Harley Johnston aka Durian Rider aka Freelee the Banana spoops' pimp.
Harley is a well-know and active member of the vegan community.
He and his girlfriend run a vegan diet club(cult) called RT4/RawTILL4 which they dont even follow themselves, they promote eating only fruits and veggies in the day and after four eating starches(potatoes, rice etc) and thats pretty much it! Not only is it an absolute shit diet lacking in fat and nutrients(Zinc, Amino Acids, selenium, iron, copper etc.) they also promote people eating UNLIMITED calories! Thats right, ALL you want! The reason for this is they claim that if you dont eat like a pig you wont have enough energy! And to make up for the seriously lacking diet that they reccomend, i mean if youjust keep eating sand, and you eat enough of it you will reach your daily calcium level! It works like that amr..
Their shitty diet advice has made people get dangerous/and minor health problems, like hairloss, weight gain, muscle and joint pains, cramps, diarrhea etc.
read more here;
http://anthonycolpo.com/the-ugly-truth-about-harley-durianrider-johnstone/Not only is the diet he promotes shit, he is also a skitzophrenic, anorexic, a sufferer of Chrons disease which he CURED, you heard that right he cured all his diseases with veganism! Not possible? How dare you! Veganism also cures cancer, didnt you know?
Another shitty thing Durian rider has done is contribute to the death of a young woman(Jen Faulisi) with cancer, he accused the woman of being an attention seeking junkie that just wanted your money, his proof? He could see it in her eyes!
The young lady had a youtube channel where she asked people to donate for her cancer bills, but shortly after DR's video the donations stopped.. She has since passed away.
More on this topic;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPIrQnZl9UMPost too long. Click here to view the full text.