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No. 1342754
24 year old zoophile who does hypnosis roleplay using a retarded sparkledragon fursona on VRChat, a MMO where players interact with each other through virtual avatars. Use to study "Neo-Ericksonian" hypnosis at the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy but seems to have been booted out, because references to it are removed in her newer uploads. Has shot into notoriety in the furry fandom after it's been revealed she (? possibly is a tranny because the voice sounds distinctly modded, but currently unsure as her identity is not publicly known) is an out and proud dogfucker. Venturing through her following and her friends reveals an entire network of dog dick enjoyers who use the ζ symbol and the word ZETA, which allegedly means Zoophiles for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
notable milk:
>would toil around VRChat worlds to lure people into her hypnosis roleplays (see example of her hilarious group trance sessions here:>created a hypnofur discord server called "Momma Sappho's Hypnotherapy" which allowed minor users and had a 17 year old mod, despite having overtly sexual roles such as "harem" >possibly did ERP with a minor>server had NSFW channels that were commonly referenced even in the supposedly minor safe channels, most notably nsfw-feral, aka drawn porn of non-anthropomorphic animals. there were also hidden zoo channels such as zoo-media>on September 8th, former mod Matcha resigned and outed her on twitter as a zoophile, after she had a conversation with Sappho where the hypnofag said zoophiles are misunderstood>people dug around and saw her youtube favorite channels included horsefuckers and people like the infamous Zooier Than Thou podcast (as an unrelated aside, interestingly enough her youtube favorites also include soy hater Paul Joseph Watson and the ever euphoric SargonofAkkad, which are rather surprising choices)>on September 11th, Sappho released a nearly 40-minute long video entitled Coming Out about Things, wherein she compares her love of dog bestiality (zoosexuality, in her words) to being homosexual and says the repulsed reaction her audience has to this is the same as the reactions people had to gay people in the 60s. tried to distance herself from the notorious zoosadist leaks of 2018>since then, has taken to twitter to posting how sexy she thinks German Shepherds are and uploading drawings of dog knotssocial media:
youtube: skim milk producers in the zeta community: No. 1342757
>>1342754hypno fetishists are all degenerates. Every single one. Always groomers, too. They love spawning more hypno freaks by grooming kids into their kink.
All furries are degenerates. But hypno fetishists are unique in that they don't believe their fetish is inherently sexual. So they impose it on children via erping and posting their fapping material everywhere. Always psychos, too.
No. 1342812
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No. 1342818
>>1342754Hypno porn, furry porn, and "sappho" in the username? 100% male
Also I hate furries so much, but god forbid you say that on social media. Why do people cape for furries so much?
No. 1342837
>>1342831anyone who likes anthro art or at least the specific style of cartoonish furry anthro, but I'd say the proportion of furries who never draw nsfw/look at it is the minority. but they do exist.
i don't know if i'd class them exactly the same as zoophiles, since anthro art mostly doesn't resemble real animals at all. still weird and fun to mock.
No. 1342929
I can't get over the fact that this dogfucker watches Paul Joseph Watson and came out as a dogfucker on 9/11, it's really a lot to take in
>>1342757So true, some of the worst people on the internet
No. 1343234
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Of course the dogfucker also thinks that sex offender lists are discriminatory. Most certainly not something a sex offender would say.
No. 1343972
I watched an hours long Deadwingdork stream about this person. I'm glad to see a thread about them (I can't figure out if they're a fakeboi or using a voice filter) because I find it extremely fascinating that furries will routinely out themselves online despite knowing that there consistently has been and always will be negative backlash to admitting zoophilia
>>1343234Do remember that there is a GIGANTIC number of nonces within the furry community. The thing about furries is that they use the excuse that a majority of furries are also autistic as a scapegoat for this issue, and it always circles back to accusations being somehow ableist against autistic people.
>>1343475Deadwingdork made an interesting point during his stream about this bitch and it's that every single furry seems to be obsessed with German Shepherds and wolves specifically. I wonder of there is a reason for that beyond having a sexual awakening while watching Balto
No. 1344164
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>>1344124>Stop shagging your cat and kill yourself, doghatefags are above and beyond the most annoying people on any platform because you actually are so intent on wanking off about how much you hate dogs and dog people that you INSIST on bringing it up whenever there is even a hint of dog mentioned anywhere.Are you trying to prove the point of that post or something?
No. 1344202
>>1343972Yeah, I've noticed the particular fixation on German Shepherds in particular. And huskies. Maybe because they look more wolfy than other dog breeds? Even zoophiles seem to agree pugs and their bulging eyes are fuck hideous.
Sidenote, I've also found zir's tiktok account ( Saged because there's nothing new on there, just a repost of the zoosexuality is
valid video, but might be worth keep an eye on.
I would say they're getting dogpiled in the comments but they'd probably like that.
No. 1356143
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well she has said any type of evidence on her is fake when there is actual evidence on her pedo/zoo behaviors online, plus the trying to deflect hate to someone else cause she got caught in multiple lies and something over her sending zoo porn to a Twitter user which she took down after. she hasn't uploaded in 4 week on yt since she is on Twitter arguing with a user since she can't bring any evidence up on them so she has to keep saying they are a pedo to justify herself for being a degenerate of life.
No. 1360858
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Sappho did groom a minor and stated they did when they liked humans…
No. 1361021
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welp she deleted this to hide the fact she posted it
No. 1379185
>>1378732yeah, but as an ex-furfag a lot of "bisexuality" among furries is jailhouse gay shit or their same-sex attraction is only in the context of looking at porn (not attraction to real life people), for the males at least. i remember reading somewhere that most female furries on the other hand, are heterosexual
the 14 year old that valerie appears to be grooming has she/her in the tiktok bio, so assuming this kid is a real female and not a young TIM then she really is some kind of bisexual or equal-opportunity predator
(sage) No. 1393578
>>1393577Unfortunately it was always founded on degeneracy. It has never been a place for children.
It's also deeply misogynistic. The definition of a boy's club. I don't know what gender you are but either way you should get out. Either you leave or you get groomed into thinking what they do is okay.
No. 1393673
>>1393570 There are plenty of creeps, pletier of normal people who just enjoy the art and suits and then there is even plentier more of social justice warriors twitter snowflakes who are usually zoomers. And most of these zoomers hate pedos and the creeps, so i wouldnt say all furries are like that, the majority is very against pedo and zoo shit. In my countrys furry fandom pedos and zoos are always kicked out of the community, some people are even piling evidence on them for the police.
I think furry fandom isnt lost because of zoos and creeps, only this level of degeneracy can be seen rising everywhere, in every fandom and community because there is something terribly wrong the whole society right now.
No. 1394024
>>1393673i dont give a flying fuck
furries disgust me and fursuits genuinely scare me, cant trust any of them, and i agree with the anon who said people cape for furries too hard. i will never accept their shit. ppl go "but they're just harmless and enjoying their hobbies" yeah well the chess club doesn't have prominent members posting videos of themselves raping puppies to death.
No. 1394395
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No. 1394398
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tranny confirmed
No. 1394401
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>>1394395those images are confirmed to be from that cursed anime…
No. 1394480
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a tf is this
No. 1394485
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a small update to sappho's zna organization she is now stepping down from her own fuck ups
No. 1394489
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the second part of the tweet
No. 1394510
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isn't cub art the near level of cp/loli..
No. 1394994
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Well let me add this here for when she decides to attempt to sue everyone here for posting evidence on her
No. 1395045
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It is her job to prevent minors from viewing/following her nsfw account it doesn't take hours to look through your followers and block people so yeah its her responsibility of monitoring your account hell privatizing it would even work
And yes she added the M.A.P symbol to her account now
No. 1395047
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>>1395045 part the post I made for the M.A.P symbol part
No. 1395322
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the fact there is some tweets that show sappho is a manipulator
No. 1395325
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trying to not flood since is accurate to what sappho is doing to people
No. 1397599
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This is from before suspension and it's just as creepy
No. 1398918
>>1398495>respecting a troon's pronounsDo you know where you are
>if they were outwardly a dude they'd have been cancelled way quicker imobegone moid. the reason he's gotten a pass is because he's a troon not because people think he's a girl lmao.
No. 1398960
I know there was a zoophile who who came out about her taking all the money for herself saying it was for zna they made this thread about it it was confirmed she was in fact dating a 16 yro
(this is an imageboard) No. 1413368
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I posted his picture in the mtf thread, and an anon posted this.
No. 1442530
I also found a github acc that might be his. It follows his 3 other accs (succubus-sappho, cfr0st and f1r3fr0st) forked a dumb VRChat project and made it gross!bs => BAMBI SLEEP
!gg => GOOD GIRL
No. 1582590
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>>1527353>necro-ing is… LE BAD!As expected of cowteens.
Enjoy your KiwiFarms lite with forum-tier rules, femoids.
Best regards,
The Sharty.
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>>1394430It was always obvious merely because you can tell he used a pitch-adjuster for his voice on chat. His voice always had that faint metallic sound to it and that was a dead giveaway that he was a scrote.
Anyway, he apparently killed himself. Rest in piss, you won't be missed.
No. 1686234
>>1686219long story short they faked their death to gain sympathy. They were back on VR under a new avatar and name but wasn't hiding who they were
They did one last "Fuck you all" video and hasn't been seen since. I'm guessing they went in the way of that furry that literally ate poop and is now in a mental ward
No. 1717713
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He's back (?)
No. 1734902
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>>1717713This is the real account.
No. 1898133
>>1898104"As a furry myself"
Kill yourself retard
No. 1898151
>>1898104Tone down your autism,
nonnie. Never reveal yourself as a furry.