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No. 277475
>>277469Honestly Rae deadass deserves to be put in the bad art thread.
Matter of fact, do you guys think we should have a thread on Rae??? Is she cowish enough?
No. 277689
>>277591I mean, I kind of agree with her here. A lot of "cringe" compilations are taking things from people who are obviously children and making fun of them. Like, yeah, this 13-year-old has shit art/animation with totally embarassing edgy OCs that are obvious knockoffs of other characters. of course they do, most 13yos do crap like that. That sort of shit though can make kids totally give up out of embarassment.
Mind you if you're an adult it's kind of free game. You're hopefully at that point mature enough that if someone makes fun of you for cringey art it's not going to deter you from making art or doing whatever it is you do.
No. 277733
>>277689disagree. some kids
should be turned off from that kind of stuff.
No. 277967
>>277733Kids don't need to be turned off from art. They need to learn how to take criticism and improve, sure, but not be so turned off they don't even want to try because they feel so put down and embarrassed.
Like, a kid who has trouble with math shouldn't be made fun as being cringe. They should be encouraged and helped. Come on dude.
No. 277979
Especially solarsands, that idiot can't draw to save his life.
Most of these channels just want to make money off other people's cringey art
No. 277995
>>277979It's like drama channels who talk about Youtube celebrities, imagine being so useless that everything you can do is orbit around other people's failures
inb4 Chloe Rose and friends say we do the same thing here
No. 278060
>>278021Kek not at all, haven’t been on that cursed website since 2009.
But anyway, this
>>277995Solarsans just picks on low hanging fruit because it’s easy to critique and effective in getting young artist’s attention and gaining views/revenue.
No. 278115
>>278102I totally agree. I genuinely enjoy watching actaully good (real) artist, but what kills me is their setup/audio/qaulity of the video in general. WhytManga,AlphansoDunn ect ect are examples of that to me at least. The bad editing and shit can really turn someone off from watching an otherwise good video.
I would add in, that alot of really good artist dont have enough content in general, half the time they will have 2-7 videos at maximum. But my theory is that they dont have time to focus all that energy into editing/setting up the video becuase they are actaully trying to improve their art work and skills. Versus morons like Rae,Kasey,Holly,Waffles,(Jazza oops) just throw out shitty art work with no depth or improvement. In order to compensate they have to make their videos sound/look decent to catch the viewers attention long enough. Also they have to have exceptional /not in the good way/ personalities and jump on bandwagons at any chance in order to stay relevant. People who actaully have skill dont feel the need to be fake and flashy because they are too focused on more important things.
It should be noted that many people on Youtube have tiny attention spans and most of these peoples fans are 10-16 year olds. And even dumbass 20 year olds, but regardless they usally dont have the maturity to sift through whos actaully good and whos faking it.
No. 278119
>>278115>>278102I agree with both
another thing I think that keeps people from viewing those videos is that the art can be intimidating. Watching someone draw the same dinsey girl over and over again is more comfortable for a new and young artist. Unlike seeing a highly skilled professional that is constantly improving.
No. 278424
>>278284I don't think you should feel bad about it. She seems like the person who wouldn't be able to handle critique. That's always the case with artists who always draw the same thing in the same style and never improve.
I honestly wonder how she isn't getting tired of her own drawings, they are seriously always the same. But yeah, social media fame I guess…
No. 278433
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>>278424Samefag but if you put a few drawings together you can really see how sameface-y they all are. I know it's a littly cherry-picking but just pay attention to the make-up like the tree dots under the eye, the lip and/or septum piercing and the earplugs.
No. 278459
>>278449If it's pretty it's boring, if it's ugly it's projecting, if it's realistic it's boring again
What do you really want
No. 278591
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>>278519Going through her portfolio she has some decently cute stuff but looking at her work as a whole makes a majority of her illustrations seem bland. She has a lot of inconsistencies with her anatomy, especially when drawing faces
>>278433She's definitely not a terrible artist, she just needs to work on her fundamentals more. Even if she kept the same style/subject matter her stuff would improve tenfold.
No. 278606
>>278591I don't think her biggest problem is her fundamentals. What bothers me the most about her is lack of creativity. Of course we should always be striving to improve our fundamentals, but it seems like this whole "fundamentals" ordeal has become sort of a parrot thing in these threads. She's not perfect, but she already manages to make some pictures that are pleasant to look at.
Her art just seems extremely one dimensional to me when it comes to subjects, but that seems to be a problem she has herself, her personality also seems pretty one dimensional. I know we can't really tell how someone is through the content they put up on the internet, but most people start being a little shy on Youtube and then branch out. She's still very monotone and uneventful.
No. 278742
>>278591is this the "decently cute" thing? she has the same fucking red nose freckled for no reason face as all the girls in
the biggest issue isn't the anatomy but more what
>>278606 said. looking at the pic you posted, it's clear that she
had to put in extra details to make sure people knew that this was sailormoon. if you get rid of the hair, compact and luna's forehead decoration, you'd never guess that's what this was supposed to be. the worst thing is that it would be better and have more depth if this was just some random NEET OC girl.
also, nothing's interacting with eachother properly. anatomy aside, but the weirdest part is usagi's hair. the plate is floating under her hair and it just takes away the look of interaction in general. it's just weird and sloppy. coupled with sameface and bad anatomy it's all bad.
No. 278761
>>278741I follow her for the reviews, her purely art videos can get a little boring to me. I like the fact that she experiments, but at the same time some of the experiments are a bit too abstract for my own personal taste.
I don't think she really has to market herself if she doesn't want to, if being an artist is not a professional interest of hers, dealing with the side hassles of being a professional artist might just suck the fun out of it for her.
No. 278780
>>278761Yeah, her style is just not my cup of tea
But kudos to her for being able to juggle a channel with college. I can barely find time to draw lol
No. 278807
>>278433They all look so damn bored, kinda listless, and I think that really projects onto all her designs. She kind of looks the same way IRL or when she's speaking into the camera, it's kind of monotone. same girl. Same face. Same expression.
I'd like to see some stories from her, not just 'pretty witch girls'….but people like consistency and if there's anything you can't say she isn't, is consistent, and a lot of her followers like that I guess.
No. 278844
>>278792i meant that's the
only thing that makes her look like sailormoon in this picture.
No. 278862
>>278844Uh no? The school uniform is also a giveaway.
True that the artist has a sameface syndrome but you are really nitpicking the Sailor Moon drawing.
Of course if she drew her without her hair and uniform she would look like a random character or any other sailor (like Venus). The girls in SM suffer from sameface syndrome too.
I disagree that Luna and the compact are put there to make it clear it's Usagi as it's obvious from the way the character looks. They are just part of Usagi's world displayed in the picture.
I think this is a nice fanart though I've seen the concept a few times and agree that a pic with original character in this style would be interesting.
I also dislike artists just drawing pretty characters without deeper concept but this fanart is fine in my eyes.
No. 279068
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From the new waffles' video
Why do all her faces repulse me?
No. 279158
>>279068Honestly, this looks fine. Maybe it's not your taste but there's nothing actually
wrong with it.
No. 279204
>>279195I don't like him at all, I was just wondering if anyone here knows about him and what they think
Guess I forgot to write that
No. 279269
>>279204I found him recently too. His art's pretty. Pretty boring.
Just, girl's face with his little symbol on the cheek. Technically skilled but same thing over and over. I found his videos to be boring, but that's where I discovered him first, on yt. I don't think I'd be too invested in his IG, since it's just more of the same.
I'm honestly getting tired of the pretty girl portraits. This guy, Jacqueline, Danica, etc.
No. 279302
>>279068I don't see anything wrong with this one, I think it's just preference.
Sometimes I really want to see the art of people who talk shit about people like waffles, she's no loish but she's decent and seems to try to push herself.
No. 279669
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>>255556>>255558he got posted about in the last thread, and is now trying to sell nudes/porn in addition to terrible comics lmaooooo
No. 280337
>>280307Doesn't it get a lot of popularity among weebs because it's used on some mangas and stuff?
Also, it's partly because we have that tendency of wanting things people we look up to have, because it somehow makes us feel more connected to them. So if a lot of kids like Baylee, they might want to own the same supplies as she does to have one tangible thing in common with her.
No. 280400
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>>280389oh my god noooo
Rae is already full herself, this is only gonna make it worse.
She's posting that shout out vid everywhere lmao.
No. 280464
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>>280389""""Professional Artis""""" vs Youtube Makeup Artist
No. 280492
>>280337Yeah, also I feel like the fact that her actual art is kind of mediocre makes her feel like more of a kindred spirit to her fan base? Less intimidating but at the same time the expensive art supplies "legitimize" her to her young fan base and the combo of the two might make her success feel more attainable or something. She's good enough for kids to look up to but not too good to scare them away I guess.
That said alcohol markers are really fun to work with IMO, I enjoy them. Something satisfying about how even and "flat" they are. I want to try Gouache next.
No. 280551
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>>280473>>280400I don't think you're reaching anon, definitely checks out with a quick recreation
No. 280555
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>>280551I don't really know how to do the overlay thing but I tried
No. 280651
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The problem with these artists is that they only want to draw pretty/cute things, but doing that just makes them improve more slowly and it takes away artistic value from their work.
For example: you are trying to draw a pretty girl. In order to keep her looking pretty she has to be young, which means there won't be much detail (wrinkles) on her face and also you limit her expression (she has to have a neutral face so there won't be any wrinkles on her face or god forbid nasolabial folds), her pose, and the lighting (shadows all over the face are not cute!!) and then you end up with a boring generic drawing. But really a drawing of an ugly orc with his face wrinkled in anger and with lights and shadows playing on his face (which help portray volume) has so much more artistic value and is interesting to look at because its shows the artist's various skills. With a drawing of a pretty girl looking blankly at the camera/into the distance you show only knowledge of anatomy. If that.
There is a reason you rarely have pretty youthful models at life drawing classes. Also pic related is a drawing by Even Mehl Amundsen
No. 280667
>>280651As someone who used to draw, drawing and painting “pretty girls” is easier and faster. Especially for the YT artists, cause they need to pump up videos to stay relevant.
I honestly don’t like just drawing pretty girls, but it is the only thing I can do easily without effort. Sometimes I draw them to warm up for complicated drawings
No. 280754
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>>280651I wouldn't say it's easy for them just because young pretty girls don't have a lot of wrinkles and stuff. Part of why it's easy for them is simply because that's what they spend more time drawing. It's their comfort zone.
I used to find it easier to draw people I considered "ugly" because I didn't have to mind where I was putting things as much, meanwhile if I wanted to draw a perfectly pretty girl I had to be very careful about not having anything out of place.
Anywyas, the "problem" is not them only wanting to draw pretty things, it's them wanting to stay inside a small comfort zone of their borderline childish taste. And that's not even a problem, if they enjoy doing it and it fits their artistic needs. You can do much more sophisticated pieces of beautiful people, such as Karla Ortiz' piece I've added to my post.
No. 280758
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>>280754Samefag, but since one of the arguments was about the girls having a neutral face, just thought I'd add another example of a beautiful woman being more expressive.
No. 280907
>>280651Pretty girls sell well, if you're someone who sells your work. I have much more fun drawing "ugly" but I haven't worked up the balls to try selling any of that stuff yet. Ugly/cute is fun.
>>280906I was "semi large" (I guess??? Sort of?) before YT artists were as much of a thing. I was all over DA for years, sold a lot at cons, ect, before realizing I needed to take some time to seriously work on my art so I'm relearning from scratch.
No. 280910
>>280651The only life drawing I did had a slim pretty woman, I guess I was lucky. There was like one day with a guy lying down and showing off his balls but the other days were all the one pretty model.
It's more like middle-aged non-slim women probably are more likely to want the validation of being a life model
No. 280969
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>>280696I'd argue that it is a crutch because some of them rely on pretty things to produce pretty drawings. Even then some of them still fail. I believe that a good artist has the capacity to make any subject matter beautiful.
On a side note, I feel like some artists jump in to youtube too soon and get sucked in. It creates a situation where if they make it, they start to neglect their artistic development or worse think they're better than they are. It really is a shame. Art is not easy and it definitely is a humbling experience.
No. 281169
>>280754Karla Ortiz is mai waifu
Also kinda off topic but which platform would you recommend sharing art on? I joined a facebook group for buying/selling art of ocs but I want to make a page just to post my art as well that I can link to people if they wanna see more. But I don't know if I should make it on Facebook (seems like a lousy place to me) or Tumblr or DeviantArt.
Also the people in that facebook group are so greedy. 10$ for a "character design" which is just a bland teenage girl with a dagger? 15$ for a pencil sketch? Seriously
No. 281195
Also, oh gods, people are charging 10 whole dollars? Gee. They may even be able to afford to eat a couple McDonalds meals with all that greed.
No. 281201
>>281132She's nice and it was hilarious to watch her making a lot of people butthurt (including Monique) on the Trump video.
I really like the self betterment talks, but I think she did't choose some of her words too wisely on that response video. Some of the stuff she said sounded preachy, there was something about people not being ready for the love thing which just sounds like "I am right and you are just not ready to see it". Some of her attitudes remind me of people trying to convert you after joining a church.
Also you probably meant Sluggie instead of Spechie
No. 281214
>>281201Oh yeah Monique was
triggered wish I had saved the comment.. something about “Don’t tell me to love somebody who won’t give me all my medicine for free! Wah!”
And yup I meant sluggie thanks anon.
No. 281227
>>281169Those prices are standard quit bitching. If you want to sell OCs Tumblr and DeviantArt are your best bet but it takes a few days/weeks for people to know you exist on Tumblr so DA is faster.
No. 281610
>>281502If you need a portfolio you can try Behance or Artstation or make your own site using wix.
>>281509These people aren't professionals living off of their illustrations, they're just kids, their art is not of such a quality that it should cost so much (there are a few better ones but most are generic 13year old deviantart illustrations). Maybe I am just from a stingy family. Actually that is probably it because when I asked my brother how much I should charge for an illustration he said 3$. cheap bastard
No. 281734
>>281525>>281702161 subs and like 300 views. Clickbaity title.
Self post?
The contents of the video aren't even that big a deal to stir up 'drama'. chill.
No. 281751
>>28152530 minute video of repeating the same disclaimers over and over again. Just say it once, it won't make any less of an impact.
Why is she whining that big youtubers don't pay attention to her lopsided faces?
No. 281928
>>281912People who call themselves "weird" are boring as fuck 100% of the time.
She doesn't seem like a terrible person, but she's bad at art and really obnoxious about it. I feel like she could improve if she just stopped thinking she was a great "professional, clasically trained artist".
No. 282062
>>280389"He's creating a nose from absolute scratch…that's a really interesting technique"
You mean he drew a nose???? Whodathunkit????
No. 283400
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Not exactly a YouTube artist, but someone has brought up audreyghossoub here and I honestly can't agree more. Her coloring is decent but the drawing style she uses looks ugly to me. It's a shame, because her more realistic work is actually pretty decent
No. 283471
>>283468 that nose isnt that red. my nose always
looks a little red. its just a style. not everything is "tumblr style" because you dont like it.
No. 283483
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>>283471Not the anon you're talking to, but even if her other stuff is not as tumblr, Audrey is basically the definition of a tumblr artist.
No. 283740
>>283727I agree that anon was reaching and some people just parrot the term around, but there are some characteristics that loosely group a few people together as adepts of the "tumblr" style. To me, it's the following:
Picture an artist. It's a college aged person who either is a part of or sympathizes with the LGBT community. It's an animation student or enthusiast, and its biggest influences are Disney, Cartoon Network shows (they used to draw those Adventure Time noodly arms, but now they gravitate more towards Steven Universe noses) and Anime. Probably owned some Nintendo console and are inclined to be part of a fandom. They make sure to include POC and or LGBT characters on what they do, even if they are making fanart and it makes absolutely no sense to turn those characters into minorities. Their version of alternative girls are those basic witches with micro bangs and some sort of generic tomboy lesbian. Oh, and let's not forget the inclination to draw obese people (almost exclusively women) as something beautiful.
No. 283783
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This made me think of waffles instantly kek
No. 283887
>>283866No it doesnt lol. Race bending is not a style. Neither is shipping. Just because it
triggers you personally doesn't make it an A R T S T Y L E
No. 283978
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Look I found some artists that all share the same style lololol. Some of them ONLY draw Hermione and are recognized instantly because of their Hermione fan art. Clearly Hermione is now their 'art style'
No. 284044
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>>284031Basically she posted a genderbent fanart of the characters of the videogame Dream Daddy. One of them, Damien, is canonically a trans man, and some people claimed it was transphobic. I think she got harassed to the point where she considered leaving social media
No. 284085
>>284044These gender bents are kinda ugly
Can’t really wrap my head around the transphobic part, it sounds dumb
No. 284193
>>283740Holy hell, anon, I didn't know being an liking Nintendo made you "tumblr". None of these are an art style or aesthetic. Just proves my point that it's code for "I don't like it."
Also, since other anons mentioned them, red noses are not a tumblr thing at all, that shit has been around since like 2003.
No. 284194
>>283990Exactly. The "tumblr style" isn't necessarily a visual style per se, but it's a recurring theme in the art pieces. Nonbinary transsexual fat lesbians with undercuts, non-conventional beauty and surface-level ugliness (like the vitiligo trend some years ago and stretch marks), racebending, everything about the art trying its damnest to make some sort of an aggressive sociopolitical stand with overused tropes and thinking it's more intelligent and artistic than it really is.
This is another reason why I hate it when people say "try different styles" meaning that someone should just rip off another artist's drawing/painting style. If you really want to exit your comfort zone, draw something with a theme you haven't experimented with before.
No. 284200
>>284196Are you implying that I only disagree with you because I feel personally attacked?
Art that gets labeled "tumblr" is wildly varying levels of quality, so I can't say if I like it or not. Drawing intentionally ugly slanty-eyed Sailor Moon fanart that ends up looking like a racist caricature is one thing, but it seems like some people just start shaking every time they see a drawing of a fat person or someone with a red nose.
No. 284204
>>284200>Are you implying that I only disagree with you because I feel personally attacked?That's what you've been doing all the times you say we're grouping it together because we don't like it, so I see no reason to complain.
I ask because sometimes we get a blind spot for things we like. Same way if we don't like it, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Indeed, I myself pay attention to the "tumblr style" things because I personally hate it, so the patterns stick out more to me. Not saying you can't notice things if you don't feel some type of way about it, tho.
No. 284237
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Woo hey guys check out this Tumblr art style so retro lololol
No. 284297
>>284217hm. i disagree. i think comments like "i bet you can't even draw" on art that's very mediocre makes
you sound like you can't draw. people who can't draw are usually pretty easily impressed. i would get it if people were nitpicking something technically advanced, but if you think people criticizing lazy tumblr art are just jealouz haterz, it makes it seem like that art is where your skill hits a wall.
No. 284300
Can you all move your stupid arguments to the bad/hideous art thread? Bring milk or get the fuck out.
Anyway, anyone else feels like SuperRaeDizzle is pandering so hard to the beauty community? I saw her comments on “beauty drama channels” multiple times.
Her art/beauty related videos:
Drawing James Charles (famous beauty influncer) with makeup: reacts to James Charles (famous beauty influncer) art: with long fake nails: Jeffree Star (another famous influencer) with makeup: generally her “art/beauty related” videos are copied from beauty trends that have been done for years. Like following someone else’s tutorial, making her boyfriend follow her tutorial, reading mean comments, make her pet picks her art supplies, a compilation video of her doing stupid shit… etc
I have been following the Beauty community ever since Michelle Phan was doing her cosplay makeup, so I can tell where she got her videos ideas from and from whom.
I feel like she wants to be a beauty guru so bad but doesn’t know how, or maybe something is stopping her from doing so.
No. 284391
>>284300THIS!! Rae has been really obnoxious latley with this beauty guru notice me senpai uwu shit. She might as well become a beauty guru/mua or whatever since she can barley draw and has stated that she has been into make up for a really long time. I think her personality would fit more in the beauty community anyway.
>>284324I second this! Rae needs a thread, shes super annoying and produces enough milk frequently.
No. 284439
>>284324>>284300yeah i would love a rae thread.
she does pander to bgs which is unfortunate because her makeup is bad even if her art is worse. it's a bit like spechie who wanted to do makeup tutorials, you know what they say about jacks of all trades…
No. 284667
>>284498Yeah, he seems like one of the very few decent YouTube artists who aren’t at all milky to me too. I’m not subbed to him, but I watch a lot of his reviews.
Not sure if this should be put in the HC Brown thread, but is anyone else annoyed by how often she’s getting mentioned by other (much better) YT artists? granted, i don’t think that they keep up with her content at all and so don’t know how much of a cow she is, but it irks me when I see her Skillshare class or her “informative” videos on printmaking and shit getting shout-outs, both bc her knowledge on these things is questionable at best and bc 80% of the time when she’s talking about other artists, she’s super passive-aggressive.
No. 284814
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>>284676that finishing touch looks like she's putting colored piece of shit onto paper
No. 284916
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It didn't add, but art like this really pisses me off. Like, expand your horizons and maybe don't draw the most basic, mindnumbing shit on the planet???
No. 285225
>>285122I'll say that i really enjoy listening to her voice. Its nice and relaxing yet keeps you pulled in. (Or maybe it's because Lavendertown/Kasey/Rae/Holly ect all have annoying voices that i cant tell any more)
Anyway her art is pretty good, notjing speacial but she at least knows what she is doing. Shes not too bad tbh.
No. 285426
>>285415Great. Another monotone Daft Pina-esque youtube reviewer in the art community.
As for animation memes, I don't care for them. I really don't like the guy he's reviewing who reviews them though.
No. 285649
>>285415I actaully decided to watch the video all the way through (only cuz i was trying to go to sleep while listening to something) and ngl he makes some pretty good points I can get behind.
Many times these fools like Pkrussl, Solar Sands, DA Cringe, that Daddy guy, Daftpina ect ect half the time cant even draw themselves and seem to forget that alot of these artist they bash are mostly hobbyist who do it for fun. At the end of the day art should make a person happy when they create it (even if its bad as hell). As long as they strive to improve and do their thing its not even that serious. What i find funny is that they sreech this "Your allow to say something is bad!!!!! Even if it hurts the persons feelings!!" Rhetoric but will make a whiney response video and bitch about someone who does the same exact thing to them. Its the hypocrisy and tryna pick lowhanging fruit that irratates me. ….. and they ALL seem to have annoying ass voices.
No. 286973
>>286895It really
triggers me when I see shitty artists giving critiques full of buzzwords that reveal that they know nothing about actually drawing. Solar sands' smugness about it just tops it off.
No. 287028
>>286723She seems to have some autoimmune disorder and shaky hands because of that/medication, which might explain the sketchy lines.
That said, I also thought they weren't very good overall, She needs to look at some anatomy books because the torso muscles were all wrong.
No. 287197
>>287028She needs an anatomy book that focuses on muscle groups and adding skin over top of them like Anatomy for Sculptors specifically.
She seems to have no understanding of how to draw them from just seeing the skin over them, it’s so different for each body it’s not a reliable way of learning anyways. It reminds me of Baylee Jae honestly. Not as bad, but still not utilizing resources properly.
No. 287677
>>287670im inclined to agree. The worst people have really said about waffles is that her laugh and voice is nasally and her sketching is chicken scratch-y. She pushes herself to be better and recognizes her faults in artwork and when she isn't confident or sure of something like with the palletbox unboxing. she admitted that the box felt like but she wasn't sure about the price of the Qor watercolors and went to check and didn't complain or fault the box for "feeling" light after checking the prices of the watercolors. She doesn't try to act like she knows more or better like holly, not an edgelord like Spechie and actually does art and tries to improve unlike Baylee.
tl;dr: Waffles has her faults cause no one is perfect but she doesn't seem like a cow and her only two flaws people point out is her voice and sketching. Sketching can be fixed but you can't fix a voice which seems unfair to nitpick someone over.
No. 287693
>>287689"Chicken scratch" are those broken off sorta hairy looking lines people who are not very confident in their lines make.
Which sounds completely reasonable and acceptable coming from someone who has tremors (and hers are not even that chicken scratchy, she's just sort of a messy sketcher).
No. 287830
File: 1535641451197.jpg (66.26 KB, 500x500, Concept-Art-of-Rapunzel-and-Pa…)

>>287818I don't think sketches, unless you are finalizing them, are intended or meant to be neat. It isn't borderline chicken scratch to have messy sketches. Even professionals produce messy or non clean sketches.I think many of you have seen too many images of finalized or polished sketches and think anything that is not like that is chicken scratch.
No. 287934
>>287884I agree, my very first sketch where I'm getting my idea out of my brain and on to the page barely looks like a human most of the time. It only looks "presentable" 2-3 refining stages later, and I guess even then for these anons it'd be cHickEn ScRaTcH.
Her sketching is fine and looks the same as most of the artists I know in terms of messiness.
No. 287965
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I’m not sure if “chicken skratch” is the problem so much as lack of skill. Sketchiness looks great when there is knowledge of the form, because those initial lines are put down as a sort of guideline or map, and not as a wild guess at the final line that is to be to be refined and refined after several versions. There’s no one “correct” way to draw but fewer, more thought out lines lines will always be more efficient than many wild guesses in my book.
No. 288423
>>288417When people ask how others feel about artists like those who just do samey pretty girl art, I usually don't. Like, I don't feel anything from it, except maybe bored..
But it does make me wonder, if I draw nothing but pretty girls for a month on social media, how would that affect my traffic.
No. 288480
>>288423Probably not that much of a difference. To get traffic you gotta put interacting and socializing on social media as your top priority, even before your art.
This is why I quit chasing the dream of people noticing my “work”, because I will hate it instead.
No. 288899
File: 1535829637966.jpg (426.86 KB, 1003x1080, 20180901_211922.jpg)

Waffles back at it with fug faces
No. 288978
>>288899Pretty much. Imo Waffles art is a bizzare ass mix of ugly and pleasing. Her colors are pleasant to look at /most of the time/ but when it comes to EVERYTHING else such as anatomy,composition and the faces it goes to shit. She's def not the best…
>inb4 waffles whiteknighting But she is not the worse also.
No. 289063
>"more realistic style">"there are no noodle arms in this one" >The arms are super stick thin and are just as unrealistic looking. Might as well have drawn nooooodly arms.Yeah LT is talking real extreme thinking the first one is realism (its semi at MOST and thatd pushing it!), the second one….the word "realistic" shouldnt even be in the script at that point….
Anyway though, I'll make a Rae thread for you bitches ;).
No. 289162
>>289049It's always the same with those "cheap vs expensive challenges"
>omg why is it so expensive! xD It looks the same xDDPut that shit in the sun for a few months and then let's talk again. These videos are based off a lack of understanding of why someone might want extremely long-lasting, high quality supplies.
No. 289226
>>289163Actually there’s a thing called burnishing and even some pencils created for that purpose, but of course that’s not what she’s done.
Her technique is just cringy to watch.
No. 289966
>>289947 aso that they are markers so that means they have a color range you can later match with a fabric, as for watercolor you are left guessing a lot more
again, they are good for sketching, not something to rave about but meh, if it fits your workflow why not
No. 290160
>>289942I would say that there are some things with copics you couldn't achieve with other mediums simply due to the quality of alcohol markers. After all, there is a reason why they are different than say watercolor or colored pencils. Digitally, you can recreate the look of copics but you can recreate the look of just about anything digitally.
Traditionally, markers are used because of their vibrant colors without having to layer a lot like watercolors or colored pencils, quick drying and are dry near instantly after putting it onto the paper unless you put down a lot of ink and don't have a period of time where they have to dry like watercolors, etc.
No. 292017
>>291903It undermines artists who actually have emergency situations. slight blog but, that's why I'm reluctant to mention when I have an emergency, I tend to just blast my info more frequently. It doesn't really serve me to give excuses for why I'd need that money at that moment.
Artists who do art for a living, shouldn't be shouting "EMERGENCY" every 2 weeks. It's like any other job, but it's hardly the ones who are doing it professionally who are doing emergency commissions.
No. 292308
>>291903Not an emergency commission but I remember there was one insta artist which I forgot the name who did a
go-fund-me campaign because she needed or
wanted in other words, a new laptop kek
No. 292942
>>292545they're not ITT.
>>292384 was just them trying to bait yesterday.
No. 293810
>>285439He(PK) expects these YouTube videos made by 13 year olds to be Oscar worthy.
Of course they’re gonna be shit. They’re little music videos made by children for fun. They’re not supposed to be taken seriously.
No. 294468
File: 1536698046494.jpg (562.06 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20180911-223257_You…)

I can't get over the derpy face
No. 294840
>>294468Oh yeah that face is hideous
On a more positive note Audra Auclair uploaded a video after being on hiatus for a long time. Happy to see her making vids since she might be the only YT atist I genuinely like.
Also I’ve seen Artists like Peurfleur(?) use/shill those korean mijello watercolors but are they actually any good?
No. 294932
>>294870My only problem with them is that they use bizarre pigment mixes to make their paints more vibrant so the lightfastness is effected negatively. The pure pigment set doesn’t have that problem obviously. But their raw sienna is far more vibrant than other raw siennas because they aren’t using the traditional pigment used for raw sienna. They just use different ones to make them more vibrant. It’s weird and I mix a lot so I usually go with brands that focus on single pigments for the majority of their colors. That being said they are really good quality and I enjoy them. I also own their White Class paints which are fun to use. It just bothers me that I can’t use the ultramarine in that set because they didn’t use the ultramarine pigment for it. So it’s not even lightfast. If you don’t care about that though there’s zero reason not to use them.
(Reposting this because I forgot to sage)
No. 295492
>>295323>>295235I mean, who is it supposed to look like? I can see where she can move the eyes closer just a bit and move the mouth do just a bit but it's a fairly minor adjustment. I dont see the point in jumping on someone for not having perfect anatomy, I honestly don't think any artist does that does stylistic drawings.
Sometimes I wonder if people talk shit just to talk shit.
No. 295508
>>294770>I don't really feel that criticism over Waffles' facesThey're unappealing because the drawing itself is, not necessarily because her facial features are not perfect.
>>295338>what she could have done better?Soften those nasolabial folds and its already ten times better. Establishing a simple light source and shading accordingly would also help.
No. 295524
>>295508I agree that they are unappealing sometimes, but at the same time I'm aware that ugly people exist, so her drawings don't strike me as something unthinkable.
Her shading just seems like it comes from some sort of ambient light, albeit maybe not something given direct thought. I just think people's problems are in their expectations rather than the Youtubers, I mean, why the hell do you expect people whose intentions seem to be drawing for fun to be excellent at anything? It just seems like you're giving yourself grievances over nothing. Just cut the cord and stop watching them if you know it won't satisfy you.
No. 295525
>>295523We defend Waffles because most things people talk about her are extremely nitpicky for no reason whatsoever. Seems like people have turned the artist threads into some nitpicking braindump rather than pointing out some actual milk, maybe because the art community tends to be so scarce on milk (and the ones who are constantly milky have gotten their own threads).
Seems like some people here get annoyed at others for merely existing, and as suggested, just stop watching them if their art doesn't please you. That ain't something to write home about.
No. 295637
>>295581>no one here has the right to tell me my expectations should be lower, she should be betterLet me get this straight. Not only are you saying it's your indisputable right to have expectations about some random internet person's skill progression, that said person I'm assuming you don't know has the OBLIGATION to meet your expectations?
Is this real?
I guess the problem here is how artists on Youtube are viewed. You claim to have this right to have expectations on her skill level because it's her job, but really, an Youtuber's job is to be an entertainer. They don't have to be good at anything, they just have to entertain their audiences enough for them to want to keep watching the videos. Some people do this by eating noodles on camera, others draw in a whole range of skill levels.
No. 295640
>>295575Of course people are defending her because she doesn't seem to be a bad person, that's the whole point of lolcow, to point cow behavior. Having art flaws does not constitute a cow, unless it's part of a bigger thing such as them being delusional and thinking they're the best artist in the world. The reason people like Lemia and Kasey get dragged is because of their personalities, thus cow-ish behavior.
I'm not personally defending Waffles because I think her art is great, I just think it's irrelevant to have several posts pointing out she draws ugly faces. We get it. Now, if she was an ass and people wanted to point it out, that would be more relevant.
No. 295708
>>295581>She's not a good personSo far there doesn't seem anything that points to her being a bad person. She doesn't go on long rants about people doing things she doesn't like, talk down on other people, etc. she doesn't even go on about how classically trained she is or IIRC call herself a professional artist. Someone having a slow rate of improvement isn't milky when they don't play up their art to be what it isn't.
plus it's just low hanging fruit to try to say someone is a cow or milky based on the fact that they draw ugly faces but doesn't boast about their art skill and works on improving. it's unrealistic to expect someone to not have art flaws just because they draw regularly for youtube but don't consider themselves professional or classically trained artists. It's like kicking dirt.
No. 295757
>>295575Not saying this as a reason to criticize Waffles, personally I don’t think there’s anything cowish about her as others have said. But just because someone has an illness isn’t particularly a reason to whiteknight someone. There’s a cow on kiwifarms that people follow specifically because they post ridiculous and entertaining stuff due to severe paranoia from schizophrenia and various related stuff. I don’t believe that their illness is necessarily an excuse for stuff. They choose to post, no matter how deluded they are. I’ve seen other minor cows that have deluded thinking from mental illness overshare and be ridiculous on the internet, so I don’t think it’s exactly okay to whiteknight someone solely because of an illness.
Once again, I don’t think we should bother with people that don’t have much cowish behavior. Just pointing out whiteknighting because of an illness is kinda flawed in my mind. To each their own I guess though.
No. 295777
>>295724It's not a problem when people critique her art with some actual substance to their critique, it's just annoying when it's the same "that face ugly" comment all the time.
>>295757I don't think people are defending Waffles because of her disease, or else Monique would be defended too. Waffles gets defended and Monique doesn't because Waffles is seemingly chill while Monique is a bit of a cunt.
No. 295847
>>295790She does, Only Monique LIKES to grandstand and be the morally high one, thus she can't help but put herself into some drama to make herself look good. She's tried appeasing anons here, which would've almost worked if she didn't also try to side with cows.
Monique, irrespective of her illness, occasionally just wants attention. If she did this ALL the time, consistently, she'd probably be a cow here too.
No. 296271
>>296258Talk all you want, just don't expect everyone to be pleased when you keep repeating the same vapid comments yet again. Same thing about Rae, people wouldn't shut up about the same things over and over again, glad she got her own thread. But in Rae's case, at least you could justify people coming for her because she's a delusional cunt.
Also, if you wanna criticize someone's flaws, at least do it right and explain the reasoning behind the criticism. I'm aware several people did it that way, and I'm just talking to the ones who are trying to turn art critique into some sort of petty weapon.
No. 296816
>>296615I don't like her argument that all the dumb choices she made were because she was a middle schooler/highschooler/college kid, etc.
Can't she just admit she was dumb as hell?
No. 296834
>>296615youtube keeps recommending me that video
I checked the other content she has and there are like two more videos about her being the victim of something
if you are so fucking fragile why would you showcase it to the world…
No. 296838
>>296816No, because to the likes of her anything she may have done wrong being pointed out is "victim blaming" or some crap like that.
>>296834>I checked the other content she has and there are like two more videos about her being the victim of somethingDude, I noticed the same thing. It's like everything she does is orchestrated to make herself seem like the poorest little thing in the world. I hate that whole type of person who feeds on (and thinks they are entitled to have) sympathy.
No. 296851
>>296615"How I met my abusive ex" is not a piece of content anyone should make imo, unless you're trying to teach people how to recognize red flags.
In a similar vein, TwistedDisaster streamed this on her channel and I thought it was extremely cringeworthy and uncomfortable, she says she doesn't need money yet has donations turned on?
No. 297016
>>296851Who does that? 'I need to get onto YouTube and go live and sob.' Like, this isn't the proper outlet, crying to your fans.
She's sobbing and crying but telling people not to worry bc she has a' roof over their heads', a paid wedding in a month, and her fiance has a job opportunity… So what is it shes crying over exactly?
Maybe I am being harsh because she's just fussing about 1st world problems that she literally keeps saying "oh yeah it's not a problem"
She made sure to keep that superchat open for almost an hour though.
Maybe instead of wasting the time she said was such a problem, she should've just buckled down on commissions and fucking job hunting.
No. 297148
>>296615Can someone explain me something? What's with those porcelain girls? As in those girls who show themselves to be so fragile they look like they're gonna break at any moment. I wonder if she's just a huge drama queen or someone who has a genuine problem (I know people like this irl and still wonder what's up). If she's really as fragile and incapable of fending for herself as she painted herself to be, she shouldn't be allowed on the internet/anywhere without supervision.
She chalked up all criticism aside as "her being a kid" but she was 13, not a helpless toddler.
No. 297204
>>297146Mostly this, this guy told them to gtfo a year ago, and they just stopped looking once he didn't evict them immediately? Tough titty.
>>29714813 is a kid imo, most 13 year olds are not mature at all. Doesn't excuse everything, but still.
No. 299512
File: 1537783409654.png (233.15 KB, 1024x631, sophia__catherine_s_sister__by…)

Hi, first time posting on here, sorry for any mistakes
There's this animation memer called Lovely Lauren that's been getting popular lately, and I get a bad feeling whenever I see her stuff
She specialises in "creepy" stuff, which isn't why I dislike her, just that she seems to look down on people who draw cutesy stuff instead of being creepy
I actually found her channel first because of Pkrussl's meme review of Sir Fluff, where she commented "zoinks". I thought it was just a joke at first, but after visiting her Tumblr and seeing that she only likes two animators (Sir Fluff excluded, by the way), it started to feel a bit condescending
All her OCs seem to have mental illnesses of sorts, and as far as I know from their bios, their personalities are really flat with no real goal or ambition but mental illnesses thrown in randomly, which is kind of a dick move if she thinks mental illnesses contribute to her creepy aesthetic
This is her latest OC
No. 299706
>>299667That could be part of the reason, but it might also be because she's becoming irrelevant, and she's finding that the return on investment for making videos for YT isn't satisfying to her anymore and that's fine? I'm not sure what she expected when it comes to her numbers vs others who do different content.
Isn't she the one who founded the YTAC? she doesn't really have anything to complain about. She's doing fine. She's just deciding to kind of cut her losses unless the video she wants to make is better quality and that's fine. Fussing about her numbers vs others in her circle isn't going to help her tho.
Edited to add that the same thing is kind of happening to baylee, she had similar worries, even though she hit that 1 mil milestone her views are still less than stellar.
No. 299834
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>>299466This person goes by DivineSpiritual on DA, and their name is Chris/Chrissy
All of their art is either a bad attempt at the DP art style or attempting to do the BH6 tv-show art style and somehow giving everyone the same face.
A few years back they became kind of a well known artist in the DP fandom bc most OCs were recolors of canon characters as opposed to being drawn.
This resulted in a hugeass egotistical person who cannot take critic leveled at their poorly written, poorly drawn characters. If you don't like their art, or their characters you're a 'hater.' Their main self-insert-sue is a character named Carrie Angel.
You can google her and get a few results from various sue-blogs from a while back.
Not to mention she keeps switching universes w/ her character soley to ship them with whatever character she finds 'omg hawt' at the time.
This woman is almost 30.
No. 299848
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>>299834>>299836Sorry for slightly off topic, but speaking of the DP fandom and shitty recolored OC's, does anyone remember that guy who shot up a supermarket and was super obsessed with Ember from Danny Phantom. He even had a whole group of rip off OC's of her that he called Ember's Ghost Squad, and made and animation where they performed a colombine-esque shooting. The videos he releases prior to the crime, were filled with him talking about her along side him discussing his plan.
No. 301612
>>299855G O A S T
No. 302332
>>302255I like to assume they are either lying about their age or of course their time with copics (or ect). There are people who have started art very early in life, but the way half of them draw and seem thats not the case.
I just want to say that Im sooo tired of Youtube artist in general. Espically the younger ones (teens-20 somethings). I wouldnt be so annoyed with them if they were chill and just drew what they liked and relaxed and admitted their mistakes. But half of them are bitchy and passive agressive and think they are way more skilled than they actaully are. I miss the days when YouTube had artist who a.actaully knew what they were talking about b.just do speedpaints with music. But thats just my take, the Youtube art community is really getting obnoxious. But how do you guys feel about it?
No. 302393

>>299291Lemia is insufferable imo. I was introduced to her via her "My Art Teachers Hate Anime" video.
Her (sensible) art teacher in high school (rightfully) told her that her animu fanart is garbage. Now, over ten years down the road, she's bitching about it. If only she'd listened to him, maybe then her art wouldn't be so crap lmao
She says she thinks he hated her because he gave her a bad grade… on an assignment she literally stated he did incorrectly. But nooo, clearly he must hate you! What is it with shitty Youtube artists and taking criticism so personally?
There's a reason art professors and teachers hate anime- you're supposed to learn proper anatomy before you learn stylized anime. Learning anime first (especially in high school) will permanently fuck your ability to grasp anatomy and proportions. It's putting the horse before the cart.
When a student walks into a college figure class with a portfolio full of anime, guess what the professor thinks? "Great, I'm going to have to UN-teach them all the incorrect anime anatomy they learned before I even begin to teach them actual anatomy."
When high school teachers weed out no-talent weebs, it basically makes professors' jobs easier.
>>298988I really wish she would. She's a no-talent weeaboo hack who is a harmful influence to aspiring artists.
No. 302603
>>302332I don't see that as a problem because we don't really have to watch anyone. It's almost like we enter some kind of trance with social media and forget we can just unfollow people. I'd catch myself bitching inside my head about how so and so artist is stuck in the same style for ages, until I suddenly had the realization that it was about time for me to unfollow them, instead of expecting them to meet my expectations. I could compare that with how I'd be reluctant to drop a series that was getting boring just because I've watched it for ages.
So, the speedpaint+music videos still exist, or you could just turn off the sound and listen to your own music. It's all about what we choose to watch.
No. 302608
>>302467I'm gonna list the ones I know, even the ones I don't watch because they might catch your fancy. I'm adding all the channels I can remember seeing art vlog content from, but some of them haven't uploaded in a long time or haven't done vlogs in a while. And some of them have had very few vlogs so far. Also added the ones you guys already mentioned just to keep them all in one post:
Leigh Ellexson
Furry Little Peach
Joy San
Holly Exley
Katnipp Illustrations
Mia Minerva
Minnie Small
Following the White Rabbit
Fran Meneses (her vids are very vlog style even if they aren't titled as so)
By Bun
Khan Taya
Sara Faber
Mary Sanche
Happy D. Artist
Kiri Leonard
Studio Jess
Ruth Speer
The Average Artist
Dina Norlund
The Art Side of Life
Juicy Ink
Zeke's Lunchbox
Myriam Tillson
Pypah's Art
No. 303343
File: 1538409883298.jpeg (674.88 KB, 1207x1852, 99CEBCB8-8992-444F-938F-557D88…)

>>303324It seems to most often be people using watercolours, ecoline is a liquid watercolour, but I’ve seen people even claim their acrylic or pencil illustrations to be inktober
No. 303350
>>303343somewhat OT but i absolutely hate this meme of using watercolors. the pic you posted is really indicative of everything wrong with it. watercolors are great in the right picture, or when used well, but this picture just shows bad usage and poor color control. (and even worse "inking".)
watercolors are super simple to learn but difficult to master and i hate how everyone and their mom use them like they're pro with them.
No. 303359
>>303350What do you suggest people use if not the medium they enjoy, anon
I don’t see what’s wrong with watercolours
No. 303364
>>303350>This meme of using watercolorsSince when is using a material a meme?
>I hate how everyone and their mom use them like they're pro with themOh lord, too many people using watercolors? All while not being a master at them? Jee, we have to notify the appropriate autorithies immediately. That sacrilege simply won't do.
All jokes aside sounds like you're finding weird reasons to be upset.
No. 303374
>>303364>anon says watercolours are trendy>says people who suck with them suckthose aren't weird reasons, you just sound really offended for some reason. she even said she likes
good watercolour, not that she hates them.
No. 303375
>>303373no one threw salt at
you though lmao, are you one of those people she's talking about?
No. 303380
>>303343I was hoping someone would call her out in the comments but nope…
Inktober is totally shit now, people are just milking it for likes and follows
I wish there were more art chanllenges going on
No. 303393
File: 1538414418220.jpeg (573.81 KB, 1242x1804, 9E9B5AF2-A910-44D8-A1E0-216FE9…)

Again, it’s just the stuff she usually makes. Why is it so often watercolour artists that do the exact same illustrations as usual and call them inktober? Jacquelin de Leon did it last year too from what I remember
No. 303405
>>303400If you're gonna police the thread, at least police everyone who's going off topic.
>>303397 was a react to
>>303395, and you made no mention of the first one.
>>303402People love coming here to talk shit about the big Youtubers but can't handle it when the cannon turns towards them, huh?
No. 303413
>>303408I'm not still here talking because of anon's opinion, it's the general reaction to throwing back salt at other anons that kept me here. See, I think you're all in your right to throw shit at me because I'm being salty, but there seems to be some high offense to anons reacting to other anons here, with some people going as far as to say this is a safe space to rant (previously in the thread).
>>303411Don't need to be sorry, of course I do, why else would any decent artist be wasting their time here otherwise?
>>303412You know how these things work, if you don't feed them they will stop coming. If I'm still here is because I'm being fed.
No. 303425
>>303420ok shitty youtube artist, time for your nap.
Anyway inktober is a shitshow. Artists tend to be so stuck up about what other artists are doing that the next thing they know they're 2 days behind and still trying to gatekeep an arbitrary challenge that's open to anyone to interpret.
I always found the 'official' prompt lists to be shit, though Jake Parker makes absolute bank for throwing words up in a graphic every year. Not gonna lie, wish I'd thought of it.
No. 303490
>>303451Inktober themed art boxes for October, and amazon affiliate links!
There's nothing wrong with making money off an idea you came up with though. if it's another stream of revenue that works, it works.
No. 303543
>>303512I feel like the most annoying part is that all these people in a way feel entitled to participate, without following any of the rules set out for them, and still get awarded for it.
Jake Parker himself stated so many times that; it’s a traditional mediums challenge, the main focus has to be inks
That’s it. And people STILL have trouble keeping to the rules when they’re so simple, like, it’s on the fucking tin! INKtober
Really gives me the shits every time inktober rolls around
No. 303740
File: 1538455360201.jpeg (Spoiler Image,354.88 KB, 640x670, 6601B872-8920-4F1C-907B-511CFC…)

Have any of you heard of Jenny Check?she’s scabslut/Jenny.meat on ig and internetslutclub on tumblr. She’s gotten pretty popular on tumblr recently for her bimbo fetish art. She also has a real tattoo artist job. Hate the way she draws lips (and the fact that she makes gross fetish art)
And someone actually got that tattooed on their body, yikes
No. 304415
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>>304410That hand is so wrong lmao!
No. 304515
>>304511Yep, she went to an art school
I wonder who let her out of it with such shit skills
No. 304523
>>304415this reminds me of the kids that post shitty drawings of manga girls hiding their hands behind their back on deviantart. But that's justified when you're TWELVE, not when you went to fucking art school and are in your twenties.
Has she got no shame? I'd be emberassed to death to post this online
No. 304540
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>>304532Eastern New Mexico University
This is on her insta
No. 304637
File: 1538598944389.png (696.76 KB, 929x597, rae1.PNG)

her newest inktober drawing
No. 304638
File: 1538598967870.png (700.25 KB, 930x597, rae2.PNG)

No. 304641
>>304637does she think
that is realism?
also lmao at the marriot paper.
No. 304797
File: 1538620635259.png (98.81 KB, 931x779, WrongHandLOL.png)

>>304415>>304440There are comments on Twitter though: she doesn't understand that the thumb is on the wrong side lol. BFA GRANTED!
No. 304825
>>304638She got super defensive it looks like.
And now she feels like she has to 'prove' something by making that and calling it realism.
She doesn't know how to take criticism, she's just fishing for asspats.
No. 305285
>>305230Couldn't watch the whole video, she's annoying me
Would it kill them to actually try traditional ink? Learn something?
No. 305725
>>303310The official website says you can use watercolour, it just suggests sticking to one colour; probably because a black watercolour can be used pretty much the same as a black liquid ink. They've definitely expanded the official challenge to include more mediums and appeal to a wider range of artists, although I remember when it first came about and it was actually focused on the whole concept of
inking. I don't think I'd worry so much that people used watercolour if they were using it to "ink" a piece, but people that just create typical paintings with watercolour definitely bend the rules a bit too much in their favour.
I know the digital art community got really upset last year when Parker said digital work wasn't fully in the spirit of a permanent stroke that can't be undone, which also sparked a lot of claims of ableism, meanwhile the website had a promotion with Autodesk, so honestly I don't think even he knows what he wants out of the challenge.
No. 306668
>>305884>>306194I know im gonna get it for this, but am I the ONLY one who gets annoyed by LavenderTowne's voice… Its like way to "uwu" for me to the point I can barely listen to her videos without cringing or skipping through.
I mean, I think he art is fine and all ((decent)), but her whole "anime persona" like you anon's said is very jarring.
No. 307274
>>305230creepshowart kinda reminds me of that spechie girl but with a more edgy. nastier "idgaf, I'm a bitch" attitude. It just sounds like she's always angry and is condescending.
just did more research on her and she never seems to shut up about the evul sjaywoos. She cut ties with her sister because she doesn't agree or share the same political views as her, even to the point of calling her a psychopath. Her and her sister are literally the same person just on different ends on the spectrum, loud and retarded, and she always spergs about it. if she isn't sperging about the sjaywoos, it's either people criticizing her vids or pointless shit like the inktober vid.
No. 307738
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anyway the inktober discourse is such a dreading ass topic from the perspective of artists who are willing to challenge themselves and kids like this are the reason why
No. 307746
>>307738"it's not about ink!"
>Every October, artists all over the world take on the Inktober drawing challenge by doing one ink drawing a day the entire month.>I created Inktober in 2009 as a challenge to improve my inking skills and develop positive drawing habits. It has since grown into a worldwide endeavor with thousands of artists taking on the challenge every year.>ANYONE CAN DO INKTOBER, JUST PICK UP A PEN AND START DRAWING.just do any of other october prompts if you refuse to actually engage with not only the spirit of the challenge, but the actual letter of it.
also how tf is it gatekeeping. literally anyone can pick up a shitty pen and some printer paper. it doesn't require much, if any, investment at all to do. fuck i hate that term so much and how people throw it around like pissbabies because their opinion is challenged in any way.
No. 307868
>>307738Yikes. Imagine being this delusional. Inktober should always be done traditionally, because thats litterally the point. What I dont understand is why even do the challenge if you arnt going to follow the rules and do whatever you want?? Like just dont get involved and continue to draw whatever the fuck you want. Its that simple.
Like I understand buying the materials maybe a problem (I guess), but if you MUST do it digitally then I think digital artist shouldnt be allowed to use color, undo, or erase because its starting to get out of hand. I went on IG the other day and seen some "inktober" post and they looked EXACTLY like their regular artwork, aka fully colored, regular inking/lineart, same old same old. No difference what so ever.
No. 308098
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it seems that some of creepshow's anger stems from competing with her sister.She always talks shit about her. Some people who try to prove themselves don't hold on to spite and let go of their anger, it just seems that she grew up with a nasty attitude.
She also admits that she loses her shit over 1 negative comment in a wave of hundreds of nice ones, god.
(From her "Why I decided to be an Artist" vid btw)
No. 308112
>>307738This type of shit discussion happens every year and it's so fucking annoying, it's called INKtober for a reason. I genuinely don't understand why people just want a CHALLENGE to be altered to their own specific needs just so they can get a couple of followers.
It's almost as disheartening that Jake Parker finally gave in and told people they can use digital too, but good for him that he got sponsors I guess.
No. 308281
>>307868 >>308112
From the official Inktober FAQ:
>Q. Can I work digitally?>A: Yes. Initially, the challenge of Inktober was focused on traditional inking. Although learning how to ink digitally is a skill separate from traditional inking it is no less valid. If you want to improve your digital inking skills then doing Inktober digitally is a great way to challenge yourself. Just be cool to those who want to use traditional inks. And traditional inkers, be cool to those who are trying to improve with their digital inking.Don't get me wrong, I preferred when inktober was an actual inking challenge, but you can't get high an mighty that people are including digital in Inktober when the actual official Inktober challenge website has decided to include digital. It's not her fault that it's included.
No. 309149
I did it last year and got fewer likes etc than usual, unless you are actually Loish or someone like that there's no point in doing it for visibility
No. 311086
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Question for yall. I've always been a fan of Vickisigh's art, and googled her today for some reason. I was surprised to see an Encyclopedia Dramatica page on her pop up close to the top. Even though I like her art, I was interested to see if there was some milk on her I was unaware of, especially since it seemed like a pretty long entry.
But….reading through the whole thing, it just reads like an insane vendetta post. Or am I just crazy? Is she a controversial figure at all? Just seems like a pretty vanilla twitter/patreon artist to me. No. 311099
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>>311086The last one was art for the Mercy skin event that donated the proceeds for breast cancer. That image was all over t-shirts in Blizzard's store. I don't know anything about the artist either and normally I don't like saying "jealousy", but it does seem like the writer is jealous in this case. She's basically doing official art and making money.
No. 311830
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>>311099>>311305>>311086The article also points out a time she retweeted an artist whose are got blatantly stolen and calls her a hypocrite because…. she sells Overwatch fan art?
And then shits on her for….selling her art? I truly don't understand. The article shits on her for going to art school…which presumably one would do because they want art to be their job…..and then shits on her for making art her job?
>Like so many big talking, egotistical fuckwits that sell themselves on the internet with big promises claiming that they're a mover and shaker and to expect big things from them when they say, Watch me and see how I change the world, Vicki has no real commitment in ever actually being a real artist like she claims. All art, to her, is a job like working as a burger flipper at McDonalds because if she did, she'd be putting more pride into her work and wouldn't be flooding the internets with every drawing she shit out much in the same way that a 4-year-old demands that every scribble they produce should be put up on the fridge for display.?????
Really tho I'm not trying to seem like I'm up Vickisigh's ass or anything, usually I find ED just dumb and silly but this page is honestly so wild. I've never seen one quite like it.
No. 312696
>>312578 It's supposed to be technically impressive. And they are all for sale. It's just cute art to hang on your wall and say "this was done traditionally"
Seriously anon, this is like asking why an oil painter doesn't just do their landscape art digitally because it's 'less economical'to use their medium of choice.
No. 312726
>>312578>>312696yeah, sometimes you just enjoy or feel like using a certain set of tools to make art. inking traditionally is inefficient compared to digital, but there are still days where i just want to crack out the dip pens and go for it.
i can see why someone who likes making crisp pictures would enjoy using acrylics.
No. 315837
>>314114Don't forget the best part:
>We purposefully used a red background to tone it down"We"? Why are you using the royal we like this is a newspaper publication instead of some salty editor on ED?
No. 315851
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>>311086that ED article is such a bullshit lol.
Speaking of Vicki, anyone else here prefer her old style? yeah it is not anatomically accurate, but I loved how she just lays these colors together and how "painterly" it looked.
I like her current art style too, but it is too uniformed and doesn't have personality (just my personal opinion)
No. 315975
>>315925Yuck. It's such a dingy off-white color like it's been worn a couple times already. She has poor taste.
But after this I don't wanna hear another word out of her bawwing about any money issues.
No. 316082
>>313408I think this looks hideous. Like the colors/blur effect are very cool but the subject itself is so, so ugly. Whenever she does an angle that's not straight on it shows how little anatomy she knows.
>>315925Damn. I mean, it's her wedding and all, but she could've looked 100x better with proper styling.
No. 316396
>>315833I don't think it's Lemia surprisingly. She mentioned her and the artist unfollowed each other from Twitter. Lemia still follows Emily and Emily still follows Lemia.
She doesnt follow Baylee Jae or Kasey Golden either though,, but both of them dont have a similar style to Emily so it cant be them either.
No. 316432
>>316396I'm really curious to see who it is. People in the comments are assuming it's Lemia or Creepshowart, but Emily kind of dry-confirmed that it probably isn't Creep in the comments.
As I was listening to the video my brain immediately went to either Holly or Lemia. Lemia seems like the kind of 'saccharine on camera, cunt behind the scenes' type and Holly is just a miserable busybody all around. It could be Baylee, but she's known for lifting ideas and I don't think her Dunning-Krueger's so strong that she'd bother Emily over it.
Holly is probably my biggest suspect. She likes to stick her fingers in the pies of almost everyone in the artist community, and behind semi-closed doors, she's vindictive and bitchy. She's the kind of cow that will talk mad shit about someone to her friends, then turn around and try befriending them. I see her in the comment sections of just about every youtube artist with over 50k subs.
No. 316768
>>315833I don't understand.
if she didn't want to mention who it was,
and she said none of this was "career ending"
and she didn't want to "start drama"
then why'd she make the fucking video? Like aside from getting views and attention, it's become one big witch hunt/guessing game, that, at its CORE incites drama.
It's always the ones who always say "I don't want to start drama" who start the fucking drama lmao.
No. 316888
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Twisted disaster is too damn fitting. 4 piosts of this dress on insta so far
No. 317294
>>317284oh anon, you're on the wrong website.
shit doesn't even fit her properly. you'd think you'd want to look good on your wedding day of all days. but some people just refuse to take advice on stuff that both looks good and is the style you want. but nah, she just looks like she's doing some wedding themed porno.
No. 317528
>>317523I'm one of those that points that ouy. I don't agree with it, it's just because so many are getting pissed at the wrong people. You can't blame artists who are only learning about it recently to know anything other than the official website. Sucks, but it's changed because it's more profitable. That's just what it is now. Live with it and move on, no point getting up in arms over a dumb 31-day challenge that mostly just 20-year-olds are doing.
>>317409Has she ever done a unicorn?
I've seen other names tossed around on the video. Probably not going to know unless Emily Artful fesses up or someone is silly enough to take that as fighting words and out themselves
No. 317541
>>317528Yeah, can't seem to find a video from either her or Baylee with a unicorn. They both draw a lot of generic fantasy shit, so it's probable they've either posted it on twitter/instagram or she was just referring to the general aesthetic. If it's the former, I don't give enough of a shit to dig through all that. If it's the latter, I'd wager to guess Monique.
Why does Monique always refer to herself as a fairy?
No. 317834
>>317555>>317583>>317684I didn't really buy it was her either, but she was brought up a lot earlier as a suspect.
>>317694Can't argue with that. Why so many of the art-tubers are weirdly childish is an answer I may never know.
No. 317875
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Sara Tepes can really only draw one face lmao. Saw this on my insta feed today - in case you can't tell it's supposed to be Coraline (who is 11 btw)
No. 317878
>>316888i remember during holly's stream she mentioned not wanting a white dress (which symbolizes purity) because she wasn't a virgin. instead she wanted a cream colored one
but this is just ugly
No. 317908
>>317878it's not even off-white it's a weird dingy white. But then she wants to have her shoes, veil and skirt ACTUAL White?
Oh, honey…
It's ok to ask for advice from people who aren't going to coddle you.
Can you imagine how many people she went to who nodded and said this getup was OK?
No. 317912
>>317875Maybe her goal was to do a grown up version of Coraline…but without prompt I'd never think it was Coraline. There's not enough similarity to the character it's legit just that one face she draws. Like, not even a pointed nose? Come on girlie!
It's so frustrating because I like her work, she has skill, but she doesn't branch out much with faces so it just got boring after a while. It's always fun when she draws dudes, because at least it's something different
No. 317914
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>>317908There are way classier cream wedding gowns out there in plus size for only a few hundred dollars. There's really no fucking excuse to look this bad at your wedding unless you're doing it on purpose.
No. 317922
>>317914Not to mention her makeup, i mean, black lipstick?
It would only work with a gothic theme
No. 318449
>>318437The first thing from her channel that popped up on Youtube was a rainbow unicorn, so maybe.
What's Kattvalk like as a person though?
No. 318521
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This is like the amalgamation of the type of art that every tween/20yo on tumblr is in love with…. cute anime semi realistic watercolor 3/4 headshots…
like don’t get me wrong the drawing is cute but it always seems like people who just draw cute anime headshots are the ones who get famous. Most of them can’t draw a human body for the life of them.
No. 318536
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Kasey Golden is such a little bitch. The replies are just people talking about how nice Bob Ross was, that he was positive, welcoming, etc.
It kind of struck a nerve considering how genuine and sweet of a person he was. She is so unpleasant.
No. 318577
>>318536the comparison is weird, apples to oranges pretty much
He did landscapes. Not people. It's not out there for people to specialize, but he wasn't a one track mind. He painted a wide range of landscapes, from forests to lakes to mountains to snowy cabins, etc. Drawing just women isn't on the same level at all. It would be more like if Bob Ross only ever different evergreen trees. But he didn't. He branched out and did all sorts of trees, and mountains, and skies.
Lot's of people specialize in drawing/painting people in the form of character design or illustration. But the good ones can usually draw a wide range of people, not just women.
I don't hate Kasey, I actually get a bit of joy watching her videos, but DAMN gurl, how can you compare apples to oranges like that? How are you that oblivious to the difference?
No. 318719
>>318580I'll never get over this. I swear she didn't even try. It was very obvious she didn't want to do it.
And honestly, Kasey can criticize a dead art icon all she wants but at least he was good at the one thing he did. Can't really say the same for her.
No. 318860
>>318536I saw this and hoped it'd be on here because I hate it.
Painting a wide variety of different landscapes and being a genuinely sweet, beloved human being is very different from drawing nothing but cartoon girls and acting like that makes you superior.
Even if he did draw the same thing, it's still all about attitude and presentation. If you act like a pompous jerk, people are going to judge you more harshly than if you're generally pleasant.
No. 318885
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>>318883her nose is prominent but it's not a giant red potato. iirc in the video she kept going on and on about how big her nose is so she's definitely insecure but it suits her face.
No. 318894
>>318873Honestly I’d say Kasey is one of the least offensive on YouTube, you guys keep going on about how she only does cartoon girls but I’ve seen her try many many different subjects and while she doesn’t switch around stylistically she does try new techniques and mediums here and there.
I’d say it’s completely normal to find your thing and then branch out in baby steps, and judging from her 500 prompts series she does just that.
Although I’ve gotta admit her voice is awful.. it’s monotonous yet at the same time whines
No. 318911
>>318904Also the whole salt against Bob Ross on his birthday was pretty shitty
Kasey seems like the type of person to be nice to somebody face-to-face, then talk shit behind their back
No. 319045
>>318885It kind of unfortunate she's so insecure, and I think you're right that it might be part of why she didn't put in that much effort. A shame because she is pretty! In the video she also had a preliminary sketch that wasn't as bad, but when she put it on watercolour paper she messed it up, and instead of fixing it just didn't bother. So another part of why is was so terrible wasn't skill it was a lack of trying.
>>318894Honestly she's really not that bad. She's actually a pretty good cartoonist. I actually do like her videos a lot, and I don't think she's this terrible person or artist, even if I'd like to see her get better.
It's mostly just annoying that she's bringing up Bob Ross negatively (she don't gotta like him, but it seems like a weird fight to pick) to try and counter people who think she should branch out. If Kasey doesn't want to branch out and increase her ability's reach, that's fine, she can legit just ignore it or say "I'm currently happy just doing what I do right now, and at the moment don't want to try other subjects. Thanks for the suggestion!" Which sounds less like "I don't want to improve so I'm gonna go off on how people don't criticize a dead man" and more like "This is what makes me happy and for now it's what I'm sticking to." She just needs to learn to take constructive criticism better, or at least learn to ignore it entirely. Not question why no one said the same about Bob Ross (although no doubt some people did sit on their sofas and wish he'd paint portraits)
No. 319050
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>>318536Good to know that she's just as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside
No. 319084
>>319050I mean she basically said she doesn't like 'happy' people and is an edgelord in one of her latest videos (paraphrased)
I don't get her attitude at all but her videos are mostly fun to watch
No. 319239
>>319099She's entitled to her opinion but she only has that opinion because she's a bitter edgelord who is mad Bob Ross was a universally beloved art icon despite doing ~boring landscapes~ while people DARE tell her to practice things other than potato nose cartoons. And because she's too much of a coward to just own what she enjoys doing she has to attack said icon on his birthday of all days and upset the "happy people" she despises so much to feel better about herself.
She's just a deeply bitter and insecure person.
No. 319350
>>319099Everyone is entitled to an opinion but it's also about knowing when to shut up and not broadcast it to one's followers.
Is there a Chrome extension to block all 20-somethings. Blergh
No. 319962
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i assume we can post IG artists here. i just have a question, is anyone else tired of internet artists being super entitled? i'm an artist, so i get it, art is hard, it can be deeply personal, etc. etc. but getting this upset about "copying" is stupid and a waste of energy. hardly anyone truly sets out to intentionally copy someone's art style. the only people that DO are usually really young kids, or lazy people trying to make money by imitating an already established artist.
the funniest part is, these kinds of whiny artists are usually on tumblr, and this user's totally unique and personal art looks like every other basic edgy tumblr art style.
more pics incoming, 1/?
No. 319969
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>>319968and 6/6.
idk, what are your thoughts? as an artist, i know i'm a creative person, but i also know that my "creativity" and all my ideas are an amalgamation of every neat piece of media i've ever seen. unless the person is actually doing a straight-up copy, why the hell do you care if they credit every single one of their inspirations? it'd be nice, sure, but i'm not going to have a panic attack if i THINK someone is ~inspired~ by my art and doesn't say anything. that just seems narcissistic.
No. 319991
>>319969All of this person's posts just seem super childish to me. I get it, someone hurt your feelings cuz they did something you didn't like. Don't go on a tirade over it to all your followers and annoy the shit out of them over it, dm the person who did it. It's all just bickering over petty shit, regardless if it's 'copying' (which imo isn't real/doesn't matter), or if it's some other bull.
It just shows how insecure you are to complain all day about it. Grow a spine.
No. 320002
>>319991I'll hobestly be shocked if this isn't a teen
I've seen art like hers a thousand times, it just has uglier colors
No. 320008
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>>319991>>320002she's 18, so i guess i get it, i was still immature at 18. but if she gets older and this behavior doesn't embarrass her, that's a bad sign. i get that her art is totes personal and important to her, but she does commissions. you can't be this spineless if you want to succeed professionally, in any field.
No. 320062
>>319969This is the whiniest, most unprofessional, up-their-own-ass way I've ever seen someone say "my account I can post what I want".
No one following you for art gives a shit about your opinions. That's just a fact. Most people keep that separate from their art account, not because they're "fake" or "pathetic" but because they don't want to drive people off with irrelevant bullshit. Or, worse, garner a reputation for constant drama, which is what I see happening with this kid.
No. 320211
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>>317912This happens a lot with artists to tend to draw the same subject (like Sara herself or Ilya Kuvshinov). They're skilled, of course, but seeing the same girl repeated over and over again is boring and I find their drawings which feature anything other than pretty girls way better.
No. 320614
>>320556Is that the one box Rae made a rant about?
Waffles apparently gets Scrawlr box for free, but she only mentioned that in one video's decription. Shouldn't she mention that in every video?
No. 320632
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>>320008who the hell is copying her unoriginal dirty ass zero-effort style?
she can only draw like two face angles and nothing more, why does she have 11k followers?
No. 320642
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>>320008one of my fav artists on insta is 15, 18 is no excuse to be acting like this lbr
No. 320811
>>320530Thanks for your suggestions. I looked into it and decided on Paletteful Packs.
>>320614Yeah, same box.
No. 321039
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Her dedication to her work is great but is it too much to ask for Minnie to have a bit of personality to go along with it? This thumbnail is so boring its like anti clickbait.. and that resting bitchface, yikes. Sage because people here tend to like Minnie
No. 321093
>>320530I've gotten sketchbox a couple times and I haven't found anything to be wrong with them. In the times I've gotten them, I may be disappointed because I simply don't use the medium, but not disappointed because it was undervalued. Honestly, you can't really go wrong with any of the subscription boxes (except for SmartArt) depending on what you want to get. With the exception of SmartArt, they all give you something that is roughly the equivilent of what you pay for it.
SmartArt honestly is really the only scam and it is far more expensive than the others for no reason. Who the fuck pays 50 dollars to receive prang water colors I can pick up from walmart??
No. 321110
>>321102because it's art therefore is always tasteful and not allowing it is censorship!
>>321093I wouldn't call SmartArt a scam, just a waste of money and overpriced for the lack of consistency. Better off waiting to see what they're doing and buy the old boxes if it's worthwhile.
>>321039She's a bit boring but not bad and never really struck me as being a jerk. She could be a bit more exciting, but honestly she's kinda nice to watch when just chilling out, she's kind of relaxing to watch so I won't complain!
No. 321232
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The hands, the face, the fucking knee, the proportions I scream.
No. 321859
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>>321662>>321669Yea, the left brow looks raised because of the angle of the head not because it's apart of the smug (whatever the DreamWorks facial expression is) expression
No. 322245
>>321232I wish waffles would learn how to draw cuter faces
No. 322710
>>322627I never liked these videos from her.
and no she really
shouldn't be giving anatomy advice considering how stylized her art is.
It really shows that she doesn't do her studies and I don't like the tone of the "do this not that" videos because it sounds so demanding. Beginner artists and her fans are going to find these "so helpful" though, thinking they can just skip the studies and 'draw a rough skeleton' underneath.
>'my style' and there it is.
No. 322716
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>>322627The problem with these “do this not that” is that a skilled artist can do whatever the fuck they want, while someone like lavender towne has to work with the limited skills they have.
No. 322793
>>322627The guy version just seems like her shitting on Adventure Time-esque styles. What's the point of being so fucking picky about anatomy when you're so stylized that anatomy can be simplified to any degree you want? It's just art elitism at that point. "Oh, you don't draw photo-realism? Well, you're not a
real artist!", except replace photo-realism with your own brand of wonk-ass anatomy.
No. 323224
>>322627honestly the don't side looks better, possibly because it's so heavily stylized that the anatomy actually isn't that important so long as the approximate proportions are fine.
I think there's value when artist's know the importance of learning something but recognize that they aren't at a level that they can teach others. Sometimes the best way to teach people is to refer them to other people that are more skilled in that area.
No. 323342
>>323331I think overall the art youtube community is pretty well-tread and formulaic now. Most artists are moving to vlogging about their art than just speedpaints and tutorials, but even the vlogging is starting to get samey.
there's only so much you can do in terms of being an art youtuber I guess, that things start to feel redundant after a while, especially with the YTAC, there's guest artists but overall hardly any fresh faces or styles. I think even the mainstay members are running out of steam and the only reason they make videos for it, is out of obligation and that it'll earn them some money for selling it.
No. 323892
>>323570you aren't a wk just because you like an artist. Especially since no one was even criticizing them :p You're allowed to like people!
>>323681Oh definitely those types of channels are pretty niche.
And yeah, challenges can be fun if they're either unique or at least get people to be creative. I do like when you see a boring challenge and someone puts a creative twist on it. But a lot of the time it's just people doing exactly the same things they usually do but with a restriction/prompt. Or it starts out as an interesting challenge but then gets so saturated that it stops being fun and you just want people to do something different
No. 325406
>>324078I like a couple smaller 'animatory' channels that did art before/I like the art style.
For pure art channels tho… it's hard to pick someone. I like waffles a lot. So probably her.
No. 325703
>>318795I'm not a big fan of hers, but it's insulting to say baylee is better than her. She's not.
Kasey has a good style for like… kids books. Baylee's barely qualifies as decent for coloring books.
No. 327075
>>324078Myriam Tillison. Her art is so unique and stands out. The concepts for her art are always interesting and even her more plain ones are better than most YouTube artist.
She also promotes actual anatomy and how to improve
No. 327203
>>327107I like DD but I can't watch more than a couple of their videos at a time. They're just exhausting with their kid show antics.
Also this is mean I guess but I wish they tried to look a bit nicer for the camera. Adam sometimes looks like he hasn't showered in a week and Steph looks like she yet rolled out of bed.. I guess it doesn't matter for an art YouTube channel but they're hard to watch sometimes because they are unkempt. But I feel bad for nitpicking because they do seem like genuinely sweet people and I enjoy their videos.
I also thought it seemed like Kasey was mocking them in a very mean spirited way. It would t surprise me because she's an edgelord.
No. 327220
File: 1542638331128.jpg (7.96 KB, 788x95, blyat.jpg)

>>316432So, Lemia finally commented on Emily's video, so I guess that rules her out. However, is it just me or does she sound an awful lot like Holly in this post? The whole "oh wahh I have no friends in this community" which was largely due to her being an salty cunt. Also, Monique commented so she's ruled out along with Jellie Bee
No. 327243
File: 1542642036302.png (3.12 MB, 1242x2208, 1D9C0B9C-1E38-4B5E-AF05-5AFC04…)

>>327231I wonder if it’s Kattvalk. She certainly has a litany of unicorn shit, and she’s pretty big. Has like 230K subscribers.
No. 327258
File: 1542644521563.jpeg (566.62 KB, 1515x1575, A9FA4DE7-878E-4AEF-93EC-3BBAD9…)

Uh, guys. I’d bet money it’s Kattvalk. Remember how Emily specifically said she got dm’d because her unicorn was stealing the unnamed artuber’s “aesthetic”, and then Emily went on a rant about how rainbows and unicorns and Lisa Frank shit was huge nowadays and everyone was doing it, confirming it’s the unicorn drawing from four months ago, not the one she did two years ago? Aside from the purple skin, Emily’s and KattValk’s unicorns do look similar enough I could see a gatekeeping youtuber jumping on it, and accusing her of stealing.
No. 327271
File: 1542646948208.jpeg (217.29 KB, 1242x1410, EA71B8BA-885F-49C5-A235-C7D8E1…)

>>327258Proof they don’t follow each other either.
No. 327345
>>327258I've been wondering who it might be since this popped up on my recommendations list.
Nice deduction there.
It's interesting to me that the unicorn drawn 4 years ago doesn't look much like the unicorn Emily did 4 months. Then when Kattvalk redraws it, it does look a bit more similar to Emily's (the horn, the sveltness).
Unicorns aren't something you can just say belongs to one person though, that's a pretty universal idea.
No. 327429
File: 1542665232458.jpeg (240.37 KB, 1242x675, 1E8B7B99-A250-4F70-985A-9706C6…)

I uncovered something juicy, if we’re working off the idea it was Kattvalk who harassed Emily. Remember how she allegedly said her last collab left a bad taste in her mouth, and how she didn’t want to do another for awhile because of it? Her last collab was with Baylee…
No. 327442
File: 1542667004542.jpeg (71.49 KB, 467x656, images (1).jpeg)

>>327258This is the stupidest beef on the planet. Kattvalk did not invent unicorns with rainbow manes. Not even close. These pieces have the most superficial similarities that basically end at "is a horse" and "has rainbow hair." These art cunts need to go outside.
No. 327539
File: 1542689359044.png (421.69 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181119-224343.png)

Do you guys think it looks like Kattvalk traced BananaJamana's deer? I noticed it a while back but never said anything.
Sage because I could be wrong. Hope I added the images right
No. 327540
File: 1542689439745.png (335.95 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181119-224546.png)

>>327539Nope I just did one. Here's BananaJamana's
No. 327852
>>299512>cyclopsMore like mutation.
Or a kid who can't draw the other eye so they gave up.
No. 327983
File: 1542783061413.png (11.79 KB, 585x111, 2018-11-21 17_50_12-Kasey “Sup…)

ironic considering what a hateful edgelord kasey is.
No. 328211
File: 1542837890323.png (56.17 KB, 579x472, Screenshot_40.png)

No. 328226
>>328170most recently she went on a rampage shitting on bob ross and the people who enjoy him on his birthday and whined that he painted the same thing over and over so why can't she?!! screenshots are upthread.
in general she's a bitter edgy cunt who likes to mock people and popular things and refuses to take any kind of criticism, even if it's helpful (for instance, using marker paper from an art box incorrectly so she called it shit; comments pointed out she was using the wrong side of the paper and she got super pissy about it).
No. 328266
>>328263She’s like every other art YouTuber trying to get a lot of views by doing gimmick-y things.
Boring and has basic deviantart tier anime art
No. 328397
>>328237I've never heard of this person before, but I couldn't stand listening to whatever she was saying.
I tried skipping parts and it's just lengthy non stop complaining.
No. 328741
>>328211I agree with this Mira person, since not all art/sketchbook work has to be with the goal to improve. She's totally right, you can sometimes just do stuff for fun.
Lemia is her own thing and is kinda non-sequitur because taking breaks to doodle isn't the same as having absolutely no desire to improve
No. 328963
File: 1543016171010.png (256.82 KB, 614x724, fkjlsd.png)

I guess Kasey is doing some fake callout of Baylee which will probably be lowkey mean.
No. 328988
>>328963Honestly, I would love that.
Kasey has the charm of a goblin but she’s certainly miles ahead of bailey in terms of content/artistic abilities/drive to improve, so I’m curious as to what Baylee apparently called her out for (I’m going to assume the Bob Ross thing, which while it was tacky I think anons here are taking it way too much to heart)
No. 328992
>>328988>drive to improve lolno, kasey bitches all the time that she only wants to draw the same shitty cartoons, forever. but yes, she obviously puts more work into her channel than baylee does.
the bob ross thing was kasey being her bitter hag self and trying to upset people, though. most people are going to be mad if a beloved, positive art icon is being called a talentless waste of space by some weeb no one will remember in 10 years.
No. 329033
>>328992Wanting to create the same things doesn’t mean you don’t improve - the huge amount of work she creates, trying out different mediums and working off of prompts will help her improve. Yeah, it might not be anatomy or the Like but she’ll get better at things like choosing colours or composition.
Also, I really don’t understand the Bob Ross thing. Yes it’s incredibly tacky and gross to say he’s a waste of space, but at the same time he’s also a complete stranger to all the people getting upset - at the end of the day he was just a tv personality
Not white knighting but people can focus on only their preferred area and will still improve over time so I’d the earlier comment of her having a drive to improve is still valid
No. 329053
>>329033Bob Ross is very beloved in the art world and also dead, it just seems completely uncalled for and mean-spirited to say shit like that.
I think Kasey definitely tries to improve her art in her own way and puts a lot of work into her channel but she seems like a bitchy person who will purposefully try to say something hurtful if she gets annoyed.
No. 329054
>>329053not only is he dead but she made these remarks on his birthday.
just a disrespectful, cunty thing to do, regardless of your opinion on bob ross.
No. 329102
>>329062I personally wouldn't call it outrage over her tarnishing his reputation or anything, rather than people being pissed off at her general attitude.
>>318536, and her brushing off her obvious saltiness with "you just don't get my humor guys ;)))"
>>319050 No. 329229
File: 1543087621949.png (374.8 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20181124-112625.png)

Creepshow Art is currently name searching herself and sperging out about it on twitter.
These tweets & sperging on the Destiny subreddit LMAO?
No. 329280
>>329187because generally people want to become the greatest artist that ever lived and if you don't do that you're not a REAL artist or something.
I don't think there's anything wrong with drawing the same shit over and over forever and never improving outside of your niche, if that's what you really want to do, but if you're a YouTuber you're kind of at the whim of your audience if your aim is to get big and make money, and it's not fun to watch a YouTuber draw the same pretty girl on a white background over and over again.
No. 329308
File: 1543098899524.png (266.35 KB, 1080x1618, Screenshot_20181125-093249~2.p…)

I've just started watching doodle date recently, I didn't realise Steph had health issues? has she ever mentioned what's wrong with her?
No. 329331
>>329258this exact discussion definitely happened a little while back, so I get why she's addressing it
I mean, can you really expect anyone that comes across this thread is going to be totally chill about it, except for maybe a few who get mostly just basic criticism or tons of defense
No. 329335
File: 1543103148334.png (1.68 MB, 900x994, Capture.PNG)

can we please talk about rae straight up copying another artist?
like i get it, its not an original idea, but damn.
No. 329336
File: 1543103177773.png (1.09 MB, 1335x772, Capture1.PNG)

here's the image rae copied
No. 329337
>>329335haha down to the bun and everything. Though if I'm gonna be honest I'm gonna say i like rae's more.
There's just not one original bone in her body.
No. 329341
File: 1543104410843.png (1.15 MB, 872x567, 2018-11-25 11_05_37-undercover…)

>>329335>>329336this concept is unoriginal enough that I wouldn't call it copying. it's been done a million times. so yeah, rae's not being very creative, but this isn't a scandal either.
No. 330140
>>330089 I thought she'd stop doing that puppet shtick once she did her face reveal. There's no point to it anymore and it was never really funny or cute.
>>330113Kasey has gotten worse over time. Like anyone else the numbers got to her head.
No. 330320
>>330261I honestly dont think Baylee is that bad when it comes to artcows, she's lazy and entitled, that's about it.
>>330140The puppet thing is frankly creepy and really clashes with her edgy persona but I guess it appeals to kids along with her art style.
No. 330862
File: 1543376180034.png (394.56 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181127-213250.png)

Dropping screenshots from Kasey's insta story today
No. 330871
>>330869i like how she's so smug and condescending. yeah they must be broke because they don't think it's reasonable to spend $100 for one of her mediocre drawings.
i used to kind of passively watch kasey but the whole bob ross thing and now this make me glad i stopped. she's way too overconfident. not to mention her awful self portrait that showed she is fundamentally pretty bad at art.
No. 330878
>>330873exactly. to suggest they must not be able to afford it/have "personal problems" is so shitty.
i follow plenty of better artists who offer better for so much less
>>330877i feel like that's more a problem for commissions because people don't understand how much time/effort goes into them or that even if it doesn't take the artist very long they're paying for their skill. but $100 for a plain doodle from her sketchbook that took hardly any time? like the other 500 prompts on her channel? yeah no, it's not worth it
No. 330888
>>330878she's such a rude cunt to her audience it amazes me anyone bothers with her. I remember in her one vday video where she was like "I know a lot for you guys hate Valentine's because you're alone or whatever but I'M married so I'm going to talk about it!" like fine, do your Valentine's video, but the ranting and disclaimers are so fucking unnecessary. let the 12 year olds cry about being single in the comments and just fucking ignore them. They're kids. Of course they don't have all the ~wisdom~ you have as an adult.
And 100 dollars for her postcard sized doodles that took her all of 30 minutes to churn out? shut the fuck up lmao.
No. 330889
>>330888Another thing that bothers me is her ignorance when it comes to watercolors as a medium. I remember when she got her Schmincke paints she went on and on and on about how she did all this
research about how you weren't supposed to use Qor paints as dried paint when in reality those paints rewet like an absolute dream and maintain their original vibrancy. I think she was just looking for any reason to excuse buying new paints, which is fine, buy what you want, but don't go spreading false information about a good quality paint. Sorry for paint sperging, this shit just bothers me big time because other people have started parroting it
No. 331030
>>330873this. her inktobers aren't even watercolour, just ink and pencil on unbranded a6 paper.
>>330963the most i've seen for one is $70, which i thought was a bit steep for what it was, but at least it was actually painted
No. 331137
>>330942I sort of agree, I think the 100 dollar price tag for an original is fine artist's need to set the price they're willing to part with a piece, it's really just her attitude that gets me. Like, if your audience is mostly kids, and you don't also offer cheap prints, you can't be surprised when they freak out about $100. That's a lot for a teenager plus kids don't understand
economics. Just could have been handled better.
>>331014She's using
her own art supplies… for it's intended purpose of making art. That isn't wasting. If she can afford that, good for her. Maybe she doesn't use that color much anyways, great time to use it.
No. 331151
>>331137Nice burn, dude, no one knew those were
her own supplies before you said it
No. 331195
>>331179She's definitely someone who is a bit more analytical, so it doesn't surprise me that she's more 'clinical' about it. But you probably shouldn't confuse that for a lack of passion, it's just how some people tend to think and process things.
Although it definitely has a bit of weird anatomy going on.
No. 331243
>>331181Nah this is the same old same old for Danica. I stopped watching her because she rambles and is way too technical for someone who continuously pushes out basic pretty characters. It got boring so fast.
Also for this video specifically, what 'composition' is she referring to? It's literally one of those same old lanky characters with wonky anatomy floating in space.
No. 331244
>>331205Obviously Kasey et all don't have to do kid friendly shit all the time but it's good to consider your majority audience before posting mature content. They're literally the backbone of these channels, they're the ones clicking and watching without adblock (which most adults use), so to use any opportunity to talk down to that same audience is pretty hypocritical when you wouldn't be anyone without them.
I was watching doodle dates stream earlier and Kasey was in there complaining about how entitled her younger audience is. Just fucking get over it.
No. 331260
File: 1543467515833.png (1.85 MB, 1200x746, kelogsloops.png)

>>331181Danica's art reminds me a lot of the kinds of things Kelogsloops draws. Is this a really popular style?
No. 331267
>>331260When comparing the two, I do prefer Kelogsloops work. When you compare what he was putting out in the beginning, you can see the growth from doing strictly portraits to creating paintings like these.
Another thing I've noticed about Danica is her inability to draw males that are not androgynous. She goes on and on about how much growth she's gone through and I just don't see it.
No. 331268
>>331260When comparing the two, I do prefer Kelogsloops work. When you compare what he was putting out in the beginning, you can see the growth from doing strictly portraits to creating paintings like these.
Another thing I've noticed about Danica is her inability to draw males that are not androgynous. She goes on and on about how much growth she's gone through and I just don't see it.
No. 331272
File: 1543468371360.png (143.96 KB, 1440x1107, Screenshot_20181128-083315~2.p…)

Creepshow Art plans on making a video about lolcow which means we're likely to be flooded with dumbass 12 year olds.
No. 331365
File: 1543496334574.jpeg (459.14 KB, 1124x1215, C631EE25-338E-446D-AE28-7945AB…)

>>331272Creepshow art is really trying to stay relevant with the Holly controversy & is only gonna make a lolcow video that is literally gonna be her sperging about two or three irrelevant comments just to have something to talk about cuz her content is dry
her art reminds me of the art radical feminists make with their stupid color + anatomy choices & dumbass looking eyes & features trying too hard to be unique. Truly the tweens are following her for the drama not her ugly ass bimbo art
No. 331470
File: 1543512070195.jpeg (1.36 MB, 3329x3441, E1485AD6-4958-4837-B237-FC33C5…)

I’m going to assume she’s charging at the minimum $5 for art like this
Muddy colors, shitty anatomy, uninteresting basic compositions, scratch that- her sense of composition is wack, her characters got no scleras lmao if she’s really charging more for art like this her followers better get some sense & riot
No. 331544
>>331470in b4 "b-but muh stylization"
>>331446at least holly isn't making lolcow videos kek
No. 331662
File: 1543539781552.gif (1.32 MB, 500x246, vdPLsrQ.gif)

>>331656there is going to be so much drama on all sides and I'm here for it.
No. 331914
>>331752The top lip lipstick thing has been around for ages. Kim Possible.
>>331867Honestly if she only had crap to say I wouldn't have blamed her either, considering how much of lolcow is people being assholes and insulting people for no good reason, but this was certainly an interesting development. I can't say I'm totally surprised since oddly she strikes me as someone who'd use the website.
One way or the other, I love watching drama unfold. Godspeed.
No. 331933
>>331914Kim Possible did it well with an underlying understanding of human anatomy, that's a difference :>
>>331867She is trying so hard…
No. 332184
File: 1543629461496.jpeg (26.6 KB, 200x250, 4E06E671-6908-4AF7-8C00-7EAB1F…)

None of these yt artists can draw a head correctly attached to a muthafuckin neck
No. 332211
>>332184it's not like any of them do studies, the majority of them just draw priddy ladies over and over.
>>332131lolcow doesn't really take notice of anyone unless they have a shitty personality and do shitty things. lacking artistic skill isn't milk, so no one is going after perfectly nice artists who are still working on improving. just assholes like kasey, holly, etc.
No. 332231
File: 1543640159694.png (303.9 KB, 834x877, 3DC5654F-C161-4500-B9FC-A4C742…)

>>332230Just the neck and shoulders wide enough to make sense of the head size. Personally I think keeping proportions is preferable to stylization extremes unless it’s a cartoon but that’s just my opinions and y’all are free to your own.
No. 332248
>>332231Sage because OT
I’ve gotta be honest, Andrew Loomis’s proportions have always been hugely unappealing and often incorrect, I have no idea why so many artfags consider his word law
No. 332259
>>332248>>332231I don't know if pic related was loomis, but
-hands are too short
-wrists start too low
-distance between top of breast and top of shoulder too long
-shoulders too broad
-If shoulders are that broad, hips would be wider/rear looks quite male in angle
People should just draw what they want. Each artist has their own interpretation of what something looks like, if you copy or follow the teachings of one, you mimic their interpretation.
No. 332268
>>332248Do you have any recommendations on other people to study from?
>>332259I agree that people should ultimately draw what they want, but you need to start somewhere, and often that's by copying or by having a teacher.
No. 332273
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>>332268Not that anon but bridgeman has a good spread on proportion
No. 332690
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>>332362it's not 'more male than female', that was just the female ideal at the time. who would've thunk, times change and the hourglass figure wasn't always the most prized. pic related, 1930s fashion plate
it might not be appealing to you but don't be dumb. it's not masculine just because the figure doesn't have a fat ass
No. 333273
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No. 333406
>>333403Lmao I’m tempted to start making storytime videos now just to spite her
(Also I Hope this is saged)
No. 333408
>>333406Say it’s a sketchbook storytime.
She said in problem with big youtuber video that she’s had to dm a bunch of artists to get them to rename it because so many people copy her and her creativity. She called anyone who does storytimes a clone of her. Because she totally jnveneted that genre
No. 333411
>>333408I gotta do it. I’m gonna start making sketchbook story times.
(Not just for spite. I was thinking of doing it before now bc of sentimental emotional reasons none of y’all care about)
No. 334065
File: 1543884045686.png (1.54 KB, 561x40, FemalePresentingNipples.png)

Tumblr has decided instead of trying to work out how to actually deal with the porn bots/illegal porn on the site, they're banning all adult content on the 17th December including art. They're auto-flagging things which break the rules, except it's not.
There's a lot of drama going on right now and I expect some strongly worded posts/videos from artists to start popping up. But really, even if there aren't, it's pretty funny to watch the whole flagging system and site crumble.
No. 334162
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No. 334169
>>333882What are you, a tumbtard?
You sound like the type of person who reports even the slightest bit of clevage so those sensitive baby eyes cannot see it. You wouldn’t want a 13 year old to see a midriff right?!
No. 334305
>>334302For me I find the big art Youtubers just don't have any useful tips. It's all stuff that's very obvious, like "Try to make sure the eyes are the same size" or "Don't pick a color palette that's all neon".
I've never learned anything useful from art Youtube. All the useful art tips and tricks I've learned, like Photoshop tricks like clipping masks or coloring tricks like shading with a different color instead of a darker version of the base color, I've learned from books or artists I talked to in real life.
No. 334394
File: 1543936268063.png (277.33 KB, 589x804, oof.png)

Still won't learn now to draw hands
No. 334425
>>334394for a second i thought holly reactivated her twitter
then i remembered there's that fake account going around
No. 334426
>>334394for a second i thought holly reactivated her twitter
then i remembered there's that fake account going around
No. 334567
>>334553Not a fan of her or her art, she's a bit like watered down luke-warm, bland porridge. Her art style(atm)reminds me of of early 2000's anime art, which I love in a "so bad, that its good" way because of nostalgia reasons. But it is surprising that she still draws like this since she's been drawing for quite a long time and I believe she when to school for art and/or design, but I could be completely wrong so feel free to correct my mistake.
Honestly I don't mind her since she doesn't get herself into drama, she just continues doing her own thing, so good on her. She's not the most positive person, but she's not overtly happy and positive to the point that it's fake. She kinda gives me a "back to the past" sorta vibe, like a early 2000's, newgrounds, early deviantart kinda vibe when it comes to her aesthetic.
No. 334692
File: 1544003067820.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1242x1833, 7822D63F-D8F3-4BB3-9832-F8BE41…)

Rae recently had a presentation about art studies at some high school, apparently the students “bombarded” her with selfies and wanting her signature. Imagine walking into class just to see Rae getting ready to teach you about her mediocre channel and how to git gud at art.
No. 334780
>>334584She's a whale, her art's really boring and she used to have a stuck up personality but I think she's really good with colors. She's got shit variation though. Lots of big bug eyed asians like Happy D.
Unrelated but I swear to god I called her getting diabetes.
No. 334987
>>334814it's just a stupidly vague term. "art block" could really mean that every time you draw you're so anxious that you scrutinize every line and when you do have an idea you immediately tell yourself it's stupid, in which case, yeah that's mental issues. Or it could be that if you draw every day you're bound to run out of creative stamina sometimes.
It's like if a runner said "oh sometimes you're too tired to run? well, you probably have a serious physical ailment" kek
No. 335142
File: 1544092689156.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1242x1949, E04354B0-3306-45EB-A134-129BD3…)

Have you guys seen Emily’s shitty jewelry and charms? Like do people actually buy these?
No. 335263
>>331365i'm actually subbed to her and i can attest to the fact that i really like and admire her art style, plus she's really funny and passionate and doesn't back down from a fight and i respect that.
anyway, i think some improvements she could make on this piece is to make the bits of the g string that are under the robe more pale to make them look like they're actually under the robe. she could have also made it more obvious that the robe is sheer, plus she made the fingers a bit too long and forgot to draw the palm. other than that i think this is really nice. i love how she draws eyelashes, it's fabulous
No. 335722
>>335662Based Goldblum
>>335649Kasey running out of ideas I see
God, I don’t know how anyone can look at her art and think hey this ugly face and giant ear looks awesome.
No. 335773
>>335744you're in the wrong place to be preaching about art styles and opinion. The truth is there is a thing called general 'appeal' and in general, creepshow's art is not appealing. Maybe she'll improve but the fact is she's trying to be cool and edgy and trying to make her style 'unique' to the point of being unappealing.
I truly don't understand how she has the viewership that she does with such mediocre art but alas, guess we like what's easiest and most consistent to consume on youtube or whatever.
No. 335806
File: 1544216962563.jpg (201.33 KB, 985x1145, IMG_20181207_130657.jpg)

>>335744Anon you can't just cry 'muh style' about work that is objectively shit tier. I mean you can, but be prepared for some vitriolic opinions in response.
No. 335940
File: 1544246333109.png (49.3 KB, 586x374, 3453rfeww.png)

a week old but I always cringe when youtubers start throwing a tantrum at youtube's twitter account, it reminds me of onision every time and it's not like youtube gives a shit lmao.
No. 335966
>>335905Wondering this too! All the art teachers I’ve ever had were awesome people. Hell, one of them was the school’s football coach, strict of course but cool and an amazing artist.
Honestly I find that most art teachers are TOO nice and some just don’t want to risk hurting their students feelings only to have the school or parents come in to complain and possibly jeopardize their job. It’s rough seeing the suffering in their faces when they pass by kids drawing bad furry art.
No. 336338
>>335829Lol the cringe.
Why do youtube "artists" think art class is about them drawing their shitty anime all the time? Art class is supposed to teach you about art history, art theory, art analysis, conceptual art. It's still an educational class how do they end up thinking it's after school supervised kids care. I don't know how art classes are in the US but where I live we had all kinds of art projects be it installations, collages or sculpting. And a huge chunk was theory.
Do these kids go into history class complaining how their teachers teaches them about more then just cavemen? Just follow the damn lessons and tasks.
No. 336349
File: 1544305851720.gif (1.26 MB, 352x264, _D9BvY42y5B3XjqszccZEQPxqiaX-9…)

>>335649oh god the blood chunks part
No. 337089
>>336965LMAO LEGIT THO. Rick Riordan pays people to illustrate his characters. And he's never been the kind to go into extreme detail when describing character designs anyway, so if you decided to disregard the art you can come up with your own interpretation, as you should.
What a wanky video. Olive skin isn't green dumbass. I knew I never liked LavenderTowne's attitude but this really takes the cake.
No. 337096
>>336918How… did she not once even google what olive skin is omg
does she actually think there are people colored like olives out there I think I'm having a stroke
No. 337103
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>>336918I wanted to post this because it shows just how comically limited Lavender’s art is. Top is the official art by Viria. Bottom is Lavender’s. Viria drew them around 16-17, and Lavender chose 12, but the difference is still staggering. How much can “muh style” really excuse.
No. 337110
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>>337103For a better example, here’s a drawing of Viria’s where they actually are 12. The difference is still hilariously staggering. There’s no comparison
No. 337177
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there's a reason blood is considered a biohazardous material Kasey
No. 337222
>>337130Honestly THIS.
I always wondered if people actaully took her videos seriously and used her 'advice'?(I know alot of people says they just like listening to her advice) Because you dont have to be a pro artist to see her art is mediocre.
No. 337223
>>337130Honestly THIS.
I always wondered if people actaully took her videos seriously and used her 'advice'?(I know alot of people says they just like listening to her voice ) Because you dont have to be a pro artist to see her art is mediocre.
No. 337531
>>337522>>337527It's three idiots now lmao
Do we know her real surname or is she pulling a waffles?
Her twitter handle is KaseyTheGolden but i thought that was a joke with her name
No. 344531
>>341784I understand the deep concern of people who do this, and I do believe that there needs to be some kind of form of consensus between the original creator and the dub actor, but this girl acts like people like this are purposely doing this to call it theirs, when in fact some of these channels are crediting the original creators. Hell, people like this hardly receiving any of the original content’s attention (unless it’s being translated into English).
Can anybody pull up Nina voices’ channel to see if she attempted to support these people?
No. 420905
File: 1560320174005.jpeg (98.31 KB, 1229x244, B7966DF7-5BF6-46F2-A86E-D1F597…)

>>390275“Fantastic person” Emily artful.