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File: 1741064349152.png (469.03 KB, 954x1207, 1740630155831.png)

No. 2095309

Dana Christine Hare, from Florida, now living in Tennessee, age 31, is an ebegging, drug and alcohol addled polyfiend with a pattern of inviting live-in "partners" under the guise of equality, only for these arrangements to collapse in predictable drama and social media call-out posts. Still legally married to Matt Hare, alleged rapist of almost a dozen women, Dana now lives with her current partner Eli and young child of Matt Hare.

Recent milk:
>new allegations of young Dana helping her boyfriend pay underage girls for sexual contact in the Dunkin walk-in >>>/snow/2080578
>nonnies note old tumblr post with reference to Jonathan >>>/snow/2080604
>identity confirmed as Jonathan Negron Torres >>>/snow/2080781 who is currently incarcerated for separate sex crimes with a 12-16yo >>>/snow/2080787
>Dana herself confirms that allegations are 'close to the truth' >>>/snow/2081136
>riveting vlog where Dana gets the shits, stays out all night drinking, and sticks her disgusting fingers into her friend's martini >>>/snow/2080698
>Dana addresses enabling Matt Hare, says she's taken full accountability and doesn't need to do any more >>>/snow/2081478
>gets a new tattoo, pays with coffee beans >>>/snow/2081945
>said tattoo is her daughter's name in large print across her collarbone >>>/snow/2082404
>Dana gets big mad that the internet discovered her new highly visible tattoo, claims she was going to keep it private >>>/snow/2082409
>latest victim Morgan meets TH >>>/snow/2083027
>Dana capes for Matt Hare her rapist husband >>>/snow/2083378
>Dana denies that teenagers are children >>>/snow/2083490
>Eli looking fed tf up >>>/snow/2083804
>Dana does damage control after being outed for dating yet another predator >>>/snow/2084276
>her expensive festival tickets are definitely paid for by the sub she's never mentioned >>>/snow/2084800
>fanfic about flirting with Blackbear by 18yo Dana >>>/snow/2084918
>spends money on crooked eyebrow piercings >>>/snow/2084941 and costumes for porn >>>/snow/2086015
>Dana shares her house rules for hosting an orgy with her child upstairs >>>/snow/2086019
>posts clearly scripted, sociopathic interview with her daughter >>>/snow/2086559
>Dana gets a ferret, as if she didn't smell bad enough already >>>/snow/2088733
>former roommate Shaina posts expose on reddit >>>/snow/2092845
>Shaina drops receipts of Dana being creepy and manipulative >>>/snow/2093311
>Dana's dog dies, she wants it taxidermied >>>/snow/2094003

Old Milk
>Most accurate description of her ever, coming from ex best friend, termed "Hurricane Dana" >>>/snow/2029841
>Dana and Matt are expecting, fail to move back home and get family support and decide to have unpaid live in maid "equal partner" Chelsea move in, this set up quickly falls apart. It will be a pattern for years to come. >>>/snow/2029783
>unsightly boyfriend Eli, the man for whom Dana regularly delivers fresh women for, yes she gets jealous but that's okay! >>>/snow/2028438
>still married to rapist Matt Hare years on being with her "husband" Eli >>>/snow/2029782 >>>/snow/2029701
>moved away immediately after becoming official with Eli, decided to be polyfags instead of breaking up >>>/snow/2029822
>rotating inhabitants of the house - not roommates but mommy's beloved partners - in and out of her child's life, see the woman right before Gaby (now known to be Shaina) >>>/snow/2029831 and her bullshit "yeah caretakers might leave… and it may hurt a little bit… but i vet well!" (Gaby moved in weeks after dating Dana and Eli) >>>/snow/2030066
>yet more evidence of their unicorns breaking up with them and calling them out on social media >>>/snow/2030741
>bullied her rapist ex moid's victims, accusing them of slander and playing victim herself >>>/snow/2061795 >>>/snow/2061994 >>>/snow/2029701
>"triad" gf Gaby breaks up with Dana, of course Dana is handling it well (with alcohol) >>>/snow/2029531
>ebegging to fix her nasty rotting teeth, even though she says she can afford it on her own. But we have to pay her, because she provides education >>>/snow/205196 >>>/snow/206338
>regularly uses being a mother to promote her porn >>>/snow/2029452
>constant lurking on reddit and lc >>>/snow/2062315 >>>/snow/2062297
Eli is a creep >>>/snow/2062800
>still defending herself including bullying Matt Hare's victims, putting her child at risk out of sheer stubbornness, she can never admit she was in the wrong >>>/snow/2062715
>Dana reveals she has been in and out of trouble with CPS, who investigated her ex strangling her infant and later asked her to remove pornographic imagery from the home shared with her child
>>>/snow/2064430, >>>/snow/2065094
>Dana claims to be unable to buy her child xmas gifts, but buys her bf an xbox and her polyfriends worthless tat >>>/snow/2068430
>Her scrote is a crossdresser who chases troons >>>/snow/2064955
>Admits her 7yo daughter poledances in their home >>>/snow/2067656
>Claims to want to avoid reading here for new years resolution, fails immediately
>In an unexpected twist, a news article is located that shows that she accidentally maimed a girl's foot with a lawnmower aged 10 >>>/snow/2073564
>Releases a video addressing the incident >>>/snow/2073796 in which she threatens us with a lolsuit
>admits to using AI to generate her "educational" video scripts >>>/snow/2074528

First thread >>>/snow/2026090
Second thread >>>/snow/2073891
Last thread: >>>/snow/2080574

Redditfags learn to sage and reply. Please enough WKing.


The snark subreddit

No. 2095311

ah here we are. thanks for making the new thread nonnie

No. 2095315

File: 1741067971316.jpg (Spoiler Image,291.32 KB, 1170x2026, 1000007947.jpg)

Dana is letting her ferret poop everywhere.

No. 2095321

Why did she get a fucking ferret when its so time consuming to take care of them? that thing is going to end up like chantal's cats and amberlynn's dog. Lolcows shouldnt be allowed to have pets.

No. 2095323

Somebody in the last thread brought up a good point. TH is going to be known as the stinky girl at school. We all know Dana isn't going to keep up with cleaning the ferret's area/any area it decides to poop in and ferrets are already stinky enough by themselves. Smelling like dirty animal on top of having Dana as a mom is going to mean TH will have no chance for a social life. Poor girl.

No. 2095343

Be careful guys, this could be an instance of Dana “creating rumors” or “stirring the pot”. She owning the haters by putting ferret poop under her bathroom cabinets. (This is a joke)

No. 2095380

KEK I fucking said ferrets would fuck her shit up
Didn't expect it to be this quick but lol that she needs to attach a little david attenborough educational aside like she isn't already defeated by the stink slinks

No. 2095396

like everybody fucking said.
I'm so so sad for TH because she WILL get bullied for smelling like shit. If this bum bitch supposedly doesnt have a job anymore, surely she can put the phone down and fucking clean?

No. 2095398

And her poor elderly dog, with days left on this Earth, spent the last of them suffering with a stinking, free roaming rodent taking over her house & getting the last shreds of Dana's attention. She literally got a new shiny pet for her BPD and let her dog die, neglected, all alone & in pain. Then posted pictures of it's twisted death pose corpse for Internet points.
There isn't a single redeeming quality in this slag. People like her make me want to believe in religion so there's a possibility of her going through the same type of suffering she has caused on this planet. She is of negative value to this world, and instead of being ashamed- rejoices in it like the BPDemon she is.

No. 2095407

File: 1741097716100.jpg (1.71 MB, 3464x3464, RDT_20250304_08100328034249962…)

Dana is skinwalking another weirdo CC. That's part of why she's so unappealing, she's so inauthentic and unoriginal. She couldn't have an original thought if she tried.

No. 2095408

File: 1741097892085.jpg (1.63 MB, 3464x3464, RDT_20250304_08093510505049826…)

Of course after posting these to Reddit, Dana came out claiming she isn't copying anyone. She has such low intelligence & her duper's delight must come from her actual retardation.

No. 2095410

File: 1741098283642.webp (64.82 KB, 720x1379, RDT_20250304_08192466243824061…)

This is (one of) the persons Dana is copying. According to Reddit they used to know each other. She's even skinwalking the ugly hair colors & retarded piercings!

No. 2095419

File: 1741100920201.jpg (123.02 KB, 1280x720, mr dany.jpg)

Inauthentic, unoriginal, and delusional! She truly believes she's hot shit, you can see it in her face every time she takes a body pic. Are her eyes bad? Can she actually not see that she looks like both the leads from Mr. Meaty?

No. 2095444

Was wondering where the retarded eyebrow piercing placement came from!

No. 2095460

Isn't this trend supposed to be a deep source of trauma instead of a mundane food allergy? Like
>"you're so funny"
>thanks it's because my mother is Dana Hare

No. 2095464

Grapefruit contains compounds that react inhibitively to the enzyme in our bodies that metabolize SSRI drugs, so if you eat/consume grapefruit in any form while on SSRI’s it can lead to a negative drug interaction/OD, so I assume they’re saying they’re funny because they’re depressed/bipolar or so fucked up and quirky they need medication to function. Basically signaling mental illness in other words.

No. 2095472

File: 1741111552621.jpg (192.38 KB, 970x1156, 1000032472.jpg)

And they are in a rental too.

For someone who supposedly is really into clowns and the circus, she's somehow managed some of the absolute worst clown makeup I've ever seen.

Not trying to compliment this other ugly degenerate or anything, but her eyebrow piercing placement is slightly better at least. I think it looks particularly awful on Dana because she she had hers pierced too far inwards, they are visibly crooked, and she has low sitting, kind of meaty eyebrows? I'm not sure how else to describe it, kek.

No. 2095488

No doubt she will bitch about landlords when she doesn't get her deposit back, completely unbothered by the fact that her house is covered in ferret shit, human shit and her general bacteria.

No. 2095503

File: 1741116330696.webp (Spoiler Image,31.42 KB, 827x1634, IMG_0729.webp)

is this a used condom?? where is the trash can?? holy fuck her rental is revolting. is there place in this house where youre not assaulted by the porn shit on the wall or trash and shit everywhere?

No. 2095505

File: 1741116597488.webp (13.89 KB, 827x950, IMG_0730.webp)

sorry samefag but another screenshot from the vid, i-is that a needle

No. 2095509

jesus fucking christ dana

No. 2095513


The first screenshot is definitely a glove but the second one looks like a needle.

No. 2095516

File: 1741118426273.jpeg (188.66 KB, 2000x2000, IMG_6968.jpeg)

common junkie needles

No. 2095523

What a find! Lol.

No. 2095524

File: 1741120577979.png (946.11 KB, 909x1608, Screenshot 2025-03-04 at 2.15.…)

A clearer still from the video. Looks like it might be used, usually there is a cap on both ends if they're new. No way is Dana taking heroin or meth, that gunt is wild. Back when the texts were leaked, Dana claimed Eli took a broad variety of drugs, so I assume this belongs to him.

No. 2095535

There is a cap on both ends, the one on the back is clear in this case. But this is 100% a junkie needle and it should absolutely not be on the floor, especially in a house WITH A CHILD.

No. 2095537

I think that is just a latex glove, thank god. Though something also tells me she's not really the type to even use condoms. Too much of a weird pick-me with moids, she'd definitely put pleasure above safety.

Nothing itt should surprise me anymore. It may not be her or Eli's, but it is very likely one of the randoms they supposedly "vetted" for their sex parties. You know, the ones she had while her dying mother and small child were still in the same house. The same people who Dana said she "trusted" with her kid.

No. 2095585

Ah, Spice, welcome back to the thread! I remember when she tried to vendettafag despite being almost as cowish, retarded and obese as Dana and then ran off crying when some anons pointed it out. TBF Dana could be copying her, but imo skinwalking is a bit far, most alt cows have trashy face tats, piercings and fantasy hair colors.
Holy hell, is that still spice?? What a fucking unit, I thought it was an obese gay man. Somehow built worse than Dana in the moshpit video.
I was thinking the same, probably from one of their days-long polyfag orgies with +30 obese STD having attendees. Inb4 she claims she planted this to troll da hadurz.

No. 2095691

I bet it's related to her dead mother. If she was on hospice, Dana probably stole the pain meds.

No. 2095704

My sweet summer nonna. Do you really think hospice has little old dying ladies shooting up with junkie syringes? They probably had her on pills like anyone else, if her mother couldn't take full pills by mouth they usually grind them and put them in pudding or something. This 100% isn't hospice meds.

No. 2095768

thank you nonna cause this isnt hospice shit at all lol. christ how long has that shit been there for? christ I'm always worried for TH.

No. 2095818

File: 1741187890201.webp (288.44 KB, 1290x2796, RDT_20250305_08034811507110103…)

A response from Dana about the needle.

And another thing, I really hope her freezer fails or her power goes out while she is on her trip to Disney and her poor dog's body rots. That way she can't disgrace & parade her corpse around for edgy teenager shock value & poor BPD baby pity points.
Kinda like how Egyptians had to let dead young women rot before mummification otherwise predators would take advantage like they did with Marilyn Monroe's body. It'll be traumatizing to TH but not as much as your mom regularly dragging out your taxidermied family pet to impress other poly perverts.

No. 2095823

File: 1741188520733.png (96.11 KB, 1207x286, Screenshot 2025-03-05 at 9.27.…)

So many of the redditards are drug fiends and they attack anyone who thinks junkies are a plague on society. They're just lower milk Dana's.

No. 2095888

Ngl, I do kind of agree to some extent. If Dana or Eli was that kind of junkie there would definitely be signs. She's an obvious pill/cokehead and that much has been confirmed. I still think it was one of the random creeps they invited into their home for sex parties though. Probably shot up and tossed it underneath the cabinet so no one would find it in the trash. Someone injecting T wouldn't have to hide it in their home since both she and Eli fetishize trannies.

No. 2095898

The argument that you can't tell when someone is on drugs is lib nonsense, and people do inject in weird places to hide it, but yes, overall I agree it's one of the freaks they bring into the home. Definitely not a previous tenant as half of these retards believe.

No. 2096015

File: 1741236676985.jpg (28.48 KB, 600x600, 858fb137b0f1a4162c2311e330c288…)


> my ferret, Tuna.

No. 2096039

>ferret sharing it's name with lolcow's biggest junkie cow
>dana finding used needles where the ferret plays (and shits)
I guess at the very least there isn't a second ferret named Lurch. kek

No. 2096052

if this is true at all (shes a pathologocal liar so I take everything she says with a grain if salt) this reveals she did not ferret proof her house since they get into anything, but also deep cleaning does not happen at her rental. that ferret couldve bit into it, gotten poked or something. Why did it take people online pointing this out? Why didn't she check all nooks and crannies before? this is yet another reactive response from dana, because she cannot be proactive in her life at all. all she cares about is getting fucked up and lurking reddit and here how can this bitch be so stupid. i would be freaking out of I found a needle in my home wtf

No. 2096057

what the fuck they have the dogs body in a fucking freezer? just bury the poor thing.

No. 2096104

Nah she wants $1k to taxidermy the poor dog, presumably so she can shove it up Eli's ass and delay his troonsformation.

No. 2096115

If anything that's gonna make him evolve instantly like a Slowpoke into a Slowbro
mistyped sage mb

No. 2096145

So she is confirmed fired for texting and driving. she claimed the company knew about the butthole content, so i don't get why that would matter - obvious lies. most people get a new job, not… beg for more money. Video was too large even after compressing to upload here.

No. 2096157

File: 1741281536605.jpg (321.88 KB, 1334x1008, 1000032492.jpg)

>is currently in Orlando with TH visiting family/friends
>says the plane tickets/car-rental were non refundable
>wedding she was supposed to attend got moved to 2024 so she missed it
>addresses losing her job, apparently for filming content while driving
>says "it's an addiction" to be on her phone all the time
>someone sent her ugly porn to the owner
>says she's "reemployed somewhere else"
>is without a paycheck for at least one month
>begs people to send her $20 so she and TH can get dinner
>is weirdly smug throughout the video? Also very out of breath from just walking.

No. 2096158

I don't even think it's that big of a deal for her to text and drive. Most people do it these days and it's not like she got into an accident doing so. So I don't get why redditors think she's a big deal. But damn she looks so ugly here.

No. 2096159

File: 1741282055587.jpg (296.15 KB, 1080x774, 1000032494.jpg)

>claims to be reemployed at a previous job
>also claims it's "better" than the delivery job somehow?
>claims her family paid for the rental
>also claims the entire Disney trip is "free" as it was already paid for
Which job do we think she went back to nonnas? I can't imagine any of her old jobs were better than delivering beans tbh. I guess no more bartering beans for scratcher tattoos.

No. 2096160

File: 1741282203552.jpg (265.57 KB, 1080x1393, 1000021354.jpg)

Insane take, also no company want to be liable for their employee potentially having a texting and driving accident in their company van, or even being ticketed for texting and driving.

No. 2096161

Which of her family paid for her rental? I thought she was "emancipated" from her family because they're Republican.

No. 2096164

It also should be noted that she was filming content while driving, not just simply texting. She was filming content on company time, on company property (at one of their buildings), and was driving while filming. Obviously don't agree with the cowtipping, but it's impossible to feel bad for her. But of course she's "addicted" to her phone, she pays more attention to it than she does TH.

kek, good catch anon.

No. 2096165

It's insane to cowtip. Also Tiny Human is going to struggle so much because of this. Dana already can't afford a $20 meal for her and TH. This is just vile.(whiteknight)

No. 2096167

Maybe if she spent less on ps5s, party city, (obviously not free) festival tickets, etc. She'd be better prepared for an emergency like this? She's incredibly irresponsible and immature for a mother in her 30s. Also don't condone touching the shit, but there are consequences for her actions, she should have known this could happen, especially when she intentionally gets into these slapfights with the reddit retards on the regular. She has a job lined up and Eli will pick up the slack in the meantime, it's on her that she's prioritizing going to Disney during all this tbh.

No. 2096168

>To my owner
Such weird phrasing.
>Dana already can't afford a $20 meal for her and TH
She can, she just doesn't want to. She'd rather go on daily shopping trips and travel than spend money and time with her daughter.

No. 2096169

>>says "it's an addiction" to be on her phone all the time
closest she's ever gotten to being self aware, but will she do anything about it? doubtful

No. 2096171

>>Haha, the real joke's on the haterz because now I'm without a paycheck for a month and I'm gonna beg for more money
She really is peak broke white trash. She's without a paycheck for a month and needs to beg because she has zero savings. She continues to go to Disney, which will easily rack up a couple hundred in additional food/souvenir costs. Why would you not consider the plane tickets and car rental a sunk cost? Also, she has her nice car that she wasted her inheritance on, why not drive the 11 hours from Nashville to Florida?
It sounds like she bought her ticket/car rental, then the wedding was moved, and then she made the conscious decision to drop several hundred more dollars on a plane ticket for her daughter, unless her daughter was already going to the wedding. If her daughter already had a ticket to originally attend this wedding, then that likely means that Eli did too, in which case why is Eli not going to Florida with them? Obviously it's because he's the only one with a job, so he stays winning by working 60-70 hours per week to keep a roof over Dana's smelly head, and having to take care of most of the housework and animal care while she blows through cash at Disney.

If her daughter didn't have a ticket, that just exemplifies her stupid thinking. "I've already spent several hundred, let me spend several hundred more, forget my 20k medical debt and rent and bills and pet care and the fact that I don't have any savings since I have to beg for cash daily."

No. 2096174

>Cant afford 20 buck meal for her daughter
>Can afford ferret, hundreds on party city costumes, festivals, drinking and eating out, hundreds on sandals, hundreds on unnecessary weightloss prescription meds, hundreds on sunglasses, ps5

No. 2096177

Because other people behave in reckless behavior that somehow justifies her doing it in her company's van? Are you serious?
If Dana wasn't dumb as turd, she wouldn't be in this position.
Both of these posts smell.

No. 2096202

This situation would probably have happened regardless of redditards cowtipping, because Dana can't hold a job for shit anyways. Dana puts TH into complicated positions and then uses TH to garner sympathy. Meanwhile she doesn't even raise TH, she leaves that to the junkies in her polycule so she can go out drinking and partying. Maybe you would have a point if she cared enough about her own daughter to not put her coffee bean pedaling job at jeopardy. Can we stop with this nonsense?

No. 2096206

Wasn't she just bragging about making 1k "the most she's ever made" last month off OF? Guess that's the money she spent at party city since she suddenly doesn't have a dime to her name anymore. Also crazy she's begging for 1k to get her tumor ridden dog taxidermied when she already knew she was going to be without a job and had this trip coming up. Her priorities are insane.

No. 2096211

There's a chance they might of wanted to fire Dana but were looking for a good excuse to not have bad publicity from the fallout. She lost a great job with good perks from what I can tell. There's no excuse for Dana to be filming while driving; it's dangerous.

I don't believe in Cowtipping; I do believe her employers became aware of her public online videos & vlogs being filmed on company time & being filmed while driving. I feel bad for TH for Dana putting her in this situation. Dana's onlyfans so will put TH into uncomfortable situations in the future. Other people's parents are ot going to let their kids spend the night at Dana's house & probably will judge TH :(
Is TH missing school or on spring break ? She isn't that broke; she resells clothing she buys at the discounted stores.(emoji)

No. 2096219

Why does Dana allow her snark page on reddit to stay up? Don't other creators normally get them deleted? Just seems weird she keeps it up & interacts with it.

No. 2096220

File: 1741294964866.jpg (86.73 KB, 1080x961, 1000021357.jpg)

Oh but when people search danas name and find out she cut off a girls foot its doxing. When she posts her own and her childs full name, birthday and hone town, others are doxing her for using that information. When she posts her own workplace and breaks company policy, its doxing when they get notified.

No. 2096221

>Disney trip is free
Her lies get more and more ridiculous each time kek. Let me guess, you worked for Disney years ago and they're still giving you free passes, Dana? Are you a sponsored influencer? Did fueled by ramen or one of your paypigs pay for this? Which blatant lie will it be this time kek
>It's insane to cowtip
Not at all, retard WK, as anon above explained: it's called consequences. LC is the only place that has a no cowtipping rule, redditors are under no obligation not to snitch if Dana is exposing herself committing increasingly illegal behavior at work online for thousands upon thousands of hadurz to see.
>Also Tiny Human is going to struggle so much because of this. Dana already can't afford a $20 meal for her and TH
>Actually believing Dana claiming she's poor as if you didn't see her waste thousands upon thousands on festivals, taxidermy, orgies, shit from party city for her porn, a uranium collection, drugs, alcohol…
Oh so youre retarded retarded, huh. TH will be fine, she still has Eli and other polyfags she can overcharge rent to as she's done before. And even if TH isn't fine: that is no one's fault but Dana's.

No. 2096224

File: 1741295719200.jpeg (226.65 KB, 1170x1442, f8rdx9vc4lke1.jpeg)

I do believe the Disney trip was free. I think her friend here is a cast member or something. It's not that hard to get a free Disney trip for people when you work for the company.

No. 2096226

File: 1741295873272.png (1.17 MB, 720x1283, p3dg90gl54ne1.png)

These are the awful outfits Dana is wearing with her friend who got her the ticket and TH. I don't know why they can only go to MK though. I went with a Disney employee to the park for free and we were able to park hop just fine.

No. 2096228

File: 1741296269020.jpg (141.14 KB, 555x960, fatfuckandatranny.jpg)

So this lusty4lea somehow works at DISNEYLAND as a cast member while having a public instagram full of explicit NSFW pictures showing her obese ass? Even dressed up as children cartoon characters? I know for a fact this is a HUGE no-no for anything Disney related, especially the parks. Even if you're just a mascot or work at a shop. Hell, most cast members aren't even allowed to post pictures drinking iirc.
Musty4lea better be careful before her bosses get a similar text to the one Dana's boss got, not very smart of her to publicly associate with Dana.

No. 2096230

File: 1741296462704.png (189.73 KB, 304x544, Screenshot 2025-03-06 1.25.31 …)

Why did she film herself with a selfie stick? That's just retarded. If she wanted to film herself while driving there are phone attachments for cars. Is it true that people with BPD love to film themselves driving? What's up with that?

No. 2096231

File: 1741296808039.jpg (276.23 KB, 1061x1920, Fatso.jpg)

Looks like they're both e-begging for lunch. Disneyland needs to fire this creepy whore asap before she gives free passes to more BPDemon rapist sexpests like Dana

No. 2096235

The text Lea sent in >>2096224 said her friend works at Disney, not that she herself does.

No. 2096240

File: 1741298425176.jpg (217.14 KB, 1080x1573, 1000021358.jpg)

Danas book

No. 2096243

She really has her gunt hanging out in a sports bra at Disney despite it not even being 70 degrees in Orlando rn? Wouldn't expect anything less from Dana I suppose. So much for those expensive weight loss medications though, she's as big as ever.

Thought this was Shayna Clifford for a minute until I opened the photo. Kek

Well, we can confirm chatgpt didn't write this for her at least. This is baby's first fanfiction tier writing.

No. 2096246

why are you reposting from the reddit you fucking coward go back

No. 2096249

The balding troon on a leash, I'm vomiting.
What's she doing with her left leg, airing out her coochie?? Aren't you supposed to sit in a certain position to drive?
Shana vibes.
Weapons grade cringe.

No. 2096254

Why put in more effort than one has to, I don't even post on reddit

No. 2096264

NTA, but how would you know this is from the reddit unless you were reading there yourself? Something kind of stinks like cheese in here.

I didn't even realize the way she was sitting here when I scrolled past it the first time. On her phone, recording, only one hand on the wheel, one leg completely propped up, etc. it's really no wonder they let her go as a driver tbh.

No. 2096265

The thing is, they dont care if you do smut or have an onlyfans account. They mostly dont care. But with disneyland, they can fire you for any reason at all, or no reason at all. As long as the reason they are firing you isnt illegal (got hurt on the job, filed workmans comp. Get fired=illegal) so they could see her nasty gross obese ass being disgusting with trannies and they could decide "hey you know what? Thats gross. Goodbye." But the chances are low depending on her job title. Store front employees are background characters and they dont give two shits about what you do off the job just be appropriate on the job. And i doubt big fat chungus over here is in any character suits or princess dresses. Kek i bet she runs a churro stand. She could show her butthole online everyday and they wont care. Bitch needs to stop helping herself though. Shes had enough sugar coated bread for two people already. Gross. Fat people shouldnt be allowed to handle food.

No. 2096271

It's a friend of Lea's that works there not Lea. Reread the text.

No. 2096275

have the drugs alcohol and partying made her slow? does she seriously think no one can see her using her daughter as an empathy card and notice her spending habits?
I hate people who text and drive because they flat out take their eyes of the road and even for one second you run the risk crashing, or killing a pedestrian so its her fault she thought she was invincible with a 2000+ strong snark reddit (that she keeps adding via being a cunt) tracking her phone addiction. You have serious problems if you don't see an issue with it.
its not cowtipping because it didn't happen on lolcow. and I bet her boss was sick of her already and prayed someone would give them the perfect excuse to get rid of her. I get she would show up clearly hungover claiming she barely got any sleep or other retarded excuses.
see now upon first look any stranger can tell dana is terrible drunken trailer park trash. I bet people look at her daughter with pity.

No. 2096276

If that were the case, it further proves she's dirty as fuck. So you haven't cleaned under there once since you moved in? She needs to learn how to lie cause ffs

No. 2096295

Oddly specific insult but I know for a FACT people who aren't white get jumpscared when they see her in public. Fucking people of Walmart Sim

No. 2096314

Hilarious considering she lives in TN

No. 2096369

I can definitely see her causing strokes for immigrant aunties while the males tell their male kids see this is why you don't want to marry a white girl

No. 2096383

Why are we believing Dana's lie that a "hater" reached out to her employer to get her fired? Any other driver on the road could have seen her filming and driving and decided to contact her work about her unsafe driving.

No. 2096419

the only thing ill believe is someone sending her filming and driving to her employer. I don't believe they sent her nudes. but if they let her go that easy, she also must've had a bad relationship with her employer to begin with.

No. 2096422

Mostly bc redditards have a raging vendetta boner and want to bring her to justice. It's not proven, just makes sense with their behavior. One of them even applied for the job opening kek. Another theory could be that her manager or someone else in the company saw her dangerous driving on social media. It's not like she was trying to hide it.

No. 2096442

I think one or two people on reddit said they had reported the texting/filming when driving. But they said they didn't say anything about her porn. I tend to believe that, because Dana has repeatedly claimed that the company know about her content and are supportive of it. Obviously, she was lying, but Redditards believe everything Dana says.

No. 2096448

She has definitely made vlogs where she outright admitted to calling off due to being hungover. She didn't seem like a reliable worker and was probably a headache for the company in general. I honestly can't imagine her being "reemployed" at anything customer facing, looking the and acting the way she does, but I guess we'll see. Ain't no way whatever she's got lined up is a "better job opportunity" like she claims either though, she just wants to smugly "stick it to the haturz" per the usual.

See, this is why you don't lie constantly. It's very possible one of the redditards went too far, but it's also difficult to trust anything Dana says because she's known to lie about almost everything. My best guess is that the truth is somewhere in the middle.

No. 2096474

She has two egregious face tattoos, she’s not getting hired any time soon.

No. 2096499

Dana created this mess. Other cows get their snark pages removed from reddit instead of interacting on there. Dana keeps vlogging on tiktok about personal details most keep to themselves. She encourages parasocial behavior. She lost a great job that allowed her to have tattoos & funky fashion because she couldn't not film herself while driving in a work vehicle during company time. Her employers didn't fire her due to her porn. Also if any of her former coworkers & employer had her email /phone number they would have been able to see her tiktoks. If Dana had gotten into a car accident on company time it would be the company's insurance & a major lawsuit. Another thing is Dana could of stayed home & door dashed for $$ or other side gigs instead of asking for handouts. Bad parenting. Eli is shitty to allow Dana to neglect TH along with Eli's family that interacts with them. It's gross.

No. 2096506

>She has definitely made vlogs where she outright admitted to calling off due to being hungover.
now that you said this I do remember it. this is why I never fully believe what she says because playing victim is like second nature for this terrible parent. she already thought she was invincible and the company just needed a good excuse to get rid of her. she probably herself showed nudes before to her boss or something because boundaries dont exist woth this bitch. still wondering where she supposedly traded beans to get her nails done. wondering if she was caught before bartering or doing other stupid shit on company time.
she has no job lined up is my bet. shes completely relying on eli while e-begging and trying to manipulate morgan or whatever her name is.

No. 2096509

She's more addicted to the attention than her phone tbh. Most retards can stay glued to their phones doomscrolling without ruining their lives. She's so addicted to the attention though she's constantly telling on herself in the craziest ways.

Yeah, I don't see Dunkin/Starbucks hiring her back, or any of the other random retail gigs she has worked previously for that matter. I have a hard time believing she was rehired at a previous job let alone one that is supposedly "better" than the delivery gig too. I could see her doing doordash or similar though. Otherwise she's going to be pretty limited due to her lack of credentials/skills and the way she looks, it's not like she can easily hide her massive face tattoos. (This is also why you usually only see tattoo artists or ppl with similar careers with these kinds of tattoos) Delivery driving/coffee making is the only skills she seems to really have? Maybe she could pursue becoming a bartender at some dive bar, but you just know she'd get wasted every night and start collecting duis otw home. Eli must be so stressed rn. kek

No. 2096544

File: 1741383578009.jpeg (191.08 KB, 1080x1920, wearabra.jpeg)

Would it kill her to wear a bra at a family oriented venue? It's so trashy to have her hard nipples out at Disneyland.

No. 2096559

You can literally see the outline of her nipple tattoos through her shirt too. Disgusting.

No. 2096603

Starbucks /dunkin would easily hire her back but she would need to remove her nails & work super early shifts to late shifts with inconsistent scheduling. She's avts like she's above those types of jobs. She had it so good with that delivery job. Tinfoil but I wonder if she's back to being a barista at her current workplace or another previous barista job. She easily could work front of the house /waiter or kitchen if she removed her nails. She just won't do it.

No. 2096610

She might not even need to remove the nails, a lot of fast food places that are understaffed enough especially Dunkin Donuts don’t care about long fake nails depending on the manager/location. She probably does think she’s above these jobs

No. 2096612

Starbucks definitely won't hire her, they're strict - even down to no clear polish. I wouldn't be surprised if she has to end her coffee industry career and instead got a job at Ross.

No. 2096662

Dobby has wifebeater, dobby is a free elf

No. 2096671

File: 1741422648873.png (342.02 KB, 488x875, tweedledum.png)

she does seem to have small moments of self awareness like in picrel. kek

I have never seen someone who looks like her working at even the inner city dunkins nonna. Nashville isn't that scummy either, if it's customer facing they probably aren't going to want this stinky creature working the front. I could see her getting hired to stock shelves or something behind the scenes or even work a grill if she knew how. She's stupid and really limited herself by getting those massive tattoos on either side of her face. It'd be different if she actually had a talent/skill, maybe even a degree, an already established career? She's 30+ and at best can make you a mediocre $6 latte.

No. 2096711

File: 1741441616096.webp (110.13 KB, 720x1283, RDT_20250308_07422669547971661…)

So far she has bought 2x pairs of Ears for herself and 1 for TH. I understand buying one for your kid because it's about their magical experience. But if you are begging for money & licking nasty toilet lids for chump change, you probably shouldn't spend $30 each on Chinese produced souvenir headbands.

No. 2096713

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Samefag but this ss HAS to be unsaged.

No. 2096715

Which one of you mad her do this.

No. 2096719

I know her child is embarrassed to be around her attention whore mother who can't dress herself kek what is that outfit.

Top kek. What a fucking loser. And Eli and whoever else lets that disgusting beast touch them.

No. 2096737

Alright pro domme dana with so many paypig subs

No. 2096739

No hurtful thing anyone on the internet can say about her is worse than the bleak reality of her own life. Girl licks dirty toilets willingly, there's no way she has a concept of shame. As much as anyone can try to ruin her life by getting her fired or whatever, they'll never make her as miserable as her own choices. I can't fathom being this level of nlog pickme coolgirl. Nothing posted here will ever compete with the hollow darkness she feels when there isn't internet content keeping her three brain cells busy.

No. 2096740

kek is there a gun to her head nonna? what like kind of question is this

No. 2096755

nta but i think they meant who of us paid her on OF to do this for us to laugh at

No. 2096802

File: 1741457014978.jpeg (3.44 MB, 1284x14547, IMG_4603.jpeg)

lol this thread is the best. We’ve got the cow “seductively” licking a public toilets for the price of a burrito supreme from Taco Bell. And we’ve got the parasocially fixated Reddit calves writing late night diatribes to the cow’s 7 year old daughter.

No. 2096813

She doesn't need lunch. She should be begging for ozempic

No. 2096831

i aint reading all that shit but just the opening sentence sends shiverds down my spine. This is such a creepy thing to write to a 7yo you dont even know.

No. 2096859

This shit is so fucking gay and creepy.
Just having the urge to do this is a massive fed flag but then sitting down to draft and post it is just unhinged.
Her whole sub is just calfs at this point kek

No. 2096885

Does she not realize she's at Disneyworld? How does she think this is an acceptable outfit to wear around a bunch of kids?

No. 2096886

Yeah maybe we should reveal how to get the snark banned. Spoiler: Reddit rolls over for anyone, you don't even need a lawyer.(encouraging cowtipping)

No. 2096891

Like them or not, some of the users on there have managed to squeeze a lot of milk. Not writing to the kid, but the texts came from there that proved she did cocaine was definitely worth the snark existing

No. 2096905

The subreddit should be banned. Full stop.

No. 2096908

Redditors are so cringe and cowtippy I want to bully this deranged freak so hard. Yeah, this is insane and parasocial. The sub needs to be banned based on this freakshow alone.

No. 2096909

He redditard detractors are so much milkier than her kek.

No. 2096919

Why on earth would you want that? That sub is milky in its own right. It's cringe and that post is beyond weird, but I don't get the influx of these comments.

No. 2096922

Because her reddit obsessors are creepy and genuinely dangerous and see nothing wrong with their behaviour. Do you remember that one retard who said s/he was gonna DRIVE by Dana's house to 'check' on TH? The sub has got to go, these people are encouraging each others deranged Redditor actions.

No. 2096924

Fair point. I disagree that it needs to go but see your perspective. It definitely needs better moderation to curb that behavior at least. I don't think Dana wants it banned as she sees any attention as good. And they're creepiness gives her a victim complex.

No. 2096926

I know that shitfluencers are contemptible people with insufferable victim complexes who 100% put out all of their info but I draw the line at redditors actually stalking (and not just in a lolsuit way) like ACTUALLY stalking them by contacting their family and actually obtaining her address. That's not okay and I think there should actually be better laws against people interfering with people's personal lives (aka cowtipping).

No. 2096937

Dana is out here licking public toilets for a few bucks and wearing halfway see-through shirts to Disney, yet we suddenly have a big influx of reddit derailing and calls to cowtip in her honor. kek okay.

This is really Tuna tier horror porn. No wonder her mouth is rotting.

In the vlog Dana said that they are spending an entire week out in Orlando and that Eli is still out of state for work (checked his IG and he is working on some amazon building rn). I have to wonder who is left to take care of her new ferret for an entire week and did they ever even find Eli's cat before they left? Is the dead dog still in their freezer?

No. 2096955

The redditors being creepy is encouraging Dana to be a horrible mom to TH. They're enabling her awful behavior and causing child abuse.

No. 2096970

>They're enabling her awful behavior and causing child abuse.
You talk about Dana like she's a character they control. Is she not responsible for her own behavior? Or do the snark comments dictate her actions like Twitch Plays Pokemon? Reddit Plays Dana?

No. 2096975

The way they straight up wrote your mother doesn't love you to TH

No. 2096980

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>it needs better moderation
Need I remind you the type of tard that owns and moderates this subreddit? She switched accounts but I know for a fact it’s still her. I doubt the other mods are any better. “Letter to TH” has only positive responses in the comments. Some of you clearly take lolcow too seriously and think it’s fine if Dana’s kid is targeted in the crossfire. It’s up to Dana if she wants to actually get it taken down but it’s easy, you just file repeated copyright claims for the reposted content and screenshots and Reddit would rather not be liable and bans subreddits with that many strikes as a matter of course. It’s how most TikTok influencers do it.

No. 2096982

Wtf, I want to know if she's actually licking public toilets that she cleans first or a staged /fake toilet??? Can't you get sick from lickings toilets? Maybe she has a skat fetishi.

No. 2096988

>Some of you clearly take lolcow too seriously and think it’s fine if Dana’s kid is targeted in the crossfire.
Literally no one here thinks this, we all feel bad that she's stuck with toilet-licking Dana as her mother. It is not our responsibility to get the snark reddit shut down. No cowtipping and not your personal army. Fuck off already and stop derailing.

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