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No. 101360
Before postingfirst read rules, follow them; don't post old milk; if you aren't sure if something has already been discussed read current thread & previous thread at least. If you are a coomer: shut up plz don't waste thread's 1200 replies with thirst.
Previous threads all neatly arranged by most recent:
Baby Beenos Edition
>>>/w/98843BDSM Queen Edition
>>>/w/95405Sex Worker Edition
>>>/w/87866Sugaring Edition
>>>/w/76241Desperate For Money Edition
>>>/w/62881Mental Illness Is Super Kawaii uwu
>>>/w/468652 years ago
>>>/w/305813 years ago
>>>/snow/286133Yellowface Edition
>>>/snow/254982The Kawaii Princessu
>>>/snow/205005Venus Angelic Summary and Milks not necessary in order:
>Venus angelic is a washed up as-been famous Youtuber who gained popularity for her doll looks and weeby content back in the days. She is of Swiss origin. >one of her milks include running away from her mother Margo who basically created her Venus Angelic brand, she's been living in Japan ever since. (margo has her own thread on pt >>>/pt/666399 )>After separating from mommy, content quality sank very low. many different business tactics and projects were tried out but immediately abandoned weeks or even days after because of lack of determination and unorganised habits.>streamed awkward meltdowns where she was seen drinking, played the victim card & emotionally abused her fans on multiple occasions.>Venus ended up opening a Onlyfans and is currently doing full time OF sex work. She claims that this work path was her "childhood dream" and that she's never been happy like she is at the moment. >she doesn't seem to have other close relatives and her mother is criticised for mental abusing her as a child and during her doll phase. Her meltdown videos include one where she is telling how all her family is mentally disturbed.>she moved to glorious nippon to "espape her mother" and "be with her at the time husband". Weebs can't lie. >At the time husband is a japanese guy named Manaki, one of her simps who followed her from a very young age. Marriage reason? visa of course. She did end up into a divorce and also badmouth him, calling him a neet and other stuff publicly on youtube. She also exposed his sexuality by claiming he's asexual, only likes 2d women and never even sexed her (proof may say quite the opposite). That concludes on how nobody thinks she really loved him… >After divorcing, or splitting him, for the least, it seems she went through a sugaring phase as she is seen with new LV scarf and coach bag, along by staying in shady hotel rooms for a while, this is when the infamous "Ken" enters the picture. >Other milk is accusing this Ken of doing illicit things to a child. She made an entire insta story about it instead of reporting to the police saying "nobody would help her with the case". Sketchy? Incredibly. Child in question was posted on her Instagram account and was removed after the drama. There is no follow up on Ken. >after this episode she crawled back to Manaki's place again and lived in her old closet room during the COVID-19 pandemic. (This is when she started her OF. )>a few days after the opening of her OF, a tit pic in which she calls herself a cum-dumpster was already leaked.>Other milks include editing face until unrecognisable, making herself look like a child, claiming she's a sexual deviant/bdsm queen when it's obvious she is clueless, etcRecent Milk:
>Omegacringe content made in cheap looking love hotels and internet cafes. >seems to have moved out of manaki's cupboard. Perhaps is living with her photographer now? Also why can't she get her own apartment? >started to pander to japanese audience by reopening her twitter and associating with gaijin AV pornstars. Even tried to make OF japanese friendly. >been following more gaijin AV actress and models and started commenting on their pictures. no coincidences here. >Has plan for a "yuri" with legit gaijin AV pornstar June Lovejoy. Announcements were made but it's been more then a week, still nothing. >More baby beenos pedo panding! >unknown photographer behind conent. BF? Manager? Problo. >suicide bating on OF/more emotional abuse towards fans: said she had "pills" and drank 1600ml of wine then said she wanted to kill herself before announcing stream. After 20-30mins makes "apology" stating is was all a "trap". >is sad cuz can't make friends but also is a self-destroying e-thot with no future. >insta followers decreasing一方です。>lunatic mother margo confides to an anon with little to no proof that venus does have a permanent visa and that she is in trouble with yakuza or something. Links:
instagram: venus_angelic
twitter: @VenusAngelic
tiktok: @dollyvenus
fanicon: (inactive)
main youtube: youtube: No. 101370
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>>101360"suicidal jk its trap"
beenos really pushing the bpd schtick
anyways. new of post? what is this..?
sage for no milk
No. 101378
>>101371how can a post this awesome be followed up with a post as moronic as
No. 101385
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>>101370jfc venus… i was one of the ppl rooting for her and felt bad cuz she literally has no one left in japan.
but now it seems like she is either completely stupid or just doesn't give a shit anymore.
also, threatening people with suicide is the worst. i hope she gets reprimanded and starts looking for help. she has a very serious mental issue, and even acknowledging it she does jack shit about it. she has become exactly like her mom. sad.
No. 101390
>>101385Mama Margo feel threatened that penus, who is young and beautiful posting nudes without her. Mom joined the party too…
This will turn out two narc mother and daughter duo fighting over whose nudes post better.
No. 101395
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>>101390>>101387calm down kids, it's an old photo
No. 101396
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>>101385Is she…trying to compete with her daughter?
This reminds me a lot of when Margo would put on Venus' Lolita dresses. Slightly unnerving.
No. 101402
>>101396Welcome to the new episode of living with a narc mom. If you think having a sister who stole your clothes and trying to copy you is annoying, tried with a narc mom. You’ll have :
• Mom constantly see you as a rival.
• Mom trying to better than what are you doing instead of supporting you.
• Mom who took everything from you and left broke/n.
• Telling your mom stop copying because it’s embarrassing but instead your mom grounded you because you’re disrespecting her.
No. 101429
>>101409that sounds gross, looks more like paint and craft glitter. Ironic she says she loves soap, lotion, and foam.
She's greasy more than half of the time.
No. 101436
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She’s taken to Twitter since she started on OF. Why does she pose on her back with her arms and legs all drawn up like that? It’s creepy and unappealing. She looks like something you’d see after turning over a rock.
No. 101451
>>101445She has no more clue how to do a cat-like pose (it ain’t
>>101436) than she does how to do a ‘sexy’ pose. I’m really starting to think she’s somewhere on the spectrum. She’s like an autist trying to imitate what she thinks sexy looks like.
No. 101455
>>101451>>101445 (samefagging)
I agree with you anon, as sad as it is that the 'cat' person pic is one of her better ones, her facial expressions generally bring the overall photo down. She just ends up looking like a gremlin.
No. 101468
>>101456It's just a generic cat girl pose. Bitches who also want to mimic this "cat that suffered a brain damaging stroke" pose to pander weebs and japanese men, do it too.
Wonder if she will be affected by Belle Delphine's OF…
No. 101470
>>101469There's a lot of blind outrage that comes from ignorance about Japan in these threads
Also one of them admitted finding all porn disgusting in the last thread, so they're always going to be outraged no matter what she does.
No. 101480
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There are so many obvious males in these threads… Why are they here instead of Reddit or 4chan?
>>101469Lol, bullshit. She is stiff and awkward as Hell. Neko Pose exaggerates flexibility, arched back and playful stance. She looks like a cat afraid of getting stepped on.(btw, the woman in above picture is 29)
>>101470And some of us live in Japan, know Japanese men and are not against all porn. You anons saying what she is doing is “normal” for Japanese taste are dead wrong. It is not mainstream. It’s all very niche and just because Japan permits so many niche fetishes doesn’t mean the average guy wants a drugged up vomiting loli in a shitty diaper. Look up anything similar to グラビア写真集ランキング to see what real gravure trends are.
>>101475No, it’s just the same couple of ESL Muslim or Christian virgin anons going back and forth with you. It’s like you deliberately ignore all of us that say we are not against sex work and wouldn’t mind supporting her in ero photography if she wasn’t acting like such a disgusting basket case.
No. 101484
>>101480how can someone be so autistic to write this much about a dumb cat pose?
How is it milky? Sage your shit for fucks sake
No. 101486
>>101475They think school girl porn is milky and label us as whiteknights or simps when we say it isnt.
its so stupid.
Venus is milky because of her personality and the way she has gone downhill instead of seeking therapy. Her onlyfans is cringe as fuck but thats what you get when you get sexualized from childhood without seeking therapy.
No. 101490
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>>101487Look like her eye white has this weird edge.
No. 101492
>>101488>Calling everyone a wk because they disagree with younice logic. venus's fanbase is full of lolicons. looking like a kid is normalized in japan (no its not a good thing either).
but hey you sound like those people who think fiction is reality
No. 101496
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"She's living a good life full of positivity, I wish mine was like that too but school and everything else are troublesome" comments bxtakajade_1 on the pic's commentary section.
No. 101501
>>101480>>No, it’s just the same couple of ESL Muslim or Christian virgin anons going back and forthThey've infiltrated the PULL thread as well, trying to drum up support for their 'cause', going on about reporting her to Instagram and going on about how Instagram should be shut down altogether or something, so fucking boring and preachy. Glad to see they've been banned from here now, but how long til they're back I wonder? Put me off from even bothering to look in here.
Anyhow, that glitter paint picture, I honestly don't know what to think about it, it just looks , wrong , somehow. There doesnt seem to be any real enjoyment in what she is trying to portray, or perhaps that is the look and atmosphere she is going for, but why though?
Do you think someone is forcing her to do it? It seems odd how she is so obsessive about editing her pix but puts up so many unedited ones on her only fans it seems.
No. 101510
>>101501I think maybe she had another sleazeball Chinese "manager" feeding her ideas that she goes along with, as long as she keeps making quick, easy money and rolling in the
toxic positivity being thrown at her on IG.
On her own, Venus won't make content and can't come up with her own ideas- that's why her YT died when she left Marge, she tried making videos but without structure, schedule or substance nobody cares to just stare at videos of Venus talking and eating ~in Japan~.
I think perhaps she was living as roommates with Manaki after her failed attempt to move out and start the business with Kitano, then was scoped by the fat guy from the TV reflection and encouraged to thot out & Manaki kicked her out.
No. 101519
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so, can anyone give me a reason not to pick other?
i knew she made a poll, but i didnt know what it looked like.
seriously, i know some people here are on her of… why didnt you chose other? america explain….
No. 101522
>>101507Yeah, she smooths and edits her skin in most of her pics, including the better quality ones. That glitter one and cat one are especially smoothed,just like the drooling one in the right lower corner of the thread pic.
>>101510Completely agree, she def has someone. Too organized to be her alone.
No. 101524
>>101510I agree with one small change- I think Manaki took her in twice. First time was after she was living in that bare little room with the roommates last summer, until her $$ ran out. Second time was earler this year when “Ken” kicked her ass out. She was riding high with “Ken,” posting pics of LV scarves. a (sad little) Coach pocketbook and hotel rooms she pretended to be bored with (but wanted everyone to see.) Then he kicked her out and she ran back to Manaki’s place again. Then she hooked up with creepy camera guy and seems to be currently shacked up with him.
Very sad tawdry little life she has.
No. 101525
>>101522Methinks she moved in with this new "manager" figure who takes her to love hotels and acts as her cameraman. With the money she's making from all this, I hope she's being smart (loooooool) and saving it for her own assets, not pissing it away on trinkets and snacks while splitting it with this new guy.
Part of me has always gelt like Venus only wants to live life as a "kidult"- an adult with full legal freedom, but who doesn't have to do any of the boring, tedious adult things like pay bills, work, or keep up a reputation. What's hilarious about that is, if she had stopped acting like a retarded baby during her almost 3 years post-Margo living it up, she coild have secured her PR and a place of her own, and had money coming in just for making kawaii videos. She might not have ever needed to start OF if she could have been smart with what she had.
Now she's just another foreign prostitute living in Japan.
No. 101530
>>101525>>101524>>101510So wait, what's the timeline from her escape from Margo to now in terms of living with Manaki?
>was there after Margo >moved out bc of her unwashed drunken rants about having her own money & M leeching off her (lies)>gets with Kitano, starts escorting>fucks him over, moves on to Ken, Ken drops her & she accuses him of being a pedo after claiming she loooooved him>moves back in with Manaki as Covid 19 shuts down Japan>starts lewding and taking pics for ¥¥¥¥>moves out of Manaki's and in with the fat TV guy, starts OF >present day?
No. 101541
>>101436Sage for tinfoil, but is it just me or is she shooping her face even younger than she was before?
It looks like 2012-era Venus.
No. 101549
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She deleted this post where she announced she was getting divorced AND starting her own Company on IG last Sept. Doesn’t want those new marks (er, fans) knowing about this embarrassing little debacle, I guess.
No. 101553
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today after a long time I went to take a look at Venus' Twitter, and I saw that she tweeted about オナクラ which could be translated to « onani club » or « masturbation club » …. I don't know if she said that for joking but in any case apparently the services offered by the people who work there are: licking some part of the body, kiss, female cosplay,nude, show pants, mutual masturbation etc….
No. 101559
Definitely feel like there is someone behind the scenes prompting/directing her to make ANYTHING, after all, there almost always has been. I think if left to her own devices Venus wouldn't be an e-personality at all if she could avoid it, she'd rather be a kept woman living in a weeby fantasy land. This guy I'm imagining has promised her that lifestyle, basically, so long as she gets naked and poses for him once in awhile to make $$$. She's never seemed passionate about anything except being able to live in Japan. Cosplay, virtual idolship, lolita clothes, going around different Japanese locales and trying to do random jobs, and e-thottery, I even remember some BJD short lived interest…all of it is shit she has tried out super halfheartedly. The only thing she cares about is getting to live in Japan and not having to do a lot of work. She really is a major case of arrested development. I pity her because her mom obviously sucked, but at this point she is living like a weird shell human being who's only purpose is to continue being able to eat conbini shit and "live in Japan". Sad.
No. 101564
>>101558OF doesn't count as her starting a business, she would have to make her own website to sell her content for that to apply. OF has a user agreement and takes a % for using their site.
>>101561That would explain her sudden access to a bunch of cheap, wrinkled fetish costumes and staying with a fat old guy who likes to see her in cheap Chinese dresses and lingerie!
No. 101565
>>101559Her only obsession with Japan is that it's the safest, cleanest country with low AOC laws that puts white girls on a pedestal, so she can pretend to never grow up while indulging her sexuality and being rewarded and paid for acting like a stunted, helpless child.
It's Neverland for attention starved spoiled brats with shitty parents.
No. 101566
>>101565I think her obsession with Japan has less to do with AoC laws, but probably does have some shades of her thinking she'll be considered superior. No matter the nitpicking we do here though, Venus would be considered a fairly attractive woman in most parts of the world, its not like she had to go to Japan to find men who would like to "take care of her".
I think her love of Japan is far, far more shallow than that. I think she likes it for many of the same reasons her fellow weebs do. She likes the clothes, she likes the media, she likes the food and alcohol. It is an added bonus that she thinks she can more easily find a man to take care of her and never make her work again more easily there, but I think she wouldn't want to leave anytime soon, even if I don't know, Peter promised her a perfect work-free life in Virginia or wherever he lives. She is a shallow woman child, she wants to make sure she can access all the colorful clothing and unique snacks without ever having to lift a finger. That's her dream world.
I don't buy into this idea that Venus is some maestro pervert queen who loves Japan because she loves their lackadaisical outlook on age of consent. She loved Japan when she was a kid, and I doubt back then she was thinking "oh sweet I can capitalize sexually on my youthful looks there!" Her mom was thinking that for her though. Venus just grew into what her mom always expected her to be, except instead of doing it for that one ~special~ azn man, she's doing it for the internet at the behest of some nasty asian guy who has promised her a life free of normal work or effort beyond get naked and stay slim. My tinfoil anyway.
No. 101577
>>101574To me 'fairly attractive' just means above average. She is symmetrical and slim, I really doubt if she passed the average person on the street she'd illicit disgust. Venus would probably be one of the cuter women working at an Asda in Birmingham. maybe not the cutest but definitely not an ug. Anyway that is subjective, its not a big deal if other anons disagree with me, the point still stands that she will do anything to live in Japan and not have to work.
As for the teen and complicit with Margo thing, again, kind of a reach. We don't hold teenagers responsible for their decisions, especially with regards to sexuality, because they're not really capable of fully understanding the ramifications of them. Margo undoubtedly created Venus, and Venus is now a cow because she has refused to rise above her shitty parenting and now is just reveling in depraved pig shit in order to continue her fantasy life in Japan. When Margo started teaching Venus that her looks was her primary value, she was just a toddler - that beauty pageant at the Thai temple, or whatever. From then on it just continued. At some point yes, Venus was more aware of her own sexuality…but she wasn't the mastermind of using it, not back then at least.
No. 101578
>>101577No one said she's so ugly she'd illicit disgust. She's just not this very attractive person in real life.
In regards to the teenager thing, I'm going based off of what Venus claimed – that she was interested in sex work for a long time. Based off that, Venus was complicit and it vindicates Margo to an extent. Even if she didn't like doing that kind of stuff, I still think she willingly did it because her motivator was always easy money. That has always seemed to be what motivates her to do anything, and back then with Margo, they were making good buck, so again, I think she just didn't care and just liked having money to buy all her lavish things. Whether she understood the ramifications at the time is another thing. Margo obviously should not have allowed it.
No. 101579
>>101564>fat old guy who likes to see her in cheap Chinese dresses and lingerieDefinitely not Yan because he goes after younger looking girls kek but could be someone with the same personality traits and shitty work ethics as Yan.
Anyways, Kitano's company was Cambodian based. Now she's with pimp-sama who may or may not be Chinese.
Tinfoil time
She's avoiding having business with japanese citizens after double crossing Manaki and Malice producer >>101554It isn't, it was discussed a couple of threads ago.
No. 101582
>>101579She didn’t “double cross” Manaki, she leeched off him for years and when he finally had enough of her lies, mood swings, attention-grabbing stunts, binge drinking etc. and initiated divorce proceedings she went on a public smear campaign against him via Youtube videos and livestreams, spreading malicious lies about him to as many people as she could reach.
Basically she fucked him over in retaliation for him kicking her out. Not the same thing as a “double cross.”
No. 101590
>>101481>Not against sex work. Says extreme gross fetish is NOT normal for average guys. Suggests that you Google something common. Proper grammar.You: sounds exactly like kanadajin3 and also a man.
>>101484It was two sentences and saged, you double-posting moron. And stop replying to your own posts. You stick out like a sore thumb.
>>101501She’s attempting to look sultry but it’s like she doesn’t know how to register normal facial expressions. I don’t think she of being forced but more being taken advantage of. She may suggest something and the guy tries to push her further. He’s not professional at all. I think she loves the thrill of being controversial but whoever this guy is, he doesn’t care about improving her career or helping her to establish a future in Japan. So if there is a bad vibe, I think it’s because he’s just a opportunistic loser with no genuine interest in her wellbeing.
No. 101615
>>101589She's not being taken advantage of lmao. What is it with you people who always find excuses for the things she does? She's doing this OF stuff, willfully for easy money. Plain and simple.
>>101587You've only seen her heavily edited. Smoothing ones skin does wonders. So does enlarging her eyes, applying aegyo makeup/tape, slimming her jaw which she still does even on her better quality seemingly less edited pics. Don't think you'd say the same if you saw her IRL. I actually have. She looks rough, same as some anon once said they say Marge IRL and she looked rough. The camera is generous to her.
No. 101629
If anyone bought it and wants to post, please make sure to heavily censor (preferably with an image of something off-putting, like Peter's face) or crop out anything compromising. That might be the only way to get the scrotes who come here for free porn to fuck off.
No. 101630
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Menhera tags are back.. yep,happiest time in her life
No. 101633
>>101594You'd think, after all these years of having a YT channel and she has shown she can make and edit videos on her own, that she would not actually need anyone else to do much stuff for her videos and pictures, unless it's just she's too lazy, and for whatever reason, maybe mental state at the time so that would be a
valid excuse anyway, but whatevs, she knows how to do this sort of thing herself, so she shouldn't really need anyone else to do a lot, so it seems a bit off that she actually needs someone or can't do it, she can, it must be that if she has to have someone else to do it, it's because, for whatever reason, she doesn't want to do it herself, (I was going to say can't be bothered to do it herself, but this implies that she doesn't care and I think she does but something gets in the way of her being able to knuckle down and do the work herself) . maybe wrong of course, perhaps she does do the work on most of it herself, but it is not that consistent, sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes really bad, etc. not consistant.
No. 101635
>>101565Japan not actually the safest place to live, the same goes with other country but Japan look like they’re advanced with the technology and how those people invent something to solved their daily problem but the way their thinking is rather way back then. They still believe that woman need to breed kids, stay home and do housework and woman who goes out to work is like a taboo and not encouraged. One things I’ve saw that Japan is easily influenced like penus. When the other country was talking about mental health, racism etc. etc. They don’t know anything about why people protesting those shit but triying to blend in to make them look they know about something and have something to brag about.
Just like penus, she doesn’t care about depression or lgbt. She only labelled herself as bi or lesbian because teenagers nowadays put it in their bio for trend.
No. 101636
>>101630>when i was still a fetusHow old is she supposed to be in that photo? Or does she just mean she took it shortly before she started her OF?
Was she just taking photos like this and keeping them private?
No. 101640

>>101496I watched a couple of videos on Youtube about this Moxy Hotel where her IG photo was taken by the toys, (you can see them in the attached video, it's like a sort of wall) and I got a vibe from it that is might be a bit sleazy, wouldn't like to say that for definite but just something about it made me think that, also the guy in the video at one time shows the view from the window at night and says something about the street outside has men standing around and the area looks "sketchy", so i wonder why she was there? It might be one of those venues with a bit of a reputation for certain things, but that is just an impression I got and I could be wrong.
(Also the first video that came up on YT when I looked for Moxy Hotel was an overview and the music and voice somehow sounded like something you might hear in a cheesy porn movie, it certainly reminded me of the dreadful shit someone showed me one time, and I wondered at the awful music, but I think I'm probably reaching a bit here about that, but it just reminded me.)
No. 101642
>>101553w-what are you onto anon?
she's at isomaru suisan, its franchise izakaya in japan.
i believe the onani club is just a "joke"
No. 101647
>>101641why do people still insist on taking anything this lying retarded weeb says seriously. shes an edgelord.
>>101644your abysmal grammar pisses me off
No. 101649
>>101647Relax, English probably isn’t their first language.
Or they’re retarded.
No. 101654
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>>101630yeah right Penus.
No. 101686
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Another OF livestream tonight.
Interesting that porn is the one thing she’s stuck with and not abandoned after a couple of weeks since running away from bad mommy.
No. 101687
>>101654Penus therapists: Forget about the haters, they’re all just like margo who’s trying to manipulate you. If you want to be a sexy baby go ahead, do what makes you happy!
Penus who talking in front of the mirror decorated with candles, made in japan where she brought at Don Quixote sex store : You’re right Dr. Penus! Thank you for the therapy, I feel better and more confident now. Ufuufufu… Let’s celebrate my new job with this pink monster energy drink, Kampaii UwU
No. 101691
>>101686"If you dare me to take my clothes off I'll dare you to tip $100. You go first."
I wouldn't credit her or her subscribers to have any more imagination than that.
I can absolutely see why she's stuck with it; it's easy money with no need for planning beyond cheap hotels and costumes, and it comes with all the ass-pats a girl could want.
It's staggering how little effort seems to be required to reel in more income than the average worker. Short-lived, admittedly - but the instant gratification is tempting.
No. 101692
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No. 101693
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No. 101694
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No. 101695
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No. 101696
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No. 101697
>>101629kek, the hashtags get me every time.
I think this is just margo tinfoil anon.
No. 101701
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I thought this was a image board, can people not post unless they have some kind of venus content please?
No. 101708
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>>101640You're right. It's the same hotel.
No. 101710
>>101648I had laparoscopy i have 5 scars none in my belly button or above my privates
Google gastric surgery scars
(blogging) No. 101717
>>101553>>101642Yeah lol, it's probably just a lame joke because of the way she's handling that bottle?
>>101578I don't doubt that she enjoyed the easy money, any teen would. But it's just as likely she was motivated by fear. Broke Margo = more unhinged.
So a natural reaction would be to do whatever it takes to keep her calm. You literally tailor your entire life so as not to
trigger your abuser i.e. classic co-dependecy.
But tbf they are both unreliable and they both benefit from the Venus-is-crazy narrative, only in different ways. So who really knows.
Sage because TED Talk.
No. 101718
File: 1592701896006.jpg (511.56 KB, 1080x1500, IMG_xy7e4f.jpg)

>>101630I do wish I hadn't clicked on the Japanese tags because this is just…pedobait central in the results. Venus is reaching lower and lower.
No. 101723
>>101719I was about to ask "How are those grannies?" and then I looked back to
>I can guarantee youand I put two and two together. Nasty what sort of person these threads have attracted to LC.
No. 101728
>>101654i would love to know what kind of
"psychotherapist" encourages and supports sex work
No. 101731
File: 1592709028794.jpg (79.94 KB, 800x450, cdc.jpg)

>>101725>>101729>>101730Please, I'm begging you, don't shit up the thread like the previous one with your pedo debate.
No. 101732
>>101731It's cool anon. Back to Venus and her latest antics. I wonder how her truth or dare stream will go, unless she has another uwu suicidal
victim complex moment and it won't happen, seeing as that's what she's enjoying lately.
No. 101736
File: 1592713130608.png (63.89 KB, 1089x517, pedalpanda.png)

the pedo spergers are pull kiddies confirmed. i attach because it shows 35 of these babies agreed there is a duty to spam "when it's a pordent issue"
No. 101749
>>101736Not to minimod or anything…
We can't say "pedo pander" and reply with 1000 "yes" everytime she posts a nude. It's boring and annoying because we already know, and we don't support it. Why don't own you ovaries and spam her instagram, if you want to make such a big change in the world.
No. 101757
>>101748I've seen this brought up several times but she hasn't actually taken any pics in a diaper (yet?)
It was a strawberry lingerie set and a pacifier, with a maid hat and like a lingerie version of a schoolgirl scarf thing
No. 101779
>>101690Sex sales. Sadly.
I notice on IG how it's her sexier more revealing pictures that have by far the most likes.
No. 101780
File: 1592753981888.jpeg (Spoiler Image,358.4 KB, 1081x1533, 9BC7B4E6-820A-4EEE-BFAB-F89D44…)

>>101718One of the hashtags on Weenis’ latest IG photo is this so-called “gravure” account. Basically little girls flashing their panties. They may be adults posing as little girls but it’s still CP and Weenis is scum for hashtagging this shit.
(not venus) No. 101783
>>101736It's no surprise they're from there, I wish they'd fuck off. You can see them all over her Instagram too.
>>101701Her face looks nice here, but she does look very thin. It's like she's trying to blend in with the background wrapping the curtain around her, is that pattern called gold brocade? Whatever, it is a decent picture but I don't see the need to be half naked in it, but then I'm not a man, so…
No. 101792
>>101789if you expect her to flash venginus you can wait til the cows come home (literally), since distributing uncensored porn is illegal in japan.
chance are that shes not shaving so she can take off her pants without ahving to censor (even though that would probably help get rid of the crabs she undoubtetly has)
No. 101795
>>101789if you're not talking about the hyper blurry close ups that was already leaked here, and she already posts p*ssy, literally after a little more than a month, i'm actually impressed lol. She ain't getting older folks, hope she saves that money. even tho she probably ain't making up for retirement at age 30. i mean belle delphine didnt come back for nothing.
also, still no june lovejoy? maybe the menhara/baby crap made her less interested in the project.
and this is non related but i was looking at her old pics on margo's account and damn. i didn't know she was as tall as 5'7. with these mesures and that big head on
>>101370 i understand why she'd be so self conscience and turning "menhera" in japan. Girl is taller than hikakintv kek
No. 101798
>>101796totally nothing bad about being a tall woman. basically a lot of women's dream to have long legs. but venus keeps posting as if she's a small loli. she could've been a successful model over there if she wasn't such a lost cause. if that surgery and drinking didn't aged her skin. if only she was actually sane maybe she could've still built a portfolio or something, work on herself.
it must be nerve wracking when she enters the subway and literally almost all japanese women are her dream look!
No. 101801
>>101798Its a grass is always greener thing. I don’t think she plays to her actual strengths, appearance wise. Some ancient video she did where she had ‘Western’ style makeup and hair versus Kawaii styling, you can see she looks better playing to her European facial features and body type.’ll never be able to compete with Asian women on the tiny, uber petite look. But she could play up some kind of European glamor in her stupid porn. Instead she wants to be living anime, got to be disappointed in every picture if that is your goal.
No. 101808
>>101788Oh right, like that’s totally not trying to look like a child at
>>101780What are YOU on?
>>101790>> It isn’t Venus, either. She’s promoting it on her IG post though. That’s the problem.
No. 101809
>>101780>>101805>>101808no amount of crying will make your uncle un-touch you.
and if you ahve to keep crying, can you do it somewhere else?
for example, just go to the top of the page, open the last thread and you can read hundreds of other child abuse
victims crying, maybe that will make you feel better.
No. 101811
>>101798Actually it looks better for women to be taller, for clothes modelling, the phrase 'elegant' if often used for taller, more willowy girls, whereas 'dumpy' or 'shortarse' for shorter ones, at least in the UK.
Shortness is certainly not admired, anymore than great tallness is, and Venus is just an average height for a typical European woman, and indeed a lot shorter than some.
No. 101813
>>101808It doesn't matter if you think a woman wearing pink and sitting on the floor in a stupid pose is
trying to look like a child or not, the fact is, that woman in that picture does
not look like a fucking child, she looks like a fucking woman. Now please, can we not start all this up again.
>>101809>>and if you ahve to keep crying, can you do it somewhere else?Seconded.
No. 101828
>>101812Assuming she's not just making it up as another 'trendy' thing, I certainly don't think anyone worth their salt would recommend touring grotty love hotels with a Japanese pimp, posting nudes online for money, and surrounding yourself with greasy old men who type one-handed.
I don't
remember receiving a pamphlet on easy ways to livestream my asshole between the relaxation techniques, anyway.
She's either lying to her therapist or lying to her audience. Heck, why not both?
No. 101873
>>101812>>101812Technically a psychologist cannot prescribe medicine. A psychiatrist can prescribe medicine. It can be really wishy washy though… My psychologist "recommends" my medication and it is basically automatically accepted and prescribed.
Venus mentioned a psychotherapist, which isn't really a thing anymore (so she could also be translating wrong)?
No. 101876
>>101865I watched her most recent one and at around 59 minutes everyone was chatting regularly, and then my computer was lagging and I couldn't see what was going on, and at 60 min everyone was suddenly saying bye.
So it was exactly 1 hour… but it was so sudden when she left.
There was also a room number "5" behind her, so I thought maybe she was paying for a room like she did at the Internet cafe thing, and maybe she had to be done at exactly 1 hr.
No. 101890
>>101884maybe they already bored with her? i mean there were already people a little bit everywhere on imageboards (here, kiwi, etc) male i guess too, mentioning her content is a little disappointing.
That or most probably streaming at night japan time when her fans are on the opposite side of the globe probably working at the time venus chooses to stream. but you know, I wouldn't be surprised if she can't even wake up in the morning considering how lazy she seems to be.
Hey OF anon, no need to post anything but has she post anything good lately?
No. 101979
File: 1592872317068.jpeg (67.51 KB, 741x527, 9FB2439B-226E-486A-B357-D71FB1…)

Has anyone noticed that venus recently followed this ddlg/ageplayer gear store?
Inb4 diaper venus
No. 102015
I'm not trying to nitpick but has anyone else noticed that her breasts are extremely lopsided? She's obviously trying to hide it but when you look at
>>99464it's obvious, there's some other pics where you can see it but I can't be bothered to look further. But in 99% of her pics she's hiding it by showing only one side or angles.
I get that most women have uneven breasts but hers seem so bad it almost seems like botched surgery.
No. 102017
>>101979Even though Venus is predictable as Hell, there is always a couple people hanging on to the last bit of hope that their Venus will not sink further. She has and she will, folks! Venus is 100% into this stuff. There is no reaching or confusion. She’s taking measurements for her custom diaper now.
>>102015Perhaps the natural unevenness has been exacerbated by the stress of her constant weight fluctuation. It would be impossible for her to gain or lose the exact same amount of breast volume each time, so it is very likely that this is side effect of that. There’s nothing she can do about it.
No. 102018
>>102015One is a bit droopier than the other like in
>>99459 but it's nothing dramatic or unusual. The photo you linked doesn't prove much, she's pushing them with her arms that they're not in any sort of natural position we can judge from.
It really is nitpicking regardless, obviously she hasn't had any surgery on her chest so pointing to that as justification is ridiculous.
No. 102021
>>102015You are nitpicking though. I think it is more normal to have a discrepancy than to have symmetrical breasts.
I am surprised she didn't edit out the difference… I think that is a positive move on her part, considering she could have just "perfected" them.
No. 102072
>>102052ya you anons complaining about her following that store is kinda bs because I've seen a lot of normies buy stuff from there because it's cute/cheap, and they aren't into that fetish at all.
HOWEVER, in context with venus's other stuff, her posts, her follows, her OF pictures… It's pretty evident she's into DDLG stuff. Maybe not literal diaper stuff (we'll see I guess) but very obviously she wants that 'I wanna be cared for/spoiled/bratty' kinda feel.
>>102069I think her contents cheap looking because she doesn't have a lot of money. Even if she's raking a lot, I have a feeling she's being an idiot and either spending it right away on bullshit things like clothes and nails instead of proper fetish clothes. There's also the chance that
part of that money might be going to the guy who's taking photos/helping her? Who knows.
No. 102078
>>102072That "i wanna be cared for" is such a bingo for Venus (and probably the vast majority of women into DDLG)
Her sexuality is probably quite malleable and vaguely defined because of her life, and DDLG/acting like a helpless wittle girl just appeals to her lazy, shiftless, don't do any work to earn anything side. The idea of never working and getting whatever weeb garbage she wants is probably more exciting to her than any orgasm could ever be.
No. 102082
>>102078That's a depressing af thought, that a girl who got to travel so much despite her upbringing is still so shallow and sheltered that she has no
real interests other than simply getting attention and instant gratification for anything she can.
I don't think Venus being in Japan is about Japan anymore, and probably hasn't been for a while. Now that she thotted out, her interests are all deviantly sexual or uwu kiddish, but she's not pretending to be a Jvlogger who gives a shit about Japanese culture or cuisine anymore.
No. 102092
>>102082I dunno, I still think she enjoys japanese culture and things. For example, she still dresses/curates her image that way, and probably still watches anime and all that weeb shit. I think her wanting to be in japan is still very much a thing, because the EASIEST route for her to gain some kind of normal life would be going back to her home country and figuring things out with the family that still cares for her. Instead, she chooses to be a thot in japan.
Most likely she just thinks she can find some old SD over there and pay for her existence, hence also the DDLG fetish. I swear, every.single.sugarbaby does this. And it might work for her if she lowers her standards on the type of disgustingly old salaryman that would do that for her. Only thing is it's probably not going to work because she has a serious addiction issue, along side with her possible BPD, makes her way too chaotic for a real SD to want to even bother.
Most likely she has a semi-like pimp directing her to do certain porn/nudes shit for part of the money in helping. I have a feeling stomach-san will appear in more future shoots.
No. 102170
>>102159If she's not too famous in Japan yet, and if it's true that she does have some kind of
valid visa, she could just restart over, learn proper keigo level Japanese and try to work as just a regular salariwoman.
Or if she doesn't want to work, housewifes are really still a thing in Japan, she could try to marry someone with a good income and have children. (Even thought at the moment I would rather not see her raising children considering her mental issues.)
No. 102172
>>102157>>102159"you really dont come back from internet nudes"
"she ruined her life by exposing herself like that"
not to be insensitive, but the shouldnt allow internet in special ed classes, it annoys the non-retards.
No. 102173
>>102170all it would take would be someone recognizing her or tipping off at "Venus Angelic" and her life would be ruined. these photos are so disgusting that I don't even think low paying/McDonalds jobs would hire her or associate with her… in japan of course.
Ah yes Venus, you have ruined all potential careers and schooling opportunities. Hope that 4k was worth it KEK
No. 102174
>>102173samefag anon but I think it's just the degree of the photos that's so degrading. they're not casual vanilla nudes or even regular fetishes. corn dildos? suicide threats? appalling.
I used to believe Margo was the root of all things evil but Venus is just as manipulative as her mom but at least her mom was consistent w it. I wonder if Venus will ever end up getting into porn, someone already posted the herpes on her lip.
Anything for quick cash I guess. And she's supposedly 23 now?
No. 102182
>>102174it's the nakadashi sign in her first boob picture that really makes her look like trash tier, then the fake vomit, the "soap and glitter"… not to mention the baby disguise. exactly. non vanilla, content that makes her look extra sloppy, what a way to ruin the angelic brand AND your actual name, cuz this idiot went full name with her sex work.
nothing was properly managed in this shitfest. I dunno if she is still posting, it seems quiet lately and OF anon isn't posting anything so… i guess part of me hopes she's okay? she's a mess and who knows what is happening in her head at the moment.
No. 102189
File: 1593006221875.jpg (325.55 KB, 1152x2048, Venus 0.jpg)

I saw a few older pics on her twitter account I'd not seen before. In this one, would've been quite nice if she hadn't edited that awful pointed chin in, it just looks wrong and she would look so much better if left natural.
No. 102195
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>>102189>>102189Anon I do believe this was posted in the previous thread, I dunno bout u but the moldy bathroom is grosser than the over editing.
I regret subbing to her onlyfans, it’s so incredibly boring. I mean I know everyone is saying this but holy shit. It’s so mediocre I want a refund how do scrotes do this.
Not to nitpick but the strand of hair on her face is funny.
No. 102206
File: 1593014194697.png (3.32 MB, 2048x1536, 488BC4A4-9577-425E-9A7A-17556C…)

Late but here’s a screen shot of her livestream a few days ago- the one that had 30 viewers according to
>>101877 No. 102222
File: 1593019343183.jpeg (585.92 KB, 750x983, 5EC1BFB3-02E2-4F9D-A5AB-DCE734…)

Message to her subs this morning.
“Remember when I promised to put up a Beautiful Agony (= close up face shot while masturbating) video?
Welp welp, here it is… Since the videos is 13 minute and 56 second long, I uploaded it to google drive for you Watch me playing with electrical massagers set to the highest setting while lying on my bed wearing gingham checked pastel pink PJs and a cute bear headband. The video is focused on my face and starts with me taking my panties off….despite the electrical massager trying to destroy me while I try my best to explain my experience as in what Im doing, feeling and smelling in between the moans and other hard to describe noises. This is a side of me no one ever thought even existed…not even me until I recorded it! Watch the video and cum together with me to the naughty side
P.S:Please do let me know your thoughts regarding the Beautiful Agony video! If you are so kind and write me a feedback I’ll send you one of my favorite non-published erotic pictures! “
she’s asking $80 for this mediocre content.
No. 102228
>>102222hard to describe noises and smelling.
$80 for a video of the face of someone smelling their own sharts.
interesting concept.
did you give her the feedback to offer face sharting to the top payers next time?
No. 102233
>>102206Jesus christ, she really does look like a young grandma. like an old lady who uses top of the line skincare but can't do shit about her features turning old.
Margo truly fucked her up. mentally, emotionally and genetically.
No. 102234
the sex industry is all the same.
>new girl thinks lewds/porn = big easy money (kek, not really, 4k a month is a low tier job for 40hrs give or take)
>new girl is happy, promotes sex work, "life is great!!!">after a month or two/few, people stop paying or refusing to resub/watch>content gets more extreme because she's done everything before >big money again >new girls start coming out, she gets older, boring and washed out content, losing money fast>"my life is still great!!1!1! not like anons were right! I love sex work!" >"hurr durr I am offered more money if I do porn, sounds easy! already done everything anyways, more money!">does porn>same cycle >either dies or gets an education, less than 1% make it biginb4 "anon u aren't talking about the men!!1!1!" same shit happens with men but it's more sustainable to be a MALE sex worker
irrelevant I guess but props to the anons who leak her content and give updates. good shit.
>>102200exactly, she'll make most of her money in the first or couple of months and then slowly people will stop paying her. what a tough lesson to learn.
No. 102235
>>102206What a mess. I wonder if she stopped drinking and ate a healthy diet whether she would regain her looks?
She looks older than me and I’m over 10 years older than her!
No. 102239
>wearing gingham checked pastel pink PJs and a cute bear headbandSomeone seems to be confusing their audiences…
Instagram ←— That-a-way
No. 102241
>>102237the most unfortunate part is she's had people TRY and help her but she refuses. tsurkero (? can't spell for shit), that one lolita chick, even Taylor and Manaki are awful but tried to steer her in the right direction, see a theripast etc.
she claims she sees one but there's 0 progress, even a shitty theripast can offer venting or another perspective. there's also so many resources on the internet. Venus really seems to be "if you can't handle me at my worst then forget my best!" kind of person.
Venus is stubborn like a rock and almost as dense as one too. I used to wish she would get a career, translator or even tutoring, something she can do and make some money off of and work on her social skills.(McDs is a great example, people skills, money is alright for the skillset she has, etc. great beginner job… I'm not a McDonalds ambassador, its just something universal) but instead she wants everything quick, fast without any work. She claims she's always so depressed and suicidal, I have a sister with BPD and she does the same thing. Somehow finds enough motivation to throw tantrums, expect all and give nothing. Expecting them/her to grow up is nothing but disappointment.
Venus is lazy.
Lazy lazy lazy lazy Venus.
No. 102245
>>102234>exactly, she'll make most of her money in the first or couple of months and then slowly people will stop paying her. what a tough lesson to learn.The worst thing about this is probably the men who stay because they tend to be obsessive like that Peter from Toronto guy.
So it's basically a lose-lose situation, the normal ones leave to pursue another girl and the creeps stay. yuk
No. 102247
>>102244Yeah anon, it’s’s like extra premiums, on a basic Subscription.
>>102228she does respond to messages but it’s not worth your time really. Or she will charge you or something.
No. 102264
>>102255next thread pic please lol
>>102261why does lolcow always assume every cow has BPD? she might have something else entirely instead
No. 102300
>>102289Didn't we already tell you to scram? Can mods permaban these thirsty losers?
>>102206the face expression kek
>I'll be streaming guys ^^>also shares OF on twitter to her minuscule japanese fanbase>30 ppl in the stream>japan time yet no japanese in the chat room>incel: do u have a waifu hurr>Man what a glamorous life. I too would be thrilled about this kind of incel fanbase she's got
No. 102353
>>102347Filler isn’t just for lips… I think in this context anon meant for her face. It can add volume when your face ages and sags, and provide a “lift”.
People do that when they age or have lost a lot of weight
No. 102354
>>101686If it wasn't making her good money, she'd entirely drop it and move onto the next trend saying it was her life long dream and putting on personality number 5383292201.
Prior to OF, she tried a fanclub that brought in little money so she abandoned it (and scammed her fans in the process). She tried tik tok, fake business, dolly trend, vtubbing, singing, sugaring, YT etc and none of them brought in much money (except YT for a few years). So of course she'll stick with this. It's not much work, she doesn't have to have a good face/body (she can and does just edit it) or any skill and it will still bring in money.
No. 102364
>>102182not that there is any actual proof of this, but Margo has repeatedly mentioned that Venus had legally changed her name to minako okada or whatever. well who the fuck knows but Venus Palermo is definitely not on her passport. In other words her real name might be quite safe from this "venus angelic" garbage. As long as nobody recognizes her in pics ofc
I also vaguely recall Margo referring to venus as Neuenschwander or sth I can't spell it. (father's surname)
I think Palermo was never their real surname anyway
No. 102372
>>102345I've never seen anyone who has fucked around with their face / body who doesn't look like an open-casket funeral. Leave the artificial 'beauty' practices to the morticians.
For the living, some healthy lifestyle choices work wonders and don't put you in the uncanny valley.
No. 102380
>>101912Way to minimize CP. "It's jUsT tHeIR cUlTuRe"
>>101924>imaginary pedosNothing imaginary about people like Peter from Toronto getting off to pics of baby beenus or the initial pedo pic posted to IG. Venus knows she has closet pedos following her for years, so when debuting her OF, she made sure to pander to these guys first, as they'd be the first to give her money. fucking scrote simps constantly trying to either outright deny or minimize the pandering, then attempt to silence all dissidents with either: sToP dErAiLiNg or "It's not rElEvEnT tO wHaT sHe'S dOiNg (when clearly it is) or pretending they agree to silence discussion then immediately follow with minimizing the pandering, so their word can be the last. If we didn't have posts like
>>101924 &
>>101782 this discussion wouldn't even be a thing. There's a market for this pandering shit in Japan. Japan is behind the times when it comes to CP and the like. That's why it's still a thing there and of all the things Venus can do, she chooses to cater to this crap. And the fetus caption is just weirdand inappropriate. Even her fans are starting to take issue
(move on) No. 102381
>>102195Have to be honest, I never noticed any mold in the bathroom, lol, guess I'm not bothered about things like that, unless it is really extreme.
I like this darker toned picture of her, she looks good here.
No. 102383
>>102347I agree, there's nothing much uglier than a trout pout or lips that looks like rubber tyres put together. Ugly in the extreme.
And honestly, take a random screenshot of anyone when they are hunched over a screen, facing it and looking slightly down while talking and most won't make the best picture in the world, so I think people are reaching a bit here.
I watched that video of her with that Sora guy again and her face looks fine, no need for any filler rubbish or botox, she doesn't want to go down that destructive route on top of all the other
problematic things she has indulged in. If she builds up enough confidence in herself, which is what she needs to do, then she wouldn't even entertain the idea of doing any of that shit to preserve her looks, just a healthy lifestyle and enough sleep would be enough, organic fruit and veg and a positive attitude makes for a healthy mind, and body.
No. 102387
File: 1593088550582.png (403.75 KB, 760x493, 1.png)

She looks good here.
No. 102401
>>102393if venus WERE to get fillers, I’m sure she would go to someone cheap and over time it will make her whole face look fat like momokuns. I don’t think she should get fillers. It’ll just make her uglier.
I mean look at when she had that surgery for losing weight. I think she needs to stay away from cosmetic procedures and adopt a healthy life style but it’s beenos we are talking about here.
No. 102410
File: 1593098395097.jpg (Spoiler Image,535.23 KB, 2448x1632, 2448x1632_e4b7dc0e1a14f015ded3…)

Anyone want any grapes?
No. 102431
>>102379No she wouldn’t “look ok if she dressed more normally/got enough sleep/ate better” etc. etc. She inherited Margo’s worst traits including that creepy margo mouth (which gets more apparent every day,) the eyebags and those shitty premature aging genes. It’s not “bad lighting” either. It’s her real unfiltered face.
And btw you can filter videos,
>>102383. In one of Marge’s old videos she forgot to apply the filter midway throuth it and you could see the difference the instant that filter went out. It was like night and day.
No. 102458
File: 1593110390949.jpg (20.62 KB, 314x286, lol.JPG)

kek at the comments on her latest ig post
No. 102459
>>102455>You guys are so harsh!?>She isn't that bad>:PThe lack of integration has to be intentional
Who am I kidding this thread is always crawling with Venus' followers.
No. 102462
File: 1593110546925.jpg (91.36 KB, 929x596, post.JPG)

>>102458Said post. That bony hip tho
No. 102472
>>102456tbh none of her shots are appealing. it always feels like shes copying a pose she saw in a hentai rather than BEING sexy.
also idk why you guys think lil miss botched surgery should get even more
No. 102499
File: 1593122264831.png (1.76 MB, 750x1334, D1A403A2-0432-4EBD-981D-1583AB…)

Venus is currently answering questions about her onlyfans on instagram.
No. 102500
>>102410I feel… this is probably a better quality photo, she looks okay (not greasy and puffy looking) yet I still feel sick.
I think it’s because I know she’s mentally disturbed and she doesn’t really understand what she’s doing.
Is that a kink for some people? Urgh.
No. 102501
>>102499You need to be earning proper money to keep a Tokyo apartment Venus
No. 102503
File: 1593122943037.png (2.43 MB, 750x1334, 141839F7-5108-40B4-89EB-ECF675…)

its interesting to finally hear her talk more about the therapy that she's receiving.
No. 102509
File: 1593123997364.png (1.57 MB, 750x1334, B24CB4E5-19C4-44B4-BB63-504F02…)

No. 102516
>>102499Oh, riiight…she’s gonna be an illustrator, or do coding, or-or maybe become an investor! Yeah, that’s totally realistic, just like her “forming a Company” or starting a girls bar was.
She’s just as grandiose and delusional as her narc mother. Two peas in a pod, they are.
No. 102519
>>102516Damn, you're savage! But, you're absolutely damn right. Venus has delusions of greatness, and doesn't see her reality. She truly believes herself to be a unique and fascinating person.
Venus has fallen so low that I am no longer surprised by her mediocrity. I wonder what is real in her life, she fakes everything, even her emotions.
No. 102533
File: 1593130698345.png (2.26 MB, 750x1334, 0766C432-B023-4BAB-9E60-137F3C…)

Venus on the topography test she took, potentially having bipolar disorder, her therapy, and the medication she's currently on.
No. 102536
>>102499invest… With no money, absolutely 0 knowledge of ANY markets, and even with knowledge of markets and trends, she's gunna do what? Forex? Crypto? STOCKS? LOL with the market fucking over actual day traders? No one will want her to do OTCs, no bank will her as a trader, she has 0 money to invest herself, she's way over her heard on that one.
Illustrate… Has she ever even drawn? It takes
YEARS for people to learn to draw, let alone colour, understand colour theory, shadows/lights, negative space etc. Even people have been drawing for years struggle to get jobs, especially in covid. At BEST she's going to get a shitty animation job barely making money, and that is IF she spend hours a day learning to draw, animate and the shortcuts to everything. On top of that, goodluck getting a job like that in japan, one of the most famously difficult places to get a job such as that due to the intense work loads and work culture specific to animation/illustration.
Code… Does she even know ANY coding languages? Frameworks? Has she done anything outside of basic ass HTML? Now a days, just knowing css/html is not enough even for a front end dev. You need to understand react/vue, you need to understand js/java, you need to understand nodes, you need to understand how to work with other coders, sprints, PMs on your ass all the time, and you need to actually not be a dumbass. No one will hire you as a coder venus, and you aren't smart enough to code something yourself, especially something useful people would use/purchase.
Not even going to bother saying translate/write. Speaks every language in the most broken way, clearly forgetting languages she 'picked up' through her travels because it requires constant upkeep/practice or you slowly forget it. Not to mention, transcribing is difficult and the pay is shit. Even live translation between people. Plus when hiring, companies look for established people working for specific transcribing/translation companies, and they regularly google names. They would NEVER hire venus and her internet background.
She just isn't creative or smart for any of these 'jobs'. She needs to get a reality check and either go full sex worker mode and be smart and save money then marry some dumbass, or go back to her native country and salvage her life by getting an education or a simple job somewhere.
tldr; venus can not get a job in anything she said.
No. 102537
>>102499I feel like she propagating a dangerous idea to her followers like “It’s ok if you spread your legs on the internet! You can always become a coder, invest money or do any other profession that brings in decent money!”
First of all, even if you’re a talented illustrator, most of them live below the poverty line, yes, even in Japan.
You don’t wake up some day and decide to invest or code. And again, yes coding can be a profitable profession but a) you have to be passionate about it and keep yourself educated on new languages b) it’s a saturated market as well so starting salary has been dropping since crazy.
On top of that, any serious company will do some basic googling because you will most likely work within a team and they don’t want a rotten apple in the mix.
What you can do is:
- go back to school and change your name
- work in cafes or supermarkets (And also, granted they don’t have creeps starting to show up at your job because they know you and cause problems to your company)
No. 102538
>>102499straight up with "politician" and "doctor". As if that's what most ppl go into in the end? I'm sorry Venus but with your lack of experience in any field your starting point in Japan will be either conbini or grocery store clerk.
Also, can't even write kanji pretty enough in cum dumpster post but aspires to "illustrate"
Get a grip. Maybe having respect for those who actually work and see the beauty and creativity in jobs should be your first step.
what a humiliation honestly.
No. 102540
>>102533if she really cared about her mental health, she would give the internet a fucking break.
I wonder if she realises how generic she is in that menhara sex worker episode of hers.
No. 102543
File: 1593134126705.jpg (112.38 KB, 500x267, 3gQ1dSC.jpg)

>>102533Venus' doctor after scanning her brain…
Yeah right.
No. 102555
>>102503Funny that because Adult Children From Dysfunctional Families doesn't have "therapists" and have a different approach to mental health through meetings, one to one sessions etc. you are Weenus. I'm betting she's only reading the book because this group does have literature pieces. That's the closest to a "therapist" she'll ever have.
No. 102556
>>102536>>102537All this plus you need a high school diploma AND a college degree, at least a Bachelor’s and probably a Master’s degree before you can be considered for any of these careers.
She’s an uneducated unqualified delusional and entitled little shit.
No. 102563
>>102537Slow down there! That’s making too much sense for Venus to understand. Girl wants an easy life and probably still has anime fantasies about how she’s at her lowest right now but could be successful one day. She probably thinks she’s some type of Cinderella. She just doesn’t have any natural talent in anything and is far too lazy to try to do something like…get a ged. Have a passion about anything! She can’t even fake an interest in something. So how could she act like she wants to be at a job for a few hours a day?
She couldn’t even try to keep her YouTube channel alive! She has shown no effort to try to better herself in anyway.
She’s really going to end up on the street at this point.
No. 102565
>>102499Lmao this bitch is so fucking dense and narcissistic.
Coding and investing? She is completely unqualified for any of these professions and this post alone shows how low IQ she is.
Illustrating and writing? These are professions you need raw talent, hard work and luck to be successful in. She spent her childhood posing as a doll on the internet, no way she spent time perfecting these skills. Bitch is a fucking moron.
No. 102593
File: 1593160419109.png (412.02 KB, 720x613, Screenshot_20200626-032053~2.p…)

Lol is that venus in the thumbnail?
No. 102623
>>102593It is her. Adult Swim wtf are you doing with a pic this old??
The vid is still on her channel, just right when it starts you can see her as pic related.
No. 102626
>>102410Oh that is just horrible, crude and disgusting.
What is she thinking doing something so tasteless? I would even go so far as to say it is completely repulsive. She is better than this, even if she wants to go down the vile porn route in her pictures, she doesn't need to do something so crass, it can still be tasteful surely?
No. 102630
>>102547If she has an addictive personality, let's hope she doesn't just become addicted to prescribed medication.
The medical profession is far too ready to dish out pills to people , the pharma industry encourages it by making more and more normal variations in personality medicalised, because that is their profit right there, making sure as many people as possible have to be reliant on medication of one sort or another.
No. 102632
File: 1593184765022.png (403.66 KB, 490x498, Venus w horns.png)

>>102462Not that flattering, she looks thin and bony.
There was another picture, I don't know why she didn't use that one instead of this, and probably wouldn't of got any comments moaning about the OF thing.
No. 102633
>>102632She looks better here than in the picture showing her legs and thigh, it just looks all wrong.
I wonder if she really knows much about poses and how to get the best angles because she has posted so many pix where the angles are all wrong and so unflattering and a better composed picture would make her look so much better, instead of the out of proportion ones where all of the emphasis goes to the wrong part of the picture because of how it's composed.
No. 102645
File: 1593193187314.jpg (Spoiler Image,195.47 KB, 1364x2046, 20200627_013820.jpg)

New twitter update .
The angle doesn't feel flattering at all
No. 102654
>>102647Venus is a grown woman who won't improve in future and without a doubt will become worse. Her attitude towards education, getting a career and having structure in her life is incredibly poor. It's practically embedded in her brain and she's so entitled that if this OF lifestyle leads to porn, she most certainly will have no future afterwards.
Venus actually having to work a normal job for her money is laughable. It's known in the JAV industry that it is possible to return back to reality, but some women really struggle. The easy money, attention, gifts and being idolised, which leads them to prostitution & shady street shit when their looks fade out. Now that will most likely be Venus when that time comes.
No. 102663
File: 1593198508266.jpeg (Spoiler Image,564.75 KB, 750x1077, FC3383C3-6355-4E1E-B847-AF092A…)

ugh can someone tell her how angles work. Jfc. These are so bad.
No. 102677
File: 1593203917925.jpeg (482.54 KB, 1667x1242, 326EED16-60AA-4031-BAEB-79C58C…)

>>102627You poor dear. Just watch any of her unfiltered videos, shot in all kinds of different lights to see how creepy and unappealing her face really is. There are many out there to choose from. Then come back and tell us more about how PRETTY she is without filters.
No. 102678
File: 1593203992203.jpeg (278.03 KB, 1363x1512, F9CAE709-9F0B-48BA-A429-E321CE…)

>>102627Or someone elses’s unfiltered pics on their IG.
No. 102689
>>102685When idiots stop commenting about how
pretty Weenus is without filters! That’s when I’ll stop. Cause she’s not and that’s just a fact.
No. 102691
>>102689lol anon it is literally the opposite a fact, people have different tastes and Venus in unaltered pics and unflattering images still has SOME appealing aspects of her face to SOME people. She isn't a completely crafted 'beauty' made out of thin air and photoshop, she has pleasing features.
That being said her erotic pictures are by and large gross looking and very poorly photographed. That one where the main foreground focus is her grabbing about 70% of her own pussy here
>>102663 on a couch she looks like she's about to fall off of? That looks dumber and uglier to me than just a normal picture of someone not looking super done up.
No. 102703
>>102627Does this looks "better than Margo" for you?
>>102206She's the spitting image of her mother
No. 102752
>>102691She has a pepper bell nose
Sunken eyes
Thin lips
And is so skinny she can dodge rain almost
Very pleased
No. 102800
File: 1593244787067.jpg (816.88 KB, 891x572, uLQOgCK.jpg)

I know this isn't a Margo thread, but she uploaded "Baby Venus" to her insta, saying there will be a video with more pics. Wonder if she knows the "Baby Benos"
No. 102802
File: 1593246120729.jpg (212.99 KB, 1200x1200, greta-thunberg-looks-on-during…)

She looks like greta lmao
No. 102808
File: 1593250979889.png (201.02 KB, 398x611, Adsız.png)

dream waifu for creeps. actually sounds like japanese tv shows I have seen on youtube, like pranks in library that hurting people but whoever makes a sound lose the game etc. who is her aimed viewer again? I guess she is working for japanese OF tippers.
>>102800 I don't know if I am too emotional but, she had the chance to have a happy, fulfilling, peaceful life with friends or even a new family of her own in this picture, which is like 10 years ago. Isn't time cruel for her…
I still hope that she will find some kind of peaceful existence in this world she created. Even if it looks hopeless.
No. 102811
>>102802am I the only one that have weird feelings
by seeing Greta's judgy gaze in this thread? as if she is saying "oh venus, seriously? is this what you come up with your life despite all opportunities you had, being a switzerland citizen, raising in uk, traveling to korea and japan and living there…what a waste, a waste bigger and harmful than all wastes around the world"
Greta just doesn't fit here. I wish her image was tagged as spoiler.
>>102663Oh Gawd, what the hell am I looking at here? That looks as tho there is another part of the picture superimposed on it down below, that is not how it was when photographed I don't suppose.
Also can't see the burn mark or whatever it was here, so she either edited it out, or wiped it off it was just something that landed on her at the time.
No. 102838
>>102685>>102691Totally agree with the above two posts. People like different looks, beauty being in the eye of the beholder and all. I mean there are some people in the world who actually think that Kim Kardashian skank has good looks and she has to be one of the ugliest women I've ever seen with that hideous long narrow face she has, not to mention her over inflated ugly ass. So come on, Venus is the most beautiful woman who ever lived compared to that hideous whore. I think the nitpicking over her looks is not getting anywhere, as it has all been said before in here.
>>102808>>>>102800 I don't know if I am too emotional but, she had the chance to have a happy, fulfilling, peaceful life with friends or even a new family of her own in this picture, which is like 10 years ago. Surely that is more than ten years ago?
No. 102847
>>102831it's just a mosquito bite, spend any time in Japan in the summer and you'll get them too
>>102834>>102836That isn't normal at all, also if you're disgusted by him that much why are you still friends?
No. 102858
File: 1593275489475.jpeg (Spoiler Image,698.32 KB, 844x750, 1E0FBC29-72E2-48D4-AEE2-DDF02C…)

I guess she abandoned the last tip menu kek
Can she move on with the beautiful agony shit she really thinks it’s super creative when it’s so lazy and low effort. No beenos a vid of ur face contorted is not worth 80 bucks.
No. 102859
>>102858I'm not familiar with ethottery but aren't those prices a bit low? I would think that she could charge more idk
Also she looks rather scared than uwu cute in that pic tho
No. 102860
>>102859yeah she’s pretty cheap, but she has a bunch of degenerate fans. So I guess it levels out. But I still find it really cheap.
I mean nikocado avocado’s onlyfans costs more!
No. 102871
>>102858well i guess she realized that when people spend money on nudes, they expect to actually see the parts of the body that are normally covered.
wonder if she got backlash for that and thats why she was depressed.
tickle video…another colab with sora?
No. 102873
>>102867KEK ikr.. tempting to just see her town and see how she has barely made any progress knowing how lazy she is, she’s asking for acnh gifts lol.
>>102871Don’t give her ideas anon..
Hell. don’t give Sora any ideas, it’s so obvious he has a giant crush on her. They are both mentally immature.
No. 102883
>>102874Got to presume it is the same dude in the TV reflection from a couple threads back. The same who photographs her too.
Imagine that will break the fantasy for a lot of simps that she's single, available, could be theirs, whatever. In Japan that's even bigger of a deal for their female heartthrobs to be "single", more evidence that she is going moreso for the neckbeard Western otaku market. I dunno how much success she'll find, reckon she sees that loads of costhots are making decent money by just shooting lewd cosplays, and she is setting herself apart by being as fully pornographic as she legally can be in JP.
Either way, can't imagine a lot of the kinds of people she wants to attract to her OF want to see some other dude manhandle their pretend waifu.
No. 102897
File: 1593290094209.jpeg (341.41 KB, 1082x1613, FEE85135-94ED-4314-80ED-9485B5…)

>>102858Weenis downgradad her tip menu prices. The first one had $5, $10, $25, $50, $80, $100, $200 and $300 options. The latest one only goes up to $80 and is mostly $30 options.
Lol poor Weenis, must not be raking in the $$ like she did at first. Guess that livestream of her looking all greasy didn’t go over so well. She’s on her way to being a low rent bargain basement hoe.
No. 102926
File: 1593297177197.jpg (256 KB, 1080x1685, Screenshot_20200627_163907.jpg…)

>>102678Is this story recent? I thought a while ago Mizuki posted a vague story about
toxic friends or smthing and then stopped associating herself with Beenos. She posted this story yesterday.. Maybe she and Visanaki will spill some milk lol, I can dream
No. 102940
>>102926So…all the shit Margo said about Manaki is a lie. You know … the murder thing.
I didn't know that Mizuki and Mana are actually friends.
And yes, I remember that she referred to Venus as a
toxic friend, but not directly to her (Still we know they haven't talked to each other for a long time). Another thing, Venus still follows her on Instagram (I just checked), but Mizuki doesn't follow her back.
No. 102951
>>102926No, that insta story pic at
>>102678 is at least a year old, not sure exactly when That Mizuki Apricot girl hasn’t been in contact with Venus for a long time but used to hang out with both Venus and Manaki. When Venus was in the hospital for weeks having her botched weight reduction surgery fixed Mizuki and Manaki both posted pics of them visiting her in her hospital room.
I’m glad Muzuki is still in touch with Manaki. They can probably share stories of their experiences being sucked into the vortex of a
toxic narcissist.
No. 102978
File: 1593311375725.jpg (83.68 KB, 615x1579, 20200627_192422.jpg)

>>102808Guys I'm not sure about her being broke and stuff
Her toy is 160$
Maybe she is actually making money but she is just too lazy to put some effort
No. 102999
>>102996that's not really the full story though, she was having a bad mental health day because she didn't have medication with her and had to drink some wine to feel better.
Then she took tips for taking a sip of wine but one creep kept on tipping over and over and she was drunk AF within 5 minutes and screaming.
She wasn't scared of her manager as much as he stopped her streaming because of all the above
No. 103008
>>103006If it’s coming from the video yes
Then she went radio silent, maybe passed out?
Super weird.
No. 103011
>>103003The man is speaking too quiet and Venus likes to mumble so it’s hard to tell, but at some point it sounds like he’s telling her to hurry up, and Venus says something like ”isn’t a proper/hard working person better”.
Hard to say what that means without knowing the context though.
No. 103016
Kono o miyase de dame desu ka?
… Mitai na nan ka
thud yooshi
(I don’t think she is slapped because she says ouch as if she hit something by mistake)
Shikkari shite (?) Rei-san wa?
No. 103028
>>103021It seems like maybe she was giving him a bj or something while off-cam, incredibly drunk
Adding some weight to the sex trafficking theories.
Manaki must not give a shit about her that he lets this happen.
No. 103030
>>103029If you're a lightweight and haven't eaten much it is possible to get very drunk on wine in only a few minutes. But it's likely she was already or is constantly drunk to cope with her new lifestyle.
Japan seems like a hellscape for foreigners.
No. 103036
>>103029the bottle only had a little missing from it at the start and the last time she drank from it 2/3rd of it was gone, these weren't tiny little sips, she was gulping it down
>>103033if you haven't eaten anything all day or you're very underweight you can get drunk very quickly
hell even I do that sometimes to save on buying alcohol
No. 103043
The “manager” is not doing anything bad to her. It’s Venus being a sloppy, embarrassing weirdo again and then attempting to convince him that she is “total boss babe and the happiest she’s ever been!” by using sexuality. Sounds like he is concerned and she’s pushing herself on him.
This is Manaki 2.0(3.0?)just older, sleazier and probably worse at setting up boundaries.
>>103020A gay manager that lounges around in his underwear and stays in love hotels with her instead of a real office? Not even her horny fans we’re buying that,
>>103027YOU again. Lol. Keep believing you are somehow above “weebs”. You’re rolling in the same filth, little pig.
>>103028She is not Manaki’s responsibility and he is powerless to do anything unless he reports her to immigration. If he has allowed her to stay married to him for the visa this whole time, he is doing far more than she deserves.
>>103030In terms of mental health services or in general? Japan doesn’t cause normal people to break. All these foreigners that you see fucking up were already mentally fragile. They run away from their problems at home and come to a Japan because they think they can start anew in a country so different from their own.
>>103036I don’t know why people are doubting she is actually impaired. On medication, underweight, treats her body like shit, stays up all night. It would not take much for her to get drunk.
No. 103045
File: 1593338544626.png (13.4 KB, 857x113, 1.png)

after viewing the stream it seems likely, I've had that much wine before and threw up and that was with food and I'm twice her size
No. 103053
>>103049I'm sorry anon but female fans are where Venus gets 90% of her abuse from, PULL is mostly female and this thread used to be until the thirst started.
The female fans worried about her well-being are still criticising every little thing that she does and nitpicking her looks all while "worrying" which she reads
The thirsty simps like her enough to pay money and won't insult or attack her because they don't want to get blocked or lose their money, even though it's an echo chamber it's probably preferable
No. 103055
>>103053this is stupid. her simps want her to go fully nude and enjoy the novelty of someone from the dolly days ruining herself. very typical route of child stars in hollywood n such. those type of guys rarely care about gossip unless its reddit.
venus was already a hot mess before this started. her female fans didn’t bully her into doing OF or fucking up her life.
No. 103056
>>103035ofc it does. but probably not in the way you think.
>>103001imagine paying money to see this. where's the refund button?
No. 103057
>>103035definitely yes, but it also depends on what kind of med it is, how much alcohol you drink and the timing between taking a med and drinking alcohol.
For example, if you take an SSRI in the morning and drink a glass of wine in the evening, that's usually not that big of a deal.
But if you take a benzo in the evening and drink half a bottle of wine almost right afterwards, this can be a really
toxic combination.
No. 103065
>>103055You say it's stupid but you're actually agreeing with me, they don't care about gossip so she doesn't have to listen to that shit while she's on Onlyfans.
Of course they want to see her naked, like above they like her and they think she's cute so they're not gonna nitpick and make her feel like shit.
I'm not saying any of this is right, and the simps probably are just faking it to see tits, but from her point of view it's a more positive place.
So online abuse has no effect on her at all? Seriously?
No. 103070
>>103067Right, how is commenting to express disappointment and criticize this insanely bad life choice "online abuse"
Most people want the best for Venus. We are not gonna cheer on when it looks like she's being trafficked and in her worst state ever. What positive thing is there to say? Go back to your PULL hugbox with this handwringing anon.>>103065
No. 103071
>they like her and think she's cuteNo, they want to get off to her downfall. Millions of men literally look up real life rape videos on porn sites, and it's not because they think the
victim is "cute" (for context, a raoe
victim who was gang-raped and set on fire in india- literally snuff videos - was searched millions of times on porn sites in the aftermath)
Please let's not act like the scrotes are the good guys here.
No. 103074
Pornsick men get off on women being sexually degraded, not just women being naked and sexual with random men.
No. 103075
>>103065>>103070Your telling someone to go back to pull while you are typing like you are on fucking reddit.
FYI:No matter how much you defend Venus, she wont give you coochie.
Also it has been mentioned on previous translated posts you dyslexic twat that she was pretending to be scared.
>>We are not gonna cheer on when it looks like she's being trafficked Is that why all of the comments were jokes and talking about blowjobs, eh you retard.
No. 103078
File: 1593352395441.jpg (11.2 KB, 303x88, mizuki.JPG)

Just saw a comment from Mizuki aka you stole my apricot on her most recent Insta post, what is it saying? Anon above mentioned that she isn't following venus anymore.
said post: No. 103082
>>103070 I tagged
>>103067 in agreement, and then the rest of the comment was directed towards scrote-fan from this post
>>103065>>103053Sometimes being anon is unhelpful. Tl;dr the scrotes are not paying because they think she's cute and want to support her. The state she is in is very poor, she's obviously in a bad way. Like if someone subscribed to "watch puppy starve to death: live feed" it's not because they think puppies are cute.
No. 103084
File: 1593353625245.png (47.33 KB, 593x300, 57A2BFF0-7EE4-4E32-91DC-365DA6…)

>>102996Y'all should remember this before worrying needlessly about this bitch
No. 103088
>>103075>>103071>>103070You didn't even read, I wasn't saying it was right at all, I was explaining why she would prefer their company because an echo chamber and they're not going to say anything bad to her, I'm not defending them or her.
So constant, contradictory criticism that she can never possibly satisfy, every single day and even when she does nothing for a few days you start making shit up just because you're bored is healthy and wanting the best?
I agree with everything you wrote about men, but women aren't some blameless angels either, the state of this thread in recent months is reflective of that.
No. 103091
>>103090so the part that anon posted here
>>103001 is the fake one? sorry for being a retard but shit confuses me rn.
No. 103094
>>103091she posted this after a previous livestream where she was talking about suicide, it's in a previous thread.
Later she posted this explanation after deleting everything.
No. 103098
>>102533why didn't anyone ask about the new manager and what happenned with manaki's closet?
that or she's avoiding some questions.
No. 103100
>>103085I'm often in two minds about Venus, my first thought on watching the video posted here of the live stream was to be worried about her because she looked genuinely scared, then I remember her writing that about a "trap" and people falling for it and into it, her trap, and I'm thinking she's probably doing it all for effect and to confuse people again.
Whatever it's fucked up, and unprofessional and who would want to pay for that anyway?, unless they think it is 'real life' drama , which is probably even worse if they are wanting to see something bad for real.
Time and again, we hear of how she can't help her problems because of her childhood, because of her
abusive mother etc, but some of us have had worse mothers and worse abuse growing up but not everyone goes down the drink and drugs, or medication, route but tries to sort out problems by self help that does not involve those agencies. Hearing all the talk she did recently about what medication she is on and what therapy is doing seems to be glorifying that route, like it doesn't matter how bad your childhood is/was because there is always medication and/or therapy that will sort you out. well it doesn't always and can make things even worse and I think she is being irresponsible by pushing that, and she is maybe doing it to silence people who are constantly going on about it, but she'd do better to take the time to read some good self help books, or something, (God, even HIMR's video about spiritual awakening after heartbreak, may have been a parody, but actually contained truth in it, even if he didn't realise), Venus should be quietly engaging in self help but not talking about it and broadcasting it on the internet.
And as for those moralizing retards over on fucking Pull bragging about how they are reporting her Insta all the fucking time, it is obvious some of those pussies have been posting here as well, and isn't it against that forum's rules, and this one's as well, to be doing stuff like that, interfering? I thought we were only supposed to come here to talk about the cow not try to do anything that can impact on their real life situation? Just saying, sick of seeing their "Look at me, I'm so good,
I, me,
I reported her, and
you should all do the same!" why aren't the fucking mods over there coming out and saying something and reminding the posters about the rules? -unless of course they are in agreement with it, which would be going against their own rules, but oh well, it is annoying to see and it makes it all about them and how good and virtuous they seem to think they are.
Really getting fed up with Venus and even more fed up with her stupid critics who are even worse than her stupid fans.
No. 103108
>>103103No, it isn't the same, (because not everyone's minds are the same) is all I'm saying. Therapy is not always the answer for everyone because everyone is different on how they react and respond to traumatic upbringing and life, and though of course it is going to work for some, it won't for all and for those who have the kind of minds that won't be helped or healed by that, there are self help techniques that can work. Sometimes constantly focusing on and talking about trauma and bad memories can keep it alive in your mind and it's like keeping you stuck and your body produces all the stress hormones as you keep reliving it, I'm not going to go off on talking about that in depth as it is not the place here, but all I am saying is it may not be the right thing for every single person who has had traumatic past to deal with, (can speak from my own experience here without going into any details) and Venus should do that sort of thing in private and not be talking about it and listing medications she is on, let people speculate all they want, it is really none of anyone's business about the technicalities and minutest details , all she needs to say is yes she is having therapy for trauma and is also on meds, she doesn't need to go into detail.
No. 103110
>>103074Come on now, let's not pretend this site wasn't founded to gleefully watch idiots self-destruct online. People know she lurks here and some of these comments are just as grotesque as anything you imagine is coming from your fantasy world of evil basement-jackers.
Not even trying to white knight, but this site and PULL are just a big glass house from which you throw stones. I'm not upset about it, but this puritanical nonsense is hilariously hypocritical.
Anyway, she does look really rather ill in that stream. I don't think we're going to get to the end of the year without something really fucked up happening.
No. 103111
She faked being drunk and this whole stream was staged imo, she didn't want to do the stream that she said she would do for some reason and came out with an excuse, just like last time but she didn't want to do the "I wanna kill myself" excuse all over again, and now it was just weird and strange (when it was intended to be concerning I guess). Just like what people stated here about what that A-san said to her, "act sad" or something, is a confirmation to this. And also, evne if she's underweight and didn't eat all day, she seems to be used to drinking so after so many times getting drunk, you will less get drunk than usual, so no way she's THAT drunk after just a few sips of wine.
She's lying and a faker, she just didn't want to do the stream for some reason (prob too ridiculous even for her)
No. 103115
>>103111drinking most of a bottle of wine in 5 minutes will fuck you up no matter who you are, it's not like eating spicy food anon
this is like something a kid would say
No. 103118
>>103110>fantasy world of evil basement-jackersIt's not hard to find these guys, they are all over Twitter crying about how women should all be rounded up and raped. But I digress.
Speaking for myself, I am actually very concerned for her and I think that last stream clip is sufficient evidence for her friends to intervene. This is not someone who is thriving, and the obvious presence and control by someone else off-cam?
>haha I was just pretending to be suicidal/drunk/unhappy/coercedLike you are really gonna believe that? And if so, she is literally trying to appeal to the worst degenerates on the internet. So yeah, in the best case scenario her target market are those evil basement-jackers who apparently don't exist.
Choose your poison:
1. She's pretending to be in a terrible state for the benefit of creeps who enjoy watching women suffer
2. She is actually in a terrible state
No. 103120
>>103118Well both those scenarios are bad, but she got herself into this, I doubt she was forced into it, she seemed truly happy for a while when she first got into it and was talking about it. she seemed much more positive and upbeat. i guess maybe the reality of it is coming home to her now? Maybe?
As for anyone , like her friends, intervening, well, seriously, how could they? What could they do? They'd have to know she needs help, and if she is going to pass something off as she was just pretending, either of her own volition or because she was forced to say it, then how can anyone truly know what to do, if they can't truly know what the truth actually is? It could all just be pretend, or it could all be real, somewhere between those two extremes might lie the truth, or a semblance of it, but this is Venus and if she is known for constantly lying, how can anyone take her seriously if she really does need help?
Someone commented either here or in pull that someone on only fans was urging her on to drink more. would that have been that David who used to ply her with money to make her eat more spicy food knowing it could be dangerous for her? Nothing been said about him for a while, is he still even around? I wondered if it could be him if some irresponsible asshole was trying to pay for her to drink more.
No. 103123
File: 1593364893945.jpeg (198.48 KB, 932x1407, E34547A9-BDFD-4E99-8237-FA841D…)

>>103118>>103118“Omg I’m so worried about poor Wenus!” version #25497. Run along to KF and be so worried! with the handwringing ladies over there, anon. Some of us have seen this shit too many times to fall for it yet again. Even PULL is wise to her and her shit by now.
No. 103125
>>103124But how do you
know this? It may be what you were meant to think. Even if what you say is the reality, what can anyone do? Who was the person urging her on to drink more? Does it look like that David guy is still around? Knowing how invested he used to be in throwing money at her in her live YT streams, I can't see him not being around on this only fans thing somewhere.
Also why is she having to rent somewhere to film, why not film where she lives? Why does she even need a 'manager' to do only fans anyway?
No. 103126
>>103116these weren't normal sips, you could see the amount of wine disappear really fast from the bottle
>>103120Chris1980 was the one repeatedly tipping to get her to drink more, no-one else.
When she comes back in shot to check how many more sips to take that's when the guy gets mad at her
>>103124I'm pretty sure he's just a friend or boyfriend looking after her, she seems to need supervision but.. I can't condone the slapping
No. 103132
>>103128A vibrator in a cooking stream is just so daft, would anyone really get turned on by that? It just seems so stupid.
If she wanted to do something more sensual and erotic , then wouldn't just lolling and writhing around with a pet snake wrapped around her be better, (not that I'd want to trust any snake of mine around her, she might injure the poor thing. Look at how bad she was at handling that poor cat!).
If she wants to try niche things for porn that might interest people , there are things like wearing rubber and gasmasks, that sort of thing, there used to be a Russian woman, maybe she still posts, I haven't checked, on Youtube who used to post videos of herself just wearing stuff like that, was very popular, or maybe some really outlandish thing like getting shmexy with a large mechanical spider or something. But a vibrator in a cooking video sounds not the remotest bit sexy.
No. 103136
>>103078thats because one anon kept contacting Margo for god knows what reason, and some braindead retards here and on pull legit believed her retarded sperging that Venus killed Manaki, so someone contacted her. How people believe the two biggest liars ever is beyond me. They love taking their fans and anti-fans on emotional joyrides. This stream wasnt for her simps, it was for us and her longtime fans. At this point both of their lives could be in legit danger and I wouldnt give a fuck.
>>103110>Not even trying to white knight, but this site and PULL are just a big glass house from which you throw stones. I'm not upset about it, but this puritanical nonsense is hilariously hypocritical.its kinda why its amusing seeing people always paranoid about the PULL (and sometimes reddit) boogeyman, youre kinda outting yourself you lurk there, and its 2020, everyone is on like 5 social media sites. I only care about fangelics and scrotes looking for free shit.
No. 103151
>>103118Anon, you forget that Venus doesn't have any friends left due to her being
toxic af
>>103133>>103124Damn, you anons really believe all her shitty acting? Stop being gullible and remember this is Venus we're talking about.
No. 103152
>>103151you can keep saying she was acting but all you saw was a small piece of a 40 minute stream, I saw the whole thing and the drinking was at least, for real.
But wait, I guess she could have put grape juice in the wine and everything was staged, what a fool I am
No. 103153
>>103151She boasted about self harming with wine & pills and playing
victim with pride for those who fell into her "trap" on OF so this is probably another one of her shit tier antics to look like a innocent maid being taken advantage of by a cuck. Venus is a manipulative and compulsive lying cunt afterall. God forbid if serious shit happens to her and everyone will believe she's just being quirky, leaving her to fester while she breaks down.
No. 103155
>>103153Yes, but,
what can anyone do? That is the question. What can any of us here on lolcow do to help her?
Anyway I'm out of here now, will probably be worrying about her now all the time until I hear she's okay, like the fool that I am.
No. 103156
File: 1593371968491.jpeg (270.8 KB, 1086x1578, 7EBEDE4D-CEA4-4D3E-B854-0AB97F…)

>>4:15 AM in Japan
>>Wenis ‘last seen’ 15 minutes ago on OF
(She posted something too)
No. 103173
>>103164>She's stupid af for getting a pimp/manager just to do OFI doubt she went looking for a manager deliberately or else she would have at least looked for someone who takes better photos. Japan is full of amateur gravure photographers with expensive cameras who take decent photos of cosplayers as a hobby, she could have looked for someone like that or at least someone with an online platform to promote her
Instead I think she ended up fucking this guy and then recognized he could use her for money, and she's either in too deep or too stupid to realise that he's not helping. He takes shit photos, she's badly lit and she's a mess on stream, what part of "manager" is he fulfilling?
No. 103181
>>103124Imagine being this naïve
>>103155That's good. Her own family don't give a fuck about her anymore, so why would you?
No. 103193
File: 1593390029132.jpg (Spoiler Image,87.74 KB, 422x400, bj3bo8j.jpg)

>>103124>>103133At this point, it just seems like you’re writing fan fiction. You dropped your poster, noble knight.
Venus is a prostitute who hooks up with losers and low-level Yakuza because her stubborn, arrogant life choices. You’re crazy if you think it’s normal for Japanese men to act like her new pimp or that she deserves better when she behaves so badly. If she didn’t think she was above minimum wage work and continued to study, she could have met a nice guy who was a student working towards a stable job and a modest, yet happy life. Like what she had in the beginning with Manaki. But she doesn’t want safe or normal. She wants instant gratification and she gets a thrill out of chaos. She’s an addict in every way.
No. 103213
File: 1593401028420.jpeg (Spoiler Image,547.61 KB, 1283x1780, 9D6AD613-0933-4DC5-9127-5978DD…)

She’s folliwed a bunch of OF sex workers and thots on Twitter (around 50 to be exact) and has taken to randomly retweeting their posts, like this one:
Oh wait, is it really her abusive controlling PIMP who’s taken over poor Wenus’s SM and doing all this, j-just like Margaret?? Oh NOOOESSS!!1!
No. 103231
>>103118She's pretending. She can't stand the criticism she gets and just needs to be the
victim once more. It's not for the benefit of creeps. It's for the benefit of her wallet (and/or any loans she needs to repay).
No. 103239
>>103213That's actually normal Onlyfans practice though, just look at any of the girls twitters she's following, they're doing the same thing.
Same goes for the dick rating thing, she didn't think that one up herself either it's common to have that as a reward on Onlyfans because of men wanting to show that to strange women for some reason.
She's actually using the website correctly after all the criticism
No. 103241
>>103231This. She's planning a way out of this OF bullshit by acting like she's being abused so she can then make a youtube video explaining how she was abused and manipulated into sex work by her "
toxic manager" or some shit.
Remember guys - the best way to predict future behaviour is to look at past behaviour. It's not rocket science really.
No. 103242
>>103035Where's the proof she takes meds? Her friends claimed she faked therapy, just like she faked certain mental illnesses, abuse stories and admitted to faking drinking in her earlier (pre-OF streams), among all the other things she faked.
>>102838>Venus is the most beautiful woman kek. She looks like shit, complete with a weirdly proportioned, anachan flabby, sedentary body. You'd think for a sex worker, she'd care to put on more weight and exercise so her body doesn't look so unfit and unhealthy.
No. 103243
>>103217The only things we have confirmation of are Pater and OF. Sugaring is basically prostitution but I don't understand why you'd need a manager-san for either one. If you for some reason
want to get into the AV industry, sure. It makes sense that you'd need someone with connections. She is stupid if she needs a manager just to go on dates with old men and take lewds. Plenty of women do that by themselves. I don't understand why she always needs someone to keep her on track and make content.
No. 103246
>>102533I like how she has to add the "switched clinics as they don't deal with
heavy trauma". Lowkey flexing her embellished abuse stories. Is it not enough to just say "I switched clinics?"
Either way, she's not in therapy. On more than one occasion her friends spilled the tea. I do think she got a scan though, but that's different than the narrative that she was in therapy on a regular basis for years now. Or is she finally actually in therapy since 2 months? Would be a step in the right direction, but I'm still skeptical, since she lied for years.
No. 103259
>>103217If we’re not too skeptical, Margaret also claimed Venus was working as a hostess very soon after she and Manaki were “living like roommates.” This isn’t far fetched, since hostessing can serve as a gateway to sugaring.
>>103243So Margaret was an
abusive slave driver and supposedly Manaki was a “mini Margo”. But once she was free, she desperately sought out nobody managers to do the most basic tasks that she should have been doing on her own. Then hooked up with Ken, Pimp-san and who knows how many other shitty guys so she didn’t have to get a real job. I will never believe her when she says she is independent and working hard. She thinks passing out due stress and sleep-deprivation is a job well done. She should never be involved with any man, even a good one, if she can’t get some control over her own life. She should’ve have just lived with other girls and worked part time.
>>103256For sure, Margaret seems like a nightmare of a mother. Not the super violent or cruel kind, but the type that ruins your perception of what is normal and healthy behavior, especially when dealing with other people. Even the last Margaret thread alone shows you a clear picture of what a mess that woman’s mind is and how she is so convinced her way of thinking is correct. The only hope is that Venus has these moments of clarity where she acknowledges that her actions are harmful and affect other people while Margaret refuses admit her faults at all.
With Manaki, I’m convinced Venus is scapegoating him and exaggerating her claims. It seems more like she realized what a mistake she made marrying a simple man that she doesn’t even love. He was thinking about settling down while Venus barely experienced an independent adulthood. Perhaps she felt trapped by marrying the first guy she had a relationship with and panicked about what she wouldn’t be able to do or experience. Doesn’t excuse her treatment of him, though.
No. 103261
>>103256The newfags in the thread choosing to dismiss
all abuse even when you see evidence of it.
No. 103269
>>103261This. Yes, Margaret is fucking nuts and her childhood was difficult for sure. Even just moving to different countries all the time is tough for children. Venus is exaggerating about her past abuse, though. Even just her claim that she never had any friends is ridiculous. She went to normal schools everywhere except in London and used to write blog posts about her school friends. There is no evidence of Manaki ever having been
abusive and the examples she gave of his supposedly controlling behavior were all completely rational. When you have an alcoholic and anorexic partner, it's normal that you "control what they eat" i. e. NOT want them to starve themselves or empty a wine bottle in one sitting. It's also perfectly normal that you would NOT want said person to get an unnecessary surgery just to starve themselves even more efficiently, or NOT want to have children with someone who is mentally unstable and severely fucked up their own health out of vanity and laziness. Yeah, they obviously had no chemistry as a couple and no future together, but Venus had a golden opportunity to get her life on track and carve out a future for herself. Instead she sat around in her little pink room and did jack shit.
There is no denying that she's actually gotten involved with some shady people now, though. Men who hit women usually aren't great people, just saying. It's kind of her own fault for thinking she's too good for an ordinary job. If you have no talent, your looks are fading and you want to make a quick and easy buck, this is how you end up. It'll be hard for her to get out of this one. Broke, no friends, ruined reputation. Somehow I feel like she would have been happier stocking shelves.
No. 103272
File: 1593427951538.png (309.1 KB, 635x499, Venus.png)

She posted a new picture on Instagram. At least there is nothing problematic about this one and it suits her the style she is going for here.
I too wonder why she needs a manager. If someone has to run a really massive youtube channel they may need to employ other people to help them with it, but Venus should be able to manage her Youtube, Twitter, and Onlyfans herself.
No. 103273
There is something in the Law of Attraction thing that peoples minds resonate on a certain vibration that attracts accordingly, that is someone with a weak mind may attract someone with a strong controlling mind that they then end up constantly complaining about, so they are forever stuck in the victim mentality, and also in psychology it is thought that people often subconsciously recreate the scenario of their childhoods, even if that childhood was bad, as the unconscious mind thinks regressing to childhood is a place of safety, even if it was bad, because that is all it has ever known.
Something like that, but I'm not being very good at describing it, whatever, this is where Venus needs to indulge in some self help books about self awareness and how to change her core thinking to improve her life.
Relying on other people seems to have done her not much good so far and could prove to be her downfall if she does not learn to take charge of her own thoughts and mind and learn to control her own life.
No. 103276
>>103153This. Why anyone believes any of the shit she says or does on camera is just beyond me. especially after the "I'm so suicidal boohoo" "No just joking teehee you fell for my trap" . She's spent YEARS making faces on the camera, ofc she can produce as much as a sad or scared face, anything to fish for sympathy. imo it can be totally staged lol and these twats who believe her just gulp it all down.
Venus may continue down this road until she becomes "boy who cried wolf" cause anyone with half a brain cell would tire of her shenanigans
No. 103277
>>103247Yes, this is the sort of thing i mean in my earlier post about the Law of Attraction.
Venus really needs to learn how to rely on herself and not on other people, and that applies to everyone too. I know there are times when you have to and need to rely on other people, but for the management of your own life when you are otherwise physically fit and able and even then, when some people are truly disabled some can manage their own lives. Relying on other people is not ideal and if she can learn to love herself more, from deep inside, and actually
want the best for herself, instead of appearing to have lingering feelings of worthlessness, which appears to be the case, then she can have a successful life, and by that i don't necessarily mean success in terms of career or money, but a sense of inner satisfaction that even someone with a seemingly 'unsuccessful' life can have, not everyone 'successful' to outward appearance is happy, sadly Japan looks to be a country where its citizens are work driven, sometimes to where they literally drop, and this is seen as a 'good' thing, and that is one of the bad aspects of Japan, not knocking it as I think it still seems like a wonderful country, streets look clean, people basically well mannered, it has a lot going for it, much better than a lot of places, but the work ethic is too much, and maybe venus is feeling driven, or made to feel driven to achieve by the culture and others around her, but she needs to find her own way of being in the world and not be coerced or controlled by anyone else, even by those who tell her it is in her own 'best' interests, she needs to learn how to trust her own instincts about what is best for her, like we all do.
No. 103280
>>103278Oh please, let's not start with the nitpicking about her looks again!
YOU don't like small lips, you like big rubber lips, we get it. Some people like big fleshy lips, other people don't. Accept that and move on.
No. 103282
>>103281Why is nitpicker still here? And I was born female and last time I looked still am!
Every time any picture is posted, the nitpicking starts about her looks, it is tedious. Some people like her look, some don't. No need to constantly keep nitpicking about it.
No. 103285
>>103277bitch needs to hit rock bottom before she’ll change. I dont think a suicide attempt would do it since she’d milk that. probably deportation coupled with a family member taking her in (iirc theyre on the conservative side so some shit would not fly), her phone taken away and a retail job.
but no one in her family cares about her, and she has no friends. so Neetnus will never change.
No. 103286
>>103281I noticed the Kim Kardashian mention earlier (of all people to bring up in a Venus Angelic thread) and figured we were being graced with his presence again lol.
as for Venus, I just hope she finds a way out of the kind of life she has fumbled her way into. Prospects don't look too good.
No. 103296
>>103294Yes, that seems highly unlikely.
There is always this person, or small group of people, who have it in their heads that there are always going to be young kids watching every single thing she does. and they brag about reporting her Instagram at every opportunity. It says more about them and their mentality than it does about anything else.
No. 103297
>>103247>>103243If she makes all those decisions herself, then she's the only one accountable for them and her failures. On the other hand, if she blames all her thottery, drunken BPD manipulation and attention seeking behavior on all her last handlers for various reasons, she can pretend none of it was
her fault.
Venus can never act or live alone because then she would be accountable to only Venus, and her narc ego can't allow that.
No. 103306
>>103303yeah apricot seems so sweet and genuine. Venus is such an idiot for treating her friends like shit.
>>103285I think venus already hit rock bottom anon. how much lower can she go? Street walking? I don’t doubt she’s already doing something similar to that. Her whole situation is very shady but she has no one but herself to blame. I don’t feel bad for her anyways. Playing
victim until she really becomes a
No. 103310
>>103309Not saying she never lies, but lying about things if done constantly can also be a result of a damaged childhood. I'm not saying venus is perfect, no one is, but is it any wonder if she is screwed up mentally if she had an
abusive childhood where everything on the surface appeared okay to outsider's eyes?
No. 103315
>>103311you know margo has many threads on /pt/ right?
until this recent stuff venus was pretty low on the radar here, margo is a long time cow
No. 103322
why are anons taking the "lol im jk about being suicidal you fell for my trap" at face value, but everything else she says is a lie? that sounded like bad damage control more than anything, there is no way she won't overdose on pills and cheap wine as soon as she can get her hands on some. she's a fucking mess both mentally and physically
>>103308maybe margo is trying to sell photos of venus as a kid to pedo simps like peter, kek
No. 103327
>>103322I think some of it is scrotes telling themselves it's all an act, so they don't feel like gross perverts getting off to someone who is basically a trafficked eastern european woman.
It's really sad that someone with such a huge following has
nobody irl to help her. Plenty of uwu japan vlogger "friends" who were happy to put her in their videos for clout but are silent now.
No. 103337
>>103327>nobody irl to help herHow much help is she owed on tap? How much has she ever helped anyone else?
How many times can someone suggest something to her or show her the error of her situation?
How much money will she squander before she starts saving a bit to escape this situation?
She's gotta want to help herself.
No. 103339
>>103322Her post about people "falling for her trap" was clearly sarcastic. People used to give her asspats when she posted about suicide, but she has done it so often that nobody cares anymore and she is regularly being called out on how manipulative and fucked up it is.
The thing about BPD/other personality disorders and manipulation is that it's not usually the clever, cunning and malicious kind of manipulation. They genuinely feel like shit, and the only way they have learned how to deal with that is doing something extreme so that other people validate them and make them feel better. Venus is butthurt because she is genuinely suffering and relies on other people to have her emotional needs met, but other people are starting to dismiss her.
That's why all her vlogger friends don't talk to her anymore. Not because they're selfish cunts who only used her for clout, but because being around someone like that burns you the fuck out.
No. 103351
File: 1593466339015.jpeg (438.9 KB, 744x1273, 6A70FA24-E667-494B-902C-900A90…)

Wow this banner aged in the worst way possible
>>103350Margo's logic might be "This is the REAL Baby Beenos, she came from my ooteros" "If my dootir is selling nudes larping as a baby,me selling her naked childhood pics is fair game"
No. 103367
File: 1593474926213.png (511.23 KB, 739x532, v2.png.f91f67ef3fe0850c12ef24c…)

Here we go again with the "i'll try my bestestest ever guys woohoo! insert all the emojis. shove it up your ass venus
No. 103370
>>103303That poor girl. I hope she stays safe and has friends and family to keep an eye on her. Venus has newer dark elements in her life and Mizuki needs to be careful.
>>103339> That's why all her vlogger friends don't talk to her anymore. Not because they're selfish cunts who only used her for clout, but because being around someone like that burns you the fuck out.Absolute truth. It upsets me when some people go with “Venus is all alone! YouTubers just used her!” because it’s so easy to see that they all did try to help her as best they could before discovering what a intense, horrifying drain she was on their emotions. Venus had many people there for her. I saw those friends repeatedly comment that she was sweet and polite when they would meet up and I believe them, but how much is politeness worth when you expect your friends to give you so much more than you return? You spend a fun day together with your depressed friend, thinking you’re a positive influence, but when you get home, you see that friend is back to posting about how they want to die and nobody understands them. Again and again, no matter how much you are there for them.
I also imagine these friends were sick of being hounded by fangelics practically demanding that they drop everything and rescue Venus once again. Even if she is annoying, they treated Mikan very badly and I feel so sorry for her.
No. 103381
>>103327>>a trafficked eastern european woman.She’s not “trafficked” and she’s not some abuse
victim. Get a fucking grip. She’s a manipulative lying attention whore, nothing more.
No. 103383
>>103381margo, is that you?
now for real, agreed she's not a trafficked woman obviously but she is an abuse
victim and that was left abundantly clear when margo's threads were still active with tons of overwhelming evidence that margo was abusing her daughter, exploiting her for a living and dragging her around from country to country in her tax evasion journey and a slideshow of pictures from when venus still had a loving family way back on hungary doesn't magically erase all of that. You do realize that you can be an abuse
victim AND a bad person, right? They are not exclusive of each other. In fact you could claim the later is a consequence of the former.
No. 103387
>>103372Are you back to mini-modding, edgelord-chan? Go polish your Xbox controller.
>>103382More hesitant to work with Venus than pee in a dude’s mouth.
No. 103402
>>103393I fully agree anon, her mother was crazy but definitely not
abusive. But maybe Venus never learned to be in control of her own schedule, health and personal goals under her momager and was set to fail when she finally left her.
No. 103405
>>103404what reputations. These are both shit dudes. Stop defending all these people she comes in contact with. Manaki wanted to fuck her since she was underage he's admitted and now hes full asexual neet with is extremely common and a problem in japan and like you said, other guy was a pimp and pedophile. None of these people are good. Venus and manaki as they are now is the best its been. Venus has been through fucked up shit, even if her own fault, but denying her a
victim is retarded a fuck. People are still
victims in situations even if they wound up there with their iwn help. Not saying she needs sympathy or deserves it, but youre clearly not somewhos bern following along and sound underage as fuck because of it.
No. 103425
I wasn't even sure whether to post the Margaret video here and do feel a little regret that I did so, but I figured if I didn't link to it, someone else soon would, and i didn't want it to be one of the people who obsessively hate on Venus, but I was worried about if Venus would be upset by seeing the video. I can only imagine how it must affect her seeing her mother post this.
I think Venus should just stop looking at any of these threads about her here on lolcow or PULL or KW or reddit or anywhere, and just concentrate on doing what she feels some enthusiasm for, which appears to be mainly Only fans at the moment, (though one wonders if she is losing interest in that) at least there she probably gets more positive feedback from people as hopefully there won't be too many haters there, willing to pay just for their hatred says more about them than they realise, but nevermind them.
I suppose Margaret's intention in posting that video was to discredit Venus' claims about her being an abusive mother, she probably thought everyone would be like "Oh look how good Venus was looked after and so well thought of" but it looks to me as though she was always being shoved in front of a camera and expected to pose for it, so she may have grown up thinking her worth was only based on what she could look like in a picture.
I'm sorry if I should have read threads here about Margaret but I don't, because for one thing just don't have the time and it's Venus who I resonate with, not her mother, I do have to feel some sympathy for her mother as she can't help being mentally unstable I suppose, it is a sad situation all round. I wish that magic could happen for both of them so that real self awareness happens and they can find ways to feel content and happy. Hopefully they may do so over time.
Doesn't Margaret realise that by doing what she's done, it only shows she is thinking about herself and wanting people to think well of her, and even if what she has always claimed about Venus is true, her instincts as a mother should be to protect her daughter, even if she is hurt herself, that is what unconditional love is.
No. 103429
>>103420She can’t even stick to the schedule she made for herself. She made this schedule knowing her time frame for everything and she still isn’t making post on her onlyfans on time
So where’s the 95%?
No. 103439
File: 1593530774090.png (271.79 KB, 830x548, 2.png)

Crap. I just wondered if there really was any reason they are using her name?
No. 103445
>>103305Why would she share these now (out of all times) knowing damn well that the "other" Baby Beenos exists who old ass men jerk off to?
Plain gross - what a LOVING mother you are, Margo
No. 103475
>>103405>Manaki wanted to fuck her since she was underage he's admitted and now hes full asexual neet That doesn’t make any sense. You do not go from lustful ephebophile to aesexual. He’s either one or the other. And where did he admit he wanted to “fuck here since she was underage”?
>Venus and manaki as they are now is the best its been.How on Earth would you think this? Manaki went into hiding and his whole family cut off contact with Venus. Venus has zero support from family or old friends anymore because she scared everyone away.
>>103463Yes, it was canceled due to the virus. I assume she was only offered that gig when she was with the old manager Kitano.
No. 103480
>>103476She dumped his ass? Pretty sure it was the other way around. Wenus would never willingly give up her spouse visa or her meal ticket/doormat/enabler. Why would she dump all that? Manaki on the other hand had every reason to dump her greasy leeching ass- how about 4 years iof lies, public ridicule/embarrassment, wild mood swings, drinking binges and attention-whoring stunts for starters?
Wenus was dumped. That’s why she lashed out at him with her little attack video and smear campaign. If Manaki was smart he’d move, change his email and get an unlisted phone # now that her greasy ass is finally out of his apartment (but he won’t, cause he’s a doormat.)
No. 103492
File: 1593581287230.jpg (416.95 KB, 1080x810, 20200701_021647.jpg)

>>103439He's playing with other two guys and one of them apparently is nicknamed just as Venus.
I guess, I assumed by the "w/venus angelic". You can hear more people talking and the thumbnail shows one of the characters' named like that.
It can still be clickbait, of all thots, why using her name.
Also, Margaret uploaded the pics to youtube and title video says "Living Doll Shocking Photos: Baby Venus Angelic". She's very concious about what she and her baby are doing.
No. 103494
>>103305I think it's kinda creepy Margret choose to post a naked photo of Venus considering what Venus is doing right now.
She's obviously upset she can't ride on this gravy train of Venus finally lewding. She isn't concerned, she's just upset she couldn't sell Venus's virginity herself
No. 103499
>>103305Notice how Venus doesn't seem to have any actual friends in these photos. There are a few photos of her in what looks like a school setting, but she doesn't really seem close to anybody.
The title and the thumbnail pic are gross choices, too. Exploitative clickbait - What better way to prove you aren't an
abusive parent (this is sarcasm)?
No. 103501
>>103477yes, becasue it is impossible for someone to lie about one thing and not about another.
No. 103503
>>103499Has anyone read the comments on the video? I can't believe there are hardly any calling her out on what she did. I saw one and someone immediately jumping into to her defense saying what is wrong with sharing baby/child/family photos as people do it all the time on facebook? Oh and someone asked why it all went wrong and it was
so obvious that Venus had a 'wonderful' childhood, Maggot's answer was it went wrong when Venus decided to steal instead of going to university.
I can't believe all those positive comemnts though, which are the majority, I wonder if she is deleting most negative comments, so many idiots there seeing as this is proof of what a 'good' mother she was, how can people be so stupid? (And the Venus hater here constantly going on about her being 'greasy' or whatever, over and over, needn't bother replying as everyone knows your views, no need to repeat them ad nausuem!)
No. 103504
>>103492Yes, it seems odd, it almost looks like her name has just been thrown in at random, it's not like the name is very common, not impossible that someone else in the world could be using the same name, but it looks like they know who she is and using her name as clickbait to get people to watch the video.
And yes, Margaret is very conscious and conniving about what she is doing, such a cynical and crafty move, and really nasty, having a mother like her is no wonder poor Venus has had problems, and people in the comments section really buying into her cunning, and saying how it proves what a good mother she was and how well thought of Venus was and what a good childhood she had, so maggot is seen as the good and blameless parent who did no wrong and only every did everything right, which was exactly her intention in uploading the video obviously, as well as maybe to upset Venus too and maybe to appeal to the perverts, though that didn't actually occur to me at first until others here mentioned it, and that alone is chilling.
No. 103505
File: 1593605848765.png (442.95 KB, 392x491, 1.png)

She posted another Hell Girl pic. I wonder if she is going to do a cosplay video of it? it suits her. If she posted a video on Youtube I expect it would be very popular, she doesn't always seem to know how to use her best assets. A cosplay video on Youtube would attract a lot of positive views i think.
No. 103520
>>103505kek, she looks weird. like shes holding her breath.
I honestly don't find this to be an improvement, its just another boring theme that venus thought was creative but she just saw it from an anime or something.
No. 103523
File: 1593619432267.jpg (31.11 KB, 800x533, gah.jpg)

>>103510>>103517>>103518>>103520I can see why they are laughing at us over in Kiwi Farms, it would be embarrassing if it wasn't all anon here. and note for anyone from there who is reading here: We don't
all write stuff like that here. Some of us are actually quite objective about Venus and don't hate her.
No one said that is how she looks in real life, it is a picture of her doing a cosplay look of the Hell Girl character. I don't care if that is how she looks in real life or not, it is just a picture and it is the picture that can be evaluated, not how it is edited or not, it is just a picture. I think the picture is nice, and don't care if it is Venus or anyone else, I just think it is a nice picture, irrespective of who it is.
Why does it always have to come down to haters with nothing to add except their own seething hatred of her, nitpicking on her looks, that is what derails the thread and gets on everyone's nerves. And now they even comment on it over on Kiwi Farms. can't we be better than that here?
No. 103528
>>103523KF is a group of ladies who are devoted to their Venus and are wetting themselves handwringing about their poor little
abuse victim. Yeah, I for one don’t give a shit what KF says about posters here.
No. 103547
>>103523Oddly suspicious this is posted after a user on KF was called out for posting/bitching about local in their *weenus thread… Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
>>103520Agreed. She's so stiff and awkward, I like the look but her posing is weird and the filter just feels unneccessary. Though I feel like Venus is getting out of touch with weebshit considering hellgirl come out in 06-07.
No. 103550
>>103523Venus Angelic was made to be an internet icon riding the dolly trend back in the day. Her looks has always been her biggest selling point, which is why she is so heavily criticized on every photo. If she offered other assets to her audience besides her looks, it's fair to say the anons are being overly nitpicking but unfortunately she never evolved beyond her image. I think everyone has the right to criticize her looks when that's her selling point. I can understand that some of her hatred stems from her undeserved fame. Some people think she's average compared to other girls. If it wasn't for her mother's work, she wouldn't have garner her audience and benefit from them to this day. Basically I think all her criticism is fair since she choose to remain in the public eye.
Like other anons said, KF's opinion does not mean anything. All these forums serve the same entertainment purposes, they're just as 'bad' as each other. The sense of superiority over choosing a certain platform does not mean anything in the long run, just like gossip.
No. 103567
>>103505 That outfit makes her look likes she has no hips and big wide shoulders. She looks like a troon here. Tbh the grape whore thing she did looked better than feetos weenus and whatever the hell this is.
I agree that she could do better money as a costhot/ lewd cosplayer, but she doesn't have the body for it. She looks like a malnourished child because she has no tits, no hips, and very scrawny arms and legs. But she also isn't spooky enough to appeal to skinny fetish degenerates. She doesn't has what is needed to make it as an e-thot, neither the body nor the attitude
No. 103599
>>103552I'm not that anon but I guess they worry/compare to pull or kf in hopes this thread would be less shitty.
>>103567With all her pedo pandering, my only take is that she hasn't done any loli cosplay because she legit can't google what animes are popular and quickly half-ass cosplay it.
Reimu and Hell Girl are literally one decade old now ffs.
I think another possible option would be dolly-themed pics? That and ballerina concepts usually suits the starved pedo panders. Plus, it will became full cicle with all her "don't wanna be a doll anymore" eras where she always ends up saying muh doll teenagehood.
No. 103615
File: 1593691662896.png (423.43 KB, 352x561, Screenshot_2020-07-02 General …)

>>103550Yes I see you made good points re her looks and the nitpicking , but it gets so repetitive with the same things said & it must put people off coming here., which leads me to your 2nd point and…
>>103552I chose here because can't stand PULL, some of them there are so up themselves, forever bragging about what they've 'reported' and Kiwi is okay but I don't want to have to sign up and register with a site, and I prefer it here, it is easier to navigate and read. I just like the layout more as well.
>>103599>>I'm not that anon but I guess they worry/compare to pull or kf in hopes this thread would be less shitty.Exactly this. I want here to be better.
>>103605Okay, point taken, but maybe it's a failing of mine, but the fact I chose here to be a part of, and for some reason I like to take a pride in anything I feel a part of and therefore feel a little protective towards this site. I want it to be somewhere that people will want to come to because it has useful and worthwhile content, and they won't want to if all it mainly contains is a load of pointless bitching and infighting; I want it to be well thought of here, not just dismissed as a trashy place full of psycho type losers making mainly bitchy spiteful comments about looks, that just makes it seem shallow and off putting. I'm sorry if I annoyed anyone by mentioning it and I won't again, but think about it, if lolcow is just dismissed as somewhere where it is not worth looking at, then what good will that do? Isn't it better to make this place that much better? And surely it wouldn't be that hard to make it better than PULL? Kiwi is not bad, at least the posters seem more mature and halfway intelligent there. I still prefer here though.
Anyway, Venus posted some stories on her Instagram, saying something about looking up the planet Venus which is very hot, and that she is going to do more Youtube videos. I'm sorry I wasn't able to get any screenshots, maybe someone else here could if anyone wanted to see?
edit ~ They posted them on PULL, here is the one where she said she will be posting more videos.
No. 103642
>>103615>Kiwi is not bad, at least the posters seem more mature and halfway intelligent thereLmao anon what are you talking about
they were cheering on penus when she was getting drunk alone at karaokes at 5 am
No. 103717
>>103669They're just a bunch of self proclaimed psychologists who think they know everything. Funny how everyone here is a "hater", but someone genuinely wished for Margo's death in the KF thread and
>>103523 says they're all "objective, and intelligent and mature". What a joke.
No. 103728
File: 1593767074911.jpeg (Spoiler Image,377.57 KB, 1364x2046, Eb_SgibU0AAgSPQ.jpeg)

from twitter
No. 103735
>>103728That flat, bony secretary ass tho.
Only Japanese men and weebs would fall for this trap.
No. 103744
>>103731>>103736How intently are you both looking at this girl's covered asshole to see hair? It's all just the same grainy blurry texture.
I don't doubt that she has ass hair irl, but if you're going to start hallucinating things as you stare at photos of her butthole at least make it interesting rather than this level of nitpick.
No. 103745
>>103716Um no, I don't believe I've ever said anything bad about Manaki, apart from the fact he was lusting after Venus when she was only 14, once they got together I was pleased for her and thought they made a good couple, it's a shame it didn't work out.
I guess it would be helpful if everyone who posts here had a username or something to identify who was who then there would be none of this silly wrong guessing, but anyway, I thought Manaki was okay, I don't know if he was worse than Margo as far as Venus is concerned, she seemed to indicate he was, but to me, he seemed okay.
And really the main thing wrong here is people arguing with each other and that just annoys everyone, just focus on Venus and her activities that is what we are supposed to be here for after all.
No. 103747
File: 1593780545361.png (320.63 KB, 671x492, Screenshot_2020-07-03 Venus on…)

Well anyway, she's still sticking with the Hell Girl cosplay. I wish she'd do more with this. It really suits her.
No. 103749
File: 1593780777665.png (583.11 KB, 679x499, Screenshot_2020-07-03 Venus on…)

Though it seems she's going with the Dr Venus thing on Only fans.
No. 103751
>>103739Japanese still do bikini line grooming(VIO). Venus may be catering to the hairy girl fetish because most Japanese young women keep the sides trimmed close or completely wax the IO area when they wear bikinis or take lingerie photos.
Anyway, more of these trapped in a bunker filled with Halloween costume pictures?
No. 103752
>>103750I couldn't see any hair either, and didn't care to look too much either, and really would've it be more natural if there was some hair? It's more a case of there
should be than if
is there, but in this case, there wasn't any anyway.
No. 103755
File: 1593782316301.png (Spoiler Image,676.62 KB, 624x941, 1.png)

this one is actually really cute
No. 103757
>>103755Her face seems a bit blurry, but at least she doesn't look too skinny here. her legs look nice.
I wonder how long though 'til the "disrespectful to doctors" comments appear?
No. 103764
>>103728oh look yet another shitty angle with a scary photoshopped face.
>>103755a better angle, still stopped face. i feel the camera couldve been moved a little higher though.
No. 103771
>>103503>> (And the Venus hater here constantly going on about her being 'greasy' or whatever, over and over, needn't bother replying as everyone knows your views, no need to repeat them ad nausuem!)Oh and you know for a fact that’s just one lone “hater,” do you? Do you have a magical ability to see the identity of every poster here?
People comment on her greasy unwashed appearance because she looks greasy and unwashed much of the time, not because they’re mean old haters. Sorry to disappoint you.
No. 103775
>>103735Well most Japanese girls don't have bony no lol
>>103738There's an old saying: "When a thot makes money by not having to try, why try?"
No. 103886
File: 1593889705766.jpeg (272.07 KB, 1795x1184, C24D5E9C-043B-4CD8-9D36-877301…)

>>103831>> that damn face blur and editingWell this is her face without editing and blur, so..that’s why she does it.
No. 103891
>>103747this looks like it's been taken from some shitty vampire freaks profile from 2006 lol
the editing is so cheesy with the red eyes and the blurred, desaturated background
No. 103925
>>103891>2006Key word (number?) She's really outdated with cosplay and anime…
>>103755At least there is progress. Not perfect, and as personal taste it looks cute. But god forbid her camerascrote takes it from a decent angle or that she doesn't edit a lot her face. Same wallpaper as
>>101701 ?
No. 103930
>>103345Is it the spergy samefag that destroyed the last thread by any chance?
She used multiple very new pull accounts though (to get around negative ratings and bans) and I haven't checked what crazy shit she's up to for a while so it's probably not that easy to know.
Sorry if this is too OT, been looking around to see if the hypothetical cowtipper thread has been made yet but haven't found it.
I keep finding completely hilariously insane pullfags in Venus' comments and it's tough not being able to share what I found.
No. 103979
>>103962Sorry, you always have a choice. My parents beat me up, that doesn‘t mean I willl beat people close to me.
As an adult you are responsible to solve your trauma, not people around you.
No. 104027
File: 1594002804836.jpeg (65.35 KB, 670x766, E0C25174-B901-4E24-9A54-B62B15…)

>>103997>>filter abuseHer face is melting and her chin has disappeared into her neck.
No. 104030
>>103979this shit is true as fuck. my mother took horrible beatings for the slighlest thing, yet she never did that to me.
venus left her mother to live with manaki, but obviously something didn't workout and she's doing all of this.
No. 104041
File: 1594012055536.png (865.14 KB, 1000x562, ed.png)

>>104027doesnt look photoshopped to me.
No. 104079
>>103979Have to agree , I had the same, and not only from them, from others too, girls at school, being quiet and shy gets you picked on in Britain, and maybe in America too from what I've heard, but psychological abuse can be terrible too as it messes with your mind and screws you up emotionally and mentally, and I had that as well, so I do feel sorry for Venus, I think she is probably doing the best she can to overcome her problems and difficulties, and really, if HIMR guy Daniel is to be believed, he reckons that his Only Fans has made him rich and he seems to have only a few subs, whereas Venus has much more so surely she should be making a shit ton of money from this? I just hope she invests it wisely for now , and can buy herself a place to live, somewhere nice that she feels happy with, give her the security she needs.
She ought to be able to do her Only Fans on her own, she shouldn't need anyone else to run it with her, she ought to be able to do it alone. If she does, it will build up her self worth and strength of mind, knowing she can do it alone and support herself.
No. 104093
File: 1594054319369.jpeg (86.07 KB, 845x820, 13D37DA0-FC85-469E-AAAE-3A407D…)

>>104086>> she looks good in it For the millionth time: these heavily filtered and blurred images are NOT what she really looks like. The tiny pointy-chinned little face, the tiny features, the flawless skin, is NOT REAL.
Why is this such a difficult concept for some of you people? Are you really this gullible?
No. 104097
File: 1594057656911.png (Spoiler Image,539.33 KB, 815x458, vn.png)

She seemed to have fewer filters on this video
No. 104105
File: 1594060286609.png (965.64 KB, 1426x714, Screen Shot 2020-07-06 at 11.2…)

>>104103It is a short video/teaser advertising a video you can buy on OF. She is at a hotel, and is giving a thumbs up in this picture. The video includes her balloon, vomit, and bathtub themes from before.
No. 104106
>>104098this anon does nothing but fill the venus threads with filter related sperg outs acting like theyre the only person on the planet who can see that venus is using filters.
everybody can see that its filtered spergchan you dont have to point it out every 3 posts.
No. 104108
>>104096she doesnt look fine. she looks like a completely different person because venus hates the way she looks. she is now in a cycle that other mentally ill dumb thots are in, where every time you show their real face in a sea photoshtopped and filtered pics, she looks uglier than she actually is. the black hair and kawaii bullshit ages her horribly.
>>104097she looks like a methhead doing tricks for said meth. very few people are paying for this shit because they actually like her. they wanna see a trainweck.
No. 104109
>>104105>venus vacation>vomitI'm sorry, what? Isn't the description for this that it's supposed to be like going on a dream vacation with Venus?
Why is there vomit in your dream vacation??
No. 104122
she looks so pretty! is fine, but
no, this is what she actually looks like is “nitpicking” and NOT ALLOWED, is that it?
>>104097She looks like a crackhead sitting on the toilet with her pants down around her knees. People really pay for this shit?
No. 104128
File: 1594077501957.jpg (154.51 KB, 800x450, PRkcorv.jpg)

>>104097well that's a familiar body type there…
No. 104130
>> you're not saying she looks good, you're saying the filters and photoshop did a good job.
>>104122Nope, they pay for the content people THINK they're getting but get this instead.
Classic thottery 101.
No. 104143
>>104083>Venus is not a sex worker.idk what makes you so sure.
just because she isn't in your taste, doesn't mean she cannot do it. some men pay for worse
No. 104148
>>104097Holy shit. She looks awful. It's like someone kidnapped a developmentally disabled 35 year old woman with a crack addiction off the streets, rinsed her in a sink, put her hair in pigtails, and filmed her for their $5 budget back-alley porn.
The cheap balloons, the wooden floors. It's all like something you'd see on a VHS tape that was thrown in the trash. Trash Humpers outtakes.
No. 104154
>>104097She looks rough
Almost like a 45 year old prostitute
No. 104162
File: 1594111717292.png (2.61 MB, 1125x2436, 5D98DB60-244D-412C-9435-2B6DA8…)

Obviously the “how old am I” app isn’t real science, so take it with a grain of salt. But I feel really bad for her:(nitpick)
No. 104167
>>103018>we're not all obsessed with glorious nippon here>implying this site and thread isn't 99% weebsok closet weeb
I don't have much to contribute since the mic quality was so awful and there's barely any talking but I tried anyway.
Other anons already translated the audible bits correctly though.
>beginning is mostly incoherent due to audio quality>Venus "???? feels good">Venus "I lied">think I heard "33 years old" from Venus>Manager: "??? is too cheap">Venus "it's not enough">both say numerous numbers, sounds like counting tips or some kind of board or card game>Manager "????later">Venus "Wouldn't a hard worker be better">Venus "Is this shop no good?">Manager "????? hurry up">OMINOUS THUD>Venus:too close(???)>Manager "Don't make that face">ominous silence>gross noises (I can't tell what it is)>Venus "Why?">manager something about being quiet No. 104172
>>104162I have no idea how she managed to get that saggy face at 23. Even her mom looks way more attractive than this in her old pictures from her youth. The surgery had terrible consequences for her health. My 40 year old friends have better facial volume compared to her..
If I was her, I would go see a dermatologist immediately with my newfound money rather than paying for stupid hair extensions. Maybe Hyaluronic acid injections can fix it, at least the mouth area but I’m not sure about the cheeks.. a mid face lift might be necessary for those saggy cheeks.
No. 104176
>>104172She doesn't need plastic surgery. She needs to get off the internet and practice a healthy and balanced lifestyle (with little stress, healthy food, some exercise and good friends and family to rely on).
Injections would be a quick and temporary fix, but regarding her choices in life they won't stop her from aging prematurely and wearing herself out. As long as she doesn't realize that herself, blowing money on cosmetics will just result in wasting resources.
Eh, water is wet.
No. 104177
>>104169Simps finding out she’s a ho?
Umm hellooo she’s on onlyfans rating dicks and playing with vegetable dildos.
No. 104178
>>104176This will not happen anon. Not that I don’t wish to, but we all know it will not happen. She’s a lifer.
At least with plastic surgery, injections and some time spent at the gym she can be more successful at what she’s doing.
No. 104179
>>104093Oh ffs, not this crap again! Look, I was talking about how she looks in the video, I don't care if she was using filters in it or not. She looked happy and carefree and like she was truly being herself and feeling relaxed and at ease. I don't see filters having anything to do with that.
And quite honestly the picture you have posted trying to 'prove' how ugly she is, well I just see a picture of a pretty girl, so I don't know what you're going on about. I think your obsessive hatred of her is skewing your vision.
No. 104181
>>104176>>She doesn't need plastic surgery. No she doesn't. And she doesn't need any of that horrible injected shit either. A healthy diet yes, and maybe some exercise like running or something and she could do with a bit of muscle tone, which she could do herself at home using some weights, or even just bottles of water or bags of sugar if she has no weights, after looking up exercises with weights for women to build up strength and toned effect.
Her face looks fine the way it is, I've seen pictures of her mother at the same age, and though I think her mother looked good at that age, I think Venus looks better, so it really is all in the eye of the beholder.
Though in the picture shown here,
>>104097 her body looks very thin, her legs and thighs look too thin, and maybe some weight bearing exercise could help build up some strength and firmness here.
No. 104194
>>104181You can’t fix saggy skin with a healthy lifestyle anon. Once it’s saggy it will never be the same. Sure she might look more glowy, or healthy but the deep nasolabial folds like this requires a mid face lift. Of course it’s not a necessity for regular girls, we can be happy the way we are but if she’s going to make big bucks by selling content online she better fixes herself.
I don’t understand the anti-injection or anti-plastic surgery mindset. If you find a good doctor the surgery will be barely noticeable.
No. 104195
>>104194Well no matter how hard I look, I don't see what you are going on about. Her face looks fine just the way it is. And if I have to hear one more thing about "naso labial folds", I think I might just scream a little , lol. I don't even think that is a bad feature, it's not like hooded eyes and crows feet and turkey neck and bingo wings, if she had all of those, I might think yes she needs to do something, maybe some exercise as a first resort and healthy diet definitely, but I like her face and see nothing wrong with it, so like I said before, it seems mainly in the eye of the beholder, some people like a certain look and some don't, and that is fine, it doesn't mean someone's opinion is any less
valid, it just means people like different looks, it doesn't mean one person is 'right' and another 'wrong', it is just that people have different tastes when it comes to looks, and really what is there left to say about it? Is it really her looks that everyone wants to talk about?
No. 104196
File: 1594138039593.png (791.13 KB, 934x601, puri1.png)

even purikura filters can't help her
No. 104197
File: 1594138072957.png (767.76 KB, 601x599, puri2.png)

No. 104198
File: 1594138097669.png (711.97 KB, 602x600, puri3.png)

No. 104199
File: 1594138125422.png (770.46 KB, 600x597, puri4.png)

No. 104202
File: 1594138151987.png (762.87 KB, 597x601, puri5.png)

No. 104203
File: 1594138173378.png (838.36 KB, 598x601, puri6.png)

No. 104205
>>104198Sex worker friends uWu
You think we are just being mean June, since you choose to be friends with a suicide baiting sociopath but you’ll see how the tables will turn..
No. 104206
>>104199This is the only one where she looks nice. Based on the amount of blur on June's face, there must be heavy filtering at work there.
Sad that she can only look as pleasant as she did years ago with a lot of editing. She's too young to have so many wrinkles already.
No. 104212
File: 1594139559435.jpg (32.17 KB, 708x288, klkjlj.JPG)

this was in venus's amazon wishlist lol she want to edit her photos more
the full wishlist No. 104215
>>104207You're embarrassing yourself, fuck off to PULL. Sounds to me like you're just one of her scrotes who has to convince themselves that her ugly content is worth your money or something.
Anyway, what's with that dark shadow under her left eye in the Purikura pics? It's sad when not even purikura filters can save your face kek
No. 104216
>>104209It's okay, I just get fed up with the same hater saying the same shit over and over again, and they have a fit if someone even says something remotely nice about Venus's looks, or start with their usual accusations that is must be a scrote, etc, boring etc.
I suppose I just expect there to be a bit of a balance here, not just dominated by someone who is just hate hate hate nonstop, I suppose I ought to feel sorry for them.
Anyhow, it will be interesting to see how the collab with June pans out. A Youtube video as well apparently.
No. 104219
>>104211Anon it’s just an unfortunate ass. She is doughy af
Here’s the rest of her: can’t believe men pay for this. But men love anyone who’s up for gross stuff, I’m not surprised.
(imageboard) No. 104221
>>104093You remind me so much of the early 2010 truth blogs about dakota, where people were seriously angry that some people had the guts to think that a shooped picture of her looked nice, and felt the need to spam unshooped pictures of her to her fans kek. It's funny how you feel the need to sperg about this like five times in every thread, too.
>>104210>Men pay for this long jiggly ass?You really overestimate men. They would jack off to a fridge if you put a wig and bra on it
No. 104223
>>104219this is a fucking imageboard, post caps
and venus looks ugly because she spends too much time hiding behind filters instead of taking care of herself and embracing her features and body type, end of.
No. 104234
>>104202Fake friendship lol
Remember Taylor?
No. 104240
>>104179You're saying something that doesn't exist looks good, though.
>>104204Even someone as trashy as Venus won't sleep with you, stop simping.
>>104219It's not that "men love gross stuff", it's just she has a body type some actually like.
Yes, it's shocking people can like less than ideal body types.
No. 104258
>>104196she looks like she got punched out in these purikuras…her left (our right) eye looks black.
i hope that photographer guy isnt abusing her…
No. 104259
>>104255She had health issues and returned to her home country or something
>>104257It reminded me of Ashley's gray skin
No. 104295
>>104239Nah, June looks good at giving PR. Like all her public responses are so fake yet professional (kind of like a politician), so I think she'd be able to weasel her way out of any slander Venus might throw her way. I will feel sorry for her though - since Venus has a track record of slandering people and she's literally shit on every manager she's ever had. I assume she will do the same to this photographer dude. She already has people believing he's beating her and trafficking her.
>>104232Lip filler maybe, but face fillers will make her look creepy and weird like Taylor, Marzia, Sniperwolf etc
No. 104300
>>104205who the fuck are you talking to?
are you one of the morons who randomly assumed that they dropped the plans for the collab because whiny losers spammed the girls socials?
No. 104303
>>104216You're that anon who keeps whining about this thread. Just stop already.
>>104214It obviously wasn't vomit, but it's still gross. Those pictures were and are gross, ice cream or not. So you can stop trying to defend her.
>>104203That's pretty weird and "showy" for two people who just met. Acting like they were besties for years or something.
No. 104310
File: 1594184532211.jpeg (136.31 KB, 705x886, EA022F2B-AD94-4D42-A389-3FECE1…)

>>104196>>104258I'm tinfoiling, but I think anons might be right about venus having bruises on her face. Purikura has bright white lights from every angle possible. Despite this, there's a shadow on the right side of her nose that shows up in every one of these pictures. The undertones on that spot are even different from the rest of the shadows on her face. Theres nothing that's blocking the surrounding light, so there wouldn't be a shadow there.
My question is, why she wouldn't cover it with makeup? Could it be a cry for help or just another plea for attention? I wonder what June was thinking.
No. 104317
>>104315I'm not
>>104310 but it isn't a shadowcast. You can also see it here
>>104202 No. 104323
>>104199She's hiding the black eye with the heart.
>>104198Here you can see the black eye more clearly in her left (our right) eye.
Holy shit.
No. 104327
File: 1594194108952.png (356.73 KB, 466x688, venus.png)

>>104167I'm late as fuck but with this translation, I watched the vid for the first time and holy hell that was disturbing. She seems really out of it, ofc she's trying to act coy and submissive like ~real animu grills~ but still. Pic related.
>>104229my fucking sides anon lol
No. 104335
>>104199blond chick looks pink, then Venus looks undead.
>>104247it is tragic.
i'm sorry for the japanese that have to accept this level of weebery in their country.
No. 104353
>>104334>>104323if it's a black eye they're way worse in this
>>104327 picture, before the point she was supposedly hit off camera.
so no, it's dark circles. At this point of the stream she was applying makeup too.
No. 104360
>>104310So did the manager guy actually punch her when there was the weird stream a few days ago where she looked scared, and people heard strange noises?
Tell me how this shit is
better than being Margo's doll which people drummed up like it's the biggest sin to ever exist.
Dressing up and taking fully clothed but embarrassing videos = omg abuse
Creepy man exploiting, pimping out, taking degrading sexual photos and videos, and beating Venus = absolutely fine
No. 104361
>>104311Makeup slides off my face very fast unless I'm using some extreme stay waterproof stuff, that's not what makeup looks like (honestly is Venus' pimp in this thread coming up with these lame excuses?)
That obviously is not makeup, it's bruises. Mascara doesn't do that.
No. 104363
>>104361Holy shit.
Probably got slapped by manager or got hit on the face (Japanese idiots do this thing as a joke when they lightly push your head) and because she is so unhealthy her skin easily got bruised.
Damn nobody deserves this
No. 104365
>>104361When in my teens, I had very greasy skin and even waterproof eye make up would slide all over the place and end up smeared all under my eyes, especially in hot weather, which it may be in Japan right now, it being summer and all.
And a little while ago, an old woman asked me what I'd done to my eye, thinking I had a bruise when she saw I was wearing dark grey eyeshadow above my eyes, I have a lot of space between eyebrow and eyelid and not much lid, so I try to create a bit of depth sometimes by using one of those thick dark grey eye pencils smudged above on the outer corners but to that old lady's eyes and perspective it looked like I had bruises. I honestly don't think Venus has bruises in those images, plus the fact that if the filters are so prominent in those machines, that may do all kinds of things to an image. I won't worry too much unless there is more evidence.
No. 104368
>>104364Guess she isn’t on the look out for a man? Who chooses their residence by attractive men who live there
Also who wants a hairless tiny man ew
No. 104369
>>104339>>They aren't planning on being actual close friends.That's a bit of a relief to know. June has cats, one who only has one eye, and the other is a bit of an invalid at the moment, and Venus seems to be not exactly that good with animals. Not saying it to be nasty towards her, but just remembering how she was holding that poor cat she used to grab hold of and it looked really uncomfortable like it was trying to get away and didn't like being held that way, and given what her mother said in the past about her track record with animals, I'm not saying she does it on purpose , just that she may not be that good with animals and knowing how to look after them. And I wouldn't like to think she would get so chummy with June that June would invite her into her home and Venus might inadvertently, without meaning to, somehow hurt the cats, or maybe they could scratch her or something if she grabs them roughly.
I think June seems quite sensible and responsible though, so hopefully she won't let Venus muck around with the cats if she did invite her over. But if their relationship is going to be strictly business, then that probably won't happen. but speaking as an animal lover, it did occur to me.
I'd rather see Venus do another collab with that Sora guy than with June, I think they made entertaining videos together and really funny.
No. 104370
>>104368Well not all women like the stereotype of hairy men with big muscles, that is gross to me and I'm not the only one, seeing how popular bands like BTS are, and other Jpop and Kpop idols. So like there are many women who like men who more resemble apes than actual human beings, (and yes I know someone who likes men covered with hair even on their backs, but doesn't mind if their heads are bald, the yuck factor of that is so revolting to me) but point being, not everyone likes the same type, so no, not all women like men with hairy bodies, nice smooth skin in a nicely toned, slender body, is so much more appealing to some of us out here, which is just as well, because if everyone liked the same thing, there wouldn't be enough for everyone to go round.
No. 104374
>>104371> tbh i think june is just as bad as peenus to be this much of a weeb to the extent of learning the entire language just to end up doing porn work in order to live in japan.You know neither of them if you think this is the situation. Also you don't have to be a weeb to learn another language, people who know multiple languages are more respected than for example, americans who can barely speak and write English.
June isn't ANYWHERE near as bad as beenus, she has her own shit going on but she's always been in a career she chose. Beenus just pretends and maniuplates.
Educate yourself.
No. 104379
>>104367 I know , i read about it in here on Sunday, I was quite worried, but no one could be sure what actually happened. It was nothing anyone
saw, just heard something and without seeing it was impossible to be sure.
I pity anyone who dares to try and abuse Venus, Fangelics will find them and make them pay!
No. 104380
File: 1594224702165.png (488.24 KB, 815x458, Venus on balloon.png)

This picture they posted on pull, she looks like she's sitting on a child's potty, lol.
No. 104381
File: 1594224968099.png (Spoiler Image,484.91 KB, 815x458, Venus with ice cream.png)

>>104214Yes, it's a relief to find out it was only meant to be desert after all, not gross like everyone was thinking. They posted a pic of that on pull that I've not seen here. Apparently she said something about her being delicious like a desert or something and then rubbed it on her self and then ate it.
No. 104383
>>104382Surely if it really was bruises, and she couldn't hide it, then June would def have noticed and surely there would have been some explanation, even if only some excuse like Venus being clumsy or something? It just seems odd that if there was noticeable bruises, that June would just act like nothing had happened?
Maybe someone could ask June on the Instagram post? She seems to be quite happy to reply to people.
No. 104384
>>104383June is stubborn about not canceling a collaboration with someone who is openly suicide pandering on her onlyfans and then making fun of her fans who took the bait.
You think she is not aware of any of this? She sounds like a person who calculates her moves if you check her very politically correct replies to her fans. I doubt she cares.
She thinks she will attract some fans with this collab but she’ll end up being the focus of a smear campaign
No. 104407
>>104397Seriously. No one even wants to post her stuff because all it is, is walls of posts nitpicking her face and how old they think she looks and why they don't think this is sexy. She isn't trying to be sexy for us, she's doing this stuff for guys and they are loving it based on her numbers. Anons are out of their minds if they think all her subs are hate subs because of the curious. No, she actually sells and people do think she is sexy or cute and not old. Then there is
>>104109 where anons also make false comments and then it's still thread #2 where this false vomit thing is still being brought up. It's so hard to actually discuss a cow in /w/ at all.
No. 104412
>>104410bruises that are worse during the livestream where she's supposed to have been hit and less bad after, when bruises would show up? come on
expect another 50 posts on this subject because anon likes to make their own milk
No. 104413
>>104408you're giving venus too much credit, she looks awkward because it is awkward to have people take naked pictures of you
she isn't some kind of evil mastermind meticulously planning every little thing just to mess with everyone, she's not that smart.
No. 104444
File: 1594246569001.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 1156x684, Screen Shot 2020-07-08 at 3.03…)

Can the person who is obsessively sputtering on about how everyone besides himself is "a fucking sperg" and "autistic" please go do something else? You are doing a really weird thing with your time and I don't imagine anyone cares about hearing who you think are "spergs". What an annoying thing to have to read 10x a day.
In addition, here is a shot from the balloon video where people thought Venus looked a bit aged. I watched the whole video and there was only like a split second where she looked like that, and she looked nice otherwise.
No. 104450
File: 1594248393557.jpeg (271.35 KB, 1404x1528, 74F5E4A8-3BDE-499A-AD47-F3D829…)

>>104444Oh, right…just a
split second and totally not every single unedited video she’s ever posted. But hey, if you like prematurely ageing Europeans with bad genes and shitty lifestyles (and you love the way Margo looks) Wenus looks GREAT.
No. 104452
>>104450What I meant was just that the screenshot was taken at the only time in the video that she looked that bad. Out of 503 seconds, they chose the one that made her look the most old. Just clarifying that the situation isn't as dire as the image suggests.
BTW I like the picture you used. I think she looks pretty.
No. 104455
>>104194Kinda true, kind of not. If she ate right and worked out she can plump up very nicely. There are plenty of skinny fat people like her with jiggling loose skin who fixed it with weights and eating more protein.
But that would mean Venus having a normal diet for the first time in her life which will never happen.
No. 104459
>>104344Watch the video tard, she turns around and faces the camera.
>Why you so madI'm just deconstructing fattychan's nitpicking decree kek.
No. 104472
File: 1594264625902.png (1.12 MB, 1440x1850, a rando.png)

>>104461>random girlYes, definitely not someone who has been active online for ten years, has a million followers. Just a rando. I love the resident whiteknights of lolcow.
No. 104482
>>104440yes anon, actually, browse porn forums and 4chan, a lot of women that are posted there aren't lolcow and women's image of the "perfect woman", which has it's ridicule standards. The most average preference for adult guys world wide is curves and doughy figures. even when they post that ridicule image of the fat scale 1 to 8 thingy, most men pick 4 to 5. you don't have to train yourself to the point of getting abs and you definitely don't have to starve to the extent of model skinny to attract guys. Also, perhaps unpopular opinion? but personality and confidence usually does great.
June has personality and a doughy figure plus big butt. Venus has nothing of that. But im not saying she wouldnt be so cringy worthy of a sex worker if she at least had personality.
No. 104488
>>104480Only things she posts now are paywalled pictures (or casual OF thot instagram/twitter posts). With no change, there isn't much to talk about. Same odd angles, same uwu fakesonality, same filters.
There was more to talk about when she was doing youtube, weird livestreams, pet abuse, "personality changes", meeting people, and of course her ogre-mother.
There was lore to be disvovered. Now she's just a whore with repetitive content. This is probably her longest and most boring era. I hope it changes at the end of the year or so.
No. 104491
>>104450We should just ignore the anon that constantly feels the need to a) defend Venus' looks and say she looks healthy and b) constantly whine and complain about this thread. You can tell it's the one same anon doing this over and over again, based on how they write.
>>104407Fuck off white knight. It's not "false vomit". Venus took a photo with a food item splattered all over her to make it look like vomit. She was going for that niche vomit fetish. Stop pretending she wasn't trying to do that, just because the substance on her was ice cream and not "real vomit".
No. 104494
>>104382When I listened to the live stream, to me it sounded like he was more concerned for her based off what I could make out from the poor audio and not that he was some
abusive angry manager
>>104381Was clearly meant to resemble vomit. Stop being willfully ignorant just to white-knight Venus. She had more than one vomit pic and they weren't all captioned as dessert
No. 104501
>>104195Anon its because most of the people here have incel mindset,i mean her nosefolds are ugly ,really?
There is no way anyone here actually thinks she looks 40,its projecting
I dont even think she is attractive but this thread just reeks of insecurity
No. 104513
>>104387I know it's a balloon, but the way she is sitting on it is reminiscent of a kid sitting on a potty. It just looks kind of funny, not sexy if that is what it's meant to be.
And I'm not being critical of Venus, I'm just referring to the photo itself.
No. 104515
>>104452It's obvious they spend ages looking through everything she does just to find what they think looks the worst just to post it here to nitpick on her looks. And then the 'example' they show to back up their claims, actually just shows her looking pretty.
I really cannot imagine how anyone can be so enthused with hate for someone they've never met. It's actually sad.
If Venus had done something to them personally that was something bad, then let them talk about it so we can understand why they hate her so much. Or maybe it's someone who met her and tried it on with her and she rejected them, I guess that could do it, but the sheer hatred shown from that person in these threads is never ending and unceasing and just irritating.
No. 104540
File: 1594311226708.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.44 KB, 800x450, 2ekw00061jp-10.jpg)

>>104482June is
popular because she's a novelty white woman willing to degrade herself by pissing/being pissed on, and sticking her fissured tongue in crusty salaryman ass in like every set. I see what you're saying anon, and I agree, but I don't think her looks have much to do with it after browsing her content briefly. I also see why she's willing to associate with Venus (aside from the obvious) kek.
No. 104543
>>104518>>104515>>104501And r u all here to turn this place into some Venus fan club or some shit? You keep claiming that people bash on her looks, but that’s what’s she is selling. She is no longer making lame videos on YT, she is just selling porn. She is a sex worker that sells her overly edited fake looks on the internet. If she is such a beauty as you so claim, why does she edit into oblivion? Because she knows she looks like a gerlim and doesn’t want to actually take care of herself to fix what’s fixable. Instead she goes on and slaps a bunch of filters and edits that on top. Get over it , this is one of the threads that doesn’t instant ban nitpicking, so deal with it anon.
Also don’t forget that there was a point that most here were rooting for her. There’s that still outdated “good luck” banner on the site from time to time. She chose to go down this route because she is real trash and people are bashing her for that.
No. 104548
>>104522Nta but firstly they said she looks prematurely aged. Secondly that has nothing to with her hard to locate "hourglass" figure. Thirdly the way you wrote this implies she's either prematurely born, or premature in terms of orgasm which was quite humorous thank you anon.
>Thats retarded as fuck thinking for an adult>For an adultOh the irony, this sounds exactly like something a kid would say KEK
No. 104555
>>104545It definitely is. They've consistently been lowering the quality of these threads for a while now.
Constant blogposting, fanfiction about Venus torturing cats, bringing up Kiwi Farms "laughing" at this thread, calling a cleaner/more attractive girl "rough", "ugly" and "streetwise" (and then going on endless tirades about how no one should ever be mean about Venus' appearance, kek), the list goes on.
No. 104573
>>104540Ngl despite earning a sum or two
I’ve no idea how someone can stoop to this type of shit
Licking out a pile of saggy dusty crusty old men trying to hold in their ramen farts and just about cumming with what baby batter they’ve got left
No. 104575
>>104444I’ve yet to understand how this would turn anyone on. A corpse with two pig tails and a bed full of balloons.
No. 104605
>>104452I've seen the cow when I went to Japan. I can assure you most of the worst screenshots of her on here are
generous to what she looks like IRL. She has too many under eye fine lines/wrinkles extending diagonally to the sides for her age, most likely due to the under eye tape she uses to make her eyes puffier/appear larger, you can see how cakey and flakey her foundation looks IRL, redness and oiliness coming through from her nose, deep laugh lines like Marge, pores accentuated by makeup, facial sagginess, wider jaw (even more so than in the pics where it looks less edited, she hides it with her hair), her eyes look much smaller and deep set (kind of like that screenshot where she was dressed as sailor Venus with the crown slipping down her forehead), she's taller and not as 'smol' as she edits herself, her hips and waist are wider (she obviously uses asian beauty apps to edit her body on camera quite often), bigger nose and she has a bit of a bump in the center and an indent near the tip, her lips are less small and instead wider. Some of her worst screenshots look sort of true to what she looks like IRL, but she either runs smoothing apps or the camera is being generous. She definitely doesn't look healthy. You don't know what you're talking about.
No. 104608
>>104514Yeah because a person who uses a fucking CHILD in attempt to make herself look better, exposes his sexual abuse without an ounce of genuine care, fabricates abuse story after abuse story and slanders people left and right, cheats on her husband and literally says he should die/be put down, is a greedy sociopath, suicide baiting customers, manipulating others and admitting to it ("falling for my trap" post), who invents personalities and contradicts herself almost immediately after speaking, among all the other horrible things she does, doesn't deserve criticism and hate? You Venus minimizes are so irritating. She could probably kill someone and you'd still be making excuses about how poor, kawaii Veenoos doesn't deserve all the "hate"
No. 104611
>>104608White knights also keep conveniently forgetting that being an "abuse
victim" doesn't magically abstain one from being an abuser themselves. In fact, many would argue that being a
victim increases the likelihood of further continuing the cycle of manipulation onto others. Venoos is a spitting image of her mother, her narcissism is just more covert and she has mastered the art of being the "
victim" over the years. People are willingly falling for her trap at this point, whether the intention is pure or not.
No. 104617
>>104608Everything in your list, which happened in just a year’s time(or less than 2 years?), is what made me finally give up on Venus. Flipping a story about discovering your boyfriend encouraged the sexual assault of a freaking baby into “Don’t need no man who controls my money!” is so disturbing and sociopathic. Then to follow that shit with “Baby Beenos”….
I was very empathetic to 19 year old Venus but 23 year old Venus is a huge creep and she associates with other creeps. She has a sad story but many people experience much worse and don’t behave half as bad as she does. If she ever decides to take control of her life without latching on to a man and get real help, like an in patient program, I will support her. But now, it’s all on her and people need to stop creating silly fiction about an evil Yakuza bf commanding her like a puppet.
No. 104630
>>104609NTA but kek who doesn't
>>104555Maybe there's a new influx of users in this thread but I also don't understand why there are so many anons arguing over others stanning or hating Venus, there's a difference in contributing your personal outlook to the thread and banter vs repeatedly trying to convert anons on lolcow dot com to your OC Venus head canon like it's a religious mission
Venus threads have always been filled with a mix of hateful and sympathetic followers, it's more fun that way
No. 104646
>>104562I think it's obvious that the obsessive Venus hater is someone who also posts the same kind of rants on PULL. I don't post on there myself (or anywhere else except here) but I have followed the Venus thread there for a long time off and on, and I've seen the same hate-filled rants there as well.
One user in particular stands out, called themselves Andromeda Galaxy, only ever posted on Venus thread and just obviously hated her with intensity, until someone called them out on it and pointed out how insane and deranged they sounded and they stopped posting, at least under that name , and I've seen other rants, sounding the same person but using different names, and seen the same style almost word for word here as well.
They are seriously disturbed, anyone with that amount of hate towards a stranger who has done nothing to them personally is never normal and that person should seek some kind of psychological help for what is obviously a real problem for them.
No. 104649
>>104608Anon I fully agree with you.
For the next thread pic somebody needs to use receipts of her suicide baiting on onlyfans and the “haha guys you fell in my trap” message that followed as a daily reminder of how much of a manipulative sociopath she is.
I’m sure she’s getting off reading the comments of anons who are concerned that she might be abused or trafficked. It’s all staged if you ask me.
No. 104652
>>104650This is an imageboard.
Also, no one has even mentioned that since the last two threads. Why are you so upset? What is your problem?
No. 104656
File: 1594397953138.jpg (74.88 KB, 1079x709, _20200710_171425.JPG)

>>104650Seeing as you failed to attach a screenshot of it. It took her long enough. Without a doubt she only put it up because it was advised by June. If it hadn't been mentioned she would have happily been advertising her thot life to the jailbait side of her fanbase because they are no longer important to her, despite how she desperately clings on to a fraction of looking "kawaii" to keep them interested.
No. 104665
>>104662because shes manupulative? wtf have you been?
also PULLfags no one cares if youre too scared to speak up, dont come sperging here
No. 104731
File: 1594473911262.jpeg (449.42 KB, 828x1365, 7651545B-F1FF-4DE6-9BD9-5BBCF8…)

Don’t know about famous anymore(emoji)
No. 104733
>>104722Glad to hear it.
>>104731Um, who's the "famous person"? Is it the guy saying that to Venus, or Venus saying it to him?
No. 104737
>>104656 LOl, have you come straight here from posting on PULL? I had a good laugh reading all the prissy posts from prudes on there slagging her off for ::gasp:: subjecting 'children' to the fact that she does Only fans, and as for the barely English speaking poster so far up themselves they must be in perpetual darkness, what moralistic control freaks trying to force their viewpoint onto the rest of the world, and they think they are so 'moral' and righteous and goody-two-shoes, they can't even see what they are doing. Venus has been controlled all her life by her mother and they are trying to remotely control her by dictating to her what they think she ought to do and then going off on one of their self righteous crusades when they think she won't obey them. It's actually funny to see them froth away about it. As if all of her followers are little kids, when most people following her are older teens or people her own age or older who have been following her for years.
And anyway nothing is going to force somebody into doing porn themselves just because they see a post on Instagram, they'd have to be fucking weak willed and easily led and if that was the case then it is not the creator's responsibility. God's sake, some of these people are so retarded!
No. 104738
>>104734>> I know Venus did meet & greets, but common sense would lead one to think those meet & greets were for fans, not aimed at crazy, obsessive, hate-filled stalkersCalm your tits anon. It’s not like the above anon is the same caliber with creepy AKB fans who stab idols during meet and greets.
She was probably a young fan at the time and the meet and greet was an eye opening experience for her.
No. 104744
File: 1594481287028.jpeg (60.74 KB, 642x500, binasu.jpeg)

>>104734>>104737>when the British NAMBLA blogger comes backFucking hell.
No. 104745
>>104744We need to report that scrote everytime he posts (his writing style is distinctive and he's not clever as he thinks with his obvious samefagging)
I don't wanna minimod but please don't engage with his bs, he's doing this on purpose. I don't understand why he isn't permaban yet.
No. 104746
File: 1594482696005.jpeg (9.22 KB, 293x172, images-3.jpeg)

>>104743>crazy hate-filled obsessive stalker>Not even a picture or date of encountering the cryptidShould we really care? It is a pretty amateurish job to make a long ass text about her looks JUST when this thread got boring, has PULL users, whitenights, nitpickers and coincidentialy a crazzy ass hater who not only got called out for their behaviour on pull, but keeps posting there under other profiles.
Not like you anon can change anything about her. And doxxing is against the rrurus.
No. 104799
File: 1594537765670.jpeg (637.24 KB, 828x1147, 425403B9-4519-403A-B62A-1CEAB2…)

Looks like June wants out but threading carefully to avoid rage and hate from Venus’ hardcore fans?
No. 104806
>>104746>>has PULL users, whitenights, nitpickers and coincidentialy a crazzy ass hater who not only got called out for their behaviour on pull, but keeps posting there under other profiles.And obviously keeps posting here trying to get anyone banned who dares to call them out on their crazy behaviour here.
What can motivate a person to closely follow someone they hate? To invest all that emotional energy into obsessively watching everything someone does, nitpicking in minute detail every single little thing about their looks and constantly posting the same pictures over & over again, trying to prove their 'point' when laughably all they are doing is proving the opposite, of how obsessed and deranged they are.
There are famous people who I can't stand the sight of, so I don't want to know anything about those people, I don't want to know what they do, what they think, what they are into, I have no interest in following them because I don't like them, so for someone to invest all the time they spend focusing only on someone they supposedly hate, just really looks more like bitter unrequited love.
No. 104826
File: 1594579686086.jpg (40.25 KB, 314x724, 8r5f49E.jpg)

>>104799Wonder what happened as well for her to put it on hold
No. 104827
>>104826you took a shit, and now you present it to this forum for validation?
fuck you, noone gives a shit, nothing new or interesting in her response.
No. 104855
>>104853one comment isnt spamming dumbass. it wasnt a direct reply to you, it was to the idiot that commented to june, and anons here thinking the same thing.
unless you or some other anon commented.
No. 104871
File: 1594612182986.jpeg (137.41 KB, 749x746, F8333E74-6B64-4B6E-A674-867A59…)

No updates and people are getting stir crazy
No. 104916
>>104909Do we really need a new thread at this point?
All it mainly is here is people arguing with each other, mainly caused by the Venus hater nitpicking about her looks and jumping on and trying to get banned anyone who dares to disagree with them.
No. 104917
>>104863If the level of hate directed at Venus is any indication then maybe they've transferred some of it to June too? You'd think she'd be professional enough not to let
toxic haters interfere with her job though.
>>104871Or maybe Venus is not too well at the moment, could be that is why she's not posting at the moment, she does have her problems to cope with after all, she was doing so well recently too, so I hope she can get back on track.
No. 104922
>>104916Oh and it must be
only ONE person posting pics of Wenus without filters, and
you know this because you have magic X-ray vision that lets you see every poster’s identity on this anonymous forum.
No. 104942
File: 1594678298882.png (31.46 KB, 520x182, Screenshot_20200712-070527.thu…)

so weird. since venus started her OF she has always been online, even at 5 in the morning, she would always check it. but now she hasnt logged into her OF for 4 days, this is super strange and makes me wonder if she really has complete control over her OF or if there is some guy controlling it/changing her passwort or something… she also hasnt posted on instagram for the last 11 days which is also really unusual for her. i hope she is okay
No. 104944
>>104942she may just be binge drinking while rolling around with some client. or just plain lazy.
or is there an option to hide online status?
No. 104951
>>104942theres nothing unusual about this. she has highs and lows, probably reality’s hitting her and shes drinking or something.
or having a meeting with june and the company that she works for. they said its on homd but that doesnt mean there aren't things to discuss.
>>104899welcome to the internet. anonymity brings out the worst in some so dont bothering whining.
No. 104966
File: 1594699043270.gif (Spoiler Image,272.19 KB, 393x438, ffc5a1cab3a6.gif)

>>104927ask and you shall receive
No. 104990
File: 1594712997877.png (73.95 KB, 1776x286, Screen_Shot_2020-07-13_at_3.58…)

peter in toronto makes me sick. also, is venus baiting him by pretending that its a possibility for ella freya to appear on her OF someday? i dont think ella would do that
No. 105006
>>105004She's probably drinking, scheming and working on a new target to exploit. I bet June & her company decided Venus was too sloppy and unstable to risk a collab even with June's PC handling of comments about Venus, now she's (V) hiding out with something she can claim is
even better than the June collab that justifies her never keeping her word.
No. 105016
>>104942I hope so too. Could be shes just busy spending some of her money from OF, [she must have made quite a bit by now], I'd like to think she's been investing her money sensibly and looking to purchase a property for herself, but this is Venus we're talking about, so who knows? I hope she is being sensible with her money though.
Looked at that June's insta today, she has one post all tied up in a rope and another one showing off rope burns and bragging about how she enjoys it, hardly a good influence for Venus.
Also, I did wonder if perhaps June had been trying to tell Venus what to do, like telling her to rate her account 18 plus or something like that, dressing it up as 'good advice' and only thinking of her blah blah, when really that is just another form of someone trying to control what she does. Maybe Venus got warning signals from that and has had second thoughts.
If it's June's side that is holding off, I don't think fangelics would be the ones causing the problem, it would more likely be the deranged hater fans of Venus, they are so full of it and crazy obsessed that June and her management may be getting bombarded by these nutjobs.
Really though, one could speculate all night, it could just be something simple, though it it was, and Venus had a cold or something, you think June would just say so, or Venus would.
I do hope she's okay though, feel sorry for her, especially given all the hate she gets.
No. 105017
>>105016Shut the fuck up there’s literally nothing wrong with rope play. She’s a porn actress for Christ’s sake. Venus posts fucking baby cosplay and vomit. They both are degenerates, but at least June is consistent and openly enjoys herself.
Venus hasn’t been posting anything at all, but June does so it’s obvious that Venus just got busy or uninterested in OF/SW and canceled her collab. It wouldn’t be the first time she quickly ditched a new scheme or identity and went off the radar.
No. 105021
File: 1594742790298.jpg (105.2 KB, 810x710, 20200715_000450.jpg)

Hm, seems like there is a bruise on venus's face.
Hope venus doesn't get into a bigger trouble
No. 105024
>>105021Oh no, more worries.
I hope June is genuine as she sounds, I'm glad she's replying to these messagees, including some replies she made to some of these vile haters, poor Venus, as if she doesn't have enough to put up with from those hater freaks online, it looks like she has problems being abused by someone in real life. I truly hope she can overcome any problems and get to a place of success and happiness for her.
No. 105026
>>105025Yes it makes it sound more serious, like if there was nothing much to worry about, I think June would probably just have said so but the fact she has admitted to being worried too, makes it sound really quite bad.
If Venus is in an
abusive relationship, I hope she can escape from it. It made me mad when everyone discounted the possibility that her husband could have been
abusive, as she tried to claim, no one wanted to believe it as he seemed so nice, but what if there was truth in that, and no one believed her?
I won't say I hope the haters will have a conscious about the fact that they could be so wrong about the accusations they've made against her, because they are so filled with hate there is probably no room for any kind of conscious. I'm pleased to see June is not allowing them to work their poison on her and is trying to shut it down. Disgraceful that they hate Venus so much, they seem to stop at nothing to try and discredit her, vile people.
No. 105028
>>105021The key here is “Venus told me”. Can we really believe what Venus has told this woman? June seems to have that American way of fake positivity & good vibes and political correctness. I wouldn’t expect her to question the plausibility of Venus’s story anyway.
This could all very well be staged since everything happened on social media. The thud during the live show, the bruises that appeared on her cheek afterwards, the semi public statement by June under the comments on her Instagram.. this could all very well be orchestrated by Venus and maybe we just “fell onto her trap hehe”
No. 105067
File: 1594753811795.jpg (405.46 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20200714-220826.jpg)

Umm idk idk what's going on
No. 105080
>>105028Of course it is staged. Venus lies constantly. She also makes herself to be the
victim in every fucking situation always. Soon we’ll be getting a ”my boyfriend manipulated me into doing onlyfans” video on her youtube channel. Just watch.
No. 105083
>>105021This is confirmation something is going on and it was a bruise.
The timeline of
>weird livestream>manager interaction, thud>bruising and black eye>goes offline for a few daysSeems to be factual.
No. 105094
>>105086This applies to so many cows too. Lolcow is usually right on perceptions of people but you take that logic to KF and they eat you alive.
Venus has had years to change and grow but has nothing to show for it .
No. 105095
>>105083It sure doesn't pay to be a manipulative compulsive liar throughout your life while damaging all relationships to get what you want while playing the teehee
victim like a grand master. If this is a case of her being in a
abusive relationship with her "manager", karma worked it's magic at last and she met her shitty match. Now she's living in an actual "trap".
No. 105109
>>105084It's either one of Penuses middle aged simps or a KF
concerned lady. The way they type is exactly the same.
No. 105110
>>105080Yeah probably she’s going to ask for donations next because she’s a poor abuse
victim now
No. 105115
>>105031No what I mean is Venus probably manipulated her and lied to her. Considering her track record of being a compulsive liar and playing the
victim it’s not a far fetched probability.
No. 105125
>>105115I agree that June was probably lied to about the nature of the bruise. But, considering there was that livestream, this photo, and June’s comments something Venus can’t run from or handle is going on.
I personally think whatever story Venus told June had to have been bad enough to make her worry, but not so much that they wouldn’t take Purikura together. June barely knows Venus If I was being abused I wouldn’t want photographically evidence of it on the internet. Venus knew the photos would be uploaded so it’s either a cry for help (since her Manager can’t control what June posts or says) or Venus is manipulating June as well to make everyone fall into her trap or worrying uwu
No. 105129
>>105121“witness testimony”? You’re joking, right?
Sounds like June is politely declining to get sucked into the vortex of Wenus and her neverending fake dramas and emotional vampirism. Sensible girl, that June. Just slooowly back away.
No. 105148
>>105067uh? why is this fishy? and like why dollars and not yen?
is this a couple anons roleplaying again? lol
aside i made the tiniest research. both have no pictures on their account. yingkong doesn't follow venus yet follows freya
sasha does follow venus and a dozen more girls like her.
No. 105162
>>105155Why would manaki have anything to do with her now? She only married him for a visa afterall. But i agree with you on the second part. Venus sure does look like the kind of girl that disappears when she doesn't feel pretty.
i can't help but think she's realizing the implication of being a sex worker too. it isn't all easy to deal with creeps 24/24 and mostly men that only care about you when you post nude. It must do wonders to your mentality especially if your already self-conscience.
And if that bruise story is true then i totally understand why she wouldn't want to show herself. Although she could hide it with filters.. She's been crying wolf one too many time, i don't blame anons for thinking she's lying again.
No. 105166
>>105158Maybe for
you it's scary, but to a lot of us who recognize and have experienced people like Wenoos, this has all been predictable and pathetic to watch. A bit sad, sure, but it's also the reality of living in a bubble of constant, undeserved, postive reinforcement for all the wrong reasons. All these "fangelics" just love to send her positive affirmations and deliberately encourage her to take all the wrong steps that will ultimately ruin her life. It's almost disgusting to see them so cheerfully watch from the screens as she spirals deeper into her dangerous compulsive and
toxic behavior. This is just the culmination of all her horrible decisions and toxicity, and people are now weeping over the fact that there are finally real life consequences to her actions. Who would have thought that bad things happen to people who deliberately make bad decisions? Truly pitiful.
No. 105167
>>105163Hmmm, isn't it kind of tricky if the money you spent on is related to sex work? Especially if the country they are in doesn't legalize it? Maybe they want to expose her before going full trial. simps aren't the most smart people.
I'm still going to put on my tinfold hat on this one and speculate because it does seem kinda far fetch.
No. 105169
File: 1594785612876.png (267.79 KB, 1211x895, bruh.png)

All tabs under her OnlyFans says "Nothing found", gallery preview on the right also gone. What the fuck?
No. 105170
File: 1594785770745.png (40.83 KB, 747x398, bruh2.png)

>>105169The homepage shows empty posts.
No. 105173
>>105155>>feel that Venus regrets the things she did to manaki and she wants to be betterShe has no regrets or remorse whatsoever about the shit she has done to him. Has she ever once expressed regret or apologized for any of it, or even gratitude or thanks to him for sticking by her through all the shit she’s put him through? No, she has not.
Or how about that small child whose clearly visible face she posted on her IG along with s disgusting lil anecdote about his mother being forced to “give him head,” any apologies for that one? No again, none.
She uses people for her own ends with no remorse or empathy whatsoever. That’s the definition of a sociopath which I think she just might be.
No. 105178
>>105169Or she's been blocked from accessing her account for toying with her followers when she boasted about binge drinking & taking her pills as though she was going to commit suicide before owning up she enjoys seeing people worry and playing
victim, which is against OnlyFans TOS amazingly.
No. 105191
File: 1594792101395.png (Spoiler Image,711.67 KB, 1292x931, 1.png)

>>105169As of 5 minutes ago it's all still there.
Are you sure you didn't just get blocked?
No. 105193
>>105190i was referring to the upper posts.
>>105191if the anon who was blocked is the same anon that posted her weird stream with their account name, maybe venus saw it and was able to trace back that anon's account and block it. Makes sense afterall. wouldn't want people you actually know the name leak your paying content.
No. 105196
File: 1594793044355.png (Spoiler Image,96.42 KB, 471x895, 2.png)

>>105191I checked logged out and in another browser too
if this isn't a sign that you're panicking and nothing is actually wrong then I don't know what to tell you
No. 105201
>>105169Worry not, there are problems like this happening accross OF today. I follow a couple others on OF who have been active today, and they mentioned that many of their fans aren't seeing their content correctly.
It has nothing to do with Venus, just an error
No. 105203
>>105185Take off the OF unviewable thing. Many users are having this problem and are posting that people can't see their content… it has nothing to do with Venus.
I can currently see her page, it's fine :)
(:)) No. 105206
>>105167>>105165well no one knows what the money is used for maybe surgery or idk just life
20000usd is like super duper bare minimum to live on for maybe a few months in tokyo .. depends on the person but it's not 'a shitload of cash' unless you maybe have no regular expenses at all
No. 105213
>>105212She's probably overwhelmed and will return eventually, it's not the first time she has taken a sudden break
(also please sage your blogposting)
No. 105219
>>105067Lol does anyone believe this bullshit? Yeah I'm sure someone with $20k to spare would be dumb enough to lend it to an egirl and expect her to pay back.
She's just having another unrelated meltdown phase. She'll be back.
No. 105230
tbh I’m waiting for the why I quit of vid, or I’m being abused video. Or I love of and I feel empowered vid with visible bruising.