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No. 286133
old thread hit limit
> Venus youtube celeb since she was 11/12 years old > Has been on various tv shows, travelled country to country by her mother speaking fuck knows how many languages> Never went to school/was homeschooled> Her mother Margret basically used Venus for $$$ > Venus escaped her crazy money sponging controlling mother and leapt into the hands of her visa cough husband Manaki > Currently resides in Tokyo now living life and still hiding from her mother who continues to try stalking/harassing Veenos! > Venus is still social awkward but may gradually be making friends alas Taylor R Youtube: /venusangelic
IG: Venus_Angelic
No. 286166
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Her deleted post was also a good option for the new thread..
>That's so common here!!
>it was all Manaki's idea!!1
No. 286194
Lol it's an imageboard for gossiping. Why are we required to lick this weeb's ass again?
People act like Venus was locked up in a bell tower for 18+ years. Lolno. She went to a normal school in Switzerland, Tenerife and the Netherlands. She was "homeschooled" for 2 years, poor baby. She was with Manaki in Japan, hung out with some people in Korea and was obviously left alone long enough to pack her bags and fuck off, so no prison cell for Venoos. Yes her mother is a shit person, yes she was moved from place to place, yes she has no family, and yes all of that is very sad. But a lot of people have shit parents, sooooo?
Why all the whiteknighting and enabling? People have been making excuses for her shit behavior for as long as she has been on Youtube, there has always been a convenient excuse. On she's still so young, oh it's just a misunderstanding because of her poor English, oh it was probably her evil mom, oh it's all Manaki's fault. When is she supposed to become a normal human being, age 40?
No. 286208
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>>286179at least on lolcow no one freaks out about her attention whoringly stirring up old ED rumors.
No. 286212
>>286166She's still avoiding responsibility lol. Saying it was Manaki's idea but she's still at fault for not punching him in the face??? this is manipulation. and very poor one. 'It's his fault, but hey doodz see!!! I feel a little bit at fault too! but only because I could stop him, and I didn't. But I said I'm sorry rite? RITE???'
jfc what a little child.
No. 286216
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>>286133kek her eyebags looks like pic related
No. 286224
>>286212Preach, anon.
She apologized, and people make mistakes. I get it. But she had to blame someone else for it, shit can never be her fault. That's what is so fucking twisted, but people boohoo poor venus.
Also, the whiteknights need to stop for once and for all. It's always the same BS:
>>but anon her mother was A MONSTER!!1 try living with Margo! so abusive!So? Many snowflakes have shitty families, but don't get sympathy at all.
>>But anon, our brains only stop developing at 25!! It's not her fault, she's still so young!!Many snowflakes are young, but if same brain excuse was given in their behalf, people would say "that doesn't matter, she's over 18". Kiki and Kaka are also both under 25, as well as Luna and many others.
If you want to feel bad for someone maybe visit the Hartley thread? I swear to god those two girls get so much hate just for existing when the only look there is their mom, but you almost never see anyone defend them. Meanwhile this weeb gets tons of spergy whiteknights.
If Venus' threads
trigger the fuck out of you, just hide them.
No. 286254
I lol every time people say your brain doesn't stop developing until you're 25, like that somehow means you have the brainpower of a tadpole until you reach that magical age and suddenly know everything. We spend all of our lives improving our social skills and learning from the mistakes that we make. All the whiteknights who kiss her ass no matter what prevent her from doing just that, and she's already 10+ years behind.
If you're old enough to work, rent an apartment, borrow from a bank, drive, get married etc., you're old enough to google "sincere apology". It ain't hard:
>I would like to apologize for the tasteless April Fools "joke" I have posted a couple of days ago. Many people accuse Manaki of being a pervert or a pedophile because of our age gap, which is frustrating and ridiculous to me because I know him and how much of a wonderful person he is. I wanted to make fun of the people who spread crazy rumors about us, but I understand now that my post came across as really offensive. A lot of you have told me you were upset because you were molested yourselves, which I was really shocked to read. I am very sorry that I hurt your feelings, please rest assured that I never intended to ridicule or belittle any victims of sexual harassment. In the future I promise I will be more considerate of other people, and think before posting.
The joke really wasn't that big of a deal, but neither is typing up like 4-5 sentences that come across as semi-genuine.
No. 286260
>>286250It was more like: Report people because this is not a fan club, they are just white knighting and making excuses.
And we were talking about white knights, not "people who discuss here", white knights just argue with everyone.
No. 286271
>>286254If she had said anything remotely like that she could've improved her situation sooo fucking much. Sorry you screwed things up, Venus.
>>286260Exactly. Discussion isn't the problem. The problem is the furious white knighting that always happens in Venus' threads. People use the same lame excuses (margo, age, poor victim) and that's stupid af.
No. 286293
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To everybody who thinks poor Venoos was ~isolated~ for years: Look at this blog entry back from when she was 14-ish and going to a normal school in Tenerife. She could have had plenty of chances socializing with normal kids her own age, but she thought she was too good for them. No. 286296
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More talking shit about her classmates. Poor victim.
No. 286299
>>286271>>286286No one whiteknighted her here though. Everyone agrees that that "joke" was really stupid. People are just pointing out that everyone makes mistakes and that at least she didn't just baleet the post and act like it never happened, like most cows do.
>>286293>>286296This is old af and perfectly normal for someone her age to write, at the time. Dry milk.
No. 286308
>>286299I'm one of the anons who brought up the whiteknighting. Yes, it hasn't happened in this thread yet but it had happened in the last replies posted in the last one.
Also it's a common problem so it's good to remind spergelics they need to fuck off. I do like Venus but reading the same excuses whenever she does something stupid is really annoying.
No. 286347
>>286329Wow, I didn't realize she was forced to change 5 schools, 4 of which were in various foreign languages she had to learn.
That's worse than I thought it was.
No. 286349
>>286305Ahm, no, she apologized publicly.
>>286308yes, I agree whiteknighting should be kept to a minimum. It just doesn't make sense to keep beating a dead horse.
>>286329Not an excuse to her joke, but having an abusive mother could still isolate her from her peers. Isolation doesn't have to be physical. Changing environments that often makes it almost impossible to form meaningful relationships. And we all remember how Margo used to push away fans who wanted to talk to Venus at cons and badmouthed any "friend" as soon as they stopped being useful.
No. 286359
>>286312Yeah…but this is also the case with many snowflakes.
Lolcow is a gossiping board, not a fansite/hugbox.
What are you doing here? Go back to PULL you hypocrite.
No. 286375
This thread is PULL-tier.
>>286359>not a fansite/hugbox.If it's not a fucking hugbox, then why are you guys licking her asshole so hard? Serious question. There's no milk.
No. 286381
>>286349School is still an environment where you are being exposed to different influences apart from your parents and can maybe learn a social skill or two. If her mother doesn't like her friends, so what? Her mother didn't like Manaki either and she managed to stay in touch with him. Judging by her blog posts a lot of her isolation was by choice.
>There's no milk.Then wtf are you doing here? Move on to a different cow you autist.
No. 286420
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>>286329>Venus went to normal schools most of her life Right. Totally normal, stable adolescence.
>Until 11 years old: Switzerland, Thai school>11 - 15 years old: Tenerife, normal school>15 - 17 years old: London, homeschooled>17-18 years old: Netherlands, normal schoolTry this:
- 11 years old: some convent "school" in a Thai Buddhist monastery in Switzerland and 9 months in Bangkok where "mom" took Thai massage classes (no school for you, Venus)
- 12-14 years old: Tenerife, "normal school" (where she arrived at age 12, speaking no Spanish)
- 14-17 years old: London, NO school.
Pimped out to shady "model management agency" immediately on arrival in late 2011 by mommy. Also indiegogo "venus wants to go to school" campaign/scam launched by mommy. No school for Venus, home or otherwise.
- 17-18 years old: Netherlands, "normal school" How long were they there again? Yeah, as I recall 5-6 months total. And how much Dutch did Venus speak when she landed there?
Also, she was dragged to cons in Montreal and Dublin and Otakuthon (wherever that was) in addition to sidetrips to NYC and Hungary during that time so again, no school for Venus.
You're on some kind of obsessive campaign to normalize and minimize the bizarre childhood and adolescence she lived at the hands of her batshit crazy mother like it's your job or something. What's your deal, anyway?
No. 286423
>>286420>You're on some kind of obsessive campaign to normalize and minimize the bizarre childhood and adolescence she lived at the hands of her batshit crazy motherso whats your suggestion? forever excuse her flakey behavior because she is oh-so-poor and such a victim?
she couldnt go to school - big deal. not.
No. 286424
>>286421wait, didnt venus say in one of her IG posts, she wants to maybe go to university in japan after she finished her language school?
how is she going to do that without any proper school degree like A-level diploma or at least a high school diploma?
No. 286443
this thread derails faster than all of margo's ideas to make venoos famoos. if you're gonna bitch at each other, at least goddamn contribute something to the thread with it like
>>286293 or
>>286420 . there is literally no reason to personally insult each other over different perspectives on the same situations and it just makes this thread a wreck.
like jesus christ, venus has become the new taylor r in terms of thread cancer. no one fucking cares about who's a white knight and who's a sperg and calling eachother such accomplishes nothing.
as not to be a hypocrite:
>>286166 whichever anon called it last thread that this was manaki's idea got it spot on, even if that's just venus's story. it's late af and she shouldn't have deleted it again, but at least she addressed it at all.
No. 286754
>>286423>she couldnt go to school - big deal. not.Except yeah, it kind of is. Because
1) isolation from peers/no outside support system
2) no hs diploma means Venoos stays dependent and tied to mommy, can't fly the nest, get a job or live independently. Like clipping the wings of a pet bird so it can't fly, know what I mean? Mommy gets to keep her little performing animal act/moneymaking machine under her control.
Narc 101
No. 286783
>>286772What "excuse?" It's a fact, not an "excuse." And it has nothing to do with why she made that stupid april fools post so you're not even making sense.
Go take a nap or something.
No. 286788
>>286299>People are just pointing out that everyone makes mistakes Aw you are lovely! Please, go and say this in every single thread in lolcow.
>>286418>being a foreigner makes it super hard to make any sort of friendsEh, No, actually it can make you look interesting, and she wrote she had friends. She has a video telling stories about other kids asking her many things. Only you believe she was
>>286424Anon because she has one… she also said she was going to study at a Korean university, remember? She wouldn't be saying this if she didn't have one.
>>286420>You're on some kind of obsessive campaign to normalize and minimize the bizarre childhood and adolescence she lived She went to normal schools all her life and was homeschooled for only 2 years, yeah she lived in different countries, so what? I know people with very similar backgrounds, it's way more common than you think.
>at the hands of her batshit crazy mother like it's your job or something. And you're on some kind of obsessive campaign to make everyone think it's all Margo's fault and to normalize and minimize Venus' weird behavior like it's your job or something.
>>286754>no hs diplomaExcept that she has one? Quit spreading lies
No. 286789
>>286772Only because she ran the fuck away and married Manaki under her nose, enraging the swamp monster and sparking a lifetime of public anti-Venus tirades and stalking.
She didn't live a normal or comfortable life, just fucking deal with it. Stop minimizing her shitty childhood to justify not liking a silly prank (or her, I guess).
No. 286794
>>286789You seem to be the only one not dealing with it, anon. Your asshole seems to bleed every time someone says, "She's responsible for her actions.".
She's an adult. Deal with it.
No. 286798
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>>286790Not the anon you're replying to but
>having to live with morgerot>not a terrible life No. 286802
>>286420>"mom" What's your problem with recognizing Margo is her mother? Why do you refuse to call her mom without the " " , sometimes you call her "it". It's disturbing how obsessed you are with Margo and Venus.
I wonder what Venus thinks about people like Daphne…
No. 286824
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>>286810>like she was on a deserted island with a doll named WilsongelicKEK
Thank you, anon.
No. 286828
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Ahh yes… such a normal, average childhood.
Look at this happy birthday, surrounded by her loved ones and friends*.
> * Japanese men on the internet
No. 286838
>>286828 >Spending her birhday with her mother in a foreign countryOh poor victim!
That's a completely normal picture and it doesn't prove she was isolated.
>Look at this happy birthday, surrounded by her loved ones and friends*.So spending your birthday alone or with your mother or just a few friends is an abusive situation to you?
She spent her birthday with Manaki this year. Is her husband isolating her too?
Then Taylor organized something small for her and it was only Venus and Manaki again for a few hours…
And idk it's just a wild idea but.. maybe she doesn't give a fuck about not having tons of friends and family surronding her in her birthday.
No. 286841
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Why is it impossible to believe she was isolated? There's been other people in the past saying how difficult it was to even speak to her at an event because of her mother.
Does anyone else remember that her mom sent her minor daughter to see the Yandy man?
You're allowed to shit talk and have this thread, but realize there will just people who are sympathetic to her, the best thing you can do is let it go and not reply to the people who are.
All you are doing is derailing your thread and seeming strange with how determined you are to have people agree that she's had a normal life and is perfectly fine.
No. 286843
>>286794Except that's the first and only time I've ever talked about this in these threads.
You try living with Margo for pretty much all of your formative years and see how non-autistic you turn out.
No. 286846
>she's had a normal life and is perfectly fine.No one is saying she had only good moments and that everything was
fine, do you think I agree with everything someone like Margo does? I just said I don't believe the way you spergelics are describing it.
In fact, some of you spergs LIE a lot and manipulate the evidence, like that anon spreading lies like Venus doesn't have a hs diploma to make her situation look worse, and remember that we have evidence of a sperg talking to herself.
No. 286849
>>286844It's ok anon, and I understand your reasons. I'm not discussing that anymore.
She finished school, get over it.
No. 286859
>>286846>spergAnon I've posted a total of 3 times in this thread.its fine if you feel that way but you're so fucking aggressive about it. Just ignore white knights and the thread goes on. Hell, I read the thread either way.
I'm not gonna stay and argue and get banned for derail though so I'm out.
Oh , but I was serious of the Yandy man thing, that was messed up.
No. 286864
Thanks anon.
>>286859Anon, we've been dealing with very angry and dedicated white knights for months in these threads, and believe us, we do try to ignore it but like other anon said , sometimes we need to remind them to fuck off or it gets ridiculous.
No. 286871
>>286864I love this "WE" (the rightful owners and vast majority of this thread, the ones who know the TRUTH) "have to deal with" a few
problem posters (just one or two of course because there can't be that many humans in the world who refuse to see the TRUTH.) If only "we" could just get rid of these annoying little "problems" and get our little hate-boner circlejerk back all to ourselves that would be just great.
Except that your opinion doesn't rule here, and anybody who disagrees is not "a very aggressive white knight." It's just someone who disagrees with you. If you can't handle that it's your problem, not the mods'.
No. 286885
>>286788Has diplomas don't exist in the uk you have to sets of school exams GCSEs (for 16 year olds around 10 subjects each subject is one qualification grades A
best U worst) a and a levels (for 18 year olds usually 3 or subjects same grading system and 1 qualification per subject ) or IBs(usually 1 subject but entails mannnnny things and a ton of coursework graded with numbers I think 40-41 is like an A/A+ )
Don't quote me on this but I'm pretty sure other european countries don't have hs diplomas and instead have sets of exams too and Venus didn't stay in the uk long enough to get the aforementioned qualifications (Im sure it's the same with other countries)
No. 286896
>>286873Wow…is this real?
>>286871>mods'What mods? why are u mentioning mods I didn't say a word about mods ??
No. 286923
>>286871preach. Based on the previous posts, I know that there are at least three of us "white knighting" (lol k) Veenoos in this thread. I didn't realize that showing sympathy for her situation– while still condemning her April Fools joke– elicited some weird, hate-boner jousting between whoever else is here. God forbid people here give situations
context and attempt to identify factors that could explain ridiculous behavior. Again: no one is saying she shouldn't take responsibility for her actions, but it's not even a question as to whether or not her formative years resulted in such socially stunted behavior.
>inb4 go back to PULL>inb4 spergelicshut the fuck up. I'm not a PULL user and am rather indifferent about Venus. Moreover, insulting someone doesn't invalidate their argument. but hey, lolcow is so much more mature than PULL right??
No. 286926
>>286923I'm unrelated to this discussion (never go into Venus threads because of all this sperging) but to me PULL users are the ones who nitpick and hate on her the most out of jealousy, not the whiteknights, though there are some. Like the whole yellowfacing tumblr bullshit which was a discussion so PULL it made my head hurt.
Lolcow has been infested by PULL lately and it's getting unbearable, honestly. You can feel the drop from previous seagulls to PULL users, at least I can.
No. 286928
>>286923how difficult is it for you to understand that no one gives a shit lmao. no one pities her. no one cares. newsflash: we have a thread dedicated to making memes of microcefaly children, another for mocking a literal skeleton, one plagued with neckbeards mocking the fat wife of a gamer, and one for belittling the fact a drug addict lives in filth. god forbid we call venus an autist for the stupid shit she does. i don't know where you or anyone else got the impression we have a moral code here, but we don't.
dakota grew up in a borderline abusive household without friends or a job, and she was also homeschooled. and she grew into a loser with bdd who became the bitch of the head of her agency just so she didn't return home to her family. do we give a shit? do we pity her? do we whiteknight her? no. because all of these people have the opportunity to better themselves like other people in their situations have. they're also grown fucking adults. we meme our way through watching a girl starve herself into a skeleton and you…. are actually surprised the margo pity card is losing its effectiveness lmao. 2bad4u.
make a blog where you can all express your opinions as you please. stop forcing people to share the same one as you and get over it.
No. 286931
>>286928No one cares about your opinions, either, but you're still here typing diarrhea and messing up the thread with your autistic screeching at anyone showing a modicum of critical thinking skills.
No one's obliged to mindlessly shit on any cow/snowflake just because it's what you want and others might get the same treatment. I know you want to fit in really badly, but please go back to PULL.
No. 286936
>>286928>make a blog where you can all express your opinions as you please. stop forcing people to share the same one as you and get over it.But you're doing exactly this by trying to silence those who are identifying her childhood as the root of her autistic behavior. You're expressing your opinions right now. Stop trying to silence those who disagree with you.
Having a head in reality =/= white knighting. Jfc, go to high school and get some critical thinking skills. Moreover, I don't give a shit how effective the "Margo pity card" is. I'm pretty sure those of us talking about Veenoos' background in this thread are just expressing our opinion and giving her autistic behavior some context. I don't give a fuck whether or not you agree. I am free to express my opinion. Sorry that you and your other hate-boner-enraged friends feel the need to sperg out about it.
>>286926Really? I always assumed the PULL users were the ones who tried to
legitimately white knight her, hence why so many people are quick to condemn those of us simply applying some context to a situation. Good to know.
No. 286937
>>286926This. It's so obvious that these people (if they're more than 1, there seems to be a lot of samefagging) are new as fuck and have something personal against Venus. I believe they're the same sperging about "yellowface".
For the new idiots, if you had been here during all the previous drama you'd know Venus had everything but a "normal childhood". That doesn't come into question.
And just a friendly reminder that you are all shitting up this threat because of one stupid instagram post that has already been removed and which she has already adressed. Has shit to do with her childhood and is also not milk.
No. 286941
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oh my fucking god, who the hell cares what y'all think.
No. 286949
>>286945Then have fun.
Actually it's the other way around, many fangelics hate Taylor, just check YT comments in their videos together. Tay is nice (imo), and I've never read a negative comment about Taylor in Venus' threads.
No. 286951
>>286928>We. We. We.You're like a broken record. Speak for yourself. Don't police the thread like a nerd who thought she was in with cool kids.
If your disappointment with the lack of edge can't be contained, report the "offensive" posts and let the moderators deal with it.
>>286941I care about what I think.
So… where the fuck is Manaki during all this? He hasn't posted anything or responded. It would have at least made Venus look a bit better if they had made a joint clarification.
No. 286953
>>286296is it just me or is this kind of shit really indicative of the way she was raised? esp. the way she says 'if i don't, i may get menopause'. that's straight-up margo. what kind of 14-year-old thinks about menopause, welfare moms, or uses those terms as a slur against other girls? it just reinforces this idea in my head that she was parroting her mother & this perverse ideal of 'purity' that margo thought would cater to older japanese men looking for kawaii euro jailbait.
raising children is a hell of a drug.
No. 286956
>>286953sorry, samefag from
>>286954 , but I didn't see this post originally..
The blogpost does sound exactly like Margo. It's nitpicking because she was fucking 14, but jesus, that blog only underscores how much of a toxic influence the river kappa was.
No. 286964
>>286951I'm a different anon and I agree with everything anon said here
>>286928 ,so yes she can say
WE all she wants, because anon is not alone in that one. Fuck off
>>286923>God forbid people here give situations context and attempt to identify factors that could explain ridiculous behavior. Aw look at you! always trying to understand, giving a context and being fair, you're so right, so much hate itt for no reason… but anon why do you limit your kindness? Please give some context to the rest of the girls in this site, I'd love to see that.
No. 286970
>>286969actually some are saying exactly that.
"look at her childhood! she was a victim of margurt! she cant help herself! no wonder she is going apeshit like her mother who influenced her after all! poor little veenoos!"
No. 286975
>>286953Stop tinfoil hatting anon, if you read the blogpost in its entirety you will notice that she said "menopause" because in the very next sentence she whines about the girls in her class being "premature". She was mocking her classmate for being a normal 14 year-old and texting/crushing on a boy.
But maybe it was Maghag's spirit temporarily entering her body. Or maybe Maghag wrote the blog entry herself because we know she had access to all her social media accounts and made 99,9% of all her posts.
No. 286980
>>286970No one said any of that, though. You just turn fucking psychotic when people don't have a huge hateboner for her, as evidenced by your constant samefagging/screaming.
Ctrl+F "victim" 6 results, the only relevant one being someone (sarcastically) saying "Oh poor victim!"
Ctrl+F "can't help herself" 0 results
Ctrl+F "poor venus" 1 result. Another sarcastic post.
No. 286994
>>286990It's not that she isn't a tard, she's just not funny. Like, the above examples are funny because they're retarded. Venus…isn't? She's not funny because she isn't actually retarded nor does she behave retardedly. And trying to take the moral high ground isn't really going to work in your favor here. "B-but talking about retards is bad, but it's ok if I talk about a girl who was abused!" None of what we do here is ok, really. Just don't bother lol. We're bitches, just accept it.
By all means, feel free to tard out yourself over Venus not actually being interesting to talk about. I'm not the only anon here voicing an opinion otherwise. But I really don't see anything to talk about here except "SEE! VENUS DID GO TO SCHOOL ONCE!" and "VENUS IS RACIST BECAUSE SHE WEARS JAPANESE MAKEUP!!!!" Honestly what is there to talk about that's lolzy? Please.
No. 287004
>>286994No shit we're bitches. That's why I don't understand why so many anons are so protective of Venoos. We have threads about literal mental retards, a skeleton and two kids who are little more than fleshbags. And people are cool with it. But in Venus' thread everybody flips her lid because her mom is not nice. I'm not upset about retards being discussed here and want people to stop, my argument is that a lot of people on this site are in a worse situation than Venus so I don't understand why people make excuses for her. Plenty of flakes are worse off and they don't get a carte blanche.
Humor is subjective. Venus isn't the shit person people make her out to be, she doesn't lie about rape or scam you. But I find her cringy. She types and acts like a sperg and her attempts at humor are bizarre. And yes I find that amusing. If you don't. Cool. Fuck off. You're free to bitch about Kiki's thin hair, Kota's nasolabial folds or some random cosplayer's wrong wig color if you think that's more productive.
No. 287009
>>286994>We're bitches, just accept it.Then why you are so
triggered by this thread? Lol you are a massive hypocrite
No. 287023
>>287016(It is a little bit spergy because it has nothing to do with Venoos. But then again, this entire thread has become a shitshow.)
If you don't think Venoos is a cow, go away and let the thread die naturally. Do not bump threads of people you don't think should be discussed. You're not helping.
If you think Venus is a cow then cool. Maybe turn it down a notch tho, her joke was retarded but it's not like she killed her hamster (wink wink)
No. 287089
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>>286788>no hs diploma>Except that she has one? Quit spreading liesWhat hs diploma? When and from where? Pics or it didn't happen.
(Guess what? It didn't happen.)
>She went to normal schools all her life and was homeschooled for only 2 years, Yeah, that didn't happen either.
She lived at a Thai Buddhist temple with mommy from age 11-13 (2008-2010) except for 4 months in Bangkok, Thailand (July 2008- Oct. 2008) when mommy took classes in Thai massage. Not "normal school."
Then they moved to Tenerife from 2010-early 2012, when Venus was age 13-14. Tenerife is a tiny island off the coast of Africa, a vacation spot in the middle of nowhere. mommy was working as a waitress or something, living out her fantasies of being a 20-something vagabond gypsy (except she was in her mid-late 30's, oops.) Venus apparently did attend school during that time, such as it was in a place like that. Her "formal education" ended there, when she turned 15.
From age 15 on there was no school. Can we just dispense with the "she was HOMESCHOOLED" crap? You think margo was buying textbooks, giving her lessons in Algebra, Geometry, Biology, Chemistry, World History, Literature and everything else she'd need to qualify for a hs diploma, giving her exams, grading homework etc. etc? No, that didn't happen.
You need to quit "spreading lies," dear.
No. 287098
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>>286854>OT but on Pull in the venus thread there is drama going down because of a mod ignoring WK's and Going OFF on people that simply ask questions and arnt all up venus's ass>>286873>OT just an 1 time update: now users on pull are bannedSo your little band of crazies got yourselves banned from PULL, then ran here to continue your raging Veenoos hateboner? That's some margo-level obsessive shit right there.
No. 287153
>>287089Didn't you post the exact same textwall yesterday? Creepy amount of detail I must say.
Idk anything about the Thai temple because I don't remember. I tried searching for Thai schools in Switzerland in German and English and the only thing that popped up was a Swiss school in Bangkok. I found the old picture of the beauty contest Venus posted, and she said it was during a cultural festival in Switzerland. Someone asked about it, and all she said is she "went to the temple" for 3 years. Did not find anything about living or attending school there, so idk.
I don't know why Tenerife being a remote island/tourist destination matters so much. They still have schools lmao. Education is not the best there but it exists. She used to brag about how her English was better than her English teacher's English, so she likely wasn't that much behind her peers at that point.
She went to a regular school in the Netherlands btw (as in, a school for immigrants). Despite the fact that she most likely did not learn all that much while Maghag was "homeschooling" her, she seemed to be doing okay there as well because Marg posted her grades online and they were not bad (except for sports lel).
I also do not believe that she finished school, though. They left for Japan before she could have taken her finals in the Netherlands, so either she does not have a HS diploma or she did it online somehow.
No. 287164
>>287153Yeah, like I said…they lived at the Wat Thai Buddhist temple in Switzerland for 2 years when Venus was 10-12. That's when she won that beauty contest. "Normal school?" Doubt it.
And they were in the Netherlands for a total of maybe 9 months, during which time marge was busy exhibiting her show dog at cons (Dublin, Ireland and Montreal, Canada) in addition to dragging her along on trips to NYC, Chicago and Hungary, so I doubt there was much time for "normal school" since marge was on the road with her travelling Venus sideshow most of that time.
In summary:
- no "normal school"
- no "normal life"
No. 287194
>>287186Speaking of reading comprehension, Maghag said they went to the temple for three years to attend courses and a thai festival.
Where does it say that they lived in a temple?
Where does it say that she didn't also go to a normal school during that time?
Idk if you speak German but if you consult the temple's website…… you will realize that this temple has neither a school nor guest rooms. They offer courses about various aspects of thai culture, yes. But it's not a school.
I quote:
>LernangebotBuddhistische Geschichte und Lehre Buddhas (Religionsunterricht)
Buddhistische Zeremonien und Beten
Sprachunterricht: Thai für deutschsprachige
Sprachunterricht: Deutsch für Thais
Thailändische Kultur Thai-Klassik Tanz
Thai Boxen
>Educational offer:Buddhist history and Buddha's teachings (religious education)
Buddhist ceremonies and prayers
Language classes: Thai for german speakers
Language classes: German for thai speakers
Thai culture
Thai dance
Thai boxing
Thai wood carving
Thai musical instruments
Thai massage
>Der Unterricht findet jeweils am Sonntag, von 11:00 bis 16:30 Uhr statt.
>Classes are held on sundays from 11:00 to 16:30
>They do not have guest rooms
>They only offer courses on sundays
>It's not a school
>They didn't live in a temple
>They attended courses there over the course of 3 years
>There is no reason to assume Venus didn't also attend a normal school in Switzerland
>She also attended a normal school in Tenerife
>That means she attended normal schools until age 15
>Reading comprehension No. 287197
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Her kid don't need no stinking school. marge got no time for that.
(HyperJapan 2012)
No. 287201
>>287194>There is no reason to assume Venus didn't also attend a normal school in SwitzerlandProve it.
There is every reason to think she did NOT "attend normal school in Switzerland." Her mother is batshit crazy. Her kid's life was that of an organ grinder's monkey for mommy to leech off from the age of 15 on and before that she lived like a gypsy, dragged around by her delusional mommy living her vagabonding dream.
No. 287221
>>287201Why don't you prove that she didn't go to a normal school? Your version of events already turned out to be bullshit. Isn't the burden of proof supposed to be on you now?
But sure, let's look at the facts.
Venus and Marg lived in Aargau. I found the following information about homeschooling in Aargau:
>Die Bundesverfassung sieht keine Schulpflicht vor, nur ein Recht auf Bildung. Heimunterricht ist kantonal geregelt: Das Tessin verbietet es ganz, Solothurn oder Baselland verlangen ein Lehrpatent.Im Aargau reicht eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung oder höhere Schule. Die Bewilligung gibt die örtliche Schulpflege. Die Lernziele des kantonalen Lehrplans werden jährlich von Schulinspektoren kontrolliert.
Fünfmal pro Woche muss unterrichtet werden: in der Primarschule täglich mindestens zwei und in der Oberstufe drei Stunden.
Bei Nichterfüllen der Anforderung kann ein Übertritt in die Regelschule angeordnet werden.
>According to the Swiss constitution, attending school is not obligatory. However, children have a right to education. Whether homeschooling is allowed, limited or forbidden depends on the canton.
>In Aargau, everyone with a completed education is allowed to homeschool.
>If you do decide to homeschool, there will be yearly inspections to make sure that your children meet all the required milestones
>It is obligatory to teach five times a week, for at least 2-3 hours at a time depending on the child's age
>If you do not manage to meet these goals, you may be asked to send your kid to a regular school So the requirements are relatively lax but you cannot half-ass it if you do it.
Homeschooling is also not very common, according to the article there have been about 70 homeschooled kids out of 70,000 and that was in 2014. You bet the number was even lower ten years ago.
Some more facts:
>Venus went to a regular school in Tenerife
>Venus went to a regular school in the Netherlands
>Marg attempted to send Venus to a regular school in England but was too incompetent to sign her daughter up. She repeatedly bitched about not having been able to do so.
>Margaret is a narcissist. Narcissists do not give a shit abour anyone but themselves
>Venus did not have a YT channel before moving to Tenerife so Marg could not have used her daughter as a cash cow yet
>If you have to spend 2-3 hours a day five times a week teaching your kid, that is time you cannot spend on yourself.Do I have definite proof that she went to a regular school in Switzerland? No, of course not. I do not stalk any of them and can only go by what they share online.
I do know for a fact that they did nor live in a temple and only ever had dancing lessons.
And considering the amount of effort you have to out into homeschooling, its unpopularity in Switzerland and Marg's blatant narcissism, I find it highly unlikely that she would have put that much effort into Venus' education when there is an easy way out.
I genuinely believe the only reason why Venus didn't attend a regular school in Great Britain is because of Marg's incompetence. She went to regular schools in all other places.
No. 287243
This thread has turned to shit in the past couple of days. I haven't posted anything, but I feel like throwing my two cents in and hope it all blows over when everyone is bored of talking about this.
>>286885Venus was in the UK when she should have been doing her GCSEs or at least starting them, hence wanting donations for the German school.
>>286984I agree. Venus's milk isn't funny. It's always just a bit off coloured because you think she's not very socially developed.
For me personally I give Venus the benefit of the doubt, because she has missed out a lot on growing socially. This whole debate over whether Venus went to regular school during the Thai period is kind of irrelevant. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't at that time you don't get any qualifications from it. What I think causes people to be more empathetic for her is that moving around so much it's difficult to create life long friendships.
Margo taught Venus to look down on and distrust other people, i.e. in Tenerife Venus thought that all the other students were lazy and distracted, which is judgemental (taught behaviour) and unrealistic for kids. Margo didn't like English girls especially because she thought they were all slags, which probably amped up Venus's "I'm so innocent, even grandma underwear is too sexy" phase. Any Youtube friend that Venus could have made, Margo talked shit about them.
As book smart as I think Venus is/had the potential to be I don't think she's that socially developed. No sign of childhood friends. Not in contact with any biological family, she could but she doesn't trust any of them at all. Even now as an adult, she can't take a joke. You can tell she's not actually autistic because of how well she does treat Taylor and interact with her, but you can sense the hurt when Taylor teases her. Now she is dependant on Manaki who is kinda odd any way.
For Venus to overcome this she has to experience the real world. She's not used to close non-dependant relationships. I think this is where the divide comes along where you either think "well she's been away from her narc mother, she should have grown out of it by now" or you go "she doesn't know anything else apart from how she is now". It depends on how you view her intentions as well. For example her blaming the April fools joke on Manaki (which did leave a bad taste in my mouth) you could either see it as "margo has taught Venus to always blame other people (directly or indirectly)" or "venus is a fundamentally shitty person".
No. 287273
>>286990>just fucking leave. yippieyayeah.
there is still lot of milk.
>>287010>just do yourself a favor and fuck off.>>286994as soon as you leave, we can stop the discussion "milk or not" and make fun of her again.
>>287098>So your little band of crazies got yourselves banned from PULL, then ran here to continue your raging Veenoos hateboner? That's some margo-level obsessive shit right there.which is probably the reason why this thread is so infested by spergelics and the whole thread went down the drain.
No. 287323
>>287197>attending an event together What a horrible situation! How that old woman dares to go with her child and dress like an idiot in such an elegant event like HyperJapan ?? Why is she at a convention full of other kids? they should be at school, maybe it was on a weekend but they should be at school!
Sage for blog but we, flat earthers always claim that public education sucks because they don't teach the truth about the earth and other serious theories so we homeschool our kids. We make videos about it all the time (see sunnypeaches) B-but Venus is different!! V-venus should be at school rurronded with friends and be the first of her class, not at a convention as a celebrity!
No. 287393
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I lol'd…
Dakota wrote a long apology letter, did you nice girls forgive her after that?
The problem with VA discussions is that it's full of hypocrisy and irony.
No. 287495
>>287393Dakota's apology was BS though.
Also why do you keep mentioning Dakota and her/Venus' lack of education and socialisation? Seems like both are very personal to you, sperg.
No. 287711
>>286824Going through all the shit posted yesterday was worth it for this, anon
>>287526Different anon here but the eyelashes are pretty cute if you don't mind that they look fake. those eyebags though, ugh. They look like saggy balls sacks
No. 287773
>They look like saggy balls sacks OH GOD, can not unsee.
There are somethings in the Asia beauty world that are genuinely cute and lovely, but I'll never understand the desire for eye bags. Venus' look like scrotums, Taylor's make her eyes look like vags, Dakota's look like flakey wrinkles and others just blatantly look like brown shit smears under their eyes.
No. 288204
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>>287323>attending an event together >What a horrible situation! How that old woman dares to go with her child and dress like an idiot in such an elegant event like HyperJapan ?? Why is she at a convention full of other kids? they should be at school, maybe it was on a weekend but they should be at school! One event is fine. Being dragged to them constantly by your batshit crazy "mom" with her middle-aged ass stuck to your side like a tick trying to outdo you because she wants to BE you is a problem.
And yeah, she should have been in school. Why does this seem the slightest bit "normal" to you, and why does it need to be explained to you?
No. 288206
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If you think living with this unstable psycho freak her whole life was anything but a total nightmare I don't know what to say to you. This is not "normal." You can try to rewrite history all you want but facts are facts.
No. 288251
>>288204>More normal picturesChild celebrities attend several events, such is life, deal with it.
She was invited as a special guest several times by the organizer, not "dragged" by her mom, don't be ridiculous, she was a very popular youtuber, and she loves the living doll thing and being a celeb, wasn't that her dream anyway?
"I want to live in Japan and be as famous as Britney Spears"And those events are full of kids, and I know girls that used to attend to every single cosplay convention they could and did well at school too.
Stop comparing someone's life with your own ideas of how someone is supposed to live his/her life.
No. 288273
>>287497Ty anon <3
>>287711They're pretty cute but those eye bags on the other hand…
No. 288310
>>288204I can tell you're the same sperg who thought Venus and Marg lived in an actual temple for 3 years straight lmao.
Why are you so buttblasted about this? Yes she has a shitty mom but a lot of people have. You're trying sooooooo hard to make Venus' childhood seem worse than it was.
She didn't even go to that many cons. Maybe 3 in England, and 3 more while in the Netherlands. Staying in school would have been more productive, but she definitely wasn't shipped around the country attending one con after the other.
No idea why you're so mad about her going to cons when they add up to maybe 15 missed days of school per year. We had theater/art/science groups at school who missed entire weeks because they performed their plays or went to exhibits. It's not a huge deal.
There are a lot of things that went wrong in her life but you know someone is really reaching when they're butthurt because of the 5-ish cons she ever attended in her life. I'm sure she really suffered.
No. 288326
>>288206Manaki was a psychopath brainwashing Venus, now Venus is a psychopath brainwashing Manaki. Before that, Margaret implied the girl from J&K Contact Lenses(Kelly?) was a psychopath because she called them out for accepting free lenses without the promised review. Beckii was the sadistic ringleader of a cyber bullying group and her dad was helping her(Margaret said it made Venus' hair fall out, she lost weight and self-harmed. Familiar…). Xiaorishu was another scary booly that made poor Mags suicidal and contact the police. Even accused Anastasiya Shpagina of being a twisted person who sent numerous threats to Venus, yet gave no proof. I'm forgetting all the others that Mamagelic, not Venus, called psychos, stalkers and bullies.
See a pattern, Venus-didn't-have-it-so-bad anons? Don't forget all the old tumblr call-out blogs that consistently cited Margo as the problem almost from the beginning. You want to appear a neutral party with that "Oh, yeah. Of course Marge is crazy too" but you don't acknowledge the lasting affect that social environment has on a growing child. Material things, travel and fame don't mean shit when your mother behaves that way. Abusive parents bribe their children all the time.
Just look again at those archives of blogs and emails Margaret herself wrote, how she constantly manipulated and lied about situations while claiming to just be a concerned mother. All the time, for years. Just add it all up, see how she never stopped and take into consideration everything we DIDN'T see. Venus was the golden child and then the monster. "I love my daughter/she's not even human/I love my daughter". All the the other girls were nasty whores who were jealous of Margaret's perfect, virgin dolly daughter but then Venus was going to end up an autistic psychopathic whore in Hungary. C'mon. You can't imagine how often Venus heard that extreme back and forth? That's a textbook emotionally abusive relationship. You don't just get over that in a year or two like it never happened. No, that doesn't mean Venus can't take responsibility for her cringe-worthy online activity or fix her shitty makeup. Yes, she needs therapy badly and she needs to listen to constructive criticism.
Inb4 Daphne, Spergelic, Venus herself.
>>288310Not that anon, but I don't think most people, ass-licker or not, would see going to cons and fun events with your mom as a bad thing. But the way Margaret micromanaged everything, became either a barrier between Venus and her peers or made herself inseparable part of the deal at those events(nobody needs her in a photo when they came to see Venus), was weird. Her desire for individual fame and co-opting her daughter's image was very weird. How many of your friends have moms like that, wedging them self into everything, mirroring every interest of that child, trying to attract their child's middle school followers and branding themselves as the creator of that person, rather than supportive parent?
No. 288342
>>288326Holy shit you're way too invested in this. Take your pills anon I worry about u.
I don't think anybody is trying to deny that Marg is a shitty person. We're all on the same page there. But a lot of kids suffer way worse and still manage to function in normal society so I don't know why this particular cow is the only one to get a free pass.
All the people coddling her are hindering her from becoming normal. Literally anything she does gets blamed on someone else. Everything is still Marg's fault even though she's a
married woman who has left the nest a year ago. Once her YT career is over she'll be very surprised to learn how the real world works.
No. 288361
>>288342Nobody is coddling her here, we're just not traumatized by her making a joke on AF day because : it makes sense, fits her and Manaki's sense of humor which we already know is
inappropriate, is actually funny.
On the anniversary of Margo attacking her YT channel, they created Margo's perfect fantasy of Manaki being the pedophile stalker with a
pattern of behaviour. I personally laughed my ass off.
Why are you here on lolcow of all places getting your panties in a bunch over it? You can laugh at two retarded kids with half their skull missing but V making fun of her crazy mom calling Manaki a pedo is too much for you?
I wish she didn't apologize for it, really, it's not her fault if some of her followers are too dumb to get it.
No. 288403
>>288361Her fanbase is 12yo weebs (and you). ~Inappropriate humor~ is a great addition to her online persona.
She's too socially inept for edgy humor. It comes across as cunty and she folds like a paper towel the moment she gets any backlash (yellowfacing, chikan joke).
>Venus is a master troll she gives zero fucks XDTfw you use your professional social media account to accuse your spouse of sexual harassment.
O yea and fuelling the delusions of your insane stalker narc mom is always a great idea. Maybe she'll come over and bring her new knife idk. If she's smart she'd leave Marg the fuck alone, never mention her, never contact her and never provoke her.
Even if you don't consider the
triggered SJW speds this was still a shit idea.
Btw you should really tone it down a notch. You're a tad bit spergy.
No. 288408
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>>288403Please, spare me the faux concern for her <3fanbase<3 and her professional image as a youtuber, her channel was never 12yo friendly don't act new now.
If she wants to fuck with her mom it's her right to do so. Too bad it didn't lead anywhere, I was hoping for some fresh Margo milk.
No. 288457
>>288361Venus childhood was shit, yeah we get it.
You keep saying the same thing since the first thread is up. Again and again and again…Can you stop now?
No. 288462
>>288361>we're not traumatized >we already knowi like how people turn their tone to the majestic plural to justify their own opinions.
"we" dont give a fuck, if you thought it was hilarious, your majesty. it was severly autistic.
but sure, 12 year old autismo weebs who just discovered the internet will find it funny.
No. 288466
>>288408>her channel was never 12yo friendlyYea VA always drops the hypest nudes. Her channel is sesame street for weaboos.
>If she wants to fuck with her mom it's her right to do so.No shit, she can also carve a swastika into her forehead if she wants to. That doesn't make it a good idea tho.
>Tfw you're so desperate to whiteknight that your argument is literally leave her alone she can do what she wants!!!1! No. 288476
>>288326>essay "My Venus"Jesus…
Fuck. you LOVE to write shit. Hahaha
No. 288480
I never comment in this thread because I like venus and I have no need to try and stop people from talking shit because thats what this thread is for, and its annoying as fuck when people do it in other threads and venus is no exception. So for those WK's like … I get it… but also you need to look at shit from a realistic point of view.
your fave IS problematic. and that's ok.
Yes shes been abused and has grown up without proper socialization etc etc, all factors that can effect her behaviour yeah i know i get it I used to give her that excuse all the time.
BUT she is a person of influence on the internet, and a majority of her fans are people who genuinely care and worry for her due to her sad backstory.
Making that joke on AF seriously had me worried, I felt so broken hearted for her thinking that the only person she had as a constant turned out to be as bad as her crazy mother was making him out to be.
Finding out that was just a joke - never to be spoken of or acknowledged by her again is really upsetting, and then when she DID mention it, she blamed it all on manaki was almost worse. There is literally no excuse for it, there is no reason to continue to argue her innocence and how "we're cool with it xD so let it go" because…. no one should be cool with it, no matter how much you stan her.
Just because someones been abused and gone thru some shit does NOT excuse them from being an asshole and doing stupid shit. You can have depression and anxiety and still be a fuckwad and no one has to feel sorry or put up with it because of ur condition. she's in control of her actions, and should be careful what she decides to take lightly on a public platform. It makes her look dishonest, especially when involving serious topics.
She should know better. That's the end of that.
And if u love venus and are gonna get triggered when u see people talking shit, then don't come in here and try and change peoples minds. It's annoying no matter who's thread it is.
sage because long af post
No. 288484
>>288480samefagging to add
that she is especially dumb for doing so because she is known for making very sensitive posts experessing her feelings and especially during all that was going on with her mom during that time, and then deleting them
so how was anyone who took is seriously just "too dumb not to catch the humor" when that's exactly her style of expressing herself on instagram during extremely sensitive and serious times in her life.
Just accept the fact that is was stupid, she fucked up. Doesn't make her evil or anyshit, she can still be ur fave, stop trying to argue it because there is no point.. you will get no where besides mudding up a thread and getting frustrated
No. 288487
>>288393>sperg sperg sperg - Sperg, April 2017.
Just accept it, you are more than obsessed with the girl…
No. 288499
>>288342I barely write in this thread and had just saved up some thoughts. Sorry for the text wall but it shouldn't make you or anyone assume anything about my emotional investment unless I indicated it was personally affecting me.
These people that have gone through worse and transioned flawlessly into adulthood: are you one of them, anon? That's really amazing because I know few people like that. They are not horrible people but their screwed up childhood experiences haunt them for life. It never leaves you. I don't excuse Venus' bad decision-making, but it is obvious she was strongly influenced by her mother in a negative way and Margaret doesn't get off the hook for what she created because she is no longer there.
>>288476Everyone's the same person or they want to eat Venus' ass, right, tinfoil hat anon?
No. 288517
>>288499look, i get where ur coming from but you really can't blame margo for shit that venus does. She didn't have her mother whispering in her ear to post that, she doesn't talk to her mom, she doesn't follow her or associate her at all anymore.
This was a planned joke, there was a lot of detail. at some point she could have thought "you know what, lets do something else, I don't think people will like this" but she didn't. She's been on the internet long enough to know what is appropriate and what isn't.
you can not make excuses for someone their whole life because of what happened to them in the past. The past can haunt you, it can stay with you, but there is a point where you can decide whether or not ur going to take control of ur life instead of letting ur past run it for you. and if you decide to wallow in it forever and blame it for every shitty mistake you've made - than that is your choice therefore still making ur mistakes ur responsibility.
There is no correlation between posting a planned and thought out "joke" about your husband going to jail for molestation of a minor, and having a mentally abusive narc as a mother who you no longer talk to or associate with. I'm sorry, but that is no excuse.
No. 288536
>>288517Every time I read comments blaming V's past or mother or boyfriend I can't help but to giggle. Its almost like they're saying V's too retarded to think for herself or grow in the right direction.
I think she's a pretty smart girl and is well aware of the difference between bad-vs-good. I dunno why her supporters argue that she's too stunt or incapable to tell the difference. I mean she did acknowledge that her mothers choices were bad, so why wouldn't she be able to tell that her own are ? She was also smart enough to not engage in Margo thru social media or open her mouth. This all just seems like V pulling the wool over everyone because she knows people will fall back on the "well she did have a horrible past", and by not taking blame or acknowledging it the cycle will continue.
No. 288584
>>288540Do you have any examples of Venus lying recently? I'm not asking because I don't believe you, I just haven't been following her that closely. I'm not aware of any real drama apart from yellowface-sperging and aprilfoolsgate.
Sage for no contribution and general cluelessness.
No. 288602
>>286421"never got offered a public school place"
I live in the UK and I don't understand why she wouldn't get offered a place? Everyone gets a place…
>>286841Fuck, Yan is scary looking, how would a mother be comfortable with that… thing near her daughter.
>>287197Margo looks oddly disgusted in this photo.
No. 288619
>>288536haha i know, it's rather insulting tbh for a supporter to belittle her like that and pretty much imply that she's too dumb to think for herself. Like u said, she was smart enough to realize what her mother was doing what not right… so why can't she determine right and wrong for herself ??
she is rather wise/clever too in how she planned out and executed her "escape" from margo, or her snide humour and remarks in her videos etc… especially for someone who has never been "properly socialized"
I don't get why her white knights can't just accept that she did something dumb and leave it at that.
No. 288654
>>288310>You're trying sooooooo hard to make Venus' childhood seem worse than it was. And you're trying SOOOOO hard to make Venus's childhood with this psycho seem
totally normal you guys, nothing to see here!My question is why are you so invested in rewriting history and whitewashing everything, all the evidence of margo and her insanity over the years (going back to 2012 when she stalked and harassed all those Youtubers she saw as 'competition' for her little show pony?) Seriously, what's your deal?
No. 288661
>>288540>She lies a lotName one thing she's "lied a lot" about.
>>288584>Do you have any examples of Venus lying recently? I'm not asking because I don't believe you, Yeah, name some. Recently or ever. (And I am asking because I don't believe you.)
No. 288670
>>288654diff anon than who ur replying to but i dont think whitewashing means what you think it means…
just stop trying to argue here. you're just getting
triggered and making a fool of yourself.
take a break from this thread, anon.
No. 288687
>>288684you can't be serious. are you new? or…
>tinfoill hat timeguys what if it's margo?
No. 288689
>>287327Hide the thread spergelic
No. 288712
>>288703You know anon, you can make a lot of the things listed happen in your own life too. Maybe you can't redo your childhood, but most of our lives are spent as adults so make these things happen for yourself!
The pros you mentioned still don't negate the strong list of negatives that come from living with a single, crazy, narcissist mother. I'm sure Venus didn't have a perfect childhood, even if the pros make you jealous of it.
No. 288956
>>288584>>288661Just to name a few…
- I forgot my laptop charger when I was vlogging so no livestream guysss!!
There was no vlog. It was Christmas, she had better things to do, but she always has to say it was another factor that ruined it, not her. Next day/same they went to buy her doll.. (you can only trust what the say on IG) No livestream.
- I'm going to make a video explaining everything (after Vexxed's video)
- Ask Venus video
- I
accidentaly deleted my video(s)
- I don't eat a lot of candy, I only taste them (oldie but goodie)
- I can eat more than the average person and I don't gain weight. (Then she gained weight and started with the attention seeking IG posts, many times)
- I stay skinny eating a warm yogurth for breakfast.
- I have TONS of ideas for the next 8 months, I'm going to upload 3 videos per week.
uploads no more than 3 videos per month - My natural hair is dark brown. Yeah, only her hair roots are light brown.
- It was Manaki's idea!!
- that's
so normal in Japan But yeah, she never lies guys..
No. 288963
>>288956She tells white lies like basically everyone big deal.
And as for her hair color (the most ridiculous thing to nitpick seeing as it's subjective for one), it may have lightened from going outside/sitting by the window more or just naturally but she still considers it dark brown (i.e. a shitload of brunettes consider themselves natural blondes because they were blonde babies/toddlers).
No. 288981
>>288930>>288326What's the matter, baby? Has Venus not given you attention yet? That's why you are taking all your angry on people on the internet.
I'll bet you are in love with her.
No. 289018
>>288963>White lies How is, for example,
>I stay skinny eating a warm yogurth for breakfast. A white lie?
Try harder
No. 289026
>>289022I wonder what Venus thinks about that obsessed spergelic saying shit about her whole life. I'd be annpyed af.
There are many things that Venus herself has explained, like she was going to attend a university in Korea, and now one in Japan, but spergelic keeps saying that V doesn't have a hs diploma because, I'm quoting her: there's not a picture of it.
Yeah, if she doesn't post her important documents on the internet then they don't exist, right? Genius.
No. 289052
>>289026Pretty sure she doesn't read this so she thinks nothing. If she did read it she's probably a bit creeped out by the anons who have her entire life memorized, and she probably caught legit autism from head honcho spergelic's declarations of undying loyalty.
Tbf I also think there is no way she finished school in the Netherlands, but admittedly I don't know diddly squat about the educational system in the Netherlands. She only stayed for 9 months and while that would theoretically be enough time to maybe be in the country for the finals (don't know what month you take your finals over there), I can't really imagine they would toss a foreigner who has been homeschooled over the last few years into the last year of school without any preparation or making sure her education up to this point has been good enough to even give her a realistic chance.
I also doubt she finished school in the Netherlands, but maybe she did. Or maybe she has an online hs diploma. If she really was going to study something other than the language, she has to have some kind of certificate because otherwise you can't attend university. So she's either bullshitting about studying or finished school somehow. Kind of odd for a whiteknight to accuse Venoos of lying, but I guess she doesn't know better because of her childhood.
And yea the picture argument is autistic as fuck. When I proved that Venoos couldn't have lived at the temple/went to school there and thus must have gone to a normal school in Switzerland, they were also like Prove it??? Like prove it how? Venus didn't even have an online presence back then lmao. She probably didn't take any selfies sitting at her elementary school desk.
No. 289075
>>289073In an austrian interview about her mukbangs she said she keeps herself fit by jogging and dancing. Now that she's in Japan she often goes biking iirc. She probably doesn't lift weights at the gym but I think she's concious of her body and does more than just "eat warm joghurt" to stay in shape.
Usually mukbangers restrict/fast for a few days before or after the binge to make up for the calories you consumed. For example the chicken nuggets Venus binged were around 4000-5000 calories so if you water fasted for 2 days afterwards you should not be gaining (you probably won't be hungry anyways because ewww).
No. 289098
>>289073She only used to say that but in reality she did gain weight.
Back then she was just bragging that she was skinny (after growing up and dieting) and how blessed she was because she could eat more than the rest of you not-living-dolls, but guess what? No, she does gain weight like a normal person.
No. 289106
>>289095It's not healthy eating behaviour, that's for sure. If you do like one mukbang a week it would be possible to maintain a healthy weight even without purging. Whether it will have any consequences on your mental or physical health is a different story.
I hope she wisened up and does not go through cycles of binging and restricting anymore. She appeared to be very conscious of her weight in the past so I hope she found a way to stay fit without doing damage.
No. 289125
>>289106In her latest video (
>>286179 ) she did explain that she doesn't eat giant portions anymore, because apparently she now gets nauseous easily
>>286208She definitely has a fucked up relationship with food but it doesn't surprise me in the slightest, considering that her looks have always always been her main gimmick. She must have been (and still is) under tons of pressure to stay thin.
No. 289167
>>289139holy fuck, the lack of critical thinking skills ITT is honestly cancer. Defending someone =/= being fans of someone. I actually find Weenoos to be quite annoying, but that doesn't mean I'm going to mindlessly shit on her when I really do think that we should consider her shit upbringing. Fuck.
>hurr durr anyone who disagrees with me is SPERGING!!!!!!!!!>>289125I remember visiting her IG a few months ago and she looked incredibly skinny; judging by the quick weight loss, it was clear that she definitely had a warped perception of food. Especially in Japan, she's probably pressured to be thin.
No. 289205
File: 1491929228647.png (767 KB, 720x1226, N4SArgaretREarth_C0Oney.png)

Hahaha try to be less obvious next time Daphne…
>>287197 No. 289211
>>289205It's literally just the way you (and others) have been going about trying to get your point across and how you're not giving up this pointless battle.
Maybe if you didn't sperg, you wouldn't be called a spergelic.
Anon says "man this thread is full of her fans trying to blame her mom and childhood on her mistakes"
You reply with a paragraph, some sarcastic green text, and are on the defensive/overreacting side.
We're all strangers on the internet, it really shouldn't bug you that much that half of us ITT don't agree.
And since you keep finding yourself so
triggered, please take a break from this thread.
No. 289216
>>289211Anon, I think you accidentally tagged me! Maybe your message is for
>>289180 But it's ok!
No. 289352
>>289026>saying that V doesn't have a hs diploma because, I'm quoting her: there's not a picture of it.Where has there been any mention or claim that Venus finished hs or got a hs diploma (or any education at all after age 15)? Other than "language school" in Korea with mommy at her side? Answer: there is none. Because she was taken out of school when she turned 15, signed by mommy to a shady 'model management company' (Lethal Models) and that was the end of Venus's schooling. From that time forward she was mommy's little moneymaking machine and mommy's ticket to her dream life.
Gotta say though, your dedication to your Venus had A TOTALLY NORMAL LIFE with the lunatic known as margaret palermo crusade is almost inspiring. You're every bit as tenacious as marge and damn near as delusional, and that's impressive in its own way.
No. 289674
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>>288937>Venus has been away from her mother for more than a year now and she's not living her life any differently than the way she lived when she was with herI beg to differ. She's lived in one spot for over a year now, for one thing. No more being dragged from one crappy rental to the next every few months, country to country. Oh and no more psycho mom leeching off her either, important difference #2. She gets to keep her earnings now.
>>288703>she could get off her ass and take care of herself but she doesn't want to because she's lazy.Her Youtube channel's doing pretty decent these days…4M views in the past 30 days. Seems she's "taking care of herself" just fine.
No. 289690
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Looks like someone asked to take a pic w/Venus? It was posted on a brand-new IG account that seems to belong to a young Japanese girl, it has 24 followers all of whom seem to be teenage Japanese girls.
No. 289691
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>>289690Captioned with this wall of text in Japanese. Can anyone translate?
No. 289799
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Hey "Joni" why are you the only rando liking this post?
No. 289829
>>289674>4 M views last 30 dayswhich equals to around 1.000-20.000 dollar a month.. depending how much of them are monetized views and what her CPM is, not accounted of her income coming directly from her network and sponsored stuff.
thats pretty decent for someone without any post-school education I'd say.
No. 289848
>>289690That filter makes Venus look like she's made out of playdough …
>>289829Despite doing financially alright it doesn't really mean she's taking good care of herself. To be honest though, I don't think anyone will really know if she's taking care of her health, but I guess on the bright side she has someone with her that cares more about her then her money.
I just find this "she's lazy and doesn't take care of herself" argument between anons to be rather pointless as its something nobody knows or can tell. By the looks of her vlogging outside more, and now having pictures of her appearing with fans + her posting healthy/alright food recipes shows that she isn't utterly irresponsible or lazy. The only thing that gives the illusion of her not taking care of herself is how greasy and damaged her hair looks. ( but I guess thats why she's wearing wigs )
No. 290114
>>289829I lol everytime I hear someone say ~Youtube is my job~ because that shit don't last. Unless you're incredibly popular and smart with your money, you won't be able to survive indefinitely off what you make on YT, because news flash, your life isn't over once you're 40.
The only things she has going for her are her appearance and living in Japan. She has no skills whatsoever. She used to do mostly beauty videos but she has no idea what she's doing. A lot of the japanese makeup styles she tries are not flattering and her technique sucks. In 10 years she's going to start shriveling up like her mother, and once she's no longer kawaii even the weebs won't be impressed with her living in Japan anymore. They'll move on to a younger, cuter and more relatable jvlogger, or one who is more informative.
By the time she's 40, she'll either be irrelevant, as cringy as Maghag because she'll probably still act dress and do her makeup like a preteen, or will have squeezed out a haffu baby to parade around and continue the cycle with.
She's lucky enough to have a husband so it's not like she needs the YT bucks to support herself, but I doubt she'll still be able to live like a princess and eat out every other day once her looks start to fade.
No. 290352
>>290351I'm saying once she's 40
At that time
Not now.
No. 290437
>>290345i think for some reason or the other, weebs will always exist.
it already was a big thing around 20 years ago, it still will be 20 years from now.
well. when she finally will be to old she just needs to shit out a real hafu-girl. problem solved.
No. 290455
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hi venus!
No. 290460
>>290455Wow ever since she left Mags she's been getting so butthurt because of the slightest hints of criticism.
I'd say a functioning human being who is capable of socializing outside of the internet and doesn't whine every two weeks on social media about how much their life sucks. That would be pretty neat.
No. 290464
>>290455I wish she really did take our positive criticisms and advice on board. It feels like all she takes from lolcow is inspiration to self sabotage with (emotional outbursts etc)
There are so many of us that actually want to succeed or at least give useful advice like finding another counselor, focusing on something she can learn/create that is for herself only, doing more cute housewife cooking tutorials and less bizarre shooping etc
In 20 years time I would like to see her independent in some way. whether she stays with Manaki or not I would like to see her with a job and friends, even just making bento part time.
No. 290465
>>290464Yeah, for the most part people criticize her for legitimate reasons, not taking responsibility for her actions, blaming other people, not seeking help for her obvious issues, not having a job she could realistically live off of until retirement etc.
Her getting buttmad about that is proof that she cannot function outside of her social media bubble where everyone worships her for no reason and nothing is ever her fault. And yet she calls herself mature wtf
No. 290494
>>290455Wonder if she'll be like another Taylor R and still be acting like a child when she's 30 ( Yes I know Taylor is 2 years away from 30 ). Trying to be relatable and cute to appeal to the preteens and teens …
Future anons will be having a heyday if Venus is still the same as she is now in her 30s to 40s. Binge eating kawaii food and fair welling her fans with "boo-bye-bye-boo". Weebs may always exist but the trends and fashion they follow will probably change. Hopefully Venus does something more with her life then Youtube.
No. 290507
>>290494Honestly people watch her because she's cute. She used to do mainly makeup tutorials even though she's absolute shit and would need a tutorial herself. She still had a lot of views though, but definitely not because she had something she could teach.
One thing that her channels has always lacked is direction. She did pretty much everything. Cooking, baking, skincare, makeup, hairstyle, weird music videos, ASMR, mukbang, vlogging, reviews, hauls, DIY. But she doesn't have any skills and there are many people on Youtube who put out the same content but better. Her fans don't give a shit though, they'd watch her fold laundry because Bina-chan is so kawaii~
In 15 years she's not going to be kawaii anymore.
She seems to care deeply about her YT channel so I don't think she should stop, but if she thinks she's in for a lifetime of cat cafe selfies, Starbucks trips and lolita dresses on the back of 8-9 hours of work per week, she's probably mistaken. Manaki most likely doesn't make enough to afford that kind of lifestyle with his income alone.
No. 290511
>>290507>15 years*5 years
she ages like the river kappa.
No. 290515
>>290494I politely disagree anon, Taylor can be immature but nothing terrible for 30. She doesn't have any kids so it doesn't matter what she does with her time, she takes good care of herself and promotes taking an active role in your own life and level headed with running her 'business' in a consistent direction. She using the way she is financially supported in order to enjoy her life how she wants. I'm ok if Venus winds up like that rather than still being a damaged puppet or Margo ver2.0
Or did you hope that because she's married and no longer a teenager, she'll just put on an apron and never make another video again?
No. 290552
>>290537this is probably what youre talking about. since venoos didnt even start university and also she is a gaijin im not sure how well this applys to her.
Even more as married women after 30 are confronted with overt sexism as society expects them to pop out babies and be stay-at-home moms. I guess she had more of a chance as a freelancer with her "7 languages" she claims to be able to speak fluently after them youtube-bux run out.
No. 290558
>>290552In theory she might do well in the tourism industry. She claims to speak a lot of foreign languages, and if she plays her cards right she could market herself as a valuable potential employee who is experienced in dealing with people from foreign cultures, adaptable to changes, and able to function under immense pressure as proven by her YT "career" where she's under constant scrutiny.
The only problem is you need social skills for that, and she's extremely awkward. If she ends up at a hotel reception she might also have to take a lot of shit from dissatisfied customers, and we all know she likes pointing the finger at others.
I guess she could also translate some stuff or work as a teacher but let's be real, she's not ever going to get a proper job. She's going to use the proper submissive japanese housewife/YT is my job excuse and maybe pop out a kid or two when she gets bored.
No. 290577
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>>290455Looks like she recycled the photo from her apology post. (saged, cause it's not that important.)
No. 290608
File: 1492113048679.jpg (4.74 MB, 3888x2592, IMG_2414.jpg)

>>290601even in japan the so called "street fashion" was never a really big trend and nearly always only limited to special areas in e.g. harajuku, times (like weekends) or events. it was always more of a sub-trend. it only got blown up so much because of weebs.
and japanese people themselves who dress in a street fashion style more than probably get frowned upon too if met in usual daily settings.
No. 290638
>>290601Japan has a lot more to offer than just street fashion though.
It's the Asian country with the highest standard of living followed by South Korea, does have a rich culture and history, is technologically advanced, japanese is not a tonal language unlike many other asian languages so it's less intimidating to westerners, has a reputation for being weird, quirky and full of cute things, anime and manga is most likely not going to go away any time soon judging by the amount of high school kids on YT who whine about their arts teacher ~not liking anime~, video games are becoming more and more widespread, and of course we cannot underestimate the yellow fever effect/guys coming to Asia to fuck bitches/girls coming to Asia because they think they'll instantly become a model for being white although they're too ugly to model in their country of origin.
Japan is convenient because you can have all the nice exotic asian things you find cool without having to leave the comfort of living in a clean, modern, industrialized environment. It's a lot less intimidating than moving to Vietnam or mainland China, for instance.
Even if street fashion is not as relevant anymore, I am convinced that Asia will be the "cool" thing for many more years to come.
Polite sage for sperging about shit nobody cares about.
No. 290641
From"According to the nonprofit group Lifelink's survey conducted in July, 2013, one in five Japanese college students thought about committing suicide during the job-hunting process."
"Japan ranks at the bottom of the 19 OECD countries regarding freedom of choice in life"
No. 290668
>>290654>I personally find very sad, that she probably will forget her mother tongue (german/swiss-german) over time.You do not randomly forget your native language as an adult, unless you have brain damage. I wished people would get that through their skulls already.
Also, I think she's pretty content with her life. She's whining all the time about being lonely, but she's constantly eating out, going to cool places, buying new stuff, living the high life, all while working maybe 10 hours a week. In that regard her life hasn't changed at all since leaving Margaret.
Yeah she had a shit childhood but it's not difficult to get a job at a café or a shop or something. Manaki and her have enough cash to blow on luxuries, so if she really wanted she could invest some of that money into changing her life. She is not with Margaret anymore and her life is in her own hands now. Nothing has changed in a year so I think the problem is that she doesn't want to.
No. 290672
>>290654Sorry, forgot to add that you do have a point when you say it would be better for her to go back to Switzerland.
If I were her I would stay married to Manaki but maybe return to Switzerland for one or two years alone to get some professional psychological help. She obviously has a lot of issues to work through and apparently she's not getting the help she needs in Japan. It would also be easier to communicate in her native language. Manaki is a complete cuck and wouldn't mind anyways, and she could still do YT on the side, that would probably earn her enough cash to cover her living expenses. Once she is more stable and knows how to function by herself, she could always come back to Japan to live with Mana and milk the YT cash cow as long as possible while also saving money, getting an education and preparing a plan B for when she can't live off her videos anymore.
No. 290687
>>290672switzerland might be her home country and she grew up there until she was 11 but tbh thats about it. why would or should she go back there. it's a place as strange as any place else. she has no home. it's not like she lived somewhere all her life where she had plenty of family members, colleagues and friends where she is able to go back to.
so this wouldnt really make sense. even more going there just for getting professional psychological help? like girl, do you know anything about psychotherapy? it doesnt work like that.
you dont get a cup of psychological help and can magically adjust to your normal life like that. if anything at all, she needs help in japan where she is currently living and adjusting to. you picture it as she only married manaki to escape margaret. i dont think this is true. she is buying make-up and dresses, sure as hell she would have the money to at least fly anywhere - e.g. switzerland - and start a life there. she didnt. and gets hickeys too. theyre living in a legit relationship.
and i fuck myself in the ass with a broomstick while doing a handstand if there werent foreign psychotherapists in tokyo too. but:
1) japan is not THAT far behind at professional counselling, just the taboo/stigma in society about it is still severe and
2) one quick google search brought up at least 1 serious psychotherapist that - oh look! did his education even in austria! he is a native german speaker too! what a coincidence - not. guess there are plenty more who immigrated to japan and especially tokyo. No. 290701
>>290638the stuff that attracts weeaboos are industries that are dying off(anime, japanese fashions like lolita fashion, idols). Most weeaboos are jumping ship for korea now(for example a lot of weeaboos who were into jpop crossed over to kpop because japanese idols are just so stale now). I doubt when venus is 40 there will still be as many weeaboos.
>>290681I never said this.
No. 290735
>>290718tbh i dont even buy it. she brings that out to justify her little joke. it's usual behavior for people running from their responsibilities. making yourself a victim makes it harder for others to make you a culprit.
why would she only now bring it up? and why especially in defense of that joke?
didnt even thought that joke was so bad, but gosh that defense was twisted and weak af.
No. 290736
>>290537Actually, Japanese start looking for a job before they finished university (in their last year), since Japanese universities require almost no study at all, and they will graduate even if they barely attend classes.
However, because of that new employees are expected to be 22 year old university graduates. Being older than that or not having a university degree makes finding a decent job difficult.
No. 291372
>why would or should she go back there. In the last thread we discussed that Venus acknowledged she has mental issues, tried like one psychologist in Japan, realized that it doesn't help, and decided to get a puppy instead of professional help.
People have pointed out how fucking stupid and irresponsible that is, but spergelics came to her defense and claimed that because she lives in Weabooland there is a massive stigma on mental illness, and there might not be any psychologists around who are qualified to help her. I'm not a weaboo so I don't know if that argument is wrong. But it would always be possible for her to return/go to a European country of her choice and get some help there. If in Switzerland she might have an easier time during therapy because she'd be able to speak her native language (or in Germany/Austria).
>you dont get a cup of psychological help and can magically adjust to your normal life like that. A few sessions of therapy are probably more helpful than a fucking dog though. Therapy still requires you to work on yourself, at the least she would learn a few coping skills and maybe get some tips on how to start turning her life around (which she seems to need because she's constantly whining about I don't know what my purpose is/I don't know how to be in 20 years/I feel old and lonely etc.)
>if anything at all, she needs help in japan where she is currently living and adjusting to.Yea well according to the spergelics that's not possible. I also don't know why you would have to adjust to a place where you're miserable all the time.
>you picture it as she only married manaki to escape margaret. I don't know why else you would marry your first boyfriend the second you turned 18 when you haven't even been dating for half a year. Unless you're one of those horny brainwashed christian kids who just want to fuck each other already. If you're in a legit relationship desu that's cool and everything, but there is like no other reason to marry so early besides that sweet sweet Japan visa. Maybe she actually likes him but she married him out of convenience and that is a fact. They did not even have a wedding ceremony, just went and signed the papers ffs. You do not do that when you marry out of love.
>she is buying make-up and dresses, sure as hell she would have the money to at least fly anywhere - e.g. switzerland - and start a life there.Yea, no. I don't know if you remember the Venus escaped Marg's clutches shitshow, but Marg had access to most of V's funds and all social media accounts. It took her months to regain control over all of these things, and had to fight tooth and nail to not lose her YT channel/main source of income. She maybe would have been able to scrape together enough cash to book a flight to some random country and go apartment hunting behind Maghag's back, but she would have been absolutely fucked once she got there because she didn't have any income for months. She didn't return to Japan because she missed her kawaii husbando, she had a choice between living with Manaki and sucking cocks for money in Korea, so she took the only way out.
>i fuck myself in the ass with a broomstickAnon u into some kinky shit.
No. 291380
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>>290732>>290735Weaboos normalize sexual harassment all the time, it's fn gross.
Take for example Miranda/Kanadajin3 who pretty much made a video bragging about "my first chikan", like it was some fucked up initiation ritual. You're just not really japanese until someone stalks and/or molests you, it's just the culture there~
The spergelics in the Kiwifarms thread also think subway chikans are perfectly normal because it's common in Japan/nothing wrong with Binasu's joke. Pic related.
And now we have Venus' comment.
Instead of being rightfully disgusted by the frequency with which even underaged girls get molested in weaboo wonderland, all these white brainless bimbos shrug, claim it's the japanese way to be a nice submissive hentai waifu and just silently endure it (maybe moan kawaii a little bit to enhance the chikan's experience), and not dishonor yourself and your family.
No. 291611
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>>291372>blogposts>disregards half of what i say>doesnt even sagewhat the fuck is this shit.
>so I don't know if that argument is is, which i proved by finding foreign psychotherapists working in tokyo, so even if japanese therapists are shit there are still some of these.
>where you're miserable all the time. she is? didnt realize that
>married him only to escape margareteven if so, it isnt like divorce wasnt a thing in the 21th century. so nah.
>took her months to regain control over all of these thingsbut after those months she had control over them again, so your argument is invalid.
>because she didn't have any income for monthsin switzerland there is a thing called social welfare. not saying it's cool, but if she wanted to leave japan so badly because she is only with a visa-kun she couldve done it.
nothing forces her to stay there.
No. 291641
>>291611The fuck is wrong with the Venus thread? It's full of people being salty as fuck and taking this way too seriously.
Cool, you found a foreign therapist. I am of the opinion that Venus is stupid and irresponsible for not giving therapy another chance, because mental health and well-being should come before cat cafés and cosplaying. If she could get help but doesn't because getting a pet to farm likes on social media is smarter, it's even worse. Who knows, maybe she'd be able to get help but is being discouraged/not being taken seriously. Either way, she is severely fucked and should do something about it, and
if (!) she's in an environment where she cannot do that for whatever reason, she should leave.
She whines/vagueposts all the time on social media, then deletes it. I somehow doubt she is very happy with her life right now. Abloo abloo abloo I'm so old/lonely/depressed/my relationship with food is fucked.
No divorce no visa. She's not going to divorce him anytime soon. She's a deluded weaboo. She thinks it's normal to be molested and not get psychological help because that's ~the way of the japanese~
Yeah no, my argument is not invalid. She would not have been able to leave without help. Things cost money in the real world, and people don't care if your mom is mean. If you don't have access to your bank account you probably cannot pay for your therapist and an apartment, and I doubt you can apply for welfare while not even living in the country.
Who says she wants to leave Japan? That's exactly the point. She whines all the time but does nothing to improve her life.
If you think it's healthy to skate from one co-dependency to the next because awww so kawaii, she has a hickey and that means they are in tru luv 5ever!!!!, then that's cool. I disagree. Marrying Manaki was the right decision but it's time for her to at least take baby steps towards being normal.
No. 291647
>>291611I also don't know where all those extreme ideas (go back to Europe indefinitely, divorce) even come from.
All I suggested is
>Staying married to Manaki
>Spending maybe 3 years abroad to get better
>Resume her life in Japan as a more well-adjusted individual I do not know how that is so unreasonable. It's sad being separated from your spouse, but most people would be understanding if you temporarily had to live apart due to circumstances that are beyond your control.
I don't know why you're so buttmad because of that.
Sorry for samefagging but since you were so
triggered by my
blogpost before, maybe this is a better explanation of where I was going with this.
No. 292038
it never came out where they exactly lived, did it?
because i just realized they dont even live in tokyo.
in her cosplay shopping video she says "i live quite far away from tokyo, so I cant come here very often" No. 292138
>>291641>Venus is stupid and irresponsible for not giving therapy another chanceYou don't know this. She didn't say anything about going to therapy until after she quit seeing the first one she tried. You have no idea what she is or isn't doing then or now, she obviously has stuff going on that she doesn't talk about. i.e. fan meetups and Taylor mentioning they had gotten quite close off-camera and talk a lot.
>thinks it's normal to be molested and not get psychological help 1) her entire life has been abnormal and isolated. she has no idea what "normal" is.
2) again, you have no idea if she's getting psychological help or not. She's acknowledged that she needs it and she's taken the step of going to a therapist (that wasn't the right one for her.) Beyond that you know nothing because she doesn't share everything she does, just small snippets in videos and on IG.
No. 292175
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gf's teeth looking so much better
No. 292407
>>292398why yokohama?
for that matter they could live anywhere with a 2-3 hour trainride around tokyo where it is near to the ocean.
No. 292450
>>292407Manaki's work is there. They live just outside of Yokohama, not in the city itself.
Manaki has never lived in Tokyo, if anyone is wondering.
No. 292493
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>>292407>Why Yokohama?I was gonna say because it keeps popping up, like here in one of the first pics she posted after running away last year, hashtag #Yokohama
No. 292495
>>292493And this one a couple months later, captioned 'I heart yokohama'
I recognized the building because I'd seen that Manaki had posted a pic of the same building way back when on an old Twitter account. It was posted on one of the old threads here, back when people were wondering who he was.
>>292450>Manaki's work is there. They live just outside of Yokohama, not in the city itself.
>Manaki has never lived in Tokyo, if anyone is wondering.Interesting. How do you know all this?
No. 292496
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>>292495forgot the pic ^^
No. 292542
>>292391Under normal circumstances it would have been a shit idea, but in her situation it was the only sensible thing to do. With most of her funds locked up it would have been impossible to organize her escape alone, and it's not like she really had anyone else apart from Manaki.
That being said, she should take advantage of the good position she is in (stable living situation/visa/high income) and work towards independence, just in case. Maybe she's content with what she has right now, but who knows how she's feeling 5 or 10 years from now.
I somehow doubt she's all that happy being married. Yes she has hickys but after 2 years Manaki is still her boyfriend/bitch and not her husband. Which she has no reason to lie about.
No. 292587
>>292175Now you guys can admit that it was a personal hygiene problem?
And now she really needs to do something about those eyebrows… girl…
No. 292595
>>292587she kinda admitted that on her own saying that she is taking critisism seriously sometimes and started using teeth-whitening toothpaste after all the comments about her teeth started.
>>292542i kind of agree with you. it still isnt perfect, but seriously… it is hard to escape from a physically and emotionally abusive narcisstic psychopath that doesnt even stop from stalking you down and breaking in appartments. especially when margaret shut all the bank accounts down or at least her access to it. she really wouldve been homeless without manaki as backup plan.
>>292594wouldnt have helped with the visa problem. and for enrolling you probably have to give credit that youre fluent enough in japanese.
also can you imagine margaret appearing in a dorm?
i dont know, of course she couldve done it much more perfect or more adequatly, but hell at least she managed to do it at all.
i thought how she responded to a question about home in that video was really sad:"Do you miss anything back home? Do you plan on going back for a visit?"
"Because I had to move so much when I was younger, I dont really have a home or something to miss. So Im just happy that I can consider this as my home. I hope it will stay like this a long long time and Im still actually scared like my home is going to disappear and I have to find a new place. Ahhh this is scary….."
No. 292610
>>292595>she really wouldve been homeless without manaki as backup planDo you realize that you basically said she blatantly used him? It's sad though.. "I'm gonna use this guy because my mom is using me"
At least it looks like she likes him but I don't think that marriage is going to last more than the necessary for her.
No. 292634
>>292610sure, she used him. it was probably hella convenient:
- living in japan? check
- visa-kun? check
- appartment/financial backup? check
- escaping margaret? check
- male protector-kun that guards you from margaret? check
loving him is just another bonus point then.
it's the one itsy-bitsy-tiny thing i agree with margaret on: with what venus did she got everything she wanted.
but still, manaki got his living doll he earlier admired through youtube, so he is not really a victim. she cooks for him and we dont know how much there is on the sexual side for him. theyre in it together and time will tell how weird the relationship really is.
it's comparable to yumi and her boyfriend i think. both parts get what they want.
>>292613in tokyo dorms are common, but i dont know how easy you get a place in one and also it's always a shared bedroom for 2 people.
No. 292637
>>286928>making memes of microcefaly childrenThey are vegetables unable to feel bad because they're being made fun of. Their mother is a delusional bitch who decided to pop off a second vegetable because she liked the first
>mocking a literal skeletonWho's a scammer, a bitch, a liar and an attention whore who refuses help and is hostile to people who try to be nice to her
>neckbeards mocking the fat wife of a gamerWho's a bitch, and neckbeards will be neckbeards
>belittling the fact a drug addict lives in filthA scammer who chose that life even though her mother clearly showed her how shitty it was, who has the option to live with her wealthy father but chooses to lie, scam and steal instead because aesthetics
Most cows are shit people who do shit things by choice and have options. When was the last time Venus (not Marge) scammed people? Acted hostile, like a bitch? When she finally had a choice to run away from her abusive mother, SHE DID, unlike Luna.
It's my first post ITT and I don't even like Venus that much, but come on. She's not the same as other cows.
File: 1492363457621.gif (1.2 MB, 500x300, giphy.gif)

>>292637>first post ITT>only reads last couple of postsbitch, you might have missed
>>287327 and
>>289369 No. 292750
Lol what family? These people are complete strangers to her. Staying with Manaki was the safer option because she knew him at least a little bit.
Dorms, universities etc. usually cost money, and money is one thing you don't have when you get locked out of your bank account. They won't care if your mom is abusive and cut off your funds, the moment you can't pay you're out.
Yes, regardless of whether she loves him or not, Venus used Manaki. Nobody gets married that young that quickly unless you're fucking stupid or want something from the other person. Himezawa, Mira, a lot of weebs tie the knot ASAP because it's the most convienient way of getting that sweet sweet visa.
She definitely didn't get married because Manaki means so much to her. She's uncomfortable even thinking of him as her husband. If you're not ready you don't get married, unless the marriage is a strategic move.
I honestly doubt Japan is the right environment for her, but moving there has always been her goal. As long as she's still living in her bubble of high YT income for minimal labor and extravagant lifestyle, she'll be a happy weeb. That bubble will pop eventually, though.
I find it alarming that she does nothing about it. And all the enablers/whiteknights sit there and applaud because she can afford a more expensive foundation than her mom and that means's she's #winning apparently. It's been a year. Where's her plan B?
No. 292771
>>292750>I find it alarming that she does nothing about it. Relax and calm your "alarm," dear.
One more time: you don't know all of what she is doing (or not doing.) Not even a little bit. How many times has this been pointed out now? Your reading comprehension needs some work. Guess that's difficult with you being so ALARMED tho.
No. 292797
>>292774Is there anything she can do in Japan without a hs diploma tho? Aside from being a waitress?
I wonder if there are any private owned schools she could go to to make up for years of no education, and if it would make any difference in the end.
No. 292806
>>292587>Now you guys can admit that it was a personal hygiene problem? No, because whitening and 'personal hygiene' aka brushing are two different things.
This has also been discussed ad nauseum.
Common sense 101: if you could get whiter teeth from just 'personal hygiene'/brushing, there would be no heed for tooth whitening/bleaching products, treatments etc. now, would there?
If she is whitening, good for her. One less thing (excuse) for people to give her shit about.
No. 292819
can newfags at least read into the thread, maybe at least the last two whole threads instead of starting discussions over and over again?
from what we know from venus' videos she wants to study something as soon as she is fluent enough in japanese and has finished her language courses.
I dont know if she really will go through with that or if she is only studying bullshit and/or will never finish but all that "no plan B blabalbalablablbalbaj" gets on my nerves.
also it's not quite true, that she gets "nothing" out of the marriage with manaki.
what I said here
>>292634 plus lengthy visa now, plus possibility of applying for japanese citizenship after 5 years (because of married to japanese citizen) instead of after 10 years.
im all in for milking the cow but stop reaching with only superficial knowledge. it get's tiring.
No. 292832
>>292830she still has, but she has only announced it when it opened and with those 4 items in it tbh I dont think it was very successful. She doesnt even put it up in her video descriptions anymore. She only has it in her ABOUT page on youtube: >>292831for potato children this way
>>238063 No. 295203
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New video. Doesn't look anorexic to me.
No. 296086
>>295562I made a video on how she does have some anorexic tendencies but it doesn't necessarily mean she is anorexic.
People are always quick to scream eating disorder without knowing much about it.
No. 296587
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>>296086stop trying to make your pathetic little channel relevant, it's not going to happen, tedious cunt christy ella. youre nearly worse than vexxed, because at least he leeched semi-successfully off of venus. no one cares about your crappy mumbled videos. have you learned nothing from your continuous presense on lolcow and pull? or are you just waiting to become as relevant as one of the cows? and ffs get your teeth fixed, i thought australia had national health care. you already have a major speech defect. you actually remind me a lot of mira, but unlike her your teeth are nearly more hideous and on top of it you look like a haggard 40 year old housewife. and now stop embarrassing yourself and fuck off.
No. 296636
>>295203"Don't worry I don't eat bubble bath, my English just sucks"
Gotta be my favourite bit.
No. 296716
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She's really into filthy frank these days. Also just followed filthy frank tv on instagram. (She only follows mana, her doll, taylor and her friends tsuruko and atremis so this is interesting.)
No. 296861
>>296851maybe because she is always trying to subtly self promote her videos
>>296767im not surprised either, her dorky faces always lowkey reminded me of him
No. 297167
>>297141are you really this naive or just a newfag? That wasn't his idea, his 'awful humor'. That's Venus' sense of humour, and it's pretty clear she tried shifting blame on Mana because it's less damage. Poor Binasu just translated, aha
Anyway, that's really old news girl
No. 297530
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>>297167>That wasn't his idea, his 'awful humor'. Yeah, except that it IS his 'humor,' exactly. pic attached being just one example, of many.
He loves putting this shit out there to troll people. He does it repeatedly. That April Fools 'joke' fits his pattern perfectly.
Sorry bout that.
No. 297707
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>>297274>First Yuka Kinoshita.. What about Yuka Kinoshita?
You mean like when marge the wonder Manager went on Yuka's FB page back in Sept. 2015 to demand she do a collab with Venus? That was right after they got to Seoul from Japan iirc, and just before marge announced the marriage to Manaki was off. And (coincidentally, I'm SURE) Venus's first mukbang video was uploaded that very same day.
Good times for Venus! Can't imagine why she'd ever want to leave dear mommy…
No. 297815
>>295203She looks really nice and healthy. She found a good balance. I hope she is treating her body better and keeps riding her bike and enjoy cooking.
>>297167Hello? You provide proof, not your personal conviction. Venus is totally responsible in the end, but Manaki has shown repeatedly that he likes weird and sexual humor. Watch their collaboration videos again.
No. 297821
>>297530No anon, it is all evil veenoos!!
While I totally get that she is cringey, some of the anons jumping to attack her make me cringe just as hard.
No. 298367
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>>297707>First Yuka Kinoshita.. >What about Yuka Kinoshita?I was talking about Venus blatantly copying Yuka Kinoshita.
No. 298539
>>297870I felt a little weird admitting that, so I just put "nice". But I agree. Manaki lucked out. No more dakimakura for him!
I hope she can embrace her womanly figure and not try to be a scrawny loli again. Her current physique is perfect for gravure anyway.
>>298457I'm surprised that he went so easy on her! I forgot how weird the finished look was. Lilke a clown… and her voice was like a granny.
No. 298618
>>298457Oh, thanks for sharing anon, good one!
Mmm She's not careful with her choice of words. She should change the title of her tutorial to something like
"cute Korean makeup trend/ trying Korean trends and products!" and maybe the thumbnail too. I think that would make a difference in how people perceive her content.
No. 298639
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>>298618she got 10,5 million views on that video, of course she is not changing it. and additionally even after the minor backlash to that she did that thumbnail in another video where she pinches her eyes.
it's for clickbait-purposes only.
No. 298859
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>>298380>Venus sometimes tags Yuka Kinoshita in her videos really? Which ones? Post screenshots.
>so a collab with Yuka idea was most likely something Venus wanted or agreed with.Riiiight. Totally Venus's idea. Uh huh.
and pic attached was totally Venus too, right anon? Venus went out and contacted that tabloid to do an article on her all by herself cause it was all HER idea and what SHE wanted to do.
Totally NOT marge promoting her little performing pony act to get them YT views and $$ for mommy to live on, nooo. VENOOS made her do it!
No. 298945
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>>298859>>298380>Venus sometimes tags Yuka Kinoshita in her videos >really? Which ones? Post screenshots.not the same anon, but:
the tags dont consist of "Big titty virgin" anymore as they did in mayo's era but you can find a nugget here and there although it's inconsistent and rare.
she is also nearly every time milking the "living doll" or "real life barbie" tag. when it comes to anything related to her mother she likes to add "fraud" probably trying to milk viewers from tittyboy's video.
i skimmed through her last 60 videos and this is all i could find.
(before anyone asks: it's a chrome extension)
No. 298961
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>>298945>you can find a nugget here and there although it's inconsistent and rarethat's my point ^
>>298635Damned if those squishy things don't look exactly like real pastries! lol
Also the pudding one, the way it jiggles is ridic. The whole video is insane, like squishie p0rn.
No. 298962
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>>298961Squeeze it
No. 298978
>>298969How cringey and sad that you have to reach soo hard for something to hate these days, lol
"look at those TAGS omg!"
Hard times for haterzz
No. 299000
File: 1493174421966.gif (1.35 MB, 350x197, 350x197px-LL-181dfe2b_oprah_wo…)

>>298945Wait…you just went through
60 videos looking for tags?
No. 299005
>>299000And all you came up with was:
- 1 Grav3yardGirl
- 1 PewDiePie
- 2 FilthyFrank
- 3 Living Doll and
- 1 Yuka Kinoshita
and that's "cringey and desperate?"
No. 299008
>>299005>writing answers on an anonymous image board assuming to always write to the same personanon, are you okay? anonymous is not a real name, you know that, right?
also 0/10 bait, try again.
No. 299031
>>298945Lol she actually added a blackface tag to one of her videos
>>299005>and that's "cringey and desperate?"Kind of
No. 299062
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>>299005and I am
>>298945 and actually said
>inconsistent and rare>all i could find>like literally could only squish out this little drops of milk out of that cow tittylike i think, she is not that super 100% innocent
i have no knowledge of nothing and
im a little helpless fetus as she knows how to draw viewers to her videos and doesnt flinch from doing so by squinting her eyes, hinting at cultural appropriation and tagging popular youtubers. yes thats cringey and desperate.
also when randomly clicking through her old videos, I see no difference, neither regarding video content, nor tags.
>twas aaaall eeevol mayo!! veenoos is barbie virgin innocent! No. 299146
>>298945Anon, thank you for posting the tags, I'm the anon who said she tags Yuka Kinoshita, actually I've posted screenshots of her tags before several times but spergelic prefers to ignore evidence, because she's that obsessed.
>>299036>Kinda sorta believe V was always in complete control of the channel in terms of titles/tags/editing and content. I've checked her tags, old and new, and I can confirm that she still tags her videos like in the old days. I think Margo helped
SOMETIMES with the camera and edition and social media but it is most likely that Venus had control over her accounts too.
>>298855>Where, in the mukbang videos she started making right after she was dragged th SK by marge aka the Celebrity Manager of Venus Angelic? Where? Just read old threads here and PULL full of
where, you have a good example right here
>>298367 just look at that sofa full of plushies and Yuka sitting in the floor, did you notice something familiar… or u blind?
>dragged th SK by marge aka the Celebrity Manager No this shit again…
Stop playing the Margo card, she's not with her anymore, no one is dragging her, no one forces Venus to copy someone else or put those tags, seriously you need to shut up and accept facts.. the evidence is there, read.
If you can't, if it
triggers you, if you are such a fangelic,
hide this thread No. 299510
>>298635>a lot of you guys asked me to make a squishy video… >It's my first time here! Lol this is so fake.. it's sponsored.
Is she using tape or something to make her eyes look more almond-shape? Sometimes they look different
>>299505Yeah I think it's sponsored.
No. 299527
>>299510If it's a sponsored content, why she don't let her audience to know? Margo's fault again? Abloobloo
She spend more time making shitty excuses, hidding things and fueling dramas than working on her content.
In my opinion, Venus and Maggot are just the same, but V. is just smarter and manipulative. Disappointing but not surprising.
sage for no real contribution
No. 299568
>>299527I think the bed cafe video was sponsored too.
I've seen other youtubers doing videos like that, it's painfully obvious when it's all acted, because most of them don't even know how to act.
When it comes to sponsored content, I think it is better to be honest and say the company invited you than pretending it was all your idea, it looks super fake.
No. 299609
>>299505>>299510>>299527>>299568>ooohh, dat VENOOS doing SPONSORED video, so obvious so fake omg how dare she?!?!lol
You fucking tools, a sponsored video that doesn't mention the product in the description? How new are you to Youtube, dears? (Remember the actual sponsored videos she did for SKII and their reality show? You know, the ones that stated the sponsored product in the description, like you HAVE TO DO if it's a sponsored video?)
But even if this one was sponsored, so what? I'd say good for you girl, get it. Plus the video is cute and fun as hell. Y'all keep bleating tho, you're as
triggered as margaret and just as obvious.
No. 299627
>>299036>>299062Here's what's
cringey and desperate: that out of all those dozens of tags on all those videos, you managed to dig up 7 that tagged other Youtubers, while the rest (as in, the other 99% or so) were all like "doll" "tutorial" "weather" "cooking" etc. etc. And you're still trying to pass this off as her being "
cringey and desperate."
That ^^ is cringey and desperate.
>>299031Yes she did "actually add a blackface tag to one of her videos"– the 'Pretending To Be Japanese' one, where the tag was kinda relevant to the subject matter of the video, don't ya think?
So what, exactly is the purpose of tags on Youtube videos, if not to get attention and generate views? Am I missing something here? Has the evil moneyhungry VENOOS managed to subvert the entire system in an especially heinous way that somehow slipped right by me?
No. 299647
>>299579You can tell the difference between her normal vlogs and when she's
acting ..
>>299609>More drama and angry postsStop arguing…
You don't necessarily need to put everything on the description, in fact some companies want it to look "natural", like a normal costumer doing a small review.
It is also possible that she just decided to do it, why are you making drama and attacking people instead of simply discussing with the rest?
Relax. Girl gives no fucks about your love anyway.
No. 299657
>>299627>So what, exactly is the purpose of tags on Youtube videos, if not to get attention and generate views?Not that anon but dude, how is a
Freelee tag in one of her mukbangs necessary or normal? I bet she wanted a negative video reaction and more drama. And that
music video tags in
ALL of her videos? I didn't know her voice was considered music.
Japanese tag in videos that have nothing Japanese on them?
drama tags selling you her own reality show.. So yeah I agree with anon, negative tags or tags that have nothing to do with the video look cringey and desperate.
No. 299805
>>299609"How new are you to Youtube, dears?"
Please, teach us how to make some super cool videos about flat-earth and evil doctors just like you, Youtube Goddess-senpai.
And I don't why that old bitch isn't permaban yet.
No. 299815
>>299647>>299657>oh boo hoo boo hoooo she might have made a SPONSORED video (gasp! disgusting!!) and we're rlly mad about it oh and Tags! how dare she put in tags?! HEINOUS!So
triggered, so mad. So margo-like it's actually funny.
Keep up the effort, you're providing some great entertainment.
No. 299833
>>299497>Kim unfollowed VenusKim who and when did she 'unfollow Venus' and why should we care if she did? Btw Venus unfollowed everybody, then refollowed 6 people, then unfollowed 3 of them again (filthyfranktv, Taylor and her friend Artemis) so now she only follows Mana, Tsuruko and her bjd.
Still don't know who "Kim" is though.
No. 299925
It is cute how hard these last few holdouts are working to keep their little VENOOS hate train chugging along, scrabbling for anything, any scrap they can dig up with their busy little paws.
I can see
>>298945hunched over her computer scrolling through hundreds of tags on 60 videos (lol) looking for
proof that VENOOS IS DESPERATE…just like margo scrabbling through boxes of shit she got out of storage, looking for
proof that VENOOS IS A LIAR…. then proudly posting the 7 tags (out of hundreds) that she claims
proves VENOOS is desperate and cringey!!
The similarities are uncanny. Same levels of dedication and persistence and especially, they're equally
triggered by VENOOS being successful and happy (morge) and/or anyone not being on board with their VENOOS hateboner (the poor anons on this thread.)
No. 300048
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>>299925>blablabla my precious venus queen blabla all those haters booly her take a nap, daphne
>through hundreds of tags on 60 videosi may have autisticly actually done that, but with the extension you only need to open the tab of the video itself. it took me like 20 minutes on an otherwise bored afternoon while watching a series.
>blablablaeveryone who hates venus is just like mayo blabla>as triggered as margaret>so triggered, so mad>so margo-like>just like margo>they're equally triggered by happy (morge)talking about who is desperate and obsessed, mh?
and I was not hating over anything desperatly you sperging little goblin, read again delusional projecting fat cunt. i actually said it was minor.
Also, it's obvious that this is all you.
>>298978 >>299000 >>299005 >>299609 >>299627 >>299815 and i really dont know, why you arent permabanned alreadyfunny part? i actually like venus.
take you meds, daphne.
No. 300081
>>300048In my opinion, we should ignore her+report. She's total walnut, and it's practically impossible to have a logical conversation with her.
And above all, the thread keep derailling because of that, just as she want.
Hope that she'll be ban soon.
No. 300486
>>300048TOP KEK
I can't stop laughing. Thnks.
>Take your meds DaphneToo bad her magical green water doesn't reduce stress. Her pot brownies aren't helping her either.
>>300081I agree. It's actually easy to recognize many of her posts.. she repeats herself over and over.
>>300107No. Anon is fine.
>>299815Aw look at you… what did I say that
triggered you so much this time? You can tell me in your thread what's going on, my Daphne girl.
No. 300765
>>299062I've checked her tags through the time, it takes you a minute to check the tags in a new video. The tags she uses in most of her videos are:
>Venus Palermo >Living doll >Japanese >Music videos>How to >doll>tutorial This is like a base.
Then she put tags according to the theme of her video, at first glance it doesn't look
consistent, but it's actually a pattern: Base - youtuber names - relevant(and not so relevant) tags. Old videos are tagged this way too.
No. 301321
File: 1493520287399.jpg (322.82 KB, 933x1917, IMG_4620.JPG)

So V & M will be spending 4 days with his parents at their home in Iwate prefecture this week. She said it's her favorite place in the world in her Q&A video and she saw her first ever shooting star there last year.
Iwate is Japan's most sparsely populated prefecture, very rural. It's where marge got stranded and had to spend the night sleeping on the floor of a kombini last spring when she was on her grand Hanami tour/stalking Manaki's parents. She'll be in her inner-city Seoul goshiwon this year, alone with her rage and her memories (and the boxes of crap she got out of storage.)
No. 301322
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>>301321I hope Venus posts lots of pics of beautiful scenery next week, like this one from her trip there last year.
No. 301343
>and she saw her first ever shooting star there last year.>CringeeeeHaha I just can't… lol
No. 301405
Why so
You ever seen a shooting star? It's pretty dope. You have to be in a place far away from city lights to see them, that's the point.
Viewing the night sky from a rural place is amazing, you should try it sometime. It's a whole new experience.
No. 301739
>>301322I really like when she post thoses type of things.
She could reinventing her channel in that way (cute housewife stuff like: cooking, decoration, trips…)
It would be so much better than dramas and cringy contents.
No. 301832
>>301343So bitterly childish. Who hurt you, anon?
>>301739A rural area like that should have lots of historical monuments and places to explore. It would be cool if she researched more about the village and vlogged about her favorite places to go or local customs/festivals in the area. She's getting good at short, enjoyable and informational videos.
No. 304204
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>>298639 she shouldn't have given it even more fuel by feeding into the claims and getting baited into making videos about it when she clearly knows what she's doing. people will still defend it though.
>>299510i've seen some off comments about her getting eye surgery, but surely it could be squinting/taping and drawing her eyebrows higher combined with the dark enlarging lenses. her lower lids and brows definitely used to look more rounded.
No. 304229
File: 1493888047638.png (172.98 KB, 720x1055, Screenshot_2017-05-01-07-59-41…)

I saw this in Tay's ig the other day.. I checked again and I think the comment was gone.
No. 304905
>>304229They huge out twice in Public so it sounds like bullshit to me. Taylor doesn't even seem like the type to even carry cash on hand, and Venus seems to be doing well on her own to even need to steal.
Lowkey wonder if its Margo or a Margo supporter since thats the number one thing Margo complained and accused Venus of " stealing money".
No. 305429
File: 1494021491633.png (524.05 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-05-05-23-50-23…)

Venus proved that she can laugh about herself. In her new video she took the 16 personalities test and then excitedly said
>I'm not just a snowflake, I'm a special snowflake!
Well done, Venus, well done, I laughed hard.
On another note the only question I saw cut out was
>I rarely feel insecure.
Where she chose "completely disagree".
No. 313224
File: 1494853752552.png (574.62 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170515-090651.png)

Eating disorder confirmed.
No. 313234
File: 1494856037134.jpg (129.73 KB, 1079x351, 20170515_154636.jpg)

She wants to vlog about starving herself.
No. 313254
>>313224Dear god…
Her brain must look like scrabbled eggs inside that sad confused little head of hers. I feel like its silly to say this confirms it when we've already seen in my opinion enough proof to know she's suffering. She use to follow pro-ana accounts and humble bragged about starving for an entire month (?).
>>313234Before seeing this comment I just figured maybe just maybe she meant exercise + diet (healthy eating ). I wonder what her goal weight is …
No. 313277
>>313259I feel like they wouldn't, since culturally isn't everyone pretty thin since they have small portions and walk a lot ?
idk why Venus just doesn't become a cardio bunny or does light exercising so she can keep her stick figure while eating a good amount of food.
No. 313365
>>313224and there I am only thinking stupid
pulltards would go mad about this. kek
No. 313370
>>313363isnt that the thing people always laugh at kanadajin3 for trying to claim?
you cant really lose your native language. i get it that people who only spoke it until their teenage years and then moved, but people speaking their native language until adutlhood and then moving dont lose their language abilities. I dont know why we laugh about it when miranda says it, but its suddently completely legit when we talk about venus (who didnt even claim she loses the ability to speak german)
No. 313437
>>313421>bit and piecesin this video there is a longer phase of talking swiss german and german. swiss german starts at 0:49. Im german native myself and I thought it sounded as if she was speaking it at native level especially pronounciation and such, but was hawing a lot especially in the beginning. It just sounded a little weird but I blamed that on the dialect part. But it also seemed that she was reading a script from her monitor.
>But her only talking partner was are you talking about? She wasnt hold hostage inside a cellar from birth. Until the age of 11/12 she lived a normal life in switzerland where she went to public school.
No. 313438
File: 1494874376454.jpg (100.58 KB, 945x610, 54324.jpg)

>>313433>posts on an image board>only adds a linkgtfo and kys
No. 313441
>Good Booze>Strict dietingI wonder if this will
trigger Margo.
I could go for some fresh river kapa milk.
No. 313525
>>313502you mean because living in
switzerland where people speak
swiss-german all the time going to a
swiss-german school with classes in
swiss-german the only person she spoke to in
swiss-german was margaret?
Call me paranoid, but somehow that doesnt seem logical.
No. 313614
>>313525I think she wasn't in Switzerland since 2008. If margo was her only swiss-german talking partner since 2008, margo's pronounciation could have maybe influenced her's to an extend.
It's not that she can't speak swiss-german. But I know a person who came from bosnia to switzerland and learned swiss-german. And the way sometimes venus speaks sounds exactly like this person.
Please read
>>310226 No. 313628
>>310226 said is mostly bullshit for people in their teens/young adults. It only applies for children. I work as a translator and teacher and several friends of mine (and coworkers) moved when they were children/teens and stopped speaking their first languages daily. The changes in their speech and accent are minor and very subtle, if there's any difference at all. Most of the time people who tell you "ohhh I can't even speak my first language nowww" are just snowflakes in disguise.
No. 313657
>>313614circa a month ago we had a
elaborated derailing discussion about venus' CV when talking about how her mother dragged her from country to country. She was in switzerland till 2008.
>>287089 No. 313703
>>313370Dude, that was only one person claiming that. Venus is not losing ability to speak Swiss-German and she will not forget it anytime soon.
However, I do think her speech was influenced by Margaret's bad pronunciation of the dialect, as a non-native speaker. English too. I know several people with odd pronunciation or who frequently misuse idioms in their native language due to their parents' deficiency or failure to make corrections. Growing up and going to school with native speakers doesn't necessarily mean your skills will be on par with others if you spend most of your time at home with a mush-mouth.
Well, I guess we all saw Venus' newest post coming from a mile away. Next up: Kawaii laxative suppositories! I wish she could have focused on healthier eating habits, cooking videos and getting a fit body instead of starvation to get skinny. She looked terrible back in South Korea.
No. 313716
>>313628Different people have different experiences. I moved to another country a few years ago and it takes me about two weeks to get back into my native language whenever I visit my family. I couldn't just switch like that without making a lot of mistakes.
She said that she moved away from Switzerland when she was 11. I can still understand her, but she does sound a little off.
>>313703I agree with both the language part and the healthy cooking videos. Would be much better for her and her fans.
No. 313792
File: 1494903325892.jpg (180.11 KB, 1230x1009, IMG_4852.JPG)

>>313703So, Binasu has…issues. Color me NOT SURPRISED.
Only thing that does surprise me is that she doesn't have much more serious issues than some disordered eating/body image problems.
Taylor is still on board btw, for anyone who was wondering after Venus mass unfollowed everyone on IG, including Taylor.
No. 313906
>>313657That post was highly criticized and had a lot of bullshit on it. Different anons pointed out where and why.
Please, refrain from making general summaries based on your own beliefs, poor research and opinions.
No. 313909
>>313892Cool. Why don't you prove it?
>>313898Taylor is commenting about wearing her bf's clothes and that's all. Are you distracted by that anon's mid-video screenshot?
No. 313925
>>31389820 and married.. I cringed.
What is her content about now? I cannot even describe her style anymore
>So I like this youtuber, Venus Angelic, she makes videos dancing on her husband's clothing and what color she wants to dye her hair and why she doesn't do it, she loves kawaii things but also loves dieting and making sex jokes, my favorite was when she said her husband was a pedo, I love her she's so funny. No. 314116
>>313909why dont you proof she has such a ~good heart~
>>313906feel free to proof she didnt stay in switzerland until 11 years old, because currently thats the consensus
>>286329>>286420 No. 314398
>>313941Oh you're totally right anon! she's such an inspiration, so cute, so pure.
>>314116Oh sorry I think it's a bit confusing but when I said
>That post is bs I was talking about this post:
>>287089and I agree with this one:
>>286329 No. 314409
>>314116It was you that made the statement trying to argue against my observation, dumbass.
And the word you are looking for is PROVE, not proof. Verb, not noun.
No. 314440
>>314409Not that anon, but the logic says that as a youtuber she wants to boost views, which is the reason for a collab.
If anyone here should prove anything, then it's you. Why does she have a good heart?
also, stop complaining about anon writing proof instead of prove. don't be a complete tard. No. 314460
>>313898>>313925i dont come through this thread often, but every time i do i'm amazed by the new level of reaching. big jackets pulled up over your chin/face when its chilly are cozy af and girls stealing their bf's hoodies is so common it's literally a meme.
also the 'where was she at x age' thing is getting as out of hand as the 'how old is dakota' shit, goddamn
only reason im happy to see venus living a good life is in hopes it reopens the flow of milk in margo's thread but at least 3 of you are gonna call me a white knight
No. 322351
File: 1495834042098.jpg (392.27 KB, 1755x1175, IMG_5116.JPG)

>>313835>Maybe it was a mutual agreement to unfollow one another and Taylor is stuck in the middle of Mimei-Sharla trouble, so it was best to lay low. There's no Taylor/Venus drama, they're quietly hanging out together and not worried about any gossip, Youtube rivalries etc. etc. Just being friends, hanging out and having fun.
Pic is from a random's Instagram post that I found because Venus liked it…fan meetup in Harajuku with Taylor.
Sorry, salty anons (not the one I quoted but the "Taylor hates Venus!" spergs.) Oh and suck it, margo.
No. 322436
>>322411Taylor posted a IG post/clip of two ice creams, so I guess they might be trying out some interesting food places. I think because it's Taylor she probably is going to vlogg it as she seems to feel/think its necessary, and Venus seems fine usually with it.
I wonder if Venus will be vlogging it too ?
No. 322568
File: 1495854040950.jpg (121.74 KB, 516x674, IMG_5119.JPG)

>>322365According to Taylor's comment it was taken today.
Is Venus wearing a Lolita outfit here
>>322351 ? It's hard to tell but kinda looks like it. Last time a random Venus selfie-with-fan showed up it was from her Malaysian Airlines commercial shoot (pic attached.) Wonder if this was another photoshoot, or just hanging w/Taylor? Either way, it's a good thing.
No. 322845
File: 1495895219870.png (727.78 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170527-102251.png)

Venus once again was awakened by the distant call of Ash to be part of the skeleton army
Seriously though, she's progressing into more disordered thoughts. It doesn't help that most of her followers are leaving enabling comments.
No. 322847
>>322845Despite already being thin as fuck?
Ugh this is why I cant stand Venus or her creep of a husband
No. 322964
>>322845>I don't restrict any food, Just calorie counting for now! And how many calories do you eat?
If you don't know what to eat and how many calories you need to lose weight in a healthy way then calorie counting isn't a good idea at all.
Ugh she's such an attention seeker.
No. 322968
>>322845More than 5lbs (3kg?) in a week is a lot for a girl her size, she was already in a healthy weight…
Eating disorder confirmed.
No. 322977
>>322968Except I guarantee you it's all water weight. No on loses that much in a week, not even anas.
You anons are reaching so far you might hurt yourselves. Losing 5 - 10 lb is no fucking big deal, and she says she's going to start working out too. Not everyone who wants to lose weight is ana.
No. 322981
>>322968oh shit I just noticed she claimed to lose 5 lbs in one week
that should only happen for someone who's quite overweight or even obese, definitely dangerous for her size, it'll only eat away at her muscle and as
>>322964 mentioned her diet could be awful
No. 322996
>>322977>It's all water weightAnd that's exactly what happens to many ana chans. If they gain that water weight later they lose their shit and start trying more dangerous methods.
We are not reaching and please don't say "it's not big deal" because that's what ana chans say all the time to their families and friends.
I know you like her but it's actually worse for Venus if you start making excuses for her obvious ed too.
No. 323005
>>322996I don't like Venus, I don't even watch her shit. I just read this thread occasionally because it's hilarious the reasons people come up with to hate her, or say that she has an eating disorder/mental illneses/etc. Like I know this lolcow but this is by far the weakest thread on the whole site.
And I still stand by what I said. There's nothing wrong with counting calories to start on the path of eating healthy and losing weight, and not everyone who does it is ana-chan.
And I am not an ana before you even go down that road.
No. 323009
>>322977>I just read this thread occasionally Sure Jan
>because it's hilarious the reasons people come up with to hate herHer own posts? No one hates her, we are pointing out she has a problem.
>or say that she has an eating disorder/mental illneses/etc. Because it is obvious she has a very negative body image and weight issues aka an ED.
>Like I know this lolcow but this is by far the weakest thread on the whole site.You sure? Try harder
>And I still stand by what I said. There's nothing wrong with counting caloriesDo you know how many she's eating? Bc she lost More than 5lbs , that's not normal/ healthy AT ALL
>Not everyone who does it is ana-chan.Literally no one said that.
No. 323176
>>322850Here we go, the cultural bullshit.
She's not even big? She's thin. It worries how half her 12 year old subscribers support it too. Manaki being asian doesn't surprise me if he supports it either, typical of them.
No. 323319
>>322845This really screams ED. She clearly has an obsession with being skinny. And sure, we all want to be thin. But she's already skinny. And she's so upset in her quest to be thin and she's even more upset by the fact she can't brag about it. This is clearly not a health/fitness thing because she never talks about working out, never talks about her nutrition, never talks about how much water she should be drinking - it's just weight loss.
Are we still in denial about the fact she was bulimic? And basically got the kind of stomach infection nearly standard for bulimia? And that her mukbang phase was literally us witnessing her binge eating? She puked half of that stuff out. She was eating competitive eating portions sometimes and they vomit all that food afterwards. She legit just puked out all those chicken nuggets. That was so unnerving to watch.
No. 323331
>>323090Not even close, I don't think I've ever commented on this thread. The IPs will be different. But I did read that comment earlier so maybe that's why I used the same terminology, cause it's true lol
this thread is sad
No. 323332
>>323090i'm the first anon you quoted and none of the rest of them. saying samefag for using what's common language on this board is… well, lol, reaching. your example is like quoting every post that's used the word sperg and insisting they're all the same person… or, ironically, quoting every post that's used the word samefag and calling them a samefag. you have to admit, this thread does reach dakota-level nitpicking sometimes.
>>322568i wish she'd do more potss/videos of lolita coords, it suits her, especially with the long brown hair.
No. 323339
>>323319Agreed, perhaps she thinks that by "dieting" and "counting calories" she is doing this a healthy way, but her end goal is to LOSE weight, when she's already at a healthy weight.
It's a slippery slope that she's on rn
No. 323355
OT now srry-
>>323341there was a chance that it was all wrong and "reaching" lol but two anons that hardly visit and say all the same stuff, just happen to be on to post at the same time to defend each other…
No. 323371
>>323341>>323355yes, because someone could type my fairly lengthy including link to a different post post in like 40 seconds. look at the actual timestamps, they were posted near simultaneously. i mean be all ADMIN CHECK THE IPs if you want to but jesus christ, take the tinfoil hat off. there's no conspiracy of samefagging going on. if you want to get all ace detective about this shit, me and that other anon don't even speak the same besides our use of a couple terms that many, many anons here use
>>323355 sage your tinfoiling at least
now seriously, stop fighting random anons and talk about venus or gtfo, derailing makes this already shit thread into outright cancer
No. 323445
File: 1495976171550.jpg (807.73 KB, 677x1620, Screenshot_20170528-225049_mh1…)

Dropped pic.
Venus is doing some PR backpedaling over the backlash and concern from her fanbase over her previous Ana-queen 'I need to lose weight, look at my 300cal dinner' posts.
No. 323453
>>322365samefag but taylor posted a video with some footage from this day.
It did end up being mostly just girl time bc taylor said venus wasn't down for vlogging,
the day with venus starts at about 10:35 in the vid
No. 323461
>>323450tbh I think her main issue is that she uses Instagram as a diary or blog.
There's too many young impressionable girls on Instagram for her to keep talking about her weight and stuff. I hope she gets close with Taylor so she can have an actual person with life experience advise her on how to deal with her feelings. And plus, Taylor is like squeaky clean so maybe she'll help keep Venus from repeatedly putting her foot in her mouth.
No. 323464
>>323445Does she even leave the house all that often ? Like who is praising/encouraging her ?
Doubt Taylor would encourage EDs which is the only person we know she hangs out with or talks to outside of her home. Soo… Manaki is encouraging her too ? ( Or she's just pitting the blame on someone else again. " Well so and so said I should" )
>>323450I don't think she's stupid, anon, and for how long can we blame her decisions on age or being sheltered ?
Some of you act like she was locked in a attic with no connections to the outside world. Sheesh, the girl probably reads, travels and is more independent the anyone here ever was at the age of 18. She isn't stupid and knows that what she's doing isn't healthy or good.
Do you also forgive teens that drink and drive ? Because it was just a stupid mistake that could or has costed somebodies life ?
Because all I see is a 19 yr old preaching to 12 year old kids about starving to get thin … What happens when they start to mimic their idol ?
No. 323467
>>323461Micaela has this issue with venting in public too. A lot of jvloggers have. It makes you wonder how close they are to people in real life if they feel like they have nobody to talk to. All fake friends for the show.
btw, to anon who went all anachan - it is normal to have a limit on you daily calorie intake.
No. 323574
Seriously this is like the 3rd time this year she does the same
>1 Posts ana chan thoughts
>2 Receives attention from people
>3 Posts a fake apology and blames society or someone else Lool it's a pattern…
No. 323626
>>323464Doesn't she go to some kind of school? It's pretty common in countries like Japan and Korea or Eastern Asia to comment on your friends' weight and point out if you seem to have lost or gained any, so I don't doubt that someone has said something to her. Also she is bigger/taller than average or ideal Japanese girls so people over there might think she could afford to lose some weight?
I s2g she must be autistic or something. I don't see her as an evil little shit bag who's ready to do anything for attention and who plays dumb and manipulates people, she just seems socially retarded and unable to admit her mistakes
No. 323634
>>323464>Does she even leave the house all that often ? Did you miss Taylor's vlog of them hanging out posted just above at
>>323453? Taylor has mentioned before that they hang out and talk all the time off-camera and have gotten very close. Plus you don't know where she goes, what she does or who else she sees any more than I or anyone else who follows her because she
doesn't post everything she does. You people making up fantasies about "hurrdurr, she's a recluse who never leaves the house KEK" are sad.
No. 323643
>>323626She does try to get attention, it's not the first time.
>unable to admit her mistakesYes.
>plays dumb and manipulates people,You described her perfectly lol
No. 323745
>>323717Her mom's spent like half of Venus's life trying to get her into the limelight. Not really surprising that someone in that situation would subconsciously seek attention if that's what they've been brought up to do.
Plus, most people seek attention for one reason or another. There's nothing too deep about it.
No. 323982
>>323626>just seems socially retardedOh really? gee, wonder how in the world THAT happened?
(p.s. Venus has said as much herself, multiple times on her IG)
>and unable to admit her mistakesUm… pretty sure that's exactly what she did here
No. 324034
File: 1496020284499.jpg (131.34 KB, 1226x604, IMG_5164.JPG)

Well here's a new twist. She's never acknowledged Aunt Zsu in any way, ever, until today. Maybe they've gotten in contact? (fingers crossed)
No. 324036
File: 1496020405136.jpg (404.37 KB, 1467x1676, IMG_5163.JPG)

And yes I do want to know what they're doing at Haneda Airport..
No. 324061
>>323634Jesus, I didn't say she never leaves the house, I asked if she does, you fruit cake.
Plus its not a complete baseless assumption when she always preaches about how recluse she is and how she's "always lonely and needs more friends" ..
>Hang out and talk ALL THE TIMEexcept Taylor rarely leaves her fucking house all that often either, and is known for embellishing all of her claims. She only recently started leaving now that her BF is home and driving her everywhere.
No. 324104
>>324061>Taylor rarely leaves her fucking house all that often either, Are you serious? Lol
She vlogs just about every freakin day going
somewhere in a cab.
No. 324117
>>324034Wtf years later she likes those posts
No. 324197
>>324036that's the observation deck at the International Terminal, if they were going to visit his parents within the country, they would be at the domestic terminal(s)?
Unless they're just killing time there…
No. 324262
>>324248I was there myself yesterday, that's why I recognise it ha! It's a really nice airport.
There is a free shuttle every 4 minutes between the two domestic terminals + international terminal. The Domestic terminal (well, Terminal One was) is pretty old and not so fun so they may have just caught the shuttle and explored the area before they got a flight?
No. 324330
>>324034It has been long enough but this is great! I hope she can meet her aunt and little cousins one day or invite them to meet her in-laws.
>>324036Lol. Manaki updated to say they were just there to try out a ramen restaurant there. Shinatatsu has a Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san tie-in campaign going on right now, so maybe that's why they went.
>>324298Are you speaking from personal experience? You know very well that there also are plenty of people who experience disturbed or dysfunctional childhoods that DON'T successfully adjust or make the best decisions due to possible altered brain physiology. You're a lucky one. No, you don't automatically turn into a monster if your mother cusses at you, but poor decision-making, high-anxiety, addiction and obsessive behaviors are very common in childhood trauma victims. This fairy tale "other people experience worse and are doing fine!" is dishonest. Venus is being stupid, not malicious. This bad habit of hers won't change overnight but you certainly can let her know that you don't agree with what she posts or handles pressure. Maybe you should PM her with some of your own coping strategies or advice because it will actually help her more than just thinking she is an shameless asshole.
No. 324345
>>324334She isnt asian? Venus is just like any other white foreigner. She will never be considered Japanese regardless of how much she diets or photoshops herself to look it.
Shes already fairly slim. Most of the other white weebs dont seem to give a flying fuck. Asians are built smaller anyway.
No. 324543
>>324345i didnt imply she is asian, but if she said people tell her to lose weight and praise her for it it's due to being in japan and will influence her.
tbh i dont really get it, a video in bathing suit but suddenly she is too fat to record videos?
mightve also been the reason she didnt want to be seen in taylors vlog?
No. 331481
File: 1496955494214.jpg (91.54 KB, 500x500, IMG_5484.JPG)

Venus-chan's new IG profile pic
No. 331484
File: 1496955535619.jpg (193.16 KB, 707x1026, IMG_5483.JPG)

She's wearing this dress from btssb:
No. 331541
>>331485>>331486hahaha, nice rapid-response butthurt. You were on that shit within seconds.
Why so
No. 331699
>>331484Dude, not attacking you, just curious..
Why do you care so much about what she wears?
How do you find what she wears so fast?
Do you dress like her or..?
Seriously just curious..
No. 331745
>>331485What "azn cringe?" Where? lol the butthurt is real
>>331486How is she "ruining herself" and what "shit" is she going to "wake up from?" All I see is a cute girl wearing a cute dress, looking happy and living a good life in Japan. Is that what has you so chapped, the looking happy part?
Pls explain, enlighten us dear butthurt
triggered anon.
(don't take the bait) No. 331777
>>331708Are you the same anon I was talking to?
>>331745>Butthurt >Is that what has you so chapped, the looking happy part?Damm
Not that anon, but your reactions are interesting… it's entertaining.
You take this way too personally..
Weeb stuff are cringey for some people, but here you are assuming everyone's butthurt and
triggered and jelly of her life.. just for not liking her?
No. 331843
>>331708Can confirm. Lolita's tend to be super autistic when it comes to brand. Not to mention, this dress is pretty new as its still on Baby's website (for 27,864 yen).
>>331481>boots>no petti>naked legzMost embarrassing behavior. But hey, she made a potato sack dress work, not very many people can.
No. 331849
>>331845I'm sorry that Venus has
triggered you anon 3: you clearly are butt hurt and making wild assumptions
No. 331855
>>331850spoiler alert: not everyone who disagrees with you is the same person
but keep fighting the whiteknight boogeyman
No. 331868
>>331855 OT-This does not have anything to do with disagreeing. This is a forum where people go to bash or complain about cows and yet you keep coming here to complain about other anons and their opinions and occasionally how great Venus is doing and how cute she is to you. If that is all you are doing here then why post here? why not go to a fan site? but you choose to come here and do it. Spoiler alert: people that come here and post don't like Venus or dont care about her. Why are you here? did you just happen across this forum, do you have the same story as the other "not the same person" person?It seems like your biggest issue is the anons, not venus.
>>331845Dont forget the ED, I know it was hinted at but it is a big deal when she is glorifying it to her fans.
No. 331896
>>331868It gotta to be Andromeda Galaxy cause she mentioned the same thing over there on Pull recently.
(sorry don't know how to add a link on here) No. 332113
>>331896Yeah, it's always the same person (Andromeda Galaxy/Um/Daphne…) who's a creepy stalker.
In my opinion, we shouldn't react, and keep reporting her posts.
sage cause "Come on old lady, get a life!"
No. 332126
File: 1497048860010.jpg (211.8 KB, 1501x960, capture-20170609-182025zx.jpg)

She's such a dork, but I mean that in a good way.
No. 332147
>>331845they look happy to me, she can get therapy in japan, she isn't really tall and no ones self esteem is gonna be ruined if they're surrounded by skinny and short asian girls all day, unless your boyfriend has a huge yellow fever fetish, plus she look thin to me, plus there are other places that aren't tokyo she can leave
jesus anon, did you even think before you posted? sage for feeding the troll
No. 332150
>>324334she might just distribute fat badly, to me, fat is when there is too much and its distributed badly, like if the girl in your posts fat went to her tits she wouldnt be complaining about stomach fat
venuses fat is distributed fine to me, her stomach and waist look pretty small and she doesnt have fat arms are anything
No. 333631
>>333615you're some delusional yellow fevered r9k fuck whining about any girl that isnt a QT AZN WAIFU aren't you?
there are plenty of tall asian girls, a lot of tall asians actually, at least where I live, most asians are taller than the white girls. if you watch vlogs of her walking through japan she looks normal compared to all of them, you are a lunatic, she isn't tall nor is she big, and she isn't gonna starve because of asians, how delusional can you be?
sage for ranting
No. 333634
>>333631same here, the asian girls are the same as the other girls most of the time (in a pretty ethnically / racially diverse area) the only time that I noticed the Europeans being really tall was in the Netherlands/Germany, and even then it was only really the men.
Venus' height isn't out of place in Japan amongst girls of her age, she's only a bit taller than average. nicely tall instead of freakishly
No. 333637
>>332113Who is this margo-tier nutcase who's obsessed with the delusion that all posts not hating VEENOOS are the same person, aka DAPHNE?
No. 333642
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>>333635because its average, yet there are plenty of tall ass asian girls, average is when they all put together the heights and divide them by the female population, most of the asian girls I know are either 5'4 or taller, most are taller than the white girls here
No. 333651
I agree with the anon above… the average height for woman in Japan is 5'2, its even stated in Wikipedia so I don't know what you guys are talking about. be fair, I'm asian 5'2 and I live in Japan myself and I see a lot of women who are about my height but….. from time to time, yes I do see women who are taller than me as well.
No. 333708
>>333615she isn't 5'8
me and my friend saw her around 2 years ago in japan and she was taller than me (164cm) and shorter than my friend (171cm) so she's probably around 167-168cm (5'5/5'6)
No. 333771
>>333708With exactly same shoe heights?
Margaret claimed she was 166cm/5"5'
No. 333776
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She's not as short as the average Japanese woman nor is she that tall. 166-168cm is a very believable height for her and I see high school girls here in Japan that are in that range every day. It's just that she naturally curvy, with larger hips and thighs(95cm hip at the time of her bodyline shoot), broader shoulders. It makes her appear bigger and she takes after her mom when it comes to fat distribution. The popular kawaii print models she compares herself are very petite, quite short and constantly dieting/restricting. They also do not have large hips or busts. Let's not forget how Venus was shredded for her measurements when she finally modeled for Bodyline, even after she lost weight due to a threatened penalty. (She was 50kg when she had the first Skype with Mr. Yan, then got under 48kg). I think that event really drilled it into her brain that she was much bigger than a regular Japanese model, especially when magazines like Popteen fake their models' measurements. Most the trendy stores also do not have accommodating skirts and pants for curvy hips, so that could be very discouraging when you come here.
>>333667Which age range are you comparing yourself to and which area? I think that is most important to consider. I'm 164cm, far from Tokyo, and almost all my Japanese female friends 25-35 year old are around my height or a few cm taller. Not Amazons but you get the idea.
No. 333791
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>>333637You're the one and only sperg here, and you know it. You're the "mago-tier" creepy fan, but as Margo, you're not really smart or subtle.
Stop shitting up that thread with your constant arguing and go back to KF (or use that energy to make a fan blog for your precious Venus)
Sage for total OT and please mods, it would really cool if you permaban her
No. 333852
>>333791Damn anon, thanks for making this one.
>>333637>margo-tier Sigh your obsession is showing
Anon, it's very obvious when it's you. Yeah sometimes other anons disagree, that's normal, but yes,
we, always recognize your posts. There's a pattern.
>that all posts not hating VEENOOS are the same person, aka DAPHNE?For someone who claims to be a different person, you seem to care a lot about Daphne kek Anyway we can discuss about that in Daphne's thread.
Sage for talking to the troll here.
No. 334340
>>334313That was mean…
This reminded me of her last weight issues post… do you think her husband or people around her are pushing her? Is it just her ideas of what is beauty? A combination? She's clearly not fat, and it's unhealthy to keep comparing herself to Japanese girls.
No. 334398
>>334340I think it is a combination of still wanting to be a model for kawaii clothing in Japan where there is a strict body standard and possibly Manaki's female family members are more petite than her. He's a slight man, so I imagine his relatives are similar. Manaki also has a complex about the weight he gained, so that can exacerbate whatever she is dealing with since he is the main person in her life.
>>334366Your friends' problem seems similar to what I saw. She seemed nervous and concentrating too hard on not messing up, so she would draw blanks and dwell on what she did wrong.
Yeah, ridiculing her weight is such a
trigger for her. I do wish she could talk to a counselor even if she is no longer dieting or restricting. Even if it's in your thoughts and not manifesting itself in your actions, it's still a problem. The stress and guilt alone is bad for her health.
I would really love it if she instead embraced more physical activity along with her biking and healthy cooking. But I also personally understand that with a husband that works late and long hours, you don't get to share the joy of a freshly prepared, full meal that often. It can be depressing to not be able to show your efforts when you love to cook.
No. 334413
>>334398It wont get better for Venus living in a country where girls are half her height and frame. Plus pressure off Manaki or whatever happens beneath closed doors wouldn't help. Japan is shit in terms of mental health anyway.
She will probably develop an ED and in a years time when shes near being hospitalized her idiot fans will start all the tears and "we should've seen it coming!"
No. 334519
>>334313I feel bad for her too.
Much as I can't bear her cringy videos, I don't care about her as a person.
And I think that people should do no less.
As a youtuber, she propose a content so let's judge the content, god damn it!
She should talk about her diet/body issues to a professional and not on IG again (her fans are too young/dumb/blind/enabler and, as we can see, it's a massive troll bait)
saged for no real contribution and crooked english
No. 334544
>>286133People on here need to stop acting as if every single Japanese person is perfectly thin! Yes, most girl's there are short as fuck, but because of this a lot of them are also looking very "stumpy" even at a very low weight. Venus height contributes to looking slimmer with long, leaner looking legs/arms etc.
In S. Korea people get openly criticised for their weight, not so much in Japan, they act way too polite for that, so I think that she's lying about that… When she was younger, at the time Manaki "fell in love" with her, she was also a bit chubbier, so as creepy/unlikable he is, I don't see it in him to pressure her.
No. 334569
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>>334544>at the time Manaki "fell in love" with her, she was also a bit chubbierI second this, Manaki 'followed' Venus online long before they met / and while Venus's weight has fluctuated a few pounds up and down, her body type/shape has always been the same
Manaki has always been in Japan, so why would he compare Venus to Japanese girls? Its all in Venus's head
No. 334603
>>334569Haha This Weenoos era was the cringiest. Anyway,
She was really popular back then, when she was considered a
"living doll", also she trying to become an idol in Japan, so she was probably just a cute loli to him. I think he never imagined that Venus was going to end up living with him.
When they finally started dating for a few months she was already 17~18 and very skinny, he obviously started to look at her in a different way, especially after they got married, relationships can change a lot after that.
No. 334604
>>334569To be honest, I don't think she's ever even been "chubby". Her body was never the problem. It's just her unfortunate face shape making her look fat. She has this weird, super round moonface going on, and it's even present when she's at her lowest weights. It's like she collects most of her weight in her cheeks and chin somehow.
Like her super-thin lips that people used to complain about, it literally can't be helped (at least not without the end result looking bad too).
No. 334611
>>334593It's like anon said
>How actually damaged you have to be to react so emotionally over some rando on the interwebz telling you you're fat? It's quite obvious she had an ED since some time ago, all those IG posts, weird videos explaining her
diet, binge eating, then restricting calories, she clearly has no idea of what she's doing or how it works, she needs to go to a nutrition specialist instead of doing whatever she's reading on the internet.
No. 334732
>>334610You've got some shit genetics if your face is sagging to the point of looking like a turkey before even reaching thirty, but this doesn't mean every round faced gal is going to be a unfortunate as you before/during 30s.
>>334611She's been talking to nutritionist Tay ( Nutrition studies dropout ). I wouldn't be surprised if she is taking advice from Taylor about dieting, soo, probably a salad only diet with coffee and green juice.
No. 334878
>>334593That's exactly what the other anon and i were saying…?
No people around her would actually critize her weight it's just an excuse to push the blame from her and mask her disorder
No. 336046
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She reminds me of that orphan movie girl…
No. 336332
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she's live on IG rn if anyone's interested
No. 336801
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>>336332>>336046Then she posts heavily edited pictures after the streams… Her instagram pictures should come with "serving suggestion" text.
No. 336850
>>336801that heavy meitu abuse is too real
on a side note, didn't she post a picture of herself some months ago where she taped her face to look more ~kawaii asain~ ? I can see if I can find if.
yet her fans still believe the pictures she posts are what she actually looks like
No. 337012
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>>336850>didnt shedry milk imo. one was a "anime make up look" the other an ironic thumbnail
No. 337797
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>>337404"looks like marg"?
on what planet? lol
No. 337873
>>337798>>337797Piss off with the white knighting pls
Some angles yes, she looks like marge, when she's not over editing the shit out of her pictures
I mean, they're mother and daughter, of course they're gonna look similar lmao
No. 339180
>>337798>>337797She looks like her mother. A lot. The end.
Your hatred for her Margo-genes won't change that simple fact.
Remember, she came from her uterus.
No. 340022
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not really milk, just thumbnail clickbait
No. 341904
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It's time for you to stop reading lolcow.
>>340022Actually it is, but everyone knows she just wants attention so it's boring.
No. 342150
>>341904I don't mean to be nitpicky but her eyebrows are a totally different colour than her natural hair. she's been doing makeup for how long? and can't even get the shades right.
and where the fuck is her nose? bitch wants to be asian so badly. this pic makes me think she's taping her eyes or shooping the fuck out of her face. meitu abuse isn't kawaii venus
No. 342432
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>>342151Edgy captions and thumbnails..
Bah, she has a meltdown every time meanies leave comments.. but yeah you're such an edgelord V.
No. 342435
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…and more clickbait.
I think I'm starting to agree with anons here
>>340133 >>340164
No. 342474
>>342432so she's trying to appeal to neckbeard gamers now. so cute venus~
you fanbase of preteens isn't good enough for you?
No. 344886
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how cute
No. 348630
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>>347768>>347777That collar.. Porno vid coming soon
No. 349731
>>348655>"Choke me daddy" KEK
>>348630Why do they do this???
Remember when Venus was liking all those creepy soft porn pics of Japanese school girls in a very similar outfit and scenario?
>>347768It's a bracelet for the upcoming movie
One night in Venus No. 353347
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it is not animal abuse if it's in japan, apparently.. but the audience wont understand uwu
No. 353908
>>353347Her excuses again… she made 5 unnecessary posts about the topic. Keep it simple,
Thanks for the advice, I will buy a bigger cage because animals need space then buy it online if necessary.
>"But my audience is from different countries, so they won't understand why some things are done differently"People from other countries, like yourself, can learn and understand, but they can also disagree and share or compare information.
No. 353992
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>from now on I will refrain from posting Yomogi on the internet
I'm willing to bet she's just going to take the hamster back to the pet store and never speak of him again.
No. 355029
Can circle lenses affect your eyes? Serious question. I think one of her eyes looks "tired" lately? Like in this pic
>>336332 Sage for nitpicking.
But serious question
No. 356246
>>355931Those glasses and shirt make manaki look like a pedo, what a bad thumbnail
sage for no real contribution
No. 357727
>>356785Well, he's perfect for her as she's the female version of that.
>>357689Don't cha know ? She's Japanese.
No. 358087
>>356246Manaki looks like a stereotypical Akiba otaku Cherry Boy. That check shirt and messy hair is standard uniform. 110% Venus is his first girlfriend. He's a perfect match for her.
>>356973Venus is just a trolling asshole. Yet her attempts are only mild agitation since she barely posts anything, unlike her weeaboo peers. Get over yourself, "woke" girl. You act like she is Onision-level evil. You're just going to produce diamonds in your rectum for no reason.
Once again, the ones complaining the most are not actually part of the demographic that is supposed to be deeply offended. Unless you are actually transgender Japanese person living in Japan?
No. 358449
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>>358394>the view count in her youtube channel has gone down considerably. Orly? Don't think so. Actually views (and subs) have been rising steadily.
Try again.
No. 358484
>>358450My observation as well.
>>358460>But i just dont like her or Manaki at all… I find them a bit weird. There's something about their relationship that I find odd too. Like in
>>355931, they seem almost as awkward as they were in their first Q&A
No. 358623
>>355931>3:18So awkward
No. 359385
>>359087I'm disappointed too.
She's not funny, it's a fact. But since her followers give her constant asspats ("lol, Venus is such a master troll!"…seriously take a look at the PULL thread, it's frustrating af) she'll not ready to face and make an effort.
It's ok that she try to find who she is, but she don't have to use all these awful clickbait stuff.
She already have 1,4 mil subscribers, a pretty solid fan base…she should take more time working on her content rather than thinking about her next "so edgy" jokes and nswf thumbnails.
I've a soft spot for her and still hope that she'll change…but for now, she's just walking on margo's paths.
sage for crooked english rant
No. 360417
>>359385She perfectly knows what she's doing imo.
I'm feeling so much secondhand embarrassment, I couldn't watch the whole video, sorry, Venus.
Filty-Venus is just not natural, she's trying too hard.
No. 360462
>>358287>maybe she wants to expand her demographic in japan but i don't see why they'd be interested, She needs to change the content then, because she's using Japanese to present Japanese stuff that could be interesting for foreigners who aren't familiar with Japanese products, because those oh-so-weird products she presents aren't unusual in Japan, the only thing she's going to get from Japanese viewers is a *"oh this foreign girl speaks Japanese, ee~~"*, because the content is like..
"..she's eating gummies and chocolate from family mart and Donki what?"
>or maybe she wants more people to be familiar with the language, She's practicing but I doubt this is for the people… tbh I can't stand her voice when she tries to sound cute in Japanese.
No. 360675
>>360417Yeah, I know.
But fangelics keep licking her kawaii ass regardless shitty behaviours is a part of the problem (criticism is indispensable for an artist/public figure in my opinion)
But you're right, she's an adult and she should be able to question herself too.
No. 360986
>>360905A lot of young germans speak perfect english.
For me she sounds like people who try to hard to lose they german accent. A german accent is really clear and hard so they try to sound more indistincly.
Usually 15y/o teen girls who speak english the whole day and pretend to be one of the ~americanz~
No. 361372
>>360977It's not her English, she sounded like that before, it's her
edgy content, weird sex jokes combinated with her loli look, no schedule, sad instagram posts, and Manaki constantly hinting about their sex life (why would you do that??)
She's one of the original "living dolls" , I guess that reference helps mantain her channel even if the content is, well, bad now.
No. 362134
>>361994from what they've posted on their social media it is really awkward… it could he manaki is just not used to being on camera, but then again they've been in a relationship for a while so you'd think he'd get used to it?
bit of a tinfoil but probably when he was stalking his "living doll", he wasn't expecting for them to actually end up in a relationship, them living together, etc. and he's trying to figure out how to deal with it and what exactly to do lol
No. 363318
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>>361959it's kinda distracting..
She wants to make her eyebrows straight, but girl…
No. 363941
>>361988Nah man, her views are just going back to normal. She only got 300k-1mil because of the drama that was going down, before any of that her channel was actually losing subscribers and a lot of fans were complaining about her eating all the time. ( mukbang ) This was while she was in Korea and before 1mil subs ( which Margo and her bought subs everytime they lost subs ) I remember watching her drop 500 and then randomly shoot up 3000.
She had more (views) attention when there was multiple channels reporting about her ( keem, Vex, random fans ) as well as had a lot of Lolcow and Pulls attention. Now nobody cares but her hardcore fans.
No. 366820
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>>361988>views have been going downCheck your facts son. Her views are going up steadily, as in 4M views/month to 4.4M views currently. She's gotten 4M views or better consistently for months now and they're rising, not "going down."
Try again.
No. 366927
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>>366820Not that anon, but why would she's using clickbait (thumbnails+title) if her channel was so successful?
Old contents aside, without clickbait her new videos barely reach 50-100k each.
No. 367408
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ok guys I can't be the only one who noticed that the shape of her mouth has completely changed? Her top lip used to have this kind of bow shape but now it's very heart shaped. There's this surgery in Korea that you can get to achieve this by cutting the corners of your mouth, pic related. At first I thought she just applied her lipstick differently but after looking at her older videos, the whole shape of her mouth unrelated to her lips changed when she talks. Thoughts?? Saged just in case
No. 367770
>>366927I agree a lot of her thumbnails (and content too) these days is unfortunate and I hate to see her stooping to such levels, but views are views. It's all paid the same whether they're on old vids or current ones. She's obviously getting a lot more views on her older vids but it doesn't matter when it comes to getting paid (sorry.)
Latest stats show 4.5M views/past 30 days, so still trending up.
No. 368142
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>>367408>>367411Aaah I think I know what you saw. She has little
scars above both corners of her lips and under her lower lip, you can spot them at the beginnig of the video. I'm not sure what those
scars are but yeah in this video her lips look upturned, her lips look usually very small and downturned.
Could be something else though.
No. 368153
>>367770>I hate to see her stooping to such levels, but views are views.That's pathetic to be honest.
Click bait + low quality content combo only work for a while. It gets boring and predictable.
No. 368258
>>360417You people forget she is margo's daughter. They have a very biting sarcastic wit. She knows what shes doing. I bet thats not her real voice. Its her living doll voice. Plus once you get past 3 languages fluently your speaking voice changes. Listen to prince philip. You can tell he has lived many places.
Everyone gives venus a pass and blames margo. Venus is a cow on her own. I do enjoy her educational videos, she is a very good presenter. Her style is old american shows. Her mom must have made her study old tv. Her channel makes perfect sense when you look at it through the lens of old school euro trash mixed with old american tv.
They are the definition of eurotrash.
No. 369600
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No. 369633
>>363574lmfao that OOohhOoHooo at the beginning killed me
sage cuz she funni
No. 370364
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Her teeth look so much better.
No. 370379
>>370254Since her hair is pink in this video I guess her explanation about that teary selfie wasn't true.
>>370364The pink hair looks good on her too.
No. 370478
>>370418I wouldn't say that's an admittance of anorexia. It probably just means she doesn't want to do mukbang videos anymore and this her reasoning to her fans.
Sort of a "I can't eat large amounts anymore because of this, and so can't do anymore videos where I eat so much I make myself sick"
Those mukbang videos must have seriously affected her health.
No. 390969
>>390955>>390959Yes, he is a stable, full-time employee of Panasonic since he was (I think) 18 years old. It's good money and decent benefits to support a small family. He had no problem supporting Venus completely during that huge slump and he also has a close family that cares about him and Venus.
If you live close to the countryside and small towns, it's not expensive to live in Japan. Venus and Manaki don't live in a major city, but the Japanese train system is convenient enough for Venus to travel freely to Tokyo or other fun places. Personally, I don't think she is living a luxurious or unusual life currently. Her amount of free time and shopping resembles a pretty typical young, childless housewife in Japan.
No. 390971
>>390969Being a "housewive" at the age of 20 and doing nothing at all day long besides a little cooking and making a video now and then, does seem lazy, anon. When you hear the occupation housewife, you'd either think she has kids to take care of, or is already old enough to be retired.
Usually you'd call people who are not working after high school unemployed…
No. 390972
>>390971She's in Japan, like
>>390969 said. She's a gaijin, and already married, so most of the jobs she may have been able to get are barred to her. It's a real thing that married women in Japan trying to get jobs are considered unreliable with the assumption that they're probably going to get pregnant eventually. She's essentially an outsider anyways so it's difficult for her to get any jobs anyways.
No. 391008
>>390969I'm sorry but how do you know where he works? wtf when are you people going to stop stalking her whole family and husband and post everything here?
One thing is discussing her videos and posts and other is making a whole summary of everything she and her family does, that doesn't even help her.
Leave her husband and family alone. if you can't stop stalking them at least keep that information to yourself.
No. 391056
>>391024There are a LOT of stores and places in Japan that require people who can speak English or other foreign languages, they always hire students or housewives etc. since they already have a visa it's easy. You can work at a call center, at the airport, as an assistant, at a theme park, etc. You don't need a career for those jobs. They don't excpect you to have experience for things everyone can learn, just commitment.
>>391034>I have a friend that..ok.
No. 391112
>>391078>implying that was a real question instead of an assertionThen she(you) should stfu like she's the authority, when other people may also have experiences.
Venus has never had a real job, let alone been married. She's probably giving into the ideal for Japanese women to be stay at home wives/moms.
No. 391138
>>288204I thought Venus would look godawful if she ever got chubbier, but she looks cute here.
sage for no contribution whatsoever and also replying to a fucking 5 months old post.
No. 391245
>>391008Wtf?! Both Margaret and Venus posted about this information several times. I'm sorry for having a dependable memory. How the Hell is that stalking when one can simply REMEMBER what was posted as public information? Margaret even posted that video of her harassing Manaki while he was in uniform. Why are you even here if that is so difficult to understand?
It's funny because I don't think you genuinely care about her well-being at all.
>>391068Yeah, she said she was attending classes in one of her vlogs. Many language schools can help non-native Japanese speakers get part-time work too, although her spouse visa would allow to more employment options. She could very well have a part-time job now and she is just not mentioning it for privacy reasons. I don't know why some people think the only position for her is a toilet-cleaner or hostess.
>>391065Hey. I've been living in Japan for several years. Why do you think that other anon is lying if you don't live here either? Oh, lord. You're also
>>391112 What is YOUR personal experience in Japan? You sure are worked up.
>>391166No, that's not what happened.
No. 391249
>>391112Venus and Manaki are married. Anon are you ok?
She's said she's studying for JLPT which is required for many jobs, like JLPT 3 or JLPT 1 for jobs where you need to be fluent. So if she's studying for that chances are she will find a better job because some companies have a "gajin" quota they need to fill.
> I also lived in Japan No. 391855
>>391393I noticed too. Not that her weight can't be achieved in a healthy way, but it would be more reassuring if she got back into sharing recipes or talking about the food she made herself. Yo-yo dieting and restriction are going to age her terribly if she is not careful.
>>391408Can you not read what
>>390959 wrote?
It's old news. What's with your fake moral outrage? Anyway, the only person that is a legitimate danger to them, or even cares about finding their exact location, is Margaret. But she can't re-enter Japan and she can't speak Japanese to figure out which facility, out of MANY, that he may work at. By the time she gets travel clearance, Venus may have citizenship, which Margaret dreads. Not only will Venus have more rights in general, but she can legally act on her own without depending on her husband or his family.
No. 392678
>>391929She slimmed down again, but not terribly. I personally think she looks very good, but we've seen her go up and down with weight, so hopefully she is active and healthier right now.
>>391986I hope she gains the confidence to share once more. She should just leave out mention of calorie restriction or weight loss and instead focus on the beneficial nutritional content, or just the joy of cooking in general. Kawaii bento would be a great direction for her.
No. 408982
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Is it just me, or does she seem to be doing something in this picture to appear more flat chested? Binding? Maybe it's just the sweater? She doesn't seem to mind showing off her legs, but really downplays them bewbs.
No. 409258
>>408982she also
starved slimmed down a lot, so maybe them boobies gone.
No. 409348
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She’s now a Verified instagram account…i.e. officially a public figure, celebrity +/or a global brand (according to instagram.) Idk what that means but it seems to be a good thing?
No. 411098
>>410339has a vivid imagination.
No. 412716
File: 1509499721339.jpeg (386.27 KB, 1382x1419, 86A797E2-02AE-406C-8BFA-FE9538…)

Halloween cosplay w/her new friend
No. 412786
>>412716Hey Andromeda,
You should really make a fan club for Venus.
No. 413004
>>412885>She’s on weeaboo easy street.Really. She maintains 2.5M Youtube views per month despite only posting one halfassed video every 3 weeks or so. She seems to be concentrating more on Instagram, posting there regularly but even those are pretty boring and uninspired. She’s coasting on her past fame. Imagine what she could accomplish if she gave enough of a shit to put some effort into it.
Her new friend is an example of someone who’s at least trying, whether you like that weeaboo crap or not.
No. 413050
>>412885What lmao
>>412786Andromeda sleeps with an eye open just in case someone talks here. Always ready to bark at jelly jelly haters.
>>413004>New friendwhat happened with Taylor? wtf
No. 413068
>>413060That's sad. But it was weird, Taylor invited her to many places, made a video defending her, I don't know if it was just for youtube money or what but one day Venus just unfollowed her and they stopped talking in public.
It was discussed here, then Taylor commented one of her videos but Venus totally ignored it, responded to other youtubers and people, Taylor's comment was the only one without a like or a comment. I also remember when someone asked Taylor on IG, "hey is it true that Venus stole money from you?" (a sockpuppet I believe). Taylor or that person deleted the comment when it was posted here.
So idk. Now that Tay's leaving, I wonder what happened.
No. 413105
>>413068>>413097I don’t remember any of this happening, here or in her YT comments or on IG. Post the comment or it didn’t happen.
Personally I think Venus just got bored with Taylor and dropped her, god knows she bores me to death. Venus has 2 or 3 other people she hangs with in Tokyo and follows on IG, besides her IG besties Tsuruko and that Ikuraz person. Why bother with Taylor, especially since she’s joined at the hip with the insufferable Sharla? Who needs that?
No. 413109
>>413105Except that it did happen, lurk more, all the screenshots are in these threads, no need to lie about those details.
>Why bother with TaylorBecause she seemed to care and defended her? Tay NEVER said anything bad about her, in fact only super nice things and asked people stop attacking Venus? That was nice.
>Sharla Yeah no one needs Sharla lmao but Taylor was nice enough to keep her relationship with Venus away from Sharla.
No. 413124
>>413109>all the screenshots are in these threadsNot a single one in this thread, just one troll comment from Taylor’s IG which she deleted.
Post ‘em or you’re lying.
No. 413596
>>413068I thought Venus mass unfollowed everyone though, not just Taylor?
And yea she invited Venus to many places but she also kept whipping out the camera whenever they hung out even at times Venus didn't seem to want to be in a vlog. I mean she didn't show her face then but it just felt like she was interrupting girl time by trying to get footage. That can get annoying after a while
There's also the fact that Taylor is way older, has different interests and experiences, etc. I doubt there was anything mean in their distancing themselves from each other. But then again, who knows what went on we can only speculate. They might still talk in private.
No. 415606
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>>414940So yeah, no Venus/Taylor drama for those anons trying to stir up some. Venus even dusted off her Twitter account to retweet the link to Taylor’s vlog.
>>413109 No. 415651
File: 1509851046972.jpeg (373.52 KB, 1959x1152, 7EE51D7C-161A-4F64-A607-C9BA86…)

>>414940They had lunch at the same cafe (in the very same seats) where they first met a year ago. Venus said Taylor was the first friend she made in Japan and thanked Taylor for helping her be more open. Taylor choked up. Obviously no acrimonious breakup happened here.
Afterwards Taylor said she admires Venus’s positivity and strength after going through so much in her life.
No. 416493
>>415857You don’t seem too bright (as evidenced by your inability to string together a coherent sentence.) Everybody knows it was batshit crazy margo behind all that shady shit over the years, frequently posing and posting as Venus.
Get with the program, would you?
No. 418104
>>412716Where's the fucking milk? No one care about Penus Halloween costume but you.
Lolcow isn't a fansite. Go back to PULL.
No. 418168
>>416210>as evidenced by your inability to string together a coherent sentence.You’re such a fucking snob, relax. I’m a different anon btw.
>Everybody knows it No it was literally just Andromeda who posted that tinfoil in PULL
No. 418212
File: 1510115843478.jpg (795.78 KB, 1318x560, venusandmikan_LI.jpg)

i deleted the screenshot because I wanted to explain what I was saying more accurately. I only thought mikan was using her to gain more popularity because of the way I see her talk about venus in her comments on facebook. And I suspected venus felt the same way I did because she never posted the video mikan references in this post. and I also know venus has a hard time making friends with people who are too similar to her and mikan is pretty darn similar to her. but hey, maybe venus just never got around to it.
No. 418343
>>418253You said
>Everybody knows itBut that’s not the case. Do you really believe everyone agrees with that tinfoil?
In fact, if you check old tags and compare them to new tags after Margo-era, Venus still uses many of the old tags, because she used to tag her videos herself, she wrote captions etc.
Now, you just can’t come and say
“Margo never moved a finger, she never edited anything you can see it was just Venus” and then say “uh no, Margo wrote everything in her old videos and Instagram posts” see how contradictory is that? lyou are just trying to justify everything, it’s never Venus, it’s always X or Y. That theory is ridiculous, very unrealistic.
No. 418437
>>418354Absolutely agree, shes just another uninteresting insta "kawaii" hoe. Most likely trying to milk Venus for a share in her thirsty beta followers and cheap sponsors kek
No. 418456
>>416493>>418253Lol you need to fucking chill. It's the internet, it's not that serious. Sounds like you need a reminder that these people are irrelevant in the real world?
Is it highly probable that Venus was under the influence of Margo, yes absolutely. Does that completely negate the fact that Venus herself could have been a dick to other people independently, no! Absolutely not. But you know what, I cba to reply with you anymore because all you do is just assert that people are dumb and don't know anything about the situation lol.
No. 418469
>>418253We get it. You keep saying that since the first Venus thread has come.
Lolcow ≠ spergelic's safe space
No. 424652
File: 1510770269664.jpeg (174.4 KB, 640x1091, 20EE22AD-6FDB-487D-8F60-C3D5AD…)

Look what she posted in her instastories, just stuck in there between hamster pics and cute food. Guess she’s still working through issues w/her past.
No. 425298
>>425245The thing is, we all know she was manipulated by her mother, so Venus could have genuinely believed the "haterzzz" were trying to stop her achieving her (mother's) dreams.
Her mother could have easily convinced Venus blocking all negative and non-ass-kissing comments was the best thing to do.
Yes I fully believe Venus was involved with the mass blocking of people, but I also believe it was because she was convinced it was necessary
No. 425363
>>425298This. A mother like Margo could easily convince Venus that it was all just haters. Especially when she wouls isolate Venus by not enrolling her in school or pulling her away at conventions and standing right at her back when fans wanted to talk to her.
But i think it back fired because most dont let their daughter become stars and more and nore ppl were openingly questioning Margo.since she put herself out there instead of hiding.
Ppl could pull receipts on Margo and make venus see.
She only did what mother says to do.
Never mind this pyscho tried to sell her off constantly to older and richer men.
No. 429570
File: 1511303414878.jpeg (479.17 KB, 1585x1173, 6510C5D1-EDD9-4974-A27C-BB4937…)

Finances? Investing?? This is gonna trigger someone whose name I won’t mention, for sure. lol
>’she invests MY MONEE that she STOLE from meee that psychopath!!’
No. 435683
File: 1512142124262.jpeg (469.95 KB, 1254x1476, D2848AD6-FB6E-4AF3-A8A9-38E9E6…)

Look who got together at Tokyo Disney
No. 435685
File: 1512142205368.jpeg (179.24 KB, 1195x517, F0DF2601-E0AF-421D-9521-CE5958…)

and caption
2 vlogs incoming
No. 435865
>>435698your wishful thinking is not = “milk”
There is no “milk” because all milk flowed from marge the psycho. Without her there’s nothing; Venus on her own is boring. Hence this thread being dead. No marge = nothing to discuss. Sorry.
Looking forward to her and Taylor’s vlogs about their day at Disneyland Tokyo.
No. 436159
File: 1512198383139.jpg (92.95 KB, 750x1334, 15418841_1497890280302168_8295…)

>>435910speaking of mikan, anon, this is from venus' latest insta-story; looks like venus, mana, and mikan are hanging out together.
No. 436306
>>436265looks fine to me too. Everyone takes unflattering pics from time to time - bad lighting, angles etc - but
>aging quicklyand
>looking old for her age?sorry, no.
No. 436329
File: 1512232297519.jpeg (282.38 KB, 989x1364, 7A8CFD31-E4BA-47C1-9BEE-FB78D2…)

She’s also been hanging with her friend @mikan.mandarin. And looking her age (to me.)
No. 436369
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>>436314Looks like they had fun
No. 436656
I sometimes feel like this manface is posting in this thread. I get that she's one of Venus' few friends, but how often she gets brought up is a tad irritating. Also weird to see people type out the full username rather then just her name. Its like referring to Venus as : Venus_Angelic or Taylor as "Taylor1488".
Venus is boring and her ugly friend is irrelevant…
No. 436925
File: 1512322882935.jpeg (349.49 KB, 1029x1728, 6DC77904-845D-447F-8B11-D90676…)

Promised video #3, so far none have materialized. Been like 6 weeks since her last video yet somehow her views keep going up and up - almost 3 million views/month currently. I don’t understand.
Mikan looks cute here. It’s all in the angles with her.
No. 437458
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>>435721>>436238Put a ice pack on that hate-boner, girl. I can practically hear the vibrations. Lol
>>436546She may be, but what does that have to do with her friendships?
The long wait seems to concern the difficult nature of her next videos. Which issue do you think she will address: her mom/family, body image and/or mental state?
No. 437722
>>437644Not until she releases the mystery video she’s been talking about for TWO WEEKS now. The suspense is killing me but I’m expecting a big letdown when she finally gets off her ass long enough to finish the stupid thing.
But I agree that she doesn’t need a thread here. Of course you’re always free to, you know -
not read it if it annoys you that much.
No. 437774
>>437644>you really want to talk about her manly looking friendYou seem quite
triggered that Venus has a rl friend.
No. 437803
You guys are keeping this thread alive over the fact that Venus is hyping a video ?
I highly doubt its an emotional tell all video. Why the fuck would she want to
trigger the Margoose into another internet tantrum when she's finally gone quiet. God only knows Margo would probably harass Vex into making another bullshit video. If Venus needs to get something off her chest or talk to someone she has actual friends now to do that with.
>>437774Not the same anon you're responding to, but why does it bother some of you that others think her friend is hideous ?
>>437768I haven't checked in a long time, but the last time I did Venus' thread was dead on PULL due to one bitchy mod. ( The one that Pull users used the Pull thread here to vent about )
Its live again ?
No. 438605
File: 1512521892317.jpeg (271.57 KB, 1250x1135, 74E0A7D3-17ED-4F34-BE3B-5E1E10…)

This comment appeared on Manaki’s latest instagram post.
It’s from grandpa ferenc’s wife margit’s instagram account - aka margo’s mommy.
It’s really her instagram account.
Was it hacked?
No. 438809
psychiatrists to who what now
No. 439578
File: 1512625793812.png (607.61 KB, 814x596, Screen Shot 2017-12-06 at 9.48…)

No. 439616
File: 1512632999436.png (570.84 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-12-07-08-47-33…)

Margo postes this. Oh my she sounds like a dog trainer. Also the pic she chose looks line her and her trained dog.
No. 439657
>>439616I love how Margo goes from hospital to near death.
Way to make it all about you Margo. Just because Venus is in hospital doesn't mean near death. Stop being so dramatic.
Also, anyone else feel like the first part of Margo's post makes it sound like Venus has died?
Sage because Margo
No. 439689
>She never had to go to the dentist …. What the actual fuck ? Venus eats candy by the truck load and she never thought just once to take her to the dentist to ensure healthy teeth…
Has V even had her Vaccines ?
How the hell does Margo think this would make her sound like a great mother ?
> " I gave her everything except freedom and health care. " No. 439766
>>439689Since she's in Japan the dentist thing is most likely not going to happen. Not because the dentists there aren't good, but because Japanese ppl themselves don't actually go there very often if at all.
It's only a very recent trend and mostly popular among escorts, hosts and kyaba to take at least a bit care of the teeth.
No. 439840
>>439754No, margo didn’t “just guess Venus was happy to get the surgery because she would lose weight,” she said Venus got the surgery for the sole purpose of losing weight, i.e. weight-loss surgery. Margo has tried to spread that lie ever since. It’s total b.s. because 1) Venus was already rail-thin before she had to have the surgery 2) having a small section of your intestine resected will not lead to weight loss unless you remove most of your small intestine, which did not happen with Venus and 3) as someone else pointed out the doctor margo claimed did the surgery had been banned from practicing medicine long before Venus had her surgery.
Long story short: margo is a lying psycho and too stupid to even make her lies credible or believable, except to the most stupid and gullible of people.
No. 439979
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>>439840Nope, margo just guessed it. 1/2
No. 439980
File: 1512692593147.png (431.63 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-12-08-01-19-17…)

>>439840Margo wrote am email to herself impersonating venus. 2/2
No. 440116
>>439766lol recent trend amongst night workers… why do weebs keep rehashing the same dumb japan "facts" in threads like this.
people… go to dentists. they get check ups and fillings and it's really cheap and normal. this misconception comes from the fact that cosmetic dentistry (like braces and stuff) wasn't really a thing. dentists even check kids teeth at school as part of their health checks where they check weight/height/etc.
saged for dumb shit
No. 440942
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update: she’s getting better with stronger medication. Won’t say what the diagnosis was though. Abdominal pain with vomiting, treated with medication… any guesses?
No. 441826
File: 1512952360983.jpeg (181.93 KB, 1929x484, B742AB89-3E81-4DAC-9BFA-8BC12F…)

Still no video.
Youtube views still going up despite no new videos.
I’m still confused by this.
No. 445395
File: 1513455407884.jpeg (646.89 KB, 1271x1905, 7A1A62FB-7738-46EE-9101-A5EDAA…)

from her friend Mikan’s insta stories
No. 445412
File: 1513457500571.png (419.86 KB, 295x525, gothgf.PNG)

Also a pic from Mikan’s insta stories. Her expression seems a bit weird.
No. 445759
>>445405But we're only seeing Venus' legs from the knee down, while we see Mikan's legs from the knee up? Venus is very very thin, but I don't think we can really tell from
>>445396 if she's scarily thin or not
No. 446730
>>446208I didn't even mean financial problems anon, simply every other person other than her has it worse; how many 20yo married childless "housewives" who can spend every single minute of their lifes just doing what they personally want (buying childish things in the city of their dreams) are there?
It's been quite some time now, i can't bring myself to feel sorry for her anymore…
No. 446755
obviously depression is irrational, but many people don't have support at all. i know venus' fans are somewhat superficial, but it's something. and may people have both mental and environmental factors contributing to their depression.
No. 454520
File: 1514420483178.jpeg (395.26 KB, 1277x1454, AE893D77-BBA9-4892-8EDF-376CDF…)

Out with friends
No. 455343
File: 1514494690956.jpeg (201.12 KB, 1906x465, 6544BB80-52F3-46DC-906C-7BD830…)

Well she just hit 5M views/month on Youtube despite her last video being over 10 weeks ago. That’s double what they were just a month or so ago. No wonder marge is in such a foul mood these days,lol
No. 455739
>>455347>>455445Maybe she's shady and buying views ?
Its hard to tell whats happening with her. The I "super super sick" but now out drinking after being hospitalized, and magically her views are growing despite zero content being uploaded in months. I'm slowly getting the vibe she's losing interest in Youtube, but can't really do anything else work wise in Japan.
No. 455873
>>455739She wasn’t hospitalized, I got the impression she visited the hospital once or twice when she was throwing up and couldn’t keep anything down but they sent her home with medication. So several days later she feels well enough to go out with friends, I don’t see anything wrong with that. And how do you know what she was drinking in that pic? Could have been anything, alcohol or not. If it was alcohol, again why not? It’s the holidays, people have a drink. No big deal.
As for the Youtube views, “buying views,” really? lol I don’t think that’s even possible.
No. 456347
>>456111It's more their fans freaking out when they see them having a drink. Especially those who make their image out to be pure and innocent.
Because according to the world of the Internet people can't drink alcohol and be pure kawaii waifus
No. 456723
>Why even bother buying views. Because its money …. If she's not making new content to increase her views and keep the money rolling in, then gotta keep the views up somehow.
Anyways, its just a speculation/theory.
>>455873I don't keep up with her enough to really know. I just know every time I check this thread she's sick and the hospital is involved. Just seemed odd to be drinking not to long after having severe stomach issues where she couldn't even stomach water.
>>456347Well, Venus' fan base is mainly 12 yr old little girls who probably think boys are ew, and turn cherry red at the thought of sex.
No. 456938
File: 1514623752440.png (680.38 KB, 835x545, veenous.png)

>>454520Good for her for making friends and developing a real personality. I used to despise Venus back when she was under the wing of her psycho stage-mom, but these days I genuinely like her content and think she's (dorky and awkward but still) really cute and actually seems happy.
Sage for brown-nosing and blogposting, but idk her story feels like a happy ending to me
No. 457181
>>289691Here is the complete version if anyone is interested. If anyone wants anything else translated, please let me know. I tried to upload it last night but lolcow went down.
''rtp.x "I really like Venus-chan so I went to meet her, shake her hand, take a photo, and talk…but I suddenly truly fell in love and became so happy (;_;)
I first watched her videos I think about 5-6 years ago…
Within an instant I fell in love (although I couldn't understand English at all)
Venus-chan is truly super cute. Her style is nice and her voice is cute. Lolita also really suits her. But the Real Doll thing…it shocked me and creeped me out so I must apologize.
After (at the meet) I was so nervous about holding her hand through a handshake that I thought I wouldn't be able to take the photo LOL
I will see you again <3 (I always have other accounts for following Venus-chan and commenting on her, this account has already followed. And now I have made a comment <3)
From now on, I will always support you ''
No. 457208
>>457181Sorry but how long have you been learning Japanese?
She's saying she met her by chance and that she was a real doll, so she apologizes for being nosy. In the photo she might have holded her hand too strongly since she was so nervous. And she hopes she will meet her again.
No. 457252
>>457181This is the young female fan that met Venus when she was shooting that commercial for the Airlines last April. Sounds like she’s a hard-core superfan too.
So much for Venus’s fanbase being pervy middle-aged men, huh? This is her fanbase in a nutshell right here - young and female.
No. 458503
File: 1514783737950.jpeg (609.08 KB, 1200x1708, 61ACBF76-6E34-4DD3-833B-D3B95D…)

it’s one month now that she is sick.
i don’t know how you
>>456938 see her happy ending.
she doesn’t seem happy to me. all of her “friends” are instagram weebs thirsty for followers that after two months disappear from her radar. her youtube career doesn’t seem to go anywhere. and what about her merchandise?
she keeps promising videos about this and that but never delivers.
she lies and manipulate her fanbase and it’s incredible how stupid the fangelics are.
but i guess is still margo’s fault, uh?
No. 458524
>>458503You’re talking like her not putting all her time into YouTube anymore like she’s committing a huge crime.
She has a life now. If she doesn’t really feel like doing that shit anymore, who cares.
Seems like you’re just bitter she doesn’t provide milk anymore.
No. 458756
>>458524she was even more boring when she posted vids, I don't think milk is a case. I kind of agree with that anon.
>She has a life now. If she doesn’t really feel like doing that shit anymore, who cares. hm, no. It's her source of income, her job. Do you support completely abandoning it for… well, nothing? All she does lately is going to restaurants. Usually people are criticizing youtube for not being "a real job" but it's better than nothing, right? Yet when it's precious Venus, suddenly it's okay to just ditch a successful channel and do nothing. Let's be more objective.
I don't think she's in a good place mentally, too. She posts regularly about voices in her head telling her she's fat and ugly. She doesn't need a break, she needs therapy. And I'm not saying this with a mean intention, but seriously. Makes me sad to see her lost.
No. 458784
>>458756Needless drama
“Omg she’s leaving her YOUTUBE CAREER (Kek) for nothiiiing she’s lost”
“She only goes restaurant” she only POSTS about restaurant. 2018 and you still think people are all they post.
She got over this phase but you didn’t.
You’re projecting AF kek
No. 458829
>>458503Is Venus turning into a Spoonie ?
I swear every month its a new thing is making her "fragile" and "sick"… Funny they all revolve around her not eating.
No. 458838
>>458829how can anyone think she isn't bulemic lmao. she looks gaunt and haggard, is obsessed with food, that stomach ulcer she got is common in bulimia, she continues to have stomach infections, and the amount of binging she was doing during her mukbang phase was as more than what competitive eaters ate - and they all puke out the food. so it's not even debatable that she was puking out the shit she was eating. considering her childhood i'd be surprised if she wasn't bulemic.
in any case, constantly talking about her illneses to me seems like her trying to get pity points for why she's probably too depressed to do youtubing. there's a lot of chronically ill youtubers who upload and vlog through their sickness, so i'm not buying that she can't physically film and upload something she really wants to. she likely just doesn't want to do youtubing or the weeb socialite thing anymore. most weebs have moves onto kpop or western shit anyway.
you have to be either an idiot or 12 to think she isn't living a sad miserable and pathetic life.
No. 458857
File: 1514824794850.jpeg (615.81 KB, 1620x1200, 76828FF9-C054-4259-BBC9-DCD09B…)

Celebrating their third anniversary of being a couple today.
Mana took such good care of her when she was sick with a cold that she feels better now.
Yeah, seems real sad miserable and pathetic for sure, right?
>>458838 No. 458868
So many white knights in denial here, this thread reeks. You can't post anything even just slighlty criticizing without them getting epileptic, like
>>458784 even sounds like she got a stroke while typing
No. 459003
I'm 50/50 with Venus.
I don't think she's malicious or a bad person, but like any humanbeing out there… Very capable of doing stupid shit and fucking up once in a while.
I think regarding youtube,she should outright just say the videos will come when they come. Set no date or timeline that will bite her in the ass ( like it is now ). She clearly has them already filmed and only needs editing, which she had days where she felt fine enough to go outside and hang out and drink … sooo ? She needs to stop setting standards she knows she wont meet.
I think maybe she should be a little less personal with people online. I get that the online community thrives off the thought that their opinions or existence is important to online influencers … but it isn't. We don't need to know about every depressed thought, or every time she feels fat and wants to starve, or every time she's sick, hospitalized, dead, crying ect ect. Personal shit just brings in more critics, and more fucking questions.
With how often she updates about being sick,sad or self hating its no wonder some question if she's bulimic, depressed , attention seeking and possibly a spoonie now…
If you took Margo and the whole living doll drama out of the mix, what would your initial thoughts be on her social media/ her in general ? ( Mind you Margo has been out of her life for two years and she hasn't had drama with anyone in the LD community in several years )
No. 459431
>>458857>dirtyass hair>no makeup on celebration (I get a lot of people don't give a shit about makeup but we are talking about Venus here, she is obsessed with how she looks)Yeah, she looks stellar. If I didn't know I'd assume this picture was taken from a hospital.
>>458868This thread is full of Venus' stans. They sperg at any criticise.
No. 459444
>>459273I think most people probably can agree that any
problematic tendencies Venus has can largely be blamed on years of warping from Margo's influence. Venus probably doesn't know how to live without worrying about public appearance; even if she doesn't have her mother there pressuring her 24/7.
Sage for armchair psychiatrist blogging but as someone who grew up with a mother very similar to Margo and escaping in a very similar way; I can confirm that those scars stay with you and affect your action for many years, even with therapy and counseling. Granted, they are a million times worse when you aren't getting that professional help and I can only IMAGINE how terrifying it must be dealing with that while being in the public eye but not knowing any real skills to help you get a job and live a normal life off the internet. Margo really fucked Venus over and given the circumstances; you have to give Venus some credit in that she's at least attempting to keep at the only thing she knows how to do.
That being said, I'm with all the anons who think she's bulimic. It's one of the factors that makes me sympathetic rather than critical though; because the bulimia is also likely a phantom grip of the control and pressure that Margo had on her life.
Do I love Venus? No. But unlike a LOT of other cows on here; I'm actually rooting for her. I want her to get help and be happy.
No. 466655
File: 1515603125153.jpeg (481.36 KB, 1284x1929, B0D82DB2-64D5-46FF-98AD-4CB597…)

At a cat cafe?
No. 467351
File: 1515670763822.jpeg (767.21 KB, 1438x2686, Screenshot_20180111-113702-01.…)

It seems that Venus is sick yet again…
At this point I'm suspecting something really suspicious.
No. 467399
>>467360Eating disorder.
She started massively losing weight with Margo a little before they entered Korea, and I think she's consistently sick because its been years now that she's struggled with it. She's starting to get the repercussions of abusing her body and probably lack of nutrition over all.
No. 467508
>>467399Yes, massive weight loss while simultaneously eating massive amounts of food for mukbang videos (encouraged and pushed along by her mother for those Youtube views.) That plus her bizarre diet that included nuclear ramen and drinking hot sauce straight from the bottle was bound to end with lasting health problems.
Marge definitely gets a good bit of blame here. Instead of recognizing a problem and getting her kid help she fanned the flames and encouraged it for her own financial gain. She’s an absolute disgrace as a parent and a person.
No. 468259
>>467585> to make Venus sick on purpose and poison her to get attentionOdd thing is she's claiming Manaki is doing that right now? Margaret always did have the tendency to project onto Venus and Manaki in her accusations so I wouldn't put it past her. Venus could have found up like Gypsy Blanchard in another life.
Personally while I don't have all the facts and don't want to judge until then, if Venus does have issues with eating (or anything else) I hope she can manage to find a doctor or mental health professional that can help. She's definitely overdue some therapy for a lot of things, especially with Margaret still raising hell over her to anyone who will listen.
No. 469355
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No. 469451
>>469355Can’t keep anything down or won’t keep anything down? I vote b) won’t.
And isn’t 93 pounds close to her goal weight?
I’m afraid our Venus is becoming a spoony/munchie. She seems to be enjoying being “sick”/a fragile flower and all the attention it gets way too much.
No. 469586
>>469579You can get ulcers for a number of reasons. I think this is a problem shes been had but now that Venus has time to paid attention to it. Sinxe Margo never took her to the doctors. You can fuck up your stomach easily and if Venus had an untreated or mistreated stomach issue under margo it can be a while for it to be properly since she wont know the history. Tests can take weeks or months since you have to spend time finding the right treatment.
Consudering she had ED symptoms for years its not surprising.
No. 469665
>>469586V also has been on off talking about extreme weight loss for a while, and even kept note books about how to lose weight or with goal weights in it. She has also been caught following pro-ana accounts and liking proana pictures. Top that with buckets of binge eating, extremely spicy food,fasting and vomiting and crazy amounts of stress … Its no fucking wonder she's in a mess.
I dunno but the " Im under 93 pounds" seems unnecessary to mention, and almost like a humble brag and plea for attention. Part of me does feel sorry for her, but the other half of me is just tired of it all. She needs to fix her health and get off social media. Her preteen fans who idolize her looks don't need to know about how often she's hospitalized or underweight or wanting to lose weight.
No. 469733
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I noticed that she “liked” this comment about stress causing stomach troubles. I’m sure her ED issues have contributed a lot, but she definitely seems to be acknowledging that she currently is very, very stressed/anxious.
It’s really sad to see her looking as bad (maybe even worse) as she did in is South Korea.
No. 469807
>>469355I also think it's her ED, or possibly psychosomatic issues like
>>469733 . I feel bad for her, there's no way she's not fucked up from growing up under Margo's reign, and she's clearly not getting the help she needs, I also suspect Manaki may not even understand what's going on since mental health care in Japan is pretty subpar in comparison.
It's honestly just sad at this point, all her friends are influencers/her "colleagues", and she essentially doesn't have any family besides her husband.
No. 469832
>>469733If it's ok for me to ramble, in my career we often find children who have similar symptoms to Venus due to an abusive/controlling parent. There is nothing wrong with them physically (labs yield nothing obvious), but due to the many years of abuse or being treated in an overbearingly controlled manner, they begin to have constant indigestion/trouble eating/keeping things down at no will of their own.
While it could also be an ED because of the "dolly" look she felt pressured to upkeep, it wouldn't surprise me if what I mentioned above could also be contributing to her digestion issues.
I will also add that in Japan, "hospital" is used a little more loosely. It doesn't necessarily mean it is for a major emergency. It can be synonymous with just seeing a Doctor or Urgent Care, rather than the ER.
No. 472374
>>471007Crohns or colitis is a possibility. Onset is usually late teens/20s, gastro problems and fatigue are usually the first symptoms and it can take a long time to get a proper diagnosis and treatment that works. No one likes to talk about it because it's kinda gross, girls don't like to talk about shit, shitting blood, vomit, bloating etc. I lost a lot of weight before my diagnosis and it took me a long time to go to the doctor because it was embarrassing. I wondered about whether it was colitis when she had her surgery too.
Oh and diet/environmental/stress factors can be a
trigger for flare ups so yeah, the mukbang videos are no good.
No. 473696
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OH my god she looks so unwell
No. 473732
>>473696The filter narrowing her face and making her eyes look bulgy don’t help either.
Honestly, this girl needs to get help and stop posting on social media. It’s really coming off that she’s a spoony with every hospital/sick post. Also if Margo’s feeding off of these post and using them to attack her, you’d think she’d tone it down with the updates about her “ being so ill “ post. Especially if Margo’s social media activities are worsening her problems.
At this point she should return back to her home country and stay with her family. Perhaps her aunt ? And seek out proper mental health doctors that are more equip and familiar with what she’s going thru.
No. 473924
>>473696Obviously edited shot, but Venus' mother is starting to look like she has a point. She never looked like this living with her mother, always healthy. The weight, her wrists, this is really bad.
I guess we shouldn't be SO surprised that her mega-fan husband turned out to be a weirdo. I always feel a bit sick/creeped when seeing him in the videos. We've never seen him speak English so only Japanese people can assess his character properly (as in mannerisms, way he speaks, words used being wrong or off-kilter)
No. 473940
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>>473924Bullshit. The girl looked emaciated, pale and miserable when she was living with her psycho mother doing mukbang videos and being dragged from Japan to Europe to Korea against her will.This looks “healthy” to you? This is when even people who hated her started to get worried about how bad she looked. Fuck outta here.
No. 473941
>>473924Venus was under her control in so many different ways for so long that we may have never got to see what more there was to it all in her photos & videos. Margo claims she was never ill, but we'll never know for sure, after all she had to be her perfect living doll to profit from.
It does look like her health is spiralling downhill due to all of the abuse and it's hit her full swing gradually since she left South Korea. As another anon mentioned Manaki is probably unsure how to approach her mental health issues and Japan is still not 100% on board with the subject already so hopefully something is sorted, because this is really sad.
No. 473943
File: 1516236805832.jpeg (408.02 KB, 1219x1294, 73F957CB-D530-4070-B15E-134135…)

Yeah, looking really healthy and happy here under the care of her loving mother.
No. 473978
>>473732>>473969do her aunt and her even have a language in common? upping sticks to Hungary - where i don't think she's lived before - would just be throwing a really unnecessary spanner in the works.
does her dad still live in Switzerland? I wonder if they're in contact.
No. 474018
>>473975IF she has an ED it’s not a question of anyone “letting it happen.” It just happens. People in their lives are mostly helpless especially when the person is in denial about having it. Nobody is “letting” anything happen. I’m sure he has no clue what is wrong with her and is doing the best he can.
Marge on the other hand claims she knew she had an ED and encouraged it for financial gain. She needed a new moneymaking angle since the living doll thing was played out so she pimped Venus out as a mukbanger to keep those Youtube bux rolling in, then used it as a weapon to shame the kid after she left. There must be a special place in hell waiting for this loathesome fucking leech.
No. 474051
>>473971i think in the sense that he's just a manchild otaku who is nearly 30 and only cares about hentai. he doesn't seem deep or caring and he's the last person i think anyone can see being sympathetic to depression and an eating disorder since japanese men are wildly fatphobic anyway. they're still awkward to this day and don't even refer to each other as husband and wife. she only got with him to escape her mom.
the american equivalent of manaki is a reddit lurking incel who jerks off to anime and plays video games all day. i wouldn't touch a man like that with a 10 foot pole. no one knew anything about manaki when they were introduced so i guess people had high expectations.
No. 474093
>>474059I don't think we can make judgements of Manaki's character facing the fact that WE ( gossipers/farmers/pulltards/fans ect) don't know much of anything about him. There is a language barrier, plus the fact that he doesn't even seem to have much of social media to base anything off of. Like unless you physically know the dude, you can't really proclaim that he's some arsehole basement dweller simply because you think he's ugly.
Her relationship is equally as weird as Taylor's, which isn't really all that much because nobody knows much about either of them. All we know is they're awkward af on camera and seem to have limited speech, and are both ugly af.
No. 474169
>>473924Japan anon here. No, he does not speak or behave in particularly unusual way from other shy Japanese men. The online criticism I’ve seen of him on Japanese blogs is just that they think he is too ugly and nerdy for Venus and he doesn’t look pure Japanese(lol). They never talk about him behaving abnormally.
It’s obvious he is nervous and awkward but I don’t know how that indicates what kind of person he is in private. Even Margaret at one time praised him for being a strong, “family man” type. I know many anons think he is ugly and uncool, but we still don’t have definte evidence of him being a true creep. We also have to take into account that Venus’ problems have existed way before she even talked to him.
>>474051You’re making radical assumptions based on very little information and your prejudice of Japanese men. Being Japanese or nerd has nothing to do with how Venus chooses to accept help or how she is being cared for.
We have no idea what he has done for her how it has affected him and and his family. He could be an aloof and useless motherfucker, or, he could just be saving face in public while he has painfully been doing everything he can to help his wife. I like Venus but I could imagine it being very emotionally and physically exhausting for him if her condition is much worse than we see. Since Japanese typically do not broadcast their drama publicly, we don’t how often they argue or cry about this or how much attention she needs from him.
Don’t forget that most mental/emotional disorders tend to emerge in your early 20’s, which is what we are witnessing with Venus. It may not be lack of concern from Manaki or their inner circle, but Venus’ biology and coincidental timing. So far, she hasn’t indicated that she is being neglected by him, which is what I am looking out for. Believe me, I’d be on the Manaki hate train if it comes out he was actually abusive or uncaring this whole time.
No. 475106
>>474279Honestly, I think Manaki and Venus are so similar in their awkwardness and interests. Some people were shocked when she revealed they were dating but if she were not internet famous, he looks exactly like a guy she would date normally.
Damn. I hope Venus is doing better and taking her condition more seriously. Talk of mental health is not as open here in Japan, but families and doctors’ offices where I live are increasing awareness. I notice at the Ob/gyn and pediatrics clinics, they have been posting more posters and pamphlets about previously taboo topics like depression, anxiety, domestic violence and STDs. Local tv stations will also have round table discussions about psychiatric care, as LGBT issues and sensitive portrayals of immigrants. It’s just not broadcasted as loudly in general media. More like, “If you need help, here’s where to get it. But let’s be quiet about it because it’s kind of embarrassing”.
With Venus, not only does she have this environment to consider, but she was shamed so much by her own mother for normal childhood tantrums and expressions.
Her hamster just didn’t die from stress of being roomed with a toddler: she murdered it and she is bad.
She didn’t experience a teenage emotional outburst because she was frustrated and hormonal: she is psychotic.
It’s not that Margaret is unsympathetic, controlling and doesn’t know how to emotionally support her child: Venus is just autistic…and a psychopath…actually, not even human… No, wait. She is a stone cold murder because she “killed” the Venus Angelic channel.
I don’t see a quick recovery for her unless she goes off to a recovery center abroad or she finds a better therapist and continues to see them regularly. There isn’t a network of reputable ED-specific centers in Japan. There are hotlines, websites, and general mental health clinics, but not as developed as other countries. People here don’t tend to acknowledge disorders like that unless it is right in their face, like the ED patient is walking skeleton, the manic-depressive person has a public outburst, or your mental issue interferes with work/school.
No. 475438
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pic from 12/23 but just posted today by her friend
No. 475462
>>475438I wonder how Venus felt with having real friends. I still renember Anastasia or whatever her name is saying Margo was always hovering and sent her emails bad mounthing her. While Venus was as sweet as can be.
Sage fot blogpost
No. 476235
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Well she’s still in the hospital and sporting a central venous catheter in her neck. Meaning she needs long-term IV access for some reason, my guess would be for intravenous nutrition since she’s so malnourished and not able to keep anything down.
No. 476571
>>476235This central line makes me think she’s in the hospital with something physically wrong, not an ED. They don’t just give those out without a good medical reason and an ED alone wouldn’t qualify her for one. She’d have a feeding tube if she was admitted with an ED, not a central venous catheter in her neck.
Just my 2 cents.
No. 476744
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She looks a bit better.
No. 476997
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Venus as a kid.
No. 477318
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No. 477914
>>472374This is what I'm wondering, also. I think that ED is a bit of a reach. When she mentioned so many months ago that something in her digestive tract went septic and needed a surgery, I immediately thought of a friend of mine who had Chron's Disease.
We won't find out until Venus has a solid diagnosis and it's really up to her whether or not she wants to broadcast what that entails. I'm doubtful ED is the main cause of her now extended hospital stay is for.
I'm not saying she isn't struggling with that, but it seems there is something more physically wrong with her.
No. 478763
>>477914An ED can cause Chron's Disease though. I think it's both. Eating extremely spicy stuff on the reg can't help either.
For real though, Manaki should just stop poisoning her.
No. 480725
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>>477914I don't think its a reach. She's followed ED accounts, talked about losing weight and dieting while already at a really low weight, talked about how it felt nice to be complimented on weight loss. Non of this makes her evil or anything, but I'm sure being called fat by the internet and her mother for most of her childhood would leave some damage. Its obvious she struggles with body image issues. ( most do when they grow up on the internet )
She was last hospitalized for an abdominal abscess, which most theorized had to do with her appendix. Maybe she's been fighting problems with her appendix for a while now ? and should probably have it removed. For all we know it got infected and spread to the bowels. Vomiting and fevers are common with appendicitis which she's expressed having both, same with loss of appetite.
No. 480807
File: 1516856609634.jpeg (549.25 KB, 1633x1195, 85966FBE-6E9D-4CF1-9FBC-467D9B…)

She lives! Still in the hospital though. And maybe will explain what is going on in a video? But anyway a sign of life and hopefully some clarity on the way to finally shut her lunatic mother up.
No. 481372
>>481336She wouldn’t even have to address any of that shit specifically, just a short instagram post stating what is going on with her illness would do. Not a lot of detail but it sounds like she has a diagnosis. It wouldn’t take much and she could cut marge off at the knees with just a couple of brief facts.
I’m not saying that’s the way it SHOULD be, just that that’s the way it is. The only way to shut marge up is to get the truth out there.
No. 485308
>>480725Ahh I guess that got lost in translation. I didn't mean to say she didn't struggle from ED. Her body image issues have been a prominent reoccurring issue since making it big on YouTube. She most definitely does struggle with it.
I'm saying that the reason she was hospitalized is most likely not (or less) related to ED and more to do with something more physically wrong with her body like a disease affecting her GI or digestive tract.
No. 486860
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instastory from today. Still in the hospital but looking better I think.
No. 492674
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Taylor came all the way from Hong Kong to visit Venus in the hospital and brought her a birthday gift.
No. 492678
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2/2 caption:
(the gift is a Vivienne Westwood rose gold bracelet, very pretty.)
No. 492685
>>492678that quote though. “She’s gone through hell to become the woman she is today”
Taylor has said they spend a lot of time talking about some pretty serious subjects. I’m sure Venus’s experiences growing up with a lunatic is one of those subjects.
That girl should write a book. I’d buy it!
No. 493109
>>492678>tiny and fragile>she threw upNo mention of an actual illness (as in a non-ED). So it sounds like ED plus other problems
Poor Venus. Her mom is crazy (so many posts about Venus) but I think she cares about her too. It's still her daughter. Meanwhile Mana hasn't posted anything on IG for about 50 days
No. 493727
>>493109Possibly because he might be busy with his hospitalised wife.
I know when a friend of mine was in hospital, her husband didn't bother posting on social media. He was too busy spending time with her.
Manaki might be doing the same thing. He probably doesn't care about updating his SM when venus is still so ill.
No. 497668
>>492674That's really nice of her to visit. Taylor seems like a genuinely nice person.
I don't know much about bulimia, but I was wondering if maybe her illness is something related to bulimia complications. I've heard that if you purge enough, your stomach can start purging things automatically whenever you eat anything which could explain her not being able to keep things down.
Otherwise, I dunno what else is going on. That's a long-ass time to be in the hospital.
No. 497674
>>496615No birthday post :sadface:
Maybe they’re planning a belated celebration for when she gets out of the hospital? And yes this is a long ass time to be inpatient, almost a damn month now and she still can’t even keep clear liquids down? I smell an ED.
No. 498082
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No. 499365
>>498635She didn't have to post a picture of her face until the swelling went down or she could've shooped it slimmer. I figure she was trying to make light of a shitty situation, that's all.
Seriously, though, what's the point of mentioning her illness if she's not gonna go into detail? Especially when it seems so serious, she may as well waited to reveal all this after she was ready to explain. If she just went MIA for even a month with a random food pic her or there, no one would have freaked out.
No. 500885
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Able to drink post-op, apparently.
No. 501542
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They’re letting her eat solid food now. But is that a bowl of milk on her tray? Do they think they’re feeding a cat?
Hopefully she’ll be out soon.
No. 502057
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No. 502221
>>501542Might be special soup because it seems to be a mostly liquid diet which makes sense shes had surgery involving her digestive track.
So glad shes getting better. I hope they have a clear answer to whats wrong with her and its not something that could have been provented years ago but her shit mother never took her to the doctor.
No. 503220
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badass Venus
yes she has survived a lot of shit. glad to see her being all feisty, she must be feeling stronger. Still has that central venous line in though. She’s a week postop, I was hoping that would be out by now.
No. 504913
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She’s leaving the hospital today, almost 5 weeks and one surgery after she went in. That was a major malfunction, whatever it was.
No. 504915
>>504913Why does Mana have a neck bandage in the recent pictures?
Also I'm the Anon who was like "maybe Margo cares for Venus" but after she followed the childhood snaps with evidence of her #abusedmother status I have adjusted that viewpoint. She just posts Venus for the followers not bc she cares
Anyway wishing Venus well and also this thread out of auto-sage once she's back on Youtube
No. 505584
>>505453She's not currently doing anything milky/snowflakey and has just been in the hospital doing nothing for ages. We'll see what she does after, but for now, what do you expect people to say?
Not trying to be combative, just genuinely curious what about her is worthy of complaint when all she's doing these days is trying to keep well.
I dunno, I guess that's why this thread is auto-sage.
No. 505613
File: 1518828062007.jpeg (750.24 KB, 1264x1927, EE40C7D3-0E4A-4AF2-AB7A-EB3A8F…)

Going home from the hospital today.
No. 505614
>>505584People are supposed to hate on her for just existing, like
>>505453 does. I guess.
No. 505876
File: 1518848392255.jpeg (859.9 KB, 1284x1936, 2773BC6B-F09E-4700-BC44-D318C6…)

She’s out! And viewing the cherry blossoms with Manaki and going out to lunch.
No. 506051
>>505613And?? Looking all cute, right?
>>505614This site isn’t exactly a fansite either.
No. 510204
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>>508804She let slip early in the video where they live- in Shonan which is on the bay south of Yokahama. She’s mentioned the beach and surfer shops in other videos too. It’s a very picturesque part of Japan. I wish she’d get out more and post pics or vlogs about where she lives. There’s a ton of good content there.
No. 511430
>>511424So she was on TPN (intravenous nutrition) and antibiotics too. Other than that she doesn’t reveal much about what her medical problem or surgery was.
First video in over 4 months. She says she will do more videos and explain/share more. We’ll see.
No. 512217
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havent seen this in her pics recently but anyone know what brand this is?
No. 513354
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VA and Mikan spent the day in Harajuku.
No. 513358
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>>513354ate all her food and Mikan’s too.