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No. 144045
Read rules, follow them; don't cowtip, don't post old milk; if you aren't sure if something has already been discussed read the current thread & previous thread at least. If you're a pull refugee: learn to integrate.
We don't care about your views on sex work neither how much money you or your friend makes on OF; so don't waste thread's 1200 replies with thirst, moralfagging and autistic derailing, that's why the last thread got autosaged.
+Previous threads all neatly arranged by most recent:
Onlyfans Plasticine Queen edition
>>>/w/124470Sugar Daddy's cat is judging your life choices edition
>>>/w/110858I have never been this happy!!! Edition
>>>/w/105252Jiraikei Onna & Corn Dildo Edition
>>>/w/101360Baby Beenos Edition
>>>/w/98843BDSM Queen Edition
>>>/w/95405Sex Worker Edition
>>>/w/87866Sugaring Edition
>>>/w/76241Desperate For Money Edition
>>>/w/62881Mental Illness Is Super Kawaii uwu
>>>/w/468652 years ago
>>>/w/305813 years ago
>>>/snow/286133Yellowface Edition
>>>/snow/254982The Kawaii Princessu
>>>/snow/205005+Venus Angelic Summary:
>Venus Isabelle Palermo aka Venus Angelic is a washed up as-been famous Swiss Youtuber who gained popularity for her doll looks and weeby content back in the days. Her momager Margo (a notorious cow in her own right >>>/pt/666399 ) created the Venus Angelic brand, dragged her around the globe evading taxes and stirring up drama among the living doll and makeup vlogger community.
>At 19 Venus away from her mother to marry a japanese guy named Manaki, one of her simps who followed her from a very young age. Marriage reason? visa of course. She did end up into a divorce and made a video badmouthing him, calling him a neet and other stuff publicly on youtube. She also exposed his sexuality by claiming he's asexual, only likes 2d women and never even sexed her (proof may say quite the opposite). That concludes on how nobody thinks she really loved him.
>For a short time, she joined a v-tuber project under the name of MALICE, got a minor role in AbsoMetal theatrical play and was the face of some small media company -which she tried to claim as her own. Needless to say, her performace in all these projects was mediocre at best. During this time, she faked alcoholism, lesbianism, mental problems and suicide baited her followers for asspats.
>After divorcing (or splitting up, who knows) she began posting on IG about "business meetings", hotel rooms, riding cabs, showing off LV and Coach items along odd mentions of blowjobs and masturbation in her IG stories. Later, anons discovered her Pater profile under the identity of "Lilian". An unedited selfie she didn't posted anywhere before confirmed it was indeed hers and not someone else using her pics as a catfish.
>Enters "Ken" her new sugardaddy/boyfriend. "Ken", according to Venuses claims, did illicit things to a child. She made an entire insta story about it instead of reporting to the police saying "nobody would help her with the case". Sketchy? Incredibly. Child in question was posted on her Instagram account and was removed after the drama. There is no follow up on Ken.
>After this episode she crawled back to Manaki's place again and lived in her old closet room during the COVID-19 pandemic.
>At that time, Venus announced her Onlyfans and currently is doing full time OF sex work. She claims that this work path was her "childhood dream" and that she's never been SOOO HAPPY!!! like she is at the moment. Her half-assed R18 content features cheap rental costumes, cheap dildos, cheap love hotel rooms, internet cafes strip-teases, sex toy reviews and so on.
>Enter Manager-san. Either Manaki kicked her out or she's fucking a new guy (aka Manager-san) for a place to stay, it's unknown. Manager-san seems to be the one behind the camera, planning the tip menus and streaming schedules since she's incapable of do something steady on her own.
>Venus went back to her habitual suicide baiting tactic, hoping it would make her worried simps throw pity money at her. The reaction wasn't well received and she had to apologize for it, trying to pass it as a prank. The latest live stream went awfully bad, confusing noises made the viewers worry about what was going on between Venus and Manager-san off camera. +Recent milk
>Scary shoops are becoming more and more alien-esque>Manic episodes of posting videos and off-putting live streams >More possible bruises from Manager-san>Trying to back-pedal from edgy sex maniac to kawaii vlogger>Runs some suspicious e-girl ""company"" called Momonga >Attempting and failing at cosplay by buying cheap taobao costumes that take zero effort >Back to drinking and sucking down energy drinks to contribute to her downfall in health No. 144053
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Think she’s using jirai-kei to cover the fact her eyes almost look like this normally?
From her stream 8 hours ago.
No. 144078
>>144053She looks so, well sad. Jeez… Her whole situation is just one big mess after the other. Girl needs to get away from all those
toxic people and start a fresh life somewhere else. That might help her but idk. Is she still drinking heavily?
No. 144087
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>>144078yup. and shaking alot.
No. 144093
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No. 144227
>>144104funny how she still pretends that she owns the house or something. She wouldn't get shit with her low income and questionable visa status (and if she's not living with him, why would anyone rent to a foreigner like her?)
>>144093The legs are so badly shooped and it looks like she didn't bother to wear the matching elementary school-costume trousers so she can make it look more slutty kek.
Btw does anyone know if her OF is dead or something?
No. 144243
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In this video fron yesterday she look like a literal hobo, drunk, dirty and disheveled. Who TF uploads a video looking like this? Seems like she’s on another one of those multi-day benders she goes on where she wears the same dirty pj’s for days at a time. Lucky Manaki.
No. 144245
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At 38:14 she stands up and she’s swaying and struggling to keep her balance.
No. 144246
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Then she staggers back into frame and (finally) fixes the lighting. Which is not much of an improvement because you can see just what a sloppy mess she really is. A fucking drunken mess, leeching off that poor fool Manaki while simultaneously trashing and lying about him every chance she gets.
No. 144284
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>>144246Wow, skipped through the livestream, she really seems highly fucked up throughout it. It's crazy to see her look like this, and act like this, and think about how cultivated her image was in her most popular Youtube videos post-Margo. Here's a screenshot from a video where she speaks in multiple languages from 2016, just a random screenshot. She looks so much more polished and normal, it's hard to believe the girl speaking confidently about her language abilities would 5 years later in a cramped, cluttered room, wearing dirty clothes, slurring and falling over, and looking rumpled and completely "given up". She's definitely done some fucked up things in the past, the whole deal with the child abuse uh…thing on her Instagram, but I feel bad for her. She's one of the cows I genuinely think I can excuse a lot of bad behavior from because her childhood was so bad. Last thread some anon was trying to say how Venus was just as much part of her sexualization as Margo was, which is just ridiculous. Children can't consent to being sexualized, no matter how much Venus wanted to put her boobs on Youtube it was up to her mother to stop that, and instead Margo monetized it. And now Venus looks unkempt and unwashed, eating octopus and instant noodles for weirdos.
No. 144289
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Her insta story…
No. 144290
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I personally don’t think it’s funny but ok
No. 144376
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She's looking haggard as fuck in her new videos. Can't understand much what she's saying, slurring a lot.
No. 144391
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Stumbled upon an older video of hers from 2016 and she sure looked a lot better back then. This comment though.. If only he could see her now.
No. 144511
>>144387>>144384>>144376>>144452Has anyone suggested she's using meth (or any other type of speed) yet? Isn't it like THE drug in Japan for quick weight loss and her being involved in some shady shit only increases how easy it would be for her to find a dealer.
Alcohol as a downer, maybe? Would also explain shakes, nervousness and getting bursts of creativity from time to time.
No. 144552
>>144450What reputation? He was a NEET otaku who fantasized of fucking underage Venus until she was able to be married to him and he is clearly not interested in her sexually, but as a commodity. Didn't want to do couple things at all.
I don't understand why you guys say he had some reputation. He was a nobody and we have no proof of who was leeching
oof of who, but we do know he wasn't rich or anything and was a pedophile obsessed with Venus's realdoll esthetic. He wasn't a good guy to begin with.
No. 144610
>>144511If she really took drugs, she'd most likely flaunt it on her social media accounts (like the hookah pics). Also she'd be so stupid and get caught by the police real quick and kicked out of Japan for good
But you may never know with Venus, she's nuts
No. 144644
>>144610She's defiantly a bit tweaked out. I heard from my friend who met with her in japan that she's been living at random hotels in Tokyo with her shithead boyfriend (the guy who took her only fans pics). He was also milking her for her only fans coin as a manager. Im not sure if shes still doing that but yeah…
to me sounds like she or her husband have debt or something. probably that is why she is doing only fans.
No. 144655
>>144569just like
>>144578 said, it wasn't because manaki was so virtuous, and his love for venus was so pure. It was because other people were looking at them when they went out. Trust that he was probably more than happy for her to keep those Lolita outfits and wear them in private…for him. He was a pervert, plain and simple. She said some vile things about him but I'm not going to WK a grown man who hatched a scheme to meet an underage girl who's camshows he liked, then married her. As far as I'm concerned Venus went from the frying pan and into the fire. I get the consensus last thread was she was now just milking her bad childhood, but I still disagree. Maybe I'm a sucker but I do feel bad for her. She had some innate talent with regards to language and now she's just drinking jelly and getting the shakes on Youtube live. She made her own bed to an extent but to draw an analogy to it's breaking point her mom bought the bed for her.
No. 144662
>>144549Doesn't stop every single rave I've been from having synthetic noids or ice readily available. You think with with how popular drugged up mentally ill culture is they give a shit about drug laws?
>>144610>>144644Her manager still controls her, posting about hard drugs would land them both in big shit. I know Venus is retarded, but flaunting something that WILL put her in jail or boot her out of Japan is too much even for a nut like her. Only being able to eat jelly or liquid foods and constantly jumping residences puts me into the "she's an addict" camp as well.
We just have to wait and see, I guess, once manager-san boots her, too, she might go full nuclear on social media from withdrawals, kek.
No. 144714
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>>144655Well, i doubt its because of that. Most japanese people cant tell a white persons age. With venus’s current looks she could pass for anything from 20s to mid 30s. She just wears brands like liz lisa which is a brand for younger people.
her husband looks like a child. So i dont think people would bat up of an eye with them.
I think the main thing is that venus’s boyfriend lives in a very rural area with his mom so she wouldnt be able to go to tokyo much living with him.
venus doesnt have a real manager. Its some twot having sex with her in love hotels, taking pics and getting 50% of her onlyfans. They take their photos in kinshicho which is city that has gang groups, sketchy bars, and casinos everywhere. Theres a high crime rate there.
If she had a real manager at a media company, they wouldnt be doing this. Many talent companies in tokyo have ties to groups like yakuza and wouldnt allow their talent to make shaddy porn like venus. Her photos are taken with out permission from the hotels for shooting so, no company would want to deal with that law suit.
I dont think it would be hard for her to do gravure for a cheap ass magazine like flash, if she was actually managed by a real agency.
This photo is a place i seen on her story. Its sara hotel in kinshicho.
Also she calls herself menhera (idk if thats how you spell it) which matches her clothes. Menhera girls usually hang around bars or nightclubs in tokyo. They are usually shady places. I guess menhera is a really bad thing to associate yourself with, i wouldnt be surprised if shes taking drugs or cutting if she calls herself menhera. Its what menhera is known for.
No. 144717
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Tell me venus is not complete nuts.
No. 144762
>>144714I fucking called it.
I guess she is on a heavy backpedal binge now that she and her NEET manager got too close to the shady side of japan, and that's why she resorts to shitty mukbang videos looking haggard af
No. 144788
>>144762honestly, if I were to guess what is going on, I would think that her husband owes people money. which is why venus is going sex work to make the big only fans dollars. It's the only thing that would make sense, considering she still goes back to her husband's house with his mom.
That stuff happens in japan. Usually, girls go into gravure for with talent companies because they have debts to pay and venus is still in japan with a marriage visa, and they aren't considering a divorce. If venus was divorced, the only way she could get a visa is from youtube (I doubt youtube would give her a visa because she is a sex worker) or a talent company.
Any other visa requires an undergraduate degree.
I've looked into model-sponsored visas before. You must be making at least 6grand a month through a company; talent companies usually take 50% cut from jobs they provide, a gravure job pays around 150-300 dollars a day and tv jobs even for famous actors only pull a few hundred dollars per job.
If venus were to get an apartment, she would need a signature from her husband, and they both need to prove they have a workplace.
if venus and her husband were to split up, venus would either have to get into a language school or she would be on the next flight home.>>144762
No. 144789
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>>144788>> considering she still goes back to her husband's house with his mom. Where are you getting this shit from? She’s back at Manaki’s apartment in Yokohama, the same one he’s had since at least 2016. The apartment Manaki pays for with his wages from his legit job. The same apartment she ran to when she ‘escaped’ the evil momager. The same one she goes running back to every time she finds herself kicked out of wherever she’s temporarily shacked up at the moment and needs a place to sleep. The backgrounds in her streams now are the same as her videos from 2016-2017.
And Manaki’s parents live hours away from Tokyo/Yokohama, in northern Japan btw.
There is no “house in the countryside” anywhere but Venus’s wishful thinking. There’s Manaki’s apartment, cheap love hotel rooms and various sleazy guys’ rented rooms that she shacks up in, that’s it. Like this one (pic attached.)
No. 144795
>>144792venus is .5% of only fans, she's making bank.
that's in the 10s of thousands of dollars a month (I guess from estimates from reddit, you can correct me if I'm wrong). she can afford an apartment. with all that money though she should be getting some cosmetic surgery done… her boobies are very sad.
No. 144798
>>144436It’s the bag 量産型 girls use so it’s become associated with jirai girls too
>>144549It hasn’t stopped people before, there’s always people on the news getting busted for all kinds of drugs
No. 144799
>>144714>> venus’s boyfriend lives in a very rural area with his mom Again, where are you getting this from? Your fanfic?
What imaginary “boyfried” is this? Please share.
No. 144801
>>144795>> venus is .5% of only fans, According to who, Venus? If VENUS said it it MUST be true, is that it? Like that “house in the countryside” that totally exists, and the “Company” she is the owner and CEO of, where she “hires employees” too!
Get a grip, anon. She’s a habitual liar with delusions of grandeur, just like her mommy.
No. 144803
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>>144801Go look at her page…. it says .5%
No. 144805
>>144798True, its not hard to find drugs in japan.
People do pills in night clubs just like in north america. I know people who smoke weed in japan daily but its really expensive compared to north america.
There are a lot of japanese rappers who smoke in music videos. Its not like some taboo shit.
No. 144810
>>144795I'm not on OF anon so I can't say for sure but there must be some bullshit going on with it, because it seems like every girl on there is "in the top 1%", and I don't see any of them really living large? It's just like how strippers always tell you how much they make a night, how come they all live in shitty apartments? It's because they're trying to convince you and themselves they made the right choice in selling their body, and that yes they ARE worth something!
Venus is definitely not making lots of money. I think she was making more money, or at least was able to spend more freely, when she lived with Manaki and was doing normal YT content. She had new clothes from known brands, random shit she bought just for videos, whatever, If anything she seems thrifty now. Cheap booze and energy jelly in a nasty, bare apartment or sleazy hotel.
No. 144814
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>>144813samefag but here is a ghostly screengrab of her in that video, check the completely undecorated and boring cookie she took exactly one bite out of
No. 144815
>>144809Venus probably got a glimpse of reality into the unfiltered porn industry that June works in and bailed immediately. She'd rather lure in the perverts through OnlyFans with her heavily edited photo sets and lies. Any collaboration "projects" that she announces goes to shit within months and her friendships magically disappear in the process.
Classic narc pick up and disposal right there.
No. 144816
>>144810Manaki was simpin hard and being her top doormat, so I wouldn't be surprised he funded alot of her lifestyle then. Her YouTube "career" was just a side hustle. She got very comfortable being the NEET kawaii house waifu surrounded by pink & getting to do whatever she wanted with her manipulative tactics.
Now she doesn't have that luxury anymore and it looks like she's been struggling ever since. Even if she's had sugar daddies along the way according to other threads, she's still spiralling downhill. A grown ass woman hopping from one apartment or hotel to the next. It's only a matter of time before she really does end up on the streets.
No. 144907
>>144511Where the fuck did you find METH in Japan?? There’s weed all over the place but I’ve never heard of meth.
Sage for off topic
No. 144915
>>144803Are you retarted? She's had that 0.5% info written in her of bio since forever, when her doing sexwork was still something new and the simps wanted to see her naked. There's no way she's making a lot with OF right now, I mean she isn't even posting much nowadays.
If you're a newfag, read the previous threads and stop clogging up the thread with your dumb "Venus isn't poor uwu" crap.
No. 144924
>>144915the percentage isn't written by her, it is automated by OF. Can't really deny that.
Venus isn't poor, she should know better than to act like a child. Venus promotes mental health to her audience as being kawaii, that shit is fucked up. she needs to be set back down to reality hard.
>>144907>>144511where have you read about meth in japan? probably it's just her stomach surgery combined with her alcoholism + (possible) pill issue making her look so twacked out.
No. 144938
>>144810I was thinking the same thing… it seems like every single OF whore is in the top 1% or some shit. Makes me believe that it's not actually true, and since OF is the only one who can see their actual numbers, they just hand out the 1% trophies to anyone to make it seem like an attractive endeavor.
"Hey, if this drunken washed up youtuber can be in the top 1%, surely I can, too!!"
No. 144942
>>144813I would actually rather endure watching her old weeb cringe content than this half assed trash she expects her fans to enjoy.
Cooking With Venus shall never be the same again.
No. 145079
>>144284>speaking confidently about her language abilities Get out of your town one day anon. She is like any other gypsy scammer in europe - able to put out just enough patter in various languages to trick the simplest rubes.
She was never anything more than she is now. She never said/did/showed a single spark of charisma or talent or comedy in a single video. Most of them are in fact, incoherent. You just gave her a massive benefit of the doubt because you were 12 when you were a fan. Time to let go of your child's eye view
No. 145084
>>144552>> What reputation? He was a NEET otaku…blah blah fucking blah, yeah right Manaki was a fan back in her Living Doll fame therefore he must be a PerVerTed PEdoPhiLe forever and ever, right? Get fucking real. He’s a Japanese citizen with a stable job and living situation who now finds himself stuck with an alcoholic basketcase who is using him for a visa and meal ticket and using emotional blackmail to keep him from dumping her ass (“b-but I’ll be deported and homeless and die if you don’t take me in and it’ll be YOUR FAULT!”) He gets to come home from work every day to find her drunk, greasy and dirty dressed in the same grubby pj’s for days on end. Lucky guy, huh?
On top of that she never misses a chance to demean, ridicule, embarrass and lie about him. And yes, he does (or did) have a reputation as Wenus’s white knight, savior and protector from the evil momager (which he actually was.) She rewarded him for that by claiming he “quit his job to live off MY earnings” and has doubled down on that lie multiple times since the original. In short, she is a nasty lying little snake, actually worse than her psycho mother because she’s so sneaky and cowardly wirh her little smear campaign. Manaki has no social media presence and doesn’t even speak English which makes him an easy target for her. She’d never dare try that shit with any of her ex-pals, they’d roast her alive. So she targets Manaki because she’s a pathetic little coward, while at the same time leeching off him financially, emotionally and every other way possible.
No. 145106
>>145092To be honest their options are exactly how I see things with Venus too. Venus is a master manipulator.
Yes, Venus’s mother is crazy as hell and venus was smart enough to see that too. She published this huge story about how she made this great getaway from her mother when in all actuality it was a part of just venus trying to live her dream Japanese life she’s always wanted in Japan with her easy meal ticket Manaki and doing this completely ruined Margrets image even more than she had done herself but the key point is Venus did it before Margret could defend herself or show evidence just like with Manaki.
Margret wanted to still have Venus as her daughter and this financial life they built together. Most Tiger moms are crazy like that. I know from experience but also I see how Venus manipulate that situation to benefit herself and make her look like “poor Venus “ just like she did with Manaki.
Venus’s YouTube content was actually well put together and she was on a schedule back when she was with her mom but as soon as she left her mom you can see that Venus just wanted to get away from the structure that margret had her under “aka” eatting welll, cleaning herself, schooling, travel, schedule YouTube videos and so on. Now Venus is a hoe/ pedo, who lost all her friends from trying to make them do illegal or weird stuff with her, she owes money, has a pimp who slaps her with no fear for all to hear on live video and she jumps from home to home, looks like she’s on drugs. How is this a better life ? How do people not see that Venus wants to get away from the people telling her that living this crazy life is dangerous. She has nothing now and looks absolutely horrid! I feel bad for her but this is also this life she wanted to lie for to get.
No. 145110
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>>144942at least the weeb shit was hilarious to witness online, alternating with the occasional creepy vibes (did not appreciate those)
now it's just geriatric venus descending into japanese coke thot hell
No. 145111
>>144093This girl is going to get found in a ditch I swear. Her life is just sad.
I remember envying her during her blow
up but now at 27, in a good job, got a mortgage on a house and my life going well. There’s nothing to envy anymore.
Venus lives in another world at this point
(nobody cares) No. 145250
>>144552>fantasized of fucking underage Venus >he is clearly not interested in her sexuallyDo you not see the conflict of these two statements? Not only did Venus repeatedly poke fun at him for (allegedly)being asexual who only likes 2D girls, but she talked about how she never had real sex until she was with another guy. After all this time, don’t you think she could have come out with some very damning confessions about his sexual behaviors or even his body?
>Didn't want to do couple things at all. There were plenty of early marriage date photos and activities that they shared. Performing their relationship on YouTube is a completely different thing and not necessary at all. Especially the PDA some people kept demanding to see.
>I don't understand why you guys say he had some reputation. With his family and coworkers, anon. The shit that happened would be humiliating for any “nobody”. Most people empathizing with him from this perspective. Who knows how many people in his life knew about this.
>was a pedophileAgain, where is the proof of him being a pedo or being abnormally sexual at all? It can be definitely argued that their prior communication when she underage was probably inappropriate, but what other proof do we have?
Anyway, all her shaking may not be due to meth but her prescribed medications interacting with her abused body and fucked up intestines. She can no longer absorb nutrients properly. Just imagine what how her brain is affected by the combination of meds and malnutrition. Plus, tremors are a known side effect of drugs like Concerta.
No. 145259
>>145257kek exactly anon, I'm not following this anon's insistence that Manaki is some pitiable character in this story.
> It can be definitely argued that their prior communication when she underage was probably inappropriate, but what other proof do we have? You just gave proof? He arranged to meet up with an under-age girl who's lascivious cam shows he enjoyed, then later married that girl. if your point is that Manaki isn't the worst human being ever and that perhaps living with him was better than living with Margo than yeah, I guess maybe. But you don't need to act like he's not a pedophile, or at the very least a big creep who was a fan of watching a child perform vaguely sexual acts on NicoNico.
No. 145271
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She deleted the right image and replaced it with a cropped version because she didn’t realized her stomach scar was showing
No. 145289
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>>145271So much shoop she ends up looking like one of those Japanese creepypasta. Tbh I feel bad for her, she must have mad body dysmorphia for not looking Asian and like a meitu filter. Venus, try to take a step back and work on your issues…
No. 145381
>>145257Then he wouldn’t have agreed to marry her as an ADULT and take care of her after. That’s how it doesn’t make sense. Besides all of YOU here watched her videos and kept up with her every post for years too. People here have spent way too much time analyzing her body and spreading pictures of her stained panties. How are you special?
>>145259I’m talking about your insistence that he is an actual pedophile and somehow you know his exact sexual proclivities without evidence.
> lascivious cam shows> vaguely sexual acts on NicoNico.Wait, THAT is your proof? Because she made you uncomfortable, it means he must have been jacking off the whole time? That is not proof. And nowhere have I claimed he was some Prince Charming. It’s that there is no proof of your serious accusations of him being sexually attracted to kids, but there is plenty showing it is “Baby Beenos” Venus herself that is into loli, ddlg, rape play and has interactions with men who have Twitter accounts full of “child models”.
No. 145392
>>145381No, I don't have concrete evidence of Manaki being a pedophile, or what I suspect is more likely a man with pedophilic tendencies because yeah he did stay with adult Venus too. Its hard for someone on the internet who doesn't actually live with a person to have complete, irrefutable evidence of their sexuality BUT I know that if a man in my life was spending any amount of time watching teenage Venus's content, then planning to meet up with her when she visited their country, I wouldn't trust that man around my teenage daughter.
Also I agree Venus is into that shit. I think as a child her sexuality was exploited by her mother, and now as an adult she is continuing the cycle in some way. It's no excuse but her sexuality is obviously distorted from her youth. Anyway what more evidence could anyone possibly provide? What interest would Manaki have had in Venus's pedo-baity cheesecake videos when she was underage if NOT sexual interest?
No. 145416
Her video thumbnails seem like just clickbait,because they looklike theyd be a professionally put together video but they are quite bad quality. i can't watch most of them and have still to catch up.
I'm not sure she is still in the same place from years ago when she was still with Manaki, she had a lot of toys around and this place now, from what we see of it, the little we see of it, looks altogether dingier, and more drab, or that's the impression it gives anyway.
Also did no one wonder about her karaoke video she did recently? I wonder why she chose to do a song made famous by Keiko Fuji, who had a tragic life, and chaotic when she was alive, and the song itself about a prostitute dreaming of a better life? I hope Venus is not identifying and getting influenced by that, if she read about how her life was, it 's all very sad, I wish she could identify with someone more positive if she wants to be influenced and inspired by anyone. But maybe I'm just worrying unnecessarily. Maybe she's not that deep.
At least it makes a change though to see her looking like herself in the videos instead of the horrible shooped photos on instagram.
No. 145417
>>145271I can't see any scar. Couldn't she just have deleted it because she wanted to upload it with the watermark and had forgotten to do it the first time? Or maybe she thought it showed a bit too much down below and that people might complain, there's a few prudes who comment on her videos most times she posts anything even a remote bit sexual.
It's not a very flattering picture of her face anyway, the red lipstick makes her look harsh and older, and she's trying to make her face look longer and thinner which doesn't suit her and also makes her look older.
At least she's trying different styles though so is taking an interest in things, which is a good sign.
No. 145474
File: 1618526137809.png (Spoiler Image,1.63 MB, 1430x886, scar.png)

>>145417> I can't see any scar.I think it's where the line is. Correct me if I'm wrong.
No. 145532
toxic people? Herself?
No. 145561
>>144813The video was nothing like this thumbnail. Thumbnail looks a clear picture, Venus is wearing a bra and has her own hair (or what looks like her own hair) and the cookies are decorated. In the video, the picture is dark and blurry, she's wearing a wig that gets in the way, and the cookies never get decorated, she never even mentions the decorations at all from what I recall. It grossed me out when she knocked the tray off onto the floor with her foot, - it looks like she exists in a really tiny limited space, and the cookie dough went down onto the floor, I thought once she picked it up, she might do the sensible thing and just scrape off the top layer, but no, she started wiping and dabbing at it with a tissue, so effectively rubbing in any bits of fluff and hair into the cookie dough. and then proceeded to cut out the shapes and cook them.
Why the hell doesn't she film her streams in the evening when she is probably more able to think straight, instead of when she just gets up, which obviously is not a good time for her?
No. 145636
>>144972At about 45 minutes in, someone asks her something about jobs and haircuts (can’t make it out because she talks like Google Translate) and then says “but I choose to keep my identity separate, because I’m kinda undercover wherever I go”. Weird.
Also talks about wanting tattoos and piercings, playing Twisted Wonderland. In the baking video, she talked about wanting to make new videos because she had “so many new hobbies to share”, but when someone in this video asked about them, all she could come up with was “bitching about Jirai kei on Instagram”. Can she even talk about anything else anymore??
No. 146304
File: 1619071293113.png (458.28 KB, 1090x834, 0909099.png)

>>144053No she's wearing circle lenses and makeup to make her eyes look puffy to look larger because she's a weeb with normal/smaller sized eyes obsessed with having larger eyes and following the newest trends (ie jirai), not because she's covering anything up.
>>144104She also (once again in her easter live stream) claimed he's asexual and then SHAMED him for it. She's a vile fucking monster. Even if he was asexual, so what? This girl is a fake,
toxic bitch and I'm surprised at the anons who still pity her. Imagine shaming someone for their sexuality.
She also seems to be "close" to her photographer. He popped up on one of her streams saying these things (screenshot). The alleged friend who came here and said she tries to fuck her managers was probably telling the truth, given how unprofessional their communication is.
No. 146307
File: 1619071831772.png (313.76 KB, 933x543, Screenshot (5803).png)

In that same stream, she tried making a jab at Margo again. She claimed she was diagnosed with adhd as a child (I believe it was either a teacher who suggested or Margo took her to a psychologist) and then her evil meanie mutti didn't accept said diagnosis and ignored poor weenoos' mental health! It's all Margo's fault! Venus really is manipulative. Given that Margo always said Venus had Asperger's – meaning that Margo most likely got a second opinion, which lead to the Asperger's claim (Margo using it as some bad thing she has to expose is stupid though). In the screenshot, Venus lies about drinking and her ED and claims she doesn't have asperger's and that her mom said that. But in her live stream, she made it seem like Margo completely ignored her mental health (she doesn't have adhd, is normal and left at that) and didn't even mention the asperger's, which is very manipulative, given that Margo (or someone) clearly noticed something was wrong with Venus. You don't just randomly pull out Asperger's out of nowhere. Most of Margo's claims were grounded in some truth. Just another example of Venus spinning narratives and rewriting her past to further victimize herself.
No. 146308
>>144227Not surprised. Remember, she paraded Gaku Kitano's business as her own legitimate self-starter and shamelessly lied to her audience. She currently claims to have "a career" but when asked, wouldn't divulge. She then said her career was making her fans happy. Which is beyond ridiculous, given that she immediately dumped them when her OF was at its peak, shoved sexual content in their faces and posted a video where she claimed she respects them as consumers only.
>>144450Don't forget: claiming EVERYONE in her life was a vile abuser. Manaki is WORSE than Margo, which begs the question, just how bad was her time with Margo, given that her examples of Manaki's abuse were very weak (being against surgery, worrying about having kids, being uncomfortable with her always wearing lolita). We know Margo is a bitch, but Venus def embellished her story with Margo for pity. Let's not forget her vtuber manager is to blame for malice failing because he provided everything and gave her creative freedom, Kitano can "go fuck himself", her OF manager is "
abusive" and Ken, an alleged pedo she dated for money "didn't put her mental health first" but she had no problem hyping up, doxxing and exploiting a child's alleged sexual abuse and spinning the story into a "pity me pls" story. She's a fucking bitch who keeps changing her story (including her story with Margo) that I don't believe Margo was even as bad as she claims. She's still shaming Manaki in her live streams for his supposed sexuality but we're supposed to accept that "she's gay" when it's time for her to use that an excuse to end an illegal visa marriage. Quite literally, everyone in her life is an abuser. She's not to be trusted.
>>144662She already said she stopped working with that manager and said so on discord. Now she's working with Kyrie/Momonga crap.
On a random note, in one stream Venus claimed she was going to go to school for something science related, one week later in a stream, she said, "fuck school." She also dressed up as Margo did in her baking stream and then Margo posted a selfie where she edited her chin into a dorito. Pretty sure they're mocking each other, but this could be a reach. She also said she can afford to buy anything herself, but is still going to capitalize off her fans and open an amazon wishlist because she's just that greedy, entitled and opportunistic.
No. 146310
>>146308the way she framed manaki being against the surgery as him being
abusive was so odd to me. who would want their girlfriend getting unnecessary weight loss surgery?
No. 146312
>>145106Exactly. Margo was probably unemotionally unavailable and definitely overbearing and an irresponsible parent in many ways, but Venus weaved the story into something much worse to get her dream Japanese kawaii life. That was the aim. Notice how she claimed to have left because Margaret was mean to Manaki but she previously shit talked Manaki to her mom when they broke up and in her surgery email to Marge after she left. And she said Marge didn't want them to marry, then when she needed to demonize Manaki, she said that Marge forced her to marry him and she never loved him. But prior to that was pretending to love him to get away with visa fraud, yet later on, admitted to cheating on him (she claimed her second sexual partner was her husband, which means she cheated on him since she claimed it was when she was 19, it also supports what the alleged friend said here in previous threads that she repeatedly cheated on him). She does this with Manaki as well as her managers, and we have proof she lied about Manaki not working, as well as Margo forcing her to marry Manaki (Marge literally posted she thought Manaki influenced Venus to leave and she wanted to get her daughter back and went to get her at the airport). Venus is like Margo in that there are some truths sometimes in her story (although she lies more than Marge imo), but it's always aggrandized, spun into some mega abuse and woven into a woe is me narrative. She even did it with Ken and the child she exploited. It was all about how SHE is such a
victim. Never mind that she admitted to dating a person she knew was a pedo, exposing that child's alleged abuse and it "only kept her up sometimes." She's incredibly selfish, self-absorbed and sociopathic. I remember she once said guilt was one of the emotions she felt the least by agreeing with a diagram that placed it the lowest. That's pretty telling.
>>145416I don't think she's with Manaki either. She talked about getting a home in the countryside a while ago (aka: crashing with someone once again like when she was with Ken, Kitano and her OF manager).
No. 146313
>>146310She considers it as
controlling (telling her what to do) and thus,
abusive, which is ridiculous. There's the possibility he threatened to divorce her then, but that'd probably just be a bluff to get her to not do something so insanely stupid. If he didn't try to stop her, the she'd just call him an enabler that never cared for her. Can't win with her.
No. 146326
File: 1619088236022.jpeg (109.94 KB, 785x782, C69289B4-004D-494A-9F2D-53B256…)

This is a screenshot from the live stream she did, I can’t believe how bad she looks here, someone in the live chat said why are you drinking alcohol if you have a problem with it and she replied that she doesn’t have a problem with alcohol at all, she also said she’s healthy, all she does is eat convenience junk food and drink alcohol, at this point I’m actually pretty worried about her
No. 146328
File: 1619088679498.jpg (62.01 KB, 1200x900, The-Ring.jpg)

>>146327kek I was gonna say the same thing
No. 146340
>>146308>>claiming EVERYONE in her life was a vile abuser.>>Quite literally, everyone in her life is an abuser. She's not to be trusted.Don't forget though, this is how it could appear to someone who has never suffered abuse. It seems hard to believe. Sadly though,
victims of childhood abuse can somehow attract more abusers into their life, and so the pattern gets entrenched and the abuse goes on, it's just the abusers who change. If the
victim talks about it honestly, they are likely to be disbelieved, so making them feel worse, so they find more ways of trying to cope and spiral into other ways of coping. I'm not saying this is definitely what is going on in Venus' case, but it might be, and I would never discount anything said about anyone abusing her just because of thinking it can't be EVERYONE, because sadly, it can and in some cases, is.
No. 146341
>>146312>>I don't think she's with Manaki either. She talked about getting a home in the countryside a while ago (aka: crashing with someone once again like when she was with Ken, Kitano and her OF manager).It gives the same sort of seedy vibes too, whereas the place with Manaki seemed more cheerful somehow. But it might just be because of whereabouts in the place she chooses to film, she only ever films where she only shows a small part of it, or looking like she's in a corner, and doesn't appear to have much space around her as she has to walk over things to get to where she's streaming from, and the quality of filming has gone downhill from when she used to film at Manaki's place.
Did anyone notice in one of her recent streams, where she was wearing pjs with one leg rolled up and said she always has to have one leg rolled up? I thought that was really weird, just why? i know people make jokes about freemasons having to do this as part of their rituals, but that can't be the reason with Venus. Also Daniel Lord of Hiding in my room channel, often shows himself similar in some of his videos. They watch each others videos too, so maybe it's some hidden code that no one knows about? Seriously though, it just seems weird and I'm surprised no one has commented on it before.
No. 146376
File: 1619108348670.png (1.6 MB, 1080x1484, Screenshot_20210422-111658~2.p…)

Wtf is up with this new ig post? She looks like a cancer patient in a bad wig. All the comments are "R U okay???" Mixed with "guys it's just make-up/jiraikei style!"
No. 146380
File: 1619109660190.png (3.99 MB, 750x1334, 5828523E-45BF-4A24-A64D-9B1252…)

Fucking horrifying
No. 146427
File: 1619115347114.jpeg (108.68 KB, 839x704, 1AEC2BD7-530D-4C7F-888C-17DCD3…)

>>146420She really does look like an old woman dressed up in young girl clothes, I really hope her looks are reversible and not permanent damage done due to alcohol, bad diet and the botched surgery, I always get a sad feeling when I see her now
No. 146442
File: 1619117039463.jpeg (90.45 KB, 626x686, 24B8C5EA-4887-4951-88F3-DEC1E6…)

Oh my good lord does she take meth or something? Those eye bags are HARSH
No. 146473
>>146399Same door, same small pink table (she also used it in her recent livestreams) and the white table with the drawer in the bottom, too. Also…same ex-husband. Sad af.
Looking at her older videos (like 2-3 years ago), she had a lot more stuff then. She also used to have an actual bed, not a futon on the floor. He definitely cleared out some of her furniture and things.
I’m no fan of hers, but to see her looking like an elderly dementia patient, shaking and slurring and showing off her unused-looking self help books, back in the same room where she at least used to look happy and cared for, still with all her pink plastic treasures, is sad as fuck.
No. 146478
File: 1619123296091.png (2.82 MB, 2048x1536, DDE9980F-43AB-4BD0-B6EE-01A6A7…)

>>146312>> She talked about getting a home in the countryside a while agoCan you quit with this “home in the countryside” shit? There is no “home in the countryside.” She’s lying (big shock, I know.) She’s back at Manaki’s apartment leeching off him once again and has been there for months.
Anyway, she’s back to her favorite beverage, Strong Zero, the cocktail in a can. It’s cheap (about $1.80/ can) and packs a punch (9% alcohol by volume, twice that of beer.)
No. 146479
File: 1619123367675.png (2.56 MB, 2048x1536, 1DCE8AAC-E179-40A4-8994-71AD18…)

>>146478Wonder how many of these she goes through in a day?
No. 146482
File: 1619123552724.gif (83.38 KB, 200x257, 76c.gif)

Uuh is Manakay keeping her hostage or what? I mean I always thought he was a creep for thirsting over her 2011 niconico lives when she was 13 and he was 19… Why would they still live together when she's openly whoring herself now? Sure he doesn't know english but her raunchy insta and Twitter pics are telling enough right? So many questions, so few answers…
No. 146483
File: 1619123688010.jpeg (514.07 KB, 3099x1701, 1769F3B7-8388-4651-BE90-452A7B…)

Left is from a livestream just a year ago and the right is now, I’ve never seen anyone deteriorate so fast in my life
No. 146517
File: 1619133416955.png (371.09 KB, 646x454, wtf venus.PNG)

From her newest video. Looks like scars?
No. 146554
File: 1619144176846.jpeg (192.63 KB, 750x1020, A1D30BEB-8B01-479E-A9DE-C855A0…)

New picture, the edited fake eyelashes are the cherry on top
No. 146575
File: 1619155646329.jpg (27.12 KB, 502x374, 271185_213253425376782_7062921…)

What is with all the Manaki defense itt? Reminder that this is what Venus looked like (age 15) when he was her big fan on niconico, and arranging to cutemeet her at Disney. I think accusing the guy of being asexual rather than a pervert is doing him a favor, all things considered.
No. 146582
File: 1619157379324.jpg (90.04 KB, 360x360, Kasumi_Arimura-1993-p1.jpg)

>>146579kek what the fuck anon, Japanese women don't "look like that" at 30? What sort of weeb bullshit is that? Here's a completely randomly chosen popular Japanse actress, Kasumi Arimura, who is 28. She in no way resembles a 15 year old white girl? Besides, being attracted to women who look young doesn't make you instantly a pedophile, I agree with that. What does make you a pedophile is lusting after a teenage girl, regardless of how she looks.
No. 146585
File: 1619159628860.jpeg (78.87 KB, 506x410, 19F6D760-EAE3-4BA7-89CA-3D4F91…)

>>146442She looks like current day Patti Smith lmao
No. 146595
File: 1619162789805.jpeg (160.43 KB, 750x952, DB423491-009B-4D48-BF81-F50E4C…)

>>146590She looks like a drug addict to me. Also, if she went for a surgery to look slimmer it wouldn’t surprise me if she’s now taking drugs for weight-loss. There’s no reason to assume she’s getting any better since she’s not getting any help for her ed.
No. 146628
>>146615I haven’t seen a single piece of evidence that Manaki is a pedophile. It seems like you have no clue about pedophilia at all. Here, have a quote from psychology today:
> Pedophilia is defined as recurrent and intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children—generally age 13 years or younger—over a period of at least six months.So no, lusting after a girl who isn’t of prepubescent age is not a sign of pedophilia.
No. 146629
>>146457Well she is taking drugs if she's on medication.
Question is, who
isn't on medication these days? Big pharma's plan and all that!
-And no, I'm not.
No. 146632
>>146478This looks like somewhere more drab and dingy than in the earlier picture just now.
Anyway at least she looks decent here and like herself, not those terrible instagram pictures.
No. 146636
File: 1619185337288.jpeg (102.56 KB, 750x342, DCB6B839-518F-47B2-8C63-B8408B…)

This comment on her newest insta photo made me lol. Her fanbase is so easy to manipulate it’s not even funny.
No. 146645
File: 1619189434789.png (511.83 KB, 602x655, same doors.png)

>>146631it is the same place
No. 146651
>>146648Yes he might be that, but that is not a pedo, and that is the point.
As the other poster rightly said, the term has become so abused now, it's lost its original meaning and has just become a blanket term for anyone older liking someone younger, while still keeping it in the 'pervert' category.
No. 146671
>>146483 >>146420
My god what the hell happened to her! She has become a shell of herself she used to be bubbly and had a spark and funny personality, now she’s seems so lost and hurt. It hard to witness her videos.
Could she be taking drugs? Potentially a weight loss pill that makes you incredibly ill not sure if that’s a thing tho?
>>146550Oh yeah marina took it so far and pretended to run away twice it was so fake after first video,she could also be trying act like Eugenia cooney by acting controlled and being ultra thin
No. 146691
In their first video together, the Q&A (now deleted, but you can watch it on bilibili) Venus explains that he "loved" her since her niconico days when she was 13 and he was 19 (they're 6 years apart). We're talking about a regular viewer that met her in person 2 years later when she was 15 and he was 21. Idk why all the Manaki defenders always conveniently leave out those facts when there's evidence, but hey. Imma just leave this here, make your own opinion, personally idc that ~east asian men prefer youthful and cute girls, it's just their culture uwu~ it's still creepy as hell. And him being a creep doesn't make Venus an innocent little angel either, she's fucked up too in different ways.
Boyfriend Q&A: No. 146694
Unfortunately, being attracted to young girls will always be a thing for lots of men. It has always been like this, even worse a few hundred years ago, when families were trying to arrange marriages of their own teenage girls to older, wealthier men for status/money. That was ordinary back then.
Obviously standards have changed since then, (and also there's the law) but we're talking about nature, or, "animalistic insticts" or however you like to call it.
In men's eyes, every girl that looks "developed" enough might be considered attractive, even if she's only 13.
And before you jump, Ofcourse im against this, im just stating facts, based on guys' opinions who are not pedophiles.
Pedophile - attracted to prepubescent children.
If I remember correctly, Venus already had a pretty developed body for a 13 year old. (even tho she had a baby face).
No. 146697
>>146694Wow i dont even know where to start with your post.
What even is a pedophile to you,seems like a guy could molest a 5 year old and he is not a pedophile based on your definition if he says she looks developed.
13 years old is still a child no matter how they look like.
Also sage your off-topic autistic shit.
Also you can call out Venus for being a piece of shit person or have sympathy for manaki without resorting to defending pedophilia.
No. 146716
>>146697I am sorry that you're offended by the
scientific term of pedophilia. I am not defending anyone, just stating facts, cuz seems like people don't know what it means. And my post was meant to the post above me.
(pedo derailing) No. 146780
>>146778Yeah def think there is some weird weeb Japanese worship happening in this thread. I like Japanese shit (why else would I be posting on a VenusAngelic thread on an imageboard?) but feels like there may be a few anons who feel bitter that Venus didn't keep her precocious life with an uwu Japanese boyfriend and a kawaii room all to herself. Its like their dream and seeing her throw it away makes them really angry. Not to mention the one who thinks adult Japanese women look like 13 year old white girls. Buffoonery, that dream Japan in their imagination where no one ages and they have some drastically different phenotype to other Asians.
Btw you can think Venus is ultimately a bad person while also acknowledging that Manaki was wrong to be her "big fan" when she was BARELY post-pubescent.
No. 146789
She was doing okay with her getting a role in that Kamen Rider show, she would have had few small connections to work and get small allowance, possibly even have a tiny merch products if she keeps at it with positive background, but nope, being drunk is way more important cuz it's real (basically Gen Z and teens of any age stupid philosophy)
I'm not 100% sure that Manaki is still around, I mean lots of house can resemble the same room, if she is back with him constantly, dang, she can never actually do anything in life other than being a laughingstock all her life
I don't find it sad or pitiful but more towards being pathetically and wretchedly dull but addiction is an addiction, until she starts being 100% honest with her condition and what has happened to her audience, I will always view it at downward spiral to letting herself be pathetic and it's not even cute too
No. 146807
>>146789>>I'm not 100% sure that Manaki is still around, I mean lots of house can resemble the same room,I thought that too, it looks the same in some ways but not others. Someone here who keeps going on about her 'pink' room at Manaki's. but the room where she films now, isn't pink.
Watching her latest video room tour, something seems so off about it. She looks quite scared at points, like she's being forced into doing it. Unless Manaki's forcing her to make some money off of Youtube if she wants to stay at his place? But I know I'm reaching with that theory. I did wonder who was filming though, I mean obviously someone else was, it wasn't Venus filming herself, and in some parts, especially in the bit where she gestured towards the doll, she looked quite scared when she looked at the person filming her, and I did wonder if it was Manaki, as she seemed afraid and wanting to make it look as though she really valued that doll, and wasn't it one he bought her?
I don't know, it's just all speculation but I do feel concern for her as it certainly seems as though something is wrong, and I hope she's not being coerced into doing something against her will.
The editing seemed a bit haphazard too in this video, like she showed her plushies but where was the big round black cat plushie? (was it called Pom?) that she had in her live streams recently, it seems odd that it didn't feature in her room tour, and I thought it maybe had but she edited it out for some reason, maybe because of something else in the video at the same time that she didn't want to show.
And what has happened to all her things? She's only got a tiny fraction here of what she had before. Unless she really has got two places, and so some of her stuff is here and the rest in the other place?
No. 146810
>>146807> She looks quite scared at points, like she's being forced into doing it. Unless Manaki's forcing her to make some money off of Youtube if she wants to stay at his place? But I know I'm reaching with that theory.The doormat wouldn’t force her to do anything lol. I didn’t see her as being scared of something, though I’m sure if she reads this thread and the comments of her video she would gladly ride that theory to make herself look like a
victim once again.
To me she looked like she was mentally unstable in that video, maybe under the influence of some drug. Drugs can make you paranoid or even psychotic which often leads to fearful/nervous behaviour. Ofc this might be reaching but looking at her deteriorated appearance I wouldn’t disregard this theory.
No. 146835
File: 1619276968282.jpg (Spoiler Image,264.04 KB, 2160x1277, _20210424_222014.JPG)

This is just me speculating so if folks have better explanation or disagree its OK, but there is quite a stark time gap of her uploading videos, and during this timeline, you can see her post getting less and less umm porn-y? in her Instagram and Twitter account, while she does have that one funny af pic of her in pink bikini + cat ears, but generally since October, it has been toned down, I'm wondering she has to earn her keep if she wants to stay in that room or house since Manaki likes cute things, so she's back to doing kinda cutesy style videos and that makes her frustrated and looking like Ju-on's pink sister
I know folks call Manaki a doormat and cuck, but tbh if Venus herself that goes back to him and she had to earn her place there by doing these videos, he isn't loosing anything compared to her, it's like an obnoxious thot being forced to make videos for money according to what her simp want, it's a comedy
And no I don't mean Manaki threatened her or anything like that to make videos, more like he stands his ground this time, we know she's not afraid of him (and Venus is not bound to anything to make those videos, it's all her choices and decisions in the matter and actions) but we know she has this needs of wanting to excessively indulge herself with expensive food and items, she's even willing to flash her flap jack for it, and so far only Manaki has provided those wealth compared to other sugar daddies and her other side dick despite being a factory worker
Again, this is all just speculations since I'm still not sure of anything, Venus could have just living in another house that looks similar while having her original belongings moved there, the guy recording could have been anyone in that new video, or Manaki doesn't live there anymore, too many gaping hole for me to be sure of anything really♀️♀️♀️ (Since Venus will never be honest)
Also, Jirai-Kei my ass, that's Ju-On Kei(emojis)
No. 146837
File: 1619278314960.png (505.29 KB, 602x648, v.png)

>>146835she's obviously living with manaki and don't use emojis
No. 146842
>>146835That's just sad, Manaki is a doormat but at least he's not looking like a dead 19th century grandma who just rise from the dead in 80s and sounds like one as well
Also, whoops, sorry, didn't know Emoji is your
trigger button
No. 146844
This might be a reach but I don't think manaki is a doormat or innocent at all, or that she is just faking it for attention. She is still very young and growing up was just controlled by her mother, poor hygiene is a sign of narcissistic parents, they will control you and not let you do anything, probably even on her late teens if she wanted to buy a snack she would have to ask her mom for 2 euros and explain what she was gonna buy, that's just how it works with narcissistic parents. She probably was never taught how to be a responsible adult (pay bills, keep money, documentation management) so when she escaped she was again controlled by this perv, if you look at the time she escaped she was starting to dress more like an adult, then started living with manaki and all the adult baby bullshit started, even her room he keeps it as a little girls dream. She probably just tried to escape again and fell for some perv lies again and when she did not have another choice had to come back to manaki, he is expressing his control over her like "see I am the only one that can help you". Honestly she is still pretty young to be so demonized as some mastermind manipulator, when other girls her age are getting their father to give them a ride because is scary at night and what is she supposed to be all mature just because she endured years of control and abuse? She is basically all alone in a foreign county, and there is a track of people just taking advantage of her is not all lies. If this was happening in England the police would be alerted. All her behaviour and degradation just screams abuse cooping mechanism.
No. 146849
>>146842you can tone down the cuntiness, it’s against the rules to use emojis
also sage your shit
No. 146859
>>146855because this apartment ist connected to his job at the factory.
>>146850>her bank account was set and controlled by manakiwhen did we ever have proof of this other than weird kappa marglish or drunken rants by penus
No. 147015
>>146376Lmao this is the worst attempt ever seen to skinwalk Hanayo & other menhera chicks
>>146636Well, there's not much to expect from this womanchild's fanbase. If someday Penus decides to make scat porn or livestream herself jumping from a bridge, they'll be cheering on her no matter what.
No. 147028
File: 1619346684926.png (221.91 KB, 742x557, Venus.png)

>>147027As in this random shot from the BBQ video. You can see she doesn't look any older than the example given of a year ago, and she certainly looks a lot younger than in the Jirai kei getup.
No. 147032
>>147030Some really, really, like to do that, lol.
Also, the Whisper Chat ASMR video she did just a month ago, she looks fine in that.
No. 147065
>>146483JFC WTF happened
What happened
What’s going on
No. 147129
>>147109So… her next addiction will be nasal spray, right? kek
What the fuck is she even doing anymore?
No. 147170
File: 1619421048715.jpeg (78.92 KB, 828x343, 85E3EFB4-FC3E-4B95-8DBB-612A3E…)

>>147109I wasn't aware there was a thing like this, sniffing alcohol can’t be good for you but it’s not like venus cares about her health, looks like it just gets you drunk a lot quicker
No. 147171
>>147109I googled that bar, it sells all kinds of other shit like cannabis/peyote liquor, deer penis liquor (?!), magic mushrooms.
Experimenting with that stuff at her age is fairly normal, but it’s the kind of stuff you do with friends - she’s always doing these things alone and dressed in kawaii shit. It’s somehow just weird.
No. 147180
File: 1619432150882.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.35 KB, 720x392, 20210426_121002.jpg)

I recently asked her in a live stream what's about that orange cat that used to walk around in her videos, because she was talking about getting a new pet and was asking the followers which pet she should get. So I was just curious and asked, she replied that she is not sure what I mean like that cat never existed but one can clearly see it in several of her streams. She is constantly just getting new pets like they are toys ♂️♂️(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 147192
>>147045>>she had hamsters before didn't she?Yes, and look what happened to them!
(Which was kinda my point.)
No. 147198
>>147142I looked through the thread and only found one thing that said anything about the marina woman and that wasn't actually saying much. And you expect me to waste
my time by spending ages looking back over the thread and throw out accusations of "time wasting"! Laughable. There was no need for rudeness or for you to say anything as you have contributed nothing to say about Venus in your post just trying to attack someone for rightly mentioning that comparisons to other people that you may follow and know a lot about doesn't mean that everyone else follows them and knows anything about them. This thread is about Venus and not everyone who follows her will know anything about them. If you wanted to make comparisons, you could at least have gone into proper detail about who they are and what exactly they did and the outcome and then compare it to Venus. That is just common courtesy, something you obviously are lacking in, going by your rude response to a harmless statement.
I could say that maybe Venus is really like "lonelygirl15" and that maybe everything she does is just an act, but then I'd explain exactly what had transpired with that whole lonelygirl15 thing and how it had been all fake from the start, but that all her followers had believed it. And no I don't believe that Venus is all fake but I have sometimes wondered if it is like that lonelygirl15 thing, though I only found out about lonelygirl15 a few years ago and so never followed her myself back when she was active.
What I'm saying is there is no need to make comments attacking someone just for saying something harmless.
No. 147200
File: 1619441051193.jpg (13.59 KB, 428x270, 9K3QZ3_iOdd04cmltlqAqKBmXISzsz…)

HIMR/Daniel Lord recently talked about wanting to meet Venus on his discord.
No. 147209
>>147180Cat wasn't hers, it was her boyfriend's or whoever it was she was hanging out with at the time. and it produced a shitstorm of comments from people saying she wasn't holding it right and how it was trying to get away from her.
Was this the same cat that was called "Cream"? or is this a different one?
No. 147210
>>147171Seconding this, it is always strange that Venus is going this stuff alone and constantly being blogged by others who she doesn't really associate with or talk about on her half.
(Honestly maybe some mushrooms would do her good lol)
>>147109This video is so depressing, she's so young and used to be lively.. but now all she does is get drunk at bars.
I wonder if Venus had ever abused nasal sprays, (in my country/CA) many addicts fall under the radar because they abuse the nasal sprays you can get at the store. I'm sure they have this in Japan. Too reachy?
>>147200Savior syndrome lol, hopefully she won't take him up on this offer but I never know now.
It's sad watching her deteriorate, she could really turn her life around and be inspiring if she tried. She could have been an example that she was capable after she left mother, but the trauma runs too deep in both. Venus never seemed to maintain her friendships. Her mother was a pos but I'm sure it still hurts her to see Venus like this too.
I just wonder how things could've been different.
Also what's the update on Taylor and Venus? They claimed to keep touch before but I don't think they ever did?
No. 147211
File: 1619443560818.jpg (72.42 KB, 768x480, Venus and cat.jpg)

>>147209Is this the same cat? I can't really tell from the pictures, and I recall something being said on here about there being two cats who looked similar but who were different.
No. 147216
File: 1619445454023.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.79 KB, 640x616, bv272z8xxcs61.jpg)

>>147214>>147212Well, Daniel basically looks like a middle aged, skinny woman. Venus just has to buy him a wig and put him into some of her tacky jirai kei outfits.
I really want to see those two socially inept, mentally ill weebs interact with each other.
No. 147239
>>147225She does that when she doesn't want to answer something. Evasiveness, acting innocent like she didn't understand the question or in this case didn't know what you meant or were referring to when she obviously did.
Why didn't she just say "oh yes, that wasn't my cat" and leave it at that, and if anyone had asked her whose it was, she could just ignore that question or say she'd rather not answer. To pretend she didn't know what cat you were talking about is just silly. I remember hearing that in the stream. I suppose it's just possible she might have taken it completely literally and so not fathom what cat you meant, (didn't you say "orange cat") but I expect she knew full well which cat you meant but just didn't want to answer. But there have been two similar cats so I won't condemn her too much for that.
No. 147327
File: 1619477471971.jpeg (464.35 KB, 750x912, B72C7254-07CB-4773-981C-22D0DF…)

Caption is “What sound do you make when you cry?”
Imagine basing your look off of mental instability… so edgy. I can see this landmine girl bullshit being attractive to teenagers but once your in your mid twenties I think it’s time to grow up a bit. Kinda cringe
No. 147377
File: 1619503589574.jpeg (180.33 KB, 768x1024, 40F9F7A8-4DF3-4A85-9AEB-A3B370…)

>>147327what is with this pointed nose/chin photoshopping she’s obsessed with at the moment? she looks like she belongs that 2014 short, Human Form
No. 147383
File: 1619505883069.jpg (161.21 KB, 720x1253, 20210427_084203.jpg)

>>147377I mean what's wrong with her? How can one not see that this simply not looks good. That pose and facial expression gives me nightmares
No. 147401
File: 1619525434172.jpeg (23 KB, 645x475, D9EA5A32-B0BC-4A59-BB98-8B260C…)

>>147383Jesus sorry for hygiene autism but every cow on /w/ needs a tape roll for clothes, including Venus. Is it so damn hard to spend 10 seconds taping the garment before posing in your dirty ass dark sweater ? Why does every cow need help with their laundry? Is it a cow thing or depression or what
No. 147406
>>147388She seems to want to look like an ugly old witch instead of how she actually does look, which if you look at her in her recent ASMR whisper video and the Korean BBQ video, is actually still a very pretty girl, but she doesn't like looking pretty for some reason, maybe self loathing, I don't know, it's so weird.
Why would anyone sane want to make themself look worse? But then, she's meant to be not sane, she's meant to be insane, and has latched onto the landmine girl theme and the jirai kei shit, so I guess I've answered my own question.
No. 147408
I inwardly groaned when someone asked her if she'd get herself a pet and she said she would, poor bloody thing would have a terrible time of it.
Broke her puppy's leg, killed her hamsters, or at least let them die, gets plants she doesn't look after properly so they die too.
Any animal she got, she'd not get it so she could give a good home to a living creature, it would be to reflect her image in some way, as an accessory, to look cute, like a cuddly toy, like one of her plushies. Dealing with its needs, toileting, feeding, giving proper unconditional love to, and truly, caring about it, would be beyond her. Plus she would also lose interest in it rapidly, like she does with most things. Even if she tried to look after it, she'd probably forget to feed it or otherwise do something, or not do something, that would cause it distress. And then blame it on her 'condition', whatever 'condition' that happened to be at the time.
No. 147410
File: 1619530015512.jpg (188.44 KB, 720x1257, 20210427_152614.jpg)

Those pupils and eyelashes are everything
No. 147440
>>147402True, and let's face it, any girl who really did have an ugly, sharp featured face like that, would be more likely to want surgery to make themselves look how Venus looks naturally.
She has such a cute face, with a very youthful shape, it's mental that she tries to turn herself into an ugly pointy chinned hag.
No. 147444
File: 1619543721656.png (1.25 MB, 718x897, Screenshot_2021-04-27 Venus on…)

Imagine deliberately making yourself look as ugly as this! She truly is retarded.
No. 147454
File: 1619547409306.jpg (188.01 KB, 716x1228, 20210427_201332.jpg)

Caption is: 125 Retweets and I’ll post a spicy video of me in this outfit
No. 147457
File: 1619548459343.jpg (959.11 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20210427-113059_Twi…)

From one of her most recent Twitter post, she has bruising in the inner of her arm..
No. 147458
>>147457before everyone jumps to assumptions, remember that she recently was at a mental ward, and they most likely took blood samples. She might of needed to go back to the hospital/take blood samples again for medication. I've gotten bruising like this from that myself.
Also, isn't it incredibly difficult to get drugs in japan because it's so highly illegal… Especially something like H?
No. 147621
>>147454I've noticed in loads of her Instagram pictures, it looks like she has five o'clock shadow. It's quite noticeable in this one, especially when viewed in the smaller picture.
Is it her stupid obsessive editing of her lower face that causes that?
Why the hell can't she just show her natural face? It looks so much better than those ridiculous shoops.
No. 147720
File: 1619697475230.jpg (170.72 KB, 720x989, 20210429_135711.jpg)

Back at it again with the worst filter ever.
No. 147726
File: 1619700650410.jpg (129.08 KB, 1080x1350, 1.jpg)

>>147444Someone commented on that post that she should wink in her next one if she needed help and so next post she did. So, was she messing about or does she really need help?
No. 147762
File: 1619720541224.jpeg (114.5 KB, 827x786, AA39709D-5685-44CB-A558-CD5EA5…)

>>147726>>147754Found the comment
I wouldn’t be surprised if she did this to gain attention like she said she likes to do to worry people because she’s desperate for attention at this point
No. 147859
File: 1619741923265.jpg (1.2 MB, 2160x3840, 20210430_021741.jpg)

I agree with everybody here that the editing is absolutely hideous, but the tinfoils and comments about it reach way too much at times. Her editing style is simply common for the alternative Japanese fashion she wears. If you go to the hashtag she keeps using, you'll see it used. It's really that simple!
No. 147935
>>146307When did Margo say Venus has Autism spectrum disorder professionally tested(I’m not calling it aspergers because it’s not good, you can google the history, and I have ASD)? She never said that Venus was actually tested for it. Screenshot it or link it please.
By the way, ASD is literally thrown on everyone that seems a bit weird. People throw around that diagnosis as if it’s nothing all the time.
No. 147980
File: 1619789272006.jpg (107.21 KB, 480x640, =.JPG)

>>147720Some guy called Mikaeel Sehemi commented to her on that picture about some sort of project they'd agreed on. I wonder what that is, or if it's just another thing that will fall through?
No. 148000
>>147994She should move back to where she has legal citizenship and start an entry level wagie job there. She isn't entitled to stay in Japan and she isn't entitled to make a shit ton of money for possessing zero skills. But that would still be better than her being a sex worker.
>>147982I like it when projecting anons act like socially stunted, abused, and/or autistic women have never held jobs so the expectation is unreasonable somehow lol. Nope, she'll have to do some real work in her life.
No. 148004
>>147977And this.
>>147956This is what I’m talking about. You can’t diagnose someone just because you think they fit the bill. Autism can present itself as schizophrenia, adhd, ocd, etc. You literally can’t be socially awkward and not be autistic. Being “ social awkwardness, lack of concentration but on the other hand also weird obsessions etc.” is dumb as hell. You don’t know what you’re talking about retard.
If you actually knew about ASD, how could it possibly make sense that an autistic can know if they are really socially awkward unless people tell them? A lot of us autistic don’t know, and for the ones who do find out, they don’t realize what about their body language gives to other people. There are so many other things associated with ASD that you can’t possibly know. It’s more than social.
(derailing) No. 148056
File: 1619809648226.jpeg (706.4 KB, 1170x1430, 5DFCF1B0-4A9F-470F-A654-E04E6D…)

>>148042I figured you’d say that. I’ll believe what she said herself, and not other people’s opinions then. Simple.
No. 148135
>>148019Right. I don't know why people still persist in saying it. She's got everything she wants in Japan so why the hell would she want to leave it?
And seeing how determined she was in getting there in the first place, I'm sure if she wanted to go somewhere else, she'd be equally determined to go there too.
People should just face the fact that Japan suits her, it's where she wants to be and it seems like it's always where she wanted to be, and I hope people will stop saying she should leave, it's so futile and very, very boring.
No. 148136
>>148096She did say on IG that she'd had an iv and for people not to worry, in a reply to people commenting about it, so it doesn't look like she wanted people to worry or she wouldn't have bothered to reply to those comments. I should imagine she gets fed up with keep seeing the worry comments from people, and all the comments keep asking her if she's alright. No one wants to keep seeing that all the time, it's like being constantly reminded that they weren't alright in the past and like they're being dragged back to that time instead of being allowed to move on from it.
She seems to be quite happy at the moment, really into her jirai kei thing.
No. 148216
File: 1619926264905.jpeg (658.99 KB, 750x1163, E14313D4-C251-40F5-B72D-C6C150…)

No. 148227
File: 1619942231571.jpeg (311.03 KB, 828x1512, A0E0F70C-C908-4928-A1D3-B09F0F…)

She posted this then deleted it 10 seconds later, why does she always do this?
No. 148242
File: 1619960084329.jpg (731.21 KB, 1874x1080, 20210502_145412.jpg)

>>148232Kek, what a mess.
No. 148257
>>148227Uh, because she's mental.
No. 148258
File: 1619969201206.png (1.01 MB, 1014x1062, Screen Shot 2021-05-02 at 10.2…)

>>148255That could just be the ~uwu kawaii mental breakdown~ explanation, it's more likely that she was back in the hospital for ED related complications.
Also, major tin-foiling, but why does it looks like cigarette burns on her arms? (via recent live)
No. 148268
>>148265People wouldn’t ask so much if she was more open about what she was doing to recover - just showing off some self help books isn’t really enough. She should either edit her IV bruises out or be proactive and explain how she got them, rather than letting people speculate. That would be interesting content, rather than the 367456667th kawaii room tour. I think viewers would want to share in that recovery journey with her, and for her to let them hold her accountable might even be good for her, since she seems to have no-one else.
(And maybe if she gave up wearing makeup that makes her look even sicker than she already is…)
No. 148271
>>148227I wanted to take a screenshot, too, but she deleted it.
Maybe because you could see something that looks like bruises on her chest?
No. 148280
>>148279More like a fully evolved manipulative narcissist. They love having a major
victim complex. Without a doubt she has a range of mental health issues, however she uses it for her own selfish "pity me" game to get what she wants in life, as well as her ego stroked on a regular basis.
No. 148313
>>148289Takes me back to when she was live streaming in a karaoke joint and rang Manaki to come & collect her mindlessly drunk self.
I wouldn't be surprised her "panic attack" was actually this to be honest. She has no self control.
No. 148321
>>148313A week ago she was sniffing alcool. Two days later she appears with a bruise because she passed out and needed an IV. Sus.
I know Japan give IV easily but for a panic attack?? Really??
No. 148347
>>148313>> when she was live streaming in a karaoke joint and rang Manaki to come & collect her mindlessly drunk self.Here it is again, for old times’ sake.
I wonder how many other humiliating public scenes she’s caused the poor simp. No sympathy here, he keeps taking her back.
No. 148348
File: 1620002950951.jpeg (224.61 KB, 955x1536, 4D167998-BFBD-429B-B654-6FD77B…)

>>148347From the drunk livestream, after face planting in a bowl of ramen. Good times for Manaki having to show up and collect her drunk ass to take home.
No. 148375
File: 1620023936760.png (771.42 KB, 952x826, Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 2.36…)

the peanut head beauty filter trend has GOT to stop
No. 148377
>>148347Bless you anon for bringing it back. Simpnaki will be firmly wrapped around her finger for many years to come, no doubt about that.
Everytime she seems to have a mental health "breakdown", she returns to his apartment on way more than one occasion. Crawling back to the cuck again and again, playing the
victim card so he feels bad for her on a never-ending loop.
No. 148387
>>148289Or something she's taking. She said she's on medication that contains amphetamines and i only heard recently someone talking about how amphetamine use to try and keep slim can cause someone to pass out.
Though I don't know why she would need that to try and keep slim, because wouldn't the surgery she had mean she will not be able to gain weight anyway, even if she wanted to?
No. 148394
Q "Are you often jealous?"
A "No. I like myself too much."
No. 148395
File: 1620042354262.jpg (817.47 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210503-214337_Ins…)

Oh honey…
No. 148402
>>148399And LOL at some guy in the chat asking Manaki has only fans?
Venus was fed up of being asked by people what she's studying, she said because of her situation she is unable to study so she has to find other ways of making money, she hustles.
Would she be an office lady? If in Only Fans terms, like dressing up, she would, but if she had to be a real office lady, then she'd kill her boss.
She also said she used to have body dysmorphia but since doing Only Fans, not any more.
She's getting good at answering questions from viewers, but I don't know how entirely honest she's being in the answers.
No. 148410
File: 1620050473870.jpg (280.96 KB, 1152x2048, E0RGg2sVgAMcCWL.jpg)

Makes me think of that old Sex Pistols song, Belsen Is A Gas.
No. 148415
>>148392Kek but they're "divorced" because of his
abusive behavior according to Weenus.
No. 148416
File: 1620052997064.jpg (74.11 KB, 640x800, it’s milk.jpg)

What's she drinking? people are saying in the comments it isn't milk, seems to be some sort of in joke thing going on with some of the posters, but I don't get it, someone saying she shouldn't be drinking it as it's nasty. Is it alcohol?
No. 148420
File: 1620053756386.jpeg (362.68 KB, 1332x1536, D3636B82-148A-4F78-AD5D-664949…)

>>148265>> sounds like she's getting exasperated with all the is she alright comments. I feel sorry for her, it must be so wearing seeing all that crap over and over again.Riiight, poor Venus must be SO TIRED of all this concern! Like she was when she posted this
No. 148422
File: 1620054102291.jpeg (195.21 KB, 802x1406, E085E52C-7087-4166-82B4-5867EC…)

>>148420And this
Are you kidding? She fucking craves and loves and feeds on that shit. She’s a miniature version of her sociopath mother. Remember Margo’s repeated suicide bating? Meet Margo jr.
So how new are you to this trainwreck, anyway? Because you seem brand new,
>>148265 No. 148423
>>148421Sweetie, she’s not >>moving on.
BPD people don’t “move on.” She’s just getting more sneaky and subtle about her sympathy baiting. Perfecting her skills as she gets older, if you will.
But hey, keep on keeping on with the
oh noes, poor Venus! SO BRAVE! routine, anon.
No. 148424
>>148422People don't recover that quickly from trauma related problems, there are always going to be ups and downs, but she really does seem to be managing better now, she's going out and seems more in control. She seemed sensible and knowing what she was talking about in her latest live stream.
She was also going somewhere in a taxi or maybe someone like Manaki, or her manager, or freind or someone, was driving her. She'd done her nails nicely and was quite pleased about it, so she looks to be doing alright now. We can only hope for the best for her, it's nice to see her doing better. I know people like to laugh at her here, and that's fine, but I take no pleasure in seeing someone suffering and I hope she feels a lot better now than she did in those darker times.
No. 148455
>>148421yeah sure moving back in with her "
abusive" ex husband is definitely "moving on".
No. 148469
File: 1620060107859.png (1 MB, 1080x1986, Screenshot_20210503-183831~2.p…)

Manaki's account is back up. it was renamed and set private for a while or do I remember that incorrectly? I mean that was what sparked the Kappa's last psychotic rant, wasn't it?
No. 148475
>>148417Another story she told while forgetting to spin the "we're divorced" narrative. Who knows really. What we do know is she's shacking back up with the simp because she probably played the "I'll be homeless please save me" card.
Instead of getting her own little place courtesy of OF bucks, she prefers being a leech. What a pathetic life.
No. 148505
File: 1620075275269.png (1.93 MB, 1080x2186, Screenshot_20210503-184353.png)

what the fuck though
No. 148509
File: 1620077963844.jpg (204.12 KB, 340x617, tnDoBrw.jpg)

I wonder who's driving in those insta stories she posted.
No. 148514
>>148469Damn it's been such a long time since I've seen doormat-san, he looks even more like a beta loser otaku than I remember.
He's part of the large male population in Japan who are complacent with anime porn and don't bother seeking anything of substance. He won't even try to get Venus back or give her the boot. Truly pathetic.
No. 148579
File: 1620123628559.jpg (63.99 KB, 720x964, 20210504_121832.jpg)

She posted this a half hour ago, dunno what it should mean
No. 148588
>>148505Isn't she meant to be a demon here?
>>148509Is it Manaki?
I thought at first she was holding up a false finger, it looks odd. It looks like she's indicating "That way, chauffeur" .
>>148579Oh lord, I hope those are not real tattoos.
No. 148589
File: 1620132382689.jpg (98.08 KB, 540x702, tumblr_88763e575d96b6e0ad9e8c1…)

>>148579jirai onna girls drink strong zero, that's why she likes it. It's like Japanese white claw.
No. 148678
File: 1620175677794.jpeg (348.5 KB, 1619x1491, 76DC0C1F-7F9B-41DE-A6AB-BAD33A…)

>>148579Strong Zero has been her fave beverage for at least the past two years now. It’s cheap and gets you real drunk real fast. She drinks cheap wine every now and again but she always goes back to Strong Zero.
So now she’s trying to make it look cool instead of pathetic I guess.
No. 148752
>>148708She said that, but if I remember rightly, she's in the same place where a few videos ago, she said was her place in the country. So at one point she made it sound like she was living in a place in the country, like it was her own place, where she preferred living because it was quiter, then when someone asked her the question about Manaki, she replied so confirming that's where she was. Giving her the benefit of the doubt, I suppose we can say that Manaki must live in the country rather than a busy place, and as his wife I suppose she might naturally think of it as her own place too, and not just Manaki's place. It would be 'their' place, as a married couple, therefore it would be 'her' place and can be referred to as such, if they are still married, if they are, she said they were not long ago, even though at an earlier time she claimed she was getting divorced. I don't ever remember her confirming they had indeed got divorced, so maybe they were going to, but changed their minds.
At the end of the day though, I guess it really is her own private business and I can't condemn her for wanting to keep it private, just a shame that she put it out all over the internet to begin with if she feels now she wants it private, but maybe back then she never knew how
toxic people could get about her own private life and so maybe has decided now she definitely does want to keep it private from now on.
No. 148753
File: 1620230342273.png (621.13 KB, 750x1334, 833597A0-5699-4A67-AEB6-D5110E…)

>>148751Here’s the screenshot (I don’t know German either)
No. 148768
>>148767True, it does sound more like rape…
If its true, then this is 3 generations of a fucked up family…
I hope Venus won't continue the line and will never have her own children…
No. 148769
>>148768She could become more wise and know what
not to do.
Whatever, it is sad. I feel sorry for both of them. Venus and her mother.
No. 148806
>>148758Even though I'm German I needed like 5 minutes to even understand the first sentence, good lord.
Does this mean Margo's a product of incest…? If so, why on earth would Venus post it? Or did Margo go full tinfoil-hat?
No. 148862
>>148806Probably full tinfoil-hat, lmao.
Maggot always makes word salads.
No. 148869
>>148762I’ll never understand why Margaret chose to make everything so difficult and unstable for them. She is still this bad at English and Swiss-German, but she never taught Venus her native language. Why would she do that? I always wonder how the inability to communicate fluently in either language to each other screwed Venus up even more than if she had grown up properly bilingual. Like she had to live always second-guessing everything her mom said even without the obvious lying or exaggerations.
>>148806Could it be that she hates her father enough that she doesn’t want to acknowledge their relation, but identifies with her grandfather more? She once insulted Venus by saying mental illness ran in her family but miraculously skipped over her and affected Venus instead.
No. 148908
>>148422>>her sociopath mother. Remember Margo’s repeated suicide bating? I wonder if her mother was doing that when Venus was still a young child? That is incredibly damaging to child's psyche. It becomes like the child has to feel responsible for the parent's well being and to feel like they have to be responsible for the parent (usually the mother), I know three cases of this and it screws up the kids minds as they can't be carefree, have to always be worrying about what state of mind the mother is in and sometimes have to be like a carer for their mother when it's the mother who should be caring for
If Margaret was having these depressive thoughts back when Venus was a young child it's a shame she couldn't have reached out for help to someone, like a therapist or someone if her family or friends didn't help her, maybe she did but didn't get proper help, but whatever if she was like that back then, then it's no wonder that it affected Venus' mental health.
No. 148911
>>148767>>148768>>sounds like rapeWhy? It's not unheard of for women to have sex with their husband's or boyfriend's father. Doesn't mean it's rape. Things can get complicated with people, women can have sex with their in-laws, sister's husband, husband's father or brother or uncle or nephew or whatever, if a child ensues as a result, things get even more complicated.
So it wouldn't have to mean there was any rape, if Venus' grandmother had sex with her husband/boyfriend's father, she wouldn't be the first woman in the world to do so is what I'm saying. In this case though, we don't even know that is the case as it is not clear what Margaret meant.
No. 148912
>>148869What exactly is Margaret's native language? Sorry I don't know much about these things. I thought her native language would be German or Swiss German, not that I know anything much about either or what the real difference is. I've never been taught anything about other languages except French, a terrible failure in English speaking schools I think.
Is her native language Hungarian? But she lived in Switzerland? It's all very complicated.
No. 148917
Venus said in her recent live when asked about Manaki, that she didn't want to answer questions about her personal life but said that she would answer that, just to say that he does exactly the same as her, (look at porn, go on Only fans, and get drunk all day). But, she said she didn't want to have to answer any questions about her personal life, which seemed sensible and I thought good for her. But now, what does she do? She goes and posts publicly online, for all to see, a private email from her mother to her, obviously not meant for anyone else to see.
I have conflicted thoughts as to why. Why would she do this?
Is it because she is bombarded with this sort of thing from her mother every day and she doesn't know how to deal with it, and is posting online hoping to get some sort of help or advice from someone there?
Surely Margaret wouldn't want this to be made public? So why would Venus do this? Especially when she so recently said she didn't want to answer any questions about her personal life, indicating she wanted to keep her private life private.
But then she posts online this private email from her mother to her.
Venus knows that everything she says or does ends up here in Lolcow, so has she done this to make her mother feel worse? It seems cruel. I actually feel really sorry for Margaret right now. If the speculation that has ensued over it here, is true, Margaret can't be blamed for any of that, it is not her fault what happened before she was born. She can't help who her parents are. Maybe she only found out recently, or maybe she always knew, or maybe it isn't how it has been interpreted here and it is just her jumbled way of writing that has made the meaning ambiguous. Whatever the truth behind any of it is, the fact remains that it is a private email from her to Venus and should have stayed private. It just makes Venus look bad for posting it online, when she knows it would get reposted here, and now on Kiwi farms too, and probably elsewhere where people gossip. Awful.
No. 148950
>>148911Yes, at first I thought the same, but the fact that she said
both her parents hate her because of her being the daughter of her grandpa, kinda suggests that this maybe wasn't something her mother wanted to do…that's why maybe there was rape involved.
Anyhow, keep in mind this is Margaret; she rarely says 100% truths. Maybe its just a good excuse for Margaret to explain why her parents are against her
now days and that in reality, maybe they
did love her when she grew up with them, but had change of heart when they learned what she did to her own daughter.
Because from this email it suggests like her parents are trying to contact Venus and also go against Margaret, so her motive is to try to defend herself (in a poor way..)
Who knows. All what Margaret says are lies sprinkled with some truth to make it sound real…It's called manipulation.
Venus learned best from her own mother.
As you said, there's a reason why Venus decided to make this public. And I believe its not from pitying her, or for trying to help her mother, its to ruin her reputation.
Venus doesn't realize that this ruins her own reputation as well. Margaret and Venus are bonded; this action Venus made will reflect badly on herself as well.
Well, she's not that intelligent, as we all know. I'm actually not surprised she made this public.
She's rotten just like her mother.
No. 148961
>>148753By Venus’ own admission, she likes shit stirring and “making people worry” about her. She’s a mentally ill edgelord.
And Margo is just as crazy. She’s said ridiculous stuff before, like Venus murdered Manaki and she’s involved with the yakuza, and that she was never anything but a loving supportive parent. She can’t form a coherent sentence in any language.
But suddenly this random screenshot is 100% word for word truth…? Okay.
No. 149018
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>>146483I think the decline was a lot more gradual than these pictures suggest… she just used to be less exhausted and put more time into editing away any signs of aging in the past (now she slaps on a filter or let’s herself look haggard). You could more realistically see her aging in other people’s pictures, like this one from 2017 (I mean she looks fine, but less flawless than her own content)
No. 149030
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H er “secretary”/Kirie is basically the same person as her but male. He is frequently on Discord justifying lack of content on OF and asking people how to upload files because his “brain turns off” when he works with technology. His Momonga thing seems abandoned and his discord plans are a “bust” according to him.
No. 149038
>>148887Ferenc used to post nasty shit about Margo on his insta, probably translated by Zsu, who also did the same (and made a new account using her 2 dogs names where she made a few more jabs at Margo after she left/or was kicked from Korea). Zsu pretended their family was perfect/loving and blamed everything on Margo, just like Margo blames everything on Venus/ex-husband and Venus blames everything on Margo/Manaki/all her managers. One of the things he said was that Margo kept Venus away from them (which isn't true as Margo says since she literally had pics of young Venus with her family), which is likely why she says they're crazy. Basically, she's calling them liars. I'm assuming her grandparents are messaging Venus saying shit about Margo and she's trying to defend herself. Margo had somewhat recently said she was on better terms with her family after Venus started thotting because they saw Venus as the liar she is, but I guess that went south. I remember Ferenc made fun of Margo when she got detained, talking about a prison book she translated for him and offered a house to Venus, who did NOT need one, given she was leeching off Manaki, had ALL the YT money and was well of. Ferenc is a piece of shit, no matter how shitty Margo is. I assume Venus shared this message to deepen the wedge between Margo and her parents because she's a vindictive piece of shit herself.
No. 149040
>>148708She technically didn't confirm. Someone asked how Manaki feels that she leeches off him, gets drunk/does OF, and even though that's private, she jumped at the chance to berate/slander him once again. All she said was he does the same – ie: gets drunk/sits at home/leeches/does OF. Not to white knight, but he definitely doesn't do the same as her and is much more stable. No where did she "confirm" she lives with him, but looking at the room color/walls/window/closet position, it does look like her old room with him. I wish the dude would tell her
toxic, manipulative,
abusive ass to fuck off already and kick her out. But she probably has leverage on him. Like maybe she threatened to report him for their visa fraud or something. Or maybe he's completely unaware of the extent to which she slandered him and continues to trash-talk him. I assume it was him filming then in her room tour. She seemed uncomfortable, like there's bad blood between them, which begs the question, why is he allowing her to live with him? Is she maybe paying him this time, since no one else will rent to a person whose "job" is YT or "internet sex work."
No. 149041
>>148514>who are complacent with anime porn and don't bother seeking anything of substance. He won't even try to get Venus backYou have no idea if that's true. Venus used to complain that he looked at her ass all the time/wanted her, but once they break up, he's
asexual only into anime girls. Yeah right. He might be into hentai, but I doubt he's asexual and not interested in real girls. Or maybe Venus was so
abusive she put him off from dating. She was already caught lying about him in her slander video, lying about being "forced" to marry him, changed her stories 4939220 times and even admit to cheating on him "playing around with girls" + her first time having sex wasn't with Manaki, he was the second person she named, and you're going to state that as fact. He's pathetic for keeping her around and would be even more pathetic to try to reconcile anything with her, you're right about that. But Venus is a manipulator, so who knows what she said to get back, assuming that really is her old room when she lived with him.
No. 149045
>>148475And just recently she was pretending she moved and got her own place and escaped her once again,
abusive manager. Poor weenoos, everyone is always soo
abusive to her and doesn't put her mental health first! /sarc. Makes sense why she's making videos again when Manaki is there to mollycoddle her bitch ass.
>>148421>That was then though, she's trying to move on from all that now, but how can she if people won't let her?Yeah, let's just let her "move on" from destroying people's lives and taking no accountability. How convenient for her.
>>148420Don't forget when she literally admit she likes to make up abuse stories/suicide bait to worry people and didn't clear up the OF manager incident, which to me, seemed like she was so drunk she fell down, and not necessarily being hit by him.
No. 149048
>>148399They specifically said
leeching from Manaki and getting drunk. It's okay, white knight, you can say it. You can say the L word.
No. 149055
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>>147440>has such a cute face, with a very youthful shapeKEK. Never change, pointy-chin sperg.
No. 149058
>>147028you're comparing a shitty webcam video with a ring light (and possible beauty filter) to a better quality camera that shows her skin texture/grooves off better. Terrible comparison. A lot of her videos have facial blurring/smoothing and/or filters/ring lights. The room tour one probably didnt.
>>146483Same for this one. She's streaming off a webcam and ring light on the left so you can't really see her skin texture (it doesn't even really look like her ie: no jowls on webcam so I'm betting there are beauty filters or facial smoothing in addition) to a video with a higher quality camera and no ring light. She's always had bad jowls, and the puffy eyes are due to the double eye lid tape she sticks on there (see her 'How to look like a drunk girl' makeup video). She doesnt look like herself in photos or on webcam. When she uses a better quality camera, so you can see what she really looks like, you call it, 'deterioration', when in fact, it's just how she looks and has looked for a while. Also, she puts her hair on her cheeks to make her face look slimmer. Aegyo sal tape/makeup/lenses to enlarge eyes and facial blurring/filters to fix skin in videos.
No. 149087
>>148950>>the fact that she said both her parents hate her because of her being the daughter of her grandpa, kinda suggests that this maybe wasn't something her mother wanted to do…that's why maybe there was rape involved.Or maybe just another case of a woman giving into temptation and having sex with someone which she later regretted doing? Maybe they don't always foresee a child coming from an illicit union. When a nasty little thing like getting pregnant gets in the way, the deed has been done and all can see, whereas if no pregnancy had resulted, no one would have been any the wiser if the participants had aimed to keep it secret what they had done.
Of course, none of this could actually apply in this case, because we don't really know what Margaret meant.
No. 149092
>>149087Margo literally wrote: "Venus, I know I'm my grandfather's and that's why my "father" lies about his father"
"they hate me, because I'm not from my father and I can clearly remember everything"
Her grandfather had sex with her mother and her mother got pregnant with her, according to that email, with or without consent is unknown.
Margo's not really trustworthy and I doubt that it's true what she writes, but that's what she, allegedly, literally wrote. There's not much imagination needed to interpret what she wrote.
But I also don't trust Venus, so who knows, if that email was actually written by margo.
No. 149097
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>>149018I think it's all just different light and angels making people look older or younger at times. I mean, look at her most recent videos, in the spate of videos posted in the last month, she looks a lot younger in some and older in others. In the Whisper ASMR video from a month ago, she looks lovely, also in the most recent video on Yandere relationship advice. Pic is from the recent ASMR video, she looks lovely in that. (Looks aren't everything though, she's still not that great of a person, but just saying.)
No. 149108
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Kinda cute I guess.
No. 149109
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No. 149205
File: 1620441906480.jpeg (300.13 KB, 1902x1134, 80D30FFA-F5E3-4A5B-AAB6-2A8725…)

>>149097You think she looks “lovely” in that video, really? Whatever, dear.
No. 149243
>>149231Agree with this. That particular anon has been here for years plugging away at anyone who even dares to put forward the slightest suggestion that Venus can look really good sometimes. It's so retarded and tedious and is the main thing that shits up this thread.
That particular anon hates her, we get that, (if we didn't by now, we never would) and they get frothingly enraged by Venus's appearance and at anyone who occasionally comments, quite rightly, that actually she looks good sometimes, as in that video.
No. 149322
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Venus into crypto now. Reminds me of daniel hiding in my roon
No. 149348
>>149108Haha, Zero Two the
Partner Killer ! Surprised Margo hasn't had some snippy comment to make about that! I wonder if Venus had it in her mind cosplaying that character and it's a little sarcastic dig? I get the impression that a lot of mind games go on with Venus and her mum.
No. 149440
>>146427so yall act like her zero two cosplay looks more like "her"?
doubt that screen-caps are edited here and each time it's bad light. There is many screenshot from live streams posted here and she doesn't look in any like her zero two cosplay lol what are you guys tripping at?
No. 149445
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>>149436Oh yeah, her “regular” unedited face is sooo cute!
No. 149455
Shut up. Like seriously. No one cares if you think she looks like a wet rat or not
No. 149480
File: 1620696839056.png (6.06 MB, 1125x2436, 6FA6EBDD-3C75-482B-AD09-4C80C0…)

OF has been pretty low key. Her schedule now is that she posts once a week. Each week there are a few pictures and a PPV. She sticks to it relatively well. There are complaints that you pay $6.99 to get maybe 12 pictures each month, and that’s all you get unless you buy PPV.
I bought one PPV for $35 and it was a video that was less than 1.5 minutes. I think a lot of people have left because of this, she used to get 200-300 hearts, now around 40-50.
No. 149529
File: 1620720068403.jpeg (129.42 KB, 827x665, 44444B94-8E89-4310-9BD4-93A6DA…)

Oh good lord please tell me she’s not getting another pet, not from what happened last time to those poor hamsters, she can barely look after herself let another another living thing
No. 149538
>>149529What did she do to her hamsters?
>>149480She’s to lazy to do anything thought she was like ultra kinky sex positive as it was her dream to do this, this just looks like a regular photo she would post on instagram
No. 149573
>>149445You know, where Venus seems to hate her naturally cuter face shape so much, (going by her horrendous edits where she tries to look like an ugly narrow faced old hag. - Because apparently, that's 'better') and every single time that anyone dares to say that actually her natural face is way cuter than the ugly edits, this weirdo is there, straightaway with their hate hate hate, so now, I'm even wondering if the weirdo is Venus herself, who hates herself so much and hates her naturally pretty face so much, for some really weird reason, and loves ugly narrow-faced hag looks with long skinny chin and wants to force the idea onto everyone else that actually that is better. Because honestly, with the level of insanity, that wouldn't surprise me.
No. 149713
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Appealing to foot fetishists again?
At least it's a cute lil pic tho.
No. 149714
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It's good that she's putting some effort into her cosplay pics. This is a real improvement to most of what she's posted of late.
No. 149715
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“You don’t call people merely living together a family.” - Sagiri Izumi from Ero-Manga Sensei
I wonder if she's making a little dig at anyone thinking that she and Manaki are still a family if they live together?
No. 149846
>>149363Its a popular show cuz Zero two is supposedly a "Yandere", aka unhinged jealous GF type, that will go to the extreme to get her boyfriend all to herself.
Completely not the personality type that Venus is… I don't think that cosplay suits her, Zero two is supposed to be a badass bitch, Venus doesn't know how to portray someone like that..
No. 149856
>>149846>>Zero two is supposed to be a badass bitch, Venus doesn't know how to portray someone like that..But, but, there's pages & pages here from anons saying just what a bitch Venus is.
I think that cosplay suits her, not because she's a bitch, but just because she looks good in it and very much looking like the character she's portraying.
No. 149890
>>149886I counted and she says she take 13-16 medications a day, is that a normal amount for having adhd? That seems like an awful lot
5 pills morning
5 pills night
1-3 pill drinks
2 other pills
No. 149902
>>149891>>149891she said that she takes:
1. adhd medications
2. mood stabilizers
3. anxiety meds
sometimes doctors perscribe few small doses during the day instead of one big that's supposed to be taken in the morning or before bed so it's possible that she takes that many (keep in mind that with ADHD meds you can get tics or just become shaky and maybe she takes meds for that as well)
No. 149951
>>149902>>149928surely the "medication" is part of the cray girl subculture/fashion that she's doing that the thread is named after?
Like she just pretty blatantly looks at memes and fads and starts saying that she does the thing from it but everyone thinks that she really does it ?
No. 149963
>>149950I like how she tries to blame mommy for all her problems again. Any parent would be opposed to having their kid be put in special ed classes. She's such an eternal
victim scum like her mother, always spinning the narrative in her favor for pity. And the comments validating Venus' complaints at being asked if she's okay. This is the girl who literally posted and admit that she fabricates abuse stories for attention to worry people and blasts her private life out there because it's easy to be a keyboard warrior (she's a cowardly scumbag IRL) and then goes off on people/gives attitude for them asking her personal questions, BUT she'll never fail to answer "personal" stuff if she can, once again, berate Manaki.
No. 149964
>>149573She doesn't even hate her face, chin-chan. She's OBSESSED with staring at her self in the view finder, like Eugenia. In her streams, she'll randomly just stop everything to stare at herself for 10-20 seconds and when someone pointed out she was acting weird, she got bitchy and rude. You're a fucking retard, stop posting the same shit over and over again.
>>149529Hopefully not, Venus is one of those scum bags that only gets animals for the aesthetic and not because she wants to care for a living feeling being and provide unconditional love.
>>149322God she's so dumb. I hope none of her fans take her seriously. She can't even use a computer properly or start a live stream, now she;s giving investment advice. Laughable.
No. 149966
>>149097She looks older in general (I have actually seen her IRL), and haggard for whatever reason and has excessive fine lines due to double eyelid tape abuse under her eyes to make them look puffy/bigger, since her actual eyes aren't that big. She looks better there because it's a stream off her WEB CAM. When she has better quality footage, like in
>>149055 or in some of her videos and she doesn't run beauty apps/smoothing, she looks aged. It's not surprising given she's smoking/drinking/ED issues/possibly eating like shit and not sleeping/surgery/genes (margo looks older too). There's a big difference IRL versus camera. People always look better on camera and can edit/filter too. She does not look like that image you posted IRL.
No. 149976
>>149928True. Don't forget also the medical profession (I.e. Pharmaceutical industry) has medicalised just about every single slightest variation in personality as a justification for subscribing 'medications'. Marry that to the societal dictate all over the world of "You must do what 'the doctor' says. You must take your medication. Have you taken your medication today?" etc. Social workers even ask their clients what medication they are on, not even stopping to consider the possibility that actually, not
everyone is on meds. It honestly seems as if anyone not on something is in a tiny minority. Big pharma controls the world.
No. 149978
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Don't know how she could think this looks good. It doesnt suit her at all. Maybe it's the pose or the editing, or the wig hiding too much of her face and looking like its swamping her.
No. 149991
>>149984It seems to be common knowledge that doctors get perks and 'rewards' from drug companies for prescribing their products so it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that doctors dish out this amount of medication.
Anyone presenting to a doctor with 'symptoms' they are describing are likely to get drugs, some other people with those exact same symptoms can look for better ways to find help for themselves and many do, but if you listen to advice from some people it will be along the lines of, you
must see a doctor, so they listen to the 'advice' and go to see a doctor. Then, they are caught, and will have a lifetime of 'having' to take 'medication', unless they are strong and resist it and think for themselves and start by looking objectively at themselves and try to control their own thoughts. It can be done, but takes will power and self control, something that someone like Venus probably lacks.
No. 150033
>>149991It's very true,doctors use pills to get bonuses and more money…
Don't believe in doctors completely. Its sad to say, but this is truth, especially with what is happening today with this Corona Virus going on.
I mean, Venus is getting all these 15 pills a day and I don't feel any progression with her mentality. Actually, I feel like she's getting even worse than she was 2 years ago.
All those pills don't seem like they make her get any better at all. I think they make her feel worse (as how she showed herself on latest streams)
No. 150130
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Another top-quality livestream of her staring blankly at a computer screen eating ramen for two hours. 7,000 views and 24 comments. Wow, such success! She’s an internet phenom!
Basically a 24 year old NEET who sits on her ass in her ex’s apartment eating convenience store junk and playing video games all day every day.
No. 150419
>>150408If she continues like this, she definetly won't. She doesn't get enough nutrients with her diet, neither can her body absorb due to surgery. On top of this her blood in constantly too high on alcohol.
It will fuck her body up pretty soon unfortunately. She must already have heart problems.
What she needs is to stop drinking alcohol, a true friend in her life that will guide her, eat alot of protein and overall a healthy diet, and to stop all the medication. The meds are making her numb and careless, she doesn't care about anything, not even herself.
It's hard to care for anything if nothing makes you feel..
No. 150480
Yea, I think she needs to take meds for the rest of her life considering how bad her abuse has been, but the amount she is taking is excessive.
She does not need to take 3 amphetamines per day and I think Japan has a problem with overdiagnosing ADHD because their society expects you to be a robot and extremely organized. Her scattered thoughts and inability to focus and organize are a result of her very abusive life, her mother making her dependent and not teaching her any valuable life skills. She needs to retrain her brain quite literally to do the right things. She also seems full of anxiety, anxiety can give you adhd like symptoms but amphetamines do not help with that.
She needs to go outside, stop drinking and grow out of her stupid hahah yandere animuu quirky real life doll persona that her mom made for her. Japan has the potential to make so much content and it does not to be coomer tier content. You can go to cafes, parks etc and make content about that and that sort of activity would improve her mental health more than staying at home, masturbating and daydreaming does.
Daydreaming is also a result of spending too much time alone and not having a fixed routine.
If she does not start from 0 now, then it might be too late. Stop drinking, reduce the amount of meds, get a fixed routine with her YouTube and make more mature content. Everything with small steps.(armchairing)
No. 150487
>>150419Lol she does care about herself and making money and buying kawaii trinkets. You've fallen for her sob story, the one she admit to making up because she likes making up abuse shit for attention. I bet she reads comments like these and laughs at the suckers who fell for her woe is me
victim act.
>>150480Adhd has nothing to do with abuse and she likely fabricated her abuse stories (definitely with Manaki/Ken/managers like Kitano and the vtuber manager; and with Marge, she likely HIGHLY embellished it to make her situation look worse). I mean, if adhd wasn't genetic, she'd never shut up saying mutti's aBuSe gave it to her, since she couldn't help mentioning repeatedly how Marge didn't think it was adhd (thus indirectly blaming Marge) and left out the part where Marge believed it was asperger's (possibly even taking her to a doc). It's just like with Ken. He didn't put poor wenoos' mental health first! He was such a meanie so she left him! Being an alleged pedo who sexually abused his son didn't bother her though. Because she only loves herself and the cash she got from her then sugar daddy/couch provider. She even used the kid in attempt to further victimize herself, but yeah, it's all Marge's fault. Venus doesn't even have receipts for most of her claims and it's been proven Marge didn't isolate her (and she back tracked on the forced to be sexually suggestive and changed it to being slut shamed instead, so her stories don't even add up, as well as being forced to marry when it was time to make Mana the bad guy and not cover up visa fraud) and most of her claims against Mana were proven bs.
>grow out of her stupid hahah yandere animuu quirky real life doll persona that her mom made for her.Her mom didn't make that for her. You must be new here. Marge is a bitch, but let's be real. The Primink video is absolute bullshit, as is this one sided narrative Venus spread to her audience.
No. 150489
>>150133I fucking hate her style now. Especially the puffy makeup and flat, dark hair. It makes her 10 times uglier and her bloated face look even more bloated.
Also she's been uploading frequently now. She said she wants to upload daily. I guess she can do that now that she's back at Mana's place in her old pink room, leeching off him again.
>>150127You must be new here. She posted it to make money. It's not brave. She's cycled through issues and used them as personality quirks and you braindead followers will always be there congratulating her for every pathetic opportunistic thing. She said she "likes making up abuse stories to worry people" but is now crying over tedious "are you okay" comments. What a gaslighter and manipulator. Straight out of Eugenia's playbook.
No. 150492
>>149980The amount of mental gymnastics you're doing is laughable. She was literally staring at herself, clearly in awe of how she looked on the webcam. Did you watch her earlier live streams? This was not a person meticulously staring at flaws they wish to change and other people noticed and called her out. I don't think she loves her face shape per say, but posting shit like
>>149573 is excessive, ridiculous and annoying. On web cam, when she's streaming, based on the way she was staring at herself in awe, she fucking loved how she looked. She doesn't hate herself. It was actually creepy how many times she just started staring at herself. Like narcissus being in love with his reflection.
No. 150511
File: 1621252291284.jpeg (235.59 KB, 828x1447, 46A13EBA-C710-4264-A73C-9F1A89…)

Did anyone catch the short Insta live she did putting on her makeup? She said she’s going to do a cooking video next and answered some questions
No. 150544
>>150507lmfao someone clip that shit for the next thread pic
"OF is inappropriate uwu"
No. 150547
File: 1621274610647.jpg (106.65 KB, 1080x1349, 186061328_505275737265577_3616…)

At least she's putting some effort into posting decent cosplay pictures.
No. 150675
>>150668It would, or
should, be very unethical and wrong, (and ought to be illegal) for any professional person to give plastic surgery to someone who doesn't need it at all. All they should do is to refer her to someone who deals with people suffering from face dysmorphia. Venus actually admitted in one of her recent videos that she was formerly suffering from body dysmorphia, which she claimed being on Only Fans cured her of, now she needs to cure herself from the dysmorphia she suffers from regarding her face. - As most
sane people can clearly see, in her videos where you can see her natural face, it is far and away more preferable than the ugly edits she often put out on Instagram and how she tries to alter some of the thumbnails of her videos.
Pencil faces are not cute, or attractive, not on anyone, so it makes no sense that someone wanting to look permanently young and cute, edits her face into looking much older, by lengthening and narrowing it, which comes naturally with age anyway, and once older and her face starts to get longer and thinner, and therefore,
less attractive, she will probably be trying to find ways to make it look younger again, and more like it is now.
No. 150691
>>It would, or should, be very unethical and wrong, (and ought to be illegal) for any professional person to give plastic surgery to someone who doesn't need it at all.But who decides this? Beauty is still an opinion and I personally think that every plastic surgery is not necessary, if it's not used to help a disfigured
victim who suffered from a violent situation or something like that.
Most surgeries are done because people have insecurities about themselves. It's a private decision to live with the appereance or change it through surgery. If it wouldn't be so expensive, a lot people would meet a doctor to cut away their personal issues.
A person who suffers from body or face dysmorphia is never satisfied with the own appereance. They need therapy, no matter how ugly or beautiful they are. It doesn't matter.
Also sorry, but I don't believe that Venus suffers from actual dysmorphia. She simply knows that her doll face made her famous and that's why she tries to keep it up. It's simply her image and filters are very common these days. A lot youtuber (especially in Japan) use these filters to look more 'kawaii'… It doesn't matter if the pictures look terrible or not. That's simply what she likes and her audience too. You can't tell me that she doesn't know how her videos glitch. It's just not important. People watch her stuff anway and that's okay.
But playing the
victim and romanticizing mental illness is not.
>>150686Guess she can't cook? I never saw her cook something healthy as far as I can remember. It's only Ramen, candies and some kind of fast food. Combine it with alcohol and you know why Venus looks way older than she actually is. Poor thing.
No. 150704
>>150691Judging by Margo's and Penus old IG posts, she was capable of cook decent looking meals. Living off kombini food &alcohol diet is one of the egirl jirai menhera shticks
No. 150705
>>150704I feel like she's using the jirai stuff to excuse her bad behavior, like "every jirai girl is doing this uwu it's a trend in Japan guyz!"
Also, why is she using serious mental illnesses such as hikikomori like a brand? She's so fucking disrespectful. She could move her ass and get some kind of education but no, that's too much work.
No. 150729
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>>150660Definitely. Look at all the empty plastic bottles she has clearly planted around to seem more "mentally ill hikikomori uwu" just like in the animus. 1/2
No. 150731
>>150729Kek she's so dumb Hikkikomori =/= hoarding|Diogenes syndrome
It's also hilarious how hard Beenos is faking the shaky hands and the crazy stare through the whole video
No. 150746
File: 1621386401200.png (80.82 KB, 512x512, unnamed.png)

Nah, she's faking it. There are times in the video when she doesn't shake at all, her shakes are exaggerated an unnatural. Also, shaking and looking stiff/scared fits her "jirai menhera uwu i'm so kawaii sick" look.
And… For a person with body image issues, she seems really comfortable eating in front of the camera, something that most people with the issues she says she has wouldn't be doing at all.
I really wonder if her fans really are that dumb or just play dumb to not upset her, she's so obviously faking this and using the meds to her advantage… Btw, japanese medicine ain't very strong so that may be the reason she has lots of meds and she loves making people worry about her so she might be lying about how often she takes her meds (or maybe those are old meds).
Oh and she's so obvious that she's even cosplaying Menhera-chan xD
No. 150768
She has been skinwalking this character for a while ago
>>123412 I'm surprised anons above haven't noticed yet
No. 150777
File: 1621415030306.jpg (496.24 KB, 1080x1896, Screenshot_20210519-110133.jpg)

She's been doing an insta livestream today. I've only seen the beginning and end. But she was just getting ready.
She is trembling and shaking a lot but when people ask her why she says:
"I am not shaking I don't know why people keep asking that"
Is she… Does she not notice her hands shaking?
No. 150784
File: 1621425924209.jpg (366.07 KB, 1080x1413, Screenshot_20210519_140135.jpg)

>>150660Such a poor hikikomori,can't leave the house…
No. 150786
>>148411bullshit, wasn't she accepted in uni when she was still with margo (and dropped out)
>>148421Hi david, you can go simp for your cow on kiwifarms
>>148469Why does venus still have her fake manaki account up especially after what happened.
>>150129With videos she can still look normal because of the fact that she edits parts out but in live streams where she cant do that she is a mess and you can see alcohol having its effect on her
No. 150805
>>150691>>Also sorry, but I don't believe that Venus suffers from actual dysmorphia. She simply knows that her doll face made her famous and that's why she tries to keep it up. It's simply her image and filters are very common these days. A lot youtuber (especially in Japan) use these filters to look more 'kawaii'…But that makes no sense as what Venus does actually has the opposite effect. Altering her face to make it look long and thin looks neither kawaii or young, certainly not young, it makes her look old and haggard, because long thin faces are what is associated with old age, and why so many old women are seen as unattractive, because that is what the aging process does to them in time, their cheekbones go backwards and drop, their jaws drop and their whole face shape lengthens, which is precisely the reason why many older women have plastic surgery to lift their faces up and make them appear wider, which also doesn't look right once they've started to droop with age. But it's like Venus is trying to make her face look aged before her time, which if she is trying to always look youthful and cute, makes no sense as her edits make her look even older, but then she is meant to be suffering from some sort of insanity so I guess it makes sense in that respect.
It's almost like she has to self sabotage everything she wants to do, so she wants to look always young and cute, so she deliberately edits her face to look old and ugly instead, she wants to do a live stream successfully, so she sabotages it by having something wrong in it that people start complaining about, like the sound is off, or fades in and out, or there is a rushing sound all over everything or the picture is bad. There is always something wrong these days and in how every many years she's been making videos, things should be even better with more modern technology and all, but her video quality has got worse and worse, so another way that she self sabotages everything she does.
No. 150807
>>150545I swear she's even using the same music that Daniel uses in his cooking videos. The relaxing jazz piano music, Venus has been using the same, Ive noticed it in a few of her videos recently
I know Daniel seems to have been agitating to meet her because he likes her, but I don't think it would be fair to inflict Venus on him. She's way too unbalanced and flaky, and indulges too much in alcohol, not to mention all the prescription meds, neither of which Daniel approves of, going by what he's said in the past about alcohol and drugs. He seems to have his head screwed on right when it comes to that sort of thing, and Venus is the opposite, and Daniel I think would be better with a more level headed girl who was not into drugs and drinking like Venus is. If they got together, she would just cause more problems for him and make him even more unhappy and dissatisfied with his life, though I guess if they were to marry he could bring her back to Britain and she'd have a nice, readymade home to move into. Though i'm thinking ahead a bit too much here, and i really hope, for Daniel's sake, that it doesn't happen, though it would provide plenty of milk for here, that's for sure.
No. 150822
File: 1621445174202.png (1.66 MB, 1335x1003, Bild_2021-05-19_192220.png)

>>150805Not sure what you mean, to be honest.
I know a lot people who don't like round faces (which Venus has). Somehow it's not attractive in their opinion.
You also can clearly see the trend within many different filters. The filters usually mirror what's concidered beautiful by the mainstream and a lot people use them to edit their photos for a smaller and longer face.
Also when you take a look at the BJD's from Japan, they usually don't have a round face at all. Venus always got compared to the japanese dolls and not to European antique ones, for example, which definitely had a rounder face than mostly dolls nowadays.
I personally think she wants to fit into the 'sexy kawaii girl' standards and can't decide for an own style. That's the problem. She wants to look hot, cute and ill at the same time. That's why we get this creepy alien-alcoholic-vibes these days.
I agree with you with her worse quality and terrible editings, but I simply believe that she does these things for another reasons. A hikkikomori with body dysmphorphia wouldn't go out for new nails so easily or share her own face sometimes filtered and sometimes not. A true dysmorphia can't handle the own appereance which Venus definitely can. She's just dumb and doesn't really care.
No. 150842
>>150787Guess that’s not a problem for her, since she never does anything.
Why does she do all these boring streams when she has no life, no friends, nothing interesting to say??
No. 150849
>>150806Nope, for what i know, she needs to be married for at least 5 years and be living in Japan for more than 10 years in order to have a permanent visa and be able to divorce, that's why she hasn't been able to openly talk about actually getting a divorce, she just "hinted" that she'd be doing it. If she wants to continue living in Japan, she has to wait until the government gives her an official visa for herself.
I think she can get divorced now but if she does so, she's very likely to be homeless and Japan doesn´t want any non-japanese that would do no good for the country so they could kick her out.
No. 150853
File: 1621458972066.png (345.59 KB, 787x611, ice_screenshot_20210519-231233…)

>>150822even back then she looked nothing like this, it was all filters and angles.She's always been lowkey a catfish.
The living doll documentary showed how she looked like then (still better than now though)
No. 150876
File: 1621479048620.jpg (229.02 KB, 1440x831, ventard.jpg)

why does this fucktard think this is a good look? is it more that she's stupid/delusionsal or is it just the strength of weebiness? she should surely grow out of that by now? what's the appeal of japan now she's seen they don't care about her?
No. 150917
File: 1621538376736.jpeg (356.76 KB, 828x1458, B1D54A2A-AE22-42F8-8593-4B9479…)

How can she call herself a hikikomori but goes out all the time and hangs out with friends? I don’t think she knows what a hikikomori is and just claiming to be one to seem not the other girls™
No. 150928
I’ll never get why Venus goes through so much to stay in Japan. Like having fake marriage and all the issues and instability that comes with that, even more now she’s claiming to be hikikomori? If you gonna stay in your room, curtains closed, does it really matters where it’s? And besides she’s from a developed country, it’s not like she’s trying to scape some shit hole piss poor country where most of people are into misery or whatever, that would be very understandable, but she’s a chick from Switzerland. I know she has no concept of a home country but it’s not like she could find that in fucking Japan, specially being mentally ill, not having studied and not willing to have a job, which is not ideal in Japan (anywhere but specially Japan). I mean, 7/11 there may be cool and all but.
I know she doesn’t want to have a “regular” life with a job (specially a annoying job with minimum wage- that’s all she could get and only by being very sneaky) so she wouldn’t get this in Switzerland either but there being the country on her passport she doesn’t need to do so much extra shit just to have the right to stay, she wouldn’t need to fake a marriage, not she’d be seen as a foreigner, she could do whatever, she can’t be expelled from her own country, no more worries with faking and hiding and being sneaky and knowing at some point you’ll have no place to be, I imagine that should be a huge weight on someone so why to keep it? What’s the advantage here? It’s true she grew up with this fascination with Japan and her mother only made it worse, like it’s an ultimate goal, but she knows by now her mommy is nuts. I don’t get why she does that really, she gets nothing from it, quite the opposite. Maybe she’s just delusional or still couldn’t get the idea that Japan is the ultimate goal in life out of her head. That’s crazy.
No. 151010
>>150928>>I’ll never get why Venus goes through so much to stay in Japan.To understand why anyone would be desperate to live in Japan, you'd have to understand the appeal of Japan, and you obviously don't, so it would be useless trying to explain it.
Nevertheless I'll just try pointing out some of the obvious.
Japan seems a far more polite and safe society than just about anywhere else, and then there's all the cuteness, and the gorgeousness of everything, then there's the cute Japanese boys, the outdoor hot springs you can bathe in and just about everything about the atmosphere, the look of the place, the overhead wires, blobby trees, Mt Fuji with its snow on top, there's myriad reasons why anyone would want to live in Japan, that's just a few.
I'd certainly like to live there, but know I never will. At least Venus got up and did something about following her dream, I've got to admire her for that.
(Some of us just stay put and long to live in Japan but are not able to do anything about it.) Good luck to her for living in the country of her choice! Some of us can't and are stuck in the country we were born in and don't much like it but are stuck here anyway.
No. 151032
File: 1621610975452.jpg (220.95 KB, 1080x1350, 188155177_4047446572009948_355…)

She has admitted now that she has a problem with face dysmorphia too as well as body dysmorphia, and said she's not going to use harsh filters on her face anymore, which is good, but she posts a picture where she's trying to hide part of her face with her hair and obscuring part of her jaw with her hand, so again making herself look worse than if she had her hair all back and showed her natural face shape, which (haters aside) is way more attractive to very many people. But I guess it's a start and at least she's admitting it and being honest about it, so I hope it continues for her and she can get over her lack of confidence because she really does look better as her natural self, as most sane people can see.
No. 151036
>>151034>>Why doesn’t she just get buccal fat removal?Because she doesn't need it.
>>It’s shitty to promote unnecessary surgeryYes, it is. Like the idiots who have and end up looking worse, even if in their distorted minds they look better. If she had this unnecessary surgery it would not be addressing the real problem, which is her mental state in how she views herself, not as she actually is. She needs to be able to see that her natural look is way cuter in many people's eyes than the skinny faced look she is trying to emulate which is aging in and of itself.
No. 151053
File: 1621620538711.jpeg (197.04 KB, 1543x1303, 682CD673-F139-45CF-A035-B1E77C…)

>>151036Wenus’s “natural look” that is SO MUCH cuter without all those filters!
No. 151119
Can we stop with the Japanese visa sperging? It muddies up every thread and is never interesting.
>>151031About this post, under all her heavy filtered posts there are always people calling her out on the filters, and a bunch of idiots responding with "It's just filters, who cares!?!"
Now, those same idiots are under this post saying shit like "Good for you, filters can mess with body dysmorphia :((( wahh."
Her fans are as wishy-washy as she is.
No. 151151
>>151055>>151072>>151072>>151077Add me to that list. That particular anon you're all replying to is creepily obsessed with hating on Venus' natural face. Maybe it's her, the part of her that hates herself. Whatever, it's really weird, and tedious. Same old same old over & over.
Let's just hope Venus means what she says now and will stop with the filters, well everyone will call her out on it if she don't after she so publicly said she will.
No. 151154
>>150129Fuck! This video, I can't believe she thinks it's acceptable to just leave it up as it is. Why the hell doesn't she edit out the bits where it's just a blank screen with the words Please wait Beenus is charging? Does she honestly think her fans are going to just sit staring at that and not get just a little pissed off with it? She could edit out those bits and that would probably knock about 40 minutes off the length of it, I'm sure Youtube has a video editor again now, which if it's like it used to be, she can just edit it on youtube without even having to delete it and reupload.
Also she needs to sort out her audio, it has no sound at all, except for when she says something and then there's a hissing sound all over it each time.
At some point near the end someone must have said something about the usual kind of crap, about Japan has no 'proper' mental health care blah blah, and Venus said she doesn't know why people keep saying that as actually it is very good in Japan, you just have to find the right therapist, (which if you want to go down that route, applies wherever in the world you are) so now she's addressed that issue and commented on it, maybe, (we can hope) that people will stop banging on about it.
The way she kept fiddling with her hair and pulling it down round her face trying to make her face look long and thin, was so irritating and shows her lack of confidence she has about her face now, which I'm sure she never used to exhibit in her earlier videos.
Apart from all that, at least it was good to see her getting into the game, and she said she will stream a horror game at some time, which should be interesting. Not sure how well that would go down with her airy fairy fans though.
No. 151168
>>151151Sorry, but pointing out reality is not
creepily obsessed.What’s funny though is how MAD you little group of fans get about it. Like FURIOUS every time.
No. 151209
>>151167>>151168>>What’s funny though is how MAD you little group of fans get about it. Like FURIOUS every time.LMAO at that! Coming from the person who jumps in
every time as soon as anyone even dares to suggest that Venus looks better unedited!
And so mad you actually had to go and post it twice! LOL.
No. 151214
>>151186Honestly I cringe everytime anyone says something that hints they prefer Venus's unfiltered face, because I know that anon is just going to be so
triggered and won't be able to resist jumping in with one of their inane comments. It's the only thing they ever contribute to this thread and really the main reason why it gets so tedious here.
I'd rather hear about if Venus really is into cryptocurrency or if this is just another thing she is latching onto because she knows that Danny boy is into it?
No. 151236
>>151154>> This video, I can't believe she thinks it's acceptable to just leave it up as it is. And why does she continue to post videos of herself looking unwashed, greasy, drunk and slurring? Repeatedly, for years? Likewise her inability to have any sort of aspirations in life beyond “I will post more cute pics on instagram” and “I will make more videos, guys!”
Alcoholic brain damage, on some sort of spectrum, what?
No. 151279
>>151236Not to mention the at least 2 videos with visible period stains.
I had accidents with period stains myself and I think many women have experienced this at some point, but it was always in situations where I had no access to a toilet for a while and could not change utensils and it was never the amount of blood Venus showed on her pants, which looked like she was on her period without changing her period utensils for at least a day or wan't using any utensils at all. It is impossible for me to imagine how a women can be on her period, lose that much blood and not notice.
I would never point at a woman who had an accident with period stains in public, but a woman in a domestic room with access to a toilet who is making videos for youtube and doesn't notice her pants are completely stained and must have been for a long time
No. 151428
>>151168It's not even reality, it's just your own personal viewpoint, which everybody here knows about by now and have done for all the years you've been here plugging away with it.
And nobody here has to be a fan of Venus to see that your idea of "reality" is different to other people's idea of reality.
Why the mods continue to allow someone to post who has nothing to contribute to the thread except their own personal opinion about venus's face is mystifying to say the least.
No. 152343
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>>151606I can’t find the actual stream so this is
Google images. The stream was on a site that idk anything about, nothing was in English. Anyhow she stood up a couple times.
No. 152383
File: 1621852064428.jpg (94 KB, 1064x644, 1364441835804.jpg)

>>152373you're talking about this one back then she already looked like an aged east European hooker
saged for dryed up milk
No. 152440
>>151498I was going to say, no, please don't bring all that back again, but see i'm too late.
>>152383And ffs, that's just a shadow. Nothing more, the fucks wrong with people?
No. 152767
>>152664Yeaah, the stain from the 2013 video was an accident, i remember she uploaded the whole 30/40 minute video but accidentaly put it on public because she used to edit her videos using the youtube editor and that stain can happen to anybody BUUUUUT the giant stain in her shorts from this stream
>>152343 is no accident at all so i agree with you, she doesn't care.
No. 152878
>>152663A simple search on youtube for venus angelic and venus in furs finds it.
Looks like she knows exactly what she's doing.
No. 153020
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>>146326wow. I'm worried, too. She looks like she should be her mom's sister.
How many of us would be in the same situation if we'd been raised by Margot?
No. 153082
File: 1622114174343.jpg (1.44 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210527-211347_Ins…)

So she's reconnected with her Hungarian family now…?
No. 153086
>>153082Can't wait for her to claim that they're
abusive towards her as well kek.
>>153083Imagine leeching off a leech. Her lackluster content on OF and desperate youtube streams don't really scream wealthy
No. 153089
Reconnecting with her family will probably engender a load of comments along the lines of, that is good, that is a healthy thing for her to do, etc, etc, as though everyone's family is automatically going to be good for them. Funny how people who live in cloud cuckoo land can think that "family" means all gooey hearts and flowers and everything sweet and nice. Families can be extremely toxic and the worse thing in the world for some people and is what screwed them up in the first place, but some people seem to forget that, they see the word "family" and their hearts melt, probably because they've known only love and support from their own family, but try not to forget the damage that families can do to their own members.
I don't know why society, the law, and just people in general see "family" as some sort of sacred term and go all fuzzy inside at the very name.
I hope for Venus's sake that she is very, very careful and not be taken in and fooled by any of them. Let's hope in this case they really are genuine, but she needs to look out for herself and not be ready to be fooled in any eagerness she may feel to reconnect with them, probably egged on by some of her cohorts and fans. She needs to protect herself, just in case and be aware.
No. 153274
>>153140Seems like nearly every petty criminal charged with some antisocial or semi violent drunken crime, claims ADHD thinking it's some get away with it clause in the courts. They think they only have to mention that and everyone will feel sorry for them, because they have a "genuine disorder" and therefore can't help it, nevermind what distress they cause to their
victims. I think once society starts running out of sympathy for that particular disorder, then another one will come along to replace it that everyone has to be sympathetic towards, and then maybe we'll see Venus claiming she's been diagnosed with that and never had ADHD at all. It's funny how so many people claim they have that just for an excuse for inexcusable and bad behavior towards others.
No. 153363
>>153274 i don't get why are people so obsessed with all this "i blame my adhd for my horrible actions" thing… I have ADHD and have never done anything like that, people like Venus or Momokun make ADHD sound like a horrible disease that makes you do bad things without you knowing or things you can't control whatsoever… Yeah, ADHD can be bad but it aint like the horrible cancer-like disorder people like to pretend that it is…
>>153345 For what i remember, it's because Margo kinda cut her from her family, there are old family photos of little Venus with her hungarian family, but no teen photos whatsoever, she still could contact her father years ago but her grandmother seems to hate Margo and kinda hate Venus… It's pretty weird but maybe Margo didn't want her to spend that much time with the hungarian family and in the end Venus herself wouldn't care about it… I think that maybe the best thing for her would be to start living with her family, that would mean getting out of her glorious kawaii nipponlando but maybe it's the best for her.
No. 153379
>>153345As far as I know, her aunt tried to get in contact for a while, but Venus didn't really want to. I also remember a video of Venus mentioning a phone call to her father (?) and it didn't really go well, he just asked about her income/money.
After all Margo made sure there's no contact for as long as Venus was with her.
No. 153436
>>153345>>getting in contact with her family will be the best thing for her Yes because we all know that "family" is just the bestest thing in the world, ever, and they would never, ever, do anything bad or take advantage of you, because they are the magic word "family" which is
sacred. - Some people just can't conceive of the fact that family can be as
toxic as hell and the very worst thing for someone to do would be to get in contact with any of them.
I hope Venus, for her own sake, treads very warily and always looks out for any signs that things might not be that rosy, I hope she has a good sense of self preservation.
She seems to be doing better these days anyway, so I don't know why people still persist in this crap about how dreadful that she is in Japan and should leave as soon as possible. Just, why??? - Your own prejudice against a country you obviously dislike for some reason is the answer to that I guess.
Japan is where she always wanted to be, just like loads of others have wanted before her, (can't recall the name of that weeb who used to upload videos of herself just staring at the camera and saying nothing, she was another one who always wanted to be in Japan like it was her spiritual home or something, and maybe that is so, she went to live there) but Venus seems settled in Japan, has friends there, and knows and understands the culture, why the hell would she want to give all that up to go to some european country where she would be more of a foreigner than she is in Japan?
No. 153528
>>153497not that anon but lol why is that people's concern? "we must protect precious japan from exploitation of its system by one girl"
come on, just say: it's jealous cunts being jealous
No. 153560
>>153528>>not that anon but lol why is that people's concern? "we must protect precious japan from exploitation of its system by one girl"come on, just say: it's jealous cunts being jealous
Haha, true. And I must say, I love lolcow, probably the only place left on the Internet where words like nigger cunt whore can still be used without the whole world imploding.
No. 153683
>>153497>>people want her deported because she's most likely staying in Japan illegaly.Firstly, even if she is, so what? What has that got to do with anyone outside of Japan? Isn't it something just for Japan to deal with?
Secondly, if she's still married to Manaki, which it looks like she might well be, then she's not in Japan illegally, she would have every right to be there.
It's none of anyone's business anyway except her and those involved with her. You live your life and let her live hers.
Thirdly, say she was stupid enough to take any of the 'advice' dished out from some people about going to Switzerland, Hungary, or wherever, to live instead of in Japan, do you honestly think anyone would still want to watch her videos and follow her? A lot of why people want to watch her is because of the Japan thing, because that is what a lot of people are into. She'd lose a ton of followers who would have no further interest in her if she gave up her life in Japan and the whole cute adorable Japanese culture and all.
No. 153700
File: 1622478279355.png (138.16 KB, 311x311, www.instagram.com_venus_angeli…)

See she's jumping on the Pride bandwagon now. And she said in her last post she was going to stop using harsh filters to distort her face, so she's trying to get round that by pulling her hair down each side of her face to try and make it look as though she has that ugly long narrow oblong shaped face that she seems to admire so much. Any girl who really had a long narrow face like that would be desperately wanting to make it look shorter and rounder. Weird how she wants to make herself look less attractive than she does naturally. So screwy.
No. 153792
>>A lot of why people want to watch her is because of the Japan thingNaah let's be honest here, her first videos talking about Japan and actually going out were quite good and yeah we could say that she'd lose a ton of followers if she moved out… That is IF she continued doing those outdoor videos. Idc about her living in Japan or wherever, everything she does lately has nothing to do with her "kawaii look i'm living in Japan life", she shows no places of interest, no outside vlogs, everything she does lately is done in her room even if she moved out, she can continue doing the same she's been doing lately, you don't need to live in Japan to have cute stuff, cute clothes or follow a japanese trend, you can even buy japanese junk food on the internet so it'd make no difference at all tbh. Even when she lived in Tenerife, London or the Netherlands, most of her videos were done inside a house, there's nothing "exclusively japanese" about her current room, she could have even a more "kawaii" room anywhere else.
Whether she stays or leaves is not important… And she already lost a ton of subs with this OF "i always wanted to be this slutty" phase.
No. 153807
>>153792It would still make a difference if ever she left. It wouldn't be the same, and it really isn't that easy to get things that you can get in Japan if you don't live there.
Also, she does do videos outside, like in the capsule hotel and the library hotel videos she did recently.
But really, people need to stop saying she should leave, she doesn't want to and is settled there and I don't blame her for not wanting to leave.
No. 153808
>>153700LOL at peeps in the comments, their reactions, she's so
brave for coming out, etc. Has everyone forgotten the "I'm gay and psycho" statement she made about a couple of years ago?
No. 153812
>>153808what do you mean coming out?
what did we miss?
No. 153815
>>153683Fam comes to lolcow to
“It's none of anyone's business anyway”
No. 153885
>>153859i thought her coming out was about her mental illness, not gayness,
where has she come out as a lesbian?
No. 153939
File: 1622598821286.png (1.27 MB, 892x877, 8461A573-933A-4731-8F60-954FF5…)

>>153885If you look it up yourself, you can easily find it. Basic research wouldn’t hurt.
No. 153999
Play nice, children.
Anyhow, I think some peeps are confused a little. Venus claimed before, about two years ago I think, that she was lesbian, now she's claiming she's not actually a lesbian, but bi. Meaning she likes girls but certain types of boys too. Hope that clears up any confusion.
She "came out" about her mental illness, quite a few of them it seems, a while ago, but has never made a statement about being bisexual before, only gay alone.
No. 154150
File: 1622709788198.jpg (467.68 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210603-184200_Ins…)

BPD was all we heard about for how long? No mention of it in ages, but adhd is mentioned constantly
No. 154171
>>153700Am I the only one totally confused by some of the abbreviations being mentioned in the comments section? What the hell does LGBQTFBICIARPG stand for, for instance?
And why do they put 'queer' in it as well as 'gay', don't they mean the same thing? I honestly think this abbreviation is becoming meaningless because of how they keep adding extra letters to it. How is anyone even supposed to remember such a ridiculously long abbreviation, let alone remembering what they all stand for?
The simple LGBT was easy to remember and everyone knew what it stood for, but even then, Lesbian means a gay woman so why the need to even add the L? Surely gay applies to both sexes and anything in between if they like the same as themselves? Why do these people have to make such a great BIG DEAL of everything? Even my gay friend says he is completely confused by all the terms now, like medi sexual and gender queer and gender neutral, and pansexual and all the hundreds of other terms used. He doesn't even like the fact that the word 'queer' is used now as it used to be such a derogatory term, though I can understand why they want to own it now, in a sense. But just finding all the abbreviations tedious and silly and will more likely make people lose patience with their cause because of it all being so over the top now. I wonder if even Venus knows what all the terms mean? I doubt it.
No. 154179
>>154177The symptoms can be pretty similar. Also, there are enough women that get falsely diagnosed with bpd, when they're actually adhd.
I think, that especially in Japan they might not have enough experience to say whether it's adhd or bpd. Mental health isn't that big of a topic there, so I wouldn't blame them for any misdiagnoses.
No. 154231
>>154226> Shut the fuck up. There are really a few big signs whether someone has BP or ADHD. And the simple fact that most of you idiots mix up BP and BPD breaks my brain. Big mad.
And who the hell is mixing up bpd with bipolar? She said about a year or two ago that she has bpd. Like I said before, it’s obvious that she doesn’t want the bpd diagnosis anymore and is going for something trendy something that will get people talking (quite a few people did doubt her on different websites, including YouTube).
Obviously no sane person or anyone with a real mental illness would flaunt it to the world for attention, unless they are really eff up in the head.
No. 154901
>>153999>>153939She said she was gay as an excuse to cover up visa fraud because it would be around the time she could have gotten PR and no longer needed visanaki, but in the end, she went with the "he was
abusive" lie instead. Just like she lied and said Margo forced her to marry, but when she first left, it was because "she loooooved Mana so much and Margo was being mean to him."
>>153900Remember, she even admit to cheating on him. She said he was the second person she slept with (but it doesn't count for some reason and she's still a virgin) and the first person was unnamed, but she would have been with Mana at the time. She said this during her OF high. Then there's her pater ad and all her sugar daddy managers, and also claiming to "play around with girls" and "suck dicks" as well. I'm willing to bet she isn't actually interested in sex at all and physiologically projects her asexuality onto Manaki because she's a
toxic narc.
>>153683>Secondly, if she's still married to Manaki, which it looks like she might well be, then she's not in Japan illegally, she would have every right to be there.No, she wouldn't. She abused the marriage system and commit visa fraud because she was too lazy to get educated and immigrate as a skilled worker. It's a slap to the face of legitimate couples who get denied. She admit she "never loved Manaki", has admit to cheating on him, was caught having a pater ad, her and Manaki even had separate rooms. She obviously used him, abused the system and never intended to stay married once she got PR. She has no right to stay legally, even if they are married. It was always a sham marriage.
No. 154903
>>153659>>153650That person was batshit themselves and obsessed over Marg, even wanting to visit her to taunt her. They also admit they had no idea if she was on a refugee visa, they basically made that part up. Marge was detained for running a massage business korean anon claimed was lewd. Margo said they couldn't prove that and let her go and she left Korea. Korean anon claimed she was on a refugee visa which would make it illegal for her to work and got deported, but later admit they had no idea she was on that visa. I looked through the archives she posted from the detention centre, there was no mention of her visa being refugee.
>>153700You need to stfu with the chin sperging. Stop rehashing the same garbage.
No. 154904
>>153528Not everything is about jealously. I'd love to see her
abusive ass deported because she's a shit,exploitative attention-seeker who even hurt a child, but I don't ever want to live in Japan myself.
No. 154907
>>153379>>153345Bullshit. She has photos of the family together, with Venus. And either way, Zsuza was
toxic from what I could tell, who seemed to enjoy her 15 mins of fame on Kiwifarms. She and Ferenc (grown ass adults) acted like fucking children making jabs at Margo online and Ferenc even ranted in his comments, same as Marge and Venus. When Margo moved so Venus could eventually live in Japan, of course it'd be harder to keep in contact. Plus I'm not surprised, if Ferenc behaved the way he did, that Margo would give a shit to be around him or have her kid visit him. In regards to the dad/grandma, Venus called before, so she could publish a video for pity/jab at Margo because the grandma spoke negatively of Marge. She even faked shaking and put red around her eyes/did not edit out her eyebags to look more distraught in the thumbnail for views. They are all the same
toxic assholes, Venus included, making money off her fucking grandma.
>>153121She milks disorders for attention/money, just like her ED and all other disorders she claimed to have. It also goes with her Jirai kei persona. Mental illness is an accessory to her.
No. 155047
File: 1623173149397.jpeg (418.56 KB, 1088x1676, 9FF17618-9C50-4365-BEEF-9684EE…)

The “nasal liqueur” she’s shoving up both nostrils at
>>15497220% CDB/10% caffeine (also available in 20% tequila/10% caffeine.)
Party on, Wenus!
No. 155545
File: 1623441407939.jpeg (355.14 KB, 848x1342, 50470902-8850-4A56-B78F-69C719…)

Venus decided to grow an extra 10 inches of her head it looks like
No. 155592
File: 1623480936276.jpeg (228.66 KB, 745x1343, 18FB18B3-9FF4-4AB5-990A-CA2B6E…)

>>155580>>155591Along with this with other monstrosities
No. 155623
>>155591Oops, thought you got it from her Instagram
>>155592Who (or what) even is this anymore? I think aliens finally came to earth.
No. 155703
File: 1623594581242.jpg (148.66 KB, 854x1024, unnamed.jpg)

>>155545>>155592She can't be serious! I don't know whether to laugh or just feel sorry for her.
And in the second pic her face is too close to the camera and her legs too far away, making the effect even more distorted and ugly.
How has she even got the nerve to upload those monstrosities to her onlyfans? I've never seen anything so unsexy. People paying for this shit must be right royally pissed off.
Hey Venus, look at this girl, this is just one example of how to look sexy without even trying to look sexy. The difference between her and you, is that she exudes self confidence, a strong, confident, sexy woman. And that ultimately is what makes a girl look sexy, not a cringing, terrified looking wreck, which is what you look like in these hideous pictures.
Fucks sake, girl, you could look so much better. The hell is wrong with you?
No. 155707
File: 1623599048188.jpg (27.2 KB, 400x400, Jabberwocky_Malice_2018_Portra…)

I'm kind of surprised Venus hasn't tried vtubing again. She tried way back in 2019 with Jabberwocky Malice but it was short lived. Vtubers have really blown up since. I kind of wonder if she plans on giving it another ago. She probably is too lazy to stream multiple times a week though
No. 155779
File: 1623669476896.jpeg (304.32 KB, 760x1342, BF1DA11C-C762-4B9C-81D0-244DFB…)

Another dreadful photo from the same set
No. 155780
File: 1623669830601.jpeg (341.85 KB, 900x1191, C9A138F7-449D-46EB-B51E-995D5D…)

>>155779And another with yaoi hand
No. 155784
>>155779Everything is to give the illusion of straight up and down. Her whole body looks like a writing implement. She could market herself as pencils, would be fun sharpening the top of her head to a point.
>>155780Emaciated limbs, skinny old woman face in a wig. And her hand looks enormous compared to her skeletal body.
It's like looking at someone's great great grandma trying to look sexy.
From someone who got well known for being pretty, how the hell can she look so ugly now?
No. 155790
File: 1623683481620.jpg (19.19 KB, 480x270, p;.jpg)

>>155707The Malice character's image doesn't look ugly though, it looks quite cute. It doesn't have a long narrow face like an old woman. Venus likes to look like a grotesque hag. This is Venus's idea of beauty.
No. 155792
>>155779What a depressing photo. Are the scrotes who are still paying for her OF even jacking off to this shit? She is obviously unwell.
Also, I wish she would retire that wig. The ash tone doesn’t flatter her and ages her immensely.
No. 155892
>>155792It looks even worse because of it hanging down hiding the sides of her face, if it was back away from her face, she'd look younger, but it makes it look like she has a pinched-in thin face and that combined with the harsh line of lipstick is very aging.
That added to how it looks like she is trying to make herself invisible all points to total lack of confidence in her real self and that is so off-putting. Even if anyone met her and liked her, having to try and cope with how she obviously hates her true appearance would be so tiring and would wear anyone down.
No. 155922
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No. 155923
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No. 156022
File: 1623829760703.jpeg (858.8 KB, 3464x2224, 97DB675E-18CE-475F-9BAC-C7EDCA…)

> Venus is doing really well on OnlyFans! People want her to post more often but her last few sets are really niceI don’t know why you would lie like that, Venus only gets negative comments because no one likes what she posts but she just ignores them all, they want her to post better pics not more of the same awful pics
No. 156030
>>155999>>It’s probably so nice to take pictures like this bc you don’t have to adjust your face as muchBut the whole point is, she doesn't
have to! She chooses to because of lack of confidence and mistakenly thinking that the horrible edits make her look better than her real face, when actually the reverse is true. It's really sad.
No. 156031
>>156022I guess Only fans is just one more thing that she started full of enthusiasm for, but in time it starts to feel like a chore because it means when people are paying, she has an obligation to provide the service they are paying for, and so she doesn't like that, probably feels they are 'abusing' her and oh poor little me, the eternal
victim being harassed and stressed out again by nasty people.
Until she sorts out her mental problems, she's never going to be able to sustain anything for very long.
No. 156195
>>155923LOL at someone in the comments section saying numerous times that Venus is a psychopath who is mocking people.
Incidentally, I don't know if it's really related to what she has posted but Pien is a Japanese horror game.
No. 156314
File: 1623980605415.jpeg (Spoiler Image,32.03 KB, 285x200, 38B6E2C1-AD99-4E04-A07B-2DCAE5…)

>>155918The mods on this shitsite are retarded as fuck. You’re obviously a gay (or a tranny or a queer) yourself since you got butthurt. Stupid fucking queer cunt. Ban me, you mother fucker.
(ok) No. 156367
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No. 156404
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No. 156437
>>156414I guess it would be hard to suicide and NOT be found.
Ain’t no one having a break down will go to a remote mountain or whatever to hide their own body lol
I don’t think her point was to be found BEFORE dying since she got a hotel room that means full privacy.
She probably just tried to overdose on pills and was found by cleaning lady in a semi coma or something.
Cause other options would have been hanging and in this case or you’re hanging or you’re not lol there’s no middle ground of being fond injured
Or cutting wrists but she has no scars so I just think she miss calculated her method and got caught
Overdose on meds is a go to attempt but isn’t reliable at all.
No. 156463
>>156414suicide is always kinda selfish. When you're in that state of mind, you can't think of anyone but yourself. If you did, you couldn't proceed with it.
I have my doubts about her being as well as she portrays it to be. Drinking alcohol while being on a bunch of meds isn't "better"…
No. 156472
>>156463It is extremely selfish but it's not always thinking about yourself, it's a delusional state where you think everyone hates you and they wish you were dead. It's like an extreme paranoia. It doesn't shock me that Venus thought everybody hated her, I mean her mom obviously does to some degree and I can't imagine doormat-san and her are on great terms. Those seem to be the only two people she's had in her life for an substantial period of time.
If she really IS doing better, that's good I guess, but this just feels like another one of her "high points" on her BPD roller coaster
No. 156506
>>156404It was only a month or two ago that she was drinking strong zero on stream while taking 13 different meds and eating the world’s saddest omurice with shaky hands and a ghost face.
She’s the last person I’d want a pep talk from, even if any of it was true.
No. 156512
>>156404Not the first time (and sadly probably not the last) she does those before/after mental illness, "i'm all better now~" inspirational kind of posts. Next week she'll be back posting about how she's a socially inept hikikomori, cheap alcohol and sheesha are totari kawaii and suicidal cryptic stuff. Rince and repeat. It's like she's so addicted to attention she can't decide if she wants to be the poor wittle
victim or the stunning inspirational survivor who got all their shit together. I think deep down there's still a little part of her that really wants to get better but bad habits die hard and she choses the easiest solution: keep being lazy and unhealthy in Weebland. At this point idk if she'll live to fully recover. Having half of her stomach cut out didn't wake her up, nor did online prostitution and degradation… She needs to stay at least a few monthes in a mental health facility in Switzerland or some german speaking country to get disciplined enough and take her issues seriously.
No. 156538
>>156446Why are you calling women faggots? And what do you actually contribute to this thread except trolling? But you just carry on with it, hopefully there will be a bit of sense from the mods at some time to stop useless trolls.
>>156472If she really wanted to do it, she lives in a country where the actual 'suicide forest' is not too far away from her and that would be a truly nice place to die, surrounded by nature.
I've come to believe now she's just an attention seeker.
As for people hating her, well it's not a complete delusion, because let's face it, there is certainly the persistent hater here who has been plugging away for years about how much they hate her real appearance.
Venus going on about her mental illness and then saying she's better, is only good as long as it lasts. but life is full of ups and downs and it's learning how to cope with the downs, and how to train your mind to think more positive even when life throws shit at you, which is not the easiest thing to do, but can be done if you persist in watching your thought processes.
I wish Venus could just do a string of videos when she's feeling able, and instead of uploading them all in quick succession like she has been doing and then nothing for months, so worrying people as to why, then schedule them to appear in youtube on certain dates, like once or twice a week for a few weeks or however long it takes to get them uploaded according to whatever schedule she works out, but it's almost like she likes worrying people, and yes I know she said she likes people to worry about her, but people will grow tired of it. I hope she can get her act together, but even saying this sort of thing now, in retrospect, is like going to worry a lot of people to think this is how she was just recently and no one knew, it's like making sure that people will always be worrying.
File: 1624114267897.jpg (Spoiler Image,65.75 KB, 888x522, 0.jpg)

So is this her scar then? It looks like it's the shape of a gun.
No. 156562
>>156404>muh psychosis!>muh catatonic state!>muh ADHD/BPD/DID!What's going on with Kawee-weebs these days?
Between her and Pixielocks, it's seems that mental illness is the new must-have Kawaii accessory.
No. 156575
>>156404I see no difference between before and after picture. They are super edited, so what point was is it post before and an after pic anyways? If she tried to show that she got better, well, it only states otherwise…
Anyways, I don't believe in anything she says anyway. If she really was in a psych ward due to suicide attempt, then I don't think she had all that time keeping her appearances up all this year. Even if most of her pics are edited, when you're so depressed, your physical appearance is the last thing you would be concerned about. And I continuously saw her getting her nails done, and never saw her completely unwashed and untidy…Never even saw her gain weight or lose weight. Plus, she still has her OF up and still continues to post there.
I mean, I don't think someone can mentally go through this if she said she was on the verge of killing herself/had psychotic events .
Social media would be the last thing she would want to linger in, especially if you think everyone hates you. You would actually be terrified reading comments and/or DM's.
But throughout all this year, she always posted pics of herself and made appearances, even making live streams.
Sorry Venus, you're a bad liar.
Maybe you did really gone through stuff, but that's the thing with manipulators. They sprinkle some truth into tons of lies. Right now I think she's trying to get sympathy and attention more than anything else..
Or maybe she's just trying to convince herself she's in a better path.
I don't think she'll ever change.
That person is a wreck.
No. 156591
>>156404Lmao this is getting old. Next there will be a suicide bait post so her worried fans asks if she's OK and throw pity money at her, then she goes MIA for another month, then she comes back
happier than ever!!!!!!! rinse and repeat
No. 156673
LOL at all the "So proud of you" comments on her latest IG post. Have they only just discovered her? I mean, really, how many times have we seen this now? Over and over again.
And if she honestly thinks that taking pills for her mental problems are going to solve anything for long, then she's in for a rude awakening. She'll likely never be able to get off them now she's started and will always have to be on something. I know a toxic family (brother and sister) who are quite old now, in their 80s, both pyschotic to different degrees, she has been on all different medications for more than fifty years, he never takes anything and never goes to doctors for anything concerning mental health, yet she is in far worse state mentally than he is, he is much more secure in himself and she has far more health problems now as a result of all the different medications she has been on for so many years. He might be a sociopathic type but he has the sense to know that once the medical profession get you in their clutches for taking psychiatric medication, you're most likely never going to get off them and end up with more problems as a result, that you'll then have to take even more medication to 'treat'. I hope Venus won't end up like this man's sister. Pills are not the answer for her kind of problems, it's not like she's schizophrenic, and even if she truly is a psychopath, they can't be treated anyway, it's just the way they are. It's probably more likely other people around them who will end up needing treatment for severe anxiety after having to deal with them.
No. 156694
>>156667Except she isn’t good at manipulating. She tries tho.
This Venus is a psychopath thing is just retarded
No. 156708
>>156685Yes, it was from the time she made it seem like her manager hurt her, when in reality, she was likely drunk, on drugs and caused the injuries herself, but she loves fabricating abuse stories, as she self-admitted.
>>156694I'm willing to bet she is sociopathic. She has no sense of morality and once made a post about not feeling guilt in general (it was her least felt emotion) and she always uses whomever she can to bolster herself (like exploiting Ken's child). She's a lot like HIMR.
>>156575Right. I think this is all to fit her jirai kei persona she is currently larping. Same with the "pienkei" shit. I do think she has issues, but she also fabricates issues and exaggerates them. She always picks a persona/style, then attaches mental illnesses and other quirks to it. I actually don't think she was EVER in therapy until she was (probably forced) into the psych ward. There were anons long ago speculating that she was just self-diagnosing and she was known to lurk lolcow/KF/PULL. Once KF/PULL starting arm-chairing her, she would take the things they said and made IG rants. With lolcow, she made a post about "bumfuck Inaka" shortly after an anon posted the same thing. Alleged friends on PULL even claimed she self-diagnosed and lied about therapy for views. One anon said the same thing you did when Venus made her carefully edited/dolled up suicide post. Then she posted another one (about helium tanks) that was at an uglier angle with less makeup, back when she was suicide baiting. And we do have her admission to faking abuse/suicide baiting to worry people because it gets her off and she enjoys it. She has issues as most people do, but I don't believe her hotel story and being banned. She's just trying to be a "badass jirai girl."
No. 156713
>>156538Thank you mods for banning this anon. There has not been a single post since about how pReTeTeEeEe venus is/is known for being pretty, how she has obsessive haters here and repeated complaints about her edits and how her face shape is God's gift and all women want to edit their oval faces into her face shape. As suspected, it was all from one anon.
>>156195That is actually Margo. I remember she had a link to her web design "company" on either her IG/Twitter or website, I forgot which. But Venus really is following in her mother's footsteps. Bitchy, lying, scamming, narcissism, toxicity, emotional manipulation, using others, trash talking others, hustling, aggrandizing themselves, egoism, whoring, attention-seeking, suicide baiting, crying everyone they know is an abuser, and even pseudo-spirituality, which is Margo's thing, hence why she just HAD to post that, it probably bugs her that Venus is larping as a spiritual person now, like Margo does. Next thing, Venus will claim to be a starseed and healer kek. Genes are powerful I guess.
No. 156767
>>156713What are you talking about? There was nothing in that post to warrant any kind of ban, whereas yours, on the other hand… Constantly describing every single thing you hate about her face, it's tedious to read and I don't know why you get so
triggered every time anyone says her edits are worse than her real face, which is true, they are.
And if that person in the comments is "actually Margo" then please provide proof.
No. 156881
>>156404The only difference is June Lovejoy was with her in the earlier picture, but in the latest one she's on her own. June jumped ship and I dont blame her. She unfollowed V on IG too, tho V still follows June.
And if anyone thinks that venus is really doing better now, she's not. She still has the dysmorphia really bad, she posted that dreadful black mask picture again saying she can't skype right now, probably still trying to think of how she can get round the statement she made of not using filters anymore.
Anything that she could be good at, like the ASMR thing, she abandons. The first one she ever did was the best, then she only did one more and then nothing, then some while ago she announced she wouldn't do anymore as she had no interest in it, but then more recently she uploaded her live ASMR and said something about doing more, only of course she didn't, which is unfortunate as that was the best video she put out in ages.
She's so inconsistent, and I'm surprised that anyone still puts any credence on anything she says or promises.
For all how terrible it was meant to be for her when she was under Margo's wing, looking back at her first ever ASMR video and seeing how well and healthy she looked back then seems to suggest that her mental state was actually better back then, and she seemed more confident. Now she's all over the place and a wreck who's afraid to show her face, without a ton of filters.
Rather than being someone who was some sort of prisoner and being affected by that now she's free, it's more like she was cosseted and looked after by her mother and now has to cope in the world on her own and do everything for herself and it's that that she finds difficult, and it probably angers and frustrates her because the mundanity of it gets in the way of her being a princess.
No. 156997
>>156673As a psychologist i must say that yeah, i agree that people who use medication tend to depend on them buuuut it depends on the patient. You see, meds are not the solution, they are part of it but not fully it, people with mental health problems, especially patients on meds, need therapy asap, because there are people who actually get worse because they use their mental illness as an excuse to be horrible people, to not do anything, etc. And sadly, a lot of people do it, even i did it at some point because somehow letting depression take over you takes you to a comfort zone. Meds can be needed or just helpful for a boost, but therapy and mostly WORKING ON ONE'S SELF are the key. If Venus really wants to get better, then she must work on herself, ADHD and depression can't be cured, but they can be controlled or even used for the good, you just have to learn how can you use them for your advantage and even that depends on the patient.
Buuut if Venus continues this "im so sick and take lots of meds uwu" path, then she'll never get out of ther "pity me" comfort zone. All this Jirai kei, Menhera fashion CAN actually help people overcome mental health issues, normalize them and no longer be afraid of them, but it can also make people like Venus romanticize mental illness and use them to make people worry.
Sadly, it seems Venus is depending entirely on meds to do the magic and i insist, they can help, they can give you a boost, but if you don't work on yourself nor do you get therapy, then meds can become useless.
(Armchairing) No. 157018
>>156997Well in the case of the brother and sister I mentioned, she has had loads of different therapy, as well as just about every medication there is, and also electric shock 'treatment' (though I hesitate to call it treatment) whereas her brother refuses to have anything to do with any of it, she is no better than he is and he is no worse than her, if I had ever taken anything for anxiety and depression, I'd probably still be on it now, but I also chose not to, Venus should be monitoring her thoughts and trying every self help she can find rather than just rely on drugs from doctors, but she seemed to have so many people constantly saying she should see doctors. Maybe she should just have read The Secret instead, many people swear it has helped them change their way of thinking for the better, but each to their own.
No. 157154
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No. 157155
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No. 157156
File: 1624559378047.png (445.81 KB, 750x1334, C8F8A552-D3A2-43F0-8C4E-A44F43…)

She’s late to this whole witchcraft trend too, as usual.
No. 157168
>>157137Maybe she's experimenting. She wants to see if it somehow will get her more popular or not.
I personally think that this whole "dysmorphia",gross editing, so called mental illness and being suicidal, is to pander to a very certain audience that gives her the most money. aka Whales.
Most people will hate it but she's targeting those certain type of individuals that like this sort of stuff and pay lots of money for it.
I don't believe she has "real" dysmorphia because she was fine until like a year ago.
I mean, she's not that dumb, so business wise it probably gives her more money. Pandering to all those sick fucks.
Same with this witchcraft nonsense.
She never showed her real self online, and she never will. She just goes wherever money takes her.
No. 157193
File: 1624579053089.png (25.16 KB, 320x433, 00075675.png)

>>156767I'm not even the anon you're referring to. You need help.
>And if that person in the comments is "actually Margo" then please provide proof.See attached image, dumbass.
No. 157251
>>157042She jumps onto some bandwagon or latches onto some trend or fad and posts crap like "All okay now, guyz", til the next time. Going down the medicating route is not going to help her longterm and she's in for a rude awakening if she truly thinks it is.
I have complex PTSD but stay away from doctors for it and don't turn to any kind of drugs or alcohol, but try to be aware of my thoughts, and basically be my own helper, Venus needs to try doing the same, she is the way she is, she just has to learn to live with it. Life is not all easy peasy, not for hardly anyone, Venus seems like one of those people who think that it ought to be and then can't cope when they find it isn't.
She's always going to be the way she is, she needs to learn to live with how she is. She needs to start with dealing with her issues concerning her appearance instead of trying to morph herself into something that most of the world can see is worse than her natural look.
Or maybe she subconsciously edits herself into looking so ugly because it reflects, or she thinks it reflects, her true ugly nature.
No. 157271
File: 1624641234386.jpg (17.83 KB, 221x235, hg5d6d2gj16s.jpg)

Who's she fooling.
No. 157365
File: 1624690581061.jpeg (35.22 KB, 750x239, 6E19A596-1368-406D-B90D-61B2E8…)

From kf.
She hasn’t been into this for six months - there was no trace of any of this stuff in her room tour from about a month ago.
No. 157366
File: 1624691093888.jpeg (134.41 KB, 750x999, 52D2FAC4-FB98-4B30-9F59-F99F5A…)

She says got into it because of AA. But again, she's been drinking on stream in the last two-ish months.
No. 157398
>>157366What's she talking about "had to choose a higher power" ? And LOL at some idiot in kiwi saying that you're forced to choose a religion if you join AA. What utter tosh. Where do these morons come from?
AA exists for one reason only, to try and help addicts to alcohol stop drinking, the notion that all alkies have to be religious would be hilarious if it weren't so bloody stupid. Thanks for the laugh anyway, it was cracking me up at the thought of all the religious alkies and even more that anyone could be dumb enough to think that AA has some sort of rule about following a religion. It's not the fucking freemasons!
No. 157403
>>157398Exactly! It is true there's a phrase in AA meeting that tells you to choose a higher power, but its just a phrase, they are not forcing you to be religious or something, they are trying to explain to you to find something that is more important than yourself. That's all there is to it.
Nobody is telling you in AA meetings to turn into a Wiccan lmao.
She's either very stupid or lying.
No. 157529
>>157403>>they are trying to explain to you to find something that is more important than yourself.I don't get that either. Most self help is usually about telling someone that they are important, because people in a state usually lack self esteem and think they're not that important or have been made to believe that they're not.
I can understand if they're trying to stop people from focusing on themselves and their own problems too much, but not if they're trying to make them feel less important than they are, when they could already be thinking they're not important at all to anybody or to themselves, to try and make them feel even less important could be damaging surely?
No. 157531
>>157366Incredible that she's actually admitted to being an alcoholic now after denying it so many times. Seems that every single thing her mother ever said about her and was condemned for as being lies, has all turned out to be true.
I think now the picture Margaret posted of Venus in bed with some guy instead of Manaki, was actually Venus and not Margaret pretending to be Venus as many people said it was.
I recall her also saying that Venus used to scream and shout and physically attack her if she couldn't get her own way over something. I guess Manaki experienced the same from her somewhere along the line and that must have been a total shock if he had been so taken in by her innocent angel persona.
I think they are all damaged people to some degree and flawed personalities and not a lot of sympathy for any of them, but as bad as Margaret seems as a mother, I think there is mainly truth in what she ever said about Venus.
Poor stupid Manaki thought he was getting one thing but ended up with quite another instead. His innocent angel was actually a demon in disguise, and no doubt Venus would take that as a compliment if she sees it. I just wish she could sort herself out and stop hurting people.
No. 157548
>>157398Hilarious that some retard on kf is still trying to insist that a requirement of joining aa is that you must adopt or follow a religion.
AA states: A.A. is not a religious organization. Alcoholics Anonymous has only one requirement for member- ship, and that is the desire to stop drinking. There is room in A.A. for people of all shades of belief and non-belief.
That should be clear enough for anyone to understand. If any group of aa insist on someone following a religion then they'll just be adding to the person's problems, or maybe they think that if they have an addictive personality then they can get addicted to religion instead? Well we all know where that can lead, with some of the fanatical religious nutters in the world, maybe they joined AA? Really, the crap that gets spread around makes me truly despair of the human race. Honestly, rats are more intelligent.
No. 157661
>>157548>Poor wittle Veenus, she's such a victim uwu. I wish I could save her! Bad Manaki! Bad Maggot! Bad Manager-san! Bad and jelly farmers, they're all femcels anyway!Kek anonettte, Idk how you find the strenght to read her thread over there. It's full to the brim with weird old ladies with a massive saviour complex, gay scrotards that wish to wear her skin and thirsty coomers.
I know we are autistic too here in LC but our flavor of 'tism is much more bearable imo.
No. 157704
File: 1624909779797.jpg (78.72 KB, 396x636, 20210628_224728.jpg)

>> Yes, i'm out of the broom closet now!
Broom broom motherfucker!
Saged because being stupid
No. 157710
>>157704“I am grateful for becoming an alcoholic.”
I’m at a loss
No. 157727
File: 1624920336441.jpeg (266 KB, 828x1405, 96D02A38-4C2C-4858-B8D3-168F3C…)

Margo sperg on her latest Instagram post. After this she wrote some long thing in German? Idk
Love the conservatorship buzzword drop, as if weenus has any estate to speak of
No. 157815
File: 1624961148871.jpg (169.01 KB, 1080x1350, 208847995_221895159760960_5926…)

LOL at how she's determined to get round her "I promise not to use filters anymore" by still manipulating her pose, hair etc, to create the illusion that she has the ugly witch face she aspires to, including the pointy elf ears. What a state! I haven't seen one comment yet telling her how "pre-ttty" she looks, I guess they can't, cuz even fanatical fangelics can see how awful she looks here.
No. 157922
>>157813even a broken clock is right twice a day. margo has thrown numerous insane accusations over the years, and the ones that actually have been confirmed have been pretty tame. like, ok, venus really drinks too much. who is even surprised? with a deranged narc of a mother and no other family in close contact i am surprised venus hasn't offed herself. or like, venus getting that surgery and "lying" about it. venus didn't lie - she just didn't talk about it for a while, because it's a private detail of her life she doesn't even have to share. and i can't see how she ended up the bad guy in marge's eyes by GETTING and not performing that risky surgery no happy person would even consider. or how marge is still on about that fucking pod and the stolen money (most of which came from venus's channel anyway, let's be real) as if margo isn't an adult who is supposed to have savings of her own in case her teenage daughter leaves her
abusive ass.
sorry for the sperg and if it seems like wk-ing, but early beenos did what she could with the upbringing she got. so many things to drag her for these days, but marge still either chooses something that puts herself in a bad light or divulges in psychotic rants about mananki rotting away in swedish soil.
No. 157970
>>157922>venus didn't lie She did lie. She pretended she was naturally thin and even made a video, where literally every thing she said was a lie about how she stays thin and sold her impressionable fans a lie. Also, Venus embellished her "struggles" with Margo, same as she has done with literally everyone else (Manaki, managers, ken). As for the money, Margo worked on the channel, so shes entitled to the money, as well as Venus, so saying "most came from V's channel" is pointless. But yeah, Marge should have definitely had savings of her own and an alternative job instead of depending solely on YT and still whining about it to this day. She could have sued, but apparently claims YT ignores it. Don't get me wrong, Margo is bad, but Venus is also a liar and you've been suckered in by it.
>>157969Venus literally exploited a sexually abused child for attention and pity, solely thinking of bolstering herself and dated a pedo sugar daddy, KNOWING all this. Maybe take the "I hate Margaret" glasses off.
No. 157972
File: 1625026309489.jpg (67.99 KB, 496x410, 5435345345.jpg)

>>157815Can you fucking STOP rehashing the same garbage about her face already? You do it with literally ALL her edits. Stfu already.
No. 157980
>>157970I swear to god you’re the same freak who goes into other threads where people say they feel bad for Venus and write a whole wall about how evil she is. Go outside and eat the grass at this point Anon. No matter what you say, Venus is a product of her environment and that all started by having a shitty mother who exploited her and isolated her. If she had lived a normal childhood with her family from the beginning, she would’ve never ended up at this point.
Venus was used, abused and Margaret only saw the dollar signs when she exploded in popularity due to the whole living doll bullshit because she was a lazy asshole who wanted to leech off her daughter’s popularity. There is absolutely no way you can convince anyone with more than two brain cells otherwise. You are the one being manipulated into believing this narcissistic hag’s story as she tries to do anything and everything to regain control of her daughter by exposing petty bullshit just to gain the upper hand. The fact that you’re this obsessive is embarrassing.
No. 157993
You know you don't have to reply everytime they post right? Both of you derail every fucking threads with your "poor Weenus vs evil Weenus" tardfight.
Report them for derailing/nitpicking and move on, it's not that hard.
(Hope it don't came across as minimodding but these 2 spergs are really annoying and they're at it for months. Sorry farmhand-sama, I'll take my ban if I'll have to)
No. 158006
>>157922>>157969Come on now, I don't hate Venus, I used to believe in her and rooted for her and just about believed everything she said, now I don't, because things just speak for themselves now and it's uncomfortable to see things her mother said and I discounted as being hateful lies from a deranged mother, are now turning out to be true all along.
And as for this "well anyone would turn out like Venus with a mother like Margaret", no, they wouldn't! Without wishing to go into details, in many ways my own mother was worse, but I haven't turned out in any way like Venus and wouldn't do any of the things she has and still does, no drugs, no drunkenness and sometimes quite foolishly conscientious to the detriment of myself. And I'm just one example, I'm sure there are many more who had mothers even worse, so that cannot be used as an excuse for evermore.
Quite frankly I've come to the conclusion that it's just the way she is, she was probably born that way and it must have been very difficult for her mother trying to cope with her when she was a child acting up when things didn't go her way, not to mention her rough handling of her puppy enough to break it's leg, what the hell? It must have been really rough handling to cause that! Poor little thing, another reason I hope she never gets any more pets. She can't even look after plants without killing them as she showed in one of her recent videos.
Being aware of her faults is not just blindly hating her, but turning a blind eye to them is the opposite.
No. 158180
File: 1625146604638.png (199.59 KB, 302x548, a.png)

From her witchy account. For someone who supposedly was so desperate to 'escape' from her wicked mother, it seems odd that she says she got into all the witch stuff because of her mother's influence. You'd think she wouldn't want to associate with anything associated with her mother.
She also said she doesn't have hobbies, she has adhd so she has obsessions. Let's hope she never gets into Black Magic or she'll be sacrificing babies next.
No. 158181
File: 1625146806804.png (130.42 KB, 299x548, s.png)

2nd of 3.
She answers this question like she has hardly heard of tiktok. Why didn't she just say that she doesn't have a tiktok for this account?
No. 158183
File: 1625147036451.png (145.11 KB, 302x548, x.png)

She admits to being obsessed with something once she gets into it, and she has said elsewhere that she can't stop talking about anything she is into, but in the recent room tour she did, there was nothing there to show any interest in any of this, and certainly no altar or any of the paraphernalia she has shown in recent pictures. But it seems a strange thing to lie about, so idk.
No. 158246
File: 1625164474214.jpeg (245.62 KB, 748x1103, 7913AFD0-FC48-4BEF-8862-CFC21F…)

She’s clearly dumped a lot of OF money into her shitty pink ethot streamer setup.
I give it a week.
No. 158250
File: 1625165284867.jpeg (180.44 KB, 750x1248, D7E5F5A2-B305-4CB2-8E59-DC61BA…)

AA reference from the last thread, 6 months ago (she claims recently to have started AA 7 months ago).
No. 158251
File: 1625165433850.jpeg (237.76 KB, 750x1256, DD26CCF9-8A8D-44F4-A7E5-C60553…)

Anon called it.
No. 158338
>>158183Mate, as someone with hyperfixations / obsessions they can present themselves in different ways. Be it through research or buying things. Also talking about it all the time =/= 24/7. I obsess like a crazy person but it isn't the only thing to come out of my mouth. Just bc there wasn't "evidence" if it in her room doesn't mean she doesn't practice it
Although I wonder if the obsessions are an ADHD thing or a borderline thing, as a way to fill the void + find a sense of self. Both diagnosis are actually quite similar.
No. 158371
>>158211I tried watching some of it but had to ff so many times, I just gave up. Life's too short.
Her videos used to be good, now so boring and uninspiring.
No. 158374
>>158224The only song I heard was one almost at the end, some sort of rap, I wondered if she was singing the song Belle Delphine did or something else? Too intelligible to make out what it was meant to be.
She was also chugging back some drink from a can, which may have been alcohol, though I thought she had meant to have given it up. She kept tugging at her hair and pulling it down, so many times, it was really annoying, and that was only for the bits and pieces of the video I watched, no way could I sit through all of that for an hour and a half.
No. 158473
>>158246Hiding her round face behind the controller, very creative.
I hope she doesn't plan on actually streaming games on Youtube or twitch… girl didn't even know how to properly connect the controller to the console kek
No. 158554
>>158419Yes, she made it sound in her reply like Tiktok is something she's never had anything to do with, whereas she had a Tiktok account long before nearly everyone else who has one.
It's like she has to sort of lie about everything. Or rather always try to hide things, while at the same time, she comes out with other things that other people might not want to talk about, like exposing her mother's private email to her. Maybe it's all part of her deranged mental state, like she lies, or obliquely lies, or gives a false impression about something when there's no reason to and it wouldn't matter, like making it sound like she's never had a tiktok account when she was one of the first who did, I mean why would she want to dissociate herself from tiktok now? makes no sense, whilst other things that you'd think most people would want to keep hidden, she blasts all over the internet for all to see, i mean she knew that the story she posted showing her mother's email to her would end up reposted and talked about on here like everything else she does is. Isn't that sort of thing indicative of that mental condition where people will laugh where others would cry, and cry where others would laugh?
No. 158557
Someone on kiwi farm making excuses for her again, saying she is mentally ill as a result of traumatic childhood, well how come not everyone with traumatic and worse childhoods than her, don't end up the same? So fed up of seeing this sort of thing trotted out time and again. Oh someone has drink & drug problems, well that's because someone said or did something once they didn't like and it affected them so much, boo hoo, so you better be sympathetic to them because anyone would have ended up the same if that had happened to them too. - Well, no, they wouldn't! It's an insult to people who had worse to contend with but who did not turn out like that. I think it's mainly social worker types who think that everyone with drink & drug problems had to have a bad childhood and if you don't have drink & drug 'problems' then that proves that you didn't have a bad childhood. Well I've got news for them, it proves nothing of the sort, but they don't like to hear that because it proves them wrong and means there is less excuse for the people they constantly defend, when others have had worse and more abusive childhoods but who nevertheless turned out responsible and conscientious, nice people.
Venus is the way she is, simply because that is the way she is. She was basically born that way. Of course what happens to her is going to affect her in some way, like it would with anyone, but her childhood is not the sole reason she is like she is.
No. 158583
>>158473She had a short-lived variety streamer career before her 2 month break.
No excuse as to why she can't just use a higher quality camera for her streams and be prepared before the stream. She's just a lazy,crazy bitch at this point.
No. 158619
>>158435That's an outright lie. Marge literally let her do pretty much everything. She bought her all her nice clothes, nice food, travelled, got her all her kawaii trinkets, lolita stuff, makeup, got her to Japan, let her do youtube and explore the online world, pretty much everything she was into at the time. It's not Marge's fault Venus wasn't into showing off witch craft garbage when she was a teen (btw genuine wiccans don't actually feel the need to show off spirituality, show off a bunch of filtered kawaii altars with like 50 hashtags trying to grow their instas). This bitch always pulls the mommy excuse. She's so pathetic and transparent at this point.
Also Venus is into horror games now lol. This has nothing to do with her new jirai-kei wannabe badass witch druggie persona. It's totally her real self guys!
No. 158625
>>158175Venus' childhood was nowhere near as bad as she tried to make it out to be. Remember, Manaki is supposedly a massive abuser too kek, when we have proof of her berating him in videos and him asking her reasonable things (like to stop being attention seeking, getting surgery, dressing lolita all the time). This is a reserved guy from a reserved country, and him requesting these things makes him
abusive. Venus will never take his perspective into consideration though. We even have the surgery email where Venus trashes Manaki to Margo, calling him conventional and she's special and eccentric and compared herself to Trump, then she trashes Margo for trashing Manaki, to protect her illegal visa marriage obviously, not because she cared about him. It's clear that Venus embellishes things, because even her managers are all allegedly
abusive. It's clear as day now, that the abuser and emotional manipulator is her. Margo was weird, doesn't know how to interact with people, was overbearing, immoral (ie: scamming), enabler that spoiled Venus and likely invalidated Venus at times and there's the knife incident (if true, though I don't believe it now). This is definitely not the worst childhood one could have, or anywhere near as bad as Venus tries to claim. That fact that she's trying to pin the reason of not getting in wicca sooner on Margo is laughable. It's just like the sex work. She rolled with the Primink narrative that her mom sexualized her, then blamed Margo for "slut-shaming" her and not allowing her to be a thot as a teen. Anons that still believe Venus, bless your kind, patient souls. But she is a liar who likes being a
victim, as it provides an excuse for her shitty personality.
No. 158810
>>158708>>158670it was all over for venus when she got on a webcam at 3 years old and said "Venus: fashion model, Venus: actress, Venus: popstar!".
It's fucking up to you to decide if you believe she analysed her own inclinations, potentials, the industry opportunities. etc., and saw a good fit - at 3 years old - or if those "aspirations" originated elsewhere
No. 158818
>>158816She's titled the video "wrong thumbnail lol"
!! I have no words.
No. 158884
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>>158871Don’t forget she’s on prescription speed (adderal I think?) too. And is a regular at some hookah bar where she snorts caffeine “nasal liquour” up both nostrils. Gf likes uppers.
She reminds me of a sneaky little ferret every time I see her unfiltered face.
No. 158982
File: 1625535076967.png (3.08 MB, 1956x1706, 0000007866.png)

>>158876It's painfully obvious she isn't into video gaming. She seemed bored out of her mind playing HFF. It's obviously just a quirk to go with her jirai persona. And it's easier to stream games then it is to stream directly talking to your audience for 1-2 hours or edit videos. Next she wants to play minecraft. I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that minecraft is super popular right now so it gets views. She's incredibly bad at games too, it's like watching my grandma try to play lmao.
>>158884That's a pretty generous screencap ngl and doesn't really look like her, unfiltered or not. I'd say the attached images look closer to what she looked like irl when I visited Japan (minus the puffy eyebags as she doesn't actually have Margo eyebags, it's just double eyelid tape since aegyo sal is an asian trend and she follows those). It does amaze me though how she can often make her small eyes look large and protruding and her large/over-projected nose look so small, even on camera tbh. She has to be using beauty features on her cam or something and not just double eyelid tape and manipulating angles. She looks so different in like all her streams.
No. 158984
>>158765Well according to Venus, that's what she always wanted, so it's hard to say.
>>158810Comparing what a three year old says to what a teen/adult says is completely different. It IS possible that in her teens Venus actually wanted to be a thot, or she's just making that shit up now, but it does put skepticism in Venus' story, because she literally contradicted everything she said about Margo when she needed to demonize her and get away with visa fraud, AND she did the same to Manaki when she either no longer needed him or he kicked her out. She definitely wanted to do YT, that's for sure. I completely believe Margo in that, since her story was consistent, even when she and Venus were on good terms. She would have stopped once she left if she really hated it that much, or if it reminded her of her (overly embellished) "trauma," but she didn't, now did she? I don't think Venus cared who she was dancing for, so long as she got money to live her kawaii dreams. That's not entirely on Margo, though Margo should have actually been a responsible parent and said no, instead of being an enabler and participant. But it's not like Margo has morals either.
No. 159080
>>159031>child bridelmao she was fucking 19 at the time she married that looser. That's not a
child by any means
No. 159091
>>159051I don't understand why is it so difficult for people to understand that everyone are different. Just because YOU are effected in a certain way, doesn't mean that someone who isn't YOU will be effected the same.
People have different weaknesses and strengths. Some people are more sensitive to certain types of scenarios more than you, and vise versa. This doesn't mean you're better than them. It just means they were unlucky in life, and they had to endure more than you, even if you two gone through similar stuff in life.
I by no means am protecting Venus btw, i've just had enough hearing people say stuff like this: "But I WeNt ThrOuGh SiMilaR sTufF AnD I DiDn'T TuRn uP LiKe HeRRRRRRR". just stfu.
nobody cares.
No. 159133
File: 1625636862786.jpg (Spoiler Image,246.69 KB, 2048x1152, 20210707_134552.jpg)

She seems to be scared and looking at someone
No. 159134
File: 1625636897594.jpg (Spoiler Image,280.67 KB, 2048x1152, 20210707_134515.jpg)

No. 159191
>>159133Gross. Definitely made the right choice with the sex work Venus, this is a far better option than going back to school and getting an education.
Also I’m not seeing the scared thing, I think she just doesn’t know how to make a sexy face.
No. 159206
File: 1625666984291.jpeg (282.62 KB, 750x422, 759BF515-F197-46E3-9FBA-ADE5A2…)

She is scheduled to do a McDonalds mukbang but she is almost ten minutes late.
No. 159210
File: 1625667184258.jpeg (525.11 KB, 750x1214, C9C2AADD-4024-4053-9F0A-7AA8B4…)

“I give up”
No. 159211
File: 1625667462197.png (3.39 MB, 1334x750, D429060B-396F-40A8-9312-4926C2…)

She is live but still having technical difficulties. How long has she been doing YouTube again? Anyway I can’t watch this one, she is super low energy and looks like she wants to neck herself
No. 159212
File: 1625667467607.png (1.49 MB, 1098x1180, Screenshot 2021-07-07 at 15.17…)

god she looks so fucking old
No. 159219
>>159080I agree, but believe it or not, there are people in the world who seriously believe that people should be regarded as
children until they are
twenty five years old. That is how retarded some people are and so desperate to prove that young people are so
vulnerable and always need protecting and they are the champions who want to
protect them. And anyone who tries to suggest that Venus was a mere child when she married Manaki may be one of those people.
No. 159220
File: 1625668731096.png (2.15 MB, 1500x1088, Screenshot 2021-07-07 at 15.31…)

she seems drugged or something
No. 159221
File: 1625668940047.png (518.15 KB, 1122x824, Screen Shot 2021-07-07 at 9.36…)

Some greasy mod that barely speaks english is banning people if you insult him, lmao.
Also everyone is freaking out and saying "gross" when someone brings up her OF, as if she doesn't openly promote it??
No. 159222
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what is going on, she looks so drugged.. Love hos she is chewing air
No. 159223
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No. 159224
>>159206McDonalds mukbang, huh? Excellent choice for someone with half a digestive system, lol.
Also, take off that crusty hat already.
No. 159226
>>159091No, you're making excuses for her, and you are also diminishing someone else's suffering and pain and saying that if they did not turn out to be into drink, drugs, sex to cope then they didn't suffer so much, when they could and did suffer more and stayed away from all of those things out of FEAR and not some sense of superiority which is what you are suggesting. Sometimes people stay away from all the destructive things Venus has embraced precisely because they are highly sensitive people who are too afraid of the consequences and also miss out on other things they might enjoy which are not destructive, because their fear caused by their childhoods can hold them back, so don't you dare go on making excuses for someone who other people have woken up to long ago, and some of those people who have actually suffered more and were not indulged in their every whim like Venus was, yet she continues to play people who then go on the rampage of wanting to 'protect' her like she is some precious princess, when it seems pretty obvious that most everything her mother ever said about her has actually turned out to be true. Just because Marg is a loon doesn't mean she hasn't told the truth about Venus and what she was like when they were together. I didn't believe a word of it when I first heard, but bit by bit, one thing after another has turned out to be true.
No. 159227
>>159133Of course she's scared. Some eevil, horrible pimp is
forcing precious princess venus into doing something she doesn't want to do. What can we do to save her?
No. 159250
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She was going to play a game, but ended the stream because she felt tired and everyone was telling her to rest. I feel sorry for her, I hope she's okay.
No. 159253
>>159250She chose to do the stream, despite clearly not wanting to be there (“technical difficulties”??) and being too tired to in the first place. Despite being in AA and therapy and doing witchcraft, she still hasn’t learned a thing about basic self care.
Of course she’s not okay, and she never will be as long as she continues to make crappy choices like these.
No. 159273
>>159269That's what I think about, too.
She had a pretty good thing going with reviewing kawaii plastic shit and j-fashion hauls. People are pretty fascinated by stupid shit as long as it's located in glorious nippon. She could easily have stuck with that which takes much less effort because all she has to do is buy crap and walk around in weeb town.
No. 159309
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Some highlights from the deleted stream (from KF)
No. 159310
File: 1625688804495.jpeg (87.83 KB, 1288x340, F49A03EC-AB6C-4DA2-B619-B8B1B5…)

And here
(btw nodding off like this is classic behavior for someone on opiates.)
No. 159312
>>159211This livestream was a mess she looked like she.was eating the food in slow motion and couldn't chew the food like she was about to have a stroke, and was slurring her words.
>>159219She also called herself a child in her asmr livestream. It looks like Venus will view herself a child for a long time and avoid accountability in life
No. 159322
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>>159265>> confirms to me that she does these streams for her scrotes.She’s definitely doung this for her OF old pervs. She makes (what she thinks are) orgasmic sounds as she stuffs giant wads of melted cheese dipped in ranch dressing into her mouth. “ohh, ooh, unh unh ohhhh!”
No. 159323
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“soooo gooood…”
No. 159327
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At 28:00 she drops a half eaten McDonald’s burger on the floor then picks it up and carries on eating it
No. 159335
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Venus having her own pathetic David Hasselhoff cheeseburger moment kek
No. 159336
Regarding the meds she takes, that could totally be the reason for how she behaves. The monotone voice, hypo arousal, …
( )
Except for the slurs, she's always been doing that!
No. 159351
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struggling to keep her eyes open, can't finish a sentence without pausing for 10 seconds mid way, and is slurring her speech.
looking good, venus.
No. 159353
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>>159351She looks so bad and everyone in the chat is concerned
No. 159355
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lmao 'shes just exhausted!'
No. 159356
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No. 159364
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made me lol
No. 159365
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No. 159370
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No. 159374
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New thread picture of my favs
No. 159376
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“Stupid things I did while drunk”
Doesn’t mention that time she dropped a hunk of food on the floor, bent allll the way over, (took like 40 seconds to find it in her inebriated state) picked it up with a hair stuck on it, dipped it in ranch dressing and ATE IT. And livestreamed the whole thing.
Here she is with the ranch dressing-coated hair hanging out of her mouth.
Such a brave inspiration!
No. 159380
>>159369Oh noes poor abused Venus someone HELP HER!
No. 159383
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>>159337- no sound for the first 5 minutes, then
- leaves the room for over 2 minutes “to make coffee” before lurching back to her seat
Stellar. But why are her fingernails so dirty though? They’re BLACK. (And those bruised scarred knuckles, what could that be from?)
No. 159384
>>159383>Bruised scarred knucklesIt's dirt
Pretty sure she was not drinking coffee
No. 159385
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from kf. damn
No. 159387
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>>159370She does that one squinty eye look when she is super drunk and trying to read comments, this one is from her solo drunk karaoke live
No. 159403
>>159397She was more like 16 and he was a fan of her ‘doll’ persona, not lusting after her sexually for cripe’s sake. He set out to be her white knight and rescue her from Bad Mommy and now he’s stuck with an alcoholic drug-addled basketcase and emotional vampire. People like Venus put anyone unlucky enough to be sucked into their vortex through hell and I feel bad for Manaki for that reason.
Also whatever you may think of him personally she’s treated him like shit from day 1 and continues to do so to this day so there’s that too.
No. 159413
File: 1625710552891.jpg (166.63 KB, 1224x1053, Untitled (2).jpg)

Is she gonna die soon? She looks and sounds like she's quite literally coming unraveled mentally and physically.
No. 159420
>>159397>he took advantage of the situation How exactly a couple of awkward weebs meeting at a amusement park (with mommy Margo as third wheel no less) compares to shitty grandpas buying and raping young girls? lmao
>inb4 he used to watch underage Penus dance in panties Yes that's pretty gross ngl. But comparing that to actual child brides is one of the lamest reachs ever made.
Gotta agree doormat-kun kinda deserves this for being an enabler, though.
No. 159432
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while you bitches argue heres my contribution for future thread pic
No. 159445
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Looked at niconico out of curiosity and yeah she definitely was overexposed to things and probably formed her identity over this stuff. Here she is 13-14 ish. She seemed giddy and hyped by the attention and acting cute, but long term this was probably terribly for her. /oldnews
No. 159446
>>159413Sad to say, but I give her 5 years maximum. Likely less. I doubt she will live long. Calling it now: overdose.
She needs to get her shit together ASAP.
>>159403>not lusting after her sexually for cripe’s sake. How do you know?
No. 159460
>>159397they didnt even start dating until venus was 19.
do you whiteknights ever get bored, because of enablers like you Venus is getting worse because whiteknights like you flood her comments saying that she is a poor
victim and that everyone is at fault for her behavior so she never takes responsibility for her life.
No. 159465
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It looks like she’s been beat up is she ok? Or is that just what a lot alcohol abuse does to your face?
No. 159480
>>159471Another thing that occurred to me, I hope she hasn't got into that way of thinking that people will only care about her if they can feel sorry for her or pity her. I know how sometimes it can seem like people only care if they think someone is suffering or not well, but that is a self destructive mindset to get into. Venus needs to think bugger everyone else and to try not to let it get to her if people like her or hate her and just put herself first, not in a selfish way, but in the sense that she needs to take care of herself and value herself, and part of that means healthy food, not junk food and drink, though I doubt she even drank the milkshake that was there with the burger, probably loaded with sugar anyway, she could try getting a relaxing massage from a professional, there must be plenty in Japan, and it might help her relax and be therapuetic for her, in having touch without anything to do with sex, plus she needs to stop distorting her image with those dreadful filters she uses on Instagram, if nothing else at least it was nice to see her looking more like herself in the video, but she looked so unhappy and I feel for her, I know what it's like to feel so miserable. But medication and booze and binge eating is not the answer. There was so much love for her from people in her comments in the live chat but the mod kept shutting people down her were concerned about her and though it is annoying to see the repetitive r u ok comments, it was understandable that people were worried. I hope, really hope that she's not in some way doing it purposely to garner sympathy and support from her fans, because that will not help her in the long run, she needs to truly value herself more, then life would improve for her.
No. 159484
>>159471i highly doubt her and manaki are even living together anymore.
She is couchsurfing from place to place now.
No. 159500
>>159499its weird how there is not trace of manaki in any of those streams.
I get they are probably not in good terms at the moment but you'd have to at least hear somebody walking or get a glimpse of someone in the livestream and you never get that like he is never there.
Idk i dont believe the margo rumors but manaki disappearing off the face of the earth and venus making a fake account for him is strange
No. 159502
File: 1625761228430.png (55.5 KB, 1314x250, Screenshot 2021-07-08 at 17.20…)

venus liked a comment about being aboosed
No. 159503
>>159499If she can dump a bunch of money on a pink gaming setup and a load of crystals and shit, she’s not broke - just irresponsible af.
She never streams in any other room of the house, never films any other room (except in the hikikomori stream, where she cooked the omurice in the kitchen). There’s no opportunity to see anything of anyone else who might live there.
I’m also deadly curious about the freaky mod she had on that stream - has that mod been in other stream chats?
No. 159504
File: 1625761577617.jpeg (203.39 KB, 709x1261, D4E5D5AF-BCE9-435A-BE17-DBB16A…)

Is this…the most important thing in her mind right now? For real?
No. 159506
File: 1625762058603.png (80.04 KB, 807x341, a.png)

>>159385notes from kf from the alcohol stream
No. 159526
>>159523last year on onlyfans she did a livestream and said that she did have a job, but she wouldnt say what it was. she gave the impression that it was some simple part time work.
I think she needed that job in order to rent somewhere and to stay on her visa.
as far as the new witch thing goes, i love it, maiunly because i love kikis delivery service, she did a photo set as kiki, does anyone have those pics, i think they were on instagram.
as for her current wellbeing, i think she has never looked worse, its really a shame.
No. 159554
>>159539>>159541See this is the thing, people keep on making any excuse for why manaki is absent
>>oh he is at workbut Venus has made livestreams many times when the work hours were done
>>the he is sleeping or doesn't care excuse sleeping doesn't make someone in a coma, people can wake up and go to the bathroom or grab a drink, also dont you think venus's livestreams would bother manaki if he was sleeping
>doesnt careyes but even if he was minding his business in the other rooms you would atleast hear something, its like he isn't even there
idk there is something off about this.
No. 159556
>>159554These aren’t “excuses,” they’re facts. Venus has her own little room that she holes up in and streams from. Manaki works full-time and when he is there he leaves Venus to her own devices. If it’s the middle of the night why would he hear Venus mumbling to a camera doing a livestream? It’s not like she’s shouting.
What exactly is your point here? That Manaki is dead, murdered by VEENOOS? No longer lives there? What?
No. 159557
>>159554>>159556And why exactly would Manaki move out of that 2 bedroom apartment leaving it all for Venus? If that were the case, how do you suppose she’s paying the rent on her own? (hint: she’s not. because she’s unemployed and broke.) Not to mention the fact that no landlord in Japan is going to rent to an unemployed broke gaijin.
Your fantasies are almost as entertaining as Margaret’s
No. 159572
>>159500>> 159554There is someone living with her and thats probably Manaki.
In the first burgerstream someone opened for the deliveryservice to get the burger and that was for a fact not venus.
She was sitting there waiting and got the burgers later on
No. 159578
>>159571>You underestimate how the Japanese have perfected the art of cuckoldry and mindfulness.This. It's not hard to imagine Manaki staying in a loveless dysfunctional marriage. It's a (legitimate) stereotype that Japanese couples quickly start sleeping in separate rooms and base all their communication around tasks/errands/children.
Many of the men are pretty spineless and will stay in shitty relationships because it's easier than leaving and they are annoyingly passive and avid fence sitter.
No. 159661
File: 1625807206213.jpeg (277.17 KB, 1125x1342, 2D72A56E-E1FD-4C86-BB12-9EF42B…)

Now streaming. She seems in a better state than the previous few lives. She is talking normal speed and answering questions, smiling, etc. I just got there though
No. 159666
>>159531She's claimed to work doing book keeping while with manager Gaku Kitano, as well as programming (kek) and said "anyone can learn it." This is hilarious coming from someone so technologically inept. She obviously made those up or watched Kitano do it, just like she paraded Kitano's business as her own, which I'm sure she also considers as "work", same with the bar gig she did one time, which was just promotional YT stuff that Kitano got for her. She embellishes everything she does, same as Margo. My guess is by "work" she means streaming/YT/OF and that mononga crap she's doing with Kyrie, and/or possibly doing stuff with another manager/sugar daddy. Remember she said she's too good for a "real" job, so if she's doing anything else, it's likely related to her YT/social media and not an actual legitimate job she applied for on her own, as Venus Palermo, complete with interview and all that, no manager involved.
Also called it that she was forced into treatment. I honestly think that was her first time EVER seeing therapists and the alleged friends who claimed she was lying both here and PULL were being truthful. She actually showed medication, pictures in the ward and provided a bit more details, when before, she was so vague, milking her mental health and fake therapy for views and money on YT.
No. 159669
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>>159662Her hands are shaking because she’s on medication, Lydia.
No. 159671
>>159506Beer and snorting alcohol doesn't sound like she is getting over her alcoholism.
She can say she fell asleep eating a burger because of the hypertension all she wants but it's pretty clear that she is still drinking.
No. 159672
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>>159538I was thinking about this and I honestly don't believe it. She said she cut her wrist and was found by staff (who I presume would have got her taken to the hospital, right?). But last year, she posted this image, complete with bandage, while in the hotel and it's the only time I remember seeing her with a bandage, so it would have happened then, right? If this is when she allegedly did that, then what, she just decided to stop and get dolled up and take a picture after cutting herself AND supposedly being BANNED from the hotel after being found? So it was that serious and she had the time to take pictures? She's definitely lying. Suddenly she comes out with this story as she gets into jirai kei and dons her 10 millionth persona.
No. 159677
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No. 159680
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>>159675Exactly. Like I can believe maybe she cut her wrist a tiny bit, but not that she was attempting suicide, allowing herself to bleed out with the intention of dying and being banned by a hotel chain.
>>159675She said a year ago or so (and was not too specific) and that pic was posted in late 2019 so it could fall in line.
>>159677KEK. What a joke. There may be no filters but there's definitely editing. There's definitely facial smoothing going on and over exposure and she must be really insecure about her small eyes, because not only is she wearing double eyelid tape/aegyo tape, but larger circle lenses and the aegyo makeup is SO EXTREME in that photo, the most extreme I've ever seen it. Holy shit.
No. 159684
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>>159502She loves worrying people. That's her fetish.
No. 159690
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This guy keeps posting about himself and talking about his mod job when nobody cares lol
No. 159691
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She’s actually managed to create a really positive and supportive vibe and is celebrating people’s successes and saying supportive things to people and the vibe is really good. I mean she’s totally off topic though
No. 159697
Some notables from the stream:
She literally blamed Margo for finding people (a guy) physically ugly kek. She's beyond pathetic. She then went on to describe splitting - how her mom either found people perfect or horrible and blames her mom for her finding people ugly. She's such a bitch. Let's say that's actually true (which it isn't), splitting is due to mental illness, so shitting on Margo for being mentally ill but expecting asspats for her own slew of (mostly made up) mental illnesses is really telling how self absorbed and horrible she really is.
She also mentions school. Primary school, high school and so forth. Contradicting he "home schooled didn't finish high school" story and admit to being a habitual liar. Her confessions are mostly blaming other people and victimizing herself. She's legit gross. She talks about hating a bunch of people and even said she punched a girl as a kid. Margo was really telling the truth when she said Venus was a bully. I'm sure she hates her fans too, like she just recently said their comments are shit.
She also said that she's judgmental of that "ugly" boy in high school and judgmental in general because she's judged on the internet. But back when she was a teen, I remember most of the internet being very supportive of her, even her gossip threads.
She also says Margo denied adhd treatment, but I doubt that because after Venus claimed a teacher suggested she had adhd back in school, Margo eventually either self-diagnosed or had Venus tested and claimed she had asperger's, which would suggest that Margo did INDEED think something was wrong with her daughter, and not entirely ignore her mental health. So Venus is probably lying.
She also says how she feels she has to take care of everyone because of Margo KEK. She's so selfish, such a blatant lie, this one I just can't. Speechless.
>>159696It sounded like she said Manaki's name but I could be wrong. But we all know he's not dead. Margo will claim it's a paid actor if he ever returns kek.
No. 159699
>>159697I really thought that the first thing she said when she left her room was “Mana…”, but I didn’t want to hype that because I wasn’t sure!
And the whole video is attention seeking. She’s trying to make people feel bad for her because she hates others, thinks people look like “trash dumpsters”, wants people who text her to stfu, but it is actually Margo’s fault that she is like this, so feel bad for her ok! Lol
When she complains that Margo “denied” her adhd medicine when she was a kid, I have to think that, had Margo supported ADHD meds when she was a kid, Venus would probably be complaining about how abused she was by being forced to take meds at a young age
No. 159701
>>159697Yeah, Margo did sad she had Asperger's when she ran away and Venus made that video saying it wasn't true at all.
Seems that Margo was right about a lot of the stuff she was called crazy for: the lies, the mental illness, the alcohol, the "used Manaki for visa", violent behavior, eating disorder and more.
No. 159712
u can say whatever, but I smiled when I saw her newest stream, I wish she would be like that for longer, Im with her since 2011 and I understand her, u can say whatever u want, but that's how kids, who was treated in another way are w/o therapy. Thats all. Its not normal, but typical for a someone w/o therapy being abused. Im sure she will change, but everyone needs time, I just hope, she will realise that as soon as possible. The worst thing is Margo maid her a public person, and now its her comfort zone, so we all have to look at it, but in the other way, shes not alone, but with us. IDK what about Manaki, we all don't know, but at least we can tell her some good words to make her do something more for herself. Yeah, she did shitty things, but that's just typical for a people who never learned, how to deal with life, bc how will she? Margo wanted to be her one and only, she don't wanted her to be an adult, she have no idea, shes just lost. We have just wait with her, I think she got her critical phase and now is just her turn to beat it up.. As I said, its just as typical in psychology. She need tools to cope with life. And only therapy can teach her.