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No. 98843
The venue of newfags on the Venus threads since the opening and leakage of her onlyfans is quite annoying so if you are new here first read rules, follow them; don't post old milk; if you aren't sure if something has already been discussed I invite you to browse previous threads before participation in this one.
Previous threads all neatly arranged by most recent:
BDSM Queen Edition
>>>/w/95405Sex Worker Edition
>>>/w/87866Sugaring Edition
>>>/w/76241Desperate For Money Edition
>>>/w/62881Mental Illness Is Super Kawaii uwu
>>>/w/468652 years ago
>>>/w/305813 years ago
>>>/snow/286133Yellowface Edition
>>>/snow/254982The Kawaii Princessu
>>>/snow/205005Venus Angelic Summary and Milks not necessary in order:
>Venus angelic is a washed up as-been famous Youtuber who gained popularity for her doll looks and weeby content back in the days. She is of Swiss origin. >one of her milks include running away from her mother Margo who basically created her Venus Angelic brand, she's been living in Japan ever since. (margo has her own thread on pt >>>/pt/666399 )>After separating from mommy, content quality sank very low. many different business tactics and projects were tried out but immediately abandoned weeks or even days after because of lack of determination and unorganised habits.>streamed awkward meltdowns where she was seen drinking, seemed to have went through an alcoholic episode. >Venus ended up opening a Onlyfans and is currently doing full time OF sex work. She claims that this work path was her "childhood dream" and that she's never been happy like she is at the moment. >she doesn't seem to have other close relatives and her mother is criticised for mental abusing her as a child and during her doll phase. Her meltdown videos include one where she is telling how all her family is mentally disturbed.>the first reason for her moving to japan was to escape her mother but at the time she was also married to Japanese Manaki, one of her simps who followed her from a very young age. there are reasons to think it was for visa purposes and that Venus never loved him. While this is unsure she did divorce and badmouth him, calling him a neet and other stuff publicly on youtube. She also exposed his sexuality by claiming he's asexual, only likes 2d women and never even sexed her (proof may say quite the opposite). >After divorcing, or splitting him, for the least, it seems she went through a sugaring phase as she is seen with new LV scarf and coach bag, along by staying in shady hotel rooms for a while, this is when the infamous "Ken" enters the picture. >Other milk is accusing this Ken of doing illicit things to a child. Child in question was posted on her Instagram account and was removed after the drama. There is no follow up on Ken. >after this episode she crawled back to Manaki's place again and lived in her old closet room during the COVID-19 pandemic. (This is when she started her OF. )>a few days after the opening of her OF, a tit pic in which she calls herself a cum-dumpster was already leaked.>Other milks include editing face until unrecognisable, making herself look like a child, claiming she's a sexual deviant/bdsm queen when it's obvious she is clueless, etcRecent Milk:
>started posting more frequently omegacringe lewd pics in various love hotel on her onlyfans>claims to have reached 1.5K followers. Is proud to be in the 0.57% top creators >cannot write something in a post without claiming that she is the happiest she's ever been while body-language in YT videos and face expression in photos say otherwise>lewds get leaked seconds after being posted>more titty pics and "bukkake" photoset weeks after the start of her OF>"bukkake" photoset is part of her enjo kosai panding in which she fetishizes teenage prostitution>provided proof of pedobaiting by claiming to be a uwu virgin then posting a lewd in which she is disguised as a toddler "baby beenos">unknown photographer behind content is assumed to be Venus' new "pimp" or partner as a leaked picture shows Venus in a never seen before flat surrounded by clutter and perhaps moving boxes, the photographer's legs are shown onto the reflexion of the TV. Anons are starting to think he might be managing her stuff as well because her stuff was never this organised before.>definitely no longer with Manaki. Still married? Visa situation? nobody knows. Venus ignores subject at all times. >says she'll sell her p*ssy $3K in an onlyfans stream, or masturbate with massager for $1.5K. Ending up camming in a jpn Internet Cafe or something.Anons are debating the day she will start doing actual porn since she is giving it out so easily.
instagram: venus_angelic
twitter: @VenusAngelic
tiktok: @dollyvenus
fanicon: (inactive)
main youtube: youtube: No. 98844
>>98843Sorry for long post. I felt like the Venus thread needed a little update since, like i said, army of newfags.
Also, while I put some effort in this thread kek, English is not my first language so sorry if there is grammar issues here and there. Feel free to add onto this thread things that I missed out.
No. 98847
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Anyone remeber venus saying she was going to try yuri stuff in the begining of june? Probably to capitialize off pride month but anyways I knew she wouldn't go through with its and if she actually does I'll be shocked.
No. 98864
>>98859Please, newbies who came from Sora. Put “sage” in the email field of non-informational posts so you don’t get banned. Leave Name and Subject fields blank.
It’s pretty obvious that her new man is also her new photographer. Some dude in previous thread got mad that anyone suggested her shoots were less than professional but now we know about Spongebob No-pants here. The biggest indication this is not a real photographer is that she does not credit him, even with a pseudonym.
Who knows if this guy was an amateur photographer that she sought out first, or if he was a casual hookup who promised to make her famous. She definitely did not meet him through a sugar daddy site because this guy is obviously poor and lower class. She doesn’t seem to be the type to go out clubbing, she wouldn’t meet a normal guy at a regular job she thinks she too good for, nor does she seem like she would use normal matchmaking/dating sites for real relationships.
>>98862Does that hovel look like his hovel? I honestly don’t know. He seems like he is just baiting people and not really with her.
No. 98871
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>>98867i actually commented on a margo post on instagram a few weeks ago about her murder theory, even tho i wrote something that wasnt at all directed against margo she got angry and actually messaged me on instagram direct. it was hard as fuck to try to have conversation with her because she really is batshit crazy, doesn't read anything you're writing and types in a complete manic all over the place state of mind it seems. but in all this mess there was one moment where she actually answered a question of mine, not that informative but she basically says venus doesnt have a spouse visa, when she married manaki she became a japanese citizen by pass and has a japanese last name. sorry again, it was HARD AS FUCK trying to talk to her because she was super aggressive, thinking i was slandering her name etc even tho i was just asking stuff and was always polite towards her
No. 98872
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part 2
No. 98878
>>98877i saying this cuz this thread's
>>>/snow/286133 name is Venus Okada
No. 98891
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No. 98894
>>98881She was already attracting creepy guys before onlyfans anon. She has an anachan body skinny fat with no curves, saggy skin, an average face with unsexy lips.
Do you think men who are attracted to beautiful, healthy women will look twice her way? She’s not hot, doesn’t have a wotty personality, doesn’t offer much in the intellectual department. She has to pander to these creeps.
No. 98895
>>98891There’s really no turning back at this point…
Why didn’t she apply for work at Last Scene soapland and discreetly work in the sex industry? She speaks fluent Japanese, I’m sure customers would enjoy her company. Or if she can’t make it to a high class soapland at least she could have given Miss Universe in Ikebukuro a try? Sooner or later somebody would find out but her face wouldn’t be plastered all over the internet..
No. 98900
>>98872>>98874>>98878>>98880She changed her name legally to Minako Okada after Sailor Venus when she married Manaki and gpt her spouse visa. This makes it much easier for her to hide behind a screen and pretend to be Japanese for her benefit with this niche pandering OF thing she's doing.
But no, no way she's a Japanese citizen just for marrying him and acting like a childbride for 2 years.
No. 98901
>>98896why would it be illegal? if you rent a cubicle in an internet cafe its the same as if you rent a hotel room;
if she gets in legal trouble, it would more likely be due to ehr distributing uncensored porn, which counts as obscene material.
japanese e-girls getting arrested for distributing uncensored porn is actually not that rare.
No. 98904
>>98871>>98872Margaret is totally wrong and doesn’t understand Japanese immigration at all. Remember that she is the same idiot who thought SHE could earn a visa through her daughter’s marriage and flipped out when she learned she couldn’t. As anons have said, citizenship is a long process with background checks and even married couples with children can be rejected. Venus is a very bad candidate, just like kanadajin3 was.
Venus’ mental health spiral showed up within two years of living in Japan(following dangerous vanity surgery), Margaret strengthen her harassment, uploads to the YouTube channel decreased and then halted for a long period of time and would not generate a stable income. If she applied after the 3 year minimum, the immigration officers processing her case would see a plethora of bad online press, drama and by her own admission, a dead marriage where they not only slept in separate beds, but separate rooms. Let’s not forget calling one another boyfriend and girlfriend in public, which would signal a big red flag to immigration. However, it would have been possible to get permanent residence through marriage visa only with Manaki’s cooperative.
About name change: It is expected for a foreign wife to take the last name of her Japanese husband except in rare circumstances(like professional reasons). Even women paying a man for fake marriage will take their legal husband’s name to avoid suspicion. Choosing a full Japanese name, with new Japanese first name, is only required for citizenship. Venus could have registered a legal alias for things such as business, part time jobs or bank accounts. If she was working in nightlife venues like was suspected, she definitely would have an alias for ID.
No. 98908
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>>98885Raging Margo mentioned her new name a few years ago as well. So without a doubt she's hiding behind it rather than her actual birth name.
No. 98914
>>98912yeah, i also don't really get why she just doesn't buy a laptop. she earns a ton of money now but still has to resort to internet cafes lol
also: she reached her 3000$ goal which means she'll post a pussy pic now, or did i misread it? thats what it said on her announcement
No. 98919
>>98906Sorry. I meant she likely got tsushoumei relatively soon, but citizenship, “she is Japanese”, she is adopted, etc is all crazy talk from Margaret.
>>98915Expected socially, not required by law. If she planned to become a citizen, THEN Japanese national couples must share the same family name.
>>98918Tinfoil: money goes towards a new visa husband.
No. 98956
>>98954when you were younger and went on a drive with your parents, you paid attention not on the road but on the scenery, getting swept up in the changing buildings, streets and sights flying by, etc. that or you were tremendously bored and played on your gameboy or phone. either way you were absorbed in your own thoughts and not paying attention to what's happening. what road did we take? what were the directions? no idea.
could be similar to how she is now - she never really paid attention to anything happening while she was a kid especially since it was probably ol' marge directing everything. now that she's older and running her own show, she ends up taking shoddy, noob shots of herself instead of what we're expecting (at this point, something is better than nothing with posing and lights and shit lol).
anyway, not really defending her, for me what hurts the most is her facial expression. it's either completely lacking or she somehow portrays anything but sex and lust.
No. 98960
>>98908Is Margo a badly coded AI chatbot?
No. 98973
>>98935nobody knows what kind of visa she has and all im saying is that you can't just cash out 10k$ out of the blue every month without eventually getting doubt by the government. Especially in Japan they tend to watch that kind of stuff.
Anyways, it would explain why she isn't getting an apartment of her own and other stuff too.
No. 98983
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>>98977>>She's probably played the magical mental health card to keep his ass in line.Of course she’s played the suicide card at Manaki, probably multiple times. hell she’s fucking done it online many times.
It’s probably why he let her worm her way back into her little pink room at his apartment after “Ken” kicked her greasy ass to the curb. “B-but I’ll be HOMELESS! I-I just wanna DIE!!”
No. 98999
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>>98892A “drooling” pic” is one of the items listed on her OF tip menu. For $5.
No. 99004
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>>98900What is your source? Her Swiss passport still has Venus Palermo written on it
No. 99020
>>98977This is the answer. She can only be on a marriage visa, which is why this is the route most foreign sex workers take instead of an entertainment visa via the whorehouse they work because no other visa will let you do that. And with her history of suicide baiting, Manaki would be easy to sucker in.
>>99004If she took her husband’s name and legally changed it, her passport would have been reissued with the new name. So either she never took his name or was already legally divorced by then? It’s really strange. Alternatively, she could have had legal name change with whole new name, but this passport shows the maiden name she always had.
>>99019Yeah, she is probably throwing people off by showing an old passport, especially since she edited her face.
No. 99051
>>99020There’s no requirement for a foreign woman to take her husbands name and some families prefer you don’t (a Japanese couple needs both names to match though).
I’ve heard if you do want to change your last name as a foreigner you have to do it via your own home country so Venus was probably too lazy to.
No. 99155
>>98960Inshallah Venus sees your hot tip
>>99010>SwedishJesus Christ…I hope this is a case of not obsessively following a boring cow and not your geography skills.
Anyway, her legal name is her legal name and she would have to use it on any official document regardless of the issuing country. Either Marge is making shit up as she tends to do or Manaki is still enabling Venus and she changed her name very recently.
>>99020Didn't she show off her Swiss passport a few months ago? Could have been a renewal but who knows.
No. 99207
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And keep in mind i'm talking to her in a way that she would like….
No. 99208
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No. 99209
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No. 99217
>>99213True and no, she can actually undo the narcissistic cycle after she’s run away from her mother. But she refuse to, I mean she doesn’t want to go to psychiatrist or even studying about narcissistic, she said that she want “help” but in reality she’s just want attention. Let’s just said if she get help, she then doesn’t have any mental illness card to excuse her behaviour and also attention. I’ve noticed that every time she post something about she’s depressed or suicidal and then she’ll delete it later, it’s not like she’ll do anything to fix her own problem. She just want her fangelic and recent new horny man to cradle her into their arm and comfort his little sensitive snowflake baby soul.
She can stop doing this venus angelic stuff, delete her account, start a new life, find a decent job or nurture herself, finding hobby but no. She love those sweet sweet attention even thought her fan base is about to dying. She grew up with seeking for attention and validation from stranger after all.
No. 99228
>>99210If she got involved in shady sex work before, especially related to that Ken guy, it’s very possible since Yakuza are involved in much of the sex industry. I have no idea what she could have done to piss them off or how she would have a debt towards them. But you have to mess up real bad for them to go after you.
>>99222Only if one partner refuses to agree to divorce or there are assets they are fighting over. If she and Manaki were on good terms and it was true when she said there was never any love between them, they could have had an easy mutual divorce, kyōgi rikon, a long time ago. But since it has been over a year of divorce claims, it seems like something bad between them like money. Maybe Manaki or his parents are suing her, or she’s suing Manaki life “living off her earnings”. Or maybe it’s just because her plans to get into business and entertainment via Kitano to earn a new visa failed so hard and she realized she can’t qualify for any other visa.
No. 99238
Margo shows all the signs of having narcissistic personality disorder, right down to the wild stories about Venus and her supposed involvement with the Yakuza. The ONLY reason she spins that fantasy story is so that it sounds intriguing to some people, so that they engage into conversation with Margo. Narcissists want one thing, being the center of attention and spinning wild stories is a way to do that. To a narcissist there's no good or bad attention, just attention. Narcissists think they're always right and if they're wrong they spin the truth around until they find a way to interpret it as being right from a certain (mostly just their own) point of view.
Venus shows similar traits, akin to a histrionic personality disorder. This is similar to narcissism, but someone who's histrionic has a low self esteem and image of themselves, where as a narcissist thinks they're the best person at everything (unless being bad garners them more attention). Still, histrionics are extremely theatrical and also make up wild stories (and take appalling actions) to get attention from others as they too love to be in the spotlight. Like narcissists, histrionics have little ability for empathy and little to no concern for others. Usually when empathy is feigned, it is to appear as nice to people, which in turn is another way to fish for compliments (and thus garnering, once again, attention).
This whole OnlyFans act is likely Venus getting attention. Ofcourse she feels great about it, because as long as they get attention histrionics tend to thrive and feel great.
No. 99250
>>99242Who know we could find some hidden clue behind margo words, she love to make small words into big dramatic words. For example if she said Venus name is now Minako Okada, it’s doesn’t mean that Venus changed her name into Minako. It could probably mean that "She’s not my daughter anymore, she doesn’t deserve to be called as Palermo.” or "Pretend that I don’t even give birth to her. No baby, no name given.”
or when she said “Venus killed Manaki." it doesn’t mean that she killed Manaki physically. It could mean that "Venus divorced Manaki or something that she doesn’t want Manaki into her life anymore so Manaki is dead to her."
It’s like a guessing puzzle. Who know by the mean of “Yakuza" maybe the “Yakuza” she meant is… people who venus borrowing money with or work with? Like a new manager.
No. 99257
>>99252For some reason, I think that her story goes like this
- She owe money from loan shark.
- Manaki and his family decided to cut off ties with her because she’s just a foreigner and how they don’t want to get involved with illegal event such as borrowing money from loan shark.
- Manaki end up kicking her out and this is where fans question where is Manaki?
- Her friends doesn’t want to get involved with her but not only that her mental illness is draining them but now borrowing money???
- She begun to start with OF because she thought that selling nudes is the fastest way to get money, to pay and to spend.
- Using other
problematic YouTubers such as Sora to gain more horny man to promote her OF. I never saw her hanging out with girls recently but mostly I saw her like she’s trying to get close to the male.
Not to mentioned that she even have drinking problem too, plus these borrowing money possibilities only fit into the stories. But again, what I said could be fact or just theories.
No. 99259
>>99257i think it goes more like this:
-japan is expensive
-her yt channel is dead
-she doesnt want to work a regular job
-she can make more money in a day on onlyfans than in a month on yt
No. 99269
>>99210Not as rare as you think. They have ginko (ATMs where you can take out loans) that are run by the Yakuza. You don't pay back your loan then yeah, you're working it off. Pretty common.
I think that is more likely than any "court" tin foil.
(Sage cause it's still tin foil)
No. 99271
>>99257Jeez anon some of you stretch the truth a bit too much with these scenarios backed by that deranged mother of hers.
She probably is simply broke and didn’t have any moral obligations for sex work. Many regular girls do it and it’s not always because of some crazy yakuza background story. If she wasn’t such a pedo panderer I would be okay with her doing sex work personally.
No. 99274
>>99260you are delusional.
if you speak japanese, live in japan and make money in japan than its not that hard to get a citizenship.
No. 99281
>>99274>>if you speak japanese, live in japan and make money in japan than its not that hard to get a citizenship.WRONG. To qualify and be granted citizenship you must pass stringent eligibility criteria including having sufficient income to support yourself. You must supply proof of income including tax records invoices etc. And no, OF and/or YT does NOT qualify as legitimate income.
In addition ir your current visa is a marriage one, your marriage must be intact. Weenus has publicly stated she’s divorcing and now openly lives apart from Manaki. She’d never in a million years be granted citizenship.
Marriage visa is all she has and she’s even jeopardizing that with her reckless behavior on her very public SM every day.
No. 99283
>>99209>>99208>>99207Can you dumbasses stop interacting with cows to get milk to post? This is the same anon as
>>98871 >>98872 and who made the venus specific Instagram account. Keep margo's stuff in her own thread. She wishes she was relevant to Venus and interacting with her to try to cross cows is cowtipping.
No. 99284
All we know is Penis and Pimp-san are two shitty persons benefitting from each others' shittiness. A match made in heaven.
While it's true that yakuza runs a good chunk of japan's porn industry, I really doubt they would bother making some washed out gaijin youtube celebrity to open an OF account when they could make quick and direct cash through JAV, soaplands or whatever other business they run.
>>99274lol no
No. 99287
>>98928It made no sense. Manaki is the one who said she had a cute ass, seemed infatuated, tried to have sex with her but it 'hurt her too much' and allegedly posted some cross dressing ad (not sure if there was an actual ad or if it was just some old pic as I don't think Margo showed proof), but either way, that doesn't seem like asexual behaviour to me. Then we have Venus: married a guy solely for a visa, called him boyfriend instead of husband, said his kisses were disgusting, allegedly told her mom she is asexual, chest-binded and acted like a child and even wrote a blog post about how sinful bra-shopping is. Hmm. I wonder who the asexual is? And now she's acting hypersexual, using lesbianism as a prop, (just as she did BDP and alcoholism) and is even using Manaki's alleged sexuality just to profit off of. If anyone is asexual, it's her. She's just saying whatever she can now because she realized she can make decent money off sexuality. It would also explain why her content is so bad.
No. 99297
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So her may nude set is the puke images just ew srsly
No. 99298
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No. 99306
victim used to puke to prevent getting rape, that’s no wonder people feel disgusted. Who the hell getting turned on by this?! What next? Playing with her own shit like two girls one cup?
No. 99319
>>99315That’s not “melted ice cream,” ya rube. Whatever it is it’s supposed to look like some sort of slimy body fluid.
What kind of melted ice cream looks anything like that, in your view?
No. 99324
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>>99320newfag, sage please. This thread is getting annoying with no one reading the info of the site. Just put sage in email field. It's not hard.
Anyways, I think it's this gross bubble tea cream drink just like thrown on her. I really wish I knew what she was going for, because this just looks gross. Not to mention how it seeps into her hair behind her shoulder. That makes me shudder thinking of this cold gross melting sugary drink getting into my hair and skin.
>>99309 dark brown hair, I agree with you. The black hair just makes her look sallow and ill, and ages her.
Like this color again but maybe even a bit lighter.
No. 99334
>>99300>>99315Honestly never thought I'd say this, but I agree. If she's gonna be a cheap ho on the internet, at least try to do it well lmao.
>>99326Looks like it has some scabbing on the top, maybe a boil that has emptied? From her wax play stuff, I wouln't be surprised if she got burnt.
No. 99344
>>99328hate to break it to you, but were not all the same person, and im yet another female anon. i dont care to get into retarded theories margo spews and weird derails her threads are full of, and since its clear venus wont stop, ill at least give constructive criticism since she lurks, from her tryhard angles, to finally releasing a decent pic after, what a month now?
i dont agree with the OF thing at all, but shes not stopping until she hits an absolute low.
No. 99361
>>99360>it's possessionok, of what? what does she possess in the clause?
it's just not funny
No. 99364
>it's so obviouswhat's the fucking answer then? i do not get it
No. 99382
>>99235>>99348>>99376The first anon refers to the new headline suggested in the previous thread. "Baby B's, STDs, still can't pass for Japanese?".
So essentially the s is there to make the rhyme work. No more spoonfeeding now.
No. 99385
>>99379Only retard using grammar to win the argument since they’re incapable to give some
valid argument. Beside I think anon is a Venus white knight or some troll, some people think by asking obvious question will make us asking ourselves why we “hate" venus. Not a smart move or a smart question, the whole action is just plain retard.
No. 99392
>>99293I doubt it's specifically a cultural thing but it's a very common kink in hentai doujinshi.
The net cafe thing is more niche but that is too….
I swear she's getting 'inspired' to do this shit from niche exhibitionism mindbreak manga rather than actual real sexual experiences or even observing "normal" porn and I'm genuinely unsettled by how fast this is escalating.
No. 99394
>>99339I hear you. I'm afraid to say that's how it goes here though. It doesn't matter that you're female, or even just objectively critical and giving praise where it is actually due, the fanatical haters here will jump up and down screaming "pedo" at you. It's a shame in a way that people don't have to put their real names along with a picture of them, and then the threads may be a little more civilised.
I also think Venus looks beautiful in her recent pictures, I only wish I looked as good as her, she has a very nice figure and her body does look perfect, but all that
stuff all over her, I really did find gross and unnecessary. Surely she must have put some sort of caption with it explaining what it was meant to be? She usually does so it seems odd if she didn't give any explanation this time but just put it out there with no explanation.
Also agree about the thread going to pot, too much endless garbage about narcissistic personality disorder and people talking like they all live in therapy and can't imagine life with seeing therapists, anyone would think everyone posting here was in the US and I'm sure there are people here from all over the world, but so much talk about therapy and Margo and nitpicking on anything they can find to talk about on Venus's body, I can't see these things they go on about, and I think favourably of most of her pictures so they must be scrutinising ever so closely and that alone seems weird when they hate her so much.
(pls stop) No. 99396
>>99344I'm female too but that still won't stop you being accused of being a man, and a pedo at that, just for saying the nicest little thing about her, because the haters can't stand that so they try to shut you up as soon as you say anything nice about her appearance.
I think she looks mainly nice in her pictures and very pretty and she has a perfect figure, but the pictures with the sweetcorn where horrible i think, really cringy and gross and the melted ice cream or whatever it was meant to be, horrible, and those pictures she looked really beautiful in if it wasn't for that.
I like the picture she posted of herself in the cheongsam, and I think the black hair suits her, I think she said once her natural hair colour is very dark anyway, and it probably helps her fit in more easily in Japan and not stand out so much, if she was walking around over there with blonde hair or much lighter hair she would stand out more as a foreigner whereas with black hair she at least blends in more with.
No. 99402
>>99400See what I mean anons? All Venus haters: females.
Anyone who sees anything nice about Venus: male, oh and pedo to boot! lol this site! Every bit as bad as Pull, saw some retard there recently post a girl's post from Venus's Instagram and stated quite categorically that the girl was a "creepy old man", even though the girl in question has made very many posts on Venus's youtube and instagram and is a longtime fan and Lolita fashion wearer and who doesn't even like the fact that Venus is doing an Only fans, but no, in the minds of the retards that post there and here, she likes Venus, therefore that means she's really a man. kek.
No. 99410
>>99396>those pictures she looked really beautiful in if it wasn't for that.Bless these anons for trying to find the good in Venus' new depraved life choice, but it's no good looking pretty when you're covered with fake cum and a there's a condom hanging out of your mouth
(this sounds so ridiculous but is somehow an actual description of some New Venus Content from this week)
No. 99418
>>99294Enough with the tinfoiling. Seriously, some of y’all put Marge to shame when it comes to lunatic obsession and crazy theories about her life in Japan. This is an image board anon, either post proof or STFU.
She’s either still married to Manaki, or paying for a visa husband like her many Eastern European predecessors in Japan.l Lots of foreign bar girls, hostesses and delivery health girls have more drama involved in their life regarding visa husbands but they are smart enough to keep a low profile.
No. 99429
Jfc yakuza tinfoilers. Have you been involved in enjo kosai in Japan? Here’s some perspective from someone who actually has a SD:
I have a sugar daddy, or a sponsor, whatever you name it.. Yakuza has never been involved in our arrangement as they have no way of being informed about the relationship between a Caucasian woman and a middle aged Asian man. We met online, then gradually improved our relationship as we both enjoyed the company of each other. Yakuza has some influence over hostess clubs and soaplands, but obviously online arrangements are exempt from their interest.
My SD is a decent guy with a mature personality, I enjoy his company much more than the fucktoys my age. Since I have employment in Japan, his financial support goes straight to bank. On top of financial support, he buys me net-a-porter quality shoes, bags or dresses because he wants me to look good during our dates. BTW he would kick my ass out if I showed up to our dates looking greasy like Venus. Mani/pedi, facials and regular hairdresser appointments are a necessity. You absolutely cannot wear Don Quixote grade underwear like Venus does. That’s just disrespectful and shows that you don’t give a shit.
I know some of you are completely against sex work, and I am okay with that because I don’t care. But personally I have zero moral obligations against SW and I’m happy to be spoiled as long as it doesn’t harm my mental health. We don’t do the “baby diaper uwu age regression” stuff, as we are two healthy, consenting adults.
BTW you don’t do what I do for a shitty coach bag. Designer bags are investment pieces, you should be able to sell them for good value.(blog)
No. 99432
File: 1591715354929.jpeg (Spoiler Image,761.82 KB, 1242x1652, 1AAA98EB-052A-439B-AC5E-333280…)

U guys fight more between each other than post her content kek cringe
She posted stripping video I skimmed through some parts bc it was 12mins
She showed her pussy but she only reached 500$ goal, someone said they will donate 800$ next stream
She has posted her new tip menu and sent a picture in DMs to everyone No. 99434
File: 1591715441290.jpeg (655.33 KB, 1242x1708, 4F5883B8-508E-46BC-8A6A-1CB014…)

No. 99453
>>99324She said it was ice cream.
Can you fucking retards read the thread instead of tinfoiling stupid shit repeatedly? Its been said several times and she said it in her first stream.
No. 99459
File: 1591719203582.png (Spoiler Image,639.15 KB, 1443x1440, Screenshot_20200609-075002_2.p…)

See, she actually did strip. I honestly think she was nervous taking her clothes off in a public place, anyone could have seen her.
No. 99460
File: 1591719265049.jpeg (325.84 KB, 817x1589, E76DD168-C6FC-466D-AC25-84DB4F…)

She’s doing a collaboration next
No. 99461
>>99434Good thing she went back on the "be my cameraman" thing.
It seems like a great way to get taken advantage of, trafficked or killed.
No. 99463
File: 1591719465855.jpeg (Spoiler Image,48.89 KB, 824x621, 5695D5BA-A2A2-499D-B38D-B07F12…)

Nude set wasnt too great, no meow meow, so glad I did not spend $50 on the photos, 4 of which were pictures in the bath tub, 4 were just slight variations of her topless with the ice cream, then this one:
No. 99464
File: 1591719493355.jpeg (Spoiler Image,55.7 KB, 827x621, B700AE02-CCF9-4FB2-93B7-CC0C70…)

And this:
No. 99478
File: 1591722247573.jpeg (86.57 KB, 1090x640, 7DA4CB41-80B5-4C08-B91E-A5AD78…)

She’s up and fighting with people in her IG comments at 2am Japan time.
No. 99484
You can really tell how tall she is in some of these pictures, my guess is it kinda breaks the childish illusion for some of the creeps she may be attracting. It is pretty crazy how quickly she spiraled into more depraved material. I agree with the anons who said she'd probably be able to make some decent cash with lingerie/boudoir stuff for awhile at least. But she jumped in the deep end. A lot of the pics seem pretty Japanese guy fetish focused, the drooling, the humiliation, et cetera.
It is sad to see, I think she did have a chance at a normal life at some point, but its passed. From her crazy mom trying to make her famous in Japan and accepting the disgusting pedo fans that she garnered, to Manaki being ONE of those simp fanboys that she actually married, the butchered surgery…if she would've left him and tried to get a normal job or even eked out a modest youtube career like other J-Vloggers, she'd be kinda normal. Too late now. It feels sad to see but also kind of inevitable, it was such a limited world she was already living in, just obsessed with Japan.
No. 99485
>>99459>"Omg you are so hot holy shit"I don't know why that made me laugh. This is such a bad angle. It overexaggerates the way her breasts naturally hang low (they're not even saggy tbh, just low), and with the combined boniness of her chest, she looks like a grandma.
I feel so bad, but she did this to herself. It's sad.
No. 99489
>>99453>>She said it was ice cream.“She said” therefore it MUST be true? Newsflash, idiot: SHE LIES.
Look at that pic again at
>>99297and tell me what kind of “melted ice cream” looks like that.
No. 99490
File: 1591724524128.jpg (Spoiler Image,235.28 KB, 1078x1087, _20200609_184127.JPG)

>>99460Oh boy, Venus without a doubt will be following down the same path as this girl in future. It's bound to happen.
No. 99493
>>99459wheres all the money going? shes malnourished as usual. i feel venus is so manic right now she thinks shes invincible that she might get caught. still dont get why she went to an internet cafe thing, unless it was for the thrill to look like a cheap whore.
>>99478she lets every little thing get to her. how this bitch has people convinced shes confident is beyond me.
No. 99494
File: 1591725198049.jpg (Spoiler Image,296.11 KB, 1079x1044, _20200609_185153.JPG)

>>99492Oh anon it gets worse. Venus is catering to plenty of the cliché fetishes that Japanese men like already, so I'm sure she's taking plenty of inspiration from her newfound thot friend. Jesus christ.
No. 99498
>>99490>BlondeWhatever you say Japan
>>99471If you're talking about how they're oddly flat/pancakey I was that the same thing. The only other person I know with tits like that breastfed her two children. Imo it's gotta be something to do with her weight.
No. 99499
2 months later anons: VENUS AV VIDO LEAK-
>>99494>>99490lol i think japanese AV are funnier than the western ones actually. They really are more creative that's for sure.
Jokes aside, I'm tired to see pretty girls and ethots getting inevitably into OF or porno so easily. Kind of sets a bad image towards the normal girls that do online stuff. Heck you don't even have to show your boobs anymore, i'm sure some disgusting men masturbate to arbitrary selfies.
No. 99519
>>99516Not sure how long she's been in japan but there's a chance she's gotten a slight accent when speaking english because of being there for so long.
But she does kinda sound like she's got a subtle montreal accent even though she says she's american.
No. 99522
>>99516If we're tinfoiling I'd assume she is Russian, because they are the majority of white women in Japan willing to do depraved shit.
Also if she's Canadian that is still pretty "American" to foreign audiences. Either way she looks decent for 30, I guess.
No. 99523
>>99522she doesn't have a russian accent. I'm russian and it sounds nothing like it. She also doesn't really look like it either but that's up to debate.
My bet is she's actually canadian but just saying american because it's easier. Not the first time I've seen/heard that when talking to foreigners.
No. 99525
File: 1591730361999.jpg (Spoiler Image,900.22 KB, 2560x2098, IMG_9035-scaled.jpg)

>>99517I believe that. She's trying to claim she was born on Valentine's Day in 1996 though.
>>99519Montreal accent is a good guess. I skimmed through a bit more, and she speaks in English longer around the 1 hour 13 minute mark. Her accent isn't as pronounced when she's not switching between English and Japanese, but it's still there.
>>99520I think she's going for that Hollywood porn star vibe.
No. 99528
>>99526ya it's the hourglass figure. it's the stereotype that makes asian men thrive for one nights with white women (i know they're not all like that). bonus points if natural blond to golden hair.
That's why i agree with the anon that says venus won't be as popular in japan. She's a white woman who wants to look japanese which is a total turn off.
No. 99533
>>99531Yeah I really think she's marketing herself poorly if she's trying to appeal to ACTUAL japanese men, if she went blonder again and did her makeup to highlight her white features, they may appreciate it more. Generally though based off the AV i've seen from Japan they really like Japanese women most of all. There isn't a lot of white girl porn and it seems pretty niche.
I think her true market is weeby Western basement dudes who consume hentai manga and dream of a hapu wife who will degrade herself. Think of basically all the costhot orbiters, white dudes who love Japanese media.
She very well may corner that market sometime because she's appealing to their fetishes, lives in Japan, and can take a decent picture once in awhile.
No. 99534
>>99516Sounds kinda French to me, so the Montréal / Canadian guess might be a hit?
As most Japanese people tend to assume every white person is from the US, she's probably just using that as a front for the AV work.
No. 99540
>>99494Next up on Weenus’ OF tip menu:
$Xxx I livestream myself peeing
No. 99544
>>99488NJM said multiple times that Venus did private fetish cam shows since she was a teennager. We know NJM is a deranged attentionwhore just like Margo, but maaaaybe there's a little grain of truth in that claim. Who knows.
No. 99549
File: 1591739109453.jpeg (Spoiler Image,482.3 KB, 1098x1303, 467595BB-6066-40FF-B0B6-181E09…)

>>99544I think Weenus has been doing porn-y shit for at least a year now, under the radar. She followed this porn “model” on IG last summer around the time she did that “idol” bar event: the other “idols” at the event had Patreons selling nudies and one was a stripper in Tokyo (oops, she called it “burlesque.”) This is nothing hew for Weenus, she’s just making it public now because she needs $$.
No. 99556
File: 1591743045183.png (112.51 KB, 1080x707, Screenshot_20200609-235000~2.p…)

so according to June she will not be doing JAV
No. 99557
File: 1591743872478.jpg (115.03 KB, 960x720, 2.jpg)

>>99526looks pretty chunky tbh
No. 99563
>>99561Chubby chasers. It's a thing.
No matter what it is, if it exists, someone out there is cooming to it. That's how scrotes are.
No. 99564
>>99561I think part of the appeal of white women is that they're 'bigger' all around. The body shape is considerably different than what they see everyday, or rather, the kind of women they can date. The same reason why a lot of white guys like Asian porn with stick thin women, it is just something "different" than their norm. Men constantly desire unique stimulation (thats why so much porn is disgusting)
Basically she has a pretty average western body type which is unique and interesting for a Japanese audience, but using western male porno gaze she's fat for porno standards.
No. 99567
File: 1591748154940.jpeg (171.72 KB, 985x1020, ADD640ED-5117-44CF-86CA-2D6EEC…)

Weenus says she’s NOT BOTHERED by ppl unfollowing her on IG—they just can’t take the sexxy. Their loss!
No. 99568
>>99494This is hilarious! For some reason, I don’t think it’s that bad because it’s mostly the man being humiliated and this girl seems to be idolized and enjoying herself rather than being cruelly objectified in her content. Like the complete opposite of this “kidnapped vomiting Autistic child” Venus material. I’m seriously scared of what kind of shit Venus would star in.
>>99547If the stepmom was in her life for a long time, it could influence the way she speaks?
>>99557It’s called “ムチムチ(muchimuchi)” body type in Japan and yes, it is well-liked in JAV. Lots of hentai illustrations also favor it, so it’s not like most Japanese guys would hate it. Her label, Fitch, seems to specialized in this body type. Lots of “curvy housewife” videos in Japan. It’s not all scrawny schoolgirls and misery.
No. 99570
>>99567At this point she doesn’t really care about her IG fans now coz she’s earning the absolute minimum from them (from her youtube). She only cares about her OF coz of $$$ and her lowlife perverts worshipping her.
>>99557I honestly think the reason why Venus chose her is because she won’t outshine Venus when they’re together. The girl isn’t very pretty, looks average and not really sexy like hour glass figure. Also, Venus won’t get conscious around her since she might look pretty fat to Venus’ eyes.
No. 99589
>>99585venus is a dumb weeb who cant even read the japanese market. they dont want white girls trying to look japanese, no one wants that shit other than other weebs. she needs to get rid of the black hair, it looks stringy and oily all the time and ages her.
she spends a lot of time interacting with her western simps because thats all she has. shes tried and failed getting to the japanese market a few times, like that absometal play she bombed. porn and sw is an inevitability with tards like her. praying shes saving that money.
No. 99594
>>99432She thinks she's worth 200 dollars just to talk to? Gross.
And that head shot only masturbation is definitely going to be a scam. She'll just be pretending to masturbate instead of actually masturbating for 10 mins. She's definitely a scammer.
I bet she won't even check the dick pics and just make up a rating.
No. 99598
>>99594duh anon. do you think girls in porno have real orgasms only by being thrusted by ugly dogs or simply peeing on them?
>>99596in my opinion, i don't think venus is mentally healthy enough to have a good diet going on. she might be starving herself recently because of being naked in front of the camera a lot. This is one of her more recents images and we all know beenus has her eating issues so, maybe she's back at it again.
No. 99605
What simps think they're getting
what they actually get
No. 99617
File: 1591781677180.jpeg (747.97 KB, 2048x2048, 0B814B26-2D0C-4D94-96F9-57810B…)

>>99526There’s absolutely no chance in hell she has a 24inch waist. Hip measurements might be legit but I’d guess they’re probably bigger than that even. She’s quite chubby especially for Japan and is built like a fridge. 24 inch waist is laughable, that’s like model territory when she clearly isn’t that thin.
No. 99627
>>99623this girl isn't self-proclaming smoll as far as i'm concerned so idk why anons are so obsessed with discussing her weight. she looks fine to me too except in that
>>99617 black suit. It's a very unflattering picture.
Also, pornstars lying about their age and mesures?? never heard of that before!
There is also a fat chance it's her company or the magazine that made it up cuz women sell better that way.
But venus associating with her? that's gonna take some thinking to find something that will make the match work. They seem very different just by comparing facial expression, image and style. It's a cringe mix to me for sure.
No. 99628
>>99622anyone looks fresh and healthy compared to venus
venus isnt just pale, she looks sick and vitamin deficient all the time, she has no warmth to her, and the greasy ink black hair makes it worse, i think itll actually be funny to see the contrast between them
No. 99630
File: 1591787071442.jpg (105.31 KB, 1078x813, _20200610_115655.JPG)

>>99622She makes disgusting content but even she has standards with the pedo pandering compared to Weenus.
No. 99636
>>99634I find the dislike for her body type ridiculous. She seems successful in what she does and actually enjoys it unlike our pathetic cow who acts like a homeless street hooker. What is concerning though is she's collabing with Venus who's just incredibly
problematic, has a crazy fanbase & is full of so much shit.
No. 99642
>>99637>Also she said that she is into bukkake, ntr and rape.Literally the most popular fetishes in japan (aside of underage people or hairy chuby mothers). Just like beenos, she's lying to pander idiots.
I guess she doesn't want to make pedo baiting content, specially the ones where she's the underage one? From all the jav themes, that stepmother one is pretty tamed.
No. 99644
>>99642June is also into hair (loves hairy men and doesn't shave private parts) and into bondage and BDSM. She said that she ran away from her
abusive home, always loved Japan and she struggled getting a good job, but now she is happy and secure in JAV industry.
No. 99645
>>99422What makes you think women would like those pictures? There are pictures where she does look very nice and yet she spoils them with the grossness, there are lots of pictures, you are just focusing on certain ones to try and prove your own ridiculous belief that no woman could ever think she looks nice, when that is entirely untrue. As for the baby pic she posted, any sicko who was genuinely into babies would be very put off by seeing a grown adult dressed as one. Too much fantasy land imagining from people here.
The picture of her in the red dress is very nice and there are a lot of good pictures, the pictures you showed, at least the two face ones, would be more likely to appeal to dirty minded men but there are certainly many pictures where she does indeed look very good, so I really don't know where the need for constant nit picking over her looks comes from, from people who can't stand the fact that some women do find her look appealing.
When someone focuses on someone who is obviously good looking and keeps bashing away trying to 'prove' that they aren't, this says more about the person doing it, whether jealousy or what idk, but its stupid. beauty is in the eye of the beholder anyway and all this constant nonsense of she's pretty, no she's not, yes she is, is just childish and tedious.
No. 99647
>>99585>>99593Agree, Venus is doing everything exactly wrong. The weight loss surgery paired with 2 yesrs of sweets, combini food and booze sucked all the healthy, youthful fat and vitality out of her face so that now she's rivaling Kiki for the sallow skelly queen title. Not to mention the damage done to her body plus her height, as she ages she's just gonna keep looking worse and worse while trying to shoop it all away. Unless Doormatnaki comes back to save her from eventually ending up in JAV, I don't see all this turning out well for her.
>>99630Maybe June has looked up Venus after all? The "baby beenos" pics come to mind when I read that comment, maybe June's company looked her up and OK'd the collab as long as Venus agrees to certain terms like less creative control. All her ideas are fetishy and gross, but that's because she's a newbie perv going after $$$$ and doesn't know what she's really doing. Isk if Venus can legally join a company like that without a spouse visa though?
No. 99649
File: 1591799535879.jpg (414.1 KB, 1080x1508, IMG_20200610_145946.jpg.f149d8…)

Says she looks different because of no makeup. right venus.
No. 99650
>>99596Right, she looks anachan in the internet cafe pics and normal weight in the vomiting ice cream over myself pics. She uses beauty apps too, but maybe those pics are from a month ago and the stream was obviously from yesterday.
Meaning she's been starving herself since she's been "happier than ever" pornstar now.
No. 99654
>>99649At least she’s getting hairsets and she looks decent here with or without snow app
The blur on the mouth tho.
No. 99656
>>99649She looks like she’s trying to hide a massive conehead with her bangs going so far up. Plus, they look copy-stamped.
Her entire hair looks like a wig tbh.
No. 99657
File: 1591801604305.jpeg (132.35 KB, 480x680, DD02C49D-08B8-4434-8C82-833C45…)

>>99492She must be getting fillers. There’s a type of filler you get under your lips that gives you this particular “half moon” shape. It’s pretty popular in Japan. Here’s some photos of her presumably before getting those fillers.
No. 99668
File: 1591804855129.jpg (237.19 KB, 720x720, 2020-06-10_18.53.14.jpg)

She also started to buy clothes from luxurious japanese brands (but stays in the net cafe … ) :))))))))))))))))) ah wonderful(:))))))))))))))))))
No. 99669
File: 1591806102678.jpg (148.59 KB, 1080x1432, Screenshot_20200611_003437.jpg)

there isn't a lot of places where they discuss june's porno but i found this. It gives us a good idea of what japanese like in gaijin porn i guess. There are good comments about her but i screened those who made a critique cuz lolcow. sage cuz not so much milk here
>her body looks loose but the essential part looks tight. i can tell by seeing the cum amount on number 9 pic
>what an aunty
>i was wondering how she sounds like and when i checked a sample she sounded like a normal japanese woman. if she made the “oh yeah, oh yes” as in american porno it would wake up an interest but..
No. 99670
File: 1591806188144.jpg (207.84 KB, 1080x1455, Screenshot_20200611_003638.jpg)

>it was a beyond imagination huge ass. in one word i like.
>when i thought she was kinda cute in some angles she's ugly and as she looks very young, depending on her scenes she looks like a middle aged baba. i'm not quite sure about her face.
>she started her debut this year but she's first recommendation when it comes to foreigner AV actresses living in japan. face and body are top and during self-restraint i fap a lot to lovejoy. Now i want her to do anal.
No. 99671
File: 1591806259970.jpg (161.55 KB, 1080x1515, Screenshot_20200611_003416.jpg)

>why do foreigners learn japanese and come here to do AV i wanna know
>it would be better if she didn't do bangs
rest is responses to other comments but he wants her to do anal too
No. 99678
>>99643Yeah June sounds like a sweet girl. A bit chubby but looks like she’s working on her fitness lately. She has adopted two cats with health problems whereas beenos has abandoned her hamsters to her in laws care. She’s signed up with a legit AV company, interacts with her fans properly and sounds like an normal intelligent person. Somebody has to tell her to stay away from the mess she’s about to get involved with. This collab will only benefit Venus as she will attract the Japanese audience she’s trying to snag, I hope June is getting a hefty payment from Venus after this.
Even though JAV wouldn’t be the path I choose I life I’m totally okay with June and I kinda feel sorry for the girl already..
(offtopic) No. 99679
>>99646Some of you anons sound asexual af kek
Of course there’s going to be sex. Sooner or later it’s meant to happen at this pace
No. 99681
>>99671Comments seem generally okay, if the other anon was right and her company specializes in thicker body types they're probably all fine with that anyway.
I'd love to see comments about modern day Venus from Japanese perverts. We've seen what they thought of her when she was young thanks to Margo's crack parenting, and even then they were critical. I really think the fact that she's lanky will mean she doesn't fare well in the like, faux loli circuit or whatever creepy shit she's thinking of doing.
No. 99682
>>99664>>99668what in tarnation is this unsaged autism
>>99649I don't understand the constant whining about her editing her photos, but this one… this is the sleep paralysis demon that a sleep paralysis demon sees when having a sleep paralysis episode
No. 99703
>>99657makes me agree with anons that think her American gimmick was assigned by her agency, it's much easier to market a USA themed porn than a Canadian one. Venus needs to learn how to play up her gaijin angle
>>99687This post is just as dumb as the pointless nitpicking posts, so I don't really get why this one gets red text and the others don't.
No. 99708
File: 1591819840029.jpeg (665.98 KB, 828x1020, DA9745EE-8BB1-4131-A9CE-421FA2…)

More obvious proof of her lazy editing. You can see the deformed lines in the brick wall behind her giant egg head
No. 99714
>>99697Ewwww fuck off Anachan.
>>99703Priorities I guess. There's at least one Mod who just randomly red texts.
No. 99745
>>99728Not the same Anon, OP was red texted so probably blocked, retard. Seriously, people like you are a disease, go fuck your bones.
>>99724Thing is: Penus is making a shitload of money without putting any efforts. Her creepy simps would buy her chipped toenail, so she doesn't need to do more than she is right now. And she might be fully aware of this.
No. 99776
>>99775Calling people newfags because multiple people are tired of wading through the same nitpick doesn't make you look more integrated.
You deserve one another.
No. 99783
File: 1591861021373.png (2.11 MB, 1574x1174, Screen Shot 2020-06-11 at 12.3…)

>>99708IDK how to use lolcow and am not investing that time right now, but the other girls who take pictures at this particular wall do not have blurs around their heads
Their faces do have some shopping, but they didn't need to warp the dang wall
No. 99792
Most of you are complain about venus hair should be brown instead of black or her makeup make her look old/ sick, or suddenly she’s doing reckless things like her first nudes on her OF and how she participate fetish like high school and baby even though she’s just continue. Yesterday I’ve read about jirai kei/ 地雷系 where one of Venus’s post saying that “it’s complicated to explain about this make up trend” but the problem is that Jirai Kei is not only just a makeup trend but it’s a toxic trend like menhara where people glorifying mental health.
Jirai girls or Jirai shojo/地雷少女 is portrayed as a woman who’s lonely, depressed, pessimistic and desperate, also they’re thirsty for attention especially when people are worrying them. Jirai-shojo can also mean as mine girl or a ticking bom because of their unstable mental health. From the outside they look like innocent and cute but deep down they’re really problematic, especially mentally. They’re most active on social media or living by social media and they don’t have a hobby or was too lazy to do something because of their mental illness.
(Venus doesn’t have any life beside of her social media.)
Also, Jirai girl often partying alone and abuse alcohol.
(Like how Venus pretend to be a party extrovert but she’s partying alone while chugging down amount of alcohol)
They often wear they makeup that make them look sick and cute at the same time. Especially around their eyes, eye bag is important to them to make them look like a crying children so people will worried them more. This makeup technique is also to trick man into thinking that Jirai-girls are cute and they wanted to protect them since “poor them.” Tear bag is a must for Jirai girl.
(Venus not only edit herself into look like a children but the makeup trend itself will make anyone look like children.)
Most of them have black hair to make them look pure sometimes with hime cut and obsessed with cute character to comfort them. They have a sickly pale skin since they use blue base makeup instead of warm tone so they’ll appear more pitiful. Jirai girl mostly over spend their money on useless things like not only branded clothes but also phone case, stationary etc…
(Venus was known to buy useless stuff to and also anon said that she was able to buy expensive clothes but making a strip live show in an internet cafe)
Because of them living by the internet, they’re rather awkward in real life. They’re desperate for male attention
(Her seeking for validation from horny ojisan.)
and doesn’t get along with people who had the same sex with them since they’ll think that they are tiresome/ draining their energy.
(This explain why Tsukuro and Mikan doesn’t seems like they’re being around often and remember where Mikan said that she was tired to deal with Venu’s bs because of her fan keep asking her to talk with depressed Venus.)
Jirai girls will often post something making people worried about them and sometimes they’ll keep telling people that they’re happy with their life which they’re not.
(How many times Venus has to tell her fans that she is happy or willing to do it while her face said that she’s not.)
They just want people attention out of worried. They sometimes said something exaggerating which it’s a lie and they’re procrastinating a lot which for them is to make people believe that they’ve done something where people should be proud of her. Unlike the western version of edgy emo teenager, Jirai girls will post something aesthetic or beautiful but with such a worried some and depressing caption.
(Venus post where she sometimes delete it later.)
In the term of friendship and relationship, they can be really controlling and possessive and if the person didn’t give or do what they want, they’ll slandering them to make them look bad while them being a victim.
(The same how Venus treated Manaki especially when Manaki told her not to do the stomach surgery)
Jirai girl love people treat them with kindness and they’ll started to get attached with them, they think that if you’re being kind to her that’s mean you love her.
Jirai girl are…useless. They look cute in the first place but actually they’re sloppy and messy. Sometimes they’re even lack of hygiene.
(Venus who doesn’t care about her period stain or cleaning and organise things, even herself.)
Maybe because venus think that this trend is related to her and used this trend to be the new her since this trend is rather problematic and sound just like her too.
Sorry that this post must be late (and long) but I was really curious about why Jirai-kei where Venus mentioned with are so famous. Also because a lot of you mentioned about the way she dress, I am really sure it’s those Jirai-kei fashion that she’s talking about.
No. 99794
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She’s streaming today
No. 99796
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Soo.. ya know that venus started collab with an av star ( junelovejoy ). In gemma's latest post there's a comment by penus.. I'm gonna say penus maybe goin' to collab with Gemma but I can't prove it lol. This all made me think penus tryin to get closer this av stars to gain audience in Japan maybe? Idk what you guys think about it?
No. 99801
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>>99793Yep actually this picture from her Instagram has the 地雷 filter (jirai) in Snow app.
These kids do anything to fit in the narrow mold of social media trends, how stupid. Venus is the age when people start their careers but she’s acting like a teen.
No. 99802
File: 1591875470109.jpg (340.32 KB, 1152x2048, EaOlaT7U4AACN5R.jpg)

"Playtime after my my bath Bath."
virgin play, let's not forget.
No. 99803
>>99800It will be the first and last time they meet, just like she burned bridges with her ex friends nobody is going to tolerate her social awkwardness for more than a day. I’m sure their facial expressions will translate into the “wtf I am doing here with this person” thought balloon when we finally see their content.
Since she has no work ethic, I doubt she will land a contract with a JAV company either. Even if she does, she will probably be a one hit wonder and vanish from the porn scene quickly because of untreated mental health problems. Porn producers will tell her “boo bye bye boo” after a week of uwu menhera jirai Onna.
No. 99809
>>99805She will Anon. But a lot of her old fans are extremely uncomfortable with her mood swings or they are already questioning why she gets interested in a “project” in a manic only to completely lose interest a month later.. Just check the comments on her Instagram. The only people who support her are blue haired bipolar feminist who cheerfully bombard the comment section with “you go guuurrl” and no one with an ounce of intelligence thinks she’s on the right path. People are tired of her sympathy garnering menhera posts at this point because it’s been all talk with no action for a long time.
And her basement dwelling incel fans are not here for the mental health posts I’m afraid. They would tolerate it maybe a couple of times for the sake of boob pics and then get bored and move on.
No. 99810
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>>99806This is how jirai kei should really look like and also when yo mama predicted you’ll be a clown in the future #motherknowthebest
No. 99812
>>99802Oh my, is she meant to be a baby wearing glasses here? Clutching that awful corn vibrator to her face too, ew!
As for that June girl, I like her she does seem genuinely nice, but I pity her if things don't go well from Venus's point of view.
If June ever does anything to piss Venus off, the Fangelics wouldn't stand for it, they'll go after her relentlessly.
No. 99814
>>99756Pretty bold of you to asume that only a fatty would mind body shaming. It's like hiding on a anonymous board and mocking "internet personalities" because you're fucking ugly, oooops!
>>99792Dafaq is this Anson?! Write it in your diary, dumbass. This is board is so fucked up.
No. 99816
>>99812June content if you don’t look at her weird fetish, is more organised than “Venus try hard to be Jirai trend living doll who become sex doll” Even June YouTube video about packing a gift to her American friends is more interesting with content than any Venus video after she run away from her mother margaret. But even if she’s under margaret control, I say I just give 40% of her video are aesthetic and cute but the other are just…boring, messy, unorganised and last minute effort. Then after she run away from her mother, breaking with Manaki her content become like only 10% interesting to 0% lame immediately. Most of her video including complaining, crying, drinking, deleting, procrastinating of how she found her self and then nothing. June porn is well organised, has their own theme and most importantly she has healthy standard but Venus in the other hand is just screaming I need money desperately by being naked. She don’t care about building her fan base from the new her, she just drag her old fan base to support the “new” her and those included her underage fangelic. I also think that the reason why she sexualise high school and baby because of those pedophile and DDLG that has been followed her for years and now she’s using them from her old fan base bring the to her new fan base and hopefully they’ll give her money for being naked while acting like a child because those are what she had left now.
No. 99818
>>99798aLove hotel room booking and payment in Japan is done by the guests, anon. Staff rarely meet face to face with tahe guests.
>>99816All of this. She didn't learn the lesson of why Malice flopped and now is repeating the same mistakes with Vivi, Baby Beenos or whatever she calls herself now.
No. 99819
>>99803Even if she only meets June one time, I hope it works out well from Venus's viewpoint, because if there is even a whiff of it not going well from her point of view, the Fangelics won't put up with it and
will go after her.
Look how Mikan got hounded. I've never seen any internet personality with such fanatically loyal and protecting fans as Venus has.
No. 99822
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>>99460found him in the comments of this post
No. 99828
>>99792Imagine being that lonesome and pathetic to write a long ass rant about a stranger.
>>99822Dude is so damn creepy, I wonder if he would have paid Venus to be her cameraman if she didn't cancel the option.
No. 99830
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So everything is gonna be about that one corn…
No. 99833
>>99819Nah June will be okay. Their fan base is completely different. June doesn’t cater to non Japanese basement dwellers like Venus does and they don’t share the same kawaii uwu fan base like Mikan and Venus do. Besides, does Venus even have any fans left from her kawaii innocent days? I doubt. They’re “unfollowing” one by one and boldly announcing it under the comments section on her Instagram.
If it somewhat works it will work in Venus’s favor above everything because she will get the J dudes lusting after her.
No. 99842
>>99814No more body positivity!
Enjoy the milk!
No. 99850
>>99849Thank you!
No one cares about body positivity or fatties
Bring on the milk!
No. 99856
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FYI this is the filter I’m talking about. You can download the app and be a jirai Onna in a second.
No. 99862
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her japanese angelic fans on twitter are like wtf are you doing lol
>venus chan what's wrong recently? it seems your taking the echiechi road now but..
No. 99863
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>cute, but sexy somehow i don't really get it lol
No. 99864
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and on twitter she only uses her most filtered pics
No. 99868
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you're not fooling anyone here venus kek
No. 99888
>>99877It feels like there are two different things Venus is trying to capitalize on, one for the ladies (that is the jirai/menhara thing, its an interesting "character" that a lot of western women into alt culture/uwu shit may find relatable) and the other is for the fellas.
She isn't using the cuckoo crazy childwoman psychopathia to get male attention, she is probably using that to retain her existing female attention. For the men she has just some raunchy imagery and the virginal whore persona, stuff men have always universally been into. That's my theory anyway.
No. 99890
In Japan “Jirai-Onna” refers to a woman who has a large gap between her appearance and her actual personality. The term original carried negative connotations. This is perhaps most evident in the Japanese characters for Jirai, 地雷, meaning land mine, something that seems fine at first but turns out to be very bad.
However, the number of women who want to become “Jirai-Onna” has increased recently in Japan, so the image associated with the word is changing to become more positive. This has given rise to a specific style of makeup associated with the image of “Jirai-Onna,” alternately called "Jirai-kei" 地雷系
source: No. 99891
>>99889It’s funny that if you’ve been watching Venus through her life it’s something like :
Venus was interested with Japan : How to look like Half Japanese Make-up Tutorial
Venus learn korean at Korea : How to look like a koren girl.
Venus become edgy and have mental problem also her rough childhood: Jirai Kei
No. 99900
File: 1591896028883.jpg (325.55 KB, 1152x2048, 20200612_012059.jpg)

New picture in twitter
No. 99908
>>99905But emos and Jirai/ Menhara is two different things. Emo is just people with side bangs, skinny… but Jirai and Menhara is completely taking the words from a mental health or a
toxic behaviour. For example Jirai means land mine, and insult where woman has an attitude of a land mine. While Menhara is completely translated as Mental Health. The only reason why they’ve become a fashion trend because people put a “系 kei” behind it.
No. 99916
>>99905You can dress anything you want but don’t dress yourself as an mental illness. It’s not edgy and cool, carrying a knife around while calling it mental illness-kei don’t only make you getting arrested in public but you’re also making people who have mental illness feels ridiculed and this will hard for them to seek help.
You don’t want when you tell people that you have depression and people just shrugged it off and said “oh, you’re depression-kei?”
No. 99921
>>99916No, what I'm saying is that a fashion trend isn't gonna change the stigma around mental illness. People say they're bipolar all the time and I don't feel ridiculed.
But when it comes to Venus she _is_ very sick, the way she dresses is the least of her problems lol.
No. 99925
>>99908Is it though, emo literally means emotional. The whole thing revolved around brooding and being faux suicidal.
Yeah, jirai is tacky but it's not gonna discourage people from getting help. Society and the mental health system does that.
No. 99928
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>>99900You’d think Weenus could have rented a better hotel room than this one with a dirty moldy-looking shower. Getting Margo goshiwan flashbacks with this.
No. 99931
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>>99796 followed this “model” Gemma (who was associated with Beckii Cruel back in the day and now does porn) last summer and is now apparently trying to get her attention. Unfortunately for Weenus Gemma never followed her back.
Poor Weenus.
No. 99932
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>>98843I might have missed this but Taylor doesn’t follow Venus now?
No. 99935
>>99890It still has negative connotations, it's a misogynistic slur and some girls turning it into a trend isn't gonna change that. Glorifying bad behaviour isn't gonna turn it into a positive word.
It's yandere and menhera over and over again. Venus already had menhera in her bio, I wonder when she starts pretending to be a yandere.
No. 99936
>>99932Tay might be a snowflake but she know when is enough is enough, probably she’s trying to distancing herself from Venus. Let’s be honest here, everyone will start leaving Venus because not only her mental illness but also her fan base is
toxic too if you tried to say something against Venus. But Tay isn’t a bad friend to Venus at all, so it must be Venus has been pushing Tay away to the point that Tay decided she’ll just gone.
No. 99940
>>99935Isn’t she’s already did it when she date Manaki? Wait until she found herself a
victim, I mean partner.
No. 99941
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So I was going to this page where Venus tag this account to her Jirai-kei post, the one she dress up in pink and because people said art is what making people to express themselves so this is what Jirai shojo about…
No. 99945
>>99943The knife remind me of being a Yandere too, you can see every my melody was drawn carrying a knife, waiting for phone reply like a possessive girlfriend.
>>99935Anon, is this the yandere side of Venus that you’re looking for?
No. 99947
File: 1591906042764.jpeg (594.53 KB, 1920x2560, C7B0D5FB-E14F-4A81-89E9-21762D…)

So I come to visit the page about Jirai and where venus tag the account to her jirai selfie again and I found they’re having an edit contest so these two edit was kinda remind me of what Venus is doing. The baby things and the Enjo things.
No. 99958
>>99669So in conclusion japanese neckbeards don't care that she's heavy and would prefer if she ditched the "kawaii" bangs and quit with the japanese style moaning. Meaning Venus is literally doing everthing wrong. She thinks japanese guys will like her if she copies japanese girls but there's already plenty of skinny, black haired japanese sex workers who cater to the exact same fetishes as Venus does, so why would anybody go for a cheap copy if they could have the real deal? Venus looking a lot older than the average 23 yo japanese isn't helping either. I get that she would never want to do something like this
>>99657 but she could at least go for the stereotypical "european" blonde hair blue eyes sporty body look like Gemma or all the other gaijins in Japan.
>>99868Holy shit, what a cunt. Choosing a not so flattering pic of your "partner" but shooping your own into oblivion.
Looking forward to how convincing our bi queen Venus will look when she actually has to be with a woman. She's probably starving now so that she can look extra "petite" and "superior" in comparison to her lol
No. 99962
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>>99960Good memory, anon. People made fun of her for wanting Venus to take it down but thinking about it, Venus was actually in the wrong. She's so sly. It's obvious why she doesn't have any (female) friends.
There are several of those and Anastasia looks bad in all of them, Venus only choose the ones she looked good in. Funnily enough, Anastasia has quit with that doll shit and has now a very successful makeup channel (over 3 million subs), meanwhile Venus…kek
No. 99972
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Penus 10years challenge, new victim edition!
No. 99984
File: 1591925758571.jpeg (Spoiler Image,813.73 KB, 2560x1920, 3B2B7175-C0E1-4CE5-94C5-9499F3…)

New twitter picture. I just can’t, she didn’t even try to hide the tape, it’s laughable.
No. 100027
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>>99967A comment on June's IG…seems she's currently blinded by Peenus fake cutesy persona. Her psycho fans are harassing June's IG page also.
No. 100054
holy fuck you are pathetic.
not to be harsh, but if this is what you do with your life, maybe you should just end it <3
actually, idgaf if im being harsh, go and kill yourself, you are a pitiful joke.
>>99990Even random nobody twitter sexworkers make better content to attract customers than… this
No. 100087
>>100054You have issues and sound like a cow yourself.
>>99984Jesus, she looks so dead inside
No. 100093
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From her old video how to look like a puppy Make-up was already making some ojisan feeling weird.
No. 100101
>>100087noone asked you.
you probs identify with the retard because you are a pathetic creep yourself.
No. 100110
>>100093It’s amazing how their personality can shape our perception of a human being. When I look at this picture I realize how much of a potato nose she has in the first picture even hidden behind the blur overdose, how weird her facial expression is, how thin her lips are.
I was neutral about Venus when she was a minor, I just saw her as another weeb girl but didn’t pay too much attention to her. However I never thought she was unfortunate looking.
Sometimes we get a lot of backlash for constant nitpicking but I’m sure other anons have a similar change of perception as me. When someone has an ugly personality you notice how hideous they are.
No. 100112
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June’s Instagram is already simp infested.
Jirai onna is at it again, manipulating her fans trying to earn sympathy points
No. 100115
File: 1591961577336.jpg (219.81 KB, 1080x1271, 20200612_193208.jpg)

One of her simps warning june to not hurt sweet innocent venus(emoji)
No. 100116
>>100112>>100115Venus must be loving this. Her fans are just as
toxic and passive aggressive as her. Fucking disgusting bunch. Hey June, it's not too late to bail!
No. 100119
>>100114Yes I find it extremely cringeworthy anon
>>100115This guy took Simpness to a whole different level. June seems to be struggling to remain cool at this point. She has to read lolcow to understand the true extent of this drama. June sis it’s not too late to bail! Run!
No. 100120
Puke out a rainbow SIMP! They’re just jealous because they’re not the one who can touch venus. Welp, I guess that the whole Jirai-Onna concept does fit with Venus like look at these simp… “dO nOt HuRt My BaBy VeNuS!” and then there’s peter ojisan talking about how venus is delicate and soft af! Don’t they learn anything from Doormaki?! Although I don’t want to say this because it’s generalising all gender but why are boys so dumb?! They willing to do anything for a low creature for venus for the sake of the pleasure to their willy. I bet none of them will look at Doormaki and said “Oh, this woman is bad! Better bail” but most of the simp will just laugh at Manaki and think that they’ll be a better husband/boyfriend to Venus like okay… go on dude, it’s a free estate.
No. 100124
>>100123He looks like school shooter material kek
June needs to stop entertaining these idiots, better to ignore or delete these comments.
No. 100127
>>100116its not a fan, its that pathetic anon loser from
>>100027using some stalker account, shittalking in this random girls ig, and looking for validation here.
No. 100131
File: 1591969991564.png (1.7 MB, 1936x1258, Bildschirmfoto 2020-06-12 um 1…)

VangelikaSkov made a video about the Venus Angelic controversy, but didn't mention anything about the pedo pandering stuff, also spreads misinformation like venus insta being 18+ and she's basically saying that venus isn't doing anything wrong. I commented and explained that this video is missing a big chunk of information, especially the pedo pandering stuff, the toddler pic, her insta not being 18+ and explained that that's because people are angry, not because of the sex work itself but my comments keep getting deleted, wtf. She's calling her video "controversy explained" but deletes every comment that provides missing information or corrects a statement by her even if its about venus doing something as disgusting as pedo pandering
No. 100139
>>100138NTA, but do you really believe Margo isn't/wasn't
abusive? Think logically.
No. 100140
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Margaret opened a patreon page and the highest tier involved sending out family items. The simps would probably purchase this for venus's old stuff
No. 100145
>>99864Damn, filter or not, she looks so cute and pretty here.
I wonder where it's filmed though? Why the empty pink coat hangers hanging up behind her?
No. 100151
>>99984Why does she publish her photos back to front? Is it deliberate or does she not know how to make sure the image is the right way round?
Maybe she so used to seeing herself in mirror she cannot accept herself looking anything other than mirror image.
No. 100189
>>99792Are you the same anon who keeps sperging about jirai-kei on cgl and trying to convince people that jirai girls are sooo poor and need to be pitied? Because this is pretty much the exact same thing that anon was posting in multiple jfash threads there.
>>99793Anon was asking for the brand, not the style name…
No. 100196
>>100193Its like you guys purposefully bypass any comments on this thread involving the fact that she is going through the usual fetishes of JAPANESE MEN as well as basic bitch hentai and niche parts of it to sell to these JAPANESE MEN.
Stop trying to compare her to thots in America and the like. This doesn't mean she is pedo pandering. I get not everyone here is a chick who read hentai, but you have got to be extremely retarded to keep up this pedo pandering idea because you have no idea about the uwu objectification of females, regardless of race, in japan where the big thing is a night/day cycle whore which is what she is doing. She looks uncomfortable in some shoots because that's the fetish. Getting off to shy, pervy posed (sometimes forced) girls who then turn into complete sluts. Lay that argument to rest already. It takes up a majority of the thread.
No. 100203
>>100196Regardless of the fact that she’s trying to pander to Japanese fetish, that doesn’t automatically make it okay. Just because it’s a fetish in Japan, doesn’t excuse the fact that she
is pedo baiting (by dressing up like a giant baby and not calling it ddlg or whatever). People seem to forget that Japan is still highly
problematic when it comes to fetishes. Majority of her audience isn’t Japanese anyway
No. 100209
>>100203>Majority of her audience isn’t Japanese anywayAgreed.
I was going to say I'm not sure how/why she plans to market herself to Japanese men while trying to look as Japanese as possible, but I guess she's trying to pass herself off as hapa (without explicitly claiming to be that).
The problem is, there's nothing particularly interesting about her looks or gimmick.
She's always going to be a step behind all the actual Japanese/hapa girls she copies, because she doesn't have any unique selling points of her own, or even a studio to advertise her to a Japanese audience.
The past living doll YT fame helps her with western audiences (hence all the white weebs stanning her the hardest), but how exactly is she going to stand out to a Japanese audience? What does she offer that tons of other girls don't?
No. 100230
>>100209I think Venus just wants to end up in a circle of Japanese men, swimming on the floor in their gunk and having every hole plundered into for the full Japanese experience to fulfilled her weeb desire. It’s the closest to Japanese she’ll ever get. No doubt probably pray she gets knocked up in the process to reproduce and bury the poor hafu kid in anime clothes.
No. 100231
>>100230 Venus thinks she’ll be getting hot young Japanese bucks
She’ll end up below a stinky sake smelling ramen toothed beer belly old fart
No. 100257
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Imagine being this brainwashed.
No. 100260
File: 1592037312273.jpeg (443.17 KB, 750x834, 9D341840-5A76-4D1D-A20E-83B787…)

>>100259This is the post where she’s guide japanese people how to use only fans, so can you still saying that she’s not pandering japanese man?
No. 100261
>>100257Cows attract potential cows or young, naive fans who don’t have the life experience to recognize manipulative behavior. Just like fat you tubers attract other fat girls with their body positivity bs because fat girls are desperate for validation and they get fatter and fatter every single year because that’s the image they sell. Weenos will always have these die hard fans who give her a free pass because “she’s been through so much” uwu. Year after year her condition is getting worse, as long as she have these fans pitying her.
What offends me the most is teens who come from
abusive households may idolize Venus. By including the following paragraph I’m risking being flagged as blog but I had an
abusive, alcoholic father who wrecked our family and I was miserable for a few years so I’m not being insensitive about people who come from
abusive homes. However garnering sympathy from basement dwelling simps is not the way to save yourself. She’s setting an unhealthy example by glorifying her unstable mental health and monetizing on it instead of getting the treatment she desperately needs. Each year is going to get worse until mental illness completely will mold into her personality. We get to be called out as haters for pointing out the facts.
No. 100263
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>>100262This is where the link guide to. So she is pandering with Japanese man too!
No. 100264
>>100260That scrawny obaa-chan body..
She looks like those 40 something old skinny fat Japanese women still working at soaplands..
No. 100267
>>100261I used to be her fans too, because of her
abusive mother gothel I think many people who resonate with her will support her too but she turned out to be worst of the worst. Her saying that “sTaY pOsItIvE” or something motivational is just a big talk. I think SHE need those talk to herself instead to her fans. How is selling your body, asking fans for validation and calling it pody empowerment work? How is calling pody positivity while doing weight lost surgery even make sense. Venus is just a dense weeb, if she wanted to be a dumbest slut she’s already dumb while telling people that she’s a cum dumpster so congratulations venus!
No. 100271
>>100267I only ever watched her YouTube videos for the longest time. I ran away from home too, so I was rooting for her and IMO it was easy because all I knew was she went to Japan and her mom was crazy, taking naked selfies in a airport bathroom.
Then a year after she got to Japan I noticed how crazy her fans were and how confused Penus actually is.
I don’t have any hope left for her, and I know she’s going to regret doing fan’s only shit. Like she regrets everything else she’s done.
But she deserves it. She didn’t want to improve her youtube channel, she couldn’t act or model, no education, and let’s not forget Malice. She ruined any friendships she had and doesn’t have a single positive relationship left.
No. 100273
>>100271Not only she lacked of education, even thought she live in Japan like years and she still act like ignorance. So if Japanese people drink bleach and eating tide pod, she’s doing it too because the Japanese do it. She doesn’t even care what she did is offensive or dangerous as long as the Japanese do it. Girl forgot her brain at europe before she live in Japan thinking being dumb is kawaii. smh.
She doesn’t even have a female japanese friend like stop being so dependent on your white friend, they don’t know shit about Japan. They’re just like you thinking nihon is the disneyland for anime and she need to realise that girl in Japanese has nothing like anime character, they have their own struggle too and some of them are not only thinking about being an idol nonsense.
No. 100286
>>100285Who knows? Japan has a rather odd set of values when it comes to sex. like genitals are not allowed to be shown in the most outlandish porn, like anything pretty much goes but as long as genitalia is blurred out.
Anyhow, doesn't Venus usually post to her only fans on Fridays? There#s usually a lot of laughs in here about whatever latest thing she did, but it's all quiet, so is she abandoning it already or is it just another missed day? Knowing how bad she is at keeping to any schedules, I do have to wonder how long she will be able to keep up with the only fans schedule too. maybe as soon as she rakes in any money from anywhere, she is busy spending it for a while, before she needs to stop and do something again to make some more?
No. 100287
>>100279japanese law doesnt care about sex related crimes.
Also soft porn is very normalized. Remember, this is the same country that has junior idol gravure aka you can easily buy DVDs or photosets of 5-15 years old girls/boys in swimsuits doing sexual gestures
No. 100290
>>100288It’s just easy to please any man, as long as you’re naked they’re already feel like wanted to fuck you. They don’t care how do you look, sex is sex for them. Men has the attitude that they “don’t really care” that’s why I’m saying men are dumb, they can’t take hint so if you want or need something for them you have to talk. It’s simple.
That’s right gals, standard is important if you don’t want to end up like Venus angelic. She doesn’t have any standard at all even to herself, that’s why she end up being with doormaki out of desperation and willing to welcome anyone who wants her. Even her content is just “I don’t care” attitude, that’s why some men like her. She’s just as simple as them.
No. 100292
>>100116I feel sorry for June, I doubt she knew what would happen if she did a collab with Venus, but to be fair, it is as much people who hate Venus who are probably badgering June, trying to talk her out of it, as much as Fans of Venus who are protective wanting to make sure she treats Venus well. June made a comment on her Insta saying that she had never had any negative comments before (which I do find hard to believe given her line of work, I mean a lot of people disapprove of it) but that she has had a lot of negative comments since announcing the collab with Venus, but this could be the people who so obsessively hate Venus and I guess June is just getting a little taste of what Venus has been putting up with for years from the people who seem to delight in hating her so much. This is hardly Venus's fault, but I think some people are even trying to blame her for this, as though it is her fault if people hate her, and the responsibility for the hate is with the people who hate, not on the object of it.
I can find plenty to fault Venus for if I think about it, but what I really don't get is the obsessive hate from a lot of people, that is on them, it is just a shame if they are now hounding June, whether to 'warn' her or to try and convince her not to collab with Venus just out of their own hatred, just let them do their collab, it will be interesting to see how it goes.
No. 100293
>>100292Nobody hate Venus, just because some of them announced they’re going to unfollow venus because now she’s getting into porn doesn’t mean they hate them anon. Just because some fans trying to convinced venus don’t do pedo pandering or sexualise high school girl or be more aware of her influence in japan that some trend is appropriate to follow doesn’t mean they hate them. It’s her die hard fans who trying to protect venus because they think that venus is a baby and need to be guided and protected especially when everyone know her tragic childhood and
abusive mother, those fans are trying to protect venus and think that she can’t take criticism not even constructive criticism. As long as you’re disagreed of what Venus is doing you’re automatically becoming her haters. People are attacking June because for fans, Venus is need to be protected like a baby. They almost forgot that Venus is an adult who can think by her own. So now the fans is like Margo who’s trying to isolate Venus from everyone, not even Mikan, not even Taylor or Pip. That’s why whoever bashing, disagreed or even collab with venus which in their mind just like margo, they think that whoever venus is collab with is using her for fame or because they want to protect venus from those bad influences.
No. 100314
>>100305Why is she asking for it and why does she deserve it? Do you know her personally? Has she done something to you?
No, you're either just bored and trolling or you're just insane. Either way , do the world a good turn and kys!
No. 100334
>>100326Even if beenos did become their friend it’ll be end up like Manaki and her rest of her ex friends too, what’s the different? She’s not going to change because of love or change to be a proper human being overnight. She choose to live and act like this therefore she’s the most useless and
toxic human being ever. Her being useless is that she know that she is useless that she had to keep depending someone to live with her lifestyle, her
toxic is that she’ll discard anyone who had done something for her but she decided that she doesn’t need them or considered them useless for not able to keep up with her shitty attitude or even lifestyle. I think this is why Manaki trying to divorce with her not because he wanted to have sex with anime girls only, because venus everyday life is expensive. Meeting friends, buying useless things that she will never use again, eating dessert and fast food instead of cooking proper food. But venus being venus, she can’t have everything and like her mommy margo she’s going to slander and threatening everyone especially with her bohoo jirai sad big eye makeup to use tears to make people feel bad for her for getting in her way.
No. 100336
>>100335He's probably jerking himself off now that you called him a disgusting creep.
Honestly, though where do these retards come from? Rudely interrupting what was a pleasant peaceful time reading the thread. Oh well, all gone now, good riddance to bad rubbish.
Anyhow, about the Friday only fans thing, wasn't it meant to be her schedule to post on Fridays regularly from now on? or am I getting mixed up about that?
No. 100344
>>100343I feel like some of us are hurt at how she ended up.
I just wanted her to become a normal person after what her mother put her through. It's sad how she doesnt want to get any help. I empathize with her as i watch her since my teens and lived in a dysfunctional home too.
saged in case this counts as a blog
No. 100352
>>100335 He sent her a dick pic and she rated it down so he's lashing out now as so-oo butthurt about it.
>>100349Why should it be more dangerous for her though? That June woman seems to be doing alright, no mention of her getting any of this shit that Venus has been getting.
No. 100354
>>100353What are you going on about? This is about Venus, you're going off on a tangent of your own, don't know what Daniel you're going on about. And don't make me laugh at the high school kids being sexualised, if you're been spamming her comments section going on about that non stop then I don't blame her for banning you. Did you even go to school? Schoolkids at my school having kids at thirteen, taking drugs, drinking, obsessed with sex from the age of twelve. I was one of the very few who wasn't like that, but so many were, no one more sexually aware than some of those high school kids who you and a few others seem to think are nothing more than innocent angels.
So you can't say what you want on Venus's instagram so you want to come here saying it instead? When we've already heard it all before here. ffs.
No. 100367
>>100358Is your argument that Venus isn't pedi pandering by RpIng a high schooler because HS uniforms are popular in sex shops?
That's why they're popular in sex shops, because of closet pedophiles and the broken women who perform for them for $$$$. Jfc. Baby Beenus and her Enjo-kosai act are disgusting and immoral because the only men those fantasies appeal to are men who
want to fuck children and schoolgirls.
No. 100407
>>100367>>100373Venus is even more disgusting for doing it because before she started her drunken horny brat rampage, she pushed the beleif that she was a shy, innocent girl who just likes Japanese fashion and makeup, but the truth all along was that Venus is just addicted to attention, good or bad.
The problem with that is how she garnered a large following of impressionable young people and
then swang suffenly andnwildly into acting out as soon as she wasn't promised her cushy dream life from her favorite emotional phnching bag. NOBODY should look up to Venus now, after a full year and change of her taking every single opportunity and chance to improve or do the right thing and doing thentotal opposite instead.
No. 100420
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>>100417Me and the other anon with the “I told you…” face if it’s happened to venus because people has been warned her long time ago and she never listen and think ruined her own life is edgy and cool.
No. 100423
>>100367so you hate most JAV sex workers who also do this shit?
money is money. sex work as a whole isnt moral.
who gives a shit if a grown woman roleplays?
No. 100424
triggered at barely 18 porn is like getting
triggered at lolicon. No children are harmed so stfu.
is this what the venus thread has become?
No. 100426
>>100360Not to sound catty but since every other post in this thread is so obviously written by you I have a request.
Could you please start breaking up your sentences into paragraphs? Because it's very hard to read what you're trying to say.
No. 100429
>>100424I think the idea is that Venus content could harm real children by inspiring them to take nudes too.
Never really understood that logic because she's nowhere near as famous as some anons ITT will have you believe. I mean, how is she going to influence someone to do anything at all when she can't even influence herself to shower?
No. 100443
>>100428>>100437Fantasizing about raping ypung girls and children using RPing adult women is how pedophiles are pushed from fucking RPing adult women into raping actual teens and children. Or, do you honestly and legitimately expect any living person to belive that as long as there are adult women who are willing to RP kids and teens being raped, that will save the actual kids from having it happen to them?
Indulging a fantasy only makes you want the real thing more over time the more you indulge the fantasy. That's why it's so cute and hip now to hypersexualize teens and kids and paint them as "mature for their age" and "early bloomers".
All Venus and the filth like her that pander to the type of human failures that can even conceivably
get off to the idea of even pretending to fuck a child or young teen (because of the innocence/helplessness factor or whatever) are doing is making the pedos and predators feel safer and more normalized. The more Venus pushes this idea that being a living onnahole in exchange for living like a hobo ~in Japan~ makes hee happy, the more impressionable young weebs she'll attract to her lifestyle AND as a result, the more pedophiles and predators she'll attract as well.
she's meshing the oredators and orey in her fandom by blending her uwu kawaii innocent princess persona in with a degenerate whore for hire persona. She needs to be cancelled.
No. 100481
>>100473It doesn't
have to be that way, and cancelling Venus for bowing to scum like those is a good start.
The more you argue that it's notnal ghe mote normal it will become. I'm old enough to remember when dating/sex/growing up wasn't anywhere near this raunchy and mature, teens looked and dressed like
teens , whereas now they all either dress like boys, little kids (<10) or full on sexualized adults. That's within 10 years' time. Do you think the Epstien shit and the Dan Schneider shit, all the rich Hollywood pedos being "exposed" is happening because they got so brazen and bold with normalizing their perversion that society is getting sick to fuck of it. We don't need any more <25 year old whores catering to the lowest of the low just so the rest of the lazy, spoiled whores online can use them as a scapegoat to throw themselves at real predators for easy $$$ and end up completely and totally destroying their lives, like Venus probably already has.
No. 100492
>>100469I don't feel bad for her fans, most of them seem as fucked up in their heads as Penus and indeed their parents should monitor their little shits. Just wanted to point out that these jav sex workers
>>100423 mentioned certainly aren't trying to sell their work to actual minors like Penus does.
No. 100495
>>100453I don’t know, maybe you should read more articles about rape, and even child rape. Canney Ong rapist said in the interview said that he just did it because he always fantasies it. But after he did rape the girl he become panicked and killed the
victim. Of course a lot people didn’t believe him because he live like a normal, religious kind person who always willing to help the others. So child rape happened when people think about doing it, they’ll do it one day. It’s just the matter of time, lol icon and adult dressing as a child will only make them carve to the real deal more.
No. 100501
>>100428so? Its a fetish. Porn industry will never be woke.
How tf can any of you blame women for males being pedophiles?
Women roleplaying whatever wont harm children you retards. Do you think catplay harms cats too? get a grip virgins.
No. 100509
>>100505What kind of retard is that, go kiss your penus pathetic you wk. Yes everything penus doing is right, there nothing wrong with her because she has the angelic in her user name. Let’s forgot about she jokes about Manaki getting arrested for molested a high school girl, apologise it and then all of the sudden “lEt’S hAvE fUn WiTh sChOol LiFe”
and also
let’s forget about how she suddenly broke up with this ken guy implying that he is making his assistant child giving him a blow job and sexual harassing the child at the age of 3 and suddenly in her OF she’s becoming Baby Beenos.
Let’s also sleep on how she befriended with Mikan and PIp and as long as she’s around these two girls for all of the sudden broke up with their boyfriend.
Penus is an angel, everything she do is so pure and angelic. We PULL, LOLCOW, KIWIFARM is just a haters with a life and proper job. We’re jealous of how penus making money on OF, promise the fans to post some content on her schedule and all of the sudden she decided to stop because who cares about the fans and her job while she’s spending her money on Jirai mental illness trend in Japan, but she’ll be back and post something if she need money from fans again with the “I’ve found myself” doing something half asses and later forget it like the rest of her radio station, youtube and fanclub.
She’s so kawaii, how can we so angry at us despite how she lies, manipulate, victimised herself. Oh, I forgot! We must forgive penus because she has a rough childhood with an
abusive mother right? We all have a rough life to live, even some of us have the same controlling parents like penus. But noooo… Only penus is special because she’s a dolly, who cares about the other who suffer with mental abused, they’re not penus. Penus need to be love and protected and the rest can kill themselves and die!
No. 100512
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>>100511Not being able to get laid doesn't make you a decent human being
No. 100526
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Venus, don’t pretend like we don’t know how lazy your ass is…
No. 100538
>>100527Does she seriously think this is flattering?
It takes maybe ten minutes to iron a fucking Don Quixote costume.
One of the anons was saying she’s probably starving herself, I think that anon is right. She looks malnourished here but she probably thinks she’s so kawaii uwu.
No. 100541
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No. 100547
>>100545Scrotes love it when women take pictures that make themselves look stupid and infantilized, it's how scrotes can feel superior under normal circumstances. Just imagine all the 'daddy' scrotes eating this shit up, who are subbing to her now that she's a little pedo panderer.
Posturing like a retard just completes the look, and that's exactly what her current audience wants. I'd be more shocked if she behaved like a woman in her 20s and had a mature mentality, because that would truly sink her base.
No. 100549
>>100527what is she doooing? her feed is so slow and inactive but then she posts a thing and It's literally the laziest setups, costumes, pics, etc.
how can she have so many followers when the content is so shitty holy fuck.
No. 100551
>>100377Mainly because of the self righteous moralisers.
People come to Lolcow to have a laugh, but it gets invaded and brought down to depressive levels by all the angsty, pearl-clutchy hand wringers using it as a platform for their preaching and moralising. If they want to do that, let them take it elsewhere, this isn't the place.
No. 100553
>>100426Exactly. It's probably one of those: "I'm sorry but English is not my first language" people.
They've obviously got a self righteous bee in their bonnet. I wish they would take it elsewhere.
No. 100555
>>100443>>That's why it's so cute and hip now to hypersexualize teens and kids and paint them as "mature for their age" and "early bloomers". You're talking crap. Kids were getting pregnant at 13 yrs old way back in the 1960s, and if anything things are better today than it was then, at least in UK where I am.
I must say I think things are more moralistic today than even a few years ago, I've just finished reading the book "Sugar Rush" by Julie Burchill, girls of 15 yrs old having sex, doing drugs, drinking, the main protoganist, Sugar, sleeping around constantly, willingly participating in a gang bang, her lesbian friend of same age lusting after her, and in the award winning tv series of same name, I'm just watching through the episodes on dvd, attempting date rape to get the object of her desire, Sugar, and the series was praised for showing lesbian relationships, and that was in 2005, and from what I've read, Burchill said it is mainly autobiographical; now, if that book and series was made today, there would be a public outcry because everyone is so pearl-clutchy now, and some idiots in the world who are imagining that teens are innocent angels, which is ludicrous and unrealistic, because maybe they are meant to be like that in a strict religious household or country, but certainly in the UK it has never been like that, you cannot inflict your own rigid morals on the rest of the world. Not all young people are sexually obsessed but many of them are and if that is unpalatable to you, that is your problem. Stop trying to preach your own agenda onto everyone else and using Lolcow as a platform for your moralising, this isn't the place.
No. 100559
>>100509>>Penus need to be love and protected and the rest can kill themselves and die!Well the sooner you do then, the rest of us here can get a bit of peace from reading your insane rants.
Do you think you're the only one who's had a hard life, retard? You're not. But you seem to think you are. It's just that some of us learn ways to deal with it.
Just take a break, stop posting this shit here, and
think about things in a way that is just not hate fueled, and nothing to do with Venus, because you sound completely mental and it's not funny.
No. 100560
>>100555>Stop trying to preach your own agenda onto everyone else and using Lolcow as a platform for your moralisingyou're the guy lurking this thread to jerk off to venus's OF leaks and sperging to defend pedophilia because you're
triggered on this fine sunday. go jerk off to loli hentai.
No. 100565
>>100536Seeing as how there's some people desperate to 'persuade' Venus the error of her ways, and how dangerous they perceive it to be going into sex related work, it makes me wonder if it's the same person who posted the psycho shit yesterday, thinking it might frighten her into stopping.? Idk, it just seems a bit odd, you get this person who is obsessed with saying that Venus is putting herself into danger, they've written missives about it on one of her Instagram posts, and then stuff here saying the same, and when that doesn't work, the softly softly approach to put her off, they try the shock value of harder tactics instead. It could just be an obsessed psycho fan, or someone who fantasized about her being an 'innocent' virgin and perhaps now they feel she has let them down somehow and must be punished. Either way, the whole vibes from these people is creepy and obsessive.
No. 100575
>>100562Right? And we can all tell it is the same anon derailing too, that grammar and post length is unparalleled.
Nobody here likes Venus but why are some anons so ANGRY lol.
No. 100582
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So is this the character she's meant to be cosplaying?
No. 100586
weeew, gone for a few days and this thread has derailled quite a bit. really tho anons, white women into porn aren't worth all this pity.
>>100540>>100526cosplaying trash tier anime then not even giving a damn about the quality of the cosplay is really what i expect from our cow. yeah queen give that image of yours a boost!
also kek, she's getting quite some hate from the cosplay weebs in her insta comments.
No. 100592
>>100583its getting harder and harder for her simps and fangelics to pretend Venus isnt pedo-pandering. Shes a broken bitch in the next stage of internalizing abuse. This isnt for her barely there japanese audience, as fucked up as they are. Shes doing this for her creepy male fans, and dragging her female fanbase to think this shit is normal.
on top of that, nitpick but shes still barely trying. that piss poor excuse for not ironing is what id expect from a stunted retard like her. she must not have a manager.
No. 100594
>>100592These characters ahve been lewded to hell and back in all sorts of porn in 3D and not 2D. Venus isn't new to this and pretending to care bout real children when you worry more about 2D ones makes you look like a retard. That push in the community is so autistic. No one actually gives a shit about these characters. Just about who gets to porn them up and who gets a pass at it because none of this is new. Imagine being a kid who is trafficked and you have to listen to some fucking idiot go one about protecting the rights and body of a drawing over them.
You realize how dumb that is, right? It's an adult. She looks like an adult. She doesn't suddenly become underage by dressing as a fictional, fake, GOD who LAYS EGGS.
No. 100596
>>100578Reimu doesn't have a canon age though, the only time it's implied she's a child was in the older games (1998~) and those aren't considered canon anymore.
Still, it doesn't excuse a shitty cosplay kek
No. 100602
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Wenis’ OF page just now—last seen 42 minutes ago. That’s 2:40am Japan time.
No matter what time of the day or night she’s never more than 4 hours away from being ‘seen’ on that page and usually it’s more like 2 hours or less. OF is all she has and that’s her fault, no one else’s.
I wonder how long it’s been since she’s been anywhere but the latest dump she’s holed up in or some cheap “love hotel” with a dirty moldy bathroom.
No. 100607
>>100599I'm guessing it's the latter, they only grasp at it because it's her. So tedious.
Wasn't Miku Hatsune meant to be fourteen, but they had already sexualised the character so when the Vocaloid got released in the US, they had to change the age of the anime character to eighteen to silence the obsessives going on about pedos at every turn.
No. 100610
>>100608Will you give it a rest already!
As other people have quite rightly pointed out here, a real pedo would be totally put off by an
adult dressed like a baby if it was babies they were into. ffs , I cant believe I'm even having to say this, but honestly, the size of an adult compared to the size of a baby. ffs just stop!
No. 100611
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Honestly if every repeated point got deleted from this thread there'd be about four non-milk posts in total.
No. 100613
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>having to look up reimu's age
>cosplaying reimu is pedo pandering
>school uniforms are pedo pandering
Have we been invaded by a libfem sorority? Turned over to 2012 tumblr? Was everyone abducted by aliens and brainwashed? Do any of you know what kind of website you're posting in?
How is this newfaggotry even allowed, is it summer in the US or something? We must purge this cursed thread and leave no one alive.
No. 100615
>>100602what time does she go to bed? shes treating this OF shit as a personality trait. shes way too obsessed.
>>100610pedo-pandering doesnt necessarily mean pedos get off on it. just uncomfortably friendly towards sexualizing minors, and being anime from japan, is everywhere. i think a bigger discussion to be had is venus dragging her fanbase into this, a good chunk of them minors, but everyone keeps bitching about this pedo crap debate instead that its boring and repetitive.
No. 100616
>>100613LOL. I wish somebody would get rid of them.
Thank you for making me laugh before I lose my mind with all the pearl clutchers screaming here.
No. 100628
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No. 100631
>>100630>venus is doing a bit of pandering, but it's because she will never be sexual otherwise. she has no assetsthis is hilarious brainrot i fully expect from one of venus's incels waiting for her nudes to leak. this thread has gone to shit because too many of her fanboys are in here crying kinkshaming moralfag at anyone who recognizes that venus is a pedophile pandering to her pedophile fanboys who are too afraid of the fbi arresting them to look up cp on the deep web, and too broke to subscribe to her onlyfans.
a board where young women into anime and kawaii things talk shit about attention-seeking cunty weebs is not the place that's about to make loli-loving redditers feel at home. you've been venus fanboys to beat your meat since she was 14. quit defending your kinks and leave until next month's pics leak. literally no one wants to read your whiny walltexts about how 13 year olds are sexual and would totes suck your dick if our moralfag society didn't kinkshame them into pearl-clutching non-pedophiles who avoid you.
y'al sound like the furries who argue they aren't into bestiality too.
No. 100633
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>>100582>>100583Anon… that's fanart and you clearly picked suggestive ones on purpose.
I'm honestly shocked that so many anons here seem to have no clue about it when it's always been a huge part of weeb imageboard culture.
It's a famous all ages indie game in case some of you are jumping to weird conclusions that it's a lolicon anime or something.
Sorry for sperging but it inspired games like Undertale.
Here's an official reference of Reimu just to showcase how shitty her cosplay attempt is.
No. 100634
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>>100618>>It's her site. Why wouldn't she try to be active often and maybe it's just anon is awake when she is Nope, sorry. She’s a NEET who lives on OF.
Here’s the latest one- “last seen 9 minutes ago.” 5:20am in Japan. But hey, totally normal, right? It’s her site!
No. 100637
>>100625No, the only reason this thread turned to shit is because PULL users come here to see the nsfw pictures because they can't be posted on their forum. If you check their thread for five minutes you'll realize they are the kind of underage tumblrinas obsessed with finding pedophilia in their soup.
Back to topic, Venus obsesssively checking her OF is a huge sign of insecurity. This shit is really consuming her.
No. 100648
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kek her big toe is like a club
No. 100649
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No. 100669
Moralfags complaining about "pedo" Chinese cartoons on the internet, and TOUHOU being sexualized are bigger cows than Venus.
>>100648WTF this weird-ass foot posing and fish face.
No. 100671
>>100665That's not what I'm saying, she knows about daddies and obviously likes dressing as a baby but she's ignorant of what DDLG even means as an acronym and all the rules or drama associated with it or the community, she just likes the small part that she's seen.
Like you all really give her too much credit, she's not dumb but she also isn't hyper aware of everything that's on the internet, nor does she have time to read everything.
No. 100676
>>100592stfu moralfag no one cares how youre
triggered by anime girls and schoolgirl roleplay.
what the fuck happened to this thread?
No. 100683
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>>100649What she has done to herself….
No. 100686
>>100543oh no, how will 2d girls survive???
>muh 2d lolis rightswho gives a shit.
i cant believe people here are retarded just like penus
No. 100694
>>100621>hurrduur this is lolcow!!No, newfriend, this is an imageboard.
>selfpostingDo you even know what that means?
No. 100695
>>100682did i say anything about the armpits? idgaf about anime or game w/ anime sorry if that
triggers you. the cosplay stays trash.
>>100683ish, the difference. tbh this asian look she's trying to pull off won't ever be as pretty than what she looked like before.
No. 100709
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>>100703No sign of the
super fun projects she was going to do with that AV girl June since the big announcement 6 days ago either. No mention of anything being done/filmed or planned on June’s IG (and she posts alot about what she’s filming +/or doing) since the initial post.
Time will tell if this is just another project Wenus promises and then drops.
No. 100722
>>100709i also feel like a lot of her simps bought content from the menu and she can't satisfy the demand because the only ones in her "team" are her and her photographer whoever he is.
can't tell yet if the OF project is a flop or not. however she really is terrible at promoting and advertising her stuff.
No. 100724
>>100632Ntayrt but-
>she’s just acting out the dream of every chubby goober who played Final Fantasy as a teen.>>98588Okay.
No. 100727
>>100726Simps aren't going to post their custom content. That automatically signifies who is leaking things. Not to mention the anon in here keeps bragging about having her onlyfans content, but not leaking because he's a dick and keeps trying to own the thread and be Margo's best friend and get people to follow their 'I hate Venus' Instagram page.
I don't even care about leaks anymore. It'll kill off these scrotes.
No. 100731
>>100729exactly. It's not like she has a main job and she's only part timing OF.
All this non promoting, long interval posting but mediocre pics when she is.. wth is she doing with her days? rolling in bed? more reason to think she's still dealing with some untreated depression. being lazy doesn't stop her from sharing insta stories or bed selfies lol
No. 100733
>>100732well, i guess you're right.
Her bad for not making a new insta which was even a request from her old fans.
she restarted posting on twitter thought. she could promote more there without having her prude fans telling her not to..
No. 100735
File: 1592208855808.png (31.72 KB, 765x268, venu.png)

what the fuck?
No. 100738
>>100722Nah she has someone organizing her shit ever since the photographer. Venus always gets some sort of manager. She suddenly became more organized so I think either the photographer is also a manager or she got someone else
>>100737she wants attention and to emotionally manipulate her audience as usual
No. 100741
>>100729She could but the last thing she wants to do is interact with her simps, she just wants their cash with minimal effort. Plus streaming regularly takes more effort than taking a few pics for the week
>>100671>Like you all really give her too much credit, she's not dumb but she also isn't hyper aware of everything that's on the internet, nor does she have time to read everything.She reads everything on her threads for sure and she's already exposed herself as doing this. Venus is hyper-sensitive and obsessed over her image and what others say about her.
No. 100743
>>100560I swear it's literally the same pedophilic boomer every time, constantly going on tangents about unrelated bullshit like their favorite books/songs, "pearl clutchers" and what they remember when they were a child 30 years ago whenever the topic of children and sexuality comes up.
At this point, the anons posting in this thread are more cow-like than Venus herself.
No. 100751
>>100735Nah it’s just a “jirai Onna” tactic
She has built her new sex worker brand on being suicidal and is manipulating her fans again.
No. 100752
>>100751oh ya i forgot about the jirai thing.
but she does have a history of alcoholism so im not sure.
No. 100754
>>100752Of course I don’t want anyone to commit suicide but I can’t take her suicide threats seriously anymore
People who are that sick don’t announce their suicide to their “fan base” and certainly don’t monetize on their suicide (!) on a live show. It’s just an act to lure people in to make more cash. She has no right to emotionally abuse her fans this way and I’m sick of it
No. 100758
>>100753the fuck? that's abuse lol. some of her fans probably got worried sick in that instant. a trap? wtf venus, just no..
>nvm gonna post sexy pics after? TF is wrong with her??? is that like some sort of “plz i know i fucked up but plz dont go” kind of tactic?
No. 100760
>>100758I think she is violating Only Fans TOS.
From Acceptable Use:
9.3.6 causes annoyance, inconvenience, or needless anxiety or is likely to upset, embarrass, alarm, or annoy any other person;
Twitter and Instagram may let it slide but I’m pretty sure you cannot suicide bait customers.
No. 100764
>>100753Wow, how to make friends and influence people eh? I can't decide whether this is worrying mental illness, sociopathic behaviour, or both.
Please get some proper help. Good god.
June must be shitting herself - and not as part of a fetish video.
No. 100765
>>100764Assuming june lurks here.
actually i kind of hope so. she seems to be a positive heart so idk how she'd feel about venus' true colours.
maybe they could be friends if it wasn't for venus being a total psychotic narc and brat all the time + not taking care of herself.
No. 100766
>>100735 she is having an episode or it’s something else I can’t believe her , man
Is she in trouble with gangs? And Margret was right? Or is this poor act for money?
She wasn’t saying she is truly happy?
No. 100773
File: 1592220408969.jpg (1.82 MB, 2280x2257, 20-06-12-20-04-30-980_deco.jpg)

>>100628Wtf is Margo talking about? Didn't she just go to some expensive language school in Korea for like 3 months? How does that equal a high school diploma?
No. 100785
>>100473yeah yeah i get it, i hate all the mens they are all evil rapists lol.
check it: venus is a cow. she's laughable. she's funny.
why are you making this grandiose political statement in a thread about some loser online? you're jerking off by shoving this lame ideological hot take everywhere.
venus is funny because she's a fuckup. she's what you get when a narc raises a kid, and some of us watched it play out in real-time, which is why we keep tabs on her. frankly it's a real shame that she chose sex work simply because it pulls obsessives like you into the conversation. can you just try to enjoy her dumbassery and leave your froth at the door, kthx
No. 100786
>>100760wtf is suicide bait?
furthermore, this obviously refers to actual content, not to text posts.
you think they re gonna ban everyone who writes something that is annoying to someone? :P
(:P) No. 100789
>>100753This just proves her self loafing posts about mental health are full of shit & she abuses this card the most. She LOVES thriving on attention and playing
victim to get what she wants to make people worry about her. Finally she admitted it and thinks it's funny because her "trap" worked. Venus is an absolute cunt.
No. 100791
File: 1592228929756.jpeg (368.19 KB, 1069x1524, A727BE31-BA3B-4F48-99FF-1E3CCE…)

>>100740>>100737To all you gullible souls who are SO WORRIED FOR HERRR. Relax. She does this attention-grabbing “I just wanna DIE!” crap regularly (just like her mommy does.) She’s Margo 2.0 and anyone who falls for this shit is just pathetic at this point.
p.s. this is an old screencap so don’t get all WORRIED about her.
No. 100797
File: 1592230446976.jpeg (425.23 KB, 2038x1380, 023052D4-E97B-4881-A92D-0BA0B3…)

One of the pics she posted on Twitter this am. Klassy! Shmexy!
No. 100799
>>100621Well some of us here are not experts at pedophilia like you seem to think you are.
Sick of seeing this shit. It it still Sunday? it was like being in Church here yesterday. With all the evangelising going on.
I'm in the pew at the back, snoozing , so wake me up when the moralisers and evangelists have left the building.
(Holy cow this is lolcow, where do you think you are? Where have all the right on righteous people come from? Stop trying to change the tone of the place, people come here for laughs.)
No. 100801
>>100631Where's the mods when you need them?
How is this shit even allowed to be here, it's just total derailment.
No. 100807
>>100663Exactly. Honestly, the hypocrisy of these people who go on and on at length about pedo baiting and how eeevil Venus is etc boring fucking etc, and here they are, posting on lolcow where anyone of any age can just wander in and see stuff, where nothing is age restricted and any filthy smutty little twelve year old, or younger, can come in and click on any of the spoiler pics and see what is there, I just wouldn't want to use any device that their mucky little fingers have been handling looking for whatever their filthy little minds have been fantasising about, but oh no they wouldn't be looking for that, silly me, because they are tiny innocent
children, no more than waist high with the purest minds, as we all know, no child of any age under 20 would have any knowledge of anything vile like wanting to see pictures of a woman showing a bare shoulder, because that is just
disgusting. LOL .
No. 100812
>>100740I do genuinely feel sorry for her. She should have the love and protection of a mother to look after her and care for her and protect her, but she has Margaret instead, and it's not her mothers fault she's crazy and deranged, but it makes it bad for Venus that her mother is like that.
She does need someone in her life to keep her safe and protect her from the world and to advise her, in other words doing the job her mother should be doing.
I think what many people forget is that Venus is like a child in her own mind, she still plays with her toys, like her teddies and other plushies, so she is very child like, she needs the genuine love and support of a responsible adult to take care of her and guide her in life, but, instead she has to take care of herself and has to try and navigate her own way through the world, I wish her mother could heal and be a normal loving mother to her as I think that is what she needs most of all.
No. 100815
>>100764>>June must be shitting herself - and not as part of a fetish video.Ew, now that is something I would not want to see, ew, don't get the fetish for filth that some people have either, scat, it's just gross.
Anyway, i noticed how everyone was going on about june like how good she is, but all seem to be forgetting that she is just a porn act and has sex with people on film and then sells it, she is doing worse things than what Venus is doing, who is just posting a few pictures and charging for people to see them, she is not filming herself having sex with somebody, I don't see how people can't think that what june does is worse, when it actually is.
No. 100823
>>100812>>she is very child like, she needs the genuine love and support of a responsible adult to take care of herLots of new people on here who know nothing about Weenus beyond that Primink video. Guess you weren’t around when she tried to smear Manaki by making an attack video claiming he “quit his job to luve off MY income, just like my mom did to me!” after he finally had enough of her mood swings, lies, public drunkenness, attention-grabbing stunts etc. and filed for divorce.
Which was a transparent lie to anyone with a functioning brain (which Weenus’s fans lack, luckily for her) because she had no income of her own after abandoning her YT channel back in 2018 or so, so she was in fact the one who was leeching off Manaki’s income. How about that for Marge-tier projection?
Weenus is a lying scamming cluster B clusterfuck, just like her mommy, NOT some innocent child-like little waif. Even PULL knows this and quit falling for her shit months ago for fucks sake
No. 100824
>>100818>>looks like you fell for the trapWell no, because I was thinking that before I saw the worrying post posted here today. She needs a mothers' love, but Margaret, through no fault of her own I guess, - I mean the woman can't help the fact that she is deranged, but if she was not deranged, she might be able to give Venus the proper, unconditional love that a mother should be able to give to her daughter.
Venus is a
victim of her mother's mental instability and this is why I do empathise with her. I hope she can help herself and learn to truly love and respect herself and to be able to heal from her
abusive upbringing.
No. 100832
>>100758>TF is wrong with her??? is that like some sort of “plz i know i fucked up but plz dont go” kind of tactic?It's her being emotionally manipulative and suicide baiting. Gotta love the anon scrote who said she's never emotionally manipulated her audience and we're just making it up
>>100790Exactly. Anyone who romanticizes mental illness is beyond vile. Venus had been doing that for years, I was shocked that she still had fans and even PULL/kf were white knighting her hard. She is likely a sociopath and has now stooped as low as to suicide bait for OF money.
No. 100833
>>100794>>100801She panders, scrote. No matter how many times you insist she doesn't, it won't change that. The evidence is blatant.
>>100802Hi Peter. It's not harming her revenue. The scrotes who come here were never going to pay anyway. I'm not sure of the legalities but isn't purchasing something then not being allowed to show it to others ridiculous? That's like buying a painting and being told you have to take it down when friends or random people come over. Either way, it's obvious you're a simp scrote.
>>100807Bet you're all one anon. Constantly derailing with your willfully ignorant
Venus hasn't pedo-baited shit. There is a huge difference posting on lolcow and Venus, an INFLUENCER exposing her kawaii (minor) fanbase she built up for years to sex work and pedos. Not even having the decency to start her sex work on a different profile because she's that money hungry.
No. 100838
File: 1592240946717.jpg (169.5 KB, 1616x1080, EajYlhPU8AE5Jhy.jpg)

jesus christ!
No. 100839
>>100836If Venus was truly an idol to young people I'd see where you were coming from, but I'm certain the VAST majority of her fans come from her days as a living doll, which was what, 2010? She didn't have a super active Youtube or any other social channel in the last few years, so she wouldn't have accrued a bunch of new young fans. Most people who follow Venus probably were into the kawaii/living doll trend in the early 10s, they're not impressionable kids. Its not the same thing as like JoJo Siwa doing something outrageous or even when Miley Cyrus went sexual.
Either way she's a weirdo creep who wants to put in as little effort as possible, and that's partly why she doesn't have a bunch of young, impressionable new fans. Its a bunch of women her age and older, and a handful of disturbing freaky men.
No. 100840
>>100833that one isn't Peter, Peter is this
>>100740 one, he said the exact same in the comments. She even explained it to him on a live stream and he still didn't get it.
Speaking of all being one anon, you post this pandering stuff a lot yet you samefag multiple posts at a time and you are the one derailing to drag everyone back into the same argument over and over, it's fucking boring.
No. 100856
>>100854there's so many furries out there, how could she not? what is weenoos' fursona? she does have one, doesn't she? or am i not remembering correctly?
if she doesn't already have one i think her teeth qualify her for gerbil status.
No. 100864
File: 1592251079346.png (276.11 KB, 373x500, v1.thumb.png.b86658ab20578303c…)

New Baby Beenos set for 25$, as it's her "favorite aesthetic"
No. 100867
File: 1592252112062.png (92.68 KB, 1080x426, IMG_20200615_221250.png)

Comments on her profile are mostly creepy old guys as always (tried to find Peter in Toronto, no luck yet)
No. 100884
>>100753>>100873It really seems like she is baiting us to talk about her. She's begun to remind me of Onision a lot, just doing stupid shit to raise outrage. Any attention is good attention when you're a narc I guess. Imagine our comments fueling her humiliation kink kek
>>100855She never had a chance, she was fucked from the start with Margels as a mother
No. 100895
>>100840Wasn't Peter also the scrote complaining about leaks, or was that another of the simps? Although, more importantly, why is Peter even here? Isn't he paying for her stuff so no need to get leaks?
None of this incessant white knighting happened before OF (for the most part). Now, suddenly, with the influx of cheap scrotes waiting for leaks is she being white knighted like hell. One can then deduce that it's largely due to the scrotes and it would make sense for them to be adamant that she doesn't pander whatsoever so they can justify their perversions. She can do so much shit, but she chooses to post 'baby beenus', pose with stuffed toys, lay on her bed and edit her face to look like a baby in a crib etc. It's fucking gross, man.
No. 100904
>>100864Oh whoopie I can't wait to read the phrase 'pedo pandering' another fifty times and see essays about the same old bollocks.
If she really is trolling at this point, I have to admit it's funny seeing the cow become the tipper.
It's still cringey and a $25 boner-killer, but I've got to find SOME levity in this dumpster fire thread.
No. 100907
triggered over one word? you grammar nazis need a new hobby.
No. 100921
>>100794Pretty sure they went back and forth, emotionally abusing each other. Margaret was already using suicide threats and showing her body for attention for years.
>>100884She did say she likes kanadajin3 and Daniel/HIMR, fully aware of their reputation and how these forums despise their behavior. Especially since she said that after kanadajin3 already went psycho ISIS and anti-LGBT. She probably loves a creep like Onion.
No. 100928
>>100838i wonder if the mystery photography gives her guidance on how to pose or she comes up with this stuff herself lol
>>100864i understand why men are attracted to schoolgirl/teen stuff (as sad as it is) but does ACTUAL BABY stuff turn them on? wtf
No. 100931
>>100898at what age do you suppose men should stop finding women in their twenties attractive and start looking at wrinkly grannies and be like "yeah, i want some of that sweet poon"?
>>100901yeah, only assholes would point out that crying about some old guy wanting to see a twenty something yo woman nude is retarded.
abstinence only education gone wrong.
get laid loser, im here to read about the weird shit venus does, not to read about your weird christian propaganda upbringing.
No. 100935
>>100892read margo's thread. margo specified she doesn't want anything to do with venus anymore because of her she treated her.
Also this applies to all new anons who think she needs parent. Venus has no relevent relative that could take care of her.
No. 100936
>>100935venus will never have the perfect family her fans desperately want for her. she will never have can idealistic life. shes from a broken home and like any other thot now constantly seeks validation from her fans and risky thrill seeking behaviors to feel like shes in control when she has no work ethic and no educational background. all we can do is point and laugh at this cow until she cracks. then its hilarious.
so please venus, please lurk more and fuel the flames of the pedo debate. you have nothing else to do with your life even though youre supposedly rolling in dough. lol does she owe manaki money?
No. 100957
File: 1592302844196.jpg (464.04 KB, 1080x1654, 20200616_181909.jpg)

New ig update
No. 100959
File: 1592303833080.jpeg (Spoiler Image,126.84 KB, 675x1200, asdfgh.jpeg)

new from twitter
No. 100964
File: 1592304560503.png (463.66 KB, 599x732, 1493834525027.png)

>>100959Very otasa no hime.
No. 100976
>>100974Correct me if I'm wrong but was it the one where she was wearing a bib and a binky? I for the life of me can't find the one she posted.
>>100971>How can anyone believe Venus is pandering to pedophilesPlease go look at
>>100864 No. 100980
>>100978pedos like kids, not adults who are dressed as kids.
and how who she sells her shit to is even remotely relevant is beyond me.
she's an adult, it doesnt matter what kind of shit she wears, none of it is illegal and regardless of that, i dont see how half this thread is full of idiots having some moral argument.
this is lolcow, not the outraged parents forum. she posted pictures of herself with a fuckign pacifier and felt like thats the kind of stuff people want to see. hilarious, for about a minute, but its been a month, so can everyone just stfu about it?
No. 100985
>>100981 It's barely even about defending Venus at this point, IMO. I have a feeling some people argue about this shit so hard because they're the ones jerking off to her gross content, and they feel personally slighted by the word "pedophile". They're basically trying to defend their (anonymous) honor.
A normal person wouldn't be dragging out the "N-Noo pedos wouldn't like this haha anyway its legal fuck you virgin" shit on so long.
They wouldn't give a shit if someone thought Venus was pedo-pandering, the same way no one gives a shit if anons point out she might be breaking Visa laws in Japan, or that she may not have been truthful about Manaki being
abusive. Instead, this weird, angry "debate" always happens. It just reeks of scrotes with personal investment.
No. 100994
File: 1592314382091.png (581.22 KB, 828x1792, 3B4DF514-BFC2-4052-9A63-48D3F4…)

No. 100996
File: 1592314565153.jpg (126.4 KB, 1080x949, Screenshot_20200616-153238__01…)

Her Instagram is really going downhill
No. 100997
>>100994Dream of masturbating at a camera. You are so special, penus!
She's such a snowflake.
No. 100998
>>100994>>100994> My fetishes are quite unique…is literally nothing but a basic switch.
Is that how every uwu e-girl really think about her '''fetishes'''''?
No. 100999
>>100980>pedos like kids, not adults who are dressed as kids.This is the most retarded argument and I keep seeing it used to defend venus’s Shitty behavior here. Thats not even true, they aren’t mutually exclusive. A lot of pedophiles will go the “safe” route and find material like the kind Venus is putting out instead of risking getting caught with actual CP, or they’ll find legal partners that don’t LOOK legal. Plenty of women have had experience with disgusting pedos saying things like “but you look so young!” “I thought you were in high school” or other gross ass comments from men trying to fuck them because they look youthful. And we all know Venus shoops herself to look a decade younger than she is despite looking a decade older in person.
She is 100% pedo pandering.
No. 101002
>>100999well, i cant say i have as deep of an insight into the mind of a pedo, unlike you.
however, if you read my post to the end, you will find that my point was that retards like you should stfu already and move on, noone gives a shit, if you care so much, sue her or something, if you dont then stfu and move on.
No. 101005
>>100994shes trying waay too hard to sound deviant. a coomer could write a better paragraph. stay in school kids.
she gonna make an ugly ass orgasm face i net.
No. 101010
File: 1592317772459.jpeg (193.42 KB, 750x1334, C8709BDB-7685-4124-985B-9B5CA9…)

word out about her mind games
No. 101020
>>101014>How am I a pedo when she's literally 23?Because she has a gaunt, hairless body with a smooth photoshopped face to look younger, and since you have no access to actual child porn she's close enough for you. Venus looks more like a pubescent 14 year old than a grown 23 year old woman. And you like that. Because you're attracted to it. It's literally a globally well-researched concept. Insisting it only exists on Tumblr and PULL is hilarious. Google page 1 is right there.
Honestly I can
forgive DDLG when it comes to big-tittied thots in full makeup wearing a Lolita shirt with a binkie. But what Venus is doing is so deliberate and insidious. She knows she has a male fanbase that's been dying to see her naked since she was 14.
It's so fucking annoying how they're all in this thread waiting for leaks and in the meantime defending pedophilia like no one else on any other board in the entire website does. This isn't 4chan, creeps. Lurk more. Lolcow's weeb board making fun of cosplayers and UK weebs doesn't have a demographic obsessed with writing essays on how 13 year olds are sexually mature while adding "I'm a female, PULLtard" at the end like that's convincing.
(pedo sperging) No. 101022
File: 1592320118177.png (1.6 MB, 1366x768, v.png.c379ed614669267cded68bc6…)

No. 101023
File: 1592320368071.png (463.64 KB, 424x740, Captura de pantalla (3).png)

Instagram Story
No. 101024
File: 1592320399505.png (Spoiler Image,266.14 KB, 599x569, v1.png.4b6949f8eef4c39ca100b6d…)

wtf is this?
No. 101026
>>101022WTF OVER.
Sad and disgusting attempt at that weird/fake anime orgasm?
No. 101027
>>101022What the fuck? Is this her attempt at "ahegao"? She looks like she's been hung or something.
Here's hoping she doesn't read this and decide to prove how hardcore she is to us by filming a simulated death by hanging/lynching shoot (especially not in the wake of current events).
No. 101040
>>101037I guess it's opposite day when the panderers who already got a warning for derailing in a previous thread accuse everyone else of having a crusade. You're the reason this keeps coming back up over and over.
Having a reasonable or normal viewpoint immediately turns into scrote, white knight pedophile etc.
I'm going to get replies calling me a white knight and I haven't even said her name in this post.
Everyone is really fucking tired and bored of this now.
No. 101050
File: 1592326023018.png (199.36 KB, 271x457, ssssssss.png)

new collab?
No. 101064
>>101063Yeah I don't know anything about this Beautiful Agony, she makes it sound like a "known" thing. I'm not a big league coomer, but from what I saw its just closeups of women's faces when they orgasm? How is that sadistic or torture? Venus just trying to make it sound more raunchy and ~psycho~ because that is the character she is playing.
Anyway, she is gross as hell. I still can't get over how foul she has already gotten in just a month.
No. 101068
>>100994The term "beautiful agony" doesn't refer to actual physical pain or BDSM you charlatan mongoloid.
These bad fanfic write-ups are almost enough to convince me her profile IS being run by some swarthy Japanese pimp.
It's almost worth whatever tip she's asking for that video just for a good laugh at her trying to fake orgasms for ten minutes.
No. 101070
>>101064It's a particular website that just had a fixed camera set on a girl's face while she does what comes naturally. It's usually shot solo or with one other female director.
It's about as female-friendly as porn can get and has literally nothing to do with sadism or masochism.
Venus' brand of sadism is making people read this horse shit and try to make sense of it.
No. 101072
File: 1592331601583.png (199.32 KB, 1080x1414, Screenshot_20200616-191734~2.p…)

oh my god this is painfully annoying
No. 101075
>>101072How DARE people read manipulative suicide threats without paying! That's premium content! Get that coin guuuurl!
Instagrammers once again showing the dangers of huffing hairspray.
Also, thread title?
More regrets, creased up dress, age regression and suicide threats.
Dressed as a baby, too fucking lazy, frightening the Johns with too much crazy.
No. 101083
>>101082She probably has to be running on US / Europe time to chat with her punters.
That and the pill abuse, I imagine.
No. 101087
>>101067The anon at
>>100985 was not “bringing it up,” idiot. They were responding to
>>100978 who was squawking yet again that “Venus is NOT PEDO PANDERING!” for the millionth time. Anyone this butthurt and obsessed about the fact that she is doing just that, namely you, has problems. And kicking and screaming endlessly about it and trying to deflect only makes you look worse.
No. 101089
>>101013>>101072Imagine cowtipping and then coming here to cry about the replies. Stop being an edgy thot btw, your ahegao looks retarded
>>101015Imagine defending cowtipping
No. 101100
File: 1592339495364.jpeg (626.97 KB, 1173x1523, 8088A2BC-78B5-4981-8B90-8357E0…)

>>101087>>101089>>101095hey samefag, is this you?
No. 101106
>>101067How was I bringing it up? Your attempts at deflection are pathetic, I'm sorry if my post struck a nerve. Actually, I'm not sorry at all, please stop shitting up these threads with your bizarre pedo arguments and constant projection.
People who discuss Venus ITT think her ageplay pics are creepy, and that anyone who unironically likes that shit is also creepy, and they have the right to say as much. Either deal with it, or stay in Venus' OF and IG comments section licking her ass where you belong. No one's going to change their mind for you.
No. 101107
>>101100NTA, but if the IG user is anyone from this thread, it's most likely to be the person whose English isn't that great who was unironically using emoticons.
Did you just post about them for the sake of derailing further or something? Anyone who's cowtipping should just quit, nothing good comes of it.
No. 101123
>>101050now this, i'd pay for
>>101063it's very easy to tell which anons here have never browsed porn aimed at men. torturing/beating up pussies is a common porn phrase that men love. yes it's disgusting, but her whole business here is to pander to men so yeah
No. 101133
File: 1592397765708.jpg (675.03 KB, 1080x1484, 20200617_084155.jpg)

>>101122>>101130It must be her kawaii konbini diet, paired with not sleeping, exercising or going outdoors.
No. 101134
>>100819>>I’m sure you’ve watched porn in your life Actually, anon, no, I don't watch porn.
I have
seen porn, some of which was shown to me, which is how I know I don't like it. Disgusting, demeaning, degrading, distasteful, dehumanising.
No wonder so many kids are such vile sex obsessed degenerates if porn is so acceptable in mainstream society.
Don't imagine everyone is like you, porn is disgusting, full stop, I don't know how it can ever be said to help anyone.
[and don't know why you say go back to PULL, I don't come from there and don't post to there.]
No. 101137
>>101020>>>How am I a pedo when she's literally 23?
>>Because she has a gaunt, hairless body with >>a smooth photoshopped face to look younger, >>and since you have no access to actual child >>porn she's close enough for you. Venus looks >>more like a pubescent 14 year old than a >>grown 23 year old woman. And you like that. >>Because you're attracted to it.Not the person you're talking to, but what an utterly ridiculous comment. As if anyone who likes a woman who may be naturally slim, has got to be suspect in some way or they wouldn't like her. What utter rubbish. So any woman of Venus's body type should never be allowed to have a relationship with anyone or anyone find her attractive because anyone who does is "obviously" a pervert. What a weird unhealthy mind you have.
And what with all the comments here about her looking so old and older than her age and looking middle aged or like an old woman and now here you are saying she looks 14, and even if she did, that would be a bit old for pedos who like young kids, not teenagers.
God, the level of ignorance in this thread.
No. 101139
>>101040>>I guess it's opposite day when the panderers who already got a warning for derailing in a previous thread accuse everyone else of having a crusade. You're the reason this keeps coming back up over and over.Having a reasonable or normal viewpoint immediately turns into scrote, white knight pedophile etc.
I'm going to get replies calling me a white knight and I haven't even said her name in this post.
Everyone is really fucking tired and bored of this now.
Very well said, anon. Worth repeating.
These morons have made this thread a bore and no fun here anymore.
No. 101140
>>101062Don't you think though it's more likely she felt that way at the time she posted it, but then regretted it after when she calmed down a bit and felt a bit better, so she tried to backtrack because she didn't want everyone going off on one all worried about her. I don't know her situation obviously but I don't want to just dismiss anyone talking like that. I once said to a boyfriend who was always making half assed suicide attempts and talking about how he was going to do it, that if he meant it he would just do it , because people who talk about doing it, never do and that if he meant it he would just do it, and that night I went back and found him dead, so please, don't just dismiss it out of hand when she says things like this, even if you don't like her, would you really want to hear she'd really done it? I woulnd't, and think how many people you don't even know would be devastated, there are a lot of people who love her, and they don't deserve to be put through that.
No. 101142
>>101068I think she would be faking it too, I wonder if she has even had a real orgasm? She seems to me like someone just playing at being sexual, like someone who has never really experienced any real pleasure but has seen the reactions of people acting in movies and she's trying to simulate that.
She is still like a child in her mind I think and playing at being grown up, she seems as though she is still pure and not really knowing much about the reality of sex, only what she has watched on a screen.
She could even be asexual, I am and have no interest in it but the pressure is there from society that you should be interested, and maybe Venus knows it is something she can pretend at to make some money from. I could be wrong of course, but that is the impression I get from her, that she has not much experience and it's her imagination that she acts out.
No. 101146
>>101143Shut up! You're the one shitting up the thread everyday ans then crying in /meta that it need to be deleted. You've made your point several times, now stfu.
>>101145Don't take the bait please.
I don't wanna be an obnoxious minimod but farmhands, what are you doing?
No. 101158
>>101153There's no need for a "pedopandering discussion" thread in my opinion. Farmhands already said that derailing with that stupid debate worth a ban (Idk what they're doing lately but yeah,
the point still stand)
Retards from both camps just have to contains their autism et shut up already. We are here to point and laugh and that's about it. Make a discord server if you wanna talk endlessly about that shit (maybe I'm tinfoiling but it seems that some ppl can't stand that their pwecious Peenus have a thread here so they are trying to derail on purpose and then goes to /meta crying that it's need to be nuked asap. Shit happened in the past so…)
Inb4 You're a WK/Pedoscrote/Spergelic/Pearl Clutcher. No, I'm just a humble Esl lurker and want my daily cringe weeb back.
No. 101162
>>101158Maybe they're waiting for Hellweek to start, or busy preparing for it? Either way, a separate thread for this pointless bullshit is a good idea despite the opposition: mods aren't banning the pavlov-pedo-spergs, the thread is maxing out with OT discussion and nobody wants to wade through the shitsunami just to watch Venus spiral downwards. If you don't want the discussion ITT yet mods won't step in, a containment thread that
you personally can hide and ignore is a good middle ground.
>>101153try /ot/.
No. 101169
>>101162There's a kinkshaming thread in /ot where you can discuss that kind of stuff. Making a new one just about Peedus seems pretty redundant to me but hey, to each their own.
>>101166Sadcow, horrorcow…it's subjective.
But obsessive spergs (samefags?) derailing and infighting with each other, reharsing their point again and again isn't milk. Their shitty takes aren't milk.
No. 101171
>>101169It only seems redundant if you actually think the purpose of the spergouts is to have a discussion- it's not, it's just two sides of an argument flinging shit at each other, ome side trying to flay & cancel Venus and the other trying desperately to normalize her degeneracy by pretending everyone has a prostitution/pedopandering phase.
The goal is to
contain the the shit-flinging somewhere else so that the thread can get back on track. If reporting, banning and chiding them was going to drive it away then it would have already & this dicussion would be moot.
No. 101193
What Margo and this girl says, it's makes a lot of sense. is so fucking disgusting, I have no doubt that she is with suspicious people, and her intentions are different, and her posts in onlyfans sounds like a real predator. So fucked up.
(imageboard) No. 101204
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>>101022The Christ compels you Venus
No. 101302
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>>99516Not to derail the thread but she is not russian/french she just has a lisp
I met her in a San Diego anime convention in 2015, and also attended the same community college as me…she was sweet and we occasionally chatted, then i noticed that she only posted in Japanese and her IG became inactive. I was surprised to see her itt and what she does now, I had no idea.
No. 101322
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>>101314I would take it to /snow/ again tho
Jirai Onna edition? Corn obsessed edition? Or just simple Ahegao edition with that screen?
No. 101328
>>99210>you wont suddenly bump into yakuzasage but in Tokyo it isnt all that rare to see them/run into them. Not to blog post but ive seen them or at least heavily tattooed japanese on trains multiple times; they generally with go stand in the middle of or next to foreigners if theyre alone. Since no one wants to sit by a group of foreigners nor tattooed japanese men. In kabuki cho its also pretty normal to see them in karaoke bars.
Getting involved with yakuza is another story.
No. 101337
Plus there's several cringy sentences that could make a good thread title in
>>100994I'd go for
>This is t o r t u r e? This is pleasure? No. 101347
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>>101314I made this one, didn't include the puke one because ew. Feel free to add/modify it idc
No. 101357
>>101347title could be
Jirai Onna Beenus: T o r t u r e with C o r n
or something like that
No. 101442
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>>101314Holy Corn Edition