy-stupid;
> Get diagnosed with "OCPD" or whatever
I won't even seek treatment because I simply CAN'T SEE how I am wrong.
And I still believe most people don't work hard as they should (lazy), don't have an efficient way of thinking (stupid) and keep disappointing me.
I must be an insufferable cunt but its really hard to see myself as diseased and their lazy asses as normal.
No. 1412911
>>1412377Are you…seriously looking for sympathy? Or a trolling moid? Either way wtf.
>truly believed most people are lazy/stupidIf you seriously believe everyone's stupid and you're smart, then you're the one who's stupid, delusional, and everyone is normal. How does it feel putting down everyone for the slightest human mistake because your psychotic feefees keep getting ~disappointed~?
No. 1413093
>>1412911>>1413026Not looking for sympathy but I don't understand HOW can people sleep knowing a done task was not done to be the greatest it could be done.
At work, and when I was in college I frequently end up doing other's work/tasks because they do it poorly/don't care enough, or they would take too much time for being disorganized.
I will illustrate a random example: when I was at college, lots of colleagues would do they tasks and tests looking for the minimum to pass. Given a month for developing a project, they would wait until the last week. Passing exams is enough for most people.
For me it's a reason to think of myself unworthy of living. I need every detail to be perfect and rest assured that AT LEAST I tried every mental/physical resource in any task so I can cope when something do not goes well. I don't think I am the smartest but I do believe most people are quite lazy/dumb and keep waiting for someone to take charge of problems and solve them (and sometimes get quite used to it), but love to complain about problems. And very often people do it (being lax) ON PURPOSE because they know someone will do it. How can this be considered the "normal" and doing your best always is disordered?
No. 1413152
>>1413093Some people do slack off if they don't think the thing is worth it, for most of the people in my Master's program just passing is enough, they want the paper. I'm the "weird" one for wanting to get As, since ultimately they don't matter, but I just enjoy studying and taking tests, so I want to do well.
But most people don't slack off everywhere, they just pick their battles. A lot of people can't do well at work and at school simultaneously, or it takes a huge toll on them mentally/physically. Most of quality management school of thoughts also gave up on focusing on "zero error" perfection, because it's actually really fucking costly.
No. 1413299
>>1412499Sorry, I didn't mean to imply I thought people with C-PTSD actually have AvPD or anything. It was kind of a dumb comment to emphasis the difference with BPD that I have seen. Basically most C-PTSD people I have met are almost hermits, don't have social media presence, are scared of interacting with people, and have a very passive avoidant coping style. I just haven't experienced anything like I have seen with BPD-chans which I would associate with oversharing, dramatic events, trying to pull people toward them, conflict, feeling wronged by others and challenging them, etc. Of course they probably have the same underlying attachment issues but it seems like it's normally a completely different presentation so I don't get the strict association some people have. I have seen plenty of BPD-chans with C-PTSD on social media but for some reason I haven't noticed them in support groups, even open online ones.
No. 1413425
>>1413360C-PTSD is newer and depending on who you ask and which dr. or foundation you can get very different answers, so this is just my take. Just to note I grew up surrounded by adults with pd (diagnosed but refused treatment) so I first hand got to see a lot of the behaviors and symptoms up close, so there’s personal exp mixed in.
>> I was actually diagnosed with PTSD due to something that happened as an adult. That doesn’t surprise me, most people in adulthood get ptsd. C-ptsd according to to the c-ptsd foundation
>>The reason children are vulnerable to forming CPTSD is that children do not have the cognitive or emotional skills to understand what is happening to them. Since the abuse and neglect, they are experiencing is normally perpetrated by people they know and trust, to admit to themselves that these same people want to hurt them is akin to emotional suicide so they use other means to manage the trauma.Just to compare this is Pranita Mainali et al. Cureus. 2020. Paper on BPD and childhood abuse:
>>Among multiple identified risk factors, one of the most influential elements is exposure to an adverse childhood experience in terms of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. A cascade of neuromorphological and epigenetic changes occurs in response to these childhood stressors, which may have a strong link to the development of BPD. But moving past PD and just into PTSD vs complex-ptsd.
The biggest difference on the surface is cognitive function and self awareness to me. The argument of the Dr.s supporting c-ptsd is that children who are very young don’t have the cognitive function to understand and process repeated early trauma. So the trauma is changing the brain structure and causing an unhealthy understanding of relationships.
First let’s go over PTSD and get some misconceptions out of the way:
PTSD long term has been mostly diagnosed in men and there’s a sex bias. For a long time they wouldn’t diagnose female rape
victims with PTSD. We were “hysterical”. Even in the book the body keeps the score they talk about how hard it was for the vet that was assaulting women and how his ptsd stemmed from that. It ignored the trauma done to those women in a book about ptsd and wanted you to feel sympathy for the rapist. Ptsd can be caused by one traumatic event or multiple long term or high stress environments.
It’s typically broken down into four major symptom categories: intrusion symptoms, avoidance symptoms, arousal and reactivity symptoms, and cognition and mood symptoms.
Intrusion is flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive, frightening thoughts.
Flashbacks for me are the worse. Things like showers in the wrong environment can make my brain confused and “
trigger my ptsd” and “it feels” like I have hands all over me. I can feel it, but seeing it always feels like it’s behind my eyes. Like there’s two realities going. One behind my eyes where there’s hands everywhere and one that’s real where there are none. I only explain because different people exp it differently. So maybe it helps?
Avoidance symptoms are actions you take to avoid thoughts, places, feelings, or situations that are a reminder of the traumatic event. Like I avoided letting people touch my ribs because it
triggered me for a long time in a very difficult to manage way.
Arousal and reactivity symptoms is basically the hyper vigilant part of ptsd. It’s the stuff that makes you anxious. Makes you over reactive. Makes it hard to sleep. Trouble concentrating. Short tempered.
Then the final piece cognition and mood symptoms which present often times as difficulty enjoying activities that you used to like trouble remembering parts of the traumatic event, isolating from other people, ongoing feelings of fear, guilt, shame, and other negative emotions, persistent, negative beliefs about yourself, the world, and other people.
Most of the symptoms for c-ptsd and ptsd overlap to begin with. A lot of what I’ve seen personally is them argue the shame is greater in c-ptsd. Because children have to blame themselves because they can’t understand their caretakers or parents hurting them. There was a clear point I hit at like 13? where I wanted to die. I thought I deserved my childhood and it was my fault. I couldn’t handle being touched. I wouldn’t eat. I was up for days straight. I lashed out when people got to close. So one day I wanted to die and my brain stopped me right before and went, “Why?“ And “because I’m awful” or “because I feel bad” wasn’t enough. So I started to look at and question my environment and the truth came out. I wasn’t wrong I was abused. I wasn’t awful or monstrous I was a trauma
victim having repeated trauma responses to stuff that had been done to me since I was a baby so it seemed normal.
It became this isn’t okay. It shouldn’t have happened. It didn’t stop the way my ptsd and trauma patterns affected me over night but the second it clicked. Really clicked. I realized the whole world isn’t my house. I could start to rationalize against the intrusive thoughts and the depression. That if I could get away from the trauma situation it would get better.
Paid for my counseling later on. Picked up lots of behavioral books (books on changing cognitive function directed at women) and started trying to get out and away. Got diagnosed with normal ptsd and major depression a couple years later.
All of the symptoms in ptsd line up with cptsd on the surface. The guilt, shame, difficulty trusting people is common in female assault
victims even, but they argue the guilt and difficulty trusting people is unique to c-ptsd when you look up ptsd by itself it’s a symptom so I’m not sure I see their point? They argue c-ptsd requires more therapy and long term treatment, but ptsd also requires long term treatment and treatment plans most of the time and medications are the same for the two. They also say c-ptsd is from long trauma but ptsd can be caused by repeat or long trauma? So they have no differences they can prove in brain structure for c-ptsd. C-ptsd has only been a concept for a decade or two and it’s main differences aren’t really identifiable differences from ptsd unless we’re arguing it changes the brain similarly to pd like affecting the gabba and nervous system regulating but how do you prove that it’s not a subset of pd if it presents similarly and has the same causes?
My genuine opinion is that most c-ptsd patients are either ptsd patients (there’s not a distinct difference) or pwpd and doctors are trying to group things they don’t understand firsthand into categories. So it’s not that I’m saying you have bpd. You could have ptsd but a lot of the people who claim c-ptsd especially online are like my family members with bpd who use it to escape needing to improve because people are sympathetic to cptsd and not bpd.
Hopefully this makes sense.
No. 1414346
I've gotta vet new people in my life for abandonment trauma. At some point you realize that once you get close, you become a mommy/daddy replacement for them and they'll try to suck all the attention and energy they can get out of you. They don't care if you have boundaries or needs to be alone – in fact, sometimes such boundaries infuriate them and cause them to lash out at you with suicide baiting or name-calling, even ridiculous, abusive accusations. You're never just a friend. You become like a drug.
They need constant reassurance, a neverending stream of texts. If you stop texting back for one hour, you know they're suffering in mortal pain because of it, and it's just too much to take. If you can rationalize this fucked up relationship scenario into believing you're helping someone, it can make the friendship last a bit longer. Because you really do hate the thought of unintentionally hurting them and you want them to be happy.
But then, the next stage is realizing they don't care about your personality, your goals, they barely even want to hear your stories. You could be anyone. You're simply a warm source of human contact that must be constantly poised and at the ready to meet their demands at all times.
So, once you are uncomfortable from all the demands, all the "YOU'RE MAD AT ME"s, and you decide to break the friendship off … you know you've just proven to them that they're unworthy of love. They've fulfilled their self-fulfilling prophecy by being terrifying people. They'll hate you forever for being a human who needs time alone and needs to have privacy sometimes. They'll hate you for having one or two other friends besides them. They'll assume you're lying when you're actually sick and need to rest. Because they're so paranoid that everyone's going to leave them, their behavior gets so creepy. And everyone, in the end, does leave them.
No. 1415095
>>1414979It's kind of like having a conjoined twin who talks in your ear nonstop and it takes a lot of effort to ignore her and focus on anything else, including your own thoughts. That makes it hard to finish things, which leads to anxiety about starting things, and it makes you kind of shit at everything you try to do anyway. A lot of the physical symptoms are not that different to autistic behaviors and I don't know what they're about either.
Unlike most "mental" illnesses there's a bunch of drugs that actually work, including ones you don't need a prescription for (like caffeine), so there's absolutely no excuse for anyone with ADHD to be like that other nona's roommate. It's super common though, personally I think many who were diagnosed as children were overly coddled and shielded from consequences by their parents.
Moids with ADHD in particular really make me wanna alog because the women in their lives go online and talk about the lengths they go to to help their failson/boyfriend function when it's obvious that even if he does have ADHD he's mostly just fucking lazy because he's had a series of personal secretaries his whole life keeping track of his schedule and belongings and assignments for him.
No. 1415420
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>>1414979Lack of executive function. Imagine you have a task to accomplish, such as taking your dishes to the kitchen from your room. Most people with executive function can just
do the task. But for people without executive function, attempting to start the task is like a sort of anxiety-induced paralysis; you actually are physically incapable of beginning task initiation.
It's exacerbated by things like stress and poor mental health
No. 1416851
>>1414346That's exactly why I avoid borderlines like they have the most contagious disease ever.
I don't care if they're suffering, I don't care about attachment issues, I don't care about their feelings.
They don't care and don't seem to bother to fix their problems, so why should I care about knowing them?
No. 1426371
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people who talk about "spoons"
i know someone who logs into discord and updates status like "i have no spoons left" or "low on spoons" like bitch get the fuck off a messaging app then. no one cares
No. 1429640
>>1429628>>1429637Ladies, you're looking for the mental health thread on /g/
>>>/g/141299, this is the thread where we complain about other people's disorders.
>>1426371This chart makes no sense. What job does this person work that a good day at work is three times tougher than eating breakfast? I've known people who need to budget their energy like this and all of them are too disabled to work pt let alone daily.
No. 1434957
>>1434912Same. The weird thing is, I was adopted at birth. Turns out my biological mother has borderline personality disorder, while my adopted mother (the only mom I’ve ever known or called mom) I’m 99.9% sure has Bipolar disorder. It runs in her family, and she refuses to believe she might need help or need to talk to a therapist to manage her severe manic and depressive episodes. In her mind, everyone is just a selfish asshole and she’s the only one without a problem, while wondering why none of her family or old friends want to visit or hang out with her when they’re in town.
My fiancé wants to have kids when we get married and I’m hesitant. When I think of “parenthood”, all I can think of is my mom’s daily screaming, crying, meltdowns, or over-the-top behavior and my childhood self having to walk on eggshells and never knowing if it would be a “good day” or a “bad day”, completely reliant on my mom’s mood. I’m afraid of reliving that again and becoming the screaming, crying mother, or passing on issues to my kids, especially if I might have some Cluster B traits in my genes. Blah.
No. 1439306
>>1435013It's less about ADHD and just an attention seeking thing that's been encouraged by the younger generation.
>>1438859Gender dysphoria is a mental illness in the DSM. If you want more proof it's a mental illness just check any of the MtF threads lmao.
>>1010844 >>1010712
>>1081837 are some other examples.
With FtMs, they're usually just internally misogynistic, taught to think their femininity is shit, and that the slightest deviation from stereotypical ditzy bimbo feminine housewife is them having a male brain or something. Also trauma, especially sexual abuse, can cause gender dysphoria and feeling out of your body/hating it etc. but the troons will shut you down at this.
No. 1460273
>>1435149Textbook borderline or bippie if you want to use a slur.
>>1439383holy shit who cares, anachan, this is not your woe is me space.
No. 1465156
>>1460273>AnachanNo I'm fat, like, people mentally count how many people are on the elevator when I get on sort of fat.
So fat black guys would date me.
No. 1468589
>>1468492Read r/regretfulparents on Reddit and filter for autism. Average male autism is bad enough but the low functioning male autism will make you want to get your tubes tied.
I think of having kids from time to time too but we have to keep in mind there's a possibility of this happening and it's good to have money to get them a caretaker or institutionalized because they'll drain your soul… this among many other conditions that can make the average boy more challenging to deal with and it's not always something you can detect in utero sadly
No. 1469099
>>1468492I guess on the off chance that you have a kid with autism then you have to watch them carefully for weird behaviour and get them in ABA, therapy early.
>>1468514I noticed this for both genders,
nonnie. It makes them apologetic and rude because of "muh autism" Putting on a pedestal gives them an excuse not to do OT, and learn social skills.
No. 1470355
>>1469172They're ok outside of fandoms. Male autists are broken
>>1469448wrong thread
nonnie, this is complaining about mental disorders
No. 1470373
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>>1469448Male autists are horrible and need to be put down. Insufferable coomers who think they’re the center of the universe and that the world needs to cater to their tard beliefs and behaviors
No. 1470676
is true to a degree, but the issue is that it's only always ever brought up in a way that's meant to "clap back" at how supposedly easy women have it.
It's also usually used as a seething incel argument that women apparently look down upon men with mental issues, which literally just…isn't true? Women have brains more hardwired for empathy and we would listen and try to help if they were honest and down-to-earth and weren't such egotistical assholes.
Men are the one who stigmatise other men's mental health, men are the one who start the issue, and then bring this argument up always, whether it be direct or indirect, to put down women.