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No. 46865
Previous thread - 30581
Recently Venus has gone on the edge train and posts her psychotic episodes on her instagram mostly about her wanting to end her own life then promptly deleting them when shes gained enough attention and uploading a new instagram post straight after stating something like
lol jk guys i feel better now uwu but if u stop giving me attention ill post another suicidal post k heheshortly before this she was very strong on age regression and pretnding to be a underage girl by even chest binding to make herself look prepubescent but forgot the fact that her face looks like a woman and not a child
short background on her:
Youtube star since her early teens but tries to cling onto her now gone fame and youth but switching her youtube to MALICE.EXE/Formerly VenusAngelic who is a 16 year old
character she voices.
Departed from her psycho mother
School dropout and continued to drop out of any school she's been to since
A married woman
Currently lives in japan
Socials: No. 46877
>>46865What an godawful intro post.
>what is this picture even>old post ‘link’ doesn’t work >’a married women’>way too many blank linesBut then again, it perfectly matches up with the people posting in the old thread lately, so… well done! Hit the nail on the head.
No. 46886
>>46877I have to agree with you.
Also my english is PhD-tier so fuck you anon from last thread. And can someone make a new OP? I won't do it none of you deserve my eloquent english.
No. 46887
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Also, on an unrelated note: I noticed Penus looks the best with bleached blonde long hair and a non-weeb style. Like I see a lot of potential and she could look like a viking princess or something. Now she needs to have a better voice and accent and she'd be top-tier cute.
No. 46899
Maybe there's no point of having a new thread when Venus is MIA. Also, agree with everyone above: OP is shit (wtf is that cringy collage for ants?).
>>46886Ok, we know you're butthurt but can you please stop? It's been 3 days now, let it go.
(nta that was making fun of your English…obviously, I don't have no room for that, being a retarded ESL myself) No. 47124
>>46886Your English is OK at best. Not sure why you're so oversensitive about it.
>>46899I hope she stays MIA. I hate seeing how fucked up she is because we all got to see how and when it happened thanks to Marg. I mostly just feel bad for her.
No. 47239
>>47124It is more than ok. I have published papers here and there.
>>47147Not one of those ESL tier anons but I have never claimed that it is proven that she lurks here, although I do firmly believe unless you have a life you lurk these threads if you have your own thread lmfao
No. 47824
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No. 47825
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Sorry, I can't take a screenshot of the tweet that posted those but it offers 50000¥ in exchange of sexual favors from Venus
No. 47831
>>47826Ririan, 22 years old, Kanagawa prefecture
"I'm british! Born and raised in London"
No matter what happens, I keep going!
Since I'm also fluent in english and german besides japanese, feel free to ask me questions about languages!
Height cm
Body type: Very slim
Location: Kanagawa prefecture
Children: none
Dreams for the future: manager
expectations before a date: if you meet the standards, I want to meet
places I want to go: izakaya, amusement park, cat cafe
hobby: music, playing with hamster
personality: nice, funny, bright, considerate, good speaker, calm, introvert
Alcohol: Yes
Tobacco: No
Vacations: indeterminate
>>47830This. Also since she posted recently on insta "pm me if you want to meet" I guess she wants to meet new people/a new partner?
No. 47832
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must be hers because I haven't seen that selfie before.
No. 47837
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From her instagram stories
No. 47840
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>>47839Did she make a new account or is responding to a troll?
No. 47844
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>>47824what the customer thinks he'll get for 500 bucks
pic related is what he'd actually get
No. 47852
>>47837Venus: I'm a lesbian! I'm so gay!
Venus, 5 seconds later:
>50 ways to eat cock>Starts trying to escort No. 47853
Ok so the guy who posted it on twitter also tagged it as ペイターズ (peters), which seems to be a パパ活女子(ddlg)/escorting app/site. don't have time to translate now so if someone could that would be great. Thanks random japanese dude for the revelation I guess?
No. 47868
>>47825>>offers 50000¥ in exchange of sexual favors from Venus50,000 yen = $455 USD. At least she’s not cheap.
Is she sugaring do you think?
No. 47869
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Also this from her instastories today - “finally home.” This after all the selfies lately of her out and about (cabs? public transport?) dressed in semi business attire. What’s she been up to?
No. 47873
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>>47825looked at a random escort site.. this is the kind of girl you'd get for like 300 dollar/hour.
venus must be doing some fucked up shit to compensate for her skinnyfat, curveless body and aging face
No. 47883
>>47875that would make it even worse tbh.
what kind of service do you have to offer that paying 5 times the normal amount would seem like a good idea?
I mean if you can get that much money by looking like this
>>47844 for some vanilla sex, then maybe I'll have to reconsider my profession
No. 47891
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>>47890Yeah definitely a sugar baby site. Check this out, it lets the guys know what to expect with the age range. The site is also protected by police apparently so no dudes end up with troons or males pretending to be women.
No. 47911
>>47901It's probably just a front so she has an excuse for all the new money she'll be making escorting lmao. She doesn't make enough money Youtubing and her VISA husband is out of the picture. She's desperate for a new source of income but too mentally ill to work for it. Honestly reckless sexual encounters is common in people experiencing a manic phase so she probably has no qualms doing sex work. But she's not ready to let go of her social media validation and needs a cover.
It's wild how all these weebs have resorted to sex and VISA husbands to make a living. So much for the kawaii nippon dream. It's like every teen runaway cliche.
No. 47935
>>47867MIKAN?? WHAT
is mikan is an escrot did she get venus into it too?
No. 47938
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>>47853>>47825Really not sure why you guys aren't posting the original tweet. Here it is. The guy seems suspect because he has a bunch of pictures of Venus on his account and is also harassing another girl with a profile from the site. So either he happened to find the profiles or he's just making them because the girls are popular and he wants to be an asshole.
There's also no price listed in her in that profile, so really not sure where he or any of you guys are getting the "50000 yen for 1 round" from.
The site however does seem to be a sugar daddy site. A lot of girls who tag it have "sugar baby" in their profiles.
>>47873tbh the standards in japan are way off, ESPECIALLY for white foreigners and ESPECIALLY for white foreigners who like wearing cute things. I can definitely see old nasty men falling for it.
No. 47941
>>47935>>47867yeah definitely going to need details on that
>>47873>>47875It absolutely depends on the place. In my city average girls can easily make 300. That girl would probably pull 600+.
Venus offers some exoticism being in Japan, just like how Asian women can pull the most in the U.S.
No. 47948
>>47938I don't think it's fake, just becaus I went to investigate the claims of mikan doing sex work on PULL,
>>47867I didn't find/get to the posts (aborted due to sperging) but I did find screencaps where Mikan had listed her services ""teaching English"" with kawaii selfies and body pics as her ""teacher"" photos. The prices were double normal teacher prices, combined with the photos (one PULL stan said they were "Tinder-esque") it looks like the same situation of listing prices for oneself/letting men know you're available in an innocent-looking way. I assume Mikan would raise the prices more upon escort enquiry. They are using these sites as ads to show they are available. Nobody can screencap and say for
sure that it's escorting, but this Anon nailed it.
>>47937Listing yourself along with prices like that will only be read one way by men.
No. 47952
>>47948But as I said: Listing yourself is one thing, actually going though with it is another.
And as
>>47938 pointed out: The guy who ‘found’ her listing is quite fishy himself so who the fuck even knows it she actually created those profiles herself.
No. 47962
>>47956>last online 12/15/2016she actually explained on pull she became interested in it because someone told her she could just get money by "being mean" to old men without actually working. but it turned out to be harder than that and she gave up and forgot about that account.
I'm too lazy to search the mikan-thread, but here is her pull-account:>>47939>>47938so what is the truth? I can't read moonrunes. Did she write somethign about 50k yen or not?
No. 47976
>>47970I'm not saying she is or isn't escorting, but this here is an img board, so some radom anon insisting on something being totally evident without providing proof (even though it should be very easy) doesn't fly.
Not everyone has a twitter account. If he's doing it to many girls that would actually make those screenshot and everything posted by him less credible, so I'm interested.
No. 47988
>>47983suddenly a venus and lorena (aka sere) crossover isn't that unlikely. Maybe Venus will join her squad?
>>47882my thoughts as well, lol.
No. 47991
>>47990btw I am not judging sex workers here, it just doesn't add up with the
shy uwu reasoning for stopping Youtube. Meeting up with strangers for sex is not very "shy". She also doesn't mind showing her face on Instagram. She seems really to have quit specifically to be an escort, since Malice.exe is nowhere to be seen.
No. 47998
>>47997She did have a chance, she had years of chances given to her and a supportive husband and his family and a whole community of people behind her.
She choose to be an ungrateful brat, stop doing therapy and lie about it instead.
This is all her own doing now.
No. 48001
>>48000BPD doesn't control your actions or your reason, it's an emotional dysregulation disorder.
Every choice she chooses to make is up to her to decide on, not up to the BPD. All her actions are her own.
Her therapy gave her a way to practice regulating her emotions but she made the decision to drop out and sperg out instead. BPD didn't make that decision, she did.
Stop blaming her adult actions on some mystical brain hijacking.
No. 48005
>>47973I'm skeptical bc Venus actually seens like the type to be okay with getting a normal retail job and isnt as attached to her youtube career as she used to be (or as forced to by marge). I could see her working in a pet store bc she did take criticism about hamster care and put it to use, so its like she has a sense of humbleness that we dont usually expect from vloggers or other e-fame gaijin in Japan. She'd be a good fashion shopgirl too.
Wishful thinking maybe, but I would be surprised to see her as an escort who offers sex.
No. 48008
>>48002there you go the app is regulated by the police (or that's what google translate says). Can some jp-speaking anon confirm please?
>Internet heterosexual introduction business notification and acceptedPaters has made a report on “Internet Heterosexuality Introductory Program” to the Tokyo Public Security Commission based on laws and regulations after making compliance with laws and regulations first (acceptance number: 3017-0048-000). We are also working with the police and government agencies in each prefecture, and we have a system in place to respond promptly when problems occur.
No. 48011
>>48005If she was okay with getting a retail job, then she could have searched for one the last 2 years. But she didn't.
>I could see her working in a pet store bc she did take criticism about hamster care and put it to use, so its like she has a sense of humbleness that we dont usually expect from vloggers or other e-fame gaijin in Japan. She'd be a good fashion shopgirl too.Listening to people telling her that she mistreated her pet =/= her being able to work in a pet shop. And Venus being humble? You couldn't possibly have listed any more shoujo manga-ish part time jobs for uwu innocent Venus, could you?
She's an ill foreigner who dresses like your typical weebish ddlg tumblrina, working the night shift in a conbini is more likely.
Just as an example, Mimei's husband is half, he really is fluent in japanese, actually finished school, yet still worked the night in some store and now has a repetitive factory job. Venus chances are much slimmer than his.
No. 48050
>>47962>actually explainedoh shut the fuck up, she fed pull the standard template
>time in my life>that i now regret>I didn't actually have sexthat's what they all say when they're exposed you stupid pulltard. The exact same
>Oh, i had made an account because my friend said you don't can make money by just >I didn't actually show anyyes you did it's recorded forever bitch! haha
This all reminds me, while people are translating - if you go to niconico and look up venus there's a few clips from when she was 13 or whatever, streaming uwu hewwo
bounce bounce while salarymen's comments in japanese scroll across the screen
I absolutely bet that shit says 'what that mouth do' etc.
So she's always known about her option she had there
No. 48081
>>47939>>47962late as fuck but the guy wrote that and not Venus as other anons said.
I really don't want to defend Venus but the fact that anons here posted the profile pic but not the screenshot of where it came from (some weird guy on twitter) saying she's charging for sex rubbed me the wrong way because there was nothing like that in the profile. Who knows if she's escorting. But anons making up random shit and circle jerking about it was annoying especially since there's been a lot of spergs in this thread lately.
I'd say there is a good chance she is though considering she's wearing a different style than what she used to wear and all of her past instagram pictures are from traveling either by taxi or shinkansen. You'd think if she were working an actual job she'd have posted about it by now.
>>48050What exactly do you want people to translate? Nicodouga is trash and the men there will comment dirty things to girls just sitting there talking.
No. 48114
For anyone who’s still in denial from the rough translation you can get the clear idea about what the site is supposed to be.
No. 48150
>>48147Venus is one of the most interesting cows in this site for this reason, every cowish action she does has an explanation when you know how unstable and weird Margo is. Still this doesn't justify Venus behavior, she shouldn't be a
victim anymore. She's her own person now. Wished she treated her mental illness.
Is interesting tho. Books could be written about her story. Wonder why neither of them had tried to reach a publishing house.
No. 48161
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>>48150>Wonder why neither of them had tried to reach a publishing housebecause we already have Mommie Dearest and My Little Princess (eva ionesco's) and countless such memoirs. It's just the prototypical thing over again. It's always the same
No. 48190
>>48170Nothing about "she was pandering to old men" refutes the fact her mother put her up to it. It's still something she did as a child, and will forever be ingrained in her psyche forever unless she does therapy. If a child raised in a household of musicians grows up to follow in their footsteps, the child of a globetrotting sex worker scammer who was coached and advised on how to appeal to older men sexually for money will, too, fall into old habits. Especially since Margo was driven to do sex work for money and VISA's. They're under the same circumstances.
I wonder if this is why Margo was so sure Venus would become a prostitute. She saw her daughter fleeing the country and running away to be with a man she only wanted for residency in a foreign country and thought "not this again". As awful as she is I really don't think she wanted Venus to become her. I mean, Margo was using Venus so she could stop escorting to make a living. She really failed as a mother.
No. 49180
>>46845This. She isn't a polyglot. Speaking German and Swiss German is like speaking Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian and Montenegrin. Only a person who wants to glorify themselves or show off would say they are a polyglot or boast about how many languages they can speak, when if you're born in the balkans, you will be able to speak all of them. The same goes for Germans in Switzerland, they will speak both German and Swiss German and it IS similar. Moreover, Venus doesn't actually seem to be fluent in German. I think she'd struggle to use professional language like writing a CV or a descriptive poem or reading a medical textbook. She's probably at a proficient conversational level instead. I used to believe I was fluent in my second language but realized I struggled with the above mentioned so I'm probs not fluent.
Also, Venus does not speak fluent Korean,Dutch or Spanish. She has some familiarity with them but as the days go by and she doesn't utilize what she learned, it's lost, not that she EVER was fluent in any of these in the first place. It was just her ego and showing off to the public. She's always wanted to seem better than she is. I'm not even sure if she's fluent in English tbh. But if I was to judge what languages she's proficient at, I'd just say German/English/Japanese. She's at least reached a proficient conversational level in those three languages. The rest is bs. Inb4 venus see's this and starts reciting the other languages in her videos (aka reading off a pre-planned script).
Moreover, speaking German isn't an achievement for her, she didn't even have to study given it's just her native language and her parents spoke it around her. So she really only learned English and Japanese at a notable level.
No. 49181
>>47833They are thin but she tends to edit them to look smaller and more doll like. I wonder what potential dates who view her ad would think when they see her over-edited selfies and then see her IRL..
Also, she wants to be a manager?? lmao. Margaret 2.0. Easy job with fairly good salary. Like mother like daughter. Also is there any indication she's doing sex work? Or is it just a dating app? I wouldn't be surprised if it was sex work/sugar daddies since this chick always wanted easy money for little effort and this surfaces not too long after Mikan.Mandarin was exposed for sex work (then went on PULL and kissed major ass to have her full name removed). Thankfully, mods didn't cave and remove all the posts/pics as well.
No. 49183
>>47869She's probably trying to prove she's not "a shut in neet" lol but she probably also was doing something, maybe youtube related or dates/escorting?
>>48005Pet related work is not a good idea for her. She doesn't care about animals beyond the "omg they're so kawaii :3 uwu" thing.
>>48170Pretty sure Venus was ok with it though. She probably loved the attention (and money).
No. 49185
>>48005>I would be surprised to see her as an escort who offers sexI honestly would not be surprised. The thing people have to understand about these gaijin weeaboo girls is that at their core, their personality traits seem to involve things like greed, inflated ego, laziness, fame-whoring, attention-seeking in unhealthy levels, vanity, superficiality, very unhealthy need to present a false kawaii image etc. Like these girls are literally modifying their camera personalities to sell a facade to the public. Most of them come across as somewhat sociopathic. Imagine living your life trying to convey a certain image to your online fanbase. Or even wanting a fanbase in the first place over something so superficial? Imagine posting your super edited selfies on insta daily, all your kawaii clothing and kawaii food, practicing a kawaii uwu personality and wanting fame and validation from strangers and easy money to keep buying kawaii clothing and circle lenses and makeup etc etc. This is why quite a few of these girls tend to have sugar daddies or marry Japanese citizens so they can live out their kawaii easy lives, but often under this pretense of "hard work self made" etc. I mean look at Mikan. Befriending people with large followings like Belle Delphine and Venus. Insisting on a nose job BEFORE she got to Japan. Lurking in her threads and trying to prove her critics wrong. Getting mad at a girl for getting the lead role in a play when she was younger (the unhealthy obsession with fame). Writing a sob story/downplaying your sex work, even claiming your mom was
abusive and you just HAD to get away to Japan of all places. One of the first things she mentions about her mom is "I don't talk about her much because I'm scared of getting cut off". Her mom is her "human atm". I'd honestly never want money from a so called "abuser", but these weeaboo girls are almost always money-hungry and fame-obsessed af. Venus switched to vtubing with a free 1.7 million sub advantage just to try and beat Kizuna and be "the biggest". This is the core of many weeaboo snowflakes (fame, money, superficiality, laziness), so if Venus went on paid dates or did sex work, it's really not all that surprising, when you look at the overall superficiality of foreign weeaboo girls.
No. 49202
>>49181>Also, she wants to be a manager?? lmao. Margaret 2.0.God help us all.
>>49185>MikanI totally agree with you about Mikan. Imo she is one of the thirstiest weebs out there, but honestly we should probably move discussion about her to the UK Weebs thread
>>14476or make her one of her one of her own so we don't derail.
No. 49307
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venus likes bad memes and "bpd humor" so in that spirit
No. 49310
>>49185Lord I'm so glad someone brought up how fucking wack and egocentric Mikan is lmao. I don't keep up with her at all but from like 2 videos I could tell she was just… so fucking fake. That video where her and Venus and that pink haired girl went out and Mikan was just being suuuch a cuuuunt and so obnoxious I couldn't stand it. Not to mention that shady video she uploaded of Venus looking like absolute shit??? I would never do my friend dirty like that.
Had no idea about her escorting profile and was speechless to see it was some sadist dominatrix thing. Like… that's the one she chose. Because it comes naturally. Phew.
No. 49312
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>>49181>what potential dates who view her ad would think when they see her over-edited selfies and then see her IRL..gif related
and I mean, what else besides sexwork _can_ she do? If she wants to live independently from manaki (lke, maybe get her own flat sooner or later), and maintain her living standard where she gets to eat out every day and buy expensive shit, a simple job at the grocery store just wont do.
Minimum wage is like 950yen an hour,
and she has zero chances of getting a better paying job, so..
No. 50071
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She’s back on the road again, in whatever public transport that has those white lace headrests, dressed in business-cute attire, doing whatever it is she’s doing.
No. 50072
>>50071that's not interesting but since you bumped the thread
- she's still pretending to be gay in the memes she posts.
- remember a few months ago she said she has a song coming out? "as soon as they mixed it" what the fuck
the caption on the pic u posted is "ouchy but smiley" so i guess the guy was too rough but paid well
No. 50118
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self aware venus
No. 50120
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>>47832this pic is the main reason I believe that profile is real.
It's not on insta, twitter or facebook. The only time I've ever seen it was in a story but it had this writing on it.
No. 50130
>>50120Yes I think it's pretty obvious it's real.
Pulltards are pretending it's just a silly rumor to degrade their kween uwu
No. 50145
>>47832I haven't been keeping up with Weenus, so she deleted her YouTube channel and killed her persona so she could quietly divorce her husband and fuck old men for money to avoid getting a job now that she has PR?
Also side note: "pater" is latin for father so uh… yeah. Sugar daddy website for sure.
No. 50574
>>50572People speculate that he is into young girls because he first started following Venus was she was young (13 or 14 I think?) and he was a fairly obsessed fan of her starting from that age. He is 5 years older than her so that would have made him 18 or 19 at that time.
They married/started a physical relationship when she was 17.
No. 50699
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This is an old photo so no idea if this has already been covered but I was looking through Taylor’s insta and found this pic and I couldn’t believe how different venus’s pic from the one Taylor has, that’s some extreme level of photoshopping, Dakota 2.0
No. 50702
>>50699Venus is now obsessed with that other white blonde girl who has a big following too.
She’s got a cute face I won’t lie but it always baffles me how these weebs meet
Up and befriend each other for follows or subs. Taylor used Venus for them subs a year ago or so now.
This other girl probably will. But I think the girl Venus is with now is cuter than Venus tbh.
No. 50705
>>50703are we forgetting how she had creepy photos of anime girls on the wall with her face on their bodies? bitch is fucked.
>has no dad>groomed by her mom to be a kawaii loli for old men>mr. yan saga>creepy videos that only appealed to pedos and retarded weeb girlsi doubt she's matured mentally past age 15 tbh. that bitch needs to live in a different country to get actual therapy and meds before she can be truly held accountable.
No. 50708
>>50574Agreed, I always found him really creepy. It’s like a modern version of Perfect Blue but through YouTube rather than watching her in concert.
Venus looks at herself in a different way, much like Mima did in the movie. You’ve got cutesy Venus and normal Venus. Her cutesy side is just messing her up.
No. 50709
>>50574Agreed, I always found him really creepy. It’s like a modern version of Perfect Blue but through YouTube rather than watching her in concert.
Venus looks at herself in a different way, much like Mima did in the movie. You’ve got cutesy Venus and normal Venus. Her cutesy side is just messing her up.
No. 50711
File: 1558800998413.jpeg (349.15 KB, 1095x1613, 4B1E6062-135F-4EE7-BA14-7CA155…)

Look you guyz, I’m a real lesbian! Not a cosplay one!
(Citrus is a lesbian anime series.)
No. 50723
>>50699Veenus shooped out her entire laughter lines off her face. Everything is just glowing pink skin. Maybe she can get fillers like Taylor so she matches her shoops when she meets her clients.
Venus is a great example of how Youtube is
not a career. 1 million followers, ten years of fame and she's an escort.
No. 50727
>>50717this is the anime apparently, I'm dying to check it out too. who knows if it's good meet us in the anime thread lmao
so Venus really chronically photoshops, we all knew this. the real milk is that she's using it to catfish old jap man dick. the expectations vs. reality will really come into play here. do those escort sites have ratings/reviews? haha
No. 50750
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No. 50751
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mini margo unshooped
No. 50752
>>50713Is she actually bi/lesbian? Or at least attracted to Venus lmao
I guess she doesn't mind being Weenoos lesbian gf if she gets them subs. Too many attention whores online pretending to be bi/lesbian.
No. 50757
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She shoops herself into looking like a different person. Here she totally changed the shape of her face. What tf is wrong with her?
No. 50767
>>50751remember how she uploaded a super pixelated video from a 2017 airasia commercial she was in?
found it in better quality, instant regret. she was only 19 in it
No. 50773
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>>50705you mean this? that was in 2013 (whe she was 15 or 16) and meant as a joke
No. 50800
>>50791Yeah, a lot of what poor old margo said turned out to be true. The blackout drinking and eating disorder come to mind. And it seems Weenoos is a stone-cold user too, just like margo kept screeching about. Oh and a fake and a fraud AND a sneaky little bitch.
Am I leaving anything out?
No. 50808
>>50790Look, not to white knight, but don't you think that the reason that she removed him from her social media so completely might have something to do with her sadness towards the relationship (her first one ever) falling apart. I mean, consider that she probably at least convinced herself that she loved himat one time, only to wake up and realize that it wasn't true. And on top of everything, reminders of him are reminders of how she
Venus fucked up the relationship, how her issues and shitty behavior wrecked it all. She was and still is so socially and emotionally stunted that she's going about it in an exceptionally unhealthy way. I don't consider that to be sociopathic at all, just flawed and very human.
No. 50814
>>50813>He’s still paying her rent and all the billsyou fucking idiots really have never heard of uploading old photos, amazing. (the pull thread spergs over how she must still live there because of her insta photos background even though it could have been taken any time in the year she's had black hair).
Please can we not have the pull style
>Margo is bad so venus is a sweet baby we must protec>Venus is bad so manaki is a poor sweet baby we must protecfrom you self-deluded busybody freaks
No. 50828
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>>50820you mean that blah blah from kirie, the male fan who's been in love with venus for 9 years to the point that he slimed his way into tsurukos dm's? no one cares about that faggot's shit milk. he's too coy - he doesn't want to tsuruko to know he leaks her gossip i guess
in sum, there's a guy who a few weeks ago said since venus is in a loveless marriage she fell for her winks manager who rejected her which sent her depressed.
btw watch out venus lol
>Kimble09/05/2019>There is a few ways I could personally get to Venus but as of right now, they are either, i get lucky, or i do something really shady to someone else [tsuruko]>but one day>i'd really like that No. 50836
>>50800Deleted pictures don't tell you anything of the backstory, stop projecting.
>>50790>>50791Margo fans huh. Make her a care package for prison, where she's currently resting.
No. 50841
>>50828lmao thanks for this leak we banned him c:
- mod
(impersonating staff) No. 50845
>>50828are there screencaps of dms or is his source just "trust me"?
like damn, I know tsuruko is a very average looking chub irl, but it's hard to imagine anyone being desperate enough for this gross betas attention
No. 50856
>>50805>>50805I remember calling this about three years ago when she moved away. I even said on this thread that she’ll be using him. Everyone said nope it was true love. Could’ve ate my own words. I knew she was crazy from the start.
Something about her rubs me up the wrong way. Whenever I’ve seen or met any weebs in person they’re all weird.
I was in Tokyo last summer with a friend and she’s friends with a weeb. Her weeb friend was just embarrassing.
I mean you’ve got Dakota who’s a social neet, string of drama, odd. Visa mystery.
People like Katie, Ebony, Shani, Mikan. Himezawa ect they’re all carrying some kind of baggage, grown with issues and want to live in this kawaii bubble. It’s just weird.
The foreigners are weirder than the fucking Japanese. I tell ya
No. 50865
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>>50790I guess they don't follow each other on Insta anymore? Mana deleted on his sites (Insta and Youtube) all the content related to venus as well. Wonder when the final break was.
No. 50872
>>50865they're still following each other.
I also love to speculate, but you have to be a teenager to take deleting some pictures on social media as absolute proof that someones relationship is over.
he was probably spammed 24/7 with comments from gross thirsty girls that want to wear venus skin, salty 40yo arab men bc he took their waifu, and "worried" pulltards everytime v had another breakdown (all that judging from his old cringy youtube and instagram comments).
that alone would be reason enough to delete everything tbh
No. 50877
>>50836Nah, margo can rot in hell for all I care.Just pointing out that little Wenoos wasn't the uwu innocent pure damsel in disgrace she wanted us to believe.
>>50825I don't think the old hag ever came back after (iirc) anons tipped police about her promoting CP
No. 50883
>>50872>>you have to be a teenager to take deleting some pictures on social media as absolute proof that someones relationship is over.Uh, no…wiping every last trace of someone from your online presence is not an insignificant or meaningless action. And if Manaki was stressed about comments on his instagram or Youtube channel he would have deleted them back at the height of their online “fame,” not now long after things had died down.
Some of you people cling desperately to any excuse that keeps you from seeing her for the user she is.
No. 50901
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>>50888She's rebranding, after all. Maybe she wants to appeal to new audiences and having a partner is never a good look for starters.
But my actual theory is different. I don't think she used him etc. I think she just felt grateful and mistook it for love. Or felt obligated to love him, because of how he basically saved her life. She's still very young, and, because of her stunted development, she's just now getting interested in love, she's getting crushes etc. Just look at how "sexual" she's become, and her sexual jokes are always on middle-school level. I think she's just entered that stage. Hence also the sudden interest in girls, exploring sexuality and polyamory/openess.
Also Venus became more open about her mental health, she finally realized she has ED, took therapy… She's still acting chaotic and manic, clearly it's her mental health acting up. Manaki must be pretty tired with it, Japanese are super bad with mental health and Venus seems like quite a menace. Let's not forget about this whole surgery thing… I remember watching some video of hers on this topic and Manaki was very angry about it, she said he was close to dumping her because of it.
My point is, their relationship's been cracking. Probably there wasn't much love to begin with. Adding to that Venus being in her sexual/romantic exploration phase… Yeah, I think they're breaking up and it's not because ~Venus is evil and Margo was right~. I wouldn't be too judgemental about it. Some are outraged I guess because it's
that Mana, Mana who saved her blah blah, but seriously it's not that big of a surprise that a girl who married a dude at 18 would divorce in few years lol.
(throwback pic)
No. 50909
>>50805>all Venus does screams sociopath >>50791>margo wasn't lying at all about venus using peoplethe closest examples. But that wasn't even my point
No. 50938
>>50166If he actually was pimping her out he's probs doing it to afford the motion sensor equipment to create the 3d vtuber model venus can use lol. She said that her manager was planning to by may or so. But I doubt anyone is "pimping her out". If she is indeed escorting, it's most likely of her own volition for ez bucks.
>>50779Not really as she uses facial smoothing even in her videos and she's even worn aegyo sal tape in her shrine video LOL but her vlogs are still a better indicator than her photos at the very least. Anyone remember when venus said, "no more being a fake" and then take a look at her latest insta edit lmao. Imagine what her "clients" must think when they see her pics vs real life. though i suppose desperate old jap men wouldnt care either way.
No. 50958
>>50954Does anyone remember 15 million merits (I think) Black Mirror episode. It seemed like a nasty twist when it first aired but now I see it was a reference to how the pop star is synonymous with porn star, and people are tricked into the industry thinking they will be merely an adored star.
Actually it seems very likely to be connected since the escorting started immediately after the decision to be a virtual Youtuber for a more "private" life. I'd rather stay married and make cringe videos if I were her.
No. 50961
>>50825Being a winner. But uh she was a pedo? Did I miss anything? Wtf?
>>50711I hope this thread gives her a wake up call.
>>50716So yaoi is for girls and gays but yuri isn't for men and lesbians? Really makes me think.
No. 50964
>>50963>Meanwhile, NJM created a channel as "Venus Palermo" featuring Venus's videos marketed as CP.; she left links and pricing for sex acts all over the damn place. Margo, despite being informed that someone was hosting the videos she loudly claims ownership over, didn't do a thing about it and got angry when her stans tried to direct her to the channel. Anons reported the NJM comments and channel as CP, NJM watched it go down live and backtracked like woah. As soon as reports were posted, NJM closed the channel voluntarily; and shortly after that, Margo's videos about Venus's marriage - her top viewed ones - were made private.Wasn't HE trolling though?
And as far as I know this isn't illegal (but it makes sense that it does break the youtube's ToS and DCM laws of course) since she was an adult at that time and the videos are not pornographic in nature. Yeah you can tip since there is a miniscule chance he is in fact a she and is an actual pedo but they won't do much if "she" (he) didn't diddle or watch kids doing inappropiate things. Eh..I should google her myself but I doubt I'll find anything.
No. 51017
>>50901Partially agreeing w/ you. Mostly for the Venus re-branding herself part.
She’s just that: a brand. She can try tell herself how she’s ~totally figuring out who she is now, but in the end everything she does is an act.
She doesn’t know how to do or feel anything
without it becoming a whole new shtick.
She’s rebranded herself as this poly, sexual, psycho, goth lesbian and Manaki doesn’t fit in the picture. So either she had to get rid of him on social media (and because he’s a doormat like that deleted everything about her bc she told him to) OR got rid of him for real which was easier than before now that she doesn’t neee him for a visa anymore.
I don’t think Venus is even capable of actually loving anyone. Especially considering her past and being influenced by Maggot like that. So I also don’t buy this whole
>~*she deleted her pictures with Mana because of heartbreak and it just hurts too much to see them*bullshit. He just didn’t go well with her strong independent goth boss ass bitch image anymore (as opposed to her uwu kawaii loli doll/child persona) so he had to go.
She’s cold-blooded and manipulative, just like her mother. And Mana took advantage of her vulnerability when she was a child so he deserved to be dumped for stupid shit like that.
All three of them deserve each other just fine. Marge can go be a hooker in Hungary, Peenus can do her escort or start selling overly-shooped ~totally a lesbian photos via patreon or Snapchat and Manaki can live his hikikomori pedo life in peace all by himself.
Unless Venus actually does something worth talking about and there’ll be actual proof of her prostituting herself beyond a supposed leaked profile this milk is dried up.
This thread should’ve stayed on autosage tbh. There’s nothing left but
>Venus is bad>No Margo is really bad>Poor Mana>You all are a stupid No. 51025
>>51017I think you're wrong about the milk drying up. Venus escorting, quitting Youtube to become a virtual Youtuber and deleting all her videos, and having an "open marriage" with Manaki whereby she never mentions him and posts about what a raging lesbian she is while riding old men daily…idk sounds pretty milky.
I wonder what wholesome "my husband definitely doesn't run a men's club with secret escort pages" Taylor thinks about this
No. 51060
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Look you can see my bra, you guys! And cleavage too! tee hee
No. 51064
>>51047Well no, but like
>>51059 said, she has no education and no experience for real work. Not only that, she's moving around top much during the day for her to be working a regular job based on her lack of qualifications. She's not worried about money after shutting down her main revenue stream, her and Manaki seem to have split up or are at least not speaking currently and yet she's not worried about her future or money in the now. She could be staying with a friend, but life still costs money and Japan isn't exactly cheap.
No. 51149
>>51131>I doubt she makes enough moneyIt's a common lolcow trope to assume a cow is flat broke. That's just your assumption anon.
>>51140Very this, and he doesn't have to stay married if he doesn't want to.
No. 51163
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>venus, not being fluent or able to talk without an accent in a single language
>including german, yes
how do you get the confidence to lie like that?
No. 51166
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what a fucking surprise (yesterday she made a similar story post about some no name singer who also has songs with "lolita" in the name - is this part of venus marketing?)
No. 51167
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maybe she is going to try to model for taylor r's hong kong-ese bf's underage ero mag lol
No. 51170
>>51163Either she's trolling or she's completely deluded about her language skills lmao.
>>51167She can't stop attention whoring about her oh so exciting life, can she? Good luck with learning Cantonese Weebus. Can't wait to hear you butcher the tones.
No. 51171
>>51163>>51170she only says that's how long it takes her to become conversational, which is a long, long way from fluent let along having no accent
>inb4 white-knighting venusno fucksake can we just have some basic accuracy and not make straw-men - it's unnnecessary
No. 51172
>>51171>a person not being able to master a single language without accent in 20 years claiming they can hold conversations in other languages after a yearyeah, no reason to doubt that
idk about her japanese (some anons said it's still pretty bad even after all this time), but she grew up and went to primary school in switzerland and I remember an older video with her mother where she got the articles wrong all the time and basically sounded as good as margo does when she speaks marglish.
she's also barely able to express herself in english if it's not in a scripted video.
No. 51178
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Pic from her instastory, she and Manaki are still very much in contact. The contact name says "tan-mana" (probably an inside joke).
No. 51179
>>51167Or… She’s just visiting Taylor as a friend and studying the language beforehand is a smart thing to do?
>>51178She has called him Tan-Mana quite a few times so it looks like her regular pet name for him. Sometimes Japanese girls reverse the tan(aka chan)on their nicknames to be cute and quirky, so that’s likely what Venus was doing with his name and he didn’t mind.
No. 51182
>>51178Buder muss los
Damn, she really is retarded when it comes to German memes, huh? Pedalo is out of date.
No. 51191
>>51163She speaks with a swiss-German accent, pretty normal considering she's not German. Pretty weird nit-pick considering most people have an accent.
I mostly agree with
>>51048, she's clearly completely off her rockers but that's really par for the course for children of raging narcissists who break free from their shitty parents, it will continue until someone forces her to get serious help or her risky behaviour leads to a major fuck-up in her life.
No. 51216
>>51163that literally reminds me of margo's comment section when ppl glorify the hag who we know is full of shit. Same goes for venus. she knows she isn't as good at those languages but she will project the public image that she is (very margo like). she could have said she's not as good at languages as she after that person glorified her, but she won't because she's desperate to portray "a talent".
>>51171while that may be all she says, the implication that "she's good at languages" is still there. this is literally how margo portrays herself and she gets shitted on but with venus, "it's inaccurate or strawman". the hypocrisy. what a joke.
>>51128Would not be surprised if she was escorting or using sugar daddies for money. Kiwifarms and pull wk the fuck outta her and claim it's a fake profile. if it turns out to be real, they'll glorify her while shitting on margo for doing similar acts and using people for money. interestingly enough venus has posted sexual content in the past (yes, after leaving her mom who 'forced' her into it!) like the "sucking on candy pic" censored to look like a dick, the "i play with toys" pic, a pic of her lower torso in a white knight gown captioned, "sleep is innocent, sleep is pure", pic of her bra, sexual captions etc and even a pic of her boobs/cleavage (very margo-like). so for her, looking for sugar daddies and easy money doesn't seem too far-fetched. (I mean we're talking about a girl that milked her eating disorder/hospitalization into a bunch of videos (plus sold to the tabloids) for easy bucks, whilst claiming it was merely to help others. the girl is shameless and reminds me of a more subtle mags, in that they both like to glorify themselves to the public to seem "talented". Keyword: seem.
No. 51217
>>51216at languages as she after that person glorified her
*at languages as she seems
No. 51218
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>>51167her new sugardaddy is a hongkonger?
No. 51250
>>51203She seems like very sweet, normal girl and I hope Venus really appreciates her and doesn’t let her go.
What I don’t understand is that Venus has been living in Japan all this time, always been a weeaboo and speaks Japanese well but with exception of you_stole_my_apricot, she is only shown hanging out with foreign YouTubers and bloggers! Why doesn’t she get to know more Japanese people? At very least, I thought she would collaborate with small Japanese YouTubers or get back into Nico Nico Douga to integrate into the community. Even her Virtual project is all foreigners.
Japanese people tend to be shy and adult relationships here are a little more difficult when you have jobs/family to think of first but it’s not THAT hard to meet nerdy but nice Japanese girls. It would greatly help her connect with Japan and make it feel like a real home. I don’t understand why all these foreign girls come to Japan, make all the effort to learn Japanese the language and secure visas and yet they put a wall between themselves from 99% of the population. iIt’s very damaging to your mental state to stay in that bubble and this how you get so many bitter or depressed expats.
No. 51278
If she produces whole fat milk one day again and someone makes a banner about it, how awkward is it gonna be when there are not one but two fan-banners of her? I don't even understand why first admin decided to use them.
>>51178But that's weirder then, in a way. Means irl they aren't in contact at all
Also a pseudo-sage because I feel very very guilty for accidently bumping this thread.
No. 51284
>>51250Because she‘s obnoxious af and actual people are put off by her behavior. The way you can see her behave in vlogs just make her look like a tourist that happens to speak Japanese, but not like someone who actually lives there.
She‘s loud, eccentric and acts like a child. Why would anyone who doesn’t benefit from it (like other YouTube or Instagram weeaboos) voluntarily spend time with her?
No. 51299
>>51295And you’re just whiteknighting Venus now. Piss off.
She’s old enough and has been away from Margo for long enough to be held accountable for her actions. She’s past the point of ‘oh but that’s just because of Margo’. For god’s sake, she’s been to therapy before she (supposedly) started hooking. At some point it stops being just the consequences of bad parenting. It’s not like Margo still has control over her.
No. 51312
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Can we talk about this azn fetus shoop?
Also why the fuck would she start learning a language as difficult as chinese all of sudden when she's said since years her goal was to become fluent in japanese. Reminds me of her korean phase just before she left maggot.
No. 51319
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Good job
No. 51359
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I bet they're going to start a pretend lesbian relationship
No. 51366
>>51250She said Taylor was her first female friend, and that was when she was like 19? She meets other weebs and J-Vloggers through social media, I doubt she's able to make friends the regular ways.
>>51312She's probably going to go to HK, either to visit Taylor or to live there, who knows.
No. 51367
>>51359I wonder if it's that old perv Manaki taking the picture LMAO
>>51366Yeah maybe, but I really wonder why she would want to live there if Japan was her goal this whole time and she went as far as to get a visa husband.
No. 51370
>>51359If this was anybody else I'd say they're just 2 friends taking a cute pic, but knowing Venus…
>>51367Manaki is probably already in bed, crying himself to sleep over losing his
waifu, so that he can get up early tomorrow to slave away at his 16 hour factory work shift lol
No. 51381
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This Ella chick looks also very different in candids than on insta where she tries to be that ~*blond ethereal westerner*~
No. 51414
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>>51359“We cute.”
No, actually you’re not.
No. 51417
>>51370Or maybe he's busy looking for another
loli gaijin waifu, who knows?
No. 51451
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Attention whoring on instagram.
No. 51469
Don't forget she looks like that
>>50750and that
>>50768 without the shoop. And white af compared to
>>51312(nitpick) No. 51576
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it's not milk but yesterday someone posted this bizarre fake venus post (i assume it's fake, i don't remember seeing it and it's not in Venus' voice) on reddit and it got 9000 up votes so, god knows how many views. The comments indicate that several hundred reddit losers are now caught up to about where things were 2 or 3 years ago i.e. "omg!! venus you poor sweet thing we're rooting for you!" and will probably be appearing to white-knight her
No. 51585
>>51580i've followed the whole time. oh just seems so different from how she writes. Like
>that doesn't make up for characterseems above her level of fluency and maturity.
No. 51588
>>51576>>51585>i've followed the whole timesurejan.gif
>Venus no englishVenus can speak and write English, anon
>>51586>I read the threadIt's not all in one thread, this has been going on for years, which shows you haven't read shit
Here is the post from the time, in context:
>>>/pt/276517Don't make misleading posts here.
No. 51610
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>>51555I remember a few old pics of her wearing a qipao, also her bragging about winning a thai beauty contest. I guess that like many other weebs she kept fixated on Japan because they have dem animus and mangos.
No. 51611
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No. 51618
>>51612thanks for clearing this up, i always wondered why the hell she was in a "thai pageant" as a kid
>>51615A+ analysis. it never crossed my mind that venus is still clinging on to asian fetishization because it's all she has left of her childhood. spooky.
No. 51634
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It creeps me out just how much she reminds me of Mima from Perfect Blue.
Young, pale, always wanted to be a star but it going to shit. Perverted asian men gunning after her. A Japanese stalker who she ended up marrying for a visa. Watched her basically form tits on camera over a course of time. Weirdo mother who wanted to be her own daughter and was overbearingly scary in a sense. Identity issues, mental health issues.
No. 51636
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>>51635A mother who wanted to live through her at one point
No. 51639
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>>51637Not even know who the fuck she is anymore or did she ever?
No. 51640
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>>51639>>51639Hence malice was birthed
No. 51641
>>51634It’s like a movie from two decades ago just full on spawned out a real person going through similar shit
All online
It creeps me out
No. 51729
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No. 51733
>>51729Escorting apartment? Or something to do with the ai?
Also I thought she quit making videos?
No. 51734
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>>51729She edited that caption. Deleted the part about looking for an apartment.
So why is she looking at apartments “but not to live in”?
No. 51782
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>>51775Now who can tell me what an ‘OL’ is?
No. 51786
>>51451>I have to go to the hospital and I'm always exhausted Gee, could it be the unwarranted bariatric surgery you were given that's severely afflicting your body into malnutrition?
Keep on with that alcohol consumption though!
No wonder she has anemia.
No. 51791
>>46865>>46865>>51615>>51615Given that she grew up immersed in and exposed to Asian culture, why is it not accepted as a legitimate and
valid part of her cultural identity?
Obviously, she isn't ethnically Asian, but she never claimed to be, she has always been completely transparent about the fact that she isn't Asian, despite the heavy criticism she has received for engaging in culturally Asian activities. When she uploaded those those Thai pageant pics in the past, she was criticized as presenting herself as racially superior, or trying to point out she is better/prettier than Thai people, for simply stating the fact that she isn't Thai.
I understand the frustration of westerners fetishizing and clinging to Asian culture to form an identity, in the absence of their own; such as your garden variety weeb, to the actual delusions of being ethnically Asian like Pixyteri. Or con artists like Margo with her "phases"; being Jamaican, being a satanist, being Jewish, ect, which all seem to "conveniently" benefit her financially.
However, Venus isn't delusional about her ethnicity, at all, and her "weeb" hobbies, are only considered "weeb" hobbies because she isn't ethnically Asian.
Yes, she is openly struggling with over-identifying with her mental health and sexuality, but she has also demonstrated that she is aware of this and given that she grew up being moved around, isolated and abused by Margo, it makes sense that she is struggling to express these parts of herself, which she has had to hide and suppress, hell, even Manaki reacted to her eating disorder badly, before his mother advised him to treat her with support and kindness.
No. 51793
>>51791Does it really matter that she's "self aware" if she continues to cling to asian culture out of desperation? She's really no different than Margo in that she's been milking asian culture because it's been the biggest financial boon in her life. What's authentic about that?
There's no reason to lend her asian identity just because she has an absence of and refusal to have her own.
It's delusional.
The only time she mentions being white and western is the contrast in telling other people she's not asian.
No. 51810
>>46865>>51801>>51803I'm the anon who referred to her as growing up immersed into asian culture. Other anon is correct, I wasn't talking about her reading manga or watching anime, I was referring to her lived experiences of being immersed in asian cultures at the Thai convent - and also her time in South Korea and Japan, though I now realize from what you guys have said that she wasn't as young (I assumed mid-teens?) as I thought during those periods.
For comparisons sake, I've met so many army brats who are ethically western but culturally identify more with the places they have spent the most time in - which for some of them is only three or four years.
Idk, I mean identity is such a personal and multi-faceted, it just strikes me as kinda strange how much criticism Venus gets for engaging with Asian cultures, having lived in asian countries, and especially as she is currently living in one? If you are an immigrant, doesn't it make sense to integrate yourself at least somewhat into the culture of the country?
Look, I'm not trying to white-knight the bitch, I'm just asking questions, and explaining why this shit doesn't make sense to me.
No. 51824
>>51734somewhere in the comments she said it's related to her Youtube, so I guess it's a studio/office of some sort. She fucked up her channel and her internet presence is dying so I wonder what she plans on doing now, especially that she doesn't want a normal job. (don't answer "escorting" or something lol I believe the tweets were fake and I don't buy this tinfoil)
My guess is, she'll be working with some sort of tokyo youtube company, hence the "business official" clothes and travelling lately
No. 51840
>>51831>Living in a country, never leaving the house, speaking garbled Japanese and watching anime does notThat's a complete mischaracterization of what Marge made her do and you know it
>being immersed in Asian culture"pop culture"
No. 51942
>>51828>>51810I understand some of your points being that having an unstable foundation via an
abusive mother who moves around a lot can really upset someone's personal growth.
But there's nothing stopping Venus from trying to carve out her own identity and maybe touch on her own roots now. Her mom has been gone from her life for years.
She's an adult, and it's cringey and pitiful to give credence to asian identity because deep down there's nothing else expected from her.
She'll never be asian, and least of all asian in Japan.
No. 52020
>>52011didn't margo "run away from
abusive husband"?
No. 52033
>>51824Pretty sure if it was fake venus would have said something about fake accounts as that'd be damaging to her rep and she reads her so she'd be aware (unless she WANTS people talking about her which I could also see). But girl has marg genes and wants easy money and to maintain her materialistic standard of living. A lot of her public weeb friends are also involved in sexual or shady, scammy stuff so I dont see it as too far-fetched. She's been dropping some hints on her insta previously too, so who knows.
>>51828Her mother didn't force her ffs. Can people stop with that already. Romanticizing her life and turning her into some fucking slave every single second she was with marg. Venus liked jpop and dancing and being an attention whore like her mom, wanted to upload on youtube. Marge eventually let her and became "her manager" only after she realized they could both make good money off of it. Marge claimed she did it to achieve 'her daughters dreams' but in reality, she did it to make easy money, achieving both their dreams and killing 2 birds with one stone. No one forced venus into starting youtube or liking jpop. Marg liked asian culture (actually beyond just "kawaii shit") and her asian interest may have rubbed off on venus, but even if she stayed in switzerland, instead of marg country hopping, pretty sure she'd have found jpop and took a liking, thus sparking her fetishization of "kawaii" asian culture and her desire to make money off of it. Venus doesn't give a shit about the culture beyond "kyaaah kawaii uwu animu girls desu ne and girly boys uwu pretending to be kawaii animu princess and making money off of fetishizing a culture like all these fucking weeb jvloggers.
No. 52060
>>52033She probably has dealt with being the subject of a catfish before and learned to just ignore it. Plus the only place that is reaching so hard about this profile is lolcow.
I believe she was making videos for fun in the beginning but towards the end in Korea she was clearly being forced. She looked ghost-like and just not there for it.
No. 52063
>>52038>>52060We got it, Weenoos is a poor little
victim and a pure maiden who would NEVER be an escort you must protect uwu
No. 52066
>>52063This, thank you.
Dear spergelics, I know the milk is pretty dry lately but can you please refrain from writing uwu fanfics? If you want to WK her so bad, go back to PULL or KF. It's that simple.
No. 52073
>>52038ummm, you do know there are actually teens working real jobs on their own accord to support their family?
oh no, venus had to put out a WHOLE 5 minute video A WEEK about absolutely nothing to live a good life buying shit all the time? holy fuck, how does one even deal with so much stress and pressure?
No. 52079
>>You are downplaying and in some cases denying the contributions of Marge and being raised in an unstable environmentAgain, nobody's denying Marge fucked up Weenus. This doesn't make her less of an attention whore and cringy weeb.
>> in order to find more opportunities to shit on Venus, as if more are neededWhy are you on a fucking gossip board, to read praise about her?
No. 52095
>>52073>>there are actually teens working real jobs on their own accord to support their family?Really? How many 15-16 year olds do you know of that have dropped out of school to work full-time as the sole source of income for their families?
Fuck outta here.
No. 52097
>>52076Kaka and Kota Ostrengas have awful, exploitative parents too but I don't see anyone defending their shitty behaviour like you always do with your pwecious Penus.
The problem is: you keep writing the same shit over and over since the first "post-maggot" thread was made. But you know what? Some of us were here when the run-away-from-home drama happened. We know the context, thank you. Despite this, we want to discuss Weebus antics for shit and giggles. Yeah, we're cold-hearted bitches, jealous weebs if you want…but we're on lolcow, a gossip board and we are gossiping, that's the point. Deal with it and stop shitting up the thread with your cringy essays.
inb4 you jealous weeb/ Marge's flying monkey…the same arguments again and again.
>You find Peenus cringy? Oh, you must be a Marge's WK then!Stop.
No. 52104
>>52095you're either retarded or a kid that's never worked a minute in their life if you think editing low effort videos for like 2h a week is extreme hard work that gives people ptsd.
she didn't even go to school, so she actually had more free time and less stress than 90% of worlds population over the age of 10.
pretty much every kid I ever knew had a part time job as a teen, many even worked full time during summer break - just for fun.
It's seen as immature even by 15 year olds if all you do is sit on your fat ass all day, sorry anon.
No. 52110
>>52097 Exactly.
>>52107 Not every person discussed on this board is tho?
Also if her "how to look like a korean girl" tutorial she re did years later despite being called out, in which she wears a black wig, put on brown circle lenses and tries to shape her eyes like an east asian's isn't questionable to you, you must be a hardcore weeb.
No. 52116
>>52107Keep trying, sperg. Kota does nothing these days and is boring af.
Venus on the other hand? Kek
No. 52165
>>52079>This doesn't make her less of an attention whore and cringy weeb.Nobody's saying she isn't
>Why are you on a fucking gossip board, to read praise about her?Who's praising her?
>>52097>but I don't see anyone defending their shitty behaviour like you always do with your pwecious Penus.Who's defending her shitty behavior? Explanation =/= excuse
Also, plenty of people have discussed the reasons why keeks and kooter are the way that they are
No. 52191
>>52104>>every kid I ever knew had a part time job as a teen, many even worked full time during summer breakAgain… that’s a whole different thing than being forced to be the sole source of income for you and your parent for most of your teens. Do you really not see the difference? Quit trying to rewrite history to make it seem like Venus’s life was all fine and dandy and fun and games during those times. She was taken out of school and lived with a mentally unstable mother who isolated her from everyone, no friends or family at all. And Marge stuck to her like glue any time she left the house like the obsessed psycho she was. People forget (or want to deny) how abnormal and pathological her life was.
That said I have to say that today, years after leaving the psycho Venus is a lazy, entitled insufferable little shit who thinks she’s too good to work for a living because she’s a CELEBRITY (exactly like her mother.) In short, they both suck.
No. 52253
>>52252>>52207>>52127can you fucking stop trying to police this thread as if your opinion counts?
this is even cringier than pulltards writing essays, you contribute nothing
No. 52273
>>52253you neither.
No. 52790
File: 1559952817688.gif (Spoiler Image,175.8 KB, 288x303, 5475933D-E164-4FC9-9EE6-526AEF…)

>>52253>implying posting about how the 10th selfie in a decent outfit definitely proves that she’s hooking is actual milk and valuable contribution to this thread What
>>52207 and
>>52252 said.
This thread has been a month-long discussion about whether [selfie] or [food pic] means she’s hooking or not and whether or not/how Marge’s upbringing has influenced her current situation in life.
It’s literally and endless chain of
>I’m right!>No, I’m right!>But X proves I’m right!This has become more about individual Anons’ theories than Venus herself.
No. 52799
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This just in.
No. 52925
>>52914why? I mean ofc she isn't arming anyone, but getting trashed so often isn't good for her physical and mental health
No. 52980
File: 1560072524533.jpg (42.39 KB, 750x563, chineaselivestreaming.jpg)

tinfoil but what if her new "job" is one of those Chinese live streaming things? It has gotten very popular and you can make crazy amounts of money.
That might explain why she would want to learn Chinese and dresses like an escort.
Chinese live streamers usually are in a studio or a live streamer dormitory and they just sit there all day, with beauty filters on, talking and eating.
No. 52981
>>52980Popular chinese livestreamers 99.9% only speak Mandarin Chinese on stream, not Cantonese Chinese.
Improbable tinfoil because we definitely would've heard about it by now. Why would she want to hide that
No. 53082
>>53078because she sucks at gaming, or tasks that require fine motor skills (as seen in her gaming attempts on her old malice-channel, her cooking and makeup-videos..)
plus she's completely boring.
I sure hope she tries tho
No. 53171
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Guessing she’s just moping in manaki’s shirt after he had enough of her shit and left her
No. 53177
>>53171Doubtful. Seems more of her trying to be a psudoslut.
She was raised to be non thinking dress up doll, noone should be suprised that she cannot think for herself now and is floundering while looking for another daddy to take care of her. Problem is, she's getting too fucking old and hasn't taken care of herself.
No. 53181
>>53177nayrt but 22
is "too old" to start over from scratch with no education or work experience, while also being foreign and refusing to get a real day job. She thinks she can ride on her looks through the rest of her 20s until she marries a millionaire like her BFF Taylor, but the way she drinks, stays up late and cakes on makeup is gonna age her faster now that she's in her 20s.
No. 53191
>>53189that's a point.
but (I'm not that familiar with lorena) she's probably cheap and "works" a lot, while venus can't make a youtube-video in a month because it's too much work already.
Imagine you can't be bothered to put in a few hours to earn what seemed to be an above average salary.
she's definitely getting too old to just get by on her kawaii uwu fame and looks
No. 53200
>>53181Underage b& or pedo scrot detected
22 is still incredibly young. Venus is probably never going to get her life on track, but she has years left to start over before it starts becoming really difficult. And if she's going the escort route then she still has years left in her too, as
>>53189 said, look at fucking Lorena and her one goblin-looking friend. Japs who fuck white women seem to have incredibly low standards, probably because most of the white women who move to the country are disgusting weebs
No. 53201
>>53190she left like 5k for Margo and a few items: imac, camera, language school enrolment, lmao. that's why margo sperged so hard.
really you have no way to know, you're fantasising about her financial life. probably her biggest waste was the surgery, but even then she still had YT money coming in.
No. 53299
>>53281sorry you're salty about your own age, anon? while there are many women that look like 20 well into their 30ies, venus isn't one of them. have you forgot how busted she looks?
she stated that she never wants a real job - she doesn't have any talents and isn't interested in developing any, so that means she wants to get by on her looks and "personality".. and that ship has sailed, thanks to margos genes.
the only thing she can do now is get a degree and start working like a normal person.
No. 53304
>>53299I'm 18, and you sound salty about age more than anyone here, anon.
Hope you're ready for the self-hatred when you inevitably turn 22, assuming you aren't that age or older already.
I don't like Venus either, but she looks fine for a 22 year old. Maybe you're projecting?
No. 53309
>>53281are you aware she doesn't look like her selfies on instagram but like this?
>>47844fyi, at 22 you shouldn't look much different than you do now.
not saying she can't make money from her looks, but it will require lots of work, and she isn't exactly a hard worker.
No. 53311
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>>53310there is no such thing as a flattering candid of venus. not even from when she was an actual teen.
she's got a round babyface, which makes her seem not quite as old, but her saggy looking skin is a complete disaster. even kikis looks better in her walmart candids, and anons were having a field day when they first saw it.
full pic for reference, where mikan actually looks like a regular 20yo standing next to venus
No. 53319
>>53311>>53299>>53191I don't know what you're smoking or why your hateboner for Weenus is so big, long and throbbing, but she does not look "saggy" and "old". She looks her age.
Are you one of those weeaboos who has a massive vendetta against cows like her and Dakota who live in Japan and buy kawaii merch because you never will? Honestly curious.
No. 53322
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>>53319just bored at work and in a shittalking mood, anon.
I'm curios tho, what are you guys even doing in venus thread, if not waiting for a chance to whiteknight? last time I checked lolcow was still a gossip board for salty bitches like me.
try pull or kf maybe?
>ib4 "n-noo hahaha, I-I totally hate venus too, ok? I-I just had to say something because she is obviously such a fresh faced beautiful angel, how could anyone think differently?"(stop) No. 53340
>>53322Oh c‘mon.. gossiping != nitpicking at the stupidest minor thing you can come up with.
Yes, she looks awful and nothing like her pictures.
Yes, giving up school and everything was a stupid ass move.
Yes, she‘s a lazy slug with terrible work ethic.
However, she‘s still
only 22. She still has some potential ways to go. And even if she doesn’t appeal to pedos like Manaki as much as she did when she was 14 anymore, she‘s still young enough to get a few desperate cucks to pay.
Tbh, you‘ll find a man willing to pay at any age if you aren’t picky. There‘ll always be one that’s desperate enough for female attention. Especially in Asian countries like Japan.
Hate to say it but selling herself (to men) is something she‘s actually learned to do so she‘ll find a way to keep on doing that.
No. 53437
>>53082She could do little kid games at the very least, like Pokémon.
I don’t even know if she really likes video games. I know she had like one or two in her room tour video, but that’s it.
Honestly she doesn’t seem to have any interest then drinking and eating.
No. 53494
File: 1560472440255.png (900.83 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190614-013148.png)

So Venus posted on her stories thanking @ella.freya and @brittanymichelle.jpg for meeting her last minute. The latter posted on her story a video of the wonderful male company Venus was in…
No. 53495
File: 1560472511729.png (679.11 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190614-013208.png)

>>53494So yeah wonder what she was up to
No. 53501
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Fun times you guys!
No. 53502
File: 1560474953420.jpeg (220.73 KB, 1128x1792, 88ABE534-6363-4059-9BD9-0B0DCA…)

lightened up. she looks a sloppy mess.
No. 53533
>>53060I called this years ago with a friend. We both said one day Venus will be on her ass and she is. She’s no education, her doll thing isn’t viral anymore, she’ll get a Visa husband and it’ll fuck up.
Now look
All those tv shows with her mother and the I’m a real doll bs
Now she’s in the real world and doing anything to get by because the animu dream isn’t real
No. 53537
>>53494this is a popular thing to do though, going for drinks after work with all your coworkers. It makes me believe even stronger in my theory that she's going to work with some social media/influencer/talent company, along with those other weebs.
She also said in her new post she's creating a new channel. Welp, we'll see
Does anyone have caps of the deleted post though? It was some sort of joke that got people worried/confused
No. 53540
File: 1560503676329.png (725.09 KB, 941x605, joke.PNG)

>>53537I didn't manage to catch the post either but it sounds like it was good.
No. 53541
File: 1560504408495.jpg (149.93 KB, 377x500, 75C19156-007D-4A4A-9212-6EBB9C…)

are you guys talking about this post
No. 53542
File: 1560504495200.jpg (117.79 KB, 829x677, breaker.jpg)

>>53539>>53537it was this company (is this a 'network'?) Breaker that shits out product placement video 'content' and has 20 or so weebs and 1 or 2 japanese channels on board as Influencers. Previously Venus was listed but she has been dropped lol so - coworkers, not so much
No. 53550
>>53549>>53541there was a bit added which said "i'm serious, i'll delete any comments in English!"
but nobody was doing it. She didn't take it down because people got offended - read what she says
"i thought the comments would be funnier"
>i wanted to use your jokes you guys but you guys aren't funny it turns out No. 53575
File: 1560530930725.jpeg (276.13 KB, 1092x1417, 9315ACA5-9D22-4DFE-B964-56D97E…)

Weenus’s new bff brittanymichelle.jpg
No. 53577
File: 1560531047312.jpeg (405.96 KB, 1086x1749, AACCA703-4ACE-4EBB-85C0-BCB1DA…)

>>53575and this-
That is why they want to hang with you, dumbass. Get those followers.
No. 53658
File: 1560609613706.jpeg (464.92 KB, 1113x1799, 4EC01876-5CCF-4947-8CF0-93BCEB…)

Partying hard…at 6pm local time.
No. 53666
File: 1560619880636.jpeg (243.97 KB, 996x1410, AB3785A2-5601-4410-B37F-A101A6…)

Weenus was on some Japanese radio station yesterday, then went out drinking with her new gf ella.freya
No. 53667
File: 1560619954777.jpeg (319.16 KB, 1101x1783, 1C46FCD0-7C9A-4D77-BC77-AEF956…)

>>53666ella.freya instagrammed about her night out with her RABU.
No. 53668
File: 1560620022921.jpeg (258.38 KB, 1103x1934, D944FC0E-DD80-4083-822C-80D9D9…)

They got wasted on Turkish alcohol (whatever that is.)
No. 53684
>>53304she looks older for her age (at least mid twenties), especially in candids. she also has a lot of fine lines under her eyes (hard to pick up on camera) which were probably caused by wearing "aegyo sal" tape, which is like eyelid tape but to make your undereyes appear more puffy. it will cause lines under the eyes eventually and venus definitely wore it. just because someone thinks she looks older (not the same anon), does not make them "salty" or "projecting". margo looked older at 22 as well. it's in her genes and facial structure. it looks more angular than "kiddy" now. you might think venus looks younger because she wears kiddy clothes, natural makeup, insists on that nasty mop-top fringe and acts like a retarded kid. but she def looks older, especially when she's underweight like she currently seems to be. ironically, the thing she seems to hate the most (her wide jaw), is actually the only thing that helps make her look more "kid-like" and she shoops it out or goes underweight, diminishing it. also her nose is a lot bigger in candids with a tall root and her eyes much smaller which make her look older…just like mags, and they both have weak jaws from the side which makes them look older.
(nitpick) No. 53685
>>53060Think i said this before but i still think she should be an administrative assistant (receptionist) or dietary aid (if it exists in japan). working as a dietary aid requires no education here and my friend gets paid 30/hr and only works 3 days/week, and it's a great job for the depressed since it requires less "public" interaction and v would get to cook jap food, which is something she seemed to enjoy. and it'd be hospital work (so although she sees herself in an egocentric, special snowflake "too good for menial jobs" light, she'd actually be more respected for that kind of work. reception can pay like 40/hr here and is the easiest shit ever. if it's like that in japan, then she has a chance to make good money with no education. unless she likes escorting (assuming she's doing that) or networking with that scammer ella to make some easy bucks.
also i seriously hope that radioshow was not regarding her vtubing stuff. imagine her singing live on radio. the horror.
No. 53686
>>52095She was not the SOLE source of income. I love when people say this crap. they only say it because they hate marge and like venus, so of course venus started the channel all on her own, got all the equipment and paid for it to start up the business, got all the props/makeup/styling/clothes for EACH video, did all the scripting, ideas, editing, selling to the tabloids, interviews, business deals, youtube deals etc etc all on HER OWN while being 13/14. What a joke. Anyone who believes that is just a venus wk who romanticises her life and downplays margos contributions. Fact is they worked TOGETHER on the channel, so they were both contributing. And they decided on this path together since it could make them 80k a year (according to mag) for such minimal effort and both are greedy for easy money. Even if v may lost passion for it later, they were still BOTH involved in the channel until v left.
No. 53699
File: 1560634819772.jpeg (265.15 KB, 1116x1940, 35CB914C-33A3-4FDB-9C3F-CA0CE2…)

>>53692No, that’s this guy. Not Manaki.
I doubt Manaki was along on this date
No. 53709
File: 1560645051010.jpeg (59.98 KB, 453x689, 8E4DA119-FBAE-417D-A503-E73779…)

>>53684She’s aging really fast. She inherited those unfortunate eyebags and marionette lines around her mouth from marge and made it even worse by abusing the delicate undereye skin with that aegyo tape she used for so long. I cringed so hard watching thise makeup videos of her ramming that tape under her eyes.
No. 53710
File: 1560645148994.jpeg (50.99 KB, 391x475, 15F3B90B-C87E-4557-9D2A-7BC91D…)

And she keeps pulling these awful faces making her mouth area look so much worse. She really needs to stop doing this. It’s NOT cute.
No. 53711
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Last but not least I think she’s starting to develop jowls. More unfortunate genes inherited from her goblin mother.(Nitpicking)
No. 53771
>>53709God oh god do I wish she’d get rid of her bangs! I mean, she needs to fix her teeth and eye bags first, but her hair is so bad!
IMO she was better as a blonde.
No. 53776
File: 1560706836804.png (2.28 MB, 1920x1080, vblonde.png)

>>53771blonde hair really suits her a lot!
it would require lots of care and regular trims to look great though, and we know she's too lazy for that. she went blonde a few times before and it always looked super ratty. I mean, she can't even bother to properly style her bangs most days.. so no.
her hair right now is the prettiest it has been in a looong time
No. 53908
>>53311mikan looks horrible in this
I can show you plenty of 22 year olds from my uni who look at least 5 years older, venus looks fine stop having a rage boner for her
No. 53951
>>53771>>53777>>53797>>53808>>53908Oh my god who the fuck cares
Stop bumping when you don’t have anything new/important to contribute.
No. 53973
>>53685Somebody with a history of eating disorder definitely should not be a dietary aid/nutritionist. Admin assistant would probably be a good living for her if she can handle a real job, though.
>>53713It takes many years of heavy alcohol abuse before it starts to age you; even if she's drinking daily there's no way that it would cause noticeable premature aging yet.
>>53686Without Venus, Marge would just be another failed youtuber putting effort into what would never be more than a hobby. She was no more responsible for Venus' income than any given 'momager' who exploits their kids' appeal. Without the kid they would have nothing.
No. 54154
File: 1560947367520.jpg (748.21 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20190619-142628.jpg)

I don't know if I'm the only one but I clearly remember someone here wrote 'bumfuck inaka' a while back in an old thread way before she did.. Lurking 100%
No. 54281
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Fingers got deformed because of how much she slims her face.
No. 54415
File: 1561116847448.png (6.7 MB, 1242x2208, 66545272-9C69-49C3-AD25-F34BF6…)

Why do their hugs always seem so forced and awkward, it‘s uncomfortable to watch…
No. 54439
>>54281Fucking yikes.
>>54415Probably because it is. They're just friends to share each others fame.
No. 54713
File: 1561312825364.jpg (36.83 KB, 311x570, tiktokvenus.jpg)

Her last tiktok was uncomfortable to watch, that poor cat is constantly trying to escape from her arms
No. 54724
>>54661Why do you think they’re looking for someone to ‘waifu them’. They want male attention on social media, that’s about it. And lesbian tension
does attract a ton of males. Even if they actually did started dating; there’s tons of guys that still think their dick would be special enough to turn them around or at least let them join. Horny scrot males don’t care about realistic chances. Like, at all.
No. 54877
>>54661Nah they really are lesbians. Most girl weebs are lesbians unless they're into kpop lmao. "Ace" weebs are lesbophobic lesbians, "gay" fakeboys who date other fakeboys are lesbophobic weeb butches, and the kawaii femmes(like Venus) who fuck old men are just trying to cope with their trauma by replacing the sexual abuse they reveived from an old man with new "positive" consentual sexual encounters involving them receiving money. Venus would never fuck a man for free lmao. You can tell they're lesbians because they're only with purposefully hideous men they can use. Like… it's not hard to find a cute boyfriend. They seek out old men because they're coping not because they're genuinely attracted to bald fat men.
Venus doesn't have mostly pedo fans to pander to. Guys like that are flocking to Belle. The weebs into men become bootleg Belle's because they actually want a good looking boyfriend like Belle's.
(autism) No. 54888
File: 1561459785450.jpg (223.02 KB, 1076x1409, IMG_20190625_124633.jpg)

Interesting, what can this be about?
No. 54964
>>54960>we can't really know if Venus loved Manaki or if she just used himHave you people…. fucking seen him. He's hideous and has the personality of a baked vegetable. Imagine if he was white lmfao. He is a Japanese version of the misogynsitic pervert neckbeard weeb in your class who likes Kingdom Hearts. Venus needed a ticket out of Margo's grasp and he was it, and she MILKED their relationship for dozens of videos because she knew her fanbase was into it, so yes she used him immensely. They had 0 chemistry in their first few videos and were just awkward roomies near the end.
Also y'all
know the kind of girls into kpop I'm talking about. The ones who abandon all interests outside of them and turn all their meme reaction pictures into ones involving their faces and straight up refuse to shut up about their ~biases~. And these are absolutely gorgeous guys so it makes sense they're attracted. But Venus obviously ain't into it. She has taste when it comes to girls if her possible girlfriend turns out to be legit. It's like gay men who marry old wealthy women because an attractive/unattractive woman are both the same. One just has money. So they flock to that.
Basically, you won't see Venus with a man unless she can use them. Meanwhile her "frienship" with this new chick is mostly private and useless for her VISA status and YT career.
No. 55336
File: 1561702990791.webm (1.28 MB, 480x852, 66090255_2461780117188012_6785…)
>>55306This is an imageboard. Stories disappear in a matter of a day or so.
If there's something important to the thread's subject, please save and post it here next time so it can be archived for future reference.
Otherwise, things like this become a game of telephone, with no receipts to back up what you're talking about.
No. 56086
>>54888I don't have all the details, but I did notice that some of her older videos were taken down. Even her first video on her channel is gone, and the one that probably Marge took where she was dressed like a bunny.
No idea who was being vicious though. Maybe some comments?
No. 56307
File: 1562473624387.jpeg (566.73 KB, 1096x1762, 859347EA-A974-4132-AB33-09F40C…)

Playing dress up in a kimono.
No. 56377
>>53533What would you have done in her situation? Her mom made it so she didn't have any resources besides running away.
She's still pretty young too
No. 56660
>>56634Tiktok is pure cancer though
Can she make money from it?
No. 56830
>>54888It's probably referring to the Japan vlogs she had with Mana. He probably asked her to take them down, when they broke up.
On another note, I feel like all this fake lesbian/ party phase bullshit she's going through right now is the result of her marriage failing, not the other way around. Leading up to this, it did seem like Mana and her were having a lot of issues ( like with her hiding the weight loss surgery from him). I've seen a lot of girls go though "crazy" party phases post break up. Usually, it involves going out every weekend with other girls and sleeping with whoever was willing to give them any validation and pay for their drinks, all while professing how much they hate men. Even though she and Mana are not "officially" over, it's very clear that their relationship is no longer what it was.
No. 56918
File: 1562894959429.jpeg (179.23 KB, 1044x1277, ECB3933B-91A8-4C5E-85DC-301688…)

She’s staying at some hot springs resort town in the mountains and posting videos of herself manically dancing in a bikini on Tiktok. She’s been downright giddy ever since Marge was detained. No. 56919
File: 1562895606970.jpeg (595.46 KB, 1073x1559, ED94B4F2-0448-45C0-A5BE-0D0566…)

>>56918In other words, she’s doing the exact same thing she started out doing on YouTube at 13-14 years old
Also what’s with all the kimono-wearing suddenly?
No. 57075
File: 1562963131840.jpeg (315.26 KB, 1100x1809, 3FC5A2AC-1F01-4B94-BBFC-A1C9DA…)

I wonder if this is how she’s making money these days- not on Tiktok but “modeling” on other websites. Was all that cabbing around Tokyo wearing sexy/cute business attire her going on auditions or interviews? Will she go on to camming?
No. 57388
File: 1563159335304.png (104.41 KB, 247x251, 767868.png)

lol. creepy and gross. needs to lay off the asian beauty/slimming/digital makeup apps
No. 57389
File: 1563159495075.png (209.75 KB, 415x611, 86786876.png)

with facial smoothing/whitening. she has the same marge snake eyes.
No. 57390
File: 1563159531679.png (249.48 KB, 415x617, 87878978.png)

with facial/body slimming, nose slimming, lip plumping, digital makeup
No. 57391
File: 1563159566622.png (304.37 KB, 411x539, 767886786.png)

venus dancing like a retard in a bikini for attention & probs hoping to go viral
No. 57392
File: 1563159594030.png (295.87 KB, 354x480, 7897897.png)

guess the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree afterall. at least mags didn't overedit/slim herself
No. 57393
File: 1563159631445.png (43.04 KB, 174x160, 767867868.png)

looks like a she-male and that's with makeup/asian apps. how this girl made a "career" out of pseudo-cuteness/prettiness is beyond me. everything about her (even her physical image) is fake and manipulated.(this is why you're all autosaged)
No. 57414
File: 1563166987164.jpg (78.11 KB, 347x689, company.jpg)

a ""company""
No. 57419
>>57414lol girl can't even work hard and produce quality content when her life depends on it (which it actually did when she was living with margo)
I'm ready for the cringe
No. 57436
File: 1563189704457.jpg (222.1 KB, 720x700, Screenshot_20190715_132109.jpg)

>>57414Wtf Venus you don't dress more formal now, your outfits are office lady inspired/trying to look chic but fail at best. Girl litteraly shows her bra and does anime pigtails. What company did you start, a loli brothel?
No. 57437
File: 1563189753583.jpg (425.51 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20190715_132132_com…)

No. 57489
>>57436She's probably starting a company in the entertainment industry because thats all she has experience in. She did say she wanted to manage other content creators or something like that in the past. Plus, most larger youtubers these days have managers and signed to media companies, who help them with contracted brand deals, budget videos, and manage schedules. If I had to guess, it would be something along those lines. She doesn't want to be in front the camera any more so it makes sense to work behind the scenes cause it's not like she has any other profitable skills.
Watch me be completely wrong, and she starts a company selling gross niche services to old men or something. Idk why I always have hope cows will turn their lives around, when they almost always disappoints me
No. 57495
>>57489according to this
>>47831 she will be a manager (and then it kinda confirms that the Paters profile was not fake)
>>53542She has been inspired by this Breaker Japan youtube network company for sure
No. 57521
File: 1563233359203.jpeg (288.16 KB, 1098x1962, 01F91229-1147-44C9-A2DD-9B9C69…)

It’s kind of sad that she’s still doing this shit
No. 57523
File: 1563233435073.jpeg (350.49 KB, 1095x1961, BB81FF1D-87DE-4C9F-9BBB-DFA89D…)

Like she’s stuck forever being 15
No. 57524
File: 1563233522505.jpeg (311.18 KB, 1088x1954, 813975E9-205C-47CA-9E8D-98E8A4…)

Still trying to milk this ‘dolly venus’ shtick
No. 57546
>>57521sure but
>still doingyou know this is just clips from like decade old youtube videos
No. 57547
>being 15not so much. these videos highlight the legs and thigh gap for a reason
No. 57553
>>57489LOL. She doesn't "work" in the "entertainment industry". Youtube isn't a real job, all she does is act like a retard on camera from the comfort of her own home and upload it onto a website for other desperate weeb fags.
>>She has been inspired by this Breaker Japan youtube network company for sureaka copying them
No. 57592
File: 1563278129939.jpg (107.97 KB, 793x293, 20190716_070122.jpg)

It's wild seeing the good luck V&M banner now with all the shit that has come to light about Venus in the last year, she really had the farm fooled.
No. 57702
>>57630What if Venus wasn't ever actually abused by Margo, and it was all a story she cooked uo after a falling out with her over money andnwhere to live after Japan?
We all know Venus was desperate to stay in Japan, didn't like Korea too much and she and Margo were in a language school just for a Visa bc Marge couldn't get one for Japan. What if Venus made up the abuse story (not that Marge isn't a shit mom, a narc and unstable but as far as forcing Venus to be a fressup doll to sell online, I think Venus had more control over her own brand than she claims she did) to get back to Japan and dump Margo in one move so she could have her YT income to herself, live in Japan and be supported by someone else? Margo said it herself, when she married Manaki she got everything she ever wanted, including changing her name to a Japanese one from Sailor Moon. All the stories/proof of abuse by Marge are borderline situations that ould have been interpreted either way depending on the POV of who is telling it, but I think Marge was just a lazy, entitled mom who used Venus' online audience and weeb interests to keep them afloat so they wouldn't have to live "normal" lives and work or go to school. Marge wanted a glam life for sure but hates work, and Venus is the same with her Kawaii sex doll gimmick now that she's an adult. Having PR and a Japanese name, speaking Japanese and having sugar daddies is gonna take her far but she definitely didn't stumble into all of this by pure luck, or by escaping an
abusive situation. Venus and Marge chose to live like they did because they both wanted to travel and live well without working, and when V had her chance to have her dream life in Japan without mommy Margo she took it & never spoke to her again. This way she never has to take care of Margo or give her a dime of her income, and she gets pity points for the abuse story.
I think Venus being on her own without anyone to blame her actions on or explain how she's getting by (without prostitution) is gonna unravel her very quickly, especially with Japan's recent crackdowns on white foreigners using sex and anime culture to avoid growing up andnleeching off their country for decades.
sage for tinfoil
No. 57719
>>57706Exactly, Marge never seemed smart enough despite her genius card or w.e to be the puppeteer controlling poor wittle Venus. I think she was just going along with the attention her daughter was getting online and tried to make money off it like almost anyone would, but took it too far by relying on it and Venus completely as income. The more I think about it and the more she goes off lately, it feels like she's just a scammer extraordinaire who will use anyone to seem like the
victim and get what she wants.
Shit, maybe Marge's claims that Venus was a manipulative sociopath had some small grain of truth?
No. 57817
>>57702I too dislike venus, but she was abused for sure. some confirmed facts:
- venus was isolated by margo and never had a single friend ever.
even on cons margo didn't let her interact with anyone. venus took selfies 24/7 but there isn't even a single picture with anyone beside margo. remember that birthday video where she was blowing out candles by herself?
after leaving she suddenly started to interact and hang out with lots of people.
- margo is a bitch and was bullying young girls all the time. on venus first birthday after leaving she openly called v a stupid shit and an accident without any shame.
on another occasion she wished for venus to get abused by manaki so "she'll know what it's like".
plus, margo was never seen with a single friend either (random people in her goshiwon dont count).
you really think margo was sweet to her in person, like, ever?
I'm pretty sure just being forced to live with margo for 18 years is enough to give someone ptsd, even without the full drama.
- she basically didn't see venus as a person.
we konw for sure that she very rarely helped her with youtube - all she did was lazily hang around the house all day, buying shit and bullying random girls, as soon as venus was able to make enough to pay for rent and food. there was no reason why margo couldn't at least get a part time job - venus wasn't rich by any means, back then she couldn't even afford burando or shit like that. all that money was basically there to support her mother.
remember how venus was sent out alone to be molested by mr yan? he didn't want to pay for margos ticket, but she could have just bought one herself. who tf lets their 15 yo daughter travel to meet a known pervert to model for some shitty catalog? they didn't even get paid back then, did they (as far as I know it was just for pr)?
just some examples, there's so much more.
venus may be margo #2 in the making, but that doesn't mean she owes this woman shit. Imagine living with your mother as a young adult and supporting her 100% while she spends your money on useless junk, even though she could work just fine, while being insulted by her all the time.
why do people actually think it's strange for someone to move out with 18 and spend their money on just themselves?
lol margo, a healthy 40 yo woman, complaining that her grown daughter decided to move out and "only" paid a month of rent in advance and "just" left her with several thousand dollars and an expensive camera.
BTW venus didn't comment on it back then. she just moved out quietly, and margo was the one suddenly posting a crying video about how venus has just ran away and evil psychopath manaki made her do it, etc (even though that version changed weekly anyway)
No. 57825
>>57817I mean, just imagine what it was like being shackled to psycho marge as a teenager, isolated from everyone else in the world and forced to be the breadwinner for them both. The mindgames marge played on her (you’re fat, you look pregnant, without me you’ll end up a homeless prostitute etc.etc.) the emotional and psychological abuse, the fear of saying or doing the wrong thing and incurring marge’s wrath (that video of their interview where marge cuts her off mid-sentence and Venus visibly cowers in fear.)
It doesn’t have to be either/or. Venus was an abuse
victim for many years AND Venus turned out to be like her mother in many ways can both be true.
No. 57896
File: 1563560355091.jpeg (343.59 KB, 1091x1775, 633CF6F1-6B0C-4300-85BF-1D4590…)

omg fan meetup you guyz!
No. 58015
>>56830That's actually a good theory. It could go either way with Venus given that she may be trying on her freedom from Marge for the first time and doesn't seem to be publicly bad-mouthing Manaki, but it could be a reaction to the relationship falling apart. This kind of shit happens all the time post-breakup.
>>57392Oh god…this is horrifying. I guess you can't escape your fate
>>57719Who said you have to be smart in order to be
abusive or manipulative? A parent inherently has control over their kids and it doesn't take much brainpower to isolate a kid and get them to do what you want when you're…their parent. Do you think that predatory adults have to be brilliant to do the kinds of things that they do? ffs when you're so desperate to find more reasons to shit on Venus that it crosses into apologia for her terrible mother than it says more about you than it does about Venus.
No. 58066
>>57896A meetup? Guess she’s gonna meet those creepy guys that call her and her family.
I can see this never happening and just something she thought of because she’ll never go to any of the cons in America.
No. 59372
>>57722Yeah i'm pretty sure the 26 years old japanese otaku who stalker a minor until they met and, learn about her life with her mother, offering the choice to getting married to run away with him is totally innocent.
yes poor, poor manaki.
quit it, they both used each other.
No. 59519
File: 1563993232718.jpeg (435.78 KB, 1094x1930, 18685CD4-AE77-4768-B448-7F19B7…)

She keeps promoting this new app she’s on, on instagram and Twitter
No. 59521
File: 1563993276111.jpeg (129.64 KB, 1263x768, 580BB6D2-4C88-4182-81CE-D9C386…)

>>59519on Twitter, multiple times today
No. 59522
File: 1563993410975.jpeg (122.6 KB, 986x991, A53B4693-A447-4DB1-8E9A-2FE4CC…)

>>59521only problem is, that app is “not available in your country” (USA) on instagram/“invalid address” (twitter)
No. 59560
File: 1564010785004.png (638.85 KB, 442x887, 2019-07-24.png)

I felt a little off put by this video when I saw the title was "{A date by myself} Having Ebisu beer in yukata during Tanabata!"
When clearly she's not alone, and someone is filming the video…
No. 59572
File: 1564016742331.jpeg (209.16 KB, 917x1391, 1EEE27AB-3241-47F3-8ABC-9F0958…)

>>59560She filmed this at a very fancy resort, the same one where she filmed herself dancing in a bikini in a hot tub.
No. 59573
File: 1564016783688.jpeg (147.89 KB, 968x611, 7E9C3136-9A58-493B-A846-4FD73B…)

Girlfriend loooves her some beer!
No. 59575
File: 1564016908133.jpeg (121.23 KB, 1051x606, 2EF23F47-C272-4CC8-A15D-09C0AE…)

She has marge’s ugly-ass toe thumbs
No. 59576
File: 1564017314714.jpeg (156.82 KB, 1045x623, 30A69660-111F-44BF-9F4C-A9594C…)

No. 59577
File: 1564017428440.jpeg (119.62 KB, 1013x614, D83BB9EB-774E-4AA9-B4F7-64A0D7…)

>>59576more shopping!
she’s living large these days. Just like…her mother used to. Except more drinking.
No. 59630
>>59619she actually upped a video that was linked from her ig story. a new 'japanese only' channel
this bitch looks like she's been drinking colloidal silver.
i dunno japanese but fucking around in a shop and using the foyer of some hotel to film reminds me of a margaret palermo video. the only difference is there's someone else filming and you can hear camera snaps too so maybe two people. tell me this shit doesn't have JAV vibe No. 59639
>>59630how is her face so sunken in? it was still round and full even at a low weight just 2 or so years ago.
she needs to stop whatever tf she's doing to herself
No. 59665
File: 1564079177472.jpeg (332.02 KB, 1636x1161, 070F5F53-804F-4DC6-A2C5-410B70…)

So this latest video on her brand new Japanese only! channel seems to be located in Yebisu Garden Place, a shopping/hotel/restaurant complex in Tokyo. She prances about in a yukata (everyone else is in street clothes- check out the guy’s face in the background), dining and shopping and drinking beer. There’s also a “photography museum” where part of the video is filmed.
The hot tub bikini video was when she was in Hakone, a hot springs resort town west of Tokyo. And prior to that she posted pics labeled ‘strolling through Ginza.”
Our Weenus sure does get around these days.
No. 59750
>>59417Didnt margo prohibited venus from seeing manaki?
Thats why venus used a mobile game to speak with manaki
(i believe it was lineplay but dont quote me on that, margo just said cuteish game or something)
and i thoug margo did took venus to south korea, since she was learning korean there (and being extremely skinny..)
either ways, manaki is a creep…
No. 59753
>>59665i'm actually glad that she is fooling around
somehow when i see venus i just manage to remember her "birthday" streaming alone in a room with a cake.
No. 59792
>>59750>>59773Yup, it was both. She pushed Venus onto Manaki for her Japan visa, signed for her to marry him at 18 and then when Venus got approved for a JP visa and she didn't, Margul started shittalking him and snatched Venus away to S. Korea.
Neither one of them is a
victim at this point. Margul is a shit mother who tried to live off her daughter's pedo following, but Venus is a spoiled, manipilative user who is just as obsessed with image as her mother and left Manaki once she got PR because she didn't want to grow up or share her money.
No. 59793
>>59630With her tiktok and now this new channel I feel like she's trying too hard to get attention in Japan.
I kind of get the appeal of her first channel for weebs, but if she thinks she'll get a Japanese fan base as big as her previous one just for 2 min non talking half assed 'vlogs', she's deluded.
If she did it just for fun it would be nice but she's such an attention whore that she'll delete it soon if she doesn't get a tons of subscribers.
No. 59797
>>59793remember some salaryman john was saying to her in the background of an insta story 'how about we make a video huh?'
wasn't it?
No. 59834
>>59793Switching to a Japanese only audience for most of her content now that she's not doing YT as Venus Angelic anymore is going to destroy her. Not enough people in Japan are interested in watching an adult foreigner prostitute herself while acting like a drunk teenager, and even with PR I don't see her being able to go the rest of her life making escorting videos (lbr that's what they are, they're basically ads for
her) without getting fucked on income taxes or something legal. Japan doesn't want to deal with a white girl making it look like life in Japan is all rich men throwing money at you for being foreign and speaking Japanese in a Yukata, then they'll have a thousand more whores coming to Japan to have that life as well.
No. 60006
>>59967>>when she started hanging out with the other weeb fake lesbian hoesSpeaking of which, her girl crush and bff ella.freya posts multiple insta stories every day on her instagram account but hasn’t mentioned poor Weenus once. Not a single time.
Has Weenus been dumped and ghosted?
No. 60026
File: 1564214762980.jpg (37.11 KB, 446x772, dfh.JPG)

Still reciclying her 4 years old crappy videos on tiktok
No. 60045
>>60039She was closer to Mikan than Taylor. Plus she hung out with Yukapee for a while too.
Pretty sure Taylor doesn't have anything to do with Venus's bad decisions.
How about this: Venus got married way too young when she was completely socially stunted and now being a woman in her early twenties she wants to experience life beyond being married.
No. 60116
>>59797It's right here
>>55336It starts in the middle of his sentence, all you can hear is, "douga kana nanka issho ni nanka…" and a response from another man that sounds like "hai, daijobu desu yo."
Imo seems to me like a conversation between two men sitting at her table, but not directed at her. I assumed it was her manager and a possible business partner. Remember that her Malice persona is part of a network.
No. 60143
File: 1564340076692.jpg (52.98 KB, 400x400, try.jpg)

>hair died black with full bangs
>brown circle lenses
>JaPaNeSe OnLy uwu
No. 60201
>>60143I love how it's always foreigners who are angry about other foreigners wearing traditional Japanese clothes.
The only annoying thing Venus does to appear Japanese is edit her face to death, her hair color is allegedly her natural hair color (and wth is wrong with full bangs?? lol)
Being in Japan and making videos in Japanese is perfectly okay. Y'all would shit on her if she wasn't able to speak it. Making an extra channel for it is pretty dumb though, maybe it has something to do with that "company" thing she has going on?
No. 60251
File: 1564416651293.jpg (197.17 KB, 610x600, venus_palermo_venus_angelic_1.…)

>>60201I don't care if she wears a yukata, it's the stereotypical asian pitch black hair and bangs + brown lenses when her real eyes are blue + traditional clothes combo that makes her look very try hard and weeby. I understand wanting to blend in when moving to a foreign country but she takes it to a whole next level
pic related: you can see her roots are dark brown, not pitch black, but she often lied about it
No. 60445
File: 1564536914055.jpg (1.46 MB, 1440x2560, 20190730_223434.jpg)

Feels like we've seen this message a thousand times already.
No. 60478
File: 1564551185023.jpeg (517.95 KB, 1086x1969, 5B3F5F78-4657-457E-B919-72760C…)

Oh FFS. She’s now doing “Celebrity Events,” which is exactly the same shit marge the wonder Celebrity Manager used to organize to make a few quick bucks - only now Weenus is doing it all by herself.
3000 yen ($28 usd) for the “main event” (autograph signing by The Celebrity) plus 8000 yen ( $78 usd) for the exclusive after party!
So I guess her only aspirations now are to be a Social Media Influencer. Except she has never been able to consistently come up with content. If she doesn’t feel like doing something she just doesn’t do it.
What’s so terrible about going school and working toward having a real career? Because she won’t be able to pull this shit off for very long (if at all.)
No. 60669
>>60478she's a greedy bitch, what did you expect? She doesn't care about meeting her fans beyond the cha-ching they provide her with (and an ego boost)
>>59639remember she uses apps to edit her appearance on camera as well. those apps include slimming the body/face so that could be why her cheeks are sunken in and her face (edited) looks slimmer. that and she lost weight again.
No. 60670
>>57825Before I start, I am not a marge sympathizer, I dislike both marge and venus and just try to look at things a little more objectively than "poor uwu venus abused by evil marge" and give credit where it's due. That said, you're romanticizing v's life and making it seem MUCH worse than it was. for instance, the pregnant comment seems to have been a one time thing (according to v) that marge probably just said (and forgot) cause she was insensitive, not trying to "mind game" her. Marge isn't even smart enough for that. also how about the other interview where venus' dress style gets called horrible, venus is shocked and pissed off looking and then marge interjects and says something about how venus is a good girl who doesn't do drugs or something, dressing like that is harmless and puts her hand on her leg to comfort her. Clearly, marge was not horrible 100% of the time. Marge seems like a clone of my own narc mom tbh, so I don't think it was NEARLY as bad for venus as you (or most of the internet) likes to claim. It's still bad living with a narc though, but it's nothing like what you described.
>>57817this was all AFTER venus took the channel away from marge so she became the target of her narc rage.
>>we konw for sure that she very rarely helped her with youtube we do not. marge claims she did managing, contracts, paperwork, business aspect of everything, interviews as well as scripting, clothing, styling, camera work and even editing. She claimed that for "some" of the videos, venus did nothing (not even editing) but act on camera off marge's script. If you look at their old videos compared to now, you can CLEARLY see marge all over them. Literally proof that marge was involved in the production of those videos. People just like to say this to force the "marge lived off venus' income" narrative, when in fact, marge invested into all the equipment to start the channel and actively put effort into the content of that channel. Just because venus was "the face" does not mean marge didn't do anything but sit on her ass counting the bucks or that it's soley venus' channel. This is why I don't agree with the marge lived off her daughters income. If they both put work into it, it is THEIR income, not only venus'. Marge was definitely opportunistic and only helped when she realized that she could make good money off it, enough to quit her job and why wouldn't she, if she could make 80k a year working with her daughter and they could both live a lavish, mutually beneficial lifestyle. I also partially agree on marge's "robbed" claims. Venus kept all their old videos up and continued to earn monthly income off of them, (aka: off of marge's work as well) without marge getting any royalties or anything. That IS stealing and I totally get why marge would be pissed. Imagine if someone took a video you worked on, made ad revenue off it but you got nothing. You would be pissed too. But marge also claimed the 10k was hers, when technically, if they are business partners then 5k would be venus'. Also after leaving marge didn't give venus access to her bank account so when venus took the 10k and other stuff, she was just taking money she earned that she didn't have access too. Marge has made some horrible choices, comments, behaviours (I'm not excusing her of that), but when it comes to the channel, it was her work as much as venus'. She shouldn't have done anything for the channel though and let venus figure it all out (most likely v would not be known at all as she wouldn't have the equipment or cute hair, makeup, clothes or anything to show off). In the end, never "work" with family and marge was stupid to do so.
>> Imagine living with your mother as a young adult and supporting her 100% while she spends your money on useless junk, even though she could work just fineImagine your mom, investing into a youtube business for you when you're just a pre-teen so you both could mutually make 80k a year and buying you all the clothes, makeup, weeb shit to your hearts content, helping you come up with video ideas, doing camera work, editing, scripting, interviews, business related aspects (that a 13 y/o old would know jackshit about), even quitting her day job to work on the channel fulltime and getting royally fucked in the end without any credit for the work she put into it. I'm all for v moving out, marge is
toxic and it's not crazy for an 18 y/o to want to leave, but marge knew her leaving would mean that venus would take THEIR business for herself. If my own narc mom had helped me with my own business (she refused), there's no way I could just take the business away like that. I couldn't stay with her either though, so I do understand venus wanting to leave, but marge does deserve some credit where it's due, despite her horrible disposition. Venus isn't much different by the way, she just hides it better. Anyone remember v's message to marge along the lines of, "If you act cute and look cute people will believe anything you want them to". Marge took it out of context and I believe it was in relation to venus' surgery, but this is how venus thinks. It's manipulative and sociopathic even. It's downright disgusting.
>>BTW venus didn't comment on it back then. she just moved out quietly, and margo was the one suddenly posting a crying videoVenus was the first to post a video. She claimed she left as marge a) said she'd delete her channel if venus went with manaki, b) trash talked manaki and it "hurt venus oh so much" c)venus claimed marge and her didn't get along (can't remember how much detail she went into but she talked about some of the stuff like the prostitute comment and the knife).
I found the video hypocritical though, especially the second point. Venus was so heartbroken that marge was trash talking manaki from time to time with her friends (probably stuff like he works in a factory etc), yet venus shit talked him herself. She (according to marge and not hard to believe given they broke up once), claimed he was disgusting, his kisses were gross, he was boring, copied her oh so special pseudo-eccentric self and many other things. She only used him as a ticket to Japanland and to leave marge, then she has the audacity to make that point. To me, she only made that point to paint marge in a negative light to secure her victimhood to internet eyes (not that she has to do anything for people to see marge for what she is).
And don't get me started on the manipulative "calling my dad video". Venus literally tried to use her family drama to make money. That is so vile. She intentionally uploaded a thumbnail without her eyebags edited out and red makeup around her eyes to make her look like she was crying and more distraught. She then very visibly (and fake of course) "shook" on camera. Literally would use her victimhood and family drama to make money. Equally as manipulative as her mom.
No. 60672
File: 1564652231155.jpg (635.87 KB, 1080x1920, 20190801_103558.jpg)

She's gotten a minor role in a play. Is there any chance that the play will be recorded and sold?
No. 60680
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>>60670>marge wasn't bad all the time/just because she said this one time..Are you aware people just coexist with each other for decades without ever saying insulting,
abusive and brainless shit like margo did casually on her instagram, for everyone to see?
Not even once?
'Cause that shit is not normal.
>marge involved in the productionI mean, have you seen her own channel? That's proof enough for me she has no idea how to edit or come up with interesting ideas.
>bought her all this stuffIt's.. normal? Every parent buys their kid clothing, and sometimes slightly more expensive stuff like a camera for their birthday, or christmas.. It's not like V had super high-end equipment or the finest burando. It was all bodyline and shiny plastic wigs she got off amazon for 10 bucks, until she could afford better with _her own money_.
>"I also partially agree on marge's "robbed" claims. Venus kept all their old videos up and continued to earn monthly income off of them, (aka: off of marge's work as well) without marge getting any royalties or anything. That IS stealing and I totally get why marge would be pissed."I've got a question for you..
What about those parents that open a college fund for their kid - do they have the right to their income for the rest of their life? That's just an example, but sometimes people just do things to help out others, without expecting anything in return. Especially if it's their family.
Only a narc would be proud of having helped their kid with some hobby, and -gasp- even having spent money on it instead of themselves.
>venus was the first to post a videonope, everyone was confused about margos crying video on instagram. venus only made a post about it after several days. her video came out like 2 months later.
You may want to look at the old threads, might change your mind when you see screenshots of shit marg had said. Back then everyone was 100% on venus side, because she didn't sperg out and gracefully distanced herself from the drama, while her mom kept posting drunken rants all day, every day
I agree with everything you said about venus though. It's sad she turned out to be a mini-marg
No. 60714
>>60672“buy tickets by swiping up OR come to my fan meetup where 2 lucky winners will be drawn!”
omg she really is margo 2.0
How sad. And creepy, like eww creepy and nasty.
No. 60721
>>60693To be fair (ntsa)
What is venus doing "wrong"?
sure, she is spending her money on her things, dinning out, having fun, making meet and greet, but what is she doing wrong?
as much as i dislike venus, she is selling herself, not someone else like her mother.
I dont see her turning into a mini marg, since she is not using or selling anyone else but her.
No. 60788
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>>60779>>when all she's left with are a myriad of self-inflicted under eye wrinkles and fine lines.That’s already happened.
No. 60867
File: 1564779130623.jpeg (239.26 KB, 747x1286, 2D771357-7DF4-41EC-905E-11FD45…)

Guess she ditched the malice persona and switched back to her normal channel name
No. 61032
File: 1564894827731.jpeg (254.46 KB, 1098x1508, 78D2D866-AC4A-4D28-B61A-24CCEC…)

This is how real MODELS pose, right guys? (Hey did you know I have my own COMPANY?)
No. 61044
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No. 61081
File: 1564941401794.jpeg (252.24 KB, 1094x1595, 3A363A23-7B24-49B9-A86A-C1157C…)

Speaking of creepy over edited photos, look who’s popped back up on instagram? And she’s promising “bonding experiences” for her “fans and followers.”
Watch Venus go back into SM hiding now. She’s only been out and about since marge was detained this past spring. Now I bet she runs away like a scared bunny.
No. 61092
>>61082Just watched this and seriously felt so forced and unnatural and she didn't really explain anything.she is in Japan for so many years and she learns the culture now???
>>61091Exactly my sounded if he was a rando who appeared in a few of her videos and now he is harassed by her fans.and she asks about privacy while their relationship wasn't private at all??they were even saying innuendos in the videos and now he is just a "poor guy"????
No. 61106
>>61091She ran away from her
abusive mom and married a guy much older and had a separate bedroom from him, they are gonna get divorced and always were
No. 61108
>>61082Well that was 5 minutes and 46 seconds of nonstop navel-gazing. Therapy! Acting classes! Singing lessons! Horseback riding lessons! And now a Youtube ‘comeback” starting with…yet another video with greasy unwashed hair and wearing jammies? Wow!
Hey how about you get your head out your ass and go back to school or even *gasp -get an actual JOB? You know, like real people do?
No. 61109
>>61082So… “learning about Japanese culture!” = filming oneself mincing about in a yukata with a “Japanese” hairdo, apparently?
Got it.
No. 61114
>>61082blah blah blah! "I'm broken" "private life" Such a mess, couldn't even fix herself up for the video.
She deleted her Anime girls will be the death of youtube video. Fucking shocker.>>61082
No. 61118
>>61093>>just noticed there are no videos of manaki anymore.i had no idea she deleted themYeah she wiped all traces of “the poor guy” from YouTube AND instagram.
Interesting she says they are ‘still married” but no mention of whether they’re still together (it seems pretty clear they’re not.) Obv. they’re still legally married cause she needs that visa.
No. 61147
File: 1564979574554.jpeg (233.9 KB, 1078x1080, F65608B9-11A1-45CA-97AA-B5183A…)

You are SO not cute. Go wash your hair or something.
No. 61151
>>61147by herself in a dreary corner with this wellwishing balloons i'm surprised they don't say 'get well soon'. and oh it's supposed to be a club wrist band? looks like a patient tag. with this and her video recorded in some tiny room against the door, in pyjamas - are you all sure this bitch is not in fucking institution?
her social media look like the pic of dead deer with the get well balloon and her pose looks like 'im borderline??' meme
No. 61165
>>61082soo the general consensus here is that it's a pile of shit.
I guess I'm a bit more lenient, for me what she said explains a lot. She's clearly doing better but we can all agree she's still pretty messy. Probably feeling the best in a while and she's high on it, she's not seeing that she's still acting weird, just in a different way. I guess her plan is to be more Japan-centred "proper" Youtuber now, but that would sell like 3 years ago. And not with her audience. It's going to flop hard and she'll be quickly back to her depreshun when the reality strikes.
It's nice that she goes out more etc, but she still hangs out mostly with weirdo weebs. Acting classes sound great though. Clearly she's in therapy and trying. She looks healthier on the face, too bad she shoops like a madwoman
No. 61171
>I'm not on antidepressants anymore!Well, good luck without proper medication… I know many people who had to took it for years and have way less trauma than her.
>I started going out and meet new peopleYou mean escorting lol
>I finally learned about Japan's cultureAs another anon said she's been living there for a few years now and has always claimed to be 〜soo into learning the language and culture desu〜 so that sounds weird.
>Leave the poor guy alone!! 1!!As a public figure with 1 million YouTube subscribers and ~300000 Instagram followers of course people are going to ask questions. She's always been very public about her "boyfriend-now ex boyfriend-now married but prefer to refer to him as boyfriend" and her sexuality (her totes gay uwu phase). People will keep asking if you don't answer clearly, Venus. Using the pretext "you harassed him and scared him away you meanies!!" is ridiculous, he is a grown ass man and if people didn't like his weird meitud selfies, that's not harassment.
I don't think we'll see a new video soon, or that she'll go back to a regular schedule. I feel like being a Public figure to her just means ass pats and bucks, but she doesn't actually want to produce content. I think the best she could do is be honest about her not creating content anymore, pursue her education and/or find a part time job along therapy. Actually working and interacting with normal people would help her so much, instead of strolling through Tokyo's luxurious neighborhoods with weebs and old pervs.
No. 61217
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She has fucking margo mouth and it creeps me out.
No. 61247
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Something she posted then she deleted it pretty quickly
No. 61260
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>>61247Ah yes, her old habit of post/delete/edit. This is what the caption reads now:
No. 61261
Next up in the cycle: more drama whoring, then she’ll disappear from SM for a few weeks. Lather rinse repeat. Just like
>>61168 says.
I’m so tired of this mini-margo and her sadly predictable behavior cycles. Just go get a fucking job, Weenus.
No. 61264
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>u could never understand me
No. 61289
>>61247jfc venus, fucking say it or don't. we don't need another vaguepost about absolutely nothing
"work is BORING".. how long does it even take to film one of her short, shitty videos? 1-2 hours?
that's just too much work to earn a few thousands a month, I guess.
this is why I don't believe it was a joke when her malice-persona proclaimed her goal to be the #1 youtube-channel and earn millions.. nothing less would do apparently
sucking off johns is not boring then I guess
No. 61290
>>61217that video was so melodramatic. she actually did have a childhood. it got weird in her teenage years because of youtube and gaining some popularity but she wanted that. she wanted to do youtube, she wanted attention and money and then she whines about "her broken heart" blah blah blah. she also acts as if she's the only one who ever grew up with a narc. yes it can fucking suck but stfu already and stop milking it for pity. the rest of us don't try and use it to make money or get pity. she has A LOT more than most people who grew up with narcs have, yet she whines so much louder than them. still a spoiled, self-centred brat wrapped in a "pseudo-mature" facade. and funny how that's not personal but manaki/her visa marriage specifically is.
>>61264this is how you know venus is dumb, vapid and vain. it makes me want to vomit that a girl obsessed with ego, attention, materialism, showing off clothes, editing her photos beyond recognition, "kawaii" wannabe desperation and posting food pics actually thinks she's "deep". she doesn't know anything about anything. I bet if i tried to have a conversation with her in abstract concepts or about anything i've learned in my years of reading non-fiction, she would have nothing intelligent to add beyond talking about clothes, food, instagram, cute stuff and her oh so difficult life (self-centred topics in general). when people praise her as "intelligent" or "complex" i cringe as bad as when people call marzia bisognin intelligent or creative. at the end of the day, she's just another intellectually empty social media presence
(no1curr bout ur iq) No. 61291
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is she drunk?
I mean, I hope she is.
No. 61296
>>61290Lets not minimize what she went through since she was an early teen, ok? She was raised by a mentally unstable extreme narc who isolated her, uprooted her constantly and took her out of school to turn her into a traveling circus act to milk every possible bit of money and fame for mommy to feed on.
That said Weenus has turned out to be a vapid, vain, shallow, lazy self-absorbed attention whore. They both suck.
No. 61302
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>>61211Yall werent playing. Damn weenus what happened lol
No. 61304
>>61191is she even in the play?? at the end they say 'venus will be in the film version. in the stage play your character will be represented by a doll or a teddy bear'
i guess that's a joke?
No. 61326
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She said she wants to start acting but if people look her up and they believe she looks like the photoshopped pictures and then she turns looking up like her real self then she will end up getting black listed, acting companies hate being lied too, they expect what they see, she would be better off posting pictures of what she actually looks like to avoid the sane faint as koots
No. 61329
File: 1565120750097.jpeg (7.95 KB, 148x115, 5BAB93AE-5150-41CF-9780-8C7365…)

Why does she do that thing with her mouth, ALL THE TIME? Is she TRYING to look like her goblin mother?
No. 61365
>>61363It’s not just that, she pulls her top lip up in a weird way, almost like a sneer or a snarl. And it just accentuates the furrows she already has around her mouth thanks to her troll of a mother and those nasty genes.
She really needs to stop doing that.
No. 61393
>>61309that's why I can't stand venus. She's actually an egomaniac and this is not marge's doing. She milks everything bad that's ever happened to her and dramaticizes it 10x. Literally margo 2.0, except margo doesn't milk her problems for youtube ad revenue or post wannabe edgy replies in response.
>>61363it's not insecurity. it's vanity. she likes small lips and tries to make them look smaller. she likes puffy trendy asian eyes so she wears under eye tape and enlarges them. she likes a smaller nose so she shoops it.
No. 61429
File: 1565178520312.jpg (225.55 KB, 720x1271, Screenshot_20190807-134315.jpg)

venus: creating proper content is BORINGG, I just want to crash and bURN EVERYTHING Imma get drunk flirting with darkness idgaf mommy
picture: venus, one (1) day later, realizing she actually needs to earn money somehow.
No. 61435
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well, fan service, i guess
No. 61449
>>61429Maybe she was inspired by the confetti club lol
But seriously, I don't get how someone could be a fan of her anymore… She doesn't produce anything, and being cute (thanks to photoshop and meitu) doesn't count as a reason
No. 61454
>>61429How very MARGO of her.
No. 61465
>>61302She has had some very shitty eating habits since she was a teen, and even an eating disorder, so looking a little haggard for her age isn't that weird tbh. I don't think she looks too bad apart from her teeth, they're abnormally discolored imho. I don't remember if it ever got confirmed if she had bulimic tendencies, but I wouldn't doubt it
>>61429She should try patreon, she would easily make some money on lower tiers without the pressure to have anything too special as a reward. Her plan sounds like a hassle and patreon is quite easy to use and people are accustomed to it
>>61147>>61204>>61290>>61393>>61454Did she pee on you pocky? Never thought there would be a more autistic and vicious thread than Shayna's, you anons are way too angry about all of this kek
No. 61468
>>61465No one’s “angry,” dear.
(Maybe you’d feel more comfortable on PULL.)
No. 61470
>>61448Kiki's failed attempts to become relevant all over again. Both relied on their looks to earn money and attention, now they don't have that -or anything else- to offer.
>>61465go back to kiwifarms
No. 61518
>>61480>>Venus is on too much of a "happy high" I think she’s on the downward slope of her current cycle. She’s posting less often and the grooming is starting to go (greasy unwashed hair and face, wearing jammies all day are all signs.) Also I think her girl crush ella.freya ghosted her and that hurt (ella posts several instagram stories a day and has never mentioned poor Weenus once since their ‘date’ weeks ago.)
Next up: she’ll disappear without a word for weeks. Probably stays in bed for days, maybe drinks, who knows.Then the cycle will start again when she reappears. It’s way past old at this point.
No. 61525
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A lot of her problems could be addressed by giving up Japan and getting a day job.
I'm trying not to be mean but Venus has been spoonfed that she's special all her life, and it's about time she dropped the act that she's too good for actual work.
Then again, maybe she's more similar to her mother than we all thought.
No. 61536
>>61525Wouldn't it make more sense for Venus to get a normal job in Japan while she still can?
Isn't Venus's passport Swiss? If so, then does she have any family in Switzerland? I feel like she probably isn't very close to any family there. It would probably be hard for her to start over there, especially because she lacks any education.
No. 61543
>>61032She should just let her hair be light and lay off the lip tint, she needs to switch up her look because she really does look washed out and ill.
The kawaii packed up and left, she's bringing Milly Shapiro in Hereditary vibes now.
No. 61548
>>61536Getting a job in Japan is very hard, and she's not only a foreigner - she has no work experience and no higher education, so major doubt she would get hired
anywhere really. And I don't think she's going to give up Japan anytime soon, Japan is her whole personality. Leaving it behind would require too much "normal", she ain't got that.
She has to either do Youtube again, hassle (as she's trying to now), get proper education (and later maybe a job - long time plan, she's not stable enough to pull it off), or go back to her family (she won't do that). She's fucked basically
No. 61555
>>61548Just like Dakota, she had everything she could ever want from her photoshop selfie modeling contract & viral fame but kept shitting on herself by being rude and bratty.
I wonder what it is about Japan that makes girls who get everything handed to them so lazy and infantile, yet also arrogant and entitled?
No. 61556
>>61531How long has she been in japan, 3 years? So in two years she can apply to be a citizen. But then its a whole other issue for her because she has to be mentally healthy, prove she can support herself financial, and have a good moral character.
I bet she's gonna try to get pregnant so she can't get kicked out of Japan.
No. 61558
>>61557Example, she claims to want to show off japanese culture and here she is filming a japanese run italian restaurant..? Most of which is a boring, awkward sit down interview and tasting with barely any editing. In the Kamen Raider video the subtitles even go out of the picture at times.
At the end of this video she offers a 5% discount for the restaurant. Makes me wonder if she's using her channel and numbers to get sponsorships and gigs and this is the reason she's reviving it at all.
Not saged because I haven't seen this video posted yet.
No. 61560
>>61558I think her new Japanese agency wants her to use her platform to promote Japanese businesses as opposed to building her up as an influencer/entertainer. Mikan's content became consistent when she got a good agency branding her as an international influencer. Taylor's agency does this too by making her a bootleg Safiya. Venus's agency seems to be using a SUPER dated approach and just having her promote Japanese stores and restaurants in what are just long boring commercial attempts. It seems like they got ahold of her editing and camerawork too because she's capable of doing WAY better videos than this.
What a waste.
No. 61561
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>>61558>>wonder if she's using her channel and numbers to get sponsorships Of course this is a sponsored video, 100% Only problem is, it’s boring content and probably doesn’t pay much.
Anyway, her gf (she wishes) ella.freya seems to have found someone new and dumped Weenus.
File: 1565272332687.jpeg (400.59 KB, 1086x968, 82AD42BB-C103-4F98-B2E9-3050EA…)

poor Weenus
No. 61563
>>61561fucking stop you're obsessed! five times you posted now that ella freya has "moved on haha"
nobody cares!
No. 61564
>>61560>Taylor doesn't have an agency right now which is why she isn't doing anything. When she did have an agency, it was her modeling agency who didn't really know how to handle her youtube weebery, so they they just kind of went along with whatever she wanted to do. If she had anything but yes-men advising her, her videos probably would have been better. Her content is crap.
>Mikan"agency" doesn't have any juice. They aren't doing anything for her. Her content is still shit. There is nothing interesting or unique about it. I mean she's shown a couple cafes, disneyland, and a video modeling kpop shit (her most popular) maybe a few other things but nothing I haven't seen way before (and better done tbh). She's signed to her agency so that on the off chance that a tv show wants an middle eastern looking foreigner for background/audience work on tv shows, they can deal with the particulars for her. Also maybe they help broker sponsors for her.
>Venus content is also shit and inconsistent. Although, of the 3 of them Venus is the only one who probably has some kind of super dated tarento agency helping her along because she is the only one of the 3 who can most likely speak Japanese at a level high enough to communicate professionally.
No. 61569
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>>61561lol she just left a comment on venus' last pic
you're reaching too hard
No. 61575
>>61573Ok. I'm not disagreeing with any of your points here. I'm just saying that because her Japanese is the best of the 3 of them, she is the one most likely to be receiving
bad outdated professional advice on her channel of the kind that
>>61560 mentioned from a shitty tarento agency that has barely moved past the Showa era.
No. 61588
File: 1565289760699.jpg (31.72 KB, 901x240, weebus.JPG)

Milking old pics that made her viral back in the good ol days
I don't get the caption since she's STILL presenting herself as a "living doll"
No. 61590
>>61588>thank u for inspiring me to be myselfwhat's up with all those people being "inspired" by her?
I get it, she has a cute face, but all she ever did was filming makeup-tutorials, eating candy and nodding a lot while talking in a baby-voice.
no wonder she sees herself as a super unique deep thinker when she's getting such exaggerated compliments from simpletons all day long.
No. 61648
>>61303Not to tinfoil too much but I think most of her rough appearance could be attributed to that completely unnecessary weight loss surgery she had. If she's too lazy most days to get dressed and keep up proper hygiene, then I'm unconvinced that she's eating right and taking the nutritional supplements she now requires to remain healthy. The type of surgery she had made it so that she's physically unable to take in an average meal or absorb nutrients. That's why surgeries like that are really only for morbidly obese folks whose options are to lose weight rapidly at drastic, life-altering costs or die early from their weight.
It's honestly so damn negligent and to think she had that done at the time in order to keep up her kawaii uguu image she seemed to cherish so badly only to wind up doing nothing with it. Time will tell, but I'm sure she will regret the ramifications a lot.
No. 61649
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>>61604No one’s mad at ella.freya, just noting Venus has apparently been dumped by her. In fact I commend her for her good judgement.
In other news—Venus won’t be able to live on her Youtube $$ with numbers like this.
No. 61674
>>61600Both deleted pics and videos of each other, and Venus has been given vague answers when asked about Manaki.
I'd dare to say the general consensus is that they broke up but are still married on paper (and possibly living as roomates rather than a couple) so Weenus can stay in Japan.
No. 61769
>>61560i don't think they got a hold of her editing. her editing has always been pretty generic. she said she's trying to make "proper" content, remember? and "proper" content is "boring" to her. venus was never good at editing (just average) nor is she creative (tho she thinks she's a super special creative soul
rolls eyes).
>>61548there are plenty of jobs in Japan that don't require higher education so it is an option for her. Also to me, she seems rather "normal" - like when you see her interacting with people in public, she's reserved and shy and is generally conventional and "normal". she's only eccentric when she's alone in her room wearing her pink wig acting like a deranged weeb, but it's easy for
anyone to be eccentric alone in front of a camera. as for mental problems,everyone has their problems, so that doesn't make her special, eccentric, unique or abnormal.
No. 61772
>>61465>>She should try patreonShe shouldn't. We don't need another entitled millennial scamming their audience's hard earned bucks for free money because she's too lazy and greedy.
>>61469Margo doesn't do it for youtube money though. (except that one vid calling her ex mother in law, but that was in retaliation to the video venus posted about her (for money)). Margo just rants on instagram and she's not an edgelord wannabe. She angry and confrontational but not in an edgelord way. Venus on the other hand milked all her issues to make ad revenue on yt, in addition to ranting on instagram like margo.
No. 61814
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>>61772>>Margo is not an edge lord>>venoose is edgelord for being like MargotHuh?
No. 61816
>>61814I wouldn't be surprised if Margo really does lurk this thread. I'm just shocked it took her this long to start WKing herself.
Now I want to go and check Margo's posts for typing style similarities, but it's probably not worth it.
No. 61817
File: 1565447358350.jpg (1.47 MB, 1438x2199, Screenshot_20190810-112550_Ins…)

So cringy, looks like some MLM hun typed it. Not funny.
(And does she really think her eyelashes look good here? They are absolutely normal, underwhelming even)
No. 61819
>>61817Also, "need my occasional sissy fit"?
Fuck, how about not trying to make emotional outbursts your whole personality? Is this really the only thing she has to say when talking about lashes?
No. 61820
>>61816>>61814the overzealous anti-white-knighting is annoying
that anon is saying:
>margo is genuinely unhinged, venus is performing as unhinged>vesus makes money from it and margo fails toHow is that margo stanning, dumb cunts
No. 61821
>>61816marglish is so bad, you'd know it was her right away
>>61820margo can barely be considered a human being, can we stop painting her in a better light just to shit on venus? that would be great
like, venus is cringy enough on her own
>>61817she promised a video yesterday.. guess it wont happen
No. 61826
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alcoholism is so kawaii uguu
No. 61827
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No. 61829
>>61826>>61827When she becomes all "edgy" and tries to act all quirky & funny with her unhealthy issues ie sleeping problems, alcohol consumption, mental health breakdowns, glued to her past "Living Doll Venus" it comes across as very pathetic. She wants to be taken more seriously in her "recovery" stage but acts like a complete child.
Nobody is going to want to sponsor her in future if she keeps it up, as that's not an image any brand wants. Curious to see how her fan meet goes tomorrow, as she's clearly an unorganized mess.
No. 61840
>>61836Along with describing bpd symptoms in a very unnatural way when answering people ("but I need the attention and validation" etc)
She's trying so hard to be seen as this unpredictable alcohol fueled love craving girl, but she follows the same plan every time: posts that she's getting better and going to therapy (said this a thousand times already, so it shouldn't be new info), then when everyone is happy for her starts posting pics with greasy hair, holding drinks, "dark humor" in captions and worrying everyone. It's so planned and artificial it hurts.
No. 61847
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i guess this means her event did not sell out? and she is going to have to content with at least one bobs and vagene desperado
No. 61866
unpopular opinion here, but I wish she just did what she wanted to, instead of catering almost exclusively to haters.
not everyone was on board with her malice persona for example, but she has a large die-hard fanbase that would support everything. 90% of her instagram comments are people telling her how great and inspiring she is, and how her videos basically cured their cancer (that's why I'm convinced she must be reading gossip somewhere).
oh, but someone on lolcow or pull mentioned how her hair looked greasy, better tell them in a video how it's t-totally just the weather y-you guys!
better change her whole personality for the 13443 time, maybe this time everyone on lolcow will LOVE it!
why not make some self-deprecating jokes while we're at it, so all of them know she's totally relatable and chill!
which leads to shit like this
>>61853where she tries so hard to seem ~*cool*~ and unimpressed, to the point of where her videos end up being boring for everyone.
not to forget those random sarcastic and bitter outbursts on insta.
this is some kiki "don't let them haters win but actually they dictate my whole life" kind of shit all over again.
imagine she actually did the whole idoru-thing - what delicious, tone-deaf cringe it would have been.
No. 61872
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An anon posted these pics from the meet up at the margo thread, thought they belong here.
No. 61875
>>61872…there's female fans somewhere in there, right?
If not, pathetic.
No. 61877
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No. 61893
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No. 61894
File: 1565552160617.jpg (69.71 KB, 434x739, kawaii.jpg)

No. 61903
>>61302>>61303Jesus, I always thought anons were too harsh when they said she ages hard, but she looks genuinely ugly here. At this point Kota looks way cuter than her, any jvlogger does, hell, even Margo's shooped pics look fresher lol
And there's no way she can live of videos with such low views.
No. 61934
>>61894Them weenus eyebags
Also kek at that failed stubby fingered koreaboo heart sign from the other chick
No. 61944
File: 1565616383257.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190812-142342.png)

Went through her story and for a split second the guy in the white shirt sitting in the back during her meet looks like Manaki.
No. 61950
>>61826>>61827Why is her face so wide in these particular pictures?
Almost looks like she's hit a bulimia relapse.
No. 62032
>>61814I am not margo. I meant BOTH of them rant on their instas about their lives/drama and that like margo, venus does that too, but she does it in an edgelord way, whilst marge does it in an angry, delusional sort of way. Totally
different from edginess, you are twisting my words. And I'm not condoning marge's actions (she disgusts me), but just stating that she didn't whine about her situation/mental health/her "oh so broken self" like venus on YOUTUBE for MONEY. Marge is genuinely delusional, while venus is performing/over-dramatizing for money (and to me,that is despicable). The only video where marge was milking drama was her response to venus' surgery video. She's used the interviews (though she's in them and can) and that "naming venus" video milking the venus angelic name, but that's different from milking her family drama/mental health. Venus on the other hand made that disgusting calling my dad video, manipulating the thumbnail and even fake shaking for pity. Moreso, because she doesn't have the balls to directly shit on marge (solely due to not wanting to hurt her reputation), she had someone else do it. Then she says things like her dad thought she only wanted money, effectively shitting on him and the "garlic garlic" comment to her mom, all WHILST titling that video "do I miss my parents" to use her family drama for more views/money, when only
one question was about her parents. Then she milked her ED in many videos and kept changing the thumbnail of her surgery vid to
trick her viewers into re-clicking it for more views, not to mention the myriad times she talks about being "oh so broken", literally she just did that in her latest video with cathy cat. It's disgusting at this point. Marge does rant on her insta and this is not a "marge doesn't rant" post, but my point was, at least she doesn't make a habit of using/performing/milking it to make money over it, whilst venus aggrandizes it for internet pity, asspats and money. Until she stops, imo she deserves no pity. She's free now and all that belongs in therapy, not using mental illness as an internet charade for pity and money. Come on.
>>61829I think her fan meet will go well because there's not much to it, except for socialiing with people, eating/drinking. Can't really screw that up, unless the place can't host the amount of people who attend (ie: like tana con), but I doubt that will be an issue.
No. 62034
>>61921The thick fringe is super unflattering too given that she has a wide jaw/round face
>>61940She might be wearing the eye tape there, hard to tell, but there's a dark line under the "puffy" part so could be or she used makeup to create that line.
No. 62035
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Venus looking rough (hopefully that's without facial smoothing in the video).
No. 62038
File: 1565662100903.png (22.07 KB, 256x269, 98877.png)

She plans on wearing that "costume" again LOL. Imagine making money by making such a fool of yourself. Embarrassing is an understatement.
No. 62055
File: 1565687214549.png (261.66 KB, 460x248, candid venus.png)

what happened to "from now on i'm going to be honest with you guys and show my real face, i think body positivity is important! uwu"
she's the biggest liar and hypocrite i know
No. 62080
>>62071I was reading about Dan Schneider and child actors (there is a thread on /ot/) yesterday and it reminded me of Venus. Momanagers really fuck up their kids…
She has a BDSM kink because of the abuse from her mom.
Her awkward interactions in front of the camara with Manaki now make sense. I'm glad she knows their relationship steems from his unhealthy obsession with her.
No. 62084
>>62071“Waaaaah, everyone is
abusive, everyone is against me. I just love myself and everyone around me uwu my husband quit his factory job because i make a shit ton of money off of ad revenue can you believe how selfish that is that I have to do such hard work like make couple themed videos with him and support us both????? Its not like ive never shown
toxic behavior like going behind my husbands back to get unnecessarily life threatening surgery for cosmetic purposes even when he voices his opinions against it. Or even staying in this sham marriage where im ~uwu such a smol helpless empath
victim~ until I can get something out of it (permanent residency) Also my mom forced me into the marriage it wasnt even my idea, even when i packed my bags and boarded a plane to japan without my moms knowledge to sign the marriage papers and continue to live with him for years and years”
Barf, I dont buy this attention grab. She’s planting seeds so that when she does end up divorcing him, she comes out as a poor
victim and not just a weeb who fell in love too quickly and married the first creepy guy under 30 to pay attention to her in order to get a visa and live far away from margo. God, in the end, she really is her mothers daughter. I hope she never breeds.
No. 62088
>>62084She is under no obligation to support them both, and she got the surgery because she is mentally ill and has/had an eating disorder, in what way does that qualify as
toxic behaviour towards Manaki… as for the marriage, she obviously took the first chance to get away from Margo. What else was she suposed to do, having no friends or family? I don't know how residency works but i'm guessing she is gonna stay married until she can get a citizenship, you can't blame her for not leaving him as soon as she realized he was a shit person, she was alone on a foreign country lmao cut her some slack
No. 62091
>>62084Dude chill, I know enough people in
toxic relationships to know that she can be true, and btw the surgery is on her bloody body and it is none of his business, she mentioned violence and that's much worse than getting surgery without your partner approval when you're a grown adult free human, she can be annoying,
toxic, and all but she remains human. Perhaps what made her stay with him is the shame she will face from her mother who will shove 'I told you' in her face when she did it to escape her abuse in the first place… show some empathy and try to milk her with something worth milking because you sound like an awful salty farmer.
No. 62092
>>62088She is under no obligation to support them both, and she got the surgery because she is mentally ill and has/had an eating disorder, in what way does that qualify as
toxic behaviour towards Manaki…
So its cool to lie to your partner and make life altering dangerous decisions as long as you have a mental disorder to blame it on
And she can do whatever she wants with her sham marriage, but she conveniently forgets using him as a stepping stone to get away from margo, yet she wants to pin him quitting his job and her supporting them as horrible behavior. Their channel was one big creepy weeb couple wet dream at one point where I swear to god every video had manakis pug face in it and he was featured a lot. Its not like he wasnt involved in video making whatsoever yet milking her for money like margo was.
No. 62093
>>62088Right, her husband should support her with a job but she should never have to support her husband with a job.
>>62084>planting seedsNail on the head. Narcs do this when they know they're about to do something that could make them look bad if seen in a way other than the narc presents to the public, it's like an insurance policy to protect their ego from fucking people over and being called on it.
If manaki is
abusive then really, I don't feel all that bad for her. She's been old enough and had enough money to go solo and support herself for a while now, but she wont because then she would have to get into school or get a work Visa and actually do some adulting, rather than drink all day and show out online for attention.
No. 62113
>>62101He's probably more like.. subtly
abusive than her mom. Like in a way that's not so obvious until you're around him all the time and then it just feels suffocating. As far as him being at her event, she did say he was an obsessive fan and if that carried over into their marriage he probably is having a hard time letting her go. As much as she bashed him in this video on one of her instagram stories she told people to, "just leave the poor guy alone". She probably has kind of mixed feelings about him because he ISN'T immediately dangerous/manipulative like her mother is. Or she may be trying to keep the peace in order to ensure he won't file for divorce so that she can get permanent residency.
No. 62120
>>62113He’s probably just really japanese
I keep seeing these white weeb girls marry japanese men only to find out that yes japanese men generally are very different with their wives then they assumed
And then they cry abuse because it’s easier to tell yourself he’s
abusive then admit you deluded yourself with animu dreams
I do like her honesty and new way of making videos
Shes like a disney star having a breakdown
No. 62127
>>62084Are you implying that Margo was not
abusive? The only difference is that her abuse was in plain sight. If your husband treated you like shit, you depended on him financially and socially, and would be judged by everyone if you left him, would you?
Just stop while you're ahead.
No. 62134
>>62071I thought this video was very interesting. I had no idea that Manaki left his job. A lot of anons were under the impression that he was funding her lifestyle (myself included). Did he leave his job after Venus started her recent mystery job? Her sporadic uploads on YouTube alone couldn't possibly be enough to support two people. Or was it the other way around, did she start the mystery job, uploading more and auditioning for plays
because Manaki left his job?
I'm taking the information with a grain of salt and it strikes me as really weird that you'd make accusations like this about the person you're still living with and married to. If he was really
abusive, would posting this not put her in danger? Also where is she (I see a cat popping up every now and again), could she be staying with a friend to escape Manaki?
No. 62136
>>62121i'm retarded, i meant *SHE could like HIM.
also, manaki quitting his job is total bullshit. weenus used to say he worked nights all the time, now she says he had quit? she just wants people against him because it seems she’ll divorce now that she can be a legal resident in nipponland.
No. 62144
>>62136Yeah that's bullshit.
>She said she didn't allow him to pay for her surgeries and hospital bill, and that both splitted the household bills. >Both mentioned sleeping on separate bedrooms most of the time due different schedules. >When Margo incident happened, he was wearing his work overalls.>She mentioned "feeling lonely cuz mana's working long shifts :'(" at least one time.>Manaki's surprise birthday party video, recorded in may 2018 (and which she conveniently made private/deleted), she says she has to hurry up before he gets home from work.I don't doubt he might be a thirsty creep, but there's no evidence of him quitting his job to leech off poor Weenos.
No. 62147
I’ve been rooting for Venus, defending her and trying to rationalize her behavior as the actions of an abuse survivor with mental illness. I do not believe she is as dark-hearted as Margaret. But I thought the same as anon
>>62102, that her mind is warping events to create a new narrative so she will look like the
victim and I think she actually believes it. I did not think Manaki must be an angel but so many of her claims contradict what she had said before and she was the one who was secretly in contact with Manaki so she could finalize their marriage and leave SK.
We were all told that Manaki was working the graveyard shift so much that Venus was always lonely and they had separate beds so he wouldn’t wake her. Margaret used to bash him for being a poor, uneducated factory worker and would come up with every other insult against him except for calling him
abusive. Venus came to his defense saying he made good money and worked hard. She would say he was like the male version of herself, made that weird comment that they liked each other too much and said they never argue. When she had the surgery, he was going to divorce her until his mother stepped in and told him that he needs to be more sympathetic to Venus’ situation. There was the time she was upset about Manaki not wanting to have children with her if she had another surgery. Then her bizarre April Fools prank about him being a molester and passive-aggressive insults she would make where many people though she was trying to get her fans to harass him while she said nothing when they did.
I think much of her problem is that she entered a marriage with someone she did not love or particularly care for and realizes how awful that is. Better than her mother is a terrible reason to marry, although she was desperate to escape. There are indications that she genuinely grew to like him as friend but never fell in love or had sexual attraction to him. It seems any sex they did have, she was just going through the motions. She now reveals she has a bdsm kink, so assuming Manaki was participating, any intimacy with him centered around violence or pain. Not love or tenderness.
>>62120I think it may be closer to this. She wanted a sweet prince, like many of us did, to dote on her, know how to fix her problems and show her a life opposite of Margaret. But he was not perfect. He’s a nerdy, insecure, ex-fat, feminine guy with no relationship experience. He is also both a man and from a culture and life she does not intimately understand. Men behave differently to stress and Japanese men can be especially hard to understand, like staying quiet and keeping up a facade of being in control of their emotions for long periods of time until they have an unexpected outburst. In my personal experience, even good Japanese men are shit at dealing with the pressure of an emotional or depressed wife and they will avoid talking to you when you’re having an episode or downplay your your feelings because mental illness is “just” in your mind. If you start crying, they won’t rush to your side and ask what’s wrong. They’ll stand around clueless and think they have to give you time to cry it out before they can talk to you.
>>62128This is what disturbs me. He’s supposed to be “mini-Margaret” but he stuck by her so long and she even told everyone how much he and his family took care of her. He didn’t isolate her, or set up rivalries with other girls and she told about him wanting her to make friends. All while Margaret and her fans were harassing the both of them constantly. Even the nicest man would be emotionally and mentally wrecked dealing with this nonstop drama and would have checked out of there a long time ago. Why would an evil man stay around, with little income from the channel and a wife publicly losing her mind for all to see while his own reputation and relationship with his family suffers? Something is missing from this story.
No. 62156
>>62144If he did quit, I'm sure it was at her request. He -was working for most of, if not all of their relationship, by all accounts.
It's funny to see everyone at KF suddenly bleating about what an
abusive booly he's always been. It can't be possible that Venus is a messed up kid who learned how to be a narc from her mother, or at the least that she's got a bad case of fleas. Kids of narc parents always, always have issues that take years to iron out and they're rarely pretty. Lying, being self-destructive, blowing through 'friends', all kinds of shit. Eventually she'll get past it but IMO right now she's getting ready to make a move away from Manaki and wants to control the narrative. Like mother, like daughter. Unfortunately that's how it works.
They take everything she says as gospel and think the sun rises and sets in her ass, it's ridiculous. I have hope for her but I can also see that this isn't the healthiest way to handle a separation or divorce.
No. 62159
>>62151>18 yr old>underaged girllol no
>inb4 he was stalking her when she was 13!!!1!>>62154>>62156This. Apple doesn't fall far from the three.
No. 62164
>>62160Yeah. Of course it's horrific to be raised by an
abusive mother, and Venus was treated terribly. The trouble is that she's now an adult, and she's been acting out for a while. At what point does she become responsible for her own bad behavior and fuckups?
No. 62167
>>62162People gave Mikan some shit for that, too. She was expected to drop her life and be there for Venus. Venus did nothing in return for Mikan, except saddle her with her own problems. Mikan had to make a few posts about the fact that they lived in different cities, that she couldn't be a therapist for Venus and stans went off.
Sadly, there's a real chance that Venus is going to be Margot 2.0 because that's usually the way this shit plays out. She might catch on and stop fucking up but I'm not holding my breath - people who thought those videos of her going pigging and getting wasted by herself at 4am as being somehow cute are deluding themselves, what she was already displaying was instability, a reliance on self medicating, and the inability to regulate her emotions. Here she is doing it again. Venus needs dialectical behavior therapy and a shrink who will call her on her shit if she truly wants to get better.
No. 62171
>>62160both pull and kiwifarms are on full wk mode right now
I wonder what manakis's mom does think about this, she genuinely cared about this ungrateful bitch.
No. 62173
File: 1565764899473.jpg (124.35 KB, 800x600, 1fo85o25kb1z.jpg)

you all understand she just looks up memes like this then acts it out
No. 62177
>>62162>God fuckig forbid your husband quit his night job where you barely see him do to different schedules. Was she just pissed that she had to deal with his awkward moleman face on the daily?It’s wishful thinking but what if he quit his job so he could keep an eye on her? Lots of spouses end up making a similar decision when they don’t have a caretaker for their mentally or physically ill partner. I’d imagine all the time spent together and her lack of therapy or coping behaviors being exposed would be a tremendous strain on their relationship and the cause of more fights. She was also airing out such private information and that whole lesbian confession seemed to be not just plea for attention but a away to drive a wedge between them. I don’t doubt that he said or did emotionally
abusive things behind the scenes but we actually saw what Venus was doing right in front of us. I wish she just had the sense to say they were in a
toxic, immature relationship where they were both hurting each other.
And now jailbird Margaret is back online White Knighting Manaki…
No. 62178
>>62174I hope he divorces her. I really do. I believe she's cheated on him.
What is with Kiwi Farms and pull licking her ass over this? She is being pretty blatantly contradictory about things which are easy enough to prove or disprove.
No. 62180
>>62177You are spot on. I've always thought he was doing everything he could to help her. Watch some of their day trip videos. He is not
abusive. He's always taking her places to try and cheer her. This is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. She's blaming him for her own inner misery and that's not fair.
No. 62182
>>62175gotta love how as soon as she got (self)diagnosed with bpd, she started acting like a literal brat. Before that, she seemed quite mature and level-headed for her age.
>>62178I've read that Japan doesn't take lightly sham marriages. But if she has secured a work/entertainment visa by now, it's still possible for them to kick her out?
No. 62187
>>62184I feel like "Manaki quit! I was paying his way!" is about the biggest, most obvious lie. Her channel hasn't brought in shit in forever. She was lucky enough to be a stay at home wife whose husband was supporting her through the 'in sickness' part of their marriage vows.
She's being awful.
No. 62203
>>62071venus really wants to ensure her victimhood is eternal.
>>62082if venus is implying she was forced into an arranged marriage, she's probably lying. Margo said that venus "kept changing her mind" on whether to marry him… aka doesn't seem she was literally forced into an arranged marriage.
>>62088she made good money for a long while from her youtube and could have if that was really the case. She even mentioned investing/saving on her twitter. But leaving would involve finding a place of her own, possibly having to get a "Real" job if youtube goes sour and losing her visa/permanent residency. She had no problem using manaki in this way, then publicly defaming him once she got what she wanted out of him. This video is pettiness, click-baited as "sex life" and that sly addition of "part 1", added to passive-aggressively let manaki know… there's more coming. It should also be noted that margo did the same thing with her husband (claiming he was
abusive). But you can never touch venus cause "mental illness uwu" and her mommy. People always go to extremes to wk and vindicate every manipulative action of penus just because margo is her mom. It's always seen in black and white, where venus, is essentially, the "white".
>>62095And lying/manipulation/greediness/self-
aggrandizement/using others etc, Venus KNOWS these things are bad. She knows this is not okay. I can't believe there are people still saying "she grew up with a narc so she still doesn't understand these things are bad" like holy shit. She knows and she doesn't care. She's just a shit person (especially if what that supposed anon "friend" of v says is true). Manaki should sue her. You dont defame people publicly if you don't like them. That's what narcs do. You leave them and don't look back, not tarnish their reputation. I bet she's reading this thread trying to figure out how to lie better or save face by admitting a few bad things she's done so she can be revered as "honest" and blah blah blah and explain away any inconsistencies in her story now. Although, she's mostly already revered for that video. She doesn't have to do anything, the narrative is already cemented with her audience.
No. 62204
>>62084Hopefully someone reports her sham marriage to the Japanese authority. Margo's right, venus
is bullying Manaki (aka publicly defaming him). Even if everything was hypothetically true, why would she share that on the internet and how on earth can KF and pull glorify her for such pettiness?
>>62160I feel like that's why she suddenly started this whole "I have bpd", as a means of vindicating herself. A part of me
knew she was going to paint manaki as
abusive after she posted that "manaki doesn't want me wearing lolita clothes" instapost, bashing him. It's like she was setting him up for future public defamation in an attempt to control the narrative/ensure victimhood and public asspats. If he was
abusive, she was/is a) equally as
abusive b)aware of it and could have left him since she had money and speaks japanese but didn't as she wasn't finished using him.
>>62174>>>venus berates him whenever she gets the chancethere's actually proof of this in some of her videos (now taken down). for instance, there was one where they went on a date at night at some theme park? or something. at some point they are sitting on a bench and venus says some english word (cant remember) and turns to manaki and speaks to him in a mocking way (like he's a retard) and says" manaki…can youuu say (insert english word)?" and she laughs and keeps pressuring him until he gives her a solid "please stop" sort of look. I knew something was up just from that. the look he gave her makes it seem like this was a reoccurring type of thing and he didn't like it. this wasn't the only example but just the first one I remembered.
>>62185that's why she started her "company" as she claimed. in an attempt at staying in Japan if manaki divorces her. and perhaps that's why the virtual tuber thing didn't happen like she said it would in may/june (if your claims are genuine and that's the same manager she burned). If you can provide some sort of proof without endangering yourself, please please do! People initially thought the koreananon on marge's thread was lying, but it turned out to be true. But we need some sort of proof or you'll be dismissed as a troll (and this would be criminal if you're
really telling the truth holy shit)
No. 62209
File: 1565787997777.jpg (54.24 KB, 888x208, SmartSelect_20190814-010324_Ch…)

Maybe I'm tinfoiling but did she (or one of her now ex-friend) post this?
No. 62211
>>62209The shit Venus is saying in her video makes me think she lurks hard on this site because a lot of the stuff has been theorized here before. The video just came off so weird to me as it sounded like she was reading old theories from threads here, and making it sound like it was current and something that happened. I swear if the next thing she claims is that she was forced into hooking she deff reads head. ( Minus that no one theorized she was forced into hooking, but you know "
No. 62212
>>62071Fuck me her revealing "videos" remind me of Momokun's. Something is really off and she sounds like many other narcs who talk about "finding themselves, focusing on their self care, being the
victim" while talking about things that are suddenly relevant. So at this rate we now know Manaki isn't all sweet & innocent at this point yet he was clearly at her meet up that was just the past weekend. He's basically her gateway to being in Japan, so what is she going to do now? There's no way her Youtube channel supports her fully as she's not been viral like she once was as a teenager hitting millions in years.
No. 62223't embed the video since it's not youtube)
sage for old milk but re watching their interactions in this video after the 'sex life' one is so weird. They have no dynamic, Venus talks to him like he is a retard and he looks uncomfortable af.
No. 62226
>>62222That's the first thought that went into my head.
If that's the case this is a stupid idea because immigration will see it as immature to do such a thing in public. Venus JUST mentioned recently about "leave the poor guy alone" in her previous video about her private life and that she's still married, so what is she playing at? She acts like a child.
No. 62230
>>62203>>62121Imagine taking anything Margo says without a grain of salt
>>62174>>62186Where's the proof, newfag? If you can't provide it, don't bring shit up until you can.
>>62209It might be, but to me it seems more plausible that it was just someone wanting to stir shit up. This thread has always been full of weirdly obsessed anons who just want to talk shit and don't care whether it's true or not
>>62215If anons ITT are right about her, the "prank" might be a relevant thing again - maybe it wasn't just her being a socially awkward tard, but actually malicious?
I don't know what to think about this all yet, to me Mana always seemed like a creep who took advance of Venus, but her now saying that he quit his job, after talking about his job kind of recently is suspicious. Maybe he quit recently? The things about Margo are hard not to believe, though
No. 62231
>>62147 wrote:
>There was the time she was upset about Manaki not wanting to have children with her if she had another surgery.Then her bizarre April Fools prank about him being a molester and passive-aggressive insults she would make where many people though she was trying to get her fans to harass him while she said nothing when they did.I suspect it's her way to lash out at him whenever he needs to have a serious talk with her.
No. 62233
>>62232Narcs also humiliate their closest friends or loved ones, always portraying them as lesser than in some way for a "joke", usually in the public eye which ties in with their hoarding to drop an eventual blackmail bombshell. Venus has done that multiple times, as though Manaki was her personal form of entertainment.
It's plain and simple, she's a narcissist like her mother and I don't believe any of her shit. They're known for being incredibly dramatic and convincing to lure in sympathy. That sad & drunken looking Venus is nothing but a fraud.
No. 62237
>>62232Margaret first started the rumors about Manaki being raised as a girl, being abused and him cross-dressing while looking for men to hook up with. How did she gather this information when her Japanese is shit? I’m starting to wonder if it was Venus that fed her that information(even if it was exaggerated or distorted) and they bonded over humiliating him. Margaret also claimed Venus complained to her about Manaki being gross and him wanting to make out all the time. Why would a girl eagerly share intimate information like that with her mother, especially one known for using personal information against her? Venus even told her about her plans to get the weight loss surgery after she had “run away”. Why did Venus keep contacting her mom and giving her more fuel for drama?
This whole situation keeps getting weirder and weirder.
No. 62238
>>62233yep, and that's a specific narc behavior she learned from marge. if she was such a sweetheart she would think hey, when my mom treated me like a fucking dancing monkey i felt like shit, maybe i shouldn't do this exact same thing to other people.
note to pulltards and kiwi wk's: she's an adult and she's been doing this to her supposedly beloved husband for a long time now. stop making excuses for her. she is literally old enough to know better.
No. 62240
>>62236Because she was a
victim when she was a kid. She isn't now, and people need to stop treating her with kid gloves as though she's going to break. This vlog should have people concerned af about all the red flags she's throwing, not coddling and making excuses for her like she's some dumb ten year old who just doesn't know what she's doing.
No. 62260
File: 1565809714861.jpg (46.48 KB, 600x600, Naamloos-1.jpg)

>>62252Kiwis loyal knights must save princess weebus from her evil
abusive pedo forced husband!1!
No. 62271 saying he's
abusive she contradicts all she claimed before. It's not a surprise so many videos were deleted, it feels like she was planning this for awhile.
No. 62284
>>62261people who aren't at least mildly critical of Venus at this point are seeing themselves in her.
they're projecting, and hoping no one will notice their own contradictory bs if they continue to double down on exactly why it's just fine for her to be a narc bitch.
No. 62292
>>62164The thing is, Margo was also abused by her own mother. All abusers are child abuse/neglect survivors. Venus found herself in the exact same environment that turned Margo into a globetrotting scammer, except this time Venus is just scamming the fanbase she gets money and attention from by being a
victim and mental illness baby uwu. It's complete bullshit. Venus is disgusting lol. It's making for good entertainment though.
No. 62294
>>62285go back to kiwifarms
>>62289probably in the next video
No. 62312
>>62230>>Imagine taking anything Margo says without a grain of saltI try to see where both are coming from to an extent, but keep in mind, both are prone to melodrama and twisting the narrative to suit their needs at certain times. Mags claiming venus shit-talked manaki (kisses gross etc) are believable since Venus and Mana
did break up while she was still with mags (though manipulative of venus to complain on video about mags trashing Mana when she was guilty of the same while with mag + onwards). If they broke up once, then venus "changing her mind about marriage" is also believable. Venus saying Mana quit his job could be believable, if it was a recent development. But notice how venus didn't state a time frame for when he allegedly quit, probably to imbue in her audience the idea that he didn't work the entire time since she moved in. Later, when the public damage is done, she can "specify" and basically did nothing wrong. Common narc tactic. The 50kg could be mags exaggerating a smaller amount of weightloss, or madeup, unless venus or mana or someone confirmed he lost weight (can't recall).
>>62271she'll just claim she was "too afraid" to tell the "truth" about him or something. She def was planning this for a while. I feel like the coming out as gay, and publicly bashing manaki in the past were sort of a build up to this to vindicate herself. Shortly after, she publicly claimed she truly loved manaki via a twitter post, as he's feminine and her type; perhaps in an attempt to avoid divorce (if he wanted to) or mitigate the fact she may have been using gayness as a future excuse to leave him.
No. 62313
>>62311Good point there. She only really has her fans to keep her happy, so of course she'll want them to know how much of a
victim she is to ensure they keep giving her the acknowledgement she craves for. I expect some sort of meltdown involving her latest video soon enough. This is only the tip of the iceberg in the new Venusangelic road trip.
No. 62316
>>62174Please provide some sort of proof, maybe a text or something. Unless the majority of venus' friends are aware of this information, she'd already have an idea of who you are. If true, she
needs to be exposed.
On another note, if Manaki doesn't divorce her asap after her video (regardless if she uploads a part two: just kidding guys we're totes coolio XD XD), he deserves it. He should not be on good terms with her or help her in any way after that video. And the venus fans are already leaving nasty comments on his most recent video damn lol
No. 62320
>>62315the damage has already been done. wonder if she removed it due to backlash from this thread specifically (all other threads/fan comments) are positive though, or perhaps Manaki had it taken down? I actually reported her vid like I do with margo rant ones lol.
>>62317she recorded it days before posting. if she was drunk in the vid, she was not drunk when she posted it. that might be the excuse she rolls with though.
(admitting to cowtip) No. 62343
>>62334Now that it's back, everyone should do the needful and download it before she takes it down again.
If not, no one has the right to complain once it's gone.
No. 62361
>>62358Caps for those with lives:
She sounds horrible and avoids everything relevant while editing an ‘ironically bad’ Japanese dolly makeup video. She got a cat but gave the hamsters to Mana’s parents to deal with. Says she hates blonde
hair on herself now? And is working on an online planet Venus with costumes and Skype calls.
Overall weird stream.
No. 62368
>>62361I thought she was in someone else's appartment because she said before that she couldn't own a cat in her current one. Does that mean she and Manaki moved? Or maybe she moved alone and got a cat?
Either way it's pretty shitty and irresponsible to basically replace her not kawaii anymore hamsters for a new prop pet. When you get a pet, you're responsible to care for it until it dies and make sure its life is as good and happy as possible.And it's especially irresponsible to switch pets like that when you're not in a stable situation, with bad mental health, a crashing marriage, no steady income and in a foreign country. I feel bad for Manaki and his family honestly.
No. 62372
>>62369She never "loved" them. They were just a kawaii accessory to her, as all animals are.
>>62368Apparently she got an apartment for her "company", she may not live alone, who knows. It's also possible
>>62174 is right, and Manaki wants a divorce and something happened so now she's living in that house/apt (though he was at her meetup). He should definitely divorce her after she
publicly dragged him and possibly cheated on him (pater ads & anon who hasn't provided proof yet).
No. 62379
>>62377Such a bad
abusive guy, hiding away from the public eye instead of trying to defend himself… Venus must be super scared of him (not). No, but honestly, this is probably the best/easiest thing he could do instead of having to deal with hate comments.
No. 62391
>>62389No, Venus deleted the videos with him in it a while ago.
He still had some videos up on his own channel until very recently. No. 62392
>>62377I don’t understand how she has a fan event and invites the guy/defends him then posts calling him
abusive in the same like three days. The comments on his videos from her fans were so gross. A LOT of ‘never come back’.
No. 62393
>>62392Unfortunately they're too gullible to believe any different to what Venus has to say. Her fanbase in general are pretty
toxic and it's mostly childish weeb girls and those with mental health issues that feel they can "relate" to her who think she's a great role model. Their comments towards Manaki aren't surprising. Cunty people attract just equally as a cunty followers.
No. 62400
>>62399>I actually feel bad for Manaki. Poor guy has been dealing with a lot of shit from Venus.Yeah me too, although he's a creepy loser. He probably deleted since her fans would make his life hell.
I just really don't get the sentiment of "Venus was abused by her mother and therefore everbody must bear with her being very mentally ill. He fell in love with a seemingly happy weeb girl, not with what she's now. Supporting her mentally after she broke free of her mom can't have been easy for him either.
That surgery stunt was super scary already, then the edgy jokes, her not wanting to call him her husband, her acting as if they're not really together, her being a "lesbian"… he must live in constant fear of what she's about to do next. Will she try to hurt herself - or me? Will she leave me? Is she just joking or does she actually not love me?
I wouldn't last one week with her.
Venus will never grow up, but he's 30 now and not super ugly either, he'd probably prefer a relationship with a normal (japanese) woman now, so I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted a divorce.
No. 62401
File: 1565889639721.jpg (16.93 KB, 310x110, venusbanner.JPG)

This banner aged in the absolute worst way lmao
No. 62404
File: 1565890723339.jpg (12.95 KB, 190x175, Unbenannt.JPG)

Just tried watching her stream without cringing and damn, what did she do to her face?? Is she using a filter, because her face isn't normally that thin…?? Who the fuck would want to watch a half-dead girl editing her lame make up video anyway? I really don't get her nowadays
No. 62430
File: 1565907044763.png (1.21 MB, 1870x1382, venuschikan.png)

Remember when Venus did a whole "joke" post about Manaki being a "chikan" molester and then landed him in on it too like it was also mostly his fault for giving her the idea? I find it more likely she decided to make the joke 100% and just threw him under the bus when called out on it at the time.
Sexual assault is so uwu quirky.
No. 62439
File: 1565910663521.jpeg (46.2 KB, 469x452, 5E4595F6-B520-4821-80E3-929F7B…)

The kawaii nihonjin purinsesu
No. 62440
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eating junk
No. 62442
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No. 62443
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No. 62444
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No. 62445
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No. 62458
>>62373Yes, I remember her fans suggesting that, but that doesn't mean she did it as therapy. When her hamsters breeded, she explicitly stated she didn't even realize for a while there
were any babies. Like that goes to show you she neglected them. Probably kept them in the cage in the corner, threw some food in and that was it. Except when she needed to take pics with Yomogi on instagram for kawaii points.
>>62377If he was making any ad revenue from those old videos, venus effectively took that from him.
No. 62461
>>62459Similar to what her mom did when trying to get her videos taken down when Venus first escaped to Japan. Like she "managed" making most of them maybe and she took her chance to get them all removed off Manaki's channel.
Or he did it entirely himself. Cutting ties while he can.
No. 62464
>>62403Me too. He wouldn’t even have to get petty and reveal humiliating details. Just a carefully worded statement, hopefully drafted with a lawyer, defending himself against serious accusations. If he is innocent then disappearing like this, although it’s a very Japanese thing to do, just lets her control the narrative.
>>62461Didn’t Venus say that deleting videos wasn’t her choice? I wonder if Manaki is threatening legal action if she doesn’t delete all association with him. Earlier, it was speculated that she did it because of a possible employer but now it doesn’t seem that way. If it were getting that ugly, why was he at the meet and greet though? PULL would probably say it’s because he’s a gaslighting abuser try to control her but it must be something else going on. Maybe she was holding on to that video just in case he pissed her off again?
No. 62469
>>62430this was such a cunt maneuver, who the fuck thinks this shit is funny. she's lucky manaki didn't kick her ass out then and there, she's even luckier that manaki's family didn't know about this. if someone said shit like that about my kid i'd want to wring their neck.
i hope that manaki's family are being supportive, i don't know anything about japan or how divorce is viewed.
all of this is such classic narc behavior. watch her tell us tomorrow that everything is wonderful. venus is well on the way to being just as fucked up as margot. she's never going to be serious about getting better and tbh i'm not sure she -can get better. if it does happen it's not going to be until she's well into her thirties or even forties. that covert incest shit fucks your head up bigtime. i had forgotten that her and margot slept in the same bed well into her teens. not trying to be pessimistic but venus is honestly pretty well fucked.
tinfoil: venus is the one who really deleted manaki's accounts. screencap this.
No. 62471
File: 1565924320855.jpg (494.83 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190816-040059_Ins…)

She announced she'd go live on YT in 25 minutes… 2 hours ago
No. 62491
She's really milking her content for as much money as she can. Like her fan meet: 1) revenue from those who bought tickets 2) ad revenue from future vid 3) ad revenue from live stream 4) donations from stream chat (cannot believe people throw money at her). What
>>62174 said must be true, she must be broke, given that she doesn't seem to have manaki anymore.
>> I always had to "study" and make videos (bitch scarcely uploaded, didn't go to hs/college & only studied one thing: japanese)
>>so I don't like games (cause my mutti made me make videos of course it's all mutti's fault rolls eyes)
>>and also they're not real I'd rather do something irl (bitch ur so far from "real", games are perfect for you)
No. 62500
>>62498I watched part of the live stream and she did say she thought about becoming a "Tittie streamer" (at least I think that's what she called it). She said she somehow finds those girls that do typical boy things appealing (gaming I guess) or something like that? Also said she probably can't do it because of her lack of titties? Idk
Don't have the timestamp for it, and am not gonna rewatch to find it, sorry.
BUt I agree with people that she seems pretty desperate for money. Either because she's not with Mana anymore, or maybe because e did quit his job and that's also why she is angry at him.
By the way, she also replied to a question asking why Manaki deleted all of his videos. She said he just wants his privacy.
No. 62505
File: 1565954846564.jpg (282.35 KB, 720x1342, Screenshot_20190816_132548.jpg)

She kinda looks evil
LOL at how she tried to hide the crapiness of her cosplay with a heavy filter
No. 62507
>>62475Venus was playing the dumb girl during the stream, literally did nothing but complaining how difficult is to set a discord server. She's gonna move to the e-girl team because she has a lot of desesperate male following her. There are still some weeaboos, but not so much as in the good ol' days.
>>62500I find her comment about "having no titties" stupid, we've seen her boobs size (quite big imo) but maybe now they look saggy and small due to her eating disorder plus being a lazy ass during her years in Nipponland. Anyways men throw money to any women online so no big deal to her
No. 62511
File: 1565957979651.jpg (Spoiler Image,40.58 KB, 384x599, 1351346644878.jpg)

>>62507>we've seen her boobs size (quite big imo)I completely forgot about this because she's been playing the flat childlike waifu for ages now. They were really big, considering she was just a slim teen girl back then. She once even did some clickbait thumbnail with them
No. 62512
File: 1565958165731.jpg (Spoiler Image,92.09 KB, 1280x720, Venus-Palermo-Plastic-Surgery-…)

>>62511Does she were binders or is it possible to lose your entire tits via extreme weight loss?
No. 62514
File: 1565959416060.jpg (Spoiler Image,137.88 KB, 1001x999, OOyu0gI.jpg)

>>62512She did lose some size due to weight loss, but she definitely was wearing a binder or tight sports bra a couple years ago. Even when she was hospitalized at her lowest weight, they were never nonexistent like during this odd time in the above picture. Suddenly she was unnaturally flat all the time but then this year, they magically came back to her normal size.
No. 62515
>>62512it literally doesn't matter. she would just make more as a loli looking flat chest. it's just bullshit, 'muh bad boobs' is the same thing holly brown says.
It just means they are toying with the idea but it's not something they're familiar with so they are testing out the sound of it, from the safe place of pretending it wouldn't work
No. 62526
File: 1565962894521.gif (671.03 KB, 320x176, abhSZ1e.gif)

>>62501>She accidentally (or intentionally) said lolcow instead of lowkey then corrected herself.Oh venus.. Thank you so much.
I can't wait what's coming next.
No. 62531
File: 1565967995216.jpg (63.78 KB, 579x900, i3tb20kwio7z.jpg)

>>62530Social misfits and social outcasts get treated the same in every country. Most japanese people with behavioural or menal problems tend to be single,alone and are cash spenders for boyfriend/girlfriend experience services.
Notice how venus and other weabos have no japanese friends thats because japanese people dont want to associate themselves with challenged weaboos.
No. 62532
>>62475>>62498so how long until she makes a patreon for some ~lewd~ cosplay shoots and a premium snapchat?
>3. She accidentally (or intentionally) said lolcow instead of lowkey then corrected herself.Timestamp?
Also, thanks for the summery because I couldn't make it for more than 5 minutes jesus
No. 62542
>>62535i read the first sentence and i already knew it was about pull.
Not all of us pull users are like that though its mostly new or members that barely know about her that are doing that.
Us pull users are starting to speak out against whiteknights in the venus thread but its kinda hard since they have the power in the downvote and they can just mass downvote you so you dont feel motivated to post there again.
In the last 2-3 pages of the venus thread pull users seem fucking done with whiteknights so maybe that is a step in a more free speech direction.
No. 62544
>>62538I never mentioned aspergers specifically,
I was talking about behavioral and mental problems.
No. 62548
>>62547She has aged horribly, im not going to lie she actually used to look dolly a couple of years ago but now she looks HAGGARD.
She has deep mouth/nasolabial wrinkles and a jowl at 22 i can only imagine how worse it will get.
(N A S O L A B I A L F O L D S) No. 62551
>>62547Skipped around because the audio and vid quality was horrible. Im talking 2009 youtube level horrible. Her videos are so unpleasant to look at, its like wecam-tier.
Jokes (or the one I managed to catch) are typical VA “hehe mommy beat me, im so cynical“ jokes
No. 62554
>>62548grown up Venus looks uncomfortably like Margot. nose and mouth especially, it's a pretty strong resemblance. as she grows older, the more you expect to see that causing conflict and self-loathing.
looking in the mirror and seeing your abuser is rough, even for people working hard on their issues. patients who suddenly notice it can have setbacks. some will get plastic surgery or return to self-harm if the perception is too strong for them to shake. sometimes, though, realizing that they physically resemble their abuser can finally get a person to start working on their shit, i.e. "i look like my mother; i don't want to be my mother."
don't think Venus has ever displayed any understanding of or reference to DBT, like wise mind, or practice scenarios, or reality grounding whether through breathing or awareness exercises or whatever. but it would help her. also don't know if DBT is widely practiced in Japan, though you would think they'd love it because of the mindfulness/bootstrappy problem solving aspect.
tossing meds at Venus will not fix her. DBT could help, she's not stupid. but that bootstrap aspect puts a lot of people off, it's easier to be a
toxic asshole than it is to do the work. the longer she avoids it, the more she turns into Margot, which is the ultimate horror for daughters of narcissistic mothers. right now she thinks she's nothing like her mom at all. she's in for an unpleasant surprise.
polite sage for psychfaggotry
No. 62556
>>62501>accidentally said lolcow instead of lowkeyHoly shit lmao
I guess it confirms she lurks here
>>62547Her "making fun of my old dolly uwu persona" shtick while still trying to milk that era is tragic. You're not clever or witty, just a cringy weeb.
No. 62589
>>62174>>venus is broke and has lived off of Manaki for a bit now.Could be true given how she's hustling for money now that they don't seem to be together anymore. The fan meet for instance made her 4x the revenue (tickets, livestream, donations, future video of event). Milking the doll thing again. Doing streams so she can get donations + ad revenue (cannot believe people throw money at her) without editing/effort. Might stream on Twitch. She did promos/sponsorships on her insta. Suggesting her fans pay her $10 to get updates on her life. Small role in play and think she planned on making merch from it. When she was living with Manaki, she was hardly uploading for a while and aside from a smaller amount of revenue from old videos, if Manaki wasn't working either, where was all the money to support the home and her lavish lifestyle coming in from?
>>she's bringing this up now because Manaki wants a divorce (he has brought it up before)Would make sense why she publicly defamed him rather than silently divorce and cut him out of her life.
>>If they divorce Venus can't stay in grorious NoppinHence why lazy venus is all of a sudden doing the paperwork for an official pr business, which will probs be promoting establishments/individuals via her youtube like she did the Italian restaurant. But why would she have to have an
official Japanese business and pay taxes on top of that instead of just using youtube? Simple: she needs a work visa to stay in Japan.
>>they have been nothing more than roommates for a long timeHad separate rooms and slept in separate rooms and refused to call each other husband and wife. Overall bad/weird chemistry between them so seems true.
>>venus has cheated on Manaki a lotVenus had a pater ad and claimed she wanted to get a girlfriend, but other than that, not much to go on. There was the old Margo post where she claimed Venus was in bed with some Korean guy, but hard to trust Margo on that.
>>Manaki has at least tried to get some side action after he got to know all the times she has cheated on himNot much to go on for this either.
>>venus berates him whenever she gets the chanceEvident in plenty of her videos where she treated him like a retard.
>>last I heard he's started to stand up to her, which caused her last major breakdown.Again, probably why she released the video to trash him to the public. Maybe why she also randomly stated she didn't want kids in an instagram rant – a potential jab at Manaki since it seemed he wanted kids?
>>manaki is a weirdo neckbeard, but he's not evil by any meansNothing publicly seems to indicate so. He is most likely not a "mini-Margo", that's a pretty strong claim. Saying he wouldn't have kids with her is not classic marge blackmail (I'll delete the channel venoos!). It's him concerned for the welfare of their future kid and why would he have a kid with someone self-destructive or doing something that could potentially harm an unborn child? Disagreement whether to have kids or not is usually a deal-breaker in relationships. He has every right to divorce in that case. And I'm sure he tried to convince her she's fine the way she is and doesn't need the surgery. Telling Venus to chill with the lolita clothes is okay too, not
abusive/controlling imo. I mean, she can wear what she wants, but be considerate that maybe your partner doesn't want to get fucking stares
everytime he goes out with you. Maybe it's not appropriate/respectful where you're going? (ie: her yume-kawaii outfit she wore to the Japanese shrine, where they stated they didn't want people wearing cosplays/weird clothes).
>>venus has burned almost all her friendships - by cutting those out who call her out/trying to sleep with them or their spouses/not showing up/fucking up their incomeHard to tell online, as people can keep the appearance of friendship by still following/commenting despite drama, but the
fucking up their income could be why Venus recently stated, "Malice is fucking dead". Better vr equipment didn't happen in May as she promised, perhaps she fucked over this manager?
>>there recently was an incident that could paint venus as margo v2, the only reason it hasn't come out is because the person targeted doesn't want dramaNo idea.
No. 62592
File: 1566002228532.png (690.39 KB, 1187x900, 02131581631231.png)

I Made this shitty doodle for the next thread (?) Feel free to add stuff that I may have missed.
No. 62624
>>62505She kind of looks like the evil bitch Courtney Love there lol
>>62532it was at 1:24:26
>>62175>>what's the number one thing bpd are famous for. What they do in memes, movies and everything>>They pretend that other people, who are doing nothing, are abusing them it's the fucking quintissential thing of bpd.She conveniently dropped the bpd thing after she posted the Manaki video. hmm.
No. 62631
File: 1566046160726.gif (1.55 MB, 300x168, giphy.gif)

>>62592The detail is amazing
No. 62636
File: 1566048471398.gif (1.72 MB, 341x237, putin-laughing-gif-5.gif)

>>62592you fucking nailed it, anon. If this ain't the new thread pic, I will riot.
>>62593Anyway that this got archived? It's been deleted.
No. 62654
File: 1566059899572.png (109.59 KB, 1308x878, ggggfg.png)

Informative regarding venus's residency and visa and how she suck ass lying.
No. 62657
File: 1566060441154.jpeg (137.28 KB, 1177x916, 8E5FF8CD-2863-4BD4-863B-424BFD…)

Her "virtual meet up" was tragic. Screenshots are courtesy of pull
No. 62658
File: 1566060501494.jpeg (164.36 KB, 1084x1142, 1F7526D6-861F-4F27-9817-85A508…)

stuffing her face, again
No. 62659
File: 1566060610567.jpeg (116.29 KB, 871x1036, C0DFC716-B003-42AC-AB19-5D31BB…)

and alcohol of course (according to pull it's 9% alcohol)
No. 62660
File: 1566060747119.jpeg (222.87 KB, 1825x1159, 5E047930-1B9C-4CD7-BA15-625822…)

I'm not sure but she seems to have done something to her eyes, to make them in a totemo azn monolid (it's especially visible on the first screenshot)
No. 62673
>>62430Is this actually a joke or her attempt to vent about her bf being creepy irl? Seems like a weird idea for a joke and I wouldn't be surprised if he got mad at her for posting this and made her tell fans that it was "just an edgy joke desu".
Wasn't he a creeper fan of hers before they got together?
Seems weird…
No. 62701
File: 1566079082640.jpg (42.15 KB, 300x100, peenusbanner.jpg)

>>62695your wish is my command
No. 62702
>>62654People acting like venus can't get a job – you don't need education to say, work in a grocery store. Even if she had to go back to Switzerland or something, all she has to do is save her money
in the now (and if she has nothing saved up all these years b/c she spent it on lolita dresses she's terribly irresponsible), get a ticket, stay in a hotel until she finds a place to rent and/or an entry-level job like in a restaurant or retail. It's not impossible. I mean even Margaret seems to have done it after the detention center stuff.
>>62662venus has semi-hooded eye lids and smaller eyes that'll look more like her moms as she ages. she's known to wear puffy undereye tape to enlarge her eyes and probably then wears double eye lid tape sometimes. perhaps she just wasn't wearing it there, or it's just the lighting from the tiara covering her head.
No. 62717
>>62701Holy shit at first glance I thought it was margo cosplaying
>>62702except she feels that having a normal job is below her standards
No. 62763
>>62720What a good idea to ruin your already shitty health for easy bucks! If too much spicy food can fuck up a perfectly healthy person, I can't imagine the damage it'll have on her stomach.
I can't understand her fangelics. Who the fuck would want to watch a greasy weeb babble, eat and drink shit for an hour and even be willing to pay for it??What are you "fan" of exactly?
No. 62768
File: 1566126260889.jpeg (221.85 KB, 1622x1117, 736FC17E-ABC8-4838-8CAC-AED8EB…)

>>62766Yeah she drank like 3 bottle of tabasco at 9 AM with the same 9% alcohol and said if people donate 100$ she'll drink more. This is fcking disturbing
No. 62769
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No. 62770
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No. 62771
>>62767The sad thing is she doesn't give two shits about her fanbase, not genuinely anyway. They reach out to her, try to get her help, give her advice, help her move forward, warn her of what could
trigger other problems for her, but instead she treats them like shit and exploits their kindness to make profit or makes it seem like it's their fault when things backfire for her like a typical narc social media personality.
No. 62773
>>62767I’m glad people are waking up and seeing how frightening her behavior is. At this point, I don’t know if she’ll listen but at least the younger fans need to see this will actually kill her and it’s not some quirk.
Since her mother is back Switzerland and Venus is on the edge of deportation, do you think she will end up back with her mom? She has no where else to go unless she gets a new visa husband quick.
No. 62776
>>62775I stringly suspect she has a new "manager" now who is making her start to do all the things she quit: mukbangs, cosplay, fan meets, dolly looks
The deleted video about her relationship seemes scripted and was very different in tone to her previous talking videos. She said Margo managed her, then Manaki, there is obviously a third person now acting in the same role for her
No. 62803
>>62802Like fuck lol. She's a Margo 2.0 and loves throwing anyone who gets close to her under the bus as long as she gets to play
No. 62808
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I remember this post from PULL back in April. I was surprised no one brought it back up. There’s no reason to doubt any of it was true now. Manaki was fed up about being constantly humiliated and disrespected online in front of friends and family. The bond to the only kind of normal family she had was broken. She wasn’t actually going to therapy. She never showed verification of a BPD diagnosis even to her friends.
No. 62810
>>62809the fuck was the "answer" to the first question?
Bitch is mental and the self pity is real.
No. 62813
>>62804>>62806Mikan's a snake who uses her "friends" for clout and make herself look better. She used venus who was more popular at the time to boost her profile when she was just a flailing weeb. But she also likes to be perceived as innocent and hardworking so as soon as one of her "friends" has a controversy, she dumps them pretty fast and starts shading them on her social media (Kenna, Venus, Tsuruko).
Don't get me wrong, Venus is really fucking everything up and no one should have to deal with her like that, especially not her friends, but when it comes to Mikan, it's not the first time she's done this.
>>62808I always thought this was Mikan. That being said, everything written is probably true.
No. 62817
>>62809dat dramatic headshake at the first question lol
since you're reading here, venus - did you know almost everyone has had some sort of trauma or depression at some point in their life? maybe even worse than yours, imagine that! yet most people manage to appear normal, have a job, friends, and aren't drunk every day.
your life will never get better as long as you revel in being a super special
victim and think you have it worse than everyone else.
like, there wouldn't even be any drama if you just kept your cringy mood-swings to yourself. you'd still do retarded videos and rake in sweet youtube-bux without being a laughing stock
No. 62833
>>62827The person claiming online Venus might have killed Manaki, can´t hold any job or is even qualified for the jobs she wants to do and spend at least quite some time in a refugee camp is more mentally stable to you?
Back to topic:
She clearly needs money, that´s why she is pumping out videos day by day. She ruined her channel with the weird Malice changes without thinking of the consequences.
Maybe she is getting divorced or is already, so she lost the opportunity working as an escort.
(But I have not much knowledge of her possible visa, so I don´t know.)
No. 62836
>>62834Most peoples' emotions are filled with contradictions so I don't understand whats hard to believe about it. That being said people who are going through trying moments and are emotionally a mess can be very
toxic to be around. Honestly, she should be keeping this all to herself, not because other people don't want to know about her depression, but that these videos will follow her forever even if she gets better.
No. 62839
>>62828The only thing these girls on pull care about is her looks. Every other comment is about how beautiful she looks in the newest video or if she has a more sexy style now and what a cute top she wears. It's very disturbing how nobody cares about her wrongdoings or even her health, people instead have to comment about her dolly looks all the time.
Her fangelics are no different, of course her lives are filled with creeps or weeb girls wishing they looked like her just like pull users. That must be what ends up happening when you build your career around your appearance and she clearly doesn't want to let go, in fact I'd say there is less content and more "looks" nowadays than there used to be. At least when she was doing the dolly shit she was trying to be entertaining and engaging by making cringe bizarre videos. Now she's genuinely bored of this and doesn't want to put any effort into anything, she knows people only come to her channel to look at her face and clothes. She should transition fast into doing more interesting content before the Margo genes completely come through if she wants to save her channel, but since her genki personality was an act once her looks are gone there will be nothing to see here. The Q&A is a perfect example of this (as are her streams). What boring videos. She doesn't even deliver on the title of the video/stream.
No. 62842
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>19.11.2015damn farmers, times flies and we are still here following this mess of a family jesus christ.
No. 62844
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>>62836Ok captain save a hoe
No. 62850
>>62783Probably not fake given it stated she wanted to be a manager on it before she even shared that publicly. People who wk venus usually dismiss it as fake, or say she's "exploring her sexuality/empowering herself", but interesting how marge is a "disgusting hooker" and not empowering herself. We have even less evidence for marge hooking (no pater ads,just a massage biz with theorized "happy endings")
but she definitely is a hooker and beloved, angelic venus would never be involved in any type of sex work. Not defending the maggot but the hypocrisy of the venus wk's is astounding.
nitpick: in her latest stream she mentioned she prefers alcoholic drinks and doesn't drink much water, then for her q&a, she said she drinks lot's of water to stay healthy. Why would she be inconsistent about something so minor? It makes it seem like she just did a generic, scripted type answer in regards to staying healthy, so the whole
>>62808 post about therapy could be true. Makes it seem like it's just a front for the internet to take pressure off herself or something. Or she
is taking care of herself, but the drinking/binge eating on stream is just for show for pity points/portraying a certain image.
No. 64323
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No. 64590
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>>64323what a beauty