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No. 2093745
COVID-19 unleashed a new wave of conspiracy-theorist, right-wing wellness influencers who can't trust the government, but somehow trust every X grifter selling Ray Peat and Bulgarian research chemicals. From taint-tanning, raw liver and testicle-eating "biohackers" to tradwives LARPing as submissive homemakers while secretly running side hustles, these figures profit off of fear, insecurity, and anti-modern hysteria. Variants include:
>"Ancestral" dieters (carnivore, raw meat and dairy, butter blocks, testicle eating)>Pseudoscience and biohacking (quantum healing, methylene blue, anti-seed oil hysteria)>Ray Peat/Peatard cultism (methylene blue, thyroid overdosing, sugar guzzling, claiming estrogen is a "shock hormone")>Tradthots & pickmes (hyper-feminine influencers who secretly girlboss, either Christian or spiritual "woman are lunar" feminine energy coaching type shit)>Anti-vaxx & crunchy mom culture (natural birth obsession)>Large overlap in White Nationalism communitiesFavorite subjects:1. celestialbe1ng/Werica/Veronica "Hoffman-Bleu" Nazi peatard who spends her days shilling supplements, claiming Ray Peat’s work, picking unhinged arguments with other women on X daily, and posting AI-generated slop. Despite presenting herself as an intellectual in the bioenergetic health community, she is best known for regurgitating Ray Peat quotes, blocking anyone who questions her, and cosplaying as a “trad” while seething about being unmarried and childless. Despite constantly bragging about her beauty and saying she hasn’t had any work done, Veronica has been exposed for lying. Claims to be a former bulimic, alcoholic, and junkie.
2. bioenergeticmel/Isabella Nigro childless Computer Science student in the Delta Gamma sorority at the University of Alabama, notorious for her involvement in white nationalist circles and her unwavering dedication to the Ray Peat diet cult. Some of her most notorious takes include claiming white women must have at least three children to prevent racial extinction, blaming “brown people breeding like rabbits” for Western decline, engaging with Nazi-adjacent influencers and reposting tweets about racial purity, being a golddigger, and posting photos of herself with rape captions for $200 paychecks from X.
3. solieolie/Solie White Tradwife who is actually a girlboss. Despite LARPing as a submissive wife, her husband, Andre, doesn’t work.
4. Megha Verma/Megha Lillywhite for swinging between desperate tradwife LARPing and outright internalized misogyny-fueled meltdowns. She has a long history of hypocrisy, seething, and failed attempts to secure a high-value white husband, which culminated in her marrying a much older, possibly gay British man after being dumped by a Russian teenager. Megha is obsessed with white men and constantly posts about racial preferences, despite clearly struggling with being accepted into white traditionalist spaces.
She is visibly upset that her children do not have "desirable" white features.
5. Angelena Shelton/@HalosOpulence
LARPer who preaches extreme antifeminism. Shelton’s boyfriend, Julien Garret Aprin, presents himself as a 160 IQ genius AI engineer, a Christian who spent a decade as a Muslim, and a male supremacist who constantly degrades women. He was arrested for domestic battery a few months ago. Complains about women causing society’s downfall while posting about "gym and pussy" and fingering "tight spots." Angela idolizes submission, male authority, and the idea that women should be owned by men, pushing narratives like: Women have too many rights in the US, women are repressed by other women, not men; women fail their biological duty if they don’t reproduce, women are ugly, disobedient, and need guidance.
6. carnivoreaurelius/AlpacaAurelius One of the more popular carnivore grifters. This faggot actually put balls of ground beef in a cake cone and walked outside to take a picture of it. Enough said.
Previous threads:Thread #1
>>>/snow/2011789Thread #2
>>>/snow/2048090 No. 2093746
Recent Milk>Lauren Southern claims most "tradwives" are in abusive or failed relationships but maintain appearances for money >>2048143>Carnivore Aurelius goes on a schizo rant about building his own country; cult in the making >>2050074>Wannagreek preaches raw carnivore but eats cooked eggs >>2050060>A right-wing influencer advocates for dictatorship to force women into having more children >>2049884>User infiltrates a tradfag server and finds extreme hypocrisy regarding race and relationships >>2052745>Kim Anami teaches women how to goon during childbirth. "Birth is a sensual act" >>2048732>Birth tourism >>2049594>Trad men try to justify “marrying young virgins” while simultaneously saying men should sleep around >>2049268>Manosphere losers demand virgin wives while living promiscuous lives >>2048773>Bioenergeticmel posts selfies with rape captions for $200 a month >>2054830>Halloween brings out the crazy in “crunchy moms” banning candy for their kids >>2052448, >>2052450>Bioenergeticmel is a white nationalist >>2060237>Veronica thinks she looks underage despite visibly being in her 30s >>2060241 >>2061499>Nara Smith caught eating fast food >>2060256>Wannagreek's breast milk obsession >>2065177>Veronica tries to rebrand Ray Peat’s diet as her own "Veronica Diet" >>2060915>Wannagreek continues ranting about traditional gender roles while failing to maintain a relationship >>2060061>Solieolie's husband is exposed as unemployed and financially dependent on her social media grift >>2060944>Estrogen is a "shock hormone" >>2061499>White supremacist coping over not having recessive features/being med >>2061329>Bioenergeticmel self-doxxing >>2065372>Solie starts comparing and rating random women >>2062533>A "spoiled trophy wife" influencer openly admits her husband molested her daughter >>2062570>Wannagreek is back to matchmaking >>2062922>Daily Veronica chimp-out, openly embraces fascism and BAPism this time >>2069916>Wannagreek argues that women should not have hobbies or interests outside of serving men >>2073267>A redpill influencer’s wife cheats on him with a close friend >>2073048>Wannagreek is mocked for causing chaos at airport security by bringing frozen raw meat on a flight >>2073364>Solie starts a “Why You Can’t Find a Man” series >>2063283>Very traditional and humble horny rape posts >>2069735>Veronica’s past feuds resurface >>2070192>Megha’s embarrassing tradwife saga: dumped by a Russian teenager, married an old British guy, now seething over her kids not having white features >>2073739>Megha hid her first emergency c-section because the trad community looks down on non-vaginal births >>2073672>Megha rants about white men preferring Latinas >>2073739>HalosOpulence, "high IQ trad girlfriend," is exposed for being in an abusive relationship with a redpill man >>2074811 >>2074816>A former redpill tradwife warns women against building up men, after her husband cheated and abused her >>2074431>Pickmes continue turning on each other >>2077097>Rebmock refuses to give her kids medicine but takes it herself when sick >>2073369>Veronica constantly stirring the pot with other people in her sphere >>2077097>Megha lying about having an extravagant wedding >>2078100>Speculation that Megha already knew she was going to be miserable in her marriage >>2078101>Calling themselves 'fertile' meanwhile having no kids >>2080190>"THERE WAS LITERALLY NO WAY FOR ME TO GET 3 CREDIT HOURS OTHER THAN TAKING GENDER STUDIES!" >>2081267>Veronica reblogs a Nazi Black Sun meme >>2079378>A redpill influencer who trashed working women gets exposed for planning to open her own business >>2079467>"Is horseback riding degen?" >>2081371>Sv3rige’s ex-wife was allegedly blackmailed with nudes >>2082329>Sv3rige refers to women as "bikes" and praises Muslim countries for allowing men to "buy new bikes" and "ride 12-13-year-old bikes" there >>2082341>Gatis is accused of having a long history of abuse and attempted murder, including bragging about killing a woman in Bulgaria >>2082534>Veronica pretends to eat a high-calorie diet while secretly restricting and lying to her followers >>2084884>Veronica posts Nazi dog whistles, including 1488/8814 reference >>2087829>"Patriarchy Hannah" exposed as a 37-year-old named Jennifer Bays—lied about having 14 kids and a husband who built her house >>2089023>Veronica simps for Medgold, a pedophile who says 13 year olds are not children, has a fetish for anorexia, is an Epstein apologist and probably sexually assaulted/raped a girl according to his own posts >>2082094>Vernonica exposed for having lip filler and jaw slimming procedure despite insisting she’s never had work done >>2093492>Vernonica now claims to be married >>2093568>Veronica spends all day crashing out and getting into fights, as per usual >>2093596 No. 2093761
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>>2093746I found Angelenas tumblr page. She goes by @halosoliliquy. I know it's her since she reposted the same "I showed him a comet" poem she posted on reddit
She appears to have uploaded some diary entries onto the page and the picture they paint is kinda grim. She claims her genius Nigel ignores her, talks over her, makes her count calories and cook for him, and basically does what we all know tradmoids do behind the scenes - demean their partners and act like complete pigs.
Yet she still LARPs as a happy "trad GF" and claims she loves staying home and serving her bf on Twitter. Honestly she's so pathetic.
Pic of one of her "entries". They read like future exhibits in a DV murder case.
Link to her tumblr: No. 2093763
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Veronica seething to her followers after her daily 400 spoons of sugar and hour of farting.
The insecurity of this lightbulb-head looking idiot is off the charts
No. 2093801
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Ty for new thread, much better
Reposting from the discarded one with an update: she got baited into confirming this. So she really went on this podcast to talk about white privilege and systemic racism half a decade ago and doubled down on becoming a white supremacist again. Then deleted the post.
No. 2093807
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>>2070192she's been erasing all traces of her past claims that she'd never had cosmetic work done or used filters. i remember her losing it on several people for using a filter that made her lips look like a swollen baboon's ass, while insisting they were her natural lips. she literally chimped out and lied everytime someone pointed it out. she actually claimed this video had no filter
>>2093562 No. 2093816
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Veronazi's new "skincare elixir" Aurabiōm has its own Instagram and appears to be paypigged by fellow retard and grifter @timsienko (Pic includes his Instagram page). The page and his page all looks unprofessional as fuck and cringe. His only other products are protein powders and hair oil lmao. Not a single scrap of info regarding the elixirs ingredients, much less any kind of safety oversight or actual dermatologist endorsement.
Following list is almost exclusively tradwhore influencers and pickup artists. Probably going to send the "elixir" to them and get them to boost the product and make fake reviews. The fact people aren't more discerning on what kind of shit they put on their face is concerning.
No. 2093821
>>2093801claims to be a 150iq genius but went to university of westminster kek
>>2093816she is so obviously a grifter. she constantly claims she only changed her lifestyle a year. yet now has enough knowledge to create and sell supplements? with no prior background in this area at all? at least she picked a good audience to shill to, all these rw peatards will buy anything.
No. 2093866
>>2093832Good point. If she was scouted, where are her modeling pics? Has she ever posted proof she did any modeling gigs at that age or was even signed?
She may have been approached by some seedy, scrotey photographer and signed to an "agency" (probably an escort service or some kind of influencer camwhore schtick). But "the top modeling agency in the world" would have receipts. Even if she only did catalogue work, I can't imagine her hiding her modeling portfolio away from her peatard simps or not using it to silence the people calling her bogged.
No. 2093873
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>>2093816I guarantee this has to just be overpriced copper peptides with 3 other “life-changing botox in a bottle” ingredients.
If you go to the website the sizing is actually half an ounce less than most copper peptide products so it’s already a scam (15ml lol) I’m calling it from now she’s going to charge an arm and leg for “Ray Peat approved botox” meanwhile the dead doctor’s work she grifts off of and most people with actual medical degrees who aren’t getting paid with Elonbucks recognize botoxulin and other facial fillers as extremely
No. 2093879
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>>2093873The first thing I notice from the website is the shitty Shopify template (free?). It says it's powered by "Dermapeptide" which I can't find anything about except from picrel. INCI is the standardized way of listing cosmetic ingredients, so whatever fancy name they slap on the front, the INCI name tells you what’s actually in it. So if AC DermaPeptide Revitalizing PF (preservative free?) = Hydrolyzed Rice Protein, that means "DermaPeptide" is just a branded name for rice peptides. Doesn't seem "cutting-edge" or "disruptive" like Bluelene but of course when it comes out everyone on X will be saying it's a miracle product.
No. 2093881
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She actually reminds me of Elaine.
No. 2093883
>>2093879Good find nonna. Not to skincare sperg but rice peptides are your basic ass moisturizing/whitening combo and absolutely nothing cutting edge or new. It was a trendy ingredient for a while. She's basically slapped a cheap blue sticker onto someone else's formulation and called it hers. She hasn't had any hand in developing this product at all.
Side effects of peptides include allergic reactions and autoimmune issues if applied incorrectly. Cant wait for the chemical burn tradthot arc.
No. 2093888
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>>2093881She’s probably subtweeting a close mutual that called her out for being what she is aka the biggest liar to grace an alternative health space.
>keyboard smashing about being “scouted” by some random probably meth’d out “modeling agent”>moid tells her to stop lying about getting plastic surgery>proceeds to deflect and lie even furtherat this point she just needs her own thread kek
No. 2093889
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>>2093866She did post proof she was scouted
>>2028149 But all I'm able to find is this David Bowie inspired photoshoot for a Viva Magazine from 2016, and the top left is a promo for "Tatiana Hair Extensions" which she used during that same photoshoot'd think she would have posted it considering how much she loves to self aggrandize if she had more high profile shoots. She still holds on for dear life to that because she didn't age very well, it's why she repeatedly posts her pics from 5-10 years ago and uses filters, but again still nothing showing a successful modeling career. The cutthroat and competitive nature of it and failure to land anything big probably contributed to her starving herself and spiraling down the drug abuse road
>>2093881I was just listening to a space she was in and she said she had to leave to go to bed because it was 2 am lol. Clearly didn't. I recorded some of it but nothing too milky aside from when she admitted she got her teeth whitened because she got bullied into it online. Then the manosphere host basically goes you do seem to get easily bullied and influenced. But for the most part they were just kissing her ass
No. 2093890
>>2093889She actually looked really nice in the viva shoot. Sad that she would bog herself with fillers and go down the nazi dogwhistle path.
Her self-perception has been permanently altered by filters, surgeries, and moids. She will never look even remotely close to this ever again, and not just because of aging.
No. 2093899
>>2093761Angelena's case is
genuinely concerning and she might get her children taken away if she decides to have babies with that scrote and they stay together, if not her life. He seems seriously unhinged. Vid attached is him ranting about IQ for like an hour and a half. Here he also claims to have psychic abilities lol: No. 2093905
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>>2093899Holy shit. He looks like an unborn fetus.
Pic of "relationship bingo" card he posted to his public profile for everybody to see. Fucking serially unhinged mindset. Both of them.
No. 2093967
>>2093905He really is fucking ugly. Not even him adopting retarded zoomer boy hairstyles can fix his physiognomy.
>Weird shaped skull>Huge ass eight-head>Shallow set bulgy downturned frog eyes>Flattish nose with flared up nostrils>Non existent cheekbones>Mouthbreather jawline, not defined>Insipidly thin face shape >Chin blended into neckNothing of value would be lost if he got punched or maimed.
No. 2094033
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No. 2094095
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Trying so hard to not seem pressed as if her ChatGPT tweets are not going to be about lip filler and botox for the next month KEK
No. 2094146
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The thick filter, awkward posing, uncanny and forced expressions, and her pausing mid “tutorial” to lick the spoon… kek who is her target audience here?
No. 2094183
>>2093889As someone who has worked in fashion in nyc let me put this in perspective: yes, Elite London is significant agency in the UK but isn’t a “top agency” globally by definition as it’s located in London (a secondary market). Secondly, big franchise agencies like Elite, Ford, Next ect literally have THOUSANDS of commercial girls like this that have passed through their boards that they scout. It doesn’t mean she is some great beauty or had the potential to be some top model and half the time these girls are fighting viciously for Z-list jobs like MUA trade show shoots or unpaid editorials, work very little and get dropped quickly like she did. Her look is absolutely generic and I can tell just by her retarded personality now, she was probably extremely boring and stiff to shoot and with a stick up her ass about she will and won’t do (for example nudity). Such models never survive longer then 1-2 years max because not only do they not book, they actively alienate photographers and casting agents with their stank attitude.
I noticed her bestie Michelle Ivana does something similar. She is a very obvious commercial/swimsuit/lifestyle model, with only moderate success in the LA and Miami markets. She is for sure more successful then Veronica would ever have been, but she constantly does mental gymnastics to convince herself and her audience that the jobs she books are high fashion, one small unpaid photoshoot in a z-list French magazine is “working in Paris” and she’s right on the cusp of being the next Adriana Lima.
No. 2094195
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>>2093801Damn this bitch is too easy to milk. She first read this and posted then deleted half an hour later. I dmed her off a barely no follower burner about using her post-filler 2020 picture as her pfp and copying the other lolcow catfish's username on tiktok. She didn't reply or block, but also changed her tiktok username kek
(cowtipping) No. 2094225
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No. 2094241
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>>2093761Wasn't signed into tumblr so didn't get to read her blog until now but it's as bad as you'd expect. I'm posting here in case she privates or takes it down
The stuff left out of the screenshot you posted:
>Nigel now obsessed with working out and dragged her into it because he's trying to make up for being a wimpy loser nerd who "used to come in last in track at school" and had a "funny walk". She laughs about it and it enrages him Other entries in order from left to right, top to bottom:
>Walking on eggshells around her violent nigel who provokes her at every turn when she's not smiling>Feeling diminished as he ignores her advice and seeks it elsewhere, tagged #bd/sm blog>Feeling ugly and stuck>Reflecting on her need to try harder and chase when he becomes distant>Noticing her Nigel's sinister self-absorbed behaviors>Hyper-aware of noises in the house because he complains about every minuscule sound>Narc scrote making the movie Frozen about himself, ignoring her>Feeling like being a homemaker isn't enough. Thinking about having a drink, but it "would break another rule" tagged #tradwife>"I was always the last pick, usually paired with the kid no one else wanted to work with- the one who smelled bad or had a label like mentally retarded. It baffled me that this was my social standing">Usually "five steps ahead" of everyone, but can't read her bf. Hopes he's reminiscing about their memories together but it's always an engineering problem. Wonders if she's really his type>Feeling irritated cleaning up after her pig bf>Abusive scrote kicking her out of his house and her overnight stay at a motelAnd possibly the worst part:
>Wondering if having a child would resolve their relationship problems No. 2094290
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>>2094241>Le hyperfeminine trad gf watching Princess movie with Nigel>Then I remember the time he compared me to Cartman from South Park. Of all the characters in all the shows, that's who he chose for me. I still can't wrap my head around it. What did he mean by this?
No. 2094297
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No. 2094331
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Using the likeability and looks of a sex trafficker pedophile to tell yourself everything's going to be just fine and the same after you lied about ever having any filler or botox
>>2093807 but got caught before you launch some shitty product backed by
>>2093816>almost exclusively tradwhore influencers and pickup artists Nice! Looks like a good move to get PUAs who anally rape children on your side these days!
No. 2094342
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>>2093905Oh wow, angelena also lied about not being vain.
>Pound of makeup>Harsh brow lines and black eyeliner all around her eyes make her look demonic>Drag queen strokes atop a white elephant base of foundation and powderVery unnatural.
>Has to LARP by posting saved Pinterest pics of random brown girls with cute small eyes, v shaped face and very slim pencil nose. She looks nothing like juliens type.
He had to settle for her, the type he will keep is high tier bellucci-esque brunette beauty those itty bitty features. If bellucci were cinderella, angelena looks like the ugly twice-removed inbred stepsister-cousin who came out of the anus instead of birth canal. Positively asymmetric and highlights A’s big face shape. She needs major surgery if she wants to get the symmetry and small everything. To think angelena had the balls to lie like she was as good as bellucci. Nope.
No. 2094378
>>2094342Anyone who makes friends with angelena is a fool, she will always be competing and trying to 1UP them when its opportunistic.
A fair weather serpent - takes other girls’ helpfulness when she is down but when at her peak she never gives credit and tries to outshine them, no mutual lifting up.
Someone who is so delusionally spiteful she can deceive herself to be prettier than top models and hate on celebrities in her heart like this, is an overtly competitive loner and will try and 1UP
No. 2094389
>>2094384Also since most tradwomen are looks-based and prize themselves on their feminine wiles to catch and keep men, then let them be judged by their looks and charm as the same standards they also critique everyone else for. Yes, feminism is an oxymoron, all feminists are hypocrites to a point, which is why some poasters are not feminists but more like chauvinist redpill realists and not afraid to say harsh truths.
Preach by trad rules, get critiqued by trad rules.
(double posting) No. 2094460
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Without stating the obvious, she tries so hard to sound like she’s an intellectual kekkk “Any metabolic experts?”
No. 2094472
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Bioenergeticmel was complaining that people are "steal"/copy her regurgitated talking points. In reality, her posts are just recycled alt-right rhetoric that have been around for years. Case in point: she tweeted (and deleted so I had to pull it up from my browser history) this two days ago. Also, Indians are Asians.
No. 2094514
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>>2094359I think they're in a civil union or domestic relationship.
> important detail for health insurance The only reason he can afford to keep her at home is by putting her on his insurance and shopping at thrift stores. He's not "rich" or independently wealthy. She's posted a few times about wanting to buy affordable clothes and furniture. If he loses his job both of them are screwed.
No. 2094569
>>2094342If halosopulence didn’t want to be straight up compared to Monica Bellucci fr, she shouldn’t have lied and hyped herself up about being a raving beauty while using pinterest girl pictures as her own.
She loves breaking the Thou Shalt Not Lie commandment when it serves her selfish means and puts down other online egirls, tradwives for her sadist joy, doesn’t it?
If you want to brag about being another Monica, at least get the reconstruction surgery to prove it instead of just staring at your reflection and daydreaming it!
No. 2094636
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>>2094616not the anon who posted that but that rant was weird
>"she looks nothing like juliens type">posts this pic of her from 2016 when makeup trends were heavy next to a yassified picture of keira knightley? then rants about monicanot wking but she lost weight since then and looks normal tbh. she used to be overweight which contributes to her self-esteem issues, but she looks better than veronica or the nigro girl, imo. who cares if his narc preference would be a bellucci tier wife? the cow's problem isn't that she's too "below mid" for him, he'd abuse any woman and she looks better than him. she's brainwashed into adopting and spreading the tardwife virus and staying with a scrote who beats her. clearly there's an uptick in tard ideology and she's the product of it. but insofar as she's misrepresenting her life and trying to influence others into it while justifying flags so red she can taste her own blood (after getting repeatedly socked in the face) for the sake of "submission" and "traditionalism" then she's also complicit
No. 2094649
>>2094636Tbh still not pretty enough to be a longterm tradwife or high escort sugar baby when compared with the modelling and most rich mens’ picks for women. Which is why A shouldn’t be so delulu about her looks and think she’s a stacy in the beauty rankings. “Know your place” applies to her looks too.
Besides, her hapa genes are strong and override any “small delicate” features.
>Monolid eyes with no dimension>Nose big at the bottom and flat overall, not pencil thin>Big face shape and width looks chunky>Top lip is way thinner than bottom lipNothing fancy or high class at all. Also what looks like an eye job has made her eyes too huge, disproportioned to the rest of her features.
(nitpicking) No. 2094661
>>2094636>brainwashed into tardwiferyStop infantilizing her maybe she was just a pickme all along feeling entitled to her prince charming despite larping as a libfem for a while.
>uptick in tard ideologyMost women fundamentally arent man haters, they do get off to men’s dangerous stronk side, cocky teasing, crassness, brutish, gruff tendencies - as long as its used for good towards them and mean against other people. Sort of like a mating fight but the hurt is not directed at them, they only watch and get off to it.
The left and feminism has jumped the shark into crazy garbage and now people are swinging to the other side and choosing reactionary because most women legit do want to get picked and coddled, but the problem is bad men can weaponize coddling as well to limit the wife and curb her ambition for wanting. And tend to like bullying the wife more than coddling her, so when amount of bullying > coddling times, the woman snaps and starts becoming feminist.
That is how rw men are sly and simps, they know how to use coddling to make a woman think she’s loved, lose ambition and stay down, but bad part is they also put in a ratio of bullying and belittling her feminine duties by saying man’s work is superior or men have more power bs, so its fake and hypocritical. You can tell rw mens coddling act is very performative and robotic, done more out of obligation.
No. 2094664
>>2094661Let’s not lie, fundamentally every woman wishes for coddling and pedestalizing from men to a point, because they are more vulnerable and want to “do less” at times.
And men know this, they hate coddling women but have to weaponize it when they want to crush her ambition, wants and yearning for independence. So they have to give in and simp, do a robotic coddling.
But the rw tardwives know it too, they will put up with his gassy farts or gruff speech or bad brute behaviour forever if his ratio of weaponized coddling > bullying her, like building her a birdhouse or carrying her luggage one time and they think its love. That’s how she gets trapped, the Game.
Breadcrumb coddling via occasional acts of duty, she will stay and you can even still bully and mock her duties or femininity time to time without retaliation. Women put up with so much for so little chivalry acts.
If your man isn’t consistently coddling or performing acts of duty for you, or seems robotic and not enthusiastic in doing them, he’s not the one.
No. 2094705
>>2094378>>2094381Everyone in the tradwife groups does this, its practically their whole mindset. They all are catty to each other and are just in this fake friendship thing to be reactionary and own the feminazis.
No girl in the trad circle actually has a solid friendship other than either surface level cordials and exchanging over the top fake compliments, or being too dumb and sending your kids’ pics to Patriarchy Hannah so she can use them for sketchy purposes.
These women don’t really want to see each other do better, just crabs in a bucket and sniping when one does not toe the line.
No. 2094759
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"SKINNY AND FERTILE" Peatards: Here is what Ray Peat says about women's weight:
>Young women (20s-30s) who are overweight have a better outcome of breast cancer, a lower incidence of breast cancer, than those who are underweight.
>He suggests around around 30% body fat can be favorable for women's health.
>In response to a female host asking if 22% body fat was too low for her, he claimed it was a "borderline range," and people "feel better over 25%" (…)
>Subcutaneous fat around hips and thighs is important for hormone production and fertility and women should be "very well padded."
- All things hormones, metabolism and health with Dr Ray Peat & Emma Sgourakis (Kitty Blomfield's Weight Loss For Women: empowering health, strength and nourishment)
- KMUD: 2-17-17 The Precautionary Principle (Part 2)
This is actually entry-level RP knowledge.
No. 2094763
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>>2094759Here's a reference for those who don't know what each body fat range looks like.
No. 2094825
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>>2094759Ray is rolling in his grave right now given the shit she tries to spread using his name like picrel. Using a dead person to try and justify your disordered, shitty grift is beyond nasty. Not to mention how impressionable her audience is. I’ve seen 15 year old girls QT her spamming synthetic hormones in the name of being “skinny and fertile”
Mind you the person she’s talking about in the first tweet simply called her a hypocrite.
No. 2094828
>>2094825The irony is, an obsession with diet/body shape
is an eating disorder whether her dumb ass realizes it or not. The peat diet is just rebranded hypochondria/dysmorphia and tends to attract a lot of mentally ill people who want to justify their unhealthy fixation on food.
The Peat subreddit is full of anorexics/binge eaters all giving the same shitty advice OR people admitting they gained weight/felt like shit while they were on it. Because of course they would, it's a stupid fad diet from the 70's.
No. 2094839
>>2094759>estrogen bad>but also you need fat so you can produce estrogenAverage Peat wisdom.
>I’ve seen 15 year old girls QT her spamming synthetic hormones in the name of being “skinny and fertile”That senile old boot did advocate for casual, unprescribed, universal Synthroid use because "everyone is subclinically hypothyroid". She is actually a perfect spiritual successor to Peat's retardation.
No. 2094858
>>2094843It does, and one of the most effective ways of nuking estrogen (which, for the record, is a goal that's retarded beyond belief) is having a lower body fat percentage, especially around the hips. Basically:
>Women must have 30% body fat>Women should have low estrogenPick one
No. 2094877
>>2094840what is accurate in Peat’s stuff is not original—it was already generally accepted data on how it is better to eat moderate portions of whole unprocessed foods, most of which you’ll find explained more thoroughly in Adelle Davis’s work
what is original to Peat is looneytunes bullshit about hormones that is not at all evidence-based
as usual, an unqualified scrote took a woman’s serious professional work and made it stupider with his delusions and then displaced her from cultural memory
No. 2094897
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Veronica can quote-tweet disagreeing with other's posts all the time, but she gets SO nasty and neurotic when someone does it to her, and she just can't stop chimping out about it for days. She posted Nazi content for days one time because…??? What mental illness is this? Also, @iamjustapeater is not trying to sell stuff to people or give people direct health advice, she's just sharing generic Peatard shit, so why does it matter if she's undereating? She's not trying to sell her diet to people like you are. Is she on speed like Elaine? She acts so much like her.
No. 2094942
>>2094910Moid nature (not wanting what they can have). Back when they could easily get wives and kids (while also believing that marriage was holding
them back from an ocean of pussy rather than being their only option for regular sex at all) it was kind of a triumphant brag to bitch about these things, one of many exercises at manufacturing their own desirability in their own heads, so nagging and insistent they would even believe it eventually. The problem with moid self-deception is that third parties may actually believe it, especially zoomie wursties who grew up watching their fathers do this. So they were raised with a delusional abundance mindset only to find themselves not only utterly undesirable, but looking at a very real prospect of dying alone.
Because it's now a harrowing reality that no one wants them, they no longer have the luxury to LARP as reluctant, picky, cosmopolitan Chads that just, like, can't be tied down bro. Their real place as orbiters desperate for monogamy and offspring is apparent.
No. 2094949
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Ah yes, if you just drop everything and fly out to another country during high inflation you will have a reset nervous system and schizophrenia like wannagreek and maybe a tapeworm.
No. 2094987
>>2094949>feel lost or stuck in life>think a lotoh gee, i haven't tried that yet
>worst case you'll have more storiesno explanation needed
No. 2095015
>>2094948It's basically like:
harem > attainable, socially-dispensed wife >>>>>> dying alone (current reality)
No. 2095333
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This retard better get an illness quick from all this raw meat
No. 2095354
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>>2094897She's such a loser. The account she dragged into her beef @TakeThiamine didn't seem to like that since they quoted her tweet snarking her. Other peatard Melina aka Isabella Nigro just warned people not to listen to her "friend's" retarded deadly advice, she might get re-blocked for this. Veronica also pleads with the "entire internet" to stop "hurting her very much" lmfao
No. 2095355
>>2095354Laughing my ass off at how Megha and Veronica pretend to be happily married while being addicted to twitter, comstantly infighting with other e-whores, and flirt with brown pedophiles and sex traffickers like Medgold and Andrew Tate all day.
This is why men who fall for the 'submissive wife' meme are cooked and reap everything they deserve.
As soon as another scrote comes along who is a bigger asshole than you, she will instantly submit to him instead kek.
No. 2095430
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>>2095413it's not that anyone thinks you can't lose weight consuming more sugar. she's doing intense bootcamp cardio most days, emphasizing her results as attainable from an eating guide she's dropping because telling people to do workouts that burn like a thousand calories all the time isn't an effective way to grift, since everyone knows that but want to be told there are easy solutions without giving up their guilty pleasure foods. it's just CICO like an anon said, there's nothing special about what she's trying to sell
>>2095355she's single
>>2093908i'll link and summarize, too long to upload
>claims filler lasted at most 9-12 months (vidrel explains why that's false)>host brings up egirls shitting on veronica>you're a model why are you on hinge?>had "weirdo" phase for 6-8 years>refers to what sounds like her briefly dating/meeting someone off X>"she wouldn't be lying if she said she doesn't have (botox and filler) in her face" (strawman ignoring how she lied about never having either)>smoked heroin twice why would i lie about filler? >egirls trying to "play model" envious that veronica is a model>"couple weeks ago internet has bullied me into straightening and whitening my teeth. they literally bully me into this and its a cosmetic procedure, but at the same time bully me for botox">host:"you are very succeptible to bullying">UMM used to be, now I'm enjoying it, don't stop obsessing over me!" (later tweets about being very hurt by the internet) i know the "wannabe model" accounts he's talking about, it's a group of 4 or so women in the same gc who've been posting about veronica nonstop but are also cowish themselves, they orbit medgold too. they post mostly pinterest pics they want people to think are them. they're bone rattlers not wellness grifters but are fairly popular on rwtwt so i think it can go in this thread? will post caps if anyone's curious some of it's pretty funny
No. 2095449
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Is this supposed to be a response to
>>2095387 Anyone who believes she eats a jar of honey every day is retarded. makes no sense to buy daily jars of honey instead of buying a pail. Also, she said just a month or so ago she was consuming 2800 calories a day now she says she's been consuming 300-600 less than that, keep up your narrative. For the record Peating was never about becoming as skinny as possible but fixing your horomonal health and RP actually retardedly recommended up to 30% bf for women for fertility and similarly a higher bf % for men's hormonal health. Being "skinny and fertile" contradicts his doctrine. I'm getting bored or discussing her but just stop lying to people and start dismantling Peatardism. And make a better product than marketing a rice protein serum as "disruptive."
No. 2095491
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She really believes that she is more important and relevant than she is in reality. Such a textbook narc.
No. 2095493
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More retarded sperging from wannagreek faggot.
No. 2095495
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As this retard obsesses over health and wellness, he says a very contradicting statement.
No. 2095496
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He promotes several supplements what the fuck does he mean when he’s the one taking 100 supplements.
No. 2095526
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Feminism is not true, and women actually are bigger narcs than men, they seem to wish to tame violent men and use his strength against their enemies.
>Get wet when he bullies others and is only soft towards her
Women don’t want kindness and friendship or community, also radfems like viceroy are just fat bitches who have some facial deformity which doesn’t meet chad’s beauty standards so she chooses to end her bloodline as a femcel if she can’t have him.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2095567
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>>2095354sometime last year
No. 2095626
>>2095587I think it's the same anon who was calling everyone MRAs, posted Eva V, at one point was accusing anons of being some random anticommunist cow they posted who no one else really knew
>>2095588That was about aella's AI cp post
No. 2095964
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This is where Veronica is wrong. UV light is extremely harmful not HeAlInG and the only reason why I agree with her about the sugar is because I tested it myself.
No. 2096035
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>>2095434@vengefulamb aka @mercifulamb
I noticed whenever I saw Veronica's page, these same accounts were shit talking her in the quotes, then realized they're launching a hate campaign against her because Veronica flirts with pedogold and a girl in their groupchat is or claims to be dating him, and @vengefulamb is dating medgold's pedophile friend, Yockeyslvt. What they share in common:
>bone rattlers who post pinterest pics of other girls to pass off as theirs>rightoids >wannabe models/claim to be models>hyper racist>shit on peatards while promoting anorexia>constantly calling women fat >all orbit medgold No. 2096038
File: 1741243242656.png (3.17 MB, 2963x2279, 1D5CAE71-14A5-42E4-A695-A2E62D…)

>>2096036>>2096035They're extremely obsessed with Veronica and treat her like their personal cow while sharing some of her most cowish attributes of being white supremacist pedo orbiters, but are somehow 10 times worse.
No. 2096500
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the most annoying things things about peatards to me is how they say they’re "esoteric"/obscure, not "normie," "high-IQ" for doing it when in reality they just latched onto the latest trendy diet on social media, you're late getting into Ray Peat in the 2020s after it hit Instagram and TikTok. you're a normie. also the way many of them on X changed their political beliefs or at least got more extreme to fit into the cult, Oxtail for example used to hate trump until recently. also, how they position themselves as experts & call everyone else retards for not agreeing with everything peat says but many of them have no background in science and only started learning about hormones or even biology in general in the past year or so, they are the retards without the background for discernment. lastly, how many if not most of them lose their shit and start spewing ad homs at a hair's trigger.
No. 2096687
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>Mormon cosplayer tradwife who does rps humiliation with her husband to let his ego feel good fights another pickme
>Competitive even in arena of most submissive martyr cuckquean
No. 2096712
>>2096710Did her ED make her infertile, then why all this talk about
her babies if none?
No. 2096714
>>2096712I haven’t actually seen any talk about
her babies, got any links?
No. 2096950
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It’s so amusing how “antifeminist” pickmes online fib about how much their husbands dote on them and how theyre at home 24/7 baking sourdough and kissing their babies until the truth gets revealed for real and theyre just a dumb bitter “working” sadomasochist beholden to a bad man who’s nothing special at all.
No. 2096967
>>2096950Tradtard women genuinely believe that children/having a family will endear their men to showing more affection and
trigger their "protective instincts", when in actuality men have children mostly to fulfill a vague concept of a legacy or "family tradition" - ie selfishly creating a carbon copy of themselves that they can mold to their outlook, if they don't outright abandon them.
moids do not view parenting in remotely the same way women do. They don't care about the actual day-to-day experience of having children.