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No. 2048090

Post covid has shown a rise in conspiracy leaning / off grid loving / natural birth / antivax / ancestral / quantum healing / pseudoscience / ancestral / animal based / tradwife / trad girl / crunchy / yoni sunning /raw milk obsessed / block of butter eating / scared of seed oil / anti feminist / liver and testicle loving influencers

It’s such bs that there’s so many of these grifters making money off of fear mongering other people but especially other women.

Some accounts spreading constant misinformation are:

1. https://www.instagram.com/theoliveoilqueen
Mia aka “theoliveoilqueen” who converted to Greek Orthodox when she got married to reallytanman (he owns masa chips). Mia claims to have had really bad digestive problems until she switched to an ancestral diet yet also says she throws up as soon as she eats anything with seed oils. She just had a baby and during pregnancy complained a lot about digestive problems while also making posts about controversial things she did while she was pregnant.

2. https://www.instagram.com/the.raw.sol
“The.Raw.Soul” aka Mikayla Sprung. It seems like mostly eats raw meat and raw dairy and claims that the sun can heal you from most of your ailments. She constantly has a sunburn and also talks about how she’s healing her anxiety from being scared of toxins constantly. Has her own tallow skin care line and claims to be a health coach. She’s scared of red 40 but will drink methylene blue.

“Getreal_girlfriend” aka Taylor Gossett. She might be the worst of all. She’s an ex stripper that became a doula but then got fired from being a doula because she didn’t want to use non binary terminology and was antivax. She is constantly bragging about how she gives her “man” testicles and grass fed steak. A few months ago she got candida and decided to cut out fruit and eat mostly meat. She seems to live off of bone broth and steak. She also talks constantly about beta and alpha men and how birth control makes you pick beta men. She used to be drugs and her mother was a drug addict. Recently she’s started obsessing with cow shares. She’s also constantly putting women down for things like using vibrators or causally dating. Constantly talks about how important it is to take care of her man so she can be in her feminine. Says she had digestive issues before when she was drinking and doing drugs but still seems to have issues with certain foods.

4. https://www.instagram.com/rewildcarlyrose
“Rewildcarlyrose” aka Carly Rose Bergman. She used to be fruitarian but then decided to eat an ancestral diet. Says that she was starving herself before and she’s now gained weight to make herself more fertile. She is constantly talking about quantum healing.

5. https://www.instagram.com/healingthesource
“Healingthesource” aka Claudia keener Fulani
Claims to have suffered from a bunch of health problems but then healed from using herbal medicine. She has a podcast where she interviews other influencers. She has a linktree with over 40 affiliate links. She is constantly advertising a new product to detox. Like everyone else she is scared of seed oils and is on the masa chip bandwagon. She is always talking about “clean” to products

6. https://instagram.com/jessalyn.randle
“Jessalyn.randle” / Jess
Has only eaten steak and butter the past 4 years. Is constantly “debunking” needing to eat anything but meat with anecdotes. She thinks vitamin C is unnecessary but eats salsa even though she’s on the “lion diet”. She is eating only meat and butter while pregnant. She doesn’t believe in clinical research and thinks that “they” are trying to get everyone to stop eating meat. She claims she had digestion problems and couldn’t lose weight when she was an omnivore. She claims her digestion is great even though she eats such a limited diet. She believes the USDA is trying to make everyone infertile by recommending cereal.

7. https://www.instagram.com/shannenmichaela
“Shannenmichaela” / Shannen Michaela
Made a bunch of antivax TikTok videos. Moved to Costa Rica when she was pregnant to get a passport. Recently made ice cream from her breast milk. Bitcoin grifter. Claims the FDA is lying about the need for vitamin C. She is involved with a bunch of biohacking retreats. Makes pseudoscientific claims like fabric having energy. Talks about other conspiracies like burning man being made for social engineering.

They’re all antivax anti feminists that believe spreading your legs at the sun does something magical to your body. They al say sunscreen and seed oils cause cancer. There are many more influencers like this.

Previous thread:

No. 2048093

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Did she get exposed on Lauren Southern's gossip with Alex?

No. 2048098

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Apparently Gia was a non-white foreign bride who claims to be MRA but is girlbossing lowkey by “building your powerhouse brand”? Weird and hypocritical.

No. 2048135

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Ashley English manages to find raw meat while living in bali.

No. 2048136

Has she ever actually posted footage where she puts this stuff in her mouth and actually swallows it? Because it seems like she just posts photos of raw meat without actually eating it.

No. 2048138

She has and she cringes and does a weird laugh when she does. She deleted the video of her eating raw beef liver in Spain.

No. 2048143

as i said in the previous thread lauren claimed all the tradwife influencers are in abusive/fake/failed relationships but keep up appearances online for the grift. she didn't mention anyone specifically though.

No. 2048145

They’re missing the point that if you behave like a doormat and advertise yourself as meek and submissive, abusers/narcissists are going to be slobbering over you.

Even with women with disabilities, abusers are often drawn to them. Statistically neurodivergent women are far more likely to be abused than neurotypical women.

No. 2048162

wtf is picrel? Gia’s tweet is a tiny cut-off qrt under some much larger racist cringe post. Then that whole thing is on a massive white page to include an entire banner image. I find this post bizarre, if she’s anti-girlboss, I even can’t tell. I can’t see anything.

No. 2048210

Literally nobody cares if men want to be pass port bros. These people love to act smug like “I bet you blue haired feminists are SO MAD and JEALOUS.” It’s literally acting enraged towards a strawman caricature in their head and creating smug “gotcha” scenarios. And then these people wonder why they have zero friends and any kids they have despising them. They’re just unpleasant to talk to.

No. 2048226

Most passport bros are much like pedos in a sense that much of their "preference" is a manufactured performance to dreadgame the demographic they supposedly don't "prefer" into settling for them. If there's no "hag" or "western roastie" observer, they might as well not exist.

No. 2048265

yeah, let the trash take itself out

No. 2048384

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Imagine telling this to an old Japanese woman who’s trying to mind her business

No. 2048385

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His hair gets filthier every time he posts, he claims he uses eggs to wash his hair and he doesn’t brush it anymore because “muh curls”

No. 2048410

It's so absurd how a brown small sized soyboy-looking male with so little testosterone can still harbour predatory thoughts of fucking many women in a conquering way and building harems just for beauty and pussy.

Are even supposedly 'harmless metro-looking men' all closet transgenders, they seem very jealous and fixated upon taking women's beauty and duality nature (able to switch being a trophy wife or having some girlboss skills)?

No. 2048532

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Gather ye round and witness pure retardation. A white-supremacist, pagan-larping brown men who hates Jews and Christians posting one of the most braindead takes with an AI slop image attached to it. This has to be the most schizophrenic post ever made. Nothing will top this. I have never laughed harder in my life. Years and years of shitposting of poltards has been condensed into this one perfect tweet.

No. 2048549

This person 100% masturbates to gay interracial porn.

No. 2048564

didn't this guy turn out to be half arab or something?

No. 2048567

Yes. And he was literally worshipping a Swedish passport.(sage your shit)

No. 2048614

Low T men are more emotionally unstable and violent than high T men. It's why incels are so insane and angry all the time as well as ugly and weak.(sage / derail)

No. 2048616

Most passport bros are on the right wing spectrum and completely insufferable, thats actually why only a self hating ethnic woman who cant speak any english would tolerate them. I actually knew a poltard who was also an aspiring passport bro with a fetish for brown women despite claiming to be nazi. I asked him why he thought it was okay to racemix when he calls himself a nazi. He said hurr it's different for men, men who fuck foreign women are conquerors, only women should be punished for racemixing. He also thought all white women are obsessed with black men and 'BBC' and called them mudshark feminazis. When I asked him foe stats about it, he just said something about webms of 'coalburners from tiktok' kek. Right wing men are all insane. All politically active men are insane in general.

No. 2048653

he's probably thinking he's such a funny le epic professional troll for this low effort ragebait. ironically, if a black person would post some kind of equivalent to this, or even just any old run of the mill hotep post about ancient civ, they'd get a trillion times more engagement from all the terminally online unemployed chuds and bots screeching about it.

No. 2048656

Kek i hope he is serious and not rage baiting because that would make this 100x funnier.

No. 2048660

Yet they say those Chads and ripped men with gym muscles, tailored suits and shark eyes who can mansplain a problem in 5 minutes are also red pill misogynists with more T. And some do have real harems. So what's it then, does the T make them want the harems or the fagginess?

No. 2048663

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Also how they choose ugly women even though they claim they would never date a below 9/10 light-haired 105 pound Stacy. Does this girl look like she would make it on the Victoria Secret catwalk just au naturel?

No. 2048683

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Men care about your past because they know all of them are dirty and can taint women with anything, especially their cum. Men are most afraid of other men's cum.

Even liking a boy band celebrity or having crush on a more attractive guy can really trigger a sunset of men and they lose interest suddenly as they believe even your crush has marked you just for liking them.

The male ego is retarded, they cannot take women liking better men than them even if they just want pump and dump, but can like a 1000 Stacy models who have been to Dubai.(this is not milk)

No. 2048684

>"Once you go black, you never go back"
Considering it's fucking reddit, there's a <89% this was written by someone with a BBC cuck fetish. They know this right?

No. 2048685

Late on replying to this (reading backwards) wtf is this retard on about? Does he mean the grinding machine to cut up meat on the spot? They literally have this in Latino meat markets in LA. Go on a bad day and you'll see a whole ass pig head covered in blood. (I'm vegan so idk what else he could be referencing in this pic). What an idiot.

No. 2048690

Hate that it's me but it's inevitable someone would point out she isn't ugly, she's just quiet and used to being told she's ugly so she acts frumpy. She's definitely pretty or her comments section would be completely different
For me the issue is her partner legit seems like a pseudo-son. He's immature and insecure, it paints her in such a different light than if she was a solo lady living in a new place. I tinfoil that he also plays a role in how her content focuses on how foreign and bemused by customs she is/was. People don't usually do that without other people giving them attention for their novelty.
He gives me the passport bro ick while he didn't even leave his own country kek that's next level

No. 2048691

The reason pseudogreek phag hasn't found a passport wife in Italy, Spain, etc is because he is pumping and dumping them. He is not serious about marriage and kids, just lying in hope to lure more docile girls to chase and put out for him. He wants a moving harem till he's 50.

No. 2048692

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This is what men mean when they say women want to bring down the natural hierarchy to "equal" only. Not true, men see objective beauty and they would trade her up for Candice if they had the first chance to. Too bad she got too much plastic surgery in the 2nd pic though, looks like a man now.(derail)

No. 2048694

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Why do women take advice from this scrote? He’s got women out here eating raw heart. I cannot wait for them to discover prions once they try brains.

No. 2048696

Why does he eat internal organs where waste-processing takes place in, animal genitalia and anus? He complains about high body count women yet he has ate phallic shit before, wouldn't this mean he now has a 1000 cock stare via beastality?

No. 2048703

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Birdie finally looking not greasy and cleaned up and begging for us to give her stuff for the 3rd child who’s also fatherless.

No. 2048710

the raw meat stuff is probably just an extension of their gooning. like some kind of need to touch and put the raw flesh of other beings inside themselves due to lack of normal human intimacy. they'll start advocating for cannibalism soon enough, i'm sure some crunchymoms already endorse eating the placenta as part of their esoteric orgazmic births.

No. 2048711

>Most passport bros are on the right wing spectrum
I mean they're conservative but never once have I ever heard a "poltard" be one. The majority of them don't lean that right

No. 2048713

Liberal for themselves only, conservative for females, minorities and other men they hate or see as competitors. Ugly double standard retard males aren't fair, so don't ever try to reason with them. Be unfair back.

No. 2048732

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We’ve reached the holistic gooner selling tips on how to cum when birthing your child.

No. 2048737

I think the most ironic part about this too is the fact passport bros will be like "Asian women are trad and starve themselves unlike those Western career women PIGS"

Then on the very pic example you showed (UyenNinh), on her channel she talks about how after she got with her husband and left her country, she stopped dieting heavily and wearing makeup and following Asian beauty standards because they were toxic for her mental health.

Basically passport bros are glorifying anorexia and plastic surgery beauty standards.

No. 2048741

On the passport bro subreddits like r/itsthatbad and r/passportbros, all of them seem like horrendous, insufferable people. Constantly enraged, bitter, and looking for something to get offended at on behalf of "da poor menz"! Even if I was the loneliest person in the world, I wouldn't be "jealous" of any foreign women dating these men. Living with a negative person sounds so exhausting.

And you know that these men would turn any kids they had against their wife anyways, Because she did some "infraction" like forgetting to put on a high pitched trad baby voice, or not having a giant smile after being up for 24 hours comforting a screaming newborn.

No. 2048772

People like Sverige are advocating for cannibalism already and their followers send them vials of their blood to drink (absolutely disgusting).

No. 2048773

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This sucker has definitely played the hoe field and done some Dan Bilzerian shit before turning 55 and now wants a good young low body count “virgin” to settle for him and make his idiot legacy.

While making fun of older women who got made hoes and single moms by men like him, not forgiving their past, saying they should have picked better and got married to an ugly quick before becoming wine and cat ladies. Also want to cut them out of workforce and society. He doesn’t want older women to have redemption but only he and playboy men can get, inherently unfair. This is why never support men’s body count, only use old playboys and never settle.

No. 2048778

>Ls account
>reposting someone's BBC cuck porn fic unironically

No. 2048783

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True male nature confession confirmed: most men will rape if there isn’t any fall girls offering them free pussy anyhow. They always want “casualties” of whores and madonnas still waiting for them at the finish line after post nut clarity.

Evil dual male mating strategy, let the whores be single and offed after 30, and let the madonnas take all their male bullshit and must still smile and “make the bullshit better”. Very unfair that women must suffer for “the good of” men, inherently unfair. And cannot be treated like whole humans with other functions. Once the sex and body count is spoilt, damaged goods. Yet cannot be girlboss or at least have big daddy government funding after the mens leave you. Women are deliberately set up to fail.(unsaged non-milk, rambling derail)

No. 2048785

The fun thing about prions is that you don't discover them. You'll just get something that looks like Alzheimer's at around 60 and no one will ever know if it's from self inflicted dietary retardation. And if it's from prions literally nothing will work to palliate it.

No. 2048788

Her viewpoint is literally a pleb midwit one (the tendency to see romantic love and childbirth as part of the same escalating continuum instead of two contradictory states).

No. 2048809

Are you ESL? I can barely understand what the hell you're saying.

No. 2048811

Kek damn I wish someone had saved that. It would explain why her hair looks terrible and her skin is so greasy.

No. 2048812

Are you a trannycel whose egg cracked? You seem very jealous of women's beauty and duality, so you want to take hrt and FFS while using your male strength and skills to dominate female sports, and jobs in general.(schizo-tier scrotefoiling)

No. 2048830

Nothing disgusts me more than 50+ men in manosphere. Get the fuck off twitter grandpa, leave young girls alone, go babysit your grandkids. What's that? you don't have any? That's weird. Why not? Is it because you were a manwhore in your youth and didn't settle down/commit to a nice woman? Well too bad. Guess you'll have to die alone.

But do keep telling young men to keep being promiscuous and that hook up culture only harms women. Yeah it's so wise as a man to waste your 20s on meaningless hookups and then don't settle for women your own age and within your league in your 30s because when you turn 40 an 18 year old virgin will magically turn up at your doorstep. Yeah sure, keep feeding young boys this BS. It's not like men will age and lose their looks and their ability to father a child. It's not like they'll remain alone and unwanted. It's not like thousands of men die alone and thousands literally kill themselves for the exact same reason.

But go ahead, doom these men to the same miserable fate you have while blaming women because you have a stick shoved up your ass and wont take it out even if it kills you.(sage your shit)

No. 2048831

K TMI maybe but there is a phenomenon of having an orgasm at birth. Some women report parts of labor feeling good, and things like nipple and clitoral stimulation while laboring not only help with dilation but also feel enjoyable. This is well documented and if you’ve had a natural birth….you can experience it.(derailing)

No. 2048866

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>Says she supports red pill and married a hardcore conservative man who knows to tell her NO
>Yet he allowed her to interact and work with Matt for years on a RW podcast
>Even though "wives should not interact too closely with another man not the husband"

No. 2048886

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Andra is claiming she’s biblically eating I’m fucking crying. This cow is new to this pasture
>claims to be in medicine
>”certified” ND
>promotes fake studies or doesn’t provide evidence, or purposely misreads and misrepresents them
>friends with wannagreek and all the other raw is law people
>preaches about the Bible being in medical care
>claims to heal families, even newborns.

No. 2048977

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The Floridian carni-cokeheads are in fact from a wealthy background. All crunchy people are either rich or poor.

No. 2048983

liv schmidt giving some interesting insights on what's it like to live with one of these raw-meat bros. ik she's insane and disordered too but i still cannot phatom why you would voluntarily suffer this life

No. 2049004

ironically carnivorebros are copying more and more of classic nopoo organic diy lefty communal living people behaviour, while thinking they're the epitome of masculinity kek

No. 2049067

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I’m fucking crying he can’t handle any criticism of why it’s weird to be shirtless in a kitchen with your cousin.

No. 2049089

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What makes you think they have anything to do with that house? It's like those posers that sit on other peoples' lambos to look rich and cool.

No. 2049224

>obsessed with carnivore diet half of the week
>goes and eats all her commercial food on the weekend
starting to get the feeling he is not the only one, like some nona(s) said before about how ashley english probably usually dumps the food after taking pictures. besides some actually mentally ill moids, i doubt anyone can eat like this without getting sick anyways

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