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No. 1031751[Reply]

This thread concerns with male-to-female (mtf) snowflake behaviour. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Rules of /snow/ apply on this thread, thus blogging about your hate of mtf with no context and autistic spergfests are banned. This means this is a thread for mtf related milk without the autistic ragefests and fights over disagreements over terms. Calling others handmaidens or scrotes is infighting. Taking your autism to other threads is leaving the containment zone, do not do this.

You may discuss gender critical subjects if it relates to milk. Once again, while your autistic tangents are milky to read, they're not actual milk.

Some notable troonacy:
>Self induced dissociative episodes by watching sissy hypnos are a core part of womanhood >>869584
>Beating up women you don't agree with >>900065
>Trans pussy has hair growing inside it… like a true woman! >>948223
>Using used tampons and putting it in your soiled diapers, and being encouraged by other lunatics. >>1029687
>This troon believes that everyone and no one is a woman >>1021387
>Troon writing a book about troons scavenging for industry made, ready to inject, safe to use estrogen in a post apocalyptic world. Makes sense? >>1014733
Some trans subreddits to explore degeneracy in:
 https://wPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
1212 posts and 213 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1048738

NAYRT, but I understand you. It becomes pedophilic when grown men think they're going through a similar puberty to little girls, ask what tanner stage they're on and desperately want perky round breasts rather than the non-sexy saggy breasts grown women would have. It just reeks of autopedophilia. I feel that the general population is going to be less accepting and repulsed if they'd ever notice how much MtFs drool over little girls and female childhoods. Also, many of them are definitely also into loli, which just further sexualizes children for them. If you can't molest any little girls, I guess the next best step is to become one.

No. 1048753

Yes, you added to my sperg and worded it better! I get trying to live a missed out childhood but these fucks never want to be or look like actual grown women. i
Would neve insult female boobs, small boobs are great, so are saggy big boobs

No. 1048762

I have never seen a troon body that went through male puberty that can fully pass as a woman of any variety. The HSTS who have had a tonne of surgery are slightly more convincing but when you get used to clocking them you can still spot the difference a mile off.

Even a relatively attractive troon like Blaire White clocks as a very gay, effeminate man.

No. 1048811

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I saw this medical article about the difference in cis and trans breast augmentation patients and the diagram they provided showing the average patient comparison was hilarious. There are also some before and after photos in the article and it’s so obvious that they look nothing like a normal small breasted women.

No. 1048813

I've actually met a rare black AGP via a cosplay group, he was stereotypically obsessed with anime and uwu lesbians.

Who was he aiming at? Plenty of HSTSs get off on the idea of getting with straight men and how that makes them better women.

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No. 1034150[Reply]

**Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread.**

Last Thread: >>>/snow/1020582

Recent milk:

>Still orders pink shit in size small even it clearly doesn't fit >>1010488

>Makes up things for attention such as being recognized in public >>1010852
>Video of her oh so amazing acting >>1010917
>Says she's now recognizing signs of mania >>1011085
>Her body goals >>1011303 vs her real body >>1011383
>"Am I wet? Oh nope, that's toilet paper >>1011401
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No. 1048289

HAHA anon please, I snorted

No. 1048291

No. 1048294

I mean she does look good (for Shay), the natural lighting really helps. I forgot she has those nice venus dimples, she should try showing those off more instead of her dolphin.

No. 1048305

Y'all really that fooled by the filter and blur abuse huh??
I think we're all just too happy about not seeing her face kek

No. 1048306

Underrated post

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No. 1027017[Reply]

Since PT is laying low after she got kicked out of her home her mother takes the lolcow crown by obsessively going after her daughter despite being homeless and making petty statuses on facebook so people can give her asspats. Did I mention she goes after rando widows as well? Someone give her the Mother of the year award!(shit thread)
10 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1030903

The thought that PT might have been an awkward, shy normal girl & her mother really is just an abusive fucking psycho who makes it impossible for her to function.

Proof of Sarah being homeless?

No. 1030905

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Now call me paranoid but after long months of silence in the 'fan' page inbox (cus it's been abandoned for years, obviously) I also have got this yesterday. In less than 24 hours before I got those messages from Debbie.

Why would some random out of nowhere with suspiciously empty account message 'Sarah' to ask her where she is now? And the next day we get those messages from Debs asking what's Sarah new facebook. Like… what's going on? Are we sure Pixie's at home now?

No. 1030912

Last I heard, Sarah went back home and had a job interview at a restaurant in town.

I think she blocked her mom on FB after she was kicked out the last time because she was getting a lot of abusive messages from her. It’s possible that people who know her irl are mistaking your fan page for her real one. I’d just delete that page and forget it, tbh.

This sort of stuff is exactly why we need a new thread…

No. 1047905

New to this whole Pixyteri thing (and can't find the new thread about her) but holy shit I went to school with her. She used to be really fat but her hygiene was basically the same.

She was a friend of my friend Nicki and I remember them having a falling out before she moved. Unfortunately my high school/middle school yearbooks are all in Texas (I've long since fled the state) so I can't prove this. But maybe I can get my mom to ship them out to me.

No. 1055683

while i agree debbie is not helping the situation, i don't think any of you have ever dealt with a leech living in your house. you don't seem to understand how much of a drain it is to provide for someone who does absolutely nothing at all. doesn't give money back, doesn't do any of the housework, which continues to pile up. you come home from working all day to find your space a mess and the person you're paying for just sitting in bed on their phone. they haven't done a thing. this has gone on for 15+ years. i don't blame debbie for being angry at pt. if therapy isn't helping and pt won't take her meds or try to get a job, what else are you going to do? she's not mentally ill enough for assisted living i'm pretty sure, she's just autistic and refuses to integrate into the world even if it's hard. there's millions of autists who manage to do this.

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No. 1005403[Reply]

general thread for the newest form of cancer: The eGirls / eBoys

> usually under 25 / Gen Z

> cringe as fuck
> extreme oversharing
> all claim to be the “original”
> try to be as “edgy” as possible
> “yeah I listen to music that you probably won’t know they’re not really mainstream”
> username always a mix between something soft and something dark EG: “@dead-“ “@devil-“ “@doll-“ “@angel-“ “@grrrl” “@vomit” “@babi” “@lil” “@kittie” “@creep”
> anime DP icon
> “not like the other girls / boys” “i don’t fit in” “you don’t understand me”
> DD / LG
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(babivampire)
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No. 1051447

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Like wtf?

No. 1051930

she dyed her hair what else is different fuck off

No. 1052123

From what I've seen on here so far, people have said she's said the n word multiple times, made edgy twitter posts, neo nazi, racist, ablest, killed some rat and pro ana.

No. 1058646

^^^^ Seeing all this stuff about @Babivampire is so interesting cuz I remember she was sucking off another old problematic user @babispit claiming the person who made a thread on Babi was “Victimizing their-self” to put them in their place. JUST to find out she’s problematic herself and is literally playing victim LMAO

No. 1669221

no fr. it annoys me how also a lot of the egirl community have sort of covered it up and swept everything under the rug? now they’ve changed their @ to nymphblonde

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No. 950957[Reply]

Instagram:yungcynical, cynicalshawty, 187cynical
>16 / “bi”
>4chan pickme
>egirl known for falsely accusing some ugly retarded eboy of rape
>cheated on her boyfriend/made up the rape to excuse it
>flirts with memepages
>fake goth tard who thinks lil peep and Bladee is goth music
>constantly panders to misogynist/racist men
>flirts with the Negative XP(the guy who made the incel SoundCloud egirl song)
>runs a page called 4changirlfriend
>cringe “irony” posts
>had nudes of her when she was 14 posted on 4chan and then posted it on her story saying”thanks for the clout” [wtaf] it was technically cp so it was deleted shortly afterwards
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No. 1474960

its literally her old twt username digitalpercocet but the accs private

No. 1480497

don’t put anything in the name box
I’ve been noticing her rapid weight lost over the past year on tiktok. She’s pretty skinny now I doubt she’s loosing it healthily kek

No. 1482468

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ig this is the general thread for this moomoi and friends so heres her best friend aya hanging out with a child molester

No. 1482474

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saged ofc

No. 1864010


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No. 1027713[Reply]

Don’t ask for Tesah’s nudes and don’t involve her family or her exes (with the exception of Dahvie). Don't involve Canyon’s other exes. Don't contact/post about other sex workers connected to Tesah or Canyon unless they provide milk. Don't acknowledge Canyon's selfposting; just report, and remember that this is an imageboard.

Tesah Jordin is a SW/dancer , formerly of Chicago but now based in Raleigh, North Carolina, whose initial claim to fame was sleeping with Dahvie Vanity. She's an obligatory BPDfag and has a taste for shitty scrotes with face tattoos. Enter Canyon Monfrado, her cuck tryhard BF who spends his time trying to go viral and failing miserably when they're not both filming cringy, small dick, Hank Hill ass OnlyFans porn or having screaming matches and throwing furniture at each other.

Last time on "24 Hour Lolcow.com People"…

>Canyon dumps Tesah (the first time), Tesah immediately posts stories with another guy >>926515

>holds Canyon's documents hostage while manipulatively texting him >>926520
>Tesah sneaks off to Florida to fuck Dahvie again >>933921 and then goes on Chris Hansen six weeks later >>963757
>is straight edge for two weeks >>928536 before going back on booze >>933923
>gets back with Canyon and breaks quarantine to travel with him (an essential worker at the time), he breaks up with her during and records her freak out which includes suicide baiting >>958229
>Someone cowtips Tesah, who in turn cowtips Canyon, and Canyon begins self posting his autism
>Canyon samefags to try to bait farmers to call his dick "nice" and "not small" only to self post his dPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1046056

Working on the new thread, should I use the pic in the post linked above or does anyone have any good ones?

No. 1046057

Seems good lol

No. 1046060

No. 1046067

She may be a crack whore, but damnit now she's OUR crack whore.

No. 1047164


I'm a little late to the party but holy shit. Saw their breakdowns on IG and I'm genuinely feeling awful for Tesah. Crayon is such a retard. I love how his new favorite words are "tinfoiling" and everything else we use on here. Even Tesah was just like, you're so obsessed with that website, just stop.

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No. 1045975[Reply]

SUMMARY: PlasticandProud / ScorpioAssHeaux/ Ariana McMillan is a 25 year old plastic surgery addict, ex-Instagram “influencer”, animal abuser, and full service sex worker based in Philly.


>Insufferable narcissist and obligatory BPDfag, “Doesn’t care wat u think” but will have a defensive spergout and be mad for hours over the slightest rustle of jimmies

>Has a botched nose job, lip lift and boob job that all have scarring from improper aftercare, had to have boobs redone and are still wonky; constantly talks about needing more surgery to feel better about herself.
>Posts before and after pics of her surgery nonstop, unable to see her own obvious physical decline and downward spiral despite spend hours staring at own face.
>Obsessed with fillers. Is trying to dissolve them so she can have a facial fat-transfer despite her face looking a catcher’s mitt and recently begged a plastic surgeon to just “take her money” when he declined to do the procedure
>Has a history of animal abuse noted below, but most recent animal milk is: deciding to spend money she was going to use on her dog’s much needed hip surgery for more plastic surgery, and buying a cat that was weened too early and abusing it any time it doesn’t behave how she would like it to. Calls it a “demon” and constantly sprays it with a water bottle instead of train it.

Last Thread: >>>/snow/1005574
First Thread: >>>/snow/638649


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No. 1045991

use the catalog, retard

No. 1046010


I did. Nothing shows.

No. 1046016

oh, you’re actually brain dead


No. 1046018


Thank you.

No. 1046194

Newfag anon making dupe thread after posting & getting response in thread requests on /pt/ and then other anons humoring her bc of obvious autism is the best kind of lolcow spirit.

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No. 1031222[Reply]

In light of recent popularity of socialism, there is now a distinct breed of pickmes who embrace leftist/Marxist rhetoric to vent their personal resentment towards their more successful/attractive peers under the guise of caring about the poor and to garner attention with increasingly retarded takes. They’re also ugly and aging hags. Common examples include Anna Khachiyan, Dasha Nekrasova, Amber A'Lee Frost, Aimee Terese, Heather Habsburg, Caroline Debnam, Liz Franczak, and their gay, woman-hating buddy Jack the Fragrance Fascist.

>Anna Khachiyan is the ugliest hag to ever consider herself a fashion arbiter: >>>/snow/1025064
>And this is Dasha, the cashew shaped face of the left: >>>/snow/1030199
>Jack the Perfume Nationalist and ex-FtM freak Dianna Dragonetti/@christlover2000 bond over their shared cow status: >>>/snow/1031174
>Rachel Olson/@HeatherHabsburg/@tolstoybb, Aimee Terese, and Caroline Debnam/@as_a_woman continue to obsessively check this thread every day: >>>/snow/1024756
>Anna’s good pals Kantblimp, 500 pound star of an incel documentary, and Logo Daedalus remain in the midst of a months long public meltdown: >>>/snow/1028823
>We haven’t forgotten about bug-eyed Liz Franczak: >>>/snow/1025152

Old threads:
Thread #1: >>>/snow/949693
Thread #2: >>>/snow/1002060
Thread #3: >>>/snow/1020452
Thread #4: >>>/snow/1030945Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1045680

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Of course this retard had to follow Dasha and defend Ashley… on a post from an account with less than 500 followers. Lol.

No. 1045682


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1045685

holy kek making her wear that wig should be considered a hate crime on part of the video production team, dasha should sue for damages

No. 1045693

No. 1045694

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I'm OBSESSED with how bad this video is. This styling makes her look like a teenaged boy in low effort drag

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No. 1045013[Reply]

She's woke, rich and wants you to know she's more privileged than you, Jameela Jamil is a British actress most known for her role as Tahani in the good place, her woke twitter rants and body positivity podcast "I weigh".

Noticeable milk:
>her Munchausen style list of illnesses/ ailments (courtesy of kiwifarms):
Hearing loss from labyrinthitis
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
High cholesterol
Low blood pressure
Spinal damage from a car accident
Anorexia nervosa
Suicide attempt
Mercury poisoning
Celiac disease
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No. 1045350

The cars i can accept but killer bees x3?? is she counting every bee flying around her for a bit as an atack?

No. 1045351

Love the dedication anon.
The bees is what gets me the most too, recycling that ridiculous story over and over is the true mark of a compulsive liar. She 100% only conceived of the bee related car accidents as two separate occasions when she was called out on it and in true narc fashion couldn't backtrack or admit fault.

No. 1045353

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Don't bother unless you want a lecture on egyptian dynasties.

I laugh at how unwoke and privileged this take off hers was, she's truly not one of the commoners.

No. 1045358

The interviewer Mark Ronsan confirmed "there may have been 1 or 2 bees" but she was definitely exaggerating. I would not doubt that there is a small truth to some of these claims, but they are hyped up to make her seem clumsy, quirky, and admirable for overcoming hardship.

No. 1045434

Use the celebri-cows thread in /ot/


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No. 909749[Reply]

Tesah Jordin/WildcatWitch/Tesah Vanover is a SW/dancer based in Chicago. She has a history of lying and manipulation and playing the victim when called out, claiming that anyone who does so "must really hate sex workers". She is also a serial cheater, abusive, and possibly a narcissist.

>"first love" was known pedo Dahvie Vanity

>was the "other woman" while Dahvie was engaged to someone else; he ended things so she joined the bandwagon of people accusing him of rape
>several months later Dahvie splits off from fiancee and they get back together; Tesah makes a post admitting she lied
>they're still in some form of sexual contact to this day
>shows off a picture of her ribs, saying that her "appetite is shit" (possibly ana-chan?)
>recently got caught cheating on her boyfriend (again) whom she regularly made porn with on OnlyFans
>ex-boyfriend fully exposes her on Facebook as an alco and abuser
>she successfully manipulates him into trying to "work things out" but he still gets off their apartment lease and leaves for NC, kek
>scammer; promises nudes in exchange for money and then never sends them
>had a sugar daddy paying her rent
>Posts borderline nudes on IG and then spergs out when she's shadowbanned or postbanned

FB: https://www.facebook.com/tesah.vanover
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(shit thread)
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No. 1027546

Boy oh boy you are pressed kek. Have you ever thought about the fact that not every woman on this planet is attracted to an ugly shrimp like you? And yes that’s coming from a woman, now gtfo this page

No. 1027686

It’s happening again. Canyon just went live on Instagram and it looks like Tesah is melting down about something. Throwing furniture and shit. Those poor cats.

No. 1027706

post the images or GTFO

No. 1027723

No. 1044651


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