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No. 254982
Old thread hit limit
> Venus youtube celeb since she was 11/12 years old > Has been on various tv shows, travelled country to country by her mother speaking fuck knows how many languages> Never went to school/was homeschooled> Her mother Margret basically used Venus for $$$ > Venus escaped her crazy money sponging controlling mother and leapt into the hands of her visa cough husband Manaki > Currently resides in Tokyo now living life and still hiding from her mother who continues to try stalking/harassing Veenos! > Venus is still social awkward but may gradually be making friends alas Taylor R Youtube: /venusangelic
IG: Venus_Angelic
No. 254990
>>254988The fact that japanese make up is clearly directed at people with asian features.
It looks so harsh on Venus' face and no, Venus isn't in the slightest "oriental" in facial terms, is your common mountains white girl
No. 254993
>>254990I wasnt trying to say she suits them but shes gonna follow them and tell others about them for views. Its how she makes her money.
Shes still shit at applying tho.
No. 255015
>>255005Yellowface used to be a thing in old American movies but I've never understood why Venus was accused of doing it. How does she resemble a racist Asian stereotype?
Even her video about how to look like a half-Japanese girl is a make-up trend that originated
in Japan but people use it as proof for how Venus is supposedly so racist. She only remade this look in English, on a European face. SJWs really grasp at every straw.
No. 255050
>>254982most of the people accusing her of this are white or black people. black people can't seem to not stop going "smh WHITE PPL UGH" when theyre not even fucking asian. i personally wouldn't even take an asian-american's opinion to heart because theyre not japanese or of japanese decent.
if this was any other women on the internet i would have the same opinion. it's only natural to read magazines in your own country and imitate the popular looks and styles in them, especially if you're a young girl. you want to fit in and how is it racist to buy makeup from where you currently live?
it boggles my mind that sjws whine about everything. she's not even wearing a kimono or someshit, she's wearing circle lenses and has black hair. (also when did circle lenses become cultural appropriation? kek i don't think anime characters suffer because of it)
No. 255052
>>255048same fag from previous comment, but this. idk when it became so bad. there's a difference between being an actual race baiting retard and being a normal person trying out different things respectfully.
idk if it's the people from pull invading or tumblr, but it's really tiring.
No. 255117
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the squinting of her eyes while blurring her face to look flat and changing her hair to black and straight and getting dark lenses seems yellowface-y to me lol. i'm all for kawaii trends and dying your hair black and cute but she literally started typing in japanese on ig the same day she died her hair black and got a straight perm. and her willing ignorance about it is annoying.
>i think people just want me to look like a slut! >_<
lmao? she's 20 years old not a 12 year old. if she's not gonna give a fuck then she should stop trying to play dumb so people give her the benefit of the doubt.
No. 255118
>>255117Pfft people who back up Venus…
She full on tries to look Asian and i dont care what people say or think. She does but remember in person she looks fuck all like that selfie. Shes as white as they come.
No. 255119
>>254988the issue isnt her makeup its her editing. "japanese makeup trends" are just eyeliner and straight eyebrows? she barely has makeup. theres no reason why she should be looking so different and asian.
didnt we already establish she started trying to look azn after manaki was caught obsessing over tsuruko?
No. 255122
>>255043I think anon meant to say that Venus isn't capable of thinking "grey"
She either thinks of super uguu make up or basic american bitch make up, not anything "natural"
>>255119You're forgetting the lens, anon.
Venus' eyes are blue-green. And I don't believe that "black eyes are a thing right now in Japan uwu" bullshit
Still, I don't get why people get mad at (as same anon said) cosplayers shooping themselves asian but defend Venus who literally transforms her face to look asian.
it's because "you're safe and nothing must hurt her little angel heart?" :/
No. 255123
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>>255122i just think its transparent how she changed her editing and captions and is acting dumb saying its just makeup and kawaii culture. she knows she's trying to look asian. her lying pisses me off because her fans use this faux innocence as an excuse that she means no harm. she's absolutely playing them.
No. 255124
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like…. lmao
No. 255125
>>255122Look at the previous Venus thread. If you try to talk about her editing, projecting fangelics called you a retard (main reason why the thread died btw).
She's so precious and her Mommy is mad y'know!
No. 255126
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I love her
"To people accusing me of yellowfacing : do you want me to rip off my own face?"
Y-yeah Venus
A dirty blonde, blue eyed, swiss girl like you is tooooootally azn
No. 255127
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>>255124>>255123>>255117compared to her old selfies
No. 255130
>>255126That's what's so annoying is how she lies about it and acts obtuse. She has a fat face and looks just like Margo. She's putting in hardcore editing to look like this
>>255124 it's not about makeup. Also yeessss that thing where she just yeah talked about embracing how she naturally looks and then constantly straightening her hair and admittedly following Japanese makeup trends.
No. 255153
>>255137>well, can i ask what the harm is?personally? all the people who become dismissive of the concept of yellowface in order to defend her. asian women specifically are already fetishized into being virginal cute babies who love cooking and playing housewife. what venus is doing embodies that stereotype
while she actively tries to seem physically japanese. because she
is trying to seem asian. you can't deny that. so people have this really stupid concept that she's just following trends or just trying to fit in, when she's literally just a walking caricature. otaku's are mocked in japan. what she's doing isn't popular. she's embodying every weeb fantasy of what is associated with japanese girls and japanese culture. i don't think people realize just how wildly unpopular what she's doing is in regards to trends. look at her vlogs. look at the people behind her. they all stare at her. she sticks out like a sore thumb. no one dresses like her. she's clearly white.
>if i lived in asian i wouldn't want to stick out more than i already dothat's not why she's doing it lmao. again, she's just a fucking weeb and wants to look like a jap.
>i'm sure that since she's maried to manaki she wants to attempt to pass as less white, since there's the whole shtick with foreigners in japan.didn't he start off as a superfan?? i know he's just a visa husband but he clearly knows she's swiss hungarian she's white. and obviously she looks nothing like her selfies irl so i don't see how this makeup could possibly have any effect irl.
>isn't it kind of like when u go on vacation and see all these white chicks with corn rows. do you think black people care? hello no, in fact theyre encouraging them to come to their salon to make money. i mean you said it. the people in salons need to make money. but the people who
aren't making money don't like it. because white people get praised for hairstyles black people get profiled and denied jobs for. these are hairstyles that models like bella hadid get praised for having while black people get told they're ghetto.
you guys honestly experience the whitest most obnoxious snowflakey side of tumblr so your experience with "sjw" is really obnoxious i don't blame you for associating it with the whole movement of just not being racist or sexist etc. because half the shit you're exposed to is blatant misinformation and makes it all sound stpid. but there are real people who have a real issue with these kinds of things, and they're issues they've experienced their whole lives. the thing is that you've never experienced it before, and have come to associate it as a tumblr-born concept because these peopel finally have a platform that you observe them from. which is ironic because none of you seem to since you don't follow people outside your niche. you really should.
No. 255155
>>255154>asian makeup stylelook at this picture
>>255124 and tell me it's just makeup.
No. 255156
>>255153honestly, shut the fuck up lmao nobody cares.
venus is a weaboo, she wants to look japanese for sure, but who cares
why are you acting like japanese people care about what venus angelic is doing with her photos and her hair and make up?
it's no big deal at all. she's white and always will be no matter how much she edits, no matter how she applies her make up, get over it
No. 255163
>>255156you don't know anybody who cares lol it's different.
>>255157>>255159>>255162you guys are honestly just so uninformed so i can't really be mad. what venus is doing affects the western perception of asians, not japanese people in japan. you're all saying she's trying to look like a normal japanese person or following common japanese trends, when what she's doing is not common at all and she's a stereotyped cringefest in japan. when katy perry had a japanese exchange student over at her house she told her "omg you are so cute and hello kitty!" and a huge chunk of the asian-
american community was angry because it was an obnoxious, racist, and harmful stereotype. especially when asian women are seen as adorable quiet passive sex objects and it leads to sexual assault from creeps like yumi king's boyfriend. appropriating black culture doesn't affect black people in black countries. it affects western perception of these foreigners in their non-native countries, so it directly affects them once they go there. and that's the issue. that raises problems.
No. 255164
>>255163okay moron, if she's not the typical common japanese girl maybe consider that she's just doing what the fuck she wants and is not trying to AGAIN appropriate asian culture.
Also also, it's a huge stretch to compare Venus to Yumi King.. that's not what's happening at all so go talk about yumi king because your points might actually be relevant there.
No. 255170
>>255164it doesn't matter if she denies it lmao she's obviously editing herself to look japanese while squinting her eyes. it doesn't matter what she denies. she admitted she's trying
japanese trends and culture and anime. she loves japanese things she's never denied it. idk why we're suddenly acting like she's just into random cute things that have no connection to japan.
and i didn't compare venus to yumi king. read again. i was saying that what venus is doing promotes the kind of asian stereotypes that breed
men like yumi's
boyfriend, who are attracted to asian girls because they believe they're the pinnacle of virginity and childish innocence
aka pedophilia No. 255174
>>255170what are you talking about? I didn't say anything about denying anything. Also she clearly is into JAPANESE cute things. Do you just read what you want to or what is this?
Your argument is that the typical japanese girl does not act like Venus does. I'm sure she's aware of that being that she's around a shit ton of them. What I meant is that I don't believe she's trying to steal from Japanese culture and assimilate into it. She picks and chooses what aspects of it she likes, which is normal. It's what people do.
And no, men like Yumi's boyfriend like girls like Yumi because they're coy little suggestive sluts. Which Venus might as well be, but photoshopping a photo to look more asian is not that.
No. 255177
>>255163>condescendence: the postLo and behold the double standards. Now please do a post about asian chicks trying to look western.
Btw, if anything, Yumi is the one doing a fucking parody of her own race. I don't see Wenoos acting like a mail order bride who eats from a cat bowl.
I don't get it, if Wenoos acts crass on camera and make grown up jokes with his husband/bf is a nasty slut & bad example for the kids…but at the same time she's the culprit of the rape of thousands of innocent virgin asian girls for promoting racist stereotypes?
No. 255179
>>255163>>255170Not the anon you're talking to at the moment.
Yumi King's boyfriend is into women like Yumi King _because_ of women like Yumi King, not because of women like Venus Angelic. Jesus Christ. Venus, as a white woman, does not have the power to add to the stereotypes of asian women as demure and submissive because _she isn't asian._ That's like saying if I put my hair in cornrows and robbed a gas station I'd be negatively affecting the black community and contributing to racial stereotypes against them. That makes no fucking sense.
Venus is married to a Japanese man, living in Japan, and grew up with a weeaboo mother who fetishized all things oriental. Some things at this point will be a product of behaviors/ideologies developed over the course of her upbringing, largely instilled by her mother. Some things will be a choice based on her personal tastes and hobbies. And some things will be her attempt and desire to immerse herself in the culture of the country she now _lives in._
Like hate her if you want but god damn do you give her too much credit. She's living some weeaboo dream life and beyond that, no one fucking cares. You want to combat the fetishization of asian women as petite, submissive, and obedient, then focus your efforts on the fucking _men_ who are doing the fetishizing and the _asian women_ who are adding fuel to the flames.
No. 255187
>>255174you said to consider the fact that she's not trying to appropriate asian culture, which she has. she's denied trying to actively appropriate anything. which is why i said it doesn't matter. in order to consider the fact that she isn't appropriating japanese culture she would have to deny it since i wouldn't be entertaining the idea otherwise.
>I'm sure she's aware of that being that she's around a shit ton of them.she doesn't care lol. she's just trying to be a caricature of them. she knows what regular asian girls look like they're not kawaii fairies which i'm sure already disappointed her. it's not about trying to be accurately asian because she wouldn't be actually have to do anything. japanese girls aren't some seperate breed of human being. they're normal. she's just embodying her own fantasy born from anime and fellow weebs.
>She picks and chooses what aspects of it she likes, which is normal. It's what people do.yes, a negative stereotype that's ultimately harmful. it's not about being an otaku or a cosplay weeb. she is now trying to look japanese, which is why it's yellowface. not just being a weeb.
and asian girls trying to look western don't have a negative impact on western girls. it doesn't happen.
>>255174>And no, men like Yumi's boyfriend like girls like Yumi because they're coy little suggestive sluts. he's into asian girls. there's years of evidence to back up how the majority of men associate asian women with purity and submissiveness. yumi embodies those stereotypes herself. because they exist. it's self deprecating in her case.
>>255177i'm not trying to be condescending lol. the issue we're talking about just uses a lot of big words. i'm not angry about anything.
>Btw, if anything, Yumi is the one doing a fucking parody of her own race. I don't see Wenoos acting like a mail order bride who eats from a cat bowl.yeah. obviously. the stereotypes these asian fetishist guys are into exist. that was my point. it's not about yumi. it's her boyfriend. through porn and popular western perception of japanese culture in western media, he's come to associate asian women with submissiveness and sex. when you say, "what's the harm in what venus is doing?" well, that's the harm. it's the widespread stereotype/caricature of what westerners have come to associate with japanese/asian women that's the direct negative effect of yellowface. since so many people in this thread are trying to argue that there isn't one. again, this isn't about being a weeb. venus, specifically, is trying to look asian now and pass off what she's doing as being normal for japanese girls. which it isn't.
>I don't get it, if Wenoos acts crass on camera and make grown up jokes with his husband/bf is a nasty slut & bad example for the kids…but at the same time she's the culprit of the rape of thousands of innocent virgin asian girls for promoting racist stereotypes?venus isn't the cause of global worldwide asian fetishization. but she's contributing to it and clearly doesn't care. and is promoting to her fans(all of you) that what she does has no consequences.
>>255179>Yumi King's boyfriend is into women like Yumi King _because_ of women like Yumi King
no. he's into a caricature of asian women spawned from porn and yumi king is self deprecating and gross enough to embody it. not touching the fact that he's an outright pedophile. i never said venus is the cause of what he is. i'm, again, pointing out the consequences of yellowface are. which is negative fetishistic stereotypes of asian women, because venus, specifically, continues to put an emphasis on how "normal" what she's doing is in japan. which it isn't! it's not reflective of japanese culture right now. it's a weeb dream that became
problematic once she started doing yellowface and promoting a false sense of normalcy.
>You want to combat the fetishization of asian women as petite, submissive, and obedient, then focus your efforts on the fucking _men_ who are doing the fetishizing and the _asian women_ who are adding fuel to the flames.i don't care to do that lol. i don't think venus is leading to the demise of asian women. i'm just pointing out that there is an issue that exists with yellowface and it does have a negative effect on asian women. it just bugs me to see so many people deny that it exists. venus can do as she pleases. she's a piece of shit specifically for playing dumb and denying it to me. i was indifferent to it this whole time starting from her "how to look like a koren girl" video. because she was subtle and quiet with it. but ever since she addressed it it's pissed me off.
tbh i'm genuinely trying to be informative here. like i said before you guys have been exposed to the most obnoxious side of tumblr that promotes misinformation on what the issue with what she's doing actually is. i don't think you're bad people.
No. 255188
>>255117>>254984jesus fucking christ, USA is number one retarded nation in the world
i never hear this shit coming from anyone but americans.
No. 255193
>>255187shut the fuck up holy shit NOBODY on this thread cares about what you think
venus is a WHITE weaboo
everyone knows she's a WHITE weaboo
SHE knows she's a WHITE weaboo
a weaboo who loves japanese shit and lives IN japan so of course she's going to pick up on japanese make up trends and clothing trends and whatever.
nobody cares other than you
she's not affecting the way western culture views asian women because she's fucking white. i'm asian and i don't care about venus dying her hair and acting a certain way because the actions of a weaboo white girl have NOTHING to do with me or any other asian girl on this fucking planet lmao, what is your problem?
No. 255195
>>255190Which is why it's super cringy to talk down to a person who lives in Japan like this.
I've had people say that foreigners can't wear kimono because "you're just a mayo-white person without any culture!!" (lol) when in reality Japanese people in Japan have 0 problems with it.
Venus lives in Japan, not the US.
No. 255203
>>255193i mean saying otherwise doesn't make what you're saying true. there's years of sources outside of tumblr that prove what i'm saying. you can dismiss what i'm saying as sjw nonsense but if you cared for this issue you could just research through journalism, first person accounts, and lectures from universities. but you clearly don't care for that. so i don't see the point in continuing this discussion with you lol.
>>255195as i already said here
>>255163 yellowface affects japanese people in western spaces, because it's almost always western people(like venus) promoting these untrue stereotypes. i mean every race has negative stereotypes. they're only an issue once these foreigners enter america or in some cases europe. mexican people don't know they're associated with illegal immigration and gardening until they enter the united states. that's what racism is. the negative effect of the promotion of these false stereotypes of asian women is sexual assault against asian women in america. not in japan. racism against foreigners happens then they leave their homeland. obviously.
>Venus lives in Japan, not the US.but she has a large american fanbase of people trying to argue that her weeb caricature of "normal japanese girls" is actually common. when people with these stereotypes are faced with japanese people, a lot of them will be treating them inappropriately as a result of these stereotypes. this is how racism works like, everywhere lol. japanese people aren't an exception. it's certainly not a new concept.
No. 255204
>>255187Oh boy please don't tell us you made this thread as a hugbox for your hurt little asian-american feefees?
I'm still waiting for your opinion about westernized asian women. Are they contributing to the abuse of hundreds of white females in non-western countries too?
No. 255206
>>255187You claim she is appropriating Asian culture because she is trying to mimic the idea of being the pinnacle of virginity and childish innocence. For this to even matter she would have to be subtly suggesting (with the guise of not being aware of) sex by mannerisms and or flirtatious wording and dress.
For your sake, I'll ignore that since she has been away from her mother most of her content has been gelatinous balls of slime, cooking/food segments, and her daily life in japan/japanese words and focus on the more nefarious content.
1. She bathed in a tub filled with red food dye in a school girl uniform.
- I'm going to admit, this was cringy and I did not feel comfortable watching it, however, she was playing an anime/manga character, not claiming that all japanese girls froth around in a blood dyed bath tub while dressed as school girls. This is not asian appropriation because it's not a thing in the real world - it is strictly fictional and was made clear that she was playing a character.
2. Manaki likes to smear whipped cream on her face.
- Something else that can be uncomfortable for SOME and suggestive.. however they are married and i don't think manaki is trying to pimp his wife out.
Still not convinced.
No. 255213
>>255203So she can't be herself/the character she plays online because people might think she's Japanese? Anon, I don't see your logic here. Everyone with two eyes can see she's not Japanese (you probably only need one), and she's not doing yellow face. She's just interested in makeup trends around her and tries them on her own face even though they don't work.
If you had an Asian girl doing white person makeup you wouldn't accuse her of trying to look white. Funny enough, I saw a makeup book the other day that promised makeup secrets to make one (Japanese person) look more white. Not even kidding.
No. 255216
>>255203forgot to add:
>mexican people don't know they're associated with illegal immigration and gardening until they enter the united statesI'm laughing my ass off at this sentence. Dude, that's common knowledge over here.We even make fun about it. There's a bunch of movies whose plots revolves about that. It's not like racial stereotypes about every country are keep as state secrets in the US. Who are you trying to educate?
No. 255221
>>255204>I'm still waiting for your opinion about westernized asian's called beauty trends. whiteness has always been hailed as the pinnacle of beauty(just google "beautiful woman" and see what you get). when it comes to japanese girls trying on western makeup while striving for a narrow pointy noise, deep eyelids and light eyes, it comes from the fact these features are hailed as beautiful across the world. it's simply the result of american fashion brands being popular globally for being so successful. following the fashion of these western stores situated in japan who are trying to make money is hardly whiteface, it's hardly racism. if you can't see the difference between actual beauty trends and venus creating some convoluted image of japanese women that isn't even common at all, then idk what to say to you. what japanese women do in regards to copying western women is what following a beauty trend actually is. it's what you claim venus is doing in order to say what she's doing isn't
problematic. it's fashion. just like following j-fashion is harmless.
i think worldwide everyone has negative views of white people but mostly from tourism. admittedly i don't know about the racism white people face in japan. but i'm not about to demonize japanese women for it to throw a point in venus's favor as if it makes what she's doing any less bad.
>>255213>So she can't be herself/the character she plays online because people might think she's Japanese? not what i said.
>She's just interested in makeup trends around her and tries them on her own face even though they don't work. they're not makeup trends. japanese girls just put on mascara and eyeliner. it would hardly make a difference on venus's face in order to make her look like this
>>255124 >>255123 you can even see how she's squinting her eyes in all her recent ig pictures. those aren't makeup trends. she's copying their facial features.
>If you had an Asian girl doing white person makeup you wouldn't accuse her of trying to look white.see my answer above. these issues aren't black and white. copying the hair of another race isn't universally bad. it can affect black people, but not japanese people.
>>255216admittedly i could've phrased that better lol. but in context you can see what i mean. racial stereotypes negatively affect foreigners, not people in their native countries. so it's irrelevant to keep saying "japanese people don't care!!" because it doesn't affect them in japan.
No. 255224
>>255221Girl you get way too riled up about this shit. She's not going to stop wearing Japanese style makeup (I live in Japan, let me assure you that fashion conscious Japanese girls wear a lot more than just mascara and eyeliner), and she's not going to stop trying to blend in.
White people get idealised a lot in other countries and tbh it makes me uncomfortable, but there's a huge difference depending on whether you are blonde with light eyes like Venus or have dark brown hit and brown eyes like me. My lighter friends get stared at a lot more, questioned about their home country, people don't believe they speak Japanese etc etc.
To be quite honest I wouldn't change my life in Japan so Asian Americans stop bitching, and Venus won't either. But please stay mad.
No. 255227
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>>255220>She's trying to fit inpic related for what japanese girls look like. does venus fit right in? they don't have special kind of makeup. they have eyeliner and mascara. they just have monolids and angled eyes. their makeup is no different from casual western makeup promoted at tj maxx ads. these are girls with bobs and and bangs that would be brown or blonde or curly on an american girl. if venus wanted to fit in she wouldn't be walking around with a tripod speaking english. she doesn't even have friends. if you look at videos of her from before she moved to japan she's already gone through her weeb phase where she pretended to look japanese lol. it's never been about "fitting in".
>she's using Japanese in her captions because SHE LIVES THERE?she's a youtube personality whose fanbase is mostly english-speaking. all of her videos are in english. she's not kooter. there's no point in captioning her pictures in japanese when her audience can't even read it. she started captioning her ig pictures in japanese immediately after dying her hair black. she's back to english captions after she realized she couldn't communicate with her audience that way.
>She dyed her hair black. How is that appropriation?please don't be so obtuse and pretend we're only angry about black hair dye.
>I'm scared of another long winded essay I'm not going to read but how the fuck does Venus living in Japan participating in Japanese trends (BECAUSE SHE LIVES THERE) equal her single handedly causing all rapes of asian women?lmao. anyway i already answered your question in the last paragraph here
>>255187(continued race derailing) No. 255230
>>255224my intention was never that lol. i'm not riled up. i'm just replying to people on an issue they're misinformed about. i'm annoyed at venus but she doesn't affect my life lmao and she's not burning down villages. she just isn't innocent and she isn't being harmless. it's annoying how she plays dumb and even more annoying how the actual issue behind what she's doing is just being erased by her fans. she can keep doing what she pleases she's a 20 year old grow woman. but i would like her to be held accountable for what she does. i mean i don't care to talk about this anymore lol i kind of said what i wanted to say. people can take from it what they want, or not.
whoever wants to keep saying it's just makeup or fashion trends to defend their fav will continue to do so obviously. i'm not trying to change everyone's opinion by force. i'm jus saying. or rather, have said.
No. 255239
>>255227>pic related for what japanese girls look like.You're an idiot, and coming across as an ironically racist one at that. So Japanese girls are limited to only eyeliner and mascara? Like they can't wear anything else to be trendy? That's it? Retard. These are also all candids, not posed instagram photos.
>there's no point in captioning her pictures in japanese when her audience can't even read itInstagram is her own platform, she can do whatever the fuck she wants on it. Again, I don't even follow her drama. I don't know anything about her other than her being cringey as shit but this is taking the piss.
>don't … pretend we're only angry about black hair dyeWhat the fuck ARE you angry about? Because here
>>255120 >>255117you seem pretty pissed she dyed her hair and got it chemically straightened - something that happens in western culture too btw!!!!
>i already answered your question in the last paragraph here >>255187Bitch where? I asked specifically how Venus contributes to this virgin uwu pure azn girl stereotype. She's lewd as fuck after scrolling through her instagram briefly, and makes weird sex jokes about her husband. That… doesn't contribute at all to what you're trying to demonise her for.
Go back to tumblr, no-one here is misinformed about a weeb living in Japan. No-one here cares. Back to your hug box.
No. 255240
>>255227>she's not kooter. there's no point in captioning her pictures in japanese when her audience can't even read itfor that matter, Dakota's fanbase are mostly middle eastern and spanish and I don't see anyone giving her shit for not pandering to them
>if venus wanted to fit in she wouldn't be walking around with a tripod speaking english. she doesn't even have friends.god forbid someone speaking another language aside Japanese in Japan and use tripods to record their shit. How inauthentic!
No. 255241
>>255230I hope that you also feel the same way about about people like:
Chonunmigooksaram- Who desperately tries to be Korean.
Amina Dujean- Who lightens her skin, squints her eyes in every picture and claims that people think she's hafu.
and of course every other ex-pat who follows Asian fashion trends and isn't Asian.
No. 255246
rip i really wanted to stop replying
>>255239i mean did you want me to make a collage of the whole population of japan lmao. i took screencaps from this video of people stopping random japanese girls on the street. how am i being ironically racist by pointing to the fact that none of those girls dress like venus. whew! you're so angry.
>Instagram is her own platform, she can do whatever the fuck she wants on it. i mean… yeah. and what she did was just her trying to seem like a jap at the time. she stopped since it wasn't convenient.
>What the fuck ARE you angry about? Because hereyou referenced
this really seems to be an issue with your reading comprehension. but i think you're just trying to find a way to defend venus by purposefully seeing things in a way that proves otherwise after the sentence you took out of context lol.
>I asked specifically how Venus contributes to this virgin uwu pure azn girl stereotype.well i did say she isn't the cause of it and she isn't the leader of the whole thing. i mean specifically yeah she's implied countless times that japanese makeup is meant to look innocent, child-like, delicate etc. and when she referenced here
>>254982 that people want her to be something she isn't, she referred to western culture as hypersexualized insta culture to imply this is the opposite of what she was. and what she is, according to all of you, is trying to fit in with the japan world. her whole image is to be an innocent child-like delicate girl who buys kids' toys and plushies, and she relates all of that to just being a normal japanese girl. i don't have to spell out the rest for you. although you'll just miss the point of what i'm saying on purpose anyway and call me a retard because you're angry.
>>255241>>255242i'm not familiar with them enough to have a real opinion lol. but if it helps you feel better, sure. sorry i didn't derail like you wanted me to tho.
No. 255250
>>255248? i was saying what venus is doing isn't trendy in japan. so to say she's just following asian makeup and asian trends by doing this
>>255124 >>255123
>>255117 (most of which is photoshop btw because with makeup she looks like this
>>255126) is untrue because the girls around her wouldn't be doing that. that's why i linked to the video.
No. 255257
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>>255256>Is it because she's #goals and by defending her you're actually defending yourself too?kek
No. 255258
>>255250Lol dude nice backpedaling there. Please leave the actual japanese woman out of this argument, we're discussing how Wenoos opress the asian-american female population.
>>255256I haven't seen anyone saying putting on ratty wigs and chewing neruneru are #goals in these threads but whatever.
No. 255262
>>255258i truly don't know what you're referencing or what you interpreted from me linking to that video lol. backpedaling of what, exactly. i know why i linked to that video. it was to make this
>>255227 collage. the point being that saying venus is trying to fit in makes no sense because what she's doing isn't tendy. she's just fulfilling her own fantasy. not trying to fit in by following common trends, or trying to assimilate with japanese culture since there really isn't a distinguishing one that somehow calls for blurring monolids onto your face.
No. 255276
>>255270> one day marrying an inbred factory worker visa husbandm-marge? lol
and who the fuck is the sjw snowflake queen writing literal fucking novels about Weenoos the evil CULTURAL APPROPRIATOR perpetuating EVIL HARMFUL STEREOTYPES and desecrating SACRED JAPANESE CULTURE? Jesus Christ, get a hobby or something.
No. 255280
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>>255270it's like a challenge. you get a ticket to glorious nippon on the condition you need to spend the rest of your life with this creature. manaki looks like his facial features stopped developing after the second trimester.
No. 255299
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>>255280I can't photoshop worth a shit, but he'd look a hell of a lot less weird with a less piggy nose.
Only issue, when you fix his nose, then his lips look worse.
No. 255320
>>255194He'll see JK prostitutes when she's old and Venus will deal with it and play the good housewife because it's the the nihongo way desu
>>255286Margo probably equated Japan as COOL AND MONEY because Japan was hot shit during the bubble economy and all of her favorite New Wave bands used the imagery in their videos. Japan's been losing luster for the past decade, but she's got to cling to the stereotypes of her youth and pass them down
No. 255407
>>255400Hey anon it's cool. Your English is fine and completely intelligible. Actually it's probably better than Kanadajin3's so, bravo.
>>255375 Anon up-thread mentioned he's already becoming obsessed with Tsuruko. I also suspect that's the reason for the black hair and more overtly asian styling.
No. 255409
>>255241Yeah but Venus is the biggest fucking weeb there is on youtube
I just find her sad and shes grown too still fucking around in japanese school uniforms
Its pathetic
No. 255411
>>255227She fits in to the extent of photoshopping herself to look asian though
Her pictures are cringey at least with other weebs they have blue eyes and blonde hair so you can easily say they are foreign
Venus tries too hard
No. 255418
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You better watch out Venus you got competition
No. 255421
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No. 255424
>>255418Not for long, tsuruko will get dumped once she hits 20 as well :^)
also that essaychan was hilarious. How mad do you have to be to write so much.
If you look at a Japanese girl's instagram or see them on a night out they'll probably look more done up. As a North American I also look similar to them because there's no point in wearing a full face of makeup to attend your 8am lecture, do groceries or even shop.
No. 255442
>>255438im mostly talking about SJW anon up there who said that "if it wasn't for western women appropriating japanese trends then men wouldn't have any reason to objectify asian women"
so i guess western women are responsible for the following?
- JAV porn starring japanese men and women
- japanese gravure with young jp females in it
- JK prostitution culture (only consumed by japanese men and some western male sex tourists)
- loli porn/hentai/anime/culture
So I guess all of these things which are consumed by western and japanese men, which stars mostly Japanese women, are the fault of white women? Venus and those like her are the blame for Japan's disgusting pedophile culture?
that anon should go fuck themselves
No. 255649
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>>255523>>255632Bitches are saltier than a bag of fucking cheez-its, it's kind of amusing but ultimately just boring at this point.
So anyway, the evil Weebus took time out from her busy schedule of yellowfacing!, CULTURAL APPROPRIATION and corrupting the minds of vulnerable young girls with HARMFUL STEREOTYPES to attend a fashion show in Shibuya.
No. 255653
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>>255649Her new friend works at the store.
No. 255655
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>>255653caption on above pic:
No. 255704
>>255660I mean it's mildly annoying that she's been rocking that 12-year-old Japanese schoolgirl look with the black bob, brown contacts and those little outfits lately but what's amazing to me is how
triggered some people are over it. Like raging and chimping out "YELLOWFACING! Trying to BE JAPANESE!!!" all over the place. Seriously, get a fucking grip, people. Who CARES?
No. 255713
>>254984Lol. You're that raging weeb from PULL, aren't you? You're so mad.
>>255153Are you even Japanese(Ha, I know you're not. Japanese don't give a shit) or do you just have some white savior complex? And was it you, self-assigned protector of precious Japanese baby fairies, using the slur "Jap" in this thread?
Americans really need to fuck off with making their issues EVERYONE's issues. You take responsibility for your own racist mess.
No. 255727
>>255117Her face is pretty flat. I'm not saying she's a true blue japparoo but she has almond eyes, a round face and widely set apart eyes. Not all white people look like the English royal family you know.
Some are tan. Some have monolids. Some have features of other races.
No. 255730
>>255280I like Manaki, but he really looks face-swapped with a toddler. I can believe he's almost 27.
>>255616She has never claimed to be all-natural. Everyone knows she edits. Since the beginning. Where are you getting information to the contrary?
No. 255735
>>255280i remember around the time venus made her first video with manaki reading a comment of someone comparing him to rem from deathnote and although i can't get that out of my head every time i see a pic of him, his looks have kind of grown on me, i admit. he's not that ugly but goddamn was he lucky snagging venus. if margo wasn't so batshit i wonder if they'd even be a thing.
also, does anyone have links to his old instagram? if memory serves me right, he used to be into bjd (?) dolls. and i don't recall anything related to tsuruko but i'd like to double check.
No. 255749
I truly wish I had something more to add but the only thing running through my mind while scrolling through this thread was exactly this.
I'm super curious as to how OP may try to wiggle past that one unbelievably simple fact. She has been force fed for who knows how long. And in before someone says oh but she should think for herself blah blah… imagine how long it would take to unravel the only thing you've known your entire life.
I'm not white knighting but holy crap this point should really be the place to start before ranting about how awful an influence she may or may not be. Which she isn't. She's a person trying to live life after being held captive by a crazy narcissistic monster her entire life.
No. 256060
>>255801>>also, why deny she yellow faces? she's obviously trolling at this point.Anon, please Enough of this. Being interested in Japanese makeup and fashion isn't yellow facing.
Just because she's white doesn't mean she can't practice Japanese fashion…especially since she lives there and is surrounded by it. She has naturally brown hair and pale skin, so of course following Japanese beauty trends is going to give her more a local aesthetic. Maybe she dyes her hair darker, but is it that big of a deal that she dyes it darker instead of bleaching it lighter? And her wearing brown contacts isn't "cultural appropriation" or whatever SJW term you want to give it: It's wearing colored contacts. I've seen plenty of people wearing colored contacts, and never considered it "white facing". Venus probably just enjoys how brown eyes look on her sheesh.
I'm seriously beginning to wonder if anons are just pulling shit out of thin air to try and keep Venus relevant as a "cow" or "snowflake" now that it's obvious her mom was behind all the madness. /endrant
No. 256095
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>>256084This whole board is dedicated to a interest in Japanese/Weeb shit(mostly). How can you guys be in this much denial? SHE LOOKS NOTHING ASIAN. She is a clone of her ugly mom. She only has age on her side. Many white eastern europeans like Venus have almond eyes. Nothing special. You guys defend her because she is living your dream and you guys aspire to be just like her and worship at her altar. People attack and defend the obvious for this pathetic weeb. Weightloss and make up dont turn you into a Japanese school girl.
>>256084 No. 256102
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>>256095you seem a little angry anon, you gonna be okay?
>the whole board is weebtake another look around you may be surprised
No. 256153
>>256148No anon, she's obviously yellow facing. /s
Venus has a flat, yet super European face. She's wearing Japanese fashion because she lives in Japan. She types Japanese captions on IG because she lives in Japan. Is she cringy? Fuck yes, but not because she's "trying to look Japanese".
No. 256244
>>256227>You need to be at least 18 to post on this siteWhat?
>>255147 speaks the truth.
No. 256255
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Her white knight #1 here is this crazy woman that believes the earth is flat, she's OBSESSED with Venus.
No. 256263
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>>256245yo! back at it? i made no indication that i have any feelings towards venus at all. i think all those jfashion examples you gave look fucking retarded and when i learned to put on make up, video tutorials werent a thing on youtube.
if you will stop, i will totally agree with you. she doesnt look asian. i never thought she did. i dont understand why if people tilt their heads down stick out their top lip and line their lids just right, they will appear ugu azn. but pls stop trying to make fetch happen.
just because we disagree with your weird autist rants doesnt automatically put us in whiteknight status.
No. 256270
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Please white knights tell us again that she's not TRYING to look Asian, compare THIS to her new style and edited pictures.
Her rants are just making it worse, it's exactly like when Eugenia says she's totally not anorexic.
>>256257Yes, the cow is here. I know other 2 annoying fucks as well but this is by far the funniest. I'm sick of them.
No. 256274
>>256263No one asked you go shit post somewhere else. Don't read it, close your eyes.
>>256271She's shopping her eyes, jawline and nose in all her pictures…
>>256255Hey Daphne, did you know the Earth is as ROUND as Venus'face?
No. 256279
>>256247>>256254>>256255>>256257>>256261>>256271Sperg-chan is back! Everyone is DAPHNE/emma wright/so pink from PULL/anyone who disagrees with sperg-chan is all THE SAME PERSON!
Lol I love when sperg-chan shows up, hahahahaha
No. 256287
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Venus looks like someone took a potato and stuck eyes and drew paper thin lips on it
No. 256289
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>>256270No, her "rants" are her response to her instagram comments being invaded by a small army of SJW retards spewing bullshit. Which she has every right to do, btw.
No. 256298
>>256095No one said she looks asian you sperg. Anyone who is defending her is doing it because 1) cultural appropriation isn't real and 2) she's an abused young woman who finally escaped her npd mother's clutches a year ago and is finally free to explore her identity in a place that ostracizes "different." Her exposure to the outside world and different cultures are stereotypes she's seen on the internet. You can't undo 19 years of damage and learn how the world works and develop a health identity in just one year. If Venus wants to dress asian, whether it's because she's a weeb, or because she wants to fit in in her resident country of Japan, or because her husband gets hard because of it, that's her choice whether it autistically pleases you or not.
Now go back to your cage you fucking nutjob.
No. 256301
>>256292Yeah sure, and Margo bleached her hair AFTER she ran away too.
She has bleached her hair several times after she moved to Manaki's place.
No. 256302
>>256301….? What?
When has she had blonde hair since she left?
No. 256308
>>256301Are we seriously discussing why Venus did or did not bleach/colour her hair?
Maybe she was just tired of her hair breaking, but growing out blonde looks shitty, so she decided to go with a really dark colour so it would stick. That's what I did when I didn't want to be blonde anymore. Am I trying to look Asian too? lol
No. 256312
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>>256302You blind?
>>256308She always says that's her natural hair color, it's not.
No. 256313
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>>256289Wow just wow. Most of the people in that screenshot are really weeby themselves and not one is Japanese or even East Asian. I mean go in on Venoos if you like but people in glass houses…
pic related
No. 256324
>>256312I doubt that's her real hair colour, but it suits her. The problem I had with heavily bleached hair is that very few colours would stick, which is why I went for black even though that's not my natural hair colour. It stuck pretty well.
>>256314Not the anon you replied to, but cultural appropriation is pretty much a US only thing.
No. 256331
>>256316Yes actually that's why I used that picture. She looks beautiful there compared to what she's doing now.
And Japanese makeup style is not the problem, it's the brown circle lenses, the flat face edit, the BLACK Hair and literally tape in her eyes what it's making everyone say she's trying hard.
No. 256332
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>>256325>Seriously, those comments are so fucking unnecessary.Yeah, and that's just a small sample. There was an invasion of this shit and they're all from BLM/sjw/genderfluid/queer etc. etc. accounts. No wonder she's fucking fed up, I would be too. This shit is ridiculous.
No. 256334
>>256314It's not. But if you want to argue that it is, someone (like Venus) wearing brown circle lenses, asian-styled makeup, and dying their hair dark isn't cultural appropriation like, say, wearing a feather head dress and war paint.
Why aren't you in that Ahri bitch's thread getting all self-righteous about cultural appropriation if you're so indignant about it, sperganon, hm? That girl doesn't even live in Asia and does all the same shit.
No. 256420
>>256338Top kek. Of course it's non Japanese people. If I was a sjw I would say they were the racists for silencing Japanese people by speaking for them. You know damn well they don't give a shit about Japanese people.
>>256289>accuses Venus of appropriate >instagram name matsurikanzai>is white as fuckHer edits are cringey but that its. On another note I have to say I liked her as a strawberry blonde.
No. 256438
>>256420To add to this, a lot of Japanese are probably flattered that Venus is embracing their language and fashion.
I mean, when I've met someone into my culture (even if it's a bit overdone or stereotypical) it makes me very flattered so yeah.
The SJWs screaming "cultural appropriation" might as well be on board with Trumps anti-globalism policies (I bet they are the first to run on the streets screaming and protesting tho kek).
No. 256439
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>>256409Yep. Hair, eyes, makeup.. everything on point. It has always been my favorite.
I like this video too, I like most of her "My Closet" videos. But now I see these videos and compare them to whatever she's doing now, this Tsuruko phase or I don't know how to call it, I just don't like it and I can't stand her anymore.
No. 256441
Venus used to get called fat, big head, potato nose, lumpy, Margo clone, retard, downsy, Jack o'lantern eyebrows. When she did the Body line shoot, so many people made fun of her body/called her fat and said her real face was ugly. She posts a makeup-free, unblurred selfie on IG and gets called ugly again. People now always says she looks just like her ugly mom who abused her. No wonder she wants to edit so much. She has been raised to depend on her looks without the proper protection by her mom or taught the coping skills she needed. I'm surprised she hasn't gone full MJ yet. But you non-Japanese Tumblr bitches are practically frothing at the mouth watching a vulnerable, formerly abused, socially -stunted and emotionally damaged person in distress.
And no. She shouldn't have put herself out there for criticism if she couldn't handle it, but her mother brought her into this mess. She won't automatically normalize and become "woke" if she had no one to guide her until a year ago.
>>256420Oh, they most definitely don't care about actual Japanese people. I even saw one of those creeps accuse a real Japanese woman on Venus' IG of "respectability politics " for saying Venus is not a problem for Japanese. Then she accused that woman of betraying her POC sisters! Lol. A Japanese woman in Japan…ugh. Japanese don't matter to them.
No. 256446
>>256313It's so painfully obvious that all these people complaining about "yellowface" are just jealous because she fits the "kawaii mold" better than they ever will.
It's also pretty telling that most of the people bitching don't even turn out to be Asian or Japanese (no, not even Asian-American) like 95% of the time lmao.
No. 256449
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>>256441Anon, Venus edits her pictures because a lot of dolly girls and idols were doing that as well, she copied what she saw, there's a lot of pressure in that dolly trend and in the YT world in general, she has been doing this since long time ago not because people tell her that she looks like Margo, she knows that, you are reaching in that part.
I AGREE with you that some jelly weebs used to attack her that she was fat, etc. and that probably affected her mind. However like anon points out here
>>256444>As long as she posts on the internet there will always be material for people to criticize. i mean, if margo was the one pushing her to be e-famous in the beginning, she doesn't has to now since they've been separated.Venus likes to be a living doll, she tags her videos as "Doll", "Human barbie", "Weeb", she wasn't forced to do this, she's doing this because she likes it, and she knows that anything you post on the internet can be loved, ignored or hated.
Also, some of you people "defending" her are actually bashing on her in a way, take the VS makeup tutorial for example. I think she looked gorgeous but you all "fans" are saying that she looked unhealthy and that Margo didn't feed her and that she looked like a skeleton blahblah tbh I'm pretty sure she likes most of her old videos and the way she looked.
No. 256450
>>256444I don't think that anon was defending Venus' masochism of continually putting herself out there, but I think it's completely understandable that no matter what she does she is going to face backlash, and that some people will feel bad for her about it.
Yeah she could try to cobble together some kind of a normal, offline existence in a foreign and xenophobic country, despite having little experience of not being a performing media monkey. At first, relying on the mercy of her mail order husband until she can be self sufficient. She would get a lot of backlash for throwing away her 'career' or betraying her fans.
Alternatively, she could continue on stupidly putting herself in the limelight to be attacked online, and either try to pander to the SJWs, her weeb fans or somehow both. Continually told she is ugly and should grow up and get a real job, she is always going to get shit for putting herself out there and told she was asking for said shit.
I'm not saying she's a blameless baby uwu victim, but what do you realistically expect this warped 20 year old to accomplish immediately?
>>256441Cultural appropriation is such a fucking minefield, a case like Venus is never going to have a clear cut answer, you can't make a blanket decision on whether something is approrpiate or not when there's no way to ask everyone involved (eg the entirety of Japanese/asian people, of all generations etc). It's all just tumblr users screaming personal theories with no harmony.
No. 256451
>>256441> She posts a makeup-free, unblurred selfie on IG and gets called ugly again. People now always says she looks just like her ugly momReally? Where are these comments? I haven't seen anything like this in her instagram comments since I've been following her (about a year,) until the SJW/BLM/Yellowface! invasion a few days ago. Her instagram is usually nothing but nice compliments so I don't think your argument has any validity.
Really, some of you people seem to live in some kind of alternate reality.
No. 256454
>>256453I thought that in Japan for non native language speakers to teach a language they needed a degree.
Venus is lucky if Margo got her some Highschool equivalent certification. I'd be shocked if she had ever written a college level essay in ANY language.
No. 256455
>>256450>Continually told she is ugly and should grow up and get a real job, she is always going to get shit for putting herself out there and told she was asking for said shit.Again with the warped alt-reality bullshit with a dash of victim-blaming thrown in (it's HER fault she's getting cyberbullied! She should just shut up and disappear!) That's some margo-level sick twisted logic right there, congrats!
She's not "continually being told she's ugly," you fucking tool. In fact it's just the opposite most of the time, on her IG anyway. What she gets is waves of cyberbullying in her YT comments by ugly little trolls who get steered her way via her psycho "mother's" smear campaigns, salty jealous little bitches who can't let go of their Venus-hate from the glory days of PULL/lolcow prior to her escape and, most recently, random SJW flying monkeys.
The hell she should just quit doing what she likes on YT and instagram. Fuck that and fuck you too.
No. 256462
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>She can't get a normal job
>She doesn't have the necessary skills
It's just the tiniest bit early to write the girl off as "no skills/can't get a normal job" don't you think? Since she JUST turned 20 and all…
And pic attached is how she answered this question in her YT comments the other day so yeah, she does have a plan and goals beyond Youtube.
No. 256465
>>256454They don't. The only reason you'd need a degree is if you needed a visa, but Venus is married.
However, if she plans on teaching English she first needs to get rid of that accent.
No. 256471
>>256454It depends. She can teach German, and since she already has a Visa and speaks Japanese it's actually way easier to get a job. (Translator or teacher are just 2 examples of what she can do) and like I said, I'm pretty sure she has the money and support (her husband) to study in a university, she just needs to pass the exams and pay the fee.
>Margo campaigns What campaigns? lol wait, Margo can't do a shit, but she's responsible the hate and dislikes? Haha People barely talk to her or watch her stuff, do you really believe she has an army of trolls or something? Venus gets hate like any other youtuber, she has a video with 50K dislikes, she's very likeable but cringey af too, some people just don't like her.
>salty jealous little bitches who can't let go of their Venus-hate from the glory days of PULL/lolcow prior to her escape K. What's next? We are fat and ugly hairy women living in a basement?
No. 256473
>>256460>>256455I don't think you understood, I was presenting some of the usual criticisms she gets from both sides to illustrate how it's next to impossible for her to magically make everyone happy at the same time
People love to make blanket statements about how she is either a perfect cinnamonroll or evil incarnate, rather than just your average mixed bag
No. 256482
>>255188It's because they feel the need to be able to claim some connection to a culture for their own.
Everyone there comes from immigrants who forsake their own country for a different future.
You'll never hear an Italian mention he's Italian as much as some American girl whose great great grandmother might have been from Italy.
No. 256483
>>256471Oh i hate people who cant deal with the fact that not everyone licks Venus's anus and thinks by rights she needs to try working a proper job for once in her life at least for a fucking year.
Shes just embarrassing. Im not fat or hairy, personally i think im better looking than Venus. Ive got the same face shape and can pull off that dumb doll angle shit too but being the same age as her I just know its cringey. The japanese candy, uniform thing is just sad.
No. 256490
>>256447>>256483Maybe because this is how she has survived this far and doesn't know where to go and get money to live. Her husband is a construction worker. Just because she knows languages, doesn't mean she has the courage or that she knows them well enough (grammar and large enough vocabulary) to get a proper job.
She won't become normal for years, anyone who knows a bit about abusive backgrounds knows that. Asking her to get over it in a year is cringe-levels of stupidity.
a) break off from these habits
b) stop living with the anxiety caused by Margot's punishments, she doesn't get them but the learned fear takes ages to go away.
c)she doesn't have an identity of her own, she's been "groomed" by her mother and the international ex evasion scheme did cause her not to ever adapt an actual culture
d) the girl has never had stability before, getting used to that alone is really hard.
>>256473I agree with you to a large extent. There's no way she could do any of this anytime soon and she will always be disliked by some, even if she decides to drop off completely.
No. 256501
>>256453You dense fucker, that's not what I mean at all. Protection and coping skills: Her mother did not EMOTIONALLY prepare her for dealing with critics AND she exploited her to lolicons while denying what she was doing. Then she encouraged her to get into rivalries with other girls, justifying sockpuppets and harassment. Oh, and all that country-hopping with no connection to any family.
Venus is academically accomplished and knows how to make money. So what? Now that she has fled, her mother won't let go unless Venus suffers as much as her and let's the public know instead of keeping it private. She swore to ruin her. You call that responsible, healthy and successful parenting because Venus values her education and plans to work?
Lol. I wish I could speak five languages? Where the Hell did you even come up with that? Talk about alternative reality. Are you confusing me with another poster because I don't understand you at all.
No. 256511
>>256506She's using makeup trends that are popular in Korea. Keep grasping.
You probably use an anime character as your profile pic on social media, kek.
No. 256519
>>256512B-but anon! You can't be racist against white people!!
>>256513How should she know what white make up trends looks like? Home girl has only seen Taylor irl, who uses exaggerated Asian make up, and instagram girls, who use shitty drag make up. She's been on an extended tax evasion tour of Europe and Asia for the last two decades of her life with only the Internet as her guide, cut her some slack. She'll figure herself out.
No. 256551
>>256523That was relevant 1 year ago.
>>256501Be mad.
>justifying sockpuppets and harassment.Isn't this exactly what some of you are doing? Like the anon who made the massage account and ruined the milk, for example. Take a break pls.
>Home girl has only seen Taylor irl, who uses exaggerated Asian make up, Taylor is not the only girl she has seen or talked to irl, that's what you see on IG, also she has her own ideas, you don't need to have someone else as a guide. The Asian makeup style is something she likes way before Taylor existed in youtube.
>amd instagram girl who use shitty drag make up. Sure. Because that's the only type of girls you can see on instagram.
No. 256561
>>256511>She's using makeup trends that are popular in Korea. "Drunk Girl makeup tutorial" is a makeup trend. "How to look half/Korean" is not a good title choice.
>>256554Yeah she also does something weird to her eyes.. just compare her new pictures to something like this photo
>>256270 >>256556Anon, except that she started shoping like this after dying her hair black and befriending Tsuruko, Manaki obsessively likes all of her pictures and follows her every move. In fact they copy her a lot.
Also, her nose isn't big. it's normal size. Shopping your face at the point that your nose is 3 times smaller is not a good thing for your mental health anon. This is why girls have so many self issues nowadays. They want to look "perfect" all the time.
No. 256563
>>256314I thought we were over this kind of topic. Of course is not, ya dingus. Culture is not a bottle of beer you can steal at the convenience store. You can't "steal" a culture. A person wearing circle lenses isn't "stealing" Japanese culture. Tumblr lied to you.
Get over it.
No. 256573
>>256561To be fair, I doubt Venus is in a good place mentally these days. Better than a year ago maybe, but after escaping narc mom…shit, she should really be in therapy.
I guess Japan probably doesn't really have great psychiatry, considering everyone kills themselves.
No. 256692
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So, this (invitation-only) event Venus went to, the Honeymihoney Summer Collection Exhibition. I went to their IG to have a look at some of the other guests that were there was quite impressed. Models, idols, actresses, a couple of rock band members. Seems like quite an event.
No. 256711
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>>256692>>256697>>256703>>256705This one's a drummer in a rock band.
No. 256718
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>>256692But you know, poor little Venus is just a lonely, scarred recluse living a sad stunted life in Japan, right?
No. 256757
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>>256745How about this popular Japanese Youtuber, Kumamiki? What kinda HARMFUL STEREOTYPES is she perpetrating on vulnerable young Asian girls? I don't see any of y'all on her IG screeching about CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!! She's clearly trying to BE CAUCASIAN, right?
No. 256758
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She's NOT Caucasian!
No. 256768
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>>256745What about all these Japanese girls out there trying to BE CAUCASIAN? They're not Caucasian. They'll never BE Caucasian. Why don't they quit CULTURE APPROPRIATING Caucasians?
Where's the SJW outrage?
No. 256791
>>256768They're not trying to look Caucasian and, from what I've learned via a series of docs on plastic surgery in eastern asia, Japanese and Koreans don't like it when westerners say they're trying to look white.
Every culture has their own standards of beauty. Skin bleaching is popular there because in Japanese culture, porcelain skin has always been considered beautiful. Darker skin is considered less attractive because it's left over from when it was associated with poor, lower class laborers. White skin denotes higher class, privilege, wealth. They don't get double eyelid surgery because they want caucasian eyes, it's just another cultural thing. Monolids make your eyes look smaller and double eyelids make them appear larger. They get their jaws shaved because the V-line is considered very beautiful (square jaws and prominent cheekbones, like Angeline Jolie, are considered too masculine in both Japan and Korea).
Flatter, wider noses are very common among eastern asian people, so obviously a longer, thinner nose with a more defined tip is going to be considered attractive. When everybody has very dark hair, having the strawberry blond look makes you stand out and is considered attractive. They also value having a little puff of skin on the underside of the eye because it's associated with youth, girls will get implants/injections there to emphasize them. Also, that whole trend with getting crooked teeth? It's considered cute because it brings to mind little girls. A lot of it has to do with looking cute and young, like the larger eyes.
It's all determined based on their own cultural standards of beauty. So shut the fuck up about "where's the SJW outrage about them appropriating Caucasian culture??" when that's not even what they're doing.
Sage for OT and being long as fuck. Sorry, y'all.
No. 256802
>>256791That wasn't even the point lmao.
>>256778Me neither. I think both her and her husband are cute, and as for people who think being married means you're automatically demoted to a boring old housewife whose only purpose in life should be cooking meals, rearing children and being an 'adult' (or at least what they think an adult acts like), I'd love to see how long you'd last in a marriage like that. It's literally what you make of it and Venus herself has said she doesn't like to think of their relationship as a 'marriage', which is understandable given how young she is. I'd hate to be called a housewife too.
No. 256808
>>256791>They're not trying to look Caucasianaww, our SJW novel-writing snowflake queen's back.
Of course they're "trying to LOOK CAUCASIAN," you clueless ass. You can't have it both ways, screech about Venus "trying to LOOK JAPANESE!" then turn around and deny there are thousands of Asian girls out there trying to LOOK CAUCASIAN with makeup, hair dye, circle lenses and even surgery (in
huge numbers.)
Fuck outta here and back to PULL with your clueless-ass preaching and your double standards, honey. You're a fucking joke and a long-winded pedantic bore.
No. 256810
>>256808>aww, our SJW novel-writing snowflake queen's back.Uhh, I've never posted in this thread before. I'm not the same person you're apparently getting all
triggered and butthurt over.
I'm literally just telling you what I've learned by watching various documentaries about Eastern Asian countries and their cultural standards of beauty. If that makes me an SJW, then so be it, but you have pretty low standards when it comes to calling somebody an SJW.
No. 256812
>>256808Also, Samefag
>>256810, but when I've seen SJWs freak the fuck out about asian beauty, they usually go all fucking crazy about how Eastern Asian countries are trying to attain a Western standard of beauty because Europeans have shoved their own beauty standards down their throats for centuries, imposing their whiteness on them and such. But, again, I'm not the person you have serious beef with. I was just saying what I've learned when it comes to this subject.
No. 256814
>>256812Oh, okay. Gotcha.
So when Asians emulate a "Western standard of beauty" it's because they've been victimized by the evil Westerners shoving it down their throats but a European girl emulating Asian standards of beauty is an evil racist CULTURAL APPROPRIATOR. Did I get that right, anon?
Like I said, you're a fucking joke.
No. 256816
>>256814Like I said, twice now, I'm not the person you're flipping the fuck out over. Chill out, anon, you're going to have an aneurysm over some trivial ass shit. My point was you're saying it's SJW rhetoric to claim that Japanese/Korean people have their own standards of beauty that aren't really based on trying to look white. Meanwhile, whenever I've actually seen actual Tumblrina SJWs lose their shit over this topic, they're blaming evil europeans for enforcing their white standards of beauty onto Japanese/Korean culture. You don't really read, do you?
I don't even know why you're taking this so fucking personally. For the third time, I'm just explaining what I've learned. Eastern Asian cultures have their own standards of beauty and maybe some of them come across as trying to look white, but it's not really the case. If you don't agree, go for it. I can't really be fucked to care.
No. 256875
>>256857>>256858I don't enjoy watching Venus' stuff and boring vlogs but these accusations are pretty stupid. It was an innocent game imo.
I also noticed that Taylor has haters that are actually Venus' fans, that's a super weird combination.
>>256867Kek chill anon..
I have to admit that I noticed that too, I just saw that small part when they were in the fitting room and the first thing I thought was
wtf she looks tired, her skin looks bad! maybe it's because she sleeps late at night and has a poor diet. They eat a lot of red meat, sugar and the quantity of consomme she used in that soup video was alarming.
No. 256876
>>256758>>256768>>256771Ah differen anon here but… Anon why you always angry? What's the matter? Really, No hate. It's interesting.. tell us.
No. 256888
>>256886>Where you getting "anger" from? Anon seriously, don't pretend you don't get mad, we all have seen it. I think you are taking this very very personal. This is just another thread in lolcow and I don't know why but this is clearly affecting you:
You are patrolling this site and I guess PULL, youtube, and instagram too, day and night.When you aren't fully white knighting you are angry af. Some comments aren't even that bad. Seriously, you are extremely irritable and totally devoted to a person that doesn't even cares about you. (sorry for this part, just trying to be realistic)
If you are not self projecting, or her husband, I don't know what else could be.
No. 256914
>>256888Not the anon you are talking to, but you really seem to like assuming how this other person is in real life and how they are feeling.
And instead of debating the topic further, you resort to personally attacking them.
Tsk tsk
It's time to stop.
No. 256925
>>256875>>256867>Venus looks like shit next to TayUnsurprising given that Taylor is a health nut model with a super diet and probably fillers, whereas Venus has spent years applying trash to her face and binging on junk. Although we also recently learnt that Tay actually has terrible acne right now and this video probably still has a filter over it.
Whatever though, I look like onision myself and from the skincare thread so does half of this site
No. 256971
>>256888Wow, projecting much.
There is a double standard in the Tumblr-sphere, where whenever a white person wears anything inspired by a different culture it's cultural appropriation and hurts and blablabla, but when POC do something that makes them look more white (circle lenses, contouring for higher nose bridges, etc.) it's because the evil West forced their beauty standards onto those poor Asian countries. When in reality it's just some fun with experimenting with make up, on both sides.
No. 257006
>>256808I don't know if you're being facetious or not but although the half-Japanese makeup look is popular and there are definitely girls who want to look full Caucasian, most Japanese still look Japanese. This
>>255227 is a better example of normal Japanese girls than this extreme example
>>256768. I don't think Venus is trying to look Asian either. Who cares what some SJWs say.
>>256971>When in reality it's just some fun with experimenting with make up, on both sides.My thoughts exactly. Let people do what they want. Hair dye and a little bit of makeup doesn't mean someone wants to change their race.
No. 257038
>>256971Anon I think you don't understand, I'm not talking about that topic at all.
>projecting muchEh no..
>>256914I said before that it wasn't an attack.
No. 257052
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Reading this thread and loving it.
>>255121>That sjw stuff is stupid but please, you're on lolcow, not a fangelic ugu website.And they just don't get it.
>>255180>>255177>who eats from a cat bowl>Didn't Venus eat cat food before?KEK
I just can't with those weebs.
No. 257057
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>>256888>You are patrolling this site and I guess PULL, youtube, and instagram too, day and night.You seem a bit…unsettled, anon.
No. 257076
File: 1487958566732.png (297.3 KB, 499x827, Screenshot_2017-4.png)

Sometimes reading here is exactly like reading her white knights in PULL haha it's so obvious.
>>257057So yeah you are clearly patrolling these sites.
No. 257080
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And about the anger part, well..
No. 257083
File: 1487959879071.png (112.36 KB, 720x1022, Screenshot-BMad.png)

And I have to agree here…
Get help.
No. 257088
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>>257085Tbh it's just a few highly sensitive white knights overanalyzing the situation.. also if you take 3 minutes to check their activy you can see how mad some users are when it comes to defending Venus… a girl was asking this Andromeda bitch to forgive her.
No. 257096
>>257076>>256771>>256768>>256758>>256757The cringiest part is that these girls don't even look Caucasian. No one with vision would look at them and think "They look white", and circle lenses have never been a white thing.
I think the "Venus is culturally appropriating!!!" shit is dumb, too, but this obsessive anon needs to calm down.
No. 257098
>>257057So there you go. You wanted receipts? Just continue sperging here and PULL. Make it more and more obvious…
>>257085>That thread is shit (just like the previous one) and it's your fucking fault.Maybe we should have a cringe fangelic thread.. one of them already has one btw.
No. 257112
>>257104>These tumblr newfags… If you had been here some years ago you'd know lolcow used to be savage against Venus. I doubt someone here is a newfag from tumblr.
>This stopped when we found out the real cow was her mom. And she has a thread in /pt/ you can tell everyone how you feel today there.
>Venus is dry milk, being a weeb is not enough to spark a discussion here, or we'd have threads on millions of girls.They already have their threads.
>Stop trying to bring sjw logic here.K
You tried.
No. 257121
>>257076>>257085The point both these people were making is how ridiculous this whole "trying to look Asian/cultural appropriation!" bullshit is, not to >worship your weeb godessu
And playing GOTCHA! guessing who anons **really are is just a big ol' deflection from the fact that this latest "yellowface! cultural appropriation!!" bandwagon has gone down in flames and omg, what are we gonna screech about noww??
No. 257130
>>257121Fuck off Andromeda.
in fact her white knights are always doing the same
aren't you that girl from PULL? Shut up hypocrites.
>>257127Nah, we always discuss things but we have to deal with the fangelic invasion, biggest hypocrites ever.
No. 257131
>>257127Because you are here!
But that's funny actually.
No. 257133
>>257121As I've already said: I don't fucking care about that yellow facing accusations.
Also, many girls barely produces milk these day (Kooter, Berry, Taylor…), but they've a thread. We're on lolcow, deal with it or go back to PULL you spergelic!
No. 257139
>>257133>SPERGELIC Top KEK.
love you, good anon.
No. 257176
File: 1487972462514.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-02-24-22-30-21…)

To all you spergelics who
>"Binasu naturally resembles an asian! uwu It's only fashion! Not asian editing! uwu"
Get your white can and service dog, limited offers!
No. 257182
>>257176Typical gaudy white girl pining to be Japanese
Its sad
No. 257191
>>257176So much better.
Still a cringey weeb tho.
I can't believe her spergelics were white knighting that hard.. I hope weebs obsessed with their looks start to realize how fucked up is to edit every single picture and try to look like something they are not. it's actually a very unhealthy practice imo.
>cretins yep
No. 257244
>>256328>>257076Lmfao a pulltard calling out another pulltard.
Anyway there's no milk in this thread just that ">Omfg she tries to look Japanese" shit
Who the fuck cares (aside from sjws and salty bitches)?
Keep having fun with the sperging tho
No. 257253
>>257244People are allowed to give their opinion?
Not everyone is salty* over a fucking weeb who lives on the internet with a creep of a husband who jacks off to dolls
No. 257395
>>257215i think so too. she's always wanted to look/be japanese like any 14 year old weeaboo. but she grew up around the time she made her elsa hair tutorial and went for a more casual style which i remember everyone absolutely loving. she seemed to be growing into her own person. but out of nowhere she went back to this "i'm going back to my natural hair color!! being more natural and who i am!!!" aka dying her hair black while getting it chemically straightened when her hair is dark brown and curly/frizzy. then immediately using japanese captions again, squinting her eyes while removing all depth from her face with meituxiuxiu. i kind of thought it was random, but then someone brought up that manaki was obsessively spam liking tsuruko's pictures. then soon after her and venus became friends, and venus's sense of humor got darker. i really do think manaki's obsession with tsuruko is what
triggered venus's old yellowface ways. manaki is literally the only thing she has right now. and he's the only reason she can live in japan away from her mom. i'd obsessively try to get him to pay attention to me too.
>>257244the milk comes from butthurt fangelics like you. keep bumping her thread, buddy.
No. 257416
>>257244You again?
Have a nice day.
>>257253Ignore spergelic, she's mad.
>>257395>but she grew up around the time she made her elsa hair tutorial and went for a more casual style which i remember everyone absolutely loving. Ah she looked really good there. I think her videos from 2014-2015 are the best.
>soon after her and venus became friends, and venus's sense of humor got darker. i really do think manaki's obsession with tsuruko is what triggered venus's old yellowface ways. Also Venus has been cursing a lot like Tsuruko…
No. 257423
>>257418? Proof?
Do you want us to put caps of his 106263839 likes?
No. 257437
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>>257424Just follow them, if more than one anon is saying it, it's for a reason. I'm not going to put them all.
>atleast one would be nice lol Ok. One
No. 257459
>Manaruko Watch out Venus!
>>257437Girl is pretty though.
No. 257484
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>>257176>>257184Trying to LOOK JAPANEEESE!!
>big blue eyes, pale skin, no makeup, no circle lensesMe: LOL
No. 257491
File: 1487996391145.gif (975.4 KB, 480x324, tumblr_m0xwh12yFY1r317bvo1_500…)

This thread.
No. 257503
>>257472Whatever. I don't find her cute at all. It's a visceral reaction, probably to do with her looking like she has no philtrum or having Ostrenga-tier thin hair. Not sure what it is, but it grosses me out.
Venus is plain-ish and may look like Margo in the future, but Tsuruko is just a really unattractive (to me) hafu.
No. 257578
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>>257395>>257425>>257444>>257458>so i wouldn't be surprised if she's trying to steal manaki away. i would. lol. but it's interesting to find out that tsuruko also hits up manaki's pictures? i always thought it was one sided. no wonder venus is threatened.Oh, the fanfic! Y'all so desperate you're reduced to jacking off to fantasies about Manaki lusting after this chick and Venus being left humiliated and alone. Tragic but funny as fuck.
No. 257641
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>>257583Tsukuro is cuter then Venus. Venus in her videos looks like a creepy old lady that lives in the attic. Manaki was a pretty girl but not as pretty as Tsukuro.
No. 257661
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>>257176>>257182>>257184So…this is "trying to LOOK JAPANESE?" Where? How?
You people are losing your damn minds. Lol
No. 257662
File: 1488007036497.jpg (1.43 MB, 2560x1920, 17-02-25-03-14-22-889_deco.jpg)

>>257556>>257569>>257583whatever helps you sleep at night
No. 257669
File: 1488007793659.png (20.85 KB, 423x245, IMG_0257.PNG)

Venus trying to be an edgelord and click baiting
No. 257673
File: 1488008291584.jpg (1.64 MB, 2560x1920, 17-02-25-03-32-21-877_deco.jpg)

>>257665whatever helps you sleep at night vol. 2
No. 257674
>>257658SJW Fuel: The Video
did she actually think she was ending the #discourse with this ridiculous video? well maybe the bakclash will get her much needed promo since her videos are getting less and less views.
No. 257675
>>257673Still shooped to oblivion. Stop stanning.
You wanna stan her, do it in her own thread.
No. 257683
>>257682Did she really not think that thumb tile would
trigger people?>>257669
No. 257696
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No. 257699
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No. 257705
>>257702Different anon here…
I think they look similar in that picture, maybe it's the nose?
>how long did you skim through the video to find that one screenshot Haha I was thinking the same thing kek but it's a funny picture, chill.
Anyway, Tsuruko is very pretty imo (she is! Don't judge me!) but Everyone likes something different, let it go…
No. 257707
File: 1488012678611.png (36.49 KB, 499x286, SaveVenusFromTaylor.png)

Why spergelics HATE Taylor that much? It makes no sense lol
Next video :
>How I ran away from Taylor.
No. 257718
>>257712>Why are you so defensive?Not sure if a Tsuruko waifu, or a spergelic defending weenoos' man.
>>257696Venus watch out girl!!!
First Taylor Frenemy, Now that Tsuruko cunt stealing your man?!
Jk tay, don't betray me too.
No. 257728
>>257684Agreed. She have no talent (bad makeup skills, terrible singing, even her video-editing sucks)and she knows it.
The Margo drama is dead now and she try to stay relevant with a new one.
No. 257735
>>25770750$ says they're from Pull..
Only place I know of that doesn't like Taylor or kiss her ass.
No. 257738
>>257488It will last. Like someone else mentioned earlier in the thread, they will do it like the typical Japanese couple. He's going to see younger prostitutes while she pretends nothing is happening.
How can anyone possibly think this relationship can last, or at least last in a happy way? The guy was obsessed with her looks since she was a literal pre teen (12-13), will most likely stop "loving" her as she ages (which she will. Badly. She has shitty genes, look at her Margot's skin – and before you're a cunt saying she also has her dad's genes and we don't know how she will age, at least we know 50% of her genes are shit). Also, we all know she married him to fulfill Nippon dream and because she wanted to leave Margo.
If you're a grown adult with a tiny bit of life experience you can see this relationship has made to crash and burn in a few years.
>>257658What a cringe fest. I know her channel needs some drama because it's dying but good lord
No. 257742
>>257738She does have a lot of Margo-esq features. I think the thing that will get her the most is poor diet and skin care ( just like Koots. Though I'm surprised she hasn't started balding too from all the chemical processing )
How long do you have to be married there to obtain a citizenship ? Or is there no wait ?
I feel like the only plus when she was with Margo is that atleast it looked like she washed her hair while with her. Living with Manaki she doesn't look like she washes it anymore.
No. 257807
>>255241OT but god ive been waiting on a thread of that choninmiguk whatever bitch shes the biggest koreaboo alive but this website only focuses on ugly white weaboos. personally kboos annoy me way more than weaboos.
also why the fuck is everyone mad a venoos chemically processing her hair to straighten it like black people in the US dont do it all the time
No. 257810
>>257742I don't know how long but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't divorce him even if she wanted to, at least not for a long time. She probably feels like she has something to prove to her fans and, if she thinks about her monster mom sometimes (which she probably does since she's her mother anyway). I mean, you left, took an airplane and moved to be with a guy in a country where you had to family and close friends. No one. Most people would feel like they had something to prove for making a decision that caused so much drama etc. Even if they just wanted to move on and forget about the situation, that's human nature and most people would feel that way.
And the obvious fact that venus hasn't had anyone really close with her besides her mom, so she probably clings to Manaki and wouldn't want to leave for shit, even if she doesn't truly love him
No. 257820
>>257807Because all white people are pieces of shit, all Asian crap is sacred. Other poc get some pity points.
So says every self hating white weeb.
No. 257822
>>257816Why is it so difficult to interpret this thumbnail as a joke and not as something offensive?
People must learn what racism is and what racism isn't.
No. 257840
>>257816Racism for example could be, that people with foreign last names are ignored for no reason in applying for a job.
Making a little joke about asian eyes is far from racist.
No. 257888
>>257808Ahripop is more than just a weeaboo. She is the one actually shooping herself into an asian (
actual yellowface, not like Venus) and doing other cow-worthy things, like selling medicore art for exorbitant prices and milking her viewers for money. Being a weaboo is not lolcow-worthy and it will just cause shit boring threads like this one. Sorry for the off-topic, saged.
No. 257894
>>257890People like Weenos and Pewdiepie didn't get popular because they're brilliant.
Take this video for example
>>257658>I have a video that's called How to Look like a Korean Girl and How to Look Half-Japanese>B-but that doesn't mean I actually think it would have made certain people look like those ethnicities y-you weirdos it's not like I wanted to look asian or anything pls don't call me raciss ;-; No. 257905
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>>257215>>257395That reminds me of this comment.
No. 257906
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No. 257907
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No. 257908
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No. 257909
>>257658Yeah, her voice is annoying, but I guess I didn't really see much wrong with this video. Was anything she said really that bad?
Honestly, I think she should have just ignored the criticism, but I don't think this response was particularly cringeworthy.
>inb4 ugh u whiteknighting autistic weeb No. 257920
>>257914How she looks Japanese on those pics to weeb vendetta-chans I will never understand. Whatever floats your nippon boats I guess.
RIP sjw-free lolcow
No. 257921
>>257911Gotcha. You're definitely right.
>>257914Yeah, anyone who says she's not trying to look haffu is in denial. jfc.
No. 257926
>>257920You trolling?
How can you see no difference between her blonde, full-face & full jaw, blue eyed, curly hair look vs. pin straight black hair, brown circle lens, no wrinkles, meitu'd shaved jaw look?
This isn't about being an SJW or not. This is about the truth of what she's doing. She doesn't want to seem like a tryhard weeb so she's trying to make others seem like the weebs for pointing out how she's a white girl who wants to be asian.
No. 257938
>>257934Shit, sorry. Misquote. Meant to respond to
>>257920 .
Sorry, anon. I agree with you.
No. 257971
>>257965This one, too.
Her desire to be or at least
look azn is embarrassing and so fucking obvious. Regardless of whether or not it's "wrong," it's still so awkward to make a video denying it.
No. 257991
>>257959> she knows what she's doing is uglyI'm sorry, how exactly is editing yourself like a weeb an example of an ugly action? You're seriously suggesting she has bad character because she shoops the fuck out of herself?
She edits her insta pics to look like a big flaming weeaboo, but in all of her videos, you can clearly see her natural face.
So, exactly who is she hurting in all of this and how is it lying if she doesn't do this in her videos?
No. 257995
File: 1488061587414.jpg (39.96 KB, 600x720, IMG_9220.JPG)

The way this entire thread is going on I would think she was walking around like this. As far as I can see she dyed her hair black and didn't fully open her eyes to a wide caucasian standard. Photo editing apps are not uncommon in Japan, majority of Japanese girls edit their eyes bigger, faces smaller and noses more defined, why must peeeenus be disqualified from such activities?
No. 258004
>>257991it's ugly on a general scale. person to person it won't matter especially to us. but in the grand scheme of things what she's doing is looked down upon. which is why there's no point in going on a rant playing victim because it's not going to change that. it just makes you look like a whiny idiot.
it's like making videos on youtube calling people retards and autists and making fun of fat people when you KNOW you'll be pissing off a bunch of people, and then having the nerve to tell other people off because you're deluded enough into thinking you'll change anyone's mind. everyone has the right to do whatever the fuck you want but when you try to defend something you know is just asking for drama then don't cry about getting negative attention. which is what she's doing.
No. 258064
>>257995Well, the situation is a bit more nuanced than that. She smiles, poses, and does her makeup/hair/etc. differently than she used to. She edits her photos differently, too. Of course, you've already mentioned that. Perhaps more importantly, Venus' effort to appear Asian extends beyond her looks. Her voice and mannerisms are completely different than they used to be.
Venus has certainly made herself look like an individual of Asian descent, and anyone can recognize that she's made a
lot of changes in order to do so. Whether it's right or wrong, I think that it's pretty disingenuous to even suggest that she's simply conforming to Japanese beauty standards when she's done so much more than cut her hair and change her makeup style in an effort to look Asian.
Do I think it's bad that she's doing it? Not necessarily. Do I think it's weird? Yeah.
No. 258101
>>257907>>257906>>257908She's doing more than just squinting in her pics. Her eyes are a completely different shape.
But she's totally not trying to look Asian right?
No. 258102
>>257925in "american" makeup she looks like a pageant kid
in "asian" makeup she looks like a 40 y/o asian woman who watches too many kawaii videos on the internet
There's no in between
No. 258105
>>258064Maybe she just changed mannerisms with environment/age, and got tired of her old editing style?
I mean, she does live in Japan, married a Japanese man and is around more Japanese peers now. It makes sense that her behavior/appearance would change at least a bit to conform. And people seem to be cherrypicking photos/videos from a very specific "era" where she was blonde to claim this isn't normal behavior for her (ironically, that was when people seemed to complain about her appearance the loudest). She's had dark hair and worn circle lenses ever since she was very young. She's also always been a weeb, but now people are screeching "Cultural appropriation" because of some poorly named makeup tutorials (and because they're either implicitly racist in some way, or jealous of her life situation/looks, let's be real). Before, it was people accusing her of "faking a Japanese accent" because she's European and has a weird accent, and now it's this.
It's pretty telling that actual Japanese people in Japan don't seem to take issue with her or her behavior, either. She gets invited to exclusive/invite-only fashion events. I don't think some cringy, annoying white girl pretending to be Asian would ever get that far.
No. 258139
>>257682>god it literally reminds me of those rant videos her margo made. she acts the exact same way. it's hilarious when people try to paint her as such an opposite. venus is the same manipulative bitter pissbaby who wants internet validation while sucking nippon dick. it's obvious she's been sperging here defending herself tooYou're a delusional fucking cretin. She made a video addressing the bullshit "Racist! Yellowface!" spam she's been getting in her comments recently from the SJW/BLM/Intersectional Feminist/poc activist accounts, which she has every right to do. She's probably fed up with this shit so she made a video to address it. It's not some rant out of the blue "looking for internet valudation," you fucking tard. If anything it's way overdue and good for her.
Also you really think she's "sperging here defending herself"? Keep reaching, honey. Whatever helps you feel better.
No. 258143
>>257925I don't understand the appeal of the aegyo sal trend. It's awful not matter who does it.
>>258071apparently that anon think asians irl look just like her chinese cartoons kek. Reminds me of that /cgl/ troll who would make long ass posts comparing western cosplayers with asian cosplayers shooped to hell and back
No. 258151
>>258105please see
>>256261 her mannerisms aren't new and they certainly aren't environmental. and for the millionth time we know she's had black hair and has always worn circle lenses. it's her fucking editing style that's changed to a bizarre extreme.
No. 258160
>>258157>I don't think venuses grammar would be that goodwell i mean we got one typo
>"internet valudation"just because she has a thick accent doesn't mean she isn't fluent in english. everything she says is grammatically correct with the exception of pronunciation being off. she's been writing in english since she was 14. she isn't a baby she's a 20 year old woman.
No. 258164
File: 1488075932362.jpg (239.66 KB, 847x1088, IMG_1586.JPG)

>>257176>>257691Still waiting for someone to explain how she's "editing herself to LOOK ASIAN/trying to PASS AS ASIAN" here.
You people are fucking comical. You're sperging as hard as margo, the happier Venus seems and the more she gets out and makes friends the harder you sperg. You're like mini-margos desperately grasping at straws to use to rage at VEENOOS. (The desperate fantasies about the state of their marriage and its inevitable collapse are especially entertaining though.)
No. 258169
>>258164My soft spergelic, that pic is taken as a comparision example.
She did that on purpose to say "Look, I'm totally not trying to be azn uwu" when it's crystal clear that she shoops herself to death.
No. 258170
>>258139Hi, Venus!
If Mana-tan got a crush on a blue-eyed, blonde woman, will you bleach your hair and wear basic bitch make up?
Please respond xoxo
No. 258185
>>258177>This thread is totally wild. It feels like 1 or 2 anons samefagging and sperging all over the place. That's exactly what it is. They get
triggered by the same shit margo does and react exactly like she does, with rage-sperging. This time it was Venus hanging with Taylor and them becoming legit friends plus Venus getting invited to a fashion show that set them off.
I love that they've gone from "shut up, DAPHNE" to "that's TOTALLY VENUS," kek
No. 258190
>>258177>>258185I mean, I guess I can't speak for the other anons here, but I've made three posts about her change in looks because I think she's trying to appear Asian. I don't necessarily think it's bad or wrong, but it's simply an observation.
I actually like Venus and wish the best for her. I really don't see how everyone is
triggered and sperging just because you have a different opinion.
No. 258202
>>258199this reminds me of when people started accusing sperchan of being kiki and suddenly "people" started crying vendetta from pulltards and other jealous people. basically pinning the blame on other people.
No. 258204
>>255126>dirty blondeChigau! Benusu has naturally straight dark brown hair- she said so when she got nihon straightening. Her whole life of having dirty blonde hair was just her faking it to survive her mean, oppressive mother's regime. Just look at her mom's hair for proof! She is only going back to her 'roots'!
Swiss is pretty much the same as Finnic so if you do the math Benusu isu totemo honorary.
>>258164is her natural real hair color and texture ok? Benusu-chan is just being trendy and hip with the asian beauty style, nothing to see.
>>258195Taylor almost assuredly has nothing to do with it.
No. 258207
File: 1488077914450.jpg (23.29 KB, 300x300, v1.jpg)

>>258139Yikes! I'm starting to believe Margo was onto something when she said Venus was violent as fuck and had aggression issues. Given her image obviously no one believed her. The cracks are starting to show. The Bad Seed, anyone?
No. 258212
>>258199>>258204So it's just raging over another white girl living in Japan with a Japanese husband… why? Again, beyond her mother drama she seems fairly milk-less. Sure, she's as cringe-worthy as someone like Yumi King, but without the sugar daddy, plethora of nip-slips, etc. which is most of her milk.
>>258207It's also kind of concerning that some of you seem to be siding with her psycho mother. Is this thread full of Margo stans now?
No. 258213
>>258195>>254982lol wtf. None of this has anything to do with Taylor; this entire debate has centralized on Venus' appearance (i.e. whether or not she's attempting to look asian).
Venus' personality hasn't really even been discussed in context with this. I mean seriously, I can't tell who likes her and who doesn't. I think she's trying to pass as asian, but I wouldn't say I dislike her; actually, I'm pretty indifferent. She seems fine.
Criticising Venus doesnt make people jealous weebs. Defending her doesn't make someone a fan. Jesus christ.
No. 258217
>>258169B-but I thought she's "trying to
pass as Asian" tho. Right, sperg-chan? Wouldn't this blow her cover?
>>258200Wait, what happened to every anon you didn't like being Daphne? Oh and Daphne also being So Pink from PULL and Emma Wright and Joni Mulroney and also posting all over Youtube, all one person? Why the change? Daphne/Emma Wright/Joni Mulroney's feelings are hurt now.
>>258202>this reminds me of when people started accusing sperchan of being kiki and suddenly "people" started crying vendetta from pulltards and other jealous people. basically pinning the blame on other people.Yep. Venus has her very own sperg-chan.
No. 258220
>>258212siding with an emotionally/physically abusive mother? no. but it's clear this wasn't like a child called it, as venus and her fans would like to paint it. her spergy and aggressive whiteknighting shows someone nothing like her internet persona kind of like kiki. more often times than not, the kid ends up just like the parents. it's why kiki and kota are horrible people like their parents.
actually venus seems to have a lot in common with kiki right now. what with the spergy whiteknighting and public angelic victim complex.
No. 258221
>>258212 Holy shit. Have you not been reading? People are literally just debating her intent behind her appearance,photo edits, etc.
Why is it that the minute you might agree with ONE SINGLE THING that someone says, you're clearly a super fan? Maybe Margo was right about one thing in her sad, miserable life. Who gives a fuck? She's still a psycho bitch, but being a psycho cunt doesn't mean that she can't be right about
something.Going back to the point I made in
>>258213 : critcising someone doesn't mean you have to hate them. Defending or acknowledging someone doesn't mean you like them.
No. 258229
File: 1488078845358.jpg (126.74 KB, 720x540, RTnfuZv.jpg)

>>257661>>258164>>258139Hi Venus! How do you feel knowing that no matter how much you edit you're never escaping from your mom's genes? You can always do some surgeries to look more asian, you know!
No. 258234
>>258230no. i cri
In all seriousness, I'm just baffled by some of the reactions in this thread. I recognize that I probably shouldn't be, and that's my fault. I know your response was a joke, but I'm seriously just confused. kek
sage for OT
No. 258346
>>258217Kek stay mad.
>>258213>>258193>>258180>>258168>>258169Good anons, ignore Daphne please.
Daphne Rimmel is a rabid spergelic, she doesn't have a job so she has a lot of free time to come here to sperg.
Have a nice weekend trying to destroy Nasa and Margo Daphne.
No. 258351
File: 1488085863157.jpg (181.02 KB, 824x630, dis2.jpg)

>>258325Seriously? Both historically, and in modern times, there is racism against people of East Asian ancestry.
No. 258352
>>258325This is 99% bait, but on the off-chance it isn't, there's a history regarding white racism towards E. Asians (and xenophobia from E. Asian nations' end, but I'm not educated on that front). Just focusing on the US's track record, look at any WWII era propaganda featuring the Japanese or the internment camps. More info regarding the US's (and other nations' in "Yellow Peril") relationship with Asian-Americans and Asian immigration:
>> for obvious reasons.
Also did all the sympathy points from Margo's craziness run out because retreading this yellow-facing topic from all sides seems to have popped out of nowhere? At least her response can be milked, even if this is a dead horse beating.
No. 258359
File: 1488086471598.png (162.41 KB, 550x309, MadCarrot.png)

Here's a picture of how Daphne looks like when she spergs here.
No. 258364
File: 1488087015707.gif (735.58 KB, 224x253, dubya dance.gif)

>>258168>>258213Are me, and my name isn't Daphne; I'm sorry to disappoint. Just a lame anon here.
No. 258385
>>258364Yes, I wasn't saying that the anons there are Daphne.
Maybe just the first anon.
No. 258388
>>258385Oh, shit, I thought you were being sarcastic. Hope you enjoyed the Dubya gif anyway.
sage for bush
No. 258521
>>257905>>257906>>257907Because of the comment, I feel like her "more asian" look is simply for Manaki…
I'm a fangelic, have been since 2013, but it's so obvious she's trying to be Japanese, she's as obvious as Kanadajin3. Anyone who claim she's not is just outright stupid.
No. 258558
>>258177It is. One of the girls posted non-stop in the previous thread too. She would go bananas if you mentioned Margaret, backseat modded and was convinced Venus was posting because she couldn't handle the fact that even on bitch central, people like or empathize with Venus. And she's back! Writing as erratically as ever, but now she has aligned herself with the yellow face brigade despite being racist herself.
inb4 Hi, Venus!
Anyway… no one mentioned that Venus' new Volks bjd arrived and it looks very similar(in an idealized way)to her blonde-era self? It even has it's own IG. Anticipating Margaret 's rival page of a potato fashioned in her own likeness.
No. 258569
>>258524The milk is weak and i agree with
>>258532 but fuck off with your shitty reminder about Margo. No one forgot about everything but that makes you sound like an ass who simply has to defend your precious weeb princess from any "bad" comments she gets because she's such a survivor warrior, lmao. she's been living with her husband for a year, probably more, so let go.
No. 258581
>>258578No shit Sherlock, I'm just saying that her first appearances is still with a blonde, curly wig.
If she wasn't really "being Japanese" why not still sticking with the short wig? Because she knows she's not that way and never be?
No. 258651
>>258524>A quick reminder:Lol
>We discuss here the appearance of a 20 year old girl. So?
>Can't we just leave her alone?Then "leave alone" the rest of the girls in this site?
No. 258661
>>258652She said that the doll was going to look like her, she bought the little black hair wig because of that. In her mind, that's her.. not "just a doll".
There's a video of her saying
"I look like one of those Japanese BJD dolls". Sure Venus, if you say so.
No. 258666
File: 1488132865506.png (136.22 KB, 260x275, 1488052271230.png)

Wtf this look like a totally different person…
No. 258669
>>258661its a doll, not an actual sculpture of her face as an azn. is this the dry powdered formula milk that we are being served nowadays huh? i understand milk on peeenoos used to quench ones thirst, but since the shedding of mothercow margo there just isnt really enough milk to make her a cow. everyones just reaching
uwu kek
No. 258670
>>258666Her nose is gone, she edited her eyes too..
She's trying hard.
>>258669Shut up spergelic
No. 258684
File: 1488134516282.jpg (93.14 KB, 1080x1080, 14134891_1593681564259321_4490…)

>>258666Here's another pic for comparison
No. 258694
>>258684She looks so much more natural here. I'm not expecting her to stop editing her pics to remove blemishes or what have you, but
>>258666 this shit? come on.
>>258669no one cares, sperg uwu desu
No. 258819
>>258792Just image, the focus of your life since you were 14/15 year old was your appearance. It never was about your personality or anything else. It was a life controlled by a manipulative mother who isolated you from normal people and made money with your appearance aka the living doll image.
I think in this situation, it's probably very normal, that she developed self esteem issues about her looks. I hope that one day, her self esteem issues about her looks go away.
No. 258848
>>258833All of these dolly girls edit their selfies into oblivion, just check the other "living dolls" on instagram, they all look like a final fantasy character or something.
Some fans have have been trying to take out Venus from the site using different arguments, it was Margo / that's not milk! but you need to understamd that everyone here would like to dissapear threads they don't like… the difference is that spergelics are uber aggressive and big hypocrites, while they shit talk other people like Tay or Dakota, they want people to stop talking about Venus.
No. 258849
File: 1488147645201.png (345.54 KB, 569x430, venus_unhappy.png)

>>258836She talks about her personality, but she didn't get youtube famous for her personality. The tags were set by the one i am not allowed to talk in this thread. I also know, that in some videos, there are soft pornographic tags. I am actually very well informed about her online persona.
>everything she does is because she loves itPlease, look at this picture of her and decide for yourself, if she loved everything she did.
No. 258862
>>258849? You totally missed the point.
She is famous becuase of her looks, no one is saying that's not true, (like many other girls in youtube), I dont know why is that such a problem to you, models are famous for their looks, is that bad?
I said that she also had a personality and liked the dolly thing.
I remember that picture, some people were saying that she acted like a child but had big boobs and that it was creepy, she had a blog where she said that she went to buy a bra and that she didn't want to grow up and things like that.
This photo was taken to shut up "the trolls" , don't take it out of context.
No. 259120
>>258573Denial about what? But so great that you revealed yourself as one of them. And you mentioned the Hartleys AGAIN. You still haven't learned to capitalize letters, though. Keep spergin'!
>>258576Her doll was already ordered and being being prepared by Volks before the SJW swarm. Many owners buy several wigs, as well as eye balls, for their bjd anyway. Since hers was a custom order, she picked it up at the store for the omukae ceremony and the doll would not be bald! lol. It would arrive with preordered hair, not the wig from her home. The blonde wig is likely the original.
No. 259141
>>259120>Denial about what? But so great that you revealed yourself as one of them. And you mentioned the Hartleys AGAIN.Different anon but, I'm pretty sure anon was talking about the existence of that thread in the site, not that anon participates on it.
I have mentioned the Hartleys example too, many anons use it as a an example, it's not always the same person.
About the sperging… this is Venus thread, anon saying "we love her" was banned, people white knighting are the spergs.
People are just criticizing looks and her weird behavior, just read the threads. No one is trying to find her personal information or some scary shit like that.
No. 259163
File: 1488178858554.png (1011.48 KB, 720x1139, S-1728.png)

>>259120>The blonde wig is likely the original.She says this is the original hair.
Just curious, are you into dollfies?
>>258576I think she was reading here…
No. 259442
>>257458>>257718>no wonder venus is threatened, watch out Venus!Literally where?
So far we have that Tsuruko and Mana like each other's stuff, but also so do Venus and Tsuruko and they also seem to act like friends. How does any of this spell out like some salacious love triangle?
I'm pretty sure that the couple with eventually split or follow the traditional Japanese cheating route, it's only a visa mariage afterall, but this whole Tsuruko plot is such a cringey reach
No. 259611
>>259141I'm referring to a particular raging serial poster that came from the last thread.
>>259163Oh, I hadn't checked "her" pics yet. Thanks for that! At least it shows she didn't arrive with black hair. Yes, I have admired Dollfies for years, but never upgraded past a few basic 1/6 models. I wonder how much Venus is willing to invest in the doll's wardrobe and accessories.
I think Venus does come by here, but discussion trends the same on other sites as there is so much crossover from posters.
>>259456It's funny that her fans were the first to warn her about that last thumbnail. Good to see she came to senses.
Anybody get a notification for her Beauty Bound/ SK-II collaboration? I can't see a video.
No. 259746
>>259456Her "cute and young girl" makeup makes her look like a middle aged woman who abuses make up
It's a fucking paradox
No. 259775
>>259681That's why we say "she's trying", not that she achieved it.
>>259746Yeah that makeup doesn't really suit her.
The lighting in that video is harsh af. Seriously Weenoos do your videos near a window or a place you have natural light… she needs some sun light, she always looks tired and sick.
No. 261391
File: 1488389743933.png (630.99 KB, 720x1132, Screenshot_2017-03-01-11-22-32…)

Negative posts again…
No. 261470
>>261391lol at that person comments. in the end, venus only has her loli obssessed husband (i dont need to explain anything at this point) and a couple of social media youtube 'friends' <3<3<3
must be tough not having anyone you've known for a long time who you can truly count on.
No. 261527
>>261472I'm not sure if she meant, that there was no one there at THAT TIME she wanted to talk.
Or maybe it's really something she even can't talk with manaki.
No. 261584
>>261489>I hate attention seeking posts like this.Ikr?
Drama queen.
>>261527>I'm not sure if she meant, that there was no one there at THAT TIME she wanted to talk.I understand this but ugh I need to say it:
I'm tired of trying to interpret what she really meant!
>Or maybe it's really something she even can't talk with manaki.Or maybe it's something about him.
No. 261652
File: 1488408364164.png (364.92 KB, 500x857, Screenshot_2017-1360.png)

Why do many of her spergelics hate Taylor? It's weird because Tay's actually being nice to Venus.
Her fans are so annoying, that even Weenoos gets tired of them.
No. 261672
>>261665Anon that's not a "sad face", she's only annoyed there. (the "sad" post is this one
About Taylor using Venus rumor…
Well, I think Taylor has used some mean strategies before to gain followers, like the time she promised to follow everyone and after she got a good amount of followers she unfollowed them all.. she's really into gaining more subscribers and fame, it's like her goal, so
maybe that's a half-truth, however I do believe Taylor is genuinely nice and considers her a friend.
No. 261742
>>261472Sometimes you need a neutral party to vent to. I really don't think the issue is about Manaki, but not only is he at work much of the time, he may not be able to relate to her problem or he has heard about it too many times. My guess is it is either about her mother or self-esteem. Both of those are topics Manaki may be too used to and somebody like Taylor, though very nice, is just not that close with Venus yet.
I don't get why Venus is automatically being labeled an attention whore. This scenario, being very alone, but having many anonymous supporters who say they like you, must be frustrating. It's not a normal situation. How does she go about making true friends, that won't leak personal information, when she has never had one before? You don't get that she is starting from scratch at this age? She can easily make business acquaintances and be friendly with people , but real friendships as an adult are more difficult. Especially with her personal drama online.
I believe things will get easier for her when she finishes school(hopefully she enters university) and gets a job, or she has children and gets involved in parent functions. Social interactions will be unavoidable and expected then.
No. 261752
>>261742Anon I read you but tbh it's a waste of time trying to guess what's happening or why she's like that or why she doesn't have friends etc I'm done with these posts.. that's why I have to agree with anon here
>>261489I hate attention seeking posts too and it's even worse when it's a very vague one…
No. 261821
>>261742I have to agree with the others, attention seeking posts like this are retarded but I understand it might be hard for her. Unless she's studying out of her house or working, I doubt she will make any friends. Also she never lived in a country for a long amount of time, it's hard to keep your friends like this.
I don't know, I feel sad about it but I also believe it's partially her fault too.
No. 261842
File: 1488430968952.jpg (132.25 KB, 1047x861, IMG_1730.JPG)

>>261391Aunt Zsu's trying to reach her (she's been back on IG with a new account for a few months now, commenting on Venus's posts.)
No. 261849
File: 1488431203834.jpg (156.99 KB, 1075x1009, IMG_1731.JPG)

>>261652>>261842…but apparently Venus changed her email address? I wish she'd reach out to Zsu but it seems like she's too scared to trust anyone so she's walling everyone off.
No. 261894
>>261849Aunt Zsu, why don't you just send a DM to Manaki or ask them their phone number/Skype/Line? Instagram comments and email are their only options?
This is so weird, I don't know what to think about this situation…
No. 261906
File: 1488437536202.png (338.19 KB, 499x721, Screenshotsuruko.png)

In less dark news…
>Manaki's loli-mania continues
>Dat haircut
>Hi Venus
No. 261927
>>261910Even if they like each other posts all the time why the fuck would it matter? Unless they both follow 50k people it's a given their pictures will appear on each other's feed, they're mutuals, and Venus is too.
Are the people saying Manaki wants to fuck Tsuruko 12 or something?
Instagram likes mean nothing, especially to those people will a few k followers.
No. 261931
>>261927>>261919It's ok anon, don't take things so seriously.
>>261929Take a nap.
No. 262035
File: 1488466876237.jpg (546.82 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170303_014707.jpg)

Tsuruko is thirsty af, heres a small example of her comments on manasenpais instagram (there were too many to edit all of them together). She's liked and commented on almost every post hes made. But she only likes and comments on venus account occasionally lol.
No. 262036
File: 1488467311584.jpg (1.11 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170303_015330.jpg)

Also I don't really understand why manasempai has fans. I hate calling someone ugly, but he looks like a child it weirds me out. I tried to edit and see what he'd look like with plastic surgery. I don't necessarily think he needs it but he would look better if he lost a bit of weight he'd look less childlike without the chubby cheeks
No. 262319
File: 1488497171773.png (404.63 KB, 720x1164, Screenshot_2017-03.png)

More body image issues…
No. 262324
>>262319So this was her problem..
Didn't she had a body confidence crisis few weeks ago? And before that one too.
ED is there..
No. 262383
>>262324Venus should see a therapist to be honest. I think it would help her to have a non-judgemental third party who would help her to sort through her thoughts.
Barring that, if body image and weight is the issue, she should talk to Taylor-who for all of her faults -does seem to have a good routine for maintaining a very slender but healthy weight. She might be able to introduce Venus to a regular exercise plan and maybe some healthy eating that would help Venus to feel more confident.
No. 262453
>>261894>Aunt Zsu, why don't you just send a DM to Manaki or ask them their phone number/Skype/Line?She's tried that.
They were corresponding back & forth via email for awhile but Venus suddenly stopped responding around the time margo ghosted from SM last fall. Something (cough*maggot) spooked her. Now she's apparently changed her email address too.
No. 262718
>>259456It must be very dark inside venus' bubble, I mean didn't she see what happened to gigi hadid for example, after she did the Asian eyes thing? I remember miley cyrus was also bashed after pulling her eyes back to look Asian… most Asians get offended by it and you are going to get bashed so you just don't stretch your eyes like that. Glad she changed the thumbnail.
I find it weird that venus wants to blend in (cough look Asian cough) and dye her hair (for the millionth time now) black and wearing brown contacts and all. I thought Japanese men adore blond girls because they're so kawaii and unique? Also, I'm assuming she left her self control back at Korea; when it's that obvious you want to blend in and look Japanese how did you expect people were going to react? I can't stand her over reacting self honestly.
No. 262742
>>262718To be fair, her natural hair color is dark brown / black iirc.
As with the blending in issue, I feel like it's a double-edged sword. Either she blends in and gets called a weeaboo, cultural appropriator, etc. or she doesn't and gets shit for expecting Japanese people to put up with her and not speaking the language fluently.
If I was her I'd try to blend in too. Interactions on the internet are minimal compared to everyday life outside of the computer, and I'd prefer being able to get on easily with others and not having drunk salarymen approach me looking for a foreign prostitute at night.
No. 262752
>>262742>To be fair, her natural hair color is dark brown / black No, that's not her natural hair color. There are TONS of pictures in her early teens and childhood, and she was BLONDE when she was 3 years old. It is brownish now, but not "dark" brown, she started to claim that 2 years ago when she was in Korea or Japan.
I think she lacks of common sense.
No. 262780
>>262775Not at all. But a video from 7 years ago proves nothing. My hair was the same medium brown as hers when I was 13. Now it's extremely dark brown. That happens pretty often as
>>262756>>262759these anons said. If you have recent (ie in the last year or so) proof of her hair naturally being lighter, post it.
If not, why are you acting so goofy about this. Having dark brown hair is boring af and it certainly doesn't make Venoos more Asian. Get a grip.
No. 262782
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No. 262787
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Look at her hair here, it's probably dyed but look how this tone perfectly matches with her hair roots.
No. 262790
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No. 262797
File: 1488577006549.png (769.72 KB, 720x728, Venus.png)

Not the best lighting, cloudy day probably, but her roots there are very close to my tone (mine is slightly darker actually), and my natural hair is not dark brown at all (also, roots tend to be darker than the rest of your hair)
No. 262800
File: 1488577299834.jpg (108.4 KB, 641x318, Untitled-1.jpg.c56482c96bccaa7…)

>>262797Looks like dark hair with a glare and a weird filter. This is closet to her natural color I think. It looks the most natural with her skin-tone and matches her eyebrows.
And that is dark brown.
No. 262802
File: 1488577445616.png (824.1 KB, 720x894, Nn.png)

Now spergelics tell us how this color is "close" to her natural hair color.
>>262800 No. 262817
>>262814>So, what if she likes black hair? She doesn't say "I like black hair" she says that it is naturally like that, which is not true.
>Bella Hadid dyed her hair black a few weeks ago, is she also trying to look Japanese? LOL you tried…
No. 262821
>>262817>LOL you triedI said that because it seems that if you dye your hair black you're trying to look asian lmao no chill. Black hair is not exclusive for asians so stfu please and stop talking about this and flooding the thread talking about her hair, please.
You guys are really riting and boring.
No. 262825
>>262820Shut up spergelic.
Just read PULL and Venus has them in her instagram. It took me one second to find these.
No. 262827
>>262825Hi Hair-sperg.
I'm not a fan of Weenoos at all. I just find it hilarious that this the hill you want to die on.
No thanks, I'd rather not.
No. 262829
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LOL those old PULL threads…
No. 262955
File: 1488592538034.png (534.9 KB, 821x720, Spergelic Pretty.png)

>>262523The living doll gimmick is Kappa's fault. Spergelics said so.
Anyway, she really should stop with these awful makeup tutorials and stay focus on vlogging (or cooking videos).
No. 263031
>>262955LOL haha
>>259456Really? I still see the first thumbnail..
No. 263095
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What do you guys think of this…interesting caption…?
No. 263098
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>>263095Also what is up with her and the word daddy
No. 263533
File: 1488683545665.png (1.37 MB, 2028x1053, messymakeup.png)

I'm halfway through her "ugly to pretty" video and call me weird but this is strangely cute
No. 264020
>>263095They're just joking around, like the brother-sister she gag they did a while back. If you look in the comments, Manaki called Venus HIS daddy too. Manaki also called Colonel Sanders is Daddy on his own IG. Not serious stuff.
>>263840A few times, I've seen comments asking if Manaki is FTM or a lesbian. Lol
No. 264620
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>>264059also her dunk ass hair is so damaged it probably couldn't hold a brown hairdye without going patchy and gross green-blonde after a few washes. black covers everything. seems like she tried to go from platinum to blonde to brownish then just gave up.
anyway on a less spergy note im kinda impressed she managed to get a rant video sponsered
No. 264754
>>264620To be fair to Venus she might have just been too cheap and/or lazy to go to a stylist. I have gone black a few times because I haven't been able to find western hairdye and stuff made for asian hair can have some rather… unpredictable results (sakura doughnut turned my hair light purple)
Black boxed hair older women use to cover up greys will at least give you the same colour every time.
No. 264771
>>264754I'll second this as another Westerner in Japan. Japanese box dye in lighter shades is not as predictable on Caucasian hair type ( less cuticle layers and wider distance between cuticles cells) I had to go darker several times to cover up uneven color,
even when staying close to my natural color. Milk tea brown, which Venus had previously, and similar trendy ash tones are often difficult to maintain on our hair without going to the salon. Black and dark brown are just safer when you are too busy or can't afford regular salon appointments. Non-damaging henna dyes also tend to be better dark. Westerner dyes can be ordered here but they can cost twice as much!
No. 264976
>>264771>>264771Same anon. If she loves her doll it makes sense to just get a cut and use a box dye. A nice wig for a doll can cost as much as a cut and colour.
With black dye you don't need to worry about roots.
No. 265021
>>264976You believe she may be trying to save money for her doll's things, so she is using box dye?
I would believe that, and also she said she is busy commuting to school, so her high-maintenance hairstyle is just not practical now. I think her current style is very cute and hides her damage. Even if she looks cute in lighter colors, her hair was just too fried before.
No. 265225
>>265021I am just tossing it out there as a possibility. She got to customize it and seems to really like it so I don't think it is far fetched. The simple cut she has now could easily be done at one of those 1000 yen ten minute haircut places, and it's easy to cut your own bangs with that style. It's cheap, quick, and hard to screw up.
I didn't know she was in school, but that would make a lot of sense. It is way easier to throw a box of black dye on your hair and get back to studying. At least you know your hair will be all black tomorrow instead of having to go get it done or fuss applying colour. It's a lot of time and money saved.
I do think she looks better with lighter hair and side swept bangs but hey, it's her choice.
Her hair is a meh subject to me, I am more interested in her makeup. Did I miss something or did she not try the 'blush on the nose' look that was popular a little while ago?
Sorry to ramble, lol.
No. 265385
>>265225I could have sworn she tried that blush technique a couple years ago in a video. But maybe it didn't suit her nose shape and she stopped?
Ooh, lord. Manaki's latest IG pic. Lol. He should just go full-on Brolita and twin with Venus.
No. 265406
>>265385Ah, I never watch the videos. I seriously can't stand how she talks.
The blush look is funny, imo, it looks so bad on most people who try it.
ManBaby does look like the sort of guy who crossdresses behind closed doors. Just let it out, be free.
No. 265771
>>265406>ManBabyOh, wow. That fits nicely.
I think he, like a lot of male otaku, likes cross play as a hobby. Margo tried to say he was actually raised as a girl, or allowed to dress as a girl,when he was younger. I have no idea how or why she would know that. Venus seems to bee supportive off that side of him. If he likes it, he should exploit the Hell out of it for the Fangelics. They would go nuts and and maybe Venus would get some points back from the SJWs.
No. 265950
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No. 265958
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>>264620> her dunk ass hair is so damaged it probably couldn't hold a brown hairdye without going patchy and gross green-blonde after a few washes. black covers everything. seems like she tried to go from platinum to blonde to brownish then just gave up.Looks more like a nice med-dark brown to me, and not as omg SO DAMAGED! as (some) people keep squealing about.
I really wish she'd lose those damn brown circle lenses and eyebags permanently.
No. 266017
File: 1489057493817.png (114.13 KB, 640x621, IMG_2945.PNG)

This was my favourite hair on venus, short and light brown, it made her look so soft and innocent. Not a fan of the black hair she has right now, it's way too harsh especially when she styles it so pin straight not to mention how damaged it is now :/. I guess people get kind of addicted to coloring their hair ex: pixielocks.
No. 266144
>>266140agree. she doesnt look any more asian than ahripop when she had black hair and chunky eyeliner.
black hair + mask does not equal japanese, i feel like it's more offensive at this point to keep saying she looks japanese when she doesn't. plus those eyelashes are one of the most popular types in cosplay, i just think it's a cute look.
i feel like people kind of forgot you need to be asian to look asian
No. 266427
>>265974>The top part of her head is greasy while the bottom is fried to hell."Greasy?" lol no, try clean and shiny and kinda…healthy. The ends are dry but overall the girl's hair is nowhere close to the DISASTER some of y'all salty bishes are trying to make it out to be.
Keep reaching though.
No. 266450
>>266129If I hide half my face I look a little bit Japanese too.
She looked really nice with the brown hair.
No. 266840
File: 1489146422082.png (3.34 MB, 2560x1600, Screenshot_2017-03-10-12-43-03…)

That hair…
No. 266895
>>266878You clearly asked your husband about the wrong name. I decided to google it and it was used at least since 1940's.
But ofc. it may depend on the kanji writing, but also, who gives a shit if hes not using his real name?
Sage bc derailing.
No. 267013
>>265950She dyed it again…
>>265974Ratty and greasy, worst combo.
>>267005It is from Yume Twins, it is a monthly subscription box service that delivers kawaii Japanese stuff like plushies etc
No. 267032
File: 1489175888157.png (1006.55 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20161121-003855.png)

>>266840>>267013So it looks like Venus got a modeling gig. Good for her! Wonder if that's what the photoshoot in her instastories was awhile back? Late Nov. last fall, specifically. I've been wondering about that ever since.
Hehee. SKII sponsorship, modeling for Yume Twins, invite to an exclusive Honey Mi Honey fashion show, $1000 makeup haul…go Venus! I hope maggot's seething HARD.
No. 267034
File: 1489176180295.jpg (211.65 KB, 1200x1818, PSX_20170310_150120.jpg)

>>267032another instastory of the photoshoot
No. 267067
>>267032>>267034Dude why did you keep those? Those are old.
No. 267074
File: 1489180135102.png (283.75 KB, 566x643, Screenshot_2017-03-10-20.png)

Her poor eyebrows wtf
No. 267126
File: 1489184945339.png (653.49 KB, 1280x720, Yikes.png)

Everything in that video is a mess..
Here you can see the gross amount of foundation she used and how she sucks at applying it. In both presentations she has foundation in her eyebrows, she didn't blend it properly so you can literally see her real skin around her lips and above the brows. Another fail was the eyeliner, it was fine but a second later it looks like she ruined it on purpose or didn't wait until it is dry. She's being less careful when applying the cheap products compared with the expensive ones. Next time at least try to be fair and use them correctly, she was just caking her face.
No. 267293
>>266878rIt's Ma-NA-ki. It's not quite as common as the name for girls, but it is still a normal name with over a dozen possible kanji combinations.まなき&g=1He could be forgoing the kanji on social media for privacy reasons.
I think Margaret, who can't read Japanese despite going to language school IN Japan, just googled his name and she got female results.
No. 267323
File: 1489202696132.png (517.09 KB, 848x434, 19.png)

aging like milk good lord. she looks like a middle aged nail technician who posts minions memes about having the heart of a child.
No. 267331
File: 1489203266081.jpg (38.91 KB, 431x575, tumblr-lywtda-qlkpdmo-18354344…)

>>267325she's always had a dumpy face but as she grows older it really just get worse. talk about bad genetics.
No. 267337
File: 1489203496086.png (283.02 KB, 574x461, rip.png)

rip the last time she looked good ;/
No. 267361
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>>267354>the lipstickyep. bright pink lipstick has always made her look middle aged.
No. 267362
File: 1489205086004.jpg (38.42 KB, 637x346, venusangelic3.jpg)

>>267361like really middle aged
No. 267366
File: 1489205163332.jpg (18.53 KB, 200x345, 200px-Venusangelic.jpg)

>>267362tbt to when i thought she was a retarded 30 year old woman lying about her age. she has such peculiar features and they can just turn on her when she wears the wrong makeup.
No. 267367
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>>267366without makeup she looks much better
No. 267368
>>267337Indeed, she looked really good here. IMO that hair color suits her better than any other.
Regarding makeup, she has had a lot of time to become at least slightly better at it, I guess there's no hope.
No. 267369
>>267366I think that she looks best with soft natural make-up which ironically is what's most popular in Japan/Korea. I do wonder if she could pull off more subculture-y styles like cult-party kei or larme though.
>>267368Slavic prostitute with brassy bleached out straw. That yellowy tone looks like shit on her. To be be acceptable, she would have soften and cool down the tone a lot.
No. 267398
>>267366I personally think long hair looks bad on her. She has a really short head and her big eyes make it so if she isn't shot from above she looks… well… like that
Knowing what we know now about Margo does anyone think Venus doesn't really have a big interest in makeup and just is doing what she was taught? Her style of makeup hasn't really changed despite being able to go to a convince store and get a mag about the latest makeup trends in Japan.
No. 267436
>>266895It was my mistyping. I am sorry for that.
As for the significance of his name it could show if his parents wanted a special snowflake. If it is a fake name there is also significance.
If it is his real name it would be easy to trace. Manaki is a last name, not a first. Maybe his mom is just a film buff.
No. 267437
File: 1489221072559.jpg (153.95 KB, 1322x1142, IMG_1942.JPG)

idk, I thought she looked pretty cute. I liked the makeup.
No. 267447
>>267323I think she looked older at the beginning of the video.
>>267337Ah I really liked this one.
No. 267484
>>267436Not that anon, but Manaki is most certainly not a last name in Japan. I made a mistake quoting you earlier but I linked a list of possible kanji for the name まなき here:
>>267293 Manaki is just not as popular for males as it is for females.
Are you referencing the Manaki Brothers?
No. 267656
>>267484I am
Now that I looked into it I think I was mixing up names, Manaki is a surname in turkey or india. My bad. I blame this bottle of wine.
I still would like go know the kanji for his name. Manaki is a pretty unique name for a guy. My husband has a friend who's name even in Japanese means "lives in the sea". If I could show him the Kanji for Manaki maybe he would just say "oh I get it" and move on. But just going on Manaki he did say it was an odd name. He was the one who got the kanji into my mind because he asked how he writes it.
Sage for rambling
No. 267661
File: 1489266422140.png (604.24 KB, 815x444, 58b5301cc345c__(1).thumb.png.9…)

>>267325"She doesn't look old at all."
You fangelics are delusional.
No. 267754
>>267741- I thought it was Okada and not Okado
- She's swiss-hungarian-austrian, not german
- What happened to her father?
No. 267896
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>>267661 She looks like an angel if we compare her to some of her spergelics..
No. 267971
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>>267656Possible ways to write Manaki.
No. 268317
File: 1489352526902.jpg (217.62 KB, 1276x1865, IMG_1992.JPG)

*Someone got new nails..
No. 268321
File: 1489352809239.jpg (268.89 KB, 1136x1853, IMG_1993.JPG)

>>268317Out shopping with mana too.
No. 268373
>>268317Kek awful nailjob
>>267661Fuck she looks so old and unhealthy
No. 268390
>>268317They're so weirdly shaped and terrible done. It doesn't look good ugh. The overall idea is good though, the flowers are cute.
>>268321>>267661I agree she looks older than she actually is. Spergelics can blame the light and even pretend they don't know the fact she hides behind tons of filters but the truth is there to see. I'm not saying she looks ancient, just that she looks way older than she should, especially if she wants to look kawaii and young (isn't that what pedo Manaki and herself like?) The good news is that she's still young and has the chance to reduce the aging process that's making her look like shit and margoish just by taking better care of her skin and eating properly. Honestly, she treats her skin like crap, does anyone remember how she (unecessarily) added that eyelid tape? If that's how she treats one of the most delicate parts of her face, how does she treats the rest?
No. 268395
Also, those fucking fake eyebags age her like fuck. She has extremely small and thin lips and that combined with her horrid eyebags make her look bad. If I didn't know who she was and saw her dressed normally, not in a cutesy outfit, I'd say she was in her late 20s-early 30s, I swear to god
No. 268764
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No. 268783
>>268780ok you can hate me all you want for this but i think the setting/outfit is super cute. it's clear she put more effort/thought into this and it looks like a weeb's dream room.
she needs to glue her eyelashes properly tho kek
No. 268978
>>268681It's a ridiculous makeup trend called "aegyo sal" or "puffy eyes".
Keep reaching spergelic
No. 269107
>>268681rolls eyes>>268978Spergelic's classic comment..
Venus looks bad. Spergelic: *it was her malignant narc "mom"!1 it was the Kappa!
No. 269628
>>269614it's Venus, don't expect too much.
I usually watch only the first 15 seconds tbh. Is she still using that cringey ending with the cat ears?
No. 269635
>>269580I meant for the sake of videos. Plenty of Lolita Youtubers will haul one dress at a time or as they buy them. She subtly claims in the beginning of the video that she bought everything at once.
The To Alice stuff was from November, you can't even purchase them anymore. The BTSSB jsks(iirc) were from October, not to mention they're both from BTSSB and not one of them was AatP. The red AP jsk and maybe the black op are the only recent purchases. Can't be sure about Closet Child purchases. Why lie tho?
Maybe it's just me, but I prefer lolita hauls to be of one or two dresses so that the person can go in depth with them and try them on. If I'm possibly going to drop 350+ on a dress I want to know what I'm getting. Her 'review' was abysmal.
sage for autism
No. 269647
>>269635She lies a lot about many other silly things. Like the multiple times she
accidentally deleted her video…
No. 270159
File: 1489598420815.png (453.72 KB, 847x632, Screen Shot 2017-03-15 at 5.13…)

She's having a lot of trouble stringing together a coherent sentence here
No. 270257
>>270159she s so cute and she seems drunk or at least tipsy
anyway, i think it's nice that she's spreading a good message to her (rather young) fanbase
No. 270381
>>270159Wow, it was painful to watch.
It really looks like Maggot's ranting videos (messy hair, seems drunk, shaking camera, random sentences…)
Venus, dont get me wrong but if you want to share a positive and important message (for underaged dumblr ppl), take down notes about your fucking speech before.
No. 270399
>>270159how did she come up with this idea lol. "what i think of gay and overweight people". hilarious. also
>>270316 is absolutely right. running out of content much?
No. 270543
>>270159I don't think she is drunk/high, but a combination of tired and recently upset. Maybe she personally witnessed discrimination, read comments on another forum or got into an argument with someone close about those topics and it was fresh on her mind. It is definitely uncomfortable to watch her fumbling over words but I can understand why she was motivated to suddenly rant to followers, since she doesn't have a best friend to text or call at random hours.
I hope she returns to blogging so she has time to articulate at write out exactly what she wants to say in long format. Her young fans seem to understand where she was coming from, at least.
No. 270791
>>270790In the other way
She wants "points" from "victims"
No. 270796
>>267492I think it's harsh studio lighting. Possibly didn't help that she probably had to get up early as fuck to be on the show.
Idk. She has never looked as bad since
No. 270807
>>270793I've the same kind of eyelashes ("Too cool for school"-Black Swan) but you can find that style pretty easily (with brands like "Dolly Wink" or "Diamond Beauty"…)
sage for no contribution & bad english (sorry)
No. 270814
>>270776Actually, I do think she is at least bi-curious given her interest in guravure idols and sexy schoolgirl photography, plus her attraction to Manaki. She (or Manaki) could very well be in the LGBT spectrum.
>>270792Her dad is also confirmed asshole? Poor kid. I'm glad Manaki's parents have been so loving to her. She really seems to like his mother.
>>270793Possibly Diamond Lash ドーリーeye or リッチeye? Eyemazing has a few similar dolly lashes in their lineup too.
No. 270856
>>270807Ah no problem anon, I come from spaghettiland so my english isnt perfect
Thank you tho!
Sage for kindness
No. 270870
File: 1489695604297.gif (979.36 KB, 427x240, 20170316_151811.GIF)

>>270813Ask and ye shall receive
No. 270898
i agree with everyone that margo is crazy af and sometimes we shouldnt allow that sort of people in our lives, even if they're family members. i just hope she doesnt regret it later (not saying she WILL, but it might happen) and its too late to do anything about it because her mum is dead or something. sometimes we're so fucking sure of things, especially in our late teens to mid 20s, but then they -poof- change due to our experiences and because, well, we grow older. sometimes we realise we still can fix some of the mistakes made in the past, even if we didnt start them ourselves.
it happened to me and one of my closest friends: my mum was extremely overprotective and overall a bad parent, so i left/ran away two days after my 18th bday without no one knowing. my best friend did something really similar (her mum was worse than mine, if we can compare our situations somehow). well, almost ten years later and her mum is dead. she was an AWFUL person but my friend had her life, didnt depend on her, and just wanted to make amends. now she's gonna live with that pain for a long time, possibly forever.
nowadays i have a better relationship with my mum. i think we've achieved that because we dont live together anymore and because she cant control financially. i love her, which is something i thought i'd never do. margo is a bitch, but she's still venus' mum. we just never know.
sage cuz thinking about venus' distant future and blogish
No. 270911
>>270901I have read, and I stand by my opinion. It's an opinion, and my perspective on things due to my life and my friend's (that's why I saged it for blog), not a prediction of the future, asshole.
When I was 14 I was raped by my stepfather. I was basically emotionally stunted. My mother knew about what he was doing and let him keep doing things with me until I got out of the house. Ten years later I am still angry, sad and hurt, but I do not live with her anymore, he's dead, and I've forgiven her. Each one of us have a history.
It's fine if you think Venus will never forgive Margo and maybe she never will, which will be fine because it's her life, not ours. But I just wanted to make sure that we change and so do situations, feelings and circumstances. I'm gonna stop talking because you fucks get
triggered so easily, goddamn.
I wonder if you guys would implode or hate her blindly if in, let's say, 2020 she decided to start talking to Margo occasionally again.
No. 270913
>>270870Can this be the next threads OP picture/gif.
I wonder though if this means she doesn't have contact with her mom, or if its just simply she doesn't miss her but still communicates with her to some degree.
No. 270919
looolll Venus!
No. 270962
>>270911Did you mistake this for tumblr?
Anyways, I'm glad Venus feels more comfortable. I don't usually say this but I personally feel like her English was a bit more butchered than usual. I know she's European but shouldn't she have better pronunciation by now? Like Arnold shwarzeneggar has a strong Austrian accent but I can at least understand the words he's saying, even as a young adult
No. 271305
>>270962Being in Japan can't help her with her accent. She should get in a discussion group with other english speaking expats or use CDs to train or something.
>>271088It's a bit sad, she never got to explore and experiment with these things and now she's married.
No. 271360
>>271088I think she once said that "Yuru Yuri" is her favorite anime. One focus in this anime is, that girls love girls. And approximately 3 years ago she almost puked when she talked about "boys".
I think she is attracted to boys but also to girls.
No. 271398
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No. 271422
>>271415I don't understand the "hate-campaign" toward Taytay, she's not even a cow.
And you know, Venus isn't stupid and naive maybe she's the one "using for fame".
No. 271423
>>271135i think venus should get a voice coach as well, or maybe focus on her pronunciation. like i said, i usually understand her fine and dont agree with the comments saying they didnt, but this video i really noticed her words seem so mumbled/slurred i couldnt understand a bit.
i think getting a clearer voice would help people take her more seriously. i understand it must be hard knowing so many languages and whatnot, but at my international school i've known germans/norweigans who speak english MUCH more clearly compared to her, at the age of 12 instead of 20
No. 271498
>>271494She's either
A) Faking it for drama
I don't believe it in the slightest that she didn't check herself before filming
B) She's really stupid and wants to maintain the pure maiden who only copulates for the sake of reproduction image, failing miserably
No. 271537
>>271494she's a teenager in a relationship, i know plenty of people in their twenties who get hickeys and yeah most of them are embarrassed on the one hand, but don't care to take the time to cover them up on the other hand
also, what kind of attention would she intent to get on having a hickey? isn't this accusation kind of 'middle school' ?
>>271498i think she wants to come across as a normal teenager and has given up this act that, yes, she used to put on (that be, inflicted/influenced by her mom or not)
idk i don't want to come off as a whiteknight, but i have to admit that i sympathize with her and i think you are being too harsh on this 19 year old girl
No. 271539
>>271494probably just me naively giving her the benefit of the doubt, but after the little panty-flashing fiasco from a while back ago, i believe that she legitimately didn't notice
other than that, nbd
No. 271574
>>271569could also be a burn. She's sloppy at applying makeup and doing her hair. I've burned my neck a few times with a straightener/curler that've been mistaken for hickeys in the past.
But if it's a hickey, eh so what? Why clutch pearls over something so retarded? (Not directed at you anon)
No. 271786
>>271574>Why clutch pearls over something so retarded? Because 12-year-old trolls grasping at straws to troll about. "OMG a hickey!!"
No. 271823
File: 1489813071380.jpeg (15.82 KB, 320x180, k5Q6wH67Ux431aK_NTNiO_23.jpeg)

>>271821do you think he makes whining noises when they do it? kekkekekeekee
No. 271997
File: 1489829720499.jpg (266.44 KB, 1276x1829, IMG_2193.JPG)

She's been crafting. Wonder if that's what her next video will be about?
She's been on such a tear recently, lol
No. 272266
>>271854This thread reeks of pubescent teens. So much
trigger and giggling over a fucking hickey.
>>271997I hope not. That box looks like a 4th graders art project.
>>272001I'm surprised she doesn't just get bonds like what Sharla done/did. Clip ins are so tedious.
No. 272743
>>272266>This thread reeks of pubescent teens. So much trigger and giggling over a fucking hickey.I've suspected for quite some time that this thread is nothing but the same 2-3 12-year-olds samefagging and talking to each other. This pretty much confirms it.
>I'm surprised she doesn't just get bonds like what Sharla done/did. Clip ins are so tedious.She did, last year. Had them about 3 months, then decided that was enough (apparently.)
No. 273252
>>272743Sage for blog but I've had both bonds and clip-ins and I vastly prefer the clip ins. Bonds are horribly annoying and after a few months the hair above the bond starts to form into a tiny dreadlock that is absolutely a nightmare to brush out when you remove them. With practice you can put clip-ins in less than 10 minutes and they can last for up to a year.
She had her bonds removed a while back so it's pretty clear she's using clip-ins now but has no idea how to put them in properly/they're too thin.
No. 273306
>>272743Underaged PULL users are all over the place these days (namefagging, stupid rant, sperging…etc)
sage for no contibution
No. 273928
File: 1490056692566.jpg (470.15 KB, 1271x1741, IMG_2240.JPG)

They've been going to more fun places and doing more fun things, off of SM.
No. 274065
File: 1490067942415.jpg (420.57 KB, 1209x1463, IMG_2319.JPG)

>>273928Went to Sanrio Puroland yesterday, hehe
She's wearing one of her new dresses from her Lolita haul video, the one with the fake fur trim.
#suckitmarge #oldhobowithpinkeye
No. 274135
File: 1490085058281.jpg (458.88 KB, 1287x1856, IMG_2333.JPG)

What is this?
No. 275329
File: 1490222990820.jpg (380.58 KB, 1287x1913, IMG_2357.JPG)

Some blurry action shots from venoos's instastories today. Any Japanese anons that can guess where she is?
No. 275336
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>>275329>>275330Is this in a train car?
No. 275655
Why would I "know Harajuku?" I've never been to Japan nor do I have the slightest interest in Japan, I was just curious where this was.
No. 275659
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No. 275744
>>275659I'm two years away from my own Margaret mother and I still struggle with dissociation and other strong ptsd symptoms. This ruined my relationship with my Manaki lel and my produtivity is below 0.
I hope she can solve this better and quicker than me, I really do.
Stay strong, Venus girl! <3
No. 275762
>>275759 said.
Japan has so underdeveloped when it comes to psychology/therapy etc. Mostly due to their culture where you constantly must conceal your feelings. A lot of mentally sick never visit a therapist there too.
For Venus it would be better to reside in a country where she could be more open with her emotions, feelings and find a good therapist too. But if it was an European country, her mom would follow her. In a way, Japan with their strict immigration policy, protects her from crazy Magoo.
Also, if she moved away, she would lose a portion of her weeb fanbase too.
No. 275774
>>275762If she can pick therapist or no crazy mother around, pick no crazy mother!
No therapy can compensate a crazy old lady trying to drag you by your arm (like at the airport), making fake videos trying to make your husband look like was hitting someone and trying to open your door in the middle of the night.
It's like picking Fred Kruger and a therapist or no Fred Kruger at all
Find an alternative therapy (pets are great indeed) and never ever leave Japan! Be safe with your husband and his parents!
No. 275777
>>275768This is a symptom of dissociation ("In psychology, dissociation is any of a wide array of experiences from mild detachment from immediate surroundings to more severe detachment from physical and emotional experience. The major characteristic of all dissociative phenomena involves a detachment from reality"…"In mild cases, dissociation can be regarded as a coping mechanism or defense mechanisms in seeking to master, minimize or tolerate stress"), it feels like when you're inside of a dream.
I suffer with dissociation because of ptsd and it sucks.
No. 275891
>>275659Can we please talk about how she wants to get a pet? A PET??
If you can't handle your own emotions, life and not even your JOB (if we see youtube as a legit job here since that's where her money comes from) you shouldn't get yourself a living creature, but seek for another therapist.
I hate armchair diagnosis, but after all she's been through she could have a lot of conditions like eg ptsd, major depression and others which if in a severe state can only ever be cured through proper therapy and also meds if truly severe.
No. 275915
>>275891Hm, actually I'm going through something very similar to Venus, I got a dog and this was the best decision I've ever made.
She sometimes is the reason for me to stand up because I know she'll be sad if I don't play, which leads me to doing exercises and it feels great.
Before I was too scared to go out, too anxious to have friends to go with me, now I go out a lot because I feel that when with her I'm not alone.
Moving my body and getting some sun while playing and hanging out with my dog also helps the brain chemistry.
My doggie is really happy, healthy and well treated, she's sleeping on my legs on sofa right now.
I went to vet with her, I buy food, many toys and treats and it's also a reason to go out.
Having her moving everywhere and poking/licking/climbing my face also helps me to move along lol
as much as making things clean for her and providing food/water.
I choose getting her, I'm depressed and fghting ptsd sumptoms, I'm not an animal abuser, I know what it takes to mantain a pet and that's precisely why I choose having one!
Having something alive near me will help me to feel alive. Loving helps me to allow good feelings etc
It's not as pills or therapy but it have a good share on my and many other people that get pets improvement.
No. 275919
>>275910>>275915I know that there are legit animal therapies, she can go to one of them if she thinks she'd benefit from being in contact with animals.
The thing is that she'll most likely get a dog out of Japans puppy mill industry. She'll dress that poor thing up and will try to get even more bonus likes through it online.
Also, if you properly want to take care of eg a dog, Tokyo just isn't the right place to do so.
Maybe she can get a cat, but lets be serious now. If she's really suffering from mental health problems an animal might help, but she still needs proper therapy along with it.
Also, what will she do if her beloved pet dies from whatever reason like after a year or two? It'll most likely make her suffering even worse if she hasn't cured it professionaly in anyway.
>uh my therapist copied my facial expressions that's why I stopped therapy muhuuu Omg stop it. And there are ppl here still defending her
No. 275923
>>275915Pets are almost a form of therapy on their own. Tons of mentally ill people benefit from owning animals. Google is your friend.
No. 275925
>>275919Ok, are you joking?
She didn't feel comfortable with the therapist and his way of doing things, what's wrong with that????? Therapist is someone you have to be 100% comfy and relaxed with, if she didn't like something she's right about trying something new, the important is that she's doing something!
Now saying "omg she's having emotional issues, a pet is not safe with her" are seriously ridiculous and out of proportion.
You guys force A BIT the drama, huh
No. 275928
>>275923It's still necessary to have check ups with a therapist.
I own an animal and yes it did help me with my depression and ptsd, but it sure wasn't able to cure it, fluoxetin did though (at least as far my depression goes)
No. 275935
>>275925That's why I also said she should go and get another therapist. It's not like there's only one therapist in Tokyo.
Yes mental health care in Japan is frowned upon, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
To me it sound like
>uh yeah I didn't like my therapist so now I have an excuse to get me a pet from a puppy/kitten mill and everyone out there will ass pat me for this decision because uh evil therapist. Tbh, if you see how many followers she has and concerning that most of these are in their early teens this throws an extremely bad image over mental health care.
Now, there'll be a shit tone of 13yo crying for a pet to solve all their problems instead of actually wanting to go to a therapist, because all therapists might be crazy and not good at their job. Sorry but this is how teens get influenced and believe things work.
Venus is getting twenty now, she is old enough to know better.
No. 275939
> b-but muh morally sourced animals!!There are animal rescues in Tokyo too.
> Tokyo isn't a good place to raise a pet!!How so? There are dogs that live in all sorts of metropolitan cities that do just fine. If anything, there is more accessibility to vets and resources in cities because of how dense the population is.
> b-but she needs therapy to go along with animal therapy!!She tried going to a therapist and now she is considering the option of animal therapy. She
is going through therapy,
there are options.
> What if her pet dies!? What a dumb decision!!!Then her pet dies. And that's another thing she'll have to learn to deal with in her lifetime.
Do you honestly like the taste of the shit that comes out of your mouth to spew out
this much bullshit, Anon?
Use your brain.
No. 275943
>>275919You sound like a retard.
You don't know where she's going to get her animal, so don't auto assume its "evil mils" and she'll abuse it by putting cute collars and outfits occasionally on it.
Taylor has a toy poodle and takes care of it just fine in JAPAN. Plus she dresses it up and its just as happy as any other pup. ( its also more likely going to be a cat as she has stated many times wanting a cat ) She could easily ask Taylor for help in finding a vet and where all the animal places are.
NO ONE, and I mean no one even said she shouldn't keep trying to look for a therapist. People just stated that a pet would significantly improve her mental well being.
No. 275992
>>275935oh god, you guys are transforming getting a PET into a drama. "excuse to get a pet" WTF it's a pet!
You should be playing stupid. Impossible be so slow.
How I haaate this lame "bad influence for teens" you do fucking you, if you are 13yo and is getting mental health advices from a weeb living doll then you have problems waaay bigger than what you think LOL. I have a very hard time to believe anyone believes this kind of "bad influence for the kiddies" bullshit. That's absurd. It's job of their parents filter the content they're watching and get them mental help if needed. Not weeb youtuber human doll chan.
that's dumb!
Please, milk this cow properly. You're not pressing the titties correctly.
Learn how to milk!!!!
No. 275999
"She'll dress that poor thing up and will try to get even more bonus likes through it online."
>>275919Oh, poor doggie being spoiled and getting attention
bitch where I came from dogs starve on streets and people still keep them chained, they thing it's funny to tie those little explosive shite on cats tails, and they see nothing wrong about it, lucky mothefucker will be this Venus pet, I give no shit if it's for attention, likes, views, mental healthy, it will be filled with good food and have a comfy bed under a roof and very likely to be treated as a damn royal dog/cat/iguana anyway, so give me a break of this crap
No. 276004
>>275992That's just the thing. Yes, she can be very cringey and there's usually a lot of drama surrounding her, but as far as milk goes I realllly don't think there's much.
There. I said it. inb4 cries of VENUSSS or SPERGELIC!11
No. 276008
>>276003I think if she plans a kid she should plan to go offline as well, imagine the fucking drama people will create and how they'll try to bring mommy dearest in just to get some milk. This woman will have no peace.
I'd be forever paranoid and uncomfortable to be pregnant and then have a baby with thousands of people being so negative towards me and my child and rooting for something dramatic happening, ewwwww hell no, I hope she goes low profile if she decides having a kid.
No. 276157
>>275935Venus doesn't live in Tokyo and we don't know if she went to one of the English-speaking therapists in Tokyo.
>Now, there'll be a shit tone of 13yo crying for a pet to solve all their problems instead of actually wanting to go to a therapist, because all therapists might be crazy and not good at their job. Sorry but this is how teens get influenced and believe things work. Wow, you're really projecting your negative fantasies on her and her younger fans. Just WHERE is that indicated in her fan comments? Go to her IG. Those "tons of 13year olds" are both supporting her getting a pet for the stress benefits AND seek out another therapist when she is ready. Giving her kudos for at least trying to get professional help. Dozens of young women telling her that they personally had to go through several therapists until they found one that was suitable for them.
>Venus is getting twenty now, she is old enough to know better.You write like fucking Margo. You also do not understand much about psychology.
No. 276349
you can't manipulate the direction of thread and you're here to complain AGAIN that people aren't as bitter as you? You're outnumbered. She's more well-liked than any cow discussed here. Those are the facts.
Nobody gives a shit about Daphne so stop bringing her up. I wish a mod would tag your tiresome posts.
No. 276530
>>276349>Nobody gives a shit about Daphne so stop bringing her up. I love this obsessed sperg who is absolutely convinced that anyone who defends Venoos is DAPHNE.
It's like the only way their tiny spergbrain can handle the fact that everyone does not hate Venoos is to assume it's all just ONE PERSON…… DAPHNE.
No. 276554
>>262036i think he looks kinda cute.
also he has fans because he's married to Venus and she has a LOT of fans who are weebs and love everything japanese, including slighty-chubby-cutesy-looking japanese guys and their content. i mean, manaki's insta basially panders to weebs almost as much as Venus'. i think the way he acts is also very ~kawaii~ and his relationship with Venus is "goals" to these weebs who worship the ground Venus walks on, so there's that too.
No. 276624
File: 1490394862718.jpg (134.24 KB, 672x1484, IMG_2525.JPG)

>>276554>slighty-chubby-cutesy-looking japanese guys "slightly chubby?" where? on what planet?
No. 276910
>>276904Not that anon but no.
No. They are saying the opposite.
No. 277041
>>276530They need to get banned already. It's getting ridiculous. I wonder if they were the one also claiming Venus white-knights herself in her own thread.
>>276624Different anon, but Manaki DID put on weight recently. He likely gained more on is midsection first, like a lot of Japanese guys, so you don't immediately notice it. I'd say he's a bit doughy now than actually chubby. He looks like a kid.
No. 277072
File: 1490458849007.png (749.72 KB, 755x714, Screen Shot 2017-03-25 at 6.13…)

The aegyo sal under her eyes looks weird and kinda gross here.
No. 277088
File: 1490461453426.jpg (265.24 KB, 612x612, cd195ab2018011e382b422000a1f9a…)

>>277072most girls with aegyo sal look weird and ridiculous, although naturally puffy eyes can look good at times, I think a lot of girls would look so much better without it
No. 277089
>>277072yea when I saw those eyebags… I died a little on the inside
part of me is forever gone.
No. 277108
File: 1490464326766.jpg (109.35 KB, 736x1059, 3a9bfdeeda935eebd3c7de40c2a58f…)

>>277087agreed, I like some of the japanese makeup trends like dewy pale skin and gradient lips, straight brows, etc but some girls have ridiculous lashes, bad contacts, oily skin and hair, too much blush etc and it looks just bad especially aegyo sal ive never seen a girl look better with aeygo sal
they should just stick with natural looking makeup like in the pic
No. 277397
dammit ughhh
Also enough with the trowelled on inch-thick layer of foundation and that fucking candy-pink blush. pls stop.
No. 278142
File: 1490579807027.jpg (228.43 KB, 948x1103, IMG_2832.JPG)

>>277072>>277087>those retard lashes. japanese makeup is ridiculous lookingApparently those awful lashes are a 'thing' now?
No. 278145
File: 1490579870502.jpg (149.77 KB, 800x928, IMG_2833.JPG)

>>278142I hate them. a lot.
No. 278152
>>277072oh geeze
I scrolled right by that photo the first time I saw it and didn't think anything of it. But if I actually stop and look at it… yikes
No. 278252
so many weebs think older styles you'd see in videos from 1998 - 2004 are still popular lol
It's all dead.
No. 278253
>>278252not white knighting so dont start the sperg, but i don't see what's so wrong with liking old j-fash styles. there's usually a few years delay in trends from one country to another bc it takes a while for it to come over and be dispersed, especially so in the early days of the internets.
i mean sure, you'll look pretty silly running around in oldschool visual kei like you're cosplaying dir en grey circa missa, but it's not that different from the 90's grunge throwback idea
No. 279455
File: 1490730981780.png (920.72 KB, 695x965, Screenshot_2017-03-28-12-29-11…)

>>256287>Venus looks like someone took a potato and stuck eyes and drew paper thin lips on itWenoos has been lurking or could it be a coincidence??
Venus If you are reading this, stop with the abusive language to your bf it's really nasty and I bet you would dislike it if he started calling you his b*tch.
No. 279477
>>279455>b*tchAutistic perma-
triggered virgin detected.
Lots of people are playfully "mean" to the ones they love. Normal people understand context and don't think a person who genuinely cares about them calling them a "bitch" or whatever in a non-serious manner is abusive. Stop being retarded.
No. 279564
>>279455>Wenoos has been lurking You're reaching, hard. Like Olympic level reaching.
Are you the same sperg who's CONVINCED she's whiteknighting herself in this thread? lol
No. 279694
>>279455i mean, potato face is not a lolcow-exclusive insult
also 'b*tch' go back to tumblr, maybe she enjoys him calling her his bitch when he gives her hickies kek
No. 281108
So 12 hours ago Venus unfollowed everyone on IG, then an hour ago she followed 4 people: Mana, Taylor, Tsuroko and her new friend Artemis (who works at that store Vannie and was involved in getting her invited to that fashion show last month.)
Prior to this she was following a ton of accounts, most of them crappy…PewDiePie, all the jvloggers, a bunch of other crappy Youtubers, Yumi King etc. etc. plus kawaii cooking, cute pets, diy channels, food channels, on and on. I'm glad she took out the trash and started out fresh.
No. 281173
>>281135It's interesting because recently she'd been following random commenters from her IG for no apparent reason and now this. I think it's a good thing.
Also interesting that this Artemis is one of the 4 she refollowed. Maybe she's becoming an actual irl friend?
No. 281299
>>279564>You're reaching, hard. Like Olympic level reaching.No, anon is not reaching, sorry. Just compare:
>Venus looks like someone took a potato and stuck eyes and drew paper thin lips on it
>look I harvested a potato n drew it a face n put on a hair You're white knighting, hard. Like Olympic level white knighting.
>Are you the same sperg who's CONVINCED she's whiteknighting herself in this thread? lolThe only confirmed sperg is Andromeda. Are you the same sperg?
No. 281319
>>281299You're fucking lame, same-chan. These kawaii uguu girls always post variations of "I'm a potato. A kawaii potato". It's a thing. Where have you been?
Don't worry. You can also find your own soft butch lesbian-looking Japanese man to buy you Lolita one day. It will be awesome.
No. 281340
File: 1490929788728.jpg (20.46 KB, 500x700, xtNkBs9.jpg)

>>281299again: it's not like potato face is a lolcow specific insult. it's not white knighting to say that you're reaching harder than margo reaches for ways to call venus a bully. 'defending venus' and 'saying potato face is a common phrase especially used self-deprecatingly' are mutually exclusive things.
also, literally just google "kawaii potato" and you will find a ton of pics like this. this is a whole new level of grasping at straws, i think you need to leave lolcow for a few days or something hun
No. 281441
>>279455You know that you need to be at least 18 to post here, right? You live in fantasy.
Manaki "liked" her photos calling him bitch and her butler, even joking about Venus being HIS daddy in the comments of that
yakiniku pic. He LIKES IT, you child.
No. 281461
>>281441no, venoos is pure and innocent virgin living in loveless marriage of convenience to pedophile manaki!!! no way they have any sort of flirtatious banter or kinks because she is asexual jung wooman! venoos is booly only and always!
No. 282048
File: 1491015367591.png (263.37 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170331-225024.png)

Is this some April fool's prank or some shit?? Bc if not holy fuck
No. 282049
>>282048Seriously I'm losing my shit over this. What the fuck? Is this real? Was Maggot right about her crazy accusations about him being a criminal creeper?
+++ Ehlers-Danlos/Hypermobility Syndrome +++ autistic and proud +++ PC gaming
No. 282057
>>282050I honestly doubt it's a prank, she has a habit of making heavy posts as a cry for help and then deleting them before they get too much attention. I really hope it's not true or where will she go now?
>>282055The English is way too good to be Margo, and she hasn't had access to Venus's accounts since before she made her escape.
No. 282133
>>282052Doesn't surprise me, she's a bit socially retarded.
>>282104>probably does have aspergers, and really did have her puppy die.Oh come on.
No. 282138
>>282133aspergers is really left field and she doesn't even act like it so i have a hard time believing she'd make it up out of nowhere. it was probably a minor thing pointed out by a doctor she never even got actual treatment for but margo brought it up as dirty laundry. and again, her puppy did die. margo just manipulated an accident and made it seem like venus killed it on purpose. same with the eating disorder she was picking at actual things and twisting them to hurt her but i never doubted there was truth to them otherwise it wouldn't piss venus offwhich is what she wanted to do.
but anyway manaki was her fanboy since she was 14 and her whole act is about being an innocent bby lmao even if this is just a joke i don't doubt he's a pedo. what grown man would be attracted to that. she was on some yumi king retarded shit back then.
No. 282146
it was definitely a joke, you dumb-dumbs, everyone wants to sperg about how she reads here and then can't believe that she'd write up a prank playing on the stupid shit people go on about despite having zero proof. she's shown this kind of edgy/dark humor before. she probably deleted it because she realized people like y'all would take it for gospel and this cap would (and will) be posted out of context for years to come
>>282144you know all the details you make up, Horse Dandelion Jackalcantaloupe-ta (these names…)
No. 282147
>>282146I'd like to believe it's a joke and she's socially retarded, but this might be enough to get Mags to convince her family to give her money to go to Japan.
"for every dream shattered another comes true, but when my dreams are broken yours are broken too."
No. 282160
Doesn't Manaki have a car?
"And in the end, we were all just humans...
Drunk on the idea that love,
Only love,
Could heal our brokenness."
~ Scott F. Fitzgerald
No. 282177
>>282147She really did fuck up this time, huh…
People are losing shit on her instagram too.
I'm 99% sure it's a joke, but damn she should post an explanation/apology by now. Is she doing this for drama(=views)? Because, however insensible she is, she should know she's making shit worse by not adressing it, right? For herself, Manaki… and she's giving so much for Margo to prey on. Damn girl
No. 282189
It's a prank, there's no doubt about it. Behind all the kawaii persona Venus has a very fucked up sense of humor, I've befriended people who made jokes way darker and cringier than hers so I'm not surprised by this. The problem with Venus is that she has no one to let her know it's not funny… it doesn't even have to be aspergers, she had no social life for almost the entirety of her life. That creates a social stunt similar to aspergers.
She deleted it because it was a really poor attempt at an April Fools prank, you don't joke with molestation. She could have been funnier if she recognized being a booly to Margo, but her fanbase is all dumb 13 year old girls, if they don't get her dark jokes, they won't get any of this prank shit.
Now she'll be forced to address this in a video because being so slow and with their mob mentality they'll keep accusing Manaki of being a predator
No. 282204
File: 1491051123719.jpg (326.42 KB, 1283x1911, IMG_3215.JPG)

Manaki posted this in instastories 2 hours ago so he's obviously not in jail, which leaves us with joke or hack. Neither one makes any sense to me so I'm just gonna say wtf Venus, you do some
incredibly stupid shit. I'm out.
No. 282225
>>282189I agree with everything but this:
>The problem with Venus is that she has no one to let her know it's not funny… She's not a kid, this is not something you need to explain her, SHE KNOWS. That was not her "dark sense of humor", it's just sick, very fucked up "joke".
And if it's a real story, well… sad.
No. 282233
she called her husband a pedo and practically made a joke about sexual assault.
this is not dark humour, she's stright forward stupid.
#1 Supporter of: Yaoi and all things slashy & perverted.
No. 282254
>>282243I'm not making up excuses, I'm just saying you don't have to be an aspie to say any of this shit. Adult or not, she's completely socially retarded, just accept it. This is why she doesn't know this isn't funny and why she deleted it after backlash.
It's going to have consequences anyways, so she's going to have to learn the hard way.
No. 282274
>>282268Yeah no.
It wasn't funny, saying your husband was arrested for touching a teenager isn't a good joke at all.
No. 282280
>>282274Especially when you consider how old she was when he went after her. "Haha people think my husband is a pervert" doesn't really work in her case as people do have a reason to think he is a pervert.
Margo fucked her right up, and I don't blame her for running to ManBaby considering her previous situation but you would think she would realize that is not something to joke about.
No. 282286
>>282268You sound underage as fuck.
I'm more offended at her social retardation than anything else. I get being sheltered and all but I can't comprehend her being this stupid.
And she's deleting comments now apparently.
No. 282293
>>282268Literally no.
You do not fucking joke about your visa marriage husband being a pedophile when your batshit mother has already made accusations against him.
No. 282304
>>282293…or, at all? A) it's not even fucking funny, there is no joke in it except HAHA underage girls getting assaulted. A decent percentage of her underage girl fan base will have been assaulted at some point, as anyone who has been a teenage girl will understand. How about showing a bit of solidarity and not treating it as a piss-take.
I know she's young and fucked up but it's not really a good enough excuse. She's canny enough to run a successful youtube channel, she should know what is acceptable humour by now.
No. 282308
She really dun goofed this time around.
Time to take bets, will she ever adress this? I'd wager she'll try to ignore it and let it die down. Too bad it probably won't.
No. 282316
we already saw how she reacted to getting called out for editing herself to look asian she's a pissbaby like her mom. she's probably mad we didn't get the joke and will play victim saying it was just a joke or that senpai was ok with it!!
No. 282343
This joke would work if her fanbase was made up of edgelords, or guys who find rape jokes funny. When it's mostly naive teenage weeaboo girls, well, nope.
She fucked up. People will be REEEEing at her for this for a while. It's probably going to be right underneath the "cultural appropriation" backlash on the list of reasons for people to hate her.
No. 282352
here's a tinfoil hat for you: she reads here, knows the shit people say about manaki being a pedophile, and realized that a stunt like this would keep people stalking all her social media in hopes of any hint of if it's true/false. no one can say what she's truly thinking because we only know her as margo presented her and as how she presents herself, we can't claim we know her personally.
if so, gr8 b8 m8 would r8 8/8
No. 282403
She's acting like a fucking cow right now or she never stopped to be…After all, the apple never falls far from the tree.)
Why doesn't she admit it was a bad joke?
Why deleting comments like crazy?
She's a fucking adult and she need to take her responsibilities.
She would be better to keep focus on her content rather than doing stupid stuff for drama/views.
No. 282474
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>>282380>Manaki has honestly gone through a lot of shit for Venus. This was a tasteless and inconsiderate joke on her part.Nah, I think he was in on it, maybe even instigated it. He likes to clown & troll the whole 'manaki is a pedophile/sexual deviant' thing with off-color remarks both in her videos and instagram comments, repeatedly. I think he finds the whole thing funny and gets a kick out of trolling her gullible followers (and probably margo too, since she's the one who originated the whole thing.) Like it's his way of giving the finger to her and her bullshit.
Either way, he's unbothered and not victimized. He posted this on his instastories last night..a new PSII game they got
No. 282476
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>>282474and she followed suit on her instastories, several hours later:
So in summary: no it's not something that really happened and no, Manaki is not the victim of Venoos's cruel joke.
No. 282508
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I like to check the accounts of people giving Venus shit for her April fools joke
No. 282510
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oh yes such horrible things you should never joke about
No. 282558
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She's a master troll, she has no shame and she gives no fucks.
Gotta love it. Lol
No. 282572
>>282558she's going back to the living doll thing to salvage her dying youtubing career huh
"And in the end, we were all just humans...
Drunk on the idea that love,
Only love,
Could heal our brokenness."
~ Scott F. Fitzgerald
No. 282574
>>282558Just a theory, but it could be a running, hilarious inside joke between her and Manaki, because the maggot has tried to make him look like a pedo pervert, and Venus lives with him and thinks that is preposterous. They could have this whole thing going on where she randomly calls him a pervert all the time because the whole idea is hilarious to the both of them.
>pass me the butter.>you're not getting any, you pervert.And so on. It misfired spectacularly as a joke in public because from their perspective, it's hard to understand that some people actually believe the rumors or have a "the-jury-is-still-out, who knows maybe he really is a pervert and the kappa was right all along" mindset.
No. 282575
>>282558She's not a master troll edgelord. Some people can pull off edgy comedy because they are actually FUNNY. Venus isn't and she has stupid 12 year old fans that aren't into molestation jokes. She just sounds like a retarded bitch. She's not 90's Howard Stern. It's pathetic that people actually like her. Venus is only funny in a laughing at her way she can't do comedy for shit.
"If I am not who you say I am, you are not what you think you are." -James Baldwin
No. 282586
>>282575>Some people can pull off edgy comedy because they are actually FUNNY. She wasn't going for "funny" here. More like a wtf OTT April Fools prank that she quickly regretted
>>282574>it could be a running inside joke between her and Manaki, because the maggot has tried to make him look like a pedo pervertI agree 100%. Manaki trolls and stirs shit constantly with offcolor comments in her videos with him and on both their IG accounts. I think it's his way of sticking it to margo and I think they both laugh about it. (And Venus clearly has trollish tendencies too, as we've seen.)
No. 282604
>>282595We're all supposed to worship Venoos now because it
triggers the Maghag. Didn't you get the memo?
Seriously though, bitch is disgusting. When they first faked their breakup Venus publically dragged Manaki, and her mother made up the vilest shit about him. He is now being stalked by a Hungarian river monster because of his perfect white waifu, he was assaulted and someone tried fucking breaking into his apartment. He still stuck around and was her knight in shining armor. If it weren't for Manaki, Venoos would be a Korea whore like her mother by now, "massaging" clients at 3AM in the morning and getting eye infections from their cumshots. I could understand if they find Maghag's sex offender rants hilarious, but I don't know what you have to be smoking to publically accuse your husband of being a sex offender.
And lol @ all the people saying oh it's okay because the japanese joke about train molestations all the time it's not a big deal to them. So what? Venoos is white as a sheet and her visa husbando doesn't change that. This aspect of japanese culture is disgusting, use your brain if you're supposedly so ~mature~
No. 282627
>>282558>Master TrollWhatever helps you sleep at night.
She never confirmed it. What if it was actually true and now she's just pretending nothing happened? also I think she did that on purpose, like she knows someone was going to see that… ugh she's such an attention whore.
Just imagine another flake posting shit like that…
It was more than
trolling, it was absolutely disgusting if it was a "joke" and now she's a hypocrite calling herself a
maiden. Fuck off girl, so sad for you if you were joking, you're fucked up.
And just in case it was actually real, it confirms Manaki's a creep.
No. 282628
>>282626You're right, nobody's saying that here. Just finished reading the Margo/Venus thread on Kiwifarms and it's full of spergs saying how it's not a big deal because they used to be a transfer student and their japanese host mom used to make jokes about them being molested on the train alllll the time you guys. And there's train molestation themed bars/cafés in glorious Nihon and there's nothing fucked-up about that apparently.
It's fucking gross. It's not a joke, it's not funny. I don't give a fuck if some japanese are degenerate shitheads who think rubbing your dick on underage schoolgirls is hilarious.
No. 282630
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Being sexually harassed is part of the cultural experience desu~
No. 282631
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Last one, sorry for samefagging.
No. 282632
>>282626>Chikan isn't a joke.That anon knows nothing, I've seen that anon playing the "That's normal in Japan" card and hell NO, stop.
>There are even 'flower trains' for only women and the elderly only to help prevent it.And Chikan signs everywhere, even in the streets not only in trains.
So anon saying it's normal to joke about that in Japan:
No, just shut up.
No. 282633
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think she'll address her chikan post?
No. 282636
>>282633Isn't it too late for that?
what if that really happened?
No. 282638
Lol she's not going to address that "joke" like, ever again. She's going to ignore and hope it goes away.
If Mana is a pedo she can't do shit anyways because she depends on him. If Mana is not a pedo then she would have to justify why she finds sexual harassment funny and she's not going to go there.
>>282634Her whiteknights are cancer. "What if Manaki just went to a bar with his friends to grope some waitresses in school uniforms? I mean that's what normal married people do after work, right?"
My favorite part is when they say "oh she's just growing up". Bitch is 20. She acts like a retard in her videos but she's still an adult. An adult who keeps bragging about how smart and mature she is.
I understand that she was raised by a lizard woman so she likely has a shopping list of psychological issues, but hey. Venus has decided that she doesn't need therapy because the one therapist she tried didn't help. She'd rather get a puppy because cute animals = more YT and Instagram likes. That's what a mature and intelligent person would do, right???
No. 282650
>>>/pt/67942The last thread is kind of relevant again.
25 / Argentina / Hufflepuff
No. 282702
>>282690seriously, this is embarassing
>>282637>>282623You're one to talk about sperging, "Snowball Badger"
No. 282708
>>282702>>282707 Now we most likely know the sperg who keeps screeching "Omg spergelics everywhere! Stans stans stans!" Or who keeps bringing up that random bitch constantly.
I think this was the most entertaining part of April fools.
No. 282758
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Some anons were referring to this post from a while back. Turns out I have a screen shot. I didn't really get it when this was first posted. The new context makes it more suspicious.
No. 282792
>>282787Eh, Manaki being a perv is more believable than this stretch. He was following Venus on YT since she was 15-16, right? He was already in his 20s then.
>>282790This. Even Dakota outgrew her kawaii uguu shit, and she spends all her time alone/at home too. Venus is stil dressing and acting like a 12 year old weeaboo's wet dream to the letter. She's a living Mary Sue- white girl escapes from evil parent and moved to Japan to live a happy fun life of shopping and going out to eat, gets a Japanese otaku visa husband and changes her name to something Japanese.
No. 282794
>>282777There are a lot of things about growing up/being a normal kid that she was never allowed to experience (such as exploring what she does and doesn't like in a romantic partner because she never had any boyfriends before Manaki). Maybe she feels old because she "skipped" those teenage years where you get drunk and party with your friends, smoke secretly, make out with a cute guy and get in trouble when you come home at 4 in the morning and your parents are still up waiting for you. Instead, she went from being mom's little girl who thinks being measured for a bra and buying underwear is embarassing to fleeing the nest, moving in with her husband and being a housewife.
In a lot of ways she probably cannot relate to people close to her own age because of how badly Marge fucked up both of their lives.
No. 282795
>>282792He started following Venus when she was 14 and he was 20. That's already pretty fucked up tbh. No normal person in their early twenties still has an interest in teenagers that young, not even platonically.
The way she worded that post is weird for sure, but I don't know if it's just because she insists on writing even her whiny emo posts in kawaii speak or because there's something else going on. Manaki would have to be mighty autistic to confess to his wife that he's feeling up minors in trains but you never know.
No. 282804
>>282800Yes, underaged girls have millions of followers, but just because millions of pedos or millions of 20-30 year old men follow 12-16 year old girls online doesn't mean it's okay.
You have to remember, there are a lot of people in the world with internet access, and some of them are freaks.
No. 282807
>>282800Yes, that's what I'm implying. The degenerates you see on the internet using their Instagram accounts to creep on girls four times as young as themselves are not necessarily representative of what's going on in the real world.
It's not like there's a lot of creeps on the internet nope nope nope nope
No. 282812
>>282800Lel "plurality of men". Citation needed. Considering how many people live on this earth, and that around 40% of the population has internet access, I don't think your numbers add up.
Why are there so many people Venoos threads who think being a pedofork is normal?
No. 282814
>>282804>>282807Look, I find it creepy as fuck and it makes me uncomfortable too, but you're being delusional and need to leave your house. The average dudebro at college cracks jokes about Angie Verona being hot at 14, will talk about how howbowda girl "looks like an adult so it's okay", teen porn is the most popular porn genre with all that "barely legal" shit etc. If you think it's abnormal for men in their 20s to be attracted to overly made up, pubescent teenagers then you're probably incredibly insecure.
I find it reprehensible, and maybe I'm nitpicking, but I find something really "off" about painting these guys as "a tiny minority abnormal pedophiles who are just the exception to the rule" - I think it's important to be honest with ourselves and admit that this is reality. You can plug your ears and cry about how it's not "representative" of the real world but that doesn't change what is actually gong on.
Do you think if the AoC for porn was changed to 16 or even 14, that porn producers would still overwhelmingly use 18 year olds in porn? No, they'd go lower and lower because that's what men have been conditioned to find acceptable, via either Manaki's culture or our own.
>>282812>that around 40% of the population has internet accessDo you think we're talking about Africans living in the bumfuck middle of no where with no internet access? No, we're talking about guys who have grown up with internet access and who have been inundated with this shit since prepubescence. This is the new generation of men, acting like Manaki is unique in his "creepiness" is delusional.
No. 282829
>>282814>you're being delusional and need to leave your house.That's rich coming from someone who thinks you can make blanket statements about half of the earth's population based on what a tiny fraction of a visible part of it is doing online. Internet =/= reality
>teen porn is the most popular porn genre with all that "barely legal" shit etc. Teen porn, as in petite 28 year-olds being passed off as 18 year-olds? Yea that's totally like shagging a 13 year-old.
> you're probably incredibly insecure.Kek
>it's abnormal for men in their 20s to be attracted to overly made up, pubescent teenagersWoah there,
prepubescent? As in, before puberty even sets in? No tits no ass no nothing? Why yes I find that abnormal. I can understand being attracted to a 16 year-old who is already fully developed, but a literal kid? Idk what garbage you surround yourself with anon but that's some sick shit.
>Do you think if the AoC for porn was changed to 16 or even 14, that porn producers would still overwhelmingly use 18 year olds in porn?Lolwhat porn producers overwhelmingly use 18 year-olds? The average porn star starts her career at age 22. don't know which dystopian future you're living in where the sexualization of
prepubescent children is a common every day thing. Yes we are being innundated with pornographic imagery but a vast majority is of adult women. Expressing an interest in underaged girls is far from normal and accepted, see reactions to lolcows like Onision and Einshine. Thousands of deviants fapping to lolicon on the internet and college freshmen trying to be edgy =/= real life.
Anyways this has nothing to do with Venoos anymore so I'll stop sperging.
No. 282843
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can we be done with this derail shit now? ffs i wish they left the names-by-IP for this thread alone so we could see how many of you idiots are responding to your own posts still
to avoid being a hypocrite, here's her newest IG post. the way she refers to her 'pet mana' seals that that earlier post was a bad joke, tinfoil hats can come off now
No. 282861
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>>282843> the way she refers to her 'pet mana' seals that that earlier post was a bad joke, tinfoil hats can come off nowYeah, that plus the fact she's been posting cute pics and joking with people in the comments..
No. 283011
>>282758The other interpretation of this post was that she was actually talking about Manaki encouraging her to make friends with others girls(bewbs and bumbs), but she thought she was too old and insecure to go out and talk to them. It's worded strangely, but it makes more sense than Manaki being an asshole and talking about previous sexual exploits.
>>282843Yep, there is the proof that it was just a terrible joke. I don't think an explanation is coming because it's just too embarrassing to draw more attention to it. I usually like Venus, but that was awful. I hope she learns to be more tactful next time.
>>282829>petite 28 year olds playing teensHoly fuck, you're delusional. You even quoted her at the "pubescent teens" and referred to prepubescent instead. Nobody is talking about real little kids.
No. 283231
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New pic, she looks better when she edits herself to look asian tbh
No. 283234
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No. 283328
>>283088this is my favorite (and imo the most sensible) theory yet, i think
>>283231still definitely some asian-style editing around the eyes (imo) but that blonde is a good look
No. 283487
>>283484> i remember old videos of her speaking in germanIt's her first language and no indication about her identity or lack there of.
Even if she acknowledges her ethnicity, it doesn't mean she feels a connection to that cultural identity.
No. 283499
>>283467Yeah, her mother is overwhelmingly to blame for this. She was always the Eat, Pray, Love combined with a megalomaniac obsession with trying to whore out her daughter for status.
>>283484She has no connection beyond linguistic aspects. That vacuum was filled by asian pop culture garbage unfortunately, and this board is littered with other snowflake white people who fall into this same archetype.
It's just amazing how you'll see a girl who was badly raised, and part of being poorly raised is that she has no real connection to her ethnic background and these Asian American SJW types still have the audacity to act as though she's some race-conscious white person purposefully trying to make them feel bad when the reality is she's a mentally imbalanced girl with no identity of her own and a fucking terrible upbringing.
You should be pitying her, not laying into her with SJW rhetoric for goodness sake.
No. 283503
>>283499>>You should be pitying her, not laying into her with SJW rhetoric for goodness sake.what are you even talking about? where did i even say anything SJWish? yellowfacing? trying to look asian?
i just pointed out that she does acknowledge her ethnicity and mother tongue and that i do not think she lacks an identity. most people on this board are obsessed with japan just like venus.
relax, fuck.
No. 283505
>>283503When I say "you", I was referring to the neurotic Asian American somewhat further up in the thread who went on a long-ass passive-aggressive rant about white girls appropriating Japanese looks and "hurting Japanese people in western spaces".
>that she does acknowledge her ethnicity and mother tongueSpeaking your mother tongue doesn't mean you acknowledge or respect your own ethnicity.
>most people on this board are obsessed with japan just like venus.Speak for yourself PULLbro. I don't give two hoots about Japan beyond it being a holiday destination and I find Asian men physically repulsive 99 times out of a 100.
No. 283512
>>282784>>283493>>283011Because she has no experience? She feels old because she was at such an old age to have first contact with a man in an intimate context. Lonely because she can't relate to him.
Not everything is a web of milk. She really is probably talking about losing her virginity at an older age than normal. Not being able to relate with Manaki's sexual past and thus feeling lonely because not a lot of people have their first intimate moment at her age.
No. 283541
>>283535>Why should Venus be the subject of pity? Because she was raised in a terrible environment, stripped of any connection to her ancestral culture and shuttled around by a literal lunatic of a mother who used her daughter as a whore to ingratiate herself into highly racially exclusive societies where neither her, nor her now married daughter will ever become a part of the in-group.
>She's an adult now.She's a womanchild.
>and that says a lot about their relationship and how Venus perceives him.No one beyond actual weeaboos thinks their relationship is healthy or destined to last. So I'm not sure why you brought this up, they're both poorly matched for one another and only seem to bond over in the most childlike of ways. It's like watching two toddlers play.
No. 283548
>>283499Do you know where you are anon? Why should we pity a weeb with shit taste just because they had a rough life? Should we pity Dakota for having a shit family too?
Go to tumblr if you want pity.
No. 283549
>>283548Dakota is an obnoxious cunt who unironically likes celebrities like Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian.
Venus is just an obnoxious, broken weeaboo with internalized self-hatred and no identity of her own. Plus her upbringing was more psychologically damaging in terms of unhinging her from anything constant.
No. 283795
>>283647Fuck, like this
>betraying HER CULTURE omg!crap wasn't painful enough the first time around, now these idiots are back for round 2? How do creatures like this even survive daily life?
In her latest video she randomly starts speaking in Spanish for no apparent reason at 3:24. Her Spanish-speaking fans are absolutely ecstatic (and her Spanish is better and more natural sounding than her English, according to them.)
No. 283906
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>>283231>>283234wapanesing aside this hair color is gorgeous on her. i always thought she looked better light blonde, fried texture aside. if she went to a decent salon and got a nice light natural ash balayage it would make her look a lot more dolly. her features suit a classic doll look instead of the anime thing. it's too much effort tbh.
No. 284594
>>283845>Her Spanish isn't good. I doubt she knows much of the language.aww, her Spanish-speaking commenters disagree.
(I know your feelings are hurt. Hang in there boo.)
No. 284721
These people
>>284637>>284671get more
triggered than margo and chimp out just like her too.
No. 284792
>>284733>Just because she lived in Spain for a little bit does not make her accent good. She highly exaggerates the degree in which she can speak multiple language.oh wah wah wahhhh
here's the deal though…many Spanish speaking commenters are talking about how natural she sounds speaking Spanish and how good her accent is. Guess they're all just brainwashed fangelics though, right?
Get over it, dear. You're like a toddler throwing a tantrum. "no she's not good at languages! She's NOT!!!"
No. 285412
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So finally after 4 days she finally addressed that April fools post, then deleted it.
No. 285413
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>>285412Then posted this. All of this could've been avoided if she tagged aprilfools. With all the drama she's been through like the recent yellowfacing nonsense and the drama when they got together from her mom and others calling him a pedo or creepy stalker I'm surprised either of them would agree to make a post about him being arrested for molesting a highschool girl and not address for days.
No. 285423
>>285413She's an attention whore, that's why and it's really disappointing cause she has potential.
And since her views are decreasing…You're going to see it will happen again and again.
No. 285526
>>285412I can't believe it, he's subtly (ok maybe not so subtly) blaming Manaki for the problem.
>Manakis idea>He wrote it, I just translated it>Not my fault heeeheeUh okay? She should've just apologize for both instead of trying to blame him
>>285523Exactly. I actually bought the "we're very young so I can't call him my husband, it feels weird" in the beginning since i could get it to some extent, but they've been married for a year (longer probably) and she keeps avoiding calling him her husband. It makes me uncomfortable and suspicious too.
No. 285537
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>>285526She never takes responsibility for any of the drama she gets involved in. The Spergelics used to shriek about how it's all the evil Maghag's doing because she has access to her accounts, but it seems she's not that much better. She can't blame her evil mother anymore so now it's all Manaki's fault.
Btw she has edited her apology post and as all the other delusional white weaboos in Japan, claims jokes about molestation are a-ok because it's a common thing. And if something is a common ocurrence there is nothing wrong with it. (Screenshot is not mine, reposting from Marg thread).
About the husband thing, to be fair she didn't have much of a choice anyways. She has no education, never worked a day in her life and has no family. It was get married at age 18 or become a prostitute like her mother. It's understandable that you don't want a husband at such a young age, but she made her choice and is married now. He's your husband, deal with it.
I know she's trying to be funny/edgy by calling him her pet/bitch or whatever, but she's soooo incredibly socially inept that whenever she's trying to be funny, it comes across as awkward instead.
No. 285548
>>285545The legit types like she's autistic. Her grammar is still slightly eh at times, then layered on top of that you get cutesy words and phrases, sandwiched in between are lolsorandumb spelling quirks (bumbs and bewbs), sprinkled with a healthy dose of edgelord (Manaki's my bitch lel). And for some reason she's still trying to sound quirky and cutesy when she whines on Insta about how she has no friends or some shit. It's like she's an alien.
She did see a therapist actually. Once. She said she felt uncomfortable because they mimicked her facial expressions while she was speaking, and then said she was "very mature" and should hang out with older people, which is shit advice. Instead of doing the reasonable thing and trying a different therapist, she decided she wants to adopt a puppy. Because that's a great idea when you're mentally fucked, right? Get another creature to take care of. So mature tbh.
No. 285567
>>285537I don't doubt that the joke was Manaki's idea, but there was no reason to even explain that in her post; it makes her apology come across as insincere.
Her joke was certainly in poor taste, but the backlash and sperging about it seemed disproportionate to the severity of her actions. I know that she is an individual now (i.e. she's free from her mother), but a couple years of living with her husband in Japan does not negate her abuse and social ineptness. She can't just "get over" what happened, and frankly, she will likely always act like a huge autist because she is so fucking socially stunted.
She has tons of followers and her post was absolutely stupid. However, I don't entirely blame her. Dark humor is a common way individuals deal with abuse. Pair that with her being completely socially inept thanks to the river kappa's continued abuse and forced isolation results in shit like the April Fool's "joke."
>inb4 wahh wahh spergelic always blaming Mags for everythingI'm just saying that it's not as simple as just getting away from your abuser. Venus' formative years were completely FUCKED, and I think it's unrealistic to expect her to act normal.
sage for being a faggot.
No. 285568
>>285567Yes she is socially stunted but she's 20. A lot of us have been dealt a shitty hand in life: Abusive parents, obesity since childhood, yanked out of school and homeschooled by crazy Christian parents etc. There is a point where you have to take responsibility and realize that it is up to
you to make positive changes. Yes your past was shit but your future is nor going to magically improve by whining a lot on Instagram. She's mentally fucked, she knows she's mentally fucked, what does she do about it? What does she do in general? Eat at Starbucks, buy lolita dresses, pose kawaii. She still lives like a spoiled 14 year-old. She doesn't go to school, she doesn't see a therapist, she doesn't socialize, zero.
I also agree that the joke was not
that big of a deal. Maghag never shuts up about Mana being a pedo/pervert so I can kind of see why they thought it was funny. I just think it's very fucked up that sexual harassment of minors is being normalized by so many people, even gaijin who immigrated and really really should know better. It's just so weaboo to pretend like rubbing your dick on a schoolgirl is normal because ~it's Japan and it happens all the time~ when this sort of thing should NOT be happening anywhere in the world. It's disgusting.
No. 285570
>>285568You're right, and I think that maybe I'm giving Venus too much of the benefit of the doubt here. I just really think that these autistic outbursts (honestly, I'm not sure what else to describe them as, because they're so insane) are inevitable for the next several years. I'm not convinced that a few years completely negates ~18 years of abuse and isolation.
& For the record, I 100% agree with you regarding the normalizing sexual assault point, too. It's disgusting, even in ~ * ~ glorious nippon uwu. ~ *~
No. 285572
>>285568Fucking this. She can only get away with so many excuses before she'll be held accountable at some point. She should be looking for a different therapist rather than thinking they're all the same. She needs help, no doubt about that. However, she's also still
responsible for her actions.
No. 285575
>>285572She should be doing a lot of things. Staying with Manaki was the right decision imo, because staying with Margo she would have ended up a slut. But that was like step one. She should at least finish school and maybe work part-time somewhere, even if it's just for the sake of socializing with normal human beings in a normal situation.
But now she sits on her ass in Japan and literally does nothing. Her "job" is uploading 2 5 minute videos per week. You can literally film and edit that in a day and do fuck all the rest of the week. She lives like a princess but she's obviously unhappy because she keeps whining about how lonely she is. But she doesn't do anything about that either because that would take effort.
No. 285584
>>285575She is studying something and youtubing is a job since she is getting paid (and seem to be sponsered by sk11?).
>>285568 she did try to get help but she lives in japan which everybody knows sucks with mental help issues.
No. 285589
>>285587You seam to think you know her but you only see the persona online and then bitch here but not give her support like email?
I don't get it.
No. 285592
>>285590I am calm
Though therapy is very hit and miss
No. 285611
>>285587 in
Dude, give it some fucking time. Starting off with a bad therapist can really put you off from therapy if you've never been in it before. People need some time to recover and be willing to try again, Christ.
No. 285647
>>285609If she really has friends irl why whining on IG about being so lonely? She wants pity?
Typical snowflake behaviour.
I hope that she would focus on her own life, hapiness and creations… instead of shitty dramas, but she seems to have some bad habits from the Kappa's time.
sage for crappy english
No. 285663
>>285611>>285660I honestly feel like so many anons here think that she can just "get over it" because she an adult. Realistically, that's not how things work. I'm glad that so many people have managed to overcome severe trauma and can live normal lives, but jfc, Venus was completely isolated for almost the entirety of her life thus far. A few years and "being an adult" aren't going to make her get over it.
I know this is lolcow, but I'm surprised at the lack of understanding in Venus' case.
sage for constant faggotry.
No. 285687
>>285660what does that have to do with making child molestation jokes on april fool's day lmao. she's not genie the wild child she's a retarded womanchild who keeps offending and confusing people as a social media celebrity and people are saying a puppy won't fix that. it's advice. unless she wants to keep sperging out on instagram starting bizarre drama that ultimately harms her job in the end.
>venus should own up to her mistakes>"you don't undERSTAND the lifelong effects of living with an abusive goblin like margo ;///"like? her problem is that she's a fucking moron who is acting like a whiney autist who refuses to take responsibility for anything she does.
No. 285858
File: 1491521399113.jpg (400.53 KB, 1032x1658, IMG_3684.JPG)

>>285853I don't know why she insists on making thumbnails that make her look hideous though.
Anyway, it's interesting that Atami is just a few miles away from the beach in Japan where marge popped up last summer, fresh from her rampage through Hamburg Germany and London and horrifying everybody that was following her shitshow.
Wonder if it's
triggering memories for marge, sitting in her rented hovel in Seoul? You know she's seen it, she stalks Venus's videos obsessively.
No. 285861
File: 1491521880296.jpg (505.35 KB, 1500x1272, IMG_3685.JPG)

purple dot is marge's beach. Atami circled.
No. 285950
>>285687First off, can you put the puppy thing to rest? She said it was going to be a hamster or something because larger pets aren't allowed.
Second, the brain doesn't stop developing until around 25. I know/have known SO many people in their early 20's who grew up with traumatic family pasts that still act like teens, you don't magically change when you pass 18. 20 is still so young, of course she's going to be socially retarded a bit still.
And again, we have no idea what V does outside of what she posts online. Did she actually say she only ha been to one therapy session? Or was it just one person, with who knows how many sessions? This I honestly don't remember.
Gotta say, Snowball Badger, to quote a current viral video, "you seem to be harboring a lot of shit. But please continue, this seems cathartic for you."
No. 286110
>>285950>snowball badger ? Dude wtf I was that user (snowball) and you were talking with a different person…
>>286089>yeah, i mean she is a major victim and scarred for life so she can be autistic all she wants!!!!11111Sigh seriously this person is not going to stop, tbh I don't even read her whole posts, it's always the same. She's going to white knight this girl for the rest of her life..