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No. 1301579[Reply]

Previously on the proana scumbag thread:

Cecelia is finally lost her toob and is back to playing recovery kween, but only when she’s not the victim of anything and everything.

Georgie Porgie is back at New Farm and has found a toob again. Still fat and getting fatter.

Nourish (N2f) is modeling and exercising while continuing to make vomit on a plate (or bowl, depending on the meal).

Ganer is doing the same thing she’s done for the past 3-4 years. Overexercising, eating the same couple meals, and crowing about her “recovery” like she’s not already got a foot in the grave.

Ham’s finally baby-stepping into adulthood by going to college, but since she’s a Brit she’ll still be home filming fear food challenges of foods she regularly eats. Meanwhile HamMum keeps cheering her on/enabling her weight gain and unhealthy diet.

Creepy skeleton Nik continues to play the role of a functional adult male while seemingly in total denial of reality.

Anna still isn’t bored with ana nor talking about her period, though she’s decided to focus on being a MCAS munchie who only eats 21 foods, except when she forgets what she’s claimed to be deathly allergic to. Or when it’s time for overpriced sushi. Side note, you cannot stick a birthday candle in a peach and convince people it’s the equivalent of a cake.
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No. 1314236

No she's going to oxford brookes uni so maybe researching IP in advance kek

No. 1314237

What fucking drugs are she on? Not even a room, a full on flat. Oh yes Han, can you fork out 3k/month? Fucking naive entitled little retard. Sage for sperg and a log

No. 1314689

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Sorchas blog posting again. I can’t put up with her shit while there’s so many real problems in the world and I do understand anorexia can be life threatening but she’s been given every single possible advantage and support and she’s even admitting in her post that she’s not cooperating with treatment.

No. 1315015




No. 1315018

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Even her tiktok has caught the self posting hahaha

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No. 1306903[Reply]

This thread concerns itself with male-to-female (mtf) snowflake behaviour. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Rules of /snow/ apply on this thread, thus blogging about your hate of mtf with no context and autistic spergfests are banned. This means this is a thread for mtf related milk without the autistic ragefests and fights over disagreements over terms. Calling others handmaidens or scrotes is infighting. Taking your autism to other threads is leaving the containment zone, do not do this.

You may discuss gender critical subjects if it relates to milk. Once again, while your autistic tangents are milky to read, they're not actual milk.

Previous thread:
>Hog Hailey Heartless and his answer to all us horny little TERFs itt >>1301161
>troon from tttt plays with his playdough face to prove he really does pass >>1301403
>discussion about AGP indie game devs; Christine Love >>1303187 1304532
>thank you TERFs for killing trannies…by killing Onlyfans >>1303991 fintech anon gives us a lesson in chargeback rates for porn sites >>1304046
>ps addict "Jessica" Alves travels to Brazil for a womb transplant >>1305295
>traaaans confuse indigestion with menstruation >>1304135
>Steam Powered Giraffe fans crawl out of the woodwork >>1305587
>dick-hate memes in a lesbian sub make troons seethe and cope >>1305665 >>1305700
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No. 1313221

Kek, Janice Raymond's new book about transgenderism is going to be released this November. Brace yourselves, the trannies are going to go absolutely batshit in 2 months.

No. 1313222

Radfems the world all over are greatly indebted to Janice Raymond, the queen of transphobia.

No. 1313227

he used to hang out with felice fawn, how is that for a cow cross over

No. 1313228

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The hell is wrong with Dreger? They are not "perfectly legitimate ways to become women" because no man can ever become a woman (yet she claims to be rational and scientific). It's also offensive for the oppressor class to appropriate the identity of the oppressed.

Encouraging homosexuals to transition is just conversion therapy and validating the identity of autogynephiles is extremely dangerous to women. Transgenderism should simply not exist.

No. 1313232

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Bailey is one of many psychologists who have tried to ring the alarm about these sexual deviants. There are other psychologists as well, not just Bailey and Blanchard, but they either don't talk about it and if they do they get harassment and abuse from TRAs.
>What Many Transgender Activists Don't Want You to Know: and why you should know it anyway (2007)
>Currently the predominant cultural understanding of male-to-female transsexualism is that all male-to-female (MtF) transsexuals are, essentially, women trapped in men's bodies. This understanding has little scientific basis, however, and is inconsistent with clinical observations. Ray Blanchard has shown that there are two distinct subtypes of MtF transsexuals. Members of one subtype, homosexual transsexuals, are best understood as a type of homosexual male. The other subtype, autogynephilic transsexuals, are motivated by the erotic desire to become women. The persistence of the predominant cultural understanding, while explicable, is damaging to science and to many transsexuals.

Pic related works with sex offenders and has observed AGP as a common paraphilia. Official stats on troon sexual predators also supports this. More people need to know about this shit, they are allowing perverted men into women and girl's changing rooms and bathrooms, prisons and shelters, if anything these men are way more dangerous than your average male. Their whole identity is a sexual paraphilia and they get validation externally, meaning they will rape, trick, abuse others to satisfy their sick fantasies.

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No. 1220516[Reply]

SUMMARY: Effina Hyatt is a silver spooned, 22-year-old self-hating Kuwaiti and plastic surgery/filter addict who rose to z list notoriety after she married washed up has-been/former MDE member, 38 year old Charls Caroll after a whirlwind courtship of less than year.


>Effina marries her senpai Charls Carroll after years of stalking MDE despite Charls being 14 years her senior and openly fetishizing virginity, she flies out to live with him in his squalid rented apartment

>Effina is caught editing her own baby photos

>Effina’s online fashion “boutique” which she claimed included clothes designed by herself is exposed for being cheap Aliexpress sweatshop dresses which she was inflating the price of tenfold

>Screencaps found incriminating Charls for being involved with underage fans in previous years.

>Candid pictures of Effina are uncovered showing the extent of her plastic surgery/video editing and photo editing which she still denies

>Effina claims to be an uwu trad virgin waifu despite flying out to Sweden when she was 18 for dick whilst lying to her parents and Charls to this day by claiming she was staying with friends.

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No. 1317185

Maybe another thread with her real name would be better than the fake identity thing in here

No. 1317188

She deserves her own thread. For all the things she have done cuz she got so many things more and more

No. 1643107

total autism

No. 1685998

So this is like the gay gossip version of 4chan?

No. 1709910

Is there an image reference I can see that charls was speaking to underage girls?

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No. 1302140[Reply]

Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread. Do not reply to spergs. Do not mention Kyle Nathan Perkins/ Fupa unless relevant. Do not make repetitive comments about Shayna’s retarded pets.

Previous Thread:
>sets up her king sized bed while naked, to everyone's horror >>1291831, >>1291838, >>1291949
>more crusty "anal cum shows" >>1292663
>still reeling over the loss of fupa >>1293273
>dozens of musty selfies in front of a window >>1297161
>continues to flaunt her middle-aged wine mom physique in bikinis >>1298395
>does a tragic cow themed struggle photoshoot in the middle of a field >>1298835, >>1299302, >>1300296
>also includes what can only be a mother goose cosplay >>1298922
>continues to record herself vibrating her thigh fat while chicken dancing >>1299374, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1311251

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No. 1311254

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She rubs her snatch so oddly… sage for no milk but why is she out of breath just laying in her bed?

No. 1311256

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No. 1311259

I respectfully disagree. Any photographer or artist that's commissioned is going to want compensation. This man clearly does this professionally for a living and isn't paying ppl for sessions. I agree she's definitely failed in many aspects of her career. I wouldn't base that off of her paying this man for the service that he offers to everyone for a fee

No. 1311261

so.. she booked someone to tie her up for an hour when she didn't have rent money a few days ago? She could sit on her ass tied to her phone for free

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No. 297535[Reply]

Anyone else remember this gem from Tumblr?
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No. 1963305


This is terrifying. She needs to be on her meds

No. 1967801

poor girl seems to not be doing well again. she was away for a bit and seemed doing better immediately following but not so much now. i keep hoping she can get the help she needs.

No. 1971176

Mom, dad, get off lolcow.

No. 1971177

Or send me some money, PayPal is tiffany6290 ♡(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1987472

Holy shit he’s so skinny, you can see the whole shape of his skull.
If she can’t take care of Fritz she needs to rehome him.
Idk if being off her meds is all that is going on at this point. This is like some alternative substance behavior.
Do whatever you want with your life but don’t make your cat pay for it with their own health you dumb cunt

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No. 1253691[Reply]

H3H3 Productions is a Youtube duo comprised of Ethan Klein and his wife Hila Klein. Previously known for their video skits, their content is now focused on podcast series such as Off The Rails, After Dark and (formerly) Frenemies featuring Trisha Paytas.




Adjacent personalities and crew members:
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No. 1308509

90 day fiancé vibes in the first part of that video LMAO i cant unsee it

No. 1308594

I’ve never liked Trisha but it is so fucking funny she is doing this instead of arguing passive aggressively with Ethan. Now no one can say she’s trying to engage because she’s doing this dhar Mann shit, it’s so left field and couldn’t have anything less to do with the false narrative Ethan keeps trying to hammer away at. I hope she does increasingly bizarre things and continues to expand her comedy.

No. 1308799

>Only we as humanity can grow if we educate each other. Ignorance is bliss, but ignorance is also taught. Let's teach it to be the opposite of ignorance. Let's teach it to be forever wonderful.


No. 1308813

OT from drama but it’s weird watching older tv shows or media and seeing Trisha randomly show up as the “blonde with big boobs” character. Thinking about her career progression is mind boggling.

No. 1308814



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No. 1308000[Reply]

Post online personalities that are almost cows but not milky enough to have their own thread.

>Swimsuit succubus has made a career off showing her photoshopped ass and tits to coomers on the web

>she browses lolcow
>she self posted and sent her fans in the Moo thread years ago to defend her for being "honest uwu" and "perfect"
>decided she's too good for being a slut so she became a twitch slut
>constantly panders to coomers and porn addicts on Twitter and makes posts about how we need more porn
>retweets porn on her streamer Twitter account in fear of losing her coomer paypigs
>constantly panders to woke pro sex work community out of fear of losing their support
>acts like she's now better than costhots
>acts like an edgy teenager
>has a stale and boring personality
>only has a following on Twitch from her old gravure days and for her coomer pandering
>says she does not want to stand up because of coomers when she only wears tight shirts and uses boob padding to pander to them
>horrible photoshoper, immature 30 year old woman(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
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No. 1308021

Personal lolcow thread already exists retard >>>/snow/1297780

No. 1308028

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I think what stops susu from becoming a cow is that she's somewhat intelligent and is very careful about what she says and what she shares about herself.

This topic might be better suited for /ot/ though, the personal lolcow thread is for cows from your own personal life, not somewhat big public figures.

No. 1308030

agreed, she really isn't fully a cow because she doesn't publicly freak out or rise to criticism and argue with people. She's a mix of Twitch thot and photoshop freak, really just belongs on those threads. She is hilariously OTT with her shops, though.

No. 1308034

Does she still pretend to be lesbian?
Always found it super funny the moment she stopped doing lewd shit she also dropped her longtime relationship.

No. 1308038

She's dating someone and refuses to gender them, which of course means it's a scrote and she just doesn't want to lose simps or drop her lesbian/"bi but prefer women" persona.

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No. 1299390[Reply]

Responding to obvious bait will earn you a week long ban.

This thread concerns itself with male-to-female (mtf) snowflake behaviour. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Rules of /snow/ apply on this thread, thus blogging about your hate of mtf with no context and autistic spergfests are banned. This means this is a thread for mtf related milk without the autistic ragefests and fights over disagreements over terms. Calling others handmaidens or scrotes is infighting. Taking your autism to other threads is leaving the containment zone, do not do this.

You may discuss gender critical subjects if it relates to milk. Once again, while your autistic tangents are milky to read, they're not actual milk.

Previous thread:
>dainty troon fails in the olympics and show us womens sport are not in danger, suprisingly enough professional female athlethes in their prime form can win over fat untrained middle age men >>1289358 >>1289447
>an unhinged cartoon profile picture twitter troon with a serial killer stare has the feminine behaviour of tweeting 525 tweets a day >>1290041 >>1289695
>lots of sperging about how some preteen/teen boys does or does not manag to look like girls for a few years before groing up, breaking news that sex characeristics develoup in young adults
>ending in a spiral of seething straight mothers and the jelous lesbians, tranny bait and incels, and who gets the award of being The First Troon, redtext suprisingly fairly distributed
>at least we are blessed by Kikomi

Notable MtF-related subreddits:
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No. 1306942

so this woman sold her child you to pedophiles just for a bit of clout and fame, Christ man

No. 1306996

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YEP. His mom was a wannabe NYC Club Kid from the 90s who desperately wanted to fit in that scene and idolized Michael Alig (the drug-addled club kid murderer that the movie Party Monster was about) and even had Desmond INTERVIEW HIM when he was out of prison, complete with a Rophynol (roofie) painting in the background. Horrifying.

No. 1307091

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No. 1307094

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Using anime characters that they like is always hilarious

No. 1598631

It's top tier irony. You have no hips, a barrel chest, and a sloped forehead sir. You will never look like the girls from Love Live.

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No. 1306680[Reply]

Russian lolcow Alina Nikitina who got boosted to almost 300k followers bcuz she was selling nudes at 15 already. Her only selling point is that she looks like a little child, and apparently men like this.


I have more info on her but Id need to get on my iphone. Gib a sec. Anyway. Shes 19 now. What wierds me out is that she never gave up? Has 300k followers and didnt seem to get into ANY trouble despite literally producing cp? wtf(shit thread)

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No. 1144047[Reply]

(and their chasers)

>What is a femboy?

They are he/him trannies, basically. Some are regular anorexic twinks but most inject estrogen or T-blockers in an attempt to look like women, and sometimes they will even get tranny-related surgeries.

>What makes them cow material?

In recent years, part of what it means to be a member of the femboy clan is adopting Nazi politics. They are shamelessly racist, misogynistic, and homophobic of lesbians, frequently getting banned from platforms like Twitter for their hatefulness. They also tend to suffer autism and many are former incels.

Femboys created tired-out memes like Femboy Hooters and the "Doomer Boy" Wojak which they all worship and strive to be. For some reason they really like Ikea sharks.

Tell a femboy he is no different from a MTF troon and prepare for autistic screeching. They hold a sense of superiority over regular trannies because they don't call themselves women, but they still share the fetishistic (read: AGP) creepiness of the average troon.

Closeted gay and bisexual scrotes all across the web are obsessed with these freaks, frequently screaming that it's not gay to fuck a man just because he has soft skin and gynecomastia.

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No. 1541506

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No. 1541511

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I absolutely enjoy it when the alphabet mutants infight online

No. 1541515

tomboys i assume can be woman that can accept being like a guy without trooning out to a ftm tran.

No. 1552807

Christ these people are so helpless wouldn't feel sorry if they were put in concentration camps regardless of their political orientation, they're all just straight men perving around as pedophilic fantasisations of women and it disgusts me

The only cure for AGP is ostracising the affected individual from society until no one accepts him

No. 1552808

Forgot to say, they're probs just jealous women can at least be masculine without being fucking retards

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