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No. 137600[Reply]

Harley Johnston aka Durian Rider aka Freelee the Banana spoops' pimp.

Harley is a well-know and active member of the vegan community.
He and his girlfriend run a vegan diet club(cult) called RT4/RawTILL4 which they dont even follow themselves, they promote eating only fruits and veggies in the day and after four eating starches(potatoes, rice etc) and thats pretty much it! Not only is it an absolute shit diet lacking in fat and nutrients(Zinc, Amino Acids, selenium, iron, copper etc.) they also promote people eating UNLIMITED calories! Thats right, ALL you want! The reason for this is they claim that if you dont eat like a pig you wont have enough energy! And to make up for the seriously lacking diet that they reccomend, i mean if youjust keep eating sand, and you eat enough of it you will reach your daily calcium level! It works like that amr..

Their shitty diet advice has made people get dangerous/and minor health problems, like hairloss, weight gain, muscle and joint pains, cramps, diarrhea etc.
read more here; http://anthonycolpo.com/the-ugly-truth-about-harley-durianrider-johnstone/

Not only is the diet he promotes shit, he is also a skitzophrenic, anorexic, a sufferer of Chrons disease which he CURED, you heard that right he cured all his diseases with veganism! Not possible? How dare you! Veganism also cures cancer, didnt you know?

Another shitty thing Durian rider has done is contribute to the death of a young woman(Jen Faulisi) with cancer, he accused the woman of being an attention seeking junkie that just wanted your money, his proof? He could see it in her eyes!
The young lady had a youtube channel where she asked people to donate for her cancer bills, but shortly after DR's video the donations stopped.. She has since passed away.
More on this topic;

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No. 138730


Yeah and this dude has accused another vegan YouTuber abaslaciel or some shit of pedophilia. It's pretty fucking full on, he's told his followers that they should citizen arrest him. He has absolutely no proof of this dude being a pedophile, what a bloody nutcase.

Speaking of nutcases, vegan gains did a great video (I'm serious) calling out Harley and telling him to back off of this dude.

No. 138741

His body is physically repulsive. Holyshit.

No. 138742

They got the same disgusting vegan gains.

No. 138752

Onision isn't vegan. He's vegetarian.

No. 138754

Harley calls anyone who disagrees with him either fat, anorexic, a fake vegan who only cares about money, a "drainbow shit cunt" mentally unwell or a peadophile.

Bit of projection because he's the one that relies on youtube drama for money, hasn't done anything for animal welfare despite his status and the money he is constantly bragging about, he says he's been diagnosed with anorexia, BED, schizophrenia, crohns, ADHD, drug addiction and so on, and he says the most sexist things about Leanne and also young teenagers. He also lures all these teens and young women to Thailand, a country known for it's sex trade and corruption.

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No. 111559[Reply]

There was a post about this cow but it got 404d



>photoshops insufferably
>is a weak 3 without makeup (probably too generous)
>uses fake notes and likes on tumblr and facebook to make herself seem more attractive than she is
>made a blog dedicated to posting her own nudes and denies she made it
>sends herself compliments and was caught when she forgot to click anon
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No. 137980

not OP either but she has an incredibly masculine jaw and buttchin and is deluded to think she's cute.

No. 137993


Post your pic faggot.

No. 137998

you first.

No. 138244

This whole thread belongs in manure.

No. 153133

Moved to >>>/manure/2551.

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No. 215440[Reply]

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No. 215541

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That was fucking brutal

No. 215542

tumblr : neurotheologist

No. 215543

lmao i love how she writes about hating how ppl talk shit about her and that shes going to get off tumblr then goes ahead and makes a new one she lives for the attention

No. 215544

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i dont understand this eyeliner… like why is one upside down

No. 215545

Can u fucking stop posting the urls jfc… who even cares

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No. 137411[Reply]

Can somebody explain to me how people can take this guy seriously?
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No. 137452

That's that Durian guy from the Freelee Thread, pretty sure OP didn't mean to make this thread and just made it on accident.

No. 137453

He's probably deserving of his own thread, he's way worse than freelee.

No. 137460

Yeah can someone make a proper thread about him?

No. 137469

he preys on mentally ill teens who want a leader with extreme personality, the veganism a nice moral shield as well

No. 152733

Moved to >>>/manure/2524.

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No. 136772[Reply]

1aurapa1mer is a tiny little cherub lamb who raps about the terrible men she hangs around with, very badly.
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No. 136796

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OP is a dumb little tumblr shit

That being said, this dulcetangel girl should learn how to apply falsies. kek at that glue

No. 136797

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Uhh okay I take it back. OP is far more cringe. Look at her bad art.

No. 136953

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>people teased me for my dumb vendetta post! MY LIFE IS RUINED!!!! a-also it totally wasn't me guys i swear

No. 136971

How would someone get her email address and why would they do that lmao, she's not important enough for someone to legit make an elaborate scheme to ruin her life.

No. 136977

yeah it's obviously her. she's posted on lolcow before, and got banned for being an underage tard: >>122636 (she also had a bunch of tweets about ginger bronson which she deleted when people found out).

ella you're 14 years old, go play with your easybake oven instead of trying to start drama online.

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No. 136325[Reply]

She'll shrivel up and die without your attention!

Youtube: www.youtube.com/ChannonRose
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 136327

Shit thread OP, but god I hate those stupid clickbait titles more than anything on youtube. The only way it could be worse was if she put softcore porn pics in almost every thumbnail like tons of other youtubers.

No. 136343

Just seeing her face makes me angry.
God, i hate girls like that.

No. 136355

I see more and more channels like these popping up
>Balmain shop lady called me FAT
>omg racist MAC lady
>i nearly died because of (YouTuber)

No. 136356

She doesn't have any milk besides the wedding drama that happened a few months ago. She's annoying and an attention whore but that doesn't mean she's a snowflake.

No. 136357

>Balmain shop lady called me FAT
I know the second one is this asian gril who had a terrible acne, but is this one real? Like, this happened?

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No. 179896[Reply]

A cow if I ever saw one! She wrote an article that went viral saying that people judge her because she's "too beautiful" and write in self-pity saying how miserable her life is because she's just TOO pretty.



Obviously she's delusional. She looks like an alien chipmunk.

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No. 180002

She's on the lower end of average. And I don't know how she would be considered thin. Average or maybe chubby.

No. 180003

DDs aren't that big, anon. It only means 4inches difference between bust size and underbust size. if anything she might be bigger than DD depending on her band size

No. 180004

She probably DOES have DD's, but that just means her measurement around the bust is 5inches larger than her underbust measurement. When you're already 36 inches around, 5 inches on top of that doesn't look like much.

No. 180005

lol bye Felicia. obviously she has severely overestimated her "beauty". maybe people dont like you cause youre a cunt?

No. 180006

No, because there are plenty of people as attractive if not more attractive that don't act this ridiculously sheltered.

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No. 134524[Reply]

this girl is the epitome of asian stretching/beauty apps and proana poses. she has been faking bulimia for a few months now, she deleted her blog after people with REAL ED's caught on to her bullshit and lies. her instagram is https://www.instagram.com/tascha.whiteley/

you can see a plethora or proana/thinspo pics on there. she has a lot of young girls following her and she is clearly damaging to them… utter lolcow imo(lol)
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No. 134563

dank meme fam

No. 134573

If you're going to samefag, at least try to hide it a little better.

No. 134575

This belongs in proana general if you insist on forcing this discussion.
She's not interesting, you're not interesting.
Take your vendetta out elsewhere, you fucking rectal tumour.

No. 134577

okay tascha

No. 134578

nah but seriously ill put her back with the ohter proana thinspo liars
no worries

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No. 129036[Reply]

Because the previous thread reached its reply limit >>123455.
(N.B. Previous attempt at this thread was hijacked by vegans & was subsequently moved to /manure >>798).

Original thread: >>44088
Second thread: >>74624
Third thread: >>79031
Fourth thread: >>83974
Fifth thread: >>89109
Sixth thread: >>94114
Seventh thread: >>99329
Eighth thread: >>106059
Ninth thread: >>112288
Tenth thread: >>117640
11th: >>120427
12th: >>123455
1213 posts and 185 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 134248

I can handle oatmeal, but not two entire packets. Even before anorexia (and now after), it's just so filling. I would be sick…

No. 134249

Passive aggression will get you nowhere in life. :))

No. 134252

Yeah two packets of oatmeal isn't abnormal at all?? Congrats on your stomach not being able to handle it and all but there's many people that eat fucking two it's not so weird hahaha. It's just oatmeal. It's not like it's an omelette, two pieces of french toast, a stack of 4 pancakes, 5 sausage links, etc. Which even then, plenty of people eat breakfast like that.

No. 134254

Um. Did you forget that she's claiming to have anorexia?

No. 134255

It's still not a lot. Have you ever looked at the calories on regular ass maple oatmeal………………..

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No. 20823[Reply]

Blogger who is obsessed with Dakota rose but was force to remove any post about her due to so much hate. She also a xiaxue stalker. She like to lurk here and randomly block people like Kiki.

https://twitter.com › sarahrafika
https://m.facebook.com › theSarahRafika
8 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 52490

gurl you revived a month-old dead thread just to defend yourself

pls don't lecture others about their use of time

No. 52494

Yeah you re right! Should have ignored this ^^ ! Maybe because , no one wants to be introduce that way.

Well pleasure to know you guys! :)

No. 52523

Selfpost is so strong here.

No. 134116

She called this bullying so she deleted her shop

No. 134121

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