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No. 62881
> a 22yo weeb that escaped her batshit crazy, narcissistic momager> turns out she's just as much of a narc as her mom> publicly dragging her husband while being active on a sugar daddy-app (we know it's hers because it has a selfie on it she never posted anywhere)> appears to be drunk all the time, or pretending to be> is currently talking shit about and lying that her husband quit his job and lived off her money, even though there is proof to the contrary (she herself mentioned him working very often, her channel is basically dead and hasn't brought in revenue in a long time, her sudden need to earn money after leaving him…)> posting shopped ~*kawaii*~ selfies with depressing or suicidal captions like "daddy fuck me hard or I'll kill myself" and quickly deleting them> disappearing after getting some asspats and pity> after a few weeks: It's OK guys, I'm going to therapy and doing well, gonna upload to youtube again ^_^> never does it, or half-asses everything. soon disappearing again, since she didn't get as much attention and money as expected> rinse and repeat> her whole fanbase basically consists of people pitying her or neckbeards wanting to save her, since being a victim is basically all she does nowadyas> her friends get flooded with spergy accusations and messages everytime she has a public breakdown (often). never lifts a finger to stop it, which led to people distancing themselves from her> her streams consist of hard to understand passive-aggressive mumbling, random singing and staring at the screen looking bored> said "lolcow" instead of lowkey in one of them, confirming she lurks (hi weenos!)Also venus:
"I'm not a people pleaser rolls eyes"
"I always just try so hard to please everyone u guys"
"I'm no ones doll anymore! >:("
~ironic dolly makeup tutorial~
"I'm not talking about my private life, shut up"
talks about private life, spilling tea no one even knew or asked about
last thread
>>46865 No. 62883
>>62881On point description anon.
And that art is beautiful.
No. 62898
>>62881>>streams consist of hard to understand passive-aggressive mumbling, random singing and staring at the screenAnd also if I might add:
- gnawing on the same sad soggy sandwich for half of one livestream with pieces of it hanging out of her mouth and smeared on her face, too out of it to notice
- licking and sucking the orange cheeto dust (excuse me, curry flavored hot pepper chips dust) off her fingers then brushing her greasy hair off her face with the same fingers and
- picking her nose
And her clothes looking like she just rolled out of bed and started filming wearing what she’d slept in. Which is probably not far from what actually happens.
No. 62900
Good job, OP
>i'm totes lesbian ella.freya is my gf phase No. 62926
>>62908that was a joke for a video for fucks sake. that was for a character that was a ditzy dolly who was so slow her plushy alpaca 'couldn't even'. i can't believe i have to defend fucking venus angelic because some anon is too dumb to even understand what's what in a children's' targeted video good job
>inb4 but it reflects her real thinking hey it might but you didn't know that. You might as well say miranda sings is so vain cos she Tink sHe sInGs gOoD.
the 'self-admiring moronic exaggerated version of myself' is
every single youtuber's first 'character'
No. 62958
>>62955get fucked with the hi, cow- and yes you did know venus lurks here, moronic cunt, that was the funniest part of the last thread
the point, all you samefags, is there's something truly evil about turning any person's light-hearted, humorous intent into sneering 'look what she did haha' as if it was in earnest. that's what the worst bully does
No. 62963
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No. 62970
>>62961It’s mostly that one poor diehard Weenus stan who’s been spending sleepless nights crying and worried sick about poor abused Weenus having such a hard time! And a couple others who come out of the woodwork to bleat “I know! Poor Weenus! And she still looks so pretty!”
The rest of PULL seems pretty much on to her and over her stunts and antics.
No. 62978
>>62974They dont live together anymore but they are still legally married.
>>62977Really? do you have more info on that?
No. 62982
>>62977>>62978>>62979living separately from your spouse for non-job reasons is grounds for visa fraud. unless they lie to the government but i doubt that will happen.
>>62926is something wrong with you? those pics were up in some interviews of hers, just sayin.
No. 62986
>>62982just look at arisucookie
she is doing the same
No. 62991
>>62979That's actually how Shiena got found out. She was living separately from her spouse with no legitimate reason (eg. work)
If you look at Shiena's thread its speculated she was reported by one of her the other weeaboos in Japan, which could happen to Venus. Venus made a incriminating video public, has a sugar daddy profile, and if someone wanted they could do to her what was done to Margo.
No. 62999
>>62970>>62971Yeah idk how old this girl is and if english is her native language but she sounds fucking retarded and obssessive.
sage for no1curr
No. 63001
>>62982In some cases, if she and Manaki attend court mediation for the process of divorce, she may be eligible for up to 6 month extension while she applies for a new visa status. But as we can see, she not allowing room a civil divorce and they already started living apart, so that won’t happen. She couldn’t be eligible for permanent residency and teijuusha would be out of the question. The fact that there is not only proof of her mental and financial instability, but plans to have affairs and that escort profile existing means she would never be given special permission to stay.
>>62992One report from Manaki and she’s toast. I can’t believe she was so stupid as to broadcast her bitter separation in public. Even if he was a lazy jerk, she has so much unsavory evidence stacked against her.
>>62994Only Manaki or his family should do that. She’s not even denying her precarious situation and she’s basically reporting herself. Stay out of it.
No. 63007
>>62994Not that I think any of us are that seething over the tart, but surely Venus has her enemies. I can see some supahweeb living in nippon turning her in.
My question is: What will Venus do during the inevitable exile saga?
Will she pull a Margo and try to make in in a different asian country living in halfway homes, or will she try to hook up with another man?
No. 63023
>>62969>>62961>>62959>>62955>>62949>>62935>>62933To all the newfriends/Pull refugees: when you're not contributing to the thread with new milk (screenshot, video…etc) please sage your post (sage goes to the email field)
Also, don't interact with the cow (cowtipping).
I'm truly sorry for the mini-modding but that would be a shame to have the thread put in autosage as the milk is flowing No. 63031
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>>63007> I can see some supahweeb living in nippon turning her in.Tinfoil but but I can see Mikan do that… She became "friends" with her for the clout and now her channel is way more stable/active than Weenus', weebs eat that shit like fresh bread. I can see her become the "new Venus Angelic" when Weenus is deported.
>>63010Wouldn't surprise me, she had various Azn phases before (Thai, korean, chinese…) and it wouldn't be as great as Grorious Nippon but still better than unkawaii Europe.
Pic related: Some new screenshots of her recent vids that are interesting to compare to her selfies
No. 63032
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No. 63033
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forgot to add that she reminds me a lot of the Queen in the 2nd one (sorry my queen)
No. 63061
>>63052The person who reported Margo and got her detained was a random Korean who had had some interactions with her online, googled her name and came across her thread here and on KF and got more outraged the more she read about Margo’s fuckery.
You never know what might happen.
No. 63072
>>63013She could still have a kid if all else fails, Japan can’t deport her then.
Would it be a bad move? Yes! But I’m not expecting much from her right now.
No. 63081
Her real name is Venus?
>>63073>>63079I hope she is infertile from the surgery and bad lifestyle.
Imagine an ugly FAS margo/venus hapa baby.
No. 63114
>>63073>She'd use that poor thing like her mother used her and it'd be glorified for being half Japanese.She'd shove the camera right in the baby's face for sure, like a has been beauty guru.
Or she'll have a boy and cry about how she has postpartum depression, or being a mom is hard!, but really she's sad she had a boy and not a girl.
Honestly I hope she doesn't have kid, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
No. 63120
>>63072Firstly, only the child of a Japanese citizen has rights, not her, and the father also needs to claim the child as his own. She could only stay if she had another spouse visa through the father. If she does not have that, Japan doesn’t care how many kids she has. She gets deported.
Secondly, her irreversible health condition, and the terrible way she treats her body, will seriously make pregnancy deadly for both her and the baby. I honestly can’t see her getting through a normal pregnancy unharmed or the baby being born healthy.
>>63113Her full name is Venus Isabelle Palermo.
No. 63165
>>63083I think regardless or not she needs to sort her life out. That’s the only way to fix it. She needs really help and look where she is… Japan. Probably one of the worst places to have any mental illness. In Japan it’s unfortunately a case of well you’re either sane or ill. There’s no inbetween. They throw pills at you and that’s it. I knew a Japanese girl who had some disorder, met her on hellotalk and she spent all day at home or sometimes down at her local park to just chill. She couldn’t find work because no one would hire her and her doctor didn’t help much. Mental illness is so common there but no one wants to know or understand it. It’s a shame really. Venus is fucked for seeking real help there.
I mean when I was in Japan I was in a cafe in a friend and the dude next to us had a plus toy, sat it infront of him taking pictures for fuck sake. Talking to it!
No. 63171
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Doesn't seem like she's struggling that hard for money when she can just throw 30,000 yen away for a stupid spicy food eating contest.
No. 63172
>>63171yea I'm sure she's somehow magically rich without ever working.
not appearing broke must be very important to her, but it just raises questions
No. 63180
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Her imaginary (?) therapist is teaching her new words
No. 63189
>>63187No generous Manaki to the rescue to make sure his waifu is comfortable at the hospital and will have full support afterwards either. Her fans are actually infuriating as their comments make it look like she's being bullied.
Fuck off, her stomach is botched & fucked up for life and she even went to the shittiest UK media outlet ie DailyMail about it for pity points. And here we have her eating ridiculous amount of spicy food to make a quick bit of yen for entertainment. She's a lost cause.
No. 63190
>>63181Usually it's something fat people claim, but it's supposed to be called "concern trolling." Someone claims this when they think their issues are only being brought up in order to be trolled or treated condescending, and not because people commenting have a genuine concern about their well being.
Venus just wants to distance herself from fatties and is an idiot. She let the cat out of the bag and now she's pissed that she can't shove it back in.
Nobody would know about her gastric bypass if she hadn't made it public. So now when she spends irresponsibly or eats horribly, she's upset that people know she shouldn't be doing those things. Yet instead of seeing it as a situation she created and deal with it, she thinks other people are boolies for pointing it out.
No. 63193
>>63192She has nobody else in the real world who cares that much so you'd think she'd actually stop and think for a moment that her fans are the only ones who remotely give a shit about her well being.
But wait she's turning into her mother, so caring for others doesn't exist in their world. Ungrateful is an understatement. Being a passive aggressive little bitch isn't very cute Venus.
No. 63206
>>63202No one is here whiteknighting him. We call people what they are,we have called him pedo many times but we are defending him for the abuse and job allegations because they are lies.
He deserved to be called a pedo because that is true, but calling him a abuser(which venus is doing) is bullshit.
No. 63208
>>63202Thought PULL whiteknight Venus? Because 'poor depressed Weenus' seems to be the ongoing theme. Manaki was a definite creep in the beginning and Venus chose to escape Margo by marrying his ass when "legally" recognised as a young adult, which got her that golden ticket to living in Japan. Takes two to tango there and she wanted to live that loli kawaii uwu waifu dream as much as Manaki wanted that fantasy as well. Venus is showing narc traits so now suddenly things are looking differently.
What IF Manaki was actually
victim of her passive aggressive bullshit? Creeper pedo yes without a doubt,
abusive husband? Definitely not true because her "story" is a huge mess and inconsistent. She couldn't even hold eye contact in the original video about him.
No. 63214
>>63212Now lets not not defend him for that. There is so many things that we can defend him for like the abuse/job allegations.
Being attracted to a 12/13 year old is fucked up no matter how grown that person looks.
No. 63215
>>63213>>63211That makes more sense. I didn't know that of their backstory. I agree with
>>63208 though. If Venus wanted to leave Margo without getting married, she could have chosen to go back to Switzerland.
The more I think about it, the better idea going back to Switerzland sounds. They have a very strong safety net for their citizens, and Venus should take advantage of that. She could still come back to Japan for vacation eventually. But Venus would have to admit she made a mistake.
No. 63216
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>>63213Says the old guy who also out there on twitter thirsting over peenus and asking her several times if she has a boyfriend. No. 63218
>>63215In the beginning a few years ago it all came to light Manaki was essentially a fanboy and the "pedo" title just stuck with him ever since. If only Venus could be mature enough to realise she could possibly have a future back in Europe, but she will continue to go downhill in Japan because she desperately wants to stay there, live in her bubble of 'living doll' efame & maybe become a Japanese man's wife all over again.
Switzerland isn't kawaii in the world of Weenus.
No. 63221
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>>63217>>63219>>63220absolute disgusting ew
but then again, it's the kind of people are left from her fanbase and which she tries to milk rn for some money
No. 63223
>>63221That last post…is just.
What the fuck.
No. 63239
>>63234She says she meet manaki when he was 20, they got married when he was 26 and she was 19.
Do the fucking math.
No. 63247
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They met when she was 16, but he watched her since she was 14.
I think he's a creep, but not a fullblown pedo.
No. 63267
>>63253this is retarded. Manaki is Japanese, not brain damaged. surely he can comprehend the huge age difference is wrong and weird
he is a pedo
No. 63275
I joined her server and I have to say, her fan base is actually pretty fucked just like
>>63220said, they're fangirls who wish to be her or creepy older men who think she is a poor little lamp.
No. 63277
>>63273I thought anon said they met when she was 16 and he was 20? They have a four year difference. H e started watching her videos when she was 14 and he was 18.
This age derail is getting out of hand. kek.
No. 63285
>>63277I wonder if these people are wenoos wk purposely trying to derail thread.
Their age gap is 7 years, the people saying its less or more than that are either trolling or pretend smartasses.
Venus got married when she was 19 to manaki who was 26.
Ive never seen so many people here just straight up make so many guesses which are not correct.
Stop playing bingo with their age ffs its a 7 year age gap.
No. 63354
>>63172She once said that one of her greatest fears was being poor and that she "wants money or die trying". Clearly,
triggered if people speculate that she may be broke, even going so far as to lurk here, then offer people 30000 yen LOL. We know she gets money off youtube/streaming/events which she, "does only for fun and not money" (yeah right). She also has some company, small role in a play, instagram promos/sponsorships, pater ad and potential sugar daddies. There could be more behind the scenes though, who knows. Also, she can easily make 30, 000 yen back with ad revenue and/or stream donations. One guy even gave her $100 on stream. And that was just one person.
No. 63361
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>>63354If she is making money it’s sure not reflected in her living situation. This place look almost Margo levels of dreary and seedy.
In fact there are so many ways she’s becoming her mother, literally. She’s Margo 2.0.
No. 63388
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>>63384Could also be why she’s constantly drinking vodka cocktails at all hours of the day and night. Numbing her feelings with booze.
No. 63392
Why the fuck would you destroy your stomach, then fuck it up even more by drinking Tabasco as if it was water?? Idk if I was her I would be traumatized after this and religiously take care of my stomach. Even people with a normal, healthy stomach can't drink that shit
She is so irresponsible. Girl, it's a miracle you're even alive, be grateful for fuck s sake.
No. 63394
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>>63392>>drinking Tabasco as if it was water?With a vodka chaser no less.
No. 63395
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Someone woke up wanting asspats early in the morning. Good thing i screenshot this quickly cuz now it's deleted on her IG.
No. 63397
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>>63395She deleted that really quick.
Venus is so fake with her apologies.
No. 63405
>>63402Incoming meltdown any moment now…Venus the
Victim strikes again.
No. 63408
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wikipedia wont let me post this lol(autism)
No. 63409
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ALWAYS the victim, just like Mommy.
No. 63410
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No. 63418
>>63408>a simp and a cuckI don't know why but I kek'd out loud.
Poor dumb Manaki, but yanno, I don't feel bad for him. This is what he signed up for, didn't we predict this very thing would happen years ago before venus stans drowned it out with Margo posting?
No. 63428
>>63184Can you put parents on a visa application for proof of income? I know people in the USA can add their parents to show they have enough money to take care of their spouse, but I don’t know if it’s the same in Japan.
Not saying Manaki doesn’t have a job cause idk, but if he just wasn’t making enough money for Venus I wasn’t sure if that was a option.
No. 63433
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venus bending over to lowkey show off dem tiddies
also, i noticed she doesn't wear the bracelet mana's mom got her for her birthday this year (which she said she never ever takes off), but she still wears taylor's watch, which further supports this post
>>62808 made back in april on pull
No. 63443
>>63391You won't find any visa fraud info because she didn't commit any. Sure, she may have used Manaki to get a spouse visa and then dump him after she got permanent residency, but for the most part, they didn't break any laws. For a
valid spouse visa in Japan, you must live together, which they did. You have to show some effort at 'dating', which they did.
If you want to see a case of real spouse visa fraud, go check out shannon wong's story #671659
No. 63445
>>63440>>She can work in AVWhat is AV?
And Venus has no qualifications to work anywhere, no HS diploma no skills no job experience nada. Where’s she going to work?
No. 63449
>>63440Marrying someone you don't love for spousal visa and subsequent permanent residency
is marriage visa fraud. Living together while pretending you love each other is still fraud, just harder to prove since they were cohabiting. Staying married whilst living separately and wanting to find another partner after coming out as gay after (presumably) receiving permanent residency is fraud. You can tell the marriage was just a front for a visa. She kept all that private and after three years (and presumed permanent residency) now lives separately whilst publicly slandering her partner. Living in Japan for 5 years will grant citizenship.
No. 63458
>>63454What makes you think she doesn't satisfy any of these.
She has committed no crimes. She likely has a savings from youtubing. She doesn't live extravagantly like other j-youtubers. Her marriage visa reduced the time limit to 3 years instead of 10. Likely Manaki's family provided guarantorship before they broke up. They most likely paid taxes as a married couple. I'm not seeing anything that she would have potentially violated.
No. 63459
did premeditate it and I would be rather weary if pretty much the moment she receives permanent residency is also the moment she divorces/separates. It reeks of fraud. She didn't even refer to him as husband.
No. 63473
>>63458How about these two for starters:
Having sufficient assets or ability to make an independent living (stable job, enough savings…)
Satisfying all the requirements to maintain the current visa status (maintaining an appropriate job in case of a work visa holder, maintaining a stable marriage in case of a spouse visa holder for example)
Do you have trouble with reading comprehension?
No. 63476
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>>63467>>I have a feeling we'll see either AV star Venus or hostess club Venus at some point. She’s already putting her bewbs on display in a livestream and striking poses to flaunt dat cleavage. Her pervy old followers are offering her $$ to drink a bottle of Tabasco, how long before they start offering $$ to take her top off? If they haven’t already..
No. 63477
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Then there was this little dance routine in a hot tub last month, wearing that same lil pink bikini
No. 63482
>>63440is this Venus white knighting herself because
>>63391 scared her
No. 63483
>>63480And the binge drinking, I would think.
>>63478That would be the KF contingent showing up to defend their sparkly baby unicorn Weenus. There are like 2 middle aged women over there who are diehard stans and think Weenus can do no wrong no matter what. When she posted that drunk Karaoke livestream they were all “Drunk Venus, love it! You go girl!” It’s pretty creepy.
No. 63524
>>63503Their 4 year anniversary is supposed to be this September, but the relationship timeline is completely fucked up.
>They announced they were married September 2015>They separated, Margaret/Venus bash Manaki for being a “poor alcoholic factory worker”, they say paperwork was never completed on the Hungarian side so the marriage was never valid anyway and then they fly off to South Korea. >Venus made her escape from Margaret January 2016>But Venus soon returns to South Korea for the surgery and keeps it secret from Manaki. >In order for her to even return to South Korea and not tip Manaki off that she was getting the surgery, she would have had to go there because her temporary visa expired and the spouse visa had not been accepted yet. No other explanation.I’m not sure which date she had the surgery(around May 2016?) but I’m sure a few weeks after she returned to Japan, they would have been able to send in the application for her spouse visa. Processing time could take up to a few months. If I had to guess, I think she would have just barely reached the 3 year mark for a
valid spouse visa in last couple of months. Yet, everything has been chaotic and the way she suddenly wants to establish a business makes it seem like it’s a last ditch effort to stay.
No. 63536
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Bangs looking greasy as hell, buy some dry shampoo ffs
No. 63541
>>63536I know she can pretty lazy when it comes to appearance but Japanese summers can be terrible for your hair. You have to use smoothing oil or hair cream to stop the frizz but the humidity can make it end up looking dirty. I think she should get a pass until Autumn proves otherwise.
I wonder what this video will be. “Part 2” of drunken ramblings and ruining chance of securing permanent residency or a new video style? Either way, it will be devoid of life or happiness.
No. 63542
>>63524You know, a part of me does slightly believe Manaki and Venus we’re doing well at the start. But after all that shit with the doctor and her being sick after the surgery. Venus then coming home and she got better. It’s just I often wonder to myself if she started to just like not bother around the house anymore or just become a total nightmare to live with after months passed by.
I feel like Manaki thought he was in for a treat when he married Venus, perfect white skinny weeb with a happy persona in her videos and was willing to do anything to be involved with Japan. Yet it came down to Venus running off and living with him after the shit with her mother so it ended up happening that way. It is what it is.
But I do feel like Venus probably became a drag for him. She comes across as childish and ditsy on camera. She acts like she doesn’t care with her sarcasm she throws around in her newer videos but it’s evident she does care. Look at her now.
Manaki probably get fed up of coming home from a long day at work. Finding his wife play video games, draw or dress up playing with dolls. I get Youtube is her ‘job’ or was. But how long does making a shit video take though really? She can edit within two hours max. Done. So what else is there to do? She probably does fuck all to help out.
I’m not surprised things fizzled out. Anyone would be irritated if that was the case.
What irritates me is how people constantly still baby and stick up for Venus. I understand she had a shitty upbringing. We’ve seen that for ourselves on camera.
But at her age, 23 almost, shouldn’t she be kind of venturing to sort herself out? It’s not always easy to do. She isn’t a little girl though. She talks about getting fucked by old ass men or having a daddy. All that shit with wanting to shag a girl. Which is fine - do whatever Venus. But if you’re old enough to do that then you’re surely old enough to start getting help for yourself, finding a real fucking job and just making life changes in order to help you. Your fans shouldn’t have to even tell you by this point. She keeps saying that a real job is boring, ect ect. But Venus, you’re going to need one someday and actually seek help. Get yourself together. It bothers me how she can’t see that and her fans don’t help constantly coddling her in cotton wool.
“Don’t be mean to Venus and tell her what to do!” And it’s like… maybe that’s what she needs? Someone to properly tell her the truth. So far whatever she’s done or the way her fans baby her. It doesn’t help.
At this point I don’t even feel that sorry for Venus. There is only so many times you can tell someone and reach out. Give them advice and they don’t take it.
I get she’s fucked up. But Jesus Christ.
No. 63544
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>>63542I think so too.
After she confessed her butched surgery they seemed to be happy again (see video where he picked her up and they went sightseeing) but I'm sure Manaki was just trying to cope at this point and tried to look past her lies. He was in denial but with Venus just being a complete disappointment in every aspect he began to see this shit is just not worth it.
No. 63567
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Speak of the devil…she's uploading now.
No. 63569
>>63542It was more than just her laying around the apartment holed up in her pink bedroom doing nothing all day, there’s the drinking too. Remember that drunk livestream from the karaoke bar at 5am? She was stumbling and staggering and could barely stand up. Her cellphone rang and she answered it and it was Manaki, probably just discovering she was gone and asking her where the hell she was. So of course he had to go out and pick her drunk ass up and take her home. Probably had to practically carry her out which had to be pretty humiliating for him, just imagine the spectacle. That’s what enablers do and he was her enabler for close to 3 years.
There had to be other times she pulled this shit too. We can see the way she drinks now, vodka in the morning and afternoon and wine late at night/early morning. How many times did he get home from work (yes he DID work) to find her passed out or stumbling around the apartment? I bet dozens over the years.
No. 63573
>>63569There was no love in that relationship.
Venus didn't care about manakis feeling or hardships, it was all about her and she saw that manaki was a easy target to control, so she did whatever she wanted meanwhile manaki orked.
Thats why she made that video because she knew that manaki would not fight back with his own story.
No. 63576
File: 1566400278693.jpg (Spoiler Image,11.44 KB, 350x216, 625278_1295677195880_full.jpg)

>>63544What a terrifying forced smile.
No. 63583
>>63391>>63408>>63577What is it with all the autistic newfags ITT? You guys know you need to be over 18 to post, right?
>>63579Fuck right off, let the cows fuck up on their own
No. 63585
File: 1566402556096.png (458.4 KB, 689x500, 3594512cf9fc705430ed33a5aea16a…)

I mean he really cared about her at some point I think. Even if he's a weirdo I dont think he is a bad person like venus tries to make us believe lol
No. 63586
>>63585We've discussed this a few times already.
>>63567so, where is the video?
No. 63607
File: 1566406741091.jpg (4.31 MB, 500x374, P9sJC22.jpg)

>>63589"Why implants, why don't go to the gym?!"
No. 63611
File: 1566407298123.jpeg (76.63 KB, 749x764, AD74A200-6A60-43EF-B8DF-D8F832…)

>>63603That cat has seen some shit, also I heard a dog in her room
No. 63614
>>63568She admitted in her drunk video that the marriage was her mom’s idea and implied she was forced into it, even though she reestablished contact for the reunion/escape. If Manaki wants to play dirty, he can easily claim he was originally deceived and there is also evidence of Margaret’s involvement.
Venus was not only his Net Idol, but his first girlfriend. Dude was once a fat, effeminate virgin dropout with over-plucked eyebrows who liked dolls and girly anime. He probably thought a little abuse was to be expected from his “tsundere princess” but he was too naive to realize she didn’t actually love him.
The poor dude is going to troon out or something now.
No. 63636
>>63589Funny how LovelyLor who wasn't even in the documentary but was briefly contacted to be in it gave more insight on My Strange Addiction than Venus in her reaction.
She could have commented on the filming process, what was going through her mind at the time or about her life then in London filming videos or at least shaded Margo some more. She didn't even bother lowering the volume of the video when she was talking ffs. I expected a commentary on thoughts at the end and got nothing other than "like and subscribe". She is so lazy and still milking that dolly phase forever. It's not 2014 anymore, grow up Venus.
No. 63642
>>63589OMG is she bad at reaction videos. I guess it's just too much to pause the video instead of talking over it. Not that anything she said was interesting.
She had the whole episode on her channel years ago but tlc took it down so I wonder if they'll take this down too…at some point.
No. 63661
File: 1566430727574.jpeg (287.7 KB, 1028x1785, 6A35A724-8171-4DB0-88C3-913250…)

She’s up and on a bus at 4:30 this morning. I’m sure she’s feeling great given she was up posting that crappy video on Youtube at 12:30 last night.
No. 63667
>>63652Expense? Energy and mental health?
I mean I was surprised when Venus first got with Manaki and they tried to make a new life together when things were okay. That Venus never went down the Jvlogger route like Sharla or Taylor. She had money back then, cute room, cute clothes, she looked better before the surgery ect. I don't get it either.
She could've had a channel dedicated to that and kept us interested. People would've watched and her and Manaki could've been Rachel & Jun 2.0.
Or she could've taught Japanese, she could've collaborated with Japanese models if she had tried and gone down that path.
I don't know.
It's weird. All these opportunities and they've gone to waste.
No. 63672
A little odd how there is a sudden influx of venus white knights right after there was talk about reporting her sham marriage to Japanese authorities. If it was
any other time, I wouldn't be suspicious, but the timing is just impeccable
>>63632I don't feel bad for anyone who uses mental illness for pity points, throws others under the bus online, plays the eternal
victim or is manipulative. Countless people grew up with narcs. You don't see them eternally complaining or getting asspats and eternal vindication for everything they do.
No. 63675
>>63589>>i work long and hard hours on my videos>>that is truelol venus stop lying. putting out 1-2 videos a week is not long and hard hours. you sound as deluded as princess marzia now.
>>63673I'm not telling anyone to report her but her marriage is and was fraud. That part is fact. I guess venus is lurking here and defending herself because she is scared there's a chance she might get caught. And I wasn't just referring to ppl suddenly wk'ing her for her marriage. Still suspicious.
No. 63679
>Countless people grew up with narcs. You don't see them eternally complaining or getting asspats and eternal vindication for everything they do.that’s because you don’t notice ithem doing it unless you’re in their inner circle. Most mentally ill people are manipulative assholes.
I feel bad for the child Venus who had to deal with a crazy witch nosed narc who was willing to pimp her out for profit. Idk why y’all expect these cows who have been living fucked up lives for years to act like anything other than fucked up cows.
>inb4 white knightI’ve been laughing at Penus since 2011, I just feel bad that she got her childhood taken from her and is left to play catch up in a country known for its shit mental health programs
No. 63683
>>63682Like I said in
>>63632 , Venus is covered in Margo’s narc ticks. It’s up to her to either shake them off or repeat the cycle. three years in a foreign country with no real friends or family to depend on is rough. I guess I’ll hop on the hate train when she pops a kid out herself and starts pimping it out for e-clout.
No. 63689
>>63683Venus is a typical Weeaboo who's obsessed with Japan and wanting to live that IRL animu girl life. That dream ended for her, so she probably wants to try to make it happen again. The only way she'd ever leave and go back to normality is if she got deported.
She's literally miserable, alone with no family or friends, living in a sad looking cramped apartment and is a walking mental breakdown bomb with a shit attitude but would still rather live her miserable existence in a country as you said, that gives no fucks about her health.
Her priorities are all in the wrong places.
No. 63703
File: 1566464715060.jpg (43.67 KB, 306x478, article-2136332-12C588B8000005…)

Tinfoil, but I think she really liked and therefore misses her dolly look. Just because Margo milked the attention she got for it doesn't mean that Venus never enjoyed that style.
Like others mentioned before, she has so many subs, with filters she could still look cute, I'm sure she would be able gain a lot more popularity than all the other much older normie jvloggers.
She might have looked weird, but also a lot more "alive". She's the type to simply not suit normie clothes (because her features are fug to normie standards), she should just go full on weeb again.
No. 63707
>>63696Marriage fraud and a scam marriage are two different offenses. If both of them willingly took part in a dishonest marriage that was only to secure a visa, especially if Venus was offering financial compensation, that is a scam marriage. Marriage fraud would be if Manaki could find evidence that everything she claimed to him in the beginning, like saying she wanted to finalize the marriage because she would never find someone like him and she was sick of mom talking badly about him, was just a trick. He would need a lawyer and evidence of her either admitting she never loved him or showing incriminating emails between Margaret and Venus. I think the only thing he has right now is her saying on camera that the marriage was her mom’s idea, not hers. It will be difficult for him to go off that alone.
So far, Venus is not outright saying she married him just for visa and she also is not saying what visa she is currently on. If someone reports her, what are they going to say? Venus is in the middle of a messy separation and she is mean to her husband? This isn’t like the kanadajin3 situation, where Mira was lying about being married, had multiple people claim she was paying that man financial compensation and also lying about having a special forever visa. I honestly want to wait and see what Manaki decides to do. It’s possible they may attend mediation and settle this all legally.
No. 63713
>>63689>>Venus is a typical Weeaboo who's obsessed with Japan and wanting to live that IRL animu girl life. That dream ended for her, so she probably wants to try to make it happen again. She was all this, but then she got the dream: living in Japan with enough money from YouTube to buy whatever cute shit caught her eye. It didn't fix her emotional problems, which is why I think she keeps trying to shake up her image. She's not ready to accept that her issues can't be fixed with superficial changes that can be milked online for an audience, but are internal things that require a lot of hard, private work to overcome.
She's been making fun of her dolly image, lashing out at something that brought her fans but not happiness. She keeps going back to it because it was successful in a way all her other stuff hasn't been, but given how miserable she looked wearing that sailor cosplay, she doesn't seem to enjoy it much any more.
No. 63718
>>63712ohhh good idea! he can get compensation from her for his lost income - from her vast fortune!
kids, remember: if you sue someone who's broke you don't get anything
No. 63726
>>63705>>63707She is not eligible for permanent residency because she does not meet these 2 requirements:
Having sufficient assets or ability to make an independent living (stable job, enough savings…)
Satisfying all the requirements to maintain the current visa status (maintaining an appropriate job in case of a work visa holder, maintaining a stable marriage in case of a spoues visa holder for example)
And obviously she no longer meets the requirement for a spouse visa (a stable intact marriage) whether Manaki eventually files for divorce or not.
No. 63727
File: 1566488629429.png (927.8 KB, 1011x731, tobasco.png)

Still milking that play that she only plays the tiniest role in. You're no star of the show Venus.
No. 63733
>>63726Her only visa options at this point are spouse visa (no longer eligible for) permanent residency (does not meet requirements for) student visa or work visa. It seems she is going the work visa route since she’s “formed a company” and is trying to revive her Youtube channel. Her category of work being “entertainer.”
There are no work visas issued for unskilled labor such as waitress, sales clerk, hairdresser or massage therapist. I assume that would include ‘makeup artist’ as well.)
No. 63748
>>63738She does a shit job of advertising it if that's the case. The first impression you get is like she's showcasing a food condiment instead of a play show.
Venus that dense I suppose.
No. 63759
File: 1566503822034.jpeg (182.11 KB, 1391x1139, A9618CA3-5959-4C2F-A27B-EA1D1A…)

Has she been hit with a copyright violation? The ‘Reacting To My 16 Year Old Self’ video is no linger available.
No. 63777
>>63751Can’t believe she wanted us to believe a man that allowed her to experiment with girls, have her own separate bedroom, visited her ‘every day’ at the hospital (for a surgery she went behind his back to get) and social media where she could post whatever she wanted about him….was as
abusive as her mom. Why would she do that? Revenge for him wanting a divorce?
No. 63785
>>63759It says “the uploader has not made this video available in my country”
So I guess she did something and tlc didn’t take it down(but I hope they do)
No. 63794
File: 1566513610790.png (38.21 KB, 330x255, petmanaki.png)

Everything from the videos she did with Manaki that were just really awkward & uncomfortable to watch and how she addressed him as her "pet", looking back on it he was nothing more than a 'kawaii Japanese husbando uwu" accessory to use for Youtube views because weebs lap that bait up.
She didn't get what she wanted because she's a self entitled little twat stuck in a bubble where everything revolves around Venus, who's always been pampered her whole life thanks to Margo and threw a tantrum probably when Manaki had enough of her antics.
Venus is reeeeeeally full of shit.
At least come up with a more convincing story to make it look like your husband is an asshole on the same wavelength as your mother.
No. 63806
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IDK Venus, maybe it's the copyrighted material
No. 63812
File: 1566519009314.jpeg (255.36 KB, 1597x1163, 10678C36-3AF7-4D9E-A764-E35A1A…)

Dark and funereal and very low-budget (look at that backdrop, lol) promo video for her play is up. She looks like you’d expect someone operating on 4 hours of sleep (and possibly hung-over) would look.
Oh an extra bonus: it’s in Japanese!
No. 63818
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>>63812I assume it’s her new “management company” setting these things up. The same folks that arranged this struggle event earlier this month to launch her Youtube Comeback.
No. 63832
File: 1566530910449.jpeg (95.82 KB, 1006x861, D6FE34E7-CF98-47EE-B16F-DD474A…)

Her nasty dirty raggedy fingernails in that makeup tutorial she did, ugh
No. 63849
>>63843What was the hubby's last name? I forgot
>>63845In the glorious West we have many freedoms.
No. 63857
File: 1566557731724.png (253.28 KB, 438x492, Screen Shot 2019-08-23 at 6.54…)

>>63727I guess she's a hot sauce channel? Anything to numb the pain.
No. 63864
>>63751are you serious?
who would be ok with being publically called an abuser, a lazy freeloader and "mini-margo"?
If that was the case they could have just seperated quietly, milk that drama for views, or even remain friends to show us how ~totally chill~ and nice venus is (totally unlike her evil mother who's burning bridges left and right uwu!).
there's no reason why she suddenly lost her nice filming equipment and pink room, and is desperately putting out new content, if all of this was staged from the very beginning.
also he couldn't have quit his job, because v would have lost her visa
No. 63866
>>63857Pretty sure this is self destructive behaviour, like cutting or taking drugs.
I dont sympathize with her but put that girl in therapy immediately! Her mum fucked her totally up mentally.
No. 63889
File: 1566579808918.jpg (67.83 KB, 766x591, socialblade.JPG)

speaking of her subscribers … I see more red than green.
No. 63893
>>63880>>Why does it say she only has 35k subs in your screenshot?I wondered the same thing. Maybe it represents the # of her non US subs? (Since the video was blocked in the US)
I don’t know though.
No. 63896
>>63883I think it was anon's phone displaying the page weirdly.
The last two digits of her subs were 35 at the time of the screencap.
No. 63899
File: 1566584519986.jpeg (205.61 KB, 1411x1153, 1D807D27-1B6C-497C-B31D-B43A78…)

>>63896Now it says 1.7M subs again
No. 63934
>>63914so apparently she's had "technical issues"..
she's had technical issues almost every stream, going back to malice.
No. 63941
File: 1566603191597.jpg (503.37 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20190823-163223_You…)

She's live now.
No. 63947
File: 1566603587611.png (1.4 MB, 1920x1080, vasdkjsdhkj.png)

>>63941thats not how you hold a cat and the cat obviously hates it
No. 63961
>>63684because marzia also claimed putting out 1-2 videos a week was "hard work".you should read marzia gg thread.
>>63679I AM in the inner circle of many narc sufferers and they do have their problems but they don't plaster it all over their social media or use their mental health as an excuse or shit on other people. I can't speak for every one of them, but those who I know, they are not manipulative like venus. I used to have sympathy for her until I realized how fake and manipulative she is. No one using mental illness for pity, self-aggrandizement, to make money off of it or for eternal victimhood deserves any pity. Go back to KF.
No. 63976
>>63914Some notables from her stream:
1) Venus wants to make a girl's bar
rolls eyes because cocktails have become an addiction, I mean a
new hobby for her (and not for that visa uwu). She needs a lot of money to start something like that which to me, is further confirmation/validity of her pater ad (easy sugar daddy money for initial startup business costs). I doubt someone who lived a fairly lavish life like her saved enough youtube income to do this (and all the other businesses she wants). Also, she
can't reveal too much because then ppl will steal her super mega ultra special unique creative idea guys. I don't think she has permanent residency and this is an attempt for a work visa before her spousal one expires.
2) She's lowkey begging for donations in the form of jokes. Someone sent 420 guysss 69 now guysss!
3) The vtuber manager went bankrupt and moved to China. I wonder if venus had any part in this like
>>62174 &
>>62185 said.
4) Using tits again for views, especially when she gets out of the chair and waits a bit to showcase her boobs. Her last titty stream got more views than usual. Claims she isn't trying to appeal to ppl that way and
can't help that she does it
5) Plans on selling merch and opening a "venus fan club" (might have to pay to join like she wanted earlier but not specified) on a website and one of her friends will apparently do this for her.
6) There's nothing wrong with being a creepy pervert in her opinion as she is one too. She is appealing to the creeps in her audience (especially one named David) because he keeps throwing free money at her.
7) Thinks eating spicy food in the morning is "badass". wut.
8) Said, "no" to having a boyfriend.
random note: her willfully ignorant fans are defending her lazy, "reacting to myself" video since it's "her first time", when she had already done the personas video which was the exact same thing.
No. 63987
>>63975Yes sure, that's a risk they are possibly exposing themselves to legally. But even if separated she'll still get a bit of visa time, she wouldn't get instantly deported that day. People dream hard of her getting rounded up like Margo was, but that was something totally different. Marg had zero legal grounds to be in Korea in the first place, she was claiming refugee status, and she made an business enemy there who stalked her and got her arrested.
Being separated would throw Venus off her PR plans though, naturally. Maybe some drama would start later down the track if she then tried another marriage or overstayed the remains of her visa. Let's be real, she has no 'home' to go to, is not making great decisions due to being unstable and would probably see no problem taking some crazy risks to stay longer in Japan. I can see this happening down the track, honestly.
No. 63993
>>63990no to wk Weenoos, but isn't drinking and night life in Japan a common thing?
If she's trying to set up that
other kind of bar, yeah definitely they wouldn't tolerate that for too long.
No. 64008
File: 1566641418664.jpg (83.53 KB, 933x597, vvv.JPG)

I swear that venus is sere/lorena 2.0 in the making lmao I also kind of think that she is ~gently~ being pushed in this kind of direction by somebody in the background.
Also lol at her in the video and how this is a "traditional chinese outfit".
No. 64015
File: 1566646820852.jpeg (117.49 KB, 1138x749, 064EC7DE-115A-482D-A474-577A29…)

Any particular reason why her face looks like it’s got a gallon of oil on it? Couldn’t she have at least washed her face before going on stream
No. 64023
>>63976does she really mean a hostess club, or more like a maid cafe with cute drinks? since she always was a huge fan of the latter, and doing that seems more feasible
>>64015I'm pretty sure it's just suncreen. if you use suncreen and your face doesn't look greasy and shiny like this, you don't use enough for it to reach the desired spf level.
that said, she needs to use some mattifying makeup or something on top.
kek at her realizing she's getting old and starting to use sunscreen to prevent more aging. how about not drinking alcohol every single day and eating shitty junk food?
No. 64039
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>>64023No anon. A girls bar is a girls bar, not a maid café. They’re more similar to hostess clubs.
Unlike hostess clubs though, the girls that work at a girls bar are behind the bar, serving drinks. They usually wear cutesy costumes with their tits out unlike hostesses who wear glamorous dresses.
Girls bars are usually owned by the yakuza who literally own all night businesses so I don’t see how Venus thinks she’ll be able to make her own girls bar.
No. 64041
>>64039tinfoil: venus is fucking a yakuza and thinks she's hot shit now
No. 64076
>>63987Being separated would only throw her off her plans if the Japanese authority became aware of it (otherwise she and Manaki could have broken it off officially but not legally and staying married for PR). There is a chance she can get in trouble/reported and if caught, they will terminate her visa. Otherwise it will expire naturally and then she'll need some other type of visa to stay. Also, Manaki could claim he was initially deceived (he has ample evidence from just the things she posted online, not to mention private stuff we don't know about), but I doubt he would risk potentially incriminating himself in the process. Venus would be better off in Switzerland though, but her sugar daddies couldn't come with lol. She could still do Youtube and public relations there and attempt to open a bar, which would be more unique in Switzerland.
>>64017I believe she has to wait at least 6 months before marrying again after divorce is finalized and if she was going to marry for a visa (again), she'd probably keep it a secret for fear of getting reported to authorities, as it would be obvious at that point.
No. 64148
>>64137Wasn't she 11 when they moved to Tennerife?
We don't know much about her father tbh, so it's hard to tell what kind of person he is.
No. 64240
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No. 64244
>>64240What the fuck will she react to?! How some are calling her out on her bullshit?
Jk she's probably only gonna read the summary and be like "oooh I was so cringy hehe"
No. 64251
>>64240There is no way she can show how desperate and lazy she is after this.
I predict a fail at showing how "mature" she is now, and bashing Margo, while evading the posts where they call her out. OR cry, out of stress or for David-san money.
There is a 25% chances that she will also read posts where they shittalk about Manaki. "Read", because "UwU that's what others say about him not me hehe"
I know it has been said before but I can't get over how she just can't go outside and make a vlog about any park/place. I don't know what's stopping her but a lot of fans would watch her doing anything and it just takes make up (or a surgical mask and eyeshadow), clothes and a camera.
No. 64292
File: 1566817381671.png (154.29 KB, 1181x706, 5C401DD4-BED6-487C-A8F6-5CD8EB…)

Upcoming schedule.
No. 64298
>>64278since when does marge use the word "wut" ?
seems fake to me
No. 64309
>>64240why is she doing this to herself??
does she think she's some super special anime mary sue oc that will move the hearts of her haterz by just being soo relatable, or impress them with her mighty arguments? or is it just that she's willing to introduce her whole fanbase to the shithive that is pull (and years of embarassing drama) for some quick bucks and asspats..
No. 64324
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No. 64401
File: 1566862076487.jpg (29.48 KB, 337x404, 1555841136820.jpg)

What a trainwreck.
No. 64406
File: 1566862156315.jpg (8.98 KB, 300x222, 1475585628013.jpg)

Venus and david in the future
No. 64414
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>>64406why is this sadly true
No. 64419
File: 1566862420622.jpg (15.21 KB, 480x360, wuy5zEF.jpg)

she is gonna start from thread one, i am commiting a sudoku.
No. 64426
File: 1566862564727.png (750.87 KB, 2228x958, Screen Shot 2019-08-26 at 7.36…)

There are around 920 people watching her right now.
No. 64430
File: 1566862659787.png (62.65 KB, 275x253, 1541645102175.png)

weenos right now.
No. 64431
File: 1566862661652.jpeg (8.69 KB, 225x225, download.jpeg)

Venus, what happened we want answers!
No. 64435
>>64381>-"kanadajin is also one of my favorite youtubers"Wtf?! Ew. You admire a arrogantly visa-scamming, incredibly rude, YouTuber-harassing, pedophilia-supporting, man-stalking, sexist and racist serial liar kanadajin3, Venus?
>>64403He wants to replace Manaki. There are so many 100x creepier, uglier and older men that have been who have been watching her since 13 and think they are an upgrade to Manaki. They’re so scary.
No. 64448
At first, I thought PULL was being cowardly. Then I realized they just trolled Venus hard and prevented David from creating hundreds of sock puppets while he violently masturbated.
>>64439>I don’t even visit these sites! Tee hee!>>64443I don’t think it’s gone, just hidden so she couldn’t get the White Knight surge she wanted.
No. 64450
>>64443Cowardly or not, they managed to maker her stream even more boring as expected and she's dumb enough to not have a plan B. Some people in chat claim to be able to see everything with waybackmachine.
I want to request a banner of her saying "Ai Wunna See De Gossip" while eating her trashy food
No. 64459
File: 1566863550292.png (126.38 KB, 275x273, 1562320167350.png)

>>whines about wanting gossip on herself
>>won't re-enter lolcow
>>profit anyways bc david
No. 64466
>>64461No, she bascially went there and saw the redirect to maggot dancing and went "this isn't funny…"
Now she has no plan B and doesn't want to come back here because she probably had a plan of threads to look at on PULL that will antagonize her white knights into an attack,
No. 64472
>>64468She most likely does have multiple accounts that she uses to defend herself but she can't show that to her white knight followers.
Really would have been smarter to pre record though.
No. 64481
>>64480I like how she's speaking about it like she is an expert on what they post about on kiwi while she hypothetically has never heard of it. Like she is is just quickly scrolling through bored with it like she's read it all before multiple times.
"Oh this is kind of just a record of my life up until now…"
No. 64485
Why do internet celebrities and lolcows pretend that they don’t read gossip about mainstream actors or musicians? If you’re Tom Cruise or Justin Bieber, it’s expected that people will gossip about you but e-celebs deserves special protection from scrutiny?
>>64483Are you still on house arrest, sex offender David?
No. 64516
>>64512The comment was deleted, because my comment is still up.
She didnt she just unlisted the stream, because i went on my history and was able to access it even when it was down.
No. 64517
Bitches never can admit they are BPD
No. 64521
>>63114I remember talking to Margo before and her explaining to me how they could profit off of the children Venus would have they can make a channel around that and possibly rake in some money.
Like why don't they just both work regular jobs instead of all this nonsense?
No. 64569

Her reaction to the thread was weak. She pretty much just glossed over it. Maybe she was worried people would see the information about her fraudulent visa marriage? She claimed the pater profile was fake, and she was suing the mysterious "poster" over harassment (LOL her lies have become so obvious and Marge-like at this point). How did this person know she wanted to be a manager before she ever stated it, or to use a pic she never shared before if it's fake? She pretended as if she never visits her gossip threads and acted innocent and pseudo-non-nonchalant. She pretended she didn't know what sugaring and sugar daddies were, when we have 100% confirmation now that she lurks her threads regularly, and sugaring comes up often as a topic, so there is
no way she would not know what this is. She only pretended not to know for her audience. Her argument on the bracelet an anon posted earlier was weak too. Basically, she made an instapost about how she'll never take off taylors watch and mana's moms bracelet and anon noticed she no longer wears the bracelet but still wears the watch (may be an indication of bad blood between her and mana's mom). She attempted to counter this by mentioning Taylor's
bracelet and how she doesn't wear that either, but that wasn't even relevant to her instapost. In earlier streams claimed she didn't watch youtubers but now claims Kanadajin and Pewdiepie are her favourites and she'd "spill her secrets" to Trisha Paytas. Claimed she listens to Jazz but refuses to share any bands/artists she likes, because, guess what, it's personal lmao. She had no problem talking about Yuuhei Satellite being her fav band before though.
Also, in a now (deleted?) stream, someone asked her what she meant by "joby job" to which she replied, "you a real job" and then she gasped and looked fearful. She literally insulted herself as not having a "real" job, despite moments earlier saying how the Japanese view youtube as a real job. I don't really understand why that caused her to gasp in horror though? Is she lying about the "business" stuff/side job? It was really fishy and an odd reaction. I would list the time stamp but I think she removed the stream.
>>64137Not enough info to judge her dad and who cares if Margo's there. It's not like they'd ever meet or find each other unless Venus literally gave out an address. And living in Switzerland is still more realistic than staying in Japan. If she has the money to fund a business, then she can certainly move back there and live there since she is a citizen, instead of being some loser weeb thot desperate for a visa and a ridiculous Nippon dream.
No. 64570
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more tiddies for some quick bucks
No. 64571
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Venus and her edgy captions.
No. 64573
>>64569Also forgot to add, she stated she has an apartment/room in Tokyo but
still goes back to her old place sometimes on the weekends. Could she and Manaki still be on good terms in an effort to secure a fraudulent permanent residency? Even
after the video in which she slandered him. Is she lying and this apartment is all she has? How can she afford two apartments this whole time? Is it through escorting/sugaring? She wasn't posting enough on youtube previously (now she has plenty of stream money+some ad revenue). And only
two of her hamsters died guys. Just two. She is so good and loving with animals! /sarc. I feel sorry for her cat.
>>64571She edited the caption. The original was something urging people to hurry up and come to her stream she's lonely uwu
No. 64574
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Is Margo planning on reporting her?
No. 64575
>>64573It’s obvious she’s lying. Here’s why:
- If she had gotten a cat she would have talked about the plans way before actually getting it. Also I’m 100% sure she would have bought it from a pet shop and in that case the cat would have been a kitten - the cat in her videos is an adult.
- there’s sometimes a dog barking in her streams - she’s never talked about wanting to have one.
- pets are fucking expensive and considered a luxury in Japan - how on earth would she have the money to own not one but TWO pets?
- she contradicts herself constantly: first she said she lives with roommates and now she says she lives alone. She doesn’t remember her own lies.
No. 64581
>>64578I wish some anon, who was lucky enough to save the said video, would upload the part here bc I#ve missed it and it seems to be interesting.
And on a different note, anybody working on a livestream thread or nah? bc it's badly needed to at least sort this mess here a bit …
No. 64589
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No. 64593
>>64570Why did she stop streaming on twitch and switched back to youtube? Is it because she doesn't know how to get payed in there?
>>64591Go whine in the PULL thread this is the Venus one.
No. 64595
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she was drinking wine in her latest livestream
No. 64596
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>>64572Does she think her fans are blind? Whom does she think she's kidding?!
One second she's a
victim of her mother, forced to act sexy for pedos, the next she willingly gets her tits out?
No. 64597
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cheap white wine
No. 64651
Something is definitely not adding up.
-Venus refused to talk about Manaki for awhile
-seemed to be planning to leave him for a while (publicly defaming him many times, berating him in videos, planting seeds against him, claiming she is gay etc)
-Seems to have self diagnosed bpd and started behaving in such a way publicly (apparent friend or friend of friend claimed she didn't go to therapy and was lying/self-diagnosing)
-Venus posts a pater (sugar dad/escorting ad)
-recently claimed it's not hers but the person had a phone pic she never shared before and knew about her desire to be a manager.
-Venus suddenly wants to start businesses and is also hustling (fan meet, various videos milking the meet, stream donations, promos etc)
-Venus posts a video publicly defaming Mana and indirectly admitting her relationship was fraud (basically what Margo said) and she claims she was supporting Mana (makes it seem he never worked). Did Mana want to divorce and she lashed out/tried to "ruin him"?
-Various evidence against Mana not working. It could only have been a recent development and not nearly as bad as she claims.
-The video was posted just days after Mana was at her meetup. Why would he be there? And is he still supportive of her
after the video? Are they still on good terms?
-An apparent irl friend posts these accusations:
>>62174 >>62185
-Venus feels the need to show off her drinking, tits, acting edgy and emo.
-Claims she no longer has bpd after the Manaki video.
-Claimed she lived alone in the Tokyo apartment whilst earlier saying she was not alone and someone walked in on her stream and she panicked/took down stream. Also panicked when she accidentally said she doesn't have a "real" job and that stream is taken down as well.
-Suddenly feels the need to discredit these threads through humor and fake nonchalance.
-PULL has seen the fucking light! (and have some interesting posts regarding venus)
-Someone who is possibly Venus came to pull to wk just before the stream. Didn't seem like a fan who just discovered the site from her scheduled stream because a) they claimed they lurked a long time. b) used to "like" the people at pull and recently they don't (seems likely how venus would feel). c) vehemently defended her drinking d) were upset that people summarize her streams without adding timestamps aka: they can slant/bias the summary. Why the fuck would a random fan care about that? Literally can only see venus herself caring about that.
So yeah, something seems really off and venus has been terribly inconsistent with the things she has been saying this past while. The milk jugs have seriously been overflowing as of late!
No. 64653
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Didn't take a screenshot, but the title for this video earlier today was along the lines of "Total newb plays Hearthstone but at least there's tiddies". (I skimmed the full video, and she's wearing an opaque, black blouse the entire time and doesn't bend over or do anything fanservice-y).
I'm not sure what stream
>>64570 refers to; there's no video on YouTube around the timestamp that this lolcow post was made… Or if it's for the stream in this screenshot, in which she showed off her bra in the instagram story and not on the stream?
I'm getting whiplash from how fast this new thot phase came.
No. 64654
>>64653The "total noob plays hearthstone but at least there r tiddies" was this
>>64570 stream.
That stream was about 40 mins long (it wwould have been early in the morning in the western timezone) and she attempted to stream it on Twitch as well as youtube. She took it down fairly quickly after streaming. The one you screenshoted was an entirely different stream.
No. 64658
>>64648>after separating from Manaeven here where anons claim not to be starry-eyed weebs, the fact he's Japanese means you all can't see a fag for a fag. He is fag-presenting as hard as he can but 'uwu j-japanese culture…'. 'th-the moms normally dress the boys feminine'.
>inb4 why would he marry venus/be interested in herthere's a type of gay guy that's really into dolls and that extends to living women who they would like to cuddle and dressup as a doll. The gayest guy i know (openly gay) is madly obsessed with 'baby spice' and would give his life to 'marry' her
No. 64678
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>>64450take your pick, anon.
No. 64680
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>>64658Whasn't he more normal looking at the beginning of their relationship though? Normal black hair and men clothes. Then Venus entered her
so gAy UwU phase and shit got weird, he started wearing makeup, dying his hair, wearing girly accessories and shopping himself into a baby prostitute. Tinfoil hat, but either Weenoos wanted them to appear more ~queer~ kinda like Jill and her bf, or he tried to get his now gay waifu back.
pic related:when they just started dating
No. 64681
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No. 64682
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No. 64683
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No. 64697
>>64690Yes, it’s very normal to be influenced by your SO’s style, especially when if you feel the need to impress them or they allow you to feel comfortable to experiment with your style. BTS fans were also constantly telling him he looked like Suga, so he definitely played off that.
I don’t understand “Manaki is a homo” anon’s claim. Margaret said he was gender confused not gay.
>>64692Do you even live in Japan? I do and nothing about Manaki’s fashion is unusual for a young man into counterculture. Go pick up a male idol magazine. Plenty of boys pandering to fujoshi by wearing makeup or gay-baiting.
Just what is up with you, anon? David??
No. 64722
>>64718well, escorting isn't as eMpoWeRinG and sO mUcH fUn as some women like to tell themselves.
begging for money with your tits out on twitch is much better and safer.
plus, I believe she's a full-blown alcoholic by now, and no one wants a girl that's so wasted she can barely stand or talk.
I mean, seriously:
1. we can see that she drinks everyday. doesn't matter if it's "just for the stream" or not.
2. she's already wasted when starting her streams (usually in the morning), meaning she couldn't even stay sober for a few hours after waking up, or couldn't even wait till it starts to drink "just for the stream"
3. margo mentioned her being an alcoholic, which seemed like a very strange accusation at the time. everything else she said had a small grain of truth to it in the end
No. 64733
>>64717viewer: "you seem to be in a good mood today"
venus: "no, i'm just intoxicated"
No. 64734
>>64728it was essentially an arranged marriage though? I know they work out sometimes, but you'd have to be pretty conservative to accept that "reasonable looking" is worth hanging on to a loveless marriage of convenience. She's 22, she's not had the privacy to even masturbate under the care of her psycho mother and she has to resign her sexuality to "marriage to a guy I prefer to sleep in a different room to".
She is mentally ill, she is self-sabotaging, constantly she is being stupid and slutty. This is what can happen when children are abused, she needs stability and help but I guess the man who at 27 took advantage of a situation to get his teenage wank fantasy living in his house wasn't the guy to do that and now she's on her own in a country with no-one else to turn to and literally the worst coping mechanisms taught to her by mommy dearest - sell yourself to more creeps.
No. 64736
>>64734You hit the nail on the fucking head.
She's had a childhood up to the age of 20 not far short. She doesn't know who she is, what she wants or anything. Who is Venus? It's quite sad that at almost twenty three years of age the girl has no identity and still clings on to one that's a teenager.
To think so many people envied her because of her sub count, Japanese husband (only the visa yellow fetish weeb chasers wanted that) and to live in Japan was the ultimate. But really Japan is just a normal country it's only the shops and cafes that make it appear 'cute'. It's an interesting country, lovely. Still, it's just kind of sad that even there, in the land she always wanted to reside in, she's miserable as fuck.
I remember Gimmeaflakeman that Jvlogger he's like in his fifties I think. But he got an email one day off some dude from the US who came to Japan to seek happiness and all that fulfilment bullshit. Got there and he left like a week later. He told him that Japan was supposed to be life changing and all he felt was the same misery he harboured before hand.
Gimmeaflakeman responded to him and said "Japan is just like anywhere else. It cannot save you. You have to do that yourself dude". I never forgot that and that's aimed at Venus too.
I mean, Venus can sit there talking to 900 + people on her streams looking half disheveled or in cat ears with her tits out all she want. Giggle, drink and laugh at what were saying. But she knows deep down we're right. She can lie to herself all she wants but the reality is that her life isn't going anywhere. She's got nothing to amount to as of now. Nothing to aim for. Apart from getting her health and mind on track then… what else?
I mean personally I'm envious she gets to live in Japan and experience new things. But she probably barely even leaves the house these days.
I ain't even going to get into that business with Manaki. That's just a whole new realm of crazy shit.
But if Venus doesn't change her life around I see her getting involved with a dodgy backend bar to do hostess work in, ran by an asshole manager who will probably feel her up and abuse her. Trick her into believing its love and Venus, needing cash desperately will probably allow it.
Then maybe someday getting abducted by some dodgy Russian and selling her on the black market. Never to be seen again.
Or Venus just going wild, not taking care of her self even more and her just doing something far worse than before to herself.
No. 64742
>>64740Probably see the fact that she no longer lives in Japan and isn't really much "use" to Venus anymore. Unfortunately we don't truly know how Venus is behind her online personality towards others IRL. Given her mental health problems, she's most likely pushed everyone away and disconnected herself, as her "girl crush" she was pictured with a few times during her queer phase is suddenly no longer in the picture either. Could possibly be that or these people jumped shipped soon as Venus started going downhill so they didn't have to deal with it; maybe a mixture of both.
Her only support network at this point is her fanbase, which isn't good at all.
No. 64754
>>64738Taylor doesn't in Japan anymore and hasn't for almost 2 years. She was Venus's first friend not her best. There is an almost 10 year age difference between them.
What about Mikan? She definitely used Venus for her popularity and Japanese ability while simultaneously trying to co-opt her mental health issues for clout and to excuse her own callous behavior and then dumped her once she was no longer useful. Or Mizuki or Ella or even Tsuruko. All of them supposedly cared about her and were her close friends.
Not that any of them should have to deal with Venus when she's spiraling and none of them are necessarily at fault for what's going on with her.
No. 64765
>>64734Are you Venus? I love how this thread is suddenly bashing so much on Manaki… venus must be hard at work trying to twist the narrative since her PULL wk influx operation failed. Her marriage wasn't arranged and she wasn't forced into it. Marge might have initially suggested she marry Manaki for a visa, but in the end, venus decided to do so (hell venus even claimed Marge said don't marry him or I'll delete the channel). Marge also claimed venus "kept changing her mind", which is believable because Venus even broke up with him once before, after trash talking him with her mom (and then later flat out lying to her audience saying "it hurt her oh so much"). She then decided she would marry him to get to live "the Japanese dream" she always wanted (that was the primary motivator), as well as leaving her mom. She was not forced into doing it. Japan was not her only option to leave Marge if she really wanted only that. She claimed many times over the years it was "the best decision she made" and not a "marriage to a guy I prefer to sleep in a diff room to", though she definitely used him. Manaki had a crush on her and seemed to genuinely care. If I recall correctly, he didn't even want to get married right away as he felt venus was too young. He might be weird but he seemed sensible. He put up with her shit for years and helped her out so much, he didn't
use her. And she definitely knew what masturbation was, I can't believe you fell for the crap she said in her video. She also claimed she was drunk in the video and later said the wine was "just a prop". She's full of shit. Marge is not responsible for her selling herself to creeps. When she lived with marge she was "forced into it" even though she continued to do so after leaving (and I'm not just referring to the recent tit streaming). Now the excuse is, "well Marge normalized it and made her believe that's the only way to make money"
rolls eyes. She's a fucking grown ass adult who's been away from Marge for years and severely (to her detriment) molly-coddled by the internet; so much that she refuses to take any responsibility or criticism. She's responsible for herself now, and she is
fully aware of right and wrong, but she loves when people vindicate her and asspat her as an eternal
victim. She loves the money they throw at her in her streams when she calculatedly starts tearing up and pitying herself. If she wants to sell herself to creeps, it's her choice. Venus is lazy (and/or desperate atm) and wants easy money. She's been in Japan for years. She could have gotten her GED by now
and a "real" job, but she was too good to be like all the other filthy plebs. This is what she gets, and her businesses are definitely an attempt to stay in Japan. Nothing more and she probably never would have tried to start them if something wasn't up with her marriage/spousal visa/PM. Seriously, there are plenty of people like her who grow up with narcs, but by her age, many of them actually end up taking responsibility for themselves and their actions, instead of adopting the eternal
victim mentality, which only serves as a hindrance. Venus claimed (lie) to not see herself as a
victim, but then publicly blames her mom and now Manaki every chance she gets. If she truly doesn't think she's a
victim but publicly blames margo/mana, then she just wants to manipulate the public narrative for her own gain.
>>64754Venus is super self-centred and always makes everything about her. Can't believe I have to defend the wretch, but Mikan had to deal with Venus' retarded wk's and fans harassing her on the daily. Because only venus is important. Only venus' mental health matters. Only venus venus venus. Of course Mikan felt like she
had to mention her problems. Because Venus was essentially invalidating her, like she does to everyone. It's always about fucking her. You don't see Mikan using her mental problems for money/pity on the daily like Venus after all. And it's not like Venus hasn't used them back for content. Even Manaki. She literally called him her pet and used him for content. Berated him every chance she could, then publicly defamed him. No matter what happened between them, that's crossing a line and none of her fucking audience's business. But she knew he wouldn't defend himself and even if he did, his fan base is too small. She's malicious and that's not on Marge or anyone else.
>>64763>> So far, she has only hurt herself and not done bad things to them or disrespected their boundaries. I’m sure someone would have said something by now.A supposed "friend" came on here earlier and claimed otherwise.
>>64763I do agree we should stop assuming she has literally no friends. A supposed IRL friend posted the following:
>>62174 and
>>62185which does state she has lost some friends, but at the same time, just because she doesn't mention them or take pics with them isn't solid proof of bad blood. She recently mentioned Mizuki (so they seem to be friends, unless her friends are just pretending out of fear she will defame them or something). She also seems to be friends with Taylor still (she wears the watch she said she'd never take off) but doesn't wear Mana's mothers bracelet (also said she would never take off). I don't know about the rest of her friends. There was talk that Ella might not like Venus anymore but she does occasionally comment on her instagram. Not necessarily proof they are friends though, it could just be a front to avoid public drama if they did have a falling out. Like the "friend" who posted about Venus here. They genuinely seem afraid to call her out or break off the friendship for fear of being called a fake friend, even though they're
done with her shit. I mean, if Venus wanted, she could easily make a post or video crying over how sad she is, how lonely, how betrayed, how she just wanted friends etc and easily defame anyone and unleash her white knight hounds upon them. That said, Venus might also have private (non-influencer) friends we don't even know about, though it doesn't seem that way.
No. 64774
>>64739Yeah, theyre all shallow and want views, but Venus also seems like a
toxic friend.
I think it was the pull stream where Venus said she doesn't wear the bracelet Taylor got her anymore and has in a box as a "keepsake" or some shit.
No. 64791
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I really want her to vlog while spending time ith her friends (which I agree with everyone, there's no real reason to assume she doesn't hae any left, see pic attached). Just see her leave the house and interact with people. These streams in front of the white wall, being drunk all by hersel, make her seem so isolated and mentally unstable, which she is, but still…
No. 64792
>>64781no way to be sure of that but if you're right and the claims are true, then that would mean tsuruko outed venus to some random guy that dms her. why would she do that?
>>64791lol i feel like venus told her to post that to end the speculation that she doesn't have any friends left. it's an old pic too so they didn't hang out and take recent pictures. Though, have to say, Mizuki is literally the only public friend she has that seems genuine and non-attention whorish.
No. 64795
>>64792>why would she do that?maybe because without fail, people who
aspire to be 'models' in japan are despicable snakes and scumbags, i.e. 'pretty ugly little liars', hence the bountiful content of sites created to log such behaviour
No. 64800
>>64651>-The video was posted just days after Mana was at her meetup. Why would he be there? the only thing unlogical about her current situation is Manaki turning up at her meet up. so the most logical explanation would be that it wasnt Manaki, but someone who just looked similar to him. Manaki doesnt wear glasses anyway.
If Manaki wasnt at the meetup all of the other stuff makes sense.
No. 64802
>>64801Ok we get it Venus-penus is a poor
victim of everybody and everyone is oh so evil except for penus-chan.
Also taylor doesn't need Venus's inactive subscribers. Taylor is doing really well and much better than venus and was at the peak of her youtube success when she met venus.
Also mikan left because she isnt her therapist and fangelics were nagging mikan whenever venus would post her edgy ''suicidal gay psycho bpd'' posts which was everyday.
No. 64804
>>64676This is my favourite one. (Not original anon who requested the banner)
>>64736This is scary cause it could be accurate.
No. 64806
>>64800a fan who went to the meetup commented on youtube(?), when venus made the 'makaki buse me' video "huh?? but i just met them both at the meetup and they seemed so happy and nice"
the screencap is on pull somewhere
No. 64807
>>64767This is what I don’t understand about all of these girls who are desperate to stay in Japan. They hang out primarily with foreigners and actively seek them out. There are in fact many nice Japanese women that would love to make friends with foreign women, especially since many have done study abroad and speak better English than Japanese men. Lots of beauty and fashion YouTubers they could collaborate with. Isolating yourself in a safe gaijin bubble with foreigners all on short-term visas is the worst thing for someone trying to make Japan their home. All those girls will eventually go back to their original countries so you can’t make them your only lifeline in Japan.
>>64800Fans that attended the meetup confirmed it was Manaki and they said both he and Venus were friendly and normal. Manaki even took pictures for the fans posing with Venus.
Do any of you remember that bizarre period of the post-marriage breakup, when Venus and Margaret were on a “European honeymoon” without the groom and Manaki seemed to be the last to know they were broken up? He was liking Venus’ posts up until people let him know Venus/Margaret were shit-talking him. Then Margaret later released emails(which revealed his real email address) where a distressed Manaki told Margaret he didn’t understand why they stopped talking to him and that he was crying so much. At the time, Manaki’s English was very limited so I can only imagine how often he was out of the loop he was and how he couldn’t differentiate manipulation from cultural or language misunderstanding.
No. 64876
I’ve got a Japanese friend I met on tumblr in 2010 and we send each other gifts on Xmas or birthdays. Instagram everyday. I met her in my time over there in Japan. I spent the week with her and I plan on going to Paris with her in a few months. Her English is good not amazing but good.
I’d rather make the effort to make friends there than foreigners. I mean maybe a few foreign friends who live there too. But you’re in JAPAN. Why not try to make new friends who can teach you about their country and help you with the Language?
(blogging) No. 64897
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No. 64898
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No. 64899
>>64897She'd never survive in the countryside. Life is not convenient there and she doesn't even have a driving licence let alone a car.
Unless she means any city smaller than Tokyo which the japanese tend to call the countryside anyways, I guess. She would probably have an easy time finding a job in a touristy shop in Osaka or Kyoto since she speaks english, but then it would be clear she is separated so she'll risk getting deported.
All in all this is just another empty claim.
No. 64907
>>64900>mostare you saying some are…? i don't get it like how could some shut-in childwoman interview fucking bouncers and shit?
She said on her stream regarding the 'various businesses to supply, products, services - things like that' that she has a ~~friend~~ who "does that" so they will be "assisting her". In other words the only reason is talking about business stuff is that her sugardaddy is established and is telling her 'sure baby, you can have a little bar'. she would just be the face
No. 64910
>>64890Oops, sorry. You’re right about gay couples.
Even if there was somehow a way to adopt adult foreigners, and Venus was not already married, she would serve no useful purpose to a Japanese family. They barely knew her and she had no skills or education to contribute.
I think this is just another case of Margaret misunderstanding how Japanese law works and she thought that a woman becoming part of a Japanese man’s family legally entails an adoption process. She was also the dingbat who thought SHE could get a visa through her child’s marriage. I remember someone once wrote that Margaret thought she secure a visa as the “manager of Venus Angelic.”
>>64897I wish I could support her in this, as this method has worked well for other foreigners overwhelmed by big city life, but she is so disordered. Where would she be employed and how could she support herself out there? She hasn’t even worked a normal part time job because she thought it was beneath her. If she moved out to nowhere, she needs to humble herself and accept a low-paying job first like everyone else. I know little towns out in Saitama will hire enthusiastic non-native speakers as English teachers for youchien and daycares but I don’t think Venus would last in that kind of easy job.
She needs to stop thinking that her only choices in life are spoiled admired princess or suicidal, unloved recluse. We’re not cheering on her demise. So many of us used to support her and wanted her to realize her potential. If I believed she were more stable, I would suggest volunteer work and community service so she get a sense of belonging and helping other people. But she will not be happy anywhere on Earth if she doesn’t adjust her mindset. You cannot depend on anyone but yourself to be happy.
No. 64931
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3/3 apparently
No. 64935
>>64931can she stop roleplaying a rich princess
"gonna buy a house and a bar later. I-I totally don't have to beg for money on twitch, I just do it cause it's so much fun u guys haha"
No. 64940
>>64931Venus, swallow your pride and work at Ministop. We can all see your socialblade revenue.
Why do all these girls think they’re so above working customer service or at a restaurant but they’ll juggle musty old man balls?
No. 64974
>>64894Lol I can confirm that most girl bars are owned by yakuza. I’ve worked in three girls bars and a few hostess clubs (and currently work in girls bar owned by yakuza…)
Sorry, but actually this is a common fact in Japan. The entertainment industry is very shady.
(blog) No. 65146
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Livin dat alcoholic life
No. 65147
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No. 65183
>>65068There is no "thirst" for Manaki here, but throwing someone under the bus publicly and implying he deserves to "be put down" in order to shame him and gain pity points is absolutely abhorrent. She's a terrible person.
>>64931She never planned on leaving lol. She only posted that to appear pseudo-thoughtful and reasonable for the internet.
Also earlier, some anon called venus out as vapid and vain and mentioned how she doesn't know anything about anything and now venus feels the need to keep posting about
reading books in an attempt at appearing pseudo-intellectual lmao. So fake and image obsessed, as always.
No. 65289
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She posted this then deleted it, then posted a new image Saying she’s going to reach her dreams no matter what
No. 65290
>>65289At least she's self aware kek
Dat shoop tho
No. 65299
>>65289stop it venus. just stop.
do your thing, create youtube-videos, do streams, or whatever. you can even be edgy, as long as you keep your personal feelings and life out of it.
people will forget what a trainwreck you are if you just let them, for gods sake.
No. 65301
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what's even the point in buying nice things if they end up looking like literal trash
No. 65320
>>65315Mizuki looks fugly as hell in this video. Usually she doesn't look too bad, I think it's her hair and those horrible glasses.
I wonder if them calling Kenna a weeb will make her lash out at them.
No. 65322
>>65319at least beenus is honest about how much of a weeb she is.
even her cow status is something she acknowledges.
No. 65324
>>65322Agreed. I think she wouldn't mind being called out as a weeb by someone else either, so maybe she thought of it as a lighthearted joke? Or maybe Kenna and her are on bad terms these days? Either way it sure came across as shady and Kenna won't take it well…
Venus' self awareness is why I found her less annoying for a while. But I'm starting to think it's mostly part of her being oh so edgy and trying to be a memelord shtick.
No. 65388
>>65327she's just like her mom.
it doesn't matter if she knows how to use it, or if it's actually that good - it's brand name and everyone needs to know she has it. couldn't even bother to clean it, it was expensive and that's enough lol
No. 65449
>>65440She claims in the caption that the previous one got deleted.
I forgot about this video.
She blames the doctor yet flat out admits she just wanted an easier way to maintain an underweight BMI and didn't even bother to research gastric bypass. She doctor shopped until she found one with sketchy ethics giving it out to dumb bitches who asked. It was 2016…it's not like there was no information out there about it. There's tons of complications from this surgery but that's why it's only reserved for morbidly obese people because the logic is they're better off with lifetime complications than remaining obese.
What bothers me most is that even by this video she either still didn't understand her surgery or she was lying about what happened to save face because the truth is she ruined her own surgery from binging.
Must be embarrassing she has less self control than most obese people who've gotten this.
>13:40 "The stitches were open and food started to drop into it."Her stomach staples didn't heal completely before she binged and she popped them, ruining her reduced stomach pouch. This would've happened regardless of doctor.
Obese patients are warned to stay on liquid and soft food diets for the first few months after surgery and to never overeat for this reason.
She was non-compliant with her diet guidelines, and later in the video she mentions the revision she had to get in order to revert her stomach back to normal.
>14:00 "I had to constantly puke."Because she was overeating and didn't realize she was meant to only have a few grams of food per meal, with nothing to drink. After she popped her stitches her food wasn't digesting correctly and she probably had massive acid reflux causing her to puke even more.
>15:05 "The doctor was 'You're one of these people that can eat tons of food right?'"Does she not realize the shade from the doctor here? Lmao, he knew she fucked it up by overeating.
>15:10 "I had gastroparesis."Venus threw up from overeating so much that she ruined her own stomach sphincters and caused her stomach to prolapse.
Guess what you're not supposed to consume with this condition? Alcohol…
This is why people with eating disorders often don't get approval for bariatric surgery.
She's a fucking mess and takes no responsibility for it.
No. 65470
>>65464She knew what she was doing was bad and that's why she had to search for a doctor that would give her this surgery against the interests of her health.
There was a consequence so only now does she care about the 'illegal' things the doctor did.
She might as well go to back alley plastic 'surgeons' who inject liquid cement into the body and complain how she was botched for sympathy. Except her surgery was still actually performed correctly, she was either too ignorant or lacked the control to take care of it. Which is why she is vague and doesn't actually tell her fans anything about it.
No. 65485
>>65475Nobody said the doctor was a saint.
Venus IS responsible for what happened to her though. She was an adult who sought out a sketchy doctor, ebul Margo didn't push her into this, her husband didn't want her to starve to be thin, and literally none of her fans cared when she weighed 130 pounds.
She did this to herself. "Exploited." Lmao, this narrative will never end with Venus stans.
>went on false promises of some stupid shallow weightloss ideaThere's nothing "shallow" about gastric bypass for anyone with a functioning IQ who would have done their research a bit before agreeing to have their bodies cut open.
And just to address the removed body parts issue, not that I agree with it but there is a reason:
Because this doctor was performing these surgeries unethically on retarded ED bitches, he tried to cover his tracks. People who undergo bariatric surgery often develop appendicitis and gallbladder stones that requires further surgery to remove the appendix and gallbladder.
The doctor removed those things preemptively to reduce the chance of his patients going to a doctor in the future for those surgeries lest his activities be found out. Which is also why dumb Venus didn't have any paperwork about her surgery when she went to the new doctor to figure out what was wrong.
No. 65486
>>65485Shut the fuck up you retarded nigger, people like you are so annoying. Always appealing to extremes. Either it's VENUS IS AN EBUL NARC AND EVERYTHING SHE DOES IS HER FAULT!!!! or OMG VENUZ CANT DO ANYTHING WRONG I LOVE HER!!!!
Being an old, experienced doctor agreeing to do a surgery on a mentally ill, young woman is the very definition of EXPLOITATION. It's illegal too. No matter how enormous your hate boner for Venus is, it takes two to tango. And doctors are usually not insane teenagers who have no clue about life.
(infighting) No. 65489
>>65486Oh shut the fuck up. You sound like a fucking living dildo.
We know that the doctor performed illegal shit and whoever gave the fucker his degree should be shot. We get it.
Venus was an adult. She has the internet as her fingertips to do research and she had money so why not go to a surgian who was legit? Why go to a dodgy one? Then when it all happened she sat there all thin and lifeless to get the sympathy vote. She’s a fucking idiot and Manaki is stupid for letting her go through with it. They’re all warped and messed up.
I’m tired of everyone patting Venus on the head like she’s a kid. She’s a grown ass woman. Everything she did last after she left her mother is down on her. She’s responsible - not her mother.
She isn’t even sorting her life out now and the surgery shit was ages ago. You’d think she would be trying to make a happy go of Japan and doing well for herself. But she isn’t. Only she can change that.
(infighting) No. 65493
>>65489Venus is obviously traumatized and disturbed. Her childhood trauma, abuse and upbringing stunted her maturity. Are you denying scientific facts? There's a clear relationship between childhood trauma and severe mental health problems.
People expecting a below average intelligence girl whos mental health and growth has been fucked with since birth to be in total control and not be lead on or exploited by people when she didn't even finish developing yet. Human brains aren't even fully developed until 25.
>>65492So by your logic people can't be exploited and misguided, especially by certified authority figures they trust?
You're obviously dumb as shit if you believe that.
>Helloooooooooo Venus stan.Helloooooooooo Venus-hate-boner stan.
No. 65498
>>65493>So by your logic people can't be exploited and misguidedNo, turdbrain.
Venus wasn't "exploited" because she purposefully sought out a doctor who would give her the surgery when other doctors told her no because she didn't qualify.
She knew she didn't have a medical reason to get it, but like most shallow bitches with eating disorders, thought it would enable her to get away with doing massive binges while starving herself the rest of the time without feeling hungry. She admits that shit in her video.
That's why her staples burst.
That's why she suffered a complication.
That's why she's hyping up the doctor AS IF she would be had her staples didn't pop and she got what she wanted out of it. She wouldn't even be talking about ~muh ethics~ and she would still be lying about it to this day.
That's why when she went to a new doctor to figure out what the fuck happened, the new doctor didn't say "Ugh this surgery was performed incorrectly," he jabbed at how she clearly overate to get her stomach like that.
But sure, call us dumb niggers again because you take us saying that she's accountable for this situation super personally for some reason.
I mean, mollycoddling her after Margo has done her so much good, not.
No. 65501
>>65493She has severe childhood trauma and mental problems. But she has shown selfawareness, she's not that far from reality as other delusional beings.
She's as aware of her internet persona as of her mental condition. She's trying to stretch this pampered princess state as much as possible.
For fucks sake she's just crying like a baby for attention and maintenance, she can get the tools to control herself but that implies change and facing her problems.
So yes, she IS guilty of every decision. And she searched for that doctor, she knew he was sketchy.
Tfw debating venus guiltyness is obligatory in every fucking thread
No. 65504
>>65493She has severe childhood trauma and mental problems. But she has shown selfawareness, she's not that far from reality as other delusional beings.
She's as aware of her internet persona as of her mental condition. She's trying to stretch this pampered princess state as much as possible.
For fucks sake she's just crying like a baby for attention and maintenance, she can get the tools to control herself but that implies change and facing her problems.
So yes, she IS guilty of every decision. And she searched for that doctor, she knew he was sketchy.
Tfw debating venus guiltyness is obligatory in every fucking thread
No. 65505
So the spergelics are back…
>>65498>I mean, mollycoddling her after Margo has done her so much good, not.THIS.
Whiteknighting may make you feel better at night but you aren't saving your princess in any ways, spergs. Only she can save herself.
No. 65519
>>65493stupidity or mental illness does not protect from consequences. that's how it is.
I'm sure everyone feels sorry for her, but it's still her own fault.
Being exploited and doing dumb shit with awful consequences is something that happens to everyone, and everyone has to deal with it like a grown ass person, because the world doesn't care how precious and ~ill~ someone is.
I don't understand why some anons have to wk venus or criticise others on here.
No one's going out of their way to insult her to her face, and no one is forcing her to read this (well, beside her bIgGeSt FaNs ~who only want the absolute best for her~, of course).
what exactly do you expect to see, when you visit a gossip board? Because some anons sure seem surprised.
There are SO many Venus fansites, her discord etc, full of people that have only nice things to say about her. Why not go there?
(especially you, venus. what the fuck are you doing here?)
No. 65523
>>65515>Not someone with no real homeShe had one with Manaki.
>No real family Manaki's family seemed nice and concerned for her? As well as her extended relatives at times. We don't know the truth about her family but I doubt she'd say anything positive now because she's gotta convince anons like you that she's in the worst possible situation ever and no one ever tried to help her.
>No proper schoolingLol well whose fault is that? She's never shown an interest in being educated and she thinks she's above working.
She doesn't get to blame her mom for that one anymore, she's no longer a child.
How is saying she needs to take responsibility equivalent to hateful speech anyway?
Just because you like her doesn't mean she is a perfect
She may not have had the tools to succeed under Margo's custody but giving her asspats and constantly excusing her actions because of her past is just setting her up to be a weak and maladjusted adult. Which she is well on her way to be.
We might even be witnessing an early Margo 2.0
No. 65538
>>65523Wait, about schooling.
Wasn't her mom who took her out to homeschool her?
and wasn't her mom the one who constantly change house, thus making harder for venus to get into a school?
Of course she can study now that she is "independent" ..
Also, anons here keep saying she had a home with manaki and such, but honestly, if she didn't love him why she had to stay with him?
thats not a home anon, their arranged marriage didn't work.
Also inb4.. im not on venus side, but she did had a shady childhood regarding school.
No. 65543
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why is everything venus owns so fucking gross?
her nails are always gross looking, her hair is greasy. makes me think she probably smells, too
just look at that keyboard
No. 65562
>>65556Mr. Yan wanted her to be his wife. I think they went in a bathhouse together? Or he tried to get her to.
Also, the bodyline staff or whoever it was thought she was fat and smelled. They threw away the clothing because she sweated in them.
No. 65566
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>>65556Yan used to announce Bodyline modeling contests but it became a well-known and established fact that he was sexually propositioning some models; he even had a particularly skeevy situation with a model named Nadia. He once held a "Mr. Yan so Angry Sale!" on the BL website because a model rejected his marriage proposition, but I digress.
Point being: While some models had a good experience with BL it was no secret that there were blatant red flags everywhere. While Yan wanted foreigners to model his brand to appeal to a Western audience, there's no doubt he took advantage of foreign ignorance and vulnerability in Japan.
Yan picked Venus as a BL model contest winner, but lots of anons at the time noted she was chosen differently than previous models with a major highlight being that she was underage. Her two week trip was all expense paid by BL (including a trip to Disneyland). At the time she was gaining internet popularity and Margo was doing her best to pimp her daughter out as a living doll. Margo allowed her then-16 year old to fly to Japan alone to model for Yan. Basically everyone thinks Margo arranged the BL modeling situation with Yan specifically hoping that something would happen. Before Venus was picked as a model, they both knew about Yan's sketchy propositions towards previous models but they didn't care. They were not ignorant, hence at the time everyone saw this as a move on their parts for personal gain, specifically Margo trying to sell off her underage daughter in a literal sense as a twisted mail order bride.
Inevitably it all came crashing down. There was a falling out between Venus and BL and the situation soured quickly, insults were slung back and forth between Venus/Margo-Yan over the course of several months. Venus and Margo made a video about allegations of bad treatment from BL staff and Yan including not being treated in a fashion that Venus thought she ought to have been treated in. Yan accused Venus and Margo of posting pictures he didn't want on the internet and threatened them to take it down.
Yan fired back by putting up on the Bodyline homepage that Venus was fat and couldn't fit the M-sized dresses she was meant to model, and smelled so bad they had to throw out the dresses she did model. It was an attempt to try to discredit her complaints. BL staff commented that Venus was a terror to work with.
After Venus made a video response to Yan he clapped back with a letter of his version of events which were pretty lulzy and revealed a lot about Venus.
When things further fell out with the Yandyman, one allegation was that Yan chose her specifically to try to marry her off to a BL staff member. Popular memeposting is that Yan picked Venus to try to hit on her as a model himself but nothing concrete ever came of that plus he was married at the time. Venus said she was creeped out while in Japan because he had asked her when she was getting married (this doesn't hold a lot of credit because female foreigners are often asked this in Japan when they say they want to live there as it's a path to citizenship). If something sexually untoward happened between Venus and Yan everyone knows Venus would never have shut up about it and would have divulged about it in the months post-fallout. It didn't happen.
No. 65569
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>>65562>>65553>>65543I found the statement bodyline made in waybackmachine staying they had to throw clothes away because she smelt so bad, mutilple people have mentioned her hygiene over the years including her fans meet and greets, and judging by those disgusting greasing fingerprints on her laptop she obviously doesn’t care about cleaning
No. 65574
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>>65562>>65566>>65569Thanks a lot anons, tbh it wouldn't surprise me if she has hygiene problems, she's completely gross.
Screenshots are from pull
No. 65575
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No. 65576
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Lmao she's miserable
No. 65586
>Wah, I did not shag venus so she's a stinky girl ewThis makes her look good, if anything
No. 65589
>>65538"arranged marriage" LOL you buy that bs from venus? marge threatened to delete her youtube channel if she stayed married to manaki. arranged marriage my ass. manaki was a tool for venus to get to nipponland. If it was solely to get away from marge, she didn't need manaki and japan was not the only place she
had to go. She could have went anywhere, without using manaki since she had her youtube channel and it was doing quite well at the time. like marge, venus loves to blame others and she's super sneaky with it sometimes. (watch her make a post about how it's all her fault, she claims all responsibility for everything etc after lurking as usual).
>>65574this is so fake and disingenuous imo. she's only saying that in an attempt to appease the internet after lurking her threads and reading the criticism she's received. she's always putting on a facade and being like…"i wonder if i do this or say this now, will that make me look better publicly?". some of the wording is even directly taken from here lol.
No. 65621
>>65589Didn't, Margo, Venus, and Manaki said it was an arranged marriage?. there are screenshots of this conversation, Anon. conversation between manaki and margo.
Do i believe that Margo tried to get a visa through the marriage of her daughter, then finding out that she couldn't?
it was said tons of times before, are you new anon? i suggest you to read from the first page.
Was manaki a tool? yes,
however it was still arranged by margo, but venus find out how to harvest it.
calm your vendetta "LOL"
No. 65732
>>65691it's very obvious her and her mom plotted this. she didn't leave back to japan with him cause she was in love with him or because it was the only choice to escape her mom. she went back because she was in love with japan. her family members would have helped her escape if she'd asked. it's like people forget venus was a weeb herself and actually enjoyed being a semi-famous "living doll" and being loved by weebs. she tried the same visa shit with mr yan but was too dumpy IRL for him in the end so they made up shit about him. they had been targeting mr yan for
years with all the bodyline promo.
No. 65783
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Yeah Venus because all your other times you promised to stick to a schedule worked so well, she can’t keep to a schedule and never keeps her promises, I guarantee she will make up an excuse to why she can’t keep up with streaming
No. 65790
to Sunday? At least try and make your goals achievable, Venus. Getting only two days off a week is unsustainable. Streaming is like customer service: public exposure and communication. It's overwhelming to do it every day, especially if you're not used to it.
Does she just blindly agree to everything her manager suggests with no negotiation?
No. 65794
>>65786Totally waiting for her to stream those dating SIM games.
Weebs will lap that shit right up watching their queen Venus play a dating game. Especially if it's one of the Japanese ones.
No. 65796
>>65790that'd be like 10 hours a week of easy work (seeing as her streams are like 1-2 hours each), not unsustainable by any means.
I guess it'll still be too much for v though.
>>65786her "fans" wanted her to play it. she stated multiple times before that she hates games since she's bad at them, and would never become a titty streamer.. now look at her.
like anyone would believe she isn't completely broke, and is just doing it for fun
No. 65798
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did this shit happen or she failed already?
No. 65959
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No. 65963
>>65959no thanks. just like her mum imo, she should be sure to draw that divorce out as long as is humanly possible, for maximum misery like margot did to her when she was a kid, right? don't let all those malignant narc teachings go to waste!
thank god mana said no to her getting pregnant, can you imagine her as a mum?
how is divorce viewed in japan? does the culture look down on couples who divorce? hope manaki finds a nice girl who isn't emotionally damaged like venus.
No. 65992
>>65959Japan really views marriage and then children as the correct path but as a foreigner she will always be othered. It isn’t like she is trying to live a normal life so it doesn’t matter.
At least we can stop with the rumours about their relationship now it’s public.
No. 65996
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No. 65997
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No. 66006
>>65996She's sugaring for startup money so that when Manaki leaves her she has a legal reason to stay in Japan without jumping right into another marriage or going to a language school. Unless the content she makes can only be made in Japan (for whatever BS reason since she isn't a Jvlogger to show off Japan, just herself
in Japan) she doesn't need a visa to live there making videos about how cute and psycho she is while she drinks and eats herself to death for views. All Venus wants is to sit in Japan and be a whore for the rest of her life while rich men tell her she's kawaii. I can't wait to see how this all comes crashing down, because it will. Businessmen love to fuck girls like Venus, so why she thinks her little sexworker startup is gonna be able to become a legitimate business that keeps her in the country without a spouse visa.
>>65981True, but he was used and publicly dragged by a foreigner for a Visa so she could lay on her spoiled ass and buy kiddie toys for 2 years. Now that he's leaving her, she's sugaring for investors for some mystery startup company that will grant her a visa to stay in Japan? Too sus. She needs this sugar baby startup to grant her a visa to stay in Japan because without Manaki's spousal visa/PR (which she can lose if she divorces him and he pursues a case on her for marriage fraud, which I hope to God he does bc fuck Venus and her wannabe spoiled weeb-whore lifestyle, she needs to go back to Hungary get therapy). His parents could help, too.
No. 66007
>>65996This really seems like a fake business organized as a way to stay in Japan. How can she promote Japanese culture with her erratic persona?
Although, Japanese companies think Pixie is acceptable for the same, so I guess the standard is very low. Ella seems to be an obvious sex worker, the "investors" that she met with her bra showing who made her "painful" the next day
Ok venus
No. 66027
>>66011She might be staying with one of her "investors" perhaps?
>>66026It's her cycle: really happy highs followed by super sad lows, then drastic action to either change herself or her life, rinse and repeat.
No. 66081
>>65996rolls eyes Venus back at it with the self-aggrandizement and glorifying of herself.
oh it was sooooo hard uwu i was suffering & struggling uwu but i did it i'm such a hard worker uwu. It's not fucking hard or impressive to start a business when you leech off of others penus. hell, even your mom made the venus angelic brand, you did next to jack shit for that either. just spoon fed all your life. Also, the edit on those pics. kek.
Additionally, my guess is she's happier currently, now that she seems to have found a way to scam the system via some type of company/work visa to stay in japan for the time being. probably why she befriended ella in the first place.
>>65980I truly, with every fibre of my being, hope he does that (but it has the potential to backfire on him). Venus def planned to divorce him from the start. that's why she slowly planted seeds against him throughout the years, so when this moment comes, her fans would support her, just like they did with her mom. She was hoping for round 2 of deify venus, demonize the person who's of no use to her anymore. ella freya, as much of a bitch she is, had better watch out. when venus is done with her, she will probably screw her over too.
>>66050Her bf was basically a sugar daddy, just like taylors. Also, called it earlier in the forum. venus was working with ella to start a business. I knew she couldn't do it on her own without leeching off of someone (and probably lot's of sugar daddies - I mean -
investors too).
No. 66108
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Looking for staff for her bullshit company
No. 66120
>>66081Meh, I think with his parents' help and a good lawyer he has a decent chance. Despite his weirdness and the age difference, he was the one who wanted to wait, and Venus was hesitant to marry him until she realized she needed to in order to live in Japan and get away from Margaret. After making her escape with Manaki, reconnecting with her relatives and demonizing Margo/ putting herself on a pedestal as a tormented
victim trying to heal she laid around doing dumb shit, acting like a little and buying toys instead of anything relevant to her being in Japan. None of her content except
maybe the weird Japanese-only channel stuff is Japan-exclusive and can't be filmed in Hungary or elsewhere, which might be why she did it to begin with as well as to advertise herself to, um, "
investors". Although, the Japanese don't have any use for a Japanese-only channel run by a foreigner in a yukata browsing a shopping center either… so who knows what this company of hers will actually end up doing, but right now she seems pretty confident for someone who has no clear business plan or model. If Manaki moves fast and doesn't do her any favors, maybe he and his parents could have her investigated and then she'd have to explain to immigration why she
needs to live in Japan if she doesn't hold a real job or have an education. Showing off that you live in Japan and wear Japanese fashion isn't a career.
No. 66125
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Woke up to this spam in my sub box (blurred the videos that aren't related). The stream name that's cut-off reads, "I'll answer ANYTHING as long as the question counts exactly 9 words". Also, 2 of these streams are scheduled for the same time.
I don't know why she insists on this time. If her audience is in America, then her 9pm is going to be 8am Eastern and 5am Pacific. Although the last time she did a stream at her 8am (4pm PDT and 7pm EDT), she just complained the whole time about being tired. Her laziness is so transparent.
No. 66129
File: 1568204006374.jpg (56.87 KB, 1208x680, venus-stream-sept11-19.JPG)

>>66125Well, I'll give her credit for actually starting this stream on time, but it's a mess. She doesn't know how to handle the chat speed and half the time when she does find a question to answer, all she says is "it's a secret" or "I can't really talk about that yet" which is not what people expect from a stream called "I'll answer ANYTHING".
I don't see how she's going to build an audience with this early-morning North America schedule and boring style of streaming (bad audio and lighting, sweatshirt and lazy hair, generally disorganized with lots of dead air and pauses).
No. 66130
>>66081I dont know why you think that he was a sugardaddy or she might had a other asian boyfriend after. We are talking about Kenneth here or?
Me and her where both in highschool when she was with that guy, and he also was in the netherlands mostly, she did vwo (level) of highschool which makes her underage after finishing, lived with her middle class family in a expensive town in nl, I just stalked her profile again and he is on family photos to. I think he made it possible for her to do some part time modelling cause he was born in singapore, they where together for some years so I dont see why it wasnt genuine?
No. 66150
>>66108I personally can't wait for the juicy 'business' drama.
If anyone's actually stupid enough to work for this (re: someone young and naive) I believe she'll abuse them and cheat their pay. Poor simps.
No. 66157
>>66129Who cares if the time is too early for North American viewers? The US is not the center of the world lol
She probably has a lot of European viewers as well
No. 66179
>>66108This company is definitely not a real legitimate company. I mean, what skills does venus have to bring to the marketing/pr industry? Does she have a diploma/degree/education in the field? No. Does she have years of REAL life work experience in the field? No. Does she have a business education? No. Does she have basic blue collar job experience? No. Not
even that. She has nothing. My guess is after she was finished screwing over the Malice business owner, this new "business" will use her youtube channel to either promote small establishments like the Italian restaurant (and could also be why she made her Japan only channel as she'd need to promote to locals) or she'll be promoting other jvloggers. If she didn't have an internet presence, her "company" would not be possible, as she lacks actual
value as a business owner/marketer. This is more of a joke of a business, which she is making official by signing documentation/doing legalities, and then glorifying it, probably due to her need for a visa. She also stated in a live stream that her end goal was having multiple business and employees that basically do everything, so she can just count the dough coming in as she is lazy. Her "business" is honestly an insult to any actual, real entrepreneur and seems very margo-ish. Not to mention posting a pater ad in order to gain "investors" (sugar daddies) to give her free money to leech off of. I am certain that was at least one of the ways she would have secured support, especially if she's working with ella on this (not sure if she is but she posted a pic with her and the business so), you can expect business drama and scammy stuff. Ella insists that her ED website article is fake, but the scam related stuff isn't. It's just dramatized given the nature of the website. Ella is a pretty bad person, but then again, so is Venus and most of the jvloggers are almost always involved in scammy behaviour, sex work, exploitation, self-entitled attitudes, believing they deserve free things, laziness and a penchant for putting themselves on a pedestal. It's no different with venus.
No. 66203
THOUGHTS and/or adding to PULL summary:
(sorry if it's too lengthy)
1. Venus gets asked about her ED. She starts stammering when mentioning going to therapy for a year for it (seems suspicious, supposed friend claimed venus lies about therapy), said she eats "intuitively now" and said she was never diagnosed with an ED, she was apparently told counting calories & weight causing her stress is normal for someone on the internet who wants to be praised & it's nothing to be worried about. Maybe eating disorder/pity party she held during her hospital stay no longer suits her, as now she's a strong, independent business woman who don't need no ED, who was never diagnosed with one or officially had an ED as it doesn't suit the "mature business woman" image.
2. Stream was a click bait, as she doesn't answer ANY question. She skips many or uses the "it's a secret" or other excuses. Also said opening a business was "a long time dream". This is definitely a lie as she showed no interest in running a business until her relationship with Mana got rocky. She has previously stated she wanted to be a pastry chef (tweet) and fashion designer (said at narcon). Never showed any interest in marketing/PR for it to have been a "long time dream". If it was, she would have mentioned something way earlier. Venus never keeps her mouth shut after all.
3. She feels "soul-crushed" and "unhappy" near manaki. She was doing the usual pity party thing, where she acts sad on camera for viewers. It's the same thing she did with her mom. Instead of outright bash them, do this pity party victim thing. She must have initially been really confidant the video she posted would have turned 100% of the internet against Mana, in another black and white, venus is a poor victim narrative. And I guess it really was a lie in a previous stream, when she said she still goes to Manaki's place on the weekends. Because in this stream, she said she doesn't. So many lies.
4. I find it hilarious that venus claimed she "worked more hours than manaki". Sitting on your ass pretending to be cute on a video (and getting grossly overpaid), then sitting on your ass in the comfort of your own home editing the video is not work. Manaki would have to commute to work, work in a fucking factory doing physical labor and actually physically deal with people/co-workers, then commute back (and I believe he was also doing night shifts). God this bitch loves to put herself on a pedestal. Sorry v, but a blue-collar real job, even a factory job, will still be way more respected in the eyes of actual hard-workers, than… "editing videos". What a fucking joke. And the vulture continued with, "he just doesn't like working" LOL. Coming from a girl who had her mom invest/manage/build her YT channel. Who married a guy for an easy visa to Japan, instead of going to college, becoming a skilled laborer/professional and immigrating to Japan on a skilled worker visa. Coming from a girl who used Mana to further her YT content (she was now in Japan after all) and a girl who spent years playing with toys, after what, editing a max of 2 videos a week? Even if Mana was supposedly happy remaining a factory worker, at least he was working, unlike you. She then lowkey insults him for being unambitious, aka: a factory worker, just like her mom (even though when she needed to shit on marge, the narrative was: my mom is so mean to mana it hurts me so much uwu). The vulture finished off by calling Mana a NEET & repeatedly insisted she doesn't like talking about this (just like margo only talks about venus cause ppl keep asking her not cause she wants to lol). Venus doesn't like talking about it despite freely posting a slander video & a future divorce video is on the way! Vile is a kind word to describe her.
5. She talked about Malice and the manager. Basically, she used him to get insider information on how to start a company. Earlier, an alleged friend of venus posted that "she screwed him over and tried to fuck him". Seems very plausible now, that she screwed the guy over somehow, as upon meeting him, already her end goal was making her own company, not sticking with malice. He was a tool for her too. She also blamed him as not being experienced enough in managing/running a company. Obviously, it's never venus' fault. She is not accountable.
6. She plans on making a video about the divorce (someone kill me now). She's milking Mana & the divorce with everything she's got. I find it disgusting that she'll upload a video about it to make money. It better not be monetized, you coin goblin. That's the very least you can do to still have a tiny shred of decency. Although, not posting it at all or shaming Manaki (since you KNOW it embarrasses him) would be the better option. But I know you're going to try to spin the narrative to save face and garner pity. She said she will also re-upload the Manaki slander video since "it's already out there & you guys (fans) don't like me deleting videos". Cunt.
7. Venus' retarded chat moderator she picked at random censors questions regarding manaki. venus says it's ok to ask about manaki as some viewers might be new and she "forgives them" for not knowing. What the fuck. Who words it like that? forgives them? what a cunt.
8. Venus "sees Mikan as a friend" and not "we are friends", she retracted that as soon as she said it. Kind of suspicious. It seemed like she was kissing major mikan ass with her following comments (if she's happy that's all i care about i'm such a good person pity me uwu). And of course, finishing it off with the usual stare off into space & look sad for the viewers, indirect pity party thing. If Mikan is smart, she will stay away.
9. She wants to experience getting a tattoo but she doesn't actually want one. wut. Is this only to go with the edgy, dark, alcoholic, titty girl's bar image or something and that's why she's considering it?
10. Also, is venus smoothing/editing/whitening her face on stream or is it just lighting/bad camera quality? Because she looks nothing like that in her most candid pics/shots. Can't see a wrinkle on her face.
No. 66205
>>66199>She says she has been living away from Manaki for 1-2 months. All her stuff is still there but she feel too uncomfortable to go back.She finally admitted what we've known! Although she should suck it up and go get her shit from him. Unless her feeling uncomfortable was a lie and he doesn't want her to come to the house.
I can't wait for a million updates on how the divorce is effecting her.
Although with her "company" I'd be shocked if she really even gets one employee. I can just see someone in the future making a video on what a nightmare was to work for Penus.
No. 66214
>>66199>financially she was in a better situation than himGee, I wonder if that's because he paid the rent, house bills, gas, food, taxes, etc so she could buy plastic crap and lolita dresses?
>that she worked more hourslmaooo
No. 66221
>>66203What kind of unambitious neet factory worker would buy a car, buy a motorbike, travel to Korea and Sweden, move apartments twice because
evil mom in law stalked my poor waifu :'C, get her a custom dollfie as christmas present, drive her to amusement parks and cafes every other day?
But the real question is, Venus, as a ~self made business woman~ what else has achieved during these years with her huge income, besides wasting over $20k in a botched surgery?
No. 66224
>>66203>>The vulture finished off by calling Mana a NEETLol this is my favorite part. She said –towards the end – he became a neet. This is very different from her initial claim of, "he didn't work and I supported him". I don't think Manaki is perfect and maybe it's true he didn't work/want to work at the end (though she lies a lot), but I love how if Mana doesn't work, he's an
unambitious neet who doesn't want to work and is leeching off of me but when Venus stops posting videos for months on end, on repeated occasions or has never even worked a real job or her "work" involves going out with friends and having fun, or she doesn't even work to get to Japan, just marries for a visa the easy way, it's OK, because she is suffering guysss, she has depression, her mommy was mean to her, she has bpd, she has adhd, her heart hurts uwu [insert more pity eliciting statements here]. Maybe Manaki was burnt out and needed a break too? Maybe he was suffering emotionally but just didn't show it? Maybe he felt he couldn't show it around me me me me me Venus. Or does Venus think she is the only one who has emotional problems and
valid reasons for being a lazy, lying, leech? She seems intent on forcing this narrative that she's actually an earnest hard-worker. I think the "she's lazy" comments after her daily dose of lurking lolcow, truly bother her, as do the "she's broke" comments.
>> Venus "sees Mikan as a friend" and not "we are friends", she retracted that as soon as she said it.She also made Mikan out to seem like a bad friend –
I hope she doesn't forget about me, she's too busy for me, she's making new friends and replacing me. This was a subtle, manipulative way (veiled in positivity) to insinuate that Mikan is a fake friend, while making herself seem like a great person (
I hope she's happy, I want the best for her even if she forgets me, etc). Reminds me of the friend that posted here earlier, saying she would call them out as a fake friend if they said too much.
No. 66235
>>66199I can't believe she left all her stuff with him, at least get all your trash from his house Penus.
Either he'll man up and throw it all out or she'll end up like her mom and rent a container for her stuff, only to beg people for money to pay for the fees lol
No. 66239
>>66203>She feels "soul-crushed" and "unhappy" near manakiI believe that feeling is actually called “shame”. Did she ever show empathy towards that guy? It felt like she was always dehumanizing him.
>>66224>Maybe Manaki was burnt out and needed a break too? Maybe he was suffering emotionally but just didn't show it? Maybe he felt he couldn't show it around me me me me me Venus. This. I don’t see how he could NOT have been emotionally and spiritually destroyed by all this! Yeah, he was goofy virgin loser who should have been dating a normal woman close to his age but he got screwed so hard. It was only a few months of “newlywed bliss” before Venus brought the crazy back into their lives and he was trapped. I can only imagine the day this poor sap realized he made a huge mistake and there was nothing he could ever do to make her happy and she would never love him. I totally believe he could have ended up utterly depressed, unmotivated and resentful enough to quit his job. I bet there was so much tension and a dark atmosphere, yet Venus refuses to acknowledge her role at all. Even if he started becoming an unpleasant jerk in the end, she never once admitted that she hurt him or deceived him in any way.
>>66235“Manaki owes me $10,000 for storage!”
No. 66272
Anyone wanna bet what her 3 live streams will be about? (this is fear, why cant i stop eating, study tips for lazy ppl)
My guess:
a) this is fear will be some pity party, where she discusses manaki, how she feared him and how he was like her mom (lol), how she fears people or has social anxiety, how she fears failing her business or not getting to stay in Japan (doubt she will bring that last one up) or the divorce. Will basically be a major pity party…. or a horror game or something lol
b) why can't i stop eating will be another pity party where she discusses her diet, her surgery, how her stomach is bigger and cant get full (her stomach isn't bigger though, it was just prolapsed after the surgery), her pretend therapy etc etc
c) study tips will be a major self-aggrandizement session. She will go on about how she studied Japanese and korean and being home schooled while mean old mommy made her upload videos. She'll talk about how she studied "her whole life", she will boast about the languages she pretends to be fluent in or conversational in (she is not good at korean, dutch, spanish and swiss german is a dialect). She might talk about school plans if she has any and how she studied for her n2/n1 Japanese stuff. Basically, the point is venus boasting about how she's a hard-worker and diligently studied all her life lol.
Of course I could be way off. Who knows. Maybe she will try to be fake humble (not pretend she studied oh so hard all her life or speaks 7 languages etc) to save face.
No. 66283
>>66235Bless. She had to abandon her kawaki uwu NEET collection behind, as its obvious she left very suddenly and only took a suitcase or two with her. Maybe sugardaddy can help her out.
Leaving belongings behind after a relationship breakup is also a narc trait. It's to keep that 'connection' with the person as a form of manipulation so they can use it to their advantage and paint them in a bad light as to why they don't have their belongings back yet. We see right through your bullshit Venus.
No. 66289
>>66224>>Lol this is my favorite part. She said –towards the end – he became a neet.she's probably lying (given how she already changed her story about mana not working AT ALL and her supporting him). I can't see how mana quit his job, even "in the end" when in like 2018+ venus wasn't making much from YT. Were they living on savings then? Hers? or His? or both? Cause if it's either of the latter, she can't complain. Did he quit for like less than a month or something and she's just exaggerating it? Even if he did quit, is it so sinful for a woman to support her husband temporarily, or does she believe she's the only one worth/allowed to be supported like the special snowflake she is? Maybe there are mental issues involved and he needed help? She's also using the "she made more" overall excuse. Like she's putting him down for not having an equivalent salary (at least he was doing a real, respectable job, not wearing sailor venus outfits with boobs out and playing with toys or escorting). It's like she's trying to tell her audience, I made more overall, therefore I did more in this relationship and am basically better and
moreeee ambitiousssssNo matter what Manaki is like irl, he's still clearly a better person than her as he has not stooped so low as to slander her (and I'm sure there's plenty he could say) or used the situation for views and money. And I hope he continues to refrain from getting sucked into her little drama cyclone.
No. 66290
>>66283Good point. I used to think that Mana kicked her out and refused to let her back, but 1. It's not really the Japanese way and Mana seems too much of a doormat. 2. Venus would have used that against him saying he's controlling he won't even let her get her stuff and she'd probably mention a lawsuit like she sometimes does against others. (though it would be settled in divorce court anyway) 3. Venus pity-grabbed via "I feel soul-crushed & unhappy", but even she didn't say she not allowed back and I doubt Mana would be stupid enough to refuse to let her get her stuff.
It's most likely too much of a hassle for Venus to go get all her useless things right now and she probably already took the most important items. Plus the narc thing, she may have said that to lowkey paint him in a bad light, like he
doesn't let her get her stuff sort of thing.
No. 66291
The part in her latest stream where she answered the 'if you could erase one memory, what will it be?' question was super annoying. She did the usual sympathy grab, the crying about how her mom was mean and abusive shtick. This is not a marge sympathy post, or a marge was a wonderful parent post, rather pointing out venus' lowkey maliciousness. Plenty of people have toxic parents, but you don't see them hard at work, attempting to publicly defame these toxic people both in their private circles, professional circles or internet. Venus choose to cherry-pick, ignoring most of the questions but jumps at the chance to answer any question where she can bash Margaret or Manaki for sympathy grabs, followed by long pauses and sad faces. I find it hard to have any sympathy for someone who's constantly throwing other people under the bus in an eternal pity party. She could have skipped those questions, like she skipped a plethora of other questions.
No. 66296
>>66291Plenty of people have had
toxic family members and bad childhoods yet move on to become better people than them. Venus is milking her shitty life over and over like a broken record because that is all she has going for her. 'Pity poor Weenus and her evil mother and
abusive Japanese husband me me me all about me I have such a hard life'. She's absolutely pathetic.
No. 66300
>>66291What really confuses me is that Venus never really did that before? I mean, talking about her mom. There were always questions about that topic but after the videos explaining why she ran away from home and about the untrue (?) allegations of her mom, she stayed silent on the matter. Nowadays she likes to talk about it to gain pity points.
I know we all don't know her personally but it kinda feels like she became a different person.
And about Manaki being a NEET, I feel like he at least got more education than Venus… how can she talk about him like that? At least he's working a real job (not like Youtube can't be a real job but lets be honest, Venus didn't do shit the last few years)
No. 66324
>>66300She was always a different person (probably somewhat closer to what we see now). And actually she did make jabs at her mom, although obviously not in the same way. It was just in really indirect, subtle ways. I believe she went the subtle route, because she was super concerned about her public image. She still seems concerned with it, given her obsession with lurking her threads, but she has decided to put on a more "badass, edgy, direct" personality now. I think she realized, majority of her fans will never see through her bs, so she can act however she wants.
Some examples of her shading marge:
1. The 'when bitches drag you down' post she made on instagram
2. the calling my dad video - a jab at margaret & pity/money grab, but she was too pussy to say it herself, so she had a family member say negative things.
3. Posting a Japanese "anti-aging video thumbnail where she used margaret's age for some reason. Was she low key insulting Margaret as aging and not as youthful as venus or something? That'd def
trigger marge.
4. saying marge is a racist and the pregnant comment - she did it via her usual pity grab method, knowing it would take heat off of her and she would be excused as a 'poor traumatized mentally ill girl' and not held accountable in any way.
5.Click baiting a q&a as 'do I miss my parents' despite it being one tiny segment and then making the 'garlic' comment against marge.
There were more, I just can't recall.
On a random note, I just remembered: shortly after coming out as gay, she made a tweet about how she truly loves manaki and he's basically perfect for her. Was she just trying to appease Manaki for that visa at the time? It was such a random thing to suddenly post if she claims, "he's a mini margo" and all.
No. 66326
is a racist though. it's not nitpicking by any person to say that, the posts are there to prove it
I think venus tried to suppress her shit and hasn't had therapy (to any decent extent), and now she's gonna let fly and be
toxic as hell about it, just like she learned from her momma. it's a common trope that the lolcow springs from beautiful innocent parents but of course they never do. marge lets people know she's a crazy bitch so it's not like she's going to suffer from it reputation wise, only venus will suffer from not dealing with anything and going round in circles, playing margo-style games.
No. 66328
>>66326No one said she wasn't, especially when you look at some of marge's twitter posts, rather than just blindly trusting what venus says. I was just stating that venus
was indeed shading marge the entire time. And the racist thing was calculatedly mentioned to take heat off of her surgery and the fact that she had previously voluntarily lied about how she maintains her weight (literally made a video about it years back for no reason, filled with lies). So venus shaded marge the entire time. The only difference is now venus is less subtle and much more openly shading her. And Marge is trying to pretend she's less cray cray I'd say, given she's (for now) stopped with the instagram rants.
No. 66334
>>66324>she made a tweet about how she truly loves manaki and he's basically perfect for her.She made several comments like that, like originally claiming that she ran away from her mother because she couldn’t stand the horrible things Margaret said about Manaki and Venus said she would never meet someone like him. Saying he was like the male version of herself and he was the exception to her “girls only” rule. Insisting that they never fight. Now he’s just like her mom and she was forced into marriage?
If she wanted to sell a story to save face and look like the good guy, she should have just said that her ongoing mental illness and hospitalizations put irreparable damage on the marriage or, she could have said her newly discovered sexuality and intimacy issues made her marriage to a traditional heterosexual man unfair to the both of them. When she had total control over the narrative, she had so many possible ways to NOT look like a total asshole.
No. 66348
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Sage for old dry milk but reading what she used to post in the good ol days, compared to how she is now is so weird. Little miss perfect is now whoring herself to stay in a foreign country instead of studying/working like any normal fag would do while those classmates she bashed are probably graduating/starting a stable carrier/family. Oh, the irony.
No. 66371
>>663481. This blogpost sounds more like Margo's writing than Venus'.
2. Everybody knows that the "little miss perfect" kids from middle/high school have their delayed rebellious phases when they become adults.
3. Nothing ironic about having different opinions than the ones you had at 13.
Venus does a lot of shitty stuff nowadays but c'mon.
No. 66444
>>66430was gonna say something like "why is she always trying to do things she's bad at?"
then again I never saw her being good at anything.
Is she actually… slow?
No. 66450
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>>66430he looks like he is about to give up on life
No. 66460
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Idk what's cringier, her "voice acting" or the comment section of the video. It's full of whiteknights and of course, our beloved David
No. 66461
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It is harder when you have 0 talent
like Venus lmao
No. 66482
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>>66467Venus herself said it was only a 1 scene role.
The stage play people however seemed to promote her way more than they should have though. Probably because she's white and they thought it would bring an audience.
No. 66483
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No. 66493
>>66456She's had years to go out of her comfort zone since leaving marge. Not marge's fault venus
chose to continue living the fantasy weeb neet life whilst probably leeching off of manaki for a time (although she claims otherwise) when she stopped posting on youtube.
>>66482She initially made it seem like her role was more grandiose though and hyped up her exceedingly small part. The guy in the beginning actually sounded like a professional voice actor and then you get… venus lol. This is what happens when you cast someone who only has a brand name thanks to her vile momager and nothing else in terms of legitimate talent.
Also glad she didn't do those live streams, and hope she won't. They sounded really boring. I mean, an entire stream on studying? Better just stick to hearthstone to give her something to do on stream and talking to her fans here and there.
No. 66555
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>>66547are you sure, anon? this is taken from a 4 year old video..
only god can save her haggard face
No. 66556
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I don't think any hair color will help make her look youthful considering how thin her hair is and how worn her face looks in general. Here's a screenshot from her latest video.
No. 66559
Her weight loss surgery likely expedited her aging.
Not to tinfoil, but if you look up bypass before and afters of women who've had it long term their faces look really gaunt and aged from the problems with malnutrition. Some of them have written testimonials similar to Venus when their procedures went awry, and they look very sick before they got reversals.
She's done a lot of damage, and I don't think it's sunk in to her yet.
>>66555She looks human here. Not like a shell.
No. 66565
>>66556And that's
with skin smoothing I believe. Though I'd still rather see her as unedited and un-smoothed as possible, as it's more real and less desperate, no matter how aged she may look.
>>66559She looked kind of old even before her surgery though. While removing intestines reduces her nutrient uptake and this will contribute to future aging, I think genetics is a huge factor in her case (ex: saggyish skin/gowls), as well as under eye tape she often uses/used (premature fine lines around her eyes) and her diet (she often followed unhealthy diets and some days barely ate or vomited what she did and drinks a lot).
No. 66578
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this stream has revealed a lot of her dumbness..
also she answered that she’s been to a gay club several times and that she did kiss a girl also her personality seemed very different in that stream it’s like she has a specific personality each time that’s creepy…
also when she saw this thread in her stream of ‘pretty ugly little liar’ she seemed so fake.. cause the real reaction would be taking this seriously or at least explain herself on some of the points that was mentioned yet she was looking at this and laughing pretending it’s all good…unfortunately that’s exactly how the liars react whenever they’re caught…
anyway she got nothing but lies and a foolish people to fall for that..
No. 66583
>>66578>also her personality seemed very different in that stream it’s like she has a specific personality each time that’s creepy…I’ve been struggling to pinpoint what her personality really is. Besides something like Yuuhei Satellite, what is an interest or hobby that is unique to Venus? I can’t think of anything else. She’s like a very generic illustration of a weeboo but not an actual otaku because of her lack of genuine enthusiasm to any one thing. She seems to be jumping around from one thing to the next, never fully devoting herself or putting in all her effort. I would be so shocked if she would just nerd out during a live stream just talk at length about an anime she was into. Or manga, fashion, food, etc. Just some indication of passion, no matter how embarrassing.
Every now and then, she would upload truly interesting videos, like local tourism in Kanagawa or her doll customization, and I would be looking forward to more of that material or hear her talk about why she chose that topic or what SHE liked about it. For example, her Super Dollfie. She posted photos and outfits but never talked about the community, BJD companies, or future plans for the hobby like other fans do. I really wish she would commit to something and not go down her mother’s path.
No. 66584
>>66583>>66572I think Venus real personality is closest to when she hangs out with friends. Her streams bring out her super awkward I-was-raised-by-a-narc personality, also she probably tries to look unbothered and bored on purpose.
This vlog felt pretty natural (although still stiff cause it's venus).
No. 66585
>>66583watch her struggle to seem "nerdy" in her next stream.
I guess food and cute things are her passion (not making them, just consuming). she tried to food-blog a few times before.
the problem is that she herself is extremely shallow and boring, and her thinking doesn't go beyond "oh thats tasty/good/cute, me likey"
No. 66587
>>66584That’s true. When she relaxes around someone like Taylor or Ella, she’s awkward but you can see how she could be fun to be around. She honestly seems like she would be very polite and wouldn’t drag you down while she’s with you. But once she’s alone with nothing but her own thoughts, especially when she chooses to stream, that all changes. Does she need someone by her all the time in order to function better?
>>66585I know she reads here so I hope she doesn’t suddenly force nerdiness. Although it would be nice if she does think about what she does like and learn to appreciate those things more so she can have more things to distract her from depression. She once said she wanted to go to Comiket but I don’t know what motivated that since she doesn’t share manga, authors or particular genres she likes. Comiket is quite different than other conventions.
No. 66646
Racebait? Are you fucking retarded? Did I
trigger the sensitive snowflake mods? Nigger is used to describe dumb people of every race.
Mods are niggers. The people whos poor feefees got hurt so they had to report are niggers.
Stay assblasted, nigger.
No. 66648
>>66646Wow. is this the kind of fans Venus has? Lovely.
How many livestreams did she cancel since she announced her schedule?
No. 66653
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>>66646“uwu don’t make fun of the alcoholic perpetual
victim, that’s so mean…. N1ggers amirite?”
No. 66672
>>66670Go back to reddit where you can keep being
triggered and offended about words like the special snowflake you are and smash that report button if someone hurts your feefees.
No. 66673
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>>66672Yikes, go back to 4chan if you want to infight that bad.
No. 66674
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>>66673Imagine being this pic unironically.
No. 66708
>>66682This. They're shitting up the thread then go to /meta to cry : "Venus thread is a mess…blabla…infighting, nipticking…blabla…Autosage please"
Don't take the baits my dear anons, it's exactly what they want. Report and move on.
No. 66753
>>66662now imagine the absolute mess her ~company~ will be lmao
Can't wait for the salty or pity party IG posts when a customer demands a refund for not meeting the deadline.
No. 66843
>>66766i don't imagine venus could run a baked potato cart if she tried.
this is a person who had spent literally all her teenage years and young adulthood clowning around on camera, while being dragged around the world and pimped out by crazy Margo, then voluntarily having a life threatening surgery just so she could overeat without getting fat. she likely has no clue how anything works in the adult world, what it's like to actually do a job together with other people, etc. as she said herself, she doesn't want a 'real job', so the idea of her successfully running a business such as a bar, is very amusing indeed.
No. 66869
>>66864Did you lose your way to the r/trans?
>>66866Lol. What if this incel is actually Venus?
Anyway, this video was not bad at all. For her regular fans, it may be extremely boring but it’s short and gives you a good idea of what it’s like to work there. The format and editing looks very much like Japanese YouTubers. Someone else is working with her on this channel, right?
No. 66878
>>66759It looks like she's trying to hide the drinking, sexiness, rants etc atm. I think she's trying to up her reputation again by avoiding acting out publicly. But even if she doesn't act out and pretends, we all know how much of an insipid bitch she really is.
>>66854LOL at Venus attempting to count her gig/event as a "real job". Did she make a resume for it? No. Did she send in her resume and wait for a reply? No. Did she practice for a job interview and then go through an interview process? No. She just went in all,
"Hi I'm Venus Angelic, a 1+ million subbed youtuber who plans on opening a bar and I'd like to "work" here and if you let me tag along I'll promote you on my channel uwu". Completely different from a real, legitimate job. Also, calling that guy a hoe? kek. What a hypocrite. Bad video as usual. And her attempt at humor makes me cringe.
No. 66880
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No. 66886
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>Anybody wanna take a bet on how long it'll be until Venus ends up working as a ''hostess'' at a clubRight about now I’d say, I think we all knew she would resort to doing this due to lack of money
No. 66906
>>66902>I thought she'd start seeing Japan as just another country with a slightly different culture once she started living there longterm with a normal (albeit creepy and simpish) Japanese man.No, because even when she was with Manaki for those first two years, all she did was play with her toys and make videos in her room. She was completely taken care of, had no real adult responsibilities, and given her fucked up situation they didn't even push her to het a job, get in school or
anything. And then when they (probably) started putting pressure on V to help out financially (maybe after M quit his job to do YT and take care of her?) she got pissy at the idea of having to spend her precious weebbux on anything but what she wants for herself, or doing anything with her life but extending her teen years, she got mad and posted those vague rants about being left alone with her assets or whatever. Manaki maybe realized around then that he was being used by a weeaboo for a visa and an easy life, and thus divorce. It all fits nicely together, despite being complete tinfoil.
Can Venus even be a hostess with PR if she so obviously only has PR because she was married just long enough to get it? With the way everything unfolded, her entire marriage looks like a giant scam. On another note, if Manaki won't let Venus go back to their house and get all her toys and baby crap, he might be using it as evidence of what she spent the last 2 years in Japan doing with her income and use it to show that she doesn't
need to be in Japan. Nobody needs PR to be a drunken baby escort, she is in no way contributing to the country by doing this "business".
No. 66936
>>66902>That girl needs to leave Japan. It's obvious that she's still in Weeb Fantasyland Mode and won't come down from it unless she carries her ass back to Europe and gets a reality check.The problem is: what the hell would she do in Europe? She doesn't have the skills or education to live a decent life in the more prosperous EU countries and in the rest she would become another youth unemployment statistic. She doesn't seem to have any sense of 'home', her only family are people she's never met in an economically-distressed country with a cultural misery and anger that she is likely unfamiliar with, and she would not qualify for residence in the USA where other rootless people are. No matter where she goes, she'd be fucked. Whatever self-destruction she's engaging in would not go away.
At least in Japan and wherever else in Asia she can scrounge together a living with the white foreigner trying jap shit gimmick.
No. 66937
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No. 66961
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>>66937>>66957the other chick yuriko is not just posting risky selfies, is a blatant whore
No. 66963
>>66962Damn where did you get those?
That makes the whole thing just shadier, I really came to dislike Venus but I hope she stays safe
No. 66980
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>>66964The Misty girl looks a lot like Kelsey Parnigoni. Anyone have been following her?
No. 67026
>>66937I can’t believe she ended up one of those desperate foreign women that turn to AV and escorting to stay in Japan. This is so sad. I seriously thought she was going to have a chance at normalcy when she first came. Like she was going to expand her channel, maybe do cosplay modeling, while having a family life with the Okadas. It started off so well, then took such a dark turn.
>>66981She has worse editing than Venus!
Is Venus’ new “company” going to be an agency for white idol wannabes or something? I think her mom wanted to do that.
No. 67074
>>66906>>maybe after M quit his job to do YT and take care of her?) I really don’t think Manaki ever quit his job, either to “take care of Venus” or to “live off her income.” For one thing, the income from her dead YT channel and Manaki’s little hobby channel would not be nearly enough to support them and second, if he quit his job they would have both been out on the street because it’s next to impossible to find an apartment to rent in Japan without a stable job for income. And no, a dead Youtube channel does not count as a stable job.
>>66964>>Could she lose her PR for doing stuff like this? I don’t think she ever got PR. You need to prove you have enough income to support yourself for one thing, which she definitely did not have. And not having PR plus her spouse visa being gone would explain the sudden need to “form a company” and resurrect her YT channel. I think she’s scrambling for a visa just like her mother did for so long.
No. 67098
One thing I have been wondering about this whole “Manaki quit his job to become a YouTube star” is that when they first got together, Margaret pounced on opportunity to not only make videos of the couple, she also started registering domains with variations of his name as if she wanted to own him. It never seemed like it was Manaki’s plan. When he started his Instagram, he once made it private and wanted to completely delete it due to harassment, but Venus made a public plea to her fans to encourage him to keep it. Manaki never seemed like an enthusiastic participant and I feel like his parents would be extremely upset if he quit working to live off his wife’s stagnant YouTube channel. It just doesn’t seem plausible.
>>67095At first I thought it was that David creep but now I wouldn’t be surprised if Venus was that demented.
No. 67101
>>66868Tsuruko also mentioned looking forward to meeting Mikan, but did not mention Venus, when she goes to Japan in October. I get the feeling neither of them really likes her (could be wrong esp about tsuruko), but even if true, they'd just pretend to, to avoid being called fake friends. I get the feeling it was one of them (probs Mikan) who posted
>>62174>>62185>>62186>>67099Also, she initially did not specify when he allegedly quit, to let her audience assume he was leaching off her since they first got together. This was calculated manipulation to harm Mana's reputation and she could later clarify that he "quit at the end", after the damage was already done. She also seemed to imply that because she made more money overall, she was more ambitious and did more in the relationship. So I don't trust her on the quitting claim, unless he quit temporarily to find another job, and she just exaggerated it. She seems to be in need of money given many of her recent actions. She even took a selfie, intentionally leaving in like a 3 year old expensive Dior product, just to flex that she's a rich bitch. Like it's obvious that she is in need of it, but then her Mana quit claims wouldn't make sense – suddenly when they split, she's having financial issues. How exactly is it then, that she "supported him" all that time?
No. 67113
>>67101This, and she also said that her stuff is still at their (now his) apartment, which means M still has the means to pay rent for it. As
>>67074 pointed out, they would be homeless long before they splitted if they were living on the non-existent Venuses YT income
No. 67114
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>>66753Her company doesn't even seem to be
her company.
Her studio (room with a bunch of excess equipment and a drape hiding whatever was on the other side) turns out to be RENTED. It is NOT
her second home nor
her own studio.
Her studio is run by a man (as seen in her video) called Nakayama.
–Following info courtesy of PULL from a japanese speaking member who translated the posts.–
>>Pic 1: (The person she introduced in the video was Nakayama-san.) The same drapes and chairs in the video.
>>Pic 2: His twitter. Mentions of drones and line of work (photograher, videographer) and runs Akihabara Studio. (@nak_photo)
>>Pic 3: Akihabara Studio's (The name of the studio by the way) official twitter.(@akibast) No. 67115
File: 1569216907280.jpg (441.94 KB, 812x1922, 02.jpg)

>>Pic 4/5: From her video. Same chairs,Screen/LCD and equipment in the boxes.
>>Pic 6/7:From the studio's twitter: same things as in the video.
No. 67117
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>>Pic 8: Something interesting in the studio's twitter: an announcement.(Not entirely sure if it's related to Venus but seems more than possible from the dates and stuff.)
>>Translation: 6 September
>>Finally, it looks like we'll be able to make an official program broadcast.Details will be provided at later date.We will inform everyone around mid of this month.
>>Translation: 10 September
>>Hello. The discussion has progressed a lot. Several programs will start on Akihabara Studio Official YouTube channel. Details at later date!!
>>#YouTube #AkihabaraStudio #GlobalTransmission (a.k.a. to inform/introduce something to the world).
>>Intriguing. Until I went to the studio's official site and saw an announcement about some campaign (a.k.a. discount).
>>Pic 9. Translation:
>>Broadcast/Distribution Campaign (Note:Campaign usually means discount in Japan.). Normal price 50,000 Yen is now at 10,000 Yen. Basic contents won't be different from normal broadcast content. Broadcast will be made from this studio's account. Inquire about the campaign. Inquire
>>"I finally found my studio for a visa!"
>>Got to get that entertainment visa in the cheapest way possible…?
>>With such cute manipulative ways from how she word things in her videos etc. You sure do know your fans well Venus…….cunning.
No. 67120
>>66937"high class"
rolls eyesall their guests are literally thots
No. 67155
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>>66937Here’s something new about Venus’s upcoming “event,” that she claims is being put on by Venus Angelic - the pub where it will take place does these “events” regularly (“party” featuring 3 girls, 5000¥ admission, with hors d’oeuvres and all-you-can-drink) including one on Sept. 4 and another on 8/8.
No. 67156
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Same girls at this one - “Changwon girls”
Changwon is a city in South Korea so I guess they’re Korean. Don’t know why the pub would advertise them using their city of origin but whatever.
So no, not a big “event” put on by super business lady Venus Angelic, but a routine theme night held at this pub.
She’s such a fraud.
No. 67160
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>>67159Yes she does, here:
“Public Event . by . Venus Angelic”
No. 67168
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>>67165Of course the pub has a Facebook page. Why would they not? And btw it’s not a “high class” venue, it’s an ordinary run of the mill pub that hosts “girls parties” regularly (which is what Venus’s event is - a theme night at a bar.)
No. 67196
>>67165She does just that whilst embellishing / aggrandizing everything. She made Nakayama's studio seem like
her studio (as in she owned it, had a Tokyo office, studio and apartment which she doesn't even seem to live alone in). She made this event seem like
her event (her insta post makes it seem like she got those two girls to help
her with
her event - she's even in the center of the pic and mentioned herself first in the post). She makes the "company" seem like
her company (not yet proven it isn't). She even made it seem like she was the sole bread-winner and did everything when she was with Mana. Me, me, me is common with her.
I have a feeling that Nakayama (the studio owner) or someone behind the scenes is the real boss/owner and Venus and/or Ella are going to be broadcasters/live streamers/advertisers (venus has been doing a lot of live streams lately) and the face of this "company". They'll be given autonomy to generally do what they want, whilst the boss provides everything and takes a cut of their earnings. Similar to the Chinese live streamers that are so popular. Venus even stated that she might have to start learning (Cantonese?) I think it was. So this "company" might not be hers and definitely seems shady with minimal effort.
No. 67197
>>67196All true except she hasn’t really been doing “a lot” of livestreams lately. She’s done a total of 5 since her Youtube “comeback” on Aug. 4, and only 1 since she announced 2 weeks ago that she’d be doing “livestreams every Wed-Sun on my Youtube channel!”
Plus the few livestreams she’s done do not get a lot of views. They get between 16-32K each, with one (the clickbait Reacting to PULL) getting 40K.
Her livestreams are so crappy and poorly done (mostly her staring blankly at the computer screen) that it’s hard to imagine anyone hiring her to do them.
No. 67198
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>>67196If this is “the face of” this alleged company they’re in trouble, lol. This is how she goes out in public advertising herself as Venus Angelic.
No. 67208
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Her “events” are all centered around drinking/bars.
No. 67210
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Seems like hanging around bars is the last thing she should be doing.
No. 67221
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Vodka and Tabasco, breakfast of champions.
No. 67243
>>67221Look how great she looks for 38 years old! Can't wait to see what outfit she's going to rent to meet all the greasy old men at her next event.
Can this bitch grow a spine and just get her shit back from Manaki? if he really does just have her stuff still. It'd make it less depressing to watch her.
No. 67276
>>67272cos it's not real, fool. it's just a front to put up for underage fans while sexworking/sugaring/being a trophy wife like EVERY other j model,
Okay? This is how weeb bitches live in japan ok? so you and everyone else on pull need to stop thinking it can be some other way
No. 67285
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>>67272>>pinned a comment of her having stoped streaming cause of her mental health issues,Are you talking about this comment, on her Yandere Voice Acting video? It says “health issues,” not mental health. But lol, this pinned comment was over a week ago so she is “feeling better now” enough to edit and post old videos from weeks ago but not “better” enough to do the livestreams she promised “every Wed-Sun on my Youtube channel!” on Sept. 11.
She must be looking pretty rough to be hiding her face like this.
No. 67290
>>67283For potato faces like Venus and Kota it is. If any white model in Japan wasn't a prostitute they would have wntered Japan with a portfolio and perhaps a mother agency. Any shooped white butterface plucked from the nethers of imageboards and blogging platforms who can squeak arigatou can """model""" in Japan, because there are almost no standards there for white models except skin and haircare. That aside, there
are plenty of ways for
legitimate models and actresses to live and work in Japan legally without having to fuck for money or jobs, they just don't make their entire identity about being a ~special white snowflake model in Japan~ because they know they have real careers instead of kock ones pushed by predators.
Japan coddles damaged and spoiled white girls until they age put of being kawaii, then spits them out jaded and aged to usually return to their home country bitter about their experiences.
No. 67310
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No. 67315
>>67301I am sure she should be able to get a internship to get more experience with or without a diploma. If she would come of more proactive, she could maybe try a mediocre media company, idk if her skills are limited to basic editing only but if she knew some motion graphics etc or something she could atleast intern to learn actual workskills. This way she could also get a prolonged visa if she doesnt want to fall deeper in the gravure pit.
If she where to ever leave nihongo desu, she could actually do bachelor degrees in Europe that allow people with not the right diplomas to do a entry exam if she is 21+.
There is so many options to reset her life but she seems to pull out every bad option first.
No. 67326
>>67324>>sugar daddy money for the "company".There’s a myth around here that her “forming a company” must have involved some big money investment and that it MUST have come from a sugar daddy(s.) Anyone who believes that is buying into the fiction she’s putting out there that she’s now the head of some big “company” dealing with “media and advertising” with offices, a studio and a “second home” in Tokyo.
How about this: there is no big “company” and there were no “investors” putting up big money for the “company.” You can “form a company” on paper with a few legal forms. That’s what she did. There’s obviously nothing coming out of this “company,” no videos, no photo layouts, no advertising campaigns. There is no studio, no physical office space and no employees. And no rich sugar daddies putting up big money either. There’s just Venus spinning grandiose fantasies, just like her mother.
No. 67340
>>67326There is a studio. A rented studio owned by a man called Nakayama. So there may be some sort of company, possibly owned by the same person. If there were investors, the pater ad was likely involved (does not mean all investors were from sugaring). Even if there were no investors, it still doesn't negate the existence of the pater ad (a sugar daddy website) and is highly likely venus was sugaring, whether for the company or not. You can't say it's a myth, as if you definitively know that's the case. But I do agree her "company" is shady and she is spinning grandiose fantasies. Her studio and office is not
her studio and office, the way she portrayed it in her instagram post for starters. If there
is any company/business involved here, it's likely minimal effort and shady.
No. 67342
>>67340All I’m saying is this: there is no “big money” involved here, either from sugar daddies or any other investors. Anyone can “form a company” simply by filing some legal documents. That doesn’t mean a thing.
She’s been implying that she’s now the owner of some big “company” with big investors backing it, including office space, “her” studio, a “second home” in Tokyo and employees, like she’s some kind of big business mogul. It’s all a fraud, that’s obvious looking at where she’s currently living (which she slipped up and revealed during a quickly-deleted livestream) and that cluttered little room full of junk she claimed is “her studio,” lol. She’s broke and barely scraping by living in what looks like a bus station waiting room with at least one roommate, spinning fantasies about being a big media and advertising business owner.
No. 67361
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Yukapee was added as a last minute participant
No. 67388
>>67343Good points anon and I agree about the "big company" but she most likely is renting (if Nakayama let her use his studio/clustered little room). I mean, I suppose he could have just let her film there for a day (for exposure) but that seems unlikely. He could also be her boss in which case she wouldn't be renting and have free access to the room. I assume she's making this "company" seem like a big, legit thing due to visa concerns and not wanting to seem poor. Being called poor seems to really
trigger her spoiled ass. Plus, it would then be obvious that she was leeching off Manaki and not the sole bread-winner as she claims (although looking at her current state of living without Mana should be obvious enough – though she could claim it's because she invested in the big "company"). As for sugaring, I still think she
was or is still doing it (especially given how she pretended she didn't even know what the concept of sugaring even was in her pull live stream). That just makes it more suspicious and one of her friends claimed she tried to fuck a lot of people, so I wouldn't put her above sugaring, if those claims are genuine. I could see her wanting fast cash and resorting to some type of sex work. I don't know if she has investors, I honestly doubt it. But let's assume she was sugaring to pay to rent Nakayama's room - I wouldn't be surprised if she called those sugar daddies "investors", or if she's sugaring and saving that money to attempt to open that little bar she wants to. She'd definitely embellish the situation and call those desperate gaijin hunters "investors", when in reality, it's just saved up sex money from random men to help her pay fees. I personally don't believe there are any big, legitimate investors interested in her make-belief "big company" though.
Also, I still find it odd how Mana was at her meetup (fans claimed he was there) just days before she released her slander video on him.
>>67373Good catch. I assume this was when she was getting paper work done, but she made it seem like she had a plethora of business meetings on the daily. My guess is, it was just business registration paperwork and getting in contact with the studio owner to see if she could rent/use that space. But again, she was definitely embellishing. If she's serious, she
may have paid a visit to an accountant or other related business professionals for advice but that still wouldn't even be close to
having business meetings in her Tokyo office on the daily.
No. 67396
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Look who sweet little Venus just followed on instagram- a “European model in Tokyo”
No. 67397
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the “model”
No. 67398
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sorta puts that “fuck me hard daddy or I’ll kill myself” post of hers in a new perspective
No. 67401
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I guess Venus and Natalia are hanging out now? All these cows stick together
No. 67402
>>67396This just confirms for me that Venus wants to go the exact same route. In my opinion sad as fuck, considering she had so many opportunities for her youtube channel back then and even now (where are the fucking Japan culture videos she promised in her comeback video?)
>>67389Can't believe a girl like her (let's face it, in Japan she'd already be considered fat) can dance at night clubs and be a hostess.
No. 67403
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She changed the hostess club video’s title. Topkek
No. 67406
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do you guys remember her mom posting this on her ig long while ago, looks like her own crazy mom went through the same shit manaki is going through right now, this girl is def a disaster in anyone’s life
No. 67411
>>67406well, seeing how things have evolved, it's not so hard to believe that Margo was telling the truth about Venus being in that picture. i recall at the time people were like 'that's old hoe margo in cosplay with a tripod, no way that's our pure holy venus'.
still makes margo a disgusting worm for posting that kind of stuff online.
who in their sane mind would post their child's private things for eveyone to see? i mean who takes a picture of their child in bed after sleeping with some guy?
uh, anyway it's old milk, sorry for rant.
No. 67426
>>67415Marge didn't go through anything that she didn't bring upon herself. She could have gotten a real job, sent her daughter to normal school and had an average life. Venus would've been better for it and not the self-destructive alcoholic trainwreck of a wannabe-gravure hostess girl she is now. No, she just had to keep her child out of school, isolated from normal society, making her dance kawaii like a monkey for underage weebs and pervs for that sweet YT ad revenue. She'd sell her own daughter to the first East Asian millionaire she saw if she could.
Honestly, what did Marge expect to happen once Venus reached adulthood and got fed up? She'd get tired of following her lead eventually, especially given how physically and mentally
abusive she allegedly was just barely off-camera. Venus is only a shit person because she fell out of a shit mother.
No. 67432
>>67424I don't remember Margo admitting it. Can you post a screenshot? I remember she said that was venus in the pic but hard to confirm given we can't see her face. I remember venus saying something along the lines of she got drunk, kissed some guy and said "it was a mistake" (or did margo say she said that?). Either way, not hard to believe that actually could be venus, given what we know now.
>>67426I think margo was hoping they'd make millions and wasn't thinking long term exactly. She quit her job to focus solely on the youtube channel and that was a big mistake. I mean, aside from running away, what if something happened to venus? What about when venus got too old and they stopped making money? Marge def did not think that out. And venus is a shit person, because she chooses to be a shit person. She's been away from marge long enough and knows right from wrong.
No. 67433
>>67396Its Gemma Cruel! From Beckii Cruel's, Cruels Angels band. She is also in beckiis bbc documentary, where Gemmas mom talks about how her old youtube dancing channel had high statistics of old men watching and pretending thats normal.
She went the same route Venus is about to walk, wannebe Japan idol youtube star ending up as a mediocare gravure "model" to try and extend her japan career.
Gemma moved to Japan for a guy at first and was selling Liz Lisa on livejournal, not sure if she is in any relationship still
No. 67444
>>67437What you’re saying is you think that Weenus is not simply lying and misrepresenting her current situation to her followers, but that she must have been lied to and used by a bad man. Which would make her an innocent
victim of the bad man, yes? As opposed to a pathological liar exactly like her mother.
No. 67446
>>67444It's not that black and white, anon. She's not either a holy, innocent angel of love and light or an evil bitch who will slaughter your kitten when you sleep. Being a
victim of something =/= innocent of everything ever uwu. You should try some breathing exercises if you get so worked up about penus maybe not being the most evil bitch of all time
No. 67458
File: 1569530384601.png (Spoiler Image,462.77 KB, 592x534, iGLAtcN.png)

I can't help but imagine the few slow weebs who'll go to the "meet up" to see their kawaii anime aidoru, only to see an old looking girl in some smexy yukata/chinadress costume. This is going to be glorious.
>>67310Never seen this one before, but it does give of maggot vibes (pic related). Like mother, like daughter.
No. 67488
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Well her big event at the “high class” izakaya with the 3 other ex-idols turned burlesque dancers/porn models is almost here and she’s been practically nonexistent on SM.
This “Q&A happening right now on my story” never happened btw. She posted an “ask me anything” on her ig story but never followed up with any questions and it just disappeared 24 hours later.
She’s really bad at this. Like really REALLY bad.
No. 67493
>>67489she's not even a barmaid. it's more of a promotional thing, not a real job, where she likely told them she was a youtuber looking to open a bar and she'll promote their establishment if they show her bar stuff. That's not how real job hunting works.
>>67452She's not struggling cause she's a
victim. She's struggling because she left HER
victim, Manaki (or got kicked out?). There is no way he was living off of poor wittle weenus, given her current state of living. That's why she's struggling, it seems she's on her own ever since the little slander video our liar cow posted. I don't think she got screwed over by Nakayama. I think she's likely still using his studio but just hasn't updated on SM. If anything, it's more likely she will screw him over eventually, just like the malice manager, whom she shifted all blame onto in a live stream.
No. 67496
File: 1569558155910.jpeg (521.38 KB, 1094x1542, 62F4E9B9-A4F5-4E86-B41C-FF4291…)

>>67452>>she has a shadow of what she was promisedOh boo hoo, poor Weenus. Lol. If anything she probably made a bunch of promises to people that she didn’t keep, like this restaurant owner the world-famous Youtuber promised a video to on her world-famous Youtube channel. Guess what? That promise was broken (along with many others.)
No. 67500
>>67495She's had the channel to herself for long enough now to be able to do it and to be seen as responsible for the shit she doesn't do.
Marge's damage still shows in other ways though.
No. 67516
>>67486>>67496Are you so fueled with rage that it even affects your reading abilities?
>she has a shadow of what she promosed>>67479Holy shit she looks scary on that video, she really fucked herself over with the stomach surgery. Inb4 dead in 5 years due to untreated ed
No. 67586
File: 1569683256451.jpeg (438.8 KB, 1023x1897, 9F78955C-A98A-4A1A-8CFC-BDA80E…)

First pic from event: they “forgot to take a selfie with Venus”
No. 67599
File: 1569696068599.jpeg (214.11 KB, 1088x1915, E42F16AD-A2CC-4889-8A23-B78F60…)

Confirmation that Weenos was a drunk mess at the event tonight: from Yukapon’s ig
No. 67601
>>67586I'm dying to see some pics of this event, especially from venus. I already thought that this will be a hot mess but damn, the fact that nobody of them bothered to take a pic with her tells a lot wew
Not even pictures of venus where she is linked? I doubt that nobody took a pic of her because at least a handful of weeb fans should've been there.
No. 67651
>>67648This entire event was fishy to begin with.
Yuriko is an Italian lolcow and usually she can't stop talking about an event she attends or even just an event she happens to pass by and see at a distance -_-
This time she's been extremely quiet and just made an after selfie (and she had the idea being the extrovert itariajin that is friend with everyone, but I can see the others not giving a shit onestly).
Then Yuriko posted a story, claiming she's sick (barely a cold) and that this was a "strange" night, but not revealing anything more.
No. 67679
>>67599That's no confirmation, but very suspicious indeed. If this was about venus, it could very well be something else too, like maybe something bad happened at the event or she seemed depressed? I would think that the girls had strict rules about how much they could drink so the paying customers enjoy, but then again the whole event seemed shady so maybe they didn't? Venus being a drunken mess is still just tinfoiling and we might never know for sure if nobody spills.
To me it would make sense as well if something happened and she had to leave before the event was over, and the other girls didn't manage to take a picture together before she left. Maybe she got too drunk and they kicked her out, or something to do with her (mental)health? To me that story reads more as being empathetic rather than spilling tea about someone behaving badly
No. 67685
File: 1569775963883.jpeg (141.93 KB, 1281x803, 5874F83F-22C9-452C-AD41-592C56…)

Didn’t see the ig live but Natalia tweeted this yesterday at 1PM our time which was 2AM Saturday night/Sun early morning, or shortly after the event:
No. 67699
File: 1569783510352.jpg (152.55 KB, 720x1091, Screenshot_20190929_205749.jpg)

From pull
No. 67721
>>67586Damn I never thought Yukapee was that cute before but
everybody else looks fuckin busted compared to her
No. 67725
File: 1569784994477.jpeg (115.13 KB, 648x1052, 130A26B3-903A-4FDD-92DC-B181E2…)

>>67688Maybe Venus did some drunk karaoke once she had a few drinks in her.
No. 67729
>>67728Well margo also leaked the yukapon piss video..
But who knows.
No. 67757
>>67736 This girls already have actual people paying for them showing their unacttractive and ugly bodies in photos, looking at them live is just better I suppose
>>67725 The event was broadcasted live?
No. 67763
>>67757>>The event was broadcasted live?No, that screencap is from her drunk karaoke livestream this past April. (keep watching till the end, she stops and restarts the stream a few times.)
>>67755Instagram translate also says ‘Youtuber’ is ‘Yu chu bar’ Lol
No. 67766
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No. 67767
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No. 67776
>>67578it's not hers, she's the babies aunt. her sister pamela who was also in cruel girls moved to korea and met a guy there, the child is half korean.
I've seen this repeated over and over, just because she has a picture with a kid in it, doesn't mean it's hers, there's no truth in it.
JAV is another false one, she did seem to be on course for JAV with more and more revealing and sexual gravure DVDs, but has joined a new agency and dialed it back to no nudity which is making her fans (which there are a lot of) angry.
she's from the same group of youtube dancers as venus was when she used to do it, so I'm assuming she was trying to attract kelsey, gemma, yukapon and others who have gone down that road.
…gemma probably cost too much to book
No. 67787
>>67766What the F is Weenus wearing?? Lol
And it looks like she showed up looking a greasy and disheveled mess as usual. This girl is a fucking trainwreck on steroids. (And she’s still MIA on instagram pretty much since 9/11.)
No. 67789
>>67788I thought it was supposed to be a Yukata night, what the fuck Venus
>>67781I doubt a shady place like that bar would really care if that happened..? But still interesting theory. I think Venoos just had too much to drink lawl
No. 67790
>>67776>>joined a new agency and dialed it back to no nudity pic at
>>67397 is from 8/4,
>>67398 is from 9/10. Is that before or after she joined her “new agency with no nudity”?
p.s. you don’t need nudity to do porn. She’s just doing soft porn as opposed to hard-core porn.
No. 67791
>>67766Damn every single one of these girls are fugly.
>>67789Only two are wearing yukata. The orange one on the right is doing some gangaru shit.
No. 67794
>>67766Looks like a bunch of girls absolutely relishing in Venus' alcoholism. They can't contain their joy in egging her on to embarrass herself to make themselves look better.
Japanese people don't care that one of you made an ass of herself because you'll all be lumped in with her anyway. You're all loud garish annoying gaijin whether you like it or not.
No. 67796
>>67788>>looks like a miko costumeSo she shows up at the bar wearing a sacred Shinto costume and proceeds to get drunk off her ass? That’s fucking disrespectful. Nice one, Weenus.
From Wiki: “In Shinto, a miko (巫女) is a shrine maiden or a supplementary priestess. Miko were once likely seen as a shaman but are understood in modern Japanese culture to be an institutionalized role in daily shrine life, trained to perform tasks, ranging from sacred cleansing to performing the sacred Kagura dance.”
No. 67802
File: 1569806863887.jpeg (553.62 KB, 1097x1630, D41A0D8D-3448-48DA-B25B-83A9DC…)

>>67766>>67767Here’s the guy’s caption for these pics on his ig (translation from ig translate)
So who’s this “Cambodian manager, Kitano”?
No. 67803
File: 1569806911772.jpeg (432.3 KB, 1090x1334, 61D37471-A67B-44C0-BD9C-815B70…)

Here it is in the original Japanese
No. 67806
>>67802That photo is the catfish of the century
>>67796Exactly. How hard was it for her to just grab a simple yukata for the event? aren't very casual ones like $50? I'm sure she could have even rented one.
No. 67814
File: 1569812724252.jpeg (81.33 KB, 682x555, D2E5AF1A-0FEA-4327-BBAF-964EE8…)

I mean, this is just gross. And why are the other three standing around applauding her doing a sake bomb?
No. 67816
File: 1569813018361.jpeg (62.04 KB, 491x380, B70D3AE3-3A55-4702-BF53-222312…)

>>67814Well I guess the booze was probably free at this place as well as the one her last “event” was at, so cheers! Let’s DRINK
No. 67821
>>67796B-but… That's what the girls in her anime wear! Venus wears her weeb on her sleeve. She isn't even trying to appreciate Japanese culture. This looks like a hotel room party at a western anime con.
Waiting for the video in a month where Venus sits on the floor of her living room and talks 'candidly' about how she felt out of place and nervous at this event and compensated by drukenly embarrasing herself.
No. 67822
File: 1569815097261.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.65 KB, 1170x504, 9HkVrDn.jpg)

>>67776How long until Venus starts dry humping Japanese dudes on stage like Gemma?
No. 67831
>>67790I'm not here to defend Gemma, but this is also not true, she's not naked in any of those pictures and even the stage thing. That's not JAV, it's gravure.
If you don't believe me go watch one of her old releases then watch the new one, what I said is true, it's much more tame.
Can gravure be called softcore porn? sure, is it AV, no.
But you gotta scream and be outraged right?
No. 67834
File: 1569829018329.jpeg (283.95 KB, 640x1055, CF66C157-0C4C-43E5-89DB-B13248…)

Is that venus?
No. 67840
File: 1569835421895.png (463.67 KB, 720x694, 20190930_102200.png)

>>67834Yep, it's her.
>>67824Good job anon.
No. 67846
>>67842iirc it was this chick humping some dudes on stage in taiwan during a live show or something like this (some erotic con??)? Idk it was really hard to watch because how humiliating it looked to do this kind of degrading shit.
>>67766lol at yukappee's face. Bitch isn't sure if she should laugh or feel bad about the hot mess venus is. Also chick in purple doesn't know how to deal with either lmao.
I mean I'm glad that we scored some pics but a video would much more entertaining.
>>67843This also tells what kind of trash event it was if they could't organize their outfits for whatever it supposed to be.
No. 67848
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No. 67852
File: 1569841019169.jpg (292.36 KB, 1080x1562, Screenshot_20190930_125515.jpg)

>>67834Talking about Swiss person in comments, so yes.
No. 67857
>>67842>>67846Gemma dry humping a bunch of dudes at an adult expo.
>>67848Venus looks almost like Margo at a distance. No wonder she had body image issues in Japan. She's kind of big boned.
No. 67863
File: 1569847169066.jpg (246.39 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20190930-081353.jpg)

>>67845Definitely picking up a look of cringe lmao
>>67767I feel sorry for this girl. Can you imagine, Venus probably showed up drunk to the event/had too much to drink at event, and leans over way too close to you to give you a sloppy kiss? I can imagine the smell of alcohol on her, Venus looks really into it for the pic and the girl's body posture looks shrunken down.
No. 67865
she probably thinks she's so hot, everyone must be simply delighted being touched by her.
I said it before, but she's probably one of those gropey lesbians who are like "it can't be sexual harassment when we're both girls xDDD"
No. 67867
>>67865Same anon you're replying to, that was something I was speculating when I saw the pictures. She probably thinks she can get way too close and act way too flirty with other girls bordering on harassment, especially with alcohol lowering inhibitions and her being a sloppy drunk.
I was actually thinking that this anon
>>67781 isn't too far off the mark. She probably got sloppy drunk and made the other girls uncomfortable, that's why they all conveniently "forgot" to include her in the selfie. As for Venus herself who knows, she probably had to spend the rest of the night over a toilet or had one of the managers tard wrangling her and keeping an eye on her toward the end of the night.
I'm going to blog post but I used to work in clubs and saw this behavior sometimes. I don't know how it works in Japan but at some of the places I worked, the staff who got too drunk and couldn't handle themselves got a warning to cool it, managers would know who problem staff were.
If this is a place that Venus regularly works at, the management are probably well aware of her drinking habits. Whether or not they tolerate it can only be speculation.
No. 67869
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No. 67870
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No. 67871
File: 1569850589372.png (475.3 KB, 768x1075, 01.png)

>>67852So is Gaku Kitano actually venus' manager? The one behind the "company"? Sugar daddy? He was at many of her events.
His face book says: 一般社団法人日本アジアビジネス協会 株式会社レプリネット・カンボジア
Which google translates as:
Japan Asia Business Association
Reprinet Cambodia Co., Ltd.
Image from facebook: translation says "we have planned the event". Is that as in planned the event/promoting it for you to meet her, or as planning to go meet venus at the event?
No. 67873
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No. 67874
File: 1569850801524.png (1.8 MB, 750x1334, B1DDF47D-42BB-4C24-AB8D-5518C5…)

It looks like he’s there whenever she meets with Ella
No. 67875
File: 1569850866956.png (788.76 KB, 1237x587, 04.png)

He's promoting her video
No. 67877
File: 1569850942674.png (1.93 MB, 1216x1162, 05.png)

No. 67878
File: 1569851021533.png (1.71 MB, 774x1614, 03.png)

Kitano promoting her august fan meet.
>>53494>>53501looks like he is here too when venus went drinking (guy in middle)
No. 67885
>>67821This, for someone who claimed for years to looove Japanese culture so much she doesn't seem to respect it at all.
So now we've discovered her manager/sugar daddy I guess
She probably lives with him in that small room
No. 67886
>>67796 >>67885Cosplaying a miko isn't really any a big deal. Japanese girls do it too. No need to push an american appropriation agenda here.
>>67690yeah her japanese isn't great. I skimmed through one of her recent videos and she loves using "感じ" for everything. It's like she can't construct intermediate sentences. Which I find weird, since she's studied and worked together with so many natives.
>>67699Cringe. Why is she trying to talk ghetto?
>>67767Venus really needs to learn to use eyeliners. She's like not wearing any makeup at all which is strange considering she's supposed to host this event.
No. 67887
File: 1569862726735.png (5.86 MB, 1242x2208, 3A814AD3-E793-4D4F-95E6-B373A6…)

The translations on some of the posts is uh… strange
No. 67891
>>67890Have you ever even been to Japan?
I'm willing to bet ichiman that none of the sleazy salarymen there got offended that she dressed up a miko. It's a pretty common fantasy. They sell miko costumes at every goddamn donki out there.
You're objectifying Japanese culture
and that's gross lol
>>67869I guess Venus finally got some connections. She's been alone without any improvement for so long that I figured everything would fall apart soon. Maybe she can keep her e-fame going for a few more years.
No. 67892
>>67886>>67891>>Cosplaying a miko isn't really any a big deal. Japanese girls do it too. While getting drunk at the neighborhood bar?
>>I guess Venus finally got some connections. Those events are all from May-June (except last weekend’s drunk “event.”) She’s done nothing since then to take advantage of these “connections” (except maybe binge drink.)
No. 67893
>>67886Nice try but I'm not American. I wasn't saying that the miko cosplay itself is
problematic, it's her being wasted and apparently suggestive with the girls that makes it cringe. Shinto is a religion after all.
No. 67896
>>67892> While getting drunk at the neighborhood bar?I mean, that's more respectful than all the miko gravure out there imo. If the organizers found it
triggering I'm sure they'd say in a tiny voice biinasu-chan sore dame desu, bow their head and ask her to wear the clothes she came in. It's not as if natalia or whatever her name is, is wearing anything resembling a yukata anyway.
> Those events are all from May-June (except last weekend’s drunk “event.”) She’s done nothing since then to take advantage of these “connections” (except maybe binge drink.)Ah. Well, sucks for her. If she can't keep up her supposed e-fame schedule, I'm more of the opinion that she should go get herself a real job.
>>67893Not sure which of the two you are. Her attitude and bad sense of fashion is cringe, I agree. But Shinto isn't really a religion-religion for most. It's more a cultural thing for most of them. So I don't see how anyone (especially not a non-japanese) can find the act of just wearing a donki miko-costume to be insulting.