File: 1480129847916.jpg (145.57 KB, 500x333, jess.jpg)

No. 204019
Jessica Celebra aka Jessica Rosa is a narcissistic 20-something-year-old rich white girl who is well-known on Tumblr for her sad babydoll nymphet photography & clothing, and reselling used clothing originally bought at thrift stores for $50 each; also notorious for throwing paranoid fits and deleting her blog every 2 months & coming back a week later with a new name and persona (but never fails to come off as holier-than-thou).
She thinks anyone who takes photos of pink things & buildings with a film camera and posts them to Tumblr is copying her & has thrown several fits about it; at one point she (a grown woman) publicly bullied a 16-year-old girl (with aspergers syndrome, no less) for such.
Originally known in around 2012 for her blogspot, The Tragic Sense, and her Lookbook (both no longer accessible) where she posted her faded film photography and outfits.
Jess moved to tumblr in ~2013 and gained popularity under her first url, dollgraves, assumed a sweet fragile nymphet uwu persona, and deleted her blog in (I think) 2014.
Remade her blog under the url ghostbabygirl not long after, but threw a fit because everyone was copying her and only she can take faded film photos of her masturbating in a tutu and bloody panties :(
Deleted again in 2015, came back as Jess Woods (url jess-woods); photography consisted of more greenery but was mostly the same.
Deleted once again mid-2016.
Jess's current blog is where she now assumes the name Jessica Rosa & posts photos of city buildings, chandeliers, and vegan fairy DIY rose baths and lavender teas.
Links -
Blogspot: (now defunct & inaccessible)
First Tumblr: Tumblr: (unable to find an archived version but it was essentially the same as her first)
Third Tumblr: Tumblr:
Instagram: (very obviously buys likes and followers)
Website: links: are several posts about Jess and her past personas here:
>>>/snow/198225 (ctrl+f/command+f jess or jessica celebre)
I hope this isn't too long or if I got any of the timeline incorrect (a lot of this is from memory), please correct me!
No. 204026
File: 1480130526640.png (997.96 KB, 600x975, anorexia.png)

She's got an impressively big, fat pussy for such a small lass.
>tfw you still don't really know what her face actually looks like. so annoying ugh
No. 204033
>>204019For someone that claims to be a photgrapher has she actually done gone to school for it?
Toronto (which is where I assume she is currently, seeing as she has photo's of places in TO) has lots of photography programs. She should look into it because her work screams amateur and inexperienced.
Not to mention how hard it is to become a professional photographer without making contacts, and doing a few years of shit work (weddings, school photos etc).
No. 204038
>>204033I'm not a photographer btw. Just have had acquaintances actually go to school for it.
From my point of view, her stuff would probably get a lot of reblogs on tumblr, but it would never be featured in a magazine or professional website.
It's just boring and repetitive to me. Like I assume photo series are supposed to tell a story or have a theme, but hers don't seem to. Where are the little blurbs on her website talking about her process or focus for each series? Where's the part of her site that explains how much experience she has and what mediums she's worked with?
Like. That just seems like something basic you would add to a professional website showcasing your work.
>>204036In my opinion if you want to work in a career that focuses on creativity y'all need to suck it up and go to school or take classes at some point to really get ahead. Depending on the school you can do so many more things you can never do on your own (without a lot of luck), work experience with companies, collaborations with various artists, exposure to so many different mediums and work processes, etc.
Though all of the above requires you to put in a lot of money and work effort.
I think what probably bothers the most in the world is lazy artists who don't want to go to school or work with other people or break outside their bubble. If she lives in Toronto she's really wasting a lot of potential.
No. 204041
>>204040Did you miss the link to her ~professional photography~ website?
She's literally gotten paid to take these types of photo's.
No. 204043
File: 1480132573598.jpg (55.4 KB, 560x434, 1534942_look6.jpg)

No. 204064
>>204026Google jessica celebre. Literally the first image that comes up is her current face. She actually looks pretty cute now imo, so it baffles me why she insists on hiding.
>>204054Yes! Her current style is so basic and so obviously inspired by ariana grande.
No. 204222
File: 1480182630949.png (579.36 KB, 550x519, tumblr_oexy4eYGsd1vi3jr6o1_r12…)

>>204207There is definitely some blurring/distortion going on between her legs in this selfie. The 'noise' in this area is not uniform as it is throughout the rest of the photo. Perhaps she has lost some weight since all the photos that come up when you google Jessica Celebre, but I'm pretty sure she Photoshops/uses editing apps too.
No. 204231
>>204222Its sociopathic of her to edit her pictures so she's skinnier knowing she's been posted on so many pro Ana forums, gets messages about her
triggering people with eating disorders and promotes an 800 calorie a day diet…
No. 204233
>>204222it's also easy to see that the floor on the right side of the picture doesn't match up to the rest, it's been warped so much that looks like it's on an angle
and if she were really that thin, she would have more definition in her legs
No. 204277
ik this girl was off
No. 204284
File: 1480190915345.jpg (44.79 KB, 564x383, weseeyoujess.jpg)

Jess absolutely does edit her photos, BTW. She took this years old photo and tried to pass it off as something new recently on her blog here ( It's obviously the same photo with color editing, she also (not very convincingly) shopped herself out. The pool picture on her blog was also color edited. She posted it in February/March this year and the tile was brown colored. She's running out of ideas and material. I wish she would just stop because her current blog is fug.
No. 205906
her latest post sounds like patrick bateman from american psycho
i use this one with non-nano zinc oxide (only use NON-nano zinc oxide products), and nourishing oils. i try to keep it simple with short ingredient lists i can trust. too much sun exposure is one of the main causes of premature aging! get a good routine going, it might take some trial and error but once you’ve got it down you will see major improvements. my morning routine is: cleanse (with Gressa’s Balancing Cleanser), spritz with rose water, apply Mad Hippie Vitamin C Serum, daily moisturizer (Vanishing Cream by Lush), sunscreen, makeup. i give my skin time to absorb every product before applying the next.
at night i cleanse/remove makeup & gently exfoliate with my clarisonic (you should def exfoliate if not physically, then with a chemical exfoliating cream or serum- lots of people swear by including a BHA or AHA in their routines, they’ll often recommend Paula’s Choice. could also include a glycolic or mandelic acid, Makeup Artist’s Choice sells them but i’m not into putting alcohol on my face, big fan of Garden of Wisdom who makes them without. could also look into getting a retin-a/tretinoin prescription from your derm), apply Mad Hippie’s Vitamin A Serum or Gressa’s Night Repair Elixir, and moisturize with Lush’s Full of Grace. i also make my own anti-age serum with carrot seed oil, rosehip seed oil, geranium oil, frankincense, and vitamin e, which i will use in place of my other serums if i want to save money. don’t forget about your makeup! only use high quality makeup on your skin. i love Zuii’s Certified Organic Flora Colour Corrective Primer & Gressa’s Minimalist Corrective Serum Foundation. i’ve been making a real effort to switch over to products with more natural ingredients!
some tips in general- don’t rub or pull your skin and be gentle with the skin around your eyes, especially when you remove your makeup. wear sunglasses with UV protection. and don’t neglect your lips! use a lip balm with spf. sun damage discolours lips and creates fine lines around the mouth. don’t forget the neck, décolletage, and hands. they’re often neglected but some of the first places to show signs of aging. i use a good hyaluronic acid cream on my hands and neck/décolletage & finish with Lush’s Sympathy for the Skin every day after showering.
No. 206152
yikes, i used to kinda like jess but could never really get into her but now i see how truly contrived her personality is.
>>206069seriously, its a shame people are gonna look up to this shit, thinking they need to use tons of products and spend a fortune. i hope nobody listens to her.
No. 206209
>>206198Do you know her in person? I never understoodvwhy so many people asked someone who never posts pictures of her skin for skincare advice.
>>206167It's so typical for 27 year old Jess to refer to herself as baby, tiny, princess and fairy lol
No. 206264
>>204043i can see why this chick hides her face
sad lol
No. 207012
File: 1480573231675.jpg (57.21 KB, 400x600, original.jpg)

she looks like she wants to kill someone
No. 207405
File: 1480651259238.png (1.39 KB, 115x91, ho.png)

>>207012because she has the eyebrows of an angry stick figure.
No. 210175
File: 1481153760572.png (198.16 KB, 640x1001, IMG_5670.PNG)

People with eating disorders shouldn't recommend what they eat to young girls. This is 700 cals max. And who the fuck eats flowers or dandelions? She has no protein or anything. There's like, half a cup of pasta here..
No. 210181
File: 1481154119775.jpg (49.34 KB, 500x813, b240cd9979fc8a002aee1cc925a687…)

her workout routine with a 700 calorie diet
strength training at the gym 3x a week (i try to follow a lifting program or a variation of one. i like Strong Curves by bret contreras & kellie davis, fun mix of compound/accessory movements & i like the pretty feminine shape it creates), yoga class 3x a week, pilates and ballet barre once a week ?
look at between her thighs in this picture, the floor is much more grainier and blurrier.
she pisses me off so much. she calls her teenage followers "tiny angels" and promotes weight loss products to them.
No. 210205
>>210175Lots of people eat dandelions you uncultured fuck. Just because all you eat is hotpockets doesn't mean that's all the world eats.
Also top kek at you thinking that breakfast is negligible. It's not a lot of food but it's fine if you're sedentary and want to be skinny.
No. 211238
>>210175dude edible flowers are a thing albeit theyre mostly found in tea but still you can eat that shit
>>210205>Lots of people eat dandelions you uncultured fuck. Just because all you eat is hotpockets doesn't mean that's all the world eats. savage as fuck rofl
No. 211733
File: 1481412769320.png (625.17 KB, 891x596, tumblr_m4uli6sfrB1rohf10o1_128…)

she has a job or something? like what 24+ has the time to set the plates of ALL her meals on the fucking grass!
btw i hate the way she corrects the color in her photos so dull
No. 211941
>>211733 She works in a library and has been working in that field for a couple of years. She had some sort of promotion recently, or started working at a better/more important library; something like that.
Tbh personally I'm guessing that 'what I eat today' is staged af. It's just a post to keep her 'vegan organic one-with-nature-fairy' image up. (Also who the fuck has time to cut out star shapes and dip them in chocolate?)
She either lies about what and how much she eats, how much she works out or both.
No. 212782
File: 1481582700901.png (1.11 MB, 800x880, IMG_5219_original.png)

>>212752What's strange is, she put this outfit pic on one of her store listings here:
So she is clearly taking at least some new outfit pics, so why is she not posting them anywhere??? Her posting habits are so strange I agree she needs more consistency and needs to stop reposting old content. Even her new content looks exactly like some old stuff (i.e. the billion photos of tea cups on pink fabric like idk what is even new or old any more and I don't care to find out bc boring)
No. 212855
File: 1481591724238.png (104.91 KB, 240x187, jessthigh.png)

>>212782oh my god look at her thighs here. so blatantly edited.
No. 213142
her youtube account?
looks like the thumbnail is a new self-portrait actually showing her face. and she has a playlist titled 'recovery' No. 213151
File: 1481647699500.png (64.41 KB, 425x473, Untitled.png)

tell me again how she doesn't have an eating disorder
No. 213158
File: 1481648053086.png (141.46 KB, 1014x456, Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 16.3…)

>>213142samefagging but here's a screenie just for future reference (i feel she'll probably private those playlists)
No. 213240
File: 1481654799164.jpg (57.97 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg)

>>213142Again another photo she's taken of herself and not posted anywhere. I wonder how many ~photoshoots~ she does with herself and then decides never to post any of the photos lmao.. I couldn't pull a better resolution version of the photo from the YouTube page source, if anyone else wants to have a try?
No. 213255
File: 1481655894771.jpg (61.45 KB, 468x466, 20140820_095317.jpg)

Is this new? I pulled it from her google+
No. 213262
i have heard of 'fat girl bangs' being a thing.
No. 213923
>>213475Lol no
I mean I can see how you would think that. I acknowledge the milk on her, but honestly? I don't hate her. I've followed her for like a year and a half during her jess-woods blog and the rumor that she's 27 didn't seem right to me. But if you can provide actual proof that she's 27 I'm more than willing to believe you.
No. 215059
File: 1481897706853.jpg (31.52 KB, 450x603, haircut1.jpg)

>>213269fat girl hair is a thing, but it's not this
see pic for general fat girl hair
No. 215117
Surprisingly, her recovery playlist is still up.
>>215070I wonder if she's working on her channel behind the scenes? Vanishing for a couple of days/weeks and then come back with a fully prepared yt channel wouldn't be completely out of character.
No. 215140
File: 1481912504962.jpg (55.55 KB, 900x506, fat_girl___intro_by_mattbrewer…)

>>215059honestly I see a lot of fat girls with jess's hair
as if the thicc straight bangs were going to hide their insecurities or something lmfao
No. 215193
File: 1481920908868.jpg (73.95 KB, 540x360, jessica-celebre3.jpg)

She looks so different without bangs!
No. 215744
File: 1481945808933.png (231.5 KB, 866x352, sister.png)

jess's sister spent forever drawing a portrait of her and jess repaid her by unfollowing lol
No. 215864
My guess is she's trying to build a 'brand' for herself, which would tie into the 'exclusive following'-theory from
>>215735She might even be working on that now she's inactive on all social media.
No. 216158
File: 1482019585476.png (154.55 KB, 407x538, jess.png)

holy shit. look at this picture of jess on her sister's instagram. she looks SO different!!!
No. 216165
>>216158The caption "Jessica u can get mad at me for posting this"
Says enough
No. 216257
>>210175You can totally eat dandelion leaves and it's really common where I live. I mean mint is a weed and people use it for cooking all the time…?
That food looks delicious, I'm so sad it's being wasted on someone who's probably gonna throw it back up within an hour
No. 216269
File: 1482028292034.png (45.63 KB, 256x268, jess.png)

dear lord
No. 216500
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>>216158And this one looks like Jess too??
No. 216615
I doubt she's been reading here recently, if she did her recovery playlist would have been gone by now. The damn thing is still up
No. 216623
File: 1482084198607.png (71.86 KB, 688x239, Screen Shot 2016-12-18 at 18.0…)

>>216615I think they were referring to this ask she got on Tumblr. However, it may have been about PULL, because Jess literally then went and made an account on PULL and posted in her own thread and basically told them to take it down. They didn't. Lmao.
No. 216755
>>216500In this pic you can kind of see the bad skin that
>>206198 mentioned
No. 216919
>>216774No one in that thread even said anything negative? Why did she go out of her way to ask to have it taken down when everyone was basically eating her ass?
Anyway, I don't trust people who put on a front of how perfect and balanced their life is. Those are the ones you have to watch out for the most because they always have something to hide…
No. 216953
this girl is so fugly
no wonder she never posts her face
No. 217019
File: 1482119412701.jpg (98.67 KB, 566x848, jesswoods.jpg)

If any of you had any doubts over whether she photoshops her photos, the top one is the shooped version she posted on tumblr. The original is on the bottom. She not only edited her side profile and body to make herself slimmer, she took the window on the side of the building out as well. I distinctly remember her saying she doesn't edit any of her film photos. What a fraud.
No. 217108
>>217019this is hilarious wow
i hope that theres more of these
No. 217223
File: 1482148488661.png (271.54 KB, 663x182, 942577e133b1767a353ebc5d739d06…)

further proof she edits her thighs thinner. the differences are subtle but look at the distortion of the door on right. it extends towards her thigh. in the first two pictures, it looks round. in the last picture, it's straight.
No. 217225
File: 1482148642556.png (1006.25 KB, 1014x530, 5be1998dacd51406fab4cccd0f2d68…)

>>217223i suspect she started using this awkward pose in her new selfies to hide the distorted door frame lol
No. 217237
File: 1482150602636.jpg (17.07 KB, 564x391, 5cf69a4c84c0bd7657e8622b3200da…)

Can anyone find an original to this? Same pose so I expect she gave it the exact same treatment, as with all the photos where she's looking away. I think what we can take from this is that she's very insecure about her body and especially her nose. I also am fairly certain now that she wears hair extensions?
No. 217242
File: 1482151579903.jpg (27.29 KB, 564x377, 538b1c7e3b2e6033b0f6f3b93698ba…)

Bet this one is edited to hell and back with a chopped off nose too
No. 217251
File: 1482153157811.jpg (24.24 KB, 500x375, 1479339325248.jpg)

her original bloody panties uwu
No. 217290
File: 1482163712471.png (15.52 KB, 860x120, pull.png)

this is particularly funny to me now. sob story about the "impressionable young girls" and then she goes and photoshops her entire body into an unrealistic standard so that all the young girls that follow her will think she's inhumanly perfect and feel inferior
No. 217414
>>217409Ahh well perhaps haha, I was just kind of making a point that I don't really know what to believe about her life any more if you know what I mean?
>>217410Hmm that's sad :( I agree, I don't wish anything bad on her at all, I just wish one day she will feel comfortable with being more genuine in her portrayal of herself. Yeah I actually did briefly think of Dakota when I saw that drastically edited disappearing nose picture of Jess's hahah.
No. 217434
>>217414Yes!! I probably shouldn't have responded to that in all seriousness, sorry :P
>>217410Any screencaps/milk to share on the conversations?
I can somewhat understand why she's keeping her guard up. The internet roasts everything it doesn't like, this website thrives on that
No. 217464
>>217434Nothing milky. She never let her guard down with me enough to talk about anything other than her photography.
I disagree. Ironically for Jess, the internet roasts anyone who doesn't come across as authentic, or makes a big show out of being unique. This website thrives on exposing dishonesty. It amuses me she was self aware to realize that on PULL, then it ended up biting her in the ass.
No. 217471
File: 1482181999312.png (1011.35 KB, 930x591, 336c5ae6a2bfdcf802cb519b194c4c…)

so much for being vegetarian jess
No. 218044
>>218034and reveal her to the tens or hundreds of young girls who aspire to be like her? I doubt she will ever own up to it.
Jess: if you read this, it would make you so much more relateable if you where just honest
No. 218140
>>217585Haha since when has her blog been lowkey? Didn't she say multiple people recognized her in public? Who remembers that post she made saying it's hard for her to be friends with people on tumblr because they all idolize her..
"Uncontroversial" err Jess, photoshopping your pictures skinnier so young girls starve themselves to look like you is controversial. I know people who didn't eat to look like Jess in her fake photoshopped thinspo pictures.
No. 218170
>>218140Yeah I remember
She says she wants to be an inspiration, healthy influence for impressionable young girls blah blah but in the meanwhile photoshops her pictures that end op on a certain high-traffic proana website. Hypocrite much.
I wonder if she's even aware of the damage she's doing
No. 218242
>>218140she's not responsible for how proana twats respond to her pictures, whether she photoshops them or not.
what she
is responsible for though is the supposed young girls who come to her for advice online and at her job (99% sure at least half of them are just her sending herself asks or making shit up) and she smothers them with her forced narcissistic syrupy version of what she thinks is being kind and nurturing.
I wish she'd just shut up and post pictures again. I was a huge fan of The Tragic Sense and subsequent projects. She used to write then too and it wasn't very good, it was mostly naive musings on feminism etc. but she seemed really smart, just young. it's been really rough watching her spiral into this trainwreck of uwu vegan moon goddess baby nymph.
No. 218666
>>218662i think she also disabled replies from people who don't follow her.
i dislike them. they're boring.
No. 218699
>>218676Pretty sure the photographs of the art gallery on her IG are just snapshots really, not artwork so to say.
The photographs on her tumblr on the otherhand… they are mehh. I hope she's just experimenting.
No. 218793
>>218782look through
>>198225 to see all the times jess proved herself to be a nasty racist cunt while trying to defend herself lmao. that's basically the only reason she got enough attention to get her own thread.
No. 219866
>>218884no the new ones are just bland or reposts so it's not surprising
also i think she alienates huge portions of her audience each time she does the personality switch, and her newest stuff isn't good enough to bring in a substantial audience of new fans who won't catch on to her bullshit after she starts dithering on about astrology or some shit. that's why she sends herself so many asks–she's not appealing enough to have a real fanbase anymore.
No. 219956
>>219951oh my god :/ ghostbabygirl is one of her old tumblrs right? so she wrote:
'i said "i want to have a thigh gap." he said, "i want to be the only thing between your thighs."
No. 220076
File: 1482438837558.png (110.75 KB, 756x458, Screen Shot 2016-12-22 at 20.3…) user 'recreationalwitchcraft' accusing jess of ~stealing spells~ lmao
No. 220150
>>220128yes she has, or at least, she's never made it clear they weren't hers. so lying by omission.
why is this drama so hilarious to me. witchy nature fairy blogs fighting over who stole content first. i feel like this thread has unhinged her
No. 220293
>>220292Oh laughs, actually got that wrong. Not another blog but het own blog. Still hilarious she feels the need to call someone out for stealing when she stole the recipe herself. No credits in that post.
'I really hate hate hate it when people steal from other blogs' loooooool
No. 221407
File: 1482675110533.png (446.56 KB, 482x601, ssanna.PNG)

>>220724i really like Susanna Cole King on instagram. Her color palette is richer than Jess's but a lot of her outfits are similar and she has the abandoned vibe with some Americana and her still lifes/staged photos have the feeling that it seems like Jess was grasping for at one time but never quite seemed to get on target.
No. 221549
>>221536No I have not seen those pics. But by all means post it if you can find it.
>>221537Hating on her just for being born in a supposedly rich family in a white skin doesn't make you any less of an asshole.
Even if Jess is rich? So what? Rich and white is not milk. Shooping your pics, lying about your work-out routine and what you eat is.
No. 221569
>>221532Tbh I'm just sick of going on a lot of these threads and seeing the "rich white girl" thing being thrown around. Like no shit she's well off, but being rich or a white girl doesn't necessarily makes you a bad person lmao. If that's all you have against someone, then you really don't have much dirt on them. It just ends up coming off as bitter and turns the topic boring real quick…
Y'all race baiters need to go back to tumblr is2g.
No. 221734
>>221532she lives at home so she most likely does not have to pay for food or shelter, which fyi is probably what the lower classes spend the MOST on, kids or no, college or no. she blows her money on fancy hotel stays and a new wardrobe regularly. these are not things someone making even slightly above minimum wage can have.
you sound extremely sheltered and underage and shouldn't really speak on these matters. but i agree with
>>221574, she is exaggerating her wealth. which makes her seem more gross than if she actually had it tbh.
No. 224612
File: 1483148028997.png (16 KB, 539x229, jessica.png)

No. 224620
File: 1483148570657.png (606.18 KB, 452x758, Screen Shot 2016-12-30 at 7.40…)

>>219983It really depends from person to person. I love Lana to death but I don't like her legs, they look manly imo.
I think you can be thin and not be skinnyfat- my sister is thin, never works out, but she doesn't look skinnyfat at all. But it's definitely hard to tell in pictures, especially when all of them are shooped.
Most people don't even notice thigh gaps anyway. No one I know actually cares about them.
No. 225738
>>225674it's a tradition to welcome the new year with positive affirmation and well wishes you grumpy fuck.
of all the things to get your panties in a twist over.
No. 231689
>>231537I can't see it happening. She's said as much that she's not interested in that style anymore; in fact, she thinks it's unoriginal.
I wonder how long it will take for her to remake her blog again. If she wants followers so bad (enough to buy them), she must realize that every time she deletes less and less people will re-follow?
No. 231853
>>231689Maybe she just absolutely can't make her mind. I Imagine her like this:
-This blog is gonna be IT, I'll make a good start and buy followers!
(Weeks/months later)
-Fuck it! I'm gonna delete because I'm done with this style/like a different style/image better now
(A While later)
-Shiiiiit I should not have deleted!
Goes out and buys followers No. 237068
File: 1484818413599.jpg (215.5 KB, 1296x972, DSC030641.jpg)

Thas's her right? Found this photo on the vaughan Library website.
No. 237561
>>237068She's pretty cute actually.
>>237175Uhm, yeah? Did you believe her Photoshoped pictures and persona?
No. 237703
File: 1484959458335.png (159.04 KB, 159x479, j3ss.png)

>>237689Be gone, cheerleader effect.
No. 237732
>>237712knowing how much she photoshops she's probably lost very little weight since her
>>204027 days. probably made up her eating disorder too for attention from her sadbbydoll groupies
No. 238874
>>238823I posted
>>237868 and
>>238779 but not
>>238078(aka I'm not the anon talking about curating)
No. 239391
File: 1485303850849.jpeg (211.22 KB, 500x349, 20160415205523_yXFxQ.jpeg)

This is an old photo but I think her hair looks like she really wears extensions. No. 244485
>>244005I predict fall, just after she harvested fresh herbs and can post new recipes and 'reflect on things'
But let's be honest her fanbase Will be as good as gone by that time
No. 245912
>>244772Seriously who are these idiots who regularly bump this thread to make low quality posts? Are they Jess herself or some jelly hateboner spergs? It's a boring thread, she's barely even a cow, I don't get it.
>>244485>>244005She should just immediately restart and re-post all of her successful old content, but focus more on her photography/edits and less on making it about herself.
Regardless of how shooped or contrived her work is, it's aesthetically pleasing and people eat it up. She should just make that the focus and stop trying to present herself as the product. She doesn't need to lie, shopping itself is a respectable enough field when you admit it. With a successful following she could get some ad revenue or do promos.
She could make some serious bank on Patreon if she held onto her teen tumblr fanbase rather than baleeting every time it's proven she doesn't actually live on a diet of raw daffodils. Heck, she could even make 'behind the scenes' content for her higher patrons showing the angles she used, styling (extensions) and how she edited the composition of shots.
What's even holding her back? Creepyeha managed to move her bedroom lingerie posing into a business, so should she.
No. 250635
>>245817She can't buy a fanbase but she does buy followers on social media which is somewhat faking a fanbase
(I don't understand why she's does that when she keeps deleting anyway)
No. 285728
found an archive of one of her old blogs that op didnt include! think this one was the one just before jess-woods anon ask on there about girls ~*copying jess*~
No. 311533
>>311530Yup. As though prim and proper fairy Jess Woods would ever follow an account called "xdead_as_fuckx" or "sad.orexic"
Real Jess will probably be mailing you a cease and desist later any day now
No. 385922
>>384884good find! i checked to see if this username was on tumblr too and found this: has the heart symbol that she uses all the time so i'm betting this'll be her new tumblr
No. 386085
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She's back with Celebre now? I'm quite surprised to see her re-use her oldest name.
She looks good in that profile picture though, if that's not edited then good for her.
No. 386086
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No. 391901
>>391872Absolutely. She has read here before, what holds her back to checking up here at least once in a while? (If not constantly) When that PULL thread about her was up she was on it really fast too.
I find it strange she hasn't started to use her new accounts yet, that insta almost looks wiped.
No. 391927
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>>391901Yeah it's strange, she is gradually following more people though so I think she's gearing up for something. Maybe an October comeback so she can be an ~uwu fall fairy~ (also when I search her account on Insta it comes up with 'Followed by alyssaunfortunately' which is her sister so it's defo Jess, just saying bc I had doubts)
No. 407474
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I once briefly dated a girl with the same narcissistic moon fairy vegan bullshit internet persona who even ran a popular blog of a similar nature. The girl was a compulsive liar/faker both on the internet and in real life. The only thing girls like them care about is how others perceive them. Integrity and principles are a completely foreign concepts to them. It must be absolute torture for her, reading through a thread like this. It's no wonder she's unpersoned herself. It's kind of ironic to crave adoration and admiration so much that one is driven to behave in ways that inspire the complete opposite.
No. 408133
File: 1508759311387.png (69.29 KB, 1263x398, Screen Shot 2017-10-23 at 12.4…)

she updated her moonprincessjess tumblr and spelt foreseeable wrong lmao. i guess we were wrong about her plotting another comeback?! maybe she'll just come back to instagram seeing as her blog content/photography was going downhill anyways
No. 409652
>>409359she removed her IG profile pic too. I wonder if she was planning a comeback but decided to abandon plan as soon we posted about it here.
Regardless I wish she would come back, I really liked her Jess-woods photography.
No. 409725
>>409652I'm pretty sure that's what happened too. If she just made a post adressing the whole Alice Snow-thing and the photoshopping this thread would die so fast because she really doesn't provide much milk.
I also want her to return, but I want her to apologize properly first.
No. 412474
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>>412468Ohhh man I really was being stupid haha, sorry! Was it this one?
No. 421648
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damn those brows are gonna haunt me at night
No. 423139
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>>423043found it on pinterest originally from aliexpress but the link is dead so i think its unavailable now: always used to sell secondhand dresses in her shop for like $40 when you could buy them brand new from sites like this and ebay from chinese sellers, i remember it being posted about on the first nicole dollanganger's calves thread as she did it
No. 426651
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I get that we're all burnt over how Jess lies, but it's really harmful to accuse someone of not being anorexic.
Especially someone in Jess's position, and especially for the people who look up to her. I used to frequent those "pro-ana" forums and I posted her pics because I was sick.
One of the things that you don't do to someone who has an ED or is recovered is talk about how healthy they're looking, even if you mean well. Talking about how her "legs look rather thick" these days, or how she didn't ever look SICK ENOUGH to be anorexic is fucked up, and if she frequents these forums, triggering.
No. 426682
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>>426651At least try to assimilate.
No. 436103
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>>426651>and if she frequents these forums, triggering.We can only hope
No. 436809
Her first tumblr was not dollgraves, it was jessicacelebre. She had it during the tragic sense days.'One of my photos is currently up on display in American Apparel stores internationally.'
who knew?
No. 436815
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No. 438992
>>438183maybe january because that will make it 1 year?
>>438289yeah she really screwed herself over really, her fanbase will have dwindled so much now
No. 1023404
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I was looking at her old blog through waybackmachine (, not listed in op) and found this, make of it what you will
No. 1109954
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Just leaving this here because I think this is unseen and I guess I want to preserve it
No. 1134164
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>>1109954The last I saw of her.. taken from the Vaughan library facebook
No. 1248806
>>1248332Don't bump the fucking thread. If you miss her, email her. She still has it up on her blog.
I'm glad she hasn't come back with her photoshopped thinspo. I loved her photos but her persona was harmful. I think her relationship with Tumblr was very unhealthy and she realized this, independent of this thread. Don't forget that her own lies were what made her flee the internet.
No. 1412719
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>>1411390What do you mean, from when she alledgedly bullied Alice? I've never seen proof but I didn't follow Alice. You could try going through archives of Alice's blog.
The only archived instances of her adressing the subject of people copying her style that I could find are in picrel (links at the bottom if you want to check the archives out). The consequitive row of asks on the right suggests there may have been more regarding the subject but it's at the very bottom of the archived page and there's nothing about it on the first different archived page directly before it. If there was anything it was't archived on webarchive. Personally I don't see much wrong with picrel. No. 1469456
File: 1647399099529.jpg (22.16 KB, 369x705, 32aeb4fcd392c10428608f972b6f97…)

Stfu retard nobody thinks you're funny(stop replying to the moid)
No. 1469847
>>1469629Someone said that their goal is to get this autosaged. Either way, either mods are not ip banning or he/she keeps finding different ip addresses.
>>1469302That's funny because it won't ever be deleted, it will stay on the internet forever.
No. 1905626
>>1905616It's an imageboard. Post some pics or at least post a link to the library account. I think there were some old library photos posted before in the thread if i recall correctly, but if there are new ones you're welcome to post. obviously there won't be any milk from her as she grew out of her "tumblr star" era, but for nostalgia's sake.
Anyways i always thought she's damned lucky to have this job. Was she ever studying? I don't recall. In my country, to even have any chance at working there you have to get a master in library science (1,5 to 2 years studying).
No. 1905632
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No. 1905633
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No. 1908115
>>1908098I'm from Poland, everyday studying is free in my country, you only pay for weekend studies (it was about 750+ in dollars per semester where i studied). It's a good for people who want quiet job/like books, but frankly it's hard to find job propositions bc there's librarians working for years in one place already.
Maybe in big cities in big ass libraries. Wage varies, isn't much but isn't tragic either.
Studying costs in America are crazy though, that makes sense librarian is a job for teens/ppl with no degree. Jessica though, does she have any degree? Didn't she study photography? Also aren't her family rich, I always thought you must be rich to get all these hauls of expensive organic cosmetics and stuff