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The Lolcow Awards 2024 are finally out!

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No. 2063797[Reply]

Does anyone remember Ember Whann? She pretended to have anorexia and harassed and stalked various tumblr individuals for years. I just found her new fb. I won’t dox, but wanted to share lol. Seems like she hasn’t changed her ways. Sad.
Anyone remember those days??
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No. 2063825

What the fuck is it that possesses these retards to selfpost anyway? Mental illness?? There is no good god damn reason to want your face on a snarky image board like LCF.

No. 2063832

She was definitely posted her by venomous haters that wanted to destroy her illustrious reputation, unfortunately for them, everyone here quickly realized that Ember is not a lolcow, but instead we realized that she is a beacon of grace in an inhospitable and ruinous world, ravaged by discord and unhappiness. Unlike those haters, we can clearly see that Ember, who is one of the most beautiful people to have ever been posted on this website in the history of this website, is not a criminal, she is instead a victim of a decade long smear campaign against her, orchestrated by an army of rabid and ravenous haters. Do you hear that, trolls? Everyone on this website stands with Ember against you: she is not only gorgeous, talented, beautiful, intelligent, kind, charitable, funny, gorgeous, empathetic, and loving - she is love incarnate. I ROFLed and LOLed when I saw this post, because immediately I knew that this must be some kind of sick prank - or a twisted joke - how could someone so beautiful, kind, and loving be posted here? This is the work of a dedicated group of individuals that want to destroy beauty in all forms, not only in the physical spatial realm, but also in the pure realm of ideas - because Ember is so perfect in nearly every way, while still remaining humble and always wanting to give back to the community - she was the first target. She is one of the strongest and bravest women in the world, as she has faced an endless catalog of atrocities committed against her by the haters, the trolls, and others, united by their loathing of perfection. Here's a challenge for you haters - try to find one thing wrong with Ember, you can't - her body proportions are remarkably harmonious, her face is naturally glowing with Aphrodite-like beauty, her mind is overfilling with kindness, hospitality, charity, and love, her voice is like cold water after a walk in the endless desert, her beauty is like the setting rays of the August sun, beckoning the flowers to bloom in her presence. Thankfully, everyone realizes that Ember is truly a wonderful person, so this hate campaign that haters started against her to spread their hate won't work.

No. 2063833

She seriously thought "my fit is too fire to be ignored I HAVE to go selfpost to the girlies at lolcow, I need to be seen"

No. 2063835

And it's not even fire!! Kek it's lukewarm at best!

No. 2063837

You're right, her fit is fire. I've never seen someone so fashionable and stylish before, yet so down-to-earth and calmly collected - even runway models like Bella Hadid or Kendall Jenner have that anxious, mousy look to them, that Ember doesn't have. It's so clear that Ember could have been a top model, perhaps on the same level as Cindy Crawford or Marilyn Monroe, had it not been for her intense desire to complete charitable works, which is her true goal in life. She definitely would have become a famous actress, just like Cate Blanchett, but instead she would prefer to stay humble, and to always remember where she came from, and so instead of embracing the worldly pursuit of money, she most likely stays local - helping the needy and the afflicted through affirmative actions like charity work, including and not limited to fundraising, volunteering at soup kitchens, joining the elderly at assisted living facilities to enthrall them with short productions featuring her lyrical and musical talent, and other good works - something that most people can't say they've done, but Ember isn't like most people, she's something more - her personality is just as angelic and refined as her appearance, just as glowing - and like a firefly on those hot humid June nights, Ember lights up the dark world around us and reminds us all that love is eternal, and that as long as we act with love and care to others, wars can finally end, and so too can global issues like food scarcity, government corruption, wars, and other issues.

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No. 1047615[Reply]

Brand new thread for cringe Australian cows. We all know the quality of Australian beef. Originally mentioned in the egirl thread >>/snow/1005403.
Anything from ewhores, scammers, skinwalkers, BPDfags, pedos or all just around problematic- post your Australian milk here.
Cows briefly mentioned in the egirl thread, also a few more mentioned throughout all boards.
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No. 1990195

Brooke/lilith/luna “whatever her name is” dint you have better things to do like copying another one of Abbie’s * tattoos? Doesn’t seem like you hate her to me

No. 2058703

Koma killed herself lmfao

No. 2063683

proof lol?(sage your shit)

No. 2063744

is there any milk on dramakween (the aussie goth commentary youtuber)? I really hope not bc I honestly love her, but justttt curious(spoonfeeding request)

No. 2063757

She genuinely seems to be harmless, it seems like despite being called dramakween she just stays in her lane.

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No. 2063129[Reply]

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2121106

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
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No. 2063146

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No. 2063419

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Trannies who fetishise motherhood are particularly gross.

No. 2063427

Nonnie that's the name of a band.

No. 2063435

No. 2063475

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I am fucking MALDING! No1curr but i loved this band since i was birched. For some reason in 2020, this band blew up on tiktok with gender specials(the xe/xim knife gender type..) and now it's associated with annoying furries, troons and Gendies and it's embarrassing.
Seeing the band name on this disgusting fetish art is really vomiteering. I wonder how the band members feel knowing their fanbase consist of trannies and furries and that this will forever be their legacy. I would rope if i were them. Wished they never touched tiktok.(blogposting)

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No. 2063278[Reply]

Context: Dorian Bridges/Jenn Bridges/OfHerbsAndAltars/n0thing is a goth, pro-ana adjacent Youtuber who lives with her parents at the age of 39, makes a lot of ED content especially about Eugenia Cooney, has been addicted to just about every drug, goes back and forth between woke morality policing (you can be anorexic even when obese! cyberbullying is murder!) and justifying questionable/gross behavior (she bodychecked in many videos during her relapse, romanticizes her early anorexic days, makes excuses for the predatory behavior of people around her when she was a minor, etc.), and oh yeah, attributes many of her problems to being preyed on by "energy vampires"

Dorian (@ofherbsandaltars) • Instagram photos and videos

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ofherbsandaltars/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ofherbsandaltars

Anyway I saw Dorian claim in one of her videos that she used to be skinnier than Eugenia Cooney and she's mentioned that there are still photos of her at that weight out there. Does anyone know if this is true?(shit thread)

No. 2063287

Just post about her in altcows if you want to talk about her, she doesn't do enough to warrant her own thread.

No. 2063324

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God, I remember watching her video about going into a psych ward/mental hospital after exaggerating her symptoms. She promptly ran back home after a few hours when she found out that the place was for people with actual mental problems kekw
She romanticizes the hell out of anorexia, dressing it all up in this flowery, dramatic tone and turning it into a mysterious secret society for troubled individuals with deep souls. I think she deserves a thread.

No. 2063326

Can anyone elaborate on the "energy vampires"? What the actual fuck does it mean

No. 2063414

She’s already in alt cows and isn’t even that bad, she’s a lot more interesting than the others on there content wise and is clearly just going through it

No. 2063447

Surprised this shit, necessary thread isn’t locked. I hate this attention seeking weirdo. Her old ass digital camera almost nudes have been posted around here and/or KF but it’s down right now before and she was nowhere near as thin as Eugenia. She was clearly underweight but nothing like she wants people to believe. Her stories of pro ana buffet B/P meetups are also completely made up. That was the type of thing people used to fantasize about WANTING to do on old ED forums and even into the early days of MPA but they never (and meetups in general) ever actually happened. The nature of eating disorders pretty much makes the sufferer asocial and secretive, it’s not some communal social behavior. She’s a total fantasist and should not be believed or trusted about anything. Always be wary of people who deliberately position themselves as authorities because chances are they’re full of shit.

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No. 2056155[Reply]

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2121106

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
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No. 2063203

If you're not good enough at making me happy I'm gonna kill myself, is that a red flag?

No. 2063214

Acting as if women with small breasts are less women than fucking males with dick and balls kek. The condescending tone is annoying too, it’s such a man way to speak. TIMs alway speak as if no one ever told them that they’re inappropriate or moronic kek.

No. 2063232

It's the ape proportions. Always clocks them no matter what.

No. 2063276

I see. He's the "I'm aware of the way men oppress women but I don't want to examine and change my behavior, much less the behavior of other men so I will transition to escape accountability" kind of male feminist.

No. 2063308

I have an ass like that and I can confirm I am suicidal 24/7 because of it kek.(no1currs)

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No. 1387114[Reply]

SJW e-artist thread #2
A thread intended for gender-special artists that harass anyone morally inferior. Typically known as grifters who are terminally online.

Previous Thread: >>>/snow/1220062

Jessica Ortiz / Jay / succulentbud / joulejay / juckedj
>Notably known as a filipino-hispanic artist that harass anyone that is remotely problematic.
>Some how accumulated thousands of followers harassing people and demanding money for emotional labor. >>1221350 >>1221684
>Made shitty emojis that everyone keeps using on twitter.
>Previously known as DestinytoMoon / Ivy's girlfriend
>Ivy was outted for race faking and harassing smaller artists
>Jay buckled down and defended her e-gf >>1220675
>Ivy ghosts Jay as Jay spirals out of control. Jay is institutionalized >>1225231 >>1235570
>Even when Ivy considered herself as single, Jay's last messages were defending her. >>1247218
>Currently MIA. Most of her friends have distanced themselves from her.
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No. 2023422

Go back

No. 2063105

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So Alex cum_binary (coolestegg.art on insta) is in hot water on twitter again, this time for calling out and making a doc on another artist, @mwilkberry, for art copying. Alex is 26 and mwilkberry’s 19, but has been keeping tabs on mwilkberry since she was 17. People are pointing out while mwilkberry was probably inspired by her, Alex isn’t original herself and she can’t exactly claim things like details already in official art.

Longer threads: https://twitter.com/vwenties/status/1862276858949075283
Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G1SrNTYPKbt51_BT0xW6xzVeCr8D315RaHL8m7I-Wk0/edit?usp=sharing

No. 2063136

Artists who get mad about people copying their style and especially when there’s an age difference like this are the biggest pussies alive and would not survive the winter. Only fucking babies get offended over shit like this. You can’t just take the compliment that someone is inspired by you and that you’re a crutch for a very important part of their journey in art development. You have to get an ego about it and shit on the kid who looks up to you. Unreal I hope they continue to copy her art style, not her shitty personality tho that can go on the trash can

No. 2063497

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Kek the mermaid one she used as an example is literally also based on the splash art, straight down to the shape of that bubble that she was convinced was copied. Literally touch grass

No. 2067924

> Alterego/genkibutch
>another artist that suffers DID

The fuck she does not. Funfact: I knew this girl throughout middle school + high school. Idk what she’s up to now (besides being rotund) but I can say a few things for certain:

> She does not have DID. The DID thing is a complete larp. She started it on tumblr around 2013/2014 when it was popular. She was just like any other idiot faking it, making side blogs and twitter accounts for her ‘alters’ and posting cringe. She has to double down because it would look bad otherwise

> She is a notorious liar and shit starter. I want to say I think the worst thing she’s lied about (besides DID + her family being abusive) was being #gangraped by a group of kids in her home classroom.#
> larped coming from an abusive broken home life as well to fit in with tumblr cool kids. Her family is actually very well off and takes care of her, to be the point where she had a lot more privileges than most kids her age. The idea that she sustained childhood abuse so severe that she developed alters is fucking stupid.
> I cannot stress how fucking massive this fat bitch is.
She is essentially just another stupid fat black bitch lying about everything for attention, which I’m sure everybody already knew. I was shocked to find out she’s still bitching about ‘muh representation’ after all these years.

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No. 1391941[Reply]

>What is a femboy?
They are he/him trannies, basically. Some are regular anorexic twinks but most inject estrogen or T-blockers in an attempt to look like women, and sometimes they will even get tranny-related surgeries.

>What makes them cow material?

In recent years, part of what it means to be a member of the femboy clan is adopting Nazi politics. They are shamelessly racist, misogynistic, and homophobic of lesbians, frequently getting banned from platforms like Twitter for their hatefulness. They also tend to suffer autism and many are former incels.

Femboys created tired-out memes like Femboy Hooters and the "Doomer Boy" Wojak which they all worship and strive to be. For some reason they really like Ikea sharks.

Tell a femboy he is no different from a MTF troon and prepare for autistic screeching. They hold a sense of superiority over regular trannies because they don't call themselves women, but they still share the fetishistic (read: AGP) creepiness of the average troon.

Closeted gay and bisexual scrotes all across the web are obsessed with these freaks, frequently screaming that it's not gay to fuck a man just because he has soft skin and gynecomastia.

>What is a boymoder?

A boymoder is basically the same shit as a femboy, except they are honest about the fact that their goal is to fully troon out. Boy moders have a fetish for being called women while they make zero attempt to look like one. They will dress in hoodies and jeans and have long hair and wear female underwear underneath. They take HRT and fully intend to troon out "once they pass". They get boners when being told that they can not conceal how girls and femme they are while yelling "UUGGHH YOU DUMMY! I AM A BOY!". Basically tsundere trannies.

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No. 2077622

oh my fucking god. whose sleep paralysis demon is this

No. 2077623

saw this on the homepage and got jumpscared, holy shit

No. 2077624

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His bio says fashion model

No. 2077625

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How is he doing this

No. 2077626

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Okay that's all, thank you.

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No. 2032879[Reply]

This thread concerns creators, artists, voice actors and others who work or are connected to the modern Western American animation and comics industry, filled with cows, hacks, groomers, woketards and self inserters who all know each other and/or have dated.

previous thread: >>1992015

leaked pitch bible for a recess reboot where Gus becomes a tranny >>1999673
Discussion about Black Gryph0n, the brony musician who groomed Sweetie Bells VA, starts here >>2005666
cringe gendie cartoon pitch >>2010810
Kyle Carroza, creator of magic magiswords, is arrested for possesion of child pornography >>2014474
aang responding to the news >>2015336
Raya rodriguez, creator of high guardian spice, drew a short comic about her experiences dealing with the failure of her show >>2016709
they turned poof into a tumblr sexy man >>2018531
brujo ari is making a cartoon about her ex-TIF Kakyoin and Jotaro ocs >>2022683
happylikeawall comes to the threads to sperg >>2024257
creator of bee and puppy cat calls out saberspark >>2025301
LS mark's pilot is out >>2032266
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No. 2064911

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Kyle Carrozza's final sentencing

No. 2064961

>in the women’s locker room

At least they know it’s always women that identify as enbies kek

No. 2065935

I ship both of the twinks with the beefy guy

No. 2066126

Old and sorta(ish?) off topic but i hate the Jayvick shipping thing. I literally am not seeing any romantic tension between the two. I felt this way about cait and vi to but i wont derail anymore.

No. 2069197

>1 of 2 female characters is just wearing a leotard


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No. 28583[Reply]

Can we get an Sally and Ally thread going? Recently saw them mentioned in a previous thread, I'd like to know more if anyone has anything interesting to talk about.
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No. 2058626

I like how a bunch of this thread is just retards having no milk and going "omg they like eroge!" solely because you people don't understand there's all ages versions of eroge with no sexual content and shit like Fate/Stay night is technically an eroge. It's not that much different from watching anime or something like game of thrones that has random sex scenes sprinkled in so clutching pearls over it is funny.

No. 2058752


No. 2059727

does it make you people mad to see "lolcows" posted here become insanely successful and adored?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2060074

realistically the person who made this thread almost a decade ago and the commenters are probably 30+ and no longer active on this site at this point so I don’t think they care. Also the thread was dead as of 7 years ago so I don’t think they cared even then.

No. 2061177

Tbh incest baiting anime coomers are a dime and dozen now and they have to be one of the most spoiled milk cows out there remember these are 30+ old sisters pretending to having sex with each other while shouting bau bau like speds how could anyone not be jealous of them? Kek

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No. 157009[Reply]

Boxxy stalker general thread. Unichan/Catiechan fags get in here.
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No. 157135

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Oh man I remember the Boxxy stalker days
Including the "water retention" thing when people were bringing up her weight. I sort of miss those days.

No. 1533412

Any unichanners still alive?(necro)

No. 1534524


No. 1932567


No. 2061007

janny gonna be steaming

but yes shout outs to my ogs(necro)

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