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No. 105252
Read rules, follow them; don't post old milk; if you aren't sure if something has already been discussed read the current thread & previous thread at least. If you are a coomer: shut up plz don't waste thread's 1200 replies with thirst.
+Previous threads all neatly arranged by most recent:
Jiraikei Onna & Corn Dildo Edition
>>>/w/101360Baby Beenos Edition
>>>/w/98843BDSM Queen Edition
>>>/w/95405Sex Worker Edition
>>>/w/87866Sugaring Edition
>>>/w/76241Desperate For Money Edition
>>>/w/62881Mental Illness Is Super Kawaii uwu
>>>/w/468652 years ago
>>>/w/305813 years ago
>>>/snow/286133Yellowface Edition
>>>/snow/254982The Kawaii Princessu
>>>/snow/205005+Venus Angelic Summary:
>Venus Isabelle Palermo aka Venus Angelic is a washed up as-been famous Swiss Youtuber who gained popularity for her doll looks and weeby content back in the days. Her momager Margo (a notorious cow in her own right >>>/pt/666399 ) created the Venus Angelic brand, dragged her around the globe evading taxes and stirring up drama among the living doll and makeup vlogger community.
>At 19 Venus away from her mother to marry a japanese guy named Manaki, one of her simps who followed her from a very young age. Marriage reason? visa of course. She did end up into a divorce and made a video badmouthing him, calling him a neet and other stuff publicly on youtube. She also exposed his sexuality by claiming he's asexual, only likes 2d women and never even sexed her (proof may say quite the opposite). That concludes on how nobody thinks she really loved him.
>For a short time, she joined a v-tuber project under the name of MALICE, got a minor role in AbsoMetal theatrical play and was the face of some small media company -which she tried to claim as her own. Needless to say, her performace in all these projects was mediocre at best. During this time, she faked alcoholism, lesbianism, mental problems and suicide baited her followers for asspats.
>After divorcing (or splitting up, who knows) she began posting on IG about "business meetings", hotel rooms, riding cabs, showing off LV and Coach items along odd mentions of blowjobs and masturbation in her IG stories. Later, anons discovered her Pater profile under the identity of "Lilian". An unedited selfie she didn't posted anywhere before confirmed it was indeed hers and not someone else using her pics as a catfish.
>Enters "Ken" her new sugardaddy/boyfriend. "Ken", according to Venuses claims, did illicit things to a child. She made an entire insta story about it instead of reporting to the police saying "nobody would help her with the case". Sketchy? Incredibly. Child in question was posted on her Instagram account and was removed after the drama. There is no follow up on Ken.
>After this episode she crawled back to Manaki's place again and lived in her old closet room during the COVID-19 pandemic.
>At that time, Venus announced her Onlyfans and currently is doing full time OF sex work. She claims that this work path was her "childhood dream" and that she's never been SOOO HAPPY!!! like she is at the moment. Her half-assed R18 content features cheap rental costumes, cheap dildos, cheap love hotel rooms, internet cafes strip-teases, sex toy reviews and so on.
>Enter Manager-san. Either Manaki kicked her out or she's fucking a new guy (aka Manager-san) for a place to stay, it's unknown. Manager-san seems to be the one behind the camera, planning the tip menus and streaming schedules since she's incapable of do something steady on her own.
>Venus went back to her habitual suicide baiting tactic, hoping it would make her worried simps throw pity money at her. The reaction wasn't well received and she had to apologize for it, trying to pass it as a prank. The latest live stream went awfully bad, confusing noises made the viewers worry about what was going on between Venus and Manager-san off camera. After that, she's only appeared on June's (a gaijin AV actress she was going to do a collab with) and an unknown japanese photograper's IG stories. She's been radio silent on her own social media after the most recent developments.Links:
instagram: venus_angelic
twitter: @VenusAngelic
tiktok: @dollyvenus
fanicon: (inactive)
main youtube: youtube: No. 105261
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I joined the onlyfans in the beginning coming from these topics to provide screenshots and stuff, for fun but the horrible reactions and generally making things worse when I post has been a real turn off, it's actually making me sympathetic towards Venus??
I hope she gets the help she needs and feels better.
No. 105263
>>105254why am i not surprised
i don't know how some anons are feeling hopeful about venus again, but even if this isn't just some dumb excuse and she seriously wants to work on her mental health, this pity party approach is not the way to do it. it's getting so old that it's not entertaining anymore, just eyeroll inducing
No. 105284
>>105278u don't suddenly get kicked out of the country just because u were hospitalized, get a grip anon. your deportation boner may be raging but that's simply not how it works.
>>105281also why would it be specifically one month? idk i haven't stayed in a mental hospital so i may be wrong, but i imagine they don't admit patients for a specific time but rather they would be released when they get better…? … idk
No. 105286
>>105284Many mental hospitals have a limit of how long you can stay for. It can be anything from a few weeks, a month or several months. Depends on what your doctor/therapist thinks is best and your opinion also counts. Especially if you have the money to pay for the service provided.
Honestly I think this is a massive cover up for something more. She'll have a month "off" due to apparently being hospitalised, in Japan, a country that doesn't give two shits about mental health. She's blatantly lying.
No. 105288
>>105286>Many mental hospitals have a limit of how long you can stay for.This. Also
>>105281That's probably the time she has to wait until there's a space opening up for her. It doesn't strike me as odd at all, unless she's in acute danger of killing herself today.
No. 105302
>>105301This. I don't give a fuck why she's going or if it's even true.
To even state it shows she isn't happy being a cam whore. She's becoming Shayna v 2.0 now with more instability.
No. 105311
This is probably blogposting, but whatever. Waiting two weeks for a space at a mental health treatment center is not weird at all. I spent about 3 weeks at an inpatient center in December and 3 months doing outpatient treatment after discharging from inpatient. There is often a wait list and it's not uncommon to have to wait for a spot to open up. In fact, it would be more suspicious if she were to be admitted immediately. I had to wait about a week and half before I was admitted. These types of treatment centers are nothing like the psych ward in hospitals, which is what people typically think when someone says they are going to a "mental hospital". Hospital psych wards typically focus on emergency care, when the patient is an immediate danger to themselves or others. They don't necessarily "treat" your specific mental illness, they just focus on minimizing acute symptoms and making sure that you don't hurt yourself or others. The kind of treatment that Wenoos is talking about is nothing like an actual "hospital" per say. Usually it's a house where however many patients live together, and they provide different kinds of "classes" throughout the day in order to learn how to better handle their emotions/symptoms/impulsivity/etc. There is usually a large emphasis on sobriety, as well.
Weenos seems either uneducated or she wants to make the whole "mental hospital" thing sound more intense than it is. Sounds like she wants to glamorize and make it sound like some kind of "Girl, Interrupted" bullshit.
Anyways, if Venos is serious about this, then good on her. However, I can also see this becoming another "quirk" that she eventually tries to capitalize off of. "I'm so crazy guys, I went to a mental hospital". She is almost certainly going to exaggerate and glamorize her story.
Keep this in mind of she tries to share some over-the-top "crazy people" stories after she's discharged. People who exhibit acute symptoms do NOT stay in these kinds of facilities. They are immediately sent to the emergency psych ward at an actual hospital (which these type of facilities are NOT equipped to treat). A roommate of mine started exhibiting psychosis while I was in inpatient, and they sent him to the nearby hospital right away.
Sorry for this long rambling post, I just wanted to give people a better idea of what this kind of treatment looks like, before Venus starts making up all sorts of dramatic stories (a.k.a. lies) about her experience.
No. 105324
can't help but think that all this was only an eventuality when considering her mother. imagine being constantly denied any sort of stability in your youth in favor of being exploited and moving from country to country to pursue some "real doll" fantasy
seems like shes got a hard road ahead of her but i hope shes able to find the support and help she needs to make it a bit easier along the way.
>>105311honestly, i feel like she just doesn't know how to communicate normally anymore. its baiting and attention-seeking, for sure, but i don't think she's had a normal enough life where she's been given a chance to speak outside of these terms.
No. 105328
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June confirmed she’s “checking in” to a hospital
No. 105338
>>105328So she reckons. Venus has lied and twisted stories for so long while playing
victim it's difficult to believe she's actually going to this "hospital". June really is gullible and blinded by Venus's narc charm.
No. 105339
>>105254So Pimp-san has put her in a mental hospital (or somewhere) as punishment for her behavior (aka beginning to out him)
Thanks to OP for the new summary.
No. 105342
>>105339Samefag, I'm hoping this will be the end to her OnlyFans career since it has honestly been really disturbing so far.
Remember her claims "happiest I've ever been" "dreamed to do this since childhood" and now she's allegedly being committed (but not before taking more nudes).
People who don't think she's being exploited are blind.
No. 105356
>>105325>when she can't speak the language? What kind of newfag are you. She speaks Japanese. Her speech slurs and she mostly uses simple grammar but she will be perfectly fine. Also she's been to japanese hospitals before.
>All this time I've been advocating for her to go back to Europe and live somewhere where she can try to have a normal lifestyle.Makes sense that the crowd who thinks there's anything for her in europe are also newfags. Europe has advantages but at this point she has nobody anywhere and administration is as complicated and usually less efficient than Japan. She could go to Switzerland because she is a citizen but she'll just end up homeless or in a shelter if she does because her dad wants nothing to do with her and the cost of living is so high that OF won't cut it.
She's stuck.
No. 105357
>>105355They're actually 'nervous' sweat beads. Think of old manga. When the characters get nervous, they sweat out beads of sweat just like that.
sage 4 newfag
No. 105376
I tried posting here yesterday after seeing the post on Pull about the mental hospital thing, but the old thread was full and no new one then, but it's old news now, so…
Anyway, what im wondering…
Firstly, keep hearing how they don't take mental problems seriously in Japan, so wondering what their mental hospitals would be like over there?
Secondly, if she is that bad, why have to wait 2 wks b4 can get in?
Things don't add up, and there are more questions than answers.
So right, there's a waiting list, but they can't think she's that bad or she'd be admitted immediately? Is it even true?
If it's true, why doesn't she just say what the treatment is actually for? Like the name of the actual condition she is being treated for. Or maybe they want her in there to assess her to find out just what it is that is causing her mental distress.
And the bruises, could they have been from some invasive beauty 'treatment' she might of had? She's so hung up on her appearance that it wouldn't surprise me. afterall, she's hardly likely to come out and say that she had some cosmetic procedure because she's so insecure about her looks, and probably takes it on board all the shitty comments she gets from people hating on her for some reason. You hear about cosmetic procedures that cause bruising so it's not too much of a stretch to wonder it that could of caused it.
I don't know what to think anymore, if she is genuinely suffering mental health problems enough to have to go into a stay somewhere, then i hope she gets the help she needs, but not sure if she'll get that help in one of those places, you hear about people who come out in a worse state. But maybe it will be good for her.
But like i said, more questions than answers, only time will tell.
No. 105379
>>105337Six weeks is about right where i live too, sometimes even longer, I'v heard people say they had to wait months b4 they could get in somewhere for mental health problems even when they were really bad with it.
I read about how in mental hospitals in japan they tie people down even when they are no risk to hurting themselves or anybody else, so i hate myself for wondering, but what if this is some sort of 'story' for her Only fans? She's already done Dr Venus, maybe there will be pics of her tied to a bed being the cute mentally ill girrl, maybe im being cynical, but why hasn't she said anythng on her Instagram? That is the place where she usually posts about her mental health, even if its only in a story on there.
Not everyone on instagram reads gossip forums and certainly not everyone on there is on Only fans so her longer term fans is not going to know and must be wondering where she is and why she hasn't posted anything on there for a while.
Eveything is so vague and uncertain, and it makes me think there is something else going on behind the scenes and that this mental hospital story may be just that, a story.
Whatever, I hope she can get herself sorted out for the better for her, and the best for her life ahead.
No. 105395
>>105356>>105341>What kind of newfag are you. She speaks Japanese. Her speech slurs and she mostly uses simple grammar but she will be perfectly fine. Also she's been to japanese hospitals before.I don't think her fluency is anywhere good enough to be receiving therapy in inpatient treatment. Or I'm not sure how else she is supposed to get better.
Also you think it's better that Venus stays in Japan doin OF for the rest of her life?
No. 105399
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It kind of irritates me how naive and blind some people still are at this point.
How much proof do you need to accept the facts? Venus is a manipulative liar and it really shows.
Some even think those grey stains in the purikura photos are bruises because someone hit her.
Maybe you should take a second look at those photos. June has also some grey stains. Just a few but that’s enough proof because it’s the exact same color. Just take a close look at June‘s right hand.
No. 105404
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>>105399Obviously most of the gray shades are just the shadows in these pictures. But, as the first anon pointed out, there isn't anything that's blocking the surrounding light that explains the presence of a shadow there next to her nose. Also, it has greener undertones than the other, more blueish/purple shades of gray.
No. 105412
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>>105399In a recent video her skin looks grayish and unhealthy without the warm filter on. Definitely not bruising.
No. 105419
>>105399the bruise is in the same spot, same shape, every picture she posted with june. you retards that have never seen a real black eye can't tell what it is, its a bruise. coupled with her pallid skintone and eyebags it may be hard to swallow the abuse pill but lol…
she disappeared at a significant time immediately after these photos surfaced and shortly after suspicions of her tripod manager yelling and smacking her on camera.
now shes going into a facility.
there is something fishy going on and she put herself into an
abusive situation. yall are blind
No. 105437
>>105399That is a black eye with the bruising on the nose clearly she was punched by pimp-san’s right knuckles. June also confirmed it is a bruise. An anon posted a screenshot of June’s comment about it
>>101360Isn’t Japan also known for gender discrimination towards women? I mean, don’t shut off the possibility she is being abused and assume she’s lying all the time. She’s a girl basically alone without family and friends in Japan and is a NEET on top of that making it easier for pimp-san to do whatever the hell he wants with her.
I’m not whiteknighting her and I hate her for looking down to people with normal jobs saying she’s got too much creativity but have only managed to post absolutely shitty content. There’s a line between critizing her stupid actions and blindly hating her.
No. 105453
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>>105412OMG look you guys, she has TWO black eyes in this one! Poor Wenus!
No. 105456
>>105399I can't believe you posted a photo with a fuckin' shadow under someone's wrist circled as a conspiracy!!
Do you understand how light works? Venus' face should not have a large gray shadow next to the nose. The circled wrist is away from the light source. Jesus christ. Ban the scrote shitting up this thread.
No. 105476
>>105467Right lol not even Belle is excempt from the "my bf is now my pimp and i'm in denial" reality. She started off taking thotty selfies, signed with a management company, and is now shoving dildos up her ass and selling condoms. There's literally no way Venus's situation isn't grosser. All her videos are so focused on typical Japanese porn fetishes, not even the kawaii costhot gamer gf almost all solo sex workers get into because they have a WESTERN audience. Venus has a WESTERN audience her Jap manager obviously has no experience catering to.
This isn't some basement hooker in chains scenario, it's literally what happens to all sex workers who hire help to get more exposure once their simps get bored. Venus simply isn't the exception. Doesn't make her a helpless clueless prisoner either. Just… a greedy idiot.
No. 105478
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>>105419Wow you sound angry. Calm down.
June didn’t confirmed anything. She said „you would have to ask Venus herself“.
Even IF that one stain is a bruise I’m 99% sure she did this to herself. Crazy women do things like that. It’s nothing new. Some women do really cruel stuff when it’s about money and Venus is one of these women whether you like it or not.
June said there’s definitely something going on and I would never doubt this for a sec because something weird is going on with Venus constantly for almost 2 years now and it’s people like you who enable her shitty behavior.
How is it even possible at this point people take everything she says for granted.
„….now she is going into a facility guys“
No. 105492
>>105478It's most likely she simply fainted due to a combination of hunger and alcohol and bumped her head into something.
Drunks fall and fuck themselves up all the time.
No. 105493
>>105331You have clearly never been admitted to mental hospital anon… but you sound like you probably should be.
It's completely normal for mental hospital to wait a couple of weeks to take a new patient in, often beds are full and pretty much everything is delayed due to quarantine. She might be waiting for a psychiatrist referral to go through.
It would only be immediate if it was involuntary (meaning a psychiatrist has seen that she's an immediate physical danger to herself or others).
No. 105497
>>105478Ok, but can you please stop ban evading already?
No one wants your shitty tinfoil contributions.
I agree that Venus got herself into this
abusive situation and should know better but you must be absolutely unhinged yourself to think it's normal for crazy women to punch themselves in the eye so hard that they give themselves a blackeye….. for money?
If that was true then why wouldn't she hit her right eye since that should be easier because she's right handed?
then why don't people who selfharm go make money off it?
No. 105512
>>105488Yep. Can’t believe people are still taking the bait even after she admitted “it’s a trap and she just likes to make people worried about her”
People like her are the modern digital versions of Eastern European street beggars. They would either self harm, sometimes even mutilate their arms or legs (or the street gang controlling them would do it) and manipulate passerby’s into giving them money. Smart ones will create abuse stories as a street performance to garner sympathy and collect money from the audience.
Venus is doing exactly the same. She will get simp tips on onlyfans and sympathy from the naive anons on lolcow. You know the saying, and idiot and his money will soon fall apart.
No. 105518
>>105512Except that the "fake abuse story" is not publicized, it's just something clear to observe if you're paying attention. It's not at the forefront of what she's posting. So how is she going to make money from this? How will she make money from going offline for a month?
Weird how the scrotes are so ready to believe she was downloading porn at aged 4, but when presented with evidence of abuse they will make up insane theories like she punched herself in the face/it's makeup/it's a genius scheme. You believe whatever suits you, huh.
No. 105519
>>105469I think this is a female anon and not a scrote, but you realize what you're saying here, right?
>No one has a gun to her head, she just sucks at communicating her needs and people are going to continue to take advantage of that until she shapes up and learns to use her big girl words. >And as long as WK's keep responding to her indirect cries for ""help"", she will never learn how to speak up for herself, because she is used to getting attention and what she wants by acting like a poor little child. >Hopefully she learns some communication skills in this "mental hospital", because she is horribly stunted in that regard.Like where is she gonna gather together the literacy/public speaking skills in between her pimp making her take lewd photos for onlyfans and the asylum?
No. 105523
Maybe she's feeling afraid to ever tell the whole truth about anything now because no one ever believes her anyway. Like maybe she was telling the truth about Manaki, even though people didn't want to believe it, because he's cute and appears nice and he 'saved' her. I don't know, and the fact is, no one else knows either, but some people act like they do, accusing her of lying over everything , just because she said what she said about Manaki and no one wanted to believe it. I liked him too, but you can't always go by that, someone can seem super nice and be different behind the scenes, I know someone who I always thought was one of the nicest people you could meet, but he's a bully and a control freak behind closed doors. I'm not saying that Manaki is a monster, nothing like it, only that there may have been truth in what Venus said, but no one wanted to believe her, so because they didn't want to, they just didn't.
Whatever is going on with her, I am worried about her and hope she is going to be alright.
No. 105526
>>105518For Christ’s sake anon. How is it not publicized?
She had the fake performance of being hit during a live stream on onlyfans, and then she let June post her photos with a questionable bruise on her face. And now she just announced on onlyfans that she’s taking a break because she will soon go to an inpatient mental health treatment center.
Real abuse
victims or mentally ill peopel don’t have time to think about monetizing on their situation. They don’t run to their online simps the moment they are accepted into a mental health center. June would have stayed quiet about the subject of Venus really wanted that.
No. 105527
>>105523Feel sorry about the millions of domestic violence
victims who stay quiet because they have nowhere to go and they are too ashamed to ask for help. Venus is just a con artist who is trying to manipulate people into having sympathy for her and apparently you’re taking the bait.
No. 105531
>>105523Venus is a compulsive liar & manipulator and she herself said she enjoys playing
victim and that to make sure to not fall into her "trap". This is exactly what she wants. A pity party for "uwu poor Venus".
No. 105535
>>105523So if everything Venus claimed about Manaki, Margaret, Ken, and whoever else was actually true, how does any of that justify or excuse her ending up like this after several years of being safely kept and cared for by those same ~eeeebil abuser manipulatorz~? At what point did Venus ask for help from anyone to get away from Manaki? She didn't, because she only had shit to say
against him when he started asking her to grow up and act more like a wife and less like an overly sexual stepchild. He threw her out once before as a result of it, but took her back in before she could end up exactly like she did because he STILL cared about her wellbeing even then, but once she started feeling safe again she began acting out & started her OF, likely because her Pater sugaring saga proved she simply isn't cute enough to be paid to exist & run wild like she truly wants.
No. 105540
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>>105530Oh, never saw that anon. Definitely disagree, I think that's just kboos thinking all Asians look the same, or any Asian dick is a good dick. You're obviously welcome to think he's cute I just don't get it with or without Snow. Also kek at Venus' face creeping into this pic.
No. 105556
>>105540ya, definitely. manaki never looked very handsome in any way. Also, venus looks more… joyful? idk how to put it. you know, compared to this
>>105453 or any other OF pic.
No. 105596
>>105582You think the other cows here are not suffering?? There are cows here who had way more of a tragic life and past yet no one mentions that to excuse them and no one shows them any ''empathy''.
There are cows here who were raped,schizophrenic,anorexic,druggies,poor,alchoholic parents..and the list goes on…..but out of all those cows you want to keep empathy for Venus who other than having a controlling mom, has lived a quite sheltered life and had many things handed and given to her.
No. 105608
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The face is so blurry I can't even recognize her
No. 105615
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No she did not, there it is.
No. 105627
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i thought she was going to a hospital for mental health, why is she posting pics of her grabbing her tits.
> tissue for jizz
No. 105632
>>105615i thought the shirt was some cute flower pattern until i zoomed in and realised it's the dumb hentai face shirt every ethot has.
No. 105646
>>105643jesus christ anon, you're right, the big scary pimp who kidnapped her learned english & hacked her iphone with her severed thumb!!
if only we could rescue her…
No. 105649
>>105643I knooowww, right? It can’t be poor lil abuse
victim Wenus posting this shit, it just CAN’T! It must be that evil man who is abusing her!!
No. 105660
>>105657i don't really care, my issue is she didn’t change the settings of her IG. is she really that inept with a computer?
>>105654if venus was some fat pimple faced bitch she wouldnt have so many stans. people still have fall for this uwu kawaii smol girl who babbles like a retarded baby schtick.
No. 105666
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From an old Margo thread.
How ironic, your dottir ended making a living off shoving plastic vegetables up her crotch…
No. 105715
>>105711>> shes not malicious.Are you serious? After the shitty way this little bitch treated her visa hubby, lying, smearing and slandering him all over her SM but she’s “not malicious”?
How new are you? She’s every bit as malicious as her psycho mom and then some.
No. 105718
>>105680you're reading it too deep in my opinion. like anons already said, it's the views. but i get why it isn't helping her cause. It's unappreciated views that she gets. And if a lot of her fans are too young to own a credit card or something, then that means they won't join her OF. despite this, her adult carrier cheering fans are themselves ethots or vapid folks, and they aren't the one subcribing to her OF.
Lol like, Venus' been cheered by mikealla in japan in one of her posts on insta. I doubt she subcribed to the OF though.
>>105689idk how sociopaths work. Like if you're born with or acquire it if growing up in an unhealthy environment. but stuff like marriage for visa then divorce after getting it when the guy clearly liked you, exposing a pedo, i.e. the Ken guy, but not reporting to the police, and claiming that you could only not sleep SOME nights… the general "as long as i get views" even if fanbase isn't the appropriate one, the ongoing cringe, the uncanny 'sexy" pics… i could go on, but there's something sociapathic about it. Or delusional at least.
>>105694May i ask you why do you know this so well? That sounds awful i can hardly believe it. Also i believe there are a lot of english speaking if not foreign psychiatrists in Japan. it seems that way at least when i do a quick google search.
No. 105719
>>105627So weird, this reminds me of Asian men's humor. She either isn't the one posting or she's repeating a man's thoughts
inb4 the pimps WK appears: when has she ever posted specifically praising jizz before on Instagram?
No. 105734
>>105263Wonder if someone in her life forced an intervention? Or if Venus pleaded insanity like Margo said she wanted (to avoid some type of unspecified legal issues imo probably related to Ken) or if she's just making it up to cover for whatever is actually going on? Like surgery or a court case or jail or deportation even? Remember she allegedly did the brain scan and emailed Margo about mental illness in the family. Did shady work with Kitano, had a pater ad and the whole Ken thing and using a child's sexual abuse to bolster herself. Ever since Mana wanted a divorce and kicked her from her pink little room, something odd has been going on.
>>105354Completely agree and she started showing signs of this pimp story only after her mom claimed she was involved with Yakuza. Seems fake or like a cover up for something. Looked like she was trying to hold back a smirk in her live stream, where she was supposedly "scared". Who knows.
>>105437>clearly she was punched by pimp-san’s right knuckles.Maybe she got drunk and fell? Or had cosmetic work done? Doesn't mean "pimp-san" hit her. She could also just have really bad dark circles and lied to June.
>>105715Don't forget wishing for his death (he should be put down) and laughing about it with her followers, as well as slandering him on Kizuna Ai's channel, after he seemingly took her back in for a bit (assuming she wasn't just using old photos).
No. 105737
File: 1595152446189.jpeg (1.7 MB, 1125x2436, 5F92B4B7-1673-4A38-A4FA-125855…)

Guys she is feeling better, what a relief
No. 105745
>>105740I wonder what she thinks when she looks in the mirror?
I wonder if it is possible to be so disordered that she actually thinks she looks like this, with some “touch ups”… or is she cognizant that’s this doesn’t even resemble her face?
No. 105755
>>105751It is, she does it all the time as part of her attention cycle.
>Pretends to stumble into risqué behavior innocently due to abuse>spirals while shirking off any real help or guidance & laughing at ppl who try to help>hits rock bottom by herself & realizes she dun goof'd>"moment of clarity" post where she promises to get help/treatment/reach out>incognito mode while she finds a new simp to leech off of>returns, "I'm all better now, guys! No need to change my behavior at all or get treatment, doctors all say I'm fine!"She's gotta be BPD or something, because nobody else is addicted to self destruction and drama to this degree without some sort of mental or addiction factor.
Hell, maybe Venus is just addicted to attention? Addicted to making people worry over her & think she needs help, wants to be coddled and taken care of but DOES NOT want to be told to do or not to do anything.
No. 105763
>>105737Prime health advice from Dr. Beenus:
if you feel like shit, just shave your pussy
No. 105792
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her instagram
No. 105795
>>105792Since when does Venus not know how to apply false lashes?
Every time she posts it feels like a puppet posting for her, and the pics and captions keep getting weirder and more disconnected from anything that makes any sense.
Venus is falling further into the Uncanny Valley as a sex worker than she did as a "living doll", and it's starting to get very unsettling. These last few OF posts really do feel like someone is controlling her accounts, giving her really weird & bad advice or maybe both.
No. 105803
>>105777Actually we know for sure that she lived at Manakis again for a while. She posted a semi-nude pic in which shes playing animal crossing New Horizons in her old room. As you probably know this game was released this year. So yeah.. it's proven that manaki let her live with him again for some time.
To adf, if you are interested:
She too posted around that time that they are good and are going to make a vid together, posted a pic from his car (by the looks of it, no proof this time) and someone said here that this dude (sora the troll or smth?) said in a stream that shes married. (They probably, no proof, still are because where would she have her visa from and as far as I know you can't do sex work in Japan with working/education visas, but with spouse visa you can.
No. 105804
>>105801Yeah, Japan's cultural significance of chopsticks totally makes it ok to post in English on her IG for her western audience to visualize her shoving chopsticks up her muff.
What's with the bulk of Venus threads acting so brand new about everything?
No. 105811
>>105802No one is leaking anything because there is nothing to leak. Didn't you read the thread? Her last post before that was the stream (leaked), her excuse (leaked) and her up date (leaked).
We don't want to see her naked, we just want the milk anyways. That's why we asked the anons that are subs to censor her spicy parts.
No. 105812
>>105796In the tv series Sugar Rush, (I have the dvd) they showed the main protoganist, 15yr old Kim, masturbating with an electric toothbrush, as though it was the most normal thing in the world for girls to do, and I was like, what? Does anyone really use them for
that? Oh well it was made back in the noughties I guess, but point being, if electric toothbrushes can be used by girls for such practices, then I suppose chopsticks could be too, though I'm not sure exactly how, and I think it would hurt jabbing away with chopsticks, unless they jabbed carefully and gently maybe, but it's not something I would like to try, what is wrong with just using your own fingers? Or, if you must do it, something made specially for the purpose of female clitoral stimulation? I mean she goes to enough sex shops, at least according to what she has said before, so why use chopsticks? Or am I just taking it too literally, or missing a joke?
No. 105814
>>105806yea as far as we know she hasn't been there for about 1/2(?) months now. That's right but the anon i tagged claimed that we don't know if he took her in again after she left Ken. That's what i was answering to. I think too, that she lives with pimp -san now after that pic where hes seen as refelction in the Tv wearing underwear.
Her public statement that shes getting divorced was one year ago tho and she told this youtuber in the beginning of this year that shes still married. So what's your point? Mine was answering someone who didn't now that she still had connections with Manaki.
No. 105826
>>105818Kinda makes it seem like it was just an excuse for not posting so her simps stop being upset. She posted the mental hospital thing shortly after her subs started to complain about the lack of posts.
Or her mental health declined because she didn't post and therefore didn't get validation.
Let's see what happens in 2 weeks.I'm curious.
No. 105864
>>105851For every follower she loses on Instagram is another paying cuck gained on OnlyFans. She's gone beyond caring about her Fangelics now and majority of the latest comments are that of disappointment. Venus continues to come out with vulgar shit and thinks she's comical when really it's just embarrassing. Even more hardcore thots keep that shit off Instagram because it's not the place for it.
Curious to see how this "mental hospital" story works out. The simps sure ate it up but her other social media followers don't have the energy left to pity her these days.
No. 105866
>>105864by that logic she would have made 2000 OF followers? kek. tell me if i'm correct, i'm genuinely curious.
Also, i won't be cowtipping in any way, this is only a question but isn't sexual related content on insta against their policy? i'd be careful if I were her but at this point she seems too ill to think properly.
No. 105868
>>105856There are worst things than picking boby parts with some chopsticks for kink.
But Venus really wrote it down in a totally unsexy unclassy way, i get why anons and the people in her insta got the image she would actually shove them up into herself.
No. 105871
>>105866She was nearing 1,500 subscribers when she was first starting out in OF as she posted about getting to 2k. That's definitely tripled since then I'm sure.
As for Instagram, they're hit and miss with sexual content. Occasionally they cleanse their platform of trash and that's about it. Which is probably why Venus is carrying on this way on there because 90% of the time they don't give a shit.
No. 105897
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>>105261>the horrible reactions and generally making things worse when I post has been a real turn off, it's actually making me sympathetic towards Venus??Don't fall for that trap, anon. I made the mistake of feeling bad for her when she finally escaped her mother and got real about her illegal weight loss surgery. I thought we finally got to see a genuine person come out of her shell, and I liked that person. Then she deleted all the videos that made her relatable, left her visa marriage, kept treating her friends like crap until they all left her, started suicide baiting her porno streams, and generally kept repeating the same old cowish behaviors as always.
If you want to feel sorry for a grown woman whose insane mother absolutely ruined her, that's understandable. But don't think feeling sorry for her will help her become a better person. I hope she gets help too, but I'm not naive enough to think this time will be any different from the million other chances she's thrown away.
How are farmers "making things worse" though haha
No. 105900
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I was scrolling through her OF pictures and one of them is a screenshot from her end that shows her message count etc. The rest of the pictures from this set are just regular pictures, but then there is this one that is her screenshot.
Doesn’t really reveal anything but is sloppy I guess?
No. 105911
>>105900I never was on OF si idk if it's different there, but the amount of messages normaly doesn't give a clue about the amount of people who wrote her. On whatsapp/Discord etc you could get 6 messages from one Person and it will count as 6 messages, not 6 different chats. I wouldn't be surprised if some of her simps or people who tips her wrote multiple messages instead of one long one.
We don't know how often she checks them too and if she answers everyone or just the ones that tipped her.
She has around 10k active followers on insta (people who like her pics) and i really doubt 20% of them are subscribed to her OF. Her youtube channel is basicaly dead since ages and i guess the people who like and comment there are mostly the same as the ones that follow her insta. She probably had more subs in the beginning, but her posts got less and this month she posted, what? 1 Pic? I bet some already unsubsribed or are about to.
No. 105920
>>105897but it's not so much that I'm falling for her BS,I mean I can identify that easily
Just being on the onlyfans site and seeing the stuff that really happened, compared to what is reported or imagined here and when I post a pic or comments here it just feeds the fire of tinfoiling and ridiculous nitpicking.
Like most people here I miss how the threads used to be
No. 105921
>>105896I mean there is literally a guy making the themes and taking all the photos. Venus normally gives up any new project after a week, so even the fact this has gone on for months proves it is being managed by someone else.
I think if you wanna whiteknight for anyone, don't choose a random pimp. Kinda embarrassing for you to be out here stanning a pimp.
You can be critical of Venus while still accepting the situation is very weird, there is an unseen man involved, and their interactions seem very odd and unhealthy. She also recently had an unexplained bruise and black eye on her face.
No. 105924
>>105865Ayrt this is the first time I've posted in this thread. The only thing more
autistic than shoving chopsticks up your vagina is your blind assertion you somehow know individual anons.
>>105900I can't tell if she's just being sloppy or this is some kind of meta joke nobody understands.
No. 105928
>>105908Not really.
Smart ones are never face out, they advertise independently on reputable platforms, and once they fill their bag they leave the business for good. They never share their income with a pimp, manager bf or whatever you name it.
No. 105929
>>105923She could have stayed under the radar but she chose to plaster her nudes all over the internet. There’s no going back from internet nudes.
June is face out doing porn, but at least she’s signed with a company and probably making big bucks steadily.
Or Venus could have become an escort and stash her cash quietly. Look at those escort girls on tag for instance, at least a couple of them make enough cash to flaunt their loubs and designer clothes. They never show their face and don’t get involved in drama like Venus.
She could have done the same. But our beloved Venus had to add a couple of other mistakes to her track record.
No. 105934
>>105924>>The only thing more autistic than shoving chopsticks up your vaginaWell I had to laugh at all the autists over on pull all totally mystified how she could insert chopsticks into her vagina, when really, if she actually does it at all, she probably just teases her clitoris with them. Has no one thought of that?
I'm guessing it's a Japan thing, probably occurs in hentai or something, that is her influences after all and where she gets most of her ideas from it seems.
No. 105947
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>>105929>>Or Venus could have become an escort You keep forgetting what she looks like irl. Here she is playing at being a bar “hostess” for a video. With that face the only ‘clients’ she could pull in would be the oldest, creepiest, nastiest and cheapest bottom of the barrel guys. Online porn is really the only feasible SW she could pull off.
Also in-person escorting would require her to (at least) shower, wash her hair and put on clean clothes regularly, which is too much effort for Wenus.
No. 105958
>>105935I'm still impressed that people actually think this was anything other than another cringey attempt at sounding sexy. She doesn't know her asshole from her elbow.
P.S. I laugh every time I read the OP note about thirsty OF freebie chasers fucking up the post limit, as though
that's what's doing it.
No. 105959
>>105947There was another pic of this video up in the thread. what video was it? It's on her yt?
I can't but cringe when "pretty" foreigners in japan end up taking the kyara/escort path. It's such a humiliation. way to say you've gave up on finding a real job or settled for the lazy "carrier options in japan for foreigners are limited" just because you can't bring yourself to study japanese further than mediocre conversational level.
No. 105968
>>105949Nta but no1curr you think she could be a muh successful escort kek. Anons think there's evidence to to the contrary
>>105953 >>105960 and I'm inclined to agree.
>Have you not seen the slags who are escorts aside from the top 10 advertised on sites or some shit?Soz anon your escort knowledge far surpasses ours, I will bow to your obvious superiority kek.
No. 105969
>>105949Ah, yes, if Margo could pick up johns, why Venus couldn't?
>>105959It was titled Hostess for a Day, something like that.
>>105968IKR? coomers can't integrate for shit.
No. 105980
File: 1595303883968.jpg (85.36 KB, 1080x829, 20200721_115539.jpg)

Venus made a new ig account @venusdemonic
Likely for her 18+ pics.
Starting to think that the hospital thing is nothing but an excuse…
No. 105984
File: 1595305834785.jpg (Spoiler Image,792.68 KB, 810x2018, Screenshot_20200721-122930_Ins…)

New ig update
No. 105985
>>105980Venus? Hospital baiting? How could she??
Kind off a better solution, not like this will stop the comments, but at least she can delete the entire account whenever she decides to not be pimped by fatty-kun anymore.
No. 105986
>>105984“Waaaahhhh! People being mean to me for flashing my pussy at unsuspecting teen fans who subscribed to me for cute content! It’s not like I could have given a warning beforehand and made a proper new account to separate my childhood photos from my cum dumpster self-proclamations!“
Well, it’s about time, bimbo. You could have saved yourself the time and stress if you just listened to the first hundred people who said you should separate content for those who did not consent to seeing your butthole.
No. 105989
File: 1595308798289.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 1078x2062, Screenshot_20200720-221913_Ins…)

venus new post in her2nd instagram
No. 105992
>>105986Always the fucking
Just like you said, she could have separated the content right away when starting OF. But she refused to do that, in order to get as many pedos/simps onto her OF as possible and debuting her sex work with that pandering pic. Only now, AFTER she got what she wanted from OF, is she separating content, and on top of being a greedy fucking sociopathic bitch, is ONCE AGAIN, playing the
victim. Piece of shit.
No. 105996
>>105994She wanted all the advertising. We're talking about a woman who had no qualms in USING the sexual abuse of a child to aggrandize herself. She knew what she was doing. She just didn't care. And now she puts on the poor bullied
victim act and shifts blame onto her audience, as she always has to blame someone else for her greed and short-comings
No. 105998
>>105989I hope she gets the same comments there, salty bitch with her trashy nails and weird stubby fingers that she keeps showing off.
I can’t wait for another week to pass and the mental hospital is never mentioned again, lol.
No. 106010
>>105989still posing in a generic love hotel making ugly edits on her face i see.
can't stop but thinking she's using the meme wrong. it's a cringe thing to attribute it to yourself.
>>105984ew what's with the residues close to her cuticles? hope she didn't pay more than 3000 yen for this. even the stones are glued on wonky
No. 106011
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No. 106013
>>106011Jeeeesus Christ does she think this is attractive?!
Those grown out gel toenails are staring into my soul
And that skinny fat shapeless bod
No. 106024
>>106021well, just search paters and google translate anything about it an app for finding a sugar daddy lol
No. 106025
>>106024Can we stop with the conspiracies and just deal with the facts? This could be anybody, anon. Wtf Even an alias.
>>106020You have to be 18 to post here, anon.
No. 106032
>>106025You’re dumb as Hell. It’s as
>>106028 wrote. The profile contained unedited versions of photos that ONLY Venus would have because they were never posted anywhere in that form.
Where else do you think she got her money when she split from Manaki? Certainly not from a dead channel and not from a normal 9-5 job that she thought she was too good for. Use common sense.
No. 106038
>>106011she will forever take shitty angles
>>105984lmao people have wanted her to make a separate account since the beginning, she can stop playing the
victim No. 106051
>>105995Her fans are as idiotic as here, they don't need babying. But when you're choosing to be thot and market your OF content on your normal social media thinking it's "okay" then that's a problem. This is the same fanbase she's had for years and ate up her living doll gimic & continue to idolise her until now. It made her lose followers and every post now is full of same predictable comments. Now she's playing
victim because of the "haaaaters" against her being a hoe and it's all her fault she fucked up.
No. 106054
>>106048And weebs want their weirdly posing, ana-chaned foot fetished porn. That's the joke, they consume whatever Japan has to offer.
Sage because OT
No. 106055
>>105947::sigh:: Here we go again…
Anyway, granted, her outfit leaves a lot to be desired here, not exactly appealing, but her hair and face looks fine. She looks pretty.
I would've liked to see more from that event, but I'm guessing she got drunk and so maybe it was too cringey to publicise or something?
No. 106058
>>106055We get it, you buy her content, doesn't change that she looks rough as hell without all the filtering and photoshop.
It wasn't a large event from my understanding.
No. 106059
>>106058>>We get it, you buy her content,Um, no, I don't. Just seeing a picture and thinking the girl in it has a pretty face does not mean I feel the need to sign up to their Only Fans. And I'm a female anyway and not gay, so I'm not interested in that, just tired of seeing someone post a picture as "proof" that a girl is ugly, when it proves only that she looks pretty, which in turn proves that beauty is subjective and what one person thinks looks nice, someone else doesn't. And really, so what? It doesn't matter, ppl like different looks, that's all.
Anyway, I wonder how long she will keep both IG accounts going? Seeing as how she can't seem to stick to anything for long.
No. 106068
>>106061you think people buy her shit because they think japanese peope like her?
what weird delusions do you suffer from?
is that something you do? you like stuff based on wheter or not you beleive other people like it? thats fucking pathetic
No. 106080
>>105947I don't really find Venus fugly, but the stark contrast that she creates by editing her photos so much just makes her incredibly bland and maybe somewhat below average in unedited shots. Being in her twenties she could look a lot more youthful, but the botched surgery and her terrible eating / drinking habits and probably psychological problems did age her prematurely.
I guess she would get clients, but not the ones she wants. kek
Also, her laziness and inability to organize her life definitely would get in the way.
No. 106081
>>106055>>106059There’s always a sheep who bleats “well
I think she looks PRETTY!” as if saying it often enough makes it true. Guess what, it doesn’t. People can judge her unedited pics for themselves, your highly invested protestations can’t make your fantasy come true. She’s aging like milk and is the spitting image of her mommy.
No. 106085
>>106083Seems like it. Just wanted to ask the same question.
First time she made a good decision for her mental health (with restricting comments) and she doesn't even keep it up one day, lol.
No. 106097
>>106096$5 says PULL users went crazy and mass reported her new one because she followed their criticism about protecting all these imagined kids they were crying about previously.
Because they couldn't complain about that anymore.
No. 106100
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>>106097PULL is actually gone now
Sage cuz OT
No. 106102
>>106097Nah,she probably deleted it herself. Reporting on Instagram does nothing unless there is boobs or vegana fully exposed.
Venus is impulsive. It wouldn't be the first time she created a new profile and deleted or abandons it a short time later.
No. 106159
>>106106Absolutely. She once wrote an email to margo where she said she was on the likes of someone as successful as Trump, special, eccentric, creative or whatever wording she used, while bashing Mana as someone generic, reserved, copying her etc. She totally thinks she's all that. Remember, she's too good and creative to work a real job like all the rest of us filthy plebs. She needs to show her boobs because that's so creative. /sarc
>>106100I don't feel too bad because there are other sites for a large majority of the people discussed there that former fans will eventually find if they need to. The only one missing that bothers me is that Mikan Mandarin thread. There's barely any mention of her on lolcow and she has strong PR with her deluded fanbase. There was so much good information there, exposing her for the fake bitch she is and all the shit she's done. Shame the Elon Musk thread is gone too lmao.
No. 106167
>>106071no, i read that perfectly fine. if you meant something else then you are too dumb to express yourself properly.
you unambiguosly wrote:
"Venus panders to overseas weebs who watch her because they think Japanese people give a shit about her"
actually delusional
No. 106378
>>106372Sometimes, kek. I think there are a couple of anons who share similar features with Venus who get offended every time we call her ugly. Or anons who are ana chans themselves who find the skinny fat aesthetic attractive.
I couldn’t care less if Venus wasn’t a cow, her unattractiveness stands out to me simply because of her manipulative personality.
No. 106382
>>106372Long ago, there was once a selfpost/rating threat in /ot/.
It went about as you'd expect. Sage for offtopic.
No. 106399
>>106378The thing is, Venus would stand out more if:
she wasn't of course editing her face to oblivion (take notes, a simple dark circles editor is fine, a complete touch up of your features is wrong. making habits of showing your true features does wonders); be more sincere, have confidence; stop wanting to look asian; take care of your body (less drinking, good diet, not even workout, a simple yoga/meditation does the trick, skin routine); you know what, pardon me for being a shit, but smiling once in a while in pictures would look nice, especially coming from a sex worker, you're supposed to be selling joy at some point right?
her menhara personality is the reason why she's going down.
No. 106540
>>106371You are sick. Spend some time off of the internet and learn to be a normal human. Does anyone like you? If they do; would they still like you if they saw what you do on the internet? Also, that was a really dumb reason to escalate like that haha
On topic: Venus posted a few pictures on OF today… one of them complaining about leaks. She says she has taken some videos this week but isn’t sure about posting bc or leaks.
No. 106550
>>106540What a change of hearts. Not long ago she said she doesn't care about leaks because she "does it for fun and not for the money".
She could anger some fans with that. They pay her for pics and they surely wont accept that she doesn't post because of potential leaks.
No. 106553
>>106550I don't think Venus cares about leaks as lkng as she get attention, but Manager-Pimp-san would.
Also, her "Don't worry about me bc i lpve playing the
victim, don't believe me" thing is starting to feel weird since she went from being online 24/7 to barely posting agter that + the on camera slap and bruise. Her June collab with June mever happened & June isn't speaking about it, but maybe Venus dropped out bc Manager-Pimp-san didn't want anyone else having control over Venus's SW money?
Dumb, young, vulnerable woman in a foreign country + sex work + needs a place to stay + no family/friends = predator bait
No. 106554
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>>105947Yeah, because hookers are known for always being 10/10.
No. 106561
>>105947i think you will find that its in the nature of pictures not to show what something looks like irl.
>>106560 songs just about sm in general; and since venus kept talking about how she enjoys sm, it apparently got the guy who made that video really fired up.
i guess some people fail to see that when she talks about sm and how she is into some really dark stuff, she means really tame softcore sm; stuff that most people would barely consider kinky
No. 106563
>>106561It's like, after being with Margo for so long and pushing this pure, virginal weeb image that she still kind of tried to push when she first got with Manaki- now she thinks she's going wild, but really all she's doing is fetish-hopping the tamest ones for views and looking posed and awkward while doing it.
She's definitely got a puppeteer working with her behind the scenes.
No. 106604
Why do so many anons here not read the thread?
>>106553Junes already revealed why the collab is on hold. It's because Venus allegedly checks in the mental hospital (this week or next).
>>106560The whole account was deleted, not the picture. So she surely won't use that anymore.
No. 106618
>>106604I doubt that was the original reason. Venus announced the collab with June on June 1st, and here it is going on August. Venus only posted that she was going to a mental hospital a few days ago.
More than likely, June's company simply didn't want to deal with Venus.
No. 106638
>>106574nta but it was inevitable that the Pulltards would come flocking here once their site shutdown. Here's to hoping that they wont shit up the thread too much with "omg y are you guys so mean
sad face"
No. 106646
>>106574Why would anyone want to integrate here?
I get there is an established oldtard culture of being "edgy" by insulting others, but I can't imagine that persisting if younger people arrive.
No. 106685
>>106618i don't think june's company is even aware of Venus. They weren't going to shoot porn, they were gonna do a simple cosplay photoshoot. I don't think that this requires june to ask her company permission.
This takes me to another question. i don't believe Venus even has her own company yet? if she does then it maybe the pimp's one. If she's making up to 20K a month, i gotta say she isn't showing it off at all. I wonder if they cash out in the pimp's bank. Still not so sure about Venus's residency status in japan. if its just some kind of visa even a spouse one, maybe it wouldn't be so bright to cash out all the money in her bank account. they monitor this in japan because of how their tax system works, and your area public office or whatever you call it (yakusho) is at some point supposed to know where you're working because they deal with revenu. If she's not dealing with this money stuff carefully and if it isn't true that she's already a permanent resident, then she could face, maybe not deportation but other problems.
>>106646shut up anon.
No. 106703
>>106694really? are you the anon subscribed to her OF?
how much is her OF again, six dollars? if she has at least 2k subs than she's making in theory somewhere near $15 000 tips and menu purchases included right?
No. 106706
>>106702That's really surprising. I had no idea that sort of thing could openly go on in Germany. I thought maybe it was somewhere where it was maybe illegal but in one of the eastern european countries, don't know why I thought that, but surprising that it is so openly done in the street. Is it like that in other european countries? It wouldn't be allowed in the UK, and I'm sure America wouldn't allow it. I'm surprised at Germany, I thought that was one of the most civilised and law abiding and responsible countries on earth, where someone could go to and feel safe and secure in the knowledge that everything was right and proper and all the trains ran on time and rules had to be adherred to and just everything is very efficient, at least that is how I always hear it is in Germany, always sounds like an ideal place to be. So surprised.
>>106703I'm surprised to hear her OF is still going, seeing how inconsistent she is with everything else she starts and doesn't continue with, Makes me wonder if someone else is running it as she is maybe mentally incapable at the moment?
No. 106715
>>106713She literally said that will happen>>105261
She's definetly being under someones direction. This lasted for too long, it's somehow organized and she didn't buy anything with her money.
No. 106739
>>106560"Love her forever"!? Dedicated to her so shouldn't it say "Love
you forever"? As if she'd even see it anyway.
No. 106765
File: 1595712738459.png (146.59 KB, 516x706, map.png)

>>106706Germany has a long tradition of social welfare and sexual tolerance (though the Nazis reversed some of that temporarily). Germans are generally pretty laid back about social deviancy so long as you do as your job and behave properly in professional settings.
>>106540>She says she has taken some videos this week but isn’t sure about posting bc of leaks.Weird thing to even comment on, what's she gonna do, shut down her OF because some people make the content available for free? That's like shooting your cow because the cat drinks some of the milk.
No. 106787
>>106713It's going to update, she already said she was going to schedule posts (meaning, they post themselves) during her time off and a lot of her recent posts already look like this, so I expect that will continue.
>>106783We can't tell if she lied yet because the upcoming week is when she's scheduled to be admitted to the hospital, not now.
Venus admitted the Venusdemonic Instagram got deleted in her Instagram story, so it looks like it was mass reported after all.
No. 106803
>>106722she hasn't show any signs (except crappy nails) that she's buying anything. like no brand bags, no fancy dinners, no new apartment. (there was a picture of her with boxes in a new place at some point, but it looks more like she moved in with the pimp). anyways, sugar daddy episode venus was at least showing signs of little revenue.
maybe she does only have 350 subs like
>>106725 said. kek that's about 2k~3k assuming the tips. that's what you make at a good part-time job.
No. 106808
File: 1595735265330.jpg (315.23 KB, 1080x1639, Screenshot_20200726_124403.jpg)

>>106787here's the screenshot this anon didn't post.
why would insta bother about banning the new insta then let her post the same stuff on her main?
also, this doesn't have anything to do, but why aren't threads bumping even unsaged? am i the only one?
No. 106815
>>106775pretty sure actually releasing the content is a better way of making money and you are a moron for thinking that leaks aren't a major issue for most online sex workers.
so ye, you need to learn the differnce between reason and excuse.
here's an example, you talk shit, so i have reason to believe that you are a moron, thus i dont need an excuse when i write: stfu you incel moron.
No. 106817
>>106802On May 13th she said "OMG! We hit 1000 members! When I started out this OnlyFans I didn't even expect to reach 3 digits and now we're here! "
On May 24th she said "What "milestone content" would you like to see at 1500 followers? And at 2000?"
No. 106831
>>106808Same here, the thread is stuck on page 4 even though it has new replies…
Also, I think her other account was removed because it looked like spam - it had only one pic on it, and 3000 followers. Nothing to do with adult content, hence her main still being up.
No. 106866
>>106739Unless she reads her thread on lolcow, then she might I suppose.
>>106765>>Germany has a long tradition of social welfare and sexual tolerance (though the Nazis reversed some of that temporarily). Germans are generally pretty laid back about social deviancy so long as you do as your job and behave properly in professional settings.That's fair enough I suppose. I think Germany seems a very efficient and civilised country.
No. 106868
>>106783>>Venus said she was going to get help for mental health issues I guess she lied again for sympathy. I feel OF has totally corrupted her people should boycott her OF account until she really does get help for her meantal health.No one can just come out and say "Get back to PULL" anymore, because now they can't! So it looks like lolcow might get inundated with former PULL users. Expect lot of talk about 'morals' etc.
>>106787>>Venus admitted the Venusdemonic Instagram got deleted in her Instagram story, so it looks like it was mass reported after all.By whom though? (Apart from the rabid PULL users that is!) I mean what could anyone justifiably report it for? She only had one post on there, and that was nothing that anyone could complain about - apart from the aforementioned PULL users, but they don't count, I mean no normal person could find anything to report that one post for, it wouldn't make sense. Instagram would surely think why on earth would anyone want to report that? And what for? (I know PULL users would invent all kinds of 'moral' reasons, but let's be sensible and logical here for a moment.) I wonder if Venus herself decided to delete the account and just said that as an excuse, because there is no logical reason why anyone could have reported that one innocuous picture and get the whole account deleted and even if they did report it, I can't see that Instagram would have taken any notice of the nonsense, surely they would evaluate it and see there was no reason for anyone to report it. I think she might just have changed her mind, or maybe someone else connected to her, decided to delete it. Doesn't make much sense either way.
No. 106874
>>106868Venus deleted it herself when all her fans didn't migrate in the numbers she wanted, so she's gpnna keep banking on sexualizing the innocence of her Venus Angelic persona until it's fully ruined & she hits rock bottom with nothing.
Just like in her "favorite manga".
No. 106878
File: 1595773631797.jpg (552.46 KB, 1037x1477, Screenshot_20200726-222625_Ins…)

Instagram update.
No. 106879
>>106815Okay white knight, calm down we know you're upset by the slow pace of her releases.
>>106874Yep that's how it is.
No. 106881
>>106872That thread needed to be put on autosage as soon as it has begun to attract thirsty cheap scrotes. Since a lot of them are newfags unable to use the catalog, maybe it will discourage the most of them.
And with the aforementioned PULL close-up it was the right thing to do imo.
So, as an humble lurker who was tired of going through a tone of wk sperging to have some tiny drops of milk, thanks farmhands! No. 106906
File: 1595785622050.jpeg (432.49 KB, 690x1228, 96662F9B-F0C8-4B66-A650-C10D5B…)

>>106878Apparently nobody cares, because she’s getting like 3 comments and a fifth of the likes on her recent pics.
Also, is she posting old pics, because that looks like her room at Manaki’s again…
No. 106932
>>106913It looks like a latergram to me. These are the curtains and the pink wall of her old room, isn't it?
>>106917Just Manaki's cousin I think.
No. 106934
>>106906She has it set so only the people she follows can comment on her post. By doing that it brought her engagements down and the photo doesn’t get push out to others as it would normally.
Also I think her lewd account was mass reported
It happens to other lewd models who really didn’t show anything too sexual but because so many people at one time report the accounts they instantly get the attention of Instagram and they will just take it down without really looking at the accounts. It was this huge problem that all the lewd models had not too long ago. Lots of pages got deleted because of the mass reports and many lewd models where about to give up.
No. 106951
>>105252Her instagram didn't get deleted, she removed it herself. She never wanted to make a second account, so she just created one for a day and made up the excuse that it didn't work (aww not her fault), and there's no reason for her to have a second account for her lewds.
The perfect excuse for her laziness. Soon she will do posts on her main saying she misses posting lewds on insta, and what do people think if she decided again to post them on her main. And she hopes everyone will be like "aw poor venus, since instagram doesn't allow you a second account, of course we don't mind if you post here "
Just like she planned.
No. 106982
>>106868>>106881Holy fuck, for someone trying really hard to seem integrated you come off as incredibly obsessed with PULL. Calm right down with the
aforementioned pull sperging KEK.
Or don't, because I found it mildly entertaining.Thank God farmhands autosaged this shit. The only slightly milky point of interest in the last 24hours has been the anon I responded to, and yet I'm sure there's more grasping at straws to come. There always is with Venus threads, of which now I'm a contributor kek.
No. 107003
>>106934>>Also I think her lewd account was mass reported >>It happens to other lewd models who really didn’t show anything too sexual but because so many people at one time report the accounts they instantly get the attention of Instagram and they will just take it down without really looking at the accounts. It was this huge problem that all the lewd models had not too long ago. Lots of pages got deleted because of the mass reports and many lewd models where about to give up.So, were they being reported for not being 'lewd' enough, as in false representation or something, or mass reported by weird moralists objecting to anything even remotely lewd?
Venus has so many obsessive hater freaks that follow her around and will never give up that it wouldn't surprise me if those weirdos all reported her at once trying to get her new account shut down. Then again it could be her herself who did it. I'm hardly caring much at this point.
>>106982>>>>106868>>>>106881>>Holy fuck, for someone trying really hard to seem integrated you come off as incredibly obsessed with PULL.You seem to think both of those posts you're replying to are by the same person. They're not.
>>106906Wasn't this picture with the Rilakkuma bear part of her Only Fans banner a while back? I thought it was at the end where she is showing herself only now. I don't subscribe to it but thought it was posted here, maybe not, I don't care enough to want to scroll back pages to look, it's not that important, but it just looks like it's the other end of the banner.
No. 107024
>>107003Venus deleted the VenusDemonic account herself, as she always planned to. She only made it in the first place to delete it later & pretend she
has to use her Venus Angelic persona for sex work.
No. 107027
>>107021Mainstream among fetish cartoons I guess. But Venus is a real woman, and those angles are unflattering as hell to someone who hasn't been drawn specifically to accentuate that angle.
Venus would be better off following the styling of other costhots, not cartoon women.
No. 107073
>>107028She hasn’t “integrated” into anything.
Her Japanese is passable at best, she doesn’t contribute to her local community or the economy by having a job or friends or relationships or any kind of life outside of whatever hovel she’s currently squatting in, and she has no interest in education, volunteering or even culture (outside of her precious porn shops and hentai comics). She can’t even take care of her own health.
No. 107076
File: 1595882631754.jpeg (137.56 KB, 658x989, E50D4B1A-CC9B-4319-A8D6-FB7E0B…)

>>107028…and then went on to embarrass herself and everyone in the room by getting sloppy drunk wearing said ‘shrine maiden’ costume. That’s how she does
No. 107078
>>106916She won’t keep up using her main as a “photo diary”. She has nothing kawaii in her life anymore - she’s living in a filthy hole surrounded by cardboard boxes and crap, and without the filters she looks like she was rode hard and put away wet. The bear picture probably was an old pic, and the only other thing she posts are her trashy nails.
I give it a week.
No. 107080
>>107073>>107071>>107076>she has no interest in education, volunteering or even culture (outside of her precious porn shops and hentai comics)This. She's only there to sit on the White Pedestal.
>>107078Exactly this. The ability to fake the kawaii glitz & glamour life of ease she took for granted with Manaki is gone, and nothing she can do from now on will bring it back. She literally had everything she wanted handed to her for nothing & destroyed it bc her entitlement makes her think she's special for existing.
No. 107121
>>107101Thanks for the info, SPED
I don't think her recent OF feet pictures have been posted on here… but she looks just like those examples. She has some where she is pulling her panties off with her feet and they are pretty good!
No. 107143
>>107139don't know, for me ibradome. com comes in first. and all her recent shoots are pretty much there.
then you have lolcow just by googling her name without even typing "leaks". And that's not to say kiwifarm and pull while it's still up. Also google image etcetc.
anyways, point is her newds aren't hard to look up.
No. 107154
>>107076The four examples shown in the link, of pictures of a shrine maiden, the lewd pictures they show, prove that it is already sexualised in their culture, so accusing Venus of doing so seems unfair as they made it sound as though she alone was responsible for doing that, and also with the similar Touhou character, (sorry, I'm not into anime, but the fuss made about that when that character is already sexualised in Japanese culture) so all those accusations do indeed seem unfair.
>>107133>>I hate it here.Um, where? Do you mean Germany, or lolcow? LOL
No. 107166
>>107133what's with this weird hate of legalized prostitution? It gives women a chance to make a fair living off of it, security, health care (at least here in Europe) and a pension. You'd prefer hookers standing around on the streets? Because it's happening either way, legal or not.
On a different note, I still think Venus tried escorting before and failed miserably. Posting nudes online is definitely a step down from putting out privately (and being treated for dinner + drinks).
No. 107167
>>107166Totally agree on the step down even though it seems like It's quite an unpopular opinion.
Being an escort, if done well (picking your clients, safe surrounding, privacy, etc) can offer you some good luxury. But ya escorting also requires you to be a good conversation, always looking beautiful and if you allow sexual relations, you must at some level be good in bed. Now i don't know about Venus's skills but she seems pretty much like an awkward mess when looking at her internet personality.
Camming, OF and other, these only allow gooey unwanted folks to simp, jerk off, or laugh at you on the internet.
No. 107169
>>107152She's catering to whatever she thinks will get her money because she knows people get bored quickly of the same old thing on a loop. All she's doing is going to porn shops and buying or renting whatever costumes she likes that fit whatever niche she's trying to get money from.
That, again, has fuck all to do with integrating/acclimating to Japanese culture. She's a sex worker pandering to niches, she can do that anywhere in the world.
But, she wishes she were Japanese because she wishes she was an anime princess with a perfect kawaii life instead.
Venus's interest/"love of Japanese culture" is basic day 1 shit that she hardly ever brings up or shows off, unless it's to bring more attention to
her for being sooo knowledgeable about the culture and language, which she can only pass for in front of foreign weebs who can't speak Japanese and get all their cultural info from anime, manga and tumblr.
Venus doesn't love Japanese culture, she loves pretending to be an overgrown kid & Japan is the cleanest, safest country to live in that still shamelessly indulges that shit for ephos/pedos.
No. 107196
>>107173Yeah you guyz, only “she looks so PRETTYY!” is allowed here. Any other mention of her
actual potato-faced looks is NITPICKING and makes her stans very upset.
No. 107228
>>107196No, more like the endless nitpicking about shit she will never acknowledge or change is pointless & causes threads to fill with literally nothing but bitter anons clacking away at their keyboards, mad that Venus has the audacity to post her body online without acting ashamed of her flaws.
Yes, she looks like malnourished, reheated death- but after the point is made 20 more times it goes way beyond beating a dead horse. Nobody cares how she looks
that much unless they're emotionally invested in either Venus herself, or the kaweewee Japan life she pretends to have.
No. 107230
>>106808> her other account was removed because it looked like spam - it had only one pic on it, and 3000 followers. Nothing to do with adult content, hence her main still being up.It's either what this anon said, or she's lying and backpedaling. It's the perfect excuse. After a few months of NOT separating content because she's a greedy, amoral whore, she finally does (only when she reaches an OF following amount she's satisfied with), does she then make a new account, followed by lying it was taken down, so she can promulgate the narrative that she "was responsible and separated her content and meanies deleted it when she tried so hard."
>>106815It's actually not such a big deal to release leaks. Most of the people who search for leaks
weren't planning to pay for them in the first place, hence why they even searched at all. And those that do plan to pay but are currently too broke,
will pay her as soon as they can, so it makes no difference if they see leaks or not. It's possible she looses a few desperate scrotes who'd pay if there were no leaks, but that number is negligible.
No. 107271
>>107231This is basically what you said but slightly more specific - she announced having 1,000 OF followers on May 13th, and was setting goals for achieving 1,500 or 2,000 on May 24th.
My expectation is that a lot of the original 1,000 were people who are following her OF for alternate reasons (front row seats to a train reck, internet hype, long term kawaii fans, youtube fans, curious, etc.). [[TMI but I pay for her OF bc I have followed her my whole adult life and IDK how else to maintain this habit.]]
Her expectation seems to be that the numbers will keep rising… but given that most of those categories I listed have nothing to do with interest in her adult content,I suspect her numbers are going to drop dramatically, and never rise.
No. 107286
>>107271Her OF debut was only as successful as it was because she spent the previous 10 years acting like bra shopping was shameful & she'd never have sex bc she's just ~too pure an innocent uwu~. The only reason sex work makes as much money as it does up front is because men love watching a good girl turn into a camwhore for something she could have gotten herself. That's why sex work is such a taboo: it's hailed by
toxic idiots as empowering for women, but it's not bc you're letting a man pay to, in his mind, defile you or take you down a few pegs. Once that novelty wears off, they simps get bored and find a new first-timer to follow and pay to pose topless with cumdump signs in their mouth.
The appeal of sex work from the consumer perspective is watching the reveal & downfall, then watching them keep trying to stay relevant and fresh while knowing full well they'd never get the time of day from the girl IRL.
Sex Work is extremely
toxic because it's inherently misogynistic, but bitter feminists won't ever acknowledge it bc they can't face the fact that despite being "sage" behind their screens, they're still catering to the shittiest men using their faces (and sometimes legal names) to sell nudes and porn od themselves that'll be online forever.
It's only "worth it" if you're lazy, insecure, too good to work, and have no long term plan for your life past 30.
No. 107288
>>107169>>That, again, has fuck all to do with integrating/acclimating to Japanese culture. She's a sex worker pandering to niches, she can do that anywhere in the world. Yes, but my point still stands, that she is in Japan so knows the type of thing that is popular there, so is catering to that demographic. I expect if she was living in a different country, she'd be trying to cater to what was popular in that country.
The problem, for her, is that she has a largely western audience and some of those might be the weeb types who love kawaii culture, but some who do, know nothing much about what else is popular in Japan, the sexualised stuff, and they are a bit shocked and disapproving of that, because it is so alien to what they are taught is 'good' or 'bad' in the west. Hence why you get a lot of people from the west trying to change what happens in Japan, even though it is not their culture and nothing to do with them. And that is why so many of them criticise Venus for what she does and accusing her of allsorts, when really she is just doing what fits in in Japan, for that sort of thing that is.
No. 107292
>>107289Well yes, that too. But would she still be doing the same if she wasn't in Japan? If she was living in a western country, she could still be into hentai, but it wouldn't be so easy to get hold of, and so she may not be able to be so precise in what she wants to represent. I'm not even sure if some of that stuff would be legal in some western countries, or indeed in many other countries, but it is in Japan, but then there is truly horrible fetish stuff (not Japanese) that seems easily available in the west, and yet they are shocked at a bit of Japanese anime stuff that doesn't fit with their principles. Like they don't care about some real life horrendous animal cruelty, but object to cartoons, or Venus cosplaying that Touhou character because the character is meant to look about fourteen or something.
Whatever, would she still be doing any of what she does if she was living elsewhere? - {I'm not saying she
should be living elsewhere; Just wondering if she would be doing something different if she was?}
No. 107310
>>107286wtf is this?
this thread is for venus milk, idgaf about your retarded incel rhetoric, stfu and get out.
No. 107345
>>107166Offtopic but: read about prostitution on Terre Des Femmes.
Almost 2/3 of women have PTSD from it; 3/4 would stop immediatelly if they could; and a huge amount of them is neither having social security and falling
victim to violence and rape.
Prostitution needs to be regulated like in Norway, in order to empower women. Because most sadly don‘t like what they do and we have to acknowledge that.
No. 107349
>>107345>most sadly don't like what they dooh no, how sad lol. who gives a flying fuck what they like or don't like to do? what about a receptionist who doesn't like to deal with a stupid guest, what about a cook who doesn't like making a certain dish? it's their choice of profession. nobody cares whether they like doing it or not. unless they're chained to a radiator or sth they should be able to quit and do something else.
also this shit should be in ot. there's already a sw thread iirc.
(derailing) No. 107388
>>107384That's too bad considering that nobody is posting images, including you.
I won't be posting pictures that are supposed to be purchased. Just ignore me if you don't care about verbal updates.
No. 107392
>>107349first of, where is the sw thread you're talking about? i agree talking about sex work would be derailling the thread. but there's no milk at the moment so i guess people are just making points about sex work related with what venus did and said in the past.
also, i agreed mostly with you. for first world women. for third world women then you're completely off track. there is a lot of unpriviledge people out there so i couldn't talk for them.
but ya if sex work makes you miserable then start building yourself somewhere. most people don't like work: they like the environment, the colleagues, the pay and the benefits. before doing sex work, question yourself if it's not because you're a woman-
Venus doesn't like work because she has no experience and never tried anything even before saying that normal work is "uncreative". it's very ironic since she's the one that's uncreative.
>>107388why bother posting anything if you sympathize with her so much? saying that she posted new content without anything cringe or related to her being a mess isn't milk.
No. 107404
>>107392There is no milk anyway, so a description of her OF is better than nothing, or I suppose I just shouldn’t bother
You don’t have milk either
No. 107409
>>107392I think it would be a bit off putting for people walking past that line of prostitutes posted earlier in this thread. I mean it just looked like a normal street scene otherwise, and I suppose if kids grow up around just seeing that I guess they're just used to it? Not sure about that, but I would feel uncomfortable seeing that, as I wouldn't knowingly want to go along a street with a load of prossies all lined up ready for action, and like the original poster said, they are not exactly that much to look at either so must be the lowest end of the market for that sort of thing? But I'm just speculating as it's not something I know much about, but that would be considered shocking in GB and doubt the authorities would allow it, but maybe Germany is more forward thinking in that respect? I'm not sure what to think about it really. But well, Germany is a good country I think, all that aside.
>>107316I notice she keeps changing the cartoon picture on her Instagram, but I didn't think it was anything worth mentioning before, as not exactly interesting.
I don't know why she doesn't make some more Youtube videos, along the lines of the two new ones by Belle Delphine, they were really good and Venus should be totally capable of doing something similar, we know she can as she used to make well put together videos.
No. 107411
>>107392my bad, it was /g
>>>/g/90992sw discussion goes there
No. 107412
>>107411Well, so long then, I guess, because I won't be going there as not that interested in talking about that sort of thing, but I didn't mind the short conversation about it in here.
(Still can't get over that line of prossies though! LOL.)
No. 107429
>>107388Just post the description and cut out the porn, ffs. We can't trust you because anyone can say shit here, proof is needed.
A good example of safely posting is
>>105261 you can even cut half her head so we can check if it's not something you pulled out of your (or someone's) ass
No. 107430
File: 1596126406333.png (1.04 MB, 606x895, chrome_2020-07-31_00-26-47.png)

>>107416Look at her greasy hair. That's not cute at all.
No. 107434
>>107416That's awkward as fuck and her channel isn't even about Japanese porn. What's the point of claiming it is?
I doubt she watches any, let alone obsesses over it like that video suggests. She's so painfully tryhard and cringe.
Her unkempt appearance (did she pluck her eyebrows very asymmetrically?) and crazy eyes don't help the impression she makes.
No. 107442
>>107434To entice people to sub to your patreon/onlyfans.
Thot 101.
No. 107443
>>107416 She's very cringe. She's trying so hard to be normal (aka chill/funny/witty), but she sends the complete opposite vibes.
The way she moves when talking (side to side) obviously says that she's very uncomfortable and wants to go away.
Also i've seen a few more videos of this guy, he tends to say the same stuff to other girls he talks to (you're good at english/japanese, you're pretty/fashionable), but she's the only one he said that she's "interesting"….
You can take the meaning "interesting" in a bad or good way, because well, she does seem very off compared to other girls, especially compared to girls who do sex work. She's obviously disturbed in her mind :/ Even without knowing her you can tell.
No. 107444
>>107409 I'm from Germany and I can tell you that the way prostitution is handled here is terrible for women. First of all most of these women are not german but east europeans. They do this job because they are very poor and have often debts or medical bills and that's their only way to pay it back. Also there is a lot of human trafficking involved. The politician thought by making it legal they can keep the criminals away. These women have to register, they need to pay taxes for their work but get also health insurance and they can sue if they're treated badly by a customer. In reality it didn't work out. They want to remain anonymous,
they don't want to pay taxes because they desparately need all the money and many of them are still controlled by pimps. I think all of this is really disgusting because all of these women who came from poverty and are really vulnerable in a foreign country can be sexually exploited by men and now these men can't be punished for that because it's legal.
No. 107448
File: 1596136710483.png (Spoiler Image,400.54 KB, 537x943, 1.png)

>>107429since you linked to my post I guess I'll help out
looks to be her unused remote toy from the livestream and she censored this herself
No. 107449
File: 1596136852129.png (Spoiler Image,823.89 KB, 732x829, 2.png)

>>107448lewding an underage character who isn't even human? let the pearl clutching begin
No. 107450
File: 1596136915330.png (Spoiler Image,894.28 KB, 734x833, 3.png)

>>107449she didn't post the video today like she promised so I have nothing further
No. 107467
>>107416It hurts how aqward she is. Those eyes are even more uncanny with that facemask.
>>107449She's almost smiling in this one. Kuddos to her I guess.
>>107449 D-Don't summon the gachalife pulltard and her endless reeckening about sexualising minors, anon…
No. 107496
>>107449>>107450she gonna have to change location pretty soon. those love hotels are getting a little grim.
these are sad pictures. especially considering she's pretty mentally unhealthy rn.
No. 107497
>>107416To be fair It's pretty damn humid rn in Japan so white people hair will look like this even if showered and blow dried in the morning. plus she seems to have thin hair which doesn't help. but the black coloration on her makes it look extra dirty i agree.
That interview was naaasty.
>I talk about japanese PORN on yt>ya, PORN lolz>japan has pretty good PORN [thumbs up winkwink]>ya japan has better PORN than switzerland No. 107506
>>107416This is so awkward… in an uncomfortable way (not a cute and shy ^___^ way)
That guy tried to make small talk with her, and even gave her really easy topics (her home country, what she is drinking). She is either so socially incapable that she couldn’t talk to him, or is so narcissistic that she didn’t give a shit, and just wanted to mention porn constantly.
Is she capable of talking to someone?
No. 107520
>>107508Well, I almost regretted posting it afterwards, on re-watching it. It's like all she wanted to talk about was Japanese porn and how good it is, much better than any other and much better than Swiss porn? What? I mean she hasn't lived in Switzerland for years, (not since she was a child, surely?) and so how much would she have seen (unless her mother was showing her) of Swiss porn? Unless she has been actively seeking it out in Japan, and why would she? Unless to specifically compare to Japanese variety to talk about in the video, and as this guy seems to go up to people at random, probably not likely.
I felt bad for her as she seemed so awkward and unsure of herself, though at first glance I thought it was nice to see her looking seemingly relaxed and happy. But all the cringe talk about porn, I was like, Gurl, stop, you're embarrassing yourself, and I felt embarrassed for her on re-watching it. I don't know what the interviewer guy must have thought. I notice someone in the comments say something about her having 1.8 million subscribers or something, and he replied that he was surprised too to see that. He described her as "Beautiful Swiss Youtuber" and said she must be very popular with Japanese men, but she said she didn't know or wasn't sure.
Also I felt sorry for her as she felt the need to keep saying her channel was only for 18+, probably as a result of all the harassment she got from the pulltard freaks going on & on about 'kids' watching her channel, when really, most of her videos could be safely watched by a five year old and all she has to do is to put 18+ on the adult themed ones, but the whole channel?? Most people are going to be thinking why the Hell would that channel be classed as only for adults?
The video was posted a week ago, and her nails are the up-to-date fancy ones she has now, so it is obviously pretty recent, so at least she is out and doing things and sounded not too bad just awkward, so it's good to know she is not just holed up in a room somewhere, she certainly didn't look like she needs to go into a mental facility, but I know you can't always go by that, as people can try to act alright while hiding the hurt they feel inside.
No. 107524
File: 1596204220530.gif (2.18 MB, 346x432, 54c.gif)

>>107449Haha yes, they had to change Miku's age to 18 for the western market when the Vocaloid was first released on the western market.
Anyhow, I think she looks good as summer Miku, I'd like to see her cosplay Rotten Girl Miku for Halloween, and the Caine Ca (Calcium) Miku, though I think she might find that one a bit difficult.
No. 107536
>>107534Well I think she'd find it difficult to cosplay for caine ca version of miku because of the mechanics involved that she would have to use for it.
IIRC, Miku's age when first released was 14, but they had to change to 18 for the western market, because they (especially america) were so scandalized by it. I remember the early days and how many MMD videos there were showing Miku as a sexual interest or her indulging in sexual activities. A bloody cartoon, but the tards are so outraged by the slightest thing and pearl clutch at so much. They just want to ruin the internet for everybody all over the world and make it just how they want it. How anyone could get their knickers in a twist over a mere cartoon character is beyond me. The same people who often just turn a blind eye to animals being abused for real and real life cruelty of animals being filmed for perverts who like that sort of vile sickness. - For some reason, the sjw tards seem to regard that as not as bad as a sexualised cartoon girl.
No. 107537
>>107536It's mostly about preventing the slippery slope of sexualized minors trying to look older just to be sexual for personal gain. The US has a huge problem with minors dressing and acting older for sexual gains
and mid-20s women trying to look and dress like terns or younger to recapture that same esthetic.
I know there's a huge pedo push going on in the western world right now, but jeez, make a goddamn thread advocating for underaged nymphet cartoons being sexual in mainstream western media if you're so passionate about seeing that kind of thing.
No. 107649
>>107537I, for one, don't give a shit about seeing that kind of thing. I do give a shit about animal cruelty though, which sadly is happening in REAL life for sick perverts who get off on it.
Teens have always tried to look older and people out of their teens have always tried to look younger. It is just the way the world is. Not caring one way or the other does not make one advocating for pedos and anyone who suggests so is as sick as the pedos they complain about and constantly obsess over.
No. 107652
So anyway… moving on, someone felt the need to post this on Youtube, don't quite know why, they seemed to not realise, or care, that they showed their typing out comments on screen, just the live stream where people claimed she got slapped. Not sure about any of that, it almost looks like she's acting at one point, acting scared purposely, I don't know what to think about it anymore than I did the first time I saw it posted on here, I don't know why the poster bothered uploading that now. But there's nothing else going on, shouldn't Venus be in the mental hospital now?
No. 107762
File: 1596352383282.jpg (553.48 KB, 792x1505, Screenshot_20200802-151207_Ins…)

When is she going to the hospital?
No. 107795
>>107710So tell me, anon, what is your stance on real life animal abuse?
>>107762Why would she be scared to post food pics? Surely even the weird obsessed pp tards wouldn't be able to find fault with that? - Oh wait, they probably would, so I think she's being falsely optimistic if she thinks those obsessive weirdos would ever go away and give up with their self righteous 'moral' crusade.
Plus, I don't see why Instagram would have had any problem at all with so called 'lewds', as many people post far more 'lewd' stuff on there than Venus ever has, and anyway, the 'lewds' that she already posted before are still there, so I don't think Instagram itself had any problem with anything she posted. It was more likely the aformentioned tards intent on reporting every little thing she does as part of their crusading. Why doesn't she just tell the truth about it? The only reason Instagram would have had a problem is because of mass reporting from the tards, and if she is fed up with the stupid comments from them (and who wouldn't be?) why didh't she just block the worst offenders? Surely not hard to do? And no mention of the mental hospital she is supposed to be in now. Surely that would get pity points? Anyway, at least this picture is good. Even if edited, she looks well and healthy here. -And dare I say pretty?
No. 107796
File: 1596384513671.jpeg (194.12 KB, 1242x559, 2E42BEB2-505F-470F-BDFF-68EC00…)

She commented this on her last post and like… wait for the right people to gather? Knowing her fan base has always been majority female under 18? She’s only ever promoted to them until OF and is now trying to make it seem like her fall from grace this time is thanks to them, freakin sociopath
No. 107819
>>107652To be honest you can change your name on onlyfans so it doesn’t matter that they showed their name on the video, they can just change it any time.
Plus the person that uploaded the YouTube version isn’t the same person that uploaded it to here. I know the person that did it here because I saw them upload it.
No. 107822
File: 1596390808489.jpeg (355.94 KB, 1078x1622, F08C4CE0-2266-4508-9E3B-2191B1…)

>>107795>> she looks well and healthy here. -And dare I say pretty?For the fucking millionth time: this. is. not. what. she. really. looks. like. Not even close.
Also, funny how she has internet access in the “mental hospital.”
No. 107830
>>107829Tbf, metric data from youtube is (was) public and..literally just following her since the start shows a vast majority were under 18 females because she pandered to the very popular jfashion at the time, which of course also attracted guys wanting to bang her uwu doll like persona as well.
It's like wondering why lolita (or the confused, "kawaii" fashion) is popular and getting another surge of it and thinking it's NOT because of underage girls/barely adult.
No. 107851
>>107822always the "
victim". She's such trash.
No. 107852
>>107795She's just pulling the
victim card. She most likely deleted her account because she cant stick to anything and is too greedy for subs/money and it's the perfect excuse to blame her
meanie audience that's bullying her and mass reporting. And she's not "scared" of posting food pics. She's playing the
victim like she ALWAYS does, so stop white knighting her all the fucking time.
No. 107855
>>107537Yeah, it's pretty gross to me too, but Venus is a sellout who only values money, and money overrides all morality and integrity for her. Plenty of people like this unfortunately, especially sociopathic people.
>>107520>Also I felt sorry for her as she felt the need to keep saying her channel was only for 18+, probably as a result of all the harassment she got from the pulltard freaks going on & on about 'kids' watching her channel, when really, most of her videos could be safely watched by a five year old and all she has to do is to put 18+ on the adult themed ones, but the whole channel?? Most people are going to be thinking why the Hell would that channel be classed as only for adults? Her damn fault for being so damn greedy that she didn't age restrict ANYTHING AT ALL until she got the subs and money she wanted. I mean this bitch used the sexual abuse of a child to bolster up her own image to the public without any regard to said child. She deserves no sympathy, and I hope people keep giving her shit for the vile things she does. It's nice to see her brain dead fans finally noticing all the contradictions, although she had to literally admit she fakes abuse stories to worry people and make them fall for her trap in order for some of her fans to see through her manipulative bs.
No. 107888
>>107855>>Yeah, it's pretty gross to me too, but Venus is a sellout who only values money, and money overrides all morality and integrity for her. Plenty of people like this unfortunately, especially sociopathic people. To me, the worst sociopathic people are the ones who see nothing wrong with the torture and abuse of real animals for sick perverts who enjoy seeing it in videos, but think the so called sexualisation of a cartoon anime girl is the most terrible crime that threatens the moral integrity of the whole world.
Abuse and death of animals for perverts who enjoy it? - Oh yeah, that's nothing.
A cartoon figure that might be termed sexualised in some way? - Oh no, that is the most terrible thing ever and the whole fires of Hell need to be visited on anyone who doesn't outright condemn it!
Please tell me that weird control freak hag banging on about their so called 'morals' is not still here with their pathetic double standards and blatant hypocrisy.
If Venus had done a horrendous squishing video on her hamsters, the moralfags going on about cartoon girls, would probably be cheering her on, you go girl, it's okay to do things like that, but as long as you don't dress up like an anime girl who might be :gasp: not even 18 yet.
No. 107889
>>107822Don't they allow internet access in those places then? Plus, she could have already have some pics ready to post so even if she was in there, would they take her phone away? I don't see why they would. She's not a prisoner if she was in there. Presumably she was a voluntary patient. Also, is it possible to reschedule posts for Instagram like you can do with Youtube for videos?
Or maybe she just hasn't gone in there at all. Maybe she's spending some of her Only fans money on living it up, and will be back on track posting whatever again when she needs the money.
No. 107919
>>107914I can't believe she's actually encouraging her impressionable fans to go into online sexwork as if it's nbd.
Also, slightly ot but is Venus' thread no longer bumping?
No. 107920
>>107914Wow, is it just me, or does she look sick here? It's either the lighting, or her skin has a yellow-greyish tone. You can also still see the bruising below her right eye.
I know that those are fake glasses, but she could at least cleaned them before filming…
The content of the video is just the same as always. She's "happy" and loving her work (or so SHE says….).
Oh, and "a lot of my friends have stopped talking to or about me, but I have found new friends."
Btw, she calls herself "onna pet" now. It's not really much different from her "doll persona", though…
No. 107932
>>107914Damn, she looks rough in so many ways, and she acts like a complete lunatic. It's unbelievable that there's people who still support that. I can't imagine being so blind. Surely these must be trolls egging her on to see her burn?
Nobody who likes her would upvote a video of her looking extremely ill and acting like this.
No. 107940
>>107938Dumbass, PULL is only up for one more month for archiving the threads.
>>107914Geezer, no wonder she's supposed to go to a mental hospital. She's freaking lunatic. Also, the fake moaning was so awkward and her speech so slurred. I wouldn't be surprised if she actually was a drug addict or something. She's nuts.
No. 107944
>>107914i like how she shut down the nudity question.
just putting it out there, i know some here pay for her of; there is a reason jav are censored, it is illegal to distribute uncensored nudity in japan; there are some exceptions (linked to distributing exclusively to foreign market afak), and i dont believe of is one of those exceptions.
No. 107951
File: 1596497117912.jpeg (264.61 KB, 1724x1136, E16C3419-5D12-4CB2-98E5-65FBAD…)

Weenus’s sexxyy o-face.
Looks like she’s still shacked up in the same dump as a couple of months ago. Same TV screen and brown and white checked box thing in the lower left corner.
No. 107952
File: 1596497196023.jpeg (370.54 KB, 1135x1536, 607F4C26-D042-4095-81A7-C31F67…)

>>107951Same place minus the boxes. Guess she’s unpacked since this one.
No. 107960
>>107932She looks like someone's old horny auntie. Ofc her 'fans' are a mix of trolls and sex workers. No one would want to be in her shoes right now. I don't get why she continues to broadcast her embarrassments online for all to see.
>>107941She's trying to act like those fucked up girls in hentai who were raped then brainwashed into being a sex machine. No one acts like this in real life.
No. 107982
File: 1596517684394.jpg (Spoiler Image,693.53 KB, 809x1679, Screenshot_20200804-130706_Twi…)

From twitter
No. 107986
File: 1596520643185.jpg (39.67 KB, 330x585, 0kcNhje.jpg)

An interesting update from June's insta:
June is giving tips on how to work for AV companies and she mentions that they restrict even personal projects, so this might have to do why she didn't collab with Venus. Just a theory.
No. 108019
File: 1596551928883.jpeg (641.49 KB, 3338x1500, E3DA6B66-E5A1-4B3E-98D9-B1F01B…)

The difference from the thumbnail to what she actually looks like in the video is catfishing on another level my god
No. 108035
>>107982How is it even possible to look deadly sick after photoshop and millions of filters?
How is her skin still greenish? Lmao
No. 108040
>>107987Manaki is a naive socially isolated and awkward guy who got sucked into the borderline vortex and emotional black hole that is Weenus. He’s the perfect doormat and enabler for an emotional vampire like her and he doesn’t have theballs to cut her off (which he really needs to do.)
Margo can only dream of latching on to a sucker like Manaki. He’s a narcissist/borderline’s dream.
No. 108042
File: 1596562174184.jpeg (268.71 KB, 1742x1099, 4913A923-F12F-49F0-95A6-046ADC…)

>>108035>>How is it even possible to look deadly sick after photoshop and millions of filters? Poor hygiene, shitty lifestyle, junk food diet, alcohol and bad genes.
Those brown teeth are the final touch.
No. 108045
>>107914You can tell me many things but that girl is high on something.
She's slurring every single word, her movements are slightly erratic and her eyes are unfocused. Well, she may also be drunk.
Additionally it's pretty obvious she wear the glasses to "hide" her bruise, otherwise they would be a pretty weird fashion choice (the ring light is SUPER visible).
If that's what happiness looks like to her, Venus has probably not known many happy people in her life.
No. 108087
File: 1596599440360.jpeg (214.42 KB, 1197x1063, F0243DA7-E6F4-41DA-B1BF-CE89B3…)

>>108086You can tell it’s wine from the video?
No. 108093
>>1079141. That video is pure cringe. She is so fake and a bad actor. All the "jokes" were terrible. Literally every single one. She just doesn't have the charisma to be an edgelord.
2. She doesn't answer anything genuinely, it's just fake edginess and cringe.
3. As usual, she plays the
victim. Alinity should take pointers from her.
4. Thinks being chuuby is a detriment on Onlyfans (
not if you don't think it is) which implies she does think that.
5. She recommends not doing it only for money. LOL. Okay, Venus.
6. Continues to pretend she's a super mega ultra hyper sexual deviant.
7. That cat HATES her. And I don't blame it given the way she's treated animals in the past.
8. She's promoting her OF on a lot of her old video links, like the voice acting one, now at 2 or 3 million. Very thirsty for more scrotes.
Also, Venus' previous Hentai store video skyrocketed in views. Any idea why? Seems odd.
No. 108097
>>107987That's bullshit Venus spewed to save face and play
victim. Of course she's not going to admit to visa fraud, marrying a guy just to use him and get to Japan, not loving him or wanting to sleep with him. Hell, if anything, she probably abused him (we have evidence of her repeatedly berating him on camera and an admission that she tried to sleep with someone whom she didn't state was "her husband" when she talked about her first time while being with her husband at that stated time. And there is the pater ad, sleeping with girls etc).
Also, at first she said he made comments about her ass. Then when they divorce, he's an asexual who only likes anime girls. What a retarded lie. And of course she was "gay" for a while too. I don't give a shit about Manaki, but don't forget the slander video she uploaded. The things she said were proven to be lies. She's a pathological liar. She even admit to using the wine as a prop (which was obvious enough without needing to be admit) so people would think she was drunk (thus vindicate her from backlash). Manaki didn't leech off her. It's been proven he had a job and maintained a job for years while with her. Manaki tried to talk sense into her so she doesn't get the illegal surgery. Didn't want her to dress in lolita all the time (so no, he didn't want his prefect little doll like Yumi Kings husband). Manaki put up with her shit countless times, defended her, provided for her, gave her a little pink room she could do whatever she wanted in etc etc. She was clearly the neet. Manaki might be a weird loser otaku, but he's not some master manipulator that Venus painted him as or a fucking asexual.
Venus has publicly stated that Manaki should be put down. PUT DOWN. Beyond gross to say and you trust the bitch? This was when Manaki wanted a divorce. She is a bitter and hateful whore, who says anything to make herself look good. She even shades her friends in her latest video and if you notice, she goes on and on about receiving "hate from the haters" on all her SM. She's once again, trying to emotionally manipulate her audience into feeling sorry for her, hoping she'll get more supporters for her OF crap.
I feel sorry for Manaki up until the divorce. But if he backed out of the divorce and puts up with Venus after everything she's done and remains complicit in visa fraud, then that's on him, unless she blackmailed him, bullied him or emotionally manipulated him into submission. I'm sure Venus plays
victim on the regular. The slander video must have been embarrassing enough for him. Enough he got off the internet. And interestingly, never slandered her back. That speaks miles on his character. I don't necessarily like him, but anyone that gets involved with Venus will likely be used and painted an abuser the moment Venus doesn't get her way.
No. 108098
>>107888Venus killed at least two of her hamsters and was proud it was
only two. Venus manhandles her cat all the time and it clearly hates her (see her latest Q&A). Venus uses animals for views while pretending to give a shit about them. You have no idea if the people calling Venus out don't also call out animal abuse or find it abhorrent. What a massive cognitive bias in your thinking. And Venus' sociopathic behaviour has nothing to do with cosplay and cartoon figures. There are so many things I could list, but I'll just kindly remind you of the kid. The kid Venus shamelessly USED, exposing his sexual abuse to her audience, without any regard to him (he was just a prop for her third "abuse" story) so we could all, once again, pity poor Venus (who knowingly dated a pedophile if her claims are true) and did not care. Your post is laughable.
No. 108105
File: 1596616386526.jpeg (223.88 KB, 1114x1458, 63E9F6C2-56C4-400B-AC0E-0C3744…)

New OF video posted. Venus tries a “love potion” that is supposed to make you horny
No. 108106
File: 1596616710486.jpeg (207.67 KB, 1118x1229, 73247141-5102-4C8C-B2E7-DAA610…)

The video is structured a lot like her older YouTube videos where she tries Japanese products. (She introduces herself [“hey everyone it’s Venus!], talks about a product that is supposed to make you horny, then tries it).
No. 108107
File: 1596616863859.jpeg (210.27 KB, 1125x1237, BD523271-D23F-4EA9-8680-AB9D31…)

She looks really skinny, but otherwise seems put together and coherent (compared to recent content)
No. 108109
>>108106well, can't say it's false advertising, if you pour something wet on yourself, you will instantly get wet.
not sure if that's the intended way to use it though.
No. 108117
>>108098She killed two of her hamsters? I know she abandoned whichever ones she had left when she broke up with Manaki, but I never heard about that.
And maybe she’s continuing to film OF stuff in the mental hospital, I wouldn’t put it past her to fetishize the fuck out of that, too, haha
No. 108127
>>108119Of course the video is heavily edited. The filter she's got going on here made her rattails morph into her round face. You can clearly see that here
>>108106Her head is also super small because of the filter kek
No. 108135
>>108118STOP. We got it the first time you wrote it. You're just derailing at this point, blog-chan, since you're the only one bringing "anime girls" and "evil pearl clutchers" at any occasion.
What mods are doing?
No. 108159
>>108118He is so desperate to defend his love for his waifu
This "mental hospital" thing is a lie.
I wouldn't be surprised if she had word done on her face. She didn't learn anything from her botched surgery.
No. 108168
>>108097Yeah, referring to Manaki as a “pet” that had to be taken to the vet to be “put down” repeatedly is some seriously hateful shit. Publicly degrading and demeaning someone as being sub human/less than human is vile.She’s a nasty lying little sociopath hiding under a fake wide-eyed innocent little girl persona.
And that instagram post talking about some kid’s mother “giving him head” along with a photo of said kid? Even Margo never stooped that low.
No. 108196
>>108135The constant derailment of these threads is caused mainly by the moralfag. Why are they still here???
>>108168FFS, how many more fucking times you going to repeat the same shit? Give it a fucking rest!
No. 108197
>>108183You're the one who's been derailing these threads for months now with your constant obsessive moralising, I recognise your writing style from PULL too, and on Venus's Instagram.
Is it your religion saying you must go forth and crusade? Where is the love? I see only hate.
No. 108238
File: 1596746811807.jpeg (363.93 KB, 1114x1536, 424DB489-B95D-43AC-AAC8-706978…)

>>108199>>didn't she show a video recently with a load of boxes around as though she'd just moved into somewhere? This is what you’re thinking of, from when she first started OF. It’s the same place as in her latest video, same TV screen and box on the floor at bottom left, just minus the other boxes.
(Bonus: her flat droopy ass.)
Who knows who she’s shacked up with? Creepy photographer guy, creepy manager, Ken, whatever. Don’t think it matters that much at this point.
No. 108240
>>108238she has moved house,she mentioned it weeks ago on her OF livestreams.
She's either posting old pics or just sitting with the same stuffed toys in the new location
No. 108247
File: 1596753069818.jpeg (118.23 KB, 709x831, 31787EAC-7164-4AD4-9B29-231E47…)

>>108193I don't think thats the same cat. One's lighter and has more white markings. Still, both cats are avoiding her like the plague
No. 108263
File: 1596765501360.jpeg (291.9 KB, 1897x1223, ADAFF07C-8217-447C-A817-C28915…)

>>108248No the bottom cat is the one from the first hovel she moved to after Manaki kicked her out last year. The one she used to do her drunk livestreams from, under that same framed picture on the wall. That screenshot is from a video last August of her eating hot peppers. The cat used to wander in and out of the frame from time to time.
Pretty sad that a year later she’s still broke and holed up in another crappy room somewhere, with no life and no future.
No. 108264
File: 1596765845810.jpeg (263.94 KB, 2048x1303, 3319B6DA-3960-4E20-B463-C1BC56…)

>>108263You can see the bottom of that framed picture in this one.
No. 108267
File: 1596767441694.jpeg (417.63 KB, 1228x1685, DA1173F2-AEFA-471B-8FBB-2522C0…)

No. 108277
>>108268Wtf happened to her right arm?? They shooped it thin as a stick compared to her left arm.
>>108247Tbh it's a sign if animals dislike people like those cats dislike Venus kek
No. 108302
File: 1596793446944.jpg (45.6 KB, 768x480, Venus and cat 5.jpg)

>>108247That poor cat. It also featured in her other, earlier mukbang video
No. 108303
File: 1596793565799.jpg (72.42 KB, 768x480, Venus and cat.jpg)

>>108302This is from the earlier video, the cat's expression is priceless!
No. 108304
File: 1596793619158.jpg (42.6 KB, 490x655, Venus' cat.jpg)

>>108303LOL. Gotta love that cat!
No. 108306
File: 1596793856923.jpg (57.92 KB, 768x480, Venus with cat 3.jpg)

At least in this one, the cat looks more comfortable. If I remember right, someone asked in the video what was the cat called? and she said "Cream". I thought that seemed a funny name for a cat, but guessed it was named so cos of it's colour.
No. 108314
File: 1596798149713.jpg (69.91 KB, 768x480, Venus and cat 2.jpg)

>>108313It's down in the corner, still staring. lol.
No. 108319
File: 1596802986943.bmp (1.18 MB, 572x724, Judgementcat.bmp)

Repulsed cat is repulsed
No. 108336
>>108263If she wants to take the sex worker route, she should look up to someone who is way more successful like Alice Cookie. (Please don’t tell me that she should pursue higher education because she simply won’t, sex work is a more realistic career for her)The relationship between Alice and her “boyfriend” is questionable, however she looks like a very reliable person, manages her schedule, has routines, takes care of her appearance with regular hair and nail appointments. She showers Nobu with affection (or at least she’s a good actress) and announces how grateful she is at every chance.
Even escorts on Tag, or at least some of them have a similar frame of mind and avoid statements that could be damaging to their reputation.
No. 108355
File: 1596824844149.jpeg (250.23 KB, 1791x1388, 7808BE03-F662-41D2-ABF0-92E78E…)

>>108268That’s a pose she keeps falling back on- gazing up to the heavens pretending to be
No. 108359
>>108356Topkek anon.
She manages to look very frail and doughy at the same time.
No. 108364
>>108353She wish. Likely it's just bloating, that pic is from the time she bragged about having a drinking problem.
No. 108382
File: 1596838648781.jpg (23.52 KB, 640x480, z_e61207a5.jpg)

>>108314she really seems to develop this village slav look more and more every year
No. 108405
>>108107She lost weight but she also uses beauty apps which change her face/body shape and facial features. This video looks similar to her tik tok stuff, so she's likely making herself appear thinner/smoother etc with an app
>>108105She looks gross and super creepy there. Lay off the editing geez
>>108201Well she's def living with someone. She doesn't have a real job so I don't know anyone in Japan who would lease to her and I doubt she saved up enough to purchase a house. Probably living with whomever is the photographer
No. 108415
File: 1596879938725.png (617.02 KB, 750x1334, C1D191A2-A0F6-40A7-8882-B135D2…)

So she has ADHD now?
No. 108420
>>108415Moving forward, I see her rotating through illnesses to justify her laziness, slobbery, and refusal to do anything except fuck for a place to live. It's like Venus
wants to be this tragic, abused little babu who is also considered a cute little dolly by everyone while she does whatever she wants without consequence. No decent, sane person who just likes cute stuff would ever end up like this, Venus seems to fetishize sex work in general, like she gets off on being so trashy and having to do OF and live with her photographer. Her life with Manaki was objectively a thousand times better according to everything the typical kawaii weeb could ever want, but she was bored with that and chose to be a sex worker hobo for fat old men?
I'm starting to think that Japan attracts broken, sexually repressed girls and messes them up even more. All the most "successful" white weebs in Japan who didn't publicly marry to stay there all ended up failing out into sex work, back to their home country or just disappear. They all seemnto get exactly what they want, then completely unravel in their mid-20s.
No. 108424
File: 1596885402030.jpeg (59.66 KB, 640x640, 278DE26F-A30B-43AF-858D-E1C0AD…)

>>108420Someone on KF mentioned that she’s some kind of idol for the “traumacore” aesthetic now.
I googled it, and I literally cannot believe that that is a fucking thing. I hate Tumblr.
No. 108426
>>108424on Facebook, they're called Sanrio-hoes, basically just thots decked in cutesy kiddie stuff, pretending to be sexually traumatized or sexually adverse while also starved for affection/attention. It's something about being seen as vulnerable and innocent while also being a degenerate whore, but without the culpability of just being a whore.
>it's not my fault I'm broken uwu! I wasn't loved enough!>I'm a grown adult responsible for myself, but I need a daddy to pay my bills and fuck me for the rest of my life while I explore my sexuality online for attention!I finally figured out what disgusts me about Venus now- she's turning mental illness and sex work into like a fucked up security blanket for never growing up by pretending to be too retarded and "damaged" to not be a degenerate. The only thing wrong with Venus is laziness, selfishness, entitlement and a total & complete lack of self awareness or accountability. She's not mentally ill or suffering, she's living her life the way she wants to- like a lazy, oversexed NEET.
No. 108430
File: 1596889719838.png (1.62 MB, 828x1792, FBA9EF7B-E404-4D72-8FCF-B102AE…)

“angry dms”
No. 108436
>>108431Let's be real here- June and Venus aren't gonna collab. This is a standard industry move when you announce a collab with someone who ends up being
problematic or risky to collab with. June is protecting her and her company's image by casually shirking Venus while pretending to be concerned for her wellbeing.
>>108432Because Venus hates it when people call her on using fake trauma to justify her excessively public sexual exploration phase. She gets mad, makes up fake illnesses and lies about what's going on because the only involvement she wants from her followers is praise for whatever she's doing- no criticism, constructive or otherwise.
No. 108438
>>108430Lol, I’ll bet it was about the ADHD thing.
I wonder if she will eventually just give up on insta, given that “angry dms” seems to be the norm for any of her public interactions now. She’s already cut back on it quite a lot.
No. 108439
>>108438She's always had hate, she used to get loads of it back in the day but she never took any notice of any of it, she just carried on as usual as though she was completely unaware of it, or totally unaffected by it. I used to admire how, as someone so young, she could just ignore all the haters and carry on in her own sweet way as though they didn't exist, while much older Youtubers would go ballistic and show themselves up in useless rants at the slightest little criticisms that they couldn't take. Venus got a ton of hate back then, but just ignored it all and carried on regardless, it seemed so sensible and mature of her, and I figured it was maybe because she must be a very positive and happy person and that was why she was successful at what she did, because she never let the haters bother her.
But as someone said, it seems now it was because her mother was controlling things and pulling the strings, and in that aspect alone, she was right. Venus should be just doing the same now, as letting herself get all hot and bothered about it, just shows immaturity and inability to cope with online criticism, but to be fair, she does seem to get more than her fair share of it, so whatever.
No. 108441
File: 1596893163746.jpg (39.73 KB, 484x435, Venus Angelic.jpg)

>>108371She looks good throughout that whole video. It was when she first started looking really sexy. Up until then, it had been like she was afraid to look good in a sexy way for fear of what people would say, because all they wanted was her dolly image, but this is when she first started showing herself looking like this, and I don't think she'd ever looked this good before. It certainly suits her far more than the frail, pointy chin, thin faced look she tries to emulate. If she wants to embrace being a full, sexy being, she needs to stop trying to look like a half starved waif.- And yes, I meant to say waif, not waifu in case anyone was wondering, lol.
No. 108443
File: 1596894348997.jpeg (Spoiler Image,198.65 KB, 2048x1366, 0924D03A-5314-4D52-A90C-3D1FD8…)

What happened to her mouth tho..?
No. 108444
File: 1596894487943.jpg (25.67 KB, 679x382, Ee5uEfbU4AA7egU.jpg)

If this is recent, she's back at her old place maybe?
No. 108447
File: 1596894861485.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.61 MB, 4096x2731, 1.jpg)

She looks fed up and skeletal.
No. 108448
File: 1596894899596.jpeg (12.25 KB, 202x235, 6D7EE8AE-04D4-4E30-B0AF-421694…)

>>108443Looks like herpes on the sides of her mouth or dehydration maybe
No. 108453
>>108443As another anon pointed out, it might be angular chelitis. Herpes is not symmetrical like a.c. Could be malnutrition due to eating disorder or botched surgery, stress.. it could be a combination of different factors if you put her unhealthy lifestyle into consideration..
Those huge feet and hands tho. Her anachan perception doesn’t realize that being too skinny makes her big white girl feet appear even bigger and more Gollum-like. This is unsexy af. Only closet pedos and other ana-chans would find it attractive.
No. 108457
>>108454She’s an adult, she’s making her own choices. She could use her OF money to go to night school, get a decent job, get therapy, but she chooses not to.
Why do you think you know what’s best for some girl on the internet that you’ve probably never met, anyway? Even if you were fluent in Japanese and got in touch with the immigration authorities, do you think she’d thank you for getting her thrown out of the only place she’s managed to have some kind of continuity? Would you have her come and stay with you? Because she has no family anywhere else willing to take her in.
Just drop it.
No. 108459
>>1084541. Stop being a worried auntie.
2. Take a deep breath and check the thread pic once again. Venus preys on people like you and loves it when you fall into her trap
3. Immigration doesn’t give a shit. Hundreds of Eastern European women are married to J dudes to be able work in nightlife or soaplands. Venus is just one of them, it doesn’t make her any special because of her long expired kawaii uwu act.
No. 108461
>>108457I worry about her too, but unless there was any real concrete evidence, I wouldn't dream of interfering in her life, like that person is suggesting doing. She might have mental health problems, but so have people all over the world, at least Japan is a decent country to be in, more suited to her personality than Europe or America, where I don't think she'd be happy at all. It is not Japan that is the problem, it is whatever happened in her past, or perhaps even what she was born with, for all anyone knows it might even be true what her mother says about her being a psychopath, I don't personally believe that is the truth about her, but just in case there was even the remotest possibility it was true, you are just letting your mind run away with you.
If i thought she was in reality in any kind of danger, i would want to do something to help her too, but it is nothing definite.
And anyway, how does anyone know that an anonymous person on the internet wanting to get her out of Japan is not just wanting to do it to get her into their own clutches? that anon could be a weird stalker creep imagining they are in love with her and wanting her all to themself. there are enough of them around after all, so many creeps desperately in love with her. You're doing her no favours, even if you're a genuinely nice and caring person, step back, leave her alone, let her live her life how she wants right now, she seems to be doing better than she has been at other times. now is not the time to unduly worry, please note, I care about her too, but don't interfere with her life, she wouldn't thank you for it.
No. 108462
>>108454how the fuck is getting venus deported during a pandemic helping her in any way?
you just want to hurt her, fuck your false concern and meddling. her life would be even worse if she was forced back, she'd end up moving in with margo who would soon put her claws back in.
No. 108465
>>108454Well, you asked, and you've seen the answers that have come in in just a few minutes. Just drop it. Leave her alone. If I thought she was in any real danger, I'd want to do something,
remotely, to help her, but you are talking about "force". That doesn't sound good. It's a good thing she is in Japan, out of reach of so many nutters.
No. 108470
File: 1596905573131.png (7.47 KB, 568x79, retarded.png)

>>108426> The only thing wrong with Venus is laziness, selfishness, entitlement and a total & complete lack of self awareness or accountability.It's the only thing she has consistently done since forever,kek. She wasn't lying when she said she wanted to be retarded forever.
No. 108485
>>108481this is the weirdest way to say underweight I've ever seen
they're not huge they're just joints
No. 108514
>>108447What are these poses, though? So low effort for something she supposedly “loves” doing. 250¥ cosplay costume, tired bored expression, covering her body (you know, the thing she is trying to SELL) with her arms again, weird mouth crusts, posing like one of the Hartley twins…
What little she posts of herself on her insta now looks completely at odds with this mess. It’s like they’re two different personas.
>>108512I think it’s just her awkward pose plus the ribbon around her neck.
No. 108529
File: 1596981095259.jpg (Spoiler Image,195.02 KB, 1080x1027, 20200809_215041.jpg)

Is her face looking that bad(from bruising or whatever) that she can only post snippets of her body nowadays.
No. 108532
>>108528Most likely - her insta is cancer now with all the angry comments and messages, so I think she’s trying to move to Twitter because she doesn’t get even one critical comment there. Plus, she can lewd it up all she wants without having to worry about being reported for it and get better exposure to other potential collaborators.
However, she’s probably going to kill her OF and lose subs from that if she doesn’t strike a balance between free and paid content. But I don't think she's going to be able to keep up posting on both platforms for long anyway with her “ADHD”, so it’s a moot point.
No. 108533
File: 1596985698953.jpg (39.06 KB, 679x453, Ee5x-CLUEAAj76V.jpg)

Another pic on twitter from the tartan underwear set of pics.
No. 108535
>>108533So I can't help wondering, is she in the mental hospital or not? Why post pics like this on twitter for free, when she could be getting paid for them on OF? Seems so inconsistent. She said something about so hot in Tokyo right now, she wants to take all her clothes off, but that pic wasn't even taken now, she just pulled it out of her album.
And as for the 'pajama' one, those undies she's wearing look too hot and uncomfortable to be wearing in hot weather, surely it's better to sleep with nothing on at all in hot weather like this? Even in usually cold old Britian, it's too hot to sleep with anything on, and I understand japan is really hot and humid. Who wants to go to bed wearing close fitting undies in hot sticky weather like this?
No. 108539
>>108535She she's backposting like every person does who does thottery and posts teasers as every thot does to bring people to their onlyfans. I'm a little confused where you can't separate the model from what she wears IRL to bed. lol Do you not know how thots work or something? What does heat even have to do with enticing simps with comments that sound lewd and equating it to
>And as for the 'pajama' one, those undies she's wearing look too hot and uncomfortable to be wearing in hot weatherThese are for sets. No one is actually wearing anything to bed and that tartan is thin polyester. You can tell from the white backing. It's thin, not real tartan.
No. 108545
>>108539>>Do you not know how thots work or something?haha, well, actually, no I don't know anything about that, I didn't even know what a thot was until I looked it up, lol,. I suppose I'm a bit naive and tend to believe stuff, and all i could think was, foolishly, that she had taken a picture of what she was wearing just before she went to bed, and I was thinking how hot and uncomfortable it must be to wear something tight like those undies in hot sticky weather.
No. 108551
File: 1596992784844.png (145.84 KB, 720x676, Screenshot_20200809-200541(1).…)

No. 108583
>>108551Didn't she say her Mom lived off of her youtube money? I was pretty sure she said the same about Margo after she ran away as she she said about Manaki later on. Or am I remembering incorrectly?
>>108563I still don't belive 100% her account was reported. She has a history of making new accounts and leaving them almost immediately and another account for "sexy" content was what people wanted, so how many people would report it? Also, it was deleted, idk, mabye 5 hours after she posted it? Instagram isn't that fast, even if they just delete and don't look over the problem.
No. 108595
>>108551This would have more credibility if it wasn't coming from someone who never had to work a day in her life and she wasn't using Margot the professional leech as an exemple to prove her point. In her case, how she could speak of betterworking conditions as a SW? She seems to live in a dumpster and she doesn't feed herself.
Still waiting for her tragic story about her hospitalisation.
>>108563She definitely deleted it herself. People on Instagram saw through her bullshits so now she's trying with Twitter where she's still showered her with compliments. Good luck because that won't last.
No. 108605
>>108443>>108447Why does she keep posing like this, flat on her back with her arms and legs all drawn up and twisted like a pretzel? Does she think it’s “shmexy”? She’s beyond clueless to the point of seeming mentally deficient.
And put some chapstick or something on that crusty mouth ffs.
No. 108628
>>108551SW is just as worst. it's an industry that constantly requires you to go deeper in uncomfortable places. It's an industry that is only giving it's best money to novelty girls and girls that are willing to go FULL pornstar. Girls like Venus who don't even own their own platform and only do OF or patreon, past 30yo will need to be good at it and consistent like camming almost everyday for like 14 hours. I can't imagine how sore these camgirl bodies must be after this kind of session. It doesn't even assure you reliable revenue too and you don't get any kind of health insurance if you get really sick or break an arm. It ends up fucking with your sexuality and concept of privacy too.
Venus is leeching off at her photographer's, which she obiously fucks too. She is safe financially because she has him and It's only once he's gone she will truly strungle with her SW.
Don't fall in the trap of thinking SW is easy money and lifestyle without all it's grim background.
No. 108655
>>108628Brittany Venti does a pretty good job at exposing the lies of the Sex Worker lifestyle. If anyone wanna know more about that stuff just search her youtube channel.
long story short : you have to be in real need of money/mentally ill to think sex work is actually good. Venus is probably a bit of both.
No. 108668
>>108551It's odd that when you're on her twitter and click on her instagram link it takes you to an old twitter account of hers with a picture of her with that Anastasiya Shpagina girl who got all shitty about a video Venus and her did together and she threw a hissy fit thinking she didn't look too nice in it and wanted Venus to delete it.
Anyway, Venus seems to be almost taking about her mother here with respect, like she is defending her or something.
No. 108669
>>108608>>she has to cover her scar because she doesn't know how to use photoshop.What??? Venus, who everyone is always going on about how she edits everything, and you're saying she doesn't know how to use photoshop?? Either she does or she doesn't, can't have it both ways.
>>108611I guess she sees that pose a lot in Japanese porn and anime pix and so she is trying to replicate it.
No. 108672
File: 1597069954704.jpg (Spoiler Image,31.4 KB, 679x453, Ee5yX0AU0AE4nRn.jpg)

How many more with the tarten underwear? She captioned it:
*rolls around*
waits for head pats
No. 108673
>>108670It's called an exception, as with every thing, not the rule. SW isn't generally someone's first thought of work with options available to them or mentally capable of handling them.
It's only "modern days" when people see thots blow up on OF/Patreon do they think "easy money!"
No. 108685
>>108669She edits her pics and videos with snow, not photoshop. Do you even the thread? You don't have to do anything if you use snow, only small changes sometimes. For photoshop, which she doesn't use, you need to have some level of skill. So yea she doesn't know how to use photoshop but heavily edits her pictures AND videos (because smb claimed her recent vid is the evidence that she really looks like that). Those two statements don't contradict each other.
Idk why so many of her wk still want to aruge about her editing. She doesn't even look like a real human or herself in some of her pics.
No. 108709
>>108670I (want to) believe that SW is compatible with good working conditions - if you do it not by impulse, lazyness or greed but after careful consideration and a good mental health. You can do it just because you love sex and giving pleasure to others. SW could also help you to pay your studies.
Sadly most of e-thots like Venus just started OF etc just for male attention and easy money. All those girls aren't even poor, never knew hunger and still living at their parents house. If I was a prostitute that do SW because I have no choice for make a living, I would be kinda sickened to see girls choosing to ruin their lives for those trivial reasons.
No. 108738
>>108685> For photoshop, which she doesn't use, you need to have some level of skill.No.
All you need is click Filter>Liquify and morph your features in any way you want.
As for smoothing out skin you can learn that in a 5min youtube video, again, with a couple clicks.
I'm sure a lab chimpanzee could do it if they tried.
No. 108819
>>108709Let's be real for a moment, sex work is Venus' only real option to ever make a good salary. She didn't even graduate high school, her CV is a blank page and she has the attention span of a common house fly. The only proper jobs she could do would be grunt work, and even then she would not shower, be late and stop showing up in a week once she gets bored. She has no ambition and would never be willing to work towards a goal, she wants instant gratification. At least when you do OF, you have a lot of control over the final product and are able to do sex work in a safe environment, unlike prostitutes and sugar baby who have to meet up with strangers.
Venus is only successful because she already had a huge following, though. Her content isn't all that sexy but a lot of her followers just want to witness the trainwreck or give her pity bux so they stick around anyways. A random average-pretty white girl in her early twenties is never going to pull such numbers. The internet is absolutely saturated with free porn,you'll just be one more bitch to fap to. You likely won't make a killing but your porn will still be out there and potentially screw you over later in life.
No. 108850
>>108819All this plus she has delusions of grandeur about what she is and what she is capable of (YouTube star! Owner and CEO of her own Company! Bar/business owner and operator!) just like her mommy. Grunt work (the only thing she’s qualified for irl) is waaayyy beneath a Star and Public Figure like Wenus.
And going back to school to qualify for an actual career or profession is way too much work, which she is incapable of and derisive towards anyone who suggests such a thing. School and work is for peons, not famous people like her.
No. 108872
File: 1597207804716.png (114.63 KB, 720x751, Screenshot_2020-07-27-12-38-25…)

I'm a bit late to the "did venus delete her second account or not" argument but in the first PULL Discord, a user named Qualle actually said that she had reported Venus' second account and had a screenshot showing that Instagram had taken it down based on her reports. I don't have the screenshot of her gloating about doing it but here's the one where she posts the message.
No. 108882
>>108872I'm sorry, but people like this Qualle retard are despicable. Nasty sniveling little snitches. What do they get out of it, except for some perverse satisfaction of 'getting' someone they are obsessed with in a hate filled way. Let's be totally honest here, there was no real concrete reason to report Venus's second channel. She did what the nasty little 'moral crusaders' had always said they wanted her to do and made a second account, but then that wasn't enough for them, they had to go one step further and then get that shut down. After all, her having that second account for more adult related content gave the nasty little obsessives one less thing to criticise her for. And that is the main thing they want to do.
And please don't say Oh but they are only protecting the
chilldrennn because I don't believe that crap for one moment, when her second account was solely for the adult stuff anyway.
I'm not a bit surprised that it was one of the retarded moronic cretins from PULL that stuck their filthy little oar in.
Now we have less to talk about here in Lolcow, I was looking forward to see what sort of thing Venus was going to post on her Demonic account and to see if she would really be consistent with it.
And I thought it was against the PULL 'rules' anyway, aren't they not supposed to interfere in any way with the real life exploits of any of the cows?
No. 108894
>>108888Holy smokes…
She reminds me in this video so much of her mom.. this wannabe-funny-crazy -attitude..
(namefag) No. 108903
>>108888Oh god I hate the sex jokes
who is the intended audience? Women will cringe at the tryhard sex jokes and no man would sit through a makeup tutorial
No. 108944
File: 1597266669838.png (139.23 KB, 520x700, Screenshot_20200810-232353.png)

No. 108949
File: 1597269944123.png (195.07 KB, 520x875, Screenshot_20200810-232256.png)

No. 108967
>>108965your comment is so dumb, is it your first day in the thread? You seem unable to conceive of self-sabotaging. She says right there she missed it on purpose To Fuck Things Up.
You would tell some suicidal person 'oh you cut your own arm, you slipped like a silly baby! You need to cut paper like a grown-up'
Not that i'm defending venus - she's suffering but causing more damage 'than she's worth'. So I think her channel should be COPPA'd but im not going to tip
Part of venus wants to get better but there's a huge fear of being better which would mean having to take responsibility and face having to live in the future these actions have created. That fear says says no god, just sabotaging it double down till something breaks
No. 108968
File: 1597277971262.jpg (135.65 KB, 794x1024, 20200812_191611.jpg)

She's really active on twitter I'm assuming she's given up on Instagram
No. 108969
>>108888I was still subbed for the cringe but this was such nuclear cringe I had to unsub.
This feels like watching an Amy Winehouse gig in the downfall years. It's not even funny any more.
No. 108975
>>108944lol why the passive aggressive attitude here?? No sane people wants to read about your mental breakdown baits. Get help.
This is only another countdown until the next “im so mentally ill i wanna die, im going to the hospital tomorrow” bs.
The worst thing is that she would get some empathy if only she was actually helping herself and not using it for attention and clicks to her whore page.
No. 108976
File: 1597279766811.jpeg (263.75 KB, 1926x1159, F944F51D-6B81-4B03-89FE-5001D9…)

>>108888I couldn’t even make it past the first minute of this shitshow.
No. 109013
>>108888It's obvious she's copying George (FF). Remember her YT favs included FF, HIMR and Kanadajin. She dyed her hair to a similar color as him. Often sports greasy hair and looks disheveled, like him. Attempting his type of humor (well not really, his was much better). Showing off excessive drinking (FF is known to drink). Talking about sex a lot. She even tried singing before and guess what FF does now? She's been copying him for a while. She probably thinks her OF is as 'crazy' and the equivalent of approaching ppl on the street in a pink suit; that it's eccentric. But this is the worst video I've ever seen from this manipulative bitch. She has no charm, charisma and humor is not her forte. This is incredibly unfunny and cringey. Why doesn't she just stick with her strengths? Her strengths were vlogging. She could show off love hotels and talk about Japan. She could talk about hentai, porn or review some products, without the tryhard FF edgy humor. She sucks at it. It's as embarrassing to watch as her videos with Sora. I remember a while back when she had short black hair she also used to copy this famous Japanese girl too (who's name I forgot).
>>108905Anything Margo posts is funnier because she comes across as this weird crazy lady due to being in her 40s, whereas Venus just comes across as those wanna be edgy/quirky try hard tik tokers.
No. 109017
>>108439She gets
exactly what she deserves for being a lying, manipulative, slandering Margo 2, not "more than her fair share." Please.
No. 109018
>>108888you can't hear anything and can't even see the color of her makeup because of the poor lighting.
she did the undereye shade that asians do to pop their eyes but on white girls it just makes them look more tired. or it looks like dirt.
terrible eyelash installation. terrible jokes. depressing Japanese love hotel. breast padding under awful sailor slut top. the ethot anime shirt… also she looks kinda hangover or drunk. Can't tell. Whatever juice keeps u thriving Venus.
i don't know why this is a thing. 2/10 for the effort of getting out of bed i guess.
No. 109019
>>108430Victim mentality. She thinks if she cries publicly enough, she will amass her remaining white knights to fight the "haters" and "angry dms". God she's such a bitch. She would have been getting "angry dms" for years now. But only when she needs pity, asspats and respect for the sleazy sex work does she, once more, will she pull the
victim card. She cries
victim in more instances than her mom. It's actually pathetic.
>>109014Yeah, I question her Margo story. Margo's a bitch just like Venus, but I certainly think she embellished her "abuse" story, same way as she fabricated it with Manaki, her Vtuber manager and possibly Ken. She's not above making things up or embellishing things. In regards to Margo, first she had us believing that she did all the work, editing, concepts etc for the channel, probably to divert hate and justify taking the channel. Then she calls her mom her 'momager' and leaves a comment on the Primink vid in support of its bias. Along with shamelessly plugging in her socials - followers and numbers seemed more important to her than her "trauma." The Primink vid states it was Margo who forced Venus into YT and forced the doll persona/other concepts. So in agreeing, Venus was contradicting her story. And of course, this "forced" girl continued with the doll + kawaii image and YT well after leaving. She also claimed isolation, yet Margo has plenty of pictures with Venus outdoors, with other kids, people, going to school etc. She embellished her abuse 100%. We know she lied about Manaki, so why not about Margo? She had us believing that Margo leeched off the YT, yet now claims her mom worked 12 hour shifts at some point in time. She is trying to justify her sex work so yet again, the narrative changes.
No. 109028
File: 1597319853438.jpeg (48.17 KB, 629x488, 9F9C74BB-0153-4D78-9D28-08E303…)

Why does she always put her eyelashes on half way down her eye instead of on top like you’re supposed to do, because of this they always look wonky on her and lopsided
No. 109030
File: 1597320481023.jpeg (366 KB, 993x1280, 19AA0154-9576-45B7-8B88-D16CFF…)

>>108968This is a more accurate version of that image she highly edited
No. 109034
>>108551>>109019>>109014To be fair, this is not really contradicting herself - Venus wasn't on Youtube money since she was born after all. Not saying she is not lying, but it's perfectly possible for Marge to be working "12 hours a day" and then quit her job and leech of after Venus started gaining attention (and money).
Again, I'm not saying she's not lying, just that it's not really a contradiction at all.
No. 109046
File: 1597336136577.png (Spoiler Image,75.66 KB, 1024x467, AC04356C-854A-402D-9271-B3F3D5…)

>>108533sage for tin foil but i really hope that pose is just an innocent neko paw
No. 109059
>>108888I think the reason she does these sarcastic /trolling videos is so that she doesn’t have to feel bad or face the facts that she really isn’t that popular or well liked anymore. She can just shrug off negative comments and downvotes as people who just “didn’t get it!”, were “trolled”, or “couldn’t handle her edge”.
I mean it must be hard to see that your popularity as a 23 year old you tuber is literally about 1% of what it was when you were a teen and had mommy’s help (she would regularly have multimillion views, now she is getting closure to 30k-60k)
No. 109098
File: 1597371903692.jpeg (343.24 KB, 2036x1357, CA20DE02-4C83-47EF-BACA-E8D897…)

Her latest offering on Twitter.
No. 109105
>>109098that coffee or caramel or whatever looks like fucking diarrhea
>>109101poorly applied foundation
No. 109125
>>109107>>109114she's probably already fed up with posting nudes in my opinion. it doesn't seem like she likes posting her boobs or show more, she does it way less now.
maybe she's trying to be viral on the internet again just so she can go back to posting her edited face and "cute" bs. i mean that is all that is important to her: to look kawaii.
and look at her twitter, only edited "kawaii" faces. no super osé stuff unless it's a retweet pic from another e-thot. she's basically using them to attract more followers.
>>109116remember belle delphine didnt update her patreon for a year and still has subcribers.
No. 109126
>>109059She always seems to use sarcasm as a coping mechanism when she receives a lot of criticism.
This video is her pretending to not care about all the things people say about her although she's clearly butthurt.
People say she's been looking sick and yellowish lately so she purposely slathers her face in yellow conceiler. Then she calls herself weeb a couple times because that's what others do. Paints sad eyebrows on her face while mumbling something about her sugar daddy because people think her manager is
abusive or she always looks traumatized in her porn pics? Slutty seifuku, twin tails, making herself look younger and calling herself a loli because she gets shit for sexualizing underage characters and editing herself underage. Lots of forced cringy sex jokes because people keep telling her porn is not a good idea, so she has to double down. "Dumb" slut and lol I can't count joke because she's just a poor high school dropout. Etc etc
No. 109155
>>109098What is that even meant to be? Sauce? Syrup?
Anyway… No. 109188
File: 1597435894175.jpeg (179.32 KB, 1640x1130, A3E6FE47-1997-479E-9267-F64805…)

>>109168It’s just a gif of her squeezing her boobs.
Why she can’t be arsed to wash her greasy damn hair once in awhileis beyond me.
No. 109190
>>109188Can’t even see her boobs, between the hair all over her shoulders, the bright lighting and…the fact that her hands cover them completely, lol. I can't believe how basic and boring it is.
I know it’s only $6 a month, but come on…this is the career she boasted was more creative than YT and gave her more freedom than a regular job. She doesn’t need creative freedom if she has no creativity in the first place. Pretty sure she’s only getting paid for OF now because most people forgot to unsub…
No. 109191
>>109188I love how she can commit to getting new tacky whore nails every week, but can’t drag herself to one inpatient appointment.
No. 109195
>>109191Because the whole point was gaining sympathy to gain more OF subs. Literally all beenus has ever done and what most thots do.
Either that or fake illnesses.
No. 109198
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No. 109199
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No. 109202
File: 1597442808215.jpg (85.85 KB, 741x439, stinker.jpg)

tangent, sorry:
venus reminds me of this greasy weeb from a youtube video where people were interviewing tryhards in nyc. about her fashion she says 'i think i look ..cute (about to say kawaii) and a little bit, japanese' (you can see her obligatory asian boyfriend, the poor fool).
A year or so later she was in Japan for real! (doing hardcore JAV with her hair bleached, squeaking in an insulting impression of jav girl moans and by which, funnily enough, sounding a lot like venus 'voice')
No. 109217
>>109202any link about her?
want to watch lol
File: 1597471522118.jpeg (45.56 KB, 340x520, 8ADFAD01-C058-4144-A444-20D1BB…)

>>109217Just google “Amelia Earhart jav”, loads comes up.
She looks like Venus in the pic other anon posted (like she slept in a trash can), but at least she seems to be enjoying herself now she’s in porn.
I’m starting to think that getting into AV is the only thing that can make Venus a normal human being, judging by June and now this girl…
No. 109235
>>109221>>109231Even if June had taken Venus under her wing & got her aigned up at her jav agency, Venus wouldn't have made it there for long. Aside from her
problematic image and behavior, her problem isn't that she's too awkward and gross, it's that she can't hear criticism or advice that isn't what ahe already wants to do or be. Venus wants to run through life doing whatever she wants without consequences or responsibilities, and thinks low-rank sex work/escorting will grant her that but it never will. One shoot with June where her company is telling Venus how to pose or what to say (and we know they wouldn't Kotashoop her kawaii face onto her real one, she doesn't have that kind of power), she'd post a long winded rant about the aboosive and controlling agency restricting her precious creativity and jot letting her be as pervy as she wants in her own way, or making her look bad, or any other number of bullshit excuses.
I, personally, think June & her company saw that coming after watching her behavior on IG and Twitter and decided to quietly forget the collab.
No. 109239
>>109235That wasn't what she said recently, someone asked her about the collab with Venus and she said she is looking forward to it and that it is still on and will take place once Venus is ready.
Speaking of June, she was so prolific on IG posting a few pics ever day mostly, but hasn't posted anything for a week now. Maybe she's taking a little break?
No. 109240
>>109239Even collabing with someone who clearly cares about her, on a project that she’s supposedly motivated by and looking forward to, wasn’t enough to get her to go to the fucking hospital.
She will never be “ready”.
No. 109243
>>109239She said on Twitter she was being stalked and taking some time off with dealing with that and overwork apparently.
>>109240She straight up fucking lied to June telling her she was going to a mental hospital lmao Venus sucks like Venus can be an ethot whatever but Jesus Christ why does she have to lie about mental health stuff. Personally I’m glad the collab ended Venus fucking sucks.
No. 109249
File: 1597502203074.png (1.78 MB, 1760x1176, Screen Shot 2020-08-15 at 10.3…)

Venus is live with "Animal Crossing Switch Unboxing". She just got back after leaving the stream for a couple of minutes. So far, she's turned on Animal Crossing and has been debating about whether to play in Japanese or English.
No. 109251
File: 1597502540194.png (1.13 MB, 1260x770, Screen Shot 2020-08-15 at 10.4…)

Posting this face she made as she was adjusting the switch behind the camera lol.
She showed on stream she's drinking Kirin 48 vegetable juice and talking about it.
No. 109270
>>109265>> someone on KF basically confirmed that pimp-san beat her No one has “confirmed” anything. KF is a hysterical pearl-clutching group of middle aged women whe get all themselves all worked up imagining scenarios where poor widdle Weenus is being
abused yet again!
No. 109273
>>109271She is shaking so much
she looks calm and answering this time for real and not overly sexual
No. 109289
File: 1597520686803.jpeg (164.46 KB, 1074x1005, 8260E406-B9F3-4A45-9366-021CAF…)

That unfortunate Margo-mouth thing she has going on just gets more prominent all the time. I hate to think what she’ll look like when she’s Margo’s age.
No. 109291
File: 1597521672301.jpeg (701.06 KB, 3342x2030, E8BE3AC0-0B84-49FF-9509-E44BE7…)

Her face reminds me of the mike wazowski meme kek
No. 109306
File: 1597530857429.png (1.12 MB, 1516x604, sc.png)

>>109290the wallpaper on the right looks the same, pretty sure she's back at manakis
No. 109307
>>105252>>109271 Too bad she removed it because I would love to see real evidence of what you claimed she said . Now we can't speculate upon a fact, just a rumor.
But if what she said is true, then I really hope she means it.
I prefer seeing her like this than what she turned her self into lately. Even tho she's too boring as a person to follow, doesn't mean anything about her personality. She's not a people's person, obviously. I hope she will understand this. Being an introvert is not a crime.
She's fking shaking during stream. So when she says she's a shy person i really believe her. A shy person SHOULD NOT OPEN ONLY FANS.
That's obviously not something she really wants to do.
I hope she understands there are other things she can do besides youtube or OF.
She is intelligent enough to do lots of things, she doesn't have to be super popular to feel good enough about herself. Most human beings are not known or popular, and they lead a normal life, not necessarily happy, but not necessarily bad either. I hope she understands one day that life is not just black and white, its a spectrum.
No. 109309
File: 1597532111542.png (5.7 MB, 1125x2436, 2E54BB75-1841-4F3A-B9B1-8D733D…)

>>109306and these pics also show brown couch when she was at manakis
No. 109310
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No. 109312
>>109286Maybe they are not divorced and he is okay with her doing only fan .. as long as she doesn’t have sex with other men
I don’t know people with open relationship they confuse me
No. 109316
>>109252>>109253I was asking myself the same questions. Surely looks like a wig her hair is soo thick in this. And her cheeks look so weird. i think there are only 3 options: 1. surgery, 2. filter/wrongly applied blush, 3. weight loss.
>>109312I'm pretty sure they are not divorced. She obviously has a visa which allows her to do sex work and we know she doesn't work for a company and didn't get a visa through that. As far as i understood from discussions on here and pull her only other option would be a spouse visa as you are not allowed to do sex work on a working or student visa.
But I don't think they are a couple anymore. He probably just takes her in if she has nowhere to go and stays married so she wont get deported, that simp.
No. 109318
>>109308She has been shaking for years. I have a neurological condition that causes the exact same hand shaking (size, frequency, etc.). I've noticed it in her hands consistently since she was a teenager. That sounds creepy… It has just always made me feel less alone to know that Venus probably has it too.
Essential tremor is what she seems to have (it is the most common neurological disorder known, and causes shaking hands. It is usually diagnosed after 50, but for some reason it is also common to get it around 14-17)
No. 109320
>>109254Remember that random channel with horror let's plays and Venus in the title? I guess we can confirm she's kind of relevant there…
She's mentioning her home land… Can we hope for her to get back? Fuck yes please go back V.
No. 109324
File: 1597539580978.jpg (589.98 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20200815-175801_You…)

ok so whats this bandage on her neck?what kind of injury you can get there? it's a wierd place for a bandage.
No. 109325
>>109324Skin tag removals..hiding blemishes, some jaw line surgeries etc.
Doubt it's an injury.
No. 109329
File: 1597541645188.png (208.36 KB, 500x298, tumblr_nf75k9yngg1tjfh12o1_500…)

>>109238>she could get into that business more easily if she quit the Wapanese shit and marketed herself as a blonde Swiss mountain girl.Pretty sure she has brown hair naturally.
No. 109350
>>109188Are you that bitch from pull who permanently complained about Venus greasy hair for almost 2 years?
After all her shitty behavior it’s her hair that bothers you the most?
Seriously wtf is wrong with you?
No. 109370
>>109316>>I was asking myself the same questions. Surely looks like a wig her hair is soo thick in this.Fake nails and fake hair, well I guess we can see where some of the Only fans money is going. (Not saying there's anything wrong with that!)
>>109318She said her hands were shaking because she was so nervous at so many live comments all coming in at once and she couldn't read them all, and the fact that she hadn't done a live like this for quite a time. I can understand that, I'd get very nervous too, she said she's a naturally shy person, again understandable to me.
>>109320>>Remember that random channel with horror let's plays and Venus in the title? Not sure. Do you mean those two video game videos that someone posted where one of the players seemed to be called Venus Angelic? (Maybe deliberately named after her or just a coincidence.) I didn't see any horror related stuff.
>>109324>>ok so whats this bandage on her neck?what kind of injury you can get there? it's a wierd place for a bandage.A love bite maybe? I wondered about that too, I didn't notice it until people started asking in the comments, and she said she'd scratched herself, easily done with those nails I would have thought, so it makes sense I suppose. Then again,she could have just tried to cover any blemish or mark with make up or concealer and then it would not have shown up at all. Maybe she wanted people to notice and comment on it, so maybe that is why she put a plaster on it, it wasn't even a skin coloured sticking plaster but looked like one of those with characters on that you can get for kids, like Hello Kitty or Disney characters, whatever. She must have known that people would notice it, so if she really didn't want anyone to, she'd have made sure it did not notice at all, she knows there are people who see the slightest little thing and comment on it, so it's not like she would have thought no one would notice. Maybe she likes to see people speculate stuff about her?
No. 109491
>>109271Holly fuck those shaking hands. Someone fist a burger down her throat.
Aside of her evident anorexia, this is nicer than cumpdumpster-chan. But she's way, way too relaxed compared to her old days. Probably due to her ana-chaning.
The room lacks a lot of her kawiwi stuff. If it's simpana's house then she sold part of her things?
No. 109495
>>109494Don't you mean should you offer her money for sex? Why would she want to pay
you for sex?
No. 109597
File: 1597814418138.jpeg (123.95 KB, 629x1174, 68D07329-675A-41EF-A424-A2EE53…)

Does anybody else see the warping thats on her chin in the picture she posted on instagram today? The top pic is from the photographers page and the bottom one is what she posted. It's such a tiny edit, and the original picture is such a nice one. Why would she feel the need to do something like that?
No. 109621
>>109545Yes but those are built up areas and by the time you're actually near the gymnasium area (fenced off, just like NHK) you're already in Harajuku so it makes no sense to say "Shibuya"
>>109564NHK is fenced off with security gates and is on the other side of the park (which is really really big) while this isn't impossible if this imagined story was true she was probably walking from Shibuya 109 to Harajuku to buy clothes.
Technically all of these places are in Shibuya city but it's so massive and built up with many stations it makes 0 sense to be vague like that.
No. 109629
File: 1597859129300.jpeg (1.87 MB, 1125x2139, 5074A9E2-0E09-48A8-950A-4A2428…)

I don’t get it, what is the point of making this weird myspacecore content where she doesn’t look like a person? Just seems like a waste of time. I’ve not liked much of her content recently, but this type of stuff is really unpleasant and annoying
No. 109642
>>109639Her posting has been very minimal, and everything is either on twitter, or is from the same set as something on twitter. So you are paying for a couple different angles of the stuff that is free.
Aug 14 - 20 second video of her shaking her boobs (but covering everything with her bra/hand)
August 11/13 - Pictures from the set where she wore plaid panties and a little tie, and put caramel on herself
Prior to that, nothing for over a week.
No. 109649
>>109642She doesn’t need to post anything on OF because she doesn’t need $$ anymore, because she staged another public breakdown (the “mental hospital for a month!”) and went running back to Manaki, and he took her in like he always does. She’s safe back in her little pink bedroom now, no need for OF!
I have no sympathy for him anymore. He’ll never be rid of her. They deserve each other.
No. 109652
>>109642That's awful. Imagine if someone paid her yearly lol.
>>109651Probably just a guess because of her recent stream that was in the same set up at Manaki's
No. 109684
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No. 109695
>>105469Offtopic but you do need a pimp/manager to excel in sex work. Being totally alone in it means everyone is gonna eat your money. Truthfully I didn’t read your post at all because why did you even write that so long?
Also, who misses old 13 year old Venus?
No. 109713
File: 1597948205203.png (14.32 KB, 573x122, loli.PNG)

No one yet posted she is going to cosplay as Chino from GochiUsa?
Chino, a loli aged 13? She is making it worse on purpose to appear edgy, isn't she
No. 109716
File: 1597948621834.png (Spoiler Image,1.94 MB, 1869x881, pants.PNG)

Also this
Maybe now she at least changes her underwear more often?
No. 109765
>>109695>Also, who misses old 13 year old Venus?it was the same shit you mindless blind cunt. did you not see her capering on niko with salarymen's comments sliding across the screen?
>2010 audience: pull your top down show pantsu, dance this way. venus: hehe uwu>2019 audience: pull your top down show pantsu, dance this way. venus: hehe uwuyou miss your delusion about her, you mong porridge brain and i don't see the problem since you're still daydreaming, just make your internal barney episode play however you like it
No. 109775
>>109695Me, at least we had more milk than just slutshaming her omega filtered ass. I really hope hope she's at Mana's cave, having economic stability will surely bring something fun (and I hope it doesn't involve pets) (aside of pedoki)
>>109713Well, it's a more recen't character this time. I guess.
No. 109853
>>109685Sort of OT, but nothing is happening here so…
Venus reminds me of “the uncanny valley”, which is the concept that people get really disturbed when artificial intelligence (or cartoons) look tooo realistic but still not quite real. Venus creeps me out, she looks like she is going to mind control us all
No. 109861
>>109853She literally doesn't know how to interact with people. Even when she talks to someone like in that video where some guy found her at the street, she looks like a total alien trying to act normal.
I'm not entirely excusing her for all the shit she has done, but beign raised by Margo trully was a kickstarter of all this.
No. 109882
File: 1598083127804.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1125x1687, 937C21FF-DD90-4C39-892C-40ADC6…)

What does she think when she looks in the mirror and sees the opposite face shape as this
No. 109896
>>109886NTA that hasn’t already been said, but I think her body (or face?) dysmorphia + staring at her images and editing her face for about 10 years has distorted her ability to see her face in the same way others do.
Like if you stare at your face for hours of editing and obsessing over your perceived flaws for years and years… things must get warped. I get she doesn’t like her facial structure but this seems disturbed
No. 109903
>>109900>>109896>>109886>>109882She seems to get influenced by things people say about her in gossip forums & the like, and seems to act according to something she has seen people say, but she must see all the comments made over the years by people saying how much better she looks without the editing to alter her natural face shape into that quite unattractive pointy narrow chin. It makes her look less pretty, not more pretty as she must think it actually does, when the sad reality is, it actually doesn't! But, for some reason, she chooses to ignore what everyone says about that and still goes on doing it anyway, even though she sees that most people think she looks better with her natural face shape.
(Obsessive haters not included as their opinion is warped by their hate anyway, but most normal people who can be objective can see how much better she looks without the pointy chin and making the lower part of her face unattractively narrow like she does.)
No. 109934
>>109896There is even research on it. If you edit your face or use filters so much for a long time you can get a dismorphic disorder and think the edited pictures looks more like you than your mirror/ unedited picture. (Or you want to look like that and get surgery)
It kinda already starts with that "nah i just look rough here, let's put the filter on so i look fresh" thoughts (even tho the filter already alters your face to look better and not just "fresh").
She probably either can't accept her real face anymore because she know "how she could look" or she doesn't see much difference because she edits her pictures since many years, getting more extreme over time.
No. 109937
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No. 109938
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No. 109970
File: 1598151501639.jpeg (437.88 KB, 1727x1513, A4E21675-24C1-442C-BD91-2247C2…)

>>109903She over edits because she hates her big wide potato face so she overcompensates to the opposite extreme. That and erasing all traces of her margo-tier premature aging lines.
She’s just your basic catfish at this point. Her extremely edited pics are a fictional character.
No. 110002
File: 1598165943861.png (Spoiler Image,452.83 KB, 908x462, 1597502540194.png)

>>109251kek. the resemblance is uncanny
No. 110011
>>109765Venus admitted that 80 to 90 percent of all of her viewers were female. And I imagine a lot of male viewers just watched her for the novelty or her being so weird and e-famous. (What guy would honestly be interested in makeup and hair tutorials?)
That leaves only a very small percentage of fans being males that watched her for sexual reasons.
I don't blame people at all for thinking Venus turned her back on the people that made her famous in the first place (girls and young women) and started to pander to horny men instead.>>109765 No. 110023
>>110020>>110019>>110018You are embarassing yourself with your spam to make it look like more people agree with you. (1 min between your posts).
If you saw her old videos and streams you should know why some poeple say she already had that audience back then.
No. 110038
>>109995Oh look, it's the self righteous crusader.
Guess your ban must of run out then.
No. 110071
>>109270OT but
>KF is full of womenAnon are you on the same drugs as Venus?
No. 110133
>>110061She's silly if she lets herself get affected by the opinions of fools. I'd like to see just what these haters look like compared to Venus. I'm sure if she could see the reality of their visages, she would feel instantly better about herself.
Not that it would mean she'd prefer her own, attractive, face to that of the stupid pointy chinned anime characters that she tries to look like and just makes herself look less attractive than she really is, as a result.
Whatever, she's daft if she lets herself get too hung up on what losers online have to say about her looks. Just think what they must look like cos people happy with their own looks don't endlessly bitch about and try to find fault with other peoples faces.
No. 110147
>>110133Oh please. As if only people who have unfortunate features would ever bitch about other people's looks. That's only something that people assume to make themselves feel better. Every platform has a mixed bag of characters. Everyone is here for gossip and entertainment. No matter where your self esteem level is. Sure it's annoying when people jump on others who compliment Venus, but I think everyone is entitled to their opinion. You don't have to be a michelin star chef to be able to criticize food.
If someone is truly confident, they don't have to make assumptions on others to comfort their own insecurities.
No. 110166
>>110147This. Real talk, Venus is an attractive woman, could use some rest tho
I ain't a beauty, but that i ain't stopping me from flaming venus whenever she fucks up lmao
I think it's clear for everyone here except a few hardcore haters and righteous white knights that we only care about the juicy milk and venus's fake triangle chin is a bottom topic ultimately.
noow can everybody shut the fuck up and post only relevant shit?
No. 110172
File: 1598317672074.jpg (544.07 KB, 453x680, 7eyzpBf.jpg)

From her twitter 1/2
No. 110176
>>110174it's there, just obscured/blends in with the fabric of the skirt. don't know if she edited it to look that way but it feels kinda off.
>>110175agree. now if we can only fix her weird facial expressions…
No. 110205
>>110172Nice pic, but who is she meant to be here?
>>110173All I could think seeing this is that her legs look skeletal thin. She doesn't have to be as chubby as June, but I think she could do with a little more flesh on her bones. June looks good with thicker thighs and Venus's thighs don't look that good because of being way too skinny.
No. 110218
>>110217 Agreed. I always believed she has social anxiety. She's like a completely different person when she does videos by herself or with someone else.
She obviously feels much more secure doing videos by herself (like makeup tutorials).
Its funny because she has quite a lot of experience being surrounded by people who went to see her irl. Tbh I remember she was much less shy when she was younger. Still very shy but not as much as today. I guess her mental state worsened when she came to Japan.
You'd expect that having an OnlyFans and becoming a thot would help her be more confident about herself but it totally gives an opposite effect on her.
No. 110232
>>110198this also happened a while ago since tickling videos with June in these clothes appeared in June (the month) for $30 when they announced it, so all the months of tinfoiling was for nothing
venus was just lazy about editing this until now
No. 110237
>>110218It wouldn't be surprising. Social Anxiety tends to develop after long periods of isolation and worsens the less regular contact you have with other people. Venus had an ok time doing meets as a teen but she never had to converse much there and she followed her mom's script. Homeschooling and having no friends stunted her.
She was a bit awkward but not as bad for a while with Taylor and Apricot, after meeting Manaki. She's gotten worse again since she separated and stopped hanging out with anyone her age after Taylor moved out, it must flare up badly around June who is a total stranger.
If she has SA it deteriorated a lot in the past months either way, she could stream fine before and in her last switch unboxing one she was shaking on the verge of a breakdown. I think Onlyfans is not good for people with SA but since people with really bad SA are avoidant of situations like most jobs and interviews it would also explain that
No. 110255
>>110253None you fucking idiot
God fucking please give us some fucking milk. Venus uploads a video of her and a porn star and the only comments we can do are “hurr woman ugly”
Sage because I have no milk, but I’m so thirsty
No. 110260
File: 1598426586099.jpg (45.67 KB, 638x448, article-2399795-1B6841E4000005…)

>>110253I actually also wondered about this. She might have had one of those mouth corner lift procedures done that are very popular in Asia
No. 110270
File: 1598439359202.jpeg (99.69 KB, 806x750, DDDE1A34-691C-45A5-AEEE-236A5E…)

>>110260Venus has that mouth so I think she would benefit greatly from that procedure and not June
No. 110283
File: 1598451611313.png (11 KB, 757x146, 4234234.png)

A fan asked June if Venus could ever be a producer and this was her response lmao. "Really skilled in technical stuff" my ass. This is a girl who couldn't even figure out how to connect her switch or do a live stream and knows nothing about technology, computers, filmography and is hardly creative. June's words are as empty as a person after they shit. She reminds me of all those pseudo-saccharine, empty platitude type of people, saying whatever makes them sound the nicest, most professional or politically correct. In the video, V also states that she didn't start reading yuri until 16. Didn't she say she was reading hentai and all that other shit since she was a little child? Yet, another contradiction. Such a filthy liar, and over the stupidest, littlest things.
No. 110284
>>110283Why is everyone on this board so bitter when someone is nice lol June is genuinely nice to Venus during the entire video and even looking at her channel well-spoken and positive. Not everyone is a bitter, mean cunt lol
Also, Venus says she played eroge since she was 13 in the video and then says she found yuri at 16.
No. 110292
>>110270No she would not benefit from it at all. Not everyone shares your views of what someone's mouth should look like. This is a very pretty picture of Venus anyway, and her mouth looks perfect just the way it is.
>>110278You're the one who needs to leave, your constant hate is tiring, repetitive and boring.
No. 110293
>>110284>>Not everyone is a bitter, mean cunt lolHaha, you'd be forgiven for thinking that some here are. Not one nice word to say about anyone. How can anyone find fault with someone as nice as June?
>>Also, Venus says she played eroge since she was 13 in the video and then says she found yuri at 16.Yes, I heard her say that. But the audio on the video wasn't very good and it was a little hard to make out some of the dialogue.
>>110288>>Don’t please encourage Venus to do plastic surgery.. they don’t look good and in the end they look not good looking with age ..
>>She is fine as she is , she should just sleep and stay away from alcoholThis. Totally. She certainly does not need plastic surgery, and certainly not to follow any advice from some rabid hater.
No. 110310
File: 1598462817681.jpeg (197.38 KB, 750x931, CE50B92A-1CF9-41E7-8DD8-EA5893…)

What on earth is up with her ear, she needs to double check her edits before she uploads pictures
No. 110340
>>110276Watch the actual stream because you clearly didn't. She wasn't hiding how overwhelmed she was, she kept repeating "I'm actually really shy" (which she says again in June's collab) and apologizing about how so many messages in the stream were making her nervous, her hands were shaking more than usual she had to stop holding her switch from all the rattling. You're in denial if you watch that video and tell me she wasn't nervous.
When she went to school she was living in Spain and had no friends, she criticized her classmates in her blog. You truly think she communicated well enough in Spanish and Korean to socialize at a normal level?
I said in my post before she got a lot better at communicating when she got together with Manaki and started hanging out with some friends in Japan, but she's really deteriorated since becoming more of a NEET. Social issues are not linear, just like any other disorder it can get better and crash again.
She's deep down insecure in doing onlyfans because it doesn't match her introverted personality and that is not a fanfic. It's making all her interactions even more awkward because she has to pretend to be thotty and confident, ie. the video with the Japanese interviewer which was painful to watch
No. 110368
>>110362Agreed. She even says in the comments she has no chances to speak English in Japan so her accent has gotten fucked up apparently. You can hear her accent “settling out”? as the video continues. She speaks American English with a lisp. Venus speaks gargled European English. Completely different accents.
Also, bored of June talk. Has Venus updated her OnlyFans or is this saga over despite saying she’s going to collab with a literal porn star?
No. 110377
>ja dat ees okey but ik denke, mm, maybe wir go dat weg>americanif she is american she is deeply mentally ill for speaking in a european accent lol
No. 110410
>>105252Venus and June having completely different accents does not mean that June's is not also European, there is not one "European accent"…
It's hard for me to hear the American in June's accent. Apparently her hometown is in California but she certainly doesn't have a Cali accent. She sounds French more than anything, maybe she has a lot of family from France or French-speaking Canada?
No. 110433
i thought she was canadian too. but why does it matter if she's american or not?
>>110428me too lol. i tried to find a place where she talks about venus but i think the vid was filmed before meeting her. she's also kind of boring at story telling so i skipped a lot.
No. 110435
>>110428>>110433I watched the entire video. She never talks like that. It’s just a video about some recent harassment she’s got from a couple. There’s nothing about Venus.
I think the timeline goes:
•They met for the first time in June (the month) when the video on Venus’ channel and tickling video were taken.
•They meet again when Venus has a black eye (?) and they did purikura.
•June gets stalked and uploads a video about it.
•Venus uploads the video they took in June.
I don’t know of any other interactions between them, but they’ve met two times for sure. June says in a comment on Venus’ channel that she has a video of them she’s editing and will upload. I don’t know if it’s a YouTube video or OnlyFans one.
No. 110438
>>110310How the hell can she think she looks nice here?
Her natural face is attractive, this highly edited face is not pretty at all, the fact she probably thinks it is is sad.
>>110334Didn't June say somewhere she's Canadian but that it's easier in Japan to just say she's American?
>>110339No, the site is not
just for hate! It is for laughs, not for some petty minded hater to just go on & on constantly bitching about her looks and finding fault with everything about her natural face when that seems to be the only times she looks most attractive.
I'm not here to constantly defend Venus, I'm objective enough to see when she looks nice and honest enough to say so, and can see when she looks bloody awful like in the picture posted above your comment. I'm not one of the white knights who can never find any fault with her or never criticize her for anything, but if there is cause to praise her for something, I will, the same as if there is cause to condemn her for something, I would.
No. 110449
Sooo, she didn't achieved anything in those years she had to try to get a visa by herself, no real work, no modeling company wanted her greasy self, and no enough money selling naked pictures ( the saddest of all, I mean, lot of "ugly" "fat" girls get enough money to live of it, but not her) , probably had to pay a lot to the guy taking pictures, editing, uploading them, aka real work, meanwhile she just posed as a corpse, with death face, no emotion, etc, so she had to return with Manaki so she can keep the spouse visa, lame, she shitted so much in the guy that is lame she have to return to him, But I wonder, someone here said she answered that she wanted to live in Switzerland because that was her homeland?, I think she said that because se can smell deportatio very near? so when she have to leave she can say "I was planning it long time ago"
No. 110475
>>110438Nta but did see you the other threads? There's a reason why the "nasolabial folds" meme exists. I'm not a big fan of that kind of posts but hey, it's lolcow, we are petty bitches sometimes.
Anyway, excessive nitpicking is against the rules so, use the report button instead of writing long wall of text defending Venus and crying about "rabid jealous haters uwu" (you've got a very distinctive writing style and you're the only one derailing endlessly every fucking thread. So please: report and move on.
No. 110485
File: 1598564681965.png (1.08 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200827-234404.png)

There she is with the loli
She will probably post her on OF soon lol
Looks like she is in love hotel again?
No. 110528
>>110393I'm pretty sure someone in an old thread posted where she is from (with proof) and it was canada (that's in america, for the people who still don't know that america is the continent, NOT the USA). But maybe i remember incorrectly.
Everyone who's interested in this shit should just go back to one of the threads where people talked about her. She dev is american we alreay concluded that literally months before
No. 110530
>>110521They seem to think that having a bit of a laugh about someone is the same thing as just constantly hating on them, and it isn't. As soon as anyone calls them out on the constant nit picking about her looks, they get accused of derailing, but what happens the moment anyone dares to say something even slightly positive about her? They get jumped on by the hater going on & on about how she looks irl, etc boring etc. So let them explain how that is not derailing, while someone with a different view to them is. After all, someone can still see when or if a person looks good, without having to approve of everything they do.
>>110449She said she would like to live in Switzerland some day because it's her homeland, but seems settled in Japan at the moment. Quite honestly, I think it would be a bit of a culture shock trying to fit in in Switzerland or any country after living in Japan. If I lived in Japan I don't think I'd want to live anywhere else, so I get why she likes it there.
No. 110541
>>110530Sorry but pointing out how she looks irl vs. the highly edited fictional pics she pists is not = being “a
hater.” Nor is it only one single person doing this. So save your butthurt whining for someplace that cares.
No. 110544
>>110516Took me 2 minutes to find the insta because her picture. Hi bunnydia the “doll irl”
Honestly Venus should stick with cosplay/ cute shit. Less awkward poses and keeps a regular face the time.
No. 110551
>>110518No shit, dumbfuck. I was responding to the person that said she has a "European accent."
You're literally yelling at nothing
No. 110573
>>101302this girl seems to know june and stuff.
might be american after all.
No. 110636
>>110541It is being a hater when their point is that in their view how she looks in real life is horrible compared to her edited pics, when other people can see that she looks better in real life than the ugly pointed chin look she edits her face into, making it ugly and distorted, the second picture in this IG post being a good example of how she has edited her natural face to create an ugly image.>>110310
>>110543Haha, true!
>>110560I thought I saw somewhere that she was actually Canadian but that Jp people don't get it so it's easier to say American. Makes me wonder why anything American would be popular over there, you'd think they'd hate it. for obvious reasons.
No. 110637
>>110600Perhaps June should have her own thread? lol
But yes, can someone start a new thread please and post a link to it? I'm too stupid to do it.
No. 110639
File: 1598710607261.png (437.81 KB, 398x473, Venus blue hair.png)

Highly edited of course, but at least it's pretteyyyyy.
-And yes, we know it's not how she looks in real life, please don't say it again! lol
No. 110700
File: 1598734015220.jpeg (430.47 KB, 1125x1847, C5DC0872-DC37-4CBC-8999-6E4D2D…)

No. 110749
>>110747>dumb>mapplelol, never change.
by that I mean there's no cure for autism, so yeah, you'll never change.
No. 110765
>>110747What continent is Canada in?
Sudan is African because it is in Africa
France is European because it’s in Europe
Canada is American, because it is in America
Look at a map?
No. 110787
>>110700What in the ever loving fuck? Why would anyone post this? Hopefully it was just a free thing on Twitter and not paid content. Even if it was an eyelash filter on an app, it’s hilarious that she couldn’t even be bothered to put on actual makeup for the photo shoot.
And nobody gives a fuck about June. Blonde American English teachers are a stereotype in Japan, it’s just a persona for her sex work. Stop shitting up the thread with this crap.
No. 110794
>>110393did you guys forget about mira? She sounds like mira when mira was trying to be japanese. It sounds like junes accent got a bit messed up from being in japan and that she has a slight lisp. She still uses a lot of japanese mannerisms and fillers when speaking english…..
in the video june even says she rather do the video in her native tongue. she doesnt seem to have any real moments where she sounds dutch or swedish (only mentioning these two languages because they seem to often have less noticable accents in english/are often better with speaking english at least so ive noticed watching other streamers and youtubers)
No. 110796
>>110765were you literally thrown on the head as a baby?
nobody refers to Canada as American, unless you're ignorant. the continent is North America but because the country of America already has America in the name (and the other two countries aren't 'unknowns'), nobody calls Canada as American or Mexico as American because of the potential confusion. what school did you learn from? even antivaxxers learning and researching on facebook and google know better than you.
No. 110805
>>110800The editing on this is abhorrent.
I hope she gets a new editor that actually fits her style and knows how to colour correct
No. 110823
>>110805I thought it was nice, fits with her "sprouts of energy" style. It just needs to be balanced out so it doesn't seem so repetetive
The lighting tho, that's a big problem lmao
No. 110831
>>110796Nah dude, probably just someone who's not from the US of A. Guessing so because I also am not and it also does kind of """bother""" me personally a tad (and I've already seen a lot of other non Americans complain about it too), although not enough to sperg about such an obvious thing to everyone on an imageboard lol
It's quite a silly nitpick tho and in the end everybody understands it easier when saying things as you described, and personal offtopic nitpicks should be kept to themselves I guess.
Guessing it includes mine too eh
No. 110848
>>110834Venus angelic - Münchhausen Symdrom Edition
With something about her notorious hospitalisation
No. 110853
File: 1598845076268.bmp (175.15 KB, 217x275, 1596802986943.bmp)

>>110834thread pic suggestion, credit to anon who made it
No. 110890
>>110875>>110823I feel like the editing style seems very “meme lad” and doesn’t suit her, there’s ways of being memey without taking away her brand of girly/kawaii
Also yeah, the lighting and lack of colour correction is extremely unfortunate, I don’t think the editor even bothered, let alone try to get that to be flattering