File: 1443041574108.jpg (128.4 KB, 1078x1360, Screenshot_2015-09-23-16-48-31…)

No. 36051
File: 1443043517316.gif (1.63 MB, 360x270, 1441840221582.gif)

>>36036>Please report! Leave.
No. 36276
File: 1443104002231.png (416.88 KB, 617x1165, im_fairly_stupid2.png)

kek, this entire thing is a fucking mess. I don't even know what to say.
No. 36277
File: 1443104203239.png (378.69 KB, 618x1018, You done goofed.png)

>>36276Followed by this.
>payback>BITCH BITCH BITCHI am scare ;_;
No. 36291
File: 1443107523272.png (1.35 MB, 1196x1196, Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 8.10…)

WTF is with the awful, abnormal, human anatomy-defying shoops? Who thinks this looks real or good in any way?
No. 36343
>>36301Yeah the whole thing doesn't make sense to me. If she thinks she's showing how ~awful it is to be dying of Crohn's disease~, why
does she call herself "I'm skinny
beautiful"? It's beautiful to die of Crohn's disease? Riiiight. All you have to do is look at the usernames of the people following her to see what kind of demographic she's pandering to (pro-anas).
No. 36594
>>36514Well why are you so bitter that a girl starves herself and lies about a disease? Who cares? She's gonna die like the rest of them and reporting her won't change anything.
Only mad fatties spend too much time raging at anorexics on the internet.
>>36516Yeah she isn't even interesting so…
No. 36613
File: 1443195753448.png (1.27 MB, 1724x858, Nopemeter.png)

>>36594>Only mad fatties spend too much time raging at anorexics on the internet.Come on. Again?
>implying we're bitter, mad, OR "raging">implying we're fat (really? that's the best you can come up with?)>implying we spend a significant amount of time doing this (in case you weren't aware, reporting something on Instagram takes a few seconds and a handful of clicks)Pls go. And yeah, reporting it/them might have a chance at getting the content or their whole Instagram taken down.
You're right that she isn't very interesting - she's annoying and lolworthy. Those shoops and horribly clicé ~thinspo~ poses, man. Oh boy. Oh, and are you her, or just one of her braindead pro-ana sycophants?
No. 36632
>>36594IDK about "spending too much time" or "raging," but people of all sizes can enjoy laughing at pathetic pro anas. In fact, if you'd read more threads around here, you'd know that there are anorectics here who enjoy laughing at your ilk.
Why are you here, BTW?
No. 36741
File: 1443227805070.jpg (137.88 KB, 1068x1227, Screenshot_2015-09-25-20-31-02…)

(Posted by Ember. Click for more info.)he has a fucking 5 year old and she's leading this secret pro ana cult on Instagram at the same time? How does she have time for both?
I just picture this girl hunched over her computer editing her selfie photoshoot she spent all day taking, her little son on the couch asking when dinners ready, and she shoves him away "not yet honey, mommy's got to work on her internet persona first"
I'm sure she's super neglectful as a mother.
No. 36750
>>36747who the fuck said she was fat? wtf
also, what's a sahm?
No. 36866
File: 1443293893038.png (543.7 KB, 1138x426, 2122.png)

>>36863>>36863i just checked and these were the only photos i could find that at least showed a little bit of her hideous face.
she has a lot of wrinkles for a 30 year old.
No. 36871
File: 1443296087391.png (181.95 KB, 354x531, 2122.png)'s a video from her IG account (i'll post the rest in a bit)
i genuinely do not understand why all of these thinspo spewing, pro ana cunts are all snaggletooth as fuck.
even her e-bestfriend ember whann has horrible teeth too:
>>27589>>28192>>28216>>28290>>28515>>32947 No. 36877
File: 1443297450580.png (613.14 KB, 724x1112, kek.png)

srsly dough y she look like crash bandicoot
No. 36879
File: 1443298314761.png (1.8 MB, 1340x1102, magicmorphing.png)

>>36878yet she swears she doesn't alter her shape whatsoever
No. 36890
File: 1443300690439.png (240.12 KB, 542x357, dddsF.png)

here's a few more videos from her instagram account: picture related - they're screenshots from the videos
1 - this is a photo of the wall mirror she uses to create her thinspo. notice how severely it is tilting? that's proof she is taking advantage of the "skinny mirror" trick that many clothing retail shops use to make their customers appear skinnier and taller when they check any outfit their trying on. here's an article that talks about it: - this is a still from a video where she is trying to prove that she does not photoshop
3 - this is a image of her compared to the video still. i'm just not convinced she is being honest with us.
like.. yes she is tall and VERY skinny as is but she definitely uses angles AND editing software to make herself appear even more elongated and emaciated and it disturbs me that she has over 20k followers who are mostly young teens that run pro ana accounts, who idolize her body and think what she posts are images of a real, attainable body type.
No. 36892
File: 1443301277827.png (390.62 KB, 646x573, da fu.png)

lulz @ how the door just vanished between her legs
bad photoshop is baaaaad
No. 36898
File: 1443304031673.png (325.04 KB, 943x520, wwwww.png)

lol she deleted over 30 pictures from her instagram for some reason?
No. 36904
File: 1443306573027.png (211.88 KB, 984x972, wow.png)

girl swears she isn't pro ana and doesn't support those who are but allows eating disorder accounts which belong to CHILDREN to follow her private instagram account with over 700 images of her emaciated body.
pic related - these are just a few of the young teenagers who follow her.
No. 36905
File: 1443306955385.png (160.68 KB, 447x402, Screenshot_2015-09-26-18-32-13…)

off topic but why the fuck does embers face look so swollen? also them eyebrows… lmfao
No. 36906
>>36905She's clenching her jaw, you can see the muscle bulging.
Can we keep this a kenzie thread? Make a new ember thread?
No. 36989
>>36906oh god, can we not though… that annoying pile of dog shit doesn't deserve her own thread and im all for grouping her with another lil pro ana wannorexic.
hell, i wish there wes a thread for all the pro ana cunts who disguise themselves as pro recovery advocates who just so happens to be constantly relapsing and posting thinspo.
No. 37078
File: 1443373035292.png (561.26 KB, 974x513, mck.png)

>>36898I'm pretty certain she is blocking her own followers, trying to find the person who keeps posting her photos from her ~private~ instagram account (aka me!!)
No. 37082
File: 1443373311381.png (48.01 KB, 1040x575, so.png)

i looked at her tag on tumblr and only found two posts.. by ember
No. 37089
File: 1443375163999.gif (546.26 KB, 401x500, fraud.gif)

Made this little gif to prove that Mckenzie does, in fact, edit her photos to make herself appear skinnier.
No. 37091
>>37089i always thought she just used a image slimming tool but everything in that photo is morphed except for her couch and dresser. maybe she really does use photoshop?
because i'm not sure how else those letters and her bed post would became so fucked up looking without messing up the entire photo altogether.
No. 37093
>>36866>>36871no wonder she is so obsessed with her body. what we can see of her face looks uggo as fuck. she probably tries to compensate.
plus, in the videos she seems so awkward.
can't believe she's 27. she looks like an old hag and has the mannerisms and mindset of a teenager.
not sure whether to feel pity or repugnance towards her.
No. 37098
>>37093never in my life would i have ever suspected a grown woman who is almost 30, who has a child, and a fiance would do immature shit like this.
like i felt bad for her, knowing she has crohns and thought it really was causing her to waste away but now i know that she is a fucking fraud just like that blueeyebarbie/sara girl. has she ever begged for money by any chance? wouldnt be surprised if she did.
likw if her illness was legit, she wouldn't be photoshopping herself like this then cry "OH NOESS MY COHNS IS FLARING UPPP, LOOK AT TINY I AM!! :(((((!" when she really looks the fucking same as always.
i just dont get it. she's already skinny as fuck, she doesn't need to be doing this shit and the fact that she is proves that she is still clearly stuck in her eating disordered mindset and is still very much pro-ana.
hell, is there even any proof that she has crohns and isnt just another anorexic psycho who enjoys
triggering young teenagers???????
No. 37104
File: 1443377564901.png (561.83 KB, 954x606, 1437362438856.png)

looks like her and ash are buddies
No. 37198
File: 1443406275814.gif (272.88 KB, 286x523, kek.gif)

1 - obviously photoshopped image. i added the dots on her waist for comparison purposes
2 - i lined up her thigh and placed the left dot on the very outer of her waist, just the first image, and her size drastically increases within seconds
3 - i placed lines above her shoulders for comparison purposes
4 - i lined up her shoulders and their width increases magically
No. 37275
>>37205No offense but that doesn't make you entertaining, just another ana. Been there, done that. Being anorexic doesn't make you special or interesting sorry to break it to you. If you want attention so much, be a stripper or something.
Obvious self-post is obvious.
No. 37402
File: 1443465949857.png (23.58 KB, 290x191, 15.png)

>>37275I just have a hard time telling if she is just severely
anorexic and uses crohn's as a cover up as to why she has
lost so much weight over the past few years or if it is
the other way around.
But the thought of a 27 year old mother claiming to be
afflicted by both of these diseases while also flaunting
her thin body on a private app that she has to manually
allow people to follow (which is only so sickly as a
result of the two illnesses) really disturbs me.
Picture related - Here we have McKenzie replying to a
person with the username anorexic.sophomore instead of
instantly blocking this impressional young teenager
(who is clearly already suffering) from being able to
view her extremely
triggering photos. Way to be pro-recovery!
No. 37406
File: 1443466455923.png (992.56 KB, 1884x1184, 1';lkjhg.png)

wow i really didn't expect her to be following so many pro ana twitter accounts also has a lot of eating disorder related favorites too: No. 37689
File: 1443568709155.jpg (52.07 KB, 335x478, avatar.jpg)

off topic but did any of you see the photo Ember posted of her ID? (picture related)
at first, i was confused as to why she marked out her weight but then it hit me.
you can't claim to be severely underweight (she swears she is 90lbs) on your fucking state ID. the DMV person would have taken one look at Ember and knew she would be lying about her weight.
so that has to be why she has it crossed out. because if she ISN'T lying, her ID would be excellent proof for her to supply to end all of the drama surrounding her lies. (could be wrong but idk)
No. 37690
File: 1443568860445.jpg (139.09 KB, 693x458, 52q55.jpg)

>>37625I really think she has crohn's, she posted this earlier this afternoon.
No. 37693
>>37689I'm confused, what kind of ID requires your weight on it?
Is this normal in America? That's terrifying.
No. 37697
>>37689this only has her height on it though?
>>37693My ID doesn't have my weight on it and I'm in the U.S
No. 37726
File: 1443574305945.jpeg (37.63 KB, 236x235, image.jpeg)

I'm willing to bet that most people in this thread are fat.
No. 37826
File: 1443626651112.jpg (108.37 KB, 640x826, image.jpg)

Ember is officially so retarded that she posted a pic of her collarbones looking like a penis.
No. 37845
File: 1443636069603.png (548.25 KB, 617x1633, Ember Whann 9-29-2015.png)

>>37826kek, I fucking hate that "oh look my shirt just happened to slide off of one shoulder so it revealed my ~bones~" pose, and she doesn't even have extremely protruding bones to be "showing off" anyway. If she was actually spoopy, there'd be a much bigger shadow under her collarbone and not just above it. Plus, you can see she's popping her arm forward to try to get her collarbone to pop out as much as it possibly can…sad. Oh, and on the subject of our #1 Whannorexic, this screenshot from yesterday is pretty lulzy. Love that idiot claiming to have mad l33t h@xx0r skillz. And somehow, if you call Ember out on being fake as fuck, you're a "pro ana." Mmmkay.
No. 37849
File: 1443636472862.jpg (786.35 KB, 1495x1449, Studio_20150929_211635.jpg)

>>37845It's ok because karma prevents her from finding a foundation her shadequate and she looks like she stuck her head in flour
Bonus: I forgot to ana!
No. 37861
>>37689Yeah because most IDs expire after four years and her expires "8/07/2019", meaning she had that picture on her ID taken of her on the 7th of august, 2015.
And in all honestly, her face looks much chunkier than it ever has.
No. 37871
File: 1443639024222.jpg (83.67 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg)

>>37849I hate to samefag
>>37861 but I just saw this image and wanted to add that Ember does look like she gained a lot of weight compared to how she looked a year ago (pic related)
No. 37883
>>37876The other thread hit max, and tbh ember and Mckenzie are ana friends 4 lyf so I don't really see the issue
>>37871It's probably because she eats a whole box of triscuits with her homemade hummus, but imo I don't think she's really changed much except her face is getting longer and her nose is bigger because she's aging
Not to mention, she has so many wrinkles at 19? I feel so bad for her, too much squinting. Also her thin ass lips are only going to get thinner, she really inherited her dad's features.
No. 37900
File: 1443645863738.jpg (195.17 KB, 1469x1201, 1443636472862.jpg)

Alright, no more posting about Ember in this thread.
Here's a new one:
>>37899 No. 37904
File: 1443647751987.jpg (234.55 KB, 932x1142, thinspo.jpg)

why must every picture be thinspo
No. 37905
File: 1443647851993.png (394.15 KB, 851x567, ugh'.png)

its never ending with her. i hope to god her account is deleted soon. it's so weird that such an old person is doing this?
No. 37931
File: 1443653975354.png (530.3 KB, 825x447, urinetrouble.png)

oh gawd, for a split second i thought she peed in her water bottle D':
No. 38270
File: 1443730145078.png (7.89 KB, 266x54, kek.png)

doesnt she just say the darnest things
No. 38273
File: 1443731766736.png (22.11 KB, 527x112, ana.png)

I also found this, one of Mckenzie's old bios that was indexed by Google. You can be certain it's her because she mentions Leah, her dog.
>>MY DAILY BLOGALL PICS ME & LEAH failing recovery ED & CROHNS!Cancer remission!23yrsHT: 5'7" CW: 91lbs BMI 14.9 TEXAS GIRLDANCER/PHOTOGRAPHER
No. 38274
>>38272She said she was 27 in 2015, was diagnosed with crohn's in 2014 but here
>>38273 she says she in 23 and has crohn's??? Girl is lying about something. Perhaps everything.
No. 38275
File: 1443732158789.png (432.75 KB, 1366x1008, wttf.png)

WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST FIND Looks like I accidently found Mckenzie's sugardaddyforme account.. And it says she is 35, not 27..
The creepiness factor has just been kicked up a notch. her and twitter are now deactivated)
No. 38278
File: 1443732436400.png (141.96 KB, 993x312, t.png)

Agh too bad there's nothing here. Here's a picture of her face though.
No. 38288
File: 1443733553953.png (701.21 KB, 915x560, choc.png)

>>38285Idk.. I've been checking out her instagram to see if her sugardaddyforme bio sounded like her, and so far it does.
For example, she says she is a chocoholic and on IG, she posted the image to the left.
No. 38345
File: 1443742719523.png (435.24 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-10-01-16-36-49…)

Nobody who's in there 20's has bad 90's ankle tattoos.
No. 38347
File: 1443742917019.png (638.64 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-10-01-16-40-28…)

What happened to the knee on the right side? I think its been dislocated.
No. 38470
File: 1443806479959.png (68.56 KB, 796x538, OMG.png)

Just like her Twitter
>>37406and were deleted shortly after people posted about those pages in this thread.
Not only does her deleting her account prove she was the one operating it, it also confirms that she is 35 years old, was actually diagnosed with crohn's in 2009, and is a sugar baby (which would explain why she has such a nice apartment despite not having a job).
Just.. holy fuck. Never would I have expected that she was lying about her age by that much and I am still in shock over discovering she is a S U G A R B A B Y… Like.. wow.. the plot has thicken so much. No. 39256
File: 1444068893041.jpg (19.83 KB, 640x167, image.jpg)

So much for not wanting to be used for "thinspo"
No. 40476
>>39256LOL, that is gold. Just like the even more pathetic Ember Whaaaaanarexic proclaiming herself as ~the thinspo queen~ and then throwing a total hissyfit about some 13-year-old using a picture of hers for what
she (not the kid) described as "thinspo." These brainless pro-anas or quasi-pro-anas or whatever the fuck they are are so full of cognitive dissonance and contradictions.
>>40346Nothing I report ever seems to get deleted, even the really egregious pro-ana and graphic self-harm content. Even posts where people show off gaping wounds and talk about how they're going to kill themselves. I feel like reporting does absolutely nothing, but I still do it out of anger.
No. 40878
File: 1444494254007.gif (469.44 KB, 608x1198, wrd.gif)

She posted this 5 hours ago and the shit photoshop job she did is so obvious.
No. 40881
File: 1444494696059.png (556.24 KB, 566x592, lmnbvf.png)

Ugh look how gross and wrinkly her skin is wtf
No. 40888
File: 1444495496089.jpg (86.29 KB, 370x369, 6a00d8341c85cd53ef01a5119387a6…)

>>40882Oh no, I totally get your point. When I put my hand on my hip, my wrist becomes wrinkly too but the wrinkles are plump, not thin and dried out looking like this old bitch's. Plus the skin on her legs and arm look rough as shit. It's disgusting. She needs to drink more water and invest in some fucking lotion.
No. 40917
File: 1444497717535.png (1.19 MB, 1416x1440, wt.png)

what in the hell is going on with her anatomy
No. 40925
File: 1444498418887.gif (160.11 KB, 482x479, newspaper-body.gif)

>>40917her body is shaped like a rectangle and her hands look so huge because that's what happens when you abuse the slimming effect while editing your thinspo.
No. 40929
File: 1444498837802.png (86.65 KB, 175x346, wtq.png)

>>40925It's so creepy how her left fingertip literally looks like it's been cut off and the finger nails on her right hand are god awful. She made her fingers look fat as fuck too? I guess she is so focused on making her waist and thighs look as slender as possible that she completely overlooked her fucked up ham hocks.. I mean her hands.
No. 40937
File: 1444501178993.jpg (88.81 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nnvkx1PfGj1uosqlmo1_500…)

Found this on some Tumblr. Check out that huge hobbit foot in the middle picture hahahah.
No. 41017
File: 1444514530017.png (336.17 KB, 858x584, wtq.png)

>>40943gurl be lurking lmfao
No. 41189
File: 1444581870573.png (222.88 KB, 731x590, 1.png)

Looks like someone's sugar daddy is taking them to town today.
No. 44213
>>41189Those proportions are atrocious, jeez who would tell themselves this picture makes them look good?
>stick legs>no hips>stick child waist>not boobs>SUDDENLY LINEBACKER SHOULDERS AND ARMS THAT LOOK LONGER THAN THE LEGSFucking hell, it's an alien!
No. 45369
File: 1445102303920.png (328.42 KB, 944x602, kl.png)

>>44221 maybe she didnt edit this pic as much as her others. her legs dont look 5 ft long anymore.
No. 48955
File: 1445793188170.png (520.69 KB, 940x568, mhm.png)

>>36036>>36038>>36061>>36068>>36076>>36110>>36111>>36118>>36739>>36741>>37047>>37145 ←- dude
>>38207>>38320 ← Top Keks
>>38623 ← IM SURE YOU DID
>>40346>>40535 ←– EVVVIIIIL
>>41171 <- They would get rid of you too though?
I don't even like Mckenzie but I feel pretty bad for her. She lurked this thread, because I assume it embarrassed her, but to discover the girl who you have been whiteknighting and promoting actually made it?!?!
Such a low blow.
No. 49017
>>49011Because she was only ever posted here because of Ember's jealousy.
Just look what Ember said about the girl:
>>holy shit why do disgusting girls like this exist>>She looks like a meth addict!>>I'm sure she's super neglectful as a mother.>>Does anyone have pictures of her ugly dog-face?I definitely agree that this Mckenzie girl seems like a snowflake/lolcow/whatever but her and Ember go waaay back and I just never suspected Ember would do such a thing to someone who was in cahoots with her for so long.
No. 49019
>>49017It just goes to show… no one is safe when Ember is involved. She will even shit down her own throat if she has too.
It's pure chaos.
No. 49077
File: 1445801256277.png (445.35 KB, 875x574, s.png)

I just keep checking her instagram while chanting "CALL HER OUT! CALL HER OUT!" in the back of my mind.
Pleaseeeee Mckenzie, let people know what this two-faced bitch said about you!
No. 49141
>>49104um, no.. because that image implies ember is bony or thin, which she isn't. she's a very normal/healthy size 19 year old.
and kenzie, if you could unblock me, that'd be nice…considering you only blocked (and probably reported me) because ember told you to.
No. 49184
File: 1445818804930.png (66.54 KB, 896x220, topsperg.png)

>>49141Oh look, it's never2old2recover! You've always gotten on my nerves, but what the fuck are you doing now? Stop giving out the link, that's how we get newfags.
No. 50819
File: 1445868294019.png (364.22 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 50820
File: 1445868368038.jpeg (83.95 KB, 640x477, image.jpeg)

She deleted the image not long after
No. 50823
File: 1445868541625.png (75.92 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Embers new bio, I'm laughing ?
No. 52268
File: 1446152505874.png (1.42 MB, 1128x1927, PhotoGrid_1446146309317-1.png)

in other news.. Mckenzie liked one of ashleys photos earier today.
No. 55455
>>55422HI ALLIE
What's it like being Ember's imaginary friend?
No. 56089
File: 1447095191694.png (688.41 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

If I was ember, I don't think I'd be able to post Mckenzie's feed!
No. 56109
>>56097Ember isn't the only person who finds her to be
problematic and hypocritical.
No. 56762
File: 1447260147242.png (519.51 KB, 1080x987, Screenshot_2015-11-11-11-38-45…)

Wtf Ember
Looks like she is finally shit talking McK publicly.
No. 56764
>>56762but ember was the one who sucked diarrhea out of Mckenzie's butthole so she would be promoted. its just sad how delusional ember is hahah.
i mean, it isn't like McK was the one making threads about Em on lolcow, begging people to report her account, and posting details about her private life lol.
like ember even made a secret hate instagram just to make fun of McK, then deleted it as soon as McK called her out. she is the biggest fucking coward ever lol i love it.
No. 144536
File: 1466386532200.jpg (129.82 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

Her face though