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No. 1054520
Say the things you're desperate to say
Previous thread:
>>1046784 No. 1054617
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I dislike every single module I have this term and it's so bad that everything university related feels like a chore now. I thought I was finally getting the hang of everything, but just thinking about going in is making me want to become a NEET again.
Had a quick skim of the module guides and from the looks of it they won't get better. Doesn't help that my professor has something against recording his lectures, even if we're doing lab sessions. I don't even plan on going into the industry they're prepping us for, but at this point I've gone too far to be able to switch courses.
Sucks because I'm at the top of the class at the moment, but it doesn't feel as rewarding as it should because I'm not enjoying it anymore.
No. 1054673
>>1054652Anon, start banging back like you think it's a game. Then play dumb
Obviously never open your door or leave your car if he shows up in person though
No. 1054877
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my scrote friend couldn't be bothered to tell me he's been dating a girl for a WHOLE YEAR but casually mentions the fact in gcs
I can't help but feel as if I know virtually nothing about him
No. 1054886
>>1054762you're not a worthless failure, anon. i don't think these people are good for you, and there are A LOT of people who are dysfunctional and miserable. do not internalize their messages. you might be better off trying to branch out and meet new people who have a similar history in being mistreated. if you are someone who has grown up about a lot of verbal abuse or putting down, or mistreament in general, a lot of the time other family members pick up on this and use you as a punching bag. a lot of men do that in general too, so maybe that is also the case with your fiance. either way it does not sound like any of these people are good for you. you can't possibly be fucking up
No. 1054894
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JP Artist I like posted a new R18 art and I can't see because I can't join her list
No. 1054908
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>>1054891I did have a slight (reciprocated) crush on him some years ago but was eventually rejected under the pretense of him coming out as 'gay' when I confessed.
I'm socially daft (and bordeline hikki), so I can only think of how much more I've missed out on.
No. 1054933
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Bitch, shut the fuck up and play your stinky overpriced fantasy MMOs and leave us alone to our galaxy games. Especially with my $7 that you just fucking outright stole from me. You haven't even properly talked to any of us in like, over a month.
Just drift apart already. Have fun and leave us alone forever.
No. 1054982
>>1054940Fucking disgusting freak
No. 1054988
>>1054877Don't listen to this faggot
>>1054980, we have a scrote invasion currently. He did that shit because he doesn't see you as a friend, but a "girl he's talking to". He said it in GCs to other friends because he doesn't see them as options. Watch out anon
No. 1054991
>>1054900uncouth is the wrong word to use here since you don't know how their relationship progressed. Some people casually date for a year some people get in to serious relationships in a few weeks. Every relationship is different. The only red flag would be is if he showed an interest in anon then suddenly mentions that he's had a girlfriend for a year.
>>1054932No one is actually that stupid. She has to be pretending to be that stupid because she's enjoying the jealous reaction from her boyfriend. I don't want to believe that a woman is that fucking dumb to not understand why her boyfriend is upset with her in that situation.
No. 1055025
>>1055006i learned in clown school that when he doesn't tell all his close friends about you or selectively withholds that life update from particular ones, you're just a toy for him.
nonnie and his gf need to skedaddle
No. 1055030
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i feel completely alone because i have no friends who hate men the same way i do and just have to write it down for myself
No. 1055035
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>Packing things to move to a new house
>Older sister and BIL have a small spat, literally nothing malicious or close to mean
>Says "shut up or I'm gonna punch you in the head" as older sis takes last step to second floor
>"Oh not you I mean older sis's name"
Didn't like that. Was it supposed to be funny? Did you expect me to laugh? Let out a little chuckle? I have never heard him say anything like that after knowing him for 4 years, living with them in our house for 2 with two kids.
My younger sister has said how them saying stuff and arguing has increased her stress and worries. I guess now maybe she heard things like that instead of "little spats" we all assumed she heard. Am I really gonna have to watch out for little things like that in the future because he can't keep his stupid moid mouth shut? If I tell mom/dad/younger sis our relationship could be really damaged but I'm not scared of looking out for my sister. I'm scared of the changes and consequences of speaking up that could happen. BUT older sis could be an asshole to me as usual for being worried, still not an excuse for possible abuse in the future. Sucks to think I'm just being paranoid but I know from other women's vents from here/2X etc. you gotta speak up and nip shit in the bud.
I guess I'll take the safest way and log this down, and if I notice anything else like before, bring it up to everyone and ask younger sis for more info.
No. 1055054
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I chewed mint gum and then got thirsty so I got water out of the fridge but it’s too cold to drink with my minty mouth so I’m just sitting here staring at it.
No. 1055058
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i forgot to dilate all week and now I feel like I'm gonna be back to square one and lost all my fucking progress.
(Vaginismus, not troon)
No. 1055161
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I recently left the BDD community on Reddit (and left reddit in general) and holy shit do I feel somewhat better than before.
Half of the people on there think it's cool to shame and insult other peoples bodies (especially women celebrities) because they have BDD.
There's a literal blackpilled potential incel in there who NEVER takes advice or criticism (surprising huh). He also said women with deep voices are more ugly and that if you disagree with any of his trad bs you're "delusional" because muh biology.
There's also women who make rude comments about normal stuff like sagging breasts, cellulite, weight gain etc.
The other month I posted about how I have a lot of fatness dysmorphia and how I hate my boobs growing after gaining weight, plus sensory issues that come with that as well as feeling more sexualised. I simply asked if anyone else felt like this and within 10 minutes I got 5 downvotes on my fucking post.
I get we are all mentally ill but half of them are so fucking obsessed with their own idea of perfection they hate on others who experience anything different.
I have yet to find another BDD community that isn't full of incels and women who think it's cool to tear down other women.
No. 1055215
I hate my previous boyfriend, he's horrible for me. But I miss him so much sometimes, like right now. I want to know he's okay. My attachment to him is so strong, and vice versa. I want to practise meditation more and learn to master feelings like this. Because these feelings aren't about him, they're about much more. Yet I feel overcome by and beneath as opposed to in control of them. I want to call him and see how he's doing. I don't want to get back together, I just want to check up on him. It's like an addiction. Like clockwork, I can't stand not being in his presence or without contact for longer than a week. I broke up with him about a week ago and now I have this feeling to reach out to him so strongly. Those utterly romantic stories that talk of people having a connection so strong they can't stand to be apart, lest they fall ill or something similarly unrealistic, are actually just very accurate. I deleted my message to him. He has his phone disabled or something, and I'm glad. I can't talk to him, I must persevere. He is a horrible person and I'm simply attached due to things that are unrelated to him and me as individuals.
No. 1055226
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>>1054952>>1054959>>1054979>>1054982Lol I forgot this imageboard is full of prudes that still believe in monogamy.
No. 1055235
>>1055161>I hate my boobs growing after gaining weight, plus sensory issues that come with that as well as feeling more sexualised. I simply asked if anyone else felt like this and within 10 minutes I got 5 downvotes on my fucking post.Kek. They hated on you because for some reason, redditor women always compete over having the biggest tits, tiniest waist, etc. and your complaints sounded like bragging because they're so retarded. Anyways I also joined a bdd discord and there was this 18 yo girl that kept talking about how women look their best at 16 and expire at 18. I gave her examples and stuff that showed women who had glow ups because they learnt how to style themselves, did skincare, etc. but she kept telling me I was expired and no good even though I was only 19.
Some women are very hateful and judgemental towards other women because of internilased misogyny and they blame it on bdd so they can get a free pass. They act like them making fun of celebrities and mocking average women, repeating incel rhetoric is because of muh mental illness. They also never take advice. Big nose? Maybe do some makeup that brings out the features you like? Use your hair curly since those styles fit girls w big noses better, contour or even get a nosejob if you think it'll help… But no. They just cry and make fun of you for thinking life is worth living for anyone who's not a 10/10 chad or Stacy.
No. 1055239
>>1055227Ayrt, I don't think opting for a rebound is smart. You're going to end up in the same cycles again. I still support the idea that you're going to have to deal with this part of your life and keep persisting. Keep pushing through those cravings; the desire to relapse. These are opportunities for growth and, frankly, liberation. I 100% know it's easier said than done, but that's what the solidarity of this image board is for, haha. Just because it's difficult doesn't mean it's impossible, and I want to remind you of that. It's very ~
valid ~ to develop an abnormal attachment to an unhealthy person. Problems of this sort tend to have underlying reasons demanding exploration to avoid repetition. Interestingly, I find myself very capable of imagining my dream partner, and knowing it isn't my previous boyfriend. Consciously, I want nothing to do with him. I am not attracted to him in any way. But I'm attached to him, I'm addicted. It isn't as if your brain is rewired– it just is. Especially if you've had sex and experienced emotionally intense moments together. These things create strong bonds, chemically, physically, and so forth. Just persevere. Grab the craving by the throat and look it in the eye! Demand it explain itself to you. Demand to know who sent it, who it works for, hahaha. And then kill it by distracting yourself and processing what you've learned. Whatever you do, cut yourself slack and persist in valuing yourself enough not to rebound.
No. 1055240
>>1055215You really need to grieve and move on, what you're doing is bargaining with yourself on how much of him you can still have when he isn't yours anymore.
>>1055227It is unappealing, yes, and you will feel that way for a while until you spend enough time with yourself that when someone new comes along, you will re-wire again for the new cutie. We are not fated to one person, we are naturally attracted to several different traits that different people can still have. He will be different than your old boyfriend most likely, and that's fine.
No. 1055247
>>1055237I believe I have it because I'm seriously very nitpicky with my appearance and really want to change my whole face with ps but I never in my life mocked women for their looks like these men and women do so freely. Those people don't even have bdd and I think the girls, because of their misogyny, just have scrote brain like you said, kek! Bdd is being unhappy with your looks and getting ps hoping it fixes your inner turmoil or not being able to go out without spending hours on fixing your appearance. But weirdly these people don't care about their looks or try to improve but keep trashing other women's very cruelly, I don't think they'd do that if they could emphatize with how those people they mock would feel. Which is why I just think they're incels or women who are raised to hate women and because of that, themselves in the end.
Hope it made sense.
No. 1055248
>>1055236If you fuck someone that's carrying an STD you will get an STD. If you fuck someone that isn't carrying an STD, you won't. Number of partners has nothing to do with it as long as everyone's clean and not carrying anything.
It's funny to see you default to STDs as an excuse to be intolerant to open sex. You remind me of scrotes that act like women being sexually active is the devil.
No. 1055259
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I can't believe I got banned on /a/ for simply arguing against genocide. How is politics off topic when it's part of the story. I'm seething kek
No. 1055269
>>1055260 why put myself through dilating? you have to dilate with vaginismus in order to treat it.
i don't like it, but it's just how it works for most women who have it.
No. 1055278
>>1055215Nnggg I NEED to call him to remember why I don't want him… No, what I
need to do is follow my own advice. Foolish thoughts… Foolish
No. 1055281
>>1055276 who said I do it for the benefit of men? where did I say that? you're assuming stuff you have no right to assume.
It impacts my life and my mental health which is why I was concerned about losing progress. I'm happy it doesn't affect yours, but don't assume that because I think otherwise it's for the benefit of someone else.
Dilating isn't to prepare for men, for a lot of us its so we can stop associating any penetration in general (not just dicks) with fear, assault or previous trauma.
Can't believe I'm having to explain this.
No. 1055286
>>1055284 you're the only unhinged one here given that you questioned why i'd dilate in the first place then assumed most of us do it 'for men'.
if you can't even handle me explaining myself, you should be the one getting off the internet. i'm not sure how anything i said could be interpreted as 'edgy'.
No. 1055290
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I have an online test in about an hour and I'm so nervous. The material isn't very hard, but I'm afraid I'll forget definitions and will write something completely wrong or that I focused too much on the wrong parts… My understanding of some subjects is a little too loose it feels like. If there are questions about real life examples I don't think I could answer. I just hope the prof will be nice and makes it easy
No. 1055293
>>1055259Some mods are just retarded as hell and let their personal feelings get in the way. I got banned off of /v/ for defending gay marriage because of 'off-topic', but the ones bashing it didn't get banned even though that should have been considered off-topic too. Probably a blessing in disguise since there's absolutely nothing of value on 4chan. I just love imageboards and it being the most active one has an appeal but the userbase and the mods get more retarded every year.
Fucking scrotes.
No. 1055294
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>>1055290Good luck! You got this!
No. 1055310
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Why does my mom feel the need to take awful photos of me and post them all over her fucking facebook? It happens all the time. I ask her again and again to let me look at the photos of me she wants to post before sharing them with her 700 friends and tagging me in them, and every time she gets all moody and defensive about how I look fine and she’s allowed to post what she wants. This isn’t just me being petty or having body image issues either. We had a great family weekend away and between two posed photos of my siblings looking great, instead of posting one of me in the same setting, she decided to post one of just me looking half-drowned and seconds away from falling off of a pool floatie. I wasn’t even smiling or looking at the camera, I’ve got the “it was at this moment” expression on my face and everything and yet she still thought I would want that shared. I can think of at least four times my sister and I have had to tell her to delete photos of us that we didn’t like in the past year alone. Sometimes she lets us check and we say no to certain photos and she still fucking posts them even after we’ve told her how we don’t want them shared. But God forbid anyone post a photo of her that she hasn’t personally selected herself. It’s like I the past decade she’s forgotten that physical photo albums are a a thing and that if she likes a photo she needs the whole world to see it.
Whatever the reason it fucking pisses me off and I hate how angry it makes me and how defensive it makes her. Next time she does it I’m going to take her phone and lock her out of her account.
No. 1055320
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No one likes you when you’re 33.
I’m one of the best players on my soccer team but constantly overlooked for 18 year olds.
Considering ghosting the coach and team. It’s doing nothing for my insecurities about getting older despite me being in peak fitness and still able to play at a high level with the best 18 year olds. I’ve had a good career playing and I still feel like I’ve got heaps more mileage in me but when coaches and selectors don’t see it for you because of whatever cronyism and ageism, maybe it’s better to pivot to other hobbies that I have more autonomy over and leave the sport with what’s left of my dignity.
No. 1055336
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I wish there was compassionate leave for when family pets dies. Just got a message that mom put her dog to sleep, he’s been around since my late teens and was the most stupid and lovable little goof I’ve ever met. I knew his time was coming since he was getting old and his body had been deteriorating fairly rapidly the past year but I’m still a mess crying at work, I just want to go home and ugly cry
No. 1055381
>>1055377well, if 1st world women are opressed then why aren't "onlyfans whores" oppressed too in a mysoginistic world that puts it in your head to become a whore since your childhood. All media targeted at women in the West tells girls since they are little girls that being a hoe is powerful. It's a social issue that targets women and I don't see how putting the blame on women is feminist at all not to mention that if we argument things this way we can easily say that 1st world women are not oppressed at all so why should
TERF discourse center on them? I don't think the point of radical feminism is to target or humiliate already vulnerable women
No. 1055391
>>1055294Thank you! It's hard to tell how it went, since most tasks weren't immediately rated but the one that was was timed and I almost cried during because I was fucking up so much but then it told me I did 16 out 20 correctly, so I have no idea what was going on.
>>1055336I'm so sorry anon! I had a similar situation last year, and was inconsolable for the next week, there's no way normal people can work like that. Can you really not leave for the day? Some bosses are understanding with such things
No. 1055405
>>1055381Nta I understand your point, but i think a hard pill to swallow in this situation is that these women are not kids, but adults purposely
promoting their misery as a fashionable trend to younger women. Also, most women around the world don't really have an option and have next to no influence or power but these 1st world women do have an option and most importantly: a voice and very, very harmful influence
No. 1055435
>>1055381But who is promoting it to young girls that being a whore is cool? OTHER WHORES! People like Belle Delphine and Momokun make the whore life seem like an easy cash grab that is cute and fun to partake in. Whores constantly talk about how empowered they feel and how much if helped their self-esteem and body-image to know that random scrotes are jerking off to them. They are constantly promoting each other on platforms where they know minors can see them. I have no sympathy for e-whores who chose to take photos of their assholes instead of getting an education. They are not doing it to survive, they have other options, they just think it's easy.
It's not radfems job to pity these whores and make them see the light. They will get what's coming for them.
No. 1055475
>>1055470The post I replied to was about sex workers in general. And don't forget that most girls who try to start onlyfans accounts are encouraged by media and males, emd up barely making a few bucks while their pictures are stuck there forever. Of course that's nowhere as bad as women who are forced or trafficked into sexwork but in the end, all of those women are hurt by the sex work industry but somehow get blamed for supporting the industry while the scrotes are the guilty ones.
You're acting like all onlyfans girls are as successful as the ones you listed but those are literally the top %1 and even then, those girls end up getting harmed by the industry and have their futures ruined. The ones aside from the %1 dont do it for male attention either, they're dumb desperate young girls who see the industry advertised to them in all scrote media. Tv shows, ads, instagram, youtube, scrotes do that so they can have cashcows they use and abuse.
No. 1055486
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this feels really wrong and petty but i'm annoyed by how much my boyfriend snacks. when we don't have any snacks in the house he's fine, but if we do it's like he has no impulse control/pacing and eats all of them very quickly. i make/serve him 3 wholesome meals a day when i can but he's been eating 3 of those little bags of chips, like 2 protein granola bars, and a couple handfuls of cheesy corn puffs… why? i offer him a second helping of actual food when he's walking to the pantry and he says "no, i need [x] instead." drives me fuckin bonkers.
we both gained some weight since pandemic and relationship but now i'm in the normal healthy range since i was ana-chan thin, but he's gotten a somewhat substantial tummy. i love him and i just want him to be healthy but his eating habits and inability to pace his snacking are such a turn off. a snack is fine, not seven! i feel like i need to get up extra fast to hurry up and make a breakfast before he shoves chips in his face, but tHEN HE JUST DOES IT AFTER HE EATS THE BREAKFAST I MADE HIM ANYWAY. and he somehow can't put 2 and 2 together to reheat the leftovers of great food i've made in the fridge, so i have to go out of my way to check on him if he's had lunch and microwave the leftovers myself to serve to him. don't go too hard on him because he supports me financially and is so nice but oh my god men are retarded and they truly all act like they need to be mothered
No. 1055489
>>1055310Sounds annoying as hell and selfish honestly. I'm sorry
No. 1055493
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if I'm too harsh about this or being an nlog feel free to correct me nonnies but I genuinely question why some women come to the gym with impractical clothes, their hair completely down and styled.
I've literally just seen someone with a quarter of their ass cheek hanging out those scrunch gym shorts, she had very long hair that was completely down and in the way too. I just don't get it? Isn't that sweaty and uncomfortable?
Makeup is one thing and I've worn it sometimes to the gym but in a lot of gyms (mine included)the rules are for both sexes not to:
A. Wear your hair down in a way that it might get caught in machines or equipment/pose a safety issue.
B. Not wear super revealing clothing like very short shorts or a very skimpy sports bra with no shirt over for example.
I think those are pretty reasonable rules given that no one wants to see tits bursting out or a sweaty asscrack, but whenever I've vented about it some people have said I just sound jealous and girls can dress how they want in the gym.
Am I missing something here lmao or is it apparently abnormal to not want to see half an ass hanging out
I just think there's a time and a place for dressing in stuff like that and a gym really isn't the place
No. 1055502
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>>1055493I know you said the rule is for both sexes but the example was female specific. So if the men are not allowed to go shirtless or wear picrel, then I would agree with you. If they can then yeah you jealous
No. 1055640
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Omg I'm tired of my mother and my father treating me and my step brother as their extensions or something.
Their phonecalls (he lives in another country with my stepbrother) basically consists of them comparing and contrasting us. E.g: Dad: 'I bought my son an apartment with a pool and the other day I also bought him a car. I also support him every month with X amount of money' to which it is my mother's turn with 'My daughter doesn't need to be supported, she pays her own bills and btw she just now decide to study Y language whereas your son didn't even finish university or am I wrong?'
The whole thing is just fucking ridiculous. My mother told me just now that in order 'to get back' to my father she is going to look at apartment prices in the country he lives in just to prove that 'I could just as easily move and live there if I wanted'. She also assured me that she spoke the best things about me to him, so he'll feel envious that his son is 'not as good as me'. Did I ask for this? Do I give a fuck?
Pic is unrelated, I just love Doré
No. 1055665
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Why is it so hard for me to take care of myself? Is this just depression? I'm too lazy to take a bath and eat, I just drink tea. Sometimes I eat a banana. I don't sleep, just spent the whole night in front of pc/phone and then get like 3 hours of sleep, or sleep for 10 hours during the day if it's my day off, and it's been like this for almost two weeks now. I had those "times" for years, but the older I get the more tired I am after going back to more "normal" schedule, which only lasts like a month, and then I go back to being a slob again. The last 6-7 years looked like this. I'm so tired. I know my hair and skin look worse because I don't eat and sleep properly, my eyes are so red and painful because of the constant pc/phone use, but I just can't force myself to care. I also often feel like nothing is real, and I only feel happy when I indulge in fiction or daydreaming. I love my weeb shit/books/games/tv shows so much. They genuinely make me happy. Sometimes there are short moments of realizaton that I actually exist in this body and I can't escape, and everything feels so real I'm terrified, and I start thinking how quickly my body can catch diseases, how many types of cancer there is and how much it would fuck me up and I wouldn't have enough money for treatments etc. I'm so afraid of losing control over my body and my life I want to scream and cry and I quickly revert to daydreaming to save myself. Am I a schizo? I don't think it's possible for me to get out of this, I'm too lost
No. 1056199
I know this is stupid but it really irritates me. My friend has serious body issues and she's pregnant. At her baby shower, she posted pictures from it, and all the pictures she posted were posed, nice photos of her, mostly, and then….randomly….there is 1 photo inserted of me squinting my eyes, slouching, and I look awful. It's one of those obviously terrible photos. I asked her not to post it and she said "too late :)" and it really fucks me up because we both went through serious body image fuckery together in college, like I was anorexic and she tried and was on weight loss drugs, she overworked out, etc. and she just has a body type that can't be thin, and it always made me feel awful because I knew we were both equally fucked up. I feel like I've been super sensitive about that and nice to her because I know how hard it is and I can't imagine how difficult that is being pregnant. It sort of angers me she'd do that, there were other cute photos of us, but no, she picked a photo of me where I was alone, squinting, slouching, and I wasn't really talking to anyone. It just feels weird. On a side note, it also pissed me off some old lady commented on the fact I wore a sleeveless top as me "showing off how thin I was" in front of my friend which made me so mad, that's got to be ultra triggering and it's stupid because I'm not even at an unhealthy weight anymore. I hate it when people project their shit onto me.
No. 1056333
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It’s winter, someone hold me. I must give up petting my kitty for a month or two. His fur has gotten so statically charged I shock him with every pet. It greatly upsets him, and I fear if I continue it shall drive us apart, forever. Google, in an ultimate act of mockery, simply tells me to hose down my cat. And so, I resign myself to this wretched fate. Why live?
No. 1056350
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My friend made a joke that maybe me and her bf would make a better match than they do and apparently the face I pulled and way I said “absolutely not,” was offensive to her. Sorry I do not want your alcoholic scrote that doesn’t even deserve you
No. 1056353
nonnie, just touch something metal to ground yourself before you touch your little baby!
No. 1056368
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i took a dna test because i was excited to learn about my ancestry and i had assumed i had more of my mom's dna. turns out i have like 70% of my dad's ancestry in me. i fucking hate my dad. he's a shitty alcoholic who purposely abandoned me and wants nothing to do with me and i'm unreasonably upset that i share more in common with him than my mom, who raised me as a single parent and is an amazing person.
i almost wish i hadn't taken this test.
No. 1056463
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If it wasn't for men having dicks I would say they're fucking useless. I'm starting to feel like how some other farmers feel. Only other women can give you real meaningful relationships. Such a fucking dissapointment.
No. 1056498
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>>1056490>>1056496This person is literally unhinged and I am simply entertained
No. 1056504
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I tried going to school to be a radiation therapist but I was too retarded and couldn't perform MU calcs fast enough or do simulated treatment set ups fast enough. I was advised to quit so I did (I made it to the very last classroom class before clinical training). I don't know what to do with myself. I work in a miserable warehouse with no windows now. I'm angry that I'm too stupid to get educated so I can get a good paying job.
No. 1056525
>>1056521You type # and then <3 lol
I get what you're saying nonna don't worry. I had therapy too and it only helped because I was more busy being mad at them than feeling sorry for myself. I have that shit too, worrying if people like me, I think you're not alone though everyone feels it at some point. Good it's going away, it's the most annoying thing and just makes you more socially stunted ime. Hope you sleep well, feel better nonacita
No. 1056543
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I work with special needs children and teens, today I was at a kids house and witnessed her teenage brother who is also mentally challenged masturbating in the bathroom with the door wide open while his iPad was on the counter blasting some sesame street shit. This is not the first time he's done it out and about while I was running therapy with his sister. When I raised concern about this behavior in relation to his sister (my clients) safety, it was dismissed as this is considered normal of a severely autistic teenage boy. I'm exhausted
No. 1056597
>>1056543 people will let autistic males get away with anything and for some reason they're never transferred to proper care even if they routinely jerk off in the open or smear shit all over the walls.
my partner has a cousin who is severely autistic and he has to wear diapers, and regularly goes into literal rages and tries to beat his mom. She gave up her job and entire life to look after him even though he will smack the fuck out of her and shit his pants every day yet everyone thinks its perfectly acceptable and that he shouldn't be in professional care?!
I feel for you
nonnie. I personally think if he knows how to use an ipad he should know how to close the fucking door too or at least be taught a vague concept of privacy.
No. 1056639
>>1056597>>1056543I had a male resident chase me down a hall while masturbating through his pants but he was still never considered a 'concern' by management or his parents even though he would masturbate towards female residents and one older lady in particular who he had to be separated from because he would try to grab her. Their solution was to put him in a room for 'alone time' and he would just stop and wait until it was time to come back out. Everyone said it was 'innocent' but he was obviously doing it for sexual gratification and wouldn't do it if his parents are in the room so obviously there was some level of shame.
I no longer work there and I'm glad, caregiving is an awful field sometimes.
No. 1056651
>>1056643Your undies cotton or synthetic? All natural fiber is best. And no scented products or perfumes on the coochie and vulva or you will create a problem.
It’s also normal to have more of a smell around ovulation and during menstruation.
If the smell is offensive and not just normal vagina odor you might want a gyno to check for BV.
No. 1056658
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i feel so fucking selfish and bitter. every one who has abused me in life gets to have a loving supportive partner and friends and ik this might be the victim complex or whatever but im tired. i just want my someone too. how do you go two fucking years with me giving you everything, all the love in the world while you know my health is deteriorating blah blah blah. i just wish i had someone who wasn't ashamed of me, i want to be the fucking person that's baby sometimes.
i want cute gifts, i want to do the stupid tiktok heart eyes wallpaper challenges, i want to dress up really pretty and just dance with you, i want to hold hands bro, i want to be treated like an adult and to have my interests and differences respected and for you to recognize my individuality, the first time we have sex i want you to just be so emotionally connected to me and i want to know that you love me, i want to go on hiking and camping trips and when were the only people around for miles and just kiss you, i wanna cuddle up with you i want to just give you the best purest love and whenever i have
i've tried to initiate stuff or plan things i get shot down, taken advantage of, you call the idea dumb.
then you dump me and do everything i wanted to do with your new girl and you tell me that your totally in love with her but yet want to see if your still physically attracted to me.
i don't have self esteem when it comes to relationships. i dont trust people, i always assume the worse, im scared your talking to other girls, i have ptsd from when you would beat the shit outta me so im scared of being touched im fucking terrified of them now, but GOD DAMN i want to be loved i want to be cherished i want companionship but the idea of forever is the most comforting and terrifying thing to me all at once.
i know i need to love myself blah blah blah. but there's just something so sour inside me that cant help it its a natural repulsion to everything. i dunno. bitter. everyone deserves love but god damn. when is it my turn.
i dont think ive ever actually been in love. i turn 20 in 6 days and ive only ever had feelings of limerence i think. but im done giving love.
im tired.
i used it on the wrong people and it only hurt me
ive also never been in a relationship ON MY BIRTHDAY BUT I HAVE BEEN DUMPED BEFORE! so thats cool.
wish i could spend it with friends or family but im usually alone.
also that is my birthchart if any astro ppl wanna judge or explain stuff to me, this is possibly the most schizo rant ive written in a while
No. 1056674
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I hate pretty women who call themselves ugly so fucking much. If you truly disliked your appearance, you wouldn't post it on internet for the whole world to see. I don't take pictures of muself since I was a child and only look at the mirror when I wash my face and brush my teeth. Shut the fuck up. You don't know how actual ugly and mediocre women feel.
No. 1056693
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Grew up with five close friends that I met in elementary school. We never had any major arguments or drama, shared similar interests, and supported one another through some difficult times. We remained close through university, but after 20 years of friendship it all kind of fell apart.
>Friend 1 meets a literal Sonic car waiter, dates him for six months, and get's pregnant. None of us were invited to the wedding or baby shower. Her conservative mother always hated us, so we tried to give her the benefit of the doubt and assumed she needed her parents financial support. Haven't spoken to her since.
>Friend 2 became close with her coworkers and started spending more time going to work parties. Understandable. But then she started blowing off our plans, only to post pics partying with her other friends on Instagram. Eventually just stopped talking and we don't even acknowledge each other's birthdays.
>Friend 3, the one who I always admired, who was independent and talented and cool, is stuck in a relationship with a guy who can't get his fucking undergraduate degree after six years. She's paying his tuition and he has the audacity to call her materialistic. She finally psyches herself up to dump him and finds out she's pregnant. Fell into a deep depression and is now preparing to co-parent with a fucking loser. We were planning to travel together after COVID and now she can't
>Friend 4 is a good friend, but air headed in a selfish way. An hour late for dinner reservations because, oops, she's also having dinner with her family right before. Pushes plans to 9 pm because she needs to wash her car. Stupid shit, but it adds up.
>Friend 5 is the only friend I still feel close to. We talk everyday, but I'm worried we'll drift apart like the rest.
I know people say it's normal to grow apart, but it feels strange to look at the people I've spent most of my life with and not recognize them. Do they even think of me? Are they sad about it too? Are all of those years and memories together worthless now?
No. 1056711
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so tired of my brain convincing me everyone hates me actually and all of their compliments are backhanded insults and they're talking shit about me where i can't see it. so TIRED of thinking i am the most hated person wherever i go; that i am the one who annoys the most people and makes them all feel the most unpleasant.
but god, that's how my life has been. from my kid years, from middle school to highschool, people just have never liked me. my friends all kept me around as a pity pet to giggle at when i wasn't around. so how can i trust anyone else when my experience has been hell so far? i don't even know what i do wrong to end up on everyone's bad side so easily. i barely fucking talk most days.
please just free me already. i want to be normal and feel that i am deserving of friendship and love, now and forever. don't wanna be like this anymore
No. 1056720
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>>1056708I’m not the pregnant woman who called her fetus a sink cost fallacy too far gone to abort.
No. 1056777
>>1056771I think you're right about less redtext, but if you look at snow there's a lot of evidence of deleted scrote posts
I think the jannies and farmhands that are actually active have their hands full deleting scrote spam so there's no one left to moderate normally, hence the ridiculous amount of twitter vendettas and unsaged sperging left untouched
No. 1056812
>>1056674based. it's like when they try and say they have body dysmorphia too.
A woman I know said that despite the fact she seems content to take lots of pictures of herself and has no problem showing both her face and body off in all of them. There's nothing wrong with doing those things but don't try and pretend that you're ugly or have body dysmorphia.
anyone with bdd either gets petty as fuck and jealous of other women or gets so down about their own appearance they purposely choose not to take pictures, appear in pictures or videos etc. I'm the latter and it pisses me off to no end how they try and almost "relate" to being mediocre or having BDD.
No. 1056815
>>1056659shanspeare is so fucking annoying and should be ashamed of herself to try and relate black womens struggle to men in spinny skirts.
every fucking video she has to shoehorn in how much she loves troons in that vocal fry budget ASMR voice she does.
I genuinely wonder if her mom and grandma would be ashamed to see she's trying to link black women and MEN disguised as women together.
No. 1056888
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I wish my life wasn't dictated by unrealistic standards of femininity I just can't reach.
I always get depressed thinking about the times I would measure my waist and hips as a 14 year old girl and google how to make my hips wider and how to look more womanly, what type of body men preferred etc…I hated my prom pictures because I felt like I just looked like a troon and I remember a girls mother staring down my dress because it was cheap and my family couldn't afford expensive dresses like every other girl had.
The worst thing is no man does shit like this for us. They don't measure their shoulders and stay up at night wondering what types of things women like. They're just allowed to look as crusty as they want and no one seems to care. In my teens when I thought having a 'hoe phase' was healthy for me I'd go to see a guy who openly admitted he couldn't be bothered to trim his pubes whereas I'd spent the previous evening exfoliating and shaving. I was such a fucking Cool Girl and so desperate for attention I just brushed it off and was way too high to have sex even though it happened anyway. If I had any confidence in myself I would have said no that day.
I think about the time I was 17 and a guy whispered to his friend, "Is that a girl or a boy" even though I am short and have always had long hair/dressed in womens clothes. I still think about that to this day and it doesn't help that I have quite boyish facial features, plus textured skin with cystic acne and large pores/scarring.
I don't even want a thick or curvy physique, and I know in my head that I enjoy being sporty/athletic and having stereotypically 'male' interests, but I ALWAYS feel like an alien around other women who aren't already my friends. Like I'm the "ugly but funny friend" stereotype almost.
It's literally to the point where I cringe thinking about myself in lingerie or anything hyperfeminine anymore because I just think that isn't me or how I should be…I don't want to sound like an nlog of course, but I struggle with this. I can't tell if my self-esteem is just dogshit or if I'm just entering my tomboy era again and this is how I should really be considering it feels the most comfortable.
I also totally relate to picrel (Billie Eilish) and how she dresses or how other women enjoy dressing in shapeless stuff because I cannot fucking stand being stared at by anyone, but especially men. It makes me feel sick and humiliated almost. Sometimes I think about nice feminine clothes that I want to wear but then I'm reminded that includes being ogled at like you're food and it puts me off instantly.
No. 1056905
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I've been complaining to my dentists about my wisdom teeth for years but they refuse to take them out, despite being impacted (literally diagonal on the last x-ray) and causing me a lot of pain. I think the reason why they've been neglecting it is to cut costs and wait until they can charge me for it (dental care here is free until you're 22). Now my tooth has been hurting non stop for two days and I've got an important concert today but I don't even think I can play because it hurts too much. (I'm a brass player so I'm dependent on my mouth if that makes sense) I'm just so angry, disappointed and sad right now.
No. 1056950
>>1056942nose blindness
but also has anyone else noticed that men have a piss smell about them sometimes? never experienced this with a woman but sometimes a man walks by me, and he's not a hobo, but i just smell piss. i have to assume it's because they didn't shake thoroughly after pissing and it's just sitting in their underwear or something. istg i saw a guy in a full business suit walk past me one time with that piss smell. maybe i'm delusional. but it's revolting.
No. 1056955
>>1056659anon i literally tried to watch this yesterday and had to quit because of the tranny pandering and long unnecessary speech about evul turves.
video started out great and quickly turned to shit.
No. 1056959
>>1056888I want to be ignored by men and still be found attractive by women, but if men stopped being gross, I don't think I would start dressing feminine. I'd probably still feel like an alien around most women either way, because of differences in sexuality and me being a bit spergy. I'm not even sure if it actually works atm and whether men are ignoring me, because they'll sexualize anyone/anything.
I feel better about my masculine features while dressing more masculine though. It's as if feminine clothes just make any harsh features stand out ten times more, meanwhile masculine clothes make feminine features stand out more. I might get mistaken for 5 seconds sometimes, but rather that than feeling like I look like a troon.
No. 1056996
>>1056962thats just your subconscious bringing this to your attention because its something you want to change. stand up for yourself anon, if not about that assault, make sure to do so in future, i believe in you
>>1056979most people who act like this are the people who are actually cheating and thus are more perceptive to "signs" their partner might be (aka if you're doing it as well, its not so bad!) if hes not cheating or thinking about it, then its just a massive red flag. When you argue does he yell? ever thrown anything? does he hold shit like this against you for weeks, months? pack your bags asap
No. 1057004
my mother (adoptive) died in december and in the same week my ex called me a selfish gold digger for leaving him as he quit his trade job without getting his qualification after 4 years to study a random subject. My biological mothers boyfriend said I've never cared for anyone in my life, and my current boyfriend told me to basically fuck off on christmas because he needed time to himself. we (the blame will probably fall solely on me) lost an expensive and sentimental item that was left to my bio mother in the will. It was probably thrown out on accident like most things left in the house. This coming week I have an important job interview, my two final exams, and my driving test which ive probably already jinxed.
im on new medication and I still can't cum, but at least everything is a blur. Selling everything in the house that can be sold but its so much energy. just listing the items and answering questions, but then I also have to pack them and send them off, and then some people complain as if I forced them to buy this shitty shit shit. \
I dont want to be doing this. I dont want to be the executor to my (real) mothers will. I dont want to deal with my alcoholic schizophrenic fucked up bio moms dramatics when she wont lift a finger to help with anything and made it actively harder to even get the nessecary executorship so we could start selling this dumb house.
I'm here alone just with my cat and I cant even sleep at night, I don't know why, but I can't sleep at night and even the heavy meds wont help. I have money from this situation but it either goes to bills and food or is wasted on drugs and bullshit. I'd give all the money and all the freedom to have my real mother back, she doesn't even come to me in dreams anymore, shes just there in the absence, whenever I lose something in the house knowing its never coming back, thats her. and I'm so glad the medication works well enough to stop me breaking down everytime I realize shes dead again, its so strange that shes dead, its so weird how time passes. she was sick for a long time so I knew it would come, but its surreal, its all fucking absurd anons, my heart goes out to the grieving.
No. 1057014
>>1056979Leave him, he's only going to get worse. My ex didn't even want me to draw men/male characters because he was just that insecure.
>>1056621Sorry but you knew he was trash before he got you pregnant. Enjoy your struggle love
>>1056952At three months in most states it's probably close to/too late to abort.
No. 1057052
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I found this old post I made in 2017 and I just want to punch the scrote who made me feel like this. Of course he was a TIM & a coomer. I completely blocked this out & dated this freak for 2 years and kept in friendly contact until recently. I can’t believe how I let people treat me.
No. 1057057
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>>1056658Hm yes your signs are concentrated on one side and mostly in one quadrant this to me means you are not a very balanced person. There is a lot of aquarius and this means you are mentally unhinged, a pisces moon means you have depression, and your lillith is in cancer which means you have depression and your rising is pisces which means you have crippling depression.
No. 1057065
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I was really bummed out last night and started crying because I was browsing /m/ and a whole rush of feelings and thoughts entered my head. Why is my art never good enough/always bad but the anons who made a bare minimum illustration that isn’t even colored but something they probably enjoyed drawing is considered amazing? Why am I always singled out? It seems really childish to think about the things but sometimes it hits you at the most unexpected times. They don’t even know who I am I’m just an anonymous person, I don’t even have an art social media
No. 1057093
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Please don't fight so much, nonnies.
No. 1057124
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>>1057065Art is hard, anon, and I've been drawing for years but still hate my own art, but I keep doing it because I enjoy it. Comparing yourself to other artists is unproductive, so is getting hooked on social media numbers for dopamine. If you just want to get better at art, maybe doing studies will help? A colored illustration isn't automatically better than a sketch, obviously fundamentals come into play here. This post is kind of going in circles, I just hope you don't lose focus on why you choose to continue drawing (personal enjoyment, hopefully?) and get distracted by things out of your control.
No. 1057154
>>1057065Making something people will like and interact with is really a crapshoot unfortunately. It’s nice to get recognized for what you do but you should ask yourself if that’s the reason you make art or the most important thing to you. I don’t want you to feel bad! idk where you posted your art here but I post in the oc thread if you wanna throw something in there n we can draw for each other, also what
>>1057124 said is good
Feel better nonna I’m sure your art isn’t bad and even if it is you can always improve.
No. 1057196
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im so tired. why are they like this. why are they so entitled. i hate being forced to interact with men even for work or school. he left a comment on my cheesecake i made saying he wanted to slap it with his dick and make me his wife. I asked him not to and this is the result. Well, this is 2/20 messages and comments.
No. 1057218
>>1057196the fuck this is actually disgusting. im sorry
nonny>>1057201found him kek No. 1057221
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>>1057218This is hysterical
No. 1057224
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>>1057196anon look what youre missing out on!
No. 1057231
>>1056621I know how you feel anon.
The house I bought with my partner was definitely a house I compromised on as well, but it was either that or pay more-expensive-than-mortgage abyssmal rent at another "luxury" apartment complex for the next year. I wish I could say waiting would have been better, but for my area it was the right choice as housing prices are going up. I wish I had bought a house here when I originally moved five years ago.
We're poor and I make more than my husband, but I don't make fuck-off money enough to support myself. If I didn't have massive debt
maybe but I would be barely scraping by.
I'm lucky enough in that my husband is too cowardly to get his reproductive health checked out to figure out why we're not pregnant yet–and perhaps that's a small blessing but I digress.
I'm disappointed that the resident NEETs on this website can't understand the nuance of women's living situations.
Try to think of the positives: Like you have a home in the middle of a pandemic during one of the worst housing crises of the modern age. It's more than what most have. I'm not sure if I'm reading your post correctly, but you're making it sound like he bought the place and moved you out there with promises. At any rate anon, it's clearly all he can afford and heaven forbid if you can't work later on.
Have you thought of any simple projects that might make your place more cozy even if you can't change your situation immediately?
I was able to repaint the walls and take down a popcorn ceiling by myself which made the rooms feel more like mine. I replaced a stained carpeted floor with some vinyl flooring that looks and feels like wood. Crown molding? Relatively easy to install. Buy the materials and then pay some moid a small sum to come throw it up for you. I'm planning to pay a tall family member with a saw to do this for me kek. My house didn't come with crown molding either so I feel you on that one.
Also I had to get real creative with storage and organizational space savers cause my home didn't come with much closet space either.
We work too hard to come home not having a personal space that reflects our comforts and merits. I'm rooting for you anon and I wish you the best in navigating the situation.
No. 1057253
>>1057244I wasn't even replying to you.
Telling us we're with losers isn't the helpful advice
your ego thinks it is. Quit being rude because showing someone a bit of compassion and understanding makes you oh so upset, wonder why.
No. 1057258
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>>1055336I'm this anon (thank you other anons for your supportive words), and it might just be my mood heavily affecting my mindset atm but fuck I just want to lie in bed for a few days and do nothing but feel sorry for myself. I've been feeling unhappy at work lately, and I'm pretty sure the guy I'm crushing on doesn't like me back.
I'm usually a fairly spirited and optimistic kind of person but some days, man, some days are just too much. At least these are concerns that are only temporary and in the long run doesn't really matter even if it sucks right this moment.
No. 1057260
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>>1057196he went private, fucking pussy
No. 1057264
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thank you anons, i love being able to vent in this place. I woke up to all those messsges and it felt really shit and i had to spend time removing all the comments he made on my page about sticking his dick in my cakes.
>>1057243anon you fly free, this moid can't hurt my real life. thakn you for your support nonnies.
Bonus picture of another comment he left before i deleted it. they always gotta insult your body lol
No. 1057275
>>1057264i really don't understand how such an ugly and deranged man can feel
this entitled, i'm sorry this happened anon
No. 1057289
>>1057260>north carolinaKek, his meth lab must have leaked.
The guy seems like a redneck loser from a small town who thinks he's edgy and enlightened because he figured out how to shove dinner plates into his ears.
No. 1057362
>>1057343men think watching porn is normal…like seriously I've had to explain to my brothers that it's actually not healthy or normal to watch fucked up porn or porn in general given that so much of it is illegal underage or generally trafficked/coerced shit.
naturally moids are also immune to any form of criticism that involves their dicks so when you state your boundaries on porn they act bewildered like it's totally normal to watch a tiny woman get herself gaped by 7 people.
men don't care though. I bet if you tried to explain to him about how fucked up porn is he would act shocked…he ain't. They know, yet they still choose to consume it.
No. 1057381
>>1057315how I hate that shit, I don't need pronouns and I don't want to be forced to use them. Let them guess if I'm she/it, maybe I'm a woman, maybe I'm a penguin, maybe I'm a cloud, just leave me alone with that gender bullshit.
>>1057362it's normalised, even among women by now and I find it sad. My brother and I talked about it and my brother seems to be one of the few guys who feels disgusted by porn and I honestly believe him. That's also one of the reasons I couldn't date a guy like anon described, watching porn once a week shouldn't be normal and even if he admits it, you still don't know what stuff he is exactly watching.
>>1057343it's good that he came up with that so early on, you can still run and he can go back to watching porn on one or more days a week.
No. 1057403
>>1057366It's like most men who say they're feminist: they only support women when it can benefit the shrimp between their legs.
I recently stopped talking to a male friend of mine because as well as being a BPD scrote who seemed to need to talk to women/enter relationships constantly, he claimed he was a feminist yet I saw him make a funny tweet about how Ghislaine Maxwell had nice tits (or it was something along the lines of Ghislaine mommy milkers cringe)
Like, you mean the woman who raped and trafficked numerous young girls? How is saying shit like that any different to watching porn?
Any man who says he's a feminist is gonna slip up and show their true colours soon enough.
No. 1057408
>>1057404Sorry about that
nonny. Too many girls getting sucked into being pickme and the "cool girl". Hate that shit.
No. 1057415
>>1057404 i think some women who are like that were previously the 'prudish girls' who were bullied so they feel the need to compensate and act like they're super freaky and nlog.
source: i used to be one of those girls. grew up with way too much internet access in early 2010s and thought it was kinky and Cool Girl to enjoy porn or very extreme fetishes because of the people i was surrounded by.
genuinely wish I had come across actual feminist content sooner because fuck do I feel guilty about it and wish I hadn't been so influenced by libfems and men on the internet. no woman deserves that shit.
No. 1057426
>>1057412i'm not mad, i'm embarrassed for you that twitter feminism has convinced you that fucking repulsive men is somehow beneficial to you. i'll give it 2 months until you post in the relationship thread complaining about how your pornsick boyfriend can't get it up unless you have a furry buttplug up your ass
> I can't have a vibrator in my house nor do I want onethis website is for adults
No. 1057429
>>1057422And I don't care that he doesn't care when I ghost him. My life doesn't revolve around him.
>>1057426Me getting head from him without giving is hardly me fucking him. And sorry I'm not rich enough to afford my own apartment lmfao. Must be nice.
No. 1057436
>>1057425Enjoy your herpes then
nonnie. Getting your pussy licked by a degenerate you don't even like isn't the flex modern feminism would have you think it is. Since you're so hellbent on seeing him again, I'm just going to assume you're gonna end up fucking him and regretting it when it starts to hurt to pee.
No. 1057440
>>1057425You say you're 'using him' but the thing is why would you want to engage in physically intimacy with someone you find at least partially disgusting - even if it is casual? There are some men out there who would be glad to do the same thing and who don't actually watch porn whatsoever.
It's not really a good thing to practice and it's not as casual, liberating and free as you think. The tongue is still attached to that man, unfortunately.
No. 1057443
>>1057436Liberal feminism will teach you that it's sexy girlboss and empowering to get your clit sandpapered by a man who will go home 40 minutes later and watch "Tiny Teen Gets Plowed by Old Fart" then think nothing of it.
I hate this shit.
No. 1057451
>>1057444Correct nonna. This is mostly why I despise 'hookup culture'.
We don't live in a world where women are given the pleasure or respect or even the bare minimum they deserve like agency and boundaries…and this is in full relationships. Why would hookup/casual flings be any better?
If we lived in a world where women orgasmed the same rate or more than men and didn't face mass sexual violence this wouldn't even be an issue but every time I see stuff like "I'm using him hehe" I just cringe because…you can't. It's not how this shit works.
Men NEVER think of it that way and they always get something out of it. You could tell them how much of a domme girlboss you are and he would still go home and then jerk off to fucked up porn later on in the day. Nothing's ever gained for us.
No. 1057452
>>1057444His dick's never been inside me lmfao.
>>1057447Thank you. These bitches actually think getting head is the same as using a vibrator. Totally different
No. 1057459
>>1057447nothing to be ashamed of or concerned about
nonnie, some women just don't like it or get nothing out of it. vibrators can be overstimulating especially at certain times of the month.
idk if it would be worth you perhaps trying the vibrator over underwear or a thin blanket? that's what I do when i'm on my period as obviously i don't want to touch it directly. it helps to absorb (idk the word) some of the vibrations for me so its less intense.
No. 1057465
>>1057260NC Fag Here and I think I've seen him before… I don't want to give away our areas but if he's who I think he is, he used to crash college parties in Boone, NC. I can smell his stink from here. John Taylor has been blasted on facebook before for getting handsy with 18 year olds
im on the case
No. 1057492
>>1057486Do u even care about me
nonny or are u just looking to shit on me. Tell me the truth
No. 1057501
>>1057452honestly i thought people were being hard on you but go fuck yourself. you deserve all the subpar dick you get. enjoy you stds from being sexually active with men you know are dirty.
>>1057465oh shit
nonny, make sure you post back here if you dig anything up!
No. 1057520
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>>1057501>>1057264sorry for sperging, but in my quest to find the jerk I found this profile pic for another (innocent) JT.
This was a successful search.
No. 1057555
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I know growth is not linear, but every time I relapse with my ED I feel so pathetic. I wish all this therapy, and self help books helped me create a better relationship with food.
Will I ever get better? Or is self sabotage and loathing all I'm comfortable with.
I want to have children one day, but I'm not sure I'll ever get a grip on this and I'd rather die sad alone than pass one this warped mindset.
No. 1057557
>>1057447If it's too intense you can use it on different parts of the body, like the mons or a little bellow the belly button. You don't have to have it directly on the vulva or clitoris if it's too intense for you. Also from what I hear most women like vibrators in conjunction with sex since most of us can't orgasm from just penetration. We're just telling anon to masturbate since it's safer than spending time with a moid she sees as a threat just so she can get her pussy licked.
>>1057520Pygmy goats are the only thing that bring my joy in life, thank you for sharing your find.
No. 1057650
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Appearance is something that you can fix with plastic surgery, gym, makeup and fashion sense. But there's nothing you can do to change your personality. I'll never be able to be a charming, interesting, fun social butterfly. I can't get along easily with people and have a hard time doing well in job interviews. I'll have to spend the rest of my life challenging myself and making me uncomfortable. I'm stuck in this worthless socially awkward, agoraphobic brain, and there's nothing I can do about it.
No. 1057707
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I moved to a terrible large town/small city in 2020 for work purposes and to escape my mother and honestly it's making me miss living rural.
picrel I live in england but i fucking hate it, it genuinely feels like I cannot walk more than 2 minutes without seeing somewhere cramped with housing or a shitty dead high street or worse, groups of creepy men who I have to cross the street for. I can't even walk around local parks here because people literally just chuck shit into the ponds or there's always groups of teenagers smoking weed.
I genuinely miss living more rural and the peace that comes with it: easier/less busy roads to drive on, more scenic places to walk and hike, a much more 'slowed down' life in general. All I would need is a supermarket and a gym within decent driving distance and I would be content.
I cannot stand being unable to go ANYWHERE without being surrounded by groups of scruffy aggressive men. I guess I'm lucky that my gym is walking distance in this town but it just feels so shit and dated and there's nothing to do.
No. 1057763
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my period always makes me feel both homicidal and suicidal. also today i keep reading certain letters backwards. i need to get a fun hobby. i need to stay away from humans for the next 12 hours.
No. 1057817
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Last night I was looking at a thread on Kiwifarms that was something like "terrible art from pixiv". At one point someone posted these extreme guro comics featuring women being graphically tortured and dismembered alive and eventually killed. I felt really disturbed and disgusted and tried getting my mind off of it afterwards. But it bothered me the rest of the night.
Realized this morning how much more sensitized I've gotten to such violent imagery from when I was younger. As I suddenly had some of the imagery pop into my head while showering felt myself suddenly get nauseous and light headed/weak. To the point I had to turn off the shower and sit down for a moment. Genuinely wonder what the fuck is wrong with people who draw that shit, literally porn for serial killers
No. 1057824
>>1057415I've been bullied my whole life, for every stupid shit they could find. I've been on the internet since around the early 2000s, I've "met" guys on chats while I was going by as 13 years old. I did this on purpose, I was stupid, I thought I would be the next "police witness", taking those old fuckers down. Gosh, I was so stupid, I saw and read way too much stuff I shouldn't have known at my age.
I think the internet just got us down in a spiral of self-hate and outward appearance and there was no one there to help us, no one even knew what was going on. If I would have met people like here earlier I wouldn't have felt "guilty" because I don't enjoy stuff like other people do, because I feel some people are strange and dangerous. No woman deserves to be treated badly, I'm just so tired of women against women, we should be a unit, we should stand together and secure the rights other women did fight for years ago.
>>1057579I don't know you, but I love you and I feel the same.
No. 1057903
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>>1057817Being raised on 4chan fucked up my guro tolerance (I still can't look at real gore though), but there was a thread on /b/ once about abortion fetish hentai that still haunts me to this day. It was the most fucked up degenerate hentai brainrot I've ever seen. I looked at the thread out of morbid curiosity and it consisted of
a pregnant hentai girl having a tally tattoo on her belly showing how many babies she's killed as she's violently fucked until the guy's penis goes inside the uterus (hentai logic) and essentially crushes and bludgeons the baby to death. As they're doing this, the captions say shit like "I'm cumming while killing the baby!! You were made to be killed in abortion sex!!" while the hentai girl does an ahegao while x-ray shots show the baby all purple and bruised. There were more pics that showed the girl giving birth to the dead baby, but I had enough with that first pic and closed the thread. What scares me the most is that the captions were translated, so there's an actual western audience to this kind of extremely depraved shit.
No. 1057955
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I would stick this in /m/ but can’t find a thread that works.
Picrel feels too true especially post-2016. I think that as a kid there were more better female protagonists and characters in media but post-2016 there was this weird emphasis on just sticking female characters and minorities in stories but actual character and story be damned.
Tumblr’s influence is insane, is it me or did tumblr really manage to completely destroy entertainment for an entire generation.
No. 1058004
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moid friends reply to my questioning of my place in our group was "wym by hanging out, we're already doing that without you"
wanna kms
No. 1058035
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>on the way home with grandma because she needed to get some x rays done
>was at a red light signaling that i was going to merge into the left lane
>fucking biker gets out of nowhere sandwiched between me and the car on the other lane
>he gets stuck, loses his balance and falls
>i was ready to open the door to see if he was ok and offer help, even apologize (not that it was my fault but just to calm his nerves)
>grandma screams and starts to cry in a panic
>i just left because no way im gonna get out and talk to this guy, im 5'4" and weigh 90 pounds
my dad:
>anon are you dumb you should have got out and talked to him!! he wouldn't have done anything bc there were a ton of cars around!
my bestie:
>anon are you stupid now he can say that you fled the scene and refused to help him
im just. why the fuck this even happened to me. i was stopped. at a red light. with my turn signal on. how the fuck am i wrong. what have i done to deserve this. i don't even know how he fell bc my car doesn't have any scratches aside from well… the broken glass.
got in contact with my insurance and it's all covered but it will take a week to get the replacement part
No. 1058057
>>1057052I don’t have anything else to say but sorry, anon. What a waste of space. Block.
>>1057903I wish I could go back to before I read this.
No. 1058062
>>1058045>>1058052>>1058053>>1058059thank you anons, they made me feel stupid but they weren't there with me and my grandma to understand that. even if someone took pic of my plate number, how is he going to prove that i caused an accident? furthermore, he smashed my glass so he loses all his right or whatever
my poor grandma was looking at the rear to see if someone was following us until we got home and had to take meds to calm down. she said i did the right thing and that's all that matters to me.
once again, thank you all for your kind words. you're all my besties
No. 1058064
sometimes I wish the horny husbandoposting thread wasn't so full of Golden Kamuy posts, especially when they become super long posts about ships and the GK plot, they should direct that stuff to the /m/ thread instead
>>1057955>I expel absolutely no sexuality or femininitydefinitely made by a scrote. Who (other than coomer moids) gives a single fuck if a female protagonist isn't made to appeal sexually to the audience. Males always get male protagonists that aren't meant to be sexy, sometimes their protagonists aren't even masculine. And there are countless examples of male protags who realistically shouldn't be as strong as they are but it's not seen as a problem, what's wrong with some female characters who are female power fantasies of the same kind? The rest I think are more legitimate complaints but it's obvious those aren't the main reason that image was made.
No. 1058067
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I want to pet and touch the ears of my puppy. They're soft velvet slices AND I WANNA TOUCH EM BUT HE'S BEING A LANDSHARK AND CONTAINS NO CHILL.
No. 1058099
>>1057500>>1057501Thanks anons. I ended up just calling him and telling him I didn't want to see him anymore and he flipped shit. I talked calmly the entire phone call telling him why I didn't see him as boyfriend material and why I was uncomfortable being around him. He couldn't control his emotions and called me shitty for "attacking his character" (?), gaslighted me, and focused on shit that didn't matter (playing semantics and other stupid shit). He was only all about defending himself. He also told me that watching porn and being obsessed with a girl online was normal bc he was a single guy. I told him I didn't care and that doesn't mean it's right.
He was completely childish and horrible in the way he handled the talk. He told me previously that his ex was
abusive and would scream at him, I told him maybe he learned how to talk/fight from her and then told him all of them including him sounded like trainwrecks. I ended the call and just deleted any trace of him.
Sorry for being a dipshit earlier. I was not just using him for sex, I was using him because of other factors in my life that suck and caused me to be alone. I love yall.
No. 1058117
>>1058112I know, anon. I was so creeped out when he started getting defensive and aggressive because all he did was bitch about his
abusive ex. Hell, maybe she wasn't even
No. 1058132
>>1058064oh btw I didn't mean that complaining about a female protagonist falling in love with a woman or being upset when men tell her she can't do things is a
valid complaint. Moids might peceive the latter as being her only personality trait, but often when I see female protags being accused of that, it's not the case. Besides, it's pretty relatable, and only adds to the female power fantasy lol
No. 1058152
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>>1058129I don't know how any moid could even reach to say Claire or Jill looked like men. There's nothing masculine about them, they just look closer to real women. I guess they want the poorer quality graphics then? What? Better for them to fap to? Like Laura Crofts triangle boobs? Male gamers are the biggest fucking losers
No. 1058201
i've been thinking a lot about the last job i had at the end of the year in 2021 and how much of a trainwreck it was. i ended up staying like a couple of weeks (i think, i never counted) because of how awful my coworkers were. we were a small team of women with one older asian man as the store manager, and my assistant manager and i were the only two black women so of course she had to become hyperfocused on me and obsessively controlling. i really hated her honestly.
i found out within the first week i got hired that she was talking mad shit about me behind my back and telling different stories about me trying to get me fired. i haven't been that angry in a long time because i remember asking one of the leads what was going on and after she explained everything, i really had to talk to myself because i was about to explode. apparently, she told the store manager for instance that i was sexting people on the job/had an onlyfans, even on my break, and that they should confiscate my phone, then she told our other team members that i "attacked" her because i confronted her about her being passive aggressive with me, so everyone iced me out the week she went on vacation after thanksgiving until they saw i wasn't the raging cunt she tried to make me out to be.
we had a few good days once she came back but then she started up again with the weird obsessive/controlling behavior, and the day i quit, she just wouldn't let up with the toxicity and acted like she was going to fly off the handle on me even though i gave her space. she kept ragging on me over dumb shit like crumbs on the floor from customers, totally ignoring the zones for the other sales associates, said i wasn't working hard, kept breathing down my neck about my breaks, started throwing shoes in my face and claiming i left a big mess after i came back from lunch, and then berated me over the walkies where everyone could hear her. i remember that night i just walked out and knew i wasn't going back because i heard her laughing about me cleaning the toilets like it was the funniest shit in the world.
sorry for the long ass rant but that was just one of many shitty, weird energy having jobs i got back in 2021 and that was really the icing on the cake. i really hate people somedays and don't understand why i seem to attract these types of people. i had another manager at a job i took over the summer try to throw a box of electronic clothes tags in my face after he started screaming at me because i left a bag of returns on a countertop by mistake…
No. 1058203
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My fiancé has a super close male friend who’s nearly forty and is honestly just kind of a gross guy in general but I just found out he likes V-tubers and tried to get my fiancé to watch them……I hope f realized I was 1000% serious when I said I don’t want that man in our home anymore thank god we live states away now and his broke, driver’s license-less ass will never make it anywhere near here I wanted to put an actual like vomiting pic to convey how I felt when I first heard the news but took pity on the emetophobes on here but like just ew man he’s such a creep
No. 1058220
Currently going on a rampage and ruining any trace of my ex having a safe space on social media. I got into his porn Twitter where he'd send messages to the women he follows on Chaturbate and OnlyFans. He tried deactivating both Twitters and I got into both of them and changed the passwords. They are mine now, and I'm posting screenshots of his messages, some of them mentioning me, and also stating how much money he spent buying porn and buying sex and revealing all the lies and hypocrisies I can observe.
He messed with the wrong person. He probably forgot how brutal I tore down my narcissistic mother on social media. I don't deal with that. We were in a long term relationship, so whatever I'm doing for these next couple of days will never compare to the damage he's done for the many years we were together. We lived together almost the entire time, even had plans to get married and start a family really soon. I did so much to ensure our relationship could turn for the better, yet he never changed.
I left him weeks ago, but he begs how much he still wants to keep in contact with me. He streamed on Chaturbate just 3 days ago. If you're doing this shit while pretending you're recovering from a so-called porn addiction, you deserve to be revealed. He deactivated his Instagram as well, but I'm betting he still has a porn Instagram. It's as long as I can't find it, it's how it's always been. Well, now I have hard proof of his retardation, so I am going all out. I have nothing better to do and he won't be welcomed into my life anymore once he pays up.
No. 1058236
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>>1057196He looks like he hasn't paid any bills since 2009 and knows how to make prison toilet hooch
No. 1058385
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One thing about the pandemic that really makes me happy is how unhappy scrotes are when they can’t see your face because you’re in a mask. I love being at the gym and feeling like I’m in disguise from all the leering moids. I know it makes them seethe so hard that women have one extra layer of protection from their gaze due to masks. I hope it remains commonplace for masks to be worn by choice out and about for this reason.
No. 1058395
>>1058392Unhealthy for you of course. I sometimes don't have enough oxygen just when I have to exercise indoors, I couldn't imagine doing it with a mask. And I know I have above average lung capacity, I measured it.
Plus the mask would get too wet from exhaling and sweat.
No. 1058415
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I have so much negative feelings or dysmorphia? towards my breasts after I gained weight. I hate the way they look, feel and the way they just be sticking out like that. It looks so gross on me and it makes me feel frumpy as hell. It always feels like they just dont sit right in shirts and I fucking hate wearing bras I need to lose some fat asap.
I'm just glad I'm too old to have been groomed into troon ideology or else I would have assumed I wanted to be a man.
No. 1058445
>>1058436 havent been pregnant before but I can empathise with you
nonnie. The worst is when you see or hear women talk about rightfully wanting a breast reduction after pregnancy or just in general and there's always some scrote who cries "But we like them big/God gave you big breasts" okay why don't you try lugging pounds of tissue and fat around on your chest every day?
It's disgusting how they dismiss it. I was a chestlet before the weight gain and they just feel far too heavy and like a burden on my body/frame. It also feels like you can't even wear a lot of clothes without it looking like you're purposely trying to show them off.
No. 1058539
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The idea and realisation that I never even had a female role model growing up is becoming more and more apparent each day.
My mom looked after me but she is a narcissist and she would argue with me or humiliate me over so many minor things, as well as invade my privacy, let me have unrestricted access to internet with no parental controls as a teen, and she has rarely ever apologised. If she did take me anywhere it was only to go shopping and buy clothes which I hated.
I didn't even have any sisters and the only female cousin I was in touch with killed herself. I think she often got annoyed by me as I was much younger than her but I look back at pictures of her and always think she was so funny/goofy and outspoken and always wore loads of gold jewellery and hoops. She was someone i would have looked up to and I still admire her from what I remember of her.
I genuinely wish I just had a female relative who would have taught me about consent, about being safe as a girl, taking me on trips or to go and do sporty things. I think this is why I feel so strange and frumpy around other women…it feels like I've missed out on a huge chunk of something compared to them.
I have female friends, most of them are female, but I just don't have the money nor confidence in myself to get back out there either. It feels like I've almost dropped off the earth and the worst thing about it, is that it's somewhat comforting.
No. 1058542
>>1058531Me too. Last time i went to a mall i saw a 10 year old wearing one of those chokers with fake leather and metal heart that troons wear. I know its not her fault and she probably got it from somewhere else, but its sad seeing a child wear something that is clearly a pornified item for degenerates.
I think a lot of this dont kink shame talk comes from reddit. Something clearly stinks about that website and sooner or later i do believe theyre gonna get exposed. Its crazy because if you go to the front page you get a shock from the pedophilic and disgusting opinions that seem to be upvoted by everyone. Theyre trying to normalize their fetishes and most people dont know that the moderators are all degenerates.
No. 1058554
>>1058546That's what men desire in porn
They don't care about intimacy, or touch, or anything sensual
For men, porn is just an outlet to indulge in their most vile exploitative neanderthal desires to fuck something until only they're personally satisfied
It's already spread to things like erotic fanfiction too where the woman only needs 30 seconds of halfassed foreplay and she always magically orgasms from like 5 seconds of being penetrated, if she even orgasms at all
No. 1058605
>>1058565Yeah you're right
nonnie, just wish it was easier
No. 1058609
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Fuck you. Fuck you fuck you fuck you. I should have let you die that day, this really was the biggest mistake in my life. I got a free miracle ticket out of this but I was too much of a stupid idiot to take it.Maybe I do deserve all of this after all.
Maybe I should throw away all your shit too, because boxes upon boxes of holiday decorations are actually "worthless". I can't even trust you to have the basic respect to ask me before you throw away MY things that might be precious to me. And then you're making a scene why oh why I don't talk to you. You don't even give enough of a shit to make that one second thought of how I might feel about you throwing away my childhood memories. I can't even remember the names of my friends anymore, these things are the only tie left to help me remember how life and how I actually were. I hate you, I hate all of you. I'm so angry I could cry. Just die, die already. I can't wait to never talk to any of you again and forget what I actually want to forget, which is all of you.
No. 1058627
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This awesome, whacky, super-slammin' double combo of depression and being on the spectrum has really fucked me over, especially this winter. I ended up getting stuck in my shitty depressed neet lifestyle routines and now I can't break the pattern. Every day is the same. I wake up in the middle of the day, have one shitty meal and do nothing. I never go out unless I have to, and I'm scared my career goals are slowly going to shit. I don't have any friends and trying to break out of this routine without any external force is damn near impossible. Every time I even try to think about how to go about it I just shut down and freak out. What the fuck do I even do?
No. 1058644
>>1058635Samefag. To add, my bf’s past relationship ended when he found out his ex was habitually lying about getting
consistently raped by a family member. She admitted it. So I understand there is trauma there.
No. 1058666
>>1058652>stdsLesbians have the lowest rate of STDs because most lesbian sex isn't penetrative, and being on the receiving end of penetration carries more risk of STDs which is why straight women are more likely to carry STDs than straight men. Are you going to say penetration is "degenerate" next?
>rapeWhen rape is defined as unwanted penetration by most laws, of course men "rape" the most because they have penises. Lesbians can't even legally rape in most countries, so how would the rape rates be equal?
>cheatingMost gay relationships are longterm because they'd rather cheat than break up. Lesbians would rather just stay in a dead bedroom relationship for years and then finally have a nasty fight and break it off. I never denied female and male sexuality was different, just that one isn't better than the other. They're different, but when you label things "degenerate" it reflects an inherent selfishness and unwillingness to look outside of your own sexuality. It's the same logic that straight people used to shun lesbians for decades.
In any case, the intention of my post wasn't to claim anything about male homosexuality. I'm a lesbian myself and have been victimized by other lesbians who have used similar claims of lesbian moral superiority as leverage to gaslight other women into
abusive relationships. I question the authenticity of any woman who claims that any sexuality deviating from theirs is "degenerate" because the word can only be used as an othering tactic to either manipulate or "other" women or to claim that men are selfish while ironically labelling things degenerate which is inherently selfish.
No. 1058675
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No. 1058683
>>10585611. Eat more than you would
2. Lift weights
No. 1058687
>>1058680i got banned for that yesterday kek its annoying that there been a lot lately
>>1058681anon, thats nuts! i could be wrong, but i think they wouldnt do that because it would lead to obvious problems. i have never heard of mixed gender dorms anyway, but maybe im ignorant
No. 1058696
Three months ago I found out that my boyfriend of four years has been hiding his porn addiction from me for the past two years, after I had many conversations with him about how it bothered me and if it was something he could not choose to stop, we should just break up. We met when we were 17. We travelled together and lived in 6 different states, I had a really close relationship with his family, had experienced and supported each other through really difficult coming-of-age type of stuff, and I thought we had come to the same ideological conclusions about the world. We had great conversations and a lot of fun together. A lot of laughing. :(. I also financially supported him for a few months while he did not have a job and was trying to start a wallet-making business. The fucking wallets look like child craft shit btw, but I still supported him (again financially—and emotionally) with what he was passionate about. I would have nightmares about him cheating on me and get upset about objectifying comments he would make towards other women, and could honestly intuitively sense that something wrong was happening and would get angry with him, and he would deny and deny and gaslight me into thinking that I was really just some angry, controlling woman. I found out that he had not actually stopped his cooming behavior like he told me he had for two years the day before I turned 21–we had just moved in to a little cabin in the woods together, and I had spent a lot of introspective time trying to improve myself bc of these issues that I was told were just my fault, so I had become so good to him, very very slow to anger, focused on making sure he was happy and having fun, cooking for him, body looking great due to meticulous care out of insecurity, working on fixing up and cleaning this cabin so we could enjoy it together, also paying for his food and gas and such–and I told him that the only thing that I wanted for my birthday was for him to baptize me in the lake in the state forest that we lived next to. I thought it would be fun to jump into cold water together and get an endorphin rush and drink a legally purchased bottle of wine and watch the sunset. He acted so weird about it for a few days, like I had requested some outlandish thing of him, until the day before my birthday he confessed what he had been doing. He said he felt too guilty. He was a porn addict. We didn't have any internet or cell service in our cabin yet, so he said that when I went to work he would drive to his parents' house and jerk off in their basement. And he had also been jerking off to pictures of girls that we were mutual friends with irl. I spent the week absolutely wasted and crying, quit my job as a goat herder, and broke up with him at the end of the week. I spent four days in the loft of this cabin listening to a narration of The Book of Revelation that I had downloaded on my phone (no cell service in cabin) consuming nothing but wine and laying down on the floor all day in the sunlight cast by the ceiling skylight. He stayed with his parents, who live in town. I did not want to live in that cabin anymore so I boarded with the folks that I worked for herding goats for about three weeks, then drove out west to Denver to see my dearest friend. I was drunk for two and a half months straight, no exaggeration. I did a bunch of obscure craigslist gigs to support myself (trade show work and physical labor stuff), read Leonard Cohen's Book of Longing over and over and cried on the subway, the streets of downtown, the forest, many coffee shops, libraries, fields and parks…I went to various other western/midwestern states hiking and walking and killing time and such. It was especially hard because winter was coming on and I was sleeping in my car or camping alone in the cold because I didn't want to settle down anywhere, not even with my aforementioned dear friend, I just wanted to go back home and have the nice life that I had before I found out about all of this, but I couldn' was gone…The heavy drinking gave me a horrible red rash all over my face. I became very callused. After continuous travel and meeting some new cool people and visiting some other people that I have known and loved for a few years, I did an eight-day prayer fast in the wilderness in Missouri. I drank the clean, amazingly blue water from the river I slept near, and just prayed and cried and read scripture. After the fast was over I spent one night in a motel, and called my ex and told him I was coming into the area. I have now been staying at his parents' house with him for almost a month now, and have honestly been having fun hanging out with him as a friend. I am no longer attracted to him at all, and have told him this very plainly multiple times, but he is still very much attached to me emotionally. He cries fairly frequently when I mention even casually that I am over him, or talk about him needing to go on dates with other people and such. He says he has not watched porn since we broke up, and I don't necessarily believe him as he is now branded in my mind as a liar, but I also don't necessarily care. I haven't had a drink in about two and a half weeks and my face has cleared up. His dad and I get along very well and talk about the Bible. I assert to my ex about the horrors of the porn industry. I am leaving in four days to become homeless in the Amish country and have a job interview for a position as a night shift janitor. I now do not trust men, and sometimes actively despise them. I am not planning on being in a relationship ever again. I am however excited about the prospect of being an voluntarily mute janitor who sleeps in the woods behind the Wegmans and reads the bible and talks to squirrels. But sometimes I do still get really sad–at this point not about missing my ex, but about how disgusting men are for being the way that they are, and how much this has hurt me. After releasing so much during my two and a half month rage, most days I feel okay, but sometimes I really don't. If you have, how have you all come to peace with acknowledging the terrible nature of men, and how they are not worth being with or respecting, how you'll (I'll) never have a loving relationship or a family, etc…..?
No. 1058710
>>1058696>>1058696Holy fuck, you are SO NEAT and reading this was a treat. Knowing you in real life must be a gift. Fuck, just so cool. You're so fucking strong. Also slightly unrelated but could you link to the Book of Revelations audiobook? Damn. Just want to say how interesting you sound. How based
No. 1058712
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I started doing that telus rating shit and I keep fucking up!! They already banned me from one task and now sent me another email with all my incorrect ratings wtf, I refer back to the guideline yet I still fuck up rrrrrthsvsjbsakns
No. 1058713
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>feels invisible anywhere I go
>starts having violent impulses and fantasies because of muh thyroid causing me to grow hair on my chin rip
>ugly logo i made for one of my annoying graphic design is looked over
>wants to start screaming
why do I crave validation so much? I can’t even have fun anymore I genuinely feel like there’s a dark force looming over my life. why bother being creative if no one gives a fuck? why do I put so much effort into something I will never get out of?
No. 1058748
>>1058723You got this nonna, just remember to keep yourself cool and honestly just be yourself (I know thats cliche but still). Don't feel like you have to do or say anything or let down boundaries in any sense of the word. Also be patient with the dating and if he starts hinting at sexual stuff faster than you expected, get out of there asap lmao.
>>1058727You're fucked in the head honestly. I don't even have words for this lmao this is the worst response to "I need some help/confidence" I've ever seen. What made you think this was a good idea?
No. 1058758
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>>1058575Lmao she was written by Lauren Faust the creator of my little pony friendship is magic. She’s the powerpuff girls creator’s wife lmao
No. 1058826
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>>1058774>>1058782you learn something new every day…
No. 1058891
>>1058253Switching as soon as you can is better than trying to power through something you aren't fully invested in. It's okay to take a short break too, if you want. Do you have any ideas on what you want to switch to?
t. wasted 2 years on a subject i didn't actually like, in 40k extra debt as a result
No. 1058961
>>1058696Not going to lie, it’s still difficult for me. I came to the realization that most men are trash. Statistically, men cause the most crimes, have the highest likelihood mental illness, more prone to addiction, etc. I think most could be better if they wanted to, but don’t because society caters to them and being a misogynist isn’t really punished.
The best thing is to keep doing what you’re doing and living life and making the best of it. You don’t need to have a man to live life to the fullest. You already sound very interesting and accomplished. I agree with other anons, you could totally get into writing, an autobiography would be interesting. The loneliness can be hard at times because I do sometimes want nice words and touch, but I always try to remember that it’s a lot better being alone than being tied to someone that makes you miserable. Living a life with someone who has pornsickness is bleak. Keep focusing on yourself and doing what makes you happy, and if the right person just happens to come along, then great.
No. 1058971
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i feel very tingly today
No. 1058973
My supervisor just came to me and said she wanted to talk to me I’m an hour. I don’t know if it’s good or bad, I’m panicking. She’s been nice enough to wait while I go through an internal transfer (I can’t work while that happens for some reason, just small things), but HR is being so damn slow about it so I’m worried she might just fire me at this point. I’m also worried if it could possibly be about my ex. I don’t know if they’re that much of a pos to interfere with my livelihood, but recently we got into a fight after I found out the identity of who he cheated on me on (I didn’t know who it was other than an online persona. I found out through legal means though, this person literally used their own last name as their username, and my ex told me some things about them when I still thought they were “just friends”). I misgendered them on purpose which made my ex really mad and he stopped talking to me. Finding out who the person they cheated on me was, after him refusing to tell me, made him angry too. I’m afraid he might’ve called my work about me being “transphobic” or finding this person (I handle sensitive information as a job, but I did not use anything except Google, which everyone has access too). Maybe being paranoid but ugh I hate the vagueness of “we need to talk” coming from a boss.
No. 1059041
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I think recently I've been living too much in the present. I have some bad personal problems that need addressing somewhat soon, but I just indulge in escapism or excitement over things not far away, like the Nintendo direct tonight or Valentine's Day. I wish I lived in a Rune Factory or Harvest Moon world. Just a nice little community growing my own crops and having a spouse and kids who love me.
I need to look into getting a visa to move countries, but I don't want to. I don't want to speak to strangers especially if they're men after a bad experience not too long ago, I don't want the fear of waiting so long just to get denied to come true - as much as I don't want to stay in this country/house. I know I have to take chances and speak to strangers to move, I can't live in a fantasy world, but damn do I want to.
I hate travelling, I hate luggage, I hate airports, but I need a good permanent home.
I guess I just have to suck it up and try and be brave, but just playing vidya and forgetting about irl problems or getting too absorbed into my cooking sounds much more preferable. Ahh I wish things were easier.
No. 1059048
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goodbye sanity!
i really think my diagnosis are fake and they are trying to make me a zombie and brain dead, no thanks pfizer and friends.
inb4 take my meds,
nice try pharmashills
No. 1059057
>>1058973Update us
nonnie, I hope you're okay and it isn't anything bad
No. 1059077
>>1059044Sorry nona, I’ve also accepted that I will never have any kind of social life, I’ve been fucked up too much by anxiety disorders and years of basically no meaningful human interaction. I don’t think I’ve been held since I was a baby. Bit sad/embarrassing but in regards to being touch starved
i got one of those huge teddy bears and the first time I hugged it I was insanely happy, it was almost like hugging an actual person I’ve resigned myself to just throwing myself completely into my hobbies and loving my husbandos n waifus, wish I could just kill myself but unfortunately I am here to stay.
No. 1059091
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>make (male) friend at work
>we both play the same video games, start playing together sometimes
>I have a bf, who's not at all a secret; I talk about him all the time at work
>apparently work friend missed the memo
>he asks me out
>now I have to reject him like an asshole and I lost a friend I genuinely enjoyed playing with
I know I'm a horrible person, but I hate the feeling that any male who interacts with me doesn't give a shit about me as a person once my pussy is off the table. I noticed his feelings and ignored them just because I was so desperate for a friend, and then he made me say out loud that he's not going to be able to have sex with me and he immediately loses interest. I know the answer is "make female friends" and I'm trying but I don't know any women who like the same games as I do
No. 1059109
>>1057707 I live in a rural area in England but can relate to the problems you said. I don't want to go outside at all. There's no point when I
know I'll have to walk past a group of men smoking that will likely harass me.
No. 1059121
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>>1058710Thank you for saying this :')
This is the exact narration that I listened to, downloaded from one of those youtube to .mp4 sites. enjoy: is a vast book
>>1058720You are a very kind person, thank you….
>>1058962I recently bought a notebook lol
>>1058967>>1059049I would say "I wish it was!" but this is my life now and I honestly only feel sad only a small bit of the time. Writing this down helped.
attached a picrel that I might delete but this is my former friend geraldt
>>1056693I feel the same about my cousins, we were all really really close to each other and since we became adults everything got really blurry and it's hard to contact them. One of them, which I used to be really close when we were teenagers, straight up refuse and make dumb excuses to not meet up. Last time she overslept and refused to meet because it was raining, and we haven't seen each other for 1 year already. We used to see each other every week.
I prefer to just keep the childhood memories close to my heart instead of feeling "disappointed" on them though, especially because I know I also take some part into the awkwark thing that our friendship turned out to be.
Life is sometimes just really tiring, and I'm not much of a social person, so I literally forget to contact people I genuinelly care for, or prefer to take time to rest other than visiting them… I like to believe it's the same case for them, most of times, and that deep inside we are all still the same people as ever, and will always love each other, both as family and friends.
Friendship is complicated and I don't like the idea of pushing people to become closer. If it's not natural and comfortable for everyone involved, it's better to just be kept apart.
No. 1059175
>>1059121Did you post yourself
nonnie? Are you new?
You're cute and the goat is too, but I agree with the other anon that you should probably delete it. I think faceposting yourself is against the rules.
No. 1059184
>>1059153This is me. Always had this experience. I’m a “quiet” person in general and often keep to myself, I’m just not very talkative or outgoing. There’s nothing wrong with me, that’s just my personality. And I wish more people would recognize that as a type of personality, not some defect that needs fixing or a “shell” that has to be cracked. People are always asking me what’s wrong, telling me to smile more, trying to cross boundaries and touching me with a hug or a pat (gross), always mentioning in passing that I’m “so quiet”, and more. There even was a girl in my school’s choir group that kept pestering me one day, while we were in the middle of the risers around other people, why I was “so depressed” and kept trying to show me Disney memes on her phone to I guess cheer me up. It gets really annoying and sometimes patronizing. I guess I would be considered an introvert because I like one-on-ones and small groups, but I always need some time alone to recoup. I like being along and doing my thing too. I feel like this is more of a problem with women too, I don’t see introverted guys getting this same treatment. I suppose if you aren’t following the female socialization and expectation to be bubbly and talkative, then something must be wrong.
No. 1059187
>>1059077Don't be embarrassed, nona! I have a doll that basically serves this purpose for me. It's scented and is really nostalgic for me. It helps me fall asleep really quickly. I also have a weighted blanket which sort of helps at times, and is super helpful for general anxiety. I might have to try one of those teddy bears, though!
Hobbies and husbandos/waifus are how I cope as well! I just invest a lot of time into making art and writing about them because it's nice to invest all that energy somewhere instead of bottling it up. I feel like I have so much love to give but no one to give it to.
I hope you'll be okay, nona. I hope you continue to find a reason to live through your hobbies! That's the only thing that really keeps me going, personally. Without them I'd probably offed myself a while ago.
No. 1059188
>>1059156No, the problem isn't you or your appearance. Changing your appearance won't stop people from being idiots, and if I was in your place I would just go away from that stupid school, if no one could help me out. You're never obligated to anything, at all. Don't let people keep bullying you.
Believe me: the whole world isn't like that. There are idiots everywhere, but some places aren't as filled with idiots than other places, so go looking for those places and you will find them eventually. Don't ever think that changing yourself will change how people treat you, that's not correlated - but accepting people's behavior does affect how they think they can treat you, so stand up and don't let those fuckers make you feel that way anymore.
No. 1059200
>>1059181The teacher joins along unknowingly in his defense actually by saying “pFffff I jUst SaiD tHaT” and shit like that, even though he’s incorrect and doesn’t understand even what I’m asking but it invites my classmates to mock me anyways even if they don’t understand the context.
Management? Of the school? I have no idea what they could even do. I’m 25 the rest are all adults too and losers and want something with their life going on like me.
>>1059188What should I do then? Run away my whole life? I quit high school precisely because of that. I’m in tradeschool because I gave up on life and me not fitting in anywhere. Due to traumas that stunted my brain I won’t be able to go to a real college right now. The tradeschool gives me bux too. And I get to learn to cook while I’m practicing to get my ged. If only I wouldn’t get bullied, though. Truth to be told my previous housemates ganged up on me as well. So maybe I have an undiscovered personality disorder. Either way I feel highly disrespected since 1996. I feel with so much suffering I deserve a happy ending, but I know I won’t get it.
No. 1059204
>>1059179That's the worst, makes me so angry… Sorry I don't want to be friends with everyone? I'm not hungry for socialization like you, and I couldn't care less about "fitting" in your stupid group.
>>1059184That's me as well, I had a hard time on high school because I was quiet and introverted, just wanted to be alone and do my fucking thing. Some stupid girls kept trying to befriend me in a very pushy and uncomfortable way, and after failing they started to ignore me. I didn't seem to care enough, so they started to bully me "softly" by hiding my stuff and things like that, and since I was really stressed out already with my grades and all the forced socialization, I cried multiple times and actually became depressed.
Luckily, the next year I befriended two other girls who were nice and respected my personal space, and I was finally keeping up with the studies, so things started to become better.
People on that school just thought that I hated them, and speaked ill of me from my behind, like how "depressed" and "unlikeable" I was.
Well, I did grew up to hate them, after all that they did to me, only because I wasn't laughing at their stupid jokes, going to parties, or letting them touch me without consent (hugging and all that).
No. 1059233
>>1059200I know that keeping "running away" doesn't seem like a wise thing to do, but when people are bothering you, you have three options: accept it, make them go away, or go away yourself.
If you really want to stay on that school, if it's really important to you, more than how bad you're feeling right now, then it's alright to keep going - it won't last forever, at least!
The second option is obviously a violent one, because if they aren't actually hurting you phisically no one can't help you out, so YOU would need to hurt them phisically instead - but that's not a smart choice, since you're an adult and can't just go fighting with people like that, it has consequences.
So, the more comfortable option is to go away yourself, or "run away" as you said. I know your life has been hard until today, but it's not true that you're doomed to that forever, this is not logical. Unless you actually belive you're cursed or have an identity disorder that makes people hate you (hard to believe that), it's okay to just keep going and getting those bad experiences away from your life, even if that means you have to give up on a few things. It's not your fault and this whole horrible situation is nonsense, but sadly life isn't always fair. It's okay to make choices only for feeling less miserable sometimes.
No. 1059250
>>1059201Nonna, has he always been like this? My fiancé used to be really nice to talk to when we first started dating, and after about 2 years he had a really annoying phase where he would just ignore me or say I was "wasting my time and energy" whenever I tried to have a real conversation with him, about things in general, but especially complicated subjects, or things I was passionate about. It really made me felt all sorts of bad things, and demotivated me a lot, since he was one of the only people I felt comfortable sharing those thoughts with, and he didn't seem to care.
By the time he was really stressed out, besides being really insecure and somewhat addicted to porn. It was a really hard time for us.
Now we can talk about even very complex and controversial subjects again. It feels great, but it took a long time for things to get completely normal again, and I just stayed by his side because I knew it was an outside issue, not him being naturally stupid. Couldn't stand being with someone ignoring and silencing me forever, it is truly enfuriating.
No. 1059257
>>1059233Even as a teen they dropped me out because of a physical fight. And I deserved to fight her and it was the only time I did because she put my number online so old men could call me. I fought her with tears in my eyes lol. Men actually called me.
Maybe I should do the grey rock method.
You’re giving good advice and I think I should continue because of the bux even if I’m never cooking there except at the internship.
Could I get feedback on this scenario?
>This down syndrome looking girl was saying “puhlease you’re in tradeschool how hard can it be sorry but not sorry lolz” >I confronted her when the class was over because my blood was boiling.>asked her to repeat what she said >she didn’t actually repeat it so i repeated what she said and she said “that’s not his fault he can’t help you”>and I gently told her that it wasn’t about the level of hardship itself I have a problem with but about something else and he may know how to deal with it because he said something that appeared he’s experienced with my problem.>She said nothing and looked down and I said “I’m not angry btw” because I’m a tall bitch and she’s smallThis was just wrong all together right? How should I have handled this situation and situations like this better?
No. 1059265
>>1059257She said “oh” too btw.
But I hate to obsess about retards on end. I mean even if it doesn’t stop I don’t need friends or family or another lover/rapist (I get fucked against my will by the nastiest people that feel I should have sex with them because I’m ugly btw) so it’s ok if I’m alone and do what I like best even if my life is lonely and sad. Though there was this nice girl on lolcow i ghosted because I didn’t want to burden her with my ickies. I wish her success if she’s reading this and I’m glad she’s come where she’s come. (Is this a suicide note? I hope not I’d really like to try living life a bit better)
No. 1059270
>>1059233I don't think she needs to hurt them phisically, just to snap and tell them to fuck off. But since there's more than one bully and she's alone, it probably would only escalate the situation.
>>1059200Are you even being able to properly study and learn things in this type of environment? It doesn't seem worth to keep going to this place. You should change schools.
No. 1059303
>>1059261Maybe him being stressed out is part of the reason why conversations haven't been really good between you, whatever the thing he is going through currently. Some people just want to stop thinking as a way of coping (my fiancé is like that) while others to think thoroughly, sometimes even overthink, for trying to understand the issues and overcome them (I'm more inclined to that).
Sometimes, when I'm overthinking, he helps me realize that I am and reminds me to calm down a bit and stop ranting endlessly about the same thing. It is very different from completely refusing to talk about it, though. It got out of control during that phase, kind of?
If that's the case with you two as well, I would suggest not pushing topics that he seems to reject. It is hard, and feels wrong sometimes (even unfair, because we have our needs too, right?), but people need to think for themselves and their partners can't always help by pushing the topics (don't just let him be, of course, but take it easy).
It's complicated to deal with differences, but it's needed for keeping a healthy relationship.
No. 1059308
>>1059303Extremely insightful and helpful - thank you. We are exactly that way too, my tendency is to overthink when stressed and his to try and stop thinking. I'll for sure try and keep that in mind next time. You're the best
No. 1059313
>>1059257I don't think you handled it in a wrong way, it might have been a bit awkward but human interactions tend to be like that anyway, specially conflicts.
It's good that the situation haven't escalated, and that you talked to her for clarifying things! Even if she didn't answer you, you did your best there, she just probably didn't expect you to confront her to begin with.
When people are talking shit about you nearby / on your face you can't simply ignore it, or they can think that you're afraid of them and proceed to feel stronger and better than you. It's important to let them know that you're not taking shit; However, it's good to also make it clear that you don't want to fight and beat them (even if you want to) so they won't feel too attacked, thus probably trying to fuck you up later on for "self defense" (people are idiots and really act by instinct, don't forget that).
Don't give up on finishing your cooking classes unless you're way too stressed to continue. You can do this!
No. 1059344
>>1059270Not really. If I change schools I’ll be 40 before I get my first degree. I am preparing for a ged in the mean time…so i can go to any college I want.
>>1059313I’m proud of myself anyways that I did that. I’ll do it more often but every time differently. More mocking more or less. I’m stronger alone than in a group anyways. When I’ll have to cook at the school’s restaurant I’ll demand that I cook something too instead of constantly having to wash dishes. Thank you for your encouraging words, bless you!! I was really having a mental blockage.
No. 1059370
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>>1059335I recommend these, they’ve helped me a lot with giving cats pills. Otherwise it’s best to hold them between your legs, wrapped in a towel if their front paws give you trouble. Then you take their head with your left hand, put your thumb and fingers on either side of their cheeks, and point their head up. Their mouth will open when their head is pointed up and then you can drop the tablet into the back of their throat. Use a syringe to make sure the pill is washed down with water and you’re done.
No. 1059419
How do I stop messing up around the wrong people? To clarify, I have a hard time setting boundaries around weird discord omglul sus anime etc. etc. people. I truly don't want anything to do with them, but I am friendly to everyone by default. When I'm in their company and can't really escape, I automatically start to try and connect with them so they feel comfortable. For instance, I would say something akin to "ohh, you like K-pop? That's so cool! I know [random group] and really love this song of theirs. It's just so cute and upbeat! It's great to dance to, don't you think?" and I hate it, because I don't want to be around these people. I want to attract different people and somehow make clear that I'm not one of them and in fact want to avoid them, but I have a hard time with it. I need to really practise restraint, but it's so difficult for some reason. I even was super polite and talkative to the queer whatever group. I don't want to! I don't agree with them, I have no business with them. But I just have this inclination to be friendly and involved, still. I like being bubbly and kind. I've been assertive a few times this past week, but it still hasn't been enough. Sometimes there's just so much pressure from these people and no option to escape, and I like connecting with people and making them feel heard but it's frustrating when I loathe the things they're talking about but know enough about them to hold a conversation. aghhhhdhd
No. 1059440
>>1059424Thank you nonna, they have calmed down and became more supportive the past year but it still hurts like hell. My only good friend turned into a tranny and even though I still like her (we can laugh together and it's not a fetish thing, she's just very confused. I know she will grow out of it, at least I hope so). I have a guy and we both like each other but he lives out of the country (he's form the same place, he moved for his studies). I truly hope we're a good match, I don't know because I don't know him that well but I really like him. I hope he feels the same way about me and we build our relationship and hopefully move in soon. He seems a bit insensitive but I think deep down inside he's a delicate little flower. He's not good at talking emotions and I'm very emotional, we're very similar though so I hope we can talk feelings sometime. I have no other (close) friends and there are really no safe places to sleep outside as a woman. I hope I'll be out of here in at least a year. I'm going to college in September, I hope to make some friends and get cheap student housing. Either that or moving in with my crush, but we haven't been able to really develop our relationship. I hope so though, I like him a lot ( he's smart, passionate, respectful towards me and other women, loves his family and pets etc.) Sage 4 blog, I needed to get it off my chest. I'd honestly rather be homeless but I don;t even have a car to sleep in.
No. 1059441
>>1059436Not final after all, apologies. I think I've just kind of reached my limit. This behaviour doesn't serve me any longer. I truly believe that people need love and support to be healthy. I believe in being kind and lending a helping hand. I believe in seeing the good over the bad, in seeing the potential in everybody. But honestly, I need to start involving my gut feeling again and remain honest without being intentionally rude. I can't keep abandoning myself. Ultimately, I can't apologise for being me. I am too polite, too attentive, too careful. I just don't want to be crass nor give someone a bad day on accident. I want to bring people joy and inspiration. But ahhh not everyone is deserving of it. The world is filled with parasites and I have to accept that my warmth cannot be accepted by everyone unless it is impersonally. God bless college for helping me develop myself this way.
>>1059439Thank you thank you thank you thank you. I will and I must.
No. 1059457
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she’s straight and only dates ugly white men
No. 1059550
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>>1059526Stop giving your family a free pass to abuse you, you owe no one anything
No. 1059636
>>1059440I wish we could be friends but I’m way older than you. I relate to you so much minus the only good friend thing I have none. I feel sorry for you and your shitty parents. But
nonny, moving out won’t solve the problems, bad roommates are a thing. You’ll just lose money and hope you’ll upgrade to your own appartement, which I hope you’ll will. And more.good luck with everything anon I hope you nothing but success.
No. 1059645
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One of my many nights of not being able to sleep, thinking of my old best friend and how I miss her terribly, how much I regret how immature and mean I acted the last time we spoke, but being too cowardly to ever message her again.
I'm deathly afraid of any form of rejection from her. I could message her again, it's the only way I could ever know how she's feeling or what she's up to, but I'm a coward when it comes to her. Her importance to me and how highly I value her every thought and opinion cannot be overstated.
I feel emotionally and socially stunted because of many bad personal things that were happening around the time we stopped being friends. She's moved up in life. I've been trying and failing. I have no idea how she feels about me and I selfishly hope she misses me as much as I miss her. I'm afraid of her not wanting to be best friends again or thinking I'm weird or a burden etc.
She was the first and last real, close female friendship I had that was with an actually good person. She's irreplaceable and unforgettable to me. Seems like there'll always be a her-shaped hole in my heart. I wish she wanted to be friends again and would accept me for who I am and we could just hug again.
As long as she's happy and alive that's all that really matters I guess.
No. 1059650
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Women are honestly funnier than men. They are more detail orientated, intuitive and observant in my opinion thus capable of making more nuanced and layered jokes. They are more genuinely random (and not in the muffinz of d00m way) but where their tone, infliction and ability to call upon references to real life and poke fun at them in this genuinely unfiltered hilarious way.
Scrote humor is XD MOVIE REFERENCE 90S SITCOM REFERENCE XD XD XD, some stale outdated meme or dick fart poop butt or some stupid drawn out story of his friend from middle school doing SOMETHING SO FUNNY HAHA
No. 1059730
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these people really think jkr has transwo men on her mind 24/7, even in the year 2004 while writing a fantasy book for kids and teenagers… imagine being this embarrassing while writing this on your phd blog.
No. 1059732
somedays, i just feel like i've been cursed to be a perpetual failure. like i'll never know success or normalcy. i would like to be happy for once, not get kicked around by others, not constantly feel like i have to apologize for things i never did, not be treated like a freak, not have people abandon me when i need them.
i don't want to be a victim. i want to change because i see that there is something wrong with me or how i deal with things but i don't know how to change. i don't know how to deal with my anger in a constructive way, so i just run away from situations like on jobs where i seem to attract bullies and should defend myself, but don't. i don't know how to stand up to people in a constructive way, because whenever i do it doesn't end up happening the way people tell you it should or how you read about it in magazines. there are no hugs, no respect, no apologies, no compromise. i just get shown the door or i lose another friendships/relationship.
i have never really had friends in my life and while this is probably the stupidest thing to moan about ever, i hate how i constantly feel like i am 5-years-old again trying to fit in at school with kids who see me as some sort of freak and all the adults keep chastizing me for "not trying hard enough" when i do try hard and it just never works out. i don't really like my generation sometimes. people never seem to realize how acutely aware i am of their disdain of me; i can hear people sniggling about me behind my back, i can see the looks on their faces when i try to be friendly after getting bitched at for being "unapproachable", and it kills me a little everytime inside and so i just turn in on myself again and it just makes the problem worse. again, i know i have a problem but i don't know how to change it.
i don't really have anyone in my life i can run to and tell my problems to. i've always been there for others but then no one is there for me. if i try to vent to my family i just get told off about how my life is soooooo much easier than theirs because i don't have to hunt for my own food or climb a literal mountain to get to school, or i hear some bullshit vague advice about "just put yourself out there!" like i haven't been putting myself out there for the past few years and getting slapped around for it. my family sees my tears, they see my frustration, they see my loneliness and my depression and isolation but instead of trying to understand me, they just berate me for being weird, try to shove me off on people i don't like, or at worse, try to totally astroturf my personality because i am not the person they think i should be. i know it must be hard having me as a daughter/granddaughter but god, i am so tired of it because it just reminds me, again, of what it was like when i was a child and everyone seemed to think that there was something hidden inside of me that they could crack open, only to be disappointed at the person i really am.
this is getting long and i know i am probably going to get trolled for it but god, i just look in the mirror somedays and wonder what is wrong with me? why was i born this way lol? i don't want to change for other people, i just want to be strong in my own way and live my own truth and not cave in to peer pressure anymore or feel like i need to be someone else to be accepted. but i've been conditioned to live in this toxic cycle and it's hard to break from it. i should see a therapist, so i am going to start working on that in the next month or so.
No. 1059742
>>1059734it's hilarious but also sad. i wish i could enjoy hp without constant reassurances that twansphobia is bad and that they don't agree with jkr.
>>1059735nooo you don't understand, obviously she was born transphobic and even without realizing it she was already unwittingly transphobic in her books in the 90s/early 00s!!! kek or whatever logic they use to justify bullshit readings like that.
No. 1059806
There was a recent thread on some chan that is local on my city that had the leaked nudes of a bunch of girls on my uni. The gossip called me and I went to check who was there. Shouldn't have done that. Saw the girl my ex used to date after me, recognized his living room on the photo. Worst of all, they supposedly broke up more than 5 years ago. I got paranoid thinking if he also kept my photos. Currently debating on approaching the girl and wondering if I should report him , just in case. Don't get me wrong, that girl harrased me for months, trying to "show her place". Still think what he did is beyond creepy, FIVE YEARS. The guy already has a kid and a wife, what the fuck dude, how can she be married and breeding with such scum? Can't even sleep thinking about it. I wasa minor when I dated him, so I'm pretty sure that those nudes he took of me count as CP. What if he still have them? What if he gives them away too? Just how many bastards might have pics of 16 yr old me, fuck. I'm also afraid the thread will get deleted, and then I would have 0 proof agaisnt him. Is making me insane.
No. 1059835
>>1059820Fuck moissanite. I want a diamond and my future husband know I need 2 carats minimum.
Lab grown diamonds are okay though.
No. 1059840
>>1059823Thanks, I think stanning for a quality ring for another woman is the least we can do. It costs us nothing, so why should we care how much money the man gets to spend?
>>1059826I asked him if he knew if she preferred gemstones or diamonds. When he said leaning towards diamond that's when I suggested it, and then the pickme pipped in about dumb moissanite.
Tbh I was kind of the same way when I was a pickme with an asshole scrote. Just because I knew he wasn't going to buy me a nice ring so I thought bargaining about the price was going to motivate him to propose and that other women were being vain for wanting better for themselves. I learned my lesson.
Let's just say I'm aware of the pickme's relationship situation and it's even worse than mine was, I know why she said it.
>>1059833But I like it here.
>>1059835My lab grown diamond is 1.6 carat and still cost a good chunk, get your 2 carats sis!
No. 1059863
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why did i ruin my morning by looking at which book pitches got chosen (out of thousands) to be repped in this year's contest
yes, lets shill NLOG misogyny to little girls who're uncomfortable during puberty, great fantastic, i would LOVE to hear how a fucking nonbinary defines womanhood, i am not throwing up
No. 1059899
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>>1059865It's a naturally occurring mineral but almost all of what's on the market is made in Chinese labs as synthetic because natural sources are scarce.
I'm not trying to put people down if moissanite is the right choice for them but I'm so tired of it being memed like picrel as this perfect sub for diamond when it's not. First of all, there's no such thing as a 'colorless' moissanite. Secondly, it sparkles rainbow, and lots of people would think it's fake looking for that characteristic (crystal prisms do the same thing). Not to mention there's people online bitching about the fact that their Etsy moissanites are chipping or bad quality because it just isn't the same hardness as a diamond either.
>>1059876>>1059892Why are you so mad? Sage your ring pop tears.
No. 1059933
>>1059899> Not to mention there's people online bitching about the fact that their Etsy moissanites are chipping or bad quality because it just isn't the same hardness as a diamond either.Diamonds and moissanite are
hard, not tough. Those are different properties. Moissanite is actually tougher than diamond and so is less likely to chip. If your stone is huge and the setting was not well designed you’ll be more likely to chip it, but that’s true for any gem.
No. 1059940
>>1059933I thought diamonds were supposed to be one of the hardest natural stones or whatever there is?
>>1059820Pickmes gonna beg to get chose, water is wet. Hopefully the co-worker ignored her (jealous, bitter) squawking and is getting the love of his life something nice like she deserves.
No. 1059973
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>Found the insecure womanlet who thinks every interaction with other women is based on competing with each other for the queen bee position and assumes they do the same
Anonymous 7 minutes ago No. 1059962
This site reminds me of why I stopped trying to have female friends. Women just can't seem to let shit go like guys can. Call me a pick me or NLOG I don't give a flying fuck. It's sad that we will always be each other's worst enemies. But we can't help it I guess. I wonder what it is about female nature that makes us henpeck each other so much and then cower in front of the almighty dick. We spend our days tearing each other apart and then wonder why we can't reach solidarity on any issue or stand up for each other. The hatred women have for other women trumps the hatred they have for men. It doesn't make any sense, but maybe it's not supposed to.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1059990
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Poor Bianca Devins, she probably thought moissanite scrotes were cool too. But thank you for removing all doubt that you indeed have stinky balls and will never afford diamonds.
No. 1060037
I want to die, I hate my hair, my face, and I'm sick of it. I have dealt with my ugly, unmanageable hair by straightening it for over a decade and it never looks good. my face is pretty to other people, but always ugly in photos, never social media worthy, it's fucking not worth it, I'm going to be ugly anyway, I want to shave my head, never wear makeup and just accept my ugliness
No. 1060072
>>1060066Im not 40 either though dumbass
Whats your point?
No. 1060167
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I accidentally wrinkled my j-14 Gerard Way poster a little bit:/(:/)
No. 1060253
>>1060244God.. zoomers are so against their own self interest it’s mind boggling does internet use rot your brain so much you lose perception of time? You’re gonna be 50 one day, shocking!
Also i’m 21 you retard
No. 1060267
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tfw you have a long history of self-harm but has managed to unlearn the behavior through therapy but still have impulses but you can't do anything but sit there and deal with your shitty emotions when things get too much
>mfw I just wan t tO C U T
No. 1060311
>>1060294Your logic is disgusting. Why are you such a woman hater? Saying young lesbians don't have bad or dangerous interactions with me or just don't interact with them at all is ignorant and delusional. Even if the girls you were replying to
were 40, you'd essentially be blaming them for being born into misogyny like it's their fucking fault men are so disgusting and violent.
No. 1060314
>>1060312I'm a young woman,
you're an arrogant, ignorant, freak.
No. 1060345
spoilering because it's embarrassing and anonymity won't save my dignity this time
i lost a shit ton of hair from, i assume, a really shit diet. i was basically starving myself for a year and it really messed me up. my hair density was becoming lesser and lesser and i decided to shave it all off. it's tough because i wanted to keep my hair. it was pretty short, too. but the low hair density was getting to me so i had to get rid of it. but i don't really like how it looks. i don't feel like myself, i don't feel like i look good and it's so fucking tough. shaving my head brought me some relief from the anxiety but now i'm slightly more self-conscious and it fucking SUCKS. i'm constantly self-monitoring and i just want to stay at home now. i know i'm not hideous. i know that a shaved head doesn't make me ugly, but after a week and a half you can start seeing how little hair i have because it's kind of patchy. fuck. i wish i could not give a fuck, but more than that i wish i still had my hair. a friend told me that my shaved head "didn't make him feel any different about me" while we were high and while i' sure he meant for it to be a compliment, i was humiliated because i immediately thought that he was talking about my hair loss and i couldn't enjoy myself the rest of the hangout. fuck this stupid shit. i wish i didn't care, i wish i still had my hair, i wish i wasn't held back by insecurity, i wish i felt attractive again, etc. etc. this entire thing has exhausted me mentally. sucks to suck.
No. 1060349
>>1060345My mom had a really similar experience and I think she might kind of feel the same way you do, but I think she looks so cool. I've always thought women with shaved heads were so attractive, too, the prettiest girl I've ever seen was literally completely bald! She didn't even have a buzzcut. But idk maybe you could try out cute hats and wigs and stuff, and experiment with your style? Try and have fun with it? I also know there are vitamins and such things that can help with hair growth and density. Sorry for rambling! Hope you feel better about it soon
No. 1060402
Nonas, I want absolutely nothing to do with politics anymore. I've considered myself a feminist for the past 8 or 9 years since I got into it fairly young, so I've always been interested in social justice issues. Got out of the whole NLOG nb phase just last year, and I've moved away from liberal choice feminism and find myself aligning more and more with radfems, but there are still points where I disagree. I feel like I've woken up from a sleep, as cringe as it sounds. I'm still very much a leftist, but I have to admit I really fucking hate the discourse around trans people nowadays, and I hate that you can't be uncomfortable with trans people without being considered "twansphobic." On top of that, I realized that I'm a lesbian recently, but want NOTHING to do with the LGBT+ community anymore. Every space I try to join for lesbians is just filled with gross "transbians" who can't stop talking about their "girl cocks" and derail each conversation about being a lesbian to being about how hard it is to be a TRANSlesbian (because they're just like us, see? they just have cocks and gross manhands, and deformed bodies and if you don't think they look like real women then you're just jealous). For fucks sake. What makes you think a a lesbian wants to hear about your gross, floppy dick.
On the other side, though, the only people who are speaking critically of trans people are conservatives, and I want nothing to do with those fuckers either. Those same people may seem friendly but will not hesitate to say something racist or homophobic. I'm not allying myself with people who would like to see me dead. I feel like I'm just floating outside of it all at this point. I don't care about trans rights, I don't even care about the so called LGBT "community" anymore. It's nothing but infighting and everyone fucking hates each other anyway. I see no point. I am retiring from my position as "advocate." I think I'll just go volunteer at a woman's shelter and leave it at that. I want to just focus on making a difference on a local scale. I don't have the energy to always fight tooth and nail. I'm tired of the outrage. I've been getting closer and closer to stepping away from the internet for good, but I keep coming back because this is one of the few "sane" places I've been able to find. Not sure what that says about me, but I'm sure it's nothing good.
Sorry for the sperg but I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind these days. I am not talking to anyone about politics ever again. I would very much like to just live my fucking life, thank you. They better not expect me to fight for them anymore, because who's fighting for me and people like me?
No. 1060426
Just found out today that the orchestra I'm in removed Beethoven from the repetoir and replaced it with goddamn Avengers. Ugh
>>1060402In the same boat here. Sometimes I wonder if I'm going insane being constantly gaslit into thinking I'm some sort of bigot for not taking the gurldick, but it's nice to know we're not alone.
No. 1060430
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Friendly reminder that women deserve diamonds and seething broke scrotes with their cheap moissanite can go pound sand.
No. 1060444
>>1060407>>1060411>>1060413>>1060417>>1060424>>1060426Thank you for making me feel less crazy and alone. It really does mean a lot. I'm in college and many people in my department (humanities) are TRAs. It's exhausting, to say the least.
>>1060427Thank you for the suggestion. I am American, so I'll have to re-make Tumblr and check it out!
No. 1060480
>>1058748Update on my date (this post
>>1058723 ). We took a walk at a botanical garden until sunset ( I thought it was going to rain but it didn't) went to dinner, had some drinks w/o him pushing me and played some arcade games afterwards. He paid for everything. He looked really good, like in that late 50's early 60's kind of way. He is built like those men, idk how to explain it. Guys today give me soy face/balding vibes and this guy was the complete opposite. Like goddamn…
I tried to contain my nervousness. All day at work I felt like throwing up but I kept my cool. what if he doesn't like me, or what if he doesn't look like his pics? He was truly a gentleman throughout the whole night, I thought he would try some sexual shit with me but he didn't. At the end, he didin't even go for a kiss which was revealing and he immediately asked me "can I see you again" and was already planning our second date. He told me I looked beautiful and he noticed him staring at me while I was playing the games.
I think I finally found a NORMAL man yall. No games, none of that redpill, soy boy Reddit incel fuckboy shit. He asked me questions about me, didn't complain about women or say some sexist moid shit.
I won't fall for him yet but let's see where this goes. He was so refreshing to be with. Our date lasted 4 hours.
No. 1060526
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I wish the doll repaint artists would stop buying smart dolls and supporting their shithead creator.
I love the dolls but Danny is an egotistical asshole and doesn't deserve a dime.
No. 1060546
>>1060517the language they use for our female body parts now is literally no different to the dehumanizing, vague, objectively evil racist language they used against black women to make them seem less human or more akin to animals tbh. only now it wears the skin of being "progressive".
pardon me for tinfoiling (or maybe not) but the erasure of language and words that were always meant for women just reeks of fucking cult-like behaviour to me: you can't stand up for yourself, or identify yourself without the language to do so.
ask your friend if she can ever imagine walking into a clinic with pregnancy problems and then getting called a "birthing body" or a "womb-haver" and ask her if that shit doesn't sound like something out of the Handmaids Tale? if she doesn't agree then she might as well pack her shit and order a red robe because she'll be first in line for the Troon-Rent-a-Womb
No. 1060556
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Was in /pol/, saw some guys REEEEing about women ruining the convoy protests going on. I said "Let me guess, you're single?", got this guy in response. I feel bad for his kids, especially if any of them are girls.
No. 1060569
>>1060560Dumb his ugly ass. You don’t deserve someone who makes you feel shit even on your birthday (because I doubt he’ll magically stop tomorrow because to him ‘iTs JusT a JoKe’) I dumped my ex the day after my b day because he forgot it and I’ve read too many Reddit posts of women in 10+ year marriages who’s husband doesn’t do the actual bare minimum of remembering anniversaries with a calendar. So anyway
nonnie, I hope you have a good b day and get to spend it doing something fun away from him.
No. 1060571
>>1060566Good, glad to hear it. I always get a little worried reading shit like that 'cause you never know who's on /pol/, how socially active they are, etc.
No. 1060581
>>1060560I’m willing to bet that if you teased him and he got upset about it and asked why you’re being mean to him, you would apologise and be conscious not to do it in the future. You shouldn’t be with someone who keeps making you feel bad about yourself even when you’ve told him how it makes you feel. I gotta agree with the other anons telling you to dump him.
I hope you still manage to have a good birthday, anon!
No. 1060621
I thought I was done with this and could move on.
Background: I left a few tips for a pedophile that groomed me online when I was a teenager (he had photos, videos, texts), but nothing came out of it. One day though, he managed to find me through a texting app through what I assume was the “add contacts” option (the asshole still kept my phone number, years after I blocked him) and wanted to talk. Obviously, I block this, and I leave another tip. This last tip finally gets the FBI’s attention and I get contacted by a local agent. I don’t have any evidence left (I deleted everything out of disgust years ago before I knew I could report this) and don’t remember all that much. I ignored a lot of the first calls and emails because I want nothing to do with this anymore, but she kept pestering me so I finally gave in. I explain more of what happened and give the agent what little I have. Still, for days the agent keeps bothering me to give her anything else that I have, because she expects be to recover details or stuff. I have what I could, so I ignore her again, and she finally stops. I reported him the second time because I thought that if this guy found me through a secondary texting app (often used by pedophiles for sharing cp) and was active there, then he was probably still grooming minors. I noticed that his status changed to “not online in a long time” a few days after I talked to the agent, and it hasn’t changed since. I guess they found other victim’s cp on his computer or phone and arrested him.
Months later, today, after I thought I have moved past this, I get a call from his state’s FBI and got a voicemail asking to talk about the case. I don’t want to talk. I know I have to or else they’ll keep pestering me, but I really do not want to go through all these memories and the shame and pain again. Maybe they just want to give me news, but I think more than likely they want me to tell them what happened again and ask for more evidence. I’ve already given all the available evidence that I could, I can’t pull evidence out of nowhere. I hate how they have handled this and I just want to be left alone. I am dreading calling them back.
No. 1060639
>>1059885>>1059863Wtf is "the safety of conformity" in the context of being a woman who identifies as a woman? Hate how trooning out and internalised misogyny is being pushed as the right thing, the brave thing, the special thing, when resisting this crap is the true challenge for young disillusioned girls.
I hate seeing this become more and more mainstream!
No. 1060645
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>>1060402I hear you, and same. Glad you escaped from your nb phase. The vent thread is for sperging, don't feel bad.
No. 1060734
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I love having long hair but I fucking hate when people try and touch it and run their fingers through it.
Having hair isn't an invitation for you to touch me ffs Take a hint
No. 1060812
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When I called my mom she was at the vet bc my childhood dog has heart problems. She had some weird fainting episode when I was visiting for Christmas. She had to hang up and I've been waiting for over an hour for her to call back. I don't want my dog to die. I can't handle anything lately.
No. 1060987
>>1060646Which ones?
>>1060677Well that's because the community has been raided and filled with teenagers lately, it used to be less bad a few years ago
No. 1061069
>>1061064it is
to hyperbolize my disdain
No. 1061084
>>1061070meh the main issue is he's a walking contradiction of a person. he gets mad at me for not telling him anything then equally mad when I do. i can never do anything right in his eyes and he sings false praises with backhand compliments and then shits on people later. I'm fucked up myself having come from a family of narcs and there's no hope
knowing how he is I try not to be too emotional around him, knowing he's a conceited and some kind of mentally disordered mess who can't emote as much and masks that awkwardness with deadpan humor, and it backfires. he is truly a sad clown. showing the slightest tinge of fear, hesitance or anger as a woman is too overboard for him! he just wants me to pretend life is dandy all the time and be exactly like him, a snarky false positivist who hates himself
it's so funny how my mother once praised him being not like other men for having nerdy interests, non typical mannerisms, and non masculine hobbies? at his core he is still a man who's as hateful of himself and uncomfortable with women as the most overt toxically masculine woman beating moid. there really are no good men out there, they're always finding some way to suck the life out of you, even the ones you're related to. this revelation disgusts me
No. 1061110
>>1061096christ I guess my sister secretly posts here, you sound like her
how is being mad about a problem that I can't solve and then being frustrated somehow turn me into the asshole? it was my car, I know nothing about cars, and he bitched me out for mildly raising my voice? how am I the fucking asshole for having spent a long day on my work shift only to discover that a part of my car had stopped working and I needed moid help? I was trying my best to maintain composure when my back aches from working a garbage retail job and I just want to go home and not have to deal with car trouble. how am I the asshole for trying not to crack under pressure when my father bitches me out for showing a slight tinge of panic or emotion at all? do you people just allow your stupid nigel or whatver moids you surround yourself with to verbally beat up on you for not being happy all the time? if I'm the asshole, I'd rather be an asshole than a dumbass doormat, which is exactly what I used to be
No. 1061122
hey if y'all want to allow yourself to be stomped on by narcissistic moids who try and force you to be reliant upon them while slurping your soul out with a straw and then make you feel like a crazy bitch for having a normal range of human emotion or showing it, then be my guest, but that's now how all of us want to live. maybe I didn't describe it well enough but I'm tired. this is fucking why I have daddy issues, and I don't want to put this man on a pedestal anymore. for years I idolized him after my parents divorce and him letting me move in with him and away from my abusive mom only to realize he treats me terribly and has gaslighted and degraded me for years since in subtle ways and I don't think I'm a cunt for realizing it. he won't even get a girlfriend, he's said increasingly weird stuff, and it's creepy. maybe I am crazy or maybe he just makes me feel like it, I don't think a lot of people would understand the complexities behind what I am going through, it extends far beyond the car thing. it's like being slapped and then apologized to over and over, but in a far more psychotically grating way, and you start to feel like you'd rather be anywhere but here and anything but alive. the sad thing is he's the only family member I've got who gives me any time of day. if only so he can leech off of me by doing it. my sister and mother are both outwardly abusive and degrading people and not subtle about it at all, so seeing someone do it in a subtler way is something it took years for me to detect.
he acts nice on his surface but a lot of his niceness is thinly veiled insults, he always has to find a way to bolster himself in order to degrade you. my father is a pretentious little bitch who always has to be the smartest guy in the room. if you don't play his game, he finds a way to make you feel bad for it. why the fuck did it take me so many years to figure this out? why did I idolize him as this calm figure? he's a toxic fucking bastard, no wonder I have such a horrible taste in men and a terrible trajectory of relationships, everything spirals and unfurls out from this smoldering shit pile of a realization
No. 1061224
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Why can't men stop themselves from lying? I had 4 long term relationships (I'm 30 now so it's all proper "adult" relationships) and there was always something, from minor things like "forgetting to mention a thing" to straight up cheating and lying to my face about it, all of them like that more or less. I've never lied to any of them, it seriously is not that hard, and yet. I want to be loved and feel safe but I'm messed up by this happening over and over, feels like I'll never get to be happy unless I accept that I'll always be lied to, but that hurts.
No. 1061307
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The female Friendships thread on /m/ makes me want to kill myself.
Why do I have to be such an insecure looser? I miss my friends, all of them. I'm so stupid.
Those days will never come back and my retardation made sure of that…
No. 1061360
>>1061343While I understand your grievances
nonnie, isn't the red tape with discoveries sort of just a universal thing anywhere? Unless you mean something very specific
No. 1061366
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I know people who live there don't have perfect lives, but east asia has such a dreamy and ethereal culture, even down to the landscape.
No. 1061413
>>1054520One of my friends and i had a fight last night and it derailed to her yelling about how “unfair” it is that my bf and i are happy and rarely fight 4 years in. Shes mad he has helped me financially in the past (small help with bills between paychecks), and that he owns his own house.
How is it unfair, according to her? Apparently because shes “modelled” locally for some stores she feels like she should have caught her (her words) prince charming too. I think what shes really saying is that shes mad that a chubbier woman caught a good guy and she thought because she is “so seriously hot” ( yet again her own words) she would have a better relationship dynamic than me?
Instead shes dating an alcoholic vegan guy who yells all the time and moved in with her as she pays the rent. Shes so obsessed with the vanity of her image, and yet she doesnt see the situation shes in.
Sorry my chubby ass didnt date around or settle for less? It took me years to find my bf and we are so happy. Why not just be happy for me? Shes acting like i didnt used to fall asleep on her couch depressed and feeling sudoku in my early 20s bc i was so alone.
Idk who shes becoming but her stank personality will never “hook” her the man she wants.
No. 1061450
My birth mother is psycho. I just need to get a few things off my chest because I've never told anyone in my life. I was removed from the home by CAS because she kept requesting more and more respite care time and taking longer and longer to return each time. Leaving me at home alone in filthy clothes, covered in cold coffee because I had pulled the tablecloth down onto myself. She only raised me for about a year, and then I was unofficially given to my grandparents/her parents. Since then, my grandfather has died when I was a young teen. My birth mom keeps spreading these false rumours that the entire family beat only her, (she has 4 other siblings) and the biggest culprits were her parents. None of that ever happened. She tells complete strangers about how nobody "ever hugged her" and shit like that. Meanwhile, because HER PARENTS raised me, I grew up surrounded by her childhood photos and memories. She had an amazing childhood, as did all of us. All of their kids (except her) went on to work in STEM and be really accomplished and happy. All except her retarded ass. After my grandfather died, my grandmother wasn't coping well so I stayed with my birth mum for the first time since childhood. She had recently cheated on her longterm (my whole life, practically) husband with this toothless ex-con drug addict. When I was 15-16 he spent almost two years grooming me and trying to get me to send him explicit videos. It eventually escalated when he took me out on a motorcycle ride and kissed me. When I told her, she predictably went on a tyrade about how I dress like a slut (I dress like Velma ffs, I've always dressed like an old hag. Velour sweatpants and a kitten shirt) and how her husband would NEVER fuck someone like me. Sometimes the part that upsets me the most is that if I had killed them when I lived with them as a child, I would have only gotten manslaughter and probably only done like 6-7 years for good behaviour. If I had actually fucking gotten my revenge, I would have been out of prison last year if I had done the maximum sentence. She pretends that none of this happened, btw. Tells everyone at work that she raised me and often gets preachy towards others about how SHE "raised kids" compared to them. It's actually gotten her fired before when they realized that her entire life was a lie. She's tried for YEARS to get me to have an eating disorder like hers by weighing me as a child and doing comparisons. Just so fucking weird. I sometimes think about releasing a memoir because it's so fucking creepy the shit she's done to me over the years, I think it would also scare the absolute shit out of her to know the truth is accessibly out there. She wants to talk ad nauseum about how she was "beaten"?! I have a LOT more to say about how I was MOLESTED BY HER HUSBAND and she decided to STAY WITH HIM despite believing me. I just seriously know that I'm going to kill her one day. Maybe I'll write the memoir during my 25 year stint in prison since I missed the golden opportunity for manslaughter. My boyfriend jokingly bought me a sharpened sword because I keep saying how I need to stab her through the heart "or else she'll keep coming back". I hope she dies. I was seriously hoping covid would have taken her. Oh, forgot to mention that she has munchausens and fakes having a broken back (while riding a motorcycle) and she has comically oversized breast implants that make her look like a troon. I have no idea how I'm holding it together as well as I am, but one day I am going to kill her with my own hands
No. 1061463
>>1061366holy shit you're so retarded.
"uwu muh exotic and magical east asian culture" like there isn't a bunch of different countries that all hate each other.
No. 1061478
>>1061413I've had moments where I look at actual lolcows who are getting engaged or who have partners with the patience of saints and I've gotten into a lil funk over it before. What's that saying.. comparison is the death of happiness? Cant imagine feeling that way over a friend.
It's a dumb thinking trap to walk yourself into. 'I deserve love more than they do' ..go find it then. Staying with a man who yells at you and in turn yelling at your own friends out of frustration… staying with shithead men makes you pick up bad behaviours, the longer she stays with him the more that bitter energy will enter her other relationships. Her and her scrote share responsibility for their own misery right now. Nobody else.
No. 1061495
i fucked everything up again because i started drinking coffee again. then i needed an energy drink, then one more, then another. i binged on sweets, stayed up until 5 am for a week in a row, called in sick for work because i was too sleepy, texted embarrassing things to my ex, laid in bed all day, binged beer, skipped my dance classes, got my card blocked from buying stupid shit off foreign websites, almost went into psychosis again, relapsed another bad habit, ordered takeout 2x a day when my card finally worked, forgot my bike outside for 3 days in the rain so bad that the chain rusted, gained back the weight i carefully lost by snacking at 4 am, tried dying my hair but ran out of bleach in the middle of it, fucked up my lung by burning a candle for too long, didn't brush my teeth at night, didn't even wash my face, i am so done
No. 1061497
>>1061413It's hard to feel sorry for your friend because she's part of the problem.
It's these insecure, trash personality Belindas who get up in arms when they see people "less deserving" than themselves being happy or content. I'm not saying it isn't human to feel the way she does, but it's shocking how people like her aren't extremely ashamed and embarassed of themselves for taking it out on a friend who didn't do them any kind of wrong. Someone needs to tell her life is fucking unfair and she can only fix her own.
No. 1061534
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reading the “mental disorders you can’t stand” thread is making me realize that no matter how informative you can be about mental illness there will always be freaks obsessing about other “freaks”, calling for empathy from mentally ill people or those with addictions while having no compassion or understanding of mentally ill people themselves is hilarious. I remember reading an anon’s post saying they would never date someone with a mental illness even if they had something common like anxiety/depression and I have no idea but that hurt me but then I realized anon is just a straight woman kek why do I care
No. 1061555
>>1061534What's way worse than say some people ruling you out as undatable over it is… there's scrotes out there who date women BECAUSE they're mentally ill and seen as an easy target for abuse that'll come down the line. They act like white knights and eat up any details you tell them in the beginning. In the long run they use it all against you.
In a way being a little wary about dating a mentally ill person is kind of a good sign, when it comes to scrotes at least. Men who date one mentally ill woman after another are usually leaving them all worse off for having met him. Something to watch out for.
No. 1061635
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My home is a mess but I feel too shitty to give a shit~♫
My monitor needs to be cleaned but I feel to shitty to give a shit~♫
I have so many things to do to but I'm too busy feeling like shit~♫
Everything sucks
I'm out of fucks
Let's do the depression dance~♫
No. 1061764
>>1061618I'm worried about your safety anon. Be careful
>>1061693I agree
No. 1061767
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No. 1061788
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nonnie you didn’t have to apologize!!
No. 1061803
>>1061783Yes, you are going through the withdrawal almost unaided for now… 25mg isn't a psychiatric dose at all, it's just a sedative. Quetiapine is a dose-dependent drug. It will only start acting on your mood at 100mg, possibly 50mg if you are lucky. 150 is a good dose for mood disorders imo.
Keep this in mind, things will get better soon as the dose goes up.
No. 1061814
nonny. I hope it works. It sucks because SSRIs are very helpful for me, but they make my TMJ go crazy so I had to switch. I wish my brain worked properly without drugs.
No. 1062024
Today I crossed paths with an old friend while I was getting lunch with my dad. She immediately asks about my mom, and hows she's doing.
I say no idea, and she goes "Oh, she posted a photo of you and her yesterday talking about how much fun you had on a girls date?"
In tldr my mom murdered my brother and claimed self defense in 2019. (I will spare the novel, but I spoke about here once or twice before)
I have NOT spoken to her since the funeral- when it was obvious that the service for my brother was an orchestrated production by the murderer to make her look like the victim of a tragic accident.
Truth is, she wanted to cremate his body asap.
but I'll get back on track here.
I deleted my social media when everything happened and I changed my number. She is recycling pictures and showing ppl on fb how much of a magical mother she is.
It's not about rekindling our relationship. It's not about healing. It's about controlling her narrative and keeping an image.
I'm telling you this crazy bitch is going to figure out where I am living one of these days. I am going to have to call the police. I have warned her once, I will call the police and tell them everything I know. There is no statute of limitations on murder here. The only reason I havent, is because she has custody of my brother's child.. (Yea, I know) and I dont want to lose her in the foster system.
After the lunch I started yelling at my dad about how much I fucking hate her and the rage overflowed and I resorted to my PTSD meds I haven't fucking needed in months. I hate her. I hate her husband. I dream about causing them suffering. (My dad divorced her when I was a child… he couldn't handle her insanity).
And he just kept saying "I'm sorry, I didn't understand who she was when we had you, I regret it all, but not you."
I'm sorry anons for flipping out and ranting but this fucking MONSTER has done nothing but torture me and has the fucking balls to portray this LIE. I DONT FUCK WITH YOU BITCH, ROT IN HELL.
No. 1062044
>>1062040He had no weapon. She walked into his house, unannounced at 9pm and said “im taking (child).” She was drink driving, and brother followers her outside to say where are you going with my child? There were stepping stones and she fell, her husband came out of the truck with a gun loaded , bro had no weapons, and he was shot 3 tomes in the chest.
Where was i? On a first date. She asked me repeatedly about my time frame for the movies and it happened during the film.
-Before that she got a burner phone And pretended to be an ex from hs
(I shit you not, I still cant justify it or understand it)
-she asked me how to contact hitmen on the dark web
-when her and her husband were drunk and fighting she would yell things like “BE A MAN DO IT ALREADY”
-she asked me to break into his house and put a nanny cam
-once made a fake fb profile to contact his neighbors, went to the extreme of finding out where the neighbors went to hs and prerended to be a classmate
- she waited till i was out of the city to have this all happen.
- at the funeral her husband wore pink and smiled.
No. 1062058
>>1062053I was never interviewed, and by the ttime i mentioned it to mom she said “you dont need too” and her husband was overing next to me in an uncomfortable way.
Also, the level of panic and fear i felt after was immense. I stopped going outside for months. I was afraid i am next. I told my mother to stay the fuck away from me and i moved cities.
I am currently working towards having the ability to argue custody in court. The issue with cps is that to award custody to me, my mother had to be proven to be
abusive to the child for custody to be discussed.
I dont know how many people have interacted with cps in the states, but ive seen them do very little, and it takes far too long.
No. 1062140
I'm starting to realize I was groomed by an online friend I still have contact with. I was like, 12 or 13 years old, I don't remember his exact age but he was going to a university. We met in a online game and then moved to other places like Facebook and Whatsapp, he was fun and nice for the first days, but then he began to ask me if I often masturbate and also sent me porn, both loli hentai and real pictures of vaginas. He wanted to meet up and then have a threesome with another girl, but it never happened because we live in different countries. He was always sexual with me, even when he knew I was uncomfortable, for example when he used to constantly say to me how much he wanted to rape me and even if I said no, which I did multiple times, he would tell me that "When a woman says no, it actually means yes" and then keep going like that for hours until I left the chat for the next day. One time, I told him about a possible sexual assault I had in my school by some girl, and he replied to me "like a loli yuri hentai?".
When I turned 15, he got a girlfriend who was also 15 years old. I never exactly met her, but he used to tell me everything they did together, and he genuine sounded like an awful boyfriend. He would tell me how much he hated her bisexual friend because he had a dream about her cheating on him with said friend. He would often complain at me about how he hated when she talked about her pop music, and how much he wanted for the male singers to get murdered and raped, sometimes with asian slurs (Like a /pol/tard) and everything, to the point where he even began to ask me about my own music to make sure that "I'm not tainted like his girlfriend". He always talked bad stuff about her with me, how he hated everyone she was family or friends with, how much he hated her going to school, he made fun of her pictures on our DMs. There was even a day were she got sick, and her period stopped for a while, and he got angry at me, telling me that she must have gotten pregnant and he had to get angry at someone, again, both the girl and I were 15, and he never stopped with his rape threats towards me through their whole relationship. Eventually she broke up with him, and he got moody and then he wanted to ask me out again.
I'm 18 years old now, we began to talk less to each other, but I wanted to talk to him for the new years, basically, he told me that he is in love with another 15 year old girl, who ghosted him thank god, and how much he doesn't want to change anything about who he is, "not even for a whore or her parasite child" as he said. Then I told him about my birthday, to which he replied about how I'm still his loli. I feel disgusted, I really don't want to talk to him anymore, I really want to cut him up. I'm so weak and pathetic, I shouldn't have allowed this to happen, I should have cutted him up years ago. I'm scared.
No. 1062220
>>1062140Nonny you still have time to cut him off.
After all this time he's still chasing after young girls while being a grown ass man. From the sound of it he's got a lady pregnant too, add potential cheating to the reasons not to be friends with him. A moid who's said all of those horrible things to you and the other girl, threatened you, didn't respect you telling him no, calls his wife and baby parasites in the present day, and keeps harassing women who aren't legal isn't worth your time and well being. Who knows what other things he's done that you can't see.
An important thing to know is that you aren't at fault for how he treated you years ago. You said no and tried to put up boundaries as a young girl. I know it can be hard looking back and coming to terms with everything, but back then you were younger, it's the adult's responsibility to not endanger you and go any further than just playing the game you met in. You got trapped in a cycle before but it doesn't have to continue.
Disgusting moids who prey on younger women know exactly what they're doing and shouldn't be pitied. They know how to replace the normalcy of friendship with sexual harassment, threats, and jealousy to make us think we're losing a friend or more if we step out.
He has no idea where you are now. The internet is wide enough to block and ghost him for your own peace of mind. He's still out there thirsting for younger women when he's been a serious amount of years past the age group. He has a history of sexual threats too, it just all adds up to trouble.
No. 1062373
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Do you anons ever feel homesick without actually leaving home? I'm gonna be moving in April to a whole new country in an area I'm already skeptical about. I've lived almost my entire life in California and I'm gonna miss it. I know it isn't perfect, but it's home to me and the opportunities there seem eldless. The new country I'm moving to is nice, but I'm afraid it'll never compare and always wish to be back on the beach or feel the insane buzz I get when I'm in the big cities. It doesn't help either that I'll be away from all of my family and friends who I've grown to love and cherish.
No. 1062396
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i'm going through a really rough process of a break-up right now, and i just realized that when you lose a very important part of you, you will feel absolutely fucking numb.
for the first time in my life, i've participated/engaged in vices. been smoking weed more and drinking alcohol, and holy shit i don't know what my end-goal is. for some reason, feeling absolutely nothing is freeing, but i also wish i could cry an ocean again because it felt good, but now im just mad and going all through these weird emotions but also i come to a point where i feel absolutely nothing
whats going on?? ive become the miserable white man trope i watch on tv and it eats me up inside without having much to do for expression on the outside that isnt destructive
No. 1062408
>>1062396This is going to sound like a huge slap in the face right now, but have you genuinely considered therapy
nonny? At the worst of the worst times in my life, even talking to a professional that knows the right questions I should be asking myself has helped me tremendously. Not sure if you have a job or are a n33t or something but if you have access to some cash, I'd recommend finding inexpensive therapy (one that can meet you halfway financially).
I promise you, it's worth it. Friends don't seem to cut it like therapists do.
No. 1062476
>>1062411Fucking hell, you won't believe how much I despise this.
>"No man has ever hit on me/harrassed me, I must be ugly haha."It's so fucking annoying and you know they know what other women would reply to this "Be grateful, it's so uncomfortable, men don't hit on you not because you're ugly but because of the culture/timings/your attitude/confidence etc etc." They know these replies because it'd been repeated ad nauseum but no, they need to drown in self-pity over meaningless things. They always come up when women talk about their own experiences with stranger men harrassing them or being inappropriate.
No. 1062509
>>1062476It's also
victim blaming because ugly, fat, old, and other "unattractive" women are still sexually harassed and catcalled. It feels like shit regardless of what you look like and it's great when men keep their mouth shut. They like making every woman uncomfortable. Your appearance doesn't matter to predatory men.
No. 1062546
I don't care that I sound like a teengirl, I'm grownass but I'm so tired of my mom bringing me down and down and making me so insecure in how I look then acting surprised when I say that I think I look fucking hideous. Like you don't love to point out my flaws at every opportunity under the guize of 'just kidding' or 'i'm just trying to help'. What help does it do when you tell me I have asymmetrical eyes, ugly, saggy, huge tits, my hairiness, ugly nose, no chin, 'ugly, matted, gross, muddy hair', sunken in squeezed looking face, no lips, she keeps ragging me on about every single flaw she can find on my body and then tells me I shouldn't be so insecure in my looks. I was feeling cute too today and she had to just ruin it. And I cried on my way to work. And she has the nerve to act like I'm hurting her by being upset. I know I'm ugly, you don't have to fucking rub it in everytime.
No. 1062595
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>>1062558Please don't be swayed into liking a guy by sporadic long messages and one rose. Fuck his word salad and half assed shallow performative romance. The golden rule when it comes to men is: "if he wanted to, he would." And "If it's genuine, he wouldn't leave me so confused".
>>1062589If you call him out over text, he will easily cover his ass with excuses and probably take hours or days to reply, players like to "punish" you with withdrawal when you act a way they don't want.
No. 1062604
>>1062558Please listen to
>>1062595 which is correct. Do not give this man the smug satisfaction of thinking he's pulled your emotions.
The real powermove is to just ghost. This sends the message that you don't care what his excuses are, that you won't be treated like a sidepiece just because he's willing to breadcrumb when he senses you drifting. It's tempting,
like real tempting, to think in those moments when he finally texts you back that he realized your worth and is finally taking you seriously but he won't. This is part of the common gaming tactic where scrotes commodify non-effort things like texts by making them purposefully scarce then lovebombing you to obfuscate the issue. If he was really scared about losing you, then he'd be making moves.
It sucks anon but I don't know a single woman–attractive or otherwise–who hasn't dealt with these mind games to some degree. So don't think there's something wrong with you, this is just what males enjoy doing.
No. 1062625
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i wish my chest was smaller so clothes would look better -or rather, cuter- on me like camisoles. but what if i have children in the future ? they wont have anywhere comfortable to rest their heads while hearing my heartbeat. my chest isnt even that big, biggest an a cup can get. i wish my chest was detachable and resizable. dilemma.
No. 1062659
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my doctor encouraged me to try keto because of health issues and today's my first day. goddamn the fog is real. i'm not hungry/in the mood for food but the keto flu sure happens fast.
No. 1062694
>>1062688carby meals
trigger migraines for me, make me super sleepy, and just don't keep me full. all bodies are different, anon.
No. 1062756
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My sleep problems are keeping me in hell. Every night I get tired, ready to go to bed, looking forward to a good rest, and then if I can't drift off within half an hour or so I get whole body palpitations. My pulse is so strong I can feel it in every part of my body especially where my weight is resting. It fades away if I get up or sit up straight and comes back when I lie down. Apparently there's nothing wrong with my heart or blood pressure, and I don't consume caffeine late in the day. I also feel like I can't take a full, relaxed breath in most of the time, it's like I have to force a big belly inhale every so often. It takes me at least 2 hours to get to sleep every night and most days I top up on hours after breakfast, which I know is not the best habit but I can't stand being tired and grouchy, and I get my most blissful rest in then. I don't know if I have health anxiety or, according to my current theory, a pocket of air in my abdominal cavity constricting my diaphragm, or something. It's hard to even say how long this has been going on for because I've spent a lot of time drinking, smoking, taking pills or exhausting myself to alleviate the problem. I'm so tired of this.
No. 1062848
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I want to worship this godlike being.
No. 1062862
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End seal propaganda
Seal is asshoe
Killer whale NOW
No. 1062878
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>>1062850>>1062856Antarctic furseals (otarids) do this, not harbour seals (phocids). Although some phocids can be total cunts, such as grey seals that eat harbour seals and even their own kin.
>>1062867Yes. Seals can't walk, they can only squirm.
No. 1062885
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Although if goofbirds are more of your liking, I could create a thread about them on /m/.
No. 1062894
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>>1062878This is why I like harbour seals the best, cute round and doesn't do fucked up shit (afaik)
No. 1062904
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>>1057555The LC seal lobby is getting intense.
No. 1062939
>>1062756Get yourself fucking checked if you think there's a physical ailment behind it.
If you are on meds, talk to your psychiatrist and try a different prescription.
No. 1062952
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Tomorrow is my 26th birthday.
I have found good medication for my OCD and my quality of life is good, but the one thing that bothers me is that I have no motivation. I haven't done any work aside the stuff I had to, I haven't drawn anything, I haven't enjoyed free time activities. Maybe it's because I'm currently away from my family and bf but when I'm alone I eat less, barely move and mostly shut my brain off and watch documentaries.
Emo whining: when I was a kid I wanted to become a scientist, but now that I found out how the field is just as full of office politics and vultures as any other job (only that here you're underpaid) it really killed my drive. You only have a chance of making something good if you get into a super rich company through connections, survive the brutal standards by constantly producing results and then you get replaced.
No. 1063032
I went out for hotpot last night with friends, and for one of them it was the first time she had hotpot but she was being bitchy the entire night. They’re both vegan but there’s always a plethora of vegetables and tofu to order. The other friend had gone to hotpot before at a different place and enjoyed this place too, but my other friend wouldn’t stop finding things to criticize. “Why is the alcohol selection so limited? Anon when you pick a restaurant you HAVE to pick a place with alcohol for me” even though she knows I can’t drink alcohol so it’s never on my mind. She settled for wine but not before bitching that they didn’t sell the sparkling wine by the glass, only by the bottle (since it’ll lose fizz if they don’t sell enough glasses). Then she put in the vermicelli noodles and was… upset that the noodles were long…? They’re noodles. I ordered a plate of meat and pork dumplings just for myself on the side but we had so much stuff on the table otherwise, but she wouldn’t eat any of it! Only the broccoli, spinach, and ramen. I asked if she wanted to try out the pumpkin or crown daisy (my favorites) and she said no. Also this place gave us our own soup bowls so I didn’t mix my meat into their soups.
Like I get it, hotpot is kind of lame because you’re cooking your own food, but I always enjoy going out for it because my friends and I love it and love the experience so I thought it’d be nice to bring this friend too since she could technically eat it with a vegetarian soup base and only having the non meat dishes. Clearly I was wrong. Ugh, that’s the last time I suggest a place. I suggested another place one but she refused to go because the restaurant labelled themselves “vegetarian/vegan” even though the other girl we went with, WHO IS VEGAN, always goes there. She’s afraid it’s not “really vegan” like just fucking ask if a dish happens to have dairy or eggs??? Everything is at least vegetarian, just ask if there’s no dairy or eggs then it’s fine isn’t it? Ugh. I don’t want to bother going out to eat with them anymore. I don’t mind vegan restaurants one way or another since I’m not a picky eater and I’m not really fond of meat anyway, but the ones they pick are always SO expensive. I get it, it’s expensive because it’s vegan. But fuck man. I try to offer up or bring you to a reasonably priced place that I know will fit your dietary restrictions and I get shot down or you just bitch all night.
She did a dry January and I was happy for it and I hoped she would see the benefits of abstaining from alcohol, but she just made it sound like she couldn’t wait for the month to be over so she could just drink again. I don’t drink because it makes me sick, but I do believe that it’s just better for people overall to stop glorifying and always drinking alcohol. I was hoping she might be able to learn that she doesn’t need alcohol to enjoy outings and dinners, but clearly not.
No. 1063072
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>watching some shitty tv show to pass the time
>one episode has a plot about a male teacher getting together with a 16 year old female student
>girls parents find out about the relationship and report teacher to the police
>mfw the parents are portrayed as the villains in the episode and the teacher is portrayed as an innocent victim
>mfw the main character stands up for the teacher
>mfw the same tv show had a a plot line earlier on where a female teacher got together with a 17 year old student and she was rightfully portrayed as the villain
No. 1063074
>>1062803I have no idea, only the scrotes know. I feel more secure wearing skirts/dresses because then I know they can't see my ass at all. I'm sorry you get harassed
nonnie. Do you want to kill them all together?
No. 1063077
>>1062952Happy early birthday
nonnie ♥
No. 1063276
>>1062756Try some light stretching, if you haven't. It works for me - just the regular type of stretching that we would do before PT when I was in school. If you're up to it, look up bedtime yoga, and try that. Some clips are literally only 5-10 mins and beginner friendly. Lastly, try some super light exercises - for example, I have a belly, so I try to touch my toes 10-15 times, right before bed. Target your weight areas, it's better than nothing, imo. And like another anon said, some physical activity in the evening, especially if you don't do much during the day!
No. 1063349
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SHE'S SO SLOOOOOOOOOOW oh my god she's slowing down everything we're on vocal with this girl I just can't
No. 1063440
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All my friends hate me for something out of my control & then fucking replaced me. 1 of my friends is willing to talk to me I think, but like I feel like I'd start crying if I asked to meet up or something. These things have happened before but we all just got over it since we had to see each other everyday, but I moved so we don't really get to anymore. I rely on them so much, like most days the only reason I'd wake up was to see or talk to them, now it's all gone. I don't know what the fuck to do, there's so many other things going on and I have no clue I just want everything to be normal again.
No. 1063451
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No. 1063473
>>1063440What’s the nature of the thing that they hate you for? That sucks,
nonny. I hope you’ll be able to find friends who accept you
No. 1063477
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>>1063349Gaming session ended, never again. I tried to help her by asking if she unlocked something or not yet and she somehow managed to take it as an attack. I can't stand the slow paced way she talks. I swear my other friend is too patient and sweet.
No. 1063506
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when is this bitch coming? biAtch YOU'RE LATE.
No. 1063512
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I think somehow me and my personal lolcow are now engaging in conversation
>create a tumblr to engage with fans of niche historical time period/culture
>it's not that interesting don't ask
>follow some people
>ff 2 years maybe
>follow someone who seems kinda new
>they message me
>i'm not a tumblrite
>i didn't actually want to talk to anyone
>what do
>start banter
>it goes well!
>they start roleplaying
>alludes to being under 21
>it all lines up
>my personal lolcow who thinks she's the reincarnation of certain historical figure
This can't be the case, right? This person has to be tongue-in-cheek? Why are they messaging me though? I'm not even active. Now she’s talking about how ugly she is.
No. 1063526
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I feel so lonely when I’m on here. Am I doing it wrong? Because I’m not feeling the sisterhood right now the magic is gone
No. 1063532
>>1063531You’re not being a bitch for asking
I’m no saint here either kek I’m just talking in general in all honesty. When I first posted on this site it was like a novelty to me and now my brain is now like “um yeah maybe this place really isn’t for me please stop now it’s hurting you” and I just keep going because there’s nothing going on. It’s just a website and it’s probably not that deep but even on the internet you still feel disconnected from people. There is no longer that spark or connection you feel with people anymore maybe that’s just my depression voice talking. Even when I talk to people whether that be family I feel a warm feeling and then it slowly fades away back to reality.
No. 1063590
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i can’t escape scrotes no matter where i go. even the “blackpilled feminists” i follow salivate over them in the form of yaoi. no, i don’t want to see scrotes fucking each other with their disgusting bodies; i don’t want to see them at all. get them away from me
No. 1063596
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>mfw going through that one pedo troons twitter likes
>it's just as bad as I thought
>ugly trannies in diapers, furry porn, weird lolicon art fucking everywhere
>Even found an account that may belong to that one cow that was really into Osomatsusan
Fucking hell
No. 1063597
>>1063594like most of the time when i'm at my worst people have thought i have serverly burned my hands and that's why they are disfigured but i just wash them so much that they look like they're melting
so yeah hearing people say thet wish they had hand washing or neat ocd is annoying
No. 1063617
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>>1063613like this but about at least 5-10 times worse for me like i couldnt put my hands into fists anymore because the skin was so thight and thick
No. 1063627
>>1063622yeah i use cream every time and now it's better that my little finger and ring fingers are just affected instead of my whole hand so i can use most of my hands now
but like it just annoys me when people think washing hands ocd is harmless