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No. 30581
>Was in the hospital for a month for unknown reasons>Has been released and been posting more, but still not opening up about the reason for the hospitalization>posted a video where she more or less confirms it was because of a eating disorderGeneral Info:
> Venus youtube celeb since she was 11/12 years old > Has been on various tv shows, travelled country to country by her mother speaking fuck knows how many languages> Never went to school/was homeschooled> Her mother Margret basically used Venus for $$$ > Venus escaped her crazy money sponging controlling mother and leapt into the hands of her visa cough husband Manaki > Currently resides in Tokyo now living life and still hiding from her mother who continues to try stalking/harassing Veenos! > Venus is still social awkward but may gradually be making friends alas Taylor R Old thread
>>286133 No. 30583
>>30582>she basically admits she has an eating disorder When? It sounds more like the surgery was unrelated and the bloating just made her panic. She even explicitly says that she doesn't have an ED.
She definitely has severe body issues and disordered eating though and admitted to restricting her food, which is unsurprising considering her stage mom made her diet as a young girl so she'd look good in pedobait videos.
No. 30586
File: 1520372177766.jpg (287.7 KB, 700x1200, l496-2[1].jpg)

>>30585Probably during that time when she was modelling for bodyline, pic related. She got a bit heavier after that I think, but looking at those pictures now it seems insane that people would call her chubby lmao
>>30584Japan is generally terrible when it comes to mental health care, which she definitely needs. Fixing BDD or an ED by yourself is hard, especially in an environment where constantly wanting to be thinner even if you're already slim is basically normal.
No. 30587
File: 1520373108692.jpg (Spoiler Image,144.51 KB, 800x1129, 910.jpg)

>>30586I always think of these images when I think of how the Japanese are about weight. I don't think any adverts we have in the west are as bad as this when it comes to losing weight. I'm sure there are ana-chans who would call the before pics fat but they seem fairly normal.
No. 30588
>>30582no, she was in the hospital for gastroparesis and a prolapsed stomach. she says that several times throughout the video. she did say her doctor theorized her post-surgery edema was from being malnourished, but denies its from an eating disorder.
also how fucked up is it that Marge made her 11 year old self pull up her shirt after eating than accused her of being pregnant?? And said that "mexican people are fat and short because they eat too much corn" what a batty old loon.
No. 30591
I'm living in japan too and never noticed that.
but once I've met a guy who said he only eats a pudding a day or he is becoming fat
No. 30597
>>30592You do know, that one very big symptom/thing of having an eating disorder, is that you try your hardest to claim you don't have one? She knows she has a problem, but she is just in denial of the correct diagnosis or about what she should do about it.
>>30595This, tbh. And I don't even think it should really matter if she thinks she has this or that at this point, it's just very good that she knows that she has a problem and that she is speaking about it and trying to get better. Too bad Japan is an awful country to be mentally ill
No. 30601
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Venus got control of her SM accounts back from marge. With a lawyer.
marge must be pissed.
No. 30603
File: 1520534203697.png (394.94 KB, 601x433, Birthday Date w Boyfriend ♥♥♥…)

Probably a dumb question, but was she wearing a wig in her latest video with Manaki or was it just extensions? I was surprised at how full and healthy her hair looked, then I saw this video
>>30582If it's a wig, wow. I want it.
No. 30604
>>30592Chill pill non
Clearly she has disordered eating, which is not the same as an eating disorder (but on the right track). And she's in Japan; their body standards are fucking crazy and their mental health care is lacking. I'm sure if she were elsewhere, the US for example, they would have slapped an AN or OSFED label on her, but because she also had gastroptosis, they could have blamed the weight loss entirely on that.
It's hard to admit to having problems like that; I am actually quite happy she finally decided to address this issue with her fans and own up to those weird black and white ana-test videos
No. 30605
>>30603That's a wig, it's been in her previous videos but it's clearly a wig. It's thicker and less oily than her real hair.
>>30582 This is her real hair. Oily and thin. If that's a wig then that's a failure of a wig.
No. 30606
>>30605her greasy hair in that video
>>30582triggers me. I just want to scream WASH YOUR DAMN HAIR
No. 30611
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No. 30614
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>>30612It was a joke and Manaki was acting according to Venus. People don’t get their brand of humor (again according to Venus, on instagram.)
No. 30615
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She’s panicking about gaining what little weight she has gained. When she still looks like this
>>30614It sounds like she’s had some counseling on how to deal with this (writing it down and relying more on logic rather than feelings.) She still has a long way to go though. I really hope she’s still getting ongoing therapy cause she obviously needs it.
No. 30621
>>30620manaki is not an innocent child, i don't know why people think that.
also, new video, in response to the comments
however he is so damn awkward
No. 30624
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>>30623He is not ugly. He’s an average/slightly cute Asian guy.
No. 30627
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I wonder what her "very personal" video will be?
No. 30633
>>30632>crying instead of going to a therapistEasier said than done. Don’t forget she lives in Japan where mental health treatment is woefully lacking. Therapists are rare and good therapists even rarer.
She’s in one of the worst countries possible when it comes to mental health support/treatment.
No. 30635
>>30634Maybe it’ll help her feel a little bit better for awhile? Talking about what you’re feeling is supposed to help, that’s what talk therapy is all about. She has no one to talk to so I guess she’s using Youtube to vent.
It wouldn’t be my choice but sharing your feelings on SM seems to work for some people, especially young people like Venus who grew up on SM.
No. 30646
>>30645She seriously needs an adult in her life right now, not some 20 something dude she's married to.
I hope no one is going to stalk her dad down by the name she didn't even block out… god damn. I understand her fans are concerned but god damn, this is gonna turn into one big Marina Joyce repeat or some shit.
(I'm angry, I'm sorry)
No. 30650
>>30629some of y'all are brutal goddamn.
>>30644I don't know if making this video public was a good idea, but i feel so sorry for her. Her mother wrecked a lot of relationships for this girl. I hope her fans don't try to track her dad down and I hope he gets back to her.
No. 30651
>>30629>>30634 The point of this video was to point out to other that even their 'idols' feel sad. Being happy all the time isn't a requirement to have a good life.
Even the barbie youtube did a similar video lately.
No. 30654
>>30652Wow, that was a heavy video. I had no idea she was staying in the hospital for anything like that, I thought it was probably mental health issues, I don't know… I'm glad she made the decision to not cut off her stomach, though. My mom has had bariatric surgery when she also probably shouldn't have done it, not to the extent of Venus but she wan't actually obese, and since then she's been through phases of severe anemia, she throws up a lot, almost everyday, and anyway, it's just scary sometimes.
No. 30656
>>30652I'm not saying I would definitely know how to handle this situation better if it were my spouse, but it's sad to hear her say she had no one to talk to despite having a husband, and that when she got the surgery Manaki threatened to divorce her. Since she's also said the only person she has to talk to is Taylor it seems like she is really isolated and alone in dealing with her severe mental and physical health struggles.
Also crazy how she's said doctors in Japan confirmed she doesn't have an ED despite all the behaviors she details in this video are textbook ED behavior and thoughts, like the severe calorie restriction and frequent fasting lasting several days, terror of feeling fat on her body and wanting to cut it off etc.
No. 30659
>>30656Either she's lying about the doctors saying she has an ED, or the doctor's she's going to don't know jack shit.
I'm inclined to think she's lying tbh. The mental gymnastics she's doing to somehow disprove she has an ED is insane. I feel so bad for her. We always thought Margo was the reason for her previous weight loss, but this all happened after she left. Manaki does not seem the type to push her to do this sort of thing, especially since he was angry according to Venus. Maybe its just trauma from her younger years, and stress about her mom and living on her own for the first time.
Its so sad, she really needs serious help. I'd seriously hope Taylor would see these signs and try to persuade to see that this is so much worse than what Venus wants everyone to think it is…
No. 30660
>>30659Honestly her ed is probably partly her mothers fault too for making fun of her stomach after eating as a child and doing body checks for her, which she’s spoken about in a previous video. Ofc it’s probbaly also a way to have control over something in her life, it’s likely her mom still stalks her and that can be very stressful. ( I don’t follow Margo threads)
In Japan Ed’s aren’t really “a thing” so it’s unlikely she’s actually been diagnosed with it. Hopefully her new therapist is a good one.
On a side note I never knew it was this severe for her and I hope she will be better soon. Hopefully her friends keep supporting ear.
No. 30661
>>30652If all this is true… Dude. What the FUCK. This surgery experience is insane. And the surgeon took out her appendix and gallbladder too, without her knowing he would do that and not telling her why? I know you can get some botched surgeries overseas but this is one of the worst I ever heard.
Usually medical stuff doesn't gross me out but I am physically cringing at how awful this must have been to go through. I hate to say this, but she definitely shortened her lifespan after this ordeal. That's really sad.
Also she says she can now eat like a normal person… tha is not true. You have to make big diet adjustments if you get your gallbladder out, let alone after all this shit that was done to her intenstines/stomach.
One thing I don't understand is she must've had to have corrective surgery. Is she in insane debt now due to this and her extensive hospital stay? I don't know how the medical system works in Japan but that is so fucked.
No. 30662
>>30652So… that means that Margo was right for once? lol
I know that having an ED is not her own fault, but getting such a surgery is plain insanity AND she has an influence on much younger girls, so showcasing her clearly sick behavior for months… Somehow can't pity her much.
No. 30665
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She's very sick.
No. 30666
>>30665tbh I wonder if getting her stomach reduced would be a good idea under the condition it was done by competent doctors.
She might feel relief from wearing a corset though, it exerts pressure on the stomach and nerves that signal hunger.
No. 30668
>>30665I really hope her health isn't fucked up for the rest of her life and that doctors can find a solution…she's so young. It's really sad.
inb4Lolcow isn't a fansite: I'm not even a fangelic myself but I wish her the best.
No. 30671
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I noticed Manaki's jaw looking very strange in this particular video, do you think he is stuffed things in his chin to look more 'anime-like' or did he recently had chin implants?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 30672
>>30671I think it is just how the fabric hangs, he's much less shy than before but he's been wearing the masks more so he is evidently uncomfortable with his looks a bit.
I'm actually really enjoying his videos, he is funnier than Venus.
No. 30673
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i'm so proud of venus. she is truly growing and flourishing.
No. 30674
>>30673Interesting, i am actually quite happy she admits to it! If she really wants to change, it would be a great step forward.
Honestly i am always nitpicky so who knows how much of this is for views or attention but whatever she‘s going in the right direction and that‘s great.
I am also glad she cares about friendships and goes out more often than sh used to.
No. 30678
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Also excuse the double post
But this is the photo in reference about the (edit)
No. 30681
>>30679>>30680I agree.
I think that she has an eating disorder which fluctuates between anorexia and binge eating. She's latched onto this condition as an "easy" way to get what she wants. I'm sort of horrified but not surprised that a Japanese doctor is even considering performing this operation on her. But then Japan has terrible treatment when it comes to mental health and even worse when it comes to eating disorders.
Basically, Venus needs to be inpatient yesterday.
No. 30682
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>>30678She realizes she was wrong to post about Mana. Give her a break, she is trying.
No. 30683
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No. 30685
>>30684Eh, I dunno. Her body is fucked for life now, might as well make the best out of this situation.
Apart from that - with Youtube being her main source of social interaction for years and having no private life because of Margo, I'm not surprised she feels oversharing personal stuff like this is normal.
No. 30688
>>30686>>30687It's really difficult to wash hair when you have had surgery. I would go to the salon to get it washed. She may not have had that option.
Anyway she has a new video up. Doesn't she have family in Sweden?
No. 30689
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>>30688her surgery was months ago. That’s no longer an excuse for her appearing dishevelled, greasy and unwashed in most every ig pic and YT video now.
Also - is she binding her chest? (see attached pic, from latest video)
No. 30690
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How about you just wash it once in awhile? And trim off those old dead ends. That would be nice.
No. 30693
>>30691I get that she's mentally unwell.
Still, she has the time and energy to put on tons of makeup, circle lenses, nice outfits, and edit her pictures… but can't take a 5-minute shower?
That's just having bad hygiene and nothing else.
No. 30694
>>30686When I was recovering from ana my hair looked like that just a few hours after washing it, maybe that's it?
But girl, seriously do yourself a favour and buy some dry shampoo either case
No. 30696
>>30692You don't HAVE to view everything thats public on instagram. Also stop posting this pedo shit all over /cow/ you've even posted it Margaret's thread about it.
>>30693Showering requires stripping down naked and remaining naked for a time, usually rubbing yourself. You seriously can't understand why someone with a fucking ED wouldn't want to be prolonged to their naked body? She's doing what she can. If she wasn't wearing ANY make up, nice outfits, etc she knows you cunts would be even worse. It doesn't take any more effort to put a nice outfit on than a casual one.
No. 30698
>>30696Just washing her head (or wearing a nice wig, or using dry shampoo..) doesn't require being naked.
It's strange that some people here seem to think that showering can somehow be optional under any circumstances. It's pretty much the only thing expected by society.
Slathering her greasy, uwashed face in makeup makes it actually look so much worse.
No. 30702
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So Venus follows this account on IG-
it’s all about tips and tricks for losing weight and staying skinny. 0 cal drinks, lots of veggies and other high bulk low cal foods, basically the whole ana playbook
No. 30703
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>>30702more of their content
No. 30704
File: 1529687669343.jpeg (338.05 KB, 1272x1484, 75F9F008-DB2E-413A-8F1C-3977C4…)

>>30703she recently liked this post:
about how to compensate for eating a meal out by restricting the next day(s)
just eat veggies and drink only water until you’ve atoned for that meal.
don’t know if she’s getting any kind of ongoing treatment for her ED but it’s clearly still there.
No. 30705
>>30704Nothing wrong with that. Every woman not blessed with a high metabolism needs to look after her diet.
I just hope she eats enough fats and proteins, and not just veggies all the time.
No. 30706
>>30699What are you so angry about? Chill.
When I was going through my own ed issues a few years ago, I never didn't want to take a shower, I was naked but by myself, and I never heard that from any of the other girls in my support group. Out in public eye most of us kept ourselves clean and groomed because we wanted to look normal. and what does being naked have to do with it? i could feel my fat stomach and thighs touching at all times-but wwhatever.
It is a norm to not care about washing when you are depressed. But she goes out quiet a bit so, its a bit strange to some.
and being mentally ill and disabled are not the same thing, do not compare the 2.
No. 30707
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look at venus looking all fluffy and adorable again, hanging out with yukapon. she gets along with pretty much everyone, which is a miracle considering she grew up with maggro.
No. 30710
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>>30709jesus it's bad.
it makes sense though. when she was with margo she wasn't allowed to have feelings or be sick (mentally or physically), so she has to go through 18 years of trauma now, all at once..
please don't die venus
No. 30714
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Hopefully the meds will help, I've been in her exact position (minus having a support network at all) and still am. It's tough.
Also someone left a comment on one of her recent posts criticizing her style (that it looks like for "little kids" & she's outgrown it & hoped she didn't go out like that in public), then compared her to Mags when she wore her lolita dress for (My Strange Addiction?) I think. Then, not too long after V posted this pic, clearly in public, in kawaii-styled clothing and lot's of cutsey hashtags in a comment, although it's a lot more of a subdued kawaii-style (lack of colorful bracelets, hair clips, ribbons etc) so maybe it has nothing to do with the comment(s) as I'd assume she'd wear something really over the top if she was making a subtle jab over it.
But I thought it might be a subtle jab like "F you I'll wear what I want (adds a bunch of kawaii hashtags to try to piss them off)", similar to how she sometimes makes subtle jabs to Maggot. Or am I looking too much into it lol. Her face looks pretty evil and menacing in that pic and kind of matches Mags exact facial expression in her pic, eerily similar actually, same with the way she's holding her hands & the commentator actually brought up that very same pic. I know she gets angry when ppl criticise her style (based off the previous Manaki posts,) but would she really bother making a subtle post over a hater/stranger?
Was just an interesting catch and got me thinking but maybe I'm crazy? Does anyone see it lol? I would hope it's not a jab though and she would be above that, she can wear what she wants and doesn't need to worry about such comments really.
No. 30716
>>30707Idk if these girls are the right influence for her tho
Mikanmandarin is anorexic and yukapon is a mentally ill drug abuser soooo
No. 30718
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She’s going to Narcon this month, July 26-29 in Sweden. It’s a gaming/cosplay convention. She’s on their FB page with a caption (in Swedish) but I can make out “meet and greet” and “signing session” so it sounds like she’s going as a presenter to meet fans and sign autographs.
No. 30719
>>30717eh, it's to be expected.
seriously, does she even have real hobbies and interests besides getting attention on youtube/instagram, clothes, food and spending money in general? all of her videos are basically about that.
for most of her life her only influence was "i'll tell my 11yo daughter that she looks pregnant after eating"-margo, so what do you expect? it will take a long time for her to find an identity of her own and stop just being a vain husk.
No. 30720
File: 1530490429424.jpeg (109.07 KB, 759x658, B9C2CD0D-1C9E-4177-90BD-7946C6…)

>>30718the caption:
bwahaha marge is gonna be ragey. She used to love going to these things back in 2013-2015 when she was rolling in those Venus Youtube bux. Now she’s a broke-ass hobo stuck in a moldy rented rooom in Seoul.
Suck it marge
No. 30721
>>30720Hah, fun to see some Swedish Vänner here. Might as well give you an transalation: "Our last guest is coming all the way from Japan to meet you. @VenusAngelic is coming to NärCon Sommar 2018!
Venus lives in Japan and vlogs about fashion, food, travel and everything cute. At the festival she will hold a Q&A about life in Japan. You can also meet her at her Meet & Greet and signing session.
Tag a friend that wants to come with you and meet Venus!"
No. 30724
>>30723I’ve seen in her Instagram stories it’s only for a week. I’m glad she can stay at friends for a while, when in couple it’s good for everyone to breath a bit and as she has no family to visit, it’s nice she has a friend.
Hope her future life changing decision is about going college!
No. 30727
>>30725Many people keep commenting about this meaning she is breaking up with or leaving Manaki but spending time apart during stressful times is quite normal. It doesn’t ultimately mean divorce. Lots of couples do it to clear their head and help their relationship. Perhaps her therapist suggested some space. Couples should not be glued at the hip 24/7. Manaki has solely been taking care of her while dealing with this crazy situation and when he is at work, she is spending long hours alone, lost in dark thoughts. She needs to have someone else around her while she getting used to her medications and dealing with therapy.
I saw several of her fans already declaring that Manaki must be a bar person or not strong enough for her, dispensing theories that HE must have done something wrong. How about the poor guy is exhausted and needs a break from his mentally ill wife? And she said this break is only for a week. I can’t believe how fucking naive and unempathetic her fans are.
No. 30728
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Glad to see that she is weight restored, she bounced back quickly.
No. 30732
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>>30725She liked this comment on the video, which I highly doubt she would do if she was about to announce her divorce.
No. 30736
>>30732Its probably hella nice to talk to someone that she shares a fluent language with too. I doubt Venus is super fluent in Japanese which probably makes expressing her emotions fully to Manaki really hard. It probably causes frustration in both of them because Manaki can't understand what she wants or how she feels besides basic words and sentences.
>>30735probably just meitu editing and filters. All the weebs edit these days.
No. 30737
>>30727/I saw several of her fans already declaring that Manaki must be a bar person or not strong enough for her, dispensing theories that HE must have done something wrong. How about the poor guy is exhausted and needs a break from his mentally ill wife? And she said this break is only for a week. I can’t believe how fucking naive and unempathetic her fans are./
I guess it's because they love the idea of Venus being just a frail little victim that they can project their own issues on. Having her spend some time with other people than Manaki breaks that bubble bc, well, she's not moping and being some sort-of sad puppy. She seems to realize that even when Manaki has helped her out a lot, he cannot do absolutely everything, and being with Mikan and others will be a refreshing change of pace. But to the "fans", that means she must be OMG SAD AND TIRED!! BAD MANA!!
I remember seeing her fans bitching because Mikan couldn't visit Venus every day when she was hospitalized. Now they're bitching because she CAN take her in for a short while for a change? LOL, gimme a break.
No. 30740
File: 1530745700238.png (1.07 MB, 640x1136, ED691F5A-378B-4488-800E-702B4A…)

this is so sad, she looks so big next to that girl
imagine getting all that surgery just to get thin and then exposing how big your bone structure is next to that girl
No. 30742
>>30740To say she may frequent this site, probably not a smart move to say she looks chunky when she's just gained healthy weight from being skeletal. It was seemingly people calling her fat from the Bodyline shoot on here and PULL (and comments from her mother obviously) which
triggered her downfall with food and weight.
No. 30743
>>30735She actually went on PULL to clarify that she did have a nose job. The profile was more prominent, typical Kurdish “hook” before.
>>30737No matter how much you love them, taking care of a mentally ill or physically ill person is exhausting and can hurt your own mental health very badly. These kids don’t realize what it’s like to take care of anyone but themselves and they have this warped view that the only good family and friends are those who drop everything, even risk their job, to cater to their ill relative. It’s very cold-hearted! I see a lot of this “If you can’t accept me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.” mentality among tumblr kids and it makes me feel so bad for Manaki, Mikan and the others who already done so much to help.
>>30740She just gained back healthy weight and you’re taking jabs at her? Yes, she is naturally bigger boned and will never naturally be petite but don’t forget how awfully unhealthy she looked just a few weeks ago. People need to stop pointing out how big and “tall” she is and just be glad she doesn’t look like she is dying anymore.
No. 30745
>>30744Big as a bigger structure, not fat.
She's taller and wider in bone structure, that's not fat you retard.
Or her friend is just really petite but I doubt.
She has an east european body type, which is normally taller & wider than your normal uwu smol girl body type glorified in japan
No. 30747
>>30740I think Venus is actually still pretty skinny. She just looks "normal" next to mikanmandarin because she's anorexic.
Seriously I can't stand the way mikan acts around food in her and Venus videos
Hope it doesn't affect their friendship
No. 30748
>>30747was it actually ever confirmed that mikan is anorexic?
she doesnt look sick or boney, has nice skin, hair and a healthy glow (just compare her to venus), so I would be surprised.
she also seemed normal to me in her eating videos
No. 30749
>>30748She looks 10 when she's 20, she has a natural tan and thick hair due to her heritage, of course she doesn't look as white as venus.
She only ever shows her legs so it's hard to tell how bony she is.
In videos with food she's always like OMG I'm so hungry, this looks so good, I'm so huuungry(yea U sure look like u r) and takes forever until she starts eating,very annoying. I bet she and venus are ana twins
No. 30750
>>30745I’m a different anon but lol you say big as in simply big bone structure and not fat, but also in the same breath said “this is so sad.” How is being or looking big boned sad? Clearly you meant it negatively, and this is coming from someone petite. Venus looks
healthy finally, whereas the girl next to her often appears malnourished. Ffs.
No. 30751
>>30740I think venus looks heavier than usual here because of her styling choices. as far as I know she's a pear and pretty much all her fat is on her thights - these shorts make her hips look wider, and because of the loose blouse you can't see her petite upper-body.
she would look just fine in an a-line dress, or if the blouse was cut tighter.
No. 30755
>>30750I'm not
>>30740, famalam :v
No. 30756
>>30750Calling her malnourished is mean tho
She's a refugee, it's normal
No. 30757
>>30754Am I the only one who has actual irl friends with mikans bodytype?
You can see her body is just supposed to look like that, she looks really skinny but still "soft" enough (if that makes sense). If venus had the same bmi as her for example, you could tell right away that something was wrong. plus mikan has apparently maintained that exact weight for years, so she would be and look very malnourished by now.
I'm not saying it's impossible though, just that there are girls looking like that.. and you all definitely glamourize being smol uwu, a body like that only looks good on photos tbh.
No. 30759
>>30740I actually feel kinda bad. Her young, retarded and tactless fans are spamming with comments saying "Venus you're so big?!", "Venus I didn't know you were so tall and wide :)".
I genuinely wish she wouldn't have instagram. It can't be good for her mental health
No. 30760
>>30759they're exactly the kind of people drawn in by content like "watch me eat this giant pudding xDD", "watch me bathe in slime OwO" and bizarre clickbaits with no noteworthy content besides a cute girl talking nonsense like she's 10yo.
It's easy money, but the price is having to put up with those retards.. still better than having to work retail though.
I just hope Venus knows this, and only pretends to care for that sweet youtube bux.
No. 30761
>>30749In what country does she look 10 anon, she fricking looks 19-20.
what a reach anon.
No. 30764
>>30763Well, Venus needs to learn, she will see a lot of skinny girls (and more in japan) she cant just hide herself from the world.
reality check.
I get the vibe that Mikan has a dry sense of humor.
No. 30765
>>30763all her friends are skinny though (taylor, you-stole my-apricot-girl and tsuruko), and have some sort of ed or at least watch their intake very closely
venus never had friends before, so I think any friend is better than none rn
No. 30766
>>30765I wasn’t saying for her to have no friends just…I worry about her. Like she doesn’t need to relapse.
Been there, not fun.
No. 30767
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Mikan throwing shade
Venus playing her “little anime games”
No. 30768
>>30767I swear to god, venus "worried" fans are going to chase away all her friends eventually.
It's just not wort it.
her friends are not allowed to make jokes, they have to be there for venus 24/7 no excuses, and they better think veeery carefully about what they post on their instagram, or there will be a neverending flood of retards sperging out.
did venus even comment the last time, when she uploaded her suicidal video and mikan got bullied like it was all her fault for not instantly dropping everything and driving over? I can't find anything on her instagram.
maybe venus is enjoying it idk
No. 30770
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>>30769I'm talking about this ..tho I noticed after scrolling back that it was only these two so far, but still.
just thinking back to people annoying manaki because he dared suggest princess venus should wear normal clothes instead of lolita, etc
No. 30774
>>30773Chill anon, we don’t know anything for sure, if Milan was really all that, why Venus move with her? Let’s stop assuming Milan and venua relationship, everyone here acts like V is some sort of fragile goddess that can’t be teased.
Also if anything tsuruko always gave me the wrong vibe to be honest
No. 30775
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Guess that confirms that her time with Mikan was definitely meant to be temporary. I would think that if anything happened with Manaki, she'd probably say something by now.
No. 30778
>>30776"It's just cuz I'm British, everyone is like this here"
Well first off nobody talks in that fake posh voice she puts on, it's absolutely grating. People tease their friends but they don't frickin' declare that they hate them in the middle of a sentence. She seems like a bipolar jealous freak. It's just you Mikan.
However I think it's kind of her to let Venus stay over for a week. But don't pretend your bitchy, jealous, backstabbing attitude is normal.
No. 30789
>>30788objectively, no.
from the point of view of an ana-chan however, she did.
she should just play to her strenghts. like, her body is much more suitable for weight training/intense cardio than mikans for example. she could gain muscle easily, and stay petite while eating pretty much anything she wants. she looked super healthy and skinny while in the netherlands, where she went ice skating regularly and was forced by margo to go to gym (pretty much the only useful thing her mom ever did).
but first she'd have to accept that she doesn't have the body to stay a kawaii bmi 15 leek without forever suffering and probably dying very young.
No. 30792
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>>30784>>30791Mikan has a boyfriend though
No. 30794
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Suits Venus. I do not make fun of her, I just came across this picture surprisingly.
No. 30796
>>30787Her relationship is just normal, she has mentioned that they do talk about her problems and stuff, and its most likely that they do sleep together,
whats with anons thinking she has a secret relationship with Mikan?
>>30793Yeah, it's weird that she is in Japan and has a Japanese boyfriend right?
No. 30798
>>30793>>30797I don't understand why everyone assumes that because you live in another country and get a boyfriend, you're going to use them for a visa??
I didn't realise that if you move to another country you're 100% not allowed to get a partner or you're clearly using them
No. 30799
>>30797Stop being petty.
No, I'm not.
No. 30800
>>30798Because people date and marry others for visas all the time.
So its not that crazy to consider it.
No. 30801
>>30800All the time but not everyone does it.
people date and marry because they like each other all the time
it's not crazy to consider it.
No. 30804
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Not manaki
But Venus replied to this person about leaving manaki, obviously she is not leaving him
>>30803Manaki knows a very basic English (and as far as I know, he was learning more)
What he does has nothing to do with his will to learn the language.
No. 30805
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Venus posted this on her insta story.
No. 30809
>>30808She needs to grow it out, and maybe get rid of the bangs. Like im so sick of her with bangs. Like she looked good with out them.
I scrolled down her insta to find no bangs pics and it seems she got bangs right after she met mikan.
No. 30810
>>30809lol stop it with that mikan shit.
venus always had bangs. closest to letting them grow out was when she was a blonde and living in the netherlands.
I agree that those strange bangs she has rn don't do her any favors.
so no one here went to närcon to stalk her?
that's a good sign lol
No. 30811
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venus is cute af, but I get the unhealthy urge to aggressively pin her down and put in some leave-in conditioner in that shitty, frizzy hair of hers.
No. 30812
>>30811The summers in Japan are a bitch!
Humidity is high and European/Caucasian hair is not used to those levels. Esspacally bleached/dead hair will fuzz up beyond control. I tried to put some argan oil in mine and some anti frizz stuff while I was there and it still fuzzed on me. Straightening it would help for a few hours but that's it..
And I think she got it permanently straightened?! Probably damaging it more.
Not to WK, but I guess she can't do much about it other than wearing a ponytail/all her hair up.
No. 30813
>>30809Yeah, at this point its too fried. If she's insecure about super short hair, she could always wear cute, natural looking wigs.
All that talking about her hair reminds me that phase when she died it jet black, pretending it was "her natural dark brown hair color"… Like sure jan. Its been a few monthes she dropped this gig though, so hopefully she realized it was cringy.
No. 30814
>>30810Ffs on her insta the last pick without bangs was her w/ Milan that said I just met mikan!
That’s all I meant then it’s bangs bangs bangs ugly ass parted bangs!
No. 30816
>>30815Ok but I still think she look better without bangs. That’s my point.
Now I feel like I sound crazy.
No. 30817
>>30816yeah, she definitely looks better without them. she also doesn't embrace her other nice features, and tries too hard to fit in with the weebs.
I guess growing her bangs out, dressing age appropriately and having a fit body just isn't ~*kawaii*~ enough.
No. 30819
>>30812As someone who has been living in Japan for a decade, this is very true! I never had so many bad hair problems until I moved to Japan. Yes, her hair is damaged but the European structure also does not fare well with the humidity and some of the hair products are not effective for foreigners . Besides more regular deep moisture treatments at a salon, I think hair smoothing cream might work better for her than oil during the summer.
>>30818It was understandably a little awkward at certain places but it was so refreshing to see her so laid back and eager to talk with her peers. Sometimes she was flustered but you can tell she was excited to speak freely like this. And we have confirmation that she indeed identifies as bisexual! I’m glad she feels comfortable revealing that and not being ashamed or confused. I like how frank she was about how part of her attraction to Manaki was how feminine he is and she actually stated that SHE kind of stalked his social media for months after she first met him.
I’m counting down until Margaret finds and obsesses over this Q & A video.
No. 30820
>>30818Her body language is very cute. I'm just relieved no one asked her any inappropriate questions.
"what's the best thing you've done in your life?" "running away from home" kek
No. 30823
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No. 30825
>>30824lol I love mikan just because she makes you obsessed lesbians rage.
we get it, venus belongs only to you uwu
mikan is an anorexic bitch, not a real woman with curves like you~~ uwu
No. 30826
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>>30825Obsessed lesbians? Dakota… is that you?!
But speaking of lesbians, Venus does love her some yuri manga.^
Seriously, though. This thread is slow as fuck and nobody HERE has shown they are anything like you suggested. There were at most, two people that stated they didn’t like Mikan and everyone else has been neutral. Maybe you should just stick to PULL if you’re starving that bad? They have a whole thread dedicated to bashing Mikan.
No. 30827
>>30826lol well then.
I didnt even look at her whole Q and A story. It was so long
No. 30829
>>30828She hasnt made a video in a month. She did go to a convention but she didn't even upload any videos about it, or of it. Like a lot of other youtubers she just doesn't have a care in the world! she never seems to worry much about money.
Idk if she got paid for the convention, if she said she did I dont remember.
Also does anyone think Venus would ever have some merch, or write a table top book?
No. 30830
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Confused about her sexuality, I wonder what made her realise that, or I wonder if she always thought about it but never knew how to express it??
No. 30833
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Holy smokes! Is anyone else into graphology? It's not a real science, but look how low that t bar is! For those not into graphology, the higher the person crosses it the higher their self esteem is, lower the t bar the worst their self esteem is.
also her handwriting is a lot messier than I expected
No. 30839
>>30833>the higher the person crosses it the higher their self esteem is, lower the t bar the worst their self esteem isah yes, because her issues with binge eating and body image didn't already make that clear enough
ffs anon lol
No. 30844
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>>30843kek sorry guys to post this bc the intro is Venus throwing some shade uwu
No. 30845
>>30844lol I was so confused
whoa why do venus's teeth look so discolored?
No. 30846
>>30844I love how much shade Venus is throwing Mikan, honestly maybe that's the best way to return Mikan's constant comments which are clearly not jokes but feel shady, jealous and superficial.
Also I love how Mikan can't take either of them giving her any sass back, the exact way she does to her friends.
No. 30848
>>30846btw why do we all speak like nasty ghetto drag queens now
>throwing shade>spill the teathis is fag culture can't women do our own thing
No. 30850
>>30849no i just think women unknowingly adopting things from drag culture which is men's parody of women is kind of.. i dunno, potentially lame.
anyway I just realised mikan and venus did a whole video about why their teasing is not
>clearly not jokesfor this anon
>>30846I also think it's a good video for the person who i saw once who said venus is 'not that pale'. In this video because she is verging on invisible lol
No. 30851
>>30850Hm I’m not sure they mean to parody women for serious reasons (I mean their audience is even mostly women), but with that being said, thanks for explaining, I appreciate it.
Anyway - yeah, they’re not jokes and I’m surprised the ‘friendship’ has even lasted.
No. 30861
>>30858I never had hamsters for pets, im not into tiny, rat like animals, but arent they really territorial and each need their own cage?
Or is that only certain types of hamsters?
No. 30864
>>30853Same anon as
>>30863I lovee the video with Taylor, it's edited so well, please more of that (vlogs in Japan/outdoors) and less hyper videos at home.
No. 30867
>>30861yeah, they're all very territorial and solitary.
there are some breeds that get along better, but you never know when they could turn on each other.. especially in super tiny cages like this. one of these little shits needs at least 1m² of space, or more..
that's why I think venus just isn't that nice of a person. she doesn't care about the needs of her animals, she just gets them because they're cute and thats it. and an underpaid store employee told her that those shitty plastic cages with bad ventilation are good enough, so it's ok!
No. 30868
>>30859she does seems different from her usual hyper self.
the slurring, glassy eyes, and kinda puffy face.. maybe she's drinking?
could also be mania though.. that would explain the sudden energy and motivation to put out a video every day.
No. 30870
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>>30869fans have told her since july 2017 (when she still only had one hamster), to which her response was getting more cages and connecting them through tubes.
No. 30871
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>>30869>>30870… that must have been only temporary to make her look good, though. because in her new video around 10 hamsters were sharing a single cage before she seperated them.
on another note: hamsters have always growing teeth and need stuff to chew on (besides food), that's why the plastic shit she puts inside the cage is actually bad for them. every hamster needs its own stuff, or they will fight each other.
and you will note that the only opening for air is at the top… but she stacked those cages.
people have told her all this multiple times.
No. 30874
>>30873give them to a shelter? it's not like their living conditions could worsen there.
their only happiness in life right now is just food, while they sit in their ammonia filled cage, having to fight someone every time they want to drink water.
the point was that venus is a shit person who doesnt give a shit about anything. you can always tell the real character of a person when you see how they treat defenseless animals.
No. 30876
>>30875last time I checked lolcow was for shittalking people, and that's what I do. venus herself is also in the top % when it comes to living conditions, so I guess there's no need to feel bad for or defend her either?
I'll laugh my ass off when one day she stops mentioning them, and later we catch a glimpse of those cages in a video and there's like only one left..
No. 30878
>>30875The thing is, if she had not gotten two hamsters and had not kept them in the same cage, she wouldn't have to deal with that many hamsters to begin with. It just shows that she either
a) didn't get informed at all about hamsters before getting them - because it's literally the most basic thing that there is to know; hamsters should be kept alone - and there's no excuse for that
b) she just chose to not give a single fuck about those animals. Which would be even shittier.
And like… Is she literally that dumb to not realise a male and female are going to breed at some point?
But back to your lame-ass apologies.
Just because animal abuse is normalised in countries like Japan, doesn't make it okay. If you don't have room to keep an animal in appropriate living conditions, don't get one. Simple as that.
And even if they don't face better living conditions in a shelter, they at least have a /chance/ to have a better life, whereas this way they'll die in about a year. Tops.
No. 30883
>>30881>>30882so you've read some answers on yahoo, or asked your aunt betty? because there is no reputable source that would ever state this.
stop it venus, just admit you don't give a fuck or ignore it, but don't try to give us this bullshit.
No. 30886
>>30884yea sure, just keep making claims without providing proof. maybe we will get bored and stop arguing, which will somehow make you right. -> page 20 - caging and environment: "Usually housed individually due to aggressive nature"
found this here after 2 seconds, should be easy enough to understand even for you since it's a presentation. there's more if you google it.
there are so many stories of people who found their hamster mauled to death in the morning, just in the comments of venus' video. but I guess they're all wrong, since you FEEL it's ok!
No. 30887
>>30880I've always got the impression that venus is rather simple and materialistic.
like the kind of person that has to buy some useless shit every day to feel good, and doesn't really think much about things. she has attempted to be deep a few times before, which was pretty embarassing to watch.. she doesn't seem to have well formed opinions on anything.
+ I remember her mentioning a few times how she loooves studying/implying she's secretly very smart, and how good her money management skills are.. so I'm inclined to believe the opposite (just like someone coming up to you and randomly stating that they're "a good person" for example.. kinda fishy)
so I believe she basically got a hamster 'cause it's cute and she needed some new shit.
No. 30888
>>30887everything you wrote has nothing to do with my question of why she'd get a second one if it's so well known they don't get along (but i don't
disagree with your assessments)
No. 30889
>>30888I meant to say that she probably didn't think very hard about it, and didn't inform herself about hamsters before buying the first or the second one.
probably just strolled in a petshop, and the store employee was like "oh yes, you should totally get a second one, they will be such great buddies!".. most people working in such a store don't care. they probably have to throw away dead hamsters all the time (happens even in countries where animal welfare is a thing).
No. 30890
>>30886It is only golden aka Syrian hamsters that are strictly solitary. Venus does not have golden hamsters. Other dwarf hamsters are social (although obviously any animal sometimes can fight). Dwarf hamsters are even widely used to study the role of biochemistry in bonding, due to their social nature. It seems like a lot of people fail to make the distinction between hamster species. Perhaps you should do some research rather than spending 2 seconds finding a random presentation. Here are some references.
"Syrian hamsters, also known as golden or teddy bear hamsters, MUST be kept alone. One Syrian hamster per cage—no exceptions! Dwarf species like to live in pairs.""female dwarf hamsters (Phodopus sungorus campbelli), a gregarious species""Most small rodent species kept as pets are social animals, also dwarf hamsters, with the exception of the solitary golden hamster. A person cannot replace a conspecific i.e. social partner, therefore these rodents must be housed in groups with conspecifics all the time.""Siberian dwarf hamsters form monogamous male-female pair bonds. Disruption of the pair bond results in increases in body mass and behavioral alterations similar to profiles seen in human atypical depression.""Social hamster species should be housed with their cage mates." No. 30891
>>30880I would guess she just goes to pet stores to look at pets. I had a friend that wanted to come with me to the mall when i needed to run errands and she wasted a hour of my time so she can play with pet shop puppies and talk to the employees. She wanted to buy one too but this stupid bitch lived in a dorm, had no job and no money.(the dog was a few hundred dollars)
i think thats what Venus does. Goes to pet shops, goes "cuuuuqqqte" and gets talked into buying pets by employees.
No. 30892
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Why does she go out of her way to look and act like a six-year-old smol child? What is her deal?
No. 30893
>>30892I'd say it's either due to her fetishization of the Japanese culture, but since she isn't japanese it just seems forced. Or it's part of an mental health issue - not wanting to grow up, be responsible for anything etc.
Or both.
No. 30895
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>>30892this is the same shirt.. did she pin it in the back?
No. 30896
>>30892It bugs me that she does this but than shes all like this isnt what im doing, im not a kid!
I think she has some real issues and is trying to reclaim her childhood or something
No. 30897
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No. 30900
>>30898>Sometimes clothes are just clothes.Are… Are you for real? Have you ever watched any of her videos?
She literally goes out of her way to act like a child. She even binds her breasts to make herself look more flat-chested than she actually is and you're still saying this is totally normal behaviour?
No. 30901
>>30892tbh I've always thought it was just her youtube-persona. she needs to stand out somehow, and what else besides acting like a toddler and looking cute can she bring to the table?
she's not funny or has any interesting ideas - at least that's my opinion.
or does anyone think people would still watch her videos if she looked and acted like the average person?
No. 30902
>>30901I think she would be better as a normal girl who just happened to like really cute things, and did cute gestures.maybe be a bit more subtle, than she wouldn't come off as a try hard.
shes definitely not funny, some of her video ideas have been ok, but imo her baby personality is very off putting. Like its fine to be an adult and enjoy childish things, but…idk
No. 30906
>>30905I agree with Anon, I just like how they phrased it.
Watched this video
>>30897And it's really good, even the Logan Paul references were funny and tasteful (if that is possible in the context).
I like how she was obviously subtly emotional about the forest and whimsy and so on. I hope she spends more time with her friends as it seems good for her.
No. 30907
>>30893>>30892>>30896Agreed, I think she's emotionally/developmentally stunted, trying to reclaim her childhood as other anons have offered seems likely to me. Of course it could also be a marketing thing, as
>>30901 suggested. Standing out on youtube is hard and she has a pre-built online identity to fall back on that can compensate for her otherwise non-engaging screen presence. She's been pegged into that hole for so long she might not know how otherwise to be. I remember threads back people suggested she could have gone in a crafting or cute housewife direction which would have had more longevity and been more engaging compared to her current content.
Am I the only one that likes Manaki's videos better? He actually has a sense of humor even despite his stilted English.
No. 30910
>>30909Not so much concerned with her mental health as that video is either a desperate attempt at being "fun and entertaining" or more likely, a "jab" at the viewers who say things like she's bipolar, manic, mental, emotionally stunted etc. Sadly, she is not unlike her mother. She strikes me as a very vindictive and passive aggressive person (just better at being subtle about it unlike her mom,the petty things she does are so subtle, many viewers wouldn't even notice). So not surprised she'd do this, as she obviously reads all the gossip threads about her, yet "pretends" she doesn't care what anyone thinks. So yeah, the video looks satirical and a jab at those who said those things about her.
Personally, don't like her like I used to when the "wool was still pulled over my eyes". She just strikes me as a fake, attention-seeking, petty, egocentric, somewhat manipulative, vain person(can't stand the way she always squints her eyes to create a larger "aegyo sal" or the way she's always checking herself out in the cam, I mean even in her "I'm so depressed dont wanna die" vid). She tries much too hard to be this "cutesy" person, it always feels disingenuous, though I suppose it's not surprising given she wanted to be know for being cute as a little girl, and therefore "practiced" this persona (aka: the period stained underwear vid she accidentally uploaded which was just her staring at herself practicing cutesy poses/faces etc).
I dunno, she mostly just seems to care about money and "appearing good" to the public. I get YT is a job and she needs money somehow, but I mean, she'll even use her family drama just to get views (aka more money), going so far as to put up a thumbnail where she's visibly distressed, melodramatically shaking on camera for the drama/pity and genuine viewers will actually be concerned for her, a girl who just posted that for money (and probs a jab at margo (though understandable, still petty)). Or the surgery vid. She kept click-baiting the title and thumbnail, changing it to trick viewers into clicking and giving her more views/money, yet she claims the vid was merely to "help people". What a load of bs. Money is what drives her and she would never share a story and "be honest" if she wasn't certain she could spin it into a positive light(aka amazing, strong, inspirational, totally honest venoos). "Redemption" stories are a big thing on YT and she definitely capitalized on that (she was at her most popular during that time too).
Sorry for the rant but she just screams disingenuous. Like I remember when she said she didn't share her finances with manaki because "venoos would never burden him with her bills". What she really meant (and completely voluntarily shared to glorify herself) was "I make more money so I'm not going to share my fiances with him". And if, by chance she was solely referring to her hospital bills, she still voluntarily shared that info with her viewers, again, just to "appear good", which is something narcissistic people who want to glorify themselves would do.
Like I used to see her as totally genuine before I noticed all the subtleties. She kind of reminds me of Maergery from Game of Thrones now, who was mostly nice (but attention-seeking) with some subtle petty jabs here and there, but in the end, Maergery was still very fake, solely interested in glorifying herself and "appearing good".
It's sad b/c I find myself sympathizing with her at times, then noticing her disingenuousness at other times.
Also, seriously hope margaret was just lying when she shared that text where venus supposedly said (paraphrasing)"if you're cute and thin you can get away with anything". Like pls be a lie. She can't be that manipulative. It would be so disappointing if that's the way she thinks. And hopefully, if she did at one point, she doesn't think that way anymore.
But all in all, I hope that vid was just a random vid or attempt at being "fun and interesting". If she really IS manic or something, she should consider taking a break again to reflect. If it's just a jab (like I think) at comments on here and other forums, she should be ashamed, as most of those comments seem to be from genuinely concerned viewers.
No. 30912
>>30910agree with everything, but
>the petty things she does are so subtle, many viewers wouldn't even noticewhat kind of petty things?
and it's obvious that she lies all the time. wasn't she still telling everyone with a straight face how she's naturally skinny, etc a year after leaving margo? the truth about her ed only came out after she was hospitalized.. I guess it was just too good a story not to make videos of.
what about those "omg, I speak ((20 standard sentences and maybe about 100 words in)) 8 languages fluently!!"-claims?
she will also still probably insist on having a natural high-pitched 11-yo animu-voice when she's 40.
and no way anyone is ever gonna believe her about her "studies","side projects" or whatever productive thing she's claiming she's doing atm instead of lazing around the house (seeing as venus is super proud of a sticker book (ngl it's cute), and otherwise sharing every mundane idea she has, I'm preeetty sure we would have heard about it all the time).
the questions are.. isn't everyone doing this on youtube? would all those things even matter if the drama with margo never happened, and is she actually milky on her own?
No. 30913
I don’t think she’s lazing around, she has depression, that’s different, she lies a lot but i can believe her depression seeing who’s her mother, and that everything in her life relays on her relationship, if anything goes wrong she doesn’t even have a real home country (I mean, Swiss I guess but she wasn’t raised there so it should be weird idk) to go back to. So the depression thing I totally get.
Anyway her situation is bad and I don’t think she’s very milky herself, it’s rather sad to watch (not saying this to diminish her) her dark downfall, hope she’s indeed doing something out of internet cause I don’t think is the best to expose yourself so much when you have mental disorders and a vengeful mother after you. Idk but I’ve always imagined her doing something related to cook and culinary, I used to love the few cooking videos I saw from her and becoming a cook would be a brilliant way to gain life with her passion (food), then she could build a real career and feel more safe/ have perspectives. Hope I’m right and she’s able to do something only for herself alone
No. 30919
>>30917A convenient store in Japan, like that? Doubt it.
I’m surprised she has done nothing with modeling or something of the sort with Lolita brand (or dolly clothes or wtf she calls it). It’s something a lot of girls who go to Japan do…the ones I’ve seen anyway, that don’t go to Japan for just a semester abroad.
No. 30924
File: 1538734365335.png (89.15 KB, 640x494, venus.png)

looks like she accidently uploaded one of her very old videos but took it down quickly when she found out lol
No. 30926
>>30920interesting.. does she even get that many negative comments? I didn't see any nasty comments on facebook or youtube (besides that hamster video). Isn't lolcow pretty much the only place where people openly criticize her?
even so, I've never seen anything as bad as "kill yourself" on here.
So what the hell is she talking about?
No. 30928
>>30926cringe you idiot, it's obvious you are the same person who wrote this
>>30920. Let it go - do you even read this site? There is maybe one post about her per day, and only about 1/3 of them are negative. She specifically said she was talking about youtube comments (and facebook, which is odd though, because I didn't even know she has a fabebook page).
>>30927she didn't really play victim (what do you mean again?), she said If you put yourself out there on the internet negative comments are going to happen and you have to accept it. The 'off' part of the video was where she started saying how much she hates herself, which was awkward and depressing and coy and annoying. I would find this annoying even if I was her fan because it's like someone begging you to compliment them (which is not the same as playing the victim)
No. 30929
>>30928>>30926oh and by the way, you guys might not have noticed because it seems nobody was looking at her old videos over the last big break from output, but for at least several weeks there were thousands of retard kids posting
>FUCK THIS THOT. >SHE A THOT. >What the fuck is this bitch??>She steals money from creators who work hard with copyright!! THOThundreds of times because it seems a hate video about her did a round of getting recommended or something and I think she must have briefly been a meme on some site hence thot thot thot
No. 30930
>>30929I feel bad for her.. then again, her channel seems to bring in more money than working minimum wage and she doesn't have to leave her room, so I guess it's a small price to pay tbh.
she should be smug about those 12yo's that probably don't know how adblockers work and bring her even more views.
No. 30935
>>30931what is the target audience for this?
it's just… depressing
No. 30937
>>30936her behavior has been utterly bizarre and kind of disturbing in her last few videos…
i wonder if these short videos of her acting manic are meant to be some weird halloween stunt (she started uploading these vids on october 1st) or if i'm being too optimistic
No. 30941
>>30939I mean… she does have a fairly large apologetic following that will excuse anything because evil evil Margarine treated her so badly :(
Plus all the Wannabe-Manaki-Weebs that fetishize this kind of stuff as much as she does.
It's the same as with Bunny Meyer (grav3yardgirl); as long as there's an audience, there's not enough reason for her to change. She lives through her internet-persona, this character is such a huge part of her life that it has become part of her personality as well.
She needs to get off all (public) social media, go to therapy and focus on what's there besides YouTube and social media.
No. 30943
>>30941I don't think it will happen as long as youtube is giving her money. It seems to be a fairly large sum, too.
Margo was living super comfortably with that money back in the day (eating out every day, tacky and expensive shit..), and venus herself said she's earning more than manaki and so could pay her hospital bills herself.
Sad to see she's killing her income by putting out retarded videos like this.
No. 30945
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>>30944Now she wants to die.
No. 30946
File: 1539427657449.png (589.06 KB, 620x695, rip2.png)

>>30945that was for 30 minutes or so
No. 30949
>>30944That pic for the suicide post is old, probs around the time she went to narcon. Looks to me she was like "im gonna make a dark post, whats the most dark/emo pic of myself i can find". A person truly depressed in the moment doesnt do that. Shes looking for pity/attention again as the follow up to that post seems so "planned". Either that or she really is bipolar or manic or her meds are having some effect on her.
Also lately in her content she keeps mentioning her "haters". Im assuming shes referring to sites like these rather than yt or fb like she mentioned as she doesnt get much hate there (unless shes deleting comments regularly).
Found it annoying she mentioned there are videos out there "slandering" her (most notibly the vexxed vid) yet she CHOSE to take the ad revenue off that vid instead of force vexxed to take it down. Then she publicly complains about it. Talk about greedy then playing the victim. Jesus.
No. 30950
>>30949>Im assuming shes referring to sites like these rather than yt or fb like she mentioned as she doesnt get much hate there Don't fucking start with this again. You so desperately wish she notices us. One post per day here and 3/4 of them not negative
>>30948and the hamster white-knight of is back
No. 30951
>>30950FYI, this website is not a Venus fansite so anyone can talk about whatever they like about her. I guess you just cannot handle someone talking badly about your queen.
And, nope I’m not the anons above.
No. 30953
File: 1539716893808.png (400.08 KB, 431x769, adshjkahskj.png)

venus should finally decide if she's ~going to be herself from now on~, or mold her persona to her followers wishes. because doing both is what makes her seem manic and unstable.
actually it would be smarter to just seperate her private life from business - which her youtube/instagram is, no use pretending she's just doing it for all those lovely fans and because it's just so much fun!! uwu
she's obviously tired of it all
No. 30959
>>30957she said on twitter that she's working on a new video.. two weeks ago.
I just hope it's not a serious video about her mental illness or something cringy like that.
stop telling over 100k strangers all about your personal shit, venus. it only works for your friend taylor because she leads a cool life and doesn't have real problems.
No. 30961
File: 1541617875453.png (512.34 KB, 856x482, Captureva.PNG)

Depression must had been crushing her hard that she stopped looking after her hygiene, and it seems like it been a while.
I'm not sure if she noticed it or not, but I wouldn't assume that she is the kind to show the world that she doesn't shave.
No. 30963
>>30954Ive been saying it from the get go after she left Margo
She’s fucked in the head and
problematic and everyone pretends she’s fine
She isn’t
Clearly isn’t and it’s worrying how a young woman acts the way she does. Not even in a cute way but… she’s just a mess
No. 30965
>>30963okay no one
on here
thinks she's fine
so fuck off with repeating your mantra
we get it
No. 30966
>>30961Oh god noooooo
I dont want to be that anon but.. does mana even touch her at all?
or give a single shit anymore?
I mean, sure, he probably works a lot, but is this really the best kind of care he can give her? she was walking around with greasy hair for months, looks like shit due to malnutrition,…
not like he alone could cure her depression, but you know it's pretty much over when you can't bring your partner to practice basic hygiene and shave for you anymore… or just don't care to do it.
No. 30967
>>30966I don't try to defend Venus but why is bad higiene if she doesn't shave? Just because she doesn't shave her armpits doesn't mean she is dirty or that she and her husband aren't fucking anymore.some people don't shave is not that weird.
Venus needs people in her life who stop enabling her childish actitudes , because she is just making herself more insecure, it seems all her life revolves around the fact that she is " cute looking" she is always making this stupid faces trying to be cute, it makes me crazy , I'm.not saying she has to stop liking cute things and clothes, but she should know they are more things in life than looking cute .
No. 30972
>>30965Fuck off yourself
I posted once?
She’s fucked up. Get over it.
No. 30979
>>30977Her attitude is 100% just a dig at those people that tell her to grow up and behave more maturely.
She's obviously unable to sit back and reflect the comments she overexaggerates it in a sense that makes all her uwu fans go 'but why would you want her to be depressed like that?'. Because obviously there's no way to act maturely without being dead inside.
No. 30981
>>30980she went back to makeup stuff lately. her latest video seems very "margo era-ish" with the dolly stuff and voice over.
she's desperate for views and probably hoping she'll get more with that style like she did in the past.
i notice her instagram is a bunch of different looks as well - doll, natural, professional, edgy. going from one look to another seems to get her more likes and the attention she's desperate for.
this girl should really get a real job. but i guess venus is "too good" to work in a cafe or retail or something. (and too greedy). she wants the easy way.
at the very least i hope she keeps her yt professional and her personal life out of it. i cant stand all these youtubers milking their "problems" for pity, attention, views and money, and then claiming it's to "help people". what a load of crap and venus jumped on that bandwagon and reaped the temporary benefits.
No. 30984
File: 1543507519932.png (1.98 MB, 1268x1497, why.png)

I dont get it.. what's the point of putting on a super cute dress, and caking yourself in makeup, if your nails and eyebrows look like… this?
she should get her eyebrows done and maybe some gel nails instead of buying usueless plastic shit and burando.
pretty nails, eyebrows and teeth always come first, they're not an afterthought, venus jfc
just throwing around money on expensive shit, thinking it will automatically make her pretty is such a trashy margo mentality
No. 30987
>>30984Is her thumb just swollen? I noticed in the photo that Venus has a stubby thump very similar to Megan Fox. I might be wrong though, as I have to see more photos showing her hands.
As for her makeup skills, I remember her ganguro one was quite cringy for me.
She uploaded another Korean makeup video a while ago.
No. 30989
>>30987oops, typo….stubby thumb.
>>30988Her eyebrows shaved & in the video looks so weird now.
No. 30994
>>30991you think i've never seen a face close up lol. but you're right it could be lighting (
bad lighting, good lighting will make pores hardly visible)
No. 30995
File: 1543714793752.jpg (58.4 KB, 872x361, face.jpg)

>>30993she changed it to "korean makeup hacks" now after the rageclick boost.
but anyway i just don't understand why you would spend 40 minutes fiddling with 7 layers of skin makeup to go from left to right
No. 30999
File: 1543768705603.png (1.09 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20181202-173556.png)

What triggers me most about her make up video is that she applies purple colour correction under her eyes.
Colour correction is supposed to cancel out the tones, that's why you apply green on the red parts of your face. Trying to cancel out purple/blue/green-ish dark circles under your eyes with purple doesn't make sense.
Also jfc what's so hard about cleaning your nails before doing close ups?
I'm genuinely wondering if she's losing it now. She doesn't seem psychotic or anything but SOMETHING is off. She does know how to do her make up. She could do much better eyebrows than those she has done. She does know how to record videos (lightning wise etc). I can't quite put my finger on it.
No. 31001
>>31000But as I said; it's not like all that stuff is new to her. She's been forced to do videos she didn't enjoy doing for the majority of her time on the internet. And I feel like shaving off her eyebrows and badly drawing them on like that is a Britney Spears 2007 level meltdown for her.
It's just too odd to me to just count it as fan-service.
No. 31002
File: 1543974805591.png (1.31 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6397.PNG)

I'm sorry but that looks absolutely disgusting!! Wtf did she make? Also looks like she just through a bunch of plain tofu in there, doesn't looked seasond at all
No. 31005
File: 1543997276095.jpg (79.3 KB, 430x860, thp.jpg)

>>31002she posted a better looking picture afterwards.
Why is mana cooking in the middle of the week? He must be working fulltime, while venus has nothing to do all day. I hope that's not a regular thing, like there's a limit even to depression.
No. 31007
>>31006honestly.. she was always bad at crafting, cooking, makeup, or anything requiring motoric skills. but she seems to really ejoy doing it, so why not going for a kids channel?
she wouldn't get any cristicism for her crafts there, could completely let out her childish side without it being weird, talk about candy, toys or whatever as much as she wanted.
you could put half her videos there rn and they would turn from creepy-cringy to cute in an instant.
her main channel she could use for everything else. if she wants to do low-effort videos, why not do some outfit or haul ones (we know she's a hoarder anyway, and people love that shit), or vlogs.. or maybe just ask her fans, like she did 1000x, but actually deliver this time?
No. 31009
>>31007You do realize that this would just cater 100% to the ddlg/pedo part of her fandom and that those will become her main audience?
>>31006None tbh.
She has some serious issues. She needs to take some time off and do all the puberty, early 20’s stuff that normal people go through but Margarine didn’t let her experience.
She needs to find out who she is, what her skills are and what she could work as besides making videos. Once she has figured her life out, she’ll realize whether she really still wants to do videos and what she wants her content to be.
Right now she’s dependent on this whole Venus online identity because this is very likely her only source of income. She needs to grow up, take control and choose to find herself a alternate career path before she’s forced to. And I don’t even mean ‘growing up’ in a ‘get a grip’-kinda way. She never had a chance to learn becoming an adult. But she has to now.
No. 31010
File: 1544052117086.png (2.03 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6407.PNG)

>>31005Looks like mana is cooking yet again, he works a lot and it's unfair for Venus to make him cook after a hard day at work considering she does absolutely nothing, it should be 50/50 in a relationship and since she doesn't work she should do everything at home
No. 31012
>>31008Well she DID followed up with saying she wears more concealer tho. Tho she puts it all the way on the sides of her eyes where her skin looks normal(no bags) so its pointless and not helping there.
I Dont get why she feels the need to defend herself over it tho. Like the video itsself or the way she says 'passionate' in such a bitchy way at the start as an f you to anyone who doesnt like her makeup application skills is so ugh. And that angry look in her eye when she mentions too much face mkup. So passive aggressive yikes! Also foam face washes are terrible as they tend to overstrip the skin just saying
No. 31013
>>31009>>31007I think a kid's channel is a good idea, how long as her pedo fans gonna keept watching?
But you do have a point about finding alternate money sources. What kind of jobs can foreigners do in Japan? She's married so she is eligible to work and her Japanese isn't that bad. Maybe their are jobs like nail tech where the education doesn't take long?
No. 31014
>>31011i expect she doesn't wear her 'makeup totorial' looks around town (or ever, they're just last-ditch ideas for videos).
>>31010>it's unfair for Venus to make him cook after a hard day at work considering she does absolutely nothingthis is pretty cringe. this is the pulltard "everyone around the cow is being mistreated by them and is a poor thing uwu. i protec them" instinct. you don't know what the deal is lol, maybe he likes cooking. Another point is, venus has said before she's financially independent so, maybe she pays her share - i dunno how that works with her youtube videos so low though. i dunno how any of these people make money. 30k views is like $50 maybe.. for a whole day's work. and only once a month uploaded on average.. fuckin how
No. 31019
File: 1544120347024.jpg (95.04 KB, 588x578, venus shoop.jpg)

is it just me is she going down the same root as dakota via photoshop? she edits her photos to have a smaller nose and bigger eyes and smooth skin and even a smaller mouth
No. 31020
File: 1544212187732.png (1.45 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6437.PNG)

Looks like she has just given up on cooking and making mana do it, he's being doing it for days now
No. 31023
>>31021Holy shit that laugh at the end…
God she’s so fucked up at this point. Seems a bit like she’s been acting like a child so much that she actually un-learned how to be an adult. (although tbh even behaving like a teenager would be progress at this point).
Or she’s psychotic and Mana is an actual pedo that takes advantage of it by influencing her behavior.
I know this is stupid, hence the spoiler. But, you know… No. 31024
File: 1544950813905.png (1.84 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_Instagram_20181216-…)

Good! Also working on a video.
No. 31025
>>31024oh god, I'm so happy for her!
I hope it's actually true and she can finally enjoy her life
No. 31027
>>31019yes she is. in candid photos you can see her eyes are actually deep-set, semi-hooded and kind of small. with the right camera, editing, makeup and angles they appear waaay large tho. her eyes are small like margarets but she has a bit of a more pronounced tear bag to give the illusion of bigger eyes, as well as aegyo sal makeup, squinting and editing. her nose is big like mags too, slightly less bulbous tip but she edits that too. her lips are thin and long (her moms actually look smaller and more doll like). she edits her jaw often as well and completely smooths the face like margaret. if you've seen her in person, she looks different.
Also another bad makeup vid. Sadly all her "looks" tend to end up looking the same and why does she filter the fuck out of the videos?
she looks like she's going back to the old style of videos she used to make as she got more views then
No. 31028
>>31020There’s absolutely nothing wrong with her husband cooking. Why shouldn’t Venus be proud to show it? It was also only a few meals she has shared. You are needlessly nitpicking.
>>31026It’s cute but extremely boring. I can’t tell what direction she wants to take her channel or if she is close to giving it up. You can obviously see the effects of her medication, but I don’t think that it means she is actually sad in recent videos.
I will say that her hair has been looking very healthy recently so I assume her overall health has been better.
No. 31030
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>>31026I don’t even know if those are better or even worse than her own nails.
Couldn’t she at least have chosen some that cost more than ~5$ and more importantly ones that fit?
No. 31033
>>31030I think they look really nice for her first attempt. she probably wasn't sure about them, and wanted to try out cheap ones first.
She really should stop lurking here though (if she does).
lolcow isn't representative of most peoples opinions about her. her subscribers seem to really love her and her videos.
I hope she realizes that. if she lurks here.
No. 31035
File: 1545522430046.png (335.16 KB, 842x430, nails.png)

cheap false nails that have fallen of are so angelic and kawaii!
No. 31036
File: 1545541544234.jpg (21.27 KB, 363x411, fuckthis.jpg)

fuckin.. all i can feel in the latest video is "i'm in filter hell". and kind of makeup hell too. Going to the mall today and seeing so many unladen fresh faces that don't look like someone with a stocking over their head was so revitalising after too much internet beauty world and starting to sink and drown under these layers of smart blur mugg and foundation fugg.
She looks like a chalk drawing in pic related
She looks like an AI-upscaled texture
No. 31037
>>31026I think its a big improvement from a lot of her more recent content and her older makeup videos. I doubt her makeup looks
polished and I would not wear her looks but I find her makeup videos oddly fascinating, its like the 'outside art' of the beauty youtube world. She makes odd color choices, chooses odd placements, and uses brands no one has ever heard of and ultimately makes looks that are distinct from the cosmetic zeitgeist. Maybe other people feel similarly and that is why her makeup videos were well liked. I think she was good at hair tutorials too so that might be another good direction. Completely agreed about the filters though. Too aggressive.
>>31024nice to hear good news for her, guess the milk will dry up.
No. 31038
>>31033No, they don’t. Even for a first time try they look terrible.
And there‘s nothing wrong with trying out cheap ones first, but for god‘s sake if they turn out this bad just remove them entirely before filming.
Also as
>>31035 pointed out, there is one missing as well.
They don’t fit, there are some missing, not to mention the bad cuticles. It looks like she didn’t put any effort in them at all. Unkempt and unhygienic, just like her natural nails. So there’s really no point in wearing fake ones.
There’s btw nothing wrong with being not able to 100% take care of yourself due to depression etc. But she’s doing make up/beauty tutorials. And earning money with it. There should be at least a hint of professionalism or effort if she expects this to pay her bills. And right now there’s not.
Also: she can do better. We’ve seen better of her. There’s literally no excuse for this low effort bullshit.
No. 31040
>>31036dude can you imagine what her eyebrows would look like without that filter?
maybe she's trying to protect us from that horror
No. 31041
File: 1545843765459.jpg (146.67 KB, 1520x472, what are those.jpg)

>>31040have you seen her eyebrows and makeup without filter??? she needs the filter so it looks better but if you compare her makeup with an actual beauty youtuber it's very emabrassing that she tries to pretend to be good at makeup and make tutorials that no one in there right mind would use (well unless you want to look like you're bad a makeup i guess)
No. 31044
>>31043soo they've got another hamster (around 13:00).. why though?
didn't she have like 10 already, and people were giving her shit for keeping them in tiny cages?
maybe most of them died by now, so she has more space
No. 31045
File: 1546558093011.png (237.14 KB, 708x296, wut.png)

>>31043omg why are her under eyes so bruised????? did she get plastic surgery? you could go a week without sleeping and still wouldnt get that dark
No. 31050
File: 1546722594012.jpg (112.97 KB, 1106x432, idk.jpg)

i don't understand her, she's always telling people to love themselves and promoting body positivity yet posts highly edited pics of herself. if she wants poeple to truly beleive what she says then she needs to take her own advice and just accept what she actually looks like instead of spending 10 hours editing her face
No. 31055
strange she never said a word about her other channel. I'm laughing my ass off rn
>>31050maybe because she doesn't look as fresh faced anymore? you can't really tell from the left picture, but sometimes (in photos taken by other people) you really can tell she looks unhealthy and more like 25~. no one would ever think she's under 20 irl
No. 31058
>>31057I'm really confused now, isn't she saying that the character is 16?she goes on about being a second year at Lumiere and such.
Did you and me watch the same video, anon?
No. 31060
File: 1546853063150.png (962.09 KB, 711x732, sdfdfd.png)

>someone asked what she looked like irl and she said in her response that she looks 16 years old
pictured: venus, looking not a day over 16
No. 31063
>>31062yeah. she's only 20 and already looks washed out and kinda desperate in her kawaii clothes and pigtails.
aren't round and meaty faces supposed to look youthful for longer? her skin shouldn't have lost any volume and elasticity at her age. if it's her diet then she has to change it asap, it's better to be chubby than look this worn out.
No. 31068
>>31052You mean like when I commented on these two posts?
>>31040 nor the left part of
>>31041 is filtered. They're both mangled by video compression. That was all I said.
I can believe that the right picture of
>>31050 is edited and wrote as much. Using the left one as part of a comparison on photoshopping is retarded because it's an overcompressed mess.
No. 31070
>>31067>she said in one of her videos she looks 16 in real lifethis is the part that i think you don't understand. 'in real life' doesn't mean in real life. the ai's voice actresses aren't giving away their actual irl details - this is still part of the character
>>31068 please go back to 4ch/g/ or whatever with this a/v autism
No. 31071
File: 1547813837463.png (483.48 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-01-18-23-07-52…)

Venus was live and she came out, the whole live was so wholesome and just nice to see her so relaxed and happy with a friend
No. 31075
>>31074I’m sure she said she was ages ago somewhere else?
Half the world is bi these days and she’ll never part with manaki
A Japanese man who will give her a hafu weeb child tho so it doesn’t even matter
No. 31079
>>31078they did a video together like 2 weeks ago.
to my knowledge they never posted pictures of each other since 2016, and while mana deleted pretty much everything since then, you can still see pictures of him if you scroll far back on venus instagram.
people thinking they broke up because she removed him in her bio.. is this facebook
No. 31081
>>31080she's bi tho. the only difference to someone hetero is the bigger pool of people she finds potentially attractive, so this shouldn't be an issue in a happy marriage.
i'm actually sceptical whether she is actually bi or just believes it. like, how does she know?? she never had a relationship before mana.
i think she just finds girls to be aesthetically pleasing, and is kinda drawn to them because she never had real friends when she was with margs, and now maybe believes it's sexual attraction?
No. 31082
>>31081>she's bi though so blah blahfuck off, how did she find she gets horny off women unless she's going around looking at pics or whatever of women and getting off on it. Something which if your partner does, is disloyalty unless you're tumblr scum "we watch porn together" freak (which means you're very ugly and need to cling to each other)
I agree though I don't think she's actually bi lol everyone has this fuckin phase.
Everything's a phase same as how every single video including the last one is "i'm not like that now, i'm like this now!" see how it lasts one month until she's looking back at this video and going oh ugh
No. 31084
>>31083It was definitely a lot better than I anticipated. Hopefully Venus’ self awareness can eventually help her get a better foothold in her recovery.
Maaaaaaan if it doesn’t shed a bit more insight into how much Margo messed her up though.
No. 31085
>>31083God she's still thinks shes such a "special little eccentric snowflake". Cannot stand her.
"Not very many ppl can say they grew up on the internet…"
Is her head so far up her special ass? Everyone I know (especially the current teenage generation) is "growing up" on the internet. She is such an egocentric brat.
" I'm a weird special little creature" "when ppl laugh at me I can laugh with them".
No you dont, venus. You get pissed off but for the sake of your obsession with "seeming good" like marzia or mikan mandarin or maergery tyrell, you lie. Just like she said she doesnt read her gossip threads. Yeahhh right (rolls eyes)
No. 31094
>>31093>Not having a fav food doesn't mean she doesn't have a selfthat's right, but she only said that because she was grasping for a way to illustrate something very abstract and hard to put into words - which is also why you don't understand what I meant, so i'll give up trying to get it across lol. it's like if you've spend a few days in silence with nobody and no stimulus around you, you'll know what i mean
>>31092>pitythis is just ridiculous. the video was entirely positive after the first 30 seconds.
No. 31095
>>31071Same ol Peenus being an attention whore, what a surprise. Time to join the Kawiwi sooo gay and soo depressed Confetti Club.
Inb4 spergelic's rant "u jelly of our queen Weebus living the purfect nihon dreamu"
No. 31096
>>31095so.. how is she supposed to behave to not be considered an attention whore?
(she obviously can't leave youtube as it's her job)
No. 31097
>>31096Stop making videos and get another, actual job.
You’re pretending like she has to do videos not to die or go bankrupt within a few days when this is not the case.
Also nobody is criticizing her for doing YouTube in general, stop defending her with straw man arguments. She just needs to stop to exploit her personal issues for clicks. She’s mentally unstable, wow. So is basically everyone else in their twenties. Except that everyone else doesn’t try to make money out of it because there’s nothing quirky, cute or romantic about it. She‘s sick. There’s treatment for it. She‘s not 6 anymore where you can sit down crying because you got a scratch on your knee and everyone tries to console you. That‘s not how the world works and by pretending her way of dealing with her issues - getting her online following to pity her - is somehow okay doesn’t help anyone.
She has people that are there for here irl and off camera. Those are people that are supposed to be her safety net. Not a bunch of faceless numbers on the internet.
She has issues but by continuing the same pattern as the past years she won’t change shit about it.
No. 31098
>>31097THIS. I love you anon.
Also is she even pursuing an education? Studying japanese is good since she wants to stay there longterm but that won't be enough to provide her a job. She said in one of her videos about studying languages that studies come before an interest in languages but she's been doing the exact opposite since years… She can't even follow her own advice. Since she lives with Manaki it's not like her situation in Japan is unstable. If he doesn't support her financially she could keep making videos while studying, sure that's a lot but that's how it's like to be a responsible adult. She doesnt seem to realize she won't be a kawaii anime child forever and that Japan isnt just a giant themepark.
No. 31099
>>31098She did a live stream on instagram a couple hours ago and answered some questions, including if she plans on continuing her education. Answer: no that’s not going to happen because she’s “a middle school dropout” so she’s concentrating on reading a lot and her “business” (Youtube? She barely makes videos anymore so idk what “business” she’s talking about.
Also she could get her HS diploma equivalent online if she wanted to so that excuse doesn’t fly.
No. 31101
>>31100>She doesn’t hate her mom but feels sad about her. She’ll make a video about that soon.Jesus. Fucking. Christ. She needs to fucking stop milking that cow.
That’s exactly what I meant by ‚exploiting her personal issues’. There’s literally no point for her to make yet another video about her mother except for clicks.
If she actually cares about her mental health and wants to become better, she needs to take ten steps back and keep her personal life to herself. Because once she puts this stuff out there, she‘ll get thousands of opinions on herself and her life. And as someone who‘s struggling with knowing who she actually is out of her internet persona, that’s the last thing she needs.
But as long as she‘s literally doing the complete opposite of anything that would be beneficial to her actual life, not just her bank account, I‘m having a damn hard time believing she even wants to become better.
No. 31104
>>31103>She'll make a video about that soonHow it's not milking the situation for YouTube bucks?
You Venus stans pulltards are ridiculous.
No. 31105
>>31104Thank you, that’s what I meant.
Obviously there’s nothing wrong with briefly answering questions.
No. 31106
>>31102>Does Mana even know this whole bisexual story?Gurrrrl, have you seen his Instagram comments whenever Venus and her friends make lesbian jokes about each other? He’s totally into it and he probably isn’t so straight himself.
Why are you and others disturbed by “leaning towards lesbian” part? She is just describing her personal sexuality and what she is turned on by. Girls on her Instagram are always trying to show her BTS videos like they’re the hottest things ever and she is just explaining that she can’t get into that stuff because it’s not appealing to her in the same way it is for them. The way she leans in her sexuality doesn’t reflect on her fidelity or ability to love someone. Think about it: If someone strongly states they are 100% heterosexual, does that mean they are always looking at other women while they are with their girlfriend because their heterosexuality is so deeply ingrained? Because you’re insinuating that due to Venus’ sexuality, she can’t be faithful to an individual person, even though Venus has stated that feminine boys like Manaki are the exception for her. Don’t conflate sexuality and romance because they don’t always mesh perfectly.
And for the last time: They sleep together, in the same bed, at night but have separate day rooms where they spend time and play on their computers/game systems, etc. If Manaki is working odd hours and coming home late, is Venus supposed wait for him on their marital bed or keep herself occupied in the living room/kitchen all day? Extra rooms like a father’s office, mother’s sewing room or a kids toy/game room are completely normal, you know.
No. 31107
>>31097>>31104venus kept her mouth shut for a long time, while margo was talking shit about her to anyone willing to listen. her fans (the people that matter to her, so not you) have been asking her these questions all the time.
if so many people want to hear about her personal stuff, she gets money from it AND enjoys it, then why shouldn't she make those videos?
it's not like yall wont be the first to click on any shitty clickbait video she puts out. just enjoy the goddamn milk
No. 31108
>>31107Fuck off to PULL if you can’t handle people criticizing your precious little uwu angel princessWhen was the last time Marge actually did though? So why not speak up against the allegations when they come up in the first place?
Right now her clicks are dropping rapidly so she needs something to fix that. Which is drama.
Which also explains why she shouldn’t do it: It‘s not a video she WANTS to do. It’s not a video she‘s doing because it’s something she enjoys. She‘s just serving an audience.
She actually said herself that she kinda doesn’t know what her personality really is. So what she should do is take a huge fucking step back from being who and what her viewers and fans want her to be. Which would be the opposite of ‘oh ppl ask for this so I’ll do it’.
>just enjoy the goddamn milkWhat milk though? There won’t be any actual milk. This will just be another 10+ minute video of
>marge was and is mean>so many lies>poor me can’t live a normal lifewhen she actively keeps doing stuff that keeps her from having a normal life.
It’s literally that shocked pikachu meme in action.
>’I’m so depressed and don’t know who I am’>does literally nothing to change that > :O No. 31109
>>31108>So why not speak up against the allegations when they come up in the first place?what's the difference? people are gonna insist that she's only doing it for attention anyway.
if anything, doing it now, after years, proves that it's not just about getting maximum attention. plus, she's putting zero effort into youtube, so I doubt she's getting real desperate here.
I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt this time and believe it's actually therapeutic and necessary for her to talk about stuff.
I mean, she'll probably cringe about it later and delete, but please stop pretending you care soo much about her mental health. some other anons here do this too.
if you actually did, you would leave encouraging comments on her instagram, not some posts on lolcow talking about what an idiot she is. it's like you have to justify yourself because you know you're just being unnecessary salty.
also "milk" may be a strong word, but I'm kinda hopeful for new margo-pearls like "all mexicans are short and fat because they eat so much corn"
No. 31111
>>31109Kek I don’t care about her mental health at all and neither do I pretend to.
She just keeps saying how well she is and how she’s trying her best to become better and so on. I’m simply saying that she isn’t and what would be best for her.
But anyways, what
>>31110 said.
Keep on defending her. I’m out. If I wanted to read how great she is and that she can’t do any wrong over and over again I’d go to the Margarine thread or PULL.
No. 31112
>>31111Oh man. That video's going to be quite the pity party. I can't believe she's planning on making another marg video (though kinda assumed the second part of her vid would be that, given where she stopped). Is she planning on releasing it near marge's birthday too, like she did last year (where she talked about the pregnant comment) to low-key get marge hated on. I get that marge is an asshole and stuff, but it's ALWAYS the same crap with venus. It's always about pity and attention. Remember the calling my dad video? That was just posted for clicks using family drama for views/money and a clear jab at margaret. She was getting so much "aww poor venus-chan" comments it was sickening. Like if you need to do it for therapeutic reasons (like some here tend to defend her with), then do it OFF camera, with your husband, friends and THERAPIST.
And then there were the plethora of hospital vlogs. I remember her stating she doesn't share her money with manaki to not "burden" him. Completely voluntary information just to glorify herself and she most likely doesn't share (if still applicable) since she earns more and is fairly greedy. And then there was the first video on marge. I get she had to explain that they're not business partners anymore but one of the points she criticized marge for was"trashing manaki" as if she herself never did (quite a hypocrite) and thus the pity party began.
She's very egocentric. And loves a pity party. This is clear. Can she not just make vlogs hanging out with friends, teaching us about japan, doing random things that don't involve SELLING her pity stories to an internet audience to glorify herself?
No. 31192
>>31113She said in her instagram live that continuing her education was not going to happen because she’s a “middle school dropout.” Which is b.s. because there are ways to get a high school diploma equivalent, it’s commonplace.
I’m going with the ‘too lazy’ explanation. She’d rather sit on her ass in her little pink bedroom on the internet or whatever it is she does all day. School? No way. Get a (gasp) JOB? No fucking way.
No. 31357
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No. 31449
>>31357as if she’s serious about this
it’s all for attention
she wants people to speculate and spread rumors about her & manaki so badly
She’s fighting becoming more and more irrelevant by all means necessary. And manaki is on board with all she does bc he’s a cuck.
No. 31538
>>31513Or possibly, she’s going to therapy, her therapist advised her to remove her personal posts (ie. the ones that gave her the most trouble in the past two years) and focus on something that identifies her more as a person.
But of course, it’s more fun to take out your frustrations on some girl who’s been put through the ringer.
Grow up, people. Everyone has their weird humor moments, everyone needs their privacy. Just because she isn’t info bombing the internet doesn’t mean she’s getting divorced.
You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
No. 31539
>>31538holy crap can you fuck off already?
She just said that she will upload a video about her mother literally a few days ago so how does that go with your theory of keeping her personal life more privately?
No. 31540
>it’s more fun to take out your frustrations on some girl (…) Grow up, people (…) everyone needs their privacy. Do you know where you are spergelic? LC is a gossip board, there's no need to defend your uwu Queen every time someone say something remotely negative about her weeb ass (just a reminder: wking is against the rules btw)
Go back to PULL (or KF) and leave us, catty and immature jelly bitches, alone.
No. 31557
>>31538Not the best place to ask people to not talk shit about lil'Margrot.
She's probably obsesed about vaginas now because when she was young the only person who talked to her was that ziggurat of fried chicken and mustiness. And now wants to find another girl who will fill her place.
Not like abuse victims would search more abusers, because that's what they got used to and the human brain can't really do shit once it got damaged.
No. 31618
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You don't wanna attention whore too much. yea, right. She loves the speculation and all the hundreds of comments asking whats going on with her and manaki
No. 32220
>>31618"I also didn’t feel like attention whoring too much 🙄"
She reads here. shes just saying that to try and prove that it ISN'T true because she has an obsession with "seeming good" and what not. Fake.
No. 32238
>>32223This. Some anons even suspected that she post here to defend herself. The constant WKing is pretty weird imo, but I don't know if it's true or not.
Anyway, she's irrelevant, that thread is in autosage (thanks to the retarded Peenus fans…and Daphne the flat-earth believer autist) and isn't really active…so, her obsession with what we have to say about her is cringy af.
Tdlr: Venus, if you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen
No. 32242
>>32238oh i didn't read this post, it's even worse
>her obsession with what we have to say about her is cringy af.>her obsession?? this is just schizophrenia
No. 32269
>>32265I’m not the same anon as above who stated Venus reads here…so I don’t know why you are getting so angry.
If you can’t handle reading negative comments about her, don’t read here.
And, who cares about how much positive, neutral, or negative comments she gets on here. I repeated this many times in the other threads…this is not a fansite of Venus.
No. 32304
>>32241anon, could you go over the thread and actually count how many positive/neutral posts there are vs posts where someone makes fun of her or is insulting in some way? you know, for science?
venus has responded to "hate" that no one actually knew about before. some of it is probably only in her head.
why do you think it's unreasonable a confirmed mentally ill, overly sensitive, image-obsessed person wouldn't read everything written about her on the net and make a huge deal out of it?
No. 32548
>>32241I think you're the one who hasn't read it. It's fascinating how you feel the need to defend someone who doesn't know you exist, whom you mean nothing to and who doesn't care at all about you (watch venus post how she loves all her followers now
rolls eyes), and only cares about the income you help her generate. You're nothing more than a click to this fake-ass, attention-seeking, egocentric Marzia-like Youtuber who weaves a sob-story to vindicate anything negative she's ever done. People can have their opinions. People can have their critiques. You are the only one with a "grandiose fantasy".
No. 32551
>>32548FUCK!!!!! It's so frustrating to be so completely misinterpreted.
WHY THE FUCK do you think i am defending her?
WHY THE FUCK do you think I like her?
all i am saying is when you have a site with less than one generic, moderate criticism per day, most of it stale, old news, non-issues and like you fucking said, personal opinions, it just doesn't make sense that when the cow says something totally generic like "I don't want to attention whore too much" that some anon should think "haha I
just called her attention seeking! she's responding to me!!" It's sad and lame (or grandiose delusion/schizophrenia) to think that your generic comment that everyone has already said and everyone already agrees with, specifically broke the cow and pushed them to
None of this has fucking anything to do with Venus.
How the FUCK am I defending her? Point to the fucking part of my post that defends venus.
>muh you can't handle the negativityyou stupid moles if anything my posts imply there isn't enough
No. 32554
>>32304The fact that she responds via instagram posts or videos (the hater video as an example) is indicative that she does indeed read here and uses these forums as an attempt to "better herself in the public eye" which just makes her disingenuous. And she also claimed to not read them one time (obvious lie), which is further indicative that it does bother her.
>>32238 I don't know if she posts here to defend herself (it's possible but who knows), however I remember this actually was the case in Mikan mandarin's PULL thread. She had one of her friends white knighting her after she herself responded to some things. It was a nice response but then all those facebook posts got out and just went to show how good Mikan is at PR (and made her look disingenuous too). So it could be. Just like in the marg thread, someone called out Aunt Zsu and was met with a very
triggered, white knightish post to which someone suggested it could have even been Zsu herself. You never know.
No. 32571
>>32554The responding to haters video was in response to her Youtube comments which are indeed a cesspool of hate and cyberbullying.
I really doubt she bothers with reading here.
No. 32646
>>32591>she’s lonely because it very much animates her followers to interact with her pictures and therefore boosts her visabilitythere, fixed it for you
It’s just yet another posts that’s supposed to make people talk about her and speculate about whether or not her and mana are still dating.
I do believe she’s lonely. But flaunting it like that is just manipulative attention-seeking.
No. 33271
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>dat photoshop
No. 33512
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I don't get this. She very rarely makes videos, doesn't study and doesn't have a job, so how is she busy?
No. 36844
Also, earlier one venus fan wrote: "Birthdays come around every year, but friends like you only come once in a lifetime. I’m so glad you came into my life. Best wishes on your special day. I love you!!!"
If that's not her actual real life* friend, then the level of delusion that is her fan-base is astounding.
On her most recent post, someone commented: "U look so natural and happy 💖 super cute like a natural doll" :eye roll: How deluded. Her pics are always extremely edited and that thick mop top fringe and fake lashes honestly look horrible. Not at all "natural".
>>33512She's probably really bad at time management given that she never worked or had any real responsibilities, spoiled rotten by margaret and always had money. Time management goes down the drain. Maybe she considers streaming with her "jabberwocky malice" crap as work that makes her "busy". Or maybe playing games and doing her hobbies is what she considers as making her "busy". Or most likely she's just full of shit. I remember her saying she "works hard for her money". I couldn't believe it. What she does isn't hard work. I'd love to see this special snowflake working a full time "real" job. She'd melt into a puddle of tears.
No. 36896
>>36844Um…she “never worked”? Seriously? She did nothing BUT work while in her psycho mom’s clutches. Churned out 2-3 videos/week, week in, week out, nonstop—while psycho marge leeched off her earnings as her only ‘job.’
You’re deluded, hon.
No. 37465
>>37026At least on her birthday they seemed to still be together. At least his parents got her presents and showing those off on IG when they broke up would be very weird imo.
Tbh I don’t think she‘ll leave him anytime soon. He spoils her a lot and feeds her ego. I can’t see her wanting to give that up.
No. 37515
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No. 37516
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>>37515Comment on that pic
No. 37607
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some interesting bits from her q&a rn
110% lesbian venus confirmed
No. 37608
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of course.
No. 37609
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she used to deny this all the time.
what's even the point in lying if you're just going to admit to it like a month later, venus?
No. 37626
>>37609her virtual tuber character is a little kid atm
>>37623she is just saying bpd you goof, not borderline psychopath lol
No. 37638
>>37637You should be the one to shut up…you were the one who insulted me first.
I just was trying make a point that she wasn’t clear enough in her caption about the word psycho and even the person asking the questions seem confused as well.
No. 37642
sage for massive blog post (really sorry for that) but Venus currently reminds me of myself when I was around 18 or 19 and moved out from home.
My mother was quite abusive, too. My dad was diagnosed with cancer when I was 15 and my mother was severely depressed and maybe has some kind of personality disorder as well, idk. Anyways, she always made me responsible for my dad being sick and made me do all the chores around the house while she just was in bed with my dad watching tv and getting drunk. She made me buy groceries, cook dinner, clean, pick up any meds my dad needed and so on. I basically had no puberty. My dad died when I was 17 and since I had a bit more time I got a job and eventually had saved up enough to move in with two girls.
When that happened, I basically mentally went through puberty; I was on tumblr a lot, got in touch with the LGBT community through that, was totally convinced I was 100% gay, that I had BPD because I (used to) cut myself and was a bit impulsive, all that jazz. Your average tumblr teen. But since I didn’t have the chance to go through all of this during my actual, physical puberty, I went through this much later.
I think that’s what Venus is going through rn too. I do believe she thinks she’s a full-on lesbian. But I don’t think she actually is.
I also don’t think she does have BPD.
But of course none of us actually know.(Blog)
No. 37654
>>37643yeah nowadays it’s instagram that brings together the special snowflakes, so?
my point wasn’t her becoming a tumblr snowflake. my point was that’s she‘s possibly going through a pubertal phase and therefore becoming as edgy as possible. (‘Look I drink alcohol and I’m a psycho lesbian uwu I put the hot in psychotic hehe’)
or was that too much of an insult of your precious weeaboo queen?
No. 37655
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Alrighty then
No. 37743
>>37654many posters in here will be like
>why would she lie or be mistaken about herself? sweats (even though she has been 100 times before) because they don't want any people speculating if lesbianism can be just made up
No. 37749
>>37743lmao I don’t really care that much about lesbians or buy into any of this ‘you only need to find the right guy’-crap
If she’s actually gay good for her for realizing and coming out. More power to her.
I’m just pointing out that there’s a bunch of girls that identify as lesbian (and other labels) during puberty but end up backpaddling once they’ve figured out their identity. Denying that this does happen a lot (especially to those who spend a lot of time on tumblr/Instagram/twitter) is delusional.
I’ve never said this definitely does apply to Venus. I’m just saying that it’s possible she’s - in the process of figuring out her true self - experimenting with labels, trying out what fits.
No. 37762
I feel like this is her "excuse" for breaking up with manaki (if they actually did) to divert attention from the whole "you just married him for a visa and japan". Such convenient timing, seems almost planned. Or maybe she'll out right admit that to her audience and get away with it for "being honest" once she got everything she wanted.
I personally don't believe she is lesbian, as she seems very confused. First she was asexual, then hetero, then bi, now homo. Part of me feels like it's an act as well.
>>37549Ridiculous. She freely CHOSE to work as a team with her mother so they could make big bucks, big easy youtube bucks, neither of them could at the time if they didn't have each other. And it's not solely "venus' money" nor is it leeching if maggot was also putting work into the channel (unless she kept all/most of the money for herself), but from what it seems venus had money too and everything she could want materialistically. They couldn't get along (hard to with narcs) and split. Venus continued doing youtube with Manaki. I get the hate for mags but its gotten to the point that people like you are so biased, you can't look at anything objectively and spew this one-dimensional, one-sided fantasy.
>>37522I don't think she considers marrying manaki as fucked up as it got her what she wanted and she has repeatedly stated that leaving home was her best decision which would not have happened without manaki. plus they may not have actually split.
>>37609honestly, venus' response here is complete bs.
>>37640lol true, it is an unfortunate double standard. But remember, venus is an attention-seeking special little self-absorbed snowflake. What do you expect from someone as vain as that?
No. 37910
>>37762Yeah, right. Venus “chose” to make 2-3 videos a week and support her raving narcissist mother financially because she enjoyed it so much! You can tell because she keeps making videos now…oops, no she doesn’t. Total coincidence, right? She escapes the leeching loon and BANG! No more videos.
And yes marge was a leech who lived off her underage kid’s work. Venus churned out those videos every week while marge fucked around, shopped, travelled the world and stuffed her face at restaurants every day. She burned through what was left of Venus’s $$ for a year after Venus left and now she’s renting a shitty goshiwon room and living like a hobo because she has no one to leech off any more. Poor marge.
No. 37975
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No. 37976
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No. 38048
>>37975>>37976Is it just me or does this sound like regular plain ol‘ depression?
Was ‘just’ being depressed and having an ED not special enough?
Like, not gonna pretend I know what’s going on in her daily life but none of what we’ve seen ever seemed like she has BPD. First and foremost with her being able to keep up a relationship for YEARS, especially now that she’s claiming she’s a lesbian.
Someone with actual bpd - especially if they had never been treated for it - would actually fuck up their SO’s mental health as well. At least from what I’ve heard an seen.
>>38002>acting like a pos and blaiming it on muh bpdkek.
god, I don’t know if I actually want to see this or if the cringe is too bad
No. 38063
>>38048Sounds like you have no idea about mental illness, she's always seemed like she had something going on that's more than depression.
Kids with with narcissistic parents pretty much always end up with BPD symptoms, anyone that thinks she's "just" depressed has no idea about child abuse etc.
No. 38104
>>37910venus AND marg turned out those vids (no matter how much of a narc bitch she is), that doesnt mean "poor aboosed slave venoos did everything". you're delusional. your queen venus even stated herself that her dream is to post youtube vids every day (aka be an actual relevant youtuber like pewds who gets all the attention, validation and of course, the cha ching. but it was too much work for her. and she livestreams her "malice jabberwoky" shit pretty regularly on youtube.
>>37797venus said this herself. but i doubt it's true. most people with depression claim they are asexual when in actually it's just low hormones and detachment/emotional issues.
>>37999She wants pity from her fandom. if she wanted to reach out online (without seeking attention or pity to boost her image, especially in light of the possible breakup with manaki), she'd post that shit anonymously on some mental health forum or reddit or something and not on insta.
No. 38112
>>38063Not sure if she really has bpd tho. A lot of the symptoms overlap with other issues like clinical depression.
To be diagnosed you need to meet 5 of the following:
-Intense and stormy relationships that involve splitting
-Feeling persistently empty or bored
-A warped view of yourself that affects your emotions, values, moods, and relationships
-Impulsive behavior, such as abusing substances or driving recklessly
-Anger issues, such as violent outbursts followed by extreme guilt and remorse
-Extreme attempts to avoid abandonment or extreme feelings of abandonment
-Suicidal thoughts and/or self-harming behaviors
-Extreme depression, anxiety, or irritability that can persist for hours and days
-Feeling dissociated from yourself, including paranoia and amnesia
But lets say you relate to: feelings of emptiness, abandonment, dissociation, self harm/suicidal thoughts, warped view of self, you'd qualify as having bpd, yet those symptoms sound a lot like depression, don't they?
For instance, from what we've seen of v, she doesn't seem like someone who has "violent outbursts followed by intense guilt", which all the bpd sufferers I knew, exhibited this. V even said she doesn't argue with people and made a tweet about feeling nothing/sadness over guilt/remorse(was on some diagram). She doesn't seem to have stormy friendships either, at least from whats presented to us. If she exhibited these two, it'd be more telling of specifically bpd over just depression, (like how the other five I listed a person with only clin. depression could easily have). I'm guessing her therapist said this tho. So they'd know better but she doesn't really seem like she has bpd.
(armchairing) No. 38119
>>38112That’s what I was trying to say.
I don’t doubt she does have any serious mental health issues. I just don’t believe she has BPD. In fact, her sudden change in personality (the whole ‘I’m a psycho lesbian now!!’-stuff) seems like she’s trying to fit the criteria.
(Clinical) Depression paired with body dysmorphia/an eating disorder just seems more likely to me.
But yeah, since every other person that’s feeling a bit down has depression these days, ppl will go ‘oh but her symptoms are way to severe for it to be depression’ when - no. Not necessarily.
(armchairing) No. 38687
Do you think it would be justified to ask the jannies to undo the autosage, since Venus is more active again?
>>38537Now that would be a plot twist. Maybe that's why she's saying she's a psycho. Maybe it's a quote from him and she's being self-loathing/petty.
No. 38800
>>38687It would be cool indeed but they need to permaban the spergelics before or the thread will be shitty. I'm pretty sure they're the reason why they autosaged it in the first place
>>38757Snowflakes/cows like Jillian (Pixielocks), Luna Slater or Dakota Rose are barely milky too
No. 38821
>>38537Ohh funny you should say that.
Just read this in the Dakota Thread:
>Recently, there have been cases where foreign nationals residing in Japan who are married to Japanese nationals have been the victim of what’s known as “divorce without consent” wherein the Japanese spouse forges their foreign spouse’s signature, or otherwise tricks them into signing a form they cannot read or fully understand, and submits the form behind their spouse’s back.>Since the Japanese authorities don’t investigate claims of forged signatures or signing under deception, the divorce is therefore final. A foreign national divorced in secret by a Japanese spouse can then find themselves suddenly losing their right to reside in the country as divorce automatically cancels spouse visas. This leaves the foreign national with 6 months in which to acquire another form of visa before facing deportation.I personally don’t think he would break up with her though.
No. 39719
>>39296I could totally see Mana be enough of a bootlicker to just go with her ‘let’s make them think we broke up’.
I have seen a few other ‘e-famous couples’ that suddenly acted like their erasing each other out of their lives, leaving any questions unanswered or only said something brief that could mean anything. Eventually all of them were like ‘What’s the big whoop? Kek we totally didn’t think it was such a big deal? Just changing the style of our feeds and not at all trying to make anyone talk about us? uwu Of course we’re still dating!’
They might be broken up. But as long as neither explicitly states that they did, in fact, break up, I’ll go with attention-seeking as usual.
No. 39803
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No. 39807
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No. 39819
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>>39807They're disgusting, I have no hope for her.
Wanting validation from fucking a bunch of people is typical BPD behavior.
No. 39833
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Exactly as I suspected.
>I dOn’T eVeN kNoW wHaT yOu’Re TaLkiNg AbOuT
>WhY wOuLd YoU tHiNk ThAt
>YoU’rE rEaDiNg ToO mUcH iNtO tHaT
She’s just as manipulative and calculating as margarine. Anything for attention.
No. 39899
>>39819lol are you 12?
Open relationships are a fucking thing anon. Grow up.
No. 39917
>>39685i noticed she removed all her "daily" vids she did a while back. most had under 100k views. maybe it was to make her channel look less bad? (more active for the amount of subs)
>>39828duuude. yes. this is all i see too. but in a subtler, more inconspicuous way. mags is so delusional she doesn't even know how to charm ppl or be subtle. both are attention-whores.
>>39838I wonder what mana would say if venus wanted an additional MAN instead
>>39843True, it's easy to forget tho when youre constantly presented with a "front" from both of them. kind of like how venus edits the fuck out of her photos, ppl just start believing that's how she really looks. That said, her most recent edit is horrifying. Complete with digital makeup and ppl asking her how to have her eyelashes, which I think are digital too. What poor fools.
No. 39953
>>39937you could be right.
the only reason I kinda doubt it is because he was really trying to have a normal relationship with her.
for one her parents seem to have completely accepted her, so mana must have been serious about it.
and remember how in the beginning he was tagging along _everywhere_ because of venus' uwu-anxiety? going on dates in the middle of the night because she couldn't sleep? trying to do youtube-videos together, even though he doesn't seem interested now?
accepting her rants ("mana doesn't let me wear lolita everywhere ;_;") and "funny" april fools-joke about him molesting girls on the train?
coming home after a 12-hour shift (which is usual in japan) to a greasy, crying, lazy woman that tells him she needs "a day off" after she worked so hard making 10 youtube-videos in a row after months of just lazing around the house (referring to one of her youtube-videos where they play vidya)?
these are just some of the things that come to mind.
maybe he's into the lesbian thing, maybe not (I mean, what is he supposed to say to that? "no you can't"?), but he sure as hell deserves SOME action for the shit he must have been through living with venus.
Imagine that thing is your girlfriend.
No. 39958
>>39953>he was really trying to have a normal relationship with her.Again: She was 13(!) when he (20 at that time iirc) first approached her.
And yeah, obviously he‘ll put up with her shit. He‘d have a hell of a hard time finding a new loli gf that‘ll just straight up go with his pedophilia.
She was age regressing on a regular basis and actually binding her chest. She’s a gold mine for him.
>maybe he's into the lesbian thing, maybe not (I mean, what is he supposed to say to that? "no you can't"?)Well, yeah? Any sane adult person would dump some piece of trash like that.
Imagine being in your late twenties and after being married for years your SO is suddenly like ‘I don’t know if I’m actually attracted to your gender at all let me experiment’, would you seriously just be like ‘oh well okay that’s fine’?
Anyone posting this kind of shit in the relationship advice thread on here would get told to dump their ass and it would definitely find its way into the red flags thread as well.
But again: He’s a pedo doormat and probably really hoping for some girl on girl action.
But tbh if Venus actually let him join any of her experimenting I highly doubt she’s even experimenting for herself to begin with. But whole other story. But also; isn’t this just another cliche about visa marriages? The whole open marriage thing?
No. 39969
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>>39958>loli gfeeeeeh, I don't know about that. she doesn't even look young for her age.
It's hard to believe only his fetishes and venus looks make him take all of her shit and hold on to this relationship. then again he's a man, so everything's possible.
No. 39994
>>39983How does that mean she's having sex with him? Do you think everyone that doesn't have a partner is asexual?
That's quite the reach.
No. 40004
>>39983Her saying that she isn’t asexual doesn’t necessarily mean she does sleep with Mana. It could also mean she feels sexual attraction towards women or in general.
Speculating about whether or not her and Mana have sex is going a bit too far though imo. She herself has never publicly spoken about her actual sex life. Only general questions like whether she’s into DD/Lg stuff etc. So there’s no way of telling what’s going on and it’s really none of our business.
No. 40028
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Venus posted this and deleted shortly after
No. 40029
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No. 40138
>>40099Stop acting like Manaki is a
victim. He's just a creep.
No. 40233
>>40225venus looks like she's 30, what pedophilia?
his fetish is fully grown women with wrinkles that pretend they're an anime school girl.
that's pretty manageable considering he must be either at work or sleeping most of the week anyway, and venus can just go shopping everyday while never growing up or getting a job.
you think venus could thrive as well and be ~totally lesbian u guys~ in a relationship with a normal, mentally stable and healthy guy?
No. 40268
>>40267It's normal in Japan, don't you know? (sarcasm)
>>40033This thread is full of weebs defending Manaki just because he's Japanese, gross.
No. 40271
>>40267I'm telling you that some ageplay fetishist is the ONLY kind of person that would tolerate her. If she ever left manaki it would just be more of the same.
If she was suffering so much she could just get a job and move out, or at least work on her channel to save money.
I'm sorry to say but your poor abused bby venus is totally here for that shit
No. 40308
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I remember her singing on an old Nico Nico live…and it was awful. And she wanna try the utattemita route now? Oh boy…
Alas, since her fans are retarded and delusional, they'll praise her anyway.
No. 40341
>>40308Return to youtube my ass. It's like the 10th time she does her big ~comeback~
At least her yellow fever shoop skills are stronger than ever lmao
No. 40433
>>40414oh yeah, it's definitely edited.
there are no current candid photos of her, but her looking like this even with some sort of filter and good lighting is pretty telling.
No. 40457
>>40323Not anyone can learn to sing. Taking lessons can help with your breathing and stuff but if you're deaf tone and have no talent whatsoever, you'll never become Maria Callas overnight cause you pay for fancy classes.
I don't know why Venus want to do stuff which she have no skills like makeup, music, edgy humour and even drawing. She would be better doing the "kawaii housewife" style (her travel vlogs were super nice imo) or simply stopping YouTube since her mental health is so bad uwu.
No. 40854
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Wanting to die as usual
No. 40863
>>40854I'm sure she made like 30 pictures, carefully posed and edited, till she could decide what would go nicest with "just wanna die"
stay classy, venus
No. 40865
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No. 40866
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No. 40867
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No. 40868
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No. 41009
>>40936She did deny being into DD/Lg in the past, but then again she also said she didn’t age Regress and took that back so who the fuck knows at this point.
>>40993I also feel like this whole ‘I’m such a psycho kek’-schtick is just another placeholder for an actual personality.
She apparently got her diagnosis shortly after that ‘I don’t know who I am, I always just portrayed fictional personas, woe is me’ video so maybe she’s clinging on to said diagnosis now because she thinks THAT’S who she is.
No. 41010
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so apparently people have been spamming venus' friends
No. 41011
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venus could prevent that by writing about it, but never stops her fans for going after her friends or mana..
No. 41038
>>41011Venus is a manipulative piece of shit like Mommy Dearest, period. She knows very well that her friends receive this kind of retarded messages everytime she post her woe is me schtick on Sns. But she loves being a perpetual
victim. I don't understand how some people can still defend her.
No. 41061
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>>41038b-but anon, it's because she's ill so it's okay! you don't wanna stand between her and recovery, right?
I predict it will only get worse now that she can justify everything with "muh illness".
No. 41153
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report her posts
No. 41167
>>41070nah mate, shitty people who dont give a fuck act like pieces of shit.
I've never met a single person that wasn't depressed or maybe even suicidal at some point in life. they went to work like everyone else and didn't ruin the life of anyone.
just like venus behavior has nothing to do with depression and everything with being an insufferable attention whore.
No. 41299
>>41010I agree with Mikan but I also hate her reply. its basically "im suffering too guys look at me boo hoo" Everytime venus has a low, she is conveniently also having a low. i'm sure she has her own problems but that's just ridiculous to say you are conveniently feeling JUST as bad every time your friend has a low. Mikan deserves her own lolcow thread honestly. but pull did a good job showing her fakeness.
>>41061"the only help is social media" No it's fucking not. not your audience. if irl people aren't making you feel better, go to a fucking suicide forum, not as "Venus Angelic" to get the attention you crave but as a random anon person and pour your heart out there and seek help. Not posting edgy crap. There are suicide hotlines too.
Venus also changed her "fuck me daddy or I'll kill myself ok" post. It sounded really bad, as if she was emotionally blackmailing manaki the same way her mother would talk about suicide to her a few times (according to v).
No. 41313
>>41299I don’t like Mikan but I‘ll have to go to bat for her on this.
If you‘re mentally unstable yourself, it’s very easy to get dragged down when someone close to you is suffering. Especially if Venus actually vents to her or if Mikan tries to be there for her; that kinda stuff is emotionally draining. So it’s not necessarily 100% made up.
However, mentioning it like that is major attention whoring because there was no need to mention it. She could just have written something like
>Venus is safe and we’re in touch>she’s an adult and responsible for her own actions>there’s only so much I can do >pls stop messaging me etc.
No. 41415
>>41331I just love it how every few weeks venus is like "fuck everyone, I don't need my stupid fans, just gonna be my edgy asshole self from now on" but then realizes she would have to actually work for her money without youtube bux, and people outside the internet won't give her the attention she so clearly deserves.. so she deletes everything and returns smiling through gritted teeth.
it's getting old
No. 42117
>>42073okay but how did we not know about this cringy second channel… or am I the only one??
before her avatar was a loli it was more tolerable imo
No. 42118
>>42117I thought it was common knowledge but a lot of her followers are surprised. The Malice channel was mentioned here as recently as
>>40508 but in general it's not milky or interesting so I can see how some farmers didn't notice.
No. 42123
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>>42073Regarding the Malice stuff, I really don't know anything about vtubers so I looked it up. Sorry if this is common knowledge but I'm posting it anyway. Malice was part of an vtuber agency called WINKS which announced their closure a couple of weeks ago. Now she's managed by Takuya Ishikawa (pic related). So – I don't think it's April Fool's. I think it's in earnest.
No. 42178
>>42131Loosely translated, "I think that this is an 'industry first' and will be difficult, but let's work hard to make a virtual idol that can appeal to everyone."
I think this is referring to Venus wanting this channel to be the first vtuber to get to 10mil. Which is… kind of delusional, lol. Kizuna Ai's channel has 2mil subscribers which seems like as good as it can get.
>>42176No idea. Seems to be a thing though. Are any anons privy to this vtuber crap?
No. 42180
>>42176She needs to be managed because venus doesn't have the programming ability or art skills to make the vtuber model (unless that model is just like those random custom vtuber models you can make with apps in Japan). Being part of a company (called WINKS or whatever) could lead to more success (possibly) than going at it totally alone.
But you can see she's in it for the wrong reasons.
-I want to have fame and attention and money aka 10 millions followers
- I wanna be the first to get a diamond play button (aka surpass Kizuna AI)
And let's not forget wanting to be a daily "Pewdiepie" like youtuber which she tried and failed because it was too demanding and she's not interesting enough. And don't forget when she wrote as a kid "I want to be known for being cute".
She's always been in it for the wrong reasons. But vtubing is way WAY WAAY easier, so if it's not an April fools thing, she's probs doing it to get easy bucks (assuming she gets the same amount of views).
No. 42182
>>42178Also working with a company gives her access to vtuber technology. The person behind Kizuna AI (more sophisticated vtuber art model)has access to these motion sensors strapped all over their body and they film with a crew of people and a green screen and stuff, so this might be what venus plans on doing.
Or she's just using a model made by said company and sort of "promoting them" but she'll be doing the content by herself. Her other vtuber channel was just live chats, playing games, generic youtube stuff etc
No. 42187
>>42180Thanks for the extra vtuber info. Venus is my favorite cow so I'm interested but know nearly nothing.
>to be a daily "Pewdiepie" like youtuberNot only is this out of her charisma and creativity level (among so many other things), but if she is really going for this, why THIS character? Malice has no appeal imo. Bad name, weird character design, and now a loli. Kizuna Ai is the opposite and you can see how she's become as popular as she has.
No. 42191
>>42119Glad to see that she finally accepted that her main audience is pedos/white NEET weeaboos and decided to cater to them.
This girl is so fucked up. But not in the “oh she’s psycho uwu yami kawaii”-way, but in a “it’s cringy how hard she’s trying”-way.
But then again, maybe focusing on being a vtuber and drawing away attention from her face will make it possible for her to actually work on her mental health.
No. 42193
>>42160Her Malice character and some other vtuber playing truth of dare and being pervy/touchy. Openly describes Malice as a loli, which doesn't surprise me with that age regress fetish thing Venus has.
On the other one Malice plays the "mom", calling the viewer "baby". I guess some old japs pervs are into this…
No. 42445
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She's enjoying the attention. Also lmao @ that second comment, which she replied to
No. 42446
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>>42445The reply. Makes it sound like she's lurking.
No. 42453
>>42446Not surprising tbh
I mean, she doesn’t work so she has time all day and she‘s obsessed with herself.
No. 42473
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No. 42474
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No. 42476
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No. 42477
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No. 42525
>>42477So what happened to
>I‘m mentally ill and the only help is social media It’s almost like social media doesn’t help? Shocking.
She’s literally gonna blame anything on bpd~/being mentally ill now.
But fun fact: You can be mentally ill or have bpd and still be a functioning part of society and decent human being. But of course if you rather keep up old patterns and wallow in self-pity all day, you become a sarcastic edge lord and blame it on everyone and everything but yourself.
No. 42707
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>>42073coming back to check this thread after a few days and seeing this weird ass shit lol
Venus can change her channel as much as she wants, but if only going to upload 5 times a year, she won't go anywhere with this embarrassing shit.
>1,7 Million subs>~50,000 views on this videolol
No. 42709
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>>42707and this made me also wonder how her social blade statics look in terms of this change.
No. 42793
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>>42790I mean not really, she uploaded the video 2 days before April 1st. All of her Malice stuff has been around for quite a while. Just bad timing on her part to make a decision so weird that people can only assume it's a prank.
No. 42799
>>42797>10 millionshe can't be serious with that. Her actual Malice channel got 1200 subs after 9 months. More to the point, she knows she struggles to make videos and deal with the pressure having 1 million subs. Like there's no way she would look at the prospect of an amped up presence and high output and engagement and be like 'yeah, i'm in a great place personally and i'm ready to take my career to the next level'.
The only thing that explains it to me is that it's silly little girl Malice's dream not Venus'. I mean, Malice is the one who said it
No. 42805
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>>42797I know that all the weeb trash is super generic but now when I think about, the design of her malice character reminded me of Rozen Maiden in terms of art and character design.
No. 43010
ps: has venus ever actually worked a real job? i always thought 1-2 days part time work would have really been good for depression, having a schedule, responsibilities etc. but i guess it's easy when you leech (in a sense) off of manaki and have never really been independent. now she's going to pretend to be some retarded little anime girl while claiming she hasn't age-regressed. and if her channel really did die, given how spoiled and lazy/entitled she is, she probs actually would start a patreon instead of work. sad.
>>42446yep this is 100% confirmation that she lurks here even though she stated she doesn't in one of her vids. hi peenus-chan. once a pathological liar, always a liar.
And does anyone remember her "haters" video that she took down? Remember how she said she responds to hate or
valid criticism when faced with it? well, she definitely lied. you can see through all that edge just how pissy she actually is as a person. That haters vid was as bad as her "how I stay thin" vid in terms of the entire thing being a blatant lie to boost her public-image.
No. 43040
Is anyone else curious how she got into the vtuber crap to begin with? And an agency (however tiny and now defunct)? Does she or Manaki know someone, or did she just apply?
>>43019Possibly. It would explain the name "Malice" other than a twist on Alice in Wonderland. Though the boat for DDLC left the port long ago…
>>43010I don't think she has anon. Curious if anyone knows otherwise. I don't she could manage a real job. Not that she is actually incapable, but rather has handicapped herself over time.
No. 43160
>>42739That sucks
Some of her drama videos I liked, mostly cause I ran away from my family and I could sympathize for her.
…I didn’t run overseas and marry a Japanese guy though….I went to college :/
No. 43164
>>43072So it looks like she's taking a comedic approach with the character, at the beginning at least. Then after that she abandoned a lot of it and made it a long exposition where she addresses the less-nice comments instead… lol. Then switches to all of the nicer comments. Hopefully with that out of the way we'll see what she's actually doing.
Some interesting things mentioned:
>This channel is aimed at a Western audience>She is going to use "3D" technology, so maybe better tracking like Kizuna Ai>Venus is NOT coming back, she's a ~private person~I wish she would fix/edit the tracking on her eyes. It's super distracting.
Also I think
>>42799 anon was right, it's Malice's character to want millions of subs. I mean I'm sure Venus wants that too but in this video it was portrayed as a delusional whim.
No. 43229
>>43072If she actually wants to get anywhere with this she seriously needs to work on her pronunciation. Her mumbling is so bad in some parts I didn’t even understand a thing and thought she was speaking Japanese again. Holy shit.
When she did normal videos she maybe could get away with this but for something that so heavily depends on her speech…
No. 43240
>>43229 >>43230
Yeah her annunciation, accent, and mic quality all make her very difficult to understand with an avatar in her place. Like 85% of the comments on the video are saying peace out, 10% are saying the audio is terrible, and 5% are supporting her lol.
>>43239This will be interesting to watch as time goes on. I wonder if she'll lose subscribers with every new video going forward.
No. 43267
>>43252I could totally see her just saying that so everybody will get off her ass for doing nothing.
>You do nothing all day kek>yES I study but I’m keeping it totally private so I can’t tell you what/where uwu As long as she doesn’t do it online in some way, the what/where would probably leak through at some point.
No. 43290
>>43270It's possible though it isn't likely. However I agree with some anons that Venus isn't much of an entertainer and would do better in an academic setting. The only example we really have is her studying Japanese, which has gone well. Compare her to others who live(d) in Japan like Micaela and Taylor R and she has a leg up. I mean, sure, it's the bare minimum to LEARN THE DAMN LANGUAGE but she's done it. If she exceeds N1 level then she might be able to complete uni.
Then again, some schools don't require a high proficiency – Mikan for example going to fashion school. Venus could get a degree in whatever, and at whatever school, similar to the US which has plenty of easy/fast/accessible programs.
No. 43616
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She now is proud of being a depressed shut in NEET and won't change for anyone because it makes her happy!
Except for all the breakdowns and suicidal posts.
She's so stupid, she'll never get better if she actually thinks her lifestyle is totally healthy and she's just an ~introvert~
No. 43617
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No. 43620
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>>43616venus ~*not being a ppl pleaser*~:
>"I-it's not like I care about baka youtube anyway! I just FELT like moving an already existing side-channel to my bigger, money-generating one. S-stupid fans leave me alone I love the darkness ok"picture: also venus
No. 43642
>>43636>>43638Well there was one post where she said Manaki told her he won't have kids with her if she doesn't treat her eating disorder.
I bet Manaki wants to have kids so Idk how they're going to stay together.
No. 43647
>>43642He makes so many sacrifices for her and she won't make a single one for him. It must be a pretty depressing marriage for him.
>>43616Girl, shut up. Introverts and people with depression go through what you're going through all the time but they still manage to do what they have to do in life. She's just being a whiny turd at this point and you can clearly tell that she's trying to guilt-trip her fans into being less critical of her.
No. 43648
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>>43616Where was this posted bc if it was on Insta, it's gone now.
At this point I really hope that Manaki drops her uwu depressed ass. Maybe she can return to her Mom because at this point both of them deserve each other.
Maybe she tries to go down the hikikomori route bc the malice weeb shit isn't working for her lol
No. 43654
>>43616Do anyone remember that video called something like "I killed my Hamster and Aspergers"? One where she denied being autistic because Margo told her since her childhood so she believed that for a long time.
I remember that she basically self-diagnosed looking sympthoms on internet and said "no i don't have that!!!" but imho she sounds like one in this post. I guess she should do a test or something like she has done with her BPD or ED instead or self-diagnosing and being satisfied with that because "my evil mom told me I'm Asperger so that can't be true!".
No. 43656
>>43654Lel that’s not a description of her being actually autistic it’s just her trying to be an edge lord uwu psycho chick, just like the past few months.
Her diagnosis is that she’s a delusional piece of shit that needs to grow the fuck up.
No. 43668
>>43648It was a post-and-delete on her instagram. More of the same borderline drama queen bullshit she’s been pulling for the past 2+ years.
I’m done with her and her shit.
No. 43690
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I was surfing through the malice account and this just struck me as bizarre to refer to an episode of self harming as a 'menhera explosion'. Sure it's sad to hear she's cutting her self repeatedly but more so her attitude towards it is to 'lol make it weeb subculture relatable' da fuq
No. 43708
>today's plan is to rest on Sunday next weekif you think about how shaky google translate is.. it might not be a 'rest' she's planning
No. 43717
>>43290she doesn't even need a degree. there are plenty of decent paying jobs where you don't need schooling like being a receptionist. really easy work and would help her with anxiety or some hospital jobs which pay well here (not sure about in japan). she also has(im assuming until she says otherwise) a husband, so even working a part time job at a cafe, retail position, vet clinic… whatever would be enough for her to live off of. school isn't for everyone. i just hope she doesn't do what mikan did, it's such a waste.
>>43240she'll lose subs but she'll probably gain some, albeit slowly (her other channel was at like 2k). most of her audience seems to be inactive though given her subs to view count anyway.
>>43164its VENUS who wants all that. she can just hide it all under a character. convenient. but bs
No. 43787
>>43690She deleted this tweet because she's lurking. That's just one tweet of many on a bad day she had discussing her mental health and feeling down.
>>43708No worries anon, it's literally the word for rest and usually meant for taking a break or vacation.
>>43725lol if you don't know Japanese, why bother pretending you do?
No. 43790
It's normal wanting to talk to someone, but (I think someone said it already) there are chats and communities for that.
guess she's too self-important to let go of her "fame" even for a second and just be a random anon online. or maybe she tried once, but didn't get hundreds of worried pms right away.
No. 43791
>>43690Not the first time she mentions cutting/self harm, and yet I can't recall seeing her with scars, old or new.
Right now she is trying to fit the stereotype of bpd with edgy cliché statements that are straight from tumblr, but people aren't giving her the response she expects. It feels like she is feeling the need to go over the top with extreme symptoms to justify her mental illness status. It comes off as forced and begging for attention of any kind.
No. 43798
File: 1555010949163.jpeg (60.14 KB, 634x951, 035BFDFF-C7CE-4D4E-B27E-EDAEEE…)

>>43791That’s what I’ve been thinking the whole time.
Unless she’s actually cutting at her boob or vag, I’m having real trouble believing this one.
No. 43805
>>43799That picture is from when she was in hospital.
But, as
>>43791 said, she’s mentioned cutting a few times before and has acted as if she’s been doing it forever (around the time she went public with her diagnosis).
No. 43812
>>43798I swear, if she now conveniently starts posting pictures with visible scars just to prove her point, I will lose the last bit of sympathy I have for her. We all know she reads here. I don't doubt she has mental issues, it's very obvious and expected after living with Maggro for a long time, but it is totally not okay exaggerating or faking mental illness to enhance your new persona.
As long as she continues to thrive on online attention and being the ultimate
victim, she will never recover from her real mental issues.
No. 43828
>>43812I wouldn’t be surprised at all if she suddenly started cutting or (visibly) hurting herself all of a sudden. After all that’s what a real BPD psycho gf does, right?
Or if she was genuinely convinced it would make people take her mental illness more seriously. Because THAT’S why people say she’s attention seeking.
No. 43832
>>43828I stopped taking her seriously when she started pairing her suicidal captions with carefully edited cute selfies with good light and angles.
Tbh I have my doubts about her diagnosis. BPD is very trendy, as is the whole "cute but psycho" and she started pushing classic BPD symptoms to her followers after she made her diagnosis public. PULL keeps mentioning stupid stuff she did in the past (crying selfies, etc) as proof of her having BPD, but it could be anything. She was never as extreme as she claims to be now.
No. 43881
>>43856I never said anything like that, but nice reach. What I was referring to was Venus not doing a single thing for Manaki. If you think about it, what has she done for him? At all? He's usually the one giving and she's always the one taking. He tolerated her psychotic mother for her when many guys would have run for the hills because it would have been too much drama. Venus wants to fool around with people while married, and Manaki is just going to let her do it. He's been dealing with her weird bullshit and whiny behavior since she started going full attention-seeking mode.
With that said, he deserves it for being a pedo.
No. 43948
>>43901He wanted to date a child, he got a child. Karma. I don’t feel sorry in the slightest for this creep.
Plus, he does have and always has had the possibility to dump her if he wanted to.
No. 43965
>>43959Yes it is. It‘s not his responsibility for her to have a Plan B for her life. She‘s 22 years old. She‘s an adult.
Also, as
>>43949 said, it obviously can’t be as bad if he deals with her and actually enables her behavior like that.
He could also just help her to get far enough to stand on her own two feet (even though she should be capable of doing that herself at that point in life) and then go separate ways. But there’s literally no need to feel sorry for for him. He actively chooses to pamper that wannabe-child of a wife that he has.
No. 43999
>>43989venus is the worst cow because she has a lot of funny issues but she's so fucking slow there's never anything to talk about.
Make a fucking video you fucking annoying little shit
No. 44102
>>43812Very true but she enjoys being a
victim (no matter how much she might say she doesn't) and is prone to melodrama just like her mommy.
No. 44104
File: 1555289842663.jpeg (347.07 KB, 1985x1057, 4AADAB05-A691-4EFA-B1DF-39D905…)

She has zero monthly income from Youtube since she stopped making new videos plus she deleted all the old videos about her family drama which were the ones still getting views. Her Youtube channel is dead. She killed it.
Oh and she’s lost close to 1000 subs in the past 24 hours alone. She’s been hemmorhaging subs since she started this virtual crap.
No. 44114
The only reason she's doing this is because she sees it as her only way of being someone famous, I'm talking like Kizuna Ai or Pewds level famous. Her dream is not being a daily youtuber, it's having 10million+ plus subs and everyone talking about "Malice" aka her, everywhere. She isn't satisfied with 1.7 million followers. She wants to be rich and famous (like actually famous). There's nothing I despise more than people who want to be famous just for the sake of being famous. These are usually the most disingenuous people around – they tend to be very fake. She just hops on any bandwagon she can like a fame-seeking vulture. And if this really is the case wit V, I hope she fails. She never deserved what little fame she had anyway.
"The reason I'm not making another account for malice is because it's still me". (rolls eyes). Peenus please. Think you meant to say, "The reason I'm not making another account is because I am greedy for subs and exposure and I'm too lazy and impatient to try to build this thing with another account when I'm not too far behind Kizuna at this point and that feeds my ego knowing I started this with 1.7 million subs and by the way,I'm venus now, please accept me and stop unsubbing cause I'm not malice i'm still venus, oh and after years of having no problem doing youtube and dying for people to comment on my cuteness I'm actually really shy too shy for youtube which is just a nice way of saying I don't wanna put in the effort to do my hair, makeup, get dressed and film and edit since these livestreams are so easy suckers thx for the cha ching btw and this is an experiment, i'm also gonna throw in some real vids cause I love money…I mean youtubing and don't wanna lose all my subs"
No. 44132
In the video she said she doesn't have Japanese citizenship. Could this be why she's still (according to her though it seems fishy) with Manaki? She also said she plans on going to school but didn't specify what field. Could this also be an indication that they broke up or plan to, so she'd need to go to school? Other than that, the video was filled with a lot of people pleasing bs and lies (especially the beginning), and she said she would do some real videos, vlogs etc, most likely to try to retain her audience and ease them into the anime youtuber garbage. Also for some reason she refused to answer what programs she uses to shoot her videos (assuming people were asking for the virtual equipment). I doubt she forgot, but just didn't want to say, as I've seen this with most other virtual youtubers… they tend to avoid saying so to limit future competition. This was not an uncensored q&a at all. Finally, adding captions is too much work for her. lol.
She def wants to be talked about. If "Malice" is a name as famous as Kizuna or any other big youtuber or virtual one and everyone knows Malice is Venus Angelic, then she gets just that. It's one and the same. Nothing she's doing now is more private, except not showing her face on camera, which she does on instagram anyway so it negates that PLUS she said she plans on making non-virtual videos as well.
No. 44147
Watched some of the video and she said she "thinks" manaki wants her to have a threesome with him / another girl, but earlier on her instagram she said this WAS the case. Now it's just an "I think he does". Then she stated she doesn't want a threesome. So she either wants to stick with just manaki, have an additional girlfriend to herself or doesn't really want to be with manaki at all. She also said she doesn't have time to watch Netflix stuff but earlier stated she plans on going to school because "she has time". The whole thing was pretty inconsistent. She was also asked on her thoughts about cannabis use and legalization and she completely dodged the question by saying something along the lines of, "If it becomes legal in other countries then it might become legal in Japan".She also said she listens to Arianna Grande, but when asked to sing one of her songs, even just a part, she couldn't without looking up her songs, which was odd, if you listened to her music you'd be able to recite something, a few lyrics at least. She ignored a lot of questions she didn't want to answer as well. It ended with her sucking up to her followers and saying she wants to be "friends" with them.
>>44132She mentioned facerig near the end as ppl kept spamming that question
>>44117She made quite a bit off this livestream. Imagine sitting alone in your room making a nauseating cutesy voice and ppl throwing money at you LOL. And I thought ppl throwing money at SSSniperwolf was bad, but this is a whole new level of low.
No. 44171
>>44166Am I the only one who took that as a stab at Manaki, since that's how they technically got together?
I don't think she's actually trying to encourage people to stalk her (even if that's how it's coming off as), I feel like she's regretting her relationship/marriage with him.
No. 44172
>>44171thing is, she has probably married that guy because ,that was her way to get away from her situation. it's clear that she is not doing well, so she will ramble and rant about anything saying things either out of impulse, manic episodes, rage etc. now she's paying the consequences of making such a heavy life choice because manaki is likely demanding her to be a bit more of a responsible adult and less of a spoilt human doll kid.
about the whole mentioning self-harm deal, whether she is doing it at the moment or not doesn't matter because these are all signs that she needs some kind of attention or validation to feel good. she doesn't need to be told that she's gross for faking self-harm and mental illness, she needs to be told over and over that she needs more help than she thinks.
No. 44313
>>43841Late but her dad thought she was calling to ask for money and rebuffed her.
I'm sad to see she hasn't found a happy ending but this is the reality of having a one-on-one relationship with your abuser all your life, and everyone else shut out. It's like Gypsy and Dee Dee, Gypsy probably ain't right. You spend your days being manipulated and learning how to manipulate as a basic life skill. I'm sure Venus feels genuinely unstable in her identity, I can believe Margo gave her BPD. Publishing those things to her fans is just disturbing, I'm reminded of way back when she left Margo and she made that weird post standing on the chair in her wardrobe and saying how depressed she was.
No. 44368
File: 1555546257208.jpeg (116.76 KB, 1132x805, 056C4122-51D8-4910-87AA-F9B631…)

Is she drunk?
No. 44369
File: 1555546302347.jpeg (106.96 KB, 1053x680, B81BAC4E-D581-439B-81E8-3DD5E7…)

No. 44406
>>44369this one has been deleted (the vid in the link is unavailable) while shit like
>>43617 is still up
No. 44408
>>44313Yeah, lay with dogs and you get fleas… live with a crazy narcissistic harpy lady and you get her narcissist tics.
V needs therapy that Japan probably can’t provide for her. This story won’t end well at all.
No. 44418
File: 1555611914907.jpeg (232.13 KB, 2041x1304, 407D0E7B-6CFD-4868-AE0D-A9DCF3…)

She did delete this tweet..maybe after she sobered up? (the link was garbled and not functional.) I think she drinks to excess.
No. 44424
>>44418To me it seems more like how tumblr users type when they want to indicate extreme happiness or emotion in general.
I also think she's been posting "weird" stuff for us to discuss lol and to prove she is as extreme as she wants to be. Sometimes it even seems like she is replying to critics made here (she tweeted something about people exposing stuff she posted in the past just after anon found the menhera tweet)
I would not discard the drinking thing, but to me it seems like she's been trying to turn liking beer into a quirky trait (like she did on the Malice stream), so I doubt it's genuine. Both the kawaii persona and the edgy slob one are fabricated, imo.
No. 44425
File: 1555619338710.png (129.25 KB, 733x534, oveires.PNG)

Since she deleted them, here is the context for the "drunk" tweet. To me it seemed see was being extra about rumors of a k-pop comeback so I didn't post it before.
No. 44498
>>44461She’s been doing this shit for years—claiming to care SO MUCH for her fans then disappearing for weeks or months at a time. Then reappears saying she’s ALL BETTER and promising to get back to posting videos you guys! -only to disappear again (currently.) She treats her fans like shit and has for a long while now.
That plus the sound of her fake baby anime voice makes the ears bleed.
No. 44499
>>44396The thing with 'BPD personalities' is that you don't just switch between them whenever you like. In fact, most of them are 'combined' from people you probably regarded as a 'first/favourite' person of sorts or someone you regard that atm.
It's not something you just create one day because you feel like it.
No. 44518
>>44502She isn’t answering these questions because it makes people like you and the other anons ITT talk about whether or not they’re still together.
She needs people to talk about this and her mental health badly because she isn’t putting any actual content out but still wants/needs to stay relevant.
And relationships and mental health are (besides weight/beauty) THE most interesting topics to people. They love to gossip about those things. Not just on here or PULL, but in general.
No. 44597
File: 1555790940334.jpeg (488.62 KB, 2048x2048, 02C8703F-D378-41C0-B54D-ACBF30…)

Venus is doing an Instagram live. She’s alone at karaoke, it’s 5 am and she’s fucking wasted. Can’t even stand up properly and slapped her own ass. Honestly this is a mess.
No. 44633
>>44562I doubt it, she seems hurt by having a label on it. To me if there's a been any mistake at all, it's that she has C-PTSD instead.
>>44597And this shit just supports the diagnosis more an more.
No. 44655
File: 1555819096647.jpeg (103.4 KB, 645x940, A275D40D-4475-44CA-8498-469BE2…)

Slopping down a bowl of noodles.
No. 44673
>>44664Uhh she was escaping her
abusive mom and had no friends, it's not like she had a perfect life when she arrived there. A lot of people with mental problems just happen to want to live there.
No. 44679
>>44640lol the comments
>did something happen?>what happen with herincidentally I quite like? the singing. it's accidentally a little bit like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs
No. 44701
>>44669I remember hating Manaki for being an adult man who was a "fan" of a foreign teen girl, but now she seems the be the (dare I say)
abusive one.
I honestly don't think she's ever really loved him. Breaking it off for a short time after getting married, insisting on calling him boyfriend instead of husband; when people questioned them really being sexually active she suddenly started with perverted jokes and so on…
She only wants attention, no matter of whom. Her life the past few years was a constant cycle of "look how abused/sick/drunk I am!" and as soon as people show her kindness and want to help her, she hits back with "sassy" comments - while being a childless "housewive" in her early 20s. Of course a young guy who works full time to support that lifestyle of hers might no longer want to deal with that.
No. 44707
>>44704i think her issue is that she doesn't want to get out of the spotlight. as shitty as marg was to her, it's not as if
any child star type doesn't enjoy what they're doing, otherwise the fail miserably at it. venus was no different, she clearly enjoyed a huge part of her old persona, which is why she's like this now. her having an e-persona and being paraded around as a living doll wasn't the parts of her life with marg that she disliked, and it wasn't really the
abusive part either. if you watch some of those documentaries about pageant girls who grew up it's the same kind of thing, most of them are still into that style of attention. venus definitely likes it.
No. 44717
>>44713She won’t though because neither of those things gives her as much attention as full-on acting everything out does.
She‘s a hopeless case. She‘s a westener with severe mental health issues in a country that shuns the very thing she‘s doing atm (publicly acting out mental illness).
No. 44746
>>44729>Functional people do this, sometimes on every weekend. First of all: Venus isn’t functional. And secondly, if you get absolutely trashed by yourself every single weekend, you aren’t a functional human being either, I’m sorry.
>>44735>If you get through your 20s without ever being alone at 5 am, wasted, have you really gotten through your 20s?If it was JUST her getting drunk once by herself at 5am, nobody would care tbh. It’s the sum of bullshit over the past couple weeks/months plus her streaming it for everyone to see.
She’s constantly talking about ~how psycho she is, doesn’t have a job, the only thing that helped her earn money and get by has gone to shit, she has struggled with an ED in the past (and possibly still is), is married to a pedo-creep and the list goes on.
But sure, I’m very confident she’s the kind of person that can handle a highly addicting drug even though she’s having severe mental health issues. What could possibly go wrong.
No. 44763
>>44762it's probably this anon
>>44735 >>44737
she sounds like a lolcow
No. 44768
>>44766>>nothing better to do than sit in front of the cameraShe’s rarely in front of the camera these days. She hasn’t made a video on either channel in months, ditto for instagram. More like
>>nothing better to do than sit in front of the computer screen which is how she likely spends all of her time. When she’s not drunk that is.
No. 44812
>>44780pretty much lol. and since she's
abusive she's probably both happy and enjoying watching her daughter's life spiral downward solely because it means she was right about how moving away would ruin her life. of course, i'm certain this mental breakdown would've manifested under margo's roof anyway, but that's not something margo is about to believe. even if venus missed her mom there's no way she would be able to stand the humiliation margo would subject her to for "crawling back".
No. 44845
> It's kinda dangerous as hell, especially in japan. i hope she was safeWhat?
Japan is the safest place I've ever lived, especially at night time. I loved going to clubs there because I felt safe. I've met some weirdos there but they're generally "polite" enough to not be any annoyance or danger. (In addition, Japanese men aren't that strong compared to Western/Mid-eastern men so I didn't fear getting dragged into an alley-way and getting raped, like other countries)
Somewhat relevant, but not really: Night karaoke is super cheap. You can rent the karaoke room for like 12 hour for 1500-4000 yen, often including nomihoudai (all you can drink). It looks like she is one of the "cleaner" establishments, ie not Karaoke-kan or one of the cheaper ones. So I would assume she paid maybe 2000-2800 yen in total if she did the overnight thing. I did that like once a week at times when I lived in Tokyo. It's fun, cheap and safe. I've also seen Japanese people singing by themselves in their own rooms before, nothing unusual.
Venus is probably feeling lonely, which is why she livestreamed it. She probably wanted some attention from someone else than Manaki, I guess. If all I had was a social presence and a husband, then I might have done the same as her. (I have friends though, so I never went to karaoke by myself and I don't want my drunk adventures logged forever on the internet since it's unprofessional)
Sage for the semi-blog, I guess
No. 44846
>>44845OT as hell but I'm just curious.
How long did you stay in Japan and why were you there? also NTA
No. 44853
>>44851Kek, what‘s smart about looking up symptoms and acting them out on camera in response to people doubting her?
Like, seriously, that’s the most defiant and immature reaction to that kind of criticism. ‘Oh you don’t believe me? I’ll show you just how messed up I am!!’
It’s a kind of behavior literal children show.
No. 44858
>>44850Yeah, all of the sudden she is forcing all the stereotypical symptoms of bpd, and she's acting in a very tumblr-y way, doing the whole "cute but psycho" and reckless teen thing. Maggot used to guilt trip people with "Venus cut her wrists because you are being mean to her", and at that time there were no scars, just like now. I don't doubt she has issues, but the way she talks about "being programmed for suicide" with edited carefully selected selfies rubs me the wrong way. She started this as soon as she wasn't able to milk her hospital stay/surgery after so many videos and cryptic insta posts. She feels the need to up her symptoms because people are just not buying it. I actually believe that PULL user that said she wasn't actually diagnosed, it's just too forced, cliché and sudden, and when Mikan posted about not being able to do anything about the suicidal posts, she sounded like she knows it's BS and happens every time. And by trying to live this bpd fantasy, she will never recover from her real issues.
No. 44877
>>44868Sometimes wish Manaki would stop being such a cuck and realise Venus is turning him into a doormat. She's becoming even more
problematic and obviously expects him to be around 24/7 to pick up the pieces so she can continue to milk her mental health problems. He can start by switching his phone off, stay asleep during those early hours and leave her at the karaoke bar when she gets shitfaced again. She'll change her attitude in no time when he's not around to pick her up and she'll have to sort her own shit out.
No. 44897
>>43616>>43636>>43642>>43638This reads like they're fighting a lot lately about her issues, their future and maybe money as well. If Venus won't even take care of herself and her hamsters during the day while Manaki works, cooks, cleans and takes her out shopping then I can imagine it causing tension in the house that maladjusted Venus would internalize and then spew onto social media when it reaches peak stress for her. But the reality is, Venus has had it easy as fuck since everything calmed down after escaping Margul, and Manaki has been supportive of her the entire time while she just sits around playing on the internet like she has for the last 10 years. Only now that she's moving into her mid 20s, it seems like Manaki and his parents might be trying to discuss the possibility of them having a baby while Venus stays home and takes care of it, but that interferes with her dreams of being ~forever 13~ and free to be coddled and spoiled as she pleases. If Manaki told her he wouldn't have a baby with her until she was better and treated her ED back when she thought she needed one to keep him for a visa, then perhaps now that she has PR and likes girls she doesn't
want a baby and is playing up the ~mental illness~ now that her ED is handled so she has another excuse to not have a baby with Manaki.
As for "left alone with my own assets", that sounds like Venus wishing she could have all her YT money to herself like an allowance while Manaki works and pays all the bills and buys the food and toiletries. Her entire tantrum lately about wanting to be left alone, have her own assets and being mentally ill all screams that people in her personal life might be trying to get her to grow up and get away from YT and into school or a job for her own benefit, and her refusing because she wants to carry on as she has for the last decade, profiting off her internet persona and fads/edgy captions and having an adoring fanbase ready to forgive her for anything she says or does while someone else takes care of her and handles the "adulting".
No. 44902
>>44897It feels like the realization that she's getting older, aging out of her kawaii dolly gimmick that she banked on for so long and not really doing anything is making her panic. I doubt Manaki is gonna just support a (possibly severely) mentally unstable adult-child for the rest of his life just because she had an unusual childhood and never finished school, especially if he can't trust her to bathe or leave the house on her own, so forget about leaving a baby with her.
I think the sad truth is that Venus probably is a lesbian, and was/is using Manaki as a Japanese Visa/sugar daddy. Otherwise, what has she really
done in the last 10 years other than make childish videos to pander to the internet to escape reality? Venus is so far behind when it comesnto things like maturity, emotional maturity, education and self care that she legitimately thinks shutting yourself in a hole and forcing someone else to take are of you is a viable option for a married adult woman when it isn't and never will be. If she gets edgy and mad over comments criticizing her then it'll only get worse as she ages, continues to stagnate and becomes more edgy and reactionary
until she ends up exactly like her mother. No. 44922
>>44863>>44910With regards to this, it's proven that most children of manipulative parents pick up on it and act it out. Gypsie Rose, the girl whose mother had her fake cancer for free housing and vacations and who she subsequently got her boyfriend to kill, was actually described by the people who evaluated her as deeply manipulative. For example, she did a very convincing job feigning shock and devastation at the death of her mother, and took up the cutesy innocent baby act a lot when text messages showed she was vulgar and cursed a lot. This played a part in them deciding to take her to jail, despite her situation being so dire they found it justifiable she killed her mom to escape. Ironically there's a lot of parallels to Venus, Margo, and Manaki's situation.
Whether or not Venus has BPD or is faking the whole thing, it's obvious she's as manipulative as her mother is. "Witness my mental collapse! Subscribe for drama!" a-la Trisha Paytas is probably her next step. Followed by a comeback. Just like she did with her stomach surgery.
No. 44927
>>44913You realize that it’s possible people send her dm’s, right? There’s possibly some of her apologists who read here and go send her messages like ‘mean people say you do this and that’ so she picks up the ‘people say’ even though none of those people are seen in any of her comment sections.
It’s just not been confirmed. Even if it’s very likely.
>>44924Iirc she had part of her stomach removed.
She had weight loss surgery way back. The doctor was incompetent as fuck though, so part of her stomach formed a pouch that was still attached to her oesophagus. So every time she would eat something, it would go to that pouch instead of her stomach and be stuck, which caused her to throw up everything she tried to eat/drink.
In an attempt to fix the problem she got that pouch removed.
As I said, if I remember correctly. She deleted the video. But maybe another farmer can help out.
No. 44967
>>44959As far as we know she isn’t really in touch with any relatives. Or at least close enough to live with them. Plus, I don’t know if she would actually be truly happy in Europe/Hungary, which wouldn’t be beneficial for her mental health, even if she went to therapy.
She does (probably) need professional help to actually work through her whole past. And if she has PTSD or BPD or whatever, she definitely also needs to learn to cope with that. But I think a great deal of her mental health issues could be fixed by just having a normal life. A job, a daily routine, safety, independence.
But right now she just won’t let any of that happen so it doesn’t really matter if she‘s in Japan or Hungary or wherever.
No. 44975
>>44967This is true. Her lack of motivation or care for living a "normal and stable" life is holding her back. It won't matter what country she lives in, without something to keep her grounded she will keep up this manic slowly spiralling downhill phase till it gets worse when the attention she craves begins to decline along with it. Thanks to Margo she really has nobody else to be close with that is blood related and doesn't even know her native tongue language.
At this rate she only has Manaki who's going to get fed up eventually especially if his family intervene and a few "friends" who are nothing more than other self entitled Weeb YouTube girls who are actually doing something with their lives in either education or model work, so they don't have time for her either. Venus seems to be impossible to get through to and if she doesn't want the help, we've definitely got a Margo 2.0 in the making.
No. 44978
>>44974That's too much effort for Venus. It doesn't really help her fanbase pander to everything she does that revolves around her mental health. The more she plays that card, the more praise she gets for being so "open" about her troubles and they act like she's a fragile doll who needs immense amounts of love. That little pink room where she can be a NEET and be glued to the internet all day, everyday is her safe space. People of the real working world won't give her as much satisfaction.
She makes a small income off her YouTube content, while hibernating in that room, has a cuck of a boyfriend who will do anything for her and a fanbase that will defend her at all costs. A comfortable existence perfect for a fading "living doll" to sit back on. Venus isn't going to be normal anytime soon.
No. 44987
>>44978I could understand the ‘praise’ for being so open if she was actually from Japan. But since she grew up in a western civilization with a ton of western influences online, it’s really not brave.
She’s white. She herself and people need to realize that.
No. 45034
>>44987She's not Japanaese nor asian and she's completely aware of this fact but at the same time she identifies with the japanaese/korean culture because her mother pushed it down her throat since she was a child. Margo wanted a dysfunctional weeb child and this is what she got. Venus literally mutilated her internal organs and almost died because her mother inflicted the fact that you cannot be a kawaii uwu~~ doll at a normal weight on her. In fact Venus has no cultural identity, she doesn't belong anywhere.
Opening about mental illness has nothing to do with the fact that she's white because she didn't really grow up in a white country/culture and hopped from country to country with her mother.
No. 45054
>>45047I think this is the crux of the problems Venus has and why she will struggle to get better unless she makes significant changes to her lifestyle. She sounds like she has borderline personality disorder which essentially is bad parenting, Margot purposefully isolated V to try and exploit her, Venus is lucky she landed with someone like Manaki who seems to be parenting her/caring for her and not expecting an adult, balanced relationship from her when she is unable to reciprocate. She has had those negative behaviour patterns of seeking attention and being validated for that by her youtube fans over and over - she needs to drop youtube and her "fanbase" in order to recover, study and get a job which actually challenges her as she's obviously very intelligent but all of that potential is being wasted due to mental illness.
The change to Malice is interesting because it's a very literal regression to being a child and could be an expression of V wanting to be cared for/parented. I know she's denied being a little (which is fair enough, it might not bleed into her sexuality) but she does a lot of regression-type things, dressing like a child, buying and playing with toys, talking in a baby-voice. I can't see the appeal for the virtual youtuber thing tbh but if it kills her channel and forces her to address her problems and grow up finally - with the support of Manaki and his family, it will be much better for V.
No. 45056
>>45054>Venus is lucky she landed with someone like Manaki who seems to be parenting her/caring for her and not expecting an adult, balanced relationship from her when she is unable to reciprocate.Yeah it’s so great she found that pedo creep that stalked her since she was 13. He would probably never enable her age regression in any way like by treating her like an actual kid, taking her to children’s toy stores and buying her toddler toys. OH WAIT
>The change to Malice is interesting because it's a very literal regression to being a child and could be an expression of V wanting to be cared for/parented. Or she just hoped to keep the cash coming without having to put any real effort into making videos.
>I know she's denied being a little (which is fair enough, it might not bleed into her sexuality) but she does a lot of regression-type things, dressing like a child, buying and playing with toys, talking in a baby-voice. She actually did admit using age regression as a coping mechanism.
>>37609 No. 45061
I think maybe there's a chance that she'll start getting better after her and Manaki completely separate, but not before.
I don't know what's wrong with him but his relationship with Venus seems to mostly be about taking care of a depressed shut in that goes out to get drunk at 5am, and that must be easy enough for Venus that there's not reason to get better and do hard things like get a job.
A thing people with BPD do is test people to see if they actually care about them, I wonder if the karaoke thing is part of that.
>>45059He started watching her videos/livestreams when she was 13 and he was 19, it's really creepy to date someone you've been a fan of since they were 13.
No. 45074
>>45061She went out once to drunkenly karaoke at 5 am, it's not as though its a habit. The girl has enough problems/issues, there's no need to exaggerate.
Are we even sure she left her house? I don't remember the video that well but are we sure it was an outside place?
No. 45075
>>45072there must be a reason venus reached out to complete strangers on the internet (taylor, mikan), but not zsu.
she probably never gave a single shit about venus before the big online-drama, just like the rest of the family.
I mean we, complete strangers, noticed that margo is an
abusive narcissist, you can't tell me her family had no idea.
Helping venus as a child, way before she got this fucked up, would have been so easy for them.
No. 45076
>>45073Don’t be rude.
>>45075Maybe. I don’t know how much help they could have been in reality. If their daughter was moving around a lot, had little/no contact with them…idk. Sometimes extended family can do nothing but watch.
I hope Taylor and Mikan are good for her.
No. 45130
>>45123Oh, so we all grew up with an
abusive mother, ran away from home to our pedo stalker bf, don’t have any family or real friends, been life-threatening sick, have (had) an eating disorder and just recently got diagnosed with bpd?
No. 45132
>>45123My point was that you don't know if she only did it one time, why are you assuming just because she posted it once? Do you expect her to livestream drunk everyday if it's actually happening?
And no I don't go get drunk alone at a karaoke at 5am, not everyone is such a mess.
No. 45137
>>45132the problem isn't her getting wasted this one time, but the unhealthy and constant need for attention.
imagine you're so narcissistic, your first thought when you drunkenly stumble around is "I bet those 240k fuckers would love watching me eating ramen completely shitfaced at 5am", especially after making everyone worry about your mental health for a while.
No. 45150
>>45134Oh ffs, we all do something
stupid and
reckless once in our lives.
No. 45194
>>45150We don’t all suffer from personality disorders and have been spiraling downwards for the past few weeks straight though. Why the fuck is it so hard to understand that the act alone might not be as worrying but can be because of the general picture and circumstances?
It’s like the difference between someone shaving their head while being at one with thrmself and having both feet on the ground and someone doing it as part of a huge ass mental breakdown.
One is a haircut, one might be a symptom.
Nobody would care at all if she was a normal girl in her twenties, living the life of a normal young adult. But she isn’t. She’s weeaboo hiki neet trying to exploit her mental illness.
No. 45201
>>45200Who showed actual concern though?
There’s tons of people ITT saying she’s doing it for attention and how convenient it is timed.
No. 45311
>>45305Well, obviously enough activity to make people talk about it for days.
Also, publishing stuff regularly would take effort. Take pictures/record something, editing, publishing… that’s a whole lot of work for poor Peenus-chan.
No. 45315
>>45305Agree with
>>45311. posting =/= publishing, any attentionwhore can do a live stream, but being a youtuber/content creator bwcause you enjoy your hobby or whatever requires actual effort and work.
No. 45322
>>45311 You’re assuming she’s glued to lolcow and PULL soaking up the attention/people talking about her which I doubt. And the comments on her YT and instagram which she does read die down pretty quickly after each post or video she makes so minimal posts = minimal attention for this supposed attention-starved narcissist.
Short story: maybe she’s not as attention-starved as you’d like to think she is. If she was, she’d be posting up a storm to get her daily or even weekly fix of attention. She’s all but abandoned all her SM which speaks against the “attention junkie” theory.
No. 45343
>>45305It's not like these 2 posts per month are captioned with edgy attention-seeking sentences that will
trigger a ton of responses either, right?
No. 45404
>>45399a simple
>diagnosedwould have done just fine
No. 45423
>>45399I think everyone just assumes she got diagnosed because she was in therapy (because she’s been or is on medication) and then suddenly started talking about how psycho she is.
But I agree with what you said about her just acting like someone who thinks they have bpd.
No. 45431
Venus is a lot like Michael Jackson in a way. A child stuck in an adult body. Venus is a very intelligent woman, there is no doubt about that, but her childhood was a living nightmare, and she hasn't had that chance to mature emotionally.
She has made a lot of bad decisions, and now as an adult, she is responsible for those actions, but she isn't a bad person, she isn't out to hurt anyone. She's just a child in an adult body, and watching her suffer mostly in silence, with small mental breaks breaks my heart. She is a miserable existence and doesn't know how to fix it. She just lacks the capacity to, and on top of that, she has mental illness.
Of course, this doesn't change the fact that she has put herself in a lot of these bad positions. For me personally, as insignificant as it is, I just decide to support her no matter what she does.(Armchairing)
No. 45435
>>45399She's pretty much only showing the 'insane' behaviours, I don't think we've seen her have a 'favourite person' of sorts or even split on someone.
As other people have said, she basically googled common behaviours of people with BPD and is going off with them.
No. 45451
>>45431Yes, she went through trauma as a child but that doesn't make her a perfect little angel. You have no idea what she's really like and people that went through childhood trauma can be horrible on the inside, not saying she is, but I don't get where this "she's a
victim and can do no wrong" mentality comes from.
I'm sure Margaret comes from a similar place, yet she's clearly a horrible person that no one should feel bad for.
Venus is manipulative and she's using someone else (Manaki) for her benefit, she has no excuse to not know better by now.
No. 45464
>>45461Why ignore the private stuff we rarely see, especially her relationship with Manaki? Considering how obsessed he was/is with her, he should be the perfect support network.
I don't think she's a 100% manipulative but the way things are going with this BPD 'diagnosis' and the general glimpses we have seen into their life - she is shit.
Hell, is she even getting help for her supposed diagnosis?
No. 45468
>>45464She's been asked several times if Manaki pays for her things and she's always said she pays for her stuff with her own youtube money. He supports her because… well, he's her partner, isn't that what partners should do? She seems very affectionate towards him and his folks as well so I don't think she's doing anything bad there.
The BPD thing is ridiculous though, it sounds a lot like she read a wikipedia article and is trying to emulate it for snowflake points.
No. 45472
>>45469nta but for the sake of playing devils advocate:
what /validates/ her supposed BPD diagnosis, though?
I get we don't see all of her offline life, but there is still a general pattern of consistency she's lived that I've never once seen in someone with BPD (particularly untreated, 'undiagnosed til now' BPD).
personally I don't think she's an innocent angel, I think part of margoo's shit talking about her was probably not untrue. but that kind of comes with the territory of having the kappa as a mother/the unstable childhood.
to me it seems like venus read some self diagnostic thing, maybe decided to throw a spazz at 'haters' or her 'mom' calling her crazy, and is random acting out what she thinks entails being BPD. we know from past blogposts lots of anons here have officially diagnosed BPD, and I'm sure lots of us have lived with or known people with legit BPD, and I would bet my fucking arm and leg she doesn't have it. (again, I still think she's got some fucking issues, but this shoe doesn't seem to be the right fit)
No. 45474
>>45472Just because you've never seen a case like hers doesn't mean she doesn't have it, everyone is different.
Who cares anyway? I don't get why you're so focused on a diagnosis, we can't get proof of anything.
No. 45485
>>45474>Just because you've never seen a case like hers doesn't mean she doesn't have it, everyone is differentI mean, it sort of does. since personality disorders are defined by prevalent traits that disrupt the persons life and such, if she doesn't fit the criteria she can't 'have it' and be 'different presenting', its defined by its presentation/effects on a person's life. it's not like schizophrenia where it's defined by a definite, observable chemical imbalance in the brain that then also presents various symptoms
>why are you so focusedbecause its like a 1000x milkier if she is just acting shit out and wasn't diagnosed, hence it being fun to speculate. it's pretty common trend for a while now to claim or fake BPD online, so you have to understand that+the lack of previous observable symptoms really adds to the skepticism
No. 45514
>>45485all these dainty kawaii nymphets started claiming bpd after it was named as the mental illness prevalent in the black swan.
it's just a way for manipulative, cunty, lying girls to hide behind a pity party so they don't have to work on improving themselves. but they give it away by magically limiting their symptoms online to preserve their fanbases.
pete davidson is bpd diagnosed and he fits the bill. as in, he's lashed out publicly and made hella inappropriate comments then retracted it. because he can't control himself. tends to be that way.
No. 45547
>>45469I follow a few BPD pages and honestly a lot of the people on there present very similar symptoms and actively seek support for them. Her not having or being seen with common symptoms of say having a FP/splitting/regular extreme mood swings/whatever else.
Having a FP is especially important here because it's likely her identity would mirror them at that time. I wouldn't say her identity has remained the same but I wouldn't say it's 'extreme' changes either.
Her basically presenting with the whole 'insane' shit with no true hints of anything else is questionable and as someone else mentioned she seems to be very aware of what she's doing.
As other people further up have mentioned this is a gossip forum of sorts and the most gossiped things do normally include mental/physical health - if you're so against it you could just ignore the discussion tbh.
No. 45577
>>45546you can say we can't see her symptoms from her posting less than a week, but a lot of people with BPD end up doing wreckless things including oversharing their personal life online (especially when their only 'support' system and life consistency has been
plus if you are an older farmer like I'm sure many of us are, you have basically watched her grow up. we have a pretty good view of what her life has been. now you can correct me if I'm wrong, but 'bpd' doesn't just randomly start presenting symptoms a few years into a relationship, right?
why would she only now start oversharing these 'mental health breaks' if she actually has bpd? her bpd magically held itself together all these years until this moment?
it doesn't make any sense to me, personally
>>45548nta (though I am the original one you were replying to), but even if the overall term 'FP' originate in tumblr, the concept of it in BPD people is not unfounded: people with BPD frequently have changes in their identity, usually based off a person (real or fictional) they are currently using as a mirror (which would in this case be the concept of their 'FP'). venus has always had a very consistent image/personality, and I find it hard to believe that margo could have enforced that for years and years in a teenage girl presenting BPD symptoms… (which is only to say you could argue she kept that consistency because of margo, which is still pretty flimsy imo)
No. 45616
>>45582>BPD can also manifest in early adulthood.Exactly. MANIFEST. Not suddenly out of nowhere appear in all its glory. No one who actually suffers from bpd holds up a stable relationship for years and then suddenly starts to realize ‘oh kek idek if I’m into boys oops’. Even - or may I say especially - with a mother as controlling as Marge, she would’ve shown clear signs before.
By saying she maybe just didn’t show any symptoms before because of her mother, you basically imply people who suffer from personality disorders do in fact have control over their symptoms (even without any therapy whatsoever, but instead several stressors).
>she also seems to be suffering from dissociationWhere do you get this from?
No. 45664
>>45616>>45641exactly these.
>>45582I have to say (and I don't mean it rudely), but from your post I get the impression you've not dealt much with BPD people before or at least not long term, as most if not all of what you said has been blatantly untrue of BPD. professionals are supposed to take into context a patient's history, their interactions with peers (from the peers perspectives over the patients own), their work/school history or stability, and sometimes even, yes, their internet presence. the only thing you are correct about is that a professional couldn't diagnose her from internet presence alone, but based on the extensive look we've had into this cows life
for most of her life, I personally think it's pretty safe to speculate. IF she was diagnosed with BPD (i still dont think she professionally was), I highly doubt that professional did a competent job in assessing her. what you're claiming in her defense is just a blatant misinterpretation of what BPD is like. probably similar to what she is going through, looking at symptoms or reports on google and making good intentioned but false comparisons
No. 46034
>>45664>muh BPD superiority>Venus doesn't have BPD because I said soOT and blog post but I have lived with a BPD mother and I am diagnosed (by a professional) myself and I do know other people that suffer from it personally so that makes me completely competent in diagnosing penus or other mentally unstable snowflake with BPD. There are other aspects that indicate the presence of this disorder in individuals aside from the bad interpersonal dynamics, splitting and impulsive behavior there's the instability you have towards your own self perception and image and also anxiety/eating disorders can be comorbid.
I also doubt she got diagnosed with a personality disorder in Japan considering their approach to mental illness and the way their medical system works. I was just trying to see how she could possibly fit the diagnosis and I think she might end up getting what she wished for because if she read the symptoms of BPD online as you and many other anons stated she is probably experiencing a placebo effect and thinks that she has it but in reality it is just self-induced.
BPD aside, she clearly has issues after living with Margo and she should make getting therapy even if it is in Japan one of her biggest priorities or else she'll end up like margs and go into the river
No. 46384
File: 1557066886041.png (1.61 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-05-05-16-34-30…)

Here's the manic post that comes before the next breakdown.
No. 46461
>>46384What is going on? I haven't seen her pics in ages and now she has the 4chan meme queen aura (t.h.o.t) in her face showing up.
reads this threadOh…well I never hopped on the fangelic bandwagon anyways. Not to say she looks ugly btw, she's still cute but in a whorish way.
No. 46629
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>>46577I guess she's finally embracing her femininity?
She used to dress like a frilly animu girl or grade schooler, I don't think I've seen her showing cleavage before.
pic related: a blog of hers from 2013. she must have had issues for a long time.
No. 46684
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>>46629At least she stopped binding her chest trying to look like a 6-year-old.
No. 46686
>>46684I have same face now when I look at her mother
I cringe and I get disgusted. Her beta orbiters on here were worse, now they literally are just saying good bye in her comments. Fucking hate stanning so much. But I always know that as long if you don't have fans who fan you for your content they won't stay loyal.
No. 46690
>>45577Well she was still a minor and most mental illnesses hit you in your early 20s.
With her mom being the crazy narc bitch she is, Venus having BPD isn’t a shock. If she’s actually diagnosed is a different story, but her behaviors line up with it. Especially the attention whore aspect
No. 46696
>>45076both mikan and tayor used her for exposure. mikan is NOT a good friend. super fake and always whines about "her depression" when peenus gets too much attention from her fans. imo her only decent friends that we've seen are mizuki (you stole my apricot). that's a sincere non attention whoring person and venus should hold onto her.
Also she's still going for this virtual tuber thing? I noticed that once she didn't get enough attention from her japanese audience she dumped that channel and tried to target the western audience. she literally only cares about being "the biggest youtuber" she can. trying to beat kizuna with a free 1.7 million subs not subbed for vtubing. prior to that she was mimicking pewds hoping for probably 10+ mil subs and more. if her numbers drop too much i assume she'll do some non-virtual vids as well out of fear of declining numbers.
No. 46701
>>45034Maggot didnt push the weeb stuff on Venus. From what we've seen, Venus wanted it on her own accord and Maggot's not entirely responsible for Venus' surgery either. In the end, VENUS chose to do it. That's exactly why Venus mentioned the pregnant comment she got. To shift all blame on Maggot; a manipulative tactic to her audience. If Maggot did day that, she probably didn't mean harm and totally forgot she said that cause she's
toxic af and thought little of how her words might hurt someone. Basically, insensitive and oblivious.
On a completely random note, does anyone know if Venus still dyes her hair? In a live stream she said she doesn't, but her hair is supper vibrant dark brown and before she colored it, it was a medium brown with a bit of brassy undertones and not as vibrant. Is she really that much of a liar that she'd lie about something so trivial? I remember she also once said she 'always wanted big or full lips' but then she edits them smaller and conceals them/actively tries to make them look smaller. And saying she 'wants boobage' but then binding her chest. Like whut
No. 46706
>>46686Wanna try again in English this time? Like what does this >>now they literally are just saying good bye in her comments
mean? Who is saying goodbye in which comments?
No. 46748
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>>46706^______^ People collectively need to speak in very simple english so you can understand it better lolz
They = ex-fangelics. Comments = they are literally saying good bye to her: in the comments. Reason why they unsubscribed/said good bye: they were never really interested in her content after all. Now, with anonymity available and no circle jerks like leddit websites such as kiwifarms where they care more about likes and upboats it turns out, after this thread's escalation, that fangelics created an image of her who she not was, it went from fangelic stanning to realizing the apple does not fall far from the tree.
Any questions?
No. 46750
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>>46748>>46748>inb4 you will complain about a wrongly upload pictureSorry wrong screenshot. But there are multiple comments like this, with a LOT of likes.
No. 46761
>>46746…Of course she's going to learn the languages from where she grew up as a kid. That + Japanese, which she's been learning since VERY young because she's a weeb.
That's not impressive at all lmao
No. 46762
>>46746Not a sign of intelligence, especially when people know some of the languages she claims to be fluent in and, well… she is far from fluent and makes a lot of mistakes. There are countries where it is normal to learn multiple languages, be it for war reasons, living on the border etc. It is also very easy to learn when you are a kid, and are actively using it on a daily basis at school or something (as opposed to a language you only use during study time)
The times she showed her language skills it sounded scripted and grammatically awkward. Not saying it is not cool or nice to have some knowledge of other languages, but she definitely isn't as skilled as she wants people to believe, and doesn't really speak much about her intelligence.
No. 46787
>>46746I'm so tired of hearing how "bright and intelligent" venus is.
in europe it's absolutely common for kids to be able to speak 3 or more languages.
venus is fluent in hungarian, german, english(kinda) and probably japanese by now - which you would be too, if you had to live in different countries as a kid/teen.
her claiming she could speak spanish, korean, and whatever else in that one video was an obvious and embarassing lie.
while other kids went to school venus has been a neet since she turned 14 or 15, and her speaking 4 languages is everything she has to show for it.
>>46765your english will never improve if that's how you deal with mild criticism kek
No. 46794
>>46787Also I knew in post above it should have been singular not plural
>inb4 could you speak in english pwease I don't understand the thing you are referring to despite it being so obvious :(And FYI it wasn't the criticism I couldn't handle if they'd point out my grammar mistakes n shit it'd be more than great but that wasn't the case.
No. 46841
>>46838This. Some flakes like Pixielocks or Kota have no milk whatsoever but nobody is trying to shut down their threads.
Unfortunately, Venus tends to attract the worst kind of user : Pulltards (hence the "muh BPD" blogposts), creepy stans aka "spergelics"…
They're acting like this on purpose, so it may be better to ignore them+report.
No. 46845

>>46787Thiiis though.
The languages she claims to be able to speak:
>English, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, Dutch, Swiss German, GermanSwiss German and German are essentially the same. Especially at school people are forced to write proper German. It sounds extremely different and some words are different, but no actual skill needed there. (And looking back to the ‘calling my dad’ video, she’s definitely not fluent in German.)
She’s been taught Dutch, Spanish and I guess English (because afaik it’s mandatory) at school. (See description)
If you watch the video, it clearly looks like she’s reading off a computer screen (especially with her leaning forward and squinting) and even then she’s struggling. I’ve had French in school too so I could definitely shit together a paragraph and pronounce words properly. I couldn’t hold up a conversation beyond introducing myself though and I figure it’s same for her with Spanish and Dutch.
So that’s not ‘speaking a language’ in my book.
Can’t say anything about Korean and Japanese but
>which she's been learning since VERY young because she's a weebPlus, her being in touch with a bunch of Japanese-speaking people doesn’t make it really that much of an achievement. (Also iirc her Japanese has been critized a lot by native speakers in the comments of several videos.)
The only thing I would consider an actual accomplishment is learning to speak Korean. IF she actually speaks it.
No. 107694
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venus has now lied cheated,stollen $10,000 dollars from fans and not yet so many stupid people fallow. She has even faked meantal illnesses I feel at this point Psychiatrist won't help because they can't. Venus is a dangerous to herself and the people around her right now her mother should file for conservativership over venus. Her mother should also cancel all venus's accounts.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)