No. 1308018
see for photoshopping and hypocrisy
>>1203196>>1203419>>1203177>>1203019>>1203023>>1203028>>1203007>>1047531Post about whiteknighting and faking being a lesbian for simp bucks
>>1047566In the video she tells coomers off but if you go to her stream Twitter she retweets drawn porn made of her by fans.
She says she quit "lewd photoshoots" and is fine earning as much as she needs in order to live, but still has a store up selling lewd shoots she did.
No. 1308028
File: 1629871829298.jpg (344.33 KB, 1044x1200, 1601326349570.jpg)

I think what stops susu from becoming a cow is that she's somewhat intelligent and is very careful about what she says and what she shares about herself.
This topic might be better suited for /ot/ though, the personal lolcow thread is for cows from your own personal life, not somewhat big public figures.