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No. 66553
3edgy5me thread
Post the most edgy attention seeking brats.
Kota Morgue (not for weak stomachs): No. 66556
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No. 66562
>>66553That offended people?! It's effin' hilarious, it's a doll covered in ketchup.
The only thing nasty about it is if she stuffed ketchup up her vag, then the sugars in it would of probably given her a yeast infection afterwards.
No. 66578
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No. 66612
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No. 66618
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>>66612I thought that guy was this guy for a second, but apparently not. Still crazy, though.
>imagine getting eaten out by this No. 66640
"what happened to it?"
"idk man it's GONE"
No. 66731
>>66640I laughed a bit too hard at this, thanks.
>>66612Wouldn't food fall out of those faceholes?
No. 66751
>>66553OH MY GOD I KNOW THIS GIRL IRL LOL (in the video, not OP's pic)
what the fuck whyyyyyy Dakota
No. 66759
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No. 73810
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Stop being a follower Emily. You're so desprit you have to befriend the devil Ember and copy lolcows? Get a LIFE!
No. 73821
>realistic looking aborted babbies, now that's going too far!Sorry, but I can't take this kind of tantrum seriously from the same audience who watches realistic 'simulated' porn of women getting beaten, raped, killed, and then fucked once more. Or who get off on the degradation of used up, desperate camwhores who are addicted to drugs do this kind of shit in the first place for money.
>muh selective respect for human life!!11!Gtfo
No. 83486
>>74396I knew about the alcoholism, she even claimed to be an alcoholic herself after a while.
But Anon, that's one fucking scumbag of a friend you got there as well as her shitty bf.
No. 89447
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Jay Spizzy of Dropping A Popped Locket.
The guy is a crunkcore "musician", tattoo artist and father of two girls. Nothing against him but his whole look screams "LOOK AT ME!" and it comes off as desperate, in my opinion.
No. 89480
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>>66553This almost looks as if it's the same girl from the OP's picture.
No. 89487
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This thread needs more images of edgelords. I'll dump what I have.
No. 89488
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No. 89490
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>lines with my bestie
No. 89493
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No. 89494
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No. 89530
>>89488i miss jun-kun and his shitty korean & japanese uwu
>>89490Who are these fetuses?
No. 102241
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No. 102243
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No. 102245
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No. 102246
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No. 102249
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No. 102315
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No. 104123
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>>104120Not that anon and didn't know who she was before seeing this so I looked her up; not gonna lie, her technique is pretty fucking great and her lines are super clean.
Her style is unconventional, sure, but she has skills.
No. 104124
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No. 104329
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>>74384Had a right giggle there, m80
No. 104333
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Some of our favorite edge lords.
No. 105026
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Holli_quinn is Lilith's best friend/gf. Holli tried to set up a gofundme just to unite~ them and fly her from New York. All she does is xanax, post stuff she shoplifted, and hangs out with every edgelord on drugs she can find locally.
No. 105040
>>105027lmao that ash is so fucking long cause she had to get the
perfect picture hahahaha so classic.
i actually love that insecure assholes smoke soothes can get ugly and die even faster.
No. 105075
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No. 105145
>>102243>>102245Terrible surfaces to snort from
To me the ones about cocaine are at the same time very childish but also not so bad. Maybe because I do it myself and think it's no big deal and a fun thing to joke around about. Not edgy in the slightest, I do it in order to stay awake and study for hours on end lol
Sage for blogpost
No. 105309
>>105027>that tattoo >those disgusting nails>that cigarette>questionable drink Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
What do you suppose is in that drink?
No. 105323
>>105026Just checked out her instagram, holy shit… she looks like every single fold and crevice of her body would stink like sweaty cheese.
There are cleaner smack addicts out there, who the fuck would bang that stank pussy??
No. 105555
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highest functioning person with microcephaly
>>92221 ever (jk)
No. 105872
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Charlie of course
No. 153463
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I know we havent spoken about this little attention freak in awhile but holy fuck she is such a crybaby. junkbull2003 is right though… her looks literally all look the same.
No. 155348
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I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned Methed-Up-Samurai yet.
No. 155561
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No. 155650
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>>155348LOL WHY
I scrolled through his blog and its just full of shitty gifs and videos of him blasting shitty metal music and tying to act all badass with his swords and knives. Cringe. The lack of self awareness is blinding
No. 155651
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>>155650sorry for doublepost but like… how old is this guy
No. 155654
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This guy is/was a teacher.
>>155651>This era of time where true adventure and combat has been destroyedHe's the edgy wannabe ninja version of those types who think that if they were born in the 1800s they would somehow instantly be rich aristocrats, but also free from the shitty trappings of those times. Except he's not even from the country of the history he's pining for.
No. 155656
>>155651>>155654When I read dumb shit like this I always think 'are you on Meth??' And this time the dicker is on Meth
He prob wears that mask to cover up all the teeth he doesn't have
No. 155661
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>>155651I want people to stop selling katanas to edgelords because it makes them think they can actually fight
No. 155664
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>>155656>teethIt's possible but the rest of him is looking pretty un-methy so he could even be exaggerating how much he uses or whatever, or this is the start of it.
His old band photos show him with perfect pearly whites, if he fucks them up then it's such a waste. What an idiot.