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No. 438560
(and her boyfriend Jonny Craig, if they last that long)
- 20 year old animal youtuber with 1m subscribers
- is currently dating a 31 year old abuser, rapist, and addict
- has health issues so doesn't have a normal job (EDS, celiac disease, chronic pain, depression and anxiety)
- hoards animals, now has around ~26
- frequently advocates "adopt don't shop" but has spent thousands on exotic and designer pets
- didn't notice for weeks that her fish jumped out of it's tank and it died
- almost killed her axolotl by not feeding or noticing it had a fungus for 6 weeks
- hedgehog died, swore she'd never get another one, got two more anyway
- blames a lot of her pets health issues on where she got them, not her own negligence
- has a service dog, but left her behind when she moved out
- supports bad animal practices
- manhandles animals for "cute" photos and videos
in more recent news, she got into a twitter fight with her parents when they showed concern about her new relationship.
she also impulsively adopted two orphaned kittens (~2-4 weeks old) without having ever owned a cat or any knowledge on how to care for such small kittens. she didn't supply them with a heating pad and fed them away, which can kill them if they're too cold. she had also been handling them way too much. one of the kittens recently died due to "fading kitten syndrome" which can commonly be caused by hypothermia.
TWITTER: about her boyfriend, Jonny Craig:
- formally in bands dance gavin dance and emarosa. now has his own band slaves. recently lost label due to accusations
- is a known abuser, rapist and heroin addict
- tried to shoot up his ex girlfriend with heroin while laughing as she cried
- held a knife to another exes neck and raped her
- cheats on every single one of his girlfriends and calls them crazy when they speak out against him
- has been in rehab and hospital beds many times but continues to relapse
- is usually homeless and broke and leeches of his girlfriends, moving in with them quickly and using their money
- much older scandal, but he scammed hundreds of fans by selling macbooks and never sending them out. keeping the money to buy drugs
- has been in jail at least once
his links:
TWITTER: No. 438562
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honestly i know more about jonny than taylor, but i'll post what i have on both of them. i have a ton of screenshot
No. 438563
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No. 438565
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No. 438567
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No. 438568
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No. 438569
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No. 438570
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No. 438571
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No. 438580
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and now the twitter drama with her parents over her boyfriend. it's not really in order though, sorry. her mom deleted all of her tweets so all i have are taylor's replies
No. 438581
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No. 438582
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No. 438583
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No. 438584
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No. 438585
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No. 438587
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No. 438588
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No. 438589
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No. 438590
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No. 438591
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No. 438593
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No. 438594
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that's about all i found relating to the drama with her parents. here's a not very self-aware tweet she made about rapists, due to the fact she's dating one
No. 438595
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on to some of jonny's drama, which is a lot more abundant
No. 438596
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No. 438597
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No. 438600
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in response to his ex fiance amanda rogers
No. 438602
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on that note, here's some screenshots in relation to amanda
No. 438606
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No. 438607
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No. 438608
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No. 438610
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No. 438612
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No. 438614
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No. 438617
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>>438613right? i was surprised when i found out she was so young. definitely looks a lot older
No. 438620
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No. 438624
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>>438620oops. i meant 1/2.
No. 438628
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alright, on to the next ex. jonny cheated on amanda with chelsea. then he dated liz, and afterwards went back to chelsea as he almost died from heroin and needed someone to care for him and pay his hospital bills. i'll go with liz first since there's a ton more screenshots about chelsea
No. 438631
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No. 438632
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No. 438635
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No. 438638
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No. 438642
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No. 438648
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>>438641she has a few videos mentioning it. her main video about her illnesses states she gets sick and hurt so often working a normal job is too hard. also in her video about working at petco she says she couldn't work at a food place because of wheat allergies. i feel like working at petco, and now taking care of over 20 animals would be just as rough as a normal job. so i don't know how much truth is in those statements
No. 438649
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No. 438652
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No. 438655
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No. 438659
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now onto chelsea's stuff
No. 438661
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No. 438662
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No. 438663
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No. 438666
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No. 438668
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No. 438671
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No. 438672
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No. 438674
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No. 438685
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No. 438688
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No. 438689
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No. 438691
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No. 438693
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No. 438695
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No. 438696
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No. 438702
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No. 438704
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No. 438708
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No. 438710
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No. 438714
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No. 438715
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No. 438716
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No. 438719
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chelsea's mom's tweets
No. 438724
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the rest is misc stuff and things i forgot
No. 438729
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No. 438731
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No. 438734
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No. 438735
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No. 438736
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No. 438739
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No. 438741
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No. 438744
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No. 438745
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No. 438746
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No. 438748
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No. 438749
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No. 438750
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No. 438751
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No. 438752
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No. 438756
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No. 438757
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No. 438759
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No. 438760
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No. 438761
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No. 438762
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No. 438763
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No. 438765
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No. 438767
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No. 438768
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No. 438769
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No. 438771
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No. 438783
>>438560Finally a thread on this cunt! Not surprised she already killed one of the kittens, so many of her pets die off so quickly (and as you mentioned, she always blames it on the breeder SHE decided to get them from, except this time she can't).
Also some of her pets just mysteriously dissapear and then when people ask about them she says she "gave them away to a friend".
No. 439063
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No. 439196
>>439063> she is everything you never wereHe has said this to every girl he’s ever been with.
>I wonder why if all this garbage was true about me she wouldn’t see it and leaveNot denying it
No. 439294
>>438560how or why this bitch STILL has any animals is beyond me.
has she been reported to any animal abuse station or whatever?
No. 439310
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No. 439311
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No. 439349
>>439339I don't think they picked it to be 'edgelords' tbh, though it is tacky. And taste is subjective so it's all good.
Anyway, this guy is a rotten shit and she's an idiot. Lets hope she escapes without being put through what he did to those other lasses.
No. 439624
>>439609Not to be THAT GUY because he’s shit and he’s always been shit, but I loved his solo album. I loved Downtown Battle Mountain and Relativity. His voice and his style is just… so soulful, it’s too damn much for me.
All in all though, what a waste. I’m surprised to hear he’s still making music, since he’s ruined most every project he’s been on with his shitty addict antics. So many artists flat out refused to work with him, but I guess the scene kind of has a turnover and people forget? I don’t know how. He’s been doing the same clean/not-clean act for about a decade.
>>438683Reading this made me panicky, so many flashbacks to a past relationship. All abusers are the same, aren’t they?
No. 439753
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>>439733he's missing a few, especially in the back. i don't remember how he lost them. drugs maybe? that's why most of his pictures are him sticking out his tongue or something. he never fully smiles for photos
>>439624i'm right there with you. i hate him as a person. but have always loved his music. seen him live a couple times when i was a kid. but after learning what kinda person he is, i don't support him anymore. still go back and listen to his old stuff occasionally though
No. 439978
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i wish she'd stop manhandling that kitten so much. kittens that young sleep most of the time and need warmth constantly
No. 439983
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i guess taylor's cool with jonny avoiding court too. is there anything he does that she disapproves of?
No. 440673
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No. 440675
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taylor's mom
No. 440679
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No. 440680
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No. 440681
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No. 441022
>>438613She's 20?? It's probably the Kardashian look but I would swear she was at least 27, wow.
>>438845I tried to search about it but I couldn't really find anything about cowfish being bred in captivity or not. She does admit that Zuzu (I forget the type of fish he is) is wild caught.
Honestly, this was so out of nowhere, with her sickness and the amount of pets she owns I thought she was partially a shut-in. How the hell she even got to know this guy, I have no idea.
No. 441640
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No. 441641
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No. 441642
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No. 441643
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No. 441802
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No. 441804
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has she ever pet a kitten before
No. 442148
File: 1513010743285.png (272.45 KB, 595x399, ehhh.png.daf68a0a42e0c9e6a3abe…)

Oh look, she's thinking of getting another kitten…. Like I get wanting a friend for you kitten but you're barely taking care of the remaining one, and these kittens are highly adoptable. They are fine and aren't ready to leave their mom and each other yet. How about instead, you give your friend your kitten and see if the mom has any interest in it or something? Then maybe your kitten can get the socialization it needs?
I mean, anything is better than what you're doing.
No. 442210
>>441896she's really out here, dating a man with a history of abuse and sexual assault and he has no teeth
wtf are her standards? is charles manson's grandson not avaliable?
No. 442427
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No. 442478
>>442427Those fucking claws, she looks like a vulture about to snatch him up.
She looks like a villain from a children's cartoon
No. 443334
For instance her magical story about getting the kittens- specifically the one she killed. Those kittens are rare and never found in shelters. Of course she wanted a designer cat to match her designer snakes but it wouldn't fly with her whole adopt don't shop bullshit so she claimed after a whole day of searching shelters she just magically rescued these kittens from a wall…? I'm sure the whole town clapped Taylor. Then your cat magically died when it totally isnt your fault, just like your THREE hedgehogs, your fish that jumped out of the tank because the tank was so filthy- the same dead fish lying on your floor that you didn't even discover for a whole month, another fish your eel ate because you put it in an incorrect tank which literally anyone with common sense would realise, your green tree python, the fish that died from your neglect which led to the ich outbreak. That's not counting all the animals you've given away after using them for a video, including your sea horses, your 100 turtles, your dog that you claimed to be training into a service dog. Oh and that's just a list of the animals from THIS YEAR ALONE. You're a compulsive liar and attention whore that is abusing your animals for videos, self diagnosing to make yourself seem more special and showing off your daddy kink with your abusive boyfriend all over Twitter. The thing that pissed me off even more was how you attack any big YouTuber that gets a pet! You attacked Marzia for her hedgehog and axolotl, Jenna marbles for her fish and several more. If someone gets a pet you can count on dr Taylor dean to be in the comments giving her supreme advice whilst her kitten is dying on the floor. Oh and how did you get rid of that current living kitten's fleas when it was younger than 8 weeks old? Especially when you let them to dry on their own in a box? It was COVERED in fleas and we could see it on camera, you only realised when people called you out for it. You're a liar that is not qualified to give animal advice let alone animal care. You're as bad as the daddyofive channel, you're abusing, neglecting and killing innocent creatures for money
No. 443346
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Why is she a animal youtuber and 'teaching' others how to care for animals when she can barely care for any of her own and have them die in her care? What kind of sick fuck is she? I saw her vids on my suggested here and there and my thoughts were she's most likely a animal horder and using the pets for attention, I guess I was right.
No. 443401
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Funny how she claimed to have her appendix out as she was 15 minutes away from dying yet there's no scar? There's tons of pictures showing her stomach and there's nothing there- not even a hint of a scar. Oh and before you think it's faded, if she has the EDS she claims to then she would have very obvious prominent keloid / atrophied scarring- scarring that is raised, pink and often spreads out. An operation like this would have also left a large scar because EDS patients have skin fragility and don't heal easily- it's very easy to rip and tear the skin. So where's the scar Tay? You aren't a medical mystery that has magical collagen- that scarring is part of EDS. Anyone with the condition knows this
No. 443402
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Another angle
No. 443403
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Another angle
No. 443404
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Aaaand one more. Also check out the bad facetune around her waist and pulling/blurring the arm of the backpack. Im extra pissed tonight since she's showing photos of kittens from Craigslist that are $500 saying she's probably gonna get two.
No. 443409
File: 1513202867557.png (705.91 KB, 720x930, Bitch should be jailed.png)

>gucci pooped on me during this pic
Orly? Did the snake really shit on you or are you just trying to seem more wholesome and in love with your pet? Imma go with the latter.
I hate sick bitches like this who use animals as accessories to make themselves seem more likeable and passionate. Why can't she be a normal internet thot and show her tits for attention instead of using these poor animals? Right when they die bitch goes straight to the pet shop to buy more props for her yt vids and insta pics. Smh.
No. 443425
Is she even ill? What illness does she claim to have? This bitch wants attention so much, she might even be a munchy. I don't believe for a second she is suffering from any disease.
>>443406Tbh she looks pretty plastic, looks like she got the run of the mill insta skank ps package; nose job, ass hole lip injections, botox, tit implants.
No. 443481
She's definitely a munchie, this is the video where she makes up her illnesses - of it adds up. She was sooper sick in school but now she can care for 25 animals? She can party and drink multiple times a week and fly to LA several times in a month? She wears heels all the time, is running around in her videos and constantly alluding to her drug abuse on twitter. Alongside this she has the classic munchie traits of daddy issues (calls her boyf daddy on twitter 24/7), bad relationship with parents, actually disabled brother and preexisting mental health conditions. These often result in someone desiring people taking care of them. Alongside her compulsive lying it makes sense. She embellishes every story for no apparent reason- often to make herself seem special and unique or to get what she wants- whether that's a new expensive pet or covering up for killing the last one
No. 443499
File: 1513211428029.png (486.16 KB, 720x648, Screenshot_2017-12-13-18-50-07…)

Why does she try to convince people? Feed? More like starve to death. These thumbnails are so narcissistic, ofc everything has to be about them.
No. 443604
>>443499look at me everybody, i'm SO AMAZING that I actually FEED ALL OF MY PETS and I totally do it EVERY DAY
…congratulations??… so you should..?? here's your cookie I guess
No. 443622
>>443326Lots of people "work out" what's wrong with them via the internet, or knowing others with the illness so they know the symptoms. (I did this with EDS after years of pain, read a stranger's medical story online and everything fell into place.)
But then they go get it confirmed by a specialist so they can get the right treatment. Self-diagnosis seems to end at the point where they decide what illness(es) they have, just in case the doctor tells them otherwise.
No. 443626
>>443530That's because the people who have rescued the seriously ill baby cats you've mentioned ACTUALLY LOOKED AFTER THEM.
As someone commented above, it doesn't seem like she's cleaning the surviving kitten properly (in place of where mom cat would do).
No. 443690
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No. 443691
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No. 443692
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poor thing
No. 443693
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No. 443694
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i guess it's jonny's cat now lol
No. 443696
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No. 443697
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No. 443698
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No. 443706
>>443692Is it just me or he looks extremely sick?
I really doubt he will survive.
No. 443759
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I found this floating around on Tumblr - it's the kitten she was gonna buy from Craigslist for over $500. She was acting like they were rescues before people dug up the original advert. When ppl started to call her out she deleted the tweet and blocked them, she's so full of shit
No. 443788
File: 1513258762963.jpeg (238.78 KB, 750x1082, 9E8FD54C-B720-47EE-B77E-9E0F22…)

These are some more screenshots from tumblr - they have a pretty active anti Taylor community over there and are really knowledgeable about animals
Her brother has prader Willi syndrome - you can see him in this video here No. 443791
File: 1513258801103.jpeg (293.81 KB, 750x1135, 6753E233-91EC-4E13-918D-D9EE46…)

Part 2
No. 443792
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Part 3
No. 443806
>>443788That video led me to this one where she opens by saying 13 years ago when her brother was born who life totally changed. No wonder she acts out like a loon for attention. Total munchie origin story right there.
What's really sad is that she's said she was in an abusive relationship before. They cycle of abuse is real.
No. 444287
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No. 444290
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In both documents it says that it is a male cat,not female.
No. 444292
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No. 444295
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Of course she deleted the tweet.
No. 444341
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No. 444342
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No. 444464
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Such a special snowflake that she’ll get a self diagnosed illness related tattoo on herself for attention when she doesn’t display any symptoms, ever have to use braces, never been in hospital for it etc
No. 444468
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Now she supposedly has ptsd - watch her go from ‘ptsd like symptoms’ to saying she has it when arguing with someone in a tweet about her service dog
No. 444469
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Part 2
No. 444471
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Yikes, she posted this in a tweet in 2014, guess we know she gets her pathological lying from her mother. I can’t fucking believe her mom would encourage her to lie about a service animal and then just two years later she actually does lie about getting a service dog before changing her mind and saying it’s an ESA, and then giving it away. This has my blood boiling
No. 444693
>>443788>>443791>>443792Well…although I don't take these issues lightly, I just want to put in my 2 cents on some of these issues…
First off, I have been part of the r/snakes forums for a while, and I got pretty upset when she first started making snake videos, specifically ball pythons because I do not agree with her set up. However, r/snakes is one of the more judgey subreddits and I've seen hardcore herp enthusiasts defend Brian. I wouldn't call him an animal abuser by any means…
Also, I own similar pets to her…and honestly, none of the pets she owns are really that demanding. A lot of them are just observation pets and require minimal attention. And I have a betta sorority after doing plenty of research on it…Idk why this person is freaking out about that…it's actually very easy to tell when fish are stressed lmfao they don't exhibit as bright of colours, and will attack each other and fin nip if they are stressed…so this person criticizing her is equally uneducated on animal care.
No. 444773
>>444751In Onision thread someone call Child support because their house was messy af and they get investigated
You still think lolcow cares?
Besides it is fair,imagine the poor neighbors dealing with the smell.
No. 444902
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lol someone called her out for the kitten being dirty and she responded "i was just about to bathe him!"
No. 444910
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No. 444917
>>444911>>444910i really hope people can see this for what it is, not malicious, but exhausted. jesus christ. this poor woman is probably worked to the bone between taylor’s brother’s special needs and then taylor’s whole situation, like she said. i really feel for her. i have no clue what it’s like to be a parent to two children who are basically disconnected from you in all ways and forms, but it’s probably the last thing any parent imagines themselves going through.
fellow anons, i’ve seen some posts saying the mother is childish and at fault for putting her shit on twitter- but what if that’s her only outlet? what if she’s not financially capable of seeing a counsellor or therapist? either way i hope she’s getting some catharsis by letting people know that things are tough for her.
No. 445177
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You can tell she’s reading here because she posted a photo proving she’s taken her poor kitten to the vet and had her abusive boyfriend hold it. The kitten definitely looks cleaner after going to the vet- it no longer has the stains from eye discharge on its face. It’s good you took him to the vet Taylor but there’s no need to squish it’s face up for a photo op when you have these horrendously long nails. It’s clearly in pain, stop posting a photo every minute and actually try taking care of it
No. 445179
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This was posted on GuruGossiper so credit to them for really informative info- I suggest you check out their thread, it’s really good. It just shows we’re right about her cat being underweight.
No. 445184
File: 1513425852223.jpeg (936.63 KB, 2896x2896, D4F91059-9B8B-4C19-BCAB-66D77F…)

A compilation of just some of the tweets from her mom about SeaWorld- they reference Taylor but the girl has purged all of her old tweets so this is the closest you can get to concrete proof. Her mom as seen Blackfish and thinks it's dumb and continues to go to sea world, just search her tweets and look at the dates.
No. 445223
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There are tweets that she has defended both zoos and aquariums and sea world but she's deleted them- it's you have to piece them together from the replies, and there are a lot of those
No. 445264
>>445223You do realize many zoos have rehabilitation and take care of animals for educational purposes because they CAN NO LONGER survive in the wild?
People that say all zoos are bad and want to release all the animals in every zoo back to their natural habitats are basically giving a death sentence to those animals. Or species like the panda would be completely extinct at this point. Yes, there are bad zoos and aquariums…this sounds like a PETA chick.
No. 445582
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"the vet said he's absolutely perfect!"
No. 445584
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honestly he doesn't look very good to me
No. 445715
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No. 445736
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No. 445766
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What do you think she's gonna come back with this time? Ugh
No. 445767
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This girl posted a bunch of info about the cruelty of the exotic animal trade and this was his reply…
No. 445836
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No. 445838
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ugh. please. keep him warmer. he really needs to have access to heat at all times
No. 445871
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>>445780Calm down n take the cape off kiddo, anyone taking adequate care wouldn’t have killed 7 of her animals in a year
She’s sperging out on twitter so I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s reading this thread and several of the others that exist. She’s digging herself a hole here when everyone knows about her boyfriend’s drug issues, even her parents have ranted about it and she herself was indirectly tweeting about it last week
No. 445900
>>445871I have followed Taylor well over a year and aside from her hedgehogs and the one kitten that was already poorly off to begin with, what animals did she kill?
Anyone who is also involved with caring for the same animals she cares for can clearly see that animals like the green tree python were NOT well off to begin with, and even more experienced pet owners couldn't have done more than admit a lost cause before they purchased.
As I said, I understand you all hating her for her shitty boyfriend, but half of you act like you have a remote clue what you're talking about with these animals when you clearly don't, and it's annoying and gives false information.
No. 445916
>>445780>>445900Yeah, the python especially was in such a poor condition, it was very sad to look at it… Taylor definitely doesn't research her breeders very well, but that's a part of a much larger problem tho.
The kittens are a different story. Kittens die very easily, it's just a fact of life, and they need a lot of care if they don't have a mom or substitute mom. The kitten should be gaining weight like crazy and it just keeps looking the same.
No. 445919
>>445918I dont think they were defending her, but other much more responsible owners who have exotic pets.
I'm also not defending expos here, but trying to explain the other persons pov. I hope that's what they meant at least?
No. 446024
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great! another pet! and apparently that's not the only thing she got according to the replies
No. 446030
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No. 446046
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Taylor may have bought a reptile for Jonny as well.
No. 446200
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Shit is kicking off, Taylor's friend posted tweets Taylor sent to her about Jonny, they're pretty terrible
No. 446201
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No. 446205
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3- they're blowing up on twitter and Jonny is blocking anyone that calls him out. Her mom is even liking stuff from the friend who posted these screenshots and here dad has commented saying he agrees
No. 446263
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No. 446288
lol that didn't last long
>>446033you jinxed it
No. 446289
>>446205that's jonny's last ex, from this screenshot
>>446030>>445715and apparently taylor is laughing at her and taking jonny's side? idk why taylor would say these things to his ex then just pretend it's all fine
No. 446305
File: 1513565634165.jpg (70.18 KB, 554x1200, DRSTVMMVwAAIAud.jpg)

This is apparently one of the tweets that the ex of Jonny's that Taylor has been taking to posted and deleted earlier.
No. 446311
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>>446305holy shit. i believe it. i was wondering why she said "jonny and i aren't doing drugs". i hadn't see anyone seriously accusing her. i saw this earlier too and was confused
No. 446320
>>446311 >>446305
I'm really not sure if I think she's doing drugs, though.. That just seems so extreme. I guess I can see her doing it to try and be close to him and keep him around/relevant. I really hope that's not the case, though.
No. 446335
>>444292>>444329Word, how did the tech not comment on the temp? 96 is just a couple degrees from being a very cold kitty…
>>445179For future reference, BCS [body condition scale] is also a good indicator of size, since low weight could just be due to being small naturally rather than underweight. This kitten was 3/9 which is on the skinnier side.
Anyway, reading those texts makes my skin crawl. Poor little cat can't take care of himself, he's literally still a baby. And now he could be hurt by some junkie idiot.
No. 446344
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shiiiit. posting caps i saw on GG
No. 446346
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No. 446347
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No. 446348
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No. 446349
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No. 446354
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No. 446355
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No. 446357
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No. 446358
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No. 446362
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No. 446364
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No. 446365
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taylor.. c'mon
No. 446372
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>>446369get as much caps as you can. they all like deleting tweets
No. 446374
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No. 446375
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No. 446380
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he definitely made a point to say they are turning their phones off. taylors mom said taylor said if johnny knew she was there, taylor would pay. this shit is terrifying.
No. 446384
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No. 446403
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>>446388True, I get why they were posted but Taylor's safety is at risk. Jonny saw the DMs that were posted and is upset about them and was pressuring Taylor to get them taken down. If anything happens tonight, she has no way to call or text for help since her phone is turned off.
>>446401She just posted a tweet about contacting the police and not being able to get help.
No. 446451
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here we go
No. 446456
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No. 446457
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No. 446458
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No. 446463
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>>438655>held down on a bed while being forcibly injected with a needle full of fucked up drugsSage but that's like all of my worst fears combined, if a rabid bat was flying around the room then I'd have just read the description of my personal hell
No. 446467
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No. 446468
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No. 446469
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No. 446470
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No. 446471
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Her poor parents :/ this is devastating. Her dad's account has some information too. Like confirming the texts are real from Taylor to Chelsea
No. 446472
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Her dad's twitter is loaded with Taylor milk
No. 446474
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No. 446488
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No. 446490
>>446263>>446024This makes me so fucking annoyed. Animals are living creatures. Why is she promoting giving animals as gifts? Doesn't she know how many animals come into shelters/the pound/etc that were given as gifts after Christmas? I worked at a shelter, the answer is A LOT.
Not that she'd give hers to a shelter, she'd just keep telling herself how much of an expert she is until she neglects it to an early death.
My point is, this is not okay to promote to your followers.
Also, why is she promoting shopping instead of adopting? If she gave a shit about animals she wouldn't throw money at industries built on abusing/breeding for $$.
God she is so
problematic and promotes terrible behaviors.
This is SOOOOO not okay.
No. 446493
>>446483screencaps are fine too. but to archive, click on a tweet like then copy the url and paste it in at You'll end up with a link you can bookmark like No. 446524
>>446516Someone on guru gossip pointed out her mom always threatens to spill everything but never does. They think it's because when it happens Taylor talks to her mom to prevent it.
So while I agree her parents are going about this all wrong, I can also see her parents thinking twitter drama is the only thing that actually WORKS to get Taylor to talk them right now, so they're going with it without thinking of the long term consequences.
What I don't understand is why her youtuber friends tyler rugge and emzotic aren't reaching out to her? idk maybe they don't really know her that well, or they are reaching out but in private, it just seems fucked that they're chatting with Taylor on social media like nothings happening.
No. 446525
smoking is just as addicting as injecting
Withdrawals are fucking horrible.
She’s most likely addicted, it only takes 2 days to form a habit, three days and it’s a pretty icky withdrawal
I speak from experience, I’ve been clean for 7 years, but it was extremely hard to get off due to the withdrawals….
AND please do something about that kitten!
No. 446526
>>446523Totally agreed. Plus I can see her point of view that she came out with all her private shit to help Taylor, and Taylor gets her minions on twitter to throw it back in her face? I could see her thinking, fuck you, see how you like it.
it's not the most helpful stance for her to take but I think it's unrealistic to expect everyone to always do what's best for Taylor at the expense of their own mental health, when Taylor has little regard for anyone else's feelings right now.
No. 446538
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Someone pointed out how she hasn't posted a video in 3 weeks and hasn't posted a selfie in a week which is really really unlike her, idk I just hope he hasnt been violent already/I hope the heroin hasn't begun to affect her appearance. I haven't seen a single fan defending him, they've all taken the mom's side, I don't know how she can't see that this is ruining her career. It's sad that she posted this years ago and has now ended up in this place
No. 446675
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No. 446676
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No. 446677
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No. 446681
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No. 446682
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No. 446683
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texts taylor's mom sent when they first got in a twitter fight awhile ago
No. 446693
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No. 446701
File: 1513618687825.jpeg (44.63 KB, 744x273, 0AA40BA5-7C28-4F3F-AA1D-359446…)

she pinned this comment on her youtube vid from nov 9 titled “i cloned my fish.” johnnys in the beginning of the video…..
No. 446737
This is so fucking scary, godamned. I haven't felt this scared for a cow since Lainey's fake tweet, but this time is real.
>>446501I agree 100%. I doesn't matter if Chelsea has "deep seated trauma" and is pissed at Taylor's minions, releasing that shit publicly could literally severely harm or even fucking kill Taylor. What an att whore cunt. You can tell Taylor is scared out of her fucking mind when she says she will pay money so Chelsea can take the tweets down.
Fuck man. Like keep it to yourself and then blow up on Taylor when everything is safe. I am so angry right now.
Is not being seen as 'crazy ex' worthy blood on your hands?
No. 446747
Well this spiraled into a drama that they can both reap plenty of attention off of. Screw her parents, the exes, or her followers doing something, she needs to call 911, or find someone to call 911 for her, and get him out of her house and away from her and her animals "she cares so much about". None of his exes have had problems getting away from him physically (at least not to this extent), and they knew him longer and had way less support than her, yet she is the one who is "stuck"? Yea, calling bull. Not saying he isn't actually a threat to her and her animals, or wouldn't abuse either. However, no way she didn't know he was trouble the whole time. Her simply not listening to everyone does nothing to refute that, neither does suddenly needing so much help getting away from him.
No. 446772
>>446737I keep refreshing her twitter every now and again. The whole she hasn't posted a selfie in 3 weeks scared the hell out of me. I just also don't get the whole idea that Chelsea is some ickle lickle babby who is so good and pure for standing up to her past abuser! But fuck Taylor for getting involved with someone who's been documented to be extremely manipulative and aggressive.
>>446747 >>446766I don't think he's killed her, I don't think he's nearly smart enough to think ahead like that. I do think he's probably either beat her, got high as fuck, and done something stupid. I'm more thinking he's killed one of her pets, probably that poor wee kitten. He's got to punish her and if beating her doesn't work then beating her pets will.
No. 446825
>>446819I was wondering the same thing. It's not like she can slip away into the night. She'd need a moving van to get them all out safely. They're collateral. I wonder if he knew that getting her into an apartment with him and with all the animals would have that effect on her ability to leave. He seems like he might just be THAT conniving.
Also and … this isn't the BEST time to bring this up because we're all worrying about Taylor, as we should be, but I wonder if all her animals survived the move or if some will be mysteriously missing or "rehomed" on her next "ALL MY PETS" videos. Seems like a stressful thing for especially her reptiles to go through. :\
No. 446831
>>446819If things escalate to physical violence, the most likely situation is that all she'll be able to leave with is the clothes on her back. She'll have to leave her animals behind and gtfo when she has the chance.
All the more reason to hope her parents can convince her to kick Jonny to the curb before it gets that far.
She was so irresponsible to bring more animals into this shit show. I don't care if she has anxiety or she's coping by hoarding or whatever. If she wants to live this nightmare, that's on her, those animals don't stand a chance.
No. 446842
>>446833Is he on the lease though? I can’t imagine him passing a background check and we already know she’s going to pay the majority of any bills. Usually it’s just easier to put the one person on there if the other is a complete waste of space burden to society.
If he is and it’s been said then my apologies.
No. 446864
>>446857Docs suspected my bro had it until we could actually get genetic testing done. I'd smother my child if they had it, not even joking.
Really feel for this poor woman, she has enough on her plate as it is without her daughter willingly running into the arms of an abuser. This whole thread is really surreal.
No. 446907
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No. 447291
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>>447215>i knew taylor from schooldo you have proof tho. there's always that one anon claiming they know somebody when they're just giving out info that everyone already knows about or suspects.
No. 447298
There's not a single person in this situation who isn't milky. From Taylor to her mom, to Chelsea and Jonny. They're all leeching for their five minutes and I'm not sure who's worse.
Also I just popped in to Chelsea's livestream, I was suspicious as hell she was posting here and she just said "Mama Dean," funnily enough as did this Anon
>>446401 No. 447344
>>447178>>447213Exactly what
>>447216 said. With parents like those, it was only a matter of time until Tay pulled a stunt like this. When you've grown up with scary controlling narcs and you finally see your parents for who they truly are, getting the fuck out and being with ANYBODY who ~~lovesss~~ you seems like a magical fairytale compared to staying at home getting abused by the people who are supposed to love you the most. Tay doing that kind of stuff is essentially proof that her parents are fucked up emotional abusers.
No. 447356
>>447345Emotional abuse is usually pretty invisible and parents who are emotionally abusive tend to "make up" for their abuse in other ways (like saying yes to a bazillion pets). It's a typical tactic employed by narcissist parents.
Taylor is like, freshly 20? She's so so young. I did super stupid shit at that age. I can't even imagine how I'd have ended up if these were the tactics my enabler mom/narc dad used when an abusive fucker was preying on me, when I was about the same age. I'd probably be dead right now, because I'd have felt exposed and betrayed on all sides, and once you're with an abusive partner staying with them is easier than leaving.
Sage for blogpost but Taylor's parents are being dumb motherfuckers.
No. 447388
here's a link to the livestream taylor's mom did. can list some highlights of the stream and record it later unless someone else wants to do it. but here are a few things that i thought were relevant, i guess (sorry for any typos - it's late here and i want to sleep):
>taylor was originally trying to date post malone and was dm'ing him around august. post showed some interest until taylor talked about meeting up in person. post said he had a girlfriend and the conversation ended there.
>taylor decided to pursue a relationship with jonny instead because she wanted the experience of dating a 'rockstar'.
>taylor sneaked out one night to meet jonny and his drug dealer at a hotel. her mom followed her to the hotel and found out she was staying with jonny and his drug dealer.
>taylor's mom canceled taylor's credit card. because taylor wasn't able to pay for the room, jonny was physically/verbally rough with taylor.
>long story short, taylor found out that her mom followed her there, she ran back home. the cops were called and taylor accuses her dad of assaulting her. family was investigated but the police eventually leaves.
>jonny got incredibly wasted at pf changs (lol) when meeting taylor's mom for the first time. the mall cops have to stop jonny from spazzing out.
>taylor told her mom that jonny approves who's allowed in the apartment and who she gets to talk to.
>when her mom finally got a chance to visit taylor's apartment (jonny wasn't there atm) taylor admitted to her mom that jonny is a bad person but is unable to leave because she'll 'pay' for it.
>tanner is aware of what's going on and thinks that jonny is going to kill;dr jonny doesn't respect women.
>>447369taylor's parents already called the police a thousand times and each time they did a welfare check, they didn't find anything wrong with taylor and jonny either hid or left during each visit. i don't think the police believes them at this point.
if i was her parents i would probably try doing what
>>447371 said. and also, stop airing shit out online because jonny will know how to manipulate the situation in his favor.
No. 447394
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She posted a vid on twitter a couple of hours ago and she looks normal. Its going to take a couple of months of the daily drug usage to catch up to her to look different tbh
No. 447419
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No. 447420
She won’t be able to hide a habit. Her eyes will be pinned, smoking black tar will fuck her teeth up, she will start to take less and less showers, and she will really start to hustle to make sure she never gets sick. If she doesn’t have it and runs out, about the 24 hour mark she will instantly have flu like symptoms, sweats, and tell everyone she has a cold. It takes a good 3-5 days of this unless she gets some sort of suboxone or methadone, methadone is just as bad, but depending who you talk to suboxone can save her life. It’s helped many to get off the shit. If, or when she admits she needs help, that’s when her mom needs to step up and tell her she can come home to kick there, or send her to detox. But no way will she be able to hide this sort of thing. I’m a former addict, from Los Angeles been clean for 7 yrs and know this story too well unfortunately. I hope to god she doesn’t have to go down that road, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy, or worse cow even.
No. 447445
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No. 447454
>>447420Good on you, anon.
Another concern in this day and age is dope or pills cut with fentanyl. Every user needs to have Narcan with them at all times.
No. 447457
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No. 447472
>>447445Jesus Christ her mum boils my blood. Why would you publicly broadcast your daughter may have said a "code word"? Why would you just air that she's secretly asking for help what the absolute fuck. This drama is so horrifying but it's not even because of just Jonny. Her parents seem emotionally abusive as fuck, constant threats, blackmail, dishing out her dirty laundry all over the Internet potentially killing her career. I get it that some people think this is the only way that her mum can get in touch with her but get your head out of your asses. If any other sane parents were as worried as hers claim to be they would be doing everything to hush up this drama, keeping it off the Internet and alerting the police aswell as her complex in order to get Jonny out of there. Certainly not live streaming and writing woe is me tweets like a bloody tween. Their twitter whoring along with Chelsea's leaves the worst taste in my mouth.
In terms of the drug use, what is the difference between smoking and injecting? Is there a lesser high? I understand that the addiction rates are similar but I don't really know much past that.
No. 447476
>>447472re: drug use
Smoking H as i understand it has a lower chance of ODing because it's not as instantaneous. Also no needles/sharing needles = no chance of contamination causing Hep or HIV.
No. 447482
>>447472Have you heard the expression "chasing the dragon"?
Most heroin users start with smoking or snorting. The first high experienced through a particular route of administration (ROE) is usually the best.
From that point on, as tolerance increases, the user is chasing that experience, trying reach that high again. In order to get a better high, the user will escalate to an ROE that provides a more intense high (in medical terms a higher bioavailability, or how much of the drug reaches the opioid receptors).
Plugging (inserting liquified heroin into the rectum) is a slightly higher bioavailability than smoking or snorting, but most users do not opt for that ROE.
Injecting heroin directly into the blood stream achieves the highest. But a user will most likely never experience the high of the first high again unless they quit and are clean for a long enough period of time. The problem is that most users don't stop chasing (and get sick from withdrawals without using) which just makes achieving that high all the more elusive.
No. 447532
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No. 447607
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Poor little thing. I can't tell if in the picture on the left she's trying to push his head up through the middle for this "hilarious" tweet, or if the poor thing is so stressed out that he's done it himself.
Why. Is. She. Handling. This. Snake. Already.
No. 447617
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>>447611This is the "bed" she made for him. No mention of a heating pad.
No. 447647
>>443792i love when their culture of "receipts" and shit is actually used for good. quality post and its nice that she took her time to answer the anon instead of copy pasting a link to this thread or something like that.
>she made a video taking her skink around to different stores and calling it her dog. just because the skink wasn’t struggling doesn’t mean it wasn’t VERY stressedi fucking hate youtubers so much. this bitch really could kill her pet from stress because of that shit. but the viiiieeeewsss thoooo $$$$$$$$$. even little kids know better than to do shit like this. only once in my life ive seen someone do something similar to that and her pet died within a week.
>she drove several of her animals with her to vidcon and oh god no. she's actually the dumbest bitch alive. either that or cruel to animals on purpose. hate her either way. OP I’m glad you made this thread for those who had no idea of this evil bitch.
she's way worse than most of the other hoes on snow honestly…
No. 447663
>>446349this thread has only been up for two weeks and she already has adopted three new pets??? what the fuck anons were not kidding when they said she gets them constantly. just the fact that she merely refers to them as "pet"/"pets" solidifies that they're an accessory,
>guys i'm so happy i adopted a beautiful snake. she's this that and that. we named her X. she makes me so happy. she does this that and that, its so adorable!vs
>we adopted a new pet lmao xD imma add him to the pile w/e No. 447666
>>447649>>447611>>447647again, i feel that threatening her with calls to the aspca would really help this situation out. she's not mature enough to have these animals, and she's clearly only looking to be an instathot with a quirky COOL REPTILE and animal obsession.
seriously, she's going to end up killing a lot of animals, and putting them through unnecessary suffering.
No. 447672
>>444902its kind of insane how fragile ad weak that cat looks. my old cat (she lived like 10 years) had like eight or nine kitties in her lifetime and they never looked that rough. and like, some of them fuckin died. how does that cat look like he's in world war 2. anyone with a brain would have taken the cat to a vet yesterday. especially since one of them already died. especially since they're so young. especially since they aren’t got no mom. the rage is real. poor thing won’t make it in that instathot house.
also FUCK that lie of "kittens had no home i had to do adopt them!!" bs begging for likes on twitter. you found them in the street. her street cat mother was probably not that far away. and now they are both going to be dead before they make it into month 6. fuck this fake ass "i love animals so much uwu" facade she has for attention. animals aitn a fuckin toy
it looks like she read the thread (or GG) and took him to the vet
>>445177 >>447532 which is good at least. now he doesn't look like he'll die at any second. but i still dont think she'll take enough care of him. also where are her other pets? ever since cat flavor of the month she seems to focus so much on him lol. betcha he's ignoring the others for the sake of Nemo
No. 447692
>>447690The cat, the fish, the leafy insect, the crab her fish eat (the one she exchange for cheese), her two Hedgehogs, the turtles, and the snake.
Am I the only who thinks she enjoy adopting sick animals so when they die she can end up being Maria Teresa or is easy for her to take their empty space with another? (It is not wrong to help a sick animal but it just weird the way she handle those situations)
No. 447696
>>447692wtf??? that's sick. this woman is sick. okay, why hasn't a group of ppl already threatened this bitch en masse with aspca and animal control calls? if not actually calling them, just spamming her into sense with the threat of calling. normally ppl on youtube are super on it with animal abuse/neglect, but this one is flying under the radar???
hell, onionboy got a million calls to aspca and animal control when the turtle died. why isn't there huge public outrage over this selfish cunt?
No. 447709
>>447698I'm guessing it was so ill/diseased it's innards came out through its rectum?
Seeing the amount of animals she's killed listed like this is appalling. She's a sick person.
No. 447730
>>447356You're just projecting your own home life onto this girl anon. We have no way of knowing how her parents are with her, if anything they overcompensate with monetary goods because she doesn't get enough attention because of her brother being so severely disabled.
I'm the anon upthread who's brother had suspected prader willi syndrome, looking after a child like that means you have no time to emotionally abuse your kids. The only thing you have time for is neglect.
No. 447770
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i fucking love axolotls i think they are some of the coolest animals ever, so i googled what you guys were mentioning and…
Its almost poetic. This dumb bitch making 20 minutes of content regarding axolotl care. Pretending that she knows jackshit about them. Like she isn't a 19 year old attention whore that treats pets as personality traits.
and a year later her making a video about how she mistreated her fcking axolotl so bad that it almost died on her "care". the title alone has me fuming,
>>I ALMOST KILLED HER??? (How i saved my Axolotl)
fuck you. you mistreated your pet and it almost died. why are you turning it into you being a savior. the only thing you did to that animal was nearly kill him. some vet probably took care of the rest
God OP your thread is a blessing and a curse at the same time
No. 447790
>>447775Am I the only one who doesn't feel bad about her? She have the bless to being told her bf was an abusive piece of shit but instead of dumping him decide to prove everyone wrong
I hope she stay enough time for people to lost sympathy just like with Laineybot, so at least she doesnt get praised for leaving her abuser,like he became like that out of the blue and didn't make fun of his ex GF for warning her.
No. 447800
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No. 447804
>>447800>>447801she should have known that the man is trash just from the fact his screenname is "DADDY" alone . no shade
they've been dating for two minutes what are they even talking about, this is going to end up so messy. only the most unhappy couples would tweet at stranger that they kiss every morning lmao
No. 447819
>>446833I don't know if anyone said this but he does not need to be on the lease. if he has lived there for over a month it's considered his legal residence and he's legally allowed to be there. I have experienced this first hand when I was a kid. my mom's crazy boyfriend literally kicked down the door, chased my mom to the bedroom, and strangled her while I punched his back. he ran out the backdoor when he heard the police sirens (my little brother called while I was trying to fight him off). the cops said they can attest him but he won't stay in jail long and he is allowed to come back because it's his legal residence, my mom would have to go to court to get him evicted, which could take months. this also happened to me when my roommate went to rehab and his mom changed the locks on me. I took the air conditioner out of the window to climb in and the neighbor called 911 and the cops sided with me and told her she legally had to allow me in. sorry for blogpost but it's the sad truth.
also everyone saying "call 911!!1!" is just so unaware of reality it kills me. Taylor is an adult and even if there is abuse, unless the cops see evidence like bruises or witness abuse they literally can't do shit. it's so sad because these situations play out everyday and usually nothing gets done until someone gets seriously injured or fucking murdered. if the cops showed up she'd probably be too afraid (for herself, her image, and get animals) to say anything. she could VERY possibly have a heroin habit now and that makes it so much harder to leave an abusive ex. I was beaten, strangled, and even stabbed by my ex but I always went back. it's so hard to break the cycle especially when drugs are involved.
sage for blabbing
No. 447820
>>447819Wouldnt this vary depending on the state though? Or depending on what her actual lease says?
sage for no contribution.
No. 447831
>>447819>also everyone saying "call 911!!1!" is just so unaware of reality it kills me. Taylor is an adult and even if there is abuse, unless the cops see evidence like bruises or witness abuse they literally can't do shit. it's so sad because these situations play out everyday and usually nothing gets done until someone gets seriously injured or fucking murdered. Thank you anon. She's legally an adult, there is nothing the police can or will do until a crime has actually happened and they can prove it and she wants to press charges. the police cannot just detail legal adults because of crimes that might happen in the future.
and to all those anons saying they'd break down the door and get their daughter back if this happened, you realise you'd be arrested right? You cannot decide you know better than a legal adult, even if they are your child, and break into their house and kidnap them by force. Of course her parents aren't doing that shit. It's a one way ticket to getting a restraining order at minimum, jail at worst, and pushing your child further into the isolating embrace of their abuser.
No. 447867
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No. 447932
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In Taylor's latest Instagram post, we can see the kitten exhibiting what we in the rescue community call "triangle face". It's caused by dehydration and muscle wasting, and is something you see in kittens that are in serious crisis. I'm not exaggerating here, this kitten is in serious danger.
No. 447995
This is a voicemail jonny left for some random guy that retweeted a video of him falling off stage and choking someone is the video. It was only in September look how wasted and fucked up he is No. 448008
>>447932I spend ages rescuing cats and raising kittens and this bitch is over here slowly killing them. Does she not do even basic research on how to take care of kittens? They're fragile so it's more than just "feed with bottle then give solids later". Yeah it's hard raising kittens and some die even with with the best of care but ffs this little guy isn't even gaining weight and she's too retarded to notice.
Sage because extremely
triggered over kitten and can't do anything about it.
No. 448038
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So apparently Taylor blocked tons of fans tonight and one thought it was Jonny so he posted their argument on his Instagram account… She's 13 and he is literally putting her on blast. The poor kid is begging him to take it down and he's laughing
No. 448050
>>447995>>447932That poor little baby. He should be much bigger by now! Kittens gain weight day by day and he's still the same! If anyone's interested here's a post from Kitten Lady about triangle face There's lots of pictures in the comments, I think it's pretty clear how Taylor's kitten looks similar to kittens with fading kitten syndrome…
No. 448154
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new video
No. 448192
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did anyone else find the end of her new video slightly concerning by the way she's handling nemo or am i reaching?
No. 448202
>>448192I know not everyone is an extra intelligent whiz when they first start helping kittens but come on she at least needs to know the basics of how to handle one. Nemo is just gonna die at this point cause she handles him like a fucking baseball and can't even feed him right. She doesn't even know what a sick kitten looks like.
>>448197She's probably just waiting for it to get near death(it's almost there already) so she can somehow magically save it and look like a hero. By the time she does that though it will probably be too late. It's hard enough trying to help sickly kittens so I'll be surprised if Nemo survives at death's door. He hasn't even grown and as mentioned, has the dreaded triangle face. Doesn't look bright for him.
No. 448205
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No. 448209
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No. 448219
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No. 448252
>>448205why the fuck are they leaving on vacation when they have just bought so any new animals???
also what fucking parade?
No. 448289
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also amanda, one of jonny's abused ex has been doing a live stream. she's been talking a lot about jonny and the situation. No. 448294
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>>438560Taylor's mom is in the chat
No. 448302
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No. 448312
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No. 448393
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No. 448445
>>448187oh my, anon called it.
>>447420 its so beautiful to see a cow in the making. she's going to fuuck up her life so badly
No. 448494
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I'm calling it now, the second kitten is gonna die because she's going to NYC. Leaving it will kill it. Also I saw a funny interaction where Jonny claimed he had no charges and the reply was a screenshot of his mugshot + his arrest record from 2011 alone. Hes damn ugly, fuck knows what she sees in him,
Here's the full arrest record No. 448530
>>448494When you Google his name it's page after page of criminal and cretinous behaviour.
That smug look screams, NO REMORSE.
No. 448564
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No. 448566
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No. 448567
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No. 448571
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No. 448572
>>448567I'm guessing that's what this tweet was about, then:
>>448393i guess they were at the hospital at like 4am because the cops had been called. weird. not sure what to believe now.
No. 448574
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No. 448577
>>448574lol suuuuuuure
how does she expect anyone, even her followers, to believe this
No. 448599
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No. 448604
>>448574In the DM's she admitted using heroin, so she's admitting that here?
God, she is all over the place. And accusing her father of making up a fake text string.. wtf??
No. 448607
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No. 448610
>>448604well she accused her dad of beating her after she got caught sneaking out to see jonny so i don't think this is far fetched.
both taylor and his busted ass boyfriend have been lying about this whole situation.
jonny said that taylor did send those texts and that they were laughing about it but last night he was acting all indignant and claiming it wasn't true.
both of them are fucking liars and people keep buying into their shit because "we don't know the whole side of the story". fucking cunts.
No. 448616
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No. 448617
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No. 448634
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No. 448647
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No. 448650
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No. 448673
>>448666I think she is just a little bit stupid when is about social media, she doesnt know what belong and what not. But didnt Taylor said her mother didnt want her to move out? (when people were wondered why her parents didnt kicked her out after she flooded the wood floor)
Maybe she "needs" her daughter to be there all the time. I can bet money her mother was the one who invented all those diseases Taylor have.
No. 448675
>>448639honestly like, this whole thing is sketchy as shit. i do believe her parents have been overprotective of her, considering her health issues, but i also feel like she has shit on her own that cannot be pinned on them.
from the whole looks of it, she's been lying even before her youtube channel blew up, and i'm more inclined to believe her mother at this point.
also the thread got linked
>>448607in this tweet by some genius.
No. 448690
>>448302Oh look, he's upset because his screenshot of him bullying the 13y/o got reported.
>>448312The kitten wasn't "rescued" from a construction site? Ok Jonny
No. 448694
>>448690What made me suspicious is why two kittens, 3 weeks old, would not be taken to a shelter where they could have a foster mom. Or be given to someone who HAD a nursing queen at the time?
Also NOBODY would sell a kitten so young.
No. 448732
>>448607I feel like there's no coming back for her channel unless she comes clean at this point. It seems like a majority of her fans are not putting up with her bullshit.
Like I totally get that leaving an abusive asshole is hard (been there, done that) but this is her career at stake.
I'm not sure she will do anything unless somebody calls her out on youtube directly though, because most of her followers don't really care about twitter. Where are all of the stupid drama channels when you need them?
No. 448747
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For the anon that was worried she claims to have a heat pad for Nemo
No. 448749
For instance her magical story about getting the kittens- specifically the one she killed. Those kittens are rare and never found in shelters. Of course she wanted a designer cat to match her designer snakes but it wouldn't fly with her whole adopt don't shop bullshit so she claimed after a whole day of searching shelters she just magically rescued these kittens from a wall…? I'm sure the whole town clapped Taylor. Then your cat magically died when it totally isnt your fault, just like your THREE hedgehogs, your fish that jumped out of the tank because the tank was so filthy- the same dead fish lying on your floor that you didn't even discover for a whole month, another fish your eel ate because you put it in an incorrect tank which literally anyone with common sense would realise, your green tree python, the fish that died from your neglect which led to the ich outbreak. That's not counting all the animals you've given away after using them for a video, including your sea horses, your 100 turtles, your dog that you claimed to be training into a service dog. Oh and that's just a list of the animals from THIS YEAR ALONE. You're a compulsive liar and attention whore that is abusing your animals for videos, self diagnosing to make yourself seem more special and showing off your daddy kink with your abusive boyfriend all over Twitter. The thing that pissed me off even more was how you attack any big YouTuber that gets a pet! You attacked Marzia for her hedgehog and axolotl, Jenna marbles for her fish and several more. If someone gets a pet you can count on dr Taylor dean to be in the comments giving her supreme advice whilst her kitten is dying on the floor. Oh and how did you get rid of that current living kitten's fleas when it was younger than 8 weeks old? Especially when you let them to dry on their own in a box? It was COVERED in fleas and we could see it on camera, you only realised when people called you out for it. You're a liar that is not qualified to give animal advice let alone animal care. You're as bad as the daddyofive channel, you're abusing, neglecting and killing innocent creatures for money
No. 448779
>>448729I agree with this. She's straight up lying and there's proof she is lying. I can't believe she's trying to lie about the DM's, there's no fucking reason her parents and his ex would conspire to
fake DM's. Come on. If I had a child in this situation I would go crazy too. And since they're older they probably don't know much about oversharing on the internet.
Tinfoil, but maybe she shared her conversation with the ex openly with Jonny, who let her lie to the ex while they laughed about it. "lol tell her we're doing heroine" sounds believable to me.
It makes no sense cause if she really wanted out, she would have by now? Maybe she doesn't want to leave her animals but then why is she going to New York? And by the way how are all of her animals going to be cared for while they are on this trip?
No. 448787
>>448779she was going to spend christmas with her family but jonny hasn't fucked off and keeps isolating her.
supposedly they already got someone to care for the animals while they're away.
No. 448896
>>448891According to Jennifer's livestream, she kind of was talking to another dude around her age (not post malone), and she didn't seem to be closed to the idea of Taylor dating. She even said jokes like "if anyone wants to date her, well come along" or whatever.
By the way things unfolded, it's kind of implied that, because Taylor lied about who she was going with to L.A. to meet Jonny, shit went down.
She also got a letter by someone telling her all the shit about Jonny and warning her about his patterns, which so far have been proven to be true.
>She'll probably get a huge boost of subscribers and sympathy if she does a "Storytime: I Escaped an Abusive Relationship (How I saved my pets from my abuser) video".lol you should see her Twitter right now, she keeps retweeting people kissing her ass so yeah I think she'll do fine as well.
No. 448978
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No. 448979
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No. 448993
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honestly i have no idea how to correctly hold a snake, but certainly this isn't the right way? isn't she suppose to be supporting it's spine more?
No. 449006
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Why did Jonny retweet this? And is she mocking taylor?
No. 449078
>>449074He said so in his interview with Phillip Defranco.
Also, there's an Anisa and Ian thread in the /snow/ catalog if you want to lurk more.
No. 449085
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>>449006I thought his tweet about Destiny was more interesting since it seems like they dated in the past.
No. 449094
File: 1513872228646.png (264.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171221-110217.png)

Her mom has deleted a bunch more tweets and the parascope link.
Apparently she's being complicit now?
No. 449151
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No. 449152
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No. 449153
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No. 449154
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No. 449155
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No. 449156
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No. 449158
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I don't see milk quality in those screen caps but thought it might be worth to post anyway.
By the way she is indeed blocking users, so I think you should keep low profile if you want to see the milk first.
It seems Taylor is suffering a mayor nervous collapse, she keeps deleting tweets, retweeting things that defend her, answering to haters and then deleting the answers and so on. Her Twitter is a big mess rn.
No. 449193
>>448564ERs don't do piss tests. they just do blood because they can check what drugs are in your system as well as other typical bloodwork like liver levels (contrary to popular belief even if they KNOW you're a heroin addict, by your own admission, they don't test for diseases like hep c or HIV). it's easier and more accurate this way. dip piss tests are notorious for being inaccurate and lab piss tests are expensive and take days.
this information doesn't even really matter because why the hell should we believe her? why the hell would she admit to coming up dirty? she has shown no concrete evidence proving it came back clean and I honestly do not believe anything she says.
No. 449198
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No. 449200
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Because the current drama isn't enough, she's starting fights with other twitter users.
No. 449202
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No. 449203
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No. 449205
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No. 449259
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No. 449262
>>449259this dude has an issue with buying animals too. he took chelsea's cats away from her, abandoned a dog which chelsea's mom has now, which was ALSO forced upon liz to care for.
he bought the dog on craigslist when he couldn't get a tv, and this was just last year.
No. 449297
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No. 449331
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Nemo message only in case the apartment complex and relevant phone numbers count as ct/dox.
No. 449358
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No. 449407
>>449390you're right that she chose to be with an abuser. It really speaks volumes to her self esteem… and that's why I feel sad when people insult her. She is mentally ill! She's being taken advantage of! Let's not forget who she's dating. We can't be victim blamers. I'm not saying she's a good person. But I'm still concerned for her safety and the safety of her pets. I also agree that it is hard to blame her mother considering the pre-existing emotional instability and the trauma this mess would have caused.
Having said this…Jonny's clearly exhibiting abuser behaviour by not allowing Taylor to see her mother alone. But, I don't believe Taylor is just deciding to just cut off her mother, over and over again (as some anons have said this is repeated behaviour for her) for no apparent reason. Look at her choice in men. It seems obvious to me there was pre-existing abuse from the mother that
triggered this. There is a pattern where victims who have been abused by their parents will be so worn down emotionally that it develops serious mental health issues and confidence issues. it leads them to then go on to be in an abusive romantic relationships. you see it all the time with women who have been sexually/emotionally abused by their fathers and then go on to have a "daddy" kink with their partners. This is a cycle of abuse. And I feel sorry for Taylor because we all KNOW she is dating a known abuser. No matter how bad of a person Taylor is, she's being abused. And in turn so are her ANIMALS
No. 449411
>>449337Probably because she's been there several times and Taylor may have blacklisted her.
Someone said that he controls who she can let her into the apartment.
No. 449426
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fucking great. another kitten
No. 449427
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Okay. She is lying so much about letting those snakes settle. She’s wearing a different shirt in this post. Why can’t she just be truthful and a good pet mom?
No. 449472
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No. 449482
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jonny posted this pic earlier. i didn't even notice the bloodstains
No. 449485
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No. 449492
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who are these people who are "giving away" 5 week old kittens
No. 449498
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these kittens in this craigslist ad are exactly 5 1/2 weeks old hmmm
No. 449501
>>449487>>449496My thoughts exactly. This bitch better not kill another cat.
Honestly, I'm worried that Nemo might have FIP. He looks like he could. Or hell, he might have FeLV, there's no way to definitively test for it in such a young kitten as Nemo.
She could be unknowingly spreading diseases to her new healthy kitten. Or even spreading diseases to Nemo from this kitten. How can she be so stupid… and she's about to go on vacation. She's reprehensible.
No. 449504
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she claims she isn't going to NYC
No. 449506
>>449504 Wait. … Huh??
Honestly what a bitch like. If you're not going out of town, fine but don't act like this girl is fuckin' crazy. You and Jonny have been all over twitter saying you're gonna go watch the ball drop. Wtf.
No. 449513
>>449504>>449506Yeah this bitch is a mess.
First she was gonna spend Christmas with her family (which kind of implied she was not bringing Jonny along but this is just a theory). Then the DM and texts screenshots got dropped and Jonny basically booked flights for NYC.
Then, unsurprisingly, things didn't go according to plan and he ended up cancelling.
The fucking snake was planning to take Taylor to the same spot he took Chelsea lmao both of them are such a fucking wreck of a couple.
No. 449518
>>449513I thought he said they had to push out the NY visit? Last I heard they were still planning to go for New Years? I might've missed something. I mean clearly she's saying that's not the case, now. I just can't remember if or when she ever posted anything about that.
Also that's really gross about Chelsea's spot. What a pig.
No. 449521
>>449518Oh yeah, he's cancelled the flight to NYC for Christmas but New Years is apparently still on.
Oh and it's even more gross because apparently he fucking left Chelsea alone when they went there and she got lost.
People keep saying that it's his past and shit, but he literally broke up with Chelsea less than a month before moving in with Taylor.
No. 449538
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No. 449543
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>>449538Pic related are purebreed ragdolls. It's definetly a purebreed. How can she keep getting away with this shit?
No. 449548
>>449542The craigslist listing above said that the kittens would be available at 7 weeks or sooner if someone wanted them sooner … which is skeevy on its own of the breeder (if you can call them that) to do but, I guess the thought process is for people who need a kitten for Christmas??
I'm 100% buying that the craiglist listing is where this kitten came from, especially since that's what she tried to pull the first time with those persians.
No. 449554
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she keeps posting how all these videos and pictures taken where right after bringing them home from the expo, but I was actually there, and if you notice, the clothes definitely dont match.
No. 449557
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No. 449577
>>449563>>449561such responsability much care
I see one of her animals dying in at least 2 months, either that poor kitten or some of her ''less profitable'' fish.
>>449575This only makes me question the origins of her other pets.
No. 449597
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No. 449602
>>449597Because that adds up oh so well. I imagine when you go to a shelter you want to get an animal it’s not an “oh god… maybe” thing. Doubt they’d even let one pass an inspection with that.
However she pulls this story out, good luck to her.
No. 449603
>>449407"I didn't really WANT a second cat"
"Came across this guy by CHANCE"
lmao yeah, that's believable. I've been looking for ragdoll kittens for months now and it's incredibly difficult to find them, especially in San Antonio. I sure as hell have never seen one up for adoption. The only ones I've found have been on Craigslist
No. 449604
>>449574Yeah, I visited different Petco stores earlier this year because I was looking to adopt a dog.
Basically what happens is that each Petco has an adoption center, but they're not the ones in charge of it. They just lend the space to different shelters and organizations, and each one has a different set of rules for adoption.
For example in the first one I had to bring all the family members for an interview, an id, and a fee.
In another one they required me to also bring the fee and the family members for an interview (or basically the people who will be living with the pet), an ID, and they have to be able to visit your house.
Another one which was crazy as shit required me to send them a picture of the pet each fucking month for the rest of its life.
Some may give you the pet on the spot while others may require you to wait.
She might get away with this because it really depends on which organization is at the adoption center.
No. 449616
>>449611Because she's trying to make it look like she just "had to".
By saying shit like "it was meant to be", she looks like she's actually caring about the kitten and she then ends up looking like goals or whatever.
Basically it's so her followers hold her as some sort of savior.
No. 449650
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Wow really.
No. 449662
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No. 449669
>>449662Does she read this thread or are people talking about that on twitter?
LMAO redirect them to us, Taylor, it will do us a favor
No. 449684
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She posted the apartment floorplan, didn't she??
I'm pretty sure that's how people found out, iirc.
No. 449699
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I think we've all seen it but just to post it before she deletes.
No. 449726
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No. 449727
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Yeah… nice.. shadow
No. 449738
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99% sure this is her improperly exposing her new kitten to diseases because this looks like petsmart. The one right by her house.
No. 449739
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Also this isn’t something to be proud of. It just means she’s irresponsible.
No. 449771
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I wish that I had screen capped Taylor's replies when I first these conversations on Twitter. Basically, her reply to a question of why Irwin isn't in a bigger tank was that he doesn't need it right now because he's small, and when he's too big for the 150 gallon, she will just rehome him. Also, from the looks of things, I missed that she was thinking on rehoming Cheese.
No. 449774
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And speaking of Cheese.
No. 449814
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So she wore 3 different outfits in one day?
No. 449815
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No. 449816
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Focus on sleeve
No. 449818
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Her at the expo. Different outfit. No makeup. Hair undone.
No. 449844
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“It’s okay to put them together because i got them at the same place” NO. It’s not!!! She bought them from two different breeders. These snakes should have never been near each other until they had been properly quarantined. She also said they’re gonna be quarantined for two weeks but that’s the waiting period before you touch them… you’re supposed to quarantine them for 30-90 days.
No. 449849
>>449816OT but this Lucy is so pretty, and the pied isn’t half bad either. It’s sad that there’s no chance a clutch would survive in her hands, if these two even made it to breeding age.
Sage for snake envy.
No. 449908
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It scares the shit outta me that someone whose "job" it is to take care of various pets thinks of neutering as being "unnatural"? I HOPE she just means in mice, for some reason - but that doesn't change the fact that her young, dumb fans might pick up on this tweet as a justification to not get their animals spade/neutered.
No. 449916
>>449908''I was told'' AKA I finally don't know how to lie if I'm wrong so if I am wrong I will just blame it on this person.
Anyway, the first google search pretty much says that even male mice need to have a companion in captivity as otherwise they can suffer from boredom due to lack of enrichment and all that. Mice are pretty much known to be social anyway so I don't see why one would be kept on their own - and I understand that sometimes introductions don't go well but most people I know would keep them separated by some bars or something along those lines so they're still not alone, or keep them completely separate but allow them 'floor time' and to socialise with the owner. She isn't doing any of this and I doubt she ever will.
No. 449964
>>449836>Okay I don't know if it's just me but I feel she really has some detatchment from really caring for animals. She posted a video feeding a snake (mind you I've owned a python and fed it both live and dead mice) and it kind of weirds me out how she holds the clearly thawed out dead mouse with her bare hands to feed him.This is fucking stupid and she's going to get bitten by a snake if she carries on.
>I preferred a live mouse as I didn't have to really watch or be around its feeding process, and if I thawed out a frozen one it did not look like what she was feeding that snake. It stunk and I was way too grossed out to hold it with my bare hands. Not as stupid as live feeding unattended though! If you leave live food in with your snakes you're a worse pet owner than taylor. I'm not gonna pull a sperg chan and post the images because they're gory as fuck, but every time you do it you risk your snake being eaten alive by the mouse or rat.
No. 449965
>>449962ah good, but well should still be neutered in case he goes out/escapes/for everyone's comfort incl the cat. Def shouldn't keep 2 non-neutered boys together in any case.
Sage because cat talk.
No. 449967
She is stupid for feeding bare handed. I have no qualms handling FT rats for my snake, but I still use feeding tongs and wash my hands before introducing it into my BPs tub.
It shouldn't come to this but if she gets bit once and latched, she'll learn…BPs bites can be painful and it's dangerous to force them to release if they latch and coil onto you, so you kind of have to endure the pain and wait it out…sadly speaking from experience of too short of feeder tongs.
From what I've seen with her snakes, she's fed the appropriately otherwise…good sized rat pups and rats…aside from the random hunger strikes and humidity to heat ratio needs (esp ball pythons) snakes are pretty easy to care for.
No. 449991
>>449984Once they are bonded I don't think it's right to separate. They engage in social groom and snuggling and a lot of other behaviours. Again, it's similar to rabbits, ferrets, rats, and other group animals. They can live enriching lives on their own but it is a lot more work.
I'd be more forgiving if she adopted a shelter kitten too. Especially from LA. In LA kittens actually are the ones that are euthanized at the highest rates and adult cats are better off. Kittens are just resource intensive and shelters can't take them on. I think a few years back it was like 20 kittens a day were being put down.
No. 450007
>>449574Both the Petco and the Petsmart in my town offer kittens but they're generally a few months old and the rest are all adults. No special breeds or anything. Have never seen same day adoptions though. Unless you look into a rescue that specializes in specific breeds, you have an extremely low chance of finding purebreed pets in a shelter. Probably a 0 chance. I once saw a Maine Coon and Persian at my local shelter but yeah that almost never happens. If she got a purebreed from a pet store, chances are it came from a kitten mill or something. It's best to always carefully research breeders and look for red flags when wanting a certain breed.
Sage for cat autism
No. 450018
>>449999I thought she was ok when I first watched her vids but in hindsight she was always shit. its apparent after like all these "WATCH ME FEED/BATHE/DRESS UP ALL MY PETS" she hoards a shit of animals then she will do either of the following:
>handles/touches certain pets too much >Puts them in shitty conditions (her mouse being in a closet, cheese being in too small of a tank, betta sorority, sick axolotl etc etc)>Rehomes a couple of them probably because she has too many >likes to blame all her pets problems and deaths on "oh it was the breeders fault"This is before the whole jonny and kitten thing.
No. 450036
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She poses like a model in a photoshoot for the whole duration of the video while the crab is just swung around like a prop.
No. 450039
>>449893Nemo could have FeLV and/or FIV and be passing it to her new kitten. Tests for FeLV aren't at all accurate for such a young kitten. False negatives (mostly) and false positives are all over the place. And FeLV is super contagious.
Less of a concern is FIP/feline coronavirus, which can't be vaccinated against. And when feline coronavirus mutates into FIP, it's 100% fatal and completely incurable. With the way Nemo looks even at his older age I wouldn't be surprised at all if he had full blown FIP. Kittens with FIP show a ton of symptoms that could honestly be anything, but the one big marker is they essentially stop growing once the coronavirus has fully mutated into FIP, enter into sort of a latent stage where they just sort of survive and want to snuggle 24/7 (FIP kittens don't like to play and aren't very active). Then they start getting really sick really fast and they die. It's the saddest shit ever, speaking from personal experience.
Honestly putting two kittens from different litters together like this is stupid regardless but the fact that one or both of them probably has coronavirus that can easily be spread from cat to cat is doubly retarded. And nobody even knows what causes feline coronavirus to mutate into FIP, but one thing that most experts think can/does cause the mutation is stress. And I can guarantee you both these kittens are fucking stressed.
No. 450041
>>449991Thing is Taylor is already struggling for space for her other animals (especially pray species). Having multiple cats means needing multiple feeding spots/shelter spots etc etc. I doubt she can provide that and that alone will cause a ton of behaviour issues.
She lives in a god damn apartment people, not a house. Even if she moves back to her mums there's two dogs that will need an introduction to these cats and that alone can go so wrong or take a long while meaning that cats are limited to where they go (speaking from experience here). Sure, another kitten is good but whats better is giving the kitten to someone with experience or a shelter that can provide all he needs.
Then again, I'm not surprised if poor Nemo will be dead by the end of next month (maybe even this month) and the new cat is simply a replacement.
No. 450069
Everything she does is for attention, why do you think she hoards animals, has a rapist efamous bf and fake illness? Otherwise no one will pay attention to her cause she is like every other insta slut
No. 450114
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Soo, she may be getting evicted
No. 450115
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Soo, she may be getting evicted
No. 450119
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More shit, mental hospitals don’t do this
No. 450121
>>450115Honestly wouldn't be surprised if she is lying to say oh how very bad all these people are!
Either way, good luck finding another apartment to her tbh
No. 450128
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So, I’ve known Taylor for a few years and im pretty close with her ex boyfriend as well. He showed me the texts between them of her admitting to getting high on coke and H and that he’s abusive. He showed me way before Chelsea exposed her and before all of this went public. We both told her mom and showed her the number (she wanted proof it was really her) and she confirmed it was Taylor’s number. The texts of her admitting to drug use and wanting to leave Jonny are REAL. They are from her own mouth. Of course she’s denying it and saying it’s all fake because she has a platform of young naive followers and her career is on the line. Anyways, I’ve also been keeping in contact with her dad and he said this today. I’ll post the next thing he said.
No. 450131
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Second part. Will keep updating as I get more information. Believe what you want, but Taylor is no doubt in danger and doing drugs and if she does end up getting evicted, she caused it herself by breaking multiple lease violations. I hate that she’s in this situation but she honestly did it to herself.
No. 450135
>>450119Ffs mental services dont only treat drug addicts, they wont releasr you purelt cause you dont have a drug in your system right now.
Maybe they didnt have enough to put her on a section and she just left
No. 450139
>>450132Yeah he tweeted that he wont let her be homeless and would take her and her animals in. Does he have a house? Why is he holding up in her animal hoarde then?
She needs to move back home, now is the best time, she can use the animals as an excuse .
No. 450145
>>450140Yeah if you havent used it in like 4 days you deff wouldnt show positive
Unless they did a hair strand test
No. 450146
>>450139Yes he has a house to his name in Sacramento according to Amanda? I believe? No wait it was Chelsea.
Chelsea was actually making a living in L.A. as a hair dresser, which was starting to take off, before Jonny came in and convinced her to move to Sacramento with him.
She lost everything by doing so, friends, job, career, etc.
When they broke up she only had one friend left.
Liz was also convinced to move to Sacramento, although she kinda had an easier time in terms of jobs because she's a stripper. This didn't make her any less isolated though.
No. 450148
>>450146Also, he probably couldn't get her to leave anywhere further than her hometown because of the animals and because the apartment complex is upscale.
Junkie boy won't fucking miss the opportunity to live the rich life.
No. 450165
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She watching lol.
No. 450171
>>450165In all honesty posts like the one she capped are fucking retarded and should be discouraged.
Also had the same surgery, it's a very easy scar to hide as it's small and light
No. 450175
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Next part
No. 450177
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No. 450180
Also kind of misses the point about doubting the severity of her EDS though.
But all of that should be besides the point.
>Druggy BF>Likely takes drugs now too>Hoards pets>Doesn't take care of pets>Buys more props, I mean pets>Kills more through neglect No. 450182
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No. 450183
>>450165LMAO what a fucking coward
Yes, reply to us behind your stupid hugbox, Taylor, and redirect them to us so maybe they can see the behind your lies.
Also keep not adressing the second part of the post that says you would have keloids if you actually had your special snowflake ''can't even go to school but can apparently take care of 20+ animals'' .
>>450171But yeah, I agree, that post was reaching. We need more shit like the origins of her new kitten (that she conveniantly ignored) and less nitpicking.
No. 450187
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We get you have diseases and all that but you should be more worried about your heroin using, rapist/abuser boyfriend potentially harming not only your animals but you as well.
No. 450193
>>450186It begins.
I hope more of them take note of what she's really like by coming here. :)
No. 450196
>>450191Talking about her illnesses is important though when she's too 'sick' to do most things and yet gets 6000+ animals.
FYI I think she does have EDS. But that's another strike against her hoarding.
No. 450197
Soon you will be on /pt/ this is so great.
No. 450209
>>450196This, that only makes her hoarding even worse. She couldn't even go to a fucking public school how the hell can she take good care of all those animals?
>>450199lmao like anyone would be jealous of some instathot that dates a drug addict
No. 450212
>>450119LOL that's not how ANY mental health or addiction treatment center works. you're a fucking adult. if you don't want to be there, YOU CAN LEAVE, even if there's drugs in your system. it's very rare to be held against your will in a mental health facility in the US, unless you literally attempted suicide and needed emergency intervention. even when I was stopped by police while on my way to lay on train tracks, when I got to the ER I talked my way out of it and was released only a couple hours after arriving. most mental health wings in hospitals DO NOT treat you simply for drugs!!! in the ER they will give you numbers of rehabs to call and tell you to leave. I know from experience because as a heroin addict I was told to leave a hospital ER more than once even though I said I wanted to die (they assumed I was lying about this just to get a warm bed in a hospital).
sage for being a spaz but omfg her LIES drive me crazy!!!!
No. 450218
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Even Jonny's retarded ass thinks she has too many animals.
No. 450220
>>450219Because she's also literally killing animals in her care and replacing / getting more animals.
This isn't just about Jonny.
No. 450221
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promotion to /pt/ when?
No. 450223
>>450198Come back here and tell us that when your precious Taylor is homeless or half of her animals are dead.
The again, she is pushing it to happen so really… who is to blame?
No. 450228
>>450223At this point even her parents have said she's a 'willing participant'.
I lost all sympathy for her when she called a rape victim a liar.
No. 450239
>>450232The kitten, several fish, lots of hedgehogs etc etc etc.
Shall we count the ones she almost killed too like the axolotl?
Most like the remaining hedgehog, mouse and the spider don't even live currently in appropriate / sized housing.
She's terrible at pet ownership.
No. 450240
>>450232Taylor, darling, people are legitimately concerned for your well-being and your animals' well-being. coming here trying to intimidate people into stopping their posting here will only hurt you in the long run. it's not going to happen, not as long as you post every angstrom of your life online. we see the same things your fans see, we just know better than to take you for your word.
enjoy your stay
No. 450246
>>450230It's probably impossible for someone with actual braincells to mimic his writing style.
>>450233He WAS proved guilty of assault, though? Or people can just get restraining orders over absolutely nothing?
Also, Taylor, where did you buy that ragdoll from craigslist? Show us receipts.
No. 450248
I'd rather believe a victim than someone's boyfriend because he's involved with my pet mom or whatever.
Snap out of it don't be so fucking gross. Again, fuck off.
No. 450259
>>450241While I agree… I don't like to doubt invisible illnesses.
Do I think she's lying about severity, hell yes. I know people with EDS that struggle every day, if she does have it, it barely affects her.
If she is claiming it affects her a lot though… then she shouldn't be hoarding animals as she's literally physically incapable of looking after them. As opposed to now… where I think she's just too lazy / attention seeking so it's her latest pet / flavour of the day that gets her attention/claws, for instagram pictures.
No. 450261
>>450260For anyone wondering;
It literally looks the same as the craigslist breeders pics.
It is also exactly the same age.
Adoption centres don't adopt kittens out that young.
Adoption centres rarely have kittens.
Adoption centres rarely have purebred / designer kittens.
Adoption centres don't adopt out in 1 day.
It's all BS, she got that from the post she first made but is keeping it quiet from the backlash the first time.
No. 450262
>>450259I'm honestly curious because this is actually interesting to know about.
Why would it be impossible for her or anyone really to not be able to take care of animals? Some people way earlier in the thread said that she wouldn't be able to wear heels all the time either so I'm just wondering what happens when you have EDS?
No. 450263
>>450243You’re awfully cocky for someone who’s boyfriend is A FUCKING RAPIST.
Seriously, who’s the pathetic one? Are you really that lonely that you need to date a heroin addict???
No. 450268
>>450262It's a connective tissue disorder. There are different kinds but if she was so severe she can't go to school / work etc.
Some symptoms (note she might not have them all) include:
>Chronic pain>dizziness>palpitations>fragile skin (damaged with minimal trauma)>stretchy skin (scars also become wide and thin and very obvious)>joint hypermobility (often inc. joints literally popping out of place)>easy bruising (often permanent discolouration)>fragile tissues that might result in hernias, prolapse and cervical insufficiency.etc etc.
There's lots of info out there on the symptoms.
My friend who has it struggles some days with just getting out of bed and walking / doing shit around the house.
Looking after all her animals with the above would be very very difficult, essentially impossible. Like she likes to say 'it's a full time job'.
No. 450271
As I said before, doesn't mean she doesn't have it, just that it's no where near as bad as she makes out. She could totally get a job / go to school etc. She just doesn't want to lol.
No. 450275
>>450268Ohhh, okay then it makes sense why people are not so credulous on her claims.
Thanks anon <3
No. 450278
File: 1513984333917.jpeg (85.09 KB, 1217x425, 94F2E7D8-16A3-4A3D-A6AB-E6E474…)

From her dad's twitter
No. 450281
>>450191agreed. lack of evidence does not mean that they are not real, theyre called invisible illnesses for a reason. The real problem here is potential harm to her pets and her abusive boyfriend.
>>450278the munchaushen argument should not be here imo. it's just acting as a red herring and throwing everything else (that actually has evidence behind it) out of focus and making Taylor trust the people around her less and less.
No. 450282
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>>450132Well if he is, I hope Taylor knows that her hedgehogs are illegal to own in California lol.
>>450197>>450221This thread's been moving pretty fast…but hopefully she'll be on /pt/ by the third thread? As long as Jonny's around, there's going to be plenty of milk.
>>450243Say bye bye to Cheese and your Youtube career!
No. 450285
>>450281Fuck off. You can't tell other people not to think she's a munchie - especially since she displays a host of munchie behaviours. Read the OTT spoonies/munchies thread if you really don't get it. It absolutely is relevant to her sick need for attention. In fact the way she treats her animals has some emotional overlap with MBP (if she was acting like this with a human child).
tldr munchie with a personality disorder, classic munchie background, no EDS. Stop wetting yourself over invisible illnesses; most people who have come to lolcow for the munchie thread are sick and all too familiar with this shit - hence why the OTT exaggerators and liars are so irritating.
No. 450287
>>450278That makes me wonder if her parents helped to take care of her pets before? Is her case just not as serious because why would they allow her to have so many animals? That makes absolutely no sense.
I think doubting her EDS is valid but being straight-up agressive is too much. Her being a munchie or not was not the reason this thread was created, the Jonny drama, her hoarding animals and lying about where she gets them is the big problem here.
No. 450288
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I don't know what I'm doing but this is a response from San Antonio Pets Alive. Will update if they respond again.
No. 450291
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No. 450293
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No. 450294
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No. 450299
>>450293>>450294Wtf? She has been to this thread, she saw that the trying to get her evicted started here and ended here too because it's against the rules. How many anons called? Like 3?
She's lying through her teeth it's disgusting. I honestly have no simpathy for her anymore. She is clearly reasoning well and even admitted that Jonny was being abusive to her, she is choosing to be by his side.
>>450296I believe she called the police to check on drugs or something? Someone needs to make a timeline for this.
No. 450300
>>450296As far as I remember, she said that when Taylor fucked off to L.A. with no warning, she got stuck with caring for them, but that's as far as I can recall.
She never mentioned anything about getting Taylor evicted, but that she did call the cops to do a wellness check, as well as trying to get her to come out of the apartment to no avail.
No. 450304
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some dms from twitter.
No. 450305
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No. 450310
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No. 450311
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No. 450312
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>>450299Someone actually made a timeline from Mama Dean's livestream on GG!
No. 450313
>>450299>I believe she called the police to check on drugs or something? Someone needs to make a timeline for this.This is a condensed timeline and I'm just going by memory because the stream was really long but this is how it went
>taylor tries to hook up with post malone but finds he has a gf so she goes for jonny>they talk online and then decide to go to l.a. to spend the weekend>taylor tells her mom that she's going with a friend (not true. she goes alone)>they spend three days in l.a. and taylor doesn't answer the calls and messages her mom leaves>her mom understandably freaks out and calls the police to check on her>shit happens, she's back home and swears to her mom that he went back to florida>this is proven untrue when mama dean finds out taylor has snuck out to the hotel where he's at>she follows taylor and an argument ensues where taylor tells her she went out in the middle of the night ~*to think~* >her mom's like aight and then drives away>i don't know how or why but her mom basically finds the hotel where this dude's staying in and the receptionist tells her that taylor was indeed in a room with jonny and that he was "being too rough" with her because her card was declined>taylor then RUNS back home and gets there before her mom after getting caught, throws herself on the floor and says she was getting abused by her dad >they run an investigation on the poor man which of course turns to be untrue>she moves out to the apartment>jonny being homeless sticks around because of course lmao>i think this is when they meet at pf chang's and he passes out and she leaves with him. apparently there were screenhots of an employee saying what happened and how he was wasted>by now taylor and her mom's relationship is already fucked over because of jonny. supposedly taylor is always nervous and shit.>apparently the last time she saw her, she spent like 6 hours outside of her apartment to get taylor to come out, but taylor texted her to leave.>her mom calls the cops on them because AGAIN taylor doesn't fucking take the time to answer texts>these are wellness checks, but the cops are turned away each time and this only causes the twitter drama to get more intense>then the livestreams happen and shit takes offi could be missing something but this is as far as i can recall.
No. 450314
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No. 450316
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No. 450318
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(sorry i think i mightve gotten 2 and 3 mixed up! but its the gist of whats been going on)
No. 450323
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No. 450324
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No. 450329
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Another update from Pets Alive
No. 450330
>>450286I get that but literally there's no proof Taylor even went to the hospital. she's shown no evidence. her (fake) story could most likely be for sympathy and to "prove" she's not on drugs. even if the cops came to her house because someone called and said she was gonna kill herself, and even if they saw she was okay and still decided to take her to the ER, it's EXTREMELY easy to talk your way out of it, especially if you never threatened your life to the police or ER staff. the police aren't going to do a wellness check on 2 adults and then take one to the ER when she's aware and responding. it wouldn't happen.
it all doesn't add up. that's my point. I'm positive she lied about the entire thing for sympathy and to trick her dumb fans into thinking she's 100% sober
No. 450341
>>450331It is a little suspicious that the phone was Korean when it was a screencap of the text, but it's back to English again when it's a cap of the email.
Also, it seems a little odd that the seller shows one or two messages they've gotten about the kittens and that's enough to make them want to take the ad down and change their number. When I was selling TV on Craigslist, I got more spam than I got interested buyers. You just kind of delete that stuff and move on. I'm just saying I have a hard time believing that someone selling kittens for $650 a pop would just yank down the ad and change their number over this.
No. 450342
>>450331or she actually informed the seller that this may happen.
Like boy we should have just asked if they have all three kittens or for extra info
No. 450350
>>450331lmao of course she would do this.
she only provides evidence when she can control how it's presented to others.
if she indeed adopted the kitten, she would've provided the paperwork stating it was indeed an adopted kitten from petco.
she had no problems showing nemo's paperwork in her video so why is this different? by now she just wants people to keep coddling her.
No. 450357
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Possibly ot but this was a comment from around 5 wks ago on her instagram page, find it quite interesting now considering the texts between Chelsea & now with the added implication that she's gotten into situations like this before. Hmm
No. 450366
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Not the first time she;s said it and won't be the last. I don't think the drama is going anywhere now though honestly. She obviously knew about his behavior before she started dating him, she obviously doesn't mind putting herself in a vulnerable situation (or her animals…) and she clearly just… likes being a victim. take screenies of what you need to before it's gone. most of its probably here already though
No. 450369
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>>450353This should be the pic kek
No. 450375
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Anything to be added?
No. 450380
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Here we go
No. 450398
>>450380Guys, that only makes it easier for her to frame us as just a ''stupid hate-site'' like most cows do. I think it's pretty dumb and will probablly lose us the support from her family, and make people dismiss the genuine arguments posted here.
Although we should always be clear that she isn't the victim her family is trying to portray. She lies A LOT and is a hoarder.
No. 450406
>>450290Kek, you're embarrassing yourself at this point. Taylor's entire schtick emerges from the same damaged personality that also gives rise to her munchie behaviour. If you're too thick to get that, I can't help you.
It's not actually possible to separate out discussing a cow's life so you ignore the bits that ping you for whatever crazy personal reason you have, while keeping everything else fair game. You're choosing to post here, bitches. Read some articles on BPD, HPD, Munchausen's and MBP. The fact that someone claims an invisible illness doesn't (shocker!) mean they have one. Occasionally, hate to break this to you,
people lie on the internet.
All of T's behaviours are interlnked. The neglect, the stress she imposes on her animals, the poor care and exploitation, the crises. The melodrama she drums up in her own life. Literally every bit of this is common in the social media munchie path. You're showing your ass by trying to shut down this discussion, because it's a core part of her persona. She's a fake. A liar. She exploits wherever she can.
No. 450412
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This is another one we could use.
No. 450565
>>449546No, it won't. One kitten already died (Nemo's sibling).
Her pets die all the fucking time.
No. 450598
>>450278I have EDS, and I don't doubt she has it (I know quite a few others with it, some are fully mobile like Taylor), but I don't think she is as badly affected by it as she claims to be just because of what we've seen she's able to do. When I was Taylor's age I was active too, now I rely on a wheelchair.
Sage for blogging, sorry but I thought it was relevant.
No. 450729
>>450721a little but honestly a bit of softness just makes for a better quality life.
it is genuinely sad to see her get wrapped up in the drama but at the same time she made the bed and she needs to lie in it.
No. 450747
>>449916no, male mice should absolutely not be kept together unless they’re brothers, and even then they should be monitored.
male mice are aggressive and will fight to the death if put together, and if a male mouse is put with a female mouse, they’ll breed.
female mice, however, absolutely need to be kept in groups, but male mice are okay while solitary if you handle them enough & if they have enough enrichment.
whether taylor gives gus this or not is up for debate though.
No. 454106
Okay, I don't want to come out defending her, but some of y'all really need to stop spreading bullshit. Her hedgehogs died of something she couldn't control, she didn't abandon her dogs, reptile expos aren't bad, and half of her animals that you guys mentioned never died she just rehomed them. However, after reading the thread, I've not only become disappointed in her, but extremely saddened for her animals. It seems like she gets a new a pet everyday, and once she runs out of room or gets tired of them she rehomes them. I cant name a single animal besides Kovu that she has had since the beginning that she didn't rehome or "kill". She literally lives in an apartment, where is the unlimited amount of space for her pets coming from? Oh yea, it doesn't exist.
No. 458766
If Taylor is buying pets off of Criaglist ,or browses, also speaks volumes of her character. Craigslist is a notorious dumping ground for pets that are used as bait animals for dog fights, hunting practice, and other sick resons. Such cases include a man who adopted cats off of Craiglist to torture and kill them. It eventually made news when one of the dead cats was found dumped in a yard, the original owner was alerted because the cat still had on its original collar. She supports people who do this by having anything to do with the site, her sex offender boyfriend does the same. And the other thing, they probably aren't adopting cats and dogs, because their apartment won't allow it, so the adoption agency won't adopt them out to them. Probably also because of his police record. She's an impulse shopper, and only pets that come with a a hefty price have any value to her. That is, if they get her some attention along with it.
No. 465718
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Find Nemo
No. 470561
File: 1515994571861.png (1.15 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180115-003446.png)

New video… notice how her "pizza burn from today" is already scabbed.
No. 496800
File: 1518037222178.jpg (38.92 KB, 270x804, cornsnake.jpg)

Here is the ad for the cornsnake that Taylor supposedly got from someone because it "bit them." It's the same snake, same exact markings. In the ad it says it never bit anyone. Taylor knows it doesn't look good that she keeps impulse buying animals so she tried to make it sound like she rescued him from someone. Then when confronted, she passed it onto Jonny and filled her instagram with pics of her other pets so people wouldn't pry any further. It's just so absolutely ridiculous. But of course, those of us that see through her bullshit are few and far between, so she just sends her 12 year old naive fans on us and that's that.
No. 496802
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No. 496806
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Here is Jonny with his new snake she "rescued". The fact that she gives him animals makes me wonder if she cares for them at all, knowing his toxic history.
No. 496824
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She does seem to be curiously always around when someone is rehoming their pet. Thank you for explaining further I didn't know about this corn snake situation. I too wish she would not give Johnny any animals I mean not like he cares for them any way she does.
I looked into the Emzotic vs Taylor situation. It feels like Em is just looking past all Taylors problems. I understand she doesn't want to start drama, but I feel it was a bit strange she retweeted a hand drawn picture of her and Taylor when in the reptile community Taylor is know to be kinda a mess.
On her "picking her battles" and not calling out Taylor. I feel like not perpetuating bad animal care to Taylor's young audience she be pretty important since she has a voice to all the same fans as Taylor or would at least be in her recommended, maybe that's just me. Here are some tweets from Em on that and what she said in her live stream.
No. 496828
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No. 496830
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No. 496831
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No. 514950
///I in no way support Taylor and am NOT giving any excuses///
I understand her on a mental level at least, as I used to hoard pets as well. Mostly cats though, as I kept taking in strays, feeling like it was justified as "rescue." I had over 30 cats, dozens of tanked animals like fish, and more I can't even. Every time you get a new animal it's like a drug, and you feel really good for maybe a week before the excitement wears off and you want a new one. And etc. etc. Basically addicted to collecting animals. And given the choice to downsize, it's similar to regular hoarders…you can't give up a single one.
In Taylor's case it definitely is not too far fetched to assume that the animals that disappear are dead, as a hoarder (and I can shamefully admit) would usually rather have the animal die than bear to give it to someone else.
Now to the conclusion. It's not impossible to solve! It's painful and maybe take years to re-home the pets, but that's what needs to be done.
One thing to remember and acknowledge is that you WILL cry and feel extreme anger, resentment, and regret while rehoming the pets. But keep going. It took me a YEAR to get over a single cat I gave away, you know how hard it is to let go of 20+?? Just do it. It'll be worth it not to go to jail for neglect, and the animals will be happier.
(I still have five cats and two fish tanks, but I'm not overwhelmed anymore. Of course there is still a strong nagging desire to get more fish and take in more cats again, but the key is to have supportive and firm family that will help you resist a relapse. It'll never be easy, keep that in mind, but it's better all around.)
This all sucks really and I hope she can come around to admitting, and working to solve her problem. This is an issue that deserves more awareness and I absolutely encourage any animal collectors/hoarders to seek help.
No. 575443
I've been reading this thread for a while; it's interesting to see what's happening. I'm very late on this, lol, I know… But yesterday I discovered Taylor's channel and subscribed, because I don't see many female reptile handlers on youtube… Then I started reading the comments on her "Watch my orphaned kitten! Also, some sad news" and realised her boyfriend was a rapist, druggo junkie. I found this thread, and I've already taken 3 hours to read it… lol! But I agree. She accessorises her animals for views and $$$, which is pretty crappy. Also, on her "Feeding my pets!" video, the thumbnail shocked me. On other youtube's "Feeding my pets!" videos, their whole screen is different pictures of their animals, with maybe a tiny picture of them in the middle… With Taylor's, not even a quarter of her screen is of her animals, (tiny pictures, too) and the rest is of her basically looking like she's in the middle of a photoshoot. I've found that most of her other thumbnails are basically the same, too…. I unsubscribed, of course, lol, but I'd love to know if she's still doing drugs? Is she still even with that junkie fuck? I'm so sorry I'm outdated, I don't have a tendency to be quick to find about things like this…..