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No. 1048899
Alyssa D. Silos / Alythuh
Alyssa D. Silos is an American influencer of Filipino descent who claims to be a self made artist successful enough to afford traveling the world with money made from art sales. However her art skill is mediocre, her accomplishments as an artist are always ambiguously described, and she already has been living a luxurious lifestyle traveling the world before she even became a full time artist.
> Claims to be not rich from childhood despite her previous tweets showing how privileged she is> Brags a lot about her condo apartment and her looks, but not giving out details about her supposed international exhibits> Constant dishonesty similar to that of a pathological liar (when telling stories about her successes, herself, and her life)> Has strong stance against others stealing content, but steals photos and doesn't credit artists> Exploits the black aesthetic for clout, painted herself darker than she is> Notoriously bad photoshop and facetune edits to her face and body> PickMe tendencies where she always has to mention anime and video games to be #notliketheothergirls> Starts witch hunts with her fans and always has to call out the "haters" even if they have legitimate criticism> Religiously stalks discussions about her, including her PrettyUglyLitleLiar Thread> Has her sister derail a PULL discussion, revealing more intimate details about Alyssa more than she should have> Often shares hypocritical advice and statements that do not line up with her behavior> Constant retweeting and liking of self compliments> Rarely shares her own artTwitter (Main): (Side):
https://alythuh.comTiktok: No. 1048913
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Not to mention her staged "artsy" and "omg so nerdy" photos, including the before and after of her old room that made her go viral.
And we can't forget her photoshopped vacation pictures.
No. 1048920
>>1048899what was said by her sister in the PULL thread?
What I find weird is that she’s this huge artist but for some reason she can’t aptly share nor be searched for by her art, nor where her exhibits are being held. How are people supposed to be buying her work? Besides the poorly made <100 dollar prints and miscellaneous merch on her store. Where are the big pieces she makes for exhibits? Are there even any buyers? Are there any actual exhibits? I’m surprised she hasn’t gone with the “oh guys I am actually working understand er a pen name so I can’t say what works are actually mine” excuse yet, because none of her lies so far have been really convincing.
No. 1048921
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these photos are from the same day LOL. Her photoshopped image is on the left, and the candid image on the right. That’s not even the same person
No. 1048922
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>>1048899So happy she finally has a thread. Someone in the art cow thread mentioned that you can’t pull up her Japan or South Korea “exhibits.” Some speculate that she just pays for a private studio when she’s on her trips and tries passing it off as an art exhibit. It can’t be that far-fetched, seeing as how some influencers have been exposed for paying for studios that look like the interior of a private jet just to take selfies, kek.
She had a showcase in Portland, and she tried passing it off as a big deal. It was a small art show for this college. A close friend of hers was the curator, which is how she even got an invite.
Pic related: Alyssa showing off vs. what a college student says. It really wasn’t a massive deal. Also, she talked about her “success” before she was even viral.
No. 1048926
>>1048922Samefag but just realized that she claimed it was her very own “solo art exhibit” when it was her friend’s art show that featured multiple artists lmao.
Also, she only rents her condo. She doesn’t actually own it. Angel (her sister) accidentally talked about Alyssa’s landlord on her twitter in a way that alluded to Alyssa renting. So much for ~owning my dream condo at a young age~
No. 1048931
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She retweeted both of these. Why does she retweet all of this praise? It’s so egotistical.
>painting while sitting on bathroom floors
She had a very nice art desk with tons of materials, something most artists don’t start with. She tries making it sound like she went from nothing to something when she was always upper middle class.
No. 1048939
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I LOVE the way she always passive aggressively responds to lolcow. She can’t handle it.
No. 1048948
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>>1048939Also these rts are so embarrassing
No. 1048950
>>1048941Basically if you go look at her Retweets and comments section of selfies, it’s filled with “oh to be a hot titty anime woman” or “oh to be Alyssa…” with some whack endings every time as well as women pitying themselves for not looking like her.
Meanwhile, she doesn’t even look like her.
No. 1048951
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>>1048921That’s nothing, I’d like to add this gem from the art cows thread. Nice to see one of the few images of her real face.
No. 1048954
>>1048939>designing new robesShe never had any other robes.
>getting a new warehouse soonShe’s never owned a warehouse before.
Why does she word things like this? Given how calculated and meticulous she is it makes her look like a liar by omission.
No. 1048958
>>1048954> it makes her look like a liar by omission.Not just makes her look like one, it does proves she is not telling the truth or misleading people into thinking what she's saying is real
Also tbh that photo of her with her real face is pretty, she must be really insecure to photoshop her face that much
No. 1048964
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Yes Alyssa. That’s the issue. The mirror is the only issue. Everyone is jealous and you can do no wrong because you’re absolutely perfect. You caught us.
This bitch is so fucking dumb.
>>1048962It has nothing to do with her style, it’s her face without editing.
No. 1048966
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>>1048939Kek here’s the full tweets, she deleted the top one.
No. 1048973
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Her sister posted a tiktok six months ago where Alyssa is in the background setting that very canvas in her staged sunrise pics up on an easel and then pretending to draw on a sheet of paper directly on her leg? So desperate to force everyone to see her as an artist lol. 1/2
No. 1048991
>>1048920A user named "noneofyourconcern" derailed the PULL thread back in April 2020. This was around the time Alythuh blasted a critic with a smaller account. In noneofyourconcern's posts, they gave away too many details like the following:
> Alythuh's ex cheated on her (nobody said this, not even Alyssa)> Personal details about Alyssa's family life> Very specific details about working in the Las Vegas strip, which Alyssa's sister Angel does> This very unnecessary detail saying "Alyssa's sister works as a waitress, not a stripper". Like that's not even related to the topic but okHere are the exact posts: proof that she works at the strip, as a PULL user pointed out: Alythuh's sister isn't as milky as her and seems genuinely a cool person if you don't include her enabling Alythuh's actions. But she shot their feet when she revealed so much things that the PULL users didn't talk about before.
No. 1048992
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>>1048979"Filipina beauty standard" is the key phrase here. It's not entirely fair because in the Philippines, looking mestiza/mixed is considered the pinnacle (pic related is a popular actress). So yes, her flat nose, big ears and dark skin, while not automatically "ugly" traits, likely contributes to her insecurity + need to intensely photoshop herself all the time
No. 1048994
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>>1048973So does she just… “work” on the same piece, over and over and over again? Always the same shit.
What other artists post these thirst traps as frequently as she does? She should just come out as a sex worker already. Also, is it just me, or does her face look different in each pic? I know it’s photoshop, but it feels like I’m looking at a different woman each time.
No. 1049006
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>>1048999Found in the replies. I know she’s been caught lying about her ethnicity, too. But I thought that was way in the past, not as recent as last year. I doubt she’s mixed because there have been other times she’s said she’s “100% Filipina.”
No. 1049010
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>>1049006She only started calling herself full Filipino because Filipinos who don't know much about her will eat that shit up lol. But in 2017 she was all about her Chinese-Filipino ethnicity, even making an artwork about it.
Sauce: No. 1049011
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When she tweeted she’s 100% Filipina and not mixed, then deleted it after a call out lol
No. 1049014
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>>1048899Did she ever explain this one?
No. 1049033
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The way she overlines her lips is kind of weird, does she not realize people can see it in person or do real photos of her get posted so rarely that she doesn’t care
No. 1049062
>>1048958I prefer the real her than the thot version she puts online. There's a cute awkwardness in the unshooped photos.
Her whole deal is aspirational thot, regardless of how her art "success" doesn't add up considering nobody actually likes or buys her work.
No. 1049068
My main gripe with Alythuh is she claims she's successful enough to have international exhibits yet I barely hear of her outside the US context. No galleries, cafes, or private venues in Japan and Korea even mention her. If you even google her name along with the translated words for "gallery" "exhibit" "artist exhibit", etc., nothing really pops up.
One time she mentioned she's gonna return to Korea to show her work in the gallery. But the year she returned to Korea, nothing of the gallery was ever mentioned again. No. 1049083
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She reminds me a little bit of Justine Biticon, and I'm willing to bet she considers Justine a role model in some way. A lot of the same symptoms aside from them both being Filipino. Justine always posts instathot selfies that showcase her "dream" life. She's even done the whole "I'M MIXED!!!" bit by claiming to be part-Mexican… because her stepfather is Mexican. It's a shame because Justine has an actual, stable career as a model so it made sense that girls looked up to her; she had to go and ruin it by LARPing as a girlbawss and scamming countless people with her "clothing line" that rarely ever delivered orders. I'm actually waiting for a similar scandal to befall Alythuh tbh, and I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet. Maybe someone will eventually spill about her bogus robe business.
No. 1049084
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>>1049068I used to see her and her work on my timeline sometimes and was surprised her stuff was apparently museum worthy because it…just doesn't look like high end art?
so feeling pretty vindicated rn
>>1049013 is basically animu + bratz idealized portraits of herself. anyone else think it's EXACTLY like what kotakoti used to do when she was dakota rose?
No. 1049086
>>1049077I don't think they're talking about the looks. It's about her claiming her successes in these countries when nothing in Google, not even an article about an event for her, pops up.
>>1049084My guess is either she's invited to really small spaces or it didn't happen. See
>>1049068, she just brought along her artwork to Gyeongbokgung Palace or some similar looking tourist attraction lol. But no gallery whatsoever.
No. 1049206
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But look at how poor she’s always been! If you haven’t read the PULL thread, I suggest reading a few pages to catch up because this cow truly is amazing. She straight up said her dad is a drug lord in prison in the Philippines. That’s her woe is me story, which doesn’t make sense because it means she’s always been rich if he’s a drug ~lord~ .. but also, she wouldn’t be able to comfortably visit the Philippines if that were true.
No. 1049255
>>1048951Where did you get this photo from?
It must be tiring moving furniture around your house every time to take the perfectly curated selfie that you’re just going to photoshop to filth anyways.
She most definitely is super insecure if she’s photoshopping her already fake tits and changing her round face to a damn Dorito.
No. 1049285
>>1048921I could tell that she was shooping herself but couldn't exactly pinpoint what she was trying to do. Seeing the side by side is wild. The candid looks better then her weird shoop.
>>1048973Painting takes a while, esp depending on the medium (oil vs acrylic for example). But it seriously looks like she does a tiny little bit and then will only touch it if she's being photographed or filmed. Pretty tough for a "Full Time Artist" to make any money when she's barely producing anything.
No. 1049286
>>1049014>>1049143ironically it's her best piece, but if the pedo vibes aren't intentional then she is really bad at her job, what else are we supposed to see ? ( i still i wonder what the fuck she was thinking about but if she made this)
she kind of reminds me of berry tsukasa when she was still a thing, there is something in her photoshop abuse, the obsession with making aesthetic lifestyle twitter pictures for her dumb fanbase and the way she wants to make people think that her life is so much more than what it is, both are filipino too
sage for lolcow nostalgia
No. 1049287
>>1049286*when she made this
No. 1049342
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Alythuh also has a long running history of stealing photos from other people / travel blogs.
Most recently, she stole an image that had a completely different person in it, and tried to pass it off as herself. A user approached the original poster and the screenshot was the result.
Alyssa, for someone who prides themselves on being such a beautiful boss babe, why are you stealing other women’s photos?
No. 1049365
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>>1048999This is such a nitpick but why does she hold chopsticks like this… just use a damn fork girl lol
No. 1049567
>>1049342LMFAO and her fans will ignore all of this stuff. God I hate this bitch so much. All of small biz “side hustle” artist (girls who sell crafts) twitter like worship her.
she sucks. Also wasn’t she a sugar baby too? I thought that’s how she got the apartment.
No. 1049591
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Seems like she’s trying to convince Twitter she can look like this
>>1048992 No. 1049621
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I think this is the ugliest part about her. If she didn’t do this and constantly post self-serving tweets, she wouldn’t be nearly as annoying. She seems to be getting worse each month.
>>1049342Lol glad someone brought this up. It’s weird enough that she steals other people’s travel pics, but she actually stole someone’s selfie? She wishes she had half of this woman’s style.
No. 1049623
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She posted this right as this thread took off. Does she seriously get that many orders for her art?
No. 1049626
>>1049621I find it strange no one called her out on stealing a seflie of a completely different person.
>>1049623The answer is no. She doesn't. She embellishes everything and "fakes it til she makes it". Wait until her orbiters find out how much she's profiting off her busted self-defense kits. kek
No. 1049642
>>1049623A warehouse? Is there going to be someone employed at the warehouse fulfilling and shipping orders? If not, what's the point of having one? It's probably more like a storage unit to keep her boxes of unsold merchandise in. Sage for blogpost but I know some semi-pro artists and if anything they rent studio space, not a gd warehouse
>>1049634this, it's just to flex what a GIRLBAWSS she is
No. 1049653
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>>1049623She is literally like a lulu lemon hack. She’s definitely planning on pumping out Chinese sweatshop items as “couture fashion” because her art will not sell enough for her to need a warehouse. There isn’t even enough inventory in that truck to fill up a section of a warehouse. I promise you she rented out a space of a warehouse, which is very common. She probably leases a certain square footage, she certainly doesn’t own one. Lying ass.
>exciting project I repeat, lying ass
No. 1049668
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Lc says there isn’t enough in that truck to fill out a section of a warehouse. She then comes online to say she was transporting more. K.
No. 1049689
>>1049668Hi Alyssa. Make it more obvious that you read on here why don’t you.
This should also prove that she does in fact just have some rinky dinky storage unit.
and now we watch her tweet a picture of said “warehouse” as proof cause she’s sO nOt BOtheREd haterz.
No. 1049701
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Found her F*ck off defense key online for less than $1. She is reselling them for almost $14 USD.
No. 1049723
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>>1049689This wouldn’t prove anything, I am confident and near sure that she is only leasing out a section of a warehouse. She’s probably renting a single space, she could easily post photos of it claiming it’s hers and then risk the trouble of other peoples inventory being in her photos.
No. 1049732
I worked in logistics and 3PL. We had a huge warehouse with different options. People could use some parts as self-storage and companies could rent a small part and store their goods and manage their ordering and deliveries themselves, which is probably what she is doing.
Storage like these are also used because they make sure the storing conditions are controlled and you can store paintings and work of art safely.
Idk why she needs to imply she’s getting her own warehouse cause i can’t imagine how much it’d cost. You’d need good security and employees to deal with it (clean it, making sure rodents and birds aren’t nesting in). It’d make sense if she was sculpting large work of art, but even then …
No. 1049835
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“Building furniture” more like fastening some ikea nuts and bolts and then spending two hours creating a ridiculously dumb and anal still life composition for your feed
No. 1049868
>>1049835This is such a
toxic mindset to have, jesus. Especially if you're an artist. Criticism is not necessarily disrespect. She can say she's evolving all she wants but this is not how you grow as a person.
No. 1049894
>>1049868Even if she's not an artist this is still
toxic as fuck. Imagine how narcissistic she has to be if what she hears from others isn't anything close to kissing her ass.
No. 1049917
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Why does she always look pasted onto backgrounds? The fuck
No. 1049918
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>>1049917Like, I know and we all know that she steals travel pictures and pastes herself on them, but she looks pasted onto her own condo too
No. 1049929
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>>1049923I think
>>1048999 was wrong and she really does casually lug a bunch of plants around on a semi-daily basis, there's no way he's watering and looking after all of those plants. Not to mention the fact that plants don't look picture perfect for more than a few days after you get them, and we all know she needs the perfect catalogue background to paste herself to like a god damn magnetic paper doll
>inb4 she starts documenting the state of her plants to prove us wrong No. 1049961
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>>1048921I gotta be real here anon, at least in these pics she looks the same to me
Unrelated but I dislike her for a lot of reasons but her fans will go crazy if they think you’re criticizing her.
A good example of that is when she dressed up as “Sexy~ ACNH Daisy Mae”.
It wasn’t any less strange or “scandalous” when adults cosplaying child/teen characters is common but the reaction was wild.
Just skimming the comments on the tweet nearly gave me brain damage. The people trying to meekly say things like “This is kinda weird, isn’t she a child?” got jumped by fans with “She’s an ADULT she can dress how she wants!! It doesn’t say in the game Daisy Mae is a child!! The character isn’t even real!!” and my personal favourite that still makes me laugh “Stop sexualizing cleavage!!!”
Here’s the tweet if you’re curious No. 1049970
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>>1049917Mainly under her foot but you can see that her legs are so tightly zipped together so no part of the background can peak through. Same with her arms lol.
No. 1049982
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>>1049961man who the fuck looks at this and thinks ‘shit this would be so good with sexy tits’?? this bitch is such a freak
No. 1050002
>>1049929All of the plants in her photos so far have been fake. Most of them aren’t even okay quality and are fucking hideous
We’ll see if she keeps up with dusting, though.
No. 1050022
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before her shooping days kek, she’s extremely average looking
No. 1050023
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Her vibe and overall look was so different lmfaoo this is hilarious
No. 1050025
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>>1050023There’s nothing wrong with her being normal looking, she just can’t profit off of it
No. 1050031
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i don’t understand what her real face is at this point
No. 1050032
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>>1050031(2/2) this is all so confusing like who is this because that’s not what she looks like now… lmao
No. 1050035
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The backwards cap makes it that much more unattractive
No. 1050036
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The jokes write themselves.
>>1050031That looks like balls.
>>1050035It isn’t backwards?
No. 1050039
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Is she able to actually draw? All her "art" just seems like props for instagram photos, like it was made by somebody else and she just uses it.
No. 1050078
>>1050039She can't even apply a flat, even color, it all looks so dirty and unprofessional; it's ridiculous she's trying to pass as professional.
Not to mention anatomy, top right painting it clearly attempt to paint Duckie Thot but she's made her look so ugly.
No. 1050086
It's a shame because based off
>>1050031 and
>>1050023 it's obvious that she has decent foundational skill and can do pretty good linework. It just disappears under her muddy skin and over-rendered faces.
No. 1050095
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>>1050087I'm one of the anons that said before that it had pedo vibes and while i stand by it, when you look at it as a part of this series it really seems like she just can't do proportions right
No. 1050118
>>1050105Cmon plenty of anons called soeymilk out, she can draw and knew what she was doing but made excuses.
This alyssa artwork is not pedo for sure, just unfortunate due to lack of skill but i doubt these were the only people who realized the size difference made it look creepy, she could have remade it early on to avoid more misunderstandings.
No. 1050123
>>1050118I get that, but it’s already been established that she
didn’t know. The intention isn’t there so I don’t get beating it into the ground and wagging fingers about how uNcOmFy and cWeEpY it is and calling it pedo, sounds like twitter cancel logic. I’ve contributed a lot to this thread, but I don’t understand calling it pedo art when it isn’t and saying she should have known when everyone keeps repeating she sucks shit at drawing and didn’t know. It isn’t “blatant” or “unambiguously” pedophilia, that’s just taking the moral high ground because we all hate her and want to pile more bias on her.
No. 1050166
>>1050123I think the point anons are making is that even with her being bad and just not knowing, for sure someone else from her thousands of followers realized this looked wrong, she could have fixed it to avoid further misunderstandings. She still can, if she lurks this thread.
Ofc it wasnt her intention, but she cant complain that some people who see that piece for the first time on her site will see a kid, not everyone will have context like us and this will repeat.
No. 1050170
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i wanted to know the school she went to but apparently she didn't studied art, yet she claims to be a famous artist irl too but it's quite hard to be a successful artist in fine arts when you didn't went to a good school/aren't rich (if you're rich, you know the right people), at least that's how it is where i live (it's a bit more difficult than that but that's how it is, more or less, it's a weird world) a lot of doors are closed to you if you aren't one of these things, even if you're talented
is she really claiming that she just became a full time artist one day because she was really talented or something? i doubt that's how it went
No. 1050206
>>1050187The thing I don't get is that she's clearly a pro "influencer" who has monetized her online presence, so why isn't that good enough for her?
She can certainly make money on her looks and following. It's just the "artist" aspect that's so heavily overplayed. Nobody follows her for her art, she's just popular for her aesthetic and artificial beauty. The art is like a prop to make her seem more interesting. I guess she probably thinks she has "substance" due to being an "artist" instead of just a model, but people with real artistic (or business) sense can see that it doesn't add up the way she pretends it does.
No. 1050226
File: 1601666272078.jpeg (933.47 KB, 828x1313, 0D7F0A4E-AE33-4D5C-AFD0-8B7954…)

It isn’t vulnerability if you only do it after everyone makes fun of you for being neurotically obsessive compulsive about how staged your environment is, alyssa. of course this comes after people say her apt doesn’t look lived in.
No. 1050230
File: 1601666641728.jpeg (489.03 KB, 1125x1797, 921C63DD-223D-44BF-B5C3-4368AA…)

>>1050226I wanted to ask if anyone noticed this request for weed between the sisters in this same thread.
Picking up what? More clothes? Didnt she move out months ago? What are you picking up? Crumble is concentrated weed. Unless they’re talking about food or their dog lol
No. 1050244
>>1050187>people would praise her a lot and ask if it's for sale>fastforward to now, she's a pro artistSure, that's how it all happened, she's totes a pro artist now.
Didn't take too long for her WKs to find the thread huh?
No. 1050322
I’m so glad there’s a thread on this person, she’s such an obvious grifter. I’m almost more amused by the fans who are thick enough to believe her boldfaced lies.
>>1050206Because the hook that allows her to be an influencer successfully is her girlboss charade. If she was just transparently profiting from being hot and aesthetic it wouldn’t be nearly as compelling and far fewer people would care
>>1050039For someone who’s so keen on profiting off of blackness she’s pretty bad at drawing black skin. It so smudgey and overcolored. She must spend hours grinding her pencil into these tiny gradient details without stopping to look at whether she’s actually drawing something that’s proportionally accurate.
No. 1050373
File: 1601680869540.jpeg (199 KB, 750x1165, 5133B8EB-7389-417F-A593-6272D6…)

It makes me a little sad that she profits off of black women like this. For someone who’s into social justice, she really doesn’t mind taking up space. This black woman asked where she can buy Alyssa’s art. I can’t find it anymore, but I saw a black man call her out in the comments of one of her pictures. Her stans came out and told him snarky shit like “nice try.”
Also, when people were trying to amplify black businesses, she made a tweet asking for suggestions for black businesses just to virtue signal. She could’ve very easily done research herself.
No. 1050375
File: 1601681102440.jpeg (275.91 KB, 750x950, 5FE7DCFB-4F7B-4C0F-857D-44044A…)

>>1050373I wonder if she actually bought shit.
>I want to support you!!>Strictly paints black women and profits off of it when an actual black person could paint that and earn that money Not trying to SJW I just find it hypocritical as fuck. Both her and her fans.
No. 1050386
File: 1601681889224.jpeg (584.75 KB, 1337x1678, 4F6B201E-C665-4D18-AEF6-7FAB5D…)

This is how she truly became famous, the fucking “room transformation.” It doesn’t make sense because there wasn’t ever a room transformation. That old room was when she was living in her mom’s house, the “new room” is when she moved into her condo. Also, her and that ex are still in good terms and follow each other on social media and even interact from time to time. Meanwhile her stans think she was a
victim of abuse and that this ~transformation~ is a major accomplishment.
Ffs there’s even news articles on it: No. 1050399
File: 1601682484528.jpeg (170.41 KB, 750x1083, D574F913-CBDF-4657-BF8C-F12350…)

>>1050242She probably liked this tweet
No. 1050401
File: 1601682544137.jpeg (148.09 KB, 684x900, 111C047F-E640-45B1-9688-2BF373…)

>>1050242>>1050399I didn’t even know she has dogs. Total photo prop
No. 1050416
File: 1601683014810.jpeg (264.85 KB, 750x1318, C0EEBCD9-4B59-4B04-A15B-8A1F8E…)

Such a gamer girl!
No. 1050422
File: 1601683478119.jpeg (1012.46 KB, 1481x1643, CD356A50-82BB-474D-B223-D5A441…)

This is one of her famous ~picnic art date~ sets that she routinely posts, except I haven’t seen anyone post this one from almost three years ago. It looks like she’s all alone and maybe set her camera up to take a selfie. In any case, one or two people wouldn’t eat ALL of that food. And you mean to tell me she had freshly painted that, around all that food?
No. 1050426
File: 1601683695990.png (1.04 MB, 998x906, screenshot.png)

>>1050409yeah I found this drawing she did of mei. absolutely terrible job on the skin…if you gave me the pic on the left I would assume it's fucking grimes before I ever thought of mei lmao
>>1050416not sure what's wrong w this tweet?
No. 1050428
File: 1601683788212.jpeg (474.99 KB, 828x701, FBF6141E-B35C-45DC-AF7C-FC4160…)

Not the—not the fucking wine glass facing the camera again. Someone needs to make a collage. What is wrong with her omfg
No. 1050430
>>1050422goddamn the set-up makes no sense. there's not a drop of paint anywhere, not even near the palette. makes it real obvious she brought a finished piece
also the fucking titties omg. self-teach yourself some anatomy girl
No. 1050442
File: 1601684368916.jpeg (Spoiler Image,648 KB, 977x849, C60FC4D8-952A-4D1A-9445-ECE361…)

>>1050430Seriously those boobs are fucked the fuck up. And the NOSE…
No. 1050447
>>1050445The fact that she displayed two books next to the canvas like she was also reading not one but
two full books when you know she was only at that park for maybe an hour at
most No. 1050451
File: 1601685058259.jpg (1.88 MB, 2796x2796, Twigs.jpg)

>>1050442anyone else think this looks like FKA twigs with a broken nose? prob not intentional but we know this bitch fetishizes black women
No. 1050452
File: 1601685249782.jpeg (172.4 KB, 828x581, FDF3BE0A-7C24-4BA5-81E3-B45BA2…)

Pretending she supported her well-off family members…? Damn this bitch loves to lie unprovoked lol
No. 1050473
File: 1601686334397.jpeg (194.97 KB, 828x650, B9E20925-8D27-463D-A0D2-5D88CE…)

Hmm… kind of harmful, like telling people in financial hardship that they can be self-made hobby artists and go from “painting on bathroom floors” to living in an overpriced Vegas condo, huh Alyssa?
No. 1050478
File: 1601686553931.jpeg (611.96 KB, 828x1183, 4C6D9980-1E5C-46A7-9FC7-9D3655…)

>>1050475MLM scheme type shit
No. 1050481
>>1050452MY. SENIOR. DOGS!!!!
is this bitch serious lmfao
No. 1050486
File: 1601686840943.jpeg (588.88 KB, 828x1261, 24072360-301B-465F-B319-371D4B…)

One last tweet nitpick—this is rich coming from someone who wore extremely low-cut tops with pushup bras in Japan and Egypt
No. 1050491
File: 1601687066798.jpeg (67.09 KB, 828x209, C708DF48-77D9-4455-B24B-8F3309…)

>>1050486Ok I lied, one more
No. 1050495
>>1050452Is this tweet now deleted? I can't find it on twitter anymore.
Regardless, her mom owns her own business and her step-dad has wealth so this a lie kek
No. 1050504
File: 1601687489053.jpeg (90.16 KB, 828x252, 7A267606-57E3-487C-8581-0FACB2…)

>>1050491>>1050495No, I just took that screenshot seconds before I posted it
No. 1050522
File: 1601688961879.png (848.17 KB, 1854x1200, Screen Shot 2020-10-02 at…)

I can't believe how far she'll take her lies. for what?? I'm actually outraged for women. I searched "international women's award" "alyssa silos award" and got nothing - except her own posts.
alyssa, why would any organization with prestige even consider YOU? what do you do other than post thirst traps and tweet all fucking day about muh artistry? at least make up a believable lie (or one that can't be easily verified you fucking dumbass) the nominees/winners are all REAL LIFE social activists, women with intelligence and dignity and fucking impact. stay in your e-thot lane.
No. 1050529
File: 1601690255920.jpeg (777.64 KB, 750x1282, BB748D02-3097-4D82-9360-A65125…)

>>1050522Holy shit. Is this legit? Some random tweeted this (zero likes, zero retweets). If it’s real, where’s the online paper trail?
No. 1050536
>>1050507>>1050529Every time she posts a photo of herself "travelling" it's more and more believable that she's escorts while she travels especially from her collection of lingerie and fetish gear.
She's very similar to another "boss babe influencer" I know who traveled between Australia and NZ a lot do get her brand started
No. 1050553
File: 1601692782776.jpg (231.41 KB, 1754x1240, image0 (1).jpg)

>>1050522here is the criteria for the award kek
No. 1050557
>>1050373Not to nitpick your post anon, but
>Strictly paints black women and profits off of it when an actual black person could paint that and earn that money >when an actual black person could paint that and earn that money There's no hard fast rule that black people can only paint black people, as much as some of them believe there is. Thinking people from other ethnicities shouldn't paint them because "it's taking their opportunities!" is complete nonsense, there is woke market demand for illustrations featuring black people, deliberately avoiding this demand and refraining from profiting "just so others can" is a ridiculous thin to expect.
I mean, yeah, it's tacky and tasteless that she paints them exclusively, but it's not like it's at odds with her SJW ways. It's
representation after all, something they've been demanding for years.
No. 1050567
File: 1601694663187.jpeg (126.12 KB, 750x870, 959E78E7-DA75-41A0-A1D0-6F03FD…)

Success in 2016, huh?
No. 1050568
File: 1601694734629.jpeg (170.72 KB, 750x1073, 57821D7F-38B0-4800-8C66-BE9ADC…)

“Stop bitching and get to work!” Easy to say when you’re rich lol
No. 1050574
>>1050442>she actually expects people to believe she lives off this kind of "art"It's a little insulting tbh
>>1050558It is tacky, I just don't think it makes sense to criticize someone for supplying when there's demand. I imagine that even with backlash and criticism it's still more profitable (in social media numbers of course kek) for her to keep doing it, it's just another decorative detail to compose her cliché pictures and maximize engagement
>>1050562How the fuck is it exploitation, you think she has a black model chained under a pile of wigs in her cosplay closet ?
No. 1050582
File: 1601696009074.jpeg (667.42 KB, 1080x1920, 1A2D2DF5-790F-4C17-A4F0-E30DCE…)

Just posted this
No. 1050583
File: 1601696035449.jpeg (734.5 KB, 1536x2048, 9069BACA-EC60-4359-8EC2-89421C…)

“Artist” uwu
No. 1050585
File: 1601696081019.jpeg (666.81 KB, 750x1243, 46C6FF50-7E0F-4F14-BC85-196F01…)

No. 1050591
>>1050590everything in that pic is fucked holy. the arm doesn't even look like it connects to her body. but yeah the face shoop…I predict she'll start blackfishing sooner or later
>>1050585girls! empower yourselves by buying shitty and probably breakable knives from me! the moid you tried to stab definitely won't be even more pissed!
No. 1050612
File: 1601702167513.jpeg (359.36 KB, 1688x1320, A6621B04-6EA2-4C20-AA37-0D6098…)

All the guys are mansplaining her, so I guess it’s backfired. I can’t feel bad for her because these are the types she panders to
No. 1050614
File: 1601702288541.jpeg (385 KB, 750x1166, A4F647DB-1552-4BF6-B47D-F696F6…)

Only Fans?
No. 1050634
File: 1601705514375.jpg (4.1 MB, 3925x2603, 169baa7815341ab06f64-1920w.jpg)

>>1050549The awards are real and there's proof of her going there.
Proceeds of her self defense kit earnings go to Maya's Organization, an anti-assault organization in Davao, Philippines. The chairwoman was nominated by someone else; or self nominated herself for the work she did for the organization. She must have nominated Alythuh too hence Aly getting the award. I found a photo of her and the chairwoman in the latter's
public Facebook posts too. So Alyssa did get an award, but it's because of her connections. It's not an "International Women's awards", it was a women's awards that was done in London. There it is again
Spoilers because O/T
Dunno if this will interest anyone else, but the chairwoman of that organization is a staunch supporter of Duterte and some photos in the gallery are with Duterte supporters or politicians allied to him. Kind of suspicious to run an anti-assault organization and be a support the biggest pervert in the country. The org's gallery: page where Alythuh claims her support for the org: No. 1050651
>>1050634I was the poster of
>>1050522 and had no doubt she must have won
some type of award, but not the IWA. so why did she lie about it?
she ends up either looking like she's too stupid and thoughtless to get the name correct (which isn't plausible, as she's holding the damn WAW plaque, and she tweeted her supposed IWA 'visionary award' after she won), or she's disrespecting her friend's organization and WAW as well since it seems like they / their title apparently weren't good enough for her
No. 1050656
>>1050651She also did this too to the friend who invited her to that Portland University exhibit. She made it a super big deal, when it was just a-okay. Plus she also didn't credit the private space / cafe / small gallery hosting her art in Japan lmaooo.
Her lack of credit towards the people who give her a platform is gonna bite her back in the ass real hard.
No. 1050681
>>1050582Girl finally learned the add noise filter on Photoshop to cover up her blurred warp tool body, but too bad you can see her awful shoop of removing her nipples from the 3 photos with red splotches
>>1050583Where did your nipples go Alyssa? lmao
No. 1050763
File: 1601732882552.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.66 MB, 1079x2069, 566174EF-9793-47C5-B508-2D4A90…)

Here’s all the shopped areas pointed out
No. 1050773
File: 1601733817455.jpeg (592.07 KB, 1700x2048, 2CAC9FEE-10E7-488D-ACF2-3AF901…)

>>1050707She does that a lot, this robe is from a small
designer Catherine Dlish and here she is with an Amazon knockoff. Couldn’t even tell ppl to support the original artist.
No. 1050778
>>1050557Your othering "they" gives you away, racism-chan.
I think the point is she seems to
only draw black women. Not even asian or white women. She's like a person created by an algorithm.
No. 1050781
>>1050778I'm not an idpol leftist who thinks #representationmatters, pronouns-chan. That doesn't make anyone a racist.
>She's like a person created by an algorithm.That was my entire point
No. 1050785
File: 1601736041146.png (4.43 MB, 2141x1277, duckiethot.png)

>>1050452Not to start a debate about referencing, but it's in line with her brand of intellectual dishonesty to use other artists' work without credit, and barely change it too (it mostly looks different because her skill level is too low to copy accurately). I've been under the assumption that all her art is copied from photos, which is fine if she took them herself, but I think more often than not she just snags them from google or other influencers (like the stolen backgrounds).
>>1050240I don't believe she drew those at all, not when her art has serious issues even when using a reference. Nevermind that she implies she spontaneously sketched the lewd one while in class or whatever. Does she ever show her actual sketches? I don't believe I've seen any, not counting the prop ones that she probably spent a lot of time on to make sure they look "aesthetic".
>>1050401That kitten looks young… inb4 "it's a rescue!!"
I'm glad she got her own thread.
No. 1050791
>>1050785Ooh good catch.
Everything about this girl is turning out to be fake lol.
No. 1050798
>>1050785I can't believe there are still fans believing she really gains all her money from her art only. There is no fucking way some mediocre bullshit like that, which is even copied from photos, would sell for a lot, and in my opinion it wouldn't sell at all. It's awful. And she doesn't even paint that much!
She definitely has another job, or has some rich fucker giving her money for sex work.
No. 1050804
File: 1601738769097.png (37.23 KB, 712x350, lol.png)

okay she's DEFINITELY reading the thread
hey alyssa
No. 1050805
File: 1601739011785.jpg (777.4 KB, 2048x1536, EgDJT3VVoAApsm7.jpg)

>>1050773I love that she always has Persona 5 in the background if she wants a video game thing in her photos. The pic of her in the rob is from Jan, she still has it in the BG here and this pic is from August
No. 1050811
>>1050786this came up in the artcow thread as well. there's a method to this thirst trap madness lmao, some lonely balding scrote with too much money on his hands is absolutely paying for her bossgirl delusions
>>1050805and it's always the title screen kek
No. 1050816
File: 1601740073265.jpeg (193.83 KB, 750x1249, 66B356FD-11E5-4B7F-B656-841129…)

No. 1050842
File: 1601742960152.jpg (41.78 KB, 771x318, 0000.JPG)

>>1049189I always thought about this.
>75 dollars for 3 keys, 2 tiny pepper sprays and 1 alarm>30 dollars for 1 kit>13 dollars for 1 key>75 dollars minus shipping for repackaged cheapshit with extra words on itEven if you bring minimum wages and the value of "fine art" into it, there's no way this is worth what it's worth
>go into aliexpress/alibaba/taobao/any chinese bulk item provider>"self defense [item]">100000 options and designs>can even get custom made items for less than a dollar each with free shipping>some even provide more features, reviews/feedback, etcWonder how she'd react to someone else doing their own cutesy "self-defense artsy kits" and going big. Probably would be cancelled by WKs lol
You are not self-made, you are made of the cheap/enslaved third world factory workers and the clueless customers you ripoff.
No. 1050865
File: 1601744812216.jpeg (554.13 KB, 1614x2048, EE8002AC-5375-4457-B245-78D6AB…)

That foot looks so swollen. What even is that arm?
No. 1050870
File: 1601744964369.jpeg (505.33 KB, 750x902, 29936800-E4A8-484E-95FB-A46237…)

The fucking paint brushes on the floor omfg
>>1050805Oh, she’s still doing this? I know there are over six photos where the same screen is in the background. We need a sailor moon wine glass + persona 5 background collage of her photos!
No. 1050874
File: 1601745201049.jpeg (509.14 KB, 750x1211, AAE5199F-3FC6-40AC-866A-FBAD60…)

>>1050870Samefag but I just saw this. It gets worse. She’s told her stans that she isn’t always prancing around in lingerie, but now she says she’s always wearing it??
>I can’t wait for you all to feel the sameShe really thinks people can only feel empowered by wearing lingerie that she specifically “made.” It sounds like she thinks there’s no other way women can feel empowered.
No. 1050885
>>1050846I used to have one of these (not from her) because I thought they were cool and open a lot of packages at work and peddling them as a self defense tool is borderline irresponsible. They're nothing but a feel-good gimmick, they're hard to open (dig your fingernail into a tiny notch and pry it out, there's no switch mechanism or anything) and if you keep it on your keychain as intended then you're fucked anyway because your assailant can just yank your whole keyring away from you while you're fumbling with a tiny toothpick of a knife and now you're defenseless
and locked out. There's no real-life use for this other than as a utility knife and to sell it at such a massive markup with messages of empowerment is such a scam, way beyond simple Aliexpress reselling.
No. 1050991
>>1050958I have found her exact unit on rental sites from earlier in the year and I know for a fact she pays just under $3k a month.
>>1050901this is also facts. she probably sells like 10 prints a month (if that). but she probably sells several defense kits per day because they're an easy gift item to give girls and you get the "feel good" aspect of supporting an artist and you will think you're getting something useful (even when you're not). the defense kit is the smartest thing alyssa's ever done but it does not, in any way, make her a professional artist. it makes her a reseller of cheap crap from china. lol.
btw there are tons of knock off defense kits available now. alyssa's version does the best because hers get promoted with viral tweets every time she posts a selfie or her condo lol. but she's gonna keep up the narrative this all happened because she's an ARteEST and not because she's a conventionally attractive girl scantily clad in a nerdy aesthetic apartment.
No. 1051029
>>1050901No established artist would spend so much time desperately retweeting all the customer photos of her gimmicky dollar-store items. An established artist wouldn't even waste her time hawking them. Even if she wants to claim that this is her hobby and she's doing it to empower women uwu, she can donate some of her wealth or do literally anything else, it's clear that she doesn't actually care about women's safety and is only doing this to pander to the grrrr self-possessed she-devil badass twitter crowd.
>>1050991I'd say the condo is a pretty good investment, all she has to do is to continue to project her success story to convert viral fame into sales. I still subscribe to the theory that she's a sugar baby at the very least.
No. 1051081
File: 1601766101070.jpeg (836.15 KB, 828x1277, 541AF271-303C-4AE0-B5F7-1CE7B2…)

>>1050874She has something sketchy about her more to her false persona and fake ass pictures. Maybe it’s just the huge ego/narcissism, but it makes me worried about those who get close to her. Not sure if she edits her sister as well, but her sister seems prettier and with better style but I haven’t looked into her stuff besides seeing her in occasional pics where she’s used as a prop.
IMO she’s only going to become more successful as time goes on so a storage space for the cheap junk she shells out makes sense, anything she puts out will be modelled by a lot of “girl crush” types of influencers like Snitchery (all issues aside with those types of women) that people would rush to buy in hopes of being at least a little bit “just like them”.
She may have failed at being an artist, but she is continuing to grow as a social media presence because she’s catering to what her followers want (even despite not having it herself). I can respect her marketing and growth as an influencer, too bad she won’t take any art lessons (Pic related, is that supposed to be Duckie? Tragic.) or become any less annoying while she keeps building her socials.
No. 1051088
File: 1601767121039.png (3.78 MB, 750x1334, AA43A19A-991A-400C-81C5-7E0AD1…)

>>1050865What the fuck is up with this arm lmao
No. 1051117
File: 1601769942769.jpeg (3.19 MB, 2048x1534, 310FB4CB-F91D-4FEE-95F6-373BA4…)

Left is Alys twitter post, right is the deshopped version. Her body is already perfect there is no reason to do this lmao
No. 1051160
>>1051081I like her sister too, I genuinely enjoy her socials because she talks like a normal fucking person and is very sincere. Alyssa talks
at people, even her ‘compliments’ sound so manufactured. Her Twitter replies sound like a customer service bot.
No. 1051221
>>1051160Nah her sister is trash like her, she's complies like a lapdog for her sister and encourages her
toxic behaviour and goes out her way to defend/expose her on PULL probably on Lolcow too
No. 1051261
>>1050786how come it's unlikely she's an escort? tinfoil but that's my theory. it would also explain her traveling so much
and why she always has her tits out in conservative countries. she looks like a prostitute there because she is one kek
No. 1051265
File: 1601783296180.jpeg (725.43 KB, 1536x2048, 0FE873DB-DFF6-4469-B155-D32EBF…)

This is unnerving to look at
No. 1051269
>>1051266Her leg on the left looks fucked, and a completely different colour, did she frankenstein that shit together?
It also looks like her arm is just floating.
Also gotta add in that signature tit line she's so fond of
No. 1051276
>>1051265Am I losing it or does everybody in the background look photoshopped in, too?? The proportions on that horse-drawn carriage look weird as
No. 1051280
File: 1601784724108.jpeg (458.3 KB, 1584x2048, 88E113BC-B236-4F1A-8663-A62E2D…)

She posted this one month ago. I know it’s a cosplay, but it literally doesn’t look like her from the face.
No. 1051283
File: 1601784860825.jpeg (350.28 KB, 1536x2048, 21017F5C-43D9-4764-96B7-014CD4…)

No. 1051291
>>1051282>toxic = hitlerWhat are you smoking, it's not dramatic if it's the truth anon lmao
You don't see other cows sisters encourage their shitty behaviour
No. 1051294
File: 1601786008878.jpeg (173.47 KB, 750x1225, EA869F3D-F818-477D-9CCC-38F8E8…)

Here’s another “day in my life as an artist” video. I guess she tried making it seem like she finished this sketch in one day? A long with shipped all those orders, buying more art supplies, going to the post office, and fake watching anime in the background. No. 1051299
File: 1601786332863.jpeg (58.22 KB, 750x414, 25278214-A99B-4E77-BE3A-3F4EEA…)

>>1051298She called it l fine art
No. 1051302
File: 1601786478575.jpeg (402.76 KB, 750x752, 0C8C1AF6-7C85-49B7-96C9-CA4E90…)

Holy shit, this is so bad. She absolutely traveled as a teen, even said her mom took her to China for her high school graduation gift. Also, how was she able to afford to travel all these places + pay for all these tourist spots with just “art money”? Hardly anyone knew her in 2018. She even said she wasn’t really selling much in 2017.
No. 1051304
File: 1601786637279.jpeg (536.83 KB, 750x1128, 01BE8735-0975-45AA-9A4B-4F6C5E…)

>>1051302Couldn’t sell art in 2017, traveled to multiple countries and major tourists attractions in 2018.
No. 1051329
>>1051299LMFAO this is all kinds of traced, i am crying
it even looks like she traced the face+silhouette from one reference and the arms from a second one
i hope she posts more sketches, this is giving me life
>>1051302>thanks to my passion>is it escorting.jpg No. 1051333
>>1051299It just shows how much of an amateur she is, she doesn't know anatomy or basic fundamentals.
Sex sells first and her art is second
Also top kek that she covered the hands with the veil cause they would've ended up looking like:
>>1049010 No. 1051335
File: 1601792191767.jpeg (875.83 KB, 1630x2048, 6DF8B139-B2F5-42C5-88B5-9D9D8C…)

Oh yes, surely she sat on that ledge.
No. 1051336
File: 1601792323655.jpeg (105.13 KB, 750x735, 57FDB467-06AE-471A-AC11-EE6EE4…)

What humanitarian work was she going to accomplish if she was hardly selling in 2017? Someone in a previous thread either on here or on PULL said that Alyssa said she was going to open a shelter for survivors of sexual abuse in the Philippines. What happened with that?
No. 1051348
>>1051266that photoshopped ass/thigh kek
>>1051335her right hand is at half opacity btw
No. 1051353
File: 1601796665452.jpeg (152.47 KB, 750x932, A26FAF32-1DF3-4723-8803-96DA8E…)

She posted this literally five minutes ago. Oh, the irony.
No. 1051357
File: 1601796847623.jpeg (806.86 KB, 1536x2048, 39AB2427-7D12-4A3E-B6DF-667A11…)

>>1051350She posted all of these, unfortunately.
No. 1051363
File: 1601797237264.jpeg (510.1 KB, 1683x2048, 3BEB241D-51E9-4D65-8D26-E77DF1…)

She walked around Egypt and climbed those rocks with those boots?
No. 1051364
>>1051357The weird thing is she
is pretty, so why fake all these photos by pasting yourself in when you could just…take a photo at the location?
Did she never travel to these places at all?
No. 1051367
File: 1601797577094.jpeg (829.06 KB, 1536x2048, 15C1F334-BF68-4210-B964-4D3B23…)

>>1051364Angel has said that Alyssa steals people’s photos because her phone was dead, but that she actually has traveled to those places. She used that as a defense for Alyssa’s photo theft, even though Alyssa never gives photographers credit.
No. 1051368
I'm starting to wonder if this is some kind of social experiment?? See how many vapid simps and girlboss wannabes will believe in someone's success just because they're attractive? People caught on to Lillee Jean's bs, but her claims were wilder and she's not as conventionally hot.
>>1051367>professional artist>brand and image heavily dependent on photo ops>brings dead phone and no other camera to fucking gizayeah I don't buy it
No. 1051374
File: 1601798513701.jpeg (221.61 KB, 750x462, CD38BA07-4B61-4486-91F4-BCBEE8…)

The delusions.
>>1051370Yeah, I don’t know why some anons like Angel too much. She’s definitely not milky, but she enables Alyssa’s antics. I tried finding the tweet, but she deleted it. It’s definitely on PULL. People were specifically confronting Alyssa about some photos from Japan that she stole, and that’s when Angel snapped and said Alyssa does take people’s photos but it’s totally alright because she has actually visited those places! Her phone was dead! I guess Alyssa’s phone is always dead?
There was also this other milky tweet that I can’t find. There was a nice period on Twitter where people were mocking Alyssa for always bragging about her condo, and she was getting quite a bit of hate for one day. Angel made a very timely tweet that talks about how she had “just gotten off the phone with her grandma” and that they talked about Alyssa’s a-thot success and how it’s crazy that 16 people all used to share a house and that they were poor.
No. 1051400
>>1051367>>1051374i really love how the sister tried so hard to defend alyssa and all she really managed to do was place her foot FIRMLY in the mouth kek
my best guess is she's been to some of them, definitely not all, and even the places she HAS been to she blows it way out of proportions with pictures that have no other people in the background etc. just like she likes to blow everything else out of proportion
like i can't imagine going to the pyramids and have not a single person in the background, or go to a viewpoint with no one else at the railings etc. all fake pics, made up like the rest of her online presence
No. 1051618
>>1051559I don't think she's "blackfishing" or w/e but you dont need to be an SJW to think its a little distasteful that her
entire body of work that's currently available for sale is sexy portraits of black women when she herself is not black
No. 1051635
>>1051618But there are asian artists that only paint white women and no one bats an eye.
She's obviously a phony but maybe she just likes the aesthetics of black models?
No. 1051673
>>1051635I mean, sure, but since absolutely everything about Alythuh is algorithm-honed and fake, down to the carefully positioned sailor moon wineglasses, Persona title screens, lingerie, color swatches, haphazard "robe design" setups, photoshopped travel photos, and easels with the same dry untouched painting on it for months, it's understandable to question it. Maybe it's the one thing about her that's genuine? who knows? But she can't paint dark skintones for shit if it is her passion.
No. 1051680
>>1050373>>1050375Not to WK her, but I don't really know what you guys want her to do.
>represents black women in her art>makes public post where people can list black businesses they know, self-promote their own and her followers will also see and support>doesn't post hateful/shady content toward black women or speak down to black women like most Twitter chicks with a fascination for black culture doShe's definitely a weird grifting type, but so are all the white weebs who draw/paint Asian girls constantly, and the Asian westaboos who draw/paint white girls constantly, and no one says anything. In fact, it's considered a form of compliment and worship.
Why does it become a problem when the same starts to get done for black women? Do you seriously want every person who paints black women to be a black woman themselves, and for no one else to make fan art or tributes? Just let the Overton window shift, even the opportunists are still getting the message across. There are still plenty of black artists dominating the scene, too. As long as that doesn't stop, it’s more beneficial to allow it than to try and make everything insular, in the long run.
The biggest issue IMO is the tracing and blotchy colors (but what else do you expect from these IG aesthetic artists, honestly).
The "Eurocentric features" complaint someone posted is so dumb, too. Stereotyping black people's appearances and trying to essentially confiscate women's features for not fitting American-invented ideas is backward. No one says Russians who have curlier hair or noses that aren't super-narrow have "Afrocentric" features. Let us be diverse in peace.
No. 1051695
>>1051680>I don't know what you guys want her to doPaint a variety of people instead of tracing photos she doesn't own of only one race of people? Pretty simple. I did see a terrible work in progress shot above of her friend so maybe more variety is ahead. But you can't really call it diversity when it's an asian woman profiting off black women's image (at present)
It would look far more natural and be actual diversity to paint a variety of races, that's all. That doesn't mean stopping drawing black girls, it means drawing other races too. It just looks a lil weird, and plenty of people have brought this up to date.
No. 1051699
File: 1601842742075.png (4.73 MB, 1440x2081, alythuh site.png)

>>1051695This is the first thing you see on her website (pic attached)
Click prints and it's all(?) black characters. She's Filipino, surely the most natural thing to draw would be characters who look like you. It's just another jarring Alythuh thing. btw where are the photos of her with her black friends? I don't think you need black friends to paint black people, but again, it's a little weird to make that your main motif if you don't have any black friends.
/sperg because alythuh's sister - I mean anon needs everything spelled out to her
No. 1051703
>>1051396over injected
and overlined. The woman has 0 taste.
No. 1051710
File: 1601844084819.jpeg (17.94 KB, 156x322, 0956760A-EFC8-43DC-9A50-A331DE…)

>>1051705(1/1) did she ever post this up? Found three screenshots where she’s showing this digital piece off with not a change in sight to it.
No. 1051711
File: 1601844136068.jpeg (20.45 KB, 156x322, 62A81311-B9FF-47CB-B8B9-0AE2F1…)

(1/2) bad quality due to it being an archived screenshot from pull.
No. 1051730
>>1051282. Sorry, I only saw the pull WKing and I didn’t know she defended her stealing other peoples images and shit. I still don’t think she’s that bad because I imagine if my sister was in the same position and lavishing me in gifts I’d probably want to defend her, too, but all the extra stuff has made me step back.
No. 1051754
File: 1601847247359.jpeg (Spoiler Image,698.92 KB, 828x1457, AC6D5717-4AC1-4936-B87B-F41AB3…)

Fine art.
>>1051726I know this may sound absolutely wild to you, but respecting the countries you travel to is actually pretty normal among mature adults and if you think that was ‘sperging’ (literally 3 sentences) then idk what to tell you, maybe leave the house or something? Plenty of us don’t feel the need to posture as aloof edgefags, dunno how taking the high % of assault and violence against women there seriously is pull-tier but ok cool.
>>1051753Okay now I see why people think her sister is here kek.
No. 1051763
>>1051680girl are you dumb. her profiting off another race is a "problem" because it's a thread about her, not about weebs or westaboos. it would be irrelevant to talk about them in this one. if the latter is such a big deal to you, go make a thread about it.
>>1051754for me it's this post
>>1051730. it sounds like a little too much like her pattern of defending on PULL
angel you are so bad at integrating. did strip - I mean waitressing and e-begging melt your brain? keep posting tho, i love when cows / cows affiliates sperg out and get all their posts tagged kek.
No. 1051765
>>1051762You are so weird. I’ve been on lc since inception and was on SR before, never had a blm bio, and don’t have tumblr. Your paranoia and aggression is a little OTT, didn’t hi cow but I said I see why other people are. Nice try tho.
>>1051763Yeah, people are saying hi cow because this was literally her MO before.
No. 1051776
>>1051767you made me look closer at the post and I just noticed the black label on the bottom left picture. did she mess up there? it's looks like a splotch rather than a naturally occurring shadow
also PULLfags were talking about how her skin coloring is so muddy because she uses "white as a base." can any art anons confirm / elaborate on this?
No. 1051795
>>1051776Yeah, beginner artists usually use white to highlight and black to shade and it definitely makes your colors flat and ugly if not done well. Shading with a different hue but lighter/darker is more visually interesting and true to life generally.
Her using white as a base basically just uniformly washes out whatever color she is using on top of it and her art would have more dimension if she used a color base. If she literally ever did color studies from life she'd know this also but lol she doesn't ever try to improve her art
No. 1051810
File: 1601854361563.png (402.66 KB, 680x822, alythuh.PNG)

>>1051496back in the PULL thread people were speculating/posting evidence that even though she does go to these places, the photos she uploads to social media are usually either shopped or just straight up stolen
had a look on the wayback machine n found the caps (1/2)
No. 1051820
File: 1601854833690.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1242x1361, 63BE71FD-E018-4702-8610-187D7A…)

>>1051811This is a Tumblr post citing the source of this photo
No. 1051842
her art is so mediocre lol
>>1051081 the lines to make the grid on these photos are so badly placed. her typography is so amateurish too.
>>1050478also that pic of her on the floor looks extremely photoshopped
No. 1051843
>>1051673>Maybe it's the one thing about her that's genuine?This was already discussed upthread, the focus on black women is as algorithm-honed as the rest. The only people who have trouble understanding the basic concept of "woke capital" or accepting that painting black women is a smart move that gets you returns & engagement (and is not some subversive, revolutionary action) are SJWs who buy into their own narrative.
This thread really is filled with liberal PULLtards
No. 1051850
>>1051846Yes, that happens when other areas of entertainment pander too hard too, but I imagine if they continue to do it then it must be getting enough return to justify doing it (rage/outrage marketing is still marketing after all)
She's algorithm-generated. "Painting black women" is algorithm-generated. There's as much depth to it as there is to her choice in placing this stupid plant on the floor
>>1049918 >>1049947, or to stage random open paint when she wasn't painting
>>1050422 No. 1051851
>>1051843are you deliberating misreading posts to pick fights and call other anons SJWs/libfems/what the fuck ever? that anon was saying it
could be genuine but every other part of Alyssa's persona is so disingenuous that this comes off as a ploy for attention either way. and if it is indeed her passion (which we are not saying it is, to be clear) she sucks ass at it though she's a tryhard at everything else.
No. 1051887
>>1051851There wouldn't be so many accusations if half the thread wasn't people scrutinizing and commenting her choice of art subject as if it was significant or any different from literally everything else. The only reason to think it's different from the rest is if you think these subjects
aren't favored by the algorithm. Basic logic, I wouldn't expect PULL refugees to follow
No. 1051932
>>1051887okay then you're just retarded. if you had any reading comprehension, you'd realize that the anon's post had similar sentiment to yours and I was trying to dumb it down for you. are you trying to in-fight? calm down.
>>1051855yup you called it kek
No. 1052021
File: 1601872694939.jpg (341.25 KB, 1080x2304, IMG_20201005_123639.jpg)

saged for no milk but everytime she talked about animes you can see it's the most trendy and popular ones.
No. 1052034
File: 1601874027755.jpeg (551.26 KB, 828x1429, B386C74D-1D8F-432F-AAC1-0016FC…)

>>1052033There’s a lot more where this came from
No. 1052047
File: 1601877207600.jpg (56.26 KB, 640x571, d64njrr3aze51.jpg)

>>1052021>boku no picois this bitch for fucking real
No. 1052078
File: 1601883614492.jpg (277.03 KB, 983x1210, alythuh family.jpg)

sage bc old but she's STILL insecure that her family doesn't take her art seriously, which I think is more evidence she doesn't have the renown she wants/claims to have. plus there's a contradiction since they accept her and then suddenly she's the "black sheep"
also she was whining about how her cousins aren't allowed to see her tiddy drawings…girl just turn them around or put a cover over them. why do little kids NEED to see them? weirdo.
No. 1052081
>>1051776It's just occured to me that she might not be painting black people to pander or bait.
Tinfoil but maybe she's painting black and brown people because it's the only skin color she can render with her technique, since she uses black and white for shadows and highights. Imagine her painting white skin using that technique, the end result would surely make it obvious how untalented she is. At least with overrendered black skin she can call it stylized "fine art" and people who don't know anything about art or technique would agree.
No. 1052134
>>1052021> MonsterWow good for her she Googled "psychological horror anime"
There's no way she has the patience to enjoy that lol, this list is so dated
also >boku no pico
wtf literally nobody likes that even as a joke
No. 1052174
>>1051830I’d be more relieved if she was.
>>1052021But she didn’t include FMAB and Jojo so she’s cool and original!!!
>>1052033It’s early but I need “muh senior dogs!!!” to be in the next thread title if we make it there lol.
No. 1052228
5 days and almost 500 replies, I never felt so much unity in talking about this cow it's beautiful.
I do miss the short era on twitter where people clowned on her penthouse and bobblehead proportions, do you think she'll ever be exposed for being a fake?
>>1052021a boku joke in 2019… she really siphons her knowledge of anime from fucking reddit
No. 1052363
>>1052224Honestly I was going to say the same thing. Arakawa is notably one of the most talented writers in modern time and it feels like she excluded FMAB just to be *~edgy and different~*.
Alternatively, the girl probably has never watched more than three episodes of Jojo in her entire life but farms clout with that “Jojo pose” TikTok song. If she actually watched JJBA she’d probably be screaming on Twitter about the dog abuse and somehow use it as a way to speak about her senior dogs lmfao
No. 1052479
>>1052413Honestly I find it hard to believe she wouldn’t know. Arakawa is so noteworthy
, just like the authors of Sailor Moon and InuYasha.
>>1052415She’s had this strange fake it til you make it persona since like 2016. It only got worse after the last couple of years (2019-2020).
No. 1052522
>>1052363 Ya, it's not some conspiracy that she doesn't like FMAB, it's just rather ironic with her whole female empowerment persona and edgy to call it out like that. Bit weird to me that she loved HXH but not FMAB because of how they're both vaguely dark and philosophical shonens about a pair of close boys but shrug. That's probably just me liking both of those shows a lot.
>>1052363 bahahaha not the senior dogs. Searched both of her accounts for jojo and she's pretty much only ever mentioned it in the context of posing sooo
No. 1052583
File: 1601942507872.jpeg (290.35 KB, 1800x986, 06DEAAD9-6A62-46FC-B645-C9D9D1…)

What happened to this? She said this during the time she was going viral because of the room transformation. I think she lied to pique people’s interest and make people think she’s more famous than she really is.
>>1052021She actually said One Piece isn’t her favorite, but that she talks about it a lot because it’s good for engagement. She said she “doesn’t want to talk about other anime” because it’s less relatable than One Piece, and it isn’t as good for engagement. Implying most of her fan base aren’t avid anime watchers. It’s also beneficial to her because she can claim to watch lots of ~underground~ anime.
No. 1052585
File: 1601942695731.jpeg (380.59 KB, 1238x1588, CA356C4A-4525-43B0-A312-3983EE…)

Photoshopped back arch?
No. 1052587
File: 1601942992546.jpeg (563.49 KB, 750x1090, 20F9661A-6490-4741-BD0A-506972…)

>>1050865Her friend is a better artist lmao
No. 1052589
File: 1601943111352.png (323.68 KB, 594x401, lmaodfsgsdg.PNG)

>>1052583Think she just bought the canvas and made up the collab? I'd buy it tbh
No. 1052594
File: 1601943390848.jpeg (198.23 KB, 828x707, 09318F97-C048-4D12-9494-79BB06…)

>>1052583Yeah here’s another. She loves to lie and misuse words, she probably just means they sent her free crap for her to post a photo with for promo.
No. 1052598
File: 1601943547261.jpeg (410.76 KB, 1800x1202, CA02508B-B924-47D7-B246-BF4290…)

>>1052590This is the same friend she takes on her staged picnics. Not only is her friend more talented, knows proportions and colors, and takes on different styles of art, but she’s humble.
How embarrassing of Alyssa to imply she’s worthy of art shows and collabs when there are far better artists than her. Also, on this tweet
>>1052587, you can tell her friend is so proud of herself. All Alyssa replied to her is, “YOU ARE SO LOVED” but didn’t compliment her technique.
No. 1052600
File: 1601943640318.png (258.77 KB, 595x552, what the fuck.png)

>>1052599This one is apparently legit?
No. 1052602
File: 1601943908467.jpeg (177.51 KB, 750x481, 6B77A1AC-3FD7-4368-BC07-CD462E…)

>>1052594Oh, kek, the “interview” tweets lmao.
She ended up hiring two guys that she already knew. Angel accidentally revealed it when people were attacking Alyssa for having her “team” physically work together during lockdown. Angel said her assistants are two gay men who already live together and that they’re all good friends who have known each other for years. These interviews were pointless.
No. 1052606
File: 1601944285287.jpeg (499.99 KB, 1800x1625, D89119D5-9086-4AEC-B7C4-E2CCD9…)

Totes not a sex worker! UwU
No. 1052620
File: 1601945487380.jpeg (586.47 KB, 1539x1658, 9199DBBC-26EE-42EE-B9CE-C054FA…)

No. 1052625
File: 1601945635337.jpeg (111.96 KB, 750x532, 62177A02-9519-4263-82CE-4AEC7C…)

Please make it stop
No. 1052628
>>1052587lmao peep how her friend had to compensate for her pancake ass
I jokingly brought up the senior dogs thing bc it was weird in the context of this tweet
>>1050452but I honestly can't believe she uses it as a common phrase
No. 1052640
File: 1601946624469.jpeg (240.14 KB, 750x703, 133F3C70-195F-4A22-90F3-AA76FF…)

She didn’t even tag Alyssa at any point.. this is similar to when she found random people on Twitter with hardly any followers who were making jokes about her bragging about her cOnDo simply by typing “high-rise” into the search bar.
No. 1052650
File: 1601947172173.jpg (158.94 KB, 985x842, Screen Shot 2020-10-05 at…)

oh man there's just layers and layers to this knowing who Alyssa is but curb your enthusiasm theme starts playing
No. 1052662
File: 1601948035373.jpeg (1015.67 KB, 1242x2135, 85F6ED17-2C73-4B6D-9ABE-1E8226…)

I guess she’s been asked about why she draws mostly dark skin (black) women and this was her public response. Not particularly milky, just adding for context.
No. 1052700
File: 1601952133983.jpeg (401.59 KB, 1000x1000, 92D878EC-83D6-47E2-96D5-CD0227…)

>>1051754>>1051299More fine art. An anon traced over this and posted it in a previous thread.
No. 1052717
File: 1601955788471.jpeg (235.79 KB, 1080x1182, 3BD481A3-984E-4265-B6A7-DE3416…)

>>1051754Fine art traced by anon.
No. 1052720
>>1052717didn't really need a trace for a line drawing anon. this isn't the sakimichan pull thread
>>1052700i can't get over the backwards hands…
No. 1052734
File: 1601957531344.jpeg (1.75 MB, 1242x1969, EF3153AA-5A0B-46F1-87F3-CF6763…)

There’s one account on Instagram who mistook her as a black woman and added her in a collage filled with black women. They even tagged her lmao
No. 1052757
>>1052733 oops yeah I worded that pretty poorly. meant more that certain racial groups tend to have more people with certain features, eg for black people: curly/coily hair, full lips etc. but obviously those don't hold true for every member of that group and there's lots of variation. Definitely a bit nitpicky since there's a lot of ambiguity in the whole art style vs facial features vs when does it veer into caricatures etc etc area.
It's probably better to rephrase my criticism as more she has a bad case of same face syndrome where everyone just has the same big eyes, little face, little nose, big lips thing happening. Would be nice to see her do something different for once.
No. 1052784
>>1052778It's so weird, same with the random collabs. There's no proof of anything yet she makes some really big claims about big brands and honestly just seeing it gives me secondhand embarrassment.
If you're doing that well for yourself why the need to lie about fake brand collabs?
No. 1052831
File: 1601980921479.png (945.82 KB, 1035x938, cantshoopyourselfintothisone.p…)

You'd think the anti-sexual abuse organization she's selflessly donating self-defense kits to and with whom she's supposedly "building" a women's shelter would mention her on their Members & Supporters page, kek (or any of their socials, for that matter (spoiler alert: they don't)) No. 1052835
>>1052778The organization is real, it's called Maya's Organization. They're an anti-assault organization based in Davao City. This is their website:
https://www.mayasorganisationphilippines.orgThe tweet where she mentions the org: same org nominated her for the award that
>>1050634, and
>>1050522 mentioned. It was just some form of participation award where anyone can nominate each other so it's not like she did something super noteworthy to warrant her earning it.
>>1052831Also LOL yikes at the lack of mentioning her or her self defense kits in the website. You'd think that her mentioning that her self defense kit earnings would be at least mentioned by them but there's none at that end. Cringe.
No. 1052859
File: 1601988245560.jpg (61.21 KB, 583x385, mayaorg.jpg)

>>1052831>>1052835Huh, looks like Alyssa has some shady connections, anons. At first I thought this was just some tax evasion scheme because of the lack of activities and certifications but the founder of the organization might actually be tied to Duterte and may indicate that the org is a Duterte plant. This is significant because if her Filipino fans (in the Philippines) find out, it's over for her lol
No. 1052863
>>1052662If this was really the criticism she got then I don’t blame her but since it’s Alyssa and we don’t know what to trust she says lol
I’m more inclined to believe that as many anons here she’s been met with criticism about her weird obsession with drawing only black women and spun it this way do people can’t easily call her out for it lest they be labelled one of the DMs telling her to draw more white people. Someone said a black guy on twitter called her out but it didn’t seem to have done much. Most people who focus on one culture or race has connections to it. If she were to draw a range of PoCs I doubt people would be getting this vibe.
No. 1052867
File: 1601988981643.jpg (215.22 KB, 1031x624, bogo nga dds.jpg)

>>1052859Samefag; 1 is Imee Marcos, daughter of Ferdinand Marcos, the Filipino dictator who tortured and murdered thousands of peasants and activists in the 80s. The Marcoses are hated by every educated and media literate Filipino who isn't a crony or paid propagandist. That alone could get her cancelled, the Filipinos (in the Ph) I've seen kissing her ass do NOT like Marcos.
2 is Bato dela Rosa, Duterte's lapdog who responded with "Shit happens" when criticized for the death of an innocent child in the drug war.
3 is the president of Duterte Diehard Supporters. Self-explanatory.
4 is Duterte's personal maid and 5 is Manny Pacquiao, beloved as a boxer and hated as a senator for being homophobic and generally retarded and underqualified.
6 is the Soledad Duterte High School, named after Duterte's mother. Ironically enough Duterte's mother was an activist, the kind that her son's current administration would murder.
What this all means is that there is a really really good chance that the Silos family are Duterte cronies. Her silence on the Anti Terror Bill (proposed by Duterte and co) supports this. If this info gets on twitter… kek. Ph twitter is gonna have a field day.
No. 1052877
File: 1601990339995.png (Spoiler Image,143.23 KB, 1162x608, Screen Shot 2020-10-06 at 9.04…)

>>1052867This is from the founder's
public Facebook account. This was posted a day (April 1) after Duterte said those "shoot to kill" orders for anyone who doesn't adhere to quarantine rules:
Rough, really shitty translation because some words are of a dialect I'm not familiar with but hoping people get the gist of this:
>"If my husband was still alive, he would have cussed you all! Do you not feel sorry for the President who's doing everything to keep you all alive? Always complaining, always complaining of hunger… You all have fat asses. There's an ordinance, and you have to follow it. Get on an action plan [to fight COVID-19] and wait! (Filipino mindset)> Don't you feel sorry for the frontliners whose hairs are turning white from the stress? People are criticizing politicians instead of prioritizing people's lives first. What are they even thinking?>Save lives NO POLITICS!!! Excuse me!! No. 1052899
>>1048899What's her father's name? Wasn't there an anon on here who found their family tree and crest? So far it's sus that she's connected to this unknown NGO that I already suspect is a tax-evasion scheme and the fact that she received the award alongside the chairwoman makes me believe she really has a close personal connection to her. If I could get her dad's name I might find more milk.
>>1052885Huh. Fled from the US to the PH? You know the Sinaloa cartel (aka the biggest drug cartel in the world) uses the Philippines, especially Mindanao and especially Davao as a shipment point? Bruh does this bitch actually have crime syndicate connections lmao. Points even more to the crony angle. Context for the non Filipinos, everyone here knows the drug war is a cover and Duterte and co are the biggest drug lords of all. Kills drug addicts and innocent poor people but rubs shoulders with rich drug lords, pardons and even appoints rich people with previous drug charges.
No. 1052910
File: 1601993853000.png (944.18 KB, 1200x1354, Screen Shot 2020-10-06 at 10.1…)

>>1052899Frankly I don't think her dad is a millionaire drug lord. He may have done shady shit (drug pushing) to get him deported but she may have exaggerated that part. Who in the right mind would fully admit to 150K - 500K followers that their dad got deported for selling drugs?
Also btw if you look through her past tweets she said he's an artist and the way she talks about him isn't as negative as her more recent stories about him.
No. 1052916
File: 1601994117825.png (25.63 KB, 597x262, 1588213342068.png)

>>1052910at first i was going to agree and say mb, but re-reading the evidence from the artcows thread + her wonky timeline makes me jump right back to the drug trafficker tinfoil. sorry for my speculation anons, but this bitch is crazy.
No. 1052925
>>1052910 The tweet where she calls him an artist The tweet where she says he got deported
No. 1052931
File: 1601995416285.jpeg (172.9 KB, 1440x779, 1588257689360.jpeg)

>>1052925some stuff about her "single mother"
No. 1052939
File: 1601995977215.jpg (104.46 KB, 881x496, mayafb.jpg)

The org's facebook page seems to be legit. The twitter acc hasn't posted since 2017 but the facebook page is still active. There's pictures of events through the years and some infographs on sexual assault. Aly has connections to the founders for sure but the org seems to be doing actual work. It's just weird that she makes it sound like it's HER organization. And if she's so proud about her "survivor center" she's not doing enough to promote them eh?
No. 1053091
>>1052867This is freaking me out, anon. Great detective work. I wonder if it's her mom (and not her father) that has clan/familial ties with the cronies, if she was sending her daughters to foreign places as graduation gifts (assuming we're taking Alyssa's word for it). That can explain the discrepancies in stories about her dad.
>>1052895Literally the last thing I expected to show up in this thread was political corruption in the Philippines.
No. 1053277
File: 1602024762986.jpeg (1.02 MB, 828x1037, 7F91BF81-4F59-45A2-9BBA-6E1E99…)

She Just announced she is releasing a new Defense kit called Femme Fatale
No. 1053291
File: 1602025258062.jpeg (140.46 KB, 750x548, 7137F0F6-83FB-4153-B230-7CC524…)

>>1052916When she says shit like, “raised by a single mom!” she’s saying it to seem poor and relatable. This is her mom. She looks very well off, boob job and all. Her dad was probably in deep drug trouble to have been deported, and the whole family seems well connected.
No. 1053311
File: 1602026463487.jpeg (209.34 KB, 750x607, 29302D05-5F57-43EA-BC2A-829BC3…)

No. 1053312
File: 1602026513675.jpeg (407.92 KB, 750x997, 41844498-1029-4559-BF2B-6E97ED…)

>>1053311All she draws is black women?
No. 1053318
File: 1602026866766.jpeg (584.92 KB, 750x1065, 08653B5C-2F12-4E23-A582-7B1DF5…)

>>1053312Lmao, I know a lot can change in over three years, but she claims she was already established in 2017 (one year after this drawing). What is this? Everything about this is awful.
No. 1053340
File: 1602029398323.png (115.27 KB, 994x426, Screen Shot 2020-10-06 at 7.00…)

>>1053335yeah this is her "advice" on coloring dark skin. not sure what the problem with electric blue would be? you can apply a variety of colors to represent highlights and shadows
either way this is a bitch who uses white to shade. only beginner artists don't know it's supposed to applied sparingly, for extreme highlights
No. 1053346
File: 1602029689230.jpeg (84.76 KB, 494x621, EB75BA0F-C706-4FE3-94D7-F38EDF…)

>>1053340She also painted this btw so she can’t take her own advice kek
No. 1053349
File: 1602029824249.png (101.33 KB, 1008x406, Screen Shot 2020-10-06 at 7.13…)

>>1053340sage for samefag/art sperg but needing to study the elements of art / principles of design is day 1 shit
also "color theory" my ass
>>1050426 No. 1053584
>>1051266>cosplaying as indiana jones when in egypt>>1050529>cosplaying as a paperboy when in britain>>1050422>cosplaying as an artist while in a public parkjust imagine how much people around her must be laughing at her, there's really nothing in her life other that posing for social media. how bleak. next she'll go to france and put on a striped shirt and a red barette and carry a baguette and some paintbrushes around kek
>>1053346holy wonky shit, how has she not learned to mirror her art? her larping as a successful artist wouldnt be so insufferable if she actually was even decent at art. i'd feel bad for the people who are buying this shit as real, but then again they must be kind of stupid to believe this, so..
No. 1054131
File: 1602134453677.jpeg (205.75 KB, 828x492, BAD48F25-6FD4-44AB-8203-BE90A9…)

We all know what site you really wanted to say, Aly
No. 1054136
File: 1602136003623.jpeg (742.9 KB, 828x1461, 93BBC771-99B7-4127-B879-9C4CB2…)

Silly pinay weeb likes to play with samurai swords
No. 1054137
File: 1602136126592.jpeg (172.95 KB, 828x429, 07162ED6-AA47-48EE-9D1D-A54F2D…)

>>1054136When cows collide
No. 1054693
File: 1602199684901.jpg (921.94 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20201008-182620_Twi…)

Did she photoshop herself… in front of a white wall? Look at the heel its just floating what is this i cant even wrap my head around it
No. 1054695
File: 1602199819693.jpg (1.01 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20201008-183049_Twi…)

Also this doesn't even look like her tbh I had to re-evalute it qhen I saw it on my Twitter feed before I realized it was her
No. 1054705
File: 1602200397274.jpeg (522.99 KB, 750x1077, FE27C029-7A6F-4B63-8920-3E49CE…)

So now she’s getting people to “vouch” for her work?
No. 1054810
File: 1602214754514.jpeg (1.03 MB, 2048x2002, EF2F0F4D-0AD5-48D8-A5BB-827351…)

This tacky ass backdrop? This is what she spent so much time on? Don’t get me started on the dinky little kit that was made by Chinese sweatshop workers for her to upsell at 8x the value
No. 1054817
File: 1602215676744.jpeg (191.31 KB, 1536x2048, 58A400E5-63F2-4F71-A4C6-75ACD7…)

>>1054815Nta but if she isn’t pasting herself, she’s editing the entirety of her outline to the point it looks like she does. Slightly better quality, that leg is pixelated to hell and back and blending into the wall.
No. 1054842
>>1054810the pieces labelled Mission #2 and Mission #3, haven't we seen them before in multiple pictures? i'm pretty sure they're stuck on the wall in most of the pictures she takes in her sTuDiO, i remember seeing the one on the left especially as far back as the Artcows thread, and the one on the right always surprises me because it seems very polished and well-composed and literally nothing like her art
what's happening here, is she just recycling art to create "more self-defence kits that are literally the same but buy them because i have tits!"
(also peep the composition on top left lmao, she literally has two of the same images pasted one below the other and she can't even tape together a straight grid. literally what the fuck girl)
No. 1054843
File: 1602220453731.jpeg (169.61 KB, 750x1025, C86F7918-FD51-40C3-B46A-7024C2…)

She posts this every month.
No. 1054849
File: 1602221040457.jpeg (590.94 KB, 828x1029, 15DC20EB-CF50-4E3B-AB6E-600A56…)

>>1054844This isn’t too relevant, but I noticed that she seems to be inspired by Soeymilk in some of her pieces, especially the ones she did with her friend, and it’s very interesting because when you compare a
real professional artist like Soey, the results are comical. Picreal, notice how Soey says “reality.”
No. 1054859
File: 1602223064122.jpg (98.04 KB, 660x1030, Dancing-Couple.-Oil-on-canvas.…)

>>1051754I thought this pose looked familiar
No. 1054915
File: 1602233591594.jpg (213.99 KB, 1242x1425, Ej2Phb9U8AE4A5k.jpg)

>>1054843who tf draws in such position with no stable surface underneath
No. 1054925
>>1054920TBH bragging is weird flex but I've seen things like that (drawing porn in class) happen in an art school enough to not be really weirded out by it. This method of drawing tho or using piece of thin paper as a palette as in
>>1048973 … weird and fake af
No. 1055108
>>1055010>RIP her canvasesthey wont be missed
but this picture is so funny to me, she is trying so hard and it's so unnatural
No. 1055574
File: 1602310959295.jpeg (954.04 KB, 828x1433, E97B3E72-9CF5-43D9-B446-559E33…)

Oh lord
No. 1055728
>>1055718Yes it is lol, one of her mutuals is a guy constantly tweeting about Alyssa and her cat, and keeps trying to say that he moved in to her condo without being too explicit but at the same time he’s like “hey guys I’m in her life too!”. Meanwhile Alythuh is trying to appear as this independent single boss bitch who don’t need no man.
The @ is yoitfitsmyname if you’re interestedAlso she hid her ex (the ex in the viral tweet) even if he’s responsible for the nice travel photos he took of her. People we’re asking if she has a photographer take photos and she tried to be super ambiguous so she doesnt credit the then boyfriend.
Notice how shitty her Instagram feed is after she announced her room breakup transformation (around Jan 27)
No. 1055751
File: 1602342688292.png (403.19 KB, 588x690, bella.PNG)

>>1055728His twitter is boring af but loving
/s how he compares Bella Thorne not showing explicit nudes to Hitler war crimes, Alyssa sure got herself a catch
No. 1055815
File: 1602350365818.jpeg (389.09 KB, 1800x1356, B0A24231-9F42-4846-BD46-C8312F…)

Fucking kek
No. 1055828
File: 1602351322127.png (Spoiler Image,383.91 KB, 591x762, coomer_time.PNG)

>>1055821IKR, no wonder she keeps a secret dating a guy with stuff like this on his twitter
No. 1055840
File: 1602353037921.png (92.12 KB, 594x779, 104024468_24552954761392_69805…)

>>1055831No proof as in "we're together" but he tweets about her occasionally (stuff like that he is watching her play Persona game he bought her), also posted photos of that kitty
>>1050401 that weren't reposts of her pics; they've interacted in a friendly way too. Not unlikely they're just friends but makes you wonder
No. 1055841
File: 1602353085110.jpeg (142.71 KB, 946x2048, 499A93A8-4EF4-4E45-93FD-031D7D…)

>>1055831there’s also this video on twitter where he’s having lunch with a girl who might be Alyssa judging from the low-cut shirt she’s wearing. No. 1055842
>>1055831He posted a video of him playing with Alyssa's cat and Angel liked it. tweeted about the cat waking him up at dawn (implying he stayed the night) and Angel replies again. he says he's buying groceries for the week for both him and Alyssa (he's moved in with her??) and Angel likes again. just think if they were only friends and he was lying about it for twitter, Angel wouldn't be liking or replying to his posts.
No. 1055847
File: 1602354260487.png (240.17 KB, 565x895, 564684.png)

sage for nitpick but she posted a video of her on her balcony, I thought
>>1052228 was exaggerating when they called her a bobblehead but jesus. I see why she shoops now.
>>1055841muñeca is def something you'd call your gf, they fuckin
No. 1055863
File: 1602356933705.png (199.59 KB, 616x448, yoitfits.PNG)

>>1055831looks like they're living together at least
No. 1056039
File: 1602374286834.png (503.07 KB, 558x684, TlMnzgJ.png)

No. 1056040
File: 1602374317845.png (526.24 KB, 521x655, zWubdPl.png)

No. 1056120
File: 1602384403366.jpeg (398.34 KB, 828x733, 98BFBE49-1B81-4991-80E6-BFDC86…)

>>1055728Pretending to simp for girls while having a man her bed, so shocking.
No. 1056122
File: 1602384455753.jpeg (327.68 KB, 1026x2048, 3C9D88A8-9CFE-40B1-B643-36D51A…)

>>1056120+good to see her normal body for once
No. 1056129
File: 1602385212656.jpeg (88.56 KB, 828x218, 7D61B5B1-E3E4-4B62-A4F0-CA95CD…)

>>1055840They’re not just friends.
No. 1056139
File: 1602385816864.jpeg (79.76 KB, 946x2048, 7A3B82BE-FB92-468F-85B7-E43EE4…)

No. 1056140
>>1056122Damn that's a reality check. Kinda doughy by rich Asian girl standards but Filipinos aren't really known to be thin.
All anyone has to do is Google her and you see that she hasn't featured in as many galleries or had her art sold by anyone reputable. The art world isn't a mysterious labyrinth of back alley transactions. Anyone who can make a living off of their art would have a paper trail. Girl's just LARPing to plebs like Jonny Craig.
No. 1056142
File: 1602385943727.jpeg (577.63 KB, 828x1213, 46F753FD-B6B9-4690-A70A-5B6120…)

Bf face reveal~
No. 1056143
File: 1602386043898.jpeg (536.31 KB, 828x1037, 46FDDD14-D30B-4182-A430-339D96…)

Still scrolling but from what I can see, they’ve been together for at least nine months
No. 1056150
File: 1602386597045.jpeg (858.26 KB, 828x1470, 57E9FDCB-C0EC-460F-ADD1-4C83D9…)

>>1056119Yeah, that’s her.
>>1056144He’s not rich, but he’s obsessed with stocks and pepe memes apparently. I haven’t delved into his twitter and have no plans to but I passed something about him having to trade in his old car because the note was too high. His media tab is mostly hentai and a ridiculous amount of pepe reaction images. He’s pretty milquetoast, I’m sure they get on well.
No. 1056162
File: 1602387674010.png (12.53 KB, 596x94, YIKES LMAO.png)

i know no one really bought alyssa "my family is fucking poor i came from nothing" thing so here's potential confirmation given everything we already know
No. 1056172
File: 1602388785804.png (13.82 KB, 589x123, 5176d7064d60f167b3e3a73207ed3b…)

>>1056162this is the only other noteworthy tweet of his
No. 1056258
>>1055815Yes, you can make a fine income if your art isn't mediocre Alyssa. Which is not your case, because your art is far from good and it's copied from photographs.
I kek every time she refers to her scribbles as "fine art".
No. 1056404
>>1056377Imagine if her 6am to 9pm work days are all spent just tediously photoshopping images of herself. I think it is this because the lighting in her travel photos doesn't look like outdoor lighting (which is usually more varied and shadowy) and doesn't match the surroundings. It's easy to light yourself perfectly indoors with lightboxes and ring lights. Since her "art" is laborious with mediocre results, I wouldn't put it past her. Plus look at this floating foot and hand
>>1054817She is obviously practiced at posing around imaginary objects.
No. 1056407
>>1051363Look at the lighting here. The "sun" comes in at the upper right. It is so bright it creates a glow (lol) on the edges of her fabric hat brim (not the way fabric reflects light, it's not glass) but there seems to be no bright light on the back of her neck and back, where a light bright enough to make a hat
glow would surely hit. There is even a deep shadow on the (our) right shoulder which should also be bathed in this glowing light.
No. 1056427
File: 1602435482134.png (1.07 MB, 1064x641, light.png)

>>1056404>>1056407If she had the digital skills like that we would see a proof of this, it really is very advanced, to the point it requires less effort to take pictures on location than to actually edit them in. Look at the exact angle light is falling, it's slightly behind, so her nexk and face are fully covered by hair and the had, but it falls on her right shoulder exactly as it should. Alyssa struggles painting correct light even using photos as a direct reference (as with that photo of Duckie Thot and one of her "skintones" paintings), yet she would be capable to perfectly measure and lay out all of these nuances of natural light ? Not to mention perfectly painting the shadow on the rocks, there's very specific perspective knowledge required we have every right to suspect she doesnt have.
As for glow, it's how such strong sunlight reflects off pure white material, it's not just hat that's glowing, it's the parts of the pants and shirt that are in the sun too.
Doesn't help she definitely played with the level of contrast and exposure on this picture, which creates an unnatural effect.
She may be lying about her success but I seriously don't think she lies about her travels.
No. 1056464
>>1056430I mean, so far we had a proof she is stealing pictures, even with other people in them where she'd claim it's her, but not that she's pasting herself.
>>1056431>pay someone else to photoshop her travel photosHmm, yeah, I'd believe that! But definitely not doing it herself lmao
No. 1056560
>>1056431Tinfoil but maybe that's what her ""assistants""
>>1052602 are for?
No. 1056582
>>1056377>>1056407>>1056427My theory is that some of these travel shots are actually hers, but maybe she takes a photo of the background before taking a photo of her in the same location. That way she can edit her body and cut/paste the edited picture into the foreground of the landscape shot she took earlier. This way the lines in the background of the completed image aren’t warped from the shooping, and the lighting is the same. You can’t convince me that she didn’t edit herself in to some of these pictures, the pixelation around her body is really obvious
>>1051357 and the one in front of the London bus. I assume that once she pasted her body in to the background photo, that’s when she does some of the more macro editing like brightness/saturation/filters etc
No. 1056589
>>1056582I'm totally not saying she is not editing herself though, I think what
>>1056263 suggested is very plausible, and by extension, what you've just said (empty photo of the location + photo of her in said location for faster editing) also sounds very likely.
No. 1056669
>>1056464Didn't she definitely paste herself on
>>1051357 and the balloon one that was posted to the art cow thread? I thought at least those two were confirmed
No. 1056670
>>1056654*then boyfriend. This is the guy she talked shit about in her viral room transformation thread. The guy who was responsible in making her Instagram feed pretty at surface level. The guy who made it possible for her to get 200K+ IG followers
The new simp is nowhere that skilled lol
No. 1056858
File: 1602489618919.png (410.02 KB, 538x912, 120033254_354564882399393_3025…)

>>1055728god if my bf posted about me like this I'd be mortified, this is so cringey lmfao
No. 1056875
>>1056804honestly this is a shining example of how she lies to larp an entirely different existence. tons of e-celebs hide their relationship status but will choose their words carefully or omit all mentions of their partner entirely. she could’ve just as easily said she was spending the day in a hotel and that’s still true… but it doesn’t quite sound as impressive. if she says she’s alone at the westin excelsior or wherever the fuck doing business and unwinding after because she’s drained of suffering from success, it plays directly into the self-made upper class independent woman persona she built
sorry for the rant
No. 1056953
>>1056875Being independent is a larp for her because she can't last being single. She suddenly went from dating a cheating softboi photographer to living with a stonks hentai coomer.
Watch her call Kevin (her new bf) her tripod even when he clearly takes photos of her kek
No. 1056968
File: 1602509905364.jpeg (735.41 KB, 1125x1005, 701B58E8-2D7C-4DA8-8315-501941…)

>>1056804So based on the date of that tweet you just archived and her viral ex-boyfriend bedroom post, Alyssa and her new boyfriend were already together by that time.
No. 1056983
File: 1602511232064.jpeg (211.17 KB, 828x629, 9DE11049-EE59-4D70-A306-E8F745…)

Does she have a thing for weeb coomers who compare her to hentai or what. Why is this a pattern for two boyfriends
No. 1057083
>>1056992OT but to me this is a hilarious contrast to Infrontofapple/mei who said something like "Please stop telling me I look like an anime character, it is disrespectful to my Chinese heritage"
>>1056039Can anyone tell me about this bathtub? It appears to be in the same room as all her other photos; am I correct in thinking that she.. dragged a mobile bathtub into her main room? Or this is just the bathroom and I'm wrong?
>>1055863I think i'd have to suicide if my boyfriend posted tweets like this
No. 1057348
File: 1602559297409.jpeg (738.77 KB, 828x1462, AA0686AF-383A-442A-AA3B-65F16B…)

>>1056140I think you really got to her anon, she posted this tiktok walking very unnaturally and sucking in at max capacity.
No. 1057350
File: 1602559558255.jpeg (138.38 KB, 828x301, D90E2216-DDA3-4ACB-A93D-8DA24B…)

Sure thing, I’m certain it helps to lie to yourself as much as you lie to everyone else
No. 1057496
File: 1602581742038.jpeg (364.5 KB, 1242x2210, 7D2A7F98-DC71-4591-A73D-6FC470…)

Now she’s spewing this bullshit because PULL, Guru Gossip, and LC are all talking shit about her lol
No. 1057540
File: 1602587945301.jpeg (458.91 KB, 750x731, D1AE710D-A829-451B-824F-FA192C…)

>>1057384>>1057430you guys are right. there’s a few frames where the fabric hands kind of weird but they also are sweatpants three sizes too big
No. 1057550
File: 1602589274763.jpeg (403.19 KB, 1233x2192, 64540A03-87CF-408E-AA22-165ACA…)

Her sister Angel made a “fan account” for Alyssa. It’s obvious because 1) this account’s first follower is Angel, 2) this person somehow has old prints and old thank you cards that Alyssa used to give, 3) Angel
found the post in the image here and liked this obscure photo that only tags Alythuh, 4) this person
somehow found different angles of Alyssa’s turquoise lounge robe, 5) this person also made an Angel video edit, and 6) Angel liked 95% of the tweets. No. 1057564
>>1057554Her sister Angel is milky in terms of enabling Alyssa's lies and influencer bullshit. But if you take that away, she seems more genuine as a person because she actually talks in detail about her favorite games and anime. That's unlike Alyssa, who only talks about anime and video games in relation to how ~unique she is for being hot and liking these things.
But Angel's also stupid for defending her sister's photo stealing and accidentally revealing why Alyssa and her softboi ex broke up lol
No. 1058072
File: 1602631951276.jpeg (252.22 KB, 750x789, C7A94D9C-8B02-45D1-9D3E-41B8D8…)

>>1057275Oh, she absolutely wants the brownie points. Also the way she casually tells other e-girls to come to her place in a coy way.
Anyway, she’s lying about living alone. Reminds me of Pixielocks keeping people in her basement
No. 1058186
>>1058072well, to be fair in August she was still living alone, now that we know for sure she's not anymore I wonder if she will just stay conveniently quiet or maybe lie for "aesthetics".
I suppose she'll keep quiet though since it's very likely she (or her sister) reads LC and know lying will be noticed.
No. 1058242
File: 1602642021025.jpeg (630.82 KB, 2048x2048, 326B6E57-B40B-42E7-8916-DA1D29…)

It’s a little late to finally try to act “casual” and normal, if you’ve already made every single stupid little thing you post extremely calculated and manipulative, people aren’t going to think anything from you is genuine
No. 1058245
File: 1602642213710.jpeg (173.35 KB, 828x403, C8AA6D41-2B02-463E-9C21-FA93C6…)

‘This guy’ no Alyssa everyone with half a functioning braincell says that because it’s true.
No. 1058310
>>1051699Decided to check this thread out, but holy shit. There are people who believe she's well respected in the art community? This is pop garbage that's borderline ugly. What she did to that photo trace job on the bottom right with color is a crime. Not only are the sleeves looking like an elementary school kid did them, but she managed to take a beautiful black woman and make her look slightly grotesque. The high lighting is offensive.
>>1050422The woman's hands look like catchers mitts. Breasts look like Mrs. Garrison from South Park.
I don't understand the huge lie of being self made either. I mean she's RICH! All she needs to do is post vacation photos and designer outfits and it'll get enough envy to make her an influencer.
No. 1058422
File: 1602666550937.png (292.78 KB, 587x601, moving.PNG)

>>1058240I meant to include a screencap and I forgot, sorry! He was posting about moving late September; the posts other anons put here before about him posting the same view from the balcony and him budgeting the groceries are from after that.
No. 1059070
File: 1602732778338.jpeg (246.92 KB, 1364x2048, D1C825D0-ED4F-4F94-AE61-83296E…)

No. 1059086
>>1059074She has a professional shop out her boobs bigger and her waist smaller this time lol.
Imagine being so insecure you still have to get your boobjob photoshoped
No. 1059096
File: 1602734178530.jpeg (303.65 KB, 1536x2048, 3B951255-DBA0-40CE-A774-49FF4D…)

No. 1059120
File: 1602740495947.png (35.52 KB, 177x87, boob.PNG)

>>1059070She loves photoshopping in that weird extra cleavage line in all her photos, but this time she missed the mark
No. 1059268
File: 1602765962162.jpeg (370.05 KB, 750x1062, 64B05CEB-C8B3-44A8-9097-C0ECED…)

>>1059108Proof that people literally only care about her looks. Where’s that like and retweet ratio for her shop link?
No. 1059269
File: 1602766158138.jpeg (676.84 KB, 750x1183, BCD85EE4-1317-4355-ADFD-ECF772…)

The fact that no one can find pics of her wearing normal people clothes kek
No. 1059321
>>1059107A lot of creative types multitask while making art, I won't fault her that one.
It seems like she's become aware of the critique about the highly orchestrated photos, so she's gone the other way and is showing photos of her "candidly" sitting on cat scratching posts and painting boards instead
>Alyssa, look casual>Alyssa, climbing a tree Like this? No. 1059475
>>1059470Not to WK, but it's normal to put links and extra text in a thread of follow-up tweets. It's considered good advice to work the algorithm. Adding links and walls of text to the first tweet will tank its reach, because people are more likely to interact with a tweet that's short and simple.
When people click a link in a tweet, it takes them off site and they're less likely to go back and interact with the actual tweet. Her link tweet getting very little traction compared to the initial promo image is normal, and she's actually using a strategy here.
No. 1059715
File: 1602823618146.jpeg (114.59 KB, 828x320, CC9D866F-A9AB-4DE1-BB77-B5BB27…)

Cry me a river Alyssa
No. 1059764
>>1059761She has a discord channel under “Trash A Guru”. Speaking of Guru Gossip, Alyssa also has an inactive YouTube channel but she posted her vlogs there before she took them down.
I guess the YouTube comments immediately called out how rich her family was because she tells Twitter she’s “not rich”.
No. 1059777
>>1059761Samefag as
>>1059761 but here’s the link to GG discord: No. 1060038 i’m sorry for posting a link, i can’t get a screenshot right now, i tried.
not milk i just thought it was funny that alyssa’s cat apparently hates her
No. 1060151
File: 1602890553575.jpeg (343.15 KB, 1800x1131, A0F816F8-9CC2-4D54-948E-CDBA8A…)

She’s probably bitter that we know that she has a bf. Her queerbaiting won’t work with us. These are some of the replies under her recent selfie. She calls people who she isn’t close to by their first name and gives them hearts. She doesn’t follow some of these people, and I think she calls them by their first name to make them feel special. She literally only tells her bf “LMAO” with a few emojis compared to how she talks to random women.
No. 1060533
File: 1602953480300.jpeg (514.75 KB, 828x1411, 139DA969-ACE3-4322-BCF0-92BB75…)

Look how far out of her way she’s going to lie about it either being her boyfriend or self timer that took the poor quality new photos.
No. 1060571
>>1060540>>1060539>>1060533i don’t want to post the photographer’s name here so he and his business are forever linked to this site just because he did a photoshoot with her, but if you scroll back on Alythuh she did tag him a few days ago.
however … he is very much still a photographer. he retweeted one set of photos, his instagram was updated 4 days ago and the archive goes back to early 2014. he’s a really small account too so you’d think she’d be interested in plugging his business as a courtesy between artists. but yes i’m sure Alyssa is telling the truth that he gave up his career and passion to do something else on a whim, and she’s not making things up to avoid crediting him or anything
No. 1060609
>>1060587huh. just checked her IG, she credits her friend there for the photos but credits a different professional photographer on twitter this post
>>1059268 and it’s clearly from the same photoshoot… but the “friend’s” photos are pretty amateur in comparison so it’s possible i guess? but then that’s still fucked up to credit your friend and make a big deal out of that but then try to avoid crediting the photographer who does this for a living. to her credit she tagged them on instagram if you click the photo but this is such a weird thing to push back against
No. 1060875
File: 1602993051047.png (3.25 MB, 1366x1525, Alythuh Room Changes.png)

I noticed Alyssa always milks this one side of her condo because the white door behind her always appears in her selfies. For every selfie, the objects behind her are different. So I played this as if it was a hidden objects game.
> Bright red- lingerie rack> Dark red- lingerie mannequin with the Amazon knockoff robe> Orange- hand shaped chair> Lime green- her fake plants> Emerald green- therapist chair> Yellow- wine glass table> Brown- rack with manga bookshelf or art materials> Blue - art materials and prints, and that one anime posterThe photo sources:'s so bizarre and sad how much time and effort she has to move things around her home for the perfect selfie. There's nothing natural or chill about this, this is unnerving.
No. 1060946
File: 1603010478857.jpeg (279.44 KB, 828x564, C7F21BAF-D29E-4CD1-AD07-04E70E…)

wtf is this shit
No. 1060949
File: 1603010503526.jpeg (289.97 KB, 1500x500, D89F4F34-6A53-4626-9DEE-AA2141…)

>>1060946this is that accounts header… guys.
No. 1060977
>>1060972The account was made in 2018 and is completely a different person. I assume this is a really young and impressionable person who's into anime.
Angel shouldn't be encouraging this person because this person's gonna have it in their skin forever. Alyssa is a scammer and a liar and Angel is a huge enabler of Alyssa. I don't think anyone would want that in their skin lol
No. 1061134
>>1060875WHEWWWWW. I knew she was doing this but seeing it all put together like this really blows my mind. She has the farthest thing from a chill life LMAO.
fuck they should really not be encouraging this or even finding it flattering. That’s some cuckoo cult shit right there.
No. 1061140
File: 1603035814366.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, BBF55C27-FDC1-47BF-881B-B90169…)

same fag, apologies. But this has to be her best work and yet… no print of it. Nowhere is it posted on her socials. There’s plenty of screenshots from her past stories that shows her “working” on this soooo… where is it and why is it only used as a constant prop way in the background.
No. 1061142
>>1060875Plus if you look at her other tweets like this: she moves stuff inside the bedroom. Look at the knockoff robe at the corner, that's the same as the one in the collage.
No. 1061171
File: 1603038557829.png (1.33 MB, 698x1138, Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 12.2…)

>>1061168That's because she traced it and someone in PULL was able to catch the original images. She traced over her own photo, this one heart shaped mirror, and many other image sources
No. 1061179
File: 1603039634678.jpeg (234.54 KB, 960x1200, B8547684-9FA3-4C18-816D-B45C32…)

No. 1061180
File: 1603039697340.jpeg (448.06 KB, 1638x2048, CB15BF5A-8095-4E55-B60E-2B3226…)

No. 1061182
>>1061181Tracing images to use in your Pinterest-tier backdrop so you can indirectly imply you made them with your oh so fine talent isn’t that noble to begin with. She also stole other peoples travel images and one girls selfie even. She
loves implication and omission.
No. 1061190
File: 1603040853283.png (302.11 KB, 581x819, cathate.png)

>>1060038here u go anon
alyssa's bf comments on some girl's video of a cat attacking her and says alyssa's cat hates her
No. 1061191
File: 1603040868848.jpg (98.04 KB, 640x640, Backward Hands.jpg)

>>1061181Alyssa said before releasing those teasers that she hasn't been able to create art for a couple of months because of personal problems, yet somehow she managed to produce digital art style that suddenly improved from the shitshow attached here, which wasn't far enough from 2020. She never showed progress of stuff she does with her art either and we can see her traditional art has very little to no improvement. How the fuck are people going to believe she became that good in digital art when she never showed any other new piece from September last year until May? nobody implies you're Angel but ok WK.
No. 1061195
File: 1603041326885.jpeg (243.93 KB, 750x694, 2656764E-740C-431F-84ED-327798…)

>>1061191Her mental health was shit the beginning of the year and the middle of the year according to her, yet she was always saying how great her life is. Unproductive for months, according to her, and yet she has this much success still?
No. 1061305
File: 1603052051189.jpeg (20.88 KB, 156x228, 46131076-8F63-42B5-A8AA-114E87…)

>>1061171of course. I shouldn’t even be surprised. The entire thing looks traced. How magical that she suddenly knows how to render shit perfectly… but only in digital format. Kek.
No. 1061519
File: 1603082930805.png (658.65 KB, 1170x1182, Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 12.4…)

So for the female anons out here, I found this.
If you guys are looking for a good self defense kit, you may want to check out Indomitable. I found the brand through this tweet (not by the owner, the OP just found the business on TikTok): This is the Indomitable shop: owner knows her self defense well: good one is by charmedbylyric: Charmedbylyric shop:
https://charmedbylyric.myshopify.comThese women's follower count combined is way less than Alyssa's. But their items look more durable and effective. They need to be hyped up more. Plus there are no cheap flimsy knives and silent sounding alarms around.
No. 1061540
>>1061140for me it's the artwork in the top right corner. it looks so frickin polished, i love the composition of it too, but i've never seen it posted on her socials or her store even though it's on the wall in EVERY single background
a few pics where you can spot it:
>>1053277>>1054810i'm certain it's in tons of pics in the last thread too
No. 1061541
File: 1603089537715.jpeg (166.91 KB, 828x727, image0.png.jpeg)

>>1052622I thought it was a one time thing and the only mishap Amura had is the report, though the comments section is as equally interesting.
What a shame because unlike Aly, she's genuinely talented.
No. 1061543
>>1061540Something I noticed: she never posts or shares her art immediately because she treats them like products. Teases in making them, but never shares the actual output. So she puts all these disingenuous selfies and lifestyle posts to make up for the lack of art.
Her lifestyle content heavily makes up for the mediocre art she makes. If she doesn't show herself in these photos she wouldn't have such a big following.
No. 1061582
>>1061539Every single one of her replies sound like a bot. It’s
too nice to the point that it’s sickly disingenuous and fake. Calling people she doesn’t follow by their first names, using heart emojis, being way too complimentary for no reason. It’s all very robotic.
No. 1061683
File: 1603119453121.jpeg (867.06 KB, 828x1324, EBC947AB-6901-474A-AD66-BA8FA8…)

These are some of the worst promotional photos I’ve seen
No. 1061745
>>1061726i’m a little mad that you pointed it out. i wish i could go back to not seeing it
>>1061683tfw on a base level the colors are visually appealing but this looks like an aesthetic pic vs promo shot
>>1060875i can’t stop thinking about unhinged this is. how long til she gives up art and just does interior design or something?
No. 1062081
>>1061519Quit your fucking shilling. If you want to play with those toys and get yourself killed you can go get them where they come from the chinkshit sellers on aliexpress, alibaba, taobao, etc. for their original price and quality and not get ripped off/scammed.
If you really want to moralfag then think about it, some of them are ~smol poor businesses uwu~ as well including undercover protesters, and it's "boss bitches" like Aly who buy and resell them for 30 times the price.
>>1061541>>1061542This is just confirmation these /"boss bitches" have 0 actual stock and buy from China with the cheapest longest shipping option then charge you the highest price for national shipping and the item itself.
No. 1062121
>>1062081Anon, read again because the comments were talking about AmuraKills not Alyssa. That anon linked to the one post talking about Amura’s bad customer service:
Alyssa has more bad reviews than Amura though, no wonder why someone as talented as Amura would be friends with Alyssa.
No. 1062144
File: 1603159410118.png (1.12 MB, 1254x1536, Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 9.57…)

This one is something I took from the PULL threads before the site shut down.
Alyssa and her bf had this mutual (male) friend who simped for Alyssa so hard, people on PULL thought he was her boyfriend.
This orbiter, AigooTim, was a huge fan of hers before they became Twitter mutuals and eventually friends. He would regularly simp so hard for her and white knighted for her hard when Alyssa and her fans cyberbullied Aphobiakills. Interesting enough, he and Alyssa stopped interacting all together, along with her boyfriend too. He's still close friends to Angel and the other people in their circle though. (Angel's bf is a different guy, btw, and is not a part of the Alythuh circlejerk squad.)
Just goes to show she keeps yes men and women around her.
No. 1062235
File: 1603185587724.jpeg (156.61 KB, 675x900, DZK3jsLVoAAZKD-.jpeg)

>Alythuh: claims to be a successful full time artist by profession
>Also Alythuh: allows her paints under the sunlight
If she never had her merchandise shop or her shitty art I would've guessed she was another one of those MLM boss babes making those cringe ass posts about how luxurious they live.
No. 1062281
File: 1603197119055.jpeg (1.02 MB, 750x828, BFFF1EE8-2139-4741-99AC-375574…)

she captioned this something about being busy working. old photo so no milk,
>>1060875 changed my life so i’ve been scrolling through to see how the corner and windows constantly change. i might compile them later if people want it but it really is mindboggling
No. 1062283
>>1062281I'm observing the same thing as that anon. There's actually more, even the one in her own bedroom. She moves her robe mannequin and fake plants from her "studio" (her living room extension) to her bedroom. Also we'd love to see if you notice anything that anon has missed kek
If you noticed in her Tiktok video she rearranged her studio again after the mess she made in
>>1054843. Her orbiters would be really dumb to call this "real"
No. 1062322
>>1062299Yeah he strikes me as a cuck. Oh! If anyone doesn't know, her boyfriend now used to be a fan like this guy as well. Just goes to show she has no boundaries and that any average to above average looking man who shows the slightest interest in her can be her boyfriend lol:>>1062308Oil paints fade badly under direct sunlight even when indoors. Bringing out oil paint tubes in sunlight and warmer climates can cause the tubes to leak viscous oil as well. Her oil paintings and oil paint tube's shelf life will decrease especially because she lets a lot of sunlight in her condo too. See >>1050443's comment.
No. 1062331
>>1062325I know I’m always finding drawing she traced. I don’t know why everyone in the thread acts like tracing is totally fine.
Tracing is only fine if your starting out, and just practicing art
Tracing is not fine when your selling art, or acting like you drew it yourself and drew up the anatomy yourself. She always does this, and I’m so confused why everyone gives her a pass on tracing.
No. 1062333
File: 1603206139046.png (2.28 MB, 1400x1050, 6051B13F-55FE-4D7A-95D6-7C24E8…)

>>1060875i compiled some photos of specifically the windows and left corner. march 19 is her bedroom but shows the lingerie rack and luffy figure which shows up in other pictures. i couldn’t be bothered to circle things but it’s basically the same objects that change anyway
No. 1062334
File: 1603206204876.png (296.97 KB, 535x710, F59E5A17-B123-47F4-820B-C1E003…)

I also found some other stuff while doing the collagr
No. 1062335
File: 1603206380157.png (619.51 KB, 591x727, A16F6EAC-4E47-4CDA-B316-A46645…)

debunks a tweet I can’t find in this thread because I’m blind but the “We only have $50/week for groceries” one. this freezer is overflowing
No. 1062341
>>1062333Wow, thank you for these anon! The March 19 photo was an old one from her old bedroom in her mom's house (the layout seems different and looks like the one in
>>1048913 ) but otherwise great work!
It does put into even more perspective how much she moves things around her room lol. I'm speechless. I do think influencers do this to some degree but she takes it on a new level, holy shit.
No. 1062354
>>1062331Doubt everyone is cool with tracing here, anon. That was a single wk/anon/possibly Alyssa or angel that commented on how it’s not bad.
it’s always been obvious she traces ever since she showed off these digital pieces. I’m always amazed at how tracers out themselves every. single. time.
>>1062235 I can’t believe that I at one point believed in the life she’s been selling. all these collages here are fucking mind blowing (bless you anons) and really makes you wonder what goes through her head throughout the day lmao now watch as she suddenly changes her format of picture taking.
oh to be a fly on one of those walls in her floor to ceiling condo bullshit.
>>1062335AND all of those are vegan/gluten free products so now double that price. 50 dollars a week my ass.
so according to Alyssa her diet consists of wine, tv dinners (but they’re vegan so it’s totally healthy guys) and whatever takeout she apparently routinely gets.
Tell me again how she only supports herself by doing ‘aRt’.
No. 1062383
File: 1603213652242.jpeg (261.32 KB, 828x625, EB139DC9-B4CA-41FE-80FE-78AB77…)

Bitch is a bot, can’t even say “thank you Hannah.” How the hell do you formulate sentences like this when English is your only language?
No. 1062417
File: 1603217137414.jpeg (296.21 KB, 828x783, 19C19B34-5736-4A76-B684-575BE4…)

>>1062383I think more notable is that like three days before this tweet on main she was talking about how chill she was. And now it's omg i'm so stressed these days I work so hard!! She can't even keep a consistent narrative going.
No. 1062791
File: 1603251482987.jpeg (Spoiler Image,169.69 KB, 750x689, 8AAB2D7A-78CA-4A00-BD25-1B0A07…)

>>1048899The scar from her boob job that she did a piss poor job at concealing kek.
No. 1065917
File: 1603399342572.jpeg (312.05 KB, 1718x2048, 270F0822-7646-40C6-A9AC-305E52…)

No. 1066069
>>1065887You stupid bitch, I’m only
>>1063015 and I’m one of the main contributors of her content itt. Give it a rest.
>>1065917I don’t even know what to say about how ridiculous and stupid she looks at this point, it’s comical even
No. 1066074
File: 1603416042334.jpeg (446.45 KB, 1520x2048, FA436510-4D9D-41EE-BD82-3D2FF9…)

She has been very insistent on posting her bare abdomen ever since people found the photo of her laying on the couch without her stomach sucked in, I think she was truly floored when that anon said she was doughy
No. 1066131
File: 1603425373063.jpeg (370.75 KB, 750x1096, 559B9D10-B3B6-4F23-942B-6C54BF…)

From her site.
world famous artist guys.
No. 1066257
File: 1603454148336.png (1.24 MB, 1153x614, alythuh.PNG)

>>1062354>really makes you wonder what goes through her head throughout the dayHer head is filled with white noise all day long, her brain is a processor in which she runs the algorithm that tells her how to stage the next viral picture.
No. 1066857
>>1065917Getting that constipated look just right. Also the black line on her cleavage looks drawn on.
>>1066131The shadows are atrocious, the hand is disgusting and of course the face is mostly covered.
No. 1067017
File: 1603556597783.jpeg (444.98 KB, 944x1647, 3DA38833-2964-4088-A22F-0F3405…)

Who asked for this?
No. 1067018
File: 1603556694924.jpeg (137.91 KB, 828x388, 41523CCB-EC45-466B-90B4-952192…)

Still baiting gay girls.
No. 1067054
File: 1603559855660.jpeg (752.58 KB, 828x1416, 948C5081-3242-423A-92C0-29B4E4…)

“Luxurious” she says about literal sweatshop labor
No. 1067056
File: 1603559928836.jpeg (955.18 KB, 828x1399, E377504B-19B3-4A4E-96AA-B9A229…)

>>1067054“The oil paint swatch is even done by me” like that’s such a gift of effort. Lord get over yourself.
No. 1067085
those fold wrinkles indicate it's cheap, shitty satin. Buy a steamer to at least make it look less shitty jfc.
No. 1067090
>>1067054It just looks like aliexpress satin clothes vs the same thing turned inside out.
>>1067060Exactly, it just looks like a printed picture sandwiched in plastic. I thought she was going to be swatching each one with real paint at least.
No. 1067115
>>1067054Wait, is the one on the left the final sample?? I was looking at it backwards and thinking "weird color choice but yeah, looks like an improvement".
The one on the right looks cleaner and the matte fabric looks more expensive than the polysatin on the left.
In the one on the left, the interlining either hasn't shrunk proportionally or hasn't been fused properly with the satin causing little wrinkles to form all along the edges of the navy trim. I can't tell if there's aqua piping along the join seam of the navy trim or if there's just a really bad wrinkle pressed into the fabric there from a presserfoot. Either way both of these would look way better after a steam, I'm surprised she just photoed them all wrinkled like this.
No. 1067318
>>1067054I don't know anything about sewing so correct me if I'm wrong… but the first one has better craftsmanship right? the final has way better colors but the stitching looks horrible.
and nitpick but for someone who carries a color wheel everywhere she sure doesn't know anything about color theory
No. 1067345
>>1067329super luxurious.
I can see it now. pictures her white knights will be posting of their collection of ‘certificates’ and whoever has the most impressive collection of plastic will win a retweet from Alyssa herself.
god I can’t wait to see how much she’s going to charge for these. can’t wait for the outrageous price she’s gonna throw on all because of these added certificates lmao
No. 1067428
>>1067318The first one has better craftsmanship, no question, but it also looks like it's broadcloth. That kind of material is difficult to fuck up, as long as you can sew a straight line you can make it look well-made. Most importantly though, it's not comfortable to wear in a garment, especially something intended to be comfy and flowy.
The second looks like polyester satin, which while more comfortable to wear than broadcloth, is obviously less forgiving. It's just as cheap though. In other words, they both look mass-produced and use inferior materials, only one of them can hide it better.
No. 1067529
File: 1603610039775.png (1.78 MB, 2046x3782, Alythuh Back Off.png)

Some anons in here and people at PULL and GG mentioned her self defense items coming from Aliexpress and Alibaba. So I took off some info from those sites and compiled the screenshots of her products compared to the products in Aliexpress and Alibaba
Back off Knife:
Alyssa's product ($12) Sources: ($0.48 maximum) ($0.90 maximum)
No. 1067530
File: 1603610430187.png (2.9 MB, 2054x3949, Alythuh Fck Off.png)

>>1067529F*ck Off Knife
Alyssa's product ($13.95) Sources: ($0.98 maximum) ($0.85 maximum)
No. 1067547
File: 1603614010924.png (3.45 MB, 2038x4447, Alythuh Pepper Spray.png)

>>1067529Pepper Sprays (both $14.95)
Gaia: Source: ($1.20 max)
And those are all of the products. She's marked them up to around 85 - 95% of the original price, and changed nothing except adding her shitty art to these items. There is no way she can twist this as knockoff items because these people are her suppliers.
Chinese suppliers will really shit on people who turn on their businesses, so she's gonna get hexed and cursed if she makes more lies out of this.She's a scammer who capitalizes on women's rights. She's no real advocate for it.
No. 1067561
>>1067547I mean, isn't that what artist alley people do anyway? A keychain typically costs $3-4 to make and artists tend to sell them for $10+
I don't think her art is necessarily worth paying for, but she's not really doing anything that other artists don't (selling mass manufactured products that she marks up with her art). She just hams it up a lot more with her pro artist angle.
No. 1067641
>>1067529She is doing so many people dirty by offering them a false sense of security. She should be disgusted in herself lmao.
How long until someone calls her out on her bullshit publicly?
No. 1067642
>>1067561Yeah. But she’s selling self defense stuff. Not fanart merch. I do get what you’re saying but this seems to be on another level. No way in hell would I trust that shit thin key knife to be anything but decoration for your keychain. It’s like attempting to defend yourself with a toothpick.
And the pepper spray?? Most last for only two years after their manufacturing date. Like all aerosol products they lose pressure overtime. So who knows how long those products have been sitting in a warehouse prior to making its way over to her. A lot of these sprays recommend you replace it after a single use (these look like those as usually it’s the tiny keychain ones that have that recommendation) and if it’s not then how many bursts can it offer? Does it shoot in a single straight stream? Is it a wide spray?
These are ALL super important to state for obvious reasons. Just looking up even the cheapest ones on Amazon will give you all that information.
Anyone that knows about pepper spray knows this is as good as something bought in a gas station. Worse actually.
Maybe the other side of the product box has more info so correct me if I’m wrong about this.
No. 1067683
>>1067641Been hoping someone would ever since PULL exposed her phony ass to the moon and back.
But I feel like anything against her is gonna be dismissed as “you just hate women” since she’s surrounded by fragile sjw and mega clout chasers.
No. 1068034
File: 1603675614818.jpg (343.37 KB, 1340x2048, 20201025_182825.jpg)

No. 1068076
>>1068034she spent all that time shooping and she couldn't iron her skirt??
Also kek at her man jaw. Maybe all this time she's just been a tranny in disguise.
No. 1068119
File: 1603736330194.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1125x1431, 901ECAD9-4180-4C3E-9BBA-DA4A2A…)

she really is mad that someone here called her doughy lmaoooo
No. 1068200
>>1068119those rock hard looking fake tits remind me of Anisa's.
All that money for boulders on her chest, yikes.
No. 1068287 any time i try and upload a photo i 404 can someone screencap this? it’s not really milk but her crying over her cat’s sex being wrong is killing me
>>1068119ironically if she didn’t shoop at all her body would be
fine in the doughy pic but i guess that’s what happens when you shoop yourself to be 85lbs and ur bf leaks that you have some internal organs
No. 1068349
>>1068345Samefag, I find this perplexing but it suggests she was treating her cat in a gendered manner, like a normal person treats a cat the
same regardless of its sex. All I've seen was her posting the cat sitting on her cleavage, so maybe she sexualized "him" in other ways. This is unhinged regardless of the rationale.
No. 1068454
File: 1603756162117.jpeg (379.33 KB, 828x881, EEFC5A62-2F60-4557-9E74-6BFA1B…)

I highly doubt she’s being “messaged” that she’s promoting violence, rather she’s being told she’s promoted ineffectual defense from violence and now she wants to pussyfoot around it and be WKed. Stupid bitch.
No. 1068455
File: 1603756223632.jpeg (201.37 KB, 828x444, B0AA715F-1BB3-4FD1-BED7-2BD812…)

No. 1068481
File: 1603757495804.jpeg (122.75 KB, 828x402, F06ED18F-244A-4513-96B0-375F4E…)

At least she’s finally quit the fake flirting thank god
No. 1068804
>>1068454She’s fully calling her letter opener grade “knives” a self defence weapon. This is not going to end well.
And if she really did “sampling and perfecting” they wouldn’t be the state they are. Shameless.
No. 1068836
>>1068454 >>1068455
For those wondering why she's suddenly been talking about creepy requests she most likely got through Instagram DM's. She and her sister (plus their employees, if they're still working with her) are working overtime to distract her simps from the truth. People now know that her shit comes from Aliexpress and Alibaba. PULL, GG, LC and some parts of Twitter already know the truth about her self defense kits.
Yeah it does suck she's experiencing creepy DMs and I believe she does get them. (Her simps are just as unhinged as she is, if not more.) But it's like she's covering up the elephant in the room by layering it with another drama happening to her, so her braindead fans don't notice the truth about her.
Plus it's a known fact that Alyssa and her sister spend most of their work on lurking and derailing forums and Twitter threads that talk shit about her lol. That's how insecure Alyssa is, she wants to make sure that majority of the comments about her are positive. That's why she retweets compliments a lot for her other followers to like–so it gets more clout than the criticism, which would naturally attract attention because, anyone with a brain can see she's not the shit.
Remember she and her fans dogpiled on this one person with 1.6K followers for just making a joke about Alyssa on their timeline. That person got suspended just because of the massive volume of reports Twitter got thanks to Alyssa's encouragement of dogpiling.
Sorry for the blogpost lol but I can clearly see what Alyssa is doing. She's distracting them from ever knowing the reality about her cheap ass excuse of weapons.
No. 1069061
File: 1603831558346.jpeg (571.24 KB, 1922x2048, 55EE052B-F573-4D00-9D78-BB7741…)

>posting makeupless selfie to try to look down to earth and relatable when there’s visible edit on your entire nose
No. 1069369
>>1068930Yeah that's the thing I'm saying, she's talking about another issue to cover up the real deal.
"Yeah, I'm a scammer and people know that, but I'm getting creepy messages from men too!" Which isn't even related to the issue at hand. Every female influencer gets creepy DMs, that doesn't make her any different.
She used a situation where she is the one being attacked so she can cover up another situation where she did something wrong and profited off of it.
No. 1069477
File: 1603889901669.jpeg (528.08 KB, 750x1079, FD0B0467-2617-4DD4-8273-7776EF…)

I can’t stop laughing at this and at her lame attempt at showing how effective they are by… stabbing a cardboard box.
No. 1069483
File: 1603890417266.jpeg (843.34 KB, 750x1251, 2E545278-C10C-4360-8BC6-91206F…)

samefag, re-upload cause just going off about her gross nails wasn’t enough when this clearly shows you how not natural it is to hold this.
“it’s not painful cAUSE ITS ROUNDED” nah that clearly digs right into your palm as soon as it makes contact with anyone. Not a damn cardboard box Alyssa.
also the art on the pepper spray and alarm… fucking kek. Im glad someone pointed out how easy the alarm goes off whenever you DONT need it. but that comment is getting buried under all the ass kissing.
No. 1069562
>>1069483Please consider:
You have this keychain on your backpack because you're a young fan and you don't have your own house/car keys, so instead it's attached to one of the main zippers, pretty standard. A man comes up to you and grabs you, you'd have to take off your bag, find the keychain and put your hand around it. By this time, the man has reached out and grabbed your bag, and is about to give you a ring avulsion injury because those finger holes are microscopic.
Man, how are people this stupid? she's literally using fear to make money, that's so fucked up and scummy.
No. 1069579
>>1069544Im guessing she’s getting around it by claiming the novelty parts of it (the heart at the top more than anything) make it just a keychain.
Just can’t stand her firmly putting her foot down by saying she’s selling these to protect others. Fuck off. It’s all for profit. Just be honest and not hide behind this saintly persona.
No. 1069591
File: 1603907239133.jpeg (359.9 KB, 750x1059, E934CC86-CA0B-40CD-A5B5-BA9A31…)

>>1069587Ik WA, CO, VT they are Illegal completely
>>1069579That doesn’t get around it. Remember those cat keychains, those are same thing ? Those count as brass knuckles too. I can’t have them whatsoever here in WA. I only know bc I really wanted one bc I’m stupid and was a kid
No. 1069619
>>1069614Sorry replied to wrong post very quickly and refreshed before I could delete. Let’s try this again.
>>1069595Anon was spewing absolute garbage
No. 1070020
File: 1603937529223.jpeg (158.14 KB, 828x495, DB18980C-66DC-4C84-A36D-F88132…)

I would say the same thing applies for people who fake every aspect of their persona, photoshop all of their pictures, and painstakingly craft every single thing they do to appear a certain way that they’ve only accomplished through the explotation of sweatshop workers.
No. 1070022
File: 1603937630536.jpeg (143.33 KB, 828x413, FAA0BE95-7F48-4DBF-B009-0A56D7…)

>>1070020Sounds like she had a moment of critical thinking and reflection on the dishonest and wrong practices she incorporates into every facet of her life but nope! No accountability here.
No. 1070170
>>1069595Not anon but burning bridges with Chinese suppliers is the worst idea any business owner can think of. This was in Twitter PH a few years back.
Some chick ran a thrift shop with highly marked up clothes from Chinese sellers on Shopee. Once she gets paid by the customers, she (wrongfully) asks the original sellers for refunds. The Chinese sellers were not happy and they commented really nasty, shaman-like shit on the girl's shopper profile, and they wished her the nastiest shit to happen. Someone she had a public beef with found out about these and it was exposed. Her thrifting shop isn't doing well as it was before.
I think what anon is trying to say is if Alyssa spins the Alibaba/Aliexpress accusations as "knockoffs stealing [her] art", it's not gonna look good for her. Her suppliers will not be happy being labeled as the bad guy.
No. 1070171
File: 1603959618345.png (89.39 KB, 1162x452, Screen Shot 2020-10-29 at 4.18…)

>>1070023She has a habit doing this. Many narcissists tend to have the least amount of self awareness and the biggest hypocrisy.
No. 1070223
File: 1603974269265.jpeg (639.74 KB, 828x1305, FFFEC070-17AA-415F-9834-F89656…)

>>1068119She deleted this tweet. I wonder why.
No. 1070496
File: 1603998969126.jpeg (863.58 KB, 828x996, 629EDB3F-689C-4C40-AB20-CDCE04…)

What on earth is she going for here.
Her femme fatale set dropped and she is selling that traced mirror art. Fucking lel.
No. 1070507
File: 1603999922513.jpeg (313.74 KB, 2048x1312, 1C8C07AA-E920-4BA9-98B1-64DB0F…)

>women serving her
is she just flat out retarded, none of this is remotely femme fatale
No. 1070519
>>1070509What is this weird circus shit going on? This has nothing to do with Femme Fatale and her sister and cousin are literally serving her.
She deleted the tweet but she said she sold half the kits in less than 10 minutes.
No. 1070535
>>1070509why is she wearing a white sunhat when the rest of the photoshoot is attempting to be dark and sultry.. then in the pic where she's outside
>>1070496 her hair is in curlers?? questionable editorial choices
No. 1070549
>>1070519i’m guessing alyssas soft brain equates femme fatale with old hollywood movies, and she conflated that with the old timey circus aesthetic from like 50 years prior?
No. 1070551
File: 1604002715201.jpeg (489.1 KB, 1650x2048, D44DE9ED-E81F-411F-9E1A-3D6331…)

No. 1070603
File: 1604008045529.png (10.25 MB, 1125x2001, image0.png)

Obvious wig looks awful, you can see where it's lifting off around the bangs. She's giving me landlady from kung fu hustle
No. 1070606
>>1070496neck/jaw photoshop? what the fuck is happening
>>1070512this dude is the most intriguing part of this photoshoot
No. 1070611
>>1070507Just saying the rose knifes in this pic are pretty dangerous in a real situation. It doesn’t have a proper handle, and if it doesn’t it’s technically a letter opener. In a fight you hand would slip down and get cut badly.
Bc she is selling this as self defense she’s going to be getting in trouble sooner or later and should watch out for the law/sue
No. 1070755
File: 1604020718029.jpeg (1.73 MB, 1242x2209, 43374C0D-9B40-4124-AF3C-05EC21…)

$20 for tiny stickers? That’s a little too much IMO, and the art is the traced BS she put out before in her sneak peek stories. Yikes
No. 1070818
>>1070507>>1070776>>1070805Corset fag here, can confirm they're on upside down. If you look at the busk (where the corset is hooked together in the front) you'll notice on that the hooks are backwards to scamlyssa's, which is shockingly on correctly. This confirms they are indeed on upside down.
Also side sperg you can see on the right side of alyssa's corest for some unknown reason she tucked the laces only partly in the top?? They're not supposed to be seen.
sage for corset sperg
No. 1070819
>>1070805>>1070776lmao they are. The hooks are supposed to be on the wearer's right side. Alyssa's is on the right way, if you notice her hooks are opposite of theirs. I can imagine it was done on purpose.
How shocking it is that she won't allow those flanking her to appear more competent than her. /s
No. 1070885
>>1070707lmaooo it's like her hot balloon vacation photo all over again
>>1070755to really sell stickers of traced drawings of yourself, how tacky
No. 1070890
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No. 1070978
File: 1604063558485.png (444.41 KB, 650x312, lmaopls.PNG)

>>1070551Wow, she didn't even try with this shoop
No. 1071254
>>1070890does she ever pass up an opportunity to jerk herself off over her ‘accomplishments’?
>>1070496It really bothers me that she’s selling the aesthetic of tough femininity with tools that will crumple in the face of actual danger. Feels exactly like trying to sell women shitty pink power tools.
No. 1071286
File: 1604100802089.jpeg (262.02 KB, 1200x958, 42688A1C-2E8B-49F4-9E3C-DCA4F9…)

Nearly 27,000 likes for the photos, but less than 500 likes for her new kit’s shop link lmao
No. 1071296
File: 1604101313154.jpeg (357.91 KB, 1800x1516, 15A5D2C8-6584-4074-B796-092682…)

A small account on Twitter posted these screenshots calling out Alyssa for saying she “made” her AliExpress self-defense kits and she even called her out for disabling her customer support Twitter. This person posted screenshots of people trying to reach the customer support account and getting ignored.
>>1071289Yes, the promotional photos for her new “kit” are at 27,000 likes, but the link under the pictures that promotes her shop has under 500 likes.
No. 1071298
File: 1604101495325.jpeg (488.44 KB, 750x1097, 68538CED-CB40-459D-A390-E059BF…)

This is so sad.
No. 1071317
File: 1604104481156.jpeg (643.62 KB, 828x1316, D65B8F85-91F9-4B15-8047-042FC0…)

No. 1071319
File: 1604104569236.jpeg (630.04 KB, 828x1124, 8ECF6092-E62D-4FA1-8690-A4DFBA…)

No. 1071333
>>1070496>>1071317i know it was pointed out in
>>1070512 but the knives were photoshopped onto the jacket here as well
No. 1071406
File: 1604111334668.jpeg (652.14 KB, 828x1217, 514A5008-F701-4734-AC10-E1E7FA…)

Just noticed but someone was commenting under the tweets Alyssa retweeted that her items are from aliexpress and now all those tweets have been untweeted. I don’t have caps of them being tweeted but I swear this one was.
No. 1071407
File: 1604111398376.jpeg (330.63 KB, 828x752, 3250F52B-1E28-4CA1-807B-3BF507…)

No. 1071437
File: 1604113270796.jpeg (405.34 KB, 1125x1121, 7F44F748-A682-4DAB-B7BC-1F29BB…)

>>1071407Her cousin replying to someone spreading the info about the AliExpress kits. But aly can’t speak for herself? Kek
No. 1071457
>>1071407A queen
>>1071437Of course not, she calls them in to defend her like they’re her dogs
No. 1071462
File: 1604115085524.jpeg (208.47 KB, 750x544, 137323B3-83F9-4B43-91C3-F3DD1D…)

>>1071407found this in yawn’s likes. i guess this tracks, what with Alyssa’s friend have shit customer service too and all
No. 1071482
File: 1604115997282.png (54.03 KB, 954x314, 026816176667b5022f22b90bc64b0b…)

they truly are made for each other kek
No. 1071489
File: 1604116524336.png (551.09 KB, 1440x1433, profit from fear.png)

Literally profiting from people's fear of assault. This person is better off buying some official defense merch and not some aliexpress keyrings.
>just want eight to feel safe
No. 1071494
File: 1604117321317.png (590.78 KB, 1440x1492, profit from fear2.png)

>>1071489All these Tweets are so tragic, this person even bought one for her mom "so she's safe."
There's no doubt most of her sales are due to this kind of thinking.
No. 1071498
>>1071475That’s Alyssa’s cousin. She’s doing the same thing as the sister. Remember when Angel defended Alyssa’s photo theft because “Alyssa wanted to show the places without her in it?”
Yeah the intelligence
clearly runs in the family.
No. 1071504
File: 1604117853188.jpeg (383.1 KB, 828x739, 8BA457A4-7F41-471C-86D4-66257B…)

>>1071498And now Aly blocked Yawns and is letting Kyra defend her kek
No. 1071521
File: 1604120809283.png (3.92 MB, 2494x5199, Alythuh Bad Customer Service 1…)

>>1071437One bad experience? Back in 2019 Alyssa had to issue a statement because the Alibaba / Aliexpress suppliers she sourced from had some issues with factory defects. Tons of people missed out on their refunds or never got their packages at all. No. 1071524
>>1067547And not to break the momentum, but this anon was getting dismissed by the other anons as spewing bullshit but they were right about Alyssa and her team spinning the Aliexpress items as stolen art.
>>1071437 see this reply. If any one of these Chinese suppliers she sources from find out about this, she'll be fucked.
No. 1071564
File: 1604129322344.png (6 MB, 2294x5207, Alythuh Bad Customer Service 4…)

>>1071551And last but not the least, many other people still have their replies to that AlythuhSupport account up. Her cousin acknowledging only "one bad experience" is only looking at the tip of the iceberg because there are many of these dating way back before 2020.
Again sorry for the long list of archived links but this is needed because she and her orbiters have a habit of manipulating and gaslighting the shit out of people No. 1071573
File: 1604130838282.jpeg (355.88 KB, 828x775, EC0A1F75-AFB0-4D81-9827-418FC5…)

Of course shes trying to get her attention
No. 1071702
File: 1604157594907.jpeg (134.37 KB, 610x456, C3A3FD88-9A7D-42AE-A220-727C03…)

this is the reason for all those orders never being received/refunded? UNIQUE MOLD? KEK.
I hope that fae/yawn person checks here and grabs all these other receipts. Must see her cousin or any of her other wk defend ALL OF THESE.
No. 1072180
File: 1604203677975.jpeg (192.5 KB, 828x668, BBF5D5A2-F877-4B80-9167-71EB91…)

She’s not even ugly so I really don’t understand the overeager desperation
No. 1072843
File: 1604286276478.jpeg (172.17 KB, 1125x425, 9C1EABED-60C0-4CDA-83F9-2F4EC7…)

She was on r/Instagramreality today and someone posted this comment. This is the second time someone has mentioned her being a SWer. The first time was in another thread.
No. 1072846
File: 1604287322608.jpeg (1.18 MB, 828x1542, 72BDFC34-0D1E-4AFD-809A-BE1183…)

>>1072843Damn. From what I see, the Reddit accounts posts are pretty normal and he’s a Chinese business man.
No. 1072848
File: 1604287481652.jpeg (151.29 KB, 828x649, 9E78A2E3-65CD-46F2-AA24-F77586…)

>>1072847It’s chanspeak, but they sure do have a lot of regular posts that sound like a normal western salary man.
No. 1072852
File: 1604287759009.jpeg (375.14 KB, 828x1001, 001214E7-7118-45C1-B68E-14518B…)

She’s getting reamed in these comments.
No. 1072962
>>1072848Tried to look up what this dude's username might be since it's probably not his name if he's Chinese. My best guess is it's a combination of the names of the founder of the Proud Boys and a Fox News anchor. Somehow I also think he's some westerner just making shit up.
I do wonder if she has some side hustle though. I can't imagine leaky pepper spray and taobao knifes are making her much.
No. 1072979
>>1072962I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s true. I know a lot of escorts, sugar babies, strippers etc. It can pay a fairly decent sum and I can Imagine you could live decently if one rich Asian dude decides to spoil you on the regular.
Incidentally I also work with artists and I always found her business suspicious. She doesn’t sell the prints for a very high price and it’s not exactly trendy prints either. Tattoo artists sell better prints for better money and it’s not their main job either. Her secondary business is basically drop shipping which can make enough but not renting a condo for 3k enough. Besides don’t forget to factor in taxes and not confuse gross and net income.
I always thought her online shop might bring her maybe 1 to 2k a month and her family was supporting her with the rest but a sugar daddy would be far from weird and would explain the travels. Now I could be totally wrong but her fan base doesn’t seem like they have a ton of money to blow unlike furries, let’s say.
No. 1073008
File: 1604313953306.png (323.38 KB, 444x696, what.PNG)

>>1071564Not milk but I just needed to stop to highlight how DISGUSTING this piece looks. The colors, anatomy, blending, it's beyond me someone would even want to have anything like it in their home.
No. 1073487
File: 1604358204733.jpeg (356.27 KB, 828x879, A8251D21-7E53-48DB-ACDB-AEC010…)

Flirting with your customers is fine though since they’re only wahmen and they aren’t threatening or even a prospect
No. 1073520
File: 1604359984242.jpeg (102 KB, 828x283, E4CD716D-9964-4590-B9F4-A01D36…)

>releases mediocre dinky new trinket set
>barely gets the buzz she thought it would
>quickly unRTs all promotional posts that link the aliexpress truth in the comments
>has her cousin blatantly lie for her
>gets backlash on Reddit, literally called a fake and a prostitute
>has nothing to say to defend herself because it’s all true
No. 1073587
File: 1604364188487.jpeg (599.3 KB, 750x798, D7441A5B-C1AB-4898-8103-706728…)

nitpick but i hate when people bring their pets into thirst traps
No. 1073611
File: 1604366119116.png (1.25 MB, 736x794, weird.PNG)

>>1073587What's up with the weird discolouration patches on her skin? Did she start putting concealer on her cleavage or is she shopping fake light onto her face?
No. 1073711
>>1073613i’m not gonna screencap it because i can’t be fucked to go back and get it but you’re exactly right lmao. someone in her likes tweeted something like “oh to be a cute cat lying on your anime titties”
also yeah the death grip she has on her cat so she stays cradled… tofu 100% wanted to leave but she wasn’t done taking “candids”
No. 1073812
File: 1604384468974.jpeg (741.01 KB, 828x1444, 9526BAEC-55EA-433B-9B68-D19B85…)

Sure Alyssa
No. 1073861
>>1073726you're completely right, business partner has a specific meaning that you can't just twist to suit your twitter profile aesthetic
now that i look at it, what "contracts" is she signing? i don't think she does artwork for hire (no suggestion/evidence anywhere in these threads). the one plausible explanation would be that she's talking about art galleries but she makes it sound like it happens twice daily
what are the contracts with "business partners" for, alythuh?
>>1073812it's pics like this that tell me she's
even now after weeks mad that a lolcow anon said she was doughy kek
No. 1073998
File: 1604416079767.jpeg (113.78 KB, 1125x600, 24CDF312-8E1C-43E6-B9E8-2F2F67…)

What business, Kevin? The business of being a clown?
No. 1074097
>>1073861The real quality of her drawings is
>>1073008 no way something like that gets into galleries, unless the standard now is really fucking low.
No. 1074465
>>1074097She lied about those gallery exhibits. There was none in Korea, and the one in Japan was probably rented by her and her family.
>>1074341There was a post way up here of her traced drawings—the ones where a woman I holds a heart and the dancing women. The heart holding drawing had her crotch area stretched too high, and someone outlined the dancing women drawing and it’s problem to still be horrible in anatomy.
No. 1074882
File: 1604517343790.png (310.88 KB, 1041x677, jenbartelkeychain.PNG)

I know we all know that her "weapons" are not effective at all. I remember that Jen Bartel made a video showing her keychain which looks pretty much the same as what Alyssa used to make hers that shows exactly how not sharp they are. However I can't find the video as Twitter don't seem to keep media from that long ago (2018). Here's the disclaimer from her shop though.
No. 1075601
File: 1604601276780.jpeg (368 KB, 828x954, C3D866B0-DE03-47B6-A735-D158A2…)

Always something to prove, hello delusions of grandeur
No. 1075802
File: 1604615810837.jpeg (283.88 KB, 828x960, 362E1ABB-4999-42A5-97E9-7BC6BB…)

Update on the reddit commenter. He’s continuing to post normal, ordinary things about Hong Kong and doesn’t have a single trollish comment in his post history.
No. 1075927
File: 1604623837357.jpeg (276.88 KB, 750x680, 5E0A2D80-9052-49A5-9766-0C84CB…)

No. 1075929
File: 1604623978514.jpeg (595.92 KB, 750x970, 06479E17-5116-4F67-ADA2-EA3CFD…)

and the warehouse
No. 1075933
File: 1604624230962.png (267.86 KB, 321x566, aly.PNG)

>>1075929that must be the most tense pose ever, she looks unrecognizable here
No. 1076007
File: 1604630712119.jpeg (302.08 KB, 589x1054, 35B1C91E-4975-4A74-B1FF-7CF262…)

>>1075929This is only the second time I’ve seen her teeth
No. 1076009
File: 1604630847364.jpeg (296 KB, 447x827, AA8E1512-6EDE-4939-9388-0A0E35…)

There aren’t many candids.
>>1075927>23 >long timeholy shit she’s so fucking dense
No. 1076019
File: 1604632046928.png (1.06 MB, 735x878, warehouseforants.png)

She photoshopped herself smaller and the ceiling higher. I didn't even attempt to undo all the damage she caused by stretching the left corner of the ceiling up like an exponential curve, but. For an "artist" Alyssa doesn't have much a grasp on perspective.
No. 1076033
File: 1604633533188.jpeg (271.85 KB, 750x430, 49838585-0101-40F6-A3DF-B030E4…)

>>1076019what the fuck, she looks like one of those little 3d rendered fake people that they put on those building development photos kek
No. 1076066
>>1075929The lettering is so poorly photoshopped, I would've left it off if I was her.
I wonder if she's doing this because a lot of other indie artists on Twitter are securing their own studios and have done tours of their workspaces?
No. 1076077
File: 1604638281028.jpeg (524.21 KB, 828x1522, D80A0013-34BC-4776-9DC9-9E6620…)

>>1075859I don’t see any coomer posts, which ones? Just looks like average reddit male squabbles.