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No. 76241
Last thread
> 22 year old with a dried up youtube channel
> still attempts to pretend to be younger than her age by acting like a little girl
> hasn't showered in about 6 months
> repeatedly gets drunk on stream begging for money
> lied for the millionth time about going to change and stop drinking and keep up with her youtube channel but this lasted the grand total of about 2 days
> hygiene had gotten so bad that her bangs/fringe have been permanently stuck to her forehead purely by the amount of unwashed grease on her hair
> had a drunk melt down on stream looking haggered then posted a photo on ig acting like it never happened
> primink made a docu about venus but missed 70% of the newer info
> still drastically photoshops pictures of herself to the point of being unrecognisable
> so desperate for money that she now charges her fans to see her low effort blog posts and chat
> 99% of her paid fans are gross old men
> refuses to get a job to support herself recent stuff:
> got shouted at by a ramen chef as she failed to make a simple bowl of ramen> ignoring her fans in the paid for chat section of her website> sugaring older men online for money since her youtube is dried up> sucking on suger cubes because yellow teeth are super kawaii!socials
instagram: venus_angelic
twitter: @VenusAngelic
tiktok: @dollyvenus
fanicon: youtube: youtube: No. 76251
File: 1576964631726.jpeg (200.35 KB, 750x1100, 1D9E3E9B-5337-4B34-AF88-9C8E58…)

How is Venus affording these trips? Because I’m damn sure she isn’t getting any money from her youtube
No. 76252
Her life's a mess and she needs to get on track with a real job. That said, I think the hatred directed at her in these threads is excessive. People like Onision and Kanadajin3/Mira are basically evil sociopaths, and they deserve what they get. As far as I can tell, Venus is just this girl who was abused and manipulated by her mother for her entire life. It's great that she got out of that, and it's a shame she's become a dysfunctional alcoholic. Maybe she needs some remedial education, whether that's in Japan or back in Switzerland, but if she's basically fluent in both English and German, that's a great skill, and she should probably just become a language teacher.
I guess the reason I have some sympathy is because it's obvious she's dealing with a lot of trauma. Yeah, she looks kind of greasy, clammy, and tired a lot of the time, but I'd rather see her like that than dressed up like some fucking lolita doll.
I just feel bad for her, and I hope she's able to get on track, maybe seek out some counseling.
No. 76255
>>76252So her badmouthing Manaki and lying to her fans is okay? She's the child of her mother, through and through. Idg how you can still sympathize with her.
And a language teacher? She can't speak any language good enough for that.
No. 76260
>>76252She's a manipulative little narcissist like the rest of the cows featured on this website. Not on a sociopath level like her mother but let's face it she's pretty fucked up.
Thousands of people have had bad childhoods and have worked their way out of it to become a better person. Venus on the other hand would rather milk her past to make her look like a tragic
victim, treat people like doormats & belittle them for her own entertainment ie Manaki, make false promises, exploit her fans for money and be a lazy piece of shit who expects everything to be handed to her on a silver platter.
She's old enough to know better. Therapy is useless for someone with her sort of mentality and a "normal" job is not good enough for Venus. Everything that involves leading an ordinary happy life is below her standards and efame is the only thing she craves for.
No. 76265
Her threads have 0 milk and had it not been for that cancerous person (are you even still here?) who worshipped her by creating low quality banners nobody probably would ever check these threads, but to this day I don't understand a single thing of the worrying that continues to happen for her to this very day.
>>76252Nobody hates her, nobody even cares about her.
No. 76267
>>76265>> I don't understand a single thing of the worrying that continues to happen for her to this very day.She’s a manipulative little shit who plays the
victim card over and over and people are gullible enough to buy it. Not as many as before as more are beginning to see through her act and see her for the malicious lying leech she is but there are still plenty who are sucked in.
No. 76305
The quality of her recent video is so bad, the only positive thing about it is that her voice is less annoying then usual. She didn't put up that high pitched baby voice and talked clearly.
>>76267kek i think your hate boner for venus is a little to big, she does lie but i don't think she is playing the
victim card that much.
No. 76311
>>76305>managed to frame manaki and her cringy mother for every single autistic shit she did online sure jan. idk, her threads aren't any less cringy than a lot of the threads that are still on /pt/, but then again isn't being petty what this website is all about? i do agree that it's hard not to cringe when i read a-logger and spergelic posts tho
>>76310ok so we can assume she only showers once a week based on that period pantsu fiasco? (aka the only worthy recent milk she produced imo)
No. 76328
>>76305>> i don't think she is playing the victim card that muchNot much except for that video where she claims her evil
abusive ex forced her to support him financially
just like her abusive mom did and was just as
abusive as her mom. Making poor Weenus an
abuse victim HER ENTIRE LIFE aka Marge “everyone boolies and abuses me!” 2.0
But sure, other than that no
victim card at all.
No. 76329
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Can't wait for this cringefest
No. 76331
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>>76329Also, her fans are something else …
No. 76340
>>76329Oh god
Peachy and Venus finally meet.
All they're missing now is Katie and her goon squad. I'd say Dakota but she thinks she's too good to socialise with gaijin so…
No. 76343
>>76252I agree with you to an extent anon. But at the end of the day she's almost 24 years of age. Despite making it 'big' on YT as a teen. Was has she actually done with her life? What has she got going for her?
No one gives a fuck about living dolls anymore. That style and niche is dead. Even the Japan trend is now boring and people cater to Korea, that's going to come towards its own sunset pretty soon too when everyone is sick of Kpop.
No. 76344
>>76342Even Peachy is producing milk… she's long tossed the doll thing in the mud too when she realised she wouldn't be the next Dakota Rose. So now she just does that soft porn loli shit for neckbeards to fap over.
They're all useless tbf.
No. 76402
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Looks like she’s abandoned her fanicon fan club - there’s no longer a link to it in her ig bio. There hadn’t been activity in the chat for days so I guess no one (or very few) ever signed up, so she just dropped it with no explanation like she does with everything.
Will any of the poor suckers who did pay ask for refunds I wonder? And if so will she give any? (Probably not. After all none of her idiot followers has asked what ever happened to her ‘Company’ either.)
No. 76408
>>76406That was the most boring video I've ever seen and the audio is atrocious.
She also changed the title (I forgot what it was before) and the thumbnail (originally it was a picture of the three of them). Probably because her cringey Yandere voice acting video was so popular…. disgusting.
No. 76413
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Here’s the original thumbnail and title still had it open so I could screenshot(namefag)
No. 76467
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Mom commenting on things.
No. 76468
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No. 76471
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No. 76472
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No. 76474
>>76467Where are these comments from Venus from? Is she really now accusing Manaki of “drinking too much and keeping things from her”?
Can you say
projection?? Wow, just wow. She’s literally a marge clone at this point.
No. 76477
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She looks different in every single picture on her instagram.
Spergelics are asking her how she stays so young. Haven't they seen her livestreams? kek
No. 76579
are you crazy?! Venus is highly educated, and can speak many languages! Where do you get your incorrect information. The girl/child is Venus’s life. She was manipulated by her mother, and fell into the arms of someone who wanted to save her. He was in live from her videos, that doesn’t mean only because of her looks. She was vulnerable, and in a dangerously crazy toxic isolated life with her mother molding and commanding Venus to do as she said. She is a remarkably resilient person, who with very little therapy with a professional would be easily diagnosed for different disorders brought on by continued mixed messages, and a mother who is a narcissist/ psychopath. She made mud of her own child’s name for forsaking her. The whole thing is disgusting. I have often put Venus in my prayers…prayers that she can rise above the craziness using her artistic/ playful/ entertaining content. She is a human being that is being put under a microscope at all times. She has an inmate goodness. Her mother does not. Do t you think there is a reason she identifies with all things pink/cute/yummy/happy- that is who she really is at her core. A sweet child who was manipulated and left alone for most of her life… her mother is a sick monster. Put yourself in Venus’s shoes. I am grateful she is still with us, exactly as she is. I wish I could hang out with her, and just let her vent her traumas and dramas. I deal with a mother who is a narcissist. It is a scary way to grow up. Your biggest fear, is making them mad, because they will shame you and nail you to a cross…then act like nothing happened the next day. So scary! I vote for you Venus, wherever you are.✌✨(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 76620
>>76581its actually not compete bait, its a comment from a venus fan that i saw on youtube
I just decided to copy and paste it here
(ban evasion) No. 76646
>>76627This is what annoys me. It makes her look like a tragic
victim of abuse and how she miraculously escaped when really she's no different from her mother. That YouTuber has no fucking clue.
No. 76660
>>76476she was chubby actually, you spergelic.
I am no longer gonna give them any attention, they're both shit people and should live together forever.
No. 76672
>>76652Yeah. Even if you think of her as a tragic
victim, he shouldn't have left all the recent info about her obvious alcoholism out. I mean she's obviously developing addictions due to her trauma so even if you believe in her victimhood like Primink does, he could have talked about that. His commenters are also all like "oh man poor Venus ;(" and it makes me want to scream lmao
No. 76695
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This shoop…
No. 76793
>>76763she's either drunk, on drugs or trying to sound babyish.
Tinfoil time but judging by her latest videos, I wouldn't be surprised if Kitano has a dojikko fetish. She indeed had faked that jarring accent and demeanor before, but not to this extent.
No. 76802
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>>76760I kept getting flashbacks to marge’s baking video
No. 76803
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>>76802They’re both wearing too much makeup and trying way too hard (and failing) to be cute.
No. 76807
>>76803Difference is that in this video Margo had already popped out a kid and was 2 decades older than Venus is right now…
She will definitely end up looking even more haggard than her mom thanks to her diet.
No. 76818
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>>76763It’s not just you, she sounds like she’s talking with a mouthful of marbles. Literally the first line of the video is unintelligible.
“Hi everybody schmurbl gablishworrgble Chrishmash”
What a mess.
Also, hello baby marge
No. 76835
>>76802I didn’t finish the video. I couldn’t stand the shit audio with the music playing over it. It wasn’t just the unintelligible mumbling, the the volume was low combined with loud background voices-a fan I think. Then I couldn’t tel if the music was meant to mask it or if she’s that shit at editing!
She’s said in the past that she doesn’t watch youtubers and so she doesn’t know what’s popular or what good editing or effort looks like! Would it have killed her to watch 2 cooking videos before she did this and her idiot fans start chant “cooking with Venus show!”?
No. 76843
>>76764I don’t think she is drunk because her muscles would be more loose, right? She looks like the opposite: right-jawed, rigid and she was actually shaking. Seems more like medication. Whatever it is, I can’t believe how bad her speech has gotten. She had made such improvement a couple years ago!
It’s really a shame because I liked her styling and the concept of this video, but the execution was lazy. The camera man and editing was also bad and what is with the constant shit audio? Is that all Kitano or one of her messy gaijin gang?
>>76817You’ve never seen bubble twin tail/bubble braids before?
No. 76853
>>76843What a long reach you have, anon. And no, not in 5+ years have I seen that hairstyle attempted. IIRC the last white weeb whore to do it was Dakotakoti.
But yeah, didn't Marge confirm that she legally changed her name to Minako Okada? Ergo, she could be dubbed Marnako, Minagul, etc.. I feel like the threads have been lazy with the nicknames.
She's definitely drunk, if she were on medication she would be bragging about getting help and getting better, uwu~
No. 76870
>>76853Where was I reaching? It was my personal observation that she looks under the influence of meds instead of alcohol. Relax your Venus hate-boner.
> the last white weeb whore to do it was Dakotakoti. Dude, you’re fucking weird.
No. 76880
>>76760lmao she's copying marge's vid. Is it some kind of veiled jab at marge? she even adds on more lipstick at around 9:26 (just like how marge's filter kept adding and taking away lip color). also venus is trying really hard to act the way she did when she was semi-popular. bitch it doesn't work when you showed your true colors already and cycled through "issues" and "personalities" on the daily.
And, is that the same place she was staying at earlier (shabby room she live streamed from), but just a different part of the place or is she staying (or just filming) somewhere else now? She did tease about getting into a relationship everyone was supposedly against, so is she leeching off kitano? or a new sugar daddy? also the note on the fridge from what i could read said "internet access" followed by what looked like a number or combination of letters (possibly a wifi password.
No. 76882
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her mothers clone
No. 76892
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>>76818Good for Manaki for not taking her back. At least he isn't
that retarded.
No. 76902
>>76760When she puts the apple in the microwave with cling film over it. That was gonna melt all over it. But then it shows the apple from the oven which is not covered in melted plastic. I'm guessing whoever is managing her now actually did this cooking because it turned out too well despite lots of bad decisions.
It seems they are trying to return to her cute cringe past and forget about all the stuff that happened recently. A good decision but I'm not sure we can forget the drunk livestreams and garbed videos so quickly
She looks very cute here!
No. 76912
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>>76884holy shit look at her skin tone
is this even possible while being alive?
or is it some app fuckery
No. 76919
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>>76912She’s fine, anon. Just her usual pasty self thanks to her shit lifestyle. She rarely leave her room and lives on convenience store junk food and alcohol, plus she’s fair skinned by nature.
>>76884>> According to Venus, her cameraman is her "assistant",Lol at this ~assistant~
Aside from the bad technique (out of focus and shots frequently out of frame) what the hell kind of camera do you think they’re using to get such incredibly poor quality? Even a cellphone would get you better quality than this, wouldn’t it?
Any guesses? I’m genuinely curious.
No. 76932
>>76919Well aside from the shit camerawork you mentioned, maybe she added a blur filter when editing to cover her premature ageing? You have to intentionally try to make footage blurry these days because like you said, even cheap phone cameras are better than that.
I think it may be a new manager, wasn't Kitano the manager she allegedly tried to fuck?
No. 76936
>>76933the premise of this post is kind of like a pull post, that there's a better idea
>if only she made videos about __ people would …her channel's viability is not coming back. nothing she makes is going to get more than 15k views. she is DONE here
time for her to fuck off to be some guy's wife
No. 76972
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All those drunk tiddy streams, just a memory now
No. 76974
File: 1577651411813.jpeg (398.46 KB, 1651x1507, FC30759B-5A99-4426-9D25-5214AF…)

But the internet never forgets, Weenus
No. 77013
>>77003But ever since that Primink video there’s a whole new wave of “omg poor girl, how AWFUL what she suffered! Stay strong Venus!” marks that got sucked in to the good old Poor
Victim narrative.
No. 77103
>>77100That's the Cuppy Cake song so no Vocaloid involved.
I thought the person on the thumbnail was a cross dressing man, ngl. Venus' last video of the decade pretty much sums up her whole internet persona. Cringy, weebish and pointless.
No. 77126
>>77097i love how people in the comments sense how messed up this is considering that poor pinus was "forced" to make this content by her
abusive mom, but at the same time they fall for the
victim act again instead of realizing that at this point all she does is troll her braindead fans
No. 77138
>>77097So that’s how she spent NY eve, alone in yet another little room, dressing up in a cheap cosplay costume and filming herself acting retarded. Okay Weenis, whatever floats your boat.
She seems content as long as she has a bed, an internet connection and a steady supply of cheap snacks and seems to have no desire for much of anything beyond that. I bet she’ll be doing the same shit a year from now, the year after that, etc. etc. Just like her mommy.
Happy New Year.
No. 77157
>>77097remember when venus -this venus- said she had a 'song coming out' (as in, a commercial single) 'as soon as they finish mixing it'. lmoa
Also lol how the blue hair throws the filter off and makes it tint the bottom half of her face blue like 5-oclock shadow. looks like a fuckin dude
or maybe this is manaki in 2019
No. 77168
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gf looves her a mic
No. 77178
>>77097I actually don't hate this. It's the kind of video she used to make when she was a kid, just starting out on YT.
It somehow feels less fake/forced for her to be doing random "shitpost" videos like this than everything else. I honestly feel like she's better off as a "weird internet girl"/"gap moe" sort than what she's been doing for the past few years.
At least if she's not doing vlogs or trying to organize a stream of polished "serious YouTuber content", it'd allow her to separate her life from the internet and get her shit together.
No. 77182
File: 1577892369553.png (2.05 MB, 1440x1725, NEET.png)

Is this Veenus outing herself as an imageboard user? I've never seen NEET used anywhere else, and I don't think many people in the comments got the reference
No. 77214
>>77126>>76579Think it's clear by now the "forced" slavery narrative is just a myth. Venus def embellished parts of her life with margo in a one-sided narrative to paint herself as a hero, & she tried to do the same with Manaki; which should make one re-think the initial narrative.
-Myth 1: Venus was "forced" to start YT with whip & chain. Likely wasn't forced.
She was the one obsessed with Japan. She had notes that read:
want to be known for being cute (aka famous) &
make 100K. Her initial vids (jpop dances) look like they were pre-margo (crap equipt/editing, compared to marge era vids). Actually have to believe marge when she says venus wanted to go viral & needed help. Makes sense for a kid to seek support from their family to chase their dreams/goals. Only way she'd be indirectly "forced" is when marge quit whatever job she had to manage the channel full-time as quitting would leave them both jobless & be a massive waste of money invested. But Venus willingly continued doing vids long after leaving, so she doesn't get to change the narrative & say she didn't want to all along just b/c she didn't like her mommy. I bet she loved having a manager that made YT easier. She just didn't like the manager's shitty personality.
-Myth 2: Venus was the sole "breadwinner" and marge was living off her money". Marge invested in & managed the channel & was clearly involved in video production. Compare venus vids (marge era) to marge's own vids. They're nearly identical. She likely worked on them too. If marge is also working on the channel, then she's also a breadwinner & entitled to some of that money. Only way it's living off v's income is if marge kept all the money to herself (but doesn't appear that way (until venus left), given all the things venus had).
-Myth 3:She was "forced" to marry Manaki. Margo could only suggest such a thing. It was Venus who decided in the end. Plus, she blatantly contradicted her own story with that claim. She said Margo was against the marriage & threatened to delete her YT if she didn't divorce upon running away. Now it's: she was "forced to marry Manaki". It was clearly Venus, with final say, who decided to use another person & commit visa fraud to escape her momager & live in her dream country.
Venus & spergelics like to claim the slavery narrative. The only thing that's true about Venus' narrative is having the displeasure of dealing with a
toxic, overbearing momager-parent.But this is completely different from the narrative Venus likes to claim; the one where she was forced into YT, pumping out vids as if she
never even wanted to in the first place, forced to marry Manaki & then controlled & abused by Manaki himself. Please. She doesn't get to say she was forced into it, when it was clearly a mutual agreement between the two. Margo may have been a
toxic momager, I completely believe that (we've seen her vileness), but Venus doesn't get to change the entire narrative just because she had to bear her mommy's awful personality.
No. 77222
>>77182The pic itself feels like a wierd proof post. Is she trying to choose a new banner pic? Lmao.
I got to know the term "neet" thanks to touhou and manga, way before embracing it and coming here.
>>77219Is this a cooking wine reference?
No. 77229

>>77227Weird post, anon. That video is standard issue weeb shit that was common back in the day, nothing "fucked up", lmao. It's pretty easy to pinpoint which of her earlier videos were hers and which were directed by her mother. Most of the shit her mother played a hand in was creepy and obviously made to pander to old men, while Venus' own stuff was just weeby and sort of cringy, with a very cutesy bend.
The earliest one I know for a fact her mother was behind is a now-gone video where she was 11 or 12, dressed up as a bunny, and her mother filmed her falling asleep in a garden or something. She had red contacts and said "Nemuru". Also, this weirdly sexual "dolly stockings" video with the red heels. It seems like Venus also removed this one from her channel, and it's kind of obvious why. I kind of hope she does eventually release an archive of all her old videos or something, if only to clarify which content is hers, and which was directed by Margo (or just for nostalgia's sake).
Years and years ago (before Venus even got onto the makeup tutorial wave), Margaret also made a makeup tutorial of herself on how to look Japanese, so the "how to look Asian" shit was most likely made in step with her own tone-deafness, while Venus was already a weeb with a lack of practical understanding (and was raised by this same woman).
>maybe it was also Venus who wanted to be as skinny as japanese girls/animuh characters and not her not-thin, workout-loving mom telling her she needs to look anaI don't think I've ever seen her claim her ED came from her mother, just that she didn't help at all.
No. 77339
>>77261considering that Venus' videos were edited in the same style even after Venus ran away from Maggot, no, Maggot didn't edit a single video on Venus' channel.
Venus is a lazy NEET, yes, but her mom is even worse.
No. 77371
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>>epic hentai relations
No. 77375
>>77371So basically they're both cheating on each other. Is that the real reason Venus was talking about getting a divorce?
What's even the point of them staying together at that point then? I can understand Venus for her visa, but what does Makani get out of it?
No. 77379
>>77376"Hentai relations" must be her endangered weebspeak codeword for sex. She might be planting seeds for a new
victim narrative/scheme to keep her marriage visa safe by making everyone think manaki is cheating on poor, confused little Weenus in her time of sexual confusion and oily strife (which, if they're separated then good for him).
I think she maybe had another talk with Manaki about staying together for her visa security and this is what happens when she doesn't get her way.
No. 77384
>>77371This post is a real disaster huh.
I have thoughts, but I think it's what
>>77372 said.
No. 77411
>>77392Then he obviously isn't taking her back, so this must be Venus doing damage control- "Mana-san won't take me back bc he likes traps and doesn't like me being bicurious!!!"
I hope he grows a spine and not only divorces her, but is saving these posts she's making about him with all these vague accusations. Even with it all being in English he could still probably sue her for defamation of character, especially if he includes the chikan arrest "joke" she claimed was his idea and her claims that she was forced to marry him to begin with.
I hope Manaki either gets a good lawyer or makes his own truth video. I'd pay big money for a Manaki tell-all video about Venus and I'm probably not alone.
No. 77429
>>77371lmao bitch is drunkposting again
How long until "Mana tried to bite my finger off" and "He tried to kill me by stepping on my toe"?
No. 77453
>>77411If Manaki ever did a tell-all about her I don't know how anyone would take her side anymore because she's really showing how unstable and batshit insane she is. Her greasy hair alone puts her up there with her dumpster diving river monster mom. I know she has stupid delusional fans but there has to be a limit. Manaki and his family have been through enough. They supported her for so long and through so much and she paid them back by being an abhorrent little bitch.
>>77429lmao can't wait for the Mana strungle toe tears.
No. 77462
>>77371So then what was with the humiliating “I am so gay for girls, boys are disgusting and want to fuck girls even though I’m married to wimpy Manaki!” posting? Is she trying to say it was all in retaliation for Manaki being gay or, is it that she believes she is allowed to experiment but he isn’t allowed any affection from her or another human being? I hate when she writes like this. If she just wrote straightforwardly like “Manaki was messing around the whole time and that’s why I acted so weird” it would be easy to sympathize and make her the
victim. But this goofy wording makes it seem like she’s trying to hide the fact that this all happened recently. If it’s recent, what did she expect? For him to wait for her while she did whatever she wanted?
I think it’s like what that one insider anon claimed: Venus was messing around first and didn’t care about Manaki or his family’s embarrassment. So Manaki started seeing other people while Venus’ fans publicly praised her for cucking him.
No. 77463
>>77462It's obvious she's probably fucked around on him & used the "I'm so gay and love girls" card to excuse what she did and when he decided to do the same, it's
triggered her. They've been apart for some time and she had no problem bringing him down that entire time. In photos from near Christmas they were clearly taken in Manaki's apartment, so to me it looks like she tried to rekindle with her visa because "uwu kwistmas so lovey", he's had enough of her shit and now she's throwing a tantrum that's written like a shit edgy animu fanfic.
No. 77470
>>77463>> looks like she tried to rekindle with her visa because "uwu kwistmas so lovey", he's had enough of her shit and now she's throwing a tantrum Thus is exactly what I thought. She’s a fucking little snake.
>>77469It took awhile for Korean immigration to catch up with marge but they ultimately did. If Weenus keeps shooting her mouth off like this she’ll just make it happen sooner rather than later.
No. 77472
File: 1578198962375.jpg (232 KB, 1070x1486, _20200105_043722.JPG)

Suddenly she announces she's moving soon. Trying to get back in her sickening pink room at Manaki's didn't work after all.
No. 77481
>>77339Not sameanon, but venus' audio quality and editing changed after leaving margo, so I do think margo edited videos and did video production. venus never denied margo working on the channel either. she even called her momager.
>>77375According to venus' alleged friend, Venus cheated on Manaki multiple times and only lived as a "roommate" with him (visa fraud), so then Manaki tried to get some too. I mean, Venus cheated all the way back in Korea (there was never definitive proof she didn't and I remember her saying she was drunk and kissed the guy and it was a mistake soo), plus the whole gay/wanting girls thing and pater escorting/fucking her manager allegedly.
>>77475My guess is she convinced Manaki (or blackmailed/manipulated him) into agreeing so that she can clear her name after the allegations she made. Manaki is either a doormat/pleaser, doesn't fully know everything she said due to language barrier or she has dirt on him.
No. 77482
>>77481>> but venus' audio quality and editing changed after leaving margoDoesn’t mean a thing. She left all her equipment behind when she left, only taking a laptop with her.
Marge didn’t do shit besides pimping her kid out to shady ‘modeling agencies,’ tabloid rags and trashy reality tv shows. And spending the $$ as fast as it came in.
No. 77483
File: 1578201845089.jpeg (76 KB, 1528x347, 01577136184398.jpeg)

Did anyone see venus' comment on the biased Primink video? She completely ignores things she knows are false/misinformation (such as being forced to be a doll) and then finishes off her comment by plugging in her social media in an attempt to gain followers thanks to the 15 mins of fame Primink gave her. Absolutely gross opportunist.
No. 77489
>>77483Further proving she loves to milk her so called
abusive childhood for extra clout and views. Sickening.
No. 77493
>>77462Same anon here. Now that I reread her post, I think I misunderstood and she’s actually saying she is fine with him having relations with guys, even pretty ones that are cute as girls(男の娘) but she only gets jealous if he has relations with other females. That’s still fucked up, though! Not only is it dehumanizing and homophobic towards the other guy, but inconsistent with her “So lesbian” claim because she still considers a woman to be competition for the man. This interpretation seems much worse than my first. Why be jealous of woman when you don’t actually care about the man in the first place?
>>77484I agree with you. Margaret is a scummy, horrible mother who deserves the worst but she was still an equal collaborator for most of those videos. Didn’t we see Venus complain before that the video ideas were usually not hers and she didn’t actually enjoy them? Besides, we already know Margaret was a huge weeaboo stalking young girls profiles and analyzing the rivals and what trends they were into in order to live vicariously through Venus. Then, as disturbing as it is, we also know that Venus is really only capable of putting out content as long as she is being instructed(rather aggressively) by someone else. Even with a new manager and company now, she is so bad at being dependable or proactive.
No. 77501
File: 1578220678919.jpg (116.16 KB, 1080x2030, Screenshot_20200105-113713__01…)

I found penus fake account lol.
She actually fights with this account with haters in the comment section of her photos LMAO
No. 77537
>>77493Marge was NOT an “equal collaborator” in any videos. Look at Venus’s videos before and after she left- they’re consistent in content, filming and editing. They’re 100% Venus. Then look at marge’s videos and you’ll see they are also consistent in every way, they’re 100% marge. For you to keep insisting otherwise and overstating marge’s contributions makes you look like a kool-aid drinking Marge stan.
Sure marge did manager type stuff like negotiating contracts, sponsorships etc. But the day to day filming and editing of videos was 0% marge.
No. 77542
I think it would have been damaging when her mother made comments about her looking fat when she was very young. Also is wasnt just her mother, horrible comments on some of her videos, calling her fatty, when she looked perfect. Like in this video for example, if she had been skinny, she could not have looked so appealing, it would have looked repulsive, but it only works because she is just right here. Leaving aside Venus as a person, I am just talking about her objectively here, no way could she be called fat, and yet nasty people are saying so, which must have caused her upset. No. 77551
>>77542Woah this video is bizarre, what with the skating around on the chair and awkward posing.
I guess this is what "kawaii" looked like before face filters. (terrifying).
Though I agree with your point that she was never "fat" and looks "good" here (weirdness aside)
No. 77553
>>77551Not to mention the moment she realizes she just flashed her period stained undies and thighs to hundreds of people on a livestream.
And here we are, 7 years later, looking at venus once again failing to change her underwear and practice adult hygiene.
No. 77554
File: 1578249710236.png (Spoiler Image,1.5 MB, 1440x939, crotch flash.png)

>>77548I think that was an """accidental""" crotch flash for her pervy fans. It looks strange but that's what my brain reads this as.
Adds more weight to the escorting/sugar daddie theories.
No. 77562
File: 1578252102247.jpg (43.95 KB, 300x100, EHR1.jpg)

>>77535something like this?
No. 77580
>>77537that actually makes you the margo stan tbf not that anon btw.
Margo always says that it's venus' idea.
No. 77581
>>77577If I recall it was uploaded to YouTube unedited and her fans quickly noticed it, the video was removed in minutes and the "correct" one was put in its place. Many of her past videos were then uploaded to Nico Nico as some sort of archive.
>>77560A coochie shadow isn't dark red and visible like that. There's tons of natural light happening in the video. Seeing as she's shown off period stained underwear very recently, it's obvious she has poor hygiene and doesn't look after herself regularly when it's her time of the month.
No. 77585
>>77538Or women in general. Does anyone else remember that time Penus posted on IG (and then deleted) about feeling ~upset~ about Manaki commenting on his female coworker's breasts in front of her?
>>77562>>77563awesome work, anon!
No. 77621
File: 1578274615395.jpg (25.27 KB, 678x452, venussangerin.jpg)

>>77602just because it's so bang on. the guy had 'baby spice' from the spice girls as his waifu, announced constantly how much he loved her, desperately prepared to fly to some event to 'meet' her. the only three people i ever heard say this inappropriate baby talk humor of 'bewbs and butts' are him venus and manaki. it took this guy ten more years to come out.
This guy latched onto his moe/protect-cute/cuddle instinct as "yep this is what love/attraction is" because he was kind of conservative and didn't want to face up to what he was. that fits with manaki too
(tinfoil) No. 77630
>>77621correlation =/= causation, anon.
Even if Manaki was gay, he did way more for Venus to get her away from Margo and give her the ideal weeaboo life for 2+ years for almost nothing in return. It all fell apart when he wanted her to grow up and pull her weight, but before that their weird, kawaii pervery was pretty evenly matched. If he was gay, she went along with the relationship for the visa (duh) and had no problem with it, thus it can't possibly be used as a reason for their splitup
now. Unless Venus expects everyone to believe she and Manaki were only "roommates" and never consummated their marriage once in those 2+ years.
No. 77647
File: 1578289788163.jpeg (326.36 KB, 1091x1524, D8EC2B78-D69F-4C33-BB96-EA5371…)

Way to go, Weenis…a “sponsored post” with no links or real information about how to buy the product and a crappy low-res photo that doesn’t really show it. What an awesome businesswoman and influencer! She’s bound to have sponsors lining up to get that kind of expert advertising and promotion now! (Wasn’t her ‘company’ supposed to specialize in ‘Media and Advertising’?)
Hashtag #clueless
No. 77665
>>77581A coochie shadow isn't dark red and visible like that. There's tons of natural light happening in the video. Seeing as she's shown off period stained underwear very recently, it's obvious she has poor hygiene and doesn't look after herself regularly when it's her time of the month.
Okay, u may be right. I wasn't paying attention to that when I viewed the video, all I could think was here is a girl looking perfectly ideal in shape and size and yet some idiot was calling her "fatty", and i thought its no wonder that girls get complexes and paranoid about their size and weight when a girl who looks ideal weight and size gets called fat when she obviously isn't. I suppose it could've been some jealous girl being bitchy but when Venus had already had to endure her horrible mother making comments to her, seeing comments like that on her video couldn't have helped, and in retrospect, didn't someone here say that video was 7 years ago, which would make her what? about 15 years old? She was with her mother then, so i hope it wasn't her mother directing her in that video because that would bear thinking about it would be so disgusting, not saying that what Venus was doing was disgusting but if it was intended and it was by her mother's intent that she did it, it's just horrible..
But it doesn't alter my original point which was she looked ideal and yet still got called fat by some idiot. What would they expect a girl to look like ideally A skeleton? But yeah, you might be right about the shadow but I really wasn't paying much attention to that aspect, it was the fatty comment that got to me because of how unfair and how untrue it is.
No. 77666
File: 1578311152282.jpg (637.69 KB, 640x1136, wd7XlmU.jpg)

>>77537>For you to keep insisting otherwise and overstating marge’s contributions makes you look like a kool-aid drinking Marge stan.Uh…. that was my first post giving Margaret any credit for anything. Do you think you are always responding to the same person every time?
>>77585Manaki didn’t say that. Here is the post^. She cleared up the misunderstanding later, but only after letting the confusion and attacks on Manaki linger for a ridiculous amount of time. Soon after the accusations of “Manaki cheating!” and “Manaki shared his sexual history with Venus” we’re flying, he deleted his Instagram for the first time.
>>77586Dude, come here to Japan. Straight otaku guys are sexually awkward as fuck, even when they finally lose their virginity. You can’t compare your country or friends.
No. 77669
Looking back at some of her past Instagram posts, this one taken my Manaki looks so miserable here. She started dressing all in black when she was with him and he was into that so i wonder if it was his influence that she did to please him at the time? She looks sort of cowed in this picture, reminds me of pictures i had of me which were taken by someone who was trying to control me a few yrs ago. not saying that is what was going on here, but her look and expression here reminded me of those pictures of me where i looked like that and i remember how miserable i felt at the time and afraid to move or say the wrong thing in case it sparked off criticism or an argument.
(this is an imageboard) No. 77674
>>77669She was emulating a BJD in that picture.
I looked through the pictures taken around the same time as above, then from the beginning of the marriage, and I honestly don’t see a significant “dark fashion phase”. First couple years of marriage was lots of bright, casual WEGO style and Lolita. Manaki had his own dark kawaii phase but it looked just like style experimentation that he didn’t stick with. It seemed mid-2018 was when Venus really started to looked lifeless and by then, the separation rumors had begun.
Do you have any other pictures to compare?
No. 77677
>>77675idk you're starting to sound like the baby spice anon by personalizing situations that don't involve you.
The only "proof" we have that Manaki was
abusive is Venus's word, and she can't be trusted to tell the truth most of the time.
Manaki has (wisely) stayed silent throughout this whole ordeal, so all we have is Venus's side AKA playing the
No. 77681
>>77669>>77675Are you trying to build a case that poor helpless Weenus was abused by the evil controlling Manaki?
Really? Lol
No. 77716
File: 1578368385408.jpg (686.98 KB, 720x1280, 3LiFcv8.jpg)

I found this old 2016 post on PULL. It’s sad because while I thought was cute and gave me hope Venus found some normalcy and a caring partner in her life, many people were quick to find something wrong with it. It had been quickly deleted because soon after Venus posted it, I remember people immediately complaining about how bad junk food is and how Manaki was a bad influence for letting Venus stay up late and eat that. This was all before she started posting suicidal and edgy crap. Just normal outings and things that a young couple living as adults for the first time do, were constantly nitpicked. It was no longer Venus being called a weeaboo, but everything about Manaki was picked apart, from how he didn’t look comfortable in front of the camera(because insecure nerds who can’t speak English don’t exist?)to how he either looked too girly or too ugly for their perfect queen.
I know posting on social media opens you up to all sorts of scrutiny and you need to be careful but I can’t help but think the eagerness to shit on Manaki for not being a certain way and fans encouraging Venus’ negative thoughts whenever she griped about something small Manaki said, contributed to the degradation of their relationship. Because how dare “controlling” Manaki ask she not wear cosplay sometimes. Of course, Venus could have always been a ticking time bomb but maybe things wouldn’t have been as disastrous as now if she didn’t expose her relationship to inexperienced teens and jealous old men just for likes.
No. 77730
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>>77647Good grief, she looks like a sex doll in this ps failure. Really uncanny with the lower squinting and eyelid removal.
>>77669That photo is so much prettier than when she tries to meitu herself into an asian for all the ego-stroking 'Wow! Cute Japanese girl!' comments.
I truly wish she would drop the shadow removal/extreme skin filter bullshit she currently has going on yet again and go back to a more mature and healthy look. All I can think about seeing her face now is her teenage weeaboo fans who are going to see her content and dream of getting enough plastic surgery to look like their integrated idol Penus.
No. 77734
>>77681Are you trying to build a case that poor helpless Weenus was abused by the evil controlling Manaki?
Really? Lol
No, not at all. I actually liked Manaki. No, I was just speculating on certain things that were noticeable and wondering about them. No one can know anything for sure about someone else's relationship.
People often say venus can't help anything she does because of how her mother treated her and the expectations she put onto her, whatever, but, my mother was pretty cruel and awful to me so many times and critical of everything about me and said
abusive horrible things, but, it did not make me behave like venus does, or become an alcoholic or on drugs or anything like that, it has screwed me up emotionally and mentally, but not where it makes me uncaring towards others, quite the opposite, so no, i'm not one of those "poor venus" people. Not saying i'm not sympathetic to her, but not so much that i cant see her faults and i wouldn't condone anything and everything she does. I wish she could make a success of what she wants to do because so many people , who are very young, look up to her, and i've followed her story for a number of years and don't want to see her fail. ::shrug::, she#s just an interesting character.
(no1curr, emoji, blog) No. 77741
>>77716>inexperienced teenagers Like Venus and Manaki themselves?
They are both mentally and emotionally immature, their relationship was a disaster because they are disastrous individually and as a couple.
They actually got good advice and support from fans, friends and family too so random "inexperienced teenagers" didn't make anything to them, they did that to themselves.
No. 77757
Another Miku cosplay video
I can't think of anything to say about it, my mind has gone blank.
No. 77761
>>77757Okay, don't think that worked, so trying again with the longer link.
I've never seen this video before, not altogether sure I want to watch it again, but still… No. 77782
>I wish she could make a success of what she wants to doI wish her epic hentai relations too
>i've followed her story for a number of years and don't want to see her fail.You are kind anon, and yeah she had a
toxic mom, and margo had her own past and issues but you don't care about Margo's wounds, do you? because past was never an excuse for present
abusive behavior, it explains some of the shit and patterns, but it's up to you if you want to heal and improve.
No. 77785
>>77783Samefag, she looks so cute with the blonde hair at the end, it looks quite thick and healthy too.
I feel like videos like this strongly oppose the "forced to be a doll" narrative, forced where? People can be controlled emotionally and remotely, but she seemed to genuinely enjoy herself here.
No. 77786
File: 1578440526414.jpeg (168.1 KB, 1244x1060, 0DFDB4DE-0AE6-40FF-B619-E8BD86…)

>>77785>> it looks quite thick and healthy too.This looks “thick and healthy”?
No. 77787
File: 1578440667313.jpeg (270.7 KB, 1412x1225, 1CB97A2A-543B-4D54-8280-A47956…)

>>77785and “enjoying herself”? She looks and acts like a mental case.
Her face looked old and haggard even back whenever this was.
No. 77796
>>77787What makes you think she wasn't enjoying herself?
because she has those bags under her eyes and pale skin? they never go away, that's just her face and skin.
that wasn't the time when she was skinny, she was in a healthy weight back then.
No. 77798
File: 1578445569297.jpg (50.63 KB, 661x557, va.jpg)

Looks like a grandma trying to roleplay as a weeb teenybopper.
No. 77814
>>77717Not disagreeing with that? I’m saying one factor could have been her exposing too much too soon when they never had a chance to date like normal people. Just wondering what it could have been like if she valued a private life instead.
>>77741Why would you listen to relationship advice from people who have little to no adult relationship experience of their own, or men who see your husband as “competition”? I think you misunderstood or got too excited. Most of the best and well-meaning advice she received was here and on PULL, not her IG or YouTube.
No. 77817
>>77814? anon read again please.
Venus and Manaki are both mentally and emotionally immature and that's the main reason why they had a disastrous relationship, not because she was "exposed" to IG and YT comments lol that's also her own bad decision, to keep exposing her private life knowing she was in a bad situation back then.
No. 77827
File: 1578477631856.jpg (364.29 KB, 1672x1140, EMc8X4G6D6gAoa74.jpg)

>>77798like a grandma trying to roleplay as an asian idol but looking like a weeb teenybopper
No. 77844
>>77785Re "forced to be a doll". Looking at some of her early videos, it doesn't look as though anyone else was filming, only that Venus had stuck a camera on a table or something and filmed herself. in this one here, the Nyan Cat video, it just looks like that. I don't know if Venus did the, very minimal, editing here or margot did. in the Sleepy Bunny video, it looks like it was filmed by someone else, so, her mother I suppose. Many have mentioned this video as an example of how Margaret was exploiting her daughter by filming her in this way and how disgusting it was, but, unless i'm missing something, i don't see what they mean about the sleepy bunny video, i can't see anything suggestive or questionable about it, only that it's really just silly and cringelly embarrassing, and it's no wonder that venus deleted it. No. 77848
This video of Margaret. expect many of you have already seen it, but just in case anyone hasn't. OMG, She has a nice figure, but honestly, cringe.
No. 77849
I eat candy video, don't see the point of videos like this: like this other Miku video though, but most of the clips here are just repeated over and over, so lazy editing, but still, i do like this, she looks much better as Miku here than in her most recent cosplay video, but then that's probably down to her being a lot younger then and more able to carry off that look back then.!6~A No. 77860
>>77824I agree with your perspective, when I say "immature" I'm not thinking of "an innocent and naive girl" exactly, more like a "manipulative spoiled brat"
>>77845>>77844>you know margo used to put her in her room until sh mad a video right?Or what? Maybe her momager told her to come up with video ideas or make videos but you can see she's doing it willingly and enjoying it. Margo was more controlling, paranoid and concerned with real life people she considered threatening (literally every other girl) , Weenus looked uncomfortable when other girls were around and Margo was there watching .
No. 77914
File: 1578545053955.jpeg (268.13 KB, 1285x1530, 5CC192AA-D792-4761-94B3-9E571B…)

>>77912He fell in love with a living doll and ended up with a living nightmare.
Oh well. RIP Manaki’s life.
No. 77926
>>77788Yes, I think it's certain that Venus had a passion for Japan and always wanted to live there, and Margaret indulged her in that but also saw it as something to capitalise on too, and so probably tried to manipulate events from then on.
If what some say is true, then Venus was always the
victim and under the influence of her mother and that was probably true to a certain extent while she was still young and growing up, but if Margaret is to be believed, Venus used to act hysterical and go berserk if she couldn't get her own way and , according to Margaret, she tried to protect Venus and gave in to her, but, the actual truth is maybe somewhere between those two extremes.
So maybe as Venus was into the whole dolly thing , it could be that what may have started off as innocent ended up with being forced on her by her mother as she knew people were interested in it and so instead of it being something Venus could explore and then maybe naturally grow out of, her mother may have forced her to stay in that role for longer than she wanted, and as for forcing her to make videos, she might have understood that videos had to be made regularly to keep the profits coming in. She no doubt capitalised on her daughter's interests but Venus was something she couldn't contain forever, but at the same time, maybe Venus needed her mother's input to keep things ticking over. Idk, i'm just speculating now.
I kind of feel sorry for both of them, they are still human beings at the end of the day, just very flawed human beings, but then loads of us are, but well, it doesn't make us all treat other people very badly and just out for our own ends.
No. 77936
>>77926This is what I think as well. Without Margo, Venus stopped making videos regularly unless it was to show off her kawaii new life in Japan with her Japanese "boyfriend", then after the new shine wore off she stopped again. It's clear that because of Margo's profit-incentivised coddling? Venus not only has no clue how to keep her YT and YT$ fresh and consistent, but also she has no real identity outside of Japan/Anime/Kawaii because she stayed in that niche for so long. When she started dressing darker and more mature it looked good, but the more she tries to make a living pff of simply being in Japan and having cute interests the harder she's going to struggle. The core pf Venus's problem is that she can no longer support herself by being a lazy weeaboo, but even upon realizing that she still refuses to get a real job or education and work, and she'd rather fuck her way through an easy life.
I believe Margo's claims that Venus thinks she's too good to work, but at the same time that attitude definitely isn't 100% Venus- having a mom quit her job and turn your dorky preteen interest into an income source & countryhopping every year has to have an effect on your ego.
No. 77994
File: 1578615709026.jpeg (269.88 KB, 640x1009, 5B6FB722-7AC5-4D46-8915-134804…)

I think she deleted it already
No. 78002
>>77994A fucking BRAIN SCAN??
lol bitch is even crazier than her mother.
(You don’t diagnose mental illness from a “brain scan.”)
No. 78009
>>77994So… a brain scan? Would that be an x-ray, CT scan, MRI or a cerebral angiogram, Weenus? And btw, none of these things are done for some nut claiming to be “crazy.” They are done to rule out tumors, masses, aneurysms, blood clots etc. in someone exhibiting neurological symptoms (like blurry vision, speech difficulties, loss of balance or weakness of one side of the body. Legitimate stuff like that.)
This little bitch is delusional or lying (or both.)
Margo 2.0.
No. 78016
>>78004It is possible she was never addicted at all. She drank on livestreams, making sure everyone could read the label, and then alluded vaguely to pills or something. I feel like it is unusual for someone struggling to be like "hi, I'm Venus, I'm addicted lol" so nonchalantly on Instagram. Just like tumblrinas thinking getting sad and happy sometimes is totes a mood disorder (and a fashion accessory as well).
She also talks about social anxiety, but organizes meetings with fans, wears obnoxious clothes in public, vlogs in a foreign country… She talks about self harm on arms (just like Margo once said to make Venus' haters feel guilty), but we've never seen a single scar.
Her short BPD phase worked well, people on PULL ate it up and now believe she is a low functioning BPD, like the worst cases. She is just lazy and spoiled.
And now she supposedly has a super serious issue that could only be diagnosed via brain scan, unlike other normal mentally ill people, hers is worse. Right.
No. 78028
>>78016I find it very interesting she posted a response to someone on Instagram about making a final video with Manaki to address to their situation. Just before that she was clearly taking photos in his apartment just before Christmas then recently posted about having a boyfriend who has had "hentai relations" with other people asif she was low key aiming it at him.
This is nothing more than another ploy to make him feel bad for her and an attempt to have her back AGAIN. Everytime something clearly hasn't worked out for Princess Venus who can't cope when she doesn't get what she wants, she throws a hissy fit and goes down the "uwu I have depression and this and that wrong with me lol omg".
Now she's trying to claim she had a brain scan done that involves her mental health? How desperate do you have to be to look even more like w
What a grade A cunt.
No. 78061
>>77994Sounds about right. Another scam on the making
>>77996A munchie cow, it seems.
10 says she'll ask donations after she comes up with some snowflakey diagnose
No. 78076
>>77994I can already see where this is heading, soon she's gonna ask for donations since she's gonna need cash to pay for treatments in those expensive "private clinics"…
>>77996Anon she
is a cow, has been for ages already.
No. 78086
File: 1578650613946.jpg (528.21 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200110-110338.jpg)

Just saw this.
No. 78087
>>78086Keep up with the replies and post more caps, anon, please!
This is obviously a scam. No hospital woild turn her out if she were hurting herself unless it was because "weh I dun wanna work and my husband won't take me back and coddle me while I treat him like a dog!". This is a trick to grab ¥¥¥¥ from her gullible Fangelics.
No. 78088
File: 1578651602368.jpg (313.8 KB, 1080x1867, Screenshot_20200110-111953__01…)

Some whiteknights joined the game.
No. 78090
>>78088Of course, they perform an EEG to rule out epilepsy and brain diseases, which can mimic the symptoms of mental illness. But in such a serious case, Venus is not acting like someone who just received news of a brain abnormality. There was no reason not to give at least a brief description of the findings, like she may have a brain injury or tumor. Instead, she writes like she’s teasing for a new video.
Now she’s baiting with another thing about relationships and still not explaining what is going on with her. I’ll never understand how people like her get off on leaving thousands of followers confused and endlessly arguing amongst themselves.
No. 78128
File: 1578679178892.jpeg (36.92 KB, 400x246, 286BD8AF-AD98-48B1-809B-EE7896…)

>>78100Yeah, that video at
>>77761is not her “enjoying herself.” It looks like a manic or high on drugs or crazy person. And her face looks like a goblin.
It’s always amazing to see how gargoyle-like her face looks without massive blurring, filtering and/or liquifying, to the point where her nose and jawline disappear.
No. 78138
>>78136That's probably the thing that just does it for me. In one word it speaks volumes of how much she doesn't give a shit and KNOWS she's being an attention seeking asshole who takes advantage of her fans.
Anyone with decency who's being called out like this would actually defend themselves but no. Venus just proved how much of a cunt she truly is.
No. 78143
File: 1578688595154.png (132.53 KB, 500x496, thats-no-t-very-soft-ghetto-pa…)

>>78138This. She seemed so nice and sweet before but she's really shown her true colors these days with her snarky replies.
No. 78152
>>78100>>78128Now you guys are just being dicks. Lol. She just looks like a hyper weeaboo kid trying too hard to be “ran-dumb” in this video. Not genuinely crazy. The year this was filmed, that was the era where there entire packs of kids acting like this in middle schools/high schools. Most only acted like that in front of their friends. Being obnoxious and weird was their thing. Now, all the current anime kids are competitive about being the queerest and wokest.
Don’t know why you’re focusing on her not being cute to you when this video is so harmless compared to how she behaves now. Her current behavior is what’s truly ugly.
>>78138>Anyone with decency who's being called out like this would actually defend themselves but no. Venus just proved how much of a cunt she truly is.That’s how we know her deleted post was bullshit. She’s trying to be sassy instead of replying like an adult holding on to important information about her health.
No. 78154
>>78152How old was she in that video at
>>77761? She looks like a haggard 40-year old meth addict in it.
No. 78167
File: 1578724770819.jpg (30.29 KB, 640x480, KhWysMS.jpg)

>>78154I don’t know for sure but the hair style looks like the one she had when she was 15. Here is a comparison from the DayBreak interview from that age. Doesn’t look very flattering here either so it’s just her genetics plus translucent pale skin. Sometimes it can’t be helped.
No. 78174
>>78128Lol the comments
Venus is weird
Or there must be something wrong with her head
No. 78176
File: 1578754211208.jpg (1.07 MB, 1440x2191, 20200111_114952.jpg)

No. 78189
File: 1578770199800.jpeg (16.16 KB, 203x214, 55EE46BE-D841-4C82-B68F-5603F2…)

>>78175>> So any 15 year old weeb running around in cosplay?No, just one jumping up and down, rolling around on the floor and spinning around while shrieking the whole time and looking like a goblin.
And this is a15-year old? She looks at least 20 years older. Aging like milk. Tragic genes there.
No. 78191
>>78189>>78128She's clearly trying to do a specific dance, be energetic and make for an interesting, entertaining stream. A lot of Nico streamers acted that way.
You're really reaching to insinuate she's mentally ill or on drugs for this.
No. 78234
>>78176She should have just posted something like this in the first place. What’s just as frustrating is her fans all telling her that she doesn’t need to explain herself or clear up misunderstandings! Isn’t being misunderstood and have MORE rumors spread about you something you want to avoid as much as possible?
>>78189You need to call up Venus ask her to recommend you a clinic for a brain scan. Holy fuck, it’s a low resolution video of a kid trying to get laughs from Japanese nerds. Why are you fixated on this? Does she remind you of yourself when you were an equally embarrassing 15 year old?
No. 78240
>>78234>something like this in the first place.anon it's just another hype-building post, another fucking teaser for the big reveal
what the fuck kind of thing is this to do about a health issue
No. 78292
>>78291>I don't hate her, it's just she's an interesting character>Don't assume somebody hates her or has it in for her just because they can critique something she's done>i already said i like some of her old videosAnon, the reason a majority of the people in this thread are here is because we dislike Venus and her behavior. What are you gaining from stating that you
sometimes like her or her behavior?
No. 78297
>>78272Man, you're one dumb fuck. Mental illness doesn't mean someone can't bathe and dress themselves. Especially conditions like bipolar or depression ebb and flow, most people aren't at 100% intensity of depression at all times.
It's obvious that someone like Venus would be mentally ill:
1. Her mom is batshit crazy and mental illness has been proven to often have genetic predispositions.
2. She grew up in a lot of pressure, stress and trauma. Young people who experience that kind of stuff are extra prone to mental illness as well.
Mental illness isn't an excuse for lying or being a scumbag. But it's clear that this girl has some actual fucking brain issues based on her weird upbringing and insane mother.
No. 78310
>>78297Mental illness is very YMMV, but yes it absolutely can affect your hygeine and routines. This isn't the case with Venus, she's just lazy and spoiled because Mommy Margul never made her get a real job and stroked her kawiwi ego to get those YT pedobux. Now without Mommy dearest and Visanaki she's gotta fake being broken and tragic in the hopes that it'll land her another keeper.
And no, we have no definite proof Margo was as aboosive as she's made out to be here- THAT SAID, she was a shit mum, who isolated Venus but ALSO Venus went along with it and felt too good for real work from the beginning. I remember her pastel-vomit blogs where she would cry about wanting to be "cute and kinda retarded forever" when Marge would get onto her about thinking forward for her future, and how she was above scrubbing toilets for money & people who did so.
Nothing Margaret, or Manaki, or anyone else did makes Venus unable to work. If she's only ~mentally ill and unstable~ when she's not being spoiled and roleplaying an animu character, then it's not really a mental illness, it's just her bejng spoiled fucking rotten, entitled, and shamelessly throwing tantrums to guilt everyone into pitying her for wantimg to be an adult tween for the rest of her life for literally nothing in return.
Venus isn't the first or only girl to have a shitty narc mum, and as far as those go she lucked out by having one who never physically beat her, locked her up or took away her ability to make her uguu videos. She got to travel, she didn't have to go to school anywhere she lived, and she's always looked down her nose at other girls her age unless they boosted her popularity. Marge is responsible for her turnjng out like trash to a degree of course, but she's been away feom her mum AND was in a loving, supportive environment where she had
everything she wanted and more, and she
still chose to be a spoiled little shitbag using her husband as joke fodder and clickbait for her fans while making fun of him, both before and after her escape to SK.
Margo is shit, Venus is shit, and it isn't because of mental illness- it's 100% entitlement from being babied and spoiled rotten her entire life.
No. 78312
>>78310>If she's only ~mentally ill and unstable~ when she's not being spoiled and roleplaying an animu character, then it's not really a mental illness, it's just her bejng spoiled fucking rotten, entitled, and shamelessly throwing tantrums to guilt everyone into pitying her for wantimg to be an adult tween for the rest of her life for literally nothing in return. Adding to this, she didn't even want to have to share her YT earnings with her husband, who got her the precious visa, her own bedroom, and bought her countless toys and clothes while taking her out shopping and to cons.
Venus wants to keep her lifestyle without having to work or pay her own bills, or share her income with anyone. Basically, she wants to be a weeb teen living at home forever while she makes money showing off her lifestyle, then wants to be left alone with her money to buy her toys and booze. Her "mental illness" and "alcoholism" didn't make an appearance until she lost all that when Manaki threw her out, and every time since then that she's felt semisafe and close to having that again, she was suddenly fine ("I'm done with my edgy phase/delayed puberty now!"). Real mental illness doesn't just appear when you aren't getting your way.
No. 78343
Am I reaching or was Venus' drunk LARP heavily copied from Becky's drunk shows?
I just can't help but cringe at myself for speculating she was inspired by her, but if that's really the case LOL @ her.
No. 78366
>>78347>>78355You're the one who sounds like you need the diary considering how defensive you are of Weenos and her self-centeredness which you relabel as mental illnes. Almost like you're projecting.
Btw Marghoul has been out of her life for years. The excuses have gotta stop eventually anon.
No. 78367
File: 1578886605019.jpg (62.42 KB, 513x513, q65uYHz.jpg)

This thread is shit.
No. 78373
>>78366those two posts are not by the same person and my post contained no excuses for venus, but calling
both venus and margo mentally ill just seems to push your buttons doesn't it? margo's never going to come up looking good, it doesn't matter how you try to revise it. that's not a plea for sympathy for venus, she now completely runs her own life and mess. but here's an idea, invite margo into your home like jassy did, and report back to us how it goes…
No. 78383
File: 1578912807175.png (2.65 MB, 1079x1874, Screenshot_20200113-045112(1).…)

Weenus making more sponsored posts
No. 78393
>>78310"we have no definite proof Margo was as aboosive as she's made out to be here- THAT SAID, she was a shit mum,"
Venus isn't the first or only girl to have a shitty narc mum, and as far as those go she lucked out by having one who never physically beat her, locked her up or took away her ability to make her uguu videos. She got to travel, she didn't have to go to school anywhere she lived"
True. Like I said way back in this thread, my mother was maybe worse in many ways, but, it did not make me use and abuse people. I know everyone is different and things affect people in different ways, but just in case someone may be thinking oh well, but maybe Venus was far more sensitive and more affected, I was, and am, one of those ultra sensitive people that are now known as HSPs (Highly Sensitive Person) and the
abusive childhood I had has certainly taken its toll, but on me alone, that is, I do not make anyone else's life worse because of it. I know, i know, i shouldn't be talking anything about myself here, but i'm, just trying to make the point, that, even tho i do not in any way, hate Venus, (the rabid supporters take any even small criticism of her as "hate") that does not mean I can see that she seems to make use of people for her own ends, and maybe she feels she has to, i don't know, but, that doesn't excuse it.
Many people have had far worse to deal with, and it still doesn't make them turn out to be a user and abuser.
(cringe blogging) No. 78407
File: 1578925862802.png (536.96 KB, 929x595, 09899.png)

>>78178 Literally this. "the copy part failed". Obvious lie.
Also, clearly venus is still with kitano or another manager as they got her a role as a host for a show. It's obvious she's trying to get into the entertainment industry (visa might still be in jeopardy). Hosting is probably perfect for this –entitled, above normal jobs manipulative, attention-whore–, because it requires NO skill and she gets decent money/attention if she would be a TV host. She tried acting and the idol/singing stuff but that takes skill. So hosting might workout for this vapid cow. Or she might end up dropped like she seems to have been from absometal (since she stopped promoting it suddenly).
No. 78420
>>78409hey peenus.
>>78416She's not interesting or professional enough to host anything. Anime collection must have some pretty low standards or her manager has some good connections.
No. 78422
>>78407And just like we said, now that she had a job again her ~debilitating mental illness that prevents her from working~ disappears, uwu.
I thought Kitano was the manager she tried to fuck, or was that the last guy? Either way, I don't see this panning out well for Venus, unless they give her the spotlight the whole time and shoop her to look like a 16 year old Asian girl.
No. 78423
>>78422It'll probably be a one time thing, unless kitano (or whomever she's working with now) manages to get her more stuff.
The vtuber manager is the one she allegedly tried to fuck. In a live stream she trash talked him and blamed everything on him (he let her do what she wanted and post the content that she wanted) which apparently means he's a bad manager and venus is never responsible or takes accountability for anything. The alleged friend claimed there was beef there and venus seemed pissed when mentioning him.
No idea if kitano is her sugar daddy. She pretends not to know what that even is lmao, despite having a pater ad while being married. I don't see why kitano would work with her or let her in his company or try to help her build a company (that she claims she has) if she wasn't fucking him. What else does she have to offer? It's not money, the right audience or skills that's for sure
No. 78425
>Love is just one word, but it can mean a lot of things. Acceptance, forgiveness, care, attachment, longing….what is the first thing you think about when the word “love” comes to mind?Even my vomit is vomiting. Venus is trying hard to return to her mega fake hospital days.
>>77501Are there any screenshots of the comments, anon? I couldn't find any. Or did she delete them if it really is her, after lurking here?
No. 78440
>>78423>> It'll probably be a one time thing,It is a one time thing, a ‘concert’ on March 28 at an 1800 seat venue in Seoul. With Weenis as “MC,” lol. With that cringe worthy god awful voice of hers. That poor audience.
Does she even speak Korean?
No. 78451
File: 1578945956049.jpeg (81.33 KB, 682x555, 1C9CD63C-D6FC-4467-9038-B1B202…)

The thought of Weenus “MCing” an event with that excruciating voice in broken Korean is enough to make my ears bleed in sympathy. That poor audience.
At least there won’t be alcohol involved this time (hopefully) unlike her last disastrous hosting gig.
No. 78455
>>78441Watching her fuck up would be highly entertaining and much appreciated. It's been long overdue.
>>78451Little Miss UwU Kawaii Alcoholic would probably bring her own stash to drink in secret. But we all know she only does it to look like an edgy and cool adult. Given her mental health problems have magically vanished now she has a job role, there's potential milk to flow when she debuts as the MC.
No. 78481
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No. 78517
>>78440She's not fluent or conversational in Korean. It's probably in English or she'll get a script she'll have to practice and memorize.
>>78481Ah, another me me me woe is me post. I feel like she's trying to setup Manaki as bad with that post.
I did alot of things that me me unhappy because that's what I thought has to be done (like marry manaki for visa fraud) and
I was incapable of saying no/settings boundaries (to manaki the mini-marge). Who else could that be directed at? Given that she said she was "just started making her first friends" she already had her surgery and left marge.
No. 78531
>>78440"Does she even speak Korean?"
I was wondering the same thing. I don't recall her ever including Korean language when she made a video listing the languages she could speak.
Maybe she will be speaking in Japanese or English? But if the venue is in S Korea, …?
No. 78554
>>78540She likes getting attention and being spoiled, but thanks to being an underaged weeb with no real direction and her mom monetizing her pedo appeal, she probably honestly thinks she can just go the rest of her life being kawaii, posting online and nothing else. She doesn't seem to realize due to being sheltered that almost nobody gets to be kept and spoiled for life without having to grow up, and if they do they're from a well off or famous family and not sloppy narcissists.
>>78551Probably eats snacks, drinks, takes selfies and watches herself on video while also searching for new pawns to use in her "be a dependapotomous ~*~in Japan~*~ plan.
I can't wait to see what happens, She isn't doing well despite obviously trying to make it seem like she's on the upswing now.
No. 78556
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>>78407Koreans ripped Kota a new one (and that was in her 'prime'), I can't even imagine how they react to our river kappa junior lol
No. 78586
File: 1579052770032.jpeg (104.54 KB, 653x894, 061517C4-2BEE-44B9-AC43-B2A38D…)

>>78567Do any of these people have a clue who Weenus is though? Such an odd and unfortunate choice for an “MC.” First of all, her English is shitty and barely understandable and her Korean is likely even worse, and second we’ve all heard what her voice sounds like. That audience will be like Who the fuck IS this awful little creature and what the fuck is she trying to say??
If she’s pinning her visa hopes on a career as a host she’s likely in trouble. It tells you something that she can’t seem to get a gig in Japan.
No. 78600
File: 1579074232155.jpg (472.72 KB, 2048x1536, EN0W69UU4AAj4nXlg.jpg)

i found this on twitter searching photos for 'sewer rat with cancer'
No. 78609
>>78600Why's her face so huge? Whites usually have smaller heads than asians and women have smaller heads then men, yet she's making that grandpa look dainty lol
>>78605Jesus, her mouth looks fucked, she looks like a 100-year-old and disabled at the same time… That's truly the definition of white people lips kek And soon her nose will also drop and get bumpier with age, so she likely ends up worse than her mom.
(racebaiting) No. 78610
File: 1579085546597.jpg (213.35 KB, 1200x900, EN0TiJcUEAAWmit.jpg)

Look at her hair!
No. 78617
>>78600>>78605I… I can’t comprehend how ugly these are. Bad genes, no makeup, no basic hygiene AND an unflattering AF posing. It’s like the ugly gremlin cousin of a living doll.
That said,
>>78609 are you dumb? It’s obvious AF she curves her lips in an unnatural way to desperately appear kawaii. In no way you can actually think these are her natural lips.
No. 78635
>>78628I don't post to pull, I read there but that's all. You#re just being daft now and making assumptions.
I never said you shouldn't have posted the pictures, and I take the point about what you are saying about her edited selfies. I think she does it because of lack of confidence in herself, and if your pictures prove anything, it's that her unedited face looks better than the edited selfies she often posts. Surely it's better to look real and natural than to have the unobtainable features in edited pictures? And especially when the reality looks better than the edited version?
I know it's just an opinion, but we are all entitled to them. I agree that Venus is being an idiot and dishonest in altering her face in her Instagram pictures, but I still mostly like how her unedited face looks. Maybe you'd still hate her no matter what she did, but isn't it better to try and see some good and hope that someone can do better, maybe she won't but it looks like at least she's trying to be independent and make her own money now, whether she will be able to make a success of this latest thing is debatable, but I hope for her sake she can, after all, who else has she got to look out for her?? Most people have friends and family members looking out for them, she doesn't, so for that alone, I do feel sorry for her.
File: 1579108594619.png (60.16 KB, 500x300, CD8F04F8-0DEA-4689-8D6A-C14FE6…)

>>78640But why do I imagine Margo like this
No. 78655
>>78640Part of me always felt that PT ended up the way she did frkm being too sheltered and never having many positive friends throughout her youth before she became /cgl/'s weeb trainwreck queen. Perhaps Venus actually will turn into PT-2.0, just obviously not living with Margo until she's 30+ or balooning up thanks to her history of EDs. I see her getting less and less ~genki~ as she fails to secure both her visa
and her preferred lifestyle and letting the grease and period blood pile up for pity. Only unlike PT, Weenoos would take handouts from "haters" in a heartbeat.
No. 78661
File: 1579124986312.jpg (39.36 KB, 340x340, IMG_20200115_224948.jpg)

This is a 12 yo kawaii azn little girl
No. 78666
File: 1579126017622.jpeg (616.67 KB, 1321x1732, 05627529-8C35-4B1A-BDD7-1B1C46…)

>>78600This is from the twitter account of a “pro shop” in Tokyo. It’s the kind of thing that sketchy manager dude had her doing last summer when she first had her ‘come back,’ making the rounds of businesses and restaurants and posing with the business owners.
No. 78667
File: 1579126085019.jpeg (401.95 KB, 1241x1367, D997A251-C608-42DA-9138-E5DA9C…)

This one is hoping she’ll come back to shoot a video. She clearly gives no fucks.
No. 78669
>>78667why is she so insistent on having bangs when she never washes her hair? they make everything so much worse.
even a shitty plastic wig is better than that stringy and crusty mess.
I just don't understand why she's sabotaging her good looks when they're her capital.
No. 78671
File: 1579129058667.jpeg (236.57 KB, 1119x1119, 5C3E2093-9C9E-4D9E-98D0-CEB31C…)

Always interesting to see Weenus real face vs her highly filtered versions. Like they’re not even the same person.
No. 78676
>>78671Remember Venus Angelic? This is her now. Feel old yet?
ngl, she looks way older than 22 (soon 23) here. I'd be so embarrassed if people uploaded photos of me (and even tagged me in them) looking like this.
No. 78707
>>78622Wenoos didn't learn anything after all these years of scrubbing mommy's back.
>>78671This is some
Kota's Japan Debut tier comparison.
>>78687ntayrt but as far as I know, yeah it might cause skin yellowing
No. 78710
File: 1579156946549.jpg (111.32 KB, 929x597, cock.jpg)

here we fucken go with some more provocation. #clickbaitliving
No. 78729
>>78671No doubt just me for sure, but, I really do prefer the unedited pic here. I don't like how she looks in the edited , meant to be flawless, picture. In the 2nd picture, she at least looks real, like someone you could actually strike up a conversation with, a real person you could actually talk to, in the other pic she just looks annoying and not someone you could feel okay about trying to converse with about anything, she looks so unapproachable in the 1st picture, and not even attractive at all, whereas the 2nd picture she does have some kind of appeal.
She#s always had a small mouth anyway but she tries to make it look even smaller to be like the non existent lips of the anime girls.
(nobody cares) No. 78731
>>78729So, you're into gremlins? Good to know, anon.
>>78710Short hair = Male? Stop being fucking ridiculous, Venus.
No. 78742
>>78729She looks terrifying in the second pic, literally like a drunken beggar, or this anon's wonderful description
>>78674However I do think it's simply a bad pic because she just rolled out of bed without even brushing her hair to attend photographed meetings, which is, uh.
No. 78767
>>78756It looks like she’s going for a “look guyz I’m gender fluid now” therefore edgy and cool! gimmick. Also changing the subject from ‘so what happened with that company you said you were forming?’ not to mention what about that moving to a new place she said she’d post more about, and the video she said she’d be making with Manaki.
So many lies and delusions. She’s a lying nutcase just like her mommy.
No. 78794
>>78792Does she maybe think greasy bangs are the IRL equivalent of the animu hair shine? kek.
But true though, she could have milked her escape from Margo so much harder, but ofc now it's obvious she only wants to be taken care of and worshipped, and nothing else. Her dream of IRL-RPing a Japanese girl is too thick.
No. 78797
File: 1579224997336.jpeg (263.49 KB, 1383x1312, 8D3EA952-BD9D-4DB8-B6CE-9EE173…)

She’s drinking again. Look at her, she looks like a bloated greasy hard-core alkie. That look is unmistakable. This pic was taken a week ago. This is what an alcoholic looks like. I would feel bad for her but she’s such a shitty nasty person I can’t.
She hasn’t uploaded a video in over two weeks because she’s on another bender.
No. 78808
File: 1579231388346.jpg (7.37 KB, 200x151, 24392_233414029994_5015966_n[1…)

>>78667The back of her head is literally ridiculous. By chance, was she wearing a beanie to this event? This is the only excuse I could think of where she'd be OK going out with her hair like this.
No. 78821
File: 1579236396786.jpeg (77.36 KB, 661x570, 02A4BF0A-C419-4640-9F8B-C5699C…)

>>78808No, that’s bed head. It’s her rolling out of bed, pulling on some clothes and going out without bothering to brush her hair. Or wash her face either from the looks of it.
You know, like she does all the time.
No. 78826
File: 1579237597010.jpeg (251.28 KB, 1274x1482, A746E7B1-447C-4710-A602-6DD97D…)

>>78823You mean this one?
It’s not like this is anything new, she does this shit all the time. She’s a sloppy drunken mess.
No. 78843
Trans trender gender is currently in so Venus prolly will. She’ll be a boy one day and a girl the next.
No. 78844
She looks rough as a bears ass
It baffles me how she has as many subs as she does. But to be honest even years ago I thought she looked gross. She has always looked shabby and untidy. When she’s not got a filter on, she looks a mess. Age is catching up and fast too.
No. 78854
>>78797I thought someone said a while back that this pic was taken back in the summer when her manager was sorting out gigs for her? I'm not motivated enough to go scrolling back through the thread to find out.
I still prefer this picture of her to the heavily edited selfie that was shown next to it as an example of her editing.
(And it does not make someone a troll just for having an opinion or preference that the majority don't share, and I don't know why anyone feels the need to immediately throw that word around as soon as they hear something not to their liking.)
Anyhow, moving on, the latest Miku pic she posted and her caption, I don't know either why she would feel this means she looks like a boy. It's ridiculous, but also, just because a girl may be into other girls, doesn't mean they can only like girls if they look like boys, I never understand that , why people think that. If you like girls, you like girls, if you like boys, you like boys, sometimes both, in some cases i guess, but honestly, if a girl likes to look feminine , she can still be into other girls who also look feminine, I thought this idea that gay relationships had to mean one was the male and one the female died out years ago.
No. 78855
File: 1579270044197.jpeg (74.17 KB, 845x624, 3B2FE568-1470-434E-94E9-78A77E…)

>>78823>>78826No anon is referring to this pic
No. 78860
File: 1579272356507.jpg (166.57 KB, 1000x1333, 1.jpg)

She's like a chameleon how quickly her image changes all the time. In some of these images, she looks like completely different people.
In this one, she looks quite young and has red hair but it still looks like her.
No. 78861
File: 1579272489147.jpg (51 KB, 374x500, 2.jpg)

No. 78862
File: 1579272583144.jpg (396.53 KB, 500x667, 3.jpg)

I don't know when this was taken, in a graveyard, but this is not immediately obvious it's her at first glance. I like this image.
No. 78866
File: 1579272735645.jpg (35.17 KB, 540x375, 4.jpg)

She looks Chinese here.
No. 78867
File: 1579272793981.jpg (61.1 KB, 852x534, 5.jpg)

And quite odd looking here too
No. 78868
File: 1579272870262.jpg (36.07 KB, 395x512, 6.jpg)

This one looks quite recent, maybe a couple years ago?
No. 78869
File: 1579272929556.jpg (50.3 KB, 1562x972, 7.jpg)

And this one from her live stream last year where she's talking about Daniel. I like how she looks here.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 78871
File: 1579273080227.jpg (41.45 KB, 292x396, kirie_simp.jpg)

>>78869>about Danielkirie you fucking faggot
No. 78873
>>78872What the fuck is an fingerboard?
Learn to English.
No. 78887
File: 1579282948780.jpeg (562.02 KB, 1310x1671, 1F45445F-93AA-4088-91D0-B07299…)

>>78854>>78863>>78865>> this pic was taken back in the summer when her manager was sorting out gigs for her? No. This pic is new, it was posted on some shop owner’s Twitter on 1/9.
No. 78911
>>78855 That’s not the first time
Venus has shown it before in an older video
No. 78920
File: 1579302308868.jpeg (381.47 KB, 1584x1523, DC4AF709-18D4-44BA-A795-4887E8…)

>>78906Oh she definitely lives on that shit.
No. 78921
File: 1579302351314.jpeg (268.59 KB, 1613x1270, 0961174A-8F4D-43E0-8151-2E21E7…)

No. 78922
File: 1579302430608.jpeg (338.57 KB, 1478x1536, 69E509B5-438F-4BAA-BD37-FB1AF4…)

And I’m sure she still does in whatever dive she’s holed up in now.
No. 78982
>>78981*somebody different, just stop calling people stupid names, is it impossible for people to discuss anything without resorting to name calling?
The reason I posted the older pictures before was because some people here had expressed interest in seeing them, and at that time I didn't have any to hand. but I shan't post any more seeing as other people here don'[t like it. Just please stop being offensive there is no need for it.
No. 79055
>>79048The Venus video has a really stupid approach to "living doll" like it's some terrible torture inflicted upon a person,
>forced to dress like a dollrather than girls dressing dolly for fun, so I imagine this is what Lor's issue with the video would be.
Idk if that's just the guy who made the video being absolutely dense, or that's actually a common opinion. Like not wanting to look like a male must be a symptom of some mental illness or torture.
No. 79096 this really "official"?
The painting of her at 11 as a Thai princess, never seen that before. I wonder if anyone will buy it? As of looking just now, there were no bids.
No. 79107
>>79101No, they’re going to buy the used Lolita clothing so they can smell it.
Did she just start doing this or has she been trying to sell her daughters old crap?
No. 79118
>>79112it's very obvious many people from this thread are new, seeing how much some posters seethe and even defend Margo.
Weenus is an obvious mentally ill attention whoring wreck, but then you have people like
>>79048 making it sound like maggot isn't that much of a fucking evil person or that underage weenus was at fault for her mother being literally insane and grooming her. Imo both of them belong in a mental institution but for different reasons.
>>79096Can you be even more of an obvious fucking newfag?
No. 79160
>>79148I never claimed she wasn't a narc, but as fwr as narc moms go Marge was very hands-off and didn't isolate Weenus any more than V herself wanted to be due to her princess complex. She was never beaten, locked in a room or forced to prostitute herself or go on dates with old men- Venus started sugaring on her own
after leaving Marge. Yes, Margo was a shitty mom, hands down- but in addition, Venus was a spoiled brat and remains so because of
her mother never making her get a part time job, attend school regularly or take a hobby that didn't fetishize herself or a culture she'll never belong to.
They made each other, they very obviously demonize each other as well, and since their split both have shown their true side: entitled, manipulative shameless liars. They're a perfectly
toxic match, but as it's been said, Venus left Margo and entered the perfect environment (her dream life in her dream country with thousands of cheerleaders throwing her revenue and asspats just for having it) to heal and only got publicly
worse with time and attention, not better. Venus's problems
now have nothing to do with her mother, and everything to do with her own laziness, ineptitude and lack of work ethic.
No. 79165
>>79160>> her mother never making her get a part time jobVenus had a full-time job - making videos to financially support her psycho leech of a “mother.”
>>or attend school regularlyShe didn’t attend school because her ~mother~ took her out of school to work full-time to support her leeching ass (see above.)
You keep trying to rewrite history and minimize what a massive psycho marge was and how totally fucked up Venus’s life was. Some of us remember what really happened though.
No. 79166
>>79160how do you know that marge never hit venus? were you there? if she had no problem abusing venus emotionally in front of so many witnesses on tv and social media and called it parenting, we can only imagine what went on behind closed doors. calling them a "
toxic match" is wrong. venus wasn't like that when she started on youtube. before she fled, she was definitely the
victim, but has since grown into her mother's example, just like marge did into hers. a match would be two narcs coming together with their own selfish goals.
No. 79211
>>79118Not sure where in my post you got the idea I was downplaying Margo's nastiness. My endpoint was that Venus isn't soo "innocent". I honestly doubt that every gossipy comment made online that caused drama was Margo. Literally every E-girl online talks shit behind one another. Gossip is a favourite hobby for teenage girls( Even adults, just look at this site). Girl grew up sorta similar to how Dakota did. ( Online and perched on a high horse ) Her new friends have already dropped her : Taylor, Mckenna, Mikan, ladeathmachine (w.e her name is) ect. I just think that when Margo finally showed her true colours Venus took the opportunity to push the blame for some of her wrongs onto Margo. Nobody would deny it when Margo's going ballistic at the time. I think when Margo was attacking people online with either her or V's account V joined in and I also think she was probably in full support of any scams as well ( seeing as she's attempting bullshit money schemes she can't keep up with) Other than that I'm not denying that Margo is crazy and
abusive mother.
No. 79317
>>76241Someone please help for the clueless:
is Margo a model? Is her family wealthy? Where does she get all her money from? What does she do for work?
No. 79332
>>77761This is what I look like when I drink, and I don't even need to drink that much to get that happy and excited. You guys sound like you're either underage or never left the house.
>>77785Right? The way she looks at the screen then gets up to dance, it seems like she's looking at stuff that gets her really fired up.
Kinda wish she showed this side more often
No. 79362
>>79048Lor used to hate Venus, back in the day. She's certainly changed her tune now. I guess she used to think it was Venus doing all the bad stuff and shitty things to people, then found out it was Marge and that Venus was innocent of everything, now she still thinks Venus was always innocent of everything and still is.
Despite her giving forth her current opinion of Venus, she said she's not going to talk about Venus but is only touching on how the video affects Lolita, which Lor thinks she is the ultimate authority on, so she says her usual statements of how Living Dolls are nothing to do with Lolita etc etc, and yes Lolita and the Living Doll thing are different but there is always going to be some sort of crossover, no matter how tenuous, but Lor doesn't like that, it always gets to her, it's almost funny how exasperated she always gets whenever the two styles get connected.
No. 79523
>>79412>>79505Lol, it's a man.
If a narcissist like Venus was making it by herself, she'd be all over social media unable to shut up about her beaming success. It's obvious.
No. 79525
>>79505>>she must be getting money from somewhere or something.I assume she’s scraping by on whatever scraps of her former fame she can still squeeze out, along with rock-bottom living conditions (holed up in a crappy rented room.) In other words, just like her mother.
She might have gotten a lump sum payment in the divorce and is living on that while looking for another mark to latch onto.
No. 79567
>>79530Just a guess re the divorce, that maybe she got some $$ from it and that’s what she’s living on now. I think she did take a desperate run at getting back together with visa husbando but failed, which is a separate issue from the divorce has been finalized.
Whatever her means of support she’s obviously living margo-style now, doing absolutely nothing and barely scraping by.
No. 79655
>>79645Oh, THAT must be why she hasn’t posted a YT video for over 3 weeks! It’s totally NOT because she’s been on yet another prolonged alcohol bender!
- brain dead fangelic
No. 79711
>>79165>>She didn’t attend school because her ~mother~ took her out of school to work full-time to support her leeching ass (see above.)Go to KF to whiteknight, spergelic. Venus didn't finish school because she didn't want to. If she really wanted to she would have gotten her highschool diploma by now. Instead she preferred to spend years sitting in her little pink room leeching off her husband doing nothing productive.
>>Venus had a full-time job - making videos to financially support her psycho leech of a “mother.”LOL. Making 1-2 videos a week is NOT a "full time" job (nor a "real" one at that). And Margo was working on the channel same as Venus was. So Venus wasn't "supporting" her. If both work on the channel, then it's BOTH their income. You are the one re-writing history.
>>79505Maybe her manager pays her? both a salary and/or sugaring related stuff.
No. 79721
>>79719Hi David you loser simp.
Venus has been living alone since she was 19.
She could have chose to finish high-school when she was living alone or some other type of education.
But instead she chose to live like a parasite.
No. 79722
>>79719>>79721ot. smfag
Venus is soon to be 23 and she still is doing NOTHING with her life.
What her daily life consists of getting drunk,live stream begging for money, trying to come up with a new mental illness every month,shit-posting,losing sponsorship's, dirty hair that she probably washes once a month and cant be bothered to even see if she looks hygienic for livestreams like that recent live-stream with her period/shit stains.
No. 79728
>>79711You're crying about whiteknighting while defending one of the vilest cows on the site just because you have a hateboner for her
victim. Let that sink in, Venus is a trainwreck but the way her mother treated her isn't justified by your vendetta.
No. 79735
>>79728I’ve been lurking these threads for a while and this is the first time I’ve seen any sense. Venus is a mess, but the sheer venom people have towards her is weird as fuck to me. By all means watch the train wreck, but I haven’t seen her do anything deserving THIS level of hate, especially when it’s so obvious to me that her mother is so, so much worse. She’s obviously a product of being raised by an insane person, but if anyone suggests this they get mocked for not raging enough at ’poor weenoos.’
This thread fucking sucks.
No. 79751
>>79735I don’t hate Venus, I just hate the choices she makes. I know it’s hard to be a normal productive person after living in this bubble of just you and your parents(or just a psycho mom). While some people here think she so old at 22 years old, and she’s wasted her life, I just want her to get over this woe is me hurdle and figure out what she wants to do.
She doesn’t have to go back to Switzerland or any or her relatives that suddenly care about her well being. IMO she should go back to school. Meet people around her own age, maybe some others who’ve had their struggles so she can expand her horizons and just see there’s more to life than living in a make believe anime in her head.
No. 79759
>>79735She’s a calculating, manipulative user, emotional vampire and freeloading leech, all while perpetuating a phony wide-eyed innocent little girl persona. She is the exact opposite of that persona.
She’s so much like her vile mother in so many ways it’s actually creepy, so my feelings towards her are much the same as they are for marge the human parasite. If all that doesn’t bother you at all, great. Just don’t get all judgey if it bothers others more than it does you.
No. 79768
File: 1579909783334.png (Spoiler Image,178.42 KB, 399x229, Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at 23.4…)

>>79722Not to mention flaunting her period stains for the whole 'innocent' image
No. 79770
>>79769 venus gonna be making videos like this
baby with asian face and her eyes like its something special
(offtopic) No. 79810
>>79735Narcissistic mothers often raise narcissistic daughters. Margo raised Venus. Venus has vulnerable narsicissm, the kind of narcissism where is person lacks self-esteem and has a negative self-image but instead of doing something to improve themselves they constantly seek external validation so they can tell themselves they are a
victim of poor circumstances and get pity points from everyone around them. Because for the narcissist, there is nothing more terrifying, than admitting to being a total fuckup and taking up responsility for one self. This self-victimization is the way how they boost their ego and the only kind of "positive reaffirment" they can get. They get addicted to that kind of reaffirment, and it doesn't matter if other people are hurt in the process or what kind of methods are used to maintain the self-victimized image (deception, manipulation, you name it). It's extremely
toxic and self-desctructive behavior and destructive for everyone involved with that person. She has hurt a lot of people with her shitty behavior and keeps doing it and that's why she's disliked broadly. She needs extensive therapy before she completely destroys herself and everyone who is involved with her.
No. 79813
>>79735She's a manipulative piece of shit just like her mother. As a person, she brings nothing but negativity and problems while playing the helpless
victim of mommy dearest's abuse card to excuse her behavior.
Venus can kindly go fuck herself just like her mother. Her fans maybe fooled by her image but plenty here sure aren't. I have no sympathy for her and the "hate" she receives when she knows exactly what she's doing.
No. 79848
>>79840Abby Brown has Bipolar and Schizophrenia which is confirmed and most of her cow behavior happened when she was not taking medication.
Meanwhile Venus LIED about having bpd and now is trying to come up with whatever fake mental illnes she can. Thats manipulative.
They are not the same and should not be compared.
You retard whiteknight.
No. 79963
>>79768Well, I never noticed that when i first saw the video, I was concentrating on the comments that were appearing on screen critiquing her size when she looks a perfect size there.
I honestly thought she didn't know she was flashing her knickers and was just trying to move her foot over the chair arm, but I don't know what to think now. Someone here said that video was about 7 yrs ago, so that would make her about 15 yrs old there? If so, she was still with her mother back then, and if her mother was the one directing her to do that in the video, that is so horrible to even contemplate. If on the other hand, Venus knew exactly what she was doing and was doing it to appeal to her pervy fans then that is also a bit off, but given how young she was at the time, well, idk, I have so many questions but at first glance the video just seemed like a girl acting silly but in an innocent way, now I really don't know what to think anymore. But even if it was all Venus and she knew what she was doing, this must have been to do with her mother's influence. I mean, technically, at least according to UK law, she was still a child then.
No. 79971
>>79963Not a Venus fan at all, but I can't imagine anyone would upload something like that on purpose. If you really wanted to flash your panties why the fuck would you do that while wearing a bloody pair, and after making people sit through half an hour of nothing? The video in question is raw footage from one of her tutorials, so about an hour of her brushing her hair, doing cute poses, holding up make-up products etc. Back then she explained that she used to upload raw footage to YouTube as a private video, and then download, edit and re-upload the finished version. She did that because she couldn't open the raw video in her video editing software because it was the wrong format, and I suppose she didn't know about video conversion programs, so she used YouTube as a video converter. This is incredibly stupid and somewhat hard to buy if you consider that she's a young, internet-savvy professional Youtuber, but maybe there is some other reason why she would convert her videos like that. No idea.
Apparently she forgot to set that particular video to private, and unfortunately for her people noticed her panty flash before she could pull the video down.
If she really wanted to pander to perverts, you'd figure she at least put on some clean underwear. I don't know how perverts think, but I'm pretty sure even they would be turned off by lack of personal hygiene.
No. 79979
>>79973Used underwear is not the same thing as dirty underwear though. Most men appear to be really grossed out by period blood (which is understandable). Being filthy also does not fit her image at all. She used to roleplay as a doll on the internet, and dolls are "perfect" in every way imaginable. No physical flaws, no excess weight, and certainly no bodily fluids.
I know that if it exists, you are guaranteed to find some sicko on the internet fapping to it, but I doubt that the sad nerds drooling over 2D waifus and BJDs she was trying to appeal to would like to be reminded of all the gross bodily functions real women have to deal with.
No. 79994
File: 1580089202286.png (744.51 KB, 938x598, penus.png)

>>79712>>73439 An old pic again. Homegirl must look like crap these days.
No. 80020
>>79768Anon, what are you smoking? Where did you get that idea? She didn't even mean to upload that video, it was part of a long video of unedited footage. She deleted it, but people had already downloaded and taken caps.
The posts in this thread get wilder and wilder every day.
No. 80057
>>79980A male friend once told me in all seriousness that women just didn't understand anything like this, because they're not a man. So, according to him, men like the thought of a girl's dirty knickers for whatever reason, because that is "natural and normal" (his words) but women just didn't get that because they are so far removed from nature and brought up to be all deodorised and whatnot and afraid of natural body smells and functions, which men like, apparently, and even more so if said dirty underwear is from a girl they like the look of.
I wonder if that David dude would've paid Venus for her stained underwear? I guess that's one way she could make some money. As gross as it sounds to us, i am reliably informed that men, at least some, do indeed like this kind of thing, lol.
No. 80087
>>79895>>80067She literally said a couple of months back that she never had bpd and that it was made up.
Do you all even follow this thread or what she has said/done?
Because i get the feeling that most of you are whitekknights who found out about this site after venus made her ''reacting to pull'' video.
Its no coincidence that right after that video there have been whiteknights here, pull was safe because they need you to have account but this place here has been a milkless whiteknight place after that.
No. 80145
>>80034Let me list the ways Weenus is a mini marge:
- refuses to get an actual job because that shit is for peons and she’s a Celebrity.
- instead scrapes by on whatever scraps she can wring out of her “celebrity” status, living in squalor as a result.
- has grandiose delusions about who she is (CEO of her own Company!) and what she’s entitled to despite having no education, credentials or qualifications.
- always the
victim. Abused by her evil ex husband (who was just as
abusive as her mother!)
- when she feels wronged (divorced by manaki) lashes out with character assassination and smears against him via Youtube video. Classic marge.
Those are just the biggest ones off the top of my head.
No. 80153
>>80034She doesn't need to abuse any children to warrant a discussion here, either. So many people here try to justify themselves by thinking they're the "good" guys talking shit about internet supervillains. No. We're just here to laugh at cringe, and this board is no competition. You don't have to be "the worst" to earn a thread here.
Suicide baiting on social media is cringy if you are any older than 16. Even more so if you are practically doing it from a business account. Showing up disheveled and drunk to events is cringy. Influencers sending their army of goons after everyone that pissed them off and airing their dirty laundry in public is cringy. If you think that she is boring, I'm sure you will find some other lolcow here that tickles your fanny.
No. 80183
>>80153Thanks for reminding me— let me add
>> Suicide baiting on social mediato the list of ways Weenus is marge 2.0
No. 80189
Hold on, why has it got to be if someone is not a full on hater, they have to be a white knight?
It seems like any justifiable criticism of Venus will get someone labelled a hater, even tho they don't hate her, and at the same time, any justifiable defense of her will someone labelled a white knight, even tho they aren't.
Why does it have to be one extreme or the other?
It sometimes seems like for some reason unfathomable to me, Venus either elicits blind, slavish devotion in people, or blind, fanatical hatred, and I would love to hear the reasons why from both sets of people. Like, what is it about her that makes you worship her no matter what she does, if you are one of the white knights, and what is it about her that makes you obsessively hate her if you are one of the haters?
Wouldn't it make for more of an interesting debate if people could explain why they feel the way they do?
Anyway, I'm going back to lurkdom now.
No. 80366
>>80310She was a lolcow before she moved to Japan and got with Manaki. Why are you anons trying to rewrite the history? Lol.
If she wasn't in Japan she'd still be an unemployed mooch trying to get famous again with the remnants of her living doll saga, doing cringey shit because she has zero self control, and guilting her dwindling fanbase into giving her money for nothing in return.
She'd be a shit anywhere, not that I disagree that some anons are spergs about glorious nippon.
No. 80377
File: 1580365323822.jpg (138.17 KB, 931x601, eraserhead.jpg)

sickening photoshop- i guess she left it too late for mental health care and is fully psychotic
No. 80393
File: 1580376206639.jpg (108.93 KB, 540x771, poor_kid.JPG)

I wonder what's coming.
No. 80399
>>80393This is terrifying
>>80377Venus the Japanese child, 2020 (Oil on Canvas)
No. 80406
File: 1580389230670.jpg (28.74 KB, 720x304, Screenshot_20200130_135820.jpg)

I have a hard time to believe a toddler is a fan of
>>78661 but OK Weebus…
No. 80415
>>80393hahaha, maybe she thinks he's possible boyfriend material.
(I'm joking, obviously! Really I suppose it's kind of cute, but the kid looks a bit like he's trying to get away too.)
No. 80428
>>80393Sure, weenus, your head and facial features are as small as a child's
Poor kid is trying to get away
No. 80444
>>80377>>80393She doesn’t even bother to stick to a consistent photoshop between alien-photoshop pics, lol. In pic #1 she chops her chin almost completely off and makes it round while pic #2 has a long pointy chin.
The bitch isn’t right in the head.
No. 80482
File: 1580424518786.jpeg (60.83 KB, 297x536, 3B868618-21E1-4F89-85C8-8DEE9B…)

>>80393This kid (despite Weenus photoshopping “love” and hearts all over his face, wtf?) has the same reaction to being grabbed by her as that cat she used to manhandle at her previous hovel—they both look like they just want to get the fuck AWAY. Plus the kid looks like he’s about to burst into tears.
Wonder if she got the parents’ permission to use their kid as a prop on her public ig
No. 80493
File: 1580435560287.jpg (70.6 KB, 720x476, 20200131_025125.jpg)

Venus is looking for a video editor…. how will she pay them? Can't her manager arrange something?
No. 80495
>>80493Looking for a video editor? She hasn’t posted a video for a month now.
So she’s so busy with her full life of no work, no school, no family and no life that she can’t find the time to edit her own (nonexistent) videos? Sure, Weenus. That seems totally plausible.
No. 80522
>>80499I still don't believe she's as seriously alcoholic as she lead on.
I guess you can see past that A list acting she’s been doing, Anon.
>>80493She has said here and there that she wanted a editor. I can only guess that she wants to pay them jack shit if she still hasn’t found anyone by this point. Even if she got an editor that would fix her poor camera work and sound.
No. 80586
File: 1580479778599.png (729.46 KB, 857x593, that's not how spanish works.p…)

>I'm totemo fluent in 7 languages guise!! taco guacamole burrito~
No. 80616
>>80612Yeah she hasn’t done shit in the past 4 years. She’s gone nowhere and accomplished nothing, and apparentlyhas no plans or ambitions to go anywhere or do anything in the future.
She’s like a human slug or a barnacle.
No. 80627
File: 1580512407385.png (972.46 KB, 1440x2060, Margo.png)

In my travels across the internet, I randomly stumbled across Margo's listings of some precious Venus items.
No. 80628
File: 1580512530627.png (633.46 KB, 1440x1482, Sold items.png)

>>80627She has quite a few recent sales of crumpled bodyline dresses, hopefully these did not go to perverts but -
No. 80629
File: 1580512605714.png (1.21 MB, 1440x1562, venusangelic_items.png)

>>80628Lulzy description on her user page
No. 80672
File: 1580547361331.png (3.89 MB, 1242x2208, E96C6E64-DA8F-4CB9-A252-3638AD…)

Inb4 she deletes it
No. 80673
File: 1580547388922.png (8 MB, 1242x2208, 55A6B04A-5D6E-4E8A-B033-D71D2E…)

No. 80693
>>80672lmao all this projection
>>80681so much for being a yuri manga lesbian strong independent businesswoman company-owner who needs no man
No. 80703
File: 1580576562279.jpeg (378.03 KB, 1099x1353, 617FBFAE-B317-4ACD-A804-3E5BA7…)

She deleted the pic of her & the mystery kid at
>>80393Guess his parents (or maybe just his mother) objected to him being featured on Weenus’s public ig with hundreds of followers.
No. 80713
abusive” aka not giving her money from she asks
No. 80715
Abusive.” Still and always a
VICTIM, who is ABUSED by EVERYONE in her life.
Remind you of anyone?
No. 80719
>>80703I reckon the boy was linked to the "boyfriend" she recently just left because of his
abusive behavior, so she reckons. The timing is too good.
No. 80720
File: 1580590103769.png (2.25 MB, 750x1334, 24C3980E-11F6-4843-840B-4B2BDD…)

No. 80721
File: 1580590129875.png (3.86 MB, 750x1334, 6F34F297-5F39-4C16-AB2C-42521B…)

No. 80722
File: 1580590375088.jpg (1.08 MB, 1046x2220, 20200201_175333.jpg)

No. 80723
>>80722so you stayed with him knowing this, venus? and you still think you are a
victim? this girl is sick
No. 80726
>>80722Waittttttt WTFFFFF?????
Wtf did I just read????
No. 80733
>>80722shit how can i continue supporting Ken now? damn - i am unsubscribing from Ken and subscribing to Venus!
wait… nobody knows who the fuck is Ken and this only reflects really badly on Venus.. what a dumbass posting this shit
No. 80745
>>80742Why tell your IG followers but not the police? The fuck are they gonna do? Validate her
victim hood but not help the actual
victim that is the kid. If this story is even true.
No. 80748
>>80722Venus is a real piece of work. There is zero surprise that she became a manipulator just like her mom. I was rooting for her in the beginning, but how the fuck is she always a
victim now?! This isn’t making her look good, she comes off as looking for sympathy but how can you feel sorry for her when she stayed with this mystery guy she was “in love with” knowing he did this? Girl is going to be in for a rude awakening once she runs out of sugar daddies. She’s still escorting, isn’t she?
No. 80761
>>80758What a surprise. The internet remembers everything, Venus!
>>80759She can sell all of it to buy cooking wine now, lol
No. 80764
File: 1580597117319.gif (3.12 MB, 202x360, 1563057729233.gif)

>>80722I swear to god that I needed to reread this a few times because I can't believe she typed this out to the whole follower base to see what the fuck? This bitch is mental.
And I already said it once and I will say it again,but she will go down the sere/lorena way, if not even worse. I just hope she won't pop kids out right and left at some point.
No. 80771
>>80722So let me see if I got this straight…she found about the child abuse, did nothing about it, her only problem with it was that it’s illegal, it kept her awake ~some~ nights (others not so much,) she doxes the kid by posting his pic and then telling the story on her public ig, trying to make herself out as some kind of noble heroine for leaving the guy…oh and refers to the boy as “it.”
No. 80777
>>80774This is so true it hurts. Weenus was a
victim of such terrible abuse that now she's a magnet for abusers, instead of believing maybe she's actually the
abusive &
toxic one. Every type relationship she has had whether it's involved a friend, loved one, sugar daddy etc, has never lasted long. It's clear she's a parasite and the self projection has reached peak level today.
No. 80786
>>80784Even if she didn't go to the cops, which sure you are right, may not have actually resulted in anything, why did she stay with him?
Why was the first thing she listed as a fucked up thing about this guy that he controlled her finances? Like some other anon said her priorities are pure narc, concerned first with how SHE was treated, and then just used this hellacious story about a kid as evidence of how bad this guy was and even then saying "it kept me up some nights…" again, making it about her. Putting a picture of herself up with that kid was fucked up. Staying with a man who confessed something that fucked up to you is fucked up. Not going to the cops was one of the lesser fucked up things she did in this situation tbh
No. 80787
>>80721>>80722Sooo this is the
super controversial relationship no one approves she talked about before? holy fuck
No. 80794
>>80786I don’t disagree with you exactly. It’s just, here she’s framed the issue as reasons as to why she’s leaving. And we have no way of knowing if Creepy Ken had any truth behind his “bragging”- he could have just been saying it to shock her. Though why he’d want to say something like that completely eludes me. Anyway, the same thought might have occurred to Venus- even if he wasn’t truthful, to even brag about such a thing is beyond reprehensible. Venus might have thought along the lines of “okay yeah, he’s weird, and he says fucked up shit, but so do I sometimes.” And so, feeling some sort of empathy with this pedo, stayed, until she’d had enough.
I want to make it clear I’m not wking her. I’m just offering a potential train of thought, revolting as it may be.
No. 80796
>>80722So, this is the story that made her lose the last bits of spergelics she had on lolcow.
Who knew she was full of shit since the beginning? Report in here pls
No. 80798
>>80796*Raises hand
I suspected she was a liar and manipulator for a long time. That video she made about Manaki is what sealed the deal for me.
No. 80805
>>80788Idk about Japan but if you went to the cops with that story here they’d refer you to cps and at a minimum that would
trigger a formal investigation into the parent(s.) Possibly followed by a day in court and the kid being taken away. That shit is not trivial and it’s taken very seriously.
And if she’s making the whole thing up that makes her one sick fuck.
No. 80808
>>80805I have absolutely no idea where you live, but please don’t assume what a country’s law enforcement or child protection are like based on where you live. Japan is largely behind the times for child protection, especially when it has to do with the mother, who (if we are to believe Ken’s story) is the real perpetrator and abuser here. It’s extremely hard to wrest child control from a mother, even when the child itself is in clear danger; in custody cases, the children always go to the mother. It’s almost unheard of for the children to be granted to their father for any reason. There are some very well-known cases, even one in which a party-mom did get cps called on her, she totally admitted to not wanting them, shunting them off with her sister, and then taking them back and abusing them to death. There was even a (very depressing) movie made on it from the children’s perspective. It was a landmark case that showed how much the Japanese child protection services really need to change. And I don’t think they have, to this day.
No. 80809
>>80805And if you do come from the US, that’s a gross oversimplification of CPS. A formal investigation never gets issued that quickly, much less the child taken away. The family is informed that a complaint has been filed against them, and are given the opportunity to submit evidence to the contrary. If said evidence is still considered subpar, an investigation may take place. The guardians of the child are given a chance or two to get their act together. They’re given informational brochures and classes, and if this is still unsatisfactory, the child may be temporarily relocated to a relatives home. And then, they go back to their official, legal guardians.
Unlike on television and movies, cps are complicated and rarely separate the children from their parents. Even if said child’s life may be at stake, parental rights are almost inalienable. I can give you a handful of cases to start off, if you’re curious, wherein there was cps action, and the children were not removed and later died.
No. 80816
>>80813Good point there. I forgot about the chikan business with Manaki and when everyone got upset with her about it she threw him under a bus claiming it was a prank.
If she can make a "joke" about sexual harassment towards underage schoolgirls that easily, anything is possible in that sick mind of hers.
No. 80820
>>80790Exactly. She makes up weird shit all the time to slander people. This is by far the most disgusting slander she’s ever come up with, and it’s hilariously backfiring on her.
She must have made this up while in a narc rage + drinking. She figured this sugar daddy of hers deserved to be called a pedo because he cut the purse strings.
No. 80828
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No. 80829
>>80789That phrasing was particularly bizarre to me. She could have indicated sexual abuse with language that is respectful to the child but she had to be so flippant. Would she refer to full-on child rape as “doing the horizontal tango?” She didn’t even need to give a detailed description like that. Saying a man forced a woman to perform sexual acts on a child is gruesome enough. But of course, she has already posted the innocent child’s photo for everyone to see! She’s holding a sign over this poor little kid like “See! This little boy was molested! Aren’t I caring person for telling everyone this?” This is something Onision would do.
If contacting CPS wasn’t an option and she wanted to let people know that this guy was bad, post the man’s whole name and location and shame HIM, not the child. This is why her story doesn’t feel genuine. She leaves out details of the man’s crimes against her and protects his identity while she didn’t hesitate to drag her visa husband through the mud and repeatedly let her fans attack him for the most petty reasons. That doesn’t make any sense.
No. 80831
>>80828Why are you broken Veenus? Did your cash giver kick you out and now you're emotionally, physically, and financially broke?
Her IG status about 'giving head' to a minor is damn gross. I'm really hoping that it's a sick joke her claustrophobic mind made as an excuse, as much as distasteful it is. And didn't she mention on that deleted pic that the kid was her "fanboy"??
No. 80847
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No. 80848
>>80847Hoe is mad, probably this sugardaddy wasn't as patient as Visanaki with that temper of hers.
That or maybe she's getting more anxious about her visa, so it adds up?
No. 80862
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No. 80872
Ngl, her breakdowns and even entire life, are messy rn. A lot of people seem to be disgusted by her, but mostly I’m just sad. We keep suggesting normal people things, asking “why doesn’t she do xyz”. But after having lived for 19+ years with the human wreck that is Morgot, when was she supposed to have learned differently? She doesn’t even frame most of what happened to her abuse- she just says things like “I yelled as loudly as I could so people would know my mom was hitting me”. She’s secretive and does horrible shit to herself, gets publicly, messily drunk, and says outrageous things. She even has what I know believe a polyamorous relationship, which I don’t know if she’s 100% okay with, if her comments about being jealous of Manaki’s other relationships are any indication.
She keeps trying to be “genki” and badass while trying to deal with the shitstorm she’s made her life. But really, she’s still just the sad little kid whose mom threw a knife at her and wishes she were dead. She never learned how people are supposed to have relationships, take care of their hygiene, or interact with others in a socially appropriate manner. This is what you get when a psychopath raises a child.
No. 80874
>>80873I think what we’re seeing are FLEAs (Frightening Lasting Effects of Abuse). They mirror similarly with the
abusive behavior the parent/guardian did, to a lesser extent.
No. 80878
>>80875Uh, well, Margot has been posting next to nothing except for her long lasting grudge, the storage she alone paid for for 4 years. It was full of nothing but garbage from their years of schlepping across the continents. She’s now selling said items on eBay for that sweet sweet revenge.
So, no I think she’s just as unhinged as ever.
No. 80880
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I have a sneaking suspicion that she’s blackmailing the ken guy judging from this caption
No. 80890
>>80808Considering how much pedos Japanese guys seem to be, I can understand why they always give the child to the mom.
Anyway what she posted was disgusting, and using the little boy as a
story to blackmail "Ken" with is just –
The kid wouldn't remember what happened and shouldn't have his face (albeit heavily snowed, now we know why) on the internet by an ex girlfriend of his abuser as blackmail material. If she actually cared (and it is factual) she should go straight to police, not straight to blackmail.
No. 80898
>>80880lmao Margo's "crying" selfies looked more believable than this.
Isn't that Mana's car?
No. 80905
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Great Venus, now shed some fake tears for the photo to complete this pathetic situation.
No. 80907
>>80889She's already not relevant anymore. The only reason why people still care a little is because she was lucky enough to milk her fucked up childhood for sympathy points and plenty of people genuinely want to support and see her succeed.
She has no real talent as an entertainer (humor/acting/singing/dancing), was never good at doing her makeup in the first place and is way too awkward to moderate or make connections. The only reason why she was ever popular is because she used to look cute with the right angles and lighting, but now she looks haggard af without her 5 Instagram filters and she's not getting any younger either.
No. 80910
When is the thing in Korea meant to take place, with Venus as the MC?
Or has it already happened?
I really don't know what to think about this thing with the little kid. If it was true what she was told, it it was something that only happened that one time when he was a baby, he won't have any memories of that, and so what would going to police achieve? How would it help the little boy? It would traumatise him to be made aware of something like that happening to him that he has no knowledge of.
Plus, very sadly, this sort of thing happens all too often, the things I heard about when growing up that i thought seemed so wrong but other kids laughed about as though it was nothing.
There is far more of this sickness than most people realise.
Also not sure what the law would be in Japan regarding this, it's not the same as in Britain where things are the complete opposite.
I hope for Venus' sake she never does anything truly against the law because from what I've heard, the Japanese justice system is cruel and people plead guilty to something just to escape the conditions they are held in.
But things like what is supposed to have happened to the little boy, not sure how it would pan out regarding that sort of thing. and I don't see how it would help the kid if it was taken seriously, why put him through all that? Unless there was still something happening to him of that nature, which it doesn't sound like, and, the guy could have been making it up and saying it just to try and shock her. Whatever it still seems messed up, and I just hope the kid is being properly looked after because now I'm worrying about him and hoping his mother is treating him well now.
No. 80920
>>80874>>FLEAs (Frightening Lasting Effects of Abuse). They mirror similarly with the abusive behavior the parent/guardian didOr maybe this shit is who she is at her core. Personality traits inherited from her mother that are part of who she is over and above how she was raised. Nature (genes) and nurture (upbringing.)
Short version: she’s just like mommy for multiple reasons, not just how she was raised.
No. 80930
>>80914Wenoos went to visit Ella at the hospital some months ago, or so she said.
>>80922t h i s
No. 80947
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>>80905>>80898And isn't that manaki's couch?
No. 80958
>>80752Further proof of the validity of the pater ad. She likely met this ken on there, intending to use him as a sugar daddy, possibly even related to her manager/visa/fake company stuff, then when either he was sick of her bs or she of his (assuming what she says is true), then she could paint yet ANOTHER
victim -
I was abused again guyssss me me me- story, explaining it all away with how she was so
in love, like with manaki (totally not a gold digging visa whore situation). She used this guy for her gain fully knowing what he was like, he or she left, then like the narc she is, jumped at the chance to use this story (true or made up) to up her reputation and victimhood online, knowing that her fans will kiss her ass and sites like Pull/Kf will excuse it with "but she was abused and is mentally ill"
rolls eyes. Now the alcohol and lying about bdp stuff makes sense. It's just something that can be used as an excuse to vindicate her narc ass. Remember, marge shared text messages where venus said you could mold reality to what you want, along with, if she's cute she can get away with anything. Venus is definitely guilty of both of those. She's a disgusting manipulator. None of this needed to be shared publicly EXCEPT as a narcissistic means to paint a pity, victimhood narrative that Venus seems to thrive off. And the coming soon caption. How gross could she be to hype up something like this with a coming soon caption??
No. 80959
>>80958>>80957Agreed. She's a big time narcissist and they're very clever at manipulating the people that are closest to them ie Manaki. Just look at some of the cows here and how bad they can manifest when they spiral out of control when playing the dramatic
victim card. They drain the life source out of people and use them as puppets, pulling the strings to get what the want-but if they don't get what they want hell breaks loose.
The fact Venus literally planned this elaborate plot of an
abusive ex who happens to be a pedo while exploiting the child she spoke about by showcasing him on her Instagram is the sickest thing she has done yet. Now I thought her "joking" about Manaki being a chikan was bad enough but this is a whole new level of low.
Narcs have no shame. No fucking shame at all.
No. 80961
>>80834THIS A MILLION TIMES OVER. How can people not see through her manipulation? I could see venus intentionally seeking out some creep sugar daddy for some bucks, all whilst planning like
>>80959 said, to slander/expose him on SM if they split to come out a poor abused heroine once again. You can tell coming out the hero was her aim with this. Fucking sick narc. I mean, look at her latest carefully crafted insta pic. It is actually unbearable. Poor sad little aBuSEd venus huddled on her visa husbands couch in a teary-eyed ball of misery. Milking the drama further. Ugh.
>>80862says the person who made the "im gay and psycho uwu" caption and used mental illness as a quirk/prop repeatedly.
I remember her alleged "friend" coming on here and posting how Venus was cheating on Manaki, how she fucked over her malice manager (whom venus used then blamed in a live stream), how she lied about therapy and tried to fuck her managers/friends, and how she did something that made her Margo 2.0. I thought the fake business was what that alleged anon friend was talking about, but maybe it's this? Or some dirt yet to be uncovered. A manipulator like her must have a lot of dirt.
No. 80962
>>80722I'm so fucking ashamed and sickened about the fact I personally hoped and thought she could never get as fucked up as her mom but you anons were right all along.
This combined with the molestation "joke" about Manaki from a while ago is too fucking far, I'm never giving her the benefit of the doubt ever again.
Does Venus realise a majority of her followers ARE teenagers, fucking children.
She needs to grow the fuck up and learn this is absolutely not an ok thing to say publicly regardless of how many people follow you. Save it for the cops and a therapist and if it's not true don't fucking lie about something so shockingly disturbing.
No. 80965
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No. 80970
>>80958>>sites like Pull/Kf will excuse it with "but she was abused and is mentally ill" (rolls eyes)They’re still at it on PULL. Still a few holdouts with the “she’s just repeating the abuse she suffered, that’s what abuse
victims DO!” It’s like Trump said of his followers, “I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and they’d still love me,” Some people are just mindless sheep.
No. 80991
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>>80981ya, thanks. i tried, but not sure if the tinder caption really works here lol
No. 80993
>>80991put pater for tinder
the people who already know enough to get this will know what it is
No. 81027
>>80673Except she got a
problematic surgery behind her husband’s back and lied about it when he tried to care about her wellbeing, mooched off him the entire time they lived together and lied about him molesting school girls, what a fucking hypocrite
No. 81032
>>80965>posts a dumb meme>cuntok
>>80995Kek next thread pic for sure
>>80880.. At least she's dressing a bit better, I guess?
No. 81034
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No! Social media isn't your therapist! I just hate the fact that she thinks it's okay to use mental illnesses as some type of personality trait. That will never be okay.
No. 81036
>>81032Yeah, putting on a show using a minor's CSA story for asspats and pity parties, then pretend nothing happened once she got her narc fix is totally not a cunt move, right?
>>81034here we go again
No. 81044
I cant stop worrying about that poor little boy. I hope he is nowhere anywhere near that awful man now. IF Venus is telling the truth about what he told her, first of all, he may have made it up, but why?, and secondly, if true maybe he was leading up to asking Venus to do something to the little kid as well, as well as what he made the kids mother do I mean. I hadn't considered that before, i assumed it was a one off and the kid wouldn't even know what had happened as would have no recollection of it, but supposing it happened more than once? Maybe Venus realised this Ken, doubt that's his real name anyway, but maybe she realised, or suspected, that he was wanting her to do something to the kid too, and maybe that is what motivated her to leave him in the end. Its all so confusing. dont know why she was with him anyway when shes always going on about liking cute girls and posted a instagram pic as Miku recently saying she was looking for a wife.
So, if she is telling the truth, and the guy was telling the truth, I can understand why she is so upset, if she thought he was leading up to wanting her to abuse the little boy too. I just hope that he is safe now and has to be nowhere near that horrible man. I wish Venus could post an update and let people know the child is safe now and what his current situation is. Also, she has deleted his picture, yes, but it is still here on lolcow, could someone here delete it? It seems wrong that it is anywhere online where he, or someone he knows, might see it in time.(
No. 81047
>>81044Please don't worry too much anon. Just remember there is a high likelihood that she just made the entire thing up. She made up incredibly damning stuff about Manaki when she was angry with him like him being a chikan and being financially/emotionally
abusive and when she was in fact the abuser and he did nothing but take care of ungrateful ass. She repaid his patience and caring by nearly getting herself killed with an unnecessary surgery, regularly cheating on him, and making up lies in an attempt to ruin his life. Why should we believe this Ken guy is any different? She is a compulsive liar.
No. 81050
>>81044I understand wanting to keep the poor boy private but this is not pull or your personal blog.
It may be best it's left up as evidence she posted him in the first place, I know me and other people screencapped it before all this shit but it shows how grossly she exploited the kid. She used very heavy filters on both their faces so hopefully he wouldn't be recognizable anyway.
No. 81058
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She’s up at 3:30-4:30 am posting about her super speshul magical brain scan and “exposing” someone who posted a mean comment to her. That’ll show ‘em!
No. 81059
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>>81058Stay strong, Venus! You’re my HERO!
-braindead fangelic
No. 81068
>>81058Lmao that wasn't even a mean comment? Why is she so disrespectful and just idk full of shit?
I agree, no way she spoke to her mother
No. 81072
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No. 81102
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Someone is calling her out again.
No. 81116
>>81104 oh, fuck off kek.
I'm a silent reader in this thread, and I only post screenshots here.
Thats what a imageboard is, genius.
No. 81156
>>81072>people realize venus is a narc like her mom, no longer making her a victim and simultaneously destroying her career"i'm qUeEr, an alcoholic, was in an
abusive relationship where he molested a child, have a brain condition, am bipolar, AND have hallucinations! will you pay attention to me now? look, ANOTHER meltdown! try to help me uwu i'm TRYING to get better uwu."
No. 81160
>>81103she may not post often, but she reads comments on her shit to make herself feel better, she's fishing for those asspats and attention on purpose. if she wants to get better like she claims, she should stop with that.
i personally don't mind being entertained by her embarrassing herself, just sayin.
No. 81221
>>81058>>81073She’s so ridiculously predictable and obvious. Someone mentions a diagnosis to her and suddenly her personality shifts 180 dregrees and fits the (wiki) description of said diagnosis to a T.
When she supposedly got diagnosed with BPD, she suddenly was a reckless, sexually confused drunk that self harmed and was sO pSyChO.
Now she got thrown Bipolar into her face and - (to no one’s surprise) - she’s depressed one day and SUPER MANIC BUT TOTALLY FINE AND POSITIVE YOU GUYS the next.
She’s a stupid, attention seeking child, that’s what she is.
On a more serious note, I actually don’t doubt her actually being bipolar as much as I doubted her having BPD. The past several years she’s always had very obvious shifts in her mental health. It would make sense in a way. However, the way she takes all of these potential diagnoses and turns herself into a caricature of each is a joke and it’s exactly what leads to people not believing a single word she says.
No. 81229
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After revealing her super speshul brain acts like the one of a person with bipolar disorder, she is now faking a manic phase on stories, sperging about wanting to live in a store and getting flowers for herself (complete with choosing an aesthetic for each ig story). It's too calculated and basically a caricature. She sounds exactly like how tumblr kids think mental illnesses work, like the ones that write everything wrong with unfocused pictures when faking a mental breakdown. And just like that she makes everyone forget about the horrible things she said and focus on poor suffering Weenus again.
No. 81237
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uwu poor binatan!
No. 81279
>>81237Now I get why she carefully showed off the alcohol can label in every stream. She planned to capitalize on this little abuse story once again. She's loved alcohol since with her mother but never did she show it off until recently. If "ken" isn't made up, she used him for financial gain (where else would she suddenly get expensive clothing like louis vuitton)knowing full well the dude was some grimy sugar daddy, intending to leave him or use him until he leaves her, then she can shit out yet
another abuse story and blame it all "on love uwu" like the opportunistic, self-absorbed sociopath she is.
Also, if she is still on a spousal visa, then she directly admitted to visa fraud. Like this would be flat out, undeniable proof.I love how she hasn't shown the guys face. He's probably some old, grimy gaijin hunter so if we saw him, it'd be obviously a sugar daddy and not someone she loved
oh so much and we could potentially find him like some anon did with Kitano (which shattered her lie of self-made business woman/fake business). Also, just a thought, but who's to say that the assistant Venus named was this guys ex? Maybe she was his wife and Venus was the other woman? She'd definitely omit anything that makes her look bad.
No. 81351
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>>81237And this is why it’s dangerous for her to tease with vague and confusing captions in front of a young audience. Here we have 13 year old fan who asserts Manaki both abused and raped Venus.
No. 81352
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>>81351Like a game of telephone, these kids twist whatever she says into something worse.
No. 81369
>>81352I also immediately thought that her "Ken" must be Manaki, the husband of "living doll" Venus, this kid is not that far off. There are many asking "Who is Ken? Is it Mana? What happened? What did he do?"
>worse than MargoThe entire internet world knows about Venus story, statements like these will make outsiders believe that he must be a true monster, because what could be worse than what Margo did?
>>81361Of course she doesn't shut it down, she loves this, she's probably in a super good mood right now since everything is working out exactly like she planned.
Manaki needs to release some kind of statement asap, he should find himself somebody who helps him translate.
No. 81371
>>81369AFAIK, Manaki doesn’t have an internet presence anymore, so there’s a good chance he has no idea of anything being said about him. How convenient for Venus.
But on the other hand, he keeps letting her run back to him every time she does something self-destructive, so I think his mental health also needs checking out.
No. 81386
>>81351>>81352That's exactly the purpose of her weird ambiguous captions, tho. Her favorite method of slandering is creating confusion among her audience whom later will spread all sorts of stories where poor princess penus is always the helpless
No. 81414
>>81392I dont understand why she doesn't correct people who say things that are not right. Maybe she hasn't seen it, perhaps too busy, or otherwise engaged , to see all the comments.? Maybe she doesn't even read everything anyway, it must take a bit of time to go through everything, Or maybe, her mental state is just not up to looking at it, or if she does see it, maybe she is not able mentally to do anything about it? There could be all number of reasons. Maybe once she's posted something on Instagram, she forgets about it for a while, depending on what sort of mental state she is in at any given time. She seems so inconsistent and all over the place so it's probably not surprising that she cant think to put right comments that should be put right. I'm not defending the fact that she hasn't put right those commentators, only raising the possibility that maybe because of her mental state, whatever that is right now, she is not able to.
No. 81417
>>81414people already elaborated on this above. she doesn't correct anyone on purpose. that way, fans will tinfoil hard and spread all kinds of bs about manaki or some other poor fellow making venus appear like a
victim of yet another twisted abuser, which is exactly what she wants people to think. even if she is called out, she will always say that she herself never accused anybody and it was all just a misunderstanding on the fangelics' part. she's done that before and she keeps doing it still
No. 81418
>>81414I wish I had your optimism anon.
Remember only because people at lolcow and pull have figured out she was escorting and got herself an old sugar daddie, that we could assume Ken was this specific old manager guy she's been hiding. But to a normal Venus follower, all they have seen is Manaki. She has never posted any other guy. So it's logical for them to assume things she talks about are
about Manaki and not this guy she has never posted anything about that they have never seen even a photo of. And she knows that. She probably reads the comments cackling to herself at all the trouble she's causing.
No. 81429
>>81414it's simple. she doesn't give a shit.
but I can kinda understand that. imagine answering every single dumb comment
like this on every post on every media … probably not very exciting, and it won't prevent misconceptions anyway. one would have to spend entire days just answering comments that would keep piling up endlessly. why bother?
No. 81442
>>81237Yep, she’s reattached herself to that poor sap Manaki like the leech she is. Now she’s ensconced back in her little home with no further money or visa worries, and feeling quite pleased with herself from the sounds of things.
She is her mother’s daughter through and through.
No. 81443
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from PULL
No. 81446
>>81443With no evidence, an uncooperative key witness who could always tell police that the gaijin misunderstood, a perpetrator that will most likely claim Venus is a bitter and crazy ex who is lying, and the
victim who was far too young to remember the incident, it would be impossible charge this man with anything. But of course, Venus never actually cared about doing something about it.
No. 81453
>>81443Considering how much Venus lies, I don't believe she's done anything of the sort because she likes to dish out her vindictive side but can't cope with confrontation. Her deleting the original story on Instagram and then switching to typical "nothing happened here" mode says alot. She keeps being asked about the situation and hasn't even posted an update, instead she's only been responding to a comment or two that mention how SHE could get reported for landing a child abuse
victim into more shit if it is true. It's obvious she's scared and trying to carefully backpedal her way out of it. Stupid girl.
No. 81479
>>81442now I understand why Margo kept leeches as pets after Wenoos ran away
>>81443sounds about right
No. 81503
One thing is lying about your husband being a chikan, but making up a rape story involving an actual minor, exposing his face AND pretending you're the sole
victim of this mess is a whole new level of vile.
No. 81627
>>81620Either that or she misunderstood something. Which is possible considering that Japanese is not her first language. Occam's razor.
Or she's realized that she fucked up her career once again and made up some random shit to evoke sympathy because that's the only thing she gets attention for nowadays. Personally I find it incredibly weird that she started ranting about some rando she's never even introduced on her sm. Margo and Manaki made sense because they were very visible parts of her online presence and she had to explain their disappearance somehow. The same can't be said for this mysterious Ken fellow.
No. 81637
What is very suspicious is that Venus said the man BRAGGED about forcing someone to do that, not that she discovered it or was told by the mother. If this is true, then this sort of depravity is a regular part of this man’s personality. It didn’t come out of the blue. This is the man she presents as someone superior to Manaki and more worthy of her love. Is he the guy she was with when she revealed she was into S&M and all that “choke me daddy” stuff too?
>>81627Her wording the act as “giving head” really makes me think something else was said. Why would the man even tell her that in the first place? Sexual abuse of a child is not something you bring over coffee.
No. 81638
>>81637She's a narc and a sociopath so I can believe that he bragged about child abuse and she didn't give a shit because he was giving her money and she has 0 empathy for any human being but herself. Accusing him of child abuse was revenge for not giving her the money he promised her when he was trying to bribe her into sex - like all sugar daddies do. Guys too broke to get escorts who like the power trip of dangling gifts and money over desperate girls' heads.
"Controlling her finances" aka she slept with him a LOT to get the money and gifts he swore he was gonna give her and he never did. She got mad, pulled out some buzzwords that would impress her followers, and accused him of child abuse over something he probably mentioned once in passing and that she laughed with him about at the time because he was a baby and in her mind he wouldn't remember as a child anyway. This whole concern over his wellbeing is an act. All she wants is attention for being a trainwreck because she's too lazy to be a Youtuber anymore.
No. 81647
>>81637The entire post was worded so weirdly that I had to read it like 3 times to fully understand it. Wouldn't surprise me if she did that on purpose because she wanted people to misread it and think that he was the one to abuse the kid instead of "forcing" the mom.
Either way there is no way of knowing what is going on since we don't even know who Ken is (and will probably never find out). If she made it up she's fucked up. If she didn't and still did nothing about it, she's fucked up. Either way it's disgusting that she brought some innocent little kid into her arguments with her johns. Gorl needs to buy a diary or make some friends to rant at. Using her social media as an outlet for her insanity is not kawaii.
No. 81648
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Very ironic that she used to write nasty stuff like that about her classmates back when she was living in Tenerife and now she's the one jumping from dick to dick to survive.
No. 81657
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No. 81712
>>81711Makes sense why she ironically is going further down that path. Being influenced to pander to much older men at that age and knowing the perverted side of her fanbase will love her for it has stayed. Venus still tries to act like an underaged anime girl.
It's disturbing to think because Manaki was a fan since she was young, that he was most likely watching this same content. Which leads back to what sort of mother Margo was when he got together with Venus. She had no problem basically exploiting her child for years if it meant making money and gaining access to Japan, now Venus just rolls with it and is obviously escorting. I'm sure mother dearest is proud of the change in the career.
What a fucked up pair.
No. 81742
Supposing Venus manages to either fully return to Visanaki OR score a new visaSD, what do you guys think she'll do besides show off her gifts? After her escape, she lived like a princess for years and got everything she wanted, but she was still a lazy sloppy drunk who refused to work or upload regularly. Does V honestly think she's gonna stay cute and young enough to keep hustling dumb ephebophiles and ageplay pedos for the next 5-10 years? She ruined her body with that surgery and doesn't wash or take care of herself, she can't keep friends or acquaintances, stays indoors unless she's being spoiled and has no diploma/license/qualifications for adult life.
Just because she still has gullible fans buying all her obvious lies now doesn't mean it'll last. Her kawaii dream life LARPing a Japanese 13 year old didn't last under the perfect circumstances for her because of her attitude and the way she uses and treats people, and eventually she plateaus and craves even MORE attention fpr even more crazy and unbelievable things.
I guess my point is: I feel like Venus is gonna spiral down until she either fails out of Japan, gets knocked up/marries an uggo for visa/¥, turns into Sere 2.0 with a pedo gimmick or ends up comitting fraud of some sort. Clearly, nothing Venus claims will make her happy ever really will except constant gifts, attention amd praise- and even then she gets annoyed with it bc she knows it's all fake/means to an end. It's an interesting ride to watch, but it's starting to make me feel bad because of how obvious her extremism is going to keep getting wether she gets what she wants or not.
No. 81743
>>81712>>Venus still tries to act like an underaged anime girl. That’s just going to get creepier the older she gets.
>> I'm sure mother dearest is proud I bet marge is jealous that she hasn’t been able to latch onto an easy mark like Manaki to pay her bills and buy her shit. That’s part of what she’s mad about, lol. Venus is better at what they both do (leech off men.)
No. 81744
>>81743Not really, Marge used to have boyfriends she mooched off of in EU but they didn't last long. Venus got lucky with Manaki bc she was white+young+kawaii gimmick (which might be why Marge started wearing her clothes, trying to see how much of Venus's appeal was her style vs.
her for being pedobait). I think they're both shit at it, but Venus got the better deal bc of age and location.
No. 81746
>>81743>>81744>>81745I think the reason Marge is so pleased and Venus is so messy lately is because Venus really
isn't suited for escorting/sugaring. Marge obviously wanted that lifestyle for herself but was too weird and crazy to make it happen, so she set Venus up with what she (Marge) thought was the best option for
both of them- Manaki. We all know Marge legitimately thought that Venus marrying him would grant them both visas for Japan somehow, and then she could have maybe made her own weird "____ in JAPAN!!!" tourist clickbait videos for her own revenue while Venus and Manaki make their "My Japanese BF/My Foreign GF ____!!!!" videos and she managed them both and handled the income while Manaki worked and paid the real bills. In fact I'd bet money that was her original plan before she whisked Venus to SK and tried to pimp her out there.
No. 81762
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>>81744Exactly. Keywords are ~used to~ have. She can’t pull it off now due to looking old and fug so she’s extra salty when she sees Weenus flaunting her LV scarf and Coach bag.
No. 81771
>>81762Well, Venus isn't exactly "pulling it off", hence her unwashed appearance and all-hours drunkposting. I think she got those things as a down payment for sex, then annoyed the potential SD away with her
toxic co-dependency. That would explain her going from her upbeat "I'm a baddie & I'm not gonna change soon uwu" & showing them off, to being emo and vague again.
I think Venus is trying sugaring/escorting using her kawaii baddie act to lure them in but keeps scaring guys away after 1-3 meetings because she's so spoiled, entitled and twisted & it keeps causing her social media spiraling when she realizes she can't skate through life on east street just for being cute and fuckable.
No. 81776
File: 1581198508597.jpeg (31.83 KB, 292x279, 1579282948780 (1).jpeg)

>>81771Also if the more candid images of her that have cropped up recently like the attached and the vids of her going around fishing villages and ramen shops are any reflection on how she actually looks these days, her dates probably dont follow through on any $$$ promises anyway. She's looking rough in addition to being weird & drunk. That can't be a good combo for Japanese pedo adjacent sugar daddies.
No. 81787
File: 1581202816307.jpg (126.55 KB, 809x599, birthday.jpg)

someone bought her an expensive birthday dinner even thought she's bUyinG herSelF niCe ThinGs now she left u ken
No. 81799
>>81711…so that mommy can come along and leech off too, don't forget.
Double gross
No. 81812
>>81787I really hope penus didn't show up to that place looking like this
>>81776 >>81799apple doesn't fall far from the tree
No. 81829
>>81812Well that’s what she looks like now so I guess she did.
That poor fucker will never be rid of
No. 81875
>>81865It may seem like she's living the weaboo dream of being forever 15, not working and not doing much of anything apart from buying kawaii shit, but I doubt she's all that happy. She's a narc who still seems to think she'll have some kind of breakthrough in Japan, so the fact that she's not world famous for existing yet must sting pretty bad.
She won't be able to keep up that lifestyle forever, either. In 10 years from now she'll look exactly like her hag mother and nobody will be willing to spoil her anymore.
No. 81877
>>81776I really don't get why you keep touting that pic as 'proof' of how awful you personally think she looks. Many people would just look at that and think what a pretty girl.
She may be making a silly face, but still looks pretty, so I don't get it. And most men seem to prefer girls who are not covered in make up and looking natural, this is better than the ridiculous edited selfies she often put out with her face deformed into ridiculous pointy chin effect, that is what is ugly, not this.
No. 81881
>>81877>>81880Without filters and makeup Venus is average, it's her assburger behavior and stanky hygiene that ruin her gaijin appeal.
She might be "living well" now (though I doubt it, Venus is all abt image), but unless she gets remarried I don't see her sugaring for the rest of her life- best case scenario she ends up pulling an Arisucookie and drinks herself stupid and haggard before 30, then gets divorced when she ages out, still has a shit personality and there's a new crop of younger pedo-pandering weebs fresh off the plane.
I think Manaki took her to dinner for her birthday out of pity, but perhaps didn't take her back fully. She's still acting way too up and down emotionally to have that kind of stability back for sure. Consider Venus leaving Manaki to whore out, realizing you have to play a certain role for an SD that isn't just "spoil me for being weird and cunty daddy uwu" and then trying to get back into her princess room when she realizes it's not the cakewalk she expected, and pleading to Manaki after everything she did to him and said about him, from the beginning until now.
I think she's probably sugaring for a place to stay/gifts but isn't really
doing anything, if she were back with Manaki and truly happy then she would take a shower and post more showoff selfies in her ageplay dungeon. Or, at least teased another video with him.
No. 81884
>>81881It wasn't Manaki, it was probably an SD. Her previous post is obviously a latergram from Manaki's apartment, but the caption doesn't at all imply they're back together- in fact it leans the other way.
Plus, this dinner is way too fancy for Manaki considering the places he took her when they were still together. This is a nice ass restaurant, where she got caviar, oysters, steak, and 12 year old wine. This is a sugar date for her birthday.
No. 81888
>>81881>>81884If she were back with Pedonaki she would be back in her lolita/kawaii clothes and acting kiddish because that's what
he liked. They woild be going to cute little cafes and taking walks in the park, but all she does is show off fancy dinners and brand gifts. She's doing what Dakota Rose did up until a couple of years ago, nothing but "living well" and showing off without a steady job or S/O.
No. 81889
>>81875>>I doubt she's all that happy.I think as long as she has a bed, an internet connection and a steady supply of junk konbini snacks without having to worry about how to pay for it she’s good. And she has her ig for comfort where she can post a couple of altered selfies a week and get hundreds of likes and “We love you, Venus! Keep fighting!” comments.
Now she can spend all day every day in her pink kawaii cubicle with her face glued to a screen, nothing asked of her and no worries, just like before. Those are her needs and they’re being met with her enabler back on the hook.
No. 81918
>>81884>latergramSpeaking of which, tinfoil time: that luggage pic from
breaking up with pedo Ken story is also another random photo she took and saved for later when she feels like throwing someone under the bus.
Just like Manaki, Ken (if he even exists) probably doesn't speak english and/or isn't aware of Penus' online antics.
No. 81924
>>81914If she were smart, she wouldn't go around fabricating scenarios involving the people around her IRL/professionally. She also wouldn't have run away to Korea for weight loss surgery when she wasn't even overweight, she wouldn't have "joked" about her husband being arrested for groping a minor, and many other things. Maybe the reason Margo was so happy to get knocked up by her professor and bragged about her "150 IQ" is because
neither of them are particularly smart, just conniving and image-obsessed.
>>81918All these latergrams are why I don't think she's back at Manaki's. She would be showing off
new pics in her same old room with her new clothes/accessories from sugaring for the "aww congrats u 2!!" comments from her Fangelics. That, plus even when she goes out lately her hair is still greasy and she's dressed way more grown up, despite showing off her nice new things. She can wear Vitton but she can't use shampoo? Tinfoil as well, but it smells like she's couchsurfing (or the JP equivalent).
No. 82001
>>81996I highly doubt it. Taylor's been to Japan several times and none of those times has she visited Venus. It doesn't take much to realize what a
toxic person she is and I wouldn't put it past Venus to attempt using Taylor for her money.
No. 82008
>>81996Plus, both of them never miss a chance to
use each other for views and likes make videos together. Last year Penus bragged about Taylor spoiling her with dinner at Dior cafe and a spa day.
No. 82028
>>82026Not sure it looks photoshopped, but now that you mention it…where is the other person? Wouldn’t they be sitting on the other side of the table? Wouldn’t there be another plate of food there? Wouldn’t a regular person post a happy selfie with their friend, or at least a photo of clinking wine glasses or something?
Again, it’s just her showing off expensive food/gifts/whatever with no other human being in sight. It seems like a sad kind of “celebration” to me.
No. 82033
>>82028My first guess was that she was on a escorting date and took pictures while he was is the bathroom?
But I was looking hard, I don’t see any reflections or shadow of someone else being with her.
So now I’m thinking The only picture she actually took was the first one that says “happy birthday” and all the other pictures are someone else’s. Hell, maybe that first pic was from last year? There’s no number on there. Maybe the other pictures came off the restaurants website, or someone else’s Instagram.
No. 82035
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>>82033My bad - you can see the edge of another plate in the third image.
No. 82052
File: 1581371310528.jpeg (500.61 KB, 1086x1536, F7446AAD-72CF-42CC-B371-73C3BE…)

>>81964>> why would he even be her manager in the first place? Kitano’s sketchy ‘Company,’ RepliNet, claims to be a ‘Japanese and Cambodian Advertising and Event management’ company (although its registered address and mailing address are both in Cambodia) ‘About’ description says
“We established in 2013, and we've done many events such as : Grand Opening, Sales Promotion, Kids event, Fashion show, Christmas and Halloween events.”
“Not only Cambodian clients, we also have been working for international clients.”’s basically a glorified party planner, which is how he started with Weenus—that disastrous fan meetup and the bar events. And he seemed to have some half baked plan to promote random restaurant and shop owners, trotting Weenus around to pose with them in their establishments, promising them videos from the Big Youtuber (most of which never happened.)
Why he had her spend a day in that fish shop recently is anybody’s guess.
No. 82061
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>>82057looks like a gift bag to me
No. 82073
>>82068We all know she has no friends and true loved ones to spend her birthday with. It's definitely either one of those two. I'm going with a lonesome dinner paid with spare cash from the previous SD because that's how tragic her life is now. Usually she would humble brag about the dinner if it was a treat from someone she knows.
Nobody loves Venus but herself. What a sad and
toxic existence.
No. 82149
>>82141And all the videos she’s promised that never appeared. Just in the past month she promised updates on her move and her “mental health.” And a video with Manaki.
And her idiot fans never ask any questions about anything.
No. 82156
>>82149Literally the last person I would ever want mental health advice from, smh. I hate how she keeps saying that she wants to “share her mental health journey” and all this bs, like she wants to be some kind of stunning brave role model, but in the same breath talks about it all so fucking flippantly, using words like “psycho” and “crazy” and telling commenters to unfollow if her outbursts
trigger them.
Somebody take her phone away, srsly.
No. 82187
>>82107The only people that care about her at this rate are her young online fans who she treats like shit and exploits their gullibility.
But outside of the Internet she has nobody. She uses and abuses everyone that enters her life like a typical narc, then plays
victim when it all goes to shit.
No. 82228
>>81988How is she promoting his business though? By pretending he and his company don't even exist? She made some videos showing off some establishments to her international fans who are useless for promotion purposes and her Japanese only channel is way too small.
>>82073pretty sure she's still friends with tsuruko and cathy cat, though I doubt that they were ever close friends or anything.
No. 82229
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>>82228mori is tsuruko's bf so they're still in contact it seems.
No. 82230
File: 1581510610847.png (861.02 KB, 931x597, 65756576.png)

she got the idea from cathy cat. funny how she knows what an oiran is but lied and denied knowing what sugaring was.
No. 82337
>>82230I dunno anon,I think you might just be reaching.
It was a pretty common popular instagram meme that I'd seen posted even before that one specifically despite not keeping up to date with meme trends.
No. 82338
>>82251Unfortunately I didn't know how to screen record in time but Tsuruko did a insta livestream recently where she asked a question about if she's still friends with Venus or knows whats happening with her,
she said something along the lines of she is her friend but that she doesn't know anymore than us or her followers would because Venus apparently keeps most things very private even in DMs.
The way she worded things made it sound like she's confused and weirded out by it but sorry, I don't really remember specifics of what she said.
No. 82340
>>82258>>82259So, she supposedly has an ED, but it seems she's probably got body dysmorphia as well, if she's following fat women posting about how beautiful they are being fat, or whatever it is they do. Perhaps when she looks in the mirror , she doesn't see herself as she actually is, but sees herself looking like that fat women instead. That would be really sad, that fat woman in the picture seems far removed from Venus. It seems like she is trying to get confidence about being like something she isn't to begin with. Even in pictures when she looks scruffy , she never looks fat. Everyone can see she is a slim girl, it's a shame if she can't see that herself. Even in her 'chubbier' days, like in the video on the tv show with her mother years ago, in the Lolita dress, she didn't look skinny then, but she still looked like she had a nice figure, nowadays it wouldn't even hurt her if she did gain a little bit of weight, but if she is looking at pictures like that fat woman and thinking that is what she is like and aligning herself with that, that is just so wrong, and sad for her. I hope she can see herself more realistically, it must be terrible having body dysmorphia, I can't imagine what trauma must have
triggered that off in someone.
No. 82363
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Relevant. Also the gross comment someone left about her weight.
No. 82402
>>82400Um…you can’t SEE her legs in those twitter pics that
>>82321 referenced, “dumdum.” Or any other part of her body for that matter.
No. 82559
>>82541Abdominal strengthening, proper diet and medication are actually recommended for the condition before going through with surgery. And even with surgery, the stomach can return to the previous state if the patient continues with unhealthy and destructive habits. Just like gastric bypass patients, you can ruin yourself all over again.
I really think Venus never wanted to do the bare minimum of reducing symptoms. Eating spicy foods and binging is the most damaging thing you can do with gastroptosis and she knows it.
No. 82599
>>82564I call bullshit. You mean everyone whose mother teased them about being chubby grows up to be like venus? Voluntarily getting a fucking gastric bypass by a shady surgeon who probably shouldn't even be holding a butter knife? Even though her husband tried to talk sense into her, venus didn't listen and still underwent the surgery. It was obviously a stupid thing to do, everyone makes stupid mistakes sometimes, but imo it doesn't deserve sympathy or pity. She fucked herself up voluntarily.
>>82340stfu with your armchairing fantasizing essays for christ sake. Write in your diary or sth.
No. 82603
>>82577It probably got aired out via
not being in a plastic bag. I ordered some items from China recently and got some free factory air when I unbagged it, needed to leave it out for a few hours to lose the factory smell.
So probably it would have been worse in a bag. Glad you found an item you were looking for out of Margo's vendetta-sales (and that not everything is going to perverts)
No. 82668
>>82569People into Lolita fashion probably would. Irrespective of if it belonged to Venus or anyone else.
>>82599 Of course not everyone whose mother was cruel turns out the same as Venus, everyone is different. My mother was cruel, and critical, and it left me emotionally and psychologically damaged, took years for me to learn to accept myself and stop with the self loathing, no help from anyone. Hopefully Venus can do the same, she has made some bad choices, the surgery, the drinking to excess, but in time she may learn to accept herself and stop thinking she looks fat when she obviously doesn't.
>>82577I'm glad someone was able to find something. I loved some of the outfits but Venus is a much smaller size than me, so none of them would have fitted, although I'm not fat, just a larger size. It seems a shame for her that she wasn't able to get any of her stuff back, but maybe she was no longer that bothered about any of it.
(blog) No. 82673
File: 1581788320027.jpg (185.29 KB, 690x1500, Screenshot_20200215-120013_Ins…)

Just looked at Pull and apparently Venus posted this picture and then deleted it. So she posts something that looks good and then deletes it. Is she so lacking in confidence that she obsesses over a picture and wants to delete it, even when it looks good? May not appeal to everyone, but I like this picture.
No. 82675
>>82363Anyone can see how skinny she is, people leaving comments like that are just trolling, or giving out hate thru jealousy or something. If, as some think, it is Venus herself leaving hate comments to herself, well, that is sad, so i dont know but if she has so much self loathing it is possible, i just hope if it is her, that she knows it isn't true because if she believed it, that would be even more sad and deluded.
No. 82685
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>>82673If she “looks good” here it’s because she edited the puc to look like a whole different person. This is what she really looks like, remember?
No. 82705
>>82673Those finely chiseled features exist only in Weenus’ dreams and highly edited selfies. Irl she has a big round pie face.
What motivates people to constantly post pics that don’t even look like them is beyond me.
No. 82810
>>82673I liked the image as well, even if it is edited. Honestly she would fit in with every other cosplayer. Full of drama, overly edited, buys costumes, gets to be a real life anime. Hell she even lives in Japan and is actually stick skinny so she has a few legs up.
Not defending her but like, come on, perfect step. Any brain dead idiot can be a cosplayer.
No. 82948
>>82810You can't hold a visa for cosplay, though. Even if you could, Venus is too sloppy and lazy to do so. Her thinness won't keep her in her prime the way she's aging lately, either. Venus is in Japan for the benefit of all her weeb followers living vicariously through her, her only interest in Japan/Japanese people is getting money for showing off bits of a culture she doesn't even belong to or fucking it out of old/pervy men who fetishize her. Venus doesn't need an excuse to stay in Japan, her being there is
toxic to her mental state because since she set foot there she's been enabled and coddled. Venus as she is now is the result of getting everything she wanted for nothing and
still not being happy with it. Idk what could fix that.
No. 82962
>>82685TBH, I prefer her natural shape face, I don't know why she feels the need to make it look narrow. Long thin faces are not exactly attractive, at least not to my eyes, if she is trying to look Japanese then she would need a wider face anyway, especially to have wider cheekbones, so the narrow face and long pointy chin seems wrong. but no I liked the picture with pink hair, not because I prefer her face shape there, but just because it looks like a nice picture, don't know why she deleted it.
Looks like she is cosplaying Megurine Luka.
No. 83008
>>82998You still have to retain some semblance to your real face in order to avoid fading into obscurity like every other viral white weeb. If editing yourself beleivably younger were all it took, thpusands of 25+ year old weebs who spent their teens and early 20s doing anything but chasing efame would be trying to kota-catfish their way to Japan to get their own doormat Visanaki as well. Japan already has digital mascots, the appeal of viral white weebs is that they're non-Asians who look like IRL animus, and if that doesn't hold up IRL then they get sent home eventually or marry for a visa to a mediocre life ~in Japan~.
Shooping & sugaring isn't a viable way to stay in Japan for anyone over the age of 20, lbr.
No. 83228
>>83198Who would have thought that after that kind of start, Manaki would have turned out to genuinely care about her (not just idolize her) and his family whilst her entitled self takes advantage of that kindness under a veil of pseudo-love and appreciation.
>>83032The wording they used was "delayed" so that might mean they'll reschedule so we can get some penus cringe?
No. 83376
>>83327I guess I always saw it as an "out of the frying pan…" situation. I hate being a smug "I told you so", but I said all the way back then that her position was just as precarious, dangerous and likely to lead her down a bad path as it was with her mother. She was with a man she barely knew and who she couldn't really communicate properly with. In a country which she only knew from anime, games and niche culture. With no support network and no marketable skills.
Like… why would it have turned out any differently? Did people unironically believe he was going to be her Prince?
No. 83382
You'd expect any half decent husband to do that. Don't understand why so many people here like fellating the guy. Did he expect a normal wife? Did he forget how he found her?
No. 83403
>>83388They were never going to work out. Wasn't he originally some "online fan" of hers?
I just don't get how anyone could think what happened to her after her screwed up mom left was a godsend unless you're a massive weeb into Japanese guys in general.
No. 83411
>>83403Most people break up eventually. It doesn't matter that they did not work out. Fact is that living with Manaki was her best shot at having a normal life. If she would have stayed with Margo she'd have had to whore herself out along with her mother. Nobody knows how Manaki really is like since all we know about him is what Marge/Venus have said about him and they both lie whenever it's convenient. Venus did have a great relationship with Manaki's parents and the dude turned out to be a massive doormat though. He supported her financially for years. If she would have been smart, she'd have used the 3 years she's been mooching off of him to get her shit together. If she had enough freedom to get drunk at karaoke bars, she could have gone to therapy, figured out which meds work for her, and gotten as much education as possible. Then she could have fucked off to somewhere new, gotten a normal job and figure herself out before jumping into a new codependent relationship. Instead, she chose to sit around in her pink princess bedroom doing fuck all, ruined her health with an unnecessary surgery, developed an alcohol problem and ruined whatever was left of her YT "career".
Tl;dr it was clear from the start that they would not be together 5ever but being with Manaki would have been a great opportunity to make something of herself and she completely fucked it up.
No. 83413
>>83411>. He supported her financially for years. If she would have been smart, she'd have used the 3 years she's been mooching off of him to get her shit together. If she had enough freedom to get drunk at karaoke bars, she could have gone to therapy, figured out which meds work for her, and gotten as much education as possible. Then she could have fucked off to somewhere new, gotten a normal job and figure herself out before jumping into a new codependent relationship.Totally agree with this.
>>83403>I just don't get how anyone could think what happened to her after her screwed up mom left was a godsend unless you're a massive weeb into Japanese guys in general.What do you think would have been a better that could have realistically happened to Venus? Someone should have just left her a ton of money?
No. 83423
>>83382Manaki stuck with her
toxic ass through 4 years of mood swings, self-inflicted surgical drama (that she defied his wishes and lied to him about,) binge drinking, trashing and humiliating him repeatedly on SM and refusing to contribute financially to the relationship and mooching off him for months if not years. Not to mention being stalked and harassed by her psycho mother.
I’d say he’s gone way above and beyond what any “half decent husband would do.”
No. 83437
>>83376I said this ages ago too. When everyone was throwing rice at their carriage and wishing them a fantastic life together saying it’s all over now. Evil mommy is gone.
I knew it wasn’t going to last, she was far from Mature, he was a stranger. She just has issues anyway like she’s the strangest girl I’ve ever seen tbh. I could just tell.
No. 83440
>>83376Also I don’t know why and what age group watched her at the time but them cheering her on for getting rid of her mother for a Japanese man she doesn’t even know well.
I get her mother is shitty. But realistically saying what has Venus got in Japan? What can she do? Apart from YouTube. What she does like cute cafes, shopping and all that shit are luxuries. Those are what people do when they’re not working or studying. Venus needs skills for the future because she is going to end up with fuck all. YouTube may not always last and the doll thing can’t still be happening when she’s thirty or forty.
She needs to sort her shit out. Therapy, work, school. Do YouTube on the side.
It isn’t like Dakota rose where at least Dakota despite how cuntified she is had, I mean actually did have a chance. Who had connections and built more. She had an opportunity waiting for her out there.
Venus didn’t. There’s only so much she can really do when Japan hasn’t got her in their sights for the spotlight not when they already had Dakota and they’ve got Japanese girls like Nicole Fujita who is half white and Japanese and young and Japanese teen girls love her. Venus was never of their interest and seldom Japanese people even know about her or think she’s a fucking moron.
Venus doesn’t come with the barbie look they want with models or the talent because it’s too cringe and she’s too tall to pass off as lil and smol bean uwu kawaii.
I think Vensus intentions may have been: go to japan and get famous! Didn’t happen.
It’s the same with Peachy Milky that Irish cosplayed who copied Venus and Dakota at the beginning of the doll shit. She’s now in japan too leeching off her working boyfriend and posting almost nudes. Barely does YouTube anymore, lazy and does gaming. She thought she’d be famous too and she’s getting a few modelling gigs here and there with brands like Madison de Fluer or Secret Honey. But that’s what she’s into. She’ll never be big, just another weeb.
Venus can’t even get a shit kawaii modelling gig. Fuck sake even Katie and her crew do!
No. 83469
>>83462The only reason videos were released so consistently would be because large-and-in-marge wanted money, and needed to use chashcow weenus to pull in the views.
I highly doubt Venus actually enjoys the content she makes, she just doesn't know any better and doesn't have anyone to strongarm her into making content anymore
No. 83490
>>83440Okay, so first off not everyone who watched Venus cared about her insta or twitter. They watched her videos and that’s it, so they really would only know whatever Venus said about it.
> She needs to sort her shit out. Therapy, work, school. Do YouTube on the side.Lmao! Let be real here. No one who does YouTube, especially when they’ve been doing it throughout their tween/teen years is going to do anything like that. They definitely don’t go to school and do YouTube on the side!
And maybe I don’t remember too well, but at least when Venus first got to Japan, she seemed to want to make a effort with YouTube. So her audience just went with it because they didn’t give enough of a shit to go digging into every article about her. Her fans were such
toxic weebs. That and even though a lot of people know that going off to another country with a man doesn’t work some people just want to give it the benefit of the doubt.
No. 83562
>>83376>>83440Bear in mind a lot of weebs here and on PULL unironically wanted to be in her position. They're the sort of people who would throw themselves at any Asian moid. Muh Japanese husbando etc.
Her best hope at a normal life would have been to go back home and get a proper education. Not marry a stranger from a strange land.
No. 83630
>>83440Venus has nothing for her in Japan. Her pathway to becoming a famous and well loved YouTuber with a dolly aesthetic, which she clearly had planned when landing a Japanese husband, backfired greatly and she's now completely alone. At least with the other weeb girls living it up in Japan they either have partners or close friends for support, are studying at a college or university, actively work as models, blog & vlog, regularly post content that keeps their followers interested and more of that nature. Even if some of them appear as lazy in what they do, they do far more than Venus does.
Venus literally has nothing and nobody. She's unable to do any of those things and thinks she can rely on her ridiculously filtered looks to keep relevant. Her YouTube career is practically dead, there's no passion left in anything she used to do anymore and her life seems incredibly isolating. She'll never get her shit together and will only continue to go downhill.
No. 83639
>>83630I honestly think the only thing she aspires to today is having a bed and an internet connection to entertain herself without having to worry about paying the bills or losing her visa. And she has that now that her enabler seems to be back on the hook.
My opinion only.
No. 83644
>>83639She was very content with living like a NEET who definitely lurks here and expects to carry on with it for as long as she can, especially if someone else foots the bill of her lifestyle costs. Speaking of which, she's gone quiet again, probably thinking of another bullshit fairytale to put together to bring shock value to her followers. The little boy and the
abusive ex scenario got swept under the rug mighty quick, just as predicted.
You can't get through your life lying and making up elaborate stories to fill the void all the time Venus, it's awfully sad.
No. 83661
>>83642That’s just based on her posting selfies taken back at the old apartment recently, coupled with the fact that she’s given up even trying to maintain her dying Youtube channel. And assuming that’s because she no longer needs the income (now that her rent and bills are once again paid.)
All speculation based on the puzzle pieces that are out there. And no, I don’t think she’s still sugaring. That was too much work and we all know how much she hates putting any effort at all into anything.
No. 83672
Many girls were envious of Venus and Dakota at the time but honestly - don’t be. Unless you’re in japan and working and do YouTube and you do gain a big following by being a normal person. Fair enough.
If you’re a student there and manage to make something of yourself somehow - good for you.
But to just solely rely on a random man and not do anything. It’s not realistic.
And everyone wanted to be her because of the doll thing due to it being a fad and seeing how much attention it brought. But now with meitu and BeautyPlus Apps available anyone can be a doll. Instagram happened as Dakota and Venus took off.
Instagram has tons of girls who look dolly now and they’re gaining huge fan bases. The attention has gone from human dolls to thots and shit.
Unless you’re solely into kawaii fashion then the doll thing may be appealing. I get it. But it’s no longer a trend. Even the Japanese women in their twenties don’t give a shit and are going more norm.
The world now is giving Korea attention and getting involved with them. Venus should’ve played it safe and gone towards korean culture when she realised the doll niche was dry. And hopped on that train.
Japan is still popular but I feel like everyone knows about the weird fashion and cafes and anime. It’s no longer interesting. And no longer is Venus.
No. 83755
>>83670Since Venus is living in Japan and speaks Japanese pretty well, she could probably land a job as a white monkey at some sort of company if she weren't so screwed up, e.g. as a receptionist. On paper it should be much easier for her to land on her feet than the average failing youtuber.
But since she has zero life skills and seemingly no desire to get a real job, she's probably just going to have to find (and stick with) a visa husband in order to have any semblance of a stable life.
No. 83779
>>83756>>83772It makes things harder, but iirc she has a GED, and do you really need a college degree to do a menial client-facing job?
That said, her issues could prevent her from holding one down, though it could be that the structure and obligations would help her get her shit together. Making a steady living doing freelance work is hard enough for a normal person because it requires self-motivation, time management, and discipline; Venus is probably going to continue floundering without having Marge around to micromanage every aspect of her life unless she finds a replacement. There's no way that she's going to succeed at anything that requires her to rely on her own non-existent willpower.
No. 83793
>>83779I don't believe Venus is
willing to get a job and work unless it's something easy, fun, that pays very well and allows her to do and say whatever and do whatever, whenever she wants. If Manaki didn't take her back she's fucked, but if he did then who knows what's in store. Narcs who successfully reattach to their
victim don't change just because they say they will, they keep pushing boundaries and mistreating you again gradually tp see what they can get away with this time.
No. 83807
>>83779Yes you need post-secondary to become a secretary. High school completion or GED don't mean much anymore. It just means you did the bare minimum which is expected.
>>83793Venus will never get a job. She was raised on a pedestal so any actual work is beneath her. Plus she's only qualified to work at a convenience store since she has no experience.
No. 83856
>>83779you might not need a degree for a receptionist job but you need some basic social skills, proper conduct and a sense for hygiene neither of which seem to be venus' strong points
also quadruple that in japan
(besides the fact that without proper education/job history, job applications usually end up in trash straight away)
No. 83886
File: 1582390656308.jpeg (109.67 KB, 904x943, 70E48F12-A1A7-4ACA-96E0-6B83F8…)

>>83856>> you need some basic social skills, proper conduct and a sense for hygieneI mean, this is how she shows up to film a video at some bar, looking like she just rolled out of bed, picked up some clothes off the floor and came on in, no makeup greasy hair and all.
She wouldn’t be capable of keeping any job longer than a week, tops.
No. 84535
File: 1582825807524.jpeg (255.26 KB, 1077x1559, E9F7186A-F100-4369-A984-A71D43…)

After a week and a half of silence, she’s “fine, you guys! Don’t worry!” Except this looks like her old rented room, not Manaki’s apt. I recognize the little rattan chair she’s sitting in and the dark-framed picture on the wall.
So is she back holed up in that rented cubicle? Stay tuned..
No. 84604
File: 1582846458619.jpeg (335.05 KB, 1996x1287, 28E9281E-7A18-4143-A954-1896F1…)

>>84535This pic was definitely taken at the hovel she was living in last summer (see pic attached from one of her videos from back then. The chair and framed picture match.)
Only question is if this latest ig pic is recent or old.
No. 84795
>>84695Literally every girl on the internet "cheats" in some way. Good lighting, flattering angles, three inches of makeup, facetune, photoshop, filters… Don't know why people in current year still get salty about girls editing their selfies. Most women on the internet are overedited af.
Don't know why everyone is so against Venus cosplaying. Yeah her costumes are not going to be amazing but at least she'd be doing something. Having any kind of hobby at all would do wonders for her mental health and maybe even inspire her to get off her ass and do something with herself. She literally does nothing. At least back when she was a cringy weaboo teen she would consistently upload makeup tutorials but she just… Does nothing nowadays.
>>84762This video seems rushed af. She should have at least filmed a quick intro explaining wtf she is doing.
No. 84808
>>Good lighting, flattering angles,etc. etc. and then there’s Weenus radically changing the entire shape of her face, randomly shaving 1/3 of it off in some pics to give herself a tiny pointy-chinned little face instead of the big round blobby one she really has. Shaving her chin to a point in some pics or just chopping most of it off in others.
It’s just comical at this point.
No. 84916
>>84762I love the part where she says it sounds so forced, then she proceeds to do her fake, pseudo-kawaii anime girl tee hee hee laugh. Ugh.
Also love the part where she said she used to try to do things "all by herself" lmao. Like really. No. First your mommy built & managed your channel, then you leeched off your visa husband for years, then when things went sour, you found a vtuber manager whom you then blamed for malice not working out, then you pretended to be a self-made girl boss, only for us to find out you latched onto another manager and were sugaring. So when did she "try to do things all by herself" again?
She also said she was filming after "work". So like I assumed (her manager/sugar daddy? Kitano) is likely paying her salary. Because that's the only "work" we know she's done (he's gotten her lots of random gigs), which she tried to hide his presence so she could pass off Kitano's company as her own.
She's in a different location now (does not look like manaki's place) and the video is sponsored. She pretends shes learned a lot about being yourself by playing the sponsored game. Yeah sure you did (eye roll).
No. 84923
>>84762Small sumary, she clickbaited an anime scenarios tour.
She gave some weird tips but never really clarified how to "find anime/game" irl scenarios. And also promoted Mankai Stage, aparently a husbandos app with a theater theme. She then vlogs her hunting for a magazine related to Mankai Stage A3. And fails.
The pixelated pics are the albums from the game, I find it odd that if she is beign sponsored, she's not allowed to show those pics. Or why not mentioning it from the start? I had to watch the entire thing and google wtf was a A3 theatrical to understand what was she looking for (and those blurred pics). All the places she went where related to that game.
I usually don't cringe or have a hard time undertanding weird accents or pronunciations, but the gameplay part got me lost.
Rushed af, no context, half of the vid is she "playing" and reviewing.
No. 84939
File: 1583134748577.jpeg (482.53 KB, 1125x1938, B5E15087-EE55-4F94-B223-99E92F…)

>uwu i'm twelve and three quarters years old!
>uwu i wuv cats but i have no fucking idea about their body language or preferences
No. 84967
>>84939Oh Lord, that cat looks like it's trying to get away from her.
Another cat she has no idea how to hold.
I think cats don't much like being held anyway, but even so.
No. 85591
File: 1583844402980.jpg (12.22 KB, 604x99, retard.jpg)

i really hope this person is being ironic otherwise holy shit
No. 85624
>>85584so basically
"I've been really weird, BUT NOW I'm my real, honest self and gonna make videos again! xD boo bye bye boo!"
escorting isn't so great after all?
No. 85630
>>85610BPD headcases like her do stuff like that all the time. No, she's not purposefully misleading anybody, but it's still not going to last.
If you really did change, you do not need to announce it to the world. People can tell. You don't just announce all the wonderful things you are definitely going to do, you just fucking do them. Our brains reward us with endorphins if we talk about things we are going to do, as if we already did them. I bet she got a rush from making a video like that, and encouraged by all the ass kissing comments she will get, she'll probably be riding that high for 3 weeks maximum, maybe make a bunch of half-assed videos, then realize that crying and drinking is easier and the manic phase will be over.
No. 85646
File: 1583884282324.jpeg (270.5 KB, 1911x1145, A5FF7521-0E40-41C7-82CB-86DE86…)

Back to karaoke bar cruising all alone, yay! This girl has NO life. She’s about to be in her mid twenties and she has nothing but “Look you guys, I made a video!”
(Is hanging around karaoke bars a good thing for her? I think not..)
No. 85647
File: 1583884645015.jpeg (485.6 KB, 1838x1506, 9D5C6D90-CA3F-4DB9-9233-35815E…)

>>85646Her history with karaoke bars isn’t exactly great. Yet it seems to be about the only thing she ever does.
No. 85658
>>85586lmao, she's been posting these "i'm finally being real guysss" for a while now. Remember the no more being a fake video? Or the one where she talks about lacking identity? Or a long time ago, the one where she talks about how she stays thin and is opening up (but really just lied through her teeth). There are so many more and she was fake in every single one of them. She admit that she once pretended to be a "cool american girl" in her autumn video. She tried to be a japanese girl. She tried to be a badass, alcoholic etc. She always pulls some fake narcissistic shit. Moreover, she just admitted that her drinking was for show, just as I (and other anons) suspected. She was trying to be a cool e-girl. I hope she had fun using mental health and addiction as a prop. Dumb vapid bitch that has nothing to offer except fake kawaiiness, clothing, and exaggerated drama . Imagine being known for nothing except empty crap like that.
>>85624How many times has she grandly announced that she's finally "her real honest self". Her "genuine" videos are so disingenuous. Is she trying to get back in YT and up her reputation once more? Also, the onision clip? really? bet she'd love for him to make another video about her, for the views and so she can say she's being victimized, yet again. And let's not forget about "Ken ",conveniently swept under the rug. She's still fake as fuck. I mean, she said she learned to be her
true self from a fucking sponsored video game. Come on.
No. 85684
>>85584Most of what she's saying here doesn't even make sense. You don't have to have a certain personality to be a successful YouTuber. You certainly don't have to develop a drinking problem to become a successful entertainer. Especially someone like her who will get views regardless of what she does because people only watch her for her looks.
She has social anxiety because she has no interest in actual human beings (unless she needs something from them, i. e. money, clout, visa) and therefore has no idea how to interact with them and how an actual person behaves. She's in her 20s and still acts like an anime character. Cringe af.
Once again she's just whining about how she's top
No. 85695
>>85684Tend to agree. I have been rooting for her for so long and wanting to defend her from criticism, but I am starting to feel bored with her now. I even starting to wonder if things her mother said about her were true totally and not just horrible lies or exaggerations of the truth.
I wish her well and hope she can have a happy life, but at this moment I just feel no real interest in her or her affairs.
I don't want to say it is her own fault, she probably can't help it, I don't think she knows how to be , doesn't know how to relate to the world, maybe as a result of her upbringing, i don't know, I feel bad for saying it, but i just feel bored by her right now.
I hope she can do something to re-awaken my interest but it's just all got so tiresome.
No. 85698
>>85695>I even starting to wonder if things her mother said about her were true totally and not just horrible lies or exaggerations of the truth.Some of the things Marge has said already turned out to be true. She used to say that V was an alcoholic and spilled the beans about the gastric bypass long before V admitted to it. People used to laugh about it back then. Nobody is laughing now.
Like I seriously get where she is coming from. She basically grew up on Anime and had little social interaction with anybody who wasn't weird and nerdy themselves. The only way to fix that is to step out into the real world but she doesn't want that because she thinks she is too special for normal friends who are not Instagram famous and a normal job that requires her to interact with normal humans. Saying I changed for realz this time for the eight time is not going to change anything. She'll still be awkward and avoid social situations and get taken advantage of by older men just to survive somehow.
No. 85774
I used to defend Venus no matter what, but I'm just bored of the pity party thing she indulges in. For people who condemn her outright and feel she should never feel sorry for herself, well she has plenty of reason to feel sorry for herself, and maybe some people have never been through what she has, but, some have been through far worse, and there comes a time when you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself and just try to live, despite what you have been through. I've got too many problems of my own to waste any more of my emotion worrying about Venus, someone who will never be part of my life, and who I will never know, I hope she does well but I'm not going to worry about her anymore, we are all ultimately alone in this world it seems. I hope she can make a success og what she wants to do, but yes, sadly I do believe much of what her mother said about her now.
No. 85776
>>85658>>85658This! She's probably doesn't really know who she is but she keeps reinventing herself, not after deep analysis of what's actually within her, but when she feels like she's too deep into one shit and it's not working for her anymore. And she's stuck in this pattern because it worked for her, the fans that she doesn't even know the names or faces of and that approve and support her are what keeps her going and keep her stuck in the pattern.
It's easy to be supportive of someone because you love them and you believe in them but it's also easy for that person to just capitalize on that love to keep themselves afloat without ever actually fixing anything.
No. 85791
File: 1584034644625.jpeg (603.42 KB, 1101x1623, 04AE4B4E-3BDB-4001-B8FE-0DCAFC…)

Weenus is back in her rented hovel. Shut up in her little cubicle in her jammies, what she does best.
Guess that reunion with visa hubby Manaki didn’t work out?
No. 85792
File: 1584034707745.jpeg (285.12 KB, 1827x1276, FDF88D50-BE4F-437E-8A28-19E3F7…)

>>85791From August last year. Same framed picture on the wall.
No. 85855
>>85823>>85792 is a screen shot from a video last summer.
>>85791 is her latest IG post.
No. 85856
>>85823>>85855…am i facing a level of retardation i couldn't have even conceived?
>Venus is back living >because __ is her latest IG post.and what I said is: You can't assume that instagram posts are photos taken on the day they're posted. Do i need to make it simpler still?
The Photo Could Be Old
No. 85863
File: 1584072946126.jpeg (174.14 KB, 1160x1140, CF7C188B-B043-484A-94F8-EE45D2…)

>>85857>> You can really see Margo in this photoHow about this one?
No. 85866
>>85856Okay, since you’re getting so agitated how about this: Weenus
might be back in the hovel she was living in last summer.
Is that better?
No. 85875
>>85863They literally look exactly the same. There are pictures of a young Margo floating around where she could pass for Venus' twin. The only difference is that V's schnoz is not quite as big yet but it's just a matter of time (earlobes and noses never stop growing). Well, and Margo used to at least attempt to stay fit while V is an alcoholic binge eater with a ruined digestive tract. Very brave of her to still rely on her looks to make a living. She's nearing her expiry date.
>>85866I don't know why it matters so much where she lives/which Japanese beta cuck she currently lives off. Either way she's not the rich successful boss babe she likes to pretend she is.
No. 85891
>>85856Why would she latergram a selfie from the rented hovel if she's back with DoormatManaki? If it is an old pic, it could mean she's
not there but somewhere else she can't post without being found out.
She was careful to avoid pics pf the rented hovel when she tried to make everyone beleive he took her back, but now she's posting pics of it willingly? Sus af.
No. 85897
File: 1584127303979.png (8.62 KB, 317x159, images.png)

>>85875venus will age even worse than her mommy dearest.
There are pics of marge at 27 years old looking younger than Venus at 23…..
No. 86016
>>85897Jesus they do as well
Both look like Esther from Orphan
No. 86023
>>86020That’s very true, back before filters were a thing for the haggard.
I forget Venus is two years younger than me and Jesus Christ.
No. 86038
File: 1584207869963.png (858.07 KB, 699x546, ass.png.b887ab167e1bc575409bc6…)

>>86033they were talking about when Marge was young. Learn to read.
They both look like shit now but imo Marge looked in way better shape and had no wrinkles when she used to be young….but i cant say the same thing for Venus.
Marge was 27-30 in this picture but she has no face wrinkles, yet Venus is 23 and has deep nasolabial folds and she has jowls.
No. 86172
>>86038I didn't say she wasn't, the photo is literally there. Actually think before posting.
I know shitting on Venus is the wave for some people ITT, but it's just a huge stretch to claim she looked better. She looked like any young-ish single mom, except she wore lipstick.
>>86077If I was a bit more naive, I'd think it was Margo samefagging to compliment herself, but it probably isn't.
No. 86177
File: 1584310650377.gif (764.16 KB, 514x356, gif(1).gif)

No. 86325
File: 1584462951813.jpeg (707.4 KB, 1336x1949, 5D8DCB19-F33C-40F4-B9DC-27BA1A…)

Weenis deleted this pic. Maybe she wants to hide the sad fact that she’s back in the hovel, single and broke again?
No. 86329
>>86311There is a chance she will do a video on
her experience on the Covid-19 pandemic in Japan. Just to rake in those views (as let's face it, it's a bug topic at the moment)
Her video will more than likely just be her talking about how she can't go out and buy cake or alcohol or whatever it is she eats at the moment, but still her fans will probably watch it and clock up that view count.
No. 86359
>>86353Still expecting some corona related video.
Maybe along the lines of "How I avoided Corona"
No. 86603
File: 1584676010456.jpg (459.42 KB, 1080x1856, Screenshot_20200320-143727__01…)

>beauty. wot is beauty? i don't really care wot others think about beauty.
That fake deep into proven redundant directly after, kek.
No. 86605
File: 1584676739735.jpg (413.67 KB, 1080x1792, more_logical.jpg)

>>86603this would have more sense
No. 86614
>>86605That was so kek worthy, ty anon
>>86606Ikr? I've seen pseudo-intellectuals do a better job than her and that's really saying something.
No. 86744
File: 1584824980333.png (4.85 MB, 1125x2436, 5335874B-BB7F-403B-B20D-20FE8D…)

Oh no…Sora-san, why?
No. 86859
>>86603Says the person who smoothed/blurred her face beyond belief, who slimmed herself, who filtered, who edited her eyes larger, who is wearing puffy undereye tape, who made her nose and lips and jaw and face smaller and is wearing circle lenses or digitally added them in. I don't know why she thinks she can still make these types of pseudo-inspirational posts when her true narcissistic character has already been revealed. Also, she says she "follows her own beauty standard". What a blatant LIE. She's already admitted to following asian beauty standards and whatever is trendy. There's a reason she wears aegyo sal tape (like in sora's collab post) to make those unnaturally puffy eyes when her real eyes are actually deep-set and not puffy and much smaller. There's a reason she shaves her brows to get the straight "trendy" asian brows. There's a reason she shaves off her jaw to get the asian egg shaped face or covers it with her hair and manipulates angles/lighting. There's a reason she wears circle lenses. There's a reason she's larped as both a Japanese and Korean girl. She is a follower. who likes to pretend and is probably also deluded that she's "an eccentric on the same level as trump" as she once said, when she shit on Manaki to her mom in an email (while pretending she loved him and never shit-talked him to demonize Margo farther). This is such a bs post and reeks of disingenuousness. Now that's she temporarily done with her bi-polar gay psycho alcoholic shtick, she's going for the mature, inspirational, pseudo self-reflective shtick. Give it up bitch, everyone knows you're a fake as narc, like your mommy, except you lie more than her, so congrats on that. I hope her daft fans don't fall for this bs once more.
No. 86861
>>86614Right,that's sad. There's people who say Mikan and even Kenna are intelligent too LOL. Venus thinks she's intelligent according to her pater escorting ad, which is usually indicative of average or lesser intelligence (she probably suffers dunning kruger effect and over values herself). It's clear NONE of these two-faced fashion jvlogger weebs are intelligent. I actually can't name a single one. Once, when Venus was called out as vapid on this forum (was 100% proven she lurks), she had the audacity to post an insta story pertaining to a poetry book she was reading LOL. Only an unintelligent who wants to prove themselves and manipulate a narrative would do something like that. It's sad that people value beauty (fake and heavily manipulated at that) and will consequentially vindicate anything and everything she does. A lot of these vlogger aren't even attractive, like Venus, Mikan, Marzia, Kenna, Kanadajin, Dakota, Taylor etc. I can't wait until these insufferables get too old and fade into obscurity where they belong. Maybe that will teach them something. Like aesthetics, attention and narrative manipulation aren't the be all end all of life.
No. 86874
>>86854According to the video, Sora says Venus is still married and happy. Meaning, she's still with Manaki for a visa. I truly hope someone in Japan contacts Japanese immigration because she admitted she was in a relationship with someone she called, "Ken" whom she didn't mind that (according to her) was a child abuser because she was "soooo inlove", WHILE being married with Manaki, in an attempt to sell yet another abuse story. If she truly did get divorced like she claimed, then secretly got married again (can be done 6 months after divorce is finalized), it would again, clearly be for a visa, and she would have had "Ken" sugardaddy on the side. If anyone still thinks she isn't committing visa fraud and it couldn't be proven, you are just being willfully ignorant.
He also says that Venus says her mom forced her to do all the doll stuff/yt, which was another lie. She said her mom was the only one who wanted to make money. While it's true, Margo capitalized off of it, Venus can't lie and pretend she didn't also want to earn a shit ton of money from the videos, nor that the doll idea wasn't hers or that she didn't seek help for it to capitalize off it too (aka: get a manager - her mom) so they could both profit and live lavish lives. Even after leaving margo, she sought out managers (vtubing whom she also demonized) and then Kitano (whom she told the whole management to "go fuck themselves"), so I can believe she asked Margo for help, like any kid seeking success/fame would. Just because her mom turned out to be more opportunistic and bitchy/narcy than narc Venus would like, doesn't mean she has the right to completely re-invent and re-sell her goddamn story. She said Sora could talk about it, meaning, she wanted to sell her story, on the internet, to an audience, once more
(eye roll). I do think Margo, as much of a bitch as she is, is completely right about Venus at this point. If I was Margo and I heard such blatant lies over and over, I'd be pissed too (though that doesn't excuse Marge's horrible behavior) but I can kind of understand the opposing viewpoint now.
Also, her initial & primary reason for leaving, according to her runaway video (
my mommy said so many mean things about mana-tan) is completely omitted once it served its purpose of making venus look sweet/innocent at the time. She can't use it as a reason now, after her own slanderous videos/remarks. I wonder if that's part of why Mana went quiet. Because it's just a visa marriage and narc Venus can't pretend to love him anymore, and wants to limit video evidence of their relationship? All in all, she really is her mother's daughter. Wonder if Marg will go ape-shit once more after seeing yet
another video about the drama. Will be good milk if so.
Oh yeah, he also said she wants to copy filthy frank's content and she loves him so much. Remember she also loves Hiding in my room and kanadajin. She wants to make "funny" content like saying, "i touch myself, i love penis" etc to random ppl (b/c apparently that's what unfunny ppl think is funny), but doesn't, because HER audience, wants cute content. She made it seem like she's only into cute stuff because her audience pressures her into it. Not that it's what SHE originally wanted to do (just like YT which she denies). She keeps pulling that same card. Also, Venus said only girls watch her channel. I guess David and all the other perverts she took hundreds in stream money from in skimpy outfits, are all girls now, and THIS is why she does kawaii. Not because SHE ever wanted to in the first place. How she can lie about literally everything when she gets tired of it, and thinks no one will notice discrepancies, is amazing. She also won't act like filthy frank b/c she's afraid meanies will call her crazy (remember she said she's gay/psycho first, for attention/pity) but now it's bad, and b/c she's afraid her
"business" partners will leave. Yes, she is STILL pushing the self-made girl boss image, which was proven false when we discovered she has a manager named Gaku Kitano, who conveniently runs the VERY SAME type of business Venus pretended to have. An associate even called Kitano her manager in a comment. It's clearly Kitano's business, but maybe she gets a stake in it if she's been sugaring herself out or something. Also, Sora didn't expect narc Venus to enjoy saying things like, 'i touch myself'. Guess he's unaware that she got off to accusing her husband of being a pedo and all the other inappropriate "jokes" she was into at his expense over the years. And let's not forget the inappropriate cheating allegations and pater/sugaring, while married. Of course she's into sexual, inappropriate stuff. Narc Venus encouraged Sora to say all these things in her defense by the way. He said she allowed him to talk about it and she contacted him first. Makes me wonder about the Primink video Marge said Venus allowed Primink to upload. At first, I thought she was just being her paranoid narc self, but maybe Venus did ask Primink to upload? Can't be too sure anymore. Sora's video honestly felt like a paid sponsorship lmao. He even said she's not a psychopath. Guess she got her narc claws in him.
In their collabs, Sora will pretend he's teaching her how to say hello in Japanese, but it will really be,"show me your penis" and venus will pretend not to know and greet ppl and moan. They plan to play vr chat too, where narc Venus will pretend she's a japanese girl while Sora yells out: This girl is a virgin! Apparently, narc Venus thinks that's "being funny". They will talk about tentacle porn and Venus Narcgelic will say she does tentacle porn irl (maybe she actually can do it since she's such a monster). They will collab more in the future. Near then end, he said she has a lot of haters who think she's bad, but she was really polite. Somehow, being polite suddenly negates all the lies and bad things you have done. How long before she fucks this guy over too? He also kept repeating, "I'm not going to date her, she's MARRIED." Honey, that hasn't stopped Venus before, but Sora probably has integrity. She's a whore, like her mother, except her mother didn't marry a Japanese oldman for a visa when she could have, while Venus bragged about being a better gold digger in her slander video. If Sora's into Venus, poor soul. I hope he comes to his senses soon.
Finally, he claims the thumbnail isn't "photoshopped", but clearly, Venus' face is smoothed. She also has circle lenses and aegyo tape to make her under eyes look puffy, yet he tried to pass it off as how she naturally looks. I'd say her face was slimmed too, but it could be intentional hair positioning to cover portion of her jaw or angling and contrast/saturation looks messed with too. Either way, he was insinuating that narc Venus just naturally looks like that, which she doesn't.
Sorry for length. This was just my take on what narc Venus had Sora say publicly in his stream.
No. 86875
File: 1584867873401.png (2.5 MB, 1408x1156, 0034834932842.png)

>>86854Also "not edited" my ass. Based off the screenshots in his video, Venus' face and body look slimmer in the pic in comparison to video, face shape is different, and the contrast/saturation is up as well as smoothing.
He says she is all natural there. Well
even if the pic wasn't edited (which it is), that is still not how she looks. Her eyes look drastically different. In the photo as a child, you can see her real eyes, no editing, no aegyo puffy tape, no lenses. She has smallish/deepset/hooded/almond average looking Marge eyes. She's just been editing and abusing her eyes with that tape, that people think it's what she really looks like and there's actually a drastic difference between real eyes vs tape/lenses. So no Sora, she isn't natural and you edited that pic. Don't lie.
No. 86876
>>86861>>86875She must’ve given him blowjobs as payment for PR and Sora seems desperate to touch another woman again after 7-8 years of inceldom
Just my 2 cents
No. 86889
>>86603venus: i don't care what other ppl think of beauty. it's irrelevant.
venus: what's your beauty?!
blatant contradiction, words she just shat out in an attempt at sounding profound and inspirational.
venus: "whether i've been influenced by drawings, movies, models in magazines, i can't remember."
also venus: admits in one of her videos she compares herself to asian models in magazines and goes for their/trendy asian makeup/looks.
Of course, she is a unique special snowflake not like the rest with her 'physiological makeup' and pseudo 200 IQ profound statement. she's deep and woke guys.
No. 86890
>>86881you sound more like one. go back to KF where you belong.
>>86883Sora said she told him she wanted to do porn and he wasn't sure if she was joking or not. she prob said that for shock value but then again, she went as far as sugaring and cheating on her husband, so nothing would surprise me at this point, especially if it makes her money in some way. Apparently Sora made a video where he buys Venus panties. And she's still married. Seems pretty messed up.
No. 86895
>>86890>>86876>>86875>>86874This is a damage control video she paid for with sex, I guarantee it. It touches on every point lolcow brings up
except the ones she can't defend herself against because of the receipts. Venus is a shameless, lying whore desperate to seem like she has Japanese men wrapped around her finger and pampering her just for her "natural" looks, but none of that holds water. She may very well end up dping porn after this "tryhard lolsorandumb kawaii pervert nuisance" gimmick alienates all but the worst of her fans. In part, I feel like Venus wants to drive away all but her thirstiest incel fans who will forgive her and lick her ass for being a trainwreck as long as she edits herself younger and Asian. Her time is almost up, you can tell by how quickly she's spiraling downward while desperately trying to make it seem like she's coming up.
No. 86901
>>86898This is happening all over the world right now since there are not enough supplies to test every single person who is showing symptoms, let alone treat the infected. If you call the Hotline and you're not seriously ill, they'll most likely just tell you to stay home and fuck off.
>>86895It's definitely suspicious that some rando she never really interacted with before would suddenly make a video whiteknighting her. And then she claims she's happily married and buys her panties. What the fuck.
No. 86906
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>>86875her face shape is tragic. She looks like a turtle
No. 86945
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Struggling on so BRAVELY.
No. 86992
>>86945What happened to her being so ~happily married~? If she
is somehow back with Manaki (which I don't believe for a second), what could she possibly have to
not be happy about? she already doesn't have, gets praised for everything and can do no wrong, what more does she want?
No. 87045
>>87043That was super uncomfortable to watch. All the questions about 'do you ever touch yourself?' and just really gross 12 year old boy humor… It was seriously creepy
He also needs to stop with that 2005 vk hair
No. 87057
>>87043Every time she interacts with another human being in her videos it's pure cringe, but I think this time it might be because she's managed to find a human being even more autistic than herself.
First part of the video is an "interview" where he asks her all the childish questions like do you watch hentai? Some of her answers are not bad tbh, she does a good job deflecting the childish questions, but she sits there looking so bored while the dude ugly laughs and every single thing she says. I don't even want to imagine how awkward that was without editing.
The "buying panties" section is like 30 seconds of him shoving ugly underwear in her face going You want this? You want this? And she's all embarrassed uwu. Didn't even show which pair they bought for her in the end. I'm guessing none.
Then they end the video in a karaoke bar. Says he's going to sing a song for her. Ends up screaming into the microphone while she looks like she wants to die. Then when he's back home he insists what a chill person Venus is and that the day they spent together was totes not awkward at all.
I have to say I'm disappointed. For being such an epik shameless troll that video was incredibly tame. I'm still wandering how she compensated him for kissing her ass so hard, though.
No. 87070
>>87043Out of all the Japanese men, she takes up to this cunt. By god Venus, the standards are rock bottom.
Please do not get pregnant. Your child will not end up on the cover of Vivi or Popteen magazine. Chin-san desu
No. 87072
>>87043No wonder Koreans are doing so well right now in the world. Music, the style, food ect.
Yet you got Japanese women still wanting to look 5 and Japanese men with anime boy 2005 death note hair like its cute.
No. 87078
>>87074I'm pretty sure they mean on a personal level, anon. Plenty of Japan-based influences may be willing to collaborate with her, but that's mostly because she has so many followers/subscribers, and they want to use her to become more popular themselves. Mikan, Ella Freya, that apricot chick etc. all used to create content with her. Where are they now?
Don't even get me started on her fans. They watch her because she's kawiwi and kiss her ass in the comments because they feel bad for her. If she disappears from the internet tomorrow, they'll have moved on to the next weeb a week from now. "Likes" from strangers may feel good but are ultimately meaningless.
No. 87082
>>87078But anon, she’s a ~sooperr kawaii troll~ according to Sora-kun is is fake kawaii for teh fans !!!
I have a bad feeling about this, her recent collab
No. 87105
>>87062He's overselling it to make it seem more believable because everyone knows Venus is a lazy, opportunistic whore now and nobody believes she's back with Manaki (thus nobody will be trying to keep track of her visa legality and she doesn't have to worry abt being reported if she feels she can sell the "back with Manaki" lie).
The lady doth protest too much, etc.
No. 87163
>>86603That's actually a pretty nice picture of her. Looks like she deleted it though. I wonder why?>>86605
Hahah, I know nearly everyone here don't like this but I actually like how she looks here, better than all the horribly edited selfies, at least she looks real here, and natural.
>>87135Ewwww. think of the germs from that cat's paw touching her mouth like that, so unhygienic.
As for that Sora guy, I think I've vaguely heard of him before, but never watched anything he did until now, I admit I did like the video, it was quite funny, she seems to be quite good at doing this sort of cringey collab stuff. At least it wasn't truly terrible and not at all as bad as I thought it might be.
No. 87164
>>86603That's actually a pretty nice picture of her. Looks like she deleted it though. I wonder why?
>>86605Hahah, I know nearly everyone here don't like this but I actually like how she looks here, better than all the horribly edited selfies, at least she looks real here, and natural.
>>87135Ewwww. think of the germs from that cat's paw touching her mouth like that, so unhygienic.
As for that Sora guy, I think I've vaguely heard of him before, but never watched anything he did until now, I admit I did like the video, it was quite funny, she seems to be quite good at doing this sort of cringey collab stuff. At least it wasn't truly terrible and not at all as bad as I thought it might be.
(Sorry for repost, but it didn't display right and there was no way I could find to edit, and I'm obsessive like that. :-/)
No. 87181
File: 1585159796393.png (74.92 KB, 986x342, mothercowtalksaboutdaugghterco…)

Hey all, im the person who re-uploaded her deleted video.
I have made the comments for review because i have alot of fangelic spergs sperging out at me and telling me to delete the video.
While i was checking comments to approve i found Margaret had commented 5 times on my video.
I decided to share them here is she decides to delete them.
No. 87186
>>87181She practically says what we think about Venus. Fangelics on the other hand will always see her as the poor
victim of abuse. The more time goes on, the more of a narc Venus becomes and it shows.
No. 87187
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Uh… there's something going on there.
No. 87208
>>87204Reconciling with Marge would not be a good idea. She may not have been 100% wrong about every single thing she ever said, and certainly not as bad as V makes her out to be, but she was a shit parent and still is a nutjob. She encouraged her teenage daughter to do lewd things online and neglect her education for the sake of being online famous, allowed dangerous diets, sent her alone to Japan to model for a known pervert, pushed her to marry a stranger at the first opportunity… The list goes on and on. She's not somebody you'd want in her life.
V is just as shitty as her mother though, and not everything Marge says is wrong. She spilled the beans about the botched surgery and alcoholism long before anybody even had any suspicions. She's not wrong about V not having been as isolated as she claims to be, either. She moved around a lot but she went to normal schools most of her life. There are Blog posts of V bitching about how shitty her classmates are. If she was too arrogant to connect with anybody who is not YouTube famous, that is entirely on her.