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No. 732785
HollyBRown is a bad artist, YouTuber, webcomic author, and fujoshi popular with edgy children for her "no bullshit" attitude despite not accepting any criticism.
She beleives she's known for her three webcomics:
Purgatory, her oldest and worst comic, about two gay teens in a cult with lots of rape: Plague, whose most-drawn character hasn't been introduced, with rape DLC: Prince, her newest Patreon-only NSFW yaoi comic about alien sex slaves, not updated in a month at currently four pages:'s actually most known for ranting about the CalArts admissions process being unfair even though she was DEFINITELY accepted: (currently deleted): Milk:
>Got caught tracing an anime screencap for a painting she intended to sell>Locked her Twitter and scrubbed her social media>Reappeared with a video saying it was just a placeholder for composition, contradicted herself constantly>Dug herself deeper in the comments and is now sharing her views on rape (they're bad)
>Organized a for-profit BnHA zine with over 60 different artists to sell at SanJapan>Complained they didn't meet her abrupt deadline then dragged her feet for weeks>Didn't label any submissions so artists were unidentifiable>Committed to printing them at home, realized that was hard, so closed the zine shop without alerting any of the artists>Sent each artist $20 to blow it over. Some artists got another $20. Some people who pulled out of the zine still received the hush twenty>Accidentally leaked names/addresses/phone numbers of almost every artist in an unlisted but accessible YT video>Took too long to fulfill zine orders, downplayed the zine on all her social media to dissuade anyone from ordering more>Still refused to get the zine printed professionally or even send out a PDF copy>Meanwhile her own webcomic rape yaoi doujinshi was printed professionally in time for SanJapan>Had plenty copies of the BnHA zine herself for SanJapan>Zine artists are now posting photos of the copies they finally received and they have misaligned, poorly cut, and upside-down pages>has still failed to apologize>deleted her twitter and pretended her instagram got reported and remade because she got called out>over 50k in debtCheese:
>Hired an under-paid flatter for her webcomic, didn't tell him what she wanted, then blasted him on YT when the flats were wrong>Shoehorned rape into her comic without warning because she was obsessed with Killing/Stalking at the time>Complains about being poor but spends thousands of dollars on unnecessary supplies she then gives away or sells at a huge loss>Explains she can't be a fujoshi because she wouldn't fetishize gay men irl. She is>All her political views come from Fox News so she's too scared to move out of Texas in case a leftist kills her for using a plastic straw>Also says she's bi so can't be homophobic but then says she's straight and hates/would never date women unless they're a 10 because men are better>Tried to display said explicit rape yaoi doujin at SanJapan and got mad when she was asked not to do that because she put small cat stickers over the penises>Can't spell but refuses to get a proofreader so her printed works are full of typos, most famously "trust" for "thrust">Has a Twitter stalker named Keith whom she enablesProject list:
>Hamilton Animatic/Zine, Clever Kitchen animation, 3 webcomics, Patreon, store, originals, fixing the BnHA zine, stickersPrevious Threads:
>>>/snow/286955>>>/snow/375886>>>/snow/428135>>>/snow/480758>>>/snow/498020>>>/snow/527029>>>/snow/550611>>>/snow/579925>>>/snow/610529>>>/snow/646597>>>/snow/668003>>>/snow/686056>>>/snow/699480>>>/snow/720739! REDRAWS/REDLINES GO IN THE OT THREAD !
>>>/ot/243951 No. 732803
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No. 732806
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No. 732810
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No. 732812
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No. 732816
>>732813putting the ref. next to your canvas and drawing while looking at it.
it bothers me people pile up the patreon ref thing with the AL thing. They're different imo, I honestly have no issue with her using the kiss ref because that's what it's intended for.
But tracing over other people's artwork is the big no-no
No. 732823
>It was just a placeholder, it was stupid of me to post it assuming people knew what i was doing the whooooole tiiiime, but i guess it's not my fault how people minsunderstand my words oh well UwUGod she'll never own up.
and cinnabani is on a crusade, jfc it's so obvious she comes here i'm getting secondhand embarrassment.
No. 732834
>>732829starts off by saying she totally understands the 'repercussions of her bad decisions'
the irony
No. 732848
>>732844that one verbal tic that ruins her credibility. instead of just saying
>I fuck up so sometimes from me you can see what not to doshe burbles
>people don't understand>other people don't even know>other people can't even though I don't think that's strictly how she thinks of things
No. 732850
>>732829Sorry, but I'm not understanding the 'I didn't know about the world, so I shouldn't have continued school' part???
Where I'm from (middle europe) it's considered a good idea to continue your education at once you've finished the mandatory stuff, since taking a gap year can be pricey and it's harder to go back being a student once you've started getting used to having a job.
I'm wondering if this is an american thing, or is it just her usual bullcrap?
No. 732852
>>732850isn't college cheaper in europe though?
art schools in the US are criminally expensive.
No. 732856
>>732852Yeah, it's basically nothing (about 300 euros per semester, if it's not a private school)
Does that mean in the US you generally start to work before you go to college?
No. 732867
>>732856OT, but You could work 2 jobs and still not be able to afford going to college, AND being on your own/paying your own bills, that's how bad it is. It's a catch 22. they want you to stay in school and not worry about working but then when you hit college age, and decide college isn't for you it's, 'why aren't you working??' If you aren't working, 'why aren't you in college???'
These sentiments are becoming less popular as time gets on but it's still very much a big stigma. They (the education business/parents/elders) back younger folks into a corner that way. By the time it's all said and done, those who aren't well off, are screwed into unforgivable debt.
No. 732871
>>732864It was literally a skillshare commercial. Skillshare has like 0 quality control and she tries to conflate the message of not having an art degree with learning online for free anyways.
She even suggest her younger audience take a year off, when not everyone (like her) has that luxury.
No. 732881
>>732875Some studios go to colleges like CalArts to hire new animators though. You can get hired without a degree sure but getting a degree generally gives u the skills and the connections you need for specifics job.
Honestly the reason hollys now so against art schools is that she misused her opportunities.
No. 732882
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Did she remake her twitter??
No. 732884
>>732806I can't stop laughing at the fact that she's claiming that there wasn't any rape in her comic.
You know, the same comic Reese drugged hershel, kidnapped him and then had sex with him.
No. 732896
>>732829She makes the worst possible examples on why you don't need art school tho -
- "I'm where I am now cause I watched tons of online vids!" (yeah, great inspiration Holls)
- "You know this no name animation studio?! They didn't go to art schools (probably)!"
I get the idea behind not wanting to get an overpriced education, especially in portfolio-related jobs, but she sincerely can't explain it well
No. 732905
>>732829did i honestly just watch holly draw either simon or his mother try to commit suicide by hanging?
are you fucking kidding me BRown?! thanks for not including any kind of warning for that. you know, the person that loves to go on about MuH DePrEsSiOn~~ and how she constantly thinks about killing herself of course does not consider the impact that imagery can have on others.
fucking cunt.
No. 732907
>>732884god i really hate to be that guy and i think i'll get shit for this/it's kind of late for this, but i really don't think it was a RAPE comic and i'm starting to roll my eyes a little bit every time we clutch our pearls over this. it feels like low hanging fruit because it's not like anyone is going to fact check the comic so it's an easy claim to make anyway, and it's not like i don't enjoy watching holly squirm. but there are a few panels in seize where reese asks heschel for permission and….. checks on him i guess? it's standard yaoi garbage written by a person who has never interacted with another human much less romantically but i think it's kind of overdramatic to call it rape. that doesn't excuse the stupid "i could have thrown you off!!" comment he makes at the end because its a clear indicator that holly has skewed and stupid/harmful views of people who do get raped irl but otherwise…. calling reese a rapist is sort of dramatic.
tbf i think she should be less precious with all of her ideas. she shouldnt't have kept purgatory going all of this time because it's BAD and it's okay to let go of bad, old ideas you had as a teen. but i have similar feelings about paranormal plague, she should honestly probably just overhaul the whole thing again especially since she's only made, what, 15ish pages of it? rename it, edit your ideas, redesign and rename the characters. not in an obvious way of course. but i don't the idea that reese = rapist is ever going to past lmao
No. 732908
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Cinnabani says she has DMs from Holly and is considering posting them.
No. 732909
>>732907eh, the checking in is barely there. To anyone with no knowledge of holly it'd be a comic about some dude drugging and kidnapping a dude then having sex with him. i consider that rape.
the weird domestic thing at the end where hershel claims he could have just sat on reese is just lazy and super out of place.
No. 732929
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well i feel sheepish
No. 732930
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No. 732931
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two pages a day everyone
i will atleast give her credit that these 2 pages dont look like TOTAL ass like her comics usually so
No. 732945
>>732931I have to agree she is getting better. It still has problems but it could be worse.
2 pages a day seems a bit excessive but if she creates a buffer and posts a page every other day she will have enough pages to wait out the eventual burnout.
No. 732953
>>732943The new pages flow a bit better than her usual stuff and other than the fact that the white haired kid looks tiny on that bed, nothing looks blatantly off.
Writing wise the story hasn’t really done much to hook me yet but what can you expect from Holly?
No. 732954
>>732931i dont get why she always have to pick the touchy subjects for her comics. Rape, Religion, Slavery.
It's like she thinks you can't tell a meaningful story unless you make it edgy and controversial.
It would be okay too if she actually researched the subject but she kinda just pulls everything outta her ass.
No. 733029
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Looks like someone is finally sharing the zine discord screenshots No. 733041
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>>733033Passive aggressive behavior as well.
She’s unbelievably annoying to talk to even when you’re being civil.
No. 733045
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Someone is a wee bit upset
No. 733049
>>733045"pls report it before people see i'm an incompetent, careless asshole"
no doubt when her tween fans see the screenshots they'll just think the artists were being demanding, entitled meanies
No. 733050
>>732827nta but she's so self-righteous, acts like she's fighting for a noble fuckin cause as if this friendless fujo is dangerous. She's got that FRIENDLY REMINDER tumblr attitude and she's a boring idiot who self-posts for attention for her own shitty art
it matters because she's using material from a board where we are having a laugh at an idiot, and quoting us word for word as if we are writing a police report for her. I'm pretty sure she sent a few autists here inadvertently because after her ~call outs~ no one saged anything for the entire last thread
>>732930scintillating dialogue lmao
No. 733051
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>>732987kek that's beautiful
>>733014no it's yaoi bed, don't read too much into it, she just can't draw.
No. 733054
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just love how condescending our yaoi queen is to young artists
>u guyz are nobodies?? so take your scraps lmao
No. 733056
>>732988Whichever one of you is doing this needs to cut it the fuck out. Touching the poop doesn't make you cool, especially when you're telling the cow a bunch of old shit they've heard before.
What do people think throwing a bunch of cheese in a cow's face accomplishes?
>>733029>then I'm sorry?Nothing says "understanding" like ending an apology with a question mark.
No. 733062
>>733059i think the point was "lol tranny/nb." which is besides the point considering everything else.
>>733029does holly ever turn off her whole passive aggressive attitude off? holy shit, these artists deserve better.
No. 733067
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>>733057referring to lolcow? which means she could be or is leading people here.
No. 733068
>>733065all this shit about holly's unethical practices and being caught tracing… and you're mad about whether or not some other rando is a woman.
>>733067back on topic. there is now zero doubt that she visits lolcow.
No. 733069
>>733065>>733053on her youtube you can hear her fuckin voice she clearly is a girl what is this argument lol
>>733060snort. it took me all of one minute to clarify what I thought about the situation, you dink
I just want us to stop giving someone who is just slapping BRown udders attention. She provides nothing. We are not here to call holly out because that is not funny. We are not internet police.
No. 733099
>>732829>"A lot of people don't understand the repercussions of their mistakes…I do."That's hilarious.
Honestly it's very depressing knowing that she spent years fucking around in art schools, half-assing her assignments until she was 50k in debt, and then dropping out with all this debt and no degree. She also said before that she quit MCAD because it was too expensive, and now it's because of her mental health?
>>733067Explains the influx of newfaggotry in her threads.
No. 733110
>>733092someones butthurt
sage 4 no contribute
No. 733114
File: 1542363376632.png (29.08 KB, 145x250, p1.png) Is everyone done being edgy and angry? Because there's new Purgatory pages up. Apparently she's almost at the finale.
No. 733120
>>733110back to your containment thread, shoo.
>>733114>almost at the finalethere is literally no way for her to cohesively close this story. it's going to be the most hamfisted attempt at a finale possibly ever. i see it going 2 ways: everyone confronts atari and dies because he nominates them for solstice or whatever, or simon's dad confronts atari and he kills himself and simon is sad 4 ever, fade to black as they leave the city.
No. 733128
"If you love us you'll come with us" < jus bad writing
No. 733131
>>733114it’s kind of sad to see that this is technically like the 2nd or 3rd draft of purgatory and it’s somehow worse (at least imo) than the earlier ones/concepts. when other comic artists re-do a concept that they first came up with when they were younger, the final draft is usually pretty good and shows an amazing level of improvement when compared to the very beginning.
tbh i really thought purgatory had an interesting premise before reading it. has the secret mlm relationship in a religious setting idea been done to hell and back? yeah, sure, but more worldbuilding could have made it stand out more (if there had ever been any).
No. 733140
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>>733114I'll never understand how she can look at these and think "yup, that's good enough".
No. 733145
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Pretending to be humble and apologetic must really be painful for Holly, huh? Already back to her bad bitch shtick, like a true queen.
No. 733153
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lmao this motherfucker straight up floating
No. 733157
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>>733153I really do love all the weird hand poses Holly incorporates into her comics. I think this one is new, though.
No. 733166
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Someone literally had a different artist’s urls under their name. The person in question even posted a screenshot of the incorrect credits and said what she had put down in the form Holly had us fill out. It was just their “username(dot com)”, said they did this to make it super easy for her not to fuck up, and then she fucked it up anyways and then blamed them for it. When called out on it “she did the spacing wrong” but their website url wasn’t even there on the page or even the book.
No. 733169
>>733140How can someone who went to art school think this is ok? If you are going to devote a whole panel to the cup at least make sure the perspective looks ok.
>>733114I'm kind of impressed Holly stuck to this comic until the end. Purgatory definitely is not a fan favorite when you look at the attention Hollystans give to PP and even CP at this point. It really would have been easy for Holly to drop Purgatory and focus on other things but she stuck through it. So congrats Holly for almost finishing your first full length comic. I hope the next one goes better.
No. 733170
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>>733166Why can't she just say "shit I fucked up, I'm sorry"? It's always someone else's fault.
>>733120Apparently there are still a lot of pages left but it's still going into the "finale".
I'm 100% sure she decided to cut the story short because she got tired of it.
No. 733175
>>733172I mean it would’ve been really nice if she didn’t go on stream with TD and spew garbage about the people in the zine.
I’m probably going to leak the PDF of the full zine she supplied to us.
No. 733207
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No. 733213
>>733207If that's what hard-working and amazing skill looks like I want to stay mediocre for the rest of my life.
The "great storyteller" gave me the rest.
But good to know her fans don't care if their queen uses shady techniques or scams them on Patreon, natural selection I guess.
No. 733216
>>733196Is it just me or do look most of the pictures kinda de-saturated? It's unbelievable how most of the artwork still looks miles better than Hollys piece (it's like hers wasn't even made for the challenge)
Are there pages missing or are many of the artists not even credited on the back? Not that it matters, since no picture can be placed with any name anyways.
No. 733217
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god i wish she actually traced for her comics, because these are just terrible
No. 733218
>>733216Some artists dropped out so she didn’t put them in. Some artists are credited and were paid, but their work isn’t in the book.
We don’t even know who’s who or what’s what cause she fucked the tumblr page that had the list of ALL the artists.
No. 733259
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>>733217Her discovering she can just buy backgrounds has been the biggest downgrade yet, also love that you can clearly tell in this screenshot that the bg is modern day Japan when the story takes place in a completely different setting.
No. 733263
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>>733259it's fucken sapporo lmao how embarrassing
it's quite a famous landmark that shitty whiskey sign
No. 733276
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>>733217>>733263Had a look around and found one of the background packs she purchased, pic related. 18 backgrounds for 13 bucks, a steal, really.
> actually have an "overseas" section specifically, so no idea why she used Sapporo.
No. 733304
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No. 733310
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>>733217samefag but i'm having too much fun
No. 733319
>>733317He doesn't even have a butt, he has one leg that separates at the knee kek
Jfc Holly this is awful even for you
No. 733344
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I seriously adore her fans they're just perpetually confused about why something they love so much sucks so much
No. 733352
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sorry for doublepost but that is still the comics uh… avatar? Profile picture? Whatever. Anyway, doesn't this bug her? How much they're not the same characters at all?
I think they've kind of swapped personalities. Simon seemed like he was designed to be a 'cool guy' character, like a bit of a jock, class clown. And now he's like a tragic edgy weepy Brian Molko gay.
They're just not the same characters at all, they change to fulfill her uwu of the week.
It's so hard to follow her stories/logic because she thinks making comics is like carpentry or something. "Sure that's not my best set of drawers, but I'm a good carpenter." But it's not like that. The whole point of telling stories is to get an idea across to another person. You have to think about whether or not they are receiving that message. If they are not, it's generally the storyteller's fault, not the audience. Most good stories are universally understood regardless of cultural difference. She must be from some fucked up planet where the citizens don't care what people say or look like, they just enjoy suggestions of vegetative semi-sentience and chimp-like emotional outbursts.
She thinks considering how another person will read it is like compromising her artistic integrity. When she does consider what other people think it will open a floodgate of criticism she'll actually have to listen to for the first time. That's gotta be scary for her.
No. 733373
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>>733196God, the artists in this all seem to be somewhat skilled too. Jfc holly this is embarrassing even for you.
No. 733374
>>733358I agree it's less eye-burning. It's mainly because she's referencing so much. I'm sure simon's heavily referenced from a kibbitzer base tbh
No problem with that except Kibbitzer makes a big deal about not tracing lol
>>733217the bodies look like that (top right) so you can see what she references and what she doesn't by how god damn awful what she doesn't reference looks.
No. 733383
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dis aint even de same
No. 733410
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No. 733413
>>733410i like to imagine that's the dialogue for the comic
also he looks like he's rubbing his dong lmao
No. 733424
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>>733319I don't think it's that bad. I've seen some manga artists do the same thing were they just draw flat blacks without any shading. I think it kinda works as a stylistic choice in some cases.
No. 733425
>>733424Compare the two, kakashit, or whoever the fuck that is, got back. Simon has toddler pelvis. It looks like horseshit.
You can't draw silhouettes when you don't know what's inside them. Laziness isn't a stylistic choice.
No. 733435
>>733410As a person who has family members that suffer from crohn, I find it hard to believe she has it. When you have crohn, you either eat whatever you want but suffer from being extremely thin, weak, and not growing much. Or you follow a special food diet designed for your symptoms forever.
Following Holly all this long and looking at all the inflammatory food she eats (and she definitely isn't sick-thin), I just can't believe she has it (unless she was medically diagnosed)
And honestly knowing Holly and how she LOVES to milk her illnesses, I would expect her to talk about it more or draw a fucked up comic about it.
Sage for blogpost
No. 733468
>>733433This is old, anon, but it is a reupload. It seems like the original got taken down. Video OP said that the video got struck, but not by Holly, because of the pornhub link, so it was removed.
Can someone archive this so it isn't taken down again forever? Or is it not worthwhile to save?
No. 733553
>>733263>>733276Here's what I don't get: why can't she just do this with her own photos?
It's common for comic artists and mangaka to take their own photos of buildings and trace/edit them for backgrounds. That way, your backgrounds are quick and easy, but also 100% original and 100% yours.
Plus, you can take tons of pictures in one location if it's a frequent setting in your comic.
>>733140The way she draws wood drives me nuts, because it's overly detailed to the point of being distracting.
The amount of detail on something should be relative to its importance. For instance, a face needs detail so viewers can identify the person and read the expression. Background objects like carpet, bushes, wood etc only need the minimum amount of detail necessary for people tl identify them as such. You don't need to draw every leaf on a tree if the tree is sn irrelevant background object.
Similarly, we don't need this much detail on a wooden table because the table is just a setpiece.
No. 733584
File: 1542439783875.png (234.35 KB, 1821x502, 2018-11-17_012819.png)

is social blade glitching out again ?
No. 733585
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No. 733586
>>733584She might be deleting videos, usually when a content creator has that its either 1.they are unlisting or deleting videos or 2.they got demonetized
or 3.Social blade is acting up as usual
i would bet either 1 or 3 tbh
No. 733603
>>732829>>733433wait wait wait, hold your horses ladies and gents
Could it be that we finally have proof? That she never got accepted into CalArts?
She doesn't mention it even once in her drop out video, and I'm sure it would be wort mentioning, since she wants to give out (questionable) advice and recites her whole school resumee
No. 733613
>>733435For what it's worth, she's claimed she has a "super mild" form of it and that's why she never mentions it (except for when she does, of course).
>>733584>>733586Negative views are from deleting/unlisting videos, it's not the site glitching.
No. 733619
File: 1542447264966.jpg (521.05 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181117-033323_You…)

Found this gem
No. 733796
>>733661But wouldn't it make sense for her to mention it at least? After all she claimed she only didn't go because it cost too much, but now she's in debt anyways
And she's not someone to hold back when there's a chance for bragging, so it would have been a perfect fit for this video
No. 733884
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No. 733948
>>733924 Can't say I'm surprised… I don't think she's cared about the quality of her work for some time now. She's deluded herself into believing she does but overtime she's definitely lost whatever drives her. It's just what can make her money now. Her work, every single thing she puts out…
Is joyless.
At least that's how I've been seeing it.
No. 734089
>>733948Of course it's joyless, just look at how she works. She deliberately overworks herself, what's the point of sketching random shit when she has
three comics to work on, one of which is supposed to update two pages a day? She's clearly not studying form, there are no guidelines or anything. She wastes endless time and energy doing extra projects instead of focusing on making one decent thing.
No. 734164
File: 1542548267989.jpg (626.81 KB, 1600x2443, 12Chroma.jpg)

No. 734176
It's so confusing, all of her precious animes have normally outlined muscles why can't she copy that lmao
No. 734181
>>734177its like an injoke for herself "i did the bed thing"
>>733051like how she writes b o y s e x or whatever on the spines of the books in the background
No. 734183
>>734089Actually it’s probably a good idea for her to do more drawings from life like this. Sure it looks a little off but Holly will learn much faster drawing from life.
>>734175I thought she was trying to outline muscle too but now I’m starting to think the lines might be some sort of shading divide? Like the were meant to be a guide for where she needed to put the screen tones but then she just leaves it blank cause she liked the ‘aesthetic’?
>>734164I just love the yaoi bed here.
No. 734228
>>734164This seme guy reminds me too much of armored skeptic. I doubly do not want to see holly draw him and her bishi "beef boi" fuck.
How long until she draws a porn comic of them? Strangely holly keeps pretty quiet about this comic, but she obsessively talks about the characters in paranormal plague.
No. 734250
>>734164these characters are so fucking ugly?? the elf dude looks like an alcoholic stepdad and the other guy might as well be a chick.
who wants to see these 2 fuck?
No. 734273
>>734164Why does she randomly flip her seme character if he hasn't once faced left? Did he just turn his back to Oats for a second to say "oh my god"?
The 180 rule is just lost on her, always, even for the simplest compositions. And I stfg those arm lines do not = muscles.Like, why is his neck thicker than his arms.
And she's got this weird obsession with sticking a single pinkie finger out when a character is holding something or have their hands bunched together.
No. 734351
File: 1542573886123.jpg (8.78 KB, 236x314, 7c97a8953876c9f3e638861a0b372d…)

>>734164how do I bent arms desu ka?
No. 734367
>>7341642nd panel : Left hand on face, facing right
4th panel : Right hand on face, facing left
4th panel : sitting on bed
6th panel : sitting up(?)
Did she look at her page and asked herself if that made any sense??? For how long has she been drawing comics? She doesn't even know the basics, that's sad.
No. 734376
File: 1542577525507.jpg (624.81 KB, 1280x898, file_a182a8a42a_original.jpg)

I guess even the she stuff sells isn't even worth the effort nowadays, it seems
No. 734392
>>734381Wait what? She said that? That's kind of funny - there's nothing wrong with being a tomboy/masculine girl but like, Holly really doesn't come off as feminine at all. No makeup, hair is a rat's nest, overall kind of grimy (those nails).
>>734376I actually think the cards are kind of cute…if the charms were actually handmade and not bulkordered from AliExpress I don't think it'd be bad merch really.
No. 734404
>>734394That, and the fact that she couldn't be bothered to proofread it
>loose interestjust…come on. I swear she's got a learning disability.
No. 734406
>>734376She might sell a few of these, then still be left with a shit ton of those bloodbags (that she impulse bought) to collect dust in her junky room.
This isn't even thematic to the comic as near as we can tell. She hasn't really given anyone an incentive to buy anything or given anyone a reason to care about them in the actual comic.
She basically just keeps spoiling it because she cant keep her mouth shut about certain elements of the story. it was much worse when she had a twitter; she was a nonstop flood in 'random tidbits' about PP.
No. 734418
File: 1542580433424.jpg (19.66 KB, 635x320, Ut3w9ig.jpg)

>>734412Has she never heard of femme lesbians? In what universe does pink hair mean a girl is straight??? Has she never heard of dangerhairs? I don't even know where to start with this. I just…
No. 734420
>>734228Anon this
is the porn comic. They're definitely going to fuck.
No. 734423
>>734406>>734411I've never seen an intro to a story be more vague than Holly's PP pitch:
>Paranormal Plague is a world dominated by monsters, called Paranormals. Herschel and Ash use this as an opportunity to investigate.Maybe she'll write that each person's blood type affects the power they have/paranormal entity they'll be.
Reading the pages that she has up, the story already doesn't have a steady plot. Ash and Herschel are paranormal investigators, but this is a world where the news stations openly acknowledge the existence of these paranormal entities.
Why wouldn't Ash and Herschel have steady government jobs (like Scully and Mulder in the X-files), and why would Princess show such skepticism that they can heal paranormals?
Actually, PP is probably just a sad knock-off of X-files, isn't it?
No. 734434
File: 1542582412724.jpg (119.87 KB, 1155x633, w2.JPG)

sage for old stuff, but I was re watching a sketchbook video and what happened to her ability to shade things?
No. 734438
File: 1542582979108.jpg (364.25 KB, 940x1435, 13Chroma.jpg)

No. 734439
File: 1542583034507.jpg (697.94 KB, 1600x2443, 14Chroma.jpg)

No. 734446
>>734439dem sexy legs with different lengths - yum
also, the perspective is as atrocious as ever
No. 734452
>>734450…let's pretend Holly could actually do better, shall we?
(jokes aside, I don't think she has any concept of perspective and how it works in comics)
No. 734483
>>734476How is she so arrogant while putting herself down????
She needs to learn when to shut up. The real problem with Holly is that she just talks confidently about things that she doesn't know anything about.
>its hard to criticize when you are not perfectthen don't?? You have no grounds to be criticizing other artists.
At least she realizes nothing in her channel is constructive. I wonder if she's finally going to turn around that attitude.
No. 734485
>>734476Scrolling through the comments, it's her 'granies' that want her to stay who she is - kinda sad, they are literally chanting 'stay the salty fujo, we love it!'
No wonder she keeps doing the same shit over and over again
No. 734497
>>734476I kind of think this is sad, but also, this is like the third video where she throws herself a pity party.
Where she fucks up is she keeps making these videos where she KNOWS her fanbase will stan her bullshit no matter what. She seeks the attention and approval of people she knows already likes her. I don't think she's honestly looking for critique, it's just another way to get people to feel sorry for her.
The last thing she needs to be doing is looking to make another channel to start over. She needs to take a serious break FIRST, or she'll just keep making these simpering, pitiful videos over and over again so that her echo chamber can constantly coo and dote on her.
No. 734511
>>734497A break would be great, but sadly I doubt it - for once she must be so used to getting daily positive, even overly positive feedback that without it her non existant self confidence might hit her really hard.
Second, without her channel she is basically broke (since we know she has no savings) and the people reading and buying her stuff would dwindle to nothing in no time. Especially now, where she basically erased all of her other profiles
No. 734516
File: 1542593082786.png (164.83 KB, 512x512, photo_2018-09-29_18-08-52.png)

>>734439It's so over the top and ugly I can't stop looking at it.
No. 734528
>>734476i mean, she could take her videos down, if it bothers her so much that she's profiting off of people… hatewatching her content? watching content SHE hates?
>>i learned a lot about posting online. like what you should say, what you shouldn't saythis may be just me, but that rubbed me the wrong way? bc i didn't hear it as 'i am sorry i hurt people, i want to do better', but as 'i'm gonna do this so i can make more money'. which, okay, if she stops spewing harmful bs that way, i guess it's a win, but still.
>>i know people think i'm a manipulative assholei keep crossing my fingers that one day, ONE DAY, she will keep this self-deprecating bs to herself. but that's never gonna happen, is it?
ppl think you are manipulative bc your actions are, holly. you get criticized and you make two videos where it sounds like you just finished crying. you post a comic with your depression spiral thoughts telling you to kill yourself. you're manipulating ppl that have valid criticisms of you into feeling bad about voicing them and riling up your army of underage stans so they will protect you/drown out the "bad voices". (this is by far not the first or only time she's done this. see: complaining about her stress/how bad she feels around whateveritwascon when ppl were pushing to finally get their zine orders, plus other instances of this in the past)
No. 734564
>>734563phallic breaaaads
she's obsessed with them. she needs to get laid, like, yesterday.
No. 734620
File: 1542614604334.jpg (212.22 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_pi84ukMlt61wru95a_1280.…)

Saw this on tumblr, seems some people still want to talk about it, but are staying anon about it.
No. 734648
File: 1542622072754.png (421.02 KB, 446x756, p.png)

No. 734655
File: 1542623004474.png (184.88 KB, 446x394, what have you done.png)

>>734648Sage for redline but. God what the fuck is wrong with his right arm…. His elbow can't be that low Holly please
No. 734664
>>734648Holly could use a refresher on oberservational drawing.
As for the subject I can see what Holly is doing here as a way to comfort herself. Being that Ash is sort of a self insert and Holly has stated her attraction to Hershel before.
No. 734673
File: 1542627695313.png (355.3 KB, 439x601, in case anyone was interested.…)

Warped the image because I was curious to see what it looked like without the perspective.
No. 734680
>>734476Did she delete all her social media? I can't find her IG either.
Holly really needs to learn how to breathe and think shit through before making public statements. She just says shit, then gets mad when people criticize her and responds before she calms down with even more dumb shit. I'm not sure if I buy her sudden self-flagellating "Omg guys, I hate my channel too, I hate acting like this, and my art sucks anyway!", but either way I feel kinda bad for her because she's terribly socialized, has no tact and is pretty much an asshole, but she's also clearly going through a major existential crisis right now and is just not equipped to deal with it.
No. 734683
File: 1542629715466.png (334.07 KB, 436x598, Untitled.png)

>>734654here you go
you can really tell that the whole head is sized just to fit those eyebrows
No. 734691
File: 1542630888983.png (40.14 KB, 176x138, alien noggin.png)

(sage for redline) this dude a straight up alien
No. 734703
>>734698Isn't hiding hands because you're not confident enough to draw them what a damn 12 year old would do?
I'm getting serious 1st time submitting to dA vibes from this.
If you almost exclusively draw humans, how the fuck are you not pushing yourself to draw the things you have problems with or can't? How can you ever possibly expect to grow when you do such counterintuitive things? It screams "I have no confidence in my art or skills".
No. 734707
File: 1542633008195.jpg (68.94 KB, 646x351, monster.jpg)

remember her most viewed video is her 'correcting' tetsuo from akira's big forehead
No. 734711
>>734703It makes pretty obvious how 'professional' she is - if you look through any of her comics it's easy to realize how she avoids going out of her comfort zone by trying things like new perspectives etc.
The hand thing is pre-school level though
No. 734720
File: 1542636323391.png (438.29 KB, 563x753, crop.png)

>>734673you warped it too much (it looks squished)
No. 734999
>>734957it probably helps that she always frames things in a way that places her as "just a person who's trying to get her shit together and nobody's giving her a break".
After all, everybody loves an underdog
No. 735096
>>735002Anyone with any sense, with a name and worth their salt in the youtube art community, isn't wasting their time making a fucking video about spoiled Holly milk.
Like, I guess this is creepshow's way of desperately staying relevant, but I swear she was a holly stan not that long ago in another video.
Also, d'angelo subbing her channel just because she referenced his video, means he ain't shit either. He basically made the same type of video walking back on what he said about holly. He didn't 'drag her'. He criticized her but then softened the blow.
Irrelevant. Like no one gives a shit about her edgy opinion. She definitely cares though, enough to make a seven minute video. What is she, 15?
No. 735118
File: 1542693642118.png (232.45 KB, 615x572, 1486333566923.png)

I found this while trolling through /IC/ archives for Meet The artist and I can't get over it. I know it's probably been posted in a thread before but I'm losing my mind.
The (likely a lie) AB- blood type, the rarest in the world
hates: lazy artists
The whole deal with her self portrait. It's all so bad I don't even know what to look at. It's so fucking ugly.
No. 735124
File: 1542694748140.jpg (144.19 KB, 1302x574, Download.jpg)

Not sure if this was mentioned already, but did you see that she lowered the price on her ugly kiki piece? Noone´s gonna buy it anyway, Holly
No. 735129
File: 1542695201696.jpg (115.24 KB, 1202x319, Download (1).jpg)

Fresh Milk coming in soon. Cinna joined the artists´discord
No. 735136
>>735118>type: AB-weird flex but ok. like no one cares about blood type except a doctor giving a blood transfusion.
>>735129oh boy
No. 735138
File: 1542698223727.png (18.68 KB, 292x313, 97645087fb7cb957471367239244e2…)

Once again, beautifully playing the victim.
No. 735144
>>735129What a strange position to put yourself in…to be the public face of someone else's drama/obvious farmer. She really wants those virtue points so bad she might as WELL make a whole ass Holly video at this point. Do it. Strike while the iron's hot, Cinna, lmao.
Also, who is Zepie? Is this a fake name? I'm assuming so.
No. 735147
>I realize since I use my real name–You are just now realizing this, Holly? I mean. Not that it'dve done you any good, it isn't hard to match a name or a face to people over the internet anymore. And it's hard to mistake your art for anyone elses' that's for damn sure.
Remember when she tried to get lolcow pages to stop being the first google search results if you put her name in? it's too late. It's either these pages or the author with the same name lmao.
No. 735153
>>735138tbh I think this is a good decision. Getting a job and going outside should help her. Being a 24/7 hermit stuck in your room is really not good for your mental health.
But, knowing this is Holls, she'll soon go back to being her old self. Sigh.
No. 735162
>>735002>I don't give a shit about any of this lol xD but let me make a video about it and get those views!This is bad and she should feel bad.
>>735129Cinnabani also mostly seems in it for the attention, it's getting tiring.
No. 735167
File: 1542702669883.png (52.35 KB, 1188x378, crepp.png)

>>735002So, she does not care about the drama or Holly but left this comment, and found the "why I love and support Holly Brown" video pretty early on
Yeah that totally checks out.
No. 735187
>>735185She doesn't even claim to be gay besides the "bi" thing which she counters by saying women are catty, loud but "s o m e" are allright and how she isn't ~like other girls~ bc she prefers to hang with guys because they're drama free and other pick me type shit.
Holly just wants herschel to fuck her self insert so she can feel less shitty about her incel tier lifestyle screeching at women to take responsibility when they're being raped.
No. 735198
>>735172Actually, there's a bug where random blogs are being deleted on Tumblr right now. I shit you not.
I mean she still might have done it herself, but it's possible she was hit by the bug.
No. 735200
>>735198i was wondering about that, too, but i feel like if she'd been a victim of the current "purge" going on on tumblr, she would have whined about it on insta. i checked for her blogs last night and they were gone, but she posted on insta three hours ago, so it should have been enough time for her to notice?
(tumblr is purging blogs that are deemed NSFW by their bot, so holly's main account could definitely been purged, and that automatically deletes the sideblogs, as well)
No. 735238
File: 1542725307287.png (234.62 KB, 639x437, UkSvfr5.png)

The more I read about this chick the more I think she could do with some The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross.
She'd actually learn something for once and calm the fuck down.
No. 735245
>>735241Or how "lazy" he is lmao
or somehow draw him as a gay character in her shitty comics.
Holly better catch these hands if she ever disrespects my man bob
No. 735366
File: 1542738786919.jpg (55.21 KB, 469x333, 08987.jpg)

>>735294nta but if something's shitting up every thread it's not ridiculous to want it to stop. Bans are 2 harsh imo but I'd roll my eyes less if we all at least attempted to acknowledge that there is flagrant self-posting going on to the tune of untalented red-lines in video and blogging form and that it is embarrassing. I actually do find the resulting drama entertaining but it's worrying when I'm starting to loathe her hate-parasites more than the cow herself.
If those who suggested we stop bitching about Cinna were just enjoying the drama she was causing, why would they feel the need to defend her? I've read "who cares why she's doing it, she's finally calling out Holly" so many fucking times. It's funny to complain about assholes, Cinna's clearly an asshole. If we're going to discuss her at ALL (and I think most of her detractors would prefer we didn't anyway) then she shouldn't be defended from criticism. just my 2¢
No. 735569
>>735294Cinna's posts are not milk in and of themselves, though.
If she's getting information from the discord or if holly is directly interacting with her,
that's milk.
Also I'm not even sure what Cinna is trying to accomplish. If it's to hold Holly "accountable, there's no point because Holly never has and never will respond constructively to discipline or criticism.
No. 735570
>>735569It's to get views/followers/attention i've decided. Nobody puts this much energy into a "
problematic" person in public without expecting to gain something from it.
Wake me up when she actually gives us milk and not just parroting old shit from these boards. i'm getting sick of seeing her regurgitate info and every little thing she does regarding Holly ending up showing up here.
No. 735577
File: 1542765263019.png (368.8 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181120-185310.png)

>>735571Her newer ig is still active.
No. 735582
>>735577oh just her old one is gone, i guess, cool.
>>735576i feel like if the zine stuff goes anywhere she's really going to go into lockdown mode. a couple of critical videos about her as already put her in hiding. on top of the realization that she's absolutely trashed her name in the art community and fucked herself in terms of getting industry jobs, she might just quietly disappear.
No. 735604
>>735589>>735585It's really dishonest, even if it doesn't matter to the art industry. Even if she didn't claim any degrees, it isn't like her art would be getting her any jobs. That's mostly what an artist has is their name, and their art, and for Holly, both are thoroughly dragged through the mud. Academic dishonesty just adds to it.
Her only claim to fame is her wonky, questionable BL fujo comics.
No. 735711
File: 1542796232193.png (805.28 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-11-21-10-26-45…)

surprising considering how much she's previously said how shitty having to get an actual job would be
No. 735713
>>735711That was fast. Maybe she'd been low key looking for a bit.
Unless she means 'working' as in making comics as a day job.
No. 735715
>>735713I understand she's going back to comics? No idea how she wants to make money off of them so fast (since Purgatory is unfinished and PP free) apart from her non-updated Patreon though. She will most likely ignore the latter completely, since she has more important things to do now, kek
(On a side note, can somebody tell me why she writes 'stfg' after every fith word?? "Search the f-ing google" for what?!)
No. 735716
>>735713I understand she's going back to comics? No idea how she wants to make money off of them so fast (since Purgatory is unfinished and PP free) apart from her non-updated Patreon though. She will most likely ignore the latter completely, since she has more important things to do now, kek
(On a side note, can somebody tell me why she writes 'stfg' after every fith word?? "Search the f-ing google" for what?!)
No. 735717
>>735713I understand she's going back to comics? No idea how she wants to make money off of them so fast (since Purgatory is unfinished and PP free) apart from her non-updated Patreon though. She will most likely ignore the latter completely, since she has more important things to do now, kek
(On a side note, can somebody tell me why she writes 'stfg' after every fith word?? "Search the f-ing google" for what?!)
No. 735721
>>735717If holly were a smart, she'd use her patreon for comics more, like maybe have cp as a pateron only and have pp update on patreon sooner than free
She is rushing purgatory to an end so i guss she can just quietly let it die already
No. 735725
>>735715I think she’s back to work and on top of that she’s working on comics.
Honestly I can see how working on art part time would be an improvement for her mood and possibly a way to improve. She might go back to drawing because she loves it instead of pretending to do it all day and hating every minute of it because it’s an obligation.
No. 735761
>>735752It's always a posibility to become a freelancer, but regarding possible clients she already fucked herself I'd say.
Not to mention that she's far too unorganized to be able to adhere to any schedule.
No. 735764
File: 1542810084963.jpeg (9.7 KB, 226x250, 7444DB50-51D3-49CC-9889-D71EEB…)

>>735154Nice selfpost but I can’t take someone who draws like this seriously. Oops
No. 736225
File: 1542892568444.png (351.06 KB, 448x787, pupdate.png)

"Hey y'all, I just wanted to say like a quick update, because I'm going to be working so much and I want to get Purgatory out of the way I really can't devote time to Patreon anymore, it's just going to be postponed until I finish freaking Purgatory. So anyone who's currently a Patreon right now - you're going to be refunded for this month just 'cause you know um… I don't wanna take your money on a month where I'm shitty um yea um so yeah I'll probably make one in the future when I know I can devote more time to comics and have more of a buffer, but for right now… Since this is a one I just started I'd rather FINISH the ones I have and start this in the future!"
No. 736262
>>736225This is the second patreon she's shut down. At least she's finally pulled the plug instead of just not delivering for weeks despite her self-set "two pages a day" schedule, but seriously?
Like other anons have said she could put all of her comics up on patreon first, most webcomic patreons make money through early access and patreon exclusives.
No. 736272
>>736225Kudos to her for refunding the patreons.
>>736256Yeah pretty sure anon was just saying it's not the end of the world to make a non-con comic as long as you don't try to pass it off as being consensual to be more PC or something.
>>736262Her whole 2 pages a day schedule was bound to fail. The thing is though I'm pretty sure most of her patreons were subscribed because they genuinely wanted to help her out and not because of the 'perks' they get from being patreons. Holly was just shooting herself in the foot by setting impossible goals for work to deliver.
No. 736300
>>736272you're so right irt fans wanting to help. Honestly, even with artists I adore I'm more likely to support them because I want them to be successful enough to continue to make art, not for the perks. The extras/exclusives etc are just a respectful thank you gift imo.
Holly does not thank. Only hate. Couldn't even shit out the two daily squirts of diarrhea the brownclowns were promised.
>>736225Those your hands, sis? No homo but they're pretty as hell.
No. 736518
File: 1542927686381.png (1.25 MB, 640x1136, 1DFABDF1-1947-457E-A9E2-4900FE…)

“Living in one of the Wealthy nations”????
No. 736617
>>736601Objective fact, feel free to grow up. Also not all farmers are American way to show just how stupid you people are lol.
>>736582Online school was her second school. Feel free to watch her recent college video for more info newfag.
No. 736629
>>736617so it was a terrible attempt at '/int/ humour'? there are about 200 countries, name 20 that would be better described as a wealthy nation than the USA, to show the US is not in the top 10%. Take your time.
>>736625that doesn't make any sense with respect to what they posted. They're saying america is a poor shithole which is a funny meme but not something you'd seriously say unless you were a seething communist who cries "america was never great" because muh minorities
No. 736702
File: 1542955715925.jpeg (Spoiler Image,247.94 KB, 1242x1667, image.jpeg)

Not sure if milk or not but this looks a lot like the pose she did for school.
No. 736855
File: 1542998319818.png (218.24 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181123-133753.png)

No. 736856
File: 1542998399185.png (198.08 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181123-133804.png)

sorry i didn't even think to share this when i got it, but i think it's interesting (two jobs??)
No. 736907
>>736855>I've had people expecting 24 pages of comics a month.You did that, Holly. No one would have expected 24 pages a month if she hadn't said that's what she was going to upload. "I'll post two pages a day" means just that, not "I will post two pages a day maybe, if I can, idk"
Good that she's learning some limits and retiring the patreon but come the fuck on, there's a way to sabotage yourself.
No. 736938
>>736856>i see a lot of producers doing well on PatreonOf course it's because she saw others making money that she thought "hey, I could do this thing too!"
Holly, these other content creators probably don't give themselves such extreme workload burdens or they have a large enough buffer if they decide to make such a difficult schedule. Also, how many of these content creators are using Patreon as their sole income?
No. 737041
>>736855>people expecting 24 pages of comics a month>even though that's what I fucking said I'd docan't decide if she's just a fucking moron or backtracking to absolve herself of blame.
and by 2 jobs does she mean youtube and whatever job she's getting irl, or actually 2 real jobs? she was so snide about "not flipping burgers," but retail is equally awful most ofthe time and all she's qualified for without a degree. wonder if she's going back to michaels.
No. 737089
>>737041>even though that's what I fucking said I'd dothat's the point? She's saying "i got people expecting x…" as in "i created the expectation"
>>736911 she says right there she is refunding
why cunts just not even bother to read through her expressions and act like does worse than she actually does and create false milk pay attention lazy fucks
No. 737095
>>737089nayrt but 2 things:
1) Chill?
2) I think they meant that all the rewards she's been posting up hasn't even been part of the rewards she listed. The rewards were always 10+ pages of NSFW but she's only posted NSFW barely if at all.
All the rewards she's been uploading has been SFW and "building up plot" but that wasn't what was advertised or paid for. tbh she should have just said "10+ pages of drawn content per month"
No. 737118
File: 1543035568212.jpeg (4.26 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg)

This is entirely unrelated to current milk, but simons glasses arent gurren lagan kamina glasses. Theyre supposed to be cat eye glasses. Holly what the fuck.
Pic related. What.
No. 737119
File: 1543035870064.jpeg (20.58 KB, 182x277, download.jpeg)

>>737118Pic for comparison
No. 737120
File: 1543035783282.jpeg (15.38 KB, 310x163, download (1).jpeg)

No. 737121
>>737120>>737119Lolcow took a shit but both are from me for comparison.
Consistency? Holly doesnt know her.
No. 737195
>>737189That's what I read it as too, basically she was going to upload
up to 24 pages.
No. 737196
>>737189That's what I read it as too, basically she was going to upload
up to 24 pages.
No. 737298
File: 1543079501911.png (335.37 KB, 451x783, slimshady.png)

"Okay so I'm recording some stuff for my NEW channel, um… So this video in gonna be the song I listened to in middle school and then I'm illustrating them. Uh, can you fucking tell what it is?
I'm kinda worried since it has Eminem in it it's uh.. That people are gonna get like… Crazy about it but… It's what I listened to in middle school!"
Yes Holly, you'll probably be crucified like the martyr you are for listening to Eminem, the whole world is out to get you for no reason at all, but you're so humble about it! I had some hopes that she actually knew that she was the problem this time, guess not.
No. 737301
>>737298Is this supposed to be eminem? God her art is ugly.
Then again they say artists look like their art.
No. 737310
>>737298>I just want to avoid negativity and change my life>Teehee people might flip out about this, whatever will I do!You have got to be kidding me.
That said, I doubt anyone will care, Eminem's wildest/most controversial shit happened over 10 years ago.
No. 737418
File: 1543090453955.png (863.69 KB, 1020x960, 266979296015212.png)

>>737298fucken shota shady laksdjlakds I snorted my fucking coffee
I'm not even mad, this is actually endearing. Reverting to a preteen state is better than trying to be an edgy adult. I respect people who can admit they never quite made the transition as long as they don't act like others are immature.
No. 737502
>>735764The final product is not bad for someone not using a layin.
If they took advantage of the proko videos on youtube, they could really improve.
No. 737556
>>737441I'll never understand why anyone will give objectively flawed people chance after chance or give them the benefit of the doubt, after years of the same behavior, they never change. Emily is way too lenient on Holly considering she was shit talking the collab she organized and the artist who she was partnered with. Why isn't Emily defending Holly's partner?
>if that happened today she would've made a wiser decisionNo, she wouldn't have. She has consistently made awful decisions and said awful things. The art community avoids her like the plague for a reason. This is a stupid, unnecessary video that brings nothing to the table on the subject of Holly. Emily is clearly trying to be "nice art mom who is above drama" but it really just makes her look naive.
No. 737599
>Emily is clearly trying to be "nice art mom who is above drama" but it really just makes her look naive.This.
But everyone knows she's not above drama, she's the same one who made a call out video that she thought nobody was going to guess who she was talking about for.
Aside from her little unpleasant run-in with collaborating with Holly, she's obviously just in it for the coin. I feel like she knows more than she's letting on but is playing dumb/naiive so it doesn't look like she hasn't ever read here before lmao. the more naiive she sounds the more suspect she is, there isn't a doubt in my mind anyone speaking publicly about Holly, has at least seen these threads once but are trying so hard to seem neutral and 'drama free' so they're only touching on the tracing drama when the iceberg runs so much deeper than that.
And why she isn't defending the other collaborator IS a good question. It's always 'poor widdle howwy, nobody understands whyyyyy people dislike her soooo much!'
Get real, Emily. Scramble for your fucking coins and leave lol.
No. 737645
>>737599 OT
Wait did it ever come out who Emily’s video was about?
No. 737766
File: 1543121975474.jpeg (342.61 KB, 1080x1791, Screenshot_20181124-225230-02.…)

from Holly's most recent instagram story. I think she actually looks super cute here (she was flipping her hair so I couldn't get a good cap)
Hope she gets the job, it'll be really good for her.
No. 737793
>>737766she looks totally different (in a good way). she should try to look nice more often.
>>737780that seems to be a common occurrence for holly, pretending to already have something she doesn't…
No. 737805
>>737766That angle works wonders to hide her lopsided potato face
I actually hope she gets this job. Homegirl needs more life and job experience outside of the internet with people who won't put up with or make excuses for her inadequacy. She always struck me as the kind of person to talk mean shit online but stumble and mumble like she's got Asperger's IRL. Hopefully she can clean up her act.
No. 737810
>>737787She's in her early 20s. like 22 or 23 I forget.
This photo makes it look like half her face is missing
No. 737850
>>737766yeah wow I hardly recognized her at first
It's actually a really good color on her, and it looks good straight
No. 737864
>>737316>>737319Nevermind then lol, it's not like this is a sudden change though so if she wanted to avoid potential controversy at any cost, she could just…not draw Eminem.
>>737441I don't like this mindset of "oh, but it was a single mistake! She apologized!". An apology is just words, you don't just automatically deserve forgiveness just because you've said sorry. She just repeated what Holly said and took it at face value.
No. 737879
>>737864Its like bojack. “You can't keep doing this! You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay! You need to be better!”
Or rick and morty:
“You seem to alternate between viewing your own mind as an unstoppable force and as an inescapable curse. And I think it's because the only truly unapproachable concept for you is that it's your mind within your control. I have no doubt that you would be bored senseless by therapy, the same way I'm bored when I brush my teeth and wipe my ass. Because the thing about repairing, maintaining, and cleaning is it's not an adventure. There's no way to do it so wrong you might die. It's just work. And the bottom line is, some people are okay going to work, and some people well, some people would rather die.”
No. 737937
I swear, she gets herself into the weirdest situations for no reason at all, it sounded like she already had a job position confirmed, what is she even going to do if she has a hard time getting employed? This is just like when she lied about already having a degree because she was so confident (and we all know how that turned out)
>>737933Chill and sage
No. 737961
>>737477has Emily ever done a video where she isn't just talking about
- other artists
- something OMG SO TERRIBLE/CREEPY/WEIRD that happened to her?
I can't think off-hand of a single video that has just been… art.
Sage cos she's not Holly but this has always been my milkiest milk with Emily; all her videos have to have some kind of drama attached
No. 737987
>>737879>quoting an entire paragraph of Rick and MortyYou're not wrong but whew.
Holly won't get better on her own though, she clearly needs outside help.
No. 738181
>>737958I'd only watched Holly for a month before this happened and I started digging. Not only is her audience a lot younger than I am, but she gives the impression that "you can be self sufficient with art" even though she literally lives with family and doesn't pay for necessities. I haven't found a single good art youtuber who's audience isn't 13-17 and isn't either PG Family Friendly Clean, or edgy and controversial.
Holly is almost exactly like Spechie, even though Spetchie is fresh from high school.
No. 738249
>>738181Not a single one you say?
You might want to try someone who's a seasoned professional then, not a barely self-sufficent 20 year old.
Try swatches or Marco Bucci if you want to learn something - or maybe Astri Loohe if you prefer illustration. At least two of them are freelancers too.
And "art community drama" isn't even a thing there.
No. 738275
>>738269True. Kids don't necessarily come to art channels like those to improve necessarily but because they think the edgy/insufferable behavior 'speaks' to them.
AND they aren't TOO skilled, so it's an attainable "relatable" goal.
No. 738324
File: 1543207994606.jpeg (430.93 KB, 1242x895, 8691CD7F-DBD4-450D-B3C6-E97059…)

>>738320Holly probably just didn’t bother to renew it. She will now as soon as she lurks.
No. 738373
Saged for my shit artist explaination but:
I just find Holly interesting in a sense that I study what she wants to be, a "mangaka", but she kinda doesn't understand basic procedure.
Like, people who make manga go on location and take photos of their own so they can make a genuine product, even if they traced their own photo. Not to mention you get to see, yourself, where your drawn characters will go.
They study sports and vehicles, animals and a lot of the time, they need a team to create these things. It genuinely wouldn't hurt her to spend that money she uses on reference packs to collaborate with a specialty artist.
She's very… Unwilling to study those things, but still wants to draw them?
A lot of what Holly paraphrases in her videos, even in the tracing video, are from a mangaka named Tatsuyuki Maeda or Mikey. He explains that certain things you can trace like buildings and plants.
"I think tracing might be ok too. Trace [Houses and cars]and get used to the balance"
This doesn't really apply to Holly, but she believes this.
No. 738379
>>738373Anon, she wouldn't even pay her flatter more than the absolute minimum possible, not to mention that the vast majority of comic artists don't have a team of assistants, and there are world-famous mangaka that don't have any either. Assistants aren't really a thing outside of Japan where they have a monthly magazine schedule.
She needs to build her own skillset instead of looking for shortcuts first.
No. 738383
>>738379It's just weird because, if she just tested some shit out and drew out of her comfort zone, even in her published works, she'd get better.
You can visually see mangaka develop a cleaner style by the end of a manga run.
A lot of what she has done has been stagnant. I get the struggle, too.
"Draw this new meme/Draw fanart of this/This will get you more attention"
but she quite literally takes not risks and it's so uninteresting.
I'm also definitely not saying she needs any assistants, maybe some collaborators, though? But like you said, it's common in Japan to have some because they have deadlines.
Why does Holly pretend to have deadlines? I'll forever be confused about that.
No. 738389
>>738388>why couldn't you all just leave her aloneBecause this is a discussion board and she kinda fucked over a generous about of people with her zine?
Because the tracing controversy explains why her art doesn't look good?
You act like there will never be new Holly Browns in this world. There will be.
No. 738393
>>738388>implying these threads are what caused this dramaeverything we talk about here seldom leaves this board. the tracing drama blew up because of that cowtipper Cinna and the zine drama has yet to get any sort of real notice. I think Cinna said she's gathering info on that to expose her for that too.
Holly never pays for the crimes we discuss here. Blame cowtippers like Cinna for scaring her into hiding.
No. 738417
>>738269well, what do you want? A somewhat respectable professional who swears up and down in the eye of the public?
Even Hollys fans should have realized these things don't go well together
No. 738425
>>738393As much as I dislike her constant self-inserting Cinna didn't even cowtip though, even though she's obviously a farmer. Some of Holly's fans did in the comments, but she was lurking here long before that. I think the tracing drama was pretty much the Streisand effect in action, she could have responded to the call-out tweet but instead she nuked her Twitter and made a huge fuss about it and it snowballed from there.
It was only a matter of time until the tipping point, she's been pissing people off consistently for a long time.
No. 738503
>>737441Why is emily so ready to forgive when Holly hasn't apologized or even felt sorry for things like showing how to remove water marks in her terrible 'I hate watermarks' video. Or apologized for tracing and not crediting Kibbitzer.
>>738216Spechie is worse than Holly. Holly at least doesn't threaten to sue people over videos.
No. 738512
>>738505Well for starters she wants to be a professional artist and put her video under her actual name. Any company that sees the video is gonna side eye anything she shows cause they got video proof shes removed at least 3 watermarks before.
Plus not everyone going to know it. Just because some know how doesn't mean everyone does.
No. 738516
>>738425Pissing people off is frankly the
only thing she's consistent at.
No. 738533
>>738505What was the point of even creating that video showing how to remove watermarks? Classic Holly move to do something stupid without thinking about the implications.
In other news I kinda miss having fresh milk but hopefully that just means Holly is getting her life together.
No. 739409
File: 1543358072335.png (56.51 KB, 1226x285, kiss.png)

>>739354Meh, normally I find him okay, but this was a pretty shit take imo. It's a shame none of the people who are making videos about her does any research. Found this gem of a comment though, so that's a plus. Seriously, where are all these comments allegedly telling her to kill herself?
No. 739416
>>739415Tracing is an unforgivable sin in the online art community so I'm not surprised.
Anyways I haven't heard from Holly in a while, I hope she is getting her life together offline now that YouTube isn't really feasible for her.
No. 739419
File: 1543359349879.png (21.49 KB, 846x120, new.png)

No. 739440
>>739409The only reason people comment on her weight is because she tries to educate others on losing weight while she's fat.
Not to mention, it's a very American idea set that you don't trace shit, so what he said isn't entirely true.
No. 740279
File: 1543469492699.png (51.5 KB, 275x211, lol.png)

Repost from the Artists on Youtube Thread
Creepshow art is piling onto the Holly Brown discussion. I don't even like Holly by all these artists trying to use her to get views puts a bad taste in my mouth. And they never have good takes or all the facts.
No. 740361
>>740279I hope she gets backlash for it. People are done talking about Holly, but creepshow just can't seem to get over it. It's been weeks and the hb stuff, as far as the art yt community at large is concerned, is done. Everyone's over it.
Plus she's openly admitting to at least lurking, if not contributing here. No one in their right mind would admit to that, but I can't say she's got any integrity in the first place.
She's desperate for attention at this point and it's pretty pathetic. Now we gotta deal with teenage holly stans.
No. 740379
>>740279Youtube has been recommending her channel for the past week and genuinely, she has no room. She's trying to be a "call out" art channel when not only is she not artistically interesting enough (all her drawings look like the same woman in different cosplays) but her opinions aren't anything a more interesting youtuber has covered in a more engaging way.
The art community on youtube is such a cesspool, it's genuinely disgusting they're all trying to stay relevant talking about Holly, especially after multiple videos have been made explaining any point they could make 10x better.
No. 740430
File: 1543497903933.png (796.48 KB, 899x782, instor.png)

"So I'm making a new channel and I'm actually having an INTRO! And um, it's taking me a super long time because I have to INDIVIDUALLY crop out tiny little things like that…"
No. 740443
>>740379The art community in YouTube is a cesspool because the average viewer doesn't really care about art skill, they care about personality and video quality. YouTube artists are constantly trying to stir up drama and stay releavant so that people will continue to watch them.
>>740430Low key excited to see how this turns out. We haven't had fresh milk for a while now and it's getting annoying talking about all these people just using the situation to get more subscribers. I wonder if Holly will call out people like creepshow or if she will just try to sweep everything under the rug.
No. 740463
File: 1543504644931.png (40.29 KB, 1028x352, 2.PNG)

i think this was missed because i didn't see it in the thread but it's from her recent art school video. i totally forgot about clever kitchen until this lol
>>740430well at least she managed to not be holly BRown again
No. 740667
File: 1543522395265.png (688.18 KB, 894x781, nch.png)

"So basically for this video I'm gonna have clips that edit in… Like interviews and stuff and I'm editing out the background… Ooh boy, I don't know how people do this for a living, huhhhhh"
"One of the rules for my new channel is that anytime I mention something I wanna show like a clip of it or an image of it but it HAS to match the aesthetic, soooo.. Guess who individually has to greenscreen everything out?"
No. 740696
>>740667???then hire an editor if you're just gonna complain lol
and even then their a rt tutorials on how to do hat and save tons of time - there are tools in after effects just for this purpose of this.
This seems like a lot of effort for something she most likely won't even keep up.
No. 740763
>>740430So is this her aesthetic now? Is she "rebranding" from the sewage swamp of her art littering her headers and icons by trying to cover it up with pretty dried flowers and whatnot?
Like, what exactly are her priorities. A week ago she was so dead set on focusing on her comics but now she's spending all of that same time on making her videos more complex. It'll be interesting to see how her attempt at rebranding looks. she's going to whine about it the whole time til she drops it though.
No. 740871
File: 1543534222303.jpg (37.9 KB, 300x300, IMG_4244.JPG)

>im working on my comic
>jk im making hamilton animations
>Rape doujin of her own comic (she had a whole 'im doing nsfw content!' Sometime before hamilton?)
>haha lol did i tell u im doing clever kitchen for school??
>Omg Such big zine plans u guyiz im doing so many!(failed at 1)
>Conventions r important 4 salez & having an art friend 2 feature & travel with (made no money back and got outed with outdated; narrowminded and straight up sick views of consent and victim blaming)
>im deleting everything
>actually jk working on my comics again and getting a job!
I just want her to either go nuclear or atleast fade into obscurity w 10 followers cause god I am tired of this turning into another circle of art cows who point fingers, teens picking sides while a small smaaaall minority (usually not even present on yt but congregate here) calls them all stupid
No. 740956
>>740776I almost feel bad for Holly at this point, they're beating a rotting corpse of a horse at this point. I saw a recommended video of some shitter with like 100 subs milking the HB drama. It's such disgusting parasitic behavior. But I guess this is the most exciting thing to happen to the art tube community in ever.
>>740878>makes a pointless HB video>people start getting upset everyone's jumping on the bandwagon>makes a CANT BELIEVE EVERYONE'S MILKING HB videothis girl.
No. 741188
File: 1543573735245.png (1.8 MB, 1480x1189, almost.png)

latest two ig stories
No. 741647
File: 1543630628088.jpeg (2.32 MB, 4032x3024, 02C07F78-DE51-4BF6-BE2E-8583A4…)

Anyone in the mood for some old-ish milk? I bought a sketchbook from her way back when she was still making them. Packaging was good, and surprisingly the sketchbook itself didn’t smell weird. As you can see there are some air bubbles in the lamination.
No. 741651
File: 1543630862315.jpeg (2.95 MB, 4032x3024, 9649851A-CA79-4D5E-A7AB-AEA063…)

Other issues included the staples coming out after using it for a while
No. 741652
File: 1543630910940.jpeg (1.34 MB, 4032x3024, 8AAF0CDA-2A4F-42CE-922D-B7BA02…)

I fixed it myself using needle and thread but all the staples were barely hanging on to the paper
No. 741655
File: 1543630975966.jpeg (2.18 MB, 4032x3024, 22F4DA1D-AB8C-4FC5-B44A-660856…)

Last post: the business cards, which despite having wonky art were pretty cool and memorable
No. 741671
>>741655>>741652>>741647>>741651Damn, it's good that it was packaged well and all that, but it looks sort of cobbled together/amateurish? Hopefully Holly has improved since then. The red business card is pretty cool though. RIP Hershel without weird arm lines
On an unrelated note: Did anyone here watch (and remember) what Holly said in the deleted collab video Emily Artful was talking about? I'm incredibly curious, but it's kind of hard to search through the threads since she didn't say exactly when it was uploaded.
No. 741687
who tf is bumping all the ancient holly threads? please fucking stop.
>>741671it was back when holly only had a few thousand subs, wasn't it? so probably long before we took notice of her (which was after she went viral with the calarts video).
No. 741820
File: 1543657884243.jpeg (605.69 KB, 1242x2208, 52730599-D7A8-49F2-B167-5A5C0B…)

>>741796In the comments. So Cinna has had it out for Holly for a while now. Yikes.
No. 742147
>>741796This is genuinely sad. As an artist, I'd love collabing with an artist, even if they were a novice, but his art was actually a lot better than what Holly drew. It was amazing. I feel bad that he was saying "I want to respect her/respect her piece" but she couldn't share that same respect. That's fucking ridiculous.
How the fuck is she going to make it in the industry when she has difficulties just coloring someone else's art?
Holly is so popular and yet can't be even a little bit encouraging to other artists.
No. 742364
>>741796I'd like to point out that the person who she traded with hasn't uploaded any new art at all in a long while and has deleted all their social media.
Wouldn't be surprised if they felt like shit cause of her and gave up drawing.
No. 742366
>>742364Holly has less drive, tact and self-awareness (I really hope this kid just disconnected from the name/Internet and continued personally) than a literal preteen. And her side is sloppier than his, holy shit. Disgusted but not surprised. She's truly a miserable person to the core.
People (Adults) in this collab really saw that and didn't do or say anything? What the fuck is shielding Holly from what she deserves other than her own delusions?
No. 742391
File: 1543751315313.png (383.87 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2018-12-02-11-46-22…)

she's going all out it seems
No. 742398
>>742101Yeah honestly. As the person who created the collab group, Emily should have stepped in and said something about Holly's asshole attitude, especially after the video was uploaded for the world to see her shit on a 13 year old and not credit them.
Holly should have been called out then, but no, apparently that was 'edgy' and obviously on brand for her
No. 742432
>>742418This. This is basically the mantra of her fans. "She's so brutally honest and not rainbows and sunshine like all the other artists".
Her honesty really is nothing but pure rudeness, based on non-exsiting self confidence. And her fans loved her for it - that's probably one of the biggest problems her channel always had. And one of the reasons why she never adopted a better attitude.
No. 742497
>>742366Not to WK but im pretty sure the other youtubers were in the less than 1k range while emily had barely 2.5k and holly had about 15k im pretty sure they didnt want her already growing fanbase to attack them for slandering her queen
Holly stans have always been pretty defensive of her
No. 742807
File: 1543813657172.png (229.33 KB, 588x892, Screen Shot 2018-12-03 at 12.0…)

>spells "literally" wrong on a serious panel about suicide
No. 742994
File: 1543854389849.jpeg (341.88 KB, 1356x826, A3EAA2E9-857D-4639-8E5F-210B04…)

Pretty sure this hasn’t been posted yet even though it’s old milk. I nearly had an aneurysm trying to decipher those paragraphs lol “dumb as rocks”
No. 743004
File: 1543855913725.png (953.75 KB, 713x1182, Screenshot_2018-12-03-16-50-04…)

I swear she's said this before
No. 743210
File: 1543876991105.png (47.28 KB, 1220x237, k1.png)

Keith is still my favourite, looks like he didn't appreciate the parody account lol
No. 743555
>>743448The YouTube artist community is chalked full people so afraid of being called out that they adopt a sickly sweet persona. ‘Scandals’ like the Holly Brown drama are the only time these people feel safe to drop their facade and say something ‘mean’.
Honestly the whole reason people like Spechie and Holly ever even became popular is that they had a interesting personality compared to other YouTube artists. I mean sure their art was nothing special but it was interesting to listen to all the absurd things they had to say.
No. 743607
File: 1543942524909.png (367.06 KB, 450x793, hol.png)

"Hey guys, so I wanted to do basically like a- an art giveaway because I need to make some commission… Commission examples, so if you have a character or if you LIKE a certain character you want me to draw give me ALL THE INFO - it cuts out
Give me all the info and references um… And it can be fan art, original characters, whatever! I just want ALL THE INFO ABOUT THEM so I don't randomly draw like a weird pose cause that's one thing that I found.. Happens. Just know that I'm gonna be using the commission example in my like.. Portfolio thing for my etsy, so if you don't want your character on my portfolio thing then you're not getting it for free, so! Just know that I'm doing that"
I'm guessing she didn't land that job after all
No. 743616
>>743612I would give it 3 days tbh
watch her make a video ranting about commissons or people asking for free art down the line after posting this .
No. 743659
File: 1543950009551.png (13.1 KB, 385x111, keithsad.png)

Ruh roh :(
No. 743863
File: 1543970242217.png (2.67 MB, 1920x1080, Holly room.png)

>>743860Here's her new and improved "clean" room
No. 743958
File: 1543980530591.png (641.56 KB, 393x745, Untitled.png)

>>743004>>743607she looks pleasant in these though ngl. Like, cleaner.
>>743860don't quit your new day job to become a lumberjack holly geeze
The self roast of her old work is always tiresome when she actually had a slither potential back then, but was surprised at the quality of pic related
Honestly, do you reckon she will recover from her intolerable mental shit or is this just the calm before another storm? This honestly looks like she's uncancelling her ass with actual mild success
No. 744099
>>743860There's something oddly charming about that awfully drawn out shot of her cutting down that tiny tree.
As always she seems to be putting a ton of effort into the wrong stuff, like making all these graphics and spending a bunch of money on stock photos, but her room does look significantly better.
No. 744121
File: 1544010040892.jpg (57.06 KB, 571x430, nekt.jpg)

>>744089kek this is just what happens when you stick your camera right in your face. dunno why she does it all the time
No. 744393
>>743607Kinda on the fence about that etsy thing - sure, many people make a living from it, but they usually have quite unique items, or if it's just pictures at least they sell multiple items with prints of different pictures (mousepads, shirts…).
If Holly really intends to make that her job she will need a lot more than just a few personalized sketchbooks and stickers. Looking at her sales so far (about 140) within 3 years or so, in correlation with her prices that's maybe a grant she made through that side, 2000 if we're generous. That's basically nothing, if we're talking about making a living or an alternative to flipping burgers.
No. 744570
(sage for personal opinion/rant)
Hearing Holly talk about throwing away all of her old artwork made me wince physically. Hundreds of inked pages from Purgatory and another story, in addition to dozens of studies.
Some of the unfinished studies, I understand, or even old sketchbooks, but original art for your published book?! Even if she hates the art now, she could put the pages in a large portfolio album… she doesn't have storage? A basement, an attic? Or she could sell it in bundles online, like 10 pages or so. Shipping would be dirt cheap, so she could sell it for almost nothing if she wanted. There are people who enjoy collecting original work. Or if she goes to cons, she could sell bundles there. Or even give them away! I dunno–throwing them away just seems antithetical to art-making.
I don't say this out of malice. If she does this as a way to "purge" negative emotions and low confidence, then I guess I understand.
Is it common to throw away old artwork? I've kept most of my finished stuff from college. I will admit I'm biased towards sentimentality.
No. 744587
>>744570 I even saw a bunch of comments beneath her video, saying that they´d happily buy some of those pages/pieces from her. Holly´s attitude towards her old art always baffles me…
I like looking at what I did in the past and comparing it to my current work to appreciate how far I´ve come and I really don´t get why she can only cringe at her old stuff
No. 744598
>>744570I dunno, I have all my old sketchbooks and traditional pieces dating back to middle school and I'm 30. I guess I can understand people tossing that stuff because there's only so much stuff you can keep in storage, if I started running out of room in my office for all my stuff I guess I'd toss it.
Her throwing away the comic pages is nuts, though. I'm sure there are people who would buy the originals. I also can sympathize with wanting to just toss everything and starting over but she could actually make money off some of that. Same with the art supplies, if she tosses them instead of selling she's an idiot.
No. 744632
I kinda get it though. You have a pretty big community of people telling you your art is shit (among other things), you kind of associate the old drawings with the people who criticized/insulted them.
I think the choice is very dumb though.
No. 744752
>>744570I've really only ever kept things that have sentimental value ,ect
but the rest i either scan and then throw out .
No. 744864
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No. 744932
File: 1544139013017.png (17.96 KB, 631x183, 2018-12-07 10_29_15-restarting…)

>>744908>>744875this is from her latest vlog.
No. 744957
>>744908you come here from Pull? this is their fucked instinct: the cow is a stinky head so any people around her are precious beebees who need me.
He's been in jail for the drug shit
No. 745168
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No. 745169
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No. 745328
File: 1544209179634.png (1.03 MB, 720x1181, Screenshot_2018-12-07-18-57-06…)

deltarune? fanart
No. 745350
>>745336Damn, I kind of wanted to save the "how can anyone think I'm a lesbian" video, oh well.
>>745328Lol, I thought video games were stupid and just for hobbyist who fuck around all day? Guess Holly just liked the design, didn't she say something about not making fan art for stuff she doesn't like though? Or maybe that was someone else
No. 745355
File: 1544212290366.jpg (441.66 KB, 1840x1334, 37058015_10216056995876112_487…)

you guys know that Hershal and brown pimpler are both stolen from a Manga she reads right?
No. 745477
>>745446Some Holly-stans who have stuck with her through all the drama might pay that. Also the price tag deters trolls from commissioning her so there's that too.
Seriously it's better for Holly to have really high prices and get a couple of requests that she might actually finish than for her to do this for dirt cheap and actually never get through all the requests like I think she did last time she opened commissions.
No. 745724
>>745362"same level"
Damn, that's laughable. Just checked the comic out and while it's far from perfect, it's miles ahead of Holly. Not to mention that the creator seems to actually upload pages and doesn't abandon it for making tons f merch
No. 745771
File: 1544283239556.png (698.99 KB, 881x682, idkidk.png)

idk but idk
No. 745812
File: 1544291835275.png (368.38 KB, 449x804, deltah.png)

So she's saying on insta stories that she'll be making Deltarune sprite ornaments or something, but it's sort of confusing. Holly isn't stupid/lazy enough to just put assets from the game on her products and selling them, right? (Especially an indie project, even if it's popular)
No. 745833
>>745831I would say smaller indie companies are kind of against it considering that money would be taken away from the merch that they would eventually sell.I usually try to stay on the safe side and ask first before making a quick buck.
I know Andrew Hussie was really big on there being no Homestuck fanart and cosplay costumes being massed produced for a good while.
No. 745838
File: 1544294992839.png (248.5 KB, 504x878, dr.png)

>>745831No idea, but this isn't really fanart though? Looks like an image directly from the game, haven't played it though so maybe I'm misunderstanding.
No. 745878
>>745838Holly "I don't trace for final products" Brown strikes again!
though i guess if it's for her own use that's not technically bad
but if she's planning on using this as a way to go 'hey look this is how to make an ornament' I feel like she's using this 'original art' to draw in delta rune fans whens he has like millions of art pieces she could slap on an 'ornament', whatever that means.
No. 745960
>>745953True, heavily referenced things shouldn't be put up for sale anyway.
Also, did she paint that? I thought she was getting rid of her traditional stuff.
No. 746163
File: 1544343829687.png (971.52 KB, 751x751, 5f678d4a8ef8482ecbf9237384887d…)

i cant get over how stupid this sketchbook is, unfinished wood cover and basically printer paper inside
No. 746213
File: 1544351666446.jpg (199.47 KB, 720x955, 1525569855319.jpg)

>>746163the original piece for anyone wondering what the fuck that is
No. 746219
File: 1544353065111.jpeg (119.28 KB, 1701x892, 024EBECF-77BB-4CEA-8D54-4B75F7…)

>>745812Its an image from the game…It takes 1 minute to look it up. Is she actually passing this off as her own?
No. 746227
File: 1544354724070.jpg (93.53 KB, 271x490, tracing overlay.jpg)

>>745812>>745838>>746219She changed some minor things, but it matches overall.
No. 746231
File: 1544355314441.gif (1.5 MB, 245x250, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

>>746227Holly "I do not trace" Brown
No. 746239
>>746238Why not just… draw Kris herself. Y'know, like how she drew Rouxls Kaard.
What was the point in just taking a asset from the game and converting it to smooth vectors.
No. 746257
File: 1544362225569.gif (247.57 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif)

>>746227god dammit holly. I was rooting for you. I thought you were gonna turn shit around man. why are you like this?
No. 746277
>>746267Main difference being that making felt ornaments means sewing, cutting, patterning yourself.
She literally took the sprit from a game and is trying to make ornaments from them and has said on her insta that she's going to post them online so that people with cricut machines can make their own deltarune ornaments.
Though I guess if you were to compare this to anything, it'd be like the people who basically trace the art from shows to turn them into enamel pins. That's a much better comparison.
Eitherway vectorising the pixel sprite from a pixel game seems like the most backwards thing possible
No. 746295
>>746267You sound a bit like her fans now "She never explicitly stated she was going to do this and that!"
Well, if we learned one thing from 15 threads it's that she doesn't make anything artsy for herself. If she makes something it's either to gain recognition or money - and in this case, whichever it is, she doesn't even use her own ideas for it
No. 746325
File: 1544372864230.png (17.97 KB, 673x213, Unbenannt.png)

Her profile text on etsy is gold btw - sure, full time student AND working AND having 2 shops on top
My god, the pandering…
No. 746477
>>746475Wasn't it TVPaint? I remember the saga a few threads ago, when she wanted it so badly that she took donations from her fans to get it (whick worked out) and said she would make tutorials and everything…
Well, she probably barely took the time to learn it, since that would take some actual devotion
No. 746481
>>746477>>746475She took donations but in the end I believe she used her tax refun to pay for it and pocketed the money she got from fans.
TVPaint itself is a pretty good program, Holly just doesn’t know basic animation principles.
No. 746492
>>746481I was going to say that it's a pretty decent program, if you know what you're doing and take your time like you're supposed to, you can make amazing animations with it.
I just starting to read up on Holly, and everything about her attitude over animation is just infuriating… animation is about taking your time and really learning the basics and fundamentals of it. If you can't do that, then why even bother with it? You really gotta love it, there are no short cuts in animation.
I think I saw her ripping into Richard Williams' book if I remember from my quick read of the threads? What was she complaining about?
No. 746566
File: 1544401131951.png (210.84 KB, 1075x477, Unbenannt.png)

Well, I guess she doesn't sell after all - the sales count has stayed the same for 2 weeks, but she uploaded the rest of her storenvy stuff today. Lo and behold, the Kiki painting is "only" a 100 bucks now. Anyone tempted yet?
On the other hand, it seems like she has deleted all of her old shops now. No idea why, doesn't seem very strategic to me
No. 746689
>>746686Dunno if you were here for it but you should've seen the price before it was like $350.
It's such a sloppy, ugly painting though so I'm not surprised she's still trying to cut the price for it. Lowering the price won't make it look more appealing on a wall.
No. 746746
File: 1544425825264.png (568.17 KB, 452x792, ha.png)

No. 746854
>>746746for a hot second, I thought she was holding books ????????????
holly honey you really really need to go back to the basics or something this regression is sad really.
No. 747046
>>746926>'Hershel is as bisexual as Holly is kek.'Is Holly even calling herself bi anymore lol. I remember she got so insulted for 'looking like a lesbian' in some video or another.
Also I love how the only reason the audience thinks Hershel is a womanizer is because Holly said so. Like from the art Holly has posted he just comes off as a hot headed 'butt monkey' who is too stupid to realize that it's probably not a good idea to hang out with a rapist who literally drugged him.
No. 747078
File: 1544479842545.jpg (77.78 KB, 675x900, holly is already tracer.jpg)

>>746566sorry if this has already been discovered but her painting is 100% a bastardization of this folder, which is an official product for the movie
No. 747148
>>747103I don't get it. If she publicly says that she wants to start all over, wouldn't the toxic people from her old account just migrate to her new account? Usually, you don't announce this kind of shit if you really want to start all over and get rid of toxic people.
I just don't get Holly's thought process.
No. 747191
>>747103god the second half of this video
Holly, go to a therapist! Deal with your issues while you're semi-lucid, please!
No. 747482
>>747103she so ronery
why does she think anyone wants to know about her rusty water boiler
No. 747517
>>747482because people asked about it and it's her casual vlog channel lol
i'm glad she is able to self reflect better these days
No. 747545
File: 1544554064395.png (46.55 KB, 1250x328, 2018-12-11 19_42_33-Random psy…)

>>747103As usual she has all these enablers around her who tell her that "YOU DON'T HAVE TO CHANGE OMG", and as much backlash as she gets this is still the majority of her fanbase. It seems a serious hindrance to any personal development.
Sometimes you're just acting like a toxic asshole, and it's not just "the sjws pushing people's buttons". Glad she's trying to self-reflect though, that wasn't too bad.
No. 747712
>>747593A lot of Holly's art assignments seemed good because she traced from photos. There was a vlog she posted a while back where she just traced a head study and added shadows to it. I believe Holly 'justified' this as being ok because the main point of the assignment was to learn how light and shadows work and she didn't want to 'waste time' drawing the head.
Seriously at this point I'm not really sure how much of her work isn't traced. Like between the whole Al drama and the recent information about the Kiki poster it seems like Holly heavily 'references' a lot of her stuff.
No. 747943
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No. 747949
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No. 748014
>>747993I'm more annoyed she gives up on the glass table on the second panel like she goes halfway with the shirt which I thought was some weird reflection, and the rest of the body just doesn't exist.
I get comic making is taking shortcuts when it comes to shit like this but that's why you… don't make a glass table… because you're screwing yourself over HAHA.
No. 748021
File: 1544626643892.png (543.93 KB, 1249x845, instapp.png)

Very melty and crotchy Instagram updates
No. 748072
>>748021The problem with her art is mainly that there is no fluidity. There is a great tip for artists - human body has no straight line. And with Holly she either uses completely straight lines or bend ones, there is no inbetween. The result of that is her art stiffness.
As someone who creates art for a long time I wouldn't say Holly has an actual talent for it. Don't get me wrong even people with no real talent can do amazing art pieces, but then it's mainly based on skill. When it comes to talented artists a big part of what makes the picture interesting is the emotion it conveys, the fluidity and playfullness of lines, making it seem very simple but is very complex to make.
And that is why I think her art is very bland. She has characters, but no story to tell, they are all very bland and lifeless, there is no patricular mood, emotion or atmosphere in her story. I truly believe that it's because Holly herself is really plain and mean-spirited person, who sees art as nothing but a thing she does and don't really like, she doesn't think about anything beyond making a piece, not creating, conveying emotion or even simply improving herself and it shows in her art.
No. 748204
>>748141especially because she goes from being happy in the first panel to just.. hitting him in the balls?
agreed that a stupid shirt would have been way better, but this is Holly, so
No. 748242
>>748201Yep, Holly seems to have that 2007 anime mindset of "it's funny when girls assault guys!!" It's incredibly common in anime to have a girl scream "Pervert!" and punch the dude, and it's supposed to be funny.
Git gud, Holly, if you want to be funny, then write something funny for once instead of relying on juvenile comedy.
No. 748478
File: 1544693707901.png (2.7 MB, 2048x1167, 04aabaea-7995-44a3-b650-2a5829…)

latest 3 ig stories
i dunno what she's going on about in that second one
No. 748520
>>748478>i dunno what she's going on about in that second oneThere is a
very small chance you can go blind from LASIK, Holly's just being dramatic (or she didn't bother to actually read on it).
No. 748672
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No. 748862
File: 1544745392430.png (55.27 KB, 934x269, 2018-12-13_175409.png)

looks like we will be getting a video on the vine situation (?) and holly rant
wasn't expecting to see his on my feed tbh ,I thought since everything died down and i didn't see anything by cinna that she wouldn't do the video .
No. 748899
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No. 749376
>>749359Probably the same thing that happened to 'Clever Kitchen' lol.
I'm just surprised Holly has managed to stay out of drama for this long.
No. 749431
>>748024God damn it, I lold. I spent so long trying to work out what the lines to the left of his buttons were. It looks like his arms are inside the trench-coat and the sleeve is a cardboard cutout decoy so no one notices he's jacking it.
>>749353careful, I got banned last time I suggested that.
No. 749476
>>749431Probably because banning topics that
trigger you isn’t how this site works. If Cinna brings milk it’s relavent whether we like it or not.
No. 749508
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>>749503Depends on your definition of normal
No. 749516
File: 1544880953139.png (8.67 MB, 3000x2000, 1544880810181.png)

Got the princess image from one of her thumbnails cause I was not going to watch one of her videos lmao but princess actually used to look like she was black now sad to see that gone now
No. 749553
>>748899For the love of God Holly stop drawing men in tank tops it's fucking gross you cannot pull it off these damn vagina arms
>>748862I second that we stfu about cinna unless she actually contributes milk. No one cares about updates on her progress of making a video that will likely never be finished or be as shitty and pointless as all the other videos made about Holly so far
No. 749603
File: 1544900138766.jpeg (69.59 KB, 600x426, 17A11FCD-B7C6-4DC9-8AC3-38756A…)

>>749335Not ironic that Gerard can draw better than she does, since he has a BFA in cartooning from SVA and he clearly worked hard to get where he is. Sad, though, definitely, since Holly puts all her energy into “practice” but never actually works on improving, while Gerard spent twelve years traveling for music, only drawing sporadically, and can still muster up more meaning with a few rough, basic shapes than Holly can in a whole comic.
No. 749683
>>749626So, she had 3 orders so far, since re-starting on Etsy
→ does wax seals on her packages (pretty but useless)
→ wants custom image on every envelope, made by pricey machine (sad Simon face)
→ IDK x 2370
Aditionally, she's browsing on Amazon again, getting some stuff that will prbably rot in some corner again - glass bottles, seriously?!
No. 749684
>>749626Love the stab at people having "high expectations" regarding sbuscription boxes
Says she doesn't have any but can't leave it there, nope, all the other people are so butthurt of course
No. 749686
File: 1544914290082.png (762.9 KB, 1179x655, Unbenannt.png)

Lord almighty, this is hideous
No. 749817
File: 1544952200922.jpeg (342.77 KB, 750x688, 541056DF-B868-4957-A713-E38A44…)

the blood physics….
If you’re gonna draw g u r o shouldn’t you at least put in two shits to make the gore itself look good?
No. 749896
File: 1544979308602.jpeg (255.31 KB, 839x924, 62B60006-A26C-46AD-88C9-115CA2…)

>>749516Holly brown on one of laovaans videos about art school
‘Why isn’t illustration art?’
No. 749897
File: 1544979385174.jpeg (88.58 KB, 857x409, 1C8F795D-C2D7-44DA-BD69-05468E…)

Under another laovaan video about how his art school sucked
‘Portfolio and 5 years of work’
No. 749962
>>749896I know that Holly has made a comic and has a bunch of equipment but I wish she wouldn't share her opinion on stuff she doesn't know about. She sounds like she trying to be faux inspiring while having a really old school view on how people view comics.
Comics are more popular now than they've ever been.
On top of that, it's weird that she thinks you have to bluntly show the messages of the story instead of finding them when you can discover a lot in a good visual piece.
Plenty of artwork shows a lot about a character before they even need to speak, like the color they wear or their body language. These are things you have to "find".
"Modern art" isn't hard to understand, and not understanding it isn't a good thing just because it makes you more relatable to children and teens.
No. 750011
>>749688>>749809Holly did just get her drivers license recently
She want's a car so bad so she can finally be able to leave her house easily, go to work easily, and hopefully get an actual social life.
I don't totally understand her financial situation, but if she can get a car I think it would be good for her to have that extra motivation to go out and do things
No. 750037
>>750032That's not true everywhere. If you live in or around a big city like ny, no one gives a shit whether you own a car or not, as long as you get to places on time. It really depends on the region. I can see the necessity for one somewhere like TX or the countryside though.
Not sure how much advantage shed take in having a car. Something tells me she wouldn't really take the initiative to do the things she said she wants to do, kind of like everything else she claims she plans on doing. I'll believe it when I see it.
But once she has a car, you best believe it'll be a whole new thing for her to bitch about.
No. 750055
>>749692It's not just about getting a degree in general, but actually finishing something for once in her life.
As of now, the only successful thing she did so far was funding a single comic through kickstarter. Since then she dropped out, blew 50k on shit she doesn't need, fails to deliver for any (self-decided) deadlines, didn't take any form of criticism serious enough to be prepared for the current drama and at this point considers having 10 products on Etsy a "job".
That woman has no structure, and I fail to see what she even wants to do with her life, if she can't even finish the damn degree she was already so close to getting. It would actually help her, since based on her portfolio alone she would never even in theory get a damn industry job. And with how little discipline she works on her own things, that might be the only well-paid work she could ever hope for.
No. 750182
File: 1545050476546.png (559.41 KB, 462x812, ppupdate.png)

Suuure Holly.
No. 750195
>>750182I hate Holly’s art so much. Beef boi looks so stupid. And how is chapter one even over? Nothing has happened so far.
-Beef boi gets molested by a plant
-Blonde saves him but how she saves him is neither shown or explained
-there was random exposition and an attack on the city but all the characters are psychopaths who don’t seem to care about all the destruction and possible death happening
Sage for being a sperg. I re-read her comic for lols but it became so clear how she only draws the pages one at a time so there is no flow between them.
No. 750315
File: 1545072481898.png (1.68 MB, 750x1334, E53C284B-232E-4664-9933-57789B…)

She’s trying to make stickers out of these?
I thought these were shitty doodles, not actual products.
Also she only did one sticker for Ray and his hair isn’t even right. Guess afros aren’t kawaii-yaoi-anime enough for Holly.
No. 750339
File: 1545075865836.jpeg (217.59 KB, 1000x750, my-chemical-romance.jpeg)

>>750315I don't know who MCR are, but are they those guys?
No. 750408
>>749603Also, let's not forget that Gerard is a ReAL
comic artist.
No. 750564
File: 1545144362635.png (2.4 MB, 1852x819, igstories.png)

Recent IG stories. I don't really get what she's up to but oh well, looks great and productive af.
No. 750566
>>750564She's never really had a sense of direction, but I feel like this time whatever it is she's trying to do, she's way off track from.
She has no idea how to trim down her tasks to finish anything substantial.
Like, if she didn't have a YouTube channel, her comics wouldn't even have a chance at being seen, which is why I think she's so bent on YouTube. It's where she can show off her busywork and feel like she's done something.
No. 750704
File: 1545163471994.jpg (61.57 KB, 800x400, pjimage.jpg)

>>750326>WHY does Holly draw these guys with your typical anime/manga facial expressions, like they are some kind of sidekick characters?>>750357>it´s literally impossible to tell which drawing is supposed to be which band member…Outing myself as an mcr fan in 2018 but the only reason I can tell which is which is based on their different hairstyles from each 'era' of the band's career… there are pretty much ZERO distinctive features on them other than Holly's attempt at drawing bigger lips on this poor guy and his anime-fied curly hair.
Pretty typical of a lot of anime styles where the only distinctive features are the hairstyle/color and eye color.
This crap looks like it was drawn straight out of a shitty 'how to draw manga' book.
So much for that same-face syndrome you know so much about, huh Holly?
>>750353>They’ve broken up now and aren’t really that popular with teens anymore.They're still quite popular with a more niche set of teens, those of which are either edgy tm kids who genuinely enjoy the music or horny AND edgy kids just starting puberty who have the hots for the band members…
Seems like Holly never outgrew the latter group.
No. 750742
>>750704also outing myself as a MCR fan in 2018
but it constantly amazes me that Holly doesn't mention Gerard Way's extremely successful comic career… It makes me wonder if she even knows about it?
No. 750746
>>750742third person outing themselves as an MCR fan in 2018
I think she just doesnt acknowledge it bc he's better than her at it, if im being frank.
No. 750761
>>750749I have no shame. I love mcr.
>>750704That doesn't even look like Ray Toro. His hair is always afro-ish because of his hispanic genes.
>>750315Yeah, these all look really bad. They have iconic looks and hair and she managed to get none right.
No. 750764
>>750742>>750746Does Holly even read comics ? I haven't seen her mention anything that wasn't BL manga, BL fancomics or manga-inspired webcomics/webtoons. Her entire "storytelling" style is just pieced together from shitty anime tropes. I wouldn't be surprised if she just didn't know about Gerard's comics because they're not weeb yaoi shit.
It seems to me she only makes comics because she likes to draw men and needs to shove a story on top of it for her to get off. She doesn't even seem to actually enjoy making them.
No. 750788
>>750764She doesn't read as many kinds as she'd like us to believe. That's why all her shit is old tired yaoi fujoshi tropes. I'll bet She doesn't even look at the greats or do master studies. Sometimes the point isn't that you always like what you see when you're learning. it's what you can learn from people that do things better.
But nobody is better than Holly.
nobody No. 750793
File: 1545173958147.png (370.3 KB, 720x941, Screenshot_2018-12-18-22-56-53…)

does she know how to write in comprehensive english?
No. 750816
File: 1545176713686.png (1.14 MB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2018-12-18-23-41-41…)

No. 750837
>>750814didn't Jake Parker make a video suggesting this? Except it's got less of a direction. is it just 50 things? 50 household items? Looks like old fashioned stuff.
She's exhausting af.
No. 750886
File: 1545185179817.png (1.12 MB, 699x1649, 1545184732674.png)

An edit to show the normies here what holly was going four with these guys.
Also outing myself as an mcr fan in 2k18. it's almost impressive how bad her fan art is, its like she didn't even try to make them look facially similar to The people they're supposed to be.
No. 750927
>>750886but it's her style!!!
also is it just me or did she base Reese's appearance off the 2nd guy? (don't know anything about MCR, soz)
No. 751049
>>751026Isn't she trying to wrap up Purgatory ?
If she gave up on comics entirely I wouldn't blame her, she half-asses them and doesn't seem to actually enjoy making them at all. She seems to have more fun making stickers and other things she can sell (probably because she's thinking about the money). They look awful but some people like that "quality" of art and will buy them.
No. 751197
>>751049>Are the second to last two actually different people?I’ll write this down if anyone wants to google the different band members/eras to compare to Holly’s for their own entertainment.
1st row - Gerard Way, Danger Days era
2nd row - Mikey Way, Revenge era
3rd row - Gerard Way, Revenge era
4th row - Frank Iero, Revenge era (red)
5th row - Frank Iero, Revenge era (white)
6th row - Ray Toro, ??? era
Ray’s hair never changes and yet Holly still somehow got it wrong…
Another note: In the horny part of the fandom, Gerard and Frank are commonly shipped together.
Holly admitted to reading ‘Frerard’ fanfiction in the past and I’ve heard of a Frerard comic by Holly as well, but I was unable to find it myself. Has anyone seen/know where to find the milk?
No. 751204
>>751197Replied to wrong post, my bad
>>751199I think you mean ‘extremely gross’.
Another note about the fandom:
It’s very common for Ray and Mikey to be ignored by the horny fans but occasionally they do Mikey to courtesy of shipping him with his own brother, Gerard.
Tinfoiling but I wouldn’t be surprised if Holly was into that at some point.
She’s definitely guilty of ignoring but butchering Ray at the same time tho!
No. 751240
File: 1545253845533.png (262.2 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2018-12-19-16-04-56…)

>>751215The stories listed are ones that she reads rather than ones that shes written as far as i know but still, not surprised the one has rape and other fucked up shit in it
I tried to copy the text to have direct links here but my phone doesnt seem to allow me to copy youtube comments so heres a screencap of what she said about the mcr fanfics that shes seem to really like (though tbh i find it weird that she specifically states she wont link any incest fics but is fine with linking ones with rape despite knowing her fanbase is maninly tweens)
No. 751429
>anime never taught her how to draw curly hairOh, okay, Holly, sweetie, that’s totally fine, that makes perfect sense that you don’t know how to draw curly hair because of anime—
SWISS FUCKING CHEESE HOLLY you are the artist and you are in charge of your own damn art, so teach yourself or make it up yourself holy shit!
No. 751529
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No. 751960
>>751529How the hell do you manage to fuck up butter? Holly deserves some next level praise for messing up so much simple stuff.
Also gotta love the inconsistent numbers on the cat clock. Very nice.
No. 752006
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No. 752355
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throw some glasses on this diapey broad and you got reese
i mean look at the face that isnt the ash we know
No. 752435
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>>752434How holly sees boobs
No. 752449
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>>752355no wonder, look at the base
unless she has a hidden sketch underneath this (scummy), she just drew a male torso by kind of picking random outline lines to start with. she started with the sternum/boob line just plonk that'll do. now the rest of the drawing has to conform to this random line lol
No. 752518
>>752513Like most of the things Holly does she justifies it with
"idk I think it looks cool idk when the lines just appear on screen"
and clearly she's still doing it because half way through the vid you see her sketch disappear before she starts lining it.
No. 752538
>>752438Is somebody able to tell me what the difference from her last channel is supposed to be? Same name, same person, same cringe (grannies), same hypocrisy ("I totally grew up but people just LOVE pointless drama, ugh"), same ass-kissing fans, still not good at drawing (personal opinion).
Maybe she should have taken a longer break, the way it's now she basically only reset her sub count.
No. 752738
>>752438I don't understand her logic of trying to start up a new channel when her old account had 100k subscribers. Holly seriously doesn't understand how important social media can be in getting a job in the animation industry.
Her new channel right now has 500 but she's seriously shooting herself in the foot if she wants to get her name out there.
No. 752795
>>752438Can we now safely assume that her supposed job was actually Etsy? She never even mentioned it again, and I'm sure she would have talked how little time she had for comics if she was actually flippin burgers.
Kinda sad, together with abandoning her 200k subs she has actually set her career so far back, that paying that 50k loan seems a bit impossible. I mean seriously, what is she supposed to do with her life now? She has effectively closed all doors for working in the art industry, yet seems so convinced she actually does. She doesn't earn any money at this point, doesn't want to get her damn degree and still lives at home. No idea what she plans to do with her life, YouTube is almost never a planned career, not for single individuals.
No. 752867
>>752738Her new channel doesnt even show up when you search 'Holly brown' on YouTube yikes.
I had to type the exact title of her video as well as Holly Brown for it to show up
No. 753548
>>753495Merry christmas!
>>753509Sage your shit
No. 753964
>>753946"She didn't trace, people don't know all the facts!"
same old, same old
No. 754091
>>754077"People are gonna be mad at me no matter what I do" Yes, that's totally what you should be taking away from this situation, Holly.
Also: Is she crying?
No. 754123
>>754077I like how she says "the conscientious was" as if her "fans" were the ones telling her to start up a new channel, but… everyone was telling her to keep the old one?
She already was making a new channel, as she said, before even getting through all of the comments. This wasn't the "fans'" decision at all, it was her own. But here we go again, it's not Holly's fault she's doing this, her "fans" told her to do it.
No. 754555
>>754551Bold of you to assume that this is the only fun in anyone's lives, defend Holly, and then hope we all get raped.
You're no different than anyone here.
Also the more you say you're not here to defend holly or a fan of hers, the less convincing you sound. Leave.
No. 754559
>>754551This sounds like a fucking text generator wrote lmao
Stay mad
No. 754838
>>754733Sigh, what is even the point Holly… you're not gonna improve by just doodling items without even studying them. All she ever does is being "fake" productive, putting time in stuff that doesn't matter. I don't mind her intro but it just feels so pointless to me? She could have put that time into more important things.
Instead of doodling random objects why don't you focus on one thing? Draw hands and fingers 50 times with on and off reference, paint 50 different materials, draw a character in different light situations just anything but this.
I don't want to bring her down personally (I know wrong place) but I just wish she would understand how to truly work on her art.
No. 754972
>>749809dude texas is fucking huge. it's impossible to do anything without a car especially if you live in the suburbs
honestly kudos to holly for finally getting the license and stuff but i feel like knowing her she's going to buy a really new model or a car wayyy out of her budget
No. 755196
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>>754838Agreed, I actually like Hollys artstyle its boxy and charming in that way but the mistakes in it are glaringly obvious the hillarious yaoi sized shit for example
if she worked on simple stuff like proportion one at a time she'd improve immensely.
She is improving, her compositional skills in Chroma Prince are a lot better than Purgatory
but she's improving at a snails pace.
A lot of her skills are stagnant in improvement.
I actually think 90% of the art Youtube channels whoring off the bandwagon, bitching about her art are worse if not equal level to her ability.
No. 755201
>>755196Ehh I’m going to disagree, she’s obviously regressed thanks to all the cheats and tracing she relies on so heavily when she really does free hand she’s even more wobbly and leaned then what she was 6 months ago.
Honestly been gone from the site for like 3 months myself and coming back to see all the new Holly milk and her art is so much worse. You can see how stiff and tubey her humans/people are. She’s just horrible with people and where she refuses to actually sit down and study and learn real anatomy it just holds her back. She’s always going to draw like she’s in high school if she doesn’t take the time to really truely “practice” instead of pumping out the same blob piece after the other.
I’ll admit I’ve only ever found her object art “charming” but that’s not really the word I’d use, I’d say more just cute. If she really wanted she could just stop doing humanoid characters all together (to practice on the side) and just work on her breads, cups, etc. And I think she’s do a bit better audience wise. Her people and animals are so off putting but at least she can kinda make objects look appealing, especially in those muddy water colours since that’s a weird aesthetic thing right now.
Sage for rambling but I just can’t find her art “charming” or “appealing” in anyway since there’s a girl I know who draws almost identical to Holly and she’s legit autistic and almost 30, so I die a little inside (laughing) knowing that’s the limits of Holly’s skill
No. 755218
>>755216I agree but I think a large part of it is attention-seeking. She loves to overwork herself and complain about how tired she is, how no one helps her, how she prints everything herself (even when she really shouldn't, like for the zine). And it's not even productive drawing with studies, fundamentals and a desire to improve ; it's just mindless quantity.
So I wouldn't call it Holly "pouring herself into her work" as much as "Holly artificially increasing her workload so she can play the victim". It's still a strategy to deal with her anxiety, but it's a lot less innocent.
No. 755567
>>755507I really don't wanna link to anything since I know her irl and I'm not ready for that spergout, plus she's kinda my personal cow and I'm a greedy bitch
I can post a drawing that she gave me if you really want to see but I don't wanna start going OT
>>755504exactly, she has a really hard time understanding the fundamentals of the human form and how it works, and because she refuses to actually study (her own body or other refs) she can 'mostly' look at an object and be able to recreate the dimensions and decent depth for the objects, but has a hard time placing them in spaces that fit. Then on the other hand when she's filling spaces she does fairly well with the minimal details, or rather, USED TO fill in lots of details, but always over-look her perspectives.
She has a hard time being able to connect things together, rather she's so used to sketching/drawing in empty spaces she seems to think that drawing around the objects or people instead of sketching a placeholder BG and planning her objects within it (something that would help her comics SOOOO MUCH). And that's why her using the brushes are just dumb, she couldn't grasp how to place limbs on a human body and have them connect properly. And she seems to have that problem with everything.
No. 755568
>>755567she seems to think that she should be drawing around the objects**
i forgot to double check sorry
No. 755772
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the 'drill your bad habit muscle memory' challenges technique is paying off with art getting worse
No. 755858
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>>755772The way she draws Reese is maddening he’s all leg and hair, and the way he’s positioned and standing he legit looks like a pole leaning against a railing
And what are these hands? They look like feet. Holly can you at least TRY for once? Just once?
No. 755962
>>755835The more I think about this video the more fucked it seems.
>Don't get distractedHolly said this means she is going to limit the amount of major projects she is working on. If she doesn't stop working on any of her comics then she already has three big projects on her plate and by her rules she's already working on too many projects. And then I personally would consider both YouTube and Etsy to be big projects since they take up so much time but perhaps Holly disagrees.
>Use less social mediaShe very quickly dismissed the idea of using less instagram because that's visual information and not text information. Despite the fact that instagram posts have descriptions that can be quite long that she would see when scrolling. But YouTube has text information because when she's scrolling there's too many video titles to read (and I guess she's not just looking at thumbnails despite her saying that that's the most important thing for a YouTube video about ten seconds later.)
>Work on the hard stuff firstI feel like Holly has already not done this. I know she says that she has started doing the thumbnails for her videos first, but at the beginning of the video she says that she scrapped the craft video she was working on because it took too long and from what I understand was too difficult. So she decided to do this seemingly easier video instead. The background speedpaint is also her doing something that isn't hard. She's just doing a one off illustration instead of actually working on comic pages. If she wants to get more comic pages done (which she implied during her don't get distracted segment) then surely that's what she should be working on.
I won't comment on her other goals other than saying that she plans to sleep for twelve hours a day apparently, but I will say that her background says "I wipe my own ass" and the title cards were ugly and showed up with bad timing. Sorry for writing a fucking essay but half the video felt like her contradicting herself and none of her goals were about improving her art despite that being her job.
No. 756702
>>755835Why the hell did she spend so much of the video discussing what "cleaning" means?
Just vacuum your fucking room every once in a while, Holly, it's not that hard.