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No. 159989
+Previous threads all neatly arranged by most recent:
Onlyfans Plasticine Queen edition
>>>/w/124470Sugar Daddy's cat is judging your life choices edition
>>>/w/110858I have never been this happy!!! Edition
>>>/w/105252Jiraikei Onna & Corn Dildo Edition
>>>/w/101360Baby Beenos Edition
>>>/w/98843BDSM Queen Edition
>>>/w/95405Sex Worker Edition
>>>/w/87866Sugaring Edition
>>>/w/76241Desperate For Money Edition
>>>/w/62881Mental Illness Is Super Kawaii uwu
>>>/w/468652 years ago
>>>/w/305813 years ago
>>>/snow/286133Yellowface Edition
>>>/snow/254982The Kawaii Princessu
>>>/snow/205005Jirai-kei Japanophile edition
>>>/w/144045+Venus Angelic Summary:
>Venus Isabelle Palermo aka Venus Angelic is a washed up as-been famous Swiss Youtuber who gained popularity for her doll looks and weeby content back in the days. Her momager Margo created the Venus Angelic brand, dragged her around the globe evading taxes and stirring up drama among the living doll and makeup vlogger community. She married and cuckolded a Japanese fan named Manaki who doesn’t appear online anymore but she is presumably still married to him and living together. She has faded off into internet irrelevancy for the most part and tries to recapture some amount of attention by uploading random videos every other month and thotting on OnlyFans. +Recent note-worthy milk:
>Joined AA >Got beat up in the street by 3 men while drunk and on xanax>On an enormous amount of pills>Banned from a hotel chain for trying to commit suicide in their establishment>Passed out on stream while eating a hamburger >A self proclaimed ~witch~ +Links
instagram: instagram:“Momonga” (e-girl “business”) instagram: @dollyvenus
fanicon: (inactive)
main youtube: youtube: No. 159995
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Thanks, anon.
So what in the unholy hell is the deal with her hair? She’s back in the unwashed greasy-haired rut she gets into from time to time I guess.
No. 159996
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And despite being totally satisfied with her “high resolution 100% unfiltered” (yeah right) pics these days she pulls her hair down over her face constantly.
No. 160048
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A few more notables from the "confessions" stream:
-The second person she talked about is Taylor, according to the screenshot. She hates her because "she has everything I want." Basically a rich husband who provided everything for her so she could larp as a kawaii anime girl for years in Japan. Imagine all the time she was "friends" with Taylor, she secretly hated her and was jealous, but pretended not to hate her. That's who Venus really is. Venus is truly a scumbag and the same as Margo. She hasn't changed from when she was little and bullied other girls. She's got the same nasty genes as Margo. I think even if she was adopted and grew up with a different family, she'd be a scumbag. And her solution guys? To work harder. She worked HARD guys. This girl has never worked hard in her life. She's never even had a real job and her YT content is a joke. It's not hard work to stream, edit a shitty video or flash your tits or do a cosplay. She's an egocentric person who thinks she's all that but pretends she's humble and self-actualized.
-She called herself an enabler, which is interesting because recently Margo has been called an enabler here. She still lurks, steals what's said about her here and then applies it to herself, in order to victimize herself.
-She reads books in 1 day because she has "obsessions" and spends $700 a month on books LMFAO. Ever since an anon called her out a few threads ago as being vapid, she's insisted that she reads books A LOT. I remember shortly after that was posted, Venus posted a story about a poetry book she was supposedly reading kek. Seriously. She really wants to come across as smart; not being seen as intelligent must be one of her triggers, and no, she does not read $700 worth of books a month. She barely reads, this is obvious. I mean, manga doesn't count, Venus.
-She shit on a company she "worked" for. Obviously either the vtuber or Gaku Kitano. Of course they're all abusers that use and underpay our world-famous youtuber (eyeroll). And you guessed it, it's Margo's fault. Margo is the reason she sought out this company and they used her.
-She finds her current boyfriend annoying and she resents him (not sure if referring to Mana or some random guy). Of course this is Margo's fault for making her judgmental kek. She also called Mana her "husband" and not ex-husband, so if it's not Manaki, then she just admit to dating someone while on a marriage visa. In her Yandere stream a bit back, she said she had no boyfriend.
-She hates this guy who tries to make her his girlfriend (it seemed like she was talking about HIMR but I could be wrong) and gave him her contact info, but wants him to leave her alone. Then don't give him your info, but of course, this too is Marge's fault.
-Her notes on the left side mention "not paying back Taylor" and "not paying back David." David might be that scrote she gave a shoutout to.
-She did really bad tarot reading. She just went online and read what the ace of pentacles is supposed to represent to a guy who said he left his toxic family, then regurgitated verbatim. She literally just said he'll have financial opportunity which is part of what the card symbolizes, because she couldn't tie it into his family situation. She said some other bs but it was really bad.
This was not a confession stream. It was a pity me humble brag look how much of a victim and how self-actualized I pretend I am. She was looking for an ego boost and "yaaasss venus slay you're so brave" type of comments, along with views. That's why she did this stream. It was not to "help people" like she claimed.
And her fans are brain dead. Despite calling all their comments shit, they still praise her and ignore that she even said that. This girl gets praised for posting a very obviously edited photo, but without a filter. She literally gets called "brave" for that. Her fans are morons.
No. 160054
>She also says how she feels she has to take care of everyone because of Margo KEK
Just to elaborate on this, she basically said Margo was a nutjob to the point of not being able to function, so Venus had to "take care of her", but this is obviously bullshit. Margo might be mentally ill, but she can function. Margo was clearly the caretaker who did all the work, such as paper work when they travelled, went on vacation, managed the YT and interviews and finances, Margo paid the bills and called the bank and landlord and even put together the furniture, evidence of the latter on her old posts on IG. Venus was, at least physically and materialistically taken care of, spoiled even. Manaki also did all her paperwork in Japan, provided a free home, drove her places and took care of her, yet she has the nerve to claim she's an enabler who takes care of others and feels an obligation to do so. I can't tell if she's just a malicious liar (to which she admitted) or if she's also genuinely delusional, just like her mother.
She sounded a lot like a narcissistic. From my experience with narcs, they always go on long martyr rants about "how they sacrificed everything for everyone, how they try to please people, how everyone abused them" and this is literally what Venus did. She supposedly sacrificed for all her friends, gave them money and everything but they weren't appreciative. There was so much psychological projection and her brain dead fans gobbled it all up, even after she called their comments all shit and said she doesn't have mental illnesses for some reason.
No. 160064
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lol'd at this comment in her livestream
No. 160075
>>160067you're acting as if she was forced to do this and as if she somehow only found out later that taylor used her, when in reality these are two adult women who agreed to film some content together to benefit off each others fanbases (like millions other youtubers do too). and taylor wasn't exactly small/unknown back then either.
if this is reason enough to resent somebody…
it's obvious that there isn't a single person venus doesn't resent, she'll always find a "reason" to feel mistreated, she's simply completely antisocial.
No. 160131
>>160104also gifting her jewelry, flying to japan either to visit her at the hospital or to celebrate Benoos' birthdays together, taking her to fancy cafes…
Wonder what Taylor thinks about this,huh.
No. 160140
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Her teeth are turning brown again.
No. 160143
>>159697A lot of reaching here.
Venus needs to understand she needs actual help and new friends. I think she inadvertently blames her mom for a lot of things because that's what you do when you've been in a
toxic relationship with your mother since forever.
She also needs to realize doing porn is messing with her mental health even more. I think she was hypersexualized since very young and that's now what she thinks she is. That plus she's obviously attention hungry.
Overall, I think Venus isn't really dealing with her problems. She needs good people around her and better professional help, not drugs.
No. 160167
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I have no words.
No. 160191
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>>160167So she’s basically holed up in her little bedroom hoarding crap she buys on the internet (candles, incense, crystals, herbs, tarot card decks etc.) indulging herself in her latest whim, entertaining “boyfriends” online (probably OF pervs who pay extra for ‘special’ pics,’) zoning out in front of the computer and occasionally recording herself while she does so, feeding off the
love you Venus! comments. And that’s her being “the best version of myself that I can be” to quote yesterday’s 2 1/2 hour stream. Oh and she’s WORKING HARD too, you guys!
What tf is this, a Hello Kitty tarot deck? And why does she insist on drawing a clown mouth on her face exactly like Margo does? It’s creepy and gross.
No. 160195
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Does she think this cartoon Halloween witch’s hat is what real witches wear? Is she that retarded? Or is that the ‘dry humor’ she claims to have?
No. 160198
>>160102She didn't say Taylor specifically though, she said person x for most of the people, but she did clearly show journal so we can see it says Taylor and is the second person on her list. I'm sure she shit on other people too. For instance, she said she paid for dinner for some unknown girl just so she could "buy" her love and it didn't work and now she hates her. Then she went on a rant about how she's a giver and enabler and gives all her money to people, which is just a blatant lie. Guess she doesn't like being called a leech. We all know Venus is selfish and Venus puts herself first.
>>160102Venus has always looked down on "ugly" people and fat people, so it's probably legitimate, but maybe she's just doing it for content and views. The way she titled her stream and the thumbnail felt very Onision attention/view seeking to me.
No. 160217
>>160212What I can make out of the right hand page -
Being hated by ???
People thinking I’m weird
Being unproductive
Having another mental breakdown
Dying painfully
Getting very ill
Wasting time, not ??? being productive
My future
Talking to people
Being left alone
Being left out
Not paying back David
Not paying back Taylor
No. 160219
>>160167I can blame my crazy on the moon yay!
Just when you think she can’t get any worse if I can’t drink I might as well get high on xans.. not sure that’s how sobriety works Venus
No. 160228
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No. 160281
>>160080Surprisingly, when she asked viewers if they were looking forward to that, it seemed like no one was enthusiastic about it at all. Maybe she was offended by that?
>>160108NTA but Venus did admit on an old stream that she uses too much hair oil to smooth out her hair in the summer so I wouldn’t doubt this is what is going on now.
>>160110I was truly hoping this willingness to confess her bad traits would also help her realize that she has become a clone of the very person she hates. Not just similar, but exactly the same. She blames her mom for instilling
toxic viewpoints about other people, but then attempts to justify everything she does and paint herself as a
victim just like her mom. We can take any event in Margaret’s timeline, or any accusation she has made, and apply it to Venus. We could play a game of “Who said it?” and either woman would be the correct answer.
No. 160283
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>>160281>> she uses too much hair oil to smooth out her hair No, this is not “using too much hair oil,” it’s her not being able to keep up with the most basic hygiene—she stays greasy, dirty and unwashed for days at a time. This is nothing new either, she’s been posting pics and videos of her dirty oily self for years now.
Look at her grimy raggedy-ass fingernails in her most recent stream for fucks sake. She’s a slovenly mess. Why she continues to post shit like this is beyond me. It’s like she has brain damage from years of binge drinking or something.
No. 160286
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>>160281>>160283Like this, for one example. There are countless others of her looking like she’s slept in the same clothes for days without showering or bathing (you’d know this if you’ve followed her for any length of time.)
No. 160346
I think when she walks off eating streams for a bit, it's to throw up whatever she ate. I also think her mixing medications with alcohol might accidentally lead to an early death-or maybe intentionally, it's clear to see that she goes very up and down about being alive. I don't believe at all that it's just all for attention. Maybe sometimes sure, but sometimes she means it too. I wish Manaki would come out and say something-anything. Their situation is so confusing. Another confusing thing is how she was so into sex for periods in her life. I would guess when she first met Manaki to anger her mother, when she was escorting, and then again for onlyfans although the onlyfans could have been 100% forced which would explain why it was all so bad.
>>160048I wonder often if maybe when she was escorting if something terrible happened, like catching an STD, getting pregnant and having to abort it, or being tricked and assaulted. For a moment she was on a happy high hinting and almost even bragging about escorting or having a sugar daddy like crazy. Then it was quiet, followed by a severe spiral, followed by the slow crawl back to Manaki's place (if she ever left anyway). I wonder what caused that. Maybe it was just one sugar daddy and he dumped her and that's why she feels so much resentment toward Taylor since for Taylor it all worked great.
No. 160354
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>>160346She's like Margo in regards to suicide. Never forget she said this.
>Maybe it was just one sugar daddy and he dumped her And never forget the kid and his sexual assault which she exploited and showed no remorse for, or the fact that she knowingly dated an alleged pedophile, so she could virtue signal and bolster herself. Or letting her audience think Manaki is a massive abuser, or that her manager punched her. But yeah, keep on feeling sorry for her. I'm sure everyone abooses poor venoos, left and right, everywhere she goes. Aboose everywhere.
No. 160360
>>160097Yeah, no wonder Venus didn't go to her birthday party. She didn't give a crap about her.
And even if Taylor was "using Venus for views" she tried to keep contact with her when she moved, and the fact that she gave her money too it doesn't really scream "leech" to me, more like the opposite.
I'm surprised that she feels like admitting to be this shit as a friend/gf/wife/everything and still play the
victim card because it's all margo's fault.
Does anybody remember when the aunt was trying to support Venus? She even bought her ugly merch but Venus just ignored her.
>>160195At this point is pretty clear that she is a complete retard
No. 160371
>>160360Hmm Taylor giving Venus money… I remember when so many people said she became so lonely she had to buy friends, like that assistant lol. I wonder why she gave Venus money. In any case, Venus is incapable of having friendships and Taylor somehow missed all the clues in advance.
The witch cosplay shit is just fashion to her, she literally called it fashion when she put that poll on her story of “what do you like more, jirai kei or witchy fashion” or something like that.
No. 160388
I can't help thinking that Venus really shouldn't be giving tarot readings like this to vulnerable people online. That third card in the reading she gave to some poor guy who had got out of an abusive relationship, was not a good card, and she must of known this, but she tried to play it down and said something different, probably out of kindness at not wanting to unduly worry him, but I think it's a bit dodgy giving readings like this to people who may be in a vulnerable state and I don't remember him actually asking her to give him a tarot reading or to actually do anything, but she lit a candle and made a big deal of it, which was nice, but I think she should not have done the tarot reading.
Also, at the end of the stream about telling people's futures, she said she had to stop because it was mentally exhausting so it maybe is not helping her to do this. also it could make people feel guilty for tiring her and making her feel worse too. And of course there are going to be people who say she turned it round onto herself at the end to make herself a victim and to make people feel guilty deliberately but I don't think so, it's just that she's isolated and focusing self inwardly because she spends so much time alone, it's not bad to spend time alone if you're a true introvert and can cope with your own company, but if too isolated, not good, she needs to just get out a bit sometimes too, though it was good to see her looking more like herself but she needs to learn to put herself first and not care so much about pleasing others because that is what she seemed to be doing in her latest streams. And she admitted to being a people pleaser, but it's time to please herself now.
No. 160410
>>160048 I wonder why she held it up to show people? She must've known that people would be able to see what it said.
Also, if it's meant to be her own private journal, presumably for no one's eyes except her own, then I wonder why she writes in it in English and not in her own language? German? Whatever, English is not her first language, and I know she's fluent in it, but wouldn't she write in the language she thinks in, which would be her first language, not her second, surely?
No. 160429
>>160388>> about telling people's futures, she said she had to stop because it was mentally exhaustingLying is mentally exhausting for her? News to me. Besides, nobody can tell the future. All these tarot fortune telling things are a con, aimed at vulnerable people like that guy. Her stream chats are full of people like him who will believe anything, so it won’t surprise me at all if she starts charging for these readings.
>>160410I thought the same thing. She writes in English as poorly as she speaks it. Why write a your personal journal in a language you’re not even comfortable in, and then show it on screen? Unless, of course, you want as many people to see it and read it as possible…
No. 160461
>>160440As someone who knows 3 languages, I sometimes dream in English and even type for myself in English even tho its not my native language. So, its possible, especially if she uses English daily.
Maybe she's comfortable with it as much as her native language.
No. 160462
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Dumb pic from her Twitter. She also posted teasers for a gamer girl set. It’s predictable and not worth posting.
No. 160491
>>160462Her hair is horrible in this picture. She retweets a lot of other cosplayers/OF girls, and next to them, her pictures make her look like an aging wine aunt fooling around in someone’s basement. She hardly gets any engagement on her posts, she buys the cheapest costumes, she doesn’t do makeup or pose properly, or even brush her hair for her photos.
Please just give it up, Venus. It’s embarrassing.
No. 160510
>>160440I speak swiss German and from what I've heard, her German isn't the best. I would be surprised if she could, say, read a medical textbook or write a professional resume in German. Her German has likely gotten worse, although she did once say she thinks in German, so who knows. Her written English is pretty good, at least vocabulary wise. Spoken, not the greatest. She also said Manaki did all her Japanese paper work, which means her Japanese is probably not that strong either, aside from conversational stuff, so not surprised she wrote it in English. Plus, it's for her audience. She had already prepared this stream in advance.
>>160388> And she admitted to being a people pleaser, but it's time to please herself now.Lol please. She has been doing this from the start.
No. 160576
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She keeps tottering and wobbling around the room looking for something, in her bare feet.
No. 160579
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She has subtitles turned on for some reason which is hilarious because the algorithm can’t understand anything she’s slurring.
No. 160584
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“Spell casting” with a glue gun. So witchy!
No. 160591
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I like how this person is telling this to Venus as if she's going to care. If it fits the aesthetic, she's going to use white sage. She does not give a shit about the planet. It's funny how this poor soul seems to think otherwise.
No. 160604
>>160569It’s autistic arts and crafts time! I can see this whole thing derailing whatever progress she made - she’s going to slowly quit her therapy and meds in favour of making jars of melted wax and twigs and praying to low-res pictures she printed off the internet.
She already admitted on her witchcraft insta that she the “new moon crazies” were another mental breakdown, and that praying to Hekate “made her feel better”.
This shit is dangerous for people with poor mental health.
No. 160659
I wonder why Venus resents Taylor for "having everything I want"? Like what? I tried to watch a few of Taylor's videos back in the day, but there was nothing about her that made me want to watch her and I had no interest in her at all. Her looks don't appeal in any way, she's just nondescript, Venus is way better looking, but I know that's just a personal viewpoint, but honestly can't see why Venus, or anyone, would resent Taylor for that reason of envy, resent her for being annoying and irritating maybe, same with Mikan, though I find her more tolerable and her content a little more interesting than taylor's, but again, a personal view.
No. 160673
>>160659Because Penus (and Margo, too) expected Manaki to be some company owner or a rich heir living off their parents' wealth or whatever as long as he could fund the luxury lifestyle both snakes always thirsted for, without asking nothing in return.
But instead, her Prince Visa Charming turned out to be some awkward weeb factory worker doing night shifts, living in an apartment provided by his company and whose family lives in rural Japan. No wonder why she resents Taylor's lifestyle: rich husband who can afford more than trips to mcdonald's and toys'r'us.
No. 160690
>>160655>> She's still a very beautiful girl Lol. Only in your dreams and the (highly edited) pics she posts.She was cute when she was younger, never remotely close to “beautiful,” and is aging rapidly and badly thanks to her shitty genes and even shittier lifestyle. And she looks more like her mother the older she gets. Unless you consider Margo “
beautiful” also.
And “a BIT disheveled”? How about looking like a homeless hobo who hasn’t had a shower or even combed her hair in days? Anyone else looking like that would be skewered and rightly so but stans like you continue to make excuses for their precious princess. It’s sad.
No. 160700
>>160659Taylor never has to worry about where her next meal is coming from. She can eat luxury meals while Venus can only afford konbini food and that sad omurice she made. Taylor’s man can take her on luxury trips and they live in pretty big homes. Venus was shifting around from love hotel, to manga cafe, various men she met and then back to Manaeki. Need I go on?
Venus wants to do nothing, but look cute. She thinks she’s above a normal job and thinks she should be handed everything and looks down on others she thinks are beneath her when really she’s beneath everyone else. That’s why she resents someone like Taylor who has things handed to her, but really she worked for it. Hate her or not, Taylor worked and earned a paycheck. Venus wants the same paycheck without having to do anything.
I mean Venus could have had everything Taylor had if she just married Mr. Yan, but she was more concerned about looks.
No. 160706
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>>160700Are you advocating that a 16 year old should’ve married this creepy ass man who was well into his 40s at the time he was looking for a child bride for his contest?
I’m pretty sure it wasn’t his “looks”.
No. 160709
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>>160707Mr. Yan requested that Venus came by herself (which her mom had no problems prostituting her out) and no doubt tried his hand at wooing her. Manaki is a pos but to even suggest that Venus should’ve settled for this freak is disgusting.
No. 160738
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>>160655>>160659i just know that someone who wrote this looks something like this.
>>160737he is too autistic to understand anon. He (and the other wk scrotes) are here to fap to the occasional onlyfans leaks that get posted here and sperg from time to time about pwecious Penus.
No. 160741
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>>160738Or the joke sucked. Only someone deranged would find a creepy ass man trying to marry a 16 year old funny.
No. 160756
>>160741Well if Venus wanted that life, then she should have found some rich old Japanese businessman. It's as simple as that. She probably married Manaki to get to Nipponland asap in the hopes of then latching on to some other richer Japanese national, but that has of yet not worked out. She seems to have had some sugar daddies though, that even gifted her a LV scarf she showed off.
>>160690>And “a BIT disheveled”? How about looking like a homeless hobo who hasn’t had a shower or even combed her hair in days? Anyone else looking like that would be skewered and rightly so but stans like you continue to make excuses for their precious princess. It’s sad.Exactly. And it's interesting how she's "too depressed" to wash her nails or hair, but not too depressed to put on cute outfits, do her makeup, decorate her room and make it "aesthetic", put in lenses and under eye tape or set up her camera and start streaming. But just showering and cleaning nails is too hard. Venus has always been kinda dirty, depression or not.
No. 160800
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>>160659Venus is way more annoying than Taylor and more annoying than Mikan in regards to weebness/cringe, whereas Mikan is more annoying for her contant outright bitchiness. And Taylor is definitely better looking featurewise and healthwise than Venus, although she did go overboard with cheek fillers now and looks like an inflated balloon now. Your constant rehashing about how you think Venus is the prettiest thing ever makes you sound like a fucking scrote.
No. 160801
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>>160787She has yet another deck of mystical magical cards. No readings, just a lot of rambling, stuff you’d find in a google search which is about the level she displays here. Keeps pronouncing ‘Pisces’ as “piss cuss.” Looking dirty and grimey as usual (why are her teeth
brown?) She’s just so odious to me now.
No. 160806
>>160801This is so boring. Please just be done with this phase already…
And she’s wearing the same dress she wore in the last stream, gross. The difference between her face in the screenshot and the thumbnail is insane, I don’t get how anyone thinks she is pretty anymore.
No. 160811
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>>160222I'm more and more convinced that her fanbase negatively impacted her life even more than Margo. I mean sure crazy mom & cie but had she grown up without her enabling fans she wouldn't become as shit. Meanwhile if she grew up with a functioning family but with the same fans the result probably wouldn't be that different.
No. 160845
>>160800Why cant people get the fact that appreciation, or not, of a person's looks is purely subjective. You say black, someone else says white, you say cold, someone else says hot. Whether anyone prefers one look over another is down to personal point of view, nothing else.
And in the example you showed here, I definitely prefer how Venus looks, but the difference between me and you is that I am stating just my own personal opinion, not putting something out there as
actual fact. Constantly stating your own personal opinion about someone's looks as though that opinion is actual, definite
fact instead of just an opinion makes you seem retarded.
No. 160853
>>160811Margaret indulged her and most likely encouraged her in her interests, maybe because she thought they could both benefit from it financially.
But then again, suppose she had discouraged her and tried to stop her from pursuing her interests? Venus could say she had been a bad mother for stopping her from doing what she wanted to do. She's still saying she was a bad mother but she'd have even more reason to say it if Marge had never allowed her to do what she wanted.
No. 160880
>>160778>> what happened between mikan and venus?Venus went to stay with Mikan for a few days a couple of years ago. Mikan posted something about ‘getting home from work every day and Venus was just playing her little videogames all the time’ and never wanted to do anything. This was around the time they stopped being “friends.” Later when Venus posted one of her suicide baiting instagrams Mikan posted ‘please stop demanding me to help Venus, I have problems of my own and you’re stressing me out even more’ and something about Venus not trying to help herself.
In other words, Venus is an emotional vampire and exhausting, and spends all day every day zoned out in front of a computer screen. And now Manaki is stuck with all that, the poor cuck.
No. 160892
>>160880Venus has seemed a lot better in her last few streams, but admittedly I haven't sat through all of it as not that interested in her witch phase, but I suppose if she's talking about something she's really interested in, with encouragement from her fans, then she would be. Maybe in a while, she'll be posting a video about when she used to be a witch.
As for Manaki, no one even knows if he's there, there seems no sign of him being there, or no sound of him either.
Is his place out in the country? Is that what she means by her house in the country?
No. 160900
>>160892huh? you don’t have to sit through all of her livestreams to know she is doing terribly. i mean she passed out during one last week ffs and on top of that she also looks sickly (that isn’t even me being catty, she legit looks ill). idk if ive ever seen her so bad before.
also i don’t give a fuck about manaki and have little sympathy for him but I think if she is in that apartment that is more than enough proof that he is there as well. venus has no social capital in japan and cannot legally rent her own apartment, which means she has to attach herself to a host (like a parasite) in order to have a place. i doubt manaki could afford to rent another place with his factory worker salary.
No. 160906
>>160845nta but taylor is objectify way more attractive here. Her skin looks healthier, her hair looks healthier, her teeth look cleaner, and even her eyes don't look dead. This isn't about 'fashion' or 'style'. I think taylor's fashion style is really boring and basic, venus's style is more what I like but regardless you can't deny taylor looks better here because she looks healthy.
Unless you think looking unhealthy and sick is pretty, in which case lol.
No. 160921
>>160892>> Is his place out in the country? Is that what she means by her house in the country?Are you brain dead, anon?
1) Manaki’s apartment (where Venus is currently holed up) is in Yokohama, not “the countryside.”
2) There is no “house in the countryside.” That’s another one of Venus’s lies (like that ‘Company’ she formed when she was LARPing about being a boss business lady. And the girls’ bar she was going to buy with all that $$ she had rolling in, remember that one?) And so many others.
You’re embarrassing yourself being so gullible that you believe this shit.
No. 160984
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She’s going live at 11:30
No. 160989
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>>160984So this ‘cheese hattogu’ is a fried cheese corndog or some shit, apparently. This is gonna be gross.
No. 160994
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Watching our crusty granny on TV screen is a surreal experience. This time it doesn't look like she slept with makeup on for two days though.
No. 161010
>>161004Venus definitely embellished her "abuse." I do believe she felt guilty/inadequate, but I don't believe she was forced to pump out videos, forced to do YT (hey look she's still doing YT! You'd think she'd have ptsd from the trauma of being forced and stop), sexualized against her will (Venus herself said she wanted to be sexy), beaten and battered, was the primary caregiver (lol), isolated (Venus even left during the day without Margo knowing meaning Margo didn't keep tabs on her all day everyday and Margo has photos of Venus with friends/family and school mates), or "pimped out." Margo was literally against the marriage with Manaki, but Venus lied in her Manaki video and claimed she was forced. If Margo lets Venus marry Mana, she's pimping her out, if she's against it, she's controlling. But what mother would let their teen daughter go to a foreign country ALONE with a man she barely knew, and could barely talk to given her Japanese was terrible whom she was only marrying for a visa anyway. As an overbearing parent, of course Margo wouldn't allow that, and it's not even unreasonable, but a good thing she was against it. But Venus, of course, will omit the visa fraud or cheating on Manaki, anything that makes her look bad, so why should I trust her highly one-sided narrative of her life when she's been caught lying and contradicting things?
Margo is a bitch, confrontational, probably invalidated Venus and was definitely overbearing (which we witnessed) which can stunt kids, but Venus definitely makes her out worse than she was, and outright lies, like in her Manaki video. Venus paints everyone she doesn't like as the worst abuser, same as Margo. They become one-dimensional characters in her deluded narrative. Manaki, her boyfriend sugar daddies and managers are all abusers. She even lets people think her manager hits her. I am not defending Margo per say, as I don't think she's a good person, I'm just calling out Venus' BS and out right lies/contradictions.
No. 161011
>>161010If Margo let's Venus go to Mr. Yan, she's "pimping her out." If she doesn't, Venus would claim she's being isolated and kept from opportunities. Venus can spin anything she wants into abuse, like the adhd shit. It's not like Margo totally ignored things or she wouldn't have said Venus had aspergers. I also recall Margo doing good things for Venus. Like sweetly/calmly defending her in that interview where Venus got called horrifying, I remember Margo buying her everything she wanted, lying about all her issues and defending her from the public, wanting her to go to Uni in Korea, quitting her job to help Venus grow her YT so she could go to Japan and live her dream of larping as an anime girl (irresponsible and enabling, but I truly think Margo meant well). When people say she solely wanted money for herself, that's just painting a one-sided narrative. That was probably a factor, but I do think she wanted Venus to be happy living her dream life as well, at least while they were on good terms.
So no, I don't buy everything Venus says, especially when it's riddled in contradiction, without proof and she says the same shit about anyone she doesn't like. Most of the worst shit with Margo "for the whole internet to see" happened after Venus left and took the channel, like the incessant shit-talking or Margo coming to their apartment, not before. But Venus is the one who put out the running away video which
triggered Margo to make a defence video and then the incessant shit-talking began. Venus could have just left and simply said her mother and her are on bad terms and left it at that, instead of uploading videos on it. Maybe Margo would have shit-talked a little less if she wasn't getting incessant hate messages from Venus stans, but who knows. Margo enabled the shit out of Venus and was too overbearing, that is evident. The rest is a matter of interpretation and both women speak of each other in the most one-dimensional way, to make themselves each look like the ultra
victim, so no, I don't trust Venus, especially when she said she likes to make up abuse to worry people. That does in NO way mean Margo is good, just that Venus played up her alleged abuse.
No. 161014
>>161012I am calm, anon. And I was in no way saying Venus didn't have shit to deal with nor am I saying Margo was some flawless parent. For instance, Margo allowed Venus to dance on nico nico or post the "wow they're huge" thumbnail. That's why I said she's an enabler. If it's true that Venus dreamed of being sexy as a teen as she claimed, Margo enabled that so they could earn money, and that's wrong. Margo has done plenty of wrong or irresponsible things, such as even allowing Venus to do YT before she was 18. And yes, I believe Margo on that because her story was always consistent and she said that even back when the internet loved her and thought she was a "cool" mom, so she'd have less incentive to lie about it.
My point is that Venus paints Margo as some one-dimensional demon who only ever wanted to torment her and all of Venus' actions (including resenting ugly people as an adult) are Margo's fault. It's fucking ridiculous. I had a narc parent and understand the emotional shit they put you through, but I'm also capable of seeing my narc parent as a person with their own struggles. Not everything they did was out of pure malicious intent. Some of it was just out of ignorance or what they genuinely thought was good. And I'm also capable of recognizing all the good stuff they had done for me, and old enough not to blame all my own faults on them. But Venus, no. Margo is just a one-dimensional malicious demon who only had her to torment her and everyone should feel sorry for Venus. Manaki and her managers are also the same, very one-dimensional. She's never gonna get better with her attitude. She IS Margo now.
No. 161043
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No. 161044
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No. 161049
>>161002Have you just come from the Margo thread? Look, Venus
is seeing a therapist and takes meds for her mental problems, and if she wanted to get an "education" then she would, and how would that benefit her anyway exactly? It depends on what she would want to do with that education.
No. 161051
>>161004Venus is not stupid, she knows what she's doing and she plays people. She hardly stopped talking about her mother in her 'confession' video recently, she knows people will now go after Margo again with greater intensity after hearing that.
I remember Sora the troll being very impressed with her after the videos they did together and saying very admiringly that she is more of a troll than he is and he also said she understands Japanese perfectly well, which makes it seem a little odd that as she lives in Japan and would be speaking Japanese more than any other language that she would write her
private journals in English, a language she'd have no reason to speak much unless on Youtube, where most of her fans are English speaking, so it almost looks like she always intended her journal to be seen publicly anyway. She knows what she's doing is all I'm saying, she's not as stupid as some people like to make her out to be.
No. 161053
>>161043>>161044What in the absolute fuck.
…I don’t know why I’m surprised by this, after everything.
No. 161071
>>161057>>161059I would say an obvious self-post, anon, but who knows… I skipped through the live, she is not "charming" at all, she looks like a grandma - makeup, clothes, voice and all. Also, she is not "graceful" either, her hands are shaking, not gonna speculate on why. With the background music she chose, it's a total snooze fest.
No. 161089
>>161071Exactly what I was thinking, she has zero energy and therefore, obviously, unable to deliver any. Dry and boring as shit; the usual miserable circus.
V, we know you're not sophisticated at all but at least play some fucking music, you sloppy slug!
No. 161093
>>161043>>161044So are y’all just gonna ignore Mikan spilling all the tea on sweet little Wenus (such a
lovely girl!) I totally believe every word of it btw.
No. 161096
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More Mikan tea
No. 161122
>>161118In the first post Mikan said that Venus said “because my sugar daddy is a sadist” and then an upside down smile emoji. But actually I think I was wrong on that, and the smile was actually from Mikan. My bad. (
>>161043 )
No. 161128
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>>161049>>161057We seem to have an influx of 12-year old fangelics lately who are brand new and just can’t understand why their princess would be disliked!
>>161043Mikan said this happened just before she started at that fashion school, so summer of 2019. The last post she liked on Venus’s instagram was 7/31/19. That would be after Manaki had kicked her out and started divorce proceedings, and Venus hooked up with that creepy Cambodian “manager” who was engineering her Big Comeback. Venus was drunk all the time, livestreaming drunk from a bare little room with her tiddys out. And Forming A Company (which never happened and was never mentioned again.) The ‘Venus Angelic, Desperate for Money’ era.
No. 161138
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>>161128Gaku Kitano, the party planner headquartered in Cambodia, lol. He organized that disastrous fan meetup where like 6 people showed up and a few bar events where she proceeded to get sloppy drunk embarrassing herself and everyone there. How she glommed on to that shady character is anybody’s guess.
No. 161163
>>161150Nobody is going to speak out until one big name weeb exposes venus and they all hop onboard with their stories. Right now, if anyone says anything, they get shot down because "weenoos is the
victim of her evil mother, how dare you say such a thing!1!"
Though idk, if taylor or Mikan did call her out by name, I feel like people would side with them given they have a way bigger following (V has almost 2m subs but lets be real, maybe 5% of them actually watch/follow her still.)
No. 161245
>>161057At least the music was consistent in this stream. And some of it is the exact same relaxing jazz music that HIMR uses in his Cooking With Daniel segments.
But did no one notice that in some of Venus's recent streams, the audio is really weird? In one, the music was only heard [and really bitty and scratchy at that] only when she spoke and when she wasn't speaking there was still audio in that you could still hear sounds, but the music only became apparent when she was speaking. Also in another recent stream where there was no music, every so often there were strange 'tinny' sounds which made me wonder if there was someone else there somewhere in the apartment, [maybe Manaki?], so I don't know what's going on with her audio set up, but at least it seemed more normal in this video. I like the relaxing jazz music she plays, I find it calming to listen to so don't see why some people have a problem with that, it's just down to personal taste, there would be little point in her having fast or raucous music in her streams as it would be very difficult to hear her and would not be at all relaxing to listen to.
Another thing was that in this stream, something seemed to occur when she was away because when she came back she seemed kind of scared, idk but that's how it seemed, like she was worried about something going on offscreen but she was trying not to show it.
I didn't see the actual live, only watched it after, and I don't know anything about how live streams work but how was it edited or how was she able to stop and start it again in the same stream? Is there a simple pause option when doing live streams?
No. 161259
>>161217Agreed. Too many people here just come across like bullies. Venus is vulnerable, whatever anyone thinks of her, and to want to see people harass and bully her is just cruel and unnecessary and says more about the people wanting that than it does about anything Venus has done or hasn't done.
I can find fault with her if needed and she can be exasperating with her level of low self esteem and seemingly self loathing which is so pointlessly destructive, but it's mainly herself that she is hurting by being so down on herself for no reason, like she thinks she's fat but is really skinny, her dysmorphia, it's so frustrating to see, but I can also praise her when praise is appropriate, but some people will just hate her no matter what.
And that's another thing that can make it so tedious here, anyone who mentions something slightly critical of Venus gets accused of "hating" her and at the same time, just slightly praise her or give her some credit for something or speak even slightly favorably towards her over anything and you get accused of being a scrote or a wk, it's just stupid and how can anyone have a reasonable and rational conversation when that level of nonsense is displayed?
No. 161261
>>161242>>161243Yes, and yes - they’re both horrible people in this situation.
>>161259Then don’t post or read here. Problem solved.
No. 161346
>>161340No, you guys aren’t the only one criticizing her but you are all the most unhinged with your vitriol. Venus is nosediving to a point of no return and all anyone can do here is laugh at her and continue to say “Venoos was
abusive!! Especially to Margo and Manaki-Senpai!!!!”
No. 161420
>>161418I’m interested in what June Lovejoy would have to say, though she’s not the type to spill tea. She was really pro-Venus for a while and then just…fell off the face of the earth. I think she doesn’t follow Venus’ ig account anymore.
Most of Venus’ ex friends have actual lives and have moved on, it seems.
No. 161422
>>161416Pretty much, that seems to be a thing in japanese porn too, actresses doing mundane stuff while an old geezer fucks them. Yuck.
No. 161426
>>161420Yes i am also interested about this.
I don't think that Venus is a
victim like she tries to show her fans.
I remember June tried to help Venus, and somehow even Venus succeeded pushing even her away. And June looks like a very nice person too.
No. 161438
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this is the whole stream…..basically talking slow and slurred as per usual. At one point humble bragging about how adhd is seen as a super power. It’s so hard to listen she keeps taking forever to finish a sentence. And everyone is just praising her.
No. 161496
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Venus was doing a mukbang and then went to get some rice. She paused the stream and came back looking really depressed and awkwardly said she was full and couldn't eat anymore.
She also said she'd never been high before
No. 161551
>>161245>something seemed to occur when she was away because when she came back she seemed kind of scared>>161496>came back looking really depressedShe’s barfing up everything she ate, anon. Other times, she is refilling “coffee”. Nobody is standing in the hall during every single stream, berating or hurting her. She is likely doing something that is weird and she doesn’t want her fans to see.
I got a tinfoil hat theory of my own: she’s holed up in that room all the time and looking paranoid because someone else, like a roommate or renter, also there. I can’t see Manaki, or Venus especially, paying all rent by themselves. (You still pay part of the rent in company owned apartments)
No. 161589
But what I don’t understand is that on one side she is an arrogant, spoiled, selfish piece of shit who thinks she is too good for a normal job and doesn’t give a shit about hurting other people when she wants something ….but at the same time she also hurts herself with her unhealthy lifestyle, drinking, that stupid surgery…and so forth.
Her manicured hands are too delicate to get dirty but at the same time she ruins her body and health?
It’s like having high self- esteem and low self- esteem at the same time?
I don’t get it.
No. 161590
>>161255Oh yeah, but Venus isn't the horrible one. Wks are so annoying. Mikan didn't even name her and her fanbase is not gonna even think it's Venus, given how YT and IG think she's faultless and innocent.
>>161259Just leave already, chin-chan.
No. 161593
>>161051She's pretty stupid anon. It doesn't take more than 1 brain cell to write something in English you deliberately want your English audience to see.
>>161055She already stated in 2019 that she thinks in German.
No. 161629
>>161330I don't follow Mikan or hardly ever read anything on her thread so when actually did she post this? Is it recent or was it like about two years ago?
It does make Mikan look bad, as it sounds like Venus was just trying to reach out to a friend for reassurance and advice and support but mikan was too selfish to give her that.
No. 161639
>>161635I mean maybe he demanded the money
back that he donated to encourage her to eat more, but when she didn't, maybe he just wanted the money back, but I doubt it's that, like I said, but just a thought.
No. 161641
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>>161044Why did you leave out the actual milk though?
No. 161676
>>161663Telling someone to kill themself for merely having a viewpoint you don't share and which seems to
trigger you for some reason, makes you look so completely deranged and retarded. What a sad person you are. Now go and take your own advice and do the world a favor.
No. 161680
>>161676> telling people to kill themselves for having a differing opinion is so pathetic wow you must have a sad life!> ends rant by telling person to kill themself.nta but this made me laugh
try not to get so worked up over a washed up neet guys lmao
No. 161691
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So unintentionally ironic, this NEET giving out advice and life tips like she sees herself as some kind of role model or aspirational figure. Such delusions as she sits in her cluttered little room all day, the same room where she sleeps on a mattress on the floor, taking naked pics of herself to post on OF, entertaining internet “boyfriends” and ordering junk food and posting sad little streams of herself eating it. 24 years old with no education, no job, no irl friends to hang out with and no plans or aspirations to get any of those things. Her only aspiration is to “make more videos!” and “post more cute pics on instagram!” and she doesn’t even manage to do that.
Who else do we know that sits in a cluttered room all day with delusions of grandeur about herself and her life? Oh yeah, that would be her mother.
No. 161694
>>161691Its ironic, when she was with her mother she was doing much better in every aspect in her life.
I'm starting to think living with her mother wasn't as bad as Venus tries to make it sound.
Venus is the type of person that needs to be led. She's like a sheep and she needs guidance. Her mother gave her that.
Now that she has all freedom in the world to do whatever she wants, she fails miserably. She doesn't have the mental capacity to be the manager of her own business. And Manaki obviously isn't the type of person who can help her with youtube. I also don't see him the "manager" type. There's a reason why he works in a factory.
And all the other "managers" she had (for a example her sugar daddy) were probably even more
toxic than her mother.
Unfortunately, some people don't know how to deal with freedom. Venus is one of those people. She needs to be told what to do, otherwise, she won't do anything by herself.
No. 161709
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Taking “shmexy” pics of herself in her lil bedroom.
No. 161710
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I guess she has a tripod set up in there, lol. Wonder how many she takes before picking out the ‘best’ ones.
No. 161719
>>161708Yep. Some people manage to swim when they are thrown into the water. In Venus's case, she drowns and blames everyone else besides herself. She is feeble minded, and weak in nature.
The hardest thing she did in her life was escaping her mother, and even in that case, she needed help from someone else.
No. 161783
>>161694lmao the fucks wrong with you
having an abuser control you is not "better" in any way, she wasn't even allowed to have friends under margos care. The fact that venus happens to be trash all on her own is partly due to that exact abuse you think wasn't so bad, it's not that she's "the type of person who needs to be led", she's just a mentally ill person with a traumatic
abusive past who now needs years of therapy to become ok again
before i get accused of being a wk, venus past is not an excuse and her clownery is her own doing, js it's in no way a surprise she turned out this way
No. 161794
>>161783Seriously, V is an entitled, miserable shitbag but a shitload of anons in this thread are just relativizing parental emotional abuse/neglect and mental illness (shit entitled fuckers do).
You can hAtE on V while still having some common sense. :^)
(: ^ )) No. 161804
>>161783Have you seen her latest live streams? She admitted herself that she thought she was better than everyone else, especially people uglier than her. Ofc she never had friends, with or without Marg's help.
Venus still could do whatever she wanted even if she was abused by her mother. She still was pampered and got everything she wanted.
No. 161879
>>161708Exactly. She left at 18. She had some of her most formative years (her late teens and early twenties) to live independently, to party it up, to make friends and go out and do anything she wanted. Instead, she chose to move to a country she's not a citizen and leech off Manaki, where she has to depend on him to rent a property, do her paperwork, taxes, pay bills, drive her places and all those adult things.
She could have went to Switzerland where she's a citizen, found a property, did a viewing, enter a contract with a landlord, make a resume, do an interview and get a part time job (at least 2 days) and do YT the other days, do all her paperwork and taxes herself, deal with the bank, pay bills and all that adult stuff. But yeah, no. Venus preferred to latch onto someone else (Manaki) who did all the "adulting", instead of doing it herself. That's on her. Not Margo. Some people live their entire twenties with their enabling parents (like Eugenia) and don't leave at 18. Venus is responsible for developing independent living skills and she CHOSE not to.
No. 161885
>>161626We don't have a problem with balance, we just have a problem with you, incessantly insisting how she's the prettiest and stanning her. If you wanna talk about how pretty and victimized she is, then why are you on a fucking gossip thread meant to expose people? Seriously, just leave this place and go to her social media and be like the rest of her fans.
No. 161886
>>161632She's not trying to "help" people. She's already admitted she doesn't give a shit about her fans multiple times. She makes money streaming and posting videos, did you forget that? It's easy content. She also wants to seem knowledgeable. Ever since an anon called her out as stupid, she's insisted she reads books and tries to seem knowledgeable. She literally said she spends 700 a month on books and reads a book a day lmfao. She's also said she's an intp (yeah right), but if she really is, it would explain why being called stupid really
triggers her.
No. 161910
>>161889are you actually autistic, what part of it is "embellishing"?
things we have a fucking record of:
- margo kept moving not only town but country, dragging along venus so she could never make friends
- venus stated she wasn't allowed to talk to others online and her mom did most of the early social media monitoring and posting in venus name (hence some of her very earliest drama)
- all of her public interactions were with fans/followers, no friends or mutuals to be seen on any platform
- until the "ran away from home" ordeal there were no casual photos or videos of venus with a friend ever published anywhere
- the few things published with someone else present were either:
1. stuff like manaki pre-marriage, awkward as fuck and it was clear to any non-autist that they weren’t actually close in any way
2. posted by margo, like when she took a photo of venus in bed with a korean guy claiming she was “cheating on manaki”
- after "running away" venus suddenly started making videos and posts with others doing “friend” things (actually mostly leeching off each other for views)
margo made a parody music video of her own daughter as revenge for her leaving her, then claimed venus was gonna kill manaki, then that it was manaki who was out to kill venus. margo is fucking insane - my only fucking point was that there is no wonder venus is the way she is
No. 162125
>>161879>>161882Exactly this and THANK YOU.
Venus is not some robot who had ‘x’ adolescent experiences programmed into her brain therefore was automatically
destined to become what she’s become, 5+ years later. She’s not the brightest bulb but she does have a functional brain and the ability to make her own choices. She has chosen to be an alcoholic leeching NEET and has no aspirations to be anything else. As long as she has a bed and an internet connection thanks to her doormat enabler she’s good. And that’s not “Margo’s fault.”
No. 162147
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>>162142Venus tried to have friends and Margo ruined it because she felt like either a.) Venus was too good for them or b.) she saw them as competition. In the past someone mentioned meeting Venus and wanting to talk to her but her narc of a mother appeared out of nowhere and took her away, a-la-Gypsy Rose.
If Margaret controlled her social media and every other aspect of her life, how exactly is she supposed to socialize and make real connections with people? Don’t be dense.
No. 162161
>>162147I agree with
>>162159. Mommy dearest didn't accompany her to school. Even if you have a fucked up home life and can't really have any friends over, you still spend half the day at school and there is absolutely nothing stopping you from at least being nice to your classmates. Again, she went to school normally until she was 14/15. Before her YouTube channel took off, Marge was also working full time. Didn't Venus even use that as one of her arguments when she was justifying becoming an e-thot? Her poor mommy had to work so many hours at a jewelry store and she didn't want to be exploited like that? I somehow doubt a single parent working full time and sometimes even overtime would still have time to shield their child from any human contact.
She claims she never had any friends period. If she was too arrogant to talk to the commoners in her class, that is entirely her own fault. Her life became a shitshow after the move to London, I think we can all agree on that, but Venus and her stans act like she's been locked up for her entire childhood and that's simply not true.
No. 162175
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>>162147venus not having friends was her own fault. maybe if she wasn't so judgemental of others she might have made friends
No. 162180
>>162175Well, that blog entry aged well.
…she can’t even get a job cleaning toilets now, lol.
No. 162196
>>161626If you don't love
everything about her, then you obv hate her, and if you don't hate
everything about her, then you must love her. That is the rule.
No. 162238
>>162189thanks captain obvious, except anon's point was that Beenos' lil pink room used to have actual furniture and other kawiwi crap in her older videos & pics. Now all she has is a sad matress and dollar store wire racks hangin on the wall
>>162180it would be amusingly ironic that all these
normie schoolmates she trash talked back in the day have everything she doesn't: normal lives, loving families and sucessful jobs
No. 162338
>>162294sage for old milk (just to refresh her wk's memory)
A few days before posting her famous "bye u ken" stories, she posted a picture of a kid with "COMING SOON" as caption. To me, it was a menace of trashing her SD online (or reveal what he did to this kid) if he broke up with her or if he didn't do whatever she wanted. Venus tends to bash people when things don't go her way, she proved it multiple times with Manaki.
Anyways if what she said about him is true and she left by herself, it wasn"t because he was a pedo. I suggest to search a bit for the screenshots in her old thread
No. 162432
>>162161Have you .. ever dealt with a narc mother? Lol. Your biased assumption seems to benefit your idea of Venus but taking a blogpost that we can’t confirm that Margo didn’t write herself doesn’t mean that Venus lived a normal life.
Her mom was in control of all of her social media growing up. I wouldn’t be surprised if Margo was larping Venus’ life most of the time. I can only play imagine how she might have poisoned Venus’ mind to make her rely solely on her for everything. On top of that, I wouldn’t be shocked if Marge would tell her everyone else is jealous of her and is pretending to be her friend, sowing those seeds of mistrust and making her paranoid of anyone that wasn’t her mom.
But these are all things I’m assuming based off seeing all of this playout over the years.
No. 162480
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>>162446she was fourteen. i think it's very believable that she wrote that. her writing style is quite distinctive
No. 162483
>>162196and if you point out margo was a bad influence on her you're a wk
imagine simping for fucking margo i can't
No. 162535
>>162446I can. It's textbook teenage behavior. Early adolescence is super awkward. Some of your classmates might be buying makeup, reading fashion magazines and chasing after boys while you're still playing with your dollies and freaking out about your body doing all kinds of weird shit all of a sudden.
Lots of kids, especially nerdy weaboos, have a hard time fitting in. They cope by convincing themselves that everybody else is stupid and they don't WANT to make friends anyways. The blog post seems really arrogant if you read it as an adult, but many adolescents feel like that at some point in their lives.
Admitting that you didn't have friends because you were an angsty teenage shithead requires some self-reflection though so let's just blame Mutti instead.
There is absolutely no proof that any of the crazy shit - Marge controlling Venus' accounts, ruining her friendships etc even happened before they moved to London and Marge became a full time momager.
Again, she went to normal schools alone for at least 8 years while her mother worked. If she was unable to make any friends, tough shit, but lots of teenagers go through that.
No. 162559
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>>162432Woah anon, we didn't know Margo was still in control of Beenos social media until last year…or were you too eager to wk this hoe you forgot to check your facts first?
No. 162561
>>162559First of all, we knew that Margo controlled her account eons ago. She has said it plenty of times and we did not “just find out” last year.
Second of all, tell me what 14 year old is writing about menopause in a blog? I’ll wait.
I can’t believe having more than half a brain cell is considered being a WK.
No. 162605
>>162535To me it reminds me of Margo’s writing style in that it loosely strings together a bunch of weird topics for no reasons. Bad marks —> boohoo Venus —> girls wanting to text about boyfriends + menopause —> scandalous pregnancy event + pub toilets
Why would someone write this? It’s a weird train of thought that’s a lot like Margo.
We can’t really know for sure, anyway.
No. 162615
>>162605Not really.
She's implying that the kid in her class is a dumb slut for doing teenager things like texting boys and sometimes not paying attention in class, so obviously she's going to end up being a teen mom working shit jobs to make ends meet.
The menopause thing may seem random and not make any sense, but may I remind you that this blog post is from the mid-2000s when "rawr purple dinosaur xD" was the height of comedy and all you really had to do to get views on YouTube was wear a Halloween costume and yell "I'm a banana" over and over again.
No. 162629
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>>162584Did I say it was something obscure? Normal teenage girls aren’t worried about menopause at age 14. It just seems to be the concern of a middle age woman like Margo.
No. 162646
>>162629Anon are you autistic, a scrote or you just don't have a sense of humor (or all of the above)? read again what
>>162615 said
>middle age woman like margoMargo was 30-something back then. Pretty sure that's not "middle aged" in any way (her looking haggard enough to be mistaken for a middle aged woman is a whole different matter, kek)
No. 162686
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Sorry anons if this is a dumb question but does anyone know wtf she means by this? I’m honestly confused.
No. 162688
>>162629She's saying the other girl is so premature that she's skipped adolescence and adulthood and is about to hit menopause. It's literally the next sentence in the blog post: "Why are girls nowadays so premature? Even if you're 13, you can still play with a Babiwawa. Or maybe try to look like a Babiwawa." Nobody in that household was concerned with menopause when this was written. It's a joke.
I don't understand why people stan Venus so hard that they can't accept she wrote a douchy blog post at the ripe old age of 14. Teenagers are dicks.
No. 162772
On the Japanese convenience store mukbang video she did recently, Venus said she was on medication for psychosis, but not which specific pyschosis, and also that she was on medication for bi polar disorder, but I don't recall her ever definitely saying she's bi polar, she just reaffirms having ADHD , it looks like she's getting labelled as having all sorts of 'disorders'. Wouldn't anyone who went to a doctor and described their, maybe quite normal variation and range of mood swings, end up being labelled as suffering from this or that disorder or other? It seems a shame she couldn't have found an alternative way of helping herself with her moods and mind problems. i.e. she said she can now think in "straight lines" instead of words being backwards in her mind, something like that, but that could be a symptom of extreme anxiety.
No. 162787
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Well well
No. 162788
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No. 162789
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No. 162790
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It's ok, she will feel even better
No. 162796
>>162793Shit is crazy. She's either doctor shopping or being treated by someone incredibly incompetent/indifferent.
She has a different diagnosis every month and takes a fuckton of pills: Antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, anti anxiety pills…
I don't know how you could be okay with taking all that medication when it doesn't even do anything to improve your quality of life.
No. 162801
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>>162787You forgot to post this one, taken and posted during her “breakdown.”
No. 162803
>>162801‘Hey guyz I’m having a super cute breakdown but don’t worry, I took cute pics of it! And I’m MUCH BETTER now! Oh and I have bipolar AND psychotic dissociations, not just ADHD! Now please tell me how worried you are about me and how brave I am.’
-Venus, inspiration for the mentally ill
No. 162815
>>162789Not to armchair but isnt this textbook borderline?
Poor sense of self, thus changing identities (Jirai, Witch, Whore, weaaboo), shopping sprees and impulsive behaviour, breakdowns, no friends
Venus please stop trying to be relevant with ADHD lol
No. 162825
>>162815“Black and white thinking” is also a core criterion she demonstrates or borderline. For example, she is unable to see Manaki as “a guy with flaws” - he is either “super cute greats husband” or “
abusive, just like my mom”.
No. 162826
>>162790I…she can’t even go to a pharmacy and get her own pills by herself?? She’s 24?!
And what does she mean by “highlighting substance abuse”? Maybe she’s talking about the can by her feet in the first screenshot, probably she gave in and bought alcohol from the conbini.
No. 162843
>>162796Anon don't be stupid. It's 100% possible
Also as someone with bpd, ADHD and bipolar that included psychosis I can empathize with Venus on this one- it's possible to have all of those and be heavily medicated for all of them at such a young age (thought I'd put that to rest now before everyone freaks out and has an armchair diagnosis session detailing the thread like always)
No. 162852
>>162831Like her mother, it sounds like she has a
toxic stew of mental illness diagnoses going on, in addition to substance/alcohol abuse. Marge has long displayed traits of bipolar, schizoid, narcissistic PD, paranoia, obsessions etc. etc. although she’s never admitted to any mental illnesses it’s clear she has many. Venus is unfortunately manifesting multiple mental illnesses and at a much earlier age than Marge. And she continues to treat them flippantly, like some kawaii SM movement (jiraikei, landmine girls or what the fuck ever.)
Not promising.
No. 162903
>>162880You're the second person who has experience with anti psychotics who commented on how its unfeasible that she's taking 3 anti psychotics a day in this thread.
She is lying. Its so dangerous to get more than 2 anti psychotics, so 3?!
No. 162922
>>162916Dude, one can't even breathe correctly or even stand up, let alone unlock a phone, open the camera app and take picture. IF she actually had a breakdown, she most likely took the picture after, but i can´t believe anything a compulsive liar like her says.
>>162921 I feel you anon. Been there, done that. She just likes to be treated as an uwu poor dolly
No. 162923
>>162914She's a shame for people with
real psychotic problems. Not only she romantize mental illness like she lives in some early teenager anime but she does discredit people suffering from it too.
I'm truly a hater of hers for this and I don't care what wk/scrote will say I'm not gonna change my mind. She's like Eugenia Cooney she hurts people with her shit.
No. 162927
>>162921 and I couldn’t agree more. For every person flaunting a disorder or a bad childhood on social media someone else just buries their problems deeper for fear of being perceived as another attention-seeking twit.
No. 162949
>>162948She said in a stream that she has to avoid going to the conbini or she is tempted to buy alcohol.
Above poster says that her so-called “mental breakdowns” have often coincided with binge-drinking.
Based on everything we’ve seen so far, it’s probably Strong Zero. I haven’t once seen her drink cola or any other canned drink that wasn’t alcohol.
No. 162954
>>162914You can have a "breakdown" while manic. Mixed episodes exist. I've personally had one - you feel amazing and horrible at the same time, leading to agitation and escalating regularly.
The understanding of mental health in this thread is such bs. I was on two antipsychotics and two mood stabilizers at the same time, it's not unlikely someone could be on 3. Can we move on from this topic?
No. 162984
>>162793>>162880>>162903Omg you people. If you people haven't been functioning on 3 antipsychotics, it doesnt mean no one can. I, myself, have been on multiple antipsychotics, mood stapilizers and also on benzos at the same time(it was because multiple shit doctors that didn't care at all), and i have been somewhat functioning young adult at that time.
But also, yeah if Venus has 3 antipsychotics, how you can even say that
>she couldnt even function? Well she isnt fully doing so. She has been passing out, doing stupid shit in streams and ig posts, trembling and looking ill/sick. So maybe, just maybe, she once tells the truth?
I'm trying not to blogpost, but i'm also telling about my past medications like couple of people are doing in this thread.
No. 162987
>>162986Except the fact that we're talking about antipsychotics, which are brutal no matter what. It's like saying taking arsenic would kill you but not your neighbour if both of you'd take it.
With that dosage, Peenus would not even be able to take a simple picture.
And crazy bitch yourself.
No. 162988
>>162824She also said on one of her streams recently that she knows nothing about the drugs she takes, she just takes them. I found that admission (if true) sort of horrifying.
Please, Venus, value your damn self enough to do proper research about anything you're going to put into your body, whether it be medication, food, drink, or butt plugs. Don't want any nasty reactions from anything if it can be avoided. Better to be safe than sorry!
No. 162991
>>162825LOL. Is that borderline criteria also apply to many fans of Venus and quite a few of the anons who post here? If you don't hate Venus, you actually love her and are a wk, if you don't luurvve her then you must hate her.
What is it with people who practice black&white thinking? Are they all borderline? Most, reasonable, and rational people know that life is never just black and white but all various shades in between and can change like the weather according to many different factors. It must be so exhausting to be around someone who thinks that way, I quite feel sorry for Manaki. If he's still around.
No. 162998
>>162927Buries their problems deeper. True. Exactly what i do, afraid to talk about anything and when i've tried , haven't been taken seriously, so then I bury it even deeper. I've beleived Venus so many times. because that is how stupid and naive I am, and like to believe in people, but it's hard to take her seriously at times, and a real mental breakdown is not something she would want to record or would even feel like recording if she was having one.
I hope she never truly experiences a real one, for her sake. I wouldn't want her to go through that.
No. 163003
>>162942To be fair, I don't get why people constantly blame her, her fans are responsible for how they feel. Half the time they
want to see her as some tragic heroine princess figure who 'needs' to be saved, and no doubt see themselves as one who can 'save' her. It fits with their idea of her. And how they want to see her, maybe because some of them have only recently seen some of those daft videos people have put up about her to get views for themselves about her being 'forced' to be a living doll. They want to keep her as that, their dolly princess who needs saving, in their minds. -look at how most of them were reluctant for her to talk about her sex diaries when she obviously wanted to, because that wouldn't fit with their illusions about her that they've built up in their minds.
I notice that on her Instagram page she has written "Life as Venus. Not your doll." So it looks like she's fed up with being labelled so and wants to get away from it, and she has been trying to for years, which is why she started the Malice character.
No. 163005
>>162955She said in a recent stream that she'd lost her meds. But not long before that, in a room tour or a video about bags, i can't recall
which, she showed a large pink bag she keeps them all in so she can't lose them.
Theres so many inconsistencies in everything she says.
No. 163007
>>162987Aah, idk, I once heard about a man who owned a coffee shop in London and had Turkish coffee with strychnine in it on a daily basis, and had developed such immunity, or resistance, or tolerance, not sure what word, to it, that he could drink a cup of strychnine with no ill effects. This was told to me by a reliable person, professor in something or other, so I believed what he told me, that he had actually witnessed the man drinking it, and that he always put it in his coffee which was apparently not that unusual at that time, whereas anyone else just having a tiny amount, would be lethal.
I couldn't find anything about it online, just the following article. No. 163008
File: 1626878387205.jpeg (480.86 KB, 1087x1903, 588F1124-9CC5-488D-91B2-3F65EC…)

>>162997>>I think Venus uses terms like #mental breakdown' flippantly.Exactly. This whole #jiraikei #landminegirl thing she keeps hashtagging and LARPing is a Japanese style trend that includes “mental breakdowns.”
“Jirai Kei is a new emerging fashion style in Japan, created recently in 2020. The style features mainstream fashion trends, but with a small, slightly rebellious, but still cute, twist. It is similar to, and pulls heavily from, previously existing Dark Girly fashion.”
“ Jirai Kei (地雷系/じらいけい) translates to "landmine-type" and is derived from "jirai onna" which is a degoratory term that refers to a type of a woman that has a high tendency to have violent emotional breakdowns.” the cool girls are “having breakdowns” and “abusing substances.”
No. 163012
>>163008I think Venus is not an ugly girl (rather average imho) but all those kawaii/dark/whatever fashion trends do not suit her anymore. Maybe that's because her face has two big wrinkles around her mouth and it makes her look much older.
She would actually look better if she acted like a healthy adult woman and not adopting fake personas.
No. 163016
>>163008Japanese fashion trend, exactly, but still her pathetic (mainly western) fans obsess and worry over their princess constantly, because they just don't get (or don't
want to get because it doesnt fit with their image in their heads of her as an eternal
victim that they must 'save') that it is just a trend that she is currently into.
No. 163018
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No. 163036
>>163021>> The fact that it’s an existing trend doesn’t make the behavior any less shitty That’s my point, the fact that she’s trivializing whatever mental illness(es) she may have, or maybe even exaggerating her symptoms trying to be hip and cool by hashtagging and LARPing a fashion trend makes her behavior even
more shitty, not less.
No. 163044
>>163023>>163032Can this armchair doctoring stop? Ofc it can be 3 different medications. Haven't you people really heard of people taking any different doses than those?
This is getting ridiculous.
About Venus, has anyone seen her mention any of her pets anywhere? Or seen those cats that has been seen in other streams or videos? It's just weird that somethings show up once or twice and then she just drops it and it's never hear again. I understand it's the normal Venus, but can't she just stick something by now?
No. 163111
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>>163044>>163045>>163083Poor cat. Marge used to do this all the time too, grab an unsuspecting cat or dog to pose with. The poor animals always looked like they wanted to run away.
No. 163180
>>162787I wonder if this latest “mental breakdown” was in actuality ‘falling off the wagon’ i.e. yet another alcohol binge.
And lucky Manaki, dealing with this nutcase back in his apartment and his life. Oh well, he took her back so any sympathy I might have had for him is out the window, gone.
No. 163230
>>163044She was getting really pissed off in the "wrong thumbnail" stream because people were playing doctors in the live chat, (can't say I blame her as it is really annoying) she was playing Animal Crossing and said she was collecting grass because she was angry about the comments.
The Benjamin mod apparently asked her about her sexual orientation and she said she had no trouble answering that and said that she used to think she was bi sexual, but that she now knows she isn't, she said she's pansexual. Not sure how long it will be before she changes that, sounds like she's still 'finding' herself.
She doesn't have any of her own pets, though she did pass off one of the cats as her own, there was also a small dog in one of her streams about the same time as the cat was appearing, though she made no reference to it being there and totally ignored it the whole time it was there, and I seem to recall she only acknowledged its presence by complaining about the fact it gave a little few barks at one point in her video when she was talking and it annoyed her. I really hope she never gets any pets as she is not the right sort of person to look after them. Quite often she'll get comments from people asking if she's going to get any pets, like they want her to, and I wish they'd stop asking, seems like silly kids who give no real thought to anything or people who have no concern about animal welfare.
No. 163235
>>163230Why is she annoyed about people “playing doctor” when she makes entire videos and posts and streams and talks about her mental issues constantly? It’s like she thinks her followers are bots, not real people who will ask questions.
And I don’t believe that she’s bi or pan, or even questioning. She mostly mentions boyfriends, husbands, sugar daddies, all men. The yuri photo shoot with June Lovejoy never happened. I’m surprised she hasn’t asked her insta followers yet which orientation they prefer her to be.
No. 163240
>>163235It's super obvious she's faking bisexuality to appeal men. That's an old trend after all. And she always tried to do this as far as I remember (see her earlier pedobait vids and old milk I won't bring back).
She also sounds like those male hentai artists who never touched a woman in their life and talk about sex. Remember the chopsticks caption ? Any real man here who had sex before
knows that putting qtip-like stuff in a girl's vagina will have no effect. Only virgins will think the opposite.
I mean wow, she sounds extremely cringy when she talks about sex.
No. 163249
>>163177Given how much she likes to pull sob stories out of her ass, I suspect even the mental ward thing was another lie and she was there just to visit her "friend". Who knows.
>she sounds extremely cringy when she talks about sexThis. No wonder why the sex diary stream didn't happen.
No. 163252
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From twitter updates
No. 163253
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No. 163263
File: 1626972345938.jpeg (Spoiler Image,308.42 KB, 748x1341, 097B2C28-E40A-4A9C-BF37-62EABE…)

She’s a real witch guys and this photo of her shoving a broomstick up her vag proves!!11!!1
No. 163268
>>163253She’s holding a remote shutter release in her hand. How sad to be doing this in her room, on the floor, on her unmade bed, by herself. Even Manaki doesn’t want to help take her sad nudes.
Also, she forgot to edit that mark off her leg, whatever it is.
No. 163279
>>163263there's so many things wrong with this from an objective standpoint. She says she's a witch but then does OF content wearing 'sacred' items, putting a broom up her vag which is comical as fuck on top of that, and then wearing panties that have a cross? If she was seriously a witch she wouldn't do any of that. It's so beyond obvious it's just surface level 'witchy' that fits a look or what she googles. At this point even a die hard fan can tell something like that, if they are even fans of her outside of her OF content.
And obviously she's not a witch and it's bullshit attention/another identity phase, but just wanted to point out how shallow this witch identity of hers is.
No. 163286
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spoilered for crotch close-up
>>163263what the hell is even going on down there? it looks like she just photoshopped the broom in between her legs and it's not really /inside/ of her, the outlines of her legs look all wobbly too
>>163279the cross detail struck me as well, it's clearly just a roleplay shtick for her and I'm not even sure if her audience likes the witch persona as much as the kawaii weeb persona but they'd suck up anything ig
No. 163287
>>163263Nooo girl ahhh this ain’t it… yikes
Has she gone full frontal yet? I hope she doesn’t get to that level
No. 163288
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>>163279Then there’s this Halloween costume “witch’s hat” she wears.
Also her ‘I’m mentally ill, guys!’ persona complete with “mental breakdowns,” manic/psychotic/dissociating hashtag #landminegirl hashtag #jiraikei
She’s a particularly nasty little Borderline, that’s it.
No. 163294
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>>163263"Supplementing my mental health journey with spirituality"
No. 163302
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>>163286That broom has a half-length handle (it can be seen hanging on the wall behind her in her streams). I think she’s just propped it between her legs for some reason.
(Doesn’t explain anything else about this shitshow of a picture, though…)
No. 163314
>>163263I have never loled so hard in my life. What the absolute fuck.
This is the most discount homemade porn one could ever come across.
No. 163319
>>163318Roflmao can't wait to see it again
all dirty in the next stream
No. 163403
>>163358She already said on her discord (or kyrie said she said can't remember), that the working conditions were "poor" and she left him and has no manager. Then she got with Kyrie to do the mononga crap. Basically, (surprise surprise), she called her ex-manager/photographer
abusive, like everyone else she accuses in her life.
No. 163554
>>163542she never did 'proper porn' and likely never will because she is a) lazy and low-effort, b) she lacks confidence, c) she thinks she makes enough money off roleplay lingerie shots with one censored titty out and that there's simply no need for her to full-on masturbate in front of a camera. she knows her 'supporters' suck it all up because they've been lusting after her since she was a teenager, if they didn't like her content, they would just unsubscribe.
No. 163580
>>163230Eventually got through to the end of this very boring stream. I really don't know why she ever bothers putting up gaming streams, like she's a full on gamer girl an all, when the reality is she's like someone who hasn't got a clue. All videos I've watched featuring games being played, admittedly not a load of them, but still, and the game always gets played through and finished, not here, she never even got started before her character got killed off, and in her Human Fall Flat video she never gets past the first part and couldn't get anywhere in the game. I've never seen such a level of ineptitude in a video meant to be live streaming a game. If she wants to upload gaming videos then she needs to become proficient at the game beforehand so she can finish it or at least get through a good part of it, her attempts are embarrassing to watch, and she gets too distracted by whatever is going on in the live chat, and alright i know she has adhd, but even so. it's really annoying for anyone watching who is trying to follow the game.
And calls herself a witch or a wiccan and she can't even draw a simple pentagram or remember what it looks like. Utterly ridiculous how she was trying to create a pentacle shape in Animal Crossing on the garden but couldn't even do that.
No. 163622
>>163542>> Is Venus doing any proper porn vids or just scamming her OF subscribers withOf course she’s scamming, she’s a scammer just like her mother. Skating through life putting out the least amount of effort possible, rent and bills paid so all she has to do is pull in enough $$ to keep her in junk food and toys. Plus she probably has more than one OF perv that she corresponds with privately, providing ‘exclusive’ pics for tips (she bragged about her “current boyfriend” in one of her streams.)
I do wonder if she’s paying taxes on any of this income, or if her clueless ass even files tax returns at all. If not that’s one more thing she deserves to be deported over.
No. 163862
>>163827This is what skinny-fat, untrained thighs look like (my thighs look like this when I don't workout) especially from this unflattering perspective
it's probably not a result of her shitty editing as the other anon suggested
No. 164000
>>163869Margo tries to one up Venus every time she enters a new phase. She's still convinced that she's the "real" Venusangelic because she used to manage the channel. When Venus first made her OF account Margo posted some pics of her gnarly feet along with a rant about having thought about taking sexy pictures too, but "tasteful" ones. Now Venus is a Tumblr witch so Mutti is too, but more witchy!
>>163862Agreed, it looks like she has a little bit of flab in between her thighs and that's why they look so bumpy. She sits around all day every day so she has very little muscle tone.
No. 164082
Have to laugh at Venus, after doing quite a few cosplays like it was something she was really into, someone asked her on one of her recent streams if she did cosplay, and she said something about no she didn't do cosplay and wouldn't be doing any as she's not interested in it. It's like how when someone asked her if she's on tiktok and she said no she doesn't have a tiktok account. Does she actually forget or just pointlessly lies? Most of her fans who've followed her for a while must know that she had a tiktok account, she even has a video on her youtube showing some of her tiktoks, and most of her fans who follow her on ig know that she did cosplays. Why doesn't she just say that she used to do cosplay but doesn't want to now as she's lost interest, and why not just tell the truth and say that she has, or at least had, a tiktok account but just doesn't post there now? Why the pointless lies? Or the stupid evasiveness about telling the truth about something that anyone can see is true and there is no reason to lie about anyway? She's so stupid. I guess if she can't be bothered with something anymore, because she's lost interest in it, then she'd rather pretend she has never done it or never had it because she just can't be bothered to even talk about it.
No. 164117
File: 1627253470379.jpeg (486.76 KB, 828x1466, 8369DC9F-FDC2-4901-8A66-259C2E…)

…get rid of the dollar store shelves??
No. 164118
File: 1627253501290.jpeg (124.31 KB, 825x1443, B932C010-7E22-4941-91C4-36E8C7…)

Lmfao I can’t
No. 164123
>>161138>>161448>>161501The pink haired one is Yukapon, isn't she? Has she become a porn model or burlesque dancer? I only know her sordid history of old men, underage pee videos, and chasing the weeb idol dream. I thought she was trying to be a rapper now?
No. 164140
>>163286It's obviously photoshopped…-_- and its SO EASY TO DO SO.
Are people really that stupid in here that they think she will shove a whole broom into her ass? common…
No. 164141
>>164082You're overthinking too much. Believe it or not, but there are people who think differently than you. Which means, she did all those stuff but it wasn't significant enough for her to call it a cosplay, as much as it was significant for you to call it a cosplay.
I mean, She's obviously a compulsive liar, but in these stuff, I don't think there's a reason for her to lie.
So I think she forgot she did cosplay, or doesn't count these as cosplay but more like slutty outfits.
No. 164146
File: 1627268118344.jpeg (320.04 KB, 1874x1150, C2238C58-CB8C-4099-9ADC-6D633D…)

>>164117>>164118Wenus in her
witchy room casting a
witchy spell from her ‘grimoire.’ Cause she’s a real witch, just look at that
witchy hat!
No. 164210
>>164141She did quite a few cosplays, and hardly any slutty ones as I recall.
Her successful Demon Slayer cosplay, for example, was very well received, as were most of her cosplay pics.
A little while back, she asked her fans on Instagram, should she do more cosplay pics or herself being 'real'?, something like that.
Quite a few said cosplay, but most answers said be yourself, and so that is the way she went, posting more edited pictures of herself being 'real'. Only then of course she promised not to use filters anymore, so she hardly posts at all now on there and instead she's posting mainly on her witchy account where she posts pictures mainly of things in her room, and hardly any of herself.
And remember when people started griping at her about posting sexy pics on her Instagram and you couldn't look at the comment section without having to wade through all the irritating prudes moaning on at her about it and saying she should open a new account for 'that sort of thing', and so she did, but then the new account disappeared and she said it was because Instagram didn't allow her to have more than one account, remember that?
So how come she's 'allowed' to have more than one account now then?
No. 164211
File: 1627301379914.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.48 MB, 2160x3840, ekfj;pwjf.jpg)

>>164187She started out being a cute witch. Look at me guys, I'm a witch! LOL.
No. 164235
>>164117She just keeps accumulating more and more crap indulging herself in her new ‘hobby.’ Her little room must be bursting at the seams.
Who else do we know who hoards crap in a little tiny room? Oh yeah, that would be bad mommy margaret. Just one more way that Wenus is marge 2.0 (and there are many others.)
No. 164259
>>164211why would she post this… The warping from the photo frame by her face is so clearly obvious.
Not to mention her anachan arms and tits look really bad here.
No. 164288
File: 1627334271866.png (9.31 MB, 1125x2436, 1C11B4F6-44F3-414B-B240-23315D…)

>>163542She isn’t doing “porn videos”, but I think her OF is fine. It’s pretty low key and she only posts once per week - but she is at least honest about that now. It doesn’t seem like there are a lot of subscribers anymore, and I cannot imagine that she spends more than 5 hours on content each week. Some of her sets are cute but there’s also a lot of weird witch things, and a couple followers that like to wait around and complain
No. 164306
File: 1627337181102.jpeg (363.68 KB, 1114x1072, 15A2B9BB-37AF-4013-A7D7-47225E…)

>>164288Are her bangs really that greasy? And those sad extensions that she doesn’t even try to blend in with her (dried-out strawlike) real hair? She doesn’t seem to give a shit anymore, just goes and sits in the same spot on her little mattress on the floor in front of that purple curtain, stares into the camera and clicks the remote shutter. What a pathetic sloppy mess.
No. 164308
File: 1627337495755.jpeg (1 MB, 1125x1977, 655674AF-26F0-4A5C-A352-BAFA3C…)

Do you guys believe this? This is something she wrote in her bio, not something OF is displaying on her page. I feel like maybe it was true for a hot second when she made her account, but not now
No. 164341
>>164308OF puts that there automatically, so she didn't put it in her own bio. Iirc she even used to be in the top 0.1% of creators at some point.
Somehow every thot seems to be in the top 1% though and it's not quite clear what numbers they're even comparing. It could be money earned, content uploaded, clicks on profile, overall traffic and comments,maybe a combination of all of the above etc.
No. 164344
File: 1627360986768.jpeg (271.13 KB, 1125x1566, 0771F179-7374-4FF7-95BC-DAFF8E…)

>>164341Are you sure it’s from OF? If you search it with the emojis used, it is unique to Venus’ profile, and I don’t see that on other more famous profiles. I know at one point she took a screenshot from her end that said she was ranked highly, but this text looks like she just typed it into her profile
No. 164362
>>164341>>164344It's absolutely the case that she typed it in, since it's actually part of a sentence that continues on!
>🎖 This page is in the top 0.5% of OnlyFans creators 🎖>To be a bit more specific, the content ranges from…>etc
I think people are having doubt because at one point a year ago it did seem to be a separate thing from her text, if I recall. But now it is definitely part of the text.
Also since it's extremely obviously not a true statement about her page
No. 164415
>>164362And the sentence doesn’t even make sense.
I wonder how many subs she lost. She hasn’t put any effort into OF for months now (if she ever did).
No. 164429
>>164425She’s constantly buying shit. “Witchy” crap, pink gaming PC for playing games she doesn’t even enjoy, new Doc Martens that she was wearing in her latest mental breakdown insta stories.
But she has no job, hardly any OF subs left, she can’t make that much from live-streaming herself nodding out.
Only an idiot would throw money at this flaming dumpster fire of a human being. Neither Taylor nor the other person will ever see their money again.
No. 164502
>>160048Weebaboos are fucking retarded. All are jealous of each other when they all live a shit life. A reason I don't fuck with them all are snakes. Who the fuck is jealous of Taylor? She can get replace anytime by Tom. She has nothing to her name, no property, no degree, nothing to fall back on and no business. Thank god her family is rich because she would be in trouble.
She has been with Tom so long and too dumb to make a name for herself. She'll end up like Larsa pippen soon.
No. 164521
File: 1627422103800.jpeg (131.17 KB, 1185x1230, 43586180-DD89-4AE6-9F39-32CB09…)

>>164383Is this picture edited, seriously? Yeah, it’s massively edited, anon. This is what her face looks like w/o editing.
No. 164816
File: 1627514236455.jpeg (26.54 KB, 340x340, E16481FE-F561-44CD-8669-04A957…)

It’s not just “a normal face thing.” She has creepy margo mouth.
No. 164914
File: 1627565755762.jpg (115.66 KB, 378x600, Venus angelic cantsleepatnight…)

>>164187I think this is where she takes her inspiration from.
No. 164978
File: 1627597096969.jpeg (323.66 KB, 1089x1621, A6CF2B43-8B1F-4C43-AF74-212FC4…)

Does she have little piles of her hoarded crap (her “altars”) scattered throughout her little room, I wonder? And where does she put it all?
That room must smell like rancid junk food, b.o. and cheap booze.
No. 165008
File: 1627611618215.png (Spoiler Image,1004.96 KB, 537x955, uwu.png)

No. 165076
>>165008So, is she meant to be a chick with a dick, or just playing with a dildo?
Has she photoshopped her breasts and did a bad job, because surely no one has nipples in two completely different places and how come they're so colourless and pale?
Her head looks all wrong, ears look too big, face looks too long and bottom lip looks droopy, unless she's put her lip colour on all wrong and gone outside the line of her bottom lip to try and make it look like she's pouting, only it doesn't. She could surely do so much better than this.
No. 165078
>>164978I'd be more concerned about her lighting all those candles like she showed recently. She's clumsy (by her own admission) and often stumbling around either because she's merely clumsy, or more likely, drunk or on something, maybe her medication, or a mixture of both. If I was Manaki, I'd be worried about her lighting all those candles in case she sets the whole place alight and it goes up like a bomb. I hope he checks in on her regularly to make sure all is safe in there. That's if he really is still there, as we never see any sign of him, or anything to even suggest his presence. I seriously wonder if she is living there alone, probably she isn't, but you'd think there would at least be some small sign of him being somewhere around, even like a slight noise from somewhere else in the apartment.
No. 165119
>>165076Her nips look exactly the same in that witch nude that was posted a couple of days ago…
>>164211 one is lower than the other, but it looks worse face on. No wonder she always hid or censored them.
No. 165122
>>165119it's normal for nips not to match though
the pic is giving me "is gonna troon out soon" vibes since she's already mentally unstable as fuck, who knows
No. 165165
File: 1627677651568.jpeg (259.1 KB, 750x416, 714E84F5-37DE-4073-851F-12057D…)

Some new pics from her Twitter.
No. 165167
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No. 165168
File: 1627677725501.jpeg (609.76 KB, 750x1108, 1850D5A3-528A-47E0-B485-2CB36F…)

No. 165173
>>165165>>165167>>165168sex traffic
victim vibes
No. 165175
>>165173>>165173worst, with her shitty editing she looks like an underaged sex traffic
Did the Venus of 3-4 years ago, shortly after her escape from her deranged mother, ever thought she would end up like this? like imagine living a hellish child/teenhood, moving to your supposedly dream country to start anew just to be on a loveless marriage, prostituting yourself online for pedo's breadcrumbs, no friends and future…
No. 165188
>>165175shit is very sad. as
abusive and terrible as she was maybe she wouldn't have fallen off this far if she'd stayed with her mother. who knows. im not defending her but was her "escape" worth it in the end? i dont see an inspirational woman in venus, i see a washed up youtube has been living a very bleak future/present. i truly do hope she ends up in a better spot and not dead soon. im not saying sex work is the end of the world or anything but..shes not good at it. idek what else to say.
No. 165218
File: 1627698580954.png (Spoiler Image,2.64 MB, 1697x955, holyangles.png)

No. 165228
>>165168She constantly poses with toys like this, but if she wanted real OF money, she would actually show herself using them.
It makes me irrationally mad that she does these weird poses with blank expressions in lingerie from the 100¥ store, like she’s learned nothing from all the other OF cosplayers she constantly retweets. They have nice costumes, nice wigs, photographers and sets and fun captions, and they look like they enjoy what they do. Makes this lazy bitch look even more low effort, and I pity the scrotes who pay for her “content”. I don’t know why she’s bothering anymore.
At least she’s giving the witch crap a rest.
No. 165240
>>165232Gross, I’ll take your word for it.
I bet those 35 other pictures were just her doing the same old thing over and over on her unmade futon - awkward poses, bored faces and weird foreshortening of various body parts.
No. 165241
File: 1627716074660.jpg (214.95 KB, 720x910, 20210731_081900.jpg)

She edited this image so weirdly it looks like she is digging into a cushion. Also, sad to see her life ending like this and using alcohol as a coping mechanism. Hope she gets out of this runt and starts taking better care of herself.
No. 165302
>>165168Dreadful. Her face looks distorted and strange, and not in a good way. Her ear looks like it's nowhere near her face, like it's detached and just stuck in her hair extensions.
If she had that stupid bit of hair pushed back and away from her face, she wouldn't look so bad.
And that droopy bottom lip contrasted with non existent top lip does her no favors.
No. 165315
>>165188>>165175>>165217So you're buying into all the Veenos escaped from her horrible mother shit then?
Does anyone remember a video called Venus Angelic Buying Subs Scandal, or Venus Angelic 1 million subscriber fraud? Something like that, I can't find it anywhere now. I can't remember who did, but it told what seems to be the real truth about what Venus is really like and what she always has been really like.
No. 165321
>>165311Pretty sure her nipples have just vanished due to the massive amount of blurring and filters she uses.
>>165218Please tell me that’s an edit…it looks like an alien is about to burst out of her chest…
No. 165377
>>165368>> And been sitting on her ass buying useless shit no goals or future in mind.I remember early in her marriage, she was showing off all her therapy notebooks where she wrote about her recovery, she had people around her, she posted pictures of the meals Manaki cooked, showed her textbooks for studying for the JLPT. She used to have goals, a life outside of being mentally/physically ill. She at least seemed to want to get better.
Then she posted that picture on insta with the “I’m psycho and gay” caption, and it all went to shit after that. Now it’s all low-effort porn, getting drunk behind the conbini and 3 anti-psychotics a day. I almost can’t think of these as being the same person, unless she really was always like this under the surface, or this is some hardcore rebellion against her former image.
No. 165379
Everyone knows that Margo was a piece of shit who abused Venus during the time she was with her, that Venus grew up to be a clone of her mother doesn't excuse that abuse and frankly explains why today she's a failure of a human being.
Of course, that doesn't mean that Venus has no responsibility given that she is now an adult that should work out her issues and think before taking any decisions but with a childhood like the one she had. she doesn't have a good starting point
No. 165383
>>165377Even before that she was starting to show cracks on her life.
Like, I'm pretty sure this was when she underwent her illegal surgery and was mia from her social media from time to time only to come back like nothing happened. Plus, she, at that time, was pretty active on insta lives and making weird semi-erotic clickbait for her videos. IMO everything went down the drain because she was hanging up with the wrong internet crowd (enabling her eating disorder postings, Taylor and co. friendships and clickbait) and with the surgery that most likely messed the last mental wellness she had
No. 165386
>>165165>>165167>>165168She doesn’t even bother to set foot outside that little room anymore, does she? Let alone outside the apartment. Just plants herself on that mattress, stares into the camera and clicks the remote shutter.
Lazy fuck.
No. 165387
>>165218Why did she shoop herself one torpedo tit and leave the other unshooped?
I need answers
No. 165400
>>165217>> She wouldn’t have ended like this if she had an actual support system.Oh boo fucking hoo. First, she had support systems. She had Manaki’s family and her own family in Switzerland and Hungary who tried repeatedly to reach out to her. Second, plenty of people grow up with much more and worse abuse than she did- homes with alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic violence, actual sexual abuse etc. who grow up and make something of themselves despite all that.
She had everything handed to her on a silver platter in her dream country in Japan- a secure visa, rent and bills paid, a doormat ‘husband’ who asked nothing whatsoever of her in return and indulged her every whim, a thriving Youtube channel and a loyal and adoring fan base. She squandered it
all and became a lazy porn grifter. That’s on her and no one else.
No. 165473
>>165425Not OP but why are you reeing about religion? Post didn't even mention that? Guess even on anon forums atheists have to out themselves lel.
Lots of
triggered MUH MENTALZ!1! posts going on, I can see the farms is back to creeping on here.
No. 165488
>>165473Lol are you some eDgY brat being bitter/in denial of your own mental health who's overcompensating by trying hard to look like a sociopath or were you just born with the silver spoon?
Margo acts like that as well, find some comfort in her threat
No. 165497
>>165424>>165425>>165488Quit derailing, learn to sage, go to therapy
No. 165498
File: 1627806730621.jpeg (Spoiler Image,907.81 KB, 1284x1308, 6646FA99-F163-4239-AD2E-2C640D…)

>>165315>>165400Tell me more about how Venus’ support system was more than enough when it was made of her pedo fan husband and his family in a country that’s not her own. I would love to know how Venus would’ve gotten the help she needed in a country that has a high suicide rate and pretends that mental illness isn’t a thing. Please, enlighten me. Tell me more about how she’s ungrateful and that her documented abuse isn’t online, that she had the perfect childhood and wasn’t raised by a narc mother who saw her as her golden goose.
Does anyone who had a good childhood go through this sort of shit like pic related willingly? Because she was just lazy and didn’t want to work? Or was it because the intensive therapy she needed wasn’t available to her? Dear god, get a grip. Hate Venus and hold her accountable for her shitty actions but you cannot deny the evidence that still exists online that proves she lived a shitty childhood.
If her mom didn’t have sole custody of her or she had gone back to Austria or wherever her dad’s side of the family had been instead of seeking an escape through a visa marriage that Margo initially was against because it didn’t benefit her, she would’ve never ended up like this.
No. 165519
>>165498You forget that Manaki told her he didn't want her to have surgery so she went online saying how bad he was that didn't want her to be happy and told her that if she did the surgery they would never had kids so everybody sided with her against him and she got that surgery and she sold the pictures on the daily mail.
She portrayed him to be this monster when she wanted the surgery and it worked. She had a support system but decided to do what her family do best: lie and leech.
No. 165528
>>165498Nobody is saying Venus didn’t have a difficult childhood, or that it wasn’t a factor in how she is living now. Manaki tried to stop her going for that surgery, but she chose to go behind his back and do it anyway.
But as lots of other people itt have said, there comes a point where you can’t blame your childhood anymore - you have to take responsibility for your present situation and go to therapy and do the hard things that are good for you.
She’s a grown woman with her own mind and enough agency to do what she wants with her life, and if that involves illegal surgery, numbing herself with alcohol and staying in her internet hug box, surrounded by enablers like you, then so be it.
But don’t infantilize her and justify her bad choices by implying that all she is and ever will be is her shitty mother and shitty childhood. She has the power to change things for herself, just like everyone else.
She just chooses not to.
No. 165536
>>165377>>3 anti-psychotics a day.
Well I don't know but she was being urged to see doctors from every angle all around her from fans who were acting like they had her best interests at heart, probably because most of them are on something and don't see why anyone else should escape, so she took all the supposedly well meaning advice from these morons, and now look at the result, 3 anti psychotics a day and she acts like a drugged up zombie as a result.
No. 165540
>>165386It might be a bit difficult to go out and about in Japan right now, what with the virus rampaging everywhere, the olympics and all, and isn't there a state of emergency over there as a result of the virus? So maybe that has something to do with it. But then again, someone did ask her recently on one of her live streams if she would do more vlogs out somewhere in Japan, and she said that no she wouldn't because she likes to be private.
Speaking of her live streams, she's obviously lost interest in doing those at the moment, she said she was having hair extensions and her nails done a couple of weekends back, so she got her extensions but no nails done, and so maybe she
has been going out but because she likes to be 'private' she hasn't recorded any of it?
No. 165543
>>165498You're buying into all the one sided crap about her. Her and her mother are both damaged and probably if you knew them, quite unpleasant individuals.
Hate how some people will have reasonable childhoods, not terrible, not wonderful, but they turn out like Venus and blame it all on their childhood and the whole world sympathizes, but someone can have a far worse childhood, denied anything and everything they want, put down all the time, constantly criticized, blamed for things they're not good at, reviled for things they are good at, but despite a loveless and cruel childhood, they grow up to be conscientious and caring, might not be a great success at anything but stay away from medications and tried and gave up with therapy as it doesn't help them and screwed them up more, so they learn self help to help themselves and are not selfish and forever going poor me, I was hit and shouted at and abused, and then molested by old man at 11 years old but took it as oh well that's what happens, but still didn't turn out like Venus, and the reaction of people in the world, kill yourself nobody cares about you, and how dare you admit to suffering more and yet not turning out the same, we will forever say "poor venus". - Fucks sake!
Some people had worse childhoods, suffered more, but still turned out to be less selfish and destructive but seem somehow hated for it, and some people had better childhoods but turned out devious and selfish and the whole world feels sorry for them and blames it all on their upbringing.
No. 165562
>Manaki told her not to get the surgery.Who cares what Manaki told her not to do? What she needed was therapy, not some guy telling her “you’re beautiful without makeup”. Do you think someone whose perception of beauty and self worth that was warped by a narcissistic parent is gonna know that someone is trying to help them? I also don’t know why you anons are so hung up on her not listening to pedomanaki who could’ve done the right thing and helped her go back to Europe if he truly cared instead of wanting a cute barely legal wife with no actual real world experience or life skills.
>She sold those pictures to daily mail.I wonder who showed her that was profitable? Oh yeah, Margo selling their story to Strange Addictions or obsessively trying to get The Sun to cover their story. It’s like that was a learned behavior.. from her mother.
>Weh, other people have had it worse and so did I!! Venus has no reason to be the way that she is!!I literally said that Venus’ actions as an adult doesn’t excuse her but just because you were able to get over your trauma, doesn’t mean that everyone functions the same way. Sorry that your life sucked but quit applying your own life experiences and then saying “I had it worse! She has no reason to be like this.” It just feels like the “trauma olympics”’where people are only allowed to act out if they had it worse than you. Human beings aren’t a monolith—everyone process what happened to them differently.
>>165557Anonette, the lack empathy or understanding you have is gross. Why should she listen to pedomanaki? We all know you’re jealous of her living the weeb fantasy and being ungrateful for not having a Japanese husbando. Maybe if her self value wasn’t tied to her appearance or how thin she is, she wouldn’t have tried to get that surgery. Just a thought.
>>165540If she likes to be “private”, then why is she on YouTube and putting her mental health issues on blast all over the internet? Nothing she ever says makes sense. Either be private or suck it up and do what you have to do to make a living off YouTube, you can’t have it both ways…
Also, she forgot again about the whole ethot/gamer girl thing she was trying to do. She really can’t be consistent with anything, why would going to therapy or taking her meds be any different?
No. 165585
>>165562>>just because you were able to get over your trauma,Please quit assuming that I "got over it". Nowhere did I state that, because it wouldn't be true. I never
got over it, I just have learnt how to live with it and not allow it to define me,
with no help from anybody. Constantly dwelling on it and re-living it is no help but that's what many therapies do.
And Venus didn't even have any
real trauma, only what she inflicted on herself with the unnecessary surgery. She had a cosseted childhood with a mother who indulged her and allowed her to do what she wanted, and if Margaret had refused to allow Venus to go down the living doll route, Venus would say that was
abusive and controlling and how traumatic it was to be refused to be able to do what she wanted. I've followed her story since before any of the shit hit the fan, back when she was with her mother and making videos she quite obviously enjoyed making, history has been rewritten to suit an agenda.
>Don’t assume I got over muh trauma!!!! Then quit applying your shitty life and how it turned out to someone else’s. No one cares about you blogging your issues.
It’s doubtful that you were a fan because it seems like you’re assuming Venus was just a spoiled child instead of one that experience an exploitative childhood. Who are you to say her trauma wasn’t real? Does she need to be whipped with a stick to experience real trauma or live in a crack house because mental abuse isn’t enough?
No. 165599
>>165598Thanks man, the "wItHoUt AnyOnEs HeLp¡¡¡¡" anon sounds like coming straight out of an emo forum where they validate each other by the severity of their mental illness lol.
>>165585it's really obvious that you "helped yourself" because everything you say is extremely self-centred und unrefracting.
No. 165609
Weird how someone can have a real shitty childhood, in being blamed and accused for ruining their mother's life for daring to be born in the first place, hit and bullied, abused, never allowed to have any interests of their own but still expected to do well and be blamed when unable to cope with the abuse, but venus is allowed to do what she wants, encouraged in it even, but because of her psychopathy, she just runs off and leaves her mother with nothing, because that is the sort of person she is, uses people for her own ends, and can sit back complacently knowing there will always be idiots who believe every lie she tells, despite her admitting to being a compulsive liar. No one believed Margaret when she first told her side of it, and I didn't believe her either, but I do now as do many other people too who have had the wool pulled away from their eyes. I used to identify with Venus, thinking we shared similar traumatic pasts, but hers was indulged and cosseted compared, and her mother was certainly not a saint, but at the same time definitely not the ogre Venus has made her out to be. They are both shit for human beings that much is true, but all this venus is 100 percent victim is crap. And most people with a brain can see that now.
No. 165619
File: 1627843107263.jpeg (16.71 KB, 168x300, 64C58674-EEC5-4E62-A057-D3468C…)

>>165609Do you lack basic reading comprehension? No one is expecting people who lived a shitty life to not be shitty people. The argument here is that you all think that Venus was the one who caused all of these problems while ignoring the shit Margo actively did.
Just a quick recap in case you forgot:
>Isolated Venus from her family out of pure spite, became a stage mom and controlled Venus’ social media from an extremely young age.>Got into fights with other online creators and started a flood of drama that was mainly orchestrated by Margo but everyone blame Venus because she was the face of her channel.>Posted CP because she was siding with the man who groomed Yukapon because she saw her as Venus’ competition.>Threatened anyone who criticized her or her parenting with police involvement (laughable at best).>Constantly moved, made it difficult for Venus to befriend people her own age and monitored any and all online communication Venus could’ve had with others in the same realm.>Allowed her underage daughter to cater to pedophiles while she lived off the income Venus was bringing in, especially after they went viral (and do not try to say she did this of her own free will. If that’s all you ever know and no one tells you it’s wrong, how is Venus supposed to go against her mother’s wishes? Especially if you have a narc mom who will gaslight you or guilt you into doing it.)>Exploited every chance she got to make her daughter famous.>Tried to marry her off to the creepy asshole who works for body line. >Tried to marry her off to pedonanki but only was against the marriage once she learned that she wouldn’t be able to live with them or live off his income. >Accused her of sleeping around with men by taking a picture of her daughter in a bed with some guy for lord knows what reason. That picture has always been weird.>Locked Venus out of her youtube and accounts that had money out of spite because Venus sought refuge in one of her pedo fans to escape her mom’s insufferable clutches.>Went on a year long hate campaign crying and talking about how homeless she is, threatening self harm, accusing Venus of throwing her stuff in the bin, etc.>Continues to posts unhinged content, posing as the mom who would never do anything harmful to her daughter while ignoring that every shitty thing she ever did is documented on the internet for everyone to see. And this is just barely scratching the surface. Do you think anyone who went through that is going to come out okay? Especially when she has no life skills, no social skills and only knows how to survive by selling the same thing she has been since she was a child. She’s a product of her environment and while some people make it out on top, a lot don’t and end up where Venus is or worse. Just because she’s in glorious nippon, it does not mean that she’s mentally well or getting the help she needs. Bad people can be
victims too and to ignore how she got here just because she’s doing questionable things as an adult is kinda stupid.
No. 165620
>She was lucky mom exploited her on the internet!!! Venoos is spoiled!!!! She had everything!!Venus is treating Manaki the same way she probably saw Margo treat any man that was in her life. Can you imagine the shit she probably said about her dad growing up and giving all the insane reasons why they can’t be with their family in Europe?
Also Anonette, do you feel this way towards child stars that were raped or assaulted by the people in Hollywood? Like at least they were rich and got to do whatever they wanted because their parents exploited them. All that trauma is outweighed, right?
No. 165624
File: 1627845467239.jpeg (608.95 KB, 750x1118, 820E293E-E869-4589-9555-23078A…)

New pics. She has wine, champagne and Adobe Photoshop on her Amazon wish list, lol.
No. 165679
>>165562>Why should she listen to pedomanaki?Anyone with a bit of common sense would told her the same. Why do you think the surgeons she emailed refused her request, except the money hungry doctor who later was jailed for the death of one of his patient? Think about it, anonette.
>you’re jealous of her living the weeb fantasy and being ungrateful for not having a Japanese husbandoI don't even like men but ok
No. 165705
>>165532Honestly, are you retarded or what?
Even if Venus was a demanding and insufferable child, you do you think raised her to be like that. Most of her disgusting personality comes from her narc mother but Venus decided that instead of changing and become better than Margo, she would be her mirror
No. 165706
>>165543Do you want us to give you a hug or something, fag?
Go cry about your shitty life at twitter, there people might give a fuck. Seriously, self-pittiers that beg for attention in a cow's thread should end themselves.
(enough) No. 165734
>>165718You know what else is depressing? your lame
bait excuses for poor wittle Penus, scrote-kun. If 50 (according to Venuses own claims) surgeons around the world told her she's not eligible for an extreme bariatric procedure (only done to morbid obese patients, no less) because 1)she doesn't fucking need it 2)it would be unethical to perform it on a healthy thin young woman, then idk maybe reconsider your priorities and look for other approachs to treat your ~body dismorphia~ instead booking the first shady clinic that came up in google search?
Anyways, if you came here to wk Venus senpai hoping she will notice you, her OF or YT comment section might be the best place to do that.
No. 165746
>>165734Do you think that every person who doesn’t call her Penus and hopes she never gets help for her issues is a scrote? Nowhere did anyone say that Venus is absolved of any wrong doing that she’s done in her adult life, but your fantasy that mean ol’ Venoos is the one who was
abusive towards her mom and a spoiled brat that got to live the Nippon dream only to squander it!!!! has no basis in reality. You can be critical of a person and still have empathy for how they got there in the first place.
Body dysmorphia is a hell of a drug and just because you’re too stupid to understand that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. If you watched just ten minutes of Botched, all of those people didn’t have anything wrong with them but that didn’t stop them from engorging their lips to insane proportions and rapidly changing doctors that wouldn’t inject them with more plastic. On top of that, living in a country that has a very pro anorexic diet culture for women probably didn’t help her case. People with eating disorders can’t be reasoned with, so of course she’s not going to listen to a doctor who tells her she doesn’t need the surgery.
You NLOGs need to get a grip. The way you talk about Venus makes her sound like she is Onision-tier manipulative when she’s someone who has no impulse control, an obvious addict/alcoholic and takes a cocktail of pills that are prescribed to her in a country where they don’t take mental health seriously.
Has she done shitty things? Definitely and she should be held accountable for that. However she is a product of Margo’s abuse and didn’t become this way because she was just a petulant child.
No. 165753
>>164964>theres plenty of real witches>real witches>reallmfao gtfo retard
the sperging about real witches and whether Venus is a ~real witch~ or not is so super fucking retarded that it hurts to witness autism as hard as this
like get a life kiddo
No. 165757
>>165536>3 anti-psychotics a dayto end this, especially in people with bipolar disorder or severe ADHD it can absolutely be possible.
mental illness isn't like a headache were you pop in a pill and it works for every kind of pain.
some pills never work, some pills work contrary to what they are supposed to do and a few pills work good. there are also patient who go through quite an amount of different pills and pill combinations and nothing seems to work.
she clearly is severely impulsive and has reoccurring manic episode. antipsychotics aren't only for people with psychosis or schizophrenia but also used as a tranquilizer since they don't have the same potential to make the patient addicted.
I also don't remember how much intestines exactly were cut out and how much of her intestines is left but she doesn't have a fully functional gut. You know, your digestive system, the location were every pill is digested and then absorbed by the body to some extent. this is different for nearly every patient although there is some baseline for every drug.
so drug absorption could be heavily disturbed for her, so pills don't work to the same extent they are supposed to.
>>163183>You'd think that whoever is treating her would want to find out what is wrong with her first before drugging her don't seem to have a lot of experience with psychiatric evaluation and treatment.
it is absolutely possible that whoever doctor is treating her is just trying to drug her up.
how would you find out what's wrong with her actually? psychiatrists don't have magical tools, all they do is ask questions and maybe if they put in the effort hand you some psychological questionnaires, that are ALL based on self-assessment, hence relying heavily on the patient giving the answers.
maybe she was also evaluated at the psychiatric hospital, but if you want to give a certain impression to nurses and doctors you can absolutely manage to do that since you're not monitored 24/7.
No. 165787
>>poor venus, eternal vicctimm, boohoo.People come here to have a laugh, not see excessive white knighting and hand wringing such as in your obsessive ramblings.
And remember one thing, Venus, by her own admission is:
a. A compulsive liar, and
b. Loves to make people worry about her.
What a wonderful combination and what a delightful person that would be who exhibited those 'qualities'.
Venus would most likely have turned out devious and scheming, even if she'd had the best childhood that anyone could wish for, because, quite frankly, some people are just born that way.
And all your obsessional white knighting of precious princess won't endear you to her because she's a masochist so to get her to like you, you'd have to treat her like shit, but she's not going to like you anyway no matter how much you white knight and make excuses for her, so you're wasting your time on that count, but rest assured she'll be loving the thought of you spending all that time wringing your hands on her behalf.
No. 165796
>>165746Will you shut the fuck up already, you pathetic retard!
According to you, everything outside of a shitty person is the reason for them being a shitty person, It is nowhere their own fault and never could be, it is always the fault of something else, society, parents, men, someone said boo to them once and traumatized them, poor things.
You could take two people who'd had the exact same upbringing and everything identical in their lives, and one would make different choices, one might end up in bad situations as a result, so according to you, everyone should feel sorry for that person because they made bad choices but oh it wouldn't be their fault, as for the other one, well let them go and kill themselves because how dare they make better choices despite everything else being the same, and so prove people like you wrong!
No. 165801
>>165624So at least she got her nails done now then.
Don't know why this insane white knight is in here going on at considerable length about how hard done by they think poor penus is, she seems to be living the life of riley.
No. 165806
>>165801they came here when venus did her youtube(where she has the most orbiters) video reacting to lolcow for pity points.
And they havent left since then and are sperging here 2+ years.
Such a shame her threads used to be normal before.
Most of these spergs are here because they cant afford her OF too so they camp out all day here waiting for anon to post OF pics.
No. 165813
File: 1627918364885.jpeg (94.48 KB, 433x640, 370D0A62-9D13-4CCE-8E2A-93CF37…)

No. 165821
>>165813LOL, what a ghastly picture. So much for the not going to be using any filters anymore, knew she wouldn't be able to stop herself and she was never going to keep that promise.
And oh yes, venus, we made it through another day, so brave! Now where's our fucking medal?!
No. 165834
>>165813So is that alcohol she's drinking, or an energy drink? or maybe something else?
She posted something on a story, something about her therapist doesn't find her gross, or something, I can't save stories so couldn't post it, not sure what she meant by it and why she'd think her therapist would think that but oh well.
No. 165841
>>165835I'd get back to just reading, if I were you.
Not everyone here is negative, some people will see the teensiest tiniest critical comment about Venus and go crying into their hankies that ooh you hate her, boohoo, and others will see someone say they hate her but once about a million years ago, they liked one thing about her for one day and they will get accused of loving her and being a white knight. But between those two extremes, most of the comments here are pretty reasonable and realistic rather than negative, and also can be quite informative on dishing dirt on something cows like venus might be trying to hide.
No. 165923
>>165899How's being 24 "turning 30" though lol
But yeah, she's probably going to break her habits when she's in her 50s or 40s (if she didn't kill herself before or something), wrinkly and lonely, and starts the typical new life chapter of regrets.
No. 165965
>>165932I'm sorry almighty emperor, I shall pay for my crime and I voluntary take the punishment, shame and humiliation. Shall I expect the fellow hobos to throw the "WK" stones at me now for misreading and writing something that could come across as something in Venus' favour? I will take it.
I already smell the fishy body odours she and her fan base absorb
>>165970She's returned to once again leeching of Mana temporarily. When they get into another fight where he ends up throwing her out again, she'll find a new dude who'll treat her like shit so she can continue to victimize herself. The milk ain't drying up with this moo moo anytime soon.
If Mana's soyboy beta simp ass would grow some balls and actually divorce her, that'd be some serious milk.
No. 166042
File: 1627997361516.png (Spoiler Image,1.54 MB, 1696x954, Venus angelic.png)

Posted on KF. At least her face looks okay here and not distorted all out of shape. But what is that weird mesh thing she's wearing? Not dissing her, I actually think she has done okay with this picture.
No. 166148
>>166042While it might come across as more "decent" compared to her other pseudo erotic catastrophes, she still hasn't figured out any
flattering angles and how to look or actually be natural on camera, a.k.a posing. She looks so terribly stiff since she doesn't move a lot.
It's so extremely obvious that she is so obsessed and hyperfocused on her face and body and image/how she wants to appear to others, drowning in the shitload of identical selfies that she takes during one "session". Her distorted perception will always prevent an actual decent outcome.
No. 166235
>>166183I have lol (quarantined having the rrrrona) I'm sorry about that though, will do better so the discussion can go on, just as Venus' inspiring lifestyle.
>>166042 So brave of her for using only 999 filters plus face shooping, instead of 1000 filters plus face shooping.
No. 166260
File: 1628099103476.jpeg (281.67 KB, 1080x1723, A06E15EA-05A2-45E5-A3FE-BF16C6…)

Think she needs more anti psychotics if she’s still this delusional.
No. 166298
>>166260> I have never seen a hater doing better than me.Well… How do we start? Hahahaha does she even have haters? And even if she did… I don't think any hater would be a neet leeching off a spouse like she is.
Poor Venus, as delusional as her mother, this kinda proves the point that is wasn't just Margo hating on other girls back in the day, Venus also hated other girls but of course used her
victim narrative to blame evil mommy for everything. Thanks for confirming you were also behind the bullying Venus~
No. 166326
I'm sure her haters don't eat hairy pieces of food that fell to the floor AND record themselves doing it on a livestream.
No. 166363
>>166260Well if she's never seen a hater doing better than her, then she must be talking about people she knows or who she knows hates her, or who she thinks hates her. If she's talking about anonymous people online, like in here for instance, well how would she know if anyone is doing better than her or not? And what would make her think that someone actually hated her anyway? Someone merely criticising her awful edited pictures for example is not hating her, just hating how she distorts herself unnecessarily and how she makes herself look in those edits, which is worse than how she looks naturally. To complain about that is not hating her, it is just hating what she does to herself in images and exactly what she does to herself in those images just confirms that she hates herself or she wouldn't do it.
Unless she's talking about people who have come out and openly admitted to hating her or have been hateful towards her, but it sounds like she's just trying to have a dig at people who have criticised something about her that she's done, maybe someone has called her selfish or a user or something? Why doesn't she make it plain who or what she's talking about because it just makes her look silly and bitchy.
No. 166434
>>166260Why has she got to lower herself like this?
She must care about what they've said, [whatever that is, don't know what set her off to make this post] or she wouldn't be reacting to it, she'd just ignore it if she really didn't care.
No. 166462
>>166420I was about to say the same thing.
The simple fact that she adresses her haters shows how much it affects her.
No. 166503
File: 1628288393149.jpeg (351.72 KB, 1092x1768, CB4EA7E5-D686-4FC7-9022-7C8703…)

She’s “more active,” you guys! Does she expect mass rejoicing on hearing this news? And what does “more active” mean, anyway? Apparently it doesn’t include getting up off that mattress she lives on.
Maybe it means getting dressed, sitting in a chair and turning her (low-quality) camera on while she mumbles about her Tarot cards. “Dis one is Toe Russ. It means you are stubborn..,” etc. for 2 hours or so.
Such Activity! Yay Venus!
No. 166505
File: 1628288814813.jpeg (322.44 KB, 1876x1167, 1CFF3EBF-1A0D-4047-9D76-9726D4…)

Mystical magical witchy girl streaming amidst her hoard. Still playing with matches (lighting candles, burning incense etc.) again which in her usually inebriated state makes me nervous. She’s gonna pass out one day with candles burning and burn that apartment down.
No. 166577
>>166534>> kinda dig her look in that picture, Have you clicked on it to see it full-sized?
>>166505Try it.
No. 166607
>>166587If you have low standards well that's your problem.
Who watched the whole thing…? Not passing out this time ?
No. 166631
>>166607It's just the chin sperg rehashing the same old. Most people know Venus is not "really pretty" and looks busted af in candids and higher res videos. Just that one anon can't give it a rest.
Stream was pretty generic, she kind of just bullshitted her way through the readings. Some were just laughable like
>>166485 said.
No. 166689
>>166640She uses her macbook camera. Those are notoriously bad potatoes with their built in webcams.
Oddly enough there were several streams where she used an external webcam and the video quality was significantly better.
Like her Nintendo switch streams where she stalls and goes “What do I do?” Every 15 seconds. In between turning into a drooling zombie for minutes at a time or somewhat playing the game and sometimes sipping alcohol from a seemingly bottomless coffee mug.
Manaki probably helped her with those ones just like her “new” room tour a few months ago.
No. 166692
>>166690I have no words. He has a family and a job and friends, and HE is “dead weight”? Cope harder, V.
>>166689Still waiting for her to suddenly remember her titty streamer GaMur GUrL persona exists. She can’t play games sometimes and be into witchcraft sometimes and like jirei kei sometimes, she can only be one of these things at any one time. Seems quite BPD like to me.
No. 166695
>>166690Good find! Never saw that one before.
The entire time she’s talking about Manaki, she’s probably actually talking about herself…
“I want a divorce but he doesn’t!”
“He’s a deadweight NEET!”
“He quit his job and does nothing all day!”
“He won’t record unless I buy him yakiniku!”
If any of that were true, then why not tell the truth on your own channel when it happened…
Also…she loves cooking and “can cook just about anything”?? Last thing I saw her “cook” was boiled water on potato chips.
(That nervous hand waving thing she does is also really annoying…)
No. 166709
>>166587Sorry for being an annoying minimod but please don't engage with the same ol' ~Penus is ugly~ sperg. Report them for nitpicking/derailing and move on (That's what I do everytime but alas, they still there. Maybe they're using a VPN…idk)
We're on the verge of having the thread nuked so I think it would be better not entertaining spergs, wk and scrotes.
No. 166745
>>166690I've seen this before, I thought Venus had posted it on her own channel. I don't know if it's still there, can't be arsed to look, but I did a quick translate courtesy of google on the comment thread that venus started, if anyone's interested:
Venus: 楽しかったし心もスッキリしました。
It was fun and my heart was refreshed.
I'm going to see you again, mom! !! ❤️
Then some comment from someone called:
陽気なボブ。Cheerful Bob.:
The person himself! I support you!
Then a comment from someone called aa a:
Good luck with Vinas
I'm glad I met Ai-chan!
Poor husband fucking bastard
[That made me LOL]
Then A.I.Channel commented:
I'm waiting ❤️
Finally, this one made me LOL too:
弁護士 女 斎藤優子 仮名 学籍’ Lawyer Female Yuko Saito Pseudonym School Registration commented:
Venus さんと結婚したい I want to marry Venus
She apparently claimed in the video that Manaki only wanted her to be like 'Youtube Venus' and not 'real' Venus.
Yet they're still together??? I still have doubts if he's really there.
I know that just about nearly everything Margaret ever said about her has turned out to be true, but I drew the line at Venus killing Manaki, I just don't buy that at all, unless if it was in some way so that it looked like he did it himself or died naturally, but I'm sure that as he has family there would be some investigation, so he must be still alive but maybe not living with her. And didn't Margaret claim somewhere later that she never meant it literally?
No. 166765
>>166762Yeah. She kept promising to make a video on her own channel about her divorce, but it never appeared. But this? Slandering her husband in his own language, so he himself could understand everything she was saying, and all the commenters saying what a piece of shit he must be. She destroyed his reputation. And even if it was true, it’s still insanely nasty of her.
…so how is she still living in his house now?!
No. 166822
File: 1628471829554.jpeg (97.07 KB, 576x1024, 8AF4D3C0-5D6A-447A-AF93-4C688E…)

>>166762>> She completely trashed his reputation in a super public way without him being able to defend himself. This is so manipulative and nasty.Yeah she’s a hateful lying little bitch. And still leeching off that poor cuck to this day, sitting in his apartment bragging about her “current boyfriend,” doubling down on her lies about him (that are all projection as
>>166695 pointed out) and taking sad little pics of herself for her dying OF. Just a really repugnant person on so many levels.
Speaking of her OF, she really doesn’t give a shit anymore apparently.
No. 166823
File: 1628471923820.jpeg (101.72 KB, 576x1024, A2538CD1-AA89-4722-8F54-F7AD68…)

Can’t even be arsed to get up off that crusty mattress.
No. 166837
>>166765>> how is she still living in his house now?!I think she guilted him into letting her attach herself back onto him with suicide threats. She needed a place to live after whatever shady dude she was shacked up with kicked her out and she ran back to that poor wretch Manaki crying about “I’ll be homeless! I’ll have to kill myself!!” And he caved. They’re the perfect BPD couple, manipulative little bitch and her mark.
He’ll never be rid of her. He’s screwed.
No. 166882
File: 1628517433454.jpg (94.03 KB, 576x1024, E788MmfVcAM4HoC.jpg)

She claimed her witchcraft is not Satanic and only 'good' witchcraft, that is 'white' and not 'black' according to her, yet she wears the inverted pentagram, which is supposed to resemble Baphomet and is associated with Black Magic and certainly meant to be the darker aspects. I doubt she even knows, she's so dumb about so many things.
No. 166903
>>166882not disagreeing with you
nonny, I'm sure she's dumb and doesn't know the difference between anything, but I've only seen those types of dresses with the inverted pentagram.
No. 167331
>>167316>harem of other abused weeb girlsah yes, the sere method™, the one old hag whore who's some how still in japan and no one knows how.
Most likely this will happen once she's completed whatever mandatory thing she's being forced to do right now (meds etc)
No. 167350
>>167331You don't get banned from Japan unlessa JP national rats you out, typically. Sere is still in Japan because she plays her role as a white gaijin whore, and she was never trying to pretend she was in Japan by any other means than whoring unless she was trying to move away from whoring and then failed back to it. She does what is expected of her and is too trashy and drugged out to realize she's waating her life and her kid's life by staying there just to fuck JP creeps and post about being in Japan.
It really feels like Japan somehow creates this weird bubble mentality in the foreign women that move there to model/escort, they destroy their own lives and broadcast it proudly while pretending to be soooo happy to love in a safe, modern utopia like Japan. What is it about Japan that makes women like Sere, Venus, Sheina, Arisu and others want to loterally become prostitutes there VS in their home countries??
No. 167352
>>167351Right, but what I'm asking is- what is it about
Japan that makes them want to move there and become prostitutes when they aren't willing to do it in their own country? Moving to Japan to be a whore seems like a giant, unnecessary step in the process. Japan doesn't treat them any better than their home country would, they absolutely don't have the resources or language abilities needed to live there independently. What's the appeal of doing it in Japan when the Japanese see you as a whore, when you could be doing it at home? None of them aside from Venus even seems into anime or current tends for years now anyway. Like "Japan" is some kind of status move?
No. 167360
>>167352Anime. Kawaii uwu culture. That's literally it.
Living there is a huge status symbol in the weeb world
No. 167566
>>167504 As a foreigner who lived in Japan for awhile, I can attest to this. I've seen this kinda shit playout. The vast majority of these broads wind up having to fuck/playcate the egos of the creepy old ugly ass dudes for money. These type of white foreign chicks who believe the white pedestal fallacy come flocking to East Asia thinking they're all gonna end up like Taylor R.
And if I'm keeping it real, Tay Tay's meal ticket isn't attractive at all. Venus admitted she's jealous of Taylor and always wanted her kind of relationship. With the way Venus shits on her friendships, I am actually surprised she hasn't thrown herself at Tom yet; especially considering she's rumored to have tried to get with her "friends" husbands/boyfriends in the past.
No. 167612
>>167352>Right, but what I'm asking is- what is it about Japan that makes them want to move there and become prostitutes when they aren't willing to do it in their own country?Alienation. They feel alienated in their own countries. They usually don't have good relationships with strong friendships, family bonds etc. Combine that with an image of Japan as a land where you never have to grow up and it's a
toxic mix.
I have my own theory that weeabooism functions as a form of soft grooming in the same way K-pop does too. But I don't want to waste time writing it all out. Suffice to say all of my friends who are normal or have a mild casual interest in anime are all married to people back in their home countries whereas all the extreme weeaboos I know are highly promiscuous, have countless failed relationships/situationships, are often doing OF etc.
It's crazy to me as someone in my 30s how nerdiness went from being associated with socially awkward people with STEM degrees to BPD weeaboo prostitutes. I'm going to try and keep my kids away from Japanese and Korean media tbh. It seems like Asians can enjoy it normally but it grooms white people, particularly white girls, into becoming UwU kawaii glorified prostitutes with no life ambition.
(derailing) No. 167631
>>167612I highly doubt that Japanese/Korean media itself causes those "problems", troubled teens rather use them as a catalyst.
So you better start getting educated on psychology and keep a good eye on your kids instead of trying to excessively control their environment like that - if you don't want to become a magg0t 2.0
(derailing) No. 167655
>>167611But she's still living in glorious Nippon. Sure she's homeless most of the time, jobless, selling pussy to creepy old dudes w/ gaijin fetishes, has no friends, severely underweight, xan'd up and a full blown alcoholic; but she lives in Japan! She's fulfilled her weeb destiny of living in Japan, so she's totes successful. ←- Venus/ her weeb fans&white knights thought process.
If Mana actually divorced her and got her ass deported, she'd be doing the same shit in Europe. It's just no one would give a shit because it's not Japan related so weebs don't care. I mean look at Dakota Rose? She's still trying to front like she's still living in Japan for clout. Alot of these gaijin cows know that living in Japan is the only thing still keeping them relevant.
No. 167682
>>167655Absolutely true.
Reminds me, did she really changed her name to Minako something to fit in the japanese society or was it another compulsive lie ?
No. 167744
File: 1629036043162.jpeg (303.16 KB, 750x996, DAA58F87-E935-4BF4-9B83-220686…)

In response to “What kind of pictures would you like to see more of?”, lol
No. 167745
File: 1629036081889.jpeg (343.76 KB, 750x768, 94673A86-5789-4BF4-BEDF-DDBCE7…)

Looks like a Real Doll…
No. 167746
File: 1629036116231.jpeg (550.17 KB, 750x1109, C6913C7D-79A0-4AE2-BB0C-DD2F7D…)

No. 167931
>>167918I feel pretty sure some anons called this rapid premature aging years ago after she revealed her weight loss surgery and the resulting complications, then immediately started binging junk food and cooking wine because her kawaii fantasy life was unraveling thanks to running away to get illegal surgery after being told not to by many people.
Damn, that one event really was her point of no return, wasn't it?
No. 168028
>>166745>She apparently claimed in the video that Manaki only wanted her to be like 'Youtube Venus' and not 'real' Venus. Manaki
1. Did not want Venus to get unnecessary surgery to remain more thin/doll-like
2. Did not want her constantly wearing lolita every time they casually went out (aka: did not want some token doll, but rather a real person)
3. Started YT because of her pressure. Venus wrote an email to Margo once, complaining Mana was reserved, a follower, a copycat, conventional and she was speshuul and eCcEnTrIc on the likes of Trump. She didn't accept him as he is and wanted him to be weirder, wear makeup, dye his hair, do YT and so forth.
4. Manaki was constantly berated (on camera) and ridiculed by Venus, who clearly did not accept him for who he was, but she has the audacity to claim he didn't accept her.
She is psychologically projecting super hard. It's more likely that Manaki got fed up with her narcissism, emotional abuse, emotional vampiric nature, her using mental illness as a personality quirk, her drinking, manipulation, being cheated on and having to do everything for her (work hard labour, pay bills, do all her paperwork, drive her places, pick her up) while all she did was some shitty cooking and YT vids. She tries to paint Manaki like Yumi King's Splenda, when that's clearly not the case.
No. 168033
>>166690Ah yes, saint Venus was sooo generous, willing to let Manaki use her world- famous YT channel for success, but he was just an ungrateful demanding little neet! LMAO. This is a joke. Entertaining what are likely more lies, if one of the worst things she can say about him is that he was lazy (one of her OWN defining traits) and wanted Yakiniku as compensation, that is just pathetic. It's already been disproven that Manaki quit his job when he got with her like she stated, given he needs to work to rent and she made multiple references to him being at work. If he actually did quit around the time Venus made her slander video and lived off savings or family help, still gotta love how Venus has absolutely ZERO empathy (neets usually have serious mental issues: maybe he was depressed, anxiety issues, tired, lost, physical issues working hard labour etc), while demanding EVERYONE and their mothers have empathy for her slew of fabricated mental illnesses and life problems. Also gotta love how she left out the fact that she USED him for an illegal visa, used him to do all her paper work, cheated on him, pressured him to be "more eccentric" and start Youtube, shit-talking him with her mother for not being special and unique enough. Her ugly smug face the entire time is gross.
Venus: "living alone is easier"
also venus: has never lived independently and used her husband and sugar daddies and maanagers to do all her "adulting" for her and for couch surfing. She even paraded someone else's business and job as her business and "work", at the time she filmed that. Insufferable.
No. 168038
>>167766while the surgery is definitely going to have bad effects on her body in the future she's still young and you're either over-projecting or a scrote. If a granny had boobs that firm and non-wrinkly she'd be overjoyed, they look like malnourished ana-chan boobs, not like aged old boobs. and "pale"? show me a single picture in which venus wasn't pale as a ghost to begin with.
She is a trash person but the projection of some anons here make me roll my eyes hard, some of y'all need to touch some grass.
No. 168098
>>168033>still gotta love how Venus has absolutely ZERO empathy (neets usually have serious mental issues: maybe he was depressed, anxiety issues, tired, lost, physical issues working hard labour etc),This is a great point. NEETs are more than just lazy. If Manaki was indeed a genuinely good guy trying his best to help his sick wife, I guarantee he began having real mental problems of his own after all this bullshit but Venus could not empathize, only put him down. Plus, Manaki is an ex-fatty. I don’t think Venus ever thought his feelings were as
valid as hers. Even by Margaret’s original account, she said he was hard-working, protective and traditional despite his lack of education and rumored abuse. I don’t believe a total flip flop to lazy, entitled NEET is possible in someone like that unless they encountered serious mental trauma to bring them back down.
Does anyone remember that IG post of her stating something along the lines of “If they don’t accept your asshole side, they don’t deserve you”? And then her fans showered her with praise like it was sassy instead of a very disturbing thing to demand of your partner?
No. 168117
>>168116>Venus is a rotten, spoiled abuser who hasn't ever tried to really hide it, she just overcompensated by acting innocent and kawaii so she could pretend not to be responsible for the consequences of her actions via playing cutesy baby retard who dindu nuffin. Adding to this, that's why she cycles from snarky baddie to helpless uwu baby, the uwu kawaii shit is just a mode she snaps into when she realizes she's about to get wrekt for doing or saying something fucked up, so suddenly she goes "Guys!! I did this thing bc I'm depressed and a bad person! I just wanna drink and post nudes!" It's like a cope, like she tries to make herself seem so much worse than what she actually did
before she gets really called out for it so that nobody really knows how to respond other than to roll their eyes, sigh and wait for her to do something else fucked up. Like her goal is to overreact to prevent any kind of other reaction to her behavior she doesn't want.
No. 168124
She's so predictable these days.
Her usual phases :
-> "I'm doing better guys!"
-> Girlboss (fuck everyone/haters) -> Drunk livestreams/videos
-> Damage control (accusing alcohol/meds/random mental illness for the mess,saying she stopped drinking or she was uwu ABuSEd by someone and she cut ties with them now) "so what of contents do you want?"
-> dispears from Internet
Rince and repeat
She's so has-been now, even gossip forums don't care about her anymore
No. 168180
>>168116>she just overcompensated by acting innocent and kawaii so she could pretend not to be responsible for the consequences of her actionsToo lazy to look up the screenshot right now but yeah you're right anon. She shamelessly admitted doing that in one of her emails to mommy dearest (
One can get away with anything as long as one has a cute face something along these lines)
Yukapon, Himezawa & Co. would be great examples of it. They had to resort to sex work/sugaring for a visa once they fame dwindled.
No. 168277
>>168265Good thing Manaki already decided not to have a baby with Venus or else she would be using her kawaii hafu baby as a prop instead of whoring out now.
>>168154If Manaki doesn't let her leech off him for the rest of her life, Venus will eventually end up back with Margo no matter what. She alienates everyone she meets, including her husband and his parents with her selfish asshole behavior and she no longer has the name and money from being Venus Angelic since she joined OF. Even Margo's shady tactics won't be able to salvage her image after everything V did to herself since marrying Manaki. She won't go to school or get a job on her own, so if Manaki gives her the boot she has nowhere to go, no income and nobody to crash with. Without Manaki, she couldn't even stay in Japan, and she was only living in South Korea because she and Margo joined a language school to be closer to Japan.
No. 168342
File: 1629331048615.jpeg (60.36 KB, 1228x227, 2B7897B7-EC57-4F62-A709-43C5C5…)

This says it all about what a failure she is.
“Wut content do you wanna see, guyz?”
- 11 comments, 27 likes
No. 168355
>>168277This is the only good life choice Doormatnaki made ever. The poor baby could've had the same fate as the hamsters: either dead or adopted by the Okadas.
No. 168361
>>168298I think Venus's personal obsession with LARPing a hafu lolita schoolgirl escort would've eventually won out over her need to be relevant online. She's always been stuck on Japan, and once she got there and got everything she wanted she destroyed it all in under 2 years just by being vain and spoiled. She might even be worse off if she had stayed in Korea, since she started getting better right after leaving Margo. I don't see her spiraling any less in Korea than in Japan considering kpop culture vs. kawaii culture are both horribly
toxic in their own unique ways, yet follow the same basic "wannarexic quirky uwu nymph" pickme formula. She would have been blowing her OF money on more cosmetic procedures to look younger again.
No. 168410
>>168391The only thing that "happened to" or "went wrong" with Venus is she exposed her true nature. Margo spent Venus's entire life moving around, homeschooling her and letting her play anime girl online since before she hit puberty, and she made sure to help her curate her Venus Angelic image to help hide her selfish spoiled narcissism. Margo isn't perfect, but there's gotta be a reason Venus seemed okay until she was free of Margo. Once she married Manaki, moved to Japan and got everything she ever wanted without Margo in the picture, suddenly it all vanished and she turned into the pile of shit we see today. I think Margo got a bad reputation for being the mother of an
abusive, lying narc with a decade long internet presence of gullible, negelcted young followers willing to take her word as gospel as long as they can self-insert into her kawaii fantasy life and pretend it's all real and not a marriage/pedobaiting scam.
No. 168422
>>168412Except Manaki and his parents tried giving all that to her & she wiped her ass with it and them, despite the fact that she can only sit on her lazy ass in Japan because of them.
Everything that happened to Venus happened to her because of her. It's her own fault, she was coddled and warned her entire life yet still thinks it's cute to be a fuckup and insult people for not babying her the way she wants. She's getting old enough to change but isn't, and has shown that even with access to literally EVERYTHING she claims to need or want (therapy, support, loving parents, husband, friends, her precious YT channel), she still won't work or do anything but perform for attention online. Venus Palermo's only problem is herself at this point, she shat on every opportunity she had to change her life for the better.
No. 168456
>>168422She doesn’t have any friends, or a real husband either for that matter. Manaki is her enabler and mark and meal ticket, nothing more. There’s no relationship there. He’s being used by a particularly nasty little Borderline.
Oh and she doesn’t give a shit about her Youtube channel either.
No. 168467
>>168456Yes, all of that is relevant
now, but I meant back when she first escaped Margo and started spiraling. Despite having fuckloads of support from Manaki/his parents, her jvlogger friends, Taylor (and even the farm was kissing her ass back then), she still chose to get the surgery for shallow, bullshit reasons which showed Manaki and his parents her true colors and whete her priorities lie. She had every chance to make her life whatever she wanted but instead chose to just sit down and expect everyone around to help her live in her fantasy bubble where she's some beautiful, innocent princess newly discovering herself. Venus worked hard to get where she is now, but back when she first split from Marge she had the ability to blame every bad thing on her mom and walk away with a clean slate. Now? Even Margo couldn't have ruined Venus as well as she ruined herself.
No. 168499
>>168481Even her vag would be ok.
From what is know only Masturbation, Real/simulated Blowjobs und sex will be against the rules.
I don't think that gonna affect her.
No. 168514
>>168499>masturbation Not long ago Penus posted a set of her wearing split panties and a mini vibrator over her crotch. Idk if that could be considered masturbation by the new rules. Either way,
>>168502 is right. Another excuse to not deliver content to her simps lmao.
No. 168615
Venus has created another Instagram account. seems to be doing quite well with it so far.
I hope they don't delete it though, as didn't she say once before that when she tried opening a new account on Instagram for lewds that they wouldn't allow her to have more than one account, something like that? She's got three now though, so I hope they don't get funny with her about it.
No. 168626
File: 1629481785959.jpeg (674.85 KB, 750x1108, FCD29FB1-412D-41D5-A600-27BBAA…)

No. 168651
>>168626She's trying to lure new "whales' so she's sticking with the "pre-teen" stuff. For some reason only the fked up people with fked up tastes in porn tend to give much more money than x100 regular joes combined.
She knows her algorithm (I bet this information is provided in websites like OF just like in youtube) and where the money comes from the most much more than us. We can only speculate..
No. 168676
File: 1629505690746.jpeg (264.4 KB, 1021x1665, 0FE5D2DB-BD54-4ADA-BA5E-E62F2C…)

>>168626Does she ever get her lazy ass up off that mattress or is she permanently affixed there?
No. 168677
>>168648She's been online since before she hit puberty, and algorithm gaming isn't a new thing. You can literally google it, plus I can't imagine she isn't at least as tech savvy as the rest of her age group since it looks like she mostly interacts with people digitally.
>>168651I think she's still trying to go back to being who she was- a cute girl doing random little fun things to amuse herself, but with a big online following. Except npw she isn't cute, nothing she does anymore is cute and the kids young enough to be into her aesthetic have weebs their own age to follow who don't have an OF and all Venus's drama and baggage.
No. 168751
>>168624>>168625Maybe she thinks she's going to be losing out if OF bans porn, (seems like defeating the objective when that is basically what it's for, but whatevs) and maybe can make a bit of money off IG, not sure how though, but still.
I don't know why she doesn't revive her Tiktok instead of pretending she doesn't have an account and acting like she never did have one. That made no sense, why act like she never had one? She's still obviously got one, just been inactive for a while, she needs to resurrect it, she was ahead of the game there but then once everyone else jumped on, she just abandons it. Makes no sense. Weird. But I guess that's her thing.
No. 168789
>>168752>>168776It'll last until it gets leaked, then she'll abandon it and move on to something else.
>>168751Sites like OF that blow up then shut down rapidly do so because of trashy thots like Venus using pedo-adjacent and child themed aesthetics while selling nudes and lewds/porn, while making the BS excuse that it's fine if it's 18+. It's not, that's why any major site that allows lewds/porn and has a huge userbase of aging pedopandering uwus gets nuked seemingly out of nowhere- it attracted too many actual pedophiles enjoying the content thar actual minors were then trying to copy inappropriately.
No. 168805
>>168789Yep, this same thing happened to tumblr and now it's on life support. Twitter has literal pedo's claiming they're under the lgbtq umbrella (maps) and a shit ton of gross pedo bait porn, yet does nothing. They must really like their $ at Twitter.
>>168776She'll abandon it until she gets into another blow out w/ Mana and he kicks her out for the 9204857834th time. She'll temporarily have to make quick, easy money again via thotting in order to pay for places to stay. She's been on this loop for awhile now.
No. 168960
>>168913this might be the funniest post i've ever seen. this should be a banner
>Erm, no, paedophiles means into adults sweety.Anon, what is the term for people who are into actual kids then, if you could enlighten us?
No. 168980
>>168913Eh, no. Pedophiles are actually people who are into prepubescent children. That's pretty much the very definition of it.
That's why it's even kind of stupid to call, for example, a 30 man who is dating a 16 year old girl a "pedophile", like many people do. No, that's a dude who is into extremely young women. (And I am not judging whether that's wrong or right. It's just not the definition of "pedophile") A 16 year old is physially basically a young adult and not prepubescent.
From nature's point it makes sene for men to be into women whos bodies have matured enough to propagate, even if these are only 15 or 16. But prepubescent who haven't even gotten their period can't. That's why it's so wrong and sick and per definition 'unnatural" for men to be into prepubescent children.
(derailing) No. 168993
File: 1629706713182.jpg (20.69 KB, 300x241, 000876786768.JPG)

As long as she can still make money on OF, Venus doesn't care and is likely happy if OF only allows lewds or mildly explicit stuff like titties, since she never wanted to do hardcore stuff anyway, she just wanted fast, easy money.
>>168625Probably alternatives to OF and she doesn't want to risk her main account getting banned would be my guess.
No. 169026
>>168980>>Eh, no. Pedophiles are actually people who are into prepubescent children. That's pretty much the very definition of it.Correct. Unfortunately the term has become so corrupted that idiot people will say it about anyone who is a few years older than someone they go out with, if you're 18 and going out with someone of 25 some morons will call them a pedo. It is only meant to be someone who is into kids under the age of about 11 or 12, teens are not pre pubescent and many 11 and 12 yr old girls have started their periods so are not even pre pubescent anymore and probably would not be that attractive to a true pedo. I was 11 when I started my periods and it wasn't uncommon as I wasn't the only one.
>>168990Eeuugh, you sound like one of those morons who believe that everybody should be classed as "children" until they are age 25. People of 16 are legally allowed to have sex with anyone of their choice, and therefore seems wrong to regard them as children as it is horrible thought to think of children having sex, so it's wrong to think of young adults as children just for some stupid notion of control hiding behind a smokescreen of 'child protection'.
(infighting) No. 169041
File: 1629736363513.jpg (500.82 KB, 1152x2048, Venus.jpg)

1 of 2. I've done what Venus is too stupid to know how to do and flipped the image so it is being seen the right way round. Why post something that is meant to be read because it has actual words on it, but post it mirrored because you're too stupid to know how to make it right?
No. 169042
File: 1629736498273.jpg (Spoiler Image,510.65 KB, 1146x2048, venus 2.jpg)

Looks like we're back to the editing, or some semblance of it, her face looks weird here anyhow.
No. 169048
>>169041Bc she probably stared at it for so long that it felt off and distorted so she flipped it the other way around lol
Also she provably took it with her selfie camera and she's used to her fake mirrored version
No. 169170
File: 1629809225832.jpg (1.19 MB, 2300x2048, v2.jpg)

Haven't seen this pic before. Quite cute I suppose. I think she honestly prefers how she looks mirrored which probably explains why she insists on always publishing reversed images. She maybe spends hours staring into mirrors so is not used to seeing herself how others see her. She looks just as good when the image is the right way round so don't know why she doesn't just put it right before she posts it.
No. 169287
>>169026>>169038100% sounds like something a retarded pedo would say lmfao
i'm not into LITTLE KIDS i'm into BIG KIDS, get it RIGHT
fuck off scrote, literally no one cares
back 2 venus pls
No. 169348
>>169287Guess what, no one cares about your personal
opinion either.
(sage) No. 169357
>>169348wonderful contribution
sage your shit retard
(infighting) No. 169520
>>169513>>169436>>169434Learn to sage your shit.
I don't know which one is the most stupid, OF banning porn or suspending their decision now. That platform is losing what's left of its credibility.
No. 169576
File: 1629987016913.jpg (Spoiler Image,210.94 KB, 2048x1364, E9qU-k_VgAIw58K.jpg)

Nice to see she can post a decent picture. At least her body looks good here and not all out of proportion and emaciated.
No. 169866
>>167504For real. A lot of those women get their asses beat like crazy in Tokyo.
Apparently she also got beat up according to the description?
No. 169903
>>169827Hate? Hate for disgusting scrotes with degradation fetishes? lmao piss off you idiot, and stop telling people to "stop shitting up the thread" when you're doing the exact same thing with infighting.
Anyways, looks like she's doing another yawn inducing stream where she attempts to be a gaymer and produces the most boring content imaginable. It's just her fumbling around in AC while occasionally saying "ummmm"
No. 169904
>>169831Do they do that? I know that once before when she got fed up with outraged types going on at her about her lewds on her Instagram account, she created another Instagram account specially for the lewds, but then it disappeared soon after and she said it was because Instagram wouldn't allow her to have it, but she's had the witchcraft account up for a while now and they don't seem too bothered about that as it's still there, though she hasn't posted anything on it in a while, maybe because she's lost a bit of interest in it by now, but it's weird that her ero cute account was up and she was posting on it quite a lot in a short time, but as soon as Only Fans reverse their decision to ban porn, her new Instagram account is closed apparently. I don't see how it would have affected her much anyway even if Only Fans had gone through with their decision because from what I've seen in here, she wasn't exactly posting real porn anyway, just nudity and they weren't going to ban that.
No. 169930
>>169908That's her thing tho. To be stupid.
No one can be as stupid as Venus appears to be, specially for someone who has been using computers and uploading videos for as long as she has. She probably thinks being stupid and acting brainless makes her appear cuter.
No. 169933
>>169904They do, you can have one account for selfies and one for art but not two or mlre to post pictures of yourself.
>>169907So yeah, IG deleted it & she hasn't been lucid or cared enough to edit her bio yet.
No. 170070
>>170053Don't worry about this bitch, anon. We don't even know if that prescription ever existed in the first place, given how much she lies. Wasn't one of her former friends who said Penus faked going to therapy?
But I agree with you, that's a nasty thing to say to her young gullible audience.
No. 170164
>>170089Highly doubt it. The kids and "yasss queen" dumbasses must have already left and are only an afterthought.
If she keeps this weird shit up, she might end up becoming an IP2 whore
No. 170172
File: 1630426920350.jpg (300.72 KB, 720x906, 20210831_181944.jpg)

She can't even brush her hair before going live huh. That was such a pointless livestream.
No. 170194
>>170053The only more stupid thing she could do at this point is get pregnant.
Although she was still acting weird and doing stupid things while she was taking the meds, I’m not sure how much worse she could possibly get if she went off them…
No. 170209
>>170172The horrible un-blended hair extensions bahaa.
I managed to catch a few minutes of the "live" while on lunchbreak, she kept on fumbling around and disconnecting every couple minutes. I gave up trying to understand what she was attempting to do, the most I saw was she was editing photos of herself on an ipad looking thing with a stylus. She also tried to have a guest on but it just disconnected. How is she so bad at using technology? It's like every time she does a live there's zero pre-planning so you just spend half the stream watching her attempt to connect the microphone. ugh.
No. 170213
File: 1630447121981.png (8.76 MB, 1242x2208, B5DF63F9-722D-4923-B2A3-D3BEFF…)

>>170211I apologize, the website is not working well on my phone
No. 170291
>>170172She puts the words Advice corner up on the wall, presumably for her viewers to be able to read, but she can't even be bothered to make sure her settings are set to make sure it is not mirrored, and don't say it's because she was using her back camera in selfie mode, it is perfectly possible to record yourself without using that, you don't
have to have to see yourself when you're filming yourself, it's so easy to do, her incompetence is so annoying, it isn't cute, it isn't sweet, it's just irritating.
No. 170294
File: 1630506853915.jpeg (224.29 KB, 809x1501, 10C4AC5C-4AAA-40B3-8082-6575DE…)

Why does she livestream herself looking like this, all greasy and disheveled like a homeless bum? Repeatedly, for years. Is she too drunk/hungover to give a shit, looking for sympathy, too clueless to realize how it looks or what? What IS the deal with this ongoing trainwreck?
No. 170347
File: 1630532232421.jpeg (287.55 KB, 1097x1582, 7393EB80-8E4D-489A-8B4B-C41298…)

>>170296I’m not talking about her ‘acting dumb,’ I’m talking about livestreaming with greasy matted hair, dirty clothes etc. Her awful hygiene (including the return of the brown teeth) and not giving a shit who sees it. Is it some kind of brain damage from years of binge drinking? Because she’s been doing that since she was a teenager so it’s going on 10 years now.
I don’t understand what’s going on mentally with this person that she does this shit repeatedly.
No. 170372
File: 1630536388803.jpg (76.03 KB, 1046x482, advice.jpg)

>>170347this is like iconic. a self destructing ragged hobo with a scrawled sign - does it say help me? no, aDviCe coRneR
No. 170440
>>170401We understood you afraid of big pharma, anon, now stop it.
Venus stopped taking her meds. Her state is more likely due to hungover and whatever she sniffed
No. 170449
>>170440I don't think you are talking to who you think you're talking to. There are more than one of us here who can see what the pharmaceutical industry has done to the western world. It's harder to find anyone who
isn't on some sort of medication than to find anyone who isn't on any.
I hope Venus comes off it sensibly though and monitors herself. But at least she hasn't been on it long enough yet to do any real lasting damage.
No. 170502
>>170449You're completely ignorant about psych meds. Millions of people only survived because of this meds. Sure, they're no miracle cure, but we're lucky to have them.
But I'm pretty sure that Venus just made up that ADHD Diagnosis to have legal access to pills like Adderall which is basicly speed. In contrast to antidepressants these can be used as real drugs. Maybe she thought she can heal her lack of drive and motivation which stems from her depression with it. When she noticed the pills doesn't work how she wants them to and has to many side effects, she doesn't care about the diagnosis anymore.
No. 170532
>>170294So she can keep adding to her "look how damaged I am #jirakei #landminegirl" persona until she moves on to something else. The more of a train wreck she looks, the more she can milk it for this dumbass as "being mentally ill is so kawaii, I'm such a damaged, bad ass middle finger to the haters" bullshit she's on. Doesn't help that her teen weeb fanbase gonna eatup whatever she does regardless.
Then there are the "crazy/mental illness is sooooo hawt" (yall know the type of men I'm talking about) WK simps who think this is sexy. She'll stop when she gets bored of this persona
No. 170557
File: 1630631291069.png (875.28 KB, 1336x754, Venus on twitch.png)

She is on twitch. Honestly I think we should support her going down the twitch route. I'd rather give postitive attention rather then her going for negatives. this is her way out of her terrible cycle. You guys know she is on a bad path. And I'd rather see her florish then putting her nudes out there and drinking herself to death.
No. 170558
File: 1630632407229.png (7.73 MB, 2532x1170, 154DD9B9-1F16-4880-A426-CAF7CF…)

>>160211Her mother made her pose in ways that were mature when she was a child. If you watched (or downloaded without watching on Margaret’s channel) the video of Venus’s childhood photos, you’d see that. In one photo, she was eating food in a mature manner, as well as posing inappropriately.
No. 170599
>>170557Are you new here? Like it would prevent her to drink or continue OF kek
>>170558You are twisted, I just see a child eating a sandwich.
I would rather criticize Margaret for putting baby venus naked picture as a thumbnail
No. 170606
>>170558anon, come on…. It's a candid photo of a kid eating. I HIGHLY doubt Margo told her to pose with the sandwich in that way to take a photo to then share online 15+ years later.
The photo isn't sexual unless you are specifically looking to make it be that way, which is a you problem.
No. 170615
People seeing it as porn ARE the problem. You could compare this to the guy suing Nirvana about the naked baby album cover for "child sexual exploitation". I mean come on.
Magro is an insane mother though, and I wouldn't be impossible she made this on purpose to pander pedos.
No. 170684
File: 1630720468427.jpg (1.04 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2021-09-04-03-40-22…)

No. 170905
>>170897Iirc, she said in that Instagram caption that she stopped taking her meds because they gave her tremors. So is she taking them or not? She needs to at least keep her story straight.
She is so boring. Why does anyone watch these endless streams of her decorating her padded cell, playing with tarot cards and nodding out on camera?
No. 170994
>>170888>>170893I'm wondering if she really takes it seriously at all but just knows what she's doing is crap, like some joke shop interpretation of Witchcraft, because, really how could anyone be that unaware and densely ignorant about something they claim to seriously practice? or she really is that clueless and useless at being able to properly practice Witchraft, cheap plastic tat is an insult to the Craft I would have thought, but I don't practice it but if I did, I would want to use things of quality and value and something old that had some significance, but that is just me, and I'm not saying it's totally wrong what she's doing but it just seems wrong, decorate your space with Halloween decorations if that's what you want, there's nothing wrong with that, but don't do it and claim that it's the serious practice of Witchraft, it's so tacky what she's doing.
Then again, she might really be that clueless and unaware and think that what she's doing is a serious and genuine interpretation of the observance of Samhain. But it seems an insult to those who seriously observe the season and I don't know how she has the nerve to display that tat publicly while claiming it is her genuine practicing of her 'craft'. But then this is Venus, so shouldn't be surprised.
No. 171015
File: 1630948893382.jpeg (222.89 KB, 1510x851, CC8D2E09-EFC2-49F3-910F-E2CC3C…)

Does she ever budge out of that wretched hoarded-up little cubicle she’s planted herself in? Shades of Marge in her hobo Korean goshiwon. She really is Marge 2.0. And she’s visibly drunk and/or high. Depressing.
No. 171022
>>170874Common for these types of weebs to have a "I must stay pure" complex meanwhile being a hidden pervert bc of the coomerism in anime.
-some who experienced the same thing
No. 171029
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I tried to ask Margaret on Instagram if she has the rest of her daughter’s dance videos and that I would pay her to send them to me. I already have a few, but there are about 15-20 in total. She uploaded two more on her channel that I downloaded, but they’re now deleted. Does anyone else have them?(cowtipping)
No. 171065
>>171024It wasn’t debunked though, she has confirmed that’s where she is in a live stream and the air conditioner/permanent fixtures in the room are identical. Not to mention in one of her recent live streams someone knocks on her door so she obviously isnt alone there.
How exactly was it debunked? Honestly asking here.
No. 171069
>>170875Despicable. Using emotional manipulation to try and get more views. She complains not enough people watch or comment hence the title (this is coming from the girl who said all her followers comments were shit to begin with). But her clickbaiting is not surprising for someone who suicide-baited and then admit she enjoys making people worry.
>>170878He's there. In an earlier stream, I remember her leaving her room and saying "Mana-tan."
No. 171070
>>170756After someone asked her, she claimed in her most recent stream it was banned. But who knows with her since she lies about and embellishes everything.
>>170986That's because she didn't contour it. Her nose is not that thin without contour. She contours the side and tip to make a fake "button" nose. She's also using a better camera and has a new ring light which might contribute to differences in how it looks.
No. 171106
>>171070The ring light completely washed her out in a recent video, she looked like a ghost, or maybe that was the intention? Then again, she's so dense she was maybe unaware of the lighting not being right.
And if she takes the practicing of witchcraft seriously, she would not pursue it in such a disrespectful way with plastic Halloween decorations and wearing a stereotypical cartoon witch hat. Ridiculous! She might be so stupid as to believe that is how real practitioners of Wicca behave but I don't see how even Veenus can be that stupid, it's more that she's just wilfully ignorant and probably thinks that even that wilfull ignorance makes her seem cute because any even semi intelligent person would know that is not how real practicioners of witchcraft behave.
No. 171183
>>171146I couldn’t imagine blasting him over internet saying he done this and that, that scared him ect just to crawl back into his flat. Embarrassing. She knows it cause she will not admit she back there. ‘Mana-tan’ is a idiot for letting her back. Cucked
I used to look up to Venus when I was 14/15 are the same age) she has turned into such a low life waster who sponges off others. Her mother is doing better then her. Sad sad life but she continue to
victim and blame others cause it’s easier. Very
toxic trait
No. 171195
>>171146It's important to remember that with Manaki no longer being online, all we have is Venus's story which we know can't be trusted. Venus lies as easily as she breathes, no way Manaki is as bad as she ever claimed after giving her everything she ever wanted and still not throwing her ass out after she dragged him and still letting her live there. Venus got lucky as hell meeting a guy online she liked who gave her everything she wanted for nothing, she just wanted too much and punished him for not giving it to her. Now, she has to stick with the lies or else she becomes the bad one instead of the
victim of the bad guy. Venus is a predator who's specialty is protecting herself as the
victim of her actions after being told not to do them, then arguing that she should both be able to do whatever she wants AND shouldn't be accountable to any of it. Venus is the only person I've ever seen get to do so much blatantly self destrucgive, parasitic and obviously wrong shit to people and
never have it come back on her or cost her any part of her easy dream life. How does that even happyen? It seems like the more of a selfish degen NEET she becomes, the more people enable her to do so and even make excuses for her?
No. 171253
>>171240Bc people like Venus are willing to do nasty things for nasty people to get ahead, and the people who enable her have to do so to protect the precedent that makes lazy, sexually repressed insecure girls like Venus want to cater to nasty enablers to get ahead.
There is no shame anymore, only what you have, who you know and what feels good. Right and wrong are all just he-said-she-said perspective arguments now and whoever knows the most people and is more liked because they'll do what it takes to be liked will always win, even when they're in the wrong and treating other people like shit. Venus in a nutshell lmao
No. 171480
>>171425Also, didn't she start going on about withcraft and wearing a witches hat after it was said in here that she looked like an ugly witch?
That's really funny, like we're controlling her from afar. Maybe someone should suggest something else and see if she tries it.
No. 171740
>>171650>>171645If you can't be human at least SAGE your shit, fucked up retards.
Peenus would fake her own death for sure anyway.
No. 171768
>>171645Why do you call her him? Are you retarded?
>>171650I see that you are. No need for posts like this here. Pathetic.
No. 171795
>>171768 >>171740
Fuck, first see their shit this is lolcow, first of all here since when do you have to be a brother here when here they laugh at the atrocities here
No. 171801
>>171768>>171740Aww, look at the pussies I’ve upset! You can kiss my ass instead, especially
(stop ) No. 171871
>>171801Upset? What upset Lololol no wonder women will never like you.
Kiss MY ass, bitch.
(infighting ) No. 171884
>>171879Still no brain to sage.
Still behaving like a "woman" / truck driver. Pathetiiic lololol
No. 171897
>>171888I don't know where these mental trolls come from. Or why this thread attracts them? As for the retard who seems to have used Google translate to translate something they must have written in their own language originally, (and probably badly in that) some of the worst insane and inane shit I've seen in here for ages. Better not mention it any more as they are so obviously
triggered and it will only lead to more infighting, which is not what we're here for.
No. 171903
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>>171888It's probably the same unhinged WK who can't deal with the fact that Venus has a thread, even when it's barely active and on autosage mode.
Look up to the "Real opinions on cows" in /ot or even in /meta, it's obviously the same person sperging over ~le ebil jealous weebs full of vitriol and needing therapy ~ and asking regularly for the thread to get nuked.
I hope farmhands won't fall for their stupid little campaign.
(Sorry for the shitty autistic collage, I'm on mobile)
No. 171905
>>171884Keep being mad you guys.
No. 171907
>>171884Why the fuck would I sage if it means bothering you?? You’re not smart at all apparently.
>>171885You’re the faggot cunt who started talking to me, so you have to make me shut the fuck up, dickwad.
>>171907>>171905I'm rofling so hard lmao
Keep on ridiculing yourself, you're being a way better distraction than Peenus
No. 171919
>>171907Someone is too retard to read the rules apparently
Waiting for the mods to hop in
eats popcorn No. 171929
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>>171920>>171919>>171917Enjoy, faggots! I’m not going to sage, retard. If you were smart you’d see that already. Do something about it. I’ll let you keep being mad, fotze.
I notice that the infighting/trolling starts every time a thread is almost at its posting limit. This ass is just trying to max out the thread to get it locked, ignore them.
>>172057Apparently her computer is “broken”. Probably just another excuse as to why she can’t do her catatonic streams. As for the candy, I wonder if the wonderful, perfect family she briefly mentioned once months ago sent them to her…
No. 172166
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>>172057Sis might wanna lay off the candy with her brown teeth.
No. 172197
>>172149>>172152She already did in the past and I don't think she ever paid them. Her twitch setup was definitely made by someone else
I agree the milk is dry but knowing venus, she can't forget her past fame and she needs $$ so no doubt she will be back milkier than ever
No. 172215
>>172109What was the family she mentioned? I don't recall. Do you mean family related to her or someone else?
I thought in this video she said a fan sent her the package of candy, but maybe I misheard, I was only half concentrating on it.
She seems to have even less confidence in herself now, the way she tries to pull her hair down over each side of her face is so annoying. I wish she'd just push those stupid bits of hair back off her face, she'd look a lot better, trying to look like an oblong just makes her look like an insecure retarded teenager who smells and lacks confidence, she had way more self confidence when she was a teen than what she appears to have now.
No. 172474
>>172166Jesus, all that purging is destroying her teeth.
She looks greasy af too. I feel bad
No. 172650
I, for some reason, suddenly remembered an old video of where Venus & Manaki went to Disneyworld in Japan, and Venus innocently got out a Hello Kitty bag or something similar, and Manaki seemed quite cross and told her no you don't show Sanrio products at Disny, and Venus seemed quite bewildered and surprised a little hurt as he made her feel she'd done something wrong. I thought at the time it seemed a bit daft if he was seriously making a fuss about something as innocent as that and why would it really matter anyway? It's not like there's a rule about it is there? That would be stupid if there was because anyone would be scared to take something in there that wasn't Disney. Like you can't go in there wearing or displaying anything that is another well known brand? I can't believe that. I wondered at the time if he was being serious or only mucking about, i thought he must of been but Venus seemed genuinely perplexed like he was really being serious. And it made me think, maybe he is a bit controlling, and then with what she said about him not wanting her to wear Lolita, which is understandable if he didn't want her wearing it when she was out with him, but if she was out alone she should be able to wear what she wants, after all Lolita fashion started in Japan so it's not like they wouldn't have seen it before, Cathy Cat certainly wears it all the time when she's out somewhere and it doesn't seem to bother anyone. Also when Venus tried to kiss Manaki and he backed away, I felt bad for her, but made allowances for him of maybe being a bit reserved because of his culture, and then when Venus tried to make a funny video wearing underwear as outerwear, I thought his reaction was just staged for the video and that they'd worked it out between them, but now I wonder if he really was disapproving of it. Heard a lot from people saying that Japanese husbands expect the wife to do everything and HIMR's Japanese wife told Hong Kong Guy in one of the videos they did together talking about Daniel, that Daniel, even though English, is like a typical Japanese man in that he expected her to do everything and to live off her earnings. So, even though Venus has admitted to being a compulsive liar, I do think she may have been telling the truth or at least been somewhat truthful about Manaki being a bit controlling.
It looks like he might be still living with her in the apartment, and I know anons here have said it's like look how good he is or stupid to allow her to live there, but then if they are still married, which it looks like they are, then why shouldn't she live there? She's got every right to live there, for the fact of her being his wife. So even though she's like she is, and a liar, I do think there is some degree of truth in what she has said about him.
Also I think at first she wanted him to feature in her videos, but over time he didn't want to be and she had to respect that, which is fair enough, he shouldn't have to be in the videos if he doesn't want to be and prefers to be private, but I do wonder if he is just living there and not doing anything much and living off anything Venus makes and maybe she has to do everything in the home too, but we don't see any of that.
At the end of the day, they are two damaged people who it looks like have come to some arrangement to live together and try and put up with each other because it currently suits both of them to do so.
No. 172694
>>172650he is manipulative/
abusive scum and Venus is too afraid and dependent to leave
No. 172842
>>172839In one of the videos featuring Venus and Manaki together, they went to Disneyworld in Japan and they were sitting somewhere and Venus got out a product, may have been a bag or purse, can't remember exactly what it was, only that she showed a Hello Kitty item and Manaki pushed her hand away and said You can't show Sanrio products at Disney,at the time I thought it seemed like he was being a bit controlling and Venus seemed genuinely to be a bit surprised and hurt by it, but for all I know it could have been just a shared joke on their part for the video, but it wouldn't make much sense if that were so, and if serious on his part, it also didn't make much sense because honestly, why would it matter if Venus had a Sanrio product with her when she was at Disneyworld? I wondered if that was a thing in Japan that people generally did not do out of respect for being at Disney, or whether it was just Manaki being obsessive and ridiculous.
No. 173014
>>172670Speaking of things of this nature, good lord is it difficult to read through like, ANY Venus threads because of the excessive infighting.
>>172842Obviously it's difficult for people to believe the video was real without receipts but maybe some wonderful anon will come along to show us screenshots they took or to let us know they saved the video and post that. Until then, not a lot that can be done. Would imagine if the video was real it would be mentioned in a past thread somewhere.
No. 173057
Well… The only thing i can remember about them going to a theme park was a picture that she deleted quickly because Margo was mad at her for hanging out with Manaki. I don't remember a video about it, only a picture… About Manaki suggesting her not to wear lolita I can understand Venus' feelings because she was just starting to live there and wanted to be recognized as a "doll" like before and become famous and stuff, but Manaki had a good point, she was no tourist anymore, if she wanted to live there, she had to play by the rules in order to not stand out that much (i mean, she already "stands out" for being white) and Venus wearing lolita all the time (not only for a photoshoot or any situation that allowed her to do so) and getting lots of attention would have been a problem for both of them because japanese people really pay attention to detail, especially when it's about serious stuff (getting a new house, maybe even getting a job for Venus, etc.).
If she got a lot of bad attention and bad looks back in London for her outfits, i think Japanese people would have been more judgemental on her.
No. 173085
>>172976Eh? Taylor wasn't there, it was just Venus and Manaki. There is a video on Youtube of Taylor and Venus at Disney but Manaki wasn't in that. And that video is on Taylor's channel. Venus has deleted so many videos, there is only 4 showing for 4 years ago and she had a lot more videos than just 4 back then in one year.
She also changes the titles of existing videos, she had one called Schoolgirl Housewife but she either removed it or changed the title, there are a load of videos of hers, where she changes the title sometimes more than once, why?
No. 173088
>>173014>>good lord is it difficult to read through like, ANY Venus threads because of the excessive infighting. Agreed. It is so difficult here to talk about anything in a civilised manner without getting attacked by resident trolls and retards. I don't even know why. It's like they're only here to try and start arguments, maybe they're trying to get the venus thread shut down? I don't know why Venus' thread seems to attract so many unstable and seemingly deranged people.
>>Would imagine if the video was real it would be mentioned in a past thread somewhere.The video was real, I saw it, but it was technically just a 'nice' video of her and Manaki enjoying a trip to Disneyworld in Japan and maybe it wouldn't have been milky enough to get discussed in here much. I wasn't posting on Lolcow back then so i wouldn't know if it got a mention here or not, gonna take some time to trawl through threads from back then trying to find it mentioned anywhere, can't do it right now that's for sure.
No. 173089
>>173057True that. Many weebs and obnoxious tourists think Akihabara and Harajuku are the norm and not the exception.
No. 173124
>>172842Whether anyone can find the video or not, I can believe that this happened - Disneyland (even in the US) is a bit funny about things like admitting visitors in costume (or clothes that look like costume/cosplay). I can totally believe that they would be weird about having mercy from other animation companies inside the park.
>>172650I think Venus didn’t know anything about Japan outside of weeb culture, and so acted like actually living there and being in a relationship with a Japanese man would be like some anime. Nothing Manaki did was out of the norm for a Japanese guy in a relationship, and I think people are reading way too much into him not wanting her to wear Lolita outside the house - outside of places like Takeshita Dori in Tokyo, people don't really do that. People dressing in subculture fashions do get a lot of weird looks, it’s not as accepted as it would be somewhere like London it New York.
No. 173195
>>173090The fact that it started in Japan doesn't make it normal for people. Teens and young adults use all this "harajuku style" clothing only for the weekend and at the right places (usually away from home, so nobody recognizes them), for what i know, some even have their clothes in a backpack, they change once they're on certain district and once they head home, they change back to normal clothes, unless they live in certain districts where it's normal to use certain fashion.
>>173124And even in western places people wearing "flashy" clothes get weird looks and even get harassed, i remember Venus receiving lots of hate back in her "doll" days because she wasn't a normal teenager. Manaki just did what japanese people do, most of them don't like to stand out because they think as a community, not as individuals, they care too much about not making others uncomfortable.
Weebs should learn that anime isn't real even though some may be based on real life.
No. 173227
>>173195This. There's also alternative fashion rentals where one can get a makeover for a couple hours.
Back to topic, let's also not forget that they lived in a company provided housing with possibly more workers residing in the same complex/building, it is understandable that doormat-kun wanted to avoid his colleagues' undesired attention.
No. 173448
>>172650None of what you mentioned is controlling behavior.
Lolita might have originated in Japan but it's a subculture and far from normal. Nobody wears that stuff in everyday life. I'd be embarrassed too if I had to walk around Tokyo with a frilly white weaboo in tow.
PDA are also pretty taboo in Japan so I can totally understand why Manaki did not want to make out with her on camera.
Don't know if the Disneyland video actually exists so I can't really comment on that.
No. 173504
>>173448One part about it rubs me the wrong way is like, if you didn't want to stand out and you wanted to be some normal guy why did you seek out a girl who's pastimes include being a living doll and making YouTube videos? Why are you now encroaching upon that lifestyle when that's the kind of girl that you wanted? Either you want her or you don't want her but if you're going to tell her not to dress in a certain way (the way that literally brought your attention to her and made you want to pursue her in the first place) I don't think that's right. It's like being with someone and wanting to change them. If you don't want to be with someone who wears cutesy frilly outfits in public, don't be with someone who wears cute frilly outfits in public. Why would you want to take something from someone's life that brings them joy, especially when it's one of the things that brought you to them in the first place like, grow a pair. Just don't be with them. Let her dress how she wants if that's what makes her happy and if you don't like it remove yourself from the situation instead of trying to make her like you and feel embarrassed of something that makes her happy?
>>173365 Literally have no idea but we probably wouldn't all be talking about this old milk if there was something new to talk about.
No. 173522
>>173504>> if you didn't want to stand out and you wanted to be some normal guy why did you seek out a girl who's pastimes include being a living doll and making YouTube videos?He was a knight in shining armor out to rescue a damsel in distress and help her escape from her Evil
Abusive Mother. The guy didn’t “seek her out” wanting fortune and fame, he was playing Captain Save a Ho for poor helpless abused
victim Weenoos. And him asking politely if they could just go out for a burger without sticking out like a sore thumb with Weenoos decked out in full Lolita Dolly gear is not “controlling,” give me a break.
No. 173543
File: 1632187870759.jpeg (Spoiler Image,188.38 KB, 2048x1358, 8BC8D07F-9F4E-4EFC-BFFB-3A7B6F…)

Keeping that quality OF content coming. So shmexxy!
No. 173589
>>173543eew. Why is her butt at the centre of the pic but blurred? Shouldn't it be in focus since it's the focal point of the photo?
>>173504Ridiculous. He clearly crushed on her as a living doll, but probably liked the actual "person" when he met her and didn't want some fake dolly shtick all the time. He didn't try to "change" her. Japanese people are reserved and he's well within his rights to ask her to tone it down when they go out at times. By the way, it was Venus who clearly tried to CHANGE him. She shit on him to Margo, calling him boring, reserved, disgusting, a follower etc, when she broke up with him once and while with him during her surgery days and pressured him to do YT. She also had him wear makeup and dye his hair to be more quirky, which is what she shit on him for. She clearly didn't accept him as he was. Yet Manaki on the other hand, didn't want her dolly fake persona and actually wanted kids with her. Venus can't always get what she wants and should respect her fucking partner if they feel uncomfortable with excessive attention. Not everyone is an attention whore like Venus. So what did Venus do? She threw a tantrum and shit on him to social media and said she'd shove a shinkansen up his ass. Yeah real mature. Everyone has to change, except Venus. Everyone has to accept Venus as is -
abusive, narcissistic, manipulative, shallow, immature, batshit, "mentally ill", yet Venus doesn't have to accept anyone as is. She never even considered his own mental health, but he has to consider hers and do everything for her. Give me a break.
No. 173590
>>172650Pretty sure, in that same video, I remember Venus shitting on Manaki for his English and berating him. They were sitting on a bench at night and Venus said something like, "Can you say Christmas?" in like a slow baby voice and clearly being rude and patronizing. Manaki was clearly uncomfortable and gave her a cold look as if for her to stop. This is something she did to him a lot in videos. She got off on embarrassing him.
As for the underwear video, Venus brushed if off as "Manaki's humor" but I'm pretty sure he was uncomfortable and embarrassed. Venus berated him in that video too. She clearly did not care about his comfort level. She sent an email to Margo calling him boring, gross, conventional and so forth. Most Japanese people would be embarrassed if their partner was sharing sexy lingerine like that. That's not controlling. It's just further proof that Venus didn't take him into consideration, but expected him to cater to her 24/7. Just like "Ken." She supposedly left her alleged pedo sugar daddy because "he doesn't put her mental health first" and tried to virtue signal on social media/threaten him using a child's sexual abuse. How come everyone has to cater to her, but she's free to run rampant?
>living off anything Venus makesWhen she claimed this, she wasn't doing OF and was barely uploading YT videos. She also tried to pass it off as Manaki stopped working when he met her, which was proven a lie. She can't rent and made many references to him being at work. Venus had a phase where she wasn't living with Manaki. If he's supposedly needs to live off her scraps now, how was Manaki getting by when Venus wasn't around? Oh I know. He was paying shit himself, like he always was. Venus has lied too much about him for me to believe her.
No. 173604
>>173522Pretty sure it was the anon before that who said they thought it was controlling. Was just pointing out that if Manaki wanted to be "normal" so bad he could be normal with a normal girl.
>>173589Never said Venus was an angel herself was pretty much just making a general point about being with an alternatively styled person lol. Everybody needs to calm down.
No. 173615
>>173504>>One part about it rubs me the wrong way is like, if you didn't want to stand out and you wanted to be some normal guy why did you seek out a girl who's pastimes include being a living doll and making YouTube videos? Why are you now encroaching upon that lifestyle when that's the kind of girl that you wanted? Either you want her or you don't want her but if you're going to tell her not to dress in a certain way (the way that literally brought your attention to her and made you want to pursue her in the first place) I don't think that's right. It's like being with someone and wanting to change them. Well yes, exactly. I can see this viewpoint totally, but I can also see relevant points in:
>>173589 >>it was Venus who clearly tried to CHANGE him.
I think there is obviously good and bad on both sides and like I said before they are likely two damaged people who stay with each other even though probably no love there any more, if there ever really was, but who stay with each other for convenience, because it somehow suits both of them.
I do wonder though why Venus's video quality has gone downhill so much since the supposed breakup with her husband, (though apparently now he is still her husband, ?) as people sometimes say her videos were better quality when Margo was editing them as though Venus is incapable of editing her own videos properly, but when she first went to Japan to live with Manaki, her videos were good quality and easy to watch and only started being really bad quality in the last couple of years or so.
No. 173616
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A reminder of what Venus herself said back then.
No. 173662
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>>173658It was written in her diary (she also owns David money )
No. 174039
>>173615>> before they are likely two damaged people who stay with each other even though probably no love there any more, More like mini-margo Wenus found herself an easily manipulated enabler and meal ticket who she probably guilts into letting her leech off him with suicide threats (“if you divorce/leave me I’ll be
homeless and
kill myself and it’ll be YOUR FAULT”) Plus he’s seen what an alcoholic basketcase she is and he knows she’ll end up drunk on the street if he kicks her out so he’s afraid to.
So he’s well and truly stuck with her drunken NEET ass.
No. 174494
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What happened to her teeth?
No. 174497
>>174262Probably will only be established if there's new milk. Lately she just looks like she's about to die and that's it.
>>174494Has she been puking or is it the diet and alcohol? These are my guesses but I'd rather just imagine she's just got licorice on her teeth, shit looks grim
No. 174505
>>174494didnt she mention taking a new medication?
some medications can cause dry mouth which causes a film of discolouration.
No. 174781
>>174494I can’t get over how expensive all those clothes are, and yet how cheap they all look - that heart shaped fur bag alone cost ¥8000 yen. And she says she owes people money?!
She looks like a wax effigy, one of those preserved Christian saints or an extra from a Dickens play with those teeth, and yet everyone was telling her how cute and healthy and happy she looked. What the actual fuck.
No. 174897
>>174852Major tinfoils incoming but what if she's getting financially supported by her family abroad? iirc she's mentioned that she's talking to them again in an ig post (?) a couple of months ago.
If it's not that, she's quite likely sugaring/doing papakatsu on the side. Some men might have a preference for western girls so she caters to those.