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No. 1068467
This is a good OP pic.
>>1068460No, it doesn't show the most immigrants for every country, for some it's intentionally offensive in relation to WWII and wars after that. In some places in europe there were concentration camps doe children and people were burned alive in huge pits, it's not funny to replace those flags.
No. 1068477
File: 1645737031342.jpg (182.55 KB, 900x900, FMY9BOsXIAAbanb.jpg)

how it prob looks like for Kyiv anon right now. People hiding in the metro.
No. 1068494
>>1068488Genuine question, how does one so easily
triggered go through day to day life? Do you have a crying fit every time you see a bunch of flags or open a history book?
No. 1068497
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>>1068477Thanks for the info!
No. 1068505
>>1068501hihihi hohohoho hehehehehehe
What are you gonna do about it?
No. 1068509
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Don't worry guys, Biden got his best women on this.
No. 1068517
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>>1068510What are you talking about? Stop shitting the thread Adjin
No. 1068529
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Look at what I had for dinner
No. 1068534
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>>1068530What's this mental illness called where you see everyone as a man?
No. 1068537
>>1068524Good night nonna!
I really hope Kyiv won't be occupied by tomorrow.
No. 1068550
>>1068524you too!
>>1068520oh my, I hope she sleeps safe in the metro with the others and wakes up to something better than today. might as well let the retards screech into the void and nuke the thread later. anyway I’m out too, have a good night
No. 1068558
>>1068552>>1068553>>1068554what have you done to prevent infighting
it's me who has been reporting these posts, telling you to stop, telling mods to ban the retards, but no one listens to me so i guess i can shitpost then too
No. 1068561
>>1068533I do to which is why I'm sick of seeing infighting over who is and who isn't a /pol/tard, scrote, tradthot, twittertard, leftthot, moid, pick me etc. If someone can't handle anonymous discussion then reddit would be a better choice for them instead of shitting up threads here.
>>1068541I get meat from a butcher and grow my own fruit and vegetables so I haven't noticed anything other than meat becoming more expensive.
No. 1068574
>>1068571Why belgium?
>>1068570NTA but are we supposed to all wear black or something? Like some victorian widows? This is an imageboard, please stop moralfagging
No. 1068576
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No. 1068597
>>1068593stop replying to her anon, she will just want to keep one-uping you
>>1068596>karenanon you have the humour of a 14 year old boy
No. 1068601
>>1068596>karenNonna. Wtf kek
>>1068591I'm sure the belges will be ok. #R-right?#
No. 1068622
>>1068604> You literally sound like a Karen thoKEK you are so out of place here
>>1068621stop replying to her
No. 1068625
>>1068622i just don't understand what more she wants.
yes, she is the smart one, i am stupid, we get it. what more does she want?
No. 1068648
File: 1645740226901.png (23.25 KB, 697x362, poopy.png)

And here I thought
>naa they won't hurt the civilians, only japs, burgers and talibans do thatWell… No. 1068678
>>1068667No nonna, worse than that (guess)
also I'm not one of the nonnies arguing
No. 1068712
File: 1645741424594.gif (1021.48 KB, 372x242, Funny-gif-cat-hugging-plush-to…)

Time to go to bed, let's see how the world will look like tomorrow … Stay safe, anons! Feel hugged and protected.
No. 1068715
>>1068712Cant sleep tbh
What if madman Putler launches a nuclear bomb?
No. 1068724
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No. 1068728
File: 1645741794720.jpg (65.45 KB, 640x659, sitmor9ovtj81.jpg)

Countries in Europe that have publically condemned Russia's attack. So basically everyone except Serbia (who used the same strategy in the 90s) and in Bosnia the republika srpska guys haven't condemned it.
No. 1068729
>>1068715 you better close all windows tonight
>>1068724 omg
No. 1068756
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>>1068724reminds me of pic rel
No. 1068784
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Kenabnon made me hungy
No. 1068793
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>>1068509>morpheusI need to go to sleep, but I noticed a Japanese account under the same name spreading alt right propaganda how the Ukrainians are nazis and Russia is good. Is this some shitposter group from /pol/?
No. 1068797
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>>1068793I mean, I get it with the whole redpill bullshit, but seems like multiple shitposters took this identity lol.
No. 1068867
>>1068857with modern warfare idk since nukes are supposed to be deterrents. the idea of war in europe again is unimaginable to me
who knows what putin's ambitions are beyond ukraine? no one
No. 1068869
>>1068857If China chooses to back Russia, probably.
>>1068860I hope you stay safe anon, I know there’s no war on your side of the border but still, the regular people of Russia have to deal with Putin either way, I hope you will get a better leader after this.
No. 1068873
It's difficult to watch at times and the ending is brutal. I first watched it 15 years ago and I revisit it every few years. Another film I would recommend is When the Wind Blows. It's an animated anti-nuclear war film from the same time period as Threads. It's about an elderly married couple who slowly die of radiation poisoning after a nuclear war.
No. 1068880
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Fuck I hate reading about this stuff as a burger I have no control over anything I almost want to remain ignorant about it all. I can literally do nothing but post this stupid cat meme. And I feel for both the Russian and Ukraine citizens as they have no choice in the matter
I genuinely hope this isn't how the 2020's are going to go we'll all be wishing it was the 2010's again. Covid wasn't good but I'd rather go back into quarantine again and get the coof than go through a fucking World War
No. 1068881
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>>1068880Funny, after what’s happened the past few years I look at war in Europe with the same sort of detached mild interest you might have watching the DVD logo bounce.
No. 1068893
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>>1068860Stay safe anon. Am praying for you and everyone in Russia. Nobody wants to be plunged into this. It's not your fault your government is so shitty.
Godspeed to all the people who decided to protest in Moscow and St. Petersburg today.
No. 1068906
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>>1068896Thanks, does anyone know what website this is?
No. 1068968
File: 1645754428535.webm (535.51 KB, 360x240, ukrainians_vs_Russians.webm)

>A Russian Military Ship telling 13 Ukrainian troops on Snake Island to surrender. They were met with a response of " Russian military Ship, go fuck yourself."
Based Ukrainians, stay safe anons!
No. 1068973
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>>1068968All you gotta do to ward off Russians is to say 'ur gay'
No. 1068990
File: 1645756755056.jpeg (Spoiler Image,211.34 KB, 800x539, 7C2932D1-8A93-4FE9-B4EC-BC3883…)

>>1068987This but with Putin and Lukashenko
No. 1069004
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Eurofags are asleep, bomb Kiev
No. 1069013
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>>1069004currently happening
No. 1069022
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No. 1069068
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i'm sorry but these whiny assholes annoy me, as if people on the west hadn't protested, boycotted, taken in refugees, talked about palestine for long ass time even if it hasn't been enough. it's always me me me me me why are you paying attention to other atrocities of the world when you could pay attention to me
No. 1069144
>>1069132>>1069132good morning! I’m fine but I’m not in ukraine anyway. Let’s hope she’ll be ok. She’s probably somewhere with her family..
>>1069127agree I hope he pisses his rich buddies off. What kind of profit is to gain from this anyway?
No. 1069186
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Why are Russian leaders as deluded and crazy as Roman emperors?
No. 1069200
File: 1645780727794.jpg (68.62 KB, 523x650, FMaHv7HVEAUZhEr.jpg)

>There's been airstrikes in 4 countries across #Africa, Middle East & Europe within the last 48hrs. However, only the European airstrikes got mainstream media coverage. 1/3 of the world (mostly African & poor countries) are under US sanctions, yet no one speaks up. #AllLivesMatter
I knew this kind of seething would happen kek. Damn, it's almost as if European cared more about Ukraine because it's their continent, and that Russian aggression affects the entire world kek
No. 1069205
>>1069200America is sending air strikes to Somalia? For what?
I feel like a world war is inevitable now. If nato and everyone stands by and let’s Ukraine fight alone, I don’t think they really stand a chance. And when Russia takes over, Putin won’t be satisfied with that. He wants all of the former USSR countries to be absorbed back into Russia.
No. 1069208
>>1069200This is a known shitpost campaign started by trolls.
>>1069205News reports show Ukraine is resisting quite well and took out several russian troops.
No. 1069211
>>1069153Who is Putin 2.0?
I mean there was no Hitler 2.0
No. 1069228
>>1069216I don't think Ukraine can completely win (given that Russia has nukes and seeing how crazy Putler is, he would use them).
But if at least they fuck up their army and give them huge loses would be good enough.
No. 1069230
>>1069222>Honestly so far it looks much less brutal than they videos you can see of the yugoslav wars on youtube.Thank god
t. ex-yugo
No. 1069234
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Oh god please no, not Doom guys…not the Chechens
No. 1069248
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>>1069247Some people are extremely detached from real life, don't they remember the panic when murrica had 9/11? Instead it's a bunch of neckbeards living their call of duty fantasy from home.
No. 1069253
File: 1645785050929.jpg (406.19 KB, 878x1335, i'm surrendering.jpg)

Bye bye.
No. 1069257
>>1069249I'm not religious at all but I think it's understandable that in the face of death people turn to what they believe is a space force that could give them a blessing and courage to face it. Like, I don't believe it exists but I believe in genuine good intentions of people praying and it's what matters too when none of us can do anything else.
>>1069211>Who is Putin 2.0?I mean there was no Hitler 2.0
Only reason there was no Hitler 2.0 was because it was a 5 years long war that completely ruined Germany and depleted it's army to the point it was impossible to continue; among historians though you can find a lot of speculations about if Hitler was assassinated earlier, one of his closest generals would take his place and there were people close to him that are considered to be potentially even more cruel; not to mention having a leader assassinated makes him a martyr and radicalizes people more; I think this is what anon is worried about talking about Putin 2.0
No. 1069259
>>1069251Yea alright i can understand as some kind of motivational affirmation.
>>1069257People praying because they feel helpless doesn’t help anyone still. It only satisfies their ego ala „i can sleep peaceful now because i included the poor ukrainians in my night prayers“ what does it help the poor people?
No. 1069335
File: 1645792077679.png (265.78 KB, 700x394, FMb7SKfXMCA4wZz.png)

>Germany signs non-aggression pact with Russia to secure oil and natural gas supply
>Meanwhile, Macaron "will provide Ukraine with military equipment and financial aid of 300 million euros"
Alright jingo. Weren't you the one who lowered the French military budget?
No. 1069362
>>1069288>>1069286I'm glad to know that the "pandemic" ceases to exist when there is a bigger crisis. I assume the horribly covid virus is kind enough to take a break when the country is at war.
Seriously tho I have been to several eastern European countries during the pandemic and nobody has been wearing masks this entire time, yet everyone is fine and the streets are not littered with corpses. Strange how that works huh.
No. 1069376
>>1069367>The people in Ukraine don't care if they'll get covid if there's literal bombs going off above their heads.How come? You'd think they would want to keep the hospital spaces free for
victims of the war instead?
No. 1069390
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I hope Kyiv nonnie from the last thread is doing fine (and all the other ones too ofc).
No. 1069411
>>1069383yeah the second one was good and interesting, gonna check it once in a while tho to look if ukrainanon is back.
there was such an increase in rapid shitposts near the end of the last thread it’s pretty obvious some people just discovered it. I don’t know if I have seen a thread on here move so fast before.
No. 1069453
>>1069295Ukraine has been fighting for nearly a decade now, Crimea has been annexed since 2014
To the few Chernobyl nonnas - reminder that radiation detectors in the area are also under russian supervision currently, so be sceptical of that data, it could just be part of scare tactics.
No. 1069454
>>1069362As an eastern yuro I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. People have been very good about wearing masks here, especially in public transport. Though masks were never mandatory in public.
However, people truly do have more pressing things to worry about now.
No. 1069511
>>1069498nice try what lol I am not on either side of this but the whole situation is a lot more nuanced than durrr Putin evil. he is also not recklessly bombing cities or harming civilians, he has been careful to only engage with Ukrainian army men.
>>1069499nato and the eu is a million times worse than Russia. why does the world need to stop Russia?
No. 1069536
>>1069511To stop it from doing it with other bordering countries what it's doing with Ukraine now. And not all of us want to be turned into a Russian puppet state like Belarus, thank you very much.
>inb4 so you prefer being a puppet of the West insteadAs a matter of fact, I do. Lesser of two evils and all that.
No. 1069538
>>1069537Of course in a situation like this they'd want to join and that's a great reason for Putin to attack. Because he feels threatened. No one is invading Russia nor even trying to, people just want to be left alone and feel safe but the mere fact that other countries would hold together and help each other
triggers him so much that he just has to attack. Lunatic.
No. 1069544
>>1069528KEK I just went and watched it, that is
brutal. Splitscreen and everything.
No. 1069553
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No. 1069563
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what'd xi say to him????
No. 1069567
>>1068869i know it sucks but i kind of think this is why the united states and other countries aren't jumping into this headfirst in the hopes that this can be contained to eastern europe. i know a lot thought that the syrian war would escalate into ww3 and it didn’t.
i actually asked my mom yesterday a hypothethical question about what would do if this escalated to the point we were actually in danger of being invaded and or bombed. where would we go? what would we take with us? what would we leave behind? being a burger you usually don't think of these things and people make fun of you for saying stuff like this, but i think it's stupid now to be so willfully naive and walk around with your head up your ass thinking that this shit couldn't happen to us, that this might not escalate and turn into a world war with how things have been going these past few years, or that with how aggressive china and russia are together, we might not get nuked.
idk, i am really scared nonies. i am planning on moving to europe anyway in the next couple of years so i have no idea what i may be walking into. we never ask for this shit, people just point fingers at each other, lives are destroyed, all for what? it makes you wonder what it's going to take to finally change things. i am tired of the constant wars and conflicts started by scrotes and their plutocracies. this was always at the back of my mind during the height of the covid hysteria too.
No. 1069574
>>1069567Russian peacekeepers entered Ukraine to depose the neo nazi government that put in place genocidal policies against minorities a couple years ago.
The Nazis begged EU and NATO for protection, but not even the great devil America wanted them.
Reminder that aside from nuclear weapons it inherited from Soviet times, Russia is a third rate power on par with Brazil, and not a monster waiting to devour Europe.
No. 1069575
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Almost 3000 russians in one day? That seems really high
No. 1069594
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not sure if anyone cares but since the Eurovision thread in /m/ isn't accesible. Russia has been kicked out by EBU.
No. 1069595
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They attacked a fucking kindergarten that was serving as shelter
No. 1069602
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>>1069563i really want to know what they discussed during that meeting during the olympics. obviously shit like this is pure political theatre.
No. 1069611
>>1069561maybe it's some 100000000D chess to make the entirety of europe join nato, including russia in the end, then renaming/reframing the purpose of nato as a step towards a one-world government after people are tired of war and possible nuclear actions.
>inb4 back to the tinfoil thread!!yeah,yeah, i'll see myself out.. but all of this just doesn't make sense if there aren't higher motives by the people holding the most money..
No. 1069637
>>1069618>65,500 nSv/h may seem like a lot, but if you're not standing in the middle of it, it's fine. Far from being danger for the whole country (yet)
No. 1069656
>>1069647>China seems to be using the instability to invade and occupy TaiwanNo evidence of this currently and it would take months to prepare.
>>1069644It's the entire area of Donetsk and Luhansk provinces. The Russian backed bandits only occupied a small part of them since they lost the civil war.
>>1069652Don't get baited by media, they are lying about risk to make money. Nobody outside of an ukraine is in any danger.
No. 1069684
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Just saw news reports that putin will only stop the war when ukraine surrender.
No. 1069720
Did you see that Russia attacked several shipping boats? One was Japanese the other was Romanian. I assume NATO isn't going to do anything (COULD be a mistake afterall) about it for now but will send protection for shipping boats in the black sea from now on. If those get attacked, its an attack on nato
>>1069716where do you see the jokes? what
No. 1069730
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>>1069712usa is the only country I have relatives to
No. 1069739
>>1069717guys now i’m at the metro and a big raven flew right behind me, perched on a tree making croaking noise.
bit concerned today
No. 1069761
>>1069737that's exactly where they live kek
I don't trust any us government as they helped reinstate monarchy in my home country
No. 1069780
>>1069754(The guy in the car is ok)
What is that vehicle btw? A shitty BTR-80?
No. 1069792
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What's up with Putin calling the Ukrainian government "neo-nazis" when their president is literally Jewish.
I swear people who fall for Putin's lies are the worst type of retards. Sadly I know one of those retards personally, she is a crazy communist and lives in Kiev and wants Putin to "liberate" her.
No. 1069794
I think I'll hide this thread from now on, this shit is too depressing. I'll just check the thread once in a while to see if we get an update from Ukranian anons, especially from the Kyiv anon because I've very worried about her.
>>1069712If France gets involved at some point I'll most likely go to Algeria for the first time of my life. Or maybe I could go see my family from my mother's side in Morocco but I don't have the Moroccan nationality.
No. 1069796
>>1069785yeah because Russia threatening to crash the ISS into everybody if they don't stop sanctioning their country is totally of no concern at all guys.
You mfs were wrong about Russia not invading Ukraine, you will be wrong on this one.
No. 1069803
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No. 1069812
>>1069806That was against the government, not an invading army. If those armoured vehicles had opened fire the rioters would all die. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to engage in military actions without wearing something that identifies yourself as a fighter too.
>>1069808I mean Russians will open fire in your general direction and possibly kill everyone in the general vicinity. That's actual how Palestinians fight intentionally, Israelis are forced to either not defend themselves, or drop bombs on schools or residential houses.
No. 1069839
>>1069818> Also not enjoying the sentiment that Ukrainian people do not matter.I don't know any Ukrainians, but I hope many of them can spin this into a life as a permanent resident in central Europe, safe from Mordor.
I feel bad for my Russian friends who get screwed by Putin collapsing the Russian economy on their head too.
>>1069820I don't want to look it up, but whether it's illegal or not, at the very least you endanger civilians by fighting as a civilian. If soldiers cannot tell civilian from threat a lot of innocent people will die.
No. 1069842
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No. 1069860
>>1069828Russia has nothing to gain by invading Ukraine either.
They threw away their best bargaining chip by recognizing the bandit counties as independent nations and then kicked over the table by actually literally invading Ukraine with utterly retarded official reasoning. Nobody knows what Putin wants out of this, absolutely nobody supports him and he made every neighbour who isn't a puppet already a mortal enemy. All the European countries who aren't in NATO have big parts of their population demanding they discuss joining and the ones who are already in NATO demand troops relocated to the Russian border.
In return for this the Russian economy enters a deep recession and Russians get poorer and the half of the population who has half a brain hates the government for making their life worse for nothing.
It's truly 1000000D chess Putin is playing, doing everything to weaken his position and make his enemies stronger, then again he turned neutral countries into enemies for years, so maybe he actually really literally just hates Russians and wants them to suffer.
No. 1069877
>>1069866>how they can be like that if russia committed so much genocide against them.see
>>1069689. chechens in russia are also basically free to kidnap and repress anyone who goes against them, putin doesn't do anything since either kadyrov (chechnya leader) is a moscow puppet or putin genuinely either fears or 4dchess plans to use the chechen ultra-conservative hyper-militant special division units for shit like this invasion.
No. 1069883
>>1069872During WW I, WW II and Vietnam a big problem was that it became very hard to differentiate between civilians who just shot at soldiers with a rifle and civilians who never had a rifle, so soldiers tend to err on the side of caution and shoot everyone sus, which could include quite a lot of people if the soldiers were psychotic enough.
Saying they can tell the difference now is silly since there's already been Russian soldiers shooting other Russian soldiers, Ukrainian soldiers shooting other Ukrainian soldiers, and both sides shooting at all kinds of civilians, usually for no apparent reason, or because they thought they might be saboteurs or enemies who don't wear a uniform. This war is a mess because both sides use pretty much the same equipment and Russians have been seen using captured Ukrainian equipment because it's almost the same as theirs.
When people post dead soldiers or destroyed equipment most of the time nobody actually knows which side they belong to and even official sources have been wrong.
No. 1069960
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>>1069574This is looking like what is going on again. The exact cause isn't as clear cut as Putin bad. There are neo-nazi militias operating in Ukraine and from what I've been reading, these militias have been shelling and attacking civilians in Donetsk and Luhansk. The US and Europe are holding back for a reason, maybe it's because they have no intention of defending actual nazis.
Even wikipedia acknowledges this>Azov Special Operations Detachment, often known as Azov Detachment, Azov Regiment, or Azov Battalion, is a right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi Ukrainian National Guard unit based in Mariupol.>In 2014, the regiment gained notoriety after allegations emerged of torture and war crimes as well as neo-Nazi sympathies and usage of associated symbols by the regiment itself, as seen in their logo featuring the Wolfsangel, one of the original symbols used by the 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich.>Reports published by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) have connected the Azov Battalion to war crimes such as mass looting, unlawful detention, and torture.>Another OHCHR report documented an instance of rape and torture, writing: A man with a mental disability was subject to cruel treatment, rape and other forms of sexual violence by 8 to 10 members of the 'Azov' and 'Donbas' (another Ukrainian battalion) battalions in August–September 2014. The victim's health subsequently deteriorated and he was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital. No. 1069976
>>1069974Like an
abusive dad going like, "don't even think about it or imma beat your ass".
No. 1069983
sorry the word in my language is pravovjeran
No. 1069986
>>1069965I'm not in anyway suggesting that Putin is doing this out of kindness or care for anyone but the situation is much more complex than people are assuming. It could be a case of both sides being equally shit while Ukrainian civilians are left to suffer. Considering how quickly the US got involved in places like Syria and Iraq, the fact that there is complete inaction outside of sanctions is suspicious.
>>1069970Again it's not the simple. Ukrainian Nationalists fought for the Nazis during WWII because they viewed Hitler as preferential to Stalin.
No. 1070046
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>mfw actual shills on fucking lolcow
No. 1070055
File: 1645820563081.jpg (420.06 KB, 2515x2217, innernet out.jpg)

If you can't contact Ukrainian friends it's probably because their internet doesn't work.
No. 1070138
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I'm eastern yuro and scared of this shit and constantly think about that fucking psycho manlet releasing the nuclear bomb , glad my parents are vacationing in mexico right now though
No. 1070202
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>>1070190Your post reminds me of this
No. 1070215
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West is basically in the fall of Rome stage now.
Russia/China/Taliban = the barbarians at the gates. They see west (correctly) as weak and impotent and are now openly challenging us. West is internally divided, torn apart by identity politics, demoralized by post-modernism, lacks any strong unifying force like nationalism or religion, people don't trust leaders or media, debt is growing and economy is built on nothing and just waiting to collapse at any moment. Our elites are utterly out of touch with reality and most ordinary people are clueless or apathetic.
Ukraine is a test of how far Russia can go and other anti-western countries (especially China) will be watching. China will probably start making open moves soon. Sanctions will just lead to a second alternative economic system, with China in the place of USA. This is already planned by China for years now and Putin probably has plans for this too. This system will be divorced from dollar and will put the final nail in the coffin of western hegemony.
No. 1070227
>>1070195I'm in my 30 and I feel the same. I feel like I've never lived. My parents have been shit and sadly all of Putin's behaviour reminds me of my mother (so, you see, my parents are really shit) and I hope we all don't have to face something that the world doesn't deserve. I haven't lived a life until now, I want to see some places in the world, I want to be happy, I don't want to have to life in a reality where an old dying stupid man is ruining everything for us all. And everything after we all stayed at home, isolated, tried to be safe, because of Covid… I wish I could be on an island with nice, gentle and loving people, not knowing about anything that is happening right now.
No. 1070252
>>1070195I feel the same way. I'm in my late 20s and I've spent all my years since 19 being extremely careful and indecisive about anything. Now it feels like no matter what I do, there's a bleak future ahead, but I've decided to see if I can be a bit kind to myself. That way if things really take a turn for the worse and we're about to die, I've spent some time having fun. And if things do turn out for the better, I've lost nothing at all.
Right now I'm moving back home to be with my family, but I've also used my savings to book trips to different cities where my friends live so I can get to spend time with them. For the friends in my hometown I'm arranging meetups and movie nights. I've also decided to write the stories I've always wanted to write, which I never let myself do earlier because I always thought they were silly and dumb. I'm drawing whatever I want instead of trying to appeal to an online algorithm and let myself be excited for things I thought I was too old to be excited about. I can't afford doing anything big like travel abroad or see cool monuments and shit, but I can appreciate the things I have and enjoy them while it lasts. I hope that in a few years I can remember this post and laugh at how bleak it was.
No. 1070261
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>>1070208>The contamination of a tsar bomb would spread to russia toThat moid already threw his own people into economic turmoil, might as well contaminate them too.
No. 1070262
>>1070242Exactly, Putin does not give a fuck about the Russian people or their lives. will let Russians die needlessly by the millions if he needs to, all he cares about is his own legacy.
If he gets too pissed he can just hide his loved ones in one of his bunkers (he probably has a super fancy one) and start a nuclear war, easy.
The only thing that can stop him is someone who is close to him.
No. 1070267
>>1070233Parts of Russia are already severely contaminated. Putin isn't stupid enough to use nukes on his own door step. Radiation causes long term sickness and disability that will weaken any country where it's released. Russia suffers from both radioactive contamination and chemical contamination from former chemical weapons factories, as well as heavy metal poisoning from mining.
Radiation - Lake Karachay
Chemical - Dzerzinsk
Heavy Metal - Norilsk
No. 1070268
>>1070251>>1070251I mean somebody has to do the actual work of preparing the launch. I don't know how it works in practice, but there isn't a button one guy just pushes. If you were working there and your dictator told you to do something that were certain to kill you and probably everyone you love, would you go along? No, at that point you take down the nutcase, not like you have anything to lose. Crazy dictators are still surrounded by sane capable people by necessary and they wont just sign up to die.
>>1070257Nobody is claiming that wars have not existed, they always exist which is why you need a strong state to protect you.
No. 1070270
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>>1070230based north sentinel islanders
No. 1070276
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While looking up the differences between atom bombs I came across this site which allows you to select cities and areas to understand in what radius the bomb would cause death and damage. Interesting in a sad way.
No. 1070280
>>1070268So just don't try for peace kek? Well we're going to war anyway so might as well just have people suffering under a retard system which benefits the war apes, right? While I agree on some stuff being idpol, like troons and shit that only affects the upper class with too much time on their hands thinking about themselves too much, their are some things that moids deem idpol which are tied to reality and aren't idpol, they just are of no interest to moids or is beneficial to moids to remain. Look at breadtuber fags like Chapo who talk about hating idpol but are onboard with trannies and shit, the most idpol shit ever. It's a cope. Men giving into their hedonism and being retarded
trigger happy emotional ragetards is the issue with both rome and now.
No. 1070296
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>>1070288Ukraine couldn’t use nukes to deter Russia because Ukraine has no nukes and isn’t part of a military alliance that does have nukes. What they
do have is favorable wind currents but that’s just a deterrent against the use of nukes, not against invasion.
No. 1070314
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>>1070303I wouldn't take his claims seriously.
No. 1070316
Might be a naive question but… is it possible at all that Ukraine will win against Russia?
Found this video of this confident Ukrainian soldier and started wondering: No. 1070322
>>1070316No. Look up troops, equipment, etc. It's impossible.
As for any Ukrainian sister here thinking about molotovs and fighting. You will likely be killed. It's clear that half the Russian troops are not giving a shit about casualties. You shoot from your apartment, they will very likely bomb the entire place.
No. 1070340
>>1069234>>1069685Well the majority of them are muslim extremists, so that explains their bloodlust and fighting a war for something that doesn't benefit them just so they can slaughter people.
lol at them praying to their moon god in the picture right before they kill people.
No. 1070364
>>1070316I think only if Russians start protesting aggressively and basically try to get rid of Putin.
That russian nona many posts above was right. If Navalny was not in prison now, he would be the only person capable of gathering a lot of people, enough to draw Putin's attention.
Everything has been calculated by Putin.
There is not Navalny = no internal threats
There is not independent Belarus = basically used Belarusian border to invade Ukraine
He had been trying to put Navaly behind bars for 2 years, he didn't lift a finger when there were protests in Belarus even though he could invade if he wanted to just because he wanted to keep it as one more door into Ukraine.
No. 1070381
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>George H Bush promises Gorbachev not to expand NATO eastward
>NATO starts expanding eastwards
>Soviet Union was Ukraine dominated for a good 20 years of its existence from the Rise of Khrushchev to the death of Brezhnev
>Khrushchev, a Ukrainian, unilaterally transfers Crimea from the RFSSR to the Ukrainian SSR without explanation in 1954
>It takes until the Gorbachev admin' for the Russians to finally start sealing the Ukrainian SSR->Apparchnik pipeline, Ukrainians hold disproportionate control and power over the Soviet Union until then
>This causes the Ukrainians to lose their shit, make moves for independence
>keep transferred Russian territory at independence
It's not like Ukraine is some uwu helpless country that's done no wrong, they've made their own malicious moves to slice off Russian territory over the years. This should've been sorted out in 1991, by the Ukraine and Russia, not left to fester for so long.
No. 1070385
>>1070322Anon here, what I'm trying to say.. You do risk your life. And that of the ones around you.
Once it's military against civilians.. I don't know. Its a risk everyone has to decide for themselves. No idea what I'd do. European and neutral country.
No. 1070412
>>1070404NATO is explicitly an anti-Russian alliance, evidenced by the fact that Russia isn't allowed to join and never has been allowed. Russia has the right to be concerned as it moves eastward. The US flipped out when Cuba tried to station missiles to deter another US invasion, yet hypocritically expects Russia to sit by and wait for Ukraine to house NATO missiles.
What do people expect, for Russians to sit around until they're vulnerable, and let the US topple them like they did Libya and Iraq?
No. 1070428
>>1070411China is likely glad it happened tbh.
If it becomes a Quagmire for Russia and Russia ends up alienated, then China can leverage the fact that they're their only market to get cheaper gas prices and bully their Central Asian sphere of influence of them. If Russia deteriorates and Putin loses power, they'll do their own landgrab in the far east (Give Chinese and other asians in Siberia Chinese passports, claim they're being oppressed by evil Russia, move troops in). Russia will have no friends and won't be in a position to stop it.
If Ukraine is a cakewalk for Russia then the west takes a big blow to its prestige and western influence weakens on the global stage. It will be harder for the US to muster other countries for programs and defensive alliances because the US will be seen as too fickle.
There isn't a situation here where China loses. If Russia wins the west looks weak, if Russia loses it just becomes more dependent on Russia.
No. 1070442
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air traffic control must be one of the most stressful jobs in the world
No. 1070443
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>>1070431>>1070423Make an actual counter argument
No. 1070460
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>>1070456I want a deep fake of Korean dog boy with Putin's face
No. 1070469
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>>1070465It didn't go well
No. 1070498
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No. 1070505
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Can't wait for the eurofags to wake up and see what we've done
No. 1070506
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>>1070498This is stunning, beautiful, groundbreaking, I’m utterly amazed and full of glee.
No. 1070513
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No. 1070525
>>1070517I'd like to address this now before anyone goes down that "stop joking NOW" route.
Firstly, I've been making jokes about Putin since back in the day when his titties were spotted bouncing around while on horseback and secondly, this kind of character insult would hurt his ego more than 1,000 of his own men dead
No. 1070527
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I go sleep nonnas byebye
No. 1070529
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>>1070447No one is saying that. All anons are doing, including myself is looking at different sources and trying to find out why this happened. Putin isn't a cartoon villain and didn't just wake up one morning and think "Tehehe I'm going to invade Ukraine". Like every other conflict there are multitude of reasons why it happens.
>>1070498Fucking kek
>>1070520You could always tweet it to Russian government twitter accounts.
No. 1070540
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>>1070529>You could always tweet it to Russian government twitter accounts.Good idea
No. 1070541
nonnie, do it faster.
No. 1070544
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>>1070542We can go deeper
No. 1070545
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>>1070541this is the fastest i can get it
No. 1070548
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AI is both a blessing and a curse
No. 1070553
>>1070545I love you,
nonnie, please marry me.
No. 1070567
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>>1070550had to crop and shrink to get under 4mb
No. 1070571
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No. 1070613
>>1070544That's our lord and savior Testoviron, you heretic.
>>1070538Bet he uses Keekweek theme.
No. 1070649
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internet's out now
No. 1070665
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No. 1070670
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>>1070665which spring intern wrote this lmfao
No. 1070676
>>1070646Cyrillic anons I’m dumb how do I pronounce these cities/river that start with “dn”
No. 1070724
>>1070498Good morning, I didn't expect to laugh so hard at this kek
>>1070529Pic related is completely irrelevant, it doesn't matter if those territories were under Russia once, even duirng those times they were seen and treated as different
No. 1070751
>>1070731Because American conservatives actually are starting to deeply despise contemporary western institutions, and men like Tucker Carlson want there to be a rollback of US influence in Europe because they want the US and EU governments to lose face and power. They also see the potential in Russia becoming a white power that defends mayo interests across the globe, which isn't a far off fantasy.
Lowkey conservatives are starting to like China as well. They are looking at the PRC doing things like stopping kids from playing bibleo games all day and working to solve their birthrate and they're like "uhm, kino, we need to do the same, maybe China would be better as the global force". They want the US to regress to being a regional power again and then reform it, while it's a global empire they feel they can't.
No. 1070754
>>1070731Russia is really beloved by white nationalists and the Trumpist faction of Republicans because they wish the US was more like Russia.
>All around them, they see degeneracy, racial mixing, demographic change, “political correctness,” same-sex marriage, religious decline. The America that they actually inhabit no longer matches the white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant America that they remember, or think they remember. And so they have begun to look abroad, seeking to find the spiritually unified, ethnically pure nations that, they imagine, are morally stronger than their own. Nations, for example, such as Russia.This is why they they change the topic whenever Russia does something questionable and its why Trump is even given a platform to praise Putin for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
No. 1070755
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>>1070749The pornhub thing is fake news (and free PR for dumb redditors). I hate how every post is like
>wow this slavic person has MASSIVE BALLS No. 1070762
>>1070758Yes they do, even the former grand wizard of the KKK praises Russia.
>>1070760Russia isn't communist and Putin is anti-communist.
No. 1070780
>>1070665Why do all of these stupid fucking first-world-problem articles have images with this hideous art style? It's a cliche at this point.
>>1070650I keked, too, anon
>>1070731idk it's weird because the vast majority of conservatives who are over the age of 40 still hold on to the old Cold War view of Russia as the ultimate villain of the world.
No. 1070801
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Kekk based Zelensky
He also asked for other eurofag civilians to come fight in Ukraine. Sorry zeze but I’m not coming
No. 1070803
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>>1070799Not sure it was accidental and not a deliberately crafted 'fuck around and find out' image.
I remember how shocked I was when I saw him post this. That message wasn't intended only for Kim. It was a preemptive display of power.
No. 1070804
>>1070364I am that Russian nona
I believe it is possible that Ukraine wins especially if they gain a little bit of support from France, for example.
Read Nevzrov's last texts. The war has been ongoing for 3 days. How come a small poor country who uses predominantly old inherited from USSR military machines successfully withstands Putin's forces?
I swear if Putin press the nuclear button, it won't work because instead of actually doing something these last 30 years, building economy, military forces, whatever, they kept stealing money and resources. Nothing Putin's people have created will work properly. (I am sorry I can't attach a picture, it won't load because of the vpn service I am using)
No. 1070807
>>1070803It was a bit of both. Trump would apparently act like a based retard to foreign powers and then go around the white house bragging about his mad dog diplomacy, not at all realizing that mad dog diplomacy doesn't work if you are open about it…But then it did work because of his fragile ego and hysterical moments, other powers could see through his shitty poker face, but also his true nature, so in a roundabout way he was retarded but his retardation made it work.
Nixon actually did the mad dog diplomacy method during the cold war, with more nuance than Trump, and more calculated. He tried to convey a "I'm about to fucking snap, I'm out of options in Vietnam and in other places and I'm at my limit" hysteria to the Soviets, but the Brezhnev administration were apparently just confused. So maybe this is something where you genuinely have to be publicly insecure and unhinged to get working properly, and trump was doing it right all along by virtue of being trump.
No. 1070813
>>1070804>How come a small poor country who uses predominantly old inherited from USSR military machines successfully withstands Putin's forces? Because Russians aren't trying to level the country and their invasion casus belli is contingent on being a war of liberation, which is hard to achieve if you leave behind serious devastation.
The fact that the Ukranians are trying to goad russia into effectively committing warcrimes by intermixing civilian and military targets together is sick, it's the same tactic that Hezbollah uses against Israel. and the Ukrainian president is praised as being heroic, but it seems he's cynically handing out guns and goading the Ukrainian public to go be little commandos is just an attempt to get the needed civilian casualties and liveleak footage for propaganda purposes, to get that much needed western support. "Oh ebil Russia is slaughtering innocent holols". These tactics hold up the Russia the same way they hold up the Israelis, it's not hard to hide behind civilians.
>>1070812Trump was the only president the US had in the last twenty years that didn't allow any Russian expansion. Bush had Georgia, Obama had Crimea and Biden has this. The administration most responsible for this current crisis was the Obama one, which was undoubtedly the best time for Putin. All through the '08 and '12 campaigns Neo-cons were hitting the point of Russian irredentism home, and they were laughed at and mocked. Sarah Palin outright predicted that if Obama was elected, Putin would move to occupy Ukraine, and she was right.
No. 1070821
>>1070813No NATO country is risking WW3 for Ukraine, they are not getting support beyond what they are getting now. I don't think Russia intends to commit warcrimes either and won't be easily goaded into it. If it happens it is because their conscripts are poorly trained and equipped; panicky, poorly trained people will fuck up and do things like hit targets they weren't intending to.
You are correct about Palin.
>>1070804I'm less optimistic about Ukraine 'winning' but I do think Russia has fucked up, I don't think they were expecting this level of pushback and their conscripts aren't trained well enough, supplied well enough and their hearts might not be in it. There's footage of what appears to be Russian soldiers looting a minimarket, why don't they have enough food themselves? They've also lost a bunch of paratroopers on a transport plane because they didn't have air superiority. Russia has the money and manpower but they messed up along the way
somewhere, perhaps they failed to invest their money properly.
No. 1070941
>>1070754>racial mixingThis part is really funny because I've watched press conferences where Putin criticizes America for its racism against Native Americans/African Americans and celebrates Russia's ethnic diversity. The only true part is that he's homophobic and has some outdated chauvinistic views.
>white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant America lmao, Eastern Orthodox don't feel kinship with Protestants. Russia was never a hypodescent racial caste state built on Puritanism like America was. (I know you're not the one saying this but still)
If America was probably more like Russia if it became Christian again that be a definitive improvement over the actual Christian America of the 1700s to 1950s tbh
No. 1071000
>>1070990Where you from,
nonnie? Finland?
No. 1071025
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>>1070801looks like he will get ammunition from several EU countries today. He also posted a vid in the early morning that they managed to defend Kiev, but it was a rough night either way.
On another note: It was also posted that the russian army runs out of fuel and food, so you get to see vids of them stuck on the road and unable to move on.
No. 1071033
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>>1071025to add to this. Everybody sends tons of weapons to ukraine. Meanwhile germany:
No. 1071063
>>1071058Yes and tbh people were saying to me that their military was north korea tier, and I didn't believe it, but it looks like they were right. Also let's say they have a bit more, like 200k.
Even if they take the city temporarily, there's no way they can hold ukraine with 200k soldiers. I just don't get it, I know the old man lost his marbles but still. If he wanted attention, idk just do an offensive blackface costume like the other leaders
No. 1071073
>>1071063>>1071065Imagine acting all big and bad, being
triggered enough to intimidate your chief spy for saying he wants to negotiate more with the Western countries, just to send in your worst troops.
No. 1071128
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American moids be like
No. 1071143
>>1071138t-that looks like a teen…and I'm being generous when I say teen
>>1071139yes we punished and cucked you from your army, seems a bit unrealistic to now expect you to act
No. 1071166
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>>1071138And of course that predatory pedo bs comes from Black Pigeon Speaks, the embodiment of a seething obese coomer.
No. 1071168
>>1071158I didn't call them whores though? Doing sex work is "whoring" yourself out.
>>1071165Stop getting all caught up in semantics cause nothing was moid-y about what I said besides you getting angry over a word I used. Yeah, a moid would shift the blame to men alright lol
No. 1071181
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>>1071139I knew that the bar was VERY low for germany, so this is just hilarious sad in comparison to other countries who support the Ukraine rn. But hey, maybe we will send our unicorn mobile with our twans soldiers and drag queens to support the troops!1
No. 1071184
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>>1071181I like to add that the polish MP just landend in Berlin to slap germany some common sense back into the brain since they are the only ones who block the SWIFT block of russia at this point.
No. 1071189
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>>1071138Western women SEETHING as all western men will finally have cute submissive loli gfs! Men just can't stop winning! Women crying in the corner going "GRRRRR! I wish I wasn't a dirty feminists who rejected incels". How will we ever discover when our boyfriends leave us for their new refugee childbrides?
No. 1071191
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>>1071187Some things never change
No. 1071196
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>>1071138I can’t believe they truly think that any pretty woman will just fall in love when they see the fat balding shitty ass man opening the door.
No. 1071199
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>>1071194Orban now supports a block of the SWIFT system as well, he was the last one next to germany to block it. Everybody else gave an OK this morning. No. 1071207
>>1071138Scrotes are literally incapable of true altruism so they can't comprehend it in others. Women everywhere in west have expressed empathy for Ukrainians and when the refugees come, we are welcoming them.
>>1071199Good. Putin gonna be begging for Xi for some coins when his savings start to run out.
No. 1071214
>>1069951Basically this. A war analyst here said yesterday that the rhetoric Putin is using is very surprising as it is something that has not been heard in europe in at least 200 years. His dick is hard for a lot older time than Stalin or Lenin.
I'm being too optimistic but I really hope there will be some pushback from inside Russian military leaders. Earlier this year Leonid Ivashov, president of the Academy for Geopolitical Problems and a retired Colonel-General, published a speech in which he criticized Putin surprisingly harshly. I'd think there was some anti-poot movement behind the scenes.
No. 1071233
>>1071199When Ibtry to look this up, I see articles claiming the opposite. I don't understand the point of this anyway, how how does this ultimately hurt Putin?
All this is doing is fucking over and weaking several of Europe's own country's supply (no, not just germans), fucking over immigrant russians who have money transfers with their families, fucking over economy and banks and strengthening the bond of putin and xi further.
No. 1071256
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No. 1071266
>>1071248The hope is that if Russian oligarchs see their wealth getting hit they might pressure Putin to stop or overthrow him. Money is all that matters to elites so they might not see the war as worth it. But at this point it's not about saving Ukraine but stopping Russia from going even further.
Realistically I think all these west hating countries will team up and start their own economic club. There are a lot of them and China is big enough economy to make it possible.
No. 1071270
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No. 1071275
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Do you want your country to be "liberated" by its neighbours?
No. 1071282
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Don't know if this was already posted
>hey guys kremlin might be lyingno shit No. 1071284
File: 1645886460132.png (155.96 KB, 298x298, 9327D3D1-A415-4924-9AF6-615865…)

Except that now we actually have a reason to be anti-Russia that isn’t just “communism bad” you freak
No. 1071301
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imagine having this as your husbando, SAD!
No. 1071305
File: 1645887015701.jpeg (296.74 KB, 720x437, B12A1460-EB67-450F-A0E3-EC29F6…)

I hope he picks you #♥##
No. 1071320
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Local poltard shilling for AIDS nation
No. 1071333
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No. 1071334
>>1071321Except that you haven’t actually bothered to make a sound argument and just keep defending Putin without reason?
>>1071332shut up
No. 1071336
>>1071332i hate the term nlog but now i gotta say
No. 1071339
>>1071312Shit bait.
>>1070138 Did they at least raise the amount of rubels you earn after their worth plummeted that much?
No. 1071350
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>based. you're one of the good ones.
No. 1071354
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No. 1071359
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No. 1071366
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No. 1071367
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Yeah. I'd larp as a threat too to cope
No. 1071369
>>1071351because the people in the government are all greedy pigs who do not give a fuck about its people. And now with other countries trying to back away from russia this is only going to hurt the russian people more but Putin doesn't give a fuck since he lives in a multi million dollar home.
>>1071349oh please the male spaces who talk about politics are even more retarded, no one has to be completely serious here to appease you, also stop larping as a woman, moid and commit sudoku.
No. 1071371
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Ako si stvarno žensko, jadna si i ispran ti je mozak lažnom povijesti i nacionalističkim idealima. Nauči pravilno govoriti engleski i pokušaj ne biti takva pick-me, možda ćeš i pobjeći iz te šupkaste države, al ne očekujem to. BDP vam je u kurcu, jedna ste od najnižih država u europi po ocjenama i IQ-u, imate bogatsvo retardiranih skrotoida. Opameti se.
No. 1071394
>>1071388if this is a canadian woman who moved to the balkans to marry some
abusive scrote to live a "trad" life there this is even sadder than what i originally thought
No. 1071408
>>1071399No but anonette is such a cool word. Great name for a scifi character
>>1071406Taky si myslím
No. 1071413
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based russian brand new tanks spotted in Kyiv, W2C? No wonder they're winning
No. 1071436
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>>1071413haha throwing missiles at apartments and killing innocent people SO BASED AMIRIGHT FELLOW WOMEN.
No. 1071451
I'm using a VPN this because I no longer give a fuck. But one of the shit mods here perma-banned me for this
>>1071368Because they accused me of being a "scrote" despite me typing this in response to anons going around claiming they're eastern european and defending putin from his genocidal invasion of ukraine
I'm guessing one of the Putin dickriders here is a mod since getting perma banned for THAT of all things is ridiculous, kek. Be careful who're arguing with, a lot of these "anons" are power tripping mods ready to comb through your post history and ban you if you disagree with them. Well, this will be my last post on here for now. Godspeed and ily nonnies. I hope Ukraine will be liberated from the oppressive Russian scum terrorizing their country.
(no one cares, whine in /meta/) No. 1071472
>>1071451>Be careful who're arguing withi also find that one anon in meta who attacks any anon who gives a complaint to be very strange, they give me a crazy janny vibe hmm.
>>1071463you leave instead moid. Go to pol where you can talk about about porn and fight anons.
No. 1071503
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>>1071404as a German myself, I can only say that there is no reason why you shouldn't mock our army, we do it all the time. We don't have weapons, we don't have tanks, helicopters, man power. Our army is full of right wing idiots, everything seems to be old or broken (even the new things) and no one in their right mind would join them. The state of our army can only described with that picture. That's what you will get if we shall help, a fucking rainbow unicorn, maybe we will build a fallout shelter from that one.
We are also in some way dependent on gas from Russia, our government has failed to work on natural energy resources in our own country. And then, there is this one old chancellor we had, who is still licking Putin's butt. I really see no reason why the people shouldn't mock my country, there are enough things to make fun of, even besides all that stuff.
Also, if it helps the mood to make some jokes, go ahead, humour might help us all stay a little bit sane while the outside world is an insane mess.
No. 1071511
>>1071509I doubt it
nonnie, no one in the region has money for another war or they have no interest in the territory. Hungary was arguably the most dangerous, but they are against Russia due to bordering with Ukraine.
No. 1071515
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fake and gay
No. 1071530
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No. 1071533
>>1071516That's such bullshit kek, literally half of our gas is from russia and around 30% of our coal, how are they going to replace that within a few months?
Honestly, I'm starting to become masochistic, just waiting for the shitshow to get worse and worse.
No. 1071541
>>1071516the unbelievable thing about all this is, we could be independent, we have enough knowledge, intelligent young people, room and resources to produce our own energy, but our politicians don't care for the people, they just care about their own money. The fact that Lindner made a statement that we reduced our military spending because of our welfare system is another joke, our welfare system is shit, better than in other countries, still shit and inhuman.
I liked the idea from someone that Russia should face the same sanctions as a Hartz 4 recipient, those are way harder than everything Russia has to fear from Germany at the moment.
>>1071533I'm the same, I'm already thinking about what I will do when the shit comes to us, staying in one of the biggest cities in Germany isn't an option, guess I will hide at my Grandmas house then. My only hope is that Putin will be dead very soon, but that is a stupid hope.
No. 1071555
>>1071533>>1071541Here I found it (in german only, sorry):
>Bei Öl liege der Importanteil russischen Öls bei 35 Prozent. Es gebe aber eine nationale Ölreserve, die 90 Tage lang die Unabhängigkeit von Importen insgesamt sicher.Deutschland habe zudem eine Importabhängigkeit von 50 Prozent von russischer Kohle.>Modellrechnungen zeigen, dass Europa eine mögliche Lieferunterbrechung Russlands durch die Ukraine weitestgehend kompensieren kann.It also says they would just get their oil and gas from the middle east then. No. 1071557
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This thread rn
No. 1071563
I just saw that in Japan they are having drama over Russian folk songs being taught in schools (they are saying it's communist to learn Kalinka lol) as part of the music curriculum and I thought learning music from across the world was a thing everywhere? So I am curious what subjects you nonnies had in school.
For me in middle school:
>Croatian, German, English
>Math, Biology, Physics, Chemistry
>History, Music, Art, Woodworking, Information Technology
>Catholic Religion(optional subject)
History is taught from the stone age to year 2000, local and european history in detail from the roman empire, much shorter versions for the other continents but WWII is covered with more detail. Significant folk songs and literature from across the whole world as part of "general culture".
No. 1071576
>>107155590 days… this is laughable, we saw what happend when we didn't have toilet paper for a week.
And then we have to go and beg the middle east for some oil, creating another dependency.
I still don't understand our government, we have wind, water and sun, we wouldn't need anything from Russia or the Middle East. People working at coal mines and nuclear plants could have gotten a retraining for those new fields, creating new and more jobs, but no, someone still wants to kiss the ass of some dictators.
>>1071563German, English, Latin (could have chosen France, didn't, was stupid)
Math, Biology, Physics, Chemistry
History, Politics, Geography
Art, Music
Religion (couldn't choose Philosophy because we weren't allowed to get tested for our degree in that subject)
in Germany it's although very different where you go to school, how much money said school has and how good the teachers are. My teachers were mostly alcoholics or hated us. Music wasn't important at my school and we didn't learn anything, while my brother at another school learned everything. History was a little bit about everything, starting with the Stone Age and ending with the Cold War. Most part in history was about WWII, when, why, how, reasons, consequences and why it should never happen again. Guess that worked with my classmates, none of them, as far as I know, has become a Neonazi, kek.
No. 1071579
>>1071576>German, English, Latin (could have chosen >France, didn't, was stupid)>Math, Biology, Physics, Chemistry>History, Politics, Geography>Art, Music>Sport>Religion (couldn't choose Philosophy >because we weren't allowed to get tested >for our degree in that subject)Pretty similar in Austria. Depending on where you live you get to choose Spanish, Italian, French or Slovenian as a subject too.
No. 1071589
>>1071584My bad, it was earlier in this month*
Anyway, Ukrainian women are being amazing during this
No. 1071595
>>1071579some schools in Northern Germany would teach you Dutch or Plattdeutsch (between class 1 and 6 for Plattdeutsch) and in East Germany Russian. I'm still sad that I never went to one of those schools.
>>1071583didn't everyone hate sports? I still sometimes relive the feelings I had doing sports at school and I'm in my 30s.
>>1071584I'm still waiting for David Hasselhoff playing Looking for Freedom, after all he got the Berlin Wall to finally open with that song. (Sry, humour is the only thing keeping me alive).
>>1071589And all those moids in other countries can only wait for Ukraine women to come there, I've met some at work and if they don't like you they don't like you and you will know it, kek
No. 1071613
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>>1070215What a profoundly ignorant take. Climate and pandemics both had a major role in the fall of Roman civilization. Wash your hands and stop voting for unhinged moids acting like Commodus as if we were still living in the year 192 if you care about the system.
>>1070498This is Art.
No. 1071633
>>1071616I can't believe it's real. They always do that. Misery and suffering make them hard. Andrea was right.
“How can anyone love someone who is less than a full person, unless love itself is domination per se?”
― Andrea Dworkin
No. 1071685
>>1071563Lurking burger here, but my coursework was basically the same.
We had art and music, but we definitely didn't learn folk music from other countries. We learned yoga in our sports/health class, but a lot of kids' parents had them sit out when we learned it because it's from Hinduism. No foreign languages because my school couldn't afford more teachers.
>>1071616kill all moids
No. 1071688
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Only in Finnish sorry, maybe you can translate with Google
Two Finnish women left with their van to Polish-Ukranian border to pick up refugees in need of help not be the most convenient plan, but god I love women
No. 1071707
>>1071576Renewable energy is garbage, a country needs some kind of reliable energy source to maintain a basic supply. Germany has gone full retard with shutting down nuclear AND coal, the only thing that can sort of compensate is gas, but that's broken now too.
The alternative will be to import electricity from Polish coal plants and French nuclear plants and pay them. The idiots deciding this are all upper class underemployed rich people who don't understand how the world works and don't care about the price of anything. Let's shut down all factories in Germany. Money comes from the government, electricity comes out of the wall plug, problems weren't.
No. 1071710
>>1071688Wow, from Finland to Ukrainian border in a van? That's going to be a long ass trip
>>1071695Don't be mean to amerianon
>>1071707I still don't understand why Germany is shutting down the plants? Is it really just because of muh environment?
No. 1071718
>>1071710> I still don't understand why Germany is shutting down the plants? Is it really just because of muh environment?German labour parties died after they implemented labour and welfare reforms and then got pushed into irrelevance during 12 years of conservative rule. Now there's not a single party in the mainstream that has a clue about economics or cares about workers. The left wing parties are all about cuddling muslims, trannies, and upper class hipsters who hate industry and infrastructure.
Their voters are completely alienated from the reality of life, they think wealth is created out of thin air through the writing of articles about the evils of
insert leftist buzzword and brave essays about how racism is bad and Nazis are evil, because they are from rich families who are several generations removed from actually earning money through any kind of productive labour.
tl;dr: Yes, they are that delusional.
No. 1071730
>>1071722> germany still has one of the biggest energy exports and gains a major part of its electricity from coal and nuclear sourcesThe government is working hard to shut all those down. Official policy is that brownouts, blackouts and poverty are a small price to pay for a smug sense of moral superiority.
Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen.
>>1071723They're already pushing for all kinds of tranny and anti-industry crap.
No. 1071825
>>1071778there are and have been some efforts to move in the direction of more sustainable energy but they are nowhere as drastic as that one anon claimed. Probably even less so after the situation with russia now, gas prices have already increased.
Anyway the efficiency of ‘sustainable’ energy sources is highly dependent on the geographic conditions. What’s effective in some areas doesn’t do shit in others etc.
No. 1071864
>>1071490I hate how this shit became "funny slav meme xD" few years back shared by all moids. These songs were sung by literal subhuman psychopaths that glorified horror, massacres and destruction of what once was a functional multicultural country.
>hue hue crazy balkan ppl want to kill each other xDDDYeah tell it to majority of people who didn't even believe that war could happen to yugoslavia until paramilitary forces made out of literal criminals started mass killings and committing horrible, horrible crimes.
What happened back then should have been seen as a warning for the rest of the world, that societies we live in are littered with psychopathic moids who are just waiting for a reason (muh pride muh ethnicity muh religion) to start mass murdering and raping.
No. 1071913
>>1071864>>1071875You do realize Yugoslavia was doomed since the beginning as a forced unity, right? Maybe your parents emigrated and have an idealized image, but things were far from perfect. Tito was a charismatic leader, but he never prepared proper successors and the upper echolons fell appart after his death and got greedy. We depended on playing both the east and west for financial support, and while yugoslavia had a unique brand of communism with a semi-open market, my parents told me how they waited in lines to get flour and were the happiest when cousins from the outside brought them toothpaste and shampoo. I'm not even a nationalist, I am half Croatian, half Serbian and live on the Bosnian border, kek.
The regions weren't equally treated, the relations with the soviets were never good after Tito told Stalin to fuck himself, the west was cheering and predicting the country would fall appart and inflation did its job.
No. 1071930
>>1071903I stopped looking there too because of how retarded and reactionary 95% of the related content is. Not really a surprise but it’s almost impossible to make out bits of valuable information between all that shit.
>>1071855this, it’s gotten a better now but yesterday this thread was like doomposting general. Anyway hope she’s fine, my friends relatives couldn’t be reached yesterday either. The internet in the ukraine seems to be fucked up
No. 1071939
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Russia is officially out of SWIFT now
No. 1071946
>>1071939nonna no one but us understands this, at least click on translate.
also rip to all russians temporary living abroad and our upcoming gasrechnung kek
No. 1071951
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>>1071945>>1071946My bad nonnas, but have this picrel instead
No. 1071995
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I forgot to add this tweet.
I can't seem to find a proper translation for
>>1071939 but it's basically among the lines of what
>>1071956 said.
No. 1071996
A lot of western news are using old and unrelated footage to show Ukraine's situation and that's awful because it makes them lose credibility. Why not use real footage?
>>1071958You know, to a lot of people the fact that a male comedian (and you know how comedians are…) became Ukraine's president isn't a good look.
No. 1072010
>>1071563>Polish, English, French (my middle school was bilingual) and German (high school, I had an option to choose Russian, but decided not to since we live close to German border)>Math, Biology, Physics, Chemistry>History, Music, Art, Information Technology >Geography, Politics, something called roughly Defensive Preparation (you learn how to apply first aid, basics of self-defense, etc. It's mostly bullshit, tbh) and something called Basics of Business (also bullshit)>Religion (optional)>Sport (I opted out in mid middle school due to health issues and didn't attend at all in high school. In grade school we had swimming which was great and I loved it.)As for history, Polish school system, which used to have grade school, middle school and high school, was so badly planned that we went through ancient history 3 times and barely reached WWII before final exams. We never went over Cold War and modern times. No idea how it looks nowadays since the system changed several years ago.
History lessons at school didn't cover everything, but we had really nice books with plenty of extra information (like modernization of Japan in late 19th century or precolumbian civilizations) and I liked to read all of that.
My stepbrother attended private school which had a different program and had trimesters instead of semesters and shorter summer vacations, but they had cool exchange programs and winter vacations in Czech parts of Tatra Mountains.
No. 1072011
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No. 1072018
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>radicalize russiaNonnies, you don't really understand the situation and culture there. They have a lower GDP per capita than ROMANIA. youth and social media culture is very centered on anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts (meme related). They have been disappointed by the adults and are more likely to turn on them, they know how life outside is better. The older adults are equally cynical and bitter but drown it in drugs and alcohol. My Russian friends are all subtly tweeting "what is that crazy old bastard doing" and they are aware their social media gets checked so they can't publicly express disdain without risks to their family. They are currently sharing info on P2P messaging apps, they'd sooner turn on the current government than fight in ww3.
No. 1072083
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Jesus fucking Christ.
No. 1072101
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it's amazing to me how many ukranians can still post online
No. 1072122
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>but what about the unborn baby with my genes
Surrogacy is just evil in general
No. 1072126
>>1072033Anon, it's not a lot, I have been to all 'protests' starting from Thursday. There were not many people, I will go tomorrow, I don't think there will be more. People are numb. Everything and everybody feels doomed, nothing's going to help.
Several telegram channels report Putin wants to have Kharkiv or Kiev taken down at any cost by Monday.
No. 1072146
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>>1072107He was a disgusting human overall
No. 1072154
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>>1072105Yes it's like
>>1072103 says. Any time there is a war or a report on sexual violence, it ends up becoming searched term on porn sites. The horrific bus rape in India was hugely searched as well. Men want to see footage of sexual violence towards women and it's even "better" if its real and not scripted.
No. 1072157
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>>1072122The Russian invasion is bad but trying to make privileged people care about Ukraine because it affects the surrogacy industry? What the hell.
No. 1072158
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Some semi good news, the soldiers that told the russian war ship to fuck off might actually still be alive
No. 1072159
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>>1072157Oh no, think about the poor Australian couple!! After they collect their baby the surrogate mother can go get bombed or whatever lol.
No. 1072166
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>>1072159There's so many of these ""heartwarming"" surrogacy stories being posted now. People are incapable of caring unless they can talk about how the violence Ukrainians face will negatively affect some rich people living in ""Western countries"".
No. 1072238
>>1072154Jesus, that really fucked me up. I don't have words for that, I need to take mental break. I want to throw up.
Not all men but why it's always men…
No. 1072289
>>1072234Yeah they do and Greece is the newest addition to white countries that provide this “service”. Many women report having bodily harm, hormonal imbalance and abdominal pain even after the egg donation procedure which is more simple than a whole ass pregnancy.
>>1072243 The world is fucked up. It’s like white SW having a higher price value than Thai or Phillipina girls in the market
No. 1072325
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I want to kms myself for this terminally online bullshit but I have a crush on Zelenskyy thanks for listening and understanding, may it pass quickly
No. 1072329
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No. 1072333
nonny. where is the best news source for this stuff?
No. 1072339
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>>1072323>>1072329yeah i feel like everything is disinformation. we won't know anything concrete until it's over