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No. 1057353[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/903707

stwawbwewymilk/aggy/matt Is a transwoman "indie" comic artist that is known for drawing CP and incest, drinking his own piss, wearing diapers, and tweeting degenerate takes such as “it’s impossible for a trans woman to be a pedophile”, and “fucking in public in front of children is OK”. When met with any criticism, his army of orbiters swoop in to protect their mentally ill traumatized incest loving pedophile queen.

Background milk:
>speaks in baby talk, calls himself a “stupid little girl”
>made up a trauma narrative to justify drawing little kids being pissed on and fucked
>if you criticize him it means you hate trans women, bigot
> is friend of fellow Troon and child groomer four lung >>743790
> steals stuffed animals and tamagotchis claiming "I'm literally so poor and broke I need to steal to survive check your privilege" >>903332

>has started camming, >>1011296 drinks own piss out of wine glass live
>his likes are full of child/animal bestiality porn >>1027140 >>1031373
>jokes about child grooming >>1007013
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No. 2005862

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People are paying for this

No. 2005933

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Selling hardcore loli piss porn as well
Please, regardless of your thoughts on the trans shit, acknowledge that Aggy has literally admitted to being an AGP >>1009047

No. 2006589

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This is not worth 7 dollars(sage your shit)

No. 2012451

Was aggy’s account on Instagram removed? I can’t find it at the dress.up.play.time username. I hope they deleted it - inexcusable child porn tbh.

No. 2012521

Not sure but I hope it was. More than likely this will be short lived and there will be a new acc on Twitter or Instagram sooner or later

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No. 2006507[Reply]

Subject Name: Lux Operon

There is this on going drama on bluesky that has been going on for over a month involving a furry.

https://bsky.app/profile/luxoperon.bsky.social(shit thread)

No. 2006513

who cares? yiff in hell

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No. 1303332[Reply]

ISABELLA LORETTA JANKE was involved in attempting to cause Christian Weston Chandler to end his own life, to extort money from him and encouraged him into raping his mother. She was the person Chris is talking to in the tapes in which he admits to having sex with his mother.

She has already been involved, on the Texas Tech Campus, in allegedly causing the suicide of another student and appears to have a wide track record of sociopathic behavior and involvement in a variety of illegal and disturbing acts including abusing animals, vandalism and selling prescription medications.

It seems that the call may have been recorded and retained for blackmail purposes and then when shared by another Chris orbiter who leaked it out of panic, Bella went into damage control mode spinning off the saga that we have today.


Bella / Simon918 / NP2348 / redpilled single dad / Nobodysbusiness77897 / 10anon / Kelly Osborn
>Self-describes as "4chan lonely dweller who can't get along with another bitchy girls".
>Doesn't shower and has fungal infections all over her body.
>Has a charge in New York currently for illegal possession of weapons.

Louis / louize / jordanloveboat
>Her no. 1 simp, Chess Club member.
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No. 1970583


No. 1998459

Hot, yall prudes(unsaged retard)

No. 1998543

this reads like a predator's bait profile

No. 2006422

Shes claiming to be Middle Eastern? I’m fairly certain both her parents are white

No. 2006541

I thought she was half hispanic, half white, but she's definitely not middle eastern

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No. 1459128[Reply]

Katya Sparrow is a 23 year old nonbinary girl and wannabe model from Surrey who built a following for posting thirst traps and then got cancelled on TikTok for faking being half-Chinese, including badly photoshopping dna test results and posting pictures of unrelated asian children that she stole from the internet. Before rising to TikTok ethot fame, she was a Hannibal fanfic writer who killed rabbits to emulate Hannibal Lecter and posted pictures of their corpses for the "aesthetic". She wrote a detailed Wattpad fanfiction about herself allegedly being raped as a child, claimed she survived a serial killer, and doxxed her own mother. Currently she still insists she is 50% Han Chinese and 50% native Siberian and fights with people on TikTok on a regular basis.

>her age is unknown because she has claimed to be 19, 21, and other ages at the same time and has posted “passport photos” with different birth years

>posts graphic self harm and pictures of herself in hospital on her Insta story
>google translates Chinese and claims to speak it, stole pictures of asian children from google images and passed them off as herself, her brother and her parents
>posted obviously edited 23andme results and told people to kill themselves for pointing out how fake they looked
>an old modeling profile of hers surfaced where her race is listed as caucasian/white, not asian
>another thing that got uncovered was instagram posts she had made on an old account @sparrowkatya where she posted pictures of herself with dead rabbits, admitted to torturing/killing animals and justified it by saying “aesthetics above ethics”
>had a hannibal fan account @psychoticcannibal where she posts underage hannibal smut fics
>also has a wattpad @katyasparrow where she posts more hannibal smut, but also keeps a mental health journal there in which she has this bizarre “trauma narrative” à la soren. she has this uncomfortably detailed story that reads like a fanfiction about her supposedly being kidnapped and raped in indonesia as a child
>later she edited the story to say she survived a serial killer who killed a bunch of kids after her. she made a tiktok joking about how she survived a serial kilPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1479033

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katya attended an irl autopsy and photographed the body to put on her spam account. weird bitch

No. 1479035

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No. 1479039

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also the callout account emailed katya’s college about her poor behavior and autistically sperged out at them for not expelling her

No. 1485094

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mfw this cow got boring right after i made a thread

No. 1517845

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tinfoil maybe but i think she misses the attention and is trying to lure us back into talking about her. either that or she just lacks self awareness as a whole.

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No. 351350[Reply]

Typical DDLG/ABDL instagrammer.
I've been actually following them since…November or so? And ever since then, there's always been drama. I'll list a few that I've seen since then:
Jessi getting arrested for marijuana possession and her husband posting on GoFundMe for the bail money.
Her fellow ddlg friends 'turning on her' whilst she posts all about it, even her followers tell her to get the fuck off of social media for her own well being.
Her begging for money and harassing people to buy her stuff on her amazon wishlist.
Her developing anorexia and posting crying videos of her begging for the money and such.
Her husband kicking her out of the house, then the next hour they made up, but during that, she was posting videos of her crying and once again, begging for money.

Her DDLG friend even made a post once about how her husband is manipulative and abusive, and spends their money on drugs and weed 24/7.

Idk if this is worth posting but she does cause plenty of drama for her followers, all 28k+ of them. All she does is contradict herself. Keep an eye on this cow.
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No. 1947167

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No. 1947168

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No. 1947169

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So she’s now trying to make some name for herself with her “domestic violence” experience, yet back when people were concerned she said they were all stupid for thinking Nick would abuse her.

No. 1947170

I really dont think this merits necro posting. The thread is dead anon.

No. 1947241

The thread may be dead, but I'm glad to know she's still using nick as pity points. He was way to good for her, and she stole him from this world.(learn to sage)

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No. 1751066[Reply]

Waster aka Joseph Bailey Keenan is a 28 year old, 'terminally online' Discord user and self proclaimed pedophile, who goes by the name 'Waster' on Discord /r9k/ chatrooms.

-Admits to jerking off with tweens on Omegle, as young as 15

-Thinks he is better than everyone even though he is subhuman

-Shills himself on /r9k/ constantly, riding out the very last piece of clout he has

-Was on a Vice documentary for being an ''incel'', lost his virginity to his 48 year old MILF hairdresser recently

-Claims to be a tween himself, even though he is old as fuck close to 30 years old

-Many piss bottles in his room, he finds this impressive and has to flaunt it to his paki admirers

-Uses people for his own gain constantly, claims his meth use is an excuse for his behaviour
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No. 1991320

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https://endchan.org/agatha2/3.html(not saged wrong thread)

No. 1991324

this is waster's thread, keep the pedophile e-drama in sosa's

No. 1991427

are u a retard? can u see who the fuck you are replying to LOL

No. 2006248


is that still his discord username?(read the rules before posting at lolcow.farm/info)

No. 2006298

retard wants wasters tag lol, go join any shithole soc server and you’ll find him in minutes

No. 2005540[Reply]

A ridiculous chronically online community of self proclaimed narcissists and sociopaths who love attention, being racist and playing the victim. several admitted “past” nazis, current racists and racist/abuse apologists exist on “cluster b tiktok.” These losers sit around and cultivate false identities to make up for their shit pathetic lives at home and make excuse’s for their terrible behaviour.

The Nameless Narcissist/Walking the Borderline/Theborderpolarbarbie Drama
The Nameless Narcissist is a diagnosed narcissist known on various platforms for his accounts of how he experiences narcissism and how it affects people in his lives. In May of 2023 he began dating Walking the Borderline, WTB is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. TNN and WTB were together for a few months but their relationship eventually blew up and he threatened to release her nudes, she went to local police but they did nothing so she took to social media to expose him, making this reddit post

>She further exposed him with tiktok where she met theborderpolarbarbie, who was also a borderline woman victimized by TNN, TBPB and WTB quickly became close friends bonding over shared trauma and interests.

>TBPB also expressed her story about TNN and how he was both abusive to her, slandered her and made racist remarks in front of her
>A borderline creator Carnvialgyal took to her platform to call out TNN for his abuse
>TNN responded with racism, threats and doubled down on his bigotry

>He continued to evade accountability and mass report Carnivalgyal until he eventually agreed to do a live on large creator Kingjeantys platform (it was not recorded)

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No. 2005543

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No. 2005546

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she got this done in iran during the regime at only 18. she quite literally ruined her own life

No. 2005554

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No. 2005555

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this man was ready to go to war for an infamous pedophile on a “hunch” one of the victims lied, he denies this but the proof is all over social media

No. 2005573

While the OP was littered with newfaggotry, we think the thread is well-researched and could be interesting, so we've tidied it up and are leaving it open. Future OPs must follow the standard that is expected on /snow/ or they will be locked.

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No. 1942859[Reply]

For all the attention seekers, grifters and other assorted idiots in the alternative community

Most recent cows:
-ToxicTears (Kaya), veteran youtuber, one of the OG "goths", used to get hundreds of thousands of views but her channel has dwindled, now she constantly makes excuses not to film and when she does it's usually an unboxing or a Q&A or GRWM. Has been pretty active on TikTok lately
-Jude Bishop, OF thot and ddlg pedo-pandering pickme who is also "goth", has her own thread but crosses over here too, publicly thirsts for Jake
-ItsBlackFriday (Freyja), goth youtuber, country hopper, terrible planner.
-Psychara, witchy instagoth who fries her hair
-Of Herbs and Altars (Dorian), goth youtuber who does videos on her ana and drugs past (now published about it too), believes she can fuck ghosts
-Adora BatBrat, instagoth who likes posting provocative stuff for shock value
-Ruadhan, youtuber, rambling shit stirrer

…and other cows who are discussed but not necessarily producing significant or frequent milk.

Previous thread:
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No. 2005317

This pic was insane…wasn’t this when she drove across NZ to get her other hoard? Also with only Monty tagging along? And it was insane to me because the baby is clearly buckled in wrong and her posing with the thumbs up was just kek!

No. 2005350

>has a massive hoard in britbong she can’t sort out
>partner complaining about her continuing to stuff their house full of shit
>house looks like a white trash dump
>dragging her sick daughter around cause baby=clicks
>still keeps shopping anyway
>admits to being broke, living off one income and a half…the half being her’s which goes straight back to the shops
>”well at least it’s second hand!”

No. 2005470

Grosses me out that she's giving her sick daughter stuffed animals to play with, put near her face, and then put it back.

No. 2005497

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Wonder what the "bullying" could be lol. Im sensing another style and scene swap coming up soon.

No. 2005521

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You'll find the critique right at the bog bottom of the YT comments section. Her fans will usually give some dense WK argument. This was on her romwe vid. IBF is VERY interactive with her audience, so it could be they feel close to her and easily willing to defend her / not criticise her.

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No. 1891965[Reply]

Dillan Matthew Morgan (Plagued Moth) is an Edgy Youtuber in his 30s known for making reviews of NSFL content mostly gore videos and infamous violent cp where he mocks and blames the unfortunate victims and comes off as total deplorable piece of shit.

He has recently come under heavy scrutiny and rage for selling videos of underage victims being brutalised on patreon along to uncencored reviews for his fanbase after another creator called 'Creepy reading' reported his content to patreon and got his account nuked this made Dillan go on multiple unhinged twitter rants bragging about 'profiting off of dead people' and telling the haters to 'deal with it'.
Unable to take criticism our Edgelord used his LGBTQ identity as 'gender fluid' as a reason for the hate he recieved and frequently uses his kids health issues for sympathy points and E-begging when things don't go his way.

Social Media Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheGoreGod?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

Creepy Reading's video of Plagued Moth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbpcX4A7jxA
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No. 2016024

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deleted almost immediately but alogs never forget

No. 2016026

what was this in reference to?

No. 2016040

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hes posting about what happened to trump for 3 days and wished he could react to the shooting being successful for all the people who dont like his takes. got blocked by libsoftiktok right before saying that about the reaction

No. 2022930

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Wait. He's claiming he never watched DD?

No. 2027826

Andrea is bad for Dillan. Not going into too much detail about how I know but she helped him bring out his repressed memories of his mom. They had a fight with her and magically they find repressed history of her being a chomo and of her selling Dillan to another chomo. Wasn't that a magic coincidence. Andrea is also the reason he goes off of his medication and tries to maintain his mental illness with herbs and yoga.

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No. 1992225[Reply]

A thread to discuss UK plus size "influencers"

Particularly of note:

Emma Tamsin Hill and her fetishisation of black culture/people/men and overuse of AAVE that she gets called out on but consistently ignores and never addresses. In denial about her size and always wears extremely tight and revealing clothing. Has a podcast where all she and her co-host discuss is sex

Becky Reynolds and her denial about her ever-increasing size. Blames clothing brands for running smaller but can't accept it's her who has got bigger. Enabled by her equally obese parents who won't intervene but rather encourage her delusions. Very snobby and rude. Constantly out of breath. Dresses like an old woman but thinks she's a petite trendy thing. Seems to have a very cold and distant French "boyfriend" who clearly has a fat and/or feeder fetish, never seems happy in any vlogs he's in and looks embarrassed to be seen with her

Jessontheplussize - Another one that's in denial about her size. Also gross and unhygienic. Buys a ton of clothes to film hauls then sends everything back. Managed to get a collaboration with In The Style and Pink Clove somehow. Don't know much about her to properly summarise so hopefully someone else can enlighten us?

Sophie Payne - had a child so seems to be a lot less active online now but was/is an annoying little thing that thinks a rock band tee with ugly chunky sandals makes her "grunge". Can't speak grammatically correct and always says "I brought this" instead of I BOUGHT this

Other possible candidates:

Trina-Louise (had weight loss surgery and dropped a significant amount of weight but comes across false and annoying and has done a few videos with Becky Reynolds clearly for views. however credit where it's due she has always been honest about her size and any weight gain unlike the other gorls as far as I'm aware)
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No. 1992229

fair point! most of the people i see being discussed are American so thought British fatties would make a change but I may post on there, thanks

No. 1992234

Oh that makes sense but yeah one mega thread would still probably be better imo. Sorry if I came off as rude, that wasn’t my intention at all! As a Burger my favorite UK HAES cow is probably fullbodiedbekah. She’s pretty pathetic.

No. 1992237

also there are strong overlaps and crossovers.

No. 1992298

Is the black guy that Emma posted on her story holding his gf’s bag her boyfriend or some random black man??

No. 1992427

do you have a screenshot? I'm not able to view the story for some reason

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