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No. 87866
Previous thread > 76241
current events:
> Venus has turned to sugaring to sustain herself since her youtube revenue has dried up but that didn't last long as her sugar daddy had enough of her shit and left her so she's now back with leaching of manaki (her husband she said she would divorce)
> Realized she needed to stay married to manaki to be able to stay in japan so now refuses to divorce him even though she has said they are not together anymore
> Promoting "body positivity" but edits her photos to oblivion
> Most if not all of her "friends" have now ditched her and don't associate with her anymore due to her being an awful friend
> she's currently doing sponerships after her sugar daddy left her but puts absolutely minimum effort into them
> made a video with sora the troll consisting of oh so funny sex jokes that only a 12 yo would find funnysummary:
> Crawled back to manaki and is now living at his house after her sugar daddy couldn't deal with her anymore.> Still edits her photos to the point of being unreconisable irl.> Atempted to be a tiddy streamer but failed.> Aparently she's a famous cosplayer now according to tokyo creatives video with her?> Tries her best to look like a teen japanese girl UwU.> Constantly says she will stick to her upload schedule but literally never doessocials:
instagram: venus_angelic
twitter: @VenusAngelic
tiktok: @dollyvenus
fanicon: (inactive)
main youtube: youtube: No. 87870
Previous thread
>>>/w/80406>>87867Yeah you did miss some things.
>>Posted that picture of that boy on her instagram without his or his parents consent and revealing his face to thousands of people.>>Later she made a story about that boy claiming he was molested and that Ken encouraged it. She still stayed with Ken even after knowing what happened and her breakup with Ken didnt seem related to the molestation thing and it looked like she was just using the molesation thing as ammo.>>Disgusting livestream with unwashed and uncombed hair and with gross huge skid marks on her shorts which looked like shit/period stains.>>Made a weird instagram post implying that Manaki might be into trans/men and then deleted it. No. 87900
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>>87894Her total Youtube views are 25,000/day. I’d say she’s achieved irrelevance.
No. 87902
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>>87882That video is so bad. The film quality is atrocious and her trying to act like she’s having FUN is laughable. And she looks like shit.
No. 87903
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And then at the end she invites camera guy/manager-san/whoever into her hotel room
No. 87904
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And jumps on the bed to model the outfit she bought on her Super Fun shopping spree.
No. 87905
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Manager-san (or whoever) probably enjoyed it though.
All in all another extremely low-budget sad little gig, like everything else the’s tried to do since her “comeback.”
No. 87917
>>87911About that…
From previous thread:
>we’re just friends u guize, she’s happily married!>”Venus is actually a troll irl!!!!” uwu~>reveals that after collabing with Venus, he went home and whacked it to Nicki Minaj No. 87932
>>87888Can't believe how bad her English pronounciation is… the way she said "imagined" is hilarious.
>>87910If she wants to stay relevant or gain views, she shouldn't whore herself out to other youtubers and instead make videos for her channel. She's such a lazy bitch.
No. 87934
>>87925She's so vile that she would go on another channel to shit talk her husband yet again. Why does yet another audience need to know? Is she making money from this collab? She is such an asshole. I don't see manaki running around to the public trashing her. Also, there is documented evidence of Manaki working, as well as Venus
admitting she herself, is a neet (she had to have been for years when she was in her pink little room), so it's incredibly hypocritical to bash your spouse for something you yourself are guilty of. She has zero empathy and is a pathological liar. Even if it was true Manaki was currently (very recently) a neet, that lifestyle often involves depression/anxiety, but I guess only Penus' (fake) mental issues are what matters and it's only okay if she is a neet. No one else's psyche matters. She also admit to being married in the video, and admit to being with "Ken" elsewhere. Why has she not been reported to immigration by now? I am honestly shocked that no one cares she's committing illegal visa fraud.
I also still can't get over the fact that she used alcohol to "look cool". She used it as a prop in her slander video so people would assume she was drunk and dismiss her vile actions. She used it on stream intentionally showing off the can labels, then made that emotional rant about "giving up alcohol and pills" and rising from the water like a dragon" bla bla bla, making her problem seem so severe, only to say she did it on stream so she could attempt the "e-girl" life. And no one calls her out for that? It's the same when she fake diagnosed BPD and started acting it out, just like how Kenna uses autism to be special. This is why I never even took her Marge story seriously. She's always wanted attention and pity and aggrandizes everything, she is so untrustworthy and I can't believe she would use mental illness and addictions for sympathy-grabs. But then again, she also doxxed that kid and used a molestation story so she could share her third, woe is me abuse story. Bitch should be cancelled, yet her YT rep is fairly good and her followers oblivious.
No. 87942
>>87934>Even if it was true Manaki was currently (very recently) a neet, that lifestyle often involves depression/anxietyI’m glad you brought this up because there is no way Manaki is mentally well after all the shit she has put him through. If he quit his job and refuses to do anything anymore, it’s because Miss Emotional Vampire destroyed what was left of an already low self-esteem, sad man. I wouldn’t be surprised if he started gaining weight again and now she hates him even more. Why else would he refuse to divorce her despite her looking like 50 year old banshee and always cheating on him with nasty old guys? He must feel like garbage. There’s nothing cute about her anymore and she has all the power in the relationship. He could have easily ruined her yet he hasn’t said a single bad word against her. What’s even more fucked up is that Margaret said he was abused and sexually or gender confused when he was younger, so Venus is eagerly taking part in bullying an abuse
victim/sexual minority, just like her mother did before.
Then what happened to child molester Ken? He just disappeared as well and has no online presence at all?
No. 87945
>>87942She gets away with so much shit it's actually insufferable. Venus has no problem destroying the lives of the people closest to her as long as she get what she wants. Married, not married, getting a divorce, dating
abusive men, escorting, sugaring, shacking up in Manaki's apartment, hotel hopping, living in different places every month; bitch is definitely committing visa fraud and I'm awaiting the moment it all goes downhill for her like it did for her equally insufferable mother. It'll catch up with Venus eventually.
No. 87950
>>87946Despite that, I don't think he's some evil person that venus tries to portray him as. He helped her a lot. He genuinely seemed to care about her, beyond just being an obsessive fan, as did his family. I doubt he's perfect, no one thinks that, but venus is (as usual), embellishing things to make others look much worse and her much better. Manaki hasn't publicly slandered her, yet she is
still doing it (and making money off it).
>>87942>Why else would he refuse to divorce heragree with your post but we don't know if this is true. maybe he is divorcing her and she is just lying? or she threatened him and has dirt on him? or she manipulated him into feeling guilty/sorry for her and taking her back? she's the queen of narrative manipulation so it's hard to tell.
No. 87970
>>87946I don't really like him either. All this is karma heading his way for wanting to bag the white kawaii youtuber who turned out to be a monster because he fell for her outward appearances without really knowing her. Boo hoo.
I felt a wee bad for him when Venus was peak unhinged. Especially after the gastric bypass fiasco and her crusading against him on social media, but what did he do? Take her back.
So whatever bullshit is happening at this point in his life is entirely on him. If she's as bad as she is then he's a fool for continuing to stay, we can only assume he must get something out of it and it must be a creepy complex.
Good men don't isolate and marry women youtubers with mental and social issues by themselves in foreign countries, and then drag out the relationship long after it's over because they can't let them go. It's bizarre at best.
No. 87999
>>87970>Good men don't isolate and marry women youtubers with mental and social issues by themselves in foreign countries. ‘What the Hell? He married an adult and gave her a family and a stable home for the first time in years. She even admitted that he was the one who encouraged her to make female friends and hang out with them instead of him. Yeah, don’t marry girl’s you barely know, especially Internet idols, but he didn’t isolate her or do anything but spoil her in the country she always dreamed of living in. All her issues manifested on a timeline that is typical of abuse
victims and those with mental illness. He didn’t cause that and he certainly didn’t deserve abuse from her and her fans. Stop infantalizing her and taking some kind of sexist glee in her being cruel to people. Unless you can prove otherwise, we have more than enough evidence that Venus is a manipulator who preys on vulnerable people and exploits the kindness of others. If you want to get angry at someone being inappropriate with teenagers, look at what Venus is doing to her very young fans. She has been directly vulgar and inappropriate with kids online while you only have your imagination when it comes to Manaki’s history with Venus.
No. 88001
>>87999Dude I fucking dislike Venus and I never whiteknight her. But I also don't stan desperate scrotes who marry their pretty princessu anime dolls from the internet like fucking creeps. He's a creep.
>he tried to introduce her to family and friends! She still didn't know anyone when she got there. That's still isolation. Without the context of Venus this wouldn't look good. A man asked a woman to marry him, move to his country where she will not receive citizenship, without anything to her name besides a whimsy way to make money online, and some promises that she could talk to his family and friends with no guarantee they would like her or get along.
I'm not saying Venus wasn't manipulative or didn't have motivations, I'm just telling you that Manaki was already a mental fuck before any of this shit happened and what we're seeing now is just a more obvious manifestation of him being a mental fuck.
No. 88013
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If I didn't know any better, I'd think that's an old woman posing awkwardly for the camera.
Her mouth, the wrinkles and overall her forced smile don't do her any good
No. 88044
>>87999I agree with this. Manaki provided a lot of freedom and opportunities for Venus. He did everything and more to provide for her, like that time when Margo was stalking Venus. I think Manaki is a
victim more than anything.
>>88001Well.. Venus wasn't forced into marriage. She could have stayed in Korea, but she wanted to live that cushy life in Japan. Venus chose that 'isolation' life.
I really don't think Manaki took her back. Venus knows she can say anything and everyone will take her word for it. I'll believe it when I see it.
No. 88060
>>88001You implied he caused isolation, but she had already been living that way with her mother the entire time. Her opportunities actually expanded in Japan and she sabotaged it. Many of us have started lives in unfamiliar new countries on our own or have international marriages where we also had to adapt quickly in the spouse’s country, like in Japan. This isn’t unusual and it’s not inherently creepy. It’s just a chance you may have to take and if you only have your husband to help you at first, it’s not always instant gloom and doom. Who else did Venus have besides her mother and when was she going to learn to be independent? Uncertainty about fitting in or making a living would be the reality wherever she went and she was already used to adapting to a new culture and language every few years. Venus has no roots. I don’t understand what the ideal situation should have been for her given the circumstances or how Manaki is a bad person for wanting to help her.
Believe me, if there is true dirt on Manaki having a dark past/being an
abusive dick or if Margaret finally releases those sleazy crossdressing gay personal ads, I’d be here for it and wouldn’t argue against proof! But all I’m seeing is accusations that Manaki was just a perv after easy pussy when it was clear that he wasn’t getting any, Venus was a biohazard half the time and the poor sap didn’t even get a honeymoon with his own wife. All I’m saying it had to be more than (nonexistent)sex and Loli waifu has been dead for a long time. It also seems like his family, who so readily embraced Venus, may have put major pressure on him not to fuck up his “only chance“ at getting a wife.
> Manaki was already a mental fuck before any of this shit happened and what we're seeing now is just a more obvious manifestation of him being a mental fuck.Yes, no doubt about that. He most definitely was mentally damaged, weak and socially stunted before he met her. I’m pretty sure Venus has a lot of humiliating shit she’s holding on to. It’s just the insinuation that he was initially predatory or a man without merit that I disagree with. I feel like he did the best he could and genuinely cared about her before getting in over his head. It’s more like “Dude, we told you so.” rather than “Haha, that’s what you get!”
No. 88112
>>88060>“Haha, that’s what you get!”I don't see why not considering that's what people tell women who wind up worse off from enabling selfish men. Sorry anon I'm just no #teamManaki, I really don't like either of these people.
>>88111What parts is she lying about? Genuinely curious.
No. 88142
>>88060Apparently venus wasn't even isolated when with marge (though marge did stick to her like a parasite in public). according to marge, venus had school friends, they played together and sunbathed or something, marge said she has pics but has yet to share this proof, so still waiting for that if it exists. venus also had a blog, where she talked about school and shit-talked her classmates. She went to korean language school as well. she wasn't really isolated like she said in her slander video (which she started saying after reading her threads). however, they did travel around a lot, though moving to korea/japan was what venus wanted and wouldn't have happended if venus didn't have weeb dreams. but i agree, her opportunities did expand in japan, and manaki did NOT isolate her. that other anon is just dumb or trying to spread misinformation because they dislike manaki.
>>88112>What parts is she lying about? Genuinely curiousyou're either being willfully ignorant or you don't follow venus/these threads. in order to sustain a marriage visa, manaki had to be working. Venus repeatedly stated that manaki "was at work" in her videos. she talked about their different sleep schedules due to his work hours. she once stated in a shrine video she'd like to be independent (aka: she
was dependent/leeching off manaki). she stopped doing youtube and had no other job being a neet herself, thus was obviously being supported by manaki, who was paying the apartment, car, insurance etc. Yet she said he was a neet after moving with her. Flat out lie. Same for quitting his job to do YT. If he's currently a neet (like very very recently), that is possible. either way, she was/is a neet herself, and thus a vile hypocrite. venus called manaki a pedo, berated him in videos, trashed him to her mom and fans, then made a video publicly slandering him. that video, makes me assume that manaki had dumped her and she was lashing out because her visa/weeb dream was put in jeopardy. there's no flat out proof for the first claim (manaki doesn't want to divorce), but given the extensive amount of lying venus has done (even more than marge), I'm not taking her word anymore. what's worse is she could have some kind of dirt on manaki so he feels forced to stay with her (so she can keep spousal visa) because he knows she can just make another video on him, thus venus could be telling a half-truth.
No. 88147
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Is she…. not wearing clothes in this photo
No. 88148
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>>88147Reposted. She's finally gonna sell nudes huh
No. 88153
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>>88148Who’s she trying to fool? She edits her face to look like a little girl but in reality she looks haggard and it’s even more disturbing that she wants to look underage while posing in slutty poses with no clothes on
No. 88154
>>88153She probably wants to become Belle Delphine 2.0 or something.
I wonder how her VISA business will develop if she does go the onlyfans route… could that be considered sex-work and thus nullify her VISA? I sure hope so kek
No. 88166
>>88157Maybe her manager took it.
Gotta hand it to her though, she's been a bit boring of late, then she posts a picture that gets everyone all riled up. It's hardly a nude though, so don't really see what all the fuss is about, and hate to admit it, but she looks good, though I know saying that is hated by some. But just being truthful.
I liked the video she did recently with the old guy talking about the glass, he was so cute and sweet at the end when he said "booh bye bye hoo" I loved that old guy.
No. 88171
>>88166>> she looks goodThe photoshop looks good. This is not how she looks, it’s a fictional character.
Some people have short memories.
No. 88192
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>>88191Like this Louise chick she followed on IG around the time of her alcoholic disaster of an ‘Idol Event’ last summer. (And still follows btw.)
No. 88194
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Weenis’ IG buddy ‘Louise’
No. 88201
>>88060>It also seems like his family, who so readily embraced Venus, may have put major pressure on him not to fuck up his “only chance“ at getting a wife. The entire thing makes me feel so sorry for Manaki, last time I had heard of Venus before I saw her newer threads here was when she made a video with him answering some fans' questions about her relationship with his mom, where they called the poor woman, Venus thanked her for some omiyage, and it was just so cute and heart warming to see that after the entire running away from Margo nightmare.
But now this. How does someone even fuck up that badly?
No. 88212
>>88156Looks like a selfie to me.
She was probably naked in bed, thought she looked cute and uploaded it.
No. 88235
>>88212Yes, I think you're right. And she does look cute. I really can't see what all the fuss is about. (Some hilarious posts on PULL about it, never seen so many prudes all together in one place. Just why are they so prudish I wonder? They need to get a life and stop obsessing over what a young woman chooses to post on Instagram like it's some sort of crime to post a pretty, and a slightly suggestive little picture, that is actually really cute and upbeat, and not boring like some of her pictures on there recently.)
Has anyone seen videos by Cotorich? She has a slightly ambiguous past yet has certainly done alright out of it.
No. 88282
>>88259The creepy crowd has always been her target audience. It was more subtle back then, but now she's being more obvious.
>>88276It's so sad that she is stooping this low nowadays. She could have lived a comfortable life if she put in the effort to maintain her audience. She wants to get her fame back, but I don't think it will happen.
No. 88294
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She's really going down the only fans route now huh…
No. 88303
>>88166>>88235Honestly don't know how anyone can genuinely think that looks good. It looks so fake/edited and the tongue hanging out looks so nasty. Not to mention, that she shooped herself to look infantile holding a plushie, yet sexualized. It is creepy and disturbing. Especially when you add the fact that her audience is mostly kids/teens and some pedos. That makes it flat out gross. It's even more disturbing that she occasionally posts lewd pics, then goes back to kawaii posts as if nothing ever happened. She even went as far as doxxing a child's molestation and even justified it with "being in love", then goes back to posting kawaii. It's beyond creepy. She's a creep like her mother, and this lewd in particular reminds me of Margo's in the pink nightie.
Now I know that back in her days with Marge, it was Venus' idea to post sexualized thumbnails, especially since she continued upon leaving (anyone remember the close up of her crotch in a white nightie captioned: sleep is innocent?). Either that, or she didn't care, so long as she got attention/money. However, Margo, as the adult, obviously should not have allowed it, but she's a thot herself.
I wonder if she has a new sugar daddy or is testing the waters to see the reaction and if she can make buck with these kinds of posts. Or maybe this narc just needs some attention once more.
No. 88304
she had so many chances and she fucked up every time and farmers are still insisting that she is the
victim,,, too fucking much.
she should be held accountable for her questionable actions and people should judge her all they want.
No. 88310
Now that she's tinkering with e-thotting again after claiming she was done with it(probably in light of idubbbz gf scandal for attention), who else thinks she's going to become a fake, severe alcoholic again for show? Im surprised more ppl don't talk about this and pull still thinks she's a severe alcoholic. But she admitted to using wine as a prop in her ex-husband slander video, and not being drunk. She also admitted in her "lies, drama depression" video, the reason she drank on stream so heavily was she was trying to be an e-girl (basically fake, for show). A long time ago she admitted to liking "some good booze" but not to the point of being a severe alcoholic in danger and even her mother never made that claim to my knowledge. What makes this worse, is she made a heartfelt (fake) pity post under a waterfall, talking about how she doesn't want to disappoint her fans she loves and will try her hardest to stop her alcoholic addiction and be brave blah blah blah the usual attention-seeking ~heroine of her own story~ bs. I don't know. I just find this so despicable to trick your fans about severe addiction. She probably laughs at all the sincere heartfelt posts while pretending to care. Or did she lie when she said it was for show? (somehow I doubt it). I hate how her fans on YT buy her fake narrative. I feel so sorry for them, if they don't follow her on gossip threads and regularly on insta, they will never know the manipulative asshole that she really is.
No. 88316
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>>88311Starting to look like one of those creepy mask cosplayers, tbh
No. 88330
>>88200gravure not AV
it's still pretty 18+ rated gravure for sure, but it's not AV and isn't sold as such. She's recently stopped posing nude as well for her weirdly popular DVDs
No. 88342
>>88259Venus will probably end up like Sere
Piles of hafu kids, drugged up, living in a dodgy back street apartment in Tokyo and constantly drinking of booze alas porn
No. 88343
>>88294Can I ask everyone
Why do all these girls go to japan and become either porn stars or Loli bait models?
No. 88355
>>88343It's a weird weeb dream to go to Japan and be adored as a kawaii anime goddess, so western "models" pretend they are wildly successful at doing so which builds a western fanbase. A kind of lifestyle vlogging/blogging, like the shit-tier artists who are popular on Youtube. The idea of succeeding massively while being average is alluring.
Anyway, once they turn up their career options are limited.
No. 88358
>>88343Besides the obvious reasons (quick cash, no need for education/work experience, having admirers…) ,
I think in some cases they didn't intend to end up in porn or prostitution, but were eventually pushed there from modeling. I've read some stories where (Japanese) girls applied to be a model or underwear seller, but the agency kept repeatedly asking them whether they want to to porn since that's obviously where bigger money is, and so some of these girls eventually stop saying no and give in to these offers.
Not saying this is the case of Venus ofc. But I can see this as a reason 'why' for some.
>>88353I'd just like to remind everyone in case they've forgotten, that "either a hoe or an english teacher" are not the only job options for foreign women in Japan.
No. 88377
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Here it comes
You predicted it
No. 88383
>>88377Since she only does anything for three weeks max, she'll upload some pics and vids and then forget she ever signed up.
I wonder if Venus is severely ADHD and nobody bothered to check that since they were entertained by her ten second attention span.
No. 88385
>>88303(anyone remember the close up of her crotch in a white nightie captioned: sleep is innocent?).
No. Never saw that. Anyone got a picture so I can make up my own mind?
No. 88386
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from pull
No. 88389
>>88377I feel sorry for her. She thinks her fans care about her, but they're only rooting for her to make bad decisions. If anyone has her best interest in mind, they would tell her to get her mental health in check. Then again she treats her fans like shit anyways.
>>88386Sounds like she wants to deny that its sex work. Oh Venus.. You're not in any position to feel you're above sex work.
No. 88396
>>88386Didn't other lolcows who eventually went full fledged camgirls also start out by deluding themselves that it wasn't sex work? I remember people like Momokun saying the same thing but a couple years later and now she's finally taken off the clothes to do nudes.
Venus is gonna be just like her mom, some homeless vagabond bouncing around shelters and men in order to survive while occassionally acting pathetic on the internet for money.
No. 88399
>>88397apart from being milky af I think doing lewd shit is the most successful thing she can pull off at this point. Her doll shit is gonna draw in lots of incognito pedos.
And let's be honest: it doesn't matter if she does sex work because she would never work at a normal job anyways. Way too used to the easy cASH life lmao
No. 88434
>>88405Haha. Remember how she played dumb, then claimed it was an account impersonating her and had her “lawyer” go after them? Ridiculous.
>>88421What’s really crazy is that she could have made a living simply out of being a normal cosplay model. She already had the fan base so she could get sponsorships for the costumes/props and mostly spend money for a photographer, which could easily be paid for by something like Patreon. But if she wouldn’t even take this easy way, how is she ever going to consistently put out monthly erotic photo sets? She neglects everything associated with her brand. Her channel, her private chat, the fan club, that merchandise line,
No. 88443
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From pull
No. 88451
>>88443This is very cute, maybe getting the sexual attention of pedos directly will fulfill her like other things haven't. She's been pandering to them for years, I find it hard to believe her fame as pedobait didn't make her develop a bunch of fetishes.
Here's hoping she'll keep it up, and that someone will leak them (I legitimately would subscribe, but don't have the money to spare)
No. 88452
>>88451Why do you want to subscribe even…?
I honestly don't see her go fully naked but she'll do semi nudes if that forks in money.
No. 88454
>>88443Tbh, I hope that this backfires. I think it’s going to take something horrible to happen to her to finally make her see the empty pathological mess her life is and do something about it.
Btw, doesn’t her (absent) father follow her insta? I seem to remember they had some interactions through there way back, but I might be wrong.
No. 88458
>>88454She already got an illegal operation because of her being a nutjob what more should happen to her? Human trafficking?
I think she’s going in the direction she’s ultimately supposed to be. She just a cow who will end up being a camgirl
No. 88477
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guess this is one of it
No. 88479
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>>88478The sad thing is that without massive photoshopping and filtering, like this one
>>88443you can see she’s really not cute. At all.
Plus it’s shitty quality and she looks stupid.
No. 88497
>>88443I feel sorry for the teddies that have to take part in this. They could've gone to a home with a normal child in it, but instead they got to be props for a lewd gravure photoset. RIP these stuffies.
It's got to the point where I'm honestly bored after seeing every half decent looking girl on the internet pivot to online sex work. Just get a normal job.
No. 88534
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She swapped her onlyfans link to a business email? Guess she realised having that as her first thing wasn't very good.
Not that the literal pedobait of lewds on her Insta are any better.
No. 88543
File: 1586702154452.jpg (176.36 KB, 2048x1152, EVO552GUcAAYEQa.jpg)

I wonder who took these pictures, doesn't look like she could have taken a selfie of this, maybe a camera on a tripod? Oh her manager?
Also, bear with me here, I'm a bit dense about these things, but what is the real difference between her paid for fan club and an only fans? Aren't they both paid for and both only for fans?
Maybe the fan site meant you paid a subscription for like a 3 month time or a year and maybe the only fans means you have to pay to see each individual image?
Did anyone here ever get to see any of the content on her fans only site?
I wonder if anyone will ask for money back if she just abandoned the fan site? (good luck with that I guess if they do as can't see them getting any refunds.)
No. 88549
>>88479Yes you can really see how crap she looks in that commercial she did. The potato nose and scar on her cheek really stand out.
If she doesn’t want to get a nose job she should at least learn to do makeup properly. You don’t just slap on some ghostly white foundation and powder and call it a day. Use some contour and blush. Contour that nose, girl. At least try to make it resemble your shooped pics
No. 88601
>>88546It was already posted in here
>>87912 learn to scroll little bit slower thanks
No. 88622
File: 1586730792254.png (418.69 KB, 934x406, 09676786787678.png)

>>88389She doesn't think her fans care about her, and she doesn't care about them. she wanted to do an onlyfans after hearing about anisa and was testing the waters to see the reaction, only to pretend she suddenly wants to do it because her fans suggested it. manipulative bitch as usual. she wants to do it b/c she's lazy for easy money and has had easy cash since her teens. she has 80 likes on her content and it costs $6.99 to view. pretty sure she'll stay consistent if it makes her a lot of money and is easy (taking pictures is literally the only consistent thing she's done) since yt is too much for her these days. Plus according to her alleged friend, she's been cheating on manaki and living as nothing more than a "roommate" for a visa obviously, so it's not surprising she's looking to capitalize on sex work. she's been sugaring/thotty for a while after all.
>>88385not the same anon but searched for it and found it. it wasn't super close up but the focus is on her body and subtly sexual. it's nothing like what she posted now though. i also found a pic where she made mana wear her dress which was weird and he was getting some bad comments. i checked her yt thumbnails and there are some sexual ones upon leaving her mom as well (like the one where she's sucking a candy but censored it to look like a penis, or the playing with "toys" one etc). showed her undies in some vids as well (but might have not noticed, who knows).
No. 88624
File: 1586731823324.png (620.16 KB, 931x589, 003423423432.png)

>>88385also found this one (but when she was still with her mom), which it looks like she's wearing underwear? but pretty sure, given that she's leaning her hips back, this crotch close up was to show off a (fake) leaning back+ editing massive thigh gap instead of being outright thotty.
No. 88673
File: 1586764424961.jpeg (55.81 KB, 382x679, EVZHYy2VAAApbxq.jpeg)

someone shared these on twitter
No. 88678
>>88677There’s actually very strange warping below her left (our right) cup. What effect was she lazily trying to do? Enlargement or slimming?
Venus, put up a cute sheet in the background or something. Those ¥100 shop racks on the wall look like you’re messing around in a Daiso.
No. 88690
File: 1586792963382.jpeg (124.63 KB, 750x798, C54AF910-CC4B-4060-9455-76220E…)

Oh Venus, this is not going to stop your onlyfans photos from getting leaked, they are already being plastered around the internet
No. 88691
File: 1586793899212.jpeg (58.27 KB, 959x354, C8387831-1538-4498-BBBC-5B275F…)

Sadly comical comment on Weenis’ IG: “Cuteness is in my genes!”
No. 88693
So really her onlyfans is just like another version of her fans only fan club? I mean okay she put some food pictures on her fan club didn't she? and maybe that appealed to some fans, don't know why, but still, and it looks like this is just pictures of her, but doesn't look like she's posting ay porn, which I'm glad about, for her sake, but everyone was freaking out like she was going to be doing porn pics on there, but all this looks entirely innocent, which is good, but on the other hand, the people who want to buy pics from that site maybe are expecting something more like porn? Oh i dont know, i hope for her sake she can make a go of it, she has to live after all and not easy to make a living for anyone who is not already wealthy enough they don't have to care.
Maybe if she can make enough from this to begin with, she can invest money wisely and make a living off the interest? Whatever i'm glad to see she's not doing porn.
No. 88696
File: 1586795288301.jpg (289.53 KB, 1152x2048, 1.jpg)

>>88695I mean no one could call the pictures that Venus are posting porn, like this one, just a cute picture of a girl with a plushie. nothing pornographic about it at all. I hope the people paying for content don't get disappointed because they expect more, I think these are cute pictures, but can't see why people would really want to pay for them.
No. 88704
>>88684>Her cuck fanboysBut does she even have many of those? I feel like most of her fans are teen girls (or haters who pay out of curiosity). After she dropped that first gross picture many of them even asked what's wrong, saying that this isn't her style, probably being genuinely worried. She really doesn't deserve their love and concern.
>>88690>lewdingDidn't she say that onlyfans isn't sexwork? That's exactly what Moomoo said too in the beginning "It's only lewds!"…
>>88696Whose face is that? Looks like a facetuned chinese girl, who do you think you're kidding Weenus?
No. 88753
>>88732This. I don't want this thread to turn into edgy PULL where every comment is some remix of "She's fat" and "Has she gained weight? Will she gain weight tomorrow? Guys, I've circled her stomach. Do you think it's bulging? It's flatter today than yesterday, must be photoshop". It's autistic and milkless, and calling people fat for noticing it just makes you look delusional.
Anyway, any chances of Manaki ever returning, or is it safe to say he's gone for good?
No. 88758
File: 1586839482265.jpeg (112.74 KB, 840x906, B6F0BBC6-97BE-4FC5-922A-9FDF4A…)

Weenus thinking she’s cute and adorable is as pathetic as her mother thinking she’s a sexy momma. They’re both goblins and delusional as fuck.
No. 88785
File: 1586875518824.jpeg (69.86 KB, 750x466, C24713D7-E8AD-4418-91B4-12AA68…)

Is Vivi her new alter she has made up or something?
No. 88830
>>88790>under your real name She literally doesn't even have a real name. venus Angelic certainly isn't it but binatan okada or whatever she's registered as in japan? made up. 'Palermo' is made up for glamour.
Even though her real name is venus it's already a porn name. venus was the goddess of sexual allure and temptation. Naming your kid that is already abusing them since it's clear you have a certain vision for them.
Like btw nobody can be fucking surprised about someone called 'venus angelic' doing sexual work. especially if they remember this actual girl didn't 'start on yt' she started dancing on nico for salarymen's with show panty comments streaming across the screen.
The kiddy audience va channel has just been a long sidetrack from her natural born course
No. 88835
>>88830>Naming your kid that is already abusing them since it's clear you have a certain vision for them. that's ridiculous anon. some people just like the name. it's not like marge named her crapbag or something. come on.
>>88639she was really underweight then, but you're forgetting the fact that she also shoops her body. her hips are much wider for instance than in that pic (your bone structure doesn't change no matter how thin you get), as are her calves, behind and her broad shoulders.
No. 88861
>>88830>if they remember this actual girl didn't 'start on yt' she started dancing on nico for salarymen's with show panty comments streaming across the screen. Completely misrepresentative. Come on, anon. Don't twist up storylines just to make things more scandalous.
Also, see
>>88851. She was named after the songs "Venus As A Boy" and "Isobel". She said this on her Formspring years back.
No. 88866
>>88861>she said this OHH she SAID so! Venus SAID, you guys, so…
No. 88876
File: 1586945264546.jpg (36.84 KB, 926x290, venus.jpg)

oh maaaaan
No. 88882
File: 1586946996743.png (Spoiler Image,796.01 KB, 844x881, uh.png)

>>88876cropping out the picture to make it seem more scandalous than it really is?
True she'll be stripping out of it eventually but that's probably just a way to have something to post every day
No. 88886
>>88885for all the criticism she's probably just using a phone or snow app and not really editing anything herself.
If everyone else is doing the same she has to be the exception and post makeup free acne pictures? come on
No. 88900
>>88891noooo. what i'm saying is she should definitely put more effort into the images she is asking MONEY for.
she could take photos with a dslr and still apply filters if that's what she likes.
i still believe she could find a better way of editing that looks more realistic, but oh well.
i do believe she could make pretty good money this way, but she is just too sloppy from my opinion. No way she can compete with the others who have better quality photos and proper setup. this is just pure scam. but this is just my view, don't kill me lol
No. 88908
>>88906And i don't suppose the masturbating old men will be bothered about whether or not she's edited her hands or the shape of her thumb, as someone commented on earlier up, most people are not going to wonder about if she's edited her hands or not, most people probably don't even think about if she's edited her face, they just want to see a nice picture.
The picture leaked here is a perfectly nice picture, but not what anyone would want to pay to see, so maybe it's just a tease, like a taster and a promise of what is to come, as long as they keep paying, but she will only be able to make some money out of it for long if it turns out to be empty promises.
I hope she has thought this through properly, because they might eventually expect her to post full on nudes if they get fed up with the coy, teasing type of pictures.
No. 88909
>>88908 *but she will only be able to make some money out of it for long if it turns out to be empty promises.
edit, I meant, of course, she will only be able to make money out of it if she posts more than just this and she won't be able to if it looks like just empty promises.
Sorry for any confusion there!
No. 88972
professional editing != some cheap beautify SNOW or meitu filter on your phone camera.
I just don't understand why anons keep suggesting she do this or that as a job, (like being a translator or whatever) when it is so obvious she isn't going to be anything else than some sort of 'entertainer'. Considering her personal history, it's all she's ever known. Even her mom was a hoe (not shaming, just pointing out).
Not only V doesn't have proper education/experience, she obviously doesn't WANT to 'have a normal job' otherwise she would already.
No. 89017
someone on pull posted this podcast with venus as guest did they ('Sryut') find out about it? hmm)
which i haven't listened to so dunno the milk but when i saw who it was i was laughing:
The guy Kirie who is the host is the person who occasionally has popped in here to spill that venus fucked her vtuber manager and a bunch of other embarrassing shit for her. He also is one of the discord worms that joined her fanicon and said ages ago in the lolcow discord that he fantasises about meeting venus irl and will someday wrangle his way into her life.
I remember him saying he couldn't give his source for his goss without getting his friend (tsuruko) in huge trouble for telling him venus dirty laundry so, funny to see Venus on his podcast now
No. 89069
>>89050If all she needed was a handler then she would have been perfectly fune and happy with Manaki still. The reason she isn't is not because she just needs adult supervision and support like a dependant, but that she doesn't
want to do anything that doesnt make her feel like a princess on a pedestal for sitting on her ass online all day. She only makes posts and is active when she's not getting exactly what she wants, and now we know from the 2 years Manaki gave her everything that she will never be happy in any situation where she isn't allowed to do anything and everything she wants without any repercussions.
Sadly, that isn't how real life works. Venus thinks she can use sex appeal and cuteness to get through life but she doesn't realize that every day a cuter, younger weeaboo joins YT and IG without even a fraction of all the drama and shadiness Venus has on her now. She's on the cusp of aging out of her pedo niche, and her weeb fans can't afford to support her lifestyle of doing nothing ~in Japan~ for the rest of her life.
Even Dakota Rose spiraled down when she refused to keep her attitude and humblebragging in check, and look at her now- she was with one pf the biggest international modeling agencies getting everything she wanted on a silver platter,
including the lies that she was doing it all herself & all natural pushed for her. Dakota got way more from Japan than Venus did and still lost it all from being a lazy, entitled bitch. Venus will end up the same way, just obviously she'll broadcast it more than Dakota did because Venus likely doesn't have any managenent or handlers to answer to that give a fuck about her image anymore (except maybe Sora).
No. 89100
>>89069Sora no longer mentions her in his live-streams and seems to have moved on from that. He now only cares about expanding his content and getting more views, reasons being he got bored of sexually harassing and paying off some chick on discord and their friend.
Not only that but it’s been almost 3 weeks since they promised a collab on Venus’ channel and nothing’s been uploaded since then except the commercial and glass video
No. 89113
>>89055>>She got famous from a trend and became irrelevant as the trend died.EXACTLY THIS. She is a irrelevant has-been who was only popular while the doll trend existed and when being a weaboo was popular.
The doll trend died and so did her youtube career and all the weaboos moved on to other things like being a koreaboo or egirl stuff.
Poor Penus-Venus is just one of the many forgotten has-beens who have no quality content to offer and only had a short span of fame due to latching on to a trend.
No. 89122
File: 1587137229882.png (249.02 KB, 1400x680, Prettyprincess.png)

If venus "aged-up" her content back in the day and dropped the "booh bye bye booh" shit and just did anime/manga reviews or japanese lessons or something she could've stayed relevant but shes a pretty princess who doesn't know how to run her own life
No. 89142
>>89134He made videos like these: harassing som girl on discord for “teh lulz” in the beginning. Then, members including the girl ran away from him when he logged in so he told the truth to “discord girl” that he was sexually harassing her for views and some of the mods knew which is why he wasn’t blocked in the first place. He continued harassing her afterwards for views.
She and another dude named “apple guy” then starred on some of his videos and live-streams and were paid for it, this became taxing for Sora as he wasn’t getting his cut of the money he originally made after his channel blew up so he ragequit YouTube for a month and the last video he made on them was hanging out in Tokyo.
Now it seems he wants nothing to do with them either despite being on good terms.
No. 89152
File: 1587158693413.png (29.15 KB, 617x289, kirie1.png)

for the record i believe Kirie's claims about venus cheating on manaki with the vtuber manager were made up, since Kirie too is some zero-views-tier twitch thot's 'manager', and an incel, so i think it was his fantasy, along with other very fantasy like musings he vagued, unsourced.
No. 89166
>>89152these were the claims >62174
>62186They refused to provide proof because "venus would slander them and call them a fake friend" as they put (sound familiar?). And on pull an alleged friend of a friend said venus was faking therapy completely and self-diagnosing (she's taken wording from lolcow directly so i bet that's true).
>>89017how do you know kirie was the one who posted on lolcow? you literally have no proof, it could have been anyone.
No. 89173
>>89166>how do you know kirie was the one who posted on lolcow? you literally have no proof, it could have been anyone.Well, he wrote it on discord. Later someone posted the same claims in the thread. It doesn't matter if someone else pasted it into the thread because he posted it in the discord under his own name, lol. He has edit-deleted his spicier posts but you can infer where they were from the conversation around them.
When I posted that this podcast host had 'spilled' things about Venus and now she was on his very podcast, I should have been more clear that it wasn't to imply "therefore they were probably true". It was more like, look an incel who made up insider goss about his waifu for his jollies (as I said above, he said she fell in love with a manager because he considers himself just such a manager) unfortunately has now tricked Venus into collabing.
No. 89178
>>89169Not to white knite, but the "let her do whatever she wanted" doesn't sound more like she was expecting some type of guideance but he threw cash at took off?
Maybe the guy saw her as an actual youtuber, due to all the time she has invested on the internet, and decided to be her manager since (in his idea) it was easy cash. And/or knows shit about youtube.
It's not the first time an incel blames a woman of whoring around. As if it was more easier than doing actual work or paying with money for something. In fact, that's their whole point of view about women.
Venus has at least tried, with evidence, to get a daddy. But not every male who gets in contact with her fucked her. At least I hope.
No. 89181
>>89169The malice thing failed because it was cringe. She built up and audience of women who watch weeby dolly make up japanese videos then switched to vtuber shit? Who the fuck watches that except incel dudes and twitter anime avatars
like look at this one clip I found mouth doesn't move, character makes strange movements and facial expressions..
No. 89203
>>89152(directed at the photo) There was a photo of venus sleeping around with a korean guy when she was supposed to be in a relationship with manaki….so she def knew about sex from a long time ago.
Amazing how gullible her fans are.
No. 89206
>>89203Well, Margaret actually replied to a follower that the cheating went no further than kissing. She also seemed to have knowledge that Venus was still a virgin for a long time after already being married. She is not innocent, but I do believe Venus has a completely warped view of what is normal sexuality, how relationships work and what is acceptable behavior. Just look at how she has such a safe and secure option with Doormat Manaki but she chose to sabotage that and pursue ugly old men while simultaneously queer-baiting fans.
>>89205Dude, this current thread doesn’t take long to read. Scroll up.
No. 89228
>>89203can you pullies fucking catch up. Marge admitted that was herself in the photo not venus.
>>89201 these greentext walls
>>89167 >>89168
are old over a year old, this person
>>89166 pasted them and tried to point to them. The idea is these are what someone says Kirie said because Kirie wrote the same in the lc discord. However everyone is now frothing that oh venus does cheat, even though Kirie's shit is made up self-insert fanfic just like this uwu my innocent baby shit
and you
>>89205 >>89221 fuck off nobody needs any more videos where a retard regurgitates half the story
No. 89234
omg, pulltards capping the discord: the spicy comments are deleted, i already wrote this for fucks sake. what was in them was just this
>>89167>>89168btw……. if you want to know about Kirie maybe you should ask Sryut
No. 89260
>>89257Her career is already been ruined so there’s nothing left to “ruin”, only her dignity.
And wow, Sora was really
that desperate. Ew.
No. 89263
>>89262Oh shit!
Lol mee stoopid
No. 89293
>>89228Marge NEVER admitted it was her. And I don't remember Kirie making those exact claims in green text that an anon posted here before.
Also Venus had a PATER ad WHILE married. She OBVIOUSLY DID cheat on Manaki. She sugared. She dated Ken. She wanted to experiment with girls WHILE married. So fuck off with this Venus didn't cheat shit. She obviously did. She married Manaki for a visa and committed marriage fraud just to get to stay in glorious Nippon. She never loved him and constantly berated him. Of course she'd cheat on him.
No. 89294
>>89173Does anyone have screenshots of the things he posted? I've never seen them before. She still cheated though, or attempted, given
>>89293What about the alleged friend on pull who said venus faked therapy/mental illness? Was that him too?
No. 89317
File: 1587383546502.jpeg (291.25 KB, 691x1214, 7ABA7AC6-7A16-4845-A139-6960C7…)

People are paying $6 a month for this preschool bullshit. MY SIDES.
No. 89327
>>89324i sure hope you like it. wouldn’t want you to be a massive hypocrite, say, by buying covid supplies from essential retailers who don’t pay their workers living wages? oh wait.
stop moralfagging.
No. 89336
>>89331I have two theories.
Theory number one is she's trolling. Her sense of humor is autistic af and she told Sora she'd be interested in both sexual humor/sex work and trolling. Maybe she's getting a kick out of seeing for how long she can blueball her fanboys while simultaneously making a quick buck. Once she gets backlash she'll either pull the mental illness card or claim that she was just not confident enough to go naked after all because muh body image issues uwu, and all will be forgiven.
Theory number two is that she wants to milk this for as long as possible, because once you've shown off all the goodies you need to get creative or do some deviant shit to keep people interested, and we all know Venus doesn't do effort.
No. 89346
>>89342She doesn't care about anyone but herself. As long as she gets the money she wants, she doesn't care if her young, impressionable audience thinks homemade masks are safe and then they get corona/possibly die. MONEY is the only thing that matters to her. You said it yourself, this is a person who was willing to doxx a child and turned the story around into some pity/
victim me me me act. She's used mental illness for pity/views and family drama/fake abuse stories. She's a trash human being, I genuinely think she's worse than Margo in her greed, but we can look forward to the semi-near future when she gets too old and then no one will vindicate her for her scummy behavior because she's not "cute enough" and no amount of editing will help her.
No. 89349
>>89317I don't know why anyone would want to pay for this shit. Countless girls are younger, prettier, and put out more content than her. At least some of them pretend to 'care' about their subs.
I honestly don't think she'll bare it all any time soon. Maybe one day she will snap when some trashy old man dumps her ass and she bares it all for attention.
No. 89350
>>89349LOL.. You make it look like woman in her 20's is not that attractive
She even looks younger. But in terms of beauty she was always pretty average. Venus is definitely heading to damnation… In country like japan.
No. 89356
>>89329Yeah you're right. You can't just use a single layer of fabric with two strings and call it a day.
No. 89370
>>89360yup, she's not making a lot of money out of this either but you all expect her to produce some professional photoshoot without equipment or money to buy any, $6.99 from 100 or so fans a month won't cover that.
Another misconception is onlyfans is some kind of treasure trove of porn, most professionals use it as a paywalled advertisement for selling patreon sets or snapchats and don't actually show anything, they blur it out or censor it and charge anything from $50 to $200 to unlock the content.
Even regular girls who do post nudes in their onlyfans use it to sell further stuff.
So if Venus is only going to be posting extra pictures from her Instagram on her phone, so what, many others are doing the same thing.
No. 89423
>>89415Wasn't this what was posting on pull a few days ago? Anyway, don't know why so many ppl think they all love her and make excuses for her there, from what I've seen, they don't like her much there, no more than here.
Now, it looks like she might be upping her game a bit, she posted this on her story:
"Ok I decided to pull through with this and let the world know that I'm a degenerate (◕▽◕✿)
We need to heat up the feed with hot pictures So, I thought about coming up with a theme for each day of the week! Below are some ideas of my own But since this is a place for all of us, let me know what kind of themed days YOU would like to have!!
Some ideas
→ One special, designated panty day
→ A boob day, showcasing interesting and unique uses for, well, boobs. Like, oolong the bunny, but boob version, you know?
→ Socks, stripper heels, pedi, something something cute and sexy with feet
→ Aphrodisiac testing!
→ I want to put out more ideas but I'm scared that a portal to hell will open where I crash into the abyss of all the rotten souls and will have to pay for all these sinful thoughts so I l'll leave the rest to you lol"
No. 89437
>>89423>>from what I've seen, they don't like her much there, no more than here. There’s still a hardcore group of “poor abuse
victim Venus, I’m SO WORRIED about her!” over there. Smaller than it used to be but yes there are gullible soft-hearted souls who are still suckered in by her ABUSE b.s.
No. 89477
File: 1587508966984.jpeg (132.18 KB, 750x577, 24436119-C05A-49EB-BA59-27D589…)

this was posted under her onlyfans post on ig. that’s tsuruko’s boyfriend, so i guess that friendship is completely over now?
No. 89478
>>89423ugh it's so obvious that she isn't comfortable with her sexuality like some fifteen year old who just discovered masturbation and thinks it's so sinful and dirty and it makes them a minority for having such "degenerate" urges
peenus, own up to it. you are twenty three and suck off sugar daddies on a regular basis
No. 89490
>>89475No, I predicted it from when she first got the Japan and stayed with Manaki.
I knew it wouldn’t last because their relationship was just freakish anyway. Venus has always had issues and her mother is a nut job. I kind knew she’d end up doing kyabakura work or porn. They always do.
No. 89492
>>89478She’ll be in porn soon. Give it time this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Once she’s about 25 Venus will be on pornhub taking it off some fat yellow eyed sake breathed rice chip toothed salary man for a few hundred to get by on rent.
Well still be seeing the same bollocks off her fans says it’s her body and choice. They don’t know shit and just believe that by pissing away your future for internet new age feminism shite is the way forth.
Get a fucking job Venus.
No. 89495
>>89491Those people don't have her best interest in mind. I feel like people are just egging her on for her own self destruction.
>>89492I bet she'll get with some trashy guy who supports her career choice, because no decent self respecting guy will want to date her. She will think he's the best guy ever while he mooches off her money. When she runs out of money, he'll convince her to do porn. Then she will do it out of love.
No. 89516
>>89370lmao 6.99 from 100 fans every month is MORE than enough. She already has expensive cameras and camcorders and editing software. There is no excuse for her to post crap quality no different than her insta for 6.99. Bitch is lazy and wants quick cash. If only fans pays well and requires a few pics/editing (which she already does on insta), she will continue it. If it doesn't or she has to put in too much work, she'll drop it.
>>89372I'm guessing you're not familiar with the shit Marzia has done? And the comparison is necessary. She wraps all her crap under a fake, infantile, cute, innocent persona that is nothing what she is really like. Same as Venus.
No. 89517
>>89415they lost me at "hyper-intelligent" lmao
venus is average intelligence at best.
No. 89521
>>89477i love how every time someone's telling her to stop or it's sex work she is using the same emojis with the eyes and water droplets lol.
like trying to be all innocent but she knows exactly what she signed up for.
No. 89526
File: 1587545681289.jpeg (541.85 KB, 1060x1125, 2C85765D-7473-4A32-AF8E-791159…)

>>89506Still no Sora video as promised, I have a feeling they didn’t collab on her channel due to fallout reasons
>>89515The magic of filters and wearing tight vests or loose clothes (pic related)
No. 89533
>>89516She's seems successful & good enough to be able to manage herself tho; having her own brands (clothing, jewelry
pottery). And bonus for living a good life + marrying the love of her life.
No. 89551
File: 1587569854827.jpeg (203.58 KB, 750x1148, 5CAB955F-4C34-4389-A537-142153…)

>>89427Venus needs to be careful or else she’ll get her instagram removed, they don’t allow onlyfans links in the bio, other accounts have been banned by people reporting them so she better take that shit down if she wants to keep her Instagram
No. 89555
>>89554Even if they did, not sure that Insta really cares that much about it to do anything, and especially not now with fake COVID news all over the site.
(Not that there’s anything explicit or erotic about her OF account anyway, lol.)
No. 89559
>>89557Venus probably tried it, but Sora wasn’t interested because she’s so ~happily married~.
Or because she’s a dumpster fire of unmanaged mental health issues.
No. 89574
In the end of the day her fans is the biggest problem for enabling this behavior/mentality
>>89477I've even smelt that when the xiao drama occured
No. 89575
>>89571He was whiteknighting her hard and during that cringy collab they filmed, he literally laughed at every single thing she said. Raw footage of that meeting must have been awkward af without all the edits.
Wouldn't surprise me if they shagged, at this point Venus is so fucked up that she must think sex is the shortcut to anything she needs at any given time. Need a visa? Sex. Need a manager? Sex. Need money? Sex. Need a collab? Sex.
No. 89596
File: 1587592001873.jpeg (163.84 KB, 309x500, 211BDAFC-116A-4526-A5BD-0EB01C…)

One sample of Weenus’s attempt at OF - unwashed, sloppy mess in her jammies. Can’t be bothered to even comb her hair or get dressed. In other words, half assed just like everything else she does.
No. 89607
File: 1587596191166.jpg (25.71 KB, 600x449, DAMN_CLOTHES.jpg)

(namefag) No. 89617
>>89596That's not even half-arsed. That's quarter-arsed at best. Even worse than I expected. Wtf?
I bet her simps will regret spending money on her onlyfans.
No. 89662
File: 1587627936233.jpeg (75.82 KB, 750x1334, 2A39A944-DE07-4914-A04B-C4D413…)

She took her onlyfans link away yet again, either Instagram keeps removing it or she lurks here and saw the post about it being not allowed and reporting her account
No. 89672
>>89596Honestly, what is the point of this picture? Am I missing something? wtf? I mean, come on. It's just, nothing. What am I even looking at? this is on Onlyfans??? People are
paying to see…. what, exactly?
Gotta hand it to Venus, I think she knows what she's doing and is capitalizing on the idiots who she knows are drooling at the thought of seeing nudes or semi nudes and it's like she's laughing at them for it. Stringing them along to get as much money as she can out of them before she abandons it altogether.
No. 89673
>>89618Pure tinfoil here:
I think the next picture will be showing more flesh… To keep those paying fans interested.
Show a bit of flesh, tease that more layers will come off soon… Post a lazy picture in pyjamas to rake in some money without needing to do anything… then post another picture showing a bit of flesh to keep those paying fans,and keep the easy money coming in.
No. 89674
File: 1587638595194.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1242x2032, Venus in pretty bra.jpeg)

Okay, someone on pull posted a screenshot from a video from of. that was pretty, she was wearing a pretty bra. So maybe the videos make up a bit for what is lacking in the pictures.
No. 89698
>>89675it may be a 'nice picture' but it is not 'her face'. it's a fantasy face. enlarged eyes, v shaped jaw and shrunken nose, it's the most basic fucking filter of all those face tune apps, for pics and videos and whatever. it doesn't even look like her wtf.
please refer to pic on the left in the first post of this thread
No. 89699
File: 1587658660783.jpeg (273.44 KB, 1871x962, 8A9D6E26-E856-48F8-8A3A-BD1D99…)

>>89675I’m sorry but that photo is extremely edited, if you compare her real face with this photo you can clearly see this, she’s not fooling anyone with bad blurry editing
No. 89700
File: 1587659227958.jpg (94.9 KB, 1200x404, sdfsdfdsfsdf.jpg)

>>89699these are better photos of her (from yeaaaars ago) but still she looks nothing like the one on the right
No. 89704
File: 1587660111683.jpg (256.56 KB, 339x597, 4jgosKb.jpg)

This is more real. Wheres her boobs?
No. 89706
>>89700She really does look like her mom…
>>89704I think she was binding her chest back then, but it’s probable that she was wearing a push up bra in the leaked OF pics.
No. 89708
>>89706yeah she is really getting there. by the time she turns 50 she will look worse than margo.
margo looked pretty good even after giving birth to venus. but venus did shit and she's already looking older than her age. i guess drinking and getting a part of your stomach removed doesn't help either.
No. 89712
File: 1587662094316.jpg (156.5 KB, 1568x768, angelina.jpg)

>>89675i mean here is a picture of angelina jolie that i edited using the snow app…
No. 89737
File: 1587674630676.png (90.06 KB, 1286x511, Untitled.png)

>>89712Aside from the obvious blurring / smoothing / softglow on the skin, that's mad how otherwise unedited that looks without a comparison. Yet it also takes ten years off.
Also, nobody posted the lolworthy caption that went with that raggedy onlyfans pic? Bets on how long this lasts?
No. 89784
>>89675It's HIGHLY edited. You can run facial blurring, lightening, smoothing, slimming apps, you can change your facial features shape/size etc, mess with contrast, hue, saturation, filter and so much more, and penus has done all of these things. She looks super fake and plastic there. Not even close to "pretty".
>>89533She's only successful due to her husband. She steals art and screws over smaller artists. She's a covert narc, materialistic, greedy – for fucks sake she sold her used underwear just to get money and sells gifted items for outrageous prices. Her pots/drawings are elementary level/plagiarized and she doesn't make the jewelry/website and many other things. She's all me me me. Read through her threads on guru gossiper. They have plenty on her.
No. 89926
File: 1587841227504.gif (4.13 MB, 500x368, 47e.gif)

>>89822 Oh you had me laughing
No. 90108
>>90103>Haven't a clue what she's going on about in her latest story.She meant it looks like tentacles on the teddy
>her latest ig info: Venus Your Internet Girlfriend (`・ω・´)❤️ what happened to being “happily married”?
No. 90116
File: 1588004003245.gif (2.05 MB, 450x253, source.gif)

Its now been 8 months since Venus' alleged friend posted milk here. Since someone reposted it on this thread,I thought I'd go through was the milk spoiled. Original Anon brought out 13 points, so ill go through each one.
>venus is broke and has lived off of Manaki for a bit now.Her being very broke turned out to be true for sure.
>she's bringing this up now because Manaki wants a divorce (he has brought it up before)>If they divorce Venus can't stay in grorious Noppin>they have been nothing more than roommates for a long timeThese three have some anecdotal proof, her getting an onlyfans, her moving out, her lesbian phase etc… I say this is 50% proven.
>venus has cheated on Manaki a lotNo proof this far I think.
>Manaki has at least tried to get some side action after he got to know all the times she has cheated on himThe boob tweet anyone? Where she spent a long time before vaguely "clarifying it", only after he had deleted all his social media. I'd say this is also 50% proven.
>venus has cheated on Manaki a lotNo clear confirmation.
>venus berates him whenever she gets the chanceWell this we already knew and had seen in her videos. So this one is 100% confirmed.
>last I heard he's started to stand up to her, which caused her last major breakdown>manaki is a weirdo neckbeard, but he's not evil by any meansThese are hard to prove, but she has been having a lot more breakdowns lately. So I guess her old method of venting frustrations is gone. Could maybe imply she used to take them out on manaki? I don't count this as verified.
>venus has burned almost all her friendships - by cutting those out who call her out/trying to sleep with them or their spouses/not showing up/fucking up their incomeThis one has some proof. Like Venus telling that Manaki told her she needs friends, since she has none. Tsuruko confirmed she nad Venus don't talk private affairs anymore and she has no idea what is going on with Venus
>>82338 Also as OP states, Most if not all of her "friends" have now ditched her and don't associate with her anymore due to her being an awful friend.
In other wortds this one is confirmed to be truth too.
>there recently was an incident that could paint venus as margo v2, the only reason it hasn't come out is because the person targeted doesn't want dramaThis is probably her sugaring/prostitution fake company. This lines up with "paint vanus as margo v2", as Margot got kicked out of Korea for being a prostitute. So the comparison is eerily accurate.
>Yeah she doesn't even own her channel anymore… well she might have it back now. She makes zilch from it. As for entertainer visa? You need a manager company for that, she had a huge fallout with her manager earlier this year because she tried to fuck him. She also crossed him over big time in business matters.This turned out to be true. Though Venus claimed the manager fucked her over, and not the other way around.
tldr, 8/13 of original Anon's claims have been verified 100%. Which means I would classify this milk as having been an actual friend of Venus.
No. 90117
To continue my post about the friend being Kirie, I doubt that. The things Kirie posted lacked some of the claims that anon made, the greentexts weren't the only things that were spilled. There were also the PULL posts; Kirie on the other hand confirmed he got the information from a friend of Venus who was done with her shit. More likely that anon saw him spilling the tea, and then saw Venus lying about her situation and decided to spill since they knew they weren't the only one posting.
Kiries tea didnt allude to any of the spicier details. For example, he never mentioned the "paint her like Margo", i.e. her fake prostitution business, nor did he mention that she has had fallouts with most of her friends, nor the therapy shit. Kirie continued to whore out the information for ages on the discord and revealed he didnt know Venus, instead that he had heard it all from a girl who Venus was creeping on.
>No point. Venus will eventually call me out, say I'm a liar/using her/not a real friend and provide the proof for me. I'm not the only one done with her shit.
Inb4 this is why Venus stopped sharing private details with Tsuruko, because she suspected it was Tsuruko.
No. 90159
File: 1588024368241.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334, 7E0DC5D6-404A-41AF-8FC8-AA6500…)

Who wants to see the “full version” of this idiocy? It’s not sexy in the least.
No. 90189
File: 1588041007295.jpg (65.32 KB, 907x347, nothing.jpg)

>>90159she is going to make funders rage so hard with the way her classic drawn out "announcements" of insubstantial shit is carrying over to her only fans - Like the above countdown to a new update but the "update" was literally going to be revealing "themes" - this dumb ass shit.
No. 90194
File: 1588047129197.jpeg (330.77 KB, 999x1536, FEF7E348-6C96-435C-8559-DD93CE…)

>>90189“starting this Friday, May 1st 11PM Japan time!”
Reminds me of this: “streaming every Wednesday- Sunday at 9PM!” (never happened)
No. 90195
File: 1588047287580.jpeg (294.3 KB, 982x1532, 5F4D744E-BD7E-4FDB-8DB1-5A749B…)

>>90189Or this one: “News and updates every Friday, Saturday and Sunday on my Youtube channel!” (also never happened)
She’s such a pathetic lying scammer.
No. 90196
>>90194She recently posted a "tips on concentrating" post on IG which cemented the idea she is ADHD for me. Her behaviour is absolutely one of ADHD person, like she is on the extreme end. If you have ADHD and aren't interested in doing something you will
not do the thing. The short interest which then drops off the planet. Making a schedule for yourself when you're ADHD is utterly pointless since you can't guarantee you'll be interested in doing the thing a week from now.
She always gets a new manager who suggests a schedule for her that she is not gonna be able to do. In fact she's better off accepting it will be random, she would make a lot more content that way.
No. 90202
>>90116>venus has cheated on Manaki a lotI'd say the pater ad and dating "ken", while Sora saying she's "happily married" is proof enough. Saying she wants to sleep with girls as well. And the old cheating drama in korea with what looks to be venus cuddling with some dude – given the pater ad and sugaring, I could see this being more true now, but not proven.
> Aother anons were speculating this stuff before this anon made the post.Not really, aside from the friendship stuff, when venus stopped posting about certain people. I don't remember ppl making claims about cheating or fucking people over in business matters etc. The faking therapy thing posted on pull was speculated here however. I remember ppl saying she was cycling through mental illnesses/excuses, though not sure if it was before that post or not.
No. 90210
File: 1588050145814.jpg (34.91 KB, 611x467, cringin.jpg)

the greentext wall is different from what kirie said, he said (If I remember) that she hit on the manager and he rejected her causing venus to go into depression. it came after here but it's deleted
No. 90237
File: 1588086266262.jpeg (1.37 MB, 3464x2293, 182D0FEB-DFB2-44E5-9AAF-2F907D…)

Ok so she uploaded the pic on the left then quickly deleted it and uploaded the pic on the right which makes her look skinnier and her eyes are different, I don’t think she’s fat I just think that pink dress does nothing for her figure, makes her look like she’s shaped like spongebob
No. 90247
>>90242there's no huge mystery here, the bra is padded like 90% of all Japanese bras, so they look bigger when she wears one. You can see it clearly in the video, she isn't hiding anything.
It's relatively hard to get unpadded bras in Japan, my friend had to import some when she lived there, otherwise she was embarrassed as she ended up looking massive
No. 90255
File: 1588094011729.png (240.37 KB, 750x1334, D477C5E4-4D14-4769-8AE0-243039…)

Girl, there is no way you have a d-cup anything, and you can’t even afford rent, never mind plastic surgery.
No. 90256
>>90255Most probably a "Japanese D Cup". Remember that most of their clothings are much slimmer. Normal sized europeans for example have difficulties finding clothes that fit in Japan.
Especially with bras as they insert a lot of padding!
No. 90271
>>90267Shitting on her!? Oh hun, she was already covered in shit when she got here.
Hold on…you need some TP Babi?
No. 90286
File: 1588099753233.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1242x2200, A81AFDBF-0FD3-41D6-941D-8A2103…)

No. 90287
File: 1588099809728.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1242x2192, F1AF0383-A4BA-4CC6-AB88-D6E15D…)

New OF leaks
No. 90290
File: 1588101162281.png (108 KB, 564x542, endmylife.png)

>>90286>>90287How do you fuck up noodz this bad?
No. 90293
File: 1588102144434.jpg (70.33 KB, 800x800, virgin-killer-dress-light-blue…)

>>90291No problem lol. Seriously this is the most boring OF content I've seen anyone do. At least act like you give a shit about what your simps want.
No. 90327
File: 1588105165065.png (243.84 KB, 500x278, E70EE391-9524-4ED6-BBEB-07079F…)

>D sized cup
No. 90334
>>90327>>90298y'all must be dudes - she very well could be a D cup but that genuinely means nothing without the band size; a 32d is equivalent in cup volume as a 36A. So a person with 36A boobs and a person with 32D boobs have the same sized boobs, just a different sized rib cage.
I'd guess she's probably a 30D based on how skinny she is - which is equivalent in boob volume to a 34B, which is actually the small end of average
>tldr:>these anons are clearly not women bc that's not how bra sizes work No. 90338
File: 1588110157011.jpg (38.4 KB, 366x640, cup size quick guide.jpg)

>>90334Just so we can shut the fuck up about the cup size, if she's a D cup her band size is gonna be really small, and she conveniently left out the band size part so that she seems bigger than she really is. Also most women are wearing the wrong size bra or have no idea how actual bra sizes work so I have no doubt those anons are women because when the average person hears D cup they immediately think about bit tits, not "oh she probably meant 30D"
No. 90341
>>90329by relationships you mean..
manaki the simp and paid dates from Pater (probably japanese old dudes who are the absolute opposite of sexy)? how is she supposed to develop a sense of what is attractive or sensual with that kind of experience?
My take on why venus fails at 'being sexy' it's not the way she takes pictures or not wearing the right clothes, it's her stunted development that's oozing out of every picture or video, combined with those desperate, unnatural attempts to look cute. Don't forget also looking unwashed. Sure people have all kinds of tastes, but one has to be a massive creep to be attracted to that. Luckily there are enough of those in japan lol
No. 90355
File: 1588118821298.jpg (98.48 KB, 379x647, noideawhatimdoing.jpg)

OH NO NO lmao
she thought… she actually thought when people hide parts of the picture it's just.. random parts of.. just a normal picture lmao
I can't believe she is this dumb, she is doing this on purpose so people unsub and she can close her OF without too much fuss because she decided it's not worth it
No. 90357
Does anyone have access to her OF and can read the comments that people are leaving on it? I'm curious what the people paying for this stuff actually have to say
No. 90359
File: 1588120609031.jpeg (230.95 KB, 2027x1142, 85F3436F-636C-4811-B0E0-38E8A1…)

Hey how about that new video? She’s rocking that ‘haven’t showered or changed clothes or stepped out of her cubicle in days’ look again
No. 90361
File: 1588120777308.jpeg (271.72 KB, 2037x1144, 067E2F9D-5ABE-4786-A00E-901A1D…)

DIY Underwear Mask Hack! (Seriously, how many days straight do you think she’s worn those fuzzy jammies?)
No. 90362
File: 1588120876430.jpeg (224.31 KB, 2011x1152, 51A882AF-2105-466A-9530-DA36D8…)

“…or you can just put a pair of panties on your face and den…SNIFF!” HARHARHAR
No. 90377
>>90250I get farmers saying its shit, but she isn't trying to get our money. Dudes will pay for the ugliest, fattest, most grotesque people. you give them way too much credit.
No. 90399
>>90357Not worth capping and editing out the names but it's exactly what you think:
"So sexy!"
"I wish I could pull this off!"
"Can't wait for more! I'll send more tips when it's payday!"
"Feet pics pls"
And the usual bickering / white knighting.
I should've saved my morbid curiousity money and had a month of Netflix.
No. 90401
File: 1588161481958.jpeg (1002.84 KB, 1242x2212, 74550F3C-E35E-45A5-8A2B-69C928…)

>>90357Yeah it’s just full of thirsty dudes lol
No. 90402
File: 1588161603219.jpeg (965.17 KB, 1242x2118, 3C94C73B-9F2A-448F-B335-C21216…)

Also kek at this guy, if you make of and don’t think people will leak your content you’re delusional
No. 90409
>>90293Who is the girl in the pictures here?
Showing Venus how it
should be done! lol
No. 90411
>>90359Looking more like her mom every day. Then she posts these warped Snow edits
>>90286 and believes she actually looks like that. Even shooped herself a poorly done "thigh gap" by making that little dark space near her crotch ever so slightly bigger. Blur brush tool everywhere so no one can tell where she used the liquify tool to warp herself.
Is anyone else even peeping the anatomy of this edit
>>90287? She pushed the space between her arm and side so much in that it makes her torso look triangulated. No one is shaped that way Venus, sorry you think you're so fat.
No. 90441
>>90358anon. those "bikini girls" would cover the parts
in the bikini to make the pics look implied nude. that's what it's for, implying nudity or hiding actual nudity.
No. 90456
>>90454>She can either eat and work out and have a sexy body to show off to internet freaks,Remember all the times she told her followers that she was for real going to start eating healthy and exercise? Wonder when she will ever start…
She naturally has a very nice frame and proportions so a simple daily exercise routine and not eating garbage would give her a such a nice body for legitimately cute photos. But she never chooses the easy or logical way!
No. 90467
File: 1588252255075.jpg (35.59 KB, 675x675, download (5).jpg)

>>90429Even the pic of the plastic mannequin wearing it, looks sexier than Venus can manage.
No. 90470
File: 1588254684978.png (3.4 MB, 750x1334, E73717DE-9185-4173-9FD9-C8668A…)

Oh boy I can’t wait for this
No. 90482
>>90470Oh please. She'll skip all the questions about escorting, Paters, her sexuality, her sexual history in general and everything else that will
trigger her because she'd rather act like a clueless innocent virgin uwu.
No. 90489
>>90483that's kind of what onlyfans is though, you pay the subscription just to see what's in there then the content is usually released via tips or in dm's. I've seen some people charge $200 for one video and show only teasing or censored images in the feed.
I think it must not pay as well as patreon so people use it as advertising mostly
No. 90568
>>90469It's just a different version of the same dress, only more sexy, (or more crude, depending on your point of view).
Thing is, if you're going to wear something like this, you need the confidence to wear it
successfully. Any hint of self confidence and it just looks awkward, and wrong. And Venus has always seemed like someone who doesn't have much confidence in presenting herself this way. I remember her mukbang video where she was wearing the pretty Chinese style top and she seemed to be awkward and feeling uncomfortably self conscious instead of carefree and sexy. If she wants to wear the virgin killer dress, she needs to really be confident enough in herself to be able wear it without looking like she feels self conscious and awkward, she needs to
own it, the sexiness, not be all coy and awkward. Look at the girl in the original ad, she looks like she's embracing the sexiness in herself, any hint of embarrassment in someone wearing this and it doesn't work well at all.
No. 90570
>>90293What I'm trying to say, how can Venus, with her lack of self confidence, that she has often talked about, hope to wear something like this if she intends doing it in a coy and innocent kind of way, it won't work to give the effect she probably thinks it will, it takes a certain kind of person with real inner confidence to wear something so blatantly sexy and make it look good and not just tacky and wrong or just embarrassingly awkward.
I hope that she can now have enough confidence in herself to be able to present herself how she wants if it is more sexy, but she needs to really feel it and believe in herself.
No. 90689
>>90645She absolutely was under pressure to become "famous". Like anon above me said, there are recordings of V at age three saying she wants to become an actor, model etc. No normal three year-old even knows wtf a model is. That was 100% Marge.
They were also both extras for the Swiss film "Ready, Steady, Charlie!" when V was about 4 so Marg did attempt to push Venus into the entertainment industry as soon as possible. She probably wasn't very successful though, until they discovered YouTube and struck gold.
Doesn't really matter though. Lots of millenials had shitty childhoods, the only thing that makes Venus unique is that her mom was stupid enough to document all of it on the internet, and V looks cute in her edited pictures so people pity her.
Girl is 23 and should have realized by now that you need talent + luck + connections to make it big. She has zero talent. Her weird brittle old lady voice is like nails on a chalkboard, her English is barely intelligible, she has no social skills or charisma because she was raised on Anime and has no idea how an actual human is supposed to behave, her dancing is meh, she can't act (unless it's pretending to be a ditzy Anime girl) and she has no idea how to be sexy either. She used to look cute from a top down angle when she blurred out her nose but her looks are fading fast thanks to that botched surgery and a steady diet of junk food and alcohol. And she lives in a country were 25 year-old women are already considered ancient. If fame hasn't happened yet, it won't happen. Especially not if she keeps alienating everyone she has ever worked with. Her reputation in Japan has got to be shit at this point.
It's high time to realize that maybe picking up a textbook and studying something useful might be better than showing your ass to strangers on the internet for money. I don't know why she's so hellbent on not doing anything useful with her life. A little bit of routine and a sense of purpose would do wonders for her mental health too.
No. 90694
>>90689you're right except
>picking up a textbookwe've been over this, she is dumb to the point of mental incompetence. Basic objects of cognition like a fucking subject for speech or an argument, are absent. She is as coherent as someone waking up from anaesthesia. She can only marry the next Ken
No. 90702
>>90589yeah i get it, she has body dysmorphia but still NO ONE is forcing her to keep her online presence. she made really cringy videos in the past, she had the confidence to post them so as the 10000 selfies you can find of her. she is not afraid to talk in broken english / japanese. she is completely ok with posting pictures of greasy hair and unwashed face. she is confident enough to talk shit about manaki and accuse people of being pedophiles.
i'm not saying she is the most confident person on the planet but please…
No. 90717
>>90691You're retarded if you compare V to a tiny little Asian woman. Her bone structure looks perfectly normal for a central European. She even still has tits despite starving herself. Her only issue is that she sits around all day and compensates by not eating right. If she started exercising and eating more protein she'd probably have a nice body. But that requires effort so it's never going to happen.
>>90702You don't need super high self-esteem to upload videos and selfies to the internet. You always have control over what you upload so people are only ever going to see the very best of you. No bad angles or crooked teeth. You can hide everything you hate about yourself. Feeling ugly because you have acne? Delete that shit, everyone has blurred skin on the internet!
Instagram is a limitless source of pity and compliments. People without self-esteem love that. Venus' fans kiss her ass no matter what. Why bother washing her hair? It will get her more pity points if she poses with empty vodka cans and doesn't keep up with her personal hygiene.
You'd think a person with okay self-esteem is not dependent on a stranger's approval. They definitely would not play up an addiction and mental illness to get pity from people on the other side of the globe. And they absolutely wouldn't sell seminudes for 6 bucks a month.
>>90694 At this point it's impossible to say how smart she would be if she gave a shit. She acts like an Anime ditz because she doesn't know how people are supposed to behave. Her jumping from one conversation topic and giving up on every project after a week is very ADHD but she'll never get therapy anyways. She's stunted/childish because again, people grow when interacting with other humans and Venus refuses to do so. It's not like you have to be a genius to get a degree in the first place, you just need a good work ethic and consistency. Which again, she doesn't have NOW, but you can absolutely learn how to learn.
No. 90718
>>90702She may be confident in doing the stuff she was doing previously, but this going into full on sexy mode, I think she wants to do it but it is sort of out of her comfort zone and she has not displayed the required self love and inner confidence that she probably needs to be able to carry that off successfully, if she tries I'm afraid she may just come off as awkward.
i hope she can achieve what she wants to do, but there are men who will encourage a girl to look and dress and act sexy because they (the men) like to see that and get off on it, but they will then call the girl a whore for it, because that is their mentality, they get turned on by a girl looking and being sexy and for some reason then feel contempt for her, and expect any girl they were involved with to be a virginal saint who they would go mad at if she ever dared to look sexy, I've seen some of the comments on some of venus' ig from some of these weirdos recently, pouring scorn on her for daring to look sexy , saying how she'd gone down in their estimation, while admitting they watched porn, but didn't want Venus going down that route because then they would have to think less of her, and if she is not expecting that sort of thing from men who she thinks is probably just going to love her more for being sexy, it may make her mental health worse. As in spite of what anyone says or thinks of her here , I think she is vulnerable because of her fragile state of mind and I really do want her to be well and happy, so if she wants to do this, I hope she will not be affected by any negativity that may ensue, I hope she can thrive on it and at least make a bit of money for herself.
And can't understand anyone who says she has not got a nice figure, she looks perfectly fine, I haven't seen broad shoulders or whatever, and anyway I'd rather see broader shoulders on a woman than narrow sloping shoulders like a bottle, that is ugly. Women look better with slightly broader shoulders than the narrow practically non existent ones that some have.
No. 90729
File: 1588429928317.jpeg (181.84 KB, 749x986, CE130271-B081-4EF4-9151-CCADE8…)

Does anyone have a screenshot of the photo she posted then quickly deleted a second later before she posted this one instead? It was the same pic but different, also why does she keep deleting photos right after she uploads them? Does she post the wrong photos or something by accident?
No. 90731
>>90729It’s a cute picture, but it doesn’t look like her in any way, shape or form…
Where is the surgery scar I’ve heard people mention? Is she editing that out, too (along with the nasolabial folds)…?
No. 90734
File: 1588433170017.jpeg (412.51 KB, 2048x2048, 83B0C63D-267F-486E-B31A-4BB805…)

I did a crappy side by side with the video still
No. 90736
>>90734lol yeah her face doesn't even look like a real human face. also can you see that sharp angle on the right side of her face?
she made her face so small and pointy her ears look huuuuge.
No. 90737
File: 1588433984634.jpeg (503.72 KB, 2668x1109, 2339F174-AD02-4EAF-98AC-993A98…)

>>90734>>90729Reminds me of the time she blurred her face to oblivion in the Taylor pics, she removes all her lines and features to look like she has a flat bridge-less nose and face
No. 90738
>>90729The fact she feels the need to edit so much proves her lack of confidence I guess.
But then so many people seem to edit their pictures into oblivion. Does anyone on social media actually upload
real true to life images of themselves?
No. 90743
File: 1588437702470.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.78 MB, 1242x2032, D86E9131-6B15-4FE7-BC0E-3C2BF6…)

The OF pics
No. 90744
File: 1588437727668.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 1242x2024, A016EE48-7EB1-4D1D-B56A-7663DC…)

No. 90745
File: 1588437758881.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 1242x2105, 34CB35BC-9265-436F-B49F-C28436…)

No. 90750
File: 1588438558739.png (Spoiler Image,163.47 KB, 857x883, 1.png)

>>90749a closet sized room isnt too bad for japan
you missed out all the fun comments
No. 90752
File: 1588438649931.jpg (136.88 KB, 570x1014, 1571406863859.jpg)

>>90743>>90744>>90745Her simps actually think she looks like that. Jesus christ, it doesn't even look like her.
No. 90753
File: 1588438706366.png (Spoiler Image,113.91 KB, 860x771, 3.png)

>>90751peter in toronto is forever telling her what to do and probably left the tips
foodgeek is another one..
No. 90755
File: 1588438965128.jpeg (635.81 KB, 3153x1599, 82167D38-5190-4ED8-9188-E5B8B0…)

No. 90793
>>90775They don't really care that it's just softporn, those fanboys are creepy as fuck and essentially pay for a one-sided internet relationship with a hot girl they found on Instagram. The internet is full of free porn, but they don't want that, they want intimacy with Venus and nobody else. It's gross as fuck.
Men are also ignorant as fuck. They don't understand filters or how content on the internet can be manipulated. It's current year and there are still guys out there who argue that their waifu MUST look like their pictures because she has videos on her profile and moving pictures can't be edited. That's how fucking stupid they are.
No. 90799
>>90755She looks like Yumi King's husband on the right lmfao.
>>90768It's just a play of her's like "heehee I look like a loli but I drink because I'm a mature woman!"
No. 90817
File: 1588466424421.jpg (198.65 KB, 1080x783, 20200503_023938.jpg)

No. 90818
File: 1588466449956.jpg (136.98 KB, 1080x608, 20200503_023950.jpg)

No. 90819
File: 1588466472177.jpg (108.72 KB, 1080x545, 20200503_024002.jpg)

No. 90820
File: 1588466495379.jpg (467.12 KB, 1080x1546, 20200503_024013.jpg)

No. 90821
File: 1588466570551.jpg (281.52 KB, 1080x1212, 20200503_024024.jpg)

Sorry for spaming. I'm on mobile.
No. 90828
>>90752She definitely goes a bit overboard with the editing. But to be fair, that doesn't look like her either. Very unflattering and unfortunate screenshot.
She really needs to do something about her background in her OF pics. It just looks lazy.
No. 90836
File: 1588474149265.jpg (463.67 KB, 1074x1500, _20200503_034357.JPG)

Multiple the amount of fan subscribers she has with her standard month fee, taking into account of the different payment plans she also has & the small percentage OnlyFans take from their creators. She's making easy money taking tacky edited to hell and back selfies for her simps. Venus isn't going to up her quality any time soon now she's seeing instant $$$ signs for only a fraction of the effort.
No. 90884
>>90848she is somewhat petite, just not next to that skeletal dobby, kek. she's not the smallest and most petite person out there, but i would still consider her petite for a central european at least and her being an annoying weeb doesn't change that
>inb4 simpnope, just not an ana-chan
No. 90885
>>90884i'm sorry but even for a central european she is not petite. she is just average, normal. currently she is very thin but you can still see she is not the petite type, her bones are huge (she is like 170) so as her palms. she has wide shoulders too.
she would look way better if she put on some weight and worked out, currently she looks like a skeleton with weird proportions.
No. 90900
File: 1588525807414.jpeg (192.39 KB, 746x927, BDA2390F-F9B8-45B6-91A2-C9632A…)

There she goes again dejecting pictures again after a second of posting them, also I legit thought this was an old lady she posted before I realized it was her
No. 90903
File: 1588526042452.jpeg (1.19 MB, 3313x2132, 129E826C-AD1F-4F9A-A084-5002E1…)

>>90900(Same fag) She replaced that with these 2 pictures instead
No. 90911
File: 1588528604456.jpeg (401.75 KB, 1715x1536, 2AD7B175-E21D-4897-9AEF-543BBF…)

>>90903>>due to quarantine I now have to stay inside a lot so I got new pajamasExcept that staying holed up in her little room wearing the same jammies for days on end is her norm and has been for years, as demonstrated by numerous videos in the past.
So stop pretending that this is something new since the pandemic, Weenus. Oh and consider tearing yourself away from the video games long enough to wash your hair once in awhile.
No. 90912
>>90743I'm glad to see these are quite tasteful pix. I was afraid she was going to be posting porn pictures, but these are just cute.
It's good that she has the confidence to do this, and at least it is a way for her to ear some money. People have been urging her to get education, to get a job, whatever, for ages, as a way of earning some money, like they had her best interests at heart, now this way she doesn't have to.
No. 90914
File: 1588529444293.jpg (26.08 KB, 412x304, 1573429911957.thumb.jpg.0a38f2…)

she should include these pictures on her OF
No. 90940
>>90788She can still recover from this if she doesn't stick to it for too long. The photos aren't grossly explicit, and they fit an "erokawaii" theme. She can play this off as a time when she was trying to appreciate her own body and quit repressing her sexuality if/when she goes back to non-sexual content.
With any hope, she'll ignore the spergs ITT who were screeching that she's "scamming" her simps by not posting full nudes (as if their dumb asses are owed anything, or like she'll suddenly become admirable if she busts it wide open for a bunch of creepy neckbeards).
Then again, she might just go down the Margo path, become an escort and ruin her life even more.
No. 90941
>>90938yeah that's for sure, so as 90% of her OF followers. and she knows that, that's why she's trying to look like a toddler; surrounding herself with plushies, sucking on candies etc. it's so so bad… but this has been going on for sooo long. margo knew what audience to aim and taught venus how to be a pedo-bait and make money out of it.
just remember that cover pic of one of her videos where the title says 'they're huge!!!' and the pic is just a close up on her boobs… but there were other instances too.
No. 90959
>>90955It isn't beyond the realm of possibility.
I once dated a girl who would free-bleed onto her own clothing or wherever she was sitting. Bad hygiene ran in that family, her sister would use menstrual pads but just drop them on the floor when she was finished with them.
(no1curr) No. 90963
>>90955No need to be so angry and
triggered anon. Imagine thinking Venus isn't "that" stupid. She's on lolcow for a reason.
No. 90987
>>90904lmao what a cuck. He's working his ass off to pay the bills while others jerk off to binatan's lame pics
>>90912go back to KF
No. 90998
>>90941i bet venus didn't care though, as long as she made money. obviously, marge as the parent should not have done that (if it was her idea) or allowed venus to do that if it was hers, but still, venus didn't give a shit, just like she doesn't now. she just wants money, as easily as possible. i bet she laughs with contempt at people genuinely worried about her (however, a fake, lying, manipulative, vindictive, slandering, child doxxing, attempting to profit off a childs sexual abuse, self-aggrandizer, mental illness exploiter/faker/profiter, scammer, cheater, family drama exploiter who uses others and doesn't give a shit about her fans, only money doesn't deserve genuine concern. She repeatedly trampled on people's concern or used to to profit.
>>90940i don't see how posting these pics is going to hurt her. she doesn't give a shit about anything except easy money. and she's already milked, exploited and aggrandized her family drama, mental illnesses, even faking therapy/illnesses and shared so much crap that is forever documented online. she's already done so many vile things she cant recover from, so these pics dont really matter in that regard. If some irl person found her gossip threads, she'd be done for, nudes or not. and she
is a scammer. one guy still can't stop payments for the fan club she abandoned and she ignored all his public messages. if she says she'll keep "removing layers" and hypes up her nudes, and then doesn't deliver, she IS SCAMMING them. and she's already escorted and cheated. The only way nudes could affect her is in visa related matters. It could expose her marriage fraud, as could the ken thing. no idea if she has PR already though.
>>90821lmao what a bitch. the only "books" she's read are her yuri mangas. i remember someone called venus vapid on here and said she doesn't know anything and she immediately made a post about a poetry book she was "reading". she's so asinine.
No. 91005
>>91001Venus manipulates people. Wouldn't be surprised she's put the fear in him and are remaining a "normal" married couple on the side so she can stay in Japan. He has no social media prescene anymore and her fans dislike him heavily after she told them how "
abusive" he was.
She's got him wrapped around her little finger. Insecure and weak men will do anything for pussy and to be given attention by a female they idolise. Venus went from living in questionable rooms to hotels for months. Now she's back in the exact kawaii uwu magical girl room when they were "together". She probably got close to being on the streets and Manaki like the doormat he is took her in out of care.
No. 91028
>>91023new faces in sex work always get an influx of subs. i would assume penus knows this from her pater ad days? only the most pathetic of scrotes will continue to pay for her OF. she will abandon it and continue to leech of manaki.
idk if it's been discussed but did he let her move back in bc of covid?
No. 91033
go back to KF"
I don't post to KW,
or Pull, just because someone makes a comment about Venus that is not full on hate towards her, does not mean the poster making the comment is from either of those two forums. Just saying.
>>91004So, does "adult" underwear have to be just plain black, or maroon, or dark grey? or what?? Define "adult" underwear. Some people like pretty patterns on underwear. some people don't wear any underwear anyway, (Vivienne Westwood has admitted to such for one). Gawd, this is so silly, to dictate to what you think is "adult" underwear . If it is made for adults, then it is for adults!
>>91011I hope she can deal with those type of disgusting attitude men, they are utterly vile, who the hell do they think they are!? Types like need putting down in their place, the sort who pays for sex with prostitutes and treats them with contempt , when really the problem is their own attitudes towards sex and their desires, so any woman who arouses it needs to be punished in some way, or owned and controlled, vile the lot of them. I hope she can just off load them, so what if they pay? They don't bloody own her. Creeps!
No. 91066
>>90998Talking about family shit can be excused as just showing your life as a public figure, warts and all, to help others cope. It can end at "I was in an
abusive, rough situation - and I do have mental issues", and most of the places she'd probably want to be accepted would probably hand-wave it and ignore people here and on PULL because "jealous, fat liars".
Nudes, on the other hand, turn you into a porn star and destroy your image. Like you said, it'll fuck up her visa, too.
>one guy still can't stop payments for the fan club she abandoned and she ignored all his public messages. Honestly, good. Hopefully, it was that British pedo who left weird comments on everything.
>if she says she'll keep "removing layers" and hypes up her nudes, and then doesn't deliver, she IS SCAMMING themI don't remember her ever saying how many layers she'd remove, or promise to get fully naked. If they expect something they're not entitled to and pay money for it, that's their problem.
Besides, it's not like posting nudes will make her respectable. It would just be a new low. Her escorting in the past was kept relatively under the table, with some level of deniability. If she went public about it, it'd be 1000% over for her.
She's probably self-destructive and dumb enough to do it, but I kind of hope she isn't. Watching her is like observing a trainwreck. If this fizzles out, if she's smart, she'll find a way to make money without humiliating herself.
No. 91072
>>91066>Nudes, on the other hand, turn you into a porn starShe would never be considered a star..
>I don't remember her ever saying how many layersOn a site that is more often than not used for nudity it is heavily implied and I'd be hella bummed if I were to pay and it didn't go in that direction. Personally I don't really care either way, I'll happily live the rest of my days without seeing her naked, but that is what people are paying her for and she knows it.
No. 91073
File: 1588627830827.png (520.32 KB, 888x894, smugfrog20.png)

>>91068Blow it out your ass.
No. 91099
>>90821Oh, Venus. You stupid fuck.
I love how she tries to use the whole 'educate yourself more uwu' bollocks. She doesn't like being called out so she twists it because she does not want people figuring out she's a lazy cunt who doesn't want to gain a proper life and wants to just wither away, in the dark of some dodgy apartment with only the glow of her nintendo lite screen accompanying her.
It's a sad reality to be quite honest and for someone at 24 years of age almost, it's just shocking.
God help if she ever has a child. That'll be fucked too.
No. 91153
If she did what everyone here and on pull have said over the years, like get off the internet, stop posting, get a regular job etc, and all that, well if she did that, this thread would die out for a start and it would be one less thing for people here and any other forum to talk about. so wouldn't that defeat the object, in that you all like to talk shit about people and gossip about them? Not saying it as a critical statement, just saying. Don't y'all like it that she gives us all something to talk about?
Anyway, she definitely seems happier since starting her only fans thing. I suppose she can string it out for a while before they demand to see more than just the cute pix she's been posting, (haven't seen everything as not joined, but from what's been posted here), so at the moment, she's probably doing alright.
No. 91155
>>91153She is happy right now because she's high on validation. The female stans are yas queening her hard, all the men kiss her ass, she's having a field day being cunty to her fans on Insta and she makes 3k a month with low effort selfies.
Her mental issues have gone away overnight, her drinking problem has sorted herself out, she is no longer a Yuri lesbian because she figured out she gets more attention when she pretends she's a hypersexual deviant. She's in for one hell of a surprise if she thinks what she's doing right now is super lewd or scandalous. Can't wait how long this new identity lasts.
No. 91158
>>91157>She has surgery scars she has to hide.I mean her belly button looks a bit blown out but that's basically it. If you're referring to her gastric bypass there probably won't be scarring because those are done by laparoscope. They would've only made incisions in her belly button and maybe one or two someplace else on her abdomen which wouldn't take much to shoop out with a Snow filter.
She's gonna get away with this until she can't anymore, and then she'll find the next thing to pander to for the simpbux. I just hope anons who were stanning her before can see she's no different than her mom.
No. 91179
>>91158I used to stan her, I really thought she was a
victim and I related to her in a way. But seeing that she really is a terrible LAZY person. I do not stan.
No. 91184
>>91179I do believe she WAS a
victim. However since Marge was her mother I just feel that shit rubbed off on her permanently. Marge was a perfect example of someone who shouldn't have bred.
I mean there might have been hope if someone else raised Venus? But Venus's dad was a dead beat and she kept her daughter away from her family. How would you turn out if your only influence was Marge? You would be an asshole too.
No. 91195
>>91153Nope it was the opposite. I was rooting for her and I come back 2 yrs later to see Venus doing the exact thing Margo doing? Huh?? Bitch knows 3 languages, claims she was in school and Manki payed for all
her shit. It’s no way she just sat on her ass all day. Venus asking for a divorce was laughable Venus has more to lose than manki. I recall she doesn’t have a car, visa loss, house, money saved up, or a decent job. She would be dumb to divorce manki. She would be a world traveler with Margo at this rate.
No. 91215
>>91214when she was beckii cruel with the Japanese agency they released one photobook, like two DVDs and a single which sold 849 copies total. she was also on japanese TV around 3 times.
the dad being greedy or overconfident was when they left the agency and all that dried up in Japan, just self released singles in the Uk and UK convention visits
No. 91232
File: 1588720141084.jpg (21.79 KB, 395x173, dMQHlKN.jpg)

No. 91250
File: 1588723774371.png (Spoiler Image,93.31 KB, 851x651, 1.png)

they are now turning on each other in the comments
No. 91251
File: 1588723884585.png (Spoiler Image,170.77 KB, 861x893, 2.png)

>>91250kat sum asks about her feet in every post in uwu baby talk
No. 91252
File: 1588724023292.png (Spoiler Image,154.15 KB, 849x841, 3.png)

>>91251pretty sure they're reading this thread too
No. 91261
>>91260its this
>>91232 one the last post
No. 91268
File: 1588729628455.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1242x2196, CE604844-C46A-4812-8D4D-9C7B3C…)

I mean she posts this ofc her comment section is going to be full of degenerates
No. 91271
>>91268lol how is this sexy?
She looks crosseyed and slow
No. 91277
>>91272it's because she's trying to bite the whip and do aegyo at the same time
if you flip the image you can see the metal part of her collar says venus
No. 91284
>>91280to be fair the comments were asking for the ahegao from the beginning, so that's why she's attempting it
>>91282it doesn't look new, especially if the collar has her name on it
No. 91289
File: 1588738478277.jpg (529.04 KB, 424x948, bp8H4PF.jpg)

>>91268Are those marks on her arm… bites?
No. 91298
File: 1588744820390.jpg (90.1 KB, 499x594, bruh.jpg)

>>91295This will be peter when venus inevitably fails to deliver on the extra stuff for tippers and/or quits onlyfans in a few months
No. 91302
File: 1588745400871.jpg (55.95 KB, 291x523, vvv.jpg)

No. 91303
File: 1588745517102.jpg (86.23 KB, 921x505, vv1.jpg)

No. 91304
File: 1588745599427.jpg (51.2 KB, 875x345, vv2.jpg)

No. 91306
File: 1588745653506.jpg (Spoiler Image,752.04 KB, 1080x1545, 20200505_231259.jpg)

well, that didn't take long.
No. 91310
>>91306that was pretty fucking quick
and this makes me sad as hell
but bitch did this to herself
No. 91314
>>91303>I fantasize and do things only Satan could fap toWhat the fuck could you possibly be thinking about that would be that bad. Like if a bitch told me this I'd think they were into fucking puppies or something equally as bad.
>>91306Well fuck. I honestly thought it would take her like, at least another month before she posted nudes. I thought she was gonna pander to the lowkey fetishes like feet and shit before she got to showing tits. Cant wait to see what the simps have to say kek
No. 91321
File: 1588749927178.jpg (11.71 KB, 300x250, venus-palermo-1.jpg)

>>91303>>91304I like how she's making it sound like she quit her innocent dolly gimmick because she couldn't take ~living a lie uwu~ anymore, and didn't just enter sex work because she tried and failed to save her career. lol.
>>91314pedophilia, tentacles, tentacle rape, tentacle rape x pedophilia, etc. the typical content hentai manga websites offer alongside the more harmless ones. it's why weeb dudes into anime girls are more disgusting and dangerous than the average simp jerking off to an edgy ig thot. these guys fantasize about non-human bodies going through belly bulges, monster impregnation, and other forms of torture purely by accident. they secretly long for their irl gamer onlyfans waifus to suffer or submit to them at least in some way. i mean, that's literally what ahegao is lmao. braindead through sex and usually after putting up a fight.
they're not stupid. they're aware venus destroyed her career and is doing this out of desperation and a need to make money to survive. they're fanboys, they lurk lolcow and pull. and they are
beyond turned on by the fact she's sunk so low and is in denial of it. that's why they're willing to pay for these shitty overedited nudes.
they're not paying for her friendship or pedo waifu fantasies. they wanna see their beloved 14 year old living doll destroy herself. that's what's actually sad, is that she thinks her haggard ass is as cute as the onlyfans weebs and costhots thriving on ig right now.
No. 91322
>>91309Armchair psychologist here, but I'd guess she's spent so long having it hammered into her (phrasing…) that the most important thing in the world is pleasing online 'fans'. Fans are critical and fickle… If you hinge your self-esteem on pleasing them, you're in for a bad ride.
The old way was by cultivating this one-dimensional living-doll weeaboo persona of someone who is completely innocent and does little cute things. Then this dropped out of fashion and she's been scrambling for what she equates to self-esteem and affection ever since.
Now the creepers have provided that and it's going against everything she's ever been taught - that acting cute and childish is what people (mother / YouTube fans) want. She started showing an adult side with the brief off-the-rails phase which people latched onto, and she noticed. Yes it was a car crash, but in a way just some teenager shit we all did that she never had the opportunity to express. Now she probably feels she has to ratchet that up to please the 'adult' fans, instead of balancing that side of her into a complete person as a healthy person would.
There's probably a whole other bunch of problems at the foundation at well, but that seems to be the crux of it. Getting the fuck off the internet and finding a source of affection that doesn't ask you to change yourself would be the best course of action, but it's hard to get out of that hole when you're in it.
Inb4 "rah rah whore, prostitute, liar, manipulator" etc. etc.
Yes, welcome to child abuse and untreated mental illness.
(Armchair) No. 91324
>>91306the sign reads "my p
ssy is for cumming inside"/"my pssy is a cum receptacle".
No. 91337
File: 1588753867567.jpg (1.51 MB, 1920x2560, 20-05-06-09-26-40-009_deco.jpg)

One of her "friends" or whatever you want to call it referenced a fucked up hentai manga known as "177013" on one of her Instagram posts not long ago.
It's looking to turn sour and it's only the tip of the iceberg with topless shot.
No. 91339
>>91306maybe i'm just retarded but this looks so sad and empty… like it could very well be a photo set of a sex trafficking
victim or something. even moreso with her 'cum dumpster' sign but you know she has a 'sick and twisted' mind so she would probably take this as a compliment lmao
venus just keeps getting more and more depressing to read about
No. 91340
File: 1588754402827.jpg (202.83 KB, 1078x1036, _20200506_093859.JPG)

Venus is back pedaling so hard on this. She's looked for "normal" jobs? Is in talks with her therapist? She couldn't make it more obvious she's been lurking here even more and is trying to prove a point.
No. 91342
>>91339yeah she says this is something she enjoys the most, but she just looks dead in the eye, and the whole setup is just so depressing with those cheap paper decorations hanging in the back lol.
i look at this picture and i don't see how this is sexy; she is stuck in that small room, she won't even leave her bed. her husband is probably next door, fuck knows why he is not kicking her out.
it's just so miserable she's been in japan for YEARS and this is all she could came up with.
at least her living situation was sorted but she is just a broke eastern european slag leeching of her 'husband'. well done
No. 91357
File: 1588757477877.jpg (297.79 KB, 720x918, 20200506_102752.jpg)

No. 91372
File: 1588759088087.jpg (1.57 MB, 1920x2560, 20-05-06-10-37-05-750_deco.jpg)

From a living doll; to a living hoe. It is actually just sad at this point. She's reached peak bottom and there's no turning back.
No. 91375
>>91360Yes, premature sagging is a common side effect of yo-yo dieting. The faster the gain and loss, the more stress on the elastin and collagen.
>>91365I’m afraid she’s going straight to porn and fetish after this. This was so fast and she’s trying so desperately to shock and titillate while knowing nothing of normal human sexuality. She could have milked her followers for a very long time with cute bikini and ero cosplay like Japanese gravure idols do. Improve quality and maybe afford a professional shoot with photo books or merch. It wouldn’t have been difficult! But she is already at this point and has the business sense of a paramecium.
Her idiot female stans will be like “Yaaasss queen!” when she’s shoving her hamsters up her ass.
No. 91376
>>91352She has had a lifelong ed anon…
And you can have saggy tits at any age
No. 91377
>>91306Ok but this is kinda funny because I and along with most of us here thought she wouldn’t get this far. At this point she’s winning from margo in terms of being a cow, she’s younger. Haha I will repeat myself again for the 3rd time in total but it’s very relevant but lol @ you all PULLtards who WK’ed her years back.
And her tits aren’t saggy wtf.
No. 91382
>>91379Nah, most thot moms don’t want their daughters to be thots. Admittedly she’s butthurt but she’ll sperg about it again in broken english with “i told y’all i told y’all
insert schizo rants”
This bitch and her mother needed family therapy and a new personality, they’re both way too retarded to cut off each other like that.
No. 91384
>>91383I don't see the teary eyes, just some eye bags but it's not a crazy theory that something must have
triggered her to be so reckless. Maybe Manaki is cutting her off? Some sugar daddy bailed out? Or maybe she just snapped for no reason?
No. 91389
>>91387Wouldnt surprise me if Venus jumped on the theory of being forced into it, just in case she changes her mind about posting nudes (for when the thirst gets too strong and people are demanding more and more)
I am expecting her to turn around, talk about some secret relationship we don't know about and how she was forced to post those pictures, while claiming she feels free and happy.
No. 91390
>>91389She will probably make a video saying how Manaki forced her to take the photos and say things she didn’t mean. It’s an easy exit-strategy for her since Manaki is already seen as the main villain by her stupid fans.
If at that point Manaki won’t report her ass to the japanese authorities then I really have no words anymore.
No. 91391
>>91390The idiot probably doesn't even know. She chased him off social media and at this point he probably doesn't care enough to check her accounts and see what she's doing. He probably lets her crash with him out of pity because she has nobody else and that's it.
I'm sure he'll find out soon eventually when one of his colleagues shows him her tit pic asking him if that's the crazy gaijin he married.
No. 91392
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>>91306Damn this is depressing.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn't blame Venus' upbringing for this new chapter. I get she's very much traumatized from everything that's happened to her and deals with mental illness but it's sad that she has her whole name behind this photo. Not even trying to xX kink shame or slut shamexX but this is one day going to haunt her once she gets over this mental hump in her life.
I really don't see her being invited to hosting events or doing plays after this, unless it's niche porn stuff but how long can that last?
damn bitch you could have just done regular modeling
No. 91410
>>91395True, I can think of only two, and one was cancalled, but it could have been things to use to get more gigs until she was a stable personality.
>>91398Japan will always have a hard on for any white woman who's not fat, she could have realistically done mainstream print modeling imo.
No. 91419
>>91314She's probably into loli/shota or bestiality shit
Not surprising since loli shit has been kind of what she's always been skinwalking as? Also, note how easy it was her to say her ex's partner "gave head" to that little boy in the picture instead of saying he was abused. It was a bit jarring. I think she's just as pornsick as just about any weeb NEET.
No. 91426
File: 1588773429664.jpeg (Spoiler Image,159.36 KB, 1080x1460, 5D822D3B-1273-4A42-9498-BBBD11…)

>>91340Jesus fucking Christ.. excuses excuses excuses with weenus, I just wanna barf honestly. It’s not that fucking hard to get a real job. Many people do it everyday.
Like it’s so cringe how she’s trying so hard. Next she’s gonna try selling nudes via animal crossing QR code’s, some other girl has done it already.
No. 91429
>>91306Wow. I definitely didn't see this coming. I don't think there'll be any coming back for her as a public figure after this, unless she plans to open herself up to all sorts of direct abuse by becoming an actual porn star or prostitute.
This is probably the worst timeline for her. I feel bad both for her, and the few actual fans that looked up to her (ie younger women who actually enjoyed her content and cared about her, not creepy men).
No. 91431
File: 1588775316732.jpg (377.01 KB, 1280x858, tumblr_mw5r1t1RLl1r76gowo1_128…)

Venus. I know you will read this because I know you lurk in here. Please, stop doing this to yourself. This will only hurt you long-term and you won't have anything to gain from it. You know this is a form of self-harm and we know that as well, you don't actually enjoy this and you're only doing it because you need money, you are very depressed and mentally disturbed and you think there is no hope for you out there in the world other than hurting yourself through self-inflicted degradation.
You probably also became addicted to pornography and now as a result of that you think you are a pervert but you're not a pervert, you're just a disturbed girl that has found a form of coping in porn.
Getting more and more explicit sexually on the internet will only ruin you more and more and your future prospects at healing yourself mentally and living a normal life. This doesn't empower you and you know that, if you want to make money from onlyfans just do lewds and try to be as little degrading as possible. There's a difference between posting naked pictures on the internet where you say you're a cumdumpster and posting cute pictures in lingerie.
A lot of people on here don't hate you and empathize with you because a lot of users have had to deal with trauma and mental illness too.
You don't have any friends right now and you probably think degrading yourself to men online is the only thing you have left but it is not. Try reading on CBT, stop drinking alcohol, try to milk this onlyfans thing as much as possible with showing as little skin as possible. You have posted your tits but it can get worse than this, don't post full nudes and don't start masturbating. Try getting medicated in Japan for your mental health if that's possible, post more Youtube videos, try getting a hobby and try reaching out to people.
This is definitely not too late. You can get worse than this, don't let that become a reality.
No. 91432
>>91430it doesn't seem like it to me, she had been talking about rewarding people who had sent tips on another update this week, this is probably something she wanted to do quickly so wrote something dirty.
if what she's writing about doing it for free is true she's simply getting off on it and enjoying herself and doesn't care anymore
>>91431that's fine but this thread isn't nice about venus at all, especially recently, so I don't think she's going to buy that everyone here suddenly cares about her
No. 91433
File: 1588776068544.jpg (160.85 KB, 1440x1440, Ahegao demon girl.jpg)

I had never even heard of ahegao until I read about it here just now in relation to Venus, LOL.
Now I see. The Internet is good, I learn something new every day.
No. 91436
>>91431 row in right margo with Venus sitting in church
I didnt know they were in the movie
No. 91437
I think maybe if she was laying down at looking up at the camera would have been a better picture to start off with, but it could be she's still finding her way around on there and still learning, but this looks quite amateurish. What happened to the pix of the virgin killer dress she was going to post herself in? Surely those two dreay ones from the front weren't the only ones?
Anyhow, I'm really intrigued what she means by the worst kinds of porn that only Satan would fap to. Whatever can she be talking about?
Either she's so naive and innocent when it comes to that sort of thing, that she thinks if she is into even mild bdsm, it is very, very bad, it being the opposite of her goody two shoes angelic image and all, or, maybe she is into necrophilia, bestiality, or full on kiddie porn, or something that most of us could not even conceive of, the mind boggles. So please tell us, Venus. Curious minds want to know.
No. 91438
>>91398If women like Dakota can still get jobs, Venus could if she had taken care of herself. Are you that one anon who acts like you have to look like a 4ft tall loli Real Doll to be considered attractive in Japan? If you go to the adult section of a book show or adult store, you will see all types of genres with body types that would not be considered particularly stunning or fit in the West. Same thing with Akiba idols. Only thing Venus really would have trouble with is how badly she aged her face, but her body could be fine.
>>91428She’s calling herself a cum-dumpster, anon. How empowering and feminist!
I’m finding it really hard to believe that Manaki could still be living in that apartment while she is doing this, but then it wouldn’t make sense for her to live in an apartment that size by herself and she wouldn’t be in stuck in that same room all the time. Maybe they just share the apartment but don’t talk? I don’t think it’s as simple as Manaki being a doormat. It could be he can’t go back to his parents for some other reason.
No. 91442
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>>91372She looks so cute on the left
why venus, why?
No. 91443
File: 1588780291741.jpg (Spoiler Image,320.04 KB, 581x837, Blankmemepeenus.jpg)

Blank meme
No. 91449
>>91306Note paper says
My p*ssy is your private cum-dumpster.
I wonder why she chose to write it in Japanese like that. Her fanbase seems to be mostly Caucasian. The characters are so dirty too. Could have forced herself a little more or choose better paper.
I'm thinking she's trying to get closer to her Japanese fans by writing in Japanese on twitter? Just did a quick peak. I don't have twitter so I can't tell if it's working at all.
But in the end it might not resolve to anything. I mean, Onlyfans isn't big in Japan and the plateform is English, and I want to say Japanese won't go as far as onlyfans for foreigner porn. Also maybe because you gotta get a membership and it's also just softcore images… On top of that Venus isn't an idol.
She could potentially get hired as an AV actress, or work in a soap. But if she's on a visa, it wouldn't do her any good if she's trying to get a permanent status in the country.
But if I were her, I wouldn't try to ruin my reputation in Japan like that. Japanese pornstars (especially women) aren't like the cool feminist pornstars in Miami. Also compare twitter accounts. Most Japanese men just won't subscribe or show love to this, as they could be perceived as perverted if it was known at work or in the household. They still get most stuff physically like dvds, which is much more private. Although it isn't like it used to be, Japan is still a very prude society. I had a friend who did soap in her college years to pay her tuition and happened to know about the industry. Most of these girl keep a low profile, are rejected from society, for sure their families… Even their managers don't really perceive them as human beings. My friend said she had all these guy "friends" who in the end didn't really mind about her personally, just saw her as a sex toy.
No. 91450
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No. 91452
>>91446I think the tits are fine. It's the whole pic that's the problem. If she looked more cheerful and perky and didn't just lied in her cheap kawaii covers and still Easter decorated room, it would be much much better.
That's the thing with candid/softcore, you reeeeaally got to update places, environment and poses and get creative with angles. Could be hard though; looks like she lives in one of these tiny apartment rooms.
No. 91456
>>91303>Subbing here means that I offer value, it means that I can make people happySo much for empowerment, how utterly depressing. She needs help, she's literally ashamed of having an adult sex drive and thinks she's so worthless that being objectified gives her a life purpose.
I honestly hope this is an act for her followers that want the uwu spoiled loli gimmick because otherwise it's too awful to see
>>91313This, it's so sad
No. 91472
>>91468My thoughts exactlyyyyy. It's so annoying! Really trying so hard to justify her need for lazy money while there's probably a bunch of well intended fans out there messaging her how terrible her choice is and how it doesn't suit her!
Also it says in her apologetic instagram post about her first nude that she spoke about it before to her psychologist? hmmm
No. 91474
>>91462She's not coming back from this, she always cried as the
victim and her fans always stuck with her despite all of her questionable and obvious lies. You can't cry
victim forever then do stuff like this
No. 91478
>>91335I'm surprised someone remembered that
I'm not happy to see it but from the way she jumped from lewds to topless so fast after getting some attention she's heading in that direction for real. I hoped she had at least done some research on pacing by looking at the careers of girls like Belle Delphine but it doesn't seem that way.
No. 91493
>>91488My bad anon.
Valid point. She looks like her mother and has rough features when not edited to look nothing like herself, so to work in the professional sex industry is a massive no go for her. She can't hide behind any filters.
No. 91504
>>91449What the hell is a soap? Something like dorama?
And what's up with the Japanese dudes would not follow her on twitter… y'know you can just make a seperate account? Which is something especially Japanese do a lot to keep their interests private or seperate them?
No. 91531
>>91512I'm very convinced she took the word of people here or on PULL who were going on about how the simp money would dry up soo fast if she didn't post nudes ASAP, how she was somehow "scamming" those poor little neckbeards/pedos, saying she needs to invest in professional-looking photos, etc.
Just the dumbest shit from anons who weren't even the simps buying her content (though, their opinions would honestly be worth even less if they
were the simps, they take what they're given), and also didn't wish anything good for her.
Now, she's basically gone off the deep end. I wonder what'll happen with her visa, at this rate.
No. 91533
File: 1588798567457.jpeg (319.28 KB, 1070x1443, 684FEDE6-DA36-4F6F-A500-2539C5…)

Found this in the comments. Probably why there’s morons coming into this thread.
No. 91541
>>91531this seems correct to me, none of the OF people were saying that stuff, except later on when a few made obvious comments regurgitating what was said in here.
she's currently over $400 in tips for that one picture and who knows more in dm tips
No. 91547
>>91537Anon you are just as cringey with your…autistic … typing…
Seriously can all the pullfags, scrotes and instagram fangelics in this thread learn to integrate.
No. 91558
>>91556"it was also shocking when she said I will be ruined, loose my Husband and be forced to go to Hungary, despite not knowing Hungarian, and become a homeless prostitute…"
this was also said in her 'how i ran away from home' video
No. 91568
>>91324What the fuck. I actually didn't expect this at all. I thought she would just tease the simps forever with barely suggestive stuff.
Now I feel really bad for her. Yes, I know she's not an uwu innocent princess
victim, but this is just sad honestly. She can never go back now, she will forever be remembered as an online prostitute. I guess Margo was right about that one.
No. 91577
>>91570Manaki’s parents live in far northern Japan, several hours away by car. His job is in Kanagawa prefecture where the apartment is. He’d have to quit to go back to his parents’, I doubt he’d do that.
He must know what she’s doing, he’s clueless about SM but he’s always followed her on IG. His parents too. He must be mortified. She’s basically shitting on him doing all this so publicly.
I wonder how doing online porn might affect her visa status? Surely this shit must be frowned upon in Japan. With her porn plus public drunkenness plus visa fraud plus having no legitimate form of financial support it’s hard to believe she won’t get her sorry ass deported.
No. 91578
>>91517You're as sad as Venus is tbh
move along
No. 91580
>>91568She WILL definitely end up in porn. It'll start off a grauve and then eventually in another year she'll be fucking 10 faceless salary men on screen.
It will NOT surprise me at all
No. 91584
>>91580If she does she'll get deported pretty fucking fast.
I wouldn't be surprised if she goes into porn though.
No. 91589
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it's so funny because literally 20 times over the last 5 years she has posted a vid or ig caption that says something about finally being the real me, finally letting myself blah, blah blah - there's always been this brick dumb yas girl comment set that buys into it but now it just looks like an absolute parody. its not though because these are other whores invested in their meme
No. 91600
>>91580Tbh I was still holding out hope that she would turn her life around, but after catching up after like 3 months I’m just sad and do not doubt she’ll do porn, if she hasn’t done it already.
>>91598Everybody deals with shit. We don’t all go into sex work because of it. If Penus wants love she can find it in the comments simps leave her.
No. 91605
>>91598dude go to PULL if you wanna support weenus, she’s a lazy narcissist and a compulsive liar. She’s not a
victim anymore get that through your head, people have shown her love but she chooses the fastest way to make a dime.
No. 91618
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No. 91621
>>91302God this post is infuriating. She's not doing what makes her "feel the most happy" or "living by her values". She's doing this for quick, easy cash. Probably hoping to become the next Belle Delphine and then cash out when she's a millionaire. Yet she just has to play on the poor stigmatized sexworker, I am empowering myself bs. No Venus. You just want money. And no, you wouldn't do this shit for free, you pathological liar.
>>91314>What the fuck could you possibly be thinking about that would be that bad. Like if a bitch told me this I'd think they were into fucking puppies or something equally as bad. You do realize she's just pretending to be hypersexual to make more money on OF, right?
>>91320She doesn't find self-worth from them. Her OF post is just a way for her to make money. Make the simps feel special. Pretend she's oh so grateful to the simps. Appear relatable. Make more money. Onlyfans really shows you who venus is at the core. She's a SELL OUT. She would do anything for quick, easy money. I don't think she wanted to post nudes, but rather, was curious to see how much it could make her. It's not really what she wants to do per say, but it makes her good money. She has no principles nor integrity and could never be trustworthy. She would sell out her loved ones if the price was lucrative enough. Hyper-greedy people like her are sick.
>>91330Keeping it separate would mean that she couldn't use Venus_angelic to sell her nudes. She'd have to start anew without advertising it on instagram. Just shows you, once again (as if it wasn't evident enough), she does not give a shit about her fanbase. Just the most amount of cash she can squeeze out of them.
No. 91627
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No. 91633
>>91431She really fooled you huh
>>91437worst porn to me would be child pornography. She already said she stayed with Ken, despite KNOWING he had the mother sexually abuse the child and she didn't care because she was, to quote, "soooo in loooove", which we know is bullshit, given she said the same about Mana to avoid her marriage visa fraud being exposed. If Ken was real, she stayed with him for MONEY. She didn't care that he sexually abused a child and even used said child to HYPE up her THIRD "abuse" story. I am shocked at the amount of whiteknights here ignoring all the vile things she's done and "wishing her well". She exploited a child's sexual abuse for god's sake.
>>91531First of all, if you expect to make a business selling nudes, you need quality, not grainy selfies. Second, by saying she would reveal more layers on a site like OF, yes, she was indirectly saying there would eventually be nudes, and not following up, would be conning/scamming, like her fanclub. So no, those anons who said that, aren't wrong. And her simp money will probably dry up eventually, when the simps get bored or have enough pics to fap to. As for her visa,she deserves to get deported. Doxxing a child and using his sexual abuse to sell another fake abuse story was the last straw. You whiteknights are nauseating.
No. 91636
>>91633I'm a whiteknight because I pointed out Venus probably took stupid advice from this thread?
Coomers don't give a shit about how high quality and professional your "lewds" are, they will pay regardless, as long as they keep getting pics. Unless you think Venus has a bright future as a porn star (doubt) and actively want that for her, I don't know why you'd be stuck on it. Also, they're not entitled to nudes. No matter how much you try to push this "indirect promise" thing, they're not guaranteed. In the first place, they don't really deserve anything, they're dumb simps and porn addicts. I promise you they will recover if one of their e-thots doesn't put out.
Last, no one said she doesn't deserve to be deported, you're just blinded by your intense hateboner. Chill out.
No. 91639
>>91637he's a fucking salaryman from japan who doesn't speak english why would have an ig
>inb4 he didthat was some 'take part in your partner's hobbies' nonsense
No. 91640
>>91637All of his social media has been erased or he's abandoned it completely. Venus made sure of that when she played the "I'm such a
victim of his abuse" card well enough.
No. 91642
>>91640That's only the social media accounts that we knew of. Doesn't mean he has no others.
>>91639Uhhh people who don't speak english don't use ig? Or salarymen don't use ig? What kinda logic is this? Anybody can use ig lol
No. 91649
>>91577THIS (Especially the last part)
I (American) married a Japanese.
There is a culture of acceptance however, there is always that nagging perception. If his family didn't have that in the acceptance of mani's marriage they definitely do now.
No. 91656
>>91655She should be deported. The best thing for her would be to be sent back to Switzerland where she can get some real mental health care but as we all know it's so much better to be yet another egirl who thinks her 'pussy' (grossest word) equals a personality. With corona who knows how long that could take.
If you have PR through marriage can it be revoked for any reason?
No. 91657
>>91656it would be quite hard for her to come back to switzerland if she really has no money, especially as she isnt on good terms with her dad or his family - remember that video she made of her calling her grandma? again she wouldnt even be able to get real mental health care because nothing here is free, even for citizens so unless those daddies start tipping…
On the other hand, prostitution is legal here.
No. 91661
There's nothing wrong with her body, it looks fine, it looks like she is photographed from a slightly unflattering angle, I'm guessing she's taken it herself and so is holding her arm out, the result being her tiddies can't be looking as perky as they would be if she was in a different position. She needs to use the self timer if she can and put the camera on a tripod or just any hard flat surface where she can stand back and do a suitable pose. IDK, maybe she is going for this kind of look purposely, like she is kind of scared, to appeal to the worse sort of creeps who get off on her looking like a victim of something. I guess she's new to all of this and still learning.
But she said somewhere before she is a masochist I think, so perhaps this is all part of that, is exposing herself like this really the self love it is being portrayed as, or really self loathing? If it's part of her being a masochist then the self loathing could be what she enjoys.
Really, I'm in two minds about this though, on the one hand, if it's what she wants to do and she obviously has an interest in this sort of thing, then it is probably good for her, but if she is still lacking in confidence and feeling timid inside then she is maybe going to have doubts.
I'm worried for her as perhaps she was holding out a bit too much to begin, making them wait, but now she's shown too much too soon, but that's just how i see it and I know nothing about Only Fans and how it works , but I have followed Venus for years and enjoyed her content and knowing the abuse she suffered at the hands of her vile mother, I really want her to be able to overcome any problems and make a happy life for herself.
Anyone seen Cotorich? Her channel on Youtube is quite successful, I think she is quite a bit older than Venus, she been around for years, still looks good, and use to be a porn star before she even had a youtube channel. Venus looks better than her, and Cotorich looks good, but Venus looks better, I think she will be alright. I hope so anyway, she needs to be really strong and not take any shit from the nasty creepy men who think they own her. I hope she can get all she can from them, horrible creeps.
No. 91664
I'm also wondering what the simps are commenting on her tit pic. That Peter guy gives me a weird vibe, did he push her a bit to do this?
No. 91668
File: 1588859760738.jpg (Spoiler Image,245.64 KB, 860x1222, IMG_20200507_154218.jpg)

Unbelievable that some of you still wk her…
Showing her tits was the dumbest thing she's ever done, she's ruined every chance she ever had.
She at least could have tried going the sexy cosplayer route, some completely average looking gals (who don't make their costumes themselves) are making good bank with that in Japan, but nobody, not even gravure magazines would hire somebody who's gone all the way already. Her only option is porn now (and knowing Venus she'll start of with something extreme, lowering her market value even further).
Despite what she wants to make everybody believe, Manaki is no monster, if she wanted to separate he surely would've helped her stand on her own feet. And I also believe that no mother, not even Marge, is ok with her daughter degrading herself so much.
>inbefore sex work is totally a-okay in 2020
Not according to anybody above the age of 25 in the real world. This is not something she can do for a long time, in a couple years she's gonna be a broke, alcoholic, ana prostitute whom not even the sleaziest gaijin hunter would want anymore.
No. 91670
i can understand venus, she has been for a lot thing, and maybe she really love sex and all this attention, but i mean, she is a pretty girl is she want to do this is okay, but not the way she´s doing,
I mean right now she just want attention, and want sex, the luxurious thing, but someday she will really now that this was so bad idea, she just do this thing for a impulse, she not really thinking about this.
I prefer is she start this more soft, at this point she will star making porn videos and having sex with a lot guys
No. 91676
I don't think money is the driving force behind this OF thottery, it's the extreme need for attention and validation. In the last 5 years she has lost her family, fanbase, youtube views and pretty much every way she has ever gotten attention and validation. She lacks the coping mechanisms to deal with it in a healthy way, and thotting it up is easy and instant attention. I bet she released the titty pic so fast because she couldn't get the same high anymore from the amount of attention she got from the lewds, and after a few tit pics she'll have to post a full nude, then go to porn, then hard drugs. She is mentally ill as all hell and I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up dead in 5 years.
>>91598>>91629>>91638>>91673What the fuck is going on with this thread kek
No. 91679
>>91676Which is why when WKs speak of "jealousy", they're shut down. How can anyone be possibly jealous of her life? It's extremely lonely, sad and there's a constant need for attention & validation on social media because of it.
Like she said on OF, "subbing here means that I offer value, it means that I make people happy".
That is a really shit life to live, that you're only see yourself as being valued and able to make others happy through showing them lewd content.
Venus puts on this head strong, independent woman being empowered by her sexuality & revealing her nudity persona to hide all of her true insecurities.
No. 91692
>>91664it wasn't him, he just said she was beautiful and was confused by the sign and what she meant by the whole thing.
I'd say a lot of the people I'd posted previously are getting drowned out by new subscribers.
There are 100s of comments at this point so I don't really want to cap them but they're like 90% supportive and the rest are guys saying they came, other OF users coming in to be supportive but are really advertising for themselves, and one dude called MK who keeps returning to comment on how many times he has ejaculated, and is thirsty af to get Venus to read his dm's which he also sent money in.
She seems to be swamped with messages
No. 91693
>>91673bubbies & vagi
I can't
No. 91704
>>91702 she dont wanta real job, she just want attention.
she dont even care money, just want that everybody loves her, is she need to fuck with a old man for had a little bit of attention she will do
No. 91706
Anyway, countdown to her next "I'm going to not do this anymore and be my REAL self" video.
No. 91716
>>91624>>she probably got permanent residency alreadyI doubt that. She’d have to apply for PR and meet pretty strict criteria, one of which is to prove she has sufficient, legitimate and regular income to support herself financially. She’ll never be granted PR because she doesn’t qualify.
Her only hope is for Manaki to keep the marriage intact on paper and continue to allow her to live in his apartment so she can hang onto that spouse visa (god help that poor sucker.)
No. 91718
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>>91676It's money 100%. Venus has been trying everything she can to make a quick buck. Being a vtuber, singer, voice actor, working with Kitano on some fake business, starting a fanclub for money, trying to revive her YT, getting other Youtubers to give her PR (Sora, Primink and she even emailed Vexxed lmao). She wants easy money, it's so evident when you read her post about "real jobs". She's even planning on making a separate instagram where her loyal fanbase of YEARS (who are not interested in her nudes) can go fuck off to. She wants the main account for OF, because it's easier to make money that way and if she changes her mind about sex work, she can just delete her posts and move on to the next money making scheme with her main account. You'd think she'd at least make the extra account be the OF one, but why cater to your loyal fanbase of years when you can make easy simp bucks utilizing exposure from your main account. I don't know how anyone can say it's not money-driven. I bet she laughs at posts like yours as she buys her next shiny little trinket.
>>91700She didn't work a real job as a server, where she had to make a resume, send it in, attend an interview, then get hired. She made videos promoting establishments and in one of them, promoted a bar by pretending to work there. Her manager Kitano likely got her these 1-day gigs. Very different from real, legitimate work.
No. 91719
>>91717>>Why is he still putting up with her?Obviously she’s guilting him into taking her in like a stray puppy. She knows all the strings to pull and what buttons to push to get what she wants and poor simple-minded Manaki doesn’t stand a chance. She’s a master manipulator just like her mother. She’s turning up the “poor me, if you don’t save me I’ll be homeless and dead! you don’t want THAT, do you?” act full blast. That’s what worked for her in the past when she manipulated Manaki into rescuing her from her evil
abusive Mommy and she’s working the same angle now.
No. 91723
>>91633>she deserves to get deported. Doxxing a child and using his sexual abuse to sell another fake abuse story was the last strawDon't forget having a pater ad/escorting, admitting to wanting sexual relations with girls, being found cuddling in bed with a Korean man (though there's a small chance it wasn't her), alleged friend claiming they lived as "friends" and she cheated repeatedly and having a side boyfriend labelled "Ken", all whilst being "happily married", then trashing her husband yet again to Kizuna AIs audience, after slandering him publicly, like Margo, to her audience and sending her rabid fans to drive him off social media.
>>91340getting a real job would be growth though. it would get her out of her mollycoddled, leech bubble and help her integrate into society and the professional world. She's mid twenties and still acts like a preteen. And real jobs do have room for growth and creativity. She's just lazy, not creative, entitled and a narc. And she hasn't even tried "the majority of jobs" or like any real job at that, to even have an informed opinion.
>>91638Yeah, the white knights are annoying. Why can't they just stay on her YT/Instagram/OF and not come here? It's not like we make these posts on her social media, so why do they feel like coming here to defend her, when they don't know jackshit and are just rehashing Primink's incredibly biased and uninformed video (in broken english might I add)?
No. 91727
>>91656will you people stop with the deportation/visa sperging. It is not going to happen. You simply cannot realistically make it happen. Deal with it. Otherwise good luck trying to get any sort of actual proof for matters such as tax fraud, illegal activity, or sham marriage.
If you want to know on what conditions visa can be revoked then go to the immigration website and read those fucking regulations yourself instead of asking to be spoonfed.
No. 91728
>>91716good! then they should kick her the fuck out. how long till she turns into sere-lite?
daikichi amano might use her. maybe.
No. 91735
>>91731lol right? i'm sure we all agree that venus is now an adult who is unfortunately fucked in the head but is also responsible for her own choices. manaki is the one who got DARVO'ed in this relationship. he disappeared like a good little peasant whenever she told him to. it's so nasty that his parents actually took her in and tried to be good to her and she responded by throwing it in their faces. whatever.
>>91732primink is thirsty af
No. 91738
>>91390I doubt he will, because 1. He doesn't seem like the vindictive type, like Venus and 2. He was complicit in the act and could get in trouble with the law. Venus might also have dirt on him, maybe something irl that could screw him over?
>>91589Gotta cash in on the 'finally being my reaaaaal self' for, like, the hundredth time.
No. 91741
>>91729Shiena's case is different tho, she was paying for a visa husband and didn't even live with him (while Venus' marriage was at least at first seemingly legit and they did live together for a long time), her sex work wasn't only OF and a few sugar daddies here and there, and also she's Chinese.
If even Sere is still living in Japan despite being much worse and most likely totally illegal there, Venus probably will also stay.
No. 91746
>>91743it just means they changed their @ since.
google the name you can see the new one
No. 91753
>>91751I tried to tell 'em this and i got called tinfoil etc. I feel like too many people on here have never seen the nico shit. The intended audience for venus has been adult men since marge resolved to go out and get pregnant.
You can be assblasted about it all you want but Venus Palermo is a
project - conceived (mentally and literally) for porn
From explicitly procuring a sperm donor instead of a father, to naming the child after sex goddess, to exoticising with the asian shit though to naming the channel angelic- more stripper shit.
All actions made with intention.
>inb4 ree angelic is just cute it's innocent venus is a nice nameIf you think 40-year-old Satanist prostitute Marge wasn't keenly aware of the way these fucking things ring to different audiences you are so fucking naive you should literally leave the internet before you get a frighten
No. 91756
>>91751Didn't Margo have a lot of boyfriends while they moved around?
I remember one phase where Margo said she was dating some Jamaican guy and had dreadlocks. I think they were in the UK at that point.
No. 91760
>>91751I agree with the nico shit, but Margo didn't want her to post nudes, Venus was the one sleeping/cuddling with that Korean guy in the pic and the reptile guy, the fuck does he have to do with anything? Nice try though.
>>91753She wasn't named after a "sex goddess". Stop propagating your delusional narrative. Marge named her after a singers song she liked. It had nothing to do with sex or setting her up for porn, you fucking sperg, I remember you posting this crap before.
No. 91765
>>91760>Venus was the one sleeping/cuddling with that Korean guy in the pic and the reptile guy, the fuck does he have to do with anything?NTA, but was this ever actually proven? The photo was taken from behind, and I saw anons saying it was Margo in a wig.
>She wasn't named after a "sex goddess". Stop propagating your delusional narrative. I remember that anon, too. They posted some word salad shit after being told she was named after the Bjork song "Venus As A Boy". Some people in this thread need actual help.
No. 91829
>>91760Marco confirmed on instagram dms that the one in the picture was her. It’s on pull.
Obviously Margo didn’t want Venus to do porn, what I was saying is that she was raised to have no self respect about her body. She was send alone to Japan to model in a creepy place, they suggested her to marry a creepy guy. Honestly all the men in her life are pretty creepy and she thinks is normal.
No. 91834
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>>91738>Venus might also have dirt on him, maybe something irl that could screw him over? Remember how she accused him of “not what society would call a good person”, the insinuation of a man’s “epic hentai relations” with a femboy and finally Margaret claiming she was holding Manaki’s (supposed)old crossdressing dating ads? I’m pretty sure both she and her mom have lots of embarrassing personal information that he spilled to them.
>>91754This is exactly what I thought! I honestly don’t believe he wants her back anymore but if she scared him about being homeless in Tokyo at the start of the pandemic, he may have agreed to let her back only on that condition. You’ve got to admit that before we knew much about this virus, it wouldn’t be hard to imagine him thinking about this sickly crazy woman dying from it. At least the timeline of when people noticed she came back seems to fit.
>>91829Confirmed it was Venus or Margaret herself? Because the rumor started from Margaret failing at sarcasm when she was accused of impersonating Venus. Anons who didn’t want to believe it was Venus took what she said literally. It IS Venus in bed, but Margaret clarified later that the encounter did not go beyond kissing.
No. 91835
>>91823The anons who are assmad that she is polluting their glorious Japan need to get help. It happens in every thread of someone who's somehow involved with Japan, like moo, pixie, dakota, taylor, it's not normal to be so over protective of a fucking country.
Please weeb-chans, please don't interfere with the cows by trying to get them deported, just watch and laugh. Let the milk flow naturally.
>>91717I bet it's either Venus blackmailing him or him being a fucking degenerate too and liking this shit. He was obsessed with Venus after all, and some men are absolutely delulu so he might even be in on it? Who knows, but I wouldn't be exactly surprised if that was the case.
>>91834I don't understand why some anons think this photo is absolute evidence of Venus being a cheating whore, since it's not known whether Margo pimped her out to this guy or not. It really seems like something Margo would have done for blackmail purposes, since she took a photo of it and shared it.
We really can't have, without other evidence, absolute trust in what either of them say about anything since both of them are liars, so why are people taking Margos word for truth in some of these cases? And why are some anons still bringing up the "friend" and their claims as truths when it was never backed up with proof?
No. 91847
>>91844She admitted to having a BDSM kink and said it makes her euphoric when someone hurts her.
She's been pandering to pedos and fucking old managers so it wouldn't surprise me if she had a DDLG kink too. She's emotionally stunted af and acting like a dumb child is all she ever does so it would make sense.
No. 91859
>>91589Nice to see the pic the right way round.
Is that doggy ears she's wearing? (Now I've got that really old song in my mind, "I just wanna be your dog" Iggy & The Stooges?
Anyhow, moving on, I wonder why she released the pictures round the wrong way? Does she prefer how she looks that way, maybe because she is so used to seeing herself in a mirror that she can only accept a mirror image of herself, or is she too lazy to make sure the picture is round the right way in the first place? but then again, surely the picture would have been round the right way to begin with, so she must have edited it herself to be a mirror image.
No. 91881
>>91857she's either a permanent resident or on a spousal visa at this point, nothing would happen to her even if she made her AV debut tomorrow anon
margo got caught on a student visa or something and had been leaving korea (an entirely different country with different immigration rules) to reset her visa so she could reenter the country
one pic of her boobs and anon tinfoiling here and on PULL isn't going to make the police kick her door down
No. 91888
>>91829Is there a screenshot of her saying it was her? Would be nice to see, because I don't remember Margo outright admitting it, rather pull defending venus and passing the "it was margo & she even admitted it" as fact just because they couldn't fathom it being venus at the time. Just like how margo said she didn't leave insta that one time so people would think she was dead/get worried (and she probably did do it for that) but pull passed it off as fact, that she flat out admitted to doing it for that reason, which she didn't.
>>91833That's exactly what I remember. Apparently venus kissed him after drinking and cuddled in bed.
No. 91895
>>91885>"venus is a liar">"venus is unstable">"venus is a blackmailer">you seem so desperately afraid someone in Japan will read here and deport your precious venus-chan…. what
>>91845Could Venus have gotten a restraining order or something? Anons on Margo's thread have also speculated that she is supported by her family, and they have made rules that she can't be a psycho on social media or else the support ends or something. It's so unlike Margo not to be sperging right now, there must be something going on
No. 91905
>>91597>>its not illegal for her to do sex work on that visa.Maybe not technically “illegal” but it certainly makes her undesirable, especially combined with her public drunkenness, repeatedly admitting to being separated from her visa hubby and “getting divorced,” and publicly smearing and slandering said visa hubby. She is most likely safe as long as the poor slob doesn’t pursue divorce and continues to allow her to hole up in his apartment but if he ever puts a stop to that she’s fucked.
And I do not believe she has permanent residency. That is not simply granted after a certain amount of time being married: she is eligible to APPLY for PR but there are requirements she would have to meet before it’s granted (and she does not meet them.) That spouse visa is all she has and that depends on Manaki’s continued consent to be her doormat, enabler and meal ticket. Which he seems to have an endless capacity to oblige. It’s a classic
toxic narcissist/enabler relationship.
No. 91946
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>>91340She edited this latest instagram caption- deleted everything after “link in bio!” All the stuff about “real jobs not allowing growth and creativity” and “my therapist approves!” is gone.
And she’s up responding to instagram comments at 4:55am her time, claiming she’s been “fantasizing about this” (posting sexually suggestive photos online?) “since kindergarten.”
No. 91948
>>91946“Since kindergarten”
Um, what shit happens to a person where they think is okay to say that they want to be a sex worker at 5 years old? Oh right, the same girl who “joked” about her husband molesting girls on trains and made up a story about her sugar daddy making his ex girlfriend sexually abuse her own son.
She has to be one of the worst liars I have ever seen. Clearly has gained any real world experience since she’s left her mom.
She was probably up at nearly 5am because she was finishing up with a client.
No. 91964
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marge weighs in on venus's current onlyfans phase.
i can't stop keking how for every 10 accusations marge throws at venus, one turns out true and suddenly she is a rightfighting martyr. people need to get through their thick skulls that not revealing personal issues like that surgery or upcoming divorce on social media right away =/= lying. not trying to wk peenus (who is a terrible person in many other ways), but smh at people who weaponize her issues to justify marge's insanity
No. 91975
>>91963Wouldn't surprise me either. When she came out with the Ken story, I thought she either made it up or was using it to parade another abuse story and solidify her victimhood, get pity, attention or be vindictive after her supposed sugar daddy left her. I assume she was with him for money and cared more about money and when they split, she, as a narc, was quick to pull the
victim card and exploit a child's sexual abuse, just because she's self-centered
victim Venus and doesn't care. And I'm sure that was her intention. But maybe she was also somehow involved in the child's sexual abuse and was quick to blame the parents to attempt narrative manipulation or something, while simultaneously appearing as a
victim, once again?
I was reading through Pull and this one user posted something that got me thinking. They said:
*"I might be reading too much into this but now that the topic of pedophilia has come out when she posted the picture with the abused kid someone here said that she looked like a predator or something like that, then the next day she deleted the picture and the "my boyfriend is a pedo" thing started, that felt weird, also the way she said that the other woman "gave head" to the baby sounds very nonchalantly.
I fucking swear to every single god that last year she was following an account of a girl doing gravure/porn dressed as a child, I can't find that account, it was a private Instagram and a Twitter account with the same username but only the latter had the website where she was selling the porn"*
Anyone know what gravure account the user is referring to? I find this disturbing but within the realm of possibility, given how Venus is posting infantilized sexual pictures and had no problems hyping up & exploiting a child's sexual abuse, the manaki pedo jokes, and casually phrasing it as "giving head" and not caring due to "looove" etc. Kinda suspicious.
No. 91992
>>91964>>not revealing personal issues like that surgery or upcoming divorce on social media right away =/= lying.Oh please, Weenus is as big a liar as her mother. She adamantly DENIED having an eating disorder and drinking excessively for years. Lied about her hospitalization for sepsis being a result of an “appendectomy” not only online but to Manaki and her doctors as well. Lied to Manaki about the weight loss surgery and deceived him about it afterwards. Smeared and spread lies about Manaki repeatedly (he was arrested for sex crimes— no wait, just a joke you guys! He quit his job to live off MY income, just like my
abusive mom! Oh wait, that was transparently a lie apparent to anyone with a functioning brain. Weenus had no income at the time, for one.)
And on and on. Besides all the lying, her entire online ‘sweet angelic innocent little girl’ persona is a lie too. So get over yourself thinking Weenus is any better than her pathological liar mother. She’s exactly the same, if not even worse and more vile than marge. At least marge never stooped so low as to post an innocent child’s picture and spread stories about his mother being forced into “giving him head.”
No. 91997
>>91964>the channel was cute and clean thanks to meYeah except the "wow they're huge" thumbnail right? that was either your idea or your daughter's but you allowed it. sure it's not flatout nudes, but it's
not 'clean' either.
>>91978I think she still owes her audience the surgery thing. Getting a surgery, plus editing yourself thin and then telling your audience you're naturally thin is damaging to so many young girls if she goes on lying about it, but I see what you mean. I disagree that Margo didn't out her until it was obvious. A lot of the stuff she said in the beginning, didn't really have merit because V's image was mostly clean (aside from the sudden marriage) and even though something like alcohol consumption is not anyone's business, Venus flatout denied Margo's claims and subsequently admits to them, which does make Margo, unfortunately, correct.
No. 91998
>>91989>>plot twist: she pays the bills while he sits aboutYeah, no. First, her newfound porn income has only existed for a few days. Who do you think has been paying rent and all the bills all this time? Not Weenis. She’s been leeching off Manaki for months.
Second, no landlord in Japan will rent to someone without a legitimate job and steady income (and no, OF doesn’t count.) Without Manaki’s name on that lease they’d both be out on the street. Get a grip.
No. 92003
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>>91994Posting this here before Venus unfollows her lol
No. 92010
>>92008lol you idiot
Who do you think the perpetrator is. but look maybe you are thinking too narrowly about sexual abuse. Telling a kid too inappropriate details is sexual abuse that will warp them, not as much as obviously worse things.
Margo didn't rape venus to get margo off, she just inculcated venus into the sexual world too early with talk - maybe a bit of 'showing' or more who knows. [[[is just my SCHIZO theory]]]
I don't have a clue why this is so far fetched for you all it happens all the fucking time
No. 92013
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>>91946BTW Weenus immediately deleted her “pedo” comment, lol.
Oopsie, Weenus. Too late.
No. 92015
>>92004anon doesn't know that young looking porn stars exist, lol
they have them in america as well, little lupe or many others.
No. 92017
>>92009If venus was sexually abused she would have already jumped at the chance to cry
victim over it. She already paraded 3 abuse stories around. I bet she couldn't wait to tell everyone about Ken and cement her victimhood. She would have definitely said something by now. Maybe venus is just a pedo, because she's a bad person? Of course her mother is always brought in to vindiate her actions.
No. 92019
>nooo Margo just wanted Venus to be a legit actress singer modelAnd how do you
get into those roles? I think with all the last years stuff about Hollywood you nerds might even be starting to realise. It's not the only way but it's the trusty way and you think Margo would be too innocent and principled to focus on that?
"You go to Mr Yan"
>n-no she didn't anticipate avenues like that she uh, she just noticed.. such opportunities as they came upYeah she had nooo concept of such avenues when she was an innocent young uhh 20 year old prostitute choosing a guy with a particular face shape to father her child so she would look a certain way
>>92017>she would have already jumped at the chance to cry victim over itno because it ties into Venus going on to look at child abuse material which she naturally would have high concern about drawing attention to
No. 92023
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She also follows a loli account
>>92003 No. 92033
>>92008More like exposed to sex stuff at a very young age? Margo and her shared a
bed for years so who knows what Penus saw or heard when Margo's boyfriends/fuck buddies crashed at their place.
>>92021I remember one of them going shopping for baby toys, is that one?
Also let's not forget the chest binding and denying age regression
No. 92035
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Kinda puts that “giving head to a baby” story of hers in a whole new light. Does Weenus get off on watching kiddy porn? Is that one of the “things she fantasizes about that only Satan could fap to”?
No. 92049
>>92037If you read the text in the photo right above yours she isn't supportive or fantasizing about it, it's disturbing and keeping her up at night. the "love" is for her ex bf ken and she's disturbed at what he bragged about
and for context the other pictures with those IG stories were her packed bags because she was leaving him
if she loved it and thought it was hot why would she leave him? you're not making sense
not defending her but don't twist it and make shit up
No. 92052
>>92049Except if we all believe Venus is a liar with a history of lying to her fans why the fuck do we believe anything she really says!? She’s been secretive about Ken. She ignored the story and stayed with him. She didn’t decide to just leave when it came out . She thought on it and when things don’t go her way she leaves and cries abuse and spills secrets people tell her.
It’s not twisting it, but the only possible thing ‘only Satan can fap to’ is pedo shit.
No. 92060
>>92048Did she really choose to delete it, or did the post get reported and she said she deleted it to save face? Kind of like how many suspect Mikan Mandarin failed fashion college and just lied and said she dropped out - am 99.9% sure that's what happened.
>>92049She wasn't disturbed or she wouldn't have stayed with him upon finding out. She used the same sooo in love excuse she did with Mana. Imagine staying with a child abuser and exploiting said child yourself to propagate another
victim narrative. No one genuinely disturbed and empathetic would do that. He was likely a sugar daddy during the time she was couch surfing bc she couldn't leech off Mana anymore. So she needed him for sugar cash. The most likely scenario is he dumped her, and she was lashing out, just like she did with Mana and the slander video. Either that or he stopped giving her sugar money. Or she just didn't like him. Don't think for a second that she cared so much about the poor poor kid she exploited that she decided to leave.
No. 92062
>>92049No, sorry. First of all, the story about “giving head to a baby” (which is a disgusting perverted thing to randomly spew out on her public instagram) only kept her up “some nights,” in her words. The others not so much apparently, so it only really bothered her
*sometimes — but not enough to leave the guy (cuz she loooved him!)
That little outburst, accompanied by the RL kid’s unblurred photo (which is a whole other level of disgusting) and just thrown out there so casually seems to me like this is not the only time little Venus has had these thoughts and fantasies. She seems comfortable with the lingo, “giving head” to children, as well as cream pies and pussies. I wonder how much time she spends watching porn? I’m guessing quite a lot.
Is that
kinkshaming? Guess I’m just not as enlightened as some of her OF fans and cheerleaders. And
No. 92067
>>92064riight because that older post can't have been duplicitous in any way. i mean, it sounds really genuine and not affected at all. people who are horny NEVER act coy and pretend to
be scandalised
No. 92071
>>92067Yeah because it's more plausible to believe that a kinderganten-age child (who a that age has no concept of sex) fantasizes about being a sex worker.
Rambling on her distress about bras is not even cute, talking about how she only wears grandma underwear isn't sexy in any way, she lived her entire life as a late bloomer up until she married Manaki.
It is more plausible that she obviously and understandably went wild after discovering dick and breaking free from her mom's control, than to tinfoil about past sexual abuse with no proof.
No. 92077
>>92072She's not obsessed with it. It's just another persona, this time for her OF so she can make money. She always does this and anons eat it right up. I do think she could have pedo tendencies though.
>>92064Interesting. She once said that Margo made an insensitive comment that she looked pregnant and insinuated Margo caused all her body issues, yet in this post, she says her mom urged her to accept her body?
No. 92078
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>>91888Margaret was being messaged by a farmer, but it should be obvious that she was only being sarcastic because this was the time when people were openly accusing her of posing as Venus in the picture. Especially if you consider what that the farmer was buttering her up in other messages and denouncing haters, it makes sense she would joke like that. People at KF misinterpreted this and ran with it, as did PULL.
Venus looks totally knocked out drunk in that picture and not some seductress. Based on the message from the Korean guy, it was awkward and HE was apologizing to her.
>>91946What the fuuuuuuuuuck?! C’mon ladies, pack it in. No more defending this grown woman’s shit. She knows exactly how people would react to saying something like that and she wrote it anyway. Like creepy mother, like creepy daughter.
No. 92079
>>91946I'm 100% sure she's lying about this to make people think that she's sure and happy about what she's doing, because it really seems like she's only doing it to get an attention high and easy money.
If she's telling the truth, she has some sexual trauma going on, having sexual memories from early childhood and growing up to be inappropriate and hypersexual and getting all your validation through sexual attention is text book child sexual abuse behavior. If she did get sexually abused, she most likely hasn't started milking it for
victim points because she's mentally so messed up she doesn't even realize it ever happened. She should stop lying about going to a therapist and ACTUALLY start going, because if she did get abused, she is likely to abuse kids later in her life, like Onision. I think Manaki and the OF coomer fucks deserve to get what they get from Venus, innocent kids on the other hand…
>>92074It's some fucked up "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" sort of thinking. It's like anons forget that Margo is most likely the reason Venus is a narc now, they're both huge shitheads. Too bad Venus chose not to improve herself and took the easier way out, now we can only hope she's not fertile anymore after her ed and surgery.
Margo has been right with some of her unhinged rants, but that's inevitable because even a broken clock is right twice a day.
No. 92080
>>92077It can be both, especially if we're working off the logic that Marge sexualized her from a young age.
The post is about growing breasts and wearing bras. That can be sexualized, so Marge encourages her to accept it.
If Venus gets fat, she loses her sex appeal (except to niche audiences, I guess). Ergo, Margo shames her and tells her she looks pregnant.
No. 92097
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>>92084Dude, Kigurumi is a onesie
No. 92132

>>91963Come on now, you can't start throwing that word around, cos thats just being sensationalist and ridiculous. I wonder what people would have said about Kate Bush if she had released the song called "The Infant Kiss" today? There is an excellent video on it on YT, featuring images from The Innocents, a very good old ghost story. Again, if that had been released today, the snowflakes would be traumatised forever more by it and screaming about how terrible and what pedos the people involved must be, please, get real.
Having said that, I do wonder what Venus meant when she posted the picture of herself with the little boy and the caption "Coming soon". What was coming soon? The revelations about "Ken"? Or did she mean something else that she decided against publishing for some reason, maybe after the backlash she got over it? The picture was very lighthearted and the world "love" was on the boy's face. Was she trying to pass him off as her boyfriend or something, in a jokey way, not to be taken seriously, but she thought better of it because of the way everyone takes everything nowadays???
No. 92136

>>91967That is not strictly true, it is distasteful for most people to admit, but kids can and do have sexual feelings at a very young age. I recall reading an interview with a woman who was a necrophiliac where she said she first got turned on by it when she was about 5 or 6 yrs old, and a friend of mine who is gay, knew he was gay at 8 yrs old and was attracted to men back then, kids muck around with each other anyway, my friend back at school used to play with her little brother's genitals and another friend who was 15 yrs old used to claim that a little 6 yr old boy fancied her, because she could tell because of how he looked at her and behaved towards her, not something i took seriously at the time, but now after having learned a bit more about life, I wouldn't dismiss it completely/ So you can't say that Venus is not being truthful about this because in your opinion no child would ever think anything like that, because obviously some do. I remember being interested and aware of older teenage boys and young men when I was only about 5 yrs old myself, I may not have had the sexual feelings but something in me was aware of them and self conscious and I had an interest in some of them, I just didn't understand what it was, some children are just naturally more aware sexually at a very young age, maybe that was true for Venus too.
No. 92141
>>92136This is dumb. Children do get crushes and may even become curious about their own bodies/the bodies of others and mess around.
There is no way that a 4-5 year-old understands what sexuality is and how it is being monetized by adults. Venus' claims are bullshit. At the very most she might have wanted to become a dancer because they look pretty, wear pretty dresses and get attention. That's about as deep as a child's thought process gets.
No. 92144
>>92035Maybe it kept her up at night masturbating to the thought, ? Though I doubt she meant that.
Or it could be all manner of things, it seems there is more fetishes than I ever could have realised. I saw an image a while back of a naked woman making love to a giant insect, a human size ant, I never even knew there was any concept of such a thing, maybe Venus is talking about something outlandish like that, even that is better than some of the repulsive disgusting fetishes like scat , that it seems mainly men, and perhaps mainly gay men, are into, that is more disgusting and the worse fetish of all, people throwing up on someone, can't imagine anything worse, horrible, then there is the laughable fart fetish, and snore fetish, wtf is wrong with people???
No. 92151
>>92144this has gotten way out of hand, how does one insta story out of context condemning ken's behaviour and her reasons for leaving him balloon into her enjoying it? it's a huge reach
I'm not defending venus but posting your own version of events over and over doesn't make it true