File: 1604644290600.jpeg (304.37 KB, 2048x1312, ElhLjHBVkAAH9rD.jpeg)

No. 1076135
A continuation of the thread about Alyssa D. Silos / Alythuh / Alyafterdark, the rich girl e-thot LARPing as an internationally successful full time artist, even with the bad art she makes.
Previous thread
>>>/snow/1048899(Included her alt twitter username in this title)Rundown of Pt. 1 thread
> Resells Alibaba / Aliexpress items as overpriced weapons> Really shit when it comes to customer service, even with employees, and tried to hide this by deleting her shop's support account> Has a coomer boyfriend who wants the whole world to know he exists in her sphere> Donated her kits to an anti-assault organization ran by Duterte supporter(s)> Used the "Femme Fatale" theme for her self defense kit but it becomes more of a narcissist's royal circus trash> Still uses her family as a defense team instead of responding to issues that she's clearly guilty aboutTwitter (Main): (Side):
https://alythuh.comTiktok: No. 1076197
File: 1604654743740.jpeg (513.22 KB, 623x1081, 93309CCF-8944-49CD-AA4E-4430E7…)

This is a candid, but can someone explain to me what’s going on with the glasses?
No. 1076324
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No. 1076503
File: 1604691255838.jpeg (110.82 KB, 782x1024, 5F982186-EEDA-45A3-A3F1-84EC29…)

>>1076324That is…so strange, because what was she even editing there? Makes more sense if picture was taken using an app with a filter/phone with a built-in beauty effect rather than a PS error IMO because..Why? Though, trying to rationalize any cow‘s decision is pretty useless and maddening, she might be trying to even/smooth her skin out.
It does look very uneven, although it isn’t anything ugly or abnormal.
Could also be areas that are lighter might be related to skincare products containing skin-lightener (Whether she uses those on purpose or not). Unless she has a fading splotchy fake tan or tried a “no makeup” look using lighter foundation/concealer in the center with bronzer on the entire outside of her face.
No. 1076549
File: 1604695321049.jpeg (348.99 KB, 750x882, A86B6F73-0698-4B84-992B-D611E9…)

anyone catch the deleted tweet? i think it might be about the reddit businessman but idk
No. 1076550
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No. 1076553
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I can’t speak for anyone else but I couldn’t care less if Alyssa does do sex work, it’s that she passes off her lifestyle as A) a result of luck and hard work uwu (and not generational wealth) and B) an achievable goal for your average independent artist. It’s like those “how I retired by 30!” articles where the secret is getting a ton of money from your family. It’s not realistic.
No. 1076556
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No. 1076614
>>1076556oh this is just hilarious. So you got a warehouse for something that you can clearly do in your own damn condo. Two picnic tables and some ikea containers.
Super goals.
No. 1076636
File: 1604703618289.jpg (225.03 KB, 1750x600, Untitled-4.jpg)

>>1076619Eh, as much as I think it would be hilarious for her to photoshop the size of the warehouse or the text on the wall, I don't think it's true. Comparing the two photos the text is placed in an IDENTICAL position on the wall, to the milimeter (look at the bricks); seems to be some kind of shiny sticker material so the reflection stands out on the matte wall as weird, but that's it.
Somewhere in the previous thread I think someone found out it's not that expensive to rent warehouse space so it really is nothing special she would have it, nitpicking is fun and all but some anons here reach unhinged tinfoil level of PULL (like with the glasses conspiracy where it's obvious the frame on the side is missing IRL, not removed in PS).
No. 1077018
So many Alyssa stans
We nitpick because we know she edits the shit out of her picture all the time. The candid is weird but it's unlikely someone else took the time to edit her face, but the warehouse text could just be very carefully placed there with photoshop. It's not that hard to do. The size of the warehouse and herself were definitely photoshopped in the previous picture.
>>1076549>SeX woRk Is WoRkkek way to miss the point of everything
No. 1077045
>>1077040Nah this is definitely a you issue.
>>1077036Seems like it. There hasn’t been a stan here in awhile, and thinking that anyone who disagrees with you can’t possibly be a farmer and has to be a twitterfag or stan is dumb. Mountains and molehills and all that.
No. 1077145
File: 1604761804610.jpeg (533.94 KB, 1483x1491, 180B76BC-7DE8-4F85-8507-15A27A…)

I like how the first sentence implies that these kits are effective at anything at all.
>>1077105Oooh sick burn
No. 1077927
>>1077171Before I even noticed the key it sticks out that that cursive looks super blurry on the upper left, too.
>>1077247Right? She acts like she's as household a name as the Kardashians
No. 1078523
File: 1604930964234.png (4.82 MB, 1240x6172, Alythuh and fans dogpiled on A…)

I forgot to add this in the first thread, but this one is about that time she majorly blasted a small account to the point where that account got suspended.
> Alyssa posts a Miss Mirage Cosplay> She posts a photo of her employees packing her customer's orders> A user (APHOBIAKILLS) makes a joke about Alyssa being the IRL Ms. Mirage> Alyssa takes the joke too seriously and talks about how her paid employees are a gay couple > She asks her followers to report the original tweet for misinformation (even if that was clearly not the intention and that the OP was just joking on their timeline)> Her orbiters, simps, and fans all diss the OP with whatever they can throw at (including the "You're jealous" cliche which is the only thing their brains can think of)> The OP gets suspendedI've listed archived proof that these tweets actually happened. Alyssa and her fans did dogpile on this person. However the OP now has a new account and somehow, Alyssa found it out and blocked them. That didn't stop OP from spilling truth and freely expressing their thoughts about her, though. She may have deleted her tweets about it but there's proof that she encouraged harassing a user just because they didn't kiss her ass. No. 1078528
File: 1604931919889.png (593.73 KB, 585x867, girlpower.PNG)

Cat owners, have your cat's gender reveal made you cry uncontrollably too?
No. 1078557
>>1078526The guys were an actual couple, but I believe she's trying to queer bait and earn pity points so her fans (who lack loads of critical thinking) can label the person as a homophobe or anything that can spin the OP as someone who has beef against LGBT+. That will just encourage her orbiters to dunk on this person. However, the OP is also LGBT+ (not sure which one) so that'd be fucking pointless. For Alyssa though,
anyone who doesn't kiss her ass is from hell.
No. 1078601
File: 1604938711205.jpeg (530.38 KB, 1536x2048, AE785A5F-E3DC-42D4-A5F5-FF194A…)

Skin looks like beef jerky, tragic
No. 1078650
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>>1078625I think she does think it looks good since it's something she "fancies" along with an unopened bottle of scotch she bought just to show off and some poor plants she's torturing
No. 1078681
File: 1604944134130.jpeg (185.65 KB, 828x687, 1E31EA8B-B21B-4E5A-928D-0B21FD…)

Would love to see the tweet she so quickly deleted.
No. 1078956
File: 1604964709597.png (129.9 KB, 387x199, D98215EE-C271-4058-972A-5079E0…)

>>1078601God the longer you look at it the worse it gets. The fuck is this?
No. 1079178
>>1078920We say that every week about something new, she’s just not talented. These are the kind of people that
should have imposter syndrome, profiting off of such mediocrity.
No. 1079397
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No. 1079429
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She’s using someone else’s art for her packaging, apparently? I can’t find any credit to this artist on the original post either. I would hope that Alyssa asked for permission to do that beforehand but without publicly saying who drew the bag art, it comes across like she’s trying to pass it off as her own work to her fans.
No. 1079436
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>>1079429So I went through her twitter media… I’m pretty sure all of this was commissioned from her by Alyssa omfg.
No. 1079441
File: 1605035601993.jpeg (472.37 KB, 828x934, A06A636D-A3EA-4F67-8230-0C3DE5…)

I’m not entirely convinced she didn’t get these from sleepypixieart or trace things that she made at the very least. They look nothing like her art and favor that girls style, shading, and color palette too much
No. 1079444
>>1079436Who, sleepypixie? I can’t say for sure that they’re direct commissions, they do seem a bit “off” as far as style goes. But, I am leaning towards what
>>1079441 says: the pieces do seem a good bit inspired by sleepy’s work, at the very least.
No. 1079486
File: 1605039455393.jpeg (519.06 KB, 1536x2048, F92D3909-570D-4589-BA5A-B17A10…)

people are buying the kits/knives, the only real milk is that I’m 98% sure every pink envelope is safety kit related and the small pile of white in the center are art prints
No. 1079490
File: 1605039876288.jpeg (486.33 KB, 828x1132, 93F863A1-9B90-4C9B-904E-5A7DA4…)

>>1079429Whats really weird is she credits someone else for helping with packaging but not the bag artist? I really don't know what she was doing here
Also I definitely think Alyssa drew the other girls herself with how muddy and ugly the shading and colors are on them. I can see she was copying pixie's style though.
No. 1079664
>>1079475Every one of her photos is carefully orchestrated and this is the one you believe is true? She's done the same sea of envelope photo before. Last time it was pink envelopes. Just another part of her charade to convince gullible artists that shit art on aliexpress keyrings is something people are buying in bulk during an economic crisis.
She does have real orders, if you search Twitter for related keywords you'll find some of them, but far less than presented here.
No. 1080014
>>1079991>>1079994Um, I’ve contributed half the caps in the past two threads and the art cows thread. By all means point out the shooped envelopes or I’m apt to believe she’s selling that much because again, people
do buy her dinky little aliexpress toys. Doesn’t make it right and doesn’t erase the fact that everything about her is fake, but I’m not going to fashion myself an aluminum hat over every little thing.
No. 1080020
File: 1605103553660.jpeg (467.99 KB, 828x1032, 3FC51A02-1D8D-495C-A3A9-54815F…)

Some real face for today.
>>1080016Girl… I said her followers are buying her kits. Imagine leaving some unsaged passive aggressive psychobabble because an anon is saying she probably didn’t photoshop her packages for a new release? I literally think she’s a prostitute, refuckinglax.
No. 1080023
File: 1605103826887.jpeg (186.23 KB, 1125x835, 5DA35462-9699-4FE9-84F2-372297…)

Slightly better quality.
>>1080021You can type ‘sage’ in the email field newfag, this has been discussed a thousand times over
No. 1080062
File: 1605108820610.jpeg (380.37 KB, 742x819, AC8A498D-F0FE-4118-BAD5-4DB2D7…)

of course there’s a studio light. totes real and authentic guys. all I can think about is the cold food whenever I see stager shots like this.
No. 1080064
>>1080014>shooped envelopesEnvelopes are cheap, pretty easy to throw some fake empty ones in with your real orders. Plenty of the envelopes in the warehouse pic have no visible label.
In the van pic
>>1079397the envelopes on the right are obviously neatly "arranged"
Just something ringing odd and false about these, as with every other Alyssa pic.
No. 1080376
File: 1605137426757.jpeg (639.74 KB, 828x1240, 7197DE46-0B6B-4864-86D6-5F9F5B…)

>growing together in different fields
anyone else not buying this shit? why do these people only start claiming each other when the other is superficially successful. so predictable.
No. 1080381
File: 1605137658772.jpeg (366.93 KB, 977x843, 3F0AB7E2-3281-4CEB-BF16-194C00…)

If you zoom in, there’s shipping labels. Seems she just turned them the same way because she was dying to take pictures of it without having to scribble out or blur the labels like her sister had to in their last package post. Incredibly neurotic and ridiculous either way.
No. 1080509
File: 1605146183256.jpeg (365.98 KB, 750x1022, B20C65A2-C331-457A-8C4D-65D218…)

>>1080376hate to debunk your tinfoil but they are legitimately friends. i got curious about that too when she announced her visit and searched twitter
No. 1080511
File: 1605146332939.jpeg (387 KB, 750x835, 22FC0E64-C2D2-4EFC-A1AA-5AADD1…)

also not trying to derail but why do straight girls do this? I understand the “sis you’re such a stunner x” thing between straight girls but they just act borderline sapphic? Alyssa does this too, IDGI
No. 1080526
>>1080509This is such a lie. Alyssa was 16, 7 years ago and was barely posting during highscool???? She was totally unknown. This was waaaay before her trips, boob job or anything that made her slightly go viral.
Funny she says this because all Alyssa's posts during 2013 didn't have valk liking them. What makes me curious is why even lie about this??? I don't get it.
No. 1080612
>>1080581Its all good I actually meant to also pin
>>1080376 but my point still stands. I don't know what they're trying to achieve by lying? 7 years is such a giant lie, more believable if she just mentioned the recent years. Perhaps to make their friendship look more legitimate and less about clout?
Makes me think of other things they're lying for her about
No. 1080988
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Blocked out her nose kek
No. 1081103
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No. 1081104
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>>1081103Love the smell of desperation for engagement
No. 1081215
File: 1605229802123.png (70.63 KB, 1214x250, 3DF1DF08-6124-4FF3-9098-C5ED7C…)

Please no
No. 1081747
File: 1605305572692.jpeg (785.07 KB, 828x1413, EF23BD6D-DE08-4B6D-BE71-4845F2…)

Clout chasers love flexing vague parasocial “relationships”
No. 1081801
File: 1605309634789.jpg (1.12 MB, 1439x2274, Screenshot_20201113-181956_Twi…)

>>1081215Remember this lol? Now she needs to be convinced?
No. 1081806
>>1081801oh she’s gonna stream (probably
playing games, become another ethot twitch gamer) or make a cameo on val’s or something. Can’t even imagine how an art stream would go when she takes literal MONTHS complete information anything.
No. 1081846
>>1081806she's probably going to play Among us and watch episodes of One piece.
I imagine that when Alyssa actually starts live streaming her body movements would probably be awkward, gangly and slow and probably won't have anything interesting or intelligent to say.
No. 1082924
File: 1605454539026.jpeg (218.29 KB, 828x590, 05B5283D-5FC5-4AA8-8AC1-49E4F4…)

Isn’t she only 23? Jesus Christ
No. 1082967
>>1082924>>1082962Most of her female followers are teen girls, right?
When you're a 16 year old follower of hers who buys her kits, idolizes her as a role model "baddie" and "self-made" artist, age feels different. You might think you're grown when you go from 16 to 18, even though it's just two years. So, you might see 21 vs 23 the same way at that age.
Either Aylssa knows her followers think this way and will eat it up to give her more "credit", or she herself still thinks this way because she's so immature.
No. 1084661
File: 1605630601629.jpeg (293.86 KB, 750x744, AA0E3011-7CF8-4C74-BAC8-0A35C3…)

it’s probably not milk but was Alyssa’s “personal mansion” (that everyone figured out was an Air BnB) in Thailand? might be confirmation
No. 1085770
File: 1605744656928.jpg (263.99 KB, 1242x1492, 20201118_191047.jpg)

that wiggly table lol
No. 1086422
File: 1605818273223.jpeg (457.2 KB, 750x934, B059122D-EC41-4223-BA93-0657DC…)

I find it funny how they both vaguely complain about the other on twitter. I could write an essay about the other tweets though
No. 1088482
>>1079441I would guess this was also traced from a picture like the artwork under Mission #3 in
>>1079436 was. Just change the heart mirror for a phone and it's a very typical selfie pose, even the hands look messed up because it's probably the one thing she changed. This whole set was probably traced from her own pictures kek
No. 1093308
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>>1092315I think the risk is finally hitting her. She’s been called out on lying about the simplest things, and her ‘friends’ posted a pic of her real face. Every single thing she posts is some bizarrely calculated (non)explanation for some other lie she’s told or dishonest thing she’s done.
No. 1093311
File: 1606530180720.jpeg (63.7 KB, 428x254, 2D4E7EFA-0F13-4306-A48D-2FD75A…)

>>1093308Note the creepy gaping holes she edited after she’s been called out countless times for over lining so much into the corners of her mouth that it looks gross and dirty. She’s insane if she thinks this looks normal.
No. 1094121
File: 1606620638453.jpeg (85.61 KB, 828x302, 25384A33-4F63-4C80-80F0-DB8089…)

It appears her bf is trying to delete all of his tweets? None of his tweets are loading for me except this one, and when you click his media tab in-app he deleted all the media he could up until February.
No. 1094142
File: 1606622126562.jpeg (656.08 KB, 1125x1401, B3846DC7-7E74-46D7-BA0F-29C2D6…)

>>1094121I wonder why? He’s only left this one retweet up now and his media from February and prior.
No. 1095984
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No. 1096155
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For what reason
No. 1096300
File: 1606849262972.jpeg (297.17 KB, 828x773, 562C2BBF-3DD2-4F27-B2EF-667107…)

I know it’s been said already but the live-in bf is a fucking weirdo
No. 1096616
File: 1606864425653.png (257.7 KB, 589x566, Screenshot at Dec 02 00-07-59.…)

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that if you spend your entire day packing orders, you're not a "full-time artist". You work in fulfillment. At this rate if her order count is this high it would be easier to hire a fulfillment company to send her wares to rather than renting a warehouse, renting vans for her post office trips, and having 2-4 people (if we include her "gay assistants") to do her orders. They also do "pack-ins" like her little notes and rose petals, whatever you send them and instruct them to put in. Her art is literally the least defining aspect of her job. Her customers don't buy her shit because they love her art, and she certainly doesn't spend time honing her skills or coming up with designs, she only has the same 3 shit-tier drawings. The majority of her time and labor is spent on researching manufacturers and fulfilling orders. She's an online marketer, not an artist.
No. 1096929
File: 1606883907324.jpg (336.25 KB, 908x1586, Screenshot_20201201-202826_Mes…)

I ordered to see what the hype was about. It has been a month! I wonder what covid-19 regulations are causing the delay? Is laziness a covid-19 regulation?
No. 1096953
>>1096929Yeah the delay is probably because she orders on demand from China. If she had everything in stock it wouldn't take a month.
Also explains why she makes such a big deal of doing her monthly shipping orders
>>1096616When most normal small businesses ship multiple times a week.
No. 1096964
>>1096616if you are consistently around your own sister who you went on a trip with
why is she wearing a mask and gloves in your tiktoks
clearly no one else is there
No. 1096979
File: 1606887945423.jpg (247.73 KB, 1080x1507, 20201201_214315.jpg)

>>1096964omfg they are the only people there
No. 1097024
File: 1606892688623.jpeg (335.11 KB, 828x522, F3DB70E7-B839-442C-BD28-CB1204…)

No Alyssa, I don’t think we will
No. 1097064
File: 1606899021158.jpeg (283.34 KB, 827x1157, C9A278D9-0CF5-470D-B2FB-9EE1FC…)

Is this the entrance to the wArEhOuSe? Looks nasty
No. 1101944
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No. 1103200
File: 1607463517861.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1125x1746, 49380001-CA17-4718-8D21-681DE7…)

Sage for no milk but it appears she’s gone quiet on twitter just to become more active on TikTok and IG. She posted another day in the life as an artist video showing this god awful work in progress.
No. 1103645
>>1103200What the ffff is that sleep paralysis demon of a tiger. Look at its little mop head.
There is absolutely zero illusion of depth in this picture, which just screams of tracing.
No. 1103651
File: 1607524449414.jpeg (425 KB, 1477x831, DDB9AD1B-A70D-47F1-9CA1-5A6EDA…)

>>1103200it blows my mind how 1. she’s technically horrible at painting but has somehow convinced hundreds of thousands of people she does it for a living, 2. how blatant her tracing is on her decent paintings because her decent paintings are actually digital and traced directly (and probably photo overlaid for details). i’m sorry but it’s not possible that she drew both of these tigers using the same technique even though she claims she “oil painted by hand” the tiger on this ipad pic. obvious lie and even more obviously traced when you put these pics side by side. i’m seriously impressed she hasn’t been canceled over this.
No. 1103652
>>1103648Oh no - you're right lmfao. I wonder if we'll ever see the final piece.
I know every artist has different processes but surely those stripes being painted in already and SO black would make it hard to work on the rest of the tiger. Seems like a rushed effort to make it actually resemble something so she could use it for one of her videos.
No. 1103690
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>>1103673Apologies for samefagging, but I also wanted to point out how weird it is for someone who claims to be an “artist”, that they are using another artists (SleepyPixie) work on her packaging. Alyssa hasn’t credited her properly still and people buying these shitty kits believe it’s her own work on the package. It doesn’t take much critical thinking to just look at her shitty blatant trace of her face on the heart card and see that the art styles are worlds different, though.
No. 1103693
File: 1607529009419.jpeg (34.65 KB, 320x240, B66D6F16-7A7B-4046-99F8-3D2E8A…)

>>1103200It looks like a bad fursuit design
No. 1103708
>>1103651I’m gonna be real, a shit ton of tattoo artists that live in cities do pretty much the same shit. It sucks, but people are probably buying her shit even though it’s poorly done copies of real art/pictures.
People will pay for garbage so easily just to be a part of something. They throw money down for shitty overpriced traced tattoos, throw money down for crappy paintings or her kits, throw money down for fake luxury bags/shoes. They don’t think it through.
No. 1103713
>>1103690Sleepypixie's art is the only thing that manages to dress up any customer pictures of the 'set' and make it look half presentable, though you can't polish a turd. I just wanna know what Alyssa said to her and if she had any idea she'd get no credit for it. totally pulling this out my arse here admittedly but I wonder if she phrased it as though she was giving an opportunity to lesser known artists & amplifying them, cause you can hardly say 'my own artwork is shit so I can't do it myself'
I just hope she paid her more than her standard commission rates.
No. 1103721
File: 1607531417396.png (587.28 KB, 960x1090, Screenshot 2020-12-09 at 16.25…)

>>1103713Just searched both their names and saw this.
Is this… the birth of the packaging?
No. 1103850
>>1103651Can the next thread be a side by side of the two tigers? I think it would be funny
>>1103690Alyssa doesn’t credit anything until she gets called out for it. It happened with the promo photographers too.
No. 1103870
>>1103861Retarded samefag, so compare the art here
>>1103721 >>1103690with the tiger on the ipad,
>>1103651 looks pretty similar in technique right?
Since when has Alythuh ever done digital art?
Then look at the "tiger" in this pic
>>1103200 No chance it's the same artist, a front view should be
easier than the complex pose in the digital piece. Yet it looks significantly worse than the tiger I drew in art class at aged 11.
No. 1103874
File: 1607542846014.jpg (432.07 KB, 1296x1944, 25-2_ae1eb775-85fa-4261-89ce-3…)

She's selling prints and stickers with what is probably that other girl's art on it. No. 1103879
File: 1607543449778.jpeg (299.37 KB, 750x428, C41F54FC-84C4-4923-BC2C-E005C1…)

The way this advice is so vague (and wrong) when it’s the simplest question you could be asked as a content creator…
No. 1103894
File: 1607543950767.jpeg (588.65 KB, 709x837, F97D3521-AA22-40E8-B8DE-384249…)

>>1103874I don’t think that’s SleepyPixie’s work. It would make more sense if she traced over images she took of herself. It was pointed out she traced the heart mirror and an image of herself in the print attached.
No. 1103944
>>1103894It's likely she supplied the images/refs she wanted to pass off as her own. I think she is aware her art is bad and is trying to slowly filter in better quality art by other artists to create an
empire. The style, composition, color scheme and skill is too different from Alythuh's own work. I think when people suspected it was a traced alythuh piece was prior this packaging artist being revealed.
I noticed a lot of small art businesses in China supplying sculpture and paintings, have a team of artists (referred to somewhere in the small print) operating under one artist's name and account, for logistics purposes. Maybe something Alythuh is considering.
No. 1104055
I just wanna throw out there that I don't think Sleepypixe is in on this at all. I've followed her for a while and she seems to be a decent person who's protective about her art and doing pretty well with commissions, and I just don't see it. I reckon she was maybe a bit 'starstruck' when she got a message from Alythuh cause of her online presence & apparent success, and so was probably very flattered and excited at the prospect of 'working with her'. Not to mention getting buttered up months earlier by her here
>>1103721Honestly just think she's been taken advantage of and swindled a bit tbh. That tweet where she was desperately like 'i drew this babe for Alythuh' seemed to me like her trying to get some credit without wanting to call anybody out. She's probably still giving her the benefit of the doubt and clinging on to the hope that the lack of credit is an oversight, and that she hasn't been shafted by somebody she's a fan of and that everybody seems to adore.
No. 1104074
>>1104055I wonder if Alythuh convinced Sleepypixe it’s some sort of co-created character or she’s “inspired by Sleepypixe‘s art” and wanted to “paint it in her style, oh and I love her so much-is it alright if I use her likeness here and there?”
If she’s not starstruck I hope Sleepypixe is getting commissions from Alythuh, or some % of anything at all. If Sleepypixe is just using her for exposure, I wish her the best of luck. Alythuh can only go so far with what seems to be plateaued, or even declining, painting skills and trying to skinwalk girlcrush social media personas like Snitchery’s to obtain a parasocial following of Twitter feminists that she’s totally gonna have blow up in her face one day.
She’s lucky she survived the delusions of her fanbase saying her ACNH child cosplay was adorable while she wore a low-cut dress and push-up bra because “um, stop sexualizing cleavage and who cares it’s a video game where they don’t say her age anyways”
No. 1104119
File: 1607559365280.png (1.79 MB, 1040x1062, Screenshot 2020-12-09 at 23.26…)

>>1103894This older one from her website is obviously a traced picture of herself too - it's the spit of her.
Then the only thing she added herself and so couldn't trace were the can rollers, look at the fucking cans
Also super nitpick but this gem in the description: 'For an additional $60, we will professionally mat and frame your piece. This intensifies the art by adding size, color and depth to what’s being portrayed. Naturally enhancing the work aesthetically. We highly recommend this option for those who want to sustain the longevity of their Fine Art print'. For fuck's sake man, the English is terrible. When you gotta hit that word count
No. 1104305
>>1103874omfg, this is so fucking traced.
just look at the lips on both of the headless girls, nothing about the fat sausages goes with the rest of the illustration. it's like everything else is well constructed and properly shaded but the lips are like someone drew on top of the original because they didn't like the normality of it. which i think is exactly what alythuh did kek
i wonder if it'd be possible to figure out where she traced this shit from because if so she would be so fucking done
No. 1104364
File: 1607598808725.png (1.18 MB, 1176x696, Screenshot 2020-12-10 at 11.11…)

>>1103200She's been working on that tiger for 2 months
No. 1104436
File: 1607613038167.png (299.98 KB, 547x424, alyssa2.png)

>>1103651Looks like it's not a direct trace (well, she's shown before that even when she traces it ends up wrong somehow) and she composited some images together, but if you compare these 2, I believe she referenced this photo heavily for some of the body and especially the butt/leg part. From what I can find, the photo is from a (pay-to-use) stock image website. Also, the way she drew the leg shows that she doesn't understand the anatomy behind it at all and is just blindly copying. The ankle part is just a straight line going up so the form is totally lost.
No. 1104441
>>1104436I know you pointed out the ankle but I want to direct everyone’s attention to whatever is happening to the front paw. You’re right that even with it referenced the anatomy is off though
>>1104364As funny as it would be for her to sink 100+ hours into this she said (on Twitter I think) that she moved it to the warehouse so she could work on it more. It’s probably been collecting dust for 2 months.
No. 1104443
File: 1607614770457.jpeg (379.08 KB, 1531x2041, 2FF75ACB-6BA8-4076-B3B2-795302…)

No. 1104520
>>1104441I'm not sure when she said that but that tiger screenshot is from her latest tiktok a few days ago, where you can see her transporting it to the warehouse with the tiger already painted on.
She then pretends to be working on it there. Either way, I don't get the point in moving it. Surely it'd be a lot nicer to just work on from her apartment rather than sat on the floor in some gross warehouse?
No. 1104538
File: 1607625795268.jpeg (611.71 KB, 828x1453, EA02E03E-E639-4904-B2A5-E67D18…)

Jesus Christ
>>1104520She did that on her sisters tiktok too, pretended to work on finished pieces from like a year before.
No. 1104645
>>1104443She's even photoshopping the roof warehouse to make it appear bigger
>>1079486I can't figure out what her angle is?
She just looks like she's part of an mlm in the logistics department
No. 1106473
File: 1607870109658.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1125x1648, 933F1E6E-5C83-485B-978A-55C6AB…)

Notice where Aly credited SleepyPixie and the font size.
No. 1106491
>>1104443I really hate how she has all those bubblemailers just haphazardly thrown on the ground to show off how much she's selling.
Tinfoiling but I could see her throwing in some empty ontos just for the picture
No. 1107072
>>1106926I personally don’t feel that this redeems her or the situation at all. You know probably most of the people that purchased likely tossed the packaging right after without reading any of text on it or just flattened it and maybe put it on a pinboard or something.
Sleepypixie definitely should’ve been credited in every/any tweet that was relevant to this launch and given a better credit on the packaging.
No. 1107106
>>1106926Considering how she prints her name in
gold foil and has a giant (that people initially assumed was fake) logo of her signature in her warehouse, it's like she's excessively aware of crediting herself but it's a literal tiny afterthought for other people.
No. 1107110
>>1103690>>1106473 gold foil name
>>1104443 warehouse
(It's directly above but linking to save the scroll)
No. 1108312
File: 1608140948082.jpeg (254.76 KB, 828x1316, 7C0847F7-E746-456B-9A16-F276A9…)

Anyone know what this is in reference to? I missed whatever story post came before it.
No. 1108467
File: 1608151246171.jpeg (180.32 KB, 777x428, 9CCF3C3B-A597-4DEC-819B-39B9E6…)

Isn’t particularly interesting but the reason you want to do this is because you’re histrionic, Alyssa. You want attention from attractive people who will bring you more attention and you know the only way to do that is to give them something.
No. 1108707
>>1108474> Meanwhile, she has her live-in bf yoitfitsmyname larping as her tripodThis is so funny anon lol, the truth.
I wonder what this guy is doing these days and why he deleted everything from his twitter, pains me to say that but she can do better.
No. 1108997
File: 1608210945441.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1125x1963, E9BEE591-9AB5-4B50-9413-C5310E…)

Kek. She’s all dried up that she is reposting old images from May. She is so attention starved it is ridiculous.
No. 1109287
>>1108997Her eyes are completely different from each other in height, shape and size.
Is this her regular face or awful photoshop?
No. 1109383
File: 1608248729251.jpeg (8.74 MB, 3024x4030, AF039034-2ADD-4F4C-86FB-88FF8F…)

Proof that Alythuh’s step daddy (and mother) pay for her trips around the world. First image (left) is from her step dads public page (note that is also angel in said picture). The images on the right are from Aly and Angel’s Instagram and the trip dates match up.
She is such a con artist saying she is traveling around the world for her art when it’s actually her family paying for it.
No. 1110120
File: 1608335988066.jpeg (428.72 KB, 1242x1413, 631961F9-6BDB-467C-8DB2-B338EC…)

>>1109383Anon I think you may have gotten to her after you showed proof that she isn’t the self made boss lady~ she keeps claiming herself to be
No. 1110151
File: 1608337470501.jpeg (1020.72 KB, 1125x1109, 4527AB5F-8FBC-41A6-9329-0F4549…)

>>1110120Kek. Good. Here’s the infinity pool villa her step father also paid for on their round-the-world vacation.
No. 1110234
>>1110183Cows are entertaining because they get caught lying all the time. At least the Kardashians (mostly) don't try to prove to their audience anything.
Aly does everything in her power, besides owning up to something, to try to prove she's not lying. Let the milk continue to flow.
No. 1110338
File: 1608354913982.jpeg (124.53 KB, 1125x416, 3B93AB70-EC5B-43D4-AE2E-E198D0…)

No. 1110367
>>1110338>A full time traditional artist>that travels the world for a livingDoesn't make any sense unless people were hiring her to travel to them to paint their portraits, which evidently has never happened.
Even music artists who literally travel the world on tour don't phrase it this way.
No. 1110460
>>1110367Exactly! Her YouTube bio
paints a very different image from what was just found a couple posts above. She isn’t traveling around the world for her art. She is having her family fund her travels while she larps as an artist.
>>1109383>>1110338 No. 1110704
File: 1608409713485.jpeg (470 KB, 1125x618, 39B52CC3-CB80-4C51-A5E7-E39561…)

She dropped this on her alt saying she designed these knives and are redesigning all the old ones. Hmm.
No. 1111030
>>1110704Does this even fit in with the “brand” she’s been going for?
It took me a hot minute to figure out that it’s a mushroom, and not just a tiny knife with half an orange or onion awkwardly on the end.
No. 1111243
File: 1608480479313.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 1125x1079, 867B336A-69D2-425B-B133-23475E…)

>>1111143What surprises me is she hasn’t been called out on twitter for her tracing yet — and she’s traced multiple of her pieces.
>>1111030No, it doesn’t fit her “brand” in the slightest. It looks like she’s trying to expand her audience since her fruit knife business isn’t sustainable.
No. 1111315
>>1111159That wouldn’t make any sense, she lives in Nevada.
>>1111243She’s going to try to reel in the corny hippies which was her original market base. Finally reverting back to her previous style, which was just knockoff white hippie psychedelic nonsense. I’d prefer this over her jerky-skinned black women.
No. 1111511
File: 1608508724537.jpeg (12.03 KB, 174x101, D272B66F-3F77-41B7-BFA6-EE60BD…)

A few months ago, someone dropped a 60 plus page Google doc outlining all of Alyssa’s antics. Disclosure: the document came from PULL and they’re a bit nitpicky, but it’s well backed up with links and footnotes. Some information was already posted here from the past two threads, but theres plenty of milk nonetheless. It’s best viewed on a computer. Pic related as it’s one of the many from the doc. No. 1111741
File: 1608532078398.png (78.27 KB, 802x163, spray.PNG)

>>1111511Are idiots on Twitter not aware that 99% of these self-made dropshippers get their products directly from China? I'm kind of hoping one of them gets sprayed in the face with her defective pepper spray but I don't think any of these ppl go anywhere where they'd need to whip it out.
And just imagine buying $12 pepper spray online because it has some edgy bullshit like "Fuck You" silkscreened on the packaging. These girls are fucking stupid and deserve to get scammed honestly. Buy pepper spray from a WEAPONS SHOP. I hope none of you are like this. Don't buy essential items from shady influencers.
No. 1111755
>>1111368You could kill a person with a pencil or a spoon if you think about it, but in a situation where you'd have to use these for self-defence because someone is threatening you or you're being assaulted you'd be too scared to think of how to use them in a way that will actually hurt someone while managing not to slit your own hand. That's why these knifes don't work, they even look so thin they could break in half.
>>1111243There are so many unnecessary colors here. What's with the magenta and yellows? She looks bruised and her mouth is tilted.
No. 1111844
File: 1608556397603.jpeg (767.16 KB, 1125x858, F5D52ADA-2BD0-4A04-BD1A-789253…)

>>1111755>>1111823She is aware of the scam and that you can’t really defend yourself with these items.
>””Our knives and not intended for weapons usage, but they are weapons nonetheless”Like, no you stupid bitch. They’re fruit knives. Stop lying and putting women at risk so you can get coin. What grinds my gears is she says she cares about the safety of women, but in reality she only cares about their false sense of security.
No. 1111848
File: 1608558136425.jpeg (462.33 KB, 1125x1460, 4F56DBB4-5289-47C1-BFDD-56AE70…)

>>1111844Apologies for samefagging, but on today’s episode of “this never happened”.
No. 1111894
>she lives in Nevada.Well, that's interesting for the 'self defense keychain'.
"Brass knuckles are illegal in Nevada. This includes selling, brandishing, exhibiting, repairing, manufacturing, and possessing brass knuckles. Failure to adhere to this law results in a misdemeanor leading to fines of up to $2,000 and/or up to one year in prison."
No. 1111919
>>1111916It's like how most of karate is 'fucking stab them in the eye'.
Stab them in the eye.
No. 1111944
File: 1608570108677.jpeg (364.44 KB, 1125x1352, E6FE7623-C78A-4B2B-8F8F-622794…)

>>1111894She said that the “unique design” of the knuckle is what makes them legal. Does anyone know if it’s actually legal for her to be selling these brass knuckles and knives? She even put “legal” in quotations in multiple tweets.
>>1111921I doubt it actually happened. She uses her alt twitter to be *~quirky~* and farm engagements so I’m not surprised.
No. 1112020
>>1111960Then I wonder why no one has reported her yet for selling these knuckles? Even if she can’t get in trouble for selling the key knives, there should be some liability for her even advertising them as weapons for defense when they’re literally envelope cutters.
>>1111968You’re right, it’s not legal in many states at all. based on the image from
>>1111844 she passes off all legal responsibility to the buyer if they’re forced to use it.
>Our knives and pepper spray are not intended for weapons usage, but they are weapons nonetheless…After reading that statement again, it shows she doesn’t actually care about protecting the user, and is just a gimmick to provide a false sense of security.
No. 1112441
File: 1608612108579.png (1.33 MB, 1642x1236, Screen Shot 2020-12-22 at 12.4…)

>>1111968Samefag as
>>1112436 but yeah, she kept advertising them as brass knuckles. Her website sells them as a simple keychain but she has like 3-5 tweets calling it a brass knuckle. Nowhere in the site did it even say brass knuckles so little miss self made boss babe doesn't get in legal trouble
No. 1112443
File: 1608612257426.png (1.59 MB, 2472x1526, Screen Shot 2020-12-22 at 12.3…)

>>1112441How the product is listed on her website. No mention of brass knuckle and it's not classified as a self defense item. Even if she's called it that.
No. 1112589
>>1112443It's an enamel Keychain that might poke someone. That's all. She's using women's saftey as her selling point, when she's never actually been in any danger. She's fraudulent. She's selling the look of a defense kit. The pepper spray and the alarm are the only
valid defense items in these kits. The "knife" and "brass knuckles" are just letter openers.
Tbh the pepper sprays looks extremely cheap and flimsy. Get ready have an accident and have it everywhere.
No. 1112618
File: 1608656490885.jpeg (382.36 KB, 750x1014, 9B90072E-D078-4083-A736-D698A6…)

>>1112589You can buy an actually safe pepper spray at local stores for the same price as Alyssa's. No reason to buy her shitty one.
Also, if anyone remembers the Ms Mirage tweet, (I'll repost it after this)
The person who made the tweet remade their twitter. Saying they got banned because Alyssa begged her followers to report her for harassment when she didn't even @ Alyssa, just posted screenshots of her tweets kek.
No. 1112646
File: 1608658515202.png (15.16 KB, 589x509, BPn0B9uL7y.png)

>>1112629Wait wtf, it really did. I took the screenshot in
>>1112618 at 12:44 AM EST, almost exactly 12 hours ago. I scrolled through her twitter yesterday too and didn't see anything ban worthy at all, wtf.
No. 1112649
File: 1608658621798.png (311.66 KB, 591x587, chrome_1iWACiJxHx.png)

>>1112629>>1112646Crisis averted: Her twitter is magicpengeI, with an I instead of an L. No. 1112889
File: 1608679492673.jpeg (678.78 KB, 1242x1716, 352A9C36-7205-4622-B260-E43A14…)

>>1112622What’s the real kicker is what Aly did was violating twitter TOS, and she can actually get her account banned for it. Picture attached for reference. APHOBIAKILLS deserves better than Alys orbiters nuking her account over a joke.
>>1112589That’s because the pepper spray she sells really
is >
cheap and flimsy. In the PULL doc there’s countless customer complaints available here
>>1112441Im assuming she’s not calling it a brass knuckle on her website for legal loopholes. However, it’s in writing on her twitter that she’s advertising them as brass knuckles. Little miss business can have that used against her in court if her charade goes south.
No. 1112894
File: 1608680319510.jpeg (1.86 MB, 3024x4030, FEA8D0AC-11F3-472C-ADE2-91DFD6…)

>>1112622Some more tweets from the APHOBIAKILLS saga and the harassment this individual received because of Alythuhs fans.
No. 1112903
>>1112649Way ot but couldnt help but notice the metric album art. Good taste I like them too, especially that album
Anyway back to discussion, there should really be ramifications for what Alyssa did, funny she cries harassment as if sicking her hoard of retards on her isnt also harassment etc
No. 1112971
>>1112889 Not calling them brass knuckles for legal reason won’t get her off if the cops do find out she is selling them bc they are illegal
People selling cat chain brass knuckles only called them keychains for the samething and ended up in legal trouble.
No. 1113139
>>1112589Not even just that. Just overpriced and garbage quality. What makes it worse is the 1000% markup price- and before people say that's what drop shipping is, droppshippers usually get review bombed when they pull crap like that. If it was at least not as expensive as she sells it to be, it won't be as bad but like how
>>1112618 says you might as well just buy one here in the states for the same price and better quality.
Well the only way she can have the lifestyle she has now is to rip off tons of people, all the while marketing that she's a trustworthy person. She only gets away with it because of her stupid followers
No. 1113658
File: 1608760351745.jpeg (1.68 MB, 1125x1973, CA328CC9-2C9B-4A19-9922-A159DF…)

“cuz im that sexy motherfucker” disingenuous and painting herself darker skinned as always
No. 1113659
File: 1608760377077.jpeg (865.45 KB, 1125x1898, 6EA4CFB2-3A81-43C9-BA18-DBAA38…)

>>1113658And of course the key knives…
No. 1114690
>>1113659why cant this bitch just make soap or something? unironically shes just going to get found out by some serial litigant at some point w all her posting on tiktok and twitter abt her faux weapons.
like im just assuming her step-dad or whoever the rich parent is told her to go get a fucken job, but why get a job where you have to aggressively lie about your entire life? invest in a bunch of shitty projects you dont care about?
she clearly likes to make sets and model/photoshop herself all the time, so im just confused on why she doesnt go be some thotty instagram influencer and queerbait on twitter on the side. bitches love bella thornes and she fits in that niche perfectly. not "art hoe"
No. 1114950
>>1113658Why the hell would anyone share this like it’s something to be proud of? I know it’s beating a dead horse at this point, but this is something you’d expect to see hung up amongst other ninth grade student’s first art class project-and that’s being generous.
She’s as delusional as those people who think they sing well when they’re tone deaf.
No. 1115269
File: 1608992523667.png (36.38 KB, 532x351, lonershit.PNG)

At this point, I'm 90% sure she mentions she is a loner/introvert/shy so she has an excuse to not give other artists exposure on her platform. Also, it's so obvious her "normal" posts on her alt twitter are to boost her twitter engagement.
No. 1118060
File: 1609340225434.png (846.55 KB, 794x1346, Screenshot 2020-12-30 at 14.50…)

Major nitpick but how stupid are her fans?? Why tf would the tattoos be real?
bonus queer-baiting from alythuh
No. 1118230
File: 1609361447973.png (1.88 MB, 750x1334, 5D4BE67D-25D7-4A1E-BC1D-DDEFAB…)

posted by Alyssa on her side twitter. I only cropped out the other girl (who doesn’t even look like she knows she’s in the photo), I don’t know why she didn’t do it herself lol
No. 1118233
File: 1609361761605.jpeg (417.88 KB, 1125x1121, FE4CA0BB-45E0-4D09-89FE-862DBF…)

>>1118230kek the girl you kindly cropped out is her cousin Kyra. She is part of Alys PR patrol and was screenshotted in the previous thread when a twitter user started calling alythuhs lies out.
No. 1118237
File: 1609362342446.jpeg (238.25 KB, 1125x844, A36641D0-4B10-473F-A1B9-4FF1E0…)

She sounds like a broken record. posting surface level tweets about One Piece constantly to stay relevant must be exhausting.
No. 1118401
File: 1609378235524.png (134.13 KB, 1184x604, Screenshot 2020-12-31 at 01.26…)

>>1118237Same deal with this one she posted the other day. If this were true then why wouldn't she just use her 'ani twitter' for this instead.
No. 1118435
File: 1609380844181.jpeg (216.39 KB, 1242x936, 8372AF7E-83A9-4D85-905D-A50264…)

no babe, you really are just a boring, clout hungry, fake ass girl lmao
No. 1118443
File: 1609381317102.jpeg (251.9 KB, 1242x1280, 6B734867-1EDD-406F-AE88-4FC665…)

>>1118435She really must think she pops off with these tweets or something…
No. 1118553
>>1118443Who the fuck would like to get a roud of applause tweet from Alyssa with her "relatable" mental illness speech and pro tips? These tweets feel so forced
I thought she'd brake with One Piece obsessing by now and find some new popular anime but no. Anyway her Sailor Moon wine glasses were tragic, looked like those sets of plastic toy kitchen mugs and glasses for children
No. 1119005
are one-dimensional and draining, and there’s ample screenshots that prove it. A vapid dead fish with zero authentic creativity or talent using adobe and amazon to peddle an image of yourself that doesn’t exist outside of selfies
No. 1121776
File: 1609773710511.jpeg (107.59 KB, 820x376, E92C7FE3-0B77-47EB-A2DF-50531F…)

>>1115183People like your girlfriend ?
No. 1125038
File: 1610062297698.png (96.71 KB, 1190x375, Screenshot 2021-01-07 at 23.23…)

>>1118435My god, this reply to that tweet. She must have instantly regretted letting slip that some people she knows in real life have a negative opinion of her. Nice save, of course it's only because she WANTS those people to think she's boring. Sure, Jan
No. 1126179
>>1125907Private with 158k followers because she’s retarded
>>1125038I have a feeling she doesn’t keep friends long
No. 1126976
File: 1610222512895.jpg (47.97 KB, 281x535, 0000011122.jpg)

Looks like Alyssa doesn't pay her sister/manager very well… either that or her manager is not reporting all of her income. Isn't that FRAUD? (I guess it runs in the family!)
No. 1127566
File: 1610292793402.png (1.07 MB, 1084x1258, Screenshot 2021-01-10 at 15.29…)

Fingers can't even fit inside the holes properly - but still a perfect tool for self defence…… ..
No. 1127568
File: 1610292830616.png (298.34 KB, 370x538, Screenshot 2021-01-10 at 15.32…)

>>1127566Not to mention a quick look on their profile shows that they don't even have fat fingers
No. 1129141
File: 1610425918473.jpeg (604.55 KB, 1902x2048, EA41A6F0-1D4C-41BC-B392-01F8EE…)

Snuck her cat into a bookstore + Alyssa pretending to read
No. 1129164
File: 1610429663103.jpg (546.28 KB, 977x1466, Screenshot_20210112-003426_Chr…)

>>1129144seriously lol, a halo of blur around her lower body
No. 1129846
>>1129258What an absolute faff that would be for such a shite picture. The poor cat was probably shitting itself*.
Ffs I typo'd 'myself' before re-doing the comment. It's me I'm her cat.
No. 1129901
File: 1610498422730.jpeg (553.01 KB, 2048x2048, D1E0DA6F-7AB3-45C8-A674-2DD133…)

“Cottage core” themed self defense set incoming ….
No. 1132273
>>1130813Agreed like she used to try and make out as though she was constantly 'extra' and couldn't even chill in her house without being fully kitted out in lingerie. Seems she's lost the energy for that facade.
Although you may have
triggered her new video. Also a nitpick but can I just say most of those outfits in her new video are gross. Some of the dresses are ok but that first one is hideous and any of her top/bottoms combos are just not working ??
No. 1132921
>>1132273 same anon as
>>1130813. Haha it’s funny that her new video is her showing outfits that we barely see her wear outside. The fashion sense she’s known for is just for clout. I also agree that her choices in top-bottom look cheap and the dress in the start is ugly.
No. 1134676
File: 1610948925976.png (1.36 MB, 750x1334, 2BD73016-D072-490B-80FB-82BABA…)

>Arm width dramatically thinned
>Box in the background somehow in front of her wrist
>Hand partially erased
>Waist lazily edited
>Hip edited but only on one side
>Blurry tit, looks like she forgot to add the layer back on. You can see the outline if where the largened boob would’ve been
>Cleavage line
No. 1134797
File: 1610968993628.png (1.23 MB, 863x1344, Screen Shot 2021-01-18 at 7.00…)

>>1134676Is it me or are people getting sick of her "woe is me people didn't believe in me and now I run a successful business" sob story? She just reiterated the same thing here again. Like we get it, you're a boss lady~
No. 1134798
File: 1610969165178.png (1.55 MB, 2298x936, Screen Shot 2021-01-18 at 7.09…)

>>1134797Samefagging but for continuation. Although it's not the same story as the post in here, the PULL Google Doc in
>>1111511 shows two instances of her repeating the same story. She keeps beating a dead horse by trying to inspire when we all know it's misleading at best, fake at worst.
No. 1134799
File: 1610969264675.png (669.67 KB, 1870x1132, Screen Shot 2021-01-18 at 7.09…)

>>1134798Her using the same tweet over and over again, but regurgitating it with different words other than "unapologetic"
No. 1134801
File: 1610969380697.png (922.74 KB, 1396x800, Screen Shot 2021-01-18 at 7.27…)

>>1134797Here it is. I found (via the Google doc) a couple of her many, many tweets about packaging orders and messily surrounding herself with them.
No. 1135015
File: 1610993733106.jpeg (94.66 KB, 640x556, EBC1C44C-B361-441A-A90D-0EBF92…)

alyssa you know EXACTLY what the fuck you are doing
No. 1135248
>>1135238Bingo. She has a history of using her followers to brigade smaller accounts for “harassment” which results in them getting banned.
I’m sure it would be different if it was anonymous. I was hoping a big profile would call her out by now but I’m beginning to lose faith in that happening.
No. 1135546
I truly hope nobody attempts to use the knives for defence since not only is there nothing to use as a proper grip on the useless things, but it’s like the bad advice that to protect yourself you should put your keys between your fingers for safety. More likely to cause damage to your own hand and even worse it gives a false sense of security that keeps people close to the attacker.
The screamers are the only potentially helpful item if used while running away, but that’s if they’d even work if god forbid someone would feel they need to use it.
>>1134797Not gonna lie it’s funny as hell that her “I win, haterz lose!” tweet has so little to do with her art at all when her lack of skill is likely why people gave her negative criticism or tough love in the first place kek
No. 1135550
File: 1611041496552.jpeg (136.37 KB, 889x657, EFFA4DD9-5917-44C4-9922-264513…)

>>1135015That icon… she’s so neurotic and wildly narcissistic that I really think it’d be a reasonable guess that she was very inspired by that dirtbag manga her bf likes to self-insert into that was posted upthread. Probably sends him screenshots like ‘look baybee it’s us <33333’
No. 1135597
>>1135546I assume you mean the alarm by "screamers" because I read on the PULL Google Doc that it breaks easily. I'd say the pepper spray is the other choice but even the bottle easily leaks.
So long story short, avoid buying Alythuh's kit. You'll be in deep shit.
No. 1136123
cardboard boxes are glamorous thing she's trying to pull off isn't working
No. 1136128
>>1134798This type of stuff falls apart once you look at her actual art. Imagine what an artist with any actual skill could do with that space.
The actual art is the missing piece, she can't go further unless she really studies and tries to improve her work.
No. 1136213
File: 1611095341038.jpeg (329.68 KB, 750x973, AC061153-C439-4CE2-87A3-02B00D…)

I can’t find the tiktok on the girl’s page so I think she took it down but
>(Boss Ass Bitch playing in the bg at the start)
>“Every day I wake up and I choose to be a bad bitch. And for some reason it makes a lot of you guys mad. And being bothered by another bad bitch doing her, only makes you ugly. Respectfully. (smirks and does a twirl as the music comes back in)”
This is literally just how Alyssa acts
No. 1136854
File: 1611143200497.jpeg (834.05 KB, 828x1470, 50C9F44C-1D91-444B-BFC9-A73D13…)

Please don’t tell me she’s going to try to release these huge rags with lopsided, sloppy silkscreens of those tigers she traced…? Bet they’ll be like $80 and come with a special certificate of authenticity.
>>1136673What are you talking about? The only recent mention of them I’m seeing isn’t even a mention, it’s just her wearing one in that stupid tiktok.
No. 1136855
File: 1611143297362.jpeg (1.02 MB, 828x1468, F8528BA4-33E7-48DA-A4E3-506918…)

>>1136854Doing literallynothing with color swatches for knives she’s already finished…?
No. 1136856
File: 1611143423260.jpeg (785.47 KB, 828x1468, B1D0C515-25FF-4449-9AA4-162287…)

>>1136855Because you’re definitely going to spread messy tubes and brushes on top of the bibs you’d supposedly be wearing
while painting…? K makes sense
No. 1136859
File: 1611143706609.jpeg (952.71 KB, 828x1465, BD2C6369-DFD8-4C0A-A844-38722D…)

Alyssa if you’re making a self portrait, then why are you black?
>>1136855Big brain moment, here and
>>1136854I just noticed that while she pretended to stage all these scenes to be independent of each other all she did in these two slides was flip her shirt backwards because she wanted the camera to see the tigers in different poses. Tell me this dumb bitch isn’t scary levels of neurotic, why deliberately try this fucking hard.
No. 1136889
File: 1611148018878.jpeg (306.5 KB, 1242x872, B3831EE8-95F3-48CB-9022-120219…)

Here’s another example of Alythuh and Angel sucking at customer service in recent history.
>>1136859Her black face in her art is what is going to get her canceled. I’m calling it now.
No. 1136899
>>1136856The hell does she need oil paint for. Sperg but it
triggers me, it makes no sense for the type of art she makes and her paintings always look muddy as hell. Just use acrylic girl and you won't have to worry about tracking oil paint all over your chic expensive apartment
No. 1140743
File: 1611465097678.jpeg (215.54 KB, 750x534, 0E3D933B-54AC-4D9B-B850-5B6CE2…)

>Pretending to be single
>Not so sneaky whining about her boyfriend not being a (good?) cook
>She can’t cook either
>Implies she would love him more if he could
>Second time she’s tweeted this complaint
>Says this all on Twitter when he’s what? Probably ten feet from her?
No. 1141095
>>1140743She’s made this tweet like forty fucking times
>>1136854I love how she has three dishes of microwave food next to her that she definitely barely ate and threw in the trash. You know she only took it out to try to look ~sewww taurusss~
No. 1141760
File: 1611592180113.jpeg (114.76 KB, 828x853, 521C4FC8-6BAB-4A02-B8C6-42CDC1…)

idk if i did this right but let’s not forget to mention she literally had to ask people what taurus people are like lol(
No. 1147960
File: 1612183652249.png (148.79 KB, 1212x720, Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 4.09…)

Saging because this isn't exactly new milk, but still relevant. Her sister Angel is a huge enabler of her "we didn't grow up rich" despite proof that they come off from a well-off background. She just posted this to point out how they had humble beginnings, but if you look at both sisters' previous social media posts, you'd see they've been traveling everywhere since they were young.
No. 1166954
File: 1613871970275.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1207x2130, 74E04CB9-EF35-4302-B065-3B61E4…)

This thread has gone dry, but I noticed the her latest updates always block her face kek. It seems that she doesn’t want anyone wondering if she photoshopped her images or not.
No. 1169090
File: 1614135164509.jpeg (1.7 MB, 1242x2089, image4.png.jpeg)

I'm suspicious of the way her sister Angel is always saying how much Alyssa provides her with gifts or treats her to vacations. It would seem sweet to acknowledge what your sibling does for you, but knowing that she also promotes Alyssa's rags to riches story like in
>>1147960, these gestures come off more as "My sister is a successful boss lady earns so much she can afford these!" She's done this a lot, and there are more images.
No. 1169130
File: 1614139945560.png (1.22 MB, 1242x2018, image2.png)

>>1169090There are more of these "Alythuh is so generous with spending her money" posts kek
No. 1174551
File: 1614719341722.jpeg (676.44 KB, 1242x1490, E9925A77-513A-4ED9-9A0B-F51418…)

In today’s news, Pixie finally decided to take ownership of that commission that Aly refused to acknowledge.
Alternatively, I don’t see Pixie’s pin up girl on Alythuh’s packaging as of late.
No. 1174628
File: 1614724436751.jpeg (767.13 KB, 1180x1021, F76FEDAE-7388-4F33-8BAE-C8C437…)

>>1174551Yeah the orders posted around February were received and I don’t see the art of SleepyPixie anywhere else. She probably gave up because they were complimenting Pixie’s art more, and she know fully well that she didn’t make it.
No. 1175009
File: 1614765376775.jpg (1.85 MB, 5327x4690, pixlr.jpg)

Her latest IG story update. She's bringing out new products.
(Put in collage to not overly spam here)
No. 1175010
File: 1614765422889.jpg (4.26 MB, 6060x4124, pixlr_20210303104849679.jpg)

More info on her new alarms.
No. 1175012
File: 1614765536951.jpg (5.18 MB, 5848x4272, pixlr_20210303105147676.jpg)

A better look at her new envelopes. She also seems to be working on more shit.
No. 1175139
File: 1614780255356.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1125x1683, 689A1FB9-7373-491A-8F4F-19C5F1…)

>>1175041It looks like a delicious Bradley ripoff tbh
Btw - she’s so inactive on Twitter now a days that most of her posts are now in Instagram stories, probably so she can hide from the criticism we give her kek
No. 1176275
File: 1614891054884.jpeg (855.29 KB, 1638x2048, 5006EB46-CA95-4FA7-93D4-9A3D46…)

>>1104436does anyone else think Alyssa might try designing lingerie with those awful tiger robes? reminds me of Valentina Voight but she actually studied fashion & design in college and seems to be doing well for herself. I can’t imagine how long these self defense kits will continue to sell with new designs and defects.
No. 1176303
>>1176275Oh 100%. This bitch will cash grab for anything. I bet you she will do the same thing like she did with her original knives and buy AliExpress robes and have her “art” printed on it.
Average price? $4-$8 USD
Link below, I would upload a photo but my phone is being a cunt. Sorry farmers. No. 1177171
File: 1614985203474.png (200.56 KB, 640x354, tenor.png)

>>1175009is that the pig from hazbin hotel?
No. 1178211
File: 1615096930126.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1242x2200, 340BCC20-D154-42F5-B717-88D293…)

She dyed her hair and it looks like a wig lmao
No. 1178633
File: 1615147937085.jpg (200.68 KB, 822x1360, 1615147764737.jpg)

>>1178304Funny that you say that, these are some of the comments
No. 1178718
File: 1615153763428.png (177 KB, 1316x850, 1615153600900.png)

>>1178304>>1178633I can add this. She's so predictable at this point, another low-effort cosplay
No. 1178847
>>1178718honestly i expect this from here since her cosplay is so low quality to begin with
personally i think the hair color is nice (props to the stylist), but it washes out her complexion. a darker red probably would have been better.
No. 1178937
File: 1615178157352.jpeg (311.13 KB, 828x962, F15F9DDF-A704-421D-888B-C8FAE5…)

I don’t think she’s gotten a jaw shave either lol her face just looks like that, heres a 2019 fb pic
No. 1181107
File: 1615409285480.jpeg (539.34 KB, 2048x1880, D04A2409-9BF9-478E-9A71-0B76DA…)

From her Twitter
No. 1181698
File: 1615470014104.jpeg (459.32 KB, 828x1339, D15D4E6A-EDAB-4BC6-82BA-8218A8…)

>>1181107More people than not are commenting on the functionality and legality more than I’ve seen before. Good.
No. 1181952
File: 1615492605262.jpg (4.95 MB, 5888x4243, pixlr.jpg)

IG story update
No. 1181956
File: 1615492703474.jpg (2.62 MB, 5000x5000, pixlr_20210311205556293.jpg)

>>1176409IG story update (2/2)
funny how this has been called…
No. 1181987
File: 1615494037129.jpg (6.1 MB, 5000x5000, pixlr.jpg)

another story update, she's posting a lot right now
No. 1182002
1. Grab key
2. Stab at neck
3. Run
That's it. That's self-defense. Every self-defense class teaches this. You don't have to reach into your purse to fumble with a tiny knife that is actually thinner than a key. The key on the same keychain does the same thing but is stronger because it's designed for heavy use. You're not trying to poke holes or slash at people, which these cheap things can't do effectively anyway. You're trying to injure/stun and get away.
>>1181976Thank God this cheap shit is less durable than a potato peeler.
No. 1182022
File: 1615495553751.jpg (182.43 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20210311-214017_Ins…)

>>1181987the saga continues
No. 1182050
File: 1615497646467.jpg (113.86 KB, 720x582, 20210311_221722.jpg)

looking through her comments once again. can you all imagine this? as if her products aren't a safety hazard already
No. 1182059
>>1181987…and that's when I pulled out my handy
ALYTHUH™ Femme Fatale Rose Key Knife, which could have saved my life! Get yours
today and if you order before 8 pm you'll receive a FREE scratch-and-sniff chloroform sticker!
No. 1182328
>>1181987Cos Alythuh is a little dumb she missed the fact "are you from here" usually is someone being racist and trying to find what country you come from. I feel bad for her for this one, since asian fetishists are very real, but it's interesting her actual reaction to intimidation is to (rightly) run away, rather than swing her aliexpress keyrings at them like she is recommending other women to do.
>>1181956I can see this injuring the wearer if they fall asleep or clothes/items press their chest and it opens, otherwise you simply give yourself a handy way for an assailant to choke you.
No. 1182690
>>1182683Because it probably came from some drop shipper in China.
I feel bad that she had that experience, but for some reason I’m getting the vibe she’s using this moment to drive her sales further by preying on the fears and anxieties of other women. If her self defense kits actually defended people from attackers I’d get it, but these more so provide a sense of protection than anything else.
No. 1183948
File: 1615680566058.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1242x2207, 7B8CD3DF-EE0B-467C-917A-CB56D5…)

I know this is a WIP cosplay, but damn this made her look rough. The cosplay is from Love Death and Robots
No. 1183967
File: 1615683146801.jpeg (116.99 KB, 768x768, 8E16AE45-03B2-4915-942D-6CA0B6…)

A comparison of who she’s supposed to be “cosplaying” as for those interested
No. 1183987
>>1183967Damn you’d think an
artist would do better
No. 1184016
>>1183949You sound like a jealous hater anon, it's normal to take selfies and type up instagram posts when you are scared and uncomfortable in public. Whenever I'm in a situation where I should be on high alert I like to have my gaze fixed directly on my phone instead of my surroundings. Men will be stunned by what an unbothered queen you are and leave you alone.
Jokes aside I think she just took a couple selfies while out and then crafted the story afterward. She seriously has issues.
No. 1184037
File: 1615688163166.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1125x1311, 90EF24EB-024C-4BA7-8A02-EE355F…)

>>1183967Here’s the actual shot she posted to IG rather than what was on her story.
No. 1185004
File: 1615820878713.jpg (8.86 MB, 5000x5000, pixlr.jpg)

IG story update
No. 1185970
File: 1615918867931.jpeg (537.96 KB, 1242x1632, 1236F0DC-AF85-4A45-A5D6-6DF4EC…)

Instead of directly responding to any concerns and criticisms on her self defense kit, I present to you: Subtweeting on Alt
No. 1186551
File: 1615981702656.jpg (4.66 MB, 5888x4243, pixlr.jpg)

IG story update
info on her new releases
No. 1186554
File: 1615981908317.jpg (7.63 MB, 7798x3205, pixlr_20210317124522178.jpg)

Sorry for this being kinda crammed but it's redable when zooming in
No. 1186556
File: 1615982030221.jpg (6.35 MB, 7904x3161, pixlr_20210317124713194.jpg)

Once again sorry for cramming. But tbf this is the most boring q&a I've ever read. Either she just didn't answer much, but I'm sure she just didn't get much questions
No. 1186631
>>1186604I don’t know any professional who would recommend doing prints at home, high quality printers for over A4 size get expensive
She literally puts no effort into her work, you can tell she doesn’t practice to improve her painting technique. She occasionally tries to make a finished piece with the skill level of a beginner. It’s so obvious she doesn’t spend any time on actually improving her work
No. 1186686
>>1186604If she's capable to print everything by herself it means there are not that many orders lol
Also I feel bad for people who orders her prints and receive a trashy print from a home printer. Not only it's super amateurish approach (especially for the "glamourous vibe" she is going for) but also disrespectful for the buyers.
No. 1186714
>>1186011Yeah idk about other places but in my country most of her products would be illegal to ship, not to mention pepper spray is classified as a prohibited weapon here.
I can't see this going well
No. 1186861
File: 1616011087000.jpg (6.74 MB, 5976x4183, pixlr.jpg)

IG story update.
Looks like she got a new kitten…
No. 1186863
File: 1616011222848.jpg (202.99 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20210317-205447_Ins…)

Story update (2/2)
More product info
No. 1186866
File: 1616011400662.jpg (358.47 KB, 714x1164, Screenshot_20210317-205933_Ins…)

>>1186861Immediatly went back to check on this. Overlooked her post before. She indeed got a new cat.
No. 1186869
File: 1616011994650.jpg (243.04 KB, 720x893, Screenshot_20210317-211048_Twi…)

She also posted on twitter. Besides this more pics of her cats with frog hats.
No. 1186944
File: 1616017547873.jpeg (526.67 KB, 1657x2048, 2A15FA66-F4EA-4812-BDF8-7B2918…)

>>1186869Catch that it’s a ~boy~ cat this time for sure kek
No. 1187663
File: 1616099932158.jpeg (Spoiler Image,156.34 KB, 750x450, F400FB2E-D734-4979-99C6-7FEAD5…)

Not WKing but her eyebags
>>1186944 don’t even look bad. What are they even going to fill? …How long til full face Botox?
No. 1188060
File: 1616156816682.jpg (4.54 MB, 5000x5000, pixlr_20210319132420226.jpg)

IG story update (1/2)
No. 1188062
File: 1616156990103.jpg (5.7 MB, 7140x3500, pixlr_20210319132608851.jpg)

IG story update (2/2)
No. 1188899
File: 1616250725256.jpg (3.75 MB, 5000x5000, pixlr.jpg)

another story update
No. 1191422
File: 1616539547146.jpg (5.72 MB, 5888x4243, pixlr_20210323234022098.jpg)

IG story update (1/3)
More to her new stuff. She made an actual post, I will add to this later
these are all from over multiple days btw
No. 1191424
File: 1616539638970.jpg (5.8 MB, 6104x4094, pixlr_20210323234152063.jpg)

Update (2/3)
This seems to imply Sesame is a rescue, also she plays cyberpunk now?
No. 1191425
File: 1616539713820.jpg (8.61 MB, 7798x3205, pixlr_20210323234342828.jpg)

Update (3/3)
Her, her sister and the cats are seemingly on vacation
No. 1191429
File: 1616540004779.png (349.73 KB, 1335x838, 1616262100365.png)

>>1191422The caption of her IG post about the alarm. I wonder how the other ones planned look
No. 1191434
>>1191422>>1191424Gotta give it to her, this mushroom alarm design / photoshoot are actually genuinely cute and pretty, too bad we know she must have copied the design from somewhere given she's never done anything in this cutesy style before.
I have a vague memory of her cosplaying some Cyberpunk character a longer while ago, funny she only starts to actually play the game now, though we shouldn't be surprised she'd do things just for clout wihout actually knowing or caring about them.
No. 1191435
File: 1616540224398.jpg (7.14 MB, 7535x3317, pixlr_20210323235551458.jpg)

>>1191425Angels story gave more info about trip and location.
No. 1192724
File: 1616682473581.jpg (6.79 MB, 7620x3280, pixlr.jpg)

the latest IG updates
No. 1195509
File: 1616929500769.jpg (8.4 MB, 6992x3573, pixlr_20210328130327020.jpg)

story update (1/2)
a peak at her new collection
No. 1195513
File: 1616929683802.jpg (7.33 MB, 7212x3464, pixlr_20210328130429436.jpg)

story update (2/2)
No. 1196560
File: 1617027292603.jpeg (898.1 KB, 828x828, 138FA8F7-C2F5-4628-BDA4-101311…)

>>1195509Looks like she didn’t learn from the last time she made those self defense keychains. When you put the key ring holder where the palm is, stabbing someone with it is also going to stab the user back. If she just moved where the ring is located, they could actually be practical.
No. 1196807
File: 1617045255224.jpg (5.77 MB, 7140x3500, pixlr_20210329210806134.jpg)

>>1195680Noted. Will sage more posts from now on. Sometimes I can't really tell what info is truly interesting lol.
Anyways, here is a bit more she posted about the launch. She seems confindent in her products selling out fast…
She also posted more pics of the products, but spamming them doesn't feel relevant when we can all look at her website (that should be up now).
No. 1197541
File: 1617116219074.jpg (8.04 MB, 7362x3394, pixlr_20210330165502217.jpg)

another update
>>1197117 Yup, they sold out fast indeed it seems.
No. 1197638
>>1195680>sage’dNice minimodding, newfag.
>>1196807No, it’s fine that you didn’t sage that. Updates from a cow that has periods of silence is fine to bump the thread with, we’ve never had issues with that before. Some newfags like to overcompensate.
No. 1197657
File: 1617126365674.png (81.48 KB, 1196x514, 0B7FBA56-230D-4864-BE05-DB8125…)

I’d be surprised if this was real. She mentioned this same thing with Hot Topic in the past and nothing happened.
>>1197586I didn’t realize this. The individuals are taken down for the femme fatale traced set. Wow
No. 1198253
File: 1617181753125.jpg (6.89 MB, 6506x3839, pixlr.jpg)

new update
Seems like the robes are gonna come out soon as well?
>>1197638Okay, I'm a bitconfused now but will go back to posting here as before.
No. 1198258
File: 1617182018361.png (368.94 KB, 871x1284, 1617181896466.png)

I also found this in her tagged posts, this design has not been posted by herself yet.
(She only posted Wisp (the mushroom) extensively and the cow one once yet.)
Looks like this guy renders her stuff in general cause the style checks out.
No. 1198285
File: 1617185656012.jpg (117.71 KB, 1080x1761, _20210331_121213.JPG)

>>1198258lmao would that mean this is her amazing design work then? As always, if it looks good it can't be hers
No. 1198560
>>1198541are you the same newfag from corpse thread
please, learn to read and click on >> previous thread link.
No. 1198575
>>1198285lmao ffs. this 'design' basically proves at least one of two things: a) she can't draw for shit, or b) she put barely any effort/thought into those designs.
I'm gonna say both.
No. 1198581
>>1198391Interesting how she mentions all of the other artists involved in her work except SleepyPixie, too.
It’s also going to be interesting to see if nothing happens in terms of her shipping out these “defense items” internationally. I wonder if they’ll get through customs.
No. 1200151
>>1199857She didn't draw it freehand, see
>>1104436I wonder if that frog she drew is her actual skill level…
No. 1200497
File: 1617389835052.jpg (6.16 MB, 6345x3939, pixlr.jpg)

new IG update
No. 1200552
File: 1617396783450.jpg (948.89 KB, 1439x2508, Screenshot_20210402-164834_Chr…)

I'm not tryint saying she's copying with these character designs, I'm just saying they seem very uhhhh out-of-line with the rest of her style and "brand" and similar to other popular artists
No. 1200557
>>1200553They remind me of the generic-ass art in the Erin thread, I think the world at large are at such a stage of exhaustion after a year of pandemic and economic crisis that these incredibly simple characters that seem most suited to a baby's book are doing numbers, and hitting the right notes with the online populace.
They remind me of things like Miffy and Hello Kitty, characters designed specifically for babies. So Alythuh is just jumping on trends and chose a particularly generic, safe one in these characters. There are countless artists on Twitter making the same stuff (ref: Erin thread) and they do crazy numbers. Quite at odds with the Femme Fatale image Alythuh was doing up until now.
No. 1202881
File: 1617731868401.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1125x1849, 763C397D-A9CB-4EDC-93A1-AC2FFA…)

She posted this in the dead of night and deleted it. Sorry I didn't get the name in the ss I wanted to show the full pic
No. 1202887
File: 1617732147398.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1125x1938, 4BD95237-1AD6-433B-BF0E-88CEEC…)

Btw If you zoom in on the snake it looks like she copy and pasted rows of scales in certain places. It's mostly noticable at it's head and the bottom right
No. 1203900
File: 1617892758521.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x2076, DB8DC2D8-1A4E-4303-921E-875783…)

>>1203870Now that you mentioned it, I dug in Thistle and Spire’s site to look at their Medusa collection. The idea of the snakes were definitely taken from them. But not only did she do that, she also named her own robe Medusa according to her previous tweet. She didn’t even try kek
No. 1203901
File: 1617892849189.jpeg (973.04 KB, 1242x1801, B6EE3376-6D96-4F91-B1D6-D086F6…)

>>1203900The previous tweet mentioned
No. 1203908
File: 1617894331421.png (727.03 KB, 1080x1665, Screenshot_20210408-170312~2.p…)

>>1203900Pretty sure stolen from Studio Pia
No. 1204142
File: 1617914489111.jpg (739.22 KB, 2560x1920, 21-04-08-16-34-03-062_deco.jpg)

>>1204078I couldn't find a picture though I'm sure it exists, but she's definitely aware of the brand.
No. 1204437
Samefag, ref:
>>1182050>Made these self defense mushrooms and bugs made with my art>>1191429>I made these lil self defense alarms>>1203901>I made a robe with my artSo we are omitting not only the factory workers, but the artists who designed the products from her amazing sketches like this poor sod
>>1198258And the girl who did the packaging insert art.
No. 1204442
File: 1617941620443.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x2130, E0229B8F-4C11-461A-8AF2-F71BD9…)

There’s also a new page on her site. It’s a Legal Disclaimer that will “protect” her in case one of her customers get in legal trouble for using her shitty “weapons”. If the customer get in trouble for using the items, it’s gonna be a lose lose for them. Not only did Alythuh rip them off with the prices, but they’ll be in legal shit too. This is really scummy for someone claiming to advocate for women’s safety.
No. 1204882
File: 1618000555409.jpg (3.42 MB, 6506x3839, pixlr_20210409223605970.jpg)

IG story update
Looks like her newest brand aesthetic is everything cute. Pepperspray seems to be the next project
Sorry for possibly missing stuff lately but I'm very busy rn and didn't screenshot posts that weren't interesting anyways (she posted on the issue with ppl ordering wisp due to the website messing up again so this is still not resolved but I forgot to sc)
>>1204798I didn't think of her reposting these advise threads as interesting before but now after seeing your questions - she has started to share these lately (I missed 1 or 2), but only about the topics as above. I haven't seen her make one posts about AAPI issues… for being such a PrOuD fIlIpInA she's awfully quiet.
No. 1207305
File: 1618329609861.jpg (5.76 MB, 6928x3608, pixlr.jpg)

IG story update (1/3)
Haven't checked the last days, looks like I came back at the right time
No. 1207306
File: 1618329693263.jpg (5.1 MB, 4926x5073, pixlr_20210413175715246.jpg)

update (2/3)
No. 1207307
File: 1618329760055.jpg (6.53 MB, 7798x3205, pixlr_20210413175803294.jpg)

update (3/3)
All the new info on her robes. I wonder how much longer until they get released
No. 1207316
>>1207305Is the art hers or is she still using other people's without saying it?
>>1207307 looks so cheap, it feels like she was going for that elaborate-embroidery-on-the-back-of-the-jacket look without actually using embroidered patches?
No. 1207359
>>1207307>This robe I madeMisleading phrasing again.
>>1207307Something about her current design makes me think there will be a lot of printing and sewing errors in the factory; like the mushrooms, she is not a designer and has never physically made objects for sale, so doesn't know how to make designs more simple to negate possible flaws. The mushroom and tiger wrap are excessively detailed with too-small sections for each color, basically a busy design which is likely to mess up in mass production.
No. 1208021
File: 1618386051529.jpg (590.16 KB, 1242x2214, IMG_8297.jpg)

I noticed she had a bit of a slip up here. She was confused because her Aliexpress or Alibaba supplier sent her that particular keychain in the photo. For the things that she "made with [her] art", she sure is not so familiar with what she's been "designing" kek
No. 1208055
>>1208021This is such an awful design too, like a kind of piss bottle (sorry to say it, thinking of those Amazon staff who have to piss in bottles since they don't get breaks)
I wonder what her emails look like for the manufacturer to have thought she wanted to go ahead and make them.
No. 1208144
File: 1618406572767.jpg (305.13 KB, 2167x1615, mushroom keychain.jpg)

I searched "self defense keychain" on Alibaba. Took 2 minutes.
No. 1208945
File: 1618486971319.jpg (5.75 MB, 7535x3317, pixlr_20210415134309237.jpg)

story update
No. 1209939
File: 1618596738944.jpg (7.88 MB, 7535x3317, pixlr.jpg)

new story update
(edited because I forgot to put in the wierd narcissus thing, whatever that means anyways)
No. 1210302
File: 1618627573512.png (4.41 MB, 828x1792, 3FDB9F7A-1235-4884-975E-9DF379…)

pic from someone she retweeted on twitter bragging about her cute packaging
i’m not one to speak on someone’s artistic abilities but can we just— i feel like alyssa made this herself because look at it. it doesn’t look anything like sleepypixies work (the one who created her femme fatale packaging) and it seems more like alyssas level if we’re comparing to the tiger in her self portrait. just the two girls alone on this packaging look like two different styles. the pink dress feels so flat, same with the pointed brown hat. and the shoes on the girl in the green skirt … those child size feet couldn’t even support a woman’s body lol
No. 1210626
File: 1618678665496.jpg (311.64 KB, 1080x1012, Screenshot_20210417-095354_Goo…)

>>1210302Haha omg this terrible anatomy! They look so lumpy and lifeless.
Pic related, this should read "any more" instead of "anymore". I know grammar isn't that big of a deal in casual settings, but on actual printed packaging for your business, it looks SUPER unprofessional. Between that and the capitals on every word, it reads like Engrish. Gives off "found this through a generic Chinese seller" vibes for sure.
(nitpick) No. 1211207
>>1210626I know you got redtexted for this but there's a point:
>Not taking any more bullshit>not taking your bullshit anymore1. Not taking any further quantity of bullshit
2. Not taking your bullshit for a further duration
Both correct English with the same meaning, but she went with
>Not taking anymore bullshit3. Not taking a further duration of bullshit
It's just awkward enough to be annoying but not outright wrong enough to be a "order 1000 more of these, we fucked up."
No. 1211399
File: 1618769380596.jpg (3.96 MB, 6104x4094, pixlr.jpg)

IG story update of the last days
No. 1211400
File: 1618769459967.jpg (2.87 MB, 6104x4094, pixlr_20210418200735104.jpg)

update (2/2) - anime edition
She is also crossposting a bunch of stories of people posting photos of her products.
No. 1212971
>>1212785It was speculated that she might try to sell lingerie like valentina after announcing those robes
>>1176725 Then she announced her lingerie designs last week lol. But I don’t think she’s really skinwalking or trying to look like her otherwise? Alyssa hardly dresses up in nice clothes or takes normal pics like Valentina.
No. 1213476
File: 1619007872405.jpg (8.86 MB, 7904x3161, pixlr.jpg)

story update (1/2)
No. 1213480
File: 1619007979848.jpg (6.52 MB, 6802x3674, pixlr_20210421142353592.jpg)

story update (2/2)
No. 1214268
File: 1619116503373.jpg (6.58 MB, 7620x3280, pixlr.jpg)

new IG story update
knife necklace is real now
No. 1214704
>>1214268fear of going stagnant
all her latest products have been charms with pointy ends or right down knives. new revolutionary product: necklace, but also knife
woah, incredible. it also looks so fricking cheap
No. 1217571
File: 1619507127406.jpg (5.79 MB, 4272x5846, pixlr.jpg)

IG story update
(differently formatted this time, I feel like it's more pleasant to read like this)
No. 1219228
>>1218062she's the literal embodiment of the
toxic "girl boss"; getting rich off the illusion of being successful and scamming other women with shitty "empowering" junk that's more likely to hurt them than protect them
No. 1219849
File: 1619729431560.jpg (5.98 MB, 7620x3280, pixlr.jpg)

newest IG story update
No. 1220049
File: 1619749963138.jpeg (554.87 KB, 1242x2203, F0C61637-8DF3-4CE4-B06E-2E7E9A…)

>>1219849This is definitely the samples/preview her Aliexpress or Alibaba manufacturers send her before she gets to make custom designs. Obviously she doesn’t have the Chewbacca pin or the military badge (lower right) in her lineup. Just like in the story posted at
>>1208021 its starting to show she’s not exactly the artist designing most of these. She gets smaller artists and/or her manufacturers to work on the designs. Maybe that’s why her branding looks all over the place, since she switches up aesthetics so quickly.
No. 1220556
File: 1619812051329.png (7.6 MB, 1125x2436, 0C1AEEB8-918A-445E-B58F-A306A4…)

Stealing the thunder from IG Comp Anon (sorry!) because she posted this on her story. There's some other stuff but this stood out. She followed it up by saying she's not complaining just explaining to process
No. 1220649
>>1218062I would love to hear your reasoning/explanation. I don't disagree at all, and I am not a fan of hers at all I just don't quite understand '
toxic femininity' as a concept so I'm interested hehe
No. 1220695
>>1220556you absolutely don't need 'design engineers' to do what she wants. I've made similar components as her (but for festivals, and a bit more complicated). You just need to do a blueprint on fusion/maya with schematics and create a 2d spreadsheet, then either build it yourself with your own parts or get an electrician to do it for you. Hers aren't even that complicated, it's just an on/off switch so there's not much real dev work involved. Even finding a company to do the actual printing of the case + send off is extremely simple and cheap on top of that, anyone with a shopify account can tell you that.
But I guess because she doesn't know any 3d modelling, can't do any art for shit from a product standpoint (aka, shit needs to be pixel perfect) and lies out of her ass about everything.. She'd probably need to hire everyone for every step for her shitty taobao trinkets that will probably get her maybe at most 2k$~ if she's lucky.
No. 1220945
File: 1619874843522.jpg (5.32 MB, 6200x4029, pixlr_20210501151003612.jpg)

>>1220556IG comp anon here haha, don't be sorry
for everyone who did not see them: her other posts about it for context, plus what looks like more product samples
No. 1221761
File: 1619976437409.jpeg (320.68 KB, 1125x1056, 6A0B7138-E875-4F54-80F5-F9CE73…)

Probably not milk but the Uplifting Women Girlboss REALLY hit the jackpot with coomer bf who hates women
No. 1221845
>>1221393>>1221181No you guys are right, I absolutely agree with you.
I'm really curious what everyone thinks is actually going on with her. Is she actually this rich from her art? Or is it a complete sham/front? How does she afford to travel? Asking mostly because back on PULL there were lots of conspiracy theories about this lmao
No. 1222642
>>1221845>I'm really curious what everyone thinks is actually going on with her. Is she actually this rich from her art? From what it seems she's just born rich and makes some money from art, but definitely not enough to be rich from it; travel appears to be all thanks to the family. I think there were even some anons here in the previous thread possibly (?) saying her apartament looks nice but it's not really in the best area or that expensive likely; and she lives with her bf with whom they split expenses? So basically her being rich from art is pretty much a performance.
>>1220049Not to defend her but you get samples like this from any kind of printing house, both huge chinese manufacturers and local businesses; we cant really assume this proves she uses aliexpress.
No. 1222696
>>1222642Yeah a few people were able to find out the exact place she rents out and it’s in a shady area. Practically where you can get stabbed and robbed at lmao the rent is cheap too if I recall.
I remember someone on PULL or was it here(?) was able to dig up her family emblem or some shit and her family is forsure well-off.
No. 1222790
>>1222642It still proves the point though. If you still add what we know about her previous self defense kits, it’s still most likely an Alibaba source.
It’s also sus how long she is taking with a simple alarm. The pandemic restrictions may have delayed production/shipping, so I’m guessing her trinkets are still in China. She’s just stalling by saying bossbabe shit kek
No. 1223495
File: 1620159306952.png (716.74 KB, 1364x2048, Screenshot_20210504-141432.png)

Part 1
No. 1223496
File: 1620159334946.png (928.92 KB, 1959x2048, Screenshot_20210504-141447.png)

Samefag Part 2
No. 1223510
File: 1620160014510.jpeg (306.74 KB, 750x1345, 1350DA6E-A6B0-4345-B49E-991114…)

>>1223496I really hope this is another one of her lies because the thought of her aliexpress keyrings being given to children as an earnest means to deter paedophiles is next level bleak.
No. 1223958
>>1223890It is. The organization she sponsors never listed her as a donor or as a supporter on their website
>>1052831 There is no mention of her on the organization’s social media pages either.
However the organization’s chairwoman does include Alyssa in her public Facebook posts. It makes me wonder how she got to know the Duterte supporter. Knowing that Alythuh supports that organization is funny because some of her active followers have #OustDuterte in their Twitter names.
No. 1224086
File: 1620240127523.jpeg (210.95 KB, 1125x661, FAF87162-8E8C-44B9-A7DE-27C486…)

(learn to integrate)
No. 1224413
File: 1620277876039.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1242x2195, 882D9968-9DE4-4E03-A5FE-60149B…)

Saged because nothing is milky about this one, but sharing this because she deleted it. She talks so weird, must have been that clout addiction she gets from all the lies she puts out there.
No. 1225065
File: 1620345767479.png (5.72 MB, 1125x2436, 10595282-1683-4820-AABD-56C61D…)

Some leaked future products concepts
No. 1225066
File: 1620345958643.png (3.66 MB, 1125x2436, F3CBA844-C3FF-4F78-B792-487B11…)

>>1225065Sorry for the black bar on the side! I didn't realized I fucked up the screenshot .
2/2 Here are the weapons.
No. 1225085
File: 1620349766625.png (329.54 KB, 1440x2560, 0210E096-C37A-4C3E-B279-0DCA0F…)

This cow is getting too loud again
No. 1227467
File: 1620691482708.png (171.43 KB, 612x808, alythuhduterte.png)

>>1223496I wonder if she is working with the same org that is staffed by Duterte cronies?
No. 1228975
File: 1620869197961.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1242x2228, 1F2A6175-9955-4D05-8E25-461D9A…)

>>1227467She just shared the photo of her with the founder on her Instagram stories. I don’t think she cares that the chairwoman supports Duterte. The way Alyssa describes her here speaks a lot.
No. 1229085
>>1228975Bit of a nitpick I guess but the way she uses "international women's award" makes it sound like the international women of courage award (which gets handed out to a handful of women every year) but it seems like she's holding a women appreciating women award (which, according to their FB page, hands out like 100 to 1000??? awards at a time it seems)
But hey, trying to trick people into thinking she's being recognized for doing anything of importance and actually helping other women is pretty on brand for her
No. 1231242
File: 1621171174421.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1125x1605, 263B0BFC-FA32-4B4E-A1D1-3865D0…)

The beginning of the end with her AliExpress “defense” items
No. 1231244
File: 1621172145757.jpeg (963.16 KB, 1125x1702, 5428C99B-7825-42B4-BABE-AC743B…)

>>1231242Same fag but more proof her Fairytale launch had gimmicky, faulty “defense” items
No. 1232433
File: 1621309305472.png (231.03 KB, 1136x1022, Screen Shot 2021-05-18 at 11.3…)

She may not be designing real weapons but she sure is pretending her Aliexpress keychains are weapons for self defense.
No. 1232465
>>1231244That tool she’s holding and her nails are both more useful as a self defense tactic. Do these Twitter e-girls think some rapist scary
abusive man hiding in the shadows is going to care about some dinky mushroom and the blade they have to retract and have no real control over because of how comically tiny it is? I’d be more worried it slices into my fucking finger as I’m trying to hold it properly. What a grift, it’s crazy how people get so attached to an online persona they’re willing to accept this literal trash they paid for.
No. 1232622
File: 1621340615273.png (1.39 MB, 1170x1416, Alythuh Knives.png)

>>1111511Checked this Google doc again and turns out more people are seeing through how unsafe her kits are.
No. 1232647
File: 1621341917320.jpeg (23.75 KB, 425x523, 0912620B-1626-47FE-BB6D-19EA1A…)

They’re basically the same as the bit on a nail clipper for digging crap out from under your nails. Absolutely ridiculous.
No. 1232938
>>1232737Pretty sure her intention isn't something good. She just wants to trap gullible suckers into sending her money for trinkets she's vastly overhyped and overpriced.
She is just making these defensive tweets to cover her tracks and keep the ruse up. I doubt she actually believes she's truly a BAMF, she just wants others to think that because it will sell the product.
No. 1246025
File: 1622832889850.jpeg (225.35 KB, 701x1476, 340608DA-A295-465A-9237-3E0184…)

downloaded an app to try and collage these two pics. apparently we’re ripping off name brands now too
No. 1260631
File: 1624162868831.png (359.02 KB, 1094x1346, Alythuh Sleepypixie Buried rep…)

>>1103690Thread is almost dead. But just wanted to point out that Alythuh "credited" Sleepypixie only because someone pointed it out. And it's under a reply to a random customer too. Her followers won't see that on their timeline. She knows what she's doing by confirming it in a reply instead of posting in a new tweet.
Just a nitpick though. Although she never claimed the art as hers, she never corrected the followers who thought it was hers. She also did Pixie dirty by typing her name in a small font on a paper bag that users will definitely throw away at some point kek
No. 1261878
File: 1624345534174.png (13.43 KB, 580x101, aly.png)

She's recycling old tweets… desperate for those Twitter numbers much?
No. 1263069
File: 1624504885734.png (1.47 MB, 1024x1364, DD815FA5-ABCB-46AA-A49F-33A594…)

>>1261878alythuh bot generator strikes again! she is so desperate for engagement it’s pathetic
in other news, can someone please come save that poor cat? her hair is also a disaster jeez
No. 1263071
File: 1624505158453.jpeg (884.22 KB, 1080x2340, 3D3425F8-0616-4EB7-B7E8-D1DC88…)

>>1263069samefag, but imagine spending thousands of dollars on a boob job just to continue to photoshop them kek
No. 1268162
File: 1625058297619.jpeg (126.42 KB, 1078x1121, DC269FEC-BAF7-4A8D-A426-1DEE03…)

Found this photo of her true face from the GG discord.
She is so pretentious with how she presents herself.
No. 1268218
>>1268162Omg she looks so frumpy
And that orange hair definitely does not suit her at all
No. 1268637
File: 1625102533774.jpeg (508.81 KB, 1078x1077, D2B84931-5AEC-41A5-9C20-3164D5…)

>>1268162There’s more from the GG server
No. 1268639
File: 1625102864786.jpeg (697.09 KB, 1125x1264, 6B329047-22F2-43AF-BE46-CC86FA…)

>>1268637Bless you,
nonnie! I was about to post the same image but you beat me to the punch.
I’m sure other anons have noticed these are not the most flattering photos. However, this looks like a completely different human than how she presents herself online.
No. 1268640
File: 1625103104255.jpeg (731.07 KB, 3024x4030, D3E2D61A-1458-4DA5-8355-21D616…)

>>1268639This one with comparison kek
No. 1268670
File: 1625105661996.jpeg (260.8 KB, 1242x800, 834E0FD1-C693-4797-9A10-20B595…)

Sage because this is old and about sleepypixie but looking through the discord .. I found this
No. 1268702
File: 1625109207031.png (1.16 MB, 1024x1601, 6F408427-D547-4370-BBDD-E72701…)

>>1268694kek it truly is a goldmine. glad to see this thread getting traction again
>takes sexualized photos of self in the children’s section of a store ok aly
No. 1268704
File: 1625109462661.png (1.3 MB, 1024x1687, E89D2805-1236-4CD7-9FE3-FCC7F9…)

>>1268702Samefag, but on another note it genuinely appears like her stylist is sabotaging her on purpose. Her current hair is truly tragic
No. 1268822
>>1268670Alyssa empowering other
POC women creators at it's finest. Just sad.
No. 1268852
File: 1625138080259.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1564x1564, 66DDEB8B-879E-46DC-854F-AE67EC…)

More proof of her shooping
>>1268790Nah, anon. This gave me the exact train of thought.
No. 1268908
File: 1625146978355.jpeg (875.25 KB, 1564x1564, 8389B64A-53E0-48F5-AC7F-2DCCA9…)

>>1268856It absolutely kills my sides that she literally is shopping the absolute hell out of her fake tits.
>>1268903Girl got a whole boob job just to continue to shop them, and poorly at that. Bless the user who discovered these horrible edits.
No. 1269633
File: 1625218102041.jpeg (347.19 KB, 1125x1879, 29B07F84-330C-4329-8487-F7EB7C…)

>>1269103>>1269271This anon has the correct answer.
Here is another negative review from her latest Fairytale drop.
No. 1269635
File: 1625218152618.jpeg (1008.25 KB, 1125x1560, 5312F1CC-DAD3-4D69-B446-63B2C1…)

>>1269633And another one.
No. 1269669
File: 1625225278486.jpeg (282.94 KB, 750x766, 6B4FF66B-988D-49E5-AE32-E0B582…)

Not milk but i came across this on Pinterest and it’s hilarious to me how fucked up and bad this is (the proportions the nose everything kek) and how racist her uwu black queens art is
No. 1269684
>>1268640these threads are wild to me thinking about just how manufactured and fake her online appearance and personality is down to the lavish apartment slinking around in expensive basques and how she's so above everyone, the degree she Photoshops herself and lies is funny to me
it's even funnier when I remember how she was someone my
abusive coomer ex simped over because apparently men cannot tell how heavily edited Instathots and egirls online are and they think it's real, ditto Momokun
No. 1269722
File: 1625230346964.jpeg (956.82 KB, 1242x2210, 04224C52-A757-447A-8484-DD2F25…)

>>1269639I mean, her fans are looking at this woman with rose tinted glasses and she does in fact advertise them as self defense weapons multiple times. It’s false advertising coupled with people blindly following her.
>>1269669This is probably why she decided to be a drop shipper kek.
>>1269684Men are truly stupid lmfao all they see is attractive woman and that’s it. Same with a lot of her fans that are women and blindly defend her. Zero critical thought.
Sage for no milk, but here is her claiming to be “engineering” her own circuit boards. I can’t believe anyone would fall for this shit.
No. 1270196
>>1269722She phrases things misleadingly on purpose, this definitely means she hired someone to engineer the circuit boards. Same as the insufficient credit for the artist she hired.
>>1268670Everyone she hires gets sidelined and she phrases announcements to imply she did the work. Sucks to suck.
No. 1273643
File: 1625775521266.png (859.51 KB, 1024x1189, B75DE03C-0044-4E6A-86EF-A97144…)

Oh boy, here we go.
No. 1273645
File: 1625775617905.jpeg (674.29 KB, 2048x2048, 411C3A96-95B5-4578-B894-586DF1…)

No. 1273655
File: 1625777666726.gif (487.05 KB, 500x278, tumblr_lomex5BJvy1qzb34u.gif)

>>1273643Footage of some twitterfag who bought this and tried to use it
No. 1273719
File: 1625785616204.png (1.29 MB, 1024x1326, 75F1E0D9-03EB-40C9-B973-3C3644…)

>shit thats never been done
>just the beginning
when is someone going to report this bitch to the ATF lmao. You need a license to own a taser in multiple states. They are currently banned from civilian ownership in Washington DC, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey to own and sell.
Please tase yourself as demonstration, Aly. We’d love to see it.
No. 1273726
File: 1625787431913.jpeg (657.92 KB, 1125x2434, CD713AED-813B-45BF-86C2-53AF53…)

>>1273719Samefag. She deleted this post above on Instagram.
>>1273695This anon hit the nail on the head. She is preying on women’s fears by selling up marked, Alibaba bullshit.
>>1273661And as this anon mentioned, Wisp has a bulky design that is not ergonomically friendly. Decent in looking cute, but awful “self defense” execution.
No. 1273739
>>1273726>discreet body fluid from all my holes??????
Fucking gross wtf is the point of saying this, just make an onlyfans already
No. 1273748
>>1273686It's just you. A weapon is never a bad idea, if it's high quality and you are trained to use it. You are actually advised to fight opportunistic criminals as much as you can, because you may be deemed as "too much trouble" and abandoned for an easier
victim. A serial killer won't let you live regardless, so you might as well give it all you can during the initial assault. That doesn't mean that you should never try to run, but stunning an attacker with some self defense aid first makes it easier.
Granted, the nature of violence against women is usually IPV, and if you have a gun in your house, you're simply increasing the chance that your cohabiting male will shoot you (and not vice versa) due to nothing but biological differences in aggression levels. And of course her cheap unergonomic aliexpress crap only reduces your chance of survival in opportunistic attacks, because it will simply crap out on you and you will get killed/raped/abducted 5 times over while trying to fetch it from your purse as it falls apart. Simply running beats that.
No. 1273765
>>1273739She lives with her hentai enthusiast of a simp coomer for a boyfriend. His disgusting qualities and habits are now hers too. Just look at
>>1268162 it looks like she doesn’t regularly shower anymore kek.
No. 1273774
>>1273748Having a gun increases chance of homicide when you’re cohabitating with a male because they are deranged. Women get just as angry as men but are better at handling it imo, men who waffle on about biological aggression are just showing how poor their self-control is more than anything. I still think women should arm themselves when possible though. Just don’t let him know you have a gun.
And don’t waste any of your money on retarded mushroom tasers.
No. 1273789
File: 1625794593926.png (1.31 MB, 1024x1665, Screenshot_20210708-211058.png)

>>1273765this was today and she is looking as dirty as ever
No. 1273795
File: 1625795247484.png (3.51 MB, 2016x1656, pleaseshutup.png)

More images from her IG stories.
>ass hanging out
>showing off the robe her suppliers made saying she "made it"
>going on some bravado-filled rant from that serotonin boost from the validation she got from posting her shitty taser on Twitter earlier
No. 1273841
>>1273795what the hell is that robe?? i love robes and own 5 but i can’t see why anyone would buy that? the design is ok at best but the length?? even if it’s meant to be lingerie, it’s basically a cardigan with oversized bell sleeves? i’m convinced that was made strictly for that one photo lol
>>1273645the alarm wisp was somewhat cute and functional because it can pass as a keychain (if they actually work) but this taser is just so large and awkward. i wouldn’t want to pull it out of my bag, ever— even to show a friend lol
No. 1274214
File: 1625867932797.png (209.54 KB, 1024x700, 90F10201-F90E-410C-A3F0-41DDD6…)

>>1273841>>1273843No, I don’t believe the robe is actually that length. It looks like a poor excuse for a thirst trap.
>>1274177kek, no. Her thread on GG is spicy.
No. 1274345
File: 1625885038544.jpeg (288.12 KB, 1242x825, EFFCE9CC-CAB0-47FF-8177-ADB2A6…)

Apparently the head of Mayas Organization (the sexual assault nonprofit that supports Duterte) has tried reaching out to Alythuh multiple times to the point she had to resort to twitter to contact her. Has she potentially backed out of her deal with them after realizing who they politically support?
Aly, Maya called. She’s looking for the ₱30 million you keep bragging about donating.
No. 1274735
File: 1625963259441.jpeg (Spoiler Image,747.32 KB, 1242x1397, 8A3562ED-6CCB-4C1A-B6D7-57A667…)

Still looking disheveled and dirty with nothing to show but her scrawny body and bolt on tits
No. 1274774
File: 1625970469378.jpeg (875.46 KB, 1242x1744, 31D58892-50B6-4EA1-96AE-8890FF…)

>>1274747The bootlicker probably forgot her password to this account kek. Her last Twitter like was around 2017. She also talks that way in English, if you saw her previous Facebook posts shared in the other thread. From what I know about this woman, she loves exploiting her personal tragedies. I wouldn’t doubt that account is her trying to self promote her book under an unrelated tweet.
No. 1275255
File: 1626067581707.png (75.39 KB, 169x275, 1625794593926.png)

Grew up poor. Parents paid for orthodontics and literally throws all the money away that her family supposedly didn't have because iss cute ?
No. 1275745
>>1268704It's always come off to me that she wants to look/be like Snitchery
Seemed like a reach at first but the more time goes on the weirder it seems
No. 1282170
File: 1626935018774.png (405.03 KB, 759x743, 556879h8hgff8754.png)

>when your alibaba "self defense equipment" has a rubber ass
No. 1283678
File: 1627167018054.png (45.18 KB, 741x409, kikifdgcfvhg.png)

if by not straight she means that she'll take softcore pics with another e-thot for the male coombux
No. 1283735
>>1283678At this point I’m ready to gatekeep this shit, even as a bi girl myself.
I’m tired of the straight or gay for pay type of girls who are comfortable pandering to their fan base for extra money but go home to the blandest white bf they can find at the closest servo.
I honestly have more respect towards women in the spotlight who can say they’re straight and comfortable with it without wasting everyone’s time. It’s less insulting imo.
No. 1284284
>>1283678She’s pansexual but she keeps baiting women into dating them. However she’ll still settle for a coomer like her current boyfriend. She’ll easily get jealous and competitive if she dates any pretty woman she claims to want. She’d always want the spotlight on her and another woman is going to hinder that. I just get that vibe from her, because she can choose to date a woman if she wants to. Yet she stills settle for a loser kek
Speaking of being jealous and competitive with women, I noticed something. She’s not as close anymore with that one artist friend of hers who has actual talent.
No. 1284349
>>1283735or just don’t view your sexuality as your whole identity then you won’t feel like you have to “gatekeep” it.
I think queerbaiting is as cringey as the next person, but people get way to worked up about this shit.
No. 1285295
File: 1627393796315.png (2.5 MB, 1983x1192, SueTsai_Alythuh.png)

> She's not a real person. She's never shown anyone who she really is.> All Alyssa is trying to do is piggy back off of someone else.Anon that reminds me of how she's skin walking off of other artists and influencers.
Alyssa has always been skinwalking this one artist named Sue Tsai. The times that Alythuh claimed she was a very acclaimed artist to the point where she had international exhibits and collaborations with brands (Hot Topic, Fenty) remind me of Sue's actual success. Only difference is, Sue's accomplishments are real and she does art for major brands such as Puma, Canon, Apple, etc.
What made me so sure that Alythuh's copying Sue was when she put up the "Alyssa D. Silos Art" logo on her warehouse's white wall. Sue has her own name logo on her studio wall since last year or earlier than that. Alyssa had her name logo around late last year. It becomes so obvious.
Linking photos for reference and dates included:
Sue Tsai: No. 1285302
File: 1627394658317.png (Spoiler Image,4.12 MB, 1781x2000, ValentinaVoight_Alythuh.png)

>>1285295Pt. 2 of Alyssa skin walking other influencers, just cause. kek
Alyssa's been skinwalking Valentina Voight as well.
Voight has released her own lingerie and clothing lines, and just a few months later, Alythuh tweets about making her own clothing line. Even their photoshoots are eerily the same, down to the red fabrics and the photo editing. Valentina's images for her clothing line are around May 2020 and 5 months later Alyssa's femme fatale photoshoot was released. She also started announcing her (unreleased) clothing lines around that time too.
Photos with dates:
Valentina Voight: No. 1285306
File: 1627394927570.png (Spoiler Image,5.04 MB, 2088x2382, ValentinaVoight_Alythuh_2.png)

>>1285302Just more images from Voight's shoots and photos of Alyssa with her clothing line, since I forgot to add it in the collage above kek
Photos with dates:
Voight: No. 1285333
File: 1627397721125.png (6.28 MB, 2162x2368, Snitchery_Alythuh.png)

>>1285306Pt. 3 of Alythuh skinwalking
She also started cosplaying a year or more after Snitchery started doing photos of cosplay that goes beyond her shoulders / upper body. They tend to imitate each other back and forth with the same characters, so sometimes Alythuh gets it first, other times it's Snitchery. But it was so obvious when Snitchery did a Gogo Yubari cosplay and Alythuh did the same weeks later.
Photos with dates:
Snitchery: shared all these comparisons and images to show
that Alythuh has imitated so many artists and influencers for her own branding. Her online persona is a Frankenstein of different influencers. Not only is she embellishing and lying about her life, she's also writing off others' accomplishments as if it were her own.
[I want to also add she tried imitating Bretman Rock's Instagram story where he criticizes majority of the Philippine government for not acting urgently towards the flood last year. Like word for word, with her talking in the stories as if she was reading script kek.] No. 1303282
>>1303151>>1303181this really is complete lmao even my pathetic ass who had read most of her PULL thread already found new stuff in it
kudos to whoever made it, clearly a lot of effort
No. 1303399
File: 1629369119089.png (1.14 MB, 1422x2643, Alythuh Aphobiakills.png)

>>1303181 The deleted threads contain this Deuxmoi comment which is more concise than the google doc. It only covered her scamming, connections with Duterte supporters, and constant lying.
The user Alythuh and her fans harassed on twitter (see the post
>>1078523) also came forward in the replies. They told their story about what Alythuh and fans did to them.
> Alythuh quote-retweeted her photo by saying the two guys were a gay couple working for her> APHOBIAKILLS didn't mention anything about simps at all > Alythuh asks her fans to report APHOBIAKILLS for "misinformation"> Alythuh says they were harassing her when ironically it's the other way around> Alythuh stans harassed them by talking about Alythuh in tweets not even relating to Alyssa> Stans tried hacking their account, sending password change requests, and reporting their account even if they didn't violate any Twitter rules> Stans got APHOBIAKILLS' account suspended because it was reported as a "hacked account"> Stans also harassed other Twitter users who agreed with APHOBIAKILLS> Those other users had less followers, some of them are even minors / were minors at the timeNot surprising that Alythuh and her stans are absolutely pathetic. She is obsessed with reading what others say about her. She's also regularly lurking in forums like here, PULL, and Gossip Gate.
No. 1309444
File: 1630034867735.jpg (935.8 KB, 1275x1322, Mayas Statement.jpg)

Saging since this is in relation to the Duterte supporter Maya, and the milk for Alythuh is out now kek.
Maya and her organization are trying to disclaim any direct association with Duterte. But the organization's website has photos where she attended DDS (Diehard Duterte Supporters, like the MAGA of the Philippines). Some of these "meetings" are just DDS meetups as seen in her Facebook. I'll attach another image for proof.
If they truly weren't associated with any political affiliation, then why is there a lack of other politicians who have actually done shit to help victims? That's another thing I've been asking because the politicians who are actively working on ending CSE are from other political parties that don't care / oppose Duterte's bullshit.
No. 1309446
File: 1630035533644.jpg (1.88 MB, 3442x2334, Maya HK Meeting gallery.jpg)

>>1309444The "meeting" in question
No. 1309447
File: 1630035849360.jpg (854.83 KB, 1000x1507, Maya with DDS figures.jpg)

>>1309444First photo: The woman beside Maya is Mocha Uson, the Philippines' very own Tomi Lahren. Heavily responsible for the political misinformation in the country. photo: Gemma Sotto, the DDS "President". Glorified fan club president for Duterte.
How can this woman not see how her statement is bullshit when she affiliates with very political people? She's a whole damn ass clown kek.
Way to go for promoting this phony advocate, Alythuh.
No. 1352886
File: 1634819010514.jpg (817.16 KB, 1080x2070, Screenshot_20211019-141252_Twi…)

I noticed she times her posts so that whenever people are complaining about not receiving/being unhappy with their orders on Twitter- she buries them by posting sexually provocative photos to distract others from seeing them
No. 1352890
File: 1634819459720.jpg (696.13 KB, 1080x2069, Screenshot_20211021-022626_Twi…)

again before posting her new lingerie pics. ignores customers but still promoting a new "launch" on Oct 26.
No. 1353336
>>1352886She's really just getting the whole tiddy out on Twitter now, huh
The person replying is asking too much, playboy is an aesthetic and Alythuh-tier posters only care about that.
No. 1353341
File: 1634863822187.jpg (555.62 KB, 1536x2048, FCKLahpVgAABv2p.jpg)

One of her new products. My rape alarm is covered in hearts, what about yours?
The color scheme and heart motif are completely out of touch for a fuckin' rape alarm what you doin, gurl. It looks like a valentine's keyring.
No. 1353342
File: 1634863980011.jpg (511.17 KB, 1536x2048, FCKLahnVUAATL-I.jpg)

>>1353341>press heart to activate taser Jesus wept.
No. 1353346
File: 1634864397244.jpg (466.83 KB, 2048x1614, FCKQTx8UcAwcMQX.jpg)

A little cow alarm actually called "Valentine"…
No. 1354093
>>1353716The Valentines-esque love theme seems tasteless considering these are
rape alarms. These things have little butts too. I get the feeling Alythuh has never been sexually assaulted or she'd understand why this seems odd and tasteless.
Plus what this anon said.
>>1353773 You can get more ergonomic tasers and alarms for cheaper that aren't cheap Aliexpress tat.
Her mini knives are known to break on people and only be good as letteropeners, it's very much form over function here.
No. 1354660
File: 1635052124203.jpg (659.81 KB, 1080x1688, Screenshot_20211023-150419_Twi…)

odd how aly doesn't tag val in the original post photos. 17.6 likes on the original and 354 on the actual credit to valentinavoight…
No. 1354776
File: 1635073938103.jpg (391.86 KB, 1080x1274, Screenshot_20211024-001734_Twi…)

this comment…. is sending me.. LMFAO whoever edited this did them wrong
No. 1354780
File: 1635074365646.jpg (986.3 KB, 1080x2154, Screenshot_20211023-150614_Twi…)

seriously who edited and approved this
No. 1354781
File: 1635074424106.jpg (207.16 KB, 1051x867, Screenshot_20211024-011720_Sam…)

No. 1354798
>>1353716It's misleading, for starters. None of this garbage is going to protect you from the group you're most likely to be assaulted by: friends and family. Marketing shit like this so extensively overstates the risk of being snatched up by some random on the street and draws attention away from the actual source of the problem.
Next, none of this is designed with practicality in mind, so it doesn't really "work." These puny knives made of plastic and aluminum aren't doing dick against a violent attacker. If you really want to protect yourself, get an actual weapon like a taser or mace. Maybe even a handgun if you live in the United States.
Alyssa doesn't give a shit about assault, she just wants to look like a ~tough edgy feminist~ and make money while doing it.
>>1354780How did she manage to fuck this up? Even if you suck at spelling, you can just Google the phrase and copy/paste the title of the Wikipedia article into the text tool.
No. 1354893
>>1354798A house key or even a freaking ballpoint pen is a more reliable weapon than this cheap, sweatshop-assembled crap, but I guess Bic pens aren't ~
A E S T H E T I C ~
No. 1421952
File: 1642637465171.png (182.04 KB, 1192x1124, Alythuh dogpiling 1.png)

Aaaaaand Alythuh is back to dogpiling again! When the Reddit thread outed her true colors she kept quiet then started becoming one of the woowoo cottagecore egirls who talk about "healing their inner child~". It only took one random person to @ her and now she's back to dog piling on randoms who don't kiss her ass. She didn't learn much from what she did to APHOBIAKILLS lol
No. 1421961
File: 1642638219663.png (141.83 KB, 1174x580, Alythuh dogpiling 2.png)

>>1421952She must be so
triggered by people not licking her ass. Her trauma post on Instagram that says she "changed" is all for pity. Like the month before that so many people called her out for scamming, not properly crediting artists, harassing small users with mass reports, and everything in the google doc. She never addressed those and instead played the
victim kek
No. 1421969
File: 1642638518602.jpg (1.46 MB, 1242x3898, Alythuhs Bullshit photoshoot.j…)

>>1421961The "trauma" photoshoot I mentioned. Her playing "
victim" after the Reddit thread exposed her
>>1303399 No. 1423133
File: 1642779028750.jpeg (932.27 KB, 828x1271, 070402DC-1F4F-42AE-BDAD-7CA881…)

New tiktok illustrating a full time artist’s day:
- wake up at 5AM (the girlboss hour)
- don’t go on your phone immediately after waking up, that’s bad for your mental health. Instead go on your Nintendo switch,
- skincare self care yass
- “start writing things in planner to do”
- more skincare; marinate yourself in no fewer than four high end skincare products, purchased with your hard earned artist bucks
- snuggle kittens
- meditate in front of the floor to ceiling windows in your penthouse apartment
- “world build” for your universe of tazers. make sure vintage typewriter & healing crystals are in reach
- Go to Home Depot to buy one shelf for your large empty warehouse
- Go to “the office”
- Gratitude journal & webtoons
No. 1423366
File: 1642799340998.jpg (99.57 KB, 635x583, 1635376719326.jpg)

>>1423133“world build” for your universe of tazers
No. 1425932
File: 1643073918867.png (29.65 KB, 605x240, Screenshot 2022-01-24 172146.p…)

It does not surprise me that she commented like this. For context, there's a festival called When We Were Young that are primarily featuring emo bands. I love how she says this despite the fact both days of the event sold out on the 21st. So either she payed scalpers double or she paid extra being on the waitlist yet she's all high and mighty? for what boo? you wasted more money lol anything to feel high and mighty over people when she is super insecure
No. 1429048
File: 1643348167349.jpeg (1.97 MB, 2160x6111, FA60DE87-4D99-4D11-AD8A-94D953…)

looks like alythuh is following her supposed friend valkyrae’s ex-boyfriend sonii and he commented on alythuh’s recent insta post. valkyrae and sonii had broken up only a few weeks before. I know it’s not too milky but it is kinda sus for a supposed “friend” and makes me wonder if she would even have the morals to not sleep with a friend’s recent ex should the opportunity arise
No. 1439163
>>1429048Look at her hands in this photo, another shitty photoshop job along all her other images, I wonder what the original photo looked like.
I searched alythuh on Twitter yesterday and saw some now-deleted Tweets, people waiting for items since October. Caps coming up…
No. 1439165
File: 1644451067333.png (693.08 KB, 1440x1388, alythuh1.png)

>>1439163Someone capped some deleted posts from customers. I wonder if aly's customer service account requests they delete their requests? It seems strange for both these and the next posters to delete.
No. 1439166
File: 1644451207300.png (408.79 KB, 1440x1587, alythuh2.png)

>>1439165Dropping the sage since this thread hasn't been bumped for a while. So both the last screenshots someone posted and these Tweets were deleted, aly on damage control for sure
No. 1515675
File: 1651277650071.jpeg (415.18 KB, 2048x1058, Alythuh AriaSaki birthday.jpeg)

It's not new that Alythuh photoshops her face heavily, but there's a new photo of her posted by another person (AriaSaki)
No. 1515679
File: 1651277801059.jpeg (490.84 KB, 2048x1297, Alythuh AriaSaki birthday…)

>>1515675She's the chick on the left with the mustard yellow / green sweater. The anons calling her auntie here are definitely right, she looks like one kek
No. 1557548
File: 1654980593656.jpeg (660 KB, 828x1282, 7EFD4EC0-840E-44C9-8F74-BCA27A…)

Alythuh has made another “day in the life of a full time artist” video that’s once again 90% uwu Self Care content
you have to respect her dedication to the grift- I mean, uh, grind
No. 1580094
File: 1656929069930.png (396.91 KB, 592x511, alythuh.PNG)

No real milk but I'm really curious how did Alyssa manage to get from not being able to produce self defense items that wouldn't fall apart to making gaming chairs, curious how that is gonna go
No. 1784130
File: 1678175665299.png (1.21 MB, 1196x1340, Alythuh 2023 Scamming 1.png)

So she's still grifting people in 2023…
No. 1784132
File: 1678175791829.png (185.31 KB, 1200x632, Alythuh 2023 Scamming 2.png)

>>1784130Her products are under a brand called "Tiny Protectors" now but the service and scamming is still the same
No. 1784152
>>1694965The she phrases posts as if she made it when it was the factory workers, like show me the video of you handmaking that chair alythuh. Cheap clickbait which diminishes the work of the actual designers and producers. Paying people to fabricate an object doesn't mean you made it.
>>1694965Her entire brand in nutshell, she hires people to do the design mockups too and the illustrations on her packaging. I think it's fine to manage a business and hire artists as long as you don't keep writing "I made/I'm making" in every single caption.
>>1784130Wow this is scammy. Even if you fucked up and undercharged for postage, it's up to the seller to eat the cost and fix it next time, not demand extra payment like this
>>1784139This is so unprofessional, wanting to know the order sum rather than the # is so weird, and then demand more money for no reason, what kinda backstreet shambles is this
No. 1784157
File: 1678178413624.png (338.75 KB, 1440x1553, hacked.png)

>>1784137I WaS HacKed claim from Alythuh
No. 1785290
>>1784130ehh those messages read very retard ESL scammer, I have a feeling that someone actually probably did hack her google voice. she probably had a weak password or something.
cringe but unsurprising that Alyssa didn't apologize or offer this person a solution for their order problem upon seeing the screenshots