File: 1442421591211.jpg (109.02 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

No. 32711
File: 1442424914184.jpg (8.33 KB, 264x191, samefag.jpg)

No. 32721
File: 1442425821332.jpg (68.16 KB, 423x750, image.jpg)

(Posted by Kristen. Click for more info.)She looks like ember whann in this pic :cringes: back when ember had her black hair also going thru her pics more than half of them is her covering her face like this she looks mad insecure
No. 32722
File: 1442426117557.jpg (304 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg)

(Posted by Kristen. Click for more info.)Her boobs don't look real or natural at all either surgery or she photoshops I can't tell but her body is so abnormal looking
No. 32726
File: 1442426507761.gif (733.12 KB, 300x270, tumblr_nu0tcnEhEc1smf70mo1_400…)

>>32722they look pretty damn saggy, just bras man. The thing she's wearing is not a good look for tits that sag over.
No. 32735
File: 1442427613908.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.47 KB, 640x480, image.jpg)

(Posted by Kristen. Click for more info.)They don't look saggy in her other photos and gifs I think they're just too big and with that flannel covering half of tnem it looked like it but she has photos like this and others where her boobs look like porn star implants
No. 32738
>>32722I don't know who this is, but I came in here when I saw this pic bc she's not wearing a properly fitting bra.
It's not the right size for her, too small, and something like being too small or too big can aid in not properly holding up your breats - which is something big breast women need or else they'll sag.
No. 33018
>>32955I can't find the post but tldr; someone called her out for being a jealous fatty and her flipflopping over truth blogs and she threw a big old tantrum then said nobody can ever call her out because she has paranoid personality disorder and criticism and truth are her
She sent me a personal message once calling me a retard and ugly too, which is hilarious because..I mean, just look at it?
No. 33019
File: 1442481818216.gif (1.85 MB, 340x205, Whoa.gif)

I am so high right now and I feel like every single post in this thread was written by the same person and it's freaking me out. I don't know what is going on here. Make it stop. Pls help
No. 33029
File: 1442488327096.jpeg (40.7 KB, 500x345, funny-pictures-stoner-humor-au…)

>>33019so jealous of you! I still got 4 hours of work before I get to smoke my first jay of the day.
Enjoy your high, stoner-chan
>>33020It's like a present from your past self!
No. 33042
>>33040I never bothered submitting screenshots of her message to truth blogs, why give her the attention?
I misremembered the ppd thing, clearly. Either way she's two faced.
No. 33075
File: 1442500072284.png (219.49 KB, 636x381, 1.png)

>>32701she only has like 3,000 followers? she is in no way tumblr famous. the only reason she even has big tits is because she is fat as shit.
pic related but it's 7 weeks old - she's only gotten fatten in that time
No. 33086
File: 1442500892121.png (722.42 KB, 628x596, krrr.png)

>>33077>>33075>>32689She has been caught sending people anonymous hate mail before. I can't remember who she sent them too but I remember someone thinking that Ember Whann
>>27528 spammed them with a bunch of hateful, anonymous messages about how ugly/fat/annoying they were and when that person blamed Ember, Deja came out of the woodwork, confirming that she was the one who barraged the poor kid with a bunch of horrible anon messages and laughed about it, saying she isn't sorry and doesn't care about the person's feelings which is why she sent them to begin with.
If anyone knows what I am talking about, send remind me of the person she did this too because I would post links to prove what I am seeing is true but I just need to know who the victim was because Deja deleted all of the posts off of her blog.
No. 33088
File: 1442501290109.png (168.2 KB, 249x475, tumblr_njgzt4GcEf1rok9s0o1_128…)

>>She doesn't look fat at allehhhhhhhhh ok……. she looks pretty fucking huge to me
No. 33089
File: 1442501476851.png (341.88 KB, 539x373, tumblr_njgzt4GcEf1rok9s0o1_946…)

Here is Kristen compared to a normal sized girl lmfao.
That gut dough
No. 33107
File: 1442503225968.png (498.94 KB, 636x544, tumblr_gfd6wtgarze9s0o8_9765.p…)

>>33089she used to be so skinny. it's such a shame that she blew up and became a land whale.
No. 33111
File: 1442503328425.png (1.74 MB, 1098x1446, tumblr_liu78uyt65ze9s0o2_4212.…)

No. 33112
File: 1442503526572.png (505.35 KB, 601x511, land whales.png)

this pic was taken around the same time as these two pictures:
>>33111 >>33107
her butt and thighs are so flabby that they literally become 3 time the size when she sits down hahaha
also, get a load of the other cows she hangs out with. someone man the harpoons!!
No. 33113
File: 1442503537025.png (308.83 KB, 578x628, omg.png)

No. 33115
no wonder she never posts face pictures anymore. guys only like her for her body.
No. 33129
>>33118i'm the person who posted the last 4 pictures (not counting this one
>>33113 though since its just a cropped version of the pic i already posted) and those, along with this message, are the only things i've posted to this thread. though i do agree with you, most of the comments at the very top sound like they all came from the same person who was just trying to get their thread noticed.
any chance this thread is a self post? she did get caught running her own hate blog, so making her own thread doesn't seem that far fetched.
No. 33133
>>33129>>33112>>33111>>33107>>33089>>33086Okay I snagged all of these pictures off of her PUBLIC instagram and I just went to her page again and it's now PRIVATE.
Proving that Kristen is in here and possibly commenting.
Also, the probability that this thread is a self post has just increased.
(By the way, I still have her instagram pulled up and am able to view over 400 of her photos. I will be posting the luliest ones since she obviously don't want anyone to view them.)
No. 33141
File: 1442505519674.png (829.2 KB, 897x891, family.png)

I'm trying to make a college of her pictures so I won't spam this thread but wanted to share this photo of her and her siblings. I may be wrong but I believe she is the youngest child. Does anyone know her ethnicity?
No. 33157
File: 1442506755133.jpg (146.57 KB, 1024x1024, image.jpg)

>>being this orange
>>having those teeth
and yet she still wants to try and come for Ember's looks. both are equally gross honestly.
No. 33162
File: 1442507080447.png (11.13 MB, 2344x4144, kristen.png)

>>33137>>33133>>33137Okay, here's the collage of selfies from Kristen's instagram page.
No. 33173
File: 1442507586284.gif (499.06 KB, 386x243, giphy-1.gif)

>>33172am i the only one who thinks of this when i see her meat hoofs
No. 33181
File: 1442507994402.png (190.25 KB, 383x269, gainer.png)

this makes me sad
before on the left - after on the right
No. 33189
>>32689This girl is spoiled fucking rotten. She is around 24 years old, still lives at home with mommy and daddy, drives around in a car that they bought her, and has the fucking audacity to shoplift petty shit like make up or condoms that she literally has the money for!
She used to brag about shoplifting clothes all the time before the truth bloggers starting raising hell over it. The girl is fucking scum. The fact that she is a ugly lard ass makes it worse.
No. 33192
>>32722nice strategically placed blanket to make your waist appear smaller while also enlarging the size of your breast.
you totally aren't hiding your fat under that blanket and there totally aren't any fat rolls under those shorts.
we are completely fooled.
No. 33194
File: 1442509099297.jpg (197.87 KB, 1024x1024, image.jpg)

I'd like to take a moment to remember that time she made this hilariously bad copy of AHS' first season promo poster.
No. 33207
>>33042>>33054>>33086Found proof of Kristen sending someone anonymous hate mail and then telling them to "Lmao cry me a fucking river" after they acknowledged her confession.'s a cold-hearted cow.
No. 33250
>>33162Eyes are too far apart, teeth are too ratty, body is too shapely, nose is too long/bulbous, and her fingers are too fat. It would cost her a lot of money to actually look decent. How unlucky. Does she actually make any money as a cam girl?
I mean, seriously?
No. 33307
>>33107That ain't even close to skinny anon.
She was average there, and now she's a hamplanet.
No. 33315
>>33314Charms is just as bad tho?
Tbh I think déjà and charms would both look a little better if they'd take a fucking shower. Girls looks greasier than McDonald's.
No. 33323
>>33181I remember when someone submitted pics like this in reverse as a "before and after" to a weight loss blog with some kinda super-posi ~success story~ blurb, and asked the owner to tag it "Ember Whann" (presumably so Deja would see it and chimp out).
I think she ended up blaming Emily and Whismical? Either way, pretty funny.
No. 33327
File: 1442533632383.jpg (168.85 KB, 500x696, 9b12388442337133ae917c802199ea…)

>>33323Haha do you mean this?"Highest weight: 270lbs
Starting weight: 246lbs
Current weight: 143lbs
Thought I do plan to continue losing weight and exercising, I love my new body so much!! My weight loss journey has been a tough one but I am so proud I kept going!! I can’t wait to see the end progress."
In all honestly, that sounds a lot like someone that Ember girl would say ^
No. 33331
>>33327Even if you guys still think she's ugly, she's definitely improved in the face department
If she had stayed thin she might have been more popular
No. 33334
>>33325I don't think so, she seemed like she was actually freaking out over that.
>>33327YES that's it! Hahaa. I almost want to believe Ember did write that, the fake-posi 'tude sounds so much like her. I think Ember was kind of being ignored at the time, too, so it seems like something she would do.
No. 33491
>>33327Damn, she had some pretty nice tits before she allowed her stomach to stick out further than them.
All she needs to do is drop around 60 pounds and she woulf feel better about herself. She clearly hides her face and fat rolls in every selfie because she is ashamed of her body which is sad.
Deja, if you don't like yourself, stop hiding and work on improving your health. You'll be so much happier in the long run. (And you'll probably sell more nudes too)
No. 33497
File: 1442591017272.jpg (65.46 KB, 750x619, image.jpg)

You tumblr fags are so pathetic…learn how to lolcow
No. 35533
File: 1442940211280.png (316.95 KB, 564x492, lmfao.png)

why do you faggots think that she deleted her blog? she updates it every day. like does the url really throw you off that bad?
let me just show you all a little trick. if a person appears to have deleted their blog but you aren't for certain, just visit their archive page. if it still works, they didn't actually terminate their account lol will be back within a week, i'm sure.
No. 35535
File: 1442940335239.png (37.65 KB, 326x322, info.png)

>>35533she posted this the day she supposedly "closed her tumblr".
seriously though, if anyone has any videos of her camming, hmu.
No. 35536
>>35535wow deja, keep on draining your parent's money why don't cha
wtf is she even going to school for? god i cant imagine how disappointed her folks are going to be when she ends up dropping out in a month or so.
No. 47278
File: 1445388210372.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1670, Screenshot_2015-10-20-20-41-38…)

This is what Kristen would look like if she wasn't so fat and her nose wasnt so huge. No. 51575
>>51571There's just the one Admin.
If it's a self post, it breaks the rules and Admin publicially ID's the poster.
No. 52709
Kristen/"dejaentedevil" created this thread.
>Global Rule 8. Do not post threads about yourself in /pt/ or /snow/.You know the drill. All of her posts have been marked with "Posted by Kristen". She is not banned, but must identify herself in the name field at all times.
Threads she's made:
>>32689>>33495Other threads she's posted in:
>>2>>13467>>13848>>14121>>20864>>21012>>21084>>23880>>27528>>29083>>32772>>33022>>34839>>36036>>37172>>37899>>39939>>40573>>45564>>49300>>>/b/38961 No. 52716
>>52714I don't know, but honestly, seeing the aftermath of it is pretty hilarious (if also a bit secondhand-embarrassing). What the hell is up with the "insulting yourself on anon" thing? Are they just trying to attract white knights?
>>33019This was me. I knew this thread smelled super fishy.
No. 52727
>>52726I was actually referencing
>>32691 lol, but I forgive because she's obviously not asian at all.
No. 52747
>>52746Go eat a sandwich, ana chan.
No one needs to be a whale like this, but below 100 lbs is definitely underweight for a 5'1" adult woman.
No. 52748
>>52747According to BMI… which is garbage. 30% of people with a "healthy" BMI are obese according to their body fat percentage. BMI is an extremely rough measure. It overestimates healthy weights for short people, young people, and women (as women have lower muscle mass than men). It's only meant to be used on populations to track changes in their weight over time. Not on individuals to determine if they're "healthy".
Most women around 5' look quite awful if they go above 100-105 lbs, unless they are buff or have an extremely large frame (unlikely at their height). Anyone who would deny this is either not a short woman; or a short woman who is chubby and insecure.
No. 52762
>>52738The admin is not an idiot and would never say someone made a thread or a post without being 100% certain. It isn't like he just up and decided to call you out on a whim.
Also, you immediately started posting information in this thread that only you, and a few select other's would know.
I mean, just read the posts that he labeled with your name:
>>32694>>32701>>32721>>32740 <- I follow your blog and didn't even see the post about this
>>32757>>33040 <- This post just screams you because , again, only a very few people even remember this. It's more likely that YOU would be posting that rather than someone else. I mean, you never had whiteknights before so I don't think they would magically appear on lolcow.
>>33083 <- Wow another whiteknight? What are the odds.
Do you now see why it's hard to believe you over our admin?
No. 52767
>>52764sorry, i was the anon who made the original post here.
i don't mean that women who are 5'1" and 110-115 are fat. it just shocks me that someone can get to 140 or even 200 at 5'1". for short people even 5 pounds makes a huge difference. i don't understand how she could walk around 100 lbs heavier and not feel like heavy and like shit. any extra weight on short girls isn't distributed properly.
No. 52770
>>52746>>52747>>52767Just so you know, that picture
>>33327 which says Kristen is 5'1 was fake. I have no idea how tall she is, but those images were switched. The fatter ones are more recent, she actually gained a lot of weight and someone tried to pretend that she lost weight.
No. 52773
>>52770Yeah, and submitted to a weight loss blog, that was already discussed.
>>52767She probably DOES feel like shit.
No. 52840
>>52738>I never made this thread and I want proof of the ip that made it because this is my ip that I'm posting from right now and the only ip I useThe IP you're currently posting from is the same IP you used to make several posts in other threads, like
>>33495. That IP did not post this thread or post in it, but several of your other IPs did. As usual, I rely on much more than just IP addresses to attribute posts.
No. 52851
>>52767Typical hamplanet behavior.
Muh cuuuuuurves are so sexeeeeeeee
Teeheeee my boobs are just SO BIG
Only a dog wants a bone ~jigglejiggle~
If she acts like she's hot and wanted she can ignore how hard it is to use stairs and tie her shoelaces, and that she probably sweats in the snow.
No. 52882
>>52872Mom is still probably cooking her meals when she isn't getting takeout.
She looks so soft, like a slightly toasted marshmallow but with lipstick and eyeliner and nipples.
No. 52883
>>52873I thought her arm was part of her stomach for a second.
If you're not confident in your stomach, why take photos like this? What are you trying to prove?
No. 52910
File: 1446353143060.png (103.78 KB, 797x399, Screenshot_2015-11-01-00-40-49…)

>>>/snow/51317Found this in the Webcam girl thread, she's talking about Megan here.
I wonder the same thing about Kristen, she tries to hard to come off as a bitch on het blog and her body looks much worse than hers, so I just am curious if anyone actually has ever paid to see her nudes/cam up.
No. 52915
File: 1446354883558.jpeg (419.74 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpeg)

When the girl one French fry away from morbid obesity goes in the fat girl thread to try and make herself feel better. Kristen makes half those girls look like bikini models.
No. 53003
File: 1446399338295.jpg (340.8 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-01-09-31-04…)

And someone told megan lmao this is hilarious. I didn't even know kristen had it in her to be so desperate and attention-whorey. Would've expected it from ember but not her.
No. 53018
File: 1446402400555.jpeg (39.66 KB, 361x517, image.jpeg)

Holy fuck look at this beast. No wonder she hides her face. She's the ugly fat friend.
No. 53019
File: 1446402682305.jpeg (141.03 KB, 640x1081, image.jpeg)

She changed her blog name to hide from the backlash.
No. 53021
>>53018Fuck she is so ugly. No wonder the hidden face aesthetic worked so well for her.
Her friend is a qtpi doe.
No. 53024
>>52844>favouriting anything by whismicalYour storenevy wishlist is atrocious. I hope you never wear any of that in public.
Thanks for the email.
No. 53028
File: 1446403880719.jpg (63.34 KB, 561x553, tumblr_n5p3sxU1Ft1smf70mo1_128…) deja submitted a photo of herself to megan and it barely got 100 notes. sad, considering she has over 50k followers
No. 53038
File: 1446405611308.jpeg (85.39 KB, 636x638, image.jpeg)

No wonder she's been camming for almost six months and has only made 1,000 dollars. That rounds off to about 8 customers a month…
No. 53063
File: 1446411389736.jpg (3.69 MB, 600x336, 1620292 (1).jpg)

>>53054 Shut the fuck up with the excuses. No one cares, you're an official lolcow now. Congrats.
No. 53068
File: 1446412488043.jpg (388.52 KB, 1054x856, Screenshot_5434_eu3n.jpg)

>>53054>>I posted a thread about myself on the forum because I just wanted to see how people felt about me Just like that hate blog you made for yourself, right? You should have learned your lesson the last time you were caught doing this kind of stuff. Did you really think you would get away with it?
>>All of the threads that don’t contain ember, Emily, the two Megan’s, and heather were completely me just saying something relating to the thread to bump them over mine.Still doesn't explain why you were such a vapid cunt when you were just "bumping" random threads.
>>I’m honestly fat myself and will always admit it and would never fat shameBut you did though…. You had complete anonymity, could have said ANYTHING, but you choose to say this:
>>33177 Sounds like a pretty honest opinion you just shared there, huh?
>>I know you won’t admit to the comment and maybe you didn’t make it but I honestly believe you did and unless I saw the admin post the ip I’m gonna still believe it Have you still not read the rules? It clearly states:
>>By violating a global rule, you also waive your right to anonymity […] All reports and communication to staff will stay anonymous. Staff will never reveal the identity, IP address, or full report message of anyone who files a report
>>I feel the most bad Lol, k.
>>I clearly need to work on myself You needed to work on yourself the last time you were caught doing this shit and that was over A YEAR AGO. There's something wrong with you, obviously, and the only way you can help yourself is to get off of Tumblr and leave these people alone. May wanna work on your sense of entitlement too.
No. 53106
>>53054Lol deja. You nasty. I remember you saying I look like a troll on one of my selfies.thats pretty rich coming from a bag of lard someone smeared lipstick on.
You're an embarrassment to yourself and anyone who ever liked or defended you, are you still gonna waddle around like a vain pig?
No. 53107
>>53068All she does is fucking blame other people for her being a stupid cunt.
'I did the thread but its because whismical posted a post I swear she did I'm not really in the wrong'
Bitch wouldn't know an apology if it wore her gross panties and offered her a cake.
No. 53161
>>53118>Not to mention, didn't she shit on Emily when Emily was found to have been sending herself and other blogs hate messages about herself? Why the fuck do all these tumblr/instagram snowflakes false flag like this?
I mean I get "why". They want attention, positive or negative, and want asspats from friends and strangers consoling them about the mean nasty haterz. Like an extreme form of compliment fishing.
But why are so many of them attention whores to such a crazy extent?
No. 53512
File: 1446499323675.jpeg (46.25 KB, 640x343, image.jpeg)

I was gonna say deadmau5 subtweeted whism until I remembered she doesn't have an actual job )-:/ soz
No. 53620
File: 1446517143151.png (76.09 KB, 578x359, ewwwwwwwwwwww.png)

everytime i try to lurk her tag for lulz, i stumble across this post cringeeeee
>>click with caution - nsfw No. 54483
>>54475Deja posted made a thread about herself hoping to get more people on her tumblr to look at her gross nudes, and to trash whismical, who makes shitty jewellery, Emily who had anorexia, and that camgirl with downs, Megan.
She also made a thread about whismical and tried to make it look like whismical made it. It didnt work.
Tumblr bitches war it out, spill into threads here and shit all over the place.
Deja was busted, denied it and was again proved to be a lying tool.
She made a big 'apology' post blaming over 9000 straw men for being such a fat sack of attention seeking, cried about it and hid from her tumblr.
Did I miss anything?
No. 54693
>>54475Her blog isn't gone, never in her life would she give up that account. She submitted so many photos of her disgusting sand bag titties to a trillion blogs under that url, it would be a bad fanicial decision to terminate it at this point.
But Tumblr does have a new feature where, unless you follow the person, you cannot view their blog. You can turn it on and off though.
No. 54700
File: 1446761656804.png (9.02 KB, 567x175, kek.png)

People shat all over her "apology" (aka a huge list of excuses) so she deleted all of them and changed her url and bio to this
>i'm no longer selling content right now so please don't ask
dat grammer lol and don't worry deja, no one was going too
No. 54708
>>54700The fat bitch is hiding the best she can whilst still getting her tumblr fix.
This is ember tier pathetic.
Like anyone wants to buy a snapchat of those football socks with sand in the bottom she calls her tiddies. I'd rather buy a used condom.
No. 54744
>>54735I assume you're referring to
>>54483I'm not whismical, she's just as much of a faggot as Deja.
I just really fucking hate Kirsten lel.
No. 73163
File: 1450294196491.png (29.45 KB, 560x306, lol.png)

>>slut shamed meYou slut shamed yourself lol
>>32717>>she pretty much just whores herself out and whines about her spoiled privileged life No. 74188
Threads about anorexic/ED/wannabe-anorexic people should now all go into one single /snow/ thread. The only exceptions are Ashley and Aly. Ashley's thread will remain in /pt/, and Aly's will remain in /snow/.
Please move all discussion to