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No. 2080821

>>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2351915

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885#pone.0016885.s002 (relation between committing a violent sexual crime and srs)

Gender Critical Writings and Websites:
https://www.chimamanda.com/ (Writings of Chimamanda Ngozi, a Nigerian gender critical feminist)
https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/ (JK Rowling's essay)

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cOANC_ykPxL_TZGnkxZCb4HNc-2tvfuK (vile comments made by TRAs)
https://odysee.com/@Skirt_Go_Spinny: (documentaries about TiMs and Trans activism)
https://web.archive.org/web/20231021212912/https://www.tumblr.com/chlorinatedpopsicle/654101574490161152/new-and-improved-not-our-crimes-this-never (Violent crimes by TiMs)

Notable MtF-related subreddits:

Previous threads 1-131:

Thread #132: >>>/snow/1995251
Thread #133: >>>/snow/2003406
Thread #134: >>>/snow/2012701
Thread #135: >>>/snow/2022374
Thread #136: >>>/snow/2035831
Thread #137: >>>/snow/2046188
Thread #138: >>>/snow/2056155
Thread #139: >>>/snow/2063201
Thread #140: >>>/snow/2070564

No. 2080829

>thread 141
>no 41% joke
You had one job anon.

No. 2080833

There was that picrel of a sticker on a pole depicting a tranny roping. We needed that.

No. 2080834

My bad
I didn’t think it was that funny, sorry

No. 2080853

kek that shrek tranny, thanks for making a new one

No. 2080857

Thread 41 didn’t either, although I’m pretty sure that statistic was a thing by then. Sad. Love the threadpic though kek

No. 2080862

I hope we get some meltdown milk around the EO. Please nonnas if you see anything bring it here.

No. 2080878

File: 1737592836278.jpg (634.65 KB, 972x2775, 20250122_193748.jpg)

They are convinced science isnt real and just running with the disproved "we all start as female"

No. 2080880

Misinformation and tranny ideology go hand in hand, I can't be too surprised by this ever since I've seen men and women believe that taking estrogen somehow makes their bodies believe they have a uterus and are getting cramps kek

No. 2080887

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This mofo must be huffing glue to be able to make this seem logical in his head. Only when men are kicked out of women's toilets will men prey upon women and poor defenseless trannies?? Huh?

No. 2080895

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Kek 4 of the boxes are literally him

No. 2080896

They always believe what the want kek. I followed and took a biology exam in university, the gonad isn’t female at the start, it’s undifferentiated.

No. 2080899

he's wearing a Leviathan shirt btw aka black metal guy that violently assaulted his girlfriend

No. 2080908

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You can really tell who is who kek

No. 2080931

>the zygote doesnt have a y chromosome at the start
topkek i love this fucking chinese whispers game that happens in scientific fields, leads to some real retards talking like they have any idea at all about the most basic shit

No. 2080935

absolutely howling

No. 2080953

It's always the dudes over 6' for some reason…

No. 2080972

His whole premise requires misreading the EO. At no point does it say that either sex "has" one or the other gamete at birth. What it actually said was:
>“Female” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.
To belong to the sex that produces large gametes is not the same as literally currently producing large gametes. They probably should have phrased it as "at birth" and not "at conception," because as we've established, a lot of retards out there seem to be under the false impression that all fetuses "start out" female. But the statement is not untrue, nor does it inadvertently describe either TiMs or everyone on Earth as female, like a lot of TRAs and horrible "news" outlets are claiming.

A baby belonging to some category as determined by scientific observation does not require that it currently possess the traits that allow for adult individuals to be discreetly classified. If someone pointed to a baby emperor penguin and said, "she is a member of the largest species of penguin," no one in their right mind would respond, "But, erm, that baby penguin isn't larger than a king penguin, so it's wrong to say that she's one of the largest."

This is exactly what I said at the end of the previous thread:
>Human fetuses "start out" with a "neutral" genital that then develops into either a penis or vagina.
I can't believe that major outlets like Rolling Stone are actually quoting TRAs saying dumb crap like
>all embryos initially develop along ‘female’ lines until later in development
and presenting it as scientific fact. The lack of an apparent phenotypical sex does not mean that a fetus lacks a sex, or is female. It's still male or female and has the corresponding chromosomes. Fucking retarded.

No. 2080990

Tranny brains are like toddler brains - whatever looks like the object, must be the object. I hope they all get into mushroom foraging and get terrible poisonings. It would the the ironic grande finale of their line of thought.

No. 2080995

File: 1737620896623.jpg (357.81 KB, 1290x1585, 1000006814.jpg)

lol. lmao, even

No. 2080997

pretty sure this was posted before. additionally, i take that as "things that never happened"

No. 2081001

Try me…we can get dangerous troon.

No. 2081002

>Marshall Lee pfp
>Fall Out Boy
>Doc Martens
Anon are you sure this isn't actually a TiF

No. 2081041

>sick men out there have had their wildest dream come true and can walk right into the ladies' room and just say they were born a woman -if they even get questioned
THAT'S LITERALLY WHAT MEN ARE CURRENTLY DOING! By claiming they identify as women. This has to be satire surely?? He implies that people's sex won't be questioned anymore, isn't that what trannies want, in order to use their restroom of choice without issues? JFC even when you try to entertain them, NOTHING makes sense.

No. 2081051

When some of them mention passing and being stealth, this is always what I imagine them looking like, both the TiFs and TiMs.

No. 2081088

File: 1737646252062.jpeg (94.16 KB, 828x638, IMG_7291.jpeg)

>calls self alfie
>uses "Mr."
>tumblr full of m/m slash
yep it's a tif

No. 2081111

Super off-putting to see a woman talk about committing violence on other women to uphold the honor of grody perv men. It's not gonna make them respect you, girl.(sage your shit)

No. 2081122

i bet she's 5ft tall irl and gets panic attacks whenever she has to talk to a cashier at the grocery store

No. 2081124

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This message should be aimed to TIMs, but we know that is aimed to handmaidens.

No. 2081127

The message in of itself is kinda true, it's just that tims aren't women. The same message could be use to say that "if you don't fight for terfs, you don't stand for no women"

No. 2081137

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To the artist:

No. 2081142

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It's finally happening! I'm so happy for the women who no longer have to live in fear while incarcerated. They're supposedly putting them in separate quarters. Wonder how long it will take them to detrans now that the larp no longer works in their favor.


No. 2081157

noooo but le orange man is le bad

No. 2081171

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Oh no will somebody think of the poor neo nazi bank robber

No. 2081209


No. 2081210

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On a (I assumed) totally normal discord about a digital arts studio doing the visuals for an artist I like. In the middle of the normal discord shit, just… Every time. I'm so fucking tired of their coomer hivebrain degenerate shit infecting everything I have an interest about.

No. 2081214

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Samefag, at least this made me lol. (He confirms "she" just came out 2 weeks ago)

No. 2081243

Oh? Men are scary brutes and you don't want to be incarcerated with them? Suddenly they understand! I only feel bad for the guards that will have to tolerate a cell block full of men with rotten fistulas. Imagine the smell.

No. 2081252

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>I think you forgot to replace a letter
my sides

No. 2081262

I hope someone remembers this for the next threadpic far in the future.

No. 2081263

This may well be the only good thing he does while in office and I for one cannot wait to hear about how many trannies get killed in prison kek

No. 2081264

Well Patrick looks like a TIF himself and always has, makes sense he’d feel solidarity. Also
>kills TERFs
I would love for them to try this one

No. 2081287

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That MTF who played an ex mafia tranny is being considered for best actress Oscar. Personally I don't mind if the judges are captured enough to hand him the trophy, it would help peak people

No. 2081292

I love how he couldn’t even bring himself to add in male as in “cis, white, male” because it would hit too close to home kek

No. 2081303

This corny-ass shit, why is he trying to skinwalk feminist millenials? Weird shit. One could even make an argument that he is literally every single trait listed kek.

No. 2081305

No matter who wins, the salt shall flow.

No. 2081336

The faggot french who directed this must've been left prolapsed after all the dick he had to take to get his hilariously bad movie this many nominations. Even the biggest wokies thought it was terrible and are baffled at the awards.
Apparently the TIM was also bragging on Xitter about how the nominations speak for themselves and 'h8ers gonna h8' and had to block everyone in his mentions since he was getting ratioed by people saying it sucked agp balls.

No. 2081354

>The faggot french who directed this must've been left prolapsed after all the dick he had to take to get his hilariously bad movie this many nominations. Even the biggest wokies thought it was terrible and are baffled at the awards.
I think the nominations are intended as a fuck you to Trump.

No. 2081355

Doubt it's gonna peak people. Most people get their social cues from media and an endorsement of this size is only gonna normalize trannies in the normies eyes

No. 2081358

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I fucking hate handmaidens so much. "ATTENTION ALL UTERUS HAVERS"(wrong thread)

No. 2081361


yet you never see 'people with balls' or 'penis havers'. wonder why

No. 2081383

You know why.

No. 2081415

File: 1737706940597.webp (35.25 KB, 640x640, do-yall-think-im-a-cute-goth-t…)

why does every TiM jump straight to the black lipstick and shaky eyeliner.. it just shrinks the sizes of their already lipless moidmouths and beady little eyes

No. 2081416

they're skinwalking the goth girl they had a crush on in high school

No. 2081417

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Estrogen and its crazy properties kek. They always sound so retarded.

No. 2081418

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Sure man, whatever you say. You have a womanly nose and you’re able to pick esoteric smells that only true women can pick.

No. 2081419


istgg next thing they're gonna say they get periods and their cycles are syncing…. oh wait…

No. 2081420

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Reminds me of the tranny in Bleach, picrel. No, women don't have an innate sixth sense for when moids jerk off, you probably reek of days old sperm and haven't showered in weeks. "Girlcum" probably smells the same as any other moid's, inshallah I never get the chance to confirm that.

>muh pheromones
Actual retard behavior. These are the men claiming terfs don't get "basic biology" kek

No. 2081421


no actually their cumcrusted thighhighs actually smell like roses and cotton candy. You know, like a girl.

No. 2081422

Unfortunately it’s only for federal prisons

No. 2081424

>you probably reek of days old sperm and haven't showered in weeks.

No. 2081427

>unless you've taken a full body shower after
Ewwww don't tell me men are jacking off and then not showering before going into public?? Vile.

No. 2081432

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Another retard co opting debilitating conditions like a quirky thing.
There are even scrotes who claim to have female autism kek and they have the audacity with their dicks and balls and go to subs specifically for women where they lament how they had to mask etc..

No. 2081433

I wouldn’t be surprised nonna.

No. 2081434

…off the market forever because suicide?

No. 2081435

Be for real. Men probably go out in public after jacking off without even washing their hands.

No. 2081437

>full body shower
Maybe stupid question but is there any other type? I've never heard someone specify they're taking a "full body" or "half body" shower in my life before.

No. 2081448

As a teen in the 90s, my friends and I would hop up on the brickhons forums where they'd obsessively skinwalk us by studying every micro-expression with this disturbing covetousness that anyone who's been around a troon in-person can immediately recall.
The new ones do that too, but they immediately mince off after hearing one of us making a joke about cutting our bangs on our period or having stinky bf's and then talking about it as though they're an authority. And it's all so surface level, like that scene in 40y/o Virgin when Steve Carrel's character is talking about how much sex he's totally had.
The fact trannies have to simultaneously be victimized transwomen, real women, and no, actually, the ONLY real women bc they had to work for it, is so enraging.

No. 2081454

That's why I don't touch anything with my hands on public transportation

No. 2081472

Disturbingly covetous is really the perfect adjective for them.

No. 2081474

they would lose their mind and whine about needing to be considered political refugees if they saw a woman wear a "this terf kills trannies" patch kek. how tf dare they mention a "trans genocide" when their community is openly inciting to violence/threatening with 0 repercussions


No. 2081534

Kek nonna most likely. Either that, or he will become a polygamous puppygirl sub to whatever greasy troon was grooming him.

No. 2081535

Some people don’t wash their hair every time they shower

No. 2081536

Kek nonna most likely. Either that, or he will become a polygamous puppygirl sub to whatever greasy troon was grooming him.

No. 2081537

The only thing I can think is that the alternative is a shower where you wash your body but not your hair or vice versa

No. 2081545

The odds are Demi Moore's favor to win

No. 2081551

now remove them from political offices and c-suites

No. 2081559

Wicked is going to win.(sage your shit)

No. 2081570

They choose fashion styles that can be worn with heavy makeup and accessories as a desperate attempt to hide their moid faces

No. 2081571

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i’m manifesting a troon attack on the US capitol. please trannies, go apeshit on the white house, you know you want to.

No. 2081572

The FBI will see this and will wait until he snaps to say he was on their radar.

No. 2081580

Kek, I love how trannies act like they've never been insane gun retards and like this is a last resort thing.
Men really know how to gaslight regardless of the name they give to themselves.

No. 2081587

Surprisingly, this isn't a tranny. Just some retarded moid.

No. 2081591

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They’re so fucking histrionic, I can only kek

No. 2081599

A deep seated sense of inferiority and anger which can only be masked by threatening violence is one of the most male things of all time

No. 2081603

the silhouette is hilarious, do they actually think they look like this?

No. 2081608

We can break them easily by just calling them "sir". Although that's easier in tifs because they don't have shame in beat someone else while saying it was a terf attack.

No. 2081615

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Side effects not listed but mentioned at the end like it's nbd: braintumors

No. 2081630

i take half body showers (waist and below) when i have to take a shit after ive already taken the shower for the day

the average woman has gone through that and worse.

No. 2081642

it was posted on the transguns sub.

No. 2081646

Pretty sure either Demi Moore or Fernanda Torres will win, and the meltdown from this faggot will be awesome, but despite the movie being hot garbage, lefties are still praising his acting and celebrating the nomination. Hopefully this news will at least peak fence-sitters

No. 2081668

They make me feel so mortified to be gay bc now society hates us again bc of this shit since we get lumped in together. Fuck them.

No. 2081669

What’s the difference

No. 2081676

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No. 2081679

>never again is now
I almost forgot about the great troon genocide of ‘42.

No. 2081699

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>Suspiciously female bpd

No. 2081704

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They would buy Belle Delphine's water if she said it's an HRT.

No. 2081705

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At this point comparing him to buffalo bill is an insult to buffalo bill

No. 2081707

He kind of has a soulless, junkie look to him. I wonder if he does any hard drugs.

No. 2081718

I hate SEEING him so much oh my god OMG he’s so foul

No. 2081726

It's like the same picture over and over but it gets worse

No. 2081731

This is such a male worry, you only ever hear men talk about this imaginary risk. Teenage boys to be more accurate. And this is probably part of his puppygirl fetish, something something dog sense of smell something i want to be a dog and a woman because these two things are degrading to me

No. 2081733

>'torture that would annihlate you'
The torture in question:

Men really will take not getting their dicks wet as an assault on their rights kek

No. 2081749

File: 1737789349429.png (263.66 KB, 488x488, 1000019074.png)

What did the Bubble Yum duck to do be associated with trannies?

No. 2081750

men used to fight in wars and now they consider growing bitchtits "life saving"

No. 2081754

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So very male and so very narc.

No. 2081759

invest in a bidet nonishka, i can't understand why they're not a global thing already
when they say "boy" or "girl" instead of man or woman i get the strongest urge to alog they are ALL pedophiles every single tranny moid ever is a pedophile no exceptions

No. 2081761

Because they ruin anything pink, light blue and white

No. 2081766

They fight in wars, THEN grow bitch tits. Vets are way over represented in this population

No. 2081767

half of the sperging is almost indecipherable. also classic making children suffer behaiviour.

No. 2081769

It’s funny because I actually think they’d look better if they learned how to do foundation, contour etc properly before moving to eyeliner.. But of course they can’t do that, because they do all their makeup with their dominant hand shoved down their panties

No. 2081771

I'm convinced at this point that these moids' increasingly shittier takes is some form of self destruction. Literally who gives a shit about gender larp when you need citizenship?

No. 2081778

Good job!

No. 2081779

And the torture is a lesbian saying that she only likes pussy.

No. 2081785

File: 1737805792388.jpg (38.8 KB, 736x736, 3ddc829608ed3f068f7a98d66ab9eb…)

I'll never forgive them for co-opting this color scheme and ruining it. Sylveon deserved better.

No. 2081792

File: 1737806900101.png (184.34 KB, 828x478, 7oYQKL0.png)

literally seething

No. 2081794

The downdoots are so funny, I can just imagine the "calm down retard" sentiment behind them.

No. 2081796

File: 1737808280110.jpg (76.15 KB, 1129x417, copium.jpg)

>vaginas' self-cleaning abilities are a lie
>because women have vaginal discharges eww
kek that's literally part of the self-cleaning process. meanwhile trannies' wounds (desperately trying to close up) have to be douched AND they still secrete constant and useless mucus based on the type of surgery. insane cope

No. 2081797

>spits blood and mucus

The troon is talking about his rot pocket.

No. 2081800


No. 2081804

It's this insistence on being front and center of every issue that's peaking otherwise trans-positive normies. It does seem like deliberate self destruction, who the fuck goes on a thread advising parents on how to keep their kids safe and announces that akshwallee it's the girlcocks who are a priority? No wonder support for trans rights has fallen so much. They're the All Lives Matter of the 2020s.

No. 2081807

That (and cadaverine) is the smell of sperm and cock. The rest of what you're describing is a vagina that's been exposed to cock (or, more accurately, the kind of vagina that let you anywhere near it) and its unimaginable filth, a lot of which is fecal bacteria - that's what dominates your microbiome even when your rothole is made via penile-inversion and not literal poophole grafting (sigmoid colon vaginoplasty).

A healthy (undicked) vagina is dominated by lactobacillus crispatus, which makes it highly acidic, self-cleaning and resistant to pathogens by definition. L. crispatus also impairs sperm motility, a fun fact that would puzzle a lot of tradwhores and bricks alike. You will never experience this because you have nothing to offer to this strain of lactobacillus - its preferred host is vaginal mucosa, whereas poop and anaerobes are assigned to your front pole. You know why? For evolutionary reasons, of course - you have co-evolved with your repulsive, BV-inducing microbiome to destroy the local immunity in the vagina and facilitate conception. That means that no matter what eldritch configuration you assemble your festering splooge flaps into, it will always be a niche for shit and anaerobes - just like a fragment of ass. Like, you could staple your meat onto your forehead, or fashion it into a purse - it would still be infested with the exact same things.

Fascinating, isn't it? Stay tuned for more 41% inducing sexual dimorphism facts.

No. 2081814

File: 1737811202802.png (51.77 KB, 640x627, 4lybhv5irr731.png)

Yeah it fucking sucked that the shiny was also pink, blue and white so they just kept on screeching about how "Sylveon is trans". I'm so fucking sick of how hard TRAs double down on reinforcing gender stereotypes no matter what. They're the opposite of progressive and so firmly stuck in the gender roles box not even a fucking cute and frilly Pokemon could possibly be male to these retards. Bows = girl, duh.

No. 2081816

File: 1737811242774.png (230.95 KB, 822x407, untitledgoose.PNG)

it's the goose from untitled goose game that is "a horrible goose" that "bothers the inhabitants of an english village"

No. 2081817

File: 1737811279253.jpg (2.58 MB, 3024x4032, 20250125_152041.jpg)

No. 2081820

>You will never experience this because you have nothing to offer to this strain of lactobacillus - its preferred host is vaginal mucosa
thank you god for our special microbiome to make trannies seethe, amen

No. 2081840

Don’t let it bother you. Just enjoy sylveon and anything else with these colors. They don’t own them or anything.

No. 2081858

File: 1737819234219.jpg (99.16 KB, 584x542, IMG_2873.jpg)

God yes. It kills me that the shiny is such a good shiny design and it gets turned into hurrdurr shiny Sylveon is "transmasc" and regular Sylveon is "transfem" because blue = boy and pink = girl!11!!1

It makes sense when you consider even the actual trans flag is just repackaged conservative gender stereotypes but for modern day sensibilities. Shockingly reductive, even, because there are still conservative boomers who are smart enough to recognize blue doesn't automatically equal boy or vice versa.

I try but it's difficult when anytime Sylveon (or Hatterene or god forbid any of the other pink/white/blue pokemon) get brought up in fandom there are a thousand retard trannies to screech about how it's licherally them. It doesn't stop me from having Sylveon on my team but it does stop me from broadcasting that I like it anywhere online.

They do this with plenty of things that aren't theirs to touch. Miku, Sanrio, Sailor Moon, cats, really anything associated with/created by a woman gets co-opted by male trannies. Lately they've started larping as radfems and talk about Dworkin like they actually understand anything she's written, or crop up in reading or astrology or witchcraft or crystal groups (99.9% women) and try to assimilate, badly. This includes cutesy "gamer girl" aesthetic stuff, or even fucking lolita which gets co-opted by moids whose pps get hard at being able to take their larp a step further. Not even including anything to do with lesbianism. Trannies claiming lesbian history like they didn't ruin lesbian spaces with their own shovel hands makes me want to alog.

They don't own these things but they do ruin them by taking over and infiltrating the spaces women would normally occupy to engage with it. Sex pests ruined MLP for lots of little girls, they're ruining plenty of innocuous things associated with girls/women beyond that now but it's okay because they have gendered souls or something.

No. 2081863

Mother Nature is so terfy kek

No. 2081883

File: 1737823944421.png (358.77 KB, 600x668, bekoPBC.png)

fun fact, the creator of the trans flag is a man who openly admitted he transitioned because of trans porn and erotica in his own autobiography, he used to write erotica himself, one featuring young boys being tortured and 'feminized' and another featuring his self-insert having sex with an immortal little girl, he also recently adopted a "transgender teenage girl"

No. 2081884

This has bad idea written all over it

No. 2081905

Every modern pride flag creator is such a cow.

No. 2081906

File: 1737828189907.png (159.08 KB, 500x424, Monica.png)

He's 71? Crossing my fingers for that Y chromosome lifespan to kick in.

No. 2081930

and also psychosis

No. 2081931

more evidence that troonism and poverty go hand in hand

No. 2081936

wtf kind of faggotry is this? pussy smells nice. even straight nonnies would agree with me i think. imagine being a mutilated homosexual male with a blown out asshole talking about women like this. the stink is coming from inside the house lol maybe he should wash his ass more than once a month.

No. 2081962

Whenever they come at me with this obvious cope, I just calmly remind them that they can and do still die of penile cancer in their assgina and that any orgasm they ever have will be the result of prostate stimulation by a chaser who will leave him for an intact tranny.
Someone tried this shit to me irl, it's always either jailhouse gay /pol/ incels who want to rape foids, or homosexuals who are so misogynistic that not even handmaidens can tolerate them.
Praise Dworkin they usually end up taking themselves out before going through with the school shootings their WRETCHED DNA compel them to do.

No. 2081966

File: 1737838603401.png (260.22 KB, 944x1517, Illustration.png)

>"i just made myself the victim!"
>continues self-victimizing 2 sentences later
the replies weren't even that mean, people were just pointing out that he was doing the same thing he criticized in the post. i love when validation-fishing fails

No. 2081968

This sounds like something my grandpa would say

No. 2081976

r/lesbiangang has been good at not taking this shit so far. I know it won’t last long, but I’ve enjoyed seeing it. If gay bros on tumblr can be complete assholes and push TiFs out, we should be able to do the same thing to TiMs

No. 2081994

You could probably chalk it down to general perversion or a desire to skinwalk female family members, but what is it with TIMs and incest? Even some popular trannies on twitter post about their incest fetishes on the regular. Recently I was watching a video about "consang" (basically 'consensual' incest) communities on tumblr, and the YouTuber mentioned most of the tag was mother x daughter incest erotica and I instantly knew it had to be troon shit. Sure enough practically every account under that tag is trans. I get people have their fetishes but there's one tranny in particular claiming to have actually had sex with his biological mother - prob just larp but it still freaks me the fuck out. I'll post screencaps of that specific account (nothing too gross) if any nonnas care

No. 2081996

paraphilias usually occur in clusters

No. 2082023

Honestly the difference in reactions between tifs and tims in gay/lesbian spaces respectively is proof of biology at it's finest.

No. 2082043

File: 1737852745456.png (793.41 KB, 1170x1377, kGcGfs3.png)

reminds me of how that murdered 'trans girl' that troon activists claimed was personally murdered by feminists, was actively groomed by sissy fetishists, these men are a danger to children

No. 2082063

ghey was literally following sissy fetish accounts on ig, so not surprising in the least

No. 2082065

I read a study that found males sexually abusing their sisters is extremely correlated with fatherless households. Something like 90% of the brother on sister molestation cases the study looked at involved a home with no dad, it was crazy. It's not surprising most trannies are fatherless too.

Porn addiction is also synonymous with trooning out, and brother-sister incest is pushed extremely hard by the porn industry.

No. 2082091

Queer theory in general is rife with pedos so it's somehow not that surprising. A lot of trannies also goon to sissy/femboy/otokonoko/trap porn, for whatever reason it's a strong trigger for many of them. Peak malebrained behavior, the only actual women who like "femboy" stuff are fujos shipping them with yowee semes and being self-inserting NLOGs.

No. 2082098

His TikTok was him filming himself in a spinny skirt in the girls' toilets. Males can be AGP at any age.

No. 2082118

File: 1737877554886.jpg (24.08 KB, 540x137, 1000024726.jpg)


Wow so he thinks being able to have a little "F" on a document is more pertinent than being deported? Jesus Christ the self absorption and victim complex are staggering.

No. 2082160

Found out the tranny character in Bob's Burgers (Marshmallow) has a troon voice actor now bc it's offensive and transphobic to have a male voice him.
Y'all know how most of the women on that show are voiced by men?? I love Bob's Burgers, but that has made me spiral all night. Not Marshmallow alone but the entire…blindness, I guess, to this casual misogyny to the point of this stomach churning irony. Like when Will Ferrell made that troon documentary and announced he would no longer dress up as women to impersonate them because it's offensive to brickhons.
Every once in a while I feel so shocking gaslit by society, even every fucking single thing I enjoy, that I need to come to places like HERE to touch grass. God.

No. 2082182

Not surprised. I lost interest in Bob Burger a while back- it got kinda stale for me, but they definitely flanderized their whole show. Like everything just got really lame and boring. And didn't they kick Jimmy Pesto's VA and entire character off of the show for him going to 1/6 stuff, not charged w a crime or anything just attending like thousands of other people?

No. 2082225

One of the killers was calling Ghey she/her in the murder diary, couldn’t have been that offended by it. They also had a few other targets who weren’t trans. Ghey was murdered because he was the easiest to lure out to a park alone, the killers had tried already with a different person and they didn’t come or something. It was just a murderous girl and her simp. No political meaning at all, honestly the murders aren’t that smart to have had any meaningful reason to do it other than wanting to see gore.

No. 2082255

Nah, he went to prison for a bit. >>2082225
Yeah, he was another one of those groomed covid kids and his socials were full of sissy porn and girl's room selfies in clothes that are inappropriate for anybody that age.
The UK has a huge issue with mentally vulnerable people getting specifically targeted and killed in what can only be described as hate crimes, and the list Ghey was on was full of slow/crazy kids to murder. But bc he had no supervision, he was the first to meet up at the park to do coke in a secluded location.
The murder was a hate crime against a mentally ill person who was severely depressed and vulnerable to being taken advantage of, just like every other teen on that list almost was, but no one wants to address that total failure of parents and the system. So there's a young trans martyr (their favorite thing), and none of the other kids on that list are every going to feel listened to or secure again bc the real issue wasn't addressed.
It was sad as fuck, but in the UK, they'd rather literally bang the door down on terfs on the internet or physically restrain and arrest retarded people who misgender genderspecial cops.
Total political asylum for UK females, plzzzz.

No. 2082260

File: 1737910749455.png (91.75 KB, 327x286, Screenshot 2025-01-26 115444.p…)

its actually because you are male

No. 2082263

Every fucking time I see troons crying about it I think that's just another demonstration of how self centered they are. No, it's not because they are bigots, you are men. It's not like they're afraid that they will get made fun of, you're men. Straight males often joke about fucking towels and raw beef, they will brag about fucking anything but men because they're straight and yet troons think that it's because of muh prejudice lmao no either they're too stupid or trying so hard to shift the blame it's embarrassing.

No. 2082268


so glad that actual lesbians have taken over one of the lesbian reddits and aren’t caving into troon bs. this is a common tactic that they use. trying to convince a group of women who are tired of being spoken over by troons that they are one of the good ones. they usually have success because some weak willed woman will fall for it and attract others like her. then before you know it it’s another tranny space. i hope they stand strong and ban trannies and tranny sympathizers.

No. 2082300

File: 1737920499634.jpg (349.68 KB, 1080x977, 1000006007.jpg)

Mom come get me I'm in the depths of depravity.

No. 2082303

I can't fathom what mental traumas these kids of trannies will have.

No. 2082307

File: 1737921123755.jpeg (991.29 KB, 1170x1541, B86529EE-5456-41CA-9FF5-1F9FC1…)

You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

No. 2082310

OP comments later "baby's health comes first, of course" but I guess not mental health bc baby's going to learn one day that it was used for gratification and affirmation by its deranged father. Another one commented that thinking of making babies suck on his nipples is something that "cracked his egg". Pedo shit.
That whole subreddit is getting morose AF it's pretty funny to see them suffering.

No. 2082313

Yeah I saw the original post and called it out among many of the other sub members. Fucking loser crybaby thinking we can’t see thru his attempt, pathetic. It feels good that that sub is not a haven for them (yet)

No. 2082316

File: 1737921886641.jpeg (79.92 KB, 672x599, 72038F21-E27A-4E1E-9DDB-04A98D…)

they think this is some sort of “gotcha” when it’s actually their misogyny on full display.

No. 2082318

Are they dense? Once is practical, unisex clothes that are easy to move around in. Plus, no one is fetishizing hoodies.

No. 2082321

That outfit would be offensive even on a woman.
(offensive in the sense of ugly)

No. 2082330

My favorite thing about this is how visibly autistic the guy is, even just by his silhouette.

No. 2082353

File: 1737927822568.png (928.91 KB, 1332x1577, failmale.png)

So sick of EVERY female space being taken over by these AGP freaks. Both people in the lipstick exchange from that thread are men. Are there even any women left in there at all? It's just a bunch of perv men jerking each other off. I'm so tired.

No. 2082355

Jfc, you can tell this one thinks he's Amy Lee.

No. 2082377

File: 1737932991435.jpeg (131.13 KB, 1170x503, IMG_7153.jpeg)

No. 2082384

File: 1737935716028.png (409.75 KB, 663x779, FxcSvMg.png)

agpism in a nutshell

No. 2082387

File: 1737935876942.jpg (220.95 KB, 984x649, 1000001965.jpg)

No. 2082393

This is like if an alien tried to mimic female behaviour entirely based off perfume commercials and old transmissions of iCarly.

No. 2082394

>all i can do is masturbate to them
mask off with seeing women as objects instead of people and complaining about ""tme"" people

No. 2082402

this is the twelfth post I have seen of troons claiming that 'terfs' are all dating men who will castrate themselves, Is this a thing? because I've never seen it.

No. 2082403

Normal women or handmaidens date men who secretly want to castrate themselves and become terfs

No. 2082421

kek it looks like it was drawn from some Redditor’s silhouette

No. 2082423

That is so fucking disgusting. I absolutely abhor men.

No. 2082435

>"This topic was my first boner"

No. 2082439

literally who is this referring to? men's hobby of making up people to get mad at is so strange

No. 2082458

I don't why you make it sound like Jan 6 was a festival or something. Of course he was fired for attending an insurrection

No. 2082508

Just another day of TIMs shitting on TIFs and handmaidens.
>women aren't people who are female with complex inner workings and a variety of personalities, they're just objects meant to masturbate to and worship me

>this reminds me of my boyfriend

Dating them isn't enough.
>he always cries when we have sex, but it's okay because I know being with a real woman like me makes him so happy
Fucking them isn't enough. Women have to be mindreaders but never object to them in any way. Notice also that he admits that he views TIFs as women. Libfems will worship these men and they hate them. Pickmes. Never. Prosper.

No. 2082546

>along with the other benefits
what benefits???? go on? jfc this and the other user admitting that the idea of "nursing" an infant is what made him transition is so blackpilling. any handmaiden who doesn't see anything wrong with that shit is pro-pedophilia at this point

No. 2082592

I just know it smell crazy in there

No. 2082619

File: 1738001306713.gif (9.49 MB, 498x277, 1UonZgO.gif)

>all I can do is masturbate to them, as it is all I know,

No. 2082620

File: 1738001690637.jpeg (568.17 KB, 1179x1683, XlMzmiY.jpeg)

this was posted on 4tran4 and they’re acting like it’s the best comic ever

No. 2082629

>hogan’s heroes
The male autism is palpable kek
This has everything, tranfiction about how they are totally being genocided right now, ugly ass art, shitty “deep” writing..

No. 2082636

I'm fucking crying at them being sent to literal groomer jail KEKKKKKKKKK Never let it be said trannies aren't self aware.

No. 2082640

Didn't they say that would happen when trump won the first time only for absolutely nothing of the sort happen… now trump is there again and they decide to go running back with that crap? They see whats happening with the immigrants but think… hmmm, how can I make this all about myself, an white american male? Like thats peak privileged life you got and you decided to waste with bullshit? I don't even know how to express how bizarre and out of touch this reads.

Btw I hate how it made it on the big news trump's "there are only 2 sexes" law thing in my country as if it is a death sentence to trannies and as if it's in any way comparable to Ice. It feels so dystopic "only 2 sexes" is something it must be said and gets discredit by bogus science.

No. 2082657

>was sent to prison for raping a minor

No. 2082665

Manifesting this…

No. 2082671

Fascinating that some of the same people who crow "from the river to the sea," will turn around and evoke the imagery/language of the Holocaust when they dream up worst-case-scenarios for troons, or even add troons to the roster of people persecuted by Nazi Germany even though there's no record of it (and the Nazis actually employed one of the pioneers of the vaginoplasty to do human experiments at Dachau).

No. 2082673

No. 2082681

This guy straight up just invented a fictional character to be mad at. If someone is a Tumblr-age TRA or a TiF, she's going to be giddy at the idea of her Nigel trooning out, and if she's a TERF, she's gonna dump his ass at the first sign of AGP. It doesn't make sense for someone to be well-versed in troonshit enough to know what an egg is and how one behaves, but too normie to accept that her Nigel is an egg. The only situation I can imagine that sort of cognitive dissonance happening in is one where the woman is literally stuck with the guy due to marriage or kids and is using denial to cope. And that's not really the sort of person I imagine hanging out on Tumblr.

No. 2082692

He's basically saying all women are evil "transmisogyny exempt" terfy bitches no matter how much they bow down to troons, no other reason to specify it's "TMES with terfs DNI in bio" saying that. But yeah, literally no one ever said that, this is literally just an incel openly seething when his female mutuals mention having a boyfriend. Can't tell if just the idea of women dating that makes him seethe, or if it's specifically women expressing attraction for normie men as opposed to disgusting hulking transbians. These faggots will make themselves as ugly, unhygienic and rapey as humanly possible and then go shocked Pikachu when women don't wanna suck their limp estrogenized dicks.

No. 2082700

Trannies die god laughs

No. 2082717

File: 1738017793159.jpg (249.97 KB, 488x868, IMG_20250127_194158.jpg)

>I'm trans and I hate it

No. 2082728

File: 1738019220090.png (1.5 MB, 1200x1278, Screen Shot 2025-01-27 at 6.05…)

If this happens I hope Elliot page is cast for Wolverine kek.

No. 2082740

He's looking more and more apelike by the day, they can't be serious. He'll be nothing more than a shaved sasquatch by the time they start filming.

No. 2082741

I'm not bothered by men who wear skirts, I couldn't care less
I'm bothered by men who think wearing a skirt gives them access to female spaces and rights

No. 2082758

File: 1738027241745.jpg (511 KB, 1440x2418, Screenshot_20250128_011522_Mul…)

No. 2082761

>”please die for us men”
I hope their victim fantasies they have about America come true.

No. 2082762

File: 1738028150800.png (153.34 KB, 638x996, Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 6.33.…)

It's not enough to say terfs dni!!!

No. 2082772

>give your money, labor, home, human rights, love, etc away to troons or else you’re committing a hate crime!!
This is so embarrassing. And infuriating

No. 2082774

>give a trans woman your couch to sleep on
Why? So he can sneak into my room in the night and "reeducate" me with his "girlcock"?
>lesbians, be ready and willing to die for men
These people are out of their fucking minds

No. 2082779

Male entitlement seeps through everything trannies ever type

No. 2082783

File: 1738030681842.gif (354.72 KB, 372x252, dora-fox.gif)

>Terf, do not interact!
>Terf, do not interact!
>uf, thanks God.

No. 2082794

i wanted to post this in the funny screencaps thread but it just needs the full gif for effect

No. 2082799

Is there context to mentioning lesbians specifically? Why are they so obsessed with lesbians?

No. 2082800

Because if a lesbian wants to sleep with them, they are the most true and honest woman out there! And scrotes have weird fetishes about fucking lesbians even though they're not attracted to dick.

No. 2082801

File: 1738036865235.jpg (41.72 KB, 503x337, 20190908_124757_IMG_0933.JPG)

>People love the ideal of a trans woman but haven't worked on their biases enough to do anything but grow to despise actual trans women

Kek I love seeing trannies realize their "just like other women!" line of bullshit falls apart when actual women interact with them. Imagine telling on yourself this badly.

No. 2082802

If I have to 'work' to like you, then you're probably not that likeable…

No. 2082803

File: 1738037088920.png (461.97 KB, 828x1210, LgkRDO7.png)

>normal female psychology

No. 2082805

screen record it and make it a gif nona

No. 2082806

I can't even imagine walking around and being horny just because I'm a woman. It's like having a fetish for waking up in the morning or brushing your teeth.

No. 2082811

All that shoop and still can’t hide his beard shadow. I swear I can’t tell if people are face blind or just being nice because the filter abuse is obvious as hell

No. 2082812

see when they make posts like this I really cannot relate to these freaks at all. "if it turns you on to imagine being treated like a woman in bed" but he leaves out the gigantic asterisk of "as women are treated in pornography catered to moids"

I do not care if these freaks want to get abused by some other deranged scrote but as a(n actual) woman the thought of some guy treating me like men do to women in porn is terrifying. so does that make me not a woman? lmao

No. 2082817

This is exactly how men's rights activists sound kek

No. 2082823

If they gonna shit on her like this they might as well go full retard with this stupid ass franchise. Lets have ellen page as wolverine alright; if they need a jean grey how about laverne cox; we need dylan mulvaney for prof x, he is so versatile! scott should be enby icon ezra miller; and they should make magneto a woman now and cast philosophy troon or maybe hari nef, idk, they're both so talented I can't decide. The sentinels are obviously a terf allegory, I think they should make trask a woman and call her joan.

No. 2082828

It is truly bizarre how they operate. You can’t deny what turns you on, and what turns you on is sexual fetishization. How does getting horny about something become an identity? The seconds after these cretins coom must have the understanding “i am a man, not a woman” bouncing around their hollow skulls. Give scrotes an inch, they’ll take a mile, footfags would love to make us all participate in their fetish in public too.

No. 2082835

Imagine being a 90-year-old Holocaust survivor and having to see this shit.

No. 2082842

File: 1738054541882.jpg (367.01 KB, 1080x1961, Screenshot_20250128_095223_Chr…)

Can't beat that sexual dimorphism. Even while trooning as a child Nikkie still looks like a hulking drag queen.

No. 2082848

File: 1738059547842.jpeg (419.14 KB, 1170x2097, IMG_0982.jpeg)

I don’t particularly care about male on male crime , but it’s funny how gendies and trannies preach “consent! Consent!” but suddenly it doesn’t count when it doesn’t benefit them.

No. 2082849

File: 1738059572255.jpeg (242.29 KB, 1170x1740, IMG_0983.jpeg)

No. 2082851

File: 1738059734079.jpeg (233.1 KB, 1170x1800, IMG_0984.jpeg)

The point flew completely over their head kek

No. 2082852

Imagine surviving the atrocities of holocaust , your family whipped out, your possessions stolen, only for a bunch of stupid privileged menchildren to compare themselves to you since they might no longer be able to falsify documents , get their surgeries funded and use drugs as minors.

No. 2082853

>Can't tell if just the idea of women dating that makes him seethe, or if it's specifically women expressing attraction for normie men as opposed to disgusting hulking transbians.
It’s both nonna kek

No. 2082854

This kind of joke is how you get murdered unfortunately. Maybe it seems funny and quirky to post but men will genuinely slaughter for far less.

No. 2082855

And suck dick of transwomen too while you’re at it. Handmaidens are so retarded.

No. 2082856

>transfeminist theory
It’s probably: “TME are privileged and must always protect and sponsor poor transwomen! Passing is not owed, transwomen should be worshipped like goddess!!”

No. 2082859

Nonnies do you also walk around aroused 24/7 just because you are a woman? This must be womanhood kek

No. 2082865

Gotta admit Nicki was one of the few people I didnt think was trans, but even back then i was like something HAS to be wrong with her genetically because why is she built like a rhinoceros??

No. 2082870

File: 1738067884693.jpg (200.68 KB, 1222x817, nikkietutorials-ellen-january-…)

He didn't really "troon" as a child, his weirdo parents trooned him. His taste in makeup is peak gay male though. Imagine I posted the "a trans child is like a vegan cat, we all know who made the decision" Willy Wonka meme. Can't find it, lmao. Picrel also shows the dimorphism.
I learned about him after the blackmail and coming out as trans, and I was really weirded out by how nasal and faggy he sounds.

No. 2082880

People genuinely threw all Dutch women under the bus for him claiming they're all giant hulking beasts too, simply because Dutch women are often taller on average and he looks totally the same as them, not male at all!! People were way more naive to troons back then as well, also drag queen technique makeup was all the rage thanks to RPDR and the Kardashians too, when it's just his fat painted face in frame it's no surprise people fell for it.

No. 2082884

File: 1738072209084.jpg (506.47 KB, 1918x1922, 4qzd85.jpg)

Here is the colored version

No. 2082886

Maybe instead of men playing trannies women should play them. If they can play the roles of women, why can’t real women play them? Besides the sexual dimorphism of course

No. 2082919

File: 1738082935404.mp4 (1.71 MB, 372x640, serdtfyguhijref.mp4)

Weird Al lookin' ass faggot

No. 2082921

To be fair the top comment here is true and has a good point.

No. 2082927

Is it possible to die from cringe?

No. 2082932

its crazy to me how TRA's act like puberty blockers are life saving when the kids come out looking like men anyways? the only one ive seen who kinda passed was jazz who is like 5'2 and him being really fat makes him more androgynous too

No. 2082934

I used to be neutral towards trans people, but rapey assholes like this dude really opened my eyes. Men screaming at lesbians for not wanting to suck their nasty cock, just in a slightly different package.

No. 2082938

I am trying so hard not to a-log but genuinely that last line to lesbians makes me incredibly angry. Women don't owe you or your nasty dicks anything.

Also 'oh you have trauma that's cool and fine but you're still a transphobic pos'. This idea why nobody likes troonery.

No. 2082939

troons really do think they should be above everything. transphobia should be normalized

No. 2082947

No thank you. I have real women to do those things for.

No. 2082950

Serious question. Are they fucking stupid?

No. 2082951

File: 1738088771707.jpg (Spoiler Image,698.06 KB, 1045x1441, Screenshot_20250128_152346_X.j…)

fucking hulking male destroyed the image of a cute shark plushie for me. Someone rescue this poor blahaj from this man

No. 2082953

It is true! But it’s funny how trannies don’t see how rapey they are.

No. 2082954

Lesbians should be allowed to beat them on sight. I’m not joking.

No. 2082956

Are these >>2082919 the transbians that lesbians should advocate for kek?

No. 2082961

The incel to trans pipeline is why so many men memed themselves into being prison gay. He's not going to get lesbian pussy until he settles for a fellow transbian's malodorous cavern of curiosities.
I feel so sorry for him. I remember watching a video where he said that he'd had GRS by the time his prom rolled round. He's clearly a gay man, there's nothing wrong with that. I hope he and his husband are happy. But I wish his parents had accepted him as a gay boy instead of grooming him into trooning out as a kid. I wonder what he'll say when all of this finally collapses and detransers who were trooned out by their parents start to speak up.

No. 2082965

Yeah, that hallway definitely screams 'poor'.

No. 2082975

He looks like that ex-friend of Shane Dawson that used to get humiliated on screen by him all the time.

No. 2082979

so I'm guessing since I'm into petplay that means I should become a dog?

No. 2082982

File: 1738096647808.jpeg (857.16 KB, 1179x3436, Image.jpeg)

For my cinephile nonas.. letterboxd troon reviewing The Substance who “never sees the HARVEY WEINSTEIN character as a threat”… like I wonder why…
also clearly has no understanding of or relation to any psychological aspect of this movie written and directed by a woman kek.
Read this after getting emotional in the theater because I related so much to Demi moore’s character. Sorry to nonas who haven’t seen the movie if this doesn’t make any sense

No. 2082984

no, nonna - i understand you on this one. i cried after to be honest.

good thing this troon doesn't even attempt to have a surface level understanding of women's issues! we're just incubator, after all. i'd also assume this moid is <20 years old and has zero concept of social change that comes with aging.

No. 2082986

also, if it's of any comfort, they get torn apart in most of the 600+ comments of their review.

No. 2082993

idk why but trannies love to larp as poor. that guy literally looks like he's in a nice upper-middle class house in that pic?? ive noticed gay guys do this too

No. 2082996

File: 1738099552264.jpeg (243.88 KB, 1079x1068, IMG_0995.jpeg)

We all know he was kekeing with his fellow scrotes during locker room talk. Men are simpletons, they flock with people who are like them.
If a scrote is friends with a bunch of rapists and misogynistic retards, rest assured that he’s also one of them.

No. 2082998

Whenever I find an awful letterboxd review it was always made by a pretentious tranny. Seriously, the next time you see a review like this go to the profile, 9 times out of 10 it’s a troon. I once saw one for the movie “Mandy” that was offended because the cult leader being in a sexual relationship with his female followers = demonizing polyamory apparently. Checked the profile, of course it was a troon

No. 2082999

Samefagging to say that troons make up a huge percentage of film bros. I go to theatre that plays old movies and there are always tons of greasy unhygienic troons there, I have to sit far away from them or their stench ruins the experience kek

No. 2083004

I don't know about you nonnas but I prefer gay mtf over straight - the gay ones are not into women, therefore don't fetishize them or act creepy to lesbians.(off topic)

No. 2083008

HSTS may not rape women, but they are just as misogynistic as the AGP ones, if not more. Sooner or later their mask slips and they talk about how much they want to kill all women, how they are superior, and how it's over for the cis whores once we aren't needed for reproduction anymore. They are not tolerable and they will dance on your grave if given the chance. AGPs see women as an object to possess and HSTSs see women as an obstacle to overcome. They also brag much more about how much better they are at being sexdolls. They fetishize women in their own way.

No. 2083009

i used to think that way until that quora troon that says his fakepussy smells like flowers and how he's sooo much smarter and hotter than bio women got posted in these threads. see >>2081792

No. 2083014

I don't know about you "nonnas", but I don't think diarrhea is less disgusting than solid poop. They're both equally revolting.

No. 2083017

If porn and erotica get banned, along with the social contagion, then I'm sure the majority of agps would cease to exist. but I still think there will be gay troons, and we'll probably return to pre-2010 levels of troons in the general public

No. 2083022

File: 1738104925438.png (1.28 MB, 1208x1550, 12341910_23149.png)

so many of them are junkies. can't imagine going to the hospital or anywhere important when in need and expecting staff to not have at least some lingering hesitation at best or contempt when dealing with you.

No. 2083031

In case anyone was curious, he favorited I Saw The TV Glow and gave it five stars.

No. 2083046

File: 1738108479449.png (1.44 MB, 1600x900, Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 18-52…)

Linus tranny is back with a worse hairline than before.

No. 2083047

File: 1738108518484.jpeg (499.25 KB, 1179x2498, Image.jpeg)

He gave the Jackass movies 5 stars what a retard.
Would have thought he was trolling if he didn’t have a twitter account that links to his podcast he shares with his prison gay husband kek

No. 2083049

Husstusses are gross misogynist trash that inevitably end up bitter and malding when they realize the het men they want don't want to fuck them, only gross GAMP chasers and other freaks. Their entire existence revolves around misogynist porny caricatures and the actual stuff they say about women/vaginas just proves they're nothing but failed catty gay men in wigs. Sure they leave women/lesbians physically alone, but that doesn't mean they don't also hate women. We don't owe them sympathy just for being gay.

No. 2083053

He's alive? I thought he killed himself(sage your shit)

No. 2083059

File: 1738109653897.jpg (530.62 KB, 1220x1984, Screenshot_2025-01-28-21-12-04…)

I love to read a TIM crying. Cry harder, baby.
BTW he's the infamous one who wrote that anti women book with JK Rowling leading feed to kill tims.

No. 2083060

I legit feel bad for him. He never was obnoxious about the trans shit, it’s clear he’d be happier just living his faggot life.

No. 2083062

lmao at this misogynist creep thinking he's different from the other misogynist creeps because he skinwalks as a woman
jesus i'd do hard drugs if i was that ugly too

No. 2083063

>My moids friends speak shit about women. Do I feel grossed out for their behavior because is misogynist? No, is because I'm a woman who feels attacked too.

No. 2083080

He’s probably going to blame JKR kek

No. 2083082

Faggot trannies are misogynistic and they’re also AGP most of the time, more than your average bottom gay man. They think they’re in a competition with women for straight men, but they forget that the ones who are after them are either faggots or bisexuals kek.
They’re also the Trojan horse that made all the transbians and other pests flock in.

No. 2083084

Kek, great analogy nonna.

No. 2083110

So many grown ass adults who were allowed a normal,safe adolescence are super invested in taking that away from weird/autistic kids. Just kind of a cruel thing to be mindlessly cheerleading. I really do think they're wanting to keep them twink-ish longer or something, nothing else makes any sense as to why randos are emotional about transing minors.

No. 2083119

A tim I work with finally peaked some girls we work with bc he got furious that he had to come in on a day he was scheduled for some stupid tranny dr appt and crying discrimination. Nonas, I am not at work bc I have TB lmfao. He's talking about quitting and was crying in the break room.(blog)

No. 2083126

File: 1738117232910.png (155.08 KB, 640x399, IMG_7221.png)

the funniest thing tims have done is rebrand themselves into “priestesses”. its a good thing im atheist because i wouldnt know how comforting it would be to invest my faith into a balding hulking man with plaque so built up that it rivals simply nailogical’s polish mountain

No. 2083130

Nonna I am dying

No. 2083151

Kek they always make a point to exclude TIFs. It's so funny and sad at the same time

No. 2083156

>ellen page as wolverine
dios please

No. 2083182

File: 1738135589516.jpeg (249.63 KB, 1284x1905, IMG_9031.jpeg)

He has no shame in posting this? Also I feel like his name is Bob

No. 2083185

at least he's doing something

No. 2083204

That combover is rough. They say E is magic and makes them younger but he looks 40 something and he can't be over 30 (god willing, if he's stupid enough to buy into this shit).

No. 2083207

File: 1738145178277.jpg (51.61 KB, 994x719, IMG_3390.JPG)

In fairness it's slightly better, but he's on socials acting like HRT made him not malding and bragging about his weight loss. He still looks like a fat moid, now with long, frizzy, unhealthy-looking hair and a uwu feminine shirt. It's embarrassing how the LTT fanbase is falling over themselves to ride his dick when he wasn't even a particularly knowledgeable member of staff, terrible at presenting (even in his Anthony days I had to skip past him because he was so insufferable), and he tardrages when things don't go his way. People were already tiptoeing around being mean to him and acting like he was some Linux wizard because he's weird, ugly, and fat, but now he's a tranny and they're acting like he was a "pillar" of the content.

Linus himself is insufferable but Anthony is next level. I swear he was involved in sexually harassing the one female employee who turned whistleblower. There was also a female employee (Emily Seddon) who used to be in some videos I believe, but doesn't seem to appear publicly anymore. Given tranny tendencies to skinwalk, I wouldn't be surprised if he was creepy as shit to her too.

No. 2083216

Its probably his moms house lets be real

No. 2083217

The sheer audacity of looking like this as a human being. Even when women look like that, it's not only very rare, but also the result of an illness and age. He's just… LIKE that.

No. 2083219

I love how the tif (maybe this is the wrong thread) in this is like "it cured my depression to have HRT" and im like uhhmmm… I cant even think of ONE tranny, especially tifs, who are happy and mentally stable even when on HRT and having had surgeries. They keep lying to themselves that this is the cure when its obviously just not true

No. 2083236

F/M as the two recognized sexes has been the norm forever.. they're seriously acting like going back to it after 2 years of having a third option is the same as moving towards genocide? If this doesn't peak people, nothing will.


No. 2083239

literal clown

No. 2083241

>You can be in denial about everything, but you can't deny what turns you on.
says who? kekk the mental gymnastics are unreal. a lot of people have a repressed sexuality due to homophobia or trauma.

>"if it turns you on to imagine being treated like a woman in bed" but he leaves out the gigantic asterisk of "as women are treated in pornography catered to moids"
exactlyyy, none of this makes sense. it's a bunch of men reassuring each other that they totally think and feel like women. how tf would they know?

KEK spot on

No. 2083245

File: 1738152432188.jpg (459.98 KB, 1080x1196, 1000006038.jpg)

Lesbian book club meltdown. The men and handmaidens keep talking like brainwashers in the comments, and we have some important input from cis women dating trannies who now consider themselves lesbians somehow. What a hot mess. But men gonna keep scratching at every door, and handmaidens are gonna keep throwing a parade every time they break in.

No. 2083248

Exactly the same. Was fine with them until I realized they’re just men in sheep’s clothing. They have the same sexual obsessions and same desire to rape. “Listen to trans folks”. Yep. I did. And now I never will again.

No. 2083249

>lives in a house when the majority of the world can’t even do that
Maybe he should check his privilege.

No. 2083270

Doesn’t feel nice when it happens to you huh? Kek

No. 2083281

File: 1738164153552.jpeg (181.51 KB, 1169x1727, IMG_1013.jpeg)

Tranny celebrates “cis” chasers. I doubt that any sane women would want a scrote with a limp dick.

No. 2083282

The trannies in the comments are all saying
>“I would want this!”
>“This would work on me!”
>“Manifesting this!”

No. 2083287

KEK!!! So they're happy to be objectified and fetishized, but only by a real woman? How trannies can claim their gender as anything but an elaborate bimbofication scenario is beyond my understanding, it seems.

No. 2083293

lmfao could you imagine these pathetic sex traitors even giving a fraction of this much of a shit about the tifs their pet scrotes are being "terfy" to in this and other subs?

They don't give a fuck about transphobia, just transwomen and their comfort and boners.

No. 2083301

I don’t believe for a second real a woman said that.

No. 2083303

File: 1738168455832.png (425.34 KB, 672x500, cute lesbians uwu.png)

No. 2083305

File: 1738168633748.png (31.51 KB, 744x387, whichisit.png)

These redditors must be going around blindfolded.

No. 2083306

File: 1738168663424.jpg (Spoiler Image,8.08 KB, 300x168, yum_troon_dick.jpg)

Tranny dick always looks like picrel. The same colour, hardness and like the skin could tear easily, like an elderly person. It's viscerally disgusting and the only creature that could cum to it is a porn addicted moid

No. 2083307

File: 1738168789334.jpg (56.54 KB, 1300x956, small-vienna-sausage-in-finger…)

More like this kek

No. 2083308

File: 1738169048108.jpg (Spoiler Image,496.43 KB, 800x600, 987654e.jpg)

Accurate anon kek mine are actually breakfast sausage, here they are near other foods. Before I quit watching porn I would always see troon dick on the main page and it always resembles cooked, limp breakfast sausage and are always browner than the rest of the troon. Even though the troons were always white

No. 2083310

Lesbians should become terrorists and kill these scrotes.

No. 2083312

File: 1738169700616.jpeg (Spoiler Image,75.55 KB, 1450x816, IMG_1016.jpeg)

You nonnas are way too kind and generous. Tranny dick is the same as a picrel kek.

No. 2083313

Oh god. Yes it does, the chafing at the head from chronic masturbation, the wrinkling throughout because it can't function as an erect penis anymore and exists only as a useless decorative coomer fixture, the shriveled pocket where "balls" used to be…Completely accurate anon

No. 2083321

Yeah, "cis women" definitely talk about "cumming to trans lesbian porn" all the time. So womanly.

No. 2083322

Bro just wrote that to himself.

No. 2083324

No woman talks like this, nor would she have a username that's just a star emoji

No. 2083336

File: 1738174000802.jpeg (228.24 KB, 959x1235, IMG_1020.jpeg)

Kill him, now.

No. 2083337

Fucking gross. I feel so bad for his daughter. Also troons just loveee to talk about their “puberty breast pain” and it exposes their whole LARP. They think breast buds work like ballsacks where you flinch in pain whenever it’s pressed. Boobs do not work like that. They’re just pedos who get off on the idea of puberty.

No. 2083347

>gestures towards her chest area
Dead giveaway this is a pedophilic male. Real moms can use words like breasts and vagina unflinchingly when referring to their child's body because they're not sexualizing their child and want them not to feel like their own bodies are inherently inappropriate.

No. 2083354

In case we needed more proof that trannies are pedos, there you go.

No. 2083355

What a fucking pervert. Seriously.

No. 2083365

>She gave me a thoughtful look
Probably had a realization she can't even hug her creep ass father without him bringing his fetish into it. I see no-contact in her future, poor girl.

No. 2083373

Her mother needs to get her the fuck out of there

No. 2083376

This isn't the world news outlets made, it's the world TRA mission creep made. Originally, it was supposedly just about letting people use the bathrooms they wanted to, which normies didn't mind. However, the push for medicalizing kids, and allowing men in women's sports and prisons peaked people. Republicans would have seized on this as a wedge issue regardless of what left-leaning news outlets did.

His mentioning the Atlantic makes me think that he probably blames Jesse Singal.

No. 2083377

Testosterone is somewhat of an anti-depressant, so I understand why TIFs in the short-run would feel better. But TIMs claiming that “their brain doesn’t work as well without estrogen” is just complete placebo horseshit. There’s less evidence to suggest it, even in actual women, let alone a man.

No. 2083383

if my pre-teen self could handle being hugged by my mom and having her ancient, rock hard bolt ons crush into me surely this adult man shouldn't even feel the need to mention it. also maybe it was just me, but i stopped giving my dad 'tight, squeezing' hugs when i was like 10. i still hugged him, but they were looser types of hugs.(blogging)

No. 2083395

>not bothering actual lesbians
>ending their bloodline together
so happy for them, really

No. 2083406

File: 1738184197947.jpeg (904.86 KB, 1170x1844, IMG_3588.jpeg)

The face of a porn addict

No. 2083418

Richard-Nixon-ass nose

No. 2083432

File: 1738187005532.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1170x1441, IMG_7251.jpeg)

holy shit ew. doesnt he know youre meant to SHAVE for electrolysis? hes not even fucking trying

No. 2083440

its always an obvious giveaway when its a tranny posting because they say things like "this one isnt even trying" bcs they view themselves as better and not like other trannies(troonfoiling)

No. 2083441

Why would this interaction even be interesting enough to share?
"Ok" lol she didn't know what to make of that either

No. 2083442

I would have said something about the negative space where a chin should be. I'm sure the only issue is that he doesn't have a smooth man face

No. 2083445

ayrt take your meds. whether he tries or not doesnt matter, but its still a laughable attempt when trannies go on and on about all the things they want to get done and never do the bare minimum in the first place.

No. 2083452

File: 1738189389002.jpeg (741.23 KB, 1290x1522, IMG_8315.jpeg)

they're always such blatant exhibitionists

No. 2083453

This guy is an actual tard. Like intellectually disabled. His videos are funny but someone needs to put him in a home or something before he gets dickchop surgery and doesn’t take care of it properly and dies of sepsis

No. 2083455

File: 1738189640572.png (29.94 KB, 934x303, Screenshot 2025-01-29 222543.p…)

hes in the comments going "no guys i will of course TRY if theres children around" as if he actually gives a fuck. they all belong on the registry holy shit

No. 2083459

This is so fucking upsetting to look at. I think my hatred for beards has now evolved into a full blown phobia

No. 2083465

A huge ogre with a miniskirt kek

No. 2083469

File: 1738191032875.png (317.78 KB, 828x1340, yuri bottom surgery.png)

No. 2083470

File: 1738191292659.jpeg (667.45 KB, 750x1455, IMG_5703.jpeg)

> Men have been known to fuck sex dolls, goats, pigs, horses, corpses… men engage in anal sex and we know that the anus doesn't expel roses and orchids… and yet, we are told that they feel disgusted by our srs vaginas?
what a dumb self-own kek

No. 2083471

This is one of THE worst ones. He wrote Manhunt, the book where a black woman’s uterus is ripped out as a public execution.

No. 2083472

>cute romances
>Asumi-chan is interested in lesbian brothels

No. 2083473

This is just a self-own lmao. Imagine saying men will fuck horses and corpses but still tell you to your face that your hole feels bad.

No. 2083480

Corpses, horses and all of those other animals have vaginas though
>Some men told me they could tell it wasn't real because their penises didn't feel the ovaries…
Yeah sure they did. It's pretty weird that none of them complained about the overwhelming scent of death and shit. Or that the troon hole feels different because it's made of their colon/intestine (or their own dick) and full of coarse pubic hair. So that will probably feel different from a vagina but I doubt this troon even has a rot pocket

No. 2083481

Wasn’t it performed as punishment for being a terf too or something? I think they also canonically burn JK Rowling alive in her own home if I’m remembering correctly.

No. 2083483

Is there a troon that doesn't fantasize about raping a group of "terfs" (women who say no)? I can't believe you guys can keep track of them by rape fantasy, this one must be really bad

No. 2083496

This one particularly made a terf-breaking borderline porn comedy about JKR, but it flopped kek.

No. 2083497

>reeeeee well at least we don't get female-specific health problems with our designer coochies!!!

conveniently leaving out that many of these post-op troons have to have multiple revisions, get horrific infections, lose sexual function, have to dilate every day until they die or else it will close up, constantly tell each other that botched results are not the surgeons' fault and a 99% fuck-up rate is le totes normal for a surgery…

the cope kek

No. 2083498

The whole having “mind blowing stealth sex” seems fake and a cope to me. In order for them to have sex they need to dilate beforehand and they also need to apply tons of lube since they don’t produce any; how are they going to have spontaneous steamy stealthy hot girly sex in these conditions kek?
I doubt it’s even any good, certain positions do not work and the scrote can’t even be too harsh or he’ll tear the stinkditch kek.
Only a virgin retard could be fooled.

No. 2083505

File: 1738198559100.jpeg (133.14 KB, 1170x639, IMG_1023.jpeg)

A literal beast oh my goddess.
Why are the super tall ogres the one who always think they’re women kek?

No. 2083506

File: 1738198650626.jpeg (Spoiler Image,357.92 KB, 1202x2048, IMG_1024.jpeg)

No. 2083509

File: 1738198980529.jpeg (227.07 KB, 959x1279, IMG_1025.jpeg)

He looks like your average emo scrote kek. He also posts naked picture of his fat and blocky body,but I’ll save you the horrors nonna, it’s not a nice sight. He even has tendons on his feet kek.

No. 2083524

Trust me I don’t want to. It’s just that some things are so horrific they live rent free in your head once you see or hear about them.

No. 2083542

File: 1738209175742.jpg (387.33 KB, 1116x978, 1000001989.jpg)


No. 2083543

File: 1738209792959.png (3.41 MB, 2250x2250, just_girly_things.png)

I remember reading tweets from one troon posted on KF fantasizing about creating a terf rape-carousel to impregnate and punish them for not accepting him as a woman.

No. 2083549

File: 1738210740555.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1179x2014, IMG_6823.jpeg)

I want to throw up.

No. 2083550

Men love to fetishize women who are ‘built like mewtwo’ (aka just pear shaped with muscular thighs). Being mewtwo’s same height and weight doesn’t mean you’re built like one though, built like hodor is more accurate

No. 2083551

>"i've been confessed to by more girls than i can count"
>"it's cis women's loss!!!"
I could hear his tears falling on the keyboard as he typed all of that cope.

No. 2083558

They jump through a million flaming hoops in their mind to come up with reasons why women don't want to be around them, and none of them will ever be correct. Stay in your T4T sausage party lane and away from women, period. These faggot moids I stg.

No. 2083562

>they will have vidyagaymes!!1! and we can braid our hair
they are so fucking male

No. 2083570

I would be so fucking embarrassed if my troon dad shared the details of my puberty growth with a bunch of random Reddit trannies

No. 2083576

File: 1738219169433.jpg (407.2 KB, 709x1731, Screenshot_20250130_073701_Chr…)

Oh yeah and here he is admitting that his nipples are an erogenous zone for him

No. 2083577

>their loss! i dont care
>he says after writing three paragraphs seething

No. 2083587

>I don’t need them, t4t brings me joy
But proceeds to go on a rant on how he absolutely doesn’t care kek. He’s salty that he has to go prison gay in order to date kek.
Lilith it’s not trans misogyny , you just look fucking weird.

No. 2083602

didn't anthony change his name to emily? he's definitely skinwalking her

No. 2083603

File: 1738221820265.webp (786.8 KB, 2316x3088, 4r9lq0o38bfe1.webp)

I have never seen such a beard pattern. Dude looks like he's in a Dr Seuss book, what the fuck?

No. 2083626

holy forehead

No. 2083665

Jesus Christ he's bigger than his refrigerator.

No. 2083667

Delusional narcissist. I doubt women were "begging to have sex" with him in the first place.

No. 2083668

When trannies want to brag and lie about their love lives, suddenly it's OK and not transphobic to specify "cis" aka an actual woman kekk wonder why

>no one wants to hear about your genital preference
But trannies can't refrain from talking/joking about their feminine penis in lesbian subs
>I used to never understand T4T
How come? If transwomen are just like the real deal, why did you not immediately include them in your dating pool?

No. 2083702

Hate these freaks. I had a terrifying incident a few years back where I got filmed upskirt and now I always wear baggy shorts under them because it was so distressing. They will never understand what real women feel.

No. 2083703

>Dysphoria is kicking my ass lately
Call it what it is. Porn addiction.

No. 2083706

I unfortunately remember that too. They’re so deranged. And it’s hilarious because us calling them men is “literal violence”.

No. 2083707

Bro you’re literally wearing your misogynistic mental illness on your sleeve. Of course no woman would be interested in that. It’s self-preservation.

No. 2083711

Too bad it’s not killing you , disgusting ogre.

No. 2083712

Yeah me too nonna, I didn’t get pictures or videos taken but there was this moron who raised my skirt, thank god I had culottes at least.
I always wear safety shorts now with every skirt, unless it’s a short one. I even had a scrote taking pictures of my ass when I was in jeans, my friends told me and shielded me at least. We can’t even have peace.
Only trannies find this type of harassment “affirming” when in reality it’s so disgusting and dehumanizing.

No. 2083719

>They're so moidbrained for thinking that the average woman would take a comment like this as a compliment.

>"Crazy we matched i was just cumming to [ethnicity/nationality/hair color/subculture] porn"

Send this to some Tinder lady and see her reaction. Unless she's a turbo pickme it'd be hardly positive.

No. 2083721

File: 1738245064076.png (92.46 KB, 982x828, womaniswhencroptop.png)

No. 2083722

File: 1738245645040.jpg (304.55 KB, 1280x960, lol.jpg)

>cis girls wanted me
lies detected

No. 2083723

File: 1738247348457.jpg (565.18 KB, 1079x1088, 1000051657.jpg)

kek i wasn't expecting him to be THAT ugly.

No. 2083725

gay men have been wearing croptops before the year 2k even rolled around, what is this retard going on about? This is probably another humiliation fetish thing, "Oh wearing a croptop is SO euphoric it really helps me connect to the females, but it's sooo sinful to wear them in public I'm sooo sinful ha, ha, ha, I definitely didn't write this with only one hand ha, ha, ha, oh no the way people would be staring at me in disgust I am definitely NOT a depraved exhibitionist oh no" eughhh

No. 2083728

File: 1738248382231.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1927, Screenshot_20250130-094503.png)

holy shit

No. 2083736

File: 1738250259514.jpeg (225.07 KB, 750x734, IMG_3605.jpeg)

> even a strip search wouldn't out me
The delusion…

No. 2083739

a strip search by who? a cancer patient? nobody needs to to touch you to know that you're leaking shit

No. 2083742

Yanderedev and his cum chalice in another timeline
I can't get over the
>girls literally BEGGED to have sex with me
when he literally looks like this oml… he's so autistic the women in question were probably those "HOT MILFS IN YOUR AREA WANT YOUR COCK" porn ads. The way they all pose with that child rapist school shooter stare for their pre-transition pics and then try to school their features into (what they believe to be) a cutesy, innocent smile post-transition while looking scarier than ever always kills me.

No. 2083743

>i don't want to get a rotpocket but now i have to act like a victim for sympathy so let's pretend i do. shoehorn a cis passing fantasy while we're at it
This is the most blatant cope for being a prison AGP gay that i've ever seen. How did he not realize he was seething after typing all of this
>asexual flag
Code for "i'm so addicted to my fetish i don't even feel like having intercourse" kekkk why is he expecting women to want to date him despite making it clear he's fucked up sexually

No. 2083744

Kekk this is how you know troons are safe in the US. If they were truly persecuted, they wouldn't be booking appointments to continue their tranny body mods and proudly posting about it with their face and name attached to the post.

This man is telling fellow pedophiles how he managed to talk about breasts & going through puberty together to his daughter. In case you're still confused as to why it's post-worthy for these subhumans. I know it's reddit but openly mentioning sexual arousal in this context would still be a bit risky.

No. 2083746

I have a feeling he wouldn't be so "asexual" if the only people willing to fuck him weren't fellow trannies kek. If only these bigoted TERF cunts would learn to look past their internalized transmisogyny and see what a hot, talented, desirable woman they're missing out on!

No. 2083750

File: 1738252425254.jpg (62.99 KB, 492x660, 1000006053.jpg)

What an idiotic post. I swear the tranny subs are just men posting every cumbrained shower thought that crosses their mind, like damn dude rub your brain cells together a bit before you get philosophical about your shirt.

No. 2083765

KEKK. He looks like your average loser incel. No one with a oussy was “begging to have sex” with him.

No. 2083766

The smell of pus, cadaverine and putrescine and caca once you spread your legs to be searched will be enough to out you Lilith.

No. 2083776

this is why straight women cant have sexy croptop wearing 80s sluts anymore, fuck moids and their misogyny for ruining everything

No. 2083782

>my daughter's 10
>AMAB non-binary friend in her class
What the fuck is going on with these kids? 10 year old "enbies"? Why does a 10 year old even know what non binary is? He's absolutely being groomed.

Why do they always look like school shooters in the before pics? I can see the misogyny emanating off him like cartoon stink lines.

No. 2083788

File: 1738262372482.jpeg (848.61 KB, 1170x1389, IMG_2072.jpeg)

how long until shen troons out?

No. 2083796

holy school shooter stare in the first pic

No. 2083799

File: 1738264551498.jpg (412.94 KB, 1079x1925, Screenshot_20250130_161006_Tum…)

He's already making those "ironic" tranny jokes about being misogynistic and "dog girls", so I give him a month tops.

No. 2083801

File: 1738264909741.jpg (60.03 KB, 720x404, 3e2.jpg)

why are men so painfully unfunny

No. 2083805

you will never know what period cramps are like you disgusting troglodyte. they are so misogynistic, a the big 4 of womanhood? how can men say these things online while women get cancelled over nothing?
anyone else disturbed over how easy they groom others like it's their default setting

No. 2083812

>the Big 4 of Womanhood
>first three are women every idiot has heard of
>last one is thinly-veiled sexual meme

why do men like advertising that they're this retarded kek

No. 2083816

File: 1738268198700.png (3.04 MB, 2500x3677, 1737659356635.png)

he also a yuri comic series, it's about girls in an art club who are all lesbians, the main character is a tall, awkward girl who everyone bullies, but also everyone wants to fuck (clearly shen's self-insert). season 1 is kind of medicore but occasionally funny, whiles season 2 of the comic attempts to establish some lore or make it 'scary', but it's not well-executed and it's his least popular series despite constantly shilling it

No. 2083818

>Occult club
What in the weeb tropes? No fucking university would have an "occult club" kek, that's a highschool anime cliche. It's so obvious this was meant to be your typical coomer highschool yuri but he americanized it and aged them up so he wouldn't rightfully get called out for being a pedo. Kek at that pisspoor attempt at copying the panty and stocking style.

No. 2083821

Look at what they took from us

No. 2083824

File: 1738270045379.jpg (417.23 KB, 1220x1756, IMG_20250130_174603.jpg)

TIMs being entitled to your money. News at 9.

No. 2083831

>All the money made goes straight to basic survival
Welcome to how most of the world lives. This is just being a person.
>The rest gets given to other troons for their butt plug fundraisers
Ok so stop doing that? This is just basic budgeting. How are these people alive? They're utterly useless in every way.

No. 2083833

File: 1738271170080.png (317.91 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_7eb0d4d8167eb23abb12462…)

I fell for the "all Dutch women are six feet tall" meme too so I never thought twice about Nikkie and I was shocked when the coming out video dropped. I'm an Amerifag though kek.
>how long until shen troons out?
Shen probably already trooned out in his private life. He's milking the egg shit for engagement.
AND the protag is named Lilith.
I looked up Alyson Greaves' Good Reads and every book written by him is about forced feminization. No thanks. I don't want to read fetish slop.

No. 2083835

I can already tell exactly which breed of TIM he's going to be and I already despise it.

No. 2083838

That wig looks like it costs $5. Icing on the cake is that he styled it like a young girl's and used the worst shade of purple for his skintone. He's gotta be trying to skinwalk some anime girl.

No. 2083851

If what i've seen before is anything to go by theyre only all broke 'cos they're all consoomers. That and they think handing the same money back and forth between them counts as sex work or something.

No. 2083856

I love how every post in that subreddit is either suicide baiting or cooming. Or both at the same time. Such is the life of a moid.

No. 2083862

>I fell for the "all Dutch women are six feet tall" meme
tbf, women can be that tall here (usually closer to 5'8), but the real tell was his whole masculine bear body, even if he were short, he'd still be built like a brick shithouse.

No. 2083863


it’s so funny how most transbians swear they’re t4t because it’s superior literally froth at the mouth at even the idea of an actual woman liking a troon. they all crave real women but most real women want nothing to do with them or leave them when they realize how insane they are. the real reason they’re t4t is because only another troon will tolerate them.(sage your shit)

No. 2083866

I dont think he will. his troon fanbase have been doing this for 6 years now and are still reaching to the stars but they're totally not groomers

No. 2083873

kek that's Winterfox / RequiresHate, a woman. Not surprised you think she's a troon, since she's so toxic and moidbrained.
She's apparently a hotel heiress too, wonder why she isn't donating her inheritance to them.

No. 2083882

Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. I thought she’d have dropped the SJW shtick by now.
The art style and colour scheme is repulsive.

No. 2083885

File: 1738279020142.jpg (70.94 KB, 634x755, 26652366-8173669-image-m-5_158…)

AYRT, it didn't help that he always filmed shoulder up so it was hard to tell how big he was. In retrospect, I see it now, especially when he's standing next to a woman.

No. 2083886

File: 1738279259524.jpg (49.47 KB, 636x382, 26653880-0-image-a-14_15856931…)

>I never thought twice about Nikkie and I was shocked when the coming out video dropped
Nikkie fooled me because of his voice and the fact that I thought he was a just plastic surgery addicted fat woman as a younger viewer at the time. But Ellen picture shows how huge he is and you can't unhear the gay maleness of his voice. He also looks super male outside of video lighting. I remember he outright said signs of him being trans were him playing with dolls and liking dresses.

No. 2083893

File: 1738281280443.jpg (816.28 KB, 1500x2000, bafkreih7r2vgdzdyuz2kmr5jxtowb…)

Found on BlueSky,Whatever this ugly hairy thing is.he's part of the Lackadaisy cast ew how do gross slobs while looking like this,get hired at all??? Repulsive.

No. 2083900

I think one of the main things that made him hard to clock besides the thousands of plastic surgeries, careful lightning and never allowing himself to be filmed from the shoulders down, is how normal he is for a tranny. No blatant fetishization, no narc behavior, not a pedo/groomer, not too attention seeking. Don't get me wrong, he might be and probably is all of these things behind closed doors, but at the very least he managed to come off as normal in front of the cameras which is more that can be said for %99 of trannies, whether agp or hsts. Even his coming out video wasn't milked to death for attention and it genuinely seemed like he only did it because Jeffree star blackmailed him into it.
In fact, he was so normal and boring his channel was kinda suffering back when everyone thought he was a woman and all the dominating beauty gurus were catty, drama obsessed controversial faggots like Jeffree and James Charles. He would've gotten way more positive attention if he'd been out by then and recognized as a fellow effeminate scrote, but he didn't and that's shocking behavior for a troon.

No. 2083908

I cant for the life of me find the picture but this photo reminded me of a pooner posing with her 3 month old whose head was already bigger than hers.

No. 2083916

Virtue signaling

No. 2083921

Sure it's not a TIF?

No. 2083928

File: 1738285585590.png (1.33 MB, 1231x744, sandifer.PNG)

This one? That baby is so cooked. She was using testosterone for 6 months of the pregnancy because everyone thought her body was too busted for pregnancy to be possible.

No. 2083934

Everyone in that picture horrifies me. That poor baby will almost certainly become a tard.

No. 2083940

holy fuck. this baby already has huge joe rogan steroid abuse head bcs his mom was on testosterone while he was in utero. thats fucked(sage your shit)

No. 2083943

File: 1738287592263.jpg (588.32 KB, 2048x2731, Tumblr_l_41001677329020.jpg)

>>2083542(sage your shit)

No. 2083946

This is so fucked up, the kid has that male cranial expansion thing that only happens to grown men, this is actually revolting.

No. 2083949

At a certain point, someone becomes so hideous and obese that you genuinely can't tell what sex they are without hearing their voice

No. 2083954

Wtf, why is that baby’s head bigger than his mother’s? I’d be horrified

No. 2083961

Unfortunately spaces for artists , especially the indie series scene, is full of people like this.

it's almost impossible to avoidable the trannies and tranny supporters if you want to interact with creators and or other fans.

No. 2083962

Ops Meant it's almost impossible to avoid the trannies(learn2delete)

No. 2083966

>why is that baby’s head bigger than his mother’s?
because the mother was taking essentially steroids for years of her life, female bodybuilders and eastern bloc athletes who took steroids all ended up with children who had intellectual disabilities and abnormal infant growth. It's even worse for girls, as they suffer from all that plus abnormalities in their genitalia due to the testosterone

No. 2083967

That baby has a lot on its mind.

No. 2083968

Child abuse, exposing a child in the womb to a scheduled drug no different than crack or heroin.

No. 2084038

Poor child will develop super autism.

No. 2084072

File: 1738342024490.jpg (513.3 KB, 1080x1269, 1000006073.jpg)

Woman is when makeup. These simpletons make me wanna alog eeeee

No. 2084073

fetishizing sex freak

No. 2084077

I miss when guys would admit theyre gay when they do shit like this.

No. 2084080

File: 1738344222179.jpeg (473.98 KB, 990x1329, IMG_1065.jpeg)

I bet five dollars that the “girl” he’s with is another tranny Kek

No. 2084084

File: 1738345103580.jpg (516.52 KB, 1400x700, 1000006077.jpg)

>My love of opera, old books and modernist blah blah blah how very cultured

No. 2084086

you can't be a lesbian when you're a dude. and YWNBAW. you're either a faggot or straight, but I doubt the latter.

No. 2084087

File: 1738345386127.png (210.8 KB, 753x740, EW2Yxej.png)

I've noticed that tims have this habit of basically trying to own any activity they may have practiced in and claim that if any man is into these things, he's "inherently" a transwoman

No. 2084096

>all white trans girls are kinda like this
Unfunny autists? Pretentious hipsters? What is the point he's even trying to make?

No. 2084097

>'I don't care about your "genital preferences.'
>reee why won't real women date me and suck my girl dick?????

No. 2084100

>how DARE cis lesbians think they're more oppressed than me!
Scratch a tranny, an MRA bleeds

No. 2084101

Narcissists. Narcs have a really specific prose. Most trannie share it.
They share shot about things you don't care about regarding themselves and present it in a way that you would think is funny.(sage your shit)

No. 2084104

File: 1738348012404.jpg (72.28 KB, 1317x252, mdqc.JPG)

>smiling and giggling and jumping around
>I'm living with my parents
I feel so bad for parents who end up stuck with these simpleton sons.

Picrel was 3 months ago from the same guy. He went from not understanding how you can be trans to full skirt-go-spinny in 3 months. I wonder how much gross porn he consumed in that time. These men are all brainwashing each other.

No. 2084109

I'm actually curious if, statistically, there are more trannies than there are lesbians now.

No. 2084114

File: 1738349022930.jpg (313.46 KB, 2048x1536, i-have-never-felt-more-loved-v…)

>the “girl” he’s with is another tranny Kek
Correct lmao

No. 2084116

It's hard to know because bihets and troons identifying as lesbians have poisoned any potential dataset

No. 2084121

I would say so, especially if you include TIFs/nonbinary troons because women are mostly straight, even when they ID as trans. It takes nothing to ID as trans so tons of people are doing it because it's trendy, whereas your sexual orientation is not a choice, and less fun to larp because there's no fun clothes/makeup

No. 2084127

It sucks that Reddit is such a male-predominant website (and that women are concentrated in a select few of the subs) that lesbians can’t push TIMs out through pure numbers. Go to r/askgaybros or any similar sub and people will say straight out say they’re not attracted to vaginas without having to even affirm TIFs’ gender identity.

No. 2084157

What horrors man has wrought

No. 2084164

Ten bucks says that 17% includes a large amount who are just saying they would because they feel like it's the right thing to say, or those who feel it in theory and then actually meet one and realize they could never date them

No. 2084171

It's not hard to know at all, it's evident trannies have been outnumbering lesbians by a vast majority for years now. Gay men have always outnumbered lesbians, so it's really no surprise that heterosexual/bi fetishistic men outnumber them even more, and since it's a fetish pushed through social contagion there's even more men trooning out daily.

No. 2084185

File: 1738363401139.jpg (Spoiler Image,233.82 KB, 1148x962, sarina valentina.jpg)

Is he admitting that trannies have short shelf life?

No. 2084190

the first girl looks like she has maggots in her hair, how can you draw this regularly and still be this talentless?(sage your shit)

No. 2084200

No one has done this kind of shit with ACTUAL minorities,this is so bizarre and deranged

No. 2084248

spoiler that

No. 2084257

whats this guy's @? kek

No. 2084280

Hard to draw when your dominant hand is busy. In all seriousness, his art’s degraded and considering his art style is already pretty simple that’s awful. He at least used to have more neat linework/cleaner looking drawings. Now they look like this. No wonder TIMs like him, the coom got to them both.

No. 2084292

File: 1738381349198.jpeg (384.54 KB, 1179x1999, qjlAIJ4.jpeg)

idg their obsession with ovarit. it’s basically mumsnet 2.0. they act like the people on ovarit actually hold sway.

No. 2084296

>they steal our shit
It's called mocking degenerates, retard. They'll dedicate over a million subreddits to documenting their descent into madness after discovering hentai and their sisters underwear and expect others not to react to it.

No. 2084298

This accusation is doubly funny considering that website’s posts are mostly news/research articles & personal opinions anyways. Those women are based in reality, unlike r/4tran4 users who want to be on 4chan but are too much of attention whores to commit to the anonymity.

No. 2084309

kek of course

No. 2084315

No, they can fuck off with that shit, too

No. 2084335

Yup,he’s already a tranny.Randomly bringing up black women in their inane delusions is something they all fucking do.As if Rosa Parks would entertain this future ditch haver,absolutely repulsive.

No. 2084337

Genuinely unwatchable cringe, only check this vid out if you have nerves of steel.
Fr though men say and do shit like this and then dare to say that women are not funny… wild

No. 2084349

They never focus on men, who are the ones making legislations , calling them trannies in real life and killing them didectly. It’s easy to say kill all TERFs when it’s a bunch of women who are mainly crypto kek.

No. 2084351

Right its never all the gay men who murders trannies for being outed as gay, that neeeever happens, no no the evil terfs kill trannies left and right! JK Rowling herself goes around with a machete on the street just in case theres a suspiciously manly looking woman somewhere to behead on the spot!
Like their hatred of women is so blaringly obvious it hurts, they are never mad at men who beat and murders trannies, like 99% of the time a tranny is hurt its another man doing it because of homophobia, but no no the terfs are the problem because they sometimes write they want privacy and respect online!!

No. 2084357

This is so bad. The high pitched baby voice and overall cutesy behaviors are so unsettling. Plus this weird reddit speak of calling the viewers hecking valid and poggywoggy or something. What is up with that?

No. 2084358

characters gender is L? is this some unfunny joke im not getting?

No. 2084360

It’s probably L as in “loser”, like her gender is a failure, it’s self-deprecation basically.

No. 2084381

Omg his family probably has to hear him making these videos through his bedroom walls that's so cringelarious.

No. 2084392

Sage for month old news but this video was fascinating.
>troons open an alpaca ranch for fellow troons in need
>they get armed and become a dangerous gang
>the alpacas died of negligence
>they physically attacked a woman protesting against troons
>the founder of the ranch trooned his 4 yo daughter out
>founder leaves for a while
>the ranch residents turn it into a cult and use donated money for their violent goals

No. 2084415

It's honestly hilarious how tranny shit ends with them wanting to create cults, they're so obsessed with themselves that they see themselves as a religion.

No. 2084435

File: 1738429089562.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1080x7140, IMG_5757.jpeg)

can’t say i disagree with the tranny about islam, but now he’s getting canceled by the same woke retards who were yass queening his ass 5 minutes ago kek

No. 2084436

There is an over 1000 page thread about this on the moid farms. They sheared the alpacas in autumn, so a lot of them froze to death. They didn't feed them enough and deaths were so frequent that they had to dig mass graves. It's also hilarious how their neighbors were really friendly at the beginning and tried to help these retards make it work, but they turned the whole village against them to feed their persecution complex.

No. 2084459

>the founder of the ranch trooned his 4 yo daughter out
it was his son

No. 2084467

Wasn't the child referred to as "assigned female at brith"? So it's a girl trooned out to be a son?

No. 2084468

He’s a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, classist scrote kek. And to top it all off he’s also transphobic kekk.

No. 2084473

File: 1738435747864.jpeg (963.47 KB, 1170x1434, IMG_6074.jpeg)

lmao. it’s so obvious.

No. 2084476

> Don't you dare leave our cult there will be consequencessssss

No. 2084482

File: 1738439535407.jpeg (730.49 KB, 1536x2048, 0B51EED0-A0FE-4A26-9EAD-86C3C6…)

I’m not well-versed in the Tranch but from what I remember they briefly had a TiF live on the property with them. She quickly became overworked and upset that she was the only one who did any meaningful work on the farm. Picrel is what the inside of the home looked like.

No. 2084485

File: 1738440205529.jpeg (247.4 KB, 844x1568, IMG_5760.jpeg)

this guy is the gift that keeps on giving.

No. 2084490

Oh good to know that trannies are also animal abusers

No. 2084500

One of the alpaca tranchers, Kevin, had his own thread here >>>/snow/1039036

No. 2084503

Iirc according to Paul, that's what the house looked like after it got trashed by "squatters," who may or may not have been directed by his ex, Phil.

Paul was in an open relationship with Phil when he started dating a TiF, and as is always the case with polyshit, he eventually broke up with Phil to be with the TiF. Paul's mother owned the "ranch," so when he and Phil had a big falling out over the TiF, Paul evicted him and the other tards in Phil's polycule. The troons at the ranch disliked the TiF, Kindness, not only because she was the only actual female there, but also because she's a munchie who constantly demands coddling.

No. 2084504

They're always trying to coattail-ride other more legitimate movements to lend credence to their nonsense.

No. 2084520

Wasnt Spain ruled by arabs for 600 years? Why is he suprised to find arabs there, also kek at the pot calling the kettle black

No. 2084522

File: 1738449646858.jpeg (57.01 KB, 750x260, IMG_2312.jpeg)

we need to kikomi out just to piss off gross moids

No. 2084524

File: 1738449947759.jpg (62.44 KB, 520x613, 1736472505769.jpg)

>Katawa shoujo url
>That post
Tumblr really has gone to shit, huh?

No. 2084529

File: 1738450236423.jpg (339.64 KB, 1080x1871, Screenshot_20250201_144748_Sam…)

Dont believe all things you see on the internet. Also take this post with a grain of salt.

No. 2084535

just popping in here to remind everyone of this nightmare video. bye

No. 2084536


No. 2084578

Oh my god this is so depressing. Does anyone know his name? I'm morbidly curious.

No. 2084580


Rebecca Loran

No. 2084581

Poor drunk dad. His face while screamo carries on is so hurt.

No. 2084593

priestess is a stretch but they do fulfil a role akin to priests in that they live off other’s misguided charity and rape children

No. 2084596

File: 1738467524149.jpeg (640.21 KB, 1170x1197, IMG_6883.jpeg)

Only a troon would see nothing wrong with the cult in this movie.

No. 2084602

File: 1738468714748.jpg (769.74 KB, 1080x2178, Screenshot_20250202_005643_Tum…)

>I also would prefer not to interact with people in or directly adjacent to circles that routinely call out transfems
Kekkkk just say you're a pedophile and go, retarded tranny lolicon

No. 2084611

They have zero sense if propriety too, what the fuck is that photo?

No. 2084635

>lumping women's rights with "free love"
Tell me a moid made this without telling me.

No. 2084636

File: 1738475391786.jpg (263.52 KB, 791x1022, SnoothandSoft.jpg)

Paul was married to another tranny "Sky", who by all accounts seemed like the most normal dude there and was "nonbinary" but basically a guy with pronouns. I don't know if he and Phil were in a relationship or not, I'm pretty sure Phil was just in a polycule with Kevin and the literal shit-eating skeletroon Michael.

The best part of the tranch arc imo is that the entire thing got BTFO by one honest-to-god female with BPD. It took one whiff of an actual woman for them to implode and for Paul to ditch his husband, Kevin to seethe about not getting pooner pussy, and the entire tranch to implode. Truly highlights how male-brained trannies are.

Kevin is peak tranny though, if any handmaidens read through his shit and don't peak they are beyond saving, picrel.

No. 2084640

File: 1738477556210.jpg (76.61 KB, 680x565, GiqRWGGWwAA9yIo.jpg)

No. 2084650

i wish what trannies believed was happening was actually happening. do you think martine rothblatt and jennifer pritzker are receiving licenses and passports with M's?

No. 2084662

File: 1738481835772.jpeg (194.26 KB, 1170x1321, IMG_1090.jpeg)

If they left people alone they would have also been left alone kek

No. 2084663

File: 1738481882276.jpeg (519.6 KB, 1170x1712, IMG_1091.jpeg)

The scrote has a poop fetish and filmed himself pooping on a damn plate by the way, also a furry kek.

No. 2084666

File: 1738482303644.jpeg (345.26 KB, 1170x1653, IMG_1092.jpeg)

Is this the extent of the so called “transgenocide”? Play your fetish at home and work retard.

No. 2084668

File: 1738482354181.jpeg (437.93 KB, 1170x2082, IMG_1093.jpeg)

Kek Canada already has tons of problems but refugees troons are going to become another one.

No. 2084669

Not even other troons and furries like this shitcreep. It was crazy watching him groomed into transing in real time, the other farms has an extensive thread.

No. 2084699

>I feel like I've basically been sentenced to death
Histrionic personality disorder and trannies, name a better combo.

No. 2084708

>Looking like this
Like a man?? Like that jaw alone is masculine. No frilly skirts will change that. Boo fucking ooh you can't indulge in your fetish at work anymore.

>Passport came back with a reality check
Woe is them. Women are actually dying as a result of Trump's retarded policies, migrants are being treated like criminals but no, the white man in the skirt is the big victim in all that, right?

No. 2084711

next threadpic kek

No. 2084727

He also ate his feces

No. 2084747

They always make themselves the first block when the majority of them are white males. They really believe themselves to be the definition of oppressed. They are right about trans rights knocking down gay rights though because gay people are forced to be associated with them.

No. 2084753

Bro what haven’t you done, why would you expect any rational people to side with you? You know it’s bad when even your own “community” doesn’t give a shit because of the rape threats and gaslighting.

No. 2084780


No. 2084786

Canada has closed its doors to letting in people willy-nilly because the country gained too large of a population in a small amount of time. Not to mention that the next PM is going to be the farthest right elected leader ever in Canada, so I doubt there will be any such "trans asylum" or whatever.

No. 2084789

File: 1738515744977.png (1.8 MB, 2625x1769, neo_con_bullshit.png)

Neo-liberal LPC and neo-liberal CPC are the same party. This was last week. As long as the troons can make coffee or pack shipments in an amazon warehouse, they can get into Canada

No. 2084831

Yeah I wasn't very clear with my points, but I meant that there are fewer options now in general (mostly with significantly fewer international students and more restrictions on TFWs). The second part was meant to be a separate point regarding PP, that he would not open our borders to asylum-seekers under the guise of being trans.

No. 2084866

File: 1738530083460.jpg (82.89 KB, 670x474, IMG_27139.jpg)

Imagine thinking you can just emigrate into another country without speaking the language, and prioritize learning to speak in troon tone instead of the language of your destination country. US troons are really a shitpile that keeps on giving.

No. 2084869

The university/college system will collapse without indian students, they will lobby ruthlessly. Canada is not shutting the doors, just letting in less but still way too many(derailing)

No. 2084871

They’ve been letting cats and dogs in kek. I knew of an acquaintance who moved there as a refuge , they just handed her an apartment with her son kek.

No. 2084878

Universities have already had their international student allowances slashed and seem to be doing just fine.

Sounds like you live in a shithole then if you're friends with cats and dogs kek(derailing)

No. 2084902

File: 1738537592029.png (393.06 KB, 1080x751, wQstdI1.png)

>he's talking about diarrhea

No. 2084903

Yeah my ass periods sync up whenever me and the others get stomach viruses oddly hm…

No. 2084916

These retards have been duped so hard they think their diarrhea pills are magic beans that will give them tits.

No. 2084933

Reading about HRT side effects is honestly so satisfying, it's nice to know most males in their skinny skirts are all chronically dehydrated with chronic diarrhea and are at an elevated risk for type 2 diabetes kek.

No. 2084964

File: 1738549712437.jpg (619.28 KB, 927x1432, wNkfRny.jpg)

Seeing a tim reblog this retarded ass shit is so fucking funny. especially plaidos kek as if he doesn't post how the """""tmes"""""" need to like his uncircumcised girldick all the times. but its different because girldick is magically different than man penis right??!?!?!

No. 2084972

File: 1738550756141.png (926.89 KB, 1080x1048, lx4ymCl.png)

ugly bitches

No. 2084990

I love whenever TIMs take old wives’ tales as facts about females and act like they experience it. It really just solidifies the fact that a lot of HRT’s “effects” are placebo related. What’s worse is the handmaidens encouraging this, and now TIMs are co-opting PMDD.

No. 2084991

I want to hear straight from their mouths how TIFs are in any way similar to men. Like they don’t have penises, they don’t have the same muscle mass, they’re not as tall, and most can’t pass. In what way do they have any “privileges” compared to TIMs who get included in every female event, get women to change the language surrounding themselves, and still assault people at an elevated rate compared to even the general male population.

No. 2084995

KEK that skirt belt holding on for dear life against his hog body

No. 2085002

He's angry at trans men for being sexist and saying that they should kiss but the person saying that is another trans woman…
>it will cure any nonsense ideas about how trans women have to isolate ourselves

No. 2085009

Very fembrained thing to do, colonizing a space that doesn't want you and mocking the people it belongs to. Oh wait, sorry, I meant malebrained. Because it is extremely malebrained.

These ogres don't even pass, they're taller than the fucking stalls. No shit nobody is going to confront you.

No. 2085010

Why do tims attack tifs so fucking much? Lesbians and gay men were able to create the "wlw/mlm solidarity" thing so why can't they form some solidarity within their own fucking community?(sage your shit)

No. 2085014

Because women will not confront a male, let alone two, in a small space out of safety. After that whole man/bear debacle, surely they'd finally be able to get it, but nope. They will never understand what it feels like to be a woman on even the most basic level, self preservation.

No. 2085017

File: 1738565501820.jpg (536.25 KB, 1080x1834, 1000010506.jpg)

They love rewriting history, picrel is at 43k likes jfc

No. 2085018

>b-but we just want to piss in peace

No. 2085054

kek reading the first post I thought it was a terf talking about lesbians

No. 2085116

Retarded misinformation about the holocaust aside, more research needs to be done into troon shit, not less, because that will reveal what a farce it is. Revelations about the poor state of the evidence were the whole reason they rolled back blockers in Sweden and the UK. This is how I know Republicans don't actually care about the mistreatment of women or medical malpractice. They just saw feminists raising hell about gender ideology and hijacked it so they could use it as a wedge issue.

No. 2085119

Canadian "conservatives" are moderate by burger standards. They're basically a party of Mitt Romneys.

No. 2085122

Killed by the letter M kek

No. 2085127

Why are there MULTIPLE troons with fetishes for eating poop? Is their no line males won't cross? Bring back insane asylums, no one who eats poop for fun should be walking free among normal people.

No. 2085128

Kek you mean that the post with the water filter was written by another TiM? Topkek

No. 2085130

It’s misogyny babes, it’s always misogyny, but TIFs will call it transandrophobia kek

No. 2085133

>The guys who will tell you a good dick will cure you of your man-hating lesbianism
So the average troon?

No. 2085140

File: 1738599561714.jpeg (430.29 KB, 750x1873, IMG_5767.jpeg)

i love when troons try to act like their entire community isn’t full of sex pests and retards.

No. 2085148

>look at your body, you could never be a woman
Kek gotta love troon on troon violence

No. 2085149

File: 1738601355923.gif (880.43 KB, 245x150, tumblr_ae2afee0e7f33253b54d2ec…)

No. 2085150

>I keep defending her whenever people talk shit about her or misgenders her
And this is exactly why nobody likes you freaks and assumes you're all the same kek. Scrotes defending other creepy scrotes even at their own expense, so womanly and transgressive.

No. 2085151

They're not doing it to kill the research, they're doing it to adjust the language. Notice the "pregnant person" and "assigned male at birth" phrases? If they were full-on restricting all research about pregnancy or males, way more than just gendie research would be in trouble.

No. 2085157

>this is how the Holocaust started. Trans people were first.
Yeah, one of the first creations by Nazi scientists KEK. Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary or a tranny where their movement originates from.

No. 2085165

Why is this fag crying on Reddit instead of going to HR like an actual adult? The other troon is blatantly violating workplace sexual harassment guidelines. He even has two "besties" at work who would probably back him up.

No. 2085170

Yeah, you have John Money, who trooned out a child and forced his brother to rape him, culminating in detransition and suicide as an adult. He coined the modern usage of thr word "gender." Then you have Erwin Gohrbandt, who performed some of Lili Elbe's surgeries and pioneered the modern vaginoplasty. He went on to perform human experiments in a Nazi death camp. But their movement is heckin' valid, y'all!

No. 2085179

Troon on Troon violence is still just saying YWNBAW toppest of top keks

No. 2085200

Mind you the genocide started with nazis literally stealing Jewish people’s properties and branding them with the star. I find it so fucking disrespectful when these privileges asshole think that they’re in any way comparable.
Nazis loved cross dressing also kek.

No. 2085201

>Why is this fag crying on Reddit instead of going to HR like an actual adult?
seems trannyism ruined his mind, probably spends so much time online he legit thought he should get approval from the "community" first lest hes excommunicated for speaking his mind kek. like dude, youre 19 and hes 30. theres nothing else to discuss

No. 2085214

>trans people are not a monolith
>cis people dont know that and assume we're all the same
Funny how both of them think that "cis" people are a monolith, to the point where the out tranny literally tells the closeted tranny that he'll NBAW KEK

No. 2085225

File: 1738615998645.jpeg (Spoiler Image,214.59 KB, 1115x1634, IMG_1103.jpeg)

They’re so fucking disgusting

No. 2085239

Don't forget that trannies believe reporting even the most predatory pedophile troon makes you a nazi who wants all trans people genocided because "you're giving the whole community a bad rep". They would rather have hundreds of children assaulted than to prove da terves right and admit even one single troon is creepy and abusive. Remember when the guy that created the Shinigami eyes extension raped multiple younger troons, and all his tranny orbiters silenced the victims despite being fellow hons? Remember all the posts about never believing the proof when a trans woman gets outed as a pedophile because "it's a transphobic stereotype"? Protecting male predators is the very basis of their ideology and would fall apart without such solidarity between them.

No. 2085243

Why do so many troons participate and have interest in things that bio women have never had? I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a bio woman called herself a ‘failtwink puppygirl’ with an interest in blahajs, anime, computer science, video games, etc. I thought the whole point of the trans movement is that TIMs are identical to real women? They’re not even trying to be subtle given the fact that they plaster the troon flag all over their online profiles.

No. 2085249

The day I see a troon that likes crotcheting, yaoi and male kpop idols is the day I rethink my whole philosophy.

No. 2085253

File: 1738624130461.jpg (102.31 KB, 736x876, c7ccb3636053725038de77d7cb6d29…)

They're so obnoxious about being publicly gross as fuck. No way these were bio women. It's a perverted tim making shit up or it was two unwashed tims roleplaying being anime girls.also why is this Akechi and Joker? They don't fucking act like this…What the fuck is wrong with them?

No. 2085270

>in b4 the "paraphilias come in clusters" non-answer
Men who troon out are sex addicts. Part of the progression of that addiction is "chasing the dragon" - having to do increasingly revolting or bizarre things in order to get the same level of sexual thrill. Because we instinctively understand eating poop to be disgusting and dangerous, a lot of sex addicts land on this particular fetish because their addict mind translates the instinctive red flag as another boundary that would be exciting to violate.

No. 2085272

Some of them are pretending to be fujos now because they know that fujoism is so exclusively female that it makes them think they have a better chance at passing.

Same reasons troons post and mod here.

No. 2085288

There used to be an archive of those reports, but they've since been scrubbed and no one believes me.
My ancestors survived genocide and these people think they can use that word. Absolute trash. They have destroyed women's rights and are just going to walk away whining about the government but subsidizing their troonjuice anymore while we're left here holding the bags like idiots. Our empathy was weaponized against us and it has destroyed us.

No. 2085289

The wig dropped ontop of his undoubtedly half-bald head with scraggly little tendrils hanging out is sending me

No. 2085294

Twitter/X is cancerous in so many ways, moids constantly share porn gifs as “memes”

No. 2085299

it is so hard not to a-log about these assholes I swear to christ

they are just MRAs wanting to be the most persecuted snowflake in the room, always

No. 2085305

The necklace with two mushrooms touching tips is the icing on this very greasy cake.

No. 2085310

Let them come here and have the shit kicked out of them on sight. Only Toronto and Vancouver protect troons. Everyone else fucking hates them more than the Americans because of our cuck prime minister.

No. 2085318

i can visualize this. rhythm gaming is fucking infested with TIMs. chock-full. brimming. they’re so weirdly AGP about it too, i hate it. like trust me dude, no one is getting wet over that rude ass boner you popped from playing DDR in a skirt.

No. 2085319

File: 1738637737299.png (249.96 KB, 599x843, flp0kUK.png)

No. 2085320

>and mod
Is there actually proof of this tho

No. 2085334

It’s fascinating how this stuff doesn’t peak normies. JK Rowling does so much actual activism but because she stands against the destruction of single-sex spaces she’s made out to be the worst person on earth by people who baby whole ass adults if they have the right minority status, and believe kids are are mature enough to decide to mess up their natural puberty.

No. 2085347

TIFs actually "pass" much better on average than TIMS do because testosterone is MUCH stronger as a hormone than estrogen is. you average TIF from Ohio can pass as male with a few years of estrogen and a tit chop but even the most privileged TIMs rarely do.

No. 2085363

>rhythm gaming is fucking infested with TIMs
Just why? They like the feel of their dick&balls flopping around when moving?

No. 2085364

No. 2085367

You know and I know it's weeb shit, plus it's a kind of game that requires single-minded devotion to get good at, so I guess what I'm saying is A U T I S M

No. 2085390

Rhythm games with all female casts are literally designed to cater to coomer moids, idk why anyone's surprised. Western trannies aren't too different from coomer japanese oyajis.

No. 2085395

Kek. Speaking of rhythm games, still hate how they made Mizuki in proseka a troon.

No. 2085420

File: 1738682374671.jpeg (141.22 KB, 1125x1055, 1NKAkdR.jpeg)

>troonbian makes joke about corrective rape against bisexuals
>people proceed spend days calling lesbians predators when it’s obviously males making male brained jokes

No. 2085422

Oh look, another TIM has realised that most bisexual women actually won't wait on the backburner to fuck him so he's including them in his passive aggressive scrote screeds.

No. 2085424

File: 1738683795296.jpeg (356.54 KB, 1170x1863, IMG_1532.jpeg)

No. 2085425

now whatever happened to all that gender bending stuff like "girls who look like boys" and "boys that look like girls", seems like your very male ego can't handle it.

No. 2085431

File: 1738684592956.jpg (99.95 KB, 1000x1084, koresh.jpg)

No. 2085481

>they made Mizuki in proseka a troon
They didn't. They'll keep tiptoeing around whether he's a crossdresser, a faggot, or a tranny because the game's writing is complete trash and they don't want to offend westies while still wanting to keep the game palatable to younger Japanese audiences. They're cowards in trying to make any of the hard-hitting parts properly written or good in the slightest, it's not even limited to just this tranny debacle.
Sorry for sperging but the whole game's gotten on my nerves since that fuckass story dropped.

No. 2085494

Then don’t get an 80s metal band haircut

No. 2085498

Kek, I saw this from the front page, didn't read the text, and thought it was someone cosplaying as one of the Stranger Things fags kek

No. 2085504

File: 1738700682960.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1179x4584, hd3BDlw.jpeg)

how does one type all of this out and think of themselves as sane? like does he truly think this is just a natural sexual orientation? they must have some inkling that this is just male paraphilia.

No. 2085511

I thought troons didn't believe in agp? But of course even an autoANDROphilia sub for TIFS would be invaded by fetishistic male trannies asking if they're attracted to them. Not a single female space can be left uncolonized by their mighty shenises.

No. 2085513


there are a subset of troons who think that admitting to being agp will somehow make us accept them as women.

No. 2085514

This is textbook sissy behaviour. Dude just wants a 'mommy' to degrade him.

No. 2085515

KEK no fucking way, this guy in the reply is my personal cow! vidrel is him, btw.

No. 2085518


omg i knew i knew him from somewhere. he claims to be a sexologist on twitter. an excellent source of milk.

No. 2085523

File: 1738704064290.jpg (144.86 KB, 874x1151, Karla_Sofia_Gascon_at_TIFF_202…)

>Macho man!
Exclaimed the hulking hon that fails to pass so badly they had to use AI to make his ape chainsmoker Spaniard moid voice sound even remotely feminine in his movie (and he still sounds clockable). Imagine thinking you're hot shit when you make Bruce Jenner look passing in comparison kekk.

No. 2085524

>"I wiwwy feew like"
>"The majority of twansitwoners"
He cannot be real KEKKKK how does the other one not crack up? The way he's constantly figeting in his seat, trying to emphasize his anachan arms, clearly eye-fucking himself on the camera (sorry, "camewwa") is so funny.

No. 2085549

latest trauma saga of troon world is this ugly frog had to go - gasp! - all of 48 hours without having his passport after the passport office said 'idk what to do about this due to the trump shit' naturally every transwoman and handmaid in Tiktok's echo chamber is jumping on this ~travesty~ as evidence that 'TERFS ARE KILLING US THEY LITERALLY WANT US DEAD'
the specific troon in question apparently freaked out at the people involved to the point they nearly got the police called on them (they claim they were 'just asking questions' to try to downplay this but be fr), then immediately ran to tiktok to complain and collect pity points. apparently this grown man in a dress felt so violated and afraid for his life that they had to show up at the office with 'body guards' when he returned to collect the documents and passport. oh, and also make this video in the aftermath: now using the PTSD of his harrowing experience to thirst over what looks like someone's 40-year-old stepfather in uwu speak. truly the trans representation this world needs. what a brave and stunning heroine kek. all this over literally one fucking letter.

No. 2085554

File: 1738711188842.png (1.32 MB, 1634x924, totallypassinghon.png)

"how could they possibly call me a man when im so feminine and smoll??? everyone needs to hear about this injustice omg"

>legs crossed tightly as possible to create the illusion of hips

>downward angle to hide adam's apple
>craggy, masculine facial structure
>thot/sex worker fashion sense
>frizzed out receding hairline

hmm yes impossible to detect, crazy that they put an M on your passport, the injustice kek

No. 2085567

doesnt testosterone usually shrink dicks?

No. 2085572

Lesbians don’t have a “dyke conversion” kink. It’s purely a straight moid thing and it’s disgusting.

No. 2085573

Bro if the shoes fits

No. 2085576

kek nonna i am dead at the pic

No. 2085580

Why's he literally doing the Kubrick stare kekkk

No. 2085597

I've got another one crying about his passport here too, but this guy didn't go into a moid rage about it.
I don't know if they're all being disingenuous about the passport problem, or if they're really that stupid. The problem isn't "you're transgender so we aren't giving you a passport, because troons are disgusting and now persecuted under law" the problem is "your documents don't match so we can't give you a passport" which is a completely self-inflicted problem. Cry harder.

No. 2085600

Everyone in the comments is licking his asshole too.

No. 2085608

File: 1738722873267.jpg (237.16 KB, 1080x1857, Screenshot_20250205_033051_com…)

Pretty sure it's a male tranny

No. 2085618

File: 1738725071759.jpg (663.08 KB, 1080x1931, Screenshot_20250205_041014_com…)

No. 2085619

If the world were at all a safe place for women, everything these perverted men are shrieking and tugging their calloused, discolored wangs over would be a reality and they would be ruthlessly ostracized out of society for our protection. But no, they get to call beloved female philanthropists rapists with impunity for not coddling them, while a real woman who calls an actual rapist a rapist, even online, gets her life ruined.

No. 2085628

rape is when uhhhh woman has opinion I disagree with

would gladly personally execute every tranny with this take, I don't even care about rowling or harry potter at all, it's just that solid of a filter, cleanse us of all of them

No. 2085633

>JKR worse than a rapist
>Coming from some of the most rape happy moids there are

No. 2085644

>sending men to men’s prisons is femicide

No. 2085648

Oh look, another troon proving how he really isn't a woman. If he was really "female brained", as troons say they are, wouldn't he be scared for "fellow" women the moment men were allowed to be housed with women? Since it's supposedly just a disconnection between the brain being "correct", but the body isn't? Hm…

No. 2085655

this is so fuckign retarded. this makes me want to ALOG SO BAD. you have people in america actually facing genocidal conditions (ie hispanics being sent to concentration camps and removal of birthright citizen ship and being sent to countries they have never been to!!) and this fucking moid just cant live out his stupid little fetish and acts like its the end of the world. he needs to choke.

No. 2085656

male on male crime. yawn.

No. 2085664

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No. 2085669

Oh great, we definitely need more deranged lunatic psychopaths wielding guns. Also his eyes are going entirely different ways, how does he expect to shoot anything?

No. 2085670

File: 1738748531973.png (2.65 MB, 1083x1920, IMG_1121.png)

You average “lesbian” and her “girlfriend”

No. 2085674

>doughy marie g-spot doughydough
no way this is real. the absolute brain damage on some people

No. 2085676

His soyjak face KEKKKKK

No. 2085684

File: 1738756239319.jpg (Spoiler Image,184.67 KB, 1920x1080, thumb_93C0B697-9211-4D58-810C-…)

He looks exactly like the shapeshifters from that movie Assimilate

No. 2085691

What exactly did transwoman do for lesbians rights?? Are they still trying to claim that stupid lie about the man who wasnt even trans at stonewall? Like it was literally been proven so many times he was NOT the first person to throw a stone, and even so, who fucking cares! Lesbians are WOMEN who have always had to fight WOMENS rights, it has nothing to do with gay men or trannies

No. 2085692

he wasn't even present iirc and stonewall isn't the big deal everyone makes it out to be

No. 2085695

kek the spicy straight girl’s tat

No. 2085702

I hate how male entitlement has become rebranded as "submissiveness."
>I want a woman to come and sweep me off my feet
"I want a woman to do all the work in the relationship because it makes me feel powerful to have her bending over backwards to pursue me"
>I can't feel anything for feminine women
"I have a distinctively male level of seething jealousy and couldn't handle being compared to an effortlessly more feminine woman"
>I want to be treated as "the woman"
"I want to lie there while my butch mommy pegs my shitty asshole for 8 hours and gets no pleasure from it herself"
>I want a woman who is not promiscuous, romantic personality type
"I want a woman to be utterly, selflessly devoted to me, but somehow still call myself the submissive one"

Modern moids are always complaining about not getting chocolates and flowers, and how they want to be proposed to etc., and it's literally just because they want to have the power to be the one who rejects women. It's not about submission, it's about their jealousy over the fact that women are reproductively of infinitely more value.

No. 2085703

God his gigantic duper's delight smile when he says "I have faced systemic discrimination, yay!" makes me so mad. You can just tell he's never had to fear or want for anything in his entire life. But he's so thrilled to finally have evidence of his totally real persecution.

No. 2085706

Men really do see what we say about them and frame themselves as the victims in the same narrative, being raped, when told to go back to the men's prison. Of course it wouldn't be a tranny saying it if they didn't add "femicide" kek.

No. 2085722

So what exactly is happening with troon passports in burgerland? Are they just giving them new passports with the right sex or just confiscating them without replacing them so troons can't live their animu dreams of being sexpests but in Japan? Tbh it's mind-blowing they ever got away with giving troons documents that say female in the first place, it's just factually, morally and medically incorrect. Don't they have to state they're male at the doctor's office anyway?

No. 2085730


No. 2085743

yes, they are getting their passports back (in RECORD TIME - >>2085554 literally got a new one in 48 hours) just with the Sex category corrected. and they're seething topkek.

No. 2085749

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No. 2085751

i like how they wave the communist flag but wouldve probably been slaughtered in the USSR

No. 2085765

tranny tankies are an especially retarded breed of tankie because their whole identity is literally built on capitalism. buying cheap wigs made by chinese child slaves off aliexpress is not very communist of you sir. it's even funnier when said tranny tankies are obsessed with collecting (read: consooming) merch of their favourine tranime or FOTM slop. they would be sent to gulag in ussr like the degenerates they are.
holy shit how long is his neck? he's just begging to be jakked. maybe i'll do it when i get on pc

No. 2085766

File: 1738777408114.jpg (924.05 KB, 1079x2525, 1000006170.jpg)

"Why do men avoid me now that I dress and act like a horror movie villain?" And kek he doesn't understand women at all, being polite and ingratiating yourself to potentially dangerous men you have to deal with daily is numba one survival instinct. They always assume women treating them nicely means something.

No. 2085770

Thank you men for taking our rights for centuries and then eventually going eh you can have a few, how could I ever forget all the dicks I owe sucking

No. 2085771

If a woman compliments you every time it’s because she takes pity on you and doesn’t see you as competition kek. Also she’s scared of the ogre in a dress in the bathroom and she quickly has to diffuse the situation.

No. 2085775

"tirfs" are really funny, they're literally wannabe mean girl terfs but their b0n0s is in the way so they pretend troonsbians are the most oppressed group on the planet.

No. 2085800

love trans on trans violence. the tranny in emilia perez is apparently an evil racist or something

No. 2085812

File: 1738787484162.jpg (356.28 KB, 982x1111, 1000000374.jpg)

Storme De Laverie, drag king, lesbian and current victim of postmortem transing, was the first to throw a brick at Stone Wall. Lesbians, not just here but in their constant (past and present) advocacy in kicking pedos out of the community, and keeping gays alive thru AIDS by forming the Blood Sisters as well as many hospices, are why fags and troons have rights. Unlike fags and troons, they are also victims of femicide, corrective rape, and lesbocide.

No. 2085819

this may have been true in the past, but my cousin served some time a few years ago, he told me that since the bush administration there were a lot of reforms put in place, which greatly reduced prison sexual violence and gang activity, anyone can report anybody for rape and your sentence gets extended or you lose privileges and no one wants to risk that. both still happen but it's a lot harder to do nowadays

No. 2085820

>current victim of postmortem transing
Please god say sike.

No. 2085822

I haven't been to this thread often but have you guys discussed the subreddit r/letgirlshavefun before? it is literally AGP general

No. 2085833

It smells like balls in there, for sure.

No. 2085843

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No. 2085853

Fuck you for posting this.

No. 2085861

Stavros Halkias

No. 2085862

Can we stop posting this guy every thread

No. 2085866

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No. 2085870

>OMG, men are just so quirky and random!!

No. 2085904

who is out here allowing men to be assuredly hideous while normal women battle insecurities from the day we are born

No. 2085907

>Drinks 7 bottles of water a day
>Endless pickle cravings
Some nona mentioned how they are chronically dehydrated and since they crave pickles they seem to also lack sodium, isn't that kinda contradictory? How fucked up are their bodies? Also where can I find credible sources on hrt sideeffects? >>2084933

No. 2085913

You have a point, nonnie. They claim they always existed and they have a feminine soul, but I never ever heard of a TIM fighting for women's rights or supporting suffragettes. They always benefitted from male status in society and want to take women's rights for them, but never fought for or helped us

No. 2085916

Fraid not, nona. She is now a brave trans man, but on the upside, pooners will realize that "their" heroes will be overwritten for the acts of a drug addicted "transwoman" (drag queen) who wasn't even there. At the very most, this will be peaking material.

No. 2085917

File: 1738809223213.jpeg (888.12 KB, 750x3368, IMG_5798.jpeg)

i despair every time a woman decides to stay in a doomed relationship with one of these degenerates.

No. 2085918

Pooners don't know about this and I doubt they research much. They just accept what their troonsbian masters tell them.

No. 2085922

File: 1738809801603.jpeg (176.07 KB, 749x918, IMG_5799.jpeg)

godddddd this sub makes me wanna die

No. 2085927

Spironolactone is a diuretic and effective kidney remover

No. 2085929

File: 1738810592062.jpg (60.17 KB, 1263x708, trooninthedungeon.JPG)

strange aeons made a video about a tumblr account called hymen restoration project and of course it's a troon and of course his name is ivy. his whole sctick is 'ironically' pretending to be a 16 year old girl. the video is 40 minutes but i skipped to the interview just to see what this creature looked like.

No. 2085932

I just looked up the blog and it was so fucking gross reading all that shit imagining some mentally challenged looking hulking male is typing this out on some sticky keyboard. I cannot believe Strange Aeons even made a video about this, she is truly scraping the bottom of the barrel here. She's honestly almost as irritating as Izzyzz in her tranny libfemming.

No. 2085946

also even if it was written by a woman it wouldn't be funny, is the bar for comedy really that low? but it's truly insane how handmaidens don't even stop to consider if an adult man making jokes about teenage girls masturbating is weird or not.

No. 2085960

Reading through this person's comments, and they claim to be a TIM with BPD, ADHD, bipolar, DID, etc. They constantly contradict themselves (they said 2 days ago they're single), so probably just some trooner getting off on the idea of being raped.

No. 2086021

File: 1738834267448.png (540.53 KB, 742x720, barf.png)

Not being a man would help a lot.

No. 2086035

Yes you look like a transbian (derogatory)

No. 2086041

>How to appear more like
Like a fucking predator, a snake asking how to blend in for better access to prey. It's cool how I don't have to "appear" as a lesbian, I just am one, no matter how I look, and I never have a problem meeting women.

No. 2086046

File: 1738841943134.png (20.48 KB, 673x274, keklmao.png)

Are people really this blind JFC

No. 2086048

>he constantly pesters me for sex to the point where im actively turned off by being touched by him
>he embarrasses me in social contexts
>he's "naturally messy" and doesnt help me with maintaining the living space
>he's unemployed and couldn't even make a resume without me babysitting him
>i find the way he behaves generally annoying
>he has a triple threat trifecta of mental illness
>he is not "independent, successful, [or] smart"
>he is not my equal
fucking idiot

No. 2086055

I watched like 3 minutes of that video then stopped because it was very strange and unfunny. Makes a lot more sense now I know that it was a man writing with one hand.

No. 2086066

I wish Teya was a secret terf

No. 2086074

Less likely, I was an avid watcher, and before that, she already had associated herself with trannies, she had lots of tranny friends who appeared in her vids and openly supported them. Tumblr has conditioned these people to be handmaidens and libfems. Idk about now, but she had a history of being a tra, fyi.

No. 2086078

Honestly they made their own bed at this point . They’re complicit of the rise of Transbians and trannies.

No. 2086092

File: 1738854529277.png (825.33 KB, 1009x806, reddit.PNG)

Nonnie how could you be disgusted by this cute little face? He would totally never threaten a woman, he's too busy looking at his cute boobs!

No. 2086093

I know a troon irl who thinks he's like this. Silly little harmless booba girl. He's absolutely not that. How can your self perception be so fucked kek

No. 2086125

I think they are just pulling the other crabs down into the bucket with them. Trolling, thinking if they keep this tranny around they'll be attractive in comparison or smth.

No. 2086138

the extent handmaidens will go to in order to keep a moid, even when said moid wants to pretend he’s a woman, is baffling.

No. 2086164

Sunk cost fallacy. When a man has gotten you so trapped emotionally, financially (even when he's useless), has stolen your fertile years, and his family has become your family, sometimes you know how desperately pathetic it is but hold on, waiting for him to cheat on you so you can make a clean break without losing the support of others.

No. 2086173

classic tranny skinwalking his girlfriend

No. 2086186

File: 1738877866508.jpeg (979.63 KB, 1164x4125, KuhXoT5.jpeg)


went down a rabbit hole with one of the troonbians in the comments and of course he baby trapped a woman first and is now demanding that she larp as a “lesbian” with him. so selfish. so male.

No. 2086188

File: 1738878018826.jpeg (271.24 KB, 1179x1356, 1e70Owb.jpeg)


oh no. he appears to he skinwalking his lesbian moms.

No. 2086194

“$55 Raised” almost there guys

No. 2086199

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17 year old terf me used to pray for these times kek.
Do any of you nonnas feel like after the term the trannyism will come again much stronger? Unless the left changes these rats will demand special privileges.

No. 2086219

>sending us to men's prisons
don't commit crimes then?

No. 2086221

Actually, good point, why do they give a fuck about prisons if they're supposedly law abiding citizens? People that give too much of a fuck about prisons need to be investigated, no person with common sense cares about what happens to fucking criminals.

No. 2086224

yes im happy about it but at the same time I know that republicans hate women even more than trannies.

No. 2086226

My eyes are tired so I read this as sunk cock fallacy and I’m going to start calling it that now when it’s this specific situation.

No. 2086229


No. 2086230

Because women don't deserve to be locked in prison with rapey moids, not even the worst kind of woman. Even if you don't care about criminals, remember that a society that allows rape of ANY woman will allow it for EVERY woman, and that same society bending over so far backwards for troons won't hesitate to throw YOU in there with them for thoughtcrime like posting here, as we've seen in the EU and UK. Besides, it's a hideous violation of the Mandela Rules, which are one of the standards a society has to meet to be considered part of the first world. Sex-segregated prisons are something a civilized society has, and a shithole ape country has not.

Omg actually this is perfect.

No. 2086231

I’ll start calling it this kekk

No. 2086248

lol imagine if other oppressed peoples liberation was as easy as "can go to opposite restroom and prison for their biological sex". what a joke

No. 2086273


trannyism will definitely comeback stronger because the right doesn’t actually understand where trannyism comes from and all they’ve done is fuel their victim narrative. this is why anti trannyism must come from an understanding of feminism and materialism.

No. 2086278

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No. 2086279

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No. 2086280

File: 1738897086182.png (65.55 KB, 1179x242, terf.png)

No. 2086305

I bet he skinwalks her.

No. 2086314

…does tcd stand for "total cis death"? what a psychotic reaction

No. 2086327

>because the right doesn’t actually understand where trannyism comes from and all they’ve done is fuel their victim narrative.
That’s exactly what I’m fearing nonna.

No. 2086329

File: 1738913601055.jpg (66.33 KB, 960x1080, 1000000382.jpg)

I hope she carries some form of self-defense.

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