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No. 209369
+Previous threads all neatly arranged by most recent:
How to Get Away with Murder Edition >>>/w/200663
Witchy Mental Breakdowns behind the Combini edition
>>>/w/174930Alcoholic Witch Edition
>>>/w/159989Jirai-kei Japanophile edition
>>>/w/144045Onlyfans Plasticine Queen edition
>>>/w/124470Sugar Daddy's cat is judging your life choices edition
>>>/w/110858I have never been this happy!!! Edition
>>>/w/105252Jiraikei Onna & Corn Dildo Edition
>>>/w/101360Baby Beenos Edition
>>>/w/98843BDSM Queen Edition
>>>/w/95405Sex Worker Edition >>> /w/92122
Sugaring Edition
>>>/w/87866Haven't showered in months Edition
>>>/w/76241Houston, we've got a (drinking) problem Edition >>> /w/68012
Desperate For Money Edition
>>>/w/62881Mental Illness Is Super Kawaii uwu
>>>/w/468652 years ago
>>>/w/305813 years ago
>>>/snow/286133Yellowface Edition
>>>/snow/254982The Kawaii Princessu
>>>/snow/205005+Venus Angelic Summary:
>Venus Isabelle Palermo aka Venus Angelic is a washed up as-been famous Swiss Youtuber who gained popularity for her doll looks and weeby content back in the days. Her momager Margo created the Venus Angelic brand, dragged her around the globe evading taxes and stirring up drama among the living doll and makeup vlogger community. She married and cuckolded a Japanese fan named Manaki who doesn’t appear online anymore but she is presumably still married to him and living together. She has faded off into internet irrelevancy for the most part and tries to recapture some amount of attention by uploading random videos every other month and thotting on OnlyFans. + Last thread summary
+ Recent milk
Venus deliberately provided some new milk because she obsessively reads here. The livestream : [deleted] [delected] [DL][Archived Copy]
> said she was at her "countryside home" but later said she's 15 min from Manaki's place> it's boring to drink at home ; at least she gets company in bars and clubs> proceeds sitting alone at a karaoke> on her 4th shochu already> only eats sweets and mcd everyday> her new bf gave a ring but she wants a wedding ring from him for her birthday > "I'm distancing myself from witch craft, shit's fucking crazy dude"> gave the middle finger to Manaki> said she would kick the shit out of manaki and fuck him with her feet or a glass> he stole her money (aka asking her money to pay the rent) and he is a hikikomori NEET >> 193092 > he doesnt work for 2 years, only playing video games and drawing. He also doesn't take out the trash or do anything at home > mentioned he did more “illegal stuff” but won’t say > has voice recordings of Manaki saying she has small boobs / ass and telling her she isn't a ''real'' woman >>193096> ''divorcing is so difficult" sight*> she wants to "fucking go home and kill her husband"> good news, she can move during the divorce process and she is now searching for a new place > “I do things that I don’t wanna do…without showing emotion…on autopilot…I’m providing a service.” (speaking about YT, OF or maybe something else)> admitted her OF is lazy content> she can't do prostitution because she's an christian > Manaki's mother called for new year and Venus told her about his situations, making her cry> he would rather commit suicide than moving back to his parents' home because of his pride> she doesn't stay with him for visa. She can stay without him for some reason or just go back to Switzerland > showed money and said "do I look like I need help?" + Most recent milk
> anons agree that her story about divorcing being difficult is bullshit >>194310 and she was just projecting really hard during that livestream >>194472> had a very belated coming of age ceremony >>194884 >>195128> created a new TikTok account >>195465> flaunted expensive items and fancy restaurant meals >>195897 >>195465 >>196006 >>197673 >>198093> displaying her alcoholism, again >>195906 >>196472 >>197909 >> 201037 >>200063 >>203234> doesn't go to AA meetings since 02/14 >> 199724> no engagement ring for her birthday> dated a host >> 196138 >>196257 She said she would make a video about it but never did. Guess he just broke up with her and she planned to slander him online > Marge still claims Venus killed Manaki 3 years ago >> 193983> new Christian phase >>199141 decorated her Bible with rhinestones >>199170> made a poscast with HIMR >> 197187 >>197194> scamming her OF suscribers >>198875 >> 201480 : no updates for weeks >>199727 >> 205682 always has issues during her livestreams >>198908 old or boring contents >>198634 >>201669 > still decided to increase the price >>201199 >>202287> did a livestream naked during which people encouraged her to drink >>200063> her career as an e-thot is going down >>196917 so she decided to make hardcore contents >> 198827 the very few subcribers she has want to see her get fucked >>198877> people asked porn and for once, she delivered >>200134 >>203279> uncensored porn being illegal in Japan, Kyrie posted the videos for her >>200336 > some of the videos she posted is from a long time ago but seems to be with the same guy >>200663 anons also recognized Manager-san's place >>200296 > Manager-san and Ken = same person? >>200591 > Venus may be the "friend" who called Mikan during sex >> 200611 and Mikan, that "friend of a friend" who spilled tea here years ago >>200612> someone showed her sympathy and Venus posted her nasty reply in her story, admitting getting high on "prescription meth" >>202245> also posted edgy videos of her dancing with a knife, pouring wine on herself or even featuring Jeffrey Dahmer >>202523 >>202539 she also posted them on TikTok >> 202607 >>202668 of course, they got delected >>202653> despite showing alcohol on every pictures, she said she has relapsed and "jumped in front of a bus" >>203234 >>203235 confirmed by Kyrie >> 203466 anons are really doubtful about the seriousness and the circumstances of the accident >>204241> all this happened because she couldn't be herself: A NERDY GAMER GIRL!! >>203509 >>203510 >>203511 >>203512 >>203513 >>203514> allegedly full of wounds >> 203763 but only showed her injured hand - milked it for sympathy >>204123> "full blown mental and physical breakdown" >>204393 still capable to let everyone know that she needs to wait for medicine that she overdosed on >>204849> shared a text conversation about often passing out in Manaki's room, probably testing the waters to make SA allegations against him >>205140> talked about her current boyfriend >>203574 >> 203575 and started complaining about him being aBusIvE >>205665 >>205673 >>205674> this anon saw the future >> 203292 more self harm incoming for her young audience to see >>206605 >>206608 > posted a edited picture of her at ER >>206604 no trace of her previous bus jump on her face> just had "an accident" but she'll be back from hospital soon >>208332+Links
instagram: instagram:“Momonga” (e-girl “business”) instagram: @dollyvenus (inative) @venus_angelic @venusangelic_official
fanicon: (inactive)
main youtube: youtube: No. 209389
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…Aaand she’s back! Lol’ing about being in the psych ward, hahaha
No. 209390
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2/6 (so hilarious!)
No. 209391
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No. 209392
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No. 209394
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No. 209396
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such a delightful sense of humor! Manaki must be so happy she’s back.
No. 209408
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No. 209409
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No. 209556
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beenoos can’t help but act like a hoe to complete strangers
it’s so embarrassing
No. 209582
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Video's kinda funny, the song, lol.
Can't post the actual vid, you have to click on it on her IG. Good to see she seems a lot better anyway.
No. 209589
>>209582It’s not “funny” and I doubt she’s “doing a lot better.” She’ll be back to her old drunk grifting ways, just like she has been for years now. You keep cheering her on though, like all her other clueless IG fans (go ahead, tell her how
brave she is and how
pretty she looks too!)
No. 209594
>>209528She's just attention seeking. First she claimed she was hit by a bus but only showed her wounded hand, then she had her totally srs suicide attempt that she posted kawaii edited selfies of and now she's bitching about how she ended up in the nuthouse for telling people she wanted to die and how it was not comfy enough for her.
She looked absolutely fine in her ER selfies just a couple of days after supposedly jumping in front of a bus, was in no apparent distress during her cutting episode and now is upset that people did not coddle her enough at the mental hospital.
How this bitch still gets any sympathy is beyond me.
No. 209608
>>209582So she’s doing the Patrick Bateman ‘vibes’
I have no doubt she has mental issues but she clearly thrives on getting attention from it. Guess Marge never gave her attention as a child
No. 209674
>>209627Dude. Taylor was born into an upper middle class family, had a normal childhood with loving parents and grandparents, has modelesque genetics, (unlike Marge who passed on the broad faced Neolithic farmer genes to her daughter) she has a stable personality. Of course she is “wife material” for rich Asian guys.
Venus on the other hand was abused from the childhood and repeatedly chooses to broadcast her mental illness instead of quietly checking into a mental hospital or getting regular help. She drinks on top of that which makes matters worse.. she is the prime target for Asian sugar daddies to exploit. I really hope at least she is using protection and doesn’t catch STD’s.
No. 209692
>>209674>> abused from the childhood This “abuse” is greatly exaggerated. Oh, Bad Mommy moved her around too much and said mean things to her, ohmigod the
ABUSE of it all! Give me a break with this shit.
No. 209760
>>209692I agree. Yes, Venus had a difficult childhood but this does not excuse all the shit she has done in the past. Many people went through a difficult/abuse or painful childhood and a lot of them made something out of their life. Venus likes to play the
victim and she lines using her „abused“ childhood as an excuse for her lifestyle. If she really wanted to change something in her life then she already could have done it by searching help etc.
No. 209769
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No. 209770
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No. 209822
>>209719Idk what there even is to compare between Venus and Taylor.
Venus looks like a sickly grandma and Taylor looks like her face was pumped full of filler to the point of looking alien-like and puffy.
Neither of them look good anymore to me, although I did think they looked pretty before the plastic surgery and fucked up health
No. 210024
>>209528Her suicide ideation is definitely aggrandized to fit an aesthetic, just like all the "abuse" she aggrandized. Once she adopted the menhera style she started claiming she cut, but we never saw any cuts on her body. She wore a bandage one time, started making posts like, "F me daddy or I'll kill myself" and talking about helium tanks and even cosplayed the menhera girl. Not sure if menhera involves drinking, but she started showcasing alcohol in her streams during her menhera/sexy thot girl phase. She even admit that the wine in her Manaki hate video was a prop to "seem mature." She was drinking well before menhera and jirai phases but didn't showcase it because back then she was larping a kawaii weeb girl, so although I do genuinely believe she is an alcoholic, her showcasing it once she adopted menhera and then jirai, does not seem like a cry for help, but merely showcased for an aesthetic. She made sure to hide it in her kawaii phase. Once she shifted to jirai, all her issues: alcohol, cutting, suicide, mental breakdowns suddenly escalated, are extra embellished and publicly showcased, because that's what this aesthetic is about. She even posted a picture giving her "haters" the finger. Super typical of jirai girls.
Which is why I think she isn't genuinely suicidal, but doing it for the aesthetic. It's not a "cry for help" from someone who is on the verge of ending themselves. She had almost zero injuries from supposedly jumping in front of a bus. She obviously embellished the incident, maybe almost getting hit unintentionally while drunk and falling over and then embellished that as an intentional suicide attempt. Cutting herself and snapping photos while claiming to be in a hallucinogenic state also sounds fabricated. If she was in such a bad state, she wouldn't even consider snapping photos. It reminds me of the time in her menhera phase where she posted a carefully edited selfie with some suicide bait caption. When anons pointed it out, she posted a less flattering image with a helium tank caption to seem more believable. Also why would you need to snap photos if you're genuinely trying to die?
She is again embellishing for the aesthetic. And people seem to forget she quite literally admit to making up abuse and suicide bait stories. I thought that was sarcasm at first, but it's clear as day it's true now. She still has issues, like most cows, but this suicide stuff is not legitimate. Just like all the abuse she claims to have faced from everyone. She embellishes. She is just like Marge in that regard.
No. 210034
>>210024>it's all for the aesthetic I agree and I think that this is an angle that adds some subtlety to the Marge abuse blame vs. Venus' responsibly for herself debate (which shouldn't really be a debate, just a discussion, since people have spent thousands of years wondering about free will etc., we're not going to solve it here).
The angle is, rather than Margo's potential abuse making Venus a 'bad' person, the
beliefs that Margo instilled in Venus from the start are behind the problems. Beliefs that could be like
>All there is is your appearance (and aesthetic) >All life is is a thing where people who like your appearance give you money >There is no 'truth' except your imageetc. It's possible that Venus can not conceive life as existing when you aren't seen. If you were just doing work in a room/office by yourself for example.
If you ask Christian people why they think there is god they say "look at a tree in the wind, you can just see God working there, it's obvious", if you ask atheist people why they don't believe in god they say "look at a tree in the wind, you can just see there's no room for a god to be working there, it's obvious". Because these are the lenses of belief from parent's instruction that shape people's whole engagement with the world.
I think telling Venus that if she switched off the internet and got for a part-time job at a business, she wouldn't cease to exist, might be like trying to tell one of the above people that there is/isn't God in the moving tree
No. 210060
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Venus: I stopped drinking 3 weeks ago
Also Venus: my 17th day of staying sober
Maths 💯💯💯👏👏👏
No. 210201
>>21019Well if it's the fat bitch called Luna that I found when doing a search, I don't really see the connection but I wanted to say something in relation to >>874909 in her thread but it seems it is finished with, but honestly…
How the actual fuck can anyone be proud of being so grossly overweight? She'd look alright if she wasn't so fat. Her top half isn't so bad, but below the waist, ugly.
I don't really see any relevance between her and Venus though, but I don't know anything about her so I suppose there must be some connection ?
No. 210224
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~sober and healing~
No. 210229
>>210060she was drinking listerine…? holy shit
RIP any stomach health she did have left
No. 210301
>>210251Isn't everything she says complete bullshit?
>>210240She could maybe try isopropyl alcohol, it's realy cheap on amazon, I've bought it before for it's proper purposes, not to drink, but it's 100% so she'd need to dilute it first with water or fruit juice, and at least she'd be getting some nutrition from the fruit juice.
She could have tried methylated spirits, but I think they have put something really unpleasant tasting in it nowadays to discourage recreational use, (the spoilsports, always trying to nanny people and put a stop to their fun) but Venus could bring meths drinking back into fashionable use if she could find some without the added nastiness.
Quite honestly, I don't know why she hasn't ever tried to get a job as a hostess, she'd get to be bought drinks for all the time, though she probably wouldn't be able to maintain a reasonable appearance and wouodn't be able to keep herself together enough to do the work. Maybe she already tried it and failed? but if she could keep it together it would be an ideal occupation for her and she could make a lot of money.
No. 210379
>>210301Isopropyl or rubbing alcohol is not safe to drink. It’s not the same as drinking alcohol and can really damage anyone who drinks it. Ofc addicts will resort to it in desperate situations but I’ve heard families of alcoholics rather give them actual drinking alcohol and not that other shit.
And about alternate jobs, I always wondered why she didn’t get some sort of certification to teach languages since she seems to speak many? Instead of going down the hoe path
No. 210482
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No. 210511
>>210386Yes, but tbh, talking about alcohol alternatives is more ONtopic for this thread than the endless discussions that have gone on here, at length, about schools in Swissland, education and diplomas in Germany or whatever and the state of health care there and other boring shit like that. None of which applies to Venus in any way, only in the minds of those who try to make it so.
Venus is all about drinking, sex, and living in Japan. But anytime any of those subjects get touched on in any way there are screams of off topic, whereas the boring shit about study and schools which do not apply to Venus and never will, are considered on topic here.
No. 210514
>>210418All she's realy being is boring.
>>210482OMG, she's become
She'll be doing book reviews next.
As if she couldn't get anymore boring.
No. 210612
>>210511>>210610This person has a unique writing style where they write multiple paragraphs to state 1 thing. Multiple sentences repeat the exact thing stated in previous sentences. Please solidify your thoughts so you say them 1 time, anon.
I am maybe overly sensitive but I am tired of this poster repeating themselves like they are writing a 4th grade essay. I teach in elementary school so I pick up on this repetitive style quickly. It isn’t effective writing for a 10 year old. You’d get a C. Just say your thought 1 time or go away. You shouldn’t be writhing essay here anyway
Also you are a weird perv
No. 210617
>>210612I would recognize this retard anytime too. Here we go again.
>>210482I lol'd hard…a new phase maybe ?
No. 210827
>>210610>>210612>>210617Snowflakes have been trigg-erd I see.
>>210803>>My guessWe want facts, not ur guesses.
>> I think she drinks to get away from the life that she clearly doesn't enjoy, Because no one could ever possibly enjoy a life living in
Japan, right?!
Venus drank before she ever lived the life she lives now and she'd most likely drink if she started living a different life, even if she lived it in the "oh so superior" {not} western world!
Some peeps just like to drink, end of.
Venus pretends to have more of a problem with it than she does to get people worrying so that much is right.
As to whether she's an actual alkie or not, it depends on who is making that judgement and what criteria they use to make it.
(infighting) No. 210856
>>210828Truth hurts.
Just calling out bullshit when I see it. And I see it quite often here.
Far too many sweeping statements and assumptions being made. Stop doing it and I'll stop commenting on it. Simples.
No. 210895
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No. 210896
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No. 210897
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No. 210898
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No. 210899
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No. 210900
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No. 210901
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No. 210949
>>210920It’s an image board…
Keep calm and take your pills, sweetheart.
No. 210950
>>210949Sage goes where ?
>>210893Japan paedo cow is becoming more and more hilarious. Seriously considering a thread rn.
>>210901>>210900>>210899>>210898Peenus is cringier than a 12yo going through teenage rebellion at this point. Wait until she reaches 40 if she's lucky enough, we're not done with the kek yet.
No. 210960
>>210856what bs have you called out? all you do is post your taste in ugly men and gay porn, your juvenile japan obsession and autistic rants like
>>210301 about mixing juice and isopropyl alcohol in response to some shitty JOKE venus made. waaah, the powers that be discourage people from drinking methylated spirits which are fucking poison…you probably hate the warning labels against huffing glue too huh, you fuckin brain damaged retard
you do deserve your own thread lmao
No. 210999
>>210960Pretty sure that's a gay scrotoid (porn-obsessed, keep writing essays on farmers being stuck-up prudes and snowflakes)
Report him like I do, hopefully he will be permaban.
No. 211013
>>210999You can be as sure as you like because that only reflects what is in your own mind, it doesn't make it true. You write the script about what you think someone is like merely because they don't fit in with your own worldview.
I'm female and don't even watch porn but you go on believing what you want and I'll go on making fun of you for it, and I'll go on pitying you for it too, because I do, you poor ignorant soul.
No. 211168
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It's not often, if ever, I see something in Kiwifarms that makes much sense about venus, but this post here they've got spot on. About quite a few points that get routinely trotted out as if as if, she only needs to do this, or that, or whatever, if only she was in europe or america, or wherever, her mother did this or that, whatever, same old same old, props to this person for writing something that actually makes fucking sense.
No. 211191
This is gonna be chopped full of sage: At first the only reason I thought she should fuck off back to Europe was because she's a NEET in Japan living off of a scam marriage visa, and anyone who knows anything about Japanese visas knows that this is astronomical levels of retardation. Her options as far as getting a, degree or entertainment visa so she could get sponsored employment are like -9000% at this point.
But then I realized this is Venus. She's a lazy cow that thinks she's too good for regular 9-5 jobs. So, the fact that she's in deportation limbo (hinging on if Manaki finally grows a pair and divorces her ass) means nothing because she's never been trying to lead a stable, comfortable life in Japan. The country is just a playground for her to leech clout off of because minor tweenie weebs, who don't know anything about Japan outside of kawaii aesthetic, anime, maid cafes, and hello kitty, eat whatever she does up. Like that retard from the last threat talking about being jealous of this dumpster fire trainwreck's life just for the simple fact she's living in Japan.
If Venus got deported and was stuck living in Europe for a long period of time, she'd fade into obscurity, just like all the other Gaijin cows who couldn't reenter Japan during lockdown (see Briana Slaughter or Dakota Rose for details) and were stuck living in not Japan for over a year. It was hilarious to see how fast their weeb fans stopped caring about them when they couldn't flood their feed with being in Japan anymore.
No. 211225
>>211013No girl on the internet says I'm 'female' kek. They'll say I'm a woman, or I'm a girl at least. You sound like a shitty incel AND you just sold yourself, gay pedo japan tard.
>>211013Suuuure you know everything and we, ignorants, know nothing. Certainly, certainly.
The more you spread your science, the less you know kek. But we're all projecting, yeah yeah.
Truth hurts like you said.
>>211168Standing ovation for that anon. A shame 99% of her viewers completely lost their brain cells and won't open their eyes.
Sad for them, not for us.
No. 211364
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>>211347Shut up you sperg, stop derailing the thread with your autism.
No. 211398
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Now Venus says Marge convinced Mana to marry her, but I clearly remember she said Marge vehemently opposed her marrying a factory worker but she loved him, blah blah blah. Her story on anything changes every fucking time she opens her mouth
No. 211414
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No. 211422
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Bwahaha. Has she found some gullible desperate old Japanese mark to give her a ring and a new spouse visa? If so (and I really hope it is) the entertainment value will be astronomical.
No. 211509
>>211377It's hilarious how they always assume somebody else is me as soon as anyone says something reasonable, they're just trolls basically, they only want people who agree with them, that is you have to hate Japan and Japanese people and you have to think that Venus is the ugliest thing that ever lived, if you say anything not rigidly adhering to that restricted and limited viewpoint they start arguments, report you and try to get you banned. I ignore most of it, until it gets too ridiculous to ignore, then I say something and they go ballistic, it's quite funny really, and very predictable.
>>211377They're either extremely autistic or just like to start arguments and troll, which derails, they then accuse the one they picked on of derailing. I can only shudder in horror at what they must look like because all that amount of hate can't be coming from a good place.
(integrate) No. 211517
>>211512She relys solely on scam marriage visas to stay in glorious Nippon so she would most likely do exactly what you wrote. But this engagement definitely accounts for the "Im sober now guise" because she's clearly trying to convince this simp she's not a raging alcoholic basketcase.
I guess Mana finally went through w/ the divorce. That's prob why she went on that tirade during her livestream talking about wanting to kill him.
No. 211550
>>211509'Wow those meanies are so hateful they must be ugly irl and have a sad life1!!!' megakek.
>>211512Once that guy will have had sex with her 2 or 3 times she will get dumped, because she clearly doesn't know how to keep a man.
No. 211576
>>211551It's incredibly exhausting. Every time you do something that displeases them or things don't go their way, they will engage in self-destructive behaviors to spite you/get pity. One moment you're a saint to them, the next you're the enemy. It's upsetting and stressful in the beginning because you still care about that person and you're terrified that they might harm themselves. Eventually you start seeing through their bullshit and it just becomes frustrating. Then you either put your foot down and remove them from their lives or develop anxiety/depression because of all the fucked up shit they put you through.
I bet her gigachad fiancé is the same poor bastard she called a motherfucker and
abusive/insane (don't remember which one and can't be arsed to look it up) during her suicide baiting saga. I also bet they're not actually engaged and she's still shacked up with Manaki.
No. 211578
>>211576Manaki is that you?
Because this is legit what happened with Manaki. At somepoint he finally realized she was an
abusive substance addicted psycho. Cows like Venus don't change their ways. After this new visa is
valid, she'll be back to her antics and probably talking about how this new guy is a big meanie who mistreats her.
No. 211594
>>211576I once had a suicidal boyfriend, I told him if he really wanted to do it, he would make sure next time and that it was just attention seeking, so he made sure and offed himself and made sure I was the one who found him, I guess he thought I would feel guilty for evermore, but I didn't, I was over it in six months, actually met someone new the same night right after it had happened and transferred my affections to him for a while.
The point I'm making is that people like Venus need to realise that if they did off themselves, thinking that someone is going to be devastated and be guilt ridden for ever, they won't, they will get over it and find someone new, somebody else who might not be suicidal, in my case, that wasn't the case as the new boy made a suicide attempt too but not nearly as serious, I must attract those types, but whatever.
But if Venus is thinking that if she did it, it would show them and make them pay for ever in guilt, it wouldn't, so she needs to stop with all the crap and value her existence in the world and not be dependent on anyone for anything because right now she is too dependent on just about everyone, her husband, future husband, any friends she has, Japan, and her viewers and followers, she needs to only be dependent on herself.
(no1curr about your suicidal scrote) No. 211595
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Aw bless! LOL
No. 211596
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>>211595And the responses. I totally agree with the peeps who tell the moron to stay off the internet, but as she then goes on to say she's seventeen years old and therefore not a fucking kid, stop whining about not wanting to see lewds because of your fucking age!
It's about time they stopped thinking of young adults as being kids anyway because it's ridiculous when everyone knows they are sex obsessed anyway, at least most of them and actual kids wouldn't be like that.
But as to her posting journal type stuff on her OF, isn't that going to piss off people who have paid to join it and they won't want to see journal type content unless that too features nudey type stuff.
No. 211683
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No. 211684
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No. 211687
>>211685Hope he doesn't have to pay her alimony or anything like that. He deserves totally untied from this
abusive leech
No. 211698
>>211683can a person really just jump from one marriage visa to the next without any consequence in japan? wouldn't that look suspicious or like fraud?
>>211691child support and alimony are different things, so yeah. idk if alimony is even a thing in japan though.
No. 211733
>>211723Yes in Japan women have to wait 6m before they can remarry, and you can sue your ex husband even without kids if they cheated on you and you have evidence. But she was the one who cheated so she can’t go with that.. the problem is her visa, it won’t be
valid after the divorce so she has to change it or leave the country once
No. 211744
>>211662>>The only thing I give Venus over Marg is she hasn't brought a child into her sideshow.Well she has plenty of time to do that,she's only 25, women can get pregnant up to around 50 even without ivf, my mother did at 45 when she thought she was 'safe', so Venus has plenty of time to get pregnant, even if her body is not exactly that suitable, Nature doesn't always care about that, if it did, then drug addicts and alcoholics would never be able to get pregnant, or severely disabled or mentally ill people, but they do, so she could still get pregnant, unless she's sterile, which is a possibility given what she did with the illegal surgery, but no one knows for sure if she is sterile, they just speculate about it.
No. 211752
>>211733>>her visa, it won’t be valid after the divorce so she has to change it or leave the country onceI don't see they'd make her leave the country at once, especially if she's actually officially engaged to be married to another Japanese citizen.
If she has to get another, different kind of visa, she would surely have the sense to get that sorted out in advance? And then wait until she can apply for another marriage visa.
Given that she insisted she was lesbian and now seems not to be, I wonder if things would be different with her if gay marriage was legal in japan? Maybe if it was, she would be marrying a woman for a visa? It seems odd that she was so definite about being gay, but never gives it a mention now.
No. 211753
>>211683Oh happy day! It’s the dawn of a new era. This is gonna be so, so good.
We should start a betting pool- how long before this “fiance” bails? I give it 6 months, tops.
No. 211791
>>211752yes, shouting how GAY GAY GAY you are and then dropping it forever would be odd from anyone else, but not Venus. She's an established liar who will do/say anything for attention, so it's perfectly in character for her.
Her retarded followers eat shit like that up. That's all that short lived phase boiled down to: Attention. Of course she wouldn't marry a woman even if it was legal there. 1, she's obviously not really into women (JEALOUS of other women is more accurate) 2, there's undoubtedly far more gross idiot men willing to take her useless ass in. No need to waste time pretending to be lesbian, when she can just convince one of the gross old men she brags about fucking for Cartier to marry her like she's apparently done now
No. 211800
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No. 211861
>>211843Do you mean where is the picture from?
It's on Insta, liked by LovelyLor, no less.
If you mean is it a cosplay of some anime or something, then I've no idea.
No. 211890
>>211752The gay thing was so she could have an excuse for getting divorced from Mana conveniently after enough time past where she could technically apply for PR. It was to distract from the illegal visa fraud and no one could judge her then. But she didn't stick with it. She then went for the "he's
abusive just like my mom and everyone else in my life" narrative.
No. 211896
>>211756While I agree Venus' view on femininity is stupid, when you say:
>Women are not naturally like that but are often conditioned into it by the subjugation of men.That's not really true. Mainstream psychology states that women are both more agreeable and conscientious than men in regards to the Big Five Personality traits and their brains also produce less testosterone according to biology, therefore that makes them less competitive, aggressive and more submissive. If they weren't naturally like that, the "conditioning" you speak of would be largely ineffective. I am not saying women are weak or stupid, but definitely more submissive and less competitive on average than men. It's part of the reason why there are so few women CEOs compared to men, despite westernized feminists espousing the idea that it's all the ominous "patriarchy's" fault and "discrimination" is the only reason for any of womens woes.
Venus thinks behaving the way she does is both "kawaii" to fit her old kawaii aesthetic and "badass" to fit her newfound jirai aesthetic. Neither were ever good examples for her young fans. She is lazy, takes the easy (and illegal) way ie: fraud marriage, online sex work snapping a few pics here and there instead of actually going to work, having responsibilities, a schedule etc, depends on others, feels entitled to lavish things, all adulting is done by Manaki, her managers, fiance etc. She is inept and low IQ because she wants to live a life being taken care of. She even admitted this, rather than apply herself. She's been living this way for so long, it's probably too late for her to learn how to be an actual adult.
No. 211898
>>211887Are we really having this “does she have PR” discussion again? No she does not, she’d never qualify for PR. Here are the first 3 requirements you need to satisfy to get PR:
- Good behavior and conduct (no criminal records or traffice offense, payment of taxes…)
- Having sufficient assets or ability to make an independent living (stable job, enough savings…)
- Satisfying all the requirements to maintain the current visa status (maintaining an appropriate job in case of a work visa holder, maintaining a stable marriage in case of a spoues visa holder for example)
She fails all three, obviously. Then there’s this one:
- Having paid taxes and contributions to the official Japanese social security system during the required period and respected the payment deadline at all times
Has she been paying taxes on her online income all these years? Doubtful. Plus there’s a ton of documentation you need to provide:
- Having submitted all the required notifications (change of employers, change of company address etc.) to the Immigration office
Tax records, income records, etc. etc. It’s a ton of paperwork and hoops to jump through. She’d never be able to do all that, she can’t even remember to take a shower and put on clean clothes half the time.
So no, she does not have PR.
No. 212074
>>212072What I don't get is why she said she's going to talk about it on her OF. Surely, that's not the place for it? I mean I don't go to OF but if I was paying to go there to see what Venus posted, I'd be right pissed at only seeing things to read, unless she's going to be putting pictures with it, and even then, people will expect proper OF content.
If she wants to write a journal, she can do that on IG or FB, OF is not the right platform for that, unless she intends to put some shmexy pictures on there with it. - I bet most of it will be made up anyway.
No. 212123
>>212109That's nice for your friend,but I still think its obvious Venus doesnt have permanent residency. She doesn't act like someone whose visa status is secure, she acts desperate to stay in Japan. Hence why she has been hopping from dick to dick searching for someone new to marry, oh and don't forget failed business ventures like Momonga. Plus, why else did she rage about Manaki so many times? Probably because she has much more to lose than him in a divorce: Her visa. And he was definitely holding the threat of divorce over HER head all these years, not the other way around.
I guess she's feeling confident about this new guy marrying her. Of course, I'm skeptical about whether they'll finally go through with the divorce, but hopefully they do, cuz I wanna see this fuckup torpedo another scam visa marriage into the ground
No. 212153
>>212144Well I won't be paying to read the shit, most of which will probably be lies anyway, and I doubt that many people will, at least not enough to make a great difference to her bank account, if she even has one.
As she's such a liar and likes writing fiction and drama, why the hell doesn't she write a short novel, or write her life story so far in a published book? She has enough stupid gullible fans left who hang on her every word and worship her like a goddess so they'd be sure to buy it, specially if she loaded it with pictures of her, edited of course, lol.
No. 212156
>>212109Did you miss where I posted the requirements for getting PR in Japan?
It’s not just handed out to everyone who has lived there for five years. You have to APPLY for it and meet all the requirements, which are many, most of which Venus fails to meet. Not even close.
It’s here-
>>211898Since you seem to have a problem with reading comprehension, here they are again:
- Good behavior and conduct (no criminal records or traffic offense, payment of taxes…)
- Sufficient assets or ability to make an independent living (stable job, enough savings…)
- Satisfy all requirements to maintain current visa status (maintaining an appropriate job in case of a work visa holder, maintaining a stable marriage in case of a spoues visa holder for example)
- Paid taxes and contributions to the official Japanese social security system during the required period and respected the payment deadline at all times
- Submit all the required documentation (change of employers, change of company address etc.) to the Immigration office
Tax records, income records, etc. etc. It’s a ton of paperwork and hoops to jump through. She’d never be able to do all that, she can’t even remember to take a shower and put on clean clothes half the time.
Do you get it yet,
>>212109 ?
No. 212215
>>212204The only thing “that anon” showed is how clueless they are about PR in Japan. And yes
>>212208, PR is a real thing in Japan. Here’s a link that talks about it- No. 212216
>>212204Oh right, just say “not applicable” to everything and they’ll totally give you PR.
No. 212259
>>212216so if someone never worked, you think they're going to need so submit forms for
>change of employers, change of company address etc.?
No. 212309
>>212304Are you seriously such a zoomer or something that you've never heard of a housewife? No really are we trying to talk reasonable with someone who's underage and doesn't understand that
>paid taxes means paid taxes that you owe if you earned money - it doesn't mean you randomly have to pony up some money as taxes when you don't have your own income and are supported by someone else. Was this what you meant - or what possible other thing on there do you think is invalidated by (nominally) being a housewife for 5 years?
No. 212421
>>211898For point 1, as far as we know, she has no criminal records, traffic offenses etc (aside from the illegal surgery and visa fraud) but immigration wouldn't be aware of that and is unlikely to investigate Venus' social media.
For point 2, does she actually have to hold a "real" job herself or can it just be Manaki with the job? Does YT count to immigration? She and Mana probably did have some savings.
For the taxes, again, does it count her taxes, independent of Manaki, or can it just be Mana's taxes? Immigration would unlikely be aware she has a YT channel. And there's always the possibility she did pay taxes on YT. We can't be sure.
I doubt she has PR either, since it's supposedly difficult for even legitimate couples to get with stable jobs each, but was just interested if there's even the slightest possibility she could have gotten it.
>>212074Exactly. Her OF scrotes don't care about her life updates. And her OG fans on IG care about that. But because she's so greedy to make money, she will once again, not give a shit about her OG fans who are the reason she even got a semblance of influencer status and try to monetize anything and everything, thus catering to the scrotes. Except she's not really catering to them. Does she think her OG fans will buy her OF just for updates? She is such an ungrateful bitch. Just like when she shoved sex work in their faces hoping they'd buy her OF.
No. 212430
>>212421Point 1, the criminal record: There’s public drunkenness (many times) and pornography, for starters. She’s promoted her porn openly on her Twitter and Instagram accounts. And she’s pubicly referred to episodes where she was banned from a hotel chain for disruptive behavior and got into an altercation while being drunk on the street. Manaki’s had to go out at 5am to fetch her drunk ass from a karaoke bar at least once that’s been documented, and probably many more times.
That requirement doesn’t specify absence of a
criminal record only, it states
good behavior and conduct as a requirement.
Point 2: Specifically states
Ability to make an independent living - the applicant’s ability, not his/her spouse’s. Also I’m pretty sure Youtube and OF do not qualify as
stable jobs.Point 3: paying taxes- again, refers to the applicant’s tax history, not their spouse’s. The whole point of PR is whether the person applying for it meets the criteria independent of their spouse.
(derailing) No. 212456
>>212430You actually don't need a stable income to get a PR visa. If you're applying for PR via the 3 years of marriage route, your spouse's income is enough (assuming it's stable).
If she wasn't officially convicted of a crime it doesn't matter. Also, small offenses such a public intoxication, traffic violations (speeding, etc) can usually be forgiven if a fine is paid.
No. 212571
>>212456>>212452What are you people not getting here? You need to be able to support YOURSELF financially (and document that extensively) to qualify for PR. That means YOUR income, not your spouse’s, and yes you DO need to have a stable job.
I swear some of you are brain dead.
(derailing) No. 212587
>>212571Please, stop it. Many foreign housewives (me included) got their PR.
Housewives are considered dependants and their pension/houken/taxes are lumped with those of the husband, they don't pay it themselves.
The only requirements that would be Venus' responsibility are a)no criminal offence and b)having at least a 3y spouse visa (you can't get pr if you have a 1y visa)
(cut the PR sperg) No. 212588
>>212587There is a provision for unemployed spouses of Japanese citizens to get PR. They have to go through the application process and submit all the required documentation plus a written statement from the spouse affirming that they will suppirt the applicant financially. I’m doubtful she had the presence of mind to do that in between her alcoholic binges, blackouts, psych admissions, etc. but it’s possible.
Either way if Manaki goes through with a divorce this time she has two weeks to inform Immigration. If she still has a spouse visa it will be revoked in 6 months, don’t know what the effect on a PR would be. I doubt a mentally unstable alcoholic purveyor of online porn is the kind of PR Japan is looking for though.
No. 212590
>>212588Oh, i have no clue if Venus does even KNOW the requirements herself, i was just pissed at anon spouting bullshit regarding PR.
If she has PR, she can divorce to her heart's content, it won't have any effect on her PR.
If she hasn't, she's a bit fucked. Even if she doesn't inform immigration of her divorce/remarriage, they'll catch on it during her next visa renewal and renewal won't be given. She wouln't be super fucked like with overstaying, it would be easy to correct but might take some time/money -especially with the corona stuff.
No. 212696
>>212661Note that it states that if someone is a spouse of a Japanese national, as Venus is, or even a spouse of someone who already has PR, then they are not required to have to conform to points 1 and 2, so Venus seems safe as long as she stays married.
One thing puzzles me is how people can go to Japan to retire, that is old people can go there to live permanently, I guess if they have enough money they can?
Whatever, Venus has no worries according to that very useful information so there need be no more arguments on that score, just because it pisses some people off that her life in Japan is secured.
No. 212707
>> if she has PR, she wouldn't have stuck with manaki for two yearsThat plus she can’t afford to live there on her own- she lives in that apartment rent-free. Despite her flexing like a big-time girlboss high-end sugarbaby her small income is just enough to keep her in spending money to order crap and toys on the internet.
>>212696That’s exactly what was already said in
>>212588So thanks, Capt. Obvious.
No. 212761
>>212759Samefag, would like to add that it
is suspicious that she stayed married to Mana as she could have divorced and still lived with him now that I think about it AND she scrambled to find sugar daddies and middle aged men to marry immediately after her fallout with Mana so based off that, I'd bet she doesn't have PR.
No. 212810
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>>212794Suddenly "active" on tiktok again though
No. 212892
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>>212810Lmao who is this content even for? She looks like a troon larping as a 14 year old girl, but doesn’t know how to dress
No. 212895
File: 1652649306760.jpeg (402.74 KB, 1119x2186, C80D45A0-1A2A-461E-AD33-34910C…)

There’s no way she’s taking care of herself if she couldn’t even clean up her hair for this. I don’t know why I’m disappointed, I guess I had a tiny fragment of hope that she could pull off the sobriety thing
No. 212900
>>212810>>212892>>212895Looking exceptionally greasy and unkempt, still planted on that mattress on the floor in Manaki’s apartment despite claiming to have a “fiance” and “getting a divorce.” So where’s this “fiance,” anyway? What about an engagement ring? Anything??
What are the odds this fiance and divorce are never mentioned again, like that
Company she was forming (updates every Wed. and Fri. on my Youtube!)?
No. 212984
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No. 213054
>>212959>>I just assumed because that poster writes like a male "Writes like a male". What??? That must be one of the most retarded things I've ever seen said on here. How the actual fuck is anybody asking why a promised YouTube video didn't appear is "writing like a male"? What that even is anyway. I just assume that most people on here are females and the occasional male hoping to see nudes that they're too mean to pay for on her Only Fans.
Sexist bigotry is or should be a thing of the past, this is 2022 for fuckssake.
No. 213145
File: 1652749778745.jpeg (2.08 MB, 1125x2064, 40AE5E0F-1D28-4C2A-9546-01E9F1…)

She’s back with this fantastic content on OF
No. 213146
>>213145At least she's doing
something. I feel sorry for her, it can't be easy struggling with all her inner demons and still trying to be creative and productive. Yes, nearly everyone on here likes to find fault with her over everything, but what are you all doing with your lives? It's not exactly creative or productive coming on here and bitching all the time, at least Venus isn't doing something negative towards other people like that.
No. 213174
>>213146>but what are you all doing with your lives? Uhm, not jumping in front of busses, drinking alcohol till I pass out in front of a camera and doing porn.
Was this a serious question? Because with Venus the bar is so low, that I have doubts anyone here fails to do anysthing more productive with their lifes.
No. 213177
>>213146What an incredibly low bar. You must be new because she's been at this shit for years and getting
worse at it. Fucking productive? She can't even be bothered to wash her hair before getting half-naked for lazy ass nudes. Only thing she lives for anymore is baiting fools like you for pity, this bitch is 25 and has never worked a normal job and doesn't want to. Don't even get me started on her 'creativity'.
No. 213220
>>213146>at least Venus isn't doing something negative towards other people like that. What all the other nonas said is true, But as well, you're wrong even on this. You forget that venus regularly makes shit up and lies about AWFUL THINGS about everyone around her all the time. She uses and abuses people until they drop her.
>Completely used manaki and ruined whatever online presence he had by saying vile things about him.>Called managar-san/ken a pedophile and made disgusting pedo allegations against him>Used MULTIPLE FRIENDS for attention/fame/money (Doesn't she still owe taylor like 10k or something?) Have you not noticed every person who's come in contact with her has dropped her?>Mikan literally outted her for being emotionally abusive and calling her randomly while being fucked by her sugar daddy and when asked why said said it was because he found it hot? Also invited him to Mikan's house without her permission which is dangerous.>Margo was a terrible person and mom no doubt, but I'm sure there's been a lot of lies that venus has spinned to make herself more innocent.And that's to name a few.
Venus goes out of her way to say vile shit about everyone and manipulate everyone. She's literally said people will believe whatever she says as long as she's 'cute'. She's extremely
toxic and negative, how do you not even see that.
No. 213335
>>213324I think what people are offended by is how lazy and sloppy she is. Now she’s back to filming herself on that good old mattress on the floor in her dirty little lair. That and her laughably bad editing. Oh and the greasy unwashed hair too. She can’t even be arsed to keep herself clean.
Again I ask- what happened to her
fiance? The divorce? And did her photographer dump her too, that she’s back to filming herself in her little rats nest?
No. 213343
>>213324I think it is what the other anons said, + how much Venus hyped up her content (calling it “hardcore” constantly, saying it would make satan blush, etc). Like you said, her content is in reality soft porn.
June seems professional and less of a train reck, so is not going to get the negative attention Venus gets.
No. 213355
File: 1652854485732.jpeg (568.23 KB, 1170x1708, 1C0AD0DF-4E1B-4421-8DBF-26CBDF…)

🦋(Addicted to smoking)
Venus: Is this my new ✨aesthetic✨? 🤓📖🫱🏻
No. 213358
>>213324>>213344What in the world is "real porn" for you? What is "not real" porn?
She is making videos sucking dicks and showing stuff into her vagina. What about this is not "real porn"? Are you one of thes peeople who think sex is only sex with male genital into female genital penetration, so porn is only porn when you see two people fucking?
The very definition of porn is something "that describe or show naked people and sexual acts in order to make people feel sexually excited", so yes, Venus is doing "real" porn.
No. 213396
>>213358>>Are you one of thes peeople who think sex is only sex with male genital into female genital penetration, so porn is only porn when you see two people fucking?No and no.
>>The very definition of porn is something "that describe or show naked people and sexual acts in order to make people feel sexually excited", so yes, Venus is doing "real" porn.But none of what Venus does has ever made me feel sexually excited and watching people having sex wouldn't either, so ?
>>213372>>how many people are really turned on and masturbated after watching Venus’s porn lmaoNot me, for one. Porn, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder and to my eyes, most porn is repulsive. That doesn't mean though that I sit in judgement on those who like it or those who do it. People need to get off their high horses.
No. 213402
>>213380Porn can be an art form or it can be ugly like most of it seems to be, but because I know most of it is ugly and unappealing, I don't seek it out or watch it, only very occasionally have I looked for anything specific, not to feel turned on, but to see someone attractive, which is rare to find as most porn is ugly. I like June Lovejoy but don't want to watch her porn, I just happen to think she seems a really nice person. As do most people on here it seems, as despite doing real porn, June does not get slagged off for it the way Venus does for doing far less.
As for the definition of porn being something that is made to turn people on, what about things that turn people on that are not meant to but do for some people anyway? How come that is not also regarded as porn? Youtube stopped allowing foot videos showing pedicures I was told, because some people were using them to get turned on watching as they had foot fetishes. I don't understand feet fetishes, seems really weird, but the point is people can get turned on by anything, so by the criteria described anything and everything can be classed as porn depending on how it makes someone feel watching it.
Quite honestly though, why is it of such concern to anyone else what people might get turned on by? Like for example, Youtube stopping videos showing feet or putting age gates on them when the videos were never intended for foot fetish people anyway, why are people so bothered by somebody somewhere getting turned on by something? Has the world gone truly mad?
Why does the idea of someone getting a bit of pleasure from watching something cause so much disapproval from other people at the thought of someone getting pleasure from it?
In Victorian days, people got turned on by ankles and the age then was so puritanical that even piano legs had to be covered up, which sounds so ridiculous and stupid and paranoid, but things are getting almost as bad today, with the uptight paranoid and restrictive attitudes of some people and fundamentalist religious groups in the world, hypocrites all.
(shut up) No. 213465
File: 1652918601882.jpg (123.99 KB, 675x900, Y0QfjtP.jpg)

>>213402>Porn can be an art form>Quite honestly though>Has the world gone truly mad?Certified moid moment, but reading this 19th century philosophical soliloquy about porn with picrel in mind was a source of many keks
No. 213491
>>210251Can’t speculate on her sobriety but this surprised me. But some of us do lie about our time… which is not super nice to do because we have rules around participating in meetings if you’re actively drinking. I have never spoken to her one on one though, so I have no idea. But I’ve heard she’s back, so that’s good.
She needs to stop posting about her sobriety when she has so many followers. It makes her life harder and it stigmatizes alcoholics. Relapses happen, but this many people don’t need to know about it!
No. 213493
>>213491How does one begin AA if they are actively alcoholic and there are rules about not meeting if you have been drinking? It seems like a hard expectation for someone to have already stopped when they begin?
I don’t sleep unless I drink alcohol and I have no idea how to get better /fmlblog
No. 213499
>>213493You can be in AA and actively drink, you just can’t talk in the meetings until you’re at least 24 hours sober. It’s a low threshold, but some people will not be honest and talk anyway. It’s not helpful for people trying to get better to hear from people who haven’t had a day without alcohol. If 17 days is the longest she’s been sober then she might have broken that rule, but again, I have no idea.
If you want to get better, I encourage you to reach out to your AA group. Or other recovery groups. They really help.
No. 213514
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I don't blame her for keeping quiet about what has helped her. Trolls just want to ruin her life, she's got wise to them.
No. 213522
>>213146LOL. She admit to trolling online too. And when she was a pre-teen she had a blog where she regularly shit on other girls. Not to mention all the actual horrible and illegal stuff she's done like
>>213220 mentioned and labelling everyone she gets close to "an abuser." She's even trash-talked and called her new bf an abuser.
No. 213548
File: 1652962998627.jpeg (479.1 KB, 1125x1978, 20D2A693-E78A-4CA2-BAF0-A6840F…)

Look, what we have here … she looks good (compared to other pics in the past). Her hair is brushed and it‘s a nice picture.
No. 213554
>>213514“Another thing ruined by internet people”
Oh she can just shut the fuck up, she loves posting everything online so people will worry about her.
No. 213597
>>213514How is she going to say religion didn't work? She barely did anything with religion aside from use it as an aesthetic. She did nothing of substance and she's going to blame the internet for that? Because the internet sees through her bullshit? What a dumb bitch. Decorating some kawaii bibles, cosplaying as a witch and hoarding daiso witchcraft items is NOT practicing a religion. You don't need to spend a dime to authentically practice something. She is the only one who ever ruins anything herself. But of course, eternal
victim Venus always needs someone one else to blame. Really, what a dumbass. She is so stupid and entitled.
No. 213605
>>213558Are you fucking stupid? Using someone for a visa and slandering them to millions, fucking your parents over, labelling ALL your managers as
abusive, inviting a SUGAR DADDY to your friends house, cheating repeatedly since you were a teenager, EXPLOITING a sexually abused kid and labelling your sugar daddy a pedo IS ABSOLUTELY NOT anything close to what an "average" person does. Venus is
toxic and vile. A terrible human being. Gtfo of here white knight. It's obvious that's what you are.
No. 213618
>>213558Or Sora saw through her bullshit, that she uses people, labels them abusers when they don't give her what she want and then slanders them online. Yeah, but you keep white knighting her because she acts "kawaii" and edits her face. This is the same girl who makes up abuse and even suicide attempts like jumping in front of a bus and told people she likes to worry them with suicide bait. Yeah, keep defending this piece of shit. Most of us here have the attention span greater than a hamster and remember. And just because something is old, doesn't mean it still isn't
valid. Venus hasn't changed her selfish disposition and probably never will. She is her mothers clone. Just like her.
No. 213666
>>213548She’s been doing this shit for years now, this exact same shit. “I’m feeling
much better, guys! Look, I went out today!”
Followed by “yay Venus! so happy for you! I was so worried!” comments which she laps up like a cat with a saucer of cream. It’s an endless loop that’s been playing for 6+ years and it’s nauseating at this point
No. 213702
>>213597You talk like you're someone who believes in religion yourself.
But I hope you're not a religious person because your attitude stinks.
What was it? Let who is without sin cast the first stone? Something like that. Religion is meant to be all about peace and love and FORGIVENESS. I don't see much of that around here, and Jesus loved Mary Magdalene, a prostitute.
Venus is trying to move on and away from her problems, but some people just want to keep her stuck within them and not let her forget about any misstakes she's made and don't want her to move on from her past because they find it entertaining to laugh at any missfortune she brings on herself.
No. 213819
>>213702"What was it? Let who is without sin cast the first stone? Something like that. Religion is meant to be all about peace and love and FORGIVENESS. I don't see much of that around here, and Jesus loved Mary Magdalene, a prostitute."
Did you know that Christianity isn't the only religion?
No. 213830
>>213819Well seeing as muslims believe in killing people for being nonbelievers and will be rewarded in heaven with fifty virgins or some sacrilegious shit and forcing women to go around in ridiculous and restrictive garb in attempts at control, I'd hardly call that a religion at all, unless blanket misogyny can be called a religion.
Judaism might talk about an eye for an eye but is basically based on peacefulness and some Jewish people don't regard it as a religion at all.
Buddhism is all about peacefulness, and religion generally is about goodness, but sitting in judgement on people, and being vengeful and wanting to harm people because they don't fit with whatever strange moral compass they've transgressed in the minds of the so called 'religious' is not, or should not, have any place in any religion; if it does, it should be dammed as hypocrisy.
(religion sperg) No. 213910
>>213830>Well seeing as muslims believe in killing people for being nonbelievers and will be rewarded in heaven with fifty virgins or some sacrilegious shit and forcing women to go around in ridiculous and restrictive garb in attempts at control, I'd hardly call that a religion at all, unless blanket misogyny can be called a religionTotally, every single one of 1 billion muslims world wide want to kill non believers…
Mate if you ask the average muslim about the virgins or similar shit, they usually have no idea lol
>Judaism might talk about an eye for an eye but is basically based on peacefulness and some Jewish people don't regard it as a religion at all.A lot of Israelis aren’t religious, yeah. But Judaism is DEFINITELY a religion.
No. 213917
>>213910Ignore that anon, he doesnt know what he's talking about.
Islam killing non-believers?
Judaism with an "eye for an eye" rule?
and buddhuism being "pure good" -
The Free Masons adopted most of their signs. prob more than that as well…
And the Free Masons are
far from being
pure good.
No. 213924
>>213917Firstly, I'm not a he, secondly I don't recall hearing about other religious faiths, at least not in this day & age, killing people in the name of their 'religion' and holding the world to ransom with terror threats like what has been happening for a few years now since 9/11 and before. That was my point.
Secondly, you don't need to tell me what crap free masonry is, I've witnessed first hand the corruption and conniving duplicity that goes on with those scumbags so I'm with you on that.
Plus, I hate to mention it, but the man with the mustache wanted to do something about ridding the world of freemasonry and we all know how that went.
No. 214539
File: 1653301887033.png (1.36 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_7429.png)

No. 214631
>>214627 She only latched onto witchraft because the alcky group she went to wanted her to acknowledge a "higher power" -and quite how that is supposed to help her or any alcky overcome their addiction is debatable - but it didn't work for her, so she tried Christianity instead and that didn't work either. Heaven help us if she ever converts to Islam and wears complete body covering, and decides to off herself while taking out a load of other people as well in one of their acts of terror.
Maybe she should become a devotee of the Goddess Kali, if she has even heard of her, which I doubt. At least it would be a strong, female image for her to take on board, instead of seeming to want to be a weak, submissive, simpering wreck which she often appears to be.
No. 214648
>>214539le 2 girls 1 cup xDDD wow hilarious and edgy xDDD
Her humor is so cringe, it's like she's stuck in 2014
No. 214659
>>214539How can we tell if this is Venus or not? Show actual proof of this being her. Why not?
If it’s not Venus, why do you post it?
No. 214701
>>214659You must be new here, Venoos loves to share screenshots of her unfunny chats.
Go to her IG, she posted it on her story, it's still up.
No. 214793
File: 1653410956724.jpg (840.78 KB, 1080x1775, IMG_20220524_184645.jpg)

No. 214797
>>214724People can have many false starts and failed ventures before they finally make a success of what they do. It doesn't help when someone is in the public eye and the public's expectations have been lowered by past events, as is the case with Venus and her exploits.
No one expects her to succeed at anything now, but she might surprise you. I hope she does.
>>214793And this is good to see. It might be another thing that leads nowhere and she might relapse, but she might continue doing better now and I hope so. I still believe in her and think she can do it.
No. 214888
File: 1653444826798.png (4.27 MB, 1242x2208, 3C5C7367-6628-4025-85FB-86758E…)

From her Instagram story, showing off what looks like a cheap ass ring and dancing like a retard
>>214814They’re obviously replying to you. You’re the only one ruining the thread with your delusional WKing
No. 214889
File: 1653444952026.png (5.68 MB, 1242x2208, 7B1F47BA-2BA0-4319-9B6B-1FDFAF…)

No. 214897
File: 1653450177070.jpeg (52.33 KB, 741x609, 3BF006BA-955E-4E26-8A57-534903…)

>>214888This ring she’s sooo excited about, lol. Doesn’t even have a stone of any kind. Is that the best she can do, really?
I do hope the poor guy goes through with this marriage though, if only to get her ass out of Manaki’s apartment and hopfully his life at last.
And she looks like a demented goblin.
No. 214903
File: 1653452649658.jpeg (133.62 KB, 816x1424, AA354F0F-4974-4F0A-A5D0-9C1714…)

>>214901Nope those fake stones are glued onto her fake nails, not on a ring. You can see that clearly here.
No. 214951
>>214908You claimed to not be a newfag yet use emojis, and then try to prove your not a newfag just by saying gamer words. You smell like a newfag from a mile away.
>>214935You say that like she's marrying the love of her life and not some random dude from off the street who filmed her crappy porn for her OnlyFans. This is another visa stunt since she's divorcing Manaki. She's jumping around retardedly because she roped in another sucker for a visa.
No. 214971
>>214961I was just pointing out a fact. Why is it so important to you to let untruths remain?
>>214935To Venus, her audience, her viewers are her family, so it makes sense that she is showing them, because she knows they support her and are happy for her and are glad to see her happy. She deserves to be happy after all she's been through. Suffering from mental health problems is no walk in the park and too many people here are so hard and cold hearted, almost bordering on psychopathic with their thirst for vengeance on a mentally ill woman for a few misstakes she's made in her still very young life.
No. 215114
>>214797Venus did have success before. She wasn’t the largest YouTuber or anything and she was late in the sponsorship and merch train, but she fucked herself on that. She screwed everyone over and is a wannabe porn Star now.
It’s not like she has the drive or brains to end up successful.
No. 215121
File: 1653505753204.jpg (304.27 KB, 1080x988, IMG_20220525_210836.jpg)

No. 215140
>>215121Thanks for reminding as, the admin of the internet.
I have no clue what she's talking about, BUT:
There's something called free speech?
No. 215205
>>215140>>There's something called free speech?Not any more there isn't. There used to be, but not now. Try saying the word nigger in public for a start, and see how long before you get arrested for 'hate speech' even if there was no intent at hate. I was amazed to discover that people in my quiet little town used to have black dogs or black cats which were quite innocently named Nigger, with no one turning a hair over it, and not called that in any way to intentionally cause offense to anyone, but today somebody somewhere would pretend to be truamatized if they heard of such a thing as that.
There should be free speech, that way people can be more honest and then you know where you are and people with vile viewpoints and prejudices can be reasonably argued with instead of everyone keeping their prejudice to themselves so that other people can be fooled by them.
As to what Venus is talking about here, I haven't the least idea other than she appears to be a little teensy bit annoyed with Americans on 4chan. Why waste her time going there, it's all mainly trolls anyway.
No. 215207
File: 1653529927647.jpg (19.84 KB, 487x197, Capture.JPG)

Just in case anyone says imageboard.
No. 215239
File: 1653543360746.png (6.47 MB, 1170x2532, 0370EEC3-C486-400B-9939-0C90F5…)

This video was really uncomfortable because I think she is trying to look giddy excited about getting married, but she is by herself taking TikTok’s and trying to twerk, and it gives off “fake happy” energy
No. 215258
File: 1653564058476.jpg (573.67 KB, 1080x1886, IMG_20220526_132024.jpg)

>>215256Of course she did
No. 215401
>>215121I'm legit confused wtf is she talking about here?
venus anti es-jay-dobbie-oos arc?
No. 215479
>>215401shes talking about the gun-debates after that man killed those schoolchildren.
Apparently talking about that is being a ''sjw'' to venus…..
No. 215539
>>215499'I've been bullied during my schoolyears so I'll kill little innocent kids to get my revenge'
But yeah, it’s clearly the bullies' fault. You have to be either seriously brain damaged or a lawyer to find him extenuating circumstances.
No. 215623
>>215617>>215617Am American. You make a good point. The problem is that guns
are part of our culture. Like people will literally call it “gun culture”.
It’s disgusting and I hate it so much. 100% will homeschool my kids because I’d rather them have an atypical school experience than be dead or traumatized.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I think it’s hilarious how Venus is all “wE dOn’T cArE aBoUt YoUr PoLiTiCs” while simultaneously drawing attention to said politics. She only put that up to boost engagement and be controversial, mostly because she has no original content anymore. She’s in the countryside. She could talk about ANYTHING to do with that… the history of the town she’s in, the local nature like animals or plants, any tourist sites she’s visiting… but no, Venus once again is boring with low effort edginess.
No. 215765
>>215762lol that person watched too much anime.
Only in anime this can be a thing, when the girls love the "bad boys" (for example Sasuke from Naruto).
But irl ITS TOTALLY different. If you're scared for your life, you dont friggin care about this stuff. All you care about is surviving, not having sex. lol
No. 215836
>>215762See no relevance whatsoever to that piece of nonsensical crap and the post you refer to.
Also whoever wrote that garbage is mental, as well as it being in totally bad taste in light of recent events. nothing to laugh at, disgusting.
No. 216122
File: 1653914304773.jpg (499.29 KB, 1080x2009, IMG_20220530_143521.jpg)

>>216116Still at Manaki's place. She only has a few comments, all positive. I wonder if she's delecting negative ones
No. 216125
File: 1653915994398.jpg (390.57 KB, 1280x1280, P0.jpg)

Adding a Mr Yan photo. Oh Venus, he could have been all yours
No. 216141
>>216125The irony is that Mr Yan seems to be precisely the kind of guy she goes for these days. at least appearance wise. If only she cuuld of met him today, match made in heaven for both of them. Tho Mr Yan would probably be looking for someone younger again in a few years.
I wonder what he's doing these days?
Also, not sure if he would of stuck with Venus, even if she'd been willing back then, as I recall him saying something about she had bad body odour and was really smelly.
No. 216254
>>216208I thought she went there without her mother, though I could be wrong.
She addressed the issue at the time and said the weather was very hot so she sweated a lot.
No. 216285
>>216277>I'm about to believe Margo and think maybe Venus killed Manaki to get his things for free…What "things"? It's not like Manaki was a rich dude with a rare art collection.
His apartment isn't paying its rent on its own.
No. 216293
File: 1653995892940.png (445.45 KB, 1170x1736, IMG_1224.png)

No. 216332
>>216321YouTube, she posted a new video acting cringe and talking about her TikTok videos and how she makes her OnlyFans content.
Boring video.She seems to be using some kind of filter, her face looks blurry and too bright.
No. 216382
File: 1654028954446.jpeg (275.27 KB, 1962x1149, D071594F-2C2B-4E91-992A-61ADBF…)

>>216332Has she addressed the question of why her grifting ass is still planted in Manaki’s apartment, on that crusty mattress on the floor, given that she claims to have a “FIANCE” and is “seeing a lawyer about a divorce”?
Anyone? (She’s still wearing that dimestore “engagement ring” too.)
No. 216401
>>216382My guess is the sugar daddy might be married, possibly with kids, or he just lives with another woman and/or kids so she can't stay with him. Otherwise, if they're actually engaged it makes no sense for her to film at Manaki's.
>>216332Cringy OnlyFans ad. No thanks to anyone but the scrotes who give this grifter her free, easy money. Posted content her OG fans, the fans who are the reason she even has an OF following wouldn't give a shit about seeing. I think she loves money even more than Margo loves money. She's truly a soulless, rotten sellout, her only interest is money so she can decorate her body and buy useless material goods. I am genuinely shocked she still has YT and Instagram fans.
No. 216428
>>216334I feel like she said that to get some of us to pay for her OF, that way she would make money without having to suck nasty dicks or record more sad solo porn.
Because I see no reason for her to post relationship drama on a platform for thirsty scrotes. They pay to see tits and pussy, none of them gives a fuck or even knows who Manaki is.
No. 216446
File: 1654040534345.jpg (156.01 KB, 720x1007, Screenshot_20220531_183935~2.j…)

Why is she always 10 years behind on memes? She claims to be an internet goblin yet posts shit like I can has cheezburger
No. 216496
File: 1654058961537.png (Spoiler Image,9.51 MB, 2048x1536, 9048C281-6D53-464E-82FF-6A841C…)

No. 216509
>>216496That rotten tooth still active.
And the editing on the bottom one makes it look like she has herps with a bad makeup job.
No. 216512
>>216496>>216497>>216498Now this is just fucking ugly. She needs to take tips from Tao. number one host at Black Diamond Club on how to do it properly. There's pics of him doing it all over Kabukicho and he looks a helluva lot prettier than venus.
Or at least get her to watch some old belle delphine videos on how to do it and look sexy rather than just plain stupid.
No. 216527
File: 1654073784839.jpeg (142.17 KB, 828x458, 5BF009FF-05DC-4BAC-8B18-06A3C9…)

The perfect ahegao doesn’t exi…..
No. 216533
File: 1654074953011.jpeg (574.9 KB, 3146x1622, 7E1FA5FC-FCE9-41B6-994D-D82857…)

Also she’s back to using the snow app to oblivion again, so much for the stopping the extreme editing phase she went through
No. 216542
File: 1654082445204.jpg (67.47 KB, 1170x1287, FUDTQscacAAFUZn.jpg)

from her twitter
No. 216549
>>216527What on earth is happening to the side of her mouth?
Similarly, what is up with the edges of the collar?
No. 216639
File: 1654104728946.jpg (59.21 KB, 660x799, Lovelyschoolgirlahegaoface.JPG)

>>216527I think this is what she's trying to emulate. She's even wearing the school uniform look.
No. 216642
File: 1654105425876.jpg (85.15 KB, 649x812, Tao 9.JPG)

>>216527No one really looks that good doing ahegao. Not even Tao and he, unlike venus, is really beautiful when he is not doing this…
No. 216644
File: 1654105568629.jpg (31.67 KB, 686x386, Belle delphine ahegao.jpg)

Belle Delphine is the only person I've ever seen do ahegao and make it look good and a bit sexy.
No. 216648
>>216522>>What is " AHEGAO"?Come on! I take it you're having a laugh and trolling, but just in case you're not… THAT, my dear, is ahegao.
No. 216650
>>216644This doesn't look "good" you scrote. It looks retarded and only coombrains like you could look at this and think it's "sexy."
>>216648Stop posting your disgusting fap material you moid. Nobody cares what you touch your tiny weener to.
>>216512>>216642Can mods ban this asian boy fetish weirdo already?? They have been shitting up the past two threads
No. 216720
File: 1654116046455.png (43.04 KB, 773x423, lolo.png)

She posted a poll, but took it down eventually, because most votes said "no"
No. 216759
>>216666not even that anon but there's multiple nonas here begging for you to go away or at least shut the fuck up about yourself. All you do is talk about yourself and your weird fetishistic opinions about japanese guys. It's cringey and weird and it's borderline obsessive. Anyone here can see who you are because you type like a 14 year old autist. Your posts are also barely about venus but about you and your opinions. Can you even breathe without thinking about yourself for one second?
jfc please mods do something.
No. 216858
>>216648 No, actually I really never heard of it. And no, I am not clicking on what appears to be a porn video link.
It sounds like some term made up in Asia and not everyone here is a weeb.
No. 216884
>>216825The only reason ahegaos make me feel uncomfortable is because most people doing them just look stupid and not at all erotic. But thank you for at least a reasoned comment.
>>216827Maybe she was deliberately going for that effect to appeal to the people who are into it.
>>216845What a judgmental, intolerant moralfag comment. It is perfectly acceptable and okay for anyone to like ahegao and at least Belle does it right.
No. 216888
>>216858>>I am not clicking on what appears to be a porn video link.Well no, I mean, the world might end and everything. It wasn't actual porn fyi, just a girl making ahegao face.
>>It sounds like some term made up in Asia and not everyone here is a weeb.Just curious as to why you follow a Venus Angelic thread? You do realise that Venus resides in Japan and is probably the biggest weeb on the Internet?
No. 216920
File: 1654183332496.jpeg (48.16 KB, 661x394, 34229FB3-37CF-4C11-BD54-7FCC5A…)

From new porn vid, so smexy
No. 216925
File: 1654183621201.jpeg (63.63 KB, 828x460, ED9ECD14-4521-498F-9F62-D00120…)

>>216920Also this, is it just me or does it look like she has no teeth?
No. 217037
File: 1654206065033.jpeg (49.33 KB, 485x580, CA095D63-7296-4866-9CAC-386958…)

Calm down on the editing for the love of god
No. 217070
>>216925So what else is going on in this video?
She looks okay here. Ive certainly seen plenty worse looking people.
No. 217076
>>217073>>doesn't look human, skin is almost monochrome white.So? You never heard of
Art doesn't have to look like ultra realism. It's just a nice picture. I don't care if it's Venus or who it is, even if it was amber heard bitch, I'd still think it was a good picture because of the image I'm looking at in it just looks pleasing to behold.
And if she looked like a snake, she'd have scaly skin and a forked tongue. And snakes are cool anyway, but no she doesn't look like a snake here, that's just dumb.
No. 217105
>>217101WTF? All we ever see in here are ppl giving their
opinions on what they dislike about Venus, and nitpicky posts about her appearance. But as soon as anybody praisies her for anything, even when it's justified when just once or twice she posts something a bit better than usual, the nitpickers can't cope with it. You're mental.
No. 217108
>>217070>>217072>>217091ShE LoOkS gOoD hErE
You’re a persistent little shit, I’ll give you that.
No. 217130
Why are you guys always fighting when I get up? XD
Venus CAN look good. She is not ugly, I started following her years ago bc her looks were cute and I liked her videos and so did a lot of people.
But even if she looked her best now, she looks sick, she looks like she needs help (no shade), sometimes she looks like she is having a stroke because she needs her drugs (alcohol, or pills, os whatever). I really enjoyed her last yt video, and I said so here in this thread, because it remembered me her videos from 2016 and that was the reason I started following her, but I cannot say "oh she looks so good" because she doesn't look ugly, but her hands shake SO MUCH.
We should not say "oh, this is art, she looks soooo good in this porn video she just made" if she looks like she is being raped (don't saying she is, just saying she acts like that). I cannot say "oh she looks so pretty" when the photo is so fucking edited it is CLEAR Venus has a self image disorder.
Don't clap other people's mental problems…(XD)
No. 217179
File: 1654263024239.png (284.49 KB, 619x673, Screenshot (17).png)

>>217145Hell, I'd even take rubber lips sperg over this retard at this point.
Gah, I haven't checked out her twitter in awhile but it looks like a lifeless porn bot got hold of it. At this point she's not even a person anymore, just warm-up jerk off material for sick moids. Imagine selling your soul only to get 1 comment and 30 likes.
She really went from a Bubbly kawaii influencer for girls to a photo lost in a scrote's 500GB porn folder.
No. 217211
File: 1654271325051.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 3252x2792, 6B7CD1F2-1632-4DE0-8861-AA57EC…)

How is it possible to look both skinny and fat at the same time? Is she using a filter that just makes her look so strange? I’m genuinely curious
No. 217216
>>217130>>Why are you guys always fighting when I get up? XDIt's because the unwritten requirement here is that you have to hate Venus and everything about her and think that she always looks ugly and you have to hate Japan and everything about it and you have to have some uptight religious attitude and strong dissaproval of anything a teensy bit sexy and be judgemental and vengeful towards anyone who doesn't have the exact same hate filled opinions as repressed feminazis.
>>Venus CAN look good. She is not ugly, They don't like seeing that said here and they will try to shut you down for saying it.
It's simple really, the resident nutjobs just don't like seeing any opinions that don't match their own.
No. 217287
File: 1654287363527.jpg (190.4 KB, 877x995, IMG_20220603_221521.jpg)

Trafic side profil
No. 217311
>>217226 and
>>217243 said, plus the fact that she was indeed a bit on the chubbier side for quite a while before getting weight loss surgery and becoming severely underweight because of the complications.
Also, her belly button is positioned weirdly low (possibly due to excess skin) which makes her abdomen look bigger than it probably actually is.
Plus, the editing probably didn’t do her any favors either.
>>217216It’s not you guys not agreeing with people saying she’s ugly. It’s you spergs going out of your way to WK her at any given possibility, shitting up the thread over and over again.
If you feel like saying how she’s pretty to you, go comment it on her instagram pics, OF posts or twitter.
No. 217327
>>217072The only good thing about that monstrosity of an edit is she doesn't really have the aegyo puffy eye shit which all the weebs who go to japan get with makeup or tape or editing. Everything else is atrocious.
>>217101Japan anon knows Venus reads here and is probably hoping by complimenting her photos and talking about Asian boys, she'll cater to his/her fetishes.
>>217211She doesn't look fat there. I think it's just we're used to heavy editing where she slims her waist, hips, ankles, shoulders and face to look more uwu loli petite, and in this tik tok, although there is editing, it's less extreme. She just has some broad body proportions which is different from being fat. She also doesn't and has never done much physical work, meaning she lacks muscle mass and gets the "skinny fat" body as a result (aka: thin and untoned with no muscle mass, not actually fat). She has almost no muscle mass in her legs and arms for instance. The bra is also giving her a flat chested look, similar to when she used to chest bind, which accentuates her shoulders and waist there.
No. 217382
>>217179>Bubbly kawaii influencer for girls She never was that. She always was a freak in the freakshow. She got viral view from her kawaii makeup video from people going "what in the fuck am i looking at". A set of very, very deluded or dumb little ESL kids did think that she was what you described, and enjoyed her terrible, garbled, empty videos. But that's for them to regret.
There is no need to create this idea of her being 'good' at one point to make the narrative of a tragic downfall.
It's more that she was sustaining a channel views-wise without any particular effort. Some that kind of luck lasts a lifetime, but Venus' happened to run out
and remember: Put on marge's webcam at 3 years old saying "Venus, model. Venus actress." (what kind of people do you think were watching?), and at 13, dancing in skimpy outfits with salarymens' "bounce!!" sliding across the screen…it was ALWAYS (and people knew this, said this) going to be one of only two things:
Being famous for nothing (viral+luck), or "spit out the bottom of the porn industry"
No. 217391
>>217287>>Trafic side profil"Trafic"??? Was that meant to say "tragic"?
To be fair, everyone has less than flattering pictures sometimes, even the most beeautiful people don't always look good from every angle and Venus doesn't seem to have much of a defined jawline so her chin does not form a nice looking right angle with her neck.
No. 217426
>>217216No, it's because people like you and japan nona keep shitting up the thread trying to make it about YOU. No one gives a fuck about random retards wking venus. It's just that you guys keep making this thread about japan guys or something completely irrelevant and start injecting your weird creepy opinions about everything.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but you guys are literally talking about yourselves over and over and over. It's so annoying.
No. 217430
>>217216I think this video speaks for how all anons feel about you, Japan anon
>>217344Could the upper "scar" be from her wax play? These "scars" honestly look drawn on and they shouldn't even be that visible on a low res camera with a filter. They look too prominent.
No. 217436
File: 1654338379281.jpg (1.15 MB, 4280x3030, 1654010477392.jpg)

>>217216>porn is fantastic and empowering, am I right fellow ladies?> Look! Here's my fap folder with cute AZN bois. Tee-hee! So ladylike!> Shut up you repressed feminazis, stupid prudes and ebil terves! Suck my girldick!>UwU SW is real work>I'm a true & honest "female", I swear !I'm not a big fan of throwing [hi scrote] accusations toward fellow nonnas but yeah, it smells like unwashed frankenvag in here kek
No. 217447
>>217382And yet all of her commenters on social media were and still largely are weeb girls. You're retarded if you think only moids are watching her. Young girls didn't know she was shit at makeup, they saw a girl making videos about the Japanese shit they like. 1M people didn't subscribe just to laugh at the weirdness, those people usually watch one video and move on. Go back and look at the comments from her old videos, there are thousands of positive comments from girls. Someone doesn't have to be "GoOd" to have fans. And for 2010 YT standards her videos passed.
And still her recent comments are all "Omg I used to watch you and thought you were so kawaii, what happened?! Are you ooookaaay?"
Just cause you're too Einstein for Venus doesn't mean everybody is.
No. 217503
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>>217344>>217355She has faked so many bruises and other things they they can’t be real.
No. 217514
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>>217505It also doesn’t help that she wears things that are 10 times too small for her
No. 217564
>>217503No. Just no.
She looks like zombie prostitute.
No. 217582
>>217344This is fake, bruises of cuts aren't black
>>217514wow is this image new? Her body looks terrible and bloated. Why her bellybutton is so low?
(learn2sage) No. 217619
>>217582yes it's from her new porn vid that she cosplayed as tifa, same vid where these are from
>>216920 >>216925i cant tell if she's just gained weight or that the alcohol is making her super bloated
No. 217623
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>>217621How many times can she possible do this video about improving herself? This is the millionth time she’s said this and no one is going to believe her until she actually does it because her words mean nothing at this point, I’ve lost count on how many Insta posts she’s made about this
No. 217687
>>217633Venus posted on one of her stories recently that she has thrown away a lot of the crafts she had made in recent times so she wouldn't be reminded of her alcoholic days. It makes sense but it probably upsets a lot of the people who were so pleased when she started her witchcraft phase. (I guess that fan never got her witch jar then? Or whatever the thing was that Venus made and never sent out.)
The thing is, no one is going to recover from alcoholism on their first attempt, maybe not 2nd or 3rd times either. I believe she can do it this time. I know I'm probably the only one here who does, but I still have faith in her. She sounded totally believable in this video.
No. 217695
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>>217671The hideous wrong sized bikini doesn’t help either as well as she’s acting like an enslaved sex worker being forced to shoot videos or she’ll get beat
No. 217735
>>217695I think her belly button might be so low because her incision was infected and probably not closed the best, either. As a result it pulled her stomach skin downward. Maybe they removed some skin, as well? Like a tummy tuck. In actual tummy tuck procedures they'll sometimes remove and relocate the belly button completely or else it will be absurdly low on the abdomen.
She's definitely not fat, just bloated with a lot of damage to her body from the ED and drinking. Hopefully it's reversible or at least able to be improved with diet and exercise, but she has to be willing to do all that so idk if she ever will.
No. 217768
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The bruise on her arm looks like she edited it into the video as it looks pretty wonky
No. 217786
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>>217781I guess this, it's what Japanese girls use
No. 217857
>>217791It's to create 'smile eyes'.
Someone here on lolcow is obsessed with always going on about it and mentions it at every opportunity.
I happen to think it can enhance a look, but I haven't said so before because that particular anon gets solely
triggered and goes ballistic.
You have to have a mainly one sided viewpoint here and hate every look Venus attempts.
No. 217892
>>217874At last! Reading something that sounds sane and sensible on lolow. Thank you.
your opinion, never forget that! Others think differently. Not everyone is going to share your view. That is just how the world is. If you cannot cope with people having a differing view to you, you need to assess why.
No. 217897
>>217857Venus looks like the crackhead version of just about every look she's done these past 3 years. No amount of photoshop can erase the fact that she looks malnourished, sickly, greasy, and just all around unattractive.
It's not because she's unattractive either, it's just she stopped taking care of her appearance once the bank of Manaki closed his simp account for good. Go look through her insta yourself. Every since she cheated and left Mana, her appearance has been slowly but surely going down the drain. The last time she looked good was after her sugar daddy (or "Ken" whatever the fuck she was calling him) told her to kick rocks, right before she started doing OF for pimpsan.
No. 217905
>>217897Of course she's not going to look as good as she did a few years ago. She probably wouldn't even if she had looked after herself perfectly well. She wouldn't look as good as she once did, for the simple reason that she is
older now. And she is European not Asian, and, as everyone knows, Europeans age like milk, that is, they go off very quickly. It's not hard to understand, it is just genetics.
No. 217929
File: 1654549683738.png (Spoiler Image,756.56 KB, 1088x562, uh.png)

I'm surprised no one talked about this video. She looks like some creature from Witcher.
No. 217931
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I'm failing to see what's supposed to be sexy about it. She and her fiance are into some weird shit.
No. 218001
>>217934I can tell that this person has never been to Japan or Asia in general because they think all Asians are kpop oppa bois or someshit when in reality half the population looks like feet just like how it is everywhere else in the world. I've lived there and will be again soon. I'm sure other anons who've been or are currently living there can confirm this. Japan's not that different from the rest of the world.
That anon has to be a troll or a middleschooler. The only reason I'm going with the ladder is because they write like a 13 year old. That being said I think we should just ignore it. It'll get bored eventually if you ignore it.
Now back to Venus. She looks like she went to EDC and is tripping on a bad batch of molly, yet somehow this looks good and we are just hating according to some anons.
No. 218024
>>217912I've seen it said many times on here about how Venus is in a country where people don't age as quickly as europeans and how bad it will be for her when she sees people around her the same age as her but who look years younger, so don't try and act like nobody here has ever said the exact same thing. And it is fact that she
is older now, so is not going to look as good as before, even if she had never done any of the damaging things she's done to herself. Plus the fact that some people can do all Venus has done and even worse but somehow still manage to look younger and better. Not that I think Venus looks that bad anyway, but to hear some of these idiots go on about her looks as though she looks so bad and they can't understand why she doesn't look like she did a few years ago, she's older so is not going to look the same.
I swear people here argue just for the sake of it.
No. 218037
>>217987I think it is perfectly
valid to choose not to do that.
No. 218048
>>217905Your brain has to be as rotten as Peenus's front teeth to make such generalizations.
Bitch I'm EU, 47y female and people are thinking I'm 25.
No. 218060
>>218024There are many Japanese who don't age well and many Europeans who still look good, because of good genes or they take a good care about themselves. Most Europeans just like to get a tan, that's why their skin can age faster.
I also don't understand why should looking older be always unattractive, but ok. In Venus' case it's definitely not an age that makes her look worse.
No. 218102
>>218101Ohhh you're shocked, sweetpea ?
Here, have a bucket.
No. 218105
>>218086Jealous of what? To be so unhappy with your life at 47 that you have to trash on someone decades younger? Oh, I'm dying of envy.
We may be doing the same thing, but at least we can grow out of our embarrassing behavior, unlike you.
No. 218111
>>218109At 47…? How sad that you think so. I pity you, you'll be a boring woman if you're lucky enough to reach your 50.
I still have plenty of years ahead to have fun with my never-aging cute face and body.
But don't mind me, sweetpeas. Go on. Amuse me with Peenus' fresh milk.
No. 218187
>>218048There's always going to be exceptions. A woman I know is in her 70s but looks 10 yrs younger, but when she was in her early 50s had a boyfriend 33 yrs younger because she looked decades younger, but when she started the menopause at 53, she said she aged about 30 yrs practically overnight and even though she still looks younger than she is, it's by a very much slimmer margin than it used to be, and she's European, of English and Austrian heritage so of course there are always exceptions, but generally speaking it is well accepted fact that Asians age better.
Venus has said she prefers men twice her age, so if she's lucky as time goes on, they will both end up looking about the same age, because if he ages slower and she ages quicker, they will reach a point where they don't look that different in age to each other.
No. 218188
>>218056It isn't racist to be stating facts, don't be stupid.
>>218058>>aren't you a bit old to be gossiping about a 25yo thot on a forum?No need to knock that anon for their age. Theres no need to be ageist. This is 2022, we don't want to be restricting what people can say because of what age they are, there is already enough limitations on what people can or can't say in the world. Plus there is someone of 77 who follows Venus, but then she likes her and thinks she is a "sweet girl", but i'm just saying, people of any age can follow someone online and I don't see the need to knock them for that, only if what they say is stupid.
No. 218202
>>217436This made me LOL. How people make wrong assumptions in here.
The irony is I'm born female but often wishes I was male, not because I admire masculinity, I don't, it's repulsive, but then so is womanliness which is equally repulsive, and I can't stand most women anyway, whiny bitches, but when I see beautiful Chinese femboys jerking off in videos, it makes me realise I'm not quite as asexual as I previously thought I was. But no, I don't generally watch porn, as, like I said, asexual, male and female genitals are equally revolting to me, but at least with the Asian femboys that haven't transitioned, they still have flat chests. And dicks, but I only like small dicks, because, like I said, asexual. So I hope that explains a few things as just because I do not disapprove of Venus doing porn, it does not mean I'm someone who seeks it out or watches it on a regular basis so stop making assumptions as it just makes you look stupid.
And no, I'm not into transsexuals either, especially non-Asian ones who never look that successful anyway once they've transitioned, but then so many real women are built like tanks anyway so…
Point is, just because I don't think porn-related content is evil, does not mean I'm into it myself, I just am more tolerant and not full of hate towards anyone who does it, even though generally speaking, I dislike humans enough to be called a misanthrope, but I do feel very sorry for the poor Chinese femboys as the government there is intent on inflicting repulsive ideas of masculinity onto men trying to make them all macho freaks, so I do feel empathy towards people suffering under such regimes and people in the west as you obviously are, have no idea what it must be like to have to live under such scary restrictions, but I can feel for people even though I don't think much of the human race, destroying the planet etc, but stop with the assumptions just because you do not understand someone else's point of view.
I don't feel the need to hate Venus or what she does, even when she does stupid things, she's no worse than all the self righteous bigots with their holier than thou attitudes.
Mods tf fuck yall doin lol
>>218202 out here sperging tf out and derailing like a mofo.
No. 218226
>>218202You know why the chinese government wants their men to behave like "machos"? Because sissy boys are weak in the head.
In the past, before this whole transsexual brainwashing was even in, who protected the family? Those "macho" men.
Now days, nobody can protect the family, that's what the ccp wants.
So go on, you're the perfect example of a brainwashed young western person.
The ccp loves you. As long as you stay in Europe and dont spread your brainwashed ideals to the chinese people.
No. 218239
>>218233the pull and lolcow reaction were both in the same video.
Her retard fans were unable to sperg in pull because the way it set up is that you need to have a account and your first couple of posts need o get approved by the moderators before anyone else sees them but here its different and even after 3 years they cannot learn how to integrate, it really shows the ''intelligence of'' the people still supporting her.
Also does anyone remember when these threads used to be filled with old men defending her, i remember one of them posted themselves here and when we looked at his account it was some pedo.
No. 218284
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>>217897>> once the bank of Manaki closed his simp account No, that account is still open.
>> Ever since she cheated and left Mana,Her grifting rodent-toothed ass is still parked in his apartment, on that putrid mattress on the floor, rent-free (as she continues to ramble and brag about her mystery
boyfriend/fiance that is somehow absent from the picture.)
No. 218303
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No. 218305
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No. 218307
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No. 218308
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No. 218311
>>218284 she just said on IG her boyfriend is a Leo so he loves attention.
I bet the boyfriend do not exist or he is a pseudo-pedo +50
No. 218371
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>>218233>>218226From what I've seen there are loads of Chinese people furious and upset about their government's trying to force this issue causing mental health problems, already been a suicide over it. It is cruel and unnecessary. People can't help what they are like or who they like. There are plenty youtube videos of gay boy Chinese couples who both look feminine compared to the repulsive macho types. This policy is based on fear. Fear of something different to what the old men in gov want. That is the real reason they are trying to force outdated stereotypes onto its citizens. I bet they would frown on women who they thought were "too masculine" too, but if women were stronger, which they could be if they built up some strength, then they would be perfectly capable of "protecting" the family too! And last time I looked, this was 2022 not the Stone Age when we had to worry about sabre toothed tigers and savage tribes of neanderthals coming in. What the gov is doing is a dangerous backwards step. Those poor people.
No one is stopping macho men from being macho if that is how they want to be, Not all women will like them, but plenty of gay men will.
Women have been conditioned to be meek & mild, staying at home looking after kids. Sexist.
Women can fight if they have to. Girls have trained in martial arts, even been movies made about it, "The Bride With White Hair" being one. But maybe the gov is thinking of teaching girls how to be "feminine" i.e. be weak and pathetic and afraid of everything and hide behind someone else, as maybe that is how they think feminine traits are. How would that help anyone?
Why is the Chinese gov so afraid of a few femboys that they have to practically declare war on them? It just makes the authorities look weak & pathetic that they are afraid of a few femboys.
All we ever hear in the west is how China is bad for "re-educating" Muslims, well I agree with the gov about that. They are doing some good trying to protect the world from potential terrorists, but an army of femboys pose no threat to the world. But if the gov is so scared of sissys, what does that say about them?
You cannot change peoples' natures by force and bullying. You can't force people into being something they are not if it is not in their nature, all you will do is drive them to hide their true natures and build up simmering resentment and mental health problems.
Sorry for any derailing, but that ruling in China is oppressive and cruel and when good people stand by and do nothing etc. No one has to read what I say, they are at liberty to bypass and ignore, and I shall say no more about it, but I'd be failing in my duty as a good person if I sat back and said nothing in the face of such injustice in the world.
Anyhow, back to Venus, she has posted a new picture on her Insta and no one can say it isn't an improvement on what we have seen of late.
(derailing ) No. 218374
>>218371>>218233>>Venus in bathtub with paint etc. Why aren't we talking about it?We were. But what more can be said on that?
There's not much to talk about regarding Venus at the moment. She's stopped drinking and is doing well, so not providing any milk.
>>218229>>dont know how to integrate)The problem is, by integrate, you mean not having any opinion different to the majority, that is not integration but subjugation.
No. 218375
>>218371Let me guess…you think ShE lOokS gOod HeRe, right?
You fucking sperg. Why you haven’t been banned is beyond me.
No. 218378
>>218229>>this is why venus did that lolcow reaction video so her most unhinged fans can come here and flood these threads Yeah yeah I'm sure. Venus is not at all stupid like you all try to make her out to be. Never underestimate the power of Venus. She commands an army of loyal and faithful followers and supporters who will always defend her, even though she is perfectly capable of defending herself if she wants to. All hail Queen Venus.
Well really, I am being a touch ironic here.
I was here before Venus even did that video expose of PULL, I hardly ever commented back then, but sometimes something is so stupid someone just has to speak out.
And what if Venus is true to her word and stays sober this time? There will be no more drunken antics to talk about and laugh at, so what then? There will be no point in keeping these threads about her going.
No. 218380
>>218372This was the guy she started seeing in late Jan early Feb when she was flexing those gifts and dinners. If nice dinners and flowers is all it takes to get her to believe he loves her, gonna wife her, etc, then she is dumber than I initially thought.
I would not be surprised if he's an old dude whose married and has kids like some of yall are guessing. It's very common in Japan for companies to send employees to live and work in other prefectures away from their families for a long periods of time. There's even a term for it.
I know we gotta take Venus's claims with a grain of salt, but it would be milk of epic proportions if she pushes for the divorce, voids her scam marriage visa and then this guy refuses to marry her.
No. 218381
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No. 218383
>>218379>>218382She literally dressed like a baby in a thong and Facetuned her face and eyes to look more childlike. She isn’t just playing dress up, she wants to look like a sexualized actually young person
I’m not going to debate the concept of pedophilia (or more likely autopedophilia), but she contributes just as much harm by actively creating this shit and putting it on a porn sight (that she also advertises on social media that is for kids. What harm do you think a young kid might experience for seeing this content?)
Plus she is clearly fixated on pedophilia and had brought it up more than a normal person would
No. 218388
>>218381Pedos are not going to be attracted to an actual ADULT dressed as a baby! I don't know why this gets trotted out every time.
Anyway, Kathy Kat did a new video recently asking Japanese women about the ideal body shape for women and they all chose skinny and one said skinny but soft like marshmallow, so maybe that explains why Venus fits that criteria? It is by her choice because that is the desired body shape for girls there. Not saying I agree with it, but it could explain why she makes no effort to have a more toned body.
No. 218430
>>218371Its useless talking to a brainwashed person such as yourself.
So many nonsense you spit out in here, is unbelievable.
There is a difference between a man and a women. There's a reason why we're different.There's only like 0.000001% of people who a born "different" and they REALLY are "men born into woman's body" or vise versa. Most of us are normal. Man and woman, both have different roles to play.
This is not sexism, this is science. if you don't believe me, go read scientific articles.
And Islam isn't about becoming terrorists, its such an ignorant and stupid thing to say!
Anyways, by no means im protecting the ccp, they are evil incarnate.
But you're talking about suicide? Most suicides in China are women, not "fem boys"
No. 218441
>>218438>>218381Yeah honestly pedophilia is at play. There is no way that Venus takes sexual pictures in baby clothes just to be kawaii, especially on a porn page, and especially when she strategically edits out all signs of aging. Gross, regardless of whether she is a pedo herself. She knows who she is creating it for because they communicate to her.
I got pulled into “ddlg” shit online when I was 16/17 and the number of deranged horny men who wrote messages like “wow you actually look like a kid!” “Are you sure you are 16? You can be honest if you are younger!!” Absolutely has wrecked my mental health in relationships. I cannot accept that a man can like me now that im of age. It is a sickness. I am sure Venus had this same issue x2000 since she developed her understanding of male desires when she was a 13 year old dancing on the internet for pervs. Sad. But she doesn’t have to indulge them, and that is on her.
No. 218460
File: 1654682701826.png (2.35 MB, 750x1334, 3A2C1AEC-39A5-4B79-AD5B-A3C5D2…)

Where’s ya new hubby, Beenos?
No. 218461
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No. 218471
>>218461this is why it's such waste of time to analyze her different lies.
>b-but how does this new announcement square with her having a doesn't because both that thing and the new thing are made up. stop fucking taking information that comes from her as being related at all to reality
No. 218512
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No. 218531
>>218438So what about people who like cute things, but who find kids intensely annoying and irritating and off putting? What about people into wearing Sweet Lolita fashion? The amount of ignorance from some anons here is staggering.
Tell you what, let kids wear nothing but brown sackcloth, and leave the pretty cutesy things to the adults who like and appreciate them. That way, cute things are no longer associated with brats, only with grown up people who like cute things. And I don't mean dressed like a bawling baby, because there is nothing remotely cute about stinking piss and shit which is what I associate that sort of baby wear as being full of.
No. 218533
File: 1654703229490.jpeg (Spoiler Image,136.38 KB, 804x828, 248F3DC6-14BF-49A0-BEE8-5AC32C…)

Who actually buys these videos? It has to be her og fans because I can’t imagine who else would genuinely want to spend money on these
No. 218543
>>218461Venus stopped being a bitch towards him cuz she's happy and in good mood in general, cuz she found a new husband so she's prob nice to Manaki and he's a doormat so he's going along with it, cuz at last there are "good vibes" at last in the house.
He prob is happy as well cuz Venus wants to divorce him at last so now he's free from her
No. 218568
>>218531I'm not talking about cute things, I'm talking about f*king kids' things. Let me help you:
Sweet lolita- cute, kawaii
Pacifiers- for kids. If you are attracted to this, you are a weirdo
Pinky upsy daisy delicate gurl-cute, kawaii
Dress like a BABY- for kids. If you are attracted to this, you are a weirdo
It's not that hard unless you are -16 yo, darling anon
No. 218590
>>218397Do you know that some people hate those type of videos and can’t stand those sounds, it can be more
triggering opposite of anything relaxing mostly those who whisper and make sounds with their mouth or nails or sounds while eating. I don’t understand how people like that but we know that brains and people function differently.
No. 218682
File: 1654724948942.jpeg (332.43 KB, 930x1118, 1588987987089.jpeg)

>>218581Leaving it here from "BDSM era" thread because we should NEVER forget this
No. 218726
>>218531These old bitches think everything is unacceptable if it wasn’t brought up before their time. That’s why I stopped trying to argue with these fags.
Everything someone likes is
valid if it isn’t illegal. They don’t understand that.
No. 218733
>>2186821.-That’s being a pervert, not an “asshole”
2.-If I’ve heard of someone doing that, I would think “holy shit that’s fucked up!” Not “Wait that’s illegal”
3.- Why did she post the child in the first place? I remember the picture and her saying something sexual about someone “coming soon”. But I might be wrong, was a while ago.
Seems weird to me that the dude told her “I used to make my ex gf do things to this kid” and her first thought was “I’ll share the picture of this child molestation
victim for all my followers to see”?
No. 218778
>>218682Based on this, and some of the videos of this guy doing porn with Venus, he is a massive creep goes too far being kinky. There’s the pictures of Venus with a sign that she is a “cum dumpster”, some pictures in her OF of her on the toilet looking like it is humiliation play, and one of her newest porn videos features the term “humiliation”.
This is a dude who takes kinks and his interest in being dominant and doing “humiliation play” too far, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he abused his previous wife into doing terrible things as part of their relationship dynamic (i.e. the situation with this kid)
Venus obviously needed to make it seem like she was done with him after the post about his predatory behaviors, but has been with him the whooooole time
No. 218824
It's not confirmed that her fiance is Ken, anon
>>218736 and others, but we have some clues:
-She said on IG yesterday that Fiance and her dated for 4 years before proposal
-4 years ago =2018. On 2018-2019 we had Ken's scandal, manager-san's scandal and she iniciated on OF and porn
-idk but her porn videos seems to be with the same guy
-Ken was married. Maybe that's why it took him 4 years to propose
-Ken/manager-san were sugar daddys. She said her fiance is 45
Also, I visited old posts yesterday. Some anon guessed who Ken was on FB and that guy can be totally be Fiance (he is STILL married and seems to be ok with his wife. That's the only think that doesn't suit), he has the same hairstyle that the storie Venus updated yesterday (the one with that drawing of her and her fiance)
No. 218827
>>218727Why do you always rage and tell someone to off themselves everytime someone tells you to stop sperging, this is some edgy 13 year old behavior but you are probably between the ages of 35-50 considering the Venus age-demographic of her male remaining fans which makes it even more pathetic. Stop ban evading.
>>218534she doesnt even read here except for that one time for content, she focuses more on echo-chambers like kiwifarms and instagram so you can go there and contact venus you schizoid and quit posting in this thread.
No. 218830
File: 1654781399806.jpeg (Spoiler Image,148.64 KB, 1458x826, 86F4D402-D292-4ED9-AABF-CC8FB7…)

She censors her feet but not her vag
No. 218861
>>218831 >>218829
>>>/w/62881Last part of this thread If I'm not wrong (maybe a thread before or after, but it was at the bottom part, in a photo). Some anon discovered who the manager could be (I think it's just speculative but I could see lots of pictures and events together)
No. 218863
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>>218861 Sorry, just found it (it's at the thread I said)
No. 219008
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>>218995>218995Ken was before her OF manager and they're mostly likely the same person. Also she never dated an host (too poor for that). She just spoke about her bf (now fiancé)'s "stupid host hairdo" and ever people jumped to conclusions. She thought she could milk it and shit on him in the same time but they got back together before
No. 219011
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You can see here the host hairdo
No. 219079
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looks like “love” is blind cause peenus, you fall into the same category; you don’t even know wtf water and soap is, always look crusty and dirty sitting on that mattress on Manaki’s house, you ungrateful piece of shit
No. 219086
>>218590To be honest tho it seems there is always going to be somebody who would get trigerd by anything nowadays, it's how the world is now. I don't suppose anyone who hates those type of videos would be bothering to watch them anyway. I don't like mouth sounds much and can't stand some sounds like skin rubbing like hands rubbing together it really sets my teeth on edge, can't stand that, and I don't listen to hardly any ASMR videos apart from ASMR Spring and she does mainly the tapping and mic scratching and a bit of whispering, and she's really good at it.
I'd never even heard of it until Venus did her introductory video on it years ago, and really i'd like to thank her for it as her first video on it really did cause tingles and none I've seen ever since has managed to, I just find them relaxing but hardly watch any except the ones by Spring. I think they help far more people than they annoy and no one would watch anyway if they didn't like it. but so many anons here seem to have anger issues and I genuinely thought listening to something like this might help them.
No. 219100
>>219091Chill with the #NotAllMen.
It just seems like Japanese men are into the weird stuff. I don’t know firsthand of course. But there’s two japanese youtubers that make videos about culture in Japan, including sexual things. One mentioned for example that japanese men prefer “young innocent girls instead of mature adult women” (He really said it like that) and another made a video with a porn star, she said local men are into a lot of fetishes.
I got disgusted when I searched for Japanese porn… porn in general is gross but it seemed like theirs is weird and often fucked up. I would say 90% of it has women acting like they don’t want it, humiliation and fetish stuff. I know porn doesn’t really mean that the population do that, but still, why does it exist then?
No. 219102
>>218995>>There was a host she claimed she dated as well.When did she say that? I don't remember her saying anything about a host, only that she had asked her fans would they like her to do a video going to a host club, and when some wanted that and later asked her about it, like would she do it, she said no because she could stay at home and buy her own booze and lie to herself, for much cheaper. I remember thinking it was quite a witty remark from her, all things considered.
Also, loads of women may think they are "dating" a host, but the reality is, it is not an actual real relationship, it's just the host doing his job and making money for the host club and hopefully himself.
No. 219114
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>>217857No one gets
triggered and most anons don't comment on her makeup or aegyo/silkworm eye look, or at least not that often. You are the one who is
triggered enough to whine about it at one random mention. You are probably also the anon who shits this thread up with, "sHe'S sO pReTtY" all the time. And while we're on the topic, aegyo sal MAKEUP can look good, but only in photos and when it's very subtle, like how Koreans do it. Venus on the other hand uses extreme amounts for the "jirai" look and uses tape that damages her eyes and causes wrinkles. Makeup artists don't use the tape at all. And yes, Venus just looks bad in it. It makes her look sickly and haggard, not "enhanced." But she could smear shit on her face and you'd still go on about how she's so pretty and looks good.
No. 219118
>>218381Let's just analyse this picture for a moment. People say she's dressed like a baby here but she's really not. She's wearing grown up underwear and stockings. Even the thing on her head looks like the headdress from a maid costume. So to say that she's wearing babies things is inaccurate.
Then, what about the men who like to wear diapers? (Nappies if you're in UK) I doubt they wear them because they think it looks sexy or turns anyone on, it's just something they do for a comfort level thing, because it makes them feel safe and cared for, and yes there are probably some who wear it because they have a kink but I hardly think anyone is going to look at them and feel turned on by them. If they are, it's not because they are wearing baby things, but it's because they are attracted to that person anyway and in some cases it would probably make someone feel less interested because it looks so stupid.
So if anyone got turned on by seeing Venus dressed like that, it would mostly be because they find her attractive anyway, not because she is trying to emulate dressing like a baby. It definitely would not mean they would be sexually attracted to babies. There is a very big difference between an adult person and a baby.
An adult dressed as a baby is still an adult and being attracted to that person and even maybe liking to see them dressed that way, is not going to make someone start liking to see babies dressed similar, if they had no interest in babies before, (and most people don't) they are not going to have an interest after just because they have seen Venus, or anyone they like, dressed like it, and to suggest otherwise is just plain daft.
No. 219123
>>219114It is all just different peoples opinions and it seems the only opinions that counts here are any that agree with yours.
I mean why does it bother you so much to know that there are people in the world who think Venus is pretty? There are plenty who do. It's all just people having different opinions and liking different looks.
You might as well say, only blue is nice, or green is ugly, and anyone who says different is wrong or insane or trying to cause trouble.
Because that is what it is like in here with all the endless back and forth discussions about her looks, of she looks pretty, no she doesn't, yes she does ad infinitum.
No. 219128
File: 1654829865098.jpg (Spoiler Image,764.23 KB, 861x1386, 0.jpg)

So according to her stories, her bf runs a recruitment agency, where they employ temp workers. And she met him while shopping at miumiu.
Someone posted screenshots on kf if anyone is interested. Plus this new nude picture.
No. 219196
>>219118Oh yeah I'm sorry yeah, she says "baby beenus" and has a pacifier because that's what adult people do. I knew a guy that told me he turned on with pretty girls dressed like Germans on 1945 and now I know that only means he likes pretty ladies, just like people who are sexualy attracted to baby beenus… I see, they don't like the baby part, only the beenus part.
I'm being sarcastic, anon
No. 219217
>>219180I watched video few times and the scars go from dark noticeable to vanished completely same with the bruise in the same video while she was spinning and returns to the same position they didn’t re appear
Other videos she posted with the same bikini there was no marks at all and she visibly had her forearms on display and then again in newer uploaded videos nothing not even a scar or a faint mark
Hard to say if she did edit the scars on for the video it might been a filter covering it up but why wouldn’t you cover it up completely at the beginning of the video too. To me it looks like she generally has edited them in for attention. Unless she posts another video with it I find it hard to believe that they are real.
No. 219246
>>219118Can you please stop derailing? There's plenty of threads on /ot and /g where you can discuss these kind of stuff endlessy.
Cow threads are for milk/cow discissions, and not for your long boring ass essays, opinions and blogs.
No. 219479
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No. 219498
>>219480>>This feels illegal to look at kekWhy? It's just a picture, maybe not the most flattering pose, but there's nothing going on it it, is there?
>>219492>>Why is she always trying to avoid saying it's porn on onlyfans? R u saying she says on OF that the other site is not porn, or that she says that OF is not porn? I don't sub to OF & don't watch porn.
Actually from what I have heard OF does not have to be porn, it's just that some people put it on there, and a little while ago, it nearly had none but they had to change the rules again to allow it or they would have lost most of their custom.
Face it feminist folks, porn is popular.
Anyways, how come there is actual proper porn on Twatter? A Chinese account (one of many) has some person, boy or girl can't tell which, dressed up as a schoolgirl with their hands tied up to the ceiling and someone off camera poking at them with a stick and then they start pissing what looks like a puddle of milk, not kidding. How the hell is that even allowed on there? There might not be nudity involved but that would be less disturbing than something like that which just seems cruel for no reason.
Plus there was under hashtag bestiality, dogs humping humans, I know some dogs will do that anyway but this was obviously done deliberately to film for such reasons.
Not to mention all the Asian girly boys with their dicks out, including one in a dress walking along in daylight in a street in Japan openly masturbating and leaving a trail of spunk behind. Now how is that even legal to do in a public place? Pardon me for being confused but how is that okay, when Venus just posting a few pictures in a bikini is classed as full on pornography and must be condemned? It just seems like extreme double standards. If Venus had done any of what I've seen recently on Twatter, I could maybe understand people saying it's porn, but she's done nothing like that.
No. 219507
>>219500>>219503>>219504I don't watch porn, and don't go to OF, okay giving a blojob is porn if it's shown, but people complain about Venus just for showing a nude pic or one in a bikini, and some of what is on Twatter is just hard to understand how it can be there when it is not even a porn site, I clicked on it innocently because I didn't understand what the hashtags were for as they were written in Chinese and there is no option to translate hashtags on there, it was only once Id copied them into an external translate site I found out they were for bestiality and other things that seem odd to say the least that they are just freely available on there. Venus is not doing any of that from the things I've read in here, apart from giving blojobs which seems to be just a normal thing, and plenty of those of Twatter including a Chinese girly boy sitting on her brother's face, or at least she said it was her brother in the translate while he is playing with her dick, so how is what Venus does considered worse than that? That is what I don't understand, how she is constantly vilified for what she does when there are are worse things readily available for anyone to see on sites like Twatter.
>>219507>muh porn, muh azn bois, abloobloo feminazis, pearl-clutchers and prudes Shut the fuck up troon. No one cares about your disgusting porn habits. YWNBAW and we don't want you here.
Please farmhands, can you please permaban that gross scrote?
No. 219548
File: 1654996324176.jpg (68.55 KB, 816x621, Venus.JPG)

>>219528You're the one who needs to be banned here. It is impossible to have a reasoned discussion on anything without you jumping in with your lies and accusations in attempts to cause infighting and trying to control what anyone can talk about here, no matter how much it relates to what Venus does.
If you had your way, nothing would get said here except how wonderful Swissland is and how Venus needs to be there and how eeevill Japan is and how Venus is "obviously" a pedo, even though everyone knows none of that is true and just your warped mind.
Anyway, I'm pleased to see that Venus has apparently turned her life around and is sober, and also posted a lovely _unedited_ picture on IG. But I guess that will displease certain people who only ever want her to do things they can complain about.
No. 219551
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>>219549I actually wish I was a troon as then i woudl have a penis and could look like one of the beautiful femboys I admire so much. And ahem "girls", don't make me laugh.
Anyway, moving on, I take it this crap here is from mental Margaret? I'm surprised no one has mentioned it yet. As mental and deluded as the hater on here and still obsessively saying the same old shit.
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No. 219566
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Her porn videos also have a pathetic number of views and likes, considering she has been spamming with it a lot in previous days, even had 50% sale on it.
Her new vid is awkward af, she just can't act sensual at all and the lighting doesn't do her any favor. No. 219568
File: 1655009362518.jpeg (380.24 KB, 1365x2048, 42DFE8C2-783D-4C7A-AB7C-049336…)

>>219563>>219565>>219566Damn… how desperate and pathetic can she be? I almost feel bad for her.
(not milk) No. 219589
>>219492I think it's against IG rules to promote porn/OF on Instagram so she calls it "fansite". So much for not promoting porn/sex work on her IG like she said she'd stop.
>>219548Except it is edited. Her gowls are completely gone and her eyes look enlarged. I would guess she turned on beautycam features on her cellphone before she snapped the photo so she can technically claim it as "unedited"
No. 219615
>>219566She looks like grandma in her coffin in the Sukumizu thumbnail
..Like she’s having a seizure in the Ahegao video she’s about to fall asleep mid dinner in the bunny costume video
Like a medical mystery in candle wax play video
Anything but sexy.
No. 219625
>>219616"My OF fans are like my family."
No, Venus, family doesn't fap to each other.
No. 219641
>>219616Its funny that she's still insisting on the narrative that she loves doing OF.
She already admitted in some drunken livestream that she hates doing OF.
She's not convincing anyone with her lies.
No. 219728
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No. 219802
File: 1655075641868.jpeg (102.51 KB, 1061x826, 73058EBB-FE17-4F19-A8A1-E42E86…)

Yeah, as
>>219589 said that pic is obviously filtered (but “not edited” though!) The lines around her mouth are gone as well as her rapidly developing jowls.
She’s counting on halfwits like
>>219548 to be too stupid to notice and believe every word she says.
No. 219816
>>219812Nitpicking again. Apparently, it is a no no in here to be giving personal OPINIONS but that is all anyone does here really. The thing is though that all the opinions have to match, and all have to be negative, as soon as anyone gives a positive opinion, then "opinions" aren't allowed as they are not milk. TF is wrong with some of you?
Her new video is honest and straightforward, and she is well presented and sober. The truth is no matter what she does or how well, nitpickers and haters will still go on doing what they do, it says more about them than it does about Venus. One person in the comments wrote a really accurate comment about how repressed so many people are -mainly because of religion- and beleive that feeling sexual desire is wrong and yet it is good for people, it is all the repression and what that causes that is wrong, they also said they think the world is improving on that, but they wouldn't think so if they saw some of the comments on here, like anybody who finds another person physically attractive is a pervert, and Venus for daring to post some attractive pictures is degrading, but none of that is true, it is just repression and opinions of people who for some reason think that sexual desire and liking how someone looks is wrong. Please evaluate yourselves and question why you have those views and the reasons behind them. because it is wrong and not normal to feel like that over something harmless and just nice. Venus makes a lot of people happy with her content, and it's good to see her being so positive in this video, why do people just want to look at negative aspects of everything?
(moralfag) No. 219817
File: 1655084547419.jpg (404.32 KB, 2448x1632, FVBLOuoUsAEQ-Vc.jpg)

I wouldn't want to follow her on twitter because she always posts so many retweets of annoying women, or at least she used to, maybe she will stop now. At least her latest batch of pictures is artistically done and they look quite professional. The one in the white wig I think is older and is one of the better ones, but this one from the latest batch is so much better than the over edited stuff she was putting out a few months ago.
No. 219835
>>219832Yes lol. 100%. She's a covert narcissist. This is the kind of narcissism where the person seeks admiration and attention like others narcissist, but they engage in shaming, blaming, gaslighting, manipulation, and all sorts of emotional terrorism to get their way. They are also extremely sensitive, dismissive, and completely shutdown when someone doesn't back down and attempt to hold them accountable for their
toxic shitty behavior. That's why this bitch sperges via fullblown mental breakdowns every couple of months. Eventually life (whether it be ppl or consequences not going away)just starts holding her accountable via not giving her what she wants for being an absolute pyscho dumpster fire train.
No. 219845
I still don't get why she is like that. She had the opportunity, she was famous, she had a good YT channel, she had the audience… If she was clever, she would have keep on doing makeup videos and vlogs, she could have done publicity, she could have even opened a twitch channel and I'm sure she would have more money and better reputation.
"But, but, I'm I grown adult now, I'm not the living doll anymore…" Alright, so we are, but we don't usually do porn. Adulthood is much more than sex and pervertion. Adulthood is about reinvent yourself
No. 219850
>>219847She's something between Oblivion npc and those prostitutes from GTA.
Her face on those photos is so flat as if she ran over it with hot iron, how can someone think it's good editing? And she has no chin on some photos, she looks like a turtle.
No. 219852
>>219845It's pretty clear that Marg was one of those "living vicariously through your child" controlling helicopter moms who did all adulting and decision making for here. Like you say, she was making good money on YT and could have ran away from Margo sans having to use Mana for a scam visa. I think it was a combination of "my mom used to do everything for me, so idk how to be a properly functioning adult and don't wanna learn how" and "this is my 1st taste of freedom away from my mom, so ima go cray and do all the stuff I couldn't really do when she was controlling everything." And this is the end result.
She's not intelligent and doesn't think things through. She is compulsive. There are far less retarded ways get a visa to live in Japan as a foreigner. She never weighed those options so now she's paying the price.
No. 219904
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Wait.. who was she with during the cat pics? From way before? “Ken”?
No. 219919
>>219912 seems the kind of guy every mother would love for her daughter…
Wait a minute…
Venus, is this for Margo????
No. 219968
>>219943The guy she's with is far too old to be a host. Unless he's one of the lowest rent ones available. They are not called host
boys for nothing! This old man is no host. I guess he could of been one when he was young so would know how to sweet talk, but unless he's one of those very rare older hosts who still manage to look about 20 yrs old then he won't be a host, and we've seen enough of him to know he does not look young. So no, he's not a host. Plus Venus is not that stupid, really not, she knows full well how hosts operate and what it's all about.
She is into older men now, but probably as she gets older herself, in time she will start looking for much younger boyfriends.
No. 219974
>>219837I've tried to work out just what it is about Venus, but I can't. I've followed her exploits for over ten years and have tried so many times when losing patience with her to stop following what she does.
Back when she did mukbangs and seemed to be damaging herself with wolfing down too spicy food, egged on by people like David throwing money at her to eat more of it, almost like he wanted her to harm herself, I used to lay awake unable to sleep for worrying about her, so for my own sake, I determined to let go of caring about her. But she pulls me back in every time. There is just something about her. I don't even like women generally speaking, but Venus is different, she is the only woman I like.
I know I'll never meet her and she'd never care about me, but she has something, a magnetism or something, some quality that can keep people transfixed and coming back for more, even if she could be quite dangerous, there is just something about her.
I wish I knew just what it is. I don't want to have to be caring about someone I don't know and will likely never meet, but she has somehow got me hooked and no one else can do that, only her.
No. 219983
File: 1655142006399.jpg (902.12 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2022-06-13-19-39-54…)

Not a photo without a bruise, a scar, a mark… She needs help or she want her fans to think she needs?
No. 219993
>>219974Look up covert narcissism and you will see that it reads like an About Me page for Venus. Especially when you look at it in both her (many) failed relationships/friendships and trainwreck life choices context.
All these cows are some variant of narcissist and that's why we can't look away. You've prob followed Venus's antics and wonder at somepoint "how tf did this person even make it to adulthood? How tf is this person not dead yet???" It's just fascinating to see these trainwrecks navigate life in a way that most ppl don't. They're like a really trashy reality tv. It's free entertainment.
No. 219994
>>219974You need help if you care so much about a person you don't really know.
She doesn't even know you exist and she doesn't care about you.
Anyways, there's nothing special about her. The only reason why people come back "for more" is for the drama cuz she's a complete train wreck and its hilarious.
Just like the anon above me said, like a reality TV show
No. 219995
>>219983You're looking into it too much, some people just bruise more easily.
>>219974You have a really shit taste in women.
No. 220014
>>219983That is most likely from the wax play she did and also, she is unfit and lives a mostly sedentary life. This makes your heart and veins weaker and you bruise more easily.
>>219912We don't actually know if that accusation is true. Nor do we know it's Ken for certain. Pull thinks it is. But the cats were back during the time she was with Kitano and during the time she posted the pater ad. Based off the porn blowjob video having the same dude in in every time, it's likely the Ken person as that is who she mentioned dating at the time, but she could have been dating more than one sugar daddy at the same time and only used footage of her current bf in the porn vids), so there's a chance it isn't Ken. I think it is Ken, but not 100% confirmed.
No. 220083
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>>220073>>There are two cats. The cream one is the white one. The picture was just lightenI thought she said its name was Cream, which seems an odd name for a cat, but I'm sure she said that was its name. The cat shown earlier has got a lot of orange on it, I can't find a white one, but this old picture is of Venus with the cat she said was called Cream, it has pale ginger markings on white, so that cat is still around then if this is the same man she's talking about?
No. 220094
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>>220083I think these are the same cat, and might be why people thought there was a 3rd cat? It looks whiter but the markings are in the same spots
No. 220095
>>219904This idiot slices off half her lower face in her pathetically bad editing. Who does she think she’s kidding? (Oh yeah, that would be morons like
>>219817, aka the “she looks good here!” mental defective.)
No. 220119
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Little message from V for us
No. 220132
>>220119Yeah V, you get to act like a trash fire on the internet and people should "onwy giv you huggies and headpatz!!"
If you didn't lie so much, become a porn grifter who exploits weak men, suicide bait your audience and scream for attention every 2 seconds, then maybe people wouldn't talk about you. You're so deluded and self-absorbed you think you can act like a retard and only get praise. If people talking about you bothers you so much, then fuck off the internet.
No. 220166
File: 1655226420155.jpg (17.12 KB, 739x415, 12-02-18-images.jpg)

>>220160I've been tinfoiling over the same theory. Asian boy-lover anon started to shit up the thread at around the time someone linked a venus porn video from some shitty OF leaks forum.
I thought they came from there, but now i believe venus has told someone or many people subscribed to her OF about this thread (through private posts or DMs) and they come and sperg out every so often.
No. 220167
>>219993>>219994 I know what she's like and believe me I've really tried to stop caring and tried to wean myself off her but I can't. I know she could really be an actual psychopath like her mother says because she seems to have no conscience about hurting people, even towards that little kid, but all that, everything she does is what makes her who she is, and who she is is what makes me love her, I can't explain it. I don't follow any of those other cows and don't care about any of them. Like I said I don't even like women, only Venus. She's different and has something all the others don't..
I just wish I knew what it was, and I wish I could stop loving her but I can't.
No. 220169
>>220166 you're right
>>220167 hi lovely Venus lover <3
(<3) No. 220174
>>220166and the fact that the tard anon kept defending Venus's looks despite her looking like a tweaker these days. I could totally see one of her retarded delusional moid WK cuck fans coming here to sperg up the thread at her digression. It's painfully obvious since she posted about shit talkers a mere 2 days after
>>219816 couldn't find a way to evade ban since they haven't been back yet.
No. 220179
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>>220096>> Her lower face is just behind a strand of hair,No it’s not a strand of hair, hair doesn’t bend at a sharp angle. That’s this sad basketcase ‘editing’ by slicing off a section of her face. And she’s done this before, btw. Which makes the sheep bleating about “how good she looks here” even more pathetic.
No. 220196
>>220119Narcissistic projection. Her and Margo are one and the same. Margo blames her family and ex and daughter. Venus blames her family (Margo), her ex (Manaki) and all her bfs/sugar daddies/managers additionally and would likely blame her future child if it did anything similar to what she did with Margo. Venus shittalks Mana, her mom, her managers, her boyfriends, even Taylor. All in her adult years. She used to shittalk school friends in her blog, and clearly she has not changed. I think she also shittalked fat people if I remember correctly. Maybe Venus should take her own advice. And even though Margo is a horrible person, what she wrote here
>>219551 isn't wrong. I wonder which comment
triggered Venus?
Valid criticism hurts. Cry more, bitch.
No. 220198
>>220119Also, it's very evident from this post that Venus is pretty dumb and/or manipulative (not that it wasn't evident before). It's usually stupid/manipulative people who think others give
valid criticism because "they're unhappy" or "they're just jealous" or "it says more about them than me" or they imply the criticizer is "angry" or "spends all their time doing it", all of which are just ways for the criticized person to invalidate and dismiss what could actually be
valid points. People here and the pull discord have made very
valid points on her shitty behaviour. Even out right hate doesn't necessarily mean any of the above points Venus has said over the years and in that post (except for maybe anger). For instance, someone who was sexually assaulted and saw the posts where Venus used a sexually assaulted child to bolster herself and get revenge, might hate her after that because only a shitty person would do something like that. It doesn't mean they get a "high" or "they want to feel better about their shitty selves" or anything. It's about recognizing malicious behaviour for what it is.
No. 220201
>>220198Agreed. Keeping silent when you see that a person is doing something wrong/harmful is parallel to not doing anything when you see a crime happening infront of your eyes.
She has many young girls following her thinking she's a saint and its not true at all.
She is a very bad influence to her young fans. And she knows most of her fans in instagram and youtube are young girls.
She is very
toxic and manipulative.
People need to realize that.
No. 220226
>>220119Hang on, where does she say that is for lolcow? It's pointless just assuming she's talking about here when it could be any number of forums, even some of the comments she gets on Youtube, which she referenced in one of her recent videos. There's nothing in this to say she is talking about us. Or even if she is, it wouldn't be only here, there's Kiwi farms, she use to have a thread on Guru Gossip and still might for all I know, I understand Pull have a discord which I don't go to but Venus may have found a way to see what they post there. Apart from all the above, they probably talk about her on Reddit and 4chan, not to mention she also gets shitty posts on Instagram sometimes too, so it's assuming a bit much and being a bit egotistical to think she is only directing that comment to here.
No. 220228
>>220132Yes but she
can do all of that and still command total devotion in many of her followers.
I can't think of anyone else who could.
No. 220231
>>220206Look again,
retard. The section of her face above the cat’s paw in
>>220179 is not her hair. She sliced it off in a comical effort at editing.
No. 220232
>>220174Now this is the kind of thing that is so stupid about some of the people here and it's this sort of crap that derails. The fact that this has just been turned into a hate forum, when it is not meant to be, it is just meant to be somewhere to laugh at what cows do, not to completely hate on them, but that is what goes on here, all the time.
Venus is eevil, Japan is eevil, nudity is eevil, sexiness is eevil, a bit of mild porn is eevil, anyone who tries to be reasonable and give a reasoned debate about any of that just gets called a scrote, accused of being a pedo, accused of being Venus herself or someone she has 'sent' to do her bidding.
Just get real ffs.
The people who hate are so fixated in their opinions and so deluded they can't conceive of the fact that not everyone is going to be full of hatred for everything and in agreement with them and because of them being unable to cope with that, as soon as someone just mildly and politely disagrees or has a different opinion about something or a point of view about Venus or how she looks that is different to theirs, that is enough to cause raging hysteria and cries of scrote, troll, killyourself, whatever and if the person they are attacking quite reasonably and calmly defends their position against untrue accusations, then they start screaming for mods to ban anyone who disagrees with them.
The reality is if the haters were the ones to be banned, then it would be possible to have a balanced discussion here where people will quite naturally have different viewpoints, like in normal everyday life, without unbalanced people screeching for anyone who disagrees with their rigid opinions to be shut down. It never used to be so bad in here, but it's the haters so totally intolerant of anyone with a different POV to them, even people who come here disliking Venus but just not completely hating her get accused of being a wk. It's ridiculous.
No. 220238
>>220232The thing is, you think people hate you because you don't hate Venus. People tried to explain to you sooo many times why they dislike you, but you refuse to understa.d
You're also delusional that you think that you're "the voice of reason" in here.
I guess its true what people say -crazy people usually aren't aware they are being crazy/delusional/have wierd opinions.
No. 220239
Awww the retards back.
>>220232 coming through the wall of wk sperg text. well it was a nice 2 days while it lasted.
No. 220245
>>220172I hope Venus does read these threads, then at least she'll know that somebody here loves her.
I don't mean in a secxual way either, I mean in a proper unconditional love way.
Think about how it must be growing up with a mother who always expected something from you, so it was not unconditional love, my mother was similar in ways like that too, you were expected to do well and if not, had to be punished, and Margaret seems to have expected Venus to do certain things just so she could benefit from her, so you are only loved as long as you do things that please your mother, your not loved just for yourself, just because you exist but for only what you can do that might please and benefit your mother in some way.
I know I don't know Venus but I do love her, as a fellow soul who has suffered, and I have given up trying to stop. I'm glad I do as I hope that if she really does read here and sees this it will make her feel a little happier about everything, she probably won't care much as why should she? but I can say truthfully I don't care what she does or what she's done, or what she might do, even if she does really bad things and hurts people and is cruel, i will still love her no matter what she does, and that is proper love, unconditional.
No other woman has or would ever have the effect on me that Venus has. She is truly special and has a depth to her that these other women don't have at all, there is no interest in them, but Venus is an enigma and a magical person who can touch the very depth of your soul just through her existence in the world, and she is beautiful, she doesn't ever need to do edits or use makeup, that comes from insecurity, from how her mother treated her, but it looks like she is overcoming all that now. No one should have expected her to get over everything she's been through so quickly, but she seems to be on the right path now, and that is a good thing for all those who follow her who might also be battling things that happened to them with bad mothers or anything, Venus is a hope and inspiration to them all, she helps many people just by her existence, why can't people here see that more often instead of always wanting to find fault with her all the time.
>>220245Just, stop. Bruh.
All these years, starting from where she escaped from Margo, many have supported her and offered to help, but obviously she chose to degrade herself. When will people realise that Venus is the only one who can help herself out of these shitty situation?? From what I read here, Venus is just a crybaby who won’t get up from the floor to get a fucking certificate/ degree and get a damn real job. She only needs to post ‘I’m actually not okay I want to kill myself remember to subscribe my OnlyFans for updates uwu’, young girls will rush into her comments session to praise her and give her the attention she wants. Does she deserve sympathy? Definitely not mine.
No. 220258
>>220245Sorry but what you experience isnt love, this is idolizing, worshiping, a person you don't even know, you're idolizing her persona online.
Do you have irl female friends? at all? it seems you lack social experience/social awareness because what you think you experience is "real love" towards someone…
No. 220275
Warning: opinion post. Sorry, I just want to shut up that anon
I'm the one who have kind of defended Venus on this thread before. Idc if I get banned, I'll repeat for me, Venus is naturally physicaly pretty (most of the people are) and also I tried to copy her hairstyles and makeups years ago.
Now Venus is mentally ill (and she knows, all that suicide baiting is just to get attention) and that sickness reflects on her appearance. Anon, we should never give positive feedback to someone who has mental problems which are bad for herself and for others. She do not look good now, she doesn't look happy, healthy, she looks depressed, addicted to alcohol and maybe drugs. Don't keep on saying she looks her best bc NO.
And my opinion about her on the inside is she is not a good person. She did nothing about what Ken did, she just keeps on shit talk about others, her husband, all the people that tried to help her. Maybe that's because of her mental problems too, so try not to keep on that oh V is so perfect monologue because she is not, and if you really loved her you would see she needs help, not people kissing her ass
No. 220288
>>220245Venus' life with her mother was no where near as bad as you make it out to be. She could have been in Britney Spears shoes or Susan Schofield's kid who was fed brain melting medication from childhood and expected to perform. Plus Venus was more than blessed materialistically and has a whole fanbase white knighting her. She has literally laughed at morons like you. Get help. Pretending Venus had a uniquely horrible childhood is old. And a lot of it is aggrandized. We have seen the light she painted Manaki in and she was caught lying about that. Same is most likely true for Margo (not that Margo is a good person regardless). Margo also had issues with her parents and likely a worse childhood than Venus, you don't extend the same "unconditional" love to her, I wonder why? She's not young or cute enough for your warped tastes?
>>220275Most people are not naturally pretty. Most people are average and Venus is no exception, especially when you see her real face/features and not the edited/made up stuff. Even before she aged or got as deep in alcoholism.
No. 220307
File: 1655305536473.jpg (200.01 KB, 640x761, 1646369359367.jpeg.jpg)

>>220245Why don't you make a nice little tumblr to profess your ~unconditional love~ or even better, write that kind of shit in her comments?
Why do you feel the irrepressible need to convince us that Penus is perfect ?
You must be one of her gross simps (and/or some troon skinwalking her) or Penus herself. I mean, no one can be THAT retarded.
Dont wanna [hi cow] but farmhands needs to check your IP/posts history.
No. 220315
>>220275>>she is not a good person.She doesn't have to be. No one has to be a 'good person' to be loved. No one is entirely and completely a 'good person'. Everyone has a mixture of light and dark in their natures, a good and a bad side.
Also many people like bad girls, so…
Nevermind, I'm not going to just repeat myself, some people love her, -and don't care about her being 'bad', that just makes her more appealing- and some don't. It's just that. Why do some people find that simple fact so hard to accept? People who love her don't care how bad she is, and her being bad just makes them love her more.
Just accept that and move on. It's no point having endless discussions and arguments about the fact that some people love her, and it doesn't mean they never lose patience with her, just that they love her, and some people don't. How can there be such bickering and arguing about that simple fact?
No. 220325
File: 1655314066556.jpeg (231.77 KB, 1242x1371, AE5D2246-FA69-4322-AF94-D48B96…)

>>220231No, it’s literally a lock of hair pulled to cover her lower jaw, it’s coming out from under her upper layers of hair, you obviously don’t have long hair if you don’t understand how hair works. The cats paw is on the lock of hair, how can you not see that??
No. 220327
>>220318I've even told myself that, many times. If it feels real though, then it is real. I really have tried to stop loving her, I've tried to make myself hate her and tried to convince myself that I did but it doesn't work, the love is still there underneath. I'm not going to keep talking about it on here anymore, I've said how I feel and I'm not trying to annoy people, I'm really not, but I can't help how I feel, I can't bear to think of her being unhappy and when it looks like she's doing well it makes me happy to think she is feeling better.
It's not nice to see someone you love being constantly vilified and nitpicked about her looks, when to me she looks beautiful, more than any other girl ever. But looks are subjective and it's all just different peoples opinions anyway, some like some sort of look, others don't and they like something different, I don't know why people argue about things like that because beauty really truly is in the eye of the beholder.
>>220327Shut up and stop ban evading.
Go write your autistic rambling in her comments. There's no point of doing that here.
No one cares that you love her (even if the way you're describe it is super creepy) : blogging is against the rules. Period.
No. 220371
>>220327 oh anon, I woke up, had a breakfast, got to work, then had lunch, come back, I had an amazing ice-cream then, kinder-flavored. Wow, the best ice-cream I've ever tasted.
Oh, sorry, I thought we were talking about or shitty lives nobody cares about since you started…
No. 220393
>>220325Oh right, and that “lock of hair” made a sharp 45 degree turn cause that’s totally what hair does.
You’re an idiot.
No. 220398
File: 1655330610813.jpeg (229.98 KB, 1068x1436, 1655231498096.jpeg)

>>220393that lock of hair is UNDER the rest of the hair. You must be trolling at this point
No. 220421
>>220393They're different layers of hair so its possible…
Its simply darker there so for you it looks unnatural but that's what shading/lighting do.
I am painting so I always paint a darker shade in those layers of hair (behind the neck is the darkest place cuz almost no light reaches that place).
In this pic there is this front layer of hair that casts a shadow over thst place + the upper part of hair face.
The pic itself is also very filtered/smoothed out so it reduces the quality of the photo so there's less nuances regarding lighting/shadow.
No. 220482
>>220226She literally read one of her threads here and posted a video on it (might have been a livestream, can't remember)
>>220315You're exactly the type of person venus would cheat on lmfao
No. 220509
File: 1655376390383.jpg (120.77 KB, 632x789, IMG_20220616_123024.jpg)

If you lighten and zoom the image you can see hair strands. It doesn't really look distorted or colored because you can see cat's paw hair undisturbed. The area is just strangely dark due to high contrast and exposition Venus set - except that the strand seems to be unedited.
No. 220551
>>220513You wanna infight? Imagine getting
triggered because people tell you to stop talking about her oily hair. Get a grip Orangutan.
File: 1655395464982.jpg (80.78 KB, 800x450, monkey.jpg)

Hairgate is my favourite conspiracion theory
No. 220571
>>220551imagine getting
triggered because people talk about hair, baldy
No. 220710
>>220624Well if you've used it twice a day and know it doesn't work because of that, then you must be stupid to even have tried it in the first place, or how would you know it doesn't work if you use it twice a day?
Anyway, why the hell am i even replying to silly shit like this? Theres always complaints in here about derailing and off topic when it's actually something inteligent being discussed but when it's something stupid it can go derailed for ages with no complaints, I really don't get this site sometimes.
No. 220840
>>220763Well not everyone is obsessively checking all the time everything she does.
The other week I dropped in on her original discord server which had been dead for about a year or so and it was thriving, obviously a load of new people had joined after she linked to it, it was amusing to see old regulars turn up and be totally confused about where all the new people had come from. I thought she had a new discord so don't know why she felt the need to link people to her old, defunct one.
No. 220956
>>220360Higher video quality would make manipulating her appearance more difficult on camera. Probably one reason why she has lower quality, that and she doesn't care too much about YT if she has OF and a sugar daddy. And I couldn't agree more with the " 60 year old dressed up as an egirl ." She's mid twenties and looks a bit older to me, yet is still desperately clinging to styles/clothing/makeup that 15 year old girls would go for and it does her no favors. She's done almost nothing of value with her life which is why aging must bother her so much, so much time wasted, hasn't worked, isn't really independent and never has been, didn't go to school or work a real career or have decent friends and now she's getting close to her 30s. Must suck to be that much of a waste of space, when she could have done so much if she wasn't focused on using and leeching off Marg then Mana then managers and sugar daddies. She could have been independent if she put the effort into it. Marg is right. She's no "girlboss." She's just a pathetic "eternal
victim" and abuser.
No. 220991
>>220947I am not the one going on about her hair . I know she edits too much, I've never said other wise. I wish she didn't edit, she doesn't need to and looks so much better when she doesn't. I don't know why you thought that was me or why you felt the need to bring me back into the discussion.
And just to set the record straight about ban evading, I don't do anything to evade bans, I just post as normal, if I have been banned, a notice comes up to say so and usually a time limit, after that i can post normally again, sometimes I have had red text but can still post next time I come on, so I'm not doing anything to ban evade, I wouldn't know how to, sometimes the site won't let me post for a while, then I can, that is not ban evading. If I was banned, I wouldn't be able to post because it wouldn't let me, so please stop accusing me of things that aren't true.
All this talk about a strand of hair is repetitive and boring and it's not me going on about it.
No. 221997
>>221687jfashion stores like ank rouge and liz lisa market to mainly 20-somethings. I don't get the idea that once you hit 20 you can only dress like a sexy instagram thot because that's "mature," or wear bland mom clothes. what?
Besides the time Peenus did that pedo baby shoot she's 99.9% been dressed appropriately for her age. Aside that time she binded her chest in that one yt video and wore like a mlp shirt or something, that is.
No. 222192
File: 1655857180694.jpeg (338.55 KB, 830x1531, D56D5B1D-42FB-4BCE-8C84-E504F0…)

>>222061>>222135You can see individual hairs, you guys are blind as a bat
No. 222246
>>222199Thank you farmhand-chan! I hope the derailing sperg is permaban and won't shit-up the place now that its out of autosage hell.
Have a nice summer !
No. 222255
>>222251there is no milk right now other than the usual grotty porn of her looking like a sex trafficking
victim and being an alcoholic. this isn’t going to last long. someone probably complained about her threads being on autosage for such a long time because she was producing milk earlier in the year and they just got around to fixing it…
No. 222311
>>222250>>I'm sorry but, what's the milk? Her photoshopping? i wondered what the milk was too, I was prompted to go and have a look at all her social media but didn't find anything, only her tweeting that good news she's sold her body painting in the bath video. Hardly news.
>>Her being pimped out by an adult figure? Adult figure? Isn't she an adult herself though? Not sure what you mean by that, unless you think she should be pimped out by a child figure? Just seems an odd choice of words seeing that both Benus and her boyfriend are adults.
>>someone probably complained about her threads being on autosage for such a long time because she was producing milk earlier in the year and they just got around to fixing it…Yes, I guess that's probably it. This site acts strangely sometimes, i've occasionally got a ban for inexplicably some innocuous post from last year, which it states has since expired, makes no sense why there is such a time delay.
No. 222406
File: 1655950471816.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1170x1543, AFEB599B-83B8-495E-80E5-71C918…)

There is a lot of milk, just nobody is paying attention to her OF anymore and that is where she puts it now
No. 222409
File: 1655951117482.jpeg (311.36 KB, 1170x1658, 901C38D6-C942-43A5-9387-580705…)

She also did a 1.5 hour live on OF where she basically answered all of the questions I have seen people asking here: she talks about what her daily life looks like with Manaki at the moment, how they get along and interact in the apartment, why she still spends time in the apartment, the divorce, details about all her relationships (she says there are only 3. Manaki, a host boy, and her fiancé), and tells a lot about the fiancé.
No. 222432
>>222409So it's confirmed, her fiance is Ken/OF manager.
She looks 40 on that screenshot wtf. If her fiance is into younger women, I guess he cares more about age than about the youthful appearance.
No. 222458
>>222457>She said she hasn’t moved out because she legally isn’t able to change her address yet, and needs to be at Manaki’s to receive paper mailThat makes so much sense… NOT!
It's not like she couldn't live with her "fiancé" and collect the mail from Manaki once a week. You don't need to physically live in an apartment to collect your mail.
No. 222508
>>222467>and who Mikan was afraid of, he's definitely sus.Who Venus was afraid of you mean, did you confuse your European weebs with questionable Japanese boyfriends. Mikan hasn't been seen with Venus for a long time I think.
I also wouldn't take Venus' word for anything (directed at other anons above), maybe it's Ken but she gave the impression she moved between several "managers" over the last year or so, so it could be
any questionable Japanese man
No. 222552
File: 1656007667703.jpeg (Spoiler Image,907.01 KB, 2633x3464, 5C343F79-D84F-4D14-B3CA-075495…)

Out of all the porn video she has done THIS is the most bizarre and weird, I don’t even know what audience she’s trying to get here, it’s literally a gross video of her being forced to shove food in her mouth while nearly crying then even more bizarrely someone is putting a vibrator on her face full of food which makes her nearly vomit and saliva coming out and food dripping out, I’m just lost for words, what fetish is this?
No. 222556
>>222529>>222516Oh I forgot that or missed it, I was thinking of that time when she did a livestream and Venus looked afraid of some man offscreen.
These cows never look out for each other, feel like all the weeb cows just watch each other's downfall with popcorn.
Like Taylor has enough money to help, Mikan could have housed her safely at least, they are just like 'oh that's bad, good luck tho'
However Venus seems the sort of person to refuse help and keep spiraling so maybe there were offers of help which she refused.
No. 222565
>>222556except that taylor DID lend her money. At LEAST 10k/5k, don't remember the exact amount (because we saw on a livestream journal that had 'owe taylor 10,000/5000, not going to pay her back'). And probably lent her even more that we don't know. And Mikan DID try to help her out as well, in the start, as we saw them hanging out.
The problem is venus uses and abuses EVERYONE she knows and comes into contact with. She will literally use them until they remove/block her. She regularly breaks boundaries, lies, and manipulates everyone around her to benefit w.e she needs. It's not even that she refuses help, she accepts it, she just twists that 'help' for what she needs. It's why so many, many different streamers/porn stars/people have dropped her after like hanging out or doing ONE project.
Not to mention, it's not up to any of these people to help or save her. She's a fucking adult, she needs to grow up and accept that she's a mess and take steps towards helping herself first. Which she will never because she's happy to be an alcoholic weeb as long as she has pedo ken take care of her, living off manaki's shame marriage. If someone reported her and caused another shienagate 2.0 maybe then she'd learn.
No. 222570
>>222556except Mikan and Taylor did help her at first, they dont owe her shit anymore, not everyone is retard manaki who would let neet Venus mooch
oof of themf
No. 222572
>>222555She must be just pretending, she would be insane to post a video where she's literally being abused. I admit that they have some weird kinks. Gross.
>>222565Mikan still follows her on IG tho, maybe they made up?
No. 222601
>>222474So either she doesn't have PR or "Ken" can't take her in because he lives with a wife/gf/kids or something? She can't rent anything on her own because she doesn't have a real job, but it makes no sense why she keeps leeching off/using Mana instead of her boyfriend. Is she currently in Japan illegally?
Also, they are on "good terms" but Venus recently made posts mocking Mana for liking Genshin impact, said she "hates" him, flaunted the divorce and shared texts from her likely her bf who suggested "Mana pushed that p" in order to further slander him. She is worse than Margo. At least Margo became an independent woman living on her own when she started trashing her ex. Venus on the other hand depended on Mana for EVERYTHING, leeched off him and CONTINUES to do so, while trashing him and acting like
she's the victim. I bet Mana tried to kick her out and now she's kissing his ass because she still needs him.
No. 222604
>>222529She said Venus invited him to her place (giving away her address to him without her consent) and said that she called Mikan while having sex with him. Venus is fucking gross and
No. 222606
>>222556Taylor gave Venus a loan that Venus never paid back and Venus trashed her on her live stream instead of being grateful. No, these people are not obligated to stand by and allow themselves to be abused by this asshole because "she's depressed, she's a
victim blah blah balh". She is an abuser, on par or worse than Margo, and Mikan is NOT obligated to keep their friendship going after what Venus did to her and neither is Taylor responsible for Venus after what she did to Taylor. And you don't know if these people tried to help. And Mikan did house her for a week (I assume Venus/Mana were having issues back then). Also, Venus doesn't deserve to be mollycoddled and her friends don't simply exist to service her. She can get off her lazy ass and fix her shit herself.
No. 222611
>>222406"5 venusangelic domains and gmail"?
Still beating the dead horse, marge? She doesn't care anymore about those. They made their time. Her lolita succes was a phase. She's converted in something else, another concept.
I hope she answered "I owe you nothing and I don't care what you tell about me".
That would be a narc slap on her face.
No. 222646
>>222470Couldn't it be that she wrote it in German but Venus has used the translation tool to translate it into english? Or of course Venus could translate it herself, I wonder because once before Venus posted a message marge had sent her and that one was in German, I remember anons in here asking for it to be translated so they could understand it and somebody here understands German and translated it.
I think margaret is disgusting though, as even if everything she has ever said about Venus is true, a parent should love their child unconditionally, no matter what they've done, or do.
No. 222661
>>222555>> it looks like she’s being abused she’s nearly crying in the videoCan we please not start with this “poor little Venus being
abused by some ebil man!” crap? She is a grown-ass adult and a user and abuser herself, not some poor little
victim. Just stop.
No. 222677
>>222552what the fuck lmao
I see she is at the stage where the highest paying subscriber gets to tell her what to do
No. 222685
File: 1656052152748.jpeg (306.21 KB, 1126x1709, 8F2BC4BF-B2FC-4DF4-8669-2C65C9…)

>>222552I mean this type of content is remarkably similar to the vibe of her earlier content. I always did feel like there was a sexual vibe to her food videos, she always put her fingers in her mouth while looking straight at the camera.
No. 222686
File: 1656052216320.jpeg (305.73 KB, 1170x1704, 2D32BE00-A675-4887-B905-796B08…)

>>222552>>222685This video is literally age-restricted on YouTube lol
No. 222704
File: 1656060114129.jpg (147.45 KB, 992x650, of.jpg)

>>222685>I mean this type of content is remarkably similar to the vibe of her earlier contentOh yeah that reminds me, I saw one of her onlyfans vids was an 'outtakes' concept deliberately modelled after not just her nico videos looked like, but even after that accidentally uploaded upskirt outtakes video. The same bumbling around setting up the camera while incidentally filming up the skirt.
I'll let yous do the analysis though
No. 222726
>>222707Huge? LOL, you are kidding, right?
In what shoebox of a country are you living?
You can travel by train from Tokyo to the most northern city of the main island in exactly 3.4 hours and to the most southern part in 5.5 hours.Just look it up yourself….
No. 222777
>>222686That must be a new thing that youtube do now because that stupid video never was age restricted before, none of her videos ever were back then.
btw, are we still meant to sage every post unless posting actual milk? I'm still saging everything but don't know if it's a requirement strictly now.
No. 222797
>>222719You're making the assumption that only scrotes watch porn, whereas it seems to me that many people on here do too, or how would they be able to describe it and what goes on in it? And from what I can gather, this site is apparently meant for women only, so…!
And no, I don't watch it myself, that is, to be clear, I don't seek it out, go looking for it, or buy any of it, but obviously some women do or they wouldn't know what is in it, I have to explain all this because people make so many wrong assumptions on here. But, I have seen really weird Chinese porn on twitter, -NOT because I'm looking for porn, it is just there, one guy calling himself a loli and looking like a young girl, I mean he really does look about 12, and it is just there on twitter with not even an age gate, so the world really confuses me sometimes how this is allowed when everything is so strict in many other respects.
And why anyone would like to see that feeder nonsense is inexplicable to me, it is just gross and repulsive, and from what I've heard about it, I thought that was mainly wanting to see fat people being fed and Venus isn't fat.
It seems there is so many really gross and repulsive things that weirdos are into, I hope none of them want Venus to do scat or any of those other vile and gross fetishes that some people like, because that is even worse than the revolting feeder kink.
(derailing) No. 222845
File: 1656099019620.jpg (Spoiler Image,72.61 KB, 690x657, download.jpg)

Not sure if this has ever been posted on here before, though I do seem to recall seeing it. Is this Venus in this picture? It does look a lot like her, not recent as much as a few years ago. I did think I'd seen it somewhere before in relation to her.
No. 223142
File: 1656234238654.jpeg (676.08 KB, 1170x1805, 21D3B58F-3A13-46F7-A612-1C695B…)

>>223121Your wish is my command (jk, sorry, I couldn’t get on OF earlier).
No. 223145
File: 1656236578835.jpeg (626.48 KB, 1170x1675, 95E1D001-DA24-4297-9994-48B811…)

>>223142>>204849I think she probably used more than the prescribed amount of xanax. She mentioned recently overdosing/using up a prescription too fast and feeling like shit while waiting for the refill date. I wonder if that was also Xanax. Seems she just generally has addiction tendencies. Usually a mild starter dose of Xanax wouldn’t lead to complete blackouts but I guess it’s possible.
No. 223208
>>223142This wretched creature just repeats the same cycle over and over and OVER again. Fucking alcoholics, man.
What happened is this: she went on (yet another) several day-long alcohol bender, there in her little room on the mattress on the floor. And now she’s BACK, you guys! Rejoice!
And lucky Manaki gets to live with this shit.
No. 223211
>>223142Wow she is really posting on her OF like it's a Twitter, I thought these were Tweets until I saw
send tip under. If she's telling the truth it seems the dose is too high
>>223145Yeah this, Venus seems like someone who could not be trusted to self-administer the correct dose
No. 223222
>>223142Well I really hope she means what she says there. I can honestly say that in all my years I have never known anyone helped by having prescription drugs, they always get to the stage where they are addicted, even if they don't call it that, they can't live without them.
I think doctors are very irresponsible to keep prescribing these to people, don't forget they seem to get massive perks from the drug companies for doing so. Especially prescribing them to people they already know has addiction problems, therefore have an addictive personality is extremely uncaring and irresponsible and shows they don't really care that much about the patient.
If I'd gone to doctors for anxiety and depression and cptsd and numerous other problems I've battled with on my own, I'd probably be addicted to prescription drugs by now, Venus would probably have never got to such a bad state if she'd never gone down that route in the first place but she listened to people online who were telling her she "must" see a doctor and get some medication to 'help' her, no doubt from the sort of people who have become dependent on it themselves so they hate to think that anyone can be in a state but manage without having to go down that road.
I hope she does find inner strength to manage her own problems without having to seek outside help, because ultimately that is the only effective help she will get, what she does for herself, rely on no one else, because everyone has their own agenda and therefore not always her best interests at heart, no matter what they may say or promise, she needs to be her own best friend, and that goes for everyone else too.
No. 223274
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New photo but looks like an old one from earlier. Pulltards think this isn't edited. Clearly her eyes were enlarged and her nose slimmed/shortened and face smoothed.
No. 223321
>>223274It's certainly a lot better than most of those awful over edited posts she was uploading a while back, I'll take this over them any day.
It it wasn't Venus, I doubt anyone would even comment on it. If it was just an unknown random girl, people would probably be saying it's a nice candid, natural shot of a pretty girl.
No. 223324
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So the cat is the one called Cream that was in her mukbang videos a few years ago. So does this mean this is definitely the Ken guy who she said was a pedo? Or is this what was her manager's cat? I'm confused.
No. 223489
>>223395Oh please, Not this again!
People have different ideas and opinions and differing tastes and not everyone is going to like or dislike the same thing and not everyone is going to have the same opinions, tastes and dislikes as you, just accept that without having to jump in every time anyone comments on Venus looking anything less than outright ugly.
No. 223493
>>223395Thinking Venus looks ok in a picture doesn’t mean the person is white knighting or a fan.
I come here often to laugh at Venus but I admit she can look pretty in some pictures, but it doesn’t make her less of a mess or
She looks fine in that recent picture, her hair is messy as usual. But she doesn’t look disgusting/haggard/etc TO ME.
No. 223783
>>223573>>the point of this siteIs to have a laugh at someone, yes, it is NOT to obsessively hate on and continually nitpick someone's looks, which is all you ever do.
Anyone who doesn't do exactly the same you try to drive out, I've been here long enough to see it happen time and time again. Every time anyone says the slightest thing about Venus that is not 100% full on hate and hatred of her looks, they are shouted down. You can't even let the tiniest amount of grudging praise even from someone who doesn't like her, go unchallenged. And that is what makes it so unpleasant here for anyone who just wants to come here for milk and laughs. Because it is that that the purpose of the site is for, not to be just a hate-filled echo chamber full of deranged psychos.
No. 223793
>>223783Just drop it, there’s no point in debating here. You will only get insulted or get called a WK.
It’s fine to disagree or have a different taste, but this is not the place to discuss that. We make fun of Venus here, I don’t hate her as much as other people here but I see no point in voicing my opinion about her looks.
So stop fighting and filling the thread with unrelated shit.
No. 223802
>>223783You literally admitted you love her. This site isn't for FANS. We don't care that some autistic retard thinks she's pretty, we can already see her comments on instagram.
>Every time anyone says the slightest thing about Venus that is not 100% full on hate and hatred of her looks, they are shouted down.Everytime someone says Venus isn't the prettiest woman ever, you come in here to rant about how she's the only woman you've ever loved and how sexy femboy porn is. You ever heard of projection?
No. 223813
>>223793I know you're right, but I've seen plenty people here just say something only slightly good about her and they get shouted down immediately by the haters, and there is one in particular who stands out more than the others.
And I've never posted on Kiwi Farms, though I do read there, and never even been to Pull discord and no interest in going there. I've just seen it said in the rules that nitpicking about looks is supposed to be not allowed, but it's all we see from certain people here, and it's that that I was referring to.
File: 1656696315417.jpg (178.7 KB, 981x654, Captureh.JPG)

She posted on twitter saying she'd sold this video. I don't get this, what is the point of just making a tweet to show a video she's sold? I mean is there anything she gains from just tweeting that she sold a video?
No. 224849
>>224679Pretty sure the sugar daddy to take care of her is her end goal. Remember she said she was always jealious of Taylor because of her lifestyle (getting her SD to both wife AND put a baby in her. Taylor is set for life now). Also, as mentioned on previous threads, when she first ran off to Japan and married Mana, he clearly used to take her all kinds of places and buy her all kinds of shit. Pretty sure the real reason she stopped pretending to like Mana is because he couldn't afford to take care of her (the way she wanted) on his salary.
When she 1st got w/ pimp Ken san, she was flexing Gucci scarfs and shit. It looks like he makes decent money since he can afford to buy Cartier and a few nice dinners. But that doesn't mean he's loaded. Venus is so stupid and greedy she's probably jumped to the conclusion that if he wifes her, she'll be living a luxurious sugar baby life.
No. 224893
NSFW this old? Her room doesn't look like this anymore does it? It seems like this video was recorded agesssss ago. Why did she record videos like this back then? I thought she started doing porn like a year or two ago.
No. 224910
>>224845I think it is some sort of automatic Tweet. She used the Hashtag #MVSales and when you look at that Hashtag there are a lot of similar tweets, with the exact same wordings venus used.
"Sold my vid!"
"Just sold!"
"Thank you for buying!"
No. 225039
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>>225009You’re right, I just matched the nails in the video with a picture of nails she got done in May 2020, about a month after starting OF. I imagine she made the video but didn’t feel right about posting it at that point
No. 225058
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She literally looked homeless, like wtf
No. 225059
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And how tf is her fiancé/ sugar daddy ok with her looking like this when they’re out in public?
No. 225215
>>225058I know that Japan is really humid now, but holy shit, her hair looks wild.
Imagine going to the LV store, looking like this lol
No. 225280
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>>224849>> looks like he makes decent money since he can afford to buy Cartier and a few nice dinners.Oh please. The only things she’s been able to score in her entire sad career of wannabe sugar baby are
1) one sad LV scarf
No. 225281
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2) one tiny Coach pocketbook
No. 225283
File: 1656802993060.jpeg (90.7 KB, 528x562, B9C4EC85-5FF6-4006-AF05-29E318…)

And 3) this lil baseball cap (in one of her most bizarre photoshop jobs ever.)
That’s it. And that’s because greasy unhygenic alcoholics don’t attract men with $$. It’s that simple. (And she never showed what was in that Cartier box she was fake opening, did she? Funny that.)
No. 225289
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>>224893I wonder if the suggested videos and users are cause she tags herself weirdly or if her clientele usually want Kit after finishing with Weenus’s content.
No. 225297
>>225059Wow, this “fiance” does EVERYTHING! Except give his “fiancee” an engagement ring. Oh and allow her to live with him.
But everything else a totally real
fiance does though, guys!
No. 225312
>>225219Oo-er, careful. That isn't a popular opinion around here.
>>225288Heavens! Two of us and now me makes three! Things
are looking up!
>>225289Please, do we really need to see such revoltingness in here? And I mean the hideous ho's as much as the unattractive man. How the hell does he even make any money from doing that anyway? It can't possibly be because anyone finds him attractive, it must be curiosity value. People are weird.
No. 225320
>>225058She does, although it is hot as balls right now so I’d give her the benefit of the doubt for some humidity hair… but then again no lol.
I dunno how someone would let their fiancée go out like that (I think the smell is worse than her appearance)
No. 225416
>>225299Yes, engagement rings aren't a real thing there. They are even common in many western countries and mostly a thing in the US.
Actually it's not even uncommon to not have wedding rings at all in Japan (did she ever have one with Manaki?). Now it's has become more frequent among younger people as a "modern western" thing like the staged Christian weddings in fake curches in rentable wedding venues, but for older generation couples it is not uncommon to not even have a wedding ring in Japan.
No. 225498
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>>225486Putting my suggestion in as this as the new thread pic
No. 225691
>>225297Everything she writes about her
fiance sounds like fanfic she dreams up about her imaginary ‘fiance.’ Like a teenager’s fantasies about her future husband and how wonderful he’ll be.