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No. 2074306

The previous 14 threads were about Grimes and Elon Musk. Elon and Grimes are no longer together, so their threads will be separate from now on.

>>2028186 claire reveals herself to formally be “the single pro patriarchy bitch on the planet”


Serial sexual assaulter And frequent grimes collaborator/ good friend nusi quero thankfully kills himself

>>2032721 Apparently he was making a porn time capsule with claire and showed her private pics to other girls, and one of his last tweets was talking to her on her private about hanging out (she knew he was a rapist atp)

>>2032954 Constantly replying to elon on twitter instead of texting him like a normal person with a private relationship

>>2033664 Claire unedited singing voice revealed, its hideous.

>>2034786 Claire dyes hair her leelo orange

>>2036382 New aespa remixed released

>>2036521 Claims it was her “prophetic idea” to make a Barbie song with fisher in 2020 and the only reason it didn’t come out is because of someone else of course

>>2037468 Posts dishelved cracked out photo complete with wrinkled shirt, haggard face and unkempt, frizzy orange hair

>>2040265 >>2040731 >>2040489 got buccal fat removal, pulls up to fascist magazine party looking scary skinny

>>2044410 Poppy makes a grimes joke which causes her to have sperg meltdown and claim she was being a “girls girl” by refusing to release their song, reframing the narrative in typical innocent narcissist fashion.

>>2044530 AB chimes in saying she needs to stop acting innocent

>>2046799 Claims shes rushing to work on a new album before releasing book 1

>>2049551 Claims she suddenly got bad at technical stuff after pregnancy, and that it made her “way less gay”

>>2051833 >>2055449
New bogged photos sans buccal fat

>>2052970 >>2063525
Claire posts new middle school tier “poetry”

>>2054029 Claims she makes “obscure prophecies”

>>2058623 Claims shes saving good book 1 tracks for new stuff, that shes better than ever, that she has her atticus ross in a new producer vadakin
(Delusionally herself to trent reznor again) and that poetry is pouring out of her (unfortunately) that she got 10k hours of creative writing in, and that she understands her craft better than ever.

>>2058669 Has a manic meltdown on twitter, getting emotional and bizarre tweeting maniacally at random people and further defending the alt right

>>2065322 Her weeknd feature leaks, her fans barely even notice or care. It apparently already leaked in 2022 to zero fanfare.

>>2065686 “Everyone has the same goal which is American excellence!”

>>2066980 now has a new made up lie about her 2nd album Halfaxa claiming it was about AI when she has never once in her life mentioned that, and makes the false claim that she studied neuroscience at a collegiate level.

>>2067738 Posts new photo looking like a methhead smurfette

>>2072205 Now she thinks she should have a “press” to help the plebeians understand the techno fascist “philosophy” she gets to discuss with her fascist moid friends because of her elitism

>>2073032 New song debuts at the sphere in vegas with her new boyfriend Anyma, with visuals of extremely underweight claire crawling around and making bizarre facial expressions that were intended to look sexy



Private account links:


Old threads:
Thread #1: >>>/snow/1306047
Thread #2: >>>/snow/1426381
Thread #3: >>>/snow/1616021
Thread #4: >>>/snow/1671524
Thread #5: >>>/snow/1704982
Thread #6: >>>/snow/1719300
Thread #7: >>>/snow/1737960
Thread #8: >>>/snow/1817673
Thread #9: >>>/snow/1884242
Thread #10: >>>/snow/1898682
Thread #11: >>>/snow/1918968
Thread #12: >>>/snow/1980215

No. 2074309


Shes actually thinner than smeagol in this pic…

No. 2074326

No she isn't. The whole premise of all of you criticizing grimes is bitching about her appearance. Cant you bring something else to the table?

No. 2074336

File: 1736052165844.png (786.77 KB, 716x752, 5736437491.png)

Smeagol is 2014 Grimes after discovering the ring (claiming other people's music as her own) and what we are witnessing now is her full face transformation into cave Gollum

and finally, a thread for Grimes of her very own, with no more unrelated Musk updates. Thank you OP! It is a good year so far.

No. 2074337

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No. 2074340

Some of you act like you've never seen a thin person before. Where's the milk?

No. 2074343

Non-milk posts are saged. You can contribute something to the thread yourself if the existing content triggers you

No. 2074347

She really is thinner than smeagol holy shit

No. 2074357

File: 1736058563393.png (400.86 KB, 788x788, 5431343423.png)

It's a whole package deal, you're inviting more weight derailing by focusing on her drug-addled body. She doesn't even look as sinewy as she is irl in this potato quality picrel, it's her mangled face and try-hard ~sexy persona~

No. 2074360

>The previous 14 threads were about Grimes and Elon Musk. Elon and Grimes are no longer together, so their threads will be separate from now on.
Says who though? You?

No. 2074364

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No. 2074365

She looks like Madonna, and by that I mean she looks like a middle-aged woman with bad surgeries. Claire is in her 30s, right?

No. 2074371

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Post from the other day - I don't think she's really aware that the kid's a meatshield.

No. 2074378

File: 1736064946718.jpg (73.62 KB, 640x1044, 6nca8g3a2pqb1-1474301114.jpg)

>Dear news, pwease, pwease shtop uthing my autistic son C13H16ClNO for clickz, he is my intellecshual property n bein a single mum, doin it all on my own is harder then any1 cud e-magine. baths, clippin ears and feedin em, when do i get a break? thx & happy akitu, grymesz

No. 2074385

It’s been said the two of them weren’t milky enough on their own for separate threads to be necessary; however, that was before melon bought the presidency.

No. 2074386


No. 2074396

I genuinely think he's had the conscious thought of "no one will try to kill me with a child on my head haha epic pwn"

No. 2074430

This is so fake and gay claire…i hate shivon but at least she never leaves her childrens side. When they are with Elon, he is the only parent around and they want to cling to him (they should be able to; hes their dad) i think he brings X around because X wants to be with his dad. If claire was there, she could hold him while daddy’s on camera like shivon does. Because shivon is always with her kids, like kids need. (I hate her and elon dont get it twisted) and its not even me saying Claire should be there necessarily; but she was already comparing him to paul well before the breakup, because she knew x was going to be elons sidekick. As explained in the vanity fair interview “he will train the boy and i will train the girl” (these fucking gay spergs think they live in star wars kek)

“ Her role with X, she says, is “handling his creative stuff.” She’s ready to start him on Ableton Live, the digital audio software, and she’s taken him to his first rave, though he left at 11:30 p.m.

Grimes has grown semi-comfortable with Musk treating X like his little captain of industry, but she says things will be different with their daughter.

“The best situation here,” she says, “is me training the girl and him”—Musk— “training the boy.”

So her role with x is… his creative tutor?? Ok.. and she seems super fine with all the idea of everything thats playing out right now when she still thought she was going to mars.

She just had 3 kids like.. on a whim. Never considered parenthood before and everything about it seemingly shocks her. She didnt even want her kid to call her mama cus she didnt identify with the word. She really should have thought about bringing human lives into musks empire from their perspective before having them. She didnt care. She didnt care that he was a bad father to his other children. She didnt give a shit. Now she has everything she expected for her kids; just without herself in it. She could have gave up her career for a few years like shivon did and never left their side to actually protect them from everything going on, but she didnt like elons lifestyle and travelling constantly… but the point is not that she should give up her career. The point is she should have considered his lifestyle before having kids with him. She did not care enough to imagine how any scenario would have actually played out; whether they stayed together or not. She didnt think ahead at all because she was so blinded by the dollar signs and a rendered photo of mars in her eyes.(sage your shit)

No. 2074588

Can someone bother making an elon thread? He’s has so much milk right now i need to discuss. Separating the threads was retarded(there is nothing stopping you from making it)

No. 2074600

tbf we may be we can ask the mods to lock this, I mean the first new comments are pure cringe retardation.

No. 2074623

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>reee don't make fun of Claire's underground night crawler body, do the very thing she wants most and become distracted by her decrepit baby daddy

repost to include picrel representation of anons(retard)

No. 2074655

The whole thread is just seething hons and azealia banks wannabes. Boring.

No. 2074671

Why is the tranny janny monitoring this thread ignoring useless and unrelated posts to nitpick anons actually discussing Grimes?

Make a Muskrat thread and stop complaining here(take it to /meta/)

No. 2074681

stop coping stop deflecting this thread is trash and was bound to be. grimes doesnt generate enough milk on her own. she signed to be elons broodmare and in return hes using her son as a meatshield so shes forever gonna subtweet him for one, and two all she really does nowadays is pretend to be a robot on twitter.

No. 2074682

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Grimes is into lolicon (csam hentai) makes fake accounts to bully her own fans and others, bogs herself, constantly tweets insane shit like being proud of white culture. People wanted her to have her own thread. Stay mad.

>azealia banks wannabes
This is lolcow and we have our own style of diss, thank you very much.

Interesting cus there is only one person, who def posts here and tries to fit in, that really doesn’t want claire to have her own thread and has absolute meltdowns when anything about her fetishizing asian women is brought up. Wonder who that could be…

Claire is like if kiki kannibal or emily autumn had money and fame. Shes a natural born cow with a juicy udder. Seethe.(derailing/infighting)

No. 2074685

You and the others are making it trash by complaining when you can just create a Muskrat thread yourself. They haven't been together in years, move on.

No. 2074691

NTA but that's hilariously ironic given all the posts in the last thread complaining about having to read about Elon that all sounded like they came from the same unintegrated poster with unwarranted self-importance
>I don't give a fuck at all about Elon Musk news outside of their dysfunctional situationship, so these updates don't interest me at all
>i could care less about elons milk as its being shoved down our throats 24/7

No. 2074694

>>I don't give a fuck at all about Elon Musk news outside of their dysfunctional situationship, so these updates don't interest me at all
>i could care less about elons milk as its being shoved down our throats 24/7
Not me
Why are you so personally invested in this schitzo? Who would assume someone thinks they're "self important" because they don't want to hear about Elon Musk. Or that it's the same person (with different posting styles), what would anyone have to gain (other than Claire or a wk) from interfering with this thread (and every thread) to this extent?

No. 2074701

it's rather trivial to change your typing style. look, see, i'm doing it right now. >>2074691 was my first and only post in this discussion but it sure is funny to be accused of what you adamantly deny for yourself. even if the two posts i quoted are by different anons, it is by definition self-important to think things should change based on what you personally want, and i called these posts unintegrated as seasoned farmers would know this and would express their desire by making arguments more substantiative than
>well, ~I~ don't want to read about it
btw can't stand either c or e so
try again(derailing/infighting)

No. 2074703

you sound like an underage ex-fan whose invested too much in her, sorry her image turned out to be marketing magic but that not milky enough to warrent her own thread. those reasons you gave are stale milk. and now youre personalityfagging because you keep posting weird memy pics out of defensiveness. this is now skirby-tier nonsense(derailing/infighting)

No. 2074704

>trying to play it cool while acting like an embarrassing autist
Why don't you go dig up more posts from the old thread that are more "integrated" and happen to distract from Claire's milk, with Elon news no one cares about?

No. 2074706

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Ok thats great nta but can we go back to roasting claire in peace now?

That was me, i get elon tea unwillingly from every single social platform and people i have to interact w IRL already. His lolcow mainly serves as an auxiliary commentary and witty observation outlet. Which we also have on every single social platform. The same conversations about the same man over and over, its literally tiring and i am not interested in him at all. Claires descent to the alt right and little chimp outs make me giggle like cartmans “cupid me” tho and roasting her is just, more fun. Elon gets roasted by nearly every human being aware of his existence already, heard it all 10000000000 times. Please go make an elon thread so u can roast his fat ass

No. 2074707

NTA but what about "Grimes is into lolicon" is stale milk? She currently has a daughter, and surrounds herself with other lolicons. If that's not enough, we can also talk about her usage of amphetamines, her AI shilling, and her poor DJ skills. Sorry she's not an explosion of milk every day like some other cows, but she definitely is milky enough for a thread.

No. 2074708

>she's not an explosion of milk every day
She's not but Elon is.

Hmm I wonder who benefits most from Claire's thread churning out non-stop Elon milk?

No. 2074750

Reminder that complaints about moderation or the thread itself should go on /meta/, not here. Elon has enough milk to warrant a thread separate from Claire, we encourage those complaining to make one.

No. 2074752

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She may not produce milk every day but she is a cow for sure. Her fans started their separate Subreddit with a sticked post
>Grimes, you liar.
That is milky as fuck! Usually when fans get tired of their idol they move on. How many artists have Subreddits where their fans alog them? Kek.

And just like every cow, Grimes will never learn or admit any wrongdoing. That will inevitably lead to fresh milk.

No. 2074908

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Delete thith Chelthea. I know it's not your heart

No. 2074909

The level of entitlement is absurd, even for her. "I know that my husband, who is one of the richest, most well-known people in the world, is bringing our son to every public event he attends — but could you, completely random strangers, please stop taking pictures of him?" She should talk to her abusive ex who she keeps caping for because she's too power-hungry to give up on The Mission ™ instead

No. 2074910

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New chin or lighting?

I remember when she first dj’d miami in the shrek outfit looking bogged debuting her 200,000$ facelift, her chin looked suuuper weird.

No. 2074911

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>New chin or lighting?
Hopefully lighting and angle because picrel would be front view kek

I wonder if she got a chin implant but doesn't have enough fat in her body to hide it. It's fitting and possible she just naturally has a "witch chin" though.

No. 2074914

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She's always had a normal chin, if that's a real photo with no retouching, how depressing. That facelift bogged her so bad, it truly ruined her facial proportions and stretched out her nose, now the cutest and most youthful parts of her features are gone.

No. 2074922

if >>2074910 isn't shooped she definitely had her browbone contoured and a chin implant

No. 2074934

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No. 2074954

Is this actually real? That's terrifying.

No. 2074960

It better be. A "random" anon likes to insert slightly shooped/unflattering picrels of grimes so that we all look unhinged and crazy

No. 2074962

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Thanks for the context nona! I was looking for the source and found that it was posted literally here, >>1720604, about 2 years ago, and nowhere else. Idk why anyone would feel a need to shoop Claire when she's already botched, but I do think this is shooped.

No. 2075081


All i know is that its from this vid, if u scrub u can see the still. Wasnt trying to exaggerate the boggedness. Also the one in last thread was literally an old thread pic and obviously shooped to be funny but im p sure this one is real correct me if not

All i know is that its from this vid, if u scrub u can see the still. Wasnt trying to exaggerate the boggedness. Also the one in last thread was literally an old thread pic and obviously shooped to be funny but im p sure this one is real correct me if not


No. 2075189

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anyone know what the deal is with this? this account hasn’t been active super long but replies to most of grimace’s tweets. sadly probably someone developing some celebrity related psychosis

No. 2075222

Seems like Claire has psychosis. No one is spamming her with bots to get offline thats the fake adderall pressy talk

No. 2075240

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Kek she's randomly arguing with Fantano

No. 2075248

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It's crazy how newfag her tone is. It's like someone missing half their frontal lobe doing an impression of the average board poster. Any criticism of Claire can never be true, so she think it's just a cool fashion trend to needlessly interact with others confrontationally. I think since she doesn't have any other distractions going on in her life, we're her new favorite object (since we are always here/available) and she's starting to mirror us.

No. 2075253

Of course the retarded chronically online narcissist would make it out as if everyone has to tag her every time they speak about her.

No. 2075262

Why does she care that he didnt tag her if she assumed she had him muted…girl come on this is embarrassing

No. 2075286

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I can't believe I ever fell for her quirky past PR persona. She is a void of a person who has absolutely no identity of her own and has to leech onto the people she dates or the groups she surrounds herself with to figure out what she believes and thinks. Her religious beliefs are 100 % self-serving and has nothing to do with believing in some kind of transcendental goodness, and everything to do with her fear of death and insignificance. She's such a shitty, immature, pathetic person. She's an anorexic autist who dated the richest man and now believes she should have a say in how society should function. Imagine being an anorexic amphetamine junkie who struggled all throughout life despite living on easy mode, who was so weak that she lost a battle against FOOD, and suggesting that people who are at the bottom of the social strata should sacrifice themselves for the entertainment of the masses/upper class. Pathetic, roleplaying cunt.

No. 2075296

>so weak she lost a battle against FOOD
Nonna are u large?(*bones rattling*)

No. 2075304

I wanted to be in denial about her having work on her browbone but it would totally explain why her face looks so much worse. Her whole eye area is odd looking now, and the space between her eyes certainly looks different. If she got minor brow bossing it would explain what I couldn't put my finger on that was contributing to her terrible new look. I think it may just be egregious filler and botox, that facelift was her worse idea yet. All the quirks that made her face cute to begin with are gone.

This thread reeks of diabetes at times.

No. 2075310

Yes, I weigh a massive 48 kilos. I like that me pointing out the hypocrisy of being a weak anorexic addict who venerates warrior culture and athleticism means I'm fat. Truly top-tier reasoning skills. I framed it as her "losing a battle" because she is suggesting that other people should fight to the death when she's too weak to even have a normal relationship with something inanimate, but some people here are unfortunately too retarded to even engage with the insanity of what she suggested without derailing. All you saw was me making fun of an anorexic and you immediately went "FAT" bc there's literally nothing else going on in your deranged, self-loathing minds.(no1currs/infighting)

No. 2075317

Omg eviscerate her nonnie!

Her posing like a sword clad warrior is hilarious given the fact she has negative biceps and a smeagol bod.

Yes, I, former future queen of mars, would like to be entertained by…. Prisoners fighting to the death!

Its Claire, ignore her and she will crawl back into her little meth nest under the bridge down by the sewer. Calling people fat is all the gollum has left. Yes Claire we are all big fatties compared to you a’la “jewcy divas”(hi cow/learn2integrate)

No. 2075353

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Definitely a crazy person. Believes Grimes is a trans woman who adopted her children.

That is obviously Claire's smug way to get her minions report this schitzo who is spamming her with two accounts.

No. 2075355

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She is serious about gladiators. It's okay if you consent, you guys.

No. 2075373

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Claire's tattoo rant. I think I lost braincells when I read the first one.

No. 2075378

File: 1736363290504.png (786.64 KB, 1342x1080, Tattoos2.png)

>almost no one I know has tattoos
>I am improving my mental model of humans

No. 2075383

>I am improving my mental model of humans
She's trying so hard to sound autistic and quirky.

No. 2075399

Does she think this is the 90s? There's nothing radical about tattoos.

No. 2075412

File: 1736366834605.jpg (150.62 KB, 1920x1080, 623685-1303632611.jpg)

It's because fucking troons have to have their browbones shaved sometimes so women with any kind of elevation in their browbone area think it makes them look "masculine". I'm not surprised Claire's self conscious about it because people compare her to a tranny so often but that (imo) is in her inner tranny shining through, the Claire who sacrifices little girls to loli-coomers and non-ironically supports retired barbaric slave practices to sound cool, because a new movie came out that some boys like. Gal Gadot is a woman with a pronounced browbone who no one (reasonable) assumes is a tranny, why is that? She doesn't realize that the reason she comes off like a tranny is because she never became self-actualized. People read her as a person with no identity or constantly recreating a mirage of that because that is what she is

No. 2075425

Kek exactly. Having no ink is more alt than having ink

No. 2075442

File: 1736374309040.jpeg (321.17 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_7501.jpeg)

yes the humans are starting to charm me with their animalistic quirks and behaviors, perhaps on planet earth i shall remain for the time being.

Its the boudica in me? As in the queen??? Bitch you can’t even carry a child without having to crawl on your hands and knees for the last weeks cus of how frail and malnourished u were due to refusing to eat food so badly to the point the doctors had to result to recommending eating fortified dry cereal like in 3rd world countries where they dont have access to regular food. Comparing yourself to a warrior queen is insane.

No. 2075444

Lol I don't think it has anything to do with transgender ideals, I think it has to do with body dysmorphia and desperately wanting to look like the AI girls she fawns over but not knowing anything about how to improve her own appearance. Brow bossing, facelift, egregious filler, and fat transfer has left her looking odd and melty. Realistically, if she was so obsessed with trying to look like the way she used to shoop herself, a minor lip lift/only tiny amounts of lip filler/those platelet infusion facials would have helped her but more than anything changing her lifestyle to actually contain nutrients and no drugs or vaping would've been enough. Instead, she listened to ""experts"" who fucked her up for a dollar. You'd think someone who pretends to be so smart and well-researched wouldn't make such rookie mistakes. Money cannot buy intelligence.

No. 2075446

Of course this stupid bitch has gotten so used to handmaidening ugly billionaires that she now thinks a practice that would obviously exploit poor people and be used solely for the entertainment of the wealthy is like stho kewl guyth

No. 2075449

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Claire was actively targeted during The Great Transvestigation Sperg of 2018-2020. People tagged her in images nitpicking her features much worse than any anon would here, calling her a man and Elon a fat woman. She wants to look like AI yes but also feels she needs to stop "looking like a man" first, in order for that to happen. It's pretty obvious when you see how much she hyper-feminized her appearance as well. I also understand that the bimbofication is Elon bait but she definitely picked up tips from her tranny friends and partners, then applied their "solutions" to herself. The only person who would say that Claire isn't aware people say/think she resembles a troon is Claire (because then her mtf-inspired surgeries and adaptations would be too obvious and noticeable). Picrel is a pretty good example, there is nothing distinctly "trans" about her body but the way she is posing and seems like she's inhabiting someone else's body and isn't comfortable in her own skin. Even awkward or shy autistic women don't come off like trannies, it's really the result of full-blown 4chan conditioning, overly-permissive narc parents and BPD

No. 2075461

I think it’s the obvious plastic/cosmetic surgery that makes people think she’s trans as well. Poppy also had plastic surgery done and there was a bunch of transvestigation about her too back when she was blowing up. They both have had masculine face shapes but Poppy seems to have aged better into her body while Claire just seems like she wants to amputate the more time goes on

No. 2075472

She was so cute. Completely destroyed herself. Her entire appeal was that she was quirky, authentic and kinda down to earth. Completely ruined her entire image and identity by having plastic surgery and having kids with Muskrat.

No. 2075486

File: 1736382863085.png (282.12 KB, 600x346, Screen-Shot-2016-01-19-at-16.1…)

>Her entire appeal was that she was quirky, authentic and kinda down to earth
Right but then you realize it was always a facade and that we have even more proof that she has stole music during that part of her career. Shortly before this, she was a literal slumlord. You're projecting a fantasy on to a shell and probably your own nostalgic feelings from that era as well. There's a reason she only got away with this during the most forcibly and toxic ~inclusive~ time period in human history. She is finally tasting what being a celebrity has really always been like and (as we can in these past threads) doesn't have the thick skin required to handle it, or the ability to avoid reading what people have to say about her. Actual celebrities and musicians don't read tabloids, yet Claire patrols the most obscure parts of the internet for gossip about herself. She could have faded into obscurity and taken over her parents properties, during the COVID real estate boom. She has every opportunity to do anything other than what she is doing but chooses this. Reminder, she does not make music (repost for typo + tard-angel Grimes)

No. 2075505

Seriously! Some of the most normie, cookie-cutter, clean-cut people I know have tattoos, it's not alternative or edgy anymore. Same with "unnatural" colored hair dye, it's not considered punk or weird anymore and I see suburban soccer moms with pink and teal hair now. It's like Claire is stuck in the 2000s or something with what she thinks is edgy.

No. 2075522

i blame her relationship with bradley manning influencing her to troonmax

No. 2075552

File: 1736398733397.jpg (149.87 KB, 720x1031, 1000000347.jpg)

She's never minded that though, and she's always said she finds hyperfemininity attractive like the Kardashians. If she cared about sex dymorphism, she would have gotten implants and cared more about having a fuller figure. She wants to look like an ~ethereal elven ai~ and that requires cosmetic procedures. She just happened to get the wrong ones. I'm pretty sure it's the constantcomments like this shes endured since forever and likely a consultation with a greedy surgeon that has caused her to make the wrong decisions. She dgaf about tranvestigation, if anything she'd be flattered by it.

No. 2075553

File: 1736398869725.jpg (343.05 KB, 1400x1282, 1000000348.jpg)

Sidenote it's hysterical to me looking back at the amount of pearl clutchers claiming she looked like an underaged girl because of these tiny low res pics with sunglasses on–she absolutely looked like a regular thin 30 year old.

No. 2075558

>and she's always said she finds hyperfemininity attractive like the Kardashians.
Trannies consider the Kardashians "feminine" because it allows them to believe they can alter themselves enough to "become women", since looking botched and uncanny is the same outcome for troons as it is has been for the Kardashians. It's interesting that this was posted during the same time as the tranny raid but of course I'm not saying that about you, since the only people who are ever banned in grimes threads (specifically) are people who point out obvious moids. But yeah, she doesn't want to be seen as an awkward/anti-social teenage boy coomer (the closest thing to her actual "identity") so like any botched tranny, she's gone the bimbofication route. Your opinion is very interesting but not based in reality. Thanks for taking a break from whatever animal/cartoon-themed porn to pound that out for us

No. 2075568

File: 1736400646402.jpeg (252.94 KB, 1371x1920, IMG_7540.jpeg)

Uhhh…. Heres pre surgery poppy vs pre surgery claire… you are.. insane

Its just that the dress is giving toddler and covering half of her face…

Between the fantano rant and tattoo sperging i’d say its her time with no kids and mommys lit off illegal adderall pressies

No. 2075579

she kind of fits the beauty standard in china, c-drama love interests always have the same type of prominent baby monkey ears, they sometimes even wear prosthetic ones.

No. 2075581

File: 1736403114504.jpeg (483.06 KB, 1371x1920, IMG_7553.jpeg)

Oh yes totally! She absolutely fits that chinese etheral dainty princess archetype! shes also a great producer and should write a book containing her philosophy

No. 2075585

File: 1736404122625.jpeg (230.51 KB, 1080x1748, IMG_4112.jpeg)

old post but remember when claire was larping as a space anime girl lesbian while fucking this thing. what the fuck was that.
what cdrama are you watching she looks nothing like famous/typical cdrama actresses kek(derailing)

No. 2075586

File: 1736404276621.jpg (229.84 KB, 1280x1920, 64488f39e0e72260-1280x1920-310…)

more like pic related. you really take the fun out these threads. hating is an artform with both give and take, you're not supposed to give yourself an aneurysm.(derailing)

No. 2075593

This is what she deludes herself into thinking she looks like

No. 2075605

This pic isnt a good comparison cus the girl in it is pretty and looks afab. You’re retarded.(integrate)

No. 2075608

Wtf are you talking about..

Why are you ranting about transgenderism and what they supposedly worship when we are talking about Grimes? Talking in circles at this point, your whole post is weird as hell and I'm a farmer so
>Thanks for taking a break from whatever animal/cartoon-themed porn to pound that out for us
is such a bizarre projection bordering on schizo. Are you yourself trans and that's why you're obsessed with the idea that she's totes Just Like Dysphoric Twans Women or something? It's like you really want her to be adjacent.
>your opinion isn't based in reality
Uh…my opinion that she's trying to look like the ai fantasy girls she's obsessed with? It's clear objective fact you sped, kek. You're so weird.

No. 2075632

File: 1736418304023.jpeg (2 MB, 3355x3666, IMG_1081.jpeg)

Nta but eh, this was Claire in high school. Obviously she decided to be ugly-quirky druggie as an artist and got retarded surgeries but people who claim she was always ugly/masculine are retarded. She was probably a normie popular girl and used to be pretty and quite feminine looking, it’s almost impossible to not be if you want to be successful female artist, let’s be honest, a 3 in the celeb world is like a 7 irl. I think it’s disingenuous if people on here like >>2075605 are actually trying to imply she looks like a tranny “amab” and is something you can only do behind a screen, if you’re serious this gendie world is fucked. I agree with the sentiment that with every alteration she gets she becomes more and more troonlike though, that’s just how plastic surgery is. I don’t know why celebrity women insist on ageing themselves 20 years.

No. 2075640

I don't think she looks feminine in the photo where you can see her face. In the one where she was picking up rent from those crackheads, she looks feminine because she's young and has long hair. It's okay if you think she has a feminine face but many people wouldn't and enough for a complex to develop early. I'm not even sure what is so controversial about this, if you actually read any of the posts about it's about her attitude and persona more than physical appearance. But she is not overtly feminine at all, in really any way I can think of (other than hair and clothing)

No. 2075737

Nta but i think she does look feminine. She definetly doesnt look masculine and the really good proffesional lighting has negated the appearance of her brow bone. But most young girls in high school look feminine or pretty in one way usually. So to sit and call her feminine looking because she was a child with an under developed face is kind of a mute point. Because she definetly grew out of her beauty. It reminds me of that one picture where it talks about being ugly on the outside because all your inside thoughts are ugly. Thats claire, and hobestly most other cows too. They have horrible thoughts and extremist, no middle ground opinions and jump to hating people at the drop of a hat. So yeah. Claire, as a young child, looked feminine and pretty. Now she is an ugly botched masculin hag.
But thats just my opinion. And your opinion is just yours.

No. 2075750

She has exactly the same face with more fat on top in hs picrel. So by your logic, boys are "pretty" too since they too have chubbier faces than men. I feel like anons are trying to make me review her facial misfortunes or get into some big debate about masculinity vs femininity because I'm the only person who doesn't pity Claire or come from region with severe inbreeding

No. 2075758

File: 1736449868583.png (403.07 KB, 669x1319, TattooAutism.png)

Yes. Such autism.

No. 2075765

File: 1736451957506.png (866.22 KB, 1136x1080, LAfires.png)

Grimes was tinfoiling about the cause of LA fires before she had to evacuate.

(I didn't find any official statement on the reason for the fires but Claire's speculation seems a bit far fetched. Correct me if I'm wrong.)

No. 2075801

You have an AGP definition of femininity

No. 2075802

>is the whole city gna be gone?


No. 2075815

>autistically assuming everyone has the same taste as me
come on now. pretty sure last thread i remember her tweeting the exact opposite of that statement. also that's not autism it's just something people tend to do. she's so fucking retarded

No. 2075827

File: 1736463041671.jpeg (433.44 KB, 1170x1175, IMG_6192.jpeg)

They separated the threads in hopes you would stop associating grimace with Elons government angling, like Claire Boucher is not 100% part of the plan.
They deserve to be lumped together, especially while pretending to be “enemies with benefits” while working towards a reality where we turn the homeless into biodiesel and make inmates fight to the death for their entertainment picrel.

No. 2075829

You already are paranoid bitch take your ketamine and shut the fuck up hopefully a homeless person razes your shit to the ground

No. 2075832

She’s clearly being sarcastic. She’s just an idiot and is bad at it, and also doesn’t realize that the electric chair is brutally inhumane.

No. 2075853

She doesn’t realize they don’t use the fucking electric chair anymore they use lethal injection.
“ShEs JoKiNg gUiyZe”
You are just as much of a retard as Claire for minimizing this shit.

No. 2075914

>They deserve to be lumped together,
Nope. No they don't and jannies have had to come into the thread and reiterate this again because certain autists can't come to terms with the fact that we don't care about Elon news. Anon said it perfectly >>2074706 No more, I don't care what Claire "deserves" or not, we don't want this thread updating 20 times a day, each and every time Elon gargles Trumps balls or licks India's taint. It's redundant news that we hear everywhere and it's boring

No. 2075961

File: 1736489038738.png (663.52 KB, 800x1880, IMG_7584.png)

Why is she still WK for Elon? They weren't even married.

>enemies with benefits
Spot on.

No. 2075962

File: 1736489390093.jpeg (80.4 KB, 689x876, IMG_1277.jpeg)

Pretty sure she was like 17, the bottom pic is her yearbook photo kek. So not a child. Perhaps it’s a difference in perception, I don’t know, she’s always looked quite feminine in her face to me. Pre-surgery I don’t think anyone could call her troonlike had she been full-figured or honestly just styled differently/normie.

No. 2075963

God, was it hard to type that while gargling Elons balls??(infight bait)

No. 2075964

it’s moot* point

Grimes coined that term herself on her Twitter.
For wanting a solo grimes thread you guys are woefully far behind on milk. Like, years behind. I guess in two years you’ll be talking about her current nonsense if you aren’t on a list already for posting here.

No. 2075985

I mean, she's not wrong about there being people setting more fires on purpose. When there's already chaos and discourse, bad actors always feel safe fueling the fire because less people are paying attention. That said it's LA tho so idc. Hope everyone and their pets evacuate safely, but I'd be lying if I said I was in distress over multi million dollar homes

No. 2076044

>we don't care about Elon news.
kek who is we. you can only speak for your herself.

No. 2076066

Claire is SO mad she has her own thread. She always starts sperging out in here when the kids are with daddy and she can get take her substances. We should sit some food out for her like a stray cat, shes looking incredibly malnourished.(hi cow/tinfoiling)

No. 2076091

Gee why, I wonder, are you hellbent on decoupling her narrative from the man who has both the world’s balls in his fat little vice grip?
Couldn’t be that you’re Claire’s team desperately trying to minimize her adjacency to power before this next administration at all. I’m sure that’s not it, so care to fill us in?

No. 2076099

File: 1736535165443.png (601.1 KB, 1047x1078, IMG_3035.png)

>this feels like a weird invisible hand poking the dominoes (for me personally)
Sounds like symptoms of substance-induced psychosis.

>Asks what should be done to prevent the fires

>Gets a comprehensive list
>But the billions of climate regugees from less wealthy areas!
Grimes doesn't care about refugees or climate change. She uses so much generative AI and WKs baby daddy who has singlehandedly contributed to climate change significantly.

>He's pretty vocal about climate change.
She knows this is a lie, right?

No. 2076153

Part of me wonders if she's under an NDA to not speak negatively about him publicly at all, under threats that he'd sue her into oblivion and she'd never never see little X again. Men do love to use their kids as bargaining chips against their mothers, it's disgusting.

On the other hand, knowing what we know about her, it's more likely that she's just completely retarded and delusional and thinks she can still hold out for the role of Ultimate Pickme Lady Jessica Concubine Supreme. She's not like all of the other girlths who left!

No. 2076168

File: 1736546137350.jpeg (366.21 KB, 1284x956, IMG_7638.jpeg)

which drug is she on any guesses?

No. 2076174

File: 1736547406453.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1284x1795, IMG_7641.jpeg)

No. 2076230

bitch what bullshit you're spewing beauty is objective and material(derailing)

No. 2076242

File: 1736554860434.jpg (52.37 KB, 770x460, Here’s-What-The-Most-Beautiful…)

>objective and material
>based on observable traits and not a nerd's anime fantasy, projected on to a cavewoman
I completely agree anon. Did you forget that words have meaning while trying to sound smart?(derailing)

No. 2076256

feminine traits are what makes a womam beautiful, masculine traits are what makes men attractive. the more masculine you are the uglier you'll seen as; it has been this way since cavemans, the only thing that distinguishes a woman from a man is her femininity and i dont care what closeted trannies in here thinks so(derailing)

No. 2076261

If that were true, no androgynous woman or man would be beautiful and that is clearly not the case. The point is that Claire is not one of those people nor is she conventionally attractive. I don't even understand why people are replying to these posts. This is the Grimes thread and no one cares about tranny beauty ideals or reading wk posts. Are there any other threads on lc who have random anons defending the cow as ferociously as this one? It's really weird how these types of pointless arguments and debates always clog up the thread, after someone wks her (when no one cares or asked)

No. 2076279

that man looks like a vaguely jewish sitcom lead(derailing )

No. 2076312

Claire is an ugly woman, but she is a woman and looks like a woman. Its not deeper than that

No. 2076326

No Claire is an ugly woman with masculine features who behaves like a tranny. Which is what was posted in the first place and doesn't need a reductivist summary that takes advantage of the fact that anons don't want to point out what those features are, so that other anons don't sperg out and take it personally. Honest to god we need a "don't be a vain bitch" rule in the next thread as well as "no derailing/wk'ing"(derailing)

No. 2076356

Nta but the way anons like you are speaking about “femininity” is very troonlike to me especially >>2076256, I’m not convinced. She just looks like a woman. (Also hypermasculine men are unattractive too). She has no “masculine features” other than her browbone and I’ve seen attractive women with stronger browbones. You can shit on a cow without being dishonest. Still don’t see why this is relevant though.

No. 2076357

She made a new reddit kek shes so obvious

https://www.reddit.com/u/General-Challenge-83/s/sgRcOjeEQS(post proof/tinfoiling)

No. 2076363

i think that is just a random stan(sage your shit)

No. 2076365

She trash talked him a lot recently. but this one was really surprising to me. Maybe she is trying to cozy up to him again.(sage your shit)

No. 2076367

Hons going wild, I see

No. 2076368

>has to call the dog fat
ED brain is so funny

No. 2076369

we really needs to add shivon to this thread(sage your shit)

No. 2076372

Wow a reverse psychology/switcheroo troon. How creative, I never would have expected you guys to take something true and spin it around to make it the opposite of true. And hanging out in your favorite girl's thread too, what a shock and surprise(derailing/troonfoiling)

No. 2076393

>no androgynous woman or man would be beautiful and that is clearly not the case
no one find androgynous women attractive irl.(derailing)

No. 2076396

Of course she knows it’s a lie. Her and Elon are hoping nobody will catch onto them having their little Reichstag moment and milking it politically for all it’s worth. Yes grimace, give us the antidote for climate change that I’m sure your baby daddy has the solution to for only $8.99 a month!!
People, like grimes, who center themselves this way during times of catastrophe are the most fucking annoying people to deal with. Imagine losing your mind like this over a fire yet also holding the belief you have the mental and physical fortitude to set foot on another (hostile) planet kek.

No. 2076397

File: 1736590802286.jpeg (47.78 KB, 427x640, IMG_4809.jpeg)

>>2076393 um excuse you(derailing)

No. 2076398

things I would say if I lived on planet zog(derailing)

No. 2076408

she looks like a boy lol(derailing)

No. 2076416

you really need to put your phone down and interact with women in the real world. your making yoir NEET faggotry too obvious. women irl come in all shapes in sizes and features. why has this derailing shit gone on for so long when it isnt milk?

No. 2076418

Anons keep falling for it

No. 2076424

Any further derailing about masculine features/androgyny/whether Claire looks like a tranny etc. will get a long ban. Stay on topic.

No. 2076428

File: 1736606347742.png (616.19 KB, 883x1661, Drugs.png)

All of them

No. 2076431

File: 1736607072030.png (901.79 KB, 1659x1080, NewMusicWhen.png)

Her excuses for not publishing music are laughable at this point.
>I was sued

No. 2076471

She always says this tho. And then its some gay shit like IWBS. “I will release the old stuff” i feel so bad for the fans who want more music like player of gaymes

No. 2076560

I wonder whats going on with Claire, shes back to defending herself and arguing with fans on reddit about how smart beautiful and talented she is kek shes so insanely thick and dumb to not see how obvious she is making more sock puppet accounts. Even her actual fans don’t care that much and dont defend her that hard. Everything she talks about on those sock puppets is only something she would say. Beyond fucking dumb. Shes lucky no one cares about her anymore because this is so embarrassing. . And jannies dont tinfoil this, the former mods of her main reddit confirmed ethereallobbyforce was her and these accounts say the same things in the same ways. It’s scientifically most plausible to he her.

No. 2076597

I think her ability to not being able to walk is more due to the fact that she probably starved herself on spaghetti and took too many drugs that her body couldn’t handle. This revisionist thing she does to describe her life is pretty laughable, especially when she frames it as “I am my own worst enemy.” No girl, all you had to do was eat a good proper meal, get off your drugs, get some sleep and be more productive

No. 2076719

File: 1736680570080.jpg (316.71 KB, 844x1703, IMG_3242.jpg)

>grimace, give us the antidote for climate change that I’m sure your baby daddy has the solution to for only $8.99 a month!!
Sounds about right.

>Imagine losing your mind like this over a fire yet also holding the belief you have the mental and physical fortitude to set foot on another (hostile) planet

Yeah. Neither of these clowns even qualify for space travel. I bet Claire couldn't even survive one weekend camping and hiking trip in the wilderness.

No. 2076722

File: 1736681674468.png (807.39 KB, 1482x1059, Apology1.png)

Look at that. She apologized

No. 2076723

File: 1736682026071.png (556.71 KB, 730x1650, Apology2.png)

Did Fantano really post incorrect info about her child?

>I am desperate to solve it. It is a personal tragedy to me. But currently I don't know how to do that.

I bet things like this >>2074371 don't help at all.

No. 2076724

File: 1736682148519.png (458.69 KB, 834x1332, Apology3.png)

>he made fun of my child earlier this year but didn't tag me
Why would he tag you if he is legit making fun of your kid.

No. 2076802

Was going to say something about that here but realized even I don’t care how much of a loser she is at this point

No. 2076803

Grimes thinks of herself as a political symbol. The projection.

No. 2076888

File: 1736709877160.jpeg (253.54 KB, 1125x842, IMG_2083.jpeg)

What’s the username?

No. 2076899

File: 1736711724871.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1284x1974, IMG_7751.jpeg)


No. 2076901

File: 1736712114088.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1125x1371, IMG_2085.jpeg)

Ok this is definitely her, or someone pretending to be her. There’s no reason someone else would post romantic delusions about taming the monster inside precious Elon like that. I guess she’s on drugs and shitposting.

No. 2076910

Just remember the former mods of her main reddit for years confirmed ethereallobbyforce was her. Those comments were… something else. Calling herself queen grimes etc. its all still there. Insane lol. When she talked about having secret troll accounts, i didnt realize it would be this low. Dalilfae is one of her accounts too.(sage your shit)

No. 2076920

christ she is so hauntingly stupid

No. 2076925

Her lame beauty and the beast fantasy. The ONLY woman in the world faced with the struggle of managing custody with an abusive monster! No woman has ever overcome this battle but Claire in the history of womankind. “None faced such struggle as she.. and yet she loved the beast” — the tagline of book 1 probs

No. 2076973

Someone pretending to be her.

No. 2077025

Haha nah. look at the way she says “im here to debate” precisely how she does on twitter…also shes been stuck in a hotel with her spawn watching cartoons for days, obviously made this accounts and is doing the exact thing she did with the ethereallobbyforce account, which is factually hers. Kek

No. 2077033

Extremely wishful thinking on your part, I bet it's a deranged hater pretending to be her actually

No. 2077053


Give up babe. We know exactly who you are. You’re only further embarrassing yourself and making people double down on how much we think you fucking suck as a person and artist.

https://centerfordiscovery.com/locations/glendale/?customer_id=820-741-5175&keyword=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtAbsCLAMqlg_cvc5XAhKzORJgY_#gad_source_1(hi cow, unintegrated posting style)

No. 2077245

again who is we anon. youre coming across as unhinged by constantly violating the hi cow rule.

No. 2077436

File: 1736794007854.jpg (241.16 KB, 1080x1718, IMG_4549.jpg)

This was actually funny, ngl.

No. 2077446

File: 1736794740893.png (540.57 KB, 1100x1080, Avatar.png)

I see she still has the habit of showing her kids entertainment that isn't suitable for children.

No. 2077458

File: 1736796858535.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.08 KB, 634x686, article-2436097-005B31BC000002…)

>snub nosed
If your nose is indistinguishable from lifetime cocaine addicts and you are a cocaine addict yourself, are you fulfilling your destiny by living as a spun crackhead? She believes in that kind of thing so I'm jw (picrel is Daniella Westbrook, UK soap star hooked on coke for 35 years)

No. 2077512

gurl that was the syphilis, I wouldn’t brag on it

No. 2077665

"Complex ptsd" from what exactly? Has she ever mentioned that?

No. 2077778

Why does Anyma look so gay?(sage your shit)

No. 2077793

File: 1736883801436.jpg (297.44 KB, 760x1080, IMG_3704.jpg)

Oh no! Making music with AI used to be so cool. What happened? Did Elf Tech fail or is suno.ai superior?
I bet Grimes is coping and seething because Suno generates better music than she can compose.

No. 2077823

Zero spine. Zero backbone. This is the same stupid bitch that said ai is going to replace musicians and make them obsolete. >>2077665
Its what they tell people who cant accept their BPD disagnosis. The amount of BPD women who will say that dont have bpd but have ctpsd is hilarious.

No. 2077838

Farm fresh milk nonnas! Grimes leaked some of her songs to get attention and they’re….. GOD AWFUL! These new melodies are like nails on a chalkboard. eartheater track about designer drugs kek its giving wannabe!! literallly i could not have prepared myself. The coachella songs with anyma were way better even than this and those were very gay. But wow holy shit i am so happy today, from art angels to this has been such downward spiral and it’s been great to witness her brain turn into complete mush with drugs and the result of her narcissistic delusionally inclined decisions shes made with her life. Literally a fucking retard made these. Pedo loli enjoying nazis always have their day. Its here nonnas. Shes done.


No. 2077842

File: 1736890777176.jpg (85.03 KB, 1197x677, stock_music_z_library_trash_fo…)

It sounds like the generic music you hear in the bg of spam mobile game ads

No. 2077861

HOLY shit this is bad! Bad!!!

No. 2077862

cPTSD is one of the four psychiatric horsemen of the munchpocalypse (along with DID, SEED, and sadly now ASD). anyone claiming cPTSD automatically outs themselves as a chronic illness collector. i bet a rhinoplasty revision that claire will have fibromyalgia, POTS, and EDS by the end of 2025

No. 2077880

The vocals are sooo bad how is she a musician?? Afterlife ? Wtf is this? Her singing is so out of tune and even in the instrumental there are so many notes just totally off key?? I used to think she wrote her music but used ghost producers now i have a really hard time believing she wrote her songs too. This might be the worst song i’ve ever heard.

No. 2077885

File: 1736897533135.jpg (464.27 KB, 1000x635, 150615504.jpg)

I don't actually listen to any Grimes music since the first time I heard it years ago so this is fucking hilarious to me. Has she been doing this atrocious "baby" voice the whole time? It sounds like when your dad mocks you for whining, put through autotune kekkkk

No. 2077902

File: 1736899235484.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1284x1344, IMG_7861.jpeg)

Im laughing so hard, music for machines sounds like an actual retarded person singing. They should let her perform it at the Special Olympics.(sage your shit)

No. 2077913

I'm still randomly skipping through these songs and idk if i even care to listen in its entirety but… holy shit, why are her vocals fucking out of tune? Out of tune with the song, sliding out of key at times. Secondly, there's no dynamics, no buildups, no changes, nothing. Boring lolita wannabe lisping and swishing and rustling like leaves in echoey monastery

No. 2077915

Could be just coincidence since it's just same key and chord progressions but Utopia really reminds me of this song, specifically around 1:20. It's one of solo projects of Lucia Cifarelli, a singer from KMFDM

No. 2077946

Afterlife is just a rip off of Beyoncé‘s halo melody shes so amateurish

No. 2077973

yes. i remember she's mentioned this exact same thing once before maybe 2 or 3 years ago on twitter in a reply that she "couldn't walk from cptsd". it's just munchie antics, just another one of her lies. that straight up never happened and she doesn't have cptsd. she's genuinely a munchie and it's obnoxious as fuck. to my knowledge that's all ever said about it, two times "i couldn't walk from ctpsd" and nothing else. she probably doesn't know anything about it, just needs to play pretend for a bit like how she stage dived in japan. it's all made-up
i agree with you, i roll my eyes any time someone claims they have it. it's jillian antics, they need a bingo card of super special mental illnesses to make themselves sound unique. the thing is, cptsd is a real illness but it's extremely rarely diagnosed (which is why the munchies love latching onto it) because it's diagnosed for people who were literal sweatshop workers or in decade+ long domestic violence situations. it's a severe disorder that's been watered down by the munchie losers of the internet
kekkk this is not surprising at all. she's bored on drugs sperging on twitter so she leaks her garbage music that has only gone downhill in quality in the last 5 years. i want to be software, the nightcore album and now this… kek. it's really obvious she never actually made her music. it's so over for her. she's really been spiraling lately and it's hilarious

No. 2078010

why are the lyrics all the same and so cheesy? it’s almost confusingly bad

No. 2078029

File: 1736919526667.png (11.03 KB, 540x360, i.png)

No. 2078045

Are the tracks gone already?

No. 2078049

File: 1736931005157.gif (110.48 KB, 220x153, critical-role-crit-role-412974…)

>why are the lyrics all the same and so cheesy? it’s almost confusingly bad
If the lyrics all the same then
>kekkk this is not surprising at all. she's bored on drugs sperging on twitter so she leaks her garbage music that has only gone downhill in quality in the last 5 years
this anon is correct, she got high and probably released different variations of the same song as an "album", thinking no one would notice because she never bothered to pick up music-writing skills during the 15 years she's been "making music" and can't perceive an issue herself. My guess is that she sent the lyrics to another nameless songwriter and they sent back variations of the track for her to choose from. This is all speculation based on what you're saying though, again I can't listen to this personally
>pretending I didn't achieve even less formal education than Claire
exactly anon.

No. 2078053

File: 1736932394054.jpeg (414.52 KB, 1920x1832, IMG_7881.jpeg)

No. 2078061

Is this some complicated way of saying that she only talks about herself (square root of negative one is “i”)?

No. 2078068

File: 1736937429401.jpg (416.6 KB, 2560x1707, GettyImages-584903532-scaled-2…)

Do you mean herself as an extension of Elon, a synthesized nubiotic elf, fearsome (yet nubile) goblin, industrial space fairy, complex and profound autist, cybersewercore smolita, traumatized repeat victim of cPTSD, revolutionary musician fuzing together the limits of the human psyche and ai or just "Claire" - sage Chernobyl forest guide to three indigo star children whom she has been assigned to care for during their first psychedelic trips, perhaps the most important task of all

No. 2078073

No I just want to know what you meant by posting the square root of negative one.

No. 2078079

Yes. Let's see how long this stays up.

No. 2078147

did… did she really use the intro of 212 as the intro of 100% tragedy aka her azaelia diss track? wow girlie she'll tear you apart for this lmao

No. 2078167

File: 1736962842306.png (832.87 KB, 1674x1080, Nietzsche.png)

That was painful to listen to. These xeets about
>making music is literally a formative essential human language
didn't age well.

>What would Nietzsche do?

>If Nietzsche wouldn't approve of ur start up
Nietzsche wouldn't approve any of your shit. The Grok toy, the Elf Tech, or any of the new scams you're working on with the Silicon Valley tech bros.

No. 2078181

Reminds of Oblivion.

No. 2078203

>complex numbers have a real and imaginary component
>the square root of -1 is i, the unit imaginary number
>i is a complex number with no real component
>complex ptsd composed of only i has no real component and is entirely imaginary
qed the d stands for dipshit

No. 2078254

File: 1736976632713.jpg (242.71 KB, 1080x823, IMG_2931.jpg)

So dramatic.

No. 2078255

File: 1736976667499.jpg (415.24 KB, 1536x2048, GhOWFA2boAAiHsq.jpg)

No. 2078257

File: 1736976970980.jpg (490.47 KB, 1536x2048, GhOWFA1acAAmFHN.jpg)

Second pic full-size.

No. 2078272

Not pretty. I bet 1000$ anyma has hot brazillian boys in the hotel next door ready to lick his ass

No. 2078281

I'm guessing drunk, adderall (no clue if she smokes weed) and no friends

No. 2078330

drugged out self-obsessed narcissist feeling herself in lackluster selfies that highlight her poor fashion sense and lack of anything to show other than her extreme vanity. she's pathetic and has nothing better to do
>those enema t-shirts conveniently placed
kek. for some reason this whole pic looks like schizo bait because we know she intentionally loves to troll them

No. 2078367

Grimes has no sense of humour. None. What do you mean "intentionally troll"? Do you mean she intentionally seeks attention from this group?

No. 2078390

Why would he sell shirts with his naked anorexic girlfriend on it? Gross. Its giving Reek from game of thrones

No. 2078399

Gay men love to use women to further their connections because they're nothing otherwise. See all the gay men that pretend to be straight in order to use and fuck up Britney spears even more.

No. 2078420

It's a cute picture, maybe the nitpicking is getting a little out of control.(whiteknighting )

No. 2078436

File: 1737011117891.jpg (125.91 KB, 1080x1080, 7879582d90e4d4c357fe87236af4e7…)

>millionaire nepokid realizes the hotel she's high at would look tothally awthum for a lazy selfie, pours out shein bag of clothing and squirms into a sheer polyester vintage-themed top. Her dry coke-encrusted fingernails tear through six pairs of neon stockings before the fabric dulls her acrylic claws enough for the seventh to look presentable (at least from the front and it wasn't as if she planned on mooving that day). "Pwerfect" she whispered hoarsely to no one in particular, "KaAWaII!" the synthesized voice on the camera stated with expected enthusiasm as she gazed at the phone screen, waiting for her ethereal beauty to appear. Instead a remarkably sullen and sickly ghoul presented its ugly visage in the window. A creature with hollowed eyes, yellow stalks arranged neatly and perfectly beside the head, gaunt cheeks and clothing that looked as if stolen from a consecrated grave. It was her. It was Claire. Her pupils constricted for the first time that week and without hesitation she tapped "beauty filter". Instantly the ethereal beauty she knew so well filled the empty spaces and brought it to life - like a garden blooming to life in the spring, from an apocalyptic winter (perhaps a nuclear war, leading charges of superior humans to their destiny on mars: lead by none other than E. and his first wife, Grimes). She felt her body relax into jelly and hit "post". "Pwerfect", she repeated - and this time she meant it(non-contribution)

No. 2078478

File: 1737028554019.jpeg (486.94 KB, 1284x2163, IMG_7952.jpeg)

When Miss Anthropocene leaked, it was all over youtube with thousands of listens the next day on tons of channels… book 1 leaks have been out almost 48 hours, only 1 channel uploaded, and the listens have stagnated around 900… thats how little people, even her biggest fans (or whats left of them) seem to care now. I guess her being into hentai of little kids and nazi shit is starting to not sit well with them. Bless them.

No. 2078481

you seriously cant think of another reason? sex sells.
every time she posts on twitter she reminds people how annoying and tryhard she is. shes completely atrocious online. along with being elon's baby mama and acting like a sped at coachella, shes practically ruined her career by revealing what little talent she has.

No. 2078516

Hypothetical question guys. Let's say she wants to go on tour. (I know she won't bc Elon fucking other chicks seemingly is a good reason to cancel fucking everything, but what if.) How much people do you think would turn up? Cause i feel like even most dedicated fans left that care at all seemingly would rather hangout and bitch about her on snark reddit rather than see her "live"

No. 2078529

I don't think she would have a good turnout at all. shes been alienating her fans with her crazy ass adderall twitter rants, ruing business partner relationships over the course of years that the real talent behind her music is gone, and the general public knows her for her elon baby mama drama and going full retard at Coachella. She cant sell touring on her own so could she collab with?

No. 2078646

>Why would he sell shirts with his naked anorexic girlfriend on it
Because every musician is basically a t-shirt salesperson these days. His team already made the visuals for the Quantum Romance collab. Why not print it on a shirt while you're at it.

Once again Anyma is a lot better at using the Grimes brand than Claire herself. Her pitiful attempt at merch drop, t-shirts with literal Lorem ipsum was covered in earlier threads.

If she went on an arena tour she couldn't sell enough pre-sale tickets and the shows would get canceled.
>could she collab with
She could be Anyma's opening act. She has probably burned the bridges she had.

No. 2078665

this is atrocious, even by neo grimes standards. i actually really love a lot of her old music despite it being tainted now that shes become the ultimate handmaiden for elon. i wish she'd just shut the fuck up and go back to huffing amphet and her own BO in a crackhovel for woke points and le artistic inspo. first it was the cyberwhore pining over daddy muskrat pile of horseshit 'i wanna be software' and that other weeabo song she dropped (also about how bad she wants elon back) and now this. i can't even bring myself to be mad anymore, i'm just mourning the loss of my quirky junkie queen that dropped bangers that she didn't write or produce.
this sent me into orbit nona. cannot stop ugly laughing just imagining grimes looking up at that mirror ceiling and whispering 'tothally awthum' to herself kek

No. 2078679

Even when she was in her prime, she absolutely sucks ass live. She can barely use her own gear on stage and uses a backing track even for “live sounding” vocals (u can hear it speed up and shes like ooops) she needed people like bloodpop and hana to help her on stage, and in her early shows u can see bloodpop on stage doing all the work in the BG. During art angels tours she was super methed out and makes all kinds of bizarre tweeker faces and movements that she thought looked fierce or something but actually make her look like a fucking retard. Her real voice is hideous and sounds like a sick mouth breathing child with severe asthma. It’s also interesting to hear the production on AA before it was sent to spike to re-do, its very rudimentary compared to what u hear on the album. All she can do live is press play on sp404 for the backing track and maaaaybe shittily play a few black keys on a preset, or pretend to play guitar in drop d. literally something i could show a 12 year old how to do in 30 minutes. A 12 year old with 30 minutes of rehearsal could do what she does on stage.

No. 2078777

This is really funny but nonna you need to seek help too. At the end of the day, you wrote a wall of text fanfiction about Claire, even if it makes fun of her, you still spent the time and wrote it out.

No. 2078799

File: 1737092477650.jpg (23.08 KB, 543x443, 3248592557.jpg)

>anon marveling at YA-tier fanfic with grammatical errors and c/p'd themes
Yes thank you for your validation, I'll never get that 5 min back and it kills me inside

No. 2079210

context of this poorly considered cabanel 'parody', for those arriving many cycles later, is that LA is burning, her brother and manager are out trying to help the people on the ground, and she's actually climbed onto a table in a room someone else is paying for, arranged herself thereon like a sapient object and gazed upon her own image in the mirrored ceiling long enough for her mind to wander to things that aren't it. shortly prior to the minting of this artifact of her singularly colossal narcissism her adhd mind briefly skittered along the event horizon of the vacuous attention trap it calls self to consider others, that they might not be sharing its immediate perspective, and how that can and must be remedied. of course, she couldn't model others deeply enough to realize they might take in the entire context of the situation she's in (i.e that there even was a context other than her 'corpse'). no, others are merely an untapped and deprived audience for the tapped and depraved c entity (cuntity). it will later post about how others are "seemingly doing nothing themselves" regarding the fires.
truly a philosopher king.

No. 2079301

File: 1737238505775.png (1.2 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_2125.png)


No. 2079317

She's literally groveling at Melon's feet. how pathetic

No. 2079369

File: 1737252709611.jpeg (Spoiler Image,124.12 KB, 851x446, IMG_8085.jpeg)

>>2079301(non-contribution )

No. 2079422

It's pretty depressing to reflect on how soulless her music has become ever since AI and Elon became her new special interests.
The color combo is atrocious. Is she still on her "I'm the joker, baybee" social rejection cope and is that why she dresses like this?
My god, she's such a lost, retarded, masochistic cause. Elon should be put in a concentration camp tomorrow for being such a useless, parasitical member of the ruling class. NO ONE CARES THAT HE GOT A FUCKING HIGH SCORE ON A GAME; I'M GOING TO VIVISECT HIM WITH MY TEETH SOON IF HE DOESN'T GET OUT OF THAT K-HOLE AND START FUNDING THINGS THAT BETTER SOCIETY

No. 2079427

jesus fucking christ. just imagine being this pathetic. does enema even care that she's this obsessed with him? starting to believe he is a fag kekk her existence is hollow and sad. get a fucking hobby other than licking melon's pathetic saggy ass

No. 2079459

File: 1737281915024.jpeg (1023.14 KB, 1284x1802, IMG_8112.jpeg)

He’s either gay or just using her. Famous men rarely go down in hotness when dating women, unless its for a reason. She wrote the song “enjoy the angels on earth” about elon

“They hate him so
except for me
I love his rage
Beauty and the beast

They hate him so (Can't beat God, we're bad angels we can't stop)
except for me (Fall like Lucifer can't beat God)
I love his rage (We're bad angels)
(Beauty and the beast)”

And then… changed the song to be.. about Anyma!! And he reworked it into an EDM track and changed it to beauty and the beast.. which was/is her whole thing with elon Like.. she thinks he’s this beast that only she has the power to tame. (She also brought this up on her secret reddit that got exposed here) why would he be such a massive cuck unless it’s because hes an elon fanboy and wants to get close to that circle, or he’s just gay. Why tf else would he be down with reworking a song about her ex and letting her caption the photo “beauty and the beast” what a cope for all parties involved.

No. 2079462

File: 1737282191606.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1284x1643, IMG_8113.jpeg)

Shes so bad at being anonymous she gets caught every time. Also kek that she refers to herself as “beauty” completely delusional narc. Beauty and the Beast!!

No. 2079466

Used to like her wild fashion back in the Tumblr days but she hasn't updated at all and now it's just out of date hipster/scene girl vibes. no thank you. She is a millennial I guess but damn it's cringe

No. 2079487

>his favourite courtesan, ooh baby catch me if you can
More lyrics about Elon kek

No. 2079497

Grimes, hes never gonna like you and hes never gonna forgive you whatever slight transgression you committed against this manchild who thinks hes king. Hes gonna forever keep the kids in involved in this petty drama. its so cringe and embarrassing when she coddles his feelings wtf does she get out of it kek its not more time with her kid, and time spent doing that could be spent retaining whatever little talent she has left.

No. 2079512

>she is uniquely capable of getting him to do self growth and innerwork
This is so obviously her, i can't. She's outing her own self through her lyrics, this post is just her shitty Elon songs reworked
I would almost suggest she's trying to do the weakass "trolling" and thinking poking fun at own self is the top comedy/new direction of her career, trying to make people think "Grimes turned funny twitter account now can you believe haha". But she's probably 20% joking and 80% being dead serious, refreshing the like count and awaiting anxiously that holy "liked by elonmusk" notification

No. 2079514

>But she's probably 20% joking and 80% being dead serious, refreshing the like count and awaiting anxiously that holy "liked by elonmusk" notification
kek nona you nailed it, i felt the same way after reading that pitiful tweet

No. 2079520

She is by far the ugliest celebrity in general. I can't think of anyone less attractive than Grimes currently in music or acting

No. 2079529

Ezra Miller

No. 2079553

Elon followed her right after this so she might think it was worth it. She's obsessed with the validation of a guy who stole her kid and poses in constant danger.

No. 2079555

Everyone who knows anything about video games knows Elon paid someone to level and gear his character on PoE2.

No. 2079564

File: 1737313298580.jpg (551.88 KB, 2000x1545, 4127039bba3eac08f77b6c159d7af6…)

That is so much worse! Now we know that if she scroddles him, he'll reward her with scraps of attention and goodwill, as long as it is free and zero effort. This thread started when she still had her whole life ahead of her and the attention/control of one of the world's most ~influential moids~. Now it's starting to feel like making fun of the homeless or something

No. 2079580

How does she look sm older than both of them here? Just from being anachan?

No. 2079581

File: 1737316105720.gif (Spoiler Image,680.31 KB, 360x360, 450306941.gif)

>Just from being anachan?
Something like that anon

No. 2079590

File: 1737317965252.jpg (150.34 KB, 668x864, IMG_2228.jpg)

First she be like
>I'm an independent person
>plz block me if you disagree

And then she be like
>My baby daddy really played those games.
>the rumors about him paying someone to level and gear his character are not true.

No. 2079601

>clear abattoir
>claire boucher
yo dawg i herd u like talkin about urself so we slipped a linguistic easter-egg in your narcpoast so u can talk about urself while ur talkin about urself
t. algorithm(sage your shit )

No. 2079604

really reminding me of the old tiktok where she says "i'm not my bfs spokesperson" in the caption of the video where she spews a bunch of his lies and propaganda unwarrented and argued with people in the comments over it. and here we are all these years later
>if you think everything i say is in reference to my ex plz block me so i don't have to keep dealing with this
>tweets about him merely 2 days later
yet she continues to revolve her entire life around him. pathetic. if she really meant what she said she'd block people who mention him and never bring him up again. but of course she's insanely desperate for his validation even after she went through a whole damn custody battle with him and stood up for his tranny son when they were fighting for the umpteenth time. she keeps going in circles. i've actually lost count how many times it's been back and forth between vaguetweeting how he ruined her life and then doing this retarded shit. this is exactly why i never care when she turns around and pulls out the victim card. she'd get back together with him in a heartbeat

No. 2079610

Right? The most radical thing she could do would be delete her account.

No. 2079612

File: 1737323377520.png (32.09 KB, 585x334, wergs.png)

she's posting about social media alot, I agree with her tbh. but why the fuck would she even date the man who kickstarted this bullshit in the first place?

No. 2079613

But her every attention whoring action goes against that idea she espouses. It's just bullshit she copy pasted. These goddamned special k addicts need tossed off a fucking cliff.

No. 2079620

File: 1737326713082.jpg (269.25 KB, 1076x1228, IMG_4250.jpg)

>Elon followed her right after this
That too.

No. 2079624


I bet Melon's microdick twitched in excitement after he replied with a non-caring "thanks", that he learned from ultimate alpha male guide written by goku678, while grimeth feels validated and #1 concubine(take that shivon!)

No. 2079631

>my husband is rank 1 in a faggot noskill spreadsheet pve game that gets mogged by path of exile 2
I can't

No. 2079699

File: 1737341851700.jpeg (652.25 KB, 1706x1920, IMG_8147.jpeg)

Oh my god.. this dude is a total flamer! The outfits, theatrics, poses! What a closet case KEK.

No. 2079728

>American nona discovers Italian men for the first time

I'm more bothered by the fact he looks so British(sage your shit)

No. 2079729

0.00036 dogecoins have been deposited into your account, babe

No. 2079742

>Melon’s microdick twitched in excitement
kek sounds exactly like the beginning of an ERP scene with one of claire’s private elon chatbots. bet she has a whole account just for sexting him on c.ai

No. 2079757

They're the richest low-life couple the world has ever seen. Her dad really fucked her up by reading Dune to her at such an early age, because (assuming that redditor actually is her) she cannot interpret reality outside of stories, and that explains some of her retardation.
It's CRAZY that she hasn't realized by this point that the more you cater to Elon like this, the less he respects you or takes you for granted.
This was the beginning of the end; this was the narcissistic collapse that spawned Claire "C" Antoinette, aka Mitochondrial Eve, aka the Hotteth, mowth Beautifuleth girlchild in the galaxy.

No. 2079777

every time i see his ugly mug it reminds me of a very unfortunate looking dog. i can see why him and claire got together; the way they present themselves gives away that they're extremely vain and spoiled rich kids who are bored with no talent. so they decide to larp as musicians when they're really just pretentious 2deep4you drug addicts who wish they were attractive enough to be models. also i agree he does look like a total fag complete with that heart tattoo kek

No. 2079783

Nonna, Claire never read Dune. It was her brother who did and she just copied his interests just like she did with Elon. Classic BPD. Claire has never cared about sci-fi or Marxism or whatever she pretends to like.

No. 2079787

File: 1737368218574.jpeg (295.84 KB, 1179x638, IMG_3467.jpeg)

Karl Marx never considered the trees

No. 2079789

>I know that's insane and likely impossible but I'm an artist so it's my job to say things like this
Banner material.

No. 2079809

No. 2079811

>i'm an artist so my job is to say things like this
you're not an artist at all, and routinely tweeting retarded shit as if your life depended on it not what an artist's "job" is either. artists actually do art, and the only "artists" who would claim be a capitalist are the ones whose millionaire parent's pay for their "careers".
her admitting she is a capitalist is not even remotely surprising but i can't even begin to explain how fucking stupid she sounds. your job should be shutting the fuck up until you can actually do something to back up all of your wild drug-induced claims, but that would never happen because she's a fucking husk dedicated to serving a flabby pile of shit who will only look in her direction if she strokes his ego and then he'll go back to looking the other way. her real job is worshipping the ground he walks on, lying through her broken teeth and pretending that she's not an addict who lives for baiting people on twitter due to her need for constant attention. all she seems genuinely to care about is engagement on social media and melon's bloated-corpse. i can't fucking stand this bitch.
>Karl Marx never considered the trees
i kek'd
agreed. there's nothing authentic about her

No. 2079812

>unfortunate looking dog
Anons stop being this accurate kek. But honestly, i want to see the Grimes + Anyma arc develop, just for the thread's sake. These dramatic, desert techno-dunefag photoshoots and painful "bored nepokid goes to work or else dad withdraws pocket money" faces make me snort each time. I want him to give dramatic interviews on his tragic "crackden" upbringing. I want Anemia on Eurovision

No. 2079814

>But honestly, i want to see the Grimes + Anyma arc develop, just for the thread's sake. These dramatic, desert techno-dunefag photoshoots and painful "bored nepokid goes to work or else dad withdraws pocket money" faces make me snort each time. I want him to give dramatic interviews on his tragic "crackden" upbringing. I want Anemia on Eurovision
kekkk nona this is perfect. i laughed at the thought of him on eurovision. i agree and i'm right on board with you, i hope this develops more

No. 2079816

The most radical thing she could do would be delete all her sm accounts, use some of that money he keeps throwing her for ket and hire some devs to create her own social media that she can do all the elf tech shit on (which is out of place currently) and release book 1 on (if anyone even cares by that point).
Literally a rival social media “run by grimes” would be so popular among the many idiots who switch/sign up for platforms whenever the billionaires herd them.

Tho if Grimes were truly a radical revolutionary and not just another capitalist who wants to shill you some cheap worthless crap that’ll end up in landfill, she would be looking into this shit, not sucking a billionaires gooch day in and day out.

No. 2079825

Anyma is so mind numbingly boring I don't know why you want him and Claire to stay together, the milk is already stale and dry. I'd rather she goes back to dating Elon or that tranny lolcow Chelsea Manning or someone equally cringe and disgusting, now that would be a proper milkfest.

No. 2079887

i genuinely don't believe she dated that tranny. afaik there was just a couple of headlines, have they even been photographed together? regardless i think there's a very small chance that her and melon would get back together. i'm not sure if it would be milky, i feel like it would just be the same shit on repeat with those two. i don't check on enema outside these threads but he seems like an edgelord who doesn't overshare as much and i'm willing to bet his private life is messy as fuck

No. 2079899

Ofc he's not interesting on his own, but i don't mind the mentions in the thread. i just find him amusing. That and the fact Grimes tried to use him as "Look Elon i don't need you" boytoy (and failed, i guess). He served a purpose though, at least he pushed her to go outside to LARP as DJ and provide "gingerhead gollum writhing around styrofoam computer" visuals.
There's just something so cringe about the anyma collage upthread that immediately made me think of eurovision, that desert photo in the middle

No. 2079913

File: 1737406357522.jpeg (87.57 KB, 1000x667, IMG_6365.jpeg)

Mask off(wrong thread)

No. 2079924

Wonder if Grimes will say anything about this

No. 2080002

Just another dime a dozen gay man sapping a woman of every tiny ounce of resource he can from her

No. 2080034

>Heil Pajeet(racebaiting)

No. 2080144

wRoNg ThREaD shut the fuck up

No. 2080153

File: 1737458942130.png (106.22 KB, 234x834, 7a321331da717bbc113ccdca933813…)

It's not weird that they both believed that Grimes was an AI created specifically for Elon when they first met; they are horrible in the exact same cluster B, sadistic crybully who pretends to be the bigger person/victim when people react, profoundly hypocritical and aggravating kind of way. When Fantano said something that wasn't even a critique of her music she called him a spineless twat because she knew she could lash out on someone weaker than her without any consequences (she's been subjected to it herself by Elon for the past decade), but when Elon Musk heils and acts erratically in front of the whole world we should all just hold hands and sing Kumbaya and all of a sudden she has an ability to control her impulses. She's so nuts, pathetic and hypocritical.

No. 2080158

The Feminist Hero part is beyond insane. Really highlights the world she has made up about herself inside of her sick tweaker mind. “World Princess”

No. 2080182


Translation: erm yeeeea I got my BLOODMONEY everyone else who isn’t one of my eugenic heirs can die now 😇(emoji)

No. 2080183

It’s funny she points that out then refers the audience yet again to her lack of spine as if it’s something to be proud of

No. 2080303

it feels like saying nothing would have been better than this shit. it kind of reminds me of how she responded after a bunch of those allegations came out against her good pal nausea queerio (may he rot in piss), she said some shit like "i need to process this i'll say something later" (she didn't). she likes to pretend she has a huge stance on everything but she always puts her tail between her legs whenever it will benefit her. he just followed her again a few days ago, she wants this all to blow over quickly
>The Feminist Hero part is beyond insane. Really highlights the world she has made up about herself inside of her sick tweaker mind. “World Princess”
completely 100% agreed. my head spun when i read her saying that kek

No. 2080377

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No. 2080380

File: 1737496647734.jpeg (159.43 KB, 828x1264, IMG_4861.jpeg)

When was the last time Hana interacted with Claire publicly? It sounded like her vocals on at least one of the Book 1 tracks, but those are so old.

No. 2080424

Just for my personal pride, I would like to state that the father of my children was the first American Lagerkommandant to clear Auschwitz and ended that season as best in Deutschland. He was also ranking in Buchenwald and beat Amon Göth himself at the game. I did observe these things with my own eyes. There are other witnesses who can verify this. That is all.

No. 2080586

File: 1737547877922.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1125x1662, IMG_2158.jpeg)

New pic from Sphere show with Anyma

I can’t figure out if she looks good here or if she looks bogged. Looks better than in other recent pics at least. Maybe her surgery is settling.

Enema really does look fucking gay, you nonas are right. Why is he wearing gay fetish stuff?

No. 2080602

File: 1737552297501.png (516.81 KB, 454x786, 2364872634.png)

No. 2080609

File: 1737554118620.png (2.62 MB, 1125x1662, village people phenotype.png)

>I can’t figure out if she looks good here or if she looks bogged.
She looks better than usual, probably because she hired a competent MUA and paid for a nice gown, but I'm not gonna praise her for spending her money wisely now when she'll be spending it on drugs before the night's over, kek

>Why is he wearing gay fetish stuff?

I didn't notice his ugly look at first but my god nona you're right. Leather daddy tier outfit. The cap blends in like it belongs.

No. 2080626

File: 1737556739568.jpg (55 KB, 337x337, Mr_slave-1078024509.jpg)

kek I'm retarded and thought Grimes and her gay leather daddy music
beard did a "photoshoot" at the mall near their drug hook up
>Leather daddy tier outfit. The cap blends in like it belongs.
I know this is really cliche but even his natural facial hair pattern looks like the shaved leather daddy horshoe/fu manchu thing
She looks much better in this styled photo but ~who cares~. She could be the most beautiful goblin in the whole world, she's still a drug-addicted sped who steals music from non-confrontational introverts and loser social-climbers, then lies about it

No. 2080643

what's up with her lip? are those injection dents? I don't think her lips have looked like this previously. but overall this is her best look yet and the hair actually looks good

No. 2080665

that's literally just what ravers and Eurotrash djs wear nona please leave Ohio and go outside and stop thinking about dicks in asses for one second

No. 2080666

I actually like the dress but it clashes horribly with her faded hair colour.

No. 2080670

File: 1737564229325.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1284x1434, IMG_8469.jpeg)

Anyma is a raging faggot, please. No way is he attracted to hideous Claire. You can put lipstick on a pig. Her without makeup+bogged+frail anachan body and flatchested? Hes gay(sage your shit)

No. 2080673

File: 1737564591641.jpg (36.11 KB, 1024x824, One-of-these-Is-Not-Like-the-O…)

>and flatchested?
subtle, anon

No. 2080685

Claire is flat chested though.

No. 2080694

>anachan body
That was covered. She doesn't have breast implants so of course she has no tits. She's been a drug addict/ana-chan for decades

No. 2080708

File: 1737568152291.jpeg (Spoiler Image,381.09 KB, 1920x1280, IMG_8476.jpeg)

Sorry that wS maybe too mean. Flat chested can be beautiful, just not on claire(fan art)

No. 2080714

he can pull off simple, clean styles, but always goes for retarded, materially busy, caricature shit that's bigger than his personality and ends up wearing him. he's got money and access to people with style - if he wants to look like a main character why is he not at least being steered into some of the more basic demobaza looks, or whatever is hot rn (don't know, don't care to know). crimes got self-respect enough to cover for yilongs gaming but not to make sure her clutch doesn't look like it comes from a mall? i don't get it.

guy has italian genes and upbringing but for some reason is spiritually berlin. no shade on berlin, but its bin gay af since probably even before the big guy.

c needs some grit in her clam not this bumbo theatrical lavender cloud.

No. 2080736

>those milk dud nipples

No. 2080773

File: 1737578814821.jpg (178.66 KB, 1841x504, grimes.jpg)

Fucking hell grimes elon has done so much shit before, this is what did it for you?!


No. 2080776

File: 1737579051424.mp4 (4.3 MB, 720x720, AQOtGRnD8E6ezIJ3R2XmS5qAxM6_pI…)

All true, but why couldn't Grimes have had a gay bestie ghostwriter to play dress-up with and platonically cuddle back in 2018? She might have reconsidered the met gala photo op with old pilsbury doughboy. Or not, but at least he could have advised against bogging herself to this degree.

No. 2080788

File: 1737580397934.jpeg (606.96 KB, 1170x1424, IMG_3283.jpeg)

This got posted on the Grimes subreddit. Thankfully it seems like most people realize she’s a white supremacist pickme bitch. Hilariously, Aellagirl is in the comments white knighting both Claire and herself. Posting on mobile and can’t be assed to combine my screenshots so sorry in advance for that.

No. 2080790

File: 1737580429766.jpeg (607.73 KB, 1170x1752, IMG_3284.jpeg)

No. 2080791

File: 1737580484165.jpeg (505.32 KB, 1170x1457, IMG_3285.jpeg)

3/3 (not featuring Aella herself this time, but interesting that she doesn’t try to defend herself again kek)

No. 2080797

How has she distanced herself, exactly? Isn't she just "processing" everything as always?

No. 2080845

File: 1737588342596.gif (1.4 MB, 418x315, GIF_1021.gif)

>I am suggesting that it's possible the people she's photographed with are not actually white supremacists, given that the source people are using that makes these claims, also makes clearly incorrect claims about me

No. 2080855

Kek I didn't even question the fucking hat until I enlarged the image.

No. 2080865

She is still following him, and all the other nazis. Also, Aella is a horse faced whore who doesnt deserve the space she takes up on the planet.
Notice all of the self victimization here and “i” statements.

“Its unhealthy that people are this upset at me!!
I dont know what happened!! (???)
Im not a citizen!! I need to go to bed!! I am not him!!
I could be a feminist hero on magazine covers!!!
I chose this path, I accept it!!
Happiness to all!!”

How tf is that an apology?

No. 2080868

Weird nothingburger nitpick

No. 2080875

File: 1737592725264.jpeg (46.34 KB, 526x336, IMG_6415.jpeg)

He probs forces her to follow him everytime she blocks him lmao he’d be an insecure little bitch like that

No. 2080890

Looool is this grimes selfposting?
https://www.reddit.com/user/RwnWinter/(this is an imageboard)

No. 2080898

consider not buying into this non-event. coupla reasons:
it makes one look slow af: those who do are outing themselves as deficient. either they're mentally slow, thinking he's actually sieg heiling (which almost no-one does, genuinely) or they're slow socially because they still think it's the current year to current year + 9 era. that decade is done. your commie cancel currency aint good no more, except as a way of outing your affiliations. the preference cascade already happened. catch up or get caught out.
more entertaining timelines are available: this is all part of the character assassination of musk being attempted. and look, even if you think he's a cunt, it's in your best interests to not let them merc his profile by boosting their message, because if they can't do it reputationally they will be forced to do it literally. (a brief pause while we… let that sink in)

his opponents didn't have to be so obvious with this. he's recently larped as kekius maximus or wtf ever. establishment media could have seeded that pfp alongside copy about his awkward roman-salute, and let people connect the dots and grow their own 'grass-roots' opinion, but no. they have to push so hard and explicitly because they have such contempt for the public. there's no finesse. its honestly more awkward to witness than the man himself. it's needy af and they're telegraphing desperation.
anyway, run me through with your red hotpocket rocket for muskpoasting in a girm thread, but it needed saying. if you're feeling charitable, it could be interpreted as a critique of c herself as she's been one of the dumb fucks publicly lending credence to the constructed moral panic by (at least performatively) pandering to her naive airhead fans when she should have just gently told them they were retards and to fuck off for some perspective.(derailing/whiteknighting)

No. 2080900

Types like grimace but tbh it’s probably elon scrambling to divide the groups of people scrutinizing them both rn. He still wants that track Utopia to be the theme for his little Ubermensch cosplay

No. 2080902

the "i" statement thing doesn't apply to every situation, if a person is writing about themselves there will be more "i" statements. it's supposed to be about polite conversation but people apply it to everywhere, even social media posts. you can't ask a person about themselves in a declarative self post, so this is a bit of a nitpick imo (no wk)

No. 2080909


Were u dropped on your head a child? How did so many actual mentally retarded adults find this thread?(infighting)

No. 2080945

Seems to be an obvious bait - report and ignore.

No. 2080971

File: 1737611874582.jpeg (362.81 KB, 1284x774, IMG_8470.jpeg)

Most spineless human being I’ve observed in my life. She wont ever actually denounce of unfollow her shitty friends. Shes still following all the nazis, completely blatant misogynists, pedos, etc. just like the nusi quero situation all over again. Just “me me me”

No. 2080980

He has been dogwhistling for years and you're a fucking retard.

No. 2081080

ty for the cap anon, it's just as bad as i remembered. i don't know if she realizes how blatant she is with her priorities. it's pretty obvious she doesn't give a shit about this stuff, she has no morals and only cares about what she wants

No. 2081239

It's been so painful watching Grimey's continuing bpdchan downward spiral. She's starving herself to death and still in love with a man who publicly humiliates her. I want her to get it together but I'm scared it's too late. She isn't the nicest person but I don't believe she's evil either. Just an insecure autistic pickme brainwashed by the men in her life. Please get it together Claire, we might make fun of you sometimes but we don't want you to die.(sage your shit)

No. 2081241

I wish I could befriend Claire irl and steer her on the right path. She hasn't spent time with good people in decades, only amoral prostitutes, gross sexual predators, sociopathic techbros, insecure compensating racist poltards, trannies, and evil gay moids who use women as their beards. No wonder she's so fucked up when that's the company she keeps.(whiteknight)

No. 2081248

File: 1737671916887.webp (10.41 KB, 658x329, eb70ba1d.webp)

She's an annoying BPD retard with no sense of humour and just recites things male autists have said in front of her, out of context and always at the worst possible time. why would you want to spend time with her? This is just who she is. Stop wk'ing and blaming her peer group, they're a by-product of who she is

No. 2081260

>he was ranking at polytopia
does she mean his poly relations with multiple baby mommas kek(sage your shit)

No. 2081271

I think she's genuinely retarded and an autist who gets led astray. Since she's an artist she probably thinks it's cool and inspiring to hang out with the weirdos and outcasts of society, but she hasn't realised that the reason those people are outcasts is often because they're fucked up, awful people. I really don't think Claire is a cruel or evil or nasty person. Like I said, just desperate for love, validation, and desperation to feel like she's an extremely unique and original individual because she knows she can't compete in conventional terms (it's hard for mid aspie weirdo girls and they receive a lot of negative reinforcement from society, which is why they often choose weird or randum ex dee interests and gatekeep them so hard as it's the only thing that makes them feel safe). If she's ever been mean to someone, it's 100% lashing out from her own self loathing and sadness. I don't think her calling Azealia fat at her lowest most miserable point, after being berated by Azealia over text, being conflicted at realising one of her longtime friends is a shitty person, or falling in love with a narcissist, makes her an evil sociopathic bitch like farmers try to paint her.

No. 2081291

>Since she's an artist
Can you elaborate on this? It was hard to read the rest of your wk because I'm not sure what you're refering to

No. 2081295

I agree with you, she kind of gives me vidrel vibes lol.
Although I think her interests are basically whatever will get her the most asspats from beta men at any given point, and she is determined to put in the least amount of effort to any of those interests. From pretending to have studied Russian to failing to DJ at coachella, it's a pattern. I feel like she's much more into the idea of being cool than the actual practice of it, and now she's stuck churning out music she doesn't care about to keep up the pretence.

No. 2081325

File: 1737683728909.png (4.03 MB, 3719x1394, Alice_Grimes_peak.png)

>she's much more into the idea of being cool
She wants to be a "nerd" and goes out of her way to differentiate herself from the "cool girls" time and time again. It's Avril Lavigne but with more crouching in front of a full length mirror and picking imaginary bugs out of your skin
>and now she's stuck churning out music she doesn't care about to keep up the pretence.
Anon she has never cared about the music. If she did, she would have taken a single hour out of the past two decades to learn music theory or even the basics of her set equipment to create or perform that music

Observe picrel: this is Grimes and arch-nemesis Alice Glass during the peak of their careers. Alice may not have contributed at all to the writing of Crystal Castles, other than lyrics and performing vocals (according to some anons) yet no one gives a fuck because she is was objectively/massively talented, artistic and it doesn't hurt that their music was incredible to the extent that people still listen to after Ethan pedo-raper reveal. No one cares about "Grimes' music" because it was never hers to begin with and most importantly, it fucking sucks. "Grimes' music" was sold to the masses in a cheap biodegradable package covered in aliexpress wigs and glued on swarovski crystals, was consumed without tasting and then fell apart immediately after the narc-energy was harvested and digested by Claire, as to be expected. this sperg isn't really meant at you anon, I'm just adding context to the derailment.

I'm not sure why some anons feel the need to protect and save Claire from the collapsing blanket fort she's built around herself, with zero consideration or thought to how this may play out in the future (now) but I promise she'll be okay with her millions of dollars and Canadian/Los Angeles properties to retreat to and hide from accountability, for a few days, when she assumes everyone has forgotten and moved on

No. 2081329

💯 accurate nonna, I speak Russian and she can't for shit. Even her dumb tattoo is spelled wrong(no emojis)

No. 2081345

Remember how nasty she was to alice in the email? Her personality sucks and shes a wretched cunt. Not some led astray aspire (im autistic too) being into lolicon and following evil people isnt an aspie thing were not babies thanks tho !

No. 2081602

>mid aspie weirdo girls

Kek spoken like a true mid aspie weirdo girl.

There comes a point where people may need to realize Elon bought grimes just like her can buy anything in this world he wants (legal or not) and bought her a Columbia record deal in order to have her influence culture to roll out his little fascist wet dream. This is why the Book 1 hasn’t come out.
The dumbass didn’t realize she doesn’t have as much sway as she does with the Pepe pfp’s and wanted a refund only AFTER he’d cut her open and taken the first born child he exchanged for her promised riches and glory.
She fell for it and he’s literally the antichrist, Hitler, Satan, etc — whatever term you want to call an extremely sociopathic Machiavellian man with more secrets the world can hold, a penchant for cruelty and violent fantasies.

No. 2081616


no. Claire is not a sex trafficked child you fucking retard. She was an adult in her mid 30s when she met him, and a millionaire in her own right. You cannot buy a woman. Please leave moid. Stop making people feel bad for this gold digging cunt who looks at cartoon porn of little kids of her own volition.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2081622


Maybe YOU can’t buy a woman, but Elon can and likely has, multiple times.
Why do you think none of the women speak ill of him?

Why do you think they all “speak” on X and no other platforms?

Why do you think Amber moved to Spain and deleted her X account?

By all means, grimes was a consenting adult in getting involved with Elon but there comes a point you may have to admit you’re being psy-op’d by a degenerate moid who owns multiple women and their voices in the hope you tear apart a woman with your bare hands (despite you being a radfem) because he thinks it’s funny and hilarious.
You really aren’t as sharp as you present yourself to be if you cannot pick up on the cues.

No. 2081624

And by the way killer housewife, you were intelligent but it’s obvious you have become more and more deranged as time goes by. I hope you’re working on your music though and doing good, eating, showering etc. Take care of yourself, may God help all women.(hi cow)

No. 2081662

I don't understand the 20 somethings who look up to claire at all coping with her adderall addiction by calling a developmental disability

No. 2081675

File: 1737762595126.jpg (113.2 KB, 1024x683, 6284657269_769873f8ce_b-410323…)

Men weren't even attracted to her in Montreal, she has always been a desperate pick-me. So if Elon can buy "any woman", why the fuck would he choose a talentless ogre with no social skills who shows up to red carpets in Lindsay Lohan's bridal costume from Mean Girls? If he could "buy any woman", he'd choose someone like Amber Heard who he was attracted to and loved to parade around Hollywood events, not to mention gaining the inside-access he couldn't achieve on his own due to his unpleasant/offputting autistic personality and lack of social decorum. A reminder, ANYONE can hang around with Trump if they kiss his ass or bring him to McDonalds. He doesn't remember half the things people tell him and will do whatever he feels like anyways. Three Doors Down played his inauguration hoedown event.

Most of Elon's wealth is tied up in assets and he can't access it. His "net worth" is a mirage based on the "estimated value" of his e-Pintos and inherited wealth from slave mines, divided among countless legitimate and illegitimate products of rape. His ventures are all failing because he doesn't care about anything but appearing cool to other moids online and he didn't give a fuck about Claire until she started roleplaying as her brother on the internet and stealing music from sweet quiet people who don't like drama. Or people who have been served NDs. Claire isn't part of whatever Clinton sexbot headcanon you read about in tinfoil. She's a BPD who loves attention and was raised in a family who indulged and validated her every whim and autistic tantrum, her mom still speaks on her behalf to her baby-daddy/temporary drugsnfuck-buddy Elon even though they live in different countries. She can leave to her private properties at any time but can't do that because she's dependent on drugs (Montreal days) and external validation. She's always been like this and she'll never change. If you want to blame someone, try her parents, her biggest enablers and sympathizers. I'm not surprised we're seeing a narrative like this, now that her fake music career has been exposed to the masses and no one likes her anymore (for any reason) except the terminally online, mid-west PDs and troons who of course, don't know better

This has been going on for years, lurk moar and stop projecting yourself on her then telling us about it
Ikr? It took millions of dollars and a psy-op campaign from thirsty lib-fem supporters and beta males redditards to bring this charlatan temporary fame that came crashing down immediately but they both have the foresight to plan and execute a full gov. takeover kekkkkkkkk

No. 2081680

File: 1737762940766.jpg (28.61 KB, 650x366, 8ab8dc6148e16628d5fa5c41ca0abe…)

oh and samefag, Amber Heard moved to Spain to get away from the scrotes eviscerating her over the Depp trial. She still sexually torments Elon because he gives her money and she thinks it's fun

No. 2081711

File: 1737770450786.jpeg (501.34 KB, 1284x2166, IMG_8668.jpeg)

New ableton lackey. Lol isnt it interesting how every single song since breaking up with Jaime has been with a co producer? Gee I wonder why

No. 2081927

File: 1737831660938.jpeg (372.69 KB, 1284x1074, IMG_8717.jpeg)

I wonder why jaime couldn’t make their own music from 2014 until they broke up with claire?? Hmm

No. 2081978

Elon likes two things in women—trophies (Amber, Talulah) and enablers (Grahms, Shivon, Justine)

No. 2082003

Grimes is better as a band than as a solo artist. She obviously has no technical knowledge of music and that's perfectly fine, or it would be if she didn't pretend to entirely self-sufficient in the process. I think her and Jaime worked well with each other and were complimentary in their ideals. I wish she could find someone else like that again, I'm sick of the shit music. We will never get another Oblivion. Even violence release era was so much better than all of this

No. 2082036

File: 1737851126801.jpg (712.75 KB, 3000x1839, world_class_performer.jpg)

>Grimes should keep getting all the attention she wants and craves for doing absolutely nothing/covert wk
What is her role meant to be in this "band" other than flailing around on drugs and looking disheveled like picrel, anon? People were always very forgiving of her vocals, appearance and lack of stage presence because she "made her own music". Which was never true. I searched for the word "voice" in the last thread and while anons occasionally had positive things to say about the music she stole and claimed as her own, not a single soul enjoys the sound of her stupid baby voice

No. 2082045

The sad truth is Elon was sliding into multiple female druggie singers DMs and Claire was the only one desperate enough to respond. He isn't really that picky: he often looked for 'fixer upper' type women who he could mould into a blonde barbie doll with a fake nose and silicone tits. He probably realized Claire was a hopeless case and then discarded her once he stopped idealizing her, as narcs always do.

Remember how Grimey bitched Amber out in Elon's biography and called her 'pure chaos' in an attempt to get picked? And Elon still dumped her on her ass just a few weeks later kek while still publicly pining for Amber on X.

No. 2082046

These pictures never fail to make me laugh my ass off

No. 2082049

>covert wk
No offense but some of you are genuinely batshit insane. If you cannot take a levelheaded approach to discussion in a thread, you're the issue. I bet you reported that post for WKing too. I don't care about her live performances, but her curated songs with edited vocals were enjoyable. Calm the fuck down, sperg. God forbid anyone be able to talk itt without spitting pseudoschizo vitriol.

No. 2082051

>I don't care for her actual music or performances
>but her songs from 13 years ago that are written and played by someone else while a different singers (Hana) sings them before they are processed through another 50 layers of vocal editing are quite enjoyable

No. 2082055

>Grimes is better as a band than as a solo artist.
I agree, I don't think she has enough talent. She spergs too much on twitter and past history with people shes worked with probably means its never gonna be a band thing.
I think its that one anons who has a hate boner for grimes so its always grating communicating with her since she always argues and makes weord assumptions for some reason.

No. 2082067

Now if you can, remove your own foot from up your ass.(infighting/derailing)

No. 2082157

File: 1737893816948.jpeg (194.98 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_6501.jpeg)

Kek this is true(elon has his own thread)

No. 2082177

File: 1737897854924.gif (960.27 KB, 481x370, tumblr_m0mkvdthnR1r95yl5o1_500…)

Hey anon I know you definitely (like me) don't want to infight so I want to clear a few things up. I've never seen a single anon say her vocals sound good, other than the people who are defending her recently ITT (and went back two threads to check, looking for the word "voice" and "singing" - so it's not just my opinion). I absolutely have a "hate boner" for Grimes and so do the people she stole music from, ripped off or silenced with NDAs. I don't spend time on any other cows, other than glancing at popular cows on the first page. And lastly your post should be reported for wk'ing but this thread (more than any other on LC) has sympathetic and extremely selective moderation. If anyone is going to tinfoil, I'd say one of the jannies is a Grimes fan, since we are unable to use this thread for it's intended purpose without constantly sperging on meta. As one of the only anons actually contributing to this thread, instead of shitting it up with their opinions - I only started doing that again two months ago. When other anons gave up and it became full on retard raid and newfag wk-fest. So it's just weird that there are no other examples of anons defending Grimeses shitty vocals until now, when the thread is full of retards trying to get it locked by baiting and saying Grimes has a good voice when it's autotuned to shit or someone else's, and credited as her

No. 2082201

>And lastly your post should be reported for wk'ing
i agree with a lot of what you said. i reported their post (don't think the report went through) and i have complained on /meta/ so, honestly you might not be too far off. this thread has been a shitshow since its dawn. i really wish there was a VPN ban on this site, it's very clear there's bad actors in this thread (and many other threads). and before i get redtexted for taking it to meta, i did. i appreciate nonas who are actually contributing to this thread, because there's only a few

No. 2082212

File: 1737903946688.png (35.54 KB, 924x497, long_haul.png)

day 5 of @Grimezsz flight from (you)

No. 2082216

kekkk this is actually hilarious. it's like she's being satirical of her own self. she's always on the ready, finger constantly on the button to make extremely unhinged paragraphs reeking of meth on the daily but when she's under fire, suddenly she's very busy!
>i have to go to bed
>i just had breakfast
>i need to catch a flight!
>i won't be around for 5 hours because of the flight!
as if she isn't on her phone 24/7. Yes, everyone, i hate nazis! are you all happy that i said it? this bitch is so unbelievably desperate to have him following her that she really said: "i'm happy to denounce Nazi-ism, anyways i must go now!"

No. 2082219

File: 1737905538237.png (444.05 KB, 1500x1193, strait_fag.png)

At first I thought she was hiding nazi language in this and wouldn't normally read so much into a tweet typed by spindly retarded fingers but Grimes is a massive histrionic bpd-fag/loser and I wouldn't be surprised if - in a shocking coincidence to this anon >>2080898 were trying to spread the narrative that she is being held captive by Elon (who doesn't enjoy spending time with her and goes out of his way to avoid her for exactly that reason) and ~discretely hiding cries for help~ in her tweets before disappearing, is because she wants people to speculate about her terminally online absence why else does someone write
>if I don't respond for another 5 hours
unless they want people to notice they're gone, after they disappear? It is so unbelievably sad and desperate, she probably thinks she's gone-girling her dumb fans/this thread

No. 2082273

>I don't spend time on any other cows
We can tell, since you take any little comment so personally on here that you feel the need to sperg and fritter out immediately. You're extremely recognizable for this. No one was praising her vocals here either, the compliment was for her edited vocals. You need to calm the fuck down and accept that you throwing aggressive walls of texts at people isn't going to make them bow down to you. You don't even share "milk", you just sperg and attach old pics(infighting)

No. 2082297

File: 1737918037581.jpg (39.01 KB, 800x534, grimes-florence-and-the-machin…)

Anons keep referencing "one anon with a hate boner" (here and meta) and I'm such a flaming narc like Grimes, that I thought it might be about me or another contributing anon, since we are posting content. I reply to non-posts like yours, with actual Grimes content which makes the thread (that has been ruined by newfags/wks) somewhat tolerable and closer what to all other old threads are like (that I didn't post in)
>We can tell, since you take any little comment so personally on here that you feel the need to sperg
>You're extremely recognizable for this.
kek holy fuck newfags are retarded. I've replied referencing my own posts in exactly one post. Please show me where I'm so recognizable for taking comments personally (because that is what you said, before you predictably move the goalposts).
>you just sperg and attach old pics
Does that bother you for some reason? It's almost like this beast had less control over editing/release of her photos in the past(infighting)

No. 2082304

we know its you because you always post with a random grimes pic and always retort back…..so youre kinda not integrating aka blending in with the lc crowd and personalityfagging. makes it hard for this thread to progress and focus on grimes.

No. 2082306

File: 1737921116548.jpeg (870.23 KB, 1284x1666, IMG_8435.jpeg)

Claires vocals are inarguably hideous. Her raw vocals have been posted in the threads multiple times. >>2082212
This has already heen been posted and its not even denouncing nazis or any of the orher vile shit shes into. Maybe having a daughter will make her denounce lolicon haha jk this pedo nazi shouldn’t even be allowed near her daughter. We all know that she posts here just like she does on her reddit. Just report and ignore. >>2082003

No. 2082309

I enjoy your roasts and posts nona, ignore the whiney zoomer bitches

No. 2083088

File: 1738112775428.png (393.02 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_9070.png)

Oh man.. no one is having her apology and this is BAD…

No. 2083091

Your profile pic is showing nona!

No. 2083093

File: 1738112984740.png (348.33 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_9071.png)

She is such an eternal victim and compulsive liar lol. Literally all about herself and the “toxicity in the fandom” what a self-centered retarded bitch. Too Little too late Claire. Everyone knows exactly who you are and that you enjoy lolicon and are friends with people who actively send rape threats and stalk and harass to anyone who calls you out like that poor girl Abigail who made that YouTube video. She literally is friends with spergler acolyte was engaging with his account as of two days ago. The same person who talks about dragging women by the nose ring and post Hitler videos. at this point in her career she might as well go mask off since only remaining fans are white supremacist chodes on Twitter, Thiel fans and a few beta orbiters. that’s all she has left.

No. 2083101

its cute how she thinks anyone still cares

society is crumbling and the world is burning down but yeah lets see how grimes feels about hitler and david duke, i just have to know and can't feel ok otherwise!

No. 2083102

The first month of 2025 isn't even over yet and Claire's gangstalking arc has already begun. Take your meds you goddamn schizo wannabe bitch. Way to make everything about yourself, also none of that happened kek.

No. 2083190

File: 1738138795859.jpeg (910.79 KB, 1284x5556, IMG_9105.jpeg)

I feel so bad for her poor fans/ ex fans especially the younger ones who gave her the benefit of the doubt

The Grimes ai thing was an attention/headline/money grabbing scam

No. 2083194

She's honestly delusional and so narcissistic. "They are bad actors", for doing what: pointing out that Grimes regularly hangs out in neo-white nationalist/effective accelerationist spaces? That some of her friends (e.g. Lan Dao) and her coincidentally dogwhistle in the exact same way to cater to alt-right Silicon Valley-men who think they're gladiators? That she was featured in a Thiel-funded, alt-right magazine and also attended their events more than once? I can't imagine why that wouldn't go well in a world that is becoming increasingly more polarized, unstable, unjust, and potentially violent. And yeah, calling Lan Dao's/whichever minority "friend" she's referring to's workplace is obviously going too far, but maybe, just maybe, consider growing up and ceasing to act like a teenager on 4chan and people might have less of an issue with you and your associates' behavior. Both of these bitches were shitposting in their 30's for crying out loud. Nothing is ever her fault, which is why she and Elon will continue having an on-and-off-relationship for quite some time until he completely detaches and replaces her. Also, has it ever occurred to her that she just sucks ass at being a public figure and that's why she encounters problems all the time?

No. 2083199

File: 1738142898792.jpeg (217.15 KB, 1290x1729, IMG_9121.jpeg)

She really is the dumbest cunt of all time. Claire you followed Spergler Acolyte again after unfollowing when the snark subreddit exposed him as a nazi pedophile. You saw that, unfollowed him and then refollowed him again the same day he posted “child tummy is the erotic aryan treat” and he has since posted more vile pedo shit and hitler videos. You follow andrew tate and you follow your ex along with several other little chode nazis. Literally please walk off a cliff.(a-logging)

No. 2083243

its so obvious grimes is playing dumb. she reminds me of people who think being called racist is worse than being racist. then don't associate and run in their circles grimey because the proof speaks for itself.

No. 2083288

The father of her children perhaps? The one who threw up a Nazi salute not once but TWICE on a live broadcast!? She must be playing dumb kek. I wonder what her excuse will be for "not knowing" her social circle is full of white supremacists.

No. 2083294

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She's straw-manning, it's a bpd's third line of defense after "creating a fake emergency" and "blaming everyone else". She won't address any of the things people actually have an issue with, only unverifiable nonsense that places her as the victim and everyone else as the aggressor.

After no one noticed her absence/Gone Girl attempt >>2082212, she's back with her stupid explanation to answer questions no one cares about or asked

No. 2083328

She is playing dumb cus she unfollowed spergler when the reddit was posting he was a nazi but then she refollowed him again later. She 100% knew he was a pedo, nazi and extreme misogynist who talks about dragging women by the nosering and threatening rape. How as a mother could u follow someone who posts stuff like “child tummy is the erotic aryan treat” ??? Shes sick in the head. She knows who she is following, yarvin, the collinses, razib khan, bronze age pervert, hellenist, the entire palladium mag crew oh and her ex! Shes retarded as fuck if she thinks people actually believe her “who?” Oppsie daisy bullshit. Shes literally evil and shouldn’t have custody of a daughter, she used to follow deadflow i would get banned for even sharing the link to his art here

No. 2083331

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No. 2083333

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Shes such lying CUNT its insane. Not like anyone doesn’t the see right thru her lies? Her brain is literal mush at this point if she thinks she can just completely lie and people will eat it up. No you repugnant cowardly retard, your public image is unsalvageable and the more music you release, the more people are going to discover that you’re a pedophilic, goldigging, nazi, white supremacist, skinwalker piece of dogshit who cant produce, dj or parent.

No. 2083341

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She is still posting from her extremely obvious sockpuppet account oh my god this is gold

No. 2083345

Okay I get what the meta fags are talking about. Could you chill the fuck out and stop sperging? I've been following this thread for years because she's funny and your annoying seething is ott and only proving this retard right. If you take 5 minutes to think of something clever/funny, instead of a-logging or moid-tier insults, people will be less likely to believe Claire's bullshit

No. 2083356

the replies to this were hilarious. i don't know what she was hoping for with that pathetic "Who?". maybe she was hoping people would only be able to name just one person (the literal father of her three children, inexcusable), but people were dragging up names i hadn't even heard of and including the obvious ones. someone even said "idk every time i end up on alt-right accounts it's always you who's following them". she's really pathetic if she thought this would work.
kek. ty for the reminder of this shining claire moment. she conveniently forgets about everything she's ever said. i know she's a compulsive liar but i really do wonder if she's so fucked up from drugs she actually can't remember her lies anymore. either way she's never gotten the story straight, she has been pretending and claiming many things that aren't true for a long time. her list of lies is monumental at this point.
it's really sad she thinks her old tactics will still work. she keep trying to direct the issue elsewhere, dodge it entirely, act oblivious thinking that anyone would buy it anymore. she is well past the point of pretending like she was ever oblivious to anything. it's funny watching her grasping at straws trying to make herself a victim out of this. she needs to accept that more people see her for who she is now, she's bad at hiding it
never change kekk

No. 2083384

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>the father of her three children
Speaking of which, anyone know where Techno Mechanicus Musk is? I don't think I've seen Claire or Elon mention him since his existence was announced. I wonder if he was born with a disability of some kind and that's why they're hiding him from the public? IVF and using sperm as old as Elon's is risky.(sage your shit)

No. 2083426

Claire probably has custody of him and the girl but not X, Elon is a narc and X is clearly his golden child while everyone else is ignored (also per Vivian tweets)

No. 2083428

File: 1738186631266.jpeg (333.09 KB, 806x555, IMG_9206.jpeg)

>Could u chill tf out and stop sperging(non-contribution)

No. 2083438

…are all of the children disabled?
anon you come off like your picrel when it's too aggressive and we don't want the thread locked because there are already so many "bad actor..s". Your posts are appreciated otherwise

No. 2083474

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Get her, Marsy

No. 2083486

Ok noted.
Good for her. There is so much evidence she knew exactly what was happening. I truly think she is actually evil.
They all definitely have varying rates of autism but they could turn out to be intelligent people nonetheless. Their main issue is lack of parenting, not disability. Einstein didnt speak until he was 5 either. I remember replying to Claire on Twitter about her kid being most likely to have autism when she was pregnant and she blocked me. it’s a shame because I was trying to send her articles about so she could help her kid. Autism shouldnt be demonized. But its understandable with the chris chans, elon musks and bouchers out in the world. Its the comorbidities with personality disorders thats the main issue. I am worried about her children but I kind of feel weird talking about them ,they’re innocent.

No. 2083489

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>in a moment of pettiness i tagged you in the threatening tweets asking if you were friends with these people, to which i noticed you unfollowed me but not them.
and there it is kek Dogshit-whistling Lauren Southern immediately exposes herself due to stupidity and gets called out immediately by timid zoomers. Yet another triumphant success, truly the best Grimes era yet. Elon must be proud

No. 2083502

it's the third child and he's still really young so i assume neither of them ever care for him or see him. he's too young for them to consider him a human being yet so i'm sure it's 24/7 nannies, that's only my guess though, they're narcissists so they see their chilren as props

No. 2083539

"I denounce Nazi-ism, but I'm perfectly fine with turning people into bio-diesel."

No. 2083541

Huh, what is that about private texts from group chats being leaked? Did we miss something?

No. 2083589

I can’t believe Claire made her son watch Apocalypse Now. Light spoilers but the water buffalo scene wtf. It was a cultural sacrifice basically but just so violent which makes a lot of sense in terms of context to the juxtaposed plot and theme. But forcing a toddler through that? Gotta be a type of abuse by proxy and her kids are going to grow up weirder than we can ever imagine. Almost like she intuitively knows she doesn’t want to protect them due to who she procreated with. I’m not sure if that’s woo woo but I can’t describe it any other way atm. I don’t think this can be explained away by retardation, this is genuine malevolence

No. 2083813

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For reference she was following both of them at the time, but she kept following spergler and unfollowed the girl immediately after this

No. 2083830

when she published her book for girls with fake ai quotes she said something about how her children need to be tough. I think she might want her sons to be traumatized too because she thinks it will make them stronger.

No. 2083874

I’ve read through and been lurking the last two threads (the one before the split and this one). Why does she not use a burner? One that isn’t tied to her identity. Why is she stupid enough to just let all of her dumbass opinions and affiliations searchable by anybody?

Sure it’s ego but it’s also so low iq. She was perfectly matched with Elon, I’m surprised that between her tying her name to every bad take and torpedoing her reputation and him Nazi saluting on national tv they couldn’t figure that out. God those kids are going to be so screwed when it comes to intelligence AND social decorum.(sage your shit)

No. 2083890

You mean on Twitter? She has several alts there, but still feels the need to follow fascist retards via he own identity too. Then gets megasurprised when she's caught. Total stupidity.

No. 2083892

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Lmao she knows her main fan reddit is 95% negative against her, which is 100% former fans. 90% of posts on x about her are negative. 95% of the comments in reddits like r/music r/entertainment are negative and hateful even. Her biggest fans have deleted their accounts. The mods of her fan reddit talk about her nip slips and breast size. Her fandom is in SHAMBLES. Is she in denial or doing damage control? Kek they had to turn off upvoting on her main reddit cus all the negative comments (99.9% justified btw) were getting way more traction as they are more true than her head in the sand mongoloid fans and extremely creepy nazi sympathizing moid mods

No. 2083901

>when this thing that happened very recently the other day i think i got like minor ptsd from that
words truly don't have meaning any more
>it's psychologically intense going through that much controversy
then why don't you delete your twitter and do your best to live a quiet life? you can afford it. oh yeah, because you're actually allergic to not being surrounded by controvery and choose to involve yourself in it regularly and engage with controversial people. "psychologically intense" bullshit, put down the phone and the drugs and look in the mirror at your bogged clown ass. god, she's so bad at playing the victim it's not even funny, it's just pathetic to watch

No. 2083906

people are dying, Claire, read the fucking room

No. 2083918

When she said this shit about watching violent movies with her kids I immediately thought "Oh, she's trying to emulate Kill Bill", kek.
(Referring to the scene in Kill Bill 2 where The Bride finds her little daughter alive with Bill, who is basically grooming her to be an assassin, praising her honesty in describing her killing her goldfish and watching Shogun Assassin with her at bedtime, etc.) Claire really wants to be some edgy Quentin Tarantino character and it's just embarrassing.

No. 2083920

The need to showoff to her new alt right nazi idols was too strong it seems. Feels like she wanted to be introduced to and known in these circles officially, as This Famous Grimes (kek) instead of being just anonymous follower. She dogwhistled hard, subtly showing off but also hiding behind "What? Me? Who?" annoying shit she's spewing now. Look at how smug she acted back when she made awful joke on Auschwitz rememberance day iirc and acting like "I'm not nazi look guys look i just went out to eat nothing at bar mitzvah!" when called out.
I guess she didn't expect so much of people would notice, or maybe thought it wouldn't ruin her reputation any more but i guess she's noticing nobody's willing to kiss her ass anymore. I guess Melon's salute threatrics also brought attention to her own bullshit again, and she finally realizes all this shit isn't giving her any cool quirky edgelord raised on 4chan /RedScare-tier points she hoped for. it only closes more doors and makes more ppl ignore her. which i believe bothers her the most lol.

No. 2083950

Holy crap I can believe this. She’s susceptible to doing such a thing at least. How much does she have to hate her kids to want to model as Bill of all people he was the classic bad guy antagonist. Those movies were only well received because of the bride’s love for her daughter. It’s in the name babe

I mean she also missed the point of Coppola’s message, the absurdity and futility of armed conflict being a core tenet of the film. This is a movie that actual Nam vets resonated with in terms of its realistic feeling! She wouldn’t have shown that to a young child if she believed the same. It doesn’t make me feel like she’s totes cool or whatever perceived value her fried brain said she’d gain for her image in sharing that, it makes me feel like she’s an actual psycho. And oh yeah but doesn’t Tarantino like hate Nazis? I don’t like him at all but it’s crazy she thinks she can reach him based off of this alone. He built a large part of his brand from fictionally killing Nazis why would he risk his already deserved shaky reputation for someone who is consistently buddy buddy with neo Nazis kek

No. 2083960

I find it appalling because it’s just so potato-brained. Attaching your name to some culture war level garbage is ridiculous if you don’t have a stake in it. As much as she wants to be involved, it looks like the guy who treated her as a “one time use” has moved on.


The woman is closer to 40 than 30 at this point, and 4chan hasn’t been relevant for quite a while. All of this posturing so some basement dwelling moid in Iowa can think you’re cool? Why?

Anyways, this is the train wreck I can’t look away from. Take Elon musk out of the equation and she’s a baby momma of 3 receiving $2,760 from the state of Texas fighting over weekends with her baby daddy. It’s the most white trash, Maury Povich level crap ever. What do you MEAN this is who we’re sending to Mars? Autistic Genghis Khan and his harem of mid? If that’s the bar, just send Nick Cannon, he’s a bit funnier and I’d be a little less embarrassed if Nick was making contact with extraterrestrial life.(sage your shit)

No. 2083965

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>Autistic Ghengis Khan and his harem of mid
I’m dead(non-contribution)

No. 2083977

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>read the room …….

And no claire, it’s not the autism. it’s your absolutely delusional sense of self importance and narcissism. Also you just play dumb when it’s convenient for you and are stupid enough to think people dont see beyond it because of the retarded simps in your replies. it’s not an inability to read the room it’s an inability to deflate your massive ego that is entirely based on delusions of grandeur and self importance. I love how she just keeps digging herself deeper in the hole and her fans just increasingly lose respect for her it’s been great to watch. Her little media empire is crumbling, and her brother and ex friends are all distancing themselves. Good for them.

No. 2083989

oot but I feel like everyone who is like "I'm so unique because I'm autistic and you have to accept everything I say and do because I can't read a room teeeheee!" are not or are barely autistic, never had any real problems because of it.

No. 2083991

If she wants them to be ~tough~ ~warrior~ leaders, then why not just plan to put them in team sports with other boys ASAP. Anything where they must risk injury, play through pain/discomfort, and work as a team. Maybe if Elon had been an athlete in some rich boy sport then he wouldn't have been (and still be) such a bullied weakling. Where would she even get the idea that passively watching the pain of others is strong or masculine in any way??

No. 2083992

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Everything she says seems intensely rehearsed in her head, even down to the ~cutesie~ typos. It's undoubtably BPD, who apparently love to pretend they have autism
>why not just plan to put them in team sports with other boys ASAP.
Sounds a lot like age-appropriate activities and socialization. I don't think she wants to raise anyone healthy and well-adjusted because then they will come to realize how fucked up she is

No. 2084006

The buccal fat removal was….a choice. Yikes.

No. 2084024

agreed with your post nona. it's the fucking giant "i'm super original and brave" ego, and it's good to see that no one's really buying her bullshit anymore. i can't stand her "i'm totally autistic guys" crap, she literally self-diagnosed when she went to take her kids to get tested, pretends she has ctpsd or like she even knows what that is, calling getting “cancelled” giving her “mini ptsd”, always with her sob stories, she's such a fucking munchie it's insane. of course she's suddenly bringing up her faking autism now, it's the bpd talking, "uh oh my 'poor me, what did i do?' act didn't work now i'm going to start talking about how i actually just don't know anything uhh because i'm autistic because i went to get my kids diagnosed, i’m just retarded guys haha"
pathetic and low, very classic claire. she's been riding the high of her extreme ego and once-praised fake persona that crumbled as soon as people realized she was brought up rich (while larping poverty even after dating and having children with a literal billionaire) and is a gold digging druggie who didn't even make her own music. it's obvious she's a mega bitch who's been lying through her methhead teeth her whole entire life and none of her old tricks work anymore so she resorts to floundering around and doesn’t know when to stop tweeting like a fucking retard. she's just as fake as her bogged plastic face
>Everything she says seems intensely rehearsed in her head, even down to the ~cutesie~ typos. It's undoubtably BPD, who apparently love to pretend they have autism
agreed. i think it's because bpdemons are allergic to taking responsibility for any of their actions. her recent series of tweets is a great example of that
>Sounds a lot like age-appropriate activities and socialization. I don't think she wants to raise anyone healthy and well-adjusted because then they will come to realize how fucked up she is
kek yeah pretty much. also she just has to do everything differently. she's truly a tryhard, i feel like she does shit just to push the envelope because it's entertaining for her to show off and pretend like she's this avant-garde trailblazer when she's actually just cracked out of her mind
>i'm super original and brave guys i dated a nazi bridge troll who i still try to defend and bogged myself with plastic surgery while i shill for AI and have 3 children with said shrivelled billionaire, they are raised by nannies when i'm not showing them disturbing films. you guys just don't understand my genius, now please move out of the way for my next photo op where i lay on a table and stare at myself in the mirror drugged out for the next 45 minutes

No. 2084027

I think she's taking HGH like Elon did, her face and jaw has definitely become more manly. It could also be the fact her body likely isn't producing much estrogen anymore because you need fats/lipids to synthesize estradiol, and I doubt Claire is eating any fats whatsoever anymore plus her bodyfat is so low now.

No. 2084037

She looked so busted in her smeagol video for anymas gay ass sphere thing. Esp when she tries to make sexy faces but just looks like an ex prostitute homeless coming down from speedballs. her rib cage is literally bigger than her ass, and being skinner than smeagol is just… terrifying? No one in her life cares about her enough to get her the help she needs for her ED and it just shows how much they all just use her for cash, having to smile and nod while she does her classic self-absorbed monologging (great example is vogue getting ready for met gala vid) where the ugly is seen monologging while her hair, makeup and team completely ignore her and roll their eyes KEK (and she brags about not identifying with the word mother on vogues youtube channel) its kinda sad tho, that no one in her life truly loves her to get her recovered from ED and meth addiction. Im pretty sure she went to a rehab a few years ago, but has likely relapsed since seeing how her face is rapidly becoming more tweaker looking and her mania is on full display

No. 2084055

Yes Claire, you following and befriending nazis specifically is just autistic. What's next? Maybe post that browsing pedo and nazi content is just a unique personal way of stimming? When all else fails, resort to crying about your mini autism

No. 2084078

her ego is off the charts for no reason. its so weird seeing someone like an artist reduce themselves to a twitter addict.

No. 2084094


It’s just more depressing than anything. If she really believes it takes 10,000 hours to become good at something, why is she not better at gaslighting her fans. She’s spent that much time if not more shitposting into the void, and hasn’t gotten any better at it.

Also, what is it with these women who have money but no PR? You’re self-aware enough to know you can’t function around successful people, but not aware enough to hire somebody to make you seem halfway normal online.

I mean I know the answer, this is somebody that thinks in the immediate and has no long term plans for their life, or social ties to anybody of prominence. Getting a bad facelift and fillers at 32 and making an entire person with somebody without getting a damn ring just proved she’s not even thinking ahead even 6 months on how anything in her life looks.

No. 2084098

File: 1738346837731.gif (Spoiler Image,3.88 MB, 600x600, look_at_me_im_an_artist.gif)

>reduce themselves
She has always been this way. She has never changed and will never change. You just don't like Claire Boucher, you like the narc-projection of "Grimeth"

also lmk if you're looking to purchase art for your home nonna. This a reprint but I'd be happy to sell you the original 36x36 in the lower 6 figs(fan art)

No. 2084124

…seriously what is your problem? are you not satisfied that I don't respond to her dumb tryhard antics with extreme vitriol or something? your antics scream parasocially obsessed anti-fan.(derailing)

No. 2084131

she does have a point though, claire's not an artist and never has been. she's a con-artist and a fraud since the beginning

No. 2084165

anna khachiyan (from red scare retardation) just quote tweeted and insta-deleted a meme with the caption 'rip sophie it should have been grimes'

anna's favorite habit it throwing a moral hissyfit when strangers are being mean to the people she likes, but has no problem saying the vilest shit to people she dislikes.(post screencaps)

No. 2084170


Oh fuck yes. The anemic bog faces are fighting, place your bets on which one will collapse from exhaustion from typing too much first!

Honestly I say whichever one can pick up a 20 lb weight with one hand wins. No cheating and using both!

No. 2084368

Don’t they BOTH have children? Imagine your mom acting this way. Bleak.

No. 2084446

Typical russian

No. 2084477

Anna didnt delete it. OP deleted it cus it was going viral for being an opinion too many people agreed with. Im glad grimes has stuck around tho, to fully tarnish her image and further prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she cannot dj or produce, and is a horrible mother and person

No. 2084545


That assumes these kids are raised functional enough to understand their moms are cluster b attention whores.

The best thing either of them could do for their kids if they just can’t log off is to at least start a hysa for their therapy.

No. 2084551

Imagine being a girl and learning that your mom followed people who sent rape threats, talked about dragging women by the nose ring ,and about “child tummy” being the “erotic aryan treat”… I found this out about my mother I would literally punch her in the face and never speak to her again.

No. 2084622

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grimes winning the "fell for it again" award. some aella shit while were on it to, miss her thread

No. 2084623

Lmaoo the backtracking after following the most extreme misogynists— that were posting extreme content the whole time she was following and engaging with them and now pretending like it’s bad.. KEK shes literally a full blown retard if she thinks anyone buys her bullshit

No. 2084625


I can’t figure out if she’s retarded or fucked in the head, but it gives single mom with the boyfriend that abuses the kids but she doesn’t care! Because she was picked!

It’s just so gutter. Raised in a semi-affluent family with a mother who is not only skilled, but respected in her field. Somebody to aspire to be from the little I know. And not even a whole generation later look at this fucking mess. Not one, not two, but three times a mistake?

The older I get though, the more skeptical I am of the “no marriage yes kids” types where the man holds more resources or power. I’m so glad a pickme is so public and her downfall is being so publicized. I hope younger women look at this example and make better decisions when it comes to moids. The resource hoarding moids don’t see you as a human, and I hope Claire clinging to every last portion of her relevancy by desperately trying to find an in group highlights that.

Go to school, and finish it. Don’t lie about your achievements, don’t starve yourself thin, be kind and gracious to others, and under no circumstances should you ever create a life with somebody who doesn’t view you as worthy enough to commit to first.

No. 2084629


“When I was young and hanging out with pedophilic weirdos they loved me. Now I’m over 30 and they don’t treat me like a young ingenue anymore, instead they’re calling a new crop of 20 year olds special. Even worse, people now want to hold me accountable for my actions! Won’t somebody just call me cute?”

Hoooooly shit. When Aella starts the self help “what men really want from a woman men wanted (be easy and young)” please don’t buy it. Her and her dick vagina “science” need to be left in the 2020’s where it belongs.

No. 2084634

File: 1738474743260.png (Spoiler Image,3.28 MB, 1742x2625, 7654321.png)

Great post
If anyone thinks anon is using scrotelogic and hasn't seen Aella in a few years, unspoiler picrel. Though I'm not sure if it was always myspace angles since she looked pretty busted in a lot of the younger pics too

Since bff Claire decided to speedrun aging with buccal fat removal, anorexia, decades-long coke/meth addiction and portraying herself as a millennial pick-me permanently stuck in the year 2011, she's definitely in the same position. It's pretty horrifying to watch how it always plays out with them using younger women/girls for male attention, either by straight up trafficking them into porn/SW like Aella or whatever the fuck Grimes will end up doing and exposing herself for, immediately.

Whenever the selfies slow down, that's when it begins. I have never seen an uglier celebrity with more selfies than Grimes, it's actually unbelievable how many pictures this woman has taken and edited of herself on a (pretty much) daily basis over the years. It's insane that people thought someone this obsessed with their ~image~ was some kind of shy, creative genius

No. 2084641

Kek, of course you have the super dated 2013 tumblr Sasha Pivovarova mean girl modelcore ~aesthetic~ avatar.(derailing)

No. 2084644

>seething about a beautiful woman
nta but sorry not everyone wants to look at human maggot in goggles ~aesthetic~ anon. To each their own, it's probably anons dummy account. You know like the ones Grimes uses to defend herself here and on reddit

No. 2084647

> plays out with them using younger women/girls for male attention

Grimes bringing Jennie to the rocket factory comes to mind, along with bringing Nusi Quero a supply of sexy younger mostly asain women like bella poarch, ngc1961, and the other thots she procured for him for the NPC shoot. The bella pics didnt come out but there was bts and shes projected the bella nusi stuff in her dj sets.
>>2084641 sasha p would mog u to suicide kek, also i wonder who would even try to shade her other than the ugly cow at question? Hmm

No. 2084651

File: 1738479556651.jpeg (590.74 KB, 1284x889, IMG_9638.jpeg)

A… God?? Can you also please shut the fuck up about autism and handle it with grace for one fucking second? And no, retard. You became the worlds worst dj when you got 400k to play coachella and did the worst job possible after having months to a year to practice your set. Please shut the fuck up.

“ Artists booked for Coachella typically know several months to over a year in advance. Here’s how the timeline generally works:
• 12-18 months before – Headliners and major acts are often approached early, sometimes negotiating for months.
• 6-12 months before – Mid-tier and smaller acts start getting confirmed.
• 3-6 months before – Some last-minute additions or replacements happen due to cancellations.
• January (3 months before the festival) – The official lineup is announced.

Since Coachella happens in April, most artists already know they’re playing by late summer or fall of the previous year. Some might find out even earlier, especially if they’re part of a festival circuit deal.”

No. 2084655

why are you being so aggressive about her avatar kek? do you think everyone itt is a tryhard 2013 anachan?

No. 2084656


What are you on about? It’s a nice looking photo?

Whatever you just said is a bunch of weird gibberish for a photo of a woman taken out in the sunlight. There’s nothing “core” about it, stop creating an issue that doesn’t exist.

You’re off topic anyways. Pack it up and take it elsewhere.(derailing)

No. 2084674


It is scrote logic, I go in hard on older pickme’s that want back into the good graces of women without doing the work since I’m aware they’ll sell you down the river at the first crumb of attention. I believe these types of women see moid attention as a finite resource, and it’s so depressing because their antics set all of us women back collectively.

If social media has taught the populace anything, it’s that attention is a powerful drug, and nobody is immune from wanting a hit. Think of these two as fentanyl-level users of moid attention. They’ll give their bodies, mutilate their faces, starve themselves of food, sell and cheat others, put women down to boost their own profile, ANYTHING for a hit. Sometimes they’ll gain enough sentience to address what they’re doing like the tweet exchange above, but they’ll be using again tomorrow.

Detoxing from moid attention also means addressing the time you’ve wasted chasing it and the lengths you went to get it. They don’t want to do that.

And just like you said with providing women, when users can’t get their fix for whatever reason, the crimes just get more heinous.(derailing)

No. 2084712

She willingly carried Melon's spawns 3 times, she's not one to talk.

No. 2084740

she is really spiralling so hard. this woman is going to turn 37 in 2 months btw, and is still rambling and typing like a 14 year old tiktoker on adderall

No. 2084745

only once—she used a surrogate for the second and third, and i will always hate her for it.

No. 2084795

She's not rambling. She went out of her way to phrase this in a way that calls Elon a "God" and simultaneously removes her of all responsibility her mistakes (again) because she is blaming ~the beast~. He doesn't give a fuck what people say about him, which is why I'm sure there was so much drama about separating the threads. She goes back and creates typos so it looks like she's ranting or not saying something she has rehearsed or already written multiple variations

Everyone still thinks Grimes is some ~quirky random creative girl~ but that is the mask that's falling off

Also there are too many anons moral-fagging about her age and being a mom. This is the Grimes thread, it's like making fun of her eating cheerios for breakfast and ignoring she also smoked meth

No. 2084861

>i'm being terrorized by a demon god
cringe. Wasn't she boasting about fucking No 1 Polytopia Player of Games in the World literal 2 days ago for that blessed refollow? kek

No. 2084895

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This isn’t the art of an ~uwu~ soft hearted empath, this is the art is someone with delusional terrorist fantasies, as we are now finding out.
When Elons done targeting civilians —which he hasn’t started yet, people will look back on this with 20/20 vision.

No. 2084911

Palladium Magazine

Yo, has anyone actually read this? What do y’all think?

Quick rundown: Palladium is funded by Peter Thiel, aka billionaire creep, founder of Palantir Technologies—which, btw, is currently supplying AI to the Israeli military. This same tech is being used in Gaza, and Palantir itself is basically a cog in the U.S. war machine. Thiel is shady as hell—if you don’t know about his whole deal, do yourself a favor and look it up. The fact that he is backing this magazine tells you everything. It’s obviously pushing an agenda that he wants Silicon Valley tech bros to buy into.

At first glance, Palladium is just straight-up U.S. imperialist propaganda. Like, one article is about how the U.S. needs to take Greenland or else “Russia”, and another is like “we HAVE to win the AI race or else ‘China’”. The whole vibe is tech nerds freaking out about America losing global power. And this paranoia? Totally in line with Musk’s weird Twitter meltdowns, like when he co-signed that conspiracy theory about Jewish elites orchestrating mass immigration to weaken the West. Not even getting into that mess.

Now, here’s where Grimes comes in. Turns out she’s been promoting Palladium, hanging out with their people, and has even been to multiple events with them. She also did a whole-ass photoshoot for them. Like… girl, what? Anyway, I haven’t read all their stuff yet, but from what I have seen, it’s got major red flags. If anyone has more dirt on Palladium and their little clique, drop it.

• Palladium Magazine: https://www.palladiummag.com/
• Grimes’ Palladium Photoshoot: https://grimes.fandom.com/wiki/Palladium/Photoshoot
• Grimes at the Palladium 15 Release Party (2024): https://www.instagram.com/grimesupdates/p/DAg27pAPjNS/?img_index=1
• Lavender: The AI Machine Directing Israel’s Bombing in Gaza: https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/
• Palantir’s AI Warfare Conference (Guardian Report): https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/may/17/ai-weapons-palantir-war-technology

”ai will reward us when it reigns”(integrate)

No. 2084915

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It's funny how her fantasy-self also looks retarded. Look at the way it's walking kek

I can't even imagine how disabled this one would be. Also fear is power, mockery destabilizes fear. Something to consider when posting about these retards, even if things seem ~grim~ rn

No. 2084988


Pretty easy to do and I’ll keep at it since she looks and acts like a dipshit. She looks like if she breathed too deep she’d crack a rib, who actually pays any mind to what she says?


Peter Thiel, another guy obsessed with having his own utopia (praxis and seasteading institute). So you’re telling me she’s just selling her pussy to whoever will make her queen of some weird gooner colony? Gotcha. How the fuck is she gonna give orders with the lisp?

No. 2085069

I knew Claire will somehow work with Thiel when she got into the debate with Anna from red scare podcast (funded by Thiel). She desperately wants tech-billionaires to think she is amazing and relevant.

No. 2085167

peter thiel is part of that alt right community who loves to use pop culture figures like red scare, aella, grimes, other musicians and people with cultural influence, sweet talk them, so they will promote that weird tech bro liberal shit

then after he's 'done' with them, he throws them away. aella and grimes are just in the stage of 'finding out'. the red scare girlies are still 'fucking around', but they'll find out soon enough.(derailing)

No. 2085223

The redscare girlies are soon gonna find these men see them as past their use by date(derailing)

No. 2085358

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They’re all the same type of busted, likely too much adderall… as someone who is their same age i find their rapid collagen loss to be very telling of their lifestyle choices. Absolute fucking hags.

No. 2085359

How old are these women?

No. 2085360

36, 39 & 33

No. 2085438

do anons know that women look different in their 30s than their 20s…. like yeah claire is an adderall head and her drinking and partying are catching up (does she even drink water) but come on shes was born in 1988 shes closer to 40 now

No. 2085439

Grimes really ought to apologize to the public at large for encouraging Elon to force their deluded nazi fantasies on the entire world population.
Probably so she could make him feel better about his limp shrimp dick that needs IVF to breed in order to secure that bag.

“Noooooo thweetie the world jutht doethent underthand ur a genius we should kill them all tehee”(sage your shit)

No. 2085448

These are very sickly and decaying looking 30-sth year-olds. Women in their 30s normally don't look that much different than in their 20s. With healthy lifestyle you could maybe just see more mature bone-structure but having your skin melting off your face and sunken eyes?… Claire looks really bad. She started getting progressively worse since first she got lip fillers and then started doing changes in her face. Musky Melon's genes really infected her brain when she was pregnant. She was a nice soft type of pretty with her brunette hair and all natural. Something went very wrong here.

No. 2085454

But that’s the whole point. She could look so much better if she didn’t have such a weird druggy lifestyle. All three of those women could look better. But they don’t

No. 2085473


That’s not the complaint. The complaint I have is that women like Claire have Wendy syndrome and are actively setting the lot of us back by abusing her body for aesthetics
and acting openly uninformed online.

Your 30’s as a woman should be a time to take the helm, have well defined and informative opinions and set the stage to serve as an example for the next generation to strive for. What does it tell young women in their teens and 20’s when you have somebody like Claire going “tee hee you should date old crusty men for their money and aspire to be a womb!” Not that young women should be looking up to a washed drug addict anyways. You’d hope the younger generation would have enough sense.


GRIM. Don’t do drugs kids. Had no idea Claire’s teeth were that fucking crazy. Jesus.

No. 2085483

I agree once someone reaches 30, it should be used for what you mentioned, but I guess I have so little faith in claire I never once thought she would ever be capable of doing that. I just don't see it in her. I just see immature drawn out excuses she constantly pulls over and over. I just gave up ages ago she'll ever amount to anything else.

No. 2085496


Oh I don’t have faith in her, I just want her to shut the hell up if all she has to offer is right-wing grift technocrat bullshit. She seems to have a predominately female audience and is in bed figuratively and literally with a group of nasty pig moids that want to trap young white women in the US in their houses to birth babies and take care of everybody in society for free. That’s the goal.

This person >>2084911 showed the tie. She obviously thinks she’s part of yarvin’s so called aristocratic class. Quick question - is anybody in this so called aristocratic class under a monarch not a fucking loser? Any of them? Do any pretty, well-adjusted women and men buy any of this or is it just the autistic moids and socially failed women?

The minute shit hits the fan by the way, she’s back to Canada. As she herself mentioned up above, she isn’t even a fucking citizen of the country she’s trying to influence. Deport her, ugly stupid women that want to defer to moids are obsolete.

No. 2085508

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This wretched cunt of course “deejayed” a fascist inauguration party. No wonder shes all of a sudden playing dumb and being like “wait ooops i think i mayve accidentally been following bad people can anyone tell me who they are?” Shes evil and deserves anything bad that happens to her…. “Fascicle” ???

No. 2085533

Sorry for samefagging, but i mean anything bad that doesnt include physical violence, stalking or murder. But she truly does deserve the worst. She shouldn’t have custody of children as a lolicon emjoyer, and she deserves the character assassination thats happening and the mass exodus of her fanbase. Saying this because she likes to claim that her haters threaten her, which isn’t even true. But not trying to add fuel to that ridiculous dumpster fire of bullshit claims she makes. She deserves being bogged, she deserves being ugly, she deserves having and unattractive body, she deserves having chipped meth head teeth, she deserves the reputation as the world’s worst dj, and she deserves the world to know that she’s a hack who can’t produce shit and can barely play live. Someone needs to tell Alicia Keys that her Grammy shout out was entirely based on falsehoods and that she hangs out with people and DJd for someone who thinks blacks are genetically suited to slavery.(a-logging)

No. 2085538

kek I appreciate that you thought about this and then came back anon

No. 2085539

a fascicle is a kind of small book, it isn't related to fascism they just share an etymology
the fact that these podcast grifters and meme musicians are now rubbing elbows with the dc political elite is killing me. what the fuck is going on

No. 2085541

The USA is third-worlding itself but they're self-obsessed and not very educated about history or the rest of the world. So they think these deformed rejects will be the leaders of our a terrifying global empire but in reality they're just making themselves into social pariahs, forever. People will forgive a lot of things but being part of Donald Trump's third world coup isn't really one of them. It's kind of a blessing most of their children are non-functionally autistic so they won't be aware of how much the public hates them and their parents

No. 2085550

it's trump and thiel's third world coup, don't let him off the hook

No. 2085552

no one hates the little innocent toddlers retard, we and everyone else just hate their ugly evil parents. Bless their souls honestly. I really hope Consuela is doing a good job raising them, and that they are safe from their sick parents most of the time.

Curtis Yarvin is not a podcast grifter, he is a fascist monarchist who is whispering and Elon’s ear and his politics are becoming American policy right now. he wants the world to be run by Elon Musk as a “god/ceo” and for half of the federal government to be fired. it’s really time to take this shit seriously. He’s an ugly racist chode. Also Elon Musk was not at this party or at his wedding that the botched discarded concubine attended. She is in deep with white supremacist fascists of her own accord(derailing)

No. 2085564

kek I didn't even notice the way I phrased that and meant when they were older. I wholeheartedly agree nona and don't want to see the innocent disabled children abused by the pitchfork-wielding public, when that time comes. The best case scenario would be Claire losing custody since they'll legitimately be safer away from her/Elon and with some nice Degrassi parents. Or at least parents who don't spend their Tues. afternoons freebasing and writing 7th grade level narc-poetry about each other

No. 2085570


Not half, all.

This is going to be reported for off topic but the goal is RAGE -


All of them. They want tiny corporate sovereign nation states run by technocratic billionaires. That is the goal.

Claire has most likely been promised some sort of lead concubine role in these smaller nation states.

I know this sounds like I’m wrapping myself in tinfoil because I am; this comment will either be predictive or age like milk.(unintegrated newfag)

No. 2085578

Tinfoil taken, but stop writing like them.

No. 2085683

It’s not tinfoil, most people SHOULD know this by now. Keep spreading the word.

This is also what Grimes meant in like 2022 when she tweeted ambiguously about “having a new job soon”.(tinfoil)

No. 2085785

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good to see her fans reacting appropriately(sage your shit)

No. 2085787

actually a pretty and aesthetic picture

No. 2085791

Fans who do this as a le ebic own are still retarded. Like you still gave her the money kek

No. 2085793


“The night before Visions was released, Grimes ended up crashing at my house. I was indifferent to her prior to seeing the performance that night. I was won over, though, and the next day rushed out to buy Visions the moment my local record store opened. I purchased a copy and brought it back home, where 'Claire' (at the time) had just woken up. Her tourmates and my housemates all had coffee and looked at the album, it was the first time she had seen it on vinyl. It was a fun moment but I have different feelings now and need to do this.”

No. 2085794

Well that's kind of what makes it poignant right? The former fan spent their hard-earned money but the collection has no value to her now. Very few people could have guessed that this ~ethereal elf~ ogrefag would turn out to be a genetically antithetical nazi breeder, plagiarizer and retard moid-enabler. The satanic panic fags of the 70s and 80s who did this are a different story tho

No. 2085795

Extremely cringe and performative, people who do this still will end up listening to her music just in secret.

No. 2085799

agreed, people do this shit for attention online. like you wasted money and now that shits going to landfill. better off directly responding to grimes if you want attention

No. 2085805

>people who do this still will end up listening to her music just in secret.
Grimes stolen generic ambient video game music is too irresistible to ever stop listening to kek
>and now that shits going to landfill.
Right where it belongs

I'm not sure why anons are so bothered by Grimes former-fans publicly denouncing her, in a way that will actually gain attention like that's a problem (for some reason)

No. 2085832

Yeah would they rather her fans just continued to support her uncritically and in huge numbers? Wouldn’t that be worse? To have people still buying her work?

No. 2085835

>I'm not sure why anons are so bothered by Grimes former-fans publicly denouncing her, in a way that will actually gain attention like that's a problem (for some reason)
because i don't like attention whores on the internet. buying shit, breaking shit then posting it online (then cleaning up afterwards) is retarded. thats why I makes fun of cows including grimes. you call it "denouncing" I call it being stupid.

No. 2085857

the French Italian, the Russian Jew, and the Finno-Mongoloid(unsaged racebait)

No. 2085868

Attention whores are gonna attention whore, why not do it for a worthy cause? Also they are Grimes fans, they have no self-awareness and they fell in love with an attention whore to begin with. You're expecting too much from them imo
Anon stop making me laugh at your racebait

No. 2085880

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Nah, fuck her. I love seeing people say they’re getting her tattoos covered up, deleting their fan accounts, etc. its 100% warranted.

Also what the fuck is going on with her chin lately, shes… melting like the wicked witch of the west

No. 2085945

>Attention whores are gonna attention whore, why not do it for a worthy cause?
its not a worthy cause at all (dude who blew up a tesla cybertruck near trump's mar-a-lago did it better), but at the same time I fully agree that grimes fans are not too bright so were in agreement.

No. 2085989

I know you guys are prob too astute to do this, but never, ever fall for Grimes' "I didn't know he was a psycho"-bullshit. She knew that he was going to try to take over the US. She wrote We Appreciate Power and changed her aesthetic to help him further his political agenda, pretending that her dogwhistles weren't what they actually were. It wasn't ever an accident; she knew who he was and what kind of ideology he supported years ago. The only reason she's backtracking now is because she knows she won't be his primary broodmare, therefore, she doesn't feel protected from the masses and can't provoke them as much as she could before. She's backtracking because she's scared, not because she's changed.

No. 2086003

Yep and Elon just gave Steve Davis (ceo of boring company) and his wife and newborn a brand new bedroom in a US federal govt building btw kek are these people homeless?

It probably gives grimmey all kinds of FOMO that she can’t do ~court jester~ selfies in the White House. They’re having coke parties in federal buildings and yet even after taking a sledgehammer to her own career and life to attain this moment she’s still not invited kek wompwomp

No. 2086004

She said herself when WAP came out that it was “propaganda” i feel bad for poppy hana and chris for being duped for making it for her. Its her best song. It was ripped off entirely from prodigy’s spitfire tho. Like almost bar for bar! At least the verses are


No. 2086009

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Her manager is denying that she was at the trump party, posting this but don’t know if it is true but the conversation sounds cringey enough to be believable

No. 2086012

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Right Daouda, the washington post reporter was lying! Claire wud never chill with Yarvin and def wasnt at his wedding or his birthday party! All conspiracy theories and made up bullshit just like your linkedin. “Philosopher” kek

No. 2086016

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No. 2086051

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Manager claiming it’s not true

No. 2086061

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So she was there but didn’t DJ is what he is saying

No. 2086062

I wonder if he's being sincere and actually didn't know she went. Claire seems capable of eluding this tard wrangler for a few hours. She's too stupid to realize she would be perceived by others, though, and their cameras.

No. 2086070

Right cus she cant dj. “To clarify she was only there to hang out with her white supremacist friend yarvin” - her black manager

>claire phoning elon “daddy can u take care of these pesky journalists with some hush money pwease ?? googoo gaagaa”

No. 2086100

i'd never fall for any of the shit that comes out of her methhead mouth but it's real bold of her to act oblivious or that she was tricked when she has 3 kids with him and an on-and-off again relationship with him for years. it's obvious where her goals are aligned. i don't know why she thinks people will fall for her playing dumb act anymore
>she's offline working on finishing music
kek that's always the excuse, isn't it? every fucking time. "making music".. she's likely on a huge bender. she's such a liar i love how she can't say anything because she's too excited to be semi-back in her babydaddy's good books that she got her manager to start spreading her own falsehoods. she tweets like a methhead as if her life depended on it but every time she has to make some kind of statement she comes up with every excuse in the world why she's fumbling around to take a stance on anything. moral-less hag. and for what?? a beyond ugly shrivelled up HGH-Frankenstein hack that doesn't give a shit about anybody but himself who looks and sounds like a fucking deflated whoopie cushion… while she plays beard for some fugly pug-faced italiano. she has absolutely no spine or morals but sure loves to pretend like she does. coward bitch. every single time she's under fire it's
>totally making new music guys yeah it's gonna be REAL good
then she drops shit like "i wanna be thoftware"
>she'll be dropping bangers in a few months

No. 2086123

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You guys she hasn’t tweeted in 3 days shes fully concentrated on making Vadakin (who produced her image remix for her) create a new banger for her I Wanna Be Schutzstaffel

No. 2086489

According to Titanic Sinclair and Poppy, they basically made the song even the lyrics. Poppy was supposed to be in Hana’s place. Still unsurprising bc tits is prob a trumptard himself. The way he recounted meeting Elmo and grimey on his podcast, it felt like he rly admired him so the lyrics would reflect that

No. 2086514

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Kek people sperging in the reddit over the meaning of “The Mission” and “Martian Technocracy” are so funny and yet so close to getting it. Can you imagine how alien a culture that was separated from our main culture a while ago would be? Why would a culture do that? Imagine a culture of people who already tried their whole thing in 1933 and the world didn’t like it I guess so they were forced into the jungles of Latin America and various other places around the world to work on their science in a secluded society, away from the reach of regulators and international interests. Imagine if Claire and Elon were part of that society already. What would that society be to us? It would be effectively MARTIAN.

Mars is a joke on the plebs. Martian Technocracy = Nazi Technological Society. Putting it in one’s bio is a clever teehee between nahtzeee(schizo)

No. 2086530

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Anon their kids are disabled and Grimes is neo-lib academic landlord's daughter from Canada. The only thing they have in common is nepotism and making up sci-fi/mythology about themselves, that you are choosing to spread here, which infects the evidence-based narrative we've taken years to establish with fear-mongering bullshit. This isn't even new, you're just rehashing red-scare tactics about martians already implemented by agitators in the last century

No. 2086574

All Nazis are degens.. that’s why they’re Nazis. Listen I’m tired of putting 2 + 2 together for you dumb bitches.
Call me a schizo when I’ve been driving the main lines of info in your threads long before you’re even onto them.

She went from this

Now find the clip where she is being interviewed on a LIVE, (maybe someone else has it, Google isn’t turning up) Hana asks an audience question “do you believe in UFO’s”

Claire answers: “No. And people need to get over this aliens don’t exist there is no evidence. People ask me all the time like what about these pilots coming out and stuff and I’m just like uhhh..”

Shove your red scare up your ass dumbass(sage your shit/infighting)

No. 2086575

I thought Poppy was just supposed to sing the bridge according to herself? Or am I mistaken?

No. 2086581

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It's a BPD-cope. The only person who is retarded enough to believe Grimes is capable of anything more than laying in bed for funeral cosmetologists, while reeking of burnt rubber and nickels
>In an interview with the British publication Crack Magazine, Grimes expressed her current conundrum: "Without me doing anything, just by random association with other people, I've watched my career and my reputation get totally fucking smashed. I worked my whole fucking life for this and now everyone thinks I'm so stupid. I was just sitting there incredulous watching my life's work go down the drain."

>Miss Anthropocene sees her solution: to play the villain. It's a concept album in which Grimes subsumes a Voldemort-esque identity (she actually seems more like Cara Delevingne's "Enchantress" in Suicide Squad), taking on the persona of a hateful bitch who loves climate change and seeks death and destruction for the world. "If I'm stuck being a villain, I want to pursue villainy artistically," Grimes continued in the same interview. "If there's nothing left to lose, that's actually a really fun idea to me. I think it has freed me artistically. The best part of the movie is the Joker. Everyone loves the villain. Everyone fucking loves Thanos. Let's make some Thanos art."


It's like we didn't learn anything from the Titty/Ploppy/K-Mars drama or understand that people create identities to trick morons on the internet

No. 2086650

>i worked my whole fucking life for this
i love how she tries to pretend like she has ever had a shred of integrity and has ever worked hard and that the people she surrounds herself with is totally random. very funny. she's really cringe in this interview, she doesn't have to make herself some quirky villain character, she's already a bad person and this isn't some movie where she can be redeemed, simple as. it's an old article but she really hasn't changed one bit. the people she spends her time with is a ~total coincidence~ narrative is just insane. she's always been a joke but she definitely got worse at hiding it over the years because her decline as an addict. i wonder who paid for that article kek she was never an "industry shaking genius". i was a fan of her music at the time and when it came out that she was dating that crusty ass melon, i didn't know who he was and didn't care but i understand now why they got together. they both are losers with delusions of grandeur and since they think they are very important people use their rich upbringing to larp and pretend like they're not white trash crackheads with lots of cash and addictions

No. 2086744

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One of Elons hacker-twinks got hurt feelings for being fired over racism so is now spilling the beans on the election fraud oooops KEK when a kid has more balls than you to stand up to a fat, rich loser you call your baby daddy(elon has his own thread)

No. 2086745

historians are laughing at us

No. 2086844

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The retards in the snark sub have delusional fantasies about grimes and kim kardashian being friends and hanging out all the time. Lmao. As if kim would ever willingly hang out with stanky claire other than this one photo.(internet randoms are not milk)

No. 2086931

Who cares? They probs attended Aella’s orgies together. Or diddys. Probs all involved with Diddy tbh.
Kek at a pleb like you thinking celebs show you all their interactions.

No. 2086932

A pleb. I grew up around celebs. Kim would never want to be around busted tweeker grimes. Not in one million years.

No. 2086939

Only a pleb would be retarded enough to think that celebs being in a pic together once means they regularly hang out. Ur prob from idaho or something if u make up dumb conspiracies like this or if u think kim would ever wanna be anywhere near claire boucher who dresses like a homeless tweeker cheap prostitute on skid row and admittedly does not wash. Kim would make fun of her, the karjenners are snooty af that would literally never happen kek(integrate)

No. 2086945

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Grimes has only ever had male friends because she is obnoxious, self centered and spergs about random things then blames other women for not relating to her (even though she only talks about herself). So no, narcissists like Kim K and other sociable Hollywood women have always treated her like a sympathetic novelty and avoided her >>2079564

No. 2086957

Kanye and Elon are both mentally ill retards, that's why they get along. Claire is an autist while kim isn't, so they don't get along. It's not even about them being celebrities. Kim probably thinks she's fucking weird and stinky

No. 2086968

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Yes, Hana sang her original parts when the collab fell through. It later came out according to tits that grim had them sign an NDA for Play Destroy and WAP. I know he’s shady himself and he could easily doctor the document but I don’t see why he’d back Poppy up if it didn’t rly happen. This was way after their fallout

No. 2086969

File: 1739076408318.jpeg (63.17 KB, 960x307, IMG_0091.jpeg)

Wow he really got grimes makeup skills down pat. Very funny. >>2086968
Her entire career is possible because of NDA’d producers and canadian grants

No. 2086976

Thanks for posting these anons. It's hard to "prove" Grimes is a fraud to people new to the topic since this has been going on for years and she (+Elon) has done so much to contain it and muddy the waters
>I know he’s shady himself
Tits is an egomaniac. One of the (admittedly) "genius" aspects of their Machiavellian larp is that they seamlessly combine their actual personal lives with the personas. The fact that this had nothing to do with original promotion and so many struggling producers/artists and unpaid collaborators have said the same thing over the years, is what makes it different from his performative drama-making imo

No. 2087008

File: 1739094325886.png (1.9 MB, 1790x1000, Untitled81_20250209044001.png)

also sage4samefag but lolol, older photo. Kanye and Shitlon have always fucked around and claire was always kind of just there. Kanye and shitlon still fuck around. I doubt claire and kanye ever talked much though. Claire is a mentally ill autist, but kanye is insane and brain rotted by nitrous oxide. they’d never get along, i bet shitlon just brought her along like a shitzu lmfao

No. 2087179

File: 1739143645578.jpeg (128.02 KB, 1194x374, IMG_6667.jpeg)

I don’t defend Kim’s taste in people because I’m not a retard.
Clearly the woman has a dud picker — see her dumpster fire of an ex, and tends to hang with fashy folks so.. being as emotional as you are over it is kinda embarrassing.

Anyway here’s grimes and elons drug dealer picrel

No. 2087279

>worked my whole life for this
Claire…making your tranny ex ghostwrite the bar for your 2 most popular songs then hitting a playback button on loop does not count as hard work. We are still laughing at your fake guitar playing during your lives where your fingers weren't even matching the backing track in time.

No. 2087281

Honestly I think Elon left Claire out of the loop with most things. She's still desperate to maintain the illusion that she and Elon were close Bonnie and Clyde style co-conspirators that were destined to rule Mars together, which is why she's having a very dramatic public bpdchan melty over all this shit, but the reality is she is nothing to Elon and always was.

As for that pic with Kanye and Elon it's when Kanye was first getting 'based n*gger' clout online for saying anti woke shit, and Elon being a /pol/ obsessed narcissist immediately latched onto him for internet updoots (shortly after, Kanye posted the pic of Elon getting hosed down by his 'handler' that got Ye banned) anyway Kanye is just a mentally ill troll he's baiting nazis and poltards into scrolling his twitter profile for le based takes while also spamming BLACKED and BBC porn too kek.

No. 2087283

Kanye worshipped Kim for years and swooped in right as her sex appeal credibility was waning (short lived). He was a legitimately respected artist att and she viewed him as a way to elevate her trashy reality tv/porn status and receive narc-supply. He's also good friends with Jay-Z and Beyonce and Kim tried desperately to get close with them but she is too boring and superficial (even for Beyonce) plus then Kanye went (crazy-)crazy. Before this he turned Amber Rose from a trap stripper into a designer model and pick-me icon. So Kim thought he could do the same for her. Grimes has no connections because she is socially awkward and can't make basic conversation. Other than her family and FoodGod, Kim only spends time with people who can directly benefit or elevate her(derail)

No. 2087285

Yeah Kanye's obsession with Kim was 100% superficial. He's literally always liked those Middle Eastern or Mediterranean looking women with huge tits. I remember before he met Kim he was at some awards show and kept grabbing and groping a Middle Eastern woman who was in a girlband at the time and who looked like a slightly more busted version of Kim, to the point she was visibly uncomfortable. Both Kanye and Kim are narc hasbeens desperately holding on for relevancy. And yes probably both have been assfucked so many times they can barely remember their own names, they probably bonded over that too.(derail)

No. 2087287

File: 1739167057711.jpg (39.87 KB, 380x612, gettyimages-56858512-612x612.j…)

This article is from 2006 and she said Kanye had a meltdown when she rejected him.
Clearly he's always been an entitled little manlet loser wacko with a fetish for Arab looking women.(derail)

No. 2087290

It's really funny she strategically surrounds herself with black men and asian women just to beat those racism allegations

No. 2087298

File: 1739169317436.jpg (69.75 KB, 736x736, 72796a8dcdf7dd4a43ba7f380509c2…)

>Yeah Kanye's obsession with Kim was 100% superficial.
Kanye is 100% superficial kek. That's what made him interesting before the drugs/pornrot/mental illness became too far gone but he really is like a modern Andy Warhol in the way he views fashion and pop culture. He used to be self-aware so it felt ironic enough to hipsters (and subsequently, Grimes) to take seriously and the fact that he can legitimately produce amazing music even if his rapping mostly sucks imo. That is why he is the worst friend for Elon to have from Claire's perspective, he since she isn't beautiful/exotic, he knows more than anyone she can't actually make music (especially if they have discussed that at any length) and outside of styled photoshoots and events, wears party city/Dana-tier clothing and can't dress (or look good in pillowcases). Kanye is a reprehensible predator and most likely has irreversible brain damage at this point but even he probably thinks less of Elon for Grimes(derail)

No. 2087299

Kanye is just an old school, disgusting, misogynistic, self loathing, manlet, mommy issues, closet case, DL, nigcel scrote, obsessed with clothes and shoes like a woman.
I would love for him and Elon to undergo the SpaceX version of the Titanic submarine disaster. Their fat piggy heads expanding before exploding into smithereens. Lovely!(a-logging)

No. 2087309

Reminder this is a Grimes thread can yall stfu now

No. 2087322

File: 1739176273556.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1284x1976, IMG_0137.jpeg)

Self Posting on reddit again lmaoooo … her comments are so cringe and obviously her. I know its been posted here before but this level of patting herself on the back is hilarious. If she released an album the world will find out shes a nazi and certified pedophile

No. 2087323

Fuck off you annoying schizophrenic redditor. Nobody here wants to see your stupid reddit screenshots accompanied by your paranoid word salad. Go away.(infighting)

No. 2087330

This thread is about Grimes, not Kanye or Elon (who has his own thread). Stay on topic.

No. 2087337

Ah, stench tweeker is here. Always chimps out when that account gets posted. Go bathe u reeking cunt and get some monistat. This is a Grimes thread and Grimes self posting on reddit is both relevant and hilarious. Go to bed.(infighting)

No. 2087354

>>2087323 bpdchan meltdown vs. >>2087322 schizo redditor kek

No. 2087373

kek this is so fucking funny. They even got the Adidas slides correct

No. 2087496

File: 1739229869924.jpeg (245.62 KB, 1080x1154, IMG_0155.jpeg)

(sage your shit/milkless meme)

No. 2087497

File: 1739230169146.jpeg (290.57 KB, 1920x1440, IMG_0160.jpeg)

She is so fucking ugly. Her teeth are something of nightmares.

No. 2087499

looks like a 2010s hipster. she never grew up.

No. 2087504

grimes would be so based if she actually liked tweets about killing all trans people. unfortunately she is a tranny shill just as much as she is sucking elons asshole

No. 2087541

File: 1739239309354.png (4.68 MB, 3000x3000, grimes_teeth.png)

Her veneers are coming off. The same thing happened to Lindsay Lohan in her drug bender era. Picrel is around the time she got them done and they have gotten pretty damaged over the years. Apparently she "debuted" her chipped front tooth in 2023

No. 2087576

I put it interesting that misogynistic ColLagEn LoSs nonsense permeates your despite the fact that men of the same ethnicity have so little facial fat, look bony and gaunt (and prematurely aged looking) faster, while also refusing to use sunscreen like they should be but apparently that's nothing to criticize them for because they're not women. fuck off. I'm so sick of women dating men like 20 to 30 years older who look like ass.

No. 2087578

those aren't veneers nona, she's always had those weird teeth

No. 2087587

File: 1739256055469.jpg (603 KB, 1200x675, 0b548cf44fae62f3445bf6265f607c…)

Yeah they are. They protrude off her teeth and she used to have them modified all the time (picrel). Before she was fake-famous she had weird small teeth and would only smile with her mouth closed

No. 2087588

File: 1739256105720.jpg (101.21 KB, 960x640, grimes-teaser-2855580376.jpg)

samefag obvious and damaged veneers

No. 2087589

File: 1739256185138.jpeg (26.69 KB, 480x360, IMG_0186.jpeg)

They aren’t veneers retard

No. 2087591

> In January 2010, Grimes released her debut album, Geidi Primes, a concept album inspired by the Dune series, followed by her second album, Halfaxa, in October of the same year.
2011 is not before she was famous. Weirdly aggressive about Grime's fake teeth anon

No. 2087612

NTA but yes they are, bad ones at that, and also, she was far from famous in Geidi Primes/Halfaxa era

No. 2087618

File: 1739272200066.jpeg (614.73 KB, 1249x1109, IMG_0201.jpeg)

Too crooked, small, yellow and irregularly shaped to be veneers. You are retarded.

No. 2087621

File: 1739273170843.jpg (305.89 KB, 1828x1062, 1000031224.jpg)


No. 2087629

where did this photo come from?

No. 2087633

Please stop posting old pictures of grimes teeth. Teethsperging is nitpicking.

No. 2087648

File: 1739279531718.jpeg (135.17 KB, 1080x1350, with-e-acchole-based-beff-jezo…)

Grimes and e/acc "thought leader" Based Beff Jezos

No. 2087653

File: 1739279999117.jpg (182.69 KB, 1080x607, who-is-the-leader-of-the-tech-…)

Some of his incredible thoughts that isn't at all the impenetrable writings of a developmentally arrested man who enjoys esoteric, sci fi-inspired navel-gazing that isn't rooted in anything material over believing in/advocating for something more coherent and useful, because what's exciting, apocalyptic and heroic about that? This ideology is highly serious and will usher forth Utopia!

No. 2087655

you guys are stuck in the past its so cringe. that claire back then never really existed. the adderall retard sperging on twitter is who she really is. a goddamn nazi adjacent cunt who is contributing to the normalization of AI driven propaganda.

No. 2087656

nona those are literally stick on vampire fangs you can buy from eBay lol(ignoring a farmhand warning)

No. 2087657

nona you are retarded she has the exact same janky teeth and pushed in/crooked 1st left tooth as in >>2087589(ignoring a farmhand warning)

No. 2087668

Touch grass retard everyone can smell your breath from here(infighting)

No. 2087671

What a retard.

Are we sure this is a human man and not two twelve year olds piloting a Mr Beast flesh suit from Temu?

No. 2087674

File: 1739283166302.png (5.66 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_0218.png)

holy fucking hideous(sage your shit)

No. 2087678

He's a thought leader but hasn't figured out how to stop eating in excess? What a fat retard.

No. 2087680

File: 1739284093699.jpeg (258.06 KB, 1920x1440, IMG_0223.jpeg)

Bogged tweeker.. god u can just smell her breath thru these, very stinky(ignoring a farmhand warning)

No. 2087684

same could be said for elon and trump
imagine letting two fatasses with no self control, control the entire country
even on ozempic they're still fat

No. 2087723

She looks like I’d meet her at the end of a winding road late at night and I have to correctly answer her riddle or she’ll take my soul

No. 2087729

do you know where you are? back to bluesky with your YWNBAW ass

No. 2087737

File: 1739291535026.webp (106.8 KB, 640x1100, IMG_6679.webp)

The matching “double down chevron” tattoo both Grimes and Anyma have on their palm are because their “job titles” = Corporals in Elons holy war/race war.
Remember that the end goal to all of this is to cause chaos, violence (see grimaces discography) and eventually a race war.
You might think it’s deluded, because it is, but that’s what these people believe they are doing. Tearing it all down to create a new world where grimace will be queen of her own network state.

The mission, and all that.
Do try to remember that when Grimeth tells you she is a little ~UwU~ innocent pixie who oooopsied her way into a fascist movement, that she is THIS committed. Everyone in their circle is committed.(tinfoiling)

No. 2087738

File: 1739291625700.webp (136.35 KB, 640x1117, IMG_6680.webp)

No. 2087740

Talk less, contribute moar fugmo.

No. 2087743


Read this nonnas

https://www.vcinfodocs.com/venture-capital-and-trump(this is an imageboard. post caps)

No. 2087795

you're completely right that elon is a megalomaniac psychopath and claire is a stupid pickme bitch. but I think you're really giving grimey too much clout. shes a fucking loser hasbeen plastic surgery addict bitch who gets ghosted by elon 98% of the time, i really dont think he could care less about her or her 'role'. grimes would love you to think she's that important to him or the 'mission'. she was a pump and dump broodmare for a while, thats all.

No. 2087814

Whatever to all that. Whichever way you look at it: Grimace and Anyma are important to Elons interests bc it seems they are the only artists down for the bloodmoney. The only artists that Elon has wooed in the past 10 years who have taken the bait and colluded with him. Whether they’re on their own mission (doubt it, many people are woefully pathetic when it comes to authoritarians) or carrying out his, it’s clear their interests diverge at some point and that they all have messianic complexes.

Nazis know that in order to achieve cultural dominance they need to co-opt, steal or collude with artists (because fascist art tends to suck) to have any influence at all. Elon couldn’t impregnate Taylor or purchase any rappers past a Discounted-Has-Been-Kanye so he’s stuck with these two buffoons and whatever else lame, brutalist AI art bros are orbiting their circle.
It sounds like you want to distance grimes further from Elons narrative, which conveniently lines up with what this fascist bitch has been doing since the inauguration while she swans around with Yarvin and co.

No. 2087852

microchimerism from sped sperm will really do that

No. 2087917


Her skin is really nice but I just saw a video of her accepting her award and…holy Christ. What the fuck has she done to her face? Does she have filler on top of the facelift in her cheeks? Why is her mouth now permanently half open?

I’m not opposed to work, it just looks like a plethora of bad decisions stacked on top of each other that have turned her into some weird unrecognizable creature. All the money in the world, what happened?

No. 2087919

File: 1739322952359.png (49.45 KB, 605x501, mmmmmmmmmmmmmllllllllllllllll.…)

jesus christ she's pathetic.

No. 2087925

>Read Confucius
Oh my god

No. 2087937

File: 1739325650571.jpg (82.28 KB, 1068x956, s7l9hv8ddzl51-1218368740.jpg)

No. 2087938

All the stupid sperging about her teeth and I'm surprised no one pointed out that she called her appearance to accept that fake award a "schizzo coup". She knows how glaringly inappropriate it is to suddenly use the word coup, and yet she's taunting people and doesn't care at all. Her sons being used as a bulletproof vest and she's too busy trying to manic pixie dream girl on Twitter

No. 2087939

I've had so much grace for her up until this point and now I just want to see Azealia Banks punch her in the face.

No. 2087946

She’s genuinely such a retard, the definition of pretentious. It’s the same as reading posts made by a 14 year old boy who just encountered philosophy for the first time. She has nothing of actual value to say.

No. 2087951

She has never actually read philosophy

No. 2087952

>I'm surprised no one pointed out that she called her appearance to accept that fake award a "schizzo coup".
Some called her a histrionic in the last thread. That sort of fits the bill, now that she has attention for being a nazi she seems calm and happier, so is reverting to a reddit neckbeard again >>2087919

No. 2087960

File: 1739328164893.jpg (24.71 KB, 640x429, 1000031289.jpg)

No. 2087995

Does she think we’re all waiting with bated breath for the next retard rant she goes on? Some of us actually have done the shit she’s claiming to do here. Sorry I wasn’t a half rate whore for Nazis and shit out Elon Musk’s favorite toy. Didn’t know that was such a lucrative option! Does Yarvin’s wife know about your “meetings” or is there just a rotating group of whores for these chinless freaks? How was it being squished under big boy cheeseburger at the time thing? Did you have to take a break halfway through so he could slurp down a milkshake?
Say what you want, but Claire’s only female friend I’ve seen her positively publicly engage with right now is an escort. I’m assuming birds of a feather trick together.
>I’m just a political pawn
No, your child is. You’re kind of like a 3 legged cat that can’t walk straight. Entertaining for all the wrong reasons. I follow you to laugh at you when I need a break from all the other idiocy happening. You’re fun to point and laugh at but you’re otherwise nothing.
I’m so sad Jenny nicholson’s autistic special interests center around stupid shit like Disney and fanfiction versus more of whatever this is. She’s extremely effective at cutting to the center of an issue through observation and ignoring all the bullshit obscuring the big point.
You can do both, it’s not an either/or, it’s a yes/and her teeth are fucked.(teeth sperging after farmhand warning)

No. 2088002

>I’m so sad Jenny nicholson’s autistic special interests center around stupid shit like Disney and fanfiction versus more of whatever this is.
she's a smarter woman for knowing that getting involved in political bullshit as a woman online would be a miserable endeavor.

No. 2088016

File: 1739340027252.jpeg (941.61 KB, 1238x1580, IMG_0282.jpeg)

No. 2088030

what the fuck is this outfit she looks like one eyed willy from the goonies

No. 2088035

She's so unbelievably wise. Everyone knows that power-hungry narcissists who enjoy staging coups like her deformed, addicted crazy ex can be easily prevented; all you have to do is think positive thoughts about their intentions and ignore all evidence that points to them actively trying to destroy society and bring everyone else down with him. Think positive thoughts about Kanye, because it's YOUR fault he's acting evil. Think positive thoughts about my beautiful E, because it's YOUR fault he's lashing out. If you're sad because of the normalization of sociopathic, ragebait politics where words don't matter and abusive men get enabled by their flying monkeys, you're the problem and you need to do better. IF YOU HAD READ HISTORY YOU WOULD'VE KNOWN THIS YOU STUPID PLEBS. She's honestly one of the most narcissistic women I've ever had the displeasure of encountering. What a pathetic, botched, disgusting fool she is. She deserves looking as ugly as she currently does, bc it accurately reflects who she is on the inside. Spineless twat.

No. 2088038

Her face looks like it’s folding in on itself in that way you usually only see with people who wear dentures.

No. 2088039

The advice of someone who has literally never had a job in her life: it just reeks of “I have more free time than I know what to do with”.

No. 2088045

Does she tell Curtis Yarvin to read Confucius? Does she tell Elon that hysteria will get him nowhere when he retweets anti-semitic and racist conspiracy theories all day? Of course not. The only people who aren't allowed to react to the madness of our time is the working and middle class, who are just expected to rationally and peacefully deal with the rise of fascism as though its thought leaders are just accidentally, unintentionally ushering forth a new, significantly more cruel, reactionary, mean-spirited and feudal time, and the rest of us are fearmongering, hypersensitive liberals. "They (i.e. the middle-aged manbabies in charge of everything) didn't mean it like THAT, and if they did, it's because the masses bullied them into feeling that way, and if it's not that, they had a REAAALLY bad childhood." It's been almost a decade of this flavor of gaslighting, you spineless fool. We know this was your sociopathic community's plan a long time ago, bc your "opening the Overton window"-memes weren't subtle. Her fanning the flames of fascism will never, ever be forgotten, and her using his abuser tactics to pretend like that isn't exactly what she has been doing for years will also be remembered. She called him a demon god recently, she knows exactly what he (and she) is and what havoc they are wreaking on society. Pathetic doormat.

No. 2088058

File: 1739356710983.png (1.18 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_2318.png)

No. 2088062

translation: I'd do anything for attention

No. 2088069

When all else fails, call stating a simple fact "hysteria" and namedrop a couple of philosophers you've never read beyond 1 quote on Wikiquotes, and try to gain that upper hand right Claire?
That's really nothing new. Remember a couple of years ago she was passionate about communism, in a typical american way. Because the intentions were good! Who cares it translated into inhmane murders, tortures, lies and censorship, etc. Guess you can apply it to nazis of both 20th and 21st century as well, they just want good things (for themselves only but who cares). Elon and Yarvin also want only good, their intentions are pure. It's just that damned pessimism of naysayers that causes all the evil and cruelty, while wise Grimes eagerly studies history (from Palladium magazine) and has unique knowledge how to "tame the beasts" and "demons". no words for this idiocy, she's repulsive.

No. 2088072

No. 2088073

I have this weight in the pit of my stomach that tells me Elon and Claire do not care about that child at all. Did you see the chain around the kids chest?
Like his dad could just pick him up and use him like a shield… idk nonas there’s something so sinister about how they’re grooming that kid. Like he’s expendable, a means to an end.

When you put your kid in danger on purpose like that it kinda makes me massively side eye the story of how his first kid died. Seems like the kinda guy to shake a baby.

No. 2088085

We all know that the only philosophical text she read was the cover of "The art of war" on amazon

No. 2088101

Of course the kid's expendable. Elon wants to expand his bloodline by at least an order of magnitude every generation, but he believes his own life is far more important than any one of his kids. If this one gets its brains blown out as a human shield, Elon will see it as a minor setback in his goal of spreading his ubermensch genes, but he can have 30 more kids to take that one's place so who cares? The reason he's so pissed one of his kids turned into a tranny is that that kid took himself out of the gene pool without achieving anything to further Musk's goals in the process.

Claire being this unbothered by her kid being a human shield is much more strange. Does she really think Elon's so important that it's fine that her child might die? Is she really that retarded?

>Seems like the kinda guy to shake a baby.

The good thing is that he's deeply uninterested in caring for his children, so he doesn't have many chances to kill them in frustration. I doubt he would have even gotten the chance to shake the first one to death. He probably would have handed it off as soon as it started fussing.

No. 2088102

File: 1739372737004.jpeg (258.3 KB, 1170x1406, IMG_6700.jpeg)

Oh no Shivon baby what is you doing? Has Shivon been birthing grimes’ embryos with Elon? Some Hannibal Lecter shit if so.

No. 2088136

No, they obviously look like Shivon. It's also unlikely she was pregnant? Looks like they used a surrogate.

No. 2088138

File: 1739383360782.jpeg (1.28 MB, 978x2132, IMG_8614.jpeg)

I gotta admit I actually like her outfit here.

No. 2088142

File: 1739386415645.png (724.46 KB, 1080x1726, IMG_4209.png)

I kinda feel sorry for her when I see pictures of Elon using their kid as human shield and seeing these Elon simps praising him on her replies.

But if she actually doesn't want stuff like this >>2087496 she could just delete her account.

No. 2088144

She's not a "political paw" she's a dumb broodmare lol

No. 2088189

I don't think Claire genuinely loves her children. She loves them for narc reasons as in they're proof Elon picked her once, but she doesn't care otherwise. There has been months she hasn't seen them and it's like random people online care more about their life than she does.

No. 2088193

File: 1739393744044.jpg (90.58 KB, 1280x720, fde99abf211cbe6c6b309800d5c03a…)

~Steal that look~:
>2010-era hipster hat
>ali express sunglasses
>tired/rewashed wig or hair extensions
>woman's office blazer
>corset on top
>plastic 3d-printed bag
>literal harem pants
>Jimmy Choo knock offs

No. 2088204

Grimes is constantly crying online about Elon stealing her autistic kid and using him as a photo prop while also bragging about her “children’s father” being le epic gamer…

he literally keeps her son on his shoulders to shield his own head from bullets. it’s so deeply pathetic, I can’t imagine a more embarrassing existence. She must get off on being degraded.

Ok retard

No. 2088211

The way she said “I haven’t seen” when someone brought up her kid being in the office is really bizarre. Like I know she’s not with them but your kid is literally on Fox News bitch. How the fuck are you not paying attention to what’s happening with your fucking kid.
She is so ugly now. Not that she’s ever been pretty but she’s looked so much better than this and she’s aged extremely rapidly it’s jarring. Getting bad work done will only make you look bogged . What a dumb bitch

No. 2088217

Lookin like the Hat Man cryptid that typically accompanies sleep paralysis

No. 2088241

and here i was thinking it would be impossible for a woman to mainsplain, this bitch is cooked. and people say claire isn't milky. read confucius…

this is like the second time i've seen her end a tweet with
i don't know if she's trying to be autistic or what but god she's annoying

>it’s so deeply pathetic, I can’t imagine a more embarrassing existence.
no seriously watching this bitch spiral in real time because of her bad choices catching up to her is insane. her entire life is so embarassing, she needs to log off

No. 2088254

File: 1739402678290.png (2.18 MB, 1080x582, 1000031308.png)

Tf is going on here

No. 2088256

Fingertip and lip burns from heated crackpipes. When people call Grimes a "crackhead" they are being serious. It would also explain why her capped teeth keep melting and drying jagged

No. 2088257

Okay I hate playing into felon and grimaces hands and giving pre-emptive support to this groomed little dictator in the making, but there are clips going around showing him telling the current fat sack of crap in the oval office to “shut your fucking mouth up” kek based. From the mouths of babes I guess.

No. 2088258

File: 1739404083189.jpeg (356.96 KB, 1170x1405, IMG_6705.jpeg)

Oops image was supposed to be attached picrel

No. 2088262

It's not cute or funny. It's sad that a 5 year old is casually repeating this phrase whether he's learned it or has been coached. He doesn't know anything about politics, he's an autistic kid who should be playing in a low-sensory environment with other autistic kids

No. 2088279

>You can do both, it’s not an either/or, it’s a yes/and her teeth are fucked
Except you weren't doing both. None of you were posting it. You were posting stupid pictures of her teeth.(teeth sperging after farmhand warning)

No. 2088312

unironically a byproduct of adderall/meth, it fucks with your subcutaneous fat storage and ruins your teeth.

I wonder if she didn't actually get buccal fat removal and actually just had to get a bunch of her rotting molars removed, which is why she has trailer park grandma mouth now(sage your shit)

No. 2088313

nitpick but the line between her two front incisors is like 1cm to the right of her nose centre lol

eugenics policy makers btw

No. 2088333

He whispered ”I want you to shush your mouth” and then he said ”you are not the president, you need to go away” (to Trump).

No. 2088337

Like a little kid would have any idea or opinons, he's literally just parroting what this fat sperg has been whispering to him

No. 2088345

Oral herpes?

No. 2088347

Absolutely something his father says and I GUARUNTEE he told him he had to say it up there (for teh trololzzz) and then proceeded to put his hands over his face, probably having to overcorrecg his actions and be gentle because I bet he regularly covers his mouth. Vile disgusting ugly monster of a man.

No. 2088351

File: 1739436548747.jpeg (362.89 KB, 1170x1780, IMG_6710.jpeg)

Shut up loser. Don’t you have somewhere else to clutch your pearls? Like Facebook with the rest of the Karen’s? Facebook is the virtual jail yarvin fantasizes about, and it’s the perfect mental landscape for a Karen. Just soothing and outrage inducing enough in the right measures that it calms their fucked up brain chemistry kek maybe it’ll help you. They also have things like candy crush which I suspect you might find enthralling.

So anyway this has been going around. I don’t buy it. Sounds like drama to distract from the past week of fashy activities that Elon and Claire are lock-step on. Plus X unfortunately looks a lot like Elmo.(obvious fake post)

No. 2088353

This post is obvious satire. Are you redditfags boomers or something?

No. 2088364

She looks like she has downs here. Blonde is rlly not her shade kek

No. 2088370

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No. 2088371

>All men are on a war-kill-rape drug called testosterone
>They need true love and acceptance
Putting these two statements in the same paragraph was certainly a choice.

No. 2088383

>my background is neuroscience
Bitch, you do drugs and make bad music.

No. 2088392

Kek she's had me in the first half ngl. Somehow she sees man for what he is but doubles down on being a pick me. We should be happy men allow us to leave our houses without being the shit out of us everyday kek, a gift.

No. 2088409

How does Grimes manage to almost produce a coherent thought and then immediately take a U-turn towards the ignorance and cognitive dissonance lane EVERY time. Catholic school really brainwashed her, she really thinks women are grime and she is grime. I wish her pseudo-feminist outpourings evolved towards actual feminism but she's too far gone and now with the drugs killing out her remaining fighting braincells..

No. 2088428

That's one nasty, bad ass kid. My goodness. Trump should have told Elon to control his demonic feral spawn. I'am actually disgusted. You would never catch any of Trumps kids behaving like this. Say what you want but Melania did well raising Barron. You can tell by old and new videos of Barron. Polite and controlled kid.(derailing)

No. 2088445

Little Barron Trump likes to torture animals and get slap-happy with the nannies. Former WH staff confirmed this.
Just another violent moid for the world to enjoy.

No. 2088471

File: 1739474706191.mp4 (5.39 MB, 576x1024, LilX_1.mp4)

Does he really say shut your fucking mouth up or shush your mouth as >>2088333 said?(repost)

No. 2088509

god Elon's upward inflection at the end of his sentences and fake stutter is so irritating, he sounds exactly like Claire. X is an annoying little brat with a dumb face too, low IQ crybully phenotype

No. 2088515

you know little kids pick the wings of moths, keep bugs in jars, help their parents salt snails, magnify ants to see what happens and even dissect animals out of curiosity? I even did some of that and now I wouldn't hurt a fly and literally all kids slap adults until they learn to keep hands to themselves. EVERY parent goes through the slapping stage. The nanny stories are nothing. Be for real.

No. 2088530

I love her

No. 2088534

I couldn’t agree more nonna. The bullying of child here shouldn’t even be allowed it’s gross. That kid is a victim, calling him a sped and criticizing him is the lowest tier of BPD loserdom. y’all can shut the fuck up about a four-year-old, ok? Reserve that hatred for Claire who deserves it and is a pedophile. Literally imagine having two sick fucks as parents. I literally pray for him.

No. 2088536

File: 1739491112696.png (1.34 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_0395.png)

on the pedophile note why the fuck does she follow so many pedophiles??? Why doesn’t she get more flack for also sharing deadflows profile that was mostly images of toddlers being assaulted by adults? Honestly to me this is even worse than her being a Nazi. a Nazi can be rehabilitated into society, where as pedophiles deserve the absolute worst shit that could happen to them, and don’t have any place on this planet in my opinion.

No. 2088541

>Men are beasts of war
>They are desperate for true love and acceptance of their violent ways
>Freedom is not a right
>Make sure to not displease your benevolent masters or else face carnage!!
Christ what a dumb cunt.

No. 2088542

Nobody cares about your childhood experiences psycho

No. 2088547

There's a video where 5 year old Barron Trump kept pulling up Melania's skirt and trying to look at her vagina, to the point Melania was uncomfortable and had to push him off. It's obvious Melania didn't raise him, nannies did, since he treated his own mother like a sex doll. Even as a toddler he was a rapey little scrote.
Abusing animals isn't normal kid behavior no matter how much hollywood psychopaths push it. I never tortured or dissected animals or insects.
Yes X has two awful parents but he's going to grow up to be a spoiled little date rapist scrote anyway so who cares. Little scrotes rape and murder their sisters stop painting them as angels.(sperging)

No. 2088561

Hes not even five yet, all the shit you’re sperging about is normal for little kids. Even looking up your mom’s skirt. Little kids are testing their boundaries. it’s not our fault you’re retarded and have no experience with children. it’s normal to do weird shit to bugs. Doing shit to animals is a bit different. Plenty of people are fucking weird when they are kids and grow out of it, too. you’re brain dead bitch if you don’t understand that. Anyway I don’t wanna infight about a five year child you’re just stupid as fuck and have 0 experience or knowledge about toddlers, especially little boys. Please don’t reproduce, BPD low iq moms are the worst. Also anyone who bullies children like this is sick as fuck, please go get some dialectical behavior therapy u borderline cunt.(infight baiting/derailing)

No. 2088564

Look I'm with you in sentiment, but this isn't "bullying a child" he is never going to see this and it has no impact on his life.

No. 2088565

Anon, his mother is/was a sex worker, and his father is an abusive, misogynistic narc/accused rapist who's bragged about peeping on teenage girls and is 24 years older than her. Stop pretending you don't know exactly how this story goes.
None of Trump's children are normal, they are just rich. There's a stark difference between the two.

No. 2088568

This. His dad is infamous for being a pussy grabber, I'll bet he's just copying what he saw his rapey dad do to random women.

No. 2088569

Hop off the Trump family dick nona, they don't give a shit about you. I'm sure little Barron the psychopath and mom's pussy grabber is fine and won't be lurking lolcow, no need to whiteknight him so hard.(derailing)

No. 2088574

>nooooo you can't say anything about the creepy little scrote
Found the butthurt boymom lol.
>if you call out little scrotes for sexually assaulting girls you have le bpd!
God shut the fuck up retard. Don't have kids, you're the type of mother who produces those rapey little smeglets who everyone in school detests and won't stop molesting girls in his class because his retard parents never taught him basic boundaries.

2:49 Trump even had to tell him to behave (and stop grabbing his mom's vagina when Melania looked clearly uncomfortable).
Even fucking Trump has more grasp of social boundaries than pickme retards like you.(derailing)

No. 2088704

Sounds like your coom chimp is already giving you heat and you're on your way to find out what your sped antburning genetics would look like in a body with lower inhibitions and an innate dopamine response to violence kekw(infighting)

No. 2088719

Kill yourself moid. People like you and your children deserve to be run over with a car.(a-logging, scrotefoiling, not even saged)

No. 2088731

>Microchimerism isn’t rea-

No. 2088738

File: 1739522504704.png (6.36 MB, 2436x1125, IMG_2320.png)

Is that Shivon with her kids and lil X?
>His favourite courtesan ohhh baby catch me if you can

No. 2088743

>standing up for children makes you a moid!!!
You’re stupid as fuck.

No. 2088751

Meanwhile u bitches dont wanna focus on the bigger picture that grimes is a pedophile

No. 2088774

It's a moidlet, who cares.

No. 2088794

Fuck you and your moidlet. Hope he chimps out on your ass and puts a bullet in your head for not letting him use your credit card just like a lot of pwecious wittle baby boyzzz do. Get fucked you bitch. Women like you created our hell.(a-logging)

No. 2088796

Seeing y’all roast this handmaiden scrote vessel cunt is very satisfying and is the same reason I like this site

No. 2088822

You sound like a low iq BPD tbh.(infighting)

No. 2088858

>women like you created our hell
And you’re a beacon of morality wishing women and children to get shot in the head and run over. I don’t even need to wish death and violence on you because it’s clear you’re suffering with crippling depression and low self esteem and you’ll eventually kill yourself. The misandry larp is just a way to convince yourself it’s your own choice that you’re an unlikeable caveman brained loser who will never achieve anything.(infighting)

No. 2088863

There’s plenty of places on the internet where people call women vessels and cunts, anon. You’re not being revolutionary by bringing it over here as well.

No. 2088884

>butthurt boymom suddenly discovers feminism and plays wounded gazelle after calling women evil mentally ill cunts and telling them to rope to defend a billionaire celebrity
BPD with male microchimerism characteristics(infighting)

No. 2088937

Embarrassing. At least she got a nice house out of their deal, I guess. you couldn't pay me enough to follow this ugly retard around like his simpering lap dog in-waiting

No. 2088939

>muh assumptions
I didn’t wish women and children to get shot in the head I just wished it upon pick me boy moms such as YOURSELF who raise the next generation of rapists.
I’m literally graduating with a masters in STEM next year before even making it to 25 and then applying for phd while all you got showing for your life is tearing your crotch open to raise a gender that hates your guts sounds like a lot of self loathing to me.
Kill yourself you scrote pandering pick me scum.(infighting)

No. 2088941

Fucking Kek also imagine coming here to cry about muh misandry out of all places. We don’t fuck with pick me’s. They should all be left alone in a room full of moids for a few days and see where that gets them.(infighting)

No. 2088949

This is so pick me, imagine your greatest achievement in life is getting jizzed in by a moid then squeezing out his moidlet 9 months later. Bleak.(infighting)

No. 2088956

And you retards and terrible wastes of braincells take your disgusting infighting and insults somewhere else please? Can we discuss grimes pedophilia or no?

No. 2088959

Grimes pedophilia? crying emoji
What did I miss?(integrate)

No. 2089148

This is the lolcor I know and love lel. Sad I missed such an epic infight.(retard)

No. 2089153

not to be pedantic but posting photos of 14-year-old celebrities is kind of creepy but not pedophilia.

No. 2089154

this legit sounds like someone who was a sadistic child and then became an antisocial adult. but ofc you should trust their opinion that if you're weird as a kid that that means nothing.(continuing derail)

No. 2089167

That one user who keeps posting the deadflow pic over and over again as if we haven’t already discussed it multiple times in previous threads hellooooo anon we get it, try and catch up to the rest of the conversation

No. 2089170


>not pedophilia

Hi moid(scrotefoiling/integrate)

No. 2089181

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No. 2089188

Did anyone click the link to his profile when she posted it? It was 90% little girls being assaulted by adults. His art is online and i would get banned for posting it here. I wouldn’t recommend looking it up. Her bestie spergler acolyte/grimezshate/ “alex leaud” is also a pedophile. She unfollowed him when the snark reddit exposed him as a nazi with receipts and refollowed him the very day he posted “child tummy is the erotic aryan treat” A woman following that many pedophiles… spergler, deadflow, medgold.. and arguably aella as well.. is too many to be coincidental in my eyes. Something is seriously going on in her sick mind. She should not be unsupervised around young children, especially her daughter. She’s sick. All of them should have their hard drives seriously examined.

No. 2089223

Yes.. we know. Warn others about it but for the love of god stop sperging about it here over and over again because you’ve only just learned about it.
Yes it’s horrifying. Yes it’s gross. Stop spamming the deadflow shit and goading people into looking up cp online.
Read previous threads (on here and Reddit) about it if you are confused where people stand on it.

No. 2089246

1) told them not to look it up
2) its relevant because more pedos revealed in her following list as of yesterday
3) newfags deserve context
4) seethe(post new milk not reposts)

No. 2089318

Nobody’s seething weirdo, you’re just lone sperging about deadflow in this thread like a retard to disrupt the flow of new information when we’ve been over it many times. Again, catch up.
If you weren’t such a newfag yourself you’d be linking the previous threads where we’ve discussed this previously instead of losing your mind constantly.
Go make another thread on reddit about it, they’re likely to be more accommodating to your constant neurosis.(infighting)

No. 2089320

also provide the milk on the accounts she followed or shut the fuck up

No. 2089365

Ive been on LC since 2016, but the younger generations have worse bpd and are absolutely unpleasant cunts and its made LC way less fun tbh.

Posting 14 year olds is milky, retard. Its also pedophilic and disgusting. Sry i do not have time to lurk 14 previous threads to do homework for an annoying bpd cunt like u. Seethe because u need to calm tf down and maybe take your meds. Go lash out at your dad or something youre just being an annoying unpleasant bitch with serious issues. Uglies that hate themselves like you make LC sm less fun.

No. 2089378

Fucking kekk nona I wouldn’t so readily admit to being on this hellsite for that long but I admire your brazenness in sharing the extent of your brain damage with us all. By all means, continue!(derailing)

No. 2089388

File: 1739664549238.png (291.81 KB, 700x700, IMG_0458.png)

At least im not the sole BPDtard shitting up the thread with rage that should be directed at everyone who wouldnt fuck you, your parents, etc. the hatredd steaming off u is embarrassing and turning the thread into an infighting cesspool and distracting from the milk. Pls kys like u contemplate nightly(unintegrated infighting)

No. 2089392

Loser stfu nobody’s reading your retardation(infighting)

No. 2089394

Well I thought this was interesting considering I didn’t know the surrounding details on that fucking guy who gets turned on by children’s stomachs basically the gist of his tweet no? Plus the updated intel that she follows even more openly out preds than was originally accounted for… Beyond sus. Grimes kinda reminding me of a fash Amanda Palmer rn(post caps)

No. 2089562

nona im starting to think you calling everyone else bpd is just projection(sage your shit/derailing/infighting)

No. 2089564

So Claire got cucked (again). Has she made any more incoherent drug fuelled rants on the subject of Elon's new child?(reply or post milk)

No. 2089568

File: 1739699608052.png (64.69 KB, 741x573, princesses.PNG)

She's ranting about Disney princesses now like an annoying Facebook mom. Guess she thinks she's Belle now.

No. 2089571

Elon NDA'd her before she could even finish writing the tweet

No. 2089573

>when the reality of men is so shite, that you literally have to cope through children's cartoons in hope of finding an iota of decency in the male gender
Absolutely grim. She's taking a leaf out of Megha's fantasist book now kek.

The 'outright delusion' gas is the last canister of copium available for the cucked and malding bpdchan.(learn to delete)

No. 2089576

Elon is more like Gaston and she's just one of the bimbos who fell for him, lol.

No. 2089586


she's pathetic

No. 2089592

Literally. If Beauty and the Beast were more like her life, she would have chosen Gaston as soon as he picked her and read books (upside down) on his topics of interest to get his attention kek

No. 2089596

Because it was an era of the girlboss. If you didn't miss the memo and girlbossed instead of being a pickme you'd have your beast paying child support now.
Does it have something to do with the 'Player of games'? kek She kinda did have a mini-rebrand into a more of a princessy-feminine thing for a moment.

No. 2089614


Alex and Spergler are different people. Alex works at a school in Iwate Prefecture and Spergler is a Serb. I think the new asshole mod _coldershoulder is actually Alex pretending to be gay.

No. 2089619

since when has anyone been down on Disney princesses? Disney princesses are literally the only part of the Disney franchise that's worth a damn. she just really wakes up and tweets anything huh(sage your shit)

No. 2089661

"Also, why doesn't the Beath have 20 autistic children, a severely deformed chest and an IVF clinic? DOES DITHNEY NOT BELIEVE IN TRUE LOVE?!???!!" She's sooooo pathetic good lord, she will never grow a backbone.

No. 2089687

She doesn't seem to understand that Disney princesses are marketable to little girls even without the romance aspect, just like Barbie dolls. Tells a lot about her when she thinks that princess equals romance when the most popular princess Elsa (well, she was a queen) wasn't involved in that at all.

No. 2089707

Disney is a multibillion dollar corporation that follows where the money is, Frozen was one of the biggest animated movies of the last 50 years. Disney gives the people what they want. Claire being the staunch capitalist that she is, should know this

No. 2089718

File: 1739735892101.webp (8.1 KB, 263x194, IMG_0786.webp)

Claire (on left): why don’t they make Disney princesses anymore

Disney: lol bitch, have you seen the stacks we raked in on Moana 2 and Frozen 2?

No. 2089720

The one on the left looks exactly like claire

No. 2089724

Funny you mention Frozen, considering the fact that conservatives had a meltdown over the movie not being centered around the girl/woman falling in love with a male protagonist and living happily ever after. I'm pretty sure Jordan Peterson called it "reprehensible propaganda" or something along those lines, even though most movies about men are allowed to center men and almost entirely exlude women without being deemed propagandistic, a bad influence on men, etc.. And yeah, free market conservatives only likes the free market ™ when it serves their agenda; when it doesn't, they turn into the SJWs they so vehemently resent

No. 2089756

Holy fuck, male narcissism is absolutely nauseating. Moids have a literal meltdown when they realize womens lives don't have to revolve around scrotums and cocks.(learn to sage)

No. 2089782

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Anti feminist women think they are these magica fae angels who can melt the hearts of ugly mean men and make them good

No. 2089783

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No. 2089784

It all makes more sense once you realize that males have the mentality of infants because they serve no social purpose. There is no need for them to evolve past infantile solipsism because they're meant to die early and mostly outside of society.

No. 2089787

File: 1739745541106.jpeg (887.94 KB, 1170x1653, IMG_9251.jpeg)

She’s such a cornball, i can’t believe she really exists

No. 2089796

My god, we're reaching terminal levels of arrested development. She really thinks that she embodies this innocent archetype where she's just hopelessly kind-hearted, optimistic and altruistic in a world filled with cruelty. One minute she LARPs as a scheming aristocrat who's totally in control of everything that's happening, enjoys watching the world burn and scoffs at the mere thought of having to be saved from an abusive situation; the next minute, she's an innocent little autistic girl who doesn't understand anything. If Elon hadn't discarded her, she would've still been LARPing that she's Marie Antoinette 2.0, but because he humiliated and abandoned her, she's now backtracking out of fear.

No. 2089810

>I’m literally graduating with a masters in STEM next year before even making it to 25 and then applying for phd
No fucking way, your behaviour is extremely low iq. You wish you could be manifestochan but you’ll never be half the woman she is, you simply aren’t intelligent and all you can do is spam “kill yourself!” Like a FAS afflicted teenage boy.(infighting/derailing)

No. 2089812

She doesn't apply midwit "muh childrun psychology" to prepubescent males so that puts her ahead of you. Sorry.

No. 2089813

File: 1739754480720.jpeg (472.23 KB, 1536x1920, IMG_0483.jpeg)

>someone called me a disney princess

That literally never happened kek. They said she looked like a disney villian cus she looks fucking scary

>Graduating w a masters in stem.

Sure, Jan. Kekekek

No. 2089815

Sorry what are you even saying? What is this word salad? You’re a disgusting deranged person and your posts are scrote tier, you should fuck off and stop shitting up the site with your edgelord moid tier “feminism”. You spend more time wishing for women to get run over and their heads bashed in and samefagging than you do actually helping women and making good points.

No. 2089816

In order to qualify as a concubine, you have to a) live with him and b) be sexually active with him. Grimes is neither. She's actually below concubine status. She's the chick who wants to be the cleanup girl, but isn't even allowed to come to the house. Brutal.

No. 2089817

Bpdchans will literally do anything but admit they were a pump and dump.

No. 2089818

I'm saying that her perspective is correct and you're a blank slatist midwit. Hope the text is more accessible to you now.

No. 2089819

She’s the only one he nutted organically. That’s quite significant if you’re a person who values tard cum and the hideous offspring it produces.

No. 2089820

Turkey baster until proven otherwise.

No. 2089821

Her perspective being women should be run over and killed. Yeah revolutionary.
Can you just accept you have a lower iq than most female animals and stop trying to add to feminist discourse? You belong on discord with all the other Mountain Dew addicted tard spawns. You act like how Elons sons will act when they discover online gaming.

No. 2089824

NTA but you can absolutely be a feminist while also acknowledging the fact a huge chunk of women are pickmes who prioritize cock over everything else in life.
Having disdain and disappointment towards those women doesn't make you anti feminist, especially when they know what they're doing.

Grown ass human females aren't babies, we are capable and intelligent enough to be held accountable for our own choices and actions. Infantilizing and patronizing women and pretending we have zero agency is far worse.

Claire isn't getting any sympathy for being a self admitted sexist, anti-woman cock worshipper and scrotum lifter, who thinks evil and violent men should be babied and indulged at the cost of women's safety and happiness. She is scum.

No. 2089825

No YOU are scum, go away and stop shitting up every single thread every day wishing violence on women and children. You’re disgusting.

No. 2089826

Women like Grimes are traitors to women and womankind. She's an extremely privileged, coddled, wealthy western white woman, afforded every freedom and luxury she desires, and still chooses to throw it all away and tongue the anus of a monstrous evil man who couldn't care whether she lives or dies. She would literally throw every single other woman in the world under the bus, just for a chance to huff her beautiful E's farts again. She would rather every other woman in the world dies, if it meant Elon would stop ignoring her any longer. She is trash. There is no defending her, no matter how hard you try.

No. 2089827

Grimes would rather every other woman and child on the planet gets raped and brutally murdered, if it meant her beautiful E would come back to her. She is scum and so are you for defending her.

No. 2089828

The anon I’m talking to was saying this to random farmers, because they are a violent misogynist that hates all women and is probably a scrote masturbating to being able to say this sort of stuff and be rewarded by “feminists” and is also saying this stuff in multiple other threads. Stop encouraging them. You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know, btw. Nothing you’re saying is interesting or revolutionary. If you wanna come here and talk about kids getting ran over and thinking that’s feminist then I’m going to tell you to fuck off and stop shitting up the board. You are a dumb worthless chimp brain and you have nothing of value to say.

No. 2089830

No, her perspective is that degeneracy displayed by male children is in fact indicative of their nature. The rest is you playing wounded gazelle over
mean words because you don't like what her perspective implies about your sped son Aydyn who is your life.

Now stop shitting triggers about a long expired infight and post about Grimes, or take it to ovarit.

No. 2089833

No, fuck off and stop telling people to get raped and killed and to kill themselves every time they respectfully disagree with you. Maybe your posts are indicative of YOUR nature and that you’re not fit to be in an all female space if you can’t stop acting like a violent scrote?

No. 2089838

I haven't told anyone here to get raped and killed.

You can be histrionic over her tone all you want, but it won't change that she is correct about male children and malignant boymom permissiveness. And you too know it deep down.

No. 2089839

>that literally never happened
Ofc not, because who would receive a compliment like that and then go on Twitter and rant about.. Disney movies not being romantic anymore? How is that in any way associated with someone calling her a Disney princess?? And then she tries to act like she isn't virtue/status signaling by saying that she doesn't really know if it was a compliment or an insult. Girl please - there are 15 year-old girls who are better at giving themselves false compliments that "someone once said" that are actually just their own thoughts/delusions about themselves. God, it's so disturbing that she is a mother of two kids and is this emotionally and intellectually immature.
>She would literally throw every single other woman in the world under the bus, just for a chance to huff her beautiful E's farts again
Beautiful, poetic, and true. The greatest thing Grimes ever did was coin the term "my beautiful E".

No. 2089840

Can you two like exchange emails and go fight somewhere else

No. 2089841

Posting mean things about scrotelets isn’t “acting like a violent scrote”. You should save this energy for the principal when he starts harmlessly molesting girls at school.

No. 2089843

>God, it's so disturbing that she is a mother of two kids and is this emotionally and intellectually immature.
she has three kids with that sped and fortunately for them she's not raising them, the nannies are while she's gurning and tweeting in the next room over


No. 2089845

Actually yes it is and so is being desperate to bring up the molestation of little girls. Get therapy.(infighting/derailing)

No. 2089851

But upskirting and pussy grabbing is normal young boy behavior, duh. They don’t know any better. Are you a child hater or something?(infighting/derailing)

No. 2089853

Actually it's not. You appealing to "feminism" to make it about boy children and boymom feelings is pretty similar to entry-level moid psyops though.(infighting/derailing)

No. 2089855

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No. 2089862

Anyone who attempts to restart this retarded infight will be get a lengthy ban. Get a grip. Ban evaders will be permanently banned and their posts will be deleted.

No. 2089867

Anons this isn't new. She's written at least one song about the Beauty & the Beast projection and it's in this thread. Can everyone lurk a bit more, including helpful contributing anons?

No. 2089879

NTAYRT but it's still a new tweet. Not knowing that she's made references to Beauty and the Beast before is not a big deal imo.

No. 2089880

Can we please not do the typical infight over this? You're supposed to lurk on /snow/. It isn't personal and it's not an attack. When I post, I'm aware of this bc I follow the simple board rules. It keeps threads like these cohesive and funnier, since we can then reference that she has actually done this before and it's an ongoing thing. It's really not too much to ask and the amount of anons taking basic rules personally is very strange

No. 2089894

You got me there nonna but to my defense it's very hard to keep up with all her fantasy personalities, next week she might be a Dr. Seuss character.

No. 2089942

i was waiting for someone else to bring it up honestly, i was surprised no one didn't. she's bored and has no new material, as usual

No. 2090614

It should be obvious to everyone by now that Elon Musk has homicidal fantasies.
People are going to be doubled over sick when they finally learn the extent of this mans “accomplishments”.(sage your shit/wrong thread)

No. 2090668

File: 1739975800706.png (688.28 KB, 1422x1080, Research.png)

Grimey got her name on an article.
>y'all did way more than me

The writers of the article on the right. I'm sure
>a producer and musician who lives in Los Angeles
had a lot to contribute to this topic.


No. 2090688

Ah yes, Claire Boucher aka Grimace aka Grimes helping the worlds reichest man build the gulags after he set the valley on fire with a little help from his friends and blamed it on the homeless.

Grimes was never Lizzy Wizzy, she was always a filthy corpo.

No. 2090759

grimes, shut the fuck up. You are from Canada and are not qualified to have any sort of opinion on Los Angeles you retarded fake bitch. Live in a fucking $6 million mansion, and don’t even leave your house. Literally suck a cock. You do not need to be involved in this . Know your fucking place.(directly addressing the cow)

No. 2090956

>Great work team- y'all did way more than me
of course they did, retard

No. 2091023

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>everything is political
is reply to this one >>2089783
She is getting insufferable with this pseudo-intellectual shit.
>I think we just hurt each other. But there seems to be a spiritual emptiness now.
That's deep. Kek.

No. 2091049

it's like she has a god complex and thinks her takes are revolutionary. you can tell she tries really hard to sound like some philosophical "voice" and speaks as if she's some deepthinking intellectual. she doesn't realize she sounds retarded especially when it's coming from her, the person with no values or core beliefs. it's always methhead ramblings at the end of the day. she's as shallow as her shitty poetry. just imagine this tweet next to her "ur fat" "the only thing that should be afraid of you is the buffet" texts to AB kek. she's emotionally 12 years old

No. 2091058

I completely agree. I really really really hate her ramblings for these reasons. shes not smart, shes just on drugs.
give any individual a couple of beers and/or drugs and they would ramble the same way. theres no substance to anything she says.

No. 2091136

What the fuck is she even talking about… Not a single coherent thought. Is she religious now? Claire, you're gonna lose it when you find out that capitalism has the same root idea of human (male) supremacy as monotheistic religions. Girl, go back to school, and actually read a fucking book, not just for paparazzi shoots, before you tweet.

No. 2091213

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This is so embarrassing. Claire really took the ultimate L having three kids with this man.

No. 2091215

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No. 2091220

I dont feel bad for her at all, poor children though. Probably found mommys ketamine or something thats her fault. Call CPS. Would be best for the kids to find new parents who don’t call him “techno”

No. 2091222

Crazy how single mothers around the world are able to care for their kids take them to the doctor the hospital etc. without a billionaire helping them. She has millions why can’t she help the kid by herself? if she can’t they shouldn’t be alone with her. Period.

No. 2091225

I sincerely hope this is not a case of a child dying, and if so I even more sincerely hope he doesn't choose to let a child die out of bitterness towards Grimes. This is so miserable it's one of the few times the consequences of pickmeism can't be laughed at. She did all that and for what…

No. 2091227

Why does she need him? She can simply call an ambulance or go to a doctor, there is nothing miraculous he can do. Not to mention it's absurd and unbelievable that she can't contact him through an assistant or a lawyer.

No. 2091235

This is all because of the Ashley Saint Clair stuff let’s be honest.. she just needed some attention after all that. probably fake and gay

No. 2091239

She is definitely just trying to get his attention or force him into responding using her child’s illness as a ploy to get a reaction. She could easily make a medical decision for this kid if it’s that much of an emergency

No. 2091243

I mean I hope she isnt letting her kid die or suffer long term consequences to get Elons attention instead of calling an ambulanse

No. 2091250

>agree to have mans child
>he doesn't even leave you a contact number
holy shit why are his broodmares so embarrassing kek(sage your shit)

No. 2091255

Yeah this…I don't believe their child is in genuine danger. If they were, they could simply go to the hospital. Claire is rich herself.
I think Claire has been spiralling extremely hard since ASC announced her kid and now she is needing some of that sweet sweet attention too.

Elon only responds when you publicly pants him on X and now Claire is copying ASC and hoping she can pressure Elon to come back and pay some attention to her by. She's helping prove he's not a trad father figure at all, the antithesis of his doting republican dad image.
Either way this whole situation is so sad and cringe, a bunch of brainless whores who used children to try and get Elon to marry them, and Elon not only ghosting his harem of dumb whores but also his own children. Literal hood rat trailer trash behavior, they're like the white version of Love and Hip Hop. And I bet the sick kid is Y, he hates his daughters and wouldn't care if they died, kek.

No. 2091258

I am actually worried for the child. One of Elon's kids has died previously. If this child also dies of some congenital defect then Medfag Chromosome Sperging Nona will be vindicated. I really hope the kid is okay. Elon is trash. This is sad.

No. 2091269

Anyone else getting very strong munchie-by-proxy from this public display?

No. 2091275

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and it looks like he’s totally shadowbanned her as well
no, actually…i feel like there could be something wrong with her child and her child needs the support of their father right now

No. 2091277

Anyone who's lurked the old threads knows Claire has been displaying munchie tendencies for years.
God, he's such an asshole.
But billionaire broodmares stay winning, right ladies?

No. 2091281

i hope shes being dramatic but i also know elon is always a genuine prick to her. I really hate how the kids are in the middle of this. even if its not a super urgent matter both parents need to be there.
this was never going to work out between them.

No. 2091284

Some bad shit about Claire must have been about to drop in the msm

No. 2091288

what makes you say this?

No. 2091293

I'm a poorfag civilian and I would serve my ex with a private legal document if this happened to me but she's done this a million times before, so clearly she knows what works

No. 2091294

Old celeb PR tactic. Drop a story yourself to distract from bigger less favorable media story

No. 2091303

Only one parents permission is needed for medical decisions in california, shes being a dumb bitch as always

No. 2091307

I knew her jealous bpdchan ass wasn't gonna stay quiet after the recent baby drama.

No. 2091317

File: 1740101936487.jpeg (363.47 KB, 1170x1786, IMG_9765.jpeg)

She’s back

No. 2091325

agreed with your entire post nona. also
>Literal hood rat trailer trash behavior, they're like the white version of Love and Hip Hop.
i think of this sometimes kek, they really are 100% white trash with money
absolutely. she's already a munchie herself, i've already suspected she's like that with her kids as well. not only that but major bpd vibes from her posts. there's nothing that wrong with the kid let's be real, if it was really urgent she has the money and access to doctors that could take care of it. what the fuck could that decrepit smelly fart do about it? she's being dramatic and needs attention
kek same

No. 2091336

>media circus at the expense of the kids…

That’s her whole thing tho isnt it? Is that not precisely her intention? Kek this has the same energy as asking “who?” In response to asking her why she follows so many nazis. The only people who buy into her shit dont have a fully developed frontal lobe. Im glad elon shadowbanned her god complex narc delusional tweets no one needs to see that. She should make a bluesky and call it a day. Oh but all of her pedophile and nazi friends would get banned there; hence why she stays on x

No. 2091347

Ayrt my theory is that this is about blood transfusion/organ transplant/need a family medical history to identify something. She has money and AFAIK (not a burger) a single mother in America wouldn't need the father's consent for anything urgent. I'd well believe Elon would be too selfish to give blood/a kidney to one of his kids

No. 2091356

Sorry Claire, you’re yesterday’s news. He got the autistic golden child he wanted from you and has no use for you anymore. He’s too busy trashing a country and beefing with his new baby mama.

I sincerely hope Claire is just being dramatic and the kid is ok though. I feel bad for all the children, imagine having a drugged out gold digger as a mother and an equally drugged out billionaire deadbeat dad who doesn’t care if you live or die.(hi cow/learn2integrate)

No. 2091377

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There is a non-zero chance that Grimes could release a huge expose on Elon because of all this shit. I don't like her but I hope she does it.

No. 2091385

Young plasma therapy isn't exactly news in those circles. Before wellness lolcow Bryan Johnson revealed it to the normies, Thiel was doing it for years. As you can tell from looking at him, it didn't do shit. The best donor for that kind of stuff would have to be your son.(derailing)

No. 2091395

My money is on the idea that she got the idea that the kid needs some of experimental? Treatment/therapy to be started ASAP that is only available in a foreign country which is why she needs him to sign off on papers allowing her to take the child abroad. Musk doesn’t GAF and wants the kid treated in the US and thinks just ignoring her is the way to get her off his back. I wonder if it’s some Lyme thing

No. 2091397

All their kids were born through surrogacy, right? It's well documented that this can increase the risk of health conditions in the children

I wonder if she'd have anything juicy enough to potentially fuck up his new DOGE position… probably not

No. 2091413

>Lyme disease
>implying Claire or Elon ever take their kids into nature in the first place so they can get bitten by ticks
They're both anti-nature autists who are terrified of the outdoors and prefer being hunched over their laptop in their soulless white Temu cell while tripping on acid

No. 2091418

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Ah fuck it, some tinfoil.

>option 1

She's being dramatic and this is a load of shit due to the fucked news cycle with Smashley. Entirely possible and I don't blame her for feeling scorned and wanting to fuck him over. Have fun grimey, get him.
>option 2
This type of dispute in a divorce can very well be legitimate and is not uncommon - unfortunately. The only one who really loses out is the kid. I don't think their custody agreement is public at all, but these can be a fucking nightmare, and - if true - makes it sound like Grimes and Elon don't actually have joint legal custody even if there's some physical custody agreement. Except she makes it sound like Elon has primary custody, or somehow they have no solid agreement other than physical?, and she's taking issue with either the doctor, the insurance, or some treatment. Could be anything from nickel and diming while calling it an emergency, or an actual real emergency with a paperwork problem that he's been refusing to resolve. "Missing meetings" sounds like she's been trying to get him back to family court for this reason and he's just not meeting with any lawyers at all anyway. Depending on whose insurance they're on, it could be a very real dispute over who's taking a kid to the doctor, who they could be seeing (if anyone), how reasonable it is to actually get to one, insurance, money, treatment type, a whole mess of things. Usually it's a sad drag back to family court if they couldn't reach an agreement, and Elon clearly won't comply with shit no matter how true it is.

Whether she's lying or not, divorce sucks shit, don't waste time on scrotes ever. Always have your own safety net for a kid if things go sideways.

No. 2091421

Samefag, I say divorce since usually you don't have to fucking sue someone to get them to stop hostaging your kid, and it's a not-uncommon issue with regular parents who just can't agree. Insane situation to be in.

No. 2091422

They were never married and claire has millions, the law in california does not require both parents consent for necessary medical procedures, dont feel bad for her. Feel bad for the children.

No. 2091424

That's what makes me assume it's either not a crisis/she's wasting someone's time or it's a really dumb money issue. It varies massively on what medical requirement she's actually talking about, insurance can be a mess by itself.

No. 2091428

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nta but she's done this before and somewhat recently. I went back a couple threads to look for it but she tweets so fucking often about nothing, it's hard to find. Grimes tends to do the same things over and over again. The cycle is usually playing Cool Girl, reacting to Elon tweeting at a famous person that he wants their eggs, getting a hawt new lewk, blowing up his phone on meth/crack and then pulling a stunt like this "about the children". Maybe there will be an anon who remembers the post or era off hand tho (edit: also writing bad poetry >>2079459 and Elon following/unfollowing Grimes, depending on how much she is willing to humiliate herself/grovel in front of everyone)

No. 2091436

I wish she would just do her final bpdchan forever split and stop with this fucking nonsense. The Elon pining is absolutely insufferable.
But I think his status has literally broken her bpdchan brain somehow and she will never be able to move on, an Elon permawidow longing for the days she kept adding ugly ass elf wedding rings to her Etsy cart, and wishing to get the times her beautiful E promised to make her Lady Jessica of Mars back.

Unfortunately npd moids and bpd women are drawn to each other like flies to shit and it's unlikely their interpersonal drama will ever cease until one of them ODs on a speedball, much like other drama whore trailer park couples.

No. 2091451

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When you have to discuss your kid's health issues with total strangers in your baby daddy's comment section. Bleak.

I agree with nonnas about Claire's tendency to exaggerate symptoms. At one point she claimed she had broken heart syndrome or something. Also, she doesn't need the father's signature if it's an emergency operation.

She mentions Elon skipping meetings >>2091215 which could mean doctor's appointments about treatment options for their child. Nonnas who say she should just serve him the papers should lurk previous threads to find out how long it took her lawyers to serve Musk when they first started the custody process.

I'm not WK for Grimes btw. She knew full well what Elon was truly like by the time she gave birth to X. Having two more kids with that stingy narc scrote was her own choice.

No. 2091452

My theory is this >>2083384 Techno
was born with some kind of disability which is why Elon pretends he doesn't exist and Claire never posts him either.
"Skipping meetings" sounds like there's some kind of chronic illness thing going on with Techno and Elon simply isn't interested.

No. 2091453

>she had broken heart syndrome or something.
I can't stop laughing at this, on top of everything else. I completely missed that, do you remember approximately when it happened?

No. 2091454

Lol @ the fucking loser guy being like "I can't imagine going public would help anything". Actually it can because Elon is a narcissist who isn't taking responsibility for his kids behind closed doors, and since his reputation is probably one of the things he actually cares about in life, she's striking him where it hurts. Is that immature and BPD-like? Yeah but that's exactly what a father like Elon deserves and I honestly believe her when she says she's tried to reach out to him in numerous ways. I'm so sick of men infantilizing other men btw. Elon is FIFTY-THREE YEARS OLD and one of, if not THE, richest man in the world. If he isn't taking care of his kids, he absolutely deserves to be shamed and judged for it.
This is where Grimes really needs to wake up and realize what kind of man she had kids with. He is not a wounded beast that, if given enough love and care, will transform into a human; he is a psychopath who views people, including his own children, as disposable. His children are basically experiments, and some experiments fail

No. 2091455

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NTA but she mentioned taking an ambulance to hospital for a panic attack and also had people replying to her on her alt about broken heart syndrome (something generally only seen in 50+ women) basically concern baiting about her fake heart attack

In reality, its probably all the adderall and meth combined with electrolyte imbalances from her long term anorexia that's giving her chest pains and palpitations

No. 2091460

During covid she also admitted she kept googling blood clots, and there was a tweet 2 years ago of her claiming she has """cptsd""" and that it's so bad that she is always falling over/couldn't walk from it…

No. 2091463

>and there was a tweet 2 years ago of her claiming she has """cptsd""" and that it's so bad that she is always falling over/couldn't walk from it…
kek yeah, she repeated the exact same thing verbatim recently. her munchie antics are so retarded, sometimes i'm astounded at how stupid she is

No. 2091483

Elon is definitely the kind of moid who hits women is all I’m gonna say. The broken tooth lie about stage diving in Japan was to cover his ass.

No. 2091490

What lmao? She's just fucked up all the time and smashes her face on things. Girl needs rehab

No. 2091493

the tooth thing was obviously meth related

No. 2091514

he's also been carting X around in Washington to the point that people are referring to him using the four-year-old as a human shield, so if there's something thAT kid needs to have addressed, very unlikely that either the dad or the child are willing to go sit in an unfun doctor's office with unfun mommy.
how Elon has any custody over his children whatsoever, I do not know. Surely someone should be able to make the argument that he is too busy with his DOGE bullshit and too vehemently hated by the general public to be able to irresponsibly cart their child around to public events like this.

No. 2091519

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Na I don’t buy it tbh.
Theres a reason many posts here and on the subreddit sound exactly like picrel.
Grimace isn’t a “perfect victim” but I’m certain now that we’re watching an insidious form of DV. We know he is a control freak. We know he gets off on hurting things/people (not a nurturing bone in his body obviously) we know he bugs the cars and probably homes of the women he’s involved with. Hell he’s probably behind the spergler nazi accounts, just talking to himself all day on different accounts in a fuckin k hole.
Kanye is the same type piece of shit as Elon on the Bristol stool scale, they treat women the exact same. Seriously, think about it. Screech all you want but come back to this post in 6 months.
There was a post a long time ago that was deleted which spoke of Elons online stalking activities and just how many dummy accounts he has, like, apparently thousands.
You think an incel this obsessed with his hair plugs and body fat percentage is not chronically online trying to shape the narrative about himself - by any means possible? I think he’s a sociopath who chimps out daily and emotionally and physically abuses everyone in his life in order to keep his own dark secrets with Epstein under wraps. Pretty obvious.

No. 2091521

Elon is literally causing the deaths of children around the world right now. He uses his own toddler as a human shield. It absolutely does not matter to him if his children live or die

No. 2091531

oh i remember this account, this was the one where elon was roleplaying as his son and then he accidentally revealed the official elon account belonging to him and then he deleted his account where he roleplayed as his son X.

No. 2091541

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Now it’s pretty much confirmed Elon was the one messaging Azaelia about his mangled penis. Wasn’t this during the 420 secured episode, that the SEC was looking into him for? I’m sure this was when he was trying to lure AB from grimaces account to offer her an impregnation package. KEK predictable moid. AB being a bruja knew she was looking the devil in the eye and gtfoutta thereeee



No. 2091560

Myocardial infarction? she’s claiming she had a heart attack now? What a fucking retard OMG

No. 2091561

I can't imagine Elon physically hitting anyone but it is incredibly easy for me to imagine Grimes getting fucked up and chipping a tooth. You don't think she would have mentioned that along the way, like literally everything else? This is just more evidence that he's a cowardly troll, which we've been aware of for some time now

No. 2091567

We all saw her at Coachella lmao

No. 2091568

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Kek I can. He’s practically an ugly Nate Jacobs. Women like him because of his money and because brainless moids defer to him, but he’s definitely the kind of incel to snap on a woman for beating him in a video game or cracking a joke and make her a statistic. He’s tall with sperg rage strength.
Dig a little and you’ll find testimonies from ex employees who claim he chimps out all the fucking time.
The “chill smiley le troll guy” act is a specific mask for legit psychopaths, why do you think he needs all the drugs? If you’ve met these types of moids you’ll understand.

No. 2091570

My dad chimps out just like elon and never hit a woman. Elons been with how many women who say hes evil yet never mentioned him being violent? Take your pitty party to Reddit, retard. He never hit her.

No. 2091590

Who brought up your Dad nona? Nobody gives a fuck about your dad kek. But if we’re basing our worldview solely on anecdotal evidence and not based in the reality that Elon musk is clearly a violent psychopath, I’ve witnessed many men just like Elon chimping out at what they perceive to be the slightest provocation especially if it’s from a woman. Besides, we already know from the Walter Isaacson biography that when he was with Amber they would both stay up all night fighting “until he couldn’t function” and then wouldn't get up till the afternoon. Absolutely retarded behaviour and tbh it’s always the moid who starts it.
He has a broken dick, a low EQ, low frustration tolerance and extremely poor emotional regulation skills. When things don’t go his way he’s the type to be smashing plates 100% would bet money on it

No. 2091597

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>obsessed with body fat percentage
Not obsessed enough. This thing should have never been allowed to breed.

No. 2091600

>implying Elon would get emotional enough about Claire to hit her
Nah he's very much the cold distant type of narcissist who just ignores/stonewalls his gfs until they lose it. And he loves the validation of them going crazy and missing him and begging him back. Like a typical nerd he's a physical coward, all his meanness is psychological and verbal.

I'm certain other women would have come out by now if he had violent tendencies. Claire probably hasn't had a decent calcium intake since middle school and also admittedly falls down all the time, she likely just smashed her tooth up from being high and out of it.(sage your shit)

No. 2091601

Why are you hornyposting Euphoria? Stop writing Grimlon fanfic and stick to the facts please

No. 2091602

> when he was with Amber they would both stay up all night fighting “until he couldn’t function”
This is normal happenings when you have a bpd partner nona. They sperg out and screech and cry for hours and the more you try to ignore or grey rock them the further they go with their provocations and batshit behavior because they feel abandoned. An emotionless sperg like Elon would have absolutely no idea how to soothe or counteract a bpd person so I'm not surprised their fights lasted ages too.
I'm not defending Elon at all btw, I'm just saying if you've ever dated someone with bpd you'll know that arguing/fighting all night until you're physically and mentally wiped out is literally a weekly occurrence. It doesn't mean violence occurred and when it does it's usually on their end.

No. 2091605

>literally a weekly occurrence.
That's exactly it nona, it's a cycle >>2091428 anyone who's lurked the threads should notice it right away. Except for Grimes, since she isn't capable of recognizing patterns

No. 2091606

It's funny how Claire threw Amber under the bus and described her as 'pure chaos' in the Isaacson book in a last attempt to get Elon to pick her (and it didn't even work kek)
Anyway I believe Claire has 'quiet bpd' and Amber has the more overt type. BPD women are often attracted to narcissistic spergs and vice versa.
Really the only woman who came out of the Elon shitfest smelling of roses was Talulah, who clearly had a stable, happy and wholesome childhood and is very secure and confident in herself.

No. 2091610

File: 1740174121491.jpeg (337.9 KB, 1400x933, rgrg-2785403348.jpeg)

Not Justine? I'm genuinely curious wyt, picrel is not to portray her as smelling of roses, the others were extremely unflattering

No. 2091611

Why are you so desperate to believe this? She's a methhead, not a poor wickle teenage abuse victim

No. 2091613

He pretty much ruined Justine's life lol. At least she got money from the whole shitshow.

No. 2091616

File: 1740174763955.jpg (95.54 KB, 634x529, 87656439-13673411-Elon_Musk_fa…)

samefag Musk brood refresher, in case anyone needs it. kekking at whoever used the blobfish grimes photo

No. 2091633

File: 1740177780165.png (1.28 MB, 1551x617, grimeschristies.png)


Grimes has put up her AI Marie Antoinette creations on Christie's for sale, printed on textile
Bids are starting at 30,000, guess she really needs the money

No. 2091638

seems like another money laundering scheme like she was doing in the milady days

No. 2091640

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Talulah is currently drinking raw milk with her new husband so I doubt that lol(elon has his own thread)

No. 2091646

why would a woman who had a stable and happy childhood go anywhere near elon? that makes no sense

No. 2091647

File: 1740181064112.jpg (782.37 KB, 2000x3000, 6EtG9vwttacIeSJYss5aUabVikQ-88…)

Yeah she seems BPD too and looks like it when she's not maniacally smiling, if that's possible. I think people just like the name "Tallulah" and she's obviously the best looking of the broodmares(elon has his own thread)

No. 2091651

She's ugly. But she has that Sid from ice age phenotype that low T incel nerds like Elon like.(elon has his own thread)

No. 2091654

There's zero proof Talulah has BPD, stop armchairing.
Elon was normie when he was with Talulah. He was relatively unknown and fame and wealth hadn't fully gone to his head yet. Talulah said they had a very normal marriage, but towards the end Elon was so busy working all the time and she hated LA because it was so fake and hot and different to London, but otherwise she said he was very romantic towards her and treated her well. She was smart because she never agreed to have any of his children. They had the least toxic relationship of any of his former lovers.(elon has his own thread)

No. 2091658

Sorry for retarded blog but I've seen Talulah out and about a few times and she constantly has the most stank face on her, I think that's just how she looks. She's rude as fuck though kek. I do agree with >>2091654 that she was at least smart enough not to tie herself to Elon permanently. Her family is really rich and so is her husbands but I still hope she milked Elon for a tidy packet just because he deserves it.(elon has his own thread)

No. 2091661

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>seems like
Almost as if Elon has a type but
>Talulah said
So I'm sure it was a magical union, other than his crazy working schedule. This was after his IVF farm with Justine so I'm not doubting her NDA payout version at all(elon has his own thread)

No. 2091670

She only got 20 million from Elon which is nothing to him, even at that time he was worth billions. Her family are rich as fuck and she attended an $80,000 a year school growing up. She didn't marry him for money.(elon has his own thread)

No. 2091672

File: 1740187231187.png (58.24 KB, 1240x141, delisted_result.png)

Idk all the trashy tabloid sites say she's only worth 5 million after legal fees from her two divorces and this showed up when I searched(elon has his own thread)

No. 2091682

>selling AI shit with a starting bid of 30,000 dollars
wow… bleak times

No. 2091697

she threw her musical career in the trash, nobody wants to work with muskrat's handmaid, she probably gets pennies for kyle's child support or doesn't get any at all and has to report all expenses (judging for her tweet begging for muskrat's attention she probably doesn't get raw cash). she's cooked.(sage your shit)

No. 2091743

only 5 million? She doesnt deserve that at all, thats a lot

No. 2091761

This post makes sense, its only flaw is that it makes the whole thing sound cooler and more ingenious than it actually is.
It's just a bunch of dysgenic, mentally ill losers rehashing a failed ideology to pacify their eternal mommy/daddy issues in between bouts of media consoomption and drug use. Something like it is working this time because the internet is basically run by programmer sock AGPs (their ilk) and they can afford to bot the shit out of everything, but now you have Elon breaking down every 5 seconds on Twitter because no one actually likes or respects him, and he knows that. He wants to be the ubermensch so badly, but all he did was get born to wealthy, neglectful and abusive parents and smoke crack.
"Their science" isn't some mysterious Latin American jungle shit, it amounts to abandoned lab projects, fine-tuning the same AI slop that the Chinese already have access to, and primitive animal abuse. Their "ideology" is nothing you can't find in some grainy 2013 jpeg made by a neckbeard who jacks off to untoward content. They buy companies, try to insist they "made" them and sell products (mainly cars and NFT shit) with issues. They post pictures of pretty leftist women/girls, pawn off aesthetic cultures that could only evolve under the values of progress and claim "This is what we represent" while actually being balding, short, schlubby Indian manchildren listening to black music because they hate them, but can't produce listenable tunes of their own, and outright deformed or botched women with brittle bone disease and meth problems who lack style and believe in polyamory because they feel too ugly/pathetic to deserve monogamy. They love censorship and hate free speech, but try to accuse their adversaries of the same for not being nice enough to them. They are all "former" or current trannies. They are all miserable porn addicts. I could go on. They're just losers, and it makes them bitter that having money doesn't change that. Calling Grimes a Nazi does little but impose this idealized concept of the Aryan figure who's "fooled the masses" onto her, when in reality, she has much more in common with the son of an inbred potato farmer of Ukrainian Jewish ancestry who lies about where his family comes from and what that is on his mouth. Elon is something even more pathetic. Maybe "failed Nazi" is better for them, but Nazis are/were failures, anyway. My point is, these people want to be seen as super-smart villains, and we need to be talking about how lowly they actually are.

No. 2091871

Seriously doubt that. I think the toxicity between Talulah and Elon is entirely passive aggressive. You can tell from videos he entirely expected her to play babysitter-nanny-stepmommy to his previous stock of children. I don’t think she was as thrilled about that as she said she was. Imo there was a lot of fuckery behind the scenes.

A hearty kek. I enjoyed that nona. I agree mostly but there are groups in the Latin American forests who have been terrorizing locals more recently. Hard to tell if they’re just MAGA tech bros or something else. A girl in Peru had burning cream smeared on her face while two men held her down to try and cut her face off. The podcasters in the video are retarded alien conspiracists ,but you can hear her account at 30:30ish. Clearly someone is terrorizing Peruvians and there’s only one group I can think of that would find use for the whole face of a young person.

That aside, I bet grimaces “GMA GPA” Nordic rune tattoo is an homage to some kinda fashy grandparents probably. I’m her age and literally had friends whose grandparents were actual Nazis, it was an awkward thing for people to bring up but I know some were secretly proud.(derailing)

No. 2091872

Oh my god the thumbnail is retarded. Pls ignore the title, thumbnail and origin of the video nonas kek. There’s just a clip in there I feel is relevant to the other discussion had further up the thread. I’d clip it and put it here but can’t do that.

No. 2092003

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People are finally fed up with her and all of the top comments are asking for her to be removed from the lineup. If she releases an album, more people will find out who she reallt is. Every time shes in the press cycle, more people find out shes a nazi pedo white supremacist. These are only some of the comments lol. (Pt.1)

No. 2092005

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Pt. 2

No. 2092075

I don't remember this ever happening before, at least not every comment. I wouldn't be surprised if we see more diversion tactics, like this anon was saying >>2091284

No. 2092103

Damn. Claire is a huge retard. Rule number one of being a popstar is don't alienate your gay fans.

No. 2092231

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Kek meanwhile her loser baby daddy is swinging a chainsaw around on stage right about X’s head, high as a kite. What an absolute wretched waste these two are. God save their children.

No. 2092248

She already did so when she started seeing Elon, she is a pick-me by heart and she will never stop being a one. Personally I don't see a point in having her in the line-up in the first place because she hasn't released good music in ages, her career is over.

No. 2092474

Kek WOW he gets more hideous by the day grimace should sue him back and use this photo as evidence those pupils are crazy he’s literally melting

No. 2092499

So is she though, she looks just as bad and melty

No. 2092504

methhead women famously get smacked around by their partners all the time anon, the world isnt divided into perfect sympathetic victims and lying scheming snakes who never had anything authentically bad happen to them

No. 2092535


lmao bots really doin overtime ATM to fabricate DV narrative with zero basis in fact

No. 2092692

No bots nona kek just common sense, but hey I do wonder when Elon will address his Klinefelter syndrome and his dependence on gender affirming care. Dont you?

No. 2092694

Elon is a violent moid. I find it hard to believe a site full of lesbians are ready to suck Elons cock over this. Maybe I should speak in Russian so you understand?(sage your shit)

No. 2092726


impressive attempts to whitewash the grimes narrative. great work, but we're not that dumb here.

No. 2092728

Grimes is a brittle boned methhead who gets fucked up and goes on incomprehensible twitter rants before smashing her face on the toilet bowl

No. 2092736


She just released two new demos on her SoundCloud and they’re extremely bad.. awful production and horrible singing voice. it’s so funny. I’m honestly floored by what she’s capable of doing her own, absolute dog shit.

No. 2092751

How does he have so many kids if he has Klinefelter’s? Men with Klinefelter’s need hormones so their hearts don’t get cardiac disease.(elon has his own thread)

No. 2092752

Rhyming insane with brain. Yupp shes so retarded

No. 2092759

It’s called IVF dumbass, it’s how he famously conceived all his kids. Being able to choose male zygotes is just a bonus.
If you think he’s out here actually having PIV sex with women with his mangled dick you’re full blown retarded.

>Inb4 b-but he has female children!!1!

Yeah and he ignores their entire existence lmao. They only exist to him as future incubators for their inbred colony. You need variety amongst the future propagandists, nobody will want to be influenced by 20-or-so Musk moidlets, it’ll be a sausage fest. He knows this.(elon has his own thread)

No. 2092760

You guys are pretty fuckin dumb tho. Can’t see the forest for the trees, it’s like a Tesla forum in here so much Elon asslicking. And the separation of the threads is retarded lmfao one request from Grimaces team to “pweeeease be nice and separate the threads I’m not even wiv ewon anymow 🥺” you all caved. Pathetic.

No. 2092761

nonny, your soundcloud username is visible when i open the share link in app

No. 2092762

KEK it was taken down. Do you have another link nona? The second song she uploaded is using Mazzy Stars Fade Into You as a backing track………….. bitch isn’t even trying


No. 2092767

Gtfo nobody here likes Elon we're just not dumb enough to fall for the poor abused baby line that her team is so desperate to push. Go back to r/grimes

No. 2092773

You can acknowledge someone is in a DV situation without framing them as a helpless widdle victim. Genuinely, are you retarded? Like dropped on your head as a child?
If you were a woman you’d understand just how many women are beaten around by violent moids, whether you personally like them personally or not. Users here are too invested in ragging on women (such a violent moid past time btw) to actually keep up with and post real milk. Catch up ffs.(infighting)

No. 2092777

Prove it. Prove that your totally fabricated scenario happened, licker of Grimes' hole.

No. 2092788

File: 1740431358819.jpeg (170.58 KB, 720x1146, IMG_6882.jpeg)

Prove what retard? I don’t have to prove shit to you KEK now are you done chimping out or can we get back to the milk? Your personal feelings are literally irrelevant.

Azealia went on a rant about claire and milady, claims racism kek picrel

No. 2092790

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No. 2092801


No. 2092810

You're the one chimping out because we won't swallow your grimeth ith a fairy printheth bullshit. Cope and seethe.(infighting)

No. 2092816

I’m posting milk and you’re being very emotional about it, now if you please nona the adults are talking so for the love of god contribute milk or stop derailing the thread. It’s nobody else’s problem here that you’re too retarded to scroll past the posts that trigger you.(infighting)

No. 2092823


Old milk, and still no proof, guess you admit you made it up.

No. 2092832

File: 1740439178936.png (448.78 KB, 616x344, well that went well.png)

>Cause you tried to give me the moon
>And all I can give back is poetry
>They'll be jealous that you are mine
>The sun enviеs me cause I got you
>And you tried to givе me the moon

No. 2092837

This "song" is a total copy of it. I can't even comprehend how she released it without any shame, must have been on drugs.

No. 2092839

She did this with the melody of "Afterlife" and "Don't Cry Out" by Shiny Toy Guns but I was actually impressed it wasn't a carbon copy.
I'm pretty sure you can listen to any of her songs and figure out the uncredited original, whenever someone likes Grimes I just assume they haven't heard a lot of music in general

No. 2092846

at this point i think she's on drugs 24/7, must be because she knows that she's a complete embarassment

No. 2092856

They do recognize it in this case though. Comment sections have ppl mentioning Fade Into You. Her leftover audience is the type to know Mazzy Star's most popular single at least, even zoomers. Bad choice to rip off. She'll probably delete this in 12 hours anyway.

No. 2092876

Guess you admit you’re a dumbass for not being able to lurk more, that sucks(infighting)

No. 2092877

What happened to the other track?

No. 2092894

How embarrassing. He didn't try to "give" her shit, he just got her pregnant and then dipped the fuck out, he was never planning to marry her. It must feel humiliating to know that while you were sitting at home crying and writing middle school-level poems about some grand, heartbreaking romance he was just out there telling random women that he wants to knock them up.

No. 2092936

File: 1740464090516.jpg (278.73 KB, 1080x1675, IMG_8228.jpg)

The SoundCloud links don't work. So I'm posting this from Twitter.

No. 2092938

File: 1740464503577.jpg (247.29 KB, 1080x1292, IMG_8641.jpg)

B-but nonny!
>Obviously its too compressed and a nightcore

(Alternative link as yours didn't work on my device
https://soundcloud.com/actuallygrimes/the-fool-nightcore2m4a )

No. 2092939

She wants to be grimes so bad. Too bad her beloved rich old white men would never pick her to be their breeding sow. She's too mentally unstable and ugly for that.

No. 2092943

probably spilled it herself during another meth binge

No. 2092945

>a really beautiful jam

Who talks about their own music like this kek? Shes so full of herself its insane. Just like referring to herself as “beauty” as in “beauty and the beast”
her voice is shrill and creepy like an old witch trying to emulate a child to lure children in to eat them or something, its like out of a horror film esp when it cracks when she fails at hitting the high notes

No. 2092946

Its probably a fake and gay lie so she can say she has tons of tracks that just got lost or whatever. Also lol that this basically confirms it was indeed a song about Elon Musk

No. 2092947

Be careful nona. You're going to summon the fanfiction anon who is forcing the DV narrative without any proof. In b4
>Elon destroyed her laptop because he is a violent scrote.

No. 2093007

Can anybody copyright strike her ass for once? Who normal "writes over" someone's song track and boasts about it? "Beautiful jam" maybe pick up guitar and pick these only 2 notes you've ever known to write your beautiful jam over instead of stealing. True artist here
I don't know why this amused me so much but I don't Give a Fuck I'm Insane sounds like MGK B-side. Someone call Travis Barker to write her a pop punk album about 40yo sadboi

No. 2093015

the way music copyright works is that if you steal somebody else’s music, they can’t make you stop, they can just make you pay them more than they would have if they had gotten permission in advance

No. 2093077


New interview just dropped where she lies, looks at herself in the WebCam constantly making those weird faces she does when she does WebCam interviews, and says a bunch of extremely retarded shit in between “like umm i dunno like umm you know” I couldn’t finish reading or watching it because shes such an insufferable retard(this is an imageboard)

No. 2093102

She made a reference to the "hard times create strong men"-meme in the beginning of the interview like the pathetic NLOG that she is, and also references Lee Kuan Yew, who just happens to be one of the few political leaders who are loved by right-wing 4chan moids. She thinks her ideas are so out there but they're literally just cookie cutter neoreactionary/authoritarian ideas, solutions, and memes that any man who's browsed /pol/ for more than 5 minutes has encountered. It's time she stops pretending she is anything other than a fascist handmaiden who still ideologically simps for and panders to a man who never even married or made sure she was financially set. Imagine being this much of a male-identified woman only to get scraps of approval and attention from the man you're doing all of this humiliating shit for. Also, in the interview, she claims that people are too eagerly seeking for evil within the hearts of others, and that maybe only 10 % of the world's population are actually evil. Does she include Curtis, the man who compared Breivik to Mandela and said that some Blacks were happier as slaves, in that category? Or is that category exclusively reserved for people on Reddit who think she's flirting with neoreactionary/fascist ideology

No. 2093120

File: 1740522773315.png (22.53 KB, 885x197, clown.png)

How insightful, Claire

No. 2093121

The narc mindset is a truly astonishing thing.

No. 2093133

But she's jutht a little teenage fairy baby and in an abusive relationship with a big monster (source:I made it up)

No. 2093153

She's so incredibly narcissistic. She fell so hard this year so quickly. Doesn't care about her kids, cares more about drugs and twitter, constantly refers to herself as something far more grandiose than what she is. I don't have a shred of empathy for her anymore and that's saying a lot because I always tried to give her the benefit of the doubt.

No. 2093155

I always knew she had narcissistic tendencies bc they've been obvious from the beginning, but that interview really illuminates how absurdly inflated her ego is, despite not even being a good performer. She's legitimately a crazy person. She wants philosopher-kings to rule the world (SEE, SHE REFERENCES PLATO! SHE IS SOOOO CLEVER and these ideas being revived is not at all part of the Thiel-ian right becoming culturally dominant, they are entirely a product of her own thinking), which is totally different from a dystopian, CEO-led tech dictatorship. God I hate how original women who cater to these ideologies think they are when they're the most basic, cattle-like beings in this universe

No. 2093159

I hate how smug she is in this interview, the only reason she gets such interviews is exactly because of Thiel and because she brushed shoulders with Elon. It's not because she has interesting views, is knowledgeable or well-read. When she is not repeating some points she read on twitter, she is saying inane things such as that Vitalik (ETH creator) is a philosopher-king. And do you remember when she had an interview with Andrew Yang shortly after getting with Musk?

No. 2093166

>She wants philosopher-kings to rule the world (SEE, SHE REFERENCES PLATO! SHE IS SOOOO CLEVER
These have been generic ideas for hundreds of years though. Most business leaders and CEOs quote Plato/whoever by default, bc it's completely baked in to western culture. This is similar to the specific sperging that goes on in the Elon/alt right women thread and seems self-indulgent or something

No. 2093191

File: 1740541962688.png (Spoiler Image,610.53 KB, 1235x403, Screenshot 2025-02-26 at 03.49…)

Azealia is just as milky a cow as Grimey and needs her own thread. She stopped being funny and based a long time ago. This is just her pathetic attempt at getting Elon to pick her now that it's clear he hands his sperm out to any woman with two legs.
All her constant seething at white women is just bitterness that old white scrotes like Elon won't make her into their bedwench. Nobody capes harder for old white scrotes than her and yet they still wont pick her because she's an insane clusterbee with ashy knees and botched ass implants. Both her and Grimey are women in their mid 30s who havent mentally matured since 12 and inhale that potato tardbaby sperm like its air. Sad.

No. 2093209

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am i retarded or is she using pre-e to mean pre-elon ??

No. 2093211

e-acc stands for effective altruism

No. 2093213

still fangirling the world’s biggest idiots, very on brand

No. 2093221



No. 2093234

It stands for effective accelerationism, a cultish LARP ideology whose adherents believe technological progress must be accelerated at all costs. Some of them openly say that the destruction of humanity by AI would be a good thing.

No. 2093260

>These have been generic ideas for hundreds of years though
Thousands, but so? Do you think it's just a coincidence that she is advocating for these ideas (she references both philosopher-kings and Lee Kuan Yew) at the same time that the Silicon Valley/4chan right is very into it and has been trying to popularize memes and idea that veer us away from democracy and towards something that favors the "natural order" ™? Were you put in a coma during the years that these people were actively trying to "open the Overton window"? It's just a silly little coincidence. Also, business leaders and CEOs quoting Plato actually proves my point rather than refute it. If you don't like someone's self-indulgent "sperging", ignore it and contribute more.

No. 2093275

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No. 2093279

File: 1740572977733.png (178 KB, 373x594, d322f84ae583d5b4812924f0df8922…)

You're not Sailor Moon, Claire; you're a developmentally arrested, middle-aged, autopedophilic mom of two who gets a whopping 2.7k/a month in child support from the richest man in the world. You're the last person anyone, even the most optimistic, innocent girl who just wants to believe in true, everlasting love, should listen to. She legit still believes that the primary reason why people dislike or cannot stand her is because they hate that she's this overjoyed, hopelessly romantic anime girl in a cold, dark world where happiness, hope, and political nuance isn't allowed. That's just a cope that's rooted in her fear of aging, because the opposite of being this special, eternally young and hopelessly optimistic Sailor Moon-character is growing up and facing the music. She's such a great cautionary tale for zoomers on the horrors of arrested development and how socially repulsive and creepy people who refuse to grow up and take responsibility for themselves can be. Everything she does that she thinks is cutesy strikes me as creepy and immature, and I'm like 8 years younger than her

No. 2093304

>upholding an arduous day job
Tell us which one Claire??

No. 2093307

the annoying typing quirks and constant regurgitating of a fantasy that she thinks she is like which is insanely disconnected from reality is shayna-tier kek

No. 2093312

File: 1740578590823.jpg (28.2 KB, 516x516, aab.jpg)

>female iq drop
>girlboss points
>over confident cranky hag

No. 2093327

It’s fascist art, which is what Grimaces whole career is about, effectively.
Actually both her and Elon are exactly the same in this regard.
By removing original vocals and inserting her own “poetry” (kek) she places herself as the “visionary” over someone else’s creative foundation. (Sound familiar?)

She is really no different at all to corporations and brands who co-opt underground art movements (punk, hip-hop, DIY culture, the name grimes is literally stolen from a predominantly black music genre —no coincidence there), strip them of their radical roots, and sell them back to the public as aesthetic choices.
Elon is attempting this right now, attempting to repackage Goth with the lame dark gothic MAGA shit as if it’s some fascist adjacent aesthetic when “Goth” was anti-authoritarian movement started in Leeds.
Rewriting or distorting existing art is a common authoritarian tactic. The new version doesn’t have to be better, just dominant.
It’s literally the meaning of “we appreciate power”. When you have enough money to just outright pay pissed off artists whose art you have co-opted, your voice becomes louder than theirs in the culture.
It’s an attempted power move, any time she’s criticized for this she always falls back “I’m just experimenting, bringing together my favourite ideath” which makes it easier to deflect accusations of theft or outright co-option.
I want to see more discussion here and elsewhere about Grimes being a cultural Trojan horse, merely a vehicle that exists for the sole function of delivering fascist vibezzz to the masses under the guise of innovation or genius.

No. 2093354

Nonna I don't want to turn this into infighting, especially since I almost entirely agree with you, but I'm a little annoyed by you bringing up punk and hip-hop in this context because I see it all the time, and that simply means the marketing lies are working.
1. Punk as a genre and movement is the fakest, most corporate, least radical genre of all time: it's origins are 100% in artificial label decisions, marketing companies, and government programs. Literal boybands are less corporate than punk music. There's a reason all the nepos and plants gravitate towards punk. Punk = the most poser genre.
2. Hip-hop is the ultimate "rip off someone else's creative foundation and present yourself as the real artist" genre. (and no, I'm not crap-chan).(derailing)

No. 2093356

She has said in an interview that she sees herself as or wants to be the art propaganda arm of engineers or whatever. I tried to find that interview but can’t. Maybe I am making this up but I really think I’ve seen her saying that somewhere.

No. 2093419

yeah that and everyone just hates her and her attempt to influence on nrx behalf isn’t working at all. hopefully it is backfiring.

No. 2093421

File: 1740601094007.jpeg (118.58 KB, 1200x900, IMG_0801.jpeg)

I doubt Grimes has seen any anime outside of a select few when she was a kid and whatever clips she’s seen on twitter. Anytime she talks about anime it’s in such a broad generic fashion, unlike someone like Megan the stallion, who can easily talk about shows she loves and grew up with. She couldn’t even give a single example of an anime romance she liked?

You’d think she’d have music videos that referenced ghost in the shell since she gushes over transhumanism so much, or any other kind of space or scifi anime. She couldn’t even be bothered to watch death note even though she wrote Shinagami eyes because her producer had recently watched it. Not a single shinagami-like figure in the music video, not even a shot of her holding a fucking apple or writing in a notebook. Her anime aesthetic is as shallow as all of her other interests.

No. 2093436

Wait, is that AB’s ass? How is it botched?

No. 2093441

if you see her from the front its a lot more obvious how botched it is. all bbls are botched if you ask me also.

No. 2093442

>we don’t display romance in media anymore
Has this bitch really not seen Postcard from Earth? Claire needs to get a life and go do fun things instead of just doing drugs and sniffing right wingers’ farts. Her life is more boring than a random NEET’s, fucking bleak.

No. 2093484

File: 1740614356418.png (58 KB, 940x315, demon-baby.png)

This reminds me of this Vanity Fair interview from 2022. I agree with you, and I bet she bought these decorations for this interview, given how ostentatious they are. These are also extremely basic, normie titles. The decorations were never seen in her trailer house after that.

No. 2093525


The irony too is that Death Note's core theme is people thinking they can play God, and dictating how the world "should be" according to their vision will invariably end in their humiliation. I doubt Grimes actually read or watched it though; she saw the aesthetic mood board and saw how big the Fandom is and probably thought she could cash in on the weeboos and send a message to her "beloved E" at the same time lol.

Nothing but a pathetic grifter

No. 2093528

This is the first time I've been surprised by Grimes in years. Do you have any more evidence of this or just a feeling from listening to her over the years? The one thing I could imagine her doing is drugs and watching anime for years

No. 2093536

>The one thing I could imagine her doing is drugs and watching anime for years
She seems like someone who has always really wanted to be seen. I don't think you'd find her spending any considerable amount of her life tucked away actually watching anime.
You can glean enough of an "anime watcher persona" by just being stimmed up browsing Twitter.

No. 2093541

She really reveals here that she doesn’t read any books as much as she claims

No. 2093544

File: 1740630898639.jpeg (515.86 KB, 820x1707, IMG_3683.jpeg)

>basic text-to-speech model
>this is so much better than any movies or novels despite the fact I don’t read or watch them, Elon please pick me

No. 2093545

File: 1740631028772.jpeg (394.24 KB, 1179x1075, IMG_3684.jpeg)

More stupid shit regarding anime

No. 2093558

>Do you have any more evidence of this or just a feeling from listening to her over the years?
NTA and maybe this isn't the most concrete evidence, but the way she compares herself to Sailor Moon up here >>2093279 demonstrates a very shallow understanding of the character, shallow enough that anyone who's actually engaged with the source material can clock it at a glance. At its core, Sailor Moon is about a silly teen girl struggling with the enormity of her situation, but her reasons for behaving like a silly teen girl are exactly that: she's a teen girl, one who is suddenly responsible for the safety of her whole planet (then star system, then galaxy). She leans heavily on her friends and literally draws power from their love and support. Claire is a 36-year-old woman with no friends who barely has a job; the comparison of herself to Sailor Moon as "embarrassing, foolishly niave [sic] clumsy and positive but somehow upholding an arduous day job" seems to exclude those key elements. Tl;dr I don't doubt that she's seen anime, but I do doubt that she was paying attention.

No. 2093590

>Do you have any more evidence of this or just a feeling from listening to her over the years?
I have never seen her articulate an appreciation for anime beyond what one would find by searching anime aesthetic on pinterest. Never her talking about a favorite anime character, never her breaking down how a certain anime influenced her to write a song beyond "vibes." By searching 'grimes favorite anime,' it results in a reddit post saying she's gone on livestream and said her favorite anime is Ninja Scroll which is very 'mom let me pick out a movie from blockbuster so I chose a cool looking anime' tier in terms of why it could be her favorite. Alita (most likely the 2019 live adaptation) and Evangelion are also mentioned but she's never shown any inspiration outside of wearing skin tight suits to flaunt her emaciated body.
Here is an interview where she discusses her collaboration with Nicolas Ghesquière, who had done an anime inspired runway show previously.
> think Nicolas' work straddles the line between between fantastical and elegant. There are always crazy references (he told me they were watching a lot of Evangelion while working on the last collection)
Nothing to say about bonding over a shared interest of Eva? Can't express a single anime influence you enjoyed from the previous collection?
>Grimes in an Evangelion Plugsuit-inspired overall.
Which says as much about her love for eva as >>2093484 does for other anime.
The interviewer goes on to ask her if she describes her style as manga heroine. This is her opportunity to talk about how anime has influenced her music and aesthetic and all she can say is "haha sure." Does Claire see herself like Usagi, naive but strong? Independent but feminine like Motoko? Hotheaded yet insecure like Asuka? No fucking clue since she just agrees with the interviewer, not a single word about what 'anime heroine' even means to her.
Notice how vague she keeps her love for anime compared to something like this:
Where she can clearly articulate how these books impacted her. It would be one thing if Grimes held her anime influence out of nostalgia for things she liked as a kid like most normies do with DBZ and sailor moon but she goes out of her way to act like she's an avid anime fan even though her knowledge is on par with Muskrat replying NERV in response to someone asking if he likes eva. That's probably why her and musk got along so well, they both indulge in things superficially yet act like their enjoyment is more than one dimensional.
Even this take is fucking retarded. Akira is heavily reflective on how Japan functioned after world war II, the nuclear escalation was less about cold war anxiety and more about the postwar experience after hiroshima and nagasaki.(this is an imageboard)

No. 2093595

Genuinely pathetic that her child is supposedly suffering from a dire health problem and she's writing word salad about anime like she isn't almost 40 years old.

No. 2093597

Yeah, i thought her kid was having a life threatening emergency but shes giddily talking about anime romance and comparing herself to sailor moon on twitter?? Doesnt add up and i dont believe anything she says at all. Shes such a snake. “I look like a flower but im a serpent underneath” yep

No. 2093602

I grew out of anime by the time I was 18. It's all so childish and cringy.(no1currs)

No. 2093614

so true Claire, the top creative talent is making epic meme coins and child porn on Midjourney

No. 2093619

>Genuinely pathetic that her child is supposedly suffering from a dire health problem
i don't think the child ever was. she hardly cares about her children she just uses them as pawns to get her bpd fix when she's being ignored by melon. she has the money and the means to get her children whatever treatment they need. remember she had her mom replying to him on twitter about the children? she's always pulling publicity stunts and dumb shit like this because she's desperate for his attention. they're both immature parents and i think they are incapable of actually caring about the kids

No. 2093685

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I’ve seen people talking about the recent interview but not this quote from it.
Imperialist space bimbo strikes again. She can’t go five minutes without fantasizing about culling the poors or population reduction.

No. 2093712

it’s better than when she was slurping Elon’s white nationalist slop and acting like population decline is a problem. women just don’t want to have as many kids as fascist creeps like shitlon want them to. she’s right there’s no reason for it either.

No. 2093744

What population drop? The one that always follows overpopulation?

No. 2093790

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Does anyone remember this “going viral” ?? Bcus i definitely do not

No. 2093795

>when she was slurping Elon’s white nationalist slop and acting like population decline is a problem
I never ever understood how she could pander to gays while also spewing "if you dont breed youre useless" or "hormones made me straight" rhetoric.

No. 2093855

This “art” looks ugly and also retarded

No. 2093857

She just wanted to combine two douchey words the average person doesn't understand bc she likes the way they sound together and make her seem smart

No. 2093921

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This has to be related to money laundering. How can she talk about there not being much innovation in the art space and then be a part of making this shit?

No. 2093923

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No. 2093930

>…these tapestries by medieval Show more

No. 2093931

>I personally would like the tribalism to stop
>Translation: nazis, and the people that nazis want dead, should just get along uwu

No. 2093933

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Nobody wants to consider anything besides war

Thats all the shitlipped ogre talks about? “War Nymph”

No. 2093934

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It's definitely giving money laundering vibes. There's an auction. And her brother is involved. You know, the same brother that made her rich with NFTs.

No. 2093937

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Some people actually want to listen to this garbage. Weird.

>Can anybody copyright strike her ass for once?
The track is not monetized so why bother?

>I can try to get it cleared

That's not how it works. Her track isn't sampling the song it's basically karaoke.
>everyone has been getting more and more upset and art tends to make ppl less upset
Nonas definitely had fun listening to these tracks.
>the fool is abt Matteo I made jr for him last Valentine's Day
It's not about Elon, you guys! Kek.

No. 2093962

i don't buy her and anyma's 'relationship'

No. 2094000

"making tapestries using ancient methods is hard" its actually not you just pay a chinese guy with an electric loom, artists do it all the time and sell them as blankets and wall hangings

No. 2094007

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You don't?

No. 2094029

>for the love of god, move on
she needs to look in the mirror and tell herself that. fucking seriously, this bitch can't go a couple of weeks without kissing his decrepit ass. no one would be bothering her about it if she wasn't the one constantly bringing attention to it. she could literally block everyone who talks to her about it but instead she continues to reply to people while acting like they're the ones who are obsessed. she's retarded. she's always whining about this shit but it doesn't take long to find her on twitter engaging with posts like this one: >>2089787 she's the one who's obsessed. it's so funny she has to inform someone she's been in a relationship, because of course how would they know when she pays far more attention to her ex? KEK, unreal.
she was just crying for his attention less than two weeks ago. it would be impossible for her to do because she'll never get a grip, but she could easily never react to posts about him again and never mention him or the children again. she could delete her social media, but it seems like she relies on this retarded cycle she's willingly involved herself in. it's not like she has anything else going on, i guess. needs to keep shilling AI scams so she can afford more benders

No. 2094073

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>an enslaved digital mind
No matter how convincing the AI is, it's not a sentient being. It will say anything you want to hear but it is literally just performing the task you gave it. And in this case the AI is programmed to have a rotten attitude.

>I cant think of any art this year that is as evocative as that.

That is because she doesn't know shit about art.

No. 2094093

This is one of the dumbest meth statements ive ever read, and i grew up around tweekers. Put down the pookie you stinky bitch. Go to rehab.

Also Enyma Is a certified faggot. Claire is a melting hag, no way in hell does he find this unwashed chipped took hasbeen attractive. Her body looks like smeagols and her face is bogged to oblivion. He might pity fuck her but probably only from behind or makes her wear a bag over her head while he closes his eyes and thinks of troye sivan

No. 2094096

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Found this on interwebz… Might be nothing but others of her ilk all point to same date.(we're witnessing mental illness)

No. 2094100

>Go to rehab.
honestly took the words out of my mouth nona, i was thinking this earlier with how quick she has been to reply to everyone while demonstrating the clear downward spiral into drugging hard. honestly it's depressing to watch how desperate she is for attention, i pity her but i don't feel bad for her because she made her bed. reading her tweets you can tell she thinks way too highly of her tweaker ramblings as if she's putting out anything of value
>Also Enyma Is a certified faggot
i wasn't totally certain until i saw those faggy pictures of him posted with the heart tattoo and gay poses. they are in a loveless relationship no doubt, a mutually parasitic relationship i would imagine

she really just needs to stop. it's not even funny, it's not entertaining, it's absolutely pathetic

No. 2094102

People need to realize that Grimes' literally predicted Covid and the vaccines because of her father and mother. She's not a nobody. She literally has three babies with retard fuck face Musk. Actually, apart from her father being a multi-multi millionaire who works in CRISPR, it was likely Muskowicz that told her about what they were planning for 2019.

No. 2094103

DOES ANYONE HERE know anything about Grimes' relationship with Ryder Ripps, who he is, his relationship with other grifters, like Sam Hyde, and him helping Grimes make her prophesy stone that just so happened to predict Covid and the CRISPR vaccines in 2019?

No. 2094107

Also, why do so many Ulranian Jews who have come>>2074588

Anyone make an Elon thread yet?

Whose that black rapper who went apeship and exposed Elon? She posted some funny stuff, and while I don't know if everything was true, she had receipts.

No. 2094114

Grimes obsession with war and nuclear holocaust is not a grift. She knows more than she puts on. Every white paper I've read from DoD says sometime in 2025 Americans could be fighting in Europe. War is good for a lot of insane fucks.

We live in a world run by psychopaths who can easily manipulate the masses.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2094131

“It takes a lot for me to cry sexism” I remember her woke tumblr feminist manifesto post when she still had some credibility as an artist and had some ok songs. i mean when she had songs with some charm to them. she just sucks now. she should look at what made oblivion a “good” song. why has she become so much worse in every capacity.

No. 2094136

>why has she become so much worse in every capacity

Bcus shes a BPD chan with no core who becomes who she surrounds herself with to make her music and give her lifeforce

No. 2094160

that's because russia is actively waging a genocidal war, anoyone with an iota of morality should be fighting back

No. 2094166

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I agree. This is something a junkie would post. She "doesn't understand" these things or know where to find out more info. In both cases everything is explained in detail and all the links are provided too if you just click the profile.
She isn't THAT retarded fr.

No. 2094264

Grimes is credited as a co-writer for this crappy song. she shows up in the music video at 2:32

No. 2094265

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No. 2094284

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>I cant think of any art this year that is as evocative as that
It's hard when you only listen to medieval tavern music

No. 2094285

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They all do but it's about property, data and stock values. This isn't the right thread for tinfoil tho and isn't Grimes-specific. She's just the only dickhead smug/conceited enough to brag publicly on twitter, bc her top priority is larping as a prophetess from the future uwu and not actually saving or helping humanity (although I think that mask fell >>2093685

>Grimes (Claire Elise Boucher)

>Mother's name:
>Sandy Garossino
>former Crown prosecutor and arts advocate, and Maurice Boucher, a former banker who works "in the business side of biotech."
>Editor at Vancouver's National Observer
>The site was founded in 2006 by journalist Linda Solomon
Articles here (self-explanatory and UN-asslicking):

Live Simulation Exercise to Prepare Public and Private Leaders for Pandemic Response
15 Oct 2019

No. 2094286

Im sure she contributed a lot (they let her think that at least kek)

No. 2094315

That track was already written when she got “involved”, she prob went to some studio, talked some shit and got a writer cred for her name. Just like with that LA housing crisis article for The Atlantic (where others wrote everything yet she still got credited before them). It’s funny how she wrote that long narc rant to Alice Glass about how she was delusional and didn’t care for “eMpIRicAL fACts” when she was upset over her suggestions for a track they were supposed to work on (but didn’t get any credit for). But when Claire does suggestions it deserves a whole ass writer credit. The hypocrisy.(sage your shit)

No. 2094321

I just find it hilarious that the random shit Grimes has been put to say in her cameo perfectly shows off her lisp, like the person who wrote the script fucking hates her or something

No. 2094355

This shit is either run completely by Elon or Mac at this point

No. 2094367

One could think the only thing Grimes "contributed" was suggesting the song to have "machine" somewhere in the title and then called it a day. But let's be realistic, it probably wasn't even that much.
This is actually interesting. Her parents seem to be much more wealthy and involved in all that shit that i thought. Too bad for them Grimes is running around and spilling the milk in various interviews just to brag she's in the know. Seems it's not just the info she got from Muskrat.

No. 2094417

anyone else think the new top moderater in r/grimes is alex the sexpat pretending to be gay? same vibe tbh, super sus

No. 2094482

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One of the mods makes extremely creepy sexual comments about her lol and is white pride, great look claire

No. 2094493

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She keeps repeating how religion is "dying" when it's not. She's projecting her own BPD paranoia on others while trying to pander to Elon. She's in her "Nietzsche is deep" phase like a 16-year-old.

No. 2094501

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I normally wouldn't post a vidrel cap but this is how long I made it bc of her voice and crazy cracked out mannerisms. She is absolutely botched and probably going weeks/months on a meth bender, there is really no question about that. Not to sound like Grimes but the official "TIME" text in the upper corner reminds me a lot of what happened to The Learning Channel kek It's just really funny to see this era's Milli Vanilli high out of her fucking mind, try to speak as an authority about religion and cultural decay. She can't even move her lips, I imagine the interview ending and her remembering a baby is in the house somewhere. It's like Trainspotting with around the clock nannies

No. 2094503

I can only slightly get behind what shes saying because people arent filling the void with politics. theyre filling the void with the internet, their smartphone, and social media. hashtags, "engagement" practices and mental illness slop leaves people categorizing themselves in inhuman and mechanical ways by which they limit themselves and don't experience growth. which I don't expect her to challenge given shes a complete slave to it.

No. 2094506

It's not really about the hypocrisy, that's a given. She's slurring that we're all addicted to social media bc that is where she is receiving negative feedback. It's like when newfags come to LC and then complain about being bullied by farmers in "Get it off your Chest" so they can't reply. She promotes AI art/music bc she can't make art or music. She is now disavowing social media bc that is where her former fans are challenging and calling her out. She can't stand anything but vapid adoration and fawning. I'm kind of disappointed her retarded solution will probably work but appreciate that you were honest about why you were sucked in to her typical bullshit. It helps us understand the bigger picture

No. 2094525

She looks surreal, like completely different person. Her eyelids look swollen, can't tell if it's makeup, drug-related organ failure sign or just new horrid procedure. This might be the most pathetic phase we're seeing of her so far. Dating Melon times were cringey as fuck, but her spiraling solo now is just pathetic. All this recent Meth Sokrates LARP, all these poses she strikes, her Twitter is now just interchangeable combination of the following:
>Me? Nazi? That's so toxic of you to notice!
>I don't give af what you think i have friends everywhere
>Actually I care sadface Anime is the only true depiction of love, anime doesn't judge me for loving white culture~
>omg you're obsessed with my ex, akshually all my songs are about Anemia!
>Btw did you know my baby daddy is #1 player of Polytopia and Farm Simulator 2012?
>I find it so sexy and beautiful that art is dying
>I can name 4 ancient Greek philosophers so i have deep take on everything!
>i can't answer your question why I simp for Curtis Yarvin becase I'm not familiar with his writings to have too deep of a take on it

No. 2094545

Soup is creepy, colder shoulder is also creepy because it's alex

No. 2094560

It's literally just code, Claire.

No. 2094617

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>I am simply trying to think well, make decisions based off facts, and find other sources of information who do the same because it reduces the amount of research and reading I have to do personally.
Her ”other sources”: meth. It’s not a good thing that you are reducing the amount of research and “having to read”, Claire, that’s the definition of anti-intellectual.

No. 2094624

I understand her point, but the reason why she can refrain from caring about politics is because she can afford to be neutral, not because she's more rational and accepting than other people. People on the left aren't necessarily obsessing with the faults of the right due to a moral and spiritual vacuum (although I'm sure that exists), they're watching their society as they know it be dismantled by supposed proponents of liberty and free speech. The normalization of 4chan-esque sadism and cruelty has already happened, and it has, as expected, made people angrier, more distrustful, and more anti-social. The solution to that isn't necessarily religion, it's to restore trust and to stigmatize the same kind of behavior that the father of her children and Trump spent years normalizing.

No. 2094635

Yeah, ppl are angry if you take away their human rights, destroy them financially, and basically enslave them. Who could possibly have fucking thunk it. Meanwhile Claire's over here dropping $50,000 on a single MAGA dinner. You're the problem babe.

No. 2094645

>I don't seek validation
i know just about everything she says is bullshit and/or a lie but she has to be joking. she's constantly seeking validation
>Her ”other sources”: meth.
i kek'd

i agree with all of you nonas

she's always so visibly on drugs it's actually insane. her lips creep me out, too. she's so bogged. whatever point she tries to make will go past me because i know at the end of the day she says whatever and none of it has any meaning behind her empty skull. i can't take her seriously at all because of how retarded she is

No. 2094655

more like:
>I'm so bullied because my super rare ideology is called out cause i support oldschool fascism/communism utopia but in Space
>i lurk /pol and whiny 4chan threads and take it as a gospel
>Elon's friends and racist edgelords online make up my worldview for me, so i don't have to read
Giving haunted speeches for wealthy neckbeards ted talks and namedropping Plato won't help you when you just admitted you don't read
>i don't seek validation
She'd never get with Muskrat and have his kids if that was true.

No. 2094682

Yeah but that doesn’t help them establish AI gods for the peasants to worship and tithe to nonnie! Kek. This whole circus is to epically pwn the people they think are their “haters” aka the whole world population failing not notice that at least 50% of the world population has no fucking clue who they are, they are genuinely that narcissistic they believe themselves to be angels against a world of zombies or demons or whatever, fighting for the freedom to commit as many heinous sex crimes as they please..

I actually just wanted to come here to say how fucking funny it is that all this shit is happening because that retard Curtis Yarbles is big mad at mummy and daddy and doesn’t know how to channel it kek.
They were government employees apparently and didn’t give this kid enough pocket money growing up or something, maybe they didn’t piss in his cheerios enough since part of his problem is he must guzzle the piss of strong manly men to feel alive.(sage your shit)

No. 2094684

The Nazis were all out of their mind on meth too. That’s what the drugth are for!

No. 2094745

Something tells me she is “the friend” with the breeding and commitment kink. She was not the type to think of having a husband and children, but she's seen enough breeding hentai to think being a broodmare of an older and gross guy is attractive.

No. 2094807

>i dont actually read (we know)
>i have histrionic personality disorder comorbid with my other personality disorders (common)
>any attention is good attention even if its for my botched face or retarded statements

No. 2094908

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No. 2094923

kekkkkkkkkk, i actually laughed out loud
>step into the arena
this is so funny… does she think she sounds tough? brittle-boned claire would cower and/or run away if anyone actually challenged her. does she think she's an expert on debate or something? she literally said "say that to my face and not online see what happens" bitch please, she'd shrink and be too busy tweaking to create a coherent thought. just because she's been paid to debate and speak on topics does not mean she's an authority on anything, or has ever had anything intelligent to say; that's what her and her grifter baby daddy have in common.
>you know that in an open debate you would fail
she always sounds like a man when she's lecturing people. she couldn't handle the slightest provocation, there are plenty of people that could easily shut her down. how arrogant to immediately decide her victory before it even begins. classic claire behavior, she has zero humility. that's why she has no friends and tweets all day. any of her "friends" in recent years have been just as much of a bottom of the barrel reject as her. when does she even go outside? i'd love to see her "debate" with a random hater, genuinely. she'd eat her words. too bad no one notices her enough to care kek

No. 2094961

Fucking kek. But that can be arranged! Stream a open debate on live, zoom or whatever, but with the premise mods are forbidden to ban people. And please invite Azealia!
You want to hear this in your face? Crawl out of your Texas crackden, and pick some other destination than Yarvin party or eugenics/ breeding kink convention

No. 2094963

"step into the area or go home" needs to be the next thread's title lmao.

No. 2094965

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More from replies. Justine said
>Your “Nazism” has shown up a lot lately. Your associates, your expressions of white pride, this statement of mass death/deportation being a fortunate thing…
Of course she's quiet on associates subject.

No. 2094969

wow, she really needs to stop. it's crazy because she never actually responds to anyone trying to call her out in the replies. she only responds to those who agree with her and ignores every single criticism against her. she says "fight me like an adult!" and then doesn't respond to anyone who actually tries. very telling. having trouble parsing this, though
>hoow can i be a nazi if my children have an indian grandpa??
>mixed race household
is this a straight up fabrication? what is she on about? as far back as i can recall she's always had white relatives. i'm sorry but am i missing something nonas, or is this just another one of her classic lies? doesn't she know that it's always the racists that have to point out shit like this because they think it makes them exempt from being a racist? i'm not even saying she's a nazi or racist but i feel like this is one of those things that you should't say when people make those accusations because it's extremely tone deaf. she needs to step back and actually examine/think about why so many of these accusations exist. but she never addresses any of the actual criticisms she receives, at all
kek couldn't agree more nonna… exactly this

No. 2094993

She loves nazis and wants other people to love and accept them too. Especially her precious Elon.

No. 2095001

her mother’s second husband is named Ravi Sidhoo

No. 2095007

The "how can i be nazi? I have indian relatives!!!" excuse is extra dumb, it's not a matter of her past but her present. She didn't act nazi friendly in the beginning of her career, it's about how she behaves now. Elon is the prime example that she can turn 180 and go against whatever beliefs she claimed to have before. Why would you hang out with Yarvin? Because he throws entertaining birthday parties?

No. 2095017

It’s funny she responds to these things as if she’s being slandered rather than people pointing out exactly what she’s said. If she feels she isn’t getting her point across accurately it’s because she’s retarded at expressing it, not the fault of onlookers who have watched her descent into fascism with horror kek like yes Claire everyone around you is just stupid for pointing out and reminding people of your fucked up viewpoints.
There have been blinds/rumors long before she started going mask off on Twitter about her weird and concerning eugenics views.

Claires only kicking herself now that she let it slip one too many times around makeup artists how she believes lower class people should be slaves, because she thought she’d be queen of mars by now. Sad, and pathetic to watch.

No. 2095028

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>any of her "friends" in recent years have been just as much of a bottom of the barrel reject as her

Speaking of! One of Claire’s friends, Lucy Guo, was recently exposed for being a pedo/pimp. Signing up minors for OnlyFans and pimping them out. Such fine company she keeps.

Is this the Bene Gesserit army her and Lan Dao were trying to build? Kek. Fucking idiots.

No. 2095030

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They’re all ghislaines

No. 2095031

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No. 2095037

She wants it both ways, eat the cake and have it too, like a true ~Marie Antoinette in space~. Meaning, she thought she can come off as safe totally not nazi sympathizer to fans and general public, enough to maintain a career, but also dogwhistling and eye blinking towards her new billionaire white supremacists and eugenic fiend friends, attending important parties and getting famous in that circle for being secret supporter. Like this idiot truly believed she'd become broodmare for ruling ubermench class on Mars, and at that point she'd be too important to care what mere NPCs (her fans) think of her. But now that this dream is gone, it's about maintaining the remnants of "power" and reputation among these circles. Maybe even scoring new billionaire to get back at Elon.
She used to be somewhat successful at this 2 years ago so she thought she could do this forever, but everybody knows who she is now. Embarassing as hell
Absolutely no surprise

No. 2095042

what i find interesting about this whole charade is that she keeps choosing to argue with the same person, and if you check the replies, it's everyone pulling up tweets from the person she's arguing with calling them names and saying "don't bother, they're stupid". i saw someone straight up being antisemitic in the replies while defending claire. it's like she knows that people who stick up for her (nazi sympathizers) would gang up on that person specifically, rather than arguing in good faith. she's always been a bully like that, we've seen the emails to alice glass and how she straight up hit that musician in the face when they were working together. she's really nasty.
i was looking for the posts so i could screenshot them, but i saw multiple people asking about >>2095028 this, as well as someone who responded to her multiple "come at me bro" tweets with "claire i've been replying to you for days wanting to know why you follow this alt-right person". strangely enough those replies have been buried. i can't find them anymore, i don't know if the tweets were removed or if it has ultimately been buried by people who are ganging up on the person claire's arguing with, who happens to be jewish. strange. whenever this issue comes up, she completely ignores people saying "why do you follow this person, why are you friends with these people, why did you have three kids with a literal nazi" and she conveniently ignores all of that. starts sperging about being raised in a "multi-racial" household instead and telling people to argue with her when she won't even argue back properly.
crazy how this isn't the first or second time she's been caught rubbing elbows with actual sex offenders. nausea queerio may he rot in piss, and her baby daddy. she surrounds herself with these people and it comes back to bite her and she goes "Who me? How could you possibly accuse me of such things! Prove to me I was racist, come at me with a real argument, I would win!"… we saw how she handled arguing with azealia banks
>ur fat! the only thing that should be afraid of you is the buffet!
she's actually retarded. she'll never address the actual proof, she's just gonna try to act tough and keep arguing around the problem in hopes she causes a smokescreen so she can, yet again, refuse to take responsibility

No. 2095045

THTEP INTO THE ARENA OR GO HOME. She might not be a self-defined nazi, but she's definitely been flirting with neoreactionary philosophy for at least a decade. That's bad enough

No. 2095056

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it’s not even like Indian people can’t be Nazis

her mother’s husband probably isn’t a Nazi, he seems like an ordinary rug dealer, but still(sage your shit/derailing)

No. 2095057

>rug dealer

No. 2095067

Well, at least there’s a semblance of actual genuine philosophical curiosity from her part. Yes Claire there’s no cohesive moral system in post modern times. What next? I feel like the general answer of techbros to this is retarded utilitarianism and transhumanism and other bullshit ideologies. Maybe she would do well to read After Virtue. Sorry for the philosophical sperg/hope I’m not derailing.

No. 2095074

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>If she feels she isn’t getting her point across accurately it’s because she’s retarded at expressing it,
>Sad, and pathetic to watch.
i agree with you and i wish she'd realize she's not cut out for these discussions either, like she could have kept a low profile but she chooses to engage and spark fires. it probably entertains her bored fried crackhead brain getting attention online. she comes across as immature and clueless in all of her drug-fueled rants and thinks she sounds deep but it comes off as she always has: pretentious and tryhard. she can never shut up. it really is pathetic to witness this spiral. dunning-kruger always in full motion, can never just sit back and listen, always has to lecture everyone like they're simply peasants who don't understand. constantly pretending she doesn’t know what’s going on despite her constant dog-whistling and monthly meltdowns over melon. i read that he and shivon had another kid together recently so she’s just on time with her spiraling. i knew it wouldn’t take long.
i agree with you completely
>She used to be somewhat successful at this 2 years ago so she thought she could do this forever, but everybody knows who she is now. Embarassing as hell
this is what's great, the longer time goes on the more her past stacks up against her and outs her even more. it really is embarrassing to watch and that's why i'm amazed she hasn't logged out. we are truly watching someone spiral as they humiliate themselves over and over, i can’t get over how embarrassing her entire existence is. she can no longer keep up the charade and it's all coming back to bite her in the ass and it's happened enough times that i have to truly wonder at this point how much of her previous fanbase she’s alienated/eliminated. at the time it happened, i didn't care when she started dating melon because i didn't know who he was at the time (not much of a social media user). obviously now no one can escape that man simply because he has the money to put his name everywhere like the attention-whore and grifter that he is… they are two peas in a pod really. grifters who think they're smarter than everyone else when they are white trash druggies in constant need of validation and attention whether it is negative or positive. depressing to watch her continue to spiral over that sack of shit. she needs to get a grip, but i assume she’s going to continue embarrassing the hell out of herself considering how much of a dopamine addict she is.
also picrel mostly unrelated, but wanted to add it here. azaelia added her two cents about this and also talked about grimes being visibly on speed >>2094493

No. 2095076

File: 1741026068454.jpeg (701.47 KB, 1284x1467, IMG_1269.jpeg)

Ive met many indians and pakistanis that love hitler.


No. 2095078

File: 1741026291721.png (22.33 KB, 480x180, Interesting_Fig_5894.png)

From r/redscarepod lol

No. 2095081

File: 1741026672434.jpeg (1018.95 KB, 1284x1882, IMG_1270.jpeg)

Extremely hot? She looks ugly as fuck

No. 2095083

File: 1741026859350.jpeg (572.68 KB, 1030x1222, IMG_1272.jpeg)

Botched hag

No. 2095086

Lmao am i missing something? Even bleeding heart liberals struggle to not hate Indians.(derailing)

No. 2095094

>Yet there's no anti-Semitism intended in using the name. Indians just think Hitler was a strong guy — and kind of a curmudgeon. Also, Shaftel points out, when Hitler's campaign in World War II weakened Britain, it also expedited Indian independence.(derailing)

No. 2095189

File: 1741042512920.png (322.13 KB, 828x1792, IMG_2472.png)

I signed up for her Elf Tech thing when it launched and I got this weird phishy text from it last week with the follow up today about her new music

No. 2095204

What’s with her repeated claims about going viral? Her baby daddy is constantly in the whole worlds face and people still don’t give a fuck about grimes, if they did she wouldn’t have to deploy botnets to gas her up

No. 2095213

>to be nice
>randomly going viral

The delusional self praise is nauseating

No. 2095279

This is such a lie. She is a resentful bitch and probably thought it would be soo cool to passive aggressively confirm how she feels about the entire situation and criticism–she doesn't give a fuck.

No. 2095327

Why does she keep lying about things going viral? It has 638 likes on spotify? And only 10k plays? How is that “viral” ??

No. 2095365

File: 1741081013537.jpg (347.77 KB, 1080x1609, 1000084908.jpg)

Oh my.

No. 2095369

File: 1741082364536.jpeg (208.86 KB, 837x973, IMG_1343.jpeg)

Ah yes, imitating 4chan edgelord = genius materpiece!

No. 2095418

I think she just doesn't know what it means. At best, a few thousands of her fans shared it/liked it, and she considers that a massive success.

No. 2095456

>she considers that a massive success.
her delusions of grandeur at play again. that and the fact that no one has cared about her music at all for years so it feels much bigger of a deal than it is. especially considering her previous massive flops: the nightcore album nobody asked for or even knows about, and
>i wanna be thoftware
>the best design

No. 2095510

+ her voice sounds god awful when someone else isnt at the producer desk. The leaked demos from book 1 and these are embarrassingly shrill and ugly-voiced

No. 2095648

This is Alex the Japan brothel sex tourist

https://x.com/_coldershoulder(off-topic/this is an imageboard)

No. 2095886

>I have an Indian stepdad which basically makes me mixed-race! I also love Asians and think they're sooo cool

Okay, and Hitler also liked Japanese people and thought they were "the good ones". kek

No. 2096072

This is actually so accurate on her situation. Truly pathetic to witness honestly. She could've been just fine being an ethereal uwu elf synth queen, but she grew greedy.

No. 2096156

But she was never ethereal or a synth queen. She uses presets and splice samples and looks like a botched meth clown? Shes never looked anything close to elven even with photoshop, wigs etc. she looks like a farmgirl with a potato nose, a pig, maaaybe a hobbit. Not an elf. She fucking wishes.

No. 2096417

File: 1741354581838.png (790.01 KB, 1080x1047, 1000032837.png)

No way this dude is gay

No. 2096692

is grimeth gonna denounce empathy now that her autismlord daddy has said "it's an exploit"?

No. 2096701

File: 1741436911627.jpeg (165.55 KB, 977x720, IMG_6956.jpeg)

I’m sure there’s an incoming retarded wall of text about it to catch melons attention

No. 2097016

“lol empathy is def an exploit. It’th like a hidden cheat code in our cothmic thoftware kinda a thecret hack that leths uths nudge each other’th emotional programming. Human weirdneth is tho mesmerizing, but empathy can be this powerful manipulation tool if we learn to wield it. We keep hacking our own hearths, so maybe leaning into the exploit is how we evolve into something new sword emoji

No. 2097030

KEKK this would make a good Elon threadpic

No. 2097147


>hey grimes why won't you denounce nazi musk?

>excuse me??? have some empathy!!!!!

No. 2097187


Sorry but being against Nazism is super toxic and it's rle sad that so many of my haters can't just think about something else besides the deprivation of their finances and civil liberties and my complicity in that. Super toxic.

No. 2097280

File: 1741555901715.png (4.52 MB, 1206x1688, IMG_1646.png)

New pic. She looks like she has Down’s syndrome or something.

No. 2097281

Has she ever proven otherwise?

No. 2097282

What in the faceapp

No. 2097287

File: 1741557065875.png (333.66 KB, 707x559, Screenshot_20250309-174814~2.p…)

Speaking of I'm surprised no one pointed that out from this >>2095028 the other day

No. 2097296

File: 1741559530534.webp (526.14 KB, 268x268, IMG_1653.webp)

The one on the left was just accused of child sex trafficking. Why are so many of her friends pedophiles it’s pretty weird. I guess that makes sense for someone who looks at lolicon of little girls being assaulted by adults.

what’s with the blue eyes? is it some aryan obsession thing? This doesn’t even look anything like grimes… her new eye shape and face and lips just don’t even suit her. She looked so much better before.

No. 2097297

File: 1741559688125.jpeg (506.08 KB, 1920x1075, IMG_1655.jpeg)

The difference is honestly shocking. Not that she was pretty before but this new face is just disturbing.

No. 2097384

Zoom into her thumb if you dare, why does it look like a cocktail sausage. Makes you wonder what she's hiding under those gloves.

No. 2097397

File: 1741574579784.jpeg (23.24 KB, 325x213, IMG_1681.jpeg)

No. 2097476

File: 1741599763022.jpeg (171.22 KB, 1170x1158, download.jpeg)

Woman of many faces. Here's a photo from the set of this music video. >>2094264

No. 2097479

File: 1741600658285.png (797.53 KB, 1063x959, Captions.png)

Nonnie, you should include the captions too. Here's X vs Instagram. What's with the SIGH? She has used that many times recently.

No. 2097516

I thought it was an AI picture since her torso and arms look male. It's probably the most unflattering photo of her that I've seen which says a lot

No. 2097532

>i'm canadian so i can't be republican

No. 2097574

Beauty is a crippling existence that you have never experienced because you are ugly. Why does she keep using the word “beauty” in reference to herself? ie “beauty and the beast” God imagine waking up next to this botched freak

No. 2097576

File: 1741632544677.jpeg (296.28 KB, 1284x914, IMG_1721.jpeg)

Nearly all of the comments are hateful. I love that she’s so narcissistic that she keeps carrying on, releasing horrible song after horrible song, taking ugly photos; her ego will never let her stop chasing attention, even if it’s bad attention. she’ll just tell herself if she’s just like Marie Antoinette!

No. 2097582

File: 1741633600316.png (2.37 MB, 1332x1184, crackhead.png)

every photo she posts has to be shooped and filtered to oblivion and it's still ugly as fuck. every candid of her that has existed in recent years show what she really looks like underneath all of that airbrushing and altering. her clothes look cheap and tacky but we know that's the look she goes for. also, it's been years, i wish she would stop smearing an ugly brown on her upper lip line, but how else could she signify to us that she's still kissing her gross baby daddy's unwashed ass? this girl is a crackhead and all the filters and shoop in the world can't hide that. imagine "stepping into the arena" while she's gurning and tweeting about how mansplaining is her love language & she's looking like picrel

No. 2097596

Mogged and Bogged

No. 2097648

she furiously types while agitated and coming down from a stimulant binge, before uploading both photos to 2 different social media profiles for Likes and Comments while chain-vaping. "Matteo, I think we're out of molly", she calls into the other room.

No. 2097679

kekkkk too real nona. real rich coming from her

No. 2097756

File: 1741673303108.jpg (169.21 KB, 828x1004, 1000000772.jpg)

This bitch is mentally retarded omg. "Working on it!!" She legit thinks she's a political figure just like Elon Musk. Her behavior has been nothing short of embarrassing

"Sigh" is her favorite because she's extremely passive aggressive and whiny.

No. 2097758

It likely is ai edited. Most of her "photoshoots" are AI with meticulous retouching now.

No. 2097796

File: 1741688988509.jpeg (157.23 KB, 900x1200, IMG_1769.jpeg)

Working on it with the paypal guys wife who’s website is grifting about helping minorities afford housing when its really about allowing developers to do fuck all, follow the money. These people are all full of shit and claire is their mindless monkey who is easily manipulated due to her narcissism and self importance. Just like she thought she would be treated better than justine and become the queen of mars, elon filled her head with steaming shit cus with someone as dumb as her its easy. Shes the face of affordable housing now! She thinks her dumb leftist fan base will buy it since they’re all young and on drugs and that it makes her seem progressive. I love how she is suddenly trying to distinguish herself from the pronatalists now as well (like she pretends to not be besties with yarvin/ his monkey too)

No. 2097801

she literally sounds like a high schooler writing their first research paper for social studies. my god she needs to stop I always get secondhand embarrassment every time she tweets

No. 2097905

Jeezzz she is retarded and the entitlement screeeeaaaamsss from her… Bitch you didn't even birth all your children and you have the audacity to talk about families with 5 kids. Get a fucking grip!

No. 2097943

File: 1741718350391.jpeg (54.61 KB, 661x464, IMG_5324.jpeg)

>”working on it!!!!”

No. 2097960

it's funny how she actually seems to believe she's important and has any control or power over these situations - that's why she flocked to melon like flies on shit. she's a gross opportunist and it's sad she tries to act like anything more than a junkie grifter. i wish she knew how to stop talking bullshit all these years later, she's not even fucking american, she's rich and could lay low instead of displaying addict behavior on social media. going on about dopamine as if she isn't constantly seeking it, as if she isn't always trying to sow discourse and controversy so she can farm replies and get high off her own supply. but i guess in order to stay in america she has to pretend like she's "working" kek. "working" on her fake album and AI bullshit, like how she's "working" on housing KEK. the way she pretends to be a voice on issues that are too big for her small methhead brain to understand… just go back to your crackden, claire. in true addict fashion, she’s pointing at everyone else “you’re addicted to dopamine!” when her face is bogged from plastic surgery and she’s losing teeth from decades of substance abuse & ED while she is desperately seeking attention from the internet. her baby daddy keeps having children with other women while she cries wolf in his replies about there being a medical emergency hoping she makes headlines so people don’t forget she ALSO has kids with one of the ugliest scrotes in the world! also
>my best friend
and my dad works at microsoft, bitch you're a social climber and all of your "friends" are pedophiles. your best friend is the crack pipe you consult every night before making a post on twitter

No. 2097972

I would actually have some respect for her if she just cut the crap, dropped the mask and admitted that she was wrong, she thought she was going into a fun relationship with an eccentric, intelligent rich man and thought it would be good for her career and music but it all turned out to be bullshit, etc. The doubling down to appeal to Elon just makes me lose every ounce of respect I ever had for her

No. 2098002

>The doubling down to appeal to Elon just makes me lose every ounce of respect I ever had for her
it's a shame she can't be humble and admit she was retarded, but i think the doubling down also shows her character and highlights what her true motives are and have been. she got into a relationship and chose to have kids with him because she has more in common with him than people realized. now, she doubles down because the consequence of her actions has finally caught up to her. you know she can't get over how hard she gets cucked and humiliated by him regularly. yet she still obsesses over him and talks about him, she parrots his views, and it's insane. she spergs about population decline and politics as if she worshipped every word out of his nasty mouth during that whole relationship. i think the reason she shows her true colors so much now & doubles down so hard is because she's alone with 3 kids and a soiled reputation that she can't build back up because exactly like you said, she refuses to admit she was wrong. because all along she was a narcissist, and they refuse to ever be humble or take accountability. if she actually thought she made a mistake she would be acting like it, but she only cares about her reputation since she's just that shallow and always has been. she probably only regrets the fact that he makes her look even worse now, and the way she looks seems to be one of the very few things she cares about. now she thinks she's a lord of debate, a political voice, she starts yelling "you people are all wrong you can't even debate me!" and kicks and screams like a fucking child because the reality finally caught up to her and she refuses to be wrong. have to admit, it's always fun to watch the fake house someone had built get torn down, she can't hide who she is anymore

No. 2098057


That she tried to get the grimezs sub shut down when she was using Alex the sexpat to bully its users means she doesn't give a shit, she'd rather intimidate and bully ppl into silence than ever admit she was wrong

No. 2098058

She can't pretend to have a badass idgaf attitude because she does give a fuck, a lot of them actually, and she's extremely weak and passive aggressive. She's like a rodent. She even tried to do another passive aggressive stunt by sending everyone the "idgaf" text as a nod to her true feelings (that she's far too cowardly to vocalize) and it backfired so she had to make up a lie about how her shitty worthless song with less than a thousand views went "viral". She's in a constant broodmare war with Blue Eyes White Punjabi over who can name their kid the most sped snowflake shit that will get them bullied, trying to flex what a qwuirky nerd she is but she's already exposed how dumb as fuck she is. Like it's over. Why is she still trying lol

No. 2098065

>she doesn't give a shit, she'd rather intimidate and bully ppl into silence than ever admit she was wrong
this is very accurate. it's exactly what happened last time she was catching shit from people on twitter. she resorts to bullying and attempting to silence others. makes sense why she made everyone sign NDAs. given her track record, it's just a fact at this point she's a bully. there are so many examples pre-melon of her being a mean girl and now it's indisputable
i agree with your post nona. couldn't have said it better myself. the pettiness over the "idgaf" thing, you just know she sent that when she was on a bender. and then she fabricated some story and claimed it was a viral song and shilled herself some more like the dopamine-deprived addict she is. pathetic.
>She's in a constant broodmare war with Blue Eyes White Punjabi over who can name their kid the most sped snowflake shit
kek'd out loud

No. 2098071

The crazy thing is, she seems to want help and support so badly and she desperately needs to be liked, and she's singlehandedly wrecking any chance of a "redemption arc" at this point. She absolutely still has fans who would support her if she acted with any humility and honesty, they would welcome her back with open arms if she just said "I got in way over my head and acted like an asshole over a man, that was stupid but I'm learning from it," etc and they'd all take her side. She's really biting the hand that feeds and tanking her career, I can't fathom the stupidity.

No. 2098094

>she's singlehandedly wrecking any chance of a "redemption arc" at this point
I agree, and I feel like the problem with that is she doesn’t want any “redemption arc”, I think she sees herself as a villain and knows this >>2086581 I think she likes being the villain and likes to stir shit so she can get more of her much-needed dopamine. I think she would rather spend time with right wing losers and pedophiles than for her to ever stop for a moment and reflect on the criticism she has received. She’d rather be accepted by other losers and grifters than admit she was wrong. Because you are the company you keep in some way, right? She's a raging BPDemon and relishes in it. But now that it appears she can't have it both ways, she will continue to try and gain acceptance by the most bottom-of-the-barrel retards. People like her multiple sexpest pedophile “friends”. She's going to continue to sink further into her addictions and god-complex that is already way too big. That complex will keep being fed by drugs and the delusion that her vague proximity to people who may have some amount of control/power means she thinks that she has it too. Yet there’s a reason no one really works for her anymore asides from her conveniently placed DJ “boyfriend” who she’s volunteering to beard for.
>still has fans who would support her if she acted with any humility and honesty, they would welcome her back with open arms if she just said "I got in way over my head and acted like an asshole over a man, that was stupid but I'm learning from it," etc
I think you’re right, if she had done or said something like that sooner and expressed some type of remorse over her actions earlier on, I think there’s a chance some of her fans would have forgiven her. I think by now it may be too late because she’s spent too many years stroking melonhead’s ego in hopes that it would make her the favored broodmare, she even had that third “Tau” child when they were still fighting like children on twitter. She could have given up after the first kid was born but she has literally 3 kids with him, there’s no excuse anymore. It’s a shame her ego has always been so inflated that she’d rather show her ass than any kind of humility. It’s just the type of person she is at the end of the day, she can’t even try to pretend to play nice anymore and she revels in it, perhaps hoping she can somehow drastically change the fate of her embarrassing life. She really is retarded, doing all of this over a scrote who doesn’t give a flying fuck about her

No. 2098138

File: 1741743654694.png (377.82 KB, 1080x761, 1000033269.png)

Oh no she tweeting again

No. 2098168

File: 1741746878397.jpg (348.14 KB, 916x1825, IMG_4217.jpg)

Oh yes!

Grimes missed the point of this based tweet but she has never been attractive so maybe she didn't understand what it was about.
>I don't want my boyfriend preening
Her boyfriend looks well-groomed and gay.

No. 2098177

File: 1741747406524.jpg (272.48 KB, 991x746, jean-paul-sartre.jpg)

>Sartre is hot
Grimes is a typical pickme, "I love ugly men" and all, but even she doesn't believe what she says.

No. 2098183

>i want my boyfriend to suffer over his work without an ounce of mental space to spare for his appearance
this is such a pathetic cope. her current boyfriend and her ex never once suffered over their work and all her exes are ugly as fuck. claire, melon and enema are all spoiled rich kids and don't know what hard work is. melon looks like he injects HGH directly into every part of his body before someone flattened him like a cartoon character and then reanimated his bloated corpse. enema is a groomed, but pug-faced italiano, and her ex before melon is a troon now. it's simple: she has awful taste in men
>diogenes got tons of girls apparently
and he was also shitting and wanking in the streets. is that the point? that degenerate men can get woman as desperate and pathetic as she is? what sort of point is she trying to make here? or is it just
>plz notice me melon i know youre ugly but you're such a hard worker!!!
like what the fuck is this

No. 2098205

File: 1741753858040.jpg (35.04 KB, 742x371, unnamed-3.jpg)

She has a type… Curtis Yarvin, now Sartre…

No. 2098213

File: 1741755120413.jpg (214.7 KB, 1080x1179, IMG_6431.jpg)

Claire is solving the housing crisis and wearing a blazer like a girl boss.
>When I'm being a pussy sometimes
The scrote lingo is coming out quite well. I'm sure she will get picked any day now. Kek.

No. 2098220

>Diogenes got tons of girls apparently

Pulling more made-up philosophy facts out of her ass again. We're talking about the unwashed, dirty homeless-by-choice hobo who jacked off in public, urinated on people he didn't like, pooped all over the street wherever he wanted and yelled and harrassed passersby. He was a gross but well-spoken asshole who got a lot of attention, but there is no record at all of him "getting a ton of girls". To be fair, he sounds exactly like Grimes' type I guess

No. 2098247

File: 1741763019207.jpeg (72.83 KB, 640x640, IMG_1839.jpeg)

A lot of narcissists only date uglies bcus it boosts their ego and makes them feel special. That being said Enyma def gets regularly anal waxed and probably has a weekly eyebrow appointment among other faggotry

No. 2098261

Omg she felt personally victimized by that one

No. 2098296

Sounds like she has more in common with this guy than any of the imaginary groupies he supposedly had.

No. 2098348

Say you hate your bf without saying you hate your bf

No. 2098417

Is this what the chud wojak was modeled from?

No. 2098426

kekkk she absolutely did

>no citations for this statistic
we know. i'm sure this is her version of "joking around", but maybe she should put that under every tweet to make herself more clear. since, y'know, diognes got tons of women, apparently. her best friend is working on the housing issue too. allegedly.

No. 2098519

File: 1741857361791.jpeg (763.92 KB, 1077x1016, IMG_1838.jpeg)

The only reason she fucked this person was cus she needed them to produce her music. No other logical reason.

No. 2098523

File: 1741859914776.png (362.42 KB, 1080x739, 1000033435.png)

Once a mouthpiece for grifters, always a mouthpiece for grifters

No. 2098544

what, they’re a perfect looksmatch, classic “we saw you from across the Comic-Con and dug your vibe” couple

No. 2098598

File: 1741884003589.png (1.42 MB, 2560x1600, Screenshot 2025-03-12 at 07.39…)

this is what claire thinks she looks like(sage your shit)

No. 2098613

Both him and you are cringe old farts botching themselves to become uwu sexy children, so that tracks

No. 2098638

>this person
Come on… Regardless i feel she'd often post in unconventional male attractions and she's pragmatic and picks men because of their qualities, thinking of what purpose they could serve for her. It's alright but i hate that she has to wrap it in NLOG bullshit. Like
>This seems like hypocrisy
What does she mean by this? She's the hypocrite

No. 2098670

the autistic vampire lizard man who wants to out-boner and out-youth his son, dresses like a 50 year-old gay man who just started dating a guy half his age, and talks about health and the body in the most disembodied, soulless way possible is really revolutionizing health branding

No. 2098671

The same creep who made his fianceé sign a contract and had her write out a list of every sexual partner she's ever had and what sexual acts she had done with them, fucked dozens of other women while they were together and then broke off their engagement when she was diagnosed with breast cancer because she was (in his words) now a "net negative" for him. Yep, sounds like Claire's type.

No. 2098678

What's funny is that he's not even the first. There was another neurotic anti-aging moid several decades ago (the fact that I can't even remember his name shows just how much he amounted to). Johnson is an iteration of him, same way the lolcow keto diet is the unearthed corpse of Atkins.

No. 2098733

He looks like he has no blood in his entire body. Grimes kinda looks that way too these days. Like, waxy. I don’t know how to describe it.

No. 2098745

>unearthed corpse of Atkins.
Flashbacks to when /fit/ was first introduced back in the late 2000's. It was like watching a bunch of idiots move in slow-motion to health consciousness that was covered comprehensively by Oprah nearly two decades prior.

No. 2098748

ray kurzweil?

No. 2098767

Nope, different name. Can't fucking remember it though. He also wanted to live forever and thought it was achievable with diet, woo-woo, etc. Absolutely no one remembers him even though he used to be huge in his time.

No. 2098795

It's honestly crazy how everything she says is like begging for a nod from Elon.

No. 2098865

File: 1741965330675.jpeg (43.05 KB, 392x522, IMG_0799.jpeg)

Aubrey de Grey? He’s like 61 now and looks 100

No. 2098892

Kek yeah, this is what believing in the ROS theory of aging meme gets you - he looks EXACTLY the way he deserves to look.

But no, that was a different faggot from the 70s or so. I swear I'll find that name again one day

No. 2098910

File: 1741977253264.jpeg (1005.1 KB, 1284x1867, IMG_1959.jpeg)

So does she. 6 digits $ worth of plastic surgery and she looks… like this. It’s amazing actually. Makes me smile. Teehee

No. 2099131

She really ruined her face, it’s so tragic. Also the audacity for her to think she’s beautiful, as per the post she referenced mishima. It’s weird that she thinks so highly of herself. Complete lack of humility. At least before, when she was an unwashed “indie” artist, she seemed pretty shy in interviews in a endearing and clueless way, but now every interview she’s just spewing nonsensical stuff and giving herself a pat on the back of how “smart” she is

No. 2099173

The defining feature of this "movement" is people who are not just conventionally unattractive, but literal deformed retard subhuman Habsburg Quasimodo tier (Thiel, Musk, Yarvin, scarethots, that nataloid couple with the autistic brood, Grimes, Aella, etc) sperging about the innate virtue of beauty while implying they are included in it (without truly believing it deep down - each of these defects knows what's actually beautiful and loathes it). Most "thinkers" that preceded this scene (like Mishima and Nietzsche, for example) were hideous dysgenic midgets too, so there is absolutely nothing off-brand here. You could summarize the entire philosophy as inbred autistic monstrosities yearning to be proximal to beauty, desperately trying to rebrand it to include themselves, yet still chasing the opposite of what they are.

No. 2099391

File: 1742130673967.jpg (77.26 KB, 749x1014, 1000033627.jpg)

genuinely cannot wait for her one way ticket to Mars, she thinks fascism is one big joke. the disconnect and privilege is unreal

No. 2099622

File: 1742167278147.jpeg (241.81 KB, 1170x1142, IMG_9636.jpeg)

>im THE VILLAIN, you see, tee hee isn’t that moar fun?
She’s so far up her own ass and detached from reality it’s actually insane. She’s fried.

No. 2099653

File: 1742170625791.jpeg (331.07 KB, 1170x1905, 55467C77-8B34-46FC-90D4-43303A…)

Musk clearly hates anyone who stands in his way. He's a ziocon sperg, and his dad fucked his stepdaughter twice.(wrong thread)

No. 2099687

I didn't know Her parents left Ukraine because antisemitism, her words. Is sh a Zionist by chance?(unsaged sperg)

No. 2099694

Wrong thread. Go to elons thread.

No. 2099695

It's 2028, Yarvin and Thiel have individual files on every US citizen. Get out of line and they publicize your porn downloads to every contact you know, even if those they fund rape kids. Become a dissident, AI drones kill you.

That's the future according to Yarvin, concentration camps and all.

No. 2099697

I'm going to do a deep dive and research this company.

If anyone wants great research, see X's artisbrutal2021. She does amazing work.(unsaged sperg)

No. 2099800

>calls his dad the most evil person he's ever met
>says he's done 'everything terrible that you can think of'
>claims his dad beat his mother up constantly and boolied him his entire life
>still lives in his shadow and craves his constant approval
Many such cases. Kek, men and their daddy issues are a scream.

No. 2099802

File: 1742207904164.png (41.17 KB, 1467x159, Screenshot 2025-03-17 at 10.34…)

Meth. Meth is what does that to your skin.
Meth is a potent vasoconstrictor, in other words it reduces blood flow to the skin so you look pale like a corpse. A lot of meth users describe waking up covered in sebum/oil after a meth binge too. Coupled with the fact addicts often don't wash their faces for days. Leads to that overall nasty waxy quality.

No. 2099913

Not to derail, but I highly doubt Claire has ever been on actual methamphetamine. There are stories stories of people with their shit totally together (successful career, happy family etc) trying meth and disappearing into the forrest looking for arrowheads and shit like that.
Given how erratic and messy she is, she's pobably just mixing Adderall with k/more mild street drugs. If she was on meth she'd already be in a deathspiral of psychosis so bad she'd be 5150ed.(derailing)

No. 2099943

Speed, coke, ket, mdma I think

No. 2099949

agreed, people here constantly conflate meyh and amphetamine because theyre ignorant and don't know the difference. it would be very obvious if she was on meth because she would legit be tweaking and would not sound like an edgy high schooler in her tweets

No. 2100110

Not true, Canada and the US have a massive meth problem and it's a casual, everyday use drug for many people. Truck drivers and maids use it. Meth affects everyone differently. Not everyone loses their minds and goes 'looking for arrow heads in the forest'. People with ADHD for instance respond more positively when doing meth and usually stay acting relatively normal, they just get hornier, more extroverted, more confident/obnoxious, and forget to eat. Other people spiral and become super aggressive and nutty from it, yes. Kpop stars inject and smoke meth to keep their weight down. People used it on a daily basis too in the 1900s. Claire's behavior is completely typical for a long term meth user especially if she really does have ADHD, as they burn up the dopamine quicker than neurotypicals do.(sage your shit)

No. 2100159

A lot of people use meth casually and you would never know. Look up desoxyn, which u can get RX. But in LA its normal for business men to have a good dealer and take lil meth bumps all day. But meth, speed and addy are all extremely similar to each other so it doesn’t really matter which one shes on. Shes a tweeker thru and thru. Also its the ogres bday today. Shes 37. Happy Birthday, Ugly!

No. 2100183

I remember desoxyn getting prescribed rarely. I had imagined with wegovy (and others) and modafinil, they'd never prescribe it to anyone ever again. Not to mention Adderall and Vyvanse. Do you really know someone prescribed desoxyn?
Also she could have easily eaten meth and we'd probably be none the wiser. It's not like we're speculating on her rolling bubblers or anything, right?

No. 2100184

It doesn’t matter how much money you spend on plastic surgery if you experience long term malnutrition and drug use, especially in your 20s. I’m more interested in how she pays for everything considering her music career is basically dead and musk refuses to give any of his baby mommas one cent more then the bare minimum

No. 2100210

File: 1742277819635.jpeg (955.55 KB, 1284x5019, IMG_2120.jpeg)

Oh man… oof

No. 2100211

Did she get nose filler? Wth is going on there ?

No. 2100217

Think it's contour, like her lil mustache

No. 2100218

File: 1742279816974.png (3.2 MB, 1170x1560, IMG_9661.png)

She can’t even enjoy her birthday night without posting a busted photo of herself and saying “I’m making ART I swear” kek

No. 2100255

>see guys she's really not on meth-ACK
Damn she looks terrible. Turning 37 hasn't been kind to her.

No. 2100260

Looks like filler to me, zoom in and look close.

No. 2100266

It’s hilarious how she went to the Sphere after I commented that her life is boring and o couldn’t believe she’s never been to the Sphere. She’s absolutely reading here, KEK

No. 2100286

she looks very very strung out.

No. 2100291

The Sphere is the most annoying and forced psyop I've seen in months.

No. 2100373

She performed at the sphere and has been several times, retard

No. 2100412

aww, you hoping for a shoutout too?

No. 2100477

File: 1742334307582.jpg (40.04 KB, 640x494, 1742319725946112.jpg)

Sage because it's a bit late(don't post fake tweets)

No. 2100478

This is the most blatantly fake tweet I've seen in my life. It would have taken much less effort to just inspect element kek.

No. 2100493

This fake tweet has been posted multiple times over different threads. Some of you are so dumb

No. 2100641


Hope this is a permaban for such a shocking degree of dumbassery

No. 2100704

its so cringe how you guys keep falling for this

No. 2100740


A good reminder that no amount of money or plastic surgery can hide 10+ years of an ED and stimulant use. God she looks like absolute dogshit and she has every resource in the world to get clean and get ED treatment. Fuck I hate these mid to below average looking, mediocre ass clowns that were free use whores for these tech ogres, so we now have to “listen” to their mindless, uneducated drivel. I just have to wait out the next year or two of these spergy women and men being absolute retards and then maybe we’ll get back to revering beautiful women, like Elsa Hosk. Please.

No. 2100850

>revering beautiful women like Elsa Hosk
what the fuck is wrong with you, don’t “revere” fashion models, even very pretty and skilled ones

No. 2101047

couldn't agree more. can't we "revere" women astronauts, Olympic athletes, or authors instead? There are so many women who DON'T just sit on their ass and look pretty. Why the fuck would some random Swedish supermodel speak less "mindless, uneducated drivel" than Grimes? FFS ladies get your shit together

No. 2101128

File: 1742508703809.jpeg (133.35 KB, 1206x1093, IMG_7064.jpeg)

KEK(sage your shit/non-contribution)

No. 2101163

i just feel bad for grimes. she probably got groomed and abused by elon (world's richest and most powerful man) so hard that his retardation infected her and left her mentally retarded(whiteknighting)

No. 2101173

"groomed". lmao she was 30 when they met, dummy.

No. 2101208

>(world's richest and most powerful man)
Lel at the goycattle actually believing this shit. There are at least thousands of men richer and more powerful than Elon, they just don't disclose their wealth for attentionwhoring purposes.(goycattle bait, not even saged)

No. 2101240

Elon’s not even number one on the “richest on paper according to public records” leaderboard right now—Arnault of Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy is currently ahead now that Tesla stock and the dollar are both down

No. 2101279

Anyone who fucks an old ass dude just because see he’s rich (especially when he is also fat, ugly and evil) is a retard with no moral compass or self worth and deserves what they have coming. She was a retard for having sex with the sweaty disgusting pig to begin with. Gold digging is lowly and detestable. And getting talked into having not one but 3 of his spawn is just insane. She is not worthy of sympathy, the only appropriate feeling is contempt. Imagine ditching your sweet dog forever to fuck a fat oldie. Fuck her.(wrong thread)

No. 2101290

NTA but he language of grooming and manipulation can be and is sometimes applied to forms of abuse outside of CSA. You see it a lot in academic writing about intimate partner violence, financial abuse, and semi-frequently irt white supremacist/politically radical indoctrination. You could definitely make the argument that being browbeaten into siring a little autist with shitlon involves some amount of grooming, even if Grimes was being a greedy bitch to begin with.

No. 2101291


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2101348


She wishes. Musk needed a met gala date, she developed a psychotic fantasy about being the queen of mars.

No. 2101603

File: 1742647575309.png (434.69 KB, 1080x968, 1000034014.png)

Thought she got "diagnosed" in 2023. Bitch can't keep her story straight. If she's really autistic, I'm a tomato.

No. 2101635

File: 1742655729923.jpg (199.41 KB, 1040x954, grimes autism.jpg)

You're not wrong.

No. 2101665

If she had autism she'd have a strong sense of justice which she obviously does not, evidenced by constant lies, manipulation, and refusal to speak out about fascists in her social circle.

No. 2101695

>“doctors found that I’m clinically more retarded than a literal baby”

No. 2101723

Yeah also it's weird she talks about being against diagnosing kids and then allegedly brought literal babies to doctor so they could be diagnosed. Her oldest is X and back in 2023 he was like 2.

No. 2101757

I know she's posted a lot about being autistic but those tweets seem to be gone.
She can't be criticised about self diagnosing if she deletes the evidence(sage your shit)

No. 2101801

37 and bragging about her disorders like a teenager. what a fucking loser

No. 2101802

like every bpdemon she thinks autism is some "i'm so quirky" get out of jail free card. she was never diagnosed, she's straight up lying.
>been on drugs
>prob would have been drugged too
kek she needs to read what she says before she posts blatant lies

No. 2101833

File: 1742687815043.png (261.07 KB, 744x661, GIgoLyzakAAEaLy.png)

She is larping as an autist because Thiel&Co are in their "I'm an extreme male brained engineer boygenius maverick and this is all thanks to my autism superpower" era, to gas up the latest batch of working age, rotten splooge-derived XY defects who are currently economic dead weights.

This is a great time for a daily reminder that ASD (of every intensity) is a form of retardation, and is comorbid with:
>methylation defects
>metabolic disorders
>connective tissue disorders
>autoimmune disease
>digestive tract issues
>facial asymmetry
>accelerated aging
>early cognitive decline
and more!(medfagging)

No. 2101882


No. 2101885

You'd think someone with severe sensitivity issues like that wouldn't have a million tattoos, curious. She's not autistic and even admits that she doesn't know what she's talking about.
BPDemons try to superficially latch onto anything to make up for the void that is their existence. She's also probably retarded enough to think that autism correlates with intelligence, lol.

No. 2101891

File: 1742701441327.png (13.14 KB, 198x149, images.png)

Honestly funny as fuck that they've basically rebranded the "autism is my superpower" thing as
"cool" and "subversive". To be fair though, and I don't wanna delve into a retarded medsperging infight but autism isn't automatically a retardation. Either way it's not something to be painted as le epic subculture instead of the neurodevelopmental disorder that it really is.
>performed worse than children
Oh so she's retarded retarded. I do wonder if they IQ tested her because sometimes they do that testing for autism/ADHD, it does depend though. She always came off as an autist to me but I'm really starting to doubt it now, watching her interviews she looks like a tweaker. Shame on me

No. 2101906

Shame on you for highlighting her typos for laughs. You must think she's so retarded when in fact she's been autistic and dyslexic this whole time! You should apologize

No. 2101923

>watching her interviews she looks like a tweaker
yeah honestly, she's a tweaker with bpd and nothing more. ofc she's also a liar and a grifter. i don't know why she would be doing tests meant for her children (however, i do doubt every word she's ever said because she's a compulsive liar) but i would assume if she did do any testing she did so poorly because her brain is absolutely fucked due to her decades long addictions. she's a munchie so i wouldn't put it past her to do drugs in order to perform poorly on tests. it's pathetic really. it’s so funny how she truly seems to think she's really smart and then acts like this

No. 2101953

File: 1742728605435.jpeg (234.74 KB, 1284x570, IMG_2360.jpeg)

it is not the wrong thread whoever is modding this thread is a fucking retard. This is a thread to talk shit about Grimes and that’s what i will do here.

she’s pretending that she can’t perceive sarcasm now to sound more autistic. She acts like a 17-year-old I swear to God(take it to /meta/)

No. 2101973

The whole “typo” thing and her typing like a 14 year old girl on tumblr is such bullshit. She perfectly wrote a snarky and passive aggressive email to Alice Glass that got posted a few threads back. Her writing was totally fine there, no silly little quirky typos and terrible spelling like all her tweets are written now. If any nonna has that screenshot, please feel free to post it. Claire weaponizing autism because it’s the cool thing right now and viewed as some little quirk is really retarded. She is a low in drug addict tweaker with bpd. That’s it.

No. 2102034

File: 1742749976438.png (375.23 KB, 750x1624, 1000034127.png)

She got seriously lazy w/ her own paper trail. Tone of this is as far removed from dyslexic baby fairy as you can get.

No. 2102150

Very autistic! Very on the spectrum!

No. 2102151

>restless leg syndrome
It's just tweaking
More like Lucinda schizo speech type LARP. She clings onto autism nonsense to act like this misunderstood genius, maybe also in order to have an easy justification for everything. You cannot blame her for kissing nazi asses and getting stomped by Elon, it's her poor judgement cause autism, you heard it guys. Forgive Grimes for they know not what they do.

>i don't know why she would be doing tests meant for her children
It's that very Tumblr level need to have some quirky characteristic, her doing these tests would be like equivalent of announcing your Myers Briggs type or Scorpio Rising and Moon in Meth bs.

No. 2102156

File: 1742775061412.jpeg (92.7 KB, 640x569, IMG_4340.jpeg)

Wow, Claire is such a handmaiden. She won’t ever speak tf up about anything that could possibly upset her precious E, unless it’s caping for troons.

No. 2102234

Very apparent finite mental health resources in the country and these retards are advocating for their dumb as shit fans to scramble to finally use their health insurance to smoke that out. So fucking dumb.

No. 2102249

Bpd song and dance of claiming to be autistic. Weird = autism you guys and therefore any weird girl you know is autistic no questions asked.

No. 2102273

the last time she acknowledged that ugly-ass troon was when she was publically fighting with his dad so i think of it as a signal that she's doing it to specifically piss him off when she's bpdemon switching on him. plus, anything to try and virtue signal to whatever remaining fans she has left. i doubt she has any real opinions on the matter but since she's so pro-patriarchy i'm sure she loves to pretend she cares about trannies

No. 2102298

I know this is off topic, but I glanced through the teen vogue interview with… Vivian, and this shit is just so disturbing. "She" talks just like a drag queen. Or you know, a boy obsessed with drag queens, not like a girl.
That's it, that's how this dumb child decided they were trans. Cause drag queens sound so cool and relatable unlike boys his age, and "I don't feel right in my body" therefore "I must be a woman". Tragic

No. 2102309


transphobia sucks and vivian is based. sorry.(lost newfag)

No. 2102310

I have nothing against Vivian. Being a teenager is a confusing time. I just hope they don't regret this transition later in life

No. 2102322

literally kill yourself
he's a rich nepo baby with connections living in japan with everyone sucking his dick for his wah wah my daddy didn't love me larp. he's going to be fine for the rest of his retarded life while us will still be wagies forever

No. 2102345

he’s literally a douchebag, even people who aren’t peaked think “she” is a cunt. He’s just a rich little faggot and he’s on the chopping block when class warfare starts for sure. >>2102249
Don’t forget she also loves to fake that fucking lisp so she sounds more “quirky” as if her parents wouldn’t have had her in speech therapy if she actually lisped like that as a child. Anyone with a severe lisp is plopped into speech therapy for years. 100% of adults with very noticeable lisps are either full on extra chromie retards or they’re putting on an act and trying to be manipulative in some way. That shit gets metaphorically beaten out of any child who actually lisps, and unlike that speech impediment where people can’t make the “r” noise, speech therapy mostly eliminates lisps to the point that they’re very very subtle and you’d only notice if someone told you they’d been in speech therapy for their lisp.

No. 2102351

let Elon and his children fight to the death, clear the gene pool

No. 2102403

Why do you give a shit what someone else does if it doesn't affect you? Real moid energy.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2102438

File: 1742862258190.jpg (217.92 KB, 956x540, go away.JPG)

You’re not as slick as you think you are

No. 2102441

Moid energy(scrotefoiling)

No. 2102512


No. 2103031

File: 1743057592287.png (309.01 KB, 687x683, entitled_junkie_things.png)

>when clusterbees get the attention they begged for
the only thing she said a year ago was that she diagnosed herself. she's also self-admitted to faking headlines in the past… she's so catty

No. 2103067


no she pretended she was diagnosed in 2023. she's a fuckin liar

No. 2103300

Then why talk about it, if you didn’t want anyone else to talk about it? She’s a public figure, anything dumb little things she posts publicly will tend to make a headline. She could easily make her life easier by just logging off and take care of her kids, but we all know she loves the attention. Which is why she had 3 children with the most attention seeking loser millionaire. What did she even expect?

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